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Research for Academic Credit

  • BISP 196: Senior Honors Thesis Program

BISP 196 offers students majoring in the Biological Sciences, the opportunity to participate in independent/individual research for academic credit with, and under the direction of, a UC San Diego faculty member. Projects are expected to involve primary, experimental/analytical approaches that augment training in basic biology and that echo the curricular focus of the School of Biological Sciences. Thus, projects should involve analysis of biological processes or systems at a molecular, biochemical, cellular, organismal, or ecosystem level.

Students who successfully complete all the requirements for the program will have “Distinction” recorded on their transcript. Completion of this program is the only way to earn distinction through the School of Biological Sciences.


  • Undergraduate student declared in a major housed within the School of Biological Sciences.
  • Achieve, prior to the start of the program, a minimum 3.6 biology major and overall UC GPA.
  • Identification of an eligible faculty sponsor/instructor of record who has an active appointment with UC San Diego in an approved teaching title and who is willing to serve in that capacity for the duration of the program. There are no specifically designated faculty sponsors/instructors that research must be conducted with for the Senior Honors Thesis Program. The instructor of record is required to adhere to the Faculty Guidelines for Undergraduate Mentoring .
  • Complete application, including student and faculty sponsor/instructor portions, must be submitted by the stated deadline. Application and subsequent enrollment are subject to approval of the School of Biological Sciences.
  • Completion of mandatory safety training and any other training related to the research you are conducting, as determined by your faculty sponsor/instructor of record, is required.

Course Information/Major Applicability

  • Earn upper-division credit.
  • One quarter of BISP 196 may apply to biology major requirements as an elective or a biology laboratory (select majors). Please send a message to Biology via the Virtual Advising Center to determine if BISP 196 can apply toward your biology laboratory requirement.
  • Any additional quarters of special studies courses (196, 197, 198, 199) will result in upper-division university credit.
  • A quarter of BISP 196 that is applied to biology undergraduate major requirements cannot be applied toward MS program requirements in the BS/MS program.
  • Academic credit can be earned a maximum of 3 times.
  • Four (4) unit course graded on pass/no pass basis.

Program Requirements

  • Each quarter of BISP 196 grants 4 quarter units of academic credit. Four quarter units of academic credit equates to 120 hours of research over the course of the quarter (minimum 12 hours of research per week).
  • Submit the BISP 196 Contract (see Admitted BISP 196 Students section under "How to Apply").
  • Attend the Fall quarter student orientation.
  • Attend the Winter quarter meeting presented by the Honors Thesis Faculty Chair to review the process of thesis writing and development of a scientific poster.
  • Submit an abstract to the Saltman Quarterly Journal.
  • Participate in the Research Showcase.
  • Complete a written thesis (there is no set guideline on the number of pages that are required however, theses generally range from 15-40 pages).
  • Students must meet with their faculty sponsor/instructor of record regularly to discuss their research and the writing of their thesis.
  • Achieve a minimum major GPA of 3.25 at time of graduation.

Deadlines to Submit Applications

For participation in:

Other Important Deadlines

BISP 196 Contract Due
Abstract Submission
Research Showcase
Research Thesis Due
  • Applicants should review all criteria (including instructor eligibility) for enrollment in the applicable Special Studies course and ensure that the submitted application represents a complete and accurate submission.
  • Applications will be reviewed in relation to the catalog course description for the Special Studies course for which the application was submitted. If the application is denied, the student has the opportunity to re-submit, only if the application for the requested term is still open. Re-submission after the posted deadline will not be permitted, thus early submission is encouraged.
  • It is the applicants' responsibility to ensure that the proposed instructor of record submits their portion of the application before the posted deadline. Both the student and instructor portion of the application must be submitted by the posted deadline for the application to be considered.
  • Extensions or exceptions to the application deadlines will not be granted under any circumstances, including unavailability of the proposed instructor at the time the application is due. Applicants are encouraged to plan accordingly.

How to Apply

Interested students must begin the Honors Thesis Program in fall quarter. If the applicant is accepted, a web-based application in both winter and spring quarters will need to be submitted in order to continue in the program.

Quarterly Application (an application is required for each quarter of participation)

  • Request Type is "Special Studies"
  • Submission of the student portion of the online application will generate an email to the applicant and the proposed instructor of record.
  • Proposed instructor of record will complete his/her portion of the application and submit it for School review.
  • Students may track the status of their application by visiting their application portal.
  • In general, the application is open the first day of the quarter preceding the quarter in which the credit will be completed.
  • Both the student and instructor portion of the application must be submitted by the posted deadline. Late applications will not be accepted; early submission is encouraged.

Admitted BISP 196 Students

  • If the Fall Quarter application has been approved, the student and faculty sponsor/instructor of record will need to complete and sign the BISP 196 Contract. Once the contract is signed by the student and the PI, the PI will need to submit the contract to Biology Student and Instructional Services electronically via email ( [email protected] ) no later than Friday of Week 2 at 4 p.m.
  • Student name and PID
  • Title of research project
  • Name of faculty sponsor/instructor of record and department
  • Summary of project, including goals of project and proposed experiments to accomplish those goals
  • Progress update: What has been attempted and what has been found or learned? What results do you have so far?

How to Enroll

The applicant will be notified of the outcome of the application review via their @ucsd.edu email address. Notification time varies and is dependent upon the instructor's response time and School review period.

If the application is approved, the student will be automatically enrolled by Weeks 1-2 of the respective quarter or participation.

Enrollment Verification

Once an independent study application and research plan are submitted, they will not be returned to the student or forwarded to any other individual, organization or institution. If a lab requires the student provide enrollment verification, the following options are available:

  • If a lab requires the student provide proof of application approval, the student may print a copy of their approved application by logging on to EASy .
  • Official - Request Enrollment Verification from the Registrar's Office.
  • Unofficial - Provide a print-out via TritonLink Courses & Waitlists screen, which lists the course, instructor, section ID, grading option, etc.

At the conclusion of the term, the instructor of record is responsible for assigning a final grade (pass or no pass) via the University eGrades System .

I'm interested in applying to the Honors Thesis Program, but my current major GPA is a 3.599. Am I still eligible?

An applicant's overall and major GPAs must be a 3.600 or higher by the end of Summer Session II of the junior year to be eligible to participate in the Senior Honors Thesis Program.

Next year will be my last year at UC San Diego, but I plan to graduate a quarter early. Can I still participate?

Students must complete three consecutive quarters of research during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of the senior year at UC San Diego in order to participate.

Next year is my senior year at UC San Diego, but I do not anticipate to graduate until Fall or Winter quarter of the following year. Am I still eligible to participate and receive Distinction?

As long as the student completes one full year of BISP 196 (Fall, Winter, and Spring), completes all program requirements, and has a minimum major GPA of a 3.25 at time of graduation, the student is eligible to participate.

I plan to study abroad during a portion of my senior year. Can I still participate?

Students must complete three consecutive quarters of research in residence during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of the senior year at UC San Diego in order to participate.

Do I have to work in the same research lab for all three consecutive quarters?

Students must work with the same faculty sponsor/instructor of record and lab for all three consecutive quarters.

Please also see: Research for Academic Credit Frequently Asked Questions

  • BILD 99/BISP 199: Independent/Individual Research
  • BISP 193: Biology Education Research
  • BISP 197: Biology Research Internship Program

Are you an instructor or potential instructor for a research for academic credit course? Please review Information for Instructors .


Three documents are available for viewing and downloading.

Click the one you need:

1.  Structure of the Senior Honors Thesis and the First Chapter

2.  Research Design

3.  A Manual of Minutiae

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Urban Studies and Planning Senior Honors Thesis

To receive departmental honors, students are required to complete USP 190 Senior Honors Thesis. The one quarter seminar is designed for seniors who wish to undertake a research project under the supervision of a USP faculty member and satisfies one upper division elective requirement in both the Urban Studies & Planning and Real Estate & Development majors. Students who have special research interests and plan to pursue graduate school or work in research focused fields are strongly recommended to apply to the Honors Program. Applications for USP 190 are collected in the winter.

2023-2024 Senior Honors Thesis Application

If you are interested in completing the USP 190 Senior Honors Thesis in Spring 2024, please read all the criteria listed below and complete this  application  by Tuesday, February 20th at noon.

To be admitted to the seminar, a student must have:

  • Senior standing at the time of completing the application
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 in major coursework
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0
  • Completed USP 185B or USP 187 by the start of Spring 2023
  • Have a faculty advisor confirmed from the list of  faculty  in the Department

Info Session Recording

Thesis Proposal

  • Problem or Issue that your thesis is addressing
  • Potential methods and data sources for analysis
  • Potential applications for your findings

Your faculty advisor must review the proposal before signing the Faculty Student Support Agreement Form (see below).

Faculty Advisor

Each student completing the Seniors Honors Thesis is required to have a faculty advisor who is a member of the USP faculty.  Prior to applying for admission to the Honors Program, students should contact the faculty member with whom they hope to work, and arrange a meeting to discuss their proposed project and review their thesis proposal. Ideally, the faculty member is someone with whom a student has had one or more classes and whose subject area and is a good fit in terms of the research or creative interests a student hopes to pursue in the program. Students may want to provide an unoficial copy of their transcript as well as a writing sample to the faculty member for review. The faculty member must complete the Faculty Student Support Agreement Form which the student will submit with their application.

Writing Sample

Past senior honors theses topics.

Listed below are some topics that past USP majors have used for their senior honors theses.

Past Thesis Topics

  • Hu, Shunyi - Rethink Housing Affordability: Case Studies on Two Transit Oriented Affordable, 2021-2022
  • Rintoul, Michael - The Process of Decentralizing Land Use and Governance Systems: A Case Study of CityDAO, 2021-2022
  • Sethuraman, Anupama - Equity and Urban Tree Planting: A Comparative Case Study in the City of San Diego, 2021-2022
  • Yichen, Wang - Dimensions of Star Architecture’s Cultural, Economic, and Design Impacts: A Case Study of the Suzhou Museum, 2021-2022
  • Defining Success Within Housing First (An analysis of a program to address homelessness), 2020-2021
  • Municipal Facilitation of Shared Equity Homeownership in San Diego, Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond: A Comparative Study of Policy, Administrative, and Financial Supports, 2020-2021
  • Using Transit to Increase Access to Universities Affected by Spatial Mismatch: A Case Study on the University of California San Diego, 2020-2021
  • Dual Densification: Developer Discretion and Housing in Kearny Mesa, 2020-2021
  • Gentefication and Urban Neighborhood Change in Barrio Logan, San Diego, 2020-2021
  • Beltran, Sable - Intersecting Land Use, Sociology, and Innovation in Housing Production in San Diego Cities, 2019-2020
  • Hocquet, Tessa - Certifying Innocation: Analyzing the Role of Environmental Policies at Universities, 2019-2020
  • Koh, Rhiannon - On Your Mind, A Thousand Eyes (a work of creative fiction), 2019-2020
  • Mumm, Erik - Rapid Scenario Analysis Software: A Path to More Efficient Rail Planning in California A Case Study of the use of Viriato in the Development of the Caltrain 2020 Business Plan, 2019-2020
  • Osborn, Allyson - Alleys in Action! 2.0: Activating an untapped resource of the public realm, 2019-2020
  • Reep, Alexandra - Hazardous Waste and Environtmental Justice in the Maquiladora Industry of Tijuana, 2019-2020
  • Sanchez Zelaya, Celia - Climate-Driven Displacement: Perceptions of the State and Federal Government vs. the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Band on the Process of “Resettlement” for Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, 2019-2020
  • Shang, Haoyi - Commercializing History: a study of recent historic district development in Chengdu, China, 2019-2020
  • Vides, Cindy - Place Based Models as a Better Predictor of Life Expectancy: Forward Looking Perspective on Challenges and Constraints, 2019-2020

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The Department of Philosophy offers an honors program for outstanding students in the major.


  • majors who have a 3.75 GPA in philosophy and
  • 3.25 overall GPA at the end of their junior year, and
  • who have taken at least 4 upper-division courses are eligible to apply

Interested students must consult with a faculty sponsor by the last day of classes during the spring term of their junior year.  Admission to the honors program requires nomination by a faculty sponsor and the approval of the undergraduate faculty advisor.

In addition to the usual major requirements, an honors student is required to complete a senior honors thesis by the end of winter quarter.  During the fall and winter quarters, the student will be registered for PHIL 191A and PHIL 191B, and will be supervised and evaluated by the student's faculty sponsor.  Honors students are expected to maintain an average of 3.75 or better for all work taken in the program.

A departmental committee will read and assess the completed thesis and determine if philosophy honors are to be awarded.  Upon successful completion of the requirements, the designation "with distinction," "with high distinction," or "with highest distinction" will appear on the student's diploma.

Philosophy Honors Nomination Form

Staff Contact Cami Koepke Undergraduate Program Coordinator Email:  [email protected]

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  • Senior Thesis Program

UCSD distinguishes between Latin Honors ( cum laude, magna cum laude, suma cum laude ), based entirely on grade point average, and Departmental Honors (with distinction, high distinction, highest distinction), awarded by departments.

In Anthropology both GPA and the quality of a student’s senior thesis are taken into consideration in awarding English honors. A senior thesis is required in order to be considered for departmental honors. Additionally, successful participation in the senior thesis program places students in a more favorable position to be nominated for the outstanding graduating senior award in their major: Washburn, Adams, and Hallowell awards for excellence in Biological, Archeological and Sociocultural Anthropology (see  Awards page ).

Students are admitted to the Senior Thesis program by invitation of the faculty during the Spring quarter of their junior year. Eligibility for the program requires the student to have by the end of the junior year (1) completed eight upper-division courses, including the core sequence, and (2) achieved grade point averages of at least 3.9 in the anthropology concentration major (overall GPA will also be considered). Outstanding junior students, who do not meet all the criteria for automatic invitation to the program, but have already established some research experience with a regular faculty member of our department, may also be considered for invitation to the program, if spaces are available.

The senior thesis is prepared during two successive quarters (Fall and Winter) of a major’s senior year, and can count as two of the four unit upper-division elective courses required for a major (total of twelve upper-division courses are required for a degree). Students can enroll in a recommended (not required) third quarter (ANTH 198) to delve into each other’s completed theses and selected background references, as well as learn research presentation skills.

ANTH 196A  (Fall quarter): Students participate in a weekly seminar with their peers taught by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). They select a research topic and write a research proposal. Students who receive a B+ or better are invited to continue working on their chosen topic with their individual faculty adviser.

ANTH 196B  (Winter quarter): Independent preparation of senior thesis under the supervision of the faculty adviser. Thesis is due at the end of the quarter. Students who complete their theses successfully are invited to join the Spring quarter course. The DUS and the individual faculty supervisors will advise the department’s faculty on the merit of the thesis for departmental honors.

Recommended ANTH 198  (Spring quarter): This is a weekly seminar taught by the DUS where students discuss their research findings and selected background literature with their peers. Students learn how to turn their theses into presentations and are given the opportunity to present at multiple venues (such as Undergraduate Research Conference, Department Colloquium, high school outreach). For more information on special studies courses (ANTH 198, etc) see the general catalog and the department’s website.

As early as possible in their junior year, students interested in research and in the honors thesis program are encouraged to identify one or two potential faculty mentors who specialize in their general area of interest. Students who wish to be considered for the senior thesis program should notify the department’s undergraduate adviser during the winter quarter prior to the senior year. It is expected that by then, outstanding students interested in pursuing a senior thesis have already taken relevant courses offered by faculty with expertise in shared areas of interest.

The honors thesis program is intense and demanding. However, it benefits students as follows:

  • Improves chances of receiving English Honors and Departmental Awards
  • Enriches Curriculum Vitae for professional pursuits after graduation
  • Allows students to work one-on-one with individual faculty members, building current and future mentorships
  • Gives opportunity for productive, interdisciplinary exchange with peers in other subfields of anthropology
  • Provides a supportive, well-structured environment in which to conduct research in-depth in a topic of interest
  • Develops students’ research skills, applicable at the postgraduate and professional level
  • Enhances excellent oral and written communication skills for a variety of audiences
  • Offers an opportunity to bond with other high-achieving anthropologists through teamwork
  • Helps decide whether research is of interest for paths after graduation
  • Creates a solid foundation of knowledge for students pursuing graduate studies
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  • POA Study Abroad
  • Anthropology Club
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  • Terms & Conditions

Senior Honors Theses 2011-2012

The division of biological sciences senior honors theses program (bisp 196) is open to undergraduate biology majors who have an overall, and major, gpa of 3.7 or higher, have senior standing, and commit to three consecutive quarters of research during their senior year. the goals of the program are to increase one-one interaction between students and faculty to encourage more biology majors to pursue independent research., each student in the program has a faculty mentor who provides guidance to the student during the year. in spring quarter each year, students in the honors thesis program participate in a poster session that showcases their research, and gives them the opportunity to discuss their research with faculty and their fellow students. below are abstracts of all the outstanding research projects conducted by undergraduates in the program during the 2011-2012 academic year., investigating the cytokine activity of the drosophila toll pathway.

Allen Ninh, Warren College, Biochemistry and Cell Biology major, Psychology minor, Class of 2012 PI: Steven A. Wasserman Ph.D., Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Cell & Developmental Biology

Comparisons between Drosophila species based on genome-wide transcription profiling have identified a core set of Toll-induced genes of unknown function that potentially play a role in the Drosophila innate immune response. We are currently developing assays to elucidate the function of these immune effectors and, for those that are likely to act as cytokines, identify their receptors. Ectopic expression of one candidate cytokine is associated with the proliferation of lamellocytes and melanotic tumor formation in larvae and adult flies. Bioinformatics studies suggest that this immune effector may act through a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) pathway. In order to study this, I have generated a stable cell line expressing a genetically encoded calcium indicator, GCaMP. Using a synthetic peptide and assaying for calcium infl ux in GCaMP expressing cells, we hope to identify the mechanism by which this immune effector acts. The results of these studies hold promise for providing a better understanding of these novel immune effectors and of their roles in the innate immune response.

Effects of Immunosuppresants Cyclosporin A and FK506 on Central Axon Outgrowth in vitro

Ari D. Kappel, Sixth College, Physiology and Neuroscience major, Cognitive Science minor, Class of 2012 PI: Mark H. Tuszynski, MD, Ph.D., Department of Neurosciences

Spinal cord injury (SCI) and disorders disrupt movement, sensation, and function of the central nervous system leading to lifelong debilitations and often paralysis. Unlike axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), injured axons in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) do not regenerate after injury. Novel research in our lab has shown that grafts of embryonic nervous tissue can induce functional recovery of severed axons in the CNS. However, grafts of embryonic tissue require immunosuppression, and any future application of embryonic nervous tissue grafts in a clinical setting will require immunosuppression. In the past, it has been shown that conventional immunosuppressants such as cyclosporin (CsA), and prograf (FK506) inhibit axonal regeneration in the PNS (Tessier-Lavigne et al, 2003). The current research investigates the effects of CsA and FK506 on CNS axons in vitro. Time course information, and concentration dependence data are investigated in an isolated setting in order to elucidate the molecular and cellular effects of common immunosuppressants, CsA and FK506, on CNS axons.

Protective effects of spinach aldolase on muscle adenylate kinase and Phosphofructokinase-1 activities

Brian Jihoon Park, Muir College, Human Biology major, Class of 2012 PI: Dr. Percy Russell, Ph.D., Division of Biological Sciences

From previous studies, a hypothesis was developed that ascorbic acid (AA) inhibits muscle glycolytic enzymes during periods of rest to facilitate the storage of glucose as glycogen. Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) is considered the enzyme that controls the rate of glycolysis and along with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and adenylate kinase (AK), PFK-1 is inhibited by AA. During contraction, AA does not inhibit glycolysis due to the formation of a complex of glycolytic enzymes with contractile muscle proteins that protects them. Muscle aldolase prevents AA inhibitions and its protective properties are considered a microcosm of the complex formed with contractile muscle proteins. It was observed that spinach aldolase appeared to protect muscle PFK-1 activity from AA inhibition. The current study focuses on this ability of a plant enzyme, spinach aldolase, to interact and protect animal enzymes. Specifically the studies showed that spinach aldolase protected muscle AK activity loss due to dilution and protected muscle PFK-1 from inhibition by each AA and ascorbyl dipalmitate, an AA derivative shown to be more inhibitory than AA alone.

Role of Tissue-nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase and Fetuin in Biomineralization

Bryan Lam, Revelle College, General Biology major, Urban Studies and Planning minor, Class of 2012 PI: Paul A. Price, Ph.D., Division of Biological Sciences

Our goal is to understand the mechanisms by which proteins control the the normal mineralization of bones and teeth and prevent the abnormal mineralization of soft tissues. We studied two proteins which have been implicated in the regulation of biomineralization: tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) and fetuin. Fetuin is a 48kDa glycoprotein that is synthesized in the mammalian liver and found in high concentrations in serum and bone and is an important inhibitor of apatite growth in-vitro. TNAP has been identified in previous studies as a component of serum calcification activity and its effect in increasing the rate of mineral formation is observed only exclusively in the presence of fetuin. Apatite crystal formation was investigated using an in-vitro assay that closely resembles the calcium, phosphate and pH of human serum. We have demonstrated that fetuin is a substrate for alkaline phosphatase activity and that de-phosphorylation of fetuin greatly reduces its mineral inhibition activity. The high concentration of alkaline phosphatase and fetuin in bones suggest that bone fetuins may have a more dephosphorylated state. The reduced mineral inhibition activity of fetuin within bone may allow for normal mineralization to occur. Our findings also suggest that the phosphorylation state of serum fetuin may play a role in abnormal soft tissue mineralization such as the formation atherosclerotic plaques.

The role of the homeodomain protein Six6 in pituitary gonadotrope gene expression

Chiara Maruggi, Revelle College, General Biology major, Italian Literature minor, Class of 2012 PI: Pamela Mellon, Ph.D., Department of Reproductive Medicine

The hypothalamus orchestrates the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary through its pulsatile release of GnRH. FSH and LH in turn act on the gonads to stimulate hormonal secretions and gametogenesis. This research aims at better understanding regulation of gonadotrope gene expression through studying the mechanism by which Six6 represses the expression of LHβ, FSHβ, and GnRH receptor (GnRH-R). Six6, a member of the SIX/Sine oculis family of homeobox genes, stimulates progenitor cell development in the growing pituitary, eye, and brain. In mice, absence of Six6 causes a hypo-pituitary phenotype and a striking decrease in fertility. Recent work has shown repression of LHβ, FSHβ, and GnRH-R by Six6 and a relief of repression of the genes when transfecting with Six6 carrying a mutation in the eh1 domain. The region of repression by Six6 is in the 800 to 600 region for GnRH-R, in the -300 to -87 region for LHβ and inside of -95 in FSHβ. Two non-exclusive hypotheses will be explored further: displacement of activators from binding sites and recruitment of TLE co-repressors. The murine TLE (Grg, Groucho-related gene) proteins are co-repressors regulating development. Research has shown that both long-form (Grg4) and short form (Grg5) proteins regulate the GnRH gene by co-localizing with through Oct1 and Msx1 in vivo. Elaborating on these findings, this project also aims at identifying the possible role of TLE/Grg proteins in the repression of LHβ, FSHβ or GnRH-R. Such findings would help increase our knowledge of the mechanisms regulating GnRH release–mechanisms that play a key role in physiology and pathophysiology dealing with development and reproduction.

The Unique Shuttling Pathway of the Peroxisomal PTS2 Receptor, Pex7, in Pichia pastoris

Danielle Hagstrom, Muir College, Molecular Biology major, Class of 2012 PI: Suresh Subramani, Ph.D., Division of Biological Sciences

Peroxisomal matrix protein import relies on two pathways that use one of two peroxisomal targeting signals (PTSs), known as PTS1 and PTS2, present on cargo proteins. The majority of import occurs through the PTS1 pathway, dependent on the receptor Pex5. The PTS2 pathway is dependent on the receptor Pex7 and its co-receptor Pex20. Pex5 and Pex20 bind their respective cargo in the cytosol and shuttle them into the peroxisome matrix to be released. After cargo release, Pex5 and Pex20 are subject to mono-ubiquitination which allows for receptor recycling — a process dependent on the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Pex4, and the AAA ATPases, Pex1 and Pex6. When receptor recycling is blocked, Pex5 and Pex20 are poly-ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome, in a process called the RADAR (Receptor Accumulation and Degradation in the Absence of Recycling) pathway. However, we found that the shuttling pathway of Pex7 differs from that of Pex5 and Pex20 as Pex7 is present at low levels in wild-type cells but stabilized in pex mutants affecting normal peroxisomal matrix protein import, suggesting that Pex7 is constitutively degraded during its normal import cycle. Specifically, Pex7 is stabilized in the receptor recycling mutants, Pex4 and Pex6, due to its inability to enter into peroxisomes, as seen by fractionation and protease protection assays. However, in the mutants affecting peroxisomal membrane proteins containing a RING domain, such as Pex2, Pex7 can enter peroxisomes but presumably cannot be exported, thus causing accumulation of Pex7. Additionally, the import and export of Pex7 may have a previously unknown dependence on Pex5 and Pex20, which may be mediated by the special cargo, Pex8, which contains both a PTS1 and PTS2. The shuttling pathway of the PTS2 receptor, Pex7, demonstrates a sharp divergence from the previously studied shuttling pathways of Pex5 and Pex20 and could represent a mechanism to regulate Pex7 levels when the PTS2 pathway is not needed.

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Undergraduate Program

Psychology honors program.

Are you considering graduate school or a professional program? Are you interested in conducting original research? If so, you should consider applying to the Psychology Honors Program. This program prepares you to work on your own research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. 

Program Benefits

  • Conduct your own research project
  • Learn to manage a project from beginning to end
  • Build strong academic relationships with your advising faculty
  • Develop skills experience that may provide an advantage for admission and success in graduate school

The Psychology Honors Program is open to all Psychology majors and those who declared the Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN) major under the Psychology Department.

This program, which students can apply for in fall of their junior year, offers a distinctive way to complete your psychology major. 

Psychology Honors Information Sessions

Please attend one of the Psychology Honors Information Sessions listed below:

Summer 2024:

  • Wednesday, July 31st, 2024  at  1:30pm (Virtual via Zoom)
  • Thursday, August 8th, 2024  at 12:30pm  (Virtual via Zoom )
  • Wednesday, October 30th, 2024  at 12:00pm (Virtual via Zoom)
  • Thursday, November 7th, 2024  at  10:00am (Virtual via  Zoom)
  • Tuesday, November 12th, 2024  at 3:30pm (Virtual via  Zoom)
  • Monday, November 25th, 2024  at 12:00pm (Virtual via  Zoom)

If you cannot attend an information session or have missed the information sessions, please watch the recorded presentation. It will answer many of your questions and provide thoughtful information to consider before applying for the Psychology Honors Program.

Requirements to Apply

Our Application Review Committee takes a holistic approach when reviewing applications. Academic, leadership, research, service, and work experiences are all taken into consideration as well as a recommendation from faculty.

Students are required to have the following completed by the end of the Fall quarter they apply :

  • PSYC 60: Introduction to Statistics (or equivalent)
  • PSYC 70: Introduction Research Methods (or equivalent)
  • At least Two Upper-Division (UD) PSYC courses (preferably at UCSD)
  • If a student is enrolled at UCSD in PSYC 70 (PSYC 60 is a prerequisite), PSYC 102, and PSYC 104 during Fall 2024, this will fulfill the course requirements to apply to the honors program.
  • If a student transfers in PSYC 60 (or equivalent such as COGS 14B, MATH 11, etc.) and PSYC 70 (or equivalent such as COGS 14A, etc.) and is enrolled in PSYC 100 and PSYC 105 during Fall 2024, this will fulfill the course requirements to apply to the honors program.

A strong application will have an overall UC San Diego GPA of 3.3 (or 3.5 transfer GPA for first-quarter transfer students) and completion (or close to) of all lower-division major courses.  Though this is a common profile of a successful applicant, we have had Honors students with lower GPAs and more than two lower-division psych major courses left to complete provided other aspects of the application are strong.

Applying to Program

 The online application requires the following information:

  • Student information
  • Major GPA and course information
  • Personal Statement: Describe what interests you the most about the field of psychology.
  • Briefly describe your reasons for applying to the psychology honors program.
  • What personal and academic strengths do you possess that will contribute to your success in the psychology honors program?
  • What challenges do you foresee yourself facing in the program and what steps will you take to overcome them?
  • What are your future plans/goals after you have completed your undergraduate degree?
  • The personal statement and supplemental questions are each  limited to 1,000 words.
  • 2 References: at least one must be academic. You will list their name, job/teaching title, phone number, and email address. No letters of recommendation are needed for the application.
  • You must be logged into your  UCSD  email account on the browser you are using to access the application.
  • You must complete the application in one sitting (there is no "save and continue at a later time" feature).
  • You can submit one application; be sure it's complete and accurate before you hit "submit."

The Psychology Honors Program Application  will open on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Applications for the 2024-2026 will be  due by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.   Applications will be reviewed by Psychology faculty and staff. Students will be contacted with the final decision on Friday, December 20, 2024.

Students should not wait to enroll in Winter 2025 quarter courses. If admitted into the Psychology Honors Program, students will change their class schedule to enroll in the psychology honors courses during Week 1 of the Winter 2025 quarter.

Overview of Program

The Psychology Honors Program is a 2-year commitment comprised of the honors courses PSYC 110, PSYC 111A/B, PSYC 194A/B/C. Psych honors courses cannot be removed or condensed nor can courses be moved to different quarters as students move through the program as a cohort unit.

The Psychology Honors Program is not required to graduate from UCSD with a psychology major. It is optional. Therefore, students who apply and commit to this program should be prepared to dedicate substantial time and energy to their coursework and research project. Students will be asked to make numerous revisions to course papers and their thesis. The PSYC 111 courses require significant tim e outside the classroom to prepare for class, study for exams, and complete assignments. Students must be ready to devote extensive time to their research and faculty mentor to ensure they can complete their honors research project and thesis on time for graduation.

Junior year

Winter quarter courses:.

  • PSYC 110: Junior Honors Research Seminar
  • PSYC 111A: Advanced Statistics and Research Methods I

Spring quarter course:

  • PSYC 111B: Advanced Statistics and Research Methods II

Senior year

PSYC 194A/B/C: Honors Thesis Courses (FA, WI, SP). A year-long independent research project under the mentorship of a faculty advisor. This research culminates in a thesis and a poster presentation during the Spring quarter.

NOTE for those considering the PSYC 116 series : Students should make a choice between taking the PSYC 116 series or the Psych Honors program. Both of these programs have demanding workloads, require a faculty mentor's extensive time, and there is a strong possibility that class meeting times will overlap. It is highly unlikely a student would be approved for both programs. Since both programs offer an intensive research experience, the goal is to offer more psychology majors the opportunity to experience one of these programs.

Psychology Honors Courses

All psychology honors courses must be taken for a letter grade. also, all psychology honors courses will be used in calculating your psychology major and cumulative gpas., psyc 110: honors seminar (4 units).

This is a series of lectures where faculty members present their research. Students in PSYC 110 prepare themselves for each lecture by reading articles published by the various faculty members. These articles are made available in the form of a reader. The course will allow personal contact with faculty and enable students to discuss their future senior thesis projects with potential supervisors. The grade for PSYC 110 is based on participation and several short papers. Students should expect to complete multiple revisions of their papers.

PSYC 111A: Advanced Research Methods I (6 units)

This course provides training in applying advanced statistical methods to experimental design. Emphasis will be placed on the developing skills in statistical problem-solving, using computer applications, and writing scientific reports.

PSYC 111B: Advanced Research Methods II (6 units)

This course builds upon the material of PSYC 111A. Students will participate in data collection, data organization, statistical analysis, and graphical analysis, with emphasis placed on developing scientific report writing, presentations and critical thinking about experimental methods. 

PSYC 194 A/B/C: Honors Thesis Courses (4 units each)

It is important to identify a thesis advisor during or after PSYC 110. It is possible to do the project outside UC San Diego, i.e., in the VA or Children Hospital, etc. The sponsor, in this case, would be the program coordinator. In the introductory meeting, the program coordinator will give guidance regarding the whole procedure of PSYC 194 A/B/C.

Briefly, the first quarter is reserved for setting up the research project and writing of the research proposal. The proposal must be handed in at the end of the quarter and will be graded with a letter grade. The second quarter is dedicated to data collection and analysis. The grade for this course will be WIP (work in progress). It will change to a letter grade upon completion of the project at the end of the third quarter. The thesis will be read by the student's advisor, an outside faculty member, and the program coordinator. The staff coordinator will assist students with setting up the poster session at the end of the spring quarter, to which students' instructors, friends, and families are invited. At this session, students will answer questions regarding their research project.

Please attend or watch the Psychology Honors information session to learn more about how the Psychology Honors courses may apply to your psych major.

Graduating with Psychology Honors

Successful completion of the Psychology Honors program requires the following:

  • Grade of at least an A- in the PSYC 194 series
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 in the upper-division courses taken for the major
  • 12 units of supervised research (PSYC 194 A/B/C)
  • Public presentation of Honors project (Psychology Honors Poster Session)
  • Submission of a  final thesis that is considered “honors worthy” by Faculty Mentor and Honors Faculty Coordinator
  • Honors Awards
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The department offers a special program of advanced study for outstanding undergraduates majoring in literature. Admission to this program requires an overall GPA of 3.5, a literature major GPA of 3.7, and enrollment in one of the Literature Department capstone courses (LTWR 194 for Writing majors and LTWL 194 for all other Literature majors, both offered every Fall Quarter) at the beginning of the senior year.  During Fall Quarter, students meeting these requirements will be invited to participate in the Honors Program. Interested students who do not (but are very close) to the GPA requirements may be eligible to petition to participate in the program.  Students should contact the Undergraduate Advisor for more details. 

During the Winter Quarter of their senior year, all honors students will write their thesis paper under the supervision of a faculty advisor chosen by the student (while enrolled in an Honors Thesis independent study course, LT__ 196). The Honors Program concludes with the Spring Quarter Honors Program conference within the department, where students present their research or creative piece and answer questions from attendees (other Honors Program students and Literature Department faculty).  Honors students will enroll in LTWL 194A (1-unit) in Spring Quarter to receive credit for these presentations.  Each student's performance on the thesis project, as well as at their presentation, will determine the level of honors they will receive.

The Literature capstone course and thesis course may be applied toward major requirements, if applicable. Students should contact the Undergraduate Advisor to determine how the courses might apply to their remaining requirements.

There are two undergraduate awards offered each year that are dedicated to the Honors Program.  The Burckhardt Honors Award is bestowed upon the highest rated literary/cultural criticism thesis project, and the Sherley Williams Memorial Award is bestowed upon the highest rated literary arts thesis project.  Past winners of these awards can be seen on the Past Participants page.

Courses for the Honors Program

Fall quarter: literature dept capstone courses.

LTWL 194 - Capstone Course for Lit Majors

An advanced seminar open to all Literature majors in their senior year.  Required for those interested in the Honors Program.  It offers an integrative experience by considering key facets of the discipline, including literature theories/historiography, knowledge of neighboring disciplines, relevance of literature/cultural studies in various professions outside of academia.

LTWR 194 - Capstone Course for Writing Majors

An advanced seminar open to all Writing majors in their senior year.  Required for those interested in the Honors Program.  It offers an integrative experience by considering key facets of the discipline and profession, including genre writing, craft/technique, literary theories/theories of writing, the relationship between aesthetics/culture and politics, and distribution/publication.

Winter Quarter: Honors Thesis Courses

LT__ 196 - Honors Thesis

Senior thesis research and writing for students who have been accepted for the Literature Honors Program.

Spring Quarter: Honors Conference Presentation

LTWL 1 94A - Honors Practicum

Honors practicum for those students in the Literature Department Honors Program.  This is a 1-unit course for which students in the Honors Program will present their work as part of organized panels at an Honors Program conference (within the department).  Students will receive a P/NP grade for LTWL 194A for completing the presentation.

Undergrad Advising

Current students must use the VAC (valid student PID required) or Zoom appointments for advising. We cannot advise students via email or over the phone (to preserve student privacy standards). If/when we are able to re-open in-person advising, we will update you. If you have academic-related forms or paperwork that require our review and signature, please email them to [email protected].

Virtual Advising Center

Send us your questions via the VAC. We respond to questions Mondays - Fridays, 8:00am-4:30pm.

Submit a question

Zoom Appointments

Walk-in advising is currently unavailable, but we are happy to schedule a virtual appointment with you.

Schedule Appointmnet

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The Physics Honors Program

The Department of Physics offers an Honors Program for physics majors who demonstrate excellence in the major. Eligibility for the Honors Program includes completion of all required lower-division physics courses, nine upper-division physics courses, and a GPA of at least 3.50 in the physics major.

The Honors Program consists of a minimum of eight units of Honors Thesis Research (Physics 199H), an Honors Thesis, and the presentation of the research to faculty and peers at UC San Diego's  Undergraduate Research Conference  or an Undergraduate Seminar.

Students who successfully complete the Honors Program and who have maintained a GPA of at least a 3.50 in the physics major will have one of the following designations on their diploma, based on an average of their physics major GPA and the grade for their research project:

3.50 – 3.67 "with Distinction" 3.68 – 3.85 "with High Distinction" 3.86 – 4.00 "with Highest Distinction"

Applications to the Physics Department Honors Program must be submitted via  EASy  and are due NLT Friday of week 1 in the term you want to start the program (see instructions here ). Late applications will not be accepted. 

  • Learn about  research opportunities  in Physics
  • Download the  Physics Honors Program Application Packet


Do i need a cumulative gpa of 3.5 to be eligible to apply to the physics honors program.

No, it's your major gpa that must be a 3.5 or above in order to be eligible to apply.

Can I apply to the Physics Honors Program before my senior year?

Provided you have met the eligibility requirements, you may apply before your senior year.

In what term am I allowed to apply to the Physics Honors Program?

At the very least, you must apply two terms in advance of your graduation. Program participants must enroll for 2-3 terms of PHYS 199H and earn 8-12 199H units; one term must be a 4-unit PHYS 199H.

Am I required to submit an EASy request to enroll in PHYS 199H units each term? ​​​​​​

Yes, you must submit an EASy request to enroll in PHYS 199H units each term (see instructions here ). Be sure to include your honors application packet with each EASy request, even after your first term of enrollment in PHYS 199H.

Can my PHYS 199 count towards the Physics Honors Program?

No, only PHYS 199H applies to the Physics Honors Program and only students who are admitted to the Physics Honors Program are able to enroll in PHYS 199H.

Who can serve as my faculty supervisor for the Physics Honors Program?

Only  professors  in the Physics Department can serve as your supervisor for the Physics Honors Program.

I am a double major in another field and I am participating in the Honors Program in my other department. Can my research also count toward the Physics Honors Program?

No, your research must be unique to the Physics Honors Program.

How many PHYS 199Hs can I apply to my physics major requirements?

Program participants are required to have a single 4-UNIT PHYS 199H applied as an upper division restricted elective for their physics major instead of the 4-UNIT PHYS 199 we typically accept.

How, where, and when must I present my Honors Thesis Research?

Program participants must work with their faculty honors project advisor to schedule a day, time, and location to present their research. Some faculty simply book a room in a dept. space and invite people to hear their participant present. Other faculty help their student get signed up to present at the  UCSD Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) .

Have a Honors Program question not addressed in the info. above? Contact us through  VAC  to let us know!

Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering Department

CSE Honors Program

The CSE Honors Program encourages eligible undergraduate students to perform advanced study in their major. Students in the honors program work under the supervision of CSE faculty on an undergraduate research project, typically completed over two quarters. The honors program is excellent preparation for further study in a graduate program. Students who complete the honors program also have an honors distinction officially bestowed on their diploma upon graduation.  

Eligibility for Admission

In accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to apply for the CSE Honors Program students must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Junior-level standing in a CSE major**
  • 3.5 GPA in upper-division CSE major requirements, 3.25 GPA overall
  • Completion of CSE 101 (all majors), CSE 105 (BA & BS Computer Science), and CSE 110 (BA & BS Computer Science, BS Computer Engineering)
  • Completion of at least 12 units of upper-division CSE courses at UCSD

**Students with senior-level standing may be eligible to apply for the CSE Honors Program if all requirements can be met by their last quarter

Application Procedure

To apply for admission to the CSE Honors Program, students must submit a CSE Honors Program Application (pdf) that includes the following information:

  • Name of CSE faculty advisor sponsoring the project
  • Project proposal (one page)
  • Signature from the faculty advisor acknowledging that the faculty member has agreed to advise the student in the honors program, and corroborates the specifics of the project
  • Signature from CSE student affairs advisor on the application form

Submit the application no later than the end of Fall quarter of senior year. Submission during Spring quarter of junior year is strongly encouraged. 

Admission to the honors program will be formally approved by the CSE honors committee based upon the materials provided in the application

Completion Requirements

In accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to complete the CSE honors program students must meet the following requirements upon graduation:

  • 3.25 GPA in a CSE major
  • 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.0 (letter grade of B) or higher
  • Written honors thesis
  • Presentation of honors project
  • Signature from faculty advisor on an honors completion form
  • Completion of requirements by the end of the Spring quarter of graduation

Written Thesis

Students must write a thesis describing their honors research project. The thesis must have the content, rigor, and format of scholarly publications in Computer Science and Engineering. The faculty advisor must have reviewed and approved the honors thesis prior to submission by the student.

Presentation of Project

Students must orally present their project as a requirement for the honors program. Students have many opportunities for fulfilling this requirement:

  • UCSD Annual Undergraduate Research Conference
  • An ORU research review or workshop (e.g., Calit2, CNS, CWC, CCMS, ITA Center)
  • UCSD Summer Research Conference
  • A conference or workshop presentation
  • A graduate research seminar
  • Alternative presentation opportunity provided by faculty advisor**

**If you have any questions about opportunities to present your CSE Honors Research, we recommend that you connect directly with your faculty advisor to find available opportunities.

Honors Designations

Depending on student performance in their honors project, students are eligible to receive the following honors designations on their diploma:

  • "With distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • "With high distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
  • "With highest distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.8 or higher.

The CSE Honors designation will be added to your academic records after your DDA is reviewed by the CSE Department. Your honors designations will be listed on your degree and on your academic records

Unit Considerations

The CSE Honors Program does not increase the units required for graduation in a CSE major. Students participating in the CSE Honors Program may apply 8 units of CSE 199H towards 8 of the 12 units of special studies permitted to fulfill CSE Elective/Technical Elective major requirements.

CSE Honors Step-By-Step Instructions

To see the full instructions for the CSE Honors program, please review the information in the tab below.

CSE Honors Step-By-Step

If you’re interested in the CSE Honors program, connect with a CSE Advisor to discuss the CSE Honors Program application process and eligibility requirements.

We suggest connecting with CSE Advising as you approach the completion of the minimum eligibility requirements (CSE 101, 105, and 110 + Junior standing).

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis - there is no annual or quarterly deadline to apply for the CSE Honors Program.

You will need to wait until after you have a final grade in each of the eligibility courses (CSE 101, CSE 105, and CSE 110) to be eligible to apply.

Review and complete the CSE Honors Program Application

At the top of the form, fill out your personal information (Name, PID, etc.)

Review the “Eligibility Check” requirements to ensure that you are eligible to apply. Please do not check the “Eligibility Check” boxes , CSE Advising will check off these requirements during the review of your CSE Honors Application.

Fill out the “Application Checklist” section

Honors Thesis Faculty Advisor: please note that your faculty advisor for CSE 199H must be affiliated with the CSE Department.

Honors Project Proposal: you must attach your 1 page Honors Project Proposal to the CSE Honors Program Application.

Anticipated Quarters for CSE 199H: students must take CSE 199H for at least two quarters.

Reminder : All CSE 199H requirements must be complete by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego.

Anticipated quarter of graduation: list your expected graduation quarter

To connect with a CSE Advisor to review your long-term plan and anticipated quarter of graduation, please review the instructions on the CSE Student Affairs Office Hours website.

Reach out to your CSE Faculty Advisor directly to request that they review your application and proposal, and provide feedback as necessary. 

Obtain your faculty advisor’s signature on your CSE Honors Application.

Add your signature and the date to your completed CSE Honors Application and submit the signed form to CSE Advising via email at [email protected].

If your application is approved, you will be notified via the Virtual Advising Center by your CSE Advisor and you will receive instructions on how to enroll in CSE 199H.

Add your section of CSE 199H prior to each quarter by submitting a “Special Studies” request type through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy).

Reminder: CSE 199H must be taken for a letter grade and 4 units. Please note that CSE 199H counts as a CSE Elective or Technical Elective, and may be used towards 8 of the 12 units of special studies allowed to count for the CSE major requirements.

To complete the CSE Honors Program, students must write an honors thesis and present their honors project by the end of their final quarter at UC San Diego.

After completing your CSE Honors Program requirements, connect with your faculty advisor for a final review of the “Completion Requirements” on your initial application.

Your faculty advisor will review the “Completion Requirements” section of your initial CSE Honors Application. They will check each of the “Completion Requirements” boxes and fill out any relevant information, and they will sign the bottom of the form.

Once your CSE Honors Program requirements have been completed and your form has been signed by your Faculty Advisor for completion, please return your signed CSE Honors Application to CSE Advising via email at [email protected].

Your CSE advisor will review your completed Honors Application form and update CSE’s internal records accordingly to reflect your completion of the CSE Honors Program.

Your completed and signed CSE Honors Application will be uploaded to your Virtual Advising Center contact record, and you will be notified in the Virtual Advising Center.

Your Departmental Honors/Distinction will be included on your degree when your DDA is reviewed by CSE, and your honors designations will be listed on your degree and on your academic records.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis - there is no annual or quarterly deadline to apply for the CSE Honors Program. Students may submit your CSE Honors Application throughout the year, including over the summer.

After receiving your CSE Honors Application, it may take up to a few weeks for your application to be reviewed and processed by the CSE Department. CSE Advising will first review your application and forward it to the CSE Honors Faculty Coordinator.

All students who submit a CSE Honors Application will be notified via the Virtual Advising Center when their form has been accepted or denied, so please be sure to monitor your @ucsd email for any updates to your CSE Honors Application request. CSE Advising is available via the VAC to address any questions regarding your CSE Honors Application.

Yes, you are eligible to apply to the CSE Honors Program even though you have enough units to be senior-level standing. CSE students may apply to the CSE Honors Program during their junior or senior year, but students should have at least two quarters before graduation before applying to the CSE Honors Program so that they have time to complete the 8 units of CSE 199H. Please be mindful of the CSE Honors Program requirements and ensure that you have enough time to complete the requirements during your remaining quarters at UC San Diego.

If you’re unsure whether your faculty advisor is CSE Affiliated, please check the CSE Faculty Profiles website. If you are still not sure whether your intended faculty advisor is CSE Affiliated, you can send CSE Advising a message in the Virtual Advising Center with the name of the faculty member you have in mind to check their CSE affiliation.

Students should submit their  Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)  request for their first quarter of CSE 199H after their CSE Honors Application has been approved and you have received a VAC message from CSE Advising with instructions for enrolling in CSE 199H. We recommend submitting your EASy request for CSE 199H prior to the quarter in which you plan to enroll. If you are submitting your EASy request after the quarter has already started, please note that students may enroll in CSE 199H after the Week 2 add deadline (requests will be reviewed through Week 8 at the latest).

CSE Advising does not have specific criteria or a template for writing the honors proposal. We suggest that you aim to write your proposal as clearly and concisely as possible so both your faculty advisor and the honors coordinator understand what you are trying to accomplish. For support with the writing process, consider visiting the Writing Hub website and scheduling a writing consultation:  https://writinghub.ucsd.edu/ . 

Students applying for the CSE Honors Program are welcome to email the  CSE Honors Program Committee Coordinator , Prof. Geoff Voelker to ask specific questions about the CSE Honors Program research process and discuss their CSE Honors Project Proposal.

The CSE Department does not require a specific format, length, or style for the CSE 199H thesis paper, so we suggest coordinating with your faculty advisor and following their guidance on the best practices for formatting your research paper. 

Your faculty advisor for CSE199H establishes the expectations for the format and length of the thesis paper, and they will also evaluate whether you have met the proposed expectations. For questions regarding written thesis expectations, it's best to collaborate directly with your faculty advisor.  Historically, CSE Advising does not collect examples of CSE Honors Research papers or presentations, so we do not have examples to share at this time. We recommend that students connect with their faculty advisors for guidance on their written thesis and presentation.

We recommend finalizing and submitting your CSE Honors Program Application as soon as you have completed all requirements listed on the “Completion Requirements” section of the form and obtained your faculty advisor’s signature. Please submit your signed and completed CSE Honors Application to CSE Advising via email at [email protected].

All CSE 199H requirements must be completed by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego, including the submission of your completed CSE Honors Program Application form.  There is no strict deadline to submit this form to CSE Advising; however, if you’re unable to submit the form until after your final grades are posted for your final quarter at UCSD, it may delay your graduation processing.

To grant honors distinction during the DDA review process, CSE Advising must have your completed CSE Honors Program Application on file. Please submit your completed & signed CSE Honors Program Application as soon as it is complete to ensure the timely processing of your DDA and Honors Distinction.

If you are unable to complete your CSE Honors Program requirements by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego, you may withdraw from the CSE Honors program. Please contact CSE Advising via the Virtual Advising Center to notify us of your planned withdrawal from the CSE Honors Program, and CSE Advising will update its internal records accordingly.

If you decide to withdraw from the CSE Honors program, you will still be able to graduate and count up to 8 units of CSE 199H towards your 12 units of special studies permitted to fulfill CSE Elective Requirements, but you will not receive distinction on your degree.

No, we will not check your major GPA between quarters enrolling in CSE 199H. Please note that although the eligibility to apply to the CSE Honors program is a 3.5 GPA in the CSE major courses, the completion requirement for the CSE Honors program is a 3.25 GPA in CSE major courses. Please keep these GPA requirements in mind, and plan accordingly.

Yes, students are permitted to enroll in CSE 199H for more than two quarters, if they need an additional quarter to wrap up their honors research project. However, please note that only 8 units of CSE 199H can be applied toward CSE major elective requirements (8 of the 12 units of special studies allowed to fulfill CSE major requirements). To enroll in CSE 199H for a third time, you must submit a “Special Studies” request type through the  Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) , as you did for the first two quarters of CSE 199H. CSE 199H must be taken for a letter grade and 4 units.

No, CSE 199H can be taken during non-consecutive quarters (e.g. taking CSE 199H in the Fall Quarter & Spring Quarter is fine). We recommend that students stay in touch with their faculty advisor to make sure you are on the same page regarding the research project timeline, CSE 199H enrollment, and the completion of your CSE Honors Program Requirements.

If you need to take CSE 199H in different quarters than those originally listed, you will need to resubmit your CSE Honors Application with the corrected quarters and obtain the signatures again. Students are expected to complete their research project during the quarters indicated on the CSE Honors Application. Students can re-submit their updated CSE Honors Program form via email at [email protected]. Please be sure to stay in touch with your faculty advisor to discuss any proposed changes to your CSE 199H application.

No, after your faculty advisor has reviewed the completion of your honors requirements and signed the “Completion Requirements” section of your CSE Honors Application, you are only required to return the completed CSE Honors Application to CSE Student Affairs. You do not need to attach your thesis paper or presentation materials to your completed application.

The CSE Honors Project written thesis paper does not need to be published anywhere to fulfill the Honors Application Completion Requirements. If you’re interested in learning more about the possibility of publishing your research, we recommend connecting with your faculty advisor to learn more about whether publishing your research paper is possible.

The “Degree Audit Completed” Completed section of the CSE Honors Form refers to the quarter a student completes their major requirements and files for graduation.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 5, 2024 10:21 AM
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Mathematics Honors Program presentations are held each May. These presentations were based on theses submitted for examination to the Mathematics Department Honors Committee.

The Mathematics Department Honors Committee determines the level of departmental honors awarded (Honors with Distinction, Honors with High Distinction, or Honors with Highest Distinction), based on the student's GPA in the major and the quality of the honors work.

If you are interested in attending the Honors Program Presentations, please send an email to [email protected].

Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Thomas Allen Honors with High Distinction Alireza Salehi Golsefidy
Eugene Chiou Honors with High Distinction Steven Sam
Jack Chou Honors with Highest Distinction Brendon Rhoades
Xiao Feng Honors with Distinction David Meyer
Jared Hughes Honors with Highest Distinction

Bill Helton
Haocong Li Honors with High Distinction Jacques Verstraete
Yongce Li Honors with High Distinction Ioana Dumitriu
Deepansha Singh Honors with Distinction

Yuhua Zhu
Linghao Zhang Honors with Highest Distinction Jiawang Nie
Siyuan Zheng Honors with Highest Distinction Alireza Salehi Golsefidy
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Xun Gong Honors with High Distinction Amir Mohammadi
Andrew Paul Honors with Distinction Dragos Oprea
Rohan Puthukudy Honors with Distinction Steven Sam
Frederick Rajasekaran Honors with Highest Distinction Todd Kemp
Mingcheng Sheng Honors with High Distinction Amir Mohammadi
Fuxiang Yang Honors with Highest Distinction Daniel Rogalski
Winston Yu Honors with High Distinction Alex Cloninger
Ellie Zou Honors with Distinction Danna Zhang
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Ricardo Arruda Honors with High Distinction Steven Sam
Andrew Dennehy Honors with High Distinction Alex Cloninger
Aidan Epperly Honors with High Distinction William Helton
Kin Yau James Wong Honors with Highest Distinction Ioan Bejenaru
Hantao Yu Honors with Highest Distinction Kiran Kedlaya, Chris Umans
Shuncheng Yuan Honors with High Distinction Ioana Dumitriu
Junchen Zhao Honors with Distinction Todd Kemp, David Jekel
Yixuan Zhou Honors with Distinction Mareike Dressler
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Steven Sam
Honors with High Distinction Jason Schweinsberg
Honors with Distinction Alex Cloninger
Honors with Distinction Peter Ebenfelt
Honors with Distinction

Ery Arias-Castro

Honors with Distinction

Ery Arias-Castro

Honors with Distinction

James M cKernan

Honors with Distinction

Ioana Dumitriu

Honors with High Distinction

Mareike Dressler, Martin Licht

Honors with Distinction

Ery Arias-Castro

Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Bill Helton
Honors with Distinction Ery Arias-Castro
Honors with Distinction Claus Sorensen
Honors with High Distinction Ery Arias-Castro
Honors with High Distinction Philip Gill
Honors with Distinction Ery Arias-Castro
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Amir Mohammadi
Honors with High Distinction Adrian Ioana
Honors with High Distinction Ery Arias-Castro
Honors with Distinction Ronghui "Lily" Xu
Honors with High Distinction Jiawang Nie
Honors with High Distinction David Meyer
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction David Meyer
Honors with High Distinction Amir Mohammadi
Honors with Distinction Thang Huynh
Honors with Highest Distinction Philip Gill
Honors with High Distinction Martin Licht
Honors with Highest Distinction Sam Buss
Honors with Distinction Ian Abramson
Honors with High Distinction Michael Holst
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Ery Arias-Castro
Honors with High Distinction Li-Tien Cheng, Bo Li
Honors with High Distinction Todd Kemp
Honors with Highest Distinction Michael Holst, Melvin Leok
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Bennett Chow
Honors with Distinction Jason Schweinsberg
Honors with Distinction Daniel Kane
Honors with High Distinction Philip Gill, Allan Timmermann, Patrick Fitzsimmons
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Justin Roberts
Honors with High Distinction Michael Holst
Honors with Highest Distinction David Meyer (Math), Robert Dynes (Physics), Shane Cybart (Physics)
Honors with Highest Distinction Jelena Bradic
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Alina Bucur
Honors with Distinction Ronghui "Lily" Xu
Honors with Distinction David Meyer
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Todd Kemp
Honors with High Distinction Dragos Oprea
Honors with High Distinction Jacob Sterbenz
Honors with High Distinction Some Properties of Rational Points on Elliptic Curves Alina Ioana Bucur
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Lance Small
Honors with High Distinction Ron Evans
Honors with Distinction David Meyer
Honors with Distinction Jeffrey Remmel
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Highest Distinction Dragos Oprea
Honors with High Distinction David Meyer
Honors with Distinction Melvin Leok
Honors with Distinction David Meyer
Honors with Distinction Ian Abramson
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Harold Stark
Honors with Distinction Audrey Terras
Honors with Distinction Michael Holst
Honors with High Distinction Jacques Verstraete
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Michael Holst
Honors with Distinction Spatial Correlation of Solar Radiation Stations Using Cross-Spectral Methods Ery Arias-Castro
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with High Distinction Bill Helton
Honors with Distinction Michael Holst
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Highest Distinction Michael Holst
Honors with High Distinction Ron Evans
Honors with High Distinction Ronghui Xu
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Guershon Harel
Honors with High Distinction J. William Helton
Honors with Distinction Randy Bank
Name Honors Level Thesis Advisor(s)
Honors with Distinction Leonard Haff
Honors with Distinction J. William Helton
Honors with Distinction Jeffrey Rabin, David Meyer
Honors with Distinction Ronald Evans
Honors with High Distinction Jeffrey Remmel

senior honors thesis ucsd

9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0112

(858) 534-3590

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Global Health Horizons Honors Thesis Resources


Effective Fall 2020:  Global Health students have the opportunity to apply to the two-quarter Horizons Honors seminar and  complete a thesis during senior year.   This seminar will provide an opportunity to expand, deepen, and share the insights of your Global Health Field Experience or a topic of interest in the field of global health, with members of your cohort.  The honors thesis in the field of global health marks an important academic accomplishment in a student's undergraduate career and serves as a credential for postgraduate training and employment.

***Students must complete their  Global Health Field Experience Requirement  before enrollment. 

  • Winter Quarter: GLBH 150A . Global Health Horizons Honors Seminar I will consist of intensive reading and discussion in fields related to each student’s primary interest and building on your field experience. 
  • Spring Quarter: GLBH 150B . Global Health Horizons Honors Seminar II will be a workshop with critical input from all participants focused on preparing a senior thesis that will provide an important credential for students in the next stage of their careers and as they prepare applications for graduate academic or professional training.

The 2025 Honors Thesis Seminar application is closed. 

Thesis Resources

Eligibility requirements for honors thesis seminar (effective fall 2020).

  • Students must be a global health major (BA or BS) completing their junior year and graduating the next academic year.
  • Students must have a 3.5 overall GPA.
  • Students must have completed GLBH 148 and GLBH 181 with a "B" or better by Spring quarter of their junior year.
  • Students must complete their Global Health Field Experience requirement prior to enrollment in the senior capstone and should be in progress at the time that they submit their application.
  • GLBH 150A.   Global Health Honors Capstone Seminar I - Additional Upper Division Elective (B.A. only) or Medical Social Science Elective
  • GLBH 150B.   Global Health Honors Capstone Seminar II - Upper Division Significant Writing Course (B.A. only) or Medical Humanities Elective

Thesis Requirements

  • The thesis consists of a scholarly examination of an approved topic in global health.
  • 9,000-10,000 Words  of text, not including bibliographic references or tables, on an approved global health research question.
  • Students must have at least 30 peer reviewed, scholarly resources and use the Chicago Manual of Style for citations.
  • Additionally, students will complete a research poster  and participate in the Horizons of Global Health Research Symposium in Spring quarter.

Library & Writing Resources

  • UC Library Search
  • Global Health Program Senior Thesis Library Page
  • UC San Diego Library Guides by Topic
  • Studio U 
  • The Chicago Manual of Style (Bibliography)

Writing Hub

The  Writing Hub  supports all writers on campus – every writer, any project – and promotes writing as a tool for learning.

They offer:

  • One-on-one writing tutoring   by appointment , 6 days/week
  • Supportive, in-depth conversations about writing, the writing process, and writing skills
  • Help with every stage in the writing process
  • Walk-in tutoring (Monday-Thursday 5pm-7pm, and same-day appointments by availability)
  • Questions? Contact the Writing Hub ( [email protected] )

Writing an Abstract

An abstract is a summary of field experience, paper, and/or research project. It should be single-spaced, one paragraph, and approximately 250-300 words. It should highlight your main points, explain the value of your research, describe how you researched your problem, and offer your conclusions.

Specialized terms should be either defined or avoided. It does not include any charts, tables, figures, footnotes, references, or other supporting information.

It should be clear and concise, without any grammatical mistakes or typographical errors. You should have it reviewed by the   Writing Hub , a writing instructor or tutor, or another writing specialist. Contact the UCSD Writing Center for additional assistance.

A successful abstract addresses the following points:

  • Problem : What is the central problem or question you investigated?
  • Purpose :  Why is your study important? How it is different from other similar investigations? Why should we care about your project?
  • Methods : What are the important methods you used to perform your research?
  • Results : What are the major results of the research project? (You do not have to go into all of the results, only the major ones.)
  • Interpretation : How do your results relate to your central problem?
  • Implications : Why are your results important? What can we learn from them?

Research Poster Resources

  • Creating a Research Poster
  • UC San Diego Library Guide on Creating a Research Poster

Logos for poster:

  • UC San Diego Global Health Program Logo
  • UC San Diego Logo

Poster Grading Criteria

Oral Presentation • Accompanies poster throughout duration of scheduled poster presentation time. • Informs others of your work and research by engaging them in conversation about your poster. • If asked, student’s response is insightful, depicts obvious knowledge of topic, and contributes to the overall understanding of the research.

Visual Presentation • Poster layout is in a logical pattern so that visitors can readily follow your presentation. • Poster is visually attractive, readable from a distance of 3 feet away and includes many graphics and/charts. • The information presented on the poster reflects the quality of your work.

Research • Includes research components such as: Title, authors and institutional affiliations; Abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions; acknowledgements and references. • Poster communicates significance, relevance of results and is academically sound. • Poster requires us to think beyond the results and to desire to explore the issue/s further.

Relevance to Global Health Issues • Issue is current, appropriate and pertinent. • Research and findings closely parallel or complement student’s field experience or area of study.

Horizons of Global Health Research Symposium Details


  • Business casual attire recommended.
  • If you're unable to be there to set up, please leave your poster with a classmate or drop your poster off at the venue prior.
  • During the poster session, stand by your poster. Be prepared to provide a short elevator pitch or answer questions.
  • Posters should remain hanging during the keynote speaker presentation.
  • Please take a seat in a chair once the presentation begins.
  • Everyone should take their posters with them at the conclusion of the event. If you have to leave early, please make arrangements with a friend to take your poster.

Global Health Program

To receive departmental honors, students are required to complete . Through the two-quarter seminar, students will complete a senior thesis. Please note that POLI 191A is offered only in fall quarter and POLI 191B is offered only in winter quarter and these courses must be taken in consecutive quarters.

To be admitted to the seminar, a student must have senior standing in the first quarter of the seminar, have a minimum GPA of 3.6 in political science , have completed all lower-division requirements including POLI 30 (Political Inquiry) and five upper-division courses. Also, students must have an advisor prior to being allowed to enroll.

To be considered for the honors seminar, students must submit a substantial piece of writing to a member of the faculty. The department defines "substantial" as a paper in which the student has carefully developed an argument and systematically mustered evidence in support of it. This written work is intended to give students practice so that the 40-100-page thesis does not loom as an intimidating prospect. These papers may develop out of any of our upper-division courses that require papers, any departmental seminar, or in conjunction with coursework completed on EAP or OAP. If the faculty member feels that the student is adequately prepared for the seminar, they will sign the faculty recommendation form stating they are willing to advise the student during the course of the seminar (forms are available from the department or via e-mail from ). When submitting the faculty recommendation form and piece of writing to the faculty member, students must provide a copy of their academic history from TritonLink. For ease of reading, select the "sort by subject" link when printing the academic history to print in subject order rather than quarter by quarter. The recommendation/advisor form must be submitted to an undergraduate advisor prior to the "Quarter begins" date published for fall quarter in the .

Normally each thesis will be read by two members of the department faculty, each of whom will assign the thesis a point score. The standard of evaluation will be that normally used by each faculty member to grade seminar papers of graduating seniors. Grades, point scores, and their honors equivalent are as follows:







Highest Honors
Highest Honors
High Honors
High Honors
No Honors
No Honors
No Honors
No Honors
No Honors
No Honors
If the point scores assigned by two readers differ by more than two tenths of a point (e.g., 3.5 versus 3.8), the thesis will be read by a third reader. The thesis grade will be determined by averaging the three point scores.

To graduate with honors in political science, a student must have received an average point score of 3.5 or higher on the honors thesis and maintained a GPA of 3.5 or above in the major through the end of the second quarter of the honors seminar.

The award of honors is by vote of the political science faculty. The award of honors will be based on the average of (1) the student's departmental grade point average at the end of the second quarter of the honors seminar (50%), and (2) the point score assigned the honors thesis by the readers (50%) .

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Undergraduate Graduation 2022

  • Undergraduate Honors Theses

The following undergraduate students are receiving honors for the completion of an honors thesis. If the student's name appears in blue, you can click on it to read or view their thesis work. 

profile placeholder image

Patricio Becerril

Benjamin diaz, stage management 
-  wellness in stage management: a hospitality table from remote to embodied theatre.

"In this paper, I will draw on my experiences in both remote and embodied theatre, as well as research I have done on Stage Management as a practice, to argue that these skills developed through working in remote theatre are just as valuable to my work as a Stage Manager as practical skills learned through embodied theatre."


Jaz Johnson

Meghan ripchik, emmajo spencer, dramaturgy  - dramaturgy: a critically necessary practice.


  • Graduating Seniors
  • Undergraduate Showcase 2022


  1. GitHub

    senior honors thesis ucsd

  2. Senior Honors Thesis Program

    senior honors thesis ucsd

  3. Statement of Purpose: Senior Honors Thesis Adam Hott

    senior honors thesis ucsd

  4. Senior Honors Thesis

    senior honors thesis ucsd

  5. Kiel's senior honors thesis installation

    senior honors thesis ucsd

  6. Presenting a Senior Honors Thesis: A How-to Guide

    senior honors thesis ucsd


  1. Presidential Scholars

  2. Honors Thesis Design & Development (HNRS 4900): Journal 1

  3. 2023 GSAS Diploma Awarding Ceremony in Sanders Theatre

  4. UC San Diego 2018 Anthropology Honors Thesis Presentations

  5. Redefining Success: The First-Generation College Experience

  6. Senior Honors Night 2024


  1. BISP 196: Senior Honors Thesis Program

    Program Requirements. Completion of three consecutive quarters of BISP 196 during (research must be conducted during Fall, Winter, and Spring). Submit the BISP 196 Contract (see Admitted BISP 196 Students section under "How to Apply"). Attend the Winter quarter meeting presented by the Honors Thesis Faculty Chair to review the process of thesis ...

  2. Senior Honors Program

    To receive departmental honors, students are required to complete Political Science 191A-B Senior Honors Seminar: Frontiers in Political Science. The two-quarter graded seminar satisfies two upper division Political Science courses toward the twelve required for a degree. Through the two-quarter seminar, students will complete a senior thesis.


    THE SENIOR HONORS THESIS. Three documents are available for viewing and downloading. Click the one you need: 1. Structure of the Senior Honors Thesis and the First Chapter. 2. Research Design. 3. A Manual of Minutiae

  4. Senior Honors Program & Pi Sigma Alpha

    To receive departmental honors, students are required to complete the Political Science 191A-B Senior Honors Seminar: Frontiers in Political Science courses and submit a completed senior thesis by the first day of the Spring quarter; to graduate with honors in political science, a student must have received an average point score of 3.6 or ...

  5. Honors Thesis Program

    The honors thesis is prepared during two successive quarters (Fall ANTH 196A and Winter ANTH 196B) of a major's senior year, and can count as two of the five four-unit upper-division elective courses required for a major. Honors students are invited to be anthropology student ambassadors and enroll in ANTH 196C during Spring quarter.

  6. ANTH 196A: Honors Thesis Research : Dissertations & Theses

    There are also additional resources to find Undergraduate Theses: UCSD Political Science Undergraduate Theses; Claremont Colleges Respository of Theses and Dissertations which are all pretty interdisciplinary and intercollegiate. They can be searched by subject -- select the group you want to search (for example Pomona senior theses and put in ...

  7. Urban Studies and Planning Senior Honors Thesis

    To receive departmental honors, students are required to complete USP 190 Senior Honors Thesis. The one quarter seminar is designed for seniors who wish to undertake a research project under the supervision of a USP faculty member and satisfies one upper division elective requirement in both the Urban Studies & Planning and Real Estate ...

  8. PDF Senior Honors Thesis Guidelines

    UC San Diego Division of Biological Sciences SUBMISSION GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR HONORS THESIS ABSTRACT What is it? A Senior Honors Thesis Abstract is a scientific abstract written by students enrolled in BISP196: Senior Honors Thesis Program. The scientific abstract should briefly go over the background, results, and conclusions of the research ...

  9. Full-Width Template

    The thesis grade will be determined by averaging the three point scores. To graduate with honors in political science, a student must have received an average point score of 3.5 or higher on the honors thesis and maintained a GPA of 3.5 or above in the major through the end of the second quarter of the honors seminar. Award of Honor.

  10. Honors Program

    Admission to the honors program requires nomination by a faculty sponsor and the approval of the undergraduate faculty advisor. In addition to the usual major requirements, an honors student is required to complete a senior honors thesis by the end of winter quarter. During the fall and winter quarters, the student will be registered for PHIL ...

  11. Senior Thesis Program

    Senior Thesis Program. UCSD distinguishes between Latin Honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, suma cum laude), based entirely on grade point average, and Departmental Honors (with distinction, high distinction, highest distinction), awarded by departments.. In Anthropology both GPA and the quality of a student's senior thesis are taken into consideration in awarding English honors.

  12. Past Honors Program Participants

    Photos and thesis titles of past Honors Program participants for the Department of Literature at UCSD. ... Every year we have an amazing group of students participate in the Senior Honors Program. They complete impressive thesis projects which vary in topic, depending on their majors. ... UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 ...

  13. Senior Honors Theses 2011-2012

    The Division of Biological Sciences Senior Honors Theses Program (BISP 196) is open to undergraduate biology majors who have an overall, and major, GPA of 3.7 or higher, have senior standing, and commit to three consecutive quarters of research during their senior year. The goals of the program are to increase one-one interaction between ...

  14. Honors Program Index

    Senior year. PSYC 194A/B/C: Honors Thesis Courses (FA, WI, SP). A year-long independent research project under the mentorship of a faculty advisor. ... Honors Thesis Courses (4 units each) It is important to identify a thesis advisor during or after PSYC 110. It is possible to do the project outside UC San Diego, i.e., in the VA or Children ...

  15. PDF Department of Communication Honors Program Information Session

    Honors Program Timeline. Friday, May 7th by 11:59pm Honors application due date June 2020 Selection committee decisions are released Fall Quarter 2020 COMM 196A Winter Quarter 2021 COMM 196B Spring Quarter 2021 Independent Study Graduate with distinction in the major as Department Honors. Honors Program Application Elements:

  16. Honors Program

    Honors Program. The department offers a special program of advanced study for outstanding undergraduates majoring in literature. Admission to this program requires an overall GPA of 3.5, a literature major GPA of 3.7, and enrollment in one of the Literature Department capstone courses (LTWR 194 for Writing majors and LTWL 194 for all other ...

  17. The Physics Honors Program

    The Department of Physics offers an Honors Program for physics majors who demonstrate excellence in the major. Eligibility for the Honors Program includes completion of all required lower-division physics courses, nine upper-division physics courses, and a GPA of at least 3.50 in the physics major. The Honors Program consists of a minimum of ...

  18. CSE Honors Program

    In accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to complete the CSE honors program students must meet the following requirements upon graduation: 3.25 GPA in a CSE major. 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.0 (letter grade of B) or higher. Written honors thesis. Presentation of honors project.

  19. Dissertations and Theses: Home

    Dissertations and Theses: Home. This guide covers information on searching for and accessing dissertations and theses from UC San Diego, University of California, and other US and international universities. Some of these resources are freely available, while others are licensed for UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students only.

  20. Honors Theses

    Mathematics Honors Program presentations are held each May. These presentations were based on theses submitted for examination to the Mathematics Department Honors Committee. The Mathematics Department Honors Committee determines the level of departmental honors awarded (Honors with Distinction, Honors with High Distinction, or Honors with Highest Distinction), based on the student's GPA in ...

  21. Horizons Honors Thesis Resources

    Global Health Horizons Honors Thesis Resources. Effective Fall 2020: Global Health students have the opportunity to apply to the two-quarter Horizons Honors seminar and complete a thesis during senior year. This seminar will provide an opportunity to expand, deepen, and share the insights of your Global Health Field Experience or a topic of ...

  22. Departmental Honors

    Departmental Honors: Senior Honors Seminar and Senior Thesis To receive departmental honors, ... (forms are available from the department or via e-mail from [email protected]). When submitting the faculty recommendation form and piece of writing to the faculty member, students must provide a copy of their academic history from TritonLink.

  23. Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Undergraduate Honors Theses. The following undergraduate students are receiving honors for the completion of an honors thesis. If the student's name appears in blue, you can click on it to read or view their thesis work.