Cohesion And Coherence In Essay Writing

Table of contents, introduction.

Before illustrating how to write coherent essays, let us start with the definitions of coherence and cohesion and list the ways we can achieve cohesion in a coherent text.

Definitions Cohesion and Coherence

What is coherence.

Coherence is related to the macro-level features of a text which enable it to have a sense as a whole.

What is cohesion?

How to achieve cohesion and coherence in essay writing, lexical cohesion.

Repeating words may contribute to cohesion. Repetition creates cohesive ties within the text.

Grammatical cohesion

Substitutions, conjunctions transition words, cohesive but not coherent texts.

The player threw the ball toward the goalkeeper. Balls are used in many sports. Most balls are spheres, but American football is an ellipsoid. Fortunately, the goalkeeper jumped to catch the ball. The crossbar in the soccer game is made of iron. The goalkeeper was standing there.

How to write a coherent essay?

1. start with an outline, 2. structure your essay.

Parts of the essayContent
IntroductionIntroduces the topic.
Provides background information
Presents the thesis statement of the essay
BodyThe body of the essay is made up of several paragraphs depending on the complexity of your argument and the points you want to discuss.
Each paragraph discusses one main point.
Each paragraph includes a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
All paragraphs must relate to the thesis.
ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the main points of the essay.
It must not include new ideas.
It draws a final decision or judgment about the issues you have been discussing.
May connect the essay to larger topics or areas of further study.

3. Structure your paragraphs

4. relevance to the main topic, 5. stick to the purpose of the type of essay you’re-writing, 6. use cohesive devices and signposting phrases.

Cohesive deviceExamples
Conjunctions and transition words.

What is signposting in writing?

Essay signposting phrases.

Transition wordsExpressing additionin addition – as well as – moreover – what is more…
Expressing contrasthowever – yet – nevertheless – nonetheless – on the contrary – whereas…
Expressing cause and effectconsequently – as a consequence – as a result – therefore…
Expressing purposein order to – in order not to – so as to…
Summarizingin conclusion – to conclude – to sum up
Other signposting expressionsTo introduce the essay– This essay aims at…
– This essay will be concerned with…
– It shall be argued in this essay…
– This essay will focus on…
To introduce a new idea– Having established…, it is possible now to consider…
– … is one key issue; another of equal importance is…
– Also of significant importance is the issue of…
– With regard to…
– With respect to…
– Firstly, …
– Secondly, …
– Finally, …
To illustrate something– One aspect that illustrates … is …
– An example of…
– …can be identified as…
– The current debate about… illustrates
– This highlights…
To be more specific and emphasize a point– Importantly,
– Indeed,
– In fact,
– More importantly,
– It is also important to highlight
– In particular, In relation to, More specifically, With respect to, In terms of
Changing direction– To get back to the topic of this paper, …
– Speaking of…, …
– That reminds me of…
– That brings to mind…
– On a happier/sad note, …
– Another point to consider is …
Comparing– In comparison, …
– Compared to…
– Similarly, …
– Likewise,…
– Conversely
– In contrast, …
– On the one hand, …
– On the other hand, …
Going into more detail on a point– In particular…
– Specifically…
– Concentrating on …
– By focusing on …. in more detail, it is possible… to…
– To be more precise …
Rephrasing– In other words, …
– To put it simply, …
– That is to say…
– To put it differently, …
– To rephrase it, …
– In plain English, …
Reintroducing a topic– As discussed/explained earlier, …
– The earlier discussion on… can be developed further here, …
– As stated previously, …
– As noted above,…
Introducing an opposing/alternative view– An alternative perspective is given by… who suggests/argues that…
– This conflicts with the view held by…
– Alternatively, …
Concluding– It could be concluded that…
– From this, it can be concluded that…
– The evidence shows that…
– In conclusion,…
-In summary, …

7. Draft, revise, and edit

cohesive in essay writing

Writing Resources: Developing Cohesion

Cohesion  is a characteristic of a successful essay  when it flows as a united whole ; meaning, there is unity and connectedness between all of the parts. Cohesion is a writing issue at a macro and micro level. At a macro-level, cohesion is the way a paper uses a thesis sentence, topic sentences, and transitions across paragraphs to help unify and focus a paper. On a micro-level, cohesion happens within the paragraph unit between sentences; when each sentence links back to the previous sentence and looks ahead to the next, there is cohesion across sentences. Cohesion is an important aspect of writing because it helps readers to follow the writer’s thinking. 

Misconceptions & Stumbling Blocks

Many writers believe that you should avoid repetition at all costs. It’s true that strong writing tends to not feel repetitive in terms of style and word choice; however, some repetition is necessary in order to build an essay and even paragraphs that build on each other and develop logically. A pro tip when you’re drafting an essay would be to build in a lot of repetition and then as you revise, go through your essay and look for ways you can better develop your ideas by paraphrasing your argument and using appropriate synonyms.

Building Cohesion

Essay focus: macro cohesion.

Locate & read your thesis sentence and the first and last sentence of each paragraph. You might even highlight them and/or use a separate piece of paper to make note of the key ideas and subjects in each (that is, making a reverse outline while you’re reading).

  • How do these sentences relate?
  • How can you use the language of the thesis statement again in topic sentences to reconnect to the main argument?
  • Does each paragraph clearly link back to the thesis? Is it clear how each paragraph adds to, extends, or complicates the thesis?
  • Repetition of key terms and ideas (especially those that are key to the argument)
  • Repetition of central arguments; ideally, more than repeating your argument, it evolves and develops as it encounters new supporting or conflicting evidence.
  • Appropriate synonyms. Synonyms as well as restating (paraphrasing) main ideas and arguments both helps you to explain and develop the argument and to build cohesion in your essay.

Paragraph Focus: Micro Cohesion

For one paragraph, underline the subject and verb of each sentence.

  • Does the paragraph have a consistent & narrow focus?
  • Will readers see the connection between the sentences?
  • Imagine that the there is a title for this paragraph: what would it be and how would it relate to the underlined words?
  • Repetition of the central topic and a clear understanding of how the evidence in this paragraph pushes forward or complicates that idea.
  • Variations on the topic
  • Avoid unclear pronouns (e.g., it, this, these, etc.). Rather than using pronouns, try to state a clear and specific subject for each sentence. This is an opportunity to develop your meaning through naming your topic in different ways.
  • Synonyms for key terms and ideas that help you to say your point in slightly new ways that also push forward your ideas.

Sentence to Sentence: Micro Cohesion  

Looking at one paragraph, try to name what each sentence is doing to the previous: is it adding further explanation? Is it complicating the topic? Is it providing an example? Is it offering a counter-perspective? Sentences that build off of each other have movement that is intentional and purposeful; that is, the writer knows the purpose of each sentence and the work that each sentence accomplishes for the paragraph.

  • Transition words (look up a chart) to link sentence and to more clearly name what you’re doing in each sentence (e.g., again, likewise, indeed, therefore, however, additionally, etc.) 
  • Precise verbs to help emphasize what the writer is doing and saying (if you’re working with a source/text) or what you’re doing and saying.
  • Again, clear and precise subjects that continue to name your focus in each sentence.
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Essay writing Essay writing

Achieving coherence

“A piece of writing is coherent when it elicits the response: ‘I follow you. I see what you mean.’ It is incoherent when it elicits the response: ‘I see what you're saying here, but what has it got to do with the topic at hand or with what you just told me above?’ ” - Johns, A.M


Parallelism, challenge task, what is coherence.

Coherence in a piece of writing means that the reader can easily understand it. Coherence is about making everything flow smoothly. The reader can see that everything is logically arranged and connected, and relevance to the central focus of the essay is maintained throughout.

cohesive in essay writing  

Pronouns are useful cohesive devices because they make it unnecessary to repeat words too often. Consider the following:

Repetitious referencing: 

When Gillette first invented disposable razor blades, he found it very hard to sell  the disposable razor blades .  He found it very hard to sell the disposable razor blades  because nobody had marketed a throw-away product before.

When Gillette first invented disposable razor blades, he found it very hard to sell  them .  This  was because nobody had marketed a throw-away product before.

Pronouns as cohesive devices 

This following presentation shows how pronouns can be used effectively to achieve coherence within a text and some common problems of use.  

cohesive in essay writing

Repetition in a piece of writing does not always demonstrate cohesion.   Study these sentences:

So, how does repetition as a cohesive device work?

When a pronoun is used, sometimes what the pronoun refers to (ie, the referent) is not always clear. Clarity is achieved by  repeating a key noun or synonym . Repetition is a cohesive device used deliberately to improve coherence in a text.

In the following text, decide ifthe referent for the pronoun  it   is clear. Otherwise, replace it  with the key noun English  where clarity is needed.

English has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more people speak it ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select3" ).html( document.getElementById( "select3" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));  than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more countries in the world, but more countries have English ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select4" ).html( document.getElementById( "select4" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));  as their official or unofficial second language. More than 70% of the world's mail is written in English ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select5" ).html( document.getElementById( "select5" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));  It ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select6" ).html( document.getElementById( "select6" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));  is the primary language on the Internet. (p.23).

Text source: Oshima, A. and Hogue. A. (2006).  (4th ed.). NY: Pearson Education

Click here to view the revised text.

Suggested improvement

English has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more people speak it (clear reference; retain)  than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more countries in the world, but more countries have English ( it is replaced with a key noun) as their official or unofficial second language. More than 70% of the world's mail is written in English ( it is replaced with a key noun).  It (clear reference; retain) is the primary language on the Internet.

Sometimes, repetition of a key noun is preferred even when the reference is clear. In the following text, it is clear that it  refers to the key noun gold , but when used throughout the text, the style becomes monotonous.

Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all,  has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore,   is suitable for jewellery, coins and ornamental purposes.   never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted 23 centuries ago. Another characteristic of   is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years,   has been used in hundreds of industrial applications, such as photography and dentistry. Its most recent use is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear heat shields made from  for protection when they go outside spaceships in space. In conclusion,  is treasured not only for its beauty but also its utility. (p.22).

Text source: Oshima, A. and Hogue, A. (2006).  (4th ed.). NY: Pearson Education

Improved text: Note where the key noun gold is repeated. The deliberate repetition creates interest and adds maturity to the writing style.

Gold , a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewellery, coins and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was made 23 centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear gold -plated shields when they go outside spaceships in space. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also its utility.

Pronoun + Repetition of key noun

Sometimes, greater cohesion can be achieved by using a pronoun followed by an appropriate key noun or synonym (a word with a similar meaning).

In the two main studies, no dramatic change was found in the rate of corrosion.  could be due to several reasons.  

Generally speaking, crime rates in Europe have fallen over the past two years.   has been the result of new approaches to punishment.

When a group of school children was interviewed, the majority said they preferred their teachers to be humorous yet kind. However,  were not as highly rated by teachers.

Transitions are like traffic signals. They guide the reader from one idea to the next. They signal a range of relationships between sentences, such as comparison, contrast, example and result. Click here for a more comprehensive list of Transitions (Logical Organisers) .

Test yourself: How well do you understand transitions?

Which of the three alternatives should follow the transition or logical organiser in capital letters to complete the second sentence?

Using transitions/logical organisers

Improve the coherence of the following paragraph by adding transitions in the blank spaces. Use the italicised hint in brackets to help you choose an apporpriate transition for each blank. If you need to, review the list of Transitions (Logical Organisers)   before you start.

First, CDs brought digital sound into people's homes. Then DVD technology brought digital sound and video and completely revolutionised the movie industry. Soon there will be 1. ( ) revolution: Blu-ray *BDs. A Blu-ray disc will have several advantages. 2. ( ), it has an enormous data storage capacity. A single-sided DVD can hold 4.7 gigabytes of information, about the size of an average 2-hour movie. A single-sided BD, 3. ( ) can hold up to 27 gigabytes, enough for 13 hours of standard video. A 4. ( ) advantage is that a BD can record, store, and play back high-definition video because of its larger capacity. A double-layer BD can store about 50 gigabytes, enough for 4.5 hours of high-definition video. The cost will be the same. 5. ( ), a BD has a higher data transfer rate - 36 megabits per second - than today's DVDs, which transfer at 10 megabits per second. 6. ( ), a BD can record 25 gigabytes of data in just over an hour and a half. 7. ( , because of their storage capacity and comparable cost, BDs will probably take over the market when they become widely available. (p.31).

Text source: Oshima, A. and Hogue, A. (2008).  4th ed.). NY: Pearson Longman Ltd.

Using transitions

Choose the most appropriate transition from the options given to complete the article:

There are three separate sources of hazards related to the use of nuclear reactions to supply us with energy. Firstly ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select14" ).html( document.getElementById( "select14" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , the radioactive material must travel from its place of manufacture to the power station. Although ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select15" ).html( document.getElementById( "select15" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); the power stations themselves are solidly built, the containers used for the transport of the material are not. Unfortunately, there are normally only two methods of transport available, namely ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select16" ).html( document.getElementById( "select16" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); road or rail, and both of these involve close contact with the general public, since ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select17" ).html( document.getElementById( "select17" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); the routes are bound to pass near or through heavily-populated areas. 

Secondly ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select18" ).html( document.getElementById( "select18" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes which in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to de-activiate these wastes; consequently ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select19" ).html( document.getElementById( "select19" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , they must be disposed of carefully. For example ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select20" ).html( document.getElementById( "select20" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , they may be buried under the ground, dropped into disused mineshafts, or sunk in the sea. However ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select21" ).html( document.getElementById( "select21" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , these methods do not solve the problem; they merely store it, since ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select22" ).html( document.getElementById( "select22" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); an earthquake could crack open the containers.

Thirdly ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select23" ).html( document.getElementById( "select23" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , there is the problem of accidental exposure due to a leak or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two hazards, this is extremely unlikely. Nevertheless ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select24" ).html( document.getElementById( "select24" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); it can happen. Separately, and during short periods, these three types of risk are no great cause for concern. Taken together, though ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select25" ).html( document.getElementById( "select25" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , and especially over much longer periods, the probability of a disaster is extremely high. (p. 62).

Text source: Coe, N., Rycroft, R., & Ernest, P. (1983).  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Overusing transitions

While the use of appropriate transitions can improve coherence (as the previous practice activity shows), it can also be counterproductive if transitions are overused. Use transitions carefully to enhance and clarify the logical connection between ideas in extended texts. Write a range of sentences and vary sentence openings. 

Study the following examples:


If people stopped drinking, they might be able to prevent the onset of liver disease. , governments permit the production and sale of alcohol.  , they should help in preventing this disease.  , government resources are limited. 


If people stopped drinking, they might be able to prevent the onset of liver disease. Governments permit the production and sale of alcohol.  They should help in preventing this disease. Government resources are limited. 

If people stopped drinking, they might be able to prevent the onset of liver disease. The government should help in preventing this disease  they permit the production and sale of alcohol. Government resources,  , are limited.

Identifying cohesive devices

cohesive in essay writing

1.  Repetition of key noun                   

2.  Repetition of key noun                    

3.  Pronoun + Repetition                      

4.  Repetition with synonym                 

5.  Pronoun                                       

6.  Pronoun

7.    Transition

8.    Transition

9.    Repetition of key noun  

10.   Pronoun

11.   Pronoun + Repetition


Write the name of the cohesive device - pronoun , repetition  or  transition  - in the space after each underlined word or phrase before the blank.

The Sinking of the Titanic

In 1912, the Titanic, the largest and best equipped transatlantic liner of   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select26" ).html( document.getElementById( "select26" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); time, hit an iceberg on   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select27" ).html( document.getElementById( "select27" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); first crossing from England to America and sank. Of the 2,235 parrengers and crew, only 718 survivived.

Research has shown that a number of factors played an important part in the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select28" ).html( document.getElementById( "select28" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); .  transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select29" ).html( document.getElementById( "select29" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , the  repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select30" ).html( document.getElementById( "select30" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); carried only sixteen lifeboats, with room for about 1,100 people.   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select31" ).html( document.getElementById( "select31" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); was clearly not enough for a ship of the  repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select32" ).html( document.getElementById( "select32" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); size.   transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select33" ).html( document.getElementById( "select33" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , the designer of the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select34" ).html( document.getElementById( "select34" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); originally planned to equip the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select35" ).html( document.getElementById( "select35" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); with forty-eight   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select36" ).html( document.getElementById( "select36" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); ;   transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select37" ).html( document.getElementById( "select37" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , in order to reduce   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select38" ).html( document.getElementById( "select38" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); costs for building the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select39" ).html( document.getElementById( "select39" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , the owners of the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select40" ).html( document.getElementById( "select40" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); decided to give   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select41" ).html( document.getElementById( "select41" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); only sixteen  repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select42" ).html( document.getElementById( "select42" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); .

A   transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select43" ).html( document.getElementById( "select43" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));    repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select44" ).html( document.getElementById( "select44" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); was that the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select45" ).html( document.getElementById( "select45" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); crew were not given enough time to become familiar with the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select46" ).html( document.getElementById( "select46" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , especially with   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select47" ).html( document.getElementById( "select47" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); emergency equipment.   transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select48" ).html( document.getElementById( "select48" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); , many   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select49" ).html( document.getElementById( "select49" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); left the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select50" ).html( document.getElementById( "select50" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); only half-full and many more people died than needed to. The   transition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select51" ).html( document.getElementById( "select51" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' ));    repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select52" ).html( document.getElementById( "select52" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); in the  repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select53" ).html( document.getElementById( "select53" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); was the behaviour of the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select54" ).html( document.getElementById( "select54" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); officers on the night of the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select55" ).html( document.getElementById( "select55" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); . In the twenty-four hours before the   repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select56" ).html( document.getElementById( "select56" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); ,  pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select57" ).html( document.getElementById( "select57" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); received a number of warnings about  repetition ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select58" ).html( document.getElementById( "select58" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); in the area, but  pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select59" ).html( document.getElementById( "select59" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); took no precautions.   pronoun ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); tmpAr.push( ' ' ); jQuery( "#select60" ).html( document.getElementById( "select60" ).innerHTML + tmpAr.join( '' )); did not change direction or even reduce speed. (p. 22).

Source: Pakenham, K.J. (1998).   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Using cohesive devices - pronouns and repetition

Read through the text below and consider how you might use pronouns and repetition (either with a key noun or synonym) to replace the bolded  expressions. Write your revised text in the submission box. 

Facebook did not invent social networking, but the company has fine-tuned into a science. When a newcomer logs in, the experience is designed to generate something Facebook calls the aha! moment.   is an observable emotional connection, gleaned by videotaping the expressions of test users navigating   for the first time. Facebook has developed a formula for the precise number of aha! moments users must have before   are hooked. Company officials will not say exactly what that magic number is, but everything about Facebook is geared to reach   as quickly as possible.

So far, at least, Facebook has avoided the digital exoduses that beset   predecessors, MySpace and Friendster.  is partly because Facebook is so good at making  indispensable. Losing Facebook hurts.

Source: Fletcher, D. (2010, May 31). Friends without borders.  , 21, 16-22.

Write the revised text here:

Click here to view a suggested answer.

Suggested answer :

The Aha! Moment

Facebook did not invent social networking, but the company has fine-tuned it ( pronoun-first person ) into a science. When a newcomer logs in, the experience is designed to generate something Facebook calls the aha! moment. This ( pronoun-determiner ) is an observable emotional connection, gleaned by videotaping the expressions of test users navigating the site ( repetition with synonym ) for the first time. Facebook has developed a formula for the precise number of aha! moments users must have before they ( pronoun-third person )  are hooked. Company officials will not say exactly what that magic number is, but everything about the site ( repetition with synonym ) is geared to reach it as quickly as possible.

So far, at least, Facebook has avoided the digital exoduses that beset its ( pronoun-possessive )  predecessors, MySpace and Friendster. This is partly because Facebook is so good at making itself ( pronoun-reflexive ) indispensable. Losing Facebook hurts.

Cohesion between paragraphs

So far, we have looked at cohesion within paragraphs. In longer texts of several paragraphs, a combination of pronouns, transition and reptition can be used to maintain logical flow and connection between paragraphs.

The extract presented here consists of four paragraphs of an expository essay entitled Sustainable Development from a Historical Perspective: The Mayan Civilisation . Note how the bolded expressions at the start of the second, third and fourth paragraphs provide cohesive links to the paragraph preceding them.

Click to view  Cohesion between paragraphs.

Sometimes known as parallel structures or balanced constructions, parallelism is the use of similar grammatical forms or sentence structures when listing or when comparing two or more items.

When used correctly, parallelism can improve the clarity of your writing.


:  The elderly residents enjoy many recreational activities: swimming, *read and *to garden.

The elderly residents enjoy many recreational activities:  , and  .


:    The academic conversation group consists of students from China, Japan, Korea and *some Germans.

:  The academic conversation group consists of students from  , , , and


:    This paper discusses the main features of the AST system, the functionalities, and *the system also has a number of limitations.

:  This paper discusses the  , , and  

Parallelism in extended texts

The following excerpt from Bertrand Russell's famous prologue to his autobiography has some classic examples of parallelism:

cohesive in essay writing

:   The computer is both fast and *it has reliability

: The computer is both   and .

:   The problem with electronic banking is neither the lack of security nor *the fact that you pay high interest rates.

: The problem with electronic banking is neither   nor  .

:   The aim of the new law is not only to reduce the incidence of boy racing but also *setting up new standards for noise tolerance in the whole neighbourhood.

: The aim of the new law is not only  ... but also   new standards for noise tolerance in the whole neighbourhood.

Correcting faulty parallel constructions

Correct the faulty parallel constructions ( bold ) in the following sentences. 

1.   The researcher wanted to find out where the new immigrants came from and to talk about their future plans.

2.  The earthquake victims were both concerned about water contamination and the slow response from the government also made them angry.

3.  An ideal environment for studying includes good lighting, a spacious room, and the furniture must be comfortable.

4.  Computers have changed the way people live, for their work, and how they use their leisure time.

5. Houses play an important role not only to provide a place to live, but also for giving a sense of security.

Write your corrections here:

Click here to view the suggested answers.

Suggested answers :

1   The researcher wanted to find out where the new immigrants came from and what their future plans were.

2.  The earthquake victims were both concerned about water contamination and angry at the the slow response from the government.

3.  An ideal environment for studying includes good lighting, a spacious room, and comfortable furniture.

4.  Computers have changed the way people live, work, and use their leisure time.

5. Houses play an important role not only to provide a place to live, but also to give a sense of security.

Recognising parallel structures

Read through the text and underline the examples of parallel structures (there are five of them). If you can, write the type of grammatical form used in each case. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Write out the entire paragraph in the submission box if it is easier.

Now you try :

Not only have geneticists found beneficial uses of genetically engineered organisms in agriculture, but they have also found ( 1. paired conjunctions ) useful ways to use these organisms advantageously in the larger environment. According to the Monsanto company, a leader in genetic engineering research, recombinant DNA techniques may provide scientists with new ways to clean up the environment and with more efficient methods of producing chemicals. By using genetically engineered organisms, scientists have been able to produce natural gas. This process will decrease society's dependence on the environment and will reduce the rate at which natural resources are depleted. In other processes, genetically engineered bacteria are being used both to extract metals from their geological setting and to speed the breakup of complex petroleum mixtures which will help to clean up oil spills. (p. 523).

Source: Rosen, L.J. (1995). Discovery and commitment: A guide for college writers. Mass.: Allyn and Bacon.

Write your answer here.

Click here to view the answer to the question above

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Creating Cohesive and Coherent Paragraphs

What this resource is about:  .

Readers rely on a text’s organization to help them understand it. Well-organized and connected sentences lead to a cohesive, coherent piece of writing. Sometimes we refer to this as “flow.”  This resource explores some ways to create more cohesive and coherent writing.  

Topic and Stress:

Topic: The beginning of the sentence is what the reader understands to be the topic. When the reader knows the topic right away, the sentence feels clearer.   

In the example below, the topics are bolded. The first sentence isn’t wrong, but in the second one, you can see that naming the topic right away makes the idea more concrete.  

      1.  It has been predicted that the global average temperature will increase at a rate of 0.2*C/decade.

      2.  Global average temperature has been predicted to increase at a rate of 0.2*C/decade.  

                                                                                                                                                                       (Schimel, 2012, p.117)

Stress: The end of the sentence is what is being emphasized, i.e. what the writer wants the reader to know about the topic. In the examples below, the topic is bolded and the stress is italicized. The information is the same in all three sentences, but where that information is placed emphasizes different things.  

  • Viruses were not studied in the sea until 1989 yet are its most abundant biological entities.
  • The most abundant biological entities in the sea are viruses, yet they were not studied until 1989.
  • The most abundant biological entities in the sea were not studied until 1989: viruses.  

                                                                                                                                                                       (Schimel, 2012, p.114)

Cohesive Writing Connects Topic and Stress:  

Sentences are cohesive when the stress of one sentence is used as the topic of the next. Below, the first example reads like a list of facts. The ideas are related but the sentences don’t connect. The second example connects the topics and stress which creates a sense of flow.  

  • Molecules are comprised of covalently bonded atoms. Molecules’ reactions are controlled by the strength of the bonds. Molecules, however, sometimes react slower than bond strength would predict.  
  • Molecules are comprised of covalently bonded atoms. Bond strength controls a molecule’s reactions. Sometimes, however, those reactions are slower than bond strength would predict.  

                                                                                                                                                                       (Schimel, 2012, p.126)

Another way to connect topics and stress is to vary sentence constructions. In the first example both sentences are written in active voice . In the second example, the second sentence is written in passive voice  in order to better connect the topic and stress.  

       1. Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by scientists studying black               holes in space. The collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble creates a black                     hole.  

       2. Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by scientists studying black               holes in space. A black hole is created by the collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a                 marble.  

                                                                                                                                                        (Williams & Bizup, 2017, p. 66)

Orienting-Informing Pattern

Readers are less confused when sentences start with something they already know or have already been introduced to. Then the writer can add new information, and the reader is better prepared for it. In other words, the writer orients the reader, then informs them (Cayley, 2011). Building sentences and paragraphs this way contributes to the overall sense of cohesion.  

Below, in the first example about salvage logging, the idea cavities is a new idea that comes out of nowhere. The writer skipped orienting the reader to the new idea; they went straight to informing. To make the paragraph more coherent, the writer describes what a cavity is before stating why it matters.  

  • Salvage logging is an increasingly common way of harvesting forests that have been attacked by insect pests. In salvage logging, trees that have been attacked are selectively harvested. Cavities in standing dead trees serve as nesting sites for birds. The population biology of cavity-nesting birds is therefore likely affected by salvage logging.  
  • Salvage logging is an increasingly common way of harvesting forests that have been attacked by insect pests. In salvage logging, trees that have been attacked are selectively harvested. The dead trees that are harvested, however, can provide cavities that are nesting sites for birds. The population biology of cavity-nesting birds is therefore likely affected by salvage logging.  

                                                                                                                                                                      (Schimel, 2012, p. 127)


Caley, R. (2011, March 020. Sentences . Explorations of Style: A Blog about Academic Writing.

Schimel, J. (2012). Writing science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded. Oxford University Press.  

Williams, J.M., & Bizup, J. (2017).  Style: Lessons in clarity and grace  (12th ed.).Pearson Education Inc. 

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Coherence And Cohesion: Writing Tips For Seamless Texts

Learn coherence and cohesion secrets to create seamlessly flowing, impactful writing. Read this content and understand both.

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Understanding the importance of coherence and cohesion in writing is fundamental, as these principles significantly impact how well your message is conveyed to the reader. These concepts empower you to create clear, logical, and organized content. 

When your writing lacks coherence, it may appear disjointed, confusing, and challenging for the reader to follow. On the other hand, without cohesion, your ideas may seem scattered and unrelated. Mastering these aspects not only enhances the overall quality of your writing but also ensures your audience can easily grasp and appreciate the information you’re presenting. 

In this article, you will gain an in-depth understanding of these essential elements. The exploration begins with a clear definition of coherence and cohesion, followed by an examination of their intricate relationship.

Definition Of Coherence

Coherence is a fundamental aspect of effective communication through written language. It encompasses the logical and orderly arrangement of ideas, details, and arguments within a text, ensuring that they connect seamlessly to convey a clear and unified message. Coherent writing allows readers to follow the author’s thought process without confusion or disruption. 

This connection of ideas is achieved through the strategic use of organization, structure, transitional elements, and logical progression. In essence, coherence is the glue that binds individual sentences, paragraphs, and sections into a cohesive and comprehensible whole, making it an indispensable element for conveying information, presenting arguments, and telling compelling stories in written form.

Definition Of Cohesion

Cohesion refers to the quality of a written text that makes it clear, organized, and logically connected. It is achieved through various linguistic devices such as transitional words, pronoun references, repetition, and logical sequencing. 

Cohesion ensures that the ideas within a text flow smoothly and are linked together, making the text easier to understand and follow. In essence, cohesion contributes to the overall coherence of a written piece, ensuring that it is cohesive and well-structured.

Relationship Between Coherence And Cohesion

The relationship between coherence and cohesion in writing is a close and interdependent one. Coherence and cohesion work together to create well-structured and easily understandable texts.

Coherence primarily deals with the overall clarity and logical flow of ideas in a piece of writing. It involves the organization of content in a way that makes sense to the reader. Coherent writing maintains a clear and consistent focus on the topic, using logical transitions between sentences and paragraphs.

On the other hand, cohesion focuses on the specific linguistic devices and techniques used to connect different parts of a text. These devices include transitional words (e.g., “therefore,” “however”), pronoun references (e.g., “it,” “they”), repetition of key terms, and logical sequencing of ideas. Cohesion ensures that the sentences within a text are linked together smoothly, enhancing the readability and comprehension of the content.

In essence, cohesion serves as a tool to achieve coherence. When a writer effectively employs cohesive elements in their writing, it enhances the overall coherence of the text. Without cohesion, even well-structured ideas may appear disjointed or confusing to the reader. Therefore, coherence and cohesion are complementary aspects of effective writing, working hand in hand to convey ideas clearly and persuasively.

Types Of Cohesion

Cohesion plays a vital role in the coherence and flow of your writing. In this section, we will explore different types of cohesion, each contributing to the overall clarity and structure of your text.

Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical cohesion focuses on the grammatical and structural elements within a text that contribute to its coherence. It involves using linguistic devices, like pronouns and sentence structure, to create clear relationships between ideas and sentences. This type of cohesion ensures smooth writing flow and aids readers in understanding connections between different parts of your text.

For instance, pronouns like “it,” “they,” and “this” refer back to previously mentioned nouns, preventing repetition. Sentence structure, including parallelism and transitional words, also plays a crucial role in achieving grammatical cohesion. It ensures consistent presentation of similar ideas and guides readers through your writing.

Reiterative Cohesion

Reiterative cohesion involves the repetition of words, phrases, or ideas within a text to reinforce key concepts and enhance clarity. This type of cohesion is particularly useful when you want to emphasize specific points or themes throughout your writing.

By restating essential elements, you create a sense of continuity and remind readers of the central message. However, it’s crucial to use reiteration judiciously to avoid redundancy and monotony.

Lexical/Semantic/Logical Cohesion

Lexical, semantic, or logical cohesion ensures meaningful connections in your text. Writers use techniques like synonyms, antonyms, and precise vocabulary to clarify complex ideas. It also maintains consistency in word meanings and logical progression, enhancing clarity and engagement.

Referential Cohesion

Referential cohesion involves linking ideas and information within a text. It’s achieved by using pronouns, demonstratives, or repetition to connect concepts. This cohesion helps readers follow the flow of the text and understand the relationships between different parts of the content.

Textual Or Interpersonal Cohesion

Textual or interpersonal cohesion focuses on how language is used to engage and communicate with the reader. It involves strategies such as addressing the reader directly, using inclusive language, and creating a sense of connection. This type of cohesion aims to make the text more relatable and interactive, enhancing the reader’s overall experience.

Tips For Using Coherence And Cohesion In Writing

When it comes to effective writing, coherence, and cohesion play a pivotal role in shaping the clarity and flow of your text. In this section, we’ll delve into practical tips for harnessing these vital elements to create well-structured and engaging content.

Develop Topic Sentences And Themes

Effective writing hinges on clear topic sentences and well-defined themes. These elements act as your text’s structural framework, ensuring both you and your readers follow a logical path through your content.

  • Identify Core Ideas: Before you begin writing, pinpoint the central concepts or themes you want to convey. These serve as the core messages or arguments you’ll explore.
  • Craft Concise Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a concise topic sentence that introduces its main idea. Think of these sentences as guideposts, signaling what’s ahead and providing clarity.
  • Establish a Strong Base: Topic sentences and themes set your text’s direction and purpose. Without them, your writing can seem disjointed and confusing.
  • Map Out Content: Effective topic sentences not only introduce a paragraph’s main point but also outline the supporting details. They create a roadmap, making your content structure clear.
  • Improve Readability: Strong topic sentences and themes make your writing more accessible. They help readers grasp ideas quickly and navigate your text effortlessly, making your message compelling.

By integrating these techniques into your writing, you enhance your content’s coherence and cohesion, making it more engaging and persuasive. Crafting clear topic sentences and themes provides a foundation for your ideas to shine and resonate with your audience.

Make Connections Between Ideas And Sentences

Writing with coherence involves crafting a seamless path for your readers. This means ensuring that your ideas flow logically and cohesively from one to the next. To achieve this, use transition words and phrases like “however,” “therefore,” “in contrast,” and “moreover” to signal relationships between ideas. 

Avoid abrupt shifts, as these can confuse readers and disrupt the flow. By making these connections, you not only maintain coherence but also enhance clarity and engagement, providing your audience with a richer and more enjoyable reading experience.

Utilize Transition Words To Enhance Understanding

Transition words are the glue that holds your writing together, creating a bridge between sentences and paragraphs. These words and phrases, such as “however,” “in addition,” “consequently,” and “for instance,” help guide readers through your text, making it easier for them to follow your line of thought. 

When used effectively, transition words create a smooth and logical flow, enhancing the coherence of your writing. They clarify relationships between ideas, signal shifts in focus, and add depth to your arguments. By incorporating these linguistic tools into your writing, you not only boost comprehension but also elevate the overall quality of your work.

Use Repetition When Appropriate

Repetition in writing, when used judiciously, can be a powerful tool to reinforce key ideas, engage readers, and create memorable content. By repeating certain words, phrases, or concepts, you can emphasize their significance and drive your point home effectively. 

However, the key is to use repetition purposefully and sparingly, ensuring that it aligns with your writing’s objectives. Whether it’s repeating a central theme, a thought-provoking question, or a striking metaphor, strategic repetition can enhance the cohesiveness and impact of your writing, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Checklist For Essay Coherence And Cohesiveness

When crafting an essay, ensuring that it has both coherence and cohesion is paramount to engage your audience and effectively convey your message. Follow this checklist to enhance the quality of your writing:

  • Clear Thesis Statement: Begin with a concise and well-defined thesis statement that sets the tone for your essay.
  • Logical Flow: Organize your ideas logically, ensuring each paragraph connects seamlessly to the next.
  • Transitions: Use transitional words and phrases like “however,” “therefore,” and “in addition” to guide your reader through your essay.
  • Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that previews the content to follow.
  • Consistent Point of View: Maintain a consistent perspective (first, second, or third person) throughout your essay.
  • Repetition with Purpose: Use repetition thoughtfully to reinforce key points or themes.
  • Parallel Structure: Structure sentences and lists in a parallel format for clarity.
  • Pronoun Clarity: Ensure pronouns have clear antecedents to avoid confusion.
  • Sentence Variety: Vary your sentence structure for rhythm and engagement.
  • Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

By implementing these strategies, you can create essays that are not only coherent and cohesive but also compelling and impactful.

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About Jessica Abbadia

Jessica Abbadia is a lawyer that has been working in Digital Marketing since 2020, improving organic performance for apps and websites in various regions through ASO and SEO. Currently developing scientific and intellectual knowledge for the community's benefit. Jessica is an animal rights activist who enjoys reading and drinking strong coffee.

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Writing with artificial intelligence, coherence – how to achieve coherence in writing.

  • © 2023 by Joseph M. Moxley - Professor of English - USF

Coherence refers to a style of writing where ideas, themes, and language connect logically, consistently, and clearly to guide the reader's understanding. By mastering coherence , alongside flow , inclusiveness , simplicity,  and unity , you'll be well-equipped to craft professional or academic pieces that engage and inform effectively. Acquire the skills to instill coherence in your work and discern it in the writings of others.

cohesive in essay writing

What is Coherence?

Coherence in writing refers to the logical connections and consistency that hold a text together, making it understandable and meaningful to the reader. Writers create coherence in three ways:

  • logical consistency
  • conceptual consistency
  • linguistic consistency.

What is Logical Consistency?

  • For instance, if they argue, “If it rains, the ground gets wet,” and later state, “It’s raining but the ground isn’t wet,” without additional explanation, this represents a logical inconsistency.

What is Conceptual Consistency?

  • For example, if you are writing an essay arguing that regular exercise has multiple benefits for mental health, each paragraph should introduce and discuss a different benefit of exercise, all contributing to your main argument. Including a paragraph discussing the nutritional value of various foods, while interesting, would break the conceptual consistency, as it doesn’t directly relate to the benefits of exercise for mental health.

What is Linguistic Consistency?

  • For example, if a writer jumps erratically between different tenses or switches point of view without clear demarcation, the reader might find it hard to follow the narrative, leading to a lack of linguistic coherence.

Related Concepts: Flow ; Given to New Contract ; Grammar ; Organization ; Organizational Structures ; Organizational Patterns ; Sentence Errors

Why Does Coherence Matter?

Coherence is crucial in writing as it ensures that the text is understandable and that the ideas flow logically from one to the next. When writing is coherent, readers can easily follow the progression of ideas, making the content more engaging and easier to comprehend. Coherence connects the dots for the reader, linking concepts, arguments, and details in a clear, logical manner.

Without coherence, even the most interesting or groundbreaking ideas can become muddled and lose their impact. A coherent piece of writing keeps the reader’s attention, demonstrates the writer’s control over their subject matter, and can effectively persuade, inform, or entertain. Thus, coherence contributes significantly to the effectiveness of writing in achieving its intended purpose.

How Do Writers Create Coherence in Writing?

  • Your thesis statement serves as the guiding star of your paper. It sets the direction and focus, ensuring all subsequent points relate back to this central idea.
  • Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your position and add depth to your writing.
  • Use the genres and organizational patterns appropriate for your rhetorical situation . A deductive structure (general to specific) is often effective, guiding the reader logically through your argument. Yet different disciplines may privilege more inductive approaches , such as law and philosophy.
  • When following a given-to-new order, writers move from what the reader already knows to new information. In formal or persuasive contexts, writers are careful to vet new information for the reader following information literacy laws and conventions .
  • Strategic repetition of crucial terms and your thesis helps your readers follow your main ideas and evidence for claims 
  • While repetition is useful, varying language with synonyms can prevent redundancy and keep the reader engaged.
  • Parallelism in sentences can provide rhythm and clarity, making complex ideas easier to follow.
  • Consistent use of pronouns avoids confusion and helps in maintaining a clear line of thought.
  • Arrange your ideas in a sequence that naturally builds from one point to the next, ensuring each paragraph flows smoothly into the next .
  • Signposting , or using phrases that indicate what’s coming next or what just happened, can help orient the reader within your argument.
  • Don’t bother repeating your argument in your conclusion. Prioritize conciseness. Yet end with a call to action or appeal to kairos and ethos .

Recommended Resources

  • Organization
  • Organizational Patterns

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Cohesion and Coherence

A text in many different colours: colour-coded to show, reference and substitution and conjunction words and phrases.


Every writer wishes to make their points clearly to their readers, with pieces of writing that are are easy to read and have logical links between the various points made. This coherence , this clarity of expression , is created by grammar and vocabulary (lexis) through cohesion . This is the “glue” that joins your ideas together to form a cohesive whole.

In this Learning Object we are going to focus on how this is done, in order to assist you when you come to write your next assignments and in your reading. In reading, if you understand how the author makes connections within the text, you gain a better understanding of his or her message. As regards your writing, after analysing the texts in this Learning Object, you should analyse your own writing in the same way. This will help you to realise which techniques you could use more to benefit your reader.

Before starting the activities, you can obtain an overview of how best to use this Learning Object, using a Screencast (with audio), by following this link Overview

  • To raise awareness of how cohesion contributes to coherence in text
  • To raise awareness of how cohesion is created through: reference, conjunction, ellipsis, substitution and lexis , including cohesive nouns .
  • To raise your awareness of cohesion at paragraph level and how punctuation plays a crucial role in this

Activity 1: Ways of creating cohesion in text

According to the writers Halliday and Hasan (1976), there are six main ways that cohesion is created in a text. These they called: Reference , Substitution , Ellipsis , Lexical Chains , Cohesive Nouns and Conjunction .

Open this Cohesion Presentation PDF document that shows you examples of each of them.

For the following six ways of creating cohesion, select each one to read detailed explanations and examples:

cohesive in essay writing

This way of creating cohesion uses:

  • determiners (e.g. "this" , "that" , "these" and "those" );
  • pronouns (e.g. "him" , "them" , "me" );
  • possessive pronouns (e.g. "your" , "their" , "hers" );
  • relative pronouns (e.g. "which" , "who" , "whose" ).
  • This type of cohesion can also be achieved comparatively with expressions like: "similarly" , "likewise" , "less" .

cohesive in essay writing

In this way of creating cohesion you can use:

  • synonyms (e.g. "beautiful" for "lovely" );
  • hyponyms and superordinates (e.g. "daffodil" , "rose" and "daisy" , are all hyponyms of the superordinate "flower" ).
  • Lexical chains are created in a text by using words in the same lexical set (e.g. "army" , "soldiers" , "barracks" , "weapons" ).

These techniques allow for the central themes to be reiterated in a way that avoids monotony for the reader.

cohesive in essay writing

These words are a kind of lexical reference.

  • They can summarise many words in one (e.g. "attitude" , "solution" , "difficulty" ), and have been called 'umbrella' nouns for this reason (Bailey 2006:150).
  • They are used to signal what is to come (e.g. "the problem to be discussed..." ), or can refer back (e.g. "The issue mentioned above..." ).

cohesive in essay writing

This method of creating cohesion uses one word/phrase to replace a word/phrase used earlier. For example,

  • "the one(s)" and "the same" can be used to replace nouns (e.g. "I'll have the same." ).
  • Verbs can be replaced by "do" (e.g. "The authorities said they had acted , but nobody believed they had done .").
  • In speaking, whole clauses can be replaced by, "so" or "not" (e.g. "I hope so/not." ).

cohesive in essay writing

In this way of creating cohesion, words are omitted because they are understood from the context. e.g.

  • " John can type and I can [type] too! ";
  • " I don't want to go out, do you? [want to go out] ."

cohesive in essay writing

This type of cohesion includes:

  • listing words (e.g. "firstly" , "next" , "lastly" );
  • linkers for addition (e.g. " moreover" , "and" , "also" );
  • concession (e.g. "but" , "however" , "despite" ); and
  • cause and effect (e.g. "so" , "because" , "as a result" ).

Then try this Cohesion quiz to test your memory of the terms.

Activity 2: Highlighting cohesion in a text

For this activity you are going to read the short narrative text below, which is a piece of creative writing about a student, and then complete an exercise in highlighting the cohesive words, using colour codes. First, read the text quickly and try to think of a title for it.

The student sighed as she handed in the assignment, at last it was finished. This was the most difficult piece of writing which she had been set, but she had completed it. The ‘magnum opus’ was 10,000 words long. This project, though not quite a dissertation, was still the longest piece of academic writing she had ever written. She had thought she would never complete it and it had taken all her strength to do so.

Her achievement made her elated, but had left her exhausted. When she had read the title of the task, she knew it was not going to be just another essay, not an easy one at all. Finally, the completed work lay on the counter of the reception [and was] beautifully bound. She would sleep easy at night, [and she would be] no longer troubled by thoughts of its accusing blank pages – the nightmare was over!


Now try this colour coding exercise to highlight the 6 different ways of creating cohesion.

--> Show feedback Hide feedback

The original title of the piece of writing was “The Assignment” .

Now try this interactive exercise to colour-code the words and phrases that create cohesion in the 6 different ways using the six colours.

You can download this Feedback 1 PDF for a summary of the answers to the task.

Activity 3: Cohesion in a discursive text

In this exercise you are going to see how the 6 ways of creating cohesion are used in a short text arguing in favour of working in groups as a way to learn better in class. Before you read the text, you might like to predict what the arguments might be in favour of and against classes being organised to work together in this way.

To do a series of exercises to raise awareness of different forms of cohesion used in academic writing, try these interactive cloze exercises .

Activity 4: Colour coding the cohesion in the discursive text

Now, we are going to use the same text to see how your awareness of cohesion is improving.

Read this longer discursive text about working in groups. As you read, notice the different forms of cohesion that are used in the text. After you’ve read it, move on to the colour-coding exercise that follows.

“Working in groups is a bad idea because it encourages weak students to let the others do the work.” Discuss

The idea that working in groups is a bad thing is fundamentally mistaken because, overall, the advantages of this way of configuring the class outweigh the potential disadvantages [of this way of configuring the class]. In groups there is the opportunity for peer teaching, which can often be invaluable. In addition, lessons organised in this way become less teacher-centred. Moreover, in life today, team-working is a feature of every workplace and one of the roles of university education is to provide a preparation for students’ future careers.

Firstly, peer teaching can contribute to effective learning in most classroom situations. Many students (especially in large classes) can benefit from this approach. Weaker students are often less afraid of making mistakes and taking risks in front of their peers, than in close contact with their teacher or in front of the whole class. Also, with regard to the stronger students, a perfect way to consolidate their learning is to transmit that knowledge to others. Furthermore, most pedagogic approaches today concur that a lesson that is focused on the teacher at all times, is one from which the students are unlikely to benefit. Certainly, some classroom activities, like project work for example, are best conducted in small groups. The teacher as the source of all wisdom standing at the front of the class, the ‘jug and mug’ model of education, is not only antiquated, but also ineffective.

A further benefit of group-teaching is the preparation it provides for working in teams. In a great variety of careers today, the employees are asked to, and are judged on their ability to work in teams. Group working in class represents basically the same concept. The same skills are being tested and developed – interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, to mention just two. In business today, the ability to lead effectively and to support one’s peers is prized almost above all other skills.

In conclusion then, while it may sometimes be true that the weak students may ‘take it easy’ sometimes in groups, allowing others to work hard to compensate for their laziness, if the lesson materials are interesting and the teacher motivating, this is a rare occurrence. As outlined above, there are so many ‘pros’ to this method of classroom configuration that these easily outweigh this somewhat questionable ‘con’.

Now try these Cohesion colour-coding exercies , using the 6 different colours.

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You can download this Feedback 2 PDF document for a summary of the answers to the task.

Activity 5: Cohesive nouns, reference and substitution

For more exercises to practise cohesive nouns, reference and substitution try this Reference and Substitution cloze exercise .

Activity 6: Cohesion and coherence at paragraph level

Cohesion has a strong connection to coherence (logic and meaning). In fact, cohesion is the grammatical and lexical realisation of coherence at a profound level within the text. It is what makes a text more than just a jumbled mixture of sentences.

In this exercise, you will use your understanding of cohesion and punctuation, and your understanding of the underlying meaning of paragraphs, to put them into the most logical order. Now try these Paragraph Cohesion Activities .

Would you like to review the main points?

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To review the way we create cohesion in texts follow this link The 6 Ways of Creating Cohesion

For websites with more information and exercises to raise your awareness of cohesion and the way we organise information following a ‘given-to-new’ pattern, we recommend the following websites:

  • The Grammar of English Ideas
  • Academic Writing in English


Batstone, R. (1994). Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Cook, G. (1996). Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Halliday, M. A. K. and R. Hasan (1976). Cohesion in English. London: Longman UK Group Limited.

Lubelska, D. (1991). “An approach to teaching cohesion to improve in reading” in Reading in a Foreign Language, 7 (2)

© William Tweddle, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010, visual created by the author using a Smartboard and Jing

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UMass Amherst Writing Center

Flow and Cohesion

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  • Personal Statements
  • Literature Reviews

Our Writing Center gets a lot of students who are concerned about the  flow  of their writing, but this can mean a lot of different things. When we talk about "flow" we mean  cohesion  or how ideas and relationships are communicated to readers. Flow can involve the  big-picture  (how parts of the essay fit together and the way the sequence of these parts affect how readers understand it) and the  sentence-level  (how the structure of a sentence affects the ways meanings and relationships come across to readers). This page has an overview of ways to think about revising the  flow  of an essay on both of these levels.

Big-Picture Revision Strategies

Reading out-loud.

Oftentimes, you can identify places that need some extra attention sharing your writing with a friend, or reading it out loud to yourself. For example, if it's hard to actually say a sentence at a normal conversational pace, this might indicate that there's something you can change about the structure that will make it easier to say (and probably, easier to understand). A few more tips:

  • When you read out-loud, make sure to  slow down . If you are talking too fast, you might fill-in gaps or otherwise not notice things you want to change. You also want to give yourself time to process what you're saying  as you say it.
  • If there's nobody around, there are also many computer programs that can convert text to speech and read to you, including  Microsoft Word .
  • Take notes while you read. While you might want to fix things as you read, if you're worried about flow, it's also good to read your essay all the way through so that you can hear how parts fit together. If you don't want to interrupt your reading, you can take notes by doing things like putting a checkmark in the margins, using a highlighter, or making a list on a separate sheet of paper.

Structure and Sequence

Sometimes issues of flow and cohesion might actually be structural. It's good to reflect on the structure of an essay, the order of the different parts, and how they all fit together. If you want to revise the structure of your essay, consider trying one of the following activities.

Sign-Posting and Transitions

A great way to help readers comprehend the flow of ideas is include things like sign-posts and transitions. A sign-post is basically just language to point out different parts of the essay for readers in order to help them navigate your ideas. For example,  strong topic sentences  are a good as sign-posts because they tell readers what upcoming paragraphs are going to be about.  Transition sentences  can help readers understand how the ideas you were just discussing in a previous paragraph relate to what's coming up with the next paragraph. Here are a couple questions that can help you brainstorm sign-posting statements. After you brainstorm, you can then revise these sign-posting sentences so they fit better with your writing.

  • Try starting a sentence by writing "In this paragraph, I will discuss..." After you complete this sentence, you can then revise it to make it fit better with your writing.
  • "In the previous paragraph I discuss [purpose of paragraph 1] and this helps better understand [purpose of paragraph 2] because..."
  • This paragraph supports my argument because..."
  • While I discuss [previous idea or concept] above, I will now talk about [new idea or concept] because..."

Revision on the Sentence-Level

Verbs, or stuff we do.

A sentence seems clear when its important actions are in verbs. Compare these sentences where the actions are in bold and the verbs are UPPERCASE:

Because we  LACKED  data, we could not  EVALUATE  whether the UN  HAD TARGETED  funds to areas that most needed assistance. Our  lack  of data PREVENTED  evaluation  of UN  actions  in  targeting  funds to areas most in  need  of  assistance .


Turning a verb or adjective into a noun is called a “nominalization.” No element of style more characterizes turgid writing, writing that feels abstract, indirect, and difficult, than lots of nominalizations, especially as the subjects of verbs.  

Our request IS that you DO a review of the data.     vs. We REQUEST that you REVIEW the data.    























Try this:  when editing, underline the actions in your sentences.  Are those actions in the form of verbs?  If not, you might try rewriting your sentences to turn those actions into the main verbs in the sentence.

Active and Passive Verbs

Some critics of style tell us to avoid the passive everywhere because it adds a couple of words and often deletes the agent, the “doer” of the action.  But in fact, the passive is sometimes the better choice.  To choose between the active and passive, you have to answer two questions:

  • The president  was rumored  to have considered resigning.
  • Those who  are found  guilty can  be fined .
  • Valuable records should always  be kept  in a safe.
  • Because the test  was not done , the flaw  was not corrected .
  • The weight given to industrial competitiveness as opposed to the value we attach to liberal arts   will determine  our decision.  
  • Our decision  will be determined   by the weight we give to industrial competitiveness as opposed to the value we attach to the liberal arts .

Try this:   We need to find our passive verbs before we can evaluate whether or not to change them.  While you’re editing, try underlining all the “to be” verbs, since these are often paired with other verbs to make passive constructions.  The verbs you’re looking for are: am, are, is, was, were, be, become, became.  Once you’ve identified these verbs, check to see if they are necessary, or if the sentence would be clearer or stronger without them.  Example:  “There is one explanation in the story…” vs “The story explains…”

Writing is more coherent when readers are able to make connections across sentences and paragraphs. On the sentence level, this can include when the last few words of one set up information that appears in the first few words of the next.  That’s what gives us our experience of flow.

  • Begin sentences with information familiar to your readers.  Readers get that information from two sources:  first, they remember words from the sentence they just read.  Second, readers bring to a sentence a general knowledge of its subject.  In a paper on black holes, for example, readers would find references to “astronomers”  familiar, even without prior mention.
  • End sentences with information that readers cannot anticipate.  Readers prefer to read what’s easy before what’s hard, and what’s familiar and simple is easier to understand that what’ new and complex.  

Compare these two passages:

Consistent ideas toward the beginnings of sentences, especially in their subjects, help readers understand what a passage is generally about.  A sense of coherence arises when a sequence of topics comprises a narrow set of related ideas.  But the context of each sentence is lost by seemingly random shifts of topics.  Unfocused, even disorganized paragraphs result when that happens.

Readers understand what a passage is generally about when they see consistent ideas toward the beginnings of sentences, especially in their subjects.  They feel a passage is coherent when they read a sequence of topics that focuses on a narrow set of related ideas.  But when topics seem to shift randomly, readers lose the context of each sentence.  When that happens, they feel they are reading paragraphs that are unfocused and even disorganized.

Try this:  While editing, check for these words: this, these, that, those, another, such, second, or more. Writers often refer to something in a previous sentence with these kinds of words. When you use any of those signals, try to put them at or close to the beginning of the sentence that you use them in.

Here are some tips to help your writing become more precise and cut out extra words.

kind of












full and complete

hope and trust

any and all

true and accurate

each and every

basic and fundamental

hopes and desires

first and foremost

various and sundry

  • Delete what readers can infer.  This can include redundant categories like “period of time,” “pink in color,” or “shiny in appearance.

As you carefully read what you have written to improve wording and catch errors of spelling and punctuation, the thing to do before anything else is to see whether you could use sequences of subjects and verbs instead of the same ideas expressed in nouns.

As you edit, first replace nominalizations with clauses.

not different     


not many


not the same


not often


not allow


not stop


not notice


not include


  • Can you make sense of the negatives in this sentence?
Except when you have failed to submit applications without documentation, benefits will not be denied.

This handout contains excerpts from Joseph M. Williams'  Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace ( New York: Longman, 2000).

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Revising for Cohesion

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Writing a cohesive paper takes time and revision. This resource will focus primarily on topic sentences that begin each paragraph and on topics, or main points, within a paragraph. This resource will also enable students to look closely at their sentences and see how each sentence relates to another within a paragraph. This material is adapted from Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace , by Joseph Williams.

For a video guide to cutting unnecessary essay content, visit the Purdue OWL's vidcast on cutting.

  • Begin sentences with short, simple words and phrases.
  • These phrases should communicate information that appeared in previous sentences, or build on knowledge that you share with your reader.
  • Within a paragraph, keep your topics, or main points, direct and reasonably consistent.

Tip: Create a list of words to draw from that intuitively tells the reader what to focus on. If your words progress from “investigate, remedy, resolve” or “negate, discover, re-invent” the reader should be able to follow the line of action and they will feel like your ideas cohere.

Exercise: Diagnosis, Analysis, Revision

  • Underline the first few words of every sentence in a paragraph, ignoring short introductory phrases such as "In the beginning," or "For the most part."
  • If you can, underline the first few words of every clause. (Remember that a clause has a subject and verb)
  • Read your underlined words. Is there a consistent set of related topics?
  • Will your reader see these connections among the topics?
  • Imagine that the passage has a title. The words in the title should identify what should be the topics of most of the sentences.
  • Decide what you will focus on in each paragraph.
  • In most sentences, make your topics subjects that do the action in the sentences.
  • Move your topics to the beginning of your sentences. Avoid hiding your topic behind long introductory phrases or clauses.

Sample Passage

Topics are crucial for readers because readers depend on topics to focus their attention on particular ideas toward the beginning of sentences . Topics tell readers what a whole passage is "about." If readers feel that a sequence of topics is coherent, then they will feel they are moving through a paragraph from a cumulatively coherent point of view. But if throughout the paragraph readers feel that its topics shift randomly, then they have to begin each sentence out of context, from no coherent point of view. When that happens, readers feel dislocated , disoriented, and out of focus.

Analysis of the Sample Passage:

1. Read your underlined words. Is there a consistent set of related topics?

Here are some significant words from the clauses that are underlined in the above example: topics , readers, topics, readers, they, readers, they, readers. Do these words help guide your reader along?

2. Will your reader see these connections among the topics?

Utilize repetition and patterns of progression. What this sample passage does really well is that it works with repetition. It also has a pattern of progression: in the first sentence, the phrase, “topics are crucial” is used and then the writer explains how topics are crucial in the rest of this sentence and the next. In terms of repetition, the phrase “readers feel that” is used twice. The third time it is used, there’s a variation to the pattern. This variation is direct, concise, and surprising: “Readers feel dislocated,” begins this clause.

3. Imagine that the passage has a title. The words in the title should identify what should be the topics of most of the sentences.

Sample Title: “How Topics Coherently Guide the Reader” Do the themes in the above passage match with this title?

4. Decide what you will focus on in each paragraph.

Think about the importance of your topics and what happens to the paragraph if these topics are not utilized. In the sample passage, the highlighted phrase seems out of place. Consider this revision:

Topics are crucial for readers. Topics tell readers what a whole passage is "about." Readers depend on topics to focus their attention on particular ideas toward the beginning of sentences . If readers feel that a sequence of topics is coherent, then they will feel they are moving through a paragraph from a cumulatively coherent point of view.

In this revision, the phrase “what a passage is ‘about,’” comes before “Readers depend…” This coheres better than the initial draft because the writer sets the reader up for a definition, or in-depth explanation of what the word “about”’ means.

Questions to ask yourself as you revise

On a sentence level:

1. Do your sentences "hang together"? Readers must feel that sentences in a paragraph are not just individually clear, but are unified with each other. Readers should be able to move easily from one sentence to the next, feeling that each sentence "coheres" with the one before and after it.

One way of thinking about this is as if you are giving your readers sign posts or clues they can follow throughout your passage. These will act as signals that guide the reader into your argument.

2. Does the sentence begin with information that’s familiar to the reader? Readers will be familiar with your information if it has already been touched upon in the previous sentence.

It’s important to address how readers feel about unfamiliar information. As a writer, we sometimes forget that readers have different assumptions, values and beliefs than we do. Their bodies of knowledge are not the same as ours. Thus, it’s important to clearly build your progression of thought or argument in a cohesive paper. In the sample passage, the writer clearly defines why readers depend on topics: “Topics tell the reader what a passage is ‘about.’”

3. Does the sentence end with interesting information the reader would not anticipate?

In the case of the sample passage, the last sentence has a sharp and unexpected ending. The last few words, “out of focus” are an unexpected way to end the paragraph because the entire paragraph has been about how topics are cohesive tools. Ending on this note leaves the reader feeling uneasy about leaving topics out of context, which is the aim of the sample passage.

On a paragraph level:

Will your reader be able to identify quickly the "topic" of each paragraph?

Note: it is easier to see coherence and clarity in other people's writing because by the time we reach a final draft, everything we write seems old or familiar to us. Improving on this takes practice. Try giving yourself a few days between writing and revising to get a fresh look.

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Cohesion concerns the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to another. It involves the tying together of old information and new. When we write academic essays, particularly in the humanities, we work hard to foster cohesion structurally, which enhances a reader's understanding of our ideas.

Essay organization

The first paragraph should include a thesis statement, which announces the main idea or argument of the paper.The rest of the sentences should lead up to or anticipate the thesis, either directly or indirectly.

The body paragraphs should support the thesis statement and should be arranged in a clear hierarchy.

Readers should be able to understand how each paragraph relates to what has come before it. This can be accomplished by the use of transition sentences.

Repetition helps to enhance a reader's understanding of what the author has written. Pointers are used as a tool in sentences to use repetition for better understanding.

Pointers are words, phrases, or ideas that appear in a sentence, and are repeated in the next.

Example : Epilepsy is a brain or neurological disorder where excess electrical energy causes seizures. Seizures result when the brain's nerve cells, or neurons, produce an excessive or abnormal amount of electrical activity. Depending on this activity …

Example : Depending on this activity, three results may occur. First, the seizure may start and stop in one location. Next, it may spread a bit and stop. Finally, it may go through the body's nervous system before stopping.

To prevent repetitions from becoming dull, an author may use:

  • Variations of the word (golf, golfer, golfing)
  • Pronouns (doctors…they)
  • Synonyms (jump, hop, bounce)


Transitional words and phrases, also known as “tags,” are used to hold a paper together.They can be simple conjunctions, like and and but, or they can be more complex. Here is a chart of transitional devices accompanied by a simplified definition of their function:

Transition Function
Addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too
Comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
Contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, regardless, still, though, yet
Concession granted, naturally, of course
Emphasis certainly, indeed, in fact, of course
Example/illustration after all, as an illustration, even, for example, for instance, in conclusion, indeed, in fact, in other words, in short, it is true, of course, namely, specifically, that is, to illustrate, thus, truly
Summary all in all, altogether, as has been said, finally, in brief, in conclusion, in other words, in particular, in short, in simpler terms, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to put it differently, to summarize
Time sequence after a while, afterward, again, also, and then, as long as, at last, at length, at that time, before, besides, earlier, eventually, finally, formerly, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, in the past, last, lately, meanwhile, moreover, next, now, presently, second, shortly, simultaneously, since, so far, soon, still, subsequently, then, thereafter, too, until, until now, when
Place/direction above, below, father on, nearby, to the right
Relationships therefore, so, consequently, for this reason, since


A Guide to Writing Cohesive Essay with Example

In academic writing, people mostly focus on grammar and spelling, but they don’t know much more is needed for good writing. Without cohesion, your essay writing may lose control of the idea or concept you want to deliver.

In Halliday’s and Hasan’s words, “the concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text and that define it as a text.” In order to engage your reader throughout your cohesive essay, make sure you use transition words in different ways.

Table of Contents

What is Cohesive in Writing Essays?

Cohesion is a quality of a piece of writing that keeps the reader hooked till the end. Same as all other essays, this essay also has a starting point introduction, a middle section, which is called the body section and finally, the conclusion section.

But what makes it different from an ordinary essay is the interlinking capability between each section and paragraph. Cohesive academic essays follow a fluent and fluid approach in content to convey the thoughts of writers directly to the readers. All the paragraphs in such essays are interlinked and connected.

Difficulty Level in Maintaining Coherence and Cohesiveness in Writing

Maintaining coherence and cohesiveness in academic writing is a difficult task for most students, and this is proven by research. According to Researchgate, a test was conducted on 35 students from a university to assess students’ skill levels in the field of coherence and cohesiveness.

Main Idea/Topic Sentence Main idea or topic sentence is clear and accurate.
Located either in the first or last paragraph.
Main idea or topic sentence is fairly clear. It is located either in the first or last paragraph. Main topic is somewhat unclear or inaccurate. It is not located in the right place (neither in the first nor last paragraph). The main idea or topic sentence is not stated at all or is unclear.
Supporting Details Main idea is well-supported by six or more sentences with explanations. Main idea is adequately supported by four or five sentences. Main idea is weakly supported by one to three sentences with fewer details There are no obvious supporting detail sentences to back up the main idea.
Transition Signals in Use Effectively used signals (e.g., sentence connectors, clause connectors) throughout, managing them well. Writing uses a range of transition signals appropriately. Transition signals are used, but there may be faulty or mechanical usage in some paragraphs. Writing lacks accurate use of transition signals, which leads to confusion.
Spelling & Punctuation All sentences show correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Sentences contain a few errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. A fair number of errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Sentences lack control over spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

These were some assessments that were taken from the research. According to results from research, 25 students need help to make their writing coherent and cohesive, while almost 9 students were good at writing. Between these, there was only one student who was outstanding in writing in terms of coherence and cohesion.

Based on the above research, we have collected some steps that can help you in writing a cohesive essay more effectively.

How To Write A Cohesive Essay?

As you see, cohesive writing can be challenging because it’s not always easy to bring cohesion in an essay and hook the reader till the end. Many students ask about what is cohesive in writing, and they consistently make mistakes in writing cohesively because they are not well aware of the structure and outline of such essays. Following are some expert tips on how to write perfectly by keeping the cohesion in an essay.

Brainstorm your idea

The very first thing you need to do is to brainstorm ideas to write an essay about. It would be best if you pick some  satire essay topics  to write this essay. Selecting a topic for your cohesive essay that you can relate to is always a good idea because that will help you write more cohesively and aid in persuading the audience with your ideas.

Brainstorming will also help you gather the potential points and essay questions you will unfold in your essay body. It will help in outlining your essay in a more comprehensive and cohesive way. Read Will Advise quotation about brainstorming.

“To storm, a mind, it must be balanced,by what can’t be it must be challenged”

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Identify the Thesis Statement

Thesis statements are very important to identify because they describe what you are trying to defend and support through your cohesive essay.

The thesis statement should be made clear in the very first paragraph of the introduction to make it easy for the reader to detect what the essay is about and what they can expect from it. If you feel like your thesis statement is not strong enough, you can always change it or modify it in this initial step.

Bonus tip:  Get stuck with thesis writing? No need to exhaust, just read our blog on  how to write a thesis statement  and start crafting a killer thesis statement on your own.

Outline The Cohesive Essay

Outlining your essay helps in gathering and positioning all the potential points of discussion and structuring them in a way that ensures fluency of essay content.

A clear outline will make the essay more accurate, comprehensive, and concise. Essays that follow an outline will have a natural flow of events in the context and will have more chance to be cohesive.

Ensure Connectivity Between Paragraphs

The primary aim of a cohesive essay is to write in a way that everything is connected to each other in the context. It would help if you made sure that the last line of every paragraph is linked with the first line of the next paragraph.

Your essay shouldn’t have irrelevant information or evidence that doesn’t link with each other and to the main thesis statement of the essay. Make sure that every essay has cohesion in paragraphs and that every point of discussion is tied together and focused on the  longevity of the thesis statement  for your essay.

Proofread Your Cohesive Essay

After you are done cohesive writing in an essay, make sure you proofread your piece of writing to ensure that there are no errors. As  A.D. Aliwat  says that “All writing is guilty until proven innocent.” Proofreading also helps eliminate unnecessary points and irrelevant information from your essay and makes it more concise.

You can also simplify some difficult sentences that you first thought could reflect your thoughts perfectly. Make sure to make the content as simple and easy to understand as possible. Thoroughly read your cohesive essay or use  free tool  options online that will check your content for spelling and other potential errors that you might have missed.

difference between coherence and cohesion 4

Structure of Cohesion Essay

The cohesive essay follows a comprehensive structure to ensure coherence in the contents of the essay. Let’s take a look at the checklist of sections in your research paper:

  • Add an abstract to your essay. The abstract is basically a summary of your essay that summarizes everything you have discussed further in your essay. It includes hypotheses, research methods, and key findings of your research.
  • After that, add the introduction. The introduction is the very first section of a cohesive essay that plays an important part in hooking the readers to keep on reading the essay. But before that, read our guide on how to start a writing process to get a better idea about essay structuring.
  • The research hypothesis is going to discuss what your research is about and what the main research question you will be proving with the help of supporting evidence.
  • This methodology section details what would be the research methodology the writers are going to use in proving their research question and thesis statement.
  • Furthermore, the literature review section provides all the available information regarding the subject briefly and helps the readers to get to know more about the background of the subject.
  • This data analysis section discusses the supporting evidence, research, articles, and statistics regarding the subject in a cohesive essay.
  • The conclusion section of the essay will summarize all the important points discussed in the essay and what are the key findings and results of the essay.

Additional Tip:  An argumentative essay is quite different from other types of essay in terms of the body section and conclusion section. To clear your thoughts, Our blog on how to write a  conclusion for an argumentative essay  will help you out.

A complete example of cohesive essay

To completely understand the concept of cohesiveness in writing, we have compiled a detailed example for a cohesive essay, which is described below.

Title: The Impact of Technology on Education

In today’s changing world, technology has also changed our living aspects, including education. This essay will tell you the different ways in which technology has revolutionized our educational learning and capabilities.


Technology has become an important part of modern education and it changes the way of how students learn, and how teachers teach. In this essay, we will explore deeply the positive impacts of technology on the education system.

 We will also look at its role in enhancing learning environments for students and how it provides access to educational resources and materials. Furthermore, we will also tell you how technology has prepared the students for the demands of the 21st-century workforce.

Body Paragraph 1: Interactive Learning Environments

One most important benefit of technology in education is its ability to create an interactive and engaging environment for the learners. With the advancement of multimedia tools and educational software like projectors, PPTs and interactive whiteboards, teachers and instructors can follow different teaching styles, which will grab the student’s attention more effectively.

For example, virtual reality or augmented reality technology allows the students to explore historical places or depths of the oceans, which brings their learning to real life. A traditional book-reading approach can’t give you this sort of real-life experience.

Body Paragraph 2: Access to Educational Resources

Furthermore, with the rising technological advancement, students around the world now have access to more educational resources. Additionally, a lot of online platforms are now giving free educational content on different subject levels, including mathematics, science, arts, and history.

Furthermore, digital libraries and databases like Google Scholar provide instant access to a wide range of scholarly articles, research papers and textbooks, which empower students to conduct in-depth research and explore new ideas.

Body Paragraph 3: Preparation for the 21st-Century Workforce

To overcome today’s knowledge-based economy, having a firm grip on technology is vital for success in the workforce. Adding technology into the curriculum, schools and colleges help students with digital skills enhancement.

These skills make them ready to compete with the needs of today’s technology to become successful in the 21st century. The use of technology in learning, from coding and programming to digital collaboration, guarantees that students are ready to face the challenges of today’s world.


In conclusion, technology has completely transformed today’s education system. It has changed the way of students learning, how teachers teach, and how knowledge is accessed and shared.

With the help of new technology in the market, educators are now expanding the knowledge of education and preparing students for the demands of a 21st-century workforce.

Overall, technology has provided interactive learning environments with access to educational resources and prepared students for 21st-century workplace demands.

The main points that are covered in the above examples (additional tips for you).

  • The use of different transition words like (we explore, in this essay, furthermore, in the conclusion) makes the cohesive essay more interlinked with other sentences.
  • Moreover, the word “technology” is repeatedly used in the essay because the whole essay is about technology.
  • As you see, the whole essay is explained in subheadings, and multiple sentences and shows cohesion in paragraphs to make the essay more engaging.
  • Furthermore, Interlinking is perfectly done to relate each section from the introduction to the conclusion.
  • Finally, the consistent use of active voice throughout the essay makes it more cohesive writing and easily understandable for the reader.

Need more help? We have gathered some  examples of creative writing  that will be beneficial for your cohesive essay writing.

Cohesion Words To Use In An Essay

The below table has the most relevant collection of words. These words are mostly common in cohesive writing.

ExampleFor example, Just like, such as, for instance
ExplanationIn other words, That’s why, That is.
Addition in sentenceMoreover, additionally, furthermore, in addition, and.
ResultSo consequently, thus, as a result, for this reason, owing to this, therefore, accordingly,
To add attitudeNaturally, certainly, fortunately, undoubtedly, strangely enough, predictably, of course, obviously.
Contrast and ComparisonHowever, nevertheless, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand, in comparison, still, yet, but, that’s why.
Representing TimeAt first, next, then, later, in the end.
SummaryFinally, in conclusion, in short, to sum up, To summarize.
Showing OrderFirstly, secondly, thirdly, lastly, finally, previously.
Back ReferenceThis, That, These, Those, Such.

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Putting the Final Touches

To write a perfect essay, first, you have to understand what cohesion is, which is thoroughly explained in this guide. To overcome your problem, we have curated a list of steps that will help you in writing a cohesive essay on your own. 

But still, if you get nervous, look at the comprehensive example which we discussed in detail. So, what is stopping you right now? Just choose a topic and start writing cohesively now.

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28 Cohesion Examples

28 Cohesion Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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cohesion examples and definition, explained below

Cohesion refers to the unity of multiple things. If those things are cohesive, they fit and work well together, making sense as a unified whole.

We can use this term to refer to the unity of people within a group, the unity of ideas in a text, or even the unity of elements in chemistry:

  • Linguistic Cohesion: If we look at it through the lens of linguistics, a cohesive text is one that makes sense as a whole. This occurs through the artful organization of ideas so they’re all relevant and interconnected.
  • Group Cohesion: On the other hand, in the context of group work , cohesion relates to the integration, unity, and the strong bond among members that helps in achieving a common objective. To put it succinctly, irrespective of the context, cohesion is about connecting elements together to form a cooperative, rational, and harmonious unit.
  • Cohesion in Chemistry: In chemistry, cohesion refers to the intermolecular forces that hold particles of the same substance together.

Below, we’ll explore examples from multiple categories. Use the table of contents to scan for examples relevant to you!

Cohesion Examples

1. linguistic cohesion.

Linguistic cohesion refers to the process whereby words, ideas, and concepts are woven together to generate a cohesive idea through words and text. For example, transition words help to cohere paragraphs together, showing how they relate and interact.

  • Conjunctions Conjunctions connect clauses or sentences, introducing a relationship between them. Essential conjunctions like ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’ and ‘so’ weave together distinct ideas, crafting articulate and cohesive narratives. Conjunctions help use to understand how the first and second half of the sentence go together, demonstrating whether they agree with each other, disagree, and so on.
  • Transitional phrases Terms like ‘however’, ‘therefore’, and ‘on the other hand’ also add cohesion to a text. These phrases assist in navigating from one idea to another, signaling changes or connections. They guide the reader through the logical structure of the text, ensuring cohesive movement. They act as conduits, connecting disparate sections of text into a single unified whole.
  • Pronouns Pronouns act as handy replacements for specific nouns or noun phrases, playing a vital role in achieving linguistic cohesion. They maintain the coherence in discourse by ensuring that we don’t need to repeat nouns unnecessarily. For instance, instead of repeating ‘John’ in a sentence, we can replace ‘John’ with ‘he’ in the succeeding sections of the text. This not only prevents repetition but is pivotal in creating a smooth flow of information.
  • Demonstratives Demonstratives, such as ‘this’ and ‘that’, bring people or objects already mentioned back into focus. They spotlight previously mentioned entities for the listener or reader, making the discourse cohesive. For example, instead of repeating a person’s name or a thing, ‘this’ or ‘that’ can effectively substitute. Such a strategy creates a logical continuity within the text, making it well-connected.
  • Synonyms Synonyms are different words with identical or similar meanings. They ensure diversity in expression while maintaining the thematic unity of the text. Functioning as alternatives for repeated words or phrases, they foster linguistic cohesion. For instance, using ‘joyful’ instead of repeatedly using ‘happy’ in a text helps maintain coherence .
  • Repetition of a word Word repetition in a text is an important cohesive device. It reinforces the key concepts or ideas being communicated. Repetition bolsters cohesion by creating a consistent thread connecting various parts of a discourse. However, the balance is key as excessive repetition can undermine clarity and interest.
  • Ellipsis Employing ellipsis refers to the omission of certain words, relying on the context for completion of meaning. This technique contributes to linguistic cohesion by allowing a smoother, more concise exchange. It reduces redundancy while maintaining a logical and consistent narrative. This works because the reader fills in the missing information from the previous text, linking the parts together.
  • Substitution Substitution is a linguistic device where one word or phrase is replaced by another to avoid repetition. This method aids in maintaining relevancy and continuity in a text. The substituted word leads reader’s comprehension, relying on previously provided context. For instance, using ‘one’ instead of repeating a noun fosters linguistic cohesion.

The Cohesive Essay

One key example of linguistic cohesion is in essay writing. A cohesive essay will contain a set of concepts that make sense to one another, are all relevant to the essay question, and build a story that successfully prosecutes your argument. An incohesive essay jumps from idea to idea without a clear connection between them, making it difficult for readers to follow what you’re saying.

2. Social Cohesion

Social cohesion is a sociological concept explaining how societies and groups come together and stay together peacefully. In the most simple term, it demonstrates how societies continue to function, rather than breaking down.

  • Shared cultural practices Cultural practices unite individuals belonging to the same society, binding them in a web of shared symbols, rituals, and norms. They create a sense of community, promoting mutual understanding and empathy among its members. A commonly shared custom or ritual, for example, Halloween or Thanksgiving, contributes to social harmony. These shared practices create an environment conducive for cohesion, enhancing societal integration.
  • Common language Language is a fundamental tool for communication within a society, playing an essential role in social cohesion. It offers a medium through which thoughts and feelings can be shared, fostering social bonds . Furthermore, a common language can reinforce societal identity, further solidifying cohesion. Societies with a common language tend to be more cohesive than linguistically diverse societies, as the language barrier can often hamper mutual understanding.
  • Shared religious beliefs Religion can act as a strong unifying force in a society, often promoting cohesion through shared values and belief systems . These shared beliefs offer common ground upon which connections can be formed, fostering a shared sense of identity among believers. Additionally, religious practices often encourage certain behaviors and moral systems shared by its practitioners, enhancing societal cohesion. The predictable and familiar routines of religious practices can provide stability and structure, reinforcing social cohesion.
  • National holidays National holidays serve to commemorate historical events or cultural traditions significant to a society. These shared celebrations engage all members of the society, fostering unity and appreciation for shared history. For instance, Independence Day in the United States or Bastille Day in France encourages national solidarity and societal cohesion. They serve as societal rituals that strengthen the collective identity of a nation, thereby promoting cohesion.
  • Common educational systems Tightly woven into the fabric of a society are its educational systems. Uniform educational experiences can share societal values, histories, and systems of thought, therefore promoting social unity. By fostering similar skills and attitudes, education helps equip individuals to participate effectively and harmoniously in society. In this way, the education system provides foundational knowledge and shared experiences, promoting societal cohesion.
  • Shared historical experiences The collective memory of historical events and experiences can serve as a strong binding force for any society. Whether these shared experiences are of triumph or tragedy, they shape a society’s collective consciousness and identity. These historical narratives can stimulate feelings of shared heritage and destiny, strengthening societal bonds. Shared history not only forms part of a society’s collective identity but also fosters cohesion by uniting individuals through their shared past.
  • Legal systems and laws The rule of law is a cornerstone of social cohesion. It ensures a harmonious coexistence by regulating social behavior and enforcing societal norms. Fair laws, applied universally, promote mutual respect and cooperation. In essence, a fair and efficient legal system safeguards societal interests, depicting the interdependence inherent in a cohesive society.
  • National symbols National symbols, such as flags and anthems, play a pivotal role in reinforcing cohesion through shared identity. They serve as a joint representation of a nation’s history, values, and dreams. Logan (1986) posits these symbols often provoke emotional responses that transcend individual differences, fostering a sense of commonality. Thus, national symbols contribute massively to societal cohesion by instilling a shared sense of national identity and pride.

Durkheim and the Cohesive Society

Sociologist Emile Durkheim came up with two ways to describe how societies stick together. These are mechanical and organic solidarity.

  • Organic solidarity refers to the process by which small societies cohere by being homogenous (sharing norms and belief systems).
  • Mechanical solidarity refers to the process by which large societies cohere not by cultural homogeneity , but common self-interest: we rely on each other for goods and services, so we tolerate one another and respect shared rules.

3. Group Cohesion Examples

When talking about group cohesion, we are referring to the multitudes of ways we ensure the personalities in a group work together. By bringing out the best in all team members, giving them clear roles, and having them all work toward the same goal, we can achieve more than the sum of our parts.

  • Clear group goals Clearly defined objectives are the mainstay of any successful collaborative endeavor. They provide a shared understanding of what the collective is aiming to achieve. Thus, team goals play a critical role in fostering cohesion, serving as a guiding light that aligns the efforts of all members. This unified focus on a common objective promotes cooperation and collaborative effort among group members.
  • Effective communication Communication is an essential ingredient for cohesion in group work. Open, honest, and effective communication fosters understanding and mitigates misunderstandings. It creates a conducive environment where members can express their ideas freely, ensuring effective collaboration. With all members clearly understanding their tasks and the overall objectives, effective communication leads to harmonious group dynamics .
  • Defined roles and responsibilities Clear delineation of roles and responsibilities is pivotal for successful group work. It ensures that every member knows what is expected of them, reducing chances of confusion or conflict. Furthermore, it fosters accountability and facilitates efficient completion of tasks. This clear hierarchy and distribution of work among members lead to a cohesive, functional, and efficient group.
  • Trust among members Trust is the bedrock of a cohesive group, facilitating open communication, mutual respect, and interdependence among members. Here, each person trusts others to fulfill their responsibilities and believes in the group’s collective competence. This trust creates a sense of security and promotes the sharing of ideas, thereby strengthening cohesion. Essentially, trust catalyzes connections and cooperation within the group, thereby fostering group cohesion.
  • Collaborative problem-solving In cohesive groups, problems are viewed as challenges to be overcome collectively. Solutions are conjured as a joint effort, relying on the group’s diverse skills and perspectives. When members work together to solve problems, they unify their efforts towards a common goal. This not only enhances the group’s problem-solving capacity but also fosters cohesion by promoting shared victories and learnings.
  • Regular feedback sessions Constructive feedback , when delivered and received correctly, aids in maintaining group cohesion. These sessions allow members to express their views and offer improvements, ensuring each member feels heard and valued. Equally, it provides a platform for performance enhancement and course correction. Regular feedback thus strengthens group cohesion by promoting transparency, mutual respect, and open dialogue.
  • Team-building activities Activities specifically designed to strengthen relationships among group members naturally cultivate group cohesion. Such activities enhance members’ understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, fostering tolerance and empathy. They also create opportunities for collaboration outside the task-oriented dynamics, infusing elements of fun and relaxation. Consequently, team-building activities can greatly enhance group cohesion by fostering camaraderie and mutual appreciation.
  • Shared rewards and recognitions Celebrating achievements together and acknowledging individual contributions to shared success preserve group cohesion. This practice validates members’ efforts, promoting a sense of shared satisfaction and belonging. It also motivates continued cooperative engagement and investment in group success. Hence, shared rewards and recognitions underline the idea of ‘all for one and one for all’, strengthening the cohesiveness of the group.

4. Cohesion in Science

In science, cohesion refers to the attraction between particles of the same substance, causing them to stick together. This phenomenon is often observed in liquids, such as the tendency of water molecules to cling to one another due to hydrogen bonding.

  • Water molecules sticking together This phenomenon, known as cohesion, is attributed to hydrogen bonding among neighboring water molecules. When water molecules bond, they create a network of strong, cohesive forces. It’s this bonding and consequent cohesion that cause phenomena like water’s surface tension and capillary action. These connected water molecules illustrate scientific cohesion, with components working closely for collective behavior .
  • Gravitational pull between celestial bodies In a cosmic context, gravity is the cohesive force that holds celestial bodies together. The gravitational attraction ensures that planets, stars, and satellites maintain their orbits and do not drift aimlessly in space. Therefore, gravity embodies cohesion at a cosmic scale, driven by the mutual attraction of celestial bodies, thus exemplifying cohesion in the realm of astrophysics.
  • Surface tension on liquids Surface tension is a direct result of cohesive forces in liquids. Surface molecules experience an inward pull from neighboring molecules, minimizing surface area and creating a “film-like” surface. This phenomenon, attributable to cohesive forces, enables certain lightweight objects to float on a liquid surface without sinking. Hence, surface tension on liquids highlights the role of cohesion in everyday science.
  • Intermolecular forces in solids In a solid substance, intermolecular forces bind the particles together, constraining their movement and keeping them tightly packed. It’s these forces that give a solid its definite shape and volume. The continuous interaction of these forces ensures the solidity of an object. Thus, intermolecular forces in solids also demonstrate scientific cohesion.

Cohesion fosters interconnectedness, harmony, and mutual cooperation within a system, be it cells in a body, members of a team, or words in a sentence. Grasping the idea of cohesion enables us to understand the complex interplay of elements in these systems, reflecting the essence of unity in diversity.


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Cohesion Strategies: A List of Transitional Words and Phrases

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Here we'll consider how transitional words and phrases can help make our writing clear and cohesive.

A key quality of an effective paragraph is unity . A unified paragraph sticks to one topic from start to finish, with every sentence contributing to the central purpose and main idea of that paragraph.

But a strong paragraph is more than just a collection of loose sentences. Those sentences need to be clearly connected so that readers can follow along, recognizing how one detail leads to the next. A paragraph with clearly connected sentences is said to be cohesive .

The following paragraph is unified and cohesive. Notice how the italicized words and phrases (called transitions ) guide us along, helping us see how one detail leads to the next.

Why I Don't Make My Bed

Ever since I moved into my own apartment last fall, I have gotten out of the habit of making my bed--except on Fridays, of course, when I change the sheets. Although some people may think that I am a slob, I have some sound reasons for breaking the bed-making habit. In the first place , I am not concerned about maintaining a tidy bedroom because no one except me ever ventures in there. If there is ever a fire inspection or a surprise date, I suppose I can dash in there to fluff up the pillow and slap on a spread. Otherwise , I am not bothered. In addition , I find nothing uncomfortable about crawling into a rumpled mass of sheets and blankets. On the contrary , I enjoy poking out a cozy space for myself before drifting off to sleep. Also , I think that a tightly made bed is downright uncomfortable: entering one makes me feel like a loaf of bread being wrapped and sealed. Finally , and most importantly , I think bed-making is an awful way to waste time in the morning. I would rather spend those precious minutes checking my email or feeding the cat than tucking in corners or snapping the spread.

Transitional words and phrases guide readers from one sentence to the next. Although they most often appear at the beginning of a sentence, they may also show up after the subject .

Here are some of the most common transitional expressions in English, grouped according to the type of relationship shown by each.

1. Addition Transitions

and also besides first, second, third in addition in the first place, in the second place, in the third place furthermore moreover to begin with, next, finally Example " In the first place , no 'burning' in the sense of combustion, as in the burning of wood, occurs in a volcano; moreover , volcanoes are not necessarily mountains; furthermore , the activity takes place not always at the summit but more commonly on the sides or flanks; and finally , the 'smoke' is not smoke but condensed steam." (Fred Bullard, Volcanoes in History, in Theory, in Eruption)

2. Cause-Effect Transitions

accordingly and so as a result consequently for this reason hence so then therefore thus Example "The study of human chromosomes is in its infancy, and so it has only recently become possible to study the effect of environmental factors upon them." (Rachel Carson, Silent Spring)

3. Comparison Transitions

by the same token in like manner in the same way in similar fashion likewise similarly Example "The heaping together of paintings by Old Masters in museums is a catastrophe; likewise , a collection of a hundred Great Brains makes one big fathead." (Carl Jung, "Civilization in Transition")

4. Contrast Transitions

but however in contrast instead nevertheless on the contrary on the other hand still yet Example "Every American, to the last man, lays claim to a 'sense' of humor and guards it as his most significant spiritual trait, yet rejects humor as a contaminating element wherever found. America is a nation of comics and comedians; nevertheless , humor has no stature and is accepted only after the death of the perpetrator." (E. B. White, "The Humor Paradox")

5. Conclusion and Summary Transitions

and so after all at last finally in brief in closing in conclusion on the whole to conclude to summarize Example "We should teach that words are not the things to which they refer. We should teach that words are best understood as convenient tools for handling reality. . . Finally , we should teach widely that new words can and should be invented if the need arises." (Karol Janicki, Language Misconceived)

6. Example Transitions

as an example for example for instance specifically thus to illustrate Example "With all the ingenuity involved in hiding delicacies on the body, this process automatically excludes certain foods. For example , a turkey sandwich is welcome, but the cumbersome cantaloupe is not." (Steve Martin, "How to Fold Soup")

7. Insistence Transitions

in fact indeed no yes Example "The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else." (John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money)

8. Place Transitions

above alongside beneath beyond farther along in back in front nearby on top of to the left to the right under upon Example "Where the wall turns up to the right you can continue by the beck but a better path is to be found by turning with the wall and then going to the left through the bracken." (Jim Grindle, One Hundred Hill Walks in the Lake District)

9. Restatement Transitions

in other words in short in simpler terms that is to put it differently to repeat Example "Anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer studied the few peaceful human tribes and discovered one common characteristic: sex roles were not polarized. Differences of dress and occupation were at a minimum. Society, in other words , was not using sexual blackmail as a way of getting women to do cheap labor, or men to be aggressive." (Gloria Steinem, "What It Would Be Like If Women Win")

10. Time Transitions

afterward at the same time currently earlier formerly immediately in the future in the meantime in the past later meanwhile previously simultaneously subsequently then until now Example At first a toy, then a mode of transportation for the rich, the automobile was designed as man's mechanical servant. Later it became part of the pattern of living.
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Unit 8: Academic Writing Resources

51 Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Writing

The word cohesion come from the Latin verb  cohaerēre which means to stick together. In English academic writing, it is the responsibility of the writer to make sure that the ideas expressed in an essay are clear and easy for the reader to understand.

  Look at the two paragraphs below. They are almost identical. Which is easier to follow and understand?  Why?

Example 1: Research showed that universities provided inconsistent messages about the use of mobile computing devices. Some universities provided students with devices and instructors with implementation support. All instructors were not willingly taking advantage of those opportunities. Other institutions worked to provide university-related applications for the mobile device but did not support their use in learning. Some instructors at the universities deemed the devices as inappropriate and asked students to store them away when entering the classroom. This inconsistent message remains a barrier to the effective implementation of mobile devices in higher education.

Example 2: Research showed that universities provided inconsistent messages about the use of mobile computing devices. On the one hand , some universities provided students with devices and instructors with implementation support. Yet , all instructors were not willingly taking advantage of those opportunities. On the other hand , other institutions worked to provide university-related applications for the mobile device but did not support their use in learning. Therefore , some instructors at the universities deemed the devices as inappropriate and asked students to store them away when entering the classroom. This inconsistent message remains a barrier. In short, this inconsistent message remains a barrier to the effective implementation of mobile devices in higher education.

Text adapted from: Gikas, J. & Grant, M. (2013). Mobile computing devices in higher education: Student perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones, & social media.)

You probably noticed the second example contains a number of expressions which clarify the connections between ideas.

Techniques for building coherence.

When sentences, ideas, and details fit together clearly, readers can follow along easily, and the writing is coherent . The ideas tie together smoothly and clearly. To establish the links that readers need, use the methods listed here.

Repetition of a Key Term or Phrase

This technique focuses your ideas and keeps your reader on track. These repeated words and their related terms are sometimes referred to as lexical chains. 

Example : The problem with contemporary art is that it is not easily understood by most people. Contemporary art is deliberately abstract, and that means it leaves the viewer wondering what she is looking at.

Synonyms are words that have essentially the same meaning, and they provide some variety in your word choices, helping the reader to stay focused on the idea being discussed.

Example : Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins. These traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are a very real force in the lives of the people who tell them.

This, that, these, those, he, she, it, and they   are useful pronouns for referring back to something previously mentioned. Be sure, however, that what you are referring to is clear.

Example : When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are often considered failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that promise the most rewards.

Transitional Words

There are many words in English that cue our readers to relationships between sentences, joining sentences together. See the next chapter for more transition words. There you will find lists of words, such as however, therefore, in addition, also, but, moreover, etc.

Example : I like autumn, and yet autumn is a sad time of the year, too. The leaves turn bright shades of red and the weather is mild, but I can’t help thinking ahead to the winter and the ice storms that will surely blow through here. In addition , that will be the season too many layers of clothes to put on and days when I’ll have to shovel heaps of snow from the sidewalk.

This/These Plus Summary Nouns

A simple, efficient way to establish the old-to-new flow of information is to use:

  • Demonstrative pronoun (This / These) + noun (singular or plural)

Consider the following sentences.

Example : Writing instructors know that students need to understand the differences between formal and informal language. This understanding can help students make strategic choices in their writing.

What does this understanding refer to?

Example : In recent years, the number of students applying for undergraduate admission at Ivy League colleges has increased steadily, while the number of places available has remained fairly constant. This situation has resulted in intense competition for admission.

What does this situation refer to? What is the effect of using this instead of that ? Could the writer have used only this instead of this situation ?

The phrases in italics contain a summary noun or word that refers back to the idea in the previous sentence. They summarize what has already been said and pick up where the previous sentence has ended. You may have noticed in your academic reading that this is not always followed by a noun—that is, this is unsupported or unattended. Keep in mind, however, that if there is a possibility your reader will not understand what this is referring to, your best strategy is to follow this with a noun so that your meaning is clear.

Chart of This/These + Summary Nouns

approach method, strategy, process, idea
trend pattern, tendency
disadvantage weakness, problem, challenge, obstacle, difficulty, drawback
advantage strength, solution, benefit
aspect characteristic, feature, factor
stage step, part
reason cause, effect, result
circumstance situation, example, issue

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by AEUK | Aug 12, 2018 | Grammar | 0 comments


What is cohesion?

Cohesion refers to the way texts use grammar and vocabulary to ‘stick’ or ‘glue’ ideas together. This is done through articles  (a/an/the), pronouns (it/this/these/that/those/etc..), word families  (analyse/ analysis) / summary nouns (approach/trend/issue) and synonyms (effect/consequence). In addition to these above key areas, relative clauses, ellipsis and connectors are also important.

Pronouns: It / this / these / that / those / they

Using other forms of the key verb/noun:

Summary Nouns 

Using a noun  [this/these + summary noun]  to explain the key idea of the previous sentence.

Example: Many psychologists have been investigating the key reasons for divorce for many years. Their research / evidence   seems to suggest that a lack of communication is one of the key issues.

Key examples of Summary Nouns:

cohesive in essay writing

Nominalisation (verbs / adjectives to nouns)

An introduction to nominalisation. This worksheet shows the basics of nominalising, practises changing verbs and adjectives to nouns, and includes four exercises from guided practice through to freer practice. Very good writing practice activity with a fair amount of challenge for all levels.  Level ** ** * [B1/B2/C1]   Example   TEACHER MEMBERSHIP  /  INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Noun Phrases Worksheet

This lesson highlights what noun phrases are and provides valuable practice. it focuses on the key concepts of quantifiers, adjectives and nouns, noun + noun, noun + preposition and noun phrase combinations  (see example ).   level *** ** [b2/c1]   teacher membership  / institutional membership.

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The Common App Opens Today—Here’s How To Answer Every Prompt

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Writing the Personal Statement for the Common Application

Today, the Common Application opens for the 2024–25 application cycle. As the platform opens, officially signaling the start of the college admissions season, many students are starting the daunting process of crafting their personal statements. The personal statement is a crucial opportunity to showcase individuality, character, and intellectual depth. In only 650 words, students should seek to encapsulate their authentic voice and perspective through a compelling and creative narrative. The process requires thorough brainstorming, strategy, and editing in order to produce an essay that is distinct from those of thousands of other applicants vying for seats at top colleges.

As students choose a prompt and begin brainstorming essays, here are the key points to consider in order to create a stellar essay for each prompt:

1. The Meaningful Background Prompt

Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

This prompt invites you to share an aspect of your identity or experience that is central to who you are. Start by thoughtfully considering aspects of your identity that are unique to you; then, try to think of a specific anecdote or experience that provides a portrait of those qualities. While detail and specificity are critical for all engaging essays, they are particularly important in this one, as you should show (rather than tell ) admissions committees the things that are quintessential to who you are.

Your essay should also have a takeaway—aside from just telling admissions officers what the background, identity, interest, or talent is, you should also focus on what you’ve learned from this piece of your identity, how it has developed over time, and how you will apply it in college and beyond.

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Google warns 3 billion chrome users—we have no update for new tracking ‘nightmare’, russia releasing evan gershkovich and paul whelan in major prisoner swap—here’s what we know, 2. the overcoming obstacles prompt.

Prompt: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

This prompt is an opportunity to demonstrate resilience and the capacity to learn from adversity—qualities that elite universities value highly. Begin by choosing a specific incident where you faced a significant challenge or failure—this could be an academic setback, a personal loss, or a time when you were out of your comfort zone. Students often fall into one of two common mistakes when tackling this question. First, many students rely on cliches and overused tropes. Keep in mind that admissions officers will likely read hundreds of essays recounting stories of students missing the game-winning goal or flunking a test in sophomore English. Try to select a story that only you can tell, and if you choose a topic you worry might be popular among other students, consider how you might recount it in a unique and unexpected way. On the other hand, some students fall into the opposite problem, sharing about a particularly personal, traumatic, or triggering experience that impacted them. Though it should convey personal insights, the personal statement is still a professional document, and you should not make your reader uncomfortable or unsettled by the information you share.

Finally, note that admissions officers are not primarily interested in the challenge itself, but in how you responded to the challenge. Focus on the steps you took to overcome the obstacle, what you learned about yourself in the process, and how this experience has shaped your future actions and mindset. Highlight any new skills, perspectives, or motivations that emerged from this experience, demonstrating your ability to grow and adapt in the face of adversity.

3. The Changed Perspective Prompt

Prompt: Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Top colleges seek to admit students who are willing to engage in critical thinking and who possess the intellectual courage to question norms or ideas. For this essay, consider beginning with an anecdote—starting the essay in media res can be an engaging way to catch the reader’s attention and quickly establish the stakes of your narrative. As you share your story, remember that the essay’s focus is to demonstrate your open-mindedness, your commitment to seeking the truth, and your willingness to engage deeply with complex issues. It also shows your ability to respect differing viewpoints while developing your own reasoned stance. As such, you should take the admissions committee through your process of growth and change step-by-step, clearly articulating how the experience impacted you and how your changed perspective will enhance their campus community should you enroll.

4. The Gratitude Prompt

Prompt: Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Like the two prior prompts, this prompt requires students to share a particular anecdote, and students should consider beginning with their narrative before zooming out to explore the broader theme of gratitude. Start by recounting a specific instance where someone did something for you that made you feel unexpectedly grateful. This could be a small act of kindness, a significant gesture, or a moment of support that made a lasting impression on you. Then, explore how this experience of gratitude has affected your actions or attitude. As you do so, be sure to avoid platitudes or vapid buzzwords—rather than expressing that the experience made you feel “good” or “appreciated” or the equivalent, share how it has affected your perspective or actions going forward. The best responses are those that illustrate actionable change rather than fuzzy feelings.

5. The Personal Growth Prompt

Prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

A student’s college years are all about growth and transformation, and this prompt invites students to demonstrate their capacity for self-reflection and teachability. Thus, while this prompt might invite you to describe a major event or accomplishment, what you really want to show is a transformative period and the resulting reflection. Don’t feel as though the accomplishment, event, or realization needs to be especially earth-shattering or ground-breaking—sometimes the small things can make an impression in a big way. Finally, if you do choose to write about an accomplishment, be sure that you are not bragging. The prompt is an opportunity to show self-awareness, rather than to tout your achievements.

6. The Captivating Concept Prompt

Prompt: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Intellectual curiosity and authentic passion are distinguishing characteristics in the landscape of top college admissions. For this prompt, zoom in on a particular topic that genuinely fascinates you, whether it’s a specific academic subject, a philosophical idea, or a creative pursuit. Many students manufacture a response to this prompt based on what they assume will impress admissions officers—but if you aren’t truly interested in Kantian ethics, an admissions officer will be able to tell. However silly, mundane, quirky, or bizarre your “captivating concept” may be, if it’s true to you—write about it!

While your response should describe how a specific aspect of this topic captivates your interest and why it resonates with you on a deeper level, it should also demonstrate how you have taken the initiative to explore this topic in unique ways. Have you sought out books on the topic? Taken an online course to elevate your knowledge? Started a club to connect with others who share your interest? Developed a passion project that mobilized your interest in service of your community?

7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

If none of the above prompts allow you to effectively express yourself, remember that the Common App includes an open prompt, wherein you can write on a topic of your choice! This is an excellent opportunity to share a story that doesn’t fit neatly into the other prompts but is crucial to understanding who you are. If you choose to pursue this prompt, make sure your essay is well-structured and cohesive, with a clear theme or message that ties everything together.

The Common App essay is more than just a component of your application; it’s a chance to speak directly to admissions officers and present your authentic self. Taking the time to brainstorm and edit will allow you to submit an essay that showcases your unique voice and original perspective to admissions officers at top colleges.

Christopher Rim

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Home News How to Write a Personal Statement for Graduate School

How to Write a Personal Statement for Graduate School

How to Write a Personal Statement for Graduate School

Preparing to apply for graduate school? If so, then there’s a good chance that your program of choice will require you to submit a personal statement as part of your application. Specifically, a personal statement is a short essay that allows applicants to showcase their unique qualities, aspirations, and other traits that may make them a good candidate for the program.

Still, if you’ve never written a personal statement before, the thought of writing an essay about yourself may seem daunting. The good news? With some practical tips and tricks in mind, it doesn’t have to be.

Understanding the Purpose of a Personal Statement

Before you start writing or even brainstorming, it’s important to understand the purpose of a personal statement in a graduate school application. Ideally, this essay should complement the other components of your application by providing additional context, showcasing your personality, and demonstrating the passion that you have for your chosen field. This can provide the admissions committee with a more holistic view of you as a person.

The Role It Plays in Your Application

There’s a good chance that your application will be one of just dozens or even hundreds to get into your program of choice. Admissions committee members, then, must sift through all kinds of application material to help them make their final decisions.

Many admissions committees utilize personal statements as a means of assessing an applicant’s writing ability, critical thinking skills, and their overall fit for the program. These essays can be especially useful in distinguishing applicants who may have similar academic backgrounds or who may otherwise look similar “on paper.”

What Admission Committees Look For

So, what exactly are admission committees looking for when they read a personal statement or sift through other application materials? Some of the most important elements they are seeking include:

  • Evidence of thorough program research and aligned goals.
  • A demonstrated passion for the field or discipline of study.
  • Articulated potential for success.
  • Effective written communication skills.

Crafting Your Narrative

Not sure how to write a personal statement for grad school? One of the best ways to start is to transform your experiences, challenges, and pivotal life moments into a compelling narrative that really showcases where you’ve been and where you hope to go.

Identifying Your Unique Qualities and Experiences

This begins with doing a little self-reflection to uncover the distinct qualifications, experiences, and skills that make you a great candidate for the program. Take some time to write down what you believe to be the most pivotal moments of your academic and/or professional life. Can you pinpoint what sparked your interest in your chosen field?

How to Tell Your Story Effectively

From there, it’s all about using language to tell your story in a way both engaging and compelling. You can do this by using vivid language with plenty of concrete examples. When crafting your personal statement, it’s also important that the narrative is structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Outlining before you write your first draft can be a great way to keep yourself on track in this regard.

Key Elements to Include in Your Personal Statement

There are many important components you won’t want to leave out of your personal statement, ranging from specific academic achievements and career goals to professional experiences and research interests.

Academic Achievements and Research Interests

Your admissions committee wants to hear about your academic accomplishments and research interests, so don’t be modest here. Now is the time to let your accomplishments shine and to make connections between these achievements and your chosen program of study.

Professional Experiences and Goals

If you can incorporate any of your professional experiences and career goals into your personal statement, be sure to do this in a way that demonstrates your commitment to the field and the potential contributions you could make to the program itself.

Personal Motivations and Aspirations

Be sure to articulate your personal motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen field, including a detailed discussion of your future aspirations. Optimally, you’ll be able to connect these to the program’s specific values and offerings as well.

How to Write a Stand-Out Personal Statement for Grad School

As you get started in drafting your personal statement for graduate school, here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind.

Starting With a Strong Opening

Never underestimate the power of a strong opening. Preferably, you’ll want to begin with an attention-grabbing opening that hooks the reader and really sets the tone for the rest of the essay. A personal anecdote, quote, or surprising statistic can work well here, but don’t hesitate to get creative!

Maintaining a Cohesive Structure

Make sure your personal statement is well organized in a way both logical and coherent. This will ensure a smooth flow of ideas and a clear narrative arc. If you’re not sure how to do this, try outlining your essay first. When you read the outline back to yourself, the basic idea(s) should come across clearly.

Employing Vivid Descriptions and Examples

Using specific details, concrete examples, and vivid language can be a great way to bring your personal statement to life and make it more engaging for your readers. Vivid and descriptive writing can also help make your essay more memorable, which can work in your favor.

H2: How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?

When it comes down to how to write a personal statement for grad school, most notably how long should a personal statement be, the best way to determine this is to review the specific application requirements on your program page. Different schools and programs may have different requirements for number of pages, word count, and formatting. Typically, it is common for a personal statement to be about two pages long.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you write and revise your personal statement, there are also some common mistakes that you’ll want to avoid as much as possible.

Overused Phrases and Clichés

Admissions committees want to see unique, authentic writing. With this in mind, it’s important to avoid phrases and clichés that may be overused by other applicants. Some examples of phrases to avoid may include:

  • “My passion was sparked when…”
  • “I believe I am a good fit for this program because…”
  • “I have been interested in this field since I was X years old…”
  • “I am extremely passionate about…”

Neglecting the Program-Specific Details

Your personal statement should also demonstrate that you’ve actually taken the time to read through the details of the program and understand the curriculum. With this in mind, it’s important that you tailor your essay to the program itself. Don’t leave out details that will help highlight your understanding of the program and what it will entail.

The Revision Process

Completing a first draft of your personal statement is certainly an accomplishment, but it’s still important to revise and edit your draft multiple times before you submit it.

Seeking Feedback From Mentors and Peers

One of the best ways to get valuable feedback about your personal statement is to ask your trusted friends, classmates, and even professors to read it and identify areas of improvement. The people who read your essay don’t even need to be familiar with the program itself to provide useful feedback and perspectives .

Fine-Tuning Language and Tone

As you revise, work on fine-tuning your own writing to make sure your essay is as clear and concise as possible without sacrificing professionalism. You can avoid redundancies in your writing, for example, by using the active voice as much as possible and removing unnecessary prepositional phrases.

Finalizing Your Personal Statement

As you prepare your personal statement for submission with the rest of your application materials, there are a few more steps you should take to ensure that you’re submitting your absolute best work.

Proofreading for Grammar and Spelling Errors

First, make sure to proofread meticulously to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors. Understand that word processing software won’t always catch every typo, so it’s a good idea to read through your essay manually a few times. Another great way to catch typos that a spell-checker might miss is to actually read your essay word-for-word backwards .  Give it a try for yourself!

Ensuring Adherence to Application Guidelines

Finally, be sure to double-check that your personal statement adheres to all requirements outlined by your school/program. This means ensuring that the essay is formatted correctly, meets all length/word count requirements, and is in the proper style, like MLA or APA . Failing to follow application guidelines when you write your personal statement can throw off red flags for admissions committee members that an applicant doesn’t know how to follow directions, which may not bode well for your admission decision.

Ready to Apply for a Graduate Program?

There’s quite a bit to keep in mind when it comes to writing a compelling personal statement for graduate school. At the end of the day, you’ll want to remember that your personal statement is a unique opportunity to showcase what makes you such an ideal fit for the program to which you’re applying. By following these tips, you should be in good shape.

Still looking for the right graduate program to help you accelerate your career? Marymount University offers 17  master’s degree programs , seven doctorate programs, and 22 certificate programs to meet your needs and interests.  Learn more  by reaching out or get started with your online  application  for enrollment today!


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    Cohesion is an important feature of academic writing. It can help ensure that your writing coheres or 'sticks together', which will make it easier for the reader to follow the main ideas in your essay or report. You can achieve good cohesion by paying attention to five important features. The first of these is repeated words.

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    In writing, cohesiveness is the quality that makes it easier for people to read and understand an essay's content. A cohesive essay has all its parts (beginning, middle, and end) united, supporting each other to inform or convince the reader. Unfortunately, this is an element that even intermediate or advanced writers stumble on.

  4. The Writing Center

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    Without cohesion, your essay writing may lose control of the idea or concept you want to deliver. In Halliday's and Hasan's words, "the concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text and that define it as a text." In order to engage your reader throughout your cohesive essay, make ...

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    The Cohesive Essay. One key example of linguistic cohesion is in essay writing. A cohesive essay will contain a set of concepts that make sense to one another, are all relevant to the essay question, and build a story that successfully prosecutes your argument. An incohesive essay jumps from idea to idea without a clear connection between them ...

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  21. Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Writing

    50. Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Writing. The word cohesion come from the Latin verb cohaerēre which means to stick together. In English academic writing, it is the responsibility of the writer to make sure that the ideas expressed in an essay are clear and easy for the reader to understand. Look at the two paragraphs below.

  22. Cohesion & Coherence in Academic Writing

    Cohesion & Coherence Worksheet - AEUK. This worksheet helps to consolidate what 'cohesion' is with a focus on pronouns, word forms and summary nouns. It also includes a coherence sheet on key connections and two practice activities. Example Level: ***** [B2/C1] / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP. £4.00 - Add to cart. *.

  23. PDF Cohesive writing

    Cohesive writing helps readers understand how the details relate to the overall argument of a text and to follow it easily. The quality of cohesion in a written text is achieved by various means, which make different elements of the text hold together well: logical conjunction, grammatical referencing, lexical choice and paragraphing.

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