Why We Need to Return to the Question of the Effects of Violent Video Games

Player view of first-person shooter game

June 28, 2024

Troubling social phenomena—such as a spike in mass shootings —stem from a multitude of interrelated factors. Reality is complicated; humans are complicated. But in an effort to condense findings for a general audience, make headlines, or both, the scientific community sometimes issues authoritative-sounding statements that muddle, rather than clarify, public understanding. This is the case with potential links between video games and violence.

In 2020, the American Psychological Association (APA) released a statement declaring, “There is insufficient scientific evidence to support a causal link between violent video games and violent behavior.” The statement is reasonable when read carefully, with particular attention to the phrase “insufficient scientific evidence.” But mainstream news outlets and even some researchers and medical professionals have interpreted the statement as saying that there is no causal relationship between video games and violence. This is an incorrect interpretation because it adds certainty to the statement that is not actually there. Instead, the takeaway should be that it is unclear based on experimental research whether, or to what extent, violent games facilitate offline violence. As then-APA President Sandra L. Shullman highlighted in 2020, “Violence is a complex social problem that likely stems from many factors that warrant attention from researchers, policymakers and the public.” Still, one of these many factors could be participation in violent-themed video games, especially those in which racist and other hate-based rhetoric is endemic.

Research on multiplayer online games indicates that extremist statements and hate-based harassment are prevalent in many gaming communities. In a representative survey commissioned by our Center, 51% of multiplayer gamers reported that they had come across extremist narratives—statements like, “violence against women is justified” and “a particular ethnicity should be eliminated”—while playing multiplayer games during the previous year. Other researchers have suggested that the sustained prevalence of extremism in games has led to its normalization . Moreover, a pattern of real-world incidents involving mass shootings by young men who were also devoted gamers—and who used gaming aesthetics in their “ gamified ” acts of violence—suggests that, in some cases, participation in gaming communities contributes to radicalization. These findings and real-world observations ought to figure in the conversation about video games and violence.

The point is not to revive a moral panic around video games. The vast majority of the billions of people worldwide who play online games do not engage in mass violence. Moreover, given how widespread gaming is among young people—around 70% of US children under 18 play video games regularly—there is a high probability that the few young people committing violence would also be gamers.

The problem is also not with the medium itself. Video games come in many varieties, and some are designed to increase empathy and positive social behavior. The issue is that certain popular video games—and the communities surrounding them—have helped to normalize racist, misogynist, and other hate-based ideologies among gamers. Participation in such toxic online environments, when combined with preexisting vulnerabilities and access to firearms, can lead to offline violence. It is not a simple causal story but one that deserves careful examination and nuanced reporting.

informative speech on violent video games

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Sample Persuasive Speech: Video games do/do not promote violence

I am not a video game addict but many of my acquaintances are. I am not a video game fan simply because I am not good as others at playing with the same enthusiasm and commitment. My acquaintances like playing video games because it helps them relax and feel as if they were kids again. Their children also play video games developed specifically for their age group. Video games develop reaction, problem-solving abilities, attention, and concentration. None of my acquaintances has ever committed a violent act. Video game exists in its virtual space, which does not make claims on real life. Video games get the brunt of the criticism. Our government is anti-video game. Yet, market forces can be the only regulatory mechanisms of violence in video games. Only two or three of the top best-selling video games are violent. Video games have no violent impact on a video gamer. Younger players may be vulnerable to the violent game content when the play video games that are not suitable for their age. Although first person shooter violence is common to video games, it is not likely to promote aggressive behavioral models. Kids play with toy soldiers but nobody thinks that this teaches them violence. Video games cannot be considered violent in relation to age, gender, socio-cultural belonging, and educational level. The reaction to the game’s content depends on the individual’s personal traits. Girsl do not react with greater arousal to violent content than boys. At least, no research has found any significant difference. It is unlikely that performing violent actions during the play may cause aggression in kids. Although Grand Theft Auto 3 was banned in Australia because of its graphic violence, it does not mean that it could have influenced the increase in crime rates. The problem is that minors often have uncontrolled access to adult games with violent content. Boys aged 7-12 like “action adventure”. They develop “killing instinct” only in virtual games but also in the games they play outdoors. Nevertheless, children’s exposure to violent content targeted at mature video gamers should be restricted by their parents and caregivers. I am defending video gaming on behalf of long-time gamers whose hobby has not turned them into psycho-terminators. Video gamers live in their own world of established video game rules, and they wish they could play safely without being disturbed. We’re in the habit of regulating our most innocent activities.

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informative speech on violent video games

Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?

Around 73% of American kids age 2-17 played  video games  in 2019, a 6% increase over 2018. Video games accounted for 17% of kids’ entertainment time and 11% of their entertainment spending. The global video game industry was worth contributing $159.3 billion in 2020, a 9.3% increase of 9.3% from 2019.

Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings , increases in bullying , and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.

Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. They argue that violent video games may provide a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings and may reduce crime. Read more background…

Pro & Con Arguments

Pro 1 Playing violent video games causes more aggression, bullying, and fighting. 60% of middle school boys and 40% of middle school girls who played at least one Mature-rated (M-rated) game hit or beat up someone, compared with 39% of boys and 14% of girls who did not play M-rated games. [ 2 ] A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that habitual violent video game playing had a causal link with increased, long-term, aggressive behavior. [ 63 ] Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that children who play M-rated games are more likely to bully and cyberbully their peers, get into physical fights, be hostile, argue with teachers, and show aggression towards their peers throughout the school year. [ 2 ] [ 31 ] [ 60 ] [ 61 ] [ 67 ] [ 73 ] [ 76 ] [ 80 ] Read More
Pro 2 Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior. Video games often require players to simulate violent actions, such as stabbing, shooting, or dismembering someone with an ax, sword, chainsaw, or other weapons. [ 23 ] Game controllers are so sophisticated and the games are so realistic that simulating the violent acts enhances the learning of those violent behaviors. [ 23 ] A peer-reviewed study found “compelling evidence that the use of realistic controllers can have a significant effect on the level of cognitive aggression.” [ 118 ] Two teenagers in Tennessee who shot at passing cars and killed one driver told police they got the idea from playing Grand Theft Auto III . [ 48 ] Bruce Bartholow, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri, spoke about the effects of simulating violence: “More than any other media, these [violent] video games encourage active participation in violence. From a psychological perspective, video games are excellent teaching tools because they reward players for engaging in certain types of behavior. Unfortunately, in many popular video games, the behavior is violence.” [ 53 ] Read More
Pro 3 Many perpetrators of mass shootings played violent video games. Kevin McCarthy, former U.S. Representative (R-CA), states: “But the idea of these video games that dehumanize individuals to have a game of shooting individuals and others – I’ve always felt that is a problem for future generations and others. We’ve watched from studies shown before of what it does to individuals. When you look at these photos of how it [mass shootings] took place, you can see the actions within video games and others.” [ 146 ] Many mass shootings have been carried out by avid video game players: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in the Columbine High School shooting (1999); James Holmes in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting (2012); Jared Lee Loughner in the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabby Giffords and killed six others (2011); and Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway (2011) and admitted to using the game Modern Warfare 2 for training. [ 43 ] [ 53 ] An FBI school shooter threat assessment stated that a student who makes threats of violence should be considered more credible if he or she also spends “inordinate amounts of time playing video games with violent themes.” [ 25 ] Dan Patrick, Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas, stated: “We’ve always had guns, always had evil, but I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.” [ 145 ] Read More
Pro 4 Violent video games desensitize players to real-life violence. Desensitization to violence was defined in a Journal of Experimental Social Psychology peer-reviewed study as “a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence.” [ 51 ] [ 111 ] [ 112 ] The study found that just 20 minutes of playing a violent video game “can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence.” People desensitized to violence are more likely to commit a violent act. [ 51 ] [ 111 ] [ 112 ] By age 18, American children will have seen 16,000 murders and 200,000 acts of violence depicted in violent video games, movies, and television. [ 110 ] A peer-reviewed study found a causal link between violent video game exposure and an increase in aggression as a result of a reduction in the brain’s response to depictions of real-life violence. [ 52 ] Studies have found reduced emotional and physiological responses to violence in both the long and short term. [ 55 ] [ 58 ] In a peer-reviewed study, violent video game exposure was linked to reduced P300 amplitudes in the brain, which is associated with desensitization to violence and increases in aggressive behavior. [ 24 ] Read More
Pro 5 By inhabiting violent characters in video games, children are more likely to imitate the behaviors of those characters and have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. Violent video games require active participation and identification with violent characters, which reinforces violent behavior. Young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the actions they see in violent video games. [ 59 ] [ 4 ] Child Development and Early Childhood Education expert Jane Katch stated in an interview with Education Week , “I found that young children often have difficulty separating fantasy from reality when they are playing and can temporarily believe they are the character they are pretending to be.” [ 124 ] U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in his dissent in Brown v. ESA that “the closer a child’s behavior comes, not to watching, but to acting out horrific violence, the greater the potential psychological harm.” [ 124 ] Read More
Pro 6 Exposure to violent video games is linked to lower empathy and decreased kindness. Empathy, the ability to understand and enter into another’s feelings is believed to inhibit aggressive behavior. In a study of 150 fourth and fifth graders by Jeanne Funk, professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, violent video games were the only type of media associated with lower empathy. [ 32] A study published in the American Psychological Association’s Psychological Bulletin found that exposure to violent video games led to a lack of empathy and prosocial behavior (positive actions that benefit others). [ 65] [ 66] Eight independent tests measuring the impact of violent video games on prosocial behavior found a significant negative effect, leading to the conclusion that “exposure to violent video games is negatively correlated with helping in the real world.” [ 61] Several studies have found that children with high exposure to violent media display lower moral reasoning skills than their peers without that exposure. [ 32] [ 69] A meta-analysis of 130 international studies with over 130,000 participants concluded that violent video games “increase aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, and aggressive behaviors, and decrease empathic feelings and prosocial behaviors.” [ 123] Read More
Pro 7 Video games that portray violence against women lead to more harmful attitudes and sexually violent actions towards women. A peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that video games that sexually objectify women and feature violence against women led to a statistically significant increase in rape-supportive attitudes, which are attitudes that are hostile towards rape victims. [ 68 ] Another study found that 21% of games sampled involved violence against women, while 28% portrayed them as sex objects. [ 23 ] Exposure to sexual violence in video games is linked to increases in violence towards women and false attitudes about rape, such as that women incite men to rape or that women secretly desire rape. [ 30 ] Carole Lieberman, a media psychiatrist, stated, “The more video games a person plays that have violent sexual content, the more likely one is to become desensitized to violent sexual acts and commit them.” [ 64 ] Target Australia stopped selling Grand Theft Auto V in response to customer complaints about the game’s depiction of women, which includes the option to kill a prostitute to get your money back. [ 70 ] Read More
Pro 8 Violent video games reinforce fighting as a means of dealing with conflict by rewarding the use of violent action with increased life force, more weapons, moving on to higher levels, and more. Studies suggest that when violence is rewarded in video games, players exhibit increased aggressive behavior compared to players of video games where violence is punished. [ 23 ] [ 59 ] The reward structure is one distinguishing factor between violent video games and other violent media such as movies and television shows, which do not reward viewers nor allow them to actively participate in violence. [ 23 ] [ 59 ] An analysis of 81 video games rated for teens ages 13 and up found that 73 games (90%) rewarded injuring other characters, and 56 games (69%) rewarded killing. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] People who played a video game that rewarded violence showed higher levels of aggressive behavior and aggressive cognition as compared with people who played a version of the same game that was competitive but either did not contain violence or punished violence. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] Read More
Pro 9 The US military uses violent video games to train soldiers to kill. The U.S. Marine Corps licensed Doom II in 1996 to create Marine Doom in order to train soldiers. In 2002, the U.S. Army released first-person shooter game America’s Army to recruit soldiers and prepare recruits for the battlefield. [ 6 ] While the military may benefit from training soldiers to kill using video games, kids who are exposed to these games lack the discipline and structure of the armed forces and may become more susceptible to being violent. [ 79 ] Dave Grossman, retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army and former West Point psychology professor, stated: “[T]hrough interactive point-and-shoot video games, modern nations are indiscriminately introducing to their children the same weapons technology that major armies and law enforcement agencies around the world use to ‘turn off’ the midbrain ‘safety catch’” that prevents most people from killing. [ 77 ] Read More
Con 1 Studies have shown violent video games may cause aggression, not violence. Further, any competitive video game or activity may cause aggression. Lauren Farrar, producer for KQED Learning’s YouTube series Above the Noise , stated: “Often times after tragic mass shooting, we hear politicians turn the blame to violent video games, but the reality is that the research doesn’t really support that claim… In general, violence usually refers to physical harm or physical acts that hurt someone– like hitting, kicking, punching, and pushing. Aggression is a more broad term that refers to angry or hostile thoughts, feelings or behaviors. So everything that is violent is aggressive, but not everything that is aggressive is violent. For example, getting frustrated, yelling, talking back, arguing those are all aggressive behaviors, but they aren’t violent. The research on the effects of violent video games and behavior often looks at these milder forms of aggressive behavior.” [ 140 ] A peer-reviewed study in Psychology of Violence determined that the competitive nature of a video game was related to aggressive behavior, regardless of whether the game contained violent content. The researchers concluded: “Because past studies have failed to equate the violent and nonviolent video games on competitiveness, difficulty, and pace of action simultaneously, researchers may have attributed too much of the variability in aggression to the violent content.” [ 125 ] A follow-up study tracked high school students for four years and came to the same conclusion: the competitive nature of the games led to the increased hostile behavior. [ 126 ] Read More
Con 2 Violent video games are a convenient scapegoat for those who would rather not deal with the actual causes of violence in the US. Patrick Markey, psychology professor at Villanova University, stated: “The general story is people who play video games right after might be a little hopped up and jerky but it doesn’t fundamentally alter who they are. It is like going to see a sad movie. It might make you cry but it doesn’t make you clinically depressed… Politicians on both sides go after video games it is this weird unifying force. It makes them look like they are doing something… They [violent video games] look scary. But research just doesn’t support that there’s a link [to violent behavior].” [ 138 ] Markey also explained, “Because video games are disproportionately blamed as a culprit for mass shootings committed by White perpetrators, video game ‘blaming’ can be viewed as flagging a racial issue. This is because there is a stereotypical association between racial minorities and violent crime.” [ 141 ] Andrew Przybylski, associate professor, and director of research at the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University, stated: “Games have only become more realistic. The players of games and violent games have only become more diverse. And they’re played all around the world now. But the only place where you see this kind of narrative still hold any water, that games and violence are related to each other, is in the United States. [And, by blaming video games for violence,] we reduce the value of the political discourse on the topic, because we’re looking for easy answers instead of facing hard truths.” [ 139 ] Hillary Clinton, Former Secretary of State and First Lady, tweeted, “People suffer from mental illness in every other country on earth; people play video games in virtually every other country on earth. The difference is the guns.” [ 142 ] Read More
Con 3 Simple statistics do not support the claim that violent video games cause mass shootings or other violence. Katherine Newman, dean of arts and sciences at Johns Hopkins University, explained: “Millions of young people play video games full of fistfights, blazing guns, and body slams… Yet only a minuscule fraction of the consumers become violent.” [ 84 ] [ 86 ] [ 87 ] [ 91 ] [ 92 ] A report by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education examined 37 incidents of targeted school violence between 1974 and 2000. Of the 41 attackers studied, 27% had an interest in violent movies, 24% in violent books, and 37% exhibited interest in their own violent writings, while only 12% showed interest in violent video games. The report did not find a relationship between playing violent video games and school shootings. [ 35 ] Patrick M. Markey, director of the Interpersonal Research Laboratory at Villanova University, stated, “90% of young males play video games. Finding that a young man who committed a violent crime also played a popular video game, such as Call of Duty, Halo, or Grand Theft Auto, is as pointless as pointing out that the criminal also wore socks.” [ 84 ] Further, gun violence is less prevalent in countries with high video game use. A study of the countries representing the 10 largest video game markets internationally found no correlation between playing video games and gun-related killings. Even though US gun violence is high, the nine other countries with the highest video game usage have some of the lowest violent crime rates (and eight of those countries spend more per capita on video games than the United States). [ 97 ] Read More
Con 4 As sales of violent video games have significantly increased, violent juvenile crime rates have significantly decreased. In 2019, juvenile arrests for violent crimes were at an all-time low, a decline of 50% since 2006. Meanwhile, video game sales set a record in Mar. 2020, with Americans spending $5.6 billion on video game hardware, accessories, and assorted content. Both statistics continue a years-long trend. [ 143 ] [ 144 ] Total U.S. sales of video game hardware and software increased 204% from 1994 to 2014, reaching $13.1 billion in 2014, while violent crimes decreased 37% and murders by juveniles acting alone fell 76% in that same period. [ 82 ] [ 83 ] [ 133 ] [ 134 ] [ 135 ] The number of high school students who had been in at least one physical fight decreased from 43% in 1991 to 25% in 2013, and student reports of criminal victimization at school dropped by more than half from 1995 to 2011. [ 106 ] [ 107 ] A peer-reviewed study found that: “Monthly sales of video games were related to concurrent decreases in aggravated assaults.” [ 84 ] Read More
Con 5 Studies have shown that violent video games can have a positive effect on kindness, civic engagement, and prosocial behaviors. Research shows that playing violent video games can induce a feeling of guilt that leads to increased prosocial behavior (positive actions that benefit others) in the real world. [ 104 ] A study published in Computers in Human Behavior discovered that youths exposed to violence in action games displayed more prosocial behavior and civic engagement, “possibly due to the team-oriented multiplayer options in many of these games.” [ 103 ] Read More
Con 6 Many risk factors are associated with youth violence, but video games are not among them. The U.S. Surgeon General’s list of risk factors for youth violence included abusive parents, poverty, neglect, neighborhood crime, being male, substance use, and mental health problems, but not video games. [ 118 ] A peer-reviewed study even found a “real and significant” effect of hot weather on homicides and aggravated assaults, showing that heat is a risk factor for violence. [ 124 ] Read More
Con 7 Violent video game players know the difference between virtual violence in the context of a game and appropriate behavior in the real world. By age seven, children can distinguish fantasy from reality, and can tell the difference between video game violence and real-world violence. [ 99 ] [ 100 ] Video game players understand they are playing a game. Kids see fantasy violence all the time, from Harry Potter and the Minions to Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry. Their ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality prevents them from emulating video game violence in real life. [ 9 ] Exposure to fantasy is important for kids. Fisher-Price toy company stated: “Pretending is more than play: it’s a major part of a child’s development. Fantasy not only develops creative thinking, it’s also a way for children to deal with situations and problems that concern them.” [108] Read More
Con 8 Violent video games provide opportunities for children to explore consequences of violent actions, develop their moral compasses and release their stress and anger (catharsis) in the game, leading to less real world aggression. Violent games allow youth to experiment with moral issues such as war, violence, and death without real world consequences. A researcher at the Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health and Media wrote about her research: “One unexpected theme that came up multiple times in our focus groups was a feeling among boys that violent games can teach moral lessons… Many war-themed video games allow or require players to take the roles of soldiers from different sides of a conflict, perhaps making players more aware of the costs of war.” [ 2 ] [ 38 ] A peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that children, especially boys, play video games as a means of managing their emotions: “61.9% of boys played to ‘help me relax,’ 47.8% because ‘it helps me forget my problems,’ and 45.4% because ‘it helps me get my anger out.” [ 37 ] Researchers point to the cathartic effect of video games as a possible reason for why higher game sales have been associated with lower crime rates. [ 84 ] A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Adolescent Research concluded that “Boys use games to experience fantasies of power and fame, to explore and master what they perceive as exciting and realistic environments (but distinct from real life), to work through angry feelings or relieve stress, and as social tools.” The games serve as a substitute for rough-and-tumble play. [ 36 ] Read More
Con 9 Studies claiming a causal link between video game violence and real life violence are flawed. Many studies failed to control for factors that contribute to children becoming violent, such as family history and mental health, plus most studies do not follow children over long periods of time. [ 10 ] [ 95 ] Video game experiments often have people playing a game for as little as ten minutes, which is not representative of how games are played in real life. In many laboratory studies, especially those involving children, researchers must use artificial measures of violence and aggression that do not translate to real-world violence and aggression, such as whether someone would force another person eat hot sauce or listen to unpleasant noises. [ 84 ] [ 94 ] According to Christopher J. Ferguson, a psychology professor at Stetson University, “matching video game conditions more carefully in experimental studies with how they are played in real life makes VVG’s [violent video games] effects on aggression essentially vanish.” [ 95 ] [ 96 ] Read More
Did You Know?
1.Video game sales set a record in Mar. 2020, with Americans spending $5.6 billion on hardware, accessories, and content, a continuation of a years-long upward trend. [ ]
2.The global video game industry was worth contributing $159.3 billion in 2020, a 9.3% increase of 9.3% from 2019. [ ]
3.Around 73% of American kids age 2-17 played video games in 2019, a 6% increase over 2018 and a continuation of a years-long upward trend. [ ]
4.An Aug. 2015 report from the American Psychological Association determined that playing violent video games is linked to increased aggression, but it did not find sufficient evidence of a link between the games and increased violence. [ ]
5.Video games accounted for 17% of kids’ entertainment time and 11% of their entertainment spending in 2019. [ ]

informative speech on violent video games

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Video Games and Violent Behavior Essay (Critical Writing)

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Researchers have been conducting research since 1950s to find out if exposing children to media violence leads to subsequent violence as they grow up. Out of 3500 studies, only 18 studies have shown a negative correlation (Cook, 2000). Since children learn about different things in their environment by imitation and observation, it is not easy to keep them away from the influence of the media.

When they watch violence on the media especially where dramatic heroes are involved, they accept that violence is a good way of resolving conflict. Some of the media outlets pass the message that the world is full of violence and justify why individuals should carry weapons to protect themselves and be more aggressive. Media violence insidiously causes the viewers to become insensitive to violence occurring in real life. Frequent playing of video games among children increases their chances of developing violent behavior (Cook, 2000).

Video games use graphic capabilities to show damaged body parts. They personalize the games by using digital images of recognizable personalities depicted as victims in the scenes. Research has shown that there is a high correlation between media violence and violence exhibited by young people.

Below the age of eight years, children are unable to make a distinction between fantasy and reality. To them, the violence they watch on screen is as real as what they witness in their homes and the larger communities. Adolescents are expected to develop abstract thought and social controls from their magical thinking as children. If this important developmental stage of children takes place in an environment that is violent, their minds become distorted .

Since the time video games came into existence, they have been replete with violence intended to inflict pain or cause death on other human beings. From the games that were developed some years ago to the ones that have just been developed, violence is treated as a central component in the games.

The process of determining if a certain video game contains violence is therefore an easy one. Some of the video games that were developed earlier and contained violence include Space Invaders and Wonder Boy. In space Invaders, the player shoots and kills many aliens in successive attacks while in Wonder Boy, violence is depicted when the hero kills monsters that disappear after their death. The hero is subjected to violence when the enemies shoot and throw stones at him.

When he dies, he falls while the enemies or the attackers disappear in a smoke explosion. This is one of the oldest video games that depict a lot of violence. When young people involve themselves in playing such video games, they eventually develop violence as they grow up. They are unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy and to them what happens in the video games should happen in real life (Cook, 2000).

Apart from the early video games that depicted violence, there are also modern video games that are full of violence. The video game Goldeneye 007 is one of the current video games depicting violence. In the game, the bad characters who are killed do not disappear but rather conduct some maneuvers after their death. It is a shooting video game and involves performing different maneuvers depending on where the character has been shot.

Characters shot on their feet move around clutching to their feet while those who are shot around the neck region go down on their knees holding the neck. In these games, there is splashing of blood when a character is shot. When explosives are used in the games, the characters burst into small pieces which are easily recognized. This makes the video games so real to young people who play them.

Kentucky, Paducah, Colorado and Jonesboro are some of the towns which experienced a spate of school shootings. It was discovered that the shooters were students who had developed the habit of playing video games. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were two students from Columbine High School who killed 13 people and wounded 23 others before they killed themselves. It was discovered that the two found great enjoyment in playing a bloody video game. Harris developed a customized form of the video with more weapons, two shooters and victims who had no ways of fighting back, features that were characteristic of real shootings .

The other way through which video games encourage violent behavior is the fact that the games contain passive gaming. To play and become the winner requires the player to take the role of the aggressor. As opposed to watching the violence on TV, in these video games the player is the one who commits the acts of violence.

This active involvement in the games has been described as a major way through which the thoughts of the players are altered hence increasing their chances of developing violent behavior. Secondly, instead of punishing violence in the video games, rewards are given to the winners. Some games like sniper and army games increase the level of the players according to the number of people he kills. Frequent watching of these games by young people distorts their thinking by convincing them that engaging in violence is a rewarding affair.

To understand the complex relationship between video games and violence, the General Aggression Model (GAM) was developed. It employs physiological responses, thoughts and feelings to determine how individuals respond to video games depicting aggression. It was identified that violent video games have an impact on the response exhibited by gamers. For instance, individuals who are not naturally violent respond with increased hostility and aggression after they watch violent video games.

The games turn into situational variables responsible for changing the perception of players towards acts of aggression. Apart from the short term effects associated with video games, the games may also contribute towards the development of long-term effects. For instance, watching violent video games may cause the development of aggressive attitudes and beliefs. In addition, players of violent video games may be eventually desensitized to aggressive behaviors .

To find out the relationship between video games and violent behavior, a survey was conducted during this study. In the survey, a group of 10 young men were allowed to play violent video games. They were compared with another group that did not play the video games. The results indicated that the group of young men that played violent video games exhibited high physical and verbal aggression towards their peers and even inanimate things when allowed to interact freely.

On the other hand, the group that did not play the video games did not exhibit such aggression. In addition, when the two groups were asked questions based on hypothetical stories, the answers were different. The answers given by the group that played the video games were in favor of violence while answers from the group that did not play the video games did not favor violence.

Such results are an indication that violent video games encourage young people to become violent. The results of this survey can be interpreted to mean that playing video games actually leads to violent behavior.

Cook, D. (2000). Testimony of the American Academy of Pediatrics on Media Violence. Web.

Kalning, K. (2011). Does Video Violence Make Teens Violent. Web.

Kirby, G., & Goodpaster, J. (2006). Thinking:an interdisciplinary approach to critical and creative thought. New York: Prentice Hall.

Pamf. (2011). The Impact of Video Games on Children. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 27). Video Games and Violent Behavior. https://ivypanda.com/essays/video-games-and-violent-behavior-critical-writing/

"Video Games and Violent Behavior." IvyPanda , 27 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/video-games-and-violent-behavior-critical-writing/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Video Games and Violent Behavior'. 27 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Video Games and Violent Behavior." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/video-games-and-violent-behavior-critical-writing/.

1. IvyPanda . "Video Games and Violent Behavior." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/video-games-and-violent-behavior-critical-writing/.


IvyPanda . "Video Games and Violent Behavior." April 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/video-games-and-violent-behavior-critical-writing/.

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Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned?

informative speech on violent video games

  • Updated on  
  • Dec 19, 2023

Should Violent Video Games Be Banned?

Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned: Playing games always helps one to maintain physical strength. Whether it be long hours or for a few minutes, training the brain with an activity always helps one engage in an activity. 

But what if video games are blamed for spreading violence? Will it still be justified to support violent video games? 

Just like there are two sides of a coin, there are both negative and positive impacts of playing video games. Here’s a speech on should violent video games be banned or not.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Pros For Banning Violent Video Games
  • 2 Cons Against Banning Violent Video Game

Also Read: Online Games Good or Bad Speech

Long Speech on Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned? 

Hello and welcome to all the teachers and fellow students. Today we all are gathered here to share our views on the contentious topic that has sparked across the various platforms— Should Violent Video Games Be Banned? 

Pros For Banning Violent Video Games

Let’s discuss what can be possible positive points for banning violent video games:

1. Potential Impact on Aggressive Behaviour

Violent video games such as Resident Evil, The Witcher, and Bioshock likewise suggest a correlation between video games and increased violent behaviour among children. 

The gaming disorder hinders them from understanding and regulating human emotions and results in aggression, depression, and an anxious state. 

2. Protecting Vulnerable Audiences

Younger players, who aren´t able to justify wrong and right actions might result in deficit or depressive symptoms. Symptoms of feeling sad, hopeless, and furious are some of the negative impacts of such negative impacts of violent video games. 

Banning such video games can help the vulnerable audience from potential negative consequences. 

3. Public Safety

Individuals who love to mitigate their favourite characters might carry the same with violent video games. Killing of people, and animals, foul language, and use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are some of the examples of harmful acts. 

Banning such fierce video games may be seen as a precautionary measure to mitigate the risk of such individuals. 

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Cons Against Banning Violent Video Game

Let us understand whether it is correct to ban video games just because of their violent likeness: 

1. Freedom of Expression

Do you find it justified to ban a speech of expression? Video games are a part of art and creative voice like other forms of media. 

Banning video games with violence is a violation of the creator´s artistic freedom and its impressions. Also, it restricts the potential for storytelling and creativity. 

2. Impact of Industry

As per the data of Statista Market Insights, the video game market is forecasted to reach a revenue of US$389.70 billion by 2028, which is undoubtedly a considerable figure. Banning video games because of their depiction is not justified. 

Also, banning the violent video games industry could result in severe economic consequences, leading to job losses and economic downturns. 

3. Risk of Creating a Black Market

Banning video games with violence can create a secret illegal or black market. These video games, which will be accessed by different groups of children, including minors, might not be safe or regulated. 

Also, there is the possibility of creating hidden illegal businesses too. 

Banning video games with violent depictions is not a solution. Practice should be done to encourage children to consider what they are watching or playing. Instead of putting restrictions, suggest or advise them to learn how to handle situations.

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Violent video games express freedom and individual responsibility; thus, one cannot hinder one’s fundamental rights and views.

Many factors contribute to a person’s behaviour. However, it cannot be denied that violent video games don’t create mental disorder problems. 

The relationship between violent video games and anxiety varies from person to person. Excessive video games with violent depictions without proper guidance can cause anxiety. 

Parents can communicate, keep themselves informed about the games, and use parental controls for violent video games. 

Some considerations related to violent video game behaviour are aggression, problems in decision-making, and real-life violence.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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American Psychological Association Logo

APA Reaffirms Position on Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior

  • Physical Abuse and Violence
  • Video Games

Cautions against oversimplification of complex issue

WASHINGTON — There is insufficient scientific evidence to support a causal link between violent video games and violent behavior, according to an updated resolution (PDF, 60KB) adopted by the American Psychological Association. 

APA’s governing Council of Representatives seated a task force to review its August 2015 resolution in light of many occasions in which members of the media or policymakers have cited that resolution as evidence that violent video games are the cause of violent behavior, including mass shootings.

“Violence is a complex social problem that likely stems from many factors that warrant attention from researchers, policymakers and the public,” said APA President Sandra L. Shullman, PhD. “Attributing violence to video gaming is not scientifically sound and draws attention away from other factors, such as a history of violence, which we know from the research is a major predictor of future violence.”

The 2015 resolution was updated by the Council of Representatives on March 1 with this caution. Based on a review of the current literature, the new task force report (PDF, 285KB) reaffirms that there is a small, reliable association between violent video game use and aggressive outcomes, such as yelling and pushing. However, these research findings are difficult to extend to more violent outcomes. These findings mirror those of an APA literature review (PDF, 413KB) conducted in 2015. 

APA has worked for years to study the effects of video games and other media on children while encouraging the industry to design video games with adequate parental controls. It has also pushed to refine the video game rating system to reflect the levels and characteristics of violence in these games.

APA will continue to work closely with school officials and community leaders to raise awareness about the issue, the resolution said.

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informative speech on violent video games

Video Games and Violence: An Ongoing Debate

Written by Yunah Elsner

With the increase of popularity in violent video games and the rise of mass shootings throughout the United States in the last decade, many could suspect a correlation between the two. Debates on whether or not violent video games cause violence has become a large societal and political issue. In 2011, the state of California tried to ban violent video games, and last August after the shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, President Trump gave a speech, encouraging people to stand against violent video games as they are the cause of mass violence and are the “glorification and celebration of violence.” Due to claims of video games causing violence, gaming industries were put under fire and fought back. 

“ For video game fans, many of whom have endured a lifetime of defending a hobby that is seen, at best, as a harmless waste of time or, at worst, unsightly onanism enjoyed by the socially bereft, it was the inevitable buckshot of political blame r,” wrote Time Magazine .

 Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association, Renee Gittens, commented on Trump’s speech on violent video games saying, “Blaming video games distracts from the broader issues at hand.” 

 As Christians, is it okay to be playing violent video games? Should Christians be supporting and encouraging these games? This question has been researched and debated on for over fifty years, yet we have no definitive answer. So, what is the answer and why has  it not been found yet? 

Games Are to Blame

“Playing violent video games is to an adolescent’s violent behavior what smoking tobacco is to lung cancer,” said Senator Hilary Clinton in 2005. Senator Joseph Lieberman referred to violent video games as “digital poison.”  

As different studies and experiments were conducted throughout the years, those claims have turned into a national debate.  A seven year study published in 2018 of 17,000 adolescents, ages nine to 19, found that the playing of violent video games led to more physical aggression over time. Even with a study like this, it is difficult to say that video games cause violence.  Stephanie Chan, a sociology professor at Biola University, briefly studied the correlation between video games and violence . 

“There are studies that argue that violent video games contribute to more aggressive behavior, but researchers have a hard time saying it is more than a contributing factor, because there are multiple factors,” said Chan. “It is also unclear which way the arrow goes. Are video games causing children to be more aggressive, or are violent children attracted to those kinds of games?”

informative speech on violent video games

Multiple Factors

 Ian Godlesky, a sophomore journalism major at Biola University, plays games of different genres from Rocket League to Call of Duty.  

“I don’t think video games directly cause violence,” Godlesky said. “When it comes to violence and people try to tie it into video games, I think it comes from someone else’s background prior to playing the video games.” 

A report published in 2016 conducted a cross-sectional experiment that found a correlation between violent video games and aggressive behavior in children. The study looked at a group of children, 49% male and 51% female, and also looked at other contributing factors, such as ethnic background, parental enforcement, parental attachment and other variables. Researchers found that children who played violent video games were more likely to act violently. However, the study also showed that contributing factors added to this aggressive behavior. A correlation between these variables and attraction to violent video games were found as a result. Researchers who conducted this study concluded that social and family variables had more of an influence on a child’s aggressive behavior than a violent video game did. 

Christians and Violent Video Games

Is it bad for Christians to play violent video games? There is no ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to this question. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” We are called to guard our hearts as well as our thoughts. 

“I think the fact that we are Christians doesn’t have a whole lot to do with it, because for the most part, video games are neutral,” said sophomore business major and vice president of Biola University’s eSports club Mark Gieser. “In terms of how we use them, that’s the part that matters.”

 Just like technology, a person cannot say all technology is good or bad. In the end, it is up to an individual whether playing a violent video game will affect you positively or negatively. 

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107 Video Game Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Video games have become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. From action-packed shooters to immersive role-playing games, there is a video game out there for everyone. With such a wide variety of games to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide on a topic for an essay about video games. To help you get started, here are 107 video game essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of violent video games on children's behavior
  • The evolution of video game graphics over the years
  • The rise of esports and its influence on the gaming industry
  • The benefits of playing video games for cognitive development
  • The representation of gender and race in video games
  • The history of virtual reality gaming
  • The psychology of loot boxes in video games
  • The role of music in enhancing the gaming experience
  • The ethics of video game journalism
  • The impact of video game addiction on mental health
  • The cultural significance of video game franchises like Mario and Pokemon
  • The future of cloud gaming and streaming services
  • The role of storytelling in video games
  • The influence of video games on popular culture
  • The relationship between video games and education
  • The impact of video game censorship on creative expression
  • The portrayal of mental health issues in video games
  • The role of social media in video game marketing
  • The history of video game consoles
  • The impact of online multiplayer games on social interaction
  • The evolution of game mechanics in the survival horror genre
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in video games
  • The influence of Japanese culture on video game aesthetics
  • The role of nostalgia in the popularity of retro gaming
  • The impact of microtransactions on player experience
  • The relationship between video games and violence in society
  • The role of artificial intelligence in game development
  • The impact of video game streaming platforms like Twitch
  • The representation of disability in video games
  • The influence of game design on player engagement
  • The evolution of mobile gaming
  • The role of virtual economies in online multiplayer games
  • The impact of video game sound design on immersion
  • The portrayal of mental illness in video games
  • The influence of Eastern philosophy on game narratives
  • The role of user-generated content in game communities
  • The impact of fan culture on video game development
  • The representation of indigenous cultures in video games
  • The influence of literature on game storytelling
  • The role of game difficulty in player satisfaction
  • The impact of video game piracy on the industry
  • The portrayal of war in military shooter games
  • The relationship between video games and sports
  • The influence of board games on video game design
  • The role of player choice in game narratives
  • The impact of virtual reality on therapy and rehabilitation
  • The representation of historical events in video games
  • The influence of film on game aesthetics
  • The role of gender stereotypes in video game marketing
  • The impact of game mods on player creativity
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in video games
  • The influence of tabletop role-playing games on video game mechanics
  • The role of game mechanics in promoting teamwork and cooperation
  • The impact of game development crunch on industry workers
  • The representation of animals in video games
  • The influence of science fiction on game narratives
  • The role of player agency in game storytelling
  • The impact of game difficulty on player motivation
  • The portrayal of addiction in video games
  • The influence of mythology on game aesthetics
  • The role of puzzles in game design
  • The impact of game reviews on player purchasing decisions
  • The representation of mental illness in horror games
  • The influence of architecture on game environments
  • The role of game soundtracks in enhancing the player experience
  • The impact of game tutorials on player learning
  • The portrayal of robots and AI in video games
  • The influence of fashion on character design in games
  • The role of humor in game narratives
  • The impact of game localization on cultural representation
  • The representation of environmental issues in video games
  • The influence of psychology on game design
  • The role of game narratives in exploring complex themes
  • The impact of game communities on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in indie games
  • The influence of mythology on game storytelling
  • The role of player feedback in game development
  • The impact of game accessibility on player inclusivity
  • The representation of gender identity in video games
  • The influence of surrealism on game aesthetics
  • The role of morality systems in game narratives
  • The impact of game tutorials on player retention
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in horror games
  • The influence of psychology on game narratives
  • The role of player choice in shaping game outcomes
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player immersion
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in video games
  • The role of environmental storytelling in game design
  • The impact of game streaming on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental illness in puzzle games
  • The role of player feedback in shaping game development
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player perception
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in horror games
  • The influence of film noir on game narratives
  • The role of environmental storytelling in shaping game worlds
  • The impact of game tutorials on player skill progression
  • The portrayal of mental illness in narrative-driven games
  • The influence of science fiction on game aesthetics
  • The role of player choice in determining game endings
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player emotional response
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in indie games
  • The influence of literature on game design
  • The role of environmental storytelling in immersive game worlds
  • The impact of game streaming on player community building
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in interactive fiction games

Whether you are writing a research paper, a critical analysis, or a personal reflection on video games, these topics provide a diverse range of ideas to explore. From examining the psychological effects of gaming to analyzing the cultural significance of game narratives, there is no shortage of fascinating topics to delve into. So, pick a topic that interests you and start exploring the world of video games through the lens of your essay. Happy writing!

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Informative Speech About Video Games

Video games have become an integral part of modern entertainment, captivating millions of people worldwide. From simple arcade games to complex, immersive experiences, the video game industry has evolved rapidly, shaping the way we interact with technology and consume media. In this informative speech, we will explore the fascinating world of video games, their impact on society, and the misconceptions surrounding them.

First and foremost, it's essential to understand the diverse nature of video games. They come in various genres, including action, adventure, role-playing, simulation, and strategy, catering to a wide range of interests. Whether it's exploring mythical realms, solving intricate puzzles, or engaging in intense competition, video games offer something for everyone. Moreover, the evolution of gaming technology has led to the development of virtual reality and augmented reality, providing unprecedented levels of immersion and interactivity.

Contrary to popular belief, video games are not just a form of mindless entertainment. They have significant educational and cognitive benefits. Many games require problem-solving, strategic thinking, and quick decision-making, which can enhance cognitive abilities and improve mental agility. Additionally, certain games are designed to teach specific skills, such as language learning, historical awareness, and scientific concepts. Furthermore, video games can foster creativity and imagination, as players often become engrossed in rich, detailed worlds and narratives.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the social impact of video games. While it's true that excessive gaming can lead to addiction and isolation, many games promote social interaction and teamwork. Online multiplayer games, for instance, enable players from around the world to collaborate, communicate, and form friendships. Esports, the competitive playing of video games, has also gained immense popularity, creating a platform for professional gamers to showcase their skills and compete at a global level. Moreover, video game communities often organize events and conventions, fostering a sense of camaraderie among enthusiasts.

Despite these positive aspects, video games have been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some individuals perceive them as a cause of violence and desensitization among players. However, extensive research has failed to establish a direct link between video games and real-world violence. In fact, many studies have shown that the vast majority of gamers do not exhibit violent behavior and that other factors, such as upbringing and mental health, play a more significant role in determining a person's behavior.

In conclusion, video games are a multifaceted form of entertainment that has evolved into a cultural phenomenon. They offer diverse experiences, from stimulating cognitive abilities to fostering social connections. While it's essential to acknowledge the potential risks associated with excessive gaming, it's equally important to recognize the positive impact and opportunities that video games provide. As the video game industry continues to innovate and expand, it will undoubtedly shape the future of entertainment and technology.

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Violent Games And Violent Video Games

Violent games and violent video games have been a topic of debate for many years. The impact of these games on individuals, especially children and adolescents, has raised concerns among parents, educators, and researchers. While some argue that violent games can lead to aggressive behavior and desensitize individuals to violence, others believe that the influence of these games is exaggerated and that they can have positive effects as well. One of the main arguments against violent games is that they can contribute to aggressive behavior in individuals, particularly in young people. Critics argue that exposure to violent content in games can desensitize individuals to real-life violence and make them more likely to engage in aggressive acts. They point to studies that have shown a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression in some individuals. However, it is important to note that while these studies have found a correlation, they do not necessarily prove causation. On the other hand, proponents of violent games argue that the influence of these games is often exaggerated. They believe that the effects of violent games on individuals are not as significant as critics claim. They argue that individuals can differentiate between fantasy and reality, and that most people who play violent games do not engage in violent behavior in real life. Additionally, they suggest that violent games can provide an outlet for individuals to vent their frustrations and emotions in a safe and controlled environment. Furthermore, some research suggests that violent video games can have positive effects on individuals. Studies have found that playing certain types of video games can improve cognitive abilities such as problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial reasoning. Additionally, some researchers argue that violent games can serve as a form of catharsis, allowing individuals to release stress and aggression in a controlled manner. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of violent video games. In conclusion, the debate surrounding violent games and violent video games is complex and multifaceted. While some argue that these games can contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitize individuals to violence, others believe that their influence is exaggerated and that they can have positive effects as well. It is important to continue researching and studying the effects of violent games in order to make informed decisions and recommendations regarding their use. Ultimately, responsible and mindful consumption of media, including video games, is crucial in promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle....

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Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, with many cultures believing that dreams hold significant meaning and can provide insights into our subconscious thoughts and desires. In this informative speech, we will explore the science behind dreams, the different types of dreams people experience, and the potential benefits of paying attention to our dreams. To begin, let's delve into the science of dreams. While the exact purpose of dreaming is still not fully understood, researchers have made significant strides in unraveling the mysteries of the dream world. One prevailing theory is that dreams serve as a way for our brains to process emotions, memories, and experiences from the day. During the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, our brains are highly active, creating vivid and often bizarre dream scenarios. By studying brain activity during sleep, scientists have been able to gain valuable insights into the mechanisms behind dreaming. Next, let's discuss the different types of dreams that people commonly experience. While dreams can vary greatly from person to person, there are some common themes that tend to recur. For example, many people report having recurring dreams, which often reflect unresolved issues or anxieties in their waking lives. Lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can sometimes control the dream's outcome, is another fascinating phenomenon that has captured the interest of researchers and dream enthusiasts alike. Finally, let's explore the potential benefits of paying attention to our dreams. Some psychologists believe that dreams can provide valuable insights into our innermost thoughts and emotions, helping us to better understand ourselves and our relationships with others. By keeping a dream journal and reflecting on the themes and symbols that appear in our dreams, we can gain a deeper understanding of our subconscious minds and work towards personal growth and self-improvement. In conclusion, dreams are a fascinating and complex aspect of the human experience. By learning more about the science of dreams, the different types of dreams people experience, and the potential benefits of paying attention to our dreams, we can gain a greater appreciation for the rich inner world that exists within each of us. So the next time you find yourself drifting off to sleep, remember that your dreams may hold valuable insights waiting to be discovered. Thank you....

  • Economic Issues

Essay on Computer and Video Games: Game for a Better Future

Computer and video games have become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. With the advancement of technology, these games have evolved into complex and immersive experiences that can transport players to different worlds and realities. Whether it's solving puzzles, battling enemies, or exploring vast open worlds, there is a game for everyone to enjoy. One of the key appeals of computer and video games is the ability to escape reality and immerse oneself in a different world. Players can take on the role of a hero, a villain, or even a neutral character, and make decisions that will impact the outcome of the game. This sense of agency and control is empowering and allows players to experience a sense of accomplishment as they progress through the game. In addition to providing entertainment, computer and video games can also be educational. Many games require problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and strategic planning in order to succeed. Players must use their brains to overcome challenges and obstacles, which can help improve cognitive abilities and decision-making skills. Some games even incorporate historical events or scientific concepts, providing players with a fun and interactive way to learn. Furthermore, computer and video games can also be a social experience. With the rise of online multiplayer games, players can connect with friends and strangers from around the world to collaborate or compete in virtual environments. This sense of community and camaraderie can foster friendships and create lasting memories. Additionally, playing games with others can help improve communication skills and teamwork, as players must coordinate and strategize together to achieve a common goal. In conclusion, computer and video games offer a diverse range of experiences for players to enjoy. From immersive storytelling to educational challenges to social interactions, there is something for everyone in the world of gaming. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for gaming are endless, and the future looks bright for this ever-evolving form of entertainment....

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Informative Speech Of A Speech On Chicago Crime

Informative Speech on Chicago Chicago, the third-largest city in the United States, is a vibrant and culturally rich metropolis that has captivated the world with its iconic skyline, diverse neighborhoods, and storied history. In this informative speech, we will explore the many facets of Chicago, from its architectural marvels to its renowned cultural institutions, and delve into the city's unique character that sets it apart from any other. Firstly, let's talk about Chicago's architectural wonders. Known for its bold and innovative skyline, Chicago is home to some of the world's most iconic buildings. The Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, stands tall as one of the tallest buildings in the Western Hemisphere, offering breathtaking views of the city. Other architectural gems include the Tribune Tower, with its Gothic Revival design, and the Cloud Gate sculpture, affectionately known as "The Bean," which has become a symbol of the city. Moving on to Chicago's cultural scene, the city is a haven for art, music, and theater enthusiasts. The Art Institute of Chicago houses a vast collection of artworks, ranging from classical masterpieces to contemporary installations. The Field Museum, on the other hand, takes visitors on a journey through natural history, showcasing fascinating exhibits like Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex ever discovered. When it comes to music, Chicago is often hailed as the birthplace of the blues and jazz. The city's vibrant music scene has produced legendary artists like Muddy Waters and Louis Armstrong, who have left an indelible mark on the genre. From intimate jazz clubs to large-scale music festivals, Chicago offers a diverse range of musical experiences for all tastes. Additionally, Chicago is renowned for its diverse neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character and cultural heritage. From the bustling streets of Chinatown to the artistic enclave of Pilsen, these neighborhoods offer a glimpse into the city's multicultural fabric. The vibrant food scene is another highlight, with Chicago's iconic deep-dish pizza, Chicago-style hot dogs, and diverse culinary offerings catering to every palate. In conclusion, Chicago's rich history, architectural marvels, cultural institutions, and diverse neighborhoods make it a city like no other. Whether you're a history buff, an art enthusiast, or a food lover, Chicago has something to offer everyone. Its iconic skyline, vibrant music scene, and welcoming neighborhoods create a unique tapestry that continues to captivate visitors from around the world. So, next time you find yourself planning a trip, make sure to include Chicago on your list of must-visit destinations....

Informative Speech : A Speech On High School Dance

High school serves as a pivotal stage in the academic journey of students, shaping their intellect, character, and future aspirations. It is a microcosm of society, where adolescents undergo a transformative period of growth, both intellectually and emotionally. In this informative speech, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of high school, exploring its significance, challenges, and the opportunities it presents. First and foremost, high school acts as a foundation for higher education and career pursuits. It equips students with essential knowledge and skills that form the building blocks for their future endeavors. Through a diverse range of subjects and extracurricular activities, students discover their passions, hone their talents, and cultivate critical thinking abilities. Additionally, high school fosters a sense of independence and responsibility, preparing students for the rigors of adulthood. Moreover, high school is not merely a place for academic learning; it is a hub for social interaction and personal development. Students form friendships, navigate conflicts, and learn to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds. These interpersonal experiences contribute to their social and emotional growth, instilling qualities such as empathy, resilience, and leadership. High school also offers opportunities for self-discovery and identity formation, as adolescents explore their interests, values, and beliefs. However, the high school experience is not without its challenges. Academic pressures, peer relationships, and extracurricular commitments can often create stress and anxiety among students. Balancing academics with personal interests and responsibilities requires effective time management and coping strategies. Furthermore, issues such as bullying, peer pressure, and mental health concerns can impact students' well-being and academic performance. It is imperative for schools to provide a supportive environment and resources to address these challenges effectively. Despite its challenges, high school is a time of immense opportunity and growth. It is a period where students not only acquire knowledge but also develop essential life skills and values. By embracing the diverse experiences and challenges high school offers, students emerge as well-rounded individuals, ready to embark on the journey of adulthood with confidence and resilience. In conclusion, high school plays a vital role in shaping the lives of students, academically, socially, and emotionally. It provides a platform for learning, growth, and self-discovery, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As we navigate through the complexities of high school, let us cherish the experiences, lessons, and memories that shape our journey towards a brighter future....

  • Student Life
  • Academic Concerns

Computer Games : The Negative Effects Of Video Games

Computer Games: The Negative Effects of Video Computer games, a ubiquitous form of entertainment in the modern world, have garnered significant attention for their potential negative effects on individuals, particularly on children and adolescents. While video games offer immersive experiences and can even promote certain cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and hand-eye coordination, they also pose several detrimental consequences. One of the primary concerns surrounding computer games is their association with increased aggression and violence among players. Numerous studies have indicated a correlation between exposure to violent video games and aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, and decreased empathy, particularly in young individuals whose minds are still developing. Moreover, excessive engagement with computer games can lead to various health issues, both physical and psychological. Prolonged periods of sedentary gaming contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to obesity, musculoskeletal problems, and cardiovascular issues. Additionally, the immersive nature of video games can result in addiction-like behaviors, where individuals prioritize gaming over other essential activities such as socializing, studying, or sleeping. This addiction can lead to social isolation, poor academic performance, and disrupted sleep patterns, ultimately affecting overall well-being and quality of life. Furthermore, the content of many computer games, especially those targeted at mature audiences, often contains explicit language, sexual themes, and graphic violence, which may not be suitable for younger players. Exposure to such content at a young age can desensitize individuals to real-world consequences, blur the line between fantasy and reality, and shape their perceptions and attitudes in undesirable ways. Additionally, the competitive nature of multiplayer online games can foster toxic behaviors such as cyberbullying, harassment, and cheating, further exacerbating negative social dynamics and psychological harm. In conclusion, while computer games offer entertainment and potential cognitive benefits, their negative effects cannot be overlooked. From promoting aggression and violence to contributing to health issues and addiction, video games pose various challenges, particularly for children and adolescents. It is essential for parents, educators, and policymakers to be mindful of these negative impacts and take proactive measures to promote responsible gaming habits, regulate content accessibility, and provide support for individuals at risk of gaming-related harm. By fostering a balanced approach to gaming and prioritizing holistic well-being, we can mitigate the adverse effects of computer games and ensure a healthier digital environment for future generations....

  • Cybersecurity and National Security
  • Digital Divide and Access to Technology

Informative Speech On Halloween

Halloween, celebrated annually on October 31st, is a festive occasion observed in various countries around the world. Originating from ancient Celtic traditions, Halloween has evolved into a diverse and beloved holiday with cultural significance and widespread participation. In this informative speech, we will explore the history, customs, and modern-day practices associated with Halloween. **History of Halloween:** Halloween traces its roots back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. During Samhain, it was believed that the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, allowing spirits to roam the earth. To ward off these spirits, people would light bonfires and wear costumes. When Christianity spread into Celtic lands, the tradition of Samhain merged with the Christian observance of All Saints' Day, celebrated on November 1st. This combination gave rise to the modern-day Halloween. **Customs and Traditions:** One of the most iconic customs of Halloween is trick-or-treating, where children dress up in costumes and go from door to door, asking for candy. This tradition has its roots in the medieval practice of "souling," where the poor would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1st), offering prayers for the dead in exchange for food. Other Halloween customs include carving jack-o'-lanterns, attending costume parties, and visiting haunted attractions. **Modern-Day Halloween:** In contemporary times, Halloween has become a highly commercialized and widely celebrated holiday. It is not only a time for spooky fun and festivities but also an opportunity for communities to come together and enjoy themed events. From elaborate haunted houses to pumpkin carving contests, there are countless ways to embrace the spirit of Halloween. Additionally, the holiday has expanded beyond its Celtic and Christian origins to encompass a diverse array of cultural influences, making it a truly global celebration. In conclusion, Halloween is a fascinating and dynamic holiday with deep historical roots and enduring popularity. Whether you're donning a costume, indulging in sweet treats, or exploring the supernatural, Halloween offers something for everyone to enjoy. So, as October 31st approaches, let us embrace the spirit of Halloween and revel in the magic and mystery of this beloved holiday....

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Video Games and Violence Speech

Video Games and Violence Speech

In today’s society, the vast majority of adolescents spend their free time indoors. Many of those hours are enjoyed playing video games, a habit which teenagers will never hear the end of from their parents. “These games will ruin you”, they say, “It makes you angry and violent”, they say, but does it really? Media often portrays videogames as detrimental to mental health, and this topic is especially scrutinized today because of the sudden popularity of the recent public mass shootings and gun violence; however, past and more recent studies show that this is absolutely not true.

In fact, the positives of gaming seem to massively outweigh the negatives. Lately there has been a surge of gun violence, and because the shooters have been relatively young, many news stations link videogames as a partial reason for their actions. Since there is already a general belief that violent videogames lead to aggressive behavior, the public would readily accept the fact that games are contributors to hostility. It seems logical; every time a new form or fashion which the current generation does not understand, appears, it is always easy to blame them. Think about it.

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In the 1950s, it was the comic book that people claimed to have brought the inner violence out of children. (Karlinsky, and Przygoda) Then it was rock music, followed by television, and now videogames. So I do not blame the public. I do not blame you, your family, or friends. I blame the media – the bringer of news, the skilled craftsman of emotions, twisting words in just the right way to convince others. But that makes them no different from me, except I aim to shed light on the truth. Ever since the late 1980s, playing video games – even for short periods of time – has been proved to improve reaction time and boost hand-eye coordination.

Even new research, suggests that game-playing can bring noteworthy progress in visual perception. People who regularly play FPS (first person shooter) games have better vision than non-gamers. According to Dr. Daphne Bevelier, a cognitive scientist at the University of Rochester, “gamers can decide small details in the context of clutter… and are able to determine various levels of gray. ” The latter is the more significant because it could potentially save a life out in the real world, whether the scenario may be during rush hour, at home, or on the job (Travis Korte).

Many of us here have reached an age where we are experiencing with more freedom and responsibility. Be liberated with that newfound power, and the next time your parents tell you to quit the gaming habit and be more conscientious, respond and tell them in return that you are learning and keeping up with your responsibility. People say that gory games cause aggressive acts, and that is simply not true. Yes, it has the possibility to make violent people even more so, but when it comes down to the bare facts and statistics, there is no mistake that the social media is portraying it in an exaggerated manner.

You see, over the years, our country’s crime rates have dropped drastically. In fact, the arrest rate for juvenile murders fell 71. 9% and the arrest rate for all juvenile violent crimes declined 49. 3% in 1995 – 2008. (procon. org) If videogames were produced to be progressively more and more gory and fearsome, why would crime rates plunge? – Unless, of course, there was no correlation between the two topics, which there definitely is not. Even through all the numerous, intense studies of videogames and violence, not a single scientist has yet to prove that these games are directly causing acts of aggression.

These studies have been occurring since the 1980s (Travis Korte). Even the Supreme Court stands by that knowledge. In 2011 when California decided to ban minors from purchasing games with mature content, the Supreme Court overruled that decision by 7:2, based on the fact that it violated our first Amendment and that the judges saw no correlation between the subjects, going so far as to state that the “connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children do not prove that such exposure causes minors to act aggressively.

Any demonstrated effects are both small and indistinguishable from effects produced by other media. ” (Suzy Khimm) In the midst of everything that is happening right now, people need a scapegoat. They need something to take all the blame, and unfortunately, videogames are just here at the wrong place and the wrong time.

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