• Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Study programmes
  • PhD program
  • After accepting a PhD ...

After accepting a PhD stipend

This page is only relevant if you have already been offered and has accepted a PhD stipend. If not you should go to PhD calls page .

If you have been offered a PhD stipend (or in case you don't need a stipend because you have funding from other sources), then you must enroll as a PhD student at the PhD school of the Faculty of Sciences . This is done through an online system called PhD-planner. The PhD secretary  Nina Weisse   will set you up in the system.

In PhD-planner you should, in collaboration with you future supervisor, draft a plan of your PhD studies. It is not expected that you can supply all information about your PhD at this point. A final PhD plan is expected only a few months after you have begun your PhD studies.

When all this is done and approved, then you are ready to become a PhD student at our department!

Applying for a PhD

  • After accepting a PhD stipend  
  • Mini-guide on how to fill the online application form

Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Thesis and defence

Submission of thesis

Before submitting your phd thesis.

Approximately two months before submitting your PhD thesis, you must nominate an assessment committee for the assessment of your thesis and the PhD defence.

You and your principal supervisor nominate the committee by submitting the form " Nominating an assessment committee ".

How to submit your thesis

All PhD students have to submit their PhD thesis in PhD Planner.

What to do ?

  • 90 days before the submission date of your PhD thesis, the Graduate School will open the task "Await. submission thesis by PhD student" in PhD Planner and send you an email regarding this
  • Log in to   PhD Planner   with your UCPH user account and password
  • Find the open task under "My tasks"
  • Click on "send to PhD administration", upload your thesis, provide the required information and submit
  • Your thesis must not exceed 100MB. Minimize it by compressing any images. The co-authorship declarations must be submitted in a separate PDF.

What happens next?

  • When you have submitted, you will receive an email to confirm that the Graduate School has received your thesis and will check that all formal requirements have been met
  • When we have checked the formal requirements, we will send you an email with a formal receipt for submission of thesis

Please note that your enrolment in the Graduate School terminates when you submit your PhD thesis. If you are employed at UCPH, you should inform the UCPH HR department about the submission of your thesis to make sure your PhD employment is terminated at the same time. There may be different rules and conditions that you must be aware of regarding your employment.

How to submit earlier than 90 days before submission date

If you want to submit your thesis earlier than 90 days before submission date, please send an email to [email protected] to let us know. Please make sure you fulfill all requirements for finishing the PhD programme before sending the email. 

If you experience problems regarding PhD Planner or forgot your UCPH user ID and/or password, please consult our   support website

No corrections to the thesis after submission

You can only submit one version of the thesis. This version must be the final version. It is not possible to make any changes in the thesis after submitting it to the Graduate School. This includes corrections of content, misspellings or change of layout. However, minor changes in layout required for publication of the thesis and replacement of an unpublished manuscript with an unaltered published article is allowed.

Printing the thesis

The PhD thesis may be printed once it has been recommended for defence.

It is the PhD student’s responsibility that copies of the PhD thesis are available to the public.

The Graduate School pays for 12 copies of the thesis per PhD student through an agreement with UCPH’s in-house printing service, Campus Print, on the printing of PhD theses. Please note, that this includes two copies for the legal deposit to the Royal Danish Library.

The Graduate School does not cover any printing expenses beyond the 12 copies.

To order copies of your thesis, you must contact Campus Print at [email protected] . Please state that you are a PhD student at SUND and the number of copies you would like to have printed. No other information is needed. If you would like to have more than 12 copies printed, you must also include billing information for the payment of the additional copies.

Read more about Campus Print (in Danish Advice from Campus Print concerning pagination (PDF)  (short version)

Advice from Campus Print concerning pagination (PDF) (full version)

Upload your thesis to the Royal Library for legal deposit

All PhD theses produced at SUND are subject to legal deposit to the Royal Library.

As a main rule it is the PhD student’s responsibility to hand over the PhD thesis to the Royal Library. You can upload it via this link:  Legal deposit | kb.dk  under “Login and upload of e-books”. Please note that you must have NemID/MitID to do the upload. PhD students who do not have NemID/MitID are exempted from uploading their thesis to the Royal Library.

If the thesis is printed by a Danish printing office, it is the responsibility of the printing office to send two copies of the printed version of the thesis to the Royal Library, Pligtafleveringen, Chr. Brygge 8, 1219 K ø benhavn K.

If the thesis is printed, but not by a Danish printing office, it is the PhD student’s responsibility to send two copies of the printed thesis to the Royal Library at the abovementioned address.

The thesis must be uploaded via the link Legal deposit | kb.dk  regardless of whether two printed copies of the thesis has been sent to the Royal Library.

Access to IT programmes at KU after submission

The Graduate school will ensure that you have access to your KUmail, PhD Planner and free software, e.g. UCPH's license to Zoom, until you have received your diploma.

Nominating an assessment committee

Screening for duplicate text, extension of the phd programme, illustration: the final stages of the phd.

Drug Research Academy

  • PhD planner - new admi...

PhD planner - new admin system

On 4 March 2021, all handling of PhD programmes for PhD students at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology and Department of Pharmacy will be transferred to a new administrative system, PhD Planner. 

What does this mean for you? For you as a PhD student, this means that you have to handle a number of things in PhD Planner that you currently do by email or via an electronic form.

You must handle the following issues in PhD Planner from 4 March 2021:

  • Registration of maternity/paternity leave and long-term illness as well as applications for part-time PhD programme, leaves of absence, extension of enrolment and changes in your supervisor group
  • Registration and approval of external courses and change of environment
  • Nominating your assessment committee
  • Handing in your thesis

If it is necessary that your principal supervisor approves one of your applications, he or she must approve directly in PhD Planner. Therefore, you no longer need to obtain approval by email or via a physical form with signature.

  • PhD-positions

As a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen you have the opportunity to advance your international career as part of a world class research team. Every year, UCPH enrols more than 700 new PhD students. The University of Copenhagen offers cutting edge research in an international atmosphere. In 2013 Monocle Magazine heralded Copenhagen as "the most liveable city in the world".

Read about the job structure and the recruitment process for faculty and academic staff.

Faculty of Science Kemisk Institut 30-08-2024
Faculty of Humanities Institut for Kommunikation 31-08-2024
Faculty of Theology Centre of African Studies 01-09-2024
Faculty of Science NEXS 01-09-2024
Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication 01-09-2024
Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 01-09-2024
Faculty of Humanities The SAXO Institute 01-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 01-09-2024
Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 01-09-2024
Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 01-09-2024
Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 04-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Center for Health Data Science 04-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Neuroscience 05-09-2024
Faculty of Science FOOD 06-09-2024
Faculty of Science Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology 08-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 08-09-2024
Faculty of Science The Niels Bohr Institute 10-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 15-09-2024
Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 15-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Section for Molecular Ecology and Evolution 15-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab 15-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science Department of Biology 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science FOOD 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science Biologisk Institut 15-09-2024
Faculty of Science Department of Science Education 18-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research 20-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research 20-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research 20-09-2024
Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication 25-09-2024
Faculty of Science Department of Science Education 25-09-2024
Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 29-09-2024
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Centre for Start and Planet Formation 01-10-2024
Faculty of Science IFRO 04-10-2024
Faculty of Science The Department of Chemistry 09-10-2024
Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 01-11-2024
  • PhD School of SCIENCE
  • PhD Courses

Course Databases

The Faculty of Science offers a large range of PhD courses. We aim to offer courses that give you an insight in areas of a specific academic nature, as well as courses of a general, research-relevant nature, e.g. communication, research ethics or statistics. Prices for PhD courses depending on student type

frontPlanner - PhD courses at SCIENCE

Phd courses in denmark.

PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) can participate in generic courses at other faculties and Universities in Denmark (except CBS) for free provided vacant seats are available. If the courses are expensive, then a fee may be charged by the organizing department. If you have doubts about whether you, as a PhD student at SCIENCE, must pay for a course, we recommend that you ask the course organiser before signing up.

PhD Courses in Denmark - National PhD Course Database

Msc courses at the faculty of science.

PhD students at the Faculty of Science can follow the faculty’s MSc courses as a credit student.

It is very important that you register for Full Degree Master courses in the right way and within deadline!

MSc Courses at UCPH

How to register for msc courses as a phd student.

Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

Phd studies.

PhD studies are a key element and integrated part of the research and education environment at IFRO. IFRO wishes to be known among current and prospective PhD students as an attractive workplace with rewarding scientific collaboration and good PhD education resulting in reflective and critical researchers with a strong academic profile. IFRO has a vibrant and highly international PhD environment with around 50-70 on-going PhD studies at any given time and offers 6-8 PhD courses a year.

Vacant PhD positions

IFRO only accepts applications from potential PhD students applying for available positions or from potential PhD students that bring their own funding.  All vacant positions, including PhD positions and open calls, will be posted here.

Staff at IFRO

Research at ifro, portraits of our phd students, potential phd students, study structure, timeline, and working in denmark.

The PhD School of Science (the Faculty that Department of Food and Resource are a part of) has collected relevant information for you as a potential PhD student, such as information about study structure, timeline enrolment, work in Denmark and likewise:

PhD School of Science

Vacant positions, open calls and PhD programmes

If you are interested in joining IFRO as a PhD student, you will find all available positions and open calls here:

Vacant positions

TALENT programme

IFRO is part of the TALENT programme.  TALENT is a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union, offering 74 PhD scholarships in the natural and life sciences. The 74 PhD positions will be awarded in the course of four application rounds during its first two years, i.e. in the period 1 August 2018-31 July 2020. However, the programme as such runs for five years, ending on 31 July 2023.


Present PhD students

Planning, timeline, phd planner and submission.

The PhD School of Science (the faculty that IFRO is part of) has collected a lot of information relevant to you as a PhD student at IFRO, such as information on planning, timeline, PhD Planner, submission and assessment of your thesis:

Go to the website of the PhD School of Science

For information on PhD administration at the department, see below.

PhD Administration at Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

Administrative officer Tine Milton is the PhD secretary. If you have any questions related to PhD administration (contracts, procedures and likewise), you can contact Tine at   [email protected]

PhD coordinators

There is a PhD coordinator in each section of the department.

  • Associate Professor   Martin Reinhardt Nielsen   (Section for Global Development)
  • Associate Professor   Wusheng Yu   (Section for Production, Markets and Policy )
  • Associate Professor   Wesley Dean   (Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance)
  • Associate Professor   Christian Gamborg   (Section for Environment and Natural Resources)

PhD Committee at Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

The research committee at IFRO has delegated responsibility for administration of the PhD education at IFRO to a PhD committee. The PhD committee is a forum for discussion and development of measures to support a vibrant PhD environment at the department.

If you are already a PhD fellow at IFRO, you can access  the PhD Committee's site at KUnet (requires log-in) .

PhD courses at Faculty of Science

Phd defences, past phd defences at department of food and resource economics, phd defence: clara garcia bouyssou, phd defence: rikke sigmer nielsen, phd defence: mar moure peña.

Show all events

Associate Professor Mariève Pouliot. Deputy head of Department for Research at IFRO.

Associate Professor  Christian Gamborg . Chairperson of the PhD Committee at IFRO.

Tine Milton HR & PhD Secretary at IFRO.

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

  • Landscape Architecture...

Nature, Green Spaces and Outdoor Recreation

Nature, Green Spaces and Outdoor Recreation



Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

Spatial Change and Planning

Spatial Change and Planning

Landscape Architecture and Urban History

Landscape Architecture and Urban History

Nature, Health and Design

Nature, Health and Design

Landscape Technology

Landscape Technology

Landscape architecture and planning.

Our research is multi-disciplinary including landscape architecture, planning, engineering, biology, forestry, geography, GIS based spatial analysis, and urban governance, and it is both basic and applied. It is important that research results contribute to a sustainable practice for the development of cities and landscapes, environmentally as well as socially, economically, and culturally.

Many of our research projects are undertaken in cooperation with partners from both the public and the private sector.

Landscape Architecture and Planning – Design

Employees landscape architecture and planning – design, landscape architecture and planning – society, employees landscape architecture and planning – society, inquiries to the sections.

Sara Folvig +45 35 33 08 58 [email protected]

Head of Sections

Associate Professor

+45 35 33 17 71

Associate Professor

+45 35 33 10 33

Research Centres

Centre for Strategic Urban Research Forest & Landscape Denmark

Research groups

Study programmes.


phd planner ucph

Course Journals

Research on video.

phd planner ucph

Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Women in Danish Architecture ikke kan afspilles.

PhD programmes

phd planner ucph

PhD in Copenhagen?

Learn more about the opportunities at the University's six PhD schools.

phd planner ucph

The PhD Process at UCPH

Answers about funding, admission, supervision, courses and completing a PhD programme.

Tips for studying abroad

What to think about when planning a study tour abroad in connection with a PhD.

Contact PhD Programmes

The University of Copenhagen has six PhD programmes - one for each Faculty.


Check the legislation and regulations that apply to PhD's at the University of Copenhagen.

Career opportunities

PhD graduates from UCPH find employment in a wide variety of public and private sector organisations.

Available PhD-positions

See available PhD-positions at the University of Copenhagen.

PhD School in the Humanities

  • How to obtain a PhD scholarship
  • Application process an...

Application process and timeline

Application procedures and timeline for the processing of applications differ depending on the kind of call, scholarship and/or affiliation to the PhD School in the Humanities.

There are three ways to approach the application process:

  • T he open calls  for PhD scholarships are only announced once a year.
  • Specific calls, with a predefined research objective – usually part of a collective research project – are announced throughout the year.
  • If you bring your own funding through an external grant or personal means, you can apply for admission at any time.

Read about  financing and types of PhD scholarships .

1. The yearly open calls for PhD scholarships

We invite all qualified candidates to apply for the yearly PhD scholarships with a proposal for a PhD project that fits the relevant department’s research profile.

Open calls require you to draw up an individual project proposal before applying. Your application will undergo a competitive evaluation process. Usually, there are many applicants from both Denmark and abroad. From previous years’ experience, the chances of obtaining a scholarship range from 5-10%.


Advertisement for vacant positions is published.


Deadline for submitting PhD applications


Applications are shortlisted for assessment: After the application deadline a selection committee will pre-select PhD applications that will proceed to the assessment (shortlist). All applicants are notified via email whether they have been shortlisted or not.

The Assessment Committee conducts the evaluations.


Evaluations of shortlisted applicants are sent to applicants via email for consultation response (with a five-day deadline for submitting a response).


Interviews with select candidates are conducted.  

All applicants are notified about the result of the faculty’s decision. Successful applicants are offered a scholarship. 


Successful candidates receive a formal letter of enrolment and employment.

1 September

The PhD scholars begin their PhD programme at the University of Copenhagen.

2.  PhD scholarships advertised through specific calls with a predefined topic and research objective

Applications for advertised PhD scholarships must be submitted via the link in the advertisement and comply with the instructions in the advertisement.

Specific calls

6-8 weeks before the application deadline

Advertisement for the vacant position is published.

Deadline for submitting PhD applications

1-4 weeks after the application deadline

Applications are shortlisted for assessment: After the application deadline a selection committee will pre-select PhD applications that will proceed to the assessment (shortlist). All applicants are notified via email whether they have been shortlisted or not. 


Assessment Committee conducts the evaluations.

Shortlisted applicants are informed of the composition of the Assessment Committee.


Evaluations are sent to applicants via email for consultation response (with a five-day deadline for submitting a response).


Interviews with select candidates are conducted.

All applicants are notified about the result of the faculty’s decision. Successful applicants are offered a scholarship. 

2-6 weeks before the enrolment date

The PhD scholar receives a letter of enrolment and a letter of employment.

Employment date

The PhD scholars begin their PhD programme at the University of Copenhagen.

3.  PhD applicants with external funding or enrolment as a self-financed PhD student

Prospective PhD students who have external funding, an international grant or want to be self-financed can apply for enrolment as a PhD student at any time. Submit your application via email to the PhD Administration ( [email protected] ).

Read about  admission and application requirements .   

6-12 months before the enrolment starts

Prospective PhD students will need to document, that they have the necessary funding to cover education fee and the minimum allowance for living expenses in Denmark throughout the 3-year PhD programme.

Prospective PhD students bringing their own funds will be expected to submit a CV and a PhD project proposal to facilitate a clear picture of the research objectives etc. The PhD Coordinator will determine whether the department has the capacity to supervise the PhD project.

See  in order to contact the department where you would like to work, regarding supervision for your proposed project.

Usually, 3-6 months before the enrolment starts

The PhD Administration will send guidelines and documents to be filled in and submitted.

Usually, 1-3 months before the enrolment starts

The PhD Administration processes the application and initiates an academic evaluation and approval of the application for enrolment by the PhD school, and for employment by the Head of Department.

0-1 month before the enrolment date

Enrolment date

If you have any questions regarding the requirements and the application process, contact the Phd Administration . 


  1. PhD Planner Introduction

    phd planner ucph

  2. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner ucph

  3. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner ucph

  4. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner ucph

  5. Printable Academic Planner PhD Weekly Planner Writing

    phd planner ucph

  6. Phd Planner, Graduate School Planner, Thesis Planner, Dissertation

    phd planner ucph


  1. PhD Planner

    When you receive an email from the Graduate School regarding a new task, log in to PhD Planner with your UCPH user account and password. Under "My tasks" you will find your open task (s) Click on "Send to PhD administration" and read the information provided by the PhD student and provide your assessment.

  2. PhD School of SCIENCE

    A PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution(s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge dissemination. ... Check out the available PhD positions at UCPH. PhD School at SCIENCE. ... PHD Planner. Intranet for current phd students. PhD ...

  3. Apply for extension of enrolment

    All PhD students have to apply for extension of enrolment in PhD Planner. What to do? Log in to PhD Planner with your UCPH user account and password. Click on the tab "Applications" and again on "Add application". Select "Extension of enrolment" in the drop-down menu, provide the required information and submit. What happens next?

  4. Apply for Part-time PhD study

    Apply for Part-time PhD study. All PhD students have to apply for part-time study in PhD Planner. What to do? Log in to PhD Planner with your UCPH user account and password. Click on the tab "Applications" and again on "Add application". Select "Part-time PhD Programme" in the drop-down menu, provide the required information and submit.

  5. Apply for extension

    If you are an industrial PhD students you must enclose a pre-approval from Innovation Fund Denmark. The pre-approval must be uploaded to the PhD Planner when you start your application. Start your application: Log in to PhD Planner with your UCPH user account and password; Click on the tab "Applications" and again on "Add application"

  6. Submit your regular assessments

    If you experience problems regarding PhD Planner or forgot your UCPH user ID and/or password, please consult our support website. University of Copenhagen Nørregade 10 1165 København K Contact: The Graduate School graduateschool @sund.ku.dk Tel: +45 35 32 65 70. University of Copenhagen. Management ...

  7. After accepting a PhD stipend

    The PhD secretary Nina Weisse will set you up in the system. In PhD-planner you should, in collaboration with you future supervisor, draft a plan of your PhD studies. It is not expected that you can supply all information about your PhD at this point. A final PhD plan is expected only a few months after you have begun your PhD studies.

  8. Application Guide

    Application Guide. All applications for enrolment go through the relevant department at SCIENCE. Once a candidate has been selected, the department initiates the enrolment application via the PhD administrative system PhD Planner. The selected candidate will then shortly after, receive an e-mail with information on how to fill in the relevant ...

  9. Are you using PhD Planner outside the wired UCPH network?

    As part of getting UCPH one of the safest universities regarding IT- security in the world, several initiatives will be taken by UCPH IT. PhD Planner is one of the IT systems where UCPH IT are increasing data security and they are doing this by implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA). This will happen 17 November 2022. How does this ...

  10. Submission of thesis

    The PhD thesis may be printed once it has been recommended for defence. It is the PhD student's responsibility that copies of the PhD thesis are available to the public. The Graduate School pays for 12 copies of the thesis per PhD student through an agreement with UCPH's in-house printing service, Campus Print, on the printing of PhD theses.

  11. PhD planner

    You must handle the following issues in PhD Planner from 4 March 2021: Registration of maternity/paternity leave and long-term illness as well as applications for part-time PhD programme, leaves of absence, extension of enrolment and changes in your supervisor group. Registration and approval of external courses and change of environment.

  12. The PhD process at UCPH

    In the standard process at the University of Copenhagen, there are generally three regular assessments. These are made at the 26 month, 14 month and six month points before completion of PhD studies. In the flex schemes, regular assessments are made at the following points (months) before completion of the PhD: Individual faculties may ...

  13. Timeline Enrolment

    Steps. 1. The department initiates the enrolment procedure in PhD planner. The applicant, supervisor and other relevant staff will receive an e-mail soon after, with details on how to proceed. 2. The application is evaluated by the head of the PhD School and the head of the PhD study board. 3A.

  14. PhD School

    [email protected]. PhD Courses. [email protected]. Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Bülowsvej 17 DK-1870 Frederiksberg C Contact: PhD School of SCIENCE phd @science.ku.dk Tel: +45 35 32 ... Connect with UCPH ...

  15. PhD School of SCIENCE

    A PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution(s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge dissemination. ... Check out the available PhD positions at UCPH. PhD School at SCIENCE. ... PHD Planner. Intranet for current phd students. PhD ...

  16. Course Portfolio

    10 ECTS credits are earmarked for the compulsory 4-module course 'Fundamentals of the PhD education at SCIENCE'. The course is held in cohorts stretches across your PhD programme and covers subjects and skills that you will need - both in the different stages of your PhD and in your future career. This includes e.g. planning your PhD.

  17. PhD-positions

    PhD. As a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen you have the opportunity to advance your international career as part of a world class research team. Every year, UCPH enrols more than 700 new PhD students. The University of Copenhagen offers cutting edge research in an international atmosphere. In 2013 Monocle Magazine heralded Copenhagen ...

  18. Course Databases

    Course Databases. The Faculty of Science offers a large range of PhD courses. We aim to offer courses that give you an insight in areas of a specific academic nature, as well as courses of a general, research-relevant nature, e.g. communication, research ethics or statistics. Prices for PhD courses depending on student type.

  19. PhD studies

    Vacant positions, open calls and PhD programmes. TALENT is a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union, offering 74 PhD scholarships in the natural and life sciences. The 74 PhD positions will be awarded in the course of four application rounds during its first two years, i.e. in the period 1 August 2018-31 July 2020. However, the ...

  20. Landscape Architecture and Planning

    Landscape Architecture and Planning. The main research areas for the sections are development, planning, design, and management of urban areas, green spaces and rural landscapes. Our research is multi-disciplinary including landscape architecture, planning, engineering, biology, forestry, geography, GIS based spatial analysis, and urban ...

  21. PhD Programmes

    What to think about when planning a study tour abroad in connection with a PhD. Contact PhD Programmes. The University of Copenhagen has six PhD programmes - one for each Faculty. ... PhD graduates from UCPH find employment in a wide variety of public and private sector organisations. Available PhD-positions. See available PhD-positions at the ...

  22. Application process and timeline

    When. With external funding without UCPH call, an international grant or as a self-financed PhD student. 6-12 months before the enrolment starts. The prospective PhD student contacts a relevant department through the PhD Coordinator. Prospective PhD students will need to document, that they have the necessary funding to cover education fee and the minimum allowance for living expenses in ...

  23. PDF PhD planner Quick Guide for PhD students: How to update a PhD plan in

    responsive design. It is possible to open PhD Planner on these devices but it is difficult to work in the system. Start page of the PhD planner If there is a task waiting for you, you will be directed to the 'Home' tab. If not, you will be directed to your PhD plan on the 'My PhD Plan' tab. On the 'Home' tab, there are two headings: