Group Presentations and Report Writing

This page contains ideas for supporting students as they prepare group presentations and write reports of their group activity. (Other pages under the Group Work heading discuss the benefits and challenges of group work more generally.)

Your students can learn from the experience and findings of other groups by having groups share the results of their work with the rest of the class through group oral presentations, poster presentations and group reports. If you use group writing, you can ask students to provide feedback on the reports of other groups, based on the specified marking criteria.

Presentations and reports might be about the key issues and findings associated with the group task, or the processes of group work – what worked, what didn’t work, and how the group could improve next time – or they might involve a combination of the two.

Helping students plan for group presentations

It's important to be extremely clear about exactly what you want to see in your students' presentations. Ideally, you will guide them around the most common pitfalls that could prevent them from producing high-quality work. A rubric with specific evaluation criteria can be very helpful as students decide how they want to approach the task. At the very least, you will need to tell them their time or word-count limitations and the degree to which you want them to rely on formal, scholarly sources.

You can also give your students some simple guidelines for giving group presentations, to enhance the quality of their future presentations both at university and professionally. You might like to give them the following questions on planning their group presentation. Allow them time in class to discuss the questions and plan their presentations. You might ask them to submit their question responses, so that you can provide some formative feedback before they present.

Student handout 1

What are we going to present?

What will the overall structure look like?

How are we going to divide up the presentation, and who is going to present what?

What audio-visual aids or handouts will we need?

How will we introduce the presentation, link the parts together and conclude?

How are we going to keep the audience interested, active and involved?

Adapted from G. Gibbs (1994), Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Centre for Staff, p.49.

In addition, you could provide groups with a checklist, such as the one below, to help them develop a thoughtful and engaging presentation.

Student handout 2

In planning our presentation we have:

(Adapted from Gibbs, , 1994, pp. 50–51.)

Griffiths University's Oral Communication Toolkit contains resources for you as you support your students in learning oral-presentation skills, as well as a number of handouts that students might find useful when preparing presentations. These include:

  • Basic principles of effective communication
  • A checklist to help students prepare for oral presentations
  • Guidelines for giving seminar presentations
  • A planning tool to help students structure their presentation
  • Tips for speaking to an audience
  • Guidelines for producing visual aids
  • Guidelines for answering questions.

Supporting students in writing a group report

Writing a group report requires effective organisation, time management and communication skills. Students often find report writing on their own challenging, and group writing can be even more intimidating if students are not given some guidelines on how to approach it. Without guidelines, one or two students in a group often end up writing the group report, and this can create workload issues, and resentment when marks are distributed.

Support students in writing a group report by providing guidelines for structuring the report and dividing the workload – who will write what sections and take responsibility for tasks such as editing, proofreading and publishing.

Students' approach to a group writing task will depend on the nature of the task. One of the following three options may suit:

Option 1 – One student in the group writes the report on behalf of the group.

This option can result in the writer taking on too much of the workload. It may be suitable, however, if the non-writing members of the group have been given responsibility for other major tasks. The advantages include:

  • Groups can choose the best writer in their group.
  • The report will have a consistent style.
  • The writing will take up less of the group’s time (although it is time consuming for the writer).

The obvious disadvantage is that students, particularly those who could improve their writing skills, do not get the opportunity to practise their writing. In addition, the report does always not benefit from the diverse ideas and experience of the group, and having one writer doesn’t in itself prepare students for a team presentation.

Option 2 – Group members write one section of the report each.

Students divide the task into sections. Each student writes one section, and then the group assembles the report by piecing the sections together.

This might be a suitable option if students are writing about their particular areas of research or expertise. Students may consider this approach more equitable. It also breaks the task down into more-manageable sections.

However, it does not require students to work collaboratively on the report in terms of developing its ideas and shaping its overall structure. Also, it may be difficult to link the sections together and make the report flow; some sections may require more time and effort than others; it may be difficult to coordinate; and students do not get the opportunity to explore other sections through the writing process. Like Option 1, this approach does not always allow students to draw on the collective ideas and diverse experience of the group.

Option 3 – Students write the report collaboratively and experience various roles

While this option may be more time-consuming, it gives students the opportunity to experience report writing as a staged process involving several drafts, revision, rewriting and, importantly, the giving and receiving of feedback.

The following handout makes suggestions for how students might approach a collaborative group report.

Student handout 3

As a group, meet to discuss and agree on the overall structure of your report – that is, what sections it should have, and what the function of each section is. Roughly what should go in each section?

As a group, create an outline for your report that consists of a list of contents and/or a paragraph explaining what each section will be about. Clarify how each section relates to all the others.

Decide roughly how long (how many words, pages or minutes) each section should be.

For each section of the report, decide who is going to write it, and who is going to review it (you might choose to have more than one reviewer for each section). Everyone in the group should write and review at least one section.

The role of the reviewer is to meet with the writer and discuss the outline of the relevant section, read and provide feedback on written drafts and review the completed section.

You might also like to select members of your group to perform the following roles:

As a group, discuss the whole draft:

Make notes during the discussion and then decide who should do what. If only small changes are required, this might be best done by the editor for your group. As a final step, it can be useful to put yourselves in the role of the marker: make comments and evaluate each section and the report as a whole against the marking criteria. Alternatively, you could ask another group to adopt the role of marker and provide feedback on your report.

(Adapted from Gibbs, , 1994, pp. 54–55.)

Reporting on group processes

When students review and report on the processes of group work, they reflect on their experiences as a group and understand better what makes a group work well together.

You can ask students to write their report as individuals or as a team (or perhaps a combination of the two). Encourage them to draw on specific incidents and examples and take an analytical approach (rather than a descriptive one). Instead of focusing on content, students should consider the group's methods and processes and assess their effectiveness. That is, concentrating on how the group worked as a whole rather than on individual members' actions.

Ask your students to reflect on their own individual role within the group: what their contribution was, what role(s) they played, how well they fulfilled their responsibilities and how they could work more effectively in groups in the future.

Use some or all of the following questions to provide a framework for students to report on the processes of group work.

Student handout 4

How did you get to know each other as a group and establish ways of working together?

What roles did you adopt within your group?

How did you organise group meetings?

How did you allocate tasks?

What other strategies did you use for dividing up the workload (e.g. working in pairs)?

How did you improve the effectiveness of your group?

What challenges and issues did you experience as a group?

What process did you use to write your group report and/or develop your presentation?

What were your strengths and weaknesses as a group?

What were your personal strengths and weaknesses as a member of the group?

How would you personally do things differently if you were to work with the same group?

How has this experience helped you to understand the role of groups in the workplace?

What else have you learnt about working in groups?

(Adapted from: Gibbs, , 1994, p. 57.)

  • Academic presentations: Group presentations
  • Student Presentations in a large class setting
  • Tips and Strategies Supporting Learners’ Oral Presentations

Aguilera, A., Schreier, J. & Saitow, C. (2017). Using iterative group presentations in an introductory biology course to enhance student engagement and critical thinking . American Biology Teacher , 79(6), 450-445.

Brady, C. & Jung, H. (2019). Group presentations as a site for collective modeling activity . Mathematical and Statistical Science Faculty Research and Publications. Marquette University.

Kawamura, M. (2019). Perceived difficulties in group presentations: Action research as an intervention . International Journal of Learning and Teaching , 5(2), 119-124.

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  • Flipped classroom
  • Ideas for Effective Group Work
  • Preparing for Group Work
  • Reflective Listening
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Structuring Group Discussion
  • Managing Groups
  • Presentations & Report Writing
  • Reviewing Group Member Contributions
  • Identifying Group Issues
  • Dealing with Group Issues
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  • Questioning
  • Simulations
  • Teaching diverse groups
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10+ SAMPLE Group Project Report in PDF

Group project report, 10+ sample group project report, what is a group project report, different types of group project report, benefits of writing a group project report, basic elements of a group project report, how to write a group project report, what are some examples of group project reports, what are the benefits of a writing group project report, what are the significant steps in writing a group project report, how to develop a summary for work and project achievements.

Sample Group Project Report

Sample Group Project Report

Group Project Report Format

Group Project Report Format

Group Project Progress Report

Group Project Progress Report

Final Group Project Report

Final Group Project Report

Group Service Project Report

Group Service Project Report

Group Housing Project Report

Group Housing Project Report

Group Project Report Example

Group Project Report Example

Working Group Project Report

Working Group Project Report

Immune System Group Project Report

Immune System Group Project Report

Group Project Assignment Report

Group Project Assignment Report

Group Project Report in PDF

Group Project Report in PDF

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Group Project Report

Report generator.

group presentation report sample

When you think about project reports , you think about what should be in them. The majority of people know for a fact that group projects do come with paperwork. Students, employees, businessmen, and women know that group projects will always come with a specific type of paperwork. The kind of paperwork they need to do is a project report. Since this is a group project, their report will also be a group project report. To get a good idea of what a group report is all about, let’s go and get a good look at the examples below. You can also check out 17+ Project Report Examples .

6+ Group Project Report Examples

1. group project report template.

Group Project Report Template

Size: 55 KB

2. Basic Group Project Report

Basic Group Project Report

Size: 267 KB

3. Final Group Project Report

Final Group Project Report

Size: 93 KB

4. Immune System Group Project Report

Immune System Group Project Report

Size: 278 KB

5. Applications Group Project Report

Applications Group Project Report

Size: 433 KB

6. Standard Group Project Report

Standard Group Project Report

7. Format for Group Project Report

Format for Group Project Report

Size: 85 KB

What Is a Group Project Report?

A group project report is a type of document and a type of report that serves the purpose of explaining the summary progress of the project that is given to the group. To get a better picture of a group project report, you can also check on a monthly status report . A group project report does have the same information if not, will differ just a little bit from the monthly status report. In addition, a group project report contains information that can serve as a means to explain to your superiors of the ongoing status of the group project and when it will be finished. Lastly, a group project report gives out a brief description of the project and its overall status. 

How to Create a Group Project Report

What do you need to add to make a group project report? The group project report is like writing your  progress report . When you write a report, there are some things you have to take into consideration. The format, the outline, and what information you are going to be giving within the report. Here are steps to help you make your group project report. 

1. Focus On Your Audience

Who is your audience for your report? Being fully aware of whom you are handling the project report helps. In addition, any information is also helpful. The main reason to focus on your audience is, your project report can be read by just about anyone and it is always best to be prepared as to how you may word things.

2. Plan on the Purpose of Your Report

What is the general purpose of the report? To make your project report a success, outlining and planning by drafting your report is a necessity. The purpose of the project report has to be about what you and the team did . Focus on the purpose and everything will follow. Writing in narratives is also a common thing for this kind of report.

3. Facts Should Be Clear and Concise

Moving on to the facts of the report. Writing the facts, it goes without saying they must be clear enough to be understood. Concise enough to be followed through. Any given information must be fact-based and should be taken from the status or progress of the group project.

4. Revisions Should Be Done before Sending

Whether you have made a draft or simply wrote the report down, you must think about proofreading it before you send it in. Any revisions should be done just in case you may have forgotten something.

What is a group project report?

A group project report is a document that summarizes the progress and the status of an ongoing group project. The group project report consists of facts that are related to the group project, the members, their roles, and of course the general details that concern the group project.

How do you create a group project report?

To start you must focus on your audience, and what they need to know. The next one is your facts being clear and concise. Another thing to take notice of is the purpose of your report. Last but not the least, summarize the ongoing progress of the project in the report.

Why should the group make this report?

The main reason for making the report is to give your superiors an overview of the group project. In addition, it also gives your superiors an idea of how the group project is doing.

When you are handling projects within a group or an organization, it is always expected to record the ongoing progress and status of the project. The report is made just for that purpose. Check out other related articles like FREE 36+ Project Report Examples now .


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5 Powerful Group Presentation Examples + Guide to Nail Your Next Talk

Leah Nguyen • 04 April, 2024 • 6 min read

A group presentation is a chance to combine your superpowers, brainstorm like mad geniuses, and deliver a presentation that'll have your audience begging for an encore.

That's the gist of it.

It can also be a disaster if it's not done right. Fortunately, we have awesome group presentation examples to help you get the hang of it💪.

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What is a good group presentation, #1. delivering a successful team presentation, #2. athletetrax team presentation, #3. bumble - 1st place - 2017 national business plan competition, #4. 2019 final round yonsei university, #5. 1st place | macy's case competition, bottom line, frequently asked questions, tips for audience engagement.

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What is a good group presentation?Clear communication, convincing arguments, careful preparation, and the ability to adapt.
What are the benefits of group presentations?Collaborative effort, shared resources, and fresh concepts.

Group presentation example

Here are some key aspects of a good group presentation:

• Organisation - The presentation should follow a logical flow, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. An outline or roadmap shown upfront helps guide the audience.

• Visual aids – Use slides, videos, diagrams, etc. to enhance the presentation and keep it engaging. But avoid overly packed slides with too much text. For the sake of convenience of quickly sharing the content, you can attach a QR code directly in your presentation using slides QR code generator for this goal.

• Speaking skills - Speak clearly, at an appropriate pace and volume. Make eye contact with the audience. Limit filler words and verbal tics.

• Participation - All group members should contribute to the presentation in an active and balanced way. They should speak in an integrated, conversational manner. You can also gather attention from your audience by using different interactive features, including spinner wheel word cloud , live Q&A , online quiz creator and survey tool , to maximize engagement.

🎉 Choose the best Q&A tool with AhaSlides

• Content - The material should be relevant, informative, and at an appropriate level for the audience. Good research and preparation ensure accuracy.

• Interaction - Involve the audience through questions, demonstrations, polls , or activities. This helps keep their attention and facilitates learning.

• Time management - Stay within the allotted time through careful planning and time checks. Have someone in the group monitor the clock.

• Audience focus - Consider the audience's needs and perspective. Frame the material in a way that is relevant and valuable to them.

• Conclusion - Provide a strong summary of the main points and takeaways. Leave the audience with key messages they'll remember from your presentation.

🎊 Tips: Icebreaker games | The secret weapon for connecting a new group

Present in powerful and creative visual

Engage your audience in real-time. Let them imprint your presentation in their head with revolutionising interactive slides!

Best Group Presentation Examples

To give you a good idea of what a good group presentation is, here are some specific examples for you to learn from.

The video provides helpful examples and recommendations to illustrate each of these tips for improving team presentations.

The speaker recommends preparing thoroughly as a team, assigning clear roles to each member, and rehearsing multiple times to deliver an effective team presentation that engages the audience.

They speak loudly and clearly, make eye contact with the audience, and avoid reading slides word for word.

The visuals are done properly, with limited text on slides, and relevant images and graphics are used to support key points.

The presentation follows a logical structure, covering the company overview, the problem they are solving, the proposed solution, business model, competition, marketing strategy, finances, and next steps. This makes it easy to follow.

The presenters speak clearly and confidently, make good eye contact with the audience, and avoid simply reading the slides. Their professional demeanor creates a good impression.

They provide a cogent and concise answer to the one question they receive at the end, demonstrating a good understanding of their business plan.

This group nails it with a positive attitude throughout the presentation . Smiles show warmness in opposition to blank stares.

The team cites relevant usage statistics and financial metrics to demonstrate Bumble's growth potential. This lends credibility to their pitch.

All points are elaborated well, and they switch between members harmoniously.

This group presentation shows that a little stutter initially doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They keep going with confidence and carry out the plan flawlessly, which impresses the judging panel.

The team provides clear, supported responses that demonstrate their knowledge and thoughtfulness.

When answering the questions from the judge, they exchange frequent eye contact with them, showing confident manners.

🎉 Tips: Divide your team into smaller groups for them to practice presenting better!

In this video , we can see instantly that each member of the group takes control of the stage they present naturally. They move around, exuding an aura of confidence in what they're saying.

For an intricate topic like diversity and inclusion, they made their points well-put by backing them up with figures and data.

🎊 Tips: Rate your presentation by effective rating scale tool , to make sure that everyone's satisfied with your presentation!

We hope these group presentation examples will help you and your team members achieve clear communication, organisation, and preparation, along with the ability to deliver the message in an engaging and compelling manner. These factors all contribute to a good group presentation that wow the audience.

More to read:

  • 💡 10 Interactive Presentation Techniques for Engagement
  • 💡 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of all Ages
  • 💡 Complete Guide to Interactive Presentations

What is a group presentation?

A group presentation is a presentation given by multiple people, typically two or more, to an audience. Group presentations are common in academic, business, and organisational settings.

How do you make a group presentation?

To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting text, practice your full presentation together and provide each other with feedback, conclude strongly by summarising key takeaways.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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Top 10 Focus Group Templates with  Examples and Samples

Top 10 Focus Group Templates with  Examples and Samples

Anushka Bansal


Launching a product without a focus group is like setting sail on a ship you built alone, without checking if the design or the structure has a leak that can be deadly on the waves. 

You may have poured your heart and soul into it, but without feedback from diverse voices, you might miss crucial flaws - like a faulty rudder or forgotten life rafts. A focus group acts as your crew, testing the ship, identifying potential problems, and ultimately ensuring  a smooth  and safe voyage.

Why have focus groups?

Focus groups are guided conversations, bringing together 6-10 individuals to discuss a specific topic, like your product. A moderator, like a skilled orchestra conductor, steers the conversation, prompting participants to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This rich exchange provides invaluable insights you wouldn't get from a simple survey.

Here's why focus groups are relevant:

  • Uncover hidden gems: Participants often reveal unexpected needs, desires, and pain points you might have missed. This "aha moment" can be the missing puzzle piece for creating a  successful product.
  • Gauge emotional response: Beyond just facts and figures, focus groups capture the emotional connection people have with your concept. Does your app feel empowering or confusing? Participants' genuine reactions are gold.
  • Refine and iterate: Imagine getting real-time feedback on your product's design or features. Focus groups allow you to test  versions, identify areas for improvement, and refine your offering before a wider launch.

Focus groups are a powerful tool to understand the "why" behind user behavior, helping you create products and services that resonate with your target audience. 

To organize focus group studies and compile these outcomes, we present to you our Focus Group Templates . These templates are 100% editable, customizable and  content-ready;  provide you with a structure to present and comprehend your focus group insights. With the desired flexibility to edit, they can be tailored to audience profiles you are presenting to. 

Template 1: Focus Group Results PPT Deck 

Elevate your decision-making with our comprehensive Focus Group Templates PPT Deck. Crafted for business professionals, this resource empowers you to present and analyze results efficiently. Navigate through slides covering diverse topics, including presenting focus group discussions, gauging employee engagement, and aligning results with organizational priorities. Witness the impact of focus group outcomes in a round table setting and explore their role in market research. Unveil  steps to extract actionable insights, ensuring your business stays ahead. Streamline communication, prioritize tasks, and enhance initiatives with this essential toolkit. Download Now!

Focus Group Results PPT Deck

Download Now!

Template 2: Focus Group Outcomes PPT Template 

Use this PPT Template for a visual categorization of focus group outcomes. Add images of  participants, and alongside you can mention  insights gathered by each of the individuals. Based on this data, you can also segregate on the basis of demographics. Download Now

Focus Group Outcomes PPT Template

Template 3: Focus Group Agenda PPT Template

Maximize the potential of your focus group sessions with this Focus Group Agenda PPT Template. This comprehensive slide offers a structured approach, featuring insightful sections on Storyboards, Present and Future States, Requirements, Guides, Recommendations, and a dedicated space for Questions and Discussions. Tailored for efficiency, it streamlines your focus group process, ensuring a guided exploration of key aspects. Elevate your discussions, align participants, and extract  insights. Facilitate clarity, stimulate collaboration, and drive purposeful conversations —your indispensable tool for orchestrating impactful and organized focus group sessions.

Focus Group Agenda PPT Template

Template 4: Focus Group in Circular Infographic PPT Template

This  engaging slide transforms data into a dynamic visual journey. Effortlessly present key elements like discussion topics, participant insights, and collaborative outcomes in a circular format. The icons will enable you to present insights and capture your audience's attention. This dynamic tool redefines how you visualize and present focus group insights. Download Now.

Focus Group in Circular Infographic PPT Template

Template 5: Two-way focus group with humans image on both sides PPT Template

Conduct a two way focus group study with this PPT Template. It will allow you to involve simultaneous interactions between two distinct groups, enablinging for dynamic discussions and insights. This PPT Template allows heightened depth and diversity of perspectives. This format encourages real-time exchanges between participants and provides a richer understanding of opinions, experiences, and ideas. By fostering immediate dialogue, a two-way focus group promotes more nuanced and comprehensive insights, enhancing   quality of information gathered during the research process. Download Now!

Two-way focus group with humans image on both sides PPT Template

Template 6: Qualitative data collection tools with online forums and focus groups PPT Template

Revolutionize your qualitative data collection with our dynamic toolkit featuring cutting-edge online forums and focus groups. Seamlessly integrate Online Forums, Communities, Web Surveys, and traditional methods like Focus Groups and Depth Interviews (Triads/Dyads). This slide delivers a comprehensive suite of qualitative data collection tools, fostering rich insights. Engage participants in diverse settings, harness the power of virtual collaboration, and unlock  perspectives.

Qualitative data collection tools with online forums and focus groups PPT Template

Template 7: Qualitative online forum communities chat focus groups depth interview PPT Template

Unlock the potential of qualitative research with our comprehensive toolkit featuring Online Forums, Communities, Chat, Focus Groups, and Depth Interviews. Tailored for virtual engagement, this slide offers a user-friendly platform for dynamic discussions. Foster connections, extract insights, and enhance collaboration in online communities. Elevate your qualitative research game with this versatile suite, ensuring a deeper and clearer  understanding of participant perspectives. Download Now!

Qualitative online forum communities chat focus groups depth interview PPT Template

Template 8: Focus Group Summary with Company Description Key Drivers and Demographics PPT Template

This structured template features columns for Company Description, Key Drivers of Change, and Targeted Demographics Attitude/Behavior. Organize and analyze crucial data to make informed decisions. Streamline your focus group findings with clarity, highlighting company attributes, influential factors, and demographic nuances. Download Now!

Focus Group Summary with Company Description Key Drivers and Demographics PPT Template

Template 9: Focus Group Two Way Online Participant Moderator Focus Types PPT Template

This slide accommodates  focus types, from respondent and mini-focus groups to online and two-way discussions. With dedicated sections for dual moderators and client participants, it ensures dynamic and inclusive engagement. Guide discussions, foster interaction, and extract comprehensive insights. Elevate your research endeavors by embracing versatility and efficiency with our Focus Group Two-Way Online Participant Moderator slide. Unleash the power of collaborative exploration for meaningful results. Download Now!

Focus Group Two Way Online Participant Moderator Focus Types PPT Template

Template 10: Steps of Focus Group Results in Business PPT Template

Optimize your decision-making process with this Focus Group Results Slide. This structured template simplifies the complex task of extracting  insights. From scheduling and planning to inviting participants, moderating discussions, and managing records, each step is  organized. Elevate your focus group outcomes with efficiency and precision, ensuring a streamlined approach to gather, discuss, and report key findings. Download Now!

Steps of Focus Group Results in Business PPT Template

Focus groups offer a powerful tool to tap into the human element, providing  insights that can shape everything from products and services to social policies and community initiatives. Businesses use them to test new products, understand customer needs, and gauge market reception. In social sciences, researchers delve into group dynamics and shared experiences. They are cost-effective and efficient, gathering data from several individuals in a single session. Get started now with our templates

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Planning for and Giving a Group Presentation

Students working on group projects are often asked to give an oral presentation summarizing the results of their research. Professors assign group presentations because they combine the cooperative learning benefits of working in groups with the active learning benefits of speaking in front of an audience. However, similar to participating in a group project , giving a group presentation requires making decisions together , negotiating shared responsibilities, and collaborating on developing a set of solutions to a research problem . Below are issues to consider when planning and while giving a group presentation.

Before the Presentation

When to Begin

Planning the logistics around giving a presentation should take place as the group project progresses and, most critically, coalesce immediately after results of your study are known and clear recommendations can be made. Keep in mind that completing the basic tasks of giving a presentation [e.g., designating a moderator, designing the slide templates, working on the introduction, etc.] can save you time and allow your group to focus just before giving the presentation on how to effectively highlight the most important aspects of the research study.

Sharing the Responsibility

Everyone in the group should have an equal role in preparing the presentation and covering a similar amount of information during the presentation. However, a moderator should be elected to lead the presentation. The group should then determine what each member will speak about. This can be based on either the member's interests or what they worked on during the group project. This means that each member should be responsible for developing an outline of what they will talk about and drafting the content of their section of the slides or other forms of visual aids.

NOTE: If , for whatever reason, a group member is  particularly anxious about speaking in front of an audience or perhaps they are uncomfortable because English is not their first language, consider giving them a role that can be easily articulated, such as, introducing the purpose of the study and its importance. Everyone must participate in speaking, but be cognizant of the need to support that person by discussing what would work best for them while still being an active contributor to the presentation.

Organizing the Content

The content of the presentation should parallel the organization of the research study. In general, it should include a brief introduction, a description of the study, along with its purpose and significance, a review of prior research and its relevance to your group's project, an analysis of the results, with an emphasis on significance findings or recommended courses of action, and a brief statement about any limitations and how the group managed them. The conclusion of the presentation should briefly summarize the study's key findings and implications and, if time has been allotted, ask for questions from the audience. The conclusion can also be used to highlight areas of study the require further investigation. Note that the group's time should be spent primarily discussing the results of the study and their implications in furthering knowledge about the research problem .

Developing the Content

The narrative around each section must flow together smoothly t o ensure that the audience remains engaged. An initial meeting to discuss each section of the presentation should include the following: 1) deciding on the sequence of speakers and which group member presents on which section; 2) determining who will oversee the use of any technology [and who steps up when it's that person's turn to speak]; 3) determining how much time should be allocated for each section in relation to the overall time limit; 4) discussing the use and content of slides or other visual aids; and, 5) developing a general outline of the presentation. Once everyone's roles and responsibilities have been negotiated, the group should establish a schedule of deadlines for when the work should to be completed.

Creating Transitions

Building the narrative of an oral presentation means more than imparting information; it also requires the group to work together developing moments of transition from one section to the next. Transitional statements ensures coordination among members about what is to be covered and helps your audience follow along and remain engaged. The transition from one section to the next should include both verbal cues [e.g., a recap what you just discussed and an introduction of the next speaker] and non-verbal gestures [e.g., stepping away from the podium or front of class to make room for the next speaker]. An example of this transition could be something like this:

Speaker 1: " to summarize, the literature suggested that allegations of election fraud often created the conditions for massive street protests in democratized societies. Next Mike will discuss how we analyzed recent events in Mexico and determined why this assumption may not apply under certain conditions. "

Speaker 2: " Thank you, Jordan. Next slide. In our study, we coded and analyzed the content of twitter accounts to explore the rise of dissension among.... "

NOTE:   Each member of the group should learn the entire presentation and not just their section. This ensures that members can help out if the speaker becomes nervous and loses track of what to say or if they forget something. If each member knows the entire presentation, then there is always someone who can step up and support the speaker by maintaining the narrative and not losing the audience's attention.

Practicing the Presentation

The most critical thing to do before giving a group presentation is to practice as a group. Rehearse what will be said and how it will be said so you know that the overall structure works, that the time is allotted correctly, and that any changes can be made, if needed. Also, rehearsing the presentation should include practicing use of the technology and choreographing where people will stand. An effective strategy is to rehearse the entire presentation at least twice. Practice with each member taking turns speaking in front of the other members pretending that they are the audience. This way the group members can take turns offering suggestions about improving the presentation and the speaker gets more comfortable speaking in front of people. Practice a second time presenting as a group. This way, everyone can rehearse where to stand and coordinate transitions. If possible, practice in the room where your presentation will take place; standing in the front of a classroom feels very different from sitting there as a student.

During the Presentation

Before the Presentations Begin

If groups are presenting from a shared computer, ask your professor if you could pre-load your slides or other visual aids before the class begins . This will ensure that you're not taking time away from your presentation downloading and setting everything up. In addition, if there is a problem, it can be resolved beforehand rather than it being a distraction when you start the presentation.


Begin by having the moderator introduce the group by giving each member's name and a brief description of what they will be presenting on. And, yes, this seems like a pointless formality because it's likely that everyone knows everyone else. However, this is expected because it reflects giving oral presentations in most professional and work settings. In addition, your group has a limited amount of time to present and introducing everyone before the presentation begins saves more time than having each individual introduce themselves before they speak.

When Not Speaking

Assuming your group has practiced at least twice [and preferably more], you have heard and seen the entire presentation multiple times. Keep in mind, however, that your audience has not and they can observe everyone in the group. Be engaged. Do not look bored or distracted while others are speaking. Pay attention to each other by watching what the presenter is doing. Respond positively to the presenter and use nonverbal cues [e.g., nodding your head] as a way to help emphasize keys points of the presentation; audiences notice when those not speaking react to something the speaker is saying.

Coordinate Moving from One Speaker to the Next

The person presenting should take a position in the foreground of where you are delivering the information. Group members not speaking should step back and take a spot behind or off to the side of the speaker. When the person speaking is done, the next person steps forward. This pre-planned choreography may seem trivial, but it emphasizes to your audience who the next speaker will be and demonstrates a smooth, coordinated delivery throughout the presentation.

Visual Aids

Plan ahead how to use slides or other visual aids. The person currently presenting should not be distracted by having to constantly move to the next slide, backup and show an earlier slide, or exit a slide to show a video or external web page . Coordinate who in the group is responsible for taking the cue to change slides or otherwise manipulate the technology. When it's time for that person to speak, have a plan in place for passing this responsibility to someone else in the group. Fumbling around with who does what when, distracts the audience. Note however that the role of moving from one slide to the next does not count as being a presenter!

The presentation should conclude with the moderator stepping forward and thanking the audience and asking if there are any questions. If a question relates to a specific part of the presentation, the group member who spoke during that part should answer the question; it should not be the moderator's responsibility to answer for everyone. If another group follows your presentation from a shared computer, be courteous and close out all of your slides or other visual aids before stepping away.

Aguilera, Anna, Jesse Schreier, and Cassandra Saitow. "Using Iterative Group Presentations in an Introductory Biology Course to Enhance Student Engagement and Critical Thinking." The American Biology Teacher 79 (August 2017): 450-454; Barnard, Sam. "Guide for Giving a Group Presentation." VirtualSpeech Ltd., 2019; Eisen, Arri. "Small-Group Presentations: Teaching Science Thinking and Context in a Large Biology Class." BioScience 48 (January 1998): 53-58; Group Presentations. Writing@CSU. Colorado State University ; Kågesten, Owe, and Johann Engelbrecht. "Student Group Presentations: A Learning Instrument in Undergraduate Mathematics for Engineering Students." European Journal of Engineering Education 32 (2007): 303-314; Lucas, Stephen. The Art of Public Speaking . [Chapter 19]. 12th edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2015; McArthur, John A. “10 Tips for Improving Group Presentations.” [blog]. Department of Communication Studies, Furman University, November 1, 2011; Melosevic, Sara. “Simple Group Presentation Tips for Maximum Teamwork Magic.” PresentBetter, November 13, 2018; St. John, Ron. Group Project Guidelines. Department of Speech, University of Hawai'i Maui Community College, January 16, 2002.

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  • Oral presentations: Part 1-4

This series of four videos covers preparing for a group presentation, how to structure your presentation, presentation skills and having a clear message.

Organising group work

A group presentation does not involve separate parts getting stitched together at the last minute. Group members need to collaborate at key points throughout the whole process. Watch this video and see how.

Your talk may be a group effort and this introduces organizational issues that can make or break the success of your presentation.

It's not appropriate to dissect the talk like a cake and distribute the parts to individual members to take care of. The body needs to be worked on by everyone collaboratively.

Specific sections of the body may be divided between your team to be deeply researched or delivered. But at some stage you need to regroup to put those pieces back together again. First of all, you need to be able to meet face-to-face preferably, and it would be good to have a regular time when this is convenient for all of you. At least once each week.

Don’t forget to exchange phone numbers and emails as well.
 If this is not a familiar topic, everyone should just go there own way at first and read broadly to get a feel for the area. But sharing any articles are particularly good of course.

You need to regroup soon, and decide what two to four topics should be covered. That is, if these are not already specified by your lecturer and it would be excellent to agree on a central message before you start writing the body, if possible.

If you want a central theme, this should be defined early on if you can to guide people's research from the beginning. >When the topics are decided you can go your own way and research your section deeply.

Keep in touch regularly with any of the other group members, whose area may overlap yours, because you don’t want to repeat material.

It is most satisfying and effective if you get to talk on the topic that you have researched yourself. You want to sound like the expert.

Remember not to measure your contribution to the group in terms of minutes standing up in speaking. This is never the hardest part. The hardest part lies in the researching, collaboration and preparation of visual resources.

Once the body of your talk is defined, the group should get together and outline the introduction and conclusion together.

One person might write from the perspective of the part that they researched, and introductions and conclusions need to have a sense of overview.

Writing the introduction and conclusion will be easy once the body is done.

But they are almost impossible to write in isolation from the body.

In the next chapter we will be looking at part two of oral presentations a sample structure.

A sample structure

Just as writing tasks have a structure, oral presentations have structure too. Without the structure, your key points will lack strength or be lost entirely. Watch this video and get some tips on how to get your message across effectively.

A sample structure of an oral presentation that I will outline here is about ‘autistic spectrum disorders’. This sample is supposed to be the outline of a twenty-minute in-class presentation.

To hold the whole talk together, I’ve also thought about the central point or message that I would like to get across. In this talk, I would like to emphasise the idea that autism encompasses a very broad range of severities – from profoundly affected to mildly affected individuals – and for this reason, it often goes unrecognised when the autism is at high functioning levels.

In the introduction, I need to establish my topic and it’s importance. Of course, this is the best place to establish your central theme or message, if you have one. If you have a particular reason for talking about this topic from your own work, life, or experience, that is always very engaging for the audience as well. Briefly outline the points you will cover, This is very important if you do not have a projected slide or handouts, where the audience can keep track of this. But avoid any detail at this stage. In a twenty-minute talk, you should limit the introduction to two minutes if possible.

The conclusion will consist of no new information about autism itself. The conclusion is the space to recap and remind the listener what we have touched on. If anything that is mentioned is new, it will be about the future needs and directions. The conclusion would be a great place to make recommendations about what should be done at a society level or what needs to be investigated further in research.

Once again, this could be made to tie in with our message, that some people can have some form of autism and yet many of their teachers or colleagues do not fully recognise or understand their condition because they expect it to be more noticeable.

The number of points that you will cover will vary from topic to topic. The advice is to have fewer points than too many in your body. If you have a lot of points, try to group them under three to four themes Talk about less, and go for depth rather than briefly skimming through a shopping list of ideas. If you decide to do an activity in your presentation, put it in where it’s most relevant. However it is probably better to do it earlier in the body or even in the introduction. because it can pique the listener's curiosity before they receive a lot information.

If you do have a central message, become skilled at saying the same thing in many different ways. Just as I’ve been doing. It would be very tedious to repeat exactly the same words of course. But, if you do it in a very subtle way, your audience will appreciate the enforcement of that idea.

Presentation skills

Being a good speaker is something that can be learned and practised. This video will give you some tips for delivering an effective and professional talk.

Many students approach writing their oral presentation the same way they approach writing an essay when, in fact, the two are completely different. An oral presentation is assessed on how well you can communicate your message or If you like, how you perform. You may get some assessment marks for the slides you produce or the handouts you’ve made, but essentially you will be marked by how well you communicate your message on the day.

So, do not write pages of sentences as you would in an essay. You cannot read these out. Natural speech does not use the long and grammatically complicated sentences that you would write in a text. Your audience would have to concentrate very hard to listen to that.

Think of your audience. and how you will keep their attention. You need to make it relevant for them, and not just show how much you’ve read. You cannot deliver all of the information you might fit into an essay. For an oral presentation, you need to reduce the amount of detail and repeat key ideas a lot more. What helps a lot is to have a key idea, or message, that you want your audience to remember. They may forget 80% of your talk, but if you have a key theme or a main point that you emphasise over and over again, they will likely remember that. And later, it is easier to remember details in relation to that key point.

Do not give the impression that you are relating what you have recently read in textbooks. Aim to give the impression that you know a lot about this, topic and that you’ve been working in the field for years. You need to have that air of confidence that comes from talking about something you know really well and have a lot of experience in. Generally, this will not be the reality of course, but you can get very familiar with your topic by reading lots and lots of literature. Five minutes of effective speaking does not mean you have only gathered five minutes of information.

As mentioned, you need to talk to your audience in a relaxed and natural, but still professional manner. You still want to keep on track, so dot points on cards – instead of, or in addition to your PowerPoint – can be quite useful. You don’t want the presentation to sound scripted, but you still want to keep on track; so speaking from dot points is efficient because you are on limited time. It also jogs your memory just in case you’re a little bit nervous.

Whether you use cards or the screen, remember to look up and look at your audience. This is very important if you really want to communicate with them. You need to relax because when you are nervous, you tend to rush onwards. Breathe deeply, stop to think for a moment. A moment may seem a long time to you, but to your audience it is not noticeable.

It’s also very helpful to indicate when a new topic is being moved onto. The audience do not have the visual cues of a new paragraph as you do when you’re reading. So these shifts in topic need to be shown or expressed. A fresh PowerPoint slide indicates a new shift in topic. But sometimes, it’s hard to know when a speaker has moved onto a new point within that slide. You can do this with words like: secondly, or on the other hand, or let us consider a further example. You might emphasise a new point by moving to a different spot on the stage, changing the quality of your voice, or just pausing for five to ten seconds.

The important thing is that these non-native features of your language do not interfere with the meaning of the message you are trying to communicate. Saying that, however, if you do have a strong or unusual accent; it may be wise to practice in front of a native speaker, and make sure that they can understand your terminology and what you are trying to say.

Thinking about the content

Do you have a message for your audience? Do you know what to say at each stage? Watch this video to avoid the ‘blah blah blah’ delivery and make this an interesting learning experience for your audience.

It is a good idea to establish your presence in the introduction of your oral presentation. This is the time to introduce yourself and your team, but keep it brief. Most importantly, establish what you will be talking about. Remember that your audience may know very little about your topic, if anything.

So, you may need to set the scene in a very simple and general way. If you have a key idea you’re building your talk around, it is good to identify that in your introduction. It always helps the audience to relate to the speaker and to the topic, if the speaker has a personal reason or a particular experience related to the topic. At least explain why you chose the topic and why you believe it will be worthwhile to listen to. However you do it, this is your chance to capture their attention.

If possible, structure your talk around a simple, one-line message. Think of one general concept that you want your audience to remember. If you build your talk around a simple message, it has much more coherence. It avoids the shopping list structure, where you present fact after fact after fact. Your audience will remember very little of this sort of talk because it presents a mass of detail and the focus is not clear.

You do need to read a lot to discover the overview off the topic, what is important, and what are the significant debates that are going on around this topic. You may need to answer questions on the spot, so you will need deep knowledge to draw from.

From the background that you have gained from your reading, it is up to you to decide what to include in the talk. Avoid looking to one book and structuring your talk around it’s headings, chapters or sections. Take a wider perspective. You are now the expert, you decide on the most interesting and important ideas to include in your talk.Because you are the expert, you determine where the talk goes. Don’t tell the audience what information is in the book for its own sake. Be selective and tell them what is important and most interesting, and tell them what the literature says about this. because different research journals often do not agree with one another.

Actually, the topics where there is disagreement are places to be explored rather than avoided. These are often the most engaging. If you do have any personal or professional experience in the topic, that is fantastic! Draw on this as well, but be sure to make clear where ideas are from your own perspective, and what things are actually from research. Include an activity if you can – if your audience is small enough to fit in a classroom.This will allow you to have some personal interaction. It is always more engaging if you can get the audience involved.

Your time is limited, so this need not be an activity on a large scale. You can get people to just “think of a time when”, or get the people to turn to the person next to them to discuss something for a minute, or make list of five things related to your topic. The tighter your schedule is, the less flexibility you will have with participation. But it adds a great deal in communicating your message.

Handouts may be a required part of your assessment. If you do not have a PowerPoint projector available, it may be helpful for your audience to have a visual guide or a program of what you will cover. Handouts like this can support your talk and the audience can have them in front of them while you are delivering your presentation. It can be useful for the audience to have a handout for other reaasons: it might be a part of one of your activities, or it may provide stats or formulae, because these may be difficult to express verbally or to copy down.

Handouts could also add to your talk by giving further information. This may include more details that you could not fit onto your talk, .or further readings or so on. However, handouts giving further information are not always a good idea to give out beforehand because they will take the audience's attention away from your presentation.

Just remember, an oral presentation is not like an essay. Do not think you would be able to cram in all the detail you would be able to put into a two-thousand-word text. You need to keep it simple, and in an oral presentation, you need to reinforce ideas a lot more.

If you are daunted by the idea of standing and talking for five to ten minutes, you will be surprised how little time this actually is when you have plenty to say – it goes very quickly. It is important to practice over and over again. And do this as you intend to do on the day. A full dress rehearsal is very necessary. This must be out loud, full volume, and with all the slides and charts you are planning to use. Practice with an audience if possible. Make sure you time yourself as you practices as well.

  • Oral presentations basics
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Group Project Presentation Templates

Elevate your group project presentations with Venngage's free and customizable templates. Collaborate seamlessly, design visually stunning slides and captivate your audience with professional-grade presentations.

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Group presentation rubric

This is a grading rubric an instructor uses to assess students’ work on this type of assignment. It is a sample rubric that needs to be edited to reflect the specifics of a particular assignment. Students can self-assess using the rubric as a checklist before submitting their assignment.

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3 Group Presentation Pitfalls — and How to Avoid Them

  • Allison Shapira

group presentation report sample

Strategies for a polished, unified final product.

Putting together an effective group presentation takes teamwork and coordination so it doesn’t look like a patchwork quilt. And yet, many of us never budget the time to fully prepare. The author outlines some of the common mistakes people make in group presentations and offers best practices to keep you on track. 

Many of us have experienced poor group presentations. If you’re giving one, it’s the last-minute scramble the night before to decide who is presenting which part of the presentation. If you’re observing one, it’s the chaos of hearing multiple people talking over one another or, even worse, simply reading their slides word-for-word and ignoring their audience. 

group presentation report sample

  • Allison Shapira teaches “The Arts of Communication” at the Harvard Kennedy School and is the Founder/CEO of Global Public Speaking, a training firm that helps emerging and established leaders to speak clearly, concisely, and confidently. She is the author of the new book, Speak with Impact: How to Command the Room and Influence Others (HarperCollins Leadership).

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A Guide to Effective Group Presentations + Free Checklist ✨

A Guide to Effective Group Presentations + Free Checklist ✨

Picture this, it is the morning of your big group presentation.

AI generated image of a woman looking at a calendar

You and your team have put in many late nights, working on slides, rehearsing lines, and fine-tuning every detail (if only, sigh). As you gather in the conference room, there’s a mix of nerves and excitement in the air.

AI generated image of a group of people sitting in a room, about to deliver a group presentation

You’ve got a solid plan, but there’s ALWAYS that lingering doubt: will everything work according to plan? Will everything go off without a hitch?

We’ve all been there, the anticipation, the hope that all your hard work pays off. Group presentations can be tough to pull off. But with the right strategies, and a bit of know-how, you can transform your next group presentations into a success story.

Most of the challenges surrounding group presentations revolve around navigating the dynamics of a team presentation, and ensuring a smooth, cohesive delivery. This requires careful planning and practice. In this guide, you’ll learn tips and strategies to nail your upcoming group presentation.

How to Get Started on Your Group Presentation

There is a different dynamic to group presentations because different individuals bring with them different ideas. Here are some basics on getting started with group presentations.

Decide How You are Going to Collaborate

First things first. Decide how your team and you are going to collaborate on the presentation material. If you’re using MS Word, you can easily save a document and share its link with team members. And each member can then work on the same document, on the specific subject that they’ve been assigned. Alternatively, you can also use Google Docs.

When it’s time to create the slides, PowerPoint has collaborative features that you can put to good use.

👉 First create a PowerPoint file.

👉 At some point you need to decide what your slides should look like. You can check out SlideBazaar’s choice of presentation themes, or work on slide designs from scratch (which will take more time).

👉 If you’ve already worked on the content for the slides on a Word file, you can divide the work in PowerPoint for each member as well. To do this, go to the outline view on the left, and create sections for each team member:

PowerPoint's outline view with some purple slides visible, which are themes designed by SlideBazaar

To create sections, simply right click a slide, and click on Add Section, and name your section. You can even right-click the area between 2 slides to create a section.

Once you’ve created sections, each member can work on the section assigned to them.

👉 But be sure to lay down some ground rules on what kinds of fonts, images, etc. are allowed. This is to maintain a visual consistency across the entire presentation.

👉 Now all you have to do is share the file with your team and let each member work on each slide.

How to Nail the Slideshow Part of Group Presentations

Now when it comes to preparing the content for your group presentation, the slideshow, there are some things that you should keep in mind:

Know Your Audience, Understand the Objective

Before creating content, take a step back and clearly define your target audience and the goals you want to achieve with your group presentation. Tailor your content, language and visuals around them, for a better presentation.

Visual Appeal

Create visually engaging slides that complement your presentation delivery. You can spend time working on the design of your slides, or use templates or themes, like those found on SlideBazaar, to create stunning presentations in no time.

Content Quality

Proofread the content in your slideshows. Make sure your slides are organized well. You may also want to rehearse presenting the entire slideshow, while recording yourself. Watch the recording back to ensure your slideshow has a logical flow, and that the content in your slides is easy to understand.

👉 Pro Tip 1: Never fill your slides with too much text. You are not supposed to read aloud from the slides. These slides are meant to support your presentation. 👉 Pro Tip 2: To ensure seamless sharing and distribution of your presentation after rehearsal and finalization, consider converting your PowerPoint slides to PDF format using an online PPT to PDF converter . This not only preserves the layout and design integrity but also makes it easier to share across different platforms and devices without the need for specific software.

A good rule to follow is Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule. Have less than 10 slides, spend 20 minutes presenting them, and don’t use font sizes smaller than 30 pts. This ensures that your presentation is short, concise, and does not have too much text.

Presentation Delivery – Useful Tips

Nonverbal cues and stage presence.

Pay attention to your posture while presenting. Maintain good posture, and don’t forget to make eye contact with your audience. Use natural hand gestures to emphasize your points.

Speak loud enough for the audience to hear. You can also try varying your tone to keep the audience engaged. Remember, even silent team members that are with you, contribute to the overall impression through their body language and attentiveness. So, make sure you’re all standing with good posture, and look relaxed and confident.

Transitions and Handovers

When presenting as a group, seamless transitions between speakers are crucial. Practice clear handoff cues.

Handoff cues are signals or actions used to coordinate the transfer of responsibility from one person to another. These could be either verbal or non-verbal, and are needed to maintain a smooth flow during your group presentation.

Here are some examples of handoff cues that you can use:

Verbal Cues:

  • Introduction: Now, I’ll hand it over to [NAME], who will talk about [TOPIC].
  • Summary and lead-in: Now that we’ve covered [TOPIC], I would like to invite [NAME] to expand on [NEXT TOPIC].
  • Question prompt: To answer this question, I’ll pass the stage to [NAME].

Non-Verbal Cues:

  • Physical gesture: A nod or a smile towards the next speaker.
  • Movement: Stepping aside to physically clear up space for the next speaker.
  • Eye Contact: Making eye contact with the next speaker to signal it’s their turn.

Visual Cues:

  • Props or clicker handoff: Passing the clicker or a relevant prop to the next speaker.

Addressing Questions as a Team

Designate a team member to manage the Q&A session or establish a system for fielding questions. This ensures all inquiries are addressed effectively and avoids confusion for the audience.

Common Challenges You Might Face – And Solutions

Here are some of the most common challenges people usually face with group presentations:


Problem: It’s a challenge to coordinate schedules and align everyone’s availability for meetings and rehearsals.  

Solution: One way to fix this problem is to use tools like polls or Google Calendar to find times that work for everyone. If you’re all in one group chat, add a poll, and ask your team members to vote on a time and date that they’re available. Try to finalise a time that everyone’s available, and set regular meeting times and dates in advance to allow team members to plan accordingly.

A WhatsApp chat that shows a poll, asking people when they're free for a quick meeting


Problem: Miscommunication or lack of clarity can lead to confusion among team members and can cause inconsistencies in the final presentation.

Solution: Make sure you establish clear channels of communication, such as a group chat, to facilitate ongoing discussions and updates. Document important decisions and action items in these channels to ensure everyone on your team is on the same page.

Unequal Contribution

Problem: Balancing workload and ensuring everyone contributes can be difficult.

Solution: One of the first things to do, is assign specific roles and responsibilities to each team member to ensure a fair distribution of tasks. There should be regular check-ins with team members to assess progress and address any concerns about workload distribution.

Creative Differences

Problem: Creative differences and disagreements can arise in groups.

Solution: Your meetings can have brainstorming sessions where every team member can openly share ideas and provide feedback. Focus on finding a common ground, and compromise to reach consensus on the decisions you make.

Time Constraints

Problem: Tight deadlines can add pressure, which can impact the quality of the final presentation.

Solution: Break down your presentation project into smaller tasks with clear deadlines . Prioritize tasks based on urgency, and allocate time for regular progress checks to make sure you’re all on track.

Nervousness and Performance Anxiety

Problem: Some members may struggle with anxiety or nervousness, affecting their ability to deliver their parts of the presentation effectively.

Solution: Offer support and encouragement to team members who may be struggling with presentation anxiety. Make sure they get to practice their parts enough. The rest of the team can also pretend to be the audience, if they want to practice in front of people.

Additional Tips for Success

Embrace technology:.

Instead of assigning someone to click through your slides, you can use a clicker, or even a wireless mouse. If you’re using a wireless mouse, make sure you only click through your slides, and do not accidentally move the mouse about.

However, the simplest way I’ve found to move through the slides in your presentation, is to just use your phone. If you have an Android, install PPTControl and its desktop client (search for PPTControl Desktop in the Microsoft Store). Once done, simply connect the app to your device, and you’ll now be able to control the presentation using your phone. It’s super useful!

A picture of a phone and a laptop, the phone is being used to control a presentation on the laptop.

You can also use other tools like polls, quizzes, and more to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation.

Time Management:

You should be mindful of the allocated time for your presentation. There’s a quick way to keep track of time during your presentation. You can either do this during rehearsals, or during the actual presentation.

Click on the Windows button on your keyboard and search for “Clock”.

A windows search bar, showing someone search for &quot;clock&quot;.

Click on Clock, and in the sidebar of the app, find and click on Stopwatch.

The sidebar of the clock app on Windows, showing the stopwatch option.

Now just above the stopwatch, click on the Keep on top button.

The stopwatch on Windows, with a tiny button on one corner that reads &quot;Keep on top&quot;

You now have an onscreen, floating timer. Place it somewhere on the screen as you practice or during your presentation, to keep track of time.

Oh and, one more thing. Here’s a group presentation checklist for you to make sure everything is on track.

Group Presentation Checklist

  • Establish clear communication channels for the team.
  • Pick a tool (polls, Calendar), to schedule meetings and rehearsals.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities.
  • Define target audience and presentation goals.
  • Tailor your content, language, and visuals (with SlideBazaar themes).
  • Create sections in PowerPoint, share it with your team.
  • Let members create slides.
  • Proofread for errors, and logical flow. Check for visual consistency.
  • Rehearse the presentation and record yourselves.
  • Practice handoff cues for seamless transition between speakers.
  • Decide on a system for handling audience questions.
  • Use a clicker or a smartphone app to transition between slides.
  • Use tools like polls or quizzes in the presentation to keep your audience engaged.
  • Keep track of time with a floating stopwatch.

Well, that’s about it. These were some tips on how you can get started on your group presentations, some best practices on nailing them, and general advice on getting success! I sure hope you found this article helpful, and that your presentation goes well. Why not check out SlideBazaar, you might find a presentation theme or template that might make your slideshow look amazing. Don’t believe me? Have a look for yourself.

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Group Presentation Rubric

Updated:  13 Jun 2024

Make assigning grades for group presentations a breeze with a printable Group Presentation Rubric.

Editable:  Google Slides

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  1 Page

Grades:  3 - 7

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Group Presentation Rubric teaching resource

How Do You Give Grades for a Group Project?

Working with classmates on school projects is a required part of the learning experience. It helps them learn how to work well with others and communicate. It improves student problem-solving skills and motivates students to participate due to the collaborative nature of activities. However, for teachers, sometimes group projects can be challenging, especially when it comes to grading!

Grab a Group Presentation Rubric!

This year, we’re excited to share a brand new printable group presentation rubric for teachers. It simplifies the grading process by providing clear, structured criteria to assess various aspects of student presentations. This rubric is divided into several key categories, each with specific performance indicators and corresponding point ranges.

We recommend sharing your grading rubric with students at the beginning of the group project. Then, review the individual indicators and discuss what each point level entails.

Download and Print Your Self-Assessment Rubric Today!

This resource is available as an easy-to-use Google Slides or Printable PDF Resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file format.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and Teach Starter Collaborator.

Even More Assessment Tools for the Classroom!

Looking for more ways to implement self-assessment in the classroom? Make sure you check these out before you go!

Image of Emoji Themed Self-Assessment Desk Cards

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Emoji themed self-assessment desk cards.

Print these emoji themed self-assessment cards for students to reflect on their learning and display on their desk to indicate the level of teacher support they need.

Image of Back-to-School Self-Assessment Template

Back-to-School Self-Assessment Template

Get to know your students on the first day and learn their thoughts on school with a printable self assessment.

Image of Learning Scale and Self-Assessment Checklists

Learning Scale and Self-Assessment Checklists

Have your students reflect on their work and effort using this self-assessment learning scale.

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Guide for Giving a Group Presentation

February 21, 2018 - Dom Barnard

In certain academic and business situations, it is more valuable to deliver a group presentation than a solo one. Many people prefer group presentations because there is less pressure on the individual. However there are also unique challenges, such as having to ensure multiple individuals collaborate in order to produce a cohesive piece of work.

Preparing for the group presentation

As with any presentation, there is a significant amount of work during the preparation stage. The group must be well organised because there are multiple individuals, and therefore multiple personalities involved.

Presentation moderator

To assist with organisation, the group should first decide on a presentation moderator – this is essentially the “leader”. The presentation moderator can have the final say when decision-making is needed and, during the Q&A portion of the presentation, can decide which speakers will answer certain questions.

Understanding the audience

To make your presentation engaging you need to  think about the audience  so you can tailor it towards their needs. How much will the audience already know about this topic? What will they want to get from this presentation?

For example, if you are presenting the topic of building a bridge to a group of civil engineers, you can confidently use technical language. However, if you are presenting to secondary school students, you would need to use simpler language and not explain the methods in as much detail.

The presentation’s purpose

As a group, ensure you agree on the purpose of the presentation so that you all understand the message that needs to be conveyed e.g. “We want to find out which treatment works best for social anxiety.” Deciding on your message means that the group can start building key points around this – just keep in mind that each subtopic must contribute to the presentation’s aim.

Divide the presentation

The presentation needs to be  divided into main areas  so there is a clear beginning, middle and end. This is where can you decide on the order of the subtopics. Presentations usually follow this structure:

1. Introduction:

  • It is useful to agree on the first minute of the presentation as a team. This is because the audience should be interested from the start and convinced to listen.
  • The presentation’s aims are also discussed and an overview of the presentation’s structure is provided. For example, “We set out to explore the effectiveness of different treatments for social anxiety. We will first cover the symptoms and prevalence of social anxiety, before explaining the different treatments. This will then lead into a discussion about the pros and cons of each treatment route. Finally, we will explain which treatment route we decided was the most effective for this disorder.”

2. One or two middle sections:

  • These sections consist of providing the information that addresses your presentation’s aim.
  • There can be more of these sections depending on your topic.

3. Conclusion:

  • After summarising all of the key points, there must be a clear conclusion. It is beneficial to appoint the conclusion to the best speaker as this is where all the information is pooled together.

After segmenting the presentation, a time sequence can be created so the group understands the order in which tasks must be completed. It is important to set deadlines for this.

Share responsibility

A frequent problem when working within a group is unequal participation as this can subsequently cause disharmony.

But this is easily avoidable by assigning each speaker a section of the presentation to work on depending on their interests. This means that each speaker should be doing the research for their section and putting together a speech and slides (if being used).

  • It is important to specify exactly what each group member should be doing with their time.
  • Make sure the length of time per speaker is agreed on.
  • Do not change speakers more than necessary because this can reduce the coherency of the presentation.

Build the presentation together

For an audience to follow and enjoy a presentation, it must flow together. Meeting up and building the presentation helps with this because:

  • This prevents the duplication of content.
  • You can put the slides together, although only one individual should be responsible for merging the slides so there is consistency within the presentation.
  • It is useful to receive feedback on the speeches before presenting to an audience.
  • The team can agree on any edits.
  • The team can agree on the conclusion.
  • You can make sure that each speaker will talk for the same amount of time and cover a similar amount of information.
  • The team can come up with the first minute of the presentation together.

Business people giving a group presentation

Use stories to engage the audience

A good presentation opening could  start with a story  to highlight why your topic is significant. For example, if the topic is on the benefits of pets on physical and psychological health, you could present a story or a study about an individual whose quality of life significantly improved after being given a dog.

The audience is more likely to remember this story than a list of facts and statistics so try and incorporate relevant stories into presentations.

Know what each speaker will say

Each speaker must know what the other group members will say as this prevents repetition and it may be useful to refer to a previous speaker to assist in explaining your own section.

Also, if a team member is unable to attend on the day it will be easier to find cover within the group.

Write and practice transitions

Clean transitioning between speakers can also assist in producing a presentation that flows well. One way of doing this is:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what social anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Sarah will talk about the prevalence of social anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Sarah”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Nick.”

From this example you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

Practice the presentation

Rehearse with the group multiple times to make sure:

  • The structure works
  • Everyone is sticking to their timing.
  • To see if any edits are needed.

The more you  rehearse a presentation  the more you will feel comfortable presenting the material and answering questions as your familiarity with the content increases.

Handling nerves before the presentation

It is  natural to feel nervous  when presenting in front of others, regardless of the size of the audience. Here are some tips:

  • Remind yourself that the audience is there to listen to you and wants you to do well; there is no need to be afraid of them.
  • Remember that the audience members will have to present their projects later and are almost certainly feeling just as nervous.
  • Practicing with your group and practicing your section at home will make you more comfortable and familiar with the material and increase your confidence.
  • Practice pauses  – when people feel nervous they tend to find silences uncomfortable and try to fill gaps, such as using “um” multiple times (filler words). Practicing pauses will help the silences feel less unnatural when you present therefore reducing the need for filler words.
  • When we are nervous we often begin breathing quickly and this in turn can increase our anxiety. Controlled breathing is a common technique that helps slow down your breathing to normal thus reducing your anxiety.

Exercises to control your breathing:

  • Sit down in an upright position as it easier for your lungs to fill with air
  • Breathe in through your nose and into your abdomen for four seconds
  • Hold this breathe for two seconds
  • Breathe out through your nose for six seconds
  • Wait a few seconds before inhaling and repeating the cycle

During the group presentation

Introducing the team.

The presentation should begin with the presentation moderator introducing the team. This is smoother than each individual presenting themselves.

Pay attention to the presentation

You may feel nervous as you wait for your turn to speak but try to listen to the presentation. The audience is able to see the whole team so it is important that you look interested in what is being said and react to it, even if you have heard it multiple times.

Body language and eye contact

Body language is a useful tool to engage the audience:

  • If it is your turn to speak then stand slightly in the foreground of the rest of your group.
  • Smile at the audience as this will make you look more confident.
  • Make eye contact  as this helps you engage with the audience.
  • Keep your arms uncrossed so your body language is more open.
  • Do not look down and read from your notes- glancing down occasionally is fine but keep in mind that you are talking to the audience.
  • This is the same for  presenting visual aids ; you may need to glance at the computer slide but make sure you predominantly face the audience as you are still speaking to them.
  • Keep your hands at your sides but use them occasionally to gesture.

Vocal variety

How you say something is just as is important as the content of your speech –  arguably, more so . For example, if an individual presented on a topic very enthusiastically the audience would probably enjoy this compared to someone who covered more points but mumbled into their notes.

Here are some pointers:

  • Adapt your voice depending on what are you saying- if you want to highlight something then raise your voice or lower your voice for intensity.
  • Avoid speaking in monotone.
  • Sound enthusiastic – the more you sound like you care about the topic, the more the audience will listen.
  • Speak loudly and clearly.
  • If you notice that you are speaking quickly, pause and slow down.
  • Warm up your voice  before a speech

Breath deeply for vocal variety

Take short pauses and breath deeply. This will ensure you have more vocal variety.

Handling nerves during the presentation

  • If you find that you are too uncomfortable to give audience members direct eye contact, a helpful technique is to look directly over the heads of the audience as this gives the impression of eye contact.
  • Try not to engage in nervous behaviours e.g. shifting your weight or fidgeting.
  • Remember that it’s unlikely that the audience knows that you are feeling nervous – you do not look as anxious as you feel.
  • Notice whether you are speaking too quickly as this tends to happen when nervousness increases. If you are, pause and then slow down.

Strong conclusion

Since the conclusion is the last section of your presentation the audience is more likely to remember it. Summarise the key points and lead into a clear concluding statement. For example, if your presentation was on the impact of social media on self-esteem you could list all the main points covered in the presentation and conclude “Therefore, from the amount of evidence and also from the quality of evidence, we have decided that social media is negatively/positively impacting self-esteem.”

Questions and answer session

The questions and answers session after the main presentation can be a source of anxiety as it is often difficult to predict what questions will be asked. But working within a group setting means that individually you do not have to know everything about the topic.

When an  audience member asks a question , the presentation moderator can refer a speaker who has the relevant knowledge to provide an answer. This avoids any hesitant pauses.

If you are answering group presentation questions:

  • Pause before answering- take the time to gather your thoughts and think about your answer
  • Make sure you answer the question- sometimes you may start providing more information than necessary. Keeping answers as concise as possible will help with this.
  • Ask the questioner for clarification if you do not understand- it’s better to ask rather than answering in a way that does not address the question.
  • You’re not expected to know everything- challenging questions will emerge and if you do not know the answer you can respond with: “That’s a really good question, I’m not certain so let me look into that.”

Ending the presentation

A good ending usually consists of the presentation moderator thanking the audience. If there is another group afterwards they should transition to the next group.

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  • Formats for Group Presentations

The following is a brief list of alternatives for structuring a group presentation. It is by no means an exhaustive list of all the format options, but its enough to get you started. Keep in mind that your group can devise its own unique format by taking elements of each of the options presented below:

The group divides its topic up into a series of more or less equal parts, and each group member is assigned the task of presenting one part of the topic. The group needs to decide how to break up the presentation into several smaller topics, and the group should also plan the order in which the individual topics are to be presented. Each presenter should get the same amount of time to offer their part of the overall topic.

A big problem with this format is that one member might inadvertently cover material that another member thought was theirs to introduce. Groups which divide up the work and rarely meet to check in on each other’s progress are especially vulnerable to this problem. Groups doing a symposium have a high need to coordinate their efforts.

Timing is also a problem. Even if everyone understands that they have 10 minutes to speak, some group members may take longer than expected. This act forces other group members to compensate by rushing or eliminating ideas they had planned to present. Careful time management is essential in this format.

Finally, a symposium runs the risk of becoming a series of unrelated bits unless the group plans careful transition statements in between each of the individual presentations. These transitions help link the parts of the presentation together. It also helps if presenters refer to each other’s ideas — to integrate one person’s material with other ideas presented by different members of the groups. By referring to each other, the group communicates the “connectedness” of their material.

A panel is an interactive format. A moderator poses questions or makes statements to the group, and group members discuss. Each panelist speaks for only a short time — contributions continuing for more than two minutes uninterrupted run the risk of converting the interactive panel into a symposium! The idea is for the members of the group to have a discussion before the audience for the benefit of the audience. So, the panelists talk both to each other and the audience — shifting their focus of attention back and forth.

Panels are often lively, but run the risk of becoming disorganized! The group needs a good moderator and an outline of the topics to be discussed to ensure that the panel avoids becoming chaotic.

Additionally, panelists (other than the moderator) need to be aware of the following suggestions:

  • Know and stick to the outline of the discussion
  • Contribute frequently
  • Keep your contributions focused and BRIEF
  • Avoid repetition of points already made
  • Assert yourself-don’t wait to be called on
  • Listen carefully and critically
  • Indulge in friendly disagreements (productive conflict helps raise points
  • that might otherwise not surface)
  • Be fully prepared to discuss
  • Be sensitive to nonverbal communication (your own and others — look
  • like you’re interested and that you’re listening!)
  • Assist the moderator


Not nearly as threatening as the name sounds! In this approach, the group questions one or more “experts” before an audience of observers. These might be “bone fide” experts that the group has invited to be part of its presentation or members of the presenting group who “role play” an expert. (A group doing a presentation about global warming might ask a faculty member who has done research on the issue to answer questions; a group doing a presentation on a notable author might have one group member play the role of the author and answer questions about particular writings.)

Obviously, this format takes lots of planning. Experts are busy, and may be unable or unwilling to commit the necessary time to your project. Role playing presents different challenges. The group member(s) doing it must thoroughly research the person(s) they’re to become so that the simulation will be accurate and credible.

Because this format is somewhat untraditional in academic settings, it’s essential to check with your instructor to see if he/she will approve of the use of these approaches.

You can arrange a “pro/con” presentation in which members of the group are split. Some present information in favor of a particular issue, while the others in the group present the opposing side. There’s a separate link about debate where you can learn more.

This is a panel presentation where members of the audience can interact with the panel. The moderator asks for audience input during the discussion, and audience members who so desire either ask questions, make statements, or argue with the panel. (If you’ve seen a typical TV talk show, you’ve seen this approach.) The format works best with a skillful moderator who can easily bounce back and forth from panel to audience without getting rattled or confused.

  • Speaking Intensive Program
  • SI Course Expectations
  • Archive of the 2015 NACC Conference at UMW
  • Body Language
  • Handling Speech Anxiety
  • Leading Discussion Groups
  • Moderating a Group Presentation
  • Outline Checklist
  • People Ask Me to Repeat Myself
  • Planning a Group Presentation
  • Preparing Speaking Notes
  • Preparing Supporting Materials
  • Settings for Group Presentations
  • Speech Organization
  • Toulmin Argument Model
  • Transitions
  • Using a Script
  • Using PowerPoint
  • Available Articles
  • Class Discussion
  • Communication
  • Evaluation Sheets
  • Learning Groups
  • Public Speaking
  • Task Groups
  • Sample Assignments
  • Speaking Center Video
  • Your First In-Class Presentation
  • Accommodations and Oral Communication Assignments
  • New Course Proposals
  • Speaking Intensive Committee
  • Speaking Intensive Committee – Minutes and Reports
  • Speaking Intensive Course List – courses approved by the SI committee
  • Using Video for Student Presentations
  • Speaking and Writing Center

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25 Powerful Report Presentations and How to Make Your Own

25 powerful report presentations and how to make your own

If we are what we repeatedly do, then consultants are report presentations. In the words of veteran consultant John Kim , “If you cannot put together a well-structured, persuasive, and visual presentation… you won’t be a management consultant for long.”

Unfortunately, over 90% of consultant report presentations fail to make an impact, either because they don’t have enough content, have too much content, are unstructured, lack persuasiveness or in all honesty, are just plain boring.

how to make your own report presentations

You can know your data inside and out, and you couldn’t have a firmer grasp on the industry, but no matter how prepared or well-researched you are – even one bad slide can ruin great content. Not to mention, a poorly designed presentation can literally cost your department and your organization over $100,000 per year (conversely, a well-design presentation earns you significant advantages).

The good news is that you don’t need a swanky suite of tools or a big design team to overhaul your reports – there are tons of free and online resources for creating interesting, compelling, and seriously persuasive reports. Just sign up for a free Piktochart account and use any of the available slides templates to start easily.

So while the pyramid principle remains one of the best ways for structuring your presentation content, in this article we provide other top tips and insights you can use to create powerful slides that speak to your audience through 25 best practice examples.

Make Your Data Digestible

1. achieving digital maturity: adapting your company to a changing world by deloitte.

Click to view SlideShare

This deck ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to giving tips for powerful presentations. This report consists of an absolutely brilliant use of data visualization , a subtle “progress bar” at the top that reminds the audience which part of the presentation they’re at, and concise summaries accompanying each infographic. Here at Piktochart, it’s certainly one of the best report presentations we’ve swooned over in a while.

2. Digital globalization: The new era of global flows by McKinsey

There is an overwhelming amount of data here, but McKinsey does a commendable job of keeping it engaging with clear summaries and good-looking infographics (slides 30 & 42). Some slides might feel a bit more cramped than others (slide 41–49), but when creating your own reports you should try to save these huge chunks of data for an article or whitepaper that a client can download and peruse at their own leisure. Your presentation should only contain the highlights.  

3. KPCB Design in Tech Report 2015: Simplified and Redesigned by Stinson

You’ll appreciate the brilliance of this presentation even more when you see the original . Instead of just inserting data in its raw form as graphs or tables, Stinson transforms their findings into something more graphic and appealing. The rest of the report also takes on a less-is-more principle, distilling only the most important points that would matter to the client – not the presenter.

4. The 60 Greatest Mobile Marketing Strategies of All Time by Leanplum

Leanplum only presents one point per slide, making their presentation supremely easy to follow along with (despite having 105 slides!). While they do use traditional line graphs and bar charts, they also find unconventional ways to illustrate their data (slides 71–77) or slip in nuggets of data that don’t detract from the main point (slides 52–53) – they use data to back their insights, rather than make the data the focus of the slide.

Clean Up Your Report Presentation Slides

5. findings on health information technology and electronic health records by deloitte.

Make use of white space and clean graphics to get your point across more effectively. This consulting deck does what most report presentations neglect, which is to highlight key takeaways (and bolding the important points) to avoid cluttering the audience with too much information.

6. Getting ready for IFRS 16 by KPMG

Getting ready for IFRS 16 by KPMG

Clean and simple, each slide in this presentation has a clear focus, enhanced by the use of one question per slide and accompanying minimalist-style icons . It’s one of the easiest styles to replicate, and can be used strategically at certain portions of your presentation where you want to remove distraction and place emphasis on certain messages.

Choose the Right Fonts For Your Report Presentation

7. global retail trends 2018 by kpmg.

Global Retail Trends 2018

Crisp and clear, the choice of sans serif fonts keeps your report looking sleek, modern, and supremely legible when presenting. While your choice of font may be constricted by brand guidelines or house style, regardless, a good rule of thumb in your report presentation is to use clear, minimally-styled fonts so your message doesn’t get lost in a web of visual distraction.

Make Use of Report Presentation Visuals

8. how to use weflive 2017 by kpmg.

How to use WEFLIVE 2017 by KPMG report presentation visuals

This presentation has been viewed over 87,500 times, making it a great example of what works in an educational deck. The use of screengrabs gives both current and potential clients better recognition of your services or products. It’s also been proven that visual elements attract clients better.

9. Top Ten Customer Airport Complaints by McKinsey

Smart use of custom illustrations and images helps audiences to instantly identify with each pain point. Good, relevant visuals amplify your message because they elicit emotional responses, helping your audience retain key points.

10. Global Construction Survey 2016 by KPMG

Global Construction Survey 2016 by KPMG consultant report presentation example from piktochart

The first half of the presentation has a strong storytelling quality bolstered by great illustrations to help set up the second half – where the important data is presented. Our brains process images faster than words, so this is a good hack to getting messages across more effectively.

Stay Organized

11. trends in people analytics by pwc.

Having a table of contents to display on the side of the slide helps prevent audience fatigue – often when a presentation is too long, the audience’s retention rate starts to slip. A “tracking” tool like this can serve as a visual cue so that your audience knows where they are, and what they can expect next.

12. The CMO Blueprint for Account-Based Marketing by Sangram Vajre

There is a clear flow to this presentation – it starts with introducing some key statistics, which eventually leads up to why these statistics matter, and ends with what the proposed solution is. It’s all very organized. Another great thing about this presentation is that it uses graphics to reinforce, not distract from, its key points (slides 22–29).

Speak to Your Audience, Not at Them

13. moving digital transformation forward: findings from the 2016 digital business global executive study and research report by mitsloan + deloitte digital.

This is an all-around stellar presentation, which makes use of an active voice (“we did this…”, “we found this…”, “my digital strategy is…”) to better connect with the audience. The use of conversational copy, straightforward messages, and a consistent aesthetic theme make this one of our favorite report presentations to share with our users.

14. TMT Outlook 2017: A new wave of advances offer opportunities and challenges by Deloitte

At strategic points in this long presentation, polls are taken to keep the audience engaged and give them a break from information overload. By asking them to reflect on their current status and thoughts, they are “primed” into receiving what the presenter next has to say.

15. Business Pulse – Dual perspectives on the top 10 risks and opportunities 2013 and beyond by Ernst & Young

This is another example of keeping your audience engaged through the use of questions (slides 2, 3 & 7). The questions’ tone and voice were also creatively and intelligently crafted because it uses FOMO (fear of missing out) to ensure customers want to listen.

Break Your Report Presentation Down

16. a step-by-step overview of a typical cybersecurity attack—and how companies can protect themselves by mckinsey.

The title speaks for itself – breaking down your solution step-by-step is one of the best ways to create an effective presentation . The smart use of “hit or myth?” in each of its slides also gets the audience to reflect on their own experiences and (potentially false) impressions of the industry.

17. 5 questions about the IoT (Internet of Things) by Deloitte

There is a lot to say in this presentation about the findings and impact of IoT on various industries, but Deloitte presents it in a way that keeps it relevant – by using a question-and-answer format that works to connect rather than alienate the audience.

18. How to be Sustainable by The Boston Consulting Group

This is a prime example of how you can capitalize on the “listicle” style of writing to present your main points with supreme clarity and persuasiveness. Notice that each of the 10 steps is supplemented by key statistics? That’s how you can add weight to what you’re saying without overloading the audience with too many graphs and data charts.

Give Actionable Insight in Your Report Presentation

19. putting digital technology and data to work for tech cmos by pwc.

What makes a great consultant is his or her ability to go beyond surface data to give customers real, actionable insight. Not only does this presentation by PwC provide step-by-step recommendations (slides 15–18), but it uses real case studies and testimonials to boost credibility and illustrate value.  

20. Shutting down fraud, waste, and abuse: Moving from rhetoric to real solutions in government benefit programs by Deloitte

Identified an issue? Great. Worked out a solution? Even better. This presentation breaks down its proposed solution through one message per slide, punctuated by a relevant graphic that reinforces its key point. It’s clean, clear, and effective.

21. A labor market that works: Connecting talent and opportunity in the digital age by McKinsey

Personalization works in every industry. The next time you prepare a presentation , think about how you can give tailored advice to the unique stakeholders involved (slides 30–33). 

Keep Your Report Presentation Short and Sweet

22. six behavioral economics lessons for the workplace by deloitte.

There’s a reason why TED talks are only 18 minutes or less – any longer and the speaker will lose the audience’s attention. Taking this advice, keep your report presentations short whenever possible. This example by Deloitte depicts a smart way to keep things bite-sized yet meaty, and also publicizes all your white papers and articles in one place.

23. Private Sector Opportunity to Improve Well-Being by The Boston Consulting Group

This compact presentation is a great example of how to summarize all your key findings in less than 10 slides. When you force yourself to reduce clutter, you start being more discerning about what you include. Remember, what you find interesting may not be the same as what the audience finds relevant. Don’t get too attached, and be prepared to edit down.  

24. Four approaches to automate work using cognitive technologies by Deloitte

Try using a report presentation as a “preview” for your full suite of business services. This way, you summarize your best points to potential clients, and if what you’ve said interests them enough, they will be more invested in a follow-up meeting.

The key to doing this successfully, however, is that whatever few points you choose to present need to be accompanied by some form of tailored business solution or insight into their specific needs. 

Don’t Forget to Take Credit

25. european family business trends: modern times by kpmg.

It seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many times consultants neglect to put their profile image and professional business contact information at the end of each report.

There are many reasons to do so, but most importantly, it helps your potential business client remember you better. The truth is, we remember faces better than names, and adding this information allows them to reach out if they’re interested in a follow-up oppurtunity.

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Audience First

Clarity of thought translates directly into how succinct your presentation comes off. A key presentation design tip is that your slide deck should always be the last thing you tackle – structure and story come first. It may not be that surprising of a reveal if we were to tell you: The elements that make a business consultant’s report presentation great are almost the same that make any presentation great.

At the end of the day, keep your audience at the center, be creative and thoughtful of their needs; use design and visuals to your advantage and integrate them early on, not as an afterthought. And remember: Even with more options, sometimes, less is more.

Time to Make Your Own 

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1. Monthly Marketing Report Template

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3. monthly progress report template, 4. client research report template.

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5. Monthly Sales Report Template

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6. Social Media Audience Report Template

7. email campaign report template.

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  • Systematic Review
  • Open access
  • Published: 04 September 2024

Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of breast cancer in Ethiopia: a systematic review

  • Firaol Guyassa Dandena 1 , 2 ,
  • Berhanetsehay Teklemariam Teklewold 2 ,
  • Tadele Dana Darebo 3 &
  • Yisihak Debodina Suga 2  

BMC Cancer volume  24 , Article number:  1102 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

According to GLOBOCAN 2020 Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the prevalence is increasing worldwide and in Ethiopia. This review assessed studies conducted in Ethiopia on the clinical features and epidemiology of breast cancer.

Data base search conducted PubMed, Google Scholar African Journals Online (AJOL), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and Hinari without time restrictions. The search keywords included; prevalence and pattern, clinical presentation, histological and molecular subtypes, and management. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline to identify, search, extract articles, and report this systematic review. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO, ID: CRD42023403320.

Twenty studies were included in the review with 33,369 participants and 3 were community-based and 17 were hospital-based. In all except two reviewed studies, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women of Ethiopia. The most frequent presenting symptom was a breast lump/mass and commonly affected side was right breast. Most patients presented at a late stage and they were premenopausal age group. The commonest histology type is ductal carcinoma, that the most prevalent receptor was estrogen receptor positive, and the most common molecular subtype was Luminal A in pathology samples. Surgery is main stay of treatment and the most common surgical technique practiced in Ethiopia is modified radical mastectomy.

Breast cancer incidence is rising, and it accounts for the major cancer burden in the country. There is a need for additional awareness-raising and health education because delayed presentation are critical problems throughout Ethiopia. For planning and monitoring cancer patterns, comprehensive demographic and clinical data from a population or facility-based registry are needed in the regions. The available treatment options are still limited in Ethiopia it needs infrastructural development.

Peer Review reports


The World Health Organization (WHO) report shows that in 2020, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer, making it the most common cancer with 685,000 deaths worldwide. It continues to cause more disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in women worldwide than any other cancer. Deaths from breast cancer are high in African countries due to poor health infrastructure, poor vital records, delayed health-seeking behavior, and low community awareness [ 1 ].

Breast cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world have increased over the last three decades. Study done on Breast cancer incidence and mortality from 1990 to 2016. In 60 out of 102 countries, the incidence of breast cancer has more than doubled, while the death rate has doubled in 43 out of 102 countries [ 2 ]. By 2030, it is predicted that there will be 2.7 million new cases worldwide each year and 0.87 million deaths from breast cancer [ 3 ].

A country assessment showed that breast cancer is the most common cancer illness in Ethiopia, accounting for 16,133 (20.9%) of all cancer cases and 9,061 (17.5%) of all cancer-related deaths [ 4 ]. Approximately 80% of breast cancer cases in sub-Saharan Africa are detected at late stages (stage III or IV), compared to 15% in high-income countries [ 5 ].

Breast cancer arises from the epithelium lining the milk ducts, known as invasive ductal carcinoma. This is the most common subgroup (50–80%), followed by the group arising from the glandular tissue of the breast lobules [ 6 ]. Based on mRNA gene expression levels, breast cancer can be classified into molecular subgroups. The four main intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2-enriched, and basal-like). Regarding Hormone status of breast cancers ER-positive tumors account for almost 70% of all breast cancers in Western populations [ 7 , 8 ]. The TNM system for cancer staging refers to the classification of a tumor based on a list of factors, including the degree of disease affecting the main tumor (Tis to T4), regional lymph node status (N0 to N3), and distant metastases (M0 or M1) (0 to IV) [ 9 ].

When choosing a treatment plan, the type of breast cancer and its stage are often considered. Patients with breast cancer are often given several types of treatment. The current choices are radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and chemotherapy [ 10 ]. According to studies from underdeveloped countries, stage I and stage II have five-year survival rates of 90% and 65%, respectively, while stage III and stage IV have rates of only 33% and 6%, respectively [ 11 ].

Until April 2022, the Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital (TASH) was the only center in the country that offered radiotherapy. As of April 2022, Ethiopia has two additional functional radiation therapy centers: Jimma University Medical Center (JUMC) in the southwest of the country and Hiwot Fana Specialized Hospital at Haramaya University in the eastern part of the country.

Rationale of the study

Based on a preliminary search, we couldn’t find compressive evidence at the country level regarding breast cancer patients’ epidemiology and clinical profile. Therefore, a thorough examination of the existing evidence on breast cancer would aid in understanding breast cancer epidemiology and clinical profile in the country. This review provides evidence for the development of future strategies that are especially suited to the Ethiopian population.

Study objective

This study aimed to generate country wide evidence on epidemiology and clinical characteristics of breast cancer in Ethiopia.

The PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic review database checked for already-done or ongoing systematic reviews with the same objective before the data collection process started. The protocol of this review is registered in ID: CRD42023403320. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline to identify, search, extract articles, and report this systematic review [ 12 ].

Search strategy

The electronic databases and search engines PubMed, Google Scholar African Journals Online, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Hinari were searched until June 20, 2023. The MeSH terms and key words were as follows: breast cancer, breast neoplasm, prevalence, epidemiology, Sign, Symptom Presentation, histology, molecular subtype, and management of breast cancer. The MeSH keywords were combined using Boolean operators (AND/OR), and Ethiopia’s name was appended at the end. To enhance the number of articles included and lower the number of missing articles, hand searching was done on the citations and references listed in the eligible articles ( Tables  1 and 2 ).

Eligibility criteria

Selection of study and extraction.

As shown in the PRISMA flowchart, all articles identified from the electronic database searches were imported into Zotero and Duplicates were removed. Further Exclusion of articles conducted using title and abstract screening. Articles with full text were assessed for eligibility and further full text exclusion done on those articles which do not have a clearly written result. FGD and BTT extracted data simultaneously and independently, and any disagreements were resolved after independent review by the TGD and YDS. Finally, we extracted relevant information from each literature using an Excel spreadsheet template to avoid missing important information when preparing the results of the review or for future cross-checking. The extracted data includes first author’s name, year of publication, study design, location, prevalence and pattern, Presenting Symptom, Stage at presentation, Histology findings, Molecular Features and Treatment.

figure 1

PRISMA flowchart for article Search and Selection Process

Data analysis

The extracted data were further categorized into institution-based and community-based according to the setting in which the studies took place and further sorted according to the institution in which the studies were conducted. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist [ 13 ].

Study selection and characteristics

A total of 352 articles were found from electronic data base searching on the search engines and databases. All of these search results exported to Zotero computer software, where 140 duplicate records were removed and 149 were removed after being screened based on title and abstract. Further 43 articles were removed based on an objective of the review. Finally, 20 eligible articles, which enrolled 33,369 participants, were included in the systematic review (Fig.  1 ).

Most of the studies were conducted in Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital (TASH)(6/20), which was only hospital with radiotherapy treatment in the country until April 2022. Articles based on the study setting: 3 (15%) articles were community-based, and 17 (85%) articles were hospital-based. Based on study design, 9 (45%) articles were cross-sectional, 10 (50%) retrospective chart reviews, and one retrospective cohort.

Prevalence and pattern

Five studies assessed the prevalence and pattern of breast cancer in the country. All hospital-based studies showed the prevalence of breast cancer compared to other cancers. Breast cancer accounts for 15.2–26% of all cancers [ 14 , 15 ] and from female cancer 29.3–37% [ 11 , 16 ].

A community-based study done using the Addis Ababa City Cancer Registry (AACCR) showed the incidence of breast cancer (2012–2013) to be 31.5% of all female cancers [ 17 ] and a study done during 2012–2015 from AACCR and six regions showed breast cancer constituted 33% of all cancers in women and 23% of all cancers [ 18 ].

According to a study done at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (HUCSH) from 2013 to 2019, the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer in hospitals has increased from 69 (12.3%) In 2013, 106 (19%) in 2019 [ 19 ].

A study from Gondar University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (GUCSH), showed breast cancer accounts for 76 (14.1%) of all cancers [ 15 ] and finding from TASH showed breast cancer accounts for 26% of female cancers [ 14 ].

A study conducted at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC), of all malignancies, breast cancer accounted for 587 (29.3%) in 2019, making it the second most common disease after cervical CA [ 16 ].

Presenting symptom

Fourteen studies reported Age at diagnosis. The median age ranges 38-55.8 years [ 19 , 20 ] and mean age ranges 42.1–47.5 years [ 16 , 21 ].

Premenopausal patients represent the majority of female breast cancer patients at the time of diagnosis, with the median age being between 40 and 46 years (14,15,17,19,23,2829). Breast lumps or masses were the most common presenting symptoms in all studies, followed by breast pain and ulceration [ 20 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ]. A study conducted at the GUCSH, where 65 (79%) patients presented with breast mass and breast ulceration in 15 patients (18%) [ 26 ].

Similar findings from two university hospitals (Gondar and Felege Hiwot University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital) (GUCSH and FHCSH) revealed that breast lump or mass was the most common presentable symptom in 328 (88.4%), followed by painful wound in 161 (43.4%) [ 22 ].

A study at Dessie Referral Hospital (DRH) showed 117 (57.4%) patients presented with breast lumps, followed by breast pain in 70 (34.3%) [ 25 ]. A multicenter study in Addis Ababa showed that breast lumps were found in 344 (78.0%) patients, followed by pain in 53 (10.2%) patients [ 24 ].

Regarding lymph node involvement, the findings from GUCSH and FHCSH showed that (320, 86.3%) and DRH 30, (14.7%), had a lymph node involvement at presentation [ 22 , 25 ]. According to studies done at the GUCSH and TASH, breast CA commonly affects the right breast 48 (59%), and, 160 (38.4%) respectively ( 26 , 19 and 27 )and unlike others finding from HUCSH showed left breast in is commonly affected 302 (54%), and the upper outer quadrant was the most commonly involved according to the findings from TASH 154 (78.2%) ,40 (9.6%) [ 27 , 28 ].

Stage at presentation

Nine studies included stage at presentation. Eight studies showed most of the patients presented in late stages (stage III and stage IV), and the prevalence of advanced stages ranges from 57 to 71.2% in ( 22 , 19 , 29 , and 25 ). This was shown in a study conducted in GUCSH and FHCSH, in which 53 (14.3%) patients were diagnosed at stage IV and 211 (56.9%) patients were diagnosed at stage III [ 22 ]. According to HUCSH findings, 24 (12.2%) were diagnosed with stage IV disease, 113 (57.4%) with stage III disease, and 160 (30.4%) with early-stage disease [ 19 ].

Findings from DRH showed 82 (40.2%) and 53 (25.5%) were diagnosed with stage IV and stage III, and early stage presentation was 69 (33.8%) [ 27 ]. TASH stages at diagnosis: 74 (57%) were diagnosed at stages III and IV. Stage III: 63 (48.5%); Stage IV: 11 (8.5%) [ 29 ].

Unlike the previous papers, a finding from the TASH showed that the majority of patients 56(59%) of patients presented with early and late stages accounted for 40(41%) [ 30 ].

Histology findings

Nine studies included histologic findings and in all reviewed studies, ductal carcinoma is the most prevalent histology type. The prevalence of ductal carcinoma in studies done in SPHMMC, (GUCSH and FHCSH), GUCSH, and HUCSH studies was 479 (81.6%), 347 (93.5%), 61 (74%), and 156 (79.2), respectively [ 16 , 22 , 26 , 28 ]. Out of nine studies 5 studies were from TASH. Ductal carcinoma is the most common histology type in TASH, followed by lobular carcinoma, with a prevalence ranging from 55.3 to 83.7% [ 20 , 27 , 29 , 30 , 31 ].

Regarding the level of differentiation, studies conducted in TASH and HUCSH, showed that moderate differentiation carcinoma is the commonest type (177 (31.7%) and 91 (46.2%), followed by poor differentiation (155 (27.7%) and 72 (36.5%), respectively [ 28 , 31 ]. Unlike the previous study findings, those from northern Ethiopia (GUCSH and FHCSH) and GUCSH showed that poor differentiation was the most common among types 140 (45.6%) and 30 (37%), followed by moderate differentiation in patients 79 (40.7%) and 14 (17%), respectively [ 22 , 26 ].

Molecular features

Two studies from TASH looked at the prevalence of hormone receptors and molecular subtypes. Both papers showed that the most prevalent receptor was estrogen receptor positive, and the most common molecular subtype was Luminal A in pathology samples. In a study from TASH in 2018, the prevalence of estrogen receptor positivity was 74 (65%), progesterone receptor positivity was 49 (43%), and HER2 positivity was 26 (23%). Regarding molecular subtype, the prevalence of Luminal A (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-) was 45 (40%), Luminal B (ER + and/or PR+, HER2+) was 30 (26%), HER2-enriched (ER-, PR-, HER2+) was 11 (10%), and Triple Negative/Basal like (ER-, PR-, HER2-) was 26 (23%) [ 30 ]. In a similar study from the same institution (2017), 137 biopsies were found to be ER+ (65.5%), PR+ (58%), and HER2 positive (28%) in a study, and the prevalence of molecular subtypes was shown to be Luminal A (54%), Luminal B (22%), HER2-enriched (6%), and Triple 29 Negative/Basal-like (18%) [ 29 ].

Studies included in this review Reported modalities of treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy. Surgery remain the mainstay of management in many settings in Ethiopia, and the most prevalent surgical technique was modified radical mastectomy (MRM) [ 19 , 22 , 25 ].

Finding from GUCSH showed, surgery was done for all 82 patients of which 51 (62%) of patients underwent MRM, and 79 (96%) received chemotherapy. The commonest chemotherapy regimen is Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide (AC). Hormonal treatment given to 60 (73%) and Tamoxifen 18 (22%) was the commonest type [ 26 ].

Surgery was performed in 357 (96.2%) patients by two university hospitals (GUCSH and FHCSH); chemotherapy was performed in 163 (43.9%); and hormone therapy was performed in 50 (13.5%) [ 22 ].

According to a study conducted at HUCSH, chemotherapy provided for all 559 (100%) patients and Doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel were the chemotherapy regiment was commonest. Hormonal therapy provided 168(30%) and Tamoxifen regiment was commonest hormonal therapy patients, and surgery (modified radical mastectomy) was done for 196 (35.1%) [ 19 ].

Chemotherapy was given for 275 (90.7) patients in TASH in 2019, with the most prevalent regimen being 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FAC) in 66.9% of cases. Surgery was done for 257 (85%) , combination therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, and palliative care) delivered to 189 (55.8%) and Radiotherapy was provided for 107 (35%) [ 21 ].

A similar study from TASH on 2013 Surgery was done for 902 (87%), and the majority had a modified radical mastectomy of 880 (95%). The majority of patients 893 (83%) also received chemotherapy, mainly anthracycline-containing chemotherapy (FAC)782 (73%). Hormonal therapy provided for 864 (81%) [ 31 ].

According to a study conducted at ACSH, 121 (65.1%) patients had surgery and 33 (17.7%) had chemotherapy, while the rest had both surgery and chemotherapy [ 30 ]. In TASH(2017), 192 (74%) patients received surgical intervention, the commonest being mastectomy 126, (65.6%); radiotherapy was provided for 53 (20.5%); and chemotherapy was provided for 231 (89.2%) patients [ 29 ].

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Ethiopia in most reviewed studies, where the prevalence ranges from 15.2 to 26% from all cancers [ 14 , 15 ] and from female cancer 29.3–37% [ 11 , 16 ]. The pattern of breast cancer is increasing in Ethiopia. A study from HUCSH showed the breast cancer rate in hospitals has increased from 69 (12.3%) in 2013 to 106 (19%) in 2019 [ 19 ] and Results from TASH showed changes in breast cancer between 1997 and 2012, with a prevalence in 2012 has increased by more than seven times compared 1997 [ 32 ].

finding from different studies support this review’s finding which shows incidence increased by 1.44% per year from 1990 to 2017 and as for regional changes in incidence, all regions of breast cancer had increased incidence except North America, and the Middle East and North Africa had the largest increase in overall incidence [ 33 ]. In a similar study conducted between 2000 and 2012, incidence rates of breast cancer increased in South Korea, China, and the United Kingdom while decreasing in the United States [ 34 ]. The breast cancer incidence in Africa continues to increase and is projected to double by 2050.

This review showed commonest age group was from 40 to 46 years ( 7 , 22 , 23 , 21 , 16 , 28 , and 20 ) which similar finding other African studies [ 35 , 36 , 37 ].

Regarding stage at presentation, most of the patients presented with late stages (stages 3 and 4), with a prevalence range of 57–71.2% [ 19 , 22 , 25 , 29 ]. which is supported by papers from Africa showed with 89.6% and 72.8% of breast patients in Kenya and Nigeria respectively presenting with advanced stage disease [ 38 , 39 , 40 ]. Studies in South Africa reported an advanced stage breast cancer incidence of 50 and 55% [ 40 ]. This review showed that early-stage (stages I and II) accounts for 15–35% [ 6 , 8 , 15 , 27 ]. Similar findings were found in other developing countries, where only 20–50% of patients in the majority of low- and middle-income countries were diagnosed in these earlier stages [ 39 ].

Breast lump or mass is the most common presenting symptom in all studies from various parts of the country, ranging from 57.4 to 88.4% [ 22 , 24 , 25 , 26 ].

Regarding histological findings of breast cancer in Ethiopia, the commonest histology is ductal carcinoma, followed by lobar carcinoma in all reviewed research and prevalence ranges (55.3–93.5%) [ 16 , 20 , 22 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 31 , 41 ].

The prevalence of hormone receptors and molecular subtypes is high; estrogen receptor positivity is the most common receptor and is found in more than 65% of breast cancer patients. In terms of molecular subtype, Luminal A (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-) is the most common finding in breast cancer biopsies, accounting for more than 40% of cases, while Triple Negative/Basal-like cases account for more than 15% of cases [ 20 , 29 ]. Similar finding from studies from south Africa showed Estrogen Receptor is the commonest hormone receptors [ 39 , 40 ].

This review showed surgery is the mainstay treatment for breast cancer in Ethiopia, and radiotherapy is only provided in the capital city on TASH. A similar study from Africa showed a mastectomy rate greater than 85% and a huge difference from Europe’s breast cancer mastectomy of 30% [ 41 ].

Limitations of the study

Only English language articles were included.

Conclusion and recommendation

This review summarized the epidemiology, clinical and histological characteristics, and treatment modalities of breast cancer in Ethiopia. Breast cancer incidence is rising, and it accounts for the major cancer burden in the country. There is a need for additional awareness-raising and health education because delayed presentation is a critical problem throughout Ethiopia. For planning and monitoring cancer patterns, comprehensive demographic and clinical data from a population- or facility-based registry are needed. Currently, only one exists in the capital, the Addis Ababa City Cancer Registry (AACCR). There is a need to establish and strengthen histologic and pathology labs, as most hospitals are doing surgeries without histologic, molecular, or receptor identification since it helps with targeted therapy, according to what current best practice suggests. The available treatment options are still limited in Ethiopia; it needs Expanding radiation facilities is a major step toward improving outcomes for breast cancer patients.

Data availability

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in supplementary file .


Addis Ababa City Cancer Registry 

Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital

  • Breast Cancer

Dessie Referral Hospital

Ethiopian Public Health Institute

Estrogen Receptor

Felege Hiwot Comprehensive specialized hospitals

Gondar University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital

Human Epidermal Receptor

Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital

Institutional Review Board

Jimma University Medical Center

Low- and Middle-Income Country

Medical Subjects Headings

Modified Radical Mastectomy  

Progesterone Receptor

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical Collage

Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital

World Health Organization

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Departement of Research, Quality and patient safety, CURE International, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Firaol Guyassa Dandena

Department of Surgery, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Firaol Guyassa Dandena, Berhanetsehay Teklemariam Teklewold & Yisihak Debodina Suga

School of Public Health, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

Tadele Dana Darebo

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FGD and BTT developed the protocol, reviewed the reference list, extracted data, and conducted the analyses. TDD and YDS assessed the quality of the data, ensured the absence of errors and arbitrated in case of disagreement. FGD developed the draft manuscript and TDD critically reviewed it. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Dandena, F.G., Teklewold, B.T., Darebo, T.D. et al. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of breast cancer in Ethiopia: a systematic review. BMC Cancer 24 , 1102 (2024).

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Received : 22 April 2024

Accepted : 19 August 2024

Published : 04 September 2024


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  • Systematic review
  • Epidemiology

ISSN: 1471-2407

group presentation report sample


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