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Ocean Engineering Ph.D.

Ocean Engineering

Led by faculty with broad and interdisciplinary research interests, graduate ocean engineering students can choose from a diverse group of courses in ocean related subjects, preparing them for jobs in large and small corporations, consulting firms, and government research laboratories.


  • Geomechanics
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Ocean Instrumentation
  • Offshore Energy
  • Offshore Structures
  • Underwater Robotics
  • Water Wave Mechanics

Classes Offered

  • Narragansett Bay Campus
  • Days and Evenings

Time to Completion

  • Full-time: 3-5 years
  • Part-time: 4+ years


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Ocean Engineering, Ph.D.

Ocean Engineering, Ph.D.

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The Ph.D. In Ocean Engineering

Florida Tech offers a diverse doctoral program in ocean engineering built on a multidisciplinary approach that includes many subfields in engineering.  Our program includes training in ocean engineering, naval architecture, oceanography, meteorology, environmental science, and marine biology.

Professional Mentorship from an Expert Faculty

Florida Tech's Ph.D. program in Ocean Engineering provides everything you would expect from a large university in a more intimate, focused environment, where professors mentor students, class sizes are small, and there is ample opportunity for hands-on research in some of the most diverse coastal environments in the world.


Students seeking an ocean engineering PhD interact with experts at environment-oriented businesses and organizations that provide unique learning opportunities, research guidance, and internships. The university has close relationships with numerous organizations including:

  • 45th Weather Squadron of the United States Air Force
  • NASA Kennedy Space Center
  • Hubbs Sea World Research Institute
  • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
  • Marine Resources Council
  • National Weather Service

In-Depth Research

As a leading research university, graduate students earning an ocean engineering PhD get out in the field and conduct research in real-world scenarios. Students have a chance to work with national research organizations and institutes, including:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Mineral Management Service
  • Army Corps of Engineers
  • Federal Emergency Management Association
  • United States Coast Guard
  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

Florida Tech's coastal location is unmatched. The Atlantic Ocean and the highly diverse, estuarine environments of the Indian River Lagoon are just minutes from campus. The Florida Keys and Everglades are a few hours' drive from Florida Tech.

Laboratories and Facilities Designed for Ocean Engineers

The F.W. Olin Engineering Complex and F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building provide comprehensive research laboratories equipped with 21 st -century technology. Facilities at the  Ralph S. Evinrude Marine Operations Center include docks, electrical power, and storage for nautical equipment, supplies, and scientific equipment. A fleet of small craft available for student use for accessing research sites includes pontoon boats, Robalos, Boston Whalers, skiffs, and Chris Crafts.

Other laboratories and facilities include the following:

  The Structures Laboratory supports instructional experiments such as compression and tensile testing, with research and teaching activities focused on the mechanical behavior of metallic, concrete, plastic, and composite materials and structural forms.

  • The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory houses hardware used for experiments to measure fluid properties and verify the laws of conservation of fluid motion.
  • The Underwater Technology Laboratory enables hands-on research using underwater robotic systems and includes equipment such as oscilloscopes, high-range power supplies, frequency generators, and voltmeters, among others.
  • The Marine Materials Exposure Site at Indian River Lagoon offers a seawater exposure site for the evaluation of biofouling and corrosion characteristics of materials.

Ocean Engineering Careers

Ocean engineering is a fast-growing field with rapidly expanding opportunities as people increasingly turn to the oceans for food, transportation, and energy. Because ocean engineers study all aspects of the ocean environment, employment opportunities are global in nature and can include such positions as creating remotely operated vehicles, developing underwater structures, capturing the energy of waves and turning it into electricity, and more. When comparing ocean engineering PhD programs, Florida Tech provides the type of training and research experience a doctoral student needs to find a challenging and rewarding career in any number of industries

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Ocean Science and Engineering (Ph.D.)

Georgia Tech's Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Ocean Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary graduate program that combines the basic and applied sciences with innovative ocean technologies.

Students in the Ocean Science and Engineering Ph.D. program will develop broadly relevant quantitative, computational, and laboratory skill-sets to address problems ranging from ocean energy; ocean and climate change; ocean prediction systems; coastal ocean hazards; ocean observing technology; marine ecosystem dynamics and services; marine chemical ecology; and global and regional ocean biogeochemistry.

Why Ocean Science and Engineering?

The world's population growth and technology developments are changing our planet to an unprecedented extent. This applies especially to the ocean — the largest environmental resource on Earth.

Through recent decades, we have recognized that chemical, biological, and physical processes in the marine environment greatly influence each other and cannot be viewed in isolation.

Additionally, the interpretation of scientific data and the development of effective solutions requires a more integrated approach.

Why Georgia Tech?

Georgia Tech is one of a very few institutions with the engineering and scientific prowess and interdisciplinary culture to effectively address these critical challenges of sustainability that threaten all of us.

The OSE program involves the schools of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Civil and Environmental Engineering; and Biological Sciences. Faculty provide distinct and complementary expertise, both in terms of coursework and research specialization. 

Additional program faculty include members of the schools of Mechanical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; and Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Learn more about the doctoral in  Ocean Science and Engineering .

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A professor and two students observe a wave tank simulation in the lab.

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Doctor of Philosophy

The Texas A&M University Department of Ocean Engineering offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in ocean engineering and is a participant in the Doctor of Engineering Program.

The prerequisite for the Ocean Engineering Graduate Program is that a candidate has a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a closely related discipline. The department academic advisor may also impose specific prerequisites for students with a weaker background in the basics of ocean engineering (such as dynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of materials).

How to Apply

The Ph.D. degree requires a minimum of 64 credit hours beyond the master’s degree and a dissertation. At least 30 hours of each student's specific coursework are determined in consultation with the student's Ph.D committee and are subject to the department graduate advisor's approval.

Students are formally admitted to the Ph.D. program after passing a written and oral General Exam to be taken at the end of the first semester of Ph.D. studies.

Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Guidelines

Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Ocean Science and Engineering

The mission of the graduate program in Ocean Science and Engineering (OSE) is to educate the next generation of transdisciplinary ocean scientists and engineers by combining the basic and applied sciences with innovative ocean technologies, and to advance interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of the physical, biological, chemical and human dimensions of ocean systems.

Georgia Tech's transdisciplinary PhD OSE program is designed to train and prepare PhD level scientists to identify and solve foundational and applied problems in the ocean sciences and engineering. Training such students involves ensuring that students are well versed in a diverse set of quantitative toolkits in addition to having developed expert-level knowledge and experience in applying quantitative methods.  Hence, the program training defines core topics across the three Schools and the essential knowledge required by the students. The expectations exceed that of traditional PhDs in science or engineering as OSE requires an additional layer of integration between the science and engineering and involves research immersion. The program delivery is organized around four priorities:

Priority 1. Develop an OSE student & faculty community at GT.

Priority 2. Prepare students to perform high-quality research in OSE.

Priority 3. Support students as they become independent OSE experts.

Priority 4. Align students’ research with job opportunities in academia, government and industry.

All PhD programs must incorporate a standard set of Requirements for the Doctoral Degree .

The PhD degree in OSE requires a minimum of 32 semester hours of coursework to cover the core topics articulated in the essential knowledge list (EKL). Students will be considered “in good academic standing” if they are making satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree, and have met a cumulative grade point average (GPA) equal or grater to 3.2 for the number of credits that they have attempted.

Students enrolled in the OSE program are expected to be trained and knowledgeable in at least three core topics of ocean science and engineering (one in each School). This training is available through courses provided in the different schools participating in the program. The core topics are:

  • Coastal & Ocean Mechanics
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Marine Ecology & Conservation
  • Biological & Microbial Oceanography
  • Physical and Chemical Oceanography
  • Ocean & Climate

For each of the three selected topics the students will choose one or two courses for a total of 4  core courses  around which they will build their Essential Knowledge List (EKL). The EKL will provide the foundation for the Comprehensive Exam to be taken by all students by the end of the second year.  Depending on the student background, the program of study may require taking additional courses to fulfill the core topic requirement, or may partially lessen the course load if the student can demonstrate to have acquired the necessary foundation in one of the topics (this applies for example to students with a Master degree relevant to any of the Research Themes). An EKL containing the selection of core topics and associated courses must be completed and approved by the  OSE Graduate Studies Committee   (GSC)  by the end of the first semester.

The OSE PhD program requires completion of four 3-hour credit courses between the ones listed below. Student must choose at least one core topic and one class from each school. First year students must also attend the OSE Seminar (2 credit hours).

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
OSE Core Courses14
Special Topics (OSE Seminar)
Four courses spanning at least 3 courses, at least one from each School:
CEE Core Topics:
Coastal and Ocean Mechanics:
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Special Topics (Coastal Mechanics)
Biology Core Topics:
Marine Ecology and Conservation:
Marine Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Biological and Microbial Oceanography:
Microbial Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Core Topics:
Physical and Chemical Oceanography
Physical and Chemical Oceanography
Biogeochemical Cycles
Advanced Environmental Data Analysis
Ocean and Climate:
Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Special Topics (Climate and Global Change)
Ethics/RCR Training Requirement
OSE Specialization:9
Elective courses that increase depth of understanding in the research theme chosed by PhD candidate
Courses outside the students' selected themes
Total Credit Hours32

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Ocean Engineering (Ph.D.)

Students admitted to the ocean engineering Ph.D. program come from traditional engineering degree programs including physics, mathematics, computer science, and in some cases, marine science programs. Those entering the Ph.D. program with a B.S. degree from an engineering program should be prepared to begin the Ph.D. program directly. Those coming from a B.S. in physics, mathematics, or computer science will have their transcripts more carefully reviewed on an individual basis, as additional courses may be required.

Degree Requirement

The full course requirements below are for students entering with a relevant B.S. degree.

Students entering with a relevant M.S. degree with comparable content must take a minimum of six of the listed courses (exclusive of dissertation research and Ocean Seminars), of which at least three must be at the 900 level. Students entering with an M.S. must either take the listed core courses or demonstrate equivalent knowledge from other programs to be able to successfully pass the OE Ph.D. qualifying exam. As part of preparation for their research, students often take additional, dissertation-specific courses.  Additional graduate courses may also be required based on recommendations by the supervisor or dissertation committee.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Core Courses

Ocean Seminars I
and Ocean Seminars II
Select one of the following courses in oceanography or ocean science:3-4
Biological Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Introduction to Physical Oceanography
Geological Oceanography
Complete the following core courses in ocean engineering:18
Ocean Measurements Lab
Ocean Hydrodynamics
Ocean Waves and Tides
Spectral Analysis of Geophysical Time Series Data
Underwater Acoustics
Select two 900 level courses from the following list:6-8
Advanced Underwater Acoustics
Hydrographic Field Course
Graduate Special Topics
Select two 800 or 900 level courses from MATH or IAM or select both:6-8
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
Advanced Finite Element Analysis
Select an additional two CEPS electives (one at the 800 level; one at the 900 level):6-8
Total Credits41-48

The general progress of a student through this program is expected to follow the time frame below:

  • Year 1: Coursework
  • Year 2: Coursework, qualifier by the end of the year, form graduate dissertation committee
  • Year 3: Research, dissertation proposal defense
  • Year 4: Research
  • Year 5: Research, dissertation defense

The course selection and sequencing will be established in consultation with the student's guidance committee. There will be a qualifying examination on the core courses by the end of the second year. The goal of this exam is to test the breadth of a student's knowledge in topic areas essential to ocean engineering. A formal dissertation proposal defense will include a written proposal, a public presentation and an oral exam. After successful completion of the qualifying exam and dissertation proposal defense, the student will be advanced to candidacy. The dissertation will be defended in a public forum when completed.

  • Can conduct original research and develop new technologies in ocean engineering.
  • Communicate research results through peer-reviewed publications and public presentations.

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Graduate Study at MIT

Pursue advanced ocean-related study in Master’s and PhD programs offered across MIT in these departments:

Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

  • Atmospheric Science
  • Biological Oceanography
  • Chemical Oceanography
  • Marine Geology and Geophysics
  • Physical Oceanography

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Ocean Engineering
  • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
  • Naval Construction and Marine Engineering
  • Applied Ocean Science and Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Coastal Engineering
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Hydrology and Hydroclimatology

Department of Biology

  • Microbial Science and Engineering
  • MIT Sloan School of Management
  • MBA with a Certificate in Sustainability
  • PAOC in EAPS
  • Ocean Engineering in MechE
  • Parsons Laboratory in CEE

EAPS is housed in the Green Building overlooking the Charles River.

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Davidson Laboratory towing tank testing a model boat hull

Ocean Engineering Doctoral Program

Program details.

Advance your expertise in naval engineering and coastal resilience at one of the nation’s foremost ocean engineering programs.

Best Grad Schools U.S. News & World Report - Engineering 2024

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering offers dynamic opportunities to explore leading-edge research within a close community of faculty mentors. You'll be able to study under a faculty mentor in the area that you find most exciting:

Coastal Engineering

Physical Oceanography

Naval Architecture

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Living Shorelines

More Advantages to Our Program

Students have rare opportunities to interface with city governments and other stakeholders, with Stevens Urban Ocean Observatory and with related research projects that have a potential impact on a metropolitan area of 22 million people

The program provides the infrastructure to conduct field, laboratory and numerical analyses across all three of its focus areas

Within 50 miles of Hoboken, researchers have the opportunity to study ocean/coastal/back bay systems ranging from highly urbanized to completely natural

The Davidson Laboratory high-speed towing tank is one of the few on-campus towing tanks in the United States and one of the fastest towing tanks in the world

The program offers unique courses, such as Urban Oceanography; Design of Living Shorelines; and, Laboratory in Naval Architecture

Creation and analysis of observation data sets and forecasts

Classes that incorporate authentic design examples and research problems

Research on widely used, real-time forecasting systems

The Stevens Advantage: Widen Your Career Options

Faculty and students wearing safety vests working with building materials outdoors with the Empire State Building in the background.

Learn more about what makes graduate education from Stevens a unique experience:

Graduate Cooperative Education Program : Available with two tracks, your co-op experience can serve as a starting point for a research project or augment your on-campus research with complimentary experience.

International Student Experience : Tap into our expanding worldwide network of research, academic and alumni partners and mentor with our expert faculty in a number of federally-designated STEM degree programs. Optional Practical Training (OPT) or Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is available to gain work experience in your major/field of study.

State-of-the-Art Research Labs and Facilities : Build, tinker and test your designs in Stevens' MakerCenter, Prototype and Object Fabrication Lab, or numerous other research facilities.

Research Opportunities : Renowned faculty, labs and research centers – as well as industry partnerships and funding from leading national agencies – support strategic and interdisciplinary research in engineering and science.

Assistantships and Fellowships: Stevens offers funding to select graduate students in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantships and fellowships. Limited in number, these highly competitive opportunities are awarded to exceptional candidates based on merit.

Expanded Learning Options : The Schaefer School offers new opportunities for doctoral students to do coursework at universities in the New York City area – and around the world – through our growing list of academic partnerships with other prestigious universities. Learn more about our latest partnerships.

Hands-On Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering Research

At Stevens, you have the ability to join research groups with students at a variety of levels of experience, and outstanding faculty so you can learn cutting-edge technology as a team, just like in the real-world. In our state-of-the-art research labs and facilities, you'll have the opportunity to engage in experiential learning.

Program Admission Requirements

The ocean engineering Ph.D. program welcomes applicants who possess a strong foundation in fluid mechanics and a passion for examining the effect of built and natural structures on the ocean environment.

Students best suited to the program should have a master’s degree in science, mathematics or engineering such as mechanical engineering, coastal/ocean engineering, oceanography, naval architecture/engineering/ship science, aerospace engineering, applied physics/mathematics or environmental engineering.

Bachelor’s degree, with a minimum GPA of 3.0, from an accredited institution

Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended

Two letters of recommendation (academic or professional only; Select Ph.D. programs require a third letter of recommendation)

Statement of Purpose

$60 non-refundable Application Fee

Proof of English language proficiency

A competitive GRE or GMAT score (required for both part-time and full-time applicants)

Writing sample(s). All applicants are encouraged to submit a lab report (preferable) or paper that they wrote, individually, for an engineering course. Applicants who have published a journal article are also encouraged to submit a copy of their article.

For more complete details, visit our General Admissions Requirements page .

Apply Online >

View objectives, outcomes, and other Ph.D. curriculum details in the most recent academic catalog.

View Academic Catalog >

Each Ph.D. curriculum must also adhere to the institute wide standards listed in the doctoral handbook.

View Doctoral Handbook >

If you have existing graduate credits or experience in this area of study, contact [email protected] to discuss opportunities to include it in the curriculum.

Information about assistantships and fellowships can be found here .

The four fields comprising STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – offer a wide variety of professions that are classified as some of the highest-growing and highest-paying jobs right now and in the future. And for international students, the demand for STEM-related professionals in the United States can open the door for an extended stay. An ever-growing list of eligible programs across all levels is available here .

A Tech Forward Education

Philip Orton

Philip Orton researches estuary and coastal ocean physics, storm surges and sea level rise, urban flood adaptation, and other areas of coastal engineering.

Philip Orton

Civil, Environmental, & Ocean Engineering Research Scientist

Alaa Ahmed

Alaa Ahmed, a Stevens Ph.D. candidate and graduate research assistant is working with professor Muhammad Hajj at the Davidson Laboratory to design and test a new energy converter that turns wave power into usable electricity. If they’re successful — and, so far, things are looking positive — the new converter will double the energy output of its closest competitor for about 60% of the cost.

Ocean Engineering Ph.D. Student

Muhammad Hajj

Muhammad Hajj is the chair of the department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering as well as the director of the Davidson Laboratory.

Muhammad Hajj, Department Chair and Director of Davison Laboratory

Civil, Environmental, & Ocean Engineering Faculty

Jonathan Miller

Jon Miller is on the Board of Directors for ASBPA, Jersey Shore Partnership, and the New Jersey Coastal Resilience Consortium. He researches coastal processes, shoreline changes, storm impacts, nearshore hydrodynamics and other areas of coastal engineering.

Related Programs

Civil engineering doctoral program.

Develop the specialized civil engineering expertise you need to solve the major infrastructure and geotechnical challenges facing the world today.

Environmental Engineering Doctoral Program

Gain vital skills that can directly impact communities around the world with a Ph.D. from Stevens’ internationally recognized environmental engineering program.

Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program

Gain industry-leading expertise in robotics, bioengineering, nanomaterials, sustainable energy systems and more with a Ph.D. from Stevens.

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Marine Science

Marine Science is a field which encompasses many traditional disciplines including biology, geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. The program recognizes the intrinsic interdisciplinary nature of modern marine science and the necessity for cross-disciplinary, graduate-level training through a program which brings together more than 50 marine faculty located in nine departments on campus. The program emphasizes the understanding of the ocean as an integrated system. Students conduct research in areas such as biological, chemical, and physical oceanography, marine geology and geophysics, marine biology, paleoceanography, marine optics and remote sensing, ocean engineering, and marine policy.

Applicants to the Department must be accepted by a major professor with whom they wish to work and who has agreed to supervise the student’s graduate training and thesis dissertation research. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that prospective students contact individual faculty members in the Program whose research interests coincide with their own and to list potential advisors on their application.

Marine Science encourages potential applicants to review materials at for guidance on how to apply and a description of the Program's application evaluation process, as certain elements of the online application are not used in reviewing applicants.


Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science University of California, Santa Barbara Life Sciences Building, Room 4314 Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9620 (USA)

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Department Phone Number (805) 893-2979

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  • December 15, 2024 (by 11:59 PM PST)

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  • Online application :
  • Statement of Purpose, Personal History and Diversity Statement, and Resume or CV (submitted in the online application)
  • Three Letters of Recommendation (Submitted online)
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (Submitted online)
  • English Language Exam Scores (if applicable): TOEFL Internet-Based Test (IBT) total score of 80, or TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) total score of 550, or IELTS Overall Band score of 7, or Duolingo English Test total score of 120, or higher
  • Final/Official transcripts will be required for all applicants who are admitted and have indicated their intent to enroll at UC Santa Barbara by submitting a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). UC Santa Barbara reserves the right to require official transcripts at any time during the admissions process, and rescind any offer of admission made if discrepancies between uploaded and official transcript(s) are found.

University of Rhode Island

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Department of Ocean Engineering

College of engineering.

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URI was the first institution in the nation to establish M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in ocean engineering, in 1966.

phd in ocean engineering

M.S. in Ocean Engineering

phd in ocean engineering

Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering

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Student tracks the flow of water through the marsh in extensive detail over a period of several weeks.

Ocean Engineering: Ph.D., M.S.

The ocean engineering program offers master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees through a cross-disciplinary program operated jointly by the physical ocean science and engineering (POSE) program in UD's College of Earth, Ocean and Environment (CEOE) and the ocean engineering program of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Degrees Offered

Ocean Engineering–M.S. (CEOE)

Ocean Engineering–M.S. (COE)

Ocean Engineering–Ph.D. (CEOE)

Ocean Engineering–Ph.D. (COE)


Application Deadlines




The  2024-2025  UD graduate student tuition rate per credit hour is $1,069 .

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234 Hullihen Hall, Newark, DE 19716 USA   [email protected] General: (302) 831-6824 Fax: (302) 831-8745

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Graduate Program

Ocean engineering graduate programs.

students using surveying equipment

This multidisciplinary academic program is designed to give students a strong foundation in physical oceanography as well as opportunities to focus on their desired area of expertise and acquire state-of-the-art observing and modeling skills, while working closely with our Physical Ocean Science and Engineering (POSE) faculty.

Students in the POSE Program apply basic physical principles in their research in coastal physical oceanography, ocean acoustics, nearshore processes, environmental fluid dynamics, estuarine dynamics, high-latitude ocean dynamics, ocean instrumentation and engineering, boundary layer turbulence and air-sea interaction.

The program is particularly appropriate for students with physics, mathematics, or engineering backgrounds. The POSE program is committed to supplying exciting research opportunities, excellent facilities and a stimulating educational environment for students.

Students in the program pursue a master’s degree or a doctorate in marine studies with a concentration in POSE. 

Master of Science in Ocean Engineering

The Master of Science in Ocean Engineering is offered jointly with the Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Program (POSE) in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment and Earth Studies. Students may matriculate through either the College of Engineering or the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment and may choose a thesis advisor from either program.

The Master of Science in Ocean Engineering degree program is aimed at providing graduate students with advanced technical training in ocean science and engineering for positions in the public and private sectors and for matriculating into PhD programs. The program requires a minimum of 30 credit hours, which includes 6 thesis credits and dependent research. Students shall defend their thesis in an open oral examination chaired by the advisor.

( View in Catalog )

PhD in Ocean Engineering

The Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering is offered jointly with the Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Program (POSE) in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment. Students may matriculate through either the College of Engineering or the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment and may choose a thesis advisor from either program.

The Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering program is aimed at training graduate students to achieve the highest level of proficiency in research. Mathematics, fundamental sciences, ocean sciences and engineering sciences are combined to provide a personalized program of study and research. All graduate students work in close cooperation with the faculty on their dissertation area.

A student’s doctoral program, comprising 72 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree (including doctoral dissertation), is planned around a central objective in applied science and mathematics. If a student who already holds a master’s degree in the specific field of study is accepted directly into the Ph.D. program, the coursework from the master’s degree will be taken into account in the design of the doctoral program. All courses in the program are selected with the approval of the student’s dissertation advisor.

Jacquee Lukawski

Jacquee Lukawski

Graduate Academic Advisor 301-1 DuPont Hall 302-831-6570 [email protected]

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Ocean Sciences Ph.D.

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2021-22 UCSC General Catalog > Academic Units > Physical and Biological Sciences Division > Ocean Sciences

Ocean Sciences

A312 Earth and Marine Sciences Building (831) 459-4730

Programs Offered

Ocean Sciences M.S. Plan 1 and Plan 2

Other Programs of Interest

Environmental Sciences B.S.

Ecology and Evolution B.S.

Marine Biology B.S.

Earth Sciences B.S.

The Ocean Sciences Department includes faculty, students, and staff involved in oceanography and other marine sciences and offers undergraduate and graduate courses in these disciplines. Through faculty sponsors, students have access to a wide variety of research facilities and equipment, including on-campus analytical chemistry, geology, and molecular biology laboratories for marine research; computing and imaging facilities; an onshore marine laboratory two miles from campus ( Long Marine Laboratory ), with aquariums and holding tanks that are supplied with running sea water; and a unique field station on  Año Nuevo Island Reserve  (19 miles north of Santa Cruz), especially suited for studies on pinnipeds and marine birds. The department supports collaborative studies utilizing the innovative technologies of the nearby Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), the Naval Postgraduate School, Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station, California State University (CSU) Moss Landing Laboratory, and other facilities. Students may also work at other University of California facilities, including the Bodega Marine Laboratories and Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

In addition to research and instructional activities along the California coast, interests of the  core faculty  and their students include biological, chemical, and physical oceanography; sediment, marine, organic, and trace metal biogeochemistry; marine plankton, phytoplankton ecology, paleoceanography, aquatic microbial ecology, ecological modeling, and remote sensing (satellite oceanography); numeric modeling of coastal and basin-scale dynamics; and midwater ecology, climatology, among others.

Ocean Sciences Department  affiliated faculty  in other departments represent a deep resource of research interests and methodologies including those pertaining to coral reef and kelp forest ecology, plate tectonics and continental margins, marine mammal behavior and physiology, and natural products from marine organisms. Student research projects have included participation in major scientific expeditions to various marine environments ranging from Polar Regions to the tropics.

Undergraduate Program

While offering a range of undergraduate courses, the Ocean Sciences Department presently only confers graduate degrees (Master of Science—M.S. or Doctor of Philosophy—Ph.D.) However, the undergraduate major in environmental science includes required and elective courses in ocean sciences. In addition, the undergraduate major in marine biology, sponsored by the Biological Sciences departments, includes required and elective courses in ocean sciences, and includes an ocean sciences concentration in Earth sciences for undergraduates. Students interested in ocean sciences should major in a discipline such as biology, marine biology, chemistry, Earth sciences, physics, or mathematics and take ocean sciences-related electives. Students with a bachelor's degree in one of these disciplines or equivalent coursework may apply directly for admission to the graduate program through the Division of Graduate Studies.

Graduate Program

Our graduate education mission is to train the next generation of talented and diverse ocean scientists. Through core training in oceanography and focused advanced training in biology, chemistry, Earth sciences, physics, and data science we prepare students to tackle the pressing issues facing society today. Ocean sciences is a highly interdisciplinary field that requires diversity in thinking and experience. We welcome and provide support for students with diverse backgrounds such as URM, LGBTQ, and first-generation college students. From faculty training to peer mentoring and other programmatic elements we are dedicated to fostering the success of all students in our program.

The Ocean Sciences Department offers both master of science and doctorate degree programs. The graduate programs in ocean sciences are designed to prepare students for careers in research, teaching, and other environmentally related endeavors. The graduate programs encourage collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches, and are designed to support and promote diversity, equity and inclusion. There are professional development events and opportunities such as an annual career panel, several designated emphasis degrees that can be combined with the ocean sciences graduate degrees, and training in innovative and inclusive teaching. There is an advising structure that provides support from a main advisor, thesis committee members, an advisory committee, and peers. A student-run group, Communicating Oceanographic Research Effectively (CORE), offers community building activities. 

The fundamental requirement for admission to the program is substantial evidence of superior scholarship and aptitude for original research.  Preparation for admission  to the graduate program in ocean sciences should comprise an undergraduate degree in the discipline of one of the program specialty areas (e.g., biology or marine biology, geology or earth sciences, chemistry, or physical science) or an equivalent background. If a student does not have a degree in one of these areas, the student must demonstrate that they have taken the classes necessary to do their research.

The prerequisites for entering either the master's or the Ph.D. programs are a minimum of two quarters or two semesters in each of the following: a calculus series; chemistry, biology, and physics. In addition, one course in each of the following is required: earth sciences or geological principles; and statistics or biostatistics.

Details regarding admission, graduate standing, financial aid, examinations, and the requirements for the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees are available from the  Division of Graduate Studies .

Ph.D. in aerospace engineering

An AOE student holds a quadcopter

This research-oriented degree can focus on one or more specializations, including

  •  aero-hydrodynamics
  • dynamics and control
  • structures and structural dynamics
  • ocean engineering
  • applied physics
  • space engineering
  • applied mathematics

For more information on degree requirements, see the Graduate Study Policies and Procedures Manual.

Research project/final dissertation

This degree requires an in-depth research project, which will serve as the subject of the final dissertation. Recent research projects have focused on:

  • computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • experimental fluid mechanics (both high and low speed)
  • instrumentation development
  • composite materials
  • structural optimization
  • flutter analysis
  • nonlinear flight control
  • pilot-aircraft interactions
  • aerodynamic modeling
  • computer aided design
  • interdisciplinary design and optimization
  • trajectory analysis and optimization
  • and space mechanics and space vehicle design

Many of these projects are tied to industry and government-sponsored programs, and include interaction with personnel and facilities from those organizations. 

For more details on thesis requirements and procedures , see the Graduate Study Policies and Procedures Manual.

Graduate checklists

A formal description of the Ph.D. in aerospace engineering, its requirements, and more detailed information on all AOE graduate programs can be found in the graduate checklists. 

Preliminary exam and final oral exam

A preliminary written and oral exam and a final comprehensive oral exam are required of all students completing the Ph.D. degree . Guidelines for these exams are described in the AOE Graduate Study Policies and Procedures Manual.

phd in ocean engineering

Awesome Ocean

An Ocean Of Awesome Things

The 13 Best Marine Research Centers for Marine Scientists

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noaa marine research center hawaii

Featured Image Credit: NOAA By K. Snyder

The ocean, the final frontier. There is much of the ocean still unexplored by man, even with technological advancements and improved diving capabilities. Much remains to be discovered in the dark depths of the ocean.

Thankfully, dedicated institutions are hard at work to study the world’s oceans. We put together this list of 13 of the best research centers we could find around the world that are dedicated to the ocean and building a better understanding of its complexity.

The criteria for this list are: reputable scientific institutions specializing in marine research. Institutions whose primary missions are as aquariums or zoos have been left off of this list as they could form their own list entirely.

If you are an aspiring marine scientist or just have an interest in cutting edge ocean research, these are the places to keep an eye on!

In no particular order:

1.  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

woods hole oceanographic institution logo

Image Credit: WHOI

Together with the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, WHOI is the largest independent oceanic research institution in the US. Known around the world for groundbreaking oceanic research including most famously, the discovery of the wreck of the RMS Titanic, WHOI is the most cited oceanic research organization in the world.

2.  Scripps Institute of Oceanography

scripps institution of oceanography logo

Image Credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Located in sunny San Diego, Scripps is one of the oldest and largest centers for ocean research. Founded in 1903, one of its buildings has even been listed as a US National Historic Landmark.

3.  Grad School of Oceanography at University of Rhode Island

rhode island graduate school of oceanography

Image Credit: GSO

Well-known for their impressive research vessel, the Endeavor , the GSO offers graduate degrees in Oceanography and is home to a unique scientific outreach program for sharing their discoveries.

4.  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Image Credit: MBARI

MBARI is a sister organization to the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium but the two organizations have completely separate management teams and funding. MBARI is famous for advancements in microbial oceanography and the monitoring of harmful algal blooms.

5.  Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

center for maritime research and experimentation

Image Credit: CMRE

Formerly the Undersea Research Center for NATO, CMRE is a research facility that conducts undersea and maritime research for the NATO Alliance including port and ship protection, sonar risk mitigation, and maritime situational awareness. The facility is staffed by scientists from NATO member nations that rotate through on a 3-5 year cycle.

6.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo

Image Credit: NOAA

If you live in the US, chances are your weather report comes from data NOAA has gathered. Founded in 1970, NOAA is the premier organization in the US for the monitoring of Earth systems and communication of information about them. In additional to monitoring, they also issue severe weather warnings, and study marine resources to offer suggestions for their use and protection.

7.  National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand (NIWA)

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

Image Credit: NIWA

Though smaller than many oceanic research institutes, NIWA has international importance because of its role in monitoring important environmental databases and collections.

8.  Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK (PML)

Plymouth Marine Laboratory logo

Image Credit: Plymouth Marine Laboratory

PML is unique in that since 2002, they have been an independent organization with a charitable status. They mainly focus on oceanic research related to climate change but also provide marine application services and products to industrial and commercial partners.

9.  Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, Vietnam (IMER)

Institute of Marine Environment and Resources logo

Image Credit: IMER

Internationally recognized, IMER cooperates with many other organizations for assessments of marine resources and the protection and conservation of ocean environments. IMER is managed by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

10.  Australian Antarctic Division

 Australian Antarctic Division logo

Image Credit: Department of the Environment Australian Antarctic Division

Operating out of Australia, this division is in charge of some of the most important research projects in Antarctica including conservation of Antarctic wildlife, management of southern ocean fisheries and the impacts of climate change.  

11.  Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)

Virginia Institute of Marine Science logo

Image Credit: VIMS

Operating out of the College of William & Mary, VIMS operates 3 campuses where they conduct surveys of various fisheries and an annual shark survey that has been operating since 1973.

12.  Schmidt Ocean Institute

Schmidt Ocean Institute logo

Image Credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute

Schmidt is a private non-profit foundation in Palo Alto, California created to advance oceanographic research, discovery, and knowledge.

13.  Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences logo

Image Credit: BIOS

For over 100 years BIOS scientists have worked to explore the ocean and research important local and global issues. Due to their location, they manage some of the longest-running observations in the world.


Take your career to new heights and become the next leader in innovation. Let Santa Clara University's Graduate Engineering Programs help take you there.

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Schedule 1:1 Advising

Schedule 1:1 Advising

Connect with our admissions team one-on-one to learn more about our programs and application process.

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

Our graduate programs have specific requirements that vary across each program. Click "Admission Requirements" above for full details.

Application Deadlines

Application Deadlines

Fall 2024 Application Deadline: August 31, 2024 I-20 Deadline: July 1, 2024 Click "Application Deadlines" above for more important dates.

Tuition  and Fees

Tuition and Fees

The 2024-2025 tuition rate is $1,206 per unit. Please click "Tuition and Fees" above for full details and cost of attendance.

International Applicants

International Applicants

In addition to our standard requirements, you must also submit your  English Proficiency Scores  and your  International Evaluation Report . All applicants who hold a degree from outside of the U.S. are required to have their official transcripts evaluated either by SpanTran, WES, or ECE. Click "International Applicants" above for full details.

Graduate Information Sessions

Graduate Information Sessions

Register above to join one of our Graduate Programs Virtual Information Sessions or our B.S./M.S. Accelerated Program Information Sessions!

Choose your program and level up!

M.S. Degree and Accelerated B.S./M.S. Programs

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Bioengineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Management and Leadership
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Power Systems and Sustainable Energy
  • Robotics and Automation

Engineer's and Ph.D. Degree Programs

Certificate Programs

  • Online Applied Bioengineering (Starting Fall 2025)
  • Online Robotics and Automation  

Open University Program

The Open University Program is a non-degree program limited to 16 units with options to apply for a M.S. degree. Engineers who wish to update their skills or learn new technologies without pursuing a specific degree may enroll.

Want to explore more?

Graduate Engineering Admissions [email protected]

Graduate Engineering Current Students [email protected]

Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053

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Book Review Article (English)

  • ISSN: 1035-8811 , 1757-6547
  • Article (Journal)  /  Electronic Resource

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More details on this result

  • Title: Book Review Article
  • Published in: The Australian Journal of Anthropology ; 11, 1 ; 59-77
  • Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • New search for: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • Publication date: 2000-04-01
  • Size: 19 pages
  • DOI:
  • Type of media: Article (Journal)
  • Type of material: Electronic Resource
  • Language: English
  • Source: Wiley

Table of contents

Table of contents – volume 11, issue 1.

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