
101 Best Thank You Messages for Your Boss

Here are the 101 best thank you messages for your boss to let them know how much your value and appreciate their leadership.


As my boss, I think that you deserve an extra note of thanks for all of your ongoing leadership and support.

From mentoring new team members to counseling employees’ personal issues. From supporting colleagues unconditionally to helping those facing workplace blues – thanks for showing that no matter how hard bosses crack the whip, they need to have a strong human side to their leadership.

I feel very grateful to have had an opportunity to intern at this company and for having you as my supervisor and mentor. You were so patient with me. Thank you so much. I greatly appreciated that when training me you took the time to break things down to a level that I could understand and then build upon. Assigning work tasks to me that were sometimes quite difficult allowed me to have the chance to expand my knowledge and build confidence in my abilities. The valuable skills I’ve learned from you over the past year have given me the work experience I need to find employment in my field after college. Thank you also for writing a glowing letter of recommendation for me. I appreciate everything and will remember my time here fondly.

I just wanted to thank you for being such a great boss. I have enjoyed working with you so much over the years.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to put in a good word for me with [NAME]. As a respected member of this workplace, your opinion carries a lot of weight. I’m humbled by your confidence in my abilities, and promise to continue doing my best work at all times. Thank you for believing in me.

Since the day I started to work with you; I know I’ve changed a lot that really helped me to become a better person inside and out. You are one of the reasons why I’m always trying my best. Thank you my boss! You know I appreciate you in so many ways.

Thank you for transforming our mistakes into valuable lessons. Your pressure and leadership has made us more productive and converted all of our skills into strengths. You have an amazing ability to bring out the best in all of us. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. You are an amazing boss for all of us.

Thank you so much dear boss for taking a chance on me and teaching me that there is always scope for improvement. All my success and knowledge, I owe to you.

Thank you so much for the [RAISE/GIFT]! It’s both exciting and humbling to be recognized for my hard work and dedication. Your thoughtfulness and generosity empower me and encourage me to do my best, always.

While I still have the opportunity, let me thank you for all that you have done not only for my but for the whole department. You are the most supportive boss we ever had. Thank you for everything.

You lead your employees and get them to follow your vision without being dominating and annoying. Thanks for showing us that respect is always deserved, never commanded or forced.

Your comments on my failures and your compliments on my performance – both motivate and inspire me to do better. Thanks boss.

Your leadership skills make it easy for you to manage our team, even with our diverse professional background. I’m proud to have learned some of these qualities from you. Thank you for guiding me professionally and personally!

Thank you so much for giving me an extended leave of absence when my husband was hospitalized last month. It allowed me to remain by my husband’s side so I could offer him emotional support during his surgery and recovery. I feel blessed to work for a company that values it’s employees and is consistently generous and compassionate. My heart is filled with gratitude. Thank you again for your understanding. My family and I greatly appreciate your kindness.

Thanks for converting our mistakes into lessons, pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. You really know how to bring out the best in us.

The biggest problem in having an extraordinary boss like you is that I will never be happy working for anyone else. Thanks, but you have really limited my career options because I have no other option but to follow you wherever you go.

This letter is to express my appreciation for all of the hard work, long hours and late nights you put in to make your business a success, in an effort to prevent layoffs and retain your employees. I’d like you to know that none of this has gone unnoticed by the workers, and we are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and commitment to all of us.

Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful your guidance and advice has been. I am forever grateful for your support!

You motivate your employees, you take tough decisions. You support your colleagues, you are a true inspiration. Thanks boss.

You not only granted me an opportunity to work with you, but you also guided me and made me strengthen my focus on all that I ever wanted to achieve. Thank you.

You weren’t going to get anything out of pushing me, to be an exceptional employee – but you still invested your time in me. Thank you for mentoring me every step of the way.

Thank you for your vision, your extraordinary ability and leadership to guide us at all times. We appreciate the efforts taken by you.

Thank you for your support. I greatly appreciate your confidence in me.

Thank you for being so understanding as I navigate this difficult situation. Your continued support and encouragement are appreciated more than you know.

Just like how all trees need water to grow and all humans need air to live, companies need bosses like you to survive and prosper. Thanks for being our lifeline.

It feels amazing to work in such a positive environment where everyone’s opinion matters. Thank you for such a brilliant opportunity. I genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

[NAME] nothing I can say will ever convey the amount of gratitude, I owe to you for showing me how to have the right attitude. Thanks.

I am so thankful that you are my boss. You are more than just a leader; you are truly an inspiration. Your hard work and dedication has inspired me since the moment I first joined your staff. Thank you so much.

A boss and a friend, two in one. Whoever thought that work-life would be so much fun. Thanks.

As a supervisor you are truly an inspiration to your staff. Your strong leadership skills, along with the support and dedication you show to your team, has earned you much deserved respect and admiration. I feel lucky to be a member of your staff.

I feel so fortunate to have a job at [WORKPLACE] that I thoroughly enjoy, and I wanted to let you know that you’re a big part of that. Your enthusiasm and support make it a pleasure to come to work every day. I just thought you should know that you’re doing a great job. Thank you!

I am thrilled to be named [POSITION]! Being able to achieve this goal is so fulfilling to me both personally and professionally. I appreciate the role you played in helping me get here. I promise to work hard to maintain the confidence and trust you have shown in me. Thank you!

A million thanks to you for being the best boss ever. Thank you for all of the support and encouragement at work and for in our lives. You are so amazing and all of us are lucky to have you. Thank you and God bless you.

In the business world effective communication with your superiors includes, when appropriate, an occasional thank you note showing appreciation for something that’s very important to you. You can also use a lovely thank you card to express your sincere thanks for his/her creation of a great work environment, new courtesies such as free gourmet coffee in the break room, replacing uncomfortable office chairs with ergonomic chairs, taking you out to lunch for Employee Appreciation Day, or giving you personal time off during a family emergency.

Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me the other day to discuss [TOPIC]. Your advice was spot on. I’m more confident than ever in taking the next steps towards my next goal.

Thank you so much for all of your leadership at work—it has truly been an inspiration to work with you.

Dear Boss, I just want you to know that I consider myself really lucky to have got an opportunity to work for someone like you. You make even the most tedious job a lovely learning process. Thanks a ton!

The success I’ve had in my career is due in no small part to your support and encouragement. I appreciate you so much and value everything that I have learned from you.

Being noticed for a job well done is both gratifying and validating. Thank you for taking the time to notice the little things and always find a way to offer a compliment or a word of encouragement. Your sincere accolades make me feel like a valued member of this team, and for that I am grateful.

Thank you so much for the wonderful Employee Appreciation Luncheon, thank you card and gift. It means a lot to me knowing that my work and the extra hours I put in during crunch time are appreciated. I feel lucky to have such a great supervisor. You have a terrific way of making each member of our team feel valued and important. It’s part of what motivates us to work together to achieve the goals you’ve set for our department. Thank you again for the great lunch and for the continued business inspiration!

You have motivated your employees while having to make the toughest of decisions. Through your support for your colleagues and leadership, you have been a true inspiration. Thank you.

I am so proud to be able to call you my boss. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me over the years.

After all you have done, thanks do not feel like enough. All I can do is offer my gratitude and appreciation for your leadership and for you being such a wonderful boss.

This note is to gradually show my personal appreciation for my boss. Thank you sir for all the hard work, extended hours and even late nights of business hours. Through these situations, I have made myself more motivated and genuine when it comes to work. Thank you.

As today is National Boss Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a great supervisor, always leading by example. Because of you our workplace is a wonderful environment for the open exchange of ideas, and a place where employees are motivated each day to do their best. I am thankful to be a part of your team.

What an honor it is to be named the new [POSITION]. I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity, and foresee a future full of possibility and excitement. I look forward to beginning this grand, new adventure. Thank you!

As a manager and our boss in this field of work, you are indeed an inspiration to us-your staff. Thank you for strong leadership plus showing your support to your entire team, accept our thankfulness which you really deserve.

Thank you for your vote of confidence in me by supporting my vision to increase production and nationwide distribution of our products. Although within the hierarchy there has been some resistance to change, I truly feel we are now in the ideal position to move forward, expand our business and fill market needs. By providing our employees with the tools, procedures and strategies they need to work at a higher level of efficiency on our production lines, we are setting the stage for a successful expansion as well as the possibility of international growth in the future. Thank you for your advice, input on this project, and continued support every step of the way. I really appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me regarding [TOPIC]. Having you as a sounding board was very helpful in assisting me in which direction to ultimately take. I’m so grateful for your insights and advice.

I am so grateful to have been promoted to [POSITION]. It will be my honor and privilege to serve in this capacity. I look forward to all of the excitement and challenges that lie ahead. Thank you for this opportunity!

Thank you for all of your support and assistance. I consider myself truly honored to have you as my boss.

I just want to let you know that I consider myself luck to have got an opportunity to work with someone like you. You make even the most tedious jobs a lovely learning process. Thanks a ton.

Our whole team just wanted to show how grateful we are to have such a wonderful boss. Thanks!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the beautiful holiday party you organized for your employees and their families. This large-scale festive event is something our family looks forward to year after year. A delicious catered dinner followed by dancing to the music of a live band were both extra special. Thank you so much for continuing this beautiful holiday tradition for our company. We greatly appreciate your generosity and kindness.

As long as I have to spend time with a boss like you in the office, I don’t mind even if 9 to 5 becomes 9 to 9. Thanks for making work enjoyable.

Salary is one thing but real job satisfaction comes from the praises and appraisals given by a boss who is a true mentor. Thanks.

Just a quick note to thank you for helping me out with [TOPIC] recently. The time you spent with me really helped me put things in a new light, and for that I am truly thankful. I’m lucky to have you in my corner. Thank you.

I am saying this not just because I have just got a raise. But I have always believed that you are a boss worthy of praise. Thank you.

It is one thing for you to be a boss, but being a mentor and a leader was never a requirement. We are so proud and grateful to have a boss, manager and mentor in one. Thank you for everything that you do.

Just wanted to let you know you’re appreciated. Your leadership and ability to get things done are an inspiration to us all. Thank you.

As our boss, you are highly motivational. As a human being, you are truly inspirational. Thanks.

My skills and talent would have gone with me to the grave, if you hadn’t spotted them and inspired me to go forth and be brave. Thanks boss.

After working with a flawless boss like you, I have started feeling a little left out when I am with my friends. Every time they say bad things about their bosses, I really have nothing to say. Thanks for making me feel like an outcast.

I just want to express how much I appreciate you as my boss. Being my boss and leader has a great impact in my life. You inspired me in so many ways. Thank you.

I’m so thankful that you are my boss. You are not just a leader to me but you are also an inspiration. Your hard work has been my inspiration since I became a member of your staff. Thank you.

Since the first day that I began working for you, I know that I have changed in so many ways. All of these changes have helped me transform into a better person inside and out. From how I do my job to how I live my life at home, you are one of the biggest reasons why I am always striving to do my best. Thank you for being my boss.

I really appreciate your understanding and support regarding the changes we’re making to the project plan. I feel that these changes are going to streamline the current project, and facilitate the organization of those in the future. Thank you for your confidence in me. I’m sure you’re going to be pleased with the results.

I wanted to let you know how much having you as a boss has meant to me throughout my time here. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in helping me achieve my professional goals, and for that I am forever grateful. All the best.

Ever since I started working with you as my leader, I have learned so many things that make me a better worker and a better person. You are truly the best boss ever. Thank you.

I will never know what it feels like to work under a boss who is annoying, grumpy, irritating and always angry. But this is one work experience that I am glad not to have had – all thanks to a boss like you.

After working with an amazing boss like you, I have started to feel left out when I am with my friends. Every time they start to talk badly about their bosses, I have nothing to say. Thanks for making me always feel like an outcast.

I appreciate you and all the things you do in more ways than I can count.

Stories of how amazing you are as a boss have gone viral in my family and friend group. Everyone is jealous that I have such a great boss. Thank you for always being a cool boss.

Thank you for being an inspiration to us. We are grateful for all that you have done for us.

Thank you for all of your kindness, encouragement and support. I could never have asked for or expected such a great boss.

Hail to the chief! If there ever was a boss that deserves praise and adulation, that person is you. During all of the years that I’ve worked here, you have never failed to be supportive, kind, and fair to each of your employees. I want you to know how much I enjoy working here at [COMPANY]. Thank you for providing such a great work environment for all of us.

Thank you for being such a great role model for me during my time with this [COMPANY]. As my time here is coming to a close, I wanted to let you know I will proudly carry what I have learned here throughout my career.

Thank you for giving me the chance to partake in [PROGRAM/SEMINAR]. I learned so much, especially [SKILLS]. As a result, I feel more confident and empowered to move forward in my position. I’m very grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to attend.

From being nothing to becoming something, I have made an amazing journey at this workplace. It is all thanks to your guidance that I have made this journey.

From being nothing to something, I have traveled a long journey under your guidance. Thanks boss.

Thank you for being the most wonderful boss to all of us.

Apart from the decision making, communication and overall professionalism, the most important thing I have learnt from you is how to be a good human being. Thanks boss.

Thank you sir for hearing me out whenever I have something to suggest. I am so happy that in my little ways, I was able to contribute even a little to attain the goals of this company.

Thank you for all the encouragement and the guidance. Thank you for helping me grow in my career. May God bless you.

It is one thing to be a boss, another thing to be a mentor but a completely different thing to be a leader. We are proud to be led by a boss, mentor and manager like you. Thanks for everything.

I was so grateful to have been able to take part in the [PROGRAM] recently. I learned skills which I’m sure will come in handy throughout my career with this company. Thank you for helping me further my professional development. I look forward to putting my newfound knowledge into action.

It was really so amazing to work with you in such a positive environment. Working under your leadership has been an amazing opportunity for me. Thank you so much.

It’s hard to believe that we won’t be working together anymore. Before I go, I wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that I enjoyed my time here, in part because of [YOUR MANAGEMENT STYLE]. Even though I am moving on, I will take the great memories I have of this office with me wherever I go. Thank you.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to expand my skills through the [PROGRAM/CLASS]. I know the skills I’ve learned as a result will help catapult my success, and for that I am truly grateful.

Thank you for being so understanding about [ISSUE]. Knowing that I did not have to worry about work throughout this ordeal has made it much easier to work through things and move forward. Please accept my sincerest thanks.

Thank you for teaching me that every mistake is just a learning experience. I have learnt so much with you. Ever since I have been working for you, I found myself evolving both with respect to my career as well as a person.

I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me. I’m grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and have enjoyed my time working under your leadership. Thank you so much!

Thank you for the recent bonus. It is sure to come in handy, but more than that, it gives me great confidence to know that my hard work is being recognized. I’m so grateful to work for a company that shows its appreciation so generously.

Thank you so much for all the encouragement and support you gave to me. Thank you for all the smart advices that are the reason for my success. Thank you boss.

Thanks for putting pressure on me, being tough on me for my mistakes that were silly. Sometimes tough love is necessary, which is what I have learnt in my career’s journey.

Working for you is an honor, working without you is an absolute horror. Working under you is a pleasure, an experience that I will truly treasure. Thanks boss.

Thank you so much for recommending me for promotion and for being instrumental in helping me secure the position. I greatly appreciate the confidence you have in me and my capabilities to lead the marketing team as its director. I will continue work hard to bring our team to the next level. I fully expect to exceed expectations that are placed on my new role here at the company. There are several ground-breaking strategies I plan on implementing that will expand our business, increase company profits, and strengthen our brand. Thank you again for your trust and support.

Working under your leadership was a great chance for me to grow professionally and personally. Thank you for your support!

Your company expertise, reliability, and even goodness generate a good and enjoyable place to work. Many thanks for extending your passion and adaptability in times one of us of your staff needs a day-off. Thank you.

You make me feel like a million bucks every time you ask me for my opinion on something important, although I know that sometimes you do it only to make me feel nice. Thanks for being such a wonderful boss.

You inspired me during difficult times when I needed words of encouragement. You are a blessing in my life. Thanks for all your support and advice.

I hope you enjoyed this list of thank you messages for your boss.


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60+ Thank You Messages for Boss to Appreciate Them

60+ best thank you messages for boss to show appreciation for their support and leadership. Express gratitude to your boss with heartfelt thank you messages.

Adie Marais

Table of Contents

  • General Thank You Messages For Boss
  • Thank You Messages To Boss For Promotion
  • Short and Sweet Thank You Messages For Boss
  • Heartfelt Thank You Messages For Boss
  • Appreciation Messages For Boss
  • It’s Important To Say Thank You

Thank you messages to the boss are a way of showing gratitude and appreciation for all the support and guidance they have given you.

The best way to show someone you appreciate them is by sending them a well-worded and heartfelt. But, sometimes, it can be tricky to know exactly what to say in a thank-you message to your boss. You want to sound professional while still conveying how grateful you are.

Whether you’ve just been promoted, thanked your boss for a birthday celebration & gift or a generous bonus, or you want to thank them for being a great boss, it’s important to send a thank you message to the boss.

It shows them that you’re grateful for their leadership or the opportunities they provide. I mean, it’s always nice to feel appreciated, right? Showing gratitude has also proven to be good for one’s health!

So, with that being said, please look through our list of thank-you messages that you can send to your boss. Pick the most relevant ones, and off you go!

Saying thank you does not take much, and these 30 examples of "thank you messages for the boss" will make your job even easier.

Why It’s important to say thank you 

Saying thank you is more than just a polite gesture; it's a driving force that fosters positive relationships and a healthy work environment. When you express your gratitude, it not only positively impacts those around you but also reflects your valuable skill in appreciating the efforts of others. 

Whether it's a heartfelt thank you to an incredible mentor or showing gratitude to an amazing boss for their continuous support, taking the time out of your busy day to write a thank you note can make a significant difference. A handwritten note can be a powerful way to convey your appreciation for the guidance and support you've received, whether it's helped you navigate your career or reach your goals. 

Gratitude is a hallmark of a great leader. By regularly expressing thanks to your team for their work and dedication, you create a supportive and motivating atmosphere. This act of appreciation can lead to a more engaged and productive team, potentially resulting in a promotion, raise, or bonus for exceptional performance. 

Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine can transform your work life. It helps build a culture of appreciation, where everyone feels valued and recognized for their contributions. So, take a moment to express your gratitude—whether through a quick thank you message or a thoughtfully written note—and witness the positive changes it brings to your work environment .

General thank you messages for boss

Here are some general thank you messages to help you convey your appreciation to your boss for their continuous support, guidance, and encouragement. 

1. This is a note to thank you for being the best boss. We appreciate you taking the time and effort to mentor us and ensure that we’re all doing our best for the team.

2. I just wanted to thank you for being an amazing boss. I have truly enjoyed working for you over the past few years and hope for many more still to come.

3. Thank you for helping me with ( a specific task ) today. It really meant a lot that you would take time out of your busy day to help me get it right. Your insights were very helpful.

4. To work for someone with leadership skills like yours is an incredible experience. You have taught me so much over the years, and I want to thank you for that.

5. As a team, we thought we’d send you this note of appreciation to thank you for being so understanding and supportive during this project.

Best Thank You Messages for Boss

Thank you messages for specific occasions  

In any work environment, showing gratitude is a valuable skill that positively impacts both personal and professional relationships. Whether you're thanking an amazing boss for their continuous support or acknowledging the guidance and encouragement from a mentor, expressing your gratitude can strengthen bonds and enhance your overall work experience.  

Here are some thank you messages tailored for specific occasions to help you express your appreciation effectively.

Thank you messages to boss for promotion

Here are 9 thank you messages to boss for promotion:

1. I want to send my thanks again for the promotion. It means a great deal to me, and I will continue to make every effort at work!

2. I am so thankful for the promotion and that you have faith in me. I am grateful to have you as a boss. You appreciate and value your employees, and it does not go unnoticed. I am looking forward to doing more exceptional work together.

3. I wanted to take the time to thank you! This promotion means so much to me, and I am so grateful. What you have taught me is boundless, and I look forward to learning more as I take on this new role.

 Thank You Messages for Boss

4. I am absolutely elated by this promotion. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to keep doing exceptional work with you and this company. Thank you for considering me.

5. Thank you for believing in my abilities to take on this role. You have been an incredible example to me, and I wish to take everything I have learned from you into this role and excel. Thank you again!

6. I am so grateful that you believe in me and my abilities! I am thrilled to have this opportunity, and I can’t wait to do more great work with you. Thank you so much.

7. I have learned so much since I started working under you. Thank you for giving me the chance to grow and develop my skills for this new role. I cannot wait to continue learning and put my knowledge to use.

8. You have provided me with so much help and guidance over the years, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Here is to a bright future! Many thanks again.

9. I am so grateful that you would consider me for this promotion. Thank you for being my mentor and advocate. You helped me learn everything I needed to excel in this new role.

8 Thank you messages to boss for Guidance and Mentorship  

A great leader provides continuous support and encouragement, helping you reach your goals and grow in your career.  

Here are eight thank you messages to help you write a thank you note that truly conveys your appreciation for their mentorship and guidance. 

1. Thank you for your continuous support and guidance. Your mentorship has been invaluable, and I’ve learned so much from you over the years. 

2. I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work under your leadership. Your guidance and encouragement have been crucial in helping me reach my goals. 

3. You are an amazing boss, and I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to mentor me. Your insights have been incredibly helpful. 

4.Your leadership and dedication to our team make you a great leader. Thank you for your guidance and support, which have positively impacted my career. 

5. I wanted to write a thank you note to express my appreciation for your mentorship. Your continuous support has made a significant difference in my professional growth. 

6. Your advice and encouragement have been instrumental in my success. Thank you for being such a valuable mentor and an amazing boss. 

7. Thank you for your guidance and support. Your mentorship has helped me develop valuable skills and navigate challenges with confidence. 

8. I am grateful for the work and dedication you put into mentoring me. Your support has been a driving force in my career progression, and I look forward to continuing to learn from you. 

6 Thank you messages to boss for Project Assistance  

Here are six thank you messages to help you write a thank you note to your boss for their project assistance.  

1. Thank you for your invaluable guidance and support during the project. Your insights and expertise have been crucial to our success. 

2. I want to express my gratitude for taking the time out of your busy day to help me with the project. Your continuous support means a lot to me. 

3. Your assistance and encouragement have positively impacted the project and my professional growth. Thank you for being an amazing boss. 

4. I truly appreciate your hands-on approach and the opportunity to work closely with you on this project. Your leadership has been inspiring and educational. 

5. Your dedication and support have been instrumental in overcoming the challenges we faced during the project. Thank you for being a great leader and mentor. 

6. I’ve learned so much from you while working on this project. Your guidance has helped me develop valuable skills that I will carry forward in my career. 

10 Personalized Thank You Messages  

Expressing gratitude in a personalized way not only acknowledges the continuous support and guidance you've received but also strengthens your professional relationships.  

Here are ten personalized thank you messages to help you write a thank you note that truly conveys your appreciation. 

1. I want to express my gratitude for your guidance and support. Your insights and encouragement have been invaluable in helping me reach my goals. Thank you for being an amazing boss. 

2. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to assist me with the recent project. Your continuous support and dedication have made all the difference. 

3. Your leadership has been instrumental in my professional growth. I’ve learned so much from you, and I appreciate the opportunity to work under such a great leader. 

4. I wanted to write a handwritten note to thank you for your unwavering support. Your encouragement and guidance have been a driving force in my career development. 

5. Thank you for recognizing my hard work and dedication with a promotion. Your belief in my abilities means a lot to me, and I look forward to contributing even more to our team. 

6. Your advice and mentorship have been incredibly helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to help me navigate my career path and develop valuable skills. 

7. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work on such an exciting project. Your support and leadership have made the experience both rewarding and educational. 

8. Thank you for always being there to provide guidance and encouragement. Your support has helped me grow both personally and professionally. 

9. I wanted to express my gratitude for your continuous support and the opportunities you’ve given me. Your leadership has been a major influence on my success. 

10. Your dedication to our team and your encouragement have been truly inspiring. Thank you for being an amazing boss and for always supporting my professional growth. 

8 Funny thank you messages to boss 

Expressing gratitude, even with a touch of humor, can lighten the atmosphere and show appreciation in a unique way.  

Here are eight funny thank you messages to thank your boss: 

1. Thanks for being an amazing boss! I’d write a handwritten note, but my handwriting looks like a toddler's scribbles. Your guidance and support, however, are crystal clear! 

2. I just wanted to express my gratitude for your continuous support. If I get a promotion, raise, or bonus, I promise to share my secret stash of office snacks with you! 

3. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help me with the project. You must have superpowers to juggle so much and still make it look easy! 

4. I’ve learned so much from you that I’m considering opening a school to teach others how to be as awesome as you. Thanks for being a great leader and mentor! 

5. Your encouragement has been so motivating that I might actually start liking Mondays. Thanks for the guidance and support, and for making work fun! 

6. Thank you for being an amazing boss and providing the opportunity to work on such exciting projects. You make even the toughest tasks seem like a walk in the park—or at least a brisk jog! 

7. I wanted to express my gratitude for your leadership and dedication. Without your guidance, I’d be like a ship without a captain—or worse, a coffee machine without coffee! 

8. Thanks for the continuous support and for believing in me. If there were an award for the best boss, you’d win it hands down—plus a lifetime supply of my homemade cookies! 

Short and sweet thank you messages for boss   

Short and sweet thank you messages can effectively convey your appreciation for their support, guidance, and leadership. Here are some concise thank you messages to help you acknowledge your boss's contributions. 

1. Thank you for all the great leadership and support! You are a great boss, and this thank you note is well-deserved. 

2. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for being an amazing boss. You make the workdays extremely enjoyable, and you value each of us. We are grateful. 

3. Thank you for always motivating and inspiring me! I appreciate you helping me learn from my mistakes and encouraging me always to do better. 

4. Thank you for always keeping the team in high spirits and making tough decisions. You are an inspiration, and we couldn’t ask for a better boss. 

5. This is to say thank you for your endless support. I am so appreciative of the confidence and faith you have in me. 

6. I am grateful for all the leadership you have shown at work. You inspire me, and I have learned so much from you. Thank you! 

7. Thank you for always noticing and acknowledging our contributions while teaching us how to improve. A boss like you drives us to be the best we can be. Thank you - from the team. 

Best Thank You Messages for Boss

Heartfelt thank you messages for boss

Taking the time to express heartfelt gratitude to your boss can deepen your professional relationship and show appreciation for their continuous support and guidance.  

Acknowledging their role as a great leader and mentor can make a significant impact.  

Here are some heartfelt thank you messages to help you write a thank you note that truly conveys your appreciation. 

1. You are not only a renowned person in the industry, but you are also an exceptional boss. I hope that I can only be even half of the successful person you are one day. I feel privileged to work under your support and advice. Thank you! 

2. To someone three in one: an amazing boss, mentor, and manager. Since I started working here, your counsel and direction have been invaluable to me. Thank you for all the opportunities and learning experiences you have given me. I truly appreciate having a boss like you. 

3. It has been an incredible experience to work under someone so multi-talented and resourceful. You have shown me so much support over the years, and I am grateful. I learn from you every day, and working in your team has been an amazing honor. I owe all my successes in the workplace to you. Thank you! 

4. This is a message to express my gratitude to you. Everything I have achieved could not have been done without you as my team leader and mentor. Thank you for taking the time and effort to show me how great leader treats their team. Thank you for being such a fantastic boss. 

5. Your encouraging words, guidance, and advice were the only things that kept us going while we were rushing to meet our deadline. We just wanted to show you our appreciation and tell you that we are delighted and relieved that we have such a great boss to work under. Thank you for everything - we are lucky to have a boss like you! 

Best Thank You Messages for Boss

Appreciation messages for boss

Appreciation messages to your boss can go a long way in acknowledging their efforts and support. Whether it's their leadership, mentorship, or encouragement, expressing your gratitude can strengthen your professional relationship and highlight their role in your success.  

Here are some appreciation messages to help you write a thank you note that conveys your heartfelt thanks. 

1. This is just a message of appreciation for being such a great boss. You always take the time out of your day to help us reach our goals and become better workers and people. Without you, we would not have been where we are today. Not only are you a great boss, but you are an incredible mentor too. Thank you!

2. To be able to work under a boss like you has been the greatest honor. You elevate the workspace and the whole work experience. Your kindness, motivation, and support are just a few characteristics that make you the phenomenal leader and mentor that you are today. We are extremely grateful for everything!

3. We just wanted to express our gratitude to someone patient, kind, and understanding. You help us with all of our tasks without even batting an eye, and for that, we are so grateful. It means a lot to us that you always have our backs and will take the time to teach us and help us learn from our mistakes.

Thank You Messages for Boss

4. As a new team member, I worried that I might struggle to fit in or adjust to the work. But, with your help, I didn’t have to worry about anything. Thank you for making me feel included in the workplace and for taking the time to check that I was up to speed. I really appreciate it.

5. I just wanted to send you a note of appreciation to thank you for helping me reach my goals today. I could not have done it without your support and advice. I am grateful that you took the time out of your day to help me. You’re a one-of-a-kind boss!

Delivering the thank you message 

Here are few ways to deliver appreciation: 

1. Email: Sending a thank you message via email is a professional and thoughtful way to show your appreciation. This method allows you to articulate your gratitude in a detailed and personal manner. 

2. Face-to-Face: Delivering your thank you message in person can have a powerful impact. It shows sincerity and allows for a more personal connection. 

3. Publicly with Empuls: Using Empuls to publicly appreciate your boss can enhance employee engagement and recognition within the team. Public recognition can be motivating and reinforces a culture of gratitude. 

Leveraging Empuls for the Appreciation 

Empuls provides a robust platform for hosting engaging events like the Thank You Message Challenge. This challenge encourages employees to showcase their gratitude through heartfelt messages. Here's how you can leverage Empuls effectively: 

1. Announce the challenge on Empuls 

Begin by creating an eye-catching post or banner on the Empuls platform, outlining the details of the Thank You Message Challenge. Utilize the announcement feature to ensure every employee receives a notification about the upcoming event. 

2. Set up dedicated groups 

Establish a designated group or channel within Empuls specifically for the Thank You Message Challenge. This centralized space enables participants to share their messages, interact with others, and keep track of daily themes and activities. 

3. Gratitude reminders 

Leverage Empuls' notification or reminder feature to prompt employees about the thank you message challenge. This gives them ample time to prepare their heartfelt messages. 

4. Encourage engagement with gamification 

Empuls offers a points and rewards system for active participation. Allocate points for posting messages, engaging with others' posts (such as liking or commenting), and sharing. This gamified approach will motivate more employees to get involved. 

5. Leaderboard integration 

Display the leaderboard on Empuls showcasing the most engaged participants or the most creatively written thank you messages. This friendly competition can spur even greater involvement. 

6. Polls and voting 

To involve all employees, create polls where everyone can vote for their favorite thank you messages or categories like 'Most Inspiring Message'. 

7. Appreciate with rewards 

Empuls seamlessly integrates a rewards system. At the end of the challenge, recognize the winners by gifting them Xoxoday points, which they can redeem for a variety of experiences, gifts, or vouchers available on the platform. 

8. Feedback loop 

After the challenge concludes, use Empuls to gather feedback on the activity. Create a quick survey or poll to understand what employees enjoyed, what could be improved, and gather ideas for future challenges. 

9. Showcase the highlights 

Curate a post or a digital album within Empuls that captures the highlights of the Thank You Message Challenge. This digital keepsake will serve as a reminder of the shared celebrations and camaraderie. 

It’s important to say thank you.

Showing gratitude is essential to communication and an important building block to a healthy relationship . Even if it is a professional relationship, workspaces could do with a little more kindness and appreciation.

So, if you’re looking for ways to thank your boss for something (no matter what it is), feel free to use any of these ideas. Just as you would feel good about receiving some recognition in the workplace, we’re sure that your boss will appreciate some kind words too!

Build a culture of appreciation that says "thank you" to your boss via Empuls . Find out about our extensive team member engagement programs and rewards and recognition platform. Want to know more? Book a demo or start a free trial .

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Adie Marais

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Adie has been creating content since 2017 with Contentellect. She loves to write and explore new and exciting concepts within different realms and industries.

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130+ Thank You Messages For Boss To Show Appreciation

A great boss is the cornerstone of any successful business. Having a great boss is a fantastic feeling and relief. Take a moment to send an appreciation message to a boss who recognize your worth and makes you feel good about your workplace. Here you will find some best thank you messages that you may use to express your gratitude for support and guidance.

Also, there are messages for occasions such as promotions, new projects, or job recognition, as well as farewell messages for retirement or transfer. Let your boss know how much their leadership means to you.

Thank You Messages For Boss

  • Appreciation Messages To Boss

Thanks Message To Boss For Appreciation

  • Thank You Message For Increment/Bonus
  • Thank You Boss For Support and Guidance
  • Thank You Messages On Retirement/Farewell

Thank You Note To Boss For Gift

Thank you boss for your guidance and support. I am privileged to be able to work with you.

Thank you so much boss for being the best leader. We will be forever grateful to have the opportunity to work for you.

Thanks for your kind words and appreciation. These words mean a lot to me and will motivate me to do my best.

Thanks for converting our mistakes into lessons, pressure into productivity, and skills into strengths. You really know how to bring out the best in us.

Thank You Boss

Dear boss, you are one in a million. I feel so glad to be led by you. Thanks for all the opportunities.

Thank you to the best boss for your motivation, advice, and encouragement. We can achieve so much success so rapidly due to your guidance and leadership.

I want to express my gratitude for believing in my abilities, for boosting my confidence, and for helping me reach my goal. You are the best, and I’m so grateful to have you as my mentor.

Thanks for always noticing and appreciating your employees. We love and respect you so much.

Thank you for being not only a great boss but also a super friendly human being. Thanks for everything.

It feels great to have a boss like you! Thank you boss for all the encouragement and guidance.

A leader not only shows the way but also walks the way with the team that you proved in real. You’re an amazing boss, and we’re proud of you. Thank you.

Thank you so much for the promotion, boss. It was only because of your guidance and support that I was able to obtain it.

Thank you, boss! You’re a fabulous mentor who understands correctly what his employees need and when.

Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful your guidance and advice have been. I am forever grateful for your support!

thank you message to boss

Many thanks, Sir, for yet another precious present and gesture. You and your gifts will hold a special place in my heart and home forever.

I have learned a lot from you, boss. I am delighted to be working under your guidance. Thank you so much for being my greatest source of inspiration.

Thank you so much for having me in this project. I will always be grateful to you for making me a part of this project.

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with your company. I promise to give my best in my role.

Whenever I needed support, encouragement, and motivation, you were always there for me. Thanks for never giving up on me, sir. I am so thankful to you.

We are grateful to you for directions instead of ordering; thankful for giving us a vision instead of targets; proud of you for your inspirational and one-of-a-kind guidance.

Dear Sir, you have excellent leadership abilities, and we’re so lucky to have an understanding boss like you. Thank you for your support and guidance.

Working with a superlative boss is the best experience of our career. Take our heartiest thanks for your excellent leadership.

Working with a boss like you inspires me to keep improving all my skills and talent. Thank you for all your support.

appreciation message to boss

I am proud to say that you are the most incredible mentor I could ever have asked for. I admire everything you do and hope to follow in your footsteps. Thank you, sir.

I love how you make the workplace exciting. Thanks for showing me how great leaders function. It is an honor to work under you, boss.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your team. Together we will be the best team ever.

Being your subordinate was the best training I ever had in the corporate world. Thank you for everything, boss.

Thank you for leading us so well. You’re the best! Super proud to work for you.

I learned a lot from you, and it will be treasured forever. Thank you, boss! I hope more employees will learn from you.

I want to thank the best boss in the whole world! Thank you for helping me to become mature in this career. You have taught me a lot! Thank you!

Appreciation Message To Boss

I am honored to be part of your team. Expressing my heartfelt gratitude to you, boss.

A million thanks to the best boss in the world! Thank you for giving us some words of encouragement and full support, even if it is not related to our work. You are amazing! Thank you, and God bless you!

You’re the kindest employer there is. Massive gratitude to you for the career direction and steadfast mental fortitude you have given me.

I want to express how much I appreciate you as my boss. Being my boss and leader has had a great impact on my life. You inspired me in so many ways. Thank you for being the finest boss we could have!

Dear boss, I show my appreciation for your enduring support in the last project and thank you for the promotion you handed me. I am much grateful to have a supportive boss like you.

thanks message to boss for appreciation

I really appreciate your role among us, sir. Proud to have great a leader like you.

Thanks for being our manager and role model. We appreciate all the knowledge and skills you’ve imparted to us. Thanks for being a great leader!

I know I don’t thank you enough, but today I want you to know that I solemnly appreciate your wisdom and guidance as they mean the world to me.

As we continue to work with your day by day, we begin to understand and appreciate your vision for the company. Thank you for always being supportive of our creative projects.

Thank you, boss, for being an example of hard work and dedication. Your constant support and friendly behavior helped me to become comfortable with the team.

Thank you, boss, for your support and guidance throughout the journey. I have learned so many things from you since joining your team.

It feels fantastic to have a boss like you and work in such a positive environment. Without you, I would never know what a true leader looks like. Thanks for everything, boss!

Boss, nothing I can say will ever convey the amount of gratitude I owe to you for showing me how to have the right attitude. Thanks.

You are the epitome of a true leader. I truly appreciate your guidance and words of wisdom to us.

Your commitment to quality of work is contagious. Because of your example, I seek to perform to the best of my abilities.

A big thank you, boss for the guidance you have provided me on the deal project. I am really thankful and appreciate your effort and guidance all the way. You have been a really helpful and special person.

I’d like to express my thanks to our ever-supportive boss because we’ve been able to do so much because of you. Thank you.

Thanks for acknowledging my effort and commitment in this way. Your appreciation motivates and inspires me to give this business all my effort and hard work. Thank you!

Dear boss, thanks for noticing my hard work and inspiring me to work hard. Your appreciation will motivate me in the long run. I promise to give my best and fulfill your expectations.

Thanks for recognizing my hard work and appreciating my efforts. Your appreciation made my day and motivated me to give my best.

Your appreciation and humble words made my day. I feel privileged to work under your supervision and join your team.

Thanks for your kind words, boss. Your positive feedback means a lot to me, and I’m committed to excelling in the role under your guidance.

thanks messages to boss for appreciation

I can’t wait to apply my knowledge and skills in this new role. Thanks for appreciating the effort I’ve put in over the past few years, and I’m excited to prove myself in my new position.

Thank you so much boss for appreciating me the other day. You helped me to better understand where I should put my abilities to use.

Your words of appreciation helped me to work hard whenever the company needed me. Thank you for noticing even the smallest task. Your words mean everything to me.

Since I joined, your appreciation has been really helpful to me. I owe you a huge respect of gratitude for all the kind words you’ve given me.

I’m genuinely touched by the kindness and support that you have shown to me. I have never met a boss like you who is so friendly and humble to his subordinates. Thanks for being so lovely!

Your support and appreciation have been a light to my journey. I can never imagine being successful without your guidance and feedback. Thanks for your encouragement, boss.

Thank You Message To Boss For Increment/Bonus

Saying thank you will never be enough to show my gratitude towards you. Thank you so much for this increment. I will work harder to keep up with this.

Thanks for modifying our talent and skills into a success story and taking care of our needs by allowing increment.

Thank you for being an amazing boss who overlooks his employee’s dedication and passion. This bonus means so much to me.

I am overwhelmed by this increment and forever grateful to you for finding me worthy enough of this prize. Thanks!

We’re grateful to you for supervising us with fairness and inspiring us to work hard with a bonus allowance. Thank you, boss.

Thank You Boss Message For Bonus

To us, your leadership means a lot and you know really what a good boss means. Thanks a lot for the allowance of bonus.

You’ve always been a mentor than a commanding boss and know our cordial gratefulness for your caring towards us. Thanks a lot for this year’s increment.

Dear boss, you’re the sunshine that shows the path of a successful career and we want to let you know that you’re the secret behind our any achievement. Thank you for the bonus!

Thank You Boss for Support and Guidance

Thank you for your support and guidance. I’m grateful to have a supportive boss like you.

You are not only an amazing boss but also a fantastic human being. I am always grateful for your tremendous support. Thanks for everything.

I will always be grateful for all your guidance and mentoring. You have always motivated me to put my 100% towards the work. Thanks for showing me where to imply my skills.

I owe you my achievements, boss. Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance.

Sending you all my respect and admiration. Completing this project was impossible without your support and guidance. Thanks a ton!

thank you message to boss for support

I feel truly honored by led forward in your guidance. May God always bless you.

The team appreciates you for taking your time and guiding us through thick and thin. You inspire us every day with your fabulous self and outstanding work skills. You are a dedicated mentor, boss.

I’d want to express my gratitude for the time you’ve spent guiding me. Thank you, boss.

Thank you for always supporting my ideas and motivating me to work hard, boss. I want to continue working with you for as long as possible.

I would be lost with my work if it weren’t for your guidance, boss. Thank you very much.

I feel blessed to have a supportive boss like you who shows kindness and gives valuable insights into the company. Thanks for motivating me every day.

Thanks for being the boss who not only leads us but also teaches us valuable life lessons. Your support and guidance are invaluable, and we are so proud to have you.

Your support and guidance have motivated me a lot to do my best. Thanks for your help and kind words. It means a lot to me.

Thanks for your trust, support and guidance throughout the journey. Your leadership has had a positive impact on my career. I’m glad to be a part of your team.

I am thankful for the opportunities you have given me and the wisdom you shared. This valuable support has been a guide to my path. Thank you.

Thank You Boss For Your Leadership And Vision

Boss, thank you for being a leader and showing us the vision to be great. We will always respect your principles.

Thank you boss for your leadership and vision in our journey up the corporate ladder. You shall always be our hero.

Your vision not only guided our team towards success but also gave us the right direction. Thanks for being such a wonderful and supportive leader to us.

Your clear vision and leadership have inspired us to give our best to the team and ourselves. Thanks for mentoring us in every step of the journey.

thank you for your leadership and vision

Thank you, sir, for the leadership skills you portrayed to us. We have learned a lot from you.

To be a great leader is not an easy thing. But you have passed that acid test in our hearts, sir! Thank you for your leadership and vision!

True leaders show the way by paving the way! You have done it with your vision and leadership, boss! Thank you, for everything!

Thank you for your leadership and vision. You’re the reason for our success. It is tough to find a supportive boss like you.

Thanks, boss, for steering me in the right direction. Your leadership and vision encouraged me to think outside the box.

Thanks for your outstanding leadership. The way you handle problems and give practical solutions is genuinely admirable.

Thanks, boss, for your incredible leadership and far-seeing vision. You have made each of the members give their full potential. You are the best.

Thank You Boss For Promotion & Job Recognition

Thank you, boss, for believing in me enough to give me this promotion. I will not disappoint you.

I see this new project as a mark of my job recognition. Thank you, boss.

Thank you for bringing me on board for this new project, boss. I will do all in my power to ensure the success of this endeavor.

Thank you, boss, for noticing and appreciating my job performance. I will continue to put in long hours for this office.

thank you message to boss for promotion

Thank you for this job recognition. I’ll continue working hard for every project you entrust me.

Thanks for helping me out and supporting me over the years. I will try my level best to make you prouder than ever in the upcoming days. Thanks for this promotion.

Read More: Thank You Messages for Promotion

Thank You Messages For Boss Farewell Or Retirement

We have learned from you so many things that improved our career journey. We’ll miss a friendly boss like you always. Thanks for your principled guidance.

You’ve always been like a friend to us, and working with you was an amazing experience that we’ll forever cherish. Farewell!

I will always cherish every piece of advice you have given us and follow your path. Dear boss, we will never forget your words of encouragement and appreciation. Best wishes.

I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future. Good luck with your transfer, boss. Thank you so much for everything you did for me.

Dear boss, we’re going to miss you a lot as you’re the superstar of this office and thank you for supporting us with where we lack.

Farewell, dear boss! Your leadership is a significant experience in our job life, and we’re grateful for your kind concern and guidance.

You’ve always been more than a boss- someone in whom we could, we’ll always miss that supervision.

Thank you so much for making me feel confident enough to pull off the work I once used to feel afraid of. You will always remain my master. Happy retirement!

thank you message to boss on retirement

We will always remember you as the best leader we had ever worked for. You have been too busy with your work, and it’s time to enjoy your life to the fullest. Happy retirement!

Thank you for all your support and opportunities. Working under you has been a delightful experience. Best wishes on your retirement.

Read: 130+ Best Farewell Messages and Wishes To Boss

Thank you for the gift, boss; this acknowledgment means a lot to me.

We’re so lucky to have a kind-hearted boss like you who cares for us so much. Thank you, Sir, for your beautiful gifts to us.

I was happily surprised to get a gift from you on my birthday; thank you, boss.

I appreciate your gift and feel honored, dear boss. I would also want to thank you for always being patient with answering all my queries and helping me out in every possible way.

This gift just boosted my dedication to the work. I will work harder than ever to show you my worth. Thanks!

We’re so grateful to you for supervising us without any prejudice, and your gift holds a potential place in our hearts. Thank you, Sir!

Thank you so much, Sir, for this pretty token of affection from you. This gift will symbolize your magnificent leadership.

We can’t resist ourselves from showing appreciation for your gifts to us. Thank you so much for caring for us.

Thank You Message To Boss For Gift

Your gifts are as wonderful as your leadership and guidance. Know our heartfelt thanks for the gifts .

Your gift is a great source of inspiration for me, boss. I want to work even harder on our upcoming initiatives. Thank you so much.

I didn’t believe you would remember my work anniversary in this office, boss. I was overjoyed to get your gift. Thank you.

Sir, having you as my career coach is a blessing in and of itself. I truly appreciate the goodies you gave me as a sign of your affection.

Thank You Letter For Boss

You have been a great manager, mentor, teacher, and guide. Your support and advice have helped shape my professional career. Thanks for being the best boss ever!

I will never know what it feels like to work under a boss who is annoying, grumpy, irritating, and always angry. But this is one work experience that I am glad not to have had – all thanks to a boss like you.

Your company expertise, reliability, and even goodness generate a good and enjoyable place to work. Many thanks for extending your passion and adaptability when one of us of your staff needs a day off. Thank you.

Ever since I have started working under your leadership, I have learned a lot, which really helps me become a better person. Thank you so much for your leadership and wisdom; you are the best boss!

Thank you for showing us how to achieve greatness, sir. We shall make you proud someday!

Heartfelt Thank You Letter To Boss

The success I’ve had in my career is due in no small part to your support and encouragement. I appreciate you so much and value everything that I have learned from you.

Working for you is an honor, working without you is an absolute horror. Working under you is a pleasure, an experience that I will truly treasure. Thanks, boss.

Dear Boss, I want you to know that I consider myself really lucky to have got an opportunity to work for someone like you. You make even the most tedious job a lovely learning process. Thanks a ton!

It really feels so amazing working in your positive environment. Working under your management is indeed a great opportunity for an individual like me. Thank you!

While I still have the opportunity, thank you for all you have done not only for me but also for the whole department. You are the most supportive boss we have ever had. Thank you for everything.

Thank You Boss For Work Anniversary Wishes

Thank you for your compliments on my work performance and the anniversary wish, boss.

Thank you so much, boss, for the work anniversary message! It was thoughtful of you to acknowledge my years of service here in your office.

Thank you for your wishes on my work anniversary. I appreciate it, boss.

Thank you for recognizing my efforts at our office’s anniversary. It means a great deal to me. I was quite touched to get your anniversary wish.

I was delighted to get the warm anniversary message from you, boss. Thank you very much.

Showing thankfulness to your boss and appreciation for all the guidance and mentoring could be easier by using these messages. To honor your boss, you may send a thank you letter or a thank you note to express your gratitude for his/her great impact on your professional life. It will be perfect if you attach inspirational leadership quotes and the best thank you message for the boss.

If you are stuck with what to write in a thank you card, then take ideas from these thank you messages and notes to write your own. You may send these thank you messages via social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Email which you feel more appropriate to use. Your gesture of appreciation will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

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The Future World of Work

35+ Thank You Boss Messages For Appreciation

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: March 11, 2024

Having an amazing manager by your side is crucial for your professional development. They inspire and assist you in acquiring new skills and offer you opportunities for personal growth. With their extensive guidance and support, it is important to express your heartfelt appreciation. If you find crafting a meaningful thank you leader message challenging, continue reading to discover some ideas.

Thank You Boss Messages

In this article:

Thank you note to boss : when to use.

There is no need to wait for a specific occasion to show gratitude to your manager. Whenever you appreciate their guidance or support, let them know. But hey, there are definitely times when a thank-you letter goes the extra mile, especially when you want to give your boss a real shout-out.

  • You get a promotion, raise, or bonus.
  • You receive great assistance in overcoming challenges at work .
  • You get opportunities to learn and develop yourself.
  • Your leader embarks on a new chapter in their life, such as retirement, transfer, or job transition.

Thank You Letter To Manager Examples

Short message.

1. I’m grateful to have a boss like you.

2. Thank you for being the greatest supervisor ever!

3. Working here is an amazing experience, and it is all thanks to you.

4. I truly wanted to express my gratitude for your guidance.

5. Thank you for putting me up!

6. Having an inspirational leader like you made a big difference in my career.

7. Your leadership and guidance is deeply appreciated.

8. It is my pleasure to be with you for the past year.

9. I couldn’t imagine how my professional life grew with your amazing mentorship.

10. You’re an exceptional boss and a good friend. Thank you!

For Promotion, Raise, Or Bonus

1. I am very happy with this promotion! I have strived for many years to achieve this professional achievement. I want to thank you for being a driving force in my career progression. I will work even harder to repay your trust.

2. No words describe how happy I feel to be considered for [position]. Your guidance has brought me closer to my dream. Your leadership and vision are great examples to apply in my upcoming responsibilities.

3. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the promotion and, most of all, for your trust in me. What I have learned from you is unparalleled, and I look forward to having more positive experiences in this new position.

4. The promotion means a lot to me. Thank you for trusting in my abilities. I hope to bring the valuable things I learned from you into this position and make exceptional contributions to our business.

5. I was completely surprised by this promotion. Thank you for your time working here. I promise to continue to make every effort in upcoming company projects.

6. I truly appreciate the salary increase, which is proof of my efforts and your assistance. I look forward to working with you and achieving continued success.

7. I want to express my deep gratitude for the salary raise next month. I am proud to work with you and share our successes. I hope that our cooperation continues to create new achievements.

8. I am elated by this raise. Your appreciation has motivated me to make extra efforts for career advancement and contribute to the entire team.

9. I am happy that my abilities have been recognized. Financial appreciation has undoubtedly brought me to the nines, encouraging me to make more efforts in the future.

10. I am very grateful for the salary raise, which is thanks to your consideration. With your guidance and support, I will achieve more valuable skills during my professional career.

11. Thank you for your generosity in upcoming vacation bonuses. It is certainly a great reminder of the efforts at work. I hope that everyone is inspired and works harder.

12. Financial rewards are among the best things after a challenging season. Your guidance has led our team to success. Hopefully, we will continue to create new turning points.

13. I want to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the bonus that was just announced. We achieved our goals beforehand, which could never have happened without you. Thank you, boss, for everything!

For New Experience

1. The conference brought new values to my career. Thanks for bringing me there and clarifying my doubts. What I have learned will promote my work efficiency in the future.

2. I was grateful for the meeting with the specialist yesterday. We had a great conversation, and I received tons of great advice about my career. I appreciate your support.

3. I felt overwhelmed when you chose me to present at the meeting. Your trust has motivated me to leave my comfort zone and experience new things. Thank you for helping me learn more things.

4. Thank you for taking me to the seminar yesterday. I have met many professionals who I have admired for many years. I can’t wait to share the great insights I’ve learned with you. It is an amazing opportunity that I never thought possible.

5. I am very grateful for our meeting yesterday. I completely understood the conditions and implementation process for our project. I’m sure it will go well!

For Assistance/Guidance

1. Thank you for guiding me through the past challenging tasks. I can’t imagine surviving this past week without your support. You are the best thing that has happened to me these days.

2. You always know how to awaken my eagerness and potential. Thank you for being an inspiring and dedicated team leader.

3. I am grateful for your words of encouragement, which helped me overcome difficult times. I’ve had incredible sales this quarter because of your guidance. Thanks a lot.

5. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to handle your tasks and lend me a hand in this project. I am grateful to have worked under your wing and hope to repay your kindness soon.

Thank You Note For Boss Who Is Leaving

Thank Someone For Their Time

1. Can’t believe our faith has come to an end. Thank you for all the guidance you gave me during my time at the company. It’s hard to say thank you, but I wish you a happy retirement .

2. I am forever grateful for your positive impact on my career. I couldn’t have gotten this far without your guidance. I hope that your new role is filled with success and recognition.

3. Working with you has set a solid foundation for my career. I cherish your patience and kindness, which have helped me become a better person. I wish you all the best in your new chapter.

4. Thank you for being an incredible mentor, true leader, and colleague. I hope to keep in touch with you even when we no longer work in the same office. Wishing you greater achievements on your transfer!

5. You have worked hard for many years and led our team to new milestones. Thank you for creating an equal working environment and dedicating yourself to shared success. Now it’s time for you to rest and enjoy life. I wish you health and happiness for the journey ahead.

Great Sample Email For Appreciation Quotes For Boss

I want you to know my deepest gratitude for your mentorship over the past two years. What you taught me has shaped me into a true warrior for this fierce market. I believe that I have gained enough skills and experience to contribute to our extraordinary team.

It is my pleasure to continue working with you in a new role. I cannot thank you enough for your trust and recognition. I am sure that I will work even harder and put every effort into earning your trust.

Once again, thank you for what you gave me, even if you didn’t know about it. I hope that our collaboration will achieve more success in the coming years.

With sincere thanks,

[Your name].

Tips To Write Thank You Letter To Supervisor

Writing a thank you note should not be daunting. Applying a few tips below can make your message more impressive and meaningful.

  • Be prompt : The best thank-you notes are timely, especially for big moments like retirement and transfer. One to two days before or after the event is the ideal time to send it out, ensuring your appreciation feels fresh and sincere.
  • Be concise : Focus on the most important points, including expressing gratitude and describing specific situations and achievements under your boss’s wing. Craft a brief and professional note and keep it to the point.
  • Add a personal touch : Though samples are available, tailoring your letter to your specific situation goes a long way. A handwritten note or self-composed email promises to resonate with your boss.
  • Follow standard format : If you draft an email, ensure all the crucial elements are included. For example, remember to add a complimentary close to demonstrate your professionalism and make your boss feel valued.
  • Take time to proofread : Minimize any chance of errors before you deliver your letter of appreciation to your manager.

I hope that the thanks message to the boss for appreciation can give you some ideas. However, it is best to add personalized details to show your sincerity and genuineness. Remember that gratitude and acknowledgment should come from your heart!

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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30+ Best Thank You Messages for Your Boss or Manager

Last Updated: October 20, 2023 Fact Checked


To say farewell, for guidance, for an opportunity, for a promotion, for a raise or bonus, for expanding your network, leadership quotes.

This article was reviewed by Seth Hall and by wikiHow staff writer, Bailey Cho . Seth T. Hall (ICF ACC, CLC, and MNLP) is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Transformational Solutions, a Los Angeles-based life-coaching company that helps people achieve their toughest goals, find their own voice, and think outside the box. He has been a life coach for over 10 years, specializing in personal development, relationships, career and finance, and wellness. He has helped his clients break the negative cycles in their lives and replace them with a positive, proactive mindset. Seth believes that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, and works passionately to help them reach their full potential. With a deep understanding of how our minds work and the power of positive thinking, he encourages his clients to find their unique paths in life and find success on their own terms. He is a certified master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a featured co-author for WikiHow, and co-author of "The Mountain Method”, “The Happy Tiger”, and “The V.I.S.I.O.N.S. Program”. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 55,962 times.

Writing a thank you message to your boss is a great way to show appreciation, plus remind them of all their hard work and dedication. In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of thank you messages to send your boss so you can properly acknowledge their support. Whether you’re thanking them for a raise, opportunity, or guidance, here’s everything you need to craft a meaningful yet professional message.

Write a short thank you message to be polite and professional.

  • I’m so grateful to have a boss like you. I appreciate you validating my work and making me feel seen and supported. It truly means the world!
  • You have made such a big difference in the short time you have been here. Thank you for always leaving your door open and listening to my concerns.
  • Thank you for being an amazing boss! I really appreciate your patience and encouragement, and I have learned so much from you over the past few months.
  • Sarah, I really enjoy working here, and I have to thank you for that. From the beginning, you have treated everyone with respect, and your leadership motivates me to work even harder.

Draw attention to your boss’s actions to make them feel valued.

  • Daniel, thank you for being so supportive this past week. I’ve been feeling stressed with our new client, and I appreciate you checking in on me. It really makes a big difference.
  • Jane, thank you for supporting me during this difficult time. Words can’t describe how much it means to me, but I appreciate you transferring some of my responsibilities to other people on our team.
  • Thank you so much for reviewing my slides and providing constructive criticism. Your feedback gave me concrete things I need to work on, and that’s exactly what I need to improve my presentation and overall job performance.
  • As you know, this year was particularly challenging for me because of my child’s diagnosis, but I was so overwhelmed by your empathy and support. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have for my family. You have been so flexible and understanding with my schedule, and it has been a great source of comfort to me. I am eternally grateful for you.

Wish your boss luck if they’re leaving your workplace.

  • Thank you for everything. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your mentorship, and I am grateful for all of your feedback and support. It’s hard to say goodbye to such an incredible leader, but I hope you enjoy retirement!
  • I am forever indebted to you. You helped me transform my mistakes into skills, and I will never forget your patience and kindness along the way. Thank you for being an amazing mentor, leader, and friend. I wish you all the best in your next chapter.
  • Your support has made such a big impact on my career, and I cannot thank you enough for your support over the years. You are my professional inspiration and role model, and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future. Best wishes on your transfer!
  • Working under you has been an absolute privilege, and I will always cherish your advice and words of encouragement. Thank you for leading our team with respect and making everyone feel valued. I’d love to stay in touch, so I hope you don’t mind me sending you an occasional email. You will be sincerely missed, and I wish you well with all of your endeavors.

Explain how their mentorship has impacted your career.

  • Thank you for guiding me through the Williamson report. You helped me provide even more valuable insights for the client, and I submitted it a few days earlier than expected.
  • I just wanted to say that I appreciate you guiding me one-on-one during these cold calls. Your feedback and tips have boosted my rapport, and I feel a lot more comfortable talking to our prospects.
  • Tom, thank you for your unwavering support and guidance these past few months. I can’t imagine how stressful it must have been to juggle all your work, on top of onboarding me, and words cannot describe how grateful I am for you.
  • As a new hire, I was worried about adjusting to the work environment because everyone had more experience than me. I felt grossly unqualified, but luckily, you were chosen to be my manager. Thank you for taking me under your wing and helping me gain confidence. Your guidance has been monumental for my career, and I hope I can return the favor to you.

Stress how excited you are to learn and grow in the workplace.

  • Ross, thank you for giving me this opportunity. You have already taught me so much, but I look forward to learning even more from you on these luxury accounts.
  • I just wanted to thank you again for letting me lead the meeting on Monday. I know a lot of people were interested in that opportunity, so I really appreciate you choosing me.
  • You have been my biggest advocate in the workplace, and I cannot thank you enough for your continued support. Thank you for believing in me and bringing me on board for these upcoming projects.
  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead the Korkan Project. I understand how important it is to the company, and I appreciate your faith and confidence in me. I can assure you that this project will be a masterpiece, and I cannot wait to exceed your expectations.

Let your boss know how grateful you are to advance in your profession.

  • Thank you for the promotion and the opportunity to further develop my skills. I’m so excited to take on this new role and produce even more incredible work together!
  • I’m grateful that you would even consider me for this promotion, so thank you for recognizing my performance. It truly means the world, and I will not disappoint you!
  • Bob, It is a huge honor to be promoted to senior account executive. This position has been a dream of mine since freshman year of college, and I cannot thank you enough for giving me this opportunity. I am confident in my ability to attract more clients and hit all of our KPIs this year. Thank you so much.
  • Thank you for helping me secure the position of associate creative director. You have taught me all the necessary skills I need to thrive in this position, and I wouldn’t have lasted a week at this company without your help during the onboarding process. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.

Describe how much it means to be rewarded for your efforts.

  • Thank you for recognizing my efforts and giving me such a generous raise. I’m excited to continue my journey at Saie and contribute to our shared success.
  • Lydia, thank you for letting me know that my work is appreciated. I feel extremely lucky to have you as my manager, and I appreciate everything you have done for me!
  • I’m so humbled and grateful to receive a bonus this holiday season. Thank you for always guiding me and answering all of my questions. I’m excited to see what the new year will bring!
  • Thank you so much for the salary increase, Keith. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at your firm, and I’m proud to be a member of the team. I look forward to putting in the hours so we can secure more clients!

Express gratitude for being able to connect with other professionals.

  • I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to attend the annual conference. I connected with several B2B clients and learned so many helpful strategies that I plan to implement in our company. I’m excited to make you proud and watch our team thrive.
  • Laura, thank you for sponsoring me last week at the seminar. I connected with people who I have looked up to for years, and it was such an incredible experience. I can’t wait to meet you in person and tell you about all the valuable insights I picked up!
  • Thank you for introducing me to people in your extended network. You’re connected to so many giants in our industry, and I understand you’re selective about the people you allow in your inner circle. The opportunity really means a lot, and I’m forever grateful.
  • Dylan, thank you for introducing me to John Williams. He gave me a call this morning, and we made plans to meet for lunch over the weekend. I know he can give me solid advice about the project and help me work through these kinks. Again, I really, really appreciate your help in connecting with him.

Close your message with a meaningful quote to make them feel moved.

  • “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” —Peter F. Drucker
  • “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” —John F. Kennedy
  • “If the world had more people like you it would be a better place. You do make a difference.” —Catherine Pulsifer
  • “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but where they ought to be.” —Rosalynn Carter

Expert Q&A

  • Proofread your thank you letter or email to make sure there aren’t any errors, and avoid using any slang or abbreviations to maintain a professional tone. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If your boss goes above and beyond to help you with something or is leaving the workplace, feel free to give them a physical gift along with your thank you note, such as a floral arrangement or gift card. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

speech for appreciation to boss

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  • ↑ https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/writing-a-thank-you-note-is-more-powerful-than-you-think
  • ↑ https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_ripple_effects_of_a_thank_you
  • ↑ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-keeping-touch-your-ex-employer-pays-off-dan-klamm/
  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2021/11/how-to-write-a-meaningful-thank-you-note

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The 30 Best Thank You Messages For Boss


Daily work occurrences call for us to write some thank you messages for bosses, but most of us fail to express it in a proper manner.

Showing gratitude to your boss through a handwritten note or even an email is the best way to show appreciation . An elegantly worded thank you note can make anyone's day. Even your boss's. After all, why should appreciation be limited to only the top-down? It is as effective when it goes from the bottoms up, too.

In this article, we list down the 30 best thank you messages for boss, which is incredibly thoughtful. Be it a thank you note for guidance, promotion , or a farewell message - we are sure you'd find something to like in here.

BTW, did you know that 16 October 2021 is Boss's Day? Here are 19 unique ideas to make your boss feel appreciated and extra special. Do try these ideas out!

Send thank you messages with attractive badges to your boss with R&R.

Express your gratitude with these 30 thank you messages for boss, manager, and mentor.


1. I am so proud to be led forward by a person who is not only industry-renowned but is also an amazing boss. I can only hope to be half of the person that you are someday. It is a privilege to work under your leadership . Thank you!

2. I am glad that my first work experience was here and that my first boss is you. I am definitely now more sure about my career decisions that I'll be taking going forward. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

3. It’s an incredible work experience to work under a boss whose skills and talents are notable. I get to learn something new from you every day. Thank you for showing me how a great leader leads.

4. Saying "thank you" is not enough for me to express how grateful I am for your support over the years. You are my mentor, and everything I have achieved to date is because of you.

5. This is an appreciation note for a person who is all three- great boss, mentor, and manager. Your guidance and advice have been invaluable to me since I joined. I can’t thank you enough for all the help that you've bestowed upon me.


6. This is a note to express how grateful I am for the promotion. It wouldn’t have been possible without your understanding and support. Thank you for being such an amazing boss.

7. Your words of encouragement, guidance, and advice kept us sane while chasing deadlines. We just wanted to appreciate you and express how glad we are to work under your leadership. We're genuinely proud to be led by such a great boss. Thank you for everything.

8. As a new hire, I thought that it will difficult to adjust to the work environment. But, had I known that I would get the opportunity to work under you, I needn’t have worried. Thank you for taking me under your wing since the first day itself. It has motivated me to do the same for anyone else in the future.

9. Thank you for the great review that we had the other day. You made it easier for me to understand where I need to apply my skills and talents.

10. This is a note of appreciation for taking time out of your busy day and helping me reach my goals. Without your guidance and advice, I would have been indeed at odds. Thanks for being not only a great boss but an incredible mentor as well.


11. Our team really appreciates the time that you took out to guide us on our project. Thank you!

12. Even though you are the boss, you've never considered it beneath you to get your hands dirty while working on a project. Thank you for giving us the same respect and dignity that you would give to your professional equals. You are indeed a great leader, and all of us are proud to be led by you.

13. Dear Boss, Among all of the farewell messages that I got, yours was the one the stood out to me. Thank you for all the years of guidance and advice you have bestowed upon me. You're the one who truly molded me into someone with valuable skills and talents. It was a privilege to work under your leadership. I hope to make you proud of my future endeavors as well.

14. Dear Boss, Thank you for noticing and appreciating my contributions. Your words of encouragement are what drives me to do great work.

Send gratitude messages to remote employees from anywhere, anytime.

15. This might be my farewell message to you, but you know that you'll always hear from me. I can't leave without expressing how great it was working for you. Your skills and talents are renowned enough that I hope some rubbed off me as well. I learned almost everything I know about this sector from you. Thank you for allowing me to work with you.

16. It is an amazing honor for me to be promoted to [position]. I would like to thank you for trusting and showing faith in me. I assure you that I will put all my skills and talents to good use and do great work.

17. We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on the new project. Our team is really excited and looks forward to delivering the results that you expect from us.

18. To work under your leadership is the most valuable work experience that anyone could hope for. I'm looking forward to learning more about our company. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work here.

19. A note of appreciation for helping me with [topic] today. Your insights really helped put things into a new perspective and helped me complete my work on time. You’re such an amazing boss to have!

20. Working under a boss like you really helps to elevate the whole work experience. Your motivation and kindness are a few traits that make you the great leader that you are today. Thank you for your understanding and support.


21. We are blessed to have all three- boss, mentor, and manager- in you. While working under your leadership, we managed to learn something new every day. Thank you for everything you do.

22. We want to thank you for being patient, understanding, and support our project even when it has exceeded our deadline. We assure you that the great work we did will override our lateness.

23. I believe that our team is in a minority when others complain about having difficulty bosses. This made us realize how lucky we are to have a great boss like you who understands, supports, and guides us through every obstacle. You’re truly a gem of a person and definitely a great leader. We are so happy to work under your leadership.

24. Thank you for understanding and supporting our decisions concerning the new project. It means a lot to us to have our boss backing us up.

25. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on such an innovative project. Your support and advice have helped me reach where I am today. I promise to honor your belief in me by giving my absolute 100% and do great work.


26. Thank you for helping me understand what I did wrong and how to solve such issues. Your patience and guidance make it easier for me to learn, and I couldn't thank you enough for it. I promise to bring my best self to work every day and make you proud.

27. Working under your leadership has been a game-changer for me. I didn't know that a work environment could be this positive and encouraging. Thank you for everything.

28. I appreciate you letting me not worry about work when facing problems with [issue]. It has made dealing with it much easier, and now I am ready to work harder than ever before. My sincerest thanks to you.

29. I just wanted to let you know how much the bonus meant to me. Not only because of monetary reasons but because it has made me feel appreciated. It is nice working under a boss who recognizes their team as well. Thank you for being such a great boss.

30. It has been an amazing journey to work under a boss who is also a friend. To work here was one of the best decisions I made in life, all thanks to you. I hope I can use the skills and talents that you helped me cultivate and make you proud of me.


Which was your favorite among these thank you messages for boss? Please drop us a mail and share your thoughts with us!

Barasha Medhi

This article is written by Barasha Medhi who is a part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle . Barasha can be found either searching for interesting HR, company culture, and corporate buzzwords to write about or looking at pictures of cozy Bel Air mansions. For any related queries, contact [email protected] .


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50+ Best Thank You Messages for Boss to Appreciate and thank them [2023]

50+ Best Thank You Messages for Boss to Appreciate and thank them [2023]

The Best Thank You Messages For A Great Boss 

In the bustling world of business, where professionalism and productivity reign supreme, it’s essential not to overlook the power of gratitude. Taking a moment to express heartfelt appreciation to those who lead and inspire us can create a lasting impact on our relationships and workplace dynamics. Today, we’ll learn how to thank your boss with gratitude and professionalism. So, let us discover how a simple act of appreciation through a thank you message to your boss can create ripples of positivity and strengthen the bond between you and your esteemed leader.

Table of Contents

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Why it is essential to convey appreciation to your boss?

Conveying appreciation to your boss is essential for several reasons that profoundly impact your professional growth and the overall work environment. Here are a few key reasons why expressing gratitude to your boss is important:

  • Fosters a Positive Work Culture: By expressing appreciation to your boss, you contribute to a positive work culture where recognition and acknowledgment are valued. When bosses feel appreciated for their leadership skills, they are more likely to recognize and appreciate the efforts of their team members, creating a supportive and motivating work environment for everyone.
  • Strengthens the Boss-Employee Relationship: Expressing gratitude to your boss with an appreciation message helps build a stronger and more positive relationship. It demonstrates that you value their leadership, guidance, and the opportunities they provide. A strong boss-employee relationship fosters open communication, trust, and collaboration, leading to increased job satisfaction and better performance in professional life.
  • Boosts Morale and Motivation: When bosses receive heartfelt gratitude from their team members, it uplifts their spirits and boosts their morale. This positive reinforcement can motivate them to continue their excellent leadership and further invest in the professional development of their employees. Team members feel motivated, valued, and more engaged in their work.
  • Recognizes Efforts and Achievements : Bosses often work tirelessly behind the scenes, juggling multiple responsibilities and making critical decisions. Expressing appreciation allows you to recognize their efforts, hard work, and achievements. It shows that you acknowledge their contributions and the positive impact they have on the team’s success.
  • Enhances Career Advancement Opportunities: When you write a note of appreciation to your boss, it positions you as a proactive and appreciative team member. This positive perception can enhance your career advancement opportunities within the organization. Bosses who feel appreciated are more likely to provide mentorship, advocate for your professional growth, and consider you for new opportunities.
  • Creates a Supportive Feedback Loop: Conveying an appreciation note to your boss opens the door for meaningful conversations and feedback exchanges. It establishes a supportive feedback loop where you can openly discuss your professional goals, challenges, and areas of improvement. This constructive dialogue strengthens the bond between you and your boss, fostering a continuous learning environment and management style.

Expressing gratitude to your boss is the ultimate power move! It’s like sprinkling fairy dust on your job life, creating an unbreakable bond with your team leader, and pumping up your positivity and motivation levels to the max. It’s a chance to give credit where credit’s due, skyrocket your chances for career advancement, and create a feedback loop that’s as supportive. So let us see examples of thank you note for a boss that has just the right strike of balance between gratitude and professionalism. 

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General Boss Appreciation and Thank You Messages

A heartfelt thank you message can convey your gratitude and acknowledge the guidance and support your boss provides. Here are some meaningful thank you messages to boss to inspire your own expression of boss appreciation:

  • Thank you for helping me out and being a supportive and understanding boss during tough times. Your guidance and encouragement have made all the difference, and I am grateful to have you as a leader and it is a privilege to work under a boss like you.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to work under your guidance. Your clear vision, dedication, and passion for our work are truly inspiring. Thank you for being a supportive leader and for believing in my potential. Your trust has motivated me to continually strive for excellence. Thanks a lot for your support and advice always!
  • You’re such an amazing boss. In tough times, your leadership has been a guiding light. Your amazing ability to make tough decisions from time to time and navigate challenges has shown me the importance of resilience and adaptability. Thank you for being a boss I can trust and rely on.
  • I am writing to express my deepest appreciation for your exceptional leadership. Your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge have been instrumental in my professional development. I am grateful for the opportunities you have provided me and for your continued support. Thank you for being an incredible mentor and a true leader.
  • Your clear communication, strategic thinking, and extraordinary ability to inspire our team have made a significant impact on our success. Thank you for being an incredible boss and creating an environment where ideas are valued, and everyone feels motivated to give their best.
  • In the midst of difficult times, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and belief in me. Your leadership has shown me that together we can overcome any challenge. Thank you for supporting me and being an exceptional boss.
  • Please accept my heartfelt thanks for being a fantastic boss and an excellent friend. Your leadership style, dedication, and genuine care for the well-being of your team are qualities I deeply admire. I am grateful for your guidance and the positive impact you have made on my professional journey.
  • A great boss like you make a work environment where innovation and collaboration thrive. Thank you for giving us an open-door policy and your willingness to listen to our ideas have made us feel valued and empowered. Your constructive feedback and mentorship have helped us develop new skills and overcome challenges. Thanks a ton for your understanding and support always.
  • I am grateful for your understanding and flexibility during challenging times. Your empathy and support have made a difference in my work-life balance.
  • Thank you for recognizing and acknowledging our accomplishments as a team. Your recognition boosts our morale and encourages us to achieve even greater heights.
  • I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and belief in me. Your faith has empowered me to take on new challenges and excel in my role.
  • Thank you for being a fair and supportive boss. Your constructive feedback has helped me improve and become a better professional.

Taking a moment to express your gratitude through a heartfelt thank you message for your boss demonstrates your appreciation and fosters a positive work dynamic.

The Perfect Boss Thank You Cards

Thank You Note to Boss for Promotion

Sending a heartfelt thank you note to your boss for a promotion is a wonderful way to express your gratitude and appreciation. It not only shows your boss that you value their recognition but also reinforces your commitment to your role and the organization. Here are some short and sincere thank you messages to inspire your own note of appreciation.

  • I am incredibly grateful for the promotion you have bestowed upon me. Your trust and belief in my abilities mean the world to me. I am excited to take on new challenges and contribute even more to the success of our team. Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity.
  • Dear boss, I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the recent promotion. Your confidence in my skills and dedication has truly motivated me to strive for excellence. I am honored to be part of such an amazing team, and I look forward to making significant contributions in my new role.
  • I am incredibly grateful for the promotion to [new position]. It’s an exciting milestone in my career, and I want to thank you for entrusting me with this added responsibility. I am eager to embrace the new challenges and make a positive impact in my expanded role.
  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity and for being an amazing boss. I am grateful for the opportunities you have provided me and I am committed to exceeding your expectations.
  • Thank you for making this happen. Your belief in my potential has given me a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. I am grateful to you for entrusting me with this new responsibility. 
  • I am sincerely grateful for the promotion and the recognition of my hard work and dedication. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in my professional growth. Thank you for everything.
  • I am excited about the new challenges and responsibilities that come with this promotion and I am eager to contribute to the continued success of our team. Thank you for believing in me.
  • I wanted to express my deepest appreciation for the promotion. Your recognition of my efforts and great work means a lot to me and has reaffirmed my commitment to excellence. Thank you for the promotion and for inspiring me to reach new heights. 
  • I am truly humbled and grateful for the promotion. Your confidence in my capabilities has given me a renewed sense of purpose. I am excited to contribute to the growth and success of our team in this elevated role. I appreciate your trust and I will work diligently to exceed expectations.
  • I would like to express my deepest appreciation for the promotion to [new position]. It’s a testament to your faith in my capabilities, and I am grateful for the opportunity to grow professionally. I am committed to delivering my best and contributing to the continued success of our team. Thank you for your guidance and mentorship throughout my journey with the company.

Taking the time to express gratitude through a thank you note to your boss for a promotion is a meaningful gesture that strengthens your professional relationship.

Boss Appreciation together with team card | GreetPool Group ecards

Thank You Message to Boss for a Raise or Bonus

When your supportive boss recognizes your hard work and dedication with a raise or bonus, it’s essential to show your appreciation. Here are some thoughtful thank you boss messages to inspire your own expression of gratitude.

1. I am thrilled and immensely grateful for the raise/bonus. Your decision to reward my hard work means a great deal to me. Thank you for noticing my skills and investing in my professional development and showing that my contributions are valued.

2. Thank you for your generosity, belief in my abilities, and for being a great boss. It inspires me to continue pushing my limits and delivering outstanding results. I am honored to be part of such an exceptional team and look forward to the continued growth and success we will achieve together.

3. Dear [Boss’s Name], I wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for the raise/bonus. Your recognition of my efforts has not only boosted my morale but also affirmed my dedication to our team’s success. I am truly grateful for your support and appreciate the opportunities for growth and financial stability. Thanks for everything.

4. Thank you for always having faith and belief in me. I am beyond grateful for the raise/bonus you have bestowed upon me. Your acknowledgment of my efforts fills me with a deep sense of appreciation and motivation.

5. I cannot express how thankful I am for the raise/bonus. It would not have been possible without your support. Your gesture of appreciation has left me speechless and incredibly grateful. It motivates me to continue striving for excellence and contributing to our team’s success. Thanks for showing that a good boss means a wonderful mentor than a commanding boss.

6. Your recognition of my hard work and dedication is truly humbling and a motivator for me to work harder. It serves as a reminder of the supportive work environment you foster, where efforts are appreciated and rewarded. Thank you for the financial recognition and the opportunities it brings.

7. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the raise/bonus. Your recognition of my hard work and dedication has exceeded my expectations. It’s a testament to your leadership and the positive work environment you create. Thank you for being the best boss that you are!

8. I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to receive the raise/bonus. Your recognition of my contributions fills me with a sense of pride and gratitude. It is an affirmation of the hard work and effort I put into my role.

Thank You Note for Boss When Leaving a Job

When leaving a job, expressing gratitude to your boss is a thoughtful gesture that shows your appreciation for their guidance and support throughout your tenure. A well-crafted thank you note can leave a lasting positive impression. Here are some best thank you messages for boss to inspire your own note of appreciation when leaving a job.

1. Dear [Boss’s Name], as I prepare to embark on a new professional journey, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your excellent leadership abilities and mentorship. Your support and guidance have played a significant role in shaping my successful career. Thank you for being a wonderful boss and a dedicated mentor.

2. It is with mixed emotions that I bid farewell to this chapter of my career path. Your exceptional decision-making skills have always inspired me to think critically and make informed choices. A big thank you for setting a great example and helping me sharpen my own decision-making abilities.

3. Thank you for recognizing my potential and helping me transform my skills into strengths. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in my professional growth. Your leadership style, integrity, and dedication have left a lasting impression on me. Thank you for being an exceptional boss and for the valuable lessons I have learned under your tutelage.

4. As I prepare to say goodbye to this wonderful team, I wanted to extend my deepest appreciation for your leadership and encouragement. Your guidance and trust have empowered me to grow both personally and professionally. Many thanks to you for being an excellent manager and fabulous mentor.

5. Your leadership has not only helped me develop valuable skills but also fostered a positive work environment. Thank you for being a boss who leads with compassion, fairness, and excellence. 

6. Your belief in my abilities and your willingness to provide guidance and opportunities have been instrumental in my growth. Thank you for being a boss who inspires and motivates your team. As I reflect on my time here, I am filled with gratitude for your incredible mentorship, help and guidance.

7. Thank you for being a boss who invests in the growth and success of your team members. As I transition to a new chapter in my career journey, I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your leadership and support.

8. Your guidance and trust have allowed me to take on new challenges and grow both personally and professionally. Thank you for being an extraordinary boss who leads by example.

Taking the time to express your gratitude through a thank you note to your boss when leaving a job is a thoughtful way to leave a positive impression. Remember, your genuine appreciation for their leadership and support can strengthen the professional relationship and leave the door open for future opportunities.

Thank you boss quote and message ecard | GreetPool Group Greeting

Professional Thank You Quotes for Boss

Expressing gratitude to your boss through beautiful thank you quotes is a meaningful way to acknowledge their guidance, support, and leadership. A well-chosen quote can add essence to your thank you message for boss and leave a lasting impression. Here are some impactful thank you quotes to inspire your expression of gratitude to your boss.

  • “A good boss makes their men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could.” – Charles Erwin Wilson
  • “A boss has the title. A leader has the people.” – Simon Sinek
  • “A great boss is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.” -Unknown
  • “Great leaders are willing to sacrifice their own personal interests for the good of the team.” – John Wooden
  • “A boss creates fear, a leader creates confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.” – Russell H. Ewing
  • “The best leaders are those most interested in their employees’ success.” – Bill Gates
  • “A great boss is someone who inspires and empowers their team to achieve greatness.” -Unknown
  • “A boss who leads with integrity, empathy, and humility creates a positive and productive work environment.” -Unknown
  • “A great boss is someone who recognizes and appreciates the talents and contributions of their team.” -Unknown

Adding appreciation quotes to your thank you note to your boss is a great way to acknowledge their impact on your professional career.

Your next Creative Idea for Boss Appreciation – Group Greeting Ecards

Thank You Message for Boss Biding Farewell

When your boss is leaving the organization, it’s important to express your gratitude and appreciation for their leadership and guidance. Taking the time to thank them for their contributions can leave a positive and lasting impression. Here are some great thank you messages to inspire your farewell message for your departing boss.

1. Your support and guidance have helped me a lot in my professional career. It was an absolute honor to work with you. Your guidance and support have been invaluable, and you have left a lasting impact on our team. Thank you for being a remarkable boss who has inspired us to reach new heights and a wonderful friend.

2. As you embark on a new journey, we want to extend our deepest thanks for your dedication and guidance. Your leadership has transformed our team, and we are grateful for the opportunities you have created. Thank you for being a great role model! Farewell to the best boss in the world!

3. Thank you for being a boss who has shaped our professional growth and made our workplace exciting. Your vision and expertise have guided us through challenges and inspired us to excel. We want to express our sincere appreciation for your outstanding leadership and our joy of working under your leadership. Farewell, boss!

4. Dear [Boss’s Name], as you move on to new opportunities, we want to thank you for your exceptional leadership and for inspiring us to work hard always. Your leadership means a lot to us and your guidance has been instrumental in our growth, and we are grateful for the impact you have had on our careers. Wishing you a bright future ahead!

5. Your guidance and advice have been invaluable to our team, and we are grateful for the opportunities you have provided. Thank you for being an exceptional boss who has left a lasting impact by providing unwavering support over the years.

6. Your leadership has inspired us to go above and beyond, and we are thankful for the knowledge and skills we have gained under your guidance. Thank you for being a boss who has made a significant difference in our professional lives.

7. Your unwavering dedication, innovative thinking, and passion for our team’s success have inspired me in countless ways. Thank you for being a boss who has shown us what true leadership looks like. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!

8. May your new journey be filled with great achievements! Your visionary guidance and unwavering support have not only helped shape my professional growth but have also created a positive and inspiring work environment for our entire team. Thank you for being a boss who genuinely cares about each individual’s success.

Taking the time to express your gratitude and appreciation for your boss as they leave the organization is a thoughtful gesture that shows your respect for their leadership.

Tips for Writing Personalized Thank You Messages for Boss

Expressing gratitude to your boss through a thoughtful thank you message can make a lasting impression. Here are some tips to help you craft meaningful messages that truly convey your appreciation:

  • Be Sincere: Start by genuinely expressing your gratitude. Use heartfelt words to communicate your genuine appreciation for your boss’s support, guidance, and leadership.
  • Personalize the Message: Tailor the thank you message to reflect your unique relationship with your boss. Recall specific instances where their actions or words made a positive impact on you or the team. This personal touch shows that you have taken the time to reflect on their contributions.
  • Highlight Specific Actions: Acknowledge specific actions or qualities of your boss that you appreciate. Whether it’s their expertise, motivational skills, or ability to empower others, highlighting these specific traits makes the thank you message more meaningful and personalized.
  • Keep it Concise: While it’s essential to express your gratitude fully, aim to keep the message concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and focus on delivering a clear and impactful message.
  • Use Positive and Professional Language: Maintain a positive and professional tone throughout your thank you message. Choose words that reflect your admiration and respect for your boss. Remember, this is a professional communication, so it’s essential to strike the right balance.
  • Consider Delivery Method: Decide on the most suitable delivery method for your thank you message. It could be an email, a handwritten note, or even a face-to-face conversation. Choose the method that aligns with your boss’s preferences and the level of formality in your workplace.

Send a Thank you Card for Boss Together with your Team

Finding the perfect thank you card for your boss to acknowledge important moments like farewells or job promotions can be a challenge. But fret not, because we’re here to lend a hand! With a wide range of designs, from classic to funny, we have something that will suit everyone’s taste. So go ahead and select the perfect card, and don’t forget to send it with gratitude alongside your team. Show your heartfelt appreciation to your exceptional leader using our boss appreciation ecards . It’s the ideal way to express gratitude and acknowledge their dedication and hard work. Celebrate their valuable contributions to the organization with our delightful selection of virtual boss appreciation cards, conveniently ready to be sent with just a simple click. Let them know how much you value them and say thank you for all the incredible ways they contribute to the organization’s success.

GreetPool offers a seamless collaboration experience through its user-friendly interface. Effortlessly customize your ecard, allowing multiple people to sign with personalized messages, add photos, and even gifs. Unleash your creativity to craft a truly unique and memorable experience for the recipient. With our group greeting boss day ecards, multiple people can sign online and send their appreciation together, creating a collective expression of gratitude. Why wait? Go ahead and get your team a wonderful experience of saying thank you together! 


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30 Heart-Warming Appreciation Messages to Say to Your Boss

speech for appreciation to boss

  • Importance of Thanking Your Boss
  • 30 Appreciation Messages for Boss

Expressing gratitude toward your boss is a meaningful way to acknowledge their leadership, guidance, and support. A thoughtful appreciation message can strengthen your professional relationship and show your boss that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

Importance of Thanking Your Boss or Mentor

Expressing gratitude to your boss or mentor is more than just good manners—it's a way to acknowledge the guidance, support, and leadership they provide.

A sincere thank-you strengthens your professional relationship, boosts morale, and helps in fostering a positive work environment .

When you take the time to appreciate your boss or mentor, you show that you value their efforts, which can lead to increased trust, better communication, and continued support for your personal and professional growth.

Appreciation Messages to Thank Your Boss

Here are 30 messages designed to be sincere and appreciative, perfect for letting your boss know how much their efforts and leadership mean to you.

1. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to achieve more. Your confidence in my abilities means the world to me.

2. I truly appreciate how you lead by example. It makes it so much easier to follow your direction knowing you walk the talk.

3. Your guidance and support have made all the difference in my growth. Thank you for being such a fantastic mentor and leader.

4. I’m grateful for the opportunities you’ve given me to learn and grow. Your trust in me has been incredibly empowering.

5. Thank you for always making time for my questions and concerns. Your open-door policy really makes a difference.

6. I appreciate how you recognize the efforts of everyone on the team. It motivates us all to do our best.

7. Your feedback, both positive and constructive, has been invaluable to my development. Thank you for helping me improve every day.

Appreciation message on ThriveSparrow

Experience ThriveSparrow for free and empower your managers and employees to build a culture of appreciation, where mutual recognition and respect thrive.

8. I’m thankful for the work environment you’ve cultivated. It’s a pleasure to come to work each day under your leadership.

9. Your vision and direction are inspiring. Thank you for steering our team toward success with such clarity and determination.

10. I appreciate how you handle challenges with grace and confidence. It’s reassuring to know we have such a capable leader.

11. Thank you for being so approachable and understanding. It makes a huge difference knowing I can always come to you with any issue.

12. I’m grateful for the trust you place in me to handle important tasks. It motivates me to always give my best effort.

13. Your encouragement and support have been key to my success. Thank you for always having my back.

14. Thank you for the way you celebrate all our successes. We cherish the way you appreciate everybody in our team. It feels great to be recognized this way for our work.

Appreciation Message Being Typed on ThriveSparrow

15. I appreciate the way you challenge us to think outside the box. It’s been incredibly rewarding to push boundaries under your guidance.

16. Thank you for always keeping us informed and involved. It really helps to know what’s going on at every level.

17. Your leadership style is one of a kind. I’m grateful to be part of your team and to learn from you every day.

18. I truly appreciate the way you balance work and life. It’s a great example for all of us to follow.

19. Thank you for being patient and understanding. It’s clear that you care about our well-being as much as our performance.

20. Your positivity and energy are contagious. Thank you for keeping our spirits high, even during challenging times.

21. I’m grateful for the opportunity you've provided to take on new responsibilities. I appreciate your trust in my abilities.

"I’m grateful for the opportunity you've provided to take on new responsibilities. I appreciate your trust in my abilities."

22. Thank you for the constructive criticism. It’s helped me grow in ways I didn’t even realize I needed.

23. I appreciate how you make tough decisions with both the team and the company’s best interests at heart. It’s a tough job, but you do it with such finesse.

24. Your creativity and innovation inspire us all. Thank you for constantly pushing us to think bigger and better.

25. I’m thankful for the way you manage conflicts with such diplomacy. It’s a skill I’m trying to learn from you.

26. Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge. It’s a privilege to work under someone with your expertise.

27. I appreciate how you always have our backs. It’s comforting to know we have a leader who supports us in every situation.

28. Thank you for recognizing the unique strengths of each team member. It makes us all feel valued and understood.

29. I’m grateful for the way you foster a collaborative environment. It makes working here a true team effort.

30. Thank you for leading with both your heart and your head. It’s inspiring to see a leader who cares so deeply about both the people and the work.

We're Glad You Have that Boss that Everybody Wants

Taking the time to thank your boss not only fosters a positive work environment but also leaves a lasting impression of respect and appreciation.

Share this with a friend who cherishes their boss too!

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Thank You Messages For Your Boss Guide [With 49 Note Examples]

Heidi Bender

Having a great boss or manager can be a wonderful experience. So take a few minutes to write your boss a thank you note message to show your appreciation today!

Sometimes we can forget that the bosses are people too . Showing them gratitude can make you feel happier, too, according to Harvard .

This guide will help you write a thank you note to your boss without making thank you note mistakes .

Usually, you will put your thank you message into an email to your boss. However, you could give your boss a handwritten thank you note card. I only recommend a handwritten note if you can hand the card to your boss or leave it on their desk (asking for their address is not professional).

Note:  This post contains affiliate links. By using my links, I (Heidi) will receive a commission.

Thanking Your Boss

I’ve written many articles about thanking your boss for specific reasons, each containing thank you message examples for that situation.

Following this list will be tips and a thank you note to a boss template. Then there will be some general appreciation messages for the boss. Then there will be more examples grouped by themes. Also, At the end of this post is a full-length thank you letter to a boss example.

  • Thank you note to the boss for gifts
  • For a cash gift, read the thank your boss for the cash section in the Thank you for money guide .
  • Thank you for the promotion
  • Thank you messages for appreciation FROM boss
  • On Boss’s Day (celebrated on October 16 or the closest working day).
  • ​ Thank the boss for a team lunch
  • Thank the boss for lunch with only you
  • Thank your boss for a raise
  • Thank your boss for a bonus
  • Farewell messages when leaving a job
  • To thank your boss after a funeral, please see the coworker examples in the thank you messages after funeral guide.
  • To thank your boss for a holiday party, see the examples at the end of the thank you for the Christmas party thank you post .
  • Retirement thank you messages for the retiring boss.
  • Thank You for your Guidance and Support Messages For The Boss .

Writing A Thank You Message To Boss Tips

Here are some general tips for when you want to thank your boss with a thank you note or thank you email.

  • Simple can be okay. If your boss sends you an appreciation email or tells you in person, a simple reply of “Thank You” may be enough. The examples below will be longer messages as I imagine different situations when a boss may express appreciation.
  • Don’t compare. Don’t make unfavorable comparisons to other bosses. For example, don’t write, “You are so much better than John as a boss.”
  • Compliments are good! As long as you feel they are true to your relationship with your boss, you can include compliments like you’re a great boss, a supportive boss, an amazing boss, etc.
  • Be specific . The examples below are based on hypothetical situations, so if you can be more specific, your note may be perceived as better (you can also review my 9 tips for writing a better thank-you note.
  • Spelling Matters. Be sure to spell your boss’s name correctly. Is it John or Jon?
  • Read them all. Read through all of the examples for inspiration. If you are copying and pasting into an email, you could combine bits for different examples. Words like project, process, program, or position could be replaced with what is relevant to your situation.
  • Email or Hand-deliver. It’s not appropriate etiquette in most workplaces to ask your boss for their home address. Write your message in an email, or if you are writing a handwritten note, hand the boss the notecard or leave it on their desk.
  • Free PDF Cards . If you want a quick, printable card for a handwritten note, there are some thank your boss printable cards here.
  • Check your grammar. For perfect grammar, you can check your message in a tool like Grammarly. Click here to sign up for Grammarly for free (affiliate link).

Related: Don’t Make These 5 Dumb Mistakes When Thanking Your Boss

Thank You Note to your Boss Template

Your thank-you note or letter to the boss can follow the below format. You may also want to read How to write a thank-you note in 5 easy steps .

[Boss’s Name],

Thank you for help (or another reason you are thanking the boss). Then write 1-3 sentences about why, how, or what you learned, etc. You can also compliment your boss (ex. You’re a great boss).

Thanks again! (other closings could be Sincerely, Kind regards, etc.)

[Your Name]

Note: With so many things that you could be thanking your boss for (help, supporting, mentoring, anniversary wishes, opportunity, raise, etc.), Please read through the example messages for wording ideas as the wording is the challenging part of writing a thank you message.

The examples below are for the center section (the 2-4 sentences). Replace words in [brackets] as appropriate for your situation. Of course, you’ll still want to include the greeting, closing, and your name in your thank you note or email.

Thank You Message To Boss Examples

Read through some general thank you messages for a boss. Boss and manager can be switched out as needed for your thank you note.

#1 Thank you for being such a great boss. You are a true leader. I’ve learned many valuable lessons from you this year. The way you encourage everyone on the team is an excellent example. I feel that it is an honor to work on your team.

#2 I want to let you know that you a great manager. I see the tough decisions you make daily and have great respect for how you handle difficult situations. Thank you for being so kind and demonstrating the right attitude.

#3 Thank you so much for helping me out last week when I was stuck on the last project. You a wonderful boss for making time to give me extra instructions. I have much appreciation for your enduring support.

#4 You have an amazing ability to finesse tough decisions. I appreciate all that I have learned from you during my professional career. Thank you for giving me guidance as I work to become a manager myself.

#5 You are such a wonderful, caring boss. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support when my mom passed. I feel that you are the most supportive boss ever! I greatly appreciated the extra time off.

#6 The whole department thinks that you are the best! Thank you for being a great leader and providing a wonderful experience here at [company name]. I am delighted that you’ve been my boss for the past five years.

#7 I consider you not only a great boss but a friend as well. Thank you for being such a wonderful boss with excellent leadership abilities. Also, I appreciate your full support as I look to move to another position with the company.

#8 My job life has been awesome with you as my boss. Thank you for creating a positive team environment. The past year has been amazing, and I’ve learned so much from you and the others.

#9 Thank you for helping me out on the client call last week. I was not prepared to answer their difficult questions. I really appreciate your support as I continue to learn everything on this project. You’re the best manager ever!

#10 My time working at [Company Name] has been amazing because of you. You’re an excellent boss, and I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me. I can only hope to be half the person that you are someday.

#11 Thank you for providing me with the best training as a new hire. After only a few months, I can see that you are an excellent boss. I’m so thankful to have been placed on your team. I look forward to learning as much as possible from you.

Thank Your Boss for Help or Support

The examples below will help you say thank you to your boss when you’ve received help or support. And there are examples to thank your boss whose been your mentor.

Related: 50 Thank You For Your Support Messages

#1 I am grateful for your support during the time I was out sick. Your support helped me not to worry. I was able to rest and feel confident that you and the team could do my work that couldn’t wait for my return. Thank you for making sure nothing was missed.

#2 Thanks for all of your support when I needed to be out of the office unexpectedly when my dad had a stroke. Not having to worry about what was happening at work or who would be doing my job was a blessing. You make it easy to feel confident when someone on the team needs to be out, as you always make sure the work gets covered. I am lucky to have you as my manager.

#3 You are an outstanding boss. I was concerned about having to be out on short-term disability. Thank you for your understanding and support. I will be sure to pay it forward someday when given the opportunity.

#4 I want to tell you how much I appreciate the time you’ve spent mentoring me during my first few months on the job. The training classes have been okay, but your extra insights added to my understanding. Because of you, I feel that I got up to speed faster. I look forward to being able to work independently soon and sharing my ideas with the team.

#5 Thank you for being a great mentor! I appreciate all the help you’ve given me with [new skill/project name]. I am also thankful that you have been patient will all my questions as I strive to learn everything I can. You are a wonderful boss!

#6 Thank you for being a great mentor and pushing me to learn new skills. I am appreciative of your time and commitment to helping me grow in my career since my first day. I love your passion for [focus of job] and am glad you are helping shape my professional life. You’re a terrific boss!

#7 I appreciate all the help you’ve given me. Your support and encouragement with this new project have been fantastic as the customer’s expectations have been much higher than anticipated. [Client name] told me last week that the level of service is unlike any they have had previously. While they don’t know how much extra time you’ve been giving to help out, I do! Because of you, we’ve been able to secure the new contract.

#8 Thank you for helping me with [whatever the boss helped with]. I admire your dedication to not only me but the entire team. Our team is better because of your continued involvement.

#9 I am thankful for your support with [whatever/how the boss is supporting you]. I am confident enough to do the process independently next month! I appreciate the valuable skills that I am learning from you.

#10 Thank you for your help and support while I was out recovering from being ill for a few weeks. I am grateful that you could coordinate with the team to get my work covered and not have and that they were not any disruptions with the clients. You are a wonderful boss. I look forward to returning to work on [return date].

Thank your boss for work anniversary wishes

If you’ve made it a year or many years at the same workplace, there is a good chance that your boss will wish you a happy anniversary! The below examples will help you write a thank you message for work anniversary wishes.

#1 Thank you for the anniversary wishes! It was kind of you to recognize my 10th year of working here. I hope for many more successful years!

#2 The certificate for my 15th anniversary is terrific and will look lovely framed. I will display it proudly on my desk. Thank you for organizing the card from the team as well.

#3 Whew! I’ve been on your team now for three years. Thank you for wishing me a happy work anniversary!

#4 I am glad to be on your team! I appreciate the “happy anniversary” for my eight years of working here. It’s been quite a journey, and I’ve learned a great deal. [Company Name] is a good and enjoyable place to work.

#5 Your kinds word about me during the past four years on your team made my day! You are gracious and kind. Thank you for recognizing my work anniversary.

#6 Thank you for wishing me a happy 10th anniversary! The time sure did fly by as I love working here and what I have the privilege to do each day.

#7 I am thankful for your anniversary message! You said such kind things about my work performance. I am happy to be on your team, and you are a great boss.

#8 You are such a thoughtful boss! Thank you for wishing me a happy anniversary!

#9 Wishing me a happy anniversary was a pleasant surprise! I will enjoy the gift card to [restaurant name]. Thank you!

Thank You Note to the Boss for the Opportunity Messages

You can thank your boss for a job opportunity with a thank you message. The examples below could work for your current boss or perhaps for a new boss as well.

Also read: Thank you for the opportunity messages

#1 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on [project]. The challenge took me out of my comfort zone. I learned a lot about [topic], and I looked forward to coming to work every day. I am grateful that you choose me for the project.

#2 I am grateful to you for offering me so many opportunities to try out. The variety of positions and tasks are helping me to identify where I went to go next in my career. I appreciated that you didn’t keep me only doing [position] since I was good at it. I am excited to learn and try different types of work as I search for a new role.

#3 You’ve been a wonderful boss! Thank you for alerting me to the new opportunity on the new team that is being formed. As you know, I am looking for a new challenge and look forward to starting on the new team in a couple of weeks. Also, thank you for recommending me to [new team’s boss’s name]. Since I didn’t know her at all, I think your words helped her decide that I am a good fit for the new team.

#4 The conference was amazing last week! Thank you for giving me the chance to go along with [name of the person you went with]. I learned many things just from being on the plane with him! I also made some promising connections at the event.

#5 I am so excited to be able to help with the special project. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I look forward to utilizing my skills in [program/your skill area] to help the project be a success.

#6 Thank you for looking for opportunities for me among your network of connections. Your recommendation has helped me to be awarded some of the new contract work. I hope to be able to “pay it forward” someday as I build my network.

#7 I enjoyed our lunch meeting last week. Thank you for taking the time to join me and explain the new positions that are coming open on your team. I welcome the opportunity for a change in position with different types of work than I’ve been doing for the past three years.

#8 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with [person’s name]. I have learned so much from [him/her] during the past few weeks. You were right to partner us together as we’ve worked so well together. The project is more successful with both of our contributions.

#9 I am enjoying the challenges in the new position! Thank you for letting me about the opportunity, as it changed my life. I didn’t know how much I would love this type of work. I appreciate that you encouraged me to give it a try.

Thank You Best Boss Quotes

Note: By naming your boss the “best boss ever,” that implies that every other boss you’ve had wasn’t the best. So, be careful what you say as you never know who else will see the note. And it’s also possible that different bosses can be the “best boss ever” in different ways.

#1 Thank you for being the best boss I’ve ever had. You are great at organizing the team and projects. I also like how you look out for opportunities for not just me but everyone on the team that will help us to grow our skills.

#2 Working for you makes the job feel less like a job. I enjoy working with you and others on the team. Your integrity is admirable, and by far, you are the best boss I have worked with. Thank you for being an awesome, fair, and motivated boss!

#3 You are the best boss ever! Thank you for your ongoing flexibility with my schedule and for letting me work from home whenever I need or want to. Not having to make the long commute every day of the week is nice as I can spend extra time with my family on those days.

#4 Thank you for being an awesome boss! Being on your team is an outstanding experience. I also appreciate that I can come to you with any issues or concerns and know that I can trust you to help solve the issue or direct me to the correct person that can help.

#5 I am grateful to have you as my boss. You’ve been excellent to work for and a good boss. I am thankful that you do not micromanage me or others on the team and trust us to complete the work as needed.

#6 Have I told you lately that you are the best? I feel fortunate to have ended up on your team during the latest reorganization. Your leadership and guidance have proved quite valuable as I have excelled in the position.

#7 I like having you as my boss. You are kind, and friendly, and manage the team well, which makes for a pleasant working environment. Thank you for being awesome!

#8 Thank you for always being so willing to help me. You are the best boss ever! I admire your leadership skills and knowledge of all of the products we work on. And I always appreciate your words of encouragement.

#9 You are amazing! Thank you for being the best boss ever! I will feel fortunate to have been placed on your team. Your management style works well for me.

#10 Thank you for being the best boss. I love working for you and being on your team. I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you for your leadership and guidance.

Thank You Letter to Boss example

Here is a thank you letter to a boss example that thanks the boss for more than one thing. Remember to be genuine in your letter. In most situations, it’s fine to email the letter to your boss.

In your letter, replace Dear Boss with your boss’s actual name, for example, Dear John. And leave off Dear if you are not comfortable using dear in your greeting.

I want to thank you for being an excellent boss for so many years. Your leadership and overall support have helped me to do my best work. I appreciate that even on a busy day, you will take the time to help me.

Also, I am grateful for the mentoring you provided me during [Recent Project Name]. The way you explained things helped me understand the purpose of the project and the best way to go about it. Thank you for taking me under your wing.

Because of you, my capabilities have expanded so much. You are a wonderful boss and inspiration. As I take on working with new team members, I will be as encouraging to them as you have been to me.

I look forward to continuing to work with you.

Read Next: 41 Thank You Note to Coworkers Example Messages

Heidi Bender

Author: Heidi Bender

Title: writer, expertise: thank you notes.

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.

The Right Wording

The Right Wording

Messages and Examples For The Right Wording For Any Occasion

Thank You Boss! 70 Examples Of Appreciation Messages For A Boss

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Learn how to say thank you to a boss for different occasions. Show your appreciation to an employer with these thank you message examples.

If you don’t know what to say to your boss to show your appreciation, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you can find examples of messages to show gratitude towards your boss.

You will need to thank you in different scenarios, whether taking a professional or casual approach. Also, feel free to mix and match these examples to develop your unique message.

Appreciation Messages And Thank You Notes To A Boss

Thanking Your Boss For Attending Your Event

1. Hey, boss. Thanks for coming to my seminar. I hope you found the topics I discussed beneficial to you. Please don’t hesitate to send feedback for my improvement. I appreciate it.

2. Good day to you, boss. Thank you for coming to today’s meeting. It’s been productive. I hope we didn’t leave anything out. If something does come to mind, please let me know.

3. Greetings! The fundraiser was successful. And I can’t thank you enough for showing your support and lending a hand, boss. You have my gratitude.

4. Hey, boss. Today was a huge success. I appreciate that you attended today’s event. Thank you so much.

5. Thank you! Your support means a lot to me, boss.

6. Thank you so much, boss. The event went smoothly, and everything was in order. I appreciate your support.

7. Thank you for coming to my event, boss. It was a pleasure seeing you there.

8. Thanks for attending my seminar, boss. Let me know if there are improvements needed.

9. Hey, boss. Thank you for coming. I appreciate the support.

10. Greetings! This is a letter of thanks for attending my event. I am grateful for it. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

11. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it, and I can’t thank you enough.

12. Thank you so much for your overwhelming support. You have my most sincere gratitude.

13. Hey, boss. Thank you for attending today’s meeting. Your presence helped boost morale. Please continue to inspire. It means a lot to me.

READ:  21 Best Thank You Messages and Appreciation Quotes For Your Boss

14. Good day to you, boss. I needed to thank you for coming today. The fundraiser was a huge success. You have my deepest gratitude.

15. Good day, sir/ma’am. Thanks for attending today’s event. It was inspiring to see you there.

16. Hello, boss. I just want to thank you for attending today’s event. The guests were intimidating, and your presence helped me keep my cool. I appreciate it.

17. Good day to you. Thank you for coming to the seminar. I hope I haven’t failed you. Please accept my most sincere thanks.

18. Thank you for coming today, boss! You’ve been really helpful, and I hope my feelings of gratitude reach you.

19. Hey, boss. I hope you’re having a good day. Thank you for attending today’s fundraiser. We’ve achieved a lot today, and I hope you have a pleasant day.

20. Thank you! You’ve been a huge help, boss. The clients were happy to do business with us, and I hope we continue to exhibit a positive synergy. I appreciate it.

21. Thank you for your support, boss. Spearheading this project has been stressful, but you helped me all the way, and I can’t thank you enough.

22. Greetings! I hope you are reading this in your leisure. I want to thank you for coming to today’s meeting. Please accept my warmest thanks.

23. Thanks, boss. The event was a huge success, and I can’t thank you enough for your support. I hope the next event will also be a blast.

24. Hey, boss. I wanted to say thanks for coming to my event. Things were getting out of hand, but you helped out alot. It means a lot.

25. Good day to you. Please accept my deepest and most sincere gratitude for attending today’s event. Your support helped me a lot, and I hope to return the favor someday.

examples Of Appreciation Messages And Thank You Notes To A Boss

Showing Gratitude To Your Boss For Hiring You

26. Greetings! Thank you for accepting me for the job. I’ll be sure that you won’t regret hiring me.

27. Thank you so much for this opportunity. It’s a pleasure to work with you.

28. Thank you for hiring me. It’s been difficult for me to get here, but I’m glad my efforts paid off. I’ll do my best to reach your expectations.

29. Thank you! I’m grateful to start working with you finally. I will make the most out of this opportunity.

30. Good day to you. It’s a pleasure to be working with you. I will try my hardest to be useful and productive for the company.

31. Greetings! Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I won’t fail you.

32. Thank you so much for hiring me. I will do my best to benefit the company and gain as much experience as possible.

33. Salutations! It’s a pleasure to start working with you. I hope that we develop a productive relationship to benefit this company further.

34. Thank you so much for accepting my application. I have yet to build up my experience, but I hope I exceed your expectations. It’s a pleasure.

35. Thank you for this opportunity. I will not let you down, boss. I’ll give my best, so I may contribute to the company.

36. Good day! I am grateful for this working opportunity. I will do my best to retain this position.

37. Hello! I hope you are having a great day. I am sending you this note to give you my most sincere thanks for hiring me. I hope to build a close partnership with you and my other coworkers.

38. Thank you so much for hiring me. I will do my best to show you how dedicated I am to working for this company.

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39. Thank you! This opportunity doesn’t come often, and I am grateful. I look forward to working with you.

40. Thank you for this opportunity. I’m so thankful for being able to catch your eye. I won’t let you down.

41. Thank you so much for accepting my application. Please accept my deepest gratitude. I will do my best to earn my place in this company.

42. Hello and good day. This note is to show me thanks for accepting my application. I hope my gratitude reaches you.

43. Good day to you. I’m thankful and humbled for the acceptance of my job application. I hope to build your trust and hopefully earn my plan in the company.

44. Good day to you, Ma’am/Sir. I wanted to give you my thanks for giving me this opportunity. I will do my best to contribute to the goal of this company.

45. Thank you so much for accepting me into the company. Please accept my most sincere gratitude for this working opportunity.

46. Greetings! I hope your day is going well. Thank you for hiring me. I appreciate that you considered my application. I will strive to benefit the company with my efforts.

47. Thank you! I am very honored to work for your company. I hope we build a productive working environment together.

48. Thank you! I appreciate that you accepted my job application and am even thankful for being hired.

49. Hello, boss. I just wanted to say thank you for accepting my job application. I will make the most of my experience here and learn from my coworkers.

50. Hey, boss. Thank you for looking through my application and noticing my potential. I will put my efforts to good use to benefit the company.

Thank You Notes To A Boss

Resigning And Showing Your Thanks

51. Good day. Thank you for the care you provided all this time from within the company. It has been a wonderful experience.

52. Thank you for your efforts. I appreciate all the help I have received. Have a good day.

53. Thank you for the opportunity. Though my last day at work is nearing, I hope that the company continues to grow.

54. Thank you for all the help, boss. It’s been a pleasure.

55. Thank you so much for your support. It was my pleasure to work with you, ma’am/sir.

56. Thank you so much for your time, boss. I appreciate all the help you’ve given me. Take care of yourself.

57. Thank you for going through my resignation letter. It was a great experience working with you and the company.

58. Thank you for accepting my resignation letter. I wish you all the best and the success of the company.

59. Thank you for guiding me and helping me during my time with the company. I appreciate it.

60. Thank you for supporting me throughout my time working with you. It has been a real pleasure.

61. Greetings! Thanks for helping me through my struggles when I was new to the company. My efforts have paid off, and I hope that the company will continue to succeed.

62. Hey, boss. Thanks for allowing me to work with you, and it has been a pleasure.

63. Good day. Thank you for supporting me all this time. It’s been a pleasure working with you. I hope that I can use my experience in my next job encounter.

64. Thank you so much for taking care of me during my time in this company.

65. Thank you for having me at this company. It means a lot to me that I have been a part of this, and I hope that more success will come to you. It’d be a pleasure.

66. It has been a pleasure working with everyone, especially you, boss. You’ve guided me and helped me through tough times. I wish you all the best.

67. Good day. I am sending you this letter to let you know that I am thankful to have worked with you. I hope the end of my time here will open an opportunity for another.

68. Thank you for supporting me through my days here in this company. I’ve been blessed with a good boss, and I hope more success comes to you. Once again, you have my gratitude.

69. Hey, boss. Thank you for having me here in this company. My experience has been fun and productive, and I hope my replacement will feel the same. Cheers!

70. Good day to you, Sir/Ma’am. I’d like to give my most sincere gratitude for my time here. You’ve been very helpful and supportive. I hope that more success comes to you and the company.

READ:  100+ Best Employee Appreciation Messages And Quotes To Say Thank You

70 Examples Of Appreciation Messages And Thank You Notes To A Boss

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Thank-You Letter To Your Boss (With Examples)

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Everyone deserves to be shown some appreciation, which is why you should send a thank you letter to your boss when they deserve it. You should send a thank-you if your manager goes out of their way to mentor you , recognize you and give you important projects. It’s a great way to show your gratitude. In this article, we will go over what to include in a thank you note to your boss, provide examples of thank you letters, as well as some tips to keep in mind. Key Takeaways To write a thank you letter to your boss, open with a personalized greeting and then talk about what you appreciated about your boss’s actions. Everyone loves a nice “thank you” or a “high five.” Your boss is no exception. It doesn’t take long to write a thank-you letter, but the gesture goes a long way. Sending thank-you letters can help build relationships and help with your career. In This Article    Skip to section What to include in a thank-you note Tips for writing a thank-you note to your boss Example thank-you notes to your boss When to send a thank-you note to your boss What is the best way to send a thank-you note to your boss Benefits of having a great boss How to write a thank you letter to your boss FAQ Final thoughts References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What to include in a thank-you note

If you are ready to show your gratitude, it’s important to know what to include in your thank-you note. Here are the key parts of a thank-you note.

What you liked or how you benefited from your boss’s actions.

Conclude with a heartfelt sentiment of thanks.

Tips for writing a thank-you note to your boss

You should have proper manners, be professional, and explain why you are grateful when writing your letter. Here are some more tips to keep in mind when writing your thank you letter to your boss:

Be timely. Proper manners are to send a thank-you card within a few days after receiving a gift or attending an event. You don’t want to send your letter weeks after the event because that could be considered rude.

Be professional. While you should be professional in your letter, you can match your tone and wording to your relationship. If you have a more relaxed relationship with your boss, you can be more laid back, but if you have a professional relationship with them, it’s best to stay formal/

Keep it short. Write enough to explain why you’re grateful, but don’t ramble or wax poetic — one to two short paragraphs are enough.

Proofread. Before sending your letter, look over it one more time to make sure you spelled everything right and there are no grammar mistakes.

Example thank-you notes to your boss

To help you figure out what to write, we’ve created message templates to use in thank-you cards for your manager. Below are some message ideas to help you pen a thank you card that your boss will love.

Kindness. Is your boss an all-around good guy or gal who is treating you to acts of kindness and special privileges?

Favors: tickets to the game, dinner, or concert thank you note example

Thank you so much for generously giving us your tickets to the Bulls game on Saturday. It’s a shame that you couldn’t go, but it made our day. We had an incredible time and truly appreciated the gesture.

Gifts thank you note example

You are the BEST boss! I am so excited about the Alexa Echo you gave me for my 5th anniversary. My kids are having a blast asking her to tell them jokes! Thank you for this cool gift. Thank you so much.

Contributions for a cause thank you note example

Thank you for your donation to the annual Celebrity Golf Tournament for The Helping Hands Network. I appreciate your kindness and your helping us to make a difference for young adults with special needs. Because of your donation, we were able to enrich the lives of people with disabilities in their partner communities through quality recreation services.

Attendance of an event thank you note example

I was so happy that you came to my son’s Bar Mitzvah! Our family appreciates your kindness. My son’s day was even more special because you were there to join us. And thank you for the savings bond for my son.

Support. Has your boss taken you under his wing in helping to develop your skills in the workplace?

Mentorship and guidance thank you note example

I just wanted to let you know how much your guidance and mentorship have meant to me over the years. I have learned so much about what it takes to succeed in this business because of you. Thank you.

Support in tough times thank you note example

I wanted to thank you for being so understanding after my father passed away. Being able to take some time off has made it easier. Thanks again for your encouragement and support . It means more than you know.

Introductions thank you note example

Thank you so much for putting me in touch with your friend Barry Jones. We connected early last week, and he gave me the name of a great big and tall shop for men’s suits. Thanks again for passing his name along.

Compliments thank you note example

Thanks so much for your compliment about my leadership on the Hamaguchi project. I put a lot of work into that. It means a lot to know you feel that way. Thanks.

General support thank you note example

Thank you for your support during this time. Your confidence and presence is my biggest motivator.

Career Support. Did your boss give you a big break that let you shine? When you prove yourself, you can get raises and promotions.

Opportunities thank you note example

Thank you so much for assigning me to the Brady project. I was excited to help them develop a multi-year strategic roadmap enabling them to perform more informed decision-making. It meant a lot that you believed in me and gave me this opportunity. I look forward to planning and executing more IT projects in the future. I promise to make you proud in future endeavors.

Promotion thank you note example

Thanks so much for my recent promotion . I am excited to take on the role of a partner with the firm. I appreciate you putting your trust in me. I promise to make you proud!

Raise or bonuses thank you note example

Thank you so much for the bonus . It means so much to me. Thanks for always looking out for your employees and rewarding them for their hard work. You are the best!

References thank you note example

I appreciate you being a reference for me in my job search . I know how busy you are, but the fact that you are taking the time to speak with companies I am interviewing with means so much. Thanks again.

Interview thank you note example

Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the senior management position yesterday. I enjoyed speaking with you. Again, thank you for your time and consideration.

Conference thank you note example

I want to thank for you allowing me the opportunity to go to the annual conference. It was an incredible experience. I was bale to learn so many things and I hope to share them with our team.

Other occasions.

Happy Birthday to someone who makes this company great. I appreciate all that you do.

Anniversary thank you note example

Thanks for the thoughtful anniversary gift. We loved the gift card to Antonio’s Restaurant. All the food, appetizers, and drinks were amazing. Thanks again for making our wedding anniversary very special.

Funeral thank you note example

Thank you for the gorgeous flower arrangement for my Grandfather John’s funeral. They were so thoughtful, and we appreciate your support through everything.

Thanksgiving thank you note example

I am not only thankful to work for such a great company but appreciate having such a wonderful boss like you. Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy holidays thank you note example

Happy holidays to a boss who makes our workplace such a great place!

New Years thank you note example

Working with a boss like you is my dream come true. I wish you the best throughout the coming year! Happy New Year!

Retirement thank you note example

I have learned so much while working with you for the past 15 years. I cannot thank you enough for the impact you have had on my professional and personal growth. You are an inspiration to all of us in the office. Congratulations on your retirement!

When you’re leaving thank you note example

Since I will be leaving soon, I want to say thank you for all the opportunities you have given me in the last five years. You were a great mentor and have shown me so much. I will miss you but I will stay in touch. Thank you for being a great boss.

When to send a thank-you note to your boss

You should send a thank-you note to your boss when they do you a personal favor, after a promotion or raise, or after they announce they are leaving. Below are more reasons to send a thank you note to your boss:

If they do you a personal favor. This could include anything from letting you leave early, giving you extra days off, or helping you out with something outside of work. Sending a letter for any of these things can show your appreciation for their help.

If they gave you a promotion or raise. While the raise itself came from the company, your boss probably advocated and couched for why you deserve the raise.

If they help you out with something. This could be anything from a work project or helping you solve a problem.

If they announce they are leaving the company. This happens from time to time and it can be a good idea to show your appreciation for all that they did. This is especially important if you loved your boss.

If you are leaving the job. Writing a thank you letter to your boss when leaving a job can be a great way to solidify your good relationship with them. Let them know how much you appreciate them and their investment in you — especially if you want to show them that you aren’t leaving because of them.

What is the best way to send a thank-you note to your boss

The best way to send a thank-you note to your boss is sending a handwritten note or an email. Below is a more detailed list of the different ways you can send a thank you letter to your boss:

Handwritten notes. By far, the best way to send a note of appreciation is a handwritten note. There’s something so heartfelt about seeing words of kindness in a card. It feels personal and special. Plus, they can save your note for something to look back at later for memory’s sake.

Email. Sending a thank-you note to your boss via email is less formal, but means that they will get it right away in their inbox. Because it’s less formal, it’s best to send a thank you email for a smaller gift or act of kindness.

Text. It’s best to save a text thank-you for a message that is short and more personal. It’s more appropriate for small gifts or acts of kindness. Such as “Thanks for buying coffee today. I appreciate it.” Sometimes you can send a text as an immediate thank you and follow up with a handwritten note.

Letter. Writing a thank you letter allows you to take time and say things precisely in the way you’d like. It’s something your boss can hold onto. Sending it snail mail has more impact than setting it on your boss’s desk.

Benefits of having a great boss

When you have a nice boss, it makes work so much more enjoyable and it makes you want to work harder. Here are some other benefits of having a great boss:

You want to work harder.

You are excited about the work you do.

Work is more meaningful.

Great leaders help you grow in your skills too.

You feel understood and supported.

Provide a great example to follow.

Thoughtful ways to recognize you for your accomplishments.

You feel supported professionally and personally, too.

How to write a thank you letter to your boss FAQ

How do you start a thank-you note?

When you start a thank-you note, your first sentence should thank them explicitly for a specific action. An example would be “I am so thankful for…” or “I want you to know how much I value you…”

How do you end a thank-you letter?

The best way to end a thank-you note would be any of the following:

Best Regards.


Many thanks.

How do you say thank you professionally?

When you say thank you professionally, you can say something like this: “Thank you very much” or “My sincere appreciation/thanks.”

How do you write a good thank you message?

You write a good thank you message by explaining what it is you’re thankful for and how it impacted you. This gives your note more weight since it shows the recipient how their actions impacted you rather than a generic expression of gratitude.

What are some reasons to send a thank you note to your boss?

You can send a thank you note to your boss when they help you with a project, after a promotion, or they are leaving the company. Another great time to send one is if you are leaving the company as well. The thank you note will allow you to show your appreciation and gratitude for all the things they have done.

Final thoughts

It makes a difference to have someone who believes in you. Having a great boss can inspire you to be your best. When your boss goes above and beyond, thanking them shows how much you genuinely appreciate them.

If you have a great boss, take a few minutes today to express your appreciation with a thank-you note.

The New York Times – An Illustrated Guide to Saying Thank You

Emily Post – Complete Guide to Writing Thank You Notes

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Roger Raber has been a content writer at Zippia for over a year and has authored several hundred articles. Having retired after 28 years of teaching writing and research at both the high school and college levels, Roger enjoys providing career details that help inform people who are curious about a new job or career. Roger holds a BA in English from Cleveland State University and a MA from Marygrove college.

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Professional Thank-You Letters to a Boss

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When to Thank Your Boss

Tips for writing an appreciation note, appreciation letter and email samples, formal thank-you letter example, sample appreciation email messages, sample written thank-you note, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Everyone likes to feel appreciated—even the boss. So, when your manager does something particularly helpful or meaningful, take the time to say thank you with a letter of appreciation. It's a nice, polite thing to do, and most likely, your boss will appreciate the gesture. It may even increase the chances they’ll go above and beyond for you in the future.

The best part is you don’t need to write a lengthy letter to express your thanks. Even a quick email message works well to let your manager know that their support is appreciated.

Here's information on when and how to say thank you to your manager, with examples of the best way to relay your appreciation to your boss.

Key Takeaways

  • A thank-you email or note can have more of an impact than a conversation because you took the time to write.
  • Thank-you notes can be sent via email or by formal printed letter. Alternatively, a handwritten card can add a personal touch.
  • Be specific when you write your thank-you note so the recipient is clear about why you're writing.
  • Your thank-you note or email should be brief and to the point.

 Melissa Ling / The Balance

Here are some situations where a thank-you message is appropriate: 

Lends a hand.  If your manager offers you resources or helps solve a problem (e.g., hires a part-time staffer to help on a project, secures a new piece of technology, or even participates in a joint brainstorming session).

Does a personal favor.  Maybe your boss allows you extra leave time or is understanding with days off even though you're taking them during a busy season. Perhaps your boss  connects you with someone in your field  who can help further your career, or takes some time to provide you with personal mentorship or advice.

Gives you a promotion, raise, or bonus . While the extra money or promotion comes from the company's coffers, most likely your boss advocated for you to receive it.

Provides an opportunity for advancement.  It's not only a raise or promotion that deserves appreciation; your boss sets you up for those measures of success by funneling important projects and initiatives in your direction. Without that trust in your abilities, it's harder to show off your talents.

Coordinates a collection for you or a family member.  It isn’t unusual for good bosses to “pass the hat” for contributions when an employee experiences either a happy personal event (such as a wedding, graduation, or birth of a child) or a sad transition (like the death of a family member). When this happens, it is more than appropriate to send a thank-you note to your boss, along with a request that he or she pass your thanks on to all of those who contributed.

Announces they are leaving either your division or the company.  If your boss announces that they are leaving your division (through promotion or reassignment) or is leaving your employer (because of retirement, a new job, or a layoff), this is a wonderful time to write a sincere note that expresses your gratitude for the things they have done for you.

If your boss is moving on, remember to wish them success in their new endeavors.

When you’re moving on. Similarly, you may want to send your boss a letter of appreciation when you leave the department or when you leave the company entirely.

  • Be sincere.  When you are writing to your boss to  express gratitude and appreciation , you have to be careful with your tone. You want to make sure you appear sincere—and not like a sycophant.
  • Be specific.  In your letter, mention why you're writing and provide a specific thank you. For example, "Thank you so much for organizing my baby shower and for your generous gift," or "I'm so appreciative of this end-of-year bonus."
  • Be brief.  There's no need to write a lengthy note—keep your message short and to the point. The most important thing is to express your appreciation. Include a  complimentary close  at the end of your letter before your name. Proofread carefully.

You can send your note as a handwritten card, printed-out letter, or email. Review sample appreciation letters and emails to use as inspiration when you write your own thank-you letter for your boss.

Sample Formal Thank-You Letter to Boss

Jonathan Smith Assistant Manager ABC Corp 100 South Street, Ste. 10 Middleburg, NY 10706 555-123-4567 Jonathan.Smith@email.com

October 10, 2022

Liz Garcia ABC Corp 100 South Street, Ste. 10 Middleburg, NY 10706

I really appreciate your understanding and support regarding the changes we're making to the project plan.

I feel that these changes are going to streamline the current project and facilitate the organization of those in the future.

Thank you for your confidence in me. I'm sure you're going to be pleased with the results.

Best regards,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Jonathan Smith

Sample Email Appreciation Message to Boss #1

Subject Line:  Thank You

Dear Chris,

I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for the opportunity you gave me to attend the professional development workshop in Orlando last week—and also for securing my travel and expense funding for this trip.

The workshop sessions were both informative and inspirational, and I’m looking forward to sharing the things I learned with our team. I feel confident that the processes I was introduced to will improve our efficiency and increase our workgroup’s ownership of our projects.

Thank you for your confidence in me.

Sample Email Appreciation to Boss #2

Subject:  Thank you!

Dear Ryanna, 

Thank you so much for the generous gift for my new son, Oliver. My husband and I were so delighted to receive the adorable outfits and toys, and I was so touched by the card. Please pass along my appreciation to the whole product team. 

See attached for a photo of Oliver in one of the new outfits. Thank you again for this generous, thoughtful present. I'm enjoying my time home with my new child but also looking forward to returning to the office and thanking everyone in person. 

Dear Kusam,

Thank you so much for the promotion and the opportunity to spearhead the new project. I appreciate your trust in me and you offering me the responsibility; it’s an honor.

The new project will be an exciting endeavor for my team. We’ll keep you informed of our progress, and I’m confident you’re going to like the end results.

What’s the best way to send a thank-you note?

When you want the recipient to know that you appreciate them, the quickest way is to send an email message. Sending a handwritten note card shows that you’ve taken the time to put some extra effort into showing your appreciation. Another option is a formal letter expressing your gratitude.

How should you say thank you to colleagues who helped you at work?

When colleagues help you out at work, they'll appreciate being recognized for their assistance. To say thank you at work , you can send individual emails or send a group message to your team if you're a team leader.

Inspired Year

51 Thank You Messages to Bosses (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

Appreciation is key when it comes to employment, and bosses are no exception. If you’ve just received a raise or promotion, take the time to write a note of gratitude to your boss. Here are some suggestions for things you might include in these messages.

#1 I cannot express how much I appreciate your willingness to mentor me. You are an inspiring example of what it means to be a professional. Not only have you taught me the tricks of the trade, but you’ve also shown me how much can be achieved with patient and gentle criticism.

#2 Thank you for all that you do for our department. Your passion is incredibly contagious, and I know that everyone here loves working hard because it makes us better at our jobs. The amount of support that you give us is immeasurable, which is why we will always enthusiastically go above and beyond for you.

#3 I am so grateful for everything that you do as my manager! From your excitement about new projects to your drive to always grow as an individual, I admire you. I thank you for always providing me with the support that I need to thrive in my day-to-day job responsibilities.

#4 I cannot express how lucky I feel to work with such a respectable person. The way you guide your employees is appreciated more than I can put into words. It is incredible to be able to work under someone who inspires creativity and honor at the same time. Thank you for everything that you do for this company and me personally.

#5 You always make it possible for me to complete my projects without fail, while simultaneously teaching me what hard work really means. You are very intelligent and dedicated in all that you do, which is truly refreshing. We need more people like you in management positions everywhere! Thank you so much for being such an awesome boss!

#6 Your ability to manage difficult tasks with ease never fails to impress me. When other bosses would smack their employees with a stick for making one mistake, you calmly guide us toward success and offer appropriate criticism instead. You really care about your staff and it shows. Thank you for all that you do.

#7 You are the kind of person who makes your workplace great to be at every day. Everyone knows we can count on you to get things done no matter what obstacles stand in our way. Because of your talent and dedication, we continue to succeed as a team and company! Thank you so much for everything that you do!

#8 From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for being such an amazing boss. The way you make sure everyone is doing their part without micro-managing is truly admirable. It has been such a pleasure to work under you and I hope that happens for years to come.

#9 I don’t think I can put into words how much you mean to this company and me personally. Your leadership style is something to be emulated by all, as it produces the best results possible. Thank you for always having my back, even when things get tough.

#10 You have been an incredible boss ever since day one of working here. You go out of your way to make sure everyone has what they need from the business, while also maintaining a sense of humor throughout! I consider myself lucky to be on your team and look forward to what we accomplish together. Thank you so much for being an amazing coworker and leader!

#11 I’ve been in this industry for years now, but nobody has ever possessed the same patience and candor as you do. Your calm approach makes coming into work much more enjoyable than it otherwise would be because I know that I am not going to have things thrown at me that I cannot handle. You’re like the father I never had! Thank you for being such an incredible boss.

#12 Many thanks to my supervisor for managing things well at work and elsewhere as well. Thanks to you, everything runs smoothly and without a hitch, making it all much easier on those of us who have been given responsibility by your good example.

#13 I want to thank my boss from the bottom of my heart for being one of those rare individuals who can combine great managerial skills with excellent people skills so perfectly. It is a privilege learning from somebody as talented as you are in this industry!

#14 Your faith in me means a lot, and I am so thankful that we have a relationship where you feel comfortable giving me important projects to handle. Without your support, I would not be as productive as I am now. Thank you for being such a great boss!

#15 Thank you for finding me worthy of this assignment. Your faith means a lot to me because it shows that you are confident in my abilities to take on responsibility and grow into an even stronger employee. You are always trying to push us forward even when life feels like it’s at its worst-thank you for that!

#16 I want to thank my manager from the bottom of my heart today, because without her caring nature, I certainly wouldn’t have come this far or accomplished all these things. She has been there for me whenever I needed somebody the most. Thanks again, Boss!

#17 I cannot tell you how much I love that you are the kind of boss who appreciates a little bit of fun at work. Without it, everything can just be so dreary sometimes. Thank you for being an inspiring leader to look up to each day!

#18 You have opened my eyes to new ways of doing things and continue to inspire me every chance you get. You are so good at what you do, and people should know it. We all know it here, however-hope the rest of the world catches on soon so we don’t have any surprises down the line! Thanks for being such a great boss!

#19 Thank you for helping us reinvent this company into something better than ever before even though we have a long way to go still. Without your encouragement and leadership, this company would be so far behind that we’d never catch up.

#20 You have been such a wonderful boss from the moment I first started here, and it is only getting better as time goes on. You are always there for me whenever I am having trouble with something, and you’ve displayed more patience than most people could ever dream of having! Thank you for all the help over the years-I wish good things for you in return!

#21 I’m usually one to complain about my supervisor, but I can’t say anything negative about you. You are understanding when I make mistakes and straightforward when I need assistance. Thank you for your patience during the time it takes me to become comfortable in my role here with the company.

#22 Thank you for helping me find the best way to serve our clients. It is always nice coming into work knowing that you will be by my side to guide me through any problems that may arise. Your support means everything!

#23 Enjoying your position as supervisor has given me renewed hope of being successful in the workplace. No more days where I dread opening emails or feel nervous calling potential customers on the phone. Thank you for being so great at your job.

#24 It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good relationship with my supervisor. Thank you for seeing my potential and making sure I have what it takes to be successful here. Your positive reinforcement has helped me gain confidence in my position.

#25 I am grateful that there are leaders out there who recognize the value of their employees, even when they are new to the workforce. You have gone above and beyond expectations, not only by offering help whenever you can but also by being friendly and personable. Without you, I would still be searching for my purpose here at this company. Thank you so much!

#26 Thank you for taking care of all of our concerns without yelling or getting about them—a rare thing in supervisors. You always make sure that we are doing our best and never hesitate to offer us helpful advice when it is needed.

#27 I appreciate the fact that you do not nag me about tasks I am struggling with instead of offering encouragement on those where I excel. It makes coming into work easier knowing you care about what I am doing and how well I do it. Thank you for being such a great boss/supervisor!

#28 Thank you for your support during this time of transition within my career. Things can be tough at first, but after getting over some initial hurdles, things seem to be going much better now than they were before. Of course, that’s thanks to you! Your management style really helps new employees find their footing quickly and easily.

#29 I don’t know what I would do without you! You have been a great support when I was going through some tough times, giving me a place to vent and always offering a helping hand in return. Thank you for being such a wonderful supervisor.

#30 It is an honor to work with someone as capable as you are. Your ability to resolve even the most difficult of conflicts has proven invaluable during our time together here at this company. Without your leadership, our team would not be where it is today. Thank you for being such a great boss/supervisor!

#31 Thank you for your willingness to listen to my concerns, without judgment or criticism. I have found that this is rare from supervisors who are as busy as you are. You truly embody what it means to be a concerned and empathetic manager/supervisor.

#32 Thank you for your willingness to take the time needed to train me and answer all of my questions, despite how busy we both may be. It is always nice knowing I can come into work and you will be by my side if I need any help or advice along the way. Thank you for being such a great boss/supervisor!

#33 I do not know what I would have done without your advice and support these past few years. You’ve helped me turn my dreams into reality. No matter how much I accomplish, you are always pushing me farther. You are the best boss that anyone could ask for!

#34 It is a privilege to work with you every day. Thank you for teaching me new things all the time! Every lesson has been extremely valuable in shaping who I am as an employee and person, so thank you again for being such a great mentor to me.

#35 Every business needs someone dedicated enough to keep it running smoothly, which is why I’m grateful my company has leaders like you. Your tireless efforts make sure our customers are always happy—something everyone in this office should be thankful for. Thank you for being a great boss.

#36 There are not enough words to express my gratitude towards the way you have taken care of me during my time here. You’ve taught me how to work hard while also having fun while doing it! I appreciate the job you have done as my supervisor, and hope that I can follow in your footsteps one day.

#37 You are incredible at what you do. From knowing our customers on a personal level, to making sure deadlines are met—you are an irreplaceable part of this company’s success. As long as there is someone like you around here, I know we will continue to grow and exceed expectations. you for being such a great boss.

#38 It is such a privilege to work for someone who has made such an impact on my life. You have shown me that there is nothing I can’t accomplish if I work hard enough for it, and I am so grateful to call you my manager. Thank you for always treating me like family—it means the world to me.

#39 You are the kind of boss everyone dreams of having, so I consider myself very lucky to be working with you every day! Your leadership and expertise makes our company shine, and we appreciate your efforts more than you know. We wouldn’t be where we are today without your help! Thank you for being such a wonderful supervisor since day one.

#40 You have had a tremendous influence on my development as an employee, and I am very grateful. I value your kindness and leadership abilities so much. In many ways you have been more than just a boss to me – you’ve been a mentor . Thank you for being such a great leader.

#41 Thank you for making this job feel like something that matters – because it does! You have made work fun again, and I really appreciate the support of working under your guidance. It is truly a pleasure to come into work knowing that you will be here with us all.

#42 Thank you for everything. You are one of those people who make those around them better at what they do, simply by being themselves. Your company has been more than a job – it has been a learning experience and I am extremely thankful for all you’ve taught me.

#43 I appreciate the opportunity to grow and learn with you as my supervisor . It is an honor working under your guidance, knowing that I can develop into who I want to become. You are one of the best bosses out there, hands down. Thank you for everything!

#44 Thank you so much for believing in us enough to promote us. We will not let you down! Thank you for being more than just a boss or coworker, but also a friend. I look up to your leadership skills on a daily basis. You are truly an amazing person, thank you so much!

#45 You have given me opportunities that I would never have had any other way. You’ve pushed me to be more than I thought was possible, and allowed me the chance to prove myself worthy of your belief in my abilities. Thank you for being a great boss.

#46 It may sound cliché, but honestly, there are simply not enough words in the world for me to say thank you enough times! There are so many things that you have done for all of us here at work, but especially for me. Thank you so much for everything!

#47 Thank you so much for everything! The opportunities that I have been given while working under your guidance have truly changed my life around. You are one of the best bosses out there, and if anyone deserves an award it is definitely you! Thank you for your leadership, honesty, and most importantly your friendship.

#48 Thank you for everything! You are an amazing boss to work under who truly cares about all of us here at the company. Your guidance is something I look up to every day, and has helped me grow exponentially as an employee. Thank you so much!

#49 Thank you for caring enough about this job that you make coming into the office on weekends feel normal. It motivates me greatly knowing that there is nothing more important than our clients. I am grateful for the wisdom that you have shared with me these past few years. Thanks to you, I’ve become a better professional and person overall.

#50 Thank you so much! Without having such a great mentor as yourself, I don’t think I would have been able to find my love for this industry. You are a true inspiration on so many different levels, and I appreciate all that you have done for me the past few months! Thank you for being such an amazing boss to work under.

#51 I just wanted to say thank you … for everything!!! The support that you have given me is something I will never forget or take lightly. You have helped shape me into who I am today, and I look up to your leadership skills with complete admiration. There are no words of thanks big enough to say how grateful I am, but at least know it comes from the bottom of my heart.

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21 Thank You Note Messages For Your Boss

How to Say You're Forever Grateful for Having Such a Great Boss

A job is a job, sure. But a good job is so much more . It’s a chance to build your career, interact with interesting people, and create a nest egg for your family. You also get the chance to learn from more experienced people. If you’re lucky enough to have a supportive boss that’s interested in helping you get the most from your employment experience, all the better! 

 When you find a boss that works to better their staff , fights for them when needed, and offers the acknowledgment they deserve, you should take the time to let them know what their efforts mean to you with an appreciation message.  Whether it's a " thank you note to your boss when leaving a job" situation or you simply want to let your current direct report know what a fantastic boss they are, it's important to get the wording right.

 But what should you say is appreciation messages to your boss? Is a simple “ thank you ” enough, or should you try a bit harder? Only you know what you want to say.  Read on for some starter messages for thanking your boss for support. They will help guide your thoughts by giving you a few ideas to create your own sentiments. Thank you messages for your boss don’t need to be complicated. You just need a strong beginning. Messages for boss figures in your life are easier than you think.

And make sure you send your thank you letter quickly . Waiting too long can mute the message. If you have to, tape a " send appreciation letter to boss" reminder on your  computer.

SEE ALSO:  What Makes a Good Business Thank You Card?

A thank you card that says,


1) Thanks very much for allowing me the opportunity to work on the Davidson account. It means a lot that you believe in me enough to assign me such an important project. I promise I’ll do my best to earn the trust you’ve shown me.   You're an amazing boss, and I thank you for it.

 2) I appreciate all of the extra time you’ve given me in recent months. I’d been struggling to understand [problem here], and you really helped me wrap my head around the solution.   You only get so many chances in your professional life to feel confident in what you do, and you work hard to make those moments happen. Thank you ! 

 3) Thank you so much for stepping in while I was out sick. You're such an amazing boss. I was nervous my responsibilities would be missed, but you made sure that the rest of the team was up to speed and ready to take over.    

 4) Thanks for being so understanding about my absences lately . I’ve been working hard to resolve the root problem and will soon be able to resume my regular work schedule. Thanks for being there when I needed you! 

 5) It’s great working for a boss that understands the need for work/life balance . With my kids engaged in distance learning, it’s helpful to be able to work from home three days a week, and you made that happen. You're a great manager that makes our office a good and enjoyable place to work. Thanks! 

 6) Thank you so much for being so willing to share your skills and insights with the rest of the team and me. It's quite a privilege to work for such an accomplished person, and doubly so since you're willing to share! 

 7) I wanted to acknowledge the impact you've made on my career. You've been a wonderful friend , colleague, and mentor, and I've learned more working under you than at any other time in my career. You're the best boss I've ever had. Thank goodness that hiring manager saw my potential. You've shared all the knowledge you've accumulated over the years with me, and I can't tell you how much it will help my future endeavors. God bless all the support you've given me! 

 8) I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting my recent promotion. I’ve been working hard over the last few years to prove I was worthy, and it feels great to be recognized for that by you and the rest of management. Thank you for all your encouragement! 

 9) Thanks for helping me get clarity on where I needed to concentrate my efforts for career advancement. Before our conversation, I felt a bit aimless, but now I know what I need to do to move up. Cheers! 

 10) I appreciate your kind words earlier. I was nervous about putting in my notice , but your understanding made it considerably easier. I should have expected that from a great leader like you. Your leadership skills are second to none, and your management style makes everyone better. I love that you just want your employees to be happy, even if that means leaving for other opportunities. 

 11) I was saddened to learn you were leaving the company   but it certainly was an excellent job offer. Your insightful leadership has been instrumental in my professional development, and your constant encouragement will be missed. Your new company is going to be lucky to have you.  We wish you a hefty job title.

SEE ALSO:  How to Write Professional Thank You Messages for Different Audiences

A person sitting at her boss's office writing something.

 12) After a string of bosses that didn’t concern themselves with their employee’s development, you’ve been a breath of fresh air. You work each day to help us improve, and we’re all the better for it. Thanks for being you! 

 13) Thank you for remembering my 10th anniversary. This is the longest and best job I’ve ever had, and the fact that you remembered demonstrates your leadership strengths.  I appreciate that you're such a  supportive boss.

 14) My dear boss. I wanted to thank you for sponsoring me last week at the [industry event]. I can’t tell you how much I learned and how many new contacts I made. I think we’ll all be enjoying the fruits of your decision for a long time. 

 15) Thanks so much for introducing me to your extended network. I know you’re selective with who you allow into your inner circle, and it means a lot to be selected. I really respect your leadership style, and I’m excited to make you proud. 

SEE ALSO:  The Complete Guide to Building Relationships with Employees

 16) Let’s be honest. Our jobs are a bit dull. But with you at the helm, work itself never is! You pour yourself into building your people up and getting them excited to come to work. The fact that we’re all so happy to be here is a testament to your leadership abilities. My professional career has only blossomed since coming here. Thank you!

 17) Thank you for boosting our department during the recent company meeting. The work we do often goes unappreciated , so it meant a lot to have you champion our cause in front of upper management. If there were a national boss day, I'd elect you king. You're such a good example for the rest of us. You’re the best! 

 18) I’ve worked for people that motivated their staff using punishment and fear — not a fun or efficient work environment. You’re the complete opposite. I appreciate how you use encouragement and friendly competition to drive stellar results from our team. 

 19) I read your comments on my promotion application and I wanted to say I really appreciated how you built me up without overselling me. You sold all my skills masterfully without sounding like a braggart. Your words were kind, authentic, and most importantly, positive! Thanks for your help . 

 20) I’m not sure you’re told this often enough, but you’re a wonderful boss! I truly appreciate how you support your staff and encourage our development, even if that means hearing some hard truths. 

 21) I really appreciate how you never ask your staff to do anything you aren’t willing to do yourself. It demonstrates real leadership and a peerless commitment to the betterment of your team and the company. Thank you for being you!

SEE ALSO:  How to Express Gratitude Around the World

Two men shaking hands.


You know what to say to show supervisor appreciation. Now make sending handwritten thank you notes easier on yourself with Simply Noted . You can quickly send authentic handwritten notes in seconds with our automated handwriting machines. Just choose a card design, upload your message and your recipient’s address, and they’ll receive a convincing handwritten thank you note in the mail. It’s that easy to send your boss the appreciation message they deserve! And don't forget a quality thank you letter ending !

SEE ALSO:  The Best 10 "I Appreciate You" Wording Templates

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How to Write a Meaningful Appreciation Speech

Updated 09/9/2022

Published 06/15/2020

Kate Wight, BA in English

Kate Wight, BA in English

Contributing writer

Discover how to write the best appreciation speech for your loved one, including step-by-step instructions and examples.

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There are many ways to show someone that you appreciate them. You can buy them a gift. You can write them a thank-you note. And in some cases, you can give a speech in their honor. There are plenty of occasions when you may find yourself in a position to give an appreciation speech.

Jump ahead to these sections: 

  • Steps for Writing an Appreciation Speech

Sample Appreciation Speeches

If you’re graduating from high school or college, you might give a speech thanking friends and family members for their support.

If you own a business, you might tell your employees “ thank you for your support ” as part of a speech. Speeches can also be a great way to say “ I appreciate you ” to the people in your life who support you.

Here, we break down the steps that go into crafting an excellent appreciation speech. We also include excerpts of speeches from an assortment of occasions and audiences to draw inspiration from. 

Steps for writing an appreciation speech

Step 1: Know Your Audience — And Your Place

Your speech will depend on a variety of factors. But the most important ones to consider are the setting and the crowd. If your speech is a casual toast between friends over a bottle of wine, it will be a lot more casual.

You can rely on personal anecdotes and the language you use will be more personal. If you’re giving a formal speech in front of colleagues though, your tone will be very different. Your speech will be a lot more structured and concise. 

Step 2: Create an Outline

Whether your appreciation speech is long or short, it’s always a good idea to craft an outline ahead of time. This will help you make sure you don’t forget to mention anything you want to cover. Overall, most speeches will break down like the following:

  • Introduction: In an introduction, you will let the audience know who you are and give a preface of what you plan to say. For instance, if you’re recognizing a specific person in an appreciation speech, give a quick rundown of why they’re worthy of appreciation.
  • Body: Here, you’ll flesh out the points you made in your introduction. You can give more specific examples of things the subject of your speech has done, and you’ll expand on why those actions deserve gratitude. 
  • Conclusion: In this final section, you can reiterate the points you made earlier in the speech. 

Step 3: Grab People’s Attention with Gratitude

Start with a strong opening line. In a more formal speech, a quote about gratitude can be an excellent way to set the tone. In a more casual speech, you can avoid a quote. However, you should still stick with the theme of gratitude.   

Step 4: Be Personal and Specific

In casual and formal speeches alike, you should feel free to be specific. If you’re giving a speech in honor of one person, you can list all of the things they do that deserve appreciation. If you’re thanking other people for their support, you can list the ways they helped you.

Personal anecdotes are a lot more engaging for listeners. They will also help you feel more connected to your material. The more connected you feel, the more confident you’ll be in speaking. These personal anecdotes can be funny, poignant, or a blend of the two. Again, this will largely be dictated by your audience and the setting of your speech.    

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect

For a casual speech like an appreciation toast, you can probably get away with speaking off the cuff. But any kind of pre-planned appreciation speech definitely benefits from repeated practice.

The more comfortable you are with the speech, the easier it will be for you to deliver it. If you don’t know your speech inside and out, there’s a good chance that you can be tripped up by certain words or turns of phrase. 

Step 6: Time Yourself

When you’re practicing your speech, you should also be timing yourself. This means you should have a stopwatch going while you read your speech aloud. Speeches can be deceptive.

A few pages don’t seem like they should take that long to read. If you only read them over in your head, that can reinforce the notion that your speech isn’t that long. But it takes a lot longer to read something aloud than it does reading it to yourself.

If you don’t practice it out loud ahead of time, you may panic in the middle of your actual delivery. If you fear your speech is taking too long, you might start to read faster and faster, which could make the speech incomprehensible. Practicing it out loud can help you hit your ideal time target without having to rush.   

Step 7: Keep Your Notes Handy

Even if you’ve practiced your speech until it’s practically etched into your brain, you always want to keep notes or an outline with you. No matter how much you practice, you may find yourself freezing up in the moment. If you don’t have notes handy, you might flounder. On the other hand though, you also shouldn’t keep your whole speech with you.

If you do, you might find yourself relying on it like a security blanket. You may end up just reading the whole speech straight from the paper without engaging with your audience at all. Both ends of the spectrum are too extreme, so it’s best to find a happy medium. Some people just keep their outline with them.

Other people write out the first sentence of each paragraph to jog their memory and help them orient themselves. As you practice, you’ll find the method that works best for you.

Step 8: Do a Test Run in Front of an Audience

Practicing for a speech on your own is important. But once you feel more comfortable with the speech, you should practice in front of someone. Ideally, you’ll rehearse it in front of people several times until you can keep your nervous responses in check.

This means delivering the speech without your heart racing and your speech speeding up to match.   

Step 9: Weed Out Any Trouble Spots

Every time you practice your speech, you should be refining it until you can’t improve it any further. One of the big things you should be looking out for is your usage of filler words or speech disfluencies.

Speech disfluencies encompass those little noises like “um”, “er”, and “uh” that we tend to use when we aren’t confident. These can make people tune out because your discomfort makes them feel awkward in turn.

As you practice, pay attention to places where you’re inserting those disfluencies. Keep practicing them until you become comfortable enough to leave them out. Or, rewrite those sections so they come to you more naturally.  

Step 10: End On a Good Note

Above all else, remember that this speech is intended to be a positive thing. An appreciation speech should make someone’s day .

Remember to end the speech by reaffirming specifically why you are showing appreciation.    

Now that we’ve gone into what makes a good appreciation speech, let’s see some examples. These are just excerpts from longer speeches, but they may help demonstrate the sort of content you might be looking for. 

Example of appreciation speech for graduation

Example of appreciation speech for graduation

“As I look around at all my classmates, I realize how much I appreciate you all. Many of us have relied on each other to make it through school and to our graduation day. We supported each other during tough times. We used each other’s examples to fuel us towards getting better grades. When someone was in danger of not graduating, we pulled together to get everyone to the finish line. We all owe a lot to our families for their support. But we should also be sure to appreciate ourselves.” 

Example of appreciation speech for friends

“I’d like to take a moment to raise a glass in appreciation for Bethany. Everyone here has one thing in common — Bethany’s friendship. She has always had an uncanny knack for finding people in need of a community and bringing us together. From there, we’ve been able to find the other things that connect us. But if it weren’t for Bethany, most of us would have missed out on enriching, life-changing friendships. Bethany — here’s to you!”

Example of appreciation speech for employees or a boss

“As the year draws to an end, I’m proud to announce that it’s the company’s strongest year yet. We have grown by leaps and bounds and still managed to maintain profitability. Our client satisfaction scores have never been higher. And each and every one of you has played a role in our success.

"I want to thank our sales division for going above and beyond in meeting our clients’ needs. I want to thank our marketing department for creating materials that are very transparent about our mission. I want to thank the managers for leading their divisions by example. I could stand up here and tell you a half dozen things I appreciate about every person in this room, but I’m sure you’re all ready to hit the buffet line. So I’ll conclude by saying that I appreciate all of your contributions, and am so proud to be on a team with each and every one of you.”

Example of appreciation speech for mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa

Quote for example of appreciation speech for mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa

“Hello everyone! I’d like to thank all of you for coming here today in celebration of Grandma Joy and Grandpa Bill’s 50th wedding anniversary. As most of you know, I’ve never had a relationship last more than a year. Fifty years is an absolutely mind-boggling level of commitment to someone like me. 

"There are so many reasons to love and appreciate Joy and Bill. There’s all the basic grandparent stuff. Joy taught me how to make amazing cookies and Bill taught me how to change a tire. But they also took me in when my home life was less than ideal. And when they realized some of my friends also had difficult lives at home, they opened up their den as a safe space. On any given day, you could find at least two or three misfit teenagers sleeping on their fold-out couch. 

"Grandma and Grandpa, I’ll never be able to let you know how much I appreciate you. I know you probably don’t think you even did anything special. But you have made so many lives worth living thanks to your compassion and generosity. Thank you for always being there for others, just like you’ve been there for each other for five decades.”

Show People You Appreciate Them Through Meaningful Speeches

There are many ways to show gratitude . An appreciation speech is just one of them. Whether you’re giving a short toast or a lengthy speech, you can communicate your gratitude for someone.

These steps and examples should help you craft an excellent speech. Ultimately though, just remember to be sincere and personal. That’s the real key to successfully showing appreciation. 


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5 Examples: Appreciative Thank-You Email to a Boss

  • Crafting Your Thank You Message Part 1
  • Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss After Receiving a Promotion Part 2
  • Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss: Successful Project Completion Part 3
  • Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss Following a Personal Support Part 4
  • Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss In Response to a Bonus or Raise Part 5
  • Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss After Being Granted Leave Part 6
  • Thank-You Email Structure and Format Part 7
  • Timing Your Thank-You Email Part 8

A well-crafted thank-you email to your boss can strengthen your professional relationship, show appreciation for guidance or support, and leave a positive impression on your boss.

There are a few common scenarios where a thank you email to your boss might be necessary:

  • Receiving a promotion or bonus
  • Benefiting from your boss’s support during a challenging project
  • Your boss taking the time to mentor or coach you
  • Being given extra responsibilities or a new role

For each scenario, you should customize your email to emphasize the specific action for which you are grateful. Include how their support has impacted your work or personal growth. For example:

Subject: Thank You for the Promotion Dear Ms. Johnson, Thank you for the recent promotion to Senior Marketing Specialist. I appreciate your confidence in my abilities and am committed to meeting the increased expectations and responsibilities of this new role. Your ongoing guidance has been instrumental in my growth, and I look forward to continuing to learn from you. Sincerely, Your Name

If your boss has supported you during a difficult project, you can write:

Subject: Thank You for Your Support on the (…) Project Dear Mr. Thompson, I wanted to thank you for your guidance and support during the (…) project. Your expertise and suggestions helped me navigate the challenges and deliver a successful outcome. I genuinely appreciate your willingness to lend a hand, and I look forward to applying the skills you’ve shared with me in future projects. Best regards, Your Name

Part 1 Crafting Your Thank You Message

Starting with a friendly greeting.

Begin your thank-you message with an appropriate greeting that addresses your boss in a professional yet warm manner. You can use their first name if you have a close relationship or a more formal title, such as Mr., Mrs., or Dr. , followed by their last name, if necessary. For example:

  • Dear [Boss’s First Name],
  • Hello [Boss’s First Name],

Expressing Gratitude Clearly

Once you’ve established your friendly greeting, move on to expressing your gratitude. Be clear and concise about what you’re thankful for. This can range from expressing appreciation for their guidance or assistance in a specific project, their leadership style, or their support in your professional development.

  • Thank you for your help with [Project Name].
  • I am grateful for your support during [specific situation].
  • I truly appreciate your guidance and encouragement.

Maintaining Professionalism

  • Always start with an appropriate greeting
  • Clearly express your gratitude
  • Highlight specific contributions made by your boss
  • Maintain a professional tone throughout your message

Examples of Thank-you Emails to a Boss

Part 2 example of thank-you email to a boss after receiving a promotion.

Subject: Thank You for the Promotion

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for promoting me to the position of [New Job Title]. I am truly grateful for this opportunity, and I am excited to contribute to the team’s continued success.

Your guidance and support throughout my time at [Company] have significantly contributed to my growth, and I am confident that my new role will allow me to further develop my skills.

Thank you once again for believing in my abilities and giving me this opportunity.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Part 3 Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss: Successful Project Completion

Subject: Thank You for Your Support

I want to express my sincere gratitude for your guidance, support, and encouragement during the [Project Name] project. Your valuable insights and expertise played a crucial role in its success.

I couldn’t have asked for a better supervisor and mentor, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from your experience. Thank you for everything.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Part 4 Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss Following a Personal Support

I wanted to thank you for your understanding and encouragement during my recent personal challenges. Your willingness to accommodate my needs and offer support has meant a great deal to me.

Your empathy and kindness have not gone unnoticed, and I am grateful to have you as a boss. Thank you once again for your support.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Part 5 Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss In Response to a Bonus or Raise

Subject: Thank You for the Bonus/Raise

I wanted to express my gratitude for the recent bonus/raise. I greatly appreciate the recognition of my hard work and dedication to [Company].

Your support and faith in my abilities contribute to my motivation and drive for continued success. Thank you once again for this acknowledgement.

Part 6 Example of Thank-you Email to a Boss After Being Granted Leave

Subject: Thank You for Approving My Leave

I wanted to thank you for approving my leave request. Your understanding and support in allowing me the time off to [reason for leave] mean a great deal to me.

I will ensure that my work is up-to-date and that any pending tasks are appropriately handled before I leave. Thank you once again for your kindness and understanding.

Part 7 Thank-You Email Structure and Format

Subject line importance.

Crafting a clear and concise subject line is essential to ensure your email gets noticed by your boss. Keep it simple and straight to the point, mentioning the purpose of your email. For example, you can use “Thank You for the Promotion” or “Appreciation for Your Support on Project (…).”

Body of the Email

The body of your thank you email should address three main points:

  • Express gratitude : Start your email by expressing your gratitude in a warm and sincere manner. For instance, you can say “Thank you for the opportunity to work on Project (…)” or “I truly appreciate your support during the conference.”
  • “Your guidance on the marketing strategy has been invaluable.”
  • “Your encouragement and faith in my abilities have boosted my confidence.”
  • “Thanks to your mentorship, the project was completed on time and exceeded client expectations.”
  • “With your support, I’ve been able to improve my sales numbers significantly.”

Closing Your Email Professionally

To close your email, use a professional farewell that maintains a friendly tone. Options include “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Warm regards.” After your closing line, add your full name and any necessary contact information.

Part 8 Timing Your Thank-You Email

Sending a thank you email to your boss should be done promptly, but there are specific time frames you should consider depending on the scenario. Ideally, you want to send the email when it will have the most impact and convey your genuine appreciation.

  • After a meeting or presentation: Send your thank-you email within 24 hours. This is ideal because the meeting or presentation is likely still fresh in both your and your boss’s mind. For example, you can thank your boss for providing valuable insights during the meeting or for supporting your presentation.
  • Following a promotion or a raise: Express your gratitude within a couple of days after receiving the good news. This allows you to show your appreciation in a timely manner, while also giving you a chance to compose a well-thought-out email. For instance, you can mention how grateful you are for the opportunity to grow in your role and for their trust in your abilities.
  • After receiving help or advice: Much like after a meeting or presentation, sending a thank you email within 24 hours is appropriate in this case. Your boss will appreciate your prompt acknowledgement of their assistance. Make sure to mention how their help has benefited you, whether it’s solving a problem or providing career guidance.
  • Celebrating a milestone or a major accomplishment: Wait until the project is complete, and then send your thank you email within a few days. This way, you can both celebrate the success and express your gratitude for their support and guidance. Be sure to highlight the specific role your boss played in helping you achieve the milestone.

It’s best to tailor the timing based on your unique situation and working relationship with your boss. Just make sure to be genuine in expressing your appreciation, regardless of when the email is sent. Sending a timely, well-crafted thank you email can help strengthen your professional relationship, and make your boss feel truly appreciated.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i craft a professional thank-you email for my boss’s support during a tough project.

To create a professional thank-you email, start by choosing a clear and concise subject line, such as “Thank you for your support.” In the email’s body, start by addressing your boss by their preferred name or title. Then, express your gratitude by mentioning specific instances where your boss’s support was beneficial, and how it impacted your project’s success. Don’t forget to include a closing line, such as “Your guidance is invaluable,” and sign off with your name in a professional manner.

What are some heartfelt ways to express gratitude to my boss for their guidance?

When expressing gratitude, use genuine and sincere language. Explain how your boss’s guidance helped you grow professionally and personally. You can share anecdotes or specific examples that highlight their positive influence on your work. You can also mention how their mentorship has made a difference in your career and your overall well-being.

What should I include in a thank-you letter to my boss after receiving an appreciation?

When writing a thank-you letter after receiving an appreciation, be sure to:

  • Address your boss properly.
  • Thank them for their kind words, along with the specific recognition they provided.
  • Mention the specific actions or accomplishments that led to the appreciation.
  • Explain how their support inspired and motivated you to achieve this accomplishment.
  • End the letter with a heartfelt closing, and sign off using a professional tone.

Subject: Sincere Thanks for Your Appreciation

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the praise you gave me during [mention the occasion, e.g., the team meeting, annual review, etc.]. Your kind words about [specifically mention the project or achievement you were recognized for] really meant a lot to me.

The support and guidance you have provided have been essential in my work here at [Company Name]. Your belief in my abilities and your constructive feedback have not only helped me to achieve [mention the specific actions or accomplishments], but they have also inspired me to aim for excellence in everything I do.

Knowing that my hard work is seen and valued is incredibly motivating, and I am excited to keep contributing to our team’s success. Your words of appreciation remind me how important dedication is, and I am grateful to have a boss who notices and appreciates the team’s hard work.

I am looking forward to working together more and am excited about what we can accomplish next.

Thank you once again for your support and encouragement.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name]

Could you provide examples of expressing thanks to a boss in a professional yet warm manner?

  • “I truly appreciate your guidance and support throughout this project. You helped me turn a challenging experience into a rewarding opportunity.”
  • “Your insightful feedback has made all the difference in my growth as a team member. I am grateful for the knowledge and experience you’ve shared with me.”
  • “Thank you for the vote of confidence and for placing your trust in my abilities. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow under your guidance.”

How might I convey meaningful appreciation in an email to my boss for their continuous support?

To show meaningful appreciation, highlight how your boss’s support has positively impacted your professional growth and the workplace environment. Mention specific examples where their continuous support helped you overcome obstacles, and how you have benefitted from their mentorship. You can also express gratitude for their understanding and patience, particularly during challenging times.

Hi [Boss’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your consistent support. Your help has really made a difference in my work, especially when I’ve faced tough challenges like [mention a specific situation].

Your support and mentorship have been invaluable to me, and I deeply appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Thanks again for everything. I’m looking forward to continuing to work together.

[Your Name]

What are unique phrases to include in a thank you note to praise my boss professionally?

  • “Your leadership has been a cornerstone of my professional growth.”
  • “Your confidence in my abilities fuels my drive to succeed.”
  • “Your invaluable guidance and mentorship continues to shape my career.”
  • “Your support has truly made a difference in my job satisfaction and personal growth.”
  • 5 Examples: Genuine Thank-You Email to a Mentor
  • Interview Follow-up Email Examples (1-2-3 weeks)
  • 10 Smart Examples of An Interview Thank You Email
  • 2 Examples: Meaningful Thank-You Email After a Phone Interview
  • Thanking Someone [30 Responses for Professional Scenarios]
  • How to Write a Perfect Thank You Email After an Interview

Four employee sitting around a table discussing a project

50 Meaningful Employee Appreciation Messages to Celebrate Your Staff

January 12, 2024

Recognizing employees’ hard work and contributions is key to fostering a supportive and productive workplace. Studies show that employee recognition, whether big or small, has a significant impact on employee morale, job satisfaction, and more.

Yet, despite these significant benefits, research reveals that a large majority of organizations (83%) are not recognizing their employees frequently. Likewise, Zippia reports that 29% of employees haven’t received recognition for good work in over a year. These stats highlight a clear need for increased and consistent employee appreciation   in the workplace.

From holiday greetings to the team, to individual messages celebrating specific achievements, or even a quick note to uplift an employee, a few words of appreciation can be highly impactful on employee engagement and productivity.

Read on for 50 meaningful employee appreciation message examples, 10 motivational quotes to include in your messages, and key insights on how to effectively express gratitude to your staff.

Understanding Employee Appreciation and Recognition

Why is it important to show appreciation to employees? Simply put, employee appreciation and recognition are all about acknowledging the hard work and dedication employees put into their roles and organization daily – and employees need recognition to thrive in the workplace.

In fact, studies show that employee recognition and appreciation have a significant impact on engagement, trust, and retention rates:

  • 66% of highly recognized employees agree that they trust their everyday team members ( Gallup ).
  • Employees who are recognized are 6x more likely to stay at their jobs than those who aren’t ( Zippia ).
  • Employee recognition increases employee engagement, productivity, and performance by 14% ( Deloitte ).

When employees feel that their contributions are valued by their company, they are more likely to be content and fully engaged in their work, reinforcing their sense of purpose within the organization. This leads to a workforce that is both productive and engaged, which sets the organization up for success. Ultimately, a recognized and engaged staff translates to increased productivity, creating a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

Graphic says "Why Employee Appreciation Matters in Today's Workforce. Discover why meaningful employee appreciation is so important for the modern workforce. Download the eBook"

How to Write a Good Employee Appreciation Message

Writing a good employee appreciation message seems like a simple task, however it can be quite challenging. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right words, and other times, the tone may not feel quite right. Here are some key pointers for creating an impactful employee appreciation message:

  • Sincere: Start by clearly stating the purpose of your message – to thank the employee for their hard work and dedication.
  • Specific: Be specific about what you are thanking them for, whether it’s completing a challenging project, consistently meeting deadlines, or contributing positively to the team dynamic.
  • Personalized: You can personalize your message by mentioning qualities or contributions that are unique to the individual. This level of detail shows that you are paying attention to and value their specific role in the company.

Remember, appreciation messages do not always need to be formal. A casual note or a heartfelt conversation can be just as meaningful. The key is to convey genuine gratitude in a way that aligns with your company culture and your relationship with the employee.

50 Employee Appreciation Message Examples

When it comes to expressing gratitude towards your employees, the right words can make all the difference. Here are fifty examples of employee appreciation messages.

Simple Employee Appreciation Messages

  • For Consistent Work: "Your consistent performance and dedication are the pillars of our team’s success. Thank you for your relentless effort and commitment."
  • For Team Contribution: "Your ability to collaborate and elevate the team is remarkable. We are incredibly fortunate to have you with us. Thank you for your invaluable contribution."
  • For Leadership: "Your leadership and vision have been key factors in our team’s success. Thank you for guiding us towards excellence."
  • For a Boss: "I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your exceptional leadership. Your guidance and support have not only made me a better professional but have also created a positive work environment. Thank you for being an inspiring leader."
  • For a Colleague: "I wanted to acknowledge the incredible teamwork and camaraderie that define our group. Your collective efforts make every day at work enjoyable and productive. Thank you for your dedication to our shared goals."

Hard Work and Dedication

  • Example 1: "Your dedication to your role and team is an inspiration to us all. Your hard work, day in and day out, doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for your consistent efforts!”
  • Example 2: “You are a true embodiment of dedication and hard work. Your ability to stay focused, even in the face of challenges, is admirable. Your contributions play a pivotal role in our achievements, and we’re thankful for your tireless commitment.”
  • Example 3: "[Name], your dedication is the driving force behind our team’s accomplishments. Your hard work has a ripple effect, motivating others to give their best as well. We value your unwavering commitment and the positive impact it has on our team. Thank you for being an exceptional role model."
  • Example 4: "Your efforts don't go unnoticed. You're a rock star in our team, and we appreciate all that you do. Keep up the great work!"
  • Example 5: “[Name], thank you for consistently going the extra mile and setting a high standard for us all. Your commitment to excellence is a testament to your character. Your contributions are invaluable to our team’s success.”

Specific Project Acknowledgement

  • Project Completion: "Congratulations on the successful completion of [project name]. Your expertise and hard work have been crucial to our success. Great job!"
  • Problem-Solving Skills: "Your innovative solutions for [specific problem] have significantly impacted our project's progress. Your creativity and insight are highly appreciated."
  • Going Above and Beyond: "Your extra effort in [specific task or project] has not only brought exceptional results but has also inspired us all. Thank you for going the extra mile."
  • Attention to Detail: “Your recent project's success is a testament to your dedication and expertise. Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence shine brightly. Thank you for your outstanding work.”
  • Overcoming Challenges: "Facing the challenges of [specific situation] was not easy, but you handled it with incredible resilience and professionalism. Your strength is truly inspiring."
  • Personal Growth: "It’s amazing to see how you’ve grown in your role, especially in [specific skill or area]. Your progress is a testament to your hard work and dedication."
  • Performance: "Congratulations on your recent achievement! Your outstanding performance and dedication have set a remarkable example for the entire team. Keep up the excellent work!"

Positive Attitude and Being a Team Player

  • Example 1: “Your partnership has been invaluable in achieving our goals. Together, we’ve tackled challenges and celebrated successes. Your collaboration, trust, and teamwork are deeply appreciated.”
  • Example 2: “Your continuous positivity is like a ray of sunshine in the workplace. Your cheerful outlook and can-do attitude not only brighten everyone’s day but also inspires others to approach challenges with optimism. Thank you for spreading positivity and being a team player!”
  • Example 3: “Your positive attitude is a powerful catalyst within our team. Regardless of the challenges we face, you approach each day with enthusiasm and a smile. Your optimism is contagious. Thank you for bringing your positive energy and bright spirit to our team, making it a better place for all.”

Team-Oriented Messages

  • Example 1: "Your support and encouragement to your team members are what makes our workplace special. Thank you for being such an integral part of our team spirit."
  • Example 2: "Your collaborative spirit has played a significant role in the team’s success. Your willingness to share ideas and work together is highly valued."
  • Example 3: "Our collective success is a result of your outstanding teamwork and collaboration. Your ability to work seamlessly together and support each other is commendable. Thank you for being an exceptional team."
  • Example 4: "Thank you for your part in our team's success. Your willingness to collaborate and share ideas has made a significant impact on our projects. Keep up the fantastic teamwork!"
  • Example 5: “Teamwork makes the dream work, and you exemplify that spirit. Your contributions to our team have been outstanding. Thank you for your continuous collaboration, support, and positive attitude!”

Work Anniversaries and Retirement

  • Generic Work Anniversary Example 1: "Happy work anniversary! Your journey over these [number] years has been remarkable. Here’s to many more years of success and growth."
  • Generic Work Anniversary Example 2: "Happy Work Anniversary! Your dedication and commitment to our organization for [number] years are truly remarkable. We look forward to many more years of your valuable contributions."
  • 1 Year Work Anniversary: "Congratulations on your first year with us! Your enthusiasm and dedication have already made a significant impact. Here's to many more successful years ahead!"
  • 5 Year Work Anniversary: "Thank you for your incredible dedication and loyalty over the past five years. Your contributions have been invaluable, and we look forward to achieving even greater milestones together."
  • 10 Year Work Anniversary: "A decade of unwavering commitment! Your dedication has been a driving force behind our success. Thank you for your loyalty and hard work."
  • 20 Year Work Anniversary: "Celebrating two decades of excellence! Your dedication, passion, and expertise have been instrumental in shaping our success. Thank you for your remarkable contribution."
  • Retirement Thank You Message Example 1: "As you embark on this new chapter in life, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your years of dedication and leadership. Your legacy will forever inspire us."
  • Retirement Thank You Message Example 2: "Your retirement marks the end of an era. We are grateful for your years of service and the impact you've had on our organization. Enjoy the well-deserved relaxation and adventures ahead!"

Praising Good Performance

  • Example 1: "Your outstanding performance consistently sets a high standard for all of us. Thank you for your dedication and for going above and beyond."
  • Example 2: "Your exceptional results are a testament to your hard work and dedication. Thank you for consistently exceeding expectations and contributing to our success."
  • Example 3: "Your commitment to excellence is truly commendable. Your outstanding performance has a significant impact on our team's success. Thank you for your dedication and hard work."
  • For Dedication: "Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. You consistently go above and beyond, and it's greatly appreciated. Thank you for being a valuable member of our team."
  • For Employee of the Month: "Congratulations on being named Employee of the Month. This recognition is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Keep up the great work!"
  • For Tenured Employees: "Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone with our company. Your dedication and hard work over [X] years have made a significant impact, and we're grateful for your continued dedication."

Exemplifying Company Values

  • Example 1: “Your unwavering commitment to our company’s core values is truly inspiring. Your actions and dedication reflect the very essence of what makes our organization exceptional. Thank you for embodying our values every day.”
  • Example 2: “In a world where integrity and values matter more than ever, you stand as a shining example of what our company represents. Your consistent adherence to our values is not only commendable but also instrumental in maintaining our reputation. Thank you for upholding our principles.”
  • Example 3: “It’s employees like you who make our company culture thrive. Your dedication to our values sets a standard that others aspire to follow. We are grateful for your unwavering commitment and the positive impact it has on our organization.”

Acknowledging Leadership

  • For Vision: "Dear [Leader’s Name], your leadership has been a guiding light for our team. Your dedication, vision, and ability to motivate are truly remarkable. Thank you for leading us to success.”
  • For Guidance: "I wanted to express my gratitude for your exceptional leadership. Your guidance has not only improved my skills but has also created a positive work environment. Thank you for being an inspiring leader."
  • For Achievements: "Under your leadership, we've achieved remarkable milestones. Your unwavering commitment and guidance have been instrumental. Thank you for being an inspiring leader."
  • For Dedication: "Your unwavering dedication to your work is truly inspiring. Your commitment to the team's success is evident in everything you do. Thank you for your tireless efforts and positive attitude.”

Holiday Appreciation Messages

  • Example 1: "Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with rest and relaxation. Your dedication throughout the year is deeply appreciated. Happy holidays!"
  • Example 2: "May this holiday season bring you happiness and peace. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our team."
  • Example 3: "As the holiday season approaches, I want to take a moment to thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the year. May your holidays be filled with joy and relaxation."

Crafting an effective appreciation message is about being genuine, specific, and timely. These examples serve as a starting point to create messages that resonate with your employees and make them feel truly valued. To make your message count the most, be sure to personalize it to the person – or people – you are sending it to.

Remember, a simple expression of gratitude can go a long way in boosting morale and fostering a positive workplace culture.

Examples of Motivational Quotes for Employee Appreciation Messages

The foundation of any successful organization lies in its people. Employees are the heart and core of every organization, playing a critical role in its growth and success. Without their hard work, collaboration, and dedication, any organization would cease to survive. That’s why keeping staff motivated to perform their best is so important.

A simple yet effective method to boost motivation and morale is through sharing motivational quotes, whether in a message or on team calls. Here’s a list of the 10 best team-centric motivational quotes to inspire your staff with:

  • “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan
  • “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
  • “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie
  • “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford
  • “With an enthusiastic team, you can achieve almost anything.” – Tahir Shah
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Sending your employees a thoughtful employee appreciation message, whether on a special occasion like Employee Appreciation Day or for an achievement, can have a significant impact on employee morale and workplace culture. So, don't underestimate the impact of a heartfelt "thank you" or a well-deserved accolade – it can go a long way in motivating and empowering your team.

Graphic that says Boost engagement with meaningful employee appreciation. Discover how to build a culture of appreciation to boost engagement and productivity.

Employee Appreciation Message FAQ's

What do you write in an appreciation message .

An appreciation message should be specific, sincere, and personalized to the person you are sending it to. In your message, call out a recent specific achievement, its impact on the team or company, and express your gratitude for their contribution.

How do you write a heartfelt appreciation message?

The underlying factor of every heartfelt message is that it’s personal to the recipient. If you are aiming to write a heartfelt message, be sure to use personal language, share how the action affected you or the team emotionally, and be authentic in your tone.

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55 Best Thank You Messages For Boss 2024

Not all bosses are like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Many of us have been lucky to work with a manager or supervisor who really cares about our personal wellbeing and professional progress.

A great way to show appreciation to your great boss is by sending them a lovely, elegantly worded thank you message when the occasion calls for it. However, finding the right words to express your gratitude doesn’t always come easy.

This is why we’ve put together a list of the best thank you messages you can use or draw inspiration from when crafting a thoughtful note of appreciation for your boss.

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Examples of Thank You Messages For Your Boss

We’ve broken the thank you notes into different categories or subject matter to help you find the perfect words depending on the occasion or your reasons for wanting to say thank you to that great boss.

For Guidance and Support

speech for appreciation to boss

Source: Pixabay

1. At first, I was skeptical about how easy it would be to adjust to the work culture and environment at [X]. But if I had known I would be working with a manager as amazing as you, I wouldn’t have worried. Thank you for all the months of advice and guidance you have happily bestowed upon me. I hope to pay it forward someday.

2. I’m very grateful to be working under a boss like you. I want to extend a big thank you to you for your ongoing guidance on my projects so far and for giving me the flexibility to manage my own schedule and work from wherever I want. It has done wonders for my productivity.

3. Thank you for your kind words, for always listening to my ideas and concerns, and for making sure I feel heard. You know how to bring out the best, not just in me, but in every member of the team. Your belief in us is a huge source of motivation.

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speech for appreciation to boss

Source: Unsplash

4. You make it easy for me to love my job, and I can’t thank you enough for how you’ve helped nurture my talent and skills, and given me a chance to grow in this company. Thank you for being a kind teacher and a relentless supporter of my work.

5. I just wanted to thank you for your understanding while I was dealing with my problem. Knowing I didn’t have to worry about work made getting through it a lot easier. Now, I’m ready to jump back in and work harder than ever.

6. I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your unwavering confidence in my abilities and the priceless experience I’ve gleaned from you. Thank you for your understanding, kindness, and valuable lessons. You have forever earned my respect.

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For an Opportunity

speech for appreciation to boss

7. Thank you for introducing me to [X]. We sent emails back and forth and met up for coffee, and I strongly believe they’re capable of providing the mentorship I need to increase my skills and knowledge in [X]. Thank you for always looking out for my professional interests. You’re amazing!

8. Thank you for the opportunity to work on this project. I learned a great deal along the way and I can’t wait to put that knowledge to use in other areas of my work and subsequent projects. Your belief in me is a strong motivation and I will keep doing my best to not let you down.

9. The [X] conference has been supremely illuminating. I have made a lot of promising and interesting connections that could prove beneficial to our organization. It means a lot to me to be able to attend and I appreciate you for making it happen. I hope to share all that I have learned with the team.

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speech for appreciation to boss

10. I’m writing to thank you for selecting me to represent the department at the last company-wide meeting. It was a bit challenging as I tend to be anxious about public speaking—as you know—but it helped me get out of my comfort zone and gain some much-needed confidence.

11. I’m so grateful that you signed off on me taking the course in [X]. The knowledge that I gain will help me do greater and better work that will drive the company forward. The value that you place on professional development and employee training is just incredible. Thank you again.

12. I want to express my sincere gratitude for allowing me to take on more responsibilities and make more impactful conclusions at work. I understand that there was a lot of interest in this opportunity, so I’m really thankful that you chose me.

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For a Bonus, Raise, or Promotion

speech for appreciation to boss

13. I am so pleased to have been promoted to the role of (insert position). I owe a huge part of it to you, the work we did together, and the knowledge and skills you imparted in me along the way. Thanks to you, I feel ready to take on this new opportunity and I promise to bring nothing less than my A-game.

14. It feels good to be appreciated for my hard work and to know that all the late hours and weekends I put in were noticed and valued by you. Thank you for the generous bonus. It means a lot to me and I will keep trying to do my best work every day.

15. Thank you so much for the raise. I feel humbled and glad to be part of an organization that thinks highly of its employees and is constantly looking out for ways to reward them for their hard work. I look forward to more years of doing great work at this company.

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speech for appreciation to boss

16. I would like to thank you for this promotion. I worked really hard to secure the experience and skills required to excel at this job, and it warms my heart to see my efforts be acknowledged and rewarded. I am excited to step into my new position and learn even more from you and other members of the team. Thanks again.

17. I was thrilled to receive my recent raise. Getting recognized for my dedication and hard work by way of financial rewards motivates and empowers me to keep putting in my best at work. I’m proud to be part of such an amazing team. Thank you for your appreciation.

18. I just wanted to say congratulations on your promotion. I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. You’re a great manager, and although I’m sad that you will no longer be supervising my team, I know you’ll be an awesome leader to your new team. I really appreciate you and the work you do.

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For Anniversaries and Milestones

speech for appreciation to boss

19. From the first day that I joined the team, you made me feel incredibly welcome and appreciated, and you never stopped pushing us to be the absolute best we can be. We wouldn’t have made it this far without you pulling us along. Happy workplace anniversary!

20. A great boss who supports, understands, relates to every team member on a personal level, and helps to navigate challenges is hard to come by. You’re a rare gem of a person and a devoted and inspiring leader. I am so happy to be charting a professional path alongside you. Thank you for everything that you do.

21. Your commitment to your work, this company, and members of your team has been nothing short of exemplary. We owe so many of our successes to you and I can’t wait to see all the amazing projects you shepherd to life in the future. Here’s to many more wins!

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speech for appreciation to boss

22. Working under your leadership has been the most valuable career experience that anyone could ask for. I look forward to learning more from you and expanding my horizons. Thank you for the last X years and cheers to the next X!

23. I’ve always been wary of organizations and bosses that try to tout the workplace as a family. That was until I got to work with you and experience the joy of being part of a team that loves and values one another. I’m so proud to have you as a boss, but I’m even prouder to be able to call you a friend. Thank you!

24. It’s been a wonderful experience to work for a boss who’s so insightful, knowledgeable, talented, and incredibly skilled. Not a week goes by that I don’t get to learn something new and impactful from you. Thank you for being an amazing leader, motivator, and mentor.

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For Retirement

speech for appreciation to boss

25. You’re the epitome of hard work and leadership. Working alongside you has taught me so much, and I cannot thank you enough for your belief in me and the impact it made on my career growth. Thank you for always pushing us to do great work. Congratulations on your retirement. You will be terribly missed!

26. You have been the best boss and mentor anyone could ask for. Working with you these past five years has been one of the most positive and rewarding experiences of my life. Your support, advice, kindness, guidance, and encouragement have meant more to me than you know. Thank you for everything.

27. A kind, friendly, supportive, open-minded, and generous boss is hard to come by. Thank you for being that rare gem, for helping to grow my career, and for showing up for me in my personal life as well. No matter where I go or who I work with in the future, you will always remain in my heart.

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speech for appreciation to boss

28. Thank you for being a great role model to me and so many others in the company. Although it pains me to have to say goodbye, I understand that your watch has ended—and a remarkable journey it was. I feel lucky for the time we got to work together and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

29. I know being a manager can be quite challenging, but you made it look easy. You had a knack for seeing the talent and potential buried inside a person and gently coaxing it out. I would not be where I am in my career right now without your hands and words nudging me forward. It’s time to rest now. Thanks for all that you’ve done.

30. You have been an exemplary manager and leader, and words cannot fully express how thankful I am to have had the utmost pleasure of working with you. I do not take the invaluable lessons you’ve taught me for granted and I hope to be able to pay it forward someday. I will miss you so much.

31. Although we have come to the end of our professional journey together, I want to thank you for being an amazing mentor to me over the years. Your support and guidance have meant a great deal to me and have helped shape me into a better person and employee. I will carry all that you’ve taught me with me everywhere.

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For Being Great to Work With

speech for appreciation to boss

32. I love the energy you bring to the work environment every day whether it’s in person or virtually. Thank you for being the office’s goofball, ray of sunshine, and for inspiring us to keep going even during the difficult days. You’re a superstar!

33. You have been a guiding star to all of us at the office. I know this because we sometimes joke about how we would be a little lost without you. I certainly wouldn’t enjoy showing up for work every day if it weren’t for the environment you’ve created. I just wanted to say thank you for that.

34. Thank you for being such a great boss. It’s wonderful to know I can always rely on your talent, expertise, and wealth of knowledge to help solve challenges whenever they arise. I learn so much from you and I’m forever grateful for all the ways you show up for the team.

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speech for appreciation to boss

35. You never fail to go above and beyond for your team members and thanks to you, we’ve built a little work family that I’ve come to love and count on even outside of work. Thank you for being our favorite boss.

36. You’re a patient teacher and mentor, and are incredibly generous with your wisdom, energy, and time. You’ve made a huge difference in my life and career since I began working here, so thank you and thank you again for being the best boss.

37. With you mistakes are just an opportunity to learn something and random skills are something to be shaped and sharpened into core strengths. You have all of my admiration and respect. Thank you for your continued care and guidance.

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For Helping to Solve a Problem

speech for appreciation to boss

38. What I admire most about your leadership is your decision-making and problem-solving skills. I know I can always come to you when I need help figuring out an issue and you’ll be there to guide me through it. Thank you for your precious advice and support.

39. This is just to say thank you for listening to my ideas, motivating me to trust my talents and instincts, and helping me see the bigger picture and learn from my mistakes. You are truly an inspiration!

40. I am incredibly lucky to be working with someone like you who can think outside the box and come up with solutions where none seems to exist. Thank you for your insights during the [X] crisis. I couldn’t have resolved the issue as efficiently without your help.

41. I just wanted to say that I really appreciated the time and care you took in helping me think through this project and work out the kinks. Thank you so much. I couldn’t wish for a better boss.

42. Thank you for always seeing my vision even when it’s not so clear to me, for recognizing my contributions even while showing me how I can do better. I am constantly inspired by your leadership and I look forward to learning more from you.

43. It’s an honor to work under a person with your exceptional skills and wealth of experience. Your direction and counsel have helped me more times than I can count and I have no doubt they will save me many more times in the future. Thanks for being a resourceful, multi-talented, and all-around fantastic boss.

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For Personal Successes

speech for appreciation to boss

44. I do not exaggerate when I say that working with you has been an absolute pleasure. I am in awe of your can-do attitude and your willingness to think outside the box. You have shown the value of loving the work you do and letting it speak for you. Thank you and congratulations!

45. Congratulations on your well-deserved reward. You have worked incredibly hard to be where you are right now and I’m happy to see that your commitment has paid off in such a huge way. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and the whole team. You’re awesome!

46. In case it hasn’t been said in a while, I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you and your role as our team lead. You deserve that award and all the recognition that comes with it. You’re an amazing leader and we’re always rooting for you.

47. Thank you for being a shining example of just how far hard work combined with talent can take you. Your great performance and astounding accomplishments are a constant inspiration to us all. Cheers to your latest win!

48. Heartfelt congratulations on your new job. You’ve been the driving force behind many of the successes we’ve pulled off as a team and that’s a testament to how amazing a manager you are. It has been an honor to work with you and I hope I get the pleasure again in the future. Thank you for the memories!

49. Congratulations on successfully coordinating our teams to deliver the X project before the agreed-upon deadline. You’re a remarkable leader that we all look up to for motivation. It took a lot of hard work from us all, but you received most of the heat for it. Congratulations once again.

The Little Things

speech for appreciation to boss

50. Thank you for the advice you gave me today. It truly changed my perspective on the matter and allowed me to see things more clearly. I can’t wait to share the results with you in the coming months. Your assistance was deeply appreciated.

51. Great managers are a huge asset to any organization and you are one of them. Thank you for the dedication you bring to your work, which inspires me to pursue excellence in my job as well. Keep being awesome.

52. I just wanted to thank you for your support during the meeting. I really appreciate how you championed my ideas and stood solidly behind me. It means a great deal to know that I have you in my corner and that you’re there to guide and back me when I need it.

53. Every time I or someone else comes to you with our ideas, you always ask such great questions. Not because we’ve done a poor job of communicating, but to give us a chance to think more deeply and ensure that our thoughts are well understood. Thank you so much for that!

54. Thank you for initiating our new after-work activities. Having happy hour, game night, and other extracurricular activities have greatly impacted our team bonding, helped us get to know each other better, and our work is all the better for it. It’s lovely that you care a lot about our community.

55. Hi [X], I just wanted to let you know that interacting with you makes my day. You’re really brilliant and your jokes are hilarious and never fail to brighten the work environment. I think you’re super cool. It’s wonderful working with you.

People like to feel appreciated and saying thank you can go a long way in perking up someone’s day or week.

Taking the time to show gratitude can improve communication and foster a healthy professional relationship between you and your boss.

Whether you want to shoot your boss a quick email, send them a nice card, or a handwritten note, feel free to use any of these messages and personalize them to your liking.

speech for appreciation to boss

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

speech for appreciation to boss

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Luke McCowan pens heartfelt Dundee farewell after Celtic switch

The former Dens star made his Hoops debut on Sunday in the Old Firm win over Rangers.

Luke McCowan applauds the Dundee fans at full-time at Easter Road. Image: David Young/Shutterstock

Luke McCowan has penned a heartfelt farewell to everyone at Dundee for helping him reach his “dream”.

The 26-year-old called time on his three years at Dens Park as he joined champions Celtic in a £1 million deal late on deadline day .

He swiftly made his Hoops debut in Sunday’s Old Firm derby, a 3-0 victory over fierce rivals Rangers.

After a whirlwind start to life at Parkhead, McCowan took to Instagram to say thank you to everyone associated with the Dark Blues .

Luke McCowan made his Celtic debut against Rangers on Sunday. Image: SNS

He posted : “Dees … now that I’ve finally caught up on sleep, I want to say thank you.

“Everyone involved with the club, staff/players and fans have helped me reach my dream.

“What an amazing journey it’s been playing for your club for 3.5 years.

“Me and Erin will always hold this club close to our hearts, Dundee became our home.

“Up the Dees.”

Luke McCowan says thank you to Dundee on social media. Image: Instagram.

McCowan scored 28 goals in 125 appearances for Dundee, scoring the goal that clinched the Championship title in 2023 and captaining the club in the absence of Joe Shaughnessy.

He also won both the Andrew De Vries Player of the Year and Player’s Player of the Year awards for his superb displays last season.

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speech for appreciation to boss


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  1. 25 Examples of Thank You Messages for Your Boss

    Thank you for guiding me both professionally and personally.". "You really know how to bring out the best in us. Thanks for always listening to our concerns and making us feel heard.". "Thank you for your support. Your confidence in me is my biggest motivator.".

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    Thanks for making me feel like an outcast. ------ I just want to express how much I appreciate you as my boss. Being my boss and leader has a great impact in my life. You inspired me in so many ways. Thank you. ------ I'm so thankful that you are my boss. You are not just a leader to me but you are also an inspiration.

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    I appreciate your guidance and inspiration. #3 I am grateful for your kind words of appreciation. Thank you for sharing that you and the team are happy with the work I have delivered. #4 Thank you for letting me know how much you and the client appreciated that I was able to provide the requested results early.

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    Here are some general thank you messages to help you convey your appreciation to your boss for their continuous support, guidance, and encouragement. 1. This is a note to thank you for being the best boss. We appreciate you taking the time and effort to mentor us and ensure that we're all doing our best for the team. 2.

  5. 130+ Thank You Messages For Boss To Show Appreciation

    Dear boss, thanks for noticing my hard work and inspiring me to work hard. Your appreciation will motivate me in the long run. I promise to give my best and fulfill your expectations. Thanks for recognizing my hard work and appreciating my efforts. Your appreciation made my day and motivated me to give my best.

  6. 35+ Thank You Boss Messages For Appreciation

    Having an inspirational leader like you made a big difference in my career. 7. Your leadership and guidance is deeply appreciated. 8. It is my pleasure to be with you for the past year. 9. I couldn't imagine how my professional life grew with your amazing mentorship. 10. You're an exceptional boss and a good friend.

  7. 30+ Thank You Messages for Your Boss (with Examples)

    I really appreciate your patience and encouragement, and I have learned so much from you over the past few months. Sarah, I really enjoy working here, and I have to thank you for that. From the beginning, you have treated everyone with respect, and your leadership motivates me to work even harder. 2.

  8. The 30 Best Thank You Messages For Boss

    20. Working under a boss like you really helps to elevate the whole work experience. Your motivation and kindness are a few traits that make you the great leader that you are today. Thank you for your understanding and support. 21. We are blessed to have all three- boss, mentor, and manager- in you.

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    6. Your belief in my abilities and your willingness to provide guidance and opportunities have been instrumental in my growth. Thank you for being a boss who inspires and motivates your team. As I reflect on my time here, I am filled with gratitude for your incredible mentorship, help and guidance. 7.

  10. 30 Heart-Warming Appreciation Messages to Thank Your Boss

    Appreciation Messages to Thank Your Boss. Here are 30 messages designed to be sincere and appreciative, perfect for letting your boss know how much their efforts and leadership mean to you. 1. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to achieve more. Your confidence in my abilities means the world to me. 2.

  11. Thank You Messages For Your Boss Guide [With 49 Note Examples]

    I feel fortunate to have ended up on your team during the latest reorganization. Your leadership and guidance have proved quite valuable as I have excelled in the position. #7 I like having you as my boss. You are kind, and friendly, and manage the team well, which makes for a pleasant working environment.

  12. Thank You Boss! 70 Examples Of Appreciation Messages For A Boss

    READ: 21 Best Thank You Messages and Appreciation Quotes For Your Boss. 14. Good day to you, boss. I needed to thank you for coming today. The fundraiser was a huge success. You have my deepest gratitude. 15. Good day, sir/ma'am. Thanks for attending today's event.

  13. Thank-You Letter To Your Boss (With Examples)

    To write a thank you letter to your boss, open with a personalized greeting and then talk about what you appreciated about your boss's actions. Everyone loves a nice "thank you" or a "high five.". Your boss is no exception. It doesn't take long to write a thank-you letter, but the gesture goes a long way.

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    A thank-you email or note can have more of an impact than a conversation because you took the time to write. Thank-you notes can be sent via email or by formal printed letter. Alternatively, a handwritten card can add a personal touch. Be specific when you write your thank-you note so the recipient is clear about why you're writing.

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    Thank you for being such a wonderful supervisor since day one. #40 You have had a tremendous influence on my development as an employee, and I am very grateful. I value your kindness and leadership abilities so much. In many ways you have been more than just a boss to me - you've been a mentor . Thank you for being such a great leader.

  16. Writing a Thank-You Message for Your Boss (With Tips)

    Here is an example of a thank-you letter for this occasion: Dear Raya, Thank you for the generous holiday bonus you awarded me this month. I really appreciate being recognized for my work during the busy holiday season, and I am happy to work for such a dedicated and kind boss. I hope your holidays are wonderful!

  17. 21 Thank You Note Messages For Your Boss

    21 THANK YOU LETTER MESSAGES FOR YOUR BOSS THEY'LL LOVE. 1) Thanks very much for allowing me the opportunity to work on the Davidson account. It means a lot that you believe in me enough to assign me such an important project. I promise I'll do my best to earn the trust you've shown me.

  18. How to Write a Meaningful Appreciation Speech

    Step 3: Grab People's Attention with Gratitude. Start with a strong opening line. In a more formal speech, a quote about gratitude can be an excellent way to set the tone. In a more casual speech, you can avoid a quote. However, you should still stick with the theme of gratitude.

  19. Example Thank-You Letters for Your Boss (With Tips)

    A handwritten thank-you note or email would work in this situation: Dear Olga, Thank you for your generosity during the holiday season. It was a wonderful reminder of our company's belief in generosity and compassion. Your thoughtfulness has encouraged me to continue to do my best this season and beyond.

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    Use these tips to write a memorable and thoughtful thank you messages for boss: Send it on time. To make a positive impact, send your supervisor a thank-you message in a timely manner. For example, if you receive a promotion, write a thank-you message soon after to show just how much it meant to you. Be concise and clear.

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    Example 1: "Your dedication to your role and team is an inspiration to us all. Your hard work, day in and day out, doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you for your consistent efforts!". Example 2: "You are a true embodiment of dedication and hard work. Your ability to stay focused, even in the face of challenges, is admirable.

  23. 55 Best Thank You Messages For Boss 2024

    2. I'm very grateful to be working under a boss like you. I want to extend a big thank you to you for your ongoing guidance on my projects so far and for giving me the flexibility to manage my own schedule and work from wherever I want. It has done wonders for my productivity. 3.

  24. Luke McCowan pens heartfelt farewell to Dundee after Celtic switch

    Luke McCowan says thank you to Dundee on social media. Image: Instagram. McCowan scored 28 goals in 125 appearances for Dundee, scoring the goal that clinched the Championship title in 2023 and ...