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Tips for crafting a concise and informative 250-word essay.

How to write a 250 word essay

Are you overwhelmed by the task of writing a 250-word essay? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this easy guide, we’ll walk you through the process of crafting a concise and impactful essay like a pro.

Whether you’re a student working on an assignment or a professional looking to communicate effectively in a limited word count, mastering the art of writing a 250-word essay can be a valuable skill. With the right approach and some key tips, you can create a compelling and well-crafted piece that gets your point across clearly and concisely.

From planning and outlining to refining your writing, we’ll provide you with the essential steps and strategies to help you tackle this challenge with confidence and produce a stellar 250-word essay.

How to Write a Stellar 250 Word Essay

How to Write a Stellar 250 Word Essay

Writing a stellar 250-word essay requires focus and precision. Follow these steps to craft a well-structured and impactful piece:

  • Plan Your Points: Before you start writing, outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. Keep it concise and relevant to the topic.
  • Introduction: Begin with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention. State your thesis or main idea clearly.
  • Main Body: Support your thesis with a few key points. Each point should be clear and concise, using specific examples or evidence.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis. End with a strong closing that leaves a lasting impression.

Remember to use clear and simple language, and avoid unnecessary words or information. Proofread your essay carefully to ensure it is error-free and flows smoothly. With these tips, you can create a stellar 250-word essay that showcases your writing skills effectively.

Understanding the Assignment Requirements

Before you start writing your 250-word essay, it is crucial to carefully read and understand the assignment requirements. Make sure you grasp the topic, the purpose of the essay, and any specific instructions provided by your instructor or professor.

Highlight key points such as the essay’s objective, the audience you are writing for, the structure or format required, the style of writing (formal or informal), and any specific guidelines on sources or citations.

  • Take note of the word count specified for the essay.
  • Clarify any doubts you may have with your instructor to ensure you are on the right track.
  • Organize your thoughts and create an outline based on the assignment requirements before you begin writing.

By thoroughly understanding the assignment requirements, you can ensure that your 250-word essay meets the criteria and effectively conveys your message to the intended audience.

Brainstorming and Outlining Your Ideas

Brainstorming and Outlining Your Ideas

Before you start writing your 250-word essay, it’s essential to brainstorm and outline your ideas. This step will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent and well-structured essay.

Start by brainstorming ideas related to the topic of your essay. Jot down any relevant points, examples, or arguments that come to mind. Consider different perspectives and angles that you can explore in your essay.

Once you have a list of ideas, create an outline for your essay. This outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, briefly introduce your topic and provide some background information. The body paragraphs should expand on the ideas you brainstormed and provide supporting evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis.

By brainstorming and outlining your ideas before you start writing, you’ll set yourself up for success and make the writing process much smoother.

Developing Clear and Concise Body Paragraphs

When writing a 250-word essay, it’s essential to develop clear and concise body paragraphs to support your main argument. Each body paragraph should focus on a single main point and provide evidence to support it. Here are some tips to help you develop effective body paragraphs:

1. Topic Sentence:

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This sentence should clearly state the point you will be discussing.

2. Supporting Evidence:

Provide specific examples, facts, or quotes to support your main point. Make sure that the evidence is relevant and directly relates to your argument.

3. Analysis:

After presenting your evidence, analyze it to explain how it supports your main argument. Discuss the significance of the evidence and how it strengthens your position.

4. Transition:

Use transitional words and phrases to smoothly move from one paragraph to the next. This helps to maintain the flow of your essay and connect your ideas cohesively.

By following these guidelines, you can develop clear and concise body paragraphs that enhance the overall structure and quality of your 250-word essay.

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How to Write a Great 250-Word Essay

David Dec 14, 2017

How to Write a Great 250-Word Essay

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In college, there are many instances where you may be required to write a 250-word essay – your application, exam questions, small writing prompts, etc. A 250-word limit may seem like a novel to some, but others find it difficult to get their point across with so few words. In this guide, we will look at a 250-word essay example, along with tips on how to write a great 250-word essay.   Bonus: Need to write a longer essay? See this guide on how to write a 500-word essay

The Basic Format of a 250-Word Essay

All essays consist of the same three parts: an introduction with a thesis, a body paragraph or body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes the overall essay.

In 250 words, you will most likely have 3-4 paragraphs in total, each with 50-100 words. This will allow for 3-5 concise but detailed sentences per paragraph.

A Step-by-Step 250-Word Essay Example

To help visualize this process, let’s go ahead and write a simple 250-word essay.  You’ll see our writing sample in green and our explanation of what we did (and what can be done) with each section in normal text.

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Without further ado, let’s get started on our essay!

TOPIC:  How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals?

Step 1 – Write Your Thesis

Your thesis is the first thing you should consider in your essay. Simply put, it’s the main idea of your essay that will control everything else you write. If you could summarize the question in just one sentence, how would you do it?

For our topic   How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals?  our thesis will be:

My parents saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Step 2 – Write Your Introduction

In the introduction, the first sentence can be a broad or general statement that sets the tone for the piece. It is usually supported by a second sentence that leads into the thesis. The optional third sentence may pose a question that the thesis aims to answer, or it may prompt the reader to think about the topic in a different light. The final sentence of the intro paragraph clearly establishes the thesis.

As a general rule of thumb, the introduction should go from broad to specific, sentence by sentence, gradually leading up to your thesis. Here’s a sample example of an introductory paragraph.

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Word count:  Introductory paragraph, 64 words.

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Step 3 – Write The Body Paragraph(s)

Next, we’ll continue with the body paragraph. Remember, body paragraphs should support the thesis and be about 3-5 sentences or 50-100 words long. In a short essay you may opt for only one body paragraph but in a longer one you may need more.

So how should your body paragraphs support your thesis? Think of each body paragraph as an argument that supports it.

Working with our thesis   “My parents never saw the value of formal education and that’s what lead me to my educational goals” , then each paragraph could be about   how not seeing the value of formal education led to the writer pursuing it.

For example, maybe the writer didn’t want to end up in the same work as their parents. Or maybe it was the parents’ lack of belief in the writer that pushed them to pursue a better future.

Let’s have a look at what a body paragraph can look like for our 250 word essay.

From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree. 

Word count:  Body paragraph 119 words. Total essay is now 181 words.

Step 4 – Summarize with a Conclusion

The final paragraph is the conclusion. You may start this paragraph with “To summarize,” “As evident by X, Y, and Z,”  or a similar statement that highlights the biggest points in your essay. Use the conclusion paragraph to sum up the main point of your essay using different words. The last sentence can be something broad that leaves the reader wondering. Let’s see how we can write a conclusion for our sample essay.

While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely, by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Notice how we summarize the main point of the essay in the first sentence. We then connect the first sentence to the a conclusion we arrive at. Finally we end in an optimistic tone by stating how this has been helpful and we are grateful. Unlike the introduction paragraph, which flows from broad sentences to specific, a conclusion generally flows the opposite way, from specific sentences to broader concepts.

Word count: Concluding paragraph 61 words. Total essay is now 242 words. 

Sure, we came up 8 words short. But being that close should not be considered an issue. If for some reason you are required to write 250 words minimum, you can make the essay longer by sprinkling in a few extra words.

The Entire 250-word Essay  Altogether

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals. From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree.  While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Should I Write More Than 250 Words or Less Than 250 Words?

When a professor or college entry application asks for a “250 word essay,” 250 words is generally a rough guide. No one is going to fail you if you go over or under the limit by a few words. We’d say a good gauge is plus or minus 50 words. As a general rule of thumb though, try to stay as close to 250 words as possible without going too far over or under.

Essay Writing Tips

Here are some quick tips for writing a great 250-word essay:

  • Write the first draft from start to finish without any pauses. This will make the writing sound fluid, and you can make adjustments after that.
  • Avoid over-editing your work. Ideally, you should take a long pause between editing sessions so you can clear your head and come back with a fresh perspective.
  • Try not to think about the word count too much. Once you get in the habit of writing four 3-5 sentence paragraphs, you’ll find your words naturally get close to 250.
  • Don’t throw fluff sentences in your essay. Professors see right through those. Instead, think of an additional sentence to enhance the support in your body paragraphs.
  • If you feel like you have concisely and sufficiently answered the question below the word count, trust your gut. Most instructors will value quality over quantity.

The more 250-word essays you write, the easier they will become. Feel free to practice with free essay prompts online to train your brain to write with this rhythm. You’ll soon be able to whip out 250 words without checking your word count!


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How to Write a 250 Word Essay

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Bill Jack

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

Woman sitting at a desk and beginning to write a 250 word essay

Have you come across a 250 word essay in a scholarship or college application? These shorter essays can be tricky for students because of the limited word count. In this guide, you will learn how to write a successful 250 word essay with our step-by-step process:

Outline your essay in bullet points

Only answer the question being asked, don’t worry about the word count in your first draft.

Let’s dive in so you can complete your 250 word essays!

An outline is a good move for writing most scholarship essays, but is an absolute necessity if you are writing a short 250 word essay. This will allow you to answer the essay prompt in the simplest, most concise way. My suggestion is to think about the essay in five bullets:

  • Hook the reader with an engaging first line and introduce your response.
  • Expand on point 1
  • Expand on point 2
  • Expand on point 3
  • Conclude your essay with a meaningful last line

The resulting bullet points may not craft the perfect essays. As a result, you will probably need to smooth it out a bit and include some transitions. This is totally fine, but be careful how much you add onto the essay. Try to stick to your five bullet outline as much as possible.

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In essays, it can be tempting to meander. After all, the writing process is a creative one and once you get going, you may wind up in a completely different place. Discipline is the key to shorter essays and you will need to focus on only answering the question being asked.

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I know that this seems counterintuitive, but hear me out! For some students, it may actually be even better to write an essay without thinking about the 250 word count at all.

If you choose to go this route, you will have to spend some time cutting down on your word count. However, sometimes it does make sense to overwrite and then edit out the fluff that is not necessary.

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Proofread (and proofread again!)

Even though a 250 word essay is short, it is still an essay that requires an editing and proofreading process. Generally, writers are their own worst proofreaders. So once you finish your essay, ask someone else to read it to ensure another set of eyes glances over everything.

Don’t forget to check on the word count as you proofread and edit your essay! Good luck, writers!

Also see:  Can you use the same essay for multiple colleges?

Key Takeaways

  • There’s not a lot of extra room in a 250 word essay, which means you will need to be direct and on topic
  • Try writing your first draft without a word count in mind and then go back and edit it down later
  • Remember to ask others to proofread for you, as it can be hard to see your own mistakes
  • If you are writing an essay for a specific college, be sure to give them a search in our college essay database to see what other helpful advice we might have

See Also: How to write an essay about yourself

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17 Book Review Examples to Help You Write the Perfect Review

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17 book review examples to help you write the perfect review.

17 Book Review Examples to Help You Write the Perfect Review

It’s an exciting time to be a book reviewer. Once confined to print newspapers and journals, reviews now dot many corridors of the Internet — forever helping others discover their next great read. That said, every book reviewer will face a familiar panic: how can you do justice to a great book in just a thousand words?

As you know, the best way to learn how to do something is by immersing yourself in it. Luckily, the Internet (i.e. Goodreads and other review sites , in particular) has made book reviews more accessible than ever — which means that there are a lot of book reviews examples out there for you to view!

In this post, we compiled 17 prototypical book review examples in multiple genres to help you figure out how to write the perfect review . If you want to jump straight to the examples, you can skip the next section. Otherwise, let’s first check out what makes up a good review.

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What must a book review contain?

Like all works of art, no two book reviews will be identical. But fear not: there are a few guidelines for any aspiring book reviewer to follow. Most book reviews, for instance, are less than 1,500 words long, with the sweet spot hitting somewhere around the 1,000-word mark. (However, this may vary depending on the platform on which you’re writing, as we’ll see later.)

In addition, all reviews share some universal elements, as shown in our book review templates . These include:

  • A review will offer a concise plot summary of the book. 
  • A book review will offer an evaluation of the work. 
  • A book review will offer a recommendation for the audience. 

If these are the basic ingredients that make up a book review, it’s the tone and style with which the book reviewer writes that brings the extra panache. This will differ from platform to platform, of course. A book review on Goodreads, for instance, will be much more informal and personal than a book review on Kirkus Reviews, as it is catering to a different audience. However, at the end of the day, the goal of all book reviews is to give the audience the tools to determine whether or not they’d like to read the book themselves.

Keeping that in mind, let’s proceed to some book review examples to put all of this in action.

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Book review examples for fiction books

Since story is king in the world of fiction, it probably won’t come as any surprise to learn that a book review for a novel will concentrate on how well the story was told .

That said, book reviews in all genres follow the same basic formula that we discussed earlier. In these examples, you’ll be able to see how book reviewers on different platforms expertly intertwine the plot summary and their personal opinions of the book to produce a clear, informative, and concise review.

Note: Some of the book review examples run very long. If a book review is truncated in this post, we’ve indicated by including a […] at the end, but you can always read the entire review if you click on the link provided.

Examples of literary fiction book reviews

Kirkus Reviews reviews Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man :

An extremely powerful story of a young Southern Negro, from his late high school days through three years of college to his life in Harlem.
His early training prepared him for a life of humility before white men, but through injustices- large and small, he came to realize that he was an "invisible man". People saw in him only a reflection of their preconceived ideas of what he was, denied his individuality, and ultimately did not see him at all. This theme, which has implications far beyond the obvious racial parallel, is skillfully handled. The incidents of the story are wholly absorbing. The boy's dismissal from college because of an innocent mistake, his shocked reaction to the anonymity of the North and to Harlem, his nightmare experiences on a one-day job in a paint factory and in the hospital, his lightning success as the Harlem leader of a communistic organization known as the Brotherhood, his involvement in black versus white and black versus black clashes and his disillusion and understanding of his invisibility- all climax naturally in scenes of violence and riot, followed by a retreat which is both literal and figurative. Parts of this experience may have been told before, but never with such freshness, intensity and power.
This is Ellison's first novel, but he has complete control of his story and his style. Watch it.

Lyndsey reviews George Orwell’s 1984 on Goodreads:

YOU. ARE. THE. DEAD. Oh my God. I got the chills so many times toward the end of this book. It completely blew my mind. It managed to surpass my high expectations AND be nothing at all like I expected. Or in Newspeak "Double Plus Good." Let me preface this with an apology. If I sound stunningly inarticulate at times in this review, I can't help it. My mind is completely fried.
This book is like the dystopian Lord of the Rings, with its richly developed culture and economics, not to mention a fully developed language called Newspeak, or rather more of the anti-language, whose purpose is to limit speech and understanding instead of to enhance and expand it. The world-building is so fully fleshed out and spine-tinglingly terrifying that it's almost as if George travelled to such a place, escaped from it, and then just wrote it all down.
I read Fahrenheit 451 over ten years ago in my early teens. At the time, I remember really wanting to read 1984, although I never managed to get my hands on it. I'm almost glad I didn't. Though I would not have admitted it at the time, it would have gone over my head. Or at the very least, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate it fully. […]

The New York Times reviews Lisa Halliday’s Asymmetry :

Three-quarters of the way through Lisa Halliday’s debut novel, “Asymmetry,” a British foreign correspondent named Alistair is spending Christmas on a compound outside of Baghdad. His fellow revelers include cameramen, defense contractors, United Nations employees and aid workers. Someone’s mother has FedExed a HoneyBaked ham from Maine; people are smoking by the swimming pool. It is 2003, just days after Saddam Hussein’s capture, and though the mood is optimistic, Alistair is worrying aloud about the ethics of his chosen profession, wondering if reporting on violence doesn’t indirectly abet violence and questioning why he’d rather be in a combat zone than reading a picture book to his son. But every time he returns to London, he begins to “spin out.” He can’t go home. “You observe what people do with their freedom — what they don’t do — and it’s impossible not to judge them for it,” he says.
The line, embedded unceremoniously in the middle of a page-long paragraph, doubles, like so many others in “Asymmetry,” as literary criticism. Halliday’s novel is so strange and startlingly smart that its mere existence seems like commentary on the state of fiction. One finishes “Asymmetry” for the first or second (or like this reader, third) time and is left wondering what other writers are not doing with their freedom — and, like Alistair, judging them for it.
Despite its title, “Asymmetry” comprises two seemingly unrelated sections of equal length, appended by a slim and quietly shocking coda. Halliday’s prose is clean and lean, almost reportorial in the style of W. G. Sebald, and like the murmurings of a shy person at a cocktail party, often comic only in single clauses. It’s a first novel that reads like the work of an author who has published many books over many years. […]

Emily W. Thompson reviews Michael Doane's The Crossing on Reedsy Discovery :

In Doane’s debut novel, a young man embarks on a journey of self-discovery with surprising results.
An unnamed protagonist (The Narrator) is dealing with heartbreak. His love, determined to see the world, sets out for Portland, Oregon. But he’s a small-town boy who hasn’t traveled much. So, the Narrator mourns her loss and hides from life, throwing himself into rehabbing an old motorcycle. Until one day, he takes a leap; he packs his bike and a few belongings and heads out to find the Girl.
Following in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac and William Least Heat-Moon, Doane offers a coming of age story about a man finding himself on the backroads of America. Doane’s a gifted writer with fluid prose and insightful observations, using The Narrator’s personal interactions to illuminate the diversity of the United States.
The Narrator initially sticks to the highways, trying to make it to the West Coast as quickly as possible. But a hitchhiker named Duke convinces him to get off the beaten path and enjoy the ride. “There’s not a place that’s like any other,” [39] Dukes contends, and The Narrator realizes he’s right. Suddenly, the trip is about the journey, not just the destination. The Narrator ditches his truck and traverses the deserts and mountains on his bike. He destroys his phone, cutting off ties with his past and living only in the moment.
As he crosses the country, The Narrator connects with several unique personalities whose experiences and views deeply impact his own. Duke, the complicated cowboy and drifter, who opens The Narrator’s eyes to a larger world. Zooey, the waitress in Colorado who opens his heart and reminds him that love can be found in this big world. And Rosie, The Narrator’s sweet landlady in Portland, who helps piece him back together both physically and emotionally.
This supporting cast of characters is excellent. Duke, in particular, is wonderfully nuanced and complicated. He’s a throwback to another time, a man without a cell phone who reads Sartre and sleeps under the stars. Yet he’s also a grifter with a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” attitude that harms those around him. It’s fascinating to watch The Narrator wrestle with Duke’s behavior, trying to determine which to model and which to discard.
Doane creates a relatable protagonist in The Narrator, whose personal growth doesn’t erase his faults. His willingness to hit the road with few resources is admirable, and he’s prescient enough to recognize the jealousy of those who cannot or will not take the leap. His encounters with new foods, places, and people broaden his horizons. Yet his immaturity and selfishness persist. He tells Rosie she’s been a good mother to him but chooses to ignore the continuing concern from his own parents as he effectively disappears from his old life.
Despite his flaws, it’s a pleasure to accompany The Narrator on his physical and emotional journey. The unexpected ending is a fitting denouement to an epic and memorable road trip.

The Book Smugglers review Anissa Gray’s The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls :

I am still dipping my toes into the literally fiction pool, finding what works for me and what doesn’t. Books like The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray are definitely my cup of tea.
Althea and Proctor Cochran had been pillars of their economically disadvantaged community for years – with their local restaurant/small market and their charity drives. Until they are found guilty of fraud for stealing and keeping most of the money they raised and sent to jail. Now disgraced, their entire family is suffering the consequences, specially their twin teenage daughters Baby Vi and Kim.  To complicate matters even more: Kim was actually the one to call the police on her parents after yet another fight with her mother. […]

Examples of children’s and YA fiction book reviews

The Book Hookup reviews Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give :

♥ Quick Thoughts and Rating: 5 stars! I can’t imagine how challenging it would be to tackle the voice of a movement like Black Lives Matter, but I do know that Thomas did it with a finesse only a talented author like herself possibly could. With an unapologetically realistic delivery packed with emotion, The Hate U Give is a crucially important portrayal of the difficulties minorities face in our country every single day. I have no doubt that this book will be met with resistance by some (possibly many) and slapped with a “controversial” label, but if you’ve ever wondered what it was like to walk in a POC’s shoes, then I feel like this is an unflinchingly honest place to start.
In Angie Thomas’s debut novel, Starr Carter bursts on to the YA scene with both heart-wrecking and heartwarming sincerity. This author is definitely one to watch.
♥ Review: The hype around this book has been unquestionable and, admittedly, that made me both eager to get my hands on it and terrified to read it. I mean, what if I was to be the one person that didn’t love it as much as others? (That seems silly now because of how truly mesmerizing THUG was in the most heartbreakingly realistic way.) However, with the relevancy of its summary in regards to the unjust predicaments POC currently face in the US, I knew this one was a must-read, so I was ready to set my fears aside and dive in. That said, I had an altogether more personal, ulterior motive for wanting to read this book. […]

The New York Times reviews Melissa Albert’s The Hazel Wood :

Alice Crewe (a last name she’s chosen for herself) is a fairy tale legacy: the granddaughter of Althea Proserpine, author of a collection of dark-as-night fairy tales called “Tales From the Hinterland.” The book has a cult following, and though Alice has never met her grandmother, she’s learned a little about her through internet research. She hasn’t read the stories, because her mother, Ella Proserpine, forbids it.
Alice and Ella have moved from place to place in an attempt to avoid the “bad luck” that seems to follow them. Weird things have happened. As a child, Alice was kidnapped by a man who took her on a road trip to find her grandmother; he was stopped by the police before they did so. When at 17 she sees that man again, unchanged despite the years, Alice panics. Then Ella goes missing, and Alice turns to Ellery Finch, a schoolmate who’s an Althea Proserpine superfan, for help in tracking down her mother. Not only has Finch read every fairy tale in the collection, but handily, he remembers them, sharing them with Alice as they journey to the mysterious Hazel Wood, the estate of her now-dead grandmother, where they hope to find Ella.
“The Hazel Wood” starts out strange and gets stranger, in the best way possible. (The fairy stories Finch relays, which Albert includes as their own chapters, are as creepy and evocative as you’d hope.) Albert seamlessly combines contemporary realism with fantasy, blurring the edges in a way that highlights that place where stories and real life convene, where magic contains truth and the world as it appears is false, where just about anything can happen, particularly in the pages of a very good book. It’s a captivating debut. […]

James reviews Margaret Wise Brown’s Goodnight, Moon on Goodreads:

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown is one of the books that followers of my blog voted as a must-read for our Children's Book August 2018 Readathon. Come check it out and join the next few weeks!
This picture book was such a delight. I hadn't remembered reading it when I was a child, but it might have been read to me... either way, it was like a whole new experience! It's always so difficult to convince a child to fall asleep at night. I don't have kids, but I do have a 5-month-old puppy who whines for 5 minutes every night when he goes in his cage/crate (hopefully he'll be fully housebroken soon so he can roam around when he wants). I can only imagine! I babysat a lot as a teenager and I have tons of younger cousins, nieces, and nephews, so I've been through it before, too. This was a believable experience, and it really helps show kids how to relax and just let go when it's time to sleep.
The bunny's are adorable. The rhymes are exquisite. I found it pretty fun, but possibly a little dated given many of those things aren't normal routines anymore. But the lessons to take from it are still powerful. Loved it! I want to sample some more books by this fine author and her illustrators.

Publishers Weekly reviews Elizabeth Lilly’s Geraldine :

This funny, thoroughly accomplished debut opens with two words: “I’m moving.” They’re spoken by the title character while she swoons across her family’s ottoman, and because Geraldine is a giraffe, her full-on melancholy mode is quite a spectacle. But while Geraldine may be a drama queen (even her mother says so), it won’t take readers long to warm up to her. The move takes Geraldine from Giraffe City, where everyone is like her, to a new school, where everyone else is human. Suddenly, the former extrovert becomes “That Giraffe Girl,” and all she wants to do is hide, which is pretty much impossible. “Even my voice tries to hide,” she says, in the book’s most poignant moment. “It’s gotten quiet and whispery.” Then she meets Cassie, who, though human, is also an outlier (“I’m that girl who wears glasses and likes MATH and always organizes her food”), and things begin to look up.
Lilly’s watercolor-and-ink drawings are as vividly comic and emotionally astute as her writing; just when readers think there are no more ways for Geraldine to contort her long neck, this highly promising talent comes up with something new.

Examples of genre fiction book reviews

Karlyn P reviews Nora Roberts’ Dark Witch , a paranormal romance novel , on Goodreads:

4 stars. Great world-building, weak romance, but still worth the read.
I hesitate to describe this book as a 'romance' novel simply because the book spent little time actually exploring the romance between Iona and Boyle. Sure, there IS a romance in this novel. Sprinkled throughout the book are a few scenes where Iona and Boyle meet, chat, wink at each, flirt some more, sleep together, have a misunderstanding, make up, and then profess their undying love. Very formulaic stuff, and all woven around the more important parts of this book.
The meat of this book is far more focused on the story of the Dark witch and her magically-gifted descendants living in Ireland. Despite being weak on the romance, I really enjoyed it. I think the book is probably better for it, because the romance itself was pretty lackluster stuff.
I absolutely plan to stick with this series as I enjoyed the world building, loved the Ireland setting, and was intrigued by all of the secondary characters. However, If you read Nora Roberts strictly for the romance scenes, this one might disappoint. But if you enjoy a solid background story with some dark magic and prophesies, you might enjoy it as much as I did.
I listened to this one on audio, and felt the narration was excellent.

Emily May reviews R.F. Kuang’s The Poppy Wars , an epic fantasy novel , on Goodreads:

“But I warn you, little warrior. The price of power is pain.”
Holy hell, what did I just read??
➽ A fantasy military school
➽ A rich world based on modern Chinese history
➽ Shamans and gods
➽ Detailed characterization leading to unforgettable characters
➽ Adorable, opium-smoking mentors
That's a basic list, but this book is all of that and SO MUCH MORE. I know 100% that The Poppy War will be one of my best reads of 2018.
Isn't it just so great when you find one of those books that completely drags you in, makes you fall in love with the characters, and demands that you sit on the edge of your seat for every horrific, nail-biting moment of it? This is one of those books for me. And I must issue a serious content warning: this book explores some very dark themes. Proceed with caution (or not at all) if you are particularly sensitive to scenes of war, drug use and addiction, genocide, racism, sexism, ableism, self-harm, torture, and rape (off-page but extremely horrific).
Because, despite the fairly innocuous first 200 pages, the title speaks the truth: this is a book about war. All of its horrors and atrocities. It is not sugar-coated, and it is often graphic. The "poppy" aspect refers to opium, which is a big part of this book. It is a fantasy, but the book draws inspiration from the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Rape of Nanking.

Crime Fiction Lover reviews Jessica Barry’s Freefall , a crime novel:

In some crime novels, the wrongdoing hits you between the eyes from page one. With others it’s a more subtle process, and that’s OK too. So where does Freefall fit into the sliding scale?
In truth, it’s not clear. This is a novel with a thrilling concept at its core. A woman survives plane crash, then runs for her life. However, it is the subtleties at play that will draw you in like a spider beckoning to an unwitting fly.
Like the heroine in Sharon Bolton’s Dead Woman Walking, Allison is lucky to be alive. She was the only passenger in a private plane, belonging to her fiancé, Ben, who was piloting the expensive aircraft, when it came down in woodlands in the Colorado Rockies. Ally is also the only survivor, but rather than sitting back and waiting for rescue, she is soon pulling together items that may help her survive a little longer – first aid kit, energy bars, warm clothes, trainers – before fleeing the scene. If you’re hearing the faint sound of alarm bells ringing, get used to it. There’s much, much more to learn about Ally before this tale is over.

Kirkus Reviews reviews Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One , a science-fiction novel :

Video-game players embrace the quest of a lifetime in a virtual world; screenwriter Cline’s first novel is old wine in new bottles.
The real world, in 2045, is the usual dystopian horror story. So who can blame Wade, our narrator, if he spends most of his time in a virtual world? The 18-year-old, orphaned at 11, has no friends in his vertical trailer park in Oklahoma City, while the OASIS has captivating bells and whistles, and it’s free. Its creator, the legendary billionaire James Halliday, left a curious will. He had devised an elaborate online game, a hunt for a hidden Easter egg. The finder would inherit his estate. Old-fashioned riddles lead to three keys and three gates. Wade, or rather his avatar Parzival, is the first gunter (egg-hunter) to win the Copper Key, first of three.
Halliday was obsessed with the pop culture of the 1980s, primarily the arcade games, so the novel is as much retro as futurist. Parzival’s great strength is that he has absorbed all Halliday’s obsessions; he knows by heart three essential movies, crossing the line from geek to freak. His most formidable competitors are the Sixers, contract gunters working for the evil conglomerate IOI, whose goal is to acquire the OASIS. Cline’s narrative is straightforward but loaded with exposition. It takes a while to reach a scene that crackles with excitement: the meeting between Parzival (now world famous as the lead contender) and Sorrento, the head of IOI. The latter tries to recruit Parzival; when he fails, he issues and executes a death threat. Wade’s trailer is demolished, his relatives killed; luckily Wade was not at home. Too bad this is the dramatic high point. Parzival threads his way between more ’80s games and movies to gain the other keys; it’s clever but not exciting. Even a romance with another avatar and the ultimate “epic throwdown” fail to stir the blood.
Too much puzzle-solving, not enough suspense.

Book review examples for non-fiction books

Nonfiction books are generally written to inform readers about a certain topic. As such, the focus of a nonfiction book review will be on the clarity and effectiveness of this communication . In carrying this out, a book review may analyze the author’s source materials and assess the thesis in order to determine whether or not the book meets expectations.

Again, we’ve included abbreviated versions of long reviews here, so feel free to click on the link to read the entire piece!

The Washington Post reviews David Grann’s Killers of the Flower Moon :

The arc of David Grann’s career reminds one of a software whiz-kid or a latest-thing talk-show host — certainly not an investigative reporter, even if he is one of the best in the business. The newly released movie of his first book, “The Lost City of Z,” is generating all kinds of Oscar talk, and now comes the release of his second book, “Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI,” the film rights to which have already been sold for $5 million in what one industry journal called the “biggest and wildest book rights auction in memory.”
Grann deserves the attention. He’s canny about the stories he chases, he’s willing to go anywhere to chase them, and he’s a maestro in his ability to parcel out information at just the right clip: a hint here, a shading of meaning there, a smartly paced buildup of multiple possibilities followed by an inevitable reversal of readerly expectations or, in some cases, by a thrilling and dislocating pull of the entire narrative rug.
All of these strengths are on display in “Killers of the Flower Moon.” Around the turn of the 20th century, oil was discovered underneath Osage lands in the Oklahoma Territory, lands that were soon to become part of the state of Oklahoma. Through foresight and legal maneuvering, the Osage found a way to permanently attach that oil to themselves and shield it from the prying hands of white interlopers; this mechanism was known as “headrights,” which forbade the outright sale of oil rights and granted each full member of the tribe — and, supposedly, no one else — a share in the proceeds from any lease arrangement. For a while, the fail-safes did their job, and the Osage got rich — diamond-ring and chauffeured-car and imported-French-fashion rich — following which quite a large group of white men started to work like devils to separate the Osage from their money. And soon enough, and predictably enough, this work involved murder. Here in Jazz Age America’s most isolated of locales, dozens or even hundreds of Osage in possession of great fortunes — and of the potential for even greater fortunes in the future — were dispatched by poison, by gunshot and by dynamite. […]

Stacked Books reviews Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers :

I’ve heard a lot of great things about Malcolm Gladwell’s writing. Friends and co-workers tell me that his subjects are interesting and his writing style is easy to follow without talking down to the reader. I wasn’t disappointed with Outliers. In it, Gladwell tackles the subject of success – how people obtain it and what contributes to extraordinary success as opposed to everyday success.
The thesis – that our success depends much more on circumstances out of our control than any effort we put forth – isn’t exactly revolutionary. Most of us know it to be true. However, I don’t think I’m lying when I say that most of us also believe that we if we just try that much harder and develop our talent that much further, it will be enough to become wildly successful, despite bad or just mediocre beginnings. Not so, says Gladwell.
Most of the evidence Gladwell gives us is anecdotal, which is my favorite kind to read. I can’t really speak to how scientifically valid it is, but it sure makes for engrossing listening. For example, did you know that successful hockey players are almost all born in January, February, or March? Kids born during these months are older than the others kids when they start playing in the youth leagues, which means they’re already better at the game (because they’re bigger). Thus, they get more play time, which means their skill increases at a faster rate, and it compounds as time goes by. Within a few years, they’re much, much better than the kids born just a few months later in the year. Basically, these kids’ birthdates are a huge factor in their success as adults – and it’s nothing they can do anything about. If anyone could make hockey interesting to a Texan who only grudgingly admits the sport even exists, it’s Gladwell. […]

Quill and Quire reviews Rick Prashaw’s Soar, Adam, Soar :

Ten years ago, I read a book called Almost Perfect. The young-adult novel by Brian Katcher won some awards and was held up as a powerful, nuanced portrayal of a young trans person. But the reality did not live up to the book’s billing. Instead, it turned out to be a one-dimensional and highly fetishized portrait of a trans person’s life, one that was nevertheless repeatedly dubbed “realistic” and “affecting” by non-transgender readers possessing only a vague, mass-market understanding of trans experiences.
In the intervening decade, trans narratives have emerged further into the literary spotlight, but those authored by trans people ourselves – and by trans men in particular – have seemed to fall under the shadow of cisgender sensationalized imaginings. Two current Canadian releases – Soar, Adam, Soar and This One Looks Like a Boy – provide a pointed object lesson into why trans-authored work about transgender experiences remains critical.
To be fair, Soar, Adam, Soar isn’t just a story about a trans man. It’s also a story about epilepsy, the medical establishment, and coming of age as seen through a grieving father’s eyes. Adam, Prashaw’s trans son, died unexpectedly at age 22. Woven through the elder Prashaw’s narrative are excerpts from Adam’s social media posts, giving us glimpses into the young man’s interior life as he traverses his late teens and early 20s. […]

Book Geeks reviews Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love :

“Eat Pray Love” is so popular that it is almost impossible to not read it. Having felt ashamed many times on my not having read this book, I quietly ordered the book (before I saw the movie) from and sat down to read it. I don’t remember what I expected it to be – maybe more like a chick lit thing but it turned out quite different. The book is a real story and is a short journal from the time when its writer went travelling to three different countries in pursuit of three different things – Italy (Pleasure), India (Spirituality), Bali (Balance) and this is what corresponds to the book’s name – EAT (in Italy), PRAY (in India) and LOVE (in Bali, Indonesia). These are also the three Is – ITALY, INDIA, INDONESIA.
Though she had everything a middle-aged American woman can aspire for – MONEY, CAREER, FRIENDS, HUSBAND; Elizabeth was not happy in her life, she wasn’t happy in her marriage. Having suffered a terrible divorce and terrible breakup soon after, Elizabeth was shattered. She didn’t know where to go and what to do – all she knew was that she wanted to run away. So she set out on a weird adventure – she will go to three countries in a year and see if she can find out what she was looking for in life. This book is about that life changing journey that she takes for one whole year. […]

Emily May reviews Michelle Obama’s Becoming on Goodreads:

Look, I'm not a happy crier. I might cry at songs about leaving and missing someone; I might cry at books where things don't work out; I might cry at movies where someone dies. I've just never really understood why people get all choked up over happy, inspirational things. But Michelle Obama's kindness and empathy changed that. This book had me in tears for all the right reasons.
This is not really a book about politics, though political experiences obviously do come into it. It's a shame that some will dismiss this book because of a difference in political opinion, when it is really about a woman's life. About growing up poor and black on the South Side of Chicago; about getting married and struggling to maintain that marriage; about motherhood; about being thrown into an amazing and terrifying position.
I hate words like "inspirational" because they've become so overdone and cheesy, but I just have to say it-- Michelle Obama is an inspiration. I had the privilege of seeing her speak at The Forum in Inglewood, and she is one of the warmest, funniest, smartest, down-to-earth people I have ever seen in this world.
And yes, I know we present what we want the world to see, but I truly do think it's genuine. I think she is someone who really cares about people - especially kids - and wants to give them better lives and opportunities.
She's obviously intelligent, but she also doesn't gussy up her words. She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen. She's been one of the most powerful women in the world, she's been a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, she's had her own successful career, and yet she has remained throughout that same girl - Michelle Robinson - from a working class family in Chicago.
I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't benefit from reading this book.

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Other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing an essay, an appeal to the senses: the development of the braille system in nineteenth-century france.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

In France, debates about how to deal with disability led to the adoption of different strategies over time. While people with temporary difficulties were able to access public welfare, the most common response to people with long-term disabilities, such as hearing or vision loss, was to group them together in institutions (Tombs, 1996). At first, a joint institute for the blind and deaf was created, and although the partnership was motivated more by financial considerations than by the well-being of the residents, the institute aimed to help people develop skills valuable to society (Weygand, 2009). Eventually blind institutions were separated from deaf institutions, and the focus shifted towards education of the blind, as was the case for the Royal Institute for Blind Youth, which Louis Braille attended (Jimenez et al, 2009). The growing acknowledgement of the uniqueness of different disabilities led to more targeted education strategies, fostering an environment in which the benefits of a specifically blind education could be more widely recognized.

Several different systems of tactile reading can be seen as forerunners to the method Louis Braille developed, but these systems were all developed based on the sighted system. The Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris taught the students to read embossed roman letters, a method created by the school’s founder, Valentin Hauy (Jimenez et al., 2009). Reading this way proved to be a rather arduous task, as the letters were difficult to distinguish by touch. The embossed letter method was based on the reading system of sighted people, with minimal adaptation for those with vision loss. As a result, this method did not gain significant success among blind students.

Louis Braille was bound to be influenced by his school’s founder, but the most influential pre-Braille tactile reading system was Charles Barbier’s night writing. A soldier in Napoleon’s army, Barbier developed a system in 1819 that used 12 dots with a five line musical staff (Kersten, 1997). His intention was to develop a system that would allow the military to communicate at night without the need for light (Herron, 2009). The code developed by Barbier was phonetic (Jimenez et al., 2009); in other words, the code was designed for sighted people and was based on the sounds of words, not on an actual alphabet. Barbier discovered that variants of raised dots within a square were the easiest method of reading by touch (Jimenez et al., 2009). This system proved effective for the transmission of short messages between military personnel, but the symbols were too large for the fingertip, greatly reducing the speed at which a message could be read (Herron, 2009). For this reason, it was unsuitable for daily use and was not widely adopted in the blind community.

Nevertheless, Barbier’s military dot system was more efficient than Hauy’s embossed letters, and it provided the framework within which Louis Braille developed his method. Barbier’s system, with its dashes and dots, could form over 4000 combinations (Jimenez et al., 2009). Compared to the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, this was an absurdly high number. Braille kept the raised dot form, but developed a more manageable system that would reflect the sighted alphabet. He replaced Barbier’s dashes and dots with just six dots in a rectangular configuration (Jimenez et al., 2009). The result was that the blind population in France had a tactile reading system using dots (like Barbier’s) that was based on the structure of the sighted alphabet (like Hauy’s); crucially, this system was the first developed specifically for the purposes of the blind.

While the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France. This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources. Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted learning Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009). This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods. Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009), realizing that access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss. It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

Although Blind people remained marginalized throughout the nineteenth century, the Braille system granted them growing opportunities for social participation. Most obviously, Braille allowed people with vision loss to read the same alphabet used by sighted people (Bullock & Galst, 2009), allowing them to participate in certain cultural experiences previously unavailable to them. Written works, such as books and poetry, had previously been inaccessible to the blind population without the aid of a reader, limiting their autonomy. As books began to be distributed in Braille, this barrier was reduced, enabling people with vision loss to access information autonomously. The closing of the gap between the abilities of blind and the sighted contributed to a gradual shift in blind people’s status, lessening the cultural perception of the blind as essentially different and facilitating greater social integration.

The Braille system also had important cultural effects beyond the sphere of written culture. Its invention later led to the development of a music notation system for the blind, although Louis Braille did not develop this system himself (Jimenez, et al., 2009). This development helped remove a cultural obstacle that had been introduced by the popularization of written musical notation in the early 1500s. While music had previously been an arena in which the blind could participate on equal footing, the transition from memory-based performance to notation-based performance meant that blind musicians were no longer able to compete with sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997). As a result, a tactile musical notation system became necessary for professional equality between blind and sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997).

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Bullock, J. D., & Galst, J. M. (2009). The Story of Louis Braille. Archives of Ophthalmology , 127(11), 1532. https://​​archophthalmol.2009.286.

Herron, M. (2009, May 6). Blind visionary. Retrieved from https://​​content/​articles/2009/05/​blind-visionary/.

Jiménez, J., Olea, J., Torres, J., Alonso, I., Harder, D., & Fischer, K. (2009). Biography of Louis Braille and Invention of the Braille Alphabet. Survey of Ophthalmology , 54(1), 142–149. https://​​j.survophthal.2008.10.006.

Kersten, F.G. (1997). The history and development of Braille music methodology. The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education , 18(2). Retrieved from https://​​stable/40214926.

Mellor, C.M. (2006). Louis Braille: A touch of genius . Boston: National Braille Press.

Tombs, R. (1996). France: 1814-1914 . London: Pearson Education Ltd.

Weygand, Z. (2009). The blind in French society from the Middle Ages to the century of Louis Braille . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Example of a Great Essay | Explanations, Tips & Tricks. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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Shane Bryson

Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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250-Word Essay: Write 4 Paragraphs in 30 Minutes

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In order to learn how to write a perfect 250-word essay, an academic undertaking requires an author to observe specific standards of academic writing. Basically, these standards include following an introduction-body-conclusion outline and using MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any other format. In this case, students write an introductory paragraph that concludes with a thesis statement, which serves as a central pillar of an entire paper. Moreover, a 250-word essay is different from a one-page paper in many ways, including formatting. While a one-page paper adopts a single-spacing format, a 250-word essay follows a double-spacing approach. Regardless of these differences, both types of compositions must incorporate evidence to establish credibility. The evidence appears in body paragraphs and must align with a Sandwich Rule. In concluding their compositions, writers must restate their thesis sentences and summarize the main themes without introducing new information.

Basic Principles

Writing is an exercise that requires an understanding of some basic academic rules. In particular, these rules apply to any scholarly documents, where authors aim to present credible information on specific topics. Basically, writers should research widely on their topics and incorporate the findings of research studies. In writing a 250-word essay, students should be specific on what they want to communicate if they intend their papers to be scholarly texts. Unlike long compositions that require authors to write an outline for purposes of organizing their thoughts, a 250-word essay is short. It only requires students to focus on the information they want to deliver. Hence, the use of sources in this type of paper is limited, and, if used, they must be relevant to a writer’s point of view.

How to write a perfect 250-word essay

What Is a 250-Word Essay and Its Purpose

According to its definition, a 250-word essay is a short academic text that provides information on a specific topic, idea, argument, or reflection within a limited word count. The main purpose of writing a 250-word essay is to challenge writers to organize their thoughts clearly and efficiently and present their most essential elements within a certain number of words. For any paper to meet the threshold of a scholarly text, writers must provide a brief thesis statement that captures the author’s central arguments or claims (Hotaling, 2020). Moreover, a typical structure of a 250-word essay entails an introductory paragraph, one or two body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Unless it is necessary, writers may not provide headings and subheadings in this type of paper. In terms of length, 250 words are approximately one page long if double-spaced or half a page if single-spaced (Greetham, 2023). As a result, a 250-word essay consists of 3 to 4 paragraphs, contains about 8 to 12 sentences, and spans 14 to 18 lines of text with minimal headings and no subheadings. In turn, the length of 200-250 words is considered a short essay, often suitable for brief responses or specific, concise topics.

FontFollow a standard, readable font – Times New Roman or Arial.
Font SizeUse a 12-point font size for a whole composition.
Line SpacingUse double spacing between lines.
MarginsSet 1-inch margins on all paper sides (top, bottom, left, right).
TitleCenter the title at the top of the first page.
IndentationIndent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches.
ParagraphsDivide a composition into four paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion).
Word CountEnsure a paper is exactly or very close to 250 words.
Grammar and SpellingUse correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
CitationsIf including in-text citations, quotes, or examples, use a consistent referencing style (e.g., MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any other format).
HeaderInclude a header with your name, date, and working title (if required by guidelines).
Page NumbersProvide page numbers in the header or footer (if required).

Prompts for Writing a 250-Word Essay

A 250-word essay layout includes a brief introduction, one or two concise body paragraphs, and a short conclusion. Possible examples of 250-word prompts that students can use for writing their 1-page papers include:

  • Describe a significant challenge you faced and how you overcame it.
  • Explain the importance of a specific personal value or belief.
  • Discuss a moment that profoundly impacted your life.
  • Analyze the role of technology in modern education.
  • Reflect on a book that changed your perspective on a particular issue.
  • Examine the impact of a historical event on contemporary society.
  • Write about a time when you demonstrated leadership.
  • Analyze an experience that sparked your interest in a particular field of study.
  • Cover the significance of a cultural tradition in your life.
  • Share how you have contributed to your community.
SectionDescriptionWord Count
IntroductionIntroduce your main topic or thesis statement40-50 words
Provide some background or context to engage readers
Body Paragraph 1Present the first key point or argument70-80 words
Provide supporting evidence or examples
Body Paragraph 2Present the second key point or argument70-80 words
Provide supporting evidence or examples
ConclusionSummarize the main points or restate your central thesis40-50 words
Offer a final thought or call to action

Note: Body Paragraphs 1 and 2 can be combined into a single paragraph.

Written 250-Word Essay Example

If someone wants to understand what does a 250-word essay look like, check the next example:

Topic: Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction Paragraph Sample

The growing cases of obesity in the United States (US) have become a source of concern to health professionals and the government at all levels. Basically, this context has seen the medical community invest in research, with several studies highlighting the health risks that individuals face when they become obese. In turn, the findings of these studies show that a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, is the most effective intervention against becoming obese.

The word count of the introduction paragraph is 79 words .

Body Paragraph Sample : Obese-Related Complications

The US has a high number of fast-food restaurants, which contributes to the rising cases of obesity. Basically, this situation has predisposed a majority of Americans to junk food, especially teenagers and young professionals. For instance, several studies have established that obesity results from unhealthy diets, including fatty and junk food (evidence). In this case, these foods not only predispose individuals to being obese but also at risk of developing health complications. Moreover, the most notable obesity-related complications include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and others. In turn, the lack of physical exercise is also a factor contributing to the current trend of obesity.

The word count of the body paragraph is 106 words .

Conclusion Paragraph Sample

There is no doubt that, in order to reverse the current trend of obesity in the US, Americans must stop eating unhealthy foods and develop a habit of exercising regularly. Without regular physical exercises, the human body stores up fat that ends up blocking blood vessels and other complications. As for the recommendations, Americans must adopt healthy lifestyles to reverse the current trend of obesity.

The word count of the conclusion paragraph is 65 words .

Thus, introduction + body + conclusion parts = 79 + 106 + 65 words or 250-word essay.

Explaining How to Write a 250-Word Essay Example

Paragraph 1: introduction with a thesis statement.

The first paragraph of a sample paper of a 250-word essay titled “Healthy Lifestyle” is an introduction. Basically, any opening section allows readers to know what a paper is all about (Gray, 2018). In turn, this part starts by establishing a context for a composition: the rising cases of obesity in the US and the confirmation by research studies that obesity is a health risk. Then, this paragraph concludes with a thesis statement – maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In principle, a key idea includes eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, being the most effective intervention to becoming obese. To make a statement significant, an author bases these ideas on research findings. Moreover, the total word count for an introduction paragraph, without the title, is 79 words. Hence, the length makes an introduction part slightly shorter than a body paragraph, which is acceptable in academic writing. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning a 250-word essay are:

  • One of the most significant moments in my life was when I meet … .
  • As [famous person] once said, ‘[quote],’ which made me understand … .
  • The crucial turning point in my life occurred when I … .
  • Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly make a difference?
  • When I first experienced the challenge of … .
  • According to recent studies, about [percentage] of people believe that … .
  • The moment I stepped into the room, I knew that everything was about to change because … .
  • Despite the many obstacles in my path, I discovered that … .
  • Reflecting on my childhood, I have come to realize that … .
  • The challenge I faced taught me the importance of … .

Paragraph 2: Body

The second part of a 250-word essay is a body paragraph that talks about health complications associated with obesity. Just like in an introduction part, an author begins an entire paragraph by establishing a context, which is the proliferation of fast-food restaurants in the US. This context helps students to understand the source of obesity in the country. Moreover, the author makes reference to research studies (evidence) on obesity to establish credibility in a written text. As such, readers can understand that whatever an author talks about in a whole text is not informed by personal opinions but rather by research findings (Shiach, 2011). In academic writing, this aspect makes a text reliable. Hence, one can use it as a reference when writing a paper or contributing to an argument. In summary, a body section, with a word count of 106 words, provides information that strengthens a central thesis statement in an introduction section.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion

The last paragraph in a written essay example is a conclusion, which marks the end of a paper. In academic writing, a conclusion part of a 250-word essay does not provide new information. Instead, it takes the most significant themes in the body of a paper and links them with a central thesis statement (West et al., 2019). In an above example, an author begins by making a firm observation based on the content of the body section, that is to stop obesity, while Americans must start eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. In turn, one can argue that an author intends to establish the urgency of the central message. Hence, a conclusion part with a word count of 65 words provides a final appeal that marks the author’s opinion in the context of all the available knowledge. In an above 250-word composition, a writer’s concluding remark is that Americans must follow clinical recommendations about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Principles of Academic Writing

An above 250-word essay is a scholarly text for several reasons. Firstly, it adopts a standard outline of an academic paper, including an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. For example, to write a 250-word paper outline, writers start with an introduction containing a thesis statement, followed by one or two main points, each supported by evidence, and conclude with a summary of the main ideas (Vitalis, 2016). In lengthy papers, a body section comprises several paragraphs with several headings and subheadings. Secondly, it has a thesis that helps to anchor an author’s central message. Basically, a content of a written body paragraph focuses on proving or strengthening a writer’s thesis. Thirdly, an author incorporates evidence in a paper, which appears in a body part. For instance, evidence helps to establish credibility, making any paper a scholarly text (Hotaling, 2020). In turn, a body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which determines the direction of an entire section. As per a Sandwich Rule, an author writes evidence to support an opening sentence and then provides a statement that establishes the significance of evidence.

One-Page Paper vs. 250-Word Essay

In academic writing, authors can choose to single-space or double-space their 250-word texts. Basically, a one-page essay follows a single-spaced format, meaning the total word count should be more than 500 words (Greetham, 2023). In this case, students can write different headings and subheadings in their body paragraphs to establish a logical flow to their arguments. For instance, in MLA 9 format (Modern Language Association 9th Edition), authors may not put a title in introductory and concluding parts. However, in APA 7 referencing style (American Psychological Association 7th Edition) format, writers must put a title in these paragraphs. In a one-page paper in whatever format, students must put headings (and subheadings if necessary) to create a logical flow in their texts. In short, the most significant characteristics of a one-page paper that distinguishes it from writing a 250-word college essay are single-spacing, including a word count limit.

Other Features

In a 250-word essay, a notable feature is double-spacing, which ensures a total word count on a page does not go beyond 250 words. Basically, this type of paper’s primary distinguishing feature is that it uses minimal headings (Shiach, 2011). Moreover, to format a 250-word essay, writers use a 12-point readable font like Times New Roman, double spacing, 1-inch margins on all sides, and structure it with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. In turn, sometimes, there are no subheadings in a body section. However, a key basis of writing a short outline is a limited number of words, an aspect that demands writers to avoid unnecessary wording of their texts. Another feature that sets apart a 250-word college essay from a one-page paper is the use of evidence to support an author’s central claim. As indicated, the need to avoid unnecessary wording in a 250-word essay puts a demand for writers to limit the number of sources they incorporate in their texts. In turn, one can argue that this limitation in the number of sources premises the need to satisfy a Sandwich Rule.

Based on these differences, someone may ask, “So what?” The answer to this question requires people to consider expectations before they start writing a 250-word composition. In many instances, people cannot call themselves writers who choose which format to use in writing texts because their instructors make this choice (Greetham, 2023). However, if people have the freedom to choose, the above differences may influence a particualr format they prefer. Basically, students may choose to use an option of writing a one-page paper. Such work adopts a single-spacing format if they want to write their compositions on a single page. When it comes to choosing a specific format to use in writing a 250-word essay, the primary consideration that writers must make is its word count. On the other hand, it would make no sense to write a 250-word essay in a single-space format.

Points to Remember

  • An introductory paragraph in a 250-word essay must conclude with a thesis sentence.
  • An introductory paragraph must establish the context of an assigned topic.
  • One or two body paragraphs must open with a topic sentence.
  • Incorporate evidence in all body paragraphs.
  • Observe a Sandwich Rule.
  • A concluding paragraph must not introduce new information but summarize an entire 250-word essay.
  • Restate a thesis sentence in a concluding paragraph and make a final remark.
  • A concluding remark should indicate the author’s independent thoughts about what they have written.
  • Ensure there are no grammatical errors by reading through a 250-word composition at least twice.

Educational Levels

College or university papers.

In academic writing, a crucial demand placed for writers of texts depends on their level of education. Basically, this aspect means that a university student has a higher threshold than a high schooler in academic writing to meet the criteria of writing a 250-word essay. Moreover, this threshold entails several elements, including language sophistication and level of research, among others. On language sophistication, college students must demonstrate mastery of an English language, particularly regarding their subjects (Vitalis, 2016). In other words, when writing about nursing, university scholars must write nursing terminologies in their texts to establish an in-depth understanding of a subject matter. On the level of research, university students must include evidence in their 250-word writing to build credibility. Hence, the higher the number of sources that writers use, the more their works become an outcome of thorough research.

High School Essays

In contrast, academic writing puts no pressure on high schoolers to use sophisticated language and in-depth research. Basically, the expectation is that writers at this level of education can demonstrate a logical flow of their arguments (Shiach, 2011). In other words, writers at this level of education should not focus on appearing sophisticated but rather conversant with their topics when writing a 250-word essay. As opposed to using in-depth research to anchor their texts, high schoolers should use practical 250-word examples. Here, high school writers use observable phenomena to anchor their arguments. In turn, the reason for expectations for a university student and those of a high schooler are different. It is because the former must demonstrate an in-depth understanding, and the latter must show critical thinking.

What to Know More

The differences between a one-page essay and a 250-word essay have nothing to do with the academic level. For instance, a university student and a high schooler can write their arguments through a one-page paper or a 250-word essay (Shiach, 2011). In this case, the only difference between the texts of these two students would be the sophistication of language and the level of research that they incorporate in their writings. For college students, some elements that would demonstrate a sophisticated language include theories, models, concepts, and principles around the subject matter. In turn, a one-page paper would provide a writer with enough space to explore these elements. Hence, it is impossible to organize many ideas in a 250-word college essay. On the other hand, experienced writers can typically write a 250-word essay in about 15 to 60 minutes, depending on a topic’s complexity and their writing proficiency.

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of Focus: Trying to cover too many points or ideas instead of concentrating on a single, clear message.
  • Overwriting: Using too many words or overly complex language, which can exceed a 250-word limit and reduce clarity.
  • Underwriting: Failing to fully develop ideas, resulting in a vague or unclear piece.
  • Weak Introduction: Not providing a strong hook or context for readers, making a 250-word paper less engaging from the start.
  • No Clear Thesis: Lacking a specific, concise thesis statement that guides a brief composition.
  • Poor Organization: Failing to structure a brief text logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Repetition: Repeating the same ideas or phrases, which wastes valuable word count.
  • Ignoring a Prompt: Not addressing an assigned 250-word prompt directly or thoroughly.
  • Lack of Specificity: Using general statements without specific examples or evidence to support points.
  • Weak Conclusion: Ending a short composition without a clear summary or takeaway.
  • Grammar and Spelling Errors: Neglecting to proofread, which can undermine a composition’s professionalism and clarity.
  • Irrelevant Details: Including information that does not directly support a main argument or purpose.
  • Inconsistent Tone: Switching between formal and informal language, which can confuse readers.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Failing to revise a 250-word paper based on constructive criticism or feedback.

There are no questions that academic writing requires some level of professionalism to make a text credible. As indicated, several elements characterize any composition as a scholarly text, including an outline and evidence supporting an author’s central claim. To anyone interested in writing a 250-word essay, the following tips are essential:

  • Pick a topic.
  • Develop a central claim (thesis).
  • Identify a target audience.
  • Identify keywords.
  • Choose a format (MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any others).
  • Create an outline for a 250-word essay.
  • Research an assigned topic to identify credible sources.
  • Write a good introductory paragraph and ensure a concluding sentence captures a central thesis.
  • Develop 1-2 body paragraphs and incorporate evidence.
  • Write a concluding paragraph and make sure not to introduce any new information. Writers should simply restate their thesis sentences, summarize the main themes of their 250-word papers, and make a concluding remark.
  • The word count of a written paper must be 250 words.

Gray, J. A. (2018). Introduction sections: Where are we going and why should I care? AME Medical Journal , 3 , 112–112.

Greetham, B. (2023). How to write better essays . Bloomsbury Academic.

Hotaling, S. (2020). Simple rules for concise scientific writing. Limnology and Oceanography Letters , 5 (6), 379–383.

Shiach, D. (2011). How to write essays: A step-by-step guide for all levels, with sample essays . How To Books.

Vitalis, P. (2016). The 10 step English test essay: How to write a basic essay for an English test . Amazon Digital Services LLC.

West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay. Journal of Geography in Higher Education , 43 (4), 609–617.

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Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits Essay (Article)

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250-word essays are short essays that are quite common in the academic world. Usually, these essays may end up being one page long if Times New Roman or Arial font has been used.

250-word essay dos and don’ts

  • Sort ideas – sine the 250-word essay is quite short then all unnecessary sentences, ideas and explanations should be eliminated. This can be properly done by roughly noting down any initial ideas on a piece of paper and then developing those ideas into more complex analyses. Sorting the ideas will then be necessary and finally a summary of the ideas should be done.
  • Provide clear introduction, main body and conclusion – students must ensure that their introduction in this type of essay is one paragraph long with a strong thesis and one or two more sentences expounding on that introduction. Sentences must be linked to one another and repetition should be avoided at all costs. Also, since the 250-word essay is so short, some writers tend to give disjointed ideas. Each paragraph should focus on one argument that should be linked to the entire piece. Here, writers must remember that that their thesis statement is the guiding factor and this should be seen in the conclusion.
  • Avoid lengthy formats – direct quotations need to be kept to a minimum in order to make the 250-word essay work. Also, writers should have very few headlines. Preferably three indicating the introduction, main body and conclusion. Students writing these essays should also refrain from using pictures (unless specified) as these contribute to the wordiness of the piece.
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IvyPanda. (2021, November 26). Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits.

"Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.

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Sample 250-Word Essay to Write Your Own Perfectly + 5 Instructions to Do It

The range of academic assignments varies from qualitative and quantitative essays to analytical research papers, from movie and literature reviews to scientific dissertations. Apart from the differences concerning the focus of writing, academic papers have a different word count. The common approach to the minimal length of any academic writing involves a one-page work which includes about 250 words. As for the structure, a 250-word essay consists of an introduction with a thesis statement, two-paragraph body beginning with a topic sentence, and ends with a conclusion.

Sounds simple? Don’t rush to say, “Pffft! I manage to write essays with a word count more than 250 words.” But what about wide-ranging topics? Such broad issues are presented in this guide – “Mass Media and Technology”. Let’s find out what can help you write a 250-word essay. Follow our 5 instructions to do it successfully.

5 Instructions to Start Writing 250-word Essays Perfectly

case study format template

  • Set the aim. Primarily, the main aim you should achieve in your essay is to come into a clear focus on the topic with a few reasons backed up by reliable supporting details. However, there are other additional purposes of essay writing – to explain, describe, compare, persuade, and so on. What is yours? Look at your assignment and point out the keywords. After that, it will be easier to set the aims and objectives of your writing and stick to them during the writing process. Remember, you have only 250 words to meet the main purpose of the essay.
  • Brainstorm some original ideas. Today, interesting essay ideas are found actually anywhere – in news, newspapers or magazines, on TV or the Internet. Check out the headlines currently appearing in your news feed. Starting out from this point, you have more chances to find the less-investigated aspects of the topic as you know what is being explored and what isn’t. Keep your pen or phone within the reach (the latter is always at hand, right?). Sometimes, interesting ideas are coming accidentally – in a bus or in a class. Write down all of them to return every time you are assigned to an essay.

3 questions essays

  • Deal with the parts of an essay – an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part plays a specific role for your reader. In the introduction, he/she wants to know what an essay is about. In the body, they expect to see all the details that are included in a well-structured manner. What does “well-structured” mean? Your essay has the logical flow of thoughts connected with the help of some transitional words and phrases . At the close, your readers need to know why they read your essay. Sum up all the ideas with a logical conclusion to the essay question.
  • Stick to the basic essay writing format. What does it involve? A basic essay format includes a structure (that is introduced to you previously) and an academic style . All that helps to achieve unity and coherence of the text and enhance the reader’s understanding. Besides, you may need to follow the APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago format guidelines when using in-text citations and working on a ‘Works Cited’, ‘References’ or ‘Bibliography’ page. It allows you to give credit to your essay. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Sample 250-Word Essay: “Mass Media and Technology”

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without mass media and technology as they have become the essential parts of the every-day life of many people. Consequently, there are positive and negative sides of media and technology, which have to be discussed throughout the 250-word essay example.

Among the main positive effects of mass media is the ability to obtain and share knowledge, develop skills, discover other cultures, and learn some information on how to interact with other people. Indeed, not only entertainment programs take place on the Internet and TV. Different news, culinary, healthy lifestyle, sport, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as well as the huge number of information on the diversity of topics can be found on the Internet. However, drawbacks of media outweigh its benefits. The most serious problem of media abuse is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. Moreover, the idea of privacy is lost in the light of social networks as people may use private information against one another in order to threaten or blackmail colleagues. What is more, social media is full of unnecessary information which lumbers the brain.

To sum up, one has to state that mass media and developing technologies have both, benefits and drawbacks, which influence human lives in many ways. In the case of social media abuse, the disadvantages overwhelm the advantages because the list of positive effects is limited to the idea that social media is a source of information on any needed topic. References:

  • Rebecca N. H. de Leeuw, R. & Buijzen, M. (2016). Introducing positive media psychology to the field of children, adolescents, and media . Journal Of Children And Media, 10(1), 39-46.
  • Healey, J. (2011). Social impacts of digital media. Thirroul, N.S.W.: Spinney Press.
  • How to Deal With Negative Media Attention. (2015). Nonprofit Communications Report,13(3), 6-6.
  • Noor Al-Deen, H. S., & Hendricks, J. A. (2012). Social Media: Usage and Impact. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Rim, H. & Song, D. (2016). “How Negative Becomes Less Negative”: Understanding the Effects of Comment Valence and Response Sidedness in Social Media. J Commun.

We can be calm when all the essential information on how to write a 250-word essay is given to you. Moreover, you’re equipped with a good example of a 250-word essay to follow it and write your own masterpiece. Take into consideration all the 5 references on the topic if needed. Remember that any good essay writing does not happen by accident. Practice! Practice! And follow our guide!

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In his attempt to purchase the chocolate sauce which he saw in an advertisement, Todd agreed to the online contract of Foodmart stating that sales prices are applicable to items not included in advertisements and the stocks will be dependent on the existing inventory of the nearest store to the...

Methods for Determining Body Fat

Exercising is a fundamental aspect in improving and maintaining body physical fitness. Benefits of exercising include; Weight control, exercise prevents gaining of excessive weight. It maintains body health and prevents diseases like cardiovascular diseases. It adds muscles vigor, increases tissue oxygenation, nutrients distrubution and improves body stamina. Body fitness is...

How Long Is a 250 Word Essay?

A 250-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is a 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

What Does a 250-Word Essay Look Like?

The easiest way to organize a 250-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 250-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 5 to 10 minutes to type 250 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hours for 250 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 250 Word Essay?

An average 250-word essay contains 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

Researches of Medical Professionals’ Cultural Competence

Medical professionals’ cultural competence is essential for delivering quality care (Henderson et al., 2016). Nurses should be able to efficiently and respectfully communicate with patients and colleagues of different backgrounds. However, cultural differences between individuals can hinder communication leading to various complications in medical practice. Therefore, nursing students should be...

McCallum’s “Followership” Article Summary

McCallum makes the case that business schools are currently too focused on leadership to the exclusion of its counterpart. They aim to attract ambitious applicants who are hoping that by developing their leadership ability, they will be recognized and eventually reach an executive position. To that end, schools are making...

The Principles of Inclusive Education

Inclusion is an educational concept denoting that all children should be involved in the same classrooms irrespective of their health peculiarities. It denies the idea of organizing separate education for children with special needs. This approach can generate positive outcomes if essential elements are preserved. According to Grove et al....

Congestive Heart Failure: Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

The nursing intervention plan is to be started from the patient’s education within the scope of CHF. The daily intake of fluid should be appropriate and include all liquids consumed per day, including tea, juice, soup, fruits, and vegetables. When dry mouth and thirst appear, one needs to rinse mouth,...

Researching of Alkanes, Properties of Alkanes

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that have a linear or branched structure, containing only simple bonds. They include only single bonds between C-C atoms in a molecule, i.e., containing the maximum amount of hydrogen (Ackerman et al., 2018). All alkanes are substances that are similar in physical and chemical properties and...

Presentation of SNHU Pet Supply Company

Introduction: Team Management The organization requires a strong team management to prosper. The four areas that requires improvement include: Leadership and management Followership Decision- making models Emotional intelligence Leadership and Management Rewarding the employees as a motivational factor Enhancing the skills of the employees Creating an innovative environment Establishing a...

Aspects of Capital Budgeting Practice

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is used to approximate the profitability of possible investments. The discount rate, which makes Net Profit Value (NPV) zero, is IRR. Note IRR is the annual return rate that equates NPV to zero. The higher the IRR, the investment will be more desirable. To calculate...

Engaging and Empowering Learning Through Technology

Engaging and empowering learning through technology is one of the recent educational trends. Educators get a unique opportunity to help learners experience new emotions and develop attitudes toward education and their learning abilities. For example, high-speed Internet access does not distract students and makes them focus on a topic (U.S....

The Effects of Digital Piracy

As the amount of content produced every day grows, so rises the issue of digital piracy. While most people consider it a harmless crime with no tangible effects for both the pirate and the content creator, digital piracy remains one of the most concerning problems for the media industry. However,...

Sex Hormone-Cortisol Ratios Modulate Risk-Taking in Men and Women

Sex differences in risk-taking turn out to be a common theme in many current studies. Barel et al. (2017) aim to prove the hypothesis that testosterone and cortisol have a different impact on risk-taking in men and women, and this change is related to the effectiveness of estrogen and progesterone....

Postwar Economic Prosperity of Ordinary Americans

After the Second World War, the postwar economic boom was a period of international commercial expansion characterized by considerable economic growth and high productivity. The US experienced a lot of success after the war, which changed the lives of regular Americans, making them more comfortable than they were before. The...

Mound Cultures of North America

The mound cultures of North America were communities that were oriented toward building a specific type of house to shelter themselves and their supplies. The construction of the mounds as part of ceremonies and sacred events included the burial of a chief or significant person. They were usually pyramid-shaped funerary...

The Importance of Water for Body

Did you know that drinking water is an action much more significant than simply satisfying the desire to drink? Water is fundamentally important for all the structural elements of our body and their efficient functioning. A person is not able to feel healthy if he does not consume water. From...

Ethical Obligation Regarding Online Content Copyrights

Nowadays, there are millions of websites that offer to listen to illegally taken songs or watch movies for free, and there are also numerous official websites that offer subscriptions. According to the statistics, around 600,000 items obtain copyrights annually (Ringleb et al., 231). The authors state that all “copyrightable works”...

Impostor Syndrome and Coping Mechanisms

In social media, you can find stories of people who became successful and tell the audience about them. We can notice a tendency of appearance in a person with the so-called impostor syndrome, killing their motivation for work. The impostor phenomenon is an inferiority complex that can be overcome by...

  • Communication

Mental Health Counseling: Collaborative Documentation

Collaborative documentation in mental health counseling is the practice of involving multiple parties in the documentation process. This practice is becoming increasingly common in today’s mental health counseling setting because it enhances the quality of care provided to clients and lowers administrative expenses. It entails involving the counselor, client, family...

Know Thyself: Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

The famous saying “Know Thyself,” which is written on the temple at Delphi, is one of the main messages of the Sophocles’ play “Oedipus the King.” Taking into account the historical context, it is easy to explain the problem that appeared at the end of the fifth century. “Know Thyself”...

Drama of the Modern World by Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm was a profound specialist in social psychology, and many of his ideas have tremendous importance for modern society on the way for self-conceptualization, finding the way out of the pessimism of the 20th century, and stipulating elevated goals for the future in the long run. He emphasized the...

Use of Social Media in the Workplace

Recently, information leaks have become more frequent in our company due to the improper use of social networks. Unfortunately, this is often the fault of employees who spend too much time on the Internet and post too sincere texts. First, it leads to a decrease in productivity at work, and...

Behavioral and Molecular Alterations in Mice… by Skupio et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to investigate the molecular and behavioral effects of the administration of chronic DEX (dexamethasone) on C57BL/6J mice. The main study variable(s) The primary variables include chronic DEX administration (level), body weight, depressive-like behavior (despair and anhedonia), anxiety-like behavior, and...

Individual and Community Physical Fitness Importance

Physical fitness has been proven to bring numerous health benefits to an individual because it enhances the body’s muscle strength. It has also been identified to be one of the most significant ways that enable people to reduce the risk of suffering from some non-communicable diseases such as high blood...

Minerals-Concept Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis

Fluorine is a common element abundant in the earth’s crust. Naturally, the mineral occurs in the soil, rocks, and water with higher concentrations in places that have experienced geologic uplift1. Many industrial processes are dependent on fluorides due to their use. The primary source of systemic fluoride is exposure to...

Haunted City: Ghosts of Berlin

Berlin is a haunted city, and this statement is indeed true in some way. Berlin is a city in which dozens of key events in world history took place. There, important political decisions were made, and deadly battles were fought during the war. Thus, buildings, streets, and even some of...

Curating a Successful Professional Electronic Presence

Creating a professional online presence is key to a successful career. It is crucial to find the balance between personal beliefs, social activities, professional skills, and online persona seen by companies. Digital presence includes various parts that create one consistent professional online persona. Building an electronic presence requires a social...

The Treatment of Juvenile Crimes in the Legal Justice System

Introduction One of the severe challenges that most countries face today is juvenile crimes. Juvenile crimes affect not only the person who commits the crime but also the social order in any country. Currently, the world is witnessing an increasing trend in juvenile delinquencies. Therefore, this paper seeks to support...

  • Discrimination
  • Relationship

The APRN as Entrepreneur: Issues in Nursing

Introduction Demand for healthcare grows; Hospitals cannot provide services to all people; Nurse practitioners can help; Independent nursing practice is the solution Business Plan and Budget Plan The goal is to pay off a 200 000$ bank loan at 8% interest rate within 10 years The projected monthly income is...

Revenue Sources for States and Local Governments

Introduction Fiscal management is just as crucial to the region’s prosperity as the resources and people living there. According to Simon et al. (2018), one can judge the quality of a local public administration by the nearest infrastructure. This paper explores the fundamentals of regional economies, namely how states and...

Gerontological Nursing Care: Clara Plante’s Case

Clara Plante represents a person who requires comprehensive nursing care based on various attributes. The crucial factors are Clara’s biography, cultural needs, and health status. An appropriate assessment of these factors and gerontological nursing standards will create a culturally responsive environment. In Clara’s case, it is essential to approach care...

Social Determinants of Health: What Affects People’s Health

Social determinants of health (SDOH) have a great impact on healthcare reform due to the possibility of SDOH to affect health risks and outcomes (“Social determinants of health,” 2017). Organizations may use SDOH to reduce healthcare costs through providing the most suitable conditions for people to live, work, play, and...

Osteoporosis: The Metabolic Bone Disease

The post discusses such metabolic bone disease as osteoporosis. Generally, older adults are at high risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Nonetheless, in rare cases, young people might also have this disease. The occurrence of osteoporosis at a young age is mainly associated with chronic diseases and the prescribed medications (Choong,...

Anti-War Activism and Its Importance

The United States is known for its aggressive politics that played a crucial part in its history up to the modern days. Nowadays, these intentions are covered under the guise of national security and the safety of its citizens. However, this notion led to the creation of numerous anti-war movements,...

Omar Nelson Bradley in American Military History

In this paper, I am going to talk about Omar Nelson Bradley, one of the most influential military people in the history of the United States. First, I am going to give brief background information about Omar Bradley. Then, his role and achievements during World War II will be discussed....

“Eating Christmas in the Kalahari”

In his paper “Eating Christmas in the Kalahari,” Richard Lee recounts his close acquaintance with traditions of one African tribe, namely, the Kung Bushman. The story is built on the Kung Bushmen’s annual custom of haunting and slaughtering an ox for the commune during Christmas, in which the author had...

The Nestle Company’s Sales Stagnation in China

Target change is vital for organizations that seek to maintain a favorable market position. Firms usually decide what changes to make in reaction to a market change. The Nestle Company considers China as its second-largest market following the United States. In 2015, the company experienced slow sales and stagnant revenue...

Evaluation and Control Procedures

Planning is a mental process that requires the use of intellectual faculties, foresight, and sound judgment. Strategic planning entails putting forward ideas that form a comprehensive and integrated plan that gives an advantage to the company against environmental challenges. The process of planning consists of various procedures. The first step...

  • Social Media
  • Environment

The Precession of Simulacra

Abstract People in the 21st century perceive the world in a significantly different way from their counterparts from the 14th century. Jean Baudrillard argues that a considerable shift has occurred, and human beings can no longer determine what reality is. He states that individuals are surrounded by “models of real...

Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography

Ethnography as a research method is, indeed, the most suitable for the study on drug use and related issues. This method has already become a classic and has established itself as the most effective in studies of closed groups (Ferguson, 2017; Turner, 2019). Moreover, the research of such phenomena is...

The Aging in Place Model: Role and Importance

Considering the situation, it is possible to refer to Marek and Rantz (2000) who state that the Aging in Place model should be used as the basis for health care delivery for elderly people. The main idea of this model is the creation of the health care management department which...

Non-Governmental Organization Committee on the Status of Women

The committee’s foundation was in 1972 under the auspices of the Conference of NGOs. It was formed in preparation for the International Women’s Year, 1975, and the UN Decade of women, 1975-1985, including the Initial World Conference on Women held in Mexico City in 1975 (UN Women, 2021). I support...

The Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus’ and Miller’s Depiction

The Greek historian Herodotus is one of the main sources of historical narrators of those events that took place many centuries ago. Therefore, the writer was able to describe the Battle of Thermopile, but the reliability of this account is questionable. Research shows that “Herodotus frequently finds the answer to...

“The Mysterious Stranger” Novel by Mark Twain

“The Mysterious Stranger” by Mark Twain is a novel revolving around humanity and its greatest sins. Introducing Satan as one of the main characters, the author reveals the lack of morals as one of the main shortcomings affecting everyone. Through his words, Twain describes the sins and problems the majority...

Tracking the Air Cargo Industry’s Response to Russia’s War on Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine is one of the most devastating events in the XXI century. Besides causing thousands of human tragedies and destroying local infrastructure, it is changing the global economy forever. The global supply chain of goods is one of the spheres deeply affected by the war. Due to...

Water Scarcity Issue and Environment

The concept of the hydrologic cycle is, perhaps, known by everyone over the age of eight. The fact that the three states of H2O, i.e., the solid (an ice cube), the liquid (water) and the gaseous ones (vapor) can be observed daily in the everyday environment makes the hydrologic cycle...

Note-Taking Styles of College Students

There is a variety of note-taking styles, out of which every learner can pick the most suitable one. The overall aim of the note-taking process is to grasp the main ideas of what one hears so that one could restore the information later. Structuring one’s writing may be enhanced via...

Medicare and Medicaid Role in Meeting Health Care Needs

Medicare and Medicaid are health insurance programs for US citizens. Medicare offers health coverage for people over 65, people with disabilities, and end-stage renal disease. Medicare services include hospital coverage – Medicare Part A, health insurance – Medicare Part B, and prescription drug coverage – Medicare Part D (Medicare program,...

  • Performance

The Use of Data Collection: Personal Experiences

Nowadays, the collection and application of data by big companies is a well-known fact everybody has to face. This common corporate practice, however, has its pros and cons. On one hand, the usage of data can help to significantly improve the user experience and make operations more efficient, on the...

Sin of Betrayal in Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy”

Canto 34 of Dante’s Inferno part of Divine Comedy describes Dante and Vergil meeting the three ultimate sinners: Judas, the traitor of Christ, and Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Caesar. The pass that Dante is talking about is the gateway to Hell – the Underworld, where the sinners go after...

DIscussion of Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic

Aldo Leopold advocates for land ethics and not environmental laws due to experiences with legal restrictions whereby individuals find means of evading surveillance and arrest. Thus, he calls for values and a moral sense of right and wrong regarding environmental conservation (Millstein, p. 394). Ethics are distinct from human legislation...

Surveillance for Coccidioidomycosis, Histoplasmosis, and Blastomycosis

Outbreak There are endemic areas in the United States for coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and blastomycosis, so the disease pattern varies. Endemic cases are predominantly in males, attributed to outdoor work and low protective equipment. In addition, hospitalization often occurs in the late stages of disease progression, and patients with early symptoms...

The Consensus Model and the Advanced Practice Nurse’ Role

There are several population focused roles authorized by the Nurse Practice Act. In Florida, the Nurse Practice Act considers the following roles: certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse practitioners, psychiatric nurses, and certified registered nurse anesthetists (Nurse Practice Act, 2018). An advanced practice registered nurse may prescribe and...

US Corporate Executive’s Cultural Shock in China

The case under consideration investigates the situation in which Rick, an American corporate executive, experiences culture shock when he finds himself assigned to the company’s China branch. The problem is that Rick is unfamiliar with the country’s cultural norms and traditions. Thus, this case study aims to investigate how the...

On the Benefits of a Private Social Security System

Although the current social security system has been used for decades in the U.S., it has gained quite a lot of notoriety due to the scarce amounts of financial support that it offers people after they retire. Therefore, the development of a new system has been overdue (Bridgen and Meyer...

Review of the Essay “Lifeboat Ethics” by Garrett Hardin

Garrett Hardin wrote an essay in which he explained his ideas about the global distribution of resources and inequality between countries. This work is quite radical since Hardin talks about decisions that can be too harsh for certain states and people. The main idea of ​​the essay is the need...

Apple Inc.’s Products and Factors of Demand

Price Price is commonly considered one of the factors strongly affecting demand for specific products. For Apple Inc., whose goods are sold worldwide, this parameter is critical to take into account, as shown in Figure 1. As the results in India demonstrate, a decrease in price is directly related to...

Senior Management Teams and Their Purpose

The senior management teams are composed of the executive members of an organization having the top-most rank in the organization. They have the role of leadership and management within the organization. The role of management is achieved when the team plans, organizes, directs, controls, and staffs all the resources of...

  • Historical Figures

Characteristics or Elements of Self-Control

Self-control is an inhibitory control element, which underscores the capacity to regulate or control one’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions when triggered and tempted. Mamayek et al. (2016) distinguish this conceptualization as a cognitive process deemed essential in modulating a person’s deportment to attain specific objectives. Furthermore, Mamayek et al. (2016)...

LPN and RN; Standards of Practice

The main difference between licensed practical nurses (LPN) and registered nurses (RN) is the education required. RN course takes two or three years to get a degree or diploma, while the LPN standard only demands a year of studies and a certificate (Wisconsin Administrative Code, 2018). Education determines the set...

Criminological Conflict Theory by Sykes

Sykes identified three important elements, which he used to elucidate the criminological conflict theory. First, Sykes highlighted the existence of profound skepticism towards any theory associated with crimes and is not connected to any biological or psychological approach. He also argued that sociological theories have insufficient communization (Bystrova & Petter,...

Probiotics Use by a Patient on Antibiotics

Within the digestive system, there are about 100 trillion bacteria, both good and harmful, which are referred to as the gut microbiota (Harvard Health Publishing). Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a type of harmful bacteria that can cause anything from diarrhea to life-threatening colon inflammation. Jane became among the unlucky...

Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Case Study

A wrongful death claim permits the patient’s family to file a case against the nurse liable for the patient’s death. A circumstance such as medical malpractice can give rise to a wrongful death lawsuit. The suit allows the surviving family members to sue the nurse for damages when the patient...

The Work of a Journalist During Investigation

Nowadays, journalists are no longer regarded as neutral entities; hence, it is not a wonder that respondents are unwilling to provide information. Moreover, grabbing the attention of the editor Zach was not easy; I pitched five times before I could receive his response though Collins’ advice was helpful. Even though...

Hawaiian Mythology and Genealogy of Gods

Genealogy is considerably more than that for native Hawaiians; it is how they communicate with one another. According to traditional views, Native Hawaiians are particularly bonded to the land, or ‘o ka pae ‘aina Hawai’i, as the ancestral lands and the older cousin of Hawaiians. Native Hawaiians have traditionally educated...

Thompson’s Lamp Paradox as a Philosophical Puzzle

Since the beginning of time, paradoxes have fascinated both scientists and laypeople, igniting debate. Some have not yet been resolved or cannot be resolved in general, while others appear paradoxical because the solutions defy logic. In science, the emergence of any new field of understanding often starts with discovering previously...

Visual Learning and Ways to Apply It

The test What is Your Learning Style? gave me the following scores: Auditory: 25%; Visual: 40%; Tactile: 35%. It means that I am predominantly a visual learner. I have known before that I remember things better when I visualize them. I can memorize the position of a text fragment in...

WHO’s Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Ageism is a highly prevalent worldwide issue that affects both younger and older people. For that reason, The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a broad campaign aimed at combating this problem with the primary goal of providing equal opportunities to the population across the world. WHO defines ageism as discriminative...

  • Globalization
  • Advertising
  • Climate Change

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic...

Factors That Caused Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder among the young males and females. Therefore, for this paper, I will be finding out the various effects of Schizophrenia on the young adults. Among the effects that will be further investigated include victims withdrawing from their peers and relatives, dropping out of school...

Standard of Care in Healthcare System

Standard of care regulates the extent of the caution that the medical provider should follow to ensure patients’ safety. In situations when the standard of care is breached, causing negative implications for the victim’s health, the case can be tried in court. In the first step of the discussions of...

Vaccination and Its Economic Implications

Vaccination is created to prevent the spread of various diseases. Child vaccination is an example of positive consumption externalities, as it not only protects the vaccinated child but also reduces the chances of the spread of infections in society (“Externality,” n.d.). Vaccination has become one of the most influential scientific...

From Medical Practice to Daily Life Study

The paper “From bio to NBIC – From medical practice to daily life” identifies three technical trends that point to major developments in nano-tech. First of all, breakthroughs in the medical field have been seen, ranging from neuromodulation techniques to molecular medicine. It is expected that machine intelligence (e.g., brain...

Strategies for Persuasiveness: “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

Introduction Analyzing Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” it is possible to state that this work is highly credible, trustworthy, and persuasive. In this letter, using various strategies, Dr. King tries to convince his audience explaining to readers why Blacks’ non-violent demonstrations for civil right are essential (Marshall, 2016)....

Motorola: Absorption Costing and Variable Costing

Motorola is a manufacturer of smartphones, which it supplements with a unique system of accessories. As such, it uses cost-based pricing, with each unit costing a set amount of money to produce and selling at a fixed price. It can use either absorption or variable costing for its financial statements,...

COVID-19: Historical Lens and Wellness

Looking at events using historical lenses can be beneficial for gaining an in-depth understanding of issues. Currently, one of the central wellness problems discussed in the media is the COVID-19 pandemic. While the central problem today is to find a cure or a vaccine for the disease, it is also...

Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

Dementia can lead to a wide variety of psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. The symptoms of depression are apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, impaired thinking, and concentration on the negative side of life (Kitching, 2015). The symptoms can be managed both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The usual pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants;...

Urological Disorders in the Older Adult

One of the more common problems in older adults is urinary incontinence. Various etiologies can impact urinary incontinence, including bladder infection and urinary retention. Urinary retention is the inability to voluntarily void urine can both acute and chronic. Acute urinary retention is an emergency that requires decompression of the bladder...

  • Christianity
  • Ancient History

Performance of Tesla Shares

Tesla, an American electric car manufacturer, hit record highs. According to Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) (2021), in 2020, the value of Tesla shares has grown almost tenfold – from $ 88.6 in early 2020 to $ 864.2 on January 27, 2021. Shead (2021) notes that much of this growth was driven...

Whirlpool in the Sea off the Coast of Scotland Near Ayrshire Due to Waste Water

Description: Stunning drone images near Lendalfoot in South Ayrshire captured a glimpse of a mammoth whirlpool off the Scottish west coast. According to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the phenomenon is linked to recent rainwater that came into contact with wastewater, forming leachate (as cited in Parsons, 2021). The...

Worker-Employer Relationship According to Bible

Introduction Job is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to such relations as interactions between a slave and a master. It offers various guides and advice to improve their cooperation and make it beneficial to both sides. While...

Simón Bolívar, The Jamaica Letter

The selected primary source is The Jamaica Letter, written by Simón Bolívar. The document was written when he was exiled to Jamaica in 1815. The content of the letter focuses on the unification of Latin American colonies to form a republican form of government. The text makes me wonder and...

Business Life Cycle: Business Growth

Maturity is the stage in a company’s life cycle during which it reaches its prime form. Stability in all aspects of a business organization is another way to describe the discussed stage. All operations, processes, and initiatives happen as they should, and emergencies rarely happen (Ford, 2022). During this phase,...

Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment

There are many processes any organization has to consider when it tries to identify the goals and achieve them in a required period. Human resources planning is one of such processes. It is a kind of link that exists between HR management and strategic planning. People can use this process...

Arsen Petrosyan’s Live Duduk Concert in Yerevan

Arsen Petrosyan’s live duduk concert took place in 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia. His contribution to the popularization of Armenian folk music can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps that is why he is often called the keeper of his people’s musical heritage. Having once chosen one of the most mysterious musical instruments,...

Information Assurance and the Role of Time

Cyber security and information assurance refer to steps taken to protect networks and computer systems from being disrupted as well as preventing unauthorized access (Sara, 2008). Cyber security and information assurance aim at providing three things: integrity, confidentiality and availability (Knapp, 2009). Integrity is enhanced through ensuring that users are...

Meaningful Use Policy in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Recovery audit contractors (RACs) and electronic health records (EHRs) include highly sensitive information that should be managed carefully to avoid adverse outcomes. Careless management of this information can lead to leaks of private data, which may lead to significant legal and image problems. Thus, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services...

Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

Rape is a sexual assault characterized by penetration into a vagina, anus, or mouth with a penis without the consent of the person. The causes of rape were studied extensively by Lalumière and Lalumière (2005) based on human and non-human behavior. The researchers concluded that rapists are usually not deprived...

  • Nursing Theory
  • Intelligence
  • American Politics

Two Genres of Music: Rap Music and Jazz Music

Similarities Both genres of music once became a symbol of the protest of their time (Gioia 23). They were created by African-Americans who faced daily oppression and struggled to survive in a hostile system. Both genres were born as a way of entertainment (Gioia 20). Music became a language trough...

Aspects of IT Project Management

While analyzing this post, there is no doubt that the author successfully described the importance of IT project synergy with overall business aspects, such as strategy or categorization. Moreover, he clearly demonstrated the evolution of project selection methods, such as “focusing on broad organizational needs, categorizing the projects, using a...

Geopolitics, Land Use, and Environmental Impact

Land use refers to an economic practice of the natural environment’s transformation into the built environment through the management of semi-natural areas. The term, in general, includes people’s activities interacting with different terrestrial ecosystems. Various uses of land have different consequences for the environment, such as increased or lowered CO2...

Philosophical Thought and Its Levels in Nursing

Introduction In medicine, as well as in general philosophy, there are different levels of philosophical thought. Without structure, understanding, and comprehension of various philosophical thoughts would be extremely limited. In this brief summary, we shall go over the four levels of philosophical thought, which are Metaparadigms, Conceptual Models, Theories, and...

Ability-to-Pay Impact on Healthcare Level

The idea of delivering the services of the best quality possible is central to the philosophy of any healthcare facility. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has set certain limitations concerning the quality of care for the U.S. citizen depending on their income. Although the idea of healthcare service quality...

Hospital Information Management Systems

Hospital information management systems (HIMSs) are vital for improving healthcare quality. Currently, healthcare organizations need to deal with a large amount of data that needs to be distributed among a wide variety of stakeholders. According to Ross and Venkatesh (2016), a HIMS is “an integrated information system which improves patient...

Wounded Veterans Do Not Receive Proper Care: News Release

BOSTON – American veterans put their lives on the line to save us from enemies. However, when they return to civilian life, they find the transition difficult due to psychological and financial restraints. Boston’s Annual Wounded Vet Bike Run is aimed to support wounded veterans, gathering money for housing modifications,...

Non-Profit Organization: Financial Sustainability

The financial sustainability of a non-profit organization refers to the ability to maintain financial capacity within the organization over a long time. The financial capacity consists of the financial resources within the organization that aid in the achievement of objectives (Francois & Francois, 2014, p. 118). Therefore, the organization’s financial...

Regulations and Facility Design

Introduction The United States has a complex and intricate system of federal, state, and local regulations that have a profound influence on facility design. All three levels of government are responsible for enacting and enforcing regulations that dictate how a facility must be designed and constructed, as well as the...

Gain and Loss of Contingencies

According to FACB Accounting Standards Codification (n.d.), ASC 450 “Contingencies” covers the three topics of gain contingencies, loss contingencies, and overall. Gain contingencies are claims for the reduction in a liability or rights to receive an asset. It is noted (450-30) that the codification provides “guidance for the recognition and...

  • Mental Health
  • Evidence-Based Practice

Serving Vulnerable Populations: Meals on Wheels

When it comes to caring for vulnerable populations, considering such characteristics as ethnicity, age, gender, and other socioeconomic factors is imperative. In the case of 66-year-old African American woman, JK, with hypertension, asthma, and type 2 diabetes, the largest barrier is her being located in a food desert and being...

Negative Partisanship Increasing Reasons

Introduction Partisanship describes one’s devotion to a particular political party or movement, often based on the similarity of beliefs. This devotion can be both a positive and a negative force, informing one’s voting decisions in various ways. The problem arises when one’s vote is informed not by an agreement on...

Why Is Diversion Used in Juvenile Cases?

Diversion is a particular intervention practice of postponed prosecution under which youthful defendants or offenders are redirected to specific prevention and treatment programs supervised by private or public agencies. In such a way, young persons gain an opportunity to demonstrate that they are law-abiding. The central objective of these programs...

Social Capital Decline and Role of Digital Media

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Identifying Health Care Fraud and Abuse

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250-Word Essay Examples

250-word essay topics are short essays that require students to express their thoughts and ideas concisely within a limited word count. These essays often focus on a specific topic or prompt and require students to provide a clear and coherent argument or analysis within the given constraints.

Brief Description of 800-Word Essay Topics

800-word essay topics are longer essays that allow students to delve deeper into a particular subject or issue. These essays require students to provide a more detailed analysis or argument, supported by evidence and examples, within a larger word count.

Some common 800-word essay topics include exploring a complex social or political issue, analyzing a historical event or period, evaluating a scientific theory or concept, or examining a work of literature in depth. These essays often require students to conduct research, gather evidence, and present a well-structured argument that showcases their critical thinking skills and ability to synthesize information.

Writing an 800-word essay allows students to explore a topic more thoroughly and develop a more nuanced understanding of the subject matter. It also challenges students to organize their thoughts cohesively, present their ideas logically, and support their arguments effectively.

Overall, 800-word essay topics provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their research, analytical, and writing skills in a more comprehensive and detailed manner. These essays can help students develop their ability to engage with complex ideas, articulate their thoughts clearly, and communicate their arguments persuasively.

In conclusion, 800-word essay topics offer students a platform to showcase their intellectual capabilities, critical thinking skills, and writing proficiency. By tackling longer essays, students can deepen their understanding of a topic, hone their research and analytical skills, and refine their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

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  • The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • The Rise of Fake News and its Influence on Society
  • The Opioid Crisis in America
  • The Role of Women in Leadership Positions
  • The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods
  • The Future of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Impact of Immigration on Society
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Global Health

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My life experience has been a journey marked by both triumphs and challenges. Growing up in a modest household in a small town, I learned the value of hard work and perseverance from an early age. As the eldest child in my family, I felt…

250-Word about Life Experience

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250-Word Extracurricular Example

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Advantages of Being an Introvert

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What Is a 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay is a concise piece of writing that consists of approximately 250 words. It requires the writer to express their ideas or convey information within a limited word count.

How Many Paragraphs Should a 250-Word Essay Have?

In a 250-word essay, you can typically expect to have around 2-3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point or aspect of the topic, ensuring that the content is clear, coherent, and well-developed.

What Does a 250-Word Essay Look Like in Structure?

A typical structure for a 250-word essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs (usually 1-2 paragraphs), and a conclusion. The introduction should provide background information and present a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present supporting evidence or arguments, and the conclusion should summarize the main points and provide a closing thought.

How Long is 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay consists of approximately 250 words. In terms of length, it is considered a relatively short essay. The number of paragraphs in a 250-word essay can vary depending on the content and structure, but typically it may consist of around 1-3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea, argument, or aspect of the topic, providing sufficient explanation and supporting evidence within the limited word count. It's important to remember that while the word count gives a general indication of the length, the quality and depth of the content are equally important in conveying your message effectively.

Can You Include Examples or Evidence in a 250-Word Essay?

Yes, you can include examples or evidence in a 250-word essay to support your arguments or provide clarification. However, be mindful of the limited word count and focus on selecting the most relevant and impactful examples that contribute to the overall effectiveness of your essay.

Another Word Count

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book essay in english 250 words

English Aspirants

Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair [100, 150, 250 to 300 Words]

Essay on a visit to a book fair: In this article, you are going to read 3 essays on a visit to a book fair in English. We’ve written the essays for students of all classes (class 1 to class 12). If you are looking for paragraph on a visit to a book fair this article will also help you with that. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

A Visit to a Book Fair Essay: 100 Words

A book fair is the book lovers’ paradise. Now I know why it is called because this year I visited the Kolkata Book Fair with my uncle. There I saw lots of stalls. The stalls were nicely decorated. They stood in rows. Lots of books were properly shelved in every stall.

My uncle bought me some story books and a book on painting. I also made a long list of books to buy in future. The stalls were crowded with people of all ages. I was thrilled to see that anybody could touch or read any book. I just rushed from one stall to another because I never saw so many books before. When I was returning home I thought, ‘Had I all the books!’

Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair

Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair: 150 Words

The Kolkata International Book Fair took place between 28 February and 13 march. I visited the fair with my father. The book fair was attended by a large number of people including a huge number of students. All the leading publishers of India as well as abroad had set up their stalls. There were hundreds of book stalls in the fair. The stalls were nicely decorated. All the book stalls were crowded. Some of the stalls were giving huge discounts on books.

There were different kinds of books ranging from classics, sci-fi, non-fiction, and thrillers to self-help and more. I was amazed by the fact that in the world of Internet, people are still interested in books. Apart from the book stalls, the cultural events and shows were another attraction of the fair. I moved from stall to stall and bought some books. My father also bought some books of his interest. It was a thrilling experience for me. Such fairs should be held very often. They help us to increase our knowledge.

A Visit to a Book Fair Essay

Also Read: A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English

A Visit to a Book Fair: 250-300 Words

It was the biennial International Book Fair at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. My friends and I decided to visit the fair since the opportunity comes only once in two years.

We reached the gate of the venue as early as 10 a.m. and bought our tickets. There was a long queue of book lovers before the counter and it amazed me that even in this age of e-books there are people who read books.

After the security check, we headed towards the centre of the action – the different halls. On our way, We could see banners of different sizes, with the big publishers occupying the largest stalls. Apart from the local publishers, national and international publishers too featured in the fair.

We visited some of the stalls and were impressed by the huge collection of books which included story books, novels, books on anatomy, medicine and others.

Later on, we visited the other halls and made sure that we dropped in at the stalls of the international participants. There were food stalls too, to offer refreshments, and we relieved our fatigue by sipping hot coffee.

As hours passed by, the number of visitors also increased and it became difficult for us to move about freely within the stalls which were full of book lovers.

It was 8 p.m. when we started our journey back home. We were almost drenched in sweat though it was a January evening. We were happy to carry the heavy bundles of books that we had bought and wished that such book fairs would be held more frequently so that people would be inspired to read more.

Read More: 1. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay 2. Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station 3. Essay on a Journey by Train

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Essay on Advantages of Reading Books

Students are often asked to write an essay on Advantages of Reading Books in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Advantages of Reading Books


Reading books is a great habit with many benefits. It helps in improving knowledge, enhancing imagination, and building vocabulary.

Knowledge Enhancement

Books are a rich source of information. Reading books on various subjects imparts information and increases understanding of various topics.

Imagination Boost

Reading fiction can transport you to different worlds, enhancing your imagination and creativity.

Vocabulary Building

Regular reading exposes you to new words, helping in improving your vocabulary and language skills.

250 Words Essay on Advantages of Reading Books

Reading books is a timeless activity that holds numerous benefits. In a world where digital distractions abound, books provide an enriching escape that nourishes the mind and soul.

Cognitive Development

Reading books regularly can significantly enhance cognitive abilities. It fosters concentration, improves vocabulary, and stimulates critical thinking. By presenting diverse perspectives and complex narratives, books challenge readers to analyze and interpret information, thereby honing their reasoning skills.

Emotional Intelligence

Books are a window to the human experience. They expose readers to a variety of emotions, situations, and personalities, fostering empathy and emotional intelligence. By identifying with characters and their struggles, readers can better understand and navigate their own emotions.

Knowledge Acquisition

Books are a treasure trove of knowledge. They offer insights into a plethora of subjects, from science and history to philosophy and arts. This knowledge not only enhances one’s understanding of the world but also encourages informed discussions and debates.

Stress Reduction

Reading is a form of escapism that can significantly reduce stress. Immersing oneself in a compelling narrative can distract from daily pressures, providing relaxation and mental tranquility.

500 Words Essay on Advantages of Reading Books

Reading books is a timeless activity that has been a part of human culture for centuries. Despite the advent of technology and digital media, the significance of reading books remains undiminished. This essay aims to shed light on the numerous advantages that reading books offers, particularly for college students.

Enhancement of Cognitive Abilities

Reading is much more than just a leisure activity. It is a cognitive exercise that strengthens the brain’s functions. Reading complex narratives and academic texts requires concentration, comprehension, and memory, all of which enhance cognitive abilities. According to a study by the American Academy of Neurology, engaging the brain in activities like reading can slow cognitive decline by 32%.

Boosting Emotional Intelligence

Knowledge acquisition and skill development.

Books are a treasure trove of knowledge. They provide insights into various fields, cultures, philosophies, and historical events. Reading a wide range of books exposes students to different ideas and viewpoints, broadening their understanding of the world. Moreover, books can help students develop specific skills. For example, reading literature can improve writing skills, while reading scientific texts can enhance analytical thinking.

Stress Reduction and Mental Health

Immersing oneself in a good book can be a great stress reliever. It provides an escape from reality, allowing readers to explore different worlds and experiences. According to a study by the University of Sussex, reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68%. Furthermore, reading has been linked to improved mental health, with regular readers showing lower levels of depressive symptoms.

Improving Focus and Discipline

In conclusion, reading books offers a multitude of benefits, from enhancing cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence to facilitating knowledge acquisition and skill development. It also contributes to stress reduction and improved mental health, while fostering focus and discipline. While digital media and technology have their place in learning, the value of reading books should not be underestimated. For college students, reading can be a powerful tool for personal and academic growth.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Essay on Book Reading | 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 + Words

Essay on Book Reading – So far, we humans have dominated the world. We create inventions that make our lives easier and technologies that give us quick solutions to everyday problems. However, in the future, it is possible that technology will replace even humans as our best friend

Essay on Book Reading 100 Words

Reading books is an important activity not just because it provides enjoyment, but also because it helps one to understand the world around them. Reading can help one learn new things, gain insight into different cultures, and gain a better understanding of history. It can also give one a sense of belonging to a community and allow them to share their thoughts and experiences with others. Reading books has been shown to have many benefits for both individuals and societies as a whole. Individual readers can gain skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. They can also learn about different cultures and the way that different people think.

Essay on Book Reading 150 Words

Reading is one of the most important things we can do as human beings. Not only does it give us knowledge and understanding of different cultures and worlds, but it also allows us to develop our own ideas and explore new possibilities. When we read, we are not just consuming information; we are also engaging with the author and the characters in the story. What this means for students is that they have an opportunity to learn more about themselves by reading books, and to gain insight into other people’s lives. This essay has outlined some reasons why book reading is so important, and I hope you will take the time to read it carefully before making a decision about whether or not you should read a particular book. Books can teach you about different cultures and religions, and they can also teach you about history. Books can also teach you how to think critically, and they can help you develop your vocabulary. Reading a book can also improve your writing skills.

Essay on Book Reading 200 Words

Reading is one of the most important activities a person can engage in. It allows you to gain knowledge and understanding, to explore new perspectives and worlds, and to develop relationships with other people. In short, reading helps us become better people. So what should you read? There is no single answer to this question, as the type of book that is right for you will depend on your interests and values. However, here are some general tips that may help you find the perfect book for you: 1) Read books from different genres and disciplines. This will broaden your horizons and give you a more well-rounded understanding of the world around you. 2) Seek out dissenting opinions. Every opinion has something valuable to offer, even if it differs from yours. By exploring different points of view, you will be better equipped to form your own opinions about complex topics. 3) Use book reviews as a guide when choosing which books to read. Many online reviewers are experts in their field, so by reading their reviews before purchasing or borrowing a book, you can be sure that it will not disappoint!

Essay on Book Reading 250 Words

Reading can be fun, too! When you read books, you get to enter the world of the author. You become part of the story and feel what the characters are feeling. This is a special experience that few other activities can offer. When you read a book, you’re not just looking at words on a page; you’re experiencing the author’s world. This is why reading is such an important activity. It’s the key to unlocking the potential inside each of us. Books are more than just words on a page; they’re vehicles for learning and growth. When you read books, you’re expanding your horizons and gaining knowledge that will benefit you in life. Reading also helps you connect with other people around the world. By reading books, you’ll learn about different cultures and customs. You’ll also be able to appreciate art more fully when you read literary works. Reading books helps us grow Book reading is the process of taking in information through the eyes of a book. It is a form of communication and can be considered one of the most important activities in a person’s life. Reading allows people to learn new things, expand their knowledge, and develop relationships. Reading can also be therapeutic. People who read often find that they are better able to cope with stress and anxiety. They also tend to have stronger personalities because they are able to use their imagination and problem-solve. Reading can also be fun, which is why many people enjoy it.

Essay on Book Reading 300 Words

Reading is one of the most important activities a person can participate in. It allows us to learn, explore new ideas and gain knowledge that can help us improve our lives. Not only does reading provide entertainment and a escape from reality, it also provides us with skills that we can use in our everyday lives. Whether you are a student or an adult, reading is an essential part of your life. Societies have also benefitted from the increased literacy rates that have been caused by the spread of books. Literacy has been shown to be linked with decreased poverty rates, increased access to education, and increased opportunities for social mobility. Furthermore, literate societies are more likely to be democracies than nonliterate societies. So while reading books may not always be easy or comfortable, the benefits that they provide are well worth the effort. Reading books is one of the many activities that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It can provide entertainment, knowledge, and understanding. Reading is a form of communication that allows people to exchange ideas and perspectives. Books are important because they allow us to explore different worlds and learn more about different cultures. They can also help us understand our own world and our place in it. In addition, reading books can increase your vocabulary and give you insights into different fields of study. Reading is an important activity that can benefit both children and adults. It can help children learn about the world around them, expand their vocabulary, and develop critical thinking skills. Adults can gain knowledge and understanding about different fields of study, learn new skills, and connect with other readers around the world. Reading a book is an activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. It is an excellent way to learn new things, and it can also be fun. Reading a book can help you learn about the world around you, and it can also help you develop your intellect. Reading a book can also provide you with some valuable life skills.

Essay on Book Reading 400 + Words

Reading is one of the most important activities we can partake in, and for good reason. From learning new information to expanding our horizons, reading provides us with an incredibly wide range of benefits. However, not everyone enjoys reading. In fact, many people find it boring or difficult. This means that when it comes to book reading, there’s a significant audience that needs your help. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to make book reading more enjoyable for everyone involved. We will also discuss some of the challenges and concerns that come with book reading, and how you can overcome them. So, whether you’re a reader or someone who wants to encourage more readers, read on for some excellent advice.

Why reads a book?

Reading a book is an interesting and enjoyable experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. There are many reasons why people read books, including gaining knowledge, enjoying stories, and finding pleasure. Reading can also help improve vocabulary and literacy skills. Additionally, reading can provide a sense of community and connection with others.

The Benefits of Reading Books

To be a well-rounded individual, it is essential to read books. Reading provides knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that can’t be found in other forms of media. Not only does reading offer enrichment for the mind, but it can also provide many tangible benefits. Here are five reasons why reading is excellent for your well-being:

1) It Increases Your Vocabulary – Reading allows you to expand your vocabulary and learn new words. Not only will this make speaking and writing more difficult, but it will also make you smarter. By expanding your vocabulary, you’ll be better able to understand complex topics and concepts. 2) It Helps You Learn Better Than Watching Television or Listening to Music – If you want to learn something effectively, do not simply listen to or watch instruction passively; take the time to read about the material as well. When you read actively, you engage with the material on multiple levels; this helps you retain information better than if you only watch or listen without absorbing anything at all. 3) It Gives You Insight into Other People’s Lives – Reading exposes you to different perspectives from different walks of life. This can help broaden your horizons and give you a greater understanding of the world around you. Additionally, by reading about people who have gone before us, we can learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. 4) It Can Help You Deal with Stressors in Life – When we’re exposed to various types of. How to choose the best book for you. There are a lot of factors that go into choosing the best book for you. In this essay, we will discuss some of the key things to consider when choosing a book. First and foremost, you should decide what type of reader you are. Are you someone who loves to spend time reading dense literature? Or do you prefer shorter, more digestible reads? Once you know your reading style, it is important to find a book that will suit your needs. Another key factor to consider is the genre of the book. Do you want to read something light and fluffy, or something more serious and challenging? Again, knowing your reading style can help guide your decision. The next thing to consider is the author’s style. Is the author engaging and entertaining or does their writing seem dry and academic? Again, knowing how you like to be read will help make this decision easier. Finally, price is always a consideration when selecting books. With so many available options on different platforms, it can be difficult to determine what’s best for you. A good way to narrow down your selection is by genre and author. For example, if mystery novels are your preference then try looking for one by Agatha Christie or Ellery Queen; if historical fiction is more your thing then choose something by Bernard Cornwell or Diane Setterfield. This will help keep costs down while still giving you great reads!

Types of Books

There are many types of books, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most popular types of books: Textbooks: Textbooks are usually dense with information, and they’re perfect for studying in a classroom setting. They can also be used to learn new concepts outside of school. Children’s Books: Children’s books often have colorful illustrations and easy-to-read text that is perfect for young readers. They can also teach important life skills such as how to solve puzzles or write letters. Romance Novels: Romance novels are often full of action and suspense, which makes them great reading material for when you’re looking for something to keep you entertained. They can also provide insight into human emotions and relationships. Fiction Books: Fiction books are typically written from a different perspective than reality, which makes them interesting to read. They can also provide an escape from the everyday world

What to look for when buying a book

When choosing a book to read, it is important to take into account several factors. First and foremost, the book’s genre. A mystery novel may be different than a romance novel, for example. Second, the author’s style. Some authors are more descriptive than others, which can make for a more immersive reading experience. Also consider their previous work; if an author has written well-received books in a certain genre, chances are good that their latest effort will be worth your time as well. Finally, consider what you’re interested in. If you’re looking for an easy read with lighthearted humor, for example, choose something from the chick lit genre rather than from crime fiction.

Reading on your computer or phone

Reading on your computer or phone is a great way to enjoy a book without having to put it down. You can read for hours without having to get up, and you can continue reading even if you’re not at home. You can also read books on your computer or phone while you’re traveling, which is great because you don’t have to carry them with you. You can also read books on your computer or phone while you’re waiting for something else. This is a great way to kill time, and it’s also useful because you can read different books depending on what type of mood you’re in. If you’re feeling stressed out, for example, you might want to read something lighthearted. Reading on your computer or phone is a great way to relax and unwind after a day of work. You can also use it as an educational tool. For example, if you have trouble sleeping at night but want to learn more about history, reading a historical novel might be the perfect solution for you.

Reading is one of the most important things that a person can do. It can awaken the mind, introduce new ideas and perspectives, and help us to better understand the world around us. In fact, reading has been linked with many positive outcomes in life, including improved cognitive function, better communication skills, and even a reduction in stress levels. So why not make reading a regular habit? Here are some tips to get you started:

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My Favourite Book Essay | Essay on My Favourite Book for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My Favourite Book Essay In English – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Book for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My Favourite Book essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Favourite Book 100, 150, 200, 250 Words for Kids and Students in English

I love reading books, they are indeed my ‘best friends’. It is a tedious task to choose a good book because thousands of books are published every year. I always take the suggestions made by my teachers and parents into account while choosing a book. Some days back, my uncle gave me one as a birthday gift as he knows my love for books. It is called The Mahabharata’ and has been written in English by Anand Sagar Chowdhry and published by Goodwill Publishing House, Delhi.

Read More: About My Favourite Teacher

Essay on “My Favorite Book-The Mahabharata” In English

When I went through the first chapter, a fascinating story unfolded itself. King Satyavan married the daughter of a washerman and his son from the first wife took a pledge to remain a bachelor all his life. He came to be known as Bhishma Pitamah. The story was so eventful that it was very difficult to keep pace with the individual events.

The battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas is so well known that it need not be repeated. In the middle of the epic stands The Gita which serves as a lighthouse. It sheds light on the theme of the whole story. The language is so poetic that one floats in its divine stream. Lord Krishna tells us to perform our duties without having any expectations about the rewards.

We should forget the sense of affection as it blurs our minds while performing our duties and meeting out justice. We should strive for excellence in whatever we do. This body is short-lived but the soul is eternal. It never dies. It keeps on changing bodies just as we keep on changing clothes. Fire cannot burn the soul nor can the sword cut it. When death is a must, why should we be afraid of it?

It was this “celestial song” ‘Gita’ that helped Arjuna to perform his duty boldly and fearlessly, keeping his personal affections at bay. The author also tells us that the struggle always continues in our hearts. Whenever we are in doubt about whether we should do something or not, we should seek guidance from The Gita.

The Mahabharata has changed the whole course of my life and I wish that it should be read by everyone. The book is especially recommended for those young people who have yet to begin their careers.

My Favourite Book Essay

Short Essay On My Favourite Book Panchatantra In Hindi

मेरी प्रिय पुस्तक | Paragraph on My Favourite Book in Hindi

छपाई कला के आविष्कार के बाद पुस्तक प्रकाशन के क्षेत्र में क्रांति आ गई । प्रत्येक वर्ष हजारों पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन होने लगा । शैक्षणिक ऐतिहासिक धार्मिक वैज्ञानिक जैसे विविध विषयों में छपी अनगिनत पुस्तकों में से किसी एक प्रिय पुस्तक का चुनाव करना बहुत कठिन होता है ।

मेरे दादाजी पुस्तक प्रेमी व्यक्ति थे । उन्होंने घर में कई महत्त्वपूर्ण पुस्तकों का संग्रह कर रखा था । एक दिन मेरी नजर इनमें से एक पुस्तक पंचतंत्र पर पड़ी । एक बार पढ़ना आरंभ किया तो पड़ता ही चला गया । इसकी प्रत्येक कहानी मुझे शिक्षाप्रद एव रोचक लगी ।

मुझे लगा यह कोई साधारण पुस्तक नहीं ज्ञान का खजाना है । मैंने इसे कई बार पढ़ा । यह मेरी सर्वाधिक प्रिय पुस्तक है । विष्णु शर्मा द्वारा रचित पुस्तक पंचतंत्र को भारतीय समाज और संस्कृति का दर्पण कहा जा सकता है । पूरी की पूरी शिक्षा कहानियों के माध्यम से दी गई है ।

कहानियाँ अनेक हैं परतु इन कहानियों को मित्रों के संवाद के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है । इनका आपस में जुड़ाव अनूठा है । पंचतंत्र की कहानियों के अधिकांश पात्र घरेलू तथा वन्य जीव-जंतु हैं । बैल ऊँट सियार शेर हाथी गदहा कबूतर चूहा साँप मगरमच्छ बंदर कौवा आदि पशु-पक्षियों को पात्र बनाकर रची गइ प्रत्येक कहानी में जीवन की वास्तविकता छिपी हुई है ।

सच्चा मित्र कौन है इसकी क्या पहचान है धूर्त लोगों की क्या पहचान होती है बुद्धि के प्रयोग से किस प्रकार कठिन से कठिन कार्य को सरल बनाया जा सकता है, इत्यादि तथ्यों का पुस्तक में खुलासा किया गया है । लोभी मनुष्यों की कैसी दुर्गति होती है, बुजुर्गों का उचित परामर्श न मानकर लोग किस प्रकार के संकट में फँसते हैं, जिन लोगों को छोटा समझ कर अपमानित किया जाता है, वे समय पाकर भकर प्रतिशोध लेते हैं ऐसी अनेक शिक्षाएँ पंचतंत्र की कहानियों का आधार हैं ।

चूँकि शिक्षा कहानियों के माध्यम से दी गई है, अत: यह कहीं से भी बोझिल प्रतीत नहीं होती है । मैं जब भी किसी दुविधा या मुश्किल में होता हूँ झट मुझे पचतत्र की याद आती है । इसकी किसी न किसी कहानी में मेरी समस्या का समाधान छिपा होता है । मैं समझता हूँ यह पुस्तक मेरी भांति अन्य व्यक्तियों की शंका का निवारण करने में पूरी तरह सक्षम है ।

मन के विभिन्न भावों का प्रस्तुतिकरण पुस्तक में बड़े ही सहज ढंग से किया गया है । सचमुच विष्णु शर्मा एक महान साहित्यकार ही नहीं अपितु महान मनोवैज्ञानिक भी थे । यही कारण है कि संस्कृत भाषा में लिखी गई पुस्तक पंचतंत्र का अनुवाद विश्व की लगभग सभी भाषाओं में हो चुका है ।

पूरे संसार में पंचतंत्र की कहानियाँ बड़े चाव से पड़ी जाती हैं । बच्चों की पाठ्‌य पुस्तकों में भी पंचतंत्र की कहानियों को शामिल किया गया है । वर्तमान समय में हालाकिं ज्ञान-विज्ञान का काफी विस्तार हो गया है, फिर भी लोगों की समस्याएँ ज्यों की त्यों बनी हुई हैं । बहुत से मनुष्य इन समस्याओं से घबरा जाते हैं । इन स्थितियों में पंचतंत्र की कहानियाँ उनकी सहायता कर सकती हैं ।

उनके हृदय में आशा का संचार हो सकता है । पुस्तक पढ़कर ढोंगी, पाखंडी, दुश्चरित्र, निर्दयी तथा कृतप्न मनुष्यों की पहचान करने में तथा इनसे अपना बचाव करने में मदद मिल सकती है । दूसरी ओर पुस्तक के माध्यम से सीधे-सादे, निष्कपट, मधुरभाषी, सच्चरित्र और कृतज्ञ मनुष्यों के गुणों को धारण करने में भी मदद मिलती है । उपरोक्त गुणों के आधार पर ही यह मेरी सबसे प्रिय पुस्तक है ।

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📖Essay on Importance of Reading: Samples in 100, 150, and 250 Words

book essay in english 250 words

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 26, 2024

Essay on Importance of Education

Language learning requires four skills i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. It is an important part that eventually builds up the communication skills of a person. Reading will help in attaining knowledge of variable fields. It enhances the intellect of a person. Reading helps students to enhance their language fluency. Students must adopt the habit of reading good books. Reading books can also improve the writing skills. If you are a school student and searching for a good sample essay on the importance of reading then, you landed at the right place. Here in this blog, we have covered some sample essays on the importance of reading!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words
  • 3 Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words
  • 4 Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words

The English language is considered the global language because it is the most widely spoken language worldwide. Reading is one of the important parts of acquiring complete knowledge of any language. Reading helps in maintaining a good vocabulary that is helpful for every field, whether in school, interviews , competitive exams , or jobs. 

Students must inculcate the habit of reading from a young age. Making a habit of reading good books will eventually convert into an addiction over time and you will surely explore a whole new world of information.

Being exposed to different topics through reading can help you look at the wider perspective of life. You will eventually discover a creative side of yours while developing the habit of reading.

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Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words

Reading is considered an important aspect that contributes to the development of the overall personality of any person. If a person wants to do good at a professional level then he/she must practice reading.

There are various advantages of reading. It is not only a source of entertainment but also opens up the creative ability of any person. Reading helps in self-improvement, enhances communication skills, and reduces stress. It is one of the sources of pleasure and also enhances the analytical skills. 

Here are some of the best books to study that may help you enhance your reading skills:

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling .
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee .
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri .
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The Great Gatsby

A person with good reading skills would be able to communicate with more confidence and shine brighter at the professional level. Reading is a mental exercise, as it can provide you with the best experience because while reading fiction, or non-fiction you use your imagination without any restrictions thereby exploring a whole new world on your own. So, Just Enjoy Reading!

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Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words

Reading is a language skill necessary to present yourself in front of others because without being a good reader, it’s difficult to be a good communicator. Reading books should be practised regularly. Books are considered a human’s best friend.

It is right to say that knowledge can’t be stolen. Reading enhances the knowledge of a person. There are numerous benefits of reading.

I love reading books and one of my all-time favorite authors is William Shakespeare. His work “As You Like It” is my favourite book. By reading that book I came across many new words. It enabled me to add many words to my vocabulary that I can use in my life.

Apart from this, there are many other benefits of reading books such as reading can help you write in a certain way that can impress the reader. It also enhances communication skills and serves as a source of entertainment . 

Schools conduct various competitions which directly or indirectly involve reading. Some such competitions include debate, essay writing competitions, elocution, new reading in assembly, etc. All such activities require active reading because without reading a person might not be able to speak on a specific topic.

All such activities are conducted to polish the language skills of students from the very beginning so that they can do good at a professional level.

In conclusion, in a world of technological advancement, you are more likely to get easy access to online reading material available on the internet. So, you must not miss this opportunity and devote some time to reading different kinds of books. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Find a sample of a short essay on importance of reading below:

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Reading is a good habit; It helps to improve communication skills; Good books whether fiction or non-fiction widen your imagination skills; You can experience a whole new world while reading; It helps you establish your professional personality; Reading skills help you interact with other people at a personal and professional level; Improves vocabulary; Reading novels is considered a great source of entertainment; It helps you acquire excessive knowledge of different fields; Reading is motivational and a great mental exercise.

Reading is important to build the overall personality of a person. It establishes a sense of professionalism and improves the vocabulary. Adapting a habit of reading books will help in expanding your knowledge and creativity.

Here are some of the best books for students to read: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; The Alchemist, The 5 AM Club, Rich Dad Poor Dad, etc.

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Essay on My Hobby

List of essays on my hobby in english, essay on my hobby reading books – essay 1 (250 words), essay on my hobby reading books – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my hobby playing cricket – essay 3 (250 words), essay on my hobby drawing – essay 4 (250 words), essay on my hobby dancing – essay 5 (250 words), essay on my hobby – sewing – essay 6 (500 words), essay on my hobby – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my hobby cooking – essay 8 (1000 words).

My hobby is reading books. Reading a book is one of my favorite pass times and since I work with words for a living it is also one of my favorite work tasks. There are no words that can describe my admiration and respect for the written word and the modest book that houses them. Even though great thinker of antiquity like Socrates despised the written word calling it unresponsive and dead we have to give out thanks to its ability to conserve knowledge for generations.

My hobby reading books is the best way to escape from the torment of the world and to rest in a world of imagination. Undisturbed by the troubles of my life, my mind can rest from all the stress it goes through every day and find comfort in the words of wise writers or happiness in those that like more light-hearted topics.

Not only do I read books but I also collect them and spend endless hours searching for the right edition for their collection. I even save up money so that I can buy books and extend my library or spend fortunes on rare historic manuscripts.

The fact of the matter is that there is no better way for me to rest and at the same time practice my brain by reading a book, so as far as my hobby reading books goes this way, it is the best pass time I can have. Believe me, once you start exploring the sea of stories written on paper you will never want to stop exploring.

Hobby is something that is of our interest and keeps us engaged in our free time with a free mind. A good habit will not only help us to escape from our daily cores but also keeps us peaceful. Studies prove that practicing a good hobby will keep us away from many mind related problems and loneliness as well.

Reading books as My Hobby:

Hobby is something that develops with us from an early age. I find happiness in reading books in my lonely time to free my mind of stress and study pressures. My hobby is reading books. Reading books is the best knowledge gaining hobby. My hobby reading books has helped me to improve my language too. When I start reading, I create my own imaginary and creative world to travel with the story.

Reading thriller novels will help me to travel to that world with mystery and stories with adventures will improve my creative side, as I am constantly imagining the scenario that’s happening in the story and so on. Thus my hobby reading books interest me the most, has helped me to understand the language better, create noble and ideal thoughts in me and more.

Inspirational and instructive books have always inspired my growing mind to follow the better path to achieve my life goal. By reading books I can be updated on the present world. A person with understandability towards anything will be able to acquire their desired heights more easily and books are molding me to be one.

Living amidst books makes me feel happier and loneliness has never touched me at any point in my life. Books have become my best friend since childhood and I can feel the positive changes they create in me.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

We have all heard of this adage time and again and it also throws light on how important it truly is to make sure that we all have a hobby.

The game of cricket:

Well, my hobby is cricket as I have been enjoying this sport since a very tender age. I remember gazing from the winnow of my room and watching the grown-ups immerse themselves in a game of cricket. I would spend hours watching them and remembering the different shots, the way the bowlers threw the ball at different angles and even imagined myself excelling at cricket.

The need for passion:

I believe that regardless of what we choose, it is important for each one of us to have a hobby. My hobby is something which keeps me going and it adds to my verve and energy. If you develop a good hobby, it will make sure that you would have something to unwind your mind.

When I go out to play cricket, in that moment, I do not think of anything else as I am cool, composed and nothing else matters. So, if you have not yet found your thing which you can truly call as a hobby, I suggest you do so.

I knew my hobby since a tender age and it soon grew into my passion and I can say with utmost pride that I am quite good at cricket. When you truly love something, your zest will give you the kick to excel in it too.

I have a lot of hobbies to pass my time. One of such things is drawing. Even when I was a little child, drawing has always made me happy. Sitting quietly in a place, I can draw for hours. It keeps me busy and relaxes my mind. There is a little secret to why I love drawing so much.

As a person, I am less talkative. Because of that, there are very few friends in my life. The thing is that, instead of speaking out everything, I prefer to express my emotions silently. And drawing just helps me do that.

Sketching is not merely a pass time to me. God has given me a beautiful way to share my thoughts and feelings through drawing. It is an art that becomes my voice when I wish to be quiet. Moreover, drawing also helps me connect more with nature. Trees, birds, animals, rivers, clouds are some of the favorite things that I like to draw.

My art teacher praises the passion I have for drawing. She also appreciates the blending of shades and strokes of brushes when I paint something. My parents and friends always encourage me for the same.

I wish to pursue drawing for the rest of my life. It is my dream to become a true artist one day and that is only possible with regular practice and devotion.


My hobby is dancing. Dancing is the art of performing purposefully selected sequence of movements by humans. Dance is a beautiful hobby that slowly builds in an individual. Dancing becomes a hobby to people who like to listen to music because as they listen, they tend to accompany the beats with dance moves. Although some people might be enjoying music but they are unable to dance because dancing is a performance that requires a skill that not everyone can master.

How it began:

Ever since I was a child, I have been chubby and so my parents had to sign me up for dancing lessons so that I can get physically fit. The dancing lessons seemed enjoyable but when I joined the first class I was unable to dance. I developed a strong determination to learn how to dance because by nature I do not like to accept failure. Within a few weeks, I had learned how to dance and it grew in me and dancing became my hobby. I would dance everywhere and that is how I grew fond of my hobby dancing.

Benefits of My Hobby Dancing:

Through my hobby dancing, I was able to lose weight and my chubbiness was gone. The regular dancing that I have been doing has kept me fit. Sometimes I make money from dancing especially during the holidays. Dancing at events or festivals earns me money. At school, I have won awards because I participate in dance as an extracurricular activity. It is a great feeling to have dancing as my hobby because it is what I love and enjoy.

Who are we without our hobbies? Apart from our physical appearances, the collection of the things we do is what makes us distinct from the next person. While there are things we do simply because we have to, we do others because we love to.

Hobbies are things we do because we have a natural inclination to do so. They give us so much pleasure that we would spend our life time doing it. This is why people try to build their respective professions around their hobbies. By so doing, an ordinarily difficult task suddenly becomes simple.

My love for sewing:

Though I have a lot of hobbies, my love for sewing stands out from the crowd. It all started when my mother bought a sewing machine when I was younger. I was immediately fascinated by the mechanical excellence of the equipment. First, it was the way the machine rolled. Then I was puzzled about the thread movement and how it miraculously turned torn pieces into masterpieces.

Subsequently, my curiosity became a source of entertainment. I would play around the machine and time would disappear while I do so. I would cut my old clothing and run it through the machine just to see it move. Slowly and surely, I became enchanted with sewing so much that it dominated my thought and became my hobby.

Now, I would not leave a single week without creating something adorable with the sewing machine. A few moments spent away from this intriguing environment feels like an eternity. What’s more, I have found that sewing has a therapeutic effect on me. It helps clear my thought and keeps me focused on a single task. Though there is financial gain in this endeavor I do it simply for the thrill.

Me and my hobby:

Sewing is my hobby and it is refreshing to me but over time I realized that by virtue of my love for this craft I became interested in related fields. First, I have to create a sketch of what to sew. This process is a purely creative one. As I draw, I can picture what I would do to the real fabric when I eventually get on the machine. I also visualize what the eventual dress would look like on me or whoever would eventually wear it.

Then, I cut pieces of the fabric as outlined in my drawings. The cutting stage is mainly about precision. The materials have to be systematically shaped in such a way that it fits the measurement taken. Any deviation from this would lead to undesired results.

Finally, the pieces are carefully held together by the automated needle of the machine. This is the most fulfilling part of the process. This is so because seeing the conceptualized idea come to bare serves as an icing on the cake. However, the feeling of excitement I experience after the cloth is made quickly evaporates. I am immediately left with the desire to start over again. Though the process might seem mechanical or even uninspiring to an onlooker, I wouldn’t trade my hobby of sewing for anything else in the world.

Any activity which one does for pleasure is called as a hobby. It can anything ranging from reading books, spending time with your pets, travelling around, talking to new people, just anything which gives immense pleasure to a person and relieves a person of the tensions of daily life. I too have a hobby which is quite common in the world as so many people do it.

My Hobby, My Pleasure:

My hobby is reading anything knowledgeable be it the newspapers, magazines, short story books or the novel series. I just love to read. In fact, I have this good collection of books at home which I feel is the biggest treasure I have.

How it all started:

When I was in school we were asked to read the newspaper every day and come up with three national, three international and three sports news in the class. This was a sort of regular activity for us. It is from here that I gathered interest in reading newspapers. Slowly as we all grew up this hobby of reading newspapers in the morning developed into a full-time activity of reading which came around.

Overall these years, I have the pleasure of reading the Harry Potter series, which still remain the best, The Shiva Trilogy from Amish Tripathi, books from good authors both from India and abroad.

Books, Our best friends:

Life isn’t anything but difficult to live without friends. With regards to Books, they can be our closest friends ever. Great Books advances our brain with great contemplations and information simply like a decent friend. We can’t feel alone in the vicinity of books. We can learn numerous beneficial things while perusing a decent book. Books composed by well-known and experienced authors causes us to improve as a person and furthermore show us how to serve the general public in the most ideal way. When we are separated from everyone else, we can generally get a book and begin perusing to feel unwind.

Books are our closest companions since they rouse us to do incredible things throughout everyday life and conquer our disappointments. Books can be great or terrible, however, it is our duty to pick them wisely. Kinship with Good books makes you Good individual and companionship with Bad books make you a terrible individual. Books will dependably be there for you in your terrible occasions. Books motivate us to have dreams. Moreover, books convey a positive incentive to our life and make us a better human being.

Advantages of Having a Hobby:

Having a hobby is really basic for a solid character and body. In addition to the fact that they are fun, a hobby can revive one completely, help with remaining solid, dynamic and cheerful. Spending time doing the things that we appreciate can help postpone maturing and prompt positive emotions that assistance battle against specific diseases. A hobby makes you more joyful and more substance as a human being. In addition to the fact that this is useful for your general wellbeing and prosperity, it likewise expands your fulfilment with life and brings you harmony, joy and energy. What’s more, makes you simpler to live with! On the off chance that your days are loaded up with only customer gatherings, ventures and constant work, a hobby can help facilitate a portion of that pressure and take your brain off work.

In fact, a few research studies have demonstrated that individuals who take part in leisure activities are more averse to creative memory issues. Hobbies are additionally known to fight off sadness and lower circulatory strain. So in addition to the fact that hobbies help you mentally, they are useful for your body as well.


Having a hobby that we enjoy doing brings us joy and advances our lives. It gives us something enjoyable to do amid our recreation time and gives us the chance to learn new aptitudes. We are exceptionally lucky to have such a large number of various choices out there today. Actually, there are whole sites committed to diversions and interests.

The most ideal approach to developing another hobby is to take a stab at something new. The world is loaded with magnificent, energizing exercises that we can investigate and embrace as our own. Obviously, we all are one of a kind and, accordingly, our interests and leisure activities change. In any case, when we discover an interest that we really appreciate and are enthusiastic about, we end up snared. It turns out to be a piece of our lives and encourages us in an exceptionally close to home way. Last, but not the least, hobby help us live our dreams which usually get ignored due to our busy lives.

A hobby is one’s favourite habit, activity or what a person chooses to do or what the person does usually for enjoyment and pleasure in his/her available leisure time. Having a hobby is a very good thing that can be developed at a point in one’s life from childhood all the way to adulthood but it is sometimes best to have a hobby from childhood. We all participate in some kind of activity in line with our interests that we derive joy and happiness from; this activity is our hobby. We all have different hobbies based on our interests, dislikes and likes.

Types of Hobbies:

There are a lot of different types of hobbies that we can show interest in and develop, examples of hobbies are singing, dancing, playing outdoor or indoor games, drawing, collecting antiques, bird watching, writing, photography, reading, eating, playing, sports, music, gardening, cooking, watching TV, talking and any other activity you can think of. Our different hobbies that become a source of earning money and a means of livelihood and we can build a very successful career out of our hobbies. A hobby is meant to be enjoyed in our leisure time but it can become a lot more than that.

My Hobbies:

One popular misconception is that we can have only one hobby; this is totally not true. As a child growing up, I loved and enjoyed cooking and I would spend hours watching cooking programmes and watching my parents cook. Sooner rather than later, I also started trying out different recipes and dishes I had seen on TV and sometimes even tweaked a few things and made delicacies of my own. Cooking gave my childhood so much joy and bliss which made it one of my hobbies, I could cook all day and I get just happy at the thought of trying out a new recipe. Another hobby of mine is soccer which is kind of an accidental hobby (if there is anything like that). I had always loved watching football (or soccer) and was pretty good at analysis and understanding of the game but I never really tried playing the sport because of my first hobby that is cooking which meant I was more of the indoor person. Fate would have it that one of my close friends was on the varsity soccer team and all the goalkeepers got injured so he told me about an open audition for the position of goalkeeper and I just decided to try out. I was wonderful at the try outs and got a spot on the varsity soccer team, I became a pretty brilliant goalkeeper and I look forward to every opportunity to get on the field of play. There is this feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction I get anytime I am on the field of play. It is very possible to have more than one hobby so open yourself to the possibilities of all the different activities and interesting things around us.

My Favourite Hobby:

My favourite hobby is gardening. I spend most of my leisure time when I am not cooking or playing soccer in gardening. Gardening has been a huge source of knowledge, education, delight and entertainment to me. I have had the opportunity to learn a lot of new things on flowers, plants, vegetables, butterflies and even birds from gardening. My parents have a little plot of land where I pursue and practice this hobby. I have different varieties of vegetables, flowers and a few fruit trees in my garden. Some of the vegetables I grow are carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, radish, chillies, bitter gourd, etc. I also grow flowers like jasmine, roses, lilies, merry gold, carnation, poppies, flux and forget-me-not. These flowers make the garden a delight to behold and give the garden a soothing fragrance.

There are a few fruit-trees in the garden including banana, mango, guava and pomegranate. The garden is visited often by quite a number of birds and there are even some birds are live permanently on the fruit trees. The chirping sound made by the birds and their sweet music gives the garden the perfect condition and makes it the ideal place to be.

Gardening has also helped my other hobby (soccer) by keeping me mentally alert, physically fit and very fresh. The ambience of the garden is highly invigorating, fresh and soothing; there is calmness to the atmosphere of the garden. The processes and activities involved in gardening include weeding, digging, grafting, cutting, maturing, watering and the tilling of the soil. All of these activities get me the needed physical exercise I need to make my body fit and keep me sharp mentally.

A lot of family members and friends appreciate my hobby gardening. Over the years, I have been able to develop skills needed in gardening, sometimes; my father also helps me maintain the garden. I have a worthy and wonderful collection of magazines and books on vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and also gardening overall. It is quite a wonderful experience to watch plants grow, develop and blossom.

I am not full of knowledge in gardening; sometimes, I get advice and help from a professional gardener so as to know the right thing to do. I spend a large chunk of my money purchasing manure, seeds, fertilisers, books on gardening and gardening tools and implements. I try to catch all the programmes on television about gardening, I visit plant and flower shows and also fruit and vegetable exhibition. I try my possible best to balance all my hobbies, studies and other engagements without hurting any one of them for the others.

Gardening motivates me and gives me a sense of purpose about what I can achieve with my life. Once I am gardening, I forget about all of my worries, troubles and problems of the world. I am my happiest when I am working in the garden or when I get to give my friends and my family members fruits from the garden.

Books , Cooking , Cricket , Hobby , Reading

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  • Essay on My Favourite Book in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words

We all need to make a habit of book reading. Here are a few essays on My Favourite Book in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 Words. These are very easy and simple to learn for all students. You can find a useful one for yourself. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Favourite Book in 200 Words

The book is the best friend of humans. It never leaves us. It always helps us to get better by heart and knowledge. The best place to get the knowledge is a book. Because of encouragement from my teachers and my parents , I have been a huge book lover. 

I love reading books. I have a big collection of books. I mostly love to read books based on science. It is my favorite topic. I have read lots of science fiction. My favorite book is ‘Frankenstein’ and it’s science fiction. 

When I read this book for the first time, I was amazed and stunned. The writer Mary Shelley had an amazing imagination power. This book tells the story of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who created a hideous sapient creature by his unorthodox experiment. 

The entire story is based on that ‘creature’. This book is full of suspense and thrill. I have read it three times and watched the movie too. It is amazing and mind-blowing. This book was published in 1818. 

The author Mary Shelley is an astonishing writer who has written tons of beautiful books. I suggest this book to everyone. You should read it if you have not. I am sure you will love this. 

Essay on My Favourite Book in 300 Words


Book reading is a very good habit that everyone should build. It helps to build confidence, gain inspiration, and motivation. I am a book lover and I read books. I have a small library in my home . I suggest everyone read more and more books. 

It is the best way to learn something new. We can travel the entire world through words written in the books. There are a few books that I really like, Harry Potter is one of them. Actually it is my most favorite book ever. 

My Favorite Book: 

Harry Potter is a fictional story series authored by British writer J. K. Rowling. She is an excellent writer. I am really surprised to see her imagination level. I have seen the movie series of this book too. That was mind-blowing. 

The story is fictional and different. It’s all about a wizard world. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly are my most favorite characters in this book. I love the ‘Goblet of Fire’ most. This chapter is amazing. I love other chapters too, but this one seems special to me. 

Overall I have been a huge fan of J. K. Rowling after reading this book. This fictional fantasy book has earned a huge amount of money. This book was loved by young people mostly.


You should read Harry Potter if you have not yet. This is an amazing novel to read. I suggest this to everyone. If you love reading fictional stories, then you will become a fan of this series. Though there are not so many educational things in this book it was entertaining. 

Essay on My Favourite Book in 400 Words

I am a book lover and I love reading books. My favorite genre is Motivation. I have read tons of books that have motivational content. Among them some books are amazing. And today I am going to talk about a book that I really like. This book’s name is ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’. 

My Favourite Book: 

The Magic of Thinking Big has been authored by David J. Schwartz. He is an amazing writer and wrote an amazing piece of the book. Before starting any business, you must read this book to grow your mentality. 

This book taught me lots of lessons and that’s why I love it so much. I have read a few other books too authored by the same writer but I found this one the best. 

Motivation is a highly important thing in our life to get success and this book will take your motivation on a peak and you will get lots of inspiration to start something new and fresh. 

Reasons Why It is My Favorite Book:

Let’s talk about the reasons why it is my favorite book. There are some important lessons that this book teaches me, that’s why it is my favorite book. The first reason is, it creates a belief inside you that you will start believing that you will get success for sure. 

This is a huge mindset for any entrepreneur who is in an early stage. There are so many excuses that we make before doing anything. When you will read this book properly you will stop making these nonsense excuses. 

You will become a more dedicated person to your work. Hopefully, it will destroy all of your fear and will give you lots of confidence to do something new. Creativity is a huge asset for doing something. You will get better creativity power and will be able to visualize all of your plans in front of your eyes. 

You will learn how to manage the environment around you and you are exactly that person who you think you are. I think these are some amazing lessons that a person can get in his life. And it will help to grow better in a positive way. 

I am suggesting this book to read for everyone. People of any age level can read and understand this amazing book. It helped me to make my confidence level high. 

Essay on My Favourite Book Quran in 500 Words

Essay on My Favourite Book Quran in 500 Words

People read books to feed their mind that is hungry for knowledge. I am a book lover and I love reading lots of books. I have a list of my favorite books. But one book is very special for me and it’s a holy book in the religion of Islam. 

I hope you can guess it’s the Quran. That book has been life-changing for me. And today I will tell you why it is my favorite book and what you can learn from this. 

My Favourite Book Quran:

As a Muslim, I was taught the Quran at a young age. But we are not native Arabic speakers that language is being used in the Quran. But when I grew up, I bought English translated Quran for me. I read the whole book within two days and it was a huge breakthrough in my life. 

It changed my vision, my perspective, and my motive of life. Let me tell you how all that happened. First of let’s talk about how this holy book came to us. It was almost 1450 years ago, it came to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

Allah sent it to his part by part. This book is unchanged and still carrying the same content. The most surprising thing is that it still can be a guide for the ultimate good life after 14 hundreds of years. That’s why Islamic scholars tell ‘the Quran is the perfect solution for life’. Whatever we need to learn, solve, or think everything has been discussed in the Quran. 

There was an open challenge for mankind if they make a similar chapter of the Quran. But it’s not possible to write. Because this book has come directly from the Almighty Allah. It wasn’t written by any human. 

Why is the Quran My Favourite Book?

Everything that we need to survive in the world has been discussed in the Holy Quran. If you need to find a solution to any too complex problem, you can find a proper solution in this book. You need to have the proper knowledge to research that. 

There are lots of Islamic countries in the world that are operating their laws based on the Quran. It is very easy, useful, and great for mankind. Allah said that a person who reads the Quran regularly fills his heart with blessings. 

We can earn lots of rewards for the afterlife by reading the Quran. It’s a huge threat to the heart. When we feel sick inside, it helps us to heal it. The Quran has talked about education, medication, science, and different inventions. 

There are some surprising things that have been discussed in the Quran and the current science has proved them now. The scientists took the help of the Quran to make the world a better place by inventing new things. 


Overall the Quran is the solution for a complete life. I am sure you will love it if you read it. It should be one of your most-read books. 

Essay on My Favourite Book in 600 Words

Essay on My Favourite Book in 600 Words

Books are our best friend and they never leave us. That’s a huge truth that I can realize. I am a passionate book reader and I love to read lots of books every week. We have a family library and my father helps me to collect and buy books. 

I have read tons of amazing books, but there are some special books which have taken my heart away. Today I am going to talk about my most favorite books ‘Robinson Crusoe’. This book has always been a different thing for me and I am still reading it again and again. There are lots of lessons to learn from this amazing novel. 

My Favourite Book:

My favorite book Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe and it first published on 25 April 1719. A very important thing to note is that this book is 300 years old, but the content and storyline are still feeling amazing to the new generation of readers. 

This book contains a story named a person ‘Robinson’ who lived on an island for 28 years. He fell in a ship accident and lost everything. Then he found a boat to drive to the nearest island. It was a huge island. 

He made his own kingdom there. He collected his food by taming animals and growing some crops. He became a permanent member of the island. Some day he faced something brutal and different. He found a man was naked brought to the island by some cannibals. 

He rescued the person and gave him the name ‘Friday’. Friday became his partner but he was also a member of cannibals. That’s why Robinson kept him outside of his tent. 

Then Friday became the partner of Robinson and they both made the island an amazing place for themselves. In the end, a ship came to their island and there was lots of adventure and stories that will make you feel thrilled. 

Why Do I Like This Book?

There are so many reasons that are why I like this book. The first reason is it teaches me about life and reality. I get very serious when I read this book. I have read it almost 4 times and am still reading it again. 

What Did This Book Teach Me?

This book is a huge learning for me. For the first 20 years, Robinson was living there all alone. And that time he managed to survive because of his intelligence, courage, and dedication. That’s a huge learning for me. 

It teaches how to keep yourself focused when you are alone and under lots of problems. This story is about how a man creates his own reality. When Robinson found Friday and he became the best companion for him. 

He taught him language, religion, and overall civilization. Including all these things this book is like a teacher to me. It helps me to understand lots of harsh reality. 

My Hobby Book Reading: 

I have made reading my hobby. I never waste time. I love to read books when I am free or spending leisure time. I think everyone should get this habit. It is very important and essential to building a better knowledge base. 

We can learn different types of things by reading books. My hobby is reading and I always read books. I have a huge collection of different types of books. 

Book reading is a huge thing that we all should be up to. It helps us to travel through words by staying in the same place. We all need to build book reading habits to make our imagination power stronger.

10 Lines Essay on My Favourite Book

1. Book reading is a very good habit because it helps us to improve our personality and make us mature. 

2. Some books are priceless and they teach us some amazing lessons. 

3. My favorite book name is ‘Robinson Crusoe’. This is a world-famous book written by Daniel Defoe. 

4. This book was written 300 years ago, but still now people read it with the same love and interest. 

5. It has so many lessons to learn. The patience of Robinson is amazing.

6. It teaches us how to survive when none is around you and you are alone. 

7. This book could be a life guide for yourself. 

8. Robinson spent 28 years on an island all alone. 

9. It is a story about how a man struggles against all the odd things in life. 

10. I love reading this book again and again. If you have not read this book yet, then you should read it today. 

How do I write an essay about my favorite book?

Make a shortlist of your favorite books first. It’s better to pick top 10 books first. And then write which book has what types of impact of your real life and on your thinking. That’s how you will come with your favorite book. And then write what this book taught you and be able to teach the same someone else. 

Why is Harry Potter My Favourite book? 

It is a very amazing fiction that was loved by millions of young people in the world. There is a movie series too based on this story. I love this book because of its mind-blowing story and few interesting characters. 

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