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LNAT Essay Questions

What is the lnat essay, how do the universities assess the essay, tips to prepare for the lnat essay task, example lnat essay questions.

In Section B, you are asked to write one essay in 40 minutes from a list of three proposed subjects. This is designed to test your ability to construct a compelling argument and articulate it in a clear and persuasive manner. The subject matter typically covers topical issues in society, politics, philosophy, or ethical debates.

The essay should demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject matter and a critical approach to the issue. This includes the ability to weigh different viewpoints, provide relevant examples or evidence, and derive a reasoned conclusion. Clarity of expression, good grammar, and correct spelling are also important.

The specific criteria can vary among universities, but commonly, they look for the following in the essay:

  • Argumentation : Can you construct a coherent, persuasive argument? This includes your ability to present your points logically, use evidence effectively, and address counter-arguments or alternative viewpoints.
  • Understanding of the Topic : Do you demonstrate a clear understanding of the issue at hand? This can be shown through your discussion of the subject matter and the points you choose to raise.
  • Critical Thinking : Are you able to think critically and analytically about the issue? This includes your ability to scrutinize different viewpoints and question assumptions.
  • Clarity of Expression : How well do you express your ideas? This includes your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and general use of English.
  • Organization : Is your essay well-organized? A clear introduction, logical progression of ideas, and a strong conclusion are signs of a well-structured essay.

Remember, the LNAT essay is not just about your knowledge of the topic, but rather how you apply that knowledge in formulating a balanced, reasoned argument.

It's important to note that universities will use the LNAT score in conjunction with other factors (such as academic performance, personal statement, references, and interview performance, if applicable) to make a decision about your application.

LNAT Essays

Understand the Test

Brush up your writing skills, practice critical thinking, keep up with current affairs, plan your essay, practice under test conditions, revise and review, understand different perspectives, don’t sit on the fence, proofread your work.

Remember, the most effective preparation is consistent and regular practice over time. Don't expect to perfect your skills overnight. Start preparing as early as possible, and work on improving steadily.

LNAT does not release the exact questions that have appeared on past tests. However, here are some hypothetical examples of the type of essay prompts you might encounter. These questions typically require you to take a stance on a controversial or moral issue, presenting an argument that justifies your position.

  • "Should a democratic society tolerate speech that promotes hatred or incites violence?"
  • "Is it justified for a government to restrict civil liberties in the name of national security?"
  • "Is capital punishment ever morally justifiable?"
  • "Should governments have the power to regulate content on social media platforms?"
  • "Is it ethical to use animals in medical research?"
  • "Are governments justified in imposing strict measures to combat climate change even if such measures may negatively impact economic growth?"
  • "Is there a moral obligation for wealthy nations to assist poorer ones?"
  • "Is it necessary for society to impose limitations on scientific research and why?"
  • "Does the right to privacy outweigh the public’s right to know?"
  • "Do the benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the potential risks?"

Remember, in your response, you should develop a clear argument, consider and address counter-arguments or alternative viewpoints, provide relevant examples, and draw a reasoned conclusion.

For more help with writing high scoring LNAT essays and for more LNAT section B practice questions have a look at our LNAT course... click here .

LNAT Essay Questions

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LNAT Essay: Section B of the LNAT

Section B of the LNAT is an essay-style exam. You have 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay, and you are limited to 750 words. This guide offers tips on LNAT essay structure and exam preparation.

Guide to LNAT Section B

  • Find out what Section B entails
  • Take a look at some essay question examples
  • Explore our tips for structuring and writing the essay

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Are you preparing for the Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) and feeling nervous about the essay section? The LNAT essay or the famous ‘Section B’ is a critical component of the test that assesses your ability to critically analyse and communicate complex legal issues. In this article, we’ll provide you with essential tips, examples, and practice questions to help you ace the LNAT essay.

What is the LNAT Essay?

The LNAT essay section is a 40-minute task that requires you to write a maximum 750-word essay on one of three given essay prompts. The essay is used to assess your ability to argue a point, analyse information and communicate effectively in writing. 

LNAT Essay Scoring

The section B of the exam does not carry an official score. Nevertheless, the significance of the LNAT essay varies across universities . Some universities disregard section B altogether, while others devise their own marking scheme.

How Do LNAT Unis Use Your Essay?

Universities that do consider the LNAT essay as part of your application may use it in a variety of ways. They may compare it against your personal statement or use it as a reference when asking questions during your interview.

Your LNAT essay score will certainly be a factor if admissions tutors have to choose between you and similar applicants for acceptance on their law degree course .

When it comes to the importance of Section B, Oxford University appears to prioritise it the most. They employ a percentage-based scoring system to evaluate the essay’s quality.

Assessment Criteria

The essay is assessed based on several criteria, including:

  • Clarity of thought and expression: This refers to the coherence and organisation of your essay. You must present your arguments in a clear and concise manner.
  • Knowledge and understanding: Your essay must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the prompt and legal concepts related to the topic.
  • Persuasiveness: You must present a persuasive argument that is well-supported with evidence and reasoning.
  • Structure: Your essay must have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Section B of the LNAT exam is designed to test the following attributes needed to study law:

  • Your ability to follow a logical structure
  • Your capability to be clear and persuasive
  • Your capacity to develop a coherent argument
  • Your ability to convey your argument

Overall, the purpose of the LNAT essay is to measure your ability to express your view on an issue in a clear, convincing and logical way.

Writing Prompts

The essay prompts provided in the LNAT exam usually revolve around legal and social issues, including topics such as criminal justice, human rights, and the role of the law in society. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of law or legal concepts to write an effective essay; however, having some background knowledge can help you analyze the question better.

You will be presented with three unrelated questions  such as:

  • Should women in the US have access to an abortion?
  • Developed countries have a higher obligation to tackle climate change than developing countries. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.
  • Should the law require people to vote in elections?

When choosing your question, you will want to select one that you have some level of interest in and knowledge of because you will need to provide an informative answer.

Preparing for the LNAT Essay

Before you begin writing your LNAT essay, it is essential to prepare thoroughly . The following are some tips to help you prepare for the essay:

  • Research the topic: familiarise yourself with legal concepts and current affairs related to the topic. Reading newspapers, legal blogs, and opinion pieces can help you gain insight into the issue.
  • Prepare an outline: Create an outline to organise your thoughts and ideas. The outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A well-structured essay is more likely to receive a high score.
  • Practice writing essays: Practise writing essays on a variety of topics to develop your writing skills. You can find sample essay questions online, in LNAT prep books, or by taking a practice test.

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How to plan your lnat essay.

When sitting Section B of the LNAT exam, you will first need to choose a question. The question you choose will determine how you plan your answer. Take two minutes to read every question carefully and make sure you know what each question is asking. 

Once you have selected a question, take five to ten minutes to plan your answer. The main purpose of your plan is:

  • To pinpoint what your argument is
  • How you are going to express your argument
  • Creating a rough structure to keep your essay focused and organised

When creating a plan, generate ideas and write them all down – use bullet points, a pros and cons chart or a mind map to list your ideas. Determine which ideas are relevant to form your basic argument. 

Next, review the balance of your argument and ensure that you have considered arguments for both sides of the debate. Include any examples of real-world information that you can use to support your arguments, and then assess your overall plan thinking about what conclusions you can draw from your arguments.

Once you have formed a plan, you can develop a structure for your LNAT essay.

Writing the LNAT Essay

The following tips can help you write a compelling LNAT essay:

  • Introduction: The introduction should be brief and clear. It should introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that outlines the argument you will make in the essay.
  • Structure: The essay should be well-structured and organised. Use clear topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and transition sentences to connect them.
  • Thesis statement: The thesis statement is the central argument of your essay. It should be clear and concise and should be presented in the introduction.
  • Use of evidence: Use evidence to support your argument. This evidence can come from a variety of sources, including legal cases, academic journals, and newspapers.

How to Structure Your LNAT Essay

Your LNAT essay structure should be built around a solid introduction and conclusion. Everything in between needs to be included in a way that maintains the flow of your essay. Paragraphs should connect with each other and your points should feel natural, without any sudden changes of topic or tone.

Your LNAT essay structure should look something like this:

  • A solid introduction outlining your main argument.
  • A paragraph or two developing on your main argument with three to four valid points.
  • A section that covers any counter-arguments to your argument and reasons why they can’t be substantiated.
  • A strong conclusion with a summary of your main argument and how you have demonstrated the strength of your points.

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LNAT Essay Examples

To get a better understanding of what a high-scoring LNAT essay looks like, it’s helpful to look at sample essays and examples. Reading well-written LNAT essays can help you understand the essay format, style, and structure, as well as how to develop and support an argument effectively.

There are many sources of LNAT essay examples and sample essays available online. Some universities and colleges offer sample essay questions and essays on their websites, while other websites and books provide practice essay questions and sample essays.

When looking for LNAT essay examples or sample essays, it’s important to choose high-quality examples that follow the scoring criteria and demonstrate strong critical thinking and analytical skills. Some sample essays may be poorly written or may not follow the essay format and structure required by the LNAT, so it’s essential to choose reputable sources.

Good LNAT Essay Example

Topic: Should the death penalty be abolished?

The death penalty has been a highly debated issue for decades. While some people argue that it is a necessary punishment for the most serious crimes, others believe that it is inhumane and should be abolished. In my opinion, the death penalty should be abolished for several reasons.

Firstly, the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime. Countries with the death penalty have not shown lower crime rates compared to those without it. Moreover, wrongful convictions have led to the execution of innocent people, which is a grave injustice. The death penalty is also more expensive than life imprisonment due to the legal costs of appeals and lengthy court proceedings.

Secondly, the death penalty is a violation of human rights. It is a cruel and inhumane punishment that goes against the principles of a just society. The possibility of executing innocent people and the emotional toll on the families of both the victim and the accused are reasons to reconsider the use of the death penalty.

In conclusion, the death penalty should be abolished as it does not deter crime and is a violation of human rights. Alternative forms of punishment, such as life imprisonment without parole, should be considered.

Explanation: This essay is a good example of an LNAT essay as it presents a clear argument with supporting evidence. The author uses a clear structure to organise their ideas, with each paragraph addressing a separate point. They also provide specific examples to support their argument, such as the fact that the death penalty is more expensive than life imprisonment. Finally, they conclude their essay by summarising their points and presenting a clear position on the issue.

Bad LNAT Essay Example

Topic: Should smoking be banned in public places?

Smoking should not be banned in public places. People should have the freedom to smoke wherever they want. Smokers pay taxes, so they should be able to smoke in public places. It is unfair to ban smoking when alcohol is not banned. People should have the right to choose whether they want to smoke or not.

Explanation: This essay is a bad example of an LNAT essay as it presents a weak and unsupported argument. The author does not provide any evidence or specific examples to support their position. They also do not address counterarguments or consider alternative perspectives. The essay lacks a clear structure, with each paragraph containing disjointed thoughts and ideas. Additionally, the author’s grammar and spelling errors detract from the overall quality of the essay.

Key Takeaways

The LNAT essay is a crucial component of the LNAT exam , and performing well on it requires careful preparation and planning. Understanding the format of the essay, scoring criteria, and the type of questions that are typically asked is essential to achieving success.

To excel in the LNAT essay, you must be knowledgeable about legal concepts and issues, conduct thorough research, and develop a well-organised outline. It’s also important to carefully structure your essay, develop a strong thesis statement, and use appropriate evidence to support your arguments.

In addition to these fundamental strategies, there are many additional tips and techniques that can help you succeed, such as managing your time effectively, being clear and concise in your writing, and practicing with sample essay questions.

Ultimately, the LNAT essay is an opportunity to showcase your intellectual abilities and your potential as a law student. By understanding the exam and preparing carefully, you can set yourself up for success and take the first step towards a fulfilling legal career. 

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Sample LNAT Essay and Advice


The Essay forms an important part of the LNAT. Students often underestimate it, yet certain Universities place quite a considerable emphasis on the Essay in the admissions process. Head over to our Guide about LNAT Universities & Required Scores to find out more (we recommend paying attention to the official LNAT Essay mark scheme as released by University of Oxford).

Having said that, performing well in your Essay will be of great advantage to your application. The tutors are looking for candidates who possess a high level of written skill, since the study of Law revolves around delivering exceptional written arguments. Furthermore, law exams are famously known for consisting of hours dedicated to writing essays in a summative format.

To write a great essay, you need to practise under timed conditions, be well-versed on various topics, and continually analyse your performance. In particular, you should consider the following suggestions:

Be concise and succinct

Be persuasive, sample lnat essay, question: should people accused of a criminal offence retain anonymity.

“The Criminal Justice System is predicated on the supposition of innocence until guilt is proven in a court of law. This principle applies whether the defendant is known to the public and hence subject to public prejudices, or wholly anonymous prior to the alleged offence. I believe and shall argue that, wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be persevered. My reasons for thinking so are several; that the legal process must be as free from bias as is feasible; that the public interest is not served by the publishing of the accused’s identity and that the right of the individual to privacy would be breached in the publication.

First, one must consider what is the nature of the legal process; it is a dialectic process in which the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt; the defence must either cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence outright. This will require the gathering of many articles of evidence and an extensive familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case, as well as the stipulations of the law and the precedents set by previous cases. It would be antithetical to the very nature of the legal process to allow public prejudice to colour the legal proceedings, as it potentially would in the case that the defendant’s anonymity was compromised. A beloved darling of the people would excite a general clamour in his or her defence; a public pariah would arouse the most damning of execration.

A public bias is no less heinous than any other sort of bias and it could be argued that in magnitude it far outweighs the others. Thus, the objectivity of the court, which must be assumed a priori, can only be degraded by the general knowledge of the accused’s identity and can never be served by it. The accused ought only to be tried by a court and never by mob or media.

Second, any action by a public body, such as the police or the judiciary, ought to be in service of the public interest. It is in the public interest to seek the perpetrator of a crime, as it is to punish those found guilty and to publish their names so that they may be known as criminals to the public whom they have offended. It is hard to see how the publication of an accused person’s identity can serve the public good. In the event that they are innocent, the accused will be forever the subject of suspicion in certain quarters and may suffer reprisals from members of the public who are not satisfied by the outcome of the trial. In the event that the accused is guilty, then their guilt will be published and the public will thereby learn all of the relevant details. This is not to suggest that criminal cases ought to be tried in secret courts; persons with an intimate connection either to the accused or the victim ought to be entitled to observe the proceedings, in which case the preservation of anonymity becomes a matter of individual conscience.

Third, the individual who has been accused must be afforded the general right to privacy. Legally speaking man acquitted a hundred times is as innocent as a man acquitted but once or never prosecuted at all, but the public rarely considers criminal matters from a legal perspective; if it were so, then courts would hardly be necessary. It is precisely because certain elements of the public are quick to judge and often liable to punish unjustly that a legal system is required in order to provide due process and to prevent the miscarriage of justice. The circumstances of a crime may excite unease and discontentment in many and a person may never escape the taint of having once been accused of a crime of which they were never guilty. In some cases, suspects have been killed prior to their trials; most notably, perhaps is Lee Harvey Oswald, thanks to whose death we may never know the true circumstances of the terrible crime of which he stood accused.

In conclusion, I reaffirm the importance of anonymity in the case of a criminal accusation. For whilst the public is entitled to know the identity of criminals who threaten their security and against whom the state has levied punishment, it is imperative that we presume the defendant to be innocent until guilt is confessed or proved. Upon this principle we may hope to preserve the objectivity of the court and the dignity of the accused.”

There is no exhaustive list that will allow you to write amazing essays. It is truly the case of ‘practice makes perfect’ (and being widely read!). So maybe you are tempted to write an answer to this sample LNAT Essay Question?

Well, Arbitio allows you to do just that: we have developed an Essay Writing Simulator that accurately recreates the LNAT exam environment and provided you with 20+ Questions on a variety of topics reflective of the LNAT curriculum. The Model Answers to each Essay Question will help you see what good essay writing is all about, with some salient points you may wish to adopt into your argumentative arsenal. The subscription includes Essay Marking Service, where one of our tutors will deliver detailed feedback on an essay of your choice.

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LNAT Sample Essays


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LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test)

LNAT or National Admission test for law is an aptitude test that is conducted across 89 universities in the UK before offering admissions into their law programmes . Due to an ever increasing competition, this test was developed by oxford university to solve the problems faced by institutes with respect to shortlisting candidates. LNAT is mandatory for both home as well as international students, applying for law courses in the UK . LNAT is a 130 minute long exam that consists of 2 sections; an MCQ type and an essay type. In this blog we bring you various practise questions that’ll help you ace your LNAT Sample essays.  

LNAT Sample Essays: Structure and Format

While writing the essay it is important to keep the following points in mind in order to write a well-structured essay.

  • What – try to understand the motion that is put forward. Is the motion based on law, politics, economics or ethics? What exactly is being asked of you? While writing the essay you are required to display high levels of critical thinking which must be visible in your essay.
  • Why – ask yourself why this question is being asked? What could be the purpose of such a statement? Provide evidence to suggest the accuracy or inaccuracy of the motion. Question why you are required to use certain terms, phrases or literary technique. Your analytical ability and persuasiveness will be put to test.
  • How- how is this statement concluded and what are the practicalities of implementing it? What are the ways in which this can be challenged? How can it be enforced and monitored? You will be required to provide solid logical reasoning and demonstrate how your answer forms a conclusion.
  • What if – another question you must ask yourself is about the alternatives you have provided in your essay. Are there any views to consider? What are the practical implications of the arguments you have put forth? Can those be challenges? If yes, how? Weigh in both the strengths and weaknesses of your argument.

Practise Questions 

Here are some of the best questions that can help you practise for LNAT essays: 

  • What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
  • Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.
  • How should judges be appointed?
  • ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
  • Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?
  • What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?
  • Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
  • We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’
  • Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
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LNAT Sample Essay

Should the privacy of the accused be maintained in Criminal legal proceedings?

The criminal justice system is rooted on the principle that the suspect is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. This principle is applicable whether the person is renowned in the public sphere, therefore making the case susceptible to prejudice or someone wholly anonymous. Therefore, I am of the opinion that wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be maintained. There are several reasons to believe so. Firstly and most importantly, the legal system ought to be free from biases and prejudices. Secondly, publishing the accused’s identity does not serve public interest. It would be a gross breach of an individual’s right to privacy when publishing the identity.

The nature of the legal process is a dialectic process; it is a rule of thumb that the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.  the defence ought to cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence. This process necessitates the gathering of evidence, familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case and precedents set by the previous cases. If a defendant’s anonymity is compromised that could potentially colour the legal proceedings with public prejudice. This would be antithetical to the very nature of legal process. 

A public bias is as dangerous as any other bias and can impact the legal proceedings in negative ways. Therefore there is the possibility that the disclosure of the accused’s identity can impact the objectivity of the court. The accused only ought to be tried by the court and not by the media. 

To elaborate on the 2nd issue, the publishing of the accused identity can be extremely counterproductive and in general unhelpful to the public interest. Media trials can be extremely dehumanizing which apart from affecting the trial can additionally impact the accused life if found to be innocent.  

Most importantly, an individual’s right to privacy has been recognized as a fundamental right. A man acquitted 100 times is the same as a man once or never prosecuted at all, but seldom do the larger public view the situation from a legal perspective. The person may never escape the humiliation and public prejudice of having once been accused. 

In conclusion, I’d like to reiterate the importance of maintaining anonymity in a case of criminal accusation. It is a fair argument that the public at large ought to know the argument of the criminal who threatens their safety and security, however the principles of law dictates that a person is innocent until proven guilty. By abiding by this view, we can maintain the objectivity of the court and preserve the dignity of the accused.

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This was all about LNAT essay questions. We hope this blog has given you a brief Idea as to how to go about your essay. In case you need additional guidance in navigating various aptitude tests and exams, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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Sample essays

Sample essay questions and suggested reading

Here are a few sample essay questions for you to think about. Remember that you get 40 minutes to write a recommended maximum of 750 words – ideally about 500-600 words .  We also have sample answers to some of these questions. See download links at bottom of this page.

  • How should judges be appointed?
  • Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.  Answer
  • Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?  Answer
  • ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
  • What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
  • ‘We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’ Discuss.
  • Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
  • Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
  • What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?  Answer
  • There are more essay topics on our practice tests .

When you reach the Review screen, do not click on End Review unless you have completed your essay and wish to end your session. If you wish to review or edit your essay response, click on the question number that it relates to.

As part of your preparation you may also like to look at some materials on critical thinking. Here is a selection. Some of them include exercises that can help you develop your LNAT skills.

A. Fisher,  Critical Thinking: An Introduction  (Cambridge University Press 2001) ISBN 0521009847

R. van den Brink-Budgen,  Critical Thinking for Students  (How to Books 2000) ISBN 1857036344

N. Warburton,  Thinking From A to Z  (Routledge 2000) ISBN 0415222818

P. Gardner,  New Directions: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking (Cambridge University Press 2006) ISBN 0521541727 (mainly for those who have English as a second language)

Sample answer: Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts

Sample answer: Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?

Sample answer: What is 'political correctness' and why does it matter?

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How to Get a First in Law

Sample LNAT Essay: Why is Theft Wrong?

Posted by Catherine Robinson on October 14, 2023

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Hello! My name is Catherine Robinson, and I offer one-to-one LNAT tuition that covers both sections of the exam. More information on my tuition can be found by clicking here .

Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the sample LNAT essay on why theft is wrong.

What is the LNAT essay?

The LNAT essay is a 40-minute written task that assesses your ability to construct a persuasive argument. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to communicate effectively.

Understand the question

Before you start writing, take the time to carefully read and understand the essay question. Identify the key terms and concepts, and make sure you have a clear understanding of what is being asked. This will help you structure your essay and ensure that you address the question directly.

Plan your essay

Planning is crucial when it comes to writing a successful LNAT essay. Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas, create an outline, and organise your thoughts. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your essay has a logical flow.

Structure your essay

A well-structured essay is easier to read and understand. Start with an introduction that provides an overview of your argument and sets the tone for the rest of the essay. Then, develop your argument in the body paragraphs, using evidence and examples to support your points. Finally, conclude your essay by summarising your main points and restating your thesis.

Use evidence and examples

When writing your LNAT essay, it is important to support your arguments with evidence and examples. This will make your essay more persuasive and convincing. Use relevant facts, statistics, and real-life examples to back up your claims and strengthen your argument. 

Be concise and clear

In a time-limited task like the LNAT essay, it is important to be concise and clear in your writing. Avoid unnecessary repetition and wordiness. Use clear and straightforward language to convey your ideas effectively. It is much better to write in plain and simple language than convoluted flowery language.

Practice, practice, practice

Like any skill, essay writing requires practice. Take the time to practice writing LNAT essays under timed conditions. This will help you improve your time management skills and help familiarise yourself with the format and requirements of the test.

Seek feedback

After writing practice essays, seek feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

Example essay: Why is theft wrong?

Why is theft morally wrong? This question has puzzled philosophers and ethicists for centuries. Some argue that theft can be justified under certain circumstances, while others vehemently oppose this view. One school of thought argues that theft is morally acceptable in cases of extreme necessity, where survival is at stake. However, this view is misguided because it fails to consider the broader implications of theft, the importance of property rights, and the potential harm it causes. Therefore, it will instead be argued that theft is inherently morally wrong.

Theft, fundamentally, is an infringement on the property rights of individuals. Property rights are the cornerstone of a just society, allowing individuals to enjoy the fruits of their labour, feel secure in their belongings, and facilitate economic exchange. Theft directly violates these rights, undermining the trust and security upon which societies are built. It disrupts the social contract by disregarding the basic principle that each person's property should be respected. One argument in favour of theft posits that it can be morally justifiable in cases of extreme necessity, where one steals to survive. However, this argument can be refuted. While it is empathetic to acknowledge the desperation of those who steal to feed their families, it is essential to consider the bigger picture. Allowing theft under these circumstances risks undermining the very property rights that ensure social order. Instead of promoting a culture of respect for individual rights, it sets a dangerous precedent that can lead to a breakdown of societal norms.

Theft is not just a breach of property rights; it also erodes the trust and social harmony upon which communities thrive. It creates an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, and insecurity. When individuals cannot trust that their property will be safeguarded, they are less likely to invest in their communities or engage in commerce. This erosion of trust can lead to a decline in economic and social well-being. Some argue that theft is a means of addressing economic inequality, taking from the rich to provide for the poor. However, this argument is problematic. While economic inequality is a serious concern, theft is not a sustainable solution. Addressing inequality should be achieved through legal and ethical means, such as social welfare programs and progressive taxation. Theft only exacerbates the problem by promoting a culture of violence and insecurity.

Lastly, theft has moral implications that extend beyond the act itself. It not only harms the victim but also has detrimental effects on the thief. Engaging in theft can lead to a degradation of one's own moral character, fostering a cycle of unethical behaviour. Some contend that theft is a form of protest against perceived injustices, acting as a mechanism for the marginalised to challenge the status quo. However, the moral implications of theft must be considered. While it is crucial to address injustices, resorting to theft perpetuates a culture of lawlessness and chaos. Constructive change can be achieved through legal avenues, peaceful protests, and advocacy, rather than resorting to criminal acts.

In conclusion, theft is wrong because it infringes on property rights, erodes trust and social harmony, and carries moral implications for both the victim and the perpetrator. While there may be arguments in favour of theft under extreme circumstances or as a response to perceived injustices, these views fail to consider the broader ethical implications and the importance of preserving a just and orderly society. Theft, in most cases, is a breach of our shared social contract, and its moral wrongness is undeniable.

Want help writing LNAT essays that will impress the admissions tutor? I will guide you through a step-by-step method to writing high quality LNAT essays. Find out more information here .

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Essay Questions

Lnat questions – essay advice.

This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays.

LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum.

This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen.

You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Scoring

Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.

So, you won’t receive a score for your essay.

Different universities use the LNAT essay for different admissions purposes.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Free Samples

LNAT essay questions will be in the form of either a question or a statement.

Here are some LNAT essay questions for you to practise:

Should public transport be compulsory in certain areas?

Being fair to the community is more important than being just to the individual. Discuss.

Make the best argument you can for full government funding of undergraduate education.

“Everyone would benefit from doing a stint of manual labour.” Do you agree?

Animal rights should be sacrificed when human life might be at stake. Discuss.

Should the government do more to encourage people into the teaching profession?

LNAT Practice Tests and Essay Writing Guide

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Free LNAT Practice Tests 2024

Are you looking for lnat practice tests struggling to find lnat questions for revision don't want to pay for a lnat question bank.

Get your preparation for the LNAT 2024 off to a great start with some free support from the LNAT Specialists at Law Mind! Find free LNAT Practice Questions for the LNAT Multiple Choice and the LNAT Essay to help you study for your LNAT! We have hundreds of sample LNAT Practice Tests to help you to familiarise yourself with the paper and common question types. Not sure about LNAT Essays? Need to revise your LNAT Multiple Choice? Then Law Mind can help!

We cover every LNAT Question Type

Section a: lnat multiple choice.

LNAT Section A is a multiple choice, 42 question, 95 minute test that will test your verbal reasoning, logic and creative thinking skills. This section is the only scored section of the LNAT; meaning that this is the only section that give you your LNAT score. This will be given as out of 42. In this section, you will have 12 argumentative passages to read, each with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions.

  • Lesson 1 Analysis Multiple Choice
  • Lesson 2 Literary Multiple Choice
  • Lesson 3 Timing Strategies
  • Lesson 4 Timing Contingencies
  • Lesson 5 Assumptions vs. Text
  • Lesson 6 LNAT Test Day
  • Lesson 7 Tips from the Experts
  • Lesson 8 Summary and Overview

Analysis Multiple Choice

These are the kinds of multiple choice question where you are asked to sum up or identify ideas behind the passage. This may involve identifying the ‘main reason’ behind the writer’s argument or choosing a summary of an idea. These kinds of questions are there to test your deducting, inferring and judgement skills, as you will often have to find the ‘most correct’ out of all correct answers!

Literary Multiple Choice

These are the kinds of multiple choice where you are asked to explain word choice within the text. This may involve identifying synonyms, interpreting meaning or defining language. These kinds of questions are designed to test your ability to identify, understand and use language, which is very important for a legal career.

Literary Multiple Choice

Timing Strategies

As with all exams, it is important that you can complete the 42 questions in the time allotted. Our Law Mind tutors will guide you through LNAT Practice Questions to help you perfect your timings and increase your speed.

 Timing Strategies

Timing Contingencies

What do you do if you have 10 LNAT questions left to do in 5 minutes? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through our contingency Cheetah and Rabbit strategies just in case things go wrong!

 Timing Contingencies

Assumptions vs. Text

Your LNAT test is not a general knowledge test; the passages are all the information that you ought to use to get to your answer. It is important to not get too bogged down in prior knowledge, as it could distract you from the correct answer. Instead, when you do your LNAT Practice Questions, focus on logical inference based on the text.

Assumptions vs. Text

LNAT Test Day

Understanding what will happen on your LNAT Test Day is the first step to feeling relaxed and confident.

 LNAT Test Day

Tips from the Experts

At Law Mind, we handpick our tutors and academics for having scored highly in the LNAT themselves and for having bags of teaching experience.

 Tips from the Experts

Summary and Overview

This revision lesson will re-cap all of the key LNAT Section A techniques we’ve taught you.

 Summary and Overview

Section B: LNAT Essay

LNAT Section B is an essay question, where you get 40 minutes to fully answer one question in an essay. This tests your arguing and writing skills, as well as your ability to offer a point of view, defend it and present it convincingly. The maximum word count is 750, so being able to be concise is key. Although this section does not contribute to your LNAT score, it is still important as it viewed by your universities! In this section, you are given three questions, one of which you will answer in an essay. Topics can be on almost anything, from morality to medicine.

  • Lesson 1 Develop your main argument
  • Lesson 2 Structure your LNAT Essay
  • Lesson 3 Language choice and accuracy
  • Lesson 4 Timings and word count
  • Lesson 5 Tips from Experts
  • Lesson 6 Summary

Develop your main argument

The LNAT Essay is no place to be wishy-washy! This is the time to get an opinion and put it across as well as you can. It is important that, once you have decided on an argument, that you stick to it and develop it properly. Think about the most persuasive arguments for your point of view, and how you want to put them across.

Develop your main argument

Structure your LNAT Essay

A good LNAT Essay needs to be properly structured and have a logical flow. You will need to start with an introduction, that will lay out your plan, and end with a conclusion that will sum up and tie together your whole essay.

Structure your LNAT Essay

Language choice and accuracy

You will need to write clearly and accurately in the LNAT Essay for it to be impactful; you don’t want to distract the admissions team with spelling mistakes or clumsy wording! Improving your language use is very important and, although doing regular LNAT Practice Tests can help you to get used to this way of writing, you might want to consider doing specific revision to improve this.

Language choice and accuracy

Timings and word count

It may seem a lot of time, but it amazing how quickly 40 minutes can go when you are trying to plan and write an essay! You want to make sure that your LNAT Practice Tests are timed so you get used to how fast you need to write in the time. For most people, the issue with the word count is that they go over, rather than under. Make sure you count the words in each of your LNAT Practice Tests, so you can see what 750 words looks like and get used to working to this as a limit. As you practise, you will need to find ways to reduce words and cut unnecessary babble.

Tips from Experts

Hear from LNAT Decision Making experts who can give you their insight into how they did well in their LNAT and what they found useful in their preparation.

Tips from Experts

Here we wrap up everything we’ve taught you and help condense everything into the salient points as well as telling you the next steps on how to formulate your revision.


LNAT Free Tutorials

  • Detailed Revision Tips for LNAT
  • Improve Reading & Thinking Skills

Get the real learning experience by trying one of our LNAT lessons for free today!


Master the LNAT with our award-winning tutorials - Try for free today

Interested in taking your LNAT revision up a gear? Our LNAT Online Lessons are what you need to move from LNAT knowledge to LNAT mastery! Interested? Take a look at how it works...

LNAT Practice Tests (Full Mocks)

42 | Ethics and Education (Test 1)

40 | Politics

42 | Science (Test 1)

42 | Science (Test 2)

LNAT Practice Questions (Mini Tests)

14 | Ethics and Education (Test 2)

16 | Science (Test 3)

25 | Philosophy

Upgrade to 1-to-1 Tutoring

Take your LNAT to the next level by adding in some of our award-winning 1-1 tutoring. Get feedback on your performance from LNAT experts and get useful tips on how you can improve your LNAT skills.

Why you should upgrade to our LNAT Online Course

Are you aiming for the best LNAT score possible? Well, if you are, we really recommend buying our online LNAT course. We break down your thinking process, and continuously improve and perfect your LNAT technique in both sections. You can also upgrade to our 1-1 tutoring services and essay marking services.

How Law Mind can help you with LNAT Preparation

We believe that a personal approach is best when it comes to teaching and learning. So when you sign-up for our 1-to-1 tutoring, we’ll create your study plan and you’ll receive ongoing support tailored to your needs. In addition, you’ll have access to a wealth of online resources to revise and test everything you learn.

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Start with an expert LNAT tutor

After your consultation, we consider everything you’re looking for - from time to exam to prospective universities, and find a tutor that’s right for you. All of them are:

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Build a personalised LNAT lesson plan

Your tutor will develop a personalised LNAT lesson plan for you based on the time until your test, the LNAT scores you are getting and your weak areas.

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Maximise your LNAT potential

Regular homework and progress report will help you to get the most out of your tuition sessions.

So maximise your LNAT potential Start your journey now.

Book your medic mind consultation, start your law mind journey, our lnat services.

We can create an appropriate package for you whether you merely need help with self-studying or want some more support through our award-winning 1-1 LNAT Tutoring. If you want a custom package that isn’t offered here, just contact us using the live chat on the right!

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  • LNAT Online Course

online tutoring

LNAT Online Course & 3h 1-1 Tutoring

  • Essay Check
  • 3h Tutoring

LLP online course

LNAT Course & 5h 1-1 Tutoring

  • LNAT Course
  • 5h Tutoring

Still got questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Who are law mind.

Law Mind is an online company that helps future law students to get places on their dream law courses by getting great scores on their exams!

Are these LNAT Practice Tests really free?

Yes, they are really free! We believe that everyone should be able to achieve their educational goals, regardless of background, and so we have worked hard to create a free set of LNAT Practice Tests that you can access for free. We are always looking to add more LNAT Practice Tests to this page, and would like your input! Get in touch with us to let us know which questions you find useful, what kind of questions you want to see more of and what kinds of topics you want us to cover. We want these LNAT Practice Tests to be useful to you!

How can I get the most out of these LNAT Practice Questions?

Revision can be very individual, so you can use these LNAT Practice Questions in whatever way that suits you! Stuck for ideas? Here are a few ways our LNAT students have used these in the past: - Go through the LNAT Practice Questions and use them at the beginning of your revision. That way, you can then see what level you are starting at. - Write out LNAT Practice Question and do them at intervals over your revision. For example, when you cover a particular topic, you can do a related LNAT Practice Question you find. - Rewrite LNAT Practice Questions yourself- you can use the framework from the LNAT Practice Questions and change out topics, words and ideas so you can personalise them to you.

Which LNAT Practice Questions should I focus on the most?

Do an even mix of both Section A and Section B- even though your LNAT score is only made up from Section A, Section B is still important and your university will use it as part of your application.

Other than the LNAT Practice Questions, what else can I do to boost my LNAT score?

You want to become used to common LNAT topics and more formal ways of expressing yourself, so things like reading the newspaper can be really helpful. You need to be able to make a quick judgment on a topics, so learning more in general about the world will help you. However, it is important to remember in Section A that you should only refer to ideas in the text, so here it might be useful to read literature or opinion pieces to see how people convey their ideas. This will also help you to find ways to introduce ideas in Section B.

How many LNAT Practice Questions should I do?

There is no simple answer to this, but you want to do enough preparation that you feel relaxed and confident going into the exam. Make sure that you include timed preparation when you do your LNAT Practice Questions too, as timing can often be an issue in exams.

What can I do to boost my LNAT score more?

Law Mind provides award-winning tuition that can help you take your LNAT revision to the next level. Contact us today for more information.

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just wondering what structure people used for the lnat, if any specific? I stuck to that of Paper 1 History for AQA which feels like next to no structure but you're constantly analysing and criticising...

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  1. Tips for LNAT essay? : r/6thForm

    Rational points and explanations are probably far more desirable for your essay. If you have time at the end, go back and skim read it, rewording the longer and less concise sentences. I've found myself occasionally finishing a few minutes early and being able to do that, and it really helps. 4. Award.

  2. just took my LNAT exam! here's my advice. : r/6thForm

    just took my LNAT exam! here's my advice. online mocks and practise questions are the way to go! try the practise exam and print off past papers to do multiple choice questions. the more you get used to their strange style questions and the way they ask it, the better you'll do. for section A, learning the difference between words such as ...

  3. LNAT

    Welcome! This subreddit is started by a current Law student. For many students applying to study law in the UK, the LNAT forms a key element of their application. While more affluent students might be able to afford tutoring, many students (particularly those not from the UK) might struggle with this test, leaving them at a significant ...

  4. LNAT Essay: Top 6 Tips

    The LNAT essay section throws you into a world of diverse topics, demanding the construction and articulation of a strong argument. Within the 40-minute time frame, you must craft an essay that resonates with each university requiring the LNAT.This section acts as a litmus test, allowing universities to evaluate crucial skills in prospective law students.

  5. LNAT Essay Questions

    What Is The LNAT Essay? In Section B, you are asked to write one essay in 40 minutes from a list of three proposed subjects. This is designed to test your ability to construct a compelling argument and articulate it in a clear and persuasive manner. The subject matter typically covers topical issues in society, politics, philosophy, or ethical ...

  6. LNAT Essay: Section B of the LNAT

    Writing the LNAT Essay. The following tips can help you write a compelling LNAT essay: Introduction: The introduction should be brief and clear. It should introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that outlines the argument you will make in the essay. Structure: The essay should be well-structured and organised.

  7. LNAT Essay Examples 2024

    In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at LNAT essays, including some examples, structure, format, word limit, scoring, questions, mark scheme, and essay writing tips. Also included below is a comprehensive LNAT Essay Question Bank, with 90 essay questions or prompts - each linked to model or sample essay for that question.

  8. LNAT Preparation Online

    1300+ Questions: 16 Mock Tests in LNAT Simulator and 17 Article Digests. Prepare with the most extensive set of Tests that truly challenge. 20+ Essays with Model Answers and Marking. Practise the right topics and learn to impress admissions tutors. Trusted by 1000+ Students last year alone.

  9. Arbitio

    The Essay forms an important part of the LNAT. Students often underestimate it, yet certain Universities place quite a considerable emphasis on the Essay in the admissions process. Head over to our Guide about LNAT Universities & Required Scores to find out more (we recommend paying attention to the official LNAT Essay mark scheme as released ...

  10. LNAT ESSAY Flashcards

    You may encounter this question in a number of slightly different guises, but all require evaluation of a particular position. Depending on the statement, this can be a potentially far-reaching question and, before attempting it, it is important to be completely clear in your mind what the statement actually means and what all the potential implications of it are, even if some are more obscure ...

  11. seriously messed up my lnat essay : r/sixthform

    If your two LNAT unis don't consider the essay, then leave them. If they do, you can find other LNAT unis who don't factor in the essay or find another uni: Manchester, Warwick and Edinburgh are all fantastic unis for law that don't require the LNAT (I'm biased cause I got offers from all 3) so I'd not worry much.

  12. Practice tests

    The system has 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'undo' and 'redo' functions (using the buttons above the essay pane). There are no other word-processing functions, eg no spell check. The system has a built-in word count at the bottom of the essay pane. The recommended maximum length for an LNAT essay is 750 words.. Ideally you should ...

  13. LNAT Sample Essays: Questions, Format, Structure

    Law Courses. Best Law Colleges in 202 2. This was all about LNAT essay questions. We hope this blog has given you a brief Idea as to how to go about your essay. In case you need additional guidance in navigating various aptitude tests and exams, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free ...

  14. Sample essays

    Sample essays; Sample essays. Sample essay questions and suggested reading. Here are a few sample essay questions for you to think about. Remember that you get 40 minutes to write a recommended maximum of 750 words - ideally about 500-600 words. We also have sample answers to some of these questions. See download links at bottom of this page.

  15. Sample LNAT Essay: Why is Theft Wrong?

    Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the sample LNAT essay on why theft is wrong. What is the LNAT essay? The LNAT essay is a 40-minute written task that assesses your ability to construct a persuasive argument. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to communicate effectively.

  16. Essay Questions for the LNAT

    This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays. LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum. This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen. You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay. Essay Questions for the LNAT - Scoring. Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.

  17. LNAT Essay : r/UCL

    LNAT Essay. Hello everyone, today I sat my LNAT and I think I did very poorly on the essay section. I think my MCQ score will be OK, but I'm very afraid of getting rejected from UCL because I know they place a lot of emphasis on Section B. I'm predicted to get A A A*A and I have a few supercurriculars. Do I still have a chance at getting ...

  18. The Complete List of LNAT Question Types for 2024 & 2025

    The list below is the compilation of all the question types that you will see in the LNAT 2024 and 2025, with a couple of examples for each type. Our LNAT practice tests currently have 360 passages, with 1260 questions in total, covering all of the question types listed below. And always remember, all questions must be answered using the ...

  19. Free LNAT Questions 2024

    Section A: LNAT Multiple Choice. LNAT Section A is a multiple choice, 42 question, 95 minute test that will test your verbal reasoning, logic and creative thinking skills. This section is the only scored section of the LNAT; meaning that this is the only section that give you your LNAT score. This will be given as out of 42.

  20. lnat help for section b/essay : r/6thForm

    View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. lnat help for section b/essay . so anyone that's done the lnat/ is preparing to take it this year, do you have any tips for section b?? ... Tbh, I wouldn't sweat the essay part hugely. I rushed the hell out of mine and got offers from Lse/Ucl/Kings/Durham.

  21. LawMint.uk

    50 Important Rules of English Spelling For LNAT Essays for 2024 and 2025. by LawMint; 100 Commonly Misspelled Words in LNAT Essays. by LawMint; LNAT FAQs - The Big List of Frequently Asked Questions About the LNAT 2024 and 2025.

  22. LNAT Essay Structure : r/6thForm

    1. doodoowah. • 9 mo. ago. the lnat essay is mostly an argumentative essay, so even though you'll need to analyse, you should always consistently argue for one side and occasionally provide counterarguments. 2. ChemicalNegative7803. OP • 9 mo. ago. yeah, I'm aware, but in order to have a good argument you should always analyse those little ...

  23. lnat results thread 2024

    hey everyone, saw there wasnt a thread for lnat applicants waiting on results for 2024 entry yet so decided to create one. how's everyone holding up with the waiting? Thank you, this will be a helpful thread! 3 Report. Reply. Reply 2. 6 months ago. 5starmichelin. 9. 15 days to go omg! I can't wait to know already t-t. 0 Report. Reply. Reply 3.