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  • How many words per minute in a speech

How many words per minute in a speech?

A quick guide for slow, average and fast rates of speech.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

If you're preparing a speech or presentation with a strict time limit it’s useful to have an estimate of the number of words you’ll need to fit the number of minutes you've been given.

And it's even more useful to have those guidelines before you rush into writing, only to discover when you’re done, you’ve written far too much. Something I used to do on a regular basis! (And then, I had the tedious job of pruning to fit.)

What's on this page:

How many words are there in a 1-minute speech, how many words are there in a 2-minute speech, how many words are there in a 3-minute speech, how many words are there in a 4-minute speech, how many words are there in a 5-minute speech, how many words are there in a 6-minute speech, how many words are there in a 7-minute speech, how many words are there in an 8-minute speech, how many words are there in a 9-minute speech, how many words are there in a 10-minute speech, how many words are there in a 15-minute speech, how many words are there in a 20-minute speech, how many words are there in a 25-minute speech, how many words are there in a 30-minute speech.

  • How to calculate your own speech rate: 2 easy methods
  • How many pages is a 4, 7 or 20-minute speech?     

how many words for a 40 minute presentation

About this quick reference guide

The following table (below) shows the average number of words spoken per minute for speeches from 1 to 30 minutes long. It's a quick reference guide: one only intended to provide general information.

Who, and what, is truly average?

An average word count for any timed speech (one minute, two minutes, three, four, five, six...or more, minutes) is impossible to give. As there really is no such thing as an average person, who uses an average rate of words per minute when they speak.

We are individuals: each of us different. Speech patterns and speech (speaking) rates vary considerably between person to person for a great many reasons. The best you’ll ever get is an educated guess.

Use as an estimate: test yourself to be sure

That aside, the following estimates will give you a handy indication of the number of minutes it takes to say x number of words depending on whether you talk at a slow speed, a medium speed or you're one of the world's fast talkers.

(And, no, it's never a good idea to gabble at a mile a minute to fit everything you've prepared into the length of time you've been given!)

To be absolutely sure what you've done will fit the time allocation you've been given it's a good idea to test yourself to establish your own speaking rate or speed of speech .

How many pages is a 'x' minute speech?

Multiple variations on the question how many pages are needed for a speech are frequently asked. For instance:

  • How many pages is a 4-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 7-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 20-minute presentation?

Unfortunately, the answer is not simple. Calculating the number of A4 pages of text you need for a speech of any number of minutes long is tricky for two reasons.

How many words are on an A4 page?

The first reason is that the number of words on an A4 page depends on how the page has been formatted. The answers to the questions below make a very big difference to the total number of pages needed to print a speech.

  • What is the font family being used? (Different fonts take up differing amounts of space because of the shape/design of their characters.)  
  • What is the size of the font? (The font size you're reading right now is 20px.)
  • What is the spacing between each of the letters in a word?
  • What is the spacing between each line of text? Is it single spacing, 1.5 or double line spacing?
  • What spacing has been set for paragraphs?
  • What size have the margins of the page been set at?
  • Are there headings? Sub-headings or lists?

On average if the font is plain, (sans-serif, without embellishment), like Arial or Verdana, its size is set for 12px, and the line spacing is set for 1.5, then a page may have between 400-500 words on it.

Speech rate changes how we calculate the number of words we need

The second reason why using the number of pages to gauge how long a speech will take to deliver is problematical is because we speak at different rates. 

A 500-word page may take someone speaking at very slow rate 4 minutes to get through.

Another person, who has a much faster speaking rate, may take about 2.5 minutes to deliver exactly the same text.

Using the number of pages as a guide for a speech that has to fit a time limit is completely unreliable.

If you need to use a 'guesstimate' use the speech rate table below. Forget about counting the pages! 

If you are a slow speaker, less than 120 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 120 - 160 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 160 - 200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 240 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 240 - 320 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 320 - 400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 360 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 360 – 480 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 480 - 600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 480 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 480 – 640 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 640 - 800 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 600 words,

If you speak at an average speed between: 600 – 760 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 760 - 1000 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 720 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 720 – 960 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 960 - 1200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 840 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 840 – 1120 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1120 - 1400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 960 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 960 – 1280 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1280 - 1600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 1080 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1080 – 1440 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1440 - 1800 words.

If you are a slow speaker a little less than 1200 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1200 – 1600 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1600 - 2000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 1,800 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1,800 - 2,400 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 2,400 - 3,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 2,400 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 2,400 - 3,200 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 3,200 - 4,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,000 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,000 - 4,000 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,000 - 5,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,600 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,600 - 4,800 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,800 - 6,000 words.

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Find out more about speech rate

  • How to calculate your own words per minute speech rate - two easy methods
  • The factors influencing a faster rate or slower rate of speech
  • How to develop an ideal rate of speech : one matching content, speech purpose and your audience: six exercises for flexible speaking rate

Words per minute calculator

Lastly here's the link to a useful online words per minutes calculator . Once you've completed your speech enter the total number of words, and select whether you want it to give you an average for a minute of your speech at a slow rate, average or fast rate. Again, it's a 'guesstimate'. ☺

The only really safe way to find out whether your speech fits your time allocation is to say it aloud at an ideal rate or pace: one taking into account the content, and the audience who is going to listen to it, while timing it.

(Use the record function on your phone. It will assist in lots of other ways too! You'll hear where you need more vocal variety, where your pronunciation is blurred ...and, so on. It's super helpful.)

speaking out loud 

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how many words for a 40 minute presentation

Introducing Speech Time Calculate

Estimate how many minutes your speeches, presentations, and voice-over scripts will take based on your words per minute rate!

How To Speech Time Calculate Using This Tool?

If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. This tool will then calculate how long it would take to read that text out loud.

The talk time estimate is calculated using the average speaking speed of adults, which is determined to be 183 words per minute based on scientific studies. If you’re interested in how long it would take to read silently, it’s estimated at 238 words per minute ( This data is also backed by research )

You can adjust the slider to change the words per minute value, which will affect the talk time estimate. However, the silent reading time estimate remains fixed at 238 words per minute.

For ease of use, we’ve also provided reference points for slow, average, and fast reading rates below the slider.

To begin anew, simply click the ‘clear text’ button to erase the content and restore the slider back to its original setting of 183.

Who is This Words to Minutes Converter Tool For?

If you are a student wondering how long is my essay or you’ve been tasked with writing a speech and need to know how many words to aim for and how many minutes will it take to deliver or perhaps you are a podcaster, just starting out, who wants the ability to easily synchronize music and spoken word without having to painstakingly calculate seconds between them, then this Speech Time Calculate is precisely for you!

From now on, instead of spending long hours in front of the computer trying to figure out how many seconds it takes for one phrase or section of dialogue to end and another to begin, you can let our innovative tool do all the work and convert your text to time quickly and accurately. With this powerful tool at your disposal, whether you’re giving a TED talk or just need to nail a business presentation, your life will become a little bit easier.

So keep reading to learn more about what this fantastic words to minutes converter has in store for public speakers, aspiring students, and professional radio producers alike!

Whether you want to read the text silently or speak aloud, you can use this tool as both:

  • Reading time calculator
  • Talk time calculator

Explanation of the Reading Time

Reading time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a written text silently while still comprehending its content. Based on an extensive analysis of 190 studies that involved 18,573 participants , research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 suggests that the typical silent reading speed for an adult individual is approximately 238 words per minute .

To convert word count to read time for a specific text, you can do so by dividing the total word count of the text by this established value of 238. Here is the mathematical equation for determining the duration of reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

Explanation of the Speech Time

Speech time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a text out loud. Based on data from 77 studies involving 5,965 people , it’s been found that most adults read aloud at a speed of approximately 183 words per minute ( research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 ). To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute.

Of course, it’s important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids. However, using this tool for converting the number of words to minutes can still provide a helpful guideline for planning and practicing your presentation. By having a better understanding of speech rates, you can ensure that your message is delivered effectively and efficiently.

Benefits of Using a Speech Time Calculate

Time management in presentations.

Effective time management during presentations is crucial to ensure the audience remains engaged and the information is accurately conveyed. This is where our words to speaking time converter comes in handy. By using this tool, presenters can easily determine how many words they need to include in their presentation to stay within the allotted time frame.

Not only does it help with time management, but it also ensures that the pacing of the presentation is consistent, making it easier for the audience to follow. With the use of this presentation time calculator, presenters can confidently deliver their presentations without the worry of running over time or rushing through it.

Estimated speech time for public speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have too little or too much information to fill your time slot. You wonder only if there were an accurate public speaking time calculator available so that you could be able to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section of your presentation, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points without rushing or going over time.

Effective pacing is key in ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Most public speakers target an average of 130-150 words per minute for their spoken content, meaning you should aim to limit your speaking time to roughly one minute per 130-150 words. While this may take some practice to achieve, the end result is a confident, well-timed delivery that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

Remember, in public speaking, less is often more—take your time to breathe and emphasize key points. Your audience will appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach. For that, you can use this tool and adjust your words to speech time.

Accurate estimations for audiobooks and podcasts

As more and more people turn to audiobooks and podcasts for their entertainment and information needs, accurate estimations of listening time have become more important than ever. After all, there’s nothing worse than settling in for a quick listen only to find yourself trapped in a story that goes on for hours longer than you anticipated.

That’s why it’s great to see publishers and podcast producers taking estimated reading time seriously, providing listeners with the information they need to choose the right content for their schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick listen on your daily commute or a lengthy distraction for a lazy Sunday afternoon, accurate estimations using this words to speak time calculator make it easier than ever to find the perfect content.

Some Popular Speech Times

how many words in a 2 minute speech

Almost 300 words

how many words in a 3 minute speech

Almost 450 words

how many words in a 4 minute speech

Almost 600 words

how many words in a 15 minute speech

Almost 2250 words

The speech time is calculated taking 150 words per minute as reference value

Common conversions (average speed)

How long does it take to read 500 words?

3.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 750 words?

5.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 1000 words?

7.7 minutes

How long does it take to read 1200 words?

9.2 minutes

How long does it take to read 1500 words?

11.5 minutes

How long does it take to read 1800 words?

13.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 2000 words?

15.4 minutes

How long does it take to read 3000 words?

23.1 minutes

As the world becomes more fast-paced, time is a precious commodity. Determining how long your script will take to read, whether for a presentation or a video, can make a significant difference in engaging and retaining your audience’s attention.

That’s where our Words to Time Converter comes in handy. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working in various professions, from broadcast journalists to teachers to executives. No matter the industry, time is of the essence, and knowing how long your speech or presentation will take is crucial for effective communication.

convert words to time .

How long will it take to read a speech or presentation?

Enter the word count into the tool below (or paste in text) to see how many minutes it will take you to read. Estimates number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast paced reading speed.

Number of words

Reading speed

how many words for a 40 minute presentation

Common conversions (average speed)

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Words per Minute Calculator

Table of contents

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to deliver a speech? Or how much time you need to read a book? This words per minute calculator (or WPM calculator for short) will help you convert between the number of words and the time taken to read or say. This way, you will not only learn how many words is a 5-minute speech but also how long it takes you to read a document with 2000 words.

If you want to know how much time you need to finish a book, head straight to our reading speed calculator !

Words per minute (speech)

In order to determine how long your presentation takes, you first need to find your speaking speed — how many words per minute of speech you can deliver. For example, the average speaking speed in English is 130 wpm (words per minute). If, however, you are frequently told that you speak very slowly or very fast, you should adjust this value accordingly.

You could also measure your speaking speed experimentally. Set a timer to one minute and start reading a passage of text aloud. Once the timer stops, count the words you managed to read. This number is your words per minute speech speed — you can input it directly into our calculator after selecting the radio button Other .

Words per minute (reading)

The same principle as your speaking speed applies to your reading speed — the number of words per minute of reading. The average reading speed for the English language is between 170 and 240 wpm , depending on the text difficulty and your English ability.

Naturally, you can measure your reading speed and input it directly into this reading words per minute calculator. All you have to do is set a timer to one minute and start reading a book (or an e-book ), this time silently. Once the timer rings, count the words you read and input the number into the respective field (below the radio button Other in the reading section).

How many words is a 5 minute speech?

Once you know your speaking and reading speed, the calculations are a piece of cake! All you have to do is input the number of words you have to say into this words per minute calculator, which will tell you how long your presentation should take.

Of course, you can also use this calculator to figure out the maximum number of words in a speech with a limited time frame — for example, 5 minutes. Let's look at how to use this tool in more detail.

Choose whether you will speak to an audience or silently read the text. In this case, we are going to choose speech.

Select your speaking speed . We will stay with the average value of 130 wpm.

Determine the duration of the speech — here, we will pick a 5-minute elevator pitch.

Multiply the reading speed by the time to find out how many words are in a 5-minute speech:

130 × 5 = 650 words

Your speech can have a maximum of 650 words.

How many words per minute in a speech?

The average speaking speed in English is 130 words per minute . However, the average speaking rate changes according to the task before a speaker — for presentations, it goes down to 100-120 wpm, while for YouTubers, it's up to 150-160 wpm. When picking the right pace, you should also consider your audience, e.g., the presence of kids or non-native speakers!

How many words per 10 minute speech?

To deliver a successful ten-minute talk, prepare between 1000-1200 words. The absolute maximum you should have is 1300 words.

How many words are in a five minute speech?

A 5-minute speech should have between 500-600 words. Be careful not to exceed 650 words, or you'll talk too fast and, as a result, lose the audience!

How do I calculate the number of words in a talk?

To determine the number of words in a talk that will last m minutes:

Decide on the speaking rate r :

  • Average: 130 wpm (words per minute);
  • Slow: 100 wpm; and
  • Fast: 160 wpm.

Multiply the speaking rate by the time you have in minutes:

The result in 2 is the number of words your talk should contain.

Number of words

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Speaking speed

Speaking time

Reading speed

Reading time


How Many Words Should Be in My Speech? (Based on Number of Minutes)

how many words for a 40 minute presentation

Crafting a speech? Typically, individuals speak at 125-200 words per minute. For instance, a 5-minute speech is about 625-1000 words. Keep this pace in mind to tailor your speech’s length to your time limit. Familiarity and nerves can also influence speed.

You can use our handy guide to find out how many words should be in your speech, based on the number of minutes you have to speak. We will also discuss the ideal word count for different lengths of speeches. Let’s get started!

At a Glance:

  • Average speaking rate is 125-200 words per minute.
  • Word count for a 5-minute speech is typically 625-1000 words.
  • Speaking speed varies based on personal style, familiarity, and nerves.
  • Several factors influence the ideal word count for a given speech duration.
  • Regular rehearsal ensures effective speech delivery.

Speech Duration vs. Word Count

Estimating speaking time for a manuscript, factors affecting the word count in your timed speech, number of words based on the number of minutes.

The average person speaks at a rate of about 125 to 200 words per minute, but this can vary depending on your natural speaking style and the context of your speech. Other factors like how well you know your material and how nervous you are can also affect your speaking rate.

When it comes to speeches, many people worry about how many words they should use per minute. The truth is, there is no specific number. However, knowing the average word count for different speech lengths can help you plan and pace your words more effectively.

Here is a breakdown of the average word counts for speeches of different lengths.

To simplify things, let’s look at word counts for standard time intervals:

1-minute speech: 125 – 200 words 5-minute speech: 625 – 1000 words 10-minute speech: 1250 – 2000 words 15-minute speech: 1875 – 3000 words 20-minute speech: 2500 – 4000 words 30-minute speech: 3750 – 6000 words 45-minute speech: 5625 – 9000 words 60-minute (or 1-hour) speech: 7500 – 12000 words

For intermediate minutes, you can use the average rate of 125-200 wpm to estimate.

If you have a written speech or manuscript, you might be curious about its duration when spoken.

Here’s a quick guide based on word counts:

100 words: About 0.5 to 0.8 minutes 200 words: About 1 to 1.6 minutes 250 words: About 1.25 to 2 minutes 500 words: About 2.5 to 4 minutes (And so on, using the average speaking rate of 125-200 wpm.)

Several factors can impact how many words your speech should ideally have for a given time frame. Understanding these variables can help you deliver a presentation that’s both engaging and perfectly timed. Here’s a breakdown of these influential factors:

  • Natural Speaking Rate: Every individual possesses a unique speaking pace. Some naturally express thoughts swiftly, clocking in around 200 words per minute or even faster. In contrast, others may speak more deliberately, averaging around 125 words per minute. This inherent rhythm greatly influences the word count of a speech for a given time frame.
  • Audience Demographic: Your audience’s age, background, and familiarity with the topic can dictate the speed at which you should present. For example, a technical presentation for industry experts might proceed faster than one for novices, even if the word count remains consistent.

  • Topic Complexity: More intricate or challenging subjects demand a slower pace to ensure comprehension. In such cases, even if the speech’s duration is lengthy, the word count might be on the lower side to accommodate pauses and explanations.
  • Use of Visual Aids: Incorporating slides, charts, or videos can mean fewer words spoken. Visual elements often require pauses, allowing the audience to process the information visually rather than just auditorily.
  • Nervousness: Unsurprisingly, nervousness can speed up one’s delivery. A speaker might rush through their material when anxious, resulting in a higher word count in a shorter time frame.

Crafting a speech that’s both engaging and appropriately timed is an art. While the word count provides a framework, considering the factors above ensures your speech is not just well-timed, but also effective. As you prepare, always prioritize clarity, engagement, and resonance with your audience over sticking rigidly to word counts.

It’s important to know how many words your speech should be so that you can plan and structure it accordingly. We hope this guide will help you determine the number of minutes your speech should be based on the number of words. Keep in mind that this is just a general guideline, and you may need more or less time depending on your content.

So use this as a starting point, and then adjust as needed. And most importantly, practice, practice, practice! The more you run through your speech beforehand, the smoother it will go when you’re up in front of an audience. Thanks for reading!

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Speak 2 Impress

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Guide to Speaking Rates: How Many Words Per Minute Should Your Speech Be?

Ever find yourself grappling with the pace of your words during a presentation? You’re definitely not alone. It turns out, the average speaking rate for folks in the United States is about 150 words per minute – a little nugget of information that was a game-changer for me on my path to becoming more confident in public speaking .

In this article, we’re going to dive into everything from understanding different speech rates to fine-tuning your own rhythm , ensuring your next presentation strikes the perfect balance .

Stick around; you won’t want to miss these insights!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Speaking at the right speed is crucial for keeping your audience engaged. The average speaking rate in the United States is about 150 words per minute. But, this can change based on who you’re talking to and what you’re saying.
  • Different types of speeches need different speeds. For TED Talks, aim for around 163 words per minute to keep things interesting. Political speeches should be slower, at about 110-120 words per minute, to add weight to your words. Business presentations work best at a pace of about 140 words per minute.
  • Your speaking rate can vary because of many reasons like where you’re from, how excited you are, or if you know a lot about the topic. Other big factors include how confident you feel and physical things like being tired or sick.
  • You can get better at finding the right speed by practicing out loud with exercises and asking people for their honest thoughts on your speech style. Using tools like word counts helps plan how long your talk will be.
  • Changing how fast or slow you speak during a presentation makes it more exciting and helps highlight important points. Slowing down when sharing something significant or speeding up when showing excitement keeps listeners interested.

Understanding Speaking Rates and Words per Minute

Understanding speaking rates involves grasping the concept of speaking rate and average reading speed, as well as identifying the factors that influence how fast or slow someone speaks.

Additionally, it’s important to understand the ideal speaking rate for different types of speeches such as TED Talks , political speeches , and business presentations .

What is speaking rate

Speaking rate is how fast or slow you talk, measured in words per minute . For example, the average speaking rate for English speakers in the United States is around 150 words per minute.

This number can change depending on who you are talking to or what you’re talking about. Some people naturally speak faster, while others take their time and speak more slowly.

The speed at which someone speaks can affect how well the audience understands and engages with the speech. Speaking too fast might confuse listeners, but going too slow might make them lose interest.

Knowing your ideal speaking pace helps keep your audience hooked and conveys your message effectively. Let’s look into why understanding this balance is crucial for public speakers of all levels.

Average reading speed

After introducing the concept of speaking rate, it’s essential to touch on the average reading speed . This is crucial because it sets a baseline for understanding how our speaking speed compares to how fast we read.

Context Average Words Per Minute (WPM)
Conversation 150
Audio Projects 150-160
Voiceovers 75

This table outlines different scenarios and the average or recommended words per minute for each. It helps us gauge how our reading speed compares to various speaking contexts. For instance, while the average conversation rate and general speeches pace are similar at about 150 words per minute, voiceovers tend to be much slower, at 75 words per minute. This comparison underscores how context affects the ideal speaking speed, showing us that effective communication is not just about what we say but also how fast we say it.

Factors that influence speaking rate

The pace we speak at is influenced by several factors, including our regional dialect, cultural background, and level of excitement . Other key influencers are our familiarity with the topic , our own confidence levels, and any existing anxiety or nervousness. Additionally, physical factors like fatigue, illness, or even the layout of the speaking space can also impact our speaking rate.

  • Regional dialect and cultural background : The rhythm and intonation patterns associated with different dialects and cultures affect how fast or slow someone speaks.
  • Level of excitement : When we’re excited or passionate about a topic, we tend to speak more quickly.
  • Familiarity with the topic : If we’re very familiar with what we’re talking about, we might speak faster than if the subject matter is new to us.
  • Confidence levels and anxiety : Higher confidence levels generally result in a faster speaking pace, whereas anxiety may cause someone to speak more slowly.
  • Physical factors : Fatigue, illness, or environmental factors such as an uncomfortable speaking space can also influence speaking rate.

These variables show that many diverse aspects can affect how quickly or slowly someone speaks during a presentation or speech.

The Ideal Speaking Rate for Different Types of Speeches

TED Talks, political speeches, and business presentations each have their own ideal speaking rates to keep the audience engaged and effectively convey the message. Varying your speaking rate is essential for captivating different audiences in these varied speech contexts.

TED Talks are renowned for their powerful, thought-provoking content. The ideal speaking rate for TED Talks is about 163 words per minute . This pace allows the speaker to convey their message clearly and engagingly, keeping the audience captivated throughout the talk.

It’s important to maintain a steady yet expressive speed while delivering a TED Talk to effectively communicate your ideas and connect with your audience.

– Political speeches

Political speeches

Political speeches should aim for a speaking rate of about 110-120 words per minute . This allows the audience to absorb the information and feel the emotion behind your words. Remember , slower speaking rates can add weight and significance to your message, especially during pivotal moments in a speech .

For political speeches, aiming for around 110-120 words per minute ensures that you convey gravitas and allow your audience to absorb every point without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Business presentations

When delivering business presentations, aim for a speaking rate of around 140 words per minute . It’s crucial to vary your speed and enunciate clearly to maintain audience engagement .

Keep in mind that the average reading speed is about 150 words per minute , so adjusting accordingly will help ensure your message is effectively communicated.

The ideal speaking rate for different types of speeches varies; however, for business presentations, a slightly slower pace can help convey complex information more clearly and allow time for the audience to digest key points.

Tips for Selecting the Right Speaking Speed

Select the right speaking speed by knowing your own rate, using word counts, planning for delays, and varying your pace to keep your audience engaged. Read more on our blog!

Know your own speaking rate

Assess your speaking rate by timing yourself for a minute as you speak naturally. Then count the number of words spoken. This will help determine your average speaking speed . Repeat this process a few times to get an accurate estimate.

For example, if you speak around 160 words in a minute, then your speaking rate is faster than the average English speaker.

Understanding how fast or slow you normally speak can inform adjustments needed when preparing speeches and presentations. This self-awareness enables better planning and aids in choosing the ideal pace for conveying your message effectively to different audiences, like when delivering TED Talks or political speeches.

Use word counts as an estimation

When determining your speaking rate , use word counts to estimate how many words you need for a specific time frame . For example, if you aim for a 5-minute speech and speak at the recommended rate of 140 words per minute, then plan to include around 700 words in your speech.

Knowing this estimation can help you tailor your content effectively for different speaking duration requirements.

By using word counts as an estimation tool , it allows you to gauge how much content is needed based on the duration of your speech. This method helps in planning and organizing the material to fit within the allocated time while ensuring that key points are effectively conveyed without rushing or dragging them out.

Plan for technical delays and Q&A

Plan for technical delays and Q&A by adding extra buffer time to your speech. It’s common for things to go off schedule, so allow a few extra minutes in case of tech hiccups or questions from the audience.

Prepare some backup material in case you need to fill time unexpectedly. Also, practice answering potential Q&A queries during your rehearsals so you can respond confidently and succinctly.

Remember that technical issues are part of public speaking , so remaining calm and prepared will help you deliver a smooth presentation even if something unexpected happens.

Vary your speaking rate

To keep your audience engaged, change the speed of your speech. Slow down for important points and speed up to show excitement or urgency. This technique helps maintain interest and emphasizes key ideas , making your speech more dynamic.

Try adjusting your speaking pace using pauses, emphasizing words, or changing tone. Varying your rate adds interest and keeps listeners focused through different speeds and rhythms.

It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance engagement throughout your speech.

How to Improve Your Speaking Rate

Improve speaking rate by practicing different exercises and seeking feedback for adjustment. Always aim to enhance your verbal delivery.

Practice with different exercises

To improve your speaking rate, try these exercises:

  • Read aloud various texts at a comfortable pace , gradually speeding up.
  • Use a metronome to set the pace and match your speaking rate to it.
  • Practice tongue twisters to enhance articulation and fluency.
  • Record yourself speaking and analyze areas for improvement.
  • Engage in role – playing scenarios to boost confidence and spontaneity.
  • Experiment with storytelling to vary your speaking speed and tone.
  • Attend public speaking workshops or join clubs like Toastmasters for structured practice.

Now let’s delve into the different exercises for improving your speaking rate!

Seek feedback and adjust accordingly

As a beginner in public speaking, seeking feedback and making adjustments is crucial. Feedback helps you understand how others perceive your speech rate and style. Adjusting accordingly can make your delivery more effective.

Remember, practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect! Therefore, seek out opportunities to speak in front of diverse audiences or record yourself to get constructive criticism from different perspectives.

Taking this step will help you gain confidence and enhance your speaking skills.

I’ve learned a lot about speaking rates and how they can impact a speech. Speaking at the right speed can make your message clearer and more engaging for your audience. Now, let’s hear from an expert in public speaking.

Meet Dr. Linda Harris, a renowned communication specialist with over 20 years of experience teaching effective speaking techniques at prestigious universities. Dr. Harris has authored several influential papers on voice modulation and oratory excellence, securing her place as an authority in the field of public speaking.

Dr. Harris emphasizes that understanding your personal speaking rate is crucial for crafting speeches that resonate with audiences. By aligning your delivery with the content’s nature and audience expectations, you enhance comprehension and retention.

She refers to studies indicating optimal engagement levels when speakers maintain rates close to 140-160 words per minute.

On safety, ethics, and transparency in speech delivery, Dr. Harris highlights the importance of accurate information dissemination above maintaining specific speech speeds. Ensuring messages are truthful maintains credibility regardless of the presentation pace.

She advises incorporating varied speech rates into everyday conversations as practice for formal presentations. This flexibility not only improves adaptability but also enriches personal communication skills noticeably.

In her balanced evaluation, Dr. Harris recognizes potential challenges like adapting to technological aids during online presentations or managing time constraints in live talks effectively without sacrificing quality — issues often addressed through conscientious preparation and continuous self-awareness.

Ultimately, Dr. Harris endorses prioritizing clarity and emotional connection over rigid adherence to exact words-per-minute counts in most speaking scenarios while acknowledging certain contexts may demand stricter timing control for maximum effect.

Her insights underline practical apparatuses offered by knowing ideal speech velocities yet encourage speakers to prioritize their unique voice within this framework.

how many words for a 40 minute presentation

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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Speech calculator: how long does your presentation take?

Calculate the length of your presentation, how long does my presentation take.

If you’re preparing for a presentation, it’s crucial to know how much time you’ll need to get your message across. That helps you plan and practice with precision.

If you don’t have a script yet, it’s wise to know what number of words you should strive for. Below, you’ll find an estimate of the number of words typically spoken in presentations ranging from one minute to 3 hours.

Are you looking for this article in Dutch? Here is the speech calculator in Dutch .

Speech calculator: how long will my presentation take?

Presentations of 1 to 5 minutes (without using the speech calculator)

Presentations that last between 1 to 5 minutes are typically concise and focused. These brief durations require clear, direct communication and often demand that the speaker effectively distill their message to its most essential elements.

This type of presentations are ideal for engaging an audience quickly and delivering impactful information without overloading them with details. They are commonly used in settings like business pitches, project updates, or any scenario where time is of the essence and the aim is to leave a strong, memorable impression in a short period.

Below, you’ll find the number of words you can speak in presentations of one to five minutes, so that you can first prepare a script and then use the speech calculator.

How many words is a one-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a one-minute presentation? On average, you’ll be able to speak around 140 words , which equals one paragraph.

  • Slow pace: 110 words
  • Normal pace: 140 words
  • Fast pace: 170 words

How many words is a two-minute presentation?

Are you going to present for two minutes? On average, you’ll be able to speak around 280 words , covering half of an A4 page.

  • Slow pace: 220 words
  • Normal pace: 280 words
  • Fast pace: 340 words

How many words is a three-minute presentation?

Are you preparing to speak for three minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 420 words , which is almost a full A4 page.

  • Slow pace: 330 words
  • Normal pace: 420 words
  • Fast pace: 510 words

How many words is a four-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a four-minute presentation? On average, you’ll speak around 560 words , which is a bit more than a full A4 page.

  • Slow pace: 440 words
  • Normal pace: 560 words
  • Fast pace: 680 words

How many words is a five-minute presentation?

Are you speaking for five minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 700 words , which is almost a one-and-a-half A4 page.

  • Slow pace: 550 words
  • Normal pace: 700 words
  • Fast pace: 850 words

Presentations of 6 to 10 minutes (without using the speech calculator)

Presentations lasting between 6 to 10 minutes allow for a bit more depth than their shorter counterparts, providing enough time to explore a topic without risking audience fatigue. This duration is suitable for delivering more comprehensive overviews or diving into specific aspects of a subject with sufficient detail to educate and engage.

Such presentations are common in academic settings, conference talks, or professional meetings where you need to convey critical insights and support them with evidence or examples. They strike a balance between brevity and substance, making them effective for convincing an audience or sharing innovative ideas.

Below, you’ll find the number of words you’ll need for these presentations without using the speech calculator.

How many words is a six-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a presentation for six minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 840 words , which is a bit more than one-and-a-half A4 page.

  • Slow pace: 660 words
  • Normal pace: 840 words
  • Fast pace: 1.020 words

How many words is a seven-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a presentation of seven minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 980 words , which is almost two A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 770 words
  • Normal pace: 980 words
  • Fast pace: 1.190 words

How many words is a eight-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a presentation of eight minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 1.120 words , which is more than two full A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 880 words
  • Normal pace: 1.120 words
  • Fast pace: 1.360 words

How many words is a nine-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a nine-minute presentation? On average, you’ll speak around 1.250 words , equaling a two-and-a-half page essay.

  • Slow pace: 990 words
  • Normal pace: 1.250 words
  • Fast pace: 1.530 words

How many words is a ten-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a talk of ten minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 1.400 words , equaling almost three A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 1.100 words
  • Normal pace: 1.400 words
  • Fast pace: 1.700 words

Presentations of 15 minutes to 3 hours (without using the speech calculator)

Presentations lasting from 15 minutes up to 3 hours provide a substantial canvas to delve deeply into subjects, allowing for thorough exploration and detailed discussion. This range accommodates everything from detailed corporate presentations, educational lectures, to comprehensive workshops.

For 15-minute presentations, speakers can cover significant ground, possibly introducing a topic and exploring several key points with adequate detail to engage the audience effectively. This length is perfect for conference sessions or professional seminars where you need to provide more context and analysis than shorter presentations allow.

For longer formats, such as those nearing an hour or extending to three hours, the scope expands considerably. These can be used for in-depth training sessions, detailed product demonstrations, or extensive academic lectures. They offer the flexibility to incorporate interactive elements like Q&A sessions, hands-on activities, or group discussions, which can enhance understanding and retention.

In such long presentations, it’s crucial to maintain audience engagement through varied content delivery, breaks, and interactive segments to prevent fatigue and keep the content absorbing. Speakers must also be adept at pacing their delivery and structuring their content to ensure clarity and coherence throughout the session.

Below, you’ll find the number of words you’ll need for presentations of 15 minutes and longer, so that you don’t have to use the speech calculator.

How many words is a fifteen-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a talk of fifteen minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 2.100 words , equaling more than 4 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 1.650 words
  • Normal pace: 2.100 words
  • Fast pace: 2.550 words

How many words is a twenty-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a talk of twenty minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 2.800 words , equaling almost six A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 2.200 words
  • Normal pace: 2.800 words
  • Fast pace: 3.400 words

How many words is a 30-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a talk of 30 minutes? On average, you’ll speak around 4.200 words , equaling almost 8,5 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 3.300 words
  • Normal pace: 4.200 words
  • Fast pace: 5.100 words

How many words is a 45-minute presentation?

Are you preparing a 45-minute presentation? On average, you’ll be able to speak around 6.300 words , which equals more than 12,5 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 4.950 words
  • Normal pace: 6.300 words
  • Fast pace: 7.650 words

How many words is a one-hour presentation?

Are you going to present for one hour? On average, you’ll be able to speak around 8.400 words , covering almost 17 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 6.600 words
  • Normal pace: 8.400 words
  • Fast pace: 10.200 words

How many words is a 90-minute presentation?

Are you preparing to speak for one and a half hour? On average, you’ll speak around 12.600 words , which is more than 25 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 9.900 words
  • Normal pace: 12.600 words
  • Fast pace: 15.300 words

How many words is a two-hour presentation?

Are you preparing a two-hour presentation? On average, you’ll speak around 16.800 words , which is almost 34 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 13.200 words
  • Normal pace: 16.800 words
  • Fast pace: 20.400 words

How many words is a three-hour presentation?

Are you preparing a three-hour presentation? On average, you’ll speak around 25.200 words , which is a bit more than 50 A4 pages.

  • Slow pace: 19.800 words
  • Normal pace: 25.200 words
  • Fast pace: 30.600 words

How long will your presentation take?

Whether you are a seasoned speaker or a beginner, this speech calculator helps you improve the effectiveness of your presentations.

The more you are aware of the timeframe you’ll occupy, the better you’ll be able to deliver your message clearly and concisely without unnecessary digressions.

As a result, you’ll connect better with your audience and give more impactful presentations.

Speech calculator: how many words can I use?

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The Word Finder

Convert Speech Words to Minutes

How long will my speech be? Use the calculator below to convert your words to minutes. 1) Enter the number of words your speech is. 2) Choose your speaking style/speed 3) Find your speech length.

The following table below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 125 words per minute):

  • How many words are in 1 minute speech? 125 words
  • How many words are in 2 minute speech? 250 words
  • How many words are in 3 minute speech? 375 words
  • How many words are in 4 minute speech? 500 words
  • How many words are in 5 minute speech? 625 words
  • How many words are in 10 minute speech? 1,250 words
  • How many words are in 15 minute speech? 1,875 words
  • How many words are in 20 minute speech? 2,500 words
  • How many words are in 30 minute speech? 3,750 words
  • How long does a 500 word speech take? 4.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1000 word speech take? 8.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1250 word speech take? 10.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1500 word speech take? 12.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1750 word speech take? 14.0 minutes
  • How long does a 2000 word speech take? 16.0 minutes
  • How long does a 2500 word speech take? 20.0 minutes
  • How long does a 3000 word speech take? 24.0 minutes
  • How long does a 4000 word speech take? 32.0 minutes

Welcome to our conversion tool - Words to Minutes! We are here to help estimate the duration of any speech for conventions, zoom calls, weddings, special celebrations, business presentations, graduations, classroom demonstrations, performances, you name it. Use the Convert Speech Words to Minutes calculator to better prepare yourself for your next presentation.

How to use Convert Speech Words to Minutes

  • Enter Word Count: Enter the number of words in your speech. You can find your word count by copying and pasting your speech in Wordcounter.net or Google Docs. In Google Docs go to TOOLS --> Word Count to see how many words.
  • Choose Speed of Speaker: Choose your speaker pace from the options available: slow speaker, average speed speaker or fast speaker.

Make sure to choose your speech speed as it can have a major impact on your timing. Remember you will likely speak fast at times, and slow as well. Thus, average is typically a good indicator as to how long your speech or presentation will take. Whether you are making a wedding speech or giving a business presentation, this conversion of words into minutes should hold true.

Now you have an idea of how many minutes your speech will take to deliver, and can make any modifications if necessary. Also be sure to add time for audience participation if your speech calls for that.

Why should I use the Convert Speech Words to Minutes?

Do you know how many minutes are in a 5-minute speech, or maybe how long does a 2000 word speech take?

Using the words to minutes converter tool is crucial while preparing for a speech or presentation, especially when you are given limited time to convey your message and wrap up your ideas. Although the time may vary according to the delivery speed of each individual, converting words to minutes is a good indication of the length of your content and if it is suitable for the time frame you were given. That is how you know if you should work on your content length. Keep in mind that according to the National Center for Voice and Speech , the average rate of conversational talk in the US is around 150 words per minute (wpm), which means that balancing content, the number of words and reading speed does matter when preparing your speech.

How to craft an outstanding speech

Whether you are preparing content for a speech presentation for a business meeting, a graduation celebration of a wedding, the content does matter. While speaking in public does require a good amount of confidence, when you prepare yourself in advance, you will empower yourself with tools that will assure you are ready for it. With your speech, your main goal is to engage with your audience, catch their attention and delivery a message that will convey your idea in a clear and effective way. Here are some tips to help:

  • Write using the first person. Use a conversational tone.
  • Start by briefly introducing yourself.
  • Prepare a striking outline/opening statement.
  • Construe your speech in structural steps.
  • Start with a topic sentence in every paragraph.
  • Do not feel too shy to express your honest opinion.
  • Practicing ahead of time will help tremendously. It helps with confidence, knowing the material, comfortability, and much more. This is our top tip!

In order to engage with your audience, try to include personal stories, share your personal experiences and do not feel constrained to share your personal opinion. Good luck, you got this!

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Convert Words to Time

Calculate how long it will take to read a speech or presentation

Enter the word count of your speech below to see how long it will take you to read. Estimate the number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast speaking pace.

Number of words

Reading speed, common conversions (average speed).

How long does it take to read 500 words? 3.8 minutes
How long does it take to read 650 words? 5 minutes
How long does it take to read 1000 words? 7.7 minutes
How long does it take to read 1300 words? 10 minutes
How long does it take to read 1500 words? 11.5 minutes
How long does it take to read 1950 words? 15 minutes
How long does it take to read 2500 words? 19.2 minutes
How long does it take to read 3900 words? 30 minutes
How long does it take to read 7800 words? 60 minutes

Speech writing tips – How many words in a speech?

When I first started writing speeches, I struggled to know how many words to write for a speech of a given length.  The only way I would know was to rehearse the speech and time how long it lasted.

I have since learned that I typically speak at an average of  80-100 words per minute (wpm) when presenting in public. This knowledge allows me to calculate quickly how many words I need to write  i.e. 400-500 words for a five-minute speech.

Now not everybody speaks at the same pace.   Some books quote the average speaking rate as around 125 words per minute but remember that there is a significant difference between normal conversation and public speaking.   The best public speakers tend, on average to speak a bit slower so I would recommend that you start off with around 100 wpm and see how you get on.   Most word processors have a word count function built into them, so it's easy to check how much you have written.

Of course, it goes without saying that when writing a speech of any length don't  forget the basics.  You need an engaging opening , a powerful conclusion and relevant body content . You also need to  remember to rehearse it out loud .  Give as much time to planning the delivery as you do to planning the content.

And now that you know how many words to use, you'll want to know what sort of content to put into your presentation for maximum impact.  Enter your email address in the form below and we’ll send you a free  copy of our  practical guide to great presentation content  plus regular presentation tips.

"I just wanted to leave you a quick testimonial about the presentation guide.   I have a session I am running at an international conference this month and although I have done many presentations the word count calculator along with your very clear framework has given me a really good way of evaluating if I am on the right tracks. Thank you for a concise and really useful guide" -  Sheryl Andrews

Speech writing tips – How many words?

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[…] How many words? […]

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Your style is unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

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Thanks John I appreciate your feedback. Unlike public speaking where you can see your audience and sense their response, blog writing can feel a bit detached at times, so it’s great when people take the time and trouble to comment. If you have any specific questions, or would like me to write about a topic that it of interest to you, please feel free to get in touch.

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can i have 150 words all in all?

Thanks for your comment. I’d love to respond but I am not entirely sure what you mean? Could you tell me more?

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good note, i am having to do 40 mins in china, so i think i will plan for 3,500 word / max 4,000 as i need to go slow for translators and i will have 50 or so slides ? any view

Thank Greg. Working with a translator brings a whole new dimension and you certainly do need to slow down plus you need to also insert more pauses so that the translator can do their stuff. I think you may need to go for even fewer words! Whilst this can be a chalenge, the discipline of editing your content down to the essentials is often very useful. I recall being a delegate at a 3 day workshop in Japan where the trainer was Amercian and half of the 100 delegates were Japanese! He had a live interpreter so he would say a piece, step back and then she would translate. When he first started, I thought the gaps for translation would be a real pain but actually, it gave me more time to think about what we were being taught and it worked really well.

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“Of course it goes without saying…” So why say it?

Thanks for taking the time to comment Rod

What's the maths fomulua behind your calculator?

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The formula seems to be: time*speed*nervousness.

Speed is either 1 (slow), 1.2, 1.4 (fast). Nervousness is 1 for “I’m cool”, 1.25 for “I’m nervous”.

Correction: Forgot to add a scaling factor: 10*time*speed*nervousness.

Hi Tom Thanks for sharing your speech words calculator. I am sure that many readers will find it a useful tool to help them prepare their presentations and speeches.

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Great tip Gavin. I’ve heard many different estimates of average words per minute, but if people can find their own speech pace, they can easily time their presentation. Thanks!

how can you write a speech?

Hi, Edna. Thanks for posting your question. Here are some more articles that relate to your question about how to write a speech. https://www.inter-activ.co.uk/category/speech-writing/ in particular, you may find this specific article of help https://www.inter-activ.co.uk/presentation-skills/how-to-write-a-speech-in-ten-minutes/ . Let me know how you get on.

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The ideal number of slides for an hour-long presentation, and other thoughts on preparing slides, comparing two recent presentations, the right number of slides, font size and bulleted lists, avoiding laundry lists, argument overview slide, a good essay makes for a good presentation.

These past two weeks, I gave two presentations — a keynote at an internal writers conference at SAP, and a keynote at an internal writers conference at Amazon. (Sorry that I can’t post the recordings.) Both presentations filled an hour time slot. Because I’ve been in presentation mode this past month, especially preparing slides, I’d like to share some thoughts I have about how to create slides for presentations.

Hands-down, the best advice for creating slides is Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule of PowerPoint , which says you should have just 10 slides , your presentation should last no more than 20 minutes , and your font should be no less than 30 points .

I have aspired to follow Kawasaki’s slide rule for a number of years, but one fear always gets in the way: if I have just 10 slides, what if I run out of things to say after 20 minutes? I mean, usually I have to fill an hour presentation slot, right? In order to guard against running out of time, I have a tendency to add more and more slides, helping me remember points I want to make and ensuring I don’t end early.

With my first keynote presentation, I unfortunately had 50 slides (and got through about 40 of them during the presentation). (Granted, many were “sub-slides,” but they were still slides.) For my second presentation, I had only 14 slides (and got through them all). I felt the second presentation went better than the first.

Here’s the problem with having too many slides: the slides lock you into a fixed, rigid presentation order. The more slides you have, the more locked in you are to a fixed set of topics in a predefined order — which may or may not be the right order you want while presenting. With 50+ slides, you won’t have the freedom and flexibility to flow in a more natural way. The more slides you have, the more fixed the order becomes. Instead of a crutch, these slides become a cast that restricts your movement.

The absolute best presentation I’ve ever attended was by David Crystal at UA Europe , and he had no slides at all. He simply had a stool where he occasionally sat, and he spoke for about an hour and a half. It was the most mesmerizing presentation I’ve ever attended, and much of it focused on grammar (and stories about the origins of language). Crystal is the author of some 100+ books on language , and after the presentation, it was clear to me that he was a complete language genius.

I once gave a 20-minute presentation with no slides at all (at a WordPress conference), and I felt a bit naked. It wasn’t a great presentation, but it didn’t tank either. At some point, I’d like to develop the ability to present with just a few slides. I think such a presentation would resemble that of a stand-up comedian or other performer (like the Moth). I don’t have stage performer skills, so I doubt the slide-less presentation will ever be something I pull off. Still, I think as a general rule, the fewer slides one has, the more knowledge and experience the presenter has. Lots of slides is a red flag that the presenter isn’t an expert.

Until I can go slide-less, I have compromised at what I feel is the ideal number of slides for an hour-long presentation: about 15 slides (including the title and conclusion slides). Kawasaki says to limit the number of slides to 10 because no one can retain any more than 10 ideas in an hour, and though I don’t know what data supports this, I generally agree. I bumped my estimate up from 10 to 15 because Kawasaki’s ideal time of 20 minutes seems too short for the hour-long time slot.

Limiting the number of slides to 15 provides the perfect balance between flexibility and structure. You can pursue your ideas in a more freeform, natural way without being locked into a fixed, rigid order that might not fit the idea journey of your presentation.

You might object and say that if you practice your presentation enough, the slides can exactly match the idea journey you want to tell. Hence, you wouldn’t be locked into a structure you don’t want — instead, the slides would help you follow that desired structure.

Well, maybe. But I’ve given about 90 presentations, and it never seems to work out that way for me. Consider the analogy of a conversation. You want to have talking points that allow you to move about in a more freeform way, not necessarily a rigid order in which each topic must be spoken. If you imagine yourself having a conversation with the audience (rather than presenting a presentation), the talking points idea has more merit.

Another Kawasaki principle is to limit the font to no less than 30 points. This is also key. When I see slides with extensive bulleted lists, I cringe. While these bulleted lists might prompt the presenter with details to say, what ends up happening is the presenter more or less reads the slides and presents the presentation rather than telling a story.

Whenever you present a slide with text, the first thing the audience does is tune you out and start reading the text. As an audience member, it’s impossible not to — the screen is huge and directly in front of you.

If you reveal the bulleted list point by point, it has the same effect as flashing multiple, separate slides on the screen: It locks the presenter into a fixed order that potentially interrupts the natural flow of the story.

Ideally, I think good slides should be idea diagrams or visual sketch notes that demonstrate your ideas. Some presenters just put photos from Flickr on their slides to generally depict an idea, but I like more purposeful concept diagrams that might have multiple ideas going on. For example, like this:

Or like this:

Granted, some font on these slides is less than 30 points, but you don’t see extensive bulleted lists here.

For my second presentation slides , I tried to include about 3 stories per slide depicting concept diagrams like this. My thought was that I could glance at the pictures, and each picture would trigger 3 points to cover for the topic. I could cover the 3 stories/points in whatever order I wanted, so I wasn’t locked into a fixed outline. It more or less worked.

I also had slide notes in the presenter view that I could fall back on, but these presenter notes are challenging to read while speaking, and I think most presenters end up ignoring them. Pictures that trigger thought without interfering with one’s language-speaking functions work much better (for me anyway).

I use The Noun Project and Illustrator to create my concept diagrams, as it allows me to more easily manipulate different objects into the slides I want. The images aren’t spectacular, and they’re mostly black and white, but they aren’t embarrassing either, and I have fun making them. I end up exporting these artboards into my presentation. Each artboard is basically a slide in my presentation.

I use RevealJS for my presentations (and have been for the past several years). RevealJS is an HTML/CSS/JS framework that lets you code your slides with simple HTML syntax. For my second presentation, I put the SVGs as slide backgrounds , leaving ample room on the sides to allow for visibility even when the slide show is not in full screen. This worked quite well.

I also put each RevealJS slide presentation into its own GitHub repo. This makes it easy to update the slides. Kawasaki doesn’t say anything about RevealJS, PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote. It really doesn’t matter which tool you use. (I just added some tool-related details here in case you were curious.)

I’ve given many presentations that turn out to be laundry lists of points — a format I regret. This was the problem with my first keynote presentation. After highlighting a trend, I started listing a number of points that could provide solutions to the challenge. These “laundry list” topics tend to be on a lower-level than topics that provide a fuller, richer argument throughout.

Here’s an example of what I mean by a laundry list. In my first presentation, my argument overview was this:

Technology is getting simpler on the front-end for end-users But the code underneath is becoming increasingly specialized/complex Tech writers are generalists, not specialists To provide value in specialist contexts, tech writers must exploit the gaps These gaps are (1) doc tools/processes, (2) understanding user feedback/experiences, and (3) information usability

Then within the “(3) information usability” section, I covered these points:

Give users a map Make information discoverable as needed Ensure harmony across all docs Reduce and distill to its essence Confirm to genre expectations Reduce language complexity Iterative design of docs

Can you see how the presentation just devolved into a laundry list of points rather than focusing on a more focused idea journey? The laundry list comes into focus with the “(1)”, “(2)”, “(3)” points in the last bullet, followed by the 7 bullets later. When I was a composition teacher, I docked student essays for presenting similar laundry lists of ideas rather than going in depth with one point.

For my second presentation, I decided to chop out this laundry list of ideas and instead focus more singularly on my trends argument. So my argument overview was as follows:

Technology is getting more specialized/complex. This complexity drives up the value of technical knowledge, making it more prized than writing skills. To handle the complexity, technical writers must play increasingly collaborative roles with engineers to create documentation

And that’s it. No laundry list at all. I instead spent much more time developing, supporting, and exploring each of these parts of my argument.

Speaking of arguments, I also recommend putting up an “Argument Overview” slide right after your intro hook slide (which usually comes after your title slide). In other words, after you introduce the relevance of your topic, present the audience with your overall argument, so they know where you’re going and what you’re arguing for.

Many presentations will omit this argument overview. When they do, I find myself wondering what the presenter’s overall point is, if they even have one, or if they just have a collage of lots of little ideas. People can often take 10-15 minutes working their way up to some point, which they articulate in fuzzy ways.

I think a good presentation mirrors the elements of an essay:

  • relevance hook
  • argument/thesis

Many other essay elements might be reflected as well.

Kawasaki says to limit your presentation to 20 minutes. His main scenario isn’t presenters at a conference but rather presentations from startups to venture capitalists (VCs), and he doesn’t really give much reason here for the 20-minute length except to sarcastically say that if you have a Windows machine, it will take 40 minutes to troubleshoot the display. My guess is that VCs are executive types who have a lot of questions and don’t want to be lectured at extensively.

For too many presentations I’ve given, I’ve filled the entire time slot, without leaving any time for questions. This has been a mistake, in part due to having too many slides in the first place. For my second keynote, I spoke for only about 40 minutes and then let Q&A dominate the remaining 20 minutes. Although as an audience member I sometimes dislike listening to other audience members ask questions, I do like to ask my own questions.

Further, very few people can sit patiently listening to a lecture for an hour without engaging with more interactive dialogue. My brain isn’t wired to listen to lectures this long, and neither are many other people’s. You have to be pretty interesting to retain my attention for a full hour in an engaging way.

Probably the biggest reason, though, is that the purpose of a conference is not to present lectures — it’s to confer . You come together to confer with other people, and so you need this space to allow time to discuss your ideas.

What if no one has any questions, and you’re done 20 minutes early? Won’t that feel like you didn’t fill the time, that you short-changed what you promised?

If no one asks questions, it might mean you didn’t make a real argument in your presentation, but instead focused on something everyone already agrees on.

Coming back to the essay comparison, a good presentation focuses on an argument. And an argument must be something that people can take different sides on. If everyone already agrees on the position you’re taking, why bother making it in the first place? Are you already telling people something they already know?

I realize that many presentations at conferences are more information-based rather than argument-based, and people come to “learn” rather than to “debate,” but I’d counter that almost every topic has areas of controversy or uncertainty, and I like to see someone taking a position and defending it with evidence. This shows my bias towards the essay format, as I think good essays reflect this focus as well.

At any rate, if you’ve focused on some argument that people can disagree about, then ending 20 minutes early for Q&A should be ideal, as you will have set the stage for a lively discussion — which is one draw to these gatherings in the first place. You’re setting up the discussion and then allowing for the audience to engage in critical thinking.

Additionally, note that as a presenter, you can also be the one to ask questions. A good teacher doesn’t just lecture to students for 20 minutes and then ask them what questions they have. The teacher asks challenging questions to students and invites them to engage. Why can’t presenters at conferences do the same?

A good essay and a good presentation share many similarities. For many presentations I give, I’ll often write out the content as a blog post or essay before hand. For example, for my second keynote presentation, my Tech comm trends - take two post was the essay form of the post. The essay was about 8,000 words, which is about right for an hour-long presentation. For my first keynote, the essay was an earlier version of the same trends topic .

If the essay doesn’t have a good shape and focus (no idea journey, no story arc, no argument, no evidence, no analysis of opposing views, no interesting questions, etc.), then the presentation will probably lack life as well.

The absolute best advice for any presentation is to structure the idea journey as a story. I don’t mean to pepper in anecdotes everywhere (though that is actually great advice). I mean presentations should follow the general story arc. You have some sort of goal, and you encounter challenges to that goal. The bulk of your work is in getting through these challenges, until you finally come to some realization or conclusion. This flow aligns perfectly with the essay format.

Although I’m not a professional presenter and I lack more training and polish, in the presentations I’ve given over the years, fewer slides work better than more slides. Overall, if I can shape the essay right in the first place, it usually eliminates most of the problems with presentations. That’s why I spend about 90% of the time writing the essay first, and then in the last couple of weeks create the slides.

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me . Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.

© 2024 Tom Johnson

Debatrix International

Speech calculator:  how long does it take to deliver your speech?

With this speech calculator, you can easily calculate how long it will take you to deliver a speech.

How many words per minute?

In the English language, people speak about 140 words per minute. A fast speaker will get to 170 words per minute, a slow speaker will use around 110 words.

Professional speechwriters use this speech calculator to find out how long a speech takes.

speech calculator

Copy your full text and paste it in the box below:

The entire analysis happens within your browser. The text will NOT be stored and NOT be sent over the web.

Word count:

Your speech rate:

Speech duration:


How many words is a 3 minute speech  .

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 420 words for a 3 minute speech. A fast speaker will need 510 words while a slow speaker will only need 330 words.

How many words is a 5 minute speech?  

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 700 words for a 5 minutes speech. A fast speaker will need 850 words for the same speech length. A slow speaker will only need 550 words.

Is this a word count calculator?  

The speech calculator is a word count calculator. Insert your text and the tool will automatically calculate the word count.  It will then also calculate the speech length depending on the selected talking speed.

How to best select the right speaking speed?

Fast, average or slow? The answer depends on the speaker, the speech type and the speech setting.

The speaking speed of the speaker

Some speakers are natural fast or slow speakers. The best speakers keep a variance during their speeches. They speed up to keep momentum and slow down to put special emphasis on other parts.

The speech type

The type of speech matters a lot in selecting the right speech speed. If you read the whole speech word for word from paper then your average speech speed will be lower. If you intend to use the written speech as speaker notes then your average speaking speed will be much higher.

The speech setting

An informal setting will have a faster average speaking speed compared to a more formal setting.

Keeping all three factors in mind you will able make a better judgement about selecting the right speech speed in the speech calculator.

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how many words for a 40 minute presentation

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How Many Words Are in a Speech?

How can you measure your spoken words per minute.

To quickly know what your speaking rate is, write a 650-word essay and then get out a stopwatch. Time how long it takes you to speak all of the words in the essay.

Once you’ve finished, divide the word count (650 words) by the number of minutes in decimals (30 seconds = 0.5 minutes) and you’ll get an estimate of your words per minute speaking rate.

For example, if it takes you 4.5 minutes to speak 650 words, you would divide 650 by 4.5 to get 144 words per minute.

Word Count per Speech Length

To quickly find out how many words a typical speaking length requires, see the table below. You can quickly map word counts to typical speaking rates:

Speech LengthSlow (100 wpm)Average (130 wpm)Fast (160 wpm)
minute100 words130 words160 words
minutes500 words650 words800 words
minutes1,000 words1,300 words1,600 words
minutes1,500 words1,950 words2,400 words
minutes2,000 words2,600 words3,200 words
minutes2,500 words3,250 words4,000 words
minutes3,000 words3,900 words4,800 words
minutes4,500 words5,850 words7,200 words
minutes6,000 words7,800 words9,600 words
hours12,000 words15,600 words19,200 words
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Words To Time Converter

Estimate how many minutes your speeches, presentations, and voice-over scripts will take based on your words per minute rate!

Talk Time
Silent Reading Time
Word Count Char Count
0 0

Words per Minute: 183

How To Convert Words to Minutes Using This Tool?

If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. This tool will then calculate how long it would take to read that text out loud.

The talk time estimate is calculated using the average speaking speed of adults, which is determined to be 183 words per minute based on scientific studies. If you’re interested in how long it would take to read silently, it’s estimated at 238 words per minute ( This data is also backed by research )

You can adjust the slider to change the words per minute value, which will affect the talk time estimate. However, the silent reading time estimate remains fixed at 238 words per minute. 

For ease of use, we’ve also provided reference points for slow, average, and fast reading rates below the slider.

To begin anew, simply click the ‘clear text’ button to erase the content and restore the slider back to its original setting of 183.

I. Who is This Words to Minutes Converter Tool For?

If you are a student wondering how long is my essay or you’ve been tasked with writing a speech and need to know how many words to aim for and how many minutes will it take to deliver or perhaps you are a podcaster, just starting out, who wants the ability to easily synchronize music and spoken word without having to painstakingly calculate seconds between them, then this words to time converter (or speech time calculator-you may call it if you are a public speaker) is precisely for you! 

From now on, instead of spending long hours in front of the computer trying to figure out how many seconds it takes for one phrase or section of dialogue to end and another to begin, you can let our innovative tool do all the work and convert your text to time quickly and accurately. With this powerful tool at your disposal, whether you’re giving a TED talk or just need to nail a business presentation, your life will become a little bit easier.

So keep reading to learn more about what this fantastic words to minutes converter has in store for public speakers, aspiring students, and professional radio producers alike!

Whether you want to read the text silently or speak aloud, you can use this tool as both:

  • Reading time calculator
  • Talk time calculator

II.I Explanation of the Reading Time

Reading time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a written text silently while still comprehending its content. Based on an extensive analysis of 190 studies that involved 18,573 participants , research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 suggests that the typical silent reading speed for an adult individual is approximately 238 words per minute .

To convert word count to read time for a specific text, you can do so by dividing the total word count of the text by this established value of 238. Here is the mathematical equation for determining the duration of reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

II.II Explanation of the Speech Time

Speech time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a text out loud. Based on data from 77 studies involving 5,965 people , it’s been found that most adults read aloud at a speed of approximately 183 words per minute ( research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 ). To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute.

Of course, it’s important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids. However, using this tool for converting the number of words to minutes can still provide a helpful guideline for planning and practicing your presentation. By having a better understanding of speech rates, you can ensure that your message is delivered effectively and efficiently.

III. Benefits of Using a Words to Time Converter

Time management in presentations.

Effective time management during presentations is crucial to ensure the audience remains engaged and the information is accurately conveyed. This is where our speaking time converter comes in handy. By using this tool, presenters can easily determine how many words they need to include in their presentation to stay within the allotted time frame.

Not only does it help with time management, but it also ensures that the pacing of the presentation is consistent, making it easier for the audience to follow. With the use of this tool, presenters can confidently deliver their presentations without the worry of running over time or rushing through it.

Estimated speech time for public speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have too little or too much information to fill your time slot. You wonder only if there were an accurate public speaking time calculator available so that you could be able to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section of your presentation, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points without rushing or going over time. 

Effective pacing is key in ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Most public speakers target an average of 130-150 words per minute for their spoken content, meaning you should aim to limit your speaking time to roughly one minute per 130-150 words. While this may take some practice to achieve, the end result is a confident, well-timed delivery that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

Remember, in public speaking, less is often more—take your time to breathe and emphasize key points. Your audience will appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach. For that, you can use this tool and adjust your words to speech time.

Accurate estimations for audiobooks and podcasts

As more and more people turn to audiobooks and podcasts for their entertainment and information needs, accurate estimations of listening time have become more important than ever. After all, there’s nothing worse than settling in for a quick listen only to find yourself trapped in a story that goes on for hours longer than you anticipated.

That’s why it’s great to see publishers and podcast producers taking estimated reading time seriously, providing listeners with the information they need to choose the right content for their schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick listen on your daily commute or a lengthy distraction for a lazy Sunday afternoon, accurate estimations using this speaking time calculator make it easier than ever to find the perfect content.

IV. Some Popular Speech Times

how many words in a 2 minute speechAlmost 300 words
how many words in a 3 minute speechAlmost 450 words
how many words in a 4 minute speechAlmost 600 words
how many words in a 15 minute speechAlmost 2250 words

V. Conclusion

As the world becomes more fast-paced, time is a precious commodity. Determining how long your script will take to read, whether for a presentation or a video, can make a significant difference in engaging and retaining your audience’s attention.

That’s where our Words to Time Converter comes in handy. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working in various professions, from broadcast journalists to teachers to executives. No matter the industry, time is of the essence, and knowing how long your speech or presentation will take is crucial for effective communication.

Convert words to time

Word per minute speech

Enter the number of words in the box below to find out how many minutes it will take you to give your speech.

Word Counter

Paste your text here to find out the word count

Word Count: 0

Online Stopwatch

Time your speech on a timer for the actual time it takes you to deliver your speech, practice.

Our tool comes in handy when you are preparing for a speech or creating a presentation. The length of your speech depends on the amount of text and your speaking or reading speed.

Do you wonder how long it takes to deliver your speech?

This website helps you convert the number of words into the time it takes to deliver your speech, online and for free. This tool is useful when preparing a speech or a presentation. The number of minutes you will take is dependent on the number of words and your speed of speech, or reading speed.

Note: This calculator provides an indication only.

Enter details below

The overview below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 130 words per minute):

  • Words in a 1 minute speech 130 words
  • Words in a 2 minute speech 260 words
  • Words in a 3 minute speech 390 words
  • Words in a 4 minute speech 520 words
  • Words in a 5 minute speech 650 words
  • Words in a 10 minute speech 1300 words
  • Words in a 15 minute speech 1950 words
  • Words in a 20 minute speech 2600 words
  • How long does a 500 word speech take? 3.8 minutes
  • How long does a 1000 word speech take? 7.7 minutes
  • How long does a 1250 word speech take? 9.6 minutes
  • How long does a 1500 word speech take? 11.5 minutes
  • How long does a 1750 word speech take? 13.5 minutes
  • How long does a 2000 word speech take? 15.4 minutes
  • How long does a 2500 word speech take? 19.2 minutes
  • How long does a 5000 word speech take? 38.5 minutes

how many words for a 40 minute presentation

Presentation Time Calculator

Characters (including spaces) Characters (without spaces) Words
0 0 0
PT Time 0 sec

PT Time Controller

보다 정확하게 측정하고 싶다면, Customize를 이용하세요.

1. If you scroll right or left, it will calculate PT time according to corresponding speed. 2. You can consider your speech speed and the interval of your PPT pages .

140 WPM (Words Per Minute)

        Slow speech and long verval pause
Slow speech or long verval pause
Fast speech or short verbal pause
Fast speech and short verbal pause

* 매우 천천히 설명하는 발표는 330 CPM까지도 내려갑니다.

1. Read your script for 20 seconds using below stopwatch. 2. Enter the script as much as you just read and it will calculate PT time about total script. 3. If you have PPT, enter the number of PPT pages, the interval of PPT pages and the time to view materials.

2021.03.18. Modified