
Tips on How to Write a Euthanasia Argumentative Essay


Abortion, birth control, death sentencing, legalization of medical marijuana, and gender reassignment surgery remain the most controversial medical issues in contemporary society.  Euthanasia is also among the controversial topics in the medical field. It draws arguments from philosophy, ethics, and religious points of view.

By definition derives from a Greek term that means good death, and it is the practice where an experienced medical practitioner or a physician intentionally ends an individual's life to end pain and suffering. The names mercy killing or physician-assisted suicide also knows it.

Different countries have different laws as regards euthanasia. In the UK, physician-assisted suicide is illegal and can earn a medical practitioner 14 years imprisonment. All over the world, there is a fierce debate as regards mercy killing.

Like any other controversial topic, there are arguments for and against euthanasia. Thus, there are two sides to the debate. The proponents or those for euthanasia believe it is a personal choice issue, even when death is involved.

On the other hand, those against euthanasia or the opponents believe that physicians must only assist patients when the patients are sound to make such a decision. That is where the debate centers.

This article explores some of the important basics to follow when writing an exposition, argumentative, persuasive, or informative essay on euthanasia.

Steps in Writing a Paper on Euthanasia

When assigned homework on writing a research paper or essay on euthanasia, follow these steps to make it perfect.

1. Read the Prompt

The essay or research paper prompt always have instructions to follow when writing any academic work. Students, therefore, should read it to pick up the mind of the professor or teaching assistant on the assigned academic task. When reading the prompt, be keen to understand what approach the professor prefers. Besides, it should also tell you the type of essay you are required to write and the scope.

2. Choose a Captivating Topic

After reading the prompt, you are required to frame your euthanasia essay title. Make sure that the title you choose is captivating enough as it invites the audience to read your essay. The title of your essay must not divert from the topic, but make it catchy enough to lure and keep readers. An original and well-structured essay title on euthanasia should give an idea of what to expect in the body paragraphs. It simply gives them a reason to read your essay.

3. Decide on the Best Thesis Statement for your Euthanasia Essay

Creating a thesis statement for a euthanasia essay does not deviate from the conventions of essay writing. The same is consistent when writing a thesis statement for a euthanasia research paper. The thesis statement can be a sentence or two at the end of the introduction that sums up your stance on the topic of euthanasia. It should be brief, well crafted, straight to the point, and outstanding. Right from the start, it should flow with the rest of the essay and each preceding paragraph should support the thesis statement.

4. Write an Outline

An outline gives you a roadmap of what to write in each part of the essay, including the essay hook, introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. We have provided a sample euthanasia essay outline in this article, be sure to look at it.

5. Write the First Draft

With all ingredients in place, it is now time to write your euthanasia essay by piecing up all the different parts. Begin with an essay hook, then the background information on the topic, then the thesis statement in the introduction. The body paragraphs should each contain an idea that is well supported with facts from books, journals, articles, and other scholarly sources. Be sure to follow the MLA, APA, Harvard, or Chicago formatting conventions when writing the paper as advised in the essay prompt.

6. Proofread and Edit the Essay

You have succeeded in skinning the elephant, and it is now time to cut the pieces and consume. Failure to proofread and edit an essay can be dangerous for your grade. There is always an illusion that you wrote it well after all. However, if you take some time off and come to it later, you will notice some mistakes. If you want somebody to proofread your euthanasia essay, you can use our essay editing service . All the same, proofreading an essay is necessary before turning the essay in.

Creating a Euthanasia Essay or Research Paper Outline

Like any other academic paper, having a blueprint of the entire essay on euthanasia makes it easy to write. Writing an outline is preceded by choosing a great topic. In your outline or structure of argumentative essay on euthanasia, you should highlight the main ideas such as the thesis statement, essay hook, introduction, topic sentences for the body paragraphs and supporting facts, and the concluding remarks. Here is a sample outline for a euthanasia argumentative essay.

This is a skeleton for your euthanasia essay:


  • Hook sentence/ attention grabber
  • Thesis statement
  • Background statement (history of euthanasia and definition)
  • Transition to Main Body
  • The legal landscape of euthanasia globally
  • How euthanasia affects physician-patient relationships
  • Biblical stance on euthanasia
  • Consequences of illegal euthanasia
  • Ethical and moral issues of euthanasia
  • Philosophical stance on euthanasia
  • Transition to Conclusion
  • Restated thesis statement
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument
  • Food for thought

Sample Euthanasia Essay Outline

Title: Euthanasia is not justified

Essay hook - It is there on TV, but did you know that a situation could prompt a doctor to bring to an end suffering and pain to a terminally ill patient? There is more than meets the eye on euthanasia.

Thesis statement : despite the arguments for and against euthanasia, it is legally and morally wrong to kill any person, as it is disregard of the right to life of an individual and the value of human life.

Paragraph 1: Euthanasia should be condemned as it ends the sacred lives of human beings.

  • Only God gives life and has the authority to take it and not humans.
  • The bible says, Thou shalt not kill.
  • The Quran states, "Whoever killed a Mujahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).

Paragraph 2: Euthanasia gives physicians the power to determine who lives and who dies.

  • Doctors end up playing the role of God.
  • It could be worse when doctors make mistakes or advance their self-interests to make money. They can liaise with family members to kill for the execution of a will.

Paragraph 3: it destroys the patient-physician relationship

  • Patients trust the doctors for healing
  • When performed on other patients, the remaining patients lose trust in the same doctor of the facility.
  • Under the Hippocratic Oath, doctors are supposed to alleviate pain, end suffering, and protect life, not eliminate it.

Paragraph 4: euthanasia is a form of murder

  • Life is lost in the end.
  • There are chances that when tried with other therapeutic and non-therapeutic approaches, terminally ill patients can always get better.
  • It is selfish to kill a patient based on a medical report, which in itself could be erratic.
  • Patients respond well to advanced care approaches.

Paragraph 5: ( Counterargument) euthanasia proponents argue based on relieving suffering and pain as well as reducing the escalating cost of healthcare.

  • Euthanasia helps families avoid spending much on treating a patient who might not get well.
  • It is the wish of the patients who have made peace with the fact that they might not recover.


In sum, advancement in technology in the medical field and the existence of palliative care are evidence enough that there is no need for mercy killing. Even though there are claims that it ends pain and suffering, it involves killing a patient who maybe could respond to novel approaches to treatment.

Abohaimed, S., Matar, B., Al-Shimali, H., Al-Thalji, K., Al-Othman, O., Zurba, Y., & Shah, N. (2019). Attitudes of Physicians towards Different Types of Euthanasia in Kuwait.  Medical Principles and Practice ,  28 (3), 199-207.

Attell, B. K. (2017). Changing attitudes toward euthanasia and suicide for terminally ill persons, 1977 to 2016: an age-period-cohort analysis.  OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying , 0030222817729612.

Barone, S., & Unguru, Y. (2017). Should Euthanasia Be Considered Iatrogenic? AMA journal of ethics, 19(8), 802-814.

Emanuel, E. (2017). Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: focus on the data.  The Medical Journal of Australia ,  206 (8), 1-2e1.

Inbadas, H., Zaman, S., Whitelaw, S., & Clark, D. (2017). Declarations on euthanasia and assisted dying.  Death Studies, 41 (9), 574-584.

Jacobs, R. K., & Hendricks, M. (2018). Medical students' perspectives on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide and their views on legalising these practices in South Africa.  South African Medical Journal ,  108 (6), 484-489.

Math, S. B., & Chaturvedi, S. K. (2012). Euthanasia: the right to life vs right to die.  The Indian journal of medical research, 136 (6), 899.

Reichlin, M. (2001). Euthanasia in the Netherlands.  KOS , (193), 22-29.

Saul, H. (2014, November 5). The Vatican Condemns Brittany Maynard's Decision to end her Life as �Absurd'.

Sulmasy, D. P., Travaline, J. M., & Louise, M. A. (2016). Non-faith-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.  The Linacre Quarterly, 83 (3), 246-257.

Euthanasia Essay Introduction Ideas

An introduction is a gate into the compound of your well-reasoned thoughts, ideas, and opinions in an essay. As such, the introduction should be well structured in a manner that catches the attention of the readers from the onset.

While it seems the hardest thing to do, writing an introduction should never give you the fear of stress, blank page, or induce a writer's block. Instead, it should flow right from the essay hook to the thesis statement.

Given that you can access statistics, legal variations, and individual stories based on personal experiences with euthanasia online, writing a euthanasia essay introduction should be a walk in the park.

Ensure that the introduction to the essay is catchy, appealing, and informative. Here are some ideas to use:

  • Rights of humans to life
  • How euthanasia is carried out
  • When euthanasia is legally allowed
  • Stories from those with experience in euthanasia
  • The stance of doctors on euthanasia
  • Definition of euthanasia
  • Countries that allow euthanasia
  • Statistics of physicians assisted suicide in a given state, locality, or continent.
  • Perception of the public given the diversity of culture

There are tons of ideas on how to start an essay on euthanasia.  You need to research, immerse yourself in the topic, and scoop the best evidence. Presenting facts in an argumentative essay on euthanasia will help convince the readers to argue for or against euthanasia. Based on your stance, make statements in favor of euthanasia or statements against euthanasia known from the onset through the strong thesis statement.

Essay Topics and Ideas on Euthanasia

  • Should Euthanasia be legal?
  • What are the different types of euthanasia?
  • Is euthanasia morally justified?
  • Cross-cultural comparison of attitudes and beliefs on euthanasia
  • The history of euthanasia
  • Euthanasia from a Patient's Point of View
  • Should euthanasia be considered Iatrogenic?
  • Does euthanasia epitomize failed medical approaches?
  • How does euthanasia work?
  • Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be legal?
  • Sociology of Death and Dying
  • Arguments for and against euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Euthanasia is a moral dilemma
  • The euthanasia debate
  • It Is Much Better to Die with Dignity Than to Live with Pain Essay
  • Euthanasia Is a Moral, Ethical, and Proper
  • Euthanasia Law of Euthanasia in California and New York
  • Effect of Euthanasia on Special Population
  • Euthanasia is inhuman
  • Role of nurses in Euthanasia
  • Are family and relative decisions considered during the euthanasia
  • The biblical stance on euthanasia

Related Articles:

  • Argumentative essay topics and Ideas
  • Topics and ideas for informative essays

Get Help with Writing Euthanasia Argumentative Essay for School

We have covered the tips of writing an argumentative essay on euthanasia. Besides, we have also presented a sample euthanasia essay outline, which can help you write your essay. However, sometimes you might lack the motivation to write an essay on euthanasia, even when you have access to argumentative essay examples on euthanasia. 

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How To Write A Vivid Euthanasia Argumentative Essay?

Jared Houdi

Table of Contents

Researching the topic

Euthanasia (good death from Greek) is the practice of intentional life ending aiming to relieve patients’ pain and suffering. The topic of its use is fiercely debated all over the world.

People have divided into two camps: some say Euthanasia is the matter of choice, even when it comes to choosing death. Another group claims that doctors mustn’t be empowered to offer death to people who may not even realize the decision they make.

Every country where Euthanasia is legal has its own specific legislative base of its use. Nevertheless, there is one aspect of this topic that unites all the people together: the issue is considered from the moral and ethical perspective.

Euthanasia argumentative essay: the basics

The topics for an argumentative essay writing are usually two-sided: voting for or against the topic, agree or disagree with the statement, choose one option or another.

Writing any argumentative assay requires highlighting both possible points of view, no matter what is your own. Remember, you should explain both sides equally correct and impartial.

So let’s take a closer look into the details…

How to write a Euthanasia thesis statement?

Before writing an essay on Euthanasia you have to think about your own attitude towards the topic. It will help you write a good thesis statement.

…Why you need it?

The thesis is the representation of the essay’s main idea. You’ll have to clarify both sides of the topic, sure. Still, you also need to express your own point of view. And that is made with the thesis statement in the first place.

You may clearly state your opinion in the thesis, like:

“Injecting a medication to a hopeless patient is a murder.”
“Taking life from a person who wants to end up sufferings is mercy.”

Also, you can try to intrigue your readers and present your thesis as a question with no answer provided right away. Like:

“Helping people die: is it murder or mercy?”
“Would you personally use your right for euthanasia if there was no chance to get better?”

Variations are welcomed.

Euthanasia essay introduction: general recommendations

Most professional essay writing services agree that writing an introduction is always the hardest thing. You get the fear of the blank paper, writer’s block, and the stress from remembering all the requirements you should ideally follow.

… Sounds familiar?

There are no reasons to be that stressed, actually. The web is full of info, interesting statistics, law variations, and personal stories.

A combination of those would be both, catchy and informative, that’s all you need for a perfect intro.

Start with some background information to help your reader understand the subject better.

What kind of info would be relevant?

  • A brief definition of Euthanasia.
  • When it might be allowed.
  • Laws of the countries where it is permitted.
  • Personal stories of friends/relatives.
  • Stories of doctors and nurses.

All of that can be easily found online. Your goal here would rewrite it in your style, make it appealing to read and combined logically. End your introduction with the thesis statement. You already know how it’s done.

Specifics of Euthanasia essay main body

The main body for an argumentative essay should consist of two parts, one for each point of view. Once you express your point of view in the introduction, then it would be logical to start the main body from it.

Still, it is far from being obligatory. You may start with whatever you find more comfortable.

Like, f.e., you decide to start by talking about the positive aspects of Euthanasia. List the statements using words “firstly,” “secondly,” “moreover,” etc. Begin with the weakest argument and move up to the most solid one you have.

Provide the reader with some positive examples, including personal stories, if they fit in, try to find shreds of evidence of euthanasia practice in your country.

Here are some ideas for statements in favor of Euthanasia:

  • A patient’s life can be worse than death.
  • It is better to die from Euthanasia than from suicide.
  • Euthanasia can help in saving budget funds. Saved money may help somebody else.
  • Some people don’t want to see how their relatives suffer hopelessly.
  • Death from Euthanasia can be more humane than natural.

Once you finish with the arguments for the first part, go on representing the opposite point of view. A good idea to begin the second paragraph with phrases like “on the other hand,” “the other side of the coin is,” “however,” etc.

List a couple of statements against Euthanasia. You may also search for some scandals including the illegal activity of doctors who made such decision without consulting the patient’s relatives.

Here are several ideas that might be helpful.

  • Life is the primary integral right and can’t be taken away.
  • If there are many organizations and measures to prevent suicides, why should we offer death to someone?
  • Each aspect of Euthanasia can’t be foreseen in the law.
  • It’s impossible to define who may/may not be offered the Euthanasia.
  • What if the person who chose Euthanasia could recover and live the life to its fullest?

What to write in Euthanasia essay conclusion?

In conclusion, you sum up all the ideas highlighted in your essay, without adding new ones. Start with phrases like “to sum up,” “to conclude,” “in conclusion,” “on balance,” “in a nutshell,” etc.

Here you should also express your point of view and paraphrase the thesis you used in the introduction. For uttering your point, use inputs like “my point of view is,” “I strongly believe,” “I am convinced,” “to tell you the truth,” and so on.

How to create a Euthanasia essay outline?

An outline is a brief sketch of your essay. If you need to write it, select the main ideas of your work and write them down in a couple of sentences.

The sketch outline for an essay on Euthanasia may be like:

“Th work is about the problem of Euthanasia. I highlight some statements for and against the use of Euthanasia and support them with top examples. In conclusion, I explain my personal position on this question.”

The full version of an outline would look something like this…


  • Hook sentence
  • Thesis statement
  • Transition to Main Body
  • History of Euthanasia
  • Euthanasia statistics in countries where it is legal
  • Impact of legal Euthanasia on people’s life
  • Negative consequences of illegal Euthanasia
  • Transition to Conclusion
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument
  • Food for thought

The use of Euthanasia argumentative essay example

This topic is pretty vast. It can be both good and bad for you. Due to the variety of topics within the issue of Euthanasia, it might be easy to find something you are genuinely interested in.

On the other hand, there are dozens of various materials, thousands of articles, and billions of opinions you should consider before writing. Sometimes it might be difficult for you to get a full picture.

Therefore, a sample of the essay on this topic is presented here. It follows all the standards of an argumentative essay and shows you how this type of work may be completed.

On balance…

I’d say that it’s great to work with such an ambiguous topic. You’ll definitely benefit from training your persuasive and analytical skills while working on this essay.

Hope you’ve found some inspiration here, good luck!

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Euthanasia - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Euthanasia, also known as assisted dying or mercy killing, remains a deeply contested ethical and legal issue. Essays could delve into the various forms of euthanasia, such as voluntary, non-voluntary, and involuntary euthanasia, discussing the moral and legal implications of each. The discourse might extend to the examination of the cultural, religious, and societal attitudes towards euthanasia, exploring how different societies and religious groups perceive the right to die. Discussions could also focus on the experiences of countries and regions that have legalized euthanasia, examining the impact on healthcare practices, legal frameworks, and societal attitudes. Moreover, the broader implications of euthanasia on medical ethics, patient autonomy, and the sanctity of life could be explored to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding euthanasia and the ongoing debates on its legalization and practice. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Euthanasia you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Euthanasia: is it Ethical

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Arguments for and against Euthanasia

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Physician Assisted Suicide: Medical Practice

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The Controversy over Euthanasia

Euthanasia, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. The growing euthanasia epidemic has raised a profusion of controversy in recent years due to the legal and moral implications. Although described as relatively painless,euthanasia is something that should be methodically and thoroughly thought through because of the permanent effect it […]

Euthanasia and Death Penalty

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Physician Assisted Suicide: the Growing Issue of Dying with Dignity and Euthanasia

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Definition of Euthanasia

Euthanasia defined as an intentionally ending of the life of the terminally ill person in order to relieve pain or suffering, done by a physician, legally. This is not to be confused with the similar physician assisted suicide, the suicide of patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drug by a doctor for this purpose. It is legal in only a few places of the world, and the laws vary by the places. That means […]

Physician Assisted Suicide

Healthcare isn't as perfect as we think it should be considering there are so many medications and treatments that can help restore or cure one's illness. When needing the assistance of a healthcare facility, there are many different challenges that can impact patients and their families. Challenges that include life or death decision making, insurance coverage, the need for medications, cost of services, and so on. As these challenges may seem as if they are minor to some, they truly […]

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

In a documentary, Charles Scott was a man who loved to read, sing, and enjoy being outdoors. He was diagnosed with lymphoma. Struggling every day just to breathe after walking 10 steps to the bathroom and dealing with his eyesight deteriorating, He found life to be full of pain instead of joy. He found no want in having to wait through multiple medications, operations, pain, hospice, and finally him dying suffocating trying to catch his breath” he wished to die […]

Physician-Assisted Euthanasia/Suicide

Part 1: Ethical Question Should doctors have a choice to opt out of assisting terminally ill patients with euthanasia/suicide? Part 2: Introduction Some people think being a physician is an exciting job for the most part. However, physicians have the task of making tough decisions that could hurt many people emotionally. The morality of assisted euthanasia and suicide has been questioned by many people. Some may consider euthanasia and suicide immoral any wrong. Unfortunately, euthanasia and suicide may be the […]

Arguments for Legalizing Euthanasia

I once heard euthanasia is a heart-wrenching kindness and i believe that to be true.Although we as vet techs know it is the right thing to do, being apart of ending there pain and suffering,it is hard being the one to end it knowing the bond an animal has with its owner.Everyone has their own thoughts about this topic and how we prefer to handle it.There are different tolerances everyone has on how it should be done and what the […]

Why Active Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide should be Legalized

This reference source gives us an overview of why euthanasia should be legalized. It goes into depth about how patients and doctors are affected by the decision to end a person's life, and moral issues, and whether it is right or wrong to purposely end someone's life. This source highlights that euthanasia should be in the best interest of the patient who is suffering from an illness, such as an incurable disease or a serious health issue. Doctors should be […]

Physician-assisted Suicide is not Federally Mandated

Physician-assisted suicide is not federally mandated due to the lack of bipartisanship in Congress, the principles of federalism, and contributions from conservative organizations and interest groups. The attitudes and moral acceptability about certain behaviors and actions differ significantly among Republicans and Democrats. According to a 2007 survey, 62% of Democrats support doctors assisting a terminally ill patient to commit suicide, while only 49% of Republicans support this notion (Gallup, Inc 2007). 59% of Democrats also find physician-assisted suicide to be […]

Physician-assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia have become some of the most highly controversial topics discussed in medicine, making those who have medicine as an occupation question the morality behind the act. A common misconception people often times make is confusing the fact that physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia as the same thing. The NCI dictionary of cancer terms states euthanasia is accessibility to ""[a]n easy or painless death or the intentional ending of the life of a person suffering from […]

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide

Sometimes people criticize euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide from what is called "pro-life" perspectives and other times from "pro-death" perspectives; each perspective has a different argument about their position and the side they are on in this debate. This paper will review some of these arguments that have been made to date, as well as some of the more recent developments in this issue (Dieterle 129). To begin with, many people argue that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are morally acceptable because […]

Hinduism and Buddhist Perspective of Suicide and Euthanasia

The principle of ahimsa, or no violence, is fervently held in Hinduism and is reflective in followers' everyday lives. This concept extends to oneself as well as others. For one, suicide is condemned in this religion because all life is considered sacred. Humans life is perceived as precious because only through one of the three human realms can liberation be achieved. Other living things, such as insects and animals, do not receive the same opportunity, so it is crucial followers […]

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Ethics and Challenges of Euthanasia

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Euthanasia: Merciful Death or Playing God

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What is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia is a easy death, some may say euthanasia is a undeviating act for taking a life through prescription drugs. A patient that has a short expand of life can address such an issue with their healthcare provider. Counseling can be provided before the final decision is made by doctor and the patient. At anytime the patient reserves the right to with draw from the process. The patient however must have good reason for the process before a doctor will […]

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How To Write An Essay On Euthanasia

Introduction to the concept of euthanasia.

When embarking on an essay about euthanasia, it’s crucial to begin with a clear definition of what euthanasia entails. Euthanasia, often referred to as "mercy killing," is the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve them of suffering, typically from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. In your introduction, outline the various types of euthanasia, such as voluntary, non-voluntary, and involuntary, and the ethical, legal, and moral questions they raise. This introductory segment sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the arguments for and against euthanasia and its implications in the realms of medicine, ethics, and law.

Exploring the Arguments For and Against Euthanasia

The body of your essay should delve into the complex arguments surrounding euthanasia. On one hand, proponents argue that euthanasia is a compassionate response to unbearable suffering, respecting an individual's right to choose death over prolonged pain. They may also cite the importance of dignity in death and the reduction of medical costs for terminally ill patients. On the other hand, opponents raise concerns about the sanctity of life, the potential for abuse, and the slippery slope towards non-voluntary or involuntary euthanasia. They may also discuss the moral obligations of medical professionals to preserve life. This section should present a balanced view of the debate, providing a comprehensive understanding of the various perspectives on euthanasia.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

A crucial aspect of your essay should be an examination of the ethical and legal considerations surrounding euthanasia. Discuss the ethical principles involved, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Explore how different countries and cultures view and legislate euthanasia, noting the variations in legal frameworks and the criteria required for it to be carried out. This analysis should provide insight into the complexities of legalizing and regulating euthanasia, and the ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare providers, patients, and their families.

Concluding with Personal Reflections and Broader Implications

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and offering personal reflections on the topic. Reflect on the implications of euthanasia for society and the field of healthcare. Consider how advances in medical technology and changes in societal attitudes might influence the future of euthanasia. Your conclusion should not only provide closure to your essay but also encourage further thought and dialogue on this sensitive and contentious issue, highlighting the ongoing importance of ethical deliberation in decisions about life and death.

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Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

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Euthanasia- pros and cons, works cited.

Euthanasia, or as it’s known in English as ‘mercy killing’, is a Greek term for ‘good death’ and has been one of the most controversial and heatedly debated topics in healthcare and politics. It’s an intentionally administered death to a patient of a fatal injury or disease and is administered with the consent of the patient/victim and their relatives, although there have been cases where it has been done without consent.

It’s a controversial policy topic for policymakers, politicians, lawyers, and the medical community and has been legalized in several states of the USA, whereas in many states, it remains violently protested against the notion and has been tagged as physician-assisted suicide. (Burke J. Balch, 2006). There are many aspects of euthanasia, with voluntary euthanasia being on the request of the patient and involuntary where no such request is made and no consent is asked for (or given).

For patients undergoing severe medical treatments, the withdrawal of medical facilities and thus leaving them vulnerable to death is euthanasia by omission (i.e. omission of medical aids or life-saving facilities). For other patients suffering from incurable diseases, the administering of fatal, venomous injections to give them a slow (albeit painless) death is called euthanasia by action.

There have been numerous and many intense debates for and against euthanasia, with equal merit on both sides and pro – euthanasia thinkers being called merciless and those lacking faith and other Godly considerations. The most popular arguments against euthanasia include the derogation of human life and disregard for an individual’s right to live. The most heavily criticized of all such similar actions is involuntary euthanasia which bears the brunt of all severe protests against the issue, with involuntary euthanasia being dubbed as the deprivation of an individual of their basic right to live and die fully.

This is the notion most historians and policymakers of all states banning it holds. They regard the whole necessity of choosing one’s death by the state laws as a request to let the government sell contaminated food to its citizens knowing it’s harmful to their health. The slippery slope phenomenon is also a famous theory against the question of legalizing euthanasia, ascertaining that the practice might be extended to people who are terminally ill to people who could be saved otherwise but eat up a lot of resources which makes it open to economic considerations as opposed to ethical/human ones. Another stand very popular among the medical community is that the crucial healthcare rule is the will to health and quality life and the abstinence of willing anything which may prove detrimental to an individual (Robinson, 2007).

The pros on the other hand provide quite interesting perspectives on the issue. Proponents can give almost every counter-statement to everything the opponents have to say to vilify the practice of euthanasia. The basic of all healthcare intentions is to relieve the sufferer’s suffering. This is should entail putting an end to the pain and torture of perpetual illness by administering peaceful death. This also follows a basic question of freedom of choice, everyone should have the right to choose for themselves, their life and death, and the government should not interfere in such crucial and personal decisions (ProCon.org, 2009).

Looking at both sides introduces some personal concerns in the mind regarding whether one should be given the right to live and die or not. Both above such abstract and seemingly complex considerations is one more objective and more critical factor that needs to be taken into account while deciding the fate of euthanasia and policies regarding its legality.

Looking at the issue from a governmental and economical perspective, facilities administered to terminally ill patients are usually very expensive and exhaust the already scarce resources at hand. So even if deliberately putting an end to a patient who’s already proceeding slowly toward a painful, hopeless end might seem selfish and hurried, it’s wise to sometimes give up such considerations in regard for the ‘greater good that can come out of such decisions. It’s rather important to free up r4esouces for people who have hope of recovery and need them to lead better lives as opposed to people who’re immune to all cures and expensive treatments and end up becoming a burden to society.

  • Burke J. Balch, J. (2006). Why We Shouldn’t Legalize Assisting Suicide.
  • ProCon.org. (2009). Founding Fathers on Religion in Government.
  • Robinson, B. (2007). euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
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IvyPanda. (2022, March 7). Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-advantages-and-disadvantages/

"Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda , 7 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 7 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages." March 7, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

1. IvyPanda . "Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages." March 7, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-advantages-and-disadvantages/.


IvyPanda . "Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages." March 7, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-advantages-and-disadvantages/.


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Sample 5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Euthanasia


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5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Euthanasia

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Below is a sample outline and a well-developed 5-paragraph argumentative essay in APA 7 th ed. titled “Euthanasia Should be Legalized.” This sample is intended to help college students write better essays.

Sample 5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay Outline on Legalizing Euthanasia

  • Hook – Start with a compelling statistic or a thought-provoking question related to euthanasia to capture the reader’s attention.
  • Background Information – Provide a brief overview of what euthanasia is and its current legal status in various countries.
  • Thesis Statement – Clearly state your position: “This essay argues in favor of legalizing euthanasia as a compassionate and autonomous choice for individuals facing unbearable suffering. The discussion will cover three main points: (1) individual autonomy, (2) relief from pain and suffering, and (3) safeguards to prevent abuse.”
  • Argument: Autonomy and Personal Choice – Discuss how individuals have the right to make decisions about their own lives, including when and how they die.
  • Supporting Evidence – Provide examples and cases where individuals have expressed their wish to end their lives to avoid further suffering.
  • Rebuttal – Address potential counterarguments, such as concerns about individuals being influenced or coerced.
  • Argument: Compassion and Alleviation of Suffering – Explain how euthanasia can be a compassionate response to relieve unbearable physical and emotional pain.
  • Supporting Evidence – Present studies and real-life examples that illustrate the suffering experienced by patients with terminal illnesses.
  • Rebuttal – Address concerns about the role of palliative care and whether it can adequately address suffering.
  • Argument 1. Legalization with Regulations – Discuss how legalizing euthanasia with strict regulations and safeguards can prevent abuse and ensure patient consent.
  • Supporting Evidence – Provide examples of countries or states where euthanasia is legal and regulated, along with their success in safeguarding the process.
  • Rebuttal – Address concerns about the potential for mistakes, misjudgments, or the possibility of involuntary euthanasia.
  • Restate Thesis Statement – Summarize your argument in favor of legalizing euthanasia.
  • Summarize Main Points – Recap the three main points discussed in the body paragraphs: individual autonomy, relief from pain and suffering, and safeguards.
  • Final Thoughts – Offer a closing statement that emphasizes the importance of providing individuals with the choice to end their suffering through a legalized and regulated euthanasia process. Encourage readers to consider the ethical and compassionate aspects of this issue.

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Euthanasia Debate: Exploring the Arguments of the Legalization

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  • Topic: Assisted Suicide , Euthanasia

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Why attitudes on legalization matter, products and pros of euthanasia, consequences and cons of euthanasia, national perspective, global perspective, personal perspective and evaluation.

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