Public access to and publication of Master’s theses

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  • Open university Flag this item

Bachelor's Programmes

  • Bachelor's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science (TKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (SBP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (VO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental and Food Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Physical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Science (BSC) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item

Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Medicine Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item
  • International Masters in Economy, State & Society   Flag this item
  • Master ́s Programme in Development of health care services Flag this item
  • Master's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Area and Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Changing Education Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Computer Science (CSM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Culture and Communication (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Data Science Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Early Education (VAKA) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in English Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Gender Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in International Business Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics (LSI) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Literary Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Materials Research (MATRES) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (MAST) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Neuroscience Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences (PARAS) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages and Literature Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social and Health Research and Management Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods (TCM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translation and Interpreting Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translational Medicine Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP) Flag this item
  • Master’s Programme in Global Governance Law Flag this item
  • Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (ENCHIL) Flag this item

Doctoral Programmes

  • Doctoral Programme Brain and Mind Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-DP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine (DPBM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Drug Research (DPDR) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Geosciences (GeoDoc) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour (DPHuB) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences (DENVI) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Language Studies (HELSLANG) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences (DPPS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes (PYAM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DOCPOP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology (LUOVA) Flag this item

Specialist training programmes

  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Finnish) Flag this item
  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (ELO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (LEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (VEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies in subject teacher education Flag this item
  • Spe­cific Train­ing in Gen­eral Med­ical Prac­tice Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Clinical Mental Health Psychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Food Production Hygiene Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Chemistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Microbiology Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 5-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 6-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, general veterinary medicine Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Trainer Training Programme in Integrative Psychotherapy Flag this item
  • Training Programme for Psychotherapists Flag this item
  • Language Centre
  • Open University

A thesis written by a student to complete a degree is a public document. All activities at the university are governed by the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, and also the public availability of theses is based on this legislation. Neither the university nor the teachers have the authority to decide on the public availability of a thesis contrary to the law. The numerical grades and verbal statements given for theses are usually public as well.

On this page

Public access to theses.

Master’s theses included in second-cycle (master’s) degrees are public documents. Public access to them is based on the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), with which the University must comply in all its operations. The University and its teachers do not have the power to decide on public access to theses contrary to the above Act.

Public access to theses means that the University must make theses available to anyone upon request.

As a thesis supervisor, you should ensure that students know about public access to theses in advance. When drawing up a thesis plan and supervising a thesis, supervisors must also ensure that the choice of thesis topic and material is not contrary to the principle of public access without acceptable grounds.

Public access to theses also includes their abstracts.

Secret material and theses

Because a thesis becomes public immediately after its assessment and approval at a meeting of the faculty council, degree programme steering group or grading committee, the thesis must include no secret information. Students can include secret information in the background material, which is not part of the thesis to be assessed.

The Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) contains provisions on secret official documents. Secret information includes information related to private business or commercial activities or a private individual’s health, assets, political convictions or family life.

It must be noted that students cannot include secret material in thesis appendices or abstracts. The thesis supervisor has the right to gain access to secret background material, but must ensure that such material is not included in the thesis itself. The thesis examiner conducts their assessment based on the student’s written thesis, which must not include secret information. The examiner is not entitled to access secret background material.

It is the supervisor’s duty to advise and instruct students in issues related to the data protection of research material, such as its anonymisation.

Delayed publication (embargo)

Students may request that the publication of their thesis in the open publication repository Helda be delayed. A need for delayed publication (embargo) may arise, for example, if a thesis has been written in a research group and is closely related to research to be published later. A thesis whose publication has been delayed is still public, and access to it must be given to anyone requesting it.

The dean will decide on the embargo, and its maximum duration is one year.

Publication of theses

The University is committed to the premise of open science and research and, as part of implementing this openness, aims to make theses available electronically. Students are separately asked to permit the electronic publication of their theses. Supervisors should acquaint students with the basics of open science and research and encourage them to publish their theses electronically.

Abstracts for master’s theses are published in the Helsinki University Library’s open publication repository Helda . After the approval of theses, students are also asked for permission to publish their theses in Helda. If permitted, their theses will be made openly available and assigned a permanent web address.

Archiving of theses

Master’s theses are archived permanently. Helsinki University Library is responsible for archiving and providing access to theses approved at the University of Helsinki.

Further information and links

Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999; unofficial English translation)

Rector’s Decision HY/3220/, 21 June 2021: Guidelines for degrees and studies at the University of Helsinki

  • Instructions for students
  • Notifications for students

Thesis and maturity test in master's and licentiate programmes

Search for degree programme, open university programmes.

  • Open university Flag this item

Bachelor's Programmes

  • Bachelor's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science (TKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (SBP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (VO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental and Food Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Physical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Science (BSC) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item

Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Medicine Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item
  • International Masters in Economy, State & Society   Flag this item
  • Master ́s Programme in Development of health care services Flag this item
  • Master's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Area and Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Changing Education Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Computer Science (CSM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Culture and Communication (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Data Science Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Early Education (VAKA) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in English Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Gender Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in International Business Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics (LSI) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Literary Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Materials Research (MATRES) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (MAST) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Neuroscience Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences (PARAS) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages and Literature Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social and Health Research and Management Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods (TCM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translation and Interpreting Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translational Medicine Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP) Flag this item
  • Master’s Programme in Global Governance Law Flag this item
  • Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (ENCHIL) Flag this item

Doctoral Programmes

  • Doctoral Programme Brain and Mind Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-DP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine (DPBM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Drug Research (DPDR) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Geosciences (GeoDoc) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour (DPHuB) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences (DENVI) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Language Studies (HELSLANG) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences (DPPS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes (PYAM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DOCPOP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology (LUOVA) Flag this item

Specialist training programmes

  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Finnish) Flag this item
  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (ELO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (LEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (VEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies in subject teacher education Flag this item
  • Spe­cific Train­ing in Gen­eral Med­ical Prac­tice Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Clinical Mental Health Psychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Food Production Hygiene Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Chemistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Microbiology Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 5-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 6-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, general veterinary medicine Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Trainer Training Programme in Integrative Psychotherapy Flag this item
  • Training Programme for Psychotherapists Flag this item

An academic degree always includes a written thesis. As a student at the University, you are a full member of the academic community and an expert in your field. In your thesis, you will examine a research question or questions of interest to you and generate new scientific knowledge in your field for the benefit of the academic community. Typically, the thesis is written independently, but, depending on the situation, the related research may be conducted as part of a project or research group or in collaboration with a company or an organisation.

You can see the possible additional instructions for your degree programme by selecting your degree programme in the menu above. You can clear the selection of the degree programme by clicking on Clear the selection in the menu.

On this page

Thesis in master's and licentiate programmes, thesis and thesis plan.

As part of the advanced studies in the Master's Programme, you will prepare a written thesis of 30 credits in scope. If you study in the fields of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, your written thesis is 20 credits in scope.

In the thesis, you must demonstrate your familiarity with the thesis topic, mastery of the necessary research methods, the ability to think scientifically and proficiency in academic writing. The thesis workload, including the collection and processing of the research material as well as the writing process, corresponds approximately to one term of full-time study.

Before embarking on the thesis project, or at its initial stages at the latest, you must draft a thesis plan, which will be discussed and approved in the manner specified in the degree programme curriculum. The plan must also indicate the supervisor(s) of the thesis.

You can complete the thesis independently or in a group or a wider research project, provided that your independent input can be clearly demonstrated and easily assessed. You can also complete the thesis as a commission. However, write your thesis independently. You can write the thesis as pair work with a fellow student only if your degree programme has separately decided to allow this. In such cases, the independent contribution of both students must be clearly demonstrable. 

You should write your thesis in academic language.

Thesis template and abstract

To ensure the accessibility of the thesis file, you can use the text styles contained in the University of Helsinki template and follow the instructions provided in the template. However, make sure your faculty and degree program's thesis guidelines before using the template. When the Word file is in order for accessibility, you can also easily create an accessible PDF file. If you are using LaTeX system to create your thesis file, the PDF file edited from it is currently inaccessible due to lack of code markup. For this reason, we recommend that you save the source code of your thesis in addition to the PDF file.

The thesis includes an abstract written in the language of the thesis. In addition, students who have completed their secondary education in Finnish or Swedish must write an abstract in the language of their secondary education if the abstract also serves as a maturity test with which the student demonstrates their proficiency in Finnish or Swedish. You can use the University's abstract document (a word document) . Fill in the needed information on each line and write your abstract at the end. The length of the abstract is usually 1 page. The degree programmes and/or faculties can give more detailed instructions in the matter, please see also the degree programme-specific instructions. Attached is also a model document as a pdf . If needed, you can write the abstract also in other word processing programmes with the help of the model document. Include your abstract in the thesis file.

If you give permission to publish your thesis in the University's open publication repository , please make sure the document is in an accessible format. See instructions on how to create accessible documents .

Your thesis will be assessed on a scale of 0–5. The assessment is conducted in Finnish, Swedish or English. Your thesis will be assessed by two examiners. The dean approves your thesis and assess it based on the opinion given by the examiners.

If you are dissatisfied with your grading, you can lodge an appeal with the University’s Academic Appeals Board. Read more on the page Legal protection of students .

Maturity tests for master’s degrees

A maturity test is a scholarly text related to the field of your thesis, such as a part of the thesis or its abstract, or another piece of written work defined in the curriculum of your degree programme.

The maturity test demonstrates your familiarity with the field of your thesis.

Maturity tests are graded on a pass–fail basis. The person marking and approving a maturity test is usually a teacher in the degree programme (e.g., your thesis supervisor). The person approving a maturity test must be proficient in the language of the test.

A maturity test is an independent study attainment, but it is recorded in the student information system as having a scope of 0 credits.

Please note that the use of artificial intelligence in maturity tests is never allowed. Read more on the page Using AI to support learning .

In which language should a maturity test be completed?

The language of your maturity test depends on whether you completed one for your bachelor’s degree and on the language of your secondary education .

  • If the language of your secondary education was Finnish or Swedish and your bachelor’s degree included a maturity test completed in that language, you can complete your maturity test at the master’s level in Finnish, Swedish, English or the language of your thesis. You no longer need to demonstrate your language skills through the maturity test, but must demonstrate your familiarity with the field of your thesis.
  • If the language of your secondary education was Finnish or Swedish, but your bachelor’s degree included no maturity test in that language (e.g., you completed your bachelor’s degree outside Finland), you must complete a maturity test in the language of your secondary education. In doing so, you demonstrate both your language skills and your familiarity with the field of your thesis. This also applies to those studying in an English-language master’s programme or pursuing an English-language degree in a multilingual master’s programme. In the above cases, see the other language studies required for your degree .
  • If the language of your secondary education was not Finnish or Swedish or you completed your secondary education in a country other than Finland and are studying in a Finnish- or Swedish-language master’s programme or in a multilingual master’s programme in Finnish or Swedish, you can complete a maturity test in Finnish, Swedish, English or the language of your thesis. In doing so, you demonstrate your familiarity with the field of your thesis.
  • If the language of your secondary education was not Finnish or Swedish or you completed your secondary education outside Finland and are studying in an English-language master’s programme or in a multilingual master’s programme in English, you must complete a maturity test in English. In doing so, you demonstrate your familiarity with the field of your thesis.

Public access to and publication of master’s theses

Public access to theses.

Master’s theses included in second-cycle (master’s) degrees are public documents. Public access to them is based on the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999). Public access to theses means that the University must make theses available to anyone upon request.

Public access to theses also includes their abstracts.

Secret material and theses

Because a thesis is available for public access immediately after its assessment and approval at a meeting of the faculty council, degree programme steering group or grading committee, the thesis must include no secret information. You can include secret information in the background material, which is not part of the thesis to be assessed.

The Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) contains provisions on secret official documents. Secret information includes that related to private business or commercial activities or a private individual’s health, assets, political convictions or family life.

You cannot include secret material in thesis appendices or abstracts. The thesis supervisor can gain access to secret background material, but must ensure that such material is not included in the thesis itself. The thesis examiner conducts their assessment based on the student’s written thesis, which must not include secret information. The examiner is not entitled to access secret background material.

Publication of theses

The University recommends the open publication of master’s theses and corresponding licentiate theses.

If you permit the online publishing of your thesis, it will be published in the University of Helsinki’s open publication repository Helda , where it will be available to the general public. Search engines will display resources contained in the publication repository prominently in search results.

Storing your thesis in the E-thesis system does not mean giving permission for the publication of the thesis. This permission will be requested separately in a message you receive from the E-thesis system after your thesis has been approved. If you do not permit the online publication of your thesis, it will be available for viewing only on the library terminals of Helsinki University Library.

The abstracts of master’s theses are always public and published in the open Helda repository .

If your thesis includes an article published in a journal, or an article is being prepared on the basis of your thesis, it is possible that your thesis cannot be published openly as such. If your article is published in a scholarly journal or other scholarly publication, its publisher can often provide information on the terms and conditions of open publishing. If you require further information on publishing your thesis in the open publication repository, please send a message to the following email address: e-thesis(at)

Delayed publication (embargo)

As a student, you may request that the publication of your thesis in the open publication repository Helda is delayed. A need for delayed publication (embargo) may arise, for example, if a thesis has been written in a research group and is closely related to research to be published later.

If the publication of your thesis needs to be delayed, please report this need on the thesis submission form under the item ‘Other notes’ when submitting your thesis for assessment. The dean may grant a delay of one year. If you are studying at the Faculty of Science, please contact the education coordinator about the need for an embargo.

An embargoed thesis cannot be viewed in full even on the library terminals, but since the thesis is a public document, it must always be made available upon request. Description data (including the abstract) are always public and are openly available in the Helda repository . If you give permission to publish a thesis which has been embargoed, it will become available in the open publication repository on the date the embargo ends. Otherwise, your thesis will only be available on library terminals.

E-thesis / University of Helsinki


  • Educational Sciences
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  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Agriculture and Forestry

Sending your Master’s thesis for evaluation and publishing it in digital format

Faculty of medicine, before submission.

  • All theses must have a title page and an abstract. The abstract must be written in the language in which the student completed their secondary education for the purposes of the maturity test. Check the Instructions for Students website for guidelines on how to write the abstract in your degree programme.
  • If you have agreed on an embargo with your supervisor, indicate its duration (1 to 12 months) in the “Other notes” field in the submission form.
  • Submit enclosures, if any, to Student Services.
  • The author of the thesis saves the dissertation in the E-thesis system no later than 11.59 p.m. on the day of submission.

Technical depositing instructions

  • Convert your thesis (including the title page fisrt and then the abstract and finally the thesis) into a single accessible PDF file, name the file Surname_Firstname_thesis_year (without Scandinavian letters or special characters) and save it. Check that the pdf file is in text format. The easiest way to see it is to be able to select / paint text with the mouse.
  • Activate your Office 365 email if you haven´t done it yet. A thesis cannot be submitted without a valid email address. (NOTE! Activation takes one night.)
  • Carefully complete the description data requested in the fields of the form.
  • When needed, complete the Abstract field again if your work contains an abstract written in an additional language.
  • Retrieve the PDF file you have created.
  • Check again that the information is correct and complete the depositing.
  • After a successful submission your work is under a review and evaluation process that includes plagiarism detection in the Ouriginal system. After submission, you will receive an automatic confirmation message from the Ouriginal and E-thesis system.
  • N.B. Once the thesis has been submitted to the E-thesis system, it can no longer be edited. Please be careful!
  • After saving your thesis, the reviewers will be added to your thesis and only then will your thesis be sent to the reviewers.
  • When the review is complete, you will receive a message from the system with a grade suggestion. The grade proposal will come before the Faculty Council meeting.
  • Once the thesis evaluation has been approved at the Faculty Council meeting an attempt is made to register the performance notes of the thesis and of the maturity test as soon as possible.
  • Once the registration has done you will receive a message that will allow you to grant or deny permission for online publication in Helda (Helsinki University Open Repository)
  • N.B. Information is saved and emails will be sent to the user whose account has been used in logging in to the system. Never give your user name or email address to others!

Feedback form (LIC.MED./LIC.DENT, in Finnish) Feedback form (LIC.MED./LIC.DENT, in Swedish) Feedback form (psychology&logopedics, in Finnish)

Submission Form for the Faculty of Medicine.

Publishing online

At the University of Helsinki, master’s theses are published in HELDA , the University’s open digital repository. Once your thesis has been approved by the Faculty, you will receive an email message with a link for allowing online publication. Online publication is recommended, since your work will gain a permanent publication platform and web address. If you do not allow the online publication of your thesis, a PDF version will be archived to be available only locally on the library terminals in University Library facilities. The thesis abstract and descriptive information are always published in Helsinki University´s open digital repository.

If your thesis contains an article published in a journal, or an article based on your thesis is in the works, the thesis may not be published openly as such. You can often get information from the publisher of the article about their Open Access publishing policies. If you need more information about publishing, you can contact the service [email protected].

If you do not accept the publishing license, the PDF version of your thesis will be stored in such a way that the full text can only be accessed locally from library computers ("archived") but the reference and the abstract will be published in Helda .

Ouriginal plagiarism detection system

The submitted thesis is processed using the Ouriginal plagiarism detection system. This creates a report that the assessor reads. Link to the report comes into the evaluation form in E-thesis. The report does not automatically become readable by the student. Once the Ouriginal system has generated the report, you will receive a message in your email. You can use the link in the message to decide whether your work will be saved in the Ouriginal database. The University of Helsinki recommends saving in Ouriginal, as this way the student can prevent plagiarism to his or her own work in the future. You can save your work in Ouriginal, even if you do not give permission for its open publication online. The student has the right to see the Ouriginal report generated from his or her own work upon request.

Further information and help

Instructions for Students In questions related to the thesis examination and assessment process, contact Meilahti Student Services ([email protected]). In issues related to depositing, send your question by email to [email protected].

  • Helsinki University´s thesis template (guides you in making an accessible file)
  • University's abstract document (a word document) and model document as a pdf
  • Instructions on how to convert your file into a PDF file (PDF-XChange program). Please note: you should not add restrictions such as disabling printing of the PDF file.
  • Instructions on accessibility

You may submit and publish your thesis even after you have graduated. In this case, please send e-mail to [email protected] .

Contact information

  • Evaluation of master's and bachelor's theses
  • Teaching and Learning Services
  • [email protected]
  • Doctoral dissertations, availability and publishing of dissertations and theses
  • Helsinki University Library
  • [email protected]
  • © HULib 2012-2020


  • About E-thesis
  • Data protection
  • Accessibility

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Master thesis

  • Marita Ruusunen (Co-supervisor)
  • Department of Food and Nutrition

Activity : Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)


ExamineeBernice Atakora-Amaniampong
Examination held at

In the Language Bank: Aku Rouhe

His current work includes, among other things, fine-tuning large language models that are optimized for Finnish and Nordic languages. These openly available LLMs have been created through successful academia-enterprise collaboration.

Who are you?

I am Aku Rouhe. For several years, I did research in the Aalto University Speech Recognition research group, and defended my doctoral thesis there this past February. After Aalto, I moved to Silo AI (now owned by AMD), where I work with large language models (LLMs) – I have moved from speech to text. My interest in language is also part of my free time in creative writing.

What is your research topic?

In my doctoral thesis , I compared end-to-end models with more traditional multi-model decomposed systems. In recent years, both the academia and commercial deployments in speech recognition have largely moved to end-to-end models. However, my work showed how multi-model decomposed systems remain a competitive alternative, for instance, in terms of recognition accuracy. Indeed, the main advantage of end-to-end models is probably their simplicity.

End-to-end models often require vast training resources. Thus, it was important for me to  study end-to-end models applied to under-resourced languages as well.

My current work at Silo is on fine-tuning large language models such as  Poro and Viking , which are models optimized for Finnish and Nordic language. These LLMs were developed in a collaborative research project between Silo and TurkuNLP.

How is your research related to Kielipankki?

End-to-end models hunger for data, so large corpora are needed. I was involved in compiling the  Aalto Finnish Parliament ASR Corpus 2008-2020 , which consists of Finnish Parliament plenary session recordings, and also in the Lahjoita Puhetta project, where volunteers donated their speech to produce the  Puhelahjat corpus . I got to combine both of these large speech corpora in an article that was published when I was finalizing my PhD, at a time when I was involved with the  LAREINA project . Nowadays, the Finnish speech recognition resources are respectable for a language spoken by so few.

Recent publications

Rouhe, A., Grósz, T., Kurimo, M. 2024.  Principled Comparisons for End-to-End Speech Recognition: Attention vs Hybrid at the 1000-Hour Scale . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing , vol. 32, pp. 623-638, 2024.

Virkkunen, A., Rouhe, A., Phan, N. et al. 2023.  Finnish parliament ASR corpus . Lang Resources & Evaluation 57, 1645–1670 (2023).

Moisio, A., Porjazovski, D., Rouhe, A. et al. 2023.  Lahjoita puhetta: a large-scale corpus of spoken Finnish with some benchmarks . Lang Resources & Evaluation 57, 1295–1327 (2023).

Rouhe, A., Virkkunen, A., Leinonen, J., Kurimo, M. 2022. Low Resource Comparison of Attention-based and Hybrid ASR Exploiting wav2vec 2.0 .  Proc. Interspeech 2022, 3543–3547.

  • Aalto Finnish Parliament ASR Corpus 2008–2020
  • Donate Speech datasets ( puhelahjat ) for research use

More information

  • Speech Recognition research group at Aalto Univerisity
  • LAREINA – Language Resource Infrastructure for AI (2023–25)
  • Donate Speech (Lahjoita puhetta) campaign (2020–24)
  • Poro and Viking language models (Hugging Face)

  The  FIN-CLARIN consortium consists of a group of Finnish universities along with CSC – IT Center for Science and the Institute for the Languages of Finland (Kotus). FIN-CLARIN helps the researchers of Social Sciences and Humanities to use, refine, preserve and share their language resources.  The Language Bank of Finland is the collection of services that provides the language materials and tools for the research community.

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Sept 20 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Nicole Brauch

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | By jsteepe

Master of Science thesis defence in Biotechnology

Nicole Brauch, a Master of Science candidate in the Centre for Biotechnology, will defend her thesis titled “The use of immobilized caffeine aptamers in decaffeination & Roles of co-precipitants in the precipitation of DNA” on Friday, September 20 at 1 PM., in MCJ 404.

The examination committee includes Ping Liang, Chair; Hongbin (Tony) Yan, Supervisor; Juewen Liu, External Examiner (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Waterloo); and Aleksandar Necakov and Jeffrey Atkinson, Committee Members.

Tags: Biotechnology , FMS , Thesis defence Categories: Events

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FMS News and Events

  • Sept 20 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Nicole Brauch
  • Sept 18 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Assmaa El Khal
  • Sept 16 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Lasith Chamindu Pranath Pussella
  • Sept 13 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Raissa Sultana
  • Sept 11 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Anuththara Sarathchandra Lekamalage
  • Sept 9 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Alex Popescu
  • Aug 29 – Doctoral Thesis Defence – Mahdieh Gol Bashmani
  • Aug 21 – PhD Thesis Defence – Alicia Martin
  • Aug 19 – Master of Science Project Presentation – Samiha Tasmin
  • Aug 2 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Fardad Pirri

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Research Assistant / Master's thesis worker on compound semiconductor device design & fabrication within a research project targeting cryogenic optoelectronics for quantum data-links

Research Assistant / Master's thesis worker on compound semiconductor device design & fabrication within a research project targeting cryogenic optoelectronics for quantum data-links

  • Posted on Aug 30, 2024
  • Ref: R40655
  • Aalto University
  • Helsinki, Finland

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 13 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 500 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland. Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure our community’s diversity and inclusiveness. This is why we warmly encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join our community.

Engineeed Nanosystems group at Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering at Aalto University School of Science is looking for

Master’s Thesis worker / Research Assistant on compound semiconductor device design & fabrication within a research project targeting cryogenic optoelectronics for quantum data-links

We are looking for a highly motivated master student with an interest to continue with doctoral studies after graduation. Our research is focused on energy transfer in III-V compound semiconductors and is funded by the European commission within Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Academy of Finland.

The master thesis project will be aimed at studying the properties of LED’s components below room temperature and down to cryogenic temperatures . The work will be done in a close collaboration with a team of experimentalists and theoreticians from both Aalto University and VTT. A successful candidate will have an important role in co-designing the experimental work of our research team aiming to demonstrate the next break-throughs in energy conversion between light, heat and electricity.

Selected publications of our team related to the topic of master's thesis

  • Sadi, T., Radevici, I. & Oksanen, J. Thermophotonic cooling with light-emitting diodes. Nat. Photonics 14 , 205–214 (2020).
  • A. Casado, et al. On the temperature dependence of the efficiency of electroluminescence J. Appl. Phys. 126 , 173102 (2019).

Our wish list for the selected candidate includes:

  • interest/experience on experimental data acquisition and manipulation;
  • knowledge of semiconductor physics and/or related materials;
  • team working skills and sociable character;
  • aptitude for creative, open minded and independent thinking.

We’ll consider as a strong benefit:

  • experience on fabricating and processing compound semiconductor light emitting/solar cell devices (emphasis on GaAs);
  • previous experience in scripting (python, MATLAB, etc.) and electronics (Arduino, ESP32, etc.)

What we offer

The research takes place at Aalto University , School of Science, and Micronova , located at Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, offering a great environment both for research and recreation. Micronova is the largest clean room facility in the Nordic countries and offers a state-of-the-art ecosystem for micro- and nanoelectronics research and small-scale manufacturing. We also have a vivid national and international collaboration with research groups from Finland and EU.

The salary is determined according to the salary system of Finnish universities. At the Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, setting the salary of a master’s thesis worker to 2378,62 €/month. The duration of master thesis worker contract is 6 months.

As an employer, Aalto University provides excellent learning and development opportunities as well as occupational health care services, commuter ticket benefit and sport activities offered by Unisport. The contract includes occupational health benefits and Finland has a comprehensive social security system.

Ready to apply?

The deadline for applications is September 22, 2024. Note, however, that the position may be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified. We will go through applications, and we may invite suitable candidates to interview already during the application period.

Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period, reopen the application process, and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.

To apply, please share the following application materials with us through our recruitment site ("Apply now!”).

Please submit the following application material in pdf-form:

- Motivation letter (including names, position and contact information of possible referees)

- Resumé of your studies/experience

Please note: Aalto University’s employees should apply for the position via our internal HR system Workday (Internal Jobs) by using their existing Workday user account (not via the external webpage for open positions). Aalto University’s students  and visitors should apply as external candidates with personal (not aalto) email.

If you want more information about the open position, please contact Ivan Radevici or Jani Oksanen (emails of the form firstname.surname(at)

Questions related to the recruitment process can be sent to HR services at hr-nbe(at)

Want to know more about us and your future colleagues ? You can watch these videos: Aalto University – Towards a better world , Aalto People , and Shaping a Sustainable Future .

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More about Aalto University:

  • Quantum Physics
  • Optics and Photonics
  • Materials Physics Jobs
  • Materials Physics Jobs in Finland
  • Optical Engineering Jobs
  • Optical Engineering Jobs in Finland
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Jobs
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Jobs in Finland
  • Cryogenics Jobs
  • Cryogenics Jobs in Finland
  • Electromagnetism Jobs
  • Electromagnetism Jobs in Finland
  • Optics Jobs
  • Optics Jobs in Finland
  • Quantum Physics Jobs
  • Quantum Physics Jobs in Finland
  • Thermodynamics Jobs
  • Thermodynamics Jobs in Finland
  • Research Jobs in Finland

Research Scientists/Engineers for Quantum Photonics team

  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Scientist – Piezo/ferroelectric nitride thin films for wide band gap applications (f/m/d) // Job-ID: 124-1

  • SAL Silicon Austria Labs
  • Consent preferences

Updated Deadlines for Graduate Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project for SY 2024-2025

18 Sep 2024 | Office of the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Education

Quality Education


Deans, Department Chairs/Program Directors, Graduate Program Coordinators, Faculty, and Graduate Students of GBSEALD, SOH, JGSOM, SOSE, and SOSS


(Sgd) Anne Lan K. Candelaria, PhD
Assistant Vice President for Graduate Education


Updated Deadlines for Graduate Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project for SY 2024-2025

In line with the updated graduation dates announced by the Office of the University Registrar on 11 September 2024 ( Academic Calendar ), kindly note the revised deadlines related to Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Projects:


Grade Submission to OAVPGE

DEAN's Approval of the revised TDCP and other requirements

First Semester

9 November 2024

7 December 2024

Second Semester*

3 May 2025

24 May 2025

Please refer to the following documents for the most recent TDCP policies and procedures:

1.  OAVPGE memo released last 5 September 2024

2.  2024 Graduate Student Handbook

Kindly disseminate this to your faculty advisers, panel members, style readers, and graduate students. 

Thank you very much.

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Sakhalin Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Sakhalin oblast: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk .

Sakhalin Oblast - Overview

Sakhalin Oblast is one of the easternmost regions of Russia and the only region completely located on islands (Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands), part of the Far Eastern Federal District. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Sakhalin Oblast is about 484,200 (2022), the area - 87,101 sq. km.

Sakhalin oblast flag

Sakhalin oblast coat of arms.

Sakhalin oblast coat of arms

Sakhalin oblast map, Russia

Sakhalin oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

14 April, 2024 / Beautiful Landscapes of Iturup Island .

28 November, 2022 / Abandoned Aniva Lighthouse on Sakhalin Island .

29 October, 2019 / Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - the view from above .

14 July, 2017 / Amazing Nature of Iturup Island .

16 March, 2016 / Columnar Landscape of Cape Stolbchaty on Kunashir Island .

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News, notes and thoughts:

17 December, 2011   / The oil drilling platform "Kolskaya" capsized on Sunday, about 200 kilometers off the coast of Sakhalin. According to recent data, there were 67 people on board. Currently, 14 people were rescued .

History of Sakhalin Oblast

The first people came to Sakhalin Island approximately 250-300 thousand years ago. The modern history of the region began in the 17th century, when the first Russian explorers came to the Pacific coast. The south of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were inhabited by Ainu, the north of Sakhalin was inhabited by Nivkh.

In 1644, the first map of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands was compiled. In 1689, the peace treaty between the Russian kingdom and China was signed in Nerchinsk. For the first time it defined the boundary between the two states. Russia had to leave the Amur region for almost a century and a half. As a result, Sakhalin was beyond Russian influence for a long time. In the mid-18th century, the Manchus troops landed on Sakhalin. The population of the island became dependent on China.

In 1806-1807, the first Russian-Japanese armed conflict took place in the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. October 20, 1806, N.A.Khvostov declared Sakhalin the Russian territory. In 1808, the Japanese restored ruined settlements in Sakhalin and Iturup.

In 1811, the Japanese garrison of the island of Kunashir took the Russian navigator V.M.Golovnin prisoner. He spent over 2 years in Japanese prison and was set free only after the Russian administration declared that N.A.Khvostov’s attacks were not legal.

More Historical Facts…

In 1850, G.I.Nevelsky raised the Russian flag in the lower Amur and declared it and Sakhalin the Russian territory. In 1855, the first Russian-Japanese treaty was signed in the town of Simoda. Simoda Treaty stated that the boundary between Russia and Japan was to be between the islands of Urup and Iturup. Sakhalin remained a co-ownership between the two countries.

In 1858, the first exiles were brought to Sakhalin. In 1869, Sakhalin was officially declared as a place of exile and a prison. In 1875, another Russian-Japanese treaty was signed in St. Petersburg. According to it, Japan renounced its rights to Sakhalin and received the Kuril Islands in return.

In June-July, 1905, the Japanese troops occupied Sakhalin. September 5, 1905, after the defeat of the Russian Empire during the Russian-Japanese War, a peace treaty was signed in Portsmouth (USA), according to which the southern part of Sakhalin became part of the Empire of Japan. In 1906, the Russian government cancelled exile and prison on Sakhalin. In 1907, the Japan government formed a governorship Karafuto on the territory of the southern Sakhalin.

On May 9, 1920, the Soviet power was declared in the northern Sakhalin. On April 22, 1920, about 2,000 Japanese soldiers landed in Alexandrovsk and seized power in the north of the island. This was followed by arrests and murders of supporters of the Soviet regime. On January 20, 1925, the “Convention on principal rules of the USSR and Japan interrelations” was signed in Beijing. It returned the northern Sakhalin to the USSR.

On April 13, 1941, the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact was signed. On February 11, 1945, in Yalta, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill signed an agreement on conditions of the USSR entering the war against Japan. One of the conditions was the transfer of the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands under the jurisdiction of the USSR.

On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared war on Japan. On August 11-25, 1945, there were clashes in the southern Sakhalin. On February 2, 1946, the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were declared the territory of the USSR. At the same time, Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya oblast was formed on the territory of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. A new region became part of Khabarovsk krai.

In 1946-1948, the Japanese population of the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands was repatriated. On September 8, 1951, a peace treaty with Japan was to be signed in San-Francisco. According to it, Japan renounced all rights and claims to the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. But the treaty didn’t say anything about whom these territories should belong. The Soviet delegation didn’t sign the treaty.

On October 19, 1956, the Soviet-Japanese declaration was signed in Moscow. It stated the end of the war between the USSR and Japan. The article #9 of the declaration implied negotiations on the peace treaty and included the consent of the Soviet Union to return Japan the islands of Khabomai and Shikotan after signing the agreement. In 1960, the Soviet government refused to fulfill the obligations of the article #9 of the Moscow agreement.

On September 1, 1983, a jet fighter of the Soviet Air Force shot down a South Korean passenger Boeing that entered Soviet airspace over the territory of Sakhalin, 269 passengers died.

Today, the peace treaty between Russia and Japan is still not signed. This territorial issue remains the major problem in relations between Russia and Japan to this day.

Beautiful nature of Sakhalin Oblast

Nature of Sakhalin Oblast

Nature of Sakhalin Oblast

Author: Semyonov Alexander

Lake in Sakhalin Oblast

Lake in Sakhalin Oblast

Author: Sergey Kotelnikov

Hilly landscape of Sakhalin

Hilly landscape of Sakhalin

Author: Podkovyrov Igor

Sakhalin Oblast - Features

Sakhalin Oblast is the only region in Russia, which is located on islands. It includes Sakhalin Island (76,600 sq. km.) with the neighboring small islands of Moneron and Tyuleniy, as well as the Kuril Islands (10,500 sq. km.).

Sakhalin is one of the largest islands in Russia, which stretches for 948 km from north to south. It is separated from the mainland by Tatar Strait, the width at the narrowest point, between the capes of Pogibi and Lazarev, is about 7 kilometers. The archipelago of the Kuril Islands stretches for 1,200 kilometers from north to south, between Kamchatka and Hokkaido.

The region is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The unique geographical location of Sakhalin favors the development of international relations.

The climate is temperate, monsoon. The average temperature in January ranges from minus 6 (in the south) to minus 24 (in the north) degrees Celsius, in August - from plus 19 to 10 degrees Celsius respectively.

The main feature of the local nature is high seismic and volcanic activity. This is especially true for the Kuril Islands where there are 9 active volcanoes and earthquakes occur quite often.

Natural resources and economy of Sakhalin Oblast

Sakhalin Oblast is a place that combines a great raw materials potential with extreme conditions of its developing. In addition to biological resources provided by the seas, the region has large reserves of hydrocarbons.

The local population is not numerous, the infrastructure is not developed, except for Sakhalin. There is no stable year-round transport communication between different parts of the region (islands).

Sakhalin is specialized in fishery and its processing, forest and wood processing, pulp and paper industries. Oil, natural gas and coal are extracted here. It is the only region in Russia producing agar (also known as agar-agar) - a gelatinous substance obtained from seaweed.

Sakhalin is the third-largest producer of fish products in the Russian Far East. Seafood and timber are exported mainly to Japan, as well as to other Asia-Pacific countries.

Tourism in Sakhalin Oblast

Sakhalin Oblast has great potential for tourism development. Nature of Sakhalin is unique and beautiful. There are spa and thermal springs, deposits of curing mud, over 1,000 cultural and historical objects, volcanoes, waterfalls, monuments of archaeology, sites connected with culture of the natives.

The main tourism activities include rafting, climbing in the mountains (in particular Chekhov peak), hiking, snowboarding, skiing, cycling, caving, paragliding, windsurfing, year-round fishing, sea kayaking, scuba diving, ice climbing, kite surfing.

“Iljya Muromets”, the highest waterfall in Russia (141 meters), is located on Iturup Island, part of the Kuril Islands. Tyuleny Island, located east of Sakhalin, is a unique nature reserve with a rookery of fur seals.

Today, about 85-95% of foreign tourists come from Japan. They are interested in sightseeing and educational, environmental, fishing and nostalgic tourism.

Sakhalin oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of sakhalin oblast.

Sakhalin Oblast scenery

Sakhalin Oblast scenery

Author: Fedotov A.

Lake in the Sakhalin region

Lake in the Sakhalin region

Author: Dmitry Peskov

Bear in Sakhalin Oblast

Bear in Sakhalin Oblast

Author: Alexander Alyuskin

On the coast in Sakhalin Oblast

Rocks on the coast in Sakhalin Oblast

Rocks on the coast in Sakhalin Oblast

Author: Shulyak Alexander

Just a cow resting on the beach in the Sakhalin region

Just a cow resting on the beach in the Sakhalin region

Author: Joey Tucker

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Things to Do in Sakhalin, Russia - Sakhalin Attractions

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  1. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    Submitting of master's thesis for evaluation is done either in the new or old E-thesis, depending on the faculty. In the Faculty of Science, submitting is done either in the new or old system, depending on the degree programme. See detailed instructions on this page. The following faculties will use the old E-thesis until 31.12.2024.

  2. Theses

    The University of Helsinki uses the Ouriginal plagiarism detection system. On this page you will find information on using Ouriginal. ... The aim of the grant is to promote the finalizing of the master's thesis by providing for an intensive thesis writing period at one of the field stations of the University. Read more about the grant and ...

  3. Theses

    Theses can be found in the library's collections in both printed and digital formats. You can read printed theses at the library premises. Newer theses are mostly available digitally. Whether a thesis has been published openly depends on the author's permission. The University of Helsinki recommends the open publication of theses.

  4. E-thesis

    E-thesis is a system for submitting and assessing theses. In addition, it exports theses into the University of Helsinki's repository Helda. ... The following faculties will use the old E-thesis for submitting master's theses until 31 July 2024, after which they will use the new E-thesis: Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences;

  5. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    The master's theses are submitted to E-thesis system for evaluation. The system is maintained by the Teaching and Student services of the University and Helsinki University Library. The evaluation process is managed in E-thesis system. When the thesis has been evaluated and accepted in the faculty, it is possible for the student to give a ...

  6. The examination and grading of Master's and licentiate theses

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  7. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    Publishing online. At the University of Helsinki, master's theses are published in HELDA, the Helsinki University's open digital repository. Once your thesis has been approved by the Faculty, you will receive an email message with a link for allowing online publication. Online publication is recommended, since your work will gain a ...

  8. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    E-thesis Master's Thesis form. Master's thesis form is used to collect information on master's theses and licentiate's theses published at Electronic Publications at the University of Helsinki, E-thesis. The master's thesis form consists of four parts. The first step is selecting the language; then you proceed to submitting the data, then check ...

  9. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    Faculty of Arts. Master's theses will be assessed in the new e-thesis from 1.8.2024. Go to the new E-thesis.

  10. E-thesis

    The E-thesis system is used to assess second-cycle theses at the University of Helsinki. Once assessed, theses are transferred from E-thesis to the Helda repository, where they are displayed for open or limited access. Further information on public access to and publication of master's theses is available on the Instructions for Teaching ...

  11. Public access to and publication of Master's theses

    Abstracts for master's theses are published in the Helsinki University Library's open publication repository Helda. After the approval of theses, students are also asked for permission to publish their theses in Helda. If permitted, their theses will be made openly available and assigned a permanent web address.

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    Luigi Acerbi, University of Helsinki, Finland Last edited: 30 Aug 2024 (added section on Thesis Review) These recommendations are aimed primarily to my students from the Master's Programme in Data Science at the University of Helsinki, but many points are likely to apply to related programmes and other institutions. In fact, most of this guide generalizes to scientific academic writing in ...

  14. Master's thesis

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    Master's theses included in second-cycle (master's) degrees are public documents. Public access to them is based on the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999). Public access to theses means that the University must make theses available to anyone upon request. Public access to theses also includes their abstracts.

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    The thesis must include a clearly defined independent contribution from you, which will be assessed. Write your thesis independently. The thesis is assessed on a scale of 0-5. The thesis must contain an abstract. Instructions for abstracts (e.g., maximum number of characters) vary by degree programme.

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  18. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    At the University of Helsinki, master's theses are published in HELDA, the University's open digital repository. Once your thesis has been approved by the Faculty, you will receive an email message with a link for allowing online publication. Online publication is recommended, since your work will gain a permanent publication platform and ...

  19. Master thesis

    Description. Title of thesis: Influence of porcine fat saturation on fat- and water-holding capacities of cooked sausage. Period. 2011 → 2012. Examinee. Bernice Atakora-Amaniampong. Examination held at. University of Helsinki.

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  25. Sakhalin

    Sakhalin (Russian: Сахали́н, IPA: [səxɐˈlʲin]) is an island in Northeast Asia.Its north coast lies 6.5 km (4.0 mi) off the southeastern coast of Khabarovsk Krai in Russia, while its southern tip lies 40 kilometres (25 mi) north of Japan's Hokkaido.A marginal island of the West Pacific, Sakhalin divides the Sea of Okhotsk to its east from the Sea of Japan to its southwest.

  26. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk began as a small Russian settlement called Vladimirovka, founded by convicts in 1882. [2] The Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905, which brought an end to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, awarded the southern half of the Sakhalin Island to Japan.Vladimirovka was renamed Toyohara (meaning "bountiful plain"), and was the prefect capital of the Japanese Karafuto Prefecture.

  27. Sakhalin Oblast, Russia guide

    Sakhalin Oblast - Overview. Sakhalin Oblast is one of the easternmost regions of Russia and the only region completely located on islands (Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands), part of the Far Eastern Federal District. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the capital city of the region. The population of Sakhalin Oblast is about 484,200 (2022), the area - 87,101 sq. km.

  28. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Sakhalin (2024)

    2. Gorny Vozduh (Mountain Air) 527. Ski & Snowboard Areas. "Gorny Vozdukh" is one of the fastest growing ski resorts in the Far East. The unique location - in the heart of the capital of the Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city - allows guests be in the…. 3. Gagarin Park. 261.