250+ Opinion Essay Topics to Write About


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?
  • 2 Opinion Essay Writing Tips
  • 3 Opinion Essay Topics for High School
  • 4 Opinion Essay Topics for College Students
  • 5 Personal Opinion Essay Topics
  • 6 Public Opinion Essay Topics
  • 7 Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
  • 8 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture
  • 9 Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
  • 10 Sports Opinion Essay Topics
  • 11 Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
  • 12 Political Science Opinion Essay Topics
  • 13 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics
  • 14 History Opinion Essay Topics
  • 15 Environment Opinion Essay Topics
  • 16 Education Opinion Essay Topics
  • 17 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Opinion essay topics and ideas are a great way to share your thoughts and opinions on various subjects. These essays let you explore topics like current events, social issues, and political debates. Choosing a topic that you care deeply about helps you express and support your viewpoint.

It is crucial to write your essay in a clear and concise manner. Make sure your arguments are straightforward and backed by reliable evidence. It’s also essential to consider other people’s opinions with respect. This approach not only enriches your essay but also demonstrates your critical thinking skills and deep understanding of the topic.

How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?

When you choose an opinion essay topic, consider the purpose of the essay and who will read it. Select a topic that will capture and hold your readers’ interest. Focus on topics you feel passionate about and have strong opinions on. It’s important to check how much research you need for the topic.

After you narrow down your list, research the topic well to make sure you understand it thoroughly. Also, think about different viewpoints and prepare to address them in your essay. Finally, ensure the topic is relevant and timely. If you follow these steps, you can choose the best topics for your opinion essay.

  • Consider the purpose of your essay. Do you want to inform, persuade, or entertain? Knowing this will help you choose a suitable topic.
  • Think about the audience. Are you writing for a general audience or a specific group? Knowing your audience helps you pick a topic that will interest and engage them.
  • Consider the scope of your essay. Will it be short or long? Will you discuss one issue or many? This knowledge will guide you to select a suitable topic.
  • Research your potential topics. Find reliable sources and look at different perspectives on the issue. This will help you make an informed decision about which topic is best for your essay.
  • Choose a topic you are passionate about . A topic you care about makes the opinion paper process easier and more enjoyable.

Opinion Essay Writing Tips

We’ve created some steps for you to follow to select the perfect topic for your opinion paper:

opinion essay topic b1

Opinion Essay Topics for High School

There is a variety of opinion writing ideas that high school students can choose from. Some popular opinion topics, for example, include the significance of staying physically fit, the importance of eating habits, the implications of eating disorders, how government controls religious practices, etc. The important point to note while selecting an opinion essay topic is to consider your personal beliefs and interests.

  • The benefits of a college education
  • Impact of social media on adolescent growth
  • The pros and cons of standardized testing
  • The importance of physical education
  • The benefits of extracurricular activities
  • The effects of bullying on teen development
  • Why are family bonds important?
  • An opinion essay on the benefits of positive self-esteem
  • The effects of teenage pregnancy on teen development
  • The pros and cons of co-ed schooling
  • The importance of volunteer work
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • The effects of teenage drinking and drug use
  • Is time management suitable for students?
  • The importance of a good education
  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Should students have to wear uniforms?
  • Should students be required to take physical education classes?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  • Should students be required to do community service?
  • Should students be allowed to pray in school?
  • Should students be allowed to eat during class?
  • Should students be allowed to listen to music during class?
  • Should students be allowed to use social media in school?
  • Should students be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Opinion Essay Topics for College Students

A college student usually navigates through a plethora of different controversial issues and dilemmas during his/her education. Students who want to express their thoughts and ideas while also engaging in meaningful debate can use opinion essay writing as an opportunity. From campus violence related issues to gun laws, students get the chance to express their views and beliefs. Some good opinion essay topics that are relevant to the experiences are as follows:

  • The impact of social media on the development of teenage social skills
  • The benefits of studying abroad for college students
  • The effects of a college education on future income potential
  • The importance of internships for college students
  • The value of a liberal arts education
  • How to choose the right college for you
  • How to pay for college
  • The role of college athletics in the educational experience
  • How to balance work and school
  • The challenges of returning to school as an adult
  • The impact of technology on the college experience
  • The changing role of the professor in the classroom
  • The benefits of study groups
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • The importance of college graduation


Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Topics for personal opinion essays can encompass everything from current events to personal experiences. When selecting a topic for an opinion essay, it’s crucial to ensure that you have a strong stance and can back it up with solid evidence. Opinion topics provide an opportunity to persuade others and introduce them to a diverse range of perspectives.

  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The dangers of smoking
  • The importance of regular exercise
  • The effects of stress on the body
  • The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep
  • The dangers of drinking alcohol
  • The importance of staying safe online
  • The effects of technology on the brain
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The dangers of using too much screen time
  • The benefits of a positive outlook on life
  • The effects of gratitude on happiness
  • The importance of spending time with loved ones
  • The importance of taking time for oneself
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s education?
  • Should the government impose stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare?
  • Should the government provide free college tuition?
  • Should the government increase taxes on the wealthy?
  • Should the government invest more in renewable energy sources?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion refers to the attitudes and views held by a substantial segment of society regarding a specific issue. These opinions are typically impacted by a range of factors, such as government policies, personal experiences, and cultural values. Here are some ideas for public opinion essay topics to consider:

  • How does the media shape public opinion?
  • Are there any benefits to having a public opinion?
  • How much impact do social networking platforms have on us?
  • Does the public have a right to know everything?
  • How can we ensure that the public’s opinion is heard?
  • How does angry parenting affect children?
  • The pros and cons of health insurance
  • Modern pop stars and their influence on the youth
  • Does the government have a responsibility to act on the opinion of the public?
  • Is it possible to have a collective opinion?
  • How can we ensure that public opinion is not impacted by fake news?
  • Who should be responsible for shaping the opinion of the common man?
  • Analysing the impact of media coverage on public
  • The effectiveness of military training programs
  • The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • What are the benefits of a career in nursing?
  • What challenges do nurses face in the healthcare system?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients?
  • What role does technology play in modern nursing?
  • How can nurses help to reduce medical errors?
  • How can nurses help to improve patient satisfaction?
  • What is the impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient care?
  • How can nurses help to reduce healthcare costs?
  • What ethical considerations are important for nurses to consider?
  • How can nurses help to reduce health disparities?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

  • The Impact of Social Media on Culture
  • The Role of Religion in Society
  • The Impact of Technology on Culture
  • The Influence of Music on Culture
  • The Impact of Immigration on Culture
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Media on Culture
  • The Influence of Art on Culture
  • The Impact of Language on Culture
  • The Role of Family in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Social Class on Culture
  • The Role of Gender in Society
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society
  • The Role of Tradition in Culture

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Online social platforms have become a significant part of our daily existence. They affect various aspects of our lives in various ways. Hence, there are a multitude of potential essay topics to consider.

  • How have online social platforms changed the way we communicate?
  • Online social platforms shaping the way we think
  • Influence of social media on human behaviour
  • How can we use online social platforms for our benefit?
  • Drawbacks of using digital social platforms
  • Ways how online social platforms impact mental health
  • Is your physical health impacted by the excessive use of online social apps?
  • Influence of social media platforms on relationships.
  • How does excessive use of social media affect our productivity?
  • Is it ethical for parents to have access to social media control tools?
  • How are political leaders using online social apps for their own benefit?
  • How is social media shaping our societal norms?
  • Unleashing the power of social media platforms and online communication
  • Do online social platforms affect our control over privacy?
  • Navigating the dark side of online social platforms and their threat to our society

Sports Opinion Essay Topics

If you’re a sports fan, there are many aspects of sports that make for great opinion essay topics. Whether you choose to write about the impact of sports on youth growth or the evolving nature of the sports world, make sure to present a clear, well-supported opinion backed by relevant research and data.

  • The impact of sports on society
  • An opinion essay on the business of sports
  • Sports and its contribution to national identity
  • The impact of sports on individual development
  • The positive and negative effects of sports on mental health
  • Sports and the media
  • Sports and gender
  • Sports and disability
  • Elite sports and the exploitation of athletes
  • Amateur sports and the benefits for participants
  • Sports and obesity
  • Sports and violence
  • Sports and gambling today and in the past decades
  • The impact of sports on international relations
  • Envisioning the future of sports, trends and predictions


Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Psychology is a captivating field of study that has sparked numerous opinions and debates for years. If you’re seeking thought-provoking topics for your opinion essay within psychology, there are many fascinating options to choose from:

  • How does the human brain process information?
  • How do different cultures perceive mental illness?
  • How does the media affect the way people view mental illness?
  • What are the benefits of therapy?
  • What are the different types of therapy?
  • Assessing the Efficiency of Various Therapeutic Approaches
  • How do family dynamics affect mental health?
  • An opinion essay on stress and its effect on mental health?
  • How does trauma affect mental health?
  • How does poverty affect mental health?
  • How does immigration affect mental health?
  • How does discrimination affect mental health?
  • How does social media affect mental health?
  • Do Internal online platforms affect mental health?
  • Technological advancement in the field of psychology
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Genetics in Personality Development
  • The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Impact of Technology on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Mental Health
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse on Mental Health
  • The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • The Role of Gender in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Religion on Mental Health
  • The Role of Self-Esteem in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health

Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

The study of politics provides numerous opportunities for crafting thought-provoking opinion essays. There is a range of topics to choose from, covering everything from local politics to international governance and political control instruments.

  • The impact of social media on political participation
  • The impact of campaign finance on the political process
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  • How does the voting system impact the political outcomes
  • The impact of political polarisation on legislative productivity
  • The impact of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes
  • The impact of term limits on the quality of representation
  • The impact of redistricting on political representation
  • Campaign advertising and its effect on voter behaviour
  • Political dynasties and how they shape political competition
  • The role and effect of youth engagement in the political process
  • The impact of women’s participation in politics
  • Does ethnic diversity contribute to political outcomes?
  • Religious diversity and how it shapes political outcomes
  • The influence of social media on political division

Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics

A powerful way to communicate and engage your perspective with society is by opinion writing For instance, you can write about artificial intelligence, the slavery controversy, global warming, any philosophy essay topics , or modern society. In all cases, a successful opinion essay resonates with you on a personal level.

  • What is the key to academic success?
  • Does Asian culture dominate the business world?
  • Eating disorders—is the media to blame?
  • Vulgar power display and its impact on society – is this a good thing?
  • Is the current drinking age too high?
  • Are angry parents to blame for behavioral problems in children?
  • What are your personal views on domestic violence?
  • Is modern culture based on the ideology of feminism?
  • Do we need to rethink the way we approach education?
  • Is the internet a positive or negative force in our lives?
  • Should we be worried about the rise of artificial intelligence?
  • How do we deal with the challenges of globalization and economic inequality?
  • What is the future of the human race?
  • Should we be more environmentally conscious and take steps to help with global warming?
  • How can we create a better world?

History Opinion Essay Topics

History is a realm that lets you get a glimpse of the past and understand how events of the past shaped the world of today. There are many opinion essay topics that you can choose from, including the events leading up to World War, civil wars, and colonialism.

  • How has the role of women changed in society over the past few decades?
  • How has modern culture affected the way we view traditional values?
  • How do different cultures view slavery and the slave trade?
  • How does the rest of the world view our country and its politics?
  • How did World War II affect the entire world?
  • How has the internet changed the way we research and learn about history?
  • How do different cultures celebrate holidays and traditions?
  • What are some lesser-known historical facts about your own country?
  • What are some controversial topics in history that are still debated today?
  • How do we remember and commemorate historical events?
  • How do we balance historical accuracy with artistic license when telling historical stories?
  • What is the future of historical research and scholarship?
  • How do we ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten?
  • What is the impact of historical revisionism on our understanding of the past?
  • How does history shape our understanding of the present and future?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society
  • The Legacy of the American Revolution
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Influence of Religion on Politics
  • The Causes of the French Revolution
  • The Impact of Imperialism on Colonialism
  • The Significance of the Cold War
  • The Legacies of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of the Scientific Revolution
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Society

Environment Opinion Essay Topics

We cannot deny the fact that the environment is an important part of our planet, and it has a paramount impact on all of us. If you are an environment enthusiast, then you must be searching for an opinion essay topic that translates your beliefs.

  • What are the most effective ways to reduce air pollution?
  • Should governments impose stricter regulations on companies to reduce their environmental impact?
  • Should the use of plastic be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce water pollution?
  • Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using genetically modified crops?
  • Should the use of pesticides be banned?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce deforestation?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

There are several opinion essay topics that can be explored in the field of education. This can include the role of technology in the education system, gender bias faced by students, and unequal access to quality education.

  • How can academic writing help students achieve academic success?
  • What are the benefits of distance learning for high school students?
  • Personal skills that students develop in single-gender schools.
  • Is sex education necessary in the school curriculum?
  • How effective is home-schooling as an educational option?
  • Is it a challenging task to educate modern children?
  • What are the flaws in the current educational system?
  • How can the school curriculum be improved?
  • What is the impact of age differences on the educational process?
  • How do modern children spend their free time?
  • What are the benefits of challenging tasks for students?
  • How can students balance their academic and personal lives?
  • Is there a way to reduce stress in the educational process?
  • What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for students?
  • Should standardized tests be abolished?
  • Should college tuition be free?
  • What is the best way to teach a foreign language?
  • Should the education system be more flexible?
  • Should online education be more widely available?
  • Should schools prioritize STEM education?
  • Should schools provide more vocational training?
  • Should schools have uniforms? Should schools have a longer school day?
  • Should schools have a longer school year?
  • Should schools have more extracurricular activities?
  • Should schools provide more mental health services?
  • Should schools provide more career guidance?
  • Should schools be more culturally inclusive?
  • Should schools provide more financial literacy education?
  • Should schools provide more technology education?
  • Should schools have more parental involvement?
  • Should schools have more community involvement?
  • Should schools have more global awareness education?
  • Should schools have more environmental education?

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Literature is a landscape that is rich and offers the opportunity to explore the intangible, such as human experience and emotions.

  • Is there a universal classic book that everyone should read?
  • Is there a difference between classic literature and modern literature?
  • How has literature changed over the years?
  • What is the most important element of a successful novel?
  • What is the most important thing a reader should look for in a book?
  • Is there a difference between reading a book and watching a movie based on the book?
  • What is the most important lesson that literature can teach us?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about life?
  • How has literature influenced society?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about ourselves?
  • How has literature changed over time?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about the world?
  • How has literature shaped our culture?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about justice?
  • How has literature impacted our understanding of history?
  • How has literature shaped our understanding of morality?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about love?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of gender roles?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about democracy?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of race and ethnicity?

Opinion topics are not easy to decide on. But if you want to write a winning essay, you need to pick a topic that you have a good understanding of. No matter if you’re writing about education, politics, or sports, it’s important to have solid evidence and examples to back up your opinion. This way, you can write an interesting and convincing essay that will have a lasting impact on your reader.

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opinion essay topic b1

Teacher Julieta

English for life.

opinion essay topic b1

How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in which you share your thoughts on a specific topic. You should express your opinion clearly and give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Remember that when we write in formal style , we must not use contractions or informal words or expressions.

Parts of an opinion essay

An opinion essay must have 3 parts:

1. Introduction

In this paragraph you have to introduce the topic. You introduce the topic by restating the question or the title of the essay in your own words. Here you have to say if you agree or not with the question or the title of the essay. You can agree, disagree or partially agree.

In this section you have to support your opinion with reasons and examples. You must include at least three reasons. Break it into several paragraphs. Write one paragraph for each supporting reason. Don’t forget to include examples or facts.

3. Conclusion

Summarize your ideas and restate your opinion using different words.

Transition words and phrases

In your essay you have to organize all your ideas in a logical and coherent way. You can use different transition words or phrases to connect your ideas . Transition words and phrases help the reader understand your point of view easily.

In the table below there is a list of common transition words that you can use in your opinion essays.

opinion essay topic b1

Essay question: A1/B2 English learners should learn how to write an opinion essay. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

opinion essay topic b1

Here you can download a simple template that you can use to organize your ideas. You can replace the red words with other transition or linking words from the chart. You can also add more transition words to connect your ideas more clearly.

opinion essay topic b1


Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Write your answer in the comments below.

How to Express your Opinion in English

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24 thoughts on “ How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1 ”

Dogs are better pets than cats.

Nowadays, many people prefer to adopt dogs or cats, but which of them are the better pets? Personally, I think that it is better to have cats as pets for the following reasons:

First of all, cats are more independent than dogs. For example, if you need to go on a trip, cats can live alone for 3 or 4 days. In addition, you only need to put enough water and food in a bowl and a sandbox so they can pee and poop when they need.

Secondly, cats are very clean and you don´t need to pay for someone to bathe them, unlike dogs, which must be bathed at least every week, because they smell bad. In my experience, I had a cat 7 years ago and only needed to bathe him 3 times during 5 years, because, he used to bathe himself.

Finally, cats are more calm and quiet than dogs. For instance, cats sleep during the day and at night they wake up. However, they are very quiet so you can sleep relaxed. In addition, cats only meow softly and do not bark loudly like dogs.

In conclusion, cats are more lovely and better pets than dogs because they are very independent, clean, and calm animals. They are beautiful and they do not need a lot of care.

Great job Camila!!!! Please read the final essay and compare it with your draft.

Nowadays most people say that dogs are better compared to cats. However, I consider that you couldn’t say who is better because just by existing they are incredible. Therefore, I do not agree that any one is better than the other for the following reasons.

First of all, dogs and cats are house pets adaptable to any home. However, it depends a lot on the space where they are going to be. However, in terms of size, they can be perfectly adapted to each home.

Secondly, dogs and cats, if you educate them correctly, will have good grooming habits. So both of them are going to do the right thing and we wouldn’t say that one is better than the other.

Finally, I consider that dogs and cats are the best friends of humans in the world. They both give love unconditionally in any situation. Also, on the contrary, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have a health problem.

To conclude, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapt to each place and lifestyle, it only depends on us humans giving them love and care.

Like Liked by 1 person

Nowadays more and more pets walk into human families and become a member of them. Some people like dogs and others like cats. In my opinion cats are better pets than dogs.

First of all, you could have a cat no matter how big your family room is. Cats are smaller than most dogs so you do not need to have a big place for cats. Cats could sleep anywhere in your house and what you need to do is just prepare some food for them. However, if you have a dog, you need to prepare a big doghouse. So it is a little difficult if you live in a small apartment.

Second cats are more friendly than dogs. Most cats will not bark at people but dogs often do that to someone who is not familiar with them. It is a terrible feeling when your dogs bark at your neighbors.

Finally, the time you spend on taking care of your pets is less for cats. For instance, you do not need to take the cat out of your house every day if you are very busy after work.

In conclusion, cats are easy to take care of, for that reason I think cats are better pets than dogs.

Great job Li Yang. Please compare the final essay with your initial draft. 🙂

Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

There is a dispute between those who love dogs and those who love cats. Each side believes that their pet is the best. In my opinion, every animal has pluses and minuses. However, I will say that cats are better pets than dogs.

Firstly, cats are 100 percent pets. They can sleep for hours, play, and look out the window.

Secondly, cats do not need a walk. And this means that cats do not need to wash their paws. They keep their bodies clean.

Thirdly, if cats love their owners, they like to sleep on them. Cats say mur-mur and calm their owners when they are sad or something hurts them.

Finally, cats behave calmly to guests. They can leave the room if they do not like something or someone.

Let’s sum it up. Should people buy a cat or a dog?. It is up to us. However, I will buy a cat. A cat is an ideal pet for me because I am an introvert.

Well done Olga! Please compare your first draft with the final version ☝️

Thank you very much for your help, Julietta! It’s so important to look at yourself from the outside.

Excellent material (for an otherwise dull topic)- Thanks a million from faraway Argentina!

Hi Maria! I’m happy to hear that this post was helpful. I know! Teaching/learning writing sometimes is quite challenging.

[…] factual information using a formal tone. As with other pieces of formal writing (for example, essays, formal emails, articles, etc.), there is a special format used to write reports in […]

Most people can say dogs are good pets for humans compared to cats. Personally, I think, it is not possible to say who is better because both are amazing pets. For this reason , I disagree that dogs are better than cats.

First of all, dogs and cats are perfect domestic pets. Nowadays, people live in different spaces and dogs and cats can live perfectly in this place only depending on the size of the pets. Additionally, both can adapt perfectly to a different lifestyle for families or single people.

Secondly, dogs and cats are amazing because they have facial expressions closer to humans and sometimes they are more expressive than humans. For example, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have any health problems.

Lastly, dogs and cats are humans’ best friends in the world. Both give love unconditionally to people and stay at all times (good and bad) with them . Furthermore, it is so difficult to say one love is better than the other .

That is clear, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapted to every place and lifestyle only depend only that humans give love and care.

Well done Karla!! ⭐

Nowadays, adopting dogs and cats is hands down the most popular option for people who want to get a pet . Personally, I consider, it is imposible to say which one is a better option because both are awsome. However, I think that cats are good pets for a number of reason s . To begin with, cats are loving. For instance, when you are upset or depressed, they always try to cheer you up with their company. Furthermore, they love sleeping with you. Secondly, cats do not need to go for a walk . And this means that you have more spare time for yourself or for playing with them. In addition, you can go out all day knowing that your cat is going to be fine all by itself . Last but not least, cats are friendlier than dogs. If they do not like something or somebody they will simply go out of the room. What is more, they sometimes enjoy playing alone. To sum up, cats are more affectionate than dogs, making then better pets than other animals.

Amazing job Gloria!!!

Nowadays dogs and cats have become part of the family, they are like people who cannot talk, but communicate through different acts, I particularly prefer dogs.

First of all, I prefer dogs because they are more friendly, affectionate and loyal. These pets have easily won anyone is heart. Their willingness to be part of the family, their enthusiasm when we come home and their ability to provide emotional support are irreplaceable qualities.

Secondly, walking with them not only helps with exercise, but is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between us and the dogs. Their playful nature and willingness to learn make living with a dog an exciting and joyful experience.

Finally, I think dogs are ideal for those looking for an active and affectionate companion, while cats are great for people who value independence and feline elegance.

In conclusion, although I love dogs more, the choice between a dog and a cat as a pet depends a lot on each person’s personal preferences and lifestyle.

In almost every home there is a pet, whether cats, dogs or other animals that become part of the family. However, everyone has their own preferences, in my opinion dogs are better than cats for the following reasons. First of all, if you have a more active lifestyle. Dogs are very active animals that like to walk, run and play to stay healthy and happy, while cats are more sedentary and prefer to sleep all day. Secondly, dogs are very obedient animals. If trained correctly, they can learn tricks and commands. In addition to being very affectionate animals. Lastly, dogs are very protective and loyal animals. If they see something they don’t like or something that could be a threat to their family, they will be willing to protect them. In conclusion, dogs are very good companions, they are affectionate, active, protective, and they are the best if you have a more active lifestyle, but I also think that it depends a lot on the person in charge, on their type of life.

Moderation in cell phone use is crucial in contemporary society for various reasons. Firstly, the abuse of mobile devices can have negative impacts on mental health, contributing to increased stress and anxiety due to constant exposure to social networks and notifications. Additionally, excessive use can affect interpersonal relationships by distracting people during face-to-face encounters.

Additionally, cell phone dependency can affect productivity and concentration in daily activities. The constant interruption by notifications and the compulsion to check the phone can undermine the quality of work and academic performance.

On the other hand, moderation in cell phone use is essential for road safety. Distracted driving due to phone use has been a major cause of traffic accidents. Implementing limits on cell phone use while driving is a necessary measure to prevent tragedies.

to conclusion, moderation in cell phone use is imperative to safeguard mental health, strengthen personal relationships, improve productivity and guarantee public safety. Setting conscious boundaries and encouraging responsible use of technology is essential for a healthy balance between digital life and reality.

Today, dogs and cats are the perfect companion in the home of the world. However, in my opinion, I prefer cats, this pet is wonderful and special partner of adventures and madness. Following, I say three reason for that cat is the best friend for human.

First, cat isn´t noisy, this pet is very quiet and calm, inside of house cat keep silence, because theirs legs are padding and when walking not make noise. In addition, meows of cats are soft and do not bark loudly like dogs.

Secondly, I considerer cats are clean because, this pet bathe with their tongue for this reason your cat not needed take shower always. For example, I bathe my cat « Mihos » every six months.

Finally, cats are more independent than dogs. In my experience, my pet go for a walk alone. For this reason, my cat not need to that stroll with me.

To conclude, cats are excellent domestic pets, they are pretty and mystics. And they will take care of your home and your heart. I always adore cats.

In Defense of Dogs: Man’s Best Friend The age-old debate of whether cats or dogs make better pets has long been a topic of discussion among animal lovers. While both animals have their merits, I firmly believe that dogs hold a special place in our lives as faithful companions. In this essay, I will present the reasons, in my opinion, why dogs are superior pets, offering unwavering loyalty, companionship, and numerous other qualities that make them man’s best friend.

First of all, dogs are renowned for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their owners. They form deep emotional bonds and are always there to provide comfort and support, making them invaluable companions in both good and challenging times.

Secondly, dogs thrive on social interaction and physical activity, encouraging their owners to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle. Their enthusiasm for outdoor activities and playtime fosters a strong and positive relationship between humans and their pets, promoting a sense of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, dogs come in a wide variety of breeds, each with its unique personality and traits. Whether as service animals, working dogs, or loving family pets, they display remarkable adaptability and versatility, making them suitable for a diverse range of roles and environments.

In conclusion, the qualities that dogs possess, including unwavering loyalty, companionship, and their ability to enhance our physical and emotional well-being, make them exceptional companions. Their impact on human lives is immeasurable, as they provide love, support, and joy to countless individuals and families worldwide. Therefore, I firmly believe that dogs are, without a doubt, man’s best friend and make superior pets in numerous ways.

Chat GPT diserves full marks 100%

Why are dogs better than cats? In my opinion, dogs are better than cats for many reasons. In this essay I will address various topics, such as fidelity, company, cleanliness, protection, among others, and I will try to defend man’s best friends.

First of all, dogs are man’s best friends because they are very faithful to humans. For instance, in risky situations for their owners they act as defenders and help detect risky situations. Dogs can also work in the police department as detectors of prohibited substances, and they can also serve as a company for people with mental illnesses who need support .

Second, dogs are more affectionate with their owners. They can recognize their owners after a long time. They have a super developed and very effective sense of smell. This is why in many occasions when people disappear, dogs track them alone .

Finally , dogs have a lower loss rate compared to cats. In addtion, dogs are kept in their homes, and there are many cases in which lost dogs lead people to their “wanted” files in order to return to their homes. Dogs often defend their owners even if they get hurt or, in many cases dogs die.

To sum up , dogs are better than cats due to their loyalty, their defense tactics towards their owners, and in many cases also their intelligence, which is why they are called man’s best friends.

Good effort!

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Essay writing (b1).

  • ESS012 - Social Networking Websites
  • ESS011 - School and Part-Time Work
  • ESS010 - Discrimination of Women
  • ESS009 - Home By Ten ?
  • ESS008 - Extreme Activities
  • ESS007 - Becoming Happy By Helping Others
  • ESS006 - Time Management
  • ESS005 - Immigrants In A New Country
  • ESS004 - Teenagers and Their Free Time
  • ESS003 - The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages
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What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

English level B1 is the first level in the independent user level group. It indicates that the knowledge of English is at an intermediate level . If it is explained in general terms, “as an English learning level, people who have received an average of 200 lessons in the English course and can speak English at an intermediate level” can now switch to B1 level. At this level in English you easily could be able to communicate about common topics such as culture, work, social events and leisure with the four skills of English, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

With the B1 level of English, you can meet all your needs during your travels abroad, communicate on familiar topics and make new friendships. Your ability to understand English at B1 level is higher than at A2 level and you can speak at an intermediate level. Usually in speaking, you express yourself with short and repetitive sentences instead of long and complex sentences.

How Do You Know If You Are at B1 Level in English?

The best way to understand your English level is to take a test. You can measure your English level with exams such as TOEFL and IELTS.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are likely the best and most commonly known English proficiency tests. They are widely accepted by American universities too.

You can also check your English level here and your test your English skills here.

opinion essay topic b1

English B1 Level Subjects

In order to get a B1 level in English you need to learn these subjects.

present simplepresent progressive
stative verbsadverbs of frequency
past simplepast progressive
prepositions of timepresent perfect simple
present perfect progressivecomparisons
future will / going tofuture progressive
future perfectmust / have to / need
defining and non-defining relative clauseszero, 1st and 2nd conditionals
articlespast perfect simple
past perfect progressivetime linkers
had better, would rathershould + present and perfect infinitive
may,might,could,must,can’t,couldn’tpresent and perfect infinitive
clauses of concessionpassive voice 1
present participleparticiple clauses
infinitives and -ing formspassive voice 2
causativeinfinitive of purpose, for + ing form
reported speechwishes and unreal pst
clauses of result3rd conditional
wishes in the past

B1 Level Paragraph Writing Sample

Topic : What are the consequences of traffic congestion?

Suggested ideas for this topic:

-delays -stress -tiredness -frustrating time -frustrated drivers -road rage -increasing fuel consumption costs -increasing amount of CO2 emission -increasing air pollution

Paragraph Sample

There are lots of vehicles everywhere and the number of cars in big cities is increasing. This causes serious traffic congestion. Traffic congestion can have some negative effects not only on drivers but also on the people who live in cities. First of all, due to traffic jams, lots of people are late to their work. Therefore, they can’t start their work on time. For example, the people who work for big companies can be late. When people can’t finish their job on time, they have to stay in their office longer. This limits their free time so they feel unhappy. Secondly, the cars which are stuck in traffic jams cause air pollution. This air pollution has negative effects not only on nature but also on people who live in cities. Air pollution causes serious health problems. Finally, traffic congestion causes people to feel angry so some people can make dangerous things. To give an example, they can argue and fight with other drivers in traffic jams. Briefly, traffic congestion has negative effects on people’s psychology.

B1 Level Writing and Essay Ideas

Ideas for how do you write an opinion for B1 essay.

Essay 1: Social Networking Websites

Subject : These days most young people spend a lot of time on social network sites. Do you think this is a good thing or not? Write an essay about the good and bad sides of social media websites!

In your essay you should: • introduce the subject • present arguments in favour of and against using social media sites • write about your own habits concerning social networking

Your essay should be about 300 words long !

Essay 2: School and Part-Time Work

Subject : Many students work part-time while they are still at school or get a job in their summer holidays. What are the arguments for and against working and going to school at the same time?

Write an essay in which you • state the advantages and disadvantages • describe jobs you would work in if you had the opportunity • explain how working at an early age can affect your future life

Essay 3: Discrimination of Women

Subject : On Women’s Day, a famous American feminist visited your school. Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion on today’s situation of women in an essay: “Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of discrimination. Do you agree?” In your essay you should:

• evaluate which disadvantages working women face • judge if a woman’s position in society has improved over the years • analyse whether discrimination is still a problem today.

Write an essay of about 300 words and give it a title.

Essay 3: Home By Ten ?

An American magazine is running an essay competition about rules teenagers have to follow. As a teenager you are used to hearing your parents say: “Be home by ten.” So, you have decided to send in an essay.

In your essay you should: • compare what you and your friends are allowed to do. • argue whether 10 p.m. is too early for teenagers to come home. • discuss the legal situation in your country. • comment on why some parents give their children strict guidelines on when to come home.

Write about 300 words and give your essay a title!

Essay 4 : Becoming Happy By Helping Others

Subject : A youth magazine is planning an essay competition on happiness. You decide to take part in the competition. It wants you to write about the following statement: “The only way to happiness is by helping other people.”

In your essay you should • analyse the reasons for helping other people. • give examples • express your opinion on why it can make you happy

Write an essay of about 250 – 300 words and give your essay a title.

Essay 5 : Immigrants In A New Country

Subject : A magazine is planning to publish a special section on immigration. It has asked readers to send in their opinions on the problems that immigrants have in their new country. You have decided to take part and send in an essay.

• why people want to leave their home country • the kind of life immigrants leave behind • the problems that they face in their new country • how long it may take them to fit in with their new environment

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IELTS Opinion Essay Sample Questions

Below are some IELTS opinion essay sample questions which can come in writing task 2. Another name for these essays is argumentative essays.

Opinion Essays Tips

  • spend at least 5 minutes analysing the words and ideas in the statement
  • make sure your answer is a complete answer which addresses all parts of the task
  • give a clear opinion
  • stay true to your opinion throughout your essay
  • follow a safe opinion essay model

Opinion Essay Questions

“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventative measures. To what extent do you agree.
With the increased global demand in oil and gas, undiscovered areas of the world should be opened up to access more resources. To what extent do you agree?
We live in a world of technology these days. While the internet brings with it clear advantages, the problems in terms of control and security of information outweighs the advantages. To what extent do you agree?
In many countries today, parents are able to choose to send their children to single-sex schools or co-educational schools. Some people think that children going to single-sex schools have disadvantages later in life. To what extent do you agree?
Scientists and technology experts seem to be more valued by modern society than musicians and artists. To what extent do you agree?
Some people think that success is the best measure for intelligence, while others think that intelligence can be measured in other ways. What is your opinion?
The growing number of overweight  people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. To what extent do you agree or disagree? CLICK HERE: MODEL ESSAY
Some people believe that men and women are equal and so women should be able to do any job they want. Others feel that men and women are not equal and therefore there are certain jobs which are not suitable for women. What is your opinion?
Some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of valuable money. What is your opinion?

Other IELTS Essay Questions

  • Discussion Essay Questions
  • Solution Essay Questions
  • Direct Questions Essay Titles
  • Advantage Disadvantage Essay Questions
  • All Essay Questions by Topic


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English Writing Exercises for B1 – An opinion essay


1. Read the task and the essay. In which paragraph (A-D) does the writer ___

1) give his opinion?

2) introduce the topic?

3) make his proposals?

4) sum up the essay?

Some people think that the school curriculum should include subjects such as ‘leading a healthy lifestyle’. Write an essay in which you give your own opinion on this issue and propose ways in which this subject might be taught in schools.

[ a ]   If we can believe recent reports in the press, many teenagers are overweight and unfit. Some people argue that teaching children at school about a healthy lifestyle would help to solve this problem.

[ b ]   In view , it would be very sensible to teach students how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health problems later in life often start because people get into bad habits during their teenage years. It is sometimes said that this is the responsibility of the parent and not the school. But as I see it , everyone in society would benefit from this.

[ c ]   In order to tackle this problem , time should be set aside in the school timetable to teach children about the benefits of eating healthily and getting lots of exercise. Moreover , doctors could also play a part by coming into school and talking to students. I suggest that one or two hours a week should be spent on this topic.

[ d ]   To sum up , I agree with those people who believe that healthy living should be taught in schools. It seems to me that the students themselves and society in general would benefit from this proposal.

Show answers

1) B    2) A    3 C    4) D

2. Complete the gaps with the underlined phrases from the essay.

1   Introducing your opinions

 in opinion,  1) _____  2) _____  3) _____

2   Introducing other people’s opinions

 It is a widely held view that

 Most people agree that

 It is a common belief that

    4 _____

3   Making an additional point

     What is more,      Not only that, but      Furthermore,

4   Introducing proposals and solutions

     One solution might be to

     What I propose is that

     I would strongly recommend that

     It is vital that

5   Concluding

      In conclusion,      To conclude,       9) _____

1) In view    2) as I see it    3) It seems to me that

4) Some people argue that    5) It is sometimes said that

6) Moreover    7) In order to tackle this problem

8) I suggest that    9) To sum up

Writing Guide

Many people think that teenagers spend too much time using electronic gadgets. Write an essay in which you give your own view of the problem and propose ways of solving it.

Writing Strategy

1) Divide your essay into an introduction, main body and conclusion.

2) If the task has more than one element, deal with them in different paragraphs within the main body.

3) Use formal language.

4) Support opinions with evidence or examples.

3. Read the task and the Writing Strategy above. In which paragraph (A-D) of your essay will you ___

1) describe the problem?

2) introduce the topic: mention the problem (using different words from the task) and say that you will propose solutions?

3) sum up by saying that you are confident that your proposed solutions will help to solve the problem?

4) propose solutions?

1) B    2) A    3) D    4) C

4. Make notes about the headings below.

view of the problem and its causes: ________

Solutions to the problem: ________

your own answers

100 Interesting Opinion Topics To Write In An Essay

opinion essay topics

An opinion essay assignment is a formal piece of writing that provides the reader with your particular point of view on a given subject. You support your opinion by logical reasoning, facts, and examples. An assignment of this type can vary in length with most of them being somewhere between 400 – 800 words.

How to Write an Opinion Essay

How to start an opinion essay, opinion essay topics 5th grade, ideas for opinion essays for middle school, ideas for opinion writing, public opinion topics, unpopular opinion topics, writing opinion essay topics, opinion paper topics, opinion essay topics for college students, opinion ideas on current topics.

  • Select an Interesting Opinion Essay TopicWriting an opinion essay requires you to choose a topic that will be interesting to both you and the reader. Don’t go overboard by selecting something that is too heavy or you may find it difficult to get the job done correctly.
  • Create an Opinion Essay OutlineAfter researching the topic and brainstorming your ideas and arguments, organize your notes in an outline. This exercise will allow you to move from paragraph to paragraph without straying off the course and keeping your content in a logical order.
  • Look at Opinion Essay SamplesBefore you start writing the first draft, you may want to check out a few opinion essay examples for free. You can easily find them on the web, but we recommend you stick with only trusted sources. Find an academic or professional site that specializes in this kind of writing.
  • Write the First Draft QuicklyWriting opinion essay topics is easily accomplished when you get your ideas down on the page as quickly as possible. Just let the words flow naturally and refer to your outline if you feel you are getting off track. What is most important is that you write efficiently.
  • Revise, Edit, and ProofreadLastly, always make sure to set aside your opinion essay for at least a few hours (or days) before you return to it to start your revising. If you have the time, set the assignment aside again before you edit and proofread. This ensures you don’t miss minor mistakes that could lower your grade.

When students ask us how do you start off an opinion essay we give them a simple list of techniques to follow. The opening paragraph serves as a sort of map that guides your reader, so your opening statement in an opinion essay must capture your reader’s attention. Start with a great hook – a single statement that compels the reader to keep going. You can use a quote, a rhetorical question, or an interesting fact. Introduce your topic early and list some ideas you will explore in the essay. Finish the introduction with a strong thesis statement that tells the reader exactly what your opinion is. You can usually find a good opinion essay sample on the web, in writer’s guides, or from your teacher.

Good Opinion Essay Topics

These opinion essay topics are both fun and creative and will be perfect for an assignment in which you get to choose exactly what you want to write about:

  • Do you prefer to stay at home on weekends?
  • Which is the most inspiring sports story?
  • What is the best way to spend a vacation?
  • Do you prefer print or digital books?
  • Should the death penalty be universal?
  • Should people get more sleep?
  • Should energy drinks be banned?
  • Should every child have a pet?
  • How does homework help with test-taking?
  • Is it important to learn tradecraft?

These are good opinion topics for fifth-grade students that are just learning the fundamentals of writing a short but structured assignment:

  • Should sports have winners and losers?
  • Who would you like to visit your school?
  • Which celebrity would you like to meet?
  • Is bullying an important issue at your school?
  • Which sports athlete would you like to meet?
  • Is participation more important than victory?
  • Which is the best team sport to play?
  • Should your teacher reduce homework?
  • Should art be made mandatory in class?
  • What time should you be allowed to sleep?

These opinion writing ideas are a little tougher than the ones above. They will challenge without overwhelming students in middle school:

  • Is the Oxford comma becoming unnecessary?
  • Is it okay to keep the money you find on the street?
  • Should you report suspicious activity to the police?
  • What is the best country to visit?
  • Do you prefer books or movies about the same story?
  • Is it appropriate for zoos to keep animals?
  • Should pets on leashes be allowed in all businesses?
  • Do you think the U.S. should have created Space Force?
  • Do you think pro athletes should be paid for their play?
  • Do you think that sports should be segregated?

These opinion essay examples of topics are ones that were gleaned from the sources of news from around the globe. Let us know what you think:

  • Should smoking in public be made illegal?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Are drinking and driving penalties too low?
  • Are energy drinks safe for consumption?
  • Are the Bubble plans good ideas to bring sports?
  • Should more U.S. fans support its soccer team?
  • Should schools allow religious clubs on campus?
  • Are vaccines safe for all people?
  • Do you think students should be drug tested?
  • Can kids become addicted to sugar?

This list of opinion writing topics caters to the college undergraduate community of students. The topics apply to issues important to the public:

  • Should employers incorporate web filters?
  • How can cell phones be used as learning tools?
  • Does the national news capture diversity?
  • Should bathrooms be made gender-neutral?
  • Do boys face body issues?
  • Should tackle football be banned in schools?
  • Is the use of military force ever justified?
  • What moral obligations do leaders have?
  • Are people giving children too many children?
  • Should technology be used in medicine?

These topics for writing an opinion essay are great for students looking for a challenge by dealing with issues that are unpopular to the public:

  • What do you think about corporal punishment?
  • Is investing in the U.S. Space Force a good idea?
  • Should drivers be allowed to drive with buckles?
  • Should men have a say over pregnancy choices?
  • Do you think we will find evidence of water on Mars?
  • Should kids be limited to just a few hours of computer use?
  • Should students that plagiarize be expelled?
  • Do you think teachers should be armed?
  • Should schools employ private armed security?
  • Do you think greater restrictions on guns are good?

Here’s another list of the hottest topics being discussed on the web today:

  • Are violent video games negatively influencing teens?
  • What is the best decade in history?
  • Do you believe that we will encounter aliens?
  • Do think the U.S. and Russia know of alien life?
  • Are emojis negatively impacting communication skills?
  • Are drivers less attentive because of auto technology?
  • Should paper and plastic bags be banned from all stores?
  • Is living a simpler life the path to happiness?
  • Is going steady a good thing for teenagers?
  • How do teenage relationships compare to adult ones?

These opinion topics cover a wide range of study areas great for graduate courses:

  • Should fracking be outlawed?
  • Are genetically modified foods healthy for humans?
  • Should religious institutions be made to pay taxes?
  • Should online sports gambling be made legal?
  • Is it important to get a college education?
  • Should doctors be allowed to promote specific medications?
  • Do you think it’s time to make assisted suicide legal?
  • Should all interns be paid?
  • Is it a good idea to make school uniforms mandatory?
  • Should public colleges be free to all?

These ideas for an opinion essay are perfect for college-level through graduate-level students:

  • Has internet used negatively or positively changed communication?
  • Is it ethical to move toward full automation?
  • Should there be laws against using cell phones while driving?
  • Should social media be allowed to gather private information?
  • Do you think prostitution should be made legal?
  • Should governments allow monopolies?
  • Do you think that graffiti is vandalism or art?
  • Should graffiti artists be considered artists?
  • Should books be banned for questionable content?
  • Is censorship a form of government suppression?

This set of topics focuses on current issues in the world. Use them to direct the discussion towards the things that affect people today:

  • Should the U.S. open business amid COVID-19?
  • How important are sports to the economy?
  • Are pro athletes paid fairly?
  • Should women athletes make as much as men?
  • Should the President be impeached?
  • Can the President face criminal charges?
  • Is attending indoor events dangerous because of COVID-19?
  • Should education be free to everyone?
  • Is LeBron James the best athlete in the world?
  • Should big game hunting be made illegal?

More Opinion Essay Assistance

If you need more topics for an opinion essay, our academic writers can help. Our academic writing and editing experts are always up-to-date with the latest ideas for opinion articles. We can also show you how to write an opinion essay on any topic and in any discipline. Just give us a call, send us an email, or chat with one of our friendly support staff.

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English Writing Exercises for A2 – An opinion essay

  • English Writing Exercises for A2


1. read the task and the essay. are the sentences true (t) or false (f).

1   Sarah wants a sound system because she hasn’t got anything for listening to music.

2   Her brother loves football.

3   She’d give money to an organisation that helps homeless people.

4   She’d spend most of the money.

If you won €1 million in the lottery, what would you do with it? Write an essay and include your ideas. Give reasons for your choices.

If I won €1 million, there are a lot of things I would like to do with the money. It would be nice to buy myself something, but it would also be good to help others.

First of all, I would buy myself a docking station with fantastic speakers. Although I have got an MP3 player and some speakers, they are not very good.

Secondly, I would buy a new car for my mum. Her car is really old. I would buy my brother a Liverpool kit and a scarf. He is a really big Liverpool fan!

Thirdly, there are a lot of homeless people in my city. I would donate money to the local hostel. If I gave them €5,000, they could buy a lot of meals for homeless people.

Finally, I would save at least half of the money. In my opinion, it would be silly to spend it all now. What is more, if I invested the money, it would grow, and I would have more to spend in the future.

To sum up, I would buy something nice for myself and other members of my family, support local charities, and also save some money for the future.

1 F   2 T   3 T   4 F

Writing Strategy

In your writing, avoid starting too many sentences with the same words. Remember that you can:

–  use a variety of phrases for introducing opinions ( It seems to me …, In my opinion …, etc.) and for making additional points ( Moreover …, Furthermore …, etc.)

–  start conditional sentences with the if clause or the main clause.

–  use concession clauses ( although … / even though … ) at the beginning or end of a sentence.

2. Read the Writing Strategy. Then underline the following in the essay:

1   one concession clause (starting with Even though, although, etc.)

2   three second conditional sentences (with an if clause and a main clause).

3   one phrase for introducing an opinion.

4   four phrases for listing four points.

5   one phrase for introducing an additional point.

1   although I’ve got an MP3 player …

2   If I gave them €5,000, they could buy …;

… if I invested the money, it would grow, …

3   In my opinion, …

4   First of all; secondly; thirdly; Finally

5   What’s more, …

3. Read the task in exercise 1 again. Make notes for your answer.

Introduction: ……………………………………………….

First idea: ……………………………………………………

Reasons: …………………………………………………….

Second idea: ………………………………………………

Reasons: ……………………………………………………

Third idea: …………………………………………………

Reasons: …………………………………………………..

Fourth idea: ……………………………………………..

Reasons: ………………………………………………….

Conclusion: ……………………………………………..

your own answers

Writing Guide

4. use your notes from exercise 3 to write an essay. include an introduction and a conclusion., extra exercises.

When writing an essay you need to make sure you structure your work carefully and divide it into paragraphs. Guide the reader through your points by starting your paragraphs with words such as, First of all, Secondly, and Finally.

1. Read the Strategy. Then read the exam task in exercise 2 and the model answer below. Complete the table using the information in the model answer.

Most important improvement:






Second improvement:






Third improvement:






My town is very historic and we get a lot of visitors. There are several things I would improve to attract even more tourists. Here are three of the most important.

First of all, I would improve the parking. In my opinion, this is the most important thing because the town is always full of cars. If there was a car park on the edge of town, tourists could leave their cars there and get a bus into the centre. It would be easier for them and they could enjoy less crowded streets.

Secondly, I would cut the entrance price to museums and art galleries. The tickets can be very expensive, especially for families. If prices were cheaper, more tourists would visit these attractions.

Finally, I would arrange some interesting things for children to do in the park. If there were more activities for children, more families would come to the town.

To conclude, I would improve parking, reduce prices and provide things for children to do. All these things would attract more tourists to our town.

2. Write your essay.

Your town or a town near you is a tourist destination. What improvements would you make to attract even more tourists? Write an essay and include three ideas. Give reasons for your choices and say what effect the improvements would have on tourist numbers.

Include these points:

–  say what the most important improvement would be

–  choose two more improvements to make

–  explain how these things would affect tourists.

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The poisonous global politics of water

Polarisation makes it harder to adapt to climate change.

20 litre water cans are filled from pools dug in a dry river-bed in Androy Province, Madagascar

T HE WATER thieves come at night. They arrive in trucks, suck water out of irrigation canals and drive off. This infuriates Alejandro Meneses, who owns a big vegetable farm in Coquimbo, a parched province of Chile. In theory, his landholding comes with the right to pour 40 litres of river-water a second on his fields. But thanks to drought, exacerbated by theft, he can get just a tenth of that, which he must negotiate with his neighbours. If the price of food goes up because farmers like him cannot grow enough, “there will be a big social problem,” he says.

The world’s water troubles can be summed up in six words: “too little, too much, too dirty”, says Charlie Iceland of the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), a think-tank. Climate change will only aggravate the troubles. Already, roughly half of humanity lives under what the WRI calls “highly water-stressed conditions” for at least one month a year.

opinion essay topic b1

Adapting will require not only new technology but a new politics. Villages, regions and countries will need to collaborate to share scarce water and build flood defences. The needs of farmers, who use 70% of the world’s freshwater, must be balanced with those of the urbanites they feed, as well as industry. In short, a politics of trust, give-and-take and long-term planning is needed. Yet the spread of “them-and-us” demagoguery makes this harder. A global study by Jens Marquardt and Markus Lederer of the University of Darmstadt notes that populists stir up anger, sow distrust of science and dismiss climate policies as the agenda of liberal elites.

Around 97% of the water on Earth sits in the salty ocean; land-, lake- and river-bound life depends on the remaining 3%. Although the amount of water on the planet is immutable, the daedal workings that move it around are not. The water cycle is made up of a dizzying number of processes, many of them non-linear, which operate across various timescales and areas. All are, ultimately, driven by the energy of the sun, which makes seawater evaporate, plants transpire and, by disproportionally heating the tropics, powers ocean currents and weather systems.

Global warming alters the ways water behaves. It intensifies the water cycle, increasing the severity of both very wet events and very dry ones . Warmer air can hold more moisture, which also evaporates more readily up out of warmer oceans. More moisture in the atmosphere means more can fall back out as rain or snow. This increases the likelihood of heavier deluges in wet regions . That, in turn, means less potential precipitation is left for drier spots. “Thirsty” air there is more likely to suck moisture out of the soil, prolonging and worsening droughts.

opinion essay topic b1

The UN reckons that, between 2002 and 2021, flooding affected around 1.6bn people, killed nearly 100,000 and caused economic losses of over $830bn. Droughts, in the same period, affected 1.4bn, killed over 20,000 and cost $170bn. The World Bank estimates that by 2099, the global supply of freshwater per head will fall by 29% from what it was in 2000; and by a massive 67% in Africa, while rising 28% in Europe (see chart).

In Chile, “too little” is becoming a crisis, for which politics is nowhere close to finding a solution. It is the most water-stressed country in South America. “Santiago [the capital] is OK now but in ten years it might not be,” warns Jessica López, the public-works minister.

For centuries, Chileans who wanted water simply took it from streams and rivers, or sank wells to pump groundwater. But as parts of the country dry up, rules written in wetter times are increasingly out of date. Intense distrust between left and right—in a country that has seen massive protests in recent years—makes them hard to revise.

Conservative governments granted many landowners “water rights”, allowing them to pump a generous amount each day, for free and for ever. Today, the total volume of granted water rights far exceeds what can sustainably be extracted. So farmers like Mr Meneses have had to sit down with their local water association and agree on how much everyone can pump. Yet some people cheat, sinking illicit boreholes. Tension between big farmers, small farmers and villagers is high. “We’re surrounded by farms with illegal wells, and that’s why we have no water,” says Erica Díaz, a hard-up villager who relies on water trucks and recycles her washing-up water onto her vegetable patch.

Conservative Chilean landowners think of “water rights” as a natural part of property rights. But water is not like land. A house need not encroach upon a neighbour; but a well depletes groundwater for everyone. Granting a fixed volume of water rights in perpetuity is nuts.

Meanwhile, the Chilean left push the notion that water is a human right. A draft constitution , backed by the current government but rejected by voters in 2022, mentioned “water” 71 times, affirming everyone’s right to it, especially if they were poor or indigenous, but giving little clue as to how that right might be delivered.

The trickiness of water politics is on display at a meeting of small farmers in Punitaqui, a town in northern Chile. Everyone agrees water is too scarce. Some farmers complain big companies have taken an unfair share. Others complain of widespread criminality—including a water inspector getting death threats. An expert shows how to use ultrasound to detect leaks, which are common. Yet many farmers in the room admit they don’t even know where their local pipes are buried.

In one sense Chile has plenty of water: to the west is the Pacific Ocean. But getting a permit to build a desalination plant can take more than a decade. The problems are political more than technical. Just for permission to use a bit of shoreline for a plant, a firm must apply to the ministry of defence—taking three or four years. The archaeological-monuments council needs to be assured nothing of cultural interest is being damaged. That can take another three or four years. And then transporting water is a bureaucratic maelstrom.

Chile needs to think about water logically, says Ulrike Broschek of Fundación Chile, a think-tank. Desalination is useful, but unless powered by renewables it is bad for the climate. By one estimate, global emissions from desalination could match all of those from Britain by 2025.

In Chile, bigger, cheaper gains are to be made. Farms, which account for four-fifths of water use, could use drip irrigation and hydroponics more. If farmers paid directly for water, they would use it more efficiently. Cities, instead of having impermeable pavement everywhere, could use “rain gardens” to capture rain and recharge the groundwater below. And the rules need to be simpler: 56 public bodies regulate water, with no overall co-ordinator, Ms Broschek complains.

Ms López, at least, offers an encouragingly pragmatic view. A pending bill will speed up permits for desalination, she promises, and more water infrastructure will be built. More broadly, she argues that water “needs to have an appropriate price”.

Elsewhere, sensible water pricing is as rare as it is necessary. Even in places where it has been shown to work, it can be politically fraught. Take Australia, another dry country where farmers use more water than everyone else combined. Federal and state governments thrashed out an agreement in 2012 to conserve water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’s biggest system of interconnecting rivers. It relied on an existing scheme allowing farmers to buy or sell water entitlements. The goal was to save 3,200 gigalitres (gl) by 2024, either by “buying back” entitlements from farmers or by investing in projects that could save equivalent amounts, such as more efficient irrigation systems.

Australia has conserved about 2,130gl of water, equivalent to over 20% of what was previously consumed. Meanwhile, farm output has risen. It helps greatly that the country is rich. The government has pumped A$13bn ($8.8bn) into water-saving. Systems for measuring water use are sophisticated. When Malcolm Holm, a dairy farmer, needs to irrigate his pastures, he orders water online. Sensors measure out the volumes. Locks are raised, and it trickles into his fields. The system sustains his 1,200 cattle.

Yet nearly everyone is unhappy. Environmentalists say the targets should be more ambitious. Farmers say they are too strict. No one is forced to sell their water to the government, but because many do, the system reduces the total amount available to trade for irrigation. This is one reason why water prices have risen in the past decade. That is the point: higher prices spur conservation. But they also threaten rural livelihoods. Protests have erupted in rural New South Wales. “Preschools are struggling to get children in. Footy clubs haven’t got enough players,” says Linda Fawns, a councillor in Deniliquin, a small town. Jamie Tasker, a local agricultural mechanic, claims the government is “scaremongering” about the environment and squeezing irrigation to shore up city votes.

Almost nine out of ten Australians live in cities, and politicians, certainly, do not want their taps to run dry. But priorities change as parties alternate in power. The (conservative) Liberal Party, which is more pro-farmer and reluctant to do much about climate change, stopped doing water buybacks. The Labor Party, in federal power since 2022, resumed them.

Allegations of water theft abound. Last year a farmer was fined a mere A$150,000 for illegally taking over A$1.1m-worth of groundwater. “Theft is a business model, because fines don’t fit the crime,” grumbles Robert McBride, who runs an outback sheep station.

The Murray-Darling plan comes up for review in 2026. As droughts grow worse, the government ought to buy back more water, thus raising water prices and driving the least water-efficient farms out of business. They won’t go quietly.

From conflict to compromise

If the politics of water is touchy in well-off, stable places like Australia and Chile, it is explosive in poorer countries. Climate change seems to be making the weather more erratic in many of them, for example, by magnifying the variability inherent in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation , a global driver of monsoons and their rains.

In April and May floods in Kenya were the worst in memory. Bridges, schools and railways were destroyed. Perhaps 300 people died. Following years of drought, the government was caught off-guard, says Kennedy Odede of SHOFCO , an NGO serving Kenya’s slums. “When it started raining, people were happy. Nobody was expecting there to be too much.”

The government should have been better informed. Persistent drought paves the way for flooding, since the soil hardens and the water has nowhere to go but sideways. Kenya’s populist president, William Ruto, ignored warnings last year of impending floods.

A child collects water from a station pipe which supplies water used for cleaning trains at Mymensingh train station in Bangladesh

Benninah Nazau, a vegetable hawker in Mathare, a Nairobi slum, recalls rain pounding on her tin roof at 5pm on April 23rd. When she peered out, she saw tables and chairs swept along by the nearby river. By 1am the water was surging through her home. She grabbed her five children and took them to higher ground, unable to salvage any possessions. “It was life or death.” Neighbours were carried off in the deluge.

Political dysfunction makes cities less resilient. Rules barring the construction of homes dangerously close to the river—such as Ms Nazau’s, which was only six metres—are ignored. Landowners bribe officials to look the other way when they flout planning codes. Builders pave over wetlands.

Whereas scarcity has an obvious solution—higher prices—the problem of too much water does not. Flood defences must be built and people discouraged from living in the riskiest places. But where, and how? Kenya’s government is sponsoring tree-planting along Nairobi’s river banks, to help hold back future floods. A moratorium has been placed on new building permits in the city. Officials are evicting people from homes built 30 metres or less from the riverbanks and destroying the buildings. In the worst-affected part of Mathare, all that remains is rubble and a stench of sewage. Each household was offered 10,000 shillings ($77.60) compensation.

Many residents, however, are resisting. Some are still in shacks by the river, refusing to leave. Others want more compensation. Many distrust the government, widely seen as corrupt. Some Kenyans think politicians deliberately caused the flooding, to pave the way for the slum clearances that followed. Belief in such far-fetched conspiracy theories makes co-operation between state and citizens less likely.

Squabbles over water can turn violent. The Water, Peace and Security partnership, a global body, crunches data to predict water-related conflicts. Its latest update, in June, notes that herders and farmers across the Sahel are fighting over scarce water. Drought-related skirmishes are expected in South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique, and floods in Iran and Afghanistan have displaced populations into areas where they may not be welcome.

Tensions between states are common, too. As rivers grow more erratic, negotiations between downstream countries and upstream ones may grow more fraught. Dry countries (such as China and the Gulf states) are buying up farmland in Africa and the Americas to secure future supplies of food. In effect, they are importing vast quantities of water in the form of wheat and soyabeans. This could become a political flashpoint.

Water wars between states are fortunately rare. But Egypt is furious about an Ethiopian dam that could disrupt its access to the Nile river, from which it gets nine-tenths of its water. Talks over how to share the water keep failing. Egyptian officials hint they might go to war. They may be bluffing, but no one can be sure.

To avoid water wars, countries need to use water more efficiently (Egypt wastes it copiously) and negotiate more amicably. Much work needs to be done in both areas. The world spends roughly 0.5% of GDP on water, the World Bank estimates, but 28% of allocated public funds go unspent, and a typical water utility has “efficiency losses” (leaks and theft) of around 16%. As for amicable haggling, three-fifths of the world’s 310 international river basins lack frameworks to govern disputes.

Another thing that makes water policy hard is that many people—such as those whose homes are too costly to defend from floods, or whose crops wither—will eventually have to move. Chilean vineyards are already shifting south. Outback towns will shrink. Inundated Africans and Asians will keep migrating to cities or abroad.

Rich countries may be able to help compensate those whose homes and fields are rendered worthless, but the process will be disruptive everywhere. Nonetheless, it should be manageable. The WRI estimates that solving the world’s water crises would cost 1% of GDP per year until 2030, and that every $1 invested in sensible ways to do so would yield $6.80 in benefits. However, getting the politics right will require calm, collaborative leadership, disproving the epigram attributed, perhaps erroneously, to Mark Twain: “Whisky’s for drinking; water’s for fighting.” ■

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Guest Essay

My Son and Gus Walz Deserve a Champion Like Tim Walz

The Walz family at the Democratic National Convention.

By Tina Brown

Ms. Brown is the author, most recently, of “The Palace Papers: Inside the House of Windsor — the Truth and the Turmoil."

The sight at the Democratic convention on Wednesday night of Tim Walz’s 17-year-old son leaping to his feet, with streaming eyes, a hand to his chest with a cry of “That’s my Dad” was heart piercing.

As the mother of Georgie, a 38-year-old on the spectrum who still lives with me, I recognized him immediately as one of “ours,” a sweet, unfiltered, slightly bewildered-looking young man who wasn’t quite sure what was expected of him in this epic moment of political adulation.

Gus Walz has, according to his parents, a nonverbal learning disorder, A.D.H.D. and an anxiety disorder, all of which they regard not as a setback but as his “secret power,” that makes him “brilliant” and “hyperaware.”

I know exactly what they mean. One of the joys of my life in the social churn of New York is living with a son whose inability to read the room makes him incapable of telling anything but the truth. Once, as my husband, Harry Evans, and I left a pretentious social gathering in the Hamptons, Georgie told the host sunnily: “Thank you very much. No one spoke to me really, so it was a very boring evening. The food was OK. I doubt I will come again.”

“I have never been prouder of you in my life!” shouted my husband in the car. How many times have all of us wanted to say that as we gushed about the fabulous time we just hadn’t had? Then there was the moment he went up to Anna Wintour at one of my book parties and asked if she was Camilla Parker Bowles. And the time at the intake meeting for a supported work program, when the therapist asked Georgie, “Has anyone ever molested you?” “Unfortunately not,” he replied. Georgie teaches me every day how much we depend on social lies to make the world go round. His sister — his forever best friend — and I feel so lucky to have him in our lives. So did his dad, who died in 2020.

And yet for people who are different and have no support, the world can be bleak. Their loneliness can be agonizing. Some people assume the school days are the hardest, but it’s the years after that are the social desert. Having a friendly, forgiving workplace to go to is critical. It’s often their only taste of community and what makes them such reliable and rewarding employees. The work from home movement has been a killer for people with special needs, often depriving them of the only social connections they have.

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    Welcome to Opinion's commentary for Night 4 of the Democratic National Convention. In this special feature, Times Opinion writers rate the evening on a scale of 0 to 10: 0 means the night was a ...

  21. The poisonous global politics of water

    The UN reckons that, between 2002 and 2021, flooding affected around 1.6bn people, killed nearly 100,000 and caused economic losses of over $830bn. Droughts, in the same period, affected 1.4bn ...

  22. B1 Writing Explanations

    A2 Key (KET) B1 Preliminary (PET) B2 First (FCE) ielt IELTS toe TOEFL iBT . Login; B1 Writing Explanations. Explanations » B1 Writing Explanations. Writing an opinion essay. How to write an email to a friend giving news. How to write a past story from a given sentence. How to write a hotel review after a stay. ... Request a topic for a lesson;

  23. Opinion

    Guest Essay. My Son and Gus Walz Deserve a Champion Like Tim Walz. Aug. 23, 2024. ... Follow the New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, X and Threads.

  24. Kamala Harris Wants to Deliver Joy. What's Wrong With That?

    Colin Levy's assault on joy ("Joy to the World, Kamala's Here," op-ed, Aug. 23) reminds me of a third-grade classmate who used to steal my milk money. The act was less about gaining a few ...