9 Creative Problem Solving Tools For Your Next Breakthrough Idea

This is a suite of 9 creative problem solving tools from Erik op ten Berg. He’s an expert in creative thinking or applying creativity from the Netherlands.

He’s been working in this field for 25 years and has a Master of Science from Buffalo State University in New York.

His creative problem solving process takes a challenge and finds ideas that are new, useful and meaningful. I guarantee you this process will help you mobilise your group’s creative thinking skills.

You and your group will find original ideas which are always there. This helps you get to the holy grail of breakthrough thinking and quite possibly the ‘next big thing’.

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Interview with Erik op ten Berg

Watch this video to see Erik describe in detail how each tool / activity works with examples.

Please note that the video and audio quality is a little shaky in places. Sorry about that! We had some technical issues with Skype that were difficult to overcome.

Four Stages of Creative Problem Solving

The first two stages help you and your group ‘explore ideas’. The third stage helps you select the best ideas and the fourth tests the feasibility of your best ideas.

These are the four stages you need to go through (no skipping a stage please):

  • Idea generation
  • Idea expansion
  • Idea selection
  • Idea feasibility

Always start with the ABC Avalanche and then use 1 or 2 of the next 5 tools to expand the list of possible solutions.

1. ABC Avalanche (3:55sec on video)

A very basic brainstorming technique but extremely powerful.

This tool asks people to generate at least 26 ideas for a specific challenge sorting them by their first letters. It takes about 10-15 minutes.

  • Write down the central question.
  • Write down the letters of the alphabet.
  • Generate many ideas sorting them by their first letters.
  • Complete the alphabet.

Because participants focus on generating a specific number of ideas they postpone their judgments.

These attitudes are core to creative problem solving:

  • Generating many alternative ideas.
  • Postponing judgments.
  • Moving past the first few (obvious) ideas.

Depending on the number of people in the session you can split into sub-groups. Feel free to build in a little competition between the groups if you like.

From this stage you have at least 26 starting ideas and people won’t have jumped into judging whether they are good ideas or not.

2. Breaking Assumptions (7:38min on video)

This is a second stage to an ABC Avalanche.

One of the very classical thinking techniques because to be truly creative you need to break patterns.

Once you’re aware of a pattern or an assumption in your idea generation so far you can deliberately break this assumption and new ideas will come forward and present themselves.

  • List 5 assumptions present in the question or in the list of ideas.
  • Take the opposite of each assumption.
  • Imagine new solutions that run opposite to the initial assumptions.
  • Add these to your list of ideas.

You ask the group to identify any patterns or assumptions that are built into either the challenge or list of ideas they’ve generated so far.

Then you ask them to take the opposite view (i.e. break that assumption) and come up with any new solutions and add them to your list of ideas.

3. Association Flower (11:13min on video)

Also a second stage technique after ABC Avalanche giving you and your group extra ‘access points’ from which to consider the challenge and generate more ideas.

This technique will generate a long list of associated keywords that can be used to generate even more ideas related to the original challenge.

  • Write down a keyword about the challenge in the centre of the flower and four words that are associated with the keyword around it (see template on next page).
  • Write around this keyword four associations.
  • Then follow each of the 4 words in turn up its branch writing associated keywords as you go.
  • Then use all these words to think in a new way about your challenge and generate even more ideas.
  • Make the list of ideas as large as possible.

4. Visual Connections (15:33min on video)

Another way to create new ‘access points’ from which to generate new ideas.

  • Focus on an interesting object, picture or an article in a newspaper.
  • Write down your thoughts, reactions, impressions and observations.
  • Make connections to the central topic and write these down as new ideas.
  • Repeat this several times and expand your list of ideas.

You could bring a deck of pictures with you, or a set of magazines, or even ask the participants to bring their own magazines so they’re an integral part of the process.

5. SCAMPER (18:31min on video)

Use the 8 words from the acronym to approach the challenge from a different angle and generate a larger list of creative ideas.

SCAMPER is the summary of 72 questions used by Alex Osborn who is the man that founded the concept of brainstorming in the early 40s.

  • SUBSTITUTE: parts, the whole, material…
  • COMBINE: functions, material, just different…
  • ADAPT: other color, place, use, form, timing…
  • MAXIMIZE: bigger, stronger, longer, more time, macro level, use more often…
  • MINIMIZE: smaller, lighter, shorter, micro level, less important…
  • PUT TO OTHER USES: other context…
  • ELIMINATE: parts, functions, material…
  • REVERSE: sequence, upside down, inside out…

There’s no need to do all these words. Let them go wherever they want to go to create more productive access points to tackle the original challenge.

6. Analogy with nature (22:32min on video)

Sometimes people are using this technique as biomimicry .

Your question to the group: what kind of animals are you thinking about when you use your imagination?

Get them to list lots of animals quickly and ask them to select one. What is it that makes this an extraordinary animal?

Once you have that list of characteristics about the animal use those words as access points to generate more ideas about the challenge. What you’re doing here is using the beauty of nature and bringing that connection back to the challenge.

  • List several names of animals.
  • Choose a special animal with no link to the problem.
  • List 10 characteristics about this animal.
  • Use each characteristic as a stimulus for new ideas.
  • Make a force-to-fit to the problem and boost your list of ideas.

Next step is to select ideas through a process of prioritization that you want to go deeper into and do further work on to develop them further.

7. Selecting ideas & COCD Box (24:37min on video)

Using a combination of dots (or hits as Erik calls them) and his COCD box you’re looking to boil down your grand list of ideas down to about 15 really good ones (5 in each color – blue, red and yellow).

  • 5-15 IDEAS: everybody selects his or her 1-3 favorite hits; make out of these a top 3.
  • 15-40 IDEAS: 5 sparkling ideas per person; focus on these and define an overall top 5 using dots or hits.
  • >40 IDEAS: select individually 5-8 blue-red-yellow ideas (COCD-box); define the BIG 5 in each color.

Once you have 5 good ideas in each of the coloured boxes look for themes across them to try and boil everything down to a Top 5 by making some smart combinations.

If you’re looking for breakthrough ideas (and most often you will be) the ideas in the red box will be the ones you want to focus on in the next stage.

8. Concepting (30:07min on video)

What you’re looking to do now is enrich your ideas into concepts. You do this by combining your headline ideas with other ideas that are closely related from your overall list.

Take each red idea in turn and see if you can bundle in other ideas from the grand list.

  • Focus on the selected ideas.
  • Take one idea and add on different ideas (with and without dots) from the idea list, to enrich the original idea.
  • Do this for all the selected ideas.
  • Give the enriched ideas an attractive title.
  • Go on with these results.

Then give the enriched ideas a more attractive title.

9. PPCO (33:38min on video)

This is one of Erik’s little gems he got out of his Master of Science in Buffalo.

At this stage you’re looking to expand and test your best ideas or concepts for feasibility.

  • Pluses : what is good, positive about the idea.
  • Potentials : what are the possibilities if the idea were pursued.
  • Concerns : phrase shortcomings or limitations of the idea as questions.
  • Overcomes : generate ideas to overcome the ‘burning’ concerns.

PPCO is like a SWOT analysis but in a more positive end. A moving towards approach instead of getting away approach. Facing truth and reality in a way of opportunities.

Pluses : Let’s see why we should do this idea. Potentials : What are the extra potentials of this idea that you haven’t considered before? These are extra or super pluses. Concerns : ‘how can I overcome (insert negative point here) …” Overcomes : your last stage of creative thinking where you’re generating answers of how to overcome your concerns.

You end with a triple positive state with very realistic backgrounds. That’s the kind of creativity you need when you have a good idea and you want to move it further whilst trying to taste a bit of the potential of it.

Creative problem solving is a process that, if you have the right tools and activities at hand, you can consistently achieve fantastic results from.

For your session to be a success you need to make sure you move past the first few obvious ideas, you generate tonnes of alternatives and that you postpone judgment on the quality of each idea until the appropriate moment.

How does your experience stack up? Do you have any secrets you’d like to share in the comments below?

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About the Author

Erik op ten Berg (1963) holds a Master of Science Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership, and is educated in Innovation Management at Delft Technical University in The Netherlands. He is a well-known trainer in Creative Problem Solving, and moderator of hundreds of change focused brainstorm workshops. Besides his own company Pioen consult he is also partner at the “Center for the Development of Creative Thinking” (COCD) in Belgium.

Thanks great would like to communicate with Erik Op Ten Berg

dear Rakesh! send me an email at [email protected] ; I will appologize for the delays in my answer because of some Summer holiday trips until August 22…

Thanks for sharing all these ideas. Very interesting and it generates a lots of ideas. One of them is the potential use of istock or getty image platform to search visuals using key words for Visual connections exercises. Wonder if you have try something like this in the past.

Great idea Dany. You need to be careful of potential copyright infringements obviously but there are loads of free stock image repositories out there too you can use in the way you suggest.

hi Dany! visual connections are an “easy way” to create access to thoughts that didn’t came up before; you can do this offline and also online; my experience with group thinking is better with offline pictures then online; bur for individual practice the online inspiration can be very productive and provocative; I wish you lots of creative detours in your own thinking; best wishes, Erik op ten Berg

Very educative, very informative, very useful for a trainer/coach. Thanks for great help to trainer community. World owes you a lot.

excellent approach

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Home Blog Business Creative Thinking: The skill to think out of the box

Creative Thinking: The skill to think out of the box

Creative Thinking: The skill to think out of the box

Robert W. Weisberg, in his book, Rethinking Creativity: Inside-the-Box Thinking as the Basis for Innovation , reveals that real innovation relies on inside-the-box thinking. The seed of the idea is usually laid by what we already know. Developing creative skills is the key to innovation. Very often, creativity and innovation are used interchangeably. Creative thinking is not always inherent, but one can surely grow this skill by practice. According to an IBM poll of more than 1,500 CEOs, creativity is the most important factor for future business success, surpassing managerial discipline, ethics, and vision.

What is Creative Thinking? 

Creative thinking is a skill that helps you develop appealing and valuable ideas. Oxford Dictionary defines creative thinking as “the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.” Being imaginative and thinking beyond the box is critical to success in every sector. One of the world’s most prominent thinkers on creativity, Edward de Bono, adds that creativity is about breaking out old habits and seeing things in new ways.

It might be a new approach to a challenge or a solution to an employee dispute. Microsoft’s research with YouGov backs up this more technical sense of creativity, with 62 percent of British professionals characterizing it as finding a new approach to solve a problem .

Why is Creative Thinking important?

Creative thinking allows you to take an inventive approach to issues and cultivate open-mindedness.

Why is Creative Thinking important? Big Concept slide design for Creative Thinking sessions.

You can produce new ideas, analyze events, find themes, and design alternatives to established operation systems by using creative thinking.

  • Provides confidence: When you employ creativity to explore diverse ideas and concepts, it gives you confidence and encourages you to bring out the best.
  • Self-reliance : With an urge to explore more, you become self-reliant. Creativity allows you to work on your goals and achieve them with complete fulfillment.
  • Tackle situations: As creative thinking drives you to experiment and innovate, it expands your collective knowledge regarding various methods to handle every situation effortlessly.
  • Releases stress: Creative thinking can be a stress buster as it enables you to be innovative beyond any boundaries. 
  • Express hidden talents: Creative thinking allows you to nurture curiosity and unlock your hidden talents.
  • Developing emotional intelligence: Creative thinking promotes considering circumstances from many perspectives, which can help you build empathy and emotional intelligence.

Developing Creative Thinking

Being a creative thinker enables you to develop fresh ways to approach existing situations. It gives you the sense to recognize the importance of various mindsets, methodologies, and theories. 

Developing Creative Thinking permits you to link thoughts and see parallels between totally different situations. Let us walk you through some ways to build creative thinking at your workplace:

  • Establish purpose and intention: Identify what creativity is and focus on building the right team with the right amount of creativity. Focus on the objectives and blend new ideas for desirable outcomes.
  • Build basic skills through communication: Creative thinkers are good at communication skills. Good communication skills can help you express your ideas and share your creativity confidently. 
  • Encourage autonomy: According to Philip Rosedale, the founder and chairman of Linden Lab, the company’s most significant achievements come from workers’ creativity when given freedom. 
  • Create a diverse team: Diversity enhances creativity. Allow your teammates from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise to share their thinking.
  • Build motivation : Promote and support the innovative beliefs of your team members to motivate them. Reward your workers for their vivid creativity.
  • Provide opportunities to explore: Encourage your team members to collaborate and share their thoughts. Individuals in the team can learn by exploring, testing, and refining new ideas.
  • Focus on mastering metacognitive skills: Consider organizing training sessions in techniques like brainstorming, lateral thinking and mind-mapping to master metacognitive skills.

Types of Creative Thinking 

Creative thinking involves honing your innovative talents and soft skills to develop fresh ideas. Creative thinking skills are techniques for dealing with a situation through creative perspectives while using the appropriate tools to analyze it and design a solution.

Following are the five types of creating thinking:

  • Analytical: Analytical thinking allows you to investigate complicated challenges. It helps you formulate the best decisions for your organization and the recognition and development of solutions. Understanding challenges and analyzing the situation for feasible solutions is an important skill in every role at every level. Developing this skill can help you improve your work and meet business objectives.
  • Problem-solving: After thorough research and analysis of the problem, you need to look for an appropriate solution. With problem-solving skills, you can sort and arrange data found during the research process to develop a logical and practical answer.
  • Open-mindedness: A creative mind is flexible, and creativity requires fluid thinking . Being more open-minded implies being more receptive to new ideas, viewpoints, cultures, forms of expression, and styles and recognizing that our point of view may not always be correct. 
  • Communication: The ability to articulate and communicate your thoughts can govern your creative thinking skills at the workplace. It includes listening and processing people’s ideas before providing input and exchanging ideas via writing and speaking for effective communication.
  • Organization: Being organized allows you to be more creative and gives your imagination more structure. Employ your organizational abilities to turn your ideas into concrete strategies that you can use to bring change as you explore new ideas. 

What are Creative Thinking Techniques? 

Creative thinking skills may not be inherited but can indeed be acquired. You can enhance your creative abilities by improvising various strategies and techniques.


Mind mapping allows you to connect concepts you never imagined could be connected

Mind mapping allows you to connect concepts you never imagined could be connected. As a result, it might assist you in coming up with appropriate ideas while applying creative thinking skills. It is a process to write down everything that pops into mind. Create as many ideas as you can; the more you write down, the more likely you will come up with the best idea. Consider mind mapping to organize your thoughts and come to logical conclusions. With the help of a 100% editable mind mapping template , you can present your ideas in a problem-solving discussion within your team or use it along with other creative thinking techniques to enrich your discussions.


Innovative brainstorming session illustration for presentations

The central notion behind brainstorming is that having many creative possible ideas makes it simpler to choose the best one. This innovative thinking technique may effectively solve small or large-scale problems that demand creativity. The primary purpose is to build a group of people with whom you can freely exchange thoughts. Assist your team members in developing an experimental approach that produces outcomes at the workplace with brainstorming.

Lateral thinking

Critical thinking technique Lateral thinking

Emphasize generating new ideas in your organization while minimizing the details of how you can implement those ideas. Lateral thinking helps your thoughts wander freely and examine options that may otherwise go unnoticed. It involves looking at a problem from unconventional perspectives and coming up with innovative solutions as a result.

Reframing illustration for critical thinking

To come up with a fresh, inventive strategy, you’ll need to look at an issue or a scenario in a different manner, which requires reframing. Explore alternative interpretations of words, analyze the context, and broaden your perspective to spot something new and anticipate future roadblocks.

Mood boards 

Image board or mood board illustration created by SlideModel.com

A mood board is a visual graphic or representation of your ideas put together in one place . It gives your audience a clear vision of what an idea would look like after its execution. Plot your company’s desired goals with this image board creative thinking tool.

How to think critically and creatively?

Creativity is all about exploring and looking for new ideas. When we think out of the box and step outside of what we already know, we tend to draw new connections. This usually results in fresh insights, new ideas, and innovative solutions to problems that we could not have imagined previously. Critical thinking emphasizes analyzing and breaking down the problem, and creative thinking can bring about an appropriate solution for the analyzed data. That is the cornerstone of problem-solving with creative thinking. 

Let us look at the example to understand how to solve problems using creative thinking. 

When presented with a problem at the workplace, the employee analyzes it and then does thorough research. Then he shares (communicates) the problem with the teammate who presents him with progressive ideas (brainstorming and reframing) and hence a solution.

Examples of Creative Thinking in Business 

Adobe’s Creative Dividend study states that “More companies that foster creativity achieve exceptional revenue growth than peers.” Creativity is a skill that you can acquire and improve through practice. On the other hand, businesses must assist their workers in using their creative muscles by providing the correct culture, environment, training, and technology.

Let’s walk you through a set of examples of creative thinking in the business:

  • Microsoft recognized that out-of-date technologies and procedures and ill-equipped workspaces restricted the capacity to think creatively and therefore designed a range of devices to help people discover their creative potential at work.
  • Steve Jobs invented a new product like iPod due to brainstorming and lateral thinking when no one could ever imagine it.

Strike a note with your target audience with an insightful presentation on creative thinking. Deliver an innovative presentation with fresh ideas to your investors using creative thinking skills templates.

Final Words 

Whatever field you work in, you’ll discover that creative thinking can help you achieve your ambitions. Remember that everyone has the power to be creative and that creativity is primarily defined by the ability to think in unconventional ways. Help your staff to stretch their creative muscles by giving coaching training that will allow them to improve their creative thinking abilities.

Alternatively, we recommend our article on Design Thinking Process to solve company problems in an effective and innovatively way.

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Critical Thinking, Thinking Filed under Business

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Creative Problem Solving

Published by Bryce Logan Modified over 9 years ago

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Oct 23, 2019

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CREATIVE THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. Introductions Purpose Learning Objectives. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. PURPOSE: To develop the awareness and the skills necessary to solve problems creatively. LEARNING OBJECTIVES. 1. Define creative problem solving.

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Presentation Transcript


CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING • Introductions • Purpose • Learning Objectives

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PURPOSE: To develop the awareness and the skills necessary to solve problems creatively.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define creative problem solving. 2. Be familiar with common mental blocks to creative thinking process. 3. Explore ways to be more creative. 4. Know the steps to the creative problem solving process. 5. Be familiar with: Brainstorming, Mind mapping and Multivoting 6. Apply tools to solve a problem.

Workshop Outline • A. What is creative problem solving? • B. Why don’t we think creatively more often? • C. How can we be more creative? • D. What is the creative problem solving process? • E. What are some other specific creative problem solving tools and techniques? • F. Application of learning.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING What is creative problem solving?

Some Additional Thoughts • The creative person uses information to form new ideas. • The real key to creative problem solving is what you do with the knowledge. • Creative problem solving requires an attitude that allows you to search for new ideas and use your knowledge and experience. • Change perspective and use knowledge to make the ordinary extraordinary and the usual commonplace.

DEFINITION Creative problem solving is -

DEFINITION “Creative problem solving is - looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different.” Adapted from a famous quote from a former Nobel prize winner, Albert Szent-Gyorgi.

LET’S TALK ABOUT: Why don’t we think creatively more often? What are the barriers that get in our way?

BARRIERS THAT GET IN OUR WAY • Time • Why change? • Usually don’t need to be creative • Habit • Routine • Haven’t been taught to be creative What are some other barriers that get in our way?

MENTAL BLOCKS Mental blocks are reasons (attitudes) why we don’t “think something different.”

MENTAL BLOCKS 1. The _______ answer. 2. That’s not _________. 3. __________ the rules. 4. Be ______________. 5. ________ is frivolous. 6. That’s not my _____. 7. ________ ambiguity. 8. Don’t be _________. 9. __________is wrong. 10. I’m not __________.

MENTAL BLOCK # 1 • The right answer. Only one?

MENTAL BLOCK # 2 • The right answer. • That’s not logical.

MENTAL BLOCK # 3 Why rules should be challenged: • 1. We make rules based on reasons that make a lot of sense. • 2. We follow these rules. • 3. Time passes, and things change. • 4. The original reasons for the generation of these rules may no longer exist, but because the rules are still in place, we continue to follow them. • The right answer. • That’s not logical. • Follow the rules.

MENTAL BLOCK # 4 • The right answer. • That’s not logical. • Follow the rules. • Be practical.

MENTAL BLOCK # 5 • The right answer. • That’s not logical. • Follow the rules. • Be practical. • Play is frivolous. “When do you get your best ideas?”

MENTAL BLOCK # 6 • That’s not my area.

MENTAL BLOCK # 7 • That’s not my area. • Avoid ambiguity. AMBIGUITY

MENTAL BLOCK # 8 • That’s not my area. • Avoid ambiguity. • Don’t be foolish.

MENTAL BLOCK # 9 • That’s not my area. • Avoid ambiguity. • Don’t be foolish. • To err is wrong.

MENTAL BLOCK # 10 • That’s not my area. • Avoid ambiguity. • Don’t be foolish. • To err is wrong. • I’m not creative.

BEING MORE CREATIVE How can we be more creative? Jot down at least 3 ideas that come to your mind.

Golden Rules of Creative Thinking • Start small trying to discover new ways to be creative, ___________. • __________ to abandon the old, obsolete ways of doing things and explore new ways. • It is not possible to change the way we think about everything. ________ in which to try creative thinking techniques. • Understand that creative thinking requires __________, but it is worth it! • Remember that creative thinking is both _______ and__________!!!

Golden Rules of Creative Thinking (Continued) • _________ on what you can reasonably do. Trying to do too many things at once compromises the effort and may take away from the results. • _________creative thinking for today as well as tomorrow. • Include other people in the creative thinking process with you. __________fosters creative thinking. • Include _______ and ______ in your creative thinking process as well as ___________. • Keep ________________.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 1. State what appears to be the problem. The real problem may not surface until facts have been gathered and analyzed. Therefore, start with what you assume to be the problem, that can later be confirmed or corrected.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 2. Gather facts, feelings and opinions. What happened? Where, when and how did it occur? What is it’s size, scope, and severity? Who and what is affected? Likely to happen again? Need to be corrected? May need to assign priorities to critical elements.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 3. Restate the problem. The real facts help make this possible, and provide supporting data. The actual problem may, or may not be the same as stated in Step 1.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 4. Identify alternative solutions. Generate ideas. Do not eliminate any possible solutions until several have been discussed.

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 5. Evaluate alternatives. Which will provide the optimum solution? What are the risks? Are costs in keeping with the benefits? Will the solution create new problems?

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 6. Implement the decision! Who must be involved? To what extent? How, when and where? Who will the decision impact? What might go wrong? How will the results be reported and verified?

CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS STEP 7. Evaluate the results. Test the solution against the desired results. Make revisions if necessary.

10 Questions To Encourage Ideas • What if…? • How can we improve…? • How will the Optimist Member and/or the community benefit? • Are we forgetting anything? • What’s the next step?

10 Questions To Encourage Ideas • What can we do better…? • What do you think about…? • What should we add? • What should we eliminate? • What other ideas do you have...?

TOOLS & TECHNIQUES • Do we have time?

TOOLS & TECHNIQUES BRAINSTORMING Purpose: To generate a large number of ideas in a short period of time.

BRAINSTORMING Rules for Brainstorming: • The more ideas the better! • No discussion • No idea is a bad idea • Build on one another’s ideas • Display all ideas

BRAINSTORMING EXERCISE How Do We Motivate Our Local Optimist Club Members? Ideas: Freely record your ideas as they come to your mind.

Re-state the question to keep the process going Remember Creative Thinking What did you mean by that?!!! BRAINSTORMING GUIDELINES 1. Practice question:How Do We Motivate Our Local Optimist Club Members? 2. Clarify understanding. Once all the ideas have been generated (it may take approximately 5 to 6 minutes),review ideas offered.

Let’s combine ideas!!! Are wedone yet? BRAINSTORMING GUIDELINES 3. Combine items that are similar and/or eliminate duplicates. 4. Completion.

TOOLS & TECHNIQUES - MULTIVOTING • Purpose: To help a group of people make a decision with which they are comfortable. • Definition: A way to vote to select the most important or popular items (alternatives) from a list.

Multivoting List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Revised List 1. 2. 3. MULTIVOTING Steps 1. Generate a list of items and number each item. 2. If two or more items seem similar, they may be combined. 3. If necessary, renumber the items.

MULTIVOTING Steps (Continued) 4. Write down the numbers of the items you feel are the major cause of the problem. 5. Share your votes by a show of hands. 6. Eliminate those items with the fewest votes. 7. Repeat steps 3 (renumber) through 6 on the list of remaining items. Continue this process until only a few items remain. If a clear favorite does not emerge, the group may discuss the items listed and make a choice.

MIND MAPPING • Definition : A visual picture of a group of ideas, concepts or issues. • Purpose : • Unblock our thinking. • See an entire idea or several ideas on one sheet of paper. • See how ideas relate to one another. • Look at things in a new and different way. • Look at an idea in depth.

Motivating Members Methods How Think freely!! Mind Mapping Exercise 1. Initial Tumble of Ideas. • Over-sized blank sheet of paper. • Select word, phrase or problem statement to serve as a focus for discussion. • Print it in the middle of the paper. Enclose it in a box or oval. • Let a word pop out of your mind. Print it anywhere on the paper. • Underline it and connect the line with the problem statement (or key phrase or word) you are working. • Record the next idea and connect it to original focus point or the prior thought. • Continue printing and connecting words.

Motivating Members People Helping Others Purpose Resources Results Methods Fun Learning How Mind Mapping Exercise EXAMPLE

Mind Mapping Exercise-- Helpful Hints A • Keep your printing large and easy to read. • Feel free to use symbols and or pictures. • Have some fun using different colors.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving & Why Is It Important?

Business team using creative problem-solving

  • 01 Feb 2022

One of the biggest hindrances to innovation is complacency—it can be more comfortable to do what you know than venture into the unknown. Business leaders can overcome this barrier by mobilizing creative team members and providing space to innovate.

There are several tools you can use to encourage creativity in the workplace. Creative problem-solving is one of them, which facilitates the development of innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Here’s an overview of creative problem-solving and why it’s important in business.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Research is necessary when solving a problem. But there are situations where a problem’s specific cause is difficult to pinpoint. This can occur when there’s not enough time to narrow down the problem’s source or there are differing opinions about its root cause.

In such cases, you can use creative problem-solving , which allows you to explore potential solutions regardless of whether a problem has been defined.

Creative problem-solving is less structured than other innovation processes and encourages exploring open-ended solutions. It also focuses on developing new perspectives and fostering creativity in the workplace . Its benefits include:

  • Finding creative solutions to complex problems : User research can insufficiently illustrate a situation’s complexity. While other innovation processes rely on this information, creative problem-solving can yield solutions without it.
  • Adapting to change : Business is constantly changing, and business leaders need to adapt. Creative problem-solving helps overcome unforeseen challenges and find solutions to unconventional problems.
  • Fueling innovation and growth : In addition to solutions, creative problem-solving can spark innovative ideas that drive company growth. These ideas can lead to new product lines, services, or a modified operations structure that improves efficiency.

Design Thinking and Innovation | Uncover creative solutions to your business problems | Learn More

Creative problem-solving is traditionally based on the following key principles :

1. Balance Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Creative problem-solving uses two primary tools to find solutions: divergence and convergence. Divergence generates ideas in response to a problem, while convergence narrows them down to a shortlist. It balances these two practices and turns ideas into concrete solutions.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

By framing problems as questions, you shift from focusing on obstacles to solutions. This provides the freedom to brainstorm potential ideas.

3. Defer Judgment of Ideas

When brainstorming, it can be natural to reject or accept ideas right away. Yet, immediate judgments interfere with the idea generation process. Even ideas that seem implausible can turn into outstanding innovations upon further exploration and development.

4. Focus on "Yes, And" Instead of "No, But"

Using negative words like "no" discourages creative thinking. Instead, use positive language to build and maintain an environment that fosters the development of creative and innovative ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking

Whereas creative problem-solving facilitates developing innovative ideas through a less structured workflow, design thinking takes a far more organized approach.

Design thinking is a human-centered, solutions-based process that fosters the ideation and development of solutions. In the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar leverages a four-phase framework to explain design thinking.

The four stages are:

The four stages of design thinking: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement

  • Clarify: The clarification stage allows you to empathize with the user and identify problems. Observations and insights are informed by thorough research. Findings are then reframed as problem statements or questions.
  • Ideate: Ideation is the process of coming up with innovative ideas. The divergence of ideas involved with creative problem-solving is a major focus.
  • Develop: In the development stage, ideas evolve into experiments and tests. Ideas converge and are explored through prototyping and open critique.
  • Implement: Implementation involves continuing to test and experiment to refine the solution and encourage its adoption.

Creative problem-solving primarily operates in the ideate phase of design thinking but can be applied to others. This is because design thinking is an iterative process that moves between the stages as ideas are generated and pursued. This is normal and encouraged, as innovation requires exploring multiple ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving Tools

While there are many useful tools in the creative problem-solving process, here are three you should know:

Creating a Problem Story

One way to innovate is by creating a story about a problem to understand how it affects users and what solutions best fit their needs. Here are the steps you need to take to use this tool properly.

1. Identify a UDP

Create a problem story to identify the undesired phenomena (UDP). For example, consider a company that produces printers that overheat. In this case, the UDP is "our printers overheat."

2. Move Forward in Time

To move forward in time, ask: “Why is this a problem?” For example, minor damage could be one result of the machines overheating. In more extreme cases, printers may catch fire. Don't be afraid to create multiple problem stories if you think of more than one UDP.

3. Move Backward in Time

To move backward in time, ask: “What caused this UDP?” If you can't identify the root problem, think about what typically causes the UDP to occur. For the overheating printers, overuse could be a cause.

Following the three-step framework above helps illustrate a clear problem story:

  • The printer is overused.
  • The printer overheats.
  • The printer breaks down.

You can extend the problem story in either direction if you think of additional cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Break the Chains

By this point, you’ll have multiple UDP storylines. Take two that are similar and focus on breaking the chains connecting them. This can be accomplished through inversion or neutralization.

  • Inversion: Inversion changes the relationship between two UDPs so the cause is the same but the effect is the opposite. For example, if the UDP is "the more X happens, the more likely Y is to happen," inversion changes the equation to "the more X happens, the less likely Y is to happen." Using the printer example, inversion would consider: "What if the more a printer is used, the less likely it’s going to overheat?" Innovation requires an open mind. Just because a solution initially seems unlikely doesn't mean it can't be pursued further or spark additional ideas.
  • Neutralization: Neutralization completely eliminates the cause-and-effect relationship between X and Y. This changes the above equation to "the more or less X happens has no effect on Y." In the case of the printers, neutralization would rephrase the relationship to "the more or less a printer is used has no effect on whether it overheats."

Even if creating a problem story doesn't provide a solution, it can offer useful context to users’ problems and additional ideas to be explored. Given that divergence is one of the fundamental practices of creative problem-solving, it’s a good idea to incorporate it into each tool you use.


Brainstorming is a tool that can be highly effective when guided by the iterative qualities of the design thinking process. It involves openly discussing and debating ideas and topics in a group setting. This facilitates idea generation and exploration as different team members consider the same concept from multiple perspectives.

Hosting brainstorming sessions can result in problems, such as groupthink or social loafing. To combat this, leverage a three-step brainstorming method involving divergence and convergence :

  • Have each group member come up with as many ideas as possible and write them down to ensure the brainstorming session is productive.
  • Continue the divergence of ideas by collectively sharing and exploring each idea as a group. The goal is to create a setting where new ideas are inspired by open discussion.
  • Begin the convergence of ideas by narrowing them down to a few explorable options. There’s no "right number of ideas." Don't be afraid to consider exploring all of them, as long as you have the resources to do so.

Alternate Worlds

The alternate worlds tool is an empathetic approach to creative problem-solving. It encourages you to consider how someone in another world would approach your situation.

For example, if you’re concerned that the printers you produce overheat and catch fire, consider how a different industry would approach the problem. How would an automotive expert solve it? How would a firefighter?

Be creative as you consider and research alternate worlds. The purpose is not to nail down a solution right away but to continue the ideation process through diverging and exploring ideas.

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Continue Developing Your Skills

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader, learning the ropes of design thinking can be an effective way to build your skills and foster creativity and innovation in any setting.

If you're ready to develop your design thinking and creative problem-solving skills, explore Design Thinking and Innovation , one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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Creativity Creative Thinking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Creativity Creative Thinking

Creativity creative thinking & creative problem-solving 2 models of creative problem solving plus the incubation model of teaching: 13 additional creative qualities – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • 2 Models of Creative Problem Solving
  • The Incubation Model of Teaching
  • 13 Additional Creative Qualities
  • The domain of a few individuals
  • Not known to be linked to specific factors or traits
  • Exclusive of many individuals
  • Shared by all, varies by many factors
  • Exclusively world-altering
  • Personal vs Cultural creativity
  • Importance of distinguishing between these 2
  • Need to develop Personal to achieve Cultural
  • All people have this capacity, as with intelligence
  • Varies by degree, type, as with intelligence
  • In Potential (subject to training)
  • Identifiable via types of performances
  • Performance competencies can be developed
  • Novelty Unique, distinct, original responses to environment, experience, circumstances
  • Usefulness Serves a purpose responds to perceived need solves identified problem/s
  • Frequency of response actual total number of responses to a stimulus
  • Flexibility
  • Frequency of categories of responses actual total number of types of responses
  • Originality
  • Statistical infrequency of response for a given individual in a given group at a given time
  • Elaboration
  • Development of responses
  • Completion of ideas
  • Integration across ideas
  • Marketing ideas/alternatives
  • Working in your group, do the following
  • Identify a situation in a curriculum (content to be taught/learned) in which you could apply these models
  • Briefly describe the instructional situation
  • Who, what, when, why, how long, whats expected
  • Plan/state an activity that would develop each step of the 4 factor model
  • What is the aha?
  • Moments of insight intuition revelation
  • Moments of wholeness or oneness uniting with everything
  • Rational vs Supra-rational view of Creativity
  • Non-linear sequence/-ing of creative events
  • Creative indicators beyond the big 4 factors 13 additional qualities
  • Highlighting the essence (abstract titles)
  • Keeping open (resist premature closure)
  • Emotional awareness
  • Putting ideas into context
  • Combining synthesizing
  • Visualize richly, colorfully
  • Using fantasy
  • Using movement sound
  • Unusual visual perspective/s
  • Internal visualizations
  • Extending/breaking through boundaries
  • Using humor
  • Getting glimpses of infinity
  • Problem-finding
  • Pervasive impediment Assuming the problem is known, therefore, focus on finding the solution
  • Producing Alternatives
  • At all levels of problem-solving, increased fluency supports the processes the more alternatives, the greater the probability of creative solution/s
  • Originality Acceptance of being different
  • Adequate time
  • Play with ambiguity/uncertainty
  • Heightened awareness of importance
  • Make legitimate
  • Stage 1 Heightening Anticipation
  • Stage 2 Deepening Expectations
  • Stage 3 Keeping it Going
  • Stage 1 Heightening Anticipation (see p.9)
  • Create desire to know
  • Heighten anticipation/expectation
  • Get attention
  • Arouse curiosity
  • Tickle imagination
  • Give purpose/meaning
  • Stage 2 Deepening Expectations (see p.10)
  • Digging deeper
  • Looking twice
  • Listening for smells
  • Crossing out mistakes
  • Cutting holes so see through
  • Cutting corners
  • Getting in deep water
  • Getting out of locked doors
  • Stage 3 Keeping it Going (see pp.11-12)
  • Having a ball
  • Singing in ones own key
  • Building sand castles
  • Plugging in the sun
  • Shaking hands with tomorrow
  • Highlighting the essence
  • Retaining sense of importance
  • Staying focused
  • Discriminate relevant from irrelevant information
  • Add details
  • Develop a plan
  • Implement/sell a solution
  • Resistance to premature closure
  • Need for use of time
  • Practice with ideas in variety of circumstances w/o time constraints
  • Emotional Awareness
  • Acknowledge role/significance of affective experience/s
  • Adds to, not replaces, rational-cognitive experience/s
  • Personal insight/s
  • Putting Ideas into Context
  • Meaningful synthesis of ideas experiences
  • Personal, individual
  • Abstract analysis/synthesis
  • Part-part relationships
  • Part-whole relationships
  • Generalizations across concepts
  • Combine Synthesize
  • Combine types modes of information acquisition, processing retrieval
  • Brain laterality Right- vs Left-brained
  • Visualize Richly Colorfully
  • Alternative perceptions
  • Using Fantasy
  • Future possibilities
  • Varying point-of-view
  • Feeling comfortable with the unknown
  • Unconstrained by reality
  • Using Movement Sound
  • Experience via multiple modalities deepens concept learning
  • Kinesthetic auditory experiences Natural modalities for children ( experienced adults)
  • Unusual Visual Perspectives
  • Ability to see in different ways heightens experiences of innovation inventiveness
  • Internal Visualizations
  • Seeing the insides of objects, events, people, experiences can lead to new, deeper insights seeing multiple perspectives
  • Extending/breaking through Boundaries
  • Confronting the whats given limitation/bias
  • Recognizing that new possibilities always exist
  • Acknowledging the potential for ambiguity of the incomplete idea, object, etc, continuing problem-solving work
  • Using Enjoying Humor
  • Integrates or synthesizes physiological, psychological social processes
  • Accepting/understanding perceptual, conceptual incongruities
  • Recognizing unusual, unexpected combinations, surprises
  • Glimpses of Infinity
  • Open-ended environment
  • Positive focus on the future
  • Actively engaging ones self as part of perceived future for ideas to transcend the present
  • Developing anticipation for an open-ended, multi-possibility future

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20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates for 2024

In powerpoint templates ,.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Decision making is a crucial part of any business or organization, and the ability to make effective decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, making the right decision isn’t always easy, which is why it’s essential to have a strong problem-solving process in place. This blog post discusses the definition of problem solving and some of the recommended problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates .

What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving issues or challenges. It can be done individually or as part of a team. Problem solving usually requires a systematic approach and often includes steps such as:  identifying the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating the options, selecting the solution, and implementing the plan.  Of course, not every problem will require all of these steps. But in general, taking a systematic and structured approach to problem solving will increase the chances of finding a successful resolution. With practice, problem solving can become second nature – something that we do automatically and effortlessly. When faced with an issue or challenge, our first instinct will be to quickly find a solution that works.

The Problem Solving Process

The first step in the problem solving process is to identify the source of the problem. Once the source has been identified, it is important to gather information about the problem. This may include  conducting research, observing the situation, or speaking to those who are affected by the problem . Once enough information has been gathered, it is time to start brainstorming solutions. Possible solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility and potential impact. After a solution has been chosen, it is important to implement it in a way that is efficient and effective. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the situation to ensure that the chosen solution is having the desired effect. If not, then the problem solving process will need to begin anew in order to find a different solution.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates from SlideSalad

If you are looking for some helpful PPT templates to Create Problem solving Model PowerPoint presentations, then look no further! Here are some of the best problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates that you can use to make your next presentation. This clean template come with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of sample slides to get you started. With these multipurpose PowerPoint templates , you’ll be able to create a professional, engaging presentation that will help your audience understand the problem solving process and how to apply it in real-world situations. So check out these great problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates today and get started on your next presentation!

1. PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template – Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template - Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

The PDCA cycle is also known as the  Deming Wheel , named after  Dr. William Edwards Deming who introduced the concept in the 1950s.  The PDCA cycle is a quality control method that can be used to continually improve processes and systems. The four steps of the cycle are: Plan, Do, Check (study), and Act.  The Plan step involves identifying the problem and developing a plan to address it. The Do step involves implementing the plan. The Check (study) step involves monitoring the results of the implementation and determining whether they are effective. The Act step involves taking action to make permanent changes based on the findings of the study. By following this cycle, organizations can improve their processes and systems on an ongoing basis.

2. 5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides – Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides - Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

Five Why’s is a simple and effective root cause analysis tool that can be used to identify the underlying cause of an issue. The Five Why’s Framework is based on the premise that for every problem, there are five whys that need to be asked in order to get to the root cause. Asking why five times gets to the heart of the matter and helps to ensure that all possible causes are considered. The Five Why’s tool can be used for both individual and team problem-solving exercises. It is a helpful tool for preventing issues from recurring because it gets everyone thinking about all the potential causes of a problem, not just the most obvious ones. Buy and download this best problem solving PowerPoint template and get started illustrating the 5 Whys in your presentation.

3. CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams – The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

David Smyth first introduced the CATWOE Analysis in 1975 as a tool for business and systems analysis.

The acronym CATWOE stands for:

  • Transformation Process
  • Environmental Constraints

This framework can be used to identify and understand the key elements of a system under consideration. By taking into account the needs of customers, the people who will be affected by the system, the process that will be used to implement it, and the worldview that it represents, CATWOE Analysis provides a comprehensive way to understand complex systems. In addition, by considering environmental constraints and identifying who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system, CATWOE Analysis can help to ensure that a proposed system is viable and sustainable.

4. Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs – Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs - Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa diagrams also called cause and effect diagrams or Fishikawa , are a graphical tool used to identify possible causes of a problem. The name “fishbone” comes from the fact that the diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish . The main purpose of the fishbone diagram is to help identify all of the possible causes of a problem so that it can be more effectively addressed. The diagram is often used in quality management and Six Sigma initiatives as a way to brainstorm about potential causes and identify root causes. It can also be used in other business settings as a tool for identifying problems and their causes. While the fishbone diagram is most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries, it can be applied to any type of problem-solving situation. You can also use this recommended template for decision making presentations. To test our template quality, download some of our free PowerPoint templates .

5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template – Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

The KT methodology is based on four fundamental elements:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem (Opportunity) Analysis

These elements are designed to help individuals and organizations systematically identify, assess, and resolve problems in a rational and efficient manner. In each step, specific tools and techniques are used to help identify the cause of a problem or opportunity, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, and implement it effectively. The KT approach has been used successfully in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, government, and service. While the method is not without its critics, it continues to be one of the most popular problem-solving tools available today.

6. Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams – Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams - Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma is a quality refinement strategy that aims to reduce defects by minimizing variation in manufacturing and business processes. The DMAIC model, which stands for  Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control , is a framework for Six Sigma projects. The Define phase involves identifying the problem to be addressed and setting objectives. In the Measure phase, data is gathered to quantify the problem. In the Analyze phase, the data is analyzed to identify the root causes of variation. The Improve phase involves implementing solutions to address the root causes. Finally, in the Control phase, process control plans are put in place to ensure that the improvements are sustainable. By following the DMAIC model, Six Sigma projects can achieve substantial improvements in quality and productivity.

Features of SlideSalad’s Top Problem Solving PowerPoint Templates:

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7. Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates – Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates - Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking is a method for approaching problems with empathy, creativity, and a focus on real-world solutions. The process begins with empathizing with those who will be using the product or solution. This step helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end users. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the next step is to ideate or generate ideas for potential solutions. These ideas are then prototyped or put into a form that can be tested in the real world. Finally, the prototypes are tested with users to get feedback and refine the design. The Design Thinking process is an iterative one, meaning that each step is automatically followed by another round of refinement. This cycle continues until the problem is solved in a way that is both effective and efficient.

8. Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template – Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template - Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

The Simplex Problem-Solving Process, developed by Min Basadur , is a systematic and comprehensive approach to problem solving that can be applied to both individual and organizational problems . The process begins with problem finding, followed by fact-finding and problem definition. Once the problem has been adequately defined, the focus shifts to idea/solution finding; this involves generating and evaluating potential solutions to the problem. Once a satisfactory solution has been found, it is then necessary to sell the idea/gain acceptance from those who will be affected by it. Finally, taking action to implement the solution and monitoring its effectiveness completes the process. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain open communication and keep all stakeholders involved and informed of progress. The Simplex Problem-Solving Process is an effective tool for addressing both simple and complex problems in an organized and efficient manner. Purchase this elegant presentation theme to professionally present the Simplex problem solving process.

9. SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs – Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs - Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for generating new ideas. It was developed by Bob Eberle in 1971 as a way to help people develop their imagination.

The technique involves seven different steps:

  • Put to another use

Each step provides a different way of looking at a problem or challenge and can help to spark new ideas. For example, the “substitute” step asks you to consider what you could use instead of the existing element. This can lead to new ways of solving problems or creating entirely new products or services. The “combine” step asks you to consider two or more elements and how they could be combined. This can lead to new combinations of products or services or new ways of using existing products or services. The other steps provide similarly powerful ways of generating new ideas, and all together, they can help you to overcome creative blocks and come up with fresh solutions.

10. Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates – Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates - Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation management is a combination of strategic and operational activities that are necessary for an organization to introduce and deliver new products, services, or processes. The goal of innovation management is to create value through the development and commercialization of new ideas. There are many different models and practices that can be used to achieve this goal, but they all share some common elements. First, innovation management must identify and assess opportunities for a new product or service development. Second, it must create a plan for how to develop and commercialize these new ideas. Finally, it must monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the goals are met. By following these steps, organizations can increase their chances of successful innovation. All our multipurpose presentation templates include fully customizable slides, beautiful slide designs , awesome vector icons, objects and image layouts, resizable shapes , color schemes, colorful infographics , 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, and more.

11. Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template – The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template - The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Tim Hurson developed the Productive Thinking Model in his book, Think Better (2010) , and it is based on the premise that, in order to be successful, we need to understand what is going on, what success looks like, and what the question is. Once we have a clear understanding of these three things, we can then generate answers, forge the solution, and align resources. The model is designed to help individuals and organizations think more effectively so that they can achieve their desired outcomes. The Productive Thinking Model has been used by a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. When applied correctly, it can help individuals and organizations to achieve success. Once you are done with the presentation, you can save it on OneDrive or Google Drive for remote access.

12. 8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template – Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template - Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D (Eight Disciplines) is a problem-solving methodology used in engineering primarily for corrective action and preventive action. It includes specific steps for identifying, analyzing, and correcting root causes of defects/issues. The method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s but has since been adopted by other companies across various industries.

The 8D methodology follows a logical sequence of 8 steps:

  • Define the problem.
  • Form a cross-functional team.
  • Describe the current situation.
  • Identify and implement short-term containment actions.
  • Identify root causes and verify their effects.
  • Develop and implement permanent corrective actions.
  • Prevent the recurrence of the problem by implementing systemic improvements.
  • Congratulate the team on a job well done.

Following these steps helps to ensure that problems are properly identified and addressed at the root cause level, preventing them from recurring in the future. Additionally, involving a cross-functional team in the problem-solving process ensures that all relevant stakeholders have a chance to provide input and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, 8D is an effective tool for improving quality and preventing them from happening again in the future.

13. PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

The PPDAC cycle is a five-step process for solving problems and making decisions introduced by R.J. McKay and R.W. Oldford . It is commonly used in business and government, as well as in personal decision-making.

The steps in the cycle are:

  • Conclusions
  • The first step in the cycle is to identify the problem. This involves understanding what the problem is and why it is important to solve.
  • The second step is to develop a plan for how to solve the problem. This plan should take into account the resources available and the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action.
  • The third step is to gather data. This data can come from research, surveys, interviews, or observation. Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns.
  • The fourth step is to reach conclusions based on the data analysis. These conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clear and concise.
  • The fifth and final step is to take action based on the conclusions. This action may involve implementing a plan or making a decision.

The PPDAC cycle is a useful tool for solving problems and making decisions. It helps to ensure that all relevant information is considered and that decisions are based on evidence.

14. Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

The Straw Man Proposal is a brainstorming-like method for problem solving developed by McKinsey. It involves rapidly generating a large number of potential solutions to a problem, then evaluating and selecting the best one. The goal is to come up with an innovative solution that is feasible and superior to existing solutions. The technique is named after the “straw man” used in legal arguments, which is a weak or easily refuted opponent that is used to make the argument look stronger . In the same way, the Straw Man Proposal allows ideas to be quickly evaluated and rejected if they are not viable, leaving only the strongest ones remaining. This makes it an effective tool for finding creative solutions to complex problems. While it is often used by businesses, the Straw Man Proposal can be adapted for use in any situation where problem solving is needed.

15. ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

The ACHIEVE coaching model is a framework that can be used by coaches to help their clients assess their current situation, identify their goals, and generate and implement a plan of action. The model was developed by the Coaching Centre (Dombkowski and Eldridge) in 2003 , a UK-based organization that provides training and resources for coaches. The acronym ACHIEVE stands for Assess, Creative brainstorming, Hone goals, Initiate option generation, Evaluate options, Valid Action Programme Design, and Encourage momentum . The seven steps of the model can be applied to any coaching situation, and each step can be further customized to meet the specific needs of the client. The ACHIEVE coaching model is a flexible and comprehensive approach that can be used to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

16. STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPA Coaching Model was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod as a way to help people identify and achieve their goals. The acronym STEPPA stands for Subject, Target Identification, Emotion, Perception, Plan, Pace, and Action . Each of these components is essential for successful goal-setting and achievement. The first step, Subject, involves identifying what area of your life you want to improve. The second step, Target Identification, helps you to zero in on specific goals that you would like to achieve. The third step, Emotion, involves exploring the feelings that are associated with your goals. The fourth step, Perception, is about how you see yourself achieving your goals. The fifth step, Plan, helps you to develop a specific plan of action for achieving your goals. And finally, the sixth and seventh steps, Pace and Action, involve taking concrete steps towards achieving your goals. By following the STEPPA Coaching Model, you can set and achieve any goal that you desire.

17. ESH Framework PowerPoint Template – Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

ESH Framework PowerPoint Template - Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

The ESH Framework is a systems approach to organizational management and change that was developed by Dutch organizational theorists Mathieu Weggeman and Geert Hofstede . The framework is based on the premise that organizations are composed of five interrelated subsystems: strategy, structure, personnel, culture, and management styles . Each of these subsystems exerts a unique influence on organizational behavior and performance. To be effective, organizations must maintain a balance between these subsystems ( evenwicht ), as well as a sense of cohesion ( samenhang ) and diversity ( heterogeneity ). The ESH Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic way of understanding how organizations function and how they can be managed effectively. It is a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers alike.

18. David Rock’s Focus Model PowerPoint Template – Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock’s ‘Choose Your Focus’ Model

David Rock's Focus Model PowerPoint Template - Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock's 'Choose Your Focus' Model

In his book “ Quiet Leadership ,” David Rock discusses the importance of focusing on what is most important.

He divided this focus into six different areas:

Vision refers to having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and planning refers to taking the time to develop a detailed plan of how you will achieve it. Detail refers to ensuring that all the small details are taken care of, and problem refers to solving any problems that arise along the way. Drama refers to managing any difficult situations that may arise, and finally, quiet leadership refers to maintaining your composure and keeping your head during times of stress. By focusing on these six areas, you can increase your chances of success and achieving your goals. Buy and download a business PPT presentation template for an instant presentation.

19. 5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs – A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs - A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

The 5E learning model is a constructivist approach to teaching that emphasizes the learner’s experience and prior knowledge as the foundation for new learning. The model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in 1987  and has since been adopted by many school districts across the United States.

The 5E model is comprised of five stages:

The first stage, Engage, is designed to capture students’ attention and interest in the topic. The second stage, Explore, allows students to investigate the topic and form their own hypotheses. In the third stage, Explain, students share their hypotheses with the class and receive feedback from the teacher. The fourth stage, Elaborate, gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Finally, in the fifth stage, Evaluate, students reflect on their learning and assess their understanding of the material. The 5E learning model is an effective way to engage students in active learning and promote a deep understanding of content.

20. The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique is a structured brainstorming method that can be used by groups of people to generate ideas and solve problems. The technique was first developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe in 1992 . The process involves each member of the group working individually to generate ideas on a topic or problem. Once all members have generated their ideas, they then share their ideas with the person next to them and build on those ideas to create a “ladder” of solutions. This process is then repeated until all members of the group have had a chance to contribute. Once the ladder is complete, the group can then discuss the options and make a decision. The Stepladder Technique is an effective way to generate a large number of ideas and find creative solutions to problems. Try this corporate presentation template for your next successful problem solving PPT presentation. Also, consider purchasing some of our professional Google Slides and Keynote templates if needed.

21. Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template – Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template - Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are a neuro-linguistic programming and psychology term that refers to the three different ways we can view a situation. The first position is the ‘I, self’ position, where we view the situation from our own perspective. The second position is the ‘the other’ position, where we view the situation from the perspective of another person. The third position is the ‘the observer’ position, where we view the situation from an objective, detached perspective. By understanding and utilizing all three positions, we can gain a complete understanding of a situation and make more effective decisions.

Conclusion: Buying the Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

No matter which problem solving model you choose, Modern Premium PowerPoint templates can be a valuable tool for communicating your findings to others. SlideSalad’s problem solving models and techniques PPT templates come in a variety of styles and can be customized to fit your needs . Choose a template that includes all of the elements you need to present your data clearly and effectively. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an engaging and professional presentation that will help your team solve problems more efficiently.

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Problem Solving Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Presentation File Show Cpb

Presenting Critical Thinking Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Presentation File Show Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Critical Thinking Problem Solving. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

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Presenting Critical Thinking Problem Solving In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase five stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Critical Thinking Problem Solving. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

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Presenting our First Step Problem solving Critical Thinking In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on First Step Problem solving Critical Thinking This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Problem Solving Critical Thinking In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Problem Solving Critical Thinking In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase five stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Problem Solving Critical Thinking. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Critical thinking reasoning evaluating problem solving

Presenting this set of slides with name - Critical Thinking Reasoning Evaluating Problem Solving. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are Critical Thinking, Critical Thoughts, Critical Theory.

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Presenting this set of slides with name - Field Services Develop Knowledge Critical Thinking Problem Solving. This is an editable six graphic that deals with topics like field services, develop knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download, and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Critical Thinking Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Summary Show Cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint three stages graphic that deals with topics like Critical Thinking Problem Solving to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Critical Thinking Problem Solving Examples Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint five stages graphic that deals with topics like Critical Thinking Problem Solving Examples to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Develop Ppt Slides. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Processes, Investigation, Plan, Develop, Analyze Data, Informed Decisions. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Team Ppt Model. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Leadership Identity, Communication And Influencing, Team And Team Building, Motivating And Engaging, Leading And Managing Change, Technical Knowledge. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Innovation Ppt Slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are Effective Reasoning, Creativity And Innovation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Schema Development And Activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Team Ppt Slides. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Leadership Identity, Communication And Influencing, Team And Team Building, Motivating And Engaging, Leading And Managing Chang, Technical Knowledge. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Creativity And Innovation Ppt Slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Effective Reasoning, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template, Creativity, Innovation, Schema Development, Activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Leadership Ppt Presentation Slides. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Leadership Identity, Technical Knowledge, Motivating And Engaging, Communication, Influencing, Teams, Team Building, Leading, Managing Change. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Multiple Processes Ppt File Slides. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Plan And Manage, Collect And Analyze, Processes And Diverse, Significant Questions, Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Informed Decisions, Alternative Solutions. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Leadership Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Leadership Identity, Communication And Influencing, Team And Team Building, Motivating And Engaging, Leading And Managing Change, Technical Knowledge. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems plan ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration. The topics discussed in these slides are Multiple Processes, Authentic Problems, Investigation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems template decisions ppt deck

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Decisions Ppt Deck. The topics discussed in these slides are Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Template Decisions. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems template innovation ppt samples

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Innovation Ppt Samples. The topics discussed in these slides are Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Template Innovation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Knowledge Ppt Designs. The topics discussed in these slides are Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Template Knowledge. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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  1. 9 Creative Problem Solving Tools (Free PPT and PDF Download)

    Four Stages of Creative Problem Solving. The first two stages help you and your group 'explore ideas'. The third stage helps you select the best ideas and the fourth tests the feasibility of your best ideas. These are the four stages you need to go through (no skipping a stage please): Idea generation. Idea expansion.

  2. PPT

    CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PURPOSE: To develop the awareness and the skills necessary to solve problems creatively. Optimist International. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define creative problem solving. 2. Be familiar with common mental blocks to creative thinking process. 3. Explore ways to be more creative. 4.

  3. PDF University of Utah

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  4. Problem Solving and Creative Thinking

    Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Creative thinking supports critical thinking …. While critical thinking focuses on step-by-step, linear processes aimed at arriving at a correct answer, creative thinking begins with possibility, multiple ideas, and suspended judgement. It might be said that creative thinking supports ...

  5. Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking

    Creative thinking differs from critical thinking in this it is expansive, focusing on producing unique solutions (i.e., new alternatives) Creative thinking requires you to temporarily suspend what you might know about a question or problem to gain different perspectives. 12 Source: Paul & Elder, Foundation for Critical Thinking.

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    4. Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Problem. Solving. Creative thinking supports critical thinking. While critical thinking focuses on step-by-step, linear processes aimed at arriving at a correct. answer, creative thinking begins with. possibility, multiple ideas, and suspended. judgement.

  7. Creative Thinking: The skill to think out of the box

    Problem-solving: After thorough research and analysis of the problem, you need to look for an appropriate solution. With problem-solving skills, you can sort and arrange data found during the research process to develop a logical and practical answer. Open-mindedness: A creative mind is flexible, and creativity requires fluid thinking. Being ...

  8. Creative Problem Solving

    4 Creative Problem SolvingCreativity:"Creativity is a cognitive activity that results in a new or novel way of viewing a problem or situation.""Creativity is the process of challenging accepted ideas and ways of doing things in order to find new solutions or concepts.". 5 Creative Problem Solving"Creativity involves changing your ...


    Presentation Transcript. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PURPOSE: To develop the awareness and the skills necessary to solve problems creatively. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define creative problem solving. 2. Be familiar with common mental blocks to creative thinking process. 3. Explore ways to be more creative. 4.

  10. Unit 7-Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and ...

    Unit Seven covers problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and decision making. It defines these concepts and discusses their importance for nurses. The unit outlines six learning objectives, including defining problem solving and decision making tools. It then provides details on the six step problem solving process, emphasizing defining the problem, analyzing it, generating solutions ...

  11. Problem Solving Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Solve problems with ease using a problem-solving PowerPoint template. Whether you're a business professional, educator, or student, these templates will help you present your solutions in a clear and engaging way. With customizable slides, you can effectively explain your thought process and showcase your problem-solving skills.

  12. What Is Creative Problem-Solving & Why Is It Important?

    Creative problem-solving primarily operates in the ideate phase of design thinking but can be applied to others. This is because design thinking is an iterative process that moves between the stages as ideas are generated and pursued. This is normal and encouraged, as innovation requires exploring multiple ideas.

  13. Creativity Creative Thinking

    Creativity Creative Thinking. Description: Creativity Creative Thinking & Creative Problem-solving 2 Models of Creative Problem Solving plus The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Additional Creative Qualities - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 2003. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. Slides: 27. Provided by: peopleUnc46.

  14. 20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint ...

    Buy PowerPoint Template. 5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure. The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

  15. Problem Solving Critical Thinking PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    The topics discussed in these slides are Effective Reasoning, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template, Creativity, Innovation, Schema Development, Activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download.