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12.4 Analyzing Advertisements: Descriptive Summary and Rhetorical Analysis

When we view a painting, it’s often because we’ve chosen to do so—usually by visiting a museum. Advertisements, on the other hand, enter our field of vision whether we want them to or not. In both print and digital media, advertisements swirl around us. They pop up on websites, appear in our social media feeds, fill the magazines we read, and interrupt the television shows that we watch. They’re everywhere, and because they’re such a routine part of the visual information we take in each day, it’s important to think critically about how these images are designed and for what purpose.

The Elements of Advertisements

We may not consider advertisements to be works of art, but they’re certainly created with an incredible attention to detail and to the viewer’s experience, just like the other examples of paintings and films discussed in this chapter. For that reason, you can use the same techniques for analyzing art work and movies when analyzing advertisements. For example, when analyzing a print advertisement like the one below, it would be important to observe the use of color, tone, perspective, movement, and how the various objects and individuals are arranged in relation to each other, among other elements.

“A dog makes your life happier. Adopt.”

Similarly, when analyzing a commercial, it would be important to observe not only the visual elements but the audio and narrative elements, as well. Commercials may not come close to the depth of character and plot development that films achieve, but they still tell us stories, often quite effectively. (Keep in mind that plenty of people watch the Super Bowl not for the football game but for the especially entertaining commercial breaks.)

The Rhetoric of Advertisements

The reason that ads are created with such care is because, like any image, they are designed to produce effects. Like a painting, they might lead us to reflect on our identity, our culture, or our values. Like a film, they might elicit our emotions or give us a unique narrative experience. Of course, we all know the primary effect that advertisers hope their advertisements will have. Advertisements are meant to persuade us: to spend money, to use products, and to support candidates or causes, among other possibilities. One could argue that all images are persuasive in one way or another, but advertisements are explicitly so. They want something from us, and they’re not shy about asking for it. Consider the example below.

“Liking isn’t helping.”

Because advertisements are persuasive, you can analyze the rhetoric of an ad just like you can with any other text that’s trying to support a particular claim or point of view. Doing so will help you figure out why a particular advertisement was created and whether or not you want to accept its message. The chapter on “Writing Situations” in this textbook offers more information about how to analyze the rhetorical situation of a text. When thinking about advertisements, though, it’s especially important to ask yourself about:

  • The Writer: Who created the ad? What mindset or point of view might this person, group, or organization bring to the subject matter of the ad?
  • The Purpose: What is the ad meant to do? What effect is it supposed to have on the viewer?
  • The Audience: Who are the targeted viewers of the ad? What mindset or point of view could these individuals have, and how could that affect how the ad is received?
  • The Exigence: What motivated the creation of the ad in the first place? What perceived need or larger situation is the ad responding to?

To get some practice analyzing the rhetorical situation of an advertisement, study the sample ad below. What can you determine about its writer, purpose, audience, and exigence?


In addition to analyzing an advertisement’s rhetorical situation (who created it, for whom, and why) you can also analyze the rhetorical appeals that the ad uses in order to achieve its purpose. That is, what features of the ad make it persuasive? Again, you should refer to the chapter on “Writing Situations” in this textbook for more information about rhetorical appeals. A good place to begin, though, is to consider the use of ethos, pathos, and logos in an advertisement. You can consider:

  • Ethos: How does the advertisement establish its credibility? Is there anything about the advertisement itself (its professionalism, its quality, its tone) that persuades viewers to accept its message? Is there anything about the creators or sponsors of the advertisement (their authority, their prestige) that persuades viewers to accept its message?
  • Pathos: How does the advertisement speak to a viewer’s emotions? Does it try to make the viewer happy, angry, fearful, or distressed (among other possibilities) in order to affect the viewer’s judgment of the message?
  • Logos: How does the advertisement use logical argument and support to communicate its message? Does it make reasonable claims? Are those claims supported with sound evidence?

To get some practice analyzing the rhetorical appeals of an advertisement, study the sample ad below. What can you determine about its use of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade the viewer?

“The choice is yours, and it’s simple.”

In many ways, analyzing the rhetoric of an advertisement is like analyzing the rhetoric of any text. It’s always important to think about the writer, purpose, audience, and exigence, as well as about rhetorical appeals like ethos, pathos, and logos. That said, there are special considerations to keep in mind when analyzing the rhetoric of an advertisement.

Advertisements are a genre quite unlike the other texts you’ll read and write about in College Composition, many of which are long-form academic essays. Advertisements are also different from the other visual genres discussed in this chapter, particularly when you think about how quickly ads are meant do their work. While we might spend an hour or more watching a film or several minutes contemplating a work of art, we usually just glance at a print advertisement or watch a few seconds of a commercial. In order to understand how an ad could possibly persuade a viewer in so short a time, we have to consider how they use features such as:

  • Brief, catchy slogans or dialogue
  • “Power words” that draw attention and elicit emotion (free, easy, exciting, delicious, etc.)
  • Attention-grabbing fonts, images, and sounds
  • Use of white space and color to quickly direct the viewer’s focus
  • Foregrounding or repetition of key words, product names, or sponsors
  • Use of name recognition or endorsement to establish authority

To get some practice analyzing how ads use these strategies, consider the sample ad below.

McDonald’s. “On your right.”

The Ideology of Advertisements

One of the most effective ways for an advertisement to persuade us is by appealing to our values and assumptions. We often support candidates and organizations whose ads support our own worldview, for instance. Similarly, we may purchase products because we believe our bodies, attitudes, and choices should resemble those of the models or spokespeople endorsing them. To fully understand how ads try to persuade us, it’s necessary to think about how they try to confirm our assumptions (or our fears) about ourselves, our culture, and our world.

Of course, even when the values and assumptions embedded in an advertisement are not part of a deliberate attempt to persuade us, it’s important to notice them and think critically about them.  Advertisements are powerful. They’re everywhere. They can be flashy, provocative, and even fun. For these reasons, advertisements can normalize some beliefs (about race, for example, or body image or gender roles) and challenge or exclude others.

The critical theories already introduced in this chapter will help you to understand how the advertisements you analyze participate in our culture’s conversations about gender, race, class, and many other topics. You can find more information about these theories in this textbook’s chapter on “Literary Theory in the College Composition Classroom.”

An example of one scholar using critical theory (in this case, gender studies) to study advertisements is The Gender Ads Project by Scott A. Lukas. This site collects and analyzes advertisements in order to understand how they influence our ideas about gender and sexuality.

To practice thinking about how ads can reveal or even shape our assumptions about gender, consider the sample advertisement below.


Writing Exercise: Analyze an Advertisement

Use the strategies for visual analysis that you’ve learned about in this chapter to analyze the rhetoric of a print ad or commercial of your choice. Compose an analysis that:

  • Describes the advertisement using the visual and narrative elements discussed in this chapter.
  • Explains the advertisement’s rhetorical situation and use of rhetorical appeals.
  • Explains how the advertisement reflects or challenges prominent cultural ideas about gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, or any of the other cultural issues discussed in this chapter.

Continue Reading: 12.5 Analyzing Public Art: Descriptive Summary and Rhetorical Analysis

Composition for Commodores Copyright © 2024 by Mollie Chambers; Karin Hooks; Donna Hunt; Kim Karshner; Josh Kesterson; Geoff Polk; Amy Scott-Douglass; Justin Sevenker; Jewon Woo; and other LCCC Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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IELTS Discussion Essays [Discuss Both Views/Sides]

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 14, 2021 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 3

IELTS Discussion Essays [Discuss Both Views/Sides]

In this lesson, I’m going to explain what an IELTS discussion essay is and how you can write a good one. I will talk about structure and content, as well as looking briefly at discussion essay thesis statements, which many people find tricky. I’ve also written a sample essay, which you can find at the bottom of this page.

What is a Discussion Essay?

As the name suggests, a discussion essay is an essay that discusses things! More specifically, it is a type of IELTS writing task 2 essay that requires you to look at two different points of view . You can easily recognise these essays by the following phrase:

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sometimes it is phrased a little differently. It might say:

Discuss both sides and give your opinion
Discuss both points view and give your opinion

The important thing is that these all mean the same. When you see any of these, you know that you need to write a discussion essay. Importantly, this instruction tells you that you need to do two things:

  • Discuss both views (there will have been 2 views mentioned in the previous sentence(s))
  • Give your opinion (i.e. state which view you agree with)

If you failed to do either of these things, you would not have satisfied the basic criteria for Task Achievement .

Example Discussion Essay Questions

Here is a list of 5 discussion essay questions either from the IELTS exam, reportedly from the IELTS exam, or from reputable publications that have copied the IELTS question style. (Not that you absolutely should avoid fake IELTS questions when practising.)

Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people believe that higher education should be funded by the government. Others, however, argue that it is the responsibility of individuals to fund their higher education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people believe that it is important for children to attend extra classes outside school, while others believe that they should be allowed to play after school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

You can see in these questions that there is a similar pattern. In each case, the question phrase (“Discuss both views and give your own opinion”) is the same and in the previous sentence or sentences, there are two opposing views. This, then, makes “discuss both views” questions a sort of opinion essay .

How to Answer IELTS Discussion Questions

First of all, it is important when answering any IELTS task 2 question that you read the question carefully so that you understand it, then provide an answer that directly responds to the question, following its instructions carefully.

As discussed above, you are required to do two things: 1) Discuss both views, and 2) Give your own opinion. You absolutely must do both of those. It doesn’t really matter what your opinion is or whether you give equal weighting to both sides of the argument. Instead, you must cover both sides and also give some sort of opinion. (It is important, though, according to the marking rubric , that you are consistent in your opinion.)

Your answer of course should be structured carefully so as to present your ideas in a thoroughly logical way that is easy for your reader to interpret. I almost always use a four-paragraph structure in my essays, but some people prefer to use five paragraphs in this sort of essay. The difference would look like this:

 Four-paragraph essayFive-paragraph essay
IntroductionIntroduce the main idea
State your opinion
Introduce the main idea
State your opinion
Body paragraph 1Discuss the first point of viewDiscuss the first point of view
Body paragraph 2Discuss the second point of viewDiscuss the second point of view
Body paragraph 3Give your opinion
Summarise the issue and reaffirm positionSummarise the issue and reaffirm position

You might be wondering why I have given my opinion in the body of the five-paragraph essay but not in the four-paragraph essay. Well, actually I would give my opinion in the body of both. However, my opinion would be more subtly woven into the text of the four-paragraph essay. I personally find this to be a better method, but it is equally possible that you could write an amazing five-paragraph essay. That issue is discussed further in this video:

Discussion Essay Thesis Statement

In academic writing, a thesis statement (sometimes called an essay outline ) is the part of the essay where you insert your opinion. It typically comes at the end of the introduction and guides the reader by explaining your opinion on the issues that have been introduced.

But do you really need to provide one in such a short essay? Well, a 2018 study into successful IELTS essays concluded that thesis statements were “obligatory” – i.e. you absolutely do need one. In fact, that study found that thesis statements appeared in 100% of successful IELTS discussion essays! Therefore, we can conclude they are very important.

Because a discussion essay will tell you to “Discuss both views and give your opinion,” you must introduce the two views and then give your opinion in the introduction. Here is an example:

Introductory paragraph:

In some parts of the world, children are forced to go to cram schools and other facilities of extracurricular learning, but many people believe that this is unfair and that they should be allowed to enjoy their free time instead. This essay will look at both perspectives and then conclude that it is indeed unfair.

My first sentence clearly introduces two different ideas:

  • Children should do extra classes
  • Children should not do extra classes

Note how I have successfully used synonyms to avoid repeating anything from the question. I have also framed the issue in a new way so that I am not just paraphrasing. (You can learn why paraphrasing is not always helpful here .)

My second sentence is the thesis statement. In this sentence, I outline what the essay will do (“look at both perspectives”) and then give my opinion (“it is unfair”). This is a simple but effective thesis statement.

Thesis Statement Advice

Your IELTS discussion essay thesis statement should do two things:

  • Tell the reader what the essay will do
  • Present your opinion

Because this is a formal essay, it is best not to be too personal. Instead of saying “I will…” or “I think…” it is better to say “This essay will…” Here are some simple templates that you can follow most of the time:

  • This essay will look at both sides and then argue that…
  • This essay will discuss both views but ultimately side with…

Just make sure to avoid being overly vague. You are required to give your opinion consistently throughout the essay, so don’t say “This essay will look at both sides and then give my opinion .” It is not really the best approach because the examiner wants to see that you can be consistent in presenting an opinion. That is clearly stated in the marking rubric. For band 7, it says:

  • presents a clear position throughout the response

It could be concluded, then, that your opinion is not clear from the start and so you have not done enough to warrant a band 7 for Task Achievement.

Body Paragraphs

As I mentioned above, there are really two main approaches you could take to the body paragraphs:

  • Discuss one view per paragraph and incorporate your opinion into each.
  • Discuss one view per paragraph and then have another for your opinion.

I suppose there is also a third option:

  • Compare and contrast the two viewpoints in each paragraph.

This last one may be a little harder to do successfully without jeopardising your score for Task Achievement or Coherence and Cohesion , but advanced candidates may find it useful.

Remember that there is no single perfect formula for an IELTS essay. That’s not how languages work and that’s not how IELTS works. Different people could come up with different ways to present a successful essay. The most common essay structures are mere guidelines for particularly useful methods of approaching an essay.

advertisement discussion essay

Does a Discussion Essay Have to be Balanced?

Because the question says “Discuss both views,” it is quite logical to think that you must provide some degree of balance, but you certainly don’t need to give equal weighting to both sides. Remember that you are also going to give your opinion, so if you come down strongly on one side of the issue, it might be odd to give equal attention to both.

If you do feel very strongly about one side, you might want to present your discussion of the other side as quite negative. However, IELTS is a thinking exam as well as an English exam and an intelligent person can always look at both sides of an issue and explain – at the very least – why someone might believe a thing that is different to his own view. This seems quite important, but there is nothing explicitly mentioned in the marking rubric.

I would suggest that if you think a two-sided issue is basically one-sided (i.e. you strongly disagree with the other view), you should still write one or two sentences about why people believe that and then devote the rest of your essay to disputing their view.

Another approach is to write BP1 as a very short paragraph that explains why people might think one thing, but then have BP2 as a very long paragraph that debunks the opposing view and then explains why the other is correct.

(You can read more about IELTS essays and balance here .)

Sample Answer

Here is my full sample answer to the above question about whether or not children should be made to do extracurricular activities:

In some parts of the world, children are forced to go to cram schools and other facilities of extracurricular learning, but many people believe that this is unfair and that they should be allowed to enjoy their free time instead. This essay will look at both perspectives and then conclude that it is indeed unfair. In countries like South Korea, most children are made to go to an array of cram schools outside of regular school hours. Their parents do this in order to give their child a better future because it helps the child to learn more and thus gives them the academic advantages needed to apply to the best universities or jobs in future. These schools often provide children with an advantage over their peers because they improve their foreign language or math skills more quickly, and thus the children who do not attend these schools might have comparatively poor grades. However, whilst this attitude may result in better academic performance, it is certainly not good for the mental health of these children. It is no coincidence that places like South Korea have the highest rates of suicide among their young populations. The fact is that children are not equipped to spend fourteen or sixteen hours per day in classrooms, memorising facts and figures. In a sense, it is a form of child abuse. Children should be allowed to go home and spend time with friends and family to build social skills. They should be allowed to occupy themselves in order to become more creative and learn how to understand their own mind instead of being trained to repeat what they are told. In conclusion, it is understandable that some parents want their children to go to extra classes, but this is damaging to children and they should be given the freedom to play and socialise outside of regular school hours.

In BP1, I have looked at the topic of cram schools (ie the side of the argument in favour of extra lessons). I explored why parents might want their kids to do this and show the supposed benefits. Note that I never embraced any of these benefits. I was careful to use language that distanced these ideas from my own opinion, which was the opposite, so I said “Their parents do this in order to…”

In BP2, I looked at the opposite side. I was careful to make sure that my first sentence linked to the previous paragraph, highlighting that the benefits are quite minor compared to the drawbacks. All of my sentences here justify my position, which is that it is cruel to force these extra lessons on children.

My conclusion ties all of this together. The first clause references BP1 and the second summarises the main argument in BP2.

You can find two more sample essays here:

  • A discussion essay about sports facilities
  • A discussion essay about sports abilities

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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It is sometimes debatable whether asking children to get extra education after school or letting them play that is actually beneficial for them. Even though both viewpoints have benefits and drawbacks but I believe ,in the childhood age, children have to take rough and discipline education after school to be succeed in the future.

To begin with, many educational experts believe that playing is one of the essential aspects that have to be gotten by children to grow and happy. By using the playing approach, children can have a good mental and psychic health. Besides, letting children play after school can also support them to increase their emotional stimuli and get a positive social interaction. With this way, experts believe children can grow as a better adult in the future and have a freedom to get a better life in the upcoming times.

However, I completely contra with the first idea because I believe childhood is a better time to train children about academic or other skills that benefits them in the future. Based on scientific journal that I read, the ability of children in learning new things are more spectacular compared to adults. A lot of artists, scientist, and even football player who currently becoming a superstar in this era is a string of process that is began since their in the childhood. For instance, nowadays, I am working in the field of election supervision, it because since in my childhood my father love to force me learning about social and political issues by getting additional class. Thus, making children to get extra class after school is an appropriate preference if parents desire to see their son getting a good future.

To conclude, based on experts children have to get a freedom to play after schools but in my viewpoint it will be more advantages if they utilize the playing time with joining additional class after school.

tufail khan

VERY GOOD MR DIRWAN But actually you mixed both of the ideas , you need to take one side for this sort of essay writting, as it is mentioned in the above instruction. By the way WELL DONE . love from Pakistan to my sweet brother.

Daisey Lachut

I have not checked in here for some time because I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are really great quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend. ??

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Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life Sample Essay

Courtney Miller

Updated On Aug 02, 2024


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The article provides guidance on writing an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay, 'Advertisements are becoming more common in everyday life'. It includes Band 8 and Band 9 sample essays, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of advertising.

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Band 8 sample essay, band 9 sample essay, more writing task 2 essay topics.

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IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

Achieving proficiency in IELTS Writing Task 2 for questions like, ‘Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers as it assesses the ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

In this task, you will be presented with an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion like 'Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life', and you are asked to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of that particular issue. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. IELTSMaterial.com offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS Writing practice tests that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score on the exam.

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is this a positive or negative development?

Advertising is gaining more popularity in the marketing of products or services. While advertisements are considered to be advantageous, they can have numerous negative influences.

It is unquestionable that there are several benefits of advertising. By dint o f the large-scale expansion of advertising in almost every kind of mass media and nearly all hoardings , this sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities . In other words, it provides occupations for artists, painters or copywriters in designing and preparing logos, contents or ideas for advertisements. Another advantage is that advertising may enable the messages involved in products and services to reach potential customers , followed by an increase in sales for businesses. Additionally, only thanks to advertisements, can customers be kept informed about newly-launched products . Therefore, they have more choices to make about their beloved products, contributing to the enhancement of their comforts and standard of living.

However, advertising could cause several disadvantages for customers. No sooner might companies or business exaggerate or even distort the facts related to their products for commercial purposes than the customers can experience feelings of confusion about these items, making them have troubles selecting the products to their taste. Furthermore, the facts show that the more advertising expenses increase, the higher the product price is. The reason can be that the selling price of the advertised items covers the high cost of advertisements . As a result, the advertised products can cost more than they should. Finally, when customers cannot resist the temptation of products which are advertised beyond customers’ expectations , there is every likelihood of them purchasing products which may be unnecessary. This trend could be seen as a waste of money.

In conclusion, based on the aforementioned explanations, individuals may gain both considerable benefits and drawbacks through the growing prevalence of advertisements.

Today, as is rightly said by many, is a world of marketing and endorsements. In the competitive world that we have today, advertisements and commercials are a must. This essay shall advocate the development and constructive impact of advertising.

Early-stage or mid-age startups, organizations and companies, the more we see, the more we observe the encompassing pervasion of businesses these days. One niche has typically umpteen business models. With the rising era of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and digital nomads, the vigour and strife amongst businesses have only been exacerbated. Therefore, advertisements are of greatest essence keeping in view the current times, thereby, resulting in the increasing usage of various adver

tising channels, be it, pamphlets, hoardings, flyers, newspaper commercials, or the entire digital marketing rigmarole. The more the marketing, the more is the awareness.

Many people might not even be acknowledged to the new product line a company launches or a new product that paves its way in the market. In such a scenario, making them aware is the only perspective initially thought of. Moreover, making a new customer be a stalwart, remarketing branding and endorsing are what businesses primarily and obviously look for. During today’s time when options are many, in the pursuit of customers, a recognition of a brand evanescing is not uncalled for, reminding them of one’s existence, in such a case, is majorly solicited.

Some may argue that advertising tactics today have been misguiding, well, that’s not the case amongst those who are prudential and wakeful of the multiple sources available.

Conclusively, it could be stated that advertisement has been progressive development, and not only should it be treated as an option to ponder upon, but also considered as one of the key constituents of a business model and the relevant campaign.

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Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

Courtney is one of our star content writers as she plays multiple roles. She is a phenomenal researcher and provides extensive articles to students. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. Courtney completed her English Masters at Kings College London, and has been a part of our team for more than 3 years. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS.

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Home — Essay Samples — Business — Marketing — Advertisement

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Essays on Advertisement

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic.

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic can be a challenging task. To find the perfect topic that stands out and captures the reader's attention, consider the following recommendations:

- Brainstorm : Begin by brainstorming ideas related to advertisements that interest you. Think about recent commercials, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention.

- Research : Once you have a few potential topics, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information. Explore different advertising techniques, psychological aspects, or industry trends to help you narrow down your options.

- Relevance : Consider the relevance of the topic in today's society. Select a topic that is current and has the potential to engage readers. This could be related to the impact of social media advertising or the ethical considerations in advertising.

- Unique Perspective : Look for an angle that offers a unique perspective on the topic. Avoid rehashing common themes and strive to present fresh insights into the chosen subject.

- Controversy : Controversial topics tend to attract attention. Choose a topic that sparks debate or raises questions, but be sure to handle it sensitively and provide balanced arguments.

- Audience Appeal : Consider the interests and preferences of your target audience. Select a topic that resonates with them, whether it's about the influence of celebrity endorsements or the role of humor in advertising.

- Personal Connection : If you have personal experiences or anecdotes related to the topic, it can enhance the authenticity and engagement of your essay. Share your insights and connect with readers on a personal level.

Remember, a good advertisement essay topic should be thought-provoking, well-researched, and relevant to the current advertising landscape.

Unlocking the Best Advertisement Essay Topics

1. The Impact of Emotional Appeals in Advertising: Explore how emotions are used to influence consumer behavior and decision-making in advertising campaigns.

2. Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements: Breaking the Mold: Analyze the portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in advertisements and discuss efforts to challenge and break these stereotypes.

3. The Power of Storytelling in Advertising Campaigns: Examine how storytelling techniques are utilized in advertising to create emotional connections and engage consumers.

4. Subliminal Messaging: Manipulation or Effective Marketing?: Investigate the controversial practice of subliminal messaging in advertising and its potential impact on consumer behavior.

5. The Role of Humor in Advertising: Making Consumers Laugh and Buy: Discuss the effectiveness of humor as a persuasive tool in advertising and its influence on consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

6. The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior: Explore how social media platforms have transformed advertising and examine their impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.

7. Ethical Considerations in Advertising: Balancing Profit and Responsibility: Analyze the ethical challenges faced by advertisers and discuss strategies for maintaining ethical standards in advertising.

8. Celebrity Endorsements: Enhancing Brand Image or Exploitation?: Examine the use of celebrity endorsements in advertising and evaluate their impact on brand image and consumer perception.

9. The Evolution of Advertising: From Traditional to Digital: Trace the evolution of advertising from traditional mediums to digital platforms and discuss the advantages and challenges associated with this shift.

10. Greenwashing: The Deceptive Tactics of Eco-Friendly Advertising: Investigate the phenomenon of greenwashing in advertising, where companies falsely claim to be environmentally friendly, and discuss its implications.

Engaging Advertisement Essay Questions

1. How do emotional appeals in advertising influence consumer purchasing decisions? Provide examples and discuss the psychological mechanisms behind these appeals.

2. In what ways do gender stereotypes perpetuated in advertisements affect society? Analyze the impact of gender portrayals on individuals and broader cultural perceptions.

3. How does storytelling in advertising create a stronger emotional connection with consumers? Explore the elements of storytelling and its impact on consumer engagement.

4. To what extent does subliminal messaging impact consumer behavior? Discuss the concept of subliminal messaging and its effectiveness in influencing consumer choices.

5. What are the psychological mechanisms behind the effectiveness of humor in advertising? Analyze how humor influences consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

Advertisement Essay Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

1. Imagine you are an advertising executive tasked with creating an ad campaign to challenge gender stereotypes. Develop a compelling concept and explain how it would influence societal perceptions.

2. Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of fear as a persuasive tactic in advertising. Provide examples and evidence to support your viewpoint.

3. You have been hired to analyze the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing strategy, and provide recommendations for brands.

4. Create a fictitious advertisement for a controversial product or service. Explain the underlying message and discuss the potential ethical concerns associated with promoting such an item.

5. Investigate the use of nostalgia in advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. Analyze a specific nostalgic ad campaign and discuss its effectiveness in creating a connection with consumers.

Answers to Common Questions about Writing an Advertisement Essay

Q: What is the purpose of an advertisement essay?

A: An advertisement essay aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness, strategies, and impact of various advertising techniques on consumers and society.

Q: How do I choose a unique advertisement essay topic?

A: Look for current and controversial topics within the advertising industry, focusing on aspects such as ethics, psychology, or cultural influences. Consider personal experiences and perspectives to add a unique touch.

Q: Can I use personal anecdotes in an advertisement essay?

A: Yes, incorporating personal anecdotes can add authenticity and engage readers on a personal level. However, ensure they are relevant and support the main argument.

Q: What should I consider when brainstorming advertisement essay topics?

A: Consider recent advertisements, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention. Reflect on the impact, cultural significance, or ethical implications of these topics.

Q: How can I make my advertisement essay stand out?

A: Offer a unique perspective, present fresh insights, and explore controversial or thought-provoking angles. Engage the reader by connecting with their interests and emotions.

Q: Are there any industry-specific advertisement essay topics?

A: Yes, you can explore advertising topics related to specific industries, such as fashion, technology, or food. Analyze the unique strategies and challenges faced by advertisers in these sectors.

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Model Essay for IELTS - Advertising

This essay for IELTS is on the subject of  advertising .

There are various types of questions you can get in the IELTS writing test and you'll see samples of them all over the following pages, but this one is an  agree / disagree  essay.

In these types of essays, you are presented with one opinion. Take a look at the opinion here in the question:

Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society.

To what extent do you agree with this view?

Advertising Essay for IELTS

So your options are:

In the answer below, the writer agrees 100% with the opinion.

As you can see, the writers opinion is made clear in the thesis statement (the last sentence of the introduction).

Model Essay for IELTS

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Essay for IELTS Model Answer

The world that we live in today is dominated by advertising. Adverts are on television, on the World Wide Web, in the street and even on our mobile phones. However, many of the strategies used to sell a product or service can be considered immoral or unacceptable.

To begin with, the fact that we cannot escape from advertising is a significant cause for complaint. Constant images and signs wherever we look can be very intrusive and irritating at times. Take for example advertising on the mobile phone. With the latest technology mobile companies are now able to send advertising messages via SMS to consumers' phones whenever they choose. Although we expect adverts in numerous situations, it now seems that there are very few places we can actually avoid them.

A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical is the way that it encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Children and young people in particular are influenced by adverts showing the latest toys, clothing or music and this can put enormous pressure on the parents to buy these products.

In addition, the advertising of tobacco products and alcohol has long been a controversial issue, but cigarette adverts have only recently been banned in many countries. It is quite possible that alcohol adverts encourage excessive consumption and underage drinking, yet restrictions have not been placed on this type of advertising in the same way as smoking. 

It is certainly true to say that advertising is an everyday feature of our lives. Therefore, people are constantly being encouraged to buy products or services that might be too expensive, unnecessary or even unhealthy. In conclusion, many aspects of advertising do appear to be morally wrong and are not acceptable in today's society.

(296 words)

This essay for IELTS is well organized as there are five clear paragraphs, each containing ideas that are relevant, well expressed, and related to the topic. 

Focusing on the language and structures in particular, the essay starts with an appropriate introductory sentence. Linking words are used accurately ( However, In addition, Therefore ).

Phrases that signal opinions are evident ( A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical . ..) backed up by reasons (... encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford ) and examples ( Children and young people in particular, are influenced by adverts ).

In general, many other useful phrases are used, indicating a good control of language ( It is quite possible ...  Many people consider . ..  It is certainly true to say .. .).

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Writing Task 2 Discuss Both Views Lesson

How to write a Task 2 discussion essay: 

  • Introduction: paraphrase the question, state both points of view, make a thesis statement and outline your sentence. 
  • Main body paragraph 1: state the first viewpoint, discuss it, state whether you agree or disagree and give an example to support your view.
  • Main body paragraph 2: state the second viewpoint, discuss it, state whether you agree or disagree and give an example to support your view.
  • Conclusion: summarise and state which viewpoint is better or more important.
  • Remember that each Task 2 essay requires a different structure. It is important to learn each structure and practise your writing at home.

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This lesson will help you answer IELTS Writing Task 2 discussion (or discuss both views and give your opinion) questions.

These particular questions require a different approach to opinion essays because you have to discuss both sides rather than argue in favour of one side.

This post will look at:

  • Identifying the question

Example Questions

  • Sample Answer

Task Achievement

Coherence and Cohesion

Lexical Resource

Many students fail to do well in these questions because they do not do what the question asks them to do and do not use an appropriate structure . This post will help you overcome these problems and give you a sample answer.

We will also look at ‘lexical resource’ and ‘coherence and cohesion’; two of the IELTS examiners’ marking criteria when marking your essays. Understanding the marking scheme will help you get inside an IELTS examiner’s head and give them exactly what they want.

Identifying the Question

Look at the three questions below and choose the one you think is a discussion question.

  • Computers are being used more and more in education and so there will soon be no role for the teacher in education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • Computers are being used more and more in education.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

  • Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

The first question is an opinion question, and we can tell this from the instructions ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree?’.

The second question is obviously an advantages and disadvantages question.

The third question is the discussion question. We can tell this from the typical instructions in the question, ‘Discuss both sides of the argument and then give your opinion’.

You may also be asked to ‘Discuss both views and give your opinion’ or ‘Discuss both sides of the argument and give your opinion’.

Each of these questions is asking us to do different things, and we, therefore, need a different structure for each question .

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Here are a few other typical discussion questions:

  • A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  • Bloodsports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned.

Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.

  • Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.

As you can see, they typically state two opinions and then ask you to discuss both and give your opinion. Make sure you do these things in the essay. If you only discuss both views and fail to give your opinion you will lose marks.

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For discussion questions, I suggest you use the following four-paragraph structure.


1- Paraphrase Question

2- State Both Points of View

2- Thesis Statement

3- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

1- State first viewpoint

2- Discuss first viewpoint

3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint

4- Example to support your view

Main Body Paragraph 2

1- State second viewpoint

2- Discuss second viewpoint


Sentence 1- Summary

Sentence 2- State which one is better or more important


Here is a sample answer, but I have mixed up the sentences. Can you match the sentences below to the structure above?

This exercise will help you understand the structure.

  • In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction.
  • There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom.
  • The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before.
  • Moreover, learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education.
  • However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction.
  • Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy.
  • Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason.
  • This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers. This essay will discuss both points of view.
  • For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.
  • Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.
  • However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.
  • It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications.

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Example Answer

Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say this is a positive trend, while others argue that it leads to negative consequences.

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. Moreover, learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

This is one of the four areas you will be assessed on in the IELTS writing test.

Task achievement refers to your ability to address all parts of the question and present a fully developed answer. By following the structure above, we have fully discussed both sides of the argument and given our opinion. This is exactly what the question asked us to do, no more, no less.

Discourse markers (words like ‘however’, ‘despite this’ and ‘In conclusion’) are also referred to as ‘linking words’ and ‘linking phrases’, or ‘sentence connectors’. They are quite formal and are used more in academic writing than informal speech.

You gain marks for using these under the ‘coherence and cohesion’ section of the marking scheme. These words ‘stick’ the other words together and lend continuity to sentences and paragraphs.

If you do not include discourse markers in your IELTS writing, your answer will appear illogical and more difficult to understand.

However, this does not mean that you should try to insert as many of these words into your writing as possible. This is a common mistake in IELTS writing.  Using too many of them, or using them inappropriately, can make your writing sound too heavy and unnatural. They are important but must only be used at the appropriate time.

Try to identify any discourse markers in the essay above . Don’t look at the essay below yet. How many can you find?

Student Sample Answer with Discourse Markers

Here is the sample answer again with the discourse markers in bold .

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. Moreover , learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example , where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However , many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy.  Despite this , human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance , Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

In conclusion , while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However , as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

This is also one of the four criteria you will be marked on, and it refers to your ability to use a wide range of accurate vocabulary.

A common mistake is to repeat the same words over and over again. You will lose marks if you do this. A solution to this problem is to use synonyms. You can either think of synonyms as you are writing or leave time, in the end, to add them in.

Can you identify any synonyms in the essay above?

Here are some examples:

Computers- technology

Computers- the internet

Education- in the classroom

Education- students and teachers

Positive trend- positive development

Negative Consequences- adverse ramifications

By varying your vocabulary this way, you are demonstrating that you have a wide vocabulary, which will boost your band score. However, like discourse markers, be careful not to use inappropriate/inaccurate words. Only use words you are confident about. Mistakes will lead to fewer marks.

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I hope this post helps you with discussion questions, and if you have any questions, please comment below.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.


IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Discussion Essay (Discuss both Sides/Views)

by Dave | Understanding Task 2 Writing | 0 Comment

IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Discussion Essay (Discuss both Sides/Views)

Here I have collected actual IELTS discussion essays (discuss both sides/views) from the last several years – enjoy learning about this common task type!

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IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Discussion Essay (Discuss both Sides)

Some feel that individuals today spend too much time following political news while others feel politics deserves greater attention.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

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Some people think technology development decreases crime, while others believe it actually encourages crime.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Read my essay here.

Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Reported on IELTS Cambridge 19

Innovation is often driven by the pursuit of profit and economic growth. However, some argue that it should prioritize addressing social and environmental issues.

Read my essay here on Patreon.

Some people believe that in a city, the best way to travel is by car, while other people argue that bicycles are a better way of travelling in a city.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Read my sample here.

Some people think the manufacturers and shopping malls should sell fewer packaged products while others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging.

Some people believe that professional athletes serve as positive role models for young people, while others argue that their behavior both on and off the field can have a negative influence.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Some people believe that reading is always a good habit. Others feel it depends on which books a person is reading.

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The increasing availability of low-cost airlines now lets people travel around the world. Some feel this is a positive development while others think it is negative overall.

In some countries, companies allow people to work from home. In others, people are still expected to work in an office.

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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of oil drilling operations in remote locations around the world. This has brought economic benefits to some countries, though it has also raised concerns about the environmental impact of these operations.

Many university students want to learn about different subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others feel it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for their qualification.

Many think that religion should be taught in schools while others think it should be avoided.

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Some believe that students should begin learning a language very early in school while others think these subjects should be taught later.

Some feel that individuals should have the right to strike in all jobs while others feel there are exceptions.

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Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing.

Many believe that the goal of one’s career should be to pursue a passion while others feel it is merely a way to earn a livelihood.

Read my EBook here on Patreon.

Some people feel that cities should allow for spaces for graffiti while others feel it should be banned.

Some think newspapers are the best method for reading the news while others think other media is better .

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion .

As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that drivers should cover the costs.

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. 

Some people believe more actions can be taken to prevent crime, while others think that little can be done.

Some argue that patriotism is the primary cause of wars globally. Others feel that it serves to prevent less ethical politicians from running a country and starting wars.

Some feel that punishment should focus more on rehabilitation instead of long prison terms. Others feel prison terms are important for social stability.

Read my essay on Patreon.

Some feel that individuals should try to assimilate completely to the country where they live while others feel it is more important to preserve their native culture.

Read my essay on Patreon as an EBook.

Some believe that traffic problems in cities can best be resolved by investing in urban infrastructure while others feel there are superior solutions.

Some people believe that car-free days are effective ways to reduce air pollution. However, others argue that there are other ways that are more effective.

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Some people believe that increasing tax on various industries will reduce pollution whereas others believe that there are better alternative ways.

Discuss both the view and give your opinion.

Some believe that money for education should mainly be spent on better computers while others believe it would be better spent on teachers.

In an era of globalization, some people think that studying abroad is the best way to attain a well-paid job while others believe other options are better.

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish.

Discuss views and give your own opinion.

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made.

Some people believe that the experiences children have before they go to school will have the greatest effect on their future life. Others argue that experiences gained when they are teenagers have a bigger influence.

Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

Some feel that cities shold be designed to be beautiful while others feel their functionality is more important.

Read my essay here as an Ebook on Patreon.

In some places, old age is valued, while in other cultures youth is considered more important.

Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others it should not be regulated.

Read my essay.

Some people think it is better to have many short holidays during the year. Others believe it would be beneficial to have fewer, longer vacations.

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In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of advertisements which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys, and other goods. Parents often claim that these ads are unfair.

Some people say that individuals should change jobs during their working life often while others believe that doing the same job has advantages to individuals, companies, and society.

Some think that politicians should always be honest while others feel that there are times when they must lie. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom.

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good .

Computers are becoming increasingly pervasive in modern life. Some view this is as a positive while others feel it is negative overall.

Read my sample answer here.

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Others think they should begin after 7 years of age.

Some people are happy to stay in the same area for their whole life, while others prefer living in many different places.

Many believe that it is important to protect all wild animals, while others think that it is important to protect some, not all of them.

Some people think that schools should not test and grade students. Others think that grades are important.

Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about current events. However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media.

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative sources.

There is little difference in the shops now operating in various nations. Some people think this is positive development,while other believe it is negative.

Some people focus on news in their own country, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news.

Some say that children should be taught at school to recycling and avoid waste. Others say they should learn this at home.

Discuss both views and give your opinion .

Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are more successful.

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Others disagree.

Movies and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have a negative effect on society and should be censored. Others say they are just harmless relaxation.

Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors.

Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the countryside. Other believe that there are health benefits to living in cities.

Some people think that students in high or secondary school can choose courses freely, others think that courses such as mathematics must be compulsory.

Some people think children should have the freedom to make mistakes, while other people believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes.

Some people believe that children should do sports so that they will grow up as healthy adults, but others feel sports are just about enjoying yourself.

Discuss these both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent.

Some people think that children can learn about history by visiting museums, while others feel that there are better ways to learn about history.

Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending while others feel the genders ought to be separated.

Some believe that people should make efforts to fight climate change while others think it is better to learn to live with it.

In many countries, crimes rates amongst younger people has been rising.

Discuss the causes and solutions for this problem.

Some people think that sports play an important role in society. Others think they are nothing more than a leisure activity.

Read my answer here.

Some people think the newly built houses should be the same as the old housing styles in local areas. Others argue that local authorities should allow people to build houses in their own style.

Some feel governments should invest in preserving minority languages, while others feel this is not a good use of resources.

Museums and art galleries should show local history and culture instead of work from different countries.

Discuss both views and give opinion.

Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society. Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals.

Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that the celebrities can make the problems seem less important.

Some believe that the Olympic games help bring people from different nations together, while others claim that holding the Olympics wastes money which could be used for important issues.

Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their ambitions.

Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion .

Some people think parents are responsible for transporting their children to school. Others think it is the government’s responsibility.

Some feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and businesses, while others think they are negative.

Some think that climate change reforms will negatively affect business. Others feel they are an opportunity for businesses.

Some people say young people should be completely free to choose their future job but others think young people must be more realistic in their choice.

Some people say that the bicycles are a good, modern means of transportation. Other say riding a bicycle has clear disadvantages.

Discuss both view points and give your own opinion.

Some think scientists should be allowed to send messages into space to communicate with other life forms while others believe this is too dangerous.

Some feel executives in large companies should receive high salaries while others think they are paid too much compared to ordinary workers.

Some believe that advances in technology are increasing the gap between rich and poor while others think the opposite is hapenning.

Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to live in rural areas.

Some people say that supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging on products they sell. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid buying products which have a lot of packaging.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way of advertising themselves. Some people think this is good for the world of sport, while others think it is a negative.

Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead.

Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture.

Some scientists believe that in the future computers will be more intelligent than human beings. While some see this as a positive development others worry about the negative consequences.

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.

Some people think that resources should be spent on protecting wild animals, while others think those would be better used for the human population.

Giving children and adolescents pocket money is common throughout the world.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and give your own opinion.

Some think schools should rewards students who have the best academic results, while others think it’s more important to reward students who achieve other types of success (such as sports, music, and good behaviour).

Some educational systems make students study specialised subjects from the age of fifteen while others require students to study a wide range.

Some people argue children should stay in school until the age of 18 while others think that 14 years is long enough.

Many people think that zoos are cruel. Others think they are helpful in protecting rare animals.

Some people like to spend their leisure time after work with co-workers while others prefer to keep their private life separate from their work life.

Some people believe that one-on-one lessons are better for learning while others think that group lessons are superior.

Some think that quality art can be made by anyone while others think that it requires special talent and ability.

In many countries, teenagers are encouraged to find part-time jobs. Some think this is a good development while others disagree.

Some believe that history has little to teach us about today while others think that the study of the past helps us to understand the present.

Many people believe that music is just a form of entertainment, whilst others believe that music has a much larger impact on society today.

Some believe that the best way to stay fit is to join a gym or health club while others think doing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs is enough.

Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is more important.

Some think that governments should support retired people financially while others believe they should take care of themselves.

Some believe that people are naturally born as leaders while others feel that leadership skills can develop.

Many people feel that students should learn from online materials while others feel that it is better to use printed materials.

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old.

Discuss both views give opinions.

Many think that in today’s world it is very difficult for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Others, however, feel that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be.

Some people think that paying taxes is their only responsibility towards society while others feel that everyone should do more.

Most agree that we should be training children to recycle waste to preserve the Earth’s natural resources. However, some believe that it is parents who should teach their children to recycle waste while others feels schools are more responsible.

Some people believe that education is the key to tackling hunger worldwide while others feel that the answer is in food aid.

Some people say that it is acceptable to test medicine intended for people on animals. Others, however, believe that it is not right to use animals in this research.

Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more effective methods.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them.

Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think they should stay at home with the family.

Many people believe that every individual is responsible for his/her own healthy lifestyle. Others believe that governments should take care of it.

In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport.

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations., some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business, and the academic world. others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely..

Some people think that governments should invest mainly in making public transportation faster while other think there are more important priorities (cost, the environment).

Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media.

Some people say history is one the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history.

Some people think that it is a waste of money for countries to host big sporting events like the world cup, and that the money would be better spent on other things. However, others think that hosting large sporting events has a clear, positive impact on a country.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion., some are of the opinion that people are naturally born as good leaders while others feel that leadership skills can be learned., recommended for you.

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IELTS Discussion Essay Model Answer with Techniques & Tips

This IELTS Discussion Essay Model Essay Answer Band 9 with some techniques and tips.  The Discussion Essay is a common essay type and requires you to discuss two sides of a given issue. This essay type is for both Academic and GT IELTS Writing Task 2.


Discussion Essays are probably the easiest to write of all IELTS essays so be glad if you get one in your test.

  • There will be two sides of the same thing, such as homework is good for children / homework is bad for children.
  • There will be two different options, such as the government should focus on building housing or on parks. These are two different things and you must address both.
  • Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  • Note: the discussion is not more important than the opinion. All parts of the instructions are important to fulfil.
  • each side is about why other people support that side
  • you don’t get a higher band score because you have more ideas.
  • you get a higher band score because your ideas are relevant and well-developed.
  • so, decide which ideas to use. You will usually have about two reasons to explain for each side of the discussion.
  • Do you agree with one of the sides?
  • Do you have your own balanced view which is a specific view that doesn’t fully agree and doesn’t fully disagree?
  • You can’t change your opinion half way through your essay so make sure you have decided it before you start writing.
  • Background statement = a paraphrase of the essay question. The biggest mistake is incorrect paraphrasing that changes the meaning of the essay question given.
  • Thesis statement = presents your position clearly.
  • Always have a topic sentence. This shows the examiner which side of the discussion you are about to tackle.
  • Making the content and aim of your body paragraphs clear is essential to a high score.
  • Topic sentences should help the essay flow clearly and help the examiner locate information easily.
  • Not all body paragraphs require examples. If you can’t think of an example don’t worry. Just explain the main point as well as you can.
  • Supporting points are basically points that explain the main idea. Imagine someone asking you again and again “What do you mean?” – “Explain yourself”. Good supporting points make the main idea clear.
  • Don’t overcomplicate your ideas. Ideas should be clear and relevant, but language should have more complexity for a high score.
  • Your opinion should also be restate in the body paragraphs. 
  • Summarise all the main ideas you’ve given.
  • This should be the shortest paragraph, usually one or two sentences.
  • Never introduce a new main point in the conclusion.
  • Always start the conclusion with the right linking word. Click here: Video: Linking Words for Conclusions . It’s an old video but still relevant today.
  • Use language of discussions, see this video: Discussion Essay Language


Discussion Essay Question

Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Discussion Essay Model Answer

Please note that this essay is over 300 words. Longer doesn’t mean better. It is rare for an essay to go over 300 words or 310 words at most. Most IELTS essays are between 270 and 290 words, even for a band 9. However, 300 words, more or less, is possible as long as each sentence is highly focused and relevant. This Discussion Essay is an example of one such essay. 

It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good job, while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft skills. In my opinion, I believe that having university education is essential for academic jobs, while soft skills and experience are more useful in business.

On the one hand, many people think finding a good job is easier if they have a graduate degree because having tertiary education puts people one step ahead of others. For many employers, this can be the deciding factor between job applicants. Furthermore, a certain level of university education is required for particular jobs, such as being a doctor or teacher. For this reason, I believe that in the case of jobs that require academic knowledge, having a tertiary education is the key to success.

On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership skills and other interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the job applicant. For someone who is applying for management positions having experience of how to manage a team as well as strong interpersonal skills to support and direct staff, experience and soft skills are critical. Business is also an area of work where experience puts a person ahead of the competition in a way that university education could not. For this reason I also believe that such skills do have a relevant place in the workplace.

In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience or education depending on the type of work and field. Some positions require an academic background, whilst others benefit more from experience and skills.

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Could you please answer my question? I thought that in a discussion essay, the candidate should choose one side, but in this case, you support each side. Is this considered a partially agree approach?

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There are no such rules that state you must choose one side as your opinion. You are being asked for your opinion – it’s yours and yours alone. IELTS doesn’t dictate that your opinion must be one of the sides given. Your opinion can be whatever you like as long as it addresses the issues fully. If one side states – after school lessons are good for children, but the other side states – after school classes are bad for children, your view is whatever you want it to be. You are not forced to agree with one side. For example, in the UK children who get after school classes benefit a lot from them because they last only one hour or two at most, but in South Korea after school classes can run from 5pm to almost 11pm which can be damaging to a child’s mental and physical health. So, you see, my view definitely wouldn’t agree fully with one side only.

For a balanced view, you don’t agree with both sides or support both sides entirely. Your opinion must be specific. You can’t sit on the fence and be impartial (neutral). For your own specific view which neither agrees fully nor disagrees fully, you must have a separate body paragraph to explain it. This isn’t required if you agree with one of the sides because that would be repetitive. Please see my advanced lessons if you are stuck with this. All my advanced lessons and e-books are found in my store: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/

There are a lot of teachers online and in schools who like to give people black and white rules for IELTS. Such rules don’t exist. Teachers give these rules to help people avoid errors and are easy rules to follow. This is fine for low level candidates. But my website is aimed at people who want a high score and for that, you must be flexible in your approach and understand the test more clearly.

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It is often believed that the completion of tertiary education is the most effective way to secure a good job, others also think that the focus should be on gaining experience and developing soft skills. In my opinion, getting experience will be more beneficial for an individual as it will greatly add value and help develop one skill.

On the one hand, some people think that the requirements for most employers and job institutions in getting a good job is having a university qualification and therefore completing a tertiary institution will help graduates meet this kind of requirements. This will make the probability of being employed very high compared to someone who have such no qualification. Furthermore, having a university certificate means the individual has some level of knowledge which is needed and relevant in the job market which most employers are looking for and ready to employ into their organization.

On the other hand, others also argue that it will be better if the emphasis is on getting experience and developing soft skills which I agree. Through experience one adds value to his or herself which is an essential skill in developing oneself in the job market. Moreover, gaining experience can help people to be independent by becoming self employed. Through experience the necessary skills and knowledge will be acquired for the establishment of oneself which will also help tackle issues of unemployment in a nation. Another point is that having experience in a particular field increases one chances of getting selected in the job market as most employers prefer people with some sought of experience compared to those who have none.

In conclusion, while people may vary in their opinions, I think that having an experience will be of great value or benefit for an individual in the job market.

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I hope you don’t mind me asking, but is it advisable to include a question in the introduction of an essay? I’ve read that having a question can potentially lead to a higher score. For example, starting with a question like, “What is the best way to get a good job? While some think…” as the opening sentence of the introduction. I’d appreciate your thoughts on this approach.

Another thing: I remember you advising to take a clear position and not sit on the fence. Does this advice apply only to opinion essays? Thanks!

Two good questions. You should never write a question in your IELTS essay, no matter which paragraph. Each and every sentence is a valid point to present an answer, an idea, support an idea or summarise ideas. At no time, do you write a question. All sentences have a function in an IELTS essay. They are designed to be short, highly focused with each sentence critical to the essay. Writing a question will definitely not help your score and would lower it instead.

The Opinion Essay is not the only essay that requires your opinion. If the task is “Is this a positive or negative trend?”, it requires your opinion / your choice. All essays that require your opinion must show your clear position that is not in the middle without any relevant opinion – you can’t turn them into discussion essays. This problem of people not giving a clear position because they want to sit on the fence is mostly seen in Opinion Essays and it does lower your score for Task Response.

If you go back to this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/ , you’ll find a link in the Tips Section 3 about When & How to give your opinion.

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It is often argued that being graduate from the university is the key security to get a job while the development in the soft skills and the experience in the life is the best way to get a convenient job. In my opinion, focusing on university education is the suitable way to obtain a job after finishing the studies but enhancing soft skills play a vital role to promote in a job in the business field. Many people think that the academic education is the easier way to find a job because it put the graduates in the first step in the job hierarchy. After graduation, the first question in job application is about the academic study. For example, if someone has a high grade in his university studies, he will obtain an easier job compared to other. Furthermore, the graduation from the university with high grade will help the student to find an academic job in the universities especially in the scientific research field. On the other hand, the development in the soft skills and experience is the most important aspect to enhance the first job after graduation. After some years in the work, the soft skills like leadership and management is the way in which job owners prefer between the applicants for the high job in the hierarchy. For example, to be manager in the field business, the soft skulls come the first to choose the manager in any business foundation even if he doesn’t have a high grade in his academic study. In conclusion, graduation from the university help people to get a job but obtaining a high class job depends on the performance in the years of experience and the development in the soft skills.

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Hello Liz , is this background paraphrasing correct? Some people believe that the best way to find employment is by finishing university education, while others consider experience and soft skills development are much important. I know sometimes I overrate, exaggerate when writing but I’m trying to learn as much and as fast as I can because my exam is in less than two weeks and I haven’t practiced much as all happened suddenly and my english level is around b2 so I’m a bit scared. This is also a reason why I’m commenting constantly hoping to get some help from you. A big love 🤍🕊️

I understand your position. Yes, you’ve got the right technique for a background statement. You’ve paraphrased the topic perfectly without changing the meaning which is essential to tie together the whole essay.

Thank you, I really appreciate it 🤍

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Nowadays, education plays crucial role in everyone’s life . It is considered by someone that higher eduction plays part and parcel role for getting excellent job . While , certain section of societies have contransting views claiming that experience and skills are more important than university . . I think that although by having university education good job is likely to be gotten , it cannot give nelson’s eyes to skills and experience. Thus , in upcoming paragraphs i will discuss both views.

Firstly , education is considered to be lucrative for everyone because without having higher eduction people can’t get their desire jobs ,one particularly good example of this is for become a doctor or teacher university play vital role because without having knowledge about these field noone can become a tutor or health inspector . Futher and even more importantly that although due to higher competitions in job sector for getting excellent job , still educated and wealthy people can open their hospitals and schools for good earning .In other words , they could make more money by using their educational skills . Thus , for getting higher jobs positions education is important .

In other side , by having experience and interpersonal skills or leadership skills people can achieve excellent job . For instance , there are many jobs where skills are more prominent than education as for running restaurant management and leadership skills are necessary ratherthan education because if people have good manag skills thus they will able to coordinate with team members as well as good restaurants growth. Moreover , there are numerous jobs which are depend on experience such as for car repairing , painting , contraction etc . experience is required . Thus , experience is also same crucial as eduction .

By way of conclusion, although chances of getting desire job is likely to increase by having education , role of experience can not be negligible.

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Hi Liz need your guidance.. today was my IELTS exam and in writing portion I wrote 4 paragraph and forget to leave line spacing.. but I wrote arrow sign before starting my next paragraph.. will it affect my score??

I’ve never actually heard of someone using an arrow sign to indicate a paragraph in an IELTS essay. When I advise people to leave an empty line between paragraphs, it because this is how we write these days and it also makes the paragraphs 100% clear and easy to see. The examiner needs to see paragraphs to give you a score for paragraphing. So, leaving an empty line ensures there is no confusion. However, it isn’t a rule to leave an empty line. It is possible to indent the first word instead. The reason I don’t recommend this is because it is often not obvious or clear to the reader that the word in indented. So, to avoid unclear paragraphing leaving an empty line is much better. Regarding your choice of using arrows, if the examiner realises that you are indicating paragraphs, it will be ok. But I don’t know whether this will be the case because I’ve never heard of someone doing it in an IELTS essay. My recommendation is to talk it over with your test centre and see what they say. Having clear well organised paragraphs is part of the marking criterion of Coherence & Cohesion, which counts for 25% of your marks. Not having paragraphs at all would lower your score in that marking criterion, but would not impact any other part of the marking for writing task 1. Hopefully, the examiner will understand your arrows and you will be fine.

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Hi liz, your lessons helped me a lot when I was applying to study abroad. Now, Im in my dream country and after 2 yrs here I am again to learn from you. Thank you so much for all the lessons you provide, I pray for your better health and happiness.

It was lovely to read your message and hear how well you are doing. I wish you all the best with your future life in your dream country 🙂

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Hello Ms Liz, I hope this finds you well. Thank you so much for the plethora of knowledge that you have provided for everyone. I have a question concerning discussion essays and IELTS essays in general. Can I write, “This essay will discuss both points of view and argue in favour of the first one.” as a thesis statement. I’ve seen a lot of people say that using this kind if thesis statement is okay, but others say it’s weak when we say, “This essay will …”. I’d really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance.

When you are asked to give an opinion, it is your opinion that is required. This isn’t about what the essay will do. It is about what you think and that means using language such as “I believe” or “In my opinion” or “I agree that”

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Dear Madam with reference back to the advanced lesson on the opinion essay, I’m just wondering how to write a good one when IELTS opinion essay is followed by a direct question. (Test 3, Book # 8, IELTS Cambridge Series) Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Each question will be answered in one body paragraph. So, one body paragraph will be your opinion and one will be solutions (but stick to no more than 2 solutions because otherwise it might read like a list).

Many thanks for your guidance.

Thanks for your reply.

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Ma’am we don’t see you anymore on YouTube channel. Is everything alright? Your videos are very beneficial for all IELTS students and we want more from you. Thank You!

Thanks for your message. I’ve been battling a serious illness for many years. You can read my story here: https://ieltsliz.com/determination-my-story/ . This year is the first year where my health feels more stable. If my health continues to improve, I might make a couple of videos this year. But it will depend on my health. I’m glad there are people out in the world who still want my lessons 🙂

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I only now found your website and just saw this very recent comment from you. I’m so sorry to hear this, but I’m glad that this year brought some health improvement and I wish you that this will continue to go on like that. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Sending you positive vibes and some healing energy.

Thanks. I really appreciate your support

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Hello Liz! Greetings from India, I hope you are doing well. Will you once come live on your youtube channel? So that your followers and well-wishers can see you. Thanks in advance mam.

Thanks for your message. It made me smile. I am currently planning a video but it is taking a lot of time because I can only do very small amounts of work each week due to illness. However, if you can be patient a bit longer, I hope to have a video ready in a few weeks or a couple of months.

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Hi Liz, so sorry about your health, I hope you are fast recovering. Your lectures have been very helpful

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please add more samples of each and type of essays . One sample isn’t enough okay . I will wait for your response

There are plenty of sample essays on the main writing task 2 page – just use the red menu bar at the top of the website to access the different sections of this website.

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Hi Liz, I hope you’re doing well. I have a question regarding your e-book, does it provide model answers or only ideas and vocabulary?

The Ideas for Essay Topics is for ideas. It’s about gaining ideas for cover 150 common essay topics so that you don’t waste time trying to think of ideas in the test. The ideas can also be used in speaking part 3. The ideas are presented as vocabulary exercises to help you remember the ideas and learn vocabulary. For model essays, you can find some free ones in the main writing task 2 section of this website.

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Hi Liz, Hope you are doing well. Kindly check my response (introduction paragraph) to a discussion essay on the topic:

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Response: It is considered by some people that advertisements for various goods persuade the public to purchase them while others believe that advertising does not grab any attention now as it has become a common practice. In my opinion, advertising is a useful tool to make people buy goods but making this a usual activity is not attracting the public much.

Your reply will be appreciated, Thank you.

You have the right techniques and content. The task now is to produce an essay which explains precisely what you mean with each point.

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*I tried to improve my previous lengthy version* word count: 284 Whilst it is often believed by many that completing a tertiary education is essential in securing a well-paid job, I strongly believe that a robust job experience and interpersonal skills offer superior potential for success.

On the one hand, academic credentials are necessary for applying high paying jobs. Many employers often mandate university diplomas and degrees as a prerequisite for applying jobs. Therefore, individuals without them are forced to opt for more labour oriented jobs, with lower income and no potential for future advancement. Additionally, the likelihood of poverty rises significantly from the the lack of a steady stream of income. Almost 90% of the blue collar labourers in the US, for example, are either secondary or primary school dropouts. Their monthly average earnings of $2000 is unfortunately insufficient for many to lead a comfortable life.

On the other hand, some contend that work experience and acquired skills are far more beneficial. Instead of going to a university, people who enter into a workforce from a young age have better social skills and problem solving abilities. These workers learn how to handle arguments and criticism from colleagues and customers, which are invaluable skills in running businesses. Furthermore, workplaces allow the employees to learn decision making lessons from seniors to promote self-independence. These contribute to the overall success of an individual in handling various businesses ventures. For instance, many university dropouts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerbergs have built the wealthiest technological companies of the twenty-first century after working at other companies for decades.

In conclusion, although some might argue that university graduates can apply for more comfortable jobs, in my view, people learn invaluable lessons on managing businesses by solely working for a longer time.

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Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. This can benefit teenagers and the community as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is an undeniable fact the students are the building blocks of the nation and they should be motivated to do some voluntary tasks which will be fruitful not only for them but also for the society. However, I strongly agree with the given notion and views will be discussed along with the relevant examples in the subsequent paragraphs. To initiate with, there are multifarious reasons that clarify the fcat of how trend can have positive outcomes. First and foremost, youth can teach the value of eductaion to the parents of those children who do not let them study and force them to work. Further, they can teach them free and encourage them to study. For example, people who belong to slum areas mostly drag their offsprings in the labour work like them. Hence, it is apparent how this can bring positive changes. In addition to this, Youngters can easily vanish some problems from the society as they are physically and mentally strong enough. They can be the part of some NGOs which help the needy. They can provide them knowledge of right and wrong so that they can stop doing such things on loop. To cite an example, crimes namely child labour, Female feticide are mostly commited by the uneducated one. So , youth can curb such issues to make their society crime free. On the other hand, there are number of individuals who refute the above mentioned notion and believe that this has many deterimental effects on both scoiety and youth. Firstly, they opine that this can not tell them the value of money and also break their confidence of working in the multinational companies. More so, they can be influenced by the comapny they will be the part of. To exemplify, many NGOs faced major consequences for the sake of changing or helping the society. To conclude, there is no denying fact that every decison of life has both positive or negative outcome. However, I strongly assert that this above mentioned notion has more positive points than its negatives. So, youth must be the part of some social works in their free time.

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It is believed by some that university education is essential to acquire a good job whereas other thinks that soft skills and relevant experience in that field adds more value. In my opinion, University degree is necessary for academic jobs such as Teacher or Doctor and soft skill and experience is important for business. On the one hand, tertiary education is required to apply for a job in the field of science, research, education, medicine, administrative services. Without a college degree, one can’t do justice to his role as his work will be highly dependent on the education he has received. If we see the large no of students applying for college degree worldwide, is significant which highlight the role of university degree for success in academic jobs. On the other hand, soft skills and experience is highly in demand for business. For instance, if someone has skills and experience for craft, carpenter, mechanic, electrician etc. he can easily apply for these jobs without having a college degree. Also, people working as salesman or cashier in shops like Walmart, Costco may not need higher degree and experience will be sufficient to get the job. This is justified as college education has not practical implementation in these types of job. In conclusion, Students should aim to complete the college degree and acquire experience which will enable them to get high skilled jobs job very easily, however everyone can’t complete the college for any reason, they can train themselves in soft skills of their choice and gain some experience to apply for less skilled jobs.

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Please as a beginning linker for my paragraphs… In place of “on the one hand” can I start the first body paragraph with “to begin with” then the second with “however”. Or can I maintain “on the one hand” for the first paragraph then “however” for the second

Your method of linking will always depend on your main points. One linking device is not a higher band score than another. As long as they are used appropriately, they are all good.

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Some people thought that the best way for finding a good job is to have a higher education whereas others thought that the best way is to have experience and soft skills. I believe that completing university education is essential for academic positions while experience and soft skills are good for non academic ones.

Academic jobs need qualified people in terms of higher education. People who complete university education dig deeply in their field, thus, they become know the roots of their field and they can deliver the information in a good way. For instance, when teachers in schools and lecturers in universities apply for a job, they are selected depending on their education. Lecturers are chosen if they have a doctorate degree in addition to some research and teachers who have master’s degrees are more qualified to teaching in schools than those with the bachelor’s degrees. Thus, the competition between applicants in the academic jobs depends on their higher education.

On the other hand, non academic jobs like business, don’t require higher education in their fields. Non academic people tend to have more experience and soft skills related to their field rather than taking a master’s or a doctorate degree. This is due to the nature of their job since it just needs knowledge in the basics and then adding the skills to it. For example, people who study the bachelor’s degree in business can improve themselves by attending conferences and have a training in their field. Such experience is going to help them in finding a good job. As time goes on, they will become experts in their field although they don’t have a higher degree. Thus, non academic positions look for the experience and the soft skills of applicants regardless of their university education.

To conclude, the best way to get a good job depends on the nature of the job. If the job is academic, then higher education is a must to find a suitable job because having higher degrees are reflected when people do their job in an interesting way. While if the job is non academic, then experience and soft skills are more important than higher education because people can learn their jobs while they doing them. In general, having both higher education and experience in your field makes you very qualified person and you can find the best job.

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Hello, Liz! Thank you for everythng you ae doing! I have a question regarding the essay! Is it ok to say “in my opinion, I believe…”. Is it not redundancy here? You don’t believe “in your opinion”, do you?

You can use it the way I’ve stated or just use simply “In my opinion” or “I believe that”. You can choose just one definitely.

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Hi Liz It is a discussion essay, is it okay to write “in my opinion” in thesis statement of such type of essay where opinion is not required in question? Also is it okay to us “I” and “my” in introduction paragraph? I m confused.

This is a discussion essay which asks for your opinion: Discuss both sides and give your opinion. You should introduce all in the introduction and that means using I or my.

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It is considered by some that best way to get a job can be done by completing tertiary education , while there are others who think that it is better to have job experience and improving soft skills plays more important. I consider that having university education and having soft skills both plays very important role in getting job.

On the one hand , having a bachelor degree is the crucial in order to get a job. In other words, most employers only choose the candidates who have a higher education because most jobs are required academic studies which only can be learnt in university and it is impossible to do that job without studying in undergraduate such as : medicine , law , engineering . Furthermore, students learn how to compete with their peers in university which makes them more competitive and deal with harsh conditions. For example, many project has to be done in specific date and students has to complete their homework before the deadline.

On the other hand , working in business require candidates to have some specific skills and experience in order to work rather than just a degree because there are so many candidates who has a university degree apply to position and having necessary experience and soft skills put one steps ahead than others. Another reason is that , nowadays, business model always change and requires employees to have experience or soft skills such as leadership , teamwork which can not be learnt in university. So , having these skills are crucial to get a job. Finally, I believe that having university degree and having experience are both crucial for getting a job . Take for example medicine, law. Employees can not handle the job requirement without having either necessary degree and softs skills . In conclusion, having degree or experience and soft skills are very important to get a job nowadays. I believe employee has to fulfill these requirements before applying to job.

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Nowadays landing a dream job is like some achievement in life. For getting a good job it is necessary to have a good experience related to the studies and also soft skills plays a vital role in landing in a good job. Let us discuss this in detail in this essay. Firstly, in today’s competitive world education is the key to success to proceed way forward in our life for getting a good job with decent pay. To achieve an education from the university is not only the key factor but also other factors such as getting a good practical experience while studying and also it is important to develop individual soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, Leadership, and adaptability. Companies are highly in need of people with good technical skills as well as mentioned soft skills so that they can get the job done with good quality. So it is very indeed to develop the soft skills along with university education so the students can tune themselves to land into their dream job. Along with the education, students should have practical knowledge such as applying the theory in labs, and in real life so that creativity and innovation will come up which makes them epic among other students so that chances of getting a job is high when compared to other people. In an organization, it is vital to have good communication and leadership skills to execute the project in a successful manner, and also this will make them successful in their career and to achieve good heights in their job. In a conclusion, I would like to add that both education and practical experience along with soft skills make an individual as successful in their life by getting a good job with a good salary.

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Many believe that the key to getting a great job is completing your tertiary education. However, others assume that it is more advantageous to get your hands dirty by doing real jobs that will make them learn real-world challenges, and will also upgrade their skill sets over time. I believe that finishing academics first, will lead grab the desired job.

Most insist that colleges play a paramount role in shaping students’ futures. Every student has dreamt of a job and certainly, some require specialized or specific certifications, it is mandatory to attend universities. For example, Dream jobs like Doctors, Engineers, or Scientists. Moreover, in colleges students will get hands-on experience under the supervision of their tutors.

Conversely, some assume that it is more advantageous to get hands dirty while working and gaining knowledge. Some jobs like marketing do not require any professional degree because in colleges you gain theoretical knowledge rather practical. A recent study shows that majority of successful people in the field of marketing and sales never attended universities. For instance, Apple’s late CEO Steve Jobs never went to college but, still, he brought a whole new dimension in the field of mobiles and laptops.

Consequently, I do agree that certificates or degrees are not the only paths to success, but it is not like everyone is Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, it is just like they were lucky enough to get opportunities which they were able to capitalize. Therefore I believe it is necessary to complete your education rather than directly go to the real world.

In conclusion, it is not like, to be successful a person has to be graduate, Nither not. But I believe that seeing the real-world scenarios, One should first complete their education and then explore jobs.

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It is widely believed that having an academic degree is dramatically valuable in setting up a good career path, while some consider experience and soft skills are more significant. In my perspective, I suppose that either knowledge or experience and skills are essential factors which determine whether a potential applicant can be hired for a great job.

On the one hand, taking tertiary education has been the most classical method to prepare for entering the labor market. It can be seen that since the first university was established, there have been numerous students taking part in this academic institution in order to access a huge range of knowledge. Moreover, college life is considered one of the most crucial times in developing one’s characteristics and mindset. The only downside of university, however, is the opportunity costs that force students to waste several chances to get involved in other activities such as making money or traveling.

On the other hand, being well-qualified for the experiences and skills collected is not only remarkable but also puts the applicant one step ahead of others. Furthermore, if these acts, such as volunteering for a charity or learning leadership skills, are certified by a legit organization, it will be a huge step towards the success of getting a job. For example, nowadays, HR professionals from top-ranking companies have preferred the number of working experiences and related skills rather than just focus on the academic performance when filtering the resumes.

Finally, I strongly believe that the requirements of any job not only ask for these qualifications but also depend on the working conditions and the position that we aim for. For instance, a doctor or lawyer must have appropriate levels of knowledge in specific fields while a businessman needs more practical challenges.

In conclusion, preparing for a career is definitely an inevitable mission for everyone. To climb that career ladder, job-seekers should attempt both qualifications including the GPA and certifications for participating in other activities or acquiring any soft skill. Although it may vary in different companies and fields, illustrating an outstanding and comprehensive background can be significantly advantageous in impressing the recruiters.

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Some of the people believe that University educations plays an essential role for attaining a good job, whereas others anticipate that soft skills and experience are they key factors for find a Job. In my opinion, education and experience together makes a person successful for earning perspective. It is considered by many people to University degree helps them to find work easily. In other words, the competition for enrolling students in institution each year illustrates that university degree helps one to get an easy Job such as doctors, engineers and lawyers. Therefore, many people first part to consider their higher studies after their High school according their desire and Job market. On the other hand, many people had a mind set to make their child in soft skills or get them engage in low Jobs in order to achieve experience. They believe that experience will make them familiar with Market strategy and soft skills will raise their demand in the Job opportunity. In addition, various industries the experiences are listed as mandate requirement for recruitment such as business & sales job offers. However, few cases are due to their financial conditions which opt the education and select job for their family survival. In my opinion, the leading indicators to be successful in earnings one shall possess higher education studies as well experiences. Although, the initial days will be on less wages but with passage of time they will be considered as pioneer of relevant field. For example, the doctor as expert surgeon when he posses hands of experience. To sum up all, it is mandatory one shall achieve higher education and get some experience in order to develop the required skills for performing. For a successful future, it is combination of both necessities University degree and relevant experiences.

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It is considred by some that the best approach to obtain a decent job is through completion of university education, while there are others who thick that achieving the required experience and building up soft skills is more essential. This essay will briefly discuss both views and will draw my personal opinion.

On the one hand, many think that completing graduate and post-graduate studies will help them to obtain the most needed jobs. In their opinion, getting bachelor degree and even master degree will enable them to work in a more professional and academic jobs. In other words, without these degrees, it will be impossible for to be hired professional positions since nowadays there is a high competition to acquire these positions. For example, many jobs require completion of graduate studies including law, medicine, engineering and sciences.

On the other hand, many believe that it is more crucial to develop and enhance the person’s soft skills in addition to build up a good work experience. These people after graduation from high school will start immediately looking for jobs in order to accelerate their work experience and to acquire soft skills such as cummunications, interpersonal and leaderships skills. Moreover, they can work in different fields and expand their knowledge in many areas to meet certain jobs requirements such as multi field consultations, employment supervisions and management.

In conclusion, after a carefull analysis of both sides, the choice whether to continue college studies or to achieve experiences and soft skills is dependent on the person’s targeted job. In my opinion, continuation of graduate studies is necessary and it will open more opportunities in the future.

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Some people believe that a university degree is the most effective way to attain a decent job. In contrast, other people argue that work fields need more experience and soft skills than educational background. In my perspective, university graduates fit the academic career whereas soft skills are more needed in technical jobs. University is the best place for people to develop their way of thinking. In college, students are taught to think scientifically. In order to attain this skill, students need to complete their studies by completing various tasks, such as daily assignments, group work, and final papers. Most of the subjects that are taught in university are theoretical. As a final result, university graduates are expected to not only mastering a particular knowledge but also a critical way of thinking. That is why university education is suitable for those who seek careers that require strong academic backgrounds, such as doctor, lawyer, judge, and teacher. On the other hand, some professions require experience and soft skills more rather than merely an educational background. Experience is needed especially in the work fields that produce utilized products such as business, manufacture, and software industry. In these industries, the works need people who technically master how to produce the product. Therefore, experienced ones with soft skills are more needed in this field. I believe that both educational background and experience with soft skills matter in terms of building our careers. Educational background can build our mindset to be critical and creative. On the other hand, experience and soft skills can support our hard skills to make ourselves more qualified. The thing that we should consider is which one we should emphasize more, which depends on the career path we wish to pursue. In summary, we should decide first what career we would like to seek, therefore we can decide what kind of educational background and other qualifications requirement we should attain.

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Your website is very helpful in preparing for the IELTS writing section, and I really appreciate it. also, there is confusion, that it was told to me by my IELTS trainer and in few youtube videos that whenever we give an example to support the essay we shouldn’t be writing “for example” but here you’ve used that form so is it okay to do so because that’s how I prefer to write.

Of course it’s fine to use “For example”. It is 100% appropriate and suitable for essay writing. However, a good score for Coherence and Cohesion requires that you show flexibility and range – this means don’t repeat the same linking words unless there is no choice. There are many such linking words you can use as a paraphrase: such as, for instance, namely and so on. One linking word is not a higher score that the other. They are all suitable. Here is a link of linking words: https://ieltsliz.com/linking-words-for-writing/ and a link to my main writing task 2 page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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Some people consider having university degrees as the key to employment whereas others think building and developing soft skills and experience is an effective way to get a job. In my opinion, having both degree certificates and relevant skills is essential for getting the targeted position due to the growing competition. On the one hand, Most people strive for earning university credentials to get hired to the workplace of their choice. They consider so because some jobs typically require candidates to have qualifications related to the job position as employers may consider this as an essential tool to gauge applicant’s knowledge about their areas of work. Job postings, for example, doctors, teachers, professors, engineers, etc. require a certain level of knowledge about the concerned field which can only be reflected from the qualification of the job applicant. On the other hand, some people start working for building soft skills and experience rather than joining colleges and universities to crack their target job. Employers of some areas such as business, technical, IT basically look for candidates having relevant experience and soft skills rather than degree certificates for the post they want to hire ensuring low cost of hiring and quick adaptation of the new employees to their workplace. Thus, in response to such hiring trends, candidates get to indulge in training for soft skills development to reserve their position in a job market from their early stage of learning. However, both graduate degree certificates and essential skills are important factors in the competitive job market. Due to the growing number of university graduates and limited job positions, employers nowadays look for the best candidate who can competitively give a good return to the company after getting hired. For this reason, people work for earning both qualifications and skills to assure their future career. To give an example, the employer is more interested to hire a university graduate scholar with the computer, analytical, and organizing skills than the one having either of them. To recapitulate, both qualification and experience are equally crucial in getting a job depending upon the nature of the job people are looking for. Thus candidates should make sure about the emphasizing factor of getting hired before applying for employment. However, Earning both university degrees and relevant soft skills and experience is the best method to secure the demanded job position.

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Your website is very helpful and I love all the lessons you provide. I have a question. In a discussion essay where do we need to keep the sequence in which the opinion is presented in the question. E.g. If I agree with the second opinion should my first body paragraph have the second opinion (and I restate that I agree with it) or should I follow the sequence as the question.

Also, can I use “you” in my essay e.g. “On the one hand, some people think that if a friend differs from some of your actions, he acts as a deterrent to the deeds that might turn out bad and I agree with that”

Is it correct?

The body paragraphs present the two sides in the order that you have written them in your introduction. Keep a logical order at all times so that the reader knows what is coming next. The pronoun “you” is rarely used because we mainly refer to the third person in formal essays. Your example is not written in a way that I can understand. Unfortunately, the meaning is not clear and I can’t help you with it. If you post a clear example, I’ll be able to help.

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Please expert in the house help me vet this

Nowadays, people who move from one country to another for work. Some people think children of these families suffer because of this, while others think it is helpful to them.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is recently believed by certain individuals that children whose families travel across the globe due to their nature of job suffer a lot while others think these children enjoy the benefits. In my opinion, such happening has both negative and positive impacts on them, however, it depends on whether the parents travel with their kids or not.

On the one hand, children whose parents move around nation to nation leaving them behind due to their job may be led into waywardness. In other words, the absence of proper guidance would result them into committing crimes and behaviors that are nonchalant. Consequently, they may get into troubles that would affect their entire lives such as being jailed or rusticated from school. Another point is that such kids would lack companionship because the primary people to display love to them are absent. For instance, a female child who is raped would want to discuss the matter with her mother but if she is unavailable, the kid would return to her shell and fight it alone. Thus, resulting to depression and suicidal because of absence of love and care.

On the other hand, exploring other traditions and cultures can also be beneficial to kids that travel with their families. This means that, they would have wide knowledge of what the cultural beliefs are in the other countries which will help them to network globally when they become adults. For example, kids expose to other traditions and beliefs does not usually experience cultural shock and therefore would be able to represent their nation at any point. Another plus side is that it will keep the family bond solid which means that children will not be far from their parents and other siblings.

Finally, in my opinion, whether children are affected negatively or positively when their families travel around the world depends on if they embark on the journey together. Take for example, kids that are around their families every time will not engage in actions that can affect their lives because they would be cautioned. In contrast, those that are far from their relatives can be easily controlled by peer pressure.

In conclusion, the plus side and downsides depend solely on families embarking on these journeys with their children.

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Liz, I simply love your site. Thank you so much!

You’re welcome 🙂

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Hello thank so much now I am using your books and they really help me😊✌️

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Hello Liz, you mentioned before that one shouldn’t be impartial in an opinion essay and that you should agree or disagree but not something in between. i am sensing that this isn’t the case here in the model essay. it simply didn’t take one side.

if you feel it did, would it be possible that you give an example to a “wrong impartial” opinion to this essay topic? Thank you

I think you are confusing the term “impartial”. Being impartial means you are sitting on the fence. This means you are turning an opinion essay into a discussion essay with no clear opinion of what you really think – it’s just 50/50. An opinion essay requires a clear opinion or you will get a low score. This might be a one-sided opinion or it might be a partial agreement/disagreement or a specific opinion. Please see my advanced lessons to learn about this. It is available to purchase in my online store: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/ . It takes me 1 hour to explain this essay in full in that advanced lesson.

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Hi Mam! i hope you are doing good. I want to appreciate your effort for playing a positive role in helping to educate people free of cost in today’s era of materialism. thank you for all the tips and tricks to score high in ielts. Stay blessed. Reagrds

You’re very welcome. Happy 2021 !!

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Dear Liz, Thank you for all your free classes and materials. Your grammar book helped me a lot.

I just had my LRW exam today and these were my questions for Task 1 and 2 Your post is not delivered yet ( forgot the exact wordings. Write a letter to the post office manager. State your details Describe the documents Say what you want them to do

Task 2 People argue that spending a lot of money on marriage parties, birthday parties, and other celebrations is a waste of money. Others, however, believe that these celebrations are important for individuals and society. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Thanks again Take care

Glad the Grammar E-book is useful. Good luck with your results !!

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Dear Liz, I found your site by chance and it is amazing. Coud you look at my discussion essay and give ypur opinion please? Many thanks in advance!!!!!!!!

It is considered by some people that traditional shopping is the only way for making purchasing properly while there are others who prefer online shopping. In my opinion, it depends on many factors and premises. On the one hand, online shopping is more effortless. With just a click of a mouse or a tap on a screen, people can buy within seconds. Online shopping has become popular due to its convenience, accessibility and speed. With the continued success of e-commerce, many now question the existence of traditional stores. It is so great that you can shop anytime and anywhere. For example, you can easily visit the website, find the product you want to buy and wait for the product being delivered to you. If you need time to reconsider about the products, all you have to do is put the product in the virtual shopping bag or on the virtual wish list. On the other hand, only traditional shopping allows to touch, try and “smell” your purchase and understand whether you need this one or may be it is just an impulse. Besides, only real shopping gives the possibility to assess the quality and features of goods, while online shopping can be misleading in respect of authenticity of products to reality. One more problem of online shopping is the safety of online payments, which also might be an advantage in favor if traditional shopping since the payments are being controlled. In conclusion, both kinds of shopping have merits and shortages. The benefits of both shopping online and shopping in real stores are countless. However, it is true that sometimes merits could become shortages and vice versa, depending on the different perspectives that people hold.

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Some people think doing the university education is the best way to get a good jobs. However, some other people believes that experience and improving the soft skill is more important than education for getting a better job. in today’s labor market both are important, in my opinion education is playing more important role at first to get the better job and carrier development. Education is an ability how to find jobs, learn to earn, as much you learn that much you earn, what a democracy, human can learn as much he or she wish to, this new technology make is very easy to access to the books, journal and all the social media, education is a great advantage teach you how to work, clarifies your favorite carrier path, it guide you how to grow and further develop your future and enjoy your favorite field of interest and so no….. Education and the experience is an interchangeable, whiles experience is to develop future what you have learn in the university, wider your understanding of knowledge, and deep dive on your carrier field, researches, inventions an innovations and so no, to grow to the highest level of the economy and knowledge in the world, in addition soft skill is import as others, but education is the first priority, gives you an opportunity make to you understand well the skills and knowledge. In conclusion, both educations and the experience is an opportunity to find the best job. without proper education cannot find the best jobs and without experience cannot grow and wider the knowledge. however, if we look to the history we have some scholars the touched the ceiling without school educations, now we study their principles in the schools, thy were hard worker and talents.

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Thanks for the good work Liz, we are praying for you to get get back to your feet asap.

Ahead of the game sounds like an idiom, isn’t it?

Yes, “ahead of the game” in an idiom. Some idioms are suitable for writing task 2, but only a few. The idiomatic language that is safe to aim for are phrasal verbs that are clearly not informal.

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Question: In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might that be the case? DO you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Answer: Buying your own apartment now becomes more familiar in certain countries than renting an apartment. However, I assume that this trend has positive aspects and it also has several benefits.

One of the lucrative benefits is that people would become owners of permanent accommodation by buying a home. Besides, it can be possible to get huge facilities for instance saving money. People have to pay relatively less money when they will have their own apartment. In addition, it is easy to furnish them according to their own ways as well as their own apartment is secure rather than renting. Because you will have no worries about moving to another renting house when you have your own apartment.

Another issue is there are several countries such as in Finland renting a house is much more costly. Every month people have to pay 800-900 euros per month if they want to rent a private family apartment. I think this is too much to afford. On the other hand, if I have my own apartment, at the same time I can save the rest of the money. In this case owning a home is much better and flexible than renting.

Finally, I would say owning an apartment has other benefits. For example, people can get a spacious living room with a beautiful veranda which provides huge daylight. Moreover, most of the private apartments have 2 bedrooms where rooms are larger than rented houses. It is possible to set up any furniture in the way that people want. Living in an apartment is much more relaxing, comfortable and cosy.

In conclusion, although people have different views about this issue, my opinion supports the positive side of owning an apartment rather than renting.

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Governments give a lot of support to artists, even though some people think it is a waste of money that could have been used elsewhere.Discuss both views and give your opinion? An artist receives too much assistance from local government while some argued that money should be utilized on other neccessary matters rather than wasting on artists . I agree with this statement that government should take notice of important tasks on priority basis for a developed nation . On the one side , artists performs national representation at international level for earning name and fame in field through competition .As we know that not a single task is easy to master whether it is a game or dance, all this demands enthusiasm and dedication towards goal which is impossible for everyone to achieve . Therefore, this is not a big deal if a government is sending funds or prizes to artist because without money capability is nothing in today’s world . On the other side, for a developing nation such as India , discoveries in each and every field has been essential for the growth of a nation .Government should assist scientists for inventing treatment for death causing diseases such as cancer and free of cost treatment for every citizen so that nobody can die because of lack of money.In addition , free education to poor children must be provided so that they could stand on their feet one day . In conclusion, although artists represents a nation but fulfilling basic amenities of citizens in relation of food , education and health has been prioritized by the governments. Please review my essay mam

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If the essay requirement says we need to discuss both sides and give our opinions (like this model essay), can I say that I prefer one option over another? Because in this model essay, the author suggests that both opinions are good and there is no preference. I’m just wondering if we would be marked on this.

Thank you so much

When you give your own opinion, you can choose any opinion you want – either one sided or balanced (partial/specific agreement) approach.

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Hi Liz, I have been posting many essays to get your feedback …Can you please give me your feedback. thanks a lot. 🙂

To being with, many people think that the university education is important to get a decent job. Firstly, at universities, students learn and graduate in a desired specialization which is important to land up in a good job in that area. For example, if someone graduates as Chartered Accountant from a University, then they can get a good job in the Financial sector. Secondly, proponents of this theory believe that academics are important to carry out certain types of jobs which on the other hand cannot be done alone with gaining experience. For instance, doctors cannot perform surgeries without learning basic anatomy of the body which they learn though academics at Universities. Also, many universities offer internships programs in various companies which help the students to gain extra practical knowledge. This improves their chances to get a good job once they get graduated.

On the other hand, others believe that jobs can be a carried out by acquiring experience and soft skills. However, this holds applicable and true in certain types of jobs only. For example, jobs like housekeeping and driving, only relevant experience and some soft skills are required. Also, they believe that more experience they gain, more efficiently they can carry out their jobs and in-turn they can be more productive.

Hence, in conclusion, I believe that University education provides theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on practice through internships which tents to get a better job. I also agree that gaining experience and soft skills are equally important for getting a job in certain professions.

Sorry I do not offer this service. Please read the HOME page to learn more about how to use my site 🙂

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Hi liz, My question is, can we write information that is completely made up to support our ideas? For example, “A recent study done by University of Melbourne shows that men who eat at least 10 grams chocolate a day can run faster than those who do not eat it.”

Why would you choose to do that? It won’t help your score. You never need to state the source of information and you don’t need to present numbers in your task 2 essay. Just explain your idea in your own language.

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Dear mam, In opinion essay , when we give separate opinion on one side . Can we go both side in conclusion or should we have the same position in conclusion and opinion ? I am totally confuse in it. Please guide me. Thank you.

Please get my Advanced Lessons which will give you all your answers and lots of details: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/

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Also, I tend to have occasional long sentences, is it ok to use a semi-colon? Or do we just stick to comma and full stop for this test?

Thanks a bunch in advance!

Just stick to commas and full stops. To add information using clauses which are considered complex grammar features.

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Thank you for the amazing model answers you provide, your website is really helpful! I finished watching your advanced video on the discussion essays and I have a question regarding writing them, since I want to follow your structure.

If I agree with one side of the argument, I understand from your video that I should state my opinion in the introduction, right? Because a teacher told me that I shouldn’t write my opinion in the introduction (even if the question says give your opinion) but should instead explain it throughout the BP of the essays and the conclusion. So I want to make sure, it is okay if I paraphrase the question (people’s arguments) in a statement then express my opinion in the next statement “In my opinion, I believe that….” and agree with either side?

Also coming to the BPs, I was told by that teacher that if I explain reasons for people’s arguments in BP1 and BP2 (even though I added “I agree” in the BP that I agree with) it will affect my CC and TR. They said that I should explain that I do not agree with one BP and giving reasons for the opinion of people that I don’t agree with would mess up my TR & CC. Is this true? In your video, you explained that it’s okay to explain reasons for both sides then simply add I agree in the BP you agree with. So I’m a little lost here, I wish you can tell me what is right in this point.

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate all your efforts.

Has your teacher completed the IELTS examiner training course? Possibly not. It is 100% fine to put your opinion in the introduction – you are introducing your opinion. It is also 100% ok to state you agree with whichever body paragraph you agree with – in that paragraph you will state that you and other people agree (or disagree) and then give reasons. You only need a separate body paragraph when your opinion does not agree fully with either side (a specific opinion/partial agreement). Is your teacher telling you IELTS rules? No. Your teacher is giving you advice based on their own opinion of IELTS. Always differentiate between rules and advice when it comes to IELTS. Always ask your teacher if they are giving you fixed rules for IELTS or just their own personal advice. There is a lot of conflicting information about IELTS because of exactly that problem.

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Hi Liz thank you for your imformative website. I ‘ve got a question. Is the hook and general statement the same? Thank you

In the following link you will find a video lesson about writing an introduction. That lesson will explain about the hook and background statement: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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Hi Liz, I had Ielts computer based based exam today, in the writing 2 task I had written nearly about 270 words, but in conclusion part when I was writing my last sentences, time is up and the computer shuted down. I could not finish my last senteces and there was some unsense words. Is it a huge problem or not? Also, thank you sharing your information with us.

The most important thing is that you wrote a conclusion, even if you didn’t finish it. Having a conclusion is crucial. An incomplete conclusion will not affect things as much as an absent conclusion. Don’t worry too much about it.

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I am planning to start this essay with “Few people believe that…..” can we paraphrase “some” with “few”

The meaning of “few” is “not many”. It means a small number. “Few people” = a small number of people. This is not the same as “some”.

thank you liz

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Hi Liz, Many thanks to you for the service!

My question is, if I start with one tense form, should I follow the same tense throughout the essay? Or can I use different tenses in the essay?

Thanks in advance!

It isn’t possible to use one tense all the way through. You might need to use a perfect tense or a passive or a conditional statement. The tense will depend on what you want to say. It isn’t something you can decide beforehand. See my model essays and review how many different tenses are used: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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For Discussion Essays: Some books like IELTS Preparation & Practice, Reading & Writing Academic published by Oxfird suggest writing a 4 paragraph essay: intro+ first group+second group+conclusion(which restates the writes opinion). However you suggest a separate paragraph for the writer’s opinion(4th body paragraph). Does that mean that their style is wrong or could lead to a lower score?

It means that there are other options. There is no rule stating you must have 4 paragraphs in total. It is fine to have 5. You can get band 9 with either 4 or 5.

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Hello liz, i have read in many books that the opinion discussive essay, the opinion is only given in the conclusion unlike the opinion personal view point( the agree or disagree type). The books write, this essay will discuss both sides and give a concluding view and rather give the opinion in the conclusion. Can you please clarify that for me, thank you

Unfortunately, I am not able to control what is written in other books. The instructions from IELTS do NOT state to “discuss both sides and conclude your opinion”.

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Hullo Liz, Firstly I would like to thank you to help all of us selflessly…thanx to u. Today I gave my ielts in essay it was a discussion essay wherein I wrote my opinion in introduction as u say then main body paras Discussing both the sides but then I gave the conclusion n did not elaborate on my opinion… Will I lose marks? Plz tell…really worried. Thanx

I don’t understand. You said you gave your opinion in the introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. At what point do you feel that you didn’t explain it?

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Everybody told me that examples are not cardinal for essay but in some great ielts experts point of view like you mam and jay sir shows examples are vital. Through this students get more brand. Mam help me to solve my query.

Please mam help me my ielts exam on 17 August .

Please mam🙁🙁

I have never said examples are vital or 100% essential to an IELTS essay. I’m not sure what you are referring to. Examples are one way to support and illustrate a main point – you choose whether to illustrate that way or not. I suggest you review my model essays.

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Hi Liz, From my observation of the given example, I understood that , in the conclusion especially for discussion essays, we have to give a brief of our view on the topic and we should not include anything from the other paragraphs. Is my understanding correct?

Your reply here would be much appreciated.

There is no such rule in IELTS. Your conclusion is a summary of the main points.

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in the salad days of millenium, the society polarised into two groups. first, some people have a say that passing from University provide best to way to grab a good profession while other opinion that it is a bad to acquire proficiency and soft skills the following paragraphs would shed the light on both the approaches before making notes To commence with the first notion, there are Myriad things to be shared in its favour, first and foremost, it is undeniable education is essential part of one’s life. the majority of individuals believe that getting a degree from University Open the doors of word class opportunities and student can obtain a fine occupation for their future. In the other words, tertiary education help the students to understand the various concept which is related to their career which they have chosen by them. with the help of education they enhence their creativity on particular subject which is significant for future work opportunities

shifting towards the second school of thought, having experience of work and soft skills such as communication skills leadership skills and other interpersonal skills act as a boon for people to access a great livelihood. if individuals have a great proficiency in their skill which helps in getting a job as we all know more than half of companies prefer those employees who have a great experience in their work instead of University credentials. for instance if someone want to get a job in insurance company then they must be have a good communication skills for this job

Sorry, I don’t offer marking or comments on writing. However, I will say avoid learning phrases that you think will impress the examiner such as “in the salad days of millenium, the society polarised into two groups”. Such phrases damage your score. This is not creative writing. In a test, each sentence must be created by you in the test room. Also don’t use hook, it isn’t needed for IELTS essays and is a complete waste of time. Go to the main section for writing task 2 on this site and learn how to write an introduction for IELTS = click on the RED BAR at the top of the site. Or get my paid Advanced Lessons to learn more.

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Hi Liz, Thank you so very much for your helpful blogs. I am following only you for my IELTS GT preparation. I have one doubt, I am aiming to score 7.5 or 8 band in writing. Is it fine if I write approx 300 words of essay? Definitely related to demand of question. I always try to write around 270-280 words but I feel that there is still something missing which I should add on to make it more accurate. Kindly suggest.

If you are adding words to your introduction or conclusion, it won’t help your score. If you are adding more to your body paragraphs, think carefully if it is actually 100% vital. More words open you to the possibility of more errors or a less focused essay.

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It is considered by some people that finishing university education is the most effective way to get a decent job, however, have experience and developing soft skills are the keys for finding good jobs still thought by many people. In my opinion, although experience and developing soft skills are important for finding good jobs, I believe the completing university courses can improve the person’s knowledge and other skills in a very effective way as well as the best way for people to prepare their careers.

Attending the university courses can let people gain knowledge effectively, most universities offer high-quality courses both online and offline, students can achieve professional theory knowledge from different aspects through interaction with their professors, once they have questions they can get feedback and answers quickly. On the other hand, universities offer many practical classes which allow students gain experience, students also have plenty opportunities to discuss in their groups and cooperate with other students from other majors which also cultivate their social skills. Both knowledge and practical skills, as well as social skills, are very essential for finding a good job.

There is no doubt that work experience and developing soft skills or social skills are vital for finding jobs, the companies are more likely to employ the person who has job experience which people usually can find on job recruitments’ qualifications. When people find a job, he/she should be a good work player who is not only professional about her/his area but also should know how to communicate with others as well as cooperate with others. A report says that persons who have strong communication skills are much more welcomed in a work environment.

In conclusion, although both experience and developing soft skills are vital factors for finding jobs, I still believe that attending the universities is the best way for people who prepare their careers because people can gain experience and social skills in the campus as well.

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hello ! thanks for your tips . And i have a question , is it okay to write ” in this following essay i will shed light on both views and state my own position” in last sentence ?

Never memorise a sentence to put in your essay. Each sentence should be entirely created by yourself in the test. If the instructions say “discuss both sides and give your opinion”, you do not need to repeat those instructions. The examiner knows what you are going to do – what the examiner doesn’t know is what ideas you will use. Use my model essays to guide you or get my Advanced lessons to learn in depth.

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I just watched your advanced task 2 lesson and have couple questions on it. For the discussion essay, the balanced opinion seems more profound than one-sided opinion. Will I get lower band score if I choose to write one-sided opinion? Or will I get higher band if I choose to write balanced opinion. And can I choose one-sided opinion in any topics?

Thank you! 🙂

The balanced opinion essay means the discussion essay with specific opinion. Sorry for that. 🙂

I taught both options so that you would have a choice. The choice will depend on the question and the ideas you have for it. Sometimes a one-sided approach isn’t always the easiest option. No, you don’t get a higher or lower score for one or the other. Your score is not based on your choice of one-sided or specific view point. It is based on how relevant your ideas are and if you addressed the task with a clear opinion.

Thank you very much Liz!!!!:)

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I am writing to seek your help with double views and opinion statement essay type.

Here is the question prompt I am practicing: Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we rarely do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?

Here is the introductory paragraph I have written with my opinion: Aggressive product promotions are considered to be one of the efficient ways of attracting new customers. While some people believe that advertisements allures the buyers and instigates them to purchase the unnecessary items, the others consider it to be an effective method of promoting awareness about the latest trends – I second this thought.

Please guide, is it write way of supporting an argument in a formal way? If not, please suggest how can I improve.

Thanks Jasmeet Kaur

Paraphrase the statement given and then present your opinion. Two separate statements. Try writing that and post it. See this page if you don’t understand: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2-how-to-write-an-introduction/

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I’m struggling to reach a higher bandscore than 6.0 in writing. Therefore I bought your advanced writing lessons to spot some of my possible mistakes. Beside the fact that I have problems to structure my thoughts quickly, I’m sometimes confused by the question itself. After watching your lessons, I have tried to answer some essay questions and I came across with some I don’t know how I should organise them.

Firstly, for example, the discussion essay about the death penalty on your website. This question only mentions that I have to discuss both side. So, I’m not sure if I have to write a balanced view or can I also write a one-sided view? Moreover, I think I should not give my opinion, however, a one-sided view seems to reflect my personal point of view. How would you organise your essay?

Secondly, I’m really confused with the question “Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” You said, it doesen’t matter whether there is a “do you think” include or not, because I have to make a choice which side outweigh the other…admittedly there are many official Model answer from IELTS books, which don’t give an opinion in terms of this question. Are there any differents I didn’t recognise?

I would be really grateful if you could help me.

Kind regards, Wiebke

In my Advanced lesson for the Discussion Essay there is a model essay for a Discussion without an opinion. Please take a look at it. Any question that is asking you to choose options will require an opinion – there are many ways to voice an opinion.

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Dear Liz. Your advanced lessons are so helpful and clear.

Unfortunately I can’t say the same regarding the Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS which contains 8 full practice tests with sample answers for writing. I have to say that the sample answers for task 1 are very good but the ones for task 2 are so confusing. For instance, a discussion essay was turned into advantage disadvantage one.. the opinion is not mentioned in the introduction or in the BP, it is given in the conclusion… I wish I can send you a picture of it so you can mark it.

Another issue that confuses me; can we use questions in the essay? In one example of adv. Outweigh Disadv. they ended up the introduction with a question: is this a development we should welcome? The opinion is also put in the conclusion only… Thanks in advance

IT is not the task of IELTS to make their test easy. That is the task of teachers and ex-examiners. We provide the easy to follow models, not IELTS. About your second query, you should present supporting points which are statements, not questions. There isn’t enough length in the essay to start creating questions which will then need addressing further. Just stick with statements.

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Hi liz In the introduction can I write “in this essay I will deliberately discuss the both views and formulate my opinion at the end of the essay ” instead answering directly in the introduction

Do not memorise sentences or phrases. You can learn words and linking devices. All sentences and phrases should be created by yourself. See my model essays.

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then what do you recommend? and how do they examine grammar?

Grammar is marked by using a range of tenses that are suitable and appropriate to the essay and the subject. You can’t push a future prefect into your essay because you think it will give you a higher score. All tenses must be used correctly. The examiner will also pay attention to sentence structures, so you need to pay attention to not being too repetitive. Furthermore, the examiner will look at the density of grammar errors, for example band 5 = frequent errors, band 6 = some errors, band 7 = few errors. So, you can see your aim is to produce a range of suitable grammar and also reduce the errors you make. At all times, you only use the grammar you are familiar with to reduce errors. I am currently putting together a grammar e-book which will explain all this in great detail.

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How can I buy your grammar book?

It won’t be available to buy for a few months. It is 90% complete, but it will take me a few months to edit it and get it ready for people to buy.

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Hi Liz, thank you a lot for your useful advice and if it is possible, please give feedback, this is my first essay.

Instruction is simply to discuss not to give opinion.

In last decades, with the impact of growing globalization, it is noticed significant positive affects in the economy of the world, whereas this globe challenges brings some negative aspects with itself. Regarding the advantages of the globalization, a number of leading companies of the world gain more profits, while some affected countries are forced to lose their cultural values.

On the one hand, there is a competition between huge international companies over the world. They compete to produce products in better quality and lower prices. As a result, this overseas rivalry helps to boost world economy, at the same time, people all over the world take advantages in connection with buying more qualitative and less expenses products. For instance, it is obviously seems that the products which are manufactured by Samsung, Apple, Huawei and some other main companies have wide functions and simultaneously they are sold in lower prices.

On the other hand, there are some affected countries that people who live in these countries are obliged to get used to customs and traditions of the hegemon countries. In this manner, impacted society uses international languages, listens to singers who are famous all over the world and eats meals which are popular overseas and so on. To illustrate, McDonalds, KFC, Mado serve to people in more than half of the world countries, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Rihanna are listened by at least one of three people and English, German, Russian languages have been more important than their native languages.

In conclusion, the monosemous acceptance of globalization is not proper approach. When this term is talked over, both sides should be taken into account.

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Mam, why your advanced writing task 2 lessons have only 1) opinion, 2) discussion and 3) adv/disadvantages type essays lessons? What about a) problems/solutions, b) two-part (direct question) and c) positive/negative development type essays? Kindly reply, because I want to learn structure of each type of IELTS (GT) essay. Thank you.

Because I became too sick to make more videos.

First of all, thank you for your prompt reply, Hope you are doing well now. I will pray for your health and speedy recovery. Can I expect video lessons on those missing type essays in near future? Or do you think it is sufficient enough to just go through your sample essays on those type of essays to get an idea of written structure?

The three Advanced lessons available teach you enough skills to be able to apply the same logical. However, you will need to review model essays and other tips. Did you see my free writing task 2 lessons? See this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/ . Yesterday I put up a lesson about a mixed task essay with tips: https://ieltsliz.com/model-essay-for-tv-weight-problems/ . Just take a look around my site. It is unlikely I will make a new video soon. I’m still too sick for videos. But I post regular lessons on my site and am working on e-books “Ideas for IELTS Essays” and “Grammar for Writing Task 2”.

Yes, I already read the tips mentioned in the first link and just went through the second link now, both were so helpful. You are an indeed a blessing for students who are struggling with their IELTS score. Thank you for your help and tips. I am desperately waiting for your e-books. Best wishes and prayers for your health.

Thanks. I do plan to get back to making videos, but not until my health is completely recovered which might take a long time. As soon as I can, I’ll be making Advanced lessons for every single part of the IELTS test.

Hopefully you’ll be able to make more videos for your students very soon. Lot of respect and prayers for you mam. One of your students from other part of the world 🙂

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Pleaaaase shed some light on the following: in the introduction of Task 2, what is the best waybto phrase that the X will be discussed in the essay. Do you say ‘This essay will discuss/This essay disagrees” or do you make use of pronouns such as ‘I’ “I agree that/ I will discuss X” . So confused as someone (online tutors) would say one thing, someone something different again. So now I don’t know which would be acceptable by an IELTS examiner.

You don’t need to use it at all. It is not required for IELTS. As you see, none of my model essays use that kind of sentence.

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How to Write a Discussion Essay

Last Updated: June 27, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 445,877 times.

Jake Adams

Discussion Essay Outline and Example

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Planning Your Essay

Step 1 Work through the...

  • For instance, maybe the question is, "Immigration has been a heated topic on the national level for many years. With issues like the DREAM Act and President Trump's stances on policy, it's likely to remain a central issue. Using authoritative resources to back up your argument, take a stance on immigration policy, establishing whether you think it should be more or less strict and why."
  • You can establish that the main topic is immigration policy from the sentence, "Take a stance on immigration policy."
  • If you're having trouble understanding the question, don't be afraid to talk to the professor. They can help you better understand what they're asking for.

Step 2 Perform initial research to understand the issue.

  • If your essay will be based off a discussion had in class, ask your instructor if you can use class notes as a primary source.
  • Look for respected news sources, as well as websites with ".edu" and ".gov" extensions.
  • You may need to look up information on the DREAM Act or President Trump's policies to help you understand the question, for example. For this part, you don't need to take extensive notes, as you're just trying to get a feel for the subject.

Step 3 Take a side on the issue to begin outlining your essay.

  • If you were given a text to base your essay on, make sure that text has enough evidence to support your chosen position.

Step 4 Add the main points you'd like to cover to your outline.

  • Use Roman numerals on your page to mark your main ideas. Write a main point by each Roman numeral. You should only cover 3 to 4 main points in a relatively short essay, such as one that's 3 to 5 pages.

Step 5 Find research to support your points.

  • Your main sources should be books or ebooks, journal articles from academic journals, and credible websites. You can also use high quality news articles if they're applicable to your topic.

Step 6 Take notes that include citations.

  • For a book, you should include the author's name, the editor's name (if applicable), the title of the book, the publication year, the publication city, the edition, and the title of the book chapter in an anthology by multiple authors.
  • For a journal, include the author's name, the journal title, the article title, the digital object identifier (DOI), the ISSN, the publication date, the volume (if applicable), the issue (if applicable), and the page numbers for the journal article.
  • If you're searching in a database, you can often ask the database to save this information for you, but you should include identifiers on your notes.

Step 7 Fill in your outline to finish planning your essay.

  • For example, if one of your main points is "Immigration increases diversity," some of your points underneath might be "Brings in new cuisines," and "Brings in new art."
  • Find examples from your research, and add notes to each point to fill them in.

Writing the Introduction

Step 1 Begin with a hook such as a quotation or anecdote to engage readers.

  • For an example or anecdote, start by telling a short story about something relevant to your topic. For instance, you might write the following for an essay on immigration, "When I was 4-years-old, my parents told me we were going on a long trip. After a bus ride, we spent nights walking, my dad carrying me most of the way. One day, we crossed a river. That day marked our first day in our new country."

Step 2 Introduce your topic in your transition sentences.

  • For example, you might write, "Immigration is a highly-debated issue. It is controversial because some people fear how it affects the resources of the country the people are immigrating to, while others believe the improved quality of life for immigrants is what’s most important."

Step 3 Work on a thesis statement to establish your argument.

  • For instance, your thesis statement might be, "Immigration is good for the country because it increases diversity, infuses the country with new talent, and broadens the population's perspective, and it should be encouraged with a few basic safeguards in place."

Composing the Body of Your Essay

Step 1 Limit each paragraph to 1 idea.

  • For instance, if you're writing a short research paper, one paragraph might be your main point "Immigration increases diversity," where you cover all your bullet points in that paragraph.
  • If you're digging deeper, you might create a section about diversity, and then use a paragraph to cover "brings in new cuisines," another to cover "brings in new art," and so on.

Step 2 Acknowledge the other side of the issue.

  • Try not to set up a "straw man" argument, where you don't give the other side a fair chance. You should be able to support your position without purposefully creating a weak position on the other side.

Step 3 Keep your whole argument in mind as you write.

  • For instance, maybe you want to transition between a section about increasing diversity to one about bringing in new talent. You might write a sentence like, "Increasing diversity in our country doesn't just bring in new cuisines and art, it also brings in hard workers that have fresh perspectives on old problems in the workforce."

Step 4 Support your ideas with research.

  • You can paraphrase other ideas or use direct quotes, but only use a direct quote if the author said something in a unique way. Otherwise, put it in your own words.
  • You may want to begin body paragraphs with a quote from a relevant source. Then, explain or provide commentary on the quote and show how it supports your position.
  • You can also use statistics to back up your research. For instance, if one of your arguments is that immigration doesn't increase crime, use statistics to back that up.

Concluding Your Essay

Step 1 Synthesize the information from your essay.

  • For instance, you might write, "A truly great country is one that celebrates differences and welcomes new ideas and perspectives. While immigration has some negative effects on a country, overall, allowing people from other countries to come in helps to spark new ideas and make the country a better and more interesting place to live. Rather than being a drain on society, immigrants are motivated to work hard and our citizens can only benefit from listening to their perspectives."

Step 2 Avoid restating your introduction.

  • Once you have the flow down, read it again to check for grammatical mistakes and typos. It can help to read it aloud, as it slows you down and forces you to read every word.

Expert Q&A

Jake Adams

  • Remember you can't research forever. Often, the research stage absorbs a student so fully that the upcoming submission date seems unimportant. Make sure to leave yourself at least a few days to write your essay. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Jake Adams

To write a discussion essay, start by taking a side on the issue you're writing about, like "Immigration is good for the country." Then, outline the main points that made you decide to take that position and do research to find evidence that backs them up. Look for credible sources that can help you make your argument, and don't forget to cite them. Then, when you're writing your essay, devote 1 paragraph to each main point and include your evidence. For help writing the introduction and conclusion to your essay, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion Essay

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Analysis of the advertisement, personal reflection, works cited.

Rihana and the Nivea Skin Care Product.

Advertisements are very manipulative and use tactics that directly and involuntarily appeal to the mind of the target person. Despite the ignorance of the same and disbelief in their effects, advertisements remain complex and significant in the choice of products owned by an individual. Usually, ads appeal to memory or emotional response. As a result, it creates a natural motivation response that triggers the mind to activate affiliation, self-acceptance, and feign community feeling. In the end, advertisements succeed in appealing to emotions through capitalization on biases and prejudices of people. The ad offers the cognitive perspective of product or service perception to influence the purchasing pattern of members of the target group at the individual level. In the product market, lifestyle defines the activities clients are involved in such as beliefs, opinion, health aspect, and interests (Bowden 31).

Therefore, response to an advertisement will originate from the bandwagon technique, which heaps pressure on the mind to follow the perceive crowd. As a result, the answer will form the risk reversal element. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the Nivea Skin Care product advertisement in terms of its appeal to needs, desires, and values.

This advertisement has a sophisticated presentation, and it directly appeals to women across the globe. Understanding of the mind is often ignited through a series of propaganda initiatives aimed at the awakening involuntary desire to possess or associate with a product or service. The advertisement is meant for the western market since the picture in it is that of the famous American singer Rihana.

The image of the famous singer Rihana is clear in this Nivea skin care product advert. The advertisement appeals to beauty and youthfulness as part of the feminine subjectivity. The commercial is strategically sound since it is designed for the women audience. The poster is driven by the object of perfection designed to convey information to women about the attractiveness of their skin. The commercial has employed an emotive language e to reveal the benefits of the Nivea skin product which has been in the market for a century.

The product is publicized because it is available to all women. Thus, the benefits and values of the Nivea product must be communicated through the famous singer to the target market. The advertisement is focused on persuading women about the relevance of the product since everybody wants healthy and glowing skin. Bad skin is depicted in this commercial as the worst enemy to the freedom of women. The target market wants always to remain sexy, young, and beautiful as the image displayed in this advertisement.

The image shows a slim and youthful lady associated with the modern model lifestyle. Reflectively, the excessive focus on body appearance has contributed to the high usage of this cosmetic product. The advertisement has utilized the youthful image of the famous singer to build cultural and social values that associate the product with smooth skin. The product emphasizes the culture of freedom and happiness as visualized in the image of the famous singer. A potential customer may be persuaded to purchase this product frequently to enjoy the freshness and freedom, as displayed in the advertisement image. The decision may be influenced by the need to have smooth and fresh skin to feel the freedom promised in the advertisement image.

Upon reviewing this advertisement, I believe that it intended to sway the women customers to cue their mind by what they see and follow recommendations from famous persons associated with perfection. I am convinced that the use of glittering generalities on this product aims at influencing the involuntary urge in mind to identify with attractiveness as painted in colorful Nivea advertisement. I believe that any mind in the target culture would easily be influenced by the brightness and attractive presentation. The members of this society want to imitate what they perceive as perfect or famous.

The main reason for using television as the advertising medium is that it will facilitate to capture a vast target audience. Majority of the homesteads in the target market own televisions. Hence, using television to advertise the Nivea Skin Care product will allow the company to reach a wider consumer base. Apart from reaching a wider consumer base, television conveys messages in both audio and visual form. Therefore, through this medium, I am convinced that the Nivea Company can pass the information even to those consumers who are not conversant with the online platform. Advertising the Nivea Skin Care product in both audio and visual format has facilitated in information retention. Once people watch and hear these television advertisements of the Nivea Skin Care product, it becomes hard for them to forget it quickly.

In the television advertisement, the Nivea Company has embraced the element of perceptions. Perceptions are unique ways through which consumers internalize and interpret information about a product. In the case of the Nivea ad, I noticed that the perceptions are related to price, quality, and quantity. In my opinion, the aspect of appealing to ideals of the target population has been perfected by contracting the popular female celebrity as company’s Nivea Skin Care product image. Through recommendations of Rihana, who is a renowned celebrity, the target consumers are persuaded to try out the ideal product recommended by their favorite celebrity.

This campaign has a complex presentation and directly appeals to female customers across the globe. From the picture in the advertisement, it was initially meant for the western market since the image in the ad is that of the famous female American singer. The campaign is strategically sound since it was designed carefully to suit a particular target audience who are the female customers who use the Nivea Skin Care product. The Nivea campaign is driven by the specific objective of informing and appealing to the potential customers about the need to sustain beauty through skin care.

In summary, through timely appeal to emotions and self prejudice, the advertisement plan for the Nivea Skin Care product will skew human mind towards embracing the ‘perceived goodness’ and need to identify with ‘the ideal’ in the advertisement strategy. Interestingly, these aspects are integrated as perfect in the advertisement plan about the Nivea product through the use of bright and powerful communication themes such as the brand name. The company must have a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the Nivea product market, quality assurance, cultural compliance, and practical marketing skills when reaching its target market through the Nivea advertisement. The language used in the Nivea advertisement makes the customers to quickly identify their needs, desires, and perceptions of beautiful skin.

I believe that this advertisement has employed emotive language, facts, and opinions as an approach to reveal the intentions of the Nivea advertisement. Reflectively, in my opinion, the successes of the Nivea Skin Care product promotion message is deeply entrenched in the principle of keeping a reliable and professional reputation in exchanging ideas and convincing customers. Through a timely appeal to emotions and self prejudice, the Nivea Company have realized that human mind is often skewed towards embracing the ‘perceived goodness’ and need to identify with ‘the ideal’ in the packaging of the Nivea Skin Care as the ideal skin care product. Interestingly, these aspects are painted as perfect in the above advertisement through the use of bright and powerful communication themes such as the image of Rihana and short but clear message appealing to the mind of potential customers.

Generally, the catchier an advertisement is, the higher the chances of recognition by the target audience. On the other hand, less catchy advertisements may not work well with the perceptions of the target audience. Creation of content is essential when appealing to donors of diverse social, political, religious, and ideological inclination. Cueing of the perceptions of the target audience was well organized and executed in the Nivea Skin Care product advertisement. The effects of media on the advertisement campaign are weighed against the suitability of marketing approaches. Therefore, realistic market assessment and creation of a unique market niche are the main prerequisites for successful advertisement campaign monitoring. The Nivea advertisement has all these qualities.

Bowden, John. “The Process of Customer Engagement: A Conceptual Framework.” Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 17.1(2009): 63-74. Print.

“Rihana and the Nivea Skin Care Product” n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 19). The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-nivea-skin-care-product-ad-discussion/

"The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion." IvyPanda , 19 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/the-nivea-skin-care-product-ad-discussion/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion'. 19 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion." May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-nivea-skin-care-product-ad-discussion/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion." May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-nivea-skin-care-product-ad-discussion/.


IvyPanda . "The Nivea Skin Care Product Ad Discussion." May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-nivea-skin-care-product-ad-discussion/.

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Sample Answer

A majority of people are prompted by advertising to purchase all kinds of consumer goods. This essay will discuss the issues associated with this and propose several solutions to avoid these unwanted outcomes.

An obvious problem of buying products through advertisements is the uncertainty over the quality of the purchased items, ranging from fake, faulty, or low-quality products to even hazards. So-called ‘hand products’ such as cosmetics and medicine, imported into a country by individuals via airways, are usually claimed on social media as standardized or approved when their quality has, in fact, yet to be inspected by the authorities. Another consequence stemming from advertising-based purchases is debt. Thousands of people, especially young workers, in major cities struggle to refrain from buying fashion products or electronic devices, despite their unaffordable prices.

One approach to preventing these consequences is to select only official and prestigious suppliers. Thus, one can avoid spending huge sums only to receive low-quality or hazardous products. One more recommendable solution is the ‘50/30/20 proportion,’ in which no more than 30% of one’s monthly income should be allocated for pastimes, including entertainment, traveling, and shopping, with the surplus (20%) converted into savings after essential expenditures (50%). Ultimately, individuals should desist as much as possible from surfing social media, well-known as a major channel for advertising. Now that one is aware of the influence these platforms exert on consumer behaviors, one should instead spend their leisure time doing physical activities or reading books.

In conclusion, buying consumer products through advertising can cause quality-related issues of varying seriousness as well as significant money losses. To tackle these problems, individuals should make sure they are selective about suppliers, employ a reasonable spending scale, and finally, minimize using social media.

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Cách viết Discussion Essay và bài mẫu trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Hướng dẫn cách viết dạng bài discussion essay từng bước cụ thể ghi điểm cao. Cùng với bài mẫu tham khảo & các sai lầm phổ biến cần tránh & tips làm bài.

Chủ đề bài viết

Đối với IELTS Writing Task 2 , bạn sẽ được yêu cầu viết một bài luận về một chủ đề bất kỳ với nhiều dạng bài khác nhau, trong đó discussion essay là dạng bài rất phổ biến. Thí sinh đôi khi khó nhận biết dạng bài này bởi thường nhầm lẫn với dạng bài opinion essay hay advantage/disadvantage essay. Bài viết sau đây IDP IELTS chia sẻ đến bạn cũng như cách nhận biết, cách viết discussion essay và bài mẫu tham khảo.

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1. Discussion essay là gì?

Dạng discussion essay trong IELTS Writing sẽ đưa ra hai vấn đề/quan điểm trái ngược nhau và yêu cầu người viết bàn luận về cả hai vấn đề/quan điểm đó và đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân của mình. Điều quan trọng là bạn cần giữ được tính khách quan khi phân tích các khía cạnh của vấn đề, rồi từ đó mới đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân. Dưới đây là một số yêu cầu đề bài thường gặp:

Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

Discuss both these views and then give your own opinion. 

Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion.

Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast food. Many people think that it is good to eat traditional food while others believe that fast food is a good choice.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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2. Cách nhận biết discussion essay

Nếu đề bài yêu cầu như Discuss both these views…/Discuss both views…/Discuss both sides …thì chính là dạng bài discussion essay. Chìa khóa nhận biết là đề bài đưa ra một vấn đề với hai ý kiến trái chiều và bạn cần bàn luận cả hai, và đưa thêm quan điểm cá nhân của chính bạn. Thí sinh thường nhầm lẫn dạng bài opinion và advantages/disadvantages.

Dạng bài opinion essay yêu cầu bạn đưa ra một quan điểm và dùng những lý luận để phân tích quan điểm đó. 

Dạng bài advantages/disadvantages đưa ra một vấn đề, có thể là một sự phát triển về mặt nào đó, sau đó yêu cầu bạn đưa ra các ưu điểm và nhược điểm của xu hướng này. 

Còn được gọi là bài luận agree/disagree, thường được thể hiện như sau:

Đề bài chỉ đưa ra một bối cảnh và câu hỏi thường được thể hiện như sau:

3. Những lỗi thường gặp trong discussion essay

Khi bạn xác định sai dạng bài, bài luận sẽ không đáp ứng yêu cầu đề bài. Sau đây là 3 sai lầm thường gặp khi làm bài discussion essay:

Không đưa ra ý kiến ​​​​cá nhân.

Không phân tích hai mặt quan điểm.

Không phân tích hai mặt quan điểm một cách đồng đều.

Sai lầm phổ biến nhất mà thí sinh mắc phải là không đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân ​​của mình. Đề bài yêu cầu bạn nêu ý kiến cá nhân, liệu sau khi phân tích thì cuối cùng bạn nghiêng về bên nào hơn. Nếu bạn không trình bày được, bạn sẽ không ghi điểm cho tiêu chí Task achievement (khả năng hoàn thành yêu cầu bài thi).

Bạn hãy nhớ rằng, không quan trọng bạn đồng ý khía cạnh nào của quan điểm hoặc thậm chí là bạn đồng ý với nó như thế nào. Tuy nhiên, bạn phải phân tích đồng đều cho cả hai vế. Lỗi mà thí sinh thường mắc phải là phân tích quan điểm họ đồng tình sâu sắc hơn, dẫn đến sự mất cân bằng trong lập luận của cả hai quan điểm.

Đăng Ký Thi IELTS Trên Giấy Ngay

4. Cấu trúc của một bài discussion essay

Cấu trúc bài là một phần quan trọng không thể thiếu khi viết bất kỳ dạng bài nào. Tương tự như các dạng essay khác, discussion essay bao gồm 3 phần chính mở bài, thân bài, kết bài.

1. Phần mở bài: đề bài

2. Phần thân bài thứ nhất

3. Phần thân bài thứ hai

 4. Kết luận

Tổng kết hai quan điểm và bạn nêu quan điểm cá nhân.

Cấu trúc này sẽ giúp bài discussion essay cân đối. Sau đây là các bước chuẩn bị giúp bạn làm bài hiệu quả.

5. Các bước chuẩn bị viết discussion essay

Bước 1: phân tích đề bài.

Phân tích đề bài là một bước quan trọng trong quá trình chuẩn bị đảm bảo bạn hoàn thành bài luận theo yêu cầu đề bài. Bước này vô cùng dễ thực hiện. Bạn chỉ cần xác định 3 ý sau:

Xác định chủ đề cần bàn luận là gì.

Xác định quan điểm/vấn đề của chủ đề.

Xác định yêu cầu đề bài.

Chủ đề nói về zoos .

Sau khi bạn xác định được chủ đề thì hãy xác định quan điểm mà đề bài yêu cầu viết về. 

Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down . Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals .

Thông qua những từ khóa này, đề bài yêu cầu viết về hai quan điểm trái ngược nhau. Sở thú là nơi tàn nhẫn và không nên hoạt động, mặc khác cho rằng chúng hữu ích trong việc bảo vệ động vật hoang dã. Bạn cần phân tích hai quan điểm này.

Xem thêm: Làm sao để hiểu đề bài luận trong Writing Task 2

Bước 2: Chọn quan điểm mà bạn đồng ý

Giám khảo đánh giá bài luận của bạn thông qua khả năng viết tiếng Anh với một cấu trúc tốt hay không, không quan trọng là bạn đồng ý với quan điểm nào. Vì vậy, bạn có thể chọn quan điểm nào mà bạn đồng tình và đảm bảo nó rõ ràng, thống nhất trong bài luận. Đối với đề bài này, bạn có thể đồng ý với nhận định rằng sở thú là nơi tàn nhẫn và không nên hoạt động.

Bước 3: Lên ý tưởng & Lập dàn ý bài discussion essay

Bước tiếp theo là lên một số ý tưởng và lập dàn ý để viết.

Để không căng thẳng và bình tĩnh suy nghĩ trong lúc làm bài, bạn hãy tưởng tượng bạn đang trò chuyện với một người và họ hỏi bạn câu hỏi thường nhật. Bạn sẽ trả lời họ như thế nào? Từ đó, hãy lập dàn ý cho bài luận từ những ý tưởng trả lời của bạn.

Cách này sẽ giúp bạn đưa ra câu trả lời đơn giản với từ ngữ không quá phức tạp. Hãy thử mẹo này nhé.

Đây là một số ý tưởng bạn có thể tham khảo:

Cruel – closed down:

Cramped cages – animals distressed

Unnatural environments

Most animals not endangered

Animals become a public spectacle for entertainment

Useful – protect wild animals:

Research work to learn more about wild animals

Breeding programmes for endangered species

Some species saved from extinction

Seeing wild animals close up inspires people to want to help protect them

Trên đây có khá nhiều ý tưởng, bạn có thể chọn hai ý để làm luận cứ phân tích và bàn luận cho hai quan điểm.

Idea 1 – Cramped cages & unnatural environments, animals distressed.

Idea 2 – Breeding programmes for endangered species, some species saved from extinction.

Bước 4: Chuẩn bị từ vựng

Trong bài luận IELTS, điều quan trọng là có thể diễn đạt cùng một ý nghĩa theo những cách khác nhau, bằng cách paraphrase hoặc sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa. Trong bước lập dàn ý, hãy nhanh chóng ghi lại một vài từ đồng nghĩa mà bạn có thể sử dụng.

zoos – animals in captivity, collections of wild animals, menagerie, wildlife park

cruel – to cause suffering, inhumane

protect – safeguard, preserve

animals – creatures, species

Sau khi hoàn tất các bước chuẩn bị, chúng ta bắt tay vào việc viết bài.

6. Hướng dẫn cách viết discussion essay

Cách viết phần mở bài.

Phần mở bài của discussion essay gồm 3 phần đơn giản:

Paraphrase câu hỏi.

Tổng quan ý tưởng sẽ phân tích cho hai quan điểm mà bạn đề cập trong phần thân bài.

Đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân.

Phần mở bài nên từ 2 - 3 câu. 40 - 60 từ. Dành 5 phút để viết.

Paraphrase câu hỏi

Bắt đầu phần mở bài bằng cách paraphrase câu hỏi.

Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều cụm từ để paraphrase câu hỏi. Sau đây là ví dụ các cụm từ khác nhau nhưng thể hiện cùng ý nghĩa.

Some people argue that… while others say that…

It is considered by some…. while there are others who think….

It is often argued that... whilst others disagree and think...

Chọn một trong các ví dụ trên và paraphrase câu hỏi. Bạn có thể đề cập quan điểm mà bạn không đồng ý trước.

Lưu ý việc sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa trong ví dụ mẫu. Bạn không cần phải thay thế các từ trong câu, bạn có thể thay bằng từ khác nếu nó phù hợp và tự nhiên.

Tổng quan ý tưởng và luận điểm cá nhân

Tiếp theo, bạn cần thêm một câu tổng quan về ý tưởng để làm luận cứ cho hai quan điểm mà bạn sẽ trình bày trong phần thân bài (idea 1 và 2 ví dụ trên) và một câu thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của mình.

Sau đây là phần mở bài hội tụ đủ 3 phần:

Phần mở bài này đáp ứng được ba chức năng quan trọng:

Giúp giám khảo thấy rằng bạn hiểu đề bài.

Giúp giám khảo nắm bắt nội dung chính bài luận.

Giúp bạn tập trung và đi đúng hướng khi viết.

Xem thêm: Cách viết phần mở bài tốt trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Hai ý tưởng đề cập trong phần mở bài sẽ được phân tích ở hai phần thân bài.

Thân bài thứ nhất – Breeding programmes for endangered species, some species saved from extinction.

Thân bài thứ hai – Cramped cages & unnatural environments, animals distressed.

Cách viết phần thân bài

Các phần thân bài trong essay discussion IELTS nên thể hiện ba điều:

Câu chủ đề (topic sentence) – tóm tắt ý chính của đoạn văn.

Giải thích – giải thích tại sao quan điểm này được ủng hộ.

Đưa ra một ví dụ.

Việc đề cập trước quan điểm mà bạn không đồng ý, sau đó thể hiện lý do bạn đồng tính với quan điểm đối lập sẽ tạo cảm giác thoải mái khi bắt đầu hơn. Vì vậy, chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu với ý tưởng 1.

Thân bài thứ nhất

Câu chủ đề là câu tóm tắt ý chính của đoạn văn. Nó không cần phức tạp.

Câu chủ đề đóng một vai trò quan trọng giúp các ý tưởng liên kết theo một mạch từ ý này sang ý khác. Nó giúp người đọc dễ dàng nắm bắt đoạn văn sẽ nói về điều gì.

Nếu bạn duy trì sự phát triển ý rõ ràng trong suốt bài luận của mình, bạn sẽ được ghi điểm cho tiêu chí task achievement (khả năng hoàn thành yêu cầu bài thi) và cohesion and coherence (tính liên kết và mạch lạc).

Dưới đây là câu tiêu đề.


Sau khi viết câu tiêu đề, chúng ta cần viết một câu giải thích để bổ trợ cho ý chính. Nó giúp làm ý của bạn rõ hơn hoặc giải thích tại sao có quan điểm đó.

Sau cùng, bạn đưa ra một ví dụ để dẫn chứng. Nếu bạn không thể nghĩ ra một ví dụ thực tế nào, bạn có thể đưa ra một ví dụ bất kỳ, miễn là nó đáng tin cậy. Giám khảo sẽ không kiểm tra sự thật.

Dưới đây là phần thân bài thứ nhất hoàn chỉnh.

Bây giờ bạn làm theo quy trình tương tự cho đoạn thân bài thứ hai.

Thân bài thứ hai

Đầu tiên, chúng ta sẽ viết câu chủ đề để tóm tắt ý chính. Trong phần thân bài thứ nhất, bạn đã sử dụng cụm từ ‘On the one hand...’, nên phần thân bài thứ hai sẽ bắt đầu cụm từ ‘On the other hand… .

Khi sử dụng cụm từ này, chúng sẽ tạo ra sự tương phản giữa hai quan điểm đối lập, hơn nữa chúng giúp liên kết các ý với nhau một cách mạch lạc. Vì vậy, các dạng cụm từ tương phản được sử dụng trong hầu hết các IELTS discussion essay giúp bạn được ghi điểm trong tiêu chí cohesion và coherence (sự gắn kết và mạch lạc).

Tiếp theo là câu giải thích để bổ trợ cho ý chính.

Sau cùng, bạn đưa ra một ví dụ để dẫn chứng.

Dưới đây là phần thân bài thứ hai hoàn chỉnh.

Bây giờ chúng ta qua phần kết bài để hoàn thành bài IELTS discussion essay.

Cách viết phần kết bài

Phần kết bài cho các bài discussion essay thể hiện hai điều:

Tóm tắt những điểm chính.

Nêu ý kiến ​​của bạn.

Câu kết cho bài luận thường có thể viết trong một câu duy nhất. Nếu toàn bộ bài luận của bạn tối thiểu 250 từ, bạn có thể viết thêm câu dự đoán hoặc lời đề xuất.

Kết luận là câu dễ viết nhất trong bài luận nhưng lại là một trong những câu quan trọng nhất.

Một kết luận tốt sẽ:

Kết thúc bài luận cô đọng, súc tích.

Liên kết tất cả các ý với nhau.

Tổng kết các lập luận hoặc quan điểm ​​​​của bạn.

Trả lời câu hỏi.

Nếu bạn thể hiện các điều này, bạn sẽ được ghi điểm cho tiêu chí task achievement (khả năng hoàn thành yêu cầu bài thi) và cohesion & coherence (tính liên kết và mạch lạc), chiếm 50% tổng số điểm. Nếu không có phần kết bài, tiêu chí task achievement của bạn sẽ dưới 6 điểm.

Để bắt đầu cho phần kết bài, bạn có thể dùng các từ: In conclusion hoặc To conclude và tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là tóm tắt ngắn gọn những ý chính thành một câu.

Đây là một mẹo hàng đầu. Bạn đọc lại phần mở bài vì đây là phần tóm tắt của bài luận. Nó tóm lượt những gì bạn sẽ viết về.

Để viết phần kết bài tốt, bạn chỉ cần paraphrase phần mở bài. Sau đây là ví dụ.

Đây là phần kết bài với thông tin tương tự phần mở bài:

In conclusion, although zoos do help to safeguard dwindling populations of particular species, the suffering experienced by many captive creatures due to unsuitable living conditions amounts to cruelty and they should not be allowed to exist.

Xem thêm: Cách viết đoạn kết luận tốt trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Sau đây là bài luận hoàn chỉnh với phần mở bài, thân bài, và kết bài.

Bài discussion essay hoàn chỉnh.

Nếu bạn cần hiểu rõ và nắm được sâu sắc cách thức làm bài thì hãy đọc bài viết này nhiều lần và thực hành cho các đề mẫu khác. Thực hành là cách duy nhất để cải thiện kỹ năng của bạn. Chúc các bạn thành công.

Cách viết dạng Problem and Solution trong Writing Task 2

Cách viết Agree or Disagree đạt điểm cao IELTS Writing Task 2

Hướng dẫn cách viết  Argumentative Essay  trong IELTS Writing

Compare and Contrast Essay

Về bài viết

Published on April 10, 2023

Quỳnh Khanh

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  • Bản quyền 2024 IDP IELTS
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  • Published: 26 August 2024

Evaluating panel discussions in ESP classes: an exploration of international medical students’ and ESP instructors’ perspectives through qualitative research

  • Elham Nasiri   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0644-1646 1 &
  • Laleh Khojasteh   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6393-2759 1  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  925 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

65 Accesses

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This study investigates the effectiveness of panel discussions, a specific interactive teaching technique where a group of students leads a pre-planned, topic-focused discussion with audience participation, in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses for international medical students. This approach aims to simulate professional conference discussions, preparing students for future academic and clinical environments where such skills are crucial. While traditional group presentations foster critical thinking and communication, a gap exists in understanding how medical students perceive the complexities of preparing for and participating in panel discussions within an ESP setting. This qualitative study investigates the perceived advantages and disadvantages of these discussions from the perspectives of both panelists (medical students) and the audience (peers). Additionally, the study explores potential improvements based on insights from ESP instructors. Utilizing a two-phase design involving reflection papers and focus group discussions, data were collected from 46 medical students and three ESP instructors. Thematic analysis revealed that panel discussions offer unique benefits compared to traditional presentations, including enhanced engagement and more dynamic skill development for both panelists and the audience. Panelists reported gains in personal and professional development, including honing critical thinking, communication, and presentation skills. The audience perceived these discussions as engaging learning experiences that fostered critical analysis and information synthesis. However, challenges such as academic workload and concerns about discussion quality were also identified. The study concludes that panel discussions, when implemented effectively, can be a valuable tool for enhancing critical thinking, communication skills, and subject matter knowledge in ESP courses for medical students. These skills are transferable and can benefit students in various academic and professional settings, including future participation in medical conferences. This research provides valuable insights for ESP instructors seeking to integrate panel discussions into their curriculum, ultimately improving student learning outcomes and preparing them for future success in professional communication.

Peer Review reports


In the field of medical education, the acquisition and application of effective communication skills are crucial for medical students in today’s global healthcare environment [ 1 ]. This necessitates not only strong English language proficiency but also the ability to present complex medical information clearly and concisely to diverse audiences.

Language courses, especially English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses for medical students, are highly relevant in today’s globalized healthcare environment [ 2 ]. In non-English speaking countries like Iran, these courses are particularly important as they go beyond mere language instruction to include the development of critical thinking, cultural competence, and professional communication skills [ 3 ]. Proficiency in English is crucial for accessing up-to-date research, participating in international conferences, and communicating with patients and colleagues from diverse backgrounds [ 4 ]. Additionally, ESP courses help medical students understand and use medical terminologies accurately, which is essential for reading technical articles, listening to audio presentations, and giving spoken presentations [ 5 ]. In countries where English is not the primary language, ESP courses ensure that medical professionals can stay current with global advancements and collaborate effectively on an international scale [ 6 ]. Furthermore, these courses support students who may seek to practice medicine abroad, enhancing their career opportunities and professional growth [ 7 ].

Moreover, ESP courses enable medical professionals to communicate effectively with international patients, which is crucial in multicultural societies and for medical tourism, ensuring that patient care is not compromised due to language barriers [ 8 ]. Many medical textbooks, journals, and online resources are available primarily in English, and ESP courses equip medical students with the necessary language skills to access and comprehend these resources, ensuring they are well-informed about the latest medical research and practices [ 9 ].

Additionally, many medical professionals from non-English speaking countries aim to take international certification exams, such as the USMLE or PLAB, which are conducted in English, and ESP courses prepare students for these exams by familiarizing them with the medical terminology and language used in these assessments [ 10 ]. ESP courses also contribute to the professional development of medical students by improving their ability to write research papers, case reports, and other academic documents in English, which is essential for publishing in international journals and contributing to global medical knowledge [ 11 ]. In the increasingly interdisciplinary field of healthcare, collaboration with professionals from other countries is common, and ESP courses facilitate effective communication and collaboration with international colleagues, fostering innovation and the exchange of ideas [ 12 ].

With the rise of telemedicine and online medical consultations, proficiency in English is essential for non-English speaking medical professionals to provide remote healthcare services to international patients, and ESP courses prepare students for these modern medical practices [ 13 ].

Finally, ESP courses often include training on cultural competence, which is crucial for understanding and respecting the cultural backgrounds of patients and colleagues, leading to more empathetic and effective patient care and professional interactions [ 14 ]. Many ESP programs for medical students incorporate group presentations as a vital component of their curriculum, recognizing the positive impact on developing these essential skills [ 15 ].

Group projects in language courses, particularly in ESP for medical students, are highly relevant for several reasons. They provide a collaborative environment that mimics real-world professional settings, where healthcare professionals often work in multidisciplinary teams [ 16 ]. These group activities foster not only language skills but also crucial soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal communication, which are essential in medical practice [ 17 ].

The benefits of group projects over individual projects in language learning are significant. Hartono, Mujiyanto [ 18 ] found that group presentation tasks in ESP courses led to higher self-efficacy development compared to individual tasks. Group projects encourage peer learning, where students can learn from each other’s strengths and compensate for individual weaknesses [ 19 ]. They also provide a supportive environment that can reduce anxiety and increase willingness to communicate in the target language [ 20 ]. However, it is important to note that group projects also come with challenges, such as social loafing and unequal contribution, which need to be managed effectively [ 21 ].

Traditional lecture-based teaching methods, while valuable for knowledge acquisition, may not effectively prepare medical students for the interactive and collaborative nature of real-world healthcare settings [ 22 ]. Panel discussions (hereafter PDs), an interactive teaching technique where a group of students leads a pre-planned, topic-focused discussion with audience participation, are particularly relevant in this context. They simulate professional conference discussions and interdisciplinary team meetings, preparing students for future academic and clinical environments where such skills are crucial [ 23 ].

PDs, also known as moderated discussions or moderated panels, are a specific type of interactive format where a group of experts or stakeholders engage in a facilitated conversation on a particular topic or issue [ 22 ]. In this format, a moderator guides the discussion, encourages active participation from all panelists, and fosters a collaborative environment that promotes constructive dialogue and critical thinking [ 24 ]. The goal is to encourage audience engagement and participation, which can be achieved through various strategies such as asking open-ended questions, encouraging counterpoints and counterarguments, and providing opportunities for audience members to pose questions or share their own experiences [ 25 ]. These discussions can take place in-person or online, and can be designed to accommodate diverse audiences and settings [ 26 ].

In this study, PD is considered a speaking activity where medical students are assigned specific roles to play during the simulation, such as a physician, quality improvement specialist, policymaker, or patient advocate. By taking on these roles, students can gain a better understanding of the diverse perspectives and considerations that come into play in real-world healthcare discussions [ 23 ]. Simulating PDs within ESP courses can be a powerful tool for enhancing medical students’ learning outcomes in multiple areas. This approach improves language proficiency, academic skills, and critical thinking abilities, while also enabling students to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders in the medical field [ 27 , 28 ].

Theoretical framework

The panel discussions in our study are grounded in the concept of authentic assessment (outlined by Villarroel, Bloxham [ 29 ]), which involves designing tasks that mirror real-life situations and problems. In the context of medical education, this approach is particularly relevant as it prepares students for the complex, multidisciplinary nature of healthcare communication. Realism can be achieved through two means: providing a realistic context that describes and delivers a frame for the problem to be solved and creating tasks that are similar to those faced in real and/or professional life [ 30 ]. In our study, the PDs provide a realistic context by simulating scenarios where medical students are required to discuss and present complex medical topics in a professional setting, mirroring the types of interactions they will encounter in their future careers.

The task of participating in PDs also involves cognitive challenge, as students are required to think critically about complex medical topics, analyze information, and communicate their findings effectively. This type of task aims to generate processes of problem-solving, application of knowledge, and decision-making that correspond to the development of cognitive and metacognitive skills [ 23 ]. For medical students, these skills are crucial in developing clinical reasoning and effective patient communication. The PDs encourage students to go beyond the textual reproduction of fragmented and low-order content and move towards understanding, establishing relationships between new ideas and previous knowledge, linking theoretical concepts with everyday experience, deriving conclusions from the analysis of data, and examining both the logic of the arguments present in the theory and its practical scope [ 24 , 25 , 27 ].

Furthermore, the evaluative judgment aspect of our study is critical in helping students develop criteria and standards about what a good performance means in medical communication. This involves students judging their own performance and regulating their own learning [ 31 ]. In the context of panel discussions, students reflect on their own work, compare it with desired standards, and seek feedback from peers and instructors. By doing so, students can develop a sense of what constitutes good performance in medical communication and what areas need improvement [ 32 ]. Boud, Lawson and Thompson [ 33 ] argue that students need to build a precise judgment about the quality of their work and calibrate these judgments in the light of evidence. This skill is particularly important for future medical professionals who will need to continually assess and improve their communication skills throughout their careers.

The theoretical framework presented above highlights the importance of authentic learning experiences in medical education. By drawing on the benefits of group work and panel discussions, university instructor-researchers aimed to provide medical students with a unique opportunity to engage with complex cases and develop their communication and collaboration skills. As noted by Suryanarayana [ 34 ], authentic learning experiences can lead to deeper learning and improved retention. Considering the advantages of group work in promoting collaborative problem-solving and language development, the instructor-researchers designed a panel discussion task that simulates real-world scenarios, where students can work together to analyze complex cases, share knowledge, and present their findings to a simulated audience.

While previous studies have highlighted the benefits of interactive learning experiences and critical thinking skills in medical education, a research gap remains in understanding how medical students perceive the relevance of PDs in ESP courses. This study aims to address this gap by investigating medical students’ perceptions of PD tasks in ESP courses and how these perceptions relate to their language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders in the medical field. This understanding can inform best practices in medical education, contributing to the development of more effective communication skills for future healthcare professionals worldwide [ 23 ]. The research questions guiding this study are:

What are the perceived advantages of PDs from the perspectives of panelists and the audience?

What are the perceived disadvantages of PDs from the perspectives of panelists and the audience?

How can PDs be improved for panelists and the audience based on the insights of ESP instructors?


Aim and design.

For this study, a two-phase qualitative design was employed to gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of PDs from the perspectives of both student panelists and the audience (Phase 1) and to acquire an in-depth understanding of the suggested strategies provided by experts to enhance PPs for future students (Phase 2).

Participants and context of the study

This study was conducted in two phases (Fig.  1 ) at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), Shiraz, Iran.

figure 1

Participants of the study in two phases

In the first phase, the student participants were 46 non-native speakers of English and international students who studied medicine at SUMS. Their demographic characteristics can be seen in Table  1 .

These students were purposefully selected because they were the only SUMS international students who had taken the ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course. The number of international students attending SUMS is indeed limited. Each year, a different batch of international students joins the university. They progress through a sequence of English courses, starting with General English 1 and 2, followed by the ESP course, and concluding with academic writing. At the time of data collection, the students included in the study were the only international students enrolled in the ESP course. This mandatory 3-unit course is designed to enhance their language and communication skills specifically tailored to their profession. As a part of the Medicine major curriculum, this course aims to improve their English language proficiency in areas relevant to medicine, such as understanding medical terminology, comprehending original medicine texts, discussing clinical cases, and communicating with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals.

Throughout the course, students engage in various interactive activities, such as group discussions, role-playing exercises, and case studies, to develop their practical communication skills. In this course, medical students receive four marks out of 20 for their oral presentations, while the remaining marks are allocated to their written midterm and final exams. From the beginning of the course, they are briefed about PDs, and they are shown two YouTube-downloaded videos about PDs at medical conferences, a popular format for discussing and sharing knowledge, research findings, and expert opinions on various medical topics.

For the second phase of the study, a specific group of participants was purposefully selected. This group consisted of three faculty members from SUMS English department who had extensive experience attending numerous conferences at national and international levels, particularly in the medical field, as well as working as translators and interpreters in medical congresses. Over the course of ten years, they also gained considerable experience in PDs. They were invited to discuss strategies helpful for medical students with PDs.

Panel discussion activity design and implementation

When preparing for a PD session, medical students received comprehensive guidance on understanding the roles and responsibilities of each panel member. This guidance was aimed at ensuring that each participant was well-prepared and understood their specific role in the discussion.

Moderators should play a crucial role in steering the conversation. They are responsible for ensuring that all panelists have an opportunity to contribute and that the audience is engaged effectively. Specific tasks include preparing opening remarks, introducing panelists, and crafting transition questions to facilitate smooth topic transitions. The moderators should also manage the time to ensure balanced participation and encourage active audience involvement.

Panelists are expected to be subject matter experts who bring valuable insights and opinions to the discussion. They are advised to conduct thorough research on the topic and prepare concise talking points. Panelists are encouraged to draw from their medical knowledge and relevant experiences, share evidence-based information, and engage with other panelists’ points through active listening and thoughtful responses.

The audience plays an active role in the PDs. They are encouraged to participate by asking questions, sharing relevant experiences, and contributing to the dialogue. To facilitate this, students are advised to take notes during the discussion and think of questions or comments they can contribute during the Q&A segment.

For this special course, medical students were advised to choose topics either from their ESP textbook or consider current medical trends, emerging research, and pressing issues in their field. Examples included breast cancer, COVID-19, and controversies in gene therapy. The selection process involved brainstorming sessions and consultation with the course instructor to ensure relevance and appropriateness.

To accommodate the PD sessions within the course structure, students were allowed to start their PD sessions voluntarily from the second week. However, to maintain a balance between peer-led discussions and regular course content, only one PD was held weekly. This approach enabled the ESP lecturer to deliver comprehensive content while also allowing students to engage in these interactive sessions.

A basic time structure was suggested for each PD (Fig.  2 ):

figure 2

Time allocation for panel discussion stages in minutes

To ensure the smooth running of the course and maintain momentum, students were informed that they could cancel their PD session only once. In such cases, they were required to notify the lecturer and other students via the class Telegram channel to facilitate rescheduling and minimize disruptions. This provision was essential in promoting a sense of community among students and maintaining the course’s continuity.

Research tools and data collection

The study utilized various tools to gather and analyze data from participants and experts, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

Reflection papers

In Phase 1 of the study, 46 medical students detailed their perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of panel discussions from dual perspectives: as panelists (presenters) and as audience members (peers).

Participants were given clear instructions and a 45-minute time frame to complete the reflection task. With approximately 80% of the international language students being native English speakers and the rest fluent in English, the researchers deemed this time allocation reasonable. The questions and instructions were straightforward, facilitating quick comprehension. It was estimated that native English speakers would need about 30 min to complete the task, while non-native speakers might require an extra 15 min for clarity and expression. This time frame aimed to allow students to respond thoughtfully without feeling rushed. Additionally, students could request more time if needed.

Focus group discussion

In phase 2 of the study, a focus group discussion was conducted with three expert participants. The purpose of the focus group was to gather insights from expert participants, specifically ESP (English for Specific Purposes) instructors, on how presentation dynamics can be improved for both panelists and the audience.

According to Colton and Covert [ 35 ], focus groups are useful for obtaining detailed input from experts. The appropriate size of a focus group is determined by the study’s scope and available resources [ 36 ]. Morgan [ 37 ] suggests that small focus groups are suitable for complex topics where specialist participants might feel frustrated if not allowed to express themselves fully.

The choice of a focus group over individual interviews was based on several factors. First, the exploratory nature of the study made focus groups ideal for interactive discussions, generating new ideas and in-depth insights [ 36 ]. Second, while focus groups usually involve larger groups, they can effectively accommodate a limited number of experts with extensive knowledge [ 37 ]. Third, the focus group format fostered a more open environment for idea exchange, allowing participants to engage dynamically [ 36 ]. Lastly, conducting a focus group was more time- and resource-efficient than scheduling three separate interviews [ 36 ].

Data analysis

The first phase of the study involved a thorough examination of the data related to the research inquiries using thematic analysis. This method was chosen for its effectiveness in uncovering latent patterns from a bottom-up perspective, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of complex educational phenomena [ 38 ]. The researchers first familiarized themselves with the data by repeatedly reviewing the reflection papers written by the medical students. Next, an initial round of coding was independently conducted to identify significant data segments and generate preliminary codes that reflected the students’ perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of presentation dynamics PDs from both the presenter and audience viewpoints [ 38 ].

The analysis of the reflection papers began with the two researchers coding a subset of five papers independently, adhering to a structured qualitative coding protocol [ 39 ]. They convened afterward to compare their initial codes and address any discrepancies. Through discussion, they reached an agreement on the codes, which were then analyzed, organized into categories and themes, and the frequency of each code was recorded [ 38 ].

After coding the initial five papers, the researchers continued to code the remaining 41 reflection paper transcripts in batches of ten, meeting after each batch to review their coding, resolve any inconsistencies, and refine the coding framework as needed. This iterative process, characterized by independent coding, joint reviews, and consensus-building, helped the researchers establish a robust and reliable coding approach consistently applied to the complete dataset [ 40 ]. Once all 46 reflection paper transcripts were coded, the researchers conducted a final review and discussion to ensure accurate analysis. They extracted relevant excerpts corresponding to the identified themes and sub-themes from the transcripts to provide detailed explanations and support for their findings [ 38 ]. This multi-step approach of separate initial coding, collaborative review, and frequency analysis enhanced the credibility and transparency of the qualitative data analysis.

To ensure the trustworthiness of the data collected in this study, the researchers adhered to the Guba and Lincoln standards of scientific accuracy in qualitative research, which encompass credibility, confirmability, dependability, and transferability [ 41 ] (Table  2 ).

The analysis of the focus group data obtained from experts followed the same rigorous procedure applied to the student participants’ data. Thematic analysis was employed to examine the experts’ perspectives, maintaining consistency in the analytical approach across both phases of the study. The researchers familiarized themselves with the focus group transcript, conducted independent preliminary coding, and then collaboratively refined the codes. These codes were subsequently organized into categories and themes, with the frequency of each code recorded. The researchers engaged in thorough discussions to ensure agreement on the final themes and sub-themes. Relevant excerpts from the focus group transcript were extracted to provide rich, detailed explanations of each theme, thereby ensuring a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the experts’ insights.

1. What are the advantages of PDs from the perspective of panelists and the audience?

The analysis of the advantages of PDs from the perspectives of both panelists and audience members revealed several key themes and categories. Tables  2 and 3 present the frequency and percentage of responses for each code within these categories.

From the panelists’ perspective (Table  3 ), the overarching theme was “Personal and Professional Development.” The most frequently reported advantage was knowledge sharing (93.5%), followed closely by increased confidence (91.3%) and the importance of interaction in presentations (91.3%).

Notably, all categories within this theme had at least one code mentioned by over 80% of participants, indicating a broad range of perceived benefits. The category of “Effective teamwork and communication” was particularly prominent, with collaboration (89.1%) and knowledge sharing (93.5%) being among the most frequently cited advantages. This suggests that PDs are perceived as valuable tools for fostering interpersonal skills and collective learning. In the “Language mastery” category, increased confidence (91.3%) and better retention of key concepts (87.0%) were highlighted, indicating that PDs are seen as effective for both language and content learning.

The audience perspective (Table  4 ), encapsulated under the theme “Enriching Learning Experience,” showed similarly high frequencies across all categories.

The most frequently mentioned advantage was exposure to diverse speakers (93.5%), closely followed by the range of topics covered (91.3%) and increased audience interest (91.3%). The “Broadening perspectives” category was particularly rich, with all codes mentioned by over 70% of participants. This suggests that audience members perceive PDs as valuable opportunities for expanding their knowledge and viewpoints. In the “Language practice” category, the opportunity to practice language skills (89.1%) was the most frequently cited advantage, indicating that even as audience members, students perceive significant language learning benefits.

Comparing the two perspectives reveals several interesting patterns:

High overall engagement: Both panelists and audience members reported high frequencies across all categories, suggesting that PDs are perceived as beneficial regardless of the role played.

Language benefits: While panelists emphasized increased confidence (91.3%) and better retention of concepts (87.0%), audience members highlighted opportunities for language practice (89.1%). This indicates that PDs offer complementary language learning benefits for both roles.

Interactive learning: The importance of interaction was highly rated by panelists (91.3%), while increased audience interest was similarly valued by the audience (91.3%). This suggests that PDs are perceived as an engaging, interactive learning method from both perspectives.

Professional development: Panelists uniquely emphasized professional growth aspects such as experiential learning (84.8%) and real-world application (80.4%). These were not directly mirrored in the audience perspective, suggesting that active participation in PDs may offer additional professional development benefits.

Broadening horizons: Both groups highly valued the diversity aspect of PDs. Panelists appreciated diversity and open-mindedness (80.4%), while audience members valued diverse speakers (93.5%) and a range of topics (91.3%).

2. What are the disadvantages of PDs from the perspective of panelists and the audience?

The analysis of the disadvantages of panel discussions (PDs) from the perspectives of both panelists and audience members revealed several key themes and categories. Tables  4 and 5 present the frequency and percentage of responses for each code within these categories.

From the panelists’ perspective (Table  5 ), the theme “Drawbacks of PDs” was divided into two main categories: “Academic Workload Challenges” and “Coordination Challenges.” The most frequently reported disadvantage was long preparation (87.0%), followed by significant practice needed (82.6%) and the time-consuming nature of PDs (80.4%). These findings suggest that the primary concern for panelists is the additional workload that PDs impose on their already demanding academic schedules. The “Coordination Challenges” category, while less prominent than workload issues, still presented significant concerns. Diverse panel skills (78.3%) and finding suitable panelists (73.9%) were the most frequently cited issues in this category, indicating that team dynamics and composition are notable challenges for panelists.

The audience perspective (Table  6 ), encapsulated under the theme “Drawbacks of PDs,” was divided into two main categories: “Time-related Issues” and “Interaction and Engagement Issues.” In the “Time-related Issues” category, the most frequently mentioned disadvantage was the inefficient use of time (65.2%), followed by the perception of PDs as too long and boring (60.9%). Notably, 56.5% of respondents found PDs stressful due to overwhelming workload from other studies, and 52.2% considered them not very useful during exam time. The “Interaction and Engagement Issues” category revealed more diverse concerns. The most frequently mentioned disadvantage was the repetitive format (82.6%), followed by limited engagement with the audience (78.3%) and the perception of PDs as boring (73.9%). The audience also noted issues related to the panelists’ preparation and coordination, such as “Not practiced and natural” (67.4%) and “Coordination and Interaction Issues” (71.7%), suggesting that the challenges faced by panelists directly impact the audience’s experience.

Workload concerns: Both panelists and audience members highlighted time-related issues. For panelists, this manifested as long preparation times (87.0%) and difficulty balancing with other studies (76.1%). For the audience, it appeared as perceptions of inefficient use of time (65.2%) and stress due to overwhelming workload from other studies (56.5%).

Engagement issues: While panelists focused on preparation and coordination challenges, the audience emphasized the quality of the discussion and engagement. This suggests a potential mismatch between the efforts of panelists and the expectations of the audience.

Boredom and repetition: The audience frequently mentioned boredom (73.9%) and repetitive format (82.6%) as issues, which weren’t directly mirrored in the panelists’ responses. This indicates that while panelists may be focused on content preparation, the audience is more concerned with the delivery and variety of the presentation format.

Coordination challenges: Both groups noted coordination issues, but from different perspectives. Panelists struggled with team dynamics and finding suitable co-presenters, while the audience observed these challenges manifesting as unnatural or unpracticed presentations.

Academic pressure: Both groups acknowledged the strain PDs put on their academic lives, with panelists viewing it as a burden (65.2%) and the audience finding it less useful during exam times (52.2%).

3. How can PDs be improved for panelists and the audience from the experts’ point of view?

The presentation of data for this research question differs from the previous two due to the unique nature of the information gathered. Unlike the quantifiable student responses in earlier questions, this data stems from expert opinions and a reflection discussion session, focusing on qualitative recommendations for improvement rather than frequency of responses (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The complexity and interconnectedness of expert suggestions, coupled with the integration of supporting literature, necessitate a more narrative approach (Creswell & Poth, 2018). This format allows for a richer exploration of the context behind each recommendation and its potential implications (Patton, 2015). Furthermore, the exploratory nature of this question, aimed at generating ideas for improvement rather than measuring prevalence of opinions, is better served by a detailed, descriptive presentation (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016). This approach enables a more nuanced understanding of how PDs can be enhanced, aligning closely with the “how” nature of the research question and providing valuable insights for potential implementation (Yin, 2018).

The experts provided several suggestions to address the challenges faced by students in panel discussions (PDs) and improve the experience for both panelists and the audience. Their recommendations focused on six key areas: time management and workload, preparation and skill development, engagement and interactivity, technological integration, collaboration and communication, and institutional support.

To address the issue of time management and heavy workload, one expert suggested teaching students to “ break down the task to tackle the time-consuming nature of panel discussions and balance it with other studies .” This approach aims to help students manage the extensive preparation time required for PDs without compromising their other academic responsibilities. Another expert emphasized “ enhancing medical students’ abilities to prioritize tasks , allocate resources efficiently , and optimize their workflow to achieve their goals effectively .” These skills were seen as crucial not only for PD preparation but also for overall academic success and future professional practice.

Recognizing the challenges of long preparation times and the perception of PDs being burdensome, an expert proposed “ the implementation of interactive training sessions for panelists .” These sessions were suggested to enhance coordination skills and improve the ability of group presenters to engage with the audience effectively. The expert emphasized that such training could help students view PDs as valuable learning experiences rather than additional burdens, potentially increasing their motivation and engagement in the process.

To combat issues of limited engagement and perceived boredom, experts recommended increasing engagement opportunities for the audience through interactive elements like audience participation and group discussions. They suggested that this could transform PDs from passive listening experiences to active learning opportunities. One expert suggested “ optimizing time management and restructuring the format of panel discussions ” to address inefficiency during sessions. This restructuring could involve shorter presentation segments interspersed with interactive elements to maintain audience attention and engagement.

An innovative solution proposed by one expert was “ using ChatGPT to prepare for PDs by streamlining scenario presentation preparation and role allocation. ” The experts collectively discussed the potential of AI to assist medical students in reducing their workload and saving time in preparing scenario presentations and allocating roles in panel discussions. They noted that AI could help generate initial content drafts, suggest role distributions based on individual strengths, and even provide practice questions for panelists, significantly reducing preparation time while maintaining quality.

Two experts emphasized the importance of enhancing collaboration and communication among panelists to address issues related to diverse panel skills and coordination challenges. They suggested establishing clear communication channels and guidelines to improve coordination and ensure a cohesive presentation. This could involve creating structured team roles, setting clear expectations for each panelist, and implementing regular check-ins during the preparation process to ensure all team members are aligned and progressing.

All experts were in agreement that improving PDs would not be possible “ if nothing is done by the university administration to reduce the ESP class size for international students .” They believed that large class sizes in ESP or EFL classes could negatively influence group oral presentations, hindering language development and leading to uneven participation. The experts suggested that smaller class sizes would allow for more individualized attention, increased speaking opportunities for each student, and more effective feedback mechanisms, all of which are crucial for developing strong presentation skills in a second language.

Research question 1: what are the advantages of PDs from the perspective of panelists and the audience?

The results of this study reveal significant advantages of PDs for both panelists and audience members in the context of medical education. These findings align with and expand upon previous research in the field of educational presentations and language learning.

Personal and professional development for panelists

The high frequency of reported benefits in the “Personal and Professional Development” theme for panelists aligns with several previous studies. The emphasis on language mastery, particularly increased confidence (91.3%) and better retention of key concepts (87.0%), supports the findings of Hartono, Mujiyanto [ 42 ], Gedamu and Gezahegn [ 15 ], Li [ 43 ], who all highlighted the importance of language practice in English oral presentations. However, our results show a more comprehensive range of benefits, including professional growth aspects like experiential learning (84.8%) and real-world application (80.4%), which were not as prominently featured in these earlier studies.

Interestingly, our findings partially contrast with Chou [ 44 ] study, which found that while group oral presentations had the greatest influence on improving students’ speaking ability, individual presentations led to more frequent use of metacognitive, retrieval, and rehearsal strategies. Our results suggest that PDs, despite being group activities, still provide significant benefits in these areas, possibly due to the collaborative nature of preparation and the individual responsibility each panelist bears. The high frequency of knowledge sharing (93.5%) and collaboration (89.1%) in our study supports Harris, Jones and Huffman [ 45 ] emphasis on the importance of group dynamics and varied perspectives in educational settings. However, our study provides more quantitative evidence for these benefits in the specific context of PDs.

Enriching learning experience for the audience

The audience perspective in our study reveals a rich learning experience, with high frequencies across all categories. This aligns with Agustina [ 46 ] findings in business English classes, where presentations led to improvements in all four language skills. However, our study extends these findings by demonstrating that even passive participation as an audience member can lead to significant perceived benefits in language practice (89.1%) and broadening perspectives (93.5% for diverse speakers). The high value placed on diverse speakers (93.5%) and range of topics (91.3%) by the audience supports the notion of PDs as a tool for expanding knowledge and viewpoints. This aligns with the concept of situated learning experiences leading to deeper understanding in EFL classes, as suggested by Li [ 43 ] and others [ 18 , 31 ]. However, our study provides more specific evidence for how this occurs in the context of PDs.

Interactive learning and engagement

Both panelists and audience members in our study highly valued the interactive aspects of PDs, with the importance of interaction rated at 91.3% by panelists and increased audience interest at 91.3% by the audience. This strong emphasis on interactivity aligns with Azizi and Farid Khafaga [ 19 ] study on the benefits of dynamic assessment and dialogic learning contexts. However, our study provides more detailed insights into how this interactivity is perceived and valued by both presenters and audience members in PDs.

Professional growth and real-world application

The emphasis on professional growth through PDs, particularly for panelists, supports Li’s [ 43 ] assertion about the power of oral presentations as situated learning experiences. Our findings provide more specific evidence for how PDs contribute to professional development, with high frequencies reported for experiential learning (84.8%) and real-world application (80.4%). This suggests that PDs may be particularly effective in bridging the gap between academic learning and professional practice in medical education.

Research question 2: what are the disadvantages of pds from the perspective of panelists and the audience?

Academic workload challenges for panelists.

The high frequency of reported challenges in the “Academic Workload Challenges” category for panelists aligns with several previous studies in medical education [ 47 , 48 , 49 ]. The emphasis on long preparation (87.0%), significant practice needed (82.6%), and the time-consuming nature of PDs (80.4%) supports the findings of Johnson et al. [ 24 ], who noted that while learners appreciate debate-style journal clubs in health professional education, they require additional time commitment. This is further corroborated by Nowak, Speed and Vuk [ 50 ], who found that intensive learning activities in medical education, while beneficial, can be time-consuming for students.

Perceived value of pds relative to time investment

While a significant portion of the audience (65.2%) perceived PDs as an inefficient use of time, the high frequency of engagement-related concerns (82.6% for repetitive format, 78.3% for limited engagement) suggests that the perceived lack of value may be more closely tied to the quality of the experience rather than just the time investment. This aligns with Dyhrberg O’Neill [ 27 ] findings on debate-based oral exams, where students perceived value despite the time-intensive nature of the activity. However, our results indicate a more pronounced concern about the return on time investment in PDs. This discrepancy might be addressed through innovative approaches to PD design and implementation, such as those proposed by Almazyad et al. [ 22 ], who suggested using AI tools to enhance expert panel discussions and potentially improve efficiency.

Coordination challenges for panelists

The challenges related to coordination in medical education, such as diverse panel skills (78.3%) and finding suitable panelists (73.9%), align with previous research on teamwork in higher education [ 21 ]. Our findings support the concept of the free-rider effect discussed by Hall and Buzwell [ 21 ], who explored reasons for non-contribution in group projects beyond social loafing. This is further elaborated by Mehmood, Memon and Ali [ 51 ], who proposed that individuals may not contribute their fair share due to various factors including poor communication skills or language barriers, which is particularly relevant in medical education where clear communication is crucial [ 52 ]. Comparing our results to other collaborative learning contexts in medical education, Rodríguez-Sedano, Conde and Fernández-Llamas [ 53 ] measured teamwork competence development in a multidisciplinary project-based learning environment. They found that while teamwork skills improved over time, initial coordination challenges were significant. This aligns with our findings on the difficulties of coordinating diverse panel skills and opinions in medical education settings.

Our results also resonate with Chou’s [ 44 ] study comparing group and individual oral presentations, which found that group presenters often had a limited understanding of the overall content. This is supported by Wilson, Ho and Brookes [ 54 ], who examined student perceptions of teamwork in undergraduate science degrees, highlighting the challenges and benefits of collaborative work, which are equally applicable in medical education [ 52 ].

Quality of discussions and perception for the audience

The audience perspective in our study reveals significant concerns about the quality and engagement of PDs in medical education. The high frequency of issues such as repetitive format (82.6%) and limited engagement with the audience (78.3%) aligns with Parmar and Bickmore [ 55 ] findings on the importance of addressing individual audience members and gathering feedback. This is further supported by Nurakhir et al. [ 25 ], who explored students’ views on classroom debates as a strategy to enhance critical thinking and oral communication skills in nursing education, which shares similarities with medical education. Comparing our results to other interactive learning methods in medical education, Jones et al. [ 26 ] reviewed the use of journal clubs and book clubs in pharmacy education. They found that while these methods enhanced engagement, they also faced challenges in maintaining student interest over time, similar to the boredom issues reported in our study of PDs in medical education. The perception of PDs as boring (73.9%) and not very useful during exam time (52.2%) supports previous research on the stress and pressure experienced by medical students [ 48 , 49 ]. Grieve et al. [ 20 ] specifically examined student fears of oral presentations and public speaking in higher education, which provides context for the anxiety and disengagement observed in our study of medical education. Interestingly, Bhuvaneshwari et al. [ 23 ] found positive impacts of panel discussions in educating medical students on specific modules. This contrasts with our findings and suggests that the effectiveness of PDs in medical education may vary depending on the specific context and implementation.

Comparative analysis and future directions

Our study provides a unique comparative analysis of the challenges faced by both panelists and audience members in medical education. The alignment of concerns around workload and time management between the two groups suggests that these are overarching issues in the implementation of PDs in medical curricula. This is consistent with the findings of Pasandín et al. [ 56 ], who examined cooperative oral presentations in higher education and their impact on both technical and soft skills, which are crucial in medical education [ 52 ]. The mismatch between panelist efforts and audience expectations revealed in our study is a novel finding that warrants further investigation in medical education. This disparity could be related to the self-efficacy beliefs of presenters, as explored by Gedamu and Gezahegn [ 15 ] in their study of TEFL trainees’ attitudes towards academic oral presentations, which may have parallels in medical education. Looking forward, innovative approaches could address some of the challenges identified in medical education. Almazyad et al. [ 22 ] proposed using AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance expert panel discussions in pediatric palliative care, which could potentially address some of the preparation and engagement issues identified in our study of medical education. Additionally, Ragupathi and Lee [ 57 ] discussed the role of rubrics in higher education, which could provide clearer expectations and feedback for both panelists and audience members in PDs within medical education.

Research question 3: how can PDs be improved for panelists and the audience from the experts’ point of view?

The expert suggestions for improving PDs address several key challenges identified in previous research on academic presentations and student workload management. These recommendations align with current trends in educational technology and pedagogical approaches, while also considering the unique needs of medical students.

The emphasis on time management and workload reduction strategies echoes findings from previous studies on medical student stress and academic performance. Nowak, Speed and Vuk [ 50 ] found that medical students often struggle with the fast-paced nature of their courses, which can lead to reduced motivation and superficial learning approaches. The experts’ suggestions for task breakdown and prioritization align with Rabbi and Islam [ 58 ] recommendations for reducing workload stress through effective assignment prioritization. Additionally, Popa et al. [ 59 ] highlight the importance of acceptance and planning in stress management for medical students, supporting the experts’ focus on these areas.

The proposed implementation of interactive training sessions for panelists addresses the need for enhanced presentation skills in professional contexts, a concern highlighted by several researchers [ 17 , 60 ]. This aligns with Grieve et al. [ 20 ] findings on student fears of oral presentations and public speaking in higher education, emphasizing the need for targeted training. The focus on interactive elements and audience engagement also reflects current trends in active learning pedagogies, as demonstrated by Pasandín et al. [ 56 ] in their study on cooperative oral presentations in engineering education.

The innovative suggestion to use AI tools like ChatGPT for PD preparation represents a novel approach to leveraging technology in education. This aligns with recent research on the potential of AI in scientific research, such as the study by Almazyad et al. [ 22 ], which highlighted the benefits of AI in supporting various educational tasks. However, it is important to consider potential ethical implications and ensure that AI use complements rather than replaces critical thinking and creativity.

The experts’ emphasis on enhancing collaboration and communication among panelists addresses issues identified in previous research on teamwork in higher education. Rodríguez-Sedano, Conde and Fernández-Llamas [ 53 ] noted the importance of measuring teamwork competence development in project-based learning environments. The suggested strategies for improving coordination align with best practices in collaborative learning, as demonstrated by Romero-Yesa et al. [ 61 ] in their qualitative assessment of challenge-based learning and teamwork in electronics programs.

The unanimous agreement on the need to reduce ESP class sizes for international students reflects ongoing concerns about the impact of large classes on language learning and student engagement. This aligns with research by Li [ 3 ] on issues in developing EFL learners’ oral English communication skills. Bosco et al. [ 62 ] further highlight the challenges of teaching and learning ESP in mixed classes, supporting the experts’ recommendation for smaller class sizes. Qiao, Xu and bin Ahmad [ 63 ] also emphasize the implementation challenges for ESP formative assessment in large classes, further justifying the need for reduced class sizes.

These expert recommendations provide a comprehensive approach to improving PDs, addressing not only the immediate challenges of preparation and delivery but also broader issues of student engagement, workload management, and institutional support. By implementing these suggestions, universities could potentially transform PDs from perceived burdens into valuable learning experiences that enhance both academic and professional skills. This aligns with Kho and Ting [ 64 ] systematic review on overcoming oral presentation anxiety among tertiary ESL/EFL students, which emphasizes the importance of addressing both challenges and strategies in improving presentation skills.

This study has shed light on the complex challenges associated with PDs in medical education, revealing a nuanced interplay between the experiences of panelists and audience members. The findings underscore the need for a holistic approach to implementing PDs that addresses both the academic workload concerns and the quality of engagement.

Our findings both support and extend previous research on the challenges of oral presentations and group work in medical education settings. The high frequencies of perceived challenges across multiple categories for both panelists and audience members suggest that while PDs may offer benefits, they also present significant obstacles that need to be addressed in medical education. These results highlight the need for careful consideration in the implementation of PDs in medical education, with particular attention to workload management, coordination strategies, and audience engagement techniques. Future research could focus on developing and testing interventions to mitigate these challenges while preserving the potential benefits of PDs in medical education.

Moving forward, medical educators should consider innovative approaches to mitigate these challenges. This may include:

Integrating time management and stress coping strategies into the PD preparation process [ 59 ].

Exploring the use of AI tools to streamline preparation and enhance engagement [ 22 ].

Developing clear rubrics and expectations for both panelists and audience members [ 57 ].

Incorporating interactive elements to maintain audience interest and participation [ 25 ].

Limitations and future research

One limitation of this study is that it focused on a specific population of medical students, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other student populations. Additionally, the study relied on self-report data from panelists and audience members, which may introduce bias and affect the validity of the results. Future research could explore the effectiveness of PDs in different educational contexts and student populations to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the benefits and challenges of panel discussions.

Future research should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of these interventions and exploring how PDs can be tailored to the unique demands of medical education. By addressing the identified challenges, PDs have the potential to become a more valuable and engaging component of medical curricula, fostering both academic and professional development. Ultimately, the goal should be to transform PDs from perceived burdens into opportunities for meaningful learning and skill development, aligning with the evolving needs of medical education in the 21st century.

Future research could also examine the long-term impact of PDs on panelists’ language skills, teamwork, and communication abilities. Additionally, exploring the effectiveness of different training methods and tools, such as AI technology, in improving coordination skills and reducing workload stress for panelists could provide valuable insights for educators and administrators. Further research could also investigate the role of class size and audience engagement in enhancing the overall effectiveness of PDs in higher education settings. By addressing these gaps in the literature, future research can contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of PDs as a valuable learning tool for students in higher education.

However, it is important to note that implementing these changes may require significant institutional resources and a shift in pedagogical approaches. Future research could focus on piloting these recommendations and evaluating their effectiveness in improving student outcomes and experiences with PDs.

Data availability

We confirm that the data supporting the findings are available within this article. Raw data supporting this study’s findings are available from the corresponding author, upon request.


Artificial Intelligence

English as a Foreign Language

English for Specific Purposes

Panel Discussion

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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Department of English Language, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

Elham Nasiri & Laleh Khojasteh

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L.KH was involved in writing the proposal, reviewing the text, analyzing the data, and writing the manuscript. E. N was involvedin designing the research and collecting and analyzing the data. Both authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Laleh Khojasteh .

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Nasiri, E., Khojasteh, L. Evaluating panel discussions in ESP classes: an exploration of international medical students’ and ESP instructors’ perspectives through qualitative research. BMC Med Educ 24 , 925 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05911-3

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Received : 08 May 2024

Accepted : 14 August 2024

Published : 26 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05911-3

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  • Group oral presentations
  • Medical students
  • Panel discussions
  • ESP courses

BMC Medical Education

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Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

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By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

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  • Open access
  • Published: 26 August 2024

Paramedics’ experiences and observations: work-related emotions and well-being resources during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic—a qualitative study

  • Henna Myrskykari 1 , 2 &
  • Hilla Nordquist 3  

BMC Emergency Medicine volume  24 , Article number:  152 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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As first responders, paramedics are an extremely important part of the care chain. COVID-19 significantly impacted their working circumstances. We examined, according to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel experienced in their new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This qualitative study utilized reflective essay material written by experienced, advanced-level Finnish paramedics ( n  = 30). The essays used in this study were written during the fall of 2020 and reflected the period when Finland had declared a state of emergency (on 17.3.2020) and the Emergency Powers Act was implemented. The data was analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis.

The emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances formed three themes: (1) New concerns arose that were constantly present; (2) Surviving without proper guidance; and (3) Rapidly approaching breaking point. Three themes were formed from work-related factors that were identified as resources for the well-being of the EMS personnel. These were: (1) A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved; (2) Adaptable EMS operations; and (3) Encouraging atmosphere.


Crisis management practices should be more attentive to personnel needs, ensuring that managerial and psychological support is readily available in crisis situations. Preparedness that ensures effective organizational adaptation also supports personnel well-being during sudden changes in working circumstances.

Peer Review reports

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare personnel across the globe faced unprecedented challenges. As initial responders in emergency healthcare, paramedics were quickly placed at the front lines of the pandemic, dealing with a range of emergencies in unpredictable conditions [ 1 ]. The pandemic greatly changed the everyday nature of work [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]. Those working on the front line were suddenly forced to adjust to personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements [ 9 , 10 ] and rapidly changing instructions that caused significant adjustments to their job description [ 11 , 12 ]. For instance, it has been reported that during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, including paramedics working in prehospital emergency care, experienced a significant increase in stress [ 10 , 13 ] due to several reasons, such as the lack of protection and support, increased demands, lack of personnel, fear of exposure to COVID-19 during missions, concerns of spreading the virus to family members, and frustration over quickly changing work policies [ 11 , 14 , 15 ].

With the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, some research has been directed toward identifying available resources that help in coping with such situations. For example, Sangal et al. [ 15 ] underscored the association between effective communication and reduced work stress and burnout, and emphasized the critical need for two-way communication, consistent messaging, and the strategic consolidation of information prior to its dissemination. In parallel, Dickson et al. [ 16 ] highlight the pivotal role of leadership strategies in fostering a healthful work environment. These strategies include being relationally engaging, visibly present, open, and caring for oneself and others, while embodying core values such as compassion, empathy, courage, and authenticity. Moreover, Awais et al. [ 14 ] identify essential measures to reduce mental distress and support EMS personnel’s overall well-being in pandemic conditions, such as by providing accessible mental health and peer support, ensuring a transparent information flow, and the implementation of clear, best-practice protocols and guidelines. As a lesson learned from COVID-19, Kihlström et al. (2022) add that crisis communication, flexible working conditions, compensation, and allowing for mistakes should be part of crisis management. They also emphasize the importance of psychological support for employees. [ 12 ]

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic had a multifaceted impact on EMS personnel, highlighting the necessity for comprehensive support and resilience strategies to safeguard their well-being [ 11 , 17 , 18 ] alongside organizational functions [ 12 , 19 ]. For example, in Finland, it has been noted in the aftermath of COVID-19 that the availability and well-being of healthcare workers are key vulnerabilities of the resilience of the Finnish health system [ 12 ]. Effective preparedness planning and organizational resilience benefit from learning from past events and gaining a deeper understanding of observations across different organizational levels [ 12 , 19 , 20 ]. For these reasons, it is important to study how the personnel experienced the changing working circumstances and to recognize the resources, even unexpected ones, that supported their well-being during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic [ 12 , 19 ].

The aim of this study was to examine the emotions experienced and the resources identified as supportive of work well-being during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspective of the paramedics. Our research questions were: According to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions did the EMS personnel experience in the new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic? In this study, emotions are understood as complex responses involving psychological, physiological, and behavioral components, triggered by significant events or situations [ 21 ]. Resources are understood as physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the work that help achieve work goals, reduce demands and associated costs [ 22 ].

Materials and methods

This qualitative study utilized reflective essay material written in the fall of 2020 by experienced, advanced-level paramedics who worked in the Finnish EMS during the early phase of the pandemic, when Finland had declared (March 17, 2020 onward) a state of emergency and implemented the Emergency Powers Act. This allowed for new rules and guidelines from the government to ensure the security of healthcare resources. Some work rules for healthcare personnel changed, and non-urgent services were limited.

Data collection procedures

This study is part of a broader, non-project-based research initiative investigating the work well-being of paramedics from various perspectives, and the data was collected for research purposes from this standpoint. The data collection for this study was conducted at the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences as part of the Current Issues in EMS Management course. The course participants were experienced, advanced-level Finnish paramedics who were students of the master’s degree program in Development and Management of Emergency Medical Services. A similar data collection method has been utilized in other qualitative studies [for example, 23 , 24 ].

The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences granted research permission for the data collection on August 20, 2020. The learning platform “Learn” (an adapted version of Moodle [ 25 ]) was used to gather the data. A research notice, privacy statement, and essay writing instructions were published on the platform on August 21, 2020. The paramedics were asked to write about their own experiences and observations regarding how the state of emergency impacted the work well-being of EMS personnel. They were instructed not to use references but only their own reflections. Three guiding questions were asked: “What kind of workloads did EMS personnel experience during the state of emergency?” “How has this workload differed from normal conditions?” and “What effects did this workload have on the well-being of the EMS personnel?”. The assignment did not refer solely to paramedics because the EMS field community may also include individuals with other titles (such as EMS field supervisors or firefighters performing prehospital emergency care); hence the term “EMS personnel” was used.

The essay was part of the mandatory course assignments, but submitting it for research purposes was voluntary. The paramedics were informed that their participation in the study would not affect their course evaluations. They had the freedom to decline, remove parts of, or withdraw the essay before analysis. None of the paramedics exercised these options. They were also informed that the last author removes any identifying details (such as names, places, and organizational descriptions that could reveal their workplace) before sharing the data with other, at the time unnamed, researchers. The last author (female) is a senior researcher specializing in EMS and work well-being topics, a principal lecturer of the respective course, and the head of the respective master’s program, and familiar to all of them through their studies. The paramedics were aware that the essays were graded by the last author on a pass/fail scale as part of the course assessment. However, comprehensive and well-reasoned reflections positively influenced the course grade. The evaluation was not part of this study. The paramedics had the opportunity to ask further questions about the study directly from the last author during and after the essay writing process and the course.

The paramedics wrote the essays between August 23, 2020, and November 30, 2020. Thirty-two paramedics (out of 39) returned their essays using the Learn platform during this timeframe. Thus, seven of the course completions were delayed, and the essays written later were no longer appropriate to include in the data due to the time elapsed since the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

All 32 gave their informed consent for their essays to be included in the study. Essays written by paramedics who had not actively participated in EMS field work during exceptional circumstances were excluded from the material ( n  = 2), because they wrote the essay from a different perspective, as they could not reflect on their own experiences and observations. Thus, a total of 30 essays were included in the study. The total material was 106 pages long and comprised 32,621 words in Finnish.

Study participants

Thirty advanced-level paramedics from Finland participated in this study. They all had a bachelor’s degree in emergency care or nursing with additional emergency care specialization. At the time of the study, they were pursuing their master’s studies. Thirteen of them were women, and seventeen were men. The average age of the participants was 33.5 years among women and 35.9 years among men. Women had an average of 8.7 years of work experience, and men had 8.8 years. All the participating paramedics worked in EMS in different areas across Finland (except northern Finland) during their studies and the early phase of the pandemic.

Data analysis

The data was analyzed with a thematic analysis following the process detailed by Braun & Clarke [ 26 ]. First, the two researchers thoroughly familiarized themselves with the data, and the refined aim and research questions of the study were formulated inductively in collaboration based on the content of the data (see [ 26 ], page 84). After this, a thorough coding process was mainly carried out by the first author (female), who holds a master’s degree, is an advanced-level paramedic who worked in EMS during the pandemic, and at the time of the analysis was pursuing her doctoral studies in a different subject area related to EMS. Generating the initial codes involved making notes of interesting features of anything that stood out or seemed relevant to the research question systematically across the entire dataset. During this process, the original paragraphs and sentences were copied from the essay material into a table in Microsoft Word, with each research question in separate documents and each paragraph or sentence in its own row. The content of these data extracts was then coded in the adjacent column, carefully preserving the original content but in a more concise form. Then, the content was analyzed, and codes were combined to identify themes. After that, the authors reviewed the themes together by moving back and forth between the original material, the data in the Word documents, and the potential themes. During this process, the authors worked closely and refined the themes, allowing them to be separated and combined into new themes. For example, emotions depicting frustration and a shift to indifference formed their own theme in this kind of process. Finally, the themes were defined into main, major and minor themes and named. In the results, the main themes form the core in response to the research questions and include the most descriptions from the data. The major themes are significant but not as central as the main themes. Major themes provide additional depth and context to the results. One minor theme was formed as the analysis process progressed, and it provided valuable insights and details that deepened the response to the research question. All the coded data was utilized in the formed themes. The full content of the themes is reported in the Results section.

The emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances formed three themes: New concerns arose that were constantly present (main theme); Surviving without proper guidance (major theme); and Rapidly approaching breaking point (major theme) (Fig.  1 ). Work-related factors identified as resources for the well-being of EMS personnel formed three themes: A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved (main theme); Adaptable EMS operations (major theme); and Encouraging atmosphere (minor theme) (Fig.  2 ).

figure 1

Emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances

Main theme: New concerns arose that were constantly present

The main theme included several kinds of new concerns. In the beginning, the uncertainty about the virus raised concerns about work safety and the means to prevent the spread of the disease. The initial lack of training and routines led to uncertainty. In addition, the decrease in the number of EMS missions raised fears of units being reduced and unilateral decisions by the management to change the EMS personnel’s work responsibilities. The future was also a source of uncertainty in the early stages. For example, the transition to exceptional circumstances, concerns about management and the supervisors’ familiarity with national guidelines and lack of information related to sickness absence procedures, leave, personal career progression, and even the progress of vaccine development, all contributed to this feeling of uncertainty. The initial uncertainty was described as the most challenging phase, but the uncertainty was also described as long-lasting.

Being on the front line with an unknown, potentially dangerous, and easily transmissible virus caused daily concerns about the personnel’s own health, especially when some patients hid their symptoms. The thought of working without proper PPE was frightening. On the other hand, waiting for a patient’s test result was stressful, as it often resulted in many colleagues being quarantined. A constant concern for the health of loved ones and the fear of contracting the virus and unknowingly bringing it home or transmitting it to colleagues led the EMS personnel to change their behavior by limiting contact.

Being part of a high-risk group , I often wondered , in the case of coronavirus , who would protect me and other paramedics from human vanity and selfishness [of those refusing to follow the public health guidelines]? (Participant 25)

The EMS personnel felt a weight of responsibility to act correctly, especially from the perspective of keeping their skills up to date. The proper selection of PPE and aseptic procedures were significant sources of concern, as making mistakes was feared to lead to quarantine and increase their colleagues’ workloads. At the same time, concerns about the adequacy of PPE weighed on the personnel, and they felt pressure on this matter to avoid wastage of PPEs. The variability in the quality of PPE also caused concerns.

Concerns about acting correctly were also tied to ethical considerations and feelings of inadequacy when the personnel were unable to explain to patients why COVID-19 caused restrictions on healthcare services. The presence of students also provoked such ethical concerns. Recognizing patients’ symptoms correctly also felt distressing due to the immense responsibility. This concern was also closely tied to fear and even made some question their career choices. The EMS personnel were also worried about adequate treatment for the patients and sometimes felt that the patients were left alone at home to cope. A reduction in patient numbers in the early stages of the pandemic raised concerns about whether acutely ill individuals were seeking help. At the same time, the time taken to put on PPE stressed the personnel because it increased delays in providing care. In the early phase of the pandemic, the EMS personnel were stressed that patients were not protected from them.

I’m vexed in the workplace. I felt it was immediately necessary to protect patients from us paramedics as well. It wasn’t specifically called for , mostly it felt like everyone had a strong need to protect themselves. (Participant 30)

All these concerns caused a particularly heavy psychological burden on some personnel. They described feeling more fatigued and irritable than usual. They had to familiarize themselves with new guidelines even during their free time, which was exhausting. The situation felt unjust, and there was a looming fear of the entire healthcare system collapsing. COVID-19 was omnipresent. Even at the base station of the EMS services, movement was restricted and social distancing was mandated. Such segregation, even within the professional community, added to the strain and reduced opportunities for peer support. The EMS personnel felt isolated, and thoughts about changing professions increased.

It was inevitable that the segregation of the work community would affect the community spirit , and a less able work community has a significant impact on the individual level. (Participant 8)

Major theme: Surviving without proper guidance

At the onset of the pandemic, the job description of the EMS personnel underwent changes, and employers could suddenly relocate them to other work. There was not always adequate support for familiarizing oneself with the new roles, leading to a feeling of loss of control. The management was described as commanding and restricting the personnel’s actions. As opportunities to influence one’s work diminished, the sense of job satisfaction and motivation decreased.

Some felt that leadership was inadequate and neglectful, especially when the leaders switched to remote work. The management did not take the situation seriously enough, leaving the EMS personnel feeling abandoned. The lack of consistent leadership and failure to listen to the personnel caused dissatisfaction and reduced occupational endurance. In addition, the reduced contact with colleagues and close ones reduced the amount of peer support. The existing models for psychological support were found to be inadequate.

Particularly in the early stages, guidelines were seen as ambiguous and deficient, causing frustration, irritation, and fear. The guidelines also changed constantly, even daily, and it was felt that the information did not flow properly from the management to the personnel. Changes in protection recommendations also led to skepticism about the correctness of the national guidance, and the lack of consistent guidelines perplexed the personnel. Internalizing the guidelines was not supported adequately, but the necessity to grasp new information was described as immense and cognitively demanding.

At times , it felt like the work was a kind of survival in a jungle of changing instructions , one mission at a time. (Participant 11)

Major theme: Rapidly approaching breaking point

Risking one’s own health at work caused contentious feelings while concurrently feeling angry that management could work remotely. The arrogant behavior of people toward COVID-19 left them frustrated, while the EMS personnel had to limit their contacts and lost their annual leave. There were fears about forced labor.

Incomplete and constantly changing guidelines caused irritation and indifference, as the same tasks had to be performed with different levels of PPE within a short time. Some guidelines were difficult to comply with in practice, which was vexing.

Using a protective mask was described as distressing, especially on long and demanding missions. Communication and operation became more difficult. Some described frustration with cleaning PPE meant for single use.

Ensuring the proper implementation of a work pair’s aseptic and equipment maintenance was burdensome, and explaining and repeating guidelines was exhausting. A feeling of indifference was emphasized toward the end of a long shift.

After the initial stage, many began to slip with the PPE guidelines and found the instructions excessive. COVID-19 information transmitted by the emergency center lost its meaning, and instructions were left unheeded, as there was no energy to believe that the patient would have COVID-19, especially if only a few disease cases had been reported in their area.

It was disheartening to hear personnel being labeled as selfish for demanding higher pay during exceptional circumstances. This lack of recognition eroded professionalism and increased thoughts of changing professions.

However , being a doormat and a human toilet , as well as a lack of appreciation , undermines my professionalism and the prolonged situation has led me to seriously consider a different job , where values other than dedication and constant flexibility carry weight. I have heard similar thoughts from other colleagues. None of us do this for money. (Participant 9)

figure 2

Work-related factors identified as resources for the well-being of EMS personnel

Main theme: A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved

The main theme held several different efficient functions. In the early stages of the pandemic, some felt that the information flow was active. Organizations informed the EMS personnel about the disease, its spread, and its impact on the workplace and emergency care activities.

Some felt that managers were easily accessible during the pandemic, at least remotely. Some managers worked long days to be able to support their personnel.

The response to hate and uncertainty was that one of the supervisors was always present in the morning and evening meetings. Supervisors worked long hours so as to be accessible via remote access. (Participant 26)

The organizations took effective steps to control infections. Quick access to COVID-19 tests, clear guidelines for taking sick leave, and permission to take sick leave with a low threshold were seen as positive things. The consideration of personnel belonging to risk groups by moving them to other work tasks was also perceived as positive. In addition, efforts were made to prevent the emergence of infection chains by isolating EMS personnel in their own social facilities.

Established guidelines, especially on the correct use of protective measures, made it easier to work. Some mentioned that the guidelines were available in ambulances and on phones, allowing the protection guidelines to be checked before going on a mission.

The employers took into account the need for psychological support in a diverse manner. Some organizations provided psychological support such as peer debriefing activities, talking therapy with mental health professionals, actively inquiring about their personnel’s feelings, and training them as support workers. The pandemic situation also caused organizations to create their own standard operating models to decrease mental load.

Fortunately , the problem has now been addressed actively , as a peer-to-peer defusing model was built up at our workplace during the crisis , and group defusing has started , the purpose of which is to lighten the work-related mental load. (Participant 3)

Major theme: Adaptable EMS operations

There were several different resources that clarified mission activities. The amount of protective and cleaning equipment was ramped up, and the treatment equipment was quickly updated to meet the demands brought about by the pandemic and to enable safety distances for the EMS personnel. In addition, various guidelines were amended to reduce exposure. For example, personnel on the dedicated COVID-19 ambulances were separated to work without physical contact with others, and field supervisors joined the EMS missions less often than before. Moreover, people at the scene were contacted by phone in advance to ensure that there would be no exposure risk, which also allowed other occupational safety risks to be identified. New practices resulted from the pandemic, such as cleaning communication equipment during shift changes and regularly using PPE with infected patients. All of these were seen as positive resources for efficient work.

At the end of each shift , all keys , telephones , etc., were cleaned and handed over to the next shift. This practice was not previously established in our area , but this will become a permanent practice in the future and is perceived by everyone in our work community as a positive thing. (Participant 10)

Some stated that access to PPE was sufficient, especially in areas where the number of COVID-19 infections was low. PPE was upgraded to make it easier to wear. Further, organizations acquired a variety of cleaning equipment to speed up the disinfection of ambulances.

Organizations hired more employees to enable leave and the operation of dedicated COVID-19 ambulances. The overall number of ambulances was also increased. Non-urgent missions were handled through enhanced phone services, reducing the unnecessary exposure of EMS personnel to COVID-19.

Five extra holiday substitutes were hired for EMS so that the employer could guarantee the success of agreed leave , even if the Emergency Preparedness Act had given them opportunities to cancel or postpone it. (Participant 12)

Minor theme: Encouraging atmosphere

Peer support from colleagues, a positive, comfortable, pleasant work environment, and open discussion, as well as smooth cooperation with other healthcare employees were felt to be resources for work well-being by reducing the heavy workload experienced. Due to the pandemic, the appreciation of healthcare was felt to increase slightly, which was identified as a resource.

One factor affecting resilience in the healthcare sector is certainly that in exceptional circumstances , visibility and appreciation have somewhat increased. (Participant 23)

This study examined, according to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel experienced in their new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each research question was answered with three themes.

Previous studies have shown that the pandemic increased the workload of paramedics, prompting changes in their operating models and the function of EMS to align with new pandemic-related requirements [ 9 , 27 ]. Initially, the paramedics in the current study described facing unclear and deficient guidelines and feeling obligated to follow instructions without adequate support to internalize them. Constantly changing instructions were linked to negative emotions in various ways. Moreover, the overwhelming flood of information was heavily connected to this, although the information flow was also perceived as a resource, especially when it was timely and well-structured. The study by Sangal et al. [ 15 ] has raised similar observations and points out the importance of paying special attention to the personnel working in the frontline, as in EMS, who might be more heavily impacted by too much information and anxiety about it. They also discovered that three factors are crucial for addressing the challenges of information overload and anxiety: consolidating information before distributing it, maintaining consistent communication, and ensuring communication is two-way. McAlearney et al. [ 11 ] found that first responders, including EMS personnel, reported frustration regarding COVID-19 information because of inconsistencies between sources, misinformation on social media, and the impact of politics. A Finnish study also recognized that health systems were not sufficiently prepared for the flood of information in the current media environment [ 12 ]. Based on these previous results and our findings, it can be concluded that proper implementation of crisis communication should be an integral part of organizations’ preparedness in the future, ensuring that communication effectively supports employee actions in real-life situations. Secondly, this topic highlights the need for precise guidelines and their implementation. With better preparedness, similar chaos could be avoided in the future [ 17 ].

Many other factors also caused changes in work. The EMS mission profile changed [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ], where paramedics in this study saw concerns. To prevent infection risk, the number of pre-arrival calls increased [ 7 ], the duration of EMS missions increased [ 8 , 9 ], and the continuous use of PPE and enhanced hygiene standards imposed additional burdens [ 9 , 10 ]. In Finland, there was no preparedness for the levels of PPE usage required in the early stages of the pandemic [ 12 ]. In this study, paramedics described that working with potentially inadequate PPE caused fear and frustration, which was increased by a lack of training, causing them to feel a great deal of responsibility for acting aseptically and caring for patients correctly. Conversely, providing adequate PPE, information and training has been found to increase the willingness to work [ 28 ] and the sense of safety in working in a pandemic situation [ 29 ], meaning that the role of precise training, operating instructions and leadership in the use of PPE is emphasized [ 30 ].

The paramedics in this study described many additional new concerns in their work, affecting their lives comprehensively. It has been similarly described that the pandemic adversely affected the overall well-being of healthcare personnel [ 31 ]. The restrictions implemented also impacted their leisure time [ 32 ], and the virus caused concerns for their own and their families’ health [ 11 , 28 ]. In line with this, the pandemic increased stress, burnout [ 10 , 33 ], and anxiety among EMS personnel and other healthcare personnel working on the frontline [ 11 , 14 , 34 , 35 ]. These kinds of results underscore the need for adequate guidance and support, a lack of which paramedics reported experiencing in the current study.

Personnel play a crucial role in the efficient operation of an organization and comprise the main identified resource in this study. Previous studies and summaries have highlighted that EMS personnel did not receive sufficient support during the COVID-19 pandemic [ 11 , 14 , 17 , 18 ]. Research has also brought to light elements of adequate support related to the pandemic, such as a review by Dickson et al. [ 16 ] that presents six tentative theories for healthful leadership, all of which are intertwined with genuine encounter, preparedness, and information use. In this current study, the results showed numerous factors related to these contexts that were identified as resources, specifically underlined by elements of caring, effective operational change, knowledge-based actions, and present leadership, similarly described in a study by Eaton-Williams & Williams [ 18 ]. Moreover, the paramedics in our study highlighted the importance of encouragement and identified peer support from colleagues as a resource, which is in line with studies in the UK and Finland [ 12 , 23 , 37 ].

In the early stages of the pandemic, it was noted that the EMS personnel lacked adequate training to manage their mental health, and there was a significant shortage of psychosocial support measures [ 14 ], although easy access to support would have been significant [ 18 ]. In the current study, some paramedics felt that mental health support was inadequate and delayed, while others observed an increase in mental health support during the pandemic, seeing it as an incentive for organizations to develop standard operating models for mental support, for example. This awakening was identified as a resource. This is consistent, as providing psychological support to personnel has been highlighted as a core aspect of crisis management in a Finnish study assessing health system resilience related to COVID-19 [ 12 ]. In a comprehensive recommendation commentary, Isakov et al. [ 17 ] suggest developing a national strategy to improve resilience by addressing the mental health consequences of COVID-19 and other occupational stressors for EMS personnel. This concept, applicable beyond the US, supports the view that EMS organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the need to prepare for and invest in this area.

A fundamental factor likely underlying all the described emotions was that changes in the job descriptions of the EMS personnel due to the pandemic were significant and, in part, mandated from above. In this study, paramedics described feelings of concern and frustration related to these many changes and uncertainties. According to Zamoum and Gorpe (2018), efficient crisis management emphasizes the importance of respecting emotions, recognizing rights, and making appropriate decisions. Restoring trust is a significant challenge in a crisis situation, one that cannot be resolved without complete transparency and open communication [ 38 ]. This perspective is crucial to consider in planning for future preparedness. Overall, the perspective of employee rights and obligations in exceptional circumstances has been relatively under-researched, but in Australia, grounding research on this perspective has been conducted with paramedics using various approaches [ 39 , 40 , 41 ]. The researchers conclude that there is a lack of clarity about the concept of professional obligation, specifically regarding its boundaries, and the issue urgently needs to be addressed by developing clear guidelines that outline the obligation to respond, both in normal day-to-day operations and during exceptional circumstances [ 39 ].

Complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory recognizes that in a resilient organization, different levels adapt to changing environments [ 19 , 20 ]. Barasa et al. (2018) note that planned resilience and adaptive resilience are both important [ 19 ]. Kihlström et al. (2022) note that the health system’s resilience was strengthened by a certain expectation of crisis, and they also recognized further study needs on how effectively management is responding to weak signals [ 12 ]. This could be directly related to how personnel can prepare for future changes. The results of this study revealed many negative emotions related to sudden changes, but at the same time, effective organizational adaptation was identified as a resource for the well-being of EMS personnel. Dissecting different elements of system adaptation in a crisis has been recognized as a highly necessary area for further research [ 20 ]. Kihlström et al. (2022) emphasize the importance of ensuring a healthy workforce across the entire health system. These frameworks suggest numerous potential areas for future research, which would also enhance effective preparedness [ 12 ].

Limitations of the study

In this study, we utilized essay material written in the fall of 2020, in which experienced paramedics reflected on the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic from a work-oriented perspective. The essays were approached inductively, meaning that they were not directly written to answer our research questions, but the aim and the research questions were shaped based on the content [ 26 ]. The essays included extensive descriptions that aligned well with the aim of this study. However, it is important to remember when interpreting the results that asking specifically about this topic, for instance, in an interview, might have yielded different descriptions. It can be assessed that the study achieved a tentative descriptive level, as the detailed examination of complex phenomena such as emotions and resources would require various methods and observations.

Although the essays were mostly profound, well-thought-out, and clearly written, their credibility [ 42 ] may be affected by the fact that several months had passed between the time the essays were written and the events described. Memories may have altered, potentially influencing the content of the writings. Diary-like material from the very onset of the pandemic might have yielded more precise data, and such a data collection method could be considered in future research on exceptional circumstances.

The credibility [ 42 ] could also have been enhanced if the paramedics who wrote the essays had commented on the results and provided additional perspectives on the material and analysis through a multi-phase data collection process. This was not deemed feasible in this study, mainly because there was a 2.5-year gap between data collection and the start of the analysis. However, this also strengthened the overall trustworthiness of the study, as it allowed the first author, who had worked in prehospital emergency care during the initial phase of the pandemic, to maintain a distance from the subject, and enabled a comparison of our own findings with previously published research that investigated the same period in different contexts. The comparison was made when writing the discussion, with the analysis itself being inductive and following the thematic analysis process described by Braun & Clarke [ 26 ].

When evaluating credibility [ 42 ], it should also be noted that the participants who wrote the essays, i.e., the data for the study, were experienced paramedics but also students and one of the researchers was their principal lecturer. This could potentially limit credibility if the students, for some reason, did not want to produce truthful content for their lecturer to read. However, this risk can be considered small because the essays’ topics did not concern the students’ academic progress, the essays’ content was quite consistent, and the results aligned with other studies. As a strength, it can be considered that the students shared their experiences without holding back, as the thoughts were not for workplace use, and they could trust the data privacy statement.

To enhance transferability [ 42 ], the context of the study was described in detail, highlighting the conditions prevailing in Finnish prehospital emergency care during the early stages of the pandemic. Moreover, including a diverse range of perspectives from paramedics working in different regions of Finland (except Northern Finland) contributes to the transferability of the study, indicating that the results may be applicable and relevant to a wider context beyond a single specific region.

Dependability [ 42 ] was reinforced by the close involvement of two researchers from different backgrounds in the analysis of the material, but a limitation is that no separate analyses were conducted. However, the original data was repeatedly revisited during the analysis, which strengthened the dependability. Moreover, the first author kept detailed notes throughout the analysis process, and the last author supervised the progress while also contributing to the analysis and reporting. The research process is also reported in detail.

This study highlighted numerous, mainly negative emotions experienced by EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic due to new working circumstances. At the same time, several work-related factors were identified as resources for their well-being. The findings suggest that crisis management practices should be more attentive to personnel needs, ensuring that personnel have the necessary support, both managerial and psychological, readily available in crisis situations. Effective organizational adaptation in a crisis situation also supports personnel well-being, emphasizing the importance of effective preparedness. Future research should particularly focus on considering personnel well-being as part of organizational adaptation during exceptional circumstances and utilize these findings to enhance preparedness.

Data availability

The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to the inclusion of sensitive information and the extent of the informed consent provided by the participants.


Complex Adaptive Systems (theory)

Coronavirus Disease 2019

Emergency Medical Services

Personal Protective Equipment

United Kingdom

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Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Henna Myrskykari

Emergency Medical Services, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland

Department of Healthcare and Emergency Care, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Kotka, Finland

Hilla Nordquist

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The study followed the good scientific practice defined by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK [ 43 ]. The study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and applicable national guidelines. Adhering to the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) guidelines on ethical principles of research with human participants and ethical review in the human sciences in Finland, an ethical review statement from a human sciences ethics committee was not required for this type of study. The participants consisted of adult students engaged in regular employment. Their involvement in the research was grounded on informed consent. The study did not involve concerns regarding the participants’ physical integrity, nor were they subjected to exceptionally strong stimuli. The potential for causing mental harm was not beyond what is typically encountered in everyday life, and their participation did not pose any safety risks [ 44 ].

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Myrskykari, H., Nordquist, H. Paramedics’ experiences and observations: work-related emotions and well-being resources during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic—a qualitative study. BMC Emerg Med 24 , 152 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-024-01072-0

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Received : 25 April 2024

Accepted : 13 August 2024

Published : 26 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-024-01072-0

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  • Emergency medical services
  • Health personnel
  • Qualitative research

BMC Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1471-227X

advertisement discussion essay


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  30. Paramedics' experiences and observations: work-related emotions and

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