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Top Resume Writer Certifications

12 Top Certifications for Professional Resume Writers

Looking to hire (or become) a certified professional resume writer? Learn the details of the top resume certifications here.

Mike Podesto

Are you looking for a professional resume writer to help you craft the perfect resume?

Or maybe you are a resume writer hoping to obtain a resume writing certificate.

Either way, this article will provide the necessary information.

Does resume writer certification really make a difference?

A certified resume writer undergoes a testing process to ensure they have the skills to craft successful resumes.

There are several associations where a professional resume writer can seek certification.

In this article, you’ll find 12 resume writer certifications available from 5 different associations.

Top Resume Writer Certifications

If the professional resume service you choose is connected with one of these associations, that can make all the difference in getting a job!

Find out more about the requirements for each certificate below.

Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC)

1. certified professional resume writer (cprw).

The  Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) credential is offered by the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC). This is one of the most recognized and prestigious certifications in the resume writing industry. The association also offers certifications for career coaches and interview professionals.

Year Founded: 1990

Resume writers will need to be active members of PARWCC to take the exam and use the certification.

Upon registration for the exam, writers will receive a study guide to prepare for the test. The test must be scheduled within a year of application.

Prospective resume writers will receive the test document by email on a scheduled date and they’ll have three days to complete the test and mail the documents back.

Tests are evaluated anonymously by the members of the Certification Committee, and results are available within 6-8 weeks.


As a resume writer with PARWCC, you will get a personalized CPRW certification to display in your office.

You will also be able to:

  • Use the CPRW logo on your website and other marketing material
  • Use the CPRW credential after your name
  • $150 for membership
  • $250 for certification enrollment

National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA)

2. nationally certified resume writer (ncrw).

The  Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) certification is issued by The National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA). They have one of the most challenging certification processes. Certificate holders also need to offer proof of their continuing education efforts to maintain certification. The NRWA also offers another certification for online profile writers.

Year Founded: 1997


The candidate needs to become a member of the NRWA to apply for the resume writer certification.

They also have to earn 10 Continuing Education Units (CEU) from the association. CEUs can be earned by participating in conferences and workshops, and also by writing book reviews.

The certification process consists of three steps:

  • Earning CEUs
  • Passing a quiz and sample submission based on the NCRW Study Guide
  • Passing the NCRW examination

People can search for NRWA certified professional resume writers from the NRWA website.

The certificate holder will be able to use the NCRW designation after their name. They will also be able to display NCRW logos on their website and other marketing materials.

  • $175 for NRWA membership
  • $75 for writing sample review
  • $250 for exam registration

Resume Writing Academy (RWA)

The Resume Writing Academy (RWA) is one of the most resourceful professional development organizations for professional resume writers and other career professionals.

The RWA offers three certifications for resume writers:

  • Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW)
  • Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW-Federal)
  • Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS)

Year Founded: 2009

Unlike the Professional Association of Resume Writers and National Resume Writers’ Association, RWA certifications are achieved after undergoing training programs associated with each certification from the academy.

You will find a detailed description for each of the certifications below.

The RWA certification programs offer a great opportunity to learn plenty about professional resume writing, including info on the latest industry trends and other vital insights, along with getting the certificate.

You will also get a digital badge to display across your online portfolio.

All the resume writing certificates come with lifetime validity. As an added bonus, the writer will also get to attend an RWA E-Summit for free after completion of ACRW and ACRW-federal programs.

3. Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW)

Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) credential is achieved after undergoing a 3-month resume training program from the academy. There’s also a self-paced version of the program available.

The training program consists of: 

  • 5 web classes on grammar, formatting, writing, and homework assignments
  • 3 independent industry-specific resume and cover letter writing projects
  • Hands-on feedback on all assignments

Cost: $1895 or 3 payments of $650

4. Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW-Federal)

Academy Certified Federal Resume Writer (ACRW – Federal) program is specifically designed to train and certify resume writers on the intricacies of resume writing and the job application process for federal jobs.

  • Eight hours of instructor-led training
  • Writing sample resumes and example applications
  • Analyzing federal job postings and gathering content
  • Quizzes to confirm understanding
  • Projects to refine writing
  • Receiving personalized feedback on quizzes and writing assignments

Cost: $2195 or 3 payments of $735

5. Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS)

The Academy Certified Career Storyteller (ACCS) training and certification program helps career professionals master the art of career storytelling through resumes, cover letters, bios, and online profiles. This is an advanced-level certification from RWA. It requires writers to already have an industry-recognized certificate or complete a separate grammar assignment and evaluation of a sample resume.

The program consists of 4 sessions and homework assignments and a final project:

  • Write a bio
  • Write LinkedIn “About” and employment sections
  • Write a “tell me about yourself” script and a letter
  • Write a resume
  • Write a portfolio of documents

Cost: $669 for members and $869 for non-members

Career Directors International (CDI)

Career Directors International (CDI) provides numerous professional development opportunities for career professionals, including resume writer certifications and courses.

The six CDI certificates focus on specific resume writing niches, including:

  • Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW)
  • Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW)
  • Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)
  • Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X)
  • Certified Graphic Resume Architect
  • Certified Career Storyteller (CCST)

Year Founded: 2000

CDI adopts a tiered approach to resume writing certifications, based on the experience level of the candidates.

As there are a variety of resume writing certifications offered by CDI, you will find a description of each of them below.

Along with getting the CDI seal, the resume writers will get all the free tools and resources as a CDI member.

CDI also organizes the yearly Toast of the Resume Industry Awards (TORI) competition.

So, getting aligned with their best practices can give writers a headstart in achieving the TORI award.

Below is a brief overview of all the resume writing certifications offered by CDI.

6. Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW)

The Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW) certification program is for entry-level resume writers looking to get their first industry certification. It is also the most affordable resume certification offered by CDI.

The CARW certification process consists of four parts: 

  • Resume sample submission
  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Short-essay questions on client information gathering
  • Final exam on spelling, grammar, resume writing, design, and related skills

Cost: $200 plus the $97 membership fee

7. Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW)

Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW) is a higher-level certification program offered by CDI to experienced resume writers. The candidate must already possess the CARW certification or any other recognized industry certification (such as the CPRW or ACRW).

The certification process involves submitting the following materials: 

  • A 1000-word essay or article to demonstrate philosophy, skills, and expertise
  • A portfolio of seven professional resumes
  • One ATS-friendly resume
  • Two cover letter samples

Cost: $297 plus the $97 membership fee

8. Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)

The Certified Executive Resume Writer (CERM) certification is exclusively designed for executive resume writers. Consider it a high-level certification program for experienced professional resume writers. As of the date of this article’s publication, there are fewer than 25 CERMs worldwide.

The writer will need to: 

  • Have or obtain any other recognized resume writing certificate
  • Submit four examples of real-life executive resumes
  • Take part in a 10-question Competency Review test

Cost: $297 for members and $564 for non-members

9. Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X)

The Certified Resume Specialist (CRS+X) allows resume writers to get certification in their specific field of specialization or niche. For example, if you are a resume writer specializing in IT professions, you can get certified as a Certified IT Resume Specialist (CRS+IT). CDI offers this certification in 20 areas of specialization. The candidate must hold any other recognized industry certification for which testing was required.

Candidates will need to submit: 

  • A portfolio of four industry-specific resume samples
  • A one-page essay about their specialization

Cost: $197 for each specialization plus the $97 membership fee

10. Certified Graphic Resume Architect

As the name suggests, the Certified Graphic Resume Architect credential is for professional resume writers who also want to get recognized as graphic resume designers. Graphic resumes predominantly use visual elements, which contrasts the style of traditional “plain” resumes. Just like other advanced level certifications from CDI, this one requires that the candidates already possess any of the recognized certifications.

The writer will have to submit: 

  • Five resume samples with visual elements
  • An explanation of the project details for a selected resume

11. Certified Career Storyteller (CCST)

The Certified Career Storyteller (CCST) is a certification that accompanies a training program…similar to the ACRW certification from the RWA above. This course from CDI aims to train resume writers in the practices of how storytelling elements can be infused into resume writing and personal brand development. The course consists of 17 modules within a 6-part program. It’s a self-paced learning model requiring from 18 to 40 hours of total work.

The process includes:

  • Each of the 6 parts involves lesson completion and a review process
  • After all lessons are approved, the candidate will submit their final story-based portfolio
  • The final portfolio is reviewed within 3-4 weeks

Cost: $2997 plus the $97 membership fee

Career Thought Leaders Consortium (CTL)

12. master resume writer (mrw).

The Master Resume Writer (MRW) credential is offered by Career Thought Leaders Consortium (CTL). CTL is owned by Marie Zimenoff, also the CEO of the Resume Writers Association above. CTL also provides certifications to career coaches, job search specialists, and digital branding specialists. Career professionals get many other tools and resources, like free guides, training, and webinars from CTL.

The candidate must have at least five years of experience to apply for the MRW credential. They also have to pass an English Language & Grammar Examination administered by CTL.

After that, the professional resume writer will need to submit five resume samples if they already have an industry-recognized certificate or 10 resume samples if they are not certified.

The certification has to be renewed every two years.

MRW is an advanced level certification that will project you as an expert in your field. There are only 27 MRWs out there.

You don’t have to become a member of CTL to get this certification. However, becoming an associate will get you a discount.

Key Takeaways

As a job seeker, you have every right to seek as many assurances as you can about your resume writer.

Getting your resume written by a certified resume writer is one of those assurances that should translate into a high-performing resume.

If the writer that you choose happens to be certified, that’s a great bonus. But more important than a writer’s certifications are the writer’s skills.

If you are looking for certified professional resume writers with a proven track record, Find My Profession is an excellent option.

We have some of the best certified professional resume writers on our team and they cover 85+ industries.

Check out our top-rated  resume writing services . We are confident that you will be satisfied with our work, and if you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Global Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches

Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW) Professional Resume Writing Certification

Showcase your current resume writing expertise..

If you are looking to earn a resume writer certification and join the lucrative world of professional resume writers, then the Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW) credential with CDI is the best place to start!

Ready to get started?

The CDI advanced resume writer credential is for professional resume writers who are already skilled at writing resumes and are ready to earn their certification.

What is resume writing certification and why do I need it?

In most industries, buyers look for a standard of education or quality to help them know they are making the best buying decision. In the world of resume writing, CDI’s resume writing credentials are seen as the gold standard, making it the perfect place for an aspiring or established resume writer to become certified.

When you become a certified professional resume writer with CDI by earning the CARW credential, you:

  • Stand out from the crowd with an “advanced” credential.
  • Receive a beautiful logo and e-certificate you can proudly display online and in your office.
  • Help prospects to trust in investing with you.
  • Build confidence in your own technical skills and ability to charge 3-4 figures for this service.
  • Position yourself with the credential most sought after by companies who hire resume subcontractors.
  • Align yourself with the only resume writing organization known to provide both state-of-the-art resources in resume writing as well as 6-figure business-building.

Why else will job seekers care if I earn the CARW resume certification?

Potential clients can be confident in hiring you with your CARW because they will know you are:

  • Ambitious in honing your craft and continuously maintaining contemporary knowledge of job-seeking trends and resume writing strategies.
  • An experienced resume writing strategist; a professional who employs sound and tested knowledge to help job seekers secure interviews.
  • Dedicated to professional development by attaining CEUs to maintain the credential.
  • A cut above your competitors because you were willing to leverage your strengths by showing you are confident of your talents and willing to have them scrutinized by industry leaders.

Is the CARW certification recognized internationally?

Yes, the CARW is recognized internationally. CDI is proud to be an “international” organization with a certification panel made up of professionals in three countries who are experienced in writing and reviewing resumes from around the world. When you earn the CARW, you are encouraged to meet our standards but to also write for your market. We embrace the cultural and geographic differences of resume writing so that it won’t count against someone who isn’t simply writing for the US market.

When you earn the CARW, you can be proud to know it is recognized globally, and not limited to a single country.

Are there any other ways I’ll benefit by electing to pursue CARW certification?

In addition to what is listed in the section above on “what is resume certification and why do I need it?”, you will also receive:

  • CDI’s 113-page Resume Certification Guide walks you through the ins and outs of today’s marketing resume along with instructions for formatting and multiple resume samples.
  • Review of one resume to ensure you are ready for certification testing. (If you are not ready, you will receive extensive, valuable feedback to help you resubmit).
  • CDI’s 25 Things to Do With Your CARW Guide upon successful attainment of the credential. The guide is full of ready-made strategies for promoting and getting the most return on investment from your accomplishment.
  • Ability to pursue advanced credentials such as the Certified Executive Resume Master, Certified Master Resume Writer, and any of our niche industry credentials.
  • Access to CDI’s entire member library filled with all the tools you need to advance your skills, price and package your services, maximize your time, and create a 6-figure business.

How much does it cost to become a CARW?

We keep the price low as we understand most people pursuing this level of certification are just starting out. Our rates make us one of the lowest costs of entry for earning resume certification.

Pricing is $200 if you are an association member. (Members save 47% on this credential and 25% on all but one other course and all certifications).

It is $375 if you are not an association member.

How does the resume certification process work with the CARW credential?

There are just two phases to pass through in the certification process: evaluation and testing.

Evaluation (Step One)

Once you have invested in the CARW you will immediately receive access to CDI’s 50-page Resume Certification Guide and resume check sheet. One you have reviewed the guide, you would then select a resume, tweaking it if necessary, to submit to the certification committee for a blind review.

Before submission you will need to first:

  • Read the Certification Guide and recommended reading.
  • Review your sample resume to make sure it is accomplishment-oriented and keyword rich (use the check sheet in the guide).
  • Review your sample resume to ensure it is error-free (use the check sheet in the guide).
  • Provide a brief description (one or two paragraphs) outlining: (a) the project situation / challenge and (b) explanation of choices for document style and information inclusion. This should be placed on the first blank page following your resume.

Once your sample resume has been reviewed, you will be advised as to whether you have been approved or denied to move on to the CARW exam phases. Should your sample not be approved, you will receive detailed feedback in order to guide you in improvement and resubmission. At any time as a CDI member, you also have access to dozens of resume writing lessons and how-to video tutorials. An additional sample submission will be accepted at no added cost. Should additional submissions be required, a $25 fee will be incurred for each one. (Note: With the detailed feedback and support, this has not been an issue for CARW applicants).

Testing (Step Two)

Once your sample has been approved in part one, you will be able to move onto step two of the CARW. You will then schedule and complete each one of the following three testing phases:

  • Resume and Cover Letter Creation : Certification candidates are sent notes in MS Word on two fictional candidates and asked to create a resume, a cover letter, and a one-or two-paragraph justification for each document that outlines (a) the project situation/challenge and (b) explanation of choices for document style and information inclusion.  One file contains client worksheets that have been completed and the other file contains raw notes. It is important that candidates can write effectively in both situations. Candidates have seven (7) business days to complete both resumes and cover letters.
  • Short-Essay Questions on Client Information Gathering Strategies : If the candidate passes Part Two of the certification process (resume and cover letter development as described above), they will be asked to respond to a series of short essay questions probing the methods used to gather the necessary information to write a winning resume. The answers to these questions help the committee to better understand the candidate’s target audience, and reveal how the writer translates the information culled from these questions into a superior marketing tool. Candidates have three (3) business days to submit their completed essays.
  • Final Exam : If the candidate passes Part Three of the certification process, they will be sent the final exam to determine their mastery of spelling and grammar and assess skills around client information gathering and interpretation, and writing and design strategy. Candidates have 60 minutes to submit their answers to the certification committee.

How do I know if I am ready for certification, and are there any prerequisites?

CDI’S expectation is that all candidates seeking CARW certification have previously studied and practiced the art of resume writing.

Your knowledge of the necessary competencies may come from appropriate books such as Resume Writing for Dummies, 8th edition; the CARW guide you receive with certification purchase; CDI member resume writing resources; and/or your actual paid or unpaid writing experience.

While there is no hard and fast rule concerning the years of experience a writer should have before taking the exam, the CDI certification committee recommends that the certification candidate has at least one year of writing experience prior to taking the exam.

Can I see samples of resumes that meet CDI’s CARW standards?

Of course! We don’t want you to feel intimidated by this process. The following resumes represent the pinnacle of performance in resume writing. While some of these demonstrate higher-end formatting and graphics, which exceed that required for the CARW, we believe you should be aware of and strive for the best!

Accountant Sample Resume

New Graduate Sample Resume

IT Manager Sample Resume

Esthetician Sample Resume

Operations Manager Sample Resume

Electrical Engineer Sample Resume

CEO Sample Resume

VP Electrical Engineering Sample Resume

Will my resumes have to be design-heavy like the CDI TORI award winners?

Absolutely not! As you can see from the resume samples above, some resumes provide advanced design techniques and others are relatively simple. Your goal with CARW resumes is to ensure that they meet the criteria in the resume checklist as laid out in the CARW resume certification guide:

  • I have read the Certification Guide.
  • I have reviewed my sample for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
  • I have used powerful accomplishment (CAR/SAR) statements.
  • I have created an appealing layout that uses white space along with a format that draws the eye to key information.
  • I have selected an appropriate font size and type.
  • I have provided clear direction of career target/objective for the type of position the candidate is seeking.
  • I have included a strong summary of qualifications section.
  • I have front‐loaded the sample with appropriate key words.
  • I have used an appropriate format for the candidate’s job target/situation.
  • I have qualified and quantified results to showcase the candidate’s job.
  • I have provided a brief description (one or two paragraphs) outlining: (a) the project situation/challenge and (b) explanation of choices for document style and information inclusion and placed this on the first blank page following the resume.

The majority of employment situations won’t require TORI-level design work so that is NOT required to attain the CARW!

How long does the process of certification take from beginning to end?

The process of certification varies for each individual because only you know your current work situation and availability. The process can take as little as six to eight weeks for individuals willing to invest the time to complete all four stages of certification end-on-end.

Essentially you can take as long as you need within reasonable limits as long as you meet submission deadlines for each phase of certification. Submission deadlines for CARW candidates are as follows:

  • Resume writing exam: You have seven (7) business days to return two resumes and two cover letters written from notes/worksheets provided.
  • Essay Questions: You have three (3) business days to return responses to questions regarding your business practices and information gathering techniques
  • Final exam: you have 60 minutes to complete the online exam.

After each phase you can take a break to fit in with your situation. Take the time you need to go at your own pace and schedule each phase to ensure the right balance for you.

Are there resources that can help me prepare or that CDI recommends?

Yes. The CDI Certification team has prepared a comprehensive manual outlining the criteria we look for when evaluating resume samples submitted for any of our certifications. This 50-page manual, which covers everything from grammar and punctuation to formatting, is included in your CARW step one fee of $50 US.

Additionally, there are numerous resume writing resources available (lessons, infographics, video tutorials, and more) in the CDI member section including successful resume submissions by TORI award winners.

Who will view my sample and my resumes? Will they know who I am?

Your samples and test resumes are viewed by a panel of CMRWs (Certified Master Resume Writers), some of whom have won or have been nominated for TORI awards. The Director of Certification handles the distribution of your documents and is the only person who knows your identity as the key contact point. This process includes giving your candidacy a unique number, renaming documents and “scrubbing” all samples and submissions of metadata-which means that all personally identifiable document properties have been removed-ensuring your anonymity to the entire panel.

Hand-picked to represent the best-of-the-best of the industry and its various resume certification procedures, the committee’s current members include:

Certification Chair: Gayle Howard, CERM, CMRW, MRWLAA, MCD, MCPLAA, MRW, CPRW, CCM, BIC, HRCC, CWPP, CARW – Top Margin Resumes Online, Melbourne, Australia

Patricia Duckers, CMRW, CPRW, CEIP, CWPP, CFRW, CFRWC, MFCC, MFCC/T, MMRW – CareerPro Global, Inc., Edison, New Jersey

Gillian “Jill” Kelly, CERM, CMRW, MRWLAA, CARW, ATSC – Career Edge, Queensland, Australia

Erin Kennedy, CERM, CMRW, CPRW – Professional Resume Services, Lapeer, Michigan

Dawn S. Bugni, CMRW, MRW, CPRW – The Write Solution, Atkinson, North Carolina

Carolyn Whitfield, CMRW, CERM, CARW, CEIC, CP-OJSRM – Total Resumes, Tasmania, Australia

Scott Nichols, MBA, CERM, CGRA, CPRW, CEIC, CEIP – Advanced Method Resumes & Career Services, Granite Bay, California

Will I need to renew my CARW certification?

Once attained, the CARW Certification must be renewed every two (2) years by earning 30 industry-related continuing education units (CEUs). This can be completed through a variety of activities such as: employment-related book reviews, career-related community service, completing related coursework or study, publishing resumes, winning resume awards, and/or authoring articles, blog posts, and related materials on resume writing.

The renewal fee is $50.00 for members. The renewal fee for non-members is $100.00.  Download the Renewal Form .

Why is renewal necessary? 

Because the craft of resume writing is dynamic and is swiftly changing with the advances in computer technology and applicant tracking / scanning as well as emerging legal issues involving resume fraud. These are just a few concerns that make it necessary for professionals to demonstrate ongoing education and knowledge of modern resume writing techniques.

Can I lose my CARW credential once earned?

All requirements of CARW certification and renewal must be maintained in order to earn or retain the CARW credential.

All requirements of CARW certification, renewal, and/or CDI membership standards must be maintained in order to earn or retain a CDI credential. CDI reserves the right to revoke a CARW credential for any of the following: Renewal requirements are not maintained and completed within required timelines at the appropriate rate for member/non-member status. Member fails to complete the required 12 consecutive months of membership to qualify for the discounted rate provided at registration and makes no attempt to pay the difference in order to retain said credential. Individual is found guilty in a court of law for a grievance within the industry (unprofessional, unethical, unlawful conduct and/or business practices).

If my step one resume was approved, where do I go to pay for step two?

The email you received letting you know you were ready for step two points to a page in our website Store, which can be found at the top right of every website page. However, you can also purchase it with the link below.

Purchase phase II testing .

Do you offer training if I realize I’m not ready for certification yet?

CDI offers the Resume Mastery course with CARW certification, which is a self-paced program designed and overseen by an award-winning, published resume writer. When you sign up for the Resume Mastery course, you know you are receive the highest level of education in resume writing and design preparing you to handle challenging resumes. Your investment is also backed by personalized feedback and support from the course creator. Upon successful completion, you will earn the CARW credential.

Learn about the Resume Mastery course .

I see you have more than one resume certification, so is the CARW where I should start?

If you have at least one year of experience in writing resumes but have not obtained any resume-writing certification, the CARW will be your goal. It will show that your talents have been industry scrutinized, tested and found to be superior.

If you are confident in your abilities and have existing certification (CARW, MRW, CPRW, NCRW, CMRS, CRS, MCRS, ACRW), then you are able to pursue one of CDI’s top tier credentials, which include the Certified Master Resume Writer, Certified Executive Resume Master, and/or one of our niche industry Certified Resume Specialist credentials.

What if my sample in step one is denied?

If your sample is denied, it is because the panel feels that from the sample submitted you are not yet ready to meet the requirements of CDI’s credentialing process. To assist in your development, you will be provided with feedback on where your sample did not meet the key competencies along with recommendations on how you can continue to work on your skills to further develop your resume writing. You can then resubmit your sample again at a later point at no additional charge. Should additional submissions be required later, each additional sample submission is $25 US.

What happens if my resumes in step two testing are not approved?

If your resumes are not approved you will be provided with specific feedback and recommendations on how you can improve the documents. The Committee Chair will then provide you with details on the next steps available in the accreditation process.

What happens if I fail one of the tests in step two?

If you fail to progress in any component of the certification process, do not be discouraged. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to elevate your professional skills to a whole new level. CDI’s leaders will provide you with constructive feedback and recommendations on the next steps to take using the wealth of resources available through CDI in the members’ section, via the certification manual, or through our exclusive resume writing course. We have a vested interest in helping you grow and succeed so our members can be known as the best in the business.

Why would I select the CDI certification process over competing certifications elsewhere?

The CDI Certification is one of the most respected and fastest growing in the industry and the only certifying body with two distinctive tiers (the CARW and CMRW distinguishes and celebrates advanced and expert writers).

with CDI resume writing certification you become one of the elite group of writers globally recognized as the best of the best.

Look to the page side bar (bottom of page on mobile devices) to read some of our testimonials from other CARWs on the value of this respected credential.

I am in a country outside the US. Do I have to take the exam during US business hours?

The final examination is online allowing you to complete it in your own stress-free environment at a time and place convenient to you.

I live in a country outside the US. Will the exam be relevant to me?

CDI’s membership boasts career professionals from across the globe. While each country has rules and approaches to resume writing that are country-specific, CDI’s examination covers the core principles and fundamental requirements of a professional resume that are universally recognized. If you are based outside of the US, questions in the examination will be relevant to you and the clients you represent.

I don’t write resumes in or for the United States of America. What value is a certification to me?

The certifications offered by CDI are relevant to professional resume writers across the globe. CDI’s extensive membership boasts career professionals worldwide-many of whom have more than one certification and are considered trailblazers in elevating the quality and reputation of resume writing in their own countries. The value of being backed by a prominent international organization is evident as clients seek resume writers that are clearly a “class above”.

Is membership required to become certified? Do I have to maintain my membership?

The CARW can be earned and granted to both members and non-members.

Should a CARW recipient who earned the credential at member discounted rates choose to cancel membership, they will be billed the rate difference between the rates. Failure to pay that fee will nullify the credential.

I’ve heard of degree mills where you can buy a degree or certification. Is the CARW resume certification like that?

No not in the least! After more than a decade, the CARW is gaining traction as the certification for best-of-breed resume writing professionals. This rapidly growing awareness reflects the rigorous, non-compromising standards CDI employs in our testing processes and our ongoing reinforcement of the need to uphold standards. Public awareness and acknowledgement continues to grow as the demand for high quality resumes intensifies in today’s competitive job market. CDI leads the way in setting benchmarks for resume writers and career professionals.

Once I sign up do I receive immediate access to my certification materials? 

After you complete your payment the web cart will take you directly to the CDI website to create your account and access your step one materials and instructions. If you already have an account, just enter your details on the login page that will pop up.

You can always access your materials from your dashboard under the link titled, “Courses”.

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></center></p><h2>How to become a professional resume writer</h2><p>A resume is an extremely important document to anyone seeking to obtain a job. A well written and presentable resume will attract the attention of any possible employer. To achieve this, it is best to consult a resume writer to assist.  </p><p>If this sounds like the type of work that you would be interested in, we share how to become a resume writer by exploring:</p><ul><li>What a resume writer is  </li><li>What a professional resume writer does  </li><li>How to become a resume writer  </li><li>Skills required by resume writers  </li><li>What every resume should include </li></ul><h2>What is a resume writer?</h2><p>A resume writer is a trained professional who is responsible for creating an engaging and attention-grabbing resume, showcasing the skill of an individual. </p><p>A resume is a summary of the skills, the qualifications an individual possesses, and their employment history. A resume is essential to any person who is seeking employment. It should be created in such a way that the potential employee wants to learn more about the individual. </p><p>Because a resume is the first document a potential employee sees, a resume writer should have the ability to create a document which is appealing and stands out from the other applicants.</p><h2>What does a professional resume writer do?</h2><p>A resume writer will receive information from an individual wanting a resume created for them. This information includes their education and qualifications, their skill, and their employment history. </p><p>A resume writer will take this information, and by using persuasive language and appeal, transform it into an engaging document. Because employers briefly look at a resume, resume writers know how to best prepare and layout the document so that it makes the best impression from the start. </p><p>Resume writers include all the necessary information into the resume in a clear, neat and readable format. They know the best words to use when describing an individual, their qualification, skills, and their work history. </p><p>Resume writers can specialise in writing resumes for one specific industry or a broad range of industries. The advantage of having a resume writer who focuses on a specific industry means they will use specific styles and words that appeal to potential employers in that industry.</p><h2>How to become a resume writer</h2><p>1. education.</p><p>When wanting to become a resume writer, it is best to do a course in English, communications, journalism, or writing. These do not necessarily have to be a degree, but it is ideal if some form of formal qualification is attained. </p><p>Another course to add to any studies as a resume writer is a human resources course. Human resources consultants are very much involved in the hiring process by reviewing resumes, so having some form of education in this field helps when writing resumes and trying to appeal to potential employers.</p><h2>2. Gain experience</h2><p>The best way to gain experience is to jump right in! Even while completing courses, there is no reason one cannot gain hands-on experience in resume writing. Offer friends, family, colleagues and whoever you can find to write and rewrite resumes for them. These can be used as some form of an example to use in your studies, where you can also analyse your work and reflect on what you are learning. </p><p>While attending courses to further your education, it is also ideal to get some field experience too. If possible, work alongside an already established resume writing company, a recruitment company, or a human resources company. All three of these will allow you to gain experience in the different stages of employment the employee will go through and strengthen your resume writing skills by learning what recruiters look for in resumes, being part of the reviewing process, and identifying what determines a strong resume from a weak one. </p><p>A resume writing company will give you the experience of how to set up a resume and make it appealing. A recruitment company will give the experience of what a potential employee looks for in the candidates it employs. An HR company will give you the experience of what they look for in a resume, and how they select the most appealing one. </p><p>Another way to gain experience is to attend workshops. These will give different perspectives on how resumes are written as they are hosted by different people with different points of view. Workshops will give insights into resume writing and help to improve your skill, as workshops provide different skills to learn as a resume writer.</p><h2>3. Get certified</h2><p>It is not necessary to have a formal qualification in writing or English to become a resume writer. However, some form of qualification will give a better understanding of what a good resume should include, and how to write it in the correct language style to appeal to prospective employers. A qualification of some sort also allows you to charge more for your services. </p><p>When studying, it is expected to create a portfolio of resumes that you may be creating. This can be used as a learning experience for you and a reference for future clients. It is very interesting to note the growth and the improvement of skill as you go through your course, and then as you begin to work with clients.</p><h2>4. Find clients</h2><p>The final step in becoming a resume writer is to find clients. In today’s day, there are so many platforms to use to advertise your services, however, what good is advertising if you do not have the experience to back it up. Make sure you keep a current portfolio for prospective clients to view. This will give them an idea of your working style and what they could expect if they use your services. A great way to display your skills is to create a website and have a professional online appearance, allowing you to connect with potential customers and other resume writers.</p><h2>Required skills for resume writers</h2><p>Writing skills.</p><p>Because resume writers need to create a document that is most appealing to employers, it should be well written, and have absolutely no spelling, grammatical, punctuation or vocabulary errors.</p><h2>Researching skills</h2><p>A resume writer will need to research the industry of the individual they are creating a resume for, as it is not necessarily an industry they may have worked in. They would need to research industry-specific terms, and what qualifications and certifications would stand out on the resume and be appealing to employees.</p><h2>Computer skills</h2><p>Because the majority of today’s workforce works online, or at least posts potential jobs online, resume writers would need to have basic computer and internet skills. Most resumes are now digital and uploaded to employment websites or emailed to potential employers. </p><p>Resume writers would also need to have computer software skills to create the resume online and designing the document with appeal in mind.</p><h2>Communication</h2><p>Resume writers are trying to communicate a person’s qualifications and skills to a potential employer via a document. Imagine the great communication skill needed to do this in the best possible way. Keep in mind that communication is not only verbal but written and visual too. A resume writer needs to communicate with their client as well to obtain all the information they would like to include in their resume. </p><h2>Giving and accepting feedback</h2><p>A resume writer is almost the middleman between an employer and an employee. As stated, they are responsible for creating a form of communication between the two. After communication naturally comes feedback. A resume writer should be able to give feedback to the employee seeking their assistance and be accepting of feedback, especially constructive feedback when it comes to the final product created. </p><h2>Detail-oriented</h2><p>As a resume writer, you would need to be extremely detail-oriented, noticing the minor and the major details of the documents you are creating. Being detail-oriented allows one to pick up on errors, make changes very quickly, and create flawless resumes with a high-quality standard, something every employer wants to see.</p><h2>What should every resume include?</h2><p>The contact information.</p><ul><li>Contact numbers</li><li>Email addresses,</li><li>Online platforms or websites</li></ul><h2>Opening Statement: Summary or Objective</h2><ul><li>An opening statement is a short section that describes a person and why they would be suitable for the position being advertised. </li><li>A resume summary that describes work experience. </li><li>A resume objective that states the goals of the person.</li></ul><h2>Work History</h2><ul><li>Previous employees </li><li>The tasks that were performed</li><li>The length of time spent at each job</li><li>The school in which qualification was obtained </li><li>The field of study</li><li>The degree obtained</li><li>The number of years studied</li><li>Skills listed on a resume should include technical, soft, and hard skills, and should be relevant to the job being applied for. </li><li>The skills needed for each job are obtained from the job description.</li></ul><h2>Certifications and Professional Memberships</h2><ul><li>Additional certificates that may have been achieved after one has completed their studies. </li><li>Include any short courses. If there are any professional associations one can be affiliated with, it is best to include them.</li></ul><h2>Achievements and Awards</h2><p>Shortlist any career accomplishments which are relevant to the position being applied for.</p><h2>Additional Sections</h2><p>If the applicant has ever volunteered or has been in an internship programme, it is good to note it on their resume. It helps employers to create a bigger picture of their personality and the individual they are.</p><p>In recent years, there is a growing demand for resume writers. As job markets become flooded, any employee must have a resume that stands out from the rest, and using a resume writer achieves just this.</p><p>Looking to sharpen your writing skills? Join our Content Writing Course today!</p><p><center><a href=

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RWA has a long history of training the top writers, keeping writers ahead of trends, and setting the standard for professional career marketing materials.

Professional resume writers like you come to the Resume Writing Academy because they want to be confident that every resume they write will win clients interviews ... that every LinkedIn profile will attract the right audience ... they want to be the expert who stands out from the sea of resume and social media profile writing advice.

Do you want the confidence to charge what you are worth for the work you do?

Do you want to be the expert your career services office needs to teach resume and social media strategies that improve job placement?

If so, read on to learn more about the Resume Writing Academy certification programs!

What really transformed their writing and built their confidence was consistent feedback on their work.RWA's certification programs provide English language, formatting, and writing assignments -- each carefully crafted to test your command of strategy, design, and writing.

is available for your questions one-on-one, holds regular office hours to help you with class and client assignments, and continues this support after your graduation.

PLUS -- no membership is required and certification is built into the program. You'll work hard to create each assignment, rewrite a few assignments, and earn your certification at the end -- no test to take or separate fee to pay.

program is an intensive 3-month resume training and certification program leading to your Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) credential.

• Differentiate your candidates from the crowd – develop expert resume-writing skills.
• Position candidates to win interviews – develop expert cover letters and e-note writing skills.
• Design resumes that stand out and pass applicant tracking systems – develop expert resume-design skills.
• Be confident! Position yourself as one of the top writers globally, write faster, and earn more money.

is an intensive 3-month training in writing and optimizing social media profiles leading to your Academy Certified Profile Writer (ACPW) credential.

• Keep readers engaged – learn to write profiles with personalities that tell your candidate's story.
• Get candidates found – learn to optimize profiles so they rise to the top in a recruiter's search.
• Position clients for their career goals – learn to manipulate social media profiles aligned with career strategy.
• Stay ahead of trends! Position yourself as an expert in a growing area of need for career management and job search.


Career Thought Leaders and Resume Writing Academy have partnered with Acclaim to deliver digital badges you can add to your social media profiles to validate your professional expertise!

We're here to support you !

If you have questions about any of these programs, you can use this link to set up a time to talk with Marie Zimenoff  here.

We look forward to speaking with you now and supporting you throughout your program.

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How to Become a Professional Certified Resume Writer?

how to become a resume writer

Resumes are essential in job searching, and only a job seeker who has sent out hundreds of these documents will know how utterly complicated it is to write. There are basic rules of writing, and each of these is there to improve the chances of your application being approved.

Because this is a sensitive document, and people are desperate to get jobs, they turn to professional resume writers to help them write their documents.

Anyone who has written a resume at least once in their life can claim to be a resume writer but to set yourself apart and be a professional requires time and effort. Certifications aren’t necessary, but they help let people know how far you have gone in your commitment to the craft.

People want to know they can trust you to get the job done and if you’re looking for ways to become a professional writer or get better at writing resumes for yourself. Then this is the article for you. Let’s get started:

What Is a Resume Writer?

If you’re looking for how to become a professional resume writer, then there are so many things you just know. Let’s talk about the basics:

Resume writers prepare resumes or professional summaries of their clients who are searching for a job. They work differently from usual resume writers because their experience has taught them a lot of things.

They know that the resume just has about eleven seconds to impress the recruiter, and they channel all their knowledge and effort into making sure the resume creates a favorable impression in such a short time.

They know the proper readable format to present the applicants’ qualifications, educational background, and every other necessary information. Comprehension and readability is key, and they use only the best design that is definite to catch the recruiter’s attention.

If all the information is scrambled together in a big block of text, no one will read, let alone a recruiter. A professional resume writer knows how to gradually and subtly ease the employer into the text until they have gone through the whole application without even knowing they have.

Some resume writers specialize in writing applications for only specific clients in one type of industry to be the best.

For example, a professional resume writer might say their services are only for office assistants seeking a job. They have already mastered the right keywords, qualifications, and skill set to use that they only face that niche with hundred percent confidence in their capabilities.

Resume writers can decide to be hired by a company or work freelance depending on the flexibility and nature of the work they want.

What Does a Resume Writer Do?

Before you make that final decision on whether you want to become a certified resume writer, here are a few things they do:

Understand The Role

Before you become a resume writer, you should first understand the roles the job entails. Writing a resume can be difficult, but becoming a resume writer is more demanding. Don’t just go into the business because of the payout because this would eventually tell on your client’s result.

Go through the necessary training, if you can, then take certification tests. You can also test your skills by writing a free resume for family or friends, just to see how well you do.

Collect Enough Information

To do this, you have to develop or work on your interpersonal skills. You have to make the clients feel comfortable talking to you and divulging personal information. Remember to collect as much information as you can to help you write the application.

Some clients are more reserved and ask you to go on their social media profiles to get information. You should also be able to scramble information together to get the best.

Transform The Information

It is not enough to collect information from prospective clients; the question is: what do you do with this information? Think about it

You cannot become a professional resume writer by doing nothing. You have to be able to transform the client’s information into engaging texts in the resume. These texts should be completely interesting, sectionalized, and written according to the appropriate resume guidelines.

Develop Business Insights

This would help in penning down the most favorable skill set for a particular job position. All job applications are different in the skill set required, the qualifications required, the background required, and even the job experiences needed.

As a professional, you should know the market needs and how to equip your clients’ resumes with the necessary skill sets and experience to apply for the job.

How Much Do Professional Resume Writers Make?


Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

The earnings of a professional writer depend on a lot of complexities:

  • Are you a freelance worker ?
  • Do you work for a company?

As a freelance writer, the earnings vary based on the:

  • Nature of the resume
  • The amount of research that is needed in order to gain adequate knowledge in writing such a resume
  • Your experience
  • Certifications

For a new writer to the market, the earning might cost about $60 – $120 for a basic resume. Some professionals who have a string of testimonials or even years of experience charge up to $300 per resume.

A writer who works for a company might earn a monthly salary, together with a commission from every written article. Sometimes the nature of the client and article might also vary the prices.

The truth is, someone who writes for college students should earn less than someone who writes for executives.

How to Become a Certified Resume Writer

Get a degree.

To become a certified engineering CV writer, the first step is to get a bachelor’s degree. This degree can be in any related courses like English, Journalism, Communications. These courses and other related ones are ideal, but anyone can become a professional resume writer with the best internship and experience. As long as you have a bachelor’s degree and are literate, this career is open for you.

Contrary to what everyone else thinks, writing a resume is hard. If you are looking to make this a career, you have to seek internship opportunities with people ahead of you in the industry. They know the rules, the guidelines, and everything necessary to succeed. You can do this during your college experience if you’re looking to start early.

Most writers are freelancers, so you can seek opportunities in a company’s HR department to enable you to see firsthand just what they look for in a resume.

Attend Workshops

Companies and education institutions usually host workshops to teach people how to write resumes professionally. As someone looking for how to become a certified professional resume writer, these workshops can orient you a great deal. It would cover so many topics like referencing, how to include skill sets, and proper system formatting.

“Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field,” encouraged Denis Waitley, a business expert. Strive to learn more, and knowledge would increase.

Get Certified

This process shows prospective clients just how committed you are to your business. Not all professionals are certified, and having this would set you apart from everyone else. The National Resumes Writers’ Association (NRWA) offers certifications to tested and competent resume writers.

Find Clients

Finding clients to patronize you is easy. Open professional social media accounts, and sell yourself to the world. People need jobs, and to get jobs; they need great resumes. Still skeptical about how easy it is to find clients? Well, read below!

How And Where To Find Jobs/Clients?

Finding clients is the easiest part. As a start, you might want to write free resumes for your family and even friends. After this, tell them to leave stellar reviews on your business handles on social media. Stellar reviews are a great way of pulling crowds because everyone wants the best services.

You can also set up a website and update your portfolio, so prospective clients can visit and see the kind of work you have done in the past.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q : what are the main skills for a resume writer.

A : It is important to have typing skills, proofreading skills, research skills, computer skills, and expert communication skills.

Q : Should A Resume Writer Have A Resume?

A : Not necessarily. A resume writer needs physical evidence of their works to show clients, and a resume cannot capture the whole essence. A website or portfolio is more suitable to have.

Q : How Do I Become A Resume Writer?

A : You can become one by getting a degree and accruing the necessary experience needed to be certified.

Before you go into this business as a professional, it is important to ask yourself if it is really what you want, then strive to achieve the best qualifications. The market is saturated with writers who aren’t as qualified as they are letting on, so it is great to be a good difference.

Like Abraham Lincoln said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.”

how to become a resume writer

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Our editor is Jennifer Broflowski. Jennifer has been a freelance writer for more than ten years. Having graduated from the University of South Australia, where she used to edit the university’s literary journal, Jennifer devoted her life ...

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Do You Need To Be a Certified Resume Writer?

By Teena Rose


When you look at the certifications after some resume writer’s names, you start to wonder what the heck they all stand for, do you need one, and, if you do need one, which ones are the most important in order to A) impress your clients and B) be considered a professional within your chosen industry. This is especially true if you’re new to resume writing and looking for that first certification.

Which organization is the best?

Which offers the most ‘bang’ for the buck?

You might even be wondering if you need resume writing certifications.

After all, people were writing resumes for decades before certifications became the norm in the industry, so why all the hoopla about being certified?

Here, I will answer resume certification questions for you, plus provide specific information on the various certifications available to resume writers today.

By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll have the information you need in order to make an informed decision about which, if any, certification is right for you.

Okay, let’s get started!

Why Do You Need to Become a Certified Resume Writer?

The quick answer is that writing certifications aren’t the be-all. This may seem controversial for those reading this post who plan to secure or have resume certifications.

To be blunt, certifications alone don’t guarantee resume writing skills. Sure, resume writing certifications imply some level of ability. Yet, it’s important to note that some resume writers ace the testing to get that certification while others squeak by.

If you are good at what you do and continue to hone your craft, you’ll eventually become a great resume writer, and subsequently, succeed.

There are no certifications for fiction writing, technical writing, medical journal writing, etc. (Although you can get academic degrees in those, and other, areas.) Plenty of people writes for a living without certification or a degree.

Resume writing certifications can be a sizable investment, depending upon the resume writing organization you join. For example, training company Resume Writing Academy (RWA) costs $1800+ to acquire the ACRW certification .

However, it doesn’t hurt to become certified. Why?

There are a number of reasons, including:

1. Training = Greater Skill.

No matter what your field – writing, teaching, construction, driving a big rig, or taking care of animals – the more training and education you have in your chosen job, the better you will be at it.

Remember the old adage, ‘Practice makes perfect?’ Well, you can add ‘Training builds skills’ to that concept.

Certification programs will teach you the ‘tricks of the trade,’ give you examples of resumes that work and don’t work, and demonstrate how to obtain the right information from your clients.

2. Business Growth.

The field of resume writing is very competitive, and customers are looking to get as much value as they can for their dollar. So they’re doing their homework, not only about individual writers but also the industry in general.

A lot of them are aware of certifications and want their writers to have one.

3. Professional Recognition.

Let’s face it. If you’re interested in writing an article for the local paper or giving a presentation at the local Chamber of Commerce meeting or library, it looks better to have professional credentials.

Think about it – if an organization wants to have someone come in and give a lecture on resume writing, won’t they be more likely to hire someone who is ‘Certified’ rather than someone who isn’t?

Having a professional designation automatically means you sound qualified at what you do.

Now that you know there are good reasons for getting a certification, it’s time to begin thinking about which one to get. At last count, there were more than 10 main certifications a resume writer could obtain.

The Top 3 Resume Certification Organizations

This section will provide details on the Top 3 certifying agencies and the specific resume writing certifications that they offer.

I. Professional Association of Resume Writers/Career Coaches

The PARW/CC is the oldest credentialing organization for resume writers, founded in 1990.

Prior to their formation, there were no associations for resume writers or career professionals. The organization was formed to achieve several purposes, the most important of which was to set quality standards in resume writing and to help resume writers share information about their craft.

Today it is the most widely-held certification among resume writers and (depending on who you talk to) either the Number One or one of the Top Two most respected designations a writer can hold.

CPRW Certification Prospective professional resume writers must pass a multi-part test comprised of multiple-choice questions and essay questions, all dealing with the different aspects of resume writing. [Editorial Note: Be sure to also check out our post titled, “ How Difficult Is The CPRW Exam .”

There is a study guide that applicants have several days to learn, and the final part of the exam involves creating a resume and cover letter from a mock client’s raw data.

The examination is timed, and the applicant can obtain and return the test via email or fax. Tests and sample resumes are reviewed by a team of industry professionals, and then a grade is issued.

The price of the study guide and examinations is $225, and applicants must demonstrate basic skills in resume writing before being approved to take the examination. To date, no sample CPRW test is available to the public.

Because the CPRW is both the most recognized designation in the industry and possibly the most highly regarded, more resume writers pursue this certification than any other. This is both a good and bad situation for new CPRWs because it means having a true industry-standard designation but it also means not standing out from the crowd anymore.

In addition to the CPRW designation, the PARW/CC also offers the following certifications:

Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP) Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC)

II. National Resume Writers Association (NRWA)

Formed originally as an offshoot of the Professional Association of Resume Writers (the Northeast Resume Writers Association), it evolved into the NRWA in 1997 and today boasts more than 400 members.

NCRW Certification Individuals wishing to obtain an NCRW designation are required to take an examination that covers resume writing, cover letter composition, proofreading, and electronic resume preparation.

Unlike the CPRW designation, before taking the exam a prospective writer must first obtain 10 continuing education units (CEUs). These can include outside courses, attending conferences, and performing self-study. Once received, the NCRW is valid for 3 years.

Retaining the certification is based on continuous membership in the NRWA and obtaining 15 CEUs during each 3-year period.

The price to take the certification test is $140, plus a $50 fee for submitting samples for evaluation. This is in addition to whatever membership fees the organization charges and the costs of CEUs.

While the NCRW program doesn’t offer anything that isn’t included in the CPRW designation, the NRWA’s policy of requiring continuing education throughout the writer’s career does tend to provide some impetus for keeping up-to-date on the latest trends.

On the other hand, some would object to the cost this involves and say a true professional will always keep abreast of changes in their industry and licensing shouldn’t depend on how many conferences are attended during a 3-year period.

III. Resume Writing Academy

The newest of the resume writing organizations, the Resume Writing Academy was founded by two resume writing professionals with extensive credentials, Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark. It is the only organization devoted entirely to providing advanced education to help professionals become certified resume writers.

From their website: “Graduating from the Resume Writing Academy is a true professional accomplishment. The program is tough, the grading is tougher and the expectations of your trainers.”

The program is much more intense than the other credentials, with a combination of classroom (in person or self-study), training assignments, independent learning projects, and examinations. Included with resume and cover letter preparation, the program also covers grammar, client positioning, and more.

Details: Part I includes 8 teleseminar classes plus weekly homework. Part II includes 3 independent learning programs (bi-weekly custom projects)

Students must earn an A or B for each assignment; a lower grade requires the assignment to be redone and resubmitted.

At the end of the 11-week program, students with all passing grades earn the Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) credential plus 36 continuing education credits (CEUs).

Pricing As might be expected for a program billing itself as the most extensive resume-writing credentialing program, the price is higher than any of the others. Registration for the Resume Writing Academy is $1,895 (formerly $2,295) and includes all training sessions, course materials, audio recordings, and more.

They also offer additional CE classes ranging from $99 to $199

Supplemental Certifications for Resume Writers

Various organizations offer other certifications for individuals looking to move beyond resume writing and into other areas of career and job search assistance.

Here are some of the most common of these:

1. Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC) This organization offers two non-resume writing certifications: the Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP) and the Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC). The CEIP involves specialized training in how to prepare clients for employment interviews. CEIPs assist their clients with interview training, question/response preparation, and making a positive impression during the interview.

As the title states, the CPCC is for professionals who focus on identifying life goals, ambitions, and career options for their clients, and then crafting customized career and job search strategies to help their clients achieve those goals. CPCCs are in demand to assist employed and unemployed individuals, recent college graduates, and people looking to pursue a career change.

2. International Coach Federation (ICF) This organization offers three different credentials: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC).

3. The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) This organization offers the Certified Professional Co-Active Coach designation. In order to achieve a CPCC, coaches must complete a multi-course core curriculum and then a 6-month certification program.

4. Career Coach Institute (CCI) The CCI offers the designation of Certified Career Coach (CCC). This program involves a series of study exercises, tests, e-based classes, practice coaching sessions, and a final examination. The CCI also offers the Certified Workforce Development Coach (CWDC) designation, which involves a similar curriculum and testing process.

5. Career Coach Academy (CCA) The first certification is the Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC), which is a rigorous 3-month training program including studies, examinations, and live coaching evaluation covering a wide range of topics.

The CCA’s second credential offering is the Certified Job Search Strategist (CJSS), in which coaches learn how to facilitate their clients’ success through job search strategy design and job seeker evaluation tactics. Coaches also learn online search strategies and tools, network fundamentals, interviewing concepts, and more.

6. Career Planning & Adult Development Network (CPADN) This organization offers Job & Career Transition Coach (JCTC) and Job & Career Development Coach (JCDC) credentials. Each credential is achieved by completing 3-day, hands-on workshops.

7. Career Thought Leaders Consortium (CTLC) To achieve this organization’s CCM designation, career professionals must already hold a Master’s Degree or higher, previous certifications in the field, published articles, previous CEUs, public speaking experience, volunteer experience, and more.

8. Life Purpose Institute (LPI) This organization offers a variety of certifications, including Life Purpose & Career Coach (LPCC), Certified Life Coach (CLC), and Certified Coach (CC). All programs involve a series of weekly teleclasses followed by nine to 12 practice sessions with real clients and an oral examination.

9. Reach Communications Reach Communications offers a Personal Branding Program certification (Certified Personal Branding Strategist – CPBS). This patented program teaches coaches how to provide custom, innovative career management strategies for their clients.

10. World Coach Institute (WCI) The WCI offers the ICF-approved Certified Career Coach (CCC) designation, which includes career assessment, networking, interviewing, communication skills, career advancement, transformational coaching, and other training areas.

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Home Side Hustle Basics How to Become a Resume Writer

Close view of a freelance CPRW creating a resume for a client on a laptop.

How to Become a Professional Resume Writer

September 15, 2023

Written by:

Erica Warren's headshot

Erica Warren

Erica is a freelance writer and proofreader. As the owner of Words with Erica, she helps indie fantasy authors polish their...

Startup Time

Startup Costs


College Required

Certification Required

If you’re a talented writer looking to make some extra cash, resume writing is one of the best ways to put your skills to work. It’s a relatively easy side hustle to get off the ground, and it’s one that you can do remotely.

Keep reading to find out how to add this in-demand service to your repertoire.

01. What does a professional resume writer do?

Resume writers help people create or update their resumes before applying for jobs

resume writer side hustle

As you probably know, a resume is a document that details your work experience, skills, and education. It’s essential for anyone who wants to land a job or transition into a new career.

A lot of people find resumes intimidating and put off creating or updating theirs. Many would rather hire a freelance writer to do it for them. Professional resume writers provide this service, creating polished resumes for people so that they don’t have to do it themselves.

As a resume writer, it’ll be your job to produce a professional-looking document for each client and do so in a way that presents their qualifications and experience in the best possible light. They’ll be relying on you to boost the odds that they’ll get hired quickly.

Who can become a resume writer?

Anyone with the right set of skills can write resumes for money. Above all, you’ll need to be a strong writer with good attention to detail. You’ll also need a certain amount of technical savvy (to use the software required to create a resume), and if you have design skills, that’s also a plus.

You don’t need a college degree or a special certification to do this kind of work—you just need to be able to convince potential clients that you’d do a good job.

That said, there are professional resume-writing certifications, and getting one can be a big help. We’ll go over this in more detail below.

02. How to start a resume writing side hustle in 5 steps

Brush up your skills, consider getting the CPRW or NCRW certification, and land your first client

Professional resume writing isn’t the hardest field to break into, but it does take some work. Follow these five steps to get started writing resumes professionally:

1. Build your skills

Although most resumes are short (between one and two pages long), it still takes time, effort, and expertise to craft an excellent one. Brush up the following skills:

Writing and editing

Traditional writing skills are a must for a resume writer. You’ll need to summarize your clients’ work experience with simple but descriptive language that will grab a hiring manager’s eye.

Basic editing and proofreading skills are essential as well. You may be asked to edit an existing document instead of creating a resume from scratch. You’ll need great attention to detail to spot and correct any errors and to be sure you don’t introduce any mistakes yourself.

As a resume writer, you’ll need to gather information on each client’s background and the job market in general. You’ll also need to gain a thorough understanding of terms specific to their industry. This will help you highlight relevant skills to persuade the hiring manager that the client is a good fit for the position.

Note that clients may want you to use particular keywords that are specific to their field or the job they’re applying for. Even if they don’t, you should be prepared to research this on your own. Many companies use automated systems to process incoming resumes, and it’s important to include any keywords they’ll be scanning for.


You need to understand your clients to create good resumes for them. This may require interviewing them via phone, email, video call, or a fillable form to get the information you need—their education, work experience, skills, accomplishments in the field, etc.

The client may ask for revisions if they’re unhappy with an aspect of the final product. You’ll need good listening skills so you can understand and incorporate their feedback. Sometimes, you might also need to tactfully explain why their suggestions are off-base and you recommend doing things another way.

Computer skills

While you don’t need expert technological skills, you’ll need proficiency with the software programs that are commonly used for writing and laying out resumes. Microsoft Word and Canva are both popular programs with editable resume templates.

As mentioned, you might need basic design skills to customize each client’s resume and make it visually pleasing. You also should know how to export documents in a variety of formats, such as PDF.

2. Considering furthering your education

You don’t need a degree to become a resume writer, but having a bachelor’s degree in English, communication, journalism, or a similar discipline will give you an edge. If you have a degree in an unrelated field (such as engineering), that can be an advantage, too—you can leverage your industry knowledge to write resumes in that niche.

If you don’t already have a college degree, it probably doesn’t make sense to get one just to launch a resume-writing side hustle. However, there are less formal types of education that you can pursue as well.

For instance, consider taking a human resources course (either online or at a local university) to learn about the hiring process from the perspective of a hiring manager.

You could also contact a company in your area and ask to shadow someone in their HR department while they review resumes. There’s a surprising amount of bad resume-writing advice out there, and you’ll have a leg up (both when it comes to landing clients and doing your job) if you have direct insight into what hiring managers are actually looking for.

3. Get certified (if you plan on pursuing this long-term)

Getting a professional resume-writing certification isn’t required, but it will give you an advantage when you pitch your services. You have several options:

Become a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

The Certified Professional Resume Writer credetial is the industry-standard certification given to experienced professional resume writers who pass a test administered by the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC) . They offer a training program to prepare you for the test, although taking it isn’t required.

In order to take the test, get certified, and maintain your credential, you’ll need to have an active PARWCC membership.

  • CPRW exam : $295 (one-time fee)
  • PARWCC membership : $175 (yearly)
  • Training course : $500 (one-time, optional)

Become a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW)

The Nationally Certified Resume Writer certification is a similar credential offered by the National Résumé Writers’ Association (NRWA) .

The NRWA also requires membership to go through the testing process, and you’ll need to participate in their in-house continuing education program and submit a writing sample for review before taking the exam.

  • NCRW exam : $250 (one-time)
  • NRWA membership : $175 (yearly)
  • Writing sample review : $75 (one-time)

Note that there are several other certifications for professional resume writers, but they’re fairly niche. Most of the time, when people claim to be “certified” in this industry, they’re talking about either the CPRW or NCRW, with the CPRW being significantly more widely recognized.

4. Gain experience

A lot goes into writing a winning resume, and your first few projects may take you longer than you’d like, but as you practice and develop your skills, you’ll get faster and better.

Here are some ways to gain experience so you’re ready for your first job:

  • Begin with yourself : One way to gain experience right away is to be your own first client. Create a resume for yourself to showcase your skills to potential clients.
  • Help out people you know : Ask to revamp existing resumes for your friends and family and add those to your growing portfolio as examples of your work.
  • Volunteer : Donate your skills to recruitment companies or nonprofit organizations that help unemployed people find work.

5. Look for jobs

how to become a resume writer

With a great number of people seeking new employment all the time, the demand for resume writers is consistently high, so finding jobs shouldn’t be difficult. Look for work in the following places:

Online job boards

Your best bet is to register on online platforms that list jobs for freelancers, such as:

Create a profile showcasing your skills and start applying to jobs.

Other sources of resume-writing work

You can also find job opportunities by contacting:

  • Recruitment agencies : Search LinkedIn for recruitment agencies looking to hire freelance resume writers.
  • HR groups : Reach out to local HR groups that regularly hire new resume writers and ask about internship opportunities or entry-level positions.
  • Individuals : Talk to people you know who have recently been laid off or who are looking for a new job. New graduates wanting to enter their chosen field and business executives looking to advance their careers also make good potential clients.

You can also choose to set up your own website and start advertising your services by connecting with people on social media.

03. How much can you make with a resume writing side hustle?

Rates for freelance resume writers are variable, but you can expect to earn upwards of $50 per resume

The rates you can get away with charging will vary widely based on the complexity of the resume and the industry the client wants to work in.

Writing a standard resume for somebody who wants to land a job at a retail store might pay between $50 and $75 . Meanwhile, a resume for a business executive seeking employment at a Fortune 500 company might pay between $200 and $300 .

As you’d expect, the latter type of job will also be much tougher to land, with a lot more competition from your fellow freelancers and CPRWs. Remember that you can charge more if you’ve been certified or have several years of experience.

Other jobs that use the same skills as resume writing

There are always people applying to jobs, so resume writing is in high demand. But if you aren’t sure whether it’s the right fit for you, there are other similar side hustles you could try.

Consider pursuing these services instead of or in addition to writing resumes:

  • Writing cover letters : Many job applications require a cover letter, and writing a good one takes specialized skills. People will hire you to write a cover letter for much the same reasons they hire you to write their resume. This is a good side hustle to add if you particularly enjoy the “writing” part of being a CPRW.
  • LinkedIn profile optimizer : People looking for employment may also pay you to optimize their LinkedIn profile, which can act as a sort of resume itself. Potential employers are more likely to hire someone with a complete, professional profile.
  • Copywriting : If you want to flex your writing muscles, try writing blog posts, articles, or marketing copy for businesses or websites. Knowledge of SEO is especially prized in this industry.
  • Proofreading or editing : Professional writers often transition into careers as editors or proofreaders. While many of the same skills apply, you’ll need additional training to perform these services.

Resume writing is an engaging and rewarding side hustle that can start off small and grow into an entire business if you so choose. Helping people get jobs could become your job!

robert jellison author photo

Robert Jellison

Managing Editor

Robert is a writer and editor for He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as the in-house editor for, a platform for remote and part-time writers.

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associates you with the NRWA's standards of re   excellence, which reflect sales-focused, relevant, succinct career search documents that are quality-oriented and visually appealing. 

 and cover letters as either a new business owner, or as a staff member of a college career, workforce investment or military transition center.

NCRW candidates must report 10 in-house Continuing Education Units (CEU) that the candidate has earned within three years prior to taking the NCRW Exam. CEUs can be earned from a variety of sources including presentations, conferences and workshops, coursework, .

NCRW status is valid for three years. To maintain status, NCRWs must maintain continuous membership in the NRWA and earn at least 15 CEUs between three-year renewals.

The sample submission is to help gauge where you are with your current skills and if you need to prepare more to successfully pass the test. You will receive feedback from an NCRW commission grader that will help you prepare for the test or to submit another sample, if needed. You must receive a "Ready" recommendation from the grader to proceed to the NCRW Exam (Step 3).

After completing steps 1 and 2, NCRW candidates may register for the NCRW examination. In the exam, candidates will be provided a fictitious client profile and asked to write a resume and cover letter based solely on the information in the client profile provided.


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Click here to download The NCRW Study Guide

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How to Write the Perfect Fresher Resume Templates and Examples

How to Write the Perfect Fresher Resume Templates and Examples

  • August 25, 2024

Creating a resume as a fresher can be challenging, especially when you have little to no work experience. However, with the right approach, you can craft a resume that highlights your skills, education, and potential, making you an attractive candidate to employers. This guide will walk you through the process of writing a fresher resume, providing you with an example and a template to help you get started.

1. Choose the Right Resume Format

There are several resume formats to choose from, but the most suitable for freshers are:

  • Chronological Resume: Lists your education and experiences in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional Resume: Focuses on skills and abilities rather than experience.
  • Combination Resume: Merges the chronological and functional formats, highlighting both skills and experiences.

For freshers, the functional resume is often the best choice, as it emphasizes your skills and education over work experience.

Free CV Builder: 2. Start with a Strong Objective Statement

Your resume should begin with a concise objective statement. This statement should reflect your career goals and what you can offer to the employer. Since you are a fresher, focus on your enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and any relevant skills you possess.

Example Objective Statement:

"A highly motivated and dedicated recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, seeking an entry-level position in software development. Eager to apply my technical skills and problem-solving abilities to contribute to innovative projects."

3. Highlight Your Education

As a fresher, your education is one of your strongest assets. Be sure to list your degrees, institutions attended, and any honors or relevant coursework. If you have a strong GPA, include it as well.

Example Education Section:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ABC University, XYZ City | June 2024 - GPA: 3.8/4.0 - Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Database Management

4. Showcase Your Skills

Example Skills Section:

  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Database Management: SQL, MongoDB
  • Soft Skills: Problem-solving, Time Management, Team Collaboration

5. Include Internships and Projects

If you’ve completed internships, volunteer work, or academic projects, include them in your resume. These experiences demonstrate your practical knowledge and ability to apply your skills in real-world situations.

Example Experience Section:

Internship - Web Development Intern Tech Solutions, XYZ City | Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

  • Developed and maintained the company's website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Collaborated with the design team to enhance user experience.

Academic Project - E-commerce Website

  • Created a fully functional e-commerce website as part of a group project.
  • Implemented front-end and back-end features using JavaScript and MongoDB.

6. Add Extra Sections

You can add additional sections to your resume to further highlight your strengths. Consider sections such as Certifications, Extracurricular Activities, Languages, or Awards.

Example Extra Sections:


  • Certified Python Developer, ABC Institute, March 2023

Extracurricular Activities

  • Member of the Coding Club at ABC University
  • Volunteer at XYZ Charity Organization

7. Keep It Concise and Well-Formatted

8. proofread and customize.

[Your Name] [Your Address] | [City, State, Zip Code] | [Your Email Address] | [Your Phone Number]

Objective A highly motivated and dedicated recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, seeking an entry-level position in software development. Eager to apply my technical skills and problem-solving abilities to contribute to innovative projects.

Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ABC University, XYZ City | June 2024 - GPA: 3.8/4.0 - Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Database Management

Web Development Intern Tech Solutions, XYZ City | Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

E-commerce Website Project

Register on for Job Opportunities: If you're actively looking for job opportunities, consider registering on, a leading educational and career platform in Pakistan. connects job seekers with potential employers, offering a wide range of opportunities across various industries. By registering, you can stay updated on the latest job openings and apply to positions that match your skills and interests. Visit today and kickstart your career!

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how to become a resume writer

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  3. Home

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  4. 12 Top Certifications for Professional Resume Writers

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  5. Certification

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  8. - NRWA

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    Learn the basics of resume writing, the benefits of formal training and certification, and the best ways to find clients. offers tips, courses, and membership for resume writers.

  13. Resume & Profile Writing Certification Programs

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  14. Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW)

    The price structure for obtaining the NCRW certification breaks down like this: $175 fee to become a member of the NRWA. $75 fee for submitting resume samples for review by colleagues. $250 fee to take the exam that includes proofreading and cover letter/resume writing [Should you fail the exam, a $150 fee is required to retake it after 30 days]

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  16. Do You Need To Be a Certified Resume Writer (CRW/CPRW)?

    The newest of the resume writing organizations, the Resume Writing Academy was founded by two resume writing professionals with extensive credentials, Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark. It is the only organization devoted entirely to providing advanced education to help professionals become certified resume writers.

  17. How to Become a Freelance or Professional Resume Writer

    Volunteer: Donate your skills to recruitment companies or nonprofit organizations that help unemployed people find work. 5. Look for jobs. With a great number of people seeking new employment all the time, the demand for resume writers is consistently high, so finding jobs shouldn't be difficult.

  18. NCRW Certification

    Becoming a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) associates you with the NRWA's standards of resume excellence, which reflect sales-focused, relevant, succinct career search documents that are quality-oriented and visually appealing.. While not a prerequisite, in our experience those with the greatest chance of NCRW exam success have had at least 2 years of experience writing resumes and ...

  19. Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches

    Become a PARWCC Member. Since 1990, The Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches™ has helped career professionals to collaborate, enhance their skills, and demonstrate their commitment to job seekers. Together, we are dedicated to providing excellence through professional services that not just meet, but aim to exceed ...

  20. How to Become a Freelance Resume Writer (With Skills)

    How to become a resume writer. Here are the steps you can follow when exploring how to become a resume writer: 1. Obtain a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is the bare minimum requirement a client expects in a professional resume writer. While you can complete a degree in any field, a bachelor's degree in English, communication ...

  21. How to Make a Resume: 2024 Resume Writing Guide

    To make a resume that fully demonstrates your experiences and goals, it's important to be strategic with the language, format, and sections you include. In general, there are three broad steps to making your resume: Identifying keywords and important skills. Choosing a format. Writing each section. In this resume guide, we'll offer tips and ...

  22. How To Craft a Writer Resume (With Examples and Tips)

    Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting your writer resume: 1. Provide your contact information. One of the first pieces of information a hiring manager expects to find on your resume is your contact information. This is typically written at the top of the document.

  23. How To Make a Comprehensive Resume (With Examples)

    Related: Resume samples and templates to inspire your next application. 2. Include your name and contact information. Your resume should begin with your name and contact information, including your professional email address and phone number. You have a choice about whether or not to include your mailing address.

  24. How to Write the Perfect Fresher Resume Templates and Examples

    However, with the right approach, you can craft a resume that highlights your skills, education, and potential, making you an attractive candidate to employers. This guide will walk you through the process of writing a fresher resume, providing you with an example and a template to help you get started. 1. Choose the Right Resume Format