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Submitting Electronic Theses & Dissertations

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As a graduation requirement , graduate students are required to submit an electronic copy of the final version of their successfully defended thesis, dissertation, or scholarly project, referred to as an ETD, to the Jerry Falwell Library. These works will be published in Scholars Crossing , Liberty University’s institutional repository. Students also have the option to publish their work in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global .

  • Before submitting their work, students should review this checklist or this submission video tutorial to ensure that their work is ready for publication.
  • The library does not edit or proofread students’ ETDs. Students should review their work for any final edits prior to submission. Changes to content require approval from the student’s committee chair before resubmitting to the library.
  • Students should consult their department’s handbook for formatting guidelines and requirements.
  • In order to provide identity protection, students must remove or block out all signatures and personal contact information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers, and emails).

Student studying

  • The student has secured permission from the copyright holder to publish the material as part of their ETD. ( Please note that permission to use is not the same as permission to publish .)
  • The material is in the public domain or otherwise free of copyright restrictions.
  • The student owns the copyright for the material.
  • If revisions are required, the library review will take up to an additional 10 business days to respond with either acceptance or a requirement for additional revisions
  • When students receive the email notifying them that their work has been accepted , they should forward it to their committee chair.
  • Students should allow at least 30 days after acceptance for their work to be published in  Scholars Crossing .
  • Exceptions to Liberty’s Theses and Dissertation Policy and the Jerry Falwell Library’s Scholars Crossing Policy are granted on a case-by-case basis by the presiding department or provost.

Bound Copies

If students would like a personal bound copy of their work or if their academic program requires one, they can submit a PDF version of their final, accepted work to the bindery .

  • It is important that students do not submit their work to the bindery until after receiving a confirmation of acceptance from the library.
  • Students should not send bound copies to the library.

Optional Submission to ProQuest

After receiving the acceptance email, the student has the option to submit his or her work to the ProQuest ETD Submission Site by creating an account on that page.

  • This is not required for graduation but is offered as an option if the student would like his or her work published within ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global .
  • The library does not recommend that students pay ProQuest to register for U.S. copyright or order bound copies through ProQuest.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions about the submission process. 

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  • BorrowDirect Request books and other items from partner libraries. JHED ID required.
  • Interlibrary Loan Request scanned articles, chapters, and more from non-JHU libraries. JHED ID required.
  • Document Delivery via ILL Request scanned articles and chapters from JHU Libraries and the Libraries Service Center. JHED ID required.
  • Journal Search Look for online journals and periodicals available from JHU libraries.
  • Citation Linker Find a specific article or book by searching citation information.
  • eReserves Access online articles and media reserved for courses.

Submission Checklist

Electronic theses & dissertations (etds).

  • Formatting Requirements
  • Submission Deadlines

Required Information

There are several descriptive fields that you must fill out in the submission form. Some of these fields will help other researchers find your thesis or dissertation and others will control when your thesis or dissertation will be made visible to the public.

Please ensure that all metadata, including your abstract, and your paper are finalized and adheres to the formatting requirements before submitting it.

Start this process after you have defended and made all final edits to your thesis or dissertation. Documents must be proofread and all errors corrected before beginning the submission process. Once published, changes cannot be made to your ETD.

  • Carefully review the formatting requirements to make sure your document conforms to the requirements
  • Contact [email protected] if you have any questions
  • Save your document as a PDF/A file
  • Login to the submission system using your JHED ID
  • Enter the required descriptive fields
  • Read and agree to the submission agreement
  • Upload your PDF/A document
  • Go to the fee payment site and pay your $60.00 fee
  • If you receive an email asking for changes, follow the link and resubmit your corrected ETD
  • If required, forward a copy of your approval email to your appropriate graduate office

PDF/A Export

PDF/A is an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for the digital preservation of electronic documents. You need to save your dissertation as a PDF/A file and upload it as your official submission. For more information, see the Wikpedia article on the format.

Note for Mac users: that while you can save a Word for Windows document as a PDF/A (see below for instructions) you cannot do so directly from Word for Mac. If you are a Mac user, consider saving your Word document as a PDF/A using a Windows computer, such as at the library, or use Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Notes about PDF/A format

  • you cannot include audio and video content; still images are fine
  • you cannot include JavaScript or executable files
  • fonts must be embedded

If you need to include audio, video, or other files, you can submit them as supplementary files. Contact us at [email protected] for more help with PDF/A or supplementary files.

Adobe Acrobat Pro

  • Select “PDF Standards” in the Tools menu
  • Select “Preflight” in the right hand column
  • Select “PDF/A Compliance”
  • Double-click “Convert to PDF/A-1b” then “Save”
  • Review your document to ensure it appears as you expect it to

Word for Windows

  • Select “File” then “Save as Adobe PDF”
  • Make sure file type is “pdf files”
  • Select “Options” and a box with “PDF Options” will open
  • Check the “Create PDF/A” box, then select “OK” and “Save”
  • Follow the instructions for using a LaTeX template
  • The Library does not provide support for LaTeX

Fee Payment

The ETD submission fee is $60 and may be paid by credit card or by funds transfer from your department. The fee is due at the time of submission; payment verification is required for approval.

Pay by Credit Card – $60

IMPORTANT: If the card you are using is not your own (e.g., spouse or parent’s card), proceed with the payment at the site, but then email your name, your JHED ID, and the name of the credit card owner to [email protected] so we can link your submission with the payment.

Pay by Department Funds Transfer

NOTE: This option is available at departmental discretion. Request that the department administrator fill out the PDF form and submit it to [email protected] .

You have the option of making your ETD publicly available within a few months following degree conferral, or placing an embargo on your ETD. Embargoes temporarily delay publication of your ETD to JHU’s institutional repository, JScholarship .

Students choose to place embargoes on their work if their ETD forms part or all of a larger work that they plan to publish with a journal or publishing company, and that organization has a policy against publication of previously published work.

Note: Most publishing companies with these policies make exceptions for theses and dissertations, so be sure to read the documentation carefully before choosing to put an embargo on your ETD.


All ETDs are made available in the Library’s institutional repository, JScholarship, after any applicable embargo periods set by the student have expired.

If a student initially chooses to place an embargo on their ETD and later wishes to lift the embargo early, they may contact us in order to do so.

If a student initially chooses an embargo of less than the maximum 4 years allowed, and later wishes to extend the embargo before their ETD has been made publicly accessible on JScholarship, they may do so, so long as the embargo does not extend past 4 years from the original submission approval date. For instance, if a student submits their ETD in 2018 and places a 2 year embargo on it, they may later choose to extend the embargo for another 1-2 years, but may not extend the embargo past 2022.

Contact ETD Office

Milton S. Eisenhower Library [email protected]

ETDs on JScholarship

Electronic theses and dissertations from JHU students. Go to ETDs

JScholarship Home

Open access publications from JHU faculty and students. Visit JScholarship

Please start by reviewing the formatting requirements and submission checklist .

If you have additional questions, email [email protected] for the fastest response.

If we are unable to resolve your inquiry via email, you may request an in-person meeting. Due to the volume of ETDs, we cannot meet on deadline days, or the two days before deadlines.

Please note we do not provide formatting reviews by email, only via the submission system .

Theses and Dissertations

Congrats on working towards your thesis or dissertation at UTA! The UTA Libraries Digital Publishing Librarian, Digital Publishing Specialist, and entire Open Partnerships & Services Department team are here to help you submit your documents, so they become part of the publicly accessible scholarly record. This important practice is part of the growing movement for open access scholarship around the world to ensure that EVERYONE has access to the results of scholarly research.

ETDs are openly published in UTA's institutional repository, called MavMatrix (formerly  UTA ResearchCommons ). The UTA institutional repository offers metrics about how many users are engaging with your ETD in a variety of ways! Make sure to check back after graduation to see what impact your thesis or dissertation is making in the world! For example, Amy Holmes’ dissertation from 2016 has nearly 6000 abstract views and almost 1000 downloads on our site alone!

Process and Deadlines to submit your approved Thesis or Dissertation to the ResearchCommons

We are currently migrating to a new and much improved platform for our institutional repository. For those submitting during the Summer 2024 semester , we have a different process than usual. Before any submission can be made, please send an email to  [email protected] identifying that you will be submitting a thesis or dissertation this semester and include your degree and department name . After that step, you will receive an email with instructions on when and how to submit to our new repository. 

***Please note: When you create an account on MavMatrix, please use an email address that you will continue to have access to after graduation. For example, don't use a UTA STAFF email address (ending in only uta.edu) unless you will continue your employment after graduation. Access to those emails terminates immediately upon graduation. Student email addresses (ending in mavs.uta.edu) should have longer access periods. We recommend using a personal, non-UTA email address to ensure continued access and communication.***

As part of this process, all students must agree to the Intellectual Property Statement and Non-Exclusive Copyright Release. This Non-Exclusive Copyright Release ensures that YOU RETAIN YOUR COPYRIGHT as author of your thesis or dissertation. Doctoral students must also complete the  Survey of Earned Doctorates  and submit via email to  [email protected] .

When submitting your thesis or dissertation, the date on the title page of your document should match your graduation month and year. The month must be listed as either:  May, August, or December  (e.g. May 2024). 

Deadlines to submit your approved Thesis or Dissertation to the Libraries ***Submitting prior to these deadlines will ensure enough time to complete required revisions.  PLEASE NOTE: If you wait to submit until just before or on the deadline,  processing of your submission and graduation milestone WILL BE DELAYED.

Spring 2024May 14, 2024
Summer 2024August 13, 2024
Fall 2024December 16, 2024

After your initial submission, be sure to check your email to receive either an acceptance of your submission or a request for required changes and resubmission.

If an extension is required, please complete the online  extension request form . If you have further questions, contact your advisor or the  Graduate School at  [email protected] .

An  embargo  is   a delayed release or temporary access restriction to the full-text PDF of your work. Common reasons to request an embargo include:

  • If your thesis or dissertation material is to be published in a journal that requires no prior publication
  • If you plan to file for a provisional patent relevant to the work published in your thesis or dissertation

Please note that you RETAIN your copyright as author of your thesis or dissertation when you sign the Non-Exclusive Copyright Release. This means that you are free to publish your work anywhere else you see fit without permission from UTA. Most journals and publishers today are aware that theses and dissertations are already published by universities in their institutional repository and/or must abide by mandates for federally funded research to openly publish outcomes and data.

Embargoed works are still visible as an entry in the UTA institutional repository with title, author, date, and abstract details. For those requesting an embargo for patent-filling reasons, please ensure that your abstract is written without revealing patent-relevant information or trade secrets.

If you require an embargo, they are requested when you submit your ETD to the Digital Publishing Team. You can add an embargo period of 6 months, one year, or two years. Two years is the maximum embargo time unless there are extenuating legal circumstances.

To request an embargo extension, consult either the Graduate School or the Office of Innovation and Commercialization (for patent/legal needs) to provide clear rationale as to why your work should be embargoed for longer than 2 years. That information can be provided to [email protected] .

Additional Resources for thesis and dissertation writing

  • UTA Graduate School Dissertation Completion Resources
  • How to Format Landscape Page Numbers
  • Create a Table of Contents and Table of Figures
  • The Research Process: Step-by-Step

Please note these changes from previous policies and workflows

  • Strict adherence to the embargo maximum period and visibility of all but the full-text PDF for embargoed works changed as of March 2023 in consultation with the Graduate School. Refer to [email protected] with questions.
  • We are no longer supporting submission to ProQuest because it is a paywalled database.
  • The library does not provide templates. The Graduate School offers manuals linked below. We strongly encourage you to contact your committee chair to discover which manual is recommended by your academic unit.  For specific examples of previously published theses and dissertations, you can visit your department's community in the  UTA institutional repository .
  • Guides and Examples of Elements of Theses and Dissertations

Binding Personal Copies of Theses and Dissertations

**Effective January 1, 2024, UTA Libraries will no longer be providing bindery services for theses and dissertations. If your work has been deposited with ProQuest, you may order a print copy from them online . ProQuest may also be able to support printing of documents that have not been deposited with that service.

Still have questions? Check the FAQs!

FAQ: I just defended my thesis or dissertation. How do I submit my documents to fulfill the requirements of the Graduate School?

Answer: Please first review the information provided above. If you have not found information you seek, please contact [email protected] .

FAQ: How to access past theses and dissertations of UTA Students?

Answer: Older theses and dissertations are searchable in the library catalog here: https://uta.summon.serialssolutions.com . These are physically bound and available upon request.Newer theses and dissertations are only available in the UTA institutional repository. Browse to your department and refer to the theses and/or dissertations sections to find recent examples.

FAQ: I need to see examples of article-based dissertations.

Answer: For several years, all dissertations produced at UTA have been published openly in the UTA institutional repository . On the home page, use the search bar to search “article-based” or “article-based” AND a keyword from your discipline/topic to find an example closer to your field. For example, you could find “Smoking Cessation within the Federal Employee Population, an article-based dissertation by Brenda Ross Swilley from 2020 .

FAQ: Does the Library have a template for theses and dissertations?

Answer: The Library does not have any official templates for theses and dissertations. Each discipline has different requirements that they follow. Students need to contact their department for specific information about what their dissertations should and should not have. The Graduate School does have guidelines of elements that should be  included in its manuals . Please note: these are only to be used as a guide or starting point. As stated above, each department has specific guidelines that the student must follow. 

FAQ: Does the Library provide formatting and manual check services for theses and dissertations?

Answer: No, the Library does not provide these services. We encourage students to reach out the UTA Writing Center and/or the Graduate School for guidance on formatting and manual checks. There are Plagiarism Checkers freely available through services like Canvas, the Learning Management System used at UTA.

FAQ: I’m submitting my thesis or dissertation. Do I need to select an embargo?

Answer: Please refer to the information on embargoes offered above. Only select an embargo period if you want a delay in publication for your thesis or dissertation on the UTA institutional repository because you plan to publish in a venue that requires no prior publications or apply for a patent within two years. Most students select the “NONE” option to not request an embargo.

Please note that most academic publishers are now aware that high-level research institutions like UTA require all theses and dissertations to be made openly accessible via an institutional repository and therefore the stipulation that work cannot be published elsewhere does not apply if it was a thesis or dissertation in an institutional repository. If you would still like to embargo your work, please note that the embargo only applies to the PDF of your full text. The title, authorship, and abstract of your work will still be visible (per our policies with the Graduate School). You have the following embargo options:

Publication/Patent Hold 6 months  - The full text of this work will be held/restricted from worldwide access on the internet for six months from the semester/year of graduation to meet academic publisher restrictions or to allow time for publication.

Publication/Patent Hold 12 months  - The full text of this work will be held/restricted from worldwide access on the internet for twelve months from the semester/year of graduation to meet academic publisher restrictions or to allow time for publication.

Publication/Patent Hold 24 months  - The full text of this work will be held/restricted from worldwide access on the internet for twenty-four months from the semester/year of graduation to meet academic publisher restrictions or to allow time for publication.

FAQ: What is ORCID? Do I need an ORCID iD to submit my thesis or dissertation?

Answer: ORCID  is a “persistent digital identifier” that many researchers use to increase the visibility of their research across multiple platforms like Web of Science, publisher websites, and institutional websites. An ORCID is meant to serve as an overarching way to identify yourself as a researcher in the global scholarly community. When you create an ORCID, you receive a webpage listing all the publications you have published under your iD. It is free to sign up for one and add to your manuscript; however, it is  not required  to submit a thesis or dissertation.  

FAQ: I found errors in the thesis or dissertation I submitted to the institutional repository and I need to resubmit. How do I do that?

Answer: Congratulations on completing your thesis or dissertation! Do not submit a new ETD. For revisions, please contact [email protected] for information about changes.

FAQ: Does the library offer a service for binding of UTA theses or dissertations?

Answer: No. Effective January 1, 2024, UTA Libraries no longer provides this service due to a lack of requests. 

question mark drawn on chalkboard

Any Questions?

If you have questions or need additional assistance, please submit this form:


Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines

  • Overview of the Library Submission Process
  • MA/MS/PhD Students: Next Steps for Online Submission
  • MFA Students: Next Steps for Online Submission
  • Common Formatting Issues
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Tutorials

Dissertations and Theses Librarian

You can get help for research in several ways.

library dissertation submission

Contact  the Scholarly Communications librarian, Kristin Laughtin-Dunker, at  [email protected] or (714) 532-7769

Call the Reference Desk at (714) 532-7714

Chat with us at LibChat during  Reference Desk hours

Email us at Quick Reference

Ask  the  KnowledgeBase

Library Submission Guidelines  

All students must begin the submission process by following the Initial Steps for Library Submission detailed on the next page.

After receiving library approval, students will be given directions to proceed with online submission of their thesis or dissertation. Chapman University students are required to submit their thesis or dissertation online to Chapman University Digital Commons and  ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global . Only MFA students are exempt from the requirement to submit to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

  • Library Workshop Slides: Submitting Your Dissertation or Thesis to the Library

Deadlines for Completion of Library Requirements

The library submission process has multiple steps. In order to meet all deadlines for conferral of graduate degrees, the entire process (including submission to Chapman University Digital Commons and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, as applicable) must be completed on the following dates as per the deadlines set by the Office of the Associate Vice President for Graduate Education :

  • Fall 2024 : December 6, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
  • Interterm 2025 : January 17, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
  • Spring 2025 : May 9, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time

It is recommended to make the initial submission to the library at least one week in advance of these dates to allow time for any necessary revisions. Do not count on being able to start and complete the library submission process on the due date.

library dissertation submission

Though the above infographic provides a general overview of the process for submitting your dissertation or thesis to the library, please be sure to read the full instructions beginning on the Initial Steps for Library Submission page!

Infographic designed by Kalea Brown '26.

  • Next: START HERE: Initial Steps, Checklists, and Templates >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024 1:51 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.chapman.edu/dissertations
  • Boston University Libraries
  • Guide for Writers of Theses & Dissertations

Library Submission – Steps for Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation to the Library

Tools to assist you in preparing and submitting your thesis/dissertation, adobe reader.

  • Submission Checklist This checklist can be used to ensure your document is properly formatted prior to submission.

All Boston University theses and dissertations are submitted to the library electronically. Submitting your thesis or dissertation to Boston University Libraries is the last step to fulfill at the University before you graduate and are awarded your degree.

  • Prepare the manuscript : the Guide for Writers of Theses & Dissertations [PDF] covers formatting and submission requirements in detail.
  • GRS: Tyler Wasson, [email protected]
  • GMS: Millie Agosto,  [email protected]
  • GSDM: A'Llyn Ettien, [email protected]
  • STH: Stacey Duran, [email protected]
  • All others, contact  [email protected]
  • Consult the ETD Administrator Walk-Through for help.
  • Separately, submit your Dissertation/Thesis processing fee online  (requires BU Login).
  • Thesis prep videos : We have several thesis and dissertation prep videos that cover the ETD administrator process and formatting the document.
  • Microsoft Word template : You are welcome to use this Microsoft Word Dissertations template or Thesis template prepared by the library at your own risk.  Contact us with questions about templates.
  • LaTeX : The Electrical & Computer Engineering Department has a  LaTeX template  that conforms with proper formatting for library submission that you are welcome to use.  Thanks to Professor Janusz Konrad for his help providing this template.
  • Sample formats : A set of samples  illustrates proper submission formats.
  • Open access : Boston University’s policy is that scholarship, including BU theses and dissertations, should be made openly accessible as soon as possible so that the benefits of research can be widely shared. This  FAQ  discusses factors to think about for those of you considering an embargo.

The PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format) requires use of Adobe Reader software. If you do not have this installed, it may be  downloaded  at no charge.

Please visit the Research Guide:   Theses & Dissertations – Resources for Locating  for information on databases that can be used to identify theses and dissertations written in North America and elsewhere.

Profile Photo

[email protected]

  • Last Updated: Jun 3, 2024 10:20 AM
  • URL: https://library.bu.edu/theses

Center for Digital Scholarship

Dissertation Office

The Dissertation Office will be closed on Thursday, August 29.

The Dissertation Office is located on the first floor of the Regenstein Library within the Center for Digital Scholarship.

Before the Autumn Quarter begins, doctoral candidates may want to visit the Dissertation Office with questions or to take advantage of the draft review service . Students who need permission to include previously published material in their dissertations should ask for permission before the quarter they plan to graduate.

Students should also review the University-Wide Requirements for the Ph.D. Dissertation . All doctoral candidates must meet the University-wide requirements.

Dissertation Office Services: The Dissertation Office provides information on the University's dissertation policies . We help doctoral students understand dissertation formatting and publication requirements, and we assist with the submission process. We support graduate program administrators as they manage dissertation submissions and departmental approval of dissertations, and we audit completed dissertation submissions to ensure they meet University requirements. We coordinate dissertation publishing and embargoes with ProQuest and with Knowledge@UChicago .

Additional Information:

Information for Graduate Program Administrators

Information for PhD Students

  • Ask the Dissertation Office

Selected Resources

The Chicago Manual of Style

Access to UChicago Dissertations

Dissertations in Knowledge@UChicago

University-Wide Requirements

Hours Today

Workshops & events.

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UCI Theses & Dissertations

Format, Submit, Discover

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The UCI Libraries provides formatting and submission support for graduate theses and dissertations. Theses and dissertations may be submitted electronically (via ProQuest), or on paper. Electronic submission best serves the majority of our graduate students and is highly encouraged.

If you have questions about formatting or the submission process, read through the FAQs or email [email protected] . If you have questions or concerns that do not relate to the formatting of your manuscript, please contact Graduate Division . 

The filing deadline for a Summer 2024 degree is 5:00 pm on  Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

The formatting manual.

Please consult the  UCI Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Manual  when writing your manuscript. In addition to providing detailed information about proper formatting, the manual details the submission process and provides sample pages and templates.

Pre-Submission (Formatting) Critiques

Pre-submission critiques are available to all graduate students who would like the formatting of their manuscript looked at before final submission. You may request a pre-submission critique on a working draft of your thesis. 

Pre-Submission Critiques are no longer available for Winter Quarter 2023.

As you approach the filing deadline, the availability of formatting critiques changes as follows :

through Sept 4, 2024

for a full formatting review; OR and receive a full formatting review

Sept 5-11

 after you have passed your defense 

It may take up to 2 business days (M-F, excluding holidays) to receive a response to your question, critique, or ProQuest submission - especially during high-volume times in the quarter.  

Please plan accordingly; we respond to questions as they come in and cannot rush or expedite any reviews. 

Video Tutorials/Workshop Recordings

Thesis formatting overview (5 min video).

Topics covered: Pre-submission critiques, Overview of the Formatting Manual, Resources for further assistance

ProQuest submission process (7 min video)

Overview of what the thesis/dissertation submission process looks like in Proquest, addressing commonly asked questions about specific fields.

Workshop Recording  (May 2024 workshop)

1 hour workshop video

  • Answered questions from Zoom chat transcripts
  • Slide deck of Library presentation 
  • Slide deck of Grad Division presentation

If you have any questions, please email  [email protected] .


Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra  with the subject: “ Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA ”. The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

If you are a graduate student whose thesis is not a graduation requirement, or an undergraduate, you can still deposit your work in Libra. Please contact your advisor or graduate administrator and have them e-mail [email protected] .

Use the instructions below to successfully  submit your ETD  to Libra (LibraETD).

Before you submit

1. review copyright information.

Check out the Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work page to get a better understanding of a few key copyright concepts. These will be important as you draft and submit your thesis or dissertation, both in understanding how and when you can use copyrighted third-party content in your own work, and in understanding your rights and opportunities to share your work as the author of your thesis or dissertation. Thinking about publishing your thesis/dissertation in part or whole, before or after graduation? Check out the Publisher Policy Checker from MIT Library. Use this resource to find publisher policies regarding inclusion of previously published articles in theses and dissertations, and policies on accepting journal submissions that first appeared in an author’s previously released thesis or dissertation.

2. Know your school’s instructions

Check with your school for information on the proper process, workflow, and timing for submitting your thesis or dissertation.

Your school will direct you on its process for submitting your work:

  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (MS Candidates)
  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (PhD Candidates)
  • Arts & Sciences Thesis Submission (MA, MS, PhD)
  • School of Education and Human Development, Doctoral Student Degree Completion (Ed.D. and Ph.D.)  or email  [email protected]
  • School of Nursing (DNP)
  • School of Medicine (Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program)
  • Darden School of Business PhD Program  (Darden student access only, authentication required.)
  • School of Architecture - Constructed Environment

3. Know your open license options

Libra lets you choose an open license when you post your work, and will prominently display the CC license you choose as part of the record for your work.

  • CC-BY  (permitting free use with proper attribution)
  • All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse) – users who download your work from Libra must comply with ordinary copyright law and seek permission for uses that are not fair use or otherwise permitted by law

A CC-BY license helps readers find your work, and makes it more likely that it will be read and re-used. If you would like to use a more restrictive Creative Commons license, please contact a Libra administrator . Review the Creative Commons section of Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work for further information.

4. Know your access and visibility options

All graduate students are required to discuss access options (including embargo) with their advisor or committee prior to submitting to Libra. To understand your options, please see the Access and Visibility Options page.

If you are thinking about requesting an embargo, do not complete your Libra submission until your request has been approved AND applied to your Libra record. 

To request an embargo, first consult with your thesis or dissertation committee, then contact your schools’ dean’s office for final approval.

5. Prepare an abstract and keywords

  • An abstract is required for submission to Libra. It describes your work’s main focus to researchers interested in your topic. Using the abstract already included in your thesis or dissertation is fine. If your thesis does not already have an abstract, use a word processing or text editing program to create and save at least a paragraph describing your thesis to potential readers. Copy and paste your abstract into the submission form.
  • Keywords are optional but encouraged. Select at least 2 to 3 keywords that best describe the content of your thesis or dissertation. Keywords can be taken from the abstract and/or title. Individual words and/or phrases may be used. Use keywords that will be easily recognized by others in your discipline.

6. Proofread

You may not delete dissertations and theses once they are deposited in Libra . Major changes or deletions require a dean’s approval.

Submit your work

7. upload to libra.

  • Log in  to Libra (LibraETD) with your UVA NetBadge credentials.
  • An  ORCID iD is a unique researcher identifier, used worldwide, that you can keep throughout your life and retain even if you move institutions. It distinguishes you from other researchers, even if they have the same name, and enables authoritative links to be created between you and your research activities.
  • Create or link your ORCID iD in  LibraETD   by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button on your dashboard (main) page in LibraETD. You may remove the Libra link to ORCID at any time by clicking the red X next to your ORCID iD on the dashboard.
  • Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • Check the title displayed for your active thesis or dissertation on your Dashboard. The title in Libra must match the title as approved by your committee or advisor. If it does not, please report the discrepancy to your departmental administrator to make the corrections in SIS. Return to this step when the title has been corrected and proceed with your deposit.
  • From your Dashboard, click “Edit” to enter description information. Required fields are indicated. Report errors in pre-populated fields to your Graduate Office.
  • You must enter (one) advisor (primary advisor, committee chair, practicing mentor, etc.). You may enter additional advisors and/or committee members.
  • Select an open license in the “Rights” field.
  • Upload at least one file containing the final, approved version of your thesis or dissertation.
  • If the approved version is a document, it MUST be in PDF format (PDF/a preferred).
  • Acceptable file types for alternative theses and dissertations & supplemental files are: CSV, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP3, MP4, PDF, PNG, TIF, TIFF, TXT, XML.
  • MP4 videos should have these specifications:  H.264 codec, with AAC audio, in a .mp4 container.
  • Consider uploading large supplemental files or data sets to  LibraData  and linking them to your thesis or dissertation.
  • Contact Libra staff  if you have questions about acceptable formats or need assistance with video or data file deposits.
  • Give each uploaded file a descriptive label that will be viewable to Libra visitors, or accept the recommended label  N _ LastName_FirstName_Year_DegreeType  (e.g. 1_Jefferson_Thomas_1871_MA.pdf).  The descriptive label will be the default name of the file when saved and downloaded.
  • If desired, see the Provost's policy on Submission of Electronic Theses and Dissertations on how to request an Embargo.
  • Read the  Libra Deposit License  for Student Theses and Dissertations and check the box to agree or contact your Graduate Office if you do not agree.
  • Click “Save and Exit” at any point to save a draft of what you have added and return to Libra later to “Edit” and complete your submission.
  • Click “Save and Continue” to view your descriptive information.
  • If you did not create/connect your ORCID iD, and you want to, you can do so from this information page by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button . See the  Optional  step above. Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • If there is information that needs editing or added, click “Edit” to make further changes.
  • Click “Preview before Submission” to preview the public view of your work before finalizing your submission.
  • You may not delete or make major changes to your dissertation or thesis once you have clicked “Submit Thesis”  so click “Edit” if you need to make additional changes.
  • Click “Submit Thesis” to finalize your submission.

After you submit

8.  check your submission.

  • Note the persistent link (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for your scholarship. Add it to your CV, and share it if you chose to make it immediately open. Always provide the DOI when sharing your work with colleagues, collaborators, and on social media for the most accurate metrics on views and downloads.
  • Approximately an hour after deposit, you may check that your scholarship was successfully added to the Library’s collection by searching for your thesis or dissertation in VIRGO, the UVA online library catalog.
  • 24 hours after deposit, please verify that SIS has been updated to reflect that you have completed this requirement.
  • You will also receive email confirmation of your deposit, including the persistent link (DOI) for your scholarship.

Congratulations on your achievement!

Libra Contents

  • Libra: Search and submit
  • About Libra
  • About LibraETD
  • About LibraData
  • About LibraOpen
  • Copyright essentials

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries

Theses & Dissertations

  • Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation
  • Depositing with ProQuest
  • Understanding Copyright
  • Understanding Embargoes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Submissions and Procedures

Profile Photo

Questions? KiltHub Repository

Profile Photo

Questions? Publishing, Copyright, and Licensing

Profile Photo

Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation through the University Libraries

As per Carnegie Mellon’s  Student Handbook , most graduate students are required to submit copies of their theses and dissertations to the University Libraries.  The Libraries maintains  KiltHub , a free, open access repository of CMU research, and provides access to and assistance with  ProQuest Dissertations & Theses , a commercial repository and database of dissertations from institutions around the world.

Check with your department recommendations on publishing in KiltHub and/or ProQuest. If you have questions, please contact the thesis team directly or the University Libraries Data Services and Publishing team through our contact form .

Preparing and Depositing your Submission

The University Libraries offers two thesis and dissertation submission workflows for students and graduate coordinators. Students should contact their graduate coordinator and advisor to discuss the submission process for their department

Direct Submission by Students

Step 1 - graduate students will:.

  • Create a .pdf version of your dissertation (If submitting your manuscript to ProQuest, please see  ProQuest/UMI's Preparing Your Manuscript Guide )
  • For submission to KiltHub, complete the Libraries' online  Dissertation and Thesis Repository Submission form , and attach your thesis .pdf.
  • If submitting to  ProQuest/UMI , log in through the  ProQuest CMU online form  and create an account.  Follow the online submission process.

Step 2 - Graduate Program Coordinators will:

  • Receive an email from the Libraries that a student from your department has submitted their thesis or dissertation with the submission attached
  • Review the submission and notify the Libraries contact when the submission is ready for deposit in KiltHub and/or ProQuest

Step 3 - University Libraries will:

For kilthub deposits: .

  • Deposit the dissertation or thesis into the  KiltHub Theses and Dissertations Collection  under the terms indicated by the student on the submission form.

For ProQuest Deposits

  • Ensure the submission to ProQuest/UMI  

Submission by Graduate Coordinators

  • For submission to KiltHub, download and complete the Libraries' pdf Dissertation and Thesis Repository Submission checklist . Send your completed checklist and thesis .pdf to your graduate coordinator

Step 2 - Graduate Coordinators will: 

  • Receive completed submission from student and complete any departmental checks
  • Organize and submit files to the Libraries' Box folder based on the Graduate Coordinator workflow
  • Thesis and Dissertation Submission Checklist
  • Graduate Coordinator Workflow

Recent Theses and Dissertations in KiltHub

  • Next: Depositing with ProQuest >>
  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024 2:30 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.cmu.edu/etds

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Graduate Students' Guide to Library Resources and Services

  • Literature Reviews
  • Search Tools & Strategies
  • Document Requests (Interlibrary Loan)
  • E-books (guide redirect)
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Current Awareness Tools (Staying up-to-date)
  • Citation Management Software (guide redirect) This link opens in a new window
  • Open Access Publishing Opportunities (guide redirect) This link opens in a new window
  • Presentation Tools and Resources
  • Avoiding Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
  • Teaching Support

ETD Help -- UC Graduate School

The Graduate School ETD Informaton Web site provides an ETD submission time line, submission requirements and an FAQ page that addresses a wide range of formatting, PDF creation and publishing questions.

ETD Help Desk

Location: 110 Van Wormer Hall
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513- 556-1496

Dissertations and Theses Resources

At UC Libraries


Access to a body of well over 8,000 University of Cincinnati electronic dissertations and theses, this is the best link to the broadest collection of electronic UC dissertations. The time period covers mainly from 1955 to the present. To acquire the dissertations electronically, users request the full text from UMI (ProQuest) and are sent a link and a password to access the dissertation. Dissertations from 1997 forward are available in the OhioLINK ETD at ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations). Coverage: 1955 to present

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Over 2.1 million titles are available for purchase as printed copies. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes PQDT UK & Ireland content. Coverage: 1861 - present

Access: Free

  • Center for Research Libraries (non-US dissertations) Use ILLiad to request. Some dissertations are available online.
  • Inter-Library Loan Service (ILLiad) If the dissertation is not available or digitized, use the Thesis/Dissertation form in ILLiad to request through interlibrary loan.

On the Public Web

  • British Library EThOS - Search and order these online "Search over 480,000 doctoral theses. Download instantly for your research, or order a scanned copy quickly and easily."
  • DART - Europe E-theses Portal Open access portal to theses from 400+ European universities.
  • eScholarship University of California "eScholarship® provides scholarly publishing and repository services that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the University of California to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their scholarship."
  • Global ETD Search (NDLTD) The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
  • OATD - Open Access Theses and Dissertations "OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions."
  • PDTQ Open Open access collection within ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses.

E-Books on Theses and Dissertations

Cover Art

  • Strategies for Writing a Thesis by Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities by Lynn P. Nygaard; Kristin Solli ISBN: 9780367204075 Publication Date: 2020-10-13 " Drawing on current research and informed by extensive experience of working with and running workshops for PhD candidates who write article-based dissertations, this book gives readers an idea of what writing a thesis by publication entails." Particular emphasis is put on how to put the individual articles together to create a coherent thesis that clarifies the student's individual original contribution.

Cover Art

For additional e-book titles published before 2019 please see " Need help with the dissertation process? (Electronic Resources )."

  • << Previous: E-books (guide redirect)
  • Next: Current Awareness Tools (Staying up-to-date) >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024 10:56 AM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.uc.edu/gradstudents

University of Cincinnati Libraries

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library dissertation submission

Student Services

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  • Research Guides
  • Citation Help
  • Course Reserves
  • Interlibrary Loan This link opens in a new window
  • Electronic Article Delivery This link opens in a new window
  • Borrowing Policies
  • Your Library Account
  • Make a Research Appointment
  • Reserve a Group Study Room This link opens in a new window
  • Theses/Dissertation Submission
  • Undergraduate Research Award

Online Submission of Theses and Dissertations

All students must submit their Hofstra University Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation online through ProQuest’s ETD Administrator.  The Serials Office of Axinn Library is available to guide you through the submission process and assist you with any questions or problems you may have. 

Your thesis or dissertation must be completely finalized before submitting.  This means that all editing is completed, the manuscript has been accepted by the department, and all required signatures are included on the title page.  Specifics about formatting, title page requirement, and/or copyright page requirements (typically for dissertation students only) must be obtained from the particular department. The Serials Department of Axinn library does not have this information. 

Preparing your Manuscript for Online Submission

Once your thesis or dissertation is completely finalized, you will need to incorporate the signed title page into the manuscript and convert the entire thesis/dissertation into a PDF. Step-by-step instructions are here .

Online Submission

Once your manuscript has been converted into a PDF with the signed title page,

  • Go to https://www.etdadmin.com/createaccount?siteId=19
  • Complete the form to create a new student account

You will be guided through the steps of submitting your manuscript in PDF format for digital publishing. If you are unable to complete the process in one sitting, you can save your information at any time and continue your submission later.  FAQs are included throughout the site.  If you wish to consult the FAQs before beginning the process, you can do so here .

A few notes about the submission process:

  • Copyright is optional for both theses and dissertations.  While there are advantages to registering your manuscript with the U.S. Copyright Office (such as the ability of the author to collect statutory damages in case of a successful infringement lawsuit), it is important to understand that a student's dissertation or thesis is protected by copyright as soon as is "fixed in a tangible medium of expression" such as on paper or saved electronically. More information about the advantages of registering with the U.S. Copyright Office is available in the resource " Copyright and Your Dissertation: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities " by Kenneth Crews.  Students wishing to register their thesis or dissertation for copyright can do so through the ETD system during submission, or they can submit directly at the U.S. Copyright Office .  There is a charge.  
  • The library no longer binds print copies nor does it require that a microfilm copy be sent to us.  If you wish to have bound copies, you can order them directly from the ETD Administrator submission system or you can use a printing/binding service such as Staples or Office Depot.
  • The ETD system defaults to having the dissertation and thesis metadata discoverable via Google and Google Scholar. With the move toward open access for scholarly materials, university libraries are making dissertation metadata available by default. If you would like to remove your ProQuest-provided metadata from Google and Google Scholar, you can do so by contacting ProQuest at 1-800-521-0600. 

Once your manuscript is submitted, the Serials Department of the Axinn Library will review your submission and contact you via email.  If you do not hear from us or have any questions about submitting your thesis or dissertation, feel free to contact Kristine Pries at 516-463-6439, [email protected] , or Sally Glasser at [email protected] . You can also contact ETD Technical Support at 877-408-5027.  And last but not least...

Congratulations on completing your thesis or dissertation!!

  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 12:59 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.hofstra.edu/studserv

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Thesis/Project Format and Submission

  • Thesis/Project Submission
  • Getting Survey Permissions
  • Help Videos

Submit to Vireo

Institutional Repository

Formatting Requirements

The University of Houston-Clear Lake requires all theses and projects to be published as part of each student's graduation. The documents are to be submitted through the Vireo Thesis & Dissertation Submission System at  https://uhcl-etd.tdl.org/ . Electronic copies of the work will be open access and globally available through the Neumann Library Institutional Repository at  https://uhcl-ir.tdl.org/uhcl-ir/ , hosted by the Texas Digital Library. Print theses and projects are not required and will not be accepted.

Before submission, you are required to conform to all formatting requirements, embed fonts and convert your document to PDF, and scan and save the signed signature page. See the full Format & Submission Guidelines for Theses & Projects below.

library dissertation submission

Preparing to Submit Your Thesis/Project

  • Embed fonts & convert to PDF
  • Scan & save signature page
  • Register for an ORCID ID
  • Delay of Publication (embargo)
  • Copyright  

You will need to embed your fonts inside your Microsoft Word document, and then convert the document to a PDF file (you will still be able to retain the Word file as a separate document). Do not submit your Word document in Vireo.

Please use one of the below documents to help you complete this step.

Name the document file with the following three elements in all capital letters, separated by a hyphen: year of graduation, semester of graduation, MASTERSTHESIS or MASTERSPROJECT, your last name. For instance:



  • Embedding Fonts and Converting to PDF in Windows OS: Word 2013
  • Embedding Fonts and Converting to PDF in Mac OS (all versions) and Windows OS: Word 2003 and Word 2007 Created by Boston College Libraries

You will need to scan one of your signature pages to be uploaded in Vireo along with your thesis/project. The signed signature page should be saved as a separate PDF from the dissertation PDF. The Neumann Library has scanners that are free to use, and we will be happy to help you with this step if needed.

Name the signature page file with the following three elements in all capital letters, separated by a hyphen: year of graduation, semester of graduation, THESISSIGNATUREPAGE or PROJECTSIGNATUREPAGE, your last name. For instance:



This page will be archived, but will not be publicly available to protect the signatures of the signing parties. The signature page with blank signature lines will be used in the publicly available version.

library dissertation submission

This step is optional but highly encouraged.

Register for an ORCID ID at  http://orcid.org/. Registration is free.

ORCID provides a persistent numeric identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

Connect your ORCID ID to your thesis or dissertation so that users can easily locate your work in cases of:

  • name ambiguity: other authors have the same or similar name as you
  • inconsistent use of initials across publications (e.g., Katherine Patterson, K. Patterson, K.E. Patterson)
  • use of different names across publications (e.g., maiden name or other name change)
  • misspelling of name by publisher or indexing service

All theses and projects will eventually be available to the public. At the time of submittal in Vireo, you have the option to release the manuscript immediately, or to embargo (delay) the full-text availability for a limited time for publishing/patenting purposes. You may embargo your work for either 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years. If you do not choose to embargo the work, it will be made available within a month after graduation. 

Generally, in order to publish journal articles or books from your dissertation or thesis, the publisher will require significant revisions; for instance, the language may need to be condensed and modified to suit the journal's reader base, the format will need to conform to the publisher's specifications, and the peer reviewers may suggest rewriting or rethinking portions of the work. For these reasons, many publishers do not regard theses and dissertations as prior publications, and will publish articles and books based on those works without requiring the dissertation to be embargoed. Review the policies of publishers you intend to work with, and speak with your Committee Chair.

You are the copyright owner of your thesis or dissertation, regardless of whether you choose to register it with the U.S. Copyright Office. As copyright owner, you have a bundle of rights, enumerated in the United States Copyright Law . 

When submitting your thesis or dissertation, you are asked to agree to a license to grant the Texas Digital Library, UHCL, and your academic department "the non-exclusive rights to copy, display, perform, distribute and publish the content I submit to this repository...and to make the Work available in any format in perpetuity as part of a TDL, Institution or Department repository communication or distribution effort."

Non-exclusive rights allow us to archive, preserve, and make your work available but do not give us ownership over your work. You retain copyright of your work, and can still exercise all of your rights under copyright. Because the license is non-exclusive, you still have the right to publish the work yourself, or transfer exclusive rights to another publisher.

See this Copyright FAQ for general information about copyright: link will be provided

Using materials copyrighted by others If you use copyrighted material in your dissertation beyond the extent covered by fair use, you must obtain the written permission of the copyright holder and upload the permission letter with your dissertation. 

Using your previously publications in your ETD If you have already published portions of your dissertation as articles or book chapters and assigned copyright to the publisher, you must obtain copyright release to include that portion in your dissertation. That permission must be submitted with the dissertation as a supplemental document. An acknowledgement of any previous publication must also be included.

Submitting Your Thesis/Project

  • Submitting to Vireo
  • Receiving & Submitting Corrections

Log-in to Vireo at https://uhcl-etd.tdl.org/  using your UHCL username and password. Please contact the Support Center at 281-283-2828 or [email protected] for login issues.

Please watch the video below for submission instructions. For technical assistance using Vireo, contact the Texas Digital Library . For questions relating to format or submission, click on Contact Us above.

After you have submitted your dissertation, the only corrections you may make are those required by the Neumann Library. Additional corrections requested by the student, the chair, or other committee member will not be accepted.

You can monitor the dissertation status by logging in to Vireo. The Neumann Library will contact you via your UHCL email address after review of the manuscript with any required corrections. Log-in to Vireo and you will notice that the Status of your work is "Needs Corrections." 

For step by step instructions about how to make corrections and resubmit your manuscript, please watch the video tutorial below. Click the Edit button and enter the View Application screen, where you can upload a corrected document. The screen will provide instructions, highlighted in red, for uploading a corrected document. You can replace the ETD using the upload tool on this screen and selecting “Complete Corrections” at the bottom of the screen when finished. You will be asked to confirm that you have completed the replacement and will then see a screen confirmation indicating that corrections have been successfully submitted.

All corrections must be made promptly and meet the deadlines at http://libguides.uhcl.edu/dissertation. Graduation will be postponed if corrections are not made on time.

Accessing Your Thesis/Project

  • Publication & Accessibility
  • Printing & Binding [optional]

Your work will be accessible directly from the UHCL Institutional Repository at  https://uhcl-ir.tdl.org/uhcl-ir/ , hosted by the Neumann Library and the Texas Digital Library (TDL). Researchers, practitioners, members of the public, and anyone interested in reading your work will be able to find it via the Neumann Library catalog, Google Scholar, Texas Digital Library, the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, or other academic library catalogs based on searches for your name, the title, or the keywords from the abstract. Researchers will be able to cite it easily because it will be assigned a stable and permanent URL. The Institutional Repository will provide usage statistics, including how many people download it and the cities around the world from which people are viewing your work.

Printed and bound copies are not required by the University of Houston - Clear Lake, but you may want to have physical copies for yourself or others. You can print personal copies of your dissertation from the UHCL Copy Center . You can print/bind using an online service such as GradWorks Online  or a local book binder here in Houston. These vendors are optional and provided here for informational purposes only. The University of Houston-Clear Lake does not endorse these vendors.

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  • Next: Getting Survey Permissions >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 5, 2024 12:02 PM
  • URL: https://uhcl.libguides.com/ETD
Bayou Building 2402, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058-1002

CSUB Library Banner

E-thesis, Project, and Dissertation Submission Guide: Home

  • Submission Process
  • Make your File ADA Compliant
  • Ready to Submit?
  • Important Contacts
  • FAQ This link opens in a new window

E lectronic theses, projects, and dissertations are also known as  ETDs . This guide contains all of the information that you will need to submit your thesis, project, or dissertation. Please be aware that this process may take several days.  DO NOT  wait until the last minute!

California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) requires electronic submission/availability of completed master’s theses, culminating, and dissertation projects by CSUB students. Students will self-submit their scholarship via the ProQuest ETD tool available on the library website.  Submitted master’s theses, culminating, and dissertations will be made available globally to students, researchers, and the general public through ProQuest, the Walter W. Stiern Library catalog, and CSU Bakersfield’s Institutional Repository: Runner Scholar . Access to student submitted scholarship will be unrestricted. If desired, either for their personal use or in response to a departmental request/requirement, students can have print copies of their theses or projects bound at their own expense. 

  • Next: Templates >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 11, 2024 10:33 AM
  • URL: https://csub.libguides.com/etd

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ETD Center Subbranding

Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center

OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio’s academic institutions were downloaded more than six million times from researchers around the globe in 2015.

Consider reading this blog post to learn more about the upload process for theses and dissertations. And also check out our overview flyer  about the ETD Center.

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  • How to Choose a Database
  • How to Locate an Assigned Article
  • How to Borrow Library Materials
  • How to Find Multimedia Resources
  • How to Find Scholarly Articles
  • How to Find Popular Articles
  • How to Access OhioLINK Databases
  • How to Bookmark an E-Journal Article
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  • eTutoring Advisory Committee
  • GEER Resources for Faculty
  • Cambridge Journals 2022-2024 Open Access Publishing: Information for Authors
  • Elsevier OA Publishing: Information for Authors
  • IOP Journals Open Access Publishing: Information for Authors
  • Springer OA Publishing: Information for Authors
  • Wiley OA Publishing: Information for Authors
  • Digital Accessibility Resources for the OhioLINK ETD Center
  • ETD Center Consumer Guide
  • ETD Policy Decision Guide
  • Recommended Minimum Guidelines for Digitally Accessible PDF Files in the OhioLINK ETD Center
  • A-Z Database List
  • Electronic Book Center Acceptable Use Guidelines
  • Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center (ETD)
  • Member Portal
  • Courier Bands and Labels
  • Courier Support Form
  • Courtesy Card Holders
  • Damaged Book Procedure
  • Distance Learning Student Services
  • Lost Book Inter-Institutional Resolution
  • OhioLINK Patron and Institutional Loan Rules
  • Replacement Policies by Institution
  • System Set-Up Checklist
  • INN-REACH Reports - Institutional Overdue Reports/Annual Clean-Up Calendar
  • Pickup Anywhere Sample Book Band
  • Sample Book Band
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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017 Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

Email: [email protected]

Thesis and Dissertation Resources

You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses).

  • Create your ETD account
  • General ETD Help from Proquest
  • Theses and Dissertations template  (Word)
  • Example of a thesis
  • Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and familiar with the program.
  • Writing Assistance Services
  • Format Review Services
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates  (for Ph.D. students only)
  • University Repository Agreement Form  (PDF)
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Sign up with ORCID (take 5 minutes to establish your academic identity)
  • U of I Theses and Dissertations , 2013-present
  • Data and Digital Services Workshops
  • Open Access, Scholarly Communication, and Copyright LibGuide
  • Quick Guide - Committee Electronic Review/Authorization - Student View pdf
  • Quick Guide - Committee Electronic Review/Authorization - Faculty View pdf
  • ETD Checklist jpg
  • T/D Format/Component Checklist pdf
  • Handbook - reference pdf
  • Handbook - example docx

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Thesis / dissertation formatting manual (2024).

  • Filing Fees and Student Status
  • Submission Process Overview
  • Electronic Thesis Submission
  • Paper Thesis Submission
  • Formatting Overview
  • Fonts/Typeface
  • Pagination, Margins, Spacing
  • Paper Thesis Formatting
  • Preliminary Pages Overview
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures (etc.)
  • Acknowledgments
  • Text and References Overview
  • Figures and Illustrations
  • Using Your Own Previously Published Materials
  • Using Copyrighted Materials by Another Author
  • Open Access and Embargoes
  • Copyright and Creative Commons
  • Ordering Print (Bound) Copies
  • Tutorials and Assistance
  • FAQ This link opens in a new window

UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
  • << Previous: Tutorials and Assistance
  • Next: FAQ >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 26, 2024 11:00 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/gradmanual

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CLOSING ALERT: Chambers library will be closed at 3:00 PM today, May 6, and will reopen on Tuesday, May 7, at 6:00 AM due to forecasted inclement weather.

MAINTENANCE ALERT: The interlibrary loan website will be down for maintenance on Monday, April 23, from 10:00am to 11:30am.

DEAD & FINALS WEEK HOURS: Open 24 hours starting at noon on Sunday, Dec. 3 through midnight on Friday, Dec. 8. Open 10am-midnight on Saturday, Dec. 9. Open 24 hours starting at noon on Sunday, Dec. 10 through 6pm on Friday, Dec. 15.

ALERT: The library will be closed at 2:30 PM today, April 26th, and will reopen on Saturday April 27th at 10:00 AM for our regular scheduled hours. View all hours.

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  • Repository FAQs
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  • Copyright for Digitization
  • Other Library Initiatives This link opens in a new window

Submit Thesis Digitization Request

Chambers Library takes pride in its efforts to preserve the intellectual output of the university, which includes graduate theses. Presently, theses published in 2008 and after are available online in  SHAREOK  and in  ProQuest Dissertations & Theses  (UCO login required). 2007 and prior years are only available in physical copies; thus, we are starting a theses digitization project for any theses published before 2008 and is not available online.

If you are interested in receiving an electronic copy of your thesis published prior to 2007, please fill out this form. Please allow 2 weeks to fulfill your request.

  • << Previous: Digitization Projects
  • Next: Copyright for Digitization >>

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Dissertations and Theses

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Congratulations on being close to the finish line with your dissertation or thesis.

After you’ve applied to graduate and enrolled, dissertations and theses may be submitted online through the Dissertation & Thesis Center in Axess.  

Once you finish submitting your dissertation or thesis in Axess, and it has been approved by the university, the submission is considered final and no further changes are permitted. 

The electronic submission process is free of charge and allows you the ability to check your pre-submission requirements and when ready, upload a digital copy of your dissertation or thesis. 

You can learn more about the center on the How to Use the Dissertation & Thesis Center webpage.

  • FAQs: Dissertation & Theses
  • How to Submit Your Signature Page
  • How to Use the Dissertation & Thesis Center
  • How to Request to Use Copyrighted Material

Note: The online submission process is not available for master's theses or undergraduate honors theses. Please consult with your department directly regarding submission procedures.

Follow these guides to ensure you meet all the requirements for submitting your dissertation or thesis. 

  • Prepare Your Work for Submission
  • Submit Your Dissertation or Thesis
  • Steps After Submission

Submission Deadlines for Conferral

You must apply to graduate and enroll before you can access the Dissertation & Thesis Center in Axess.

The Dissertation & Thesis Center opens to submissions on the first day of instruction each quarter for which the student has applied to graduate.

The quarterly deadlines are set as late in the quarter as possible, providing the time necessary for review of the dissertation or thesis, including review of final degree requirements by the Registrar's Office and the departments. 

You are strongly encouraged to submit your work at least two weeks prior to the deadline to ensure that all requirements can be met in time for the conferral of your degree. 

Once you finish submitting your dissertation or thesis in Axess, and it has been approved by the university, the submission is considered final and no further changes are permitted. 

After the final reader approves the dissertation, it typically takes about seven (7) business days for the university to process the submission.  

Deadlines by Quarter

Dissertation / Thesis Submission DeadlineFriday, December 8, noonFriday, March 15, noonFriday, June 7, noon Friday, August 30, noon
Application to Graduate DeadlineFriday, November 17, 5 p.m.Friday, March 1, 5 p.m.Friday, April 12, 5 p.m.Friday, August 2, 5 p.m.
Degree Conferral DateThursday, January 11Thursday, April 4Sunday, June 16Thursday, September 12

Dissertation deadlines are strictly enforced.  No exceptions are made. By noon on the final submission deadline date, all of the following steps must be completed:           

  • The student enrolls and applies to graduate;
  • The student confirms the names of reading committee members in Axess, and designates a Final Reader;
  • The student submits reading committee signatures;
  • The student completes the necessary University Milestones;
  • The student’s candidacy is valid through degree conferral;
  • The student submits the final dissertation or thesis in Axess;
  • The designated Final Reader certifies the final draft of the dissertation or thesis submitted in Axess.

For help, contact the Student Services Center .                                                                        

For faculty and staff information on Dissertations, visit Inside Student Services.

UC Berkeley Library Update

Fall 2024 copyright and publishing workshops with the Library’s Scholarly Communication & Information Policy office

A promotional graphic for "Fall 2024 Workshops" organized by the UC Berkeley Library's Scholarly Communication & Information Policy office. The illustration features a diverse group of people working in a library or academic setting, some of whom are engaging in online meetings via a large screen. The image is colorful and vibrant, with various academic tools such as laptops, books, and charts scattered around.

With the school year kicking off at UC Berkeley, the Library’s Scholarly Communication & Information Policy office is here to help faculty, students, and staff understand copyright and scholarly publishing with online resources, Zoom workshops, and consultations. Here’s what’s coming up this semester.

Publish Digital Books & Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks

Date/Time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 11:00am–12:00pm. RSVP to get the Zoom link If you’re looking to self-publish work of any length and want an easy-to-use tool that offers a high degree of customization, allows flexibility with publishing formats (EPUB, PDF), and provides web-hosting options, Pressbooks may be great for you. Pressbooks is often the tool of choice for academics creating digital books, open textbooks, and open educational resources, since you can license your materials for reuse however you desire. Learn why and how to use Pressbooks for publishing your original books or course materials. You’ll leave the workshop with a project already under way.

Copyright and Your Dissertation

Date/Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 11:00am–12:00pm. RSVP to get the Zoom link This workshop will provide you with practical guidance for navigating copyright questions and other legal considerations for your dissertation or thesis. Whether you’re just starting to write or you’re getting ready to file, you can use our tips and workflow to figure out what you can use, what rights you have as an author, and what it means to share your dissertation online.

Managing and Maximizing Your Scholarly Impact

Date/Time: Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 11:00am–12:00pm RSVP to get the Zoom link This workshop will provide you with practical strategies and tips for promoting your scholarship, increasing your citations, and monitoring your success. You’ll also learn how to understand metrics, use scholarly networking tools, and evaluate journals and publishing options.

From Dissertation to Book: Navigating the Publication Process

Date/Time: TBD Hear from a panel of experts—an acquisitions editor, a first-time book author, and an author rights expert—about the process of turning your dissertation into a book. You’ll come away from this panel discussion with practical advice about revising your dissertation, writing a book proposal, approaching editors, signing your first contract, and navigating the peer review and publication process.

Other ways we can help you

In addition to the workshops, we’re here to help answer a variety of questions you might have on intellectual property, digital publishing, and information policy.

  • Check out our website for information on issues such as copyright and fair use , scholarly publishing , open access , and more.
  • Have a question about copyright and artificial intelligence (AI) in relation to research and scholarship? Or your rights and responsibilities in using library-licensed materials for AI use? View the AI page on our website for guidance.
  • Interested in publishing your research open access? UCB Library can help defray the costs of an article processing charge (up to $2,500) or book processing charge (up to $10,000). See the Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) for more information. And explore the various UC-wide open access agreements and discounts that can help UC corresponding authors publish their scholarship open access.
  • Do you want to create an open digital textbook? Take a look at UC Berkeley’s Open Book Publishing platform (anyone with a @berkeley.edu email can sign up for a free account), and get in touch with us about our Open Educational Resources (OER) grant program.
  • Keep an eye on the Library’s events calendar for more workshops and trainings.
  • Follow our blog , Twitter , Bluesky , and YouTube .

Want help or more information? Send us an email at [email protected] . We can provide individualized support and personal consultations, online class instruction, presentations and workshops for small or large groups & classes, and customized support and training for departments and disciplines.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Thursday, April 18, 8:20am (EDT): Searching is temporarily offline. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to bring searching back up as quickly as possible.

Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.

Advanced search options

Browse by author name (“Author name starts with…”).

Find ETDs with:


Written in any language English Portuguese French German Spanish Swedish Lithuanian Dutch Italian Chinese Finnish Greek Published in any country US or Canada Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand UK US Earliest date Latest date

Sorted by Relevance Author University Date

Only ETDs with Creative Commons licenses

Results per page: 30 60 100

October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Recent Additions

See all of this week’s new additions.

library dissertation submission

About OATD.org

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,210,812 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .

Visual OATD.org

We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the OATD.org collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service - News from research support services

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  • A new face and place for theses/dissertations submissions

“ SUNScholar is open to receive new nominations for the December 2024 graduation period .”

That was the opening line for every graduation period.  This year is no different, except now it has a new name, face and place.  The submission of theses and dissertations for graduation has moved to SUNStudent Academia .

The nomination for students to submit a thesis or dissertation for graduation now takes place on Thesis Management .

Thesis Management sits under the tab for Examinations, yet it has nothing to do with examinations.  For each functionality, Examinations and Thesis Management , it is two totally different, and separate processes and therefore two different outcomes.

During the process of Examinations , the thesis or dissertation has yet to be examined and reviewed.  In Thesis Management only the final revised thesis or dissertation needs to be uploaded.  This is the copy following examination, and after all corrections have been made.  This is also the copy that will be available on SUNScholar.

The User Guide for Thesis Management is available here .

For the most part, the workflow for Thesis management hasn’t changed.

To summarise the process:

  • The final revised document must be submitted in PDF format.
  • Log onto SUNStudent Academia.
  • Click on Examinations , then click Thesis Management .
  • The supervisor/promoter or administrative staff nominates the candidate.
  • The thesis/dissertation is uploaded by the supervisor/promoter or administrative staff.
  • The supervisor/promoter or administrative staff approves the submission.
  • The thesis/dissertation will be publicly accessible on SUNScholar following graduation.

Due to the sensitive nature of security and ongoing enhancements to Thesis Management , the upload/submission of the final revised thesis or dissertation, must be done by the supervisor/promoter or administrative staff.

The final date for the submission of theses or dissertations for the December 2024 graduation is 28 November 2024 .

Changes in the process

  • The Thesis Management function will remain open throughout the year.
  • It is compulsory for all master’s and doctoral students to complete this process for graduation.
  • Students will not be uploading any documents; this will be the responsibility of the nominator.
  • The process of nomination, submission and approval/rejection will take place on the same screen/programme.
  • The manual input of the student number will give a dropdown box of ALL postgraduate students within the faculty, ensure you ‘pick’ the correct student from the dropdown box.
  • The manual input of the supervisor/promotor staff number will give a dropdown box of ALL supervisors/promotors within the faculty, ensure you ‘pick’ the correct supervisor/promotor from the dropdown box.
  • Incorrect uploading of document(s) cannot be replaced after the submission process, so the process of nomination needs to be cancelled.
  • Only a cumulative maximum of 250 MB can be uploaded per student. Exceeding this threshold requires the user to send the document(s) to [email protected].
  • Uploaded documents will remain visible to the staff member who did the nomination.
  • The discretion and security of uploaded documents remain with the department.
  • Thesis management will be ‘wiped’ clean after each graduation period.
  • The embargo period only goes up to three years. For extensions or moving from embargo to open access and vice versa, an email must be sent to [email protected]   to manually make the changes.  These changes will not be reflected in Thesis Management.

What remains

The recommendations and look and feel of the thesis document remain the same.  Such as the new SU title page, declaration page(s), abstract(s) and typesetting.  See the library help page, Thesis/Dissertation submission for templates.

Requesting Access to SUNStudent

Access will only be granted to SU staff and with the approval of their line manager.  Any user requesting access must get their line manager’s approval for the request to be processed.

Your access can be provisioned by following these steps:

  • Please access the SUNStudent Service Desk here
  • The tile marked “user access management” is the section that allows users to complete their user role access request

For enquiries about theses/dissertations submissions, please contact Paulette Talliard or [email protected] .


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Division of Student Life and Enrollment

Office of the Registrar

Fall 2024 thesis and dissertation deadlines.

The deadline to submit your final approved thesis/dissertation and final paperwork for Fall 2024 is November 29. There is an all-in-one webform for the approval page and report on the final exam. Additional information, instructions, and links to the forms can be found at: https://registrar.uconn.edu/graduation/ .

Taiwan Tech Library

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E-Thesis (ETD Submission)

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  • E-Resources
  • National Taiwan University of Science and Technology's Digital Dissertation System
  • Welcome to National Taiwan University of Science and Techonology's Digital Dissertation System.
  • Through the system, user can:

1. Search for dissertations from the National Taiwan University of Science and Techonology


2. Upload theses


3. View instructions to upload theses


4. Link to other related resources of doctoral and master's theses

Doctoral and master's dissertations are the intellectual fruition of researchers, a valuable academic asset

of universities, and important research materials. To better preserve these dissertations, allow more people to

gain knowledge from them, and promote social advances, universities around Taiwan have endeavored in the

establishment of a digital dissertation archive.

Doctoral and master's dissertations are the intellectual fruition of researchers, a valuable academic asset

of universities, and important research materials. To better preserve these dissertations, allow more people to

gain knowledge from them, and promote social advances, universities around Taiwan have endeavored in the

establishment of a digital dissertation archive.

In June of 2005, the National Taiwan University of Science and Techonology began obtaining individual

authorization and uploading dissertations of the university so as to share its academic assets.


For questions or comments, please contact us at




  1. Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)

    An electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) is a digital version of a thesis or dissertation that will be deposited in the JScholarship repository managed by the Sheridan Libraries and be available online to the public. Universities and colleges in the United States and abroad have been moving toward this type of publication for the past decade.

  2. Submitting Electronic Theses & Dissertations

    Students must submit an electronic copy of the final version of their successfully defended dissertation, thesis, or scholarly project, referred to as an ETD, to the library using the Graduate ETD ...

  3. Submission Checklist

    Submission Checklist. Start this process after you have defended and made all final edits to your thesis or dissertation. Documents must be proofread and all errors corrected before beginning the submission process. Once published, changes cannot be made to your ETD. Carefully review the formatting requirements to make sure your document ...

  4. Theses and Dissertations

    Doctoral students must also complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates and submit via email to [email protected]. When submitting your thesis or dissertation, the date on the title page of your document should match your graduation month and year. The month must be listed as either: May, August, or December (e.g. May 2024).

  5. University Dissertation & Thesis Services

    The Final Submission deadline for graduation in the Fall 2024 Semester is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6. In order to be eligible to graduate during a given semester, all Master's students writing theses and all Doctoral students writing dissertations must turn in the final copies of their theses/dissertations and all necessary materials to UDTS on or by that date/time.

  6. Overview of the Library Submission Process

    The library submission process has multiple steps. In order to meet all deadlines for conferral of graduate degrees, the entire process (including submission to Chapman University Digital Commons and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, as applicable) must be completed on the following dates as per the deadlines set by the Office of the Associate Vice President for Graduate Education:

  7. Research: Guide for Writers of Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Submitting your thesis or dissertation to Boston University Libraries is the last step to fulfill at the University before you graduate and are awarded your degree. Prepare the manuscript: the Guide for Writers of Theses & Dissertations [PDF] covers formatting and submission requirements in detail. Review the draft for library submission. Contact:

  8. Dissertation Office

    The Dissertation Office provides information on the University's dissertation policies.We help doctoral students understand dissertation formatting and publication requirements, and we assist with the submission process.We support graduate program administrators as they manage dissertation submissions and departmental approval, and we audit completed dissertation submissions to ensure they ...

  9. Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    through Sept 4, 2024. Upload your thesis to the Pre-Submission Request form for a full formatting review; OR; If you have passed your defense: submit to ProQuest and receive a full formatting review; DEADLINE WEEK: Sept 5-11. Submit to ProQuest after you have passed your defense . Sept 5 through Sept 9 at 5:00pm: You will receive a formatting review via ProQuest.

  10. Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

    To request an embargo, first consult with your thesis or dissertation committee, then contact your schools' dean's office for final approval. 5. Prepare an abstract and keywords. An abstract is required for submission to Libra. It describes your work's main focus to researchers interested in your topic.

  11. Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation

    Direct Submission by Students Step 1 - Graduate Students will: Create a .pdf version of your dissertation (If submitting your manuscript to ProQuest, please see ProQuest/UMI's Preparing Your Manuscript Guide) For submission to KiltHub, complete the Libraries' online Dissertation and Thesis Repository Submission form, and attach your thesis .pdf.

  12. Theses and Dissertations

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a ...

  13. LibGuides: Student Services: Theses/Dissertation Submission

    Once your manuscript is submitted, the Serials Department of the Axinn Library will review your submission and contact you via email. If you do not hear from us or have any questions about submitting your thesis or dissertation, feel free to contact Kristine Pries at 516-463-6439, [email protected], or Sally Glasser at Sally.Glasser ...

  14. Thesis/Project Submission

    The documents are to be submitted through the Vireo Thesis & Dissertation Submission System at https: ... Texas Digital Library, the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, or other academic library catalogs based on searches for your name, the title, or the keywords from the abstract. Researchers will be able to cite it easily ...

  15. Home

    California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) requires electronic submission/availability of completed master's theses, culminating, and dissertation projects by CSUB students. Students will self-submit their scholarship via the ProQuest ETD tool available on the library website. Submitted master's theses, culminating, and dissertations ...

  16. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio's world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio's academic institutions were downloaded more ...

  17. Lamson Library: Dissertation Guide: Dissertation Submission & Publication

    Please email [email protected] to arrange submission of your dissertation. Please plan to drop off two copies, plus any additional personal copies, and a PDF copy of your dissertation. ... is the permission the library needs in order to make your thesis or dissertation available in print and online within the Plymouth ...

  18. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...

  19. How can I find theses and dissertations by UI students?

    The new UI Theses and Dissertations Database allows you to search for theses and dissertations written by University of Idaho Students. These dissertations are also listed in the Library Catalog. Topics. Theses and Dissertations ... Tweet; Share on Facebook; Comments (0) Add a public comment to this FAQ Entry. Contact Us . Submit a Question ...

  20. Templates

    UCI Libraries maintains the following templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided.

  21. Thesis Digitization Requests

    Submit Thesis Digitization Request. ... Chambers Library Corner of Ayers St. & University Dr. Edmond, OK 405.974.3361. Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram. Site Search Frequently Asked Questions Library Directory Library Employment & Internships. Library Friends Send us a Comment

  22. Dissertations and Theses

    2023-24. Thursday, September 12. Dissertation deadlines are strictly enforced. No exceptions are made. By noon on the final submission deadline date, all of the following steps must be completed: The student enrolls and applies to graduate; The student confirms the names of reading committee members in Axess, and designates a Final Reader;

  23. PDF Thesis Dissertation Handbook

    have approved your thesis or dissertation by the final day for adding a class in the semester of graduation. See the Graduate Calendar. Submit your document . at least . a week prior to the last day to add classes in order to provide the editor adequate time to examine the document, request corrections, and grant approval by her deadline.

  24. Fall 2024 copyright and publishing workshops with the Library's

    With the school year kicking off at UC Berkeley, the Library's Scholarly Communication & Information Policy office is here to help faculty, students, and staff understand copyright and scholarly publishing with online resources, Zoom workshops, and consultations. Here's what's coming up this semester. Workshops Publish Digital Books & Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks Date/Time ...

  25. OATD

    You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses: Google Scholar; NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not. Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published ...

  26. A new face and place for theses/dissertations submissions

    Due to the sensitive nature of security and ongoing enhancements to Thesis Management, the upload/submission of the final revised thesis or dissertation, must be done by the supervisor/promoter or administrative staff. The final date for the submission of theses or dissertations for the December 2024 graduation is 28 November 2024.

  27. Fall 2024 Thesis and Dissertation Deadlines

    The deadline to submit your final approved thesis/dissertation and final paperwork for Fall 2024 is November 29. There is an all-in-one webform for the approval page and report on the final exam. Additional information, instructions, and links to the forms can be found at: ...

  28. PDF Dissertation Deposit Process for Admins

    Updated by Dawn Emsellem 8/21/2024 Appendix: How to convert and PDF to PDF/A (also in dissertation deposit page of LibGuide) In Adobe Acrobat Professional (you need to download to your machine from Adobe Creative Suite. Salve has an institutional license for staff.)

  29. Love Library Extends Hours & Fall 2024 Updates

    Love Library extends hours & other updates for Fall 2024 semester In response to student feedback, the hours for Love Library South have been extended to Midnight (Sunday - Thursday). The entire Love Library complex including Adele Hall Learning Commons, the Link and Love Library South will close at the same time - 12 a.m. Card access to Love ...

  30. E-Thesis (ETD Submission)

    Welcome to National Taiwan University of Science and Techonology's Digital Dissertation System. 1. Search for dissertations from the National Taiwan University of Science and Techonology. 2. Upload theses. 3. View instructions to upload theses. 4. Link to other related resources of doctoral and master's theses.