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The Big List of Essay Topics for High School (120+ Ideas!)

High school students generally do a lot of writing, learning to use language clearly, concisely, and persuasively. When it’s time to choose an essay topic, though, it’s easy to come up blank. If that’s the case, check out this huge round-up of essay topics for high school. You’ll find choices for every subject and writing style.

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

When writing an argumentative essay, remember to do the research and lay out the facts clearly. Your goal is not necessarily to persuade someone to agree with you, but to encourage your reader to accept your point of view as valid. Here are some possible argumentative topics to try. ( Here are 100 more compelling argumentative essay topics. )

  • The most important challenge our country is currently facing is … (e.g., immigration, gun control, economy)
  • The government should provide free internet access for every citizen.
  • All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed.
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.
  • The best country in the world is …
  • Parents should be punished for their minor children’s crimes.
  • Should all students have the ability to attend college for free?
  • Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?


  • Schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with very limited exceptions.
  • Is it acceptable to use animals for experiments and research?
  • Does social media do more harm than good?
  • Capital punishment does/does not deter crime.
  • What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?
  • Do we really learn anything from history, or does it just repeat itself over and over?
  • Are men and women treated equally?

Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics for High School

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of argumentative essay. Your goal is to show how one specific thing directly influences another specific thing. You’ll likely need to do some research to make your point. Here are some ideas for cause-and-effect essays. ( Get a big list of 100 cause-and-effect essay topics here. )

  • Humans are causing accelerated climate change.
  • Fast-food restaurants have made human health worse over the decades.
  • What caused World War II? (Choose any conflict for this one.)
  • Describe the effects social media has on young adults.
  • How does playing sports affect people?
  • What are the effects of loving to read?
  • Being an only/oldest/youngest/middle child makes you …
  • What effect does violence in movies or video games have on kids?
  • Traveling to new places opens people’s minds to new ideas.
  • Racism is caused by …

Compare-Contrast Essay Topics for High School

As the name indicates, in compare-and-contrast essays, writers show the similarities and differences between two things. They combine descriptive writing with analysis, making connections and showing dissimilarities. The following ideas work well for compare-contrast essays. ( Find 80+ compare-contrast essay topics for all ages here. )

  • Public and private schools
  • Capitalism vs. communism
  • Monarchy or democracy
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets
  • Paper books or e-books
  • Two political candidates in a current race
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • iPhone or Android
  • Instagram vs. Twitter (or choose any other two social media platforms)

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

Bring on the adjectives! Descriptive writing is all about creating a rich picture for the reader. Take readers on a journey to far-off places, help them understand an experience, or introduce them to a new person. Remember: Show, don’t tell. These topics make excellent descriptive essays.

  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • What is your happiest memory?
  • Tell about the most inspirational person in your life.
  • Write about your favorite place.
  • When you were little, what was your favorite thing to do?
  • Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel.
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • What’s the best/worst vacation you’ve ever taken?
  • Describe your favorite pet.
  • What is the most important item in the world to you?
  • Give a tour of your bedroom (or another favorite room in your home).
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Lay out your perfect day from start to finish.
  • Explain what it’s like to move to a new town or start a new school.
  • Tell what it would be like to live on the moon.

Expository and Informative Essay Topics for High School

Expository essays set out clear explanations of a particular topic. You might be defining a word or phrase or explaining how something works. Expository or informative essays are based on facts, and while you might explore different points of view, you won’t necessarily say which one is “better” or “right.” Remember: Expository essays educate the reader. Here are some expository and informative essay topics to explore. ( See 70+ expository and informative essay topics here. )

  • What makes a good leader?
  • Explain why a given school subject (math, history, science, etc.) is important for students to learn.
  • What is the “glass ceiling” and how does it affect society?
  • Describe how the internet changed the world.
  • What does it mean to be a good teacher?
  • Explain how we could colonize the moon or another planet.
  • Discuss why mental health is just as important as physical health.
  • Describe a healthy lifestyle for a teenager.
  • Choose an American president and explain how their time in office affected the country.
  • What does “financial responsibility” mean?

Humorous Essay Topics for High School

Humorous essays can take on any form, like narrative, persuasive, or expository. You might employ sarcasm or satire, or simply tell a story about a funny person or event. Even though these essay topics are lighthearted, they still take some skill to tackle well. Give these ideas a try.

  • What would happen if cats (or any other animal) ruled the world?
  • What do newborn babies wish their parents knew?
  • Explain the best ways to be annoying on social media.
  • Invent a wacky new sport, explain the rules, and describe a game or match.
  • Imagine a discussion between two historic figures from very different times, like Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Retell a familiar story in tweets or other social media posts.
  • Describe present-day Earth from an alien’s point of view.
  • Choose a fictional character and explain why they should be the next president.
  • Describe a day when kids are in charge of everything, at school and at home.

Literary Essay Topics

Literary essays analyze a piece of writing, like a book or a play. In high school, students usually write literary essays about the works they study in class. These literary essay topic ideas focus on books students often read in high school, but many of them can be tweaked to fit other works as well.

  • Discuss the portrayal of women in Shakespeare’s Othello .
  • Explore the symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • Explain the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men .
  • Compare and contrast the romantic relationships in Pride and Prejudice .
  • Dissect the allegory of Animal Farm and its relation to contemporary events.
  • Interpret the author’s take on society and class structure in The Great Gatsby .
  • Explore the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • Discuss whether Shakespeare’s portrayal of young love in Romeo and Juliet is accurate.
  • Explain the imagery used in Beowulf .

Narrative and Personal Essay Topics for High School

Think of a narrative essay like telling a story. Use some of the same techniques that you would for a descriptive essay, but be sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. A narrative essay doesn’t necessarily need to be personal, but they often are. Take inspiration from these narrative and personal essay topics.

  • Describe a performance or sporting event you took part in.
  • Explain the process of cooking and eating your favorite meal.
  • Write about meeting your best friend for the first time and how your relationship developed.
  • Tell about learning to ride a bike or drive a car.
  • Describe a time in your life when you’ve been scared.
  • Share the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you.
  • Tell about a time when you overcame a big challenge.
  • Tell the story of how you learned an important life lesson.
  • Describe a time when you or someone you know experienced prejudice or oppression.
  • Explain a family tradition, how it developed, and its importance today.
  • What is your favorite holiday? How does your family celebrate it?
  • Retell a familiar story from the point of view of a different character.
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Tell about your proudest moment.

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience, so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try these topics to persuade someone to come around to your point of view. ( Discover 60 more intriguing persuasive essay topics here. )

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism the best form of economy?
  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?

Research Essay Topics

A research essay is a classic high school assignment. These papers require deep research into primary source documents, with lots of supporting facts and evidence that’s properly cited. Research essays can be in any of the styles shown above. Here are some possible topics, across a variety of subjects.

  • Which country’s style of government is best for the people who live there?
  • Choose a country and analyze its development from founding to present day.
  • Describe the causes and effects of a specific war.
  • Formulate an ideal economic plan for our country.
  • What scientific discovery has had the biggest impact on life today?
  • Analyze the way mental health is viewed and treated in this country.
  • Explore the ways systemic racism impacts people in all walks of life.
  • Defend the importance of teaching music and the arts in public schools.
  • Choose one animal from the endangered species list, and propose a realistic plan to protect it.

What are some of your favorite essay topics for high school? Come share your prompts on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the ultimate guide to student writing contests , dig deeper with our longreads, newsletter sign up to get our best longform features, investigations, and thought-provoking essays, in your inbox every sunday..

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117 Great Persuasive Essay Topics for High School Level Students

persuasive essay topics

When working on any essay, the first thing you’ll have to figure out is your topic. In high school, you are supposed to pick the kind of topic you will be able to dig into — that is, you have to make sure you can find enough info on the subject. Sure, today it seems that getting your hands on any kind of information is simple and question how long is a thesis isn't on the table yet. Still, you have to remember that apart from being available, the info you discuss should be engaging. So, that’s something to think about.

Argumentative and persuasive essays are most commonly assigned to high school students. So, there are plenty of papers in public domains that are written in one of these styles — and you can take a look at those if you need some inspiration. When working on an argumentative paper, for example, a student is supposed to present two polar different opinions on the subject and present enough evidence to support each point of view. But simply discussing two sides of the argument is not enough — a writer should also come up with a comprehensible conclusion. The same goes for persuasive essays — after all, the student’s primary goal here is to persuade the reader in his/her point of view.

In fact, a lot of argumentative essays are actually persuasive papers. So, if you’ve written at least one of those, you'll know how to write the other one. If you haven’t, here is a tip for you: choose a topic you feel strongly about. This is the certain way to make sure you will have enough ideas for a truly engaging paper; and, since you feel strongly about the subject, it will be way easier to prove your point of view to the reader.

Another word of advice while choosing a persuasive essay topic is to pick something that would be neither too broad, nor too narrow. Remember that most high school papers are no longer than five pages (often, even shorter than that), so it’s best to choose just one question and focus on it in your work. Also, remember that you will have to provide some factual evidence for your opinion (after all, any academic paper should be supported by academically recognized sources), so do not go for subjects that are purely opinionated and do not have any chance of justification.

Now that we’ve highlighted how important choosing a persuasive topic is for a student, let’s give you some great topic ideas to get you started.

50 Simple Essay Topics for High School

  • How can a person overcome fear?
  • Describe a piece of art (book, painting, poem) that changed your life.
  • Should students evaluate their teachers?
  • Do standardized tests really reveal student knowledge?
  • Should there be extra incentives for good grades at school?
  • Should Gym classes be obligatory?
  • Should we make our school calendar longer?
  • Can a class size influence student performance?
  • Should schools punish inappropriate student behavior?
  • Is there a connection between real-life violence and video games?
  • Should illegal immigrants’ children get an education?
  • Is there a way to deal with bullies in schools?
  • How reality TV is enforcing dangerous stereotypes
  • Is pop culture encouraging students not to pursue education?
  • White lies: what are they and should we really believe them to be innocent?
  • Should violent video games be sold to minors?
  • Using cell phones for education: the pros and cons
  • Should we conceal our real identities on the web?
  • Technology: distraction or a bonus?
  • Educational apps: how helpful are they?
  • Should everyone go for a college education?
  • The role of affirmative action in the modern world
  • College admission criteria: is there anything else apart from SAT?
  • The skinny model stereotype and its pressure on average girls
  • Do we really have equal rights for men and women?
  • Why so few girls pursue careers in exact sciences?
  • Stopping sexual abuse against young women
  • Should sports bets be legalized?
  • Can cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Homosexual rights for sportsmen
  • The role of sports in our world
  • Are sports in the US too commercialized?
  • The benefits of local sports franchises
  • Should colleges pay their baseball players?
  • The debate of the naming rights
  • How should we treat juvenile offenders?
  • Pros and cons of death penalty
  • Leadership and the moral obligations that come with it
  • A cure against mass shootings
  • Should we change our gun control policy?
  • Is there too much digital censorship these days?
  • Should rich people pay higher taxes?
  • Government and the confidence we place in it
  • Privacy Vs. Security: which one comes first?
  • Should the US monitor its allies and citizens?
  • Should students be able to pick their teachers?
  • Is it reasonable to lower the voting age?
  • How important is fashion?
  • The appropriate dating age
  • Can older generation learn from the new one?

50 Persuasive topic ideas for high school

  • The pros and cons of allowing cell phones in schools
  • Free state college attendance for the state residents
  • The pros and cons of marijuana treatment
  • Is death penalty justifiable for violent offenders?
  • Should illegal immigrants be granted same rights as citizens?
  • Airport security: do we really need that many screenings?
  • Should we allow birth control for minors?
  • Free condoms at schools: atrocity or necessity?
  • Should schools separate gym grades from the grade list?
  • Free wi-fi in the cities: pros and cons
  • How often should teachers pass qualification tests?
  • Universal wealthy: how reasonable it is in the US realia?
  • Animal product testing: ethical vs. practical
  • Civil unions: should the government recognize them?
  • Is it reasonable to keep suspected terrorists under custody?
  • Should students be allowed to bring their music players to school?
  • Can we charge plus size citizens double ticket fair?
  • Corporate lobbyists and political campaigns: is their support legal?
  • Should school dedicate more attention to world religions?
  • Introducing obligatory community service in schools
  • Is it safe to keep exotic pets?
  • Cellphones in the classroom: should the teachers have them?
  • Violent crimes and minors: should the government treat them as adults?
  • Should we legalize euthanasia?
  • Should federal government control and restrict certain content on the Internet?
  • Sexual education as an obligatory subject in high schools
  • Should ESL students pass state tests in their native languages?
  • Can digital devices replace traditional textbooks?
  • Is it reasonable to test professional sportsmen for drugs?
  • Should corporate advertising be allowed in schools?
  • Can students and over be friends on social media?
  • How ethical it is to use stem cells from aborted children for the research?
  • Should the USA spend more time on internal affairs and less on overseas issues?
  • Drunk driving: should we enforce stricter punishment?
  • Is it ethical for a rape victim to go for an abortion?
  • Driving without a seat-belt: should it be considered a crime?
  • Is it necessary for high school sportsmen to take drug tests?
  • Should schools increase their budgets by selling food and drinks to students?
  • Is it ethical to advertise alcohol on TV?
  • Should foreign goods be taxed higher than internal products?
  • Free bus rides for seniors: do we need them?
  • Should the government ban sports betting?
  • Should the government lower the budget for schools that show weak results on SAT?
  • Would it be reasonable to euthanize dogs that have shown aggressive behavior towards people?
  • Should we introduce government censorship on certain online content?
  • Should we lower the minimal working age to 14 years old?
  • The pros and cons of wearing uniforms in schools
  • Should we allow getting a driving permit starting the age of 21?
  • Should schools introduce fast food in their menus?
  • Should booster seats for children be made obligatory?

12 Controversial Topics for School

  • Are there any moral grounds that can justify torture?
  • Should we consider police cameras an invasion of our privacy?
  • Should we ban tobacco once and for all?
  • Is the access to condoms affecting teenage irresponsible behavior?
  • Is the mankind really responsible for global warming?
  • Is it reasonable to teach creationism in schools?
  • How fair is our election process?
  • Should fathers get a paternity leave just as mothers do?
  • Are parents disrupting their children’s privacy by posting photos online?
  • Is advertising to children ethical?
  • Is average CEO salary justifiable?
  • Should the army promote their programs to high school students?

Best Topics for high school that are interesting and fun to read

  • The positive aspects of rivalry
  • The matter of age in a relationship
  • Is boredom is the surest way to trouble?
  • Should we increase or lower the drinking age?
  • Are the college tuition fees too high?

Those are some of the most interesting, opinionated essay topics for high school level. The biggest perk of the above examples is that most of them are based on a student’s opinion. At the same time, most of these topics presuppose some research — so any idea you’re proving will not be without confirmation. If you want to get more inspiration check out exploratory essay topics as well.

The final word of advice would be to pay your attention not only to the topic you choose but also to the way you present and organize your ideas. Do not forget that any essay should have an intro, main body and conclusion. The main body should be divided into a series of logically connected paragraphs, each presenting a certain point.

Finally, if you are to write and essay but have little knowledge or interest in the subject, do not forget that there are plenty of custom essay writers that will gladly do the job for you. Perhaps, the toughest thing to do when looking for an essay writing service or lab report example is determining which of them are reliable and which are not. But, with a little bit of time and patience (and attention to detail, of course), you will have no problem figuring out which service is worth a shot. A tip: these companies usually have a great number of positive customer reviews, are available through multiple support channels and have no problem sharing useful information for free.

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50 Engaging Narrative Essay Topics for High Schoolers

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Narrative essays vs. analytical essays, how to pick the right narrative essay topic, elements of a strong narrative essay, engaging narrative essay topics for high schoolers, where to get your narrative essay edited for free.

Narrative essays are an extensive form of writing that gives readers the opportunity to follow along as a person goes through a journey or sets of experiences. Rather than providing analytic insight, narrative essays simply share a story and offer a first-person account. These essays may seem easy to write at first, but it takes a certain finesse to write a narrative essay that is interesting, cohesive, and well-researched. Whether you’re looking for a unique topic to write about, or just want some new inspiration, CollegeVine is here to help! These 50 narrative essay topics are engaging, unique and will have you writing in no time.

A narrative essay is a great way to express your personal experiences and opinions, but it is important to remember that this type of essay is different from an analytical paper. In a narrative essay, you do not need to provide background information or explain your thoughts and feelings; instead, you simply tell a story. It’s important to avoid too much telling in your writing; instead, use creative details and vivid imagery to make readers feel as if they are actually right there with you.

Where You Will Encounter Narrative Essays

This type of essay is typically encountered in high school, where students may be required to write personal statements to prepare for their Common App essay . Narrative essays are also commonly seen in AP Language and Composition. Therefore, it’s important you are aware of the style because you are bound to have a narrative essay assignment.  

Of course, before you start writing, it is important to pick the right essay topic. There are many factors involved in the process of picking the perfect narrative essay topic for your story.

You should always choose a topic that you are passionate about, since writing on something you care about will make the process much easier. Not only will it be more interesting to create your paper around something that truly interests you, but it will also allow you to fully express yourself in your essay. You also want to be sure that the topic has enough material to work with. If your chosen topic is too short, you will not have enough content to write a complete paper. For example, if you are writing about your experience getting lost at the mall, make sure that you have enough information to work with to craft an engaging narrative. 

The best topic for an engaging narrative essay is one that focuses on showing versus telling, has a clear structure, and provides a dialogue. These elements come together to form an engaging narrative essay. Regardless of what subject you pick, any topic may be turned into a fascinating, A+ worthy narrative using the tips below.

Show, Don’t Tell

To write a good narrative essay, it’s important to show, not tell. Instead of simply informing your audience, show them what you mean. For example, instead of saying “I was nervous,” you could say “My heart began to race and my stomach filled with butterflies.” Also make sure to use sensory details, such as sights, sounds and tastes, and include a personal reflection at the end of your narrative. 

Begin with a Strong Opening Line

A good narrative essay will begin with an attention-grabbing opening line. But make sure to avoid common clichés, such as “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Instead, come up with something original and specific to you and your situation. For example: “My pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles. I mean, he even used circular note cards.” Or, “It all started the day my mom brought home a guinea pig.”

Follows a Three-Act Structure

A strong narrative essay follows the same three-act structure as other essays. But in order to make it interesting, you’ll need to come up with a creative way to break things down into sections. For example, using the guinea pig example from above, you could write the following:

  • Act 1 – Introduction: The day my mom brought home a guinea pig.
  • Act 2 – Conflict: The day I had to say goodbye to my beloved pet.
  • Act 3 – Conclusion: Looking back at how much I miss him now that he’s gone.

Conclude with Personal Reflection

To conclude your narrative essay, you’ll want to explain what this specific experience taught you or how you’ve changed. For example, upon realizing that her pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles, the writer of the previous example begins to notice circular shapes everywhere. Another way to conclude your narrative essay is by touching on how this experience impacted you emotionally. For example, after losing his guinea pig, the writer explains how much he missed it.

Use Dialogue

Include a conversation in your essay to make it come alive. For example, instead of simply saying that you met a new friend, talk about how you introduced yourselves or what they were wearing when you met them.

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The following list of 50 narrative essay topics is divided into categories. This will make it easier to find a topic that fits your writing style.

1. What is a childhood song that still sticks with you today?

2. Your first day of Kindergarten

3. Talk about a time when you’re siblings looked up to you

4. Describe the best birthday party you’ve ever had

5. Talk about the best day you ever spent with a childhood friend

6. Explain your first childhood hobby

7. Describe your first halloween costume

8. A family vacation gone wrong

9. Your first family reunion

10. Describe a tradition that is unique to your family

11. Describe your family to a person who’s never met them before

12. What frustrates you most about your family

13. If you could only keep one memory of your family, what would it be and why?

14. Describe a time your family embarrassed you in public

15. The most beautiful place in the world

16. Your favorite season and why

17. If you were a part of nature, what element would you be? Why?

18. When you go outside, which of your senses are you most thankful to have?

19. Describe the first time you witnessed a tornado 

20. Write a poem about your favorite season

21. Describe yourself as one of the four seasons

22. Describe a time in which you felt connected with nature

23. Describe the first time you played an instrument and how you felt

24. What major event would be much worse if music was removed, and why?

25. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

26. What would a life without music look like?

27. If you could master one instrument, what would it be and why?


28. What if you had never met your best friend?

29. Describe a time when you fixed a broken relationship

30. Talk about a movie that defined a relationship for you

31. Describe your first date

32. Describe the first time you made a friend

33. Describe your relationship with your parents

Self Reflection

34. Have you ever fooled someone? If so, describe what happened and how you felt about it

35. What is the worst thing you’ve done to someone else?

36. Write about the difference between how things seem and how they really are. 

37. Have you ever been embarrassed in some way? If so, describe the situation and how it affected you as well as those around you

38. Have you ever witnessed something really beautiful? Describe it

39. Is your glass half empty or half full?

Overcoming Adversity 

40. Have you ever been very afraid of something but tried your hardest to appear fearless? If so, describe that experience

41. When have you ever succeeded when you thought you might fail

42. What are your secret survival strategies?

43. Describe the last time you were stressed and why?

44. Describe a time when you were discriminated against

45. The most memorable class you’ve had and why

46. Your favorite study abroad memory

47. Describe your kindergarten classroom

48. Describe your first teacher

49. The first time you experienced detention

50. Your first field trip

Hopefully these topics will get you thinking about a personal experience that could make for a thoughtful and engaging narrative essay. Remember, a strong narrative essay must contain relatable details and a clear flow that keeps the reader entertained and engaged to read all the way to the end.

If you need some additional guidance on your narrative essay, use CollegeVine’s free peer review essay tool to get feedback for free!

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113 Perfect Persuasive Essay Topics for Any Assignment

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General Education


Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

Here are all of our Student Opinion questions from the 2020-21 school year. Each question is based on a different New York Times article, interactive feature or video.

good essay topics high school

By The Learning Network

Each school day we publish a new Student Opinion question, and students use these writing prompts to reflect on their experiences and identities and respond to current events unfolding around them. To introduce each question, we provide an excerpt from a related New York Times article or Opinion piece as well as a free link to the original article.

During the 2020-21 school year, we asked 176 questions, and you can find them all below or here as a PDF . The questions are divided into two categories — those that provide opportunities for debate and persuasive writing, and those that lend themselves to creative, personal or reflective writing.

Teachers can use these prompts to help students practice narrative and persuasive writing, start classroom debates and even spark conversation between students around the world via our comments section. For more ideas on how to use our Student Opinion questions, we offer a short tutorial along with a nine-minute video on how one high school English teacher and her students use this feature .

Questions for Debate and Persuasive Writing

1. Should Athletes Speak Out On Social and Political Issues? 2. Should All Young People Learn How to Invest in the Stock Market? 3. What Are the Greatest Songs of All Time? 4. Should There Be More Gender Options on Identification Documents? 5. Should We End the Practice of Tipping? 6. Should There Be Separate Social Media Apps for Children? 7. Do Marriage Proposals Still Have a Place in Today’s Society? 8. How Do You Feel About Cancel Culture? 9. Should the United States Decriminalize the Possession of Drugs? 10. Does Reality TV Deserve Its Bad Rap? 11. Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished? 12. How Should Parents Support a Student Who Has Fallen Behind in School? 13. When Is It OK to Be a Snitch? 14. Should People Be Required to Show Proof of Vaccination? 15. How Much Have You and Your Community Changed Since George Floyd’s Death? 16. Can Empathy Be Taught? Should Schools Try to Help Us Feel One Another’s Pain? 17. Should Schools or Employers Be Allowed to Tell People How They Should Wear Their Hair? 18. Is Your Generation Doing Its Part to Strengthen Our Democracy? 19. Should Corporations Take Political Stands? 20. Should We Rename Schools Named for Historical Figures With Ties to Racism, Sexism or Slavery? 21. How Should Schools Hold Students Accountable for Hurting Others? 22. What Ideas Do You Have to Improve Your Favorite Sport? 23. Are Presidential Debates Helpful to Voters? Or Should They Be Scrapped? 24. Is the Electoral College a Problem? Does It Need to Be Fixed? 25. Do You Care Who Sits on the Supreme Court? Should We Care? 26. Should Museums Return Looted Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin? 27. Should Schools Provide Free Pads and Tampons? 28. Should Teachers Be Allowed to Wear Political Symbols? 29. Do You Think People Have Gotten Too Relaxed About Covid? 30. Who Do You Think Should Be Person of the Year for 2020? 31. How Should Racial Slurs in Literature Be Handled in the Classroom? 32. Should There Still Be Snow Days? 33. What Are Your Reactions to the Storming of the Capitol by a Pro-Trump Mob? 34. What Do You Think of the Decision by Tech Companies to Block President Trump? 35. If You Were a Member of Congress, Would You Vote to Impeach President Trump? 36. What Would You Do First if You Were the New President? 37. Who Do You Hope Will Win the 2020 Presidential Election? 38. Should Media Literacy Be a Required Course in School? 39. What Are Your Reactions to the Results of Election 2020? Where Do We Go From Here? 40. How Should We Remember the Problematic Actions of the Nation’s Founders? 41. As Coronavirus Cases Surge, How Should Leaders Decide What Stays Open and What Closes? 42. What Is Your Reaction to the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 43. How Worried Should We Be About Screen Time During the Pandemic? 44. Should Schools Be Able to Discipline Students for What They Say on Social Media? 45. What Works of Art, Culture and Technology Flopped in 2020? 46. How Do You Feel About Censored Music? 47. Why Do You Think ‘Drivers License’ Became Such a Smash Hit? 48. Justice Ginsburg Fought for Gender Equality. How Close Are We to Achieving That Goal? 49. How Well Do You Think Our Leaders Have Responded to the Coronavirus Crisis? 50. To What Extent Is the Legacy of Slavery and Racism Still Present in America in 2020? 51. How Should We Reimagine Our Schools So That All Students Receive a Quality Education? 52. How Concerned Do You Think We Should Be About the Integrity of the 2020 Election? 53. What Issues in This Election Season Matter Most to You? 54. Is Summer School a Smart Way to Make Up for Learning Lost This School Year? 55. What Is Your Reaction to the Senate’s Acquittal of Former President Trump? 56. What Is the Worst Toy Ever? 57. How Should We Balance Safety and Urgency in Developing a Covid-19 Vaccine? 58. What Are Your Reactions to Oprah’s Interview With Harry and Meghan? 59. Should the Government Provide a Guaranteed Income for Families With Children? 60. Should There Be More Public Restrooms? 61. Should High School-Age Basketball Players Be Able to Get Paid? 62. Should Team Sports Happen This Year? 63. Who Are the Best Musical Artists of the Past Year? What Are the Best Songs? 64. Should We Cancel Student Debt? 65. How Closely Should Actors’ Identities Reflect the Roles They Play? 66. Should White Writers Translate a Black Author’s Work? 67. Would You Buy an NFT? 68. Should Kids Still Learn to Tell Time? 69. Should All Schools Teach Financial Literacy? 70. What Is Your Reaction to the Verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial? 71. What Is the Best Way to Stop Abusive Language Online? 72. What Are the Underlying Systems That Hold a Society Together? 73. What Grade Would You Give President Biden on His First 100 Days? 74. Should High Schools Post Their Annual College Lists? 75. Are C.E.O.s Paid Too Much? 76. Should We Rethink Thanksgiving? 77. What Is the Best Way to Get Teenagers Vaccinated? 78. Do You Want Your Parents and Grandparents to Get the New Coronavirus Vaccine? 79. What Is Your Reaction to New Guidelines That Loosen Mask Requirements? 80. Who Should We Honor on Our Money? 81. Is Your School’s Dress Code Outdated? 82. Does Everyone Have a Responsibility to Vote? 83. How Is Your Generation Changing Politics?

Questions for Creative and Personal Writing

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65 Argumentative Research Topics For High School Students [PDF Included]

In today’s world, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it’s becoming increasingly important to teach students how to think critically, evaluate sources, and develop persuasive arguments. And one of the best ways to do this is through argumentative research topics.

In high school, students are often encouraged to learn and analyze factual information. However, much like other English and biology research topics , argumentative research topics offer a different kind of challenge. Instead of simply presenting facts, these topics require students to delve into complex issues, think critically, and present their opinions in a clear and convincing manner.

In this article, we will provide a list of compelling argumentative research topics for high school students. From education and politics to social issues and environmental concerns, these topics will challenge students to think deeply, evaluate sources critically, and develop and challenge their skills!

Argumentative research topics: Persuading the student to think and reason harder

Argumentative research topics are a fascinating and exciting way for students to engage in critical thinking and persuasive writing. This type of research topic encourages students to take a stance on a controversial issue and defend it using well-reasoned arguments and evidence. By doing so, students are not only honing their analytical skills and persuasive writing skills, but they are also developing a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and assumptions.

Unlike other research topics that may simply require students to regurgitate facts or summarize existing research, argumentative topics require students to develop and defend their own ideas.

Through argumentative research, students are encouraged to question their own biases and consider alternative perspectives. This type of critical thinking is a vital skill that is essential for success in any academic or professional context. Being able to analyze and evaluate information from different perspectives is an invaluable tool that will serve students well in their future careers.

Furthermore, argumentative research topics, are like writing prompts , which are meant to encourage students to engage in civil discourse and debate. These topics often involve controversial issues that can elicit strong emotions and passionate opinions from individuals with differing viewpoints.

By engaging in respectful, fact-based discussions and debates, students can learn how to engage with people who have different beliefs and opinions

Argumentative Research Topics

  • The boundaries of free speech: where should the line be drawn?
  • Internet privacy: Should websites and apps be restricted in collecting and utilizing user data?
  • Has the internet been a force for progress or a hindrance?
  • The role of public surveillance in modern society: is it necessary or invasive?
  • Climate change and global warming: Are human activities solely responsible?
  • Mandating physical education in schools to combat childhood obesity: Is it effective?
  • The ethics of mandatory vaccination for high school students for public health reasons
  • The ethics of wearing fur and leather: Is it always unethical?
  • Keeping exotic pets: is it acceptable or inhumane?
  • The impact of social media on mental health: Is it more positive or negative?
  • Wildlife preserves: Are they suitable habitats for all species that reside there?
  • Animal fashion: Should it be prohibited?
  • Mental health services in schools: Should they be free or reduced-cost for students?
  • Quality of high school education: Should teachers undergo regular assessments to ensure it?
  • Healthy eating habits in schools: Should schools offer healthier food options in their cafeteria or allow students to bring food from home?
  • Social media addiction: Is it a significant health concern for kids?
  • Technology use and mental health problems: Is there a connection among high school students?
  • Junk food in schools: Should schools ban it from vending machines and school stores to promote healthy eating habits?
  • Dress codes in schools: Are they necessary or outdated
  • Regulating social media: Should the government regulate it to prevent cyberbullying?
  • Politicians and standardized testing: Should politicians be subject to standardized testing?
  • Art vs Science: Are they equally challenging fields?
  • School uniform and discrimination: Does it really reduce discrimination in schools?
  • Teachers and poor academic performance: Are teachers the cause of poor academic performance?
  • Physical discipline: Should teachers and parents be allowed to physically discipline their children?
  • Telling white lies: Is it acceptable to tell a white lie to spare someone’s feelings?
  • Sports in college: Should colleges promote sports as a career path?
  • Gender and education: How does gender affect education?
  • Refusing medical treatment: Is it acceptable to refuse medical treatment based on personal beliefs?
  • Children’s rights and medical treatment: Do doctors violate children’s rights if they do not provide treatment when the parents refuse to treat the child?
  • Parental influence on gender stereotypes: Do parents encourage gender stereotypes?
  • Dating in schools: Should dating be permitted in schools with supervision?
  • Human nature: Are people inherently good or evil by nature?
  • Immigration and national economy: Can immigration benefit the national economy?
  • Keeping animals in zoos: Is it appropriate?
  • Cell phone use in schools: Should cell phone use be permitted in schools?
  • Veganism: Should humans only consume vegan food?
  • Animal testing: Should it be outlawed?
  • Waste segregation: Should the government mandate waste segregation at home?
  • Technology integration in schools: Is it beneficial for traditional learning?
  • Homeschooling vs traditional schooling: Is homeschooling as effective as traditional schooling?
  • Prohibition of smoking and drinking: Should it be permanently prohibited?
  • Banning violent and aggressive video games: Should they be banned?
  • Harmful effects of beauty standards on society: Are beauty standards harmful to society?
  • The impact of advertising on consumer behavior
  • The ethical considerations of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity
  • The effectiveness of alternative medicine in treating various illnesses
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning compared to traditional classroom education
  • The role of mass media in shaping public opinion and political discourse
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on job automation and employment rates
  • The impact of fast fashion on the environment and human rights
  • The ethical considerations of using animals for entertainment purposes
  • Parents are solely responsible for their child’s behavior.
  • Is space exploration worth it or not?
  •   stricter regulations on the use of plastic and single-use products to reduce waste
  • Is capitalism the best economic system
  • Should there be limits on the amount of wealth individuals can accumulate?
  • Is it ethical to use animals for food production?
  • Is the concept of national borders outdated in the modern era?
  • Should the use of nuclear power be expanded or phased out?
  • Self-driving cars: Convenience or threat?
  • The implications of allowing influencers to advertise dietary supplements and weight loss products.
  •  Faults in the education system: need change or modification?
  • Are the intentions of “big pharma” genuinely aligned with the well-being of the public?

Argumentative research topics are an important tool for promoting critical thinking, and persuasive communication skills and preparing high school students for active engagement in society. These topics challenge students to think deeply and develop persuasive arguments by engaging with complex issues and evaluating sources. Through this process, students can become informed, engaged, and empathetic citizens who are equipped to participate actively in a democratic society.

Furthermore, argumentative research topics teach students how to engage in respectful, fact-based discussions and debates, and how to communicate effectively with people who have different beliefs and opinions. By fostering civil discourse, argumentative research topics can help bridge social, cultural, and political divides, and promote a more united and equitable society.

Overall, argumentative research topics are a crucial component of high school education, as they provide students with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in college, career, and life.

good essay topics high school

Having a 10+ years of experience in teaching little budding learners, I am now working as a soft skills and IELTS trainers. Having spent my share of time with high schoolers, I understand their fears about the future. At the same time, my experience has helped me foster plenty of strategies that can make their 4 years of high school blissful. Furthermore, I have worked intensely on helping these young adults bloom into successful adults by training them for their dream colleges. Through my blogs, I intend to help parents, educators and students in making these years joyful and prosperous.

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50 Argumentative Essay Prompts for Secondary ELA

Argumentative essay prompts - 50 argument essay prompts to choose from

When it comes to teaching argument essays , students prefer a choice in their argumentative essay topics. That is why I filled this page with 50 argumentative essay prompts for students to choose from. By including students in the essay topic selection process, they feel more included in the process, but they will also be more engaged because they will feel like they have a say in their assignment.

When assigning a hot topic or controversial issue argumentative essay , I always let students select a topic in which they are passionate. However, I also make it clear that their topic cannot be discriminatory or hateful in any way and that they must fund valid and credible evidence to back up their claims. When I do this in the classroom, I also like to make sure that only one student per class has the same topic.

I usually have essay topic sign-ups in two different ways, and both are first come first serve. One way that works is that I usually open up topic selection either before or after school. The students know about the day in advance, and they come into the classroom to sign up for it. For the students who cannot make it to the classroom before or after school, I have them email me their topics.

The other way that I have students sign up for topics is through a Google Form. In the Google Form, I have them select their top choice and a backup. Usually, every student gets either their first or second-choice topic.

Furthermore, I also make sure that students understand the status quo about their topic before selecting it. I cannot even tell you how many years it took me to realize this and how many “medical marijuana should be legal” essays I read before coming to this conclusion. Since I teach in a state where it is (and was at the time) legal, I would explain to the student that they needed to add in some detail to their argument so that they weren’t arguing the status quo.

If you are planning an argument or controversial issue essay assignment, here is a list of potential topics you can include in your classroom. If you need teaching materials, this argument writing teaching unit will help you walk your students through the process.

50 Argumentative Essay Prompts

Argument essay topics about technology.

  • Is social media harmful?
  • Is technology making people more dependent?
  • Should the Internet be a public utility?
  • Is technology more harmful or beneficial?
  • Should students be allowed to use phones in class?
  • Should schools provide students with laptops?
  • Should there be a legal age limit for social media?
  • Should the US invest more money in the space program?
  • Are teens too reliant on technology?
  • Are emojis beneficial or destructive to communication?

Argument Essay Topics about School

  • Should the dress code be abolished?
  • Is the school dress code sexist?
  • Should students be required to wear school uniforms?
  • Should school start later?
  • Should the school year be year-round?
  • Is homework necessary?
  • Should students participate in standardized tests?
  • Should there be a school voucher system?
  • Should schools require physical education?
  • Should teachers accept late work?

Argument Essay Topics about the Environment

  • Should fracking be banned?
  • Should single-use plastic be eliminated?
  • Are humans responsible for global climate change?
  • Are electric cars as environmentally friendly as they claim to be?
  • Is vegetarian food good or bad for the environment?
  • Who or what is responsible for deforestation?
  • What is the biggest environmental threat?
  • Should the US do more to prevent global climate change?
  • Can nuclear waste be stored safely?
  • Is the US doing enough to reduce CO2 emissions?

Argument Essay Topics about Animals

  • Should factory farming be banned?
  • Should recreational hunting and fishing be banned?
  • Should wild animals be kept in captivity?
  • Is animal testing for pharmaceuticals necessary?
  • Is animal testing for beauty and skin products necessary?
  • Should certain dog breeds be considered illegal?
  • How should endangered animals be protected?
  • Should people keep exotic animals as pets?
  • Who or what is responsible for animal extinction?
  • Should farm animals be treated with antibiotics?

Argument Essay Topics about Social and Political Issues

  • What should the US do about the refugee crisis?
  • Should the death penalty be banned?
  • Should the US prison system include for-profit prisons?
  • Should Confederate statues and memorials come down?
  • Should the US switch to a single-payer health system?
  • Should community college be free?
  • Should the minimum wage remain the same?
  • Should the government regulate big tech companies?
  • Should the US participate in reparations?
  • Should vaccines be mandatory?

50 Argument Essay Writing Prompts

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23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students

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Persuasive Writing Topics for High School Students

Writing a persuasive essay can be difficult for teachers and students if you don’t have a great idea to help get those creative juices flowing.  These prompts cover a range of issues and topics that are pertinent to middle school and high school students and can be easily adapted to work with a topic you have been teaching in your own class.

Students really enjoy the opportunity to try and change the world in which they live, and hopefully, these prompts might be a great starting point.

Remember that if you are looking for more excellent free resources and structured guides to teach all aspects of English, especially writing, be sure to visit literacyideas.com and check out our vast collection of prompts here.

Year Long Inference Based Writing Activities

Visual Writing Prompts

Tap into the power of imagery in your classroom to master INFERENCE as AUTHORS and CRITICAL THINKERS .

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (26 Reviews)

This YEAR-LONG 500+ PAGE unit is packed with robust opportunities for your students to develop the critical skill of inference through fun imagery, powerful thinking tools, and graphic organizers.


  • Some parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior because they believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what you think parents should do and why.
  • Many schools now require teenagers to spend a certain number of hours each term doing volunteer work or community service. Some people believe this is an excellent idea as it promotes good citizenship and cultivates compassion. Others feel that forced volunteerism is not volunteering at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • Some parts of the world allow people to get a driver’s license at age sixteen. Many feel this age is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
  • What is your all-time favorite book or movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film or read this book.
  • Have you ever made a life changing action that has had a positive effect on you or the lives of others? Write an essay that convinces readers to make a change for the better.
  • You have been asked to write a letter that would convince a organizers of a major event to be hosted in your hometown. Write an essay that convinces these delegates that your town would be great host.
  • Top professional athletes often have salaries and bonuses in the tens of millions of dollars. Do you think these athletes deserve this type of income? Why or why not? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples.
  • Humans have always wondered about the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists? Write an essay persuading others to share your point of view .
  • If someone discovered the ‘Elixir of life’ that would enable us to live forever, would it be a blessing or a curse? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • If you have you ever traveled to a place that you found very meaningful and rewarding? Write an essay that persuades others to visit this important place.
  • Nearly all private schools require students to wear uniforms. Should public school students wear uniforms too? Argue for or against school uniforms for public school students. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • You are to select one item from the twenty-first century to place in a time capsule for future generations, what would you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice, explaining both the item’s significance and the reasons why it embodies the culture of the early twenty-first century.
  • What would improve your town or city? Write an essay convincing officials to make a change that would improve your neighborhood.
  • Some studies have shown students often perform better on exams if music is played softly in the background. However, some students may find the music distracting. Should schools play classical music during exams and/or allow students to listen to headphones whilst working? Take a position and explain your answer.
  • Should parents be a child’s disciplinarian, or their best friend?
  • Take a position and explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  • Millions of people visit zoos around the world. But some people believe that zoos are inhumane and that animals should not be kept in captivity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • In most countries people pay taxes based upon how much they earn: the higher their income, the higher the percentage of that income they must pay in taxes. Many people argue that a flat tax, in which everyone pays the same rate regardless of income, would be a more equitable and desirable tax system. Which of these two tax systems do you think is best, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Is it wise to devote time and money to building a space station on the moon or Mars? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  • An ancient Greek proverb states, “All things good to know are difficult to learn.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  • Imagine that you know someone who is unfamiliar with computers and has never been on the Internet. Write an essay convincing this relative to get a computer and get online.
  • Imagine that you have made it to the final round of interviews for your dream job. Convince your prospective employers that you are the one who most deserves the position.
  • Is there something that you believe is truly worth fighting for? Write an essay persuading others that this cause is worth a fight.

If you have any other great ideas for persuasive prompts please post them in the comments section below. 


Persuasive Writing Topics, essay, essay writing, prompts | opinion writing unit 1 | 23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students | literacyideas.com

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A complete 140 PAGE unit of work on persuasive texts for teachers and students. No preparation is required.

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58 Good Research Paper Topics for High School Students

June 27, 2023

We’ve all been there: you’re sitting in English or Social Studies, and suddenly your teacher announces those dreaded words: “I’d like you all to pick a topic for your upcoming research paper.” Your stomach lurches as your mind races to think of good research paper topics. Should you write about octopuses or the New York Yankees? Should you write about the history of Barbie and her uber-pink Dreamhouse , or perhaps the evolution of Taylor Swift ’s music career?

We get it: these are hard choices! That’s why we here at College Transitions have compiled the ultimate list to assist you in selecting an excellent research topic.

But First…the All-Important Question: What Makes a Great Topic?

We’re glad you asked! When selecting a topic for your academic research paper, you want to select a compelling topic that immediately grabs the reader’s attention. Just like when choosing a persuasive speech topic or argumentative essay topic , you want to be sure to select a topic that intrigues you personally. This is pivotal for multiple reasons. If you find your topic intriguing, you’ll likely spend more time delving into the subject and gathering information to strengthen your arguments. Additionally, if a topic sparks your curiosity, odds are that your enthusiasm will pique someone else’s interest, too!

The Key to a Good Research Paper: Research

Regardless of the topic you choose, ensure it’s researchable . This means that the subject has sufficient resources for research. Even the most intriguing topic won’t make for a good paper if there’s not much research material out there. Remember: your typical research paper is longer and more in-depth than a regular academic essay. While this means you have more time to explore the topic at hand, it also means that the research paper will rely on more information and analysis of the existing material out there. Before finalizing your topic, make sure to do a preliminary search to guarantee there’s plenty of information out there to help you construct a comprehensive argument, filled with multiple perspectives and facets.

Following Guidelines

Lastly, and most importantly, follow the guidelines your teacher has laid out. If you focus your paper on pop culture, it certainly won’t meet a historical research paper’s requirement! Before embarking on this thrilling intellectual journey, double-check what type of research paper your teacher wants you to write. To prevent future headaches, clarify any rules or conditions upfront.

Now that we’ve covered these key bullet points of what makes a great research paper topic, let’s delve into some examples of topics:

English Literature Research Topics

1) Discuss the profound cultural impact and enduring relevance of Shakespeare’s plays.

2) What roles does feminism play in canonical literary works such as Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre ?

3) Investigate the use of symbolism and its impacts on the narrative and theme in a chosen novel, such as J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye or Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.

4) Analyze the use of dystopian elements and their social commentary embedded in the works of George Orwell.

Good Research Paper Topics (Continued)

5) Analyze the themes , symbolic representations, and societal critiques of the American Dream as depicted in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby .

6) Provide a comprehensive explication of a renowned Shakespearean sonnet or soliloquy, such as this one from Hamlet .

7) Choose a poem such as Robert Frost’s “ The Road Not Taken ” and critically analyze its layered meanings and imagery, as well as their impact on the reader.

Technology Research Topics 

  • For a more comprehensive list of technology-related research topics, we’ve compiled an entire list for you here !

8) Compare and contrast the various techniques of solar geoengineering. How have these practices progressed over time? In what direction might they continue to evolve?

9) Art has become readily producible and consumable in the era of technology and artificial intelligence. How does this surge in accessibility impact the worth of artwork? Additionally, should we value physical artworks more than those made by programs like OpenAI’s DALL-E?

10) Does the advancement of cellular agriculture potentially threaten the ideas of a “ circular bioeconomy ?” Should we strive to pursue a circular bioeconomy?

11) Some people say that video games are detrimental to mental health or encourage violence. Study and present findings on whether specific categories or genres of video games provide more cognitive enhancement than others.

12) Since the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual appointments and doctor’s visits have increased exponentially. Does the surge in screen time that comes with digital therapeutics negatively affect mental health?

13) Consider mob mentality  across social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram. In what instances and in what contexts is such mentality most prevalent?

Environmental Research Topics

  • For a more comprehensive list of environmental-related research topics, we’ve compiled the 50 best ones here !

14) Undertake a comprehensive study of the impacts of climate change on ocean currents and the changes in migration patterns of marine species.

15) Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of urban greenspaces . Discuss potential implementation strategies to ensure equitable access to these spaces, particularly for socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

16) Look at the ethical implications surrounding human intervention in conservation efforts for endangered species.

17) Analyze the environmental impacts of the hospitality and travel industries in terms of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

18) How do agricultural land use practices impact biodiversity and the health of ecosystems? Look at the relationship between farming, habitat degradation, and species survival.

19) Conduct an in-depth analysis of the potential economic repercussions of climate change. Focus on the impacts of climate changes on global agricultural productivity and food security, as well as their associated dynamics in the global economy.


20) Conduct an in-depth exploration of the relationship between supply and demand dynamics and their influence on the market.

21) Analyze the impact of globalization on local economies. Examine both the direct and indirect effects of globalization and assess strategies for local economies to adapt and thrive within this system.

22) Write a research paper that investigates the role of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the global economy. What potential do these currencies have to disrupt traditional financial systems? What are their implications for monetary policy?

23) Undertake a study of the impact of China’s economic ascendance on the global economy.

24) Explore the intricate effects of population growth and/or decline on economic systems, considering factors such as labor market dynamics, allocation of resources, and the potential for sustainable development.

Political Science Research Topics

25) Discuss the role of lobbyists in U.S. politics. Scrutinize their influence on policy-making, and discuss the broader implications for democratic representation.

26) What influence does the media have on political elections? Investigate how media coverage shapes public opinion and voter behavior.

27) Analyze the impact of immigration policy on the economy. Examine such policies’ immediate and long-term implications on the labor market and economy.

28) Discuss the role of the Supreme Court in shaping U.S. laws. Focus on the function the Supreme Court plays in establishing legal precedents.


29) Write a research paper examining the concept of free will, its origins, evolution, and implications.

30) Consider the implications of determinism. Look at its impact on individual agency and moral responsibility within the broader framework of philosophical tradition.

31) Undertake an in-depth analysis of happiness in philosophy, considering its interpretations and their influence on real-world practices.

32) Investigate how various philosophies have perceived consciousness through time. Trace this depiction of consciousness through various philosophical movements.

33) Discuss Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, examining its underpinnings and implications.

Psychology research Topics

34) What role does social media play in shaping an individual’s self-esteem?

35) Explore childhood trauma’s long-lasting impact on adult interpersonal relationships and attachment styles.

36) Analyze the critical role that distinct parenting styles play in molding a child’s personality.

37) Research and discuss the psychological effects and health implications of prolonged exposure to stress.

Art Research Topics

38) Discuss the role of the Renaissance period on modern art, doing a side-by-side analysis of works from both eras.

39) Conduct a thorough analysis of the impact of street art on urban culture, examining how it reshapes public spaces and societal narratives.

40) Investigate the influence of Pop Art on modern design. You might focus on Pop Art’s particular impact on interior design and digital media.

41) Explore the role feminist art plays in promoting gender equality. How do feminist artworks challenge traditional gender roles and/or contribute to societal discourse?

Computer Science Research Topics

42) Artificial Intelligence is advancing rapidly. Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this technology.

43) Discuss whether the use of facial recognition technology violates individuals’ privacy, as well as the broader implications such technology has on societal well-being.

44) Analyze the use of surveillance technology by the government. Is it ethical for the government to use such technology to monitor its citizens?

45) Investigate the rapid development and long-term effects of various social media platforms.


46) Investigate the history of book bans in schools. Discuss the larger cultural and educational impacts such bans have on students and society.

47) Analyze various forms of schooling, from homeschooling to public and private schools. Consider the implications of each on a child’s education and social skills.

48) Write a research paper examining the use of affirmative action or other race-conscious policies on college campuses. Discuss the impact such policies have, as well as potential benefits and drawbacks.

49) Consider the impact of standardized testing on student performance.

Government and Law Research Topics

50) Consider the role that intellectual property and copyright laws play in innovation.

51) Investigate the impact of anti-trust laws on big corporations. What are the economic effects of these laws?

52) Study the role that law enforcement plays in community safety.

53) Consider the legalization of marijuana on crime rates. Discuss the impact this legalization has had on various communities, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

History Research Topics

54) Analyze the influence of the Civil Rights movement on modern America. How did this movement shape racial, social, and political dynamics in America?

55) Investigate how the French Revolution reshaped political structures and ideologies across Europe.

56) Analyze the significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it marked a shift in the global balance of power.

57) Delve into the effects of the Cold War, as well as its impacts on global politics.

58) Examine the role that women played during World War II and what impact these roles had on challenging gender norms.

I’ve Got My Topic: What Now?

Once you’ve selected your topic, begin brainstorming ways to shape and craft your argument. Here’s one structure your research paper might take:

  • Introduction: The introduction presents your research topic to readers and provides a roadmap for the paper ahead.
  • Thesis Statement: Craft a compelling thesis statement summarizing your paper’s central arguments.
  • Body : The body of the paper is where your carefully conducted research comes into play. Each paragraph should follow the previous one, building a logical progression of thoughts.
  • Conclusion: In your conclusion, you reiterate the points you made in your paper and provide a closing paragraph to neatly tie up any last thoughts.
  • Reference Page: This is where you credit your sources.

Once you’ve followed this structure, you’re on your way to crafting an excellent research paper. Of course, don’t let pesky typos undermine your hours of hard work and writing. Make sure to always proofread your work before turning it in. And if you’re passionate about research and writing, don’t stop there. Check out these summer programs for writing and journalism so that you can continue to fuel your passion.

  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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How to Choose a Good Topic for a High School Essay

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good essay topics high school

50 Best Informative Essay Topics

Informative essays have a unique place in academic writing. They do not persuade the audience to hold one view as argumentative essays do or narrate stories as narrative essays do.

Fredrick Eghosa

Fredrick Eghosa

Aug 27, 2024

50 Best Informative Essay Topics

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

What is an informative essay, what makes a good informative essay, tips for choosing an informative essay topic, how to do research, general list of informative essay topics, list of 50 informative essay topics according to different student categories, informative essay topics for medical students, informative essay topics for law students, informative essay topics for engineering students, informative essay topics for political science students, informative essay topics for computer science students, informative essay topics for veterinary medicine students, informative essay topics for music students, informative essay topics for mass communication students, informative essay topics for botany students, informative essay topics for mathematics students.

Fredrick Eghosa

  • Informative essays educate readers without persuading or narrating. They provide clear, organized, and objective information on a given topic, making complex concepts understandable.
  • What makes a good informative essay?
  • Clarity : The information should be presented clearly and straightforwardly. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that might confuse your reader.
  • Objectivity : Unlike persuasive essays, informative essays should be neutral. Your job is to present the facts, not to sway the reader’s opinion.
  • Engagement : Use accounts, samples, and fascinating observations to make the essay interesting.
  • Thoroughness : To be an informative essay, it must cover the essence of that particular topic.
  • Structure : Informative essays should have a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion just like any other type of essay.
  • Pinpoint Your Passion: Reflect on aspects that you find captivating. If you are passionate about the subject, your writing will be exciting for the reader hence, making it more appealing.
  • Consider their interests and knowledge of the subject matter . Who’s going to read your essay? The answer to this question will help you choose an informative and exciting theme suitable for the audience.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health : Explore how platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter affect the mental well-being of users. Discuss the psychological effects, both positive and negative, and examine how social media can contribute to issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
  • The Evolution of the Internet : Trace the development of the Internet from its early days to the present. Highlight key milestones such as the invention of the World Wide Web, the rise of social media, and the shift to mobile internet usage.
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement : An in-depth look at the key events and figures in the fight for civil rights in the United States. Explore the impact of leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, and discuss how the movement influenced subsequent social justice efforts.
  • The Process of Photosynthesis : A scientific exploration of how plants convert sunlight into energy. Explain the chemical reactions involved, and discuss how factors like light intensity, water availability, and carbon dioxide levels influence the process.
  • The Role of Women in World War II : Discuss the various roles women played during WWII, from working in factories to serving in the military. Explore how these contributions challenged traditional gender roles and paved the way for future advancements in women's rights.
  • The Effects of Global Warming : Examine the causes, effects, and potential solutions to global warming. Discuss the role of greenhouse gases, deforestation, and fossil fuel consumption in driving climate change, and explore strategies for mitigating its impact.
  • The Benefits of Meditation : Explore the physical and mental health benefits of regular meditation practice. Discuss how meditation can reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance emotional well-being, as well as provide tips for incorporating meditation into daily life.
  • The History of Space Exploration : A look at the major milestones in humanity’s quest to explore the cosmos. Discuss the achievements of space agencies like NASA and ESA, and explore the challenges and prospects of space travel.
  • How Vaccines Work : Explain the science behind vaccines and their role in preventing diseases. Discuss the principles of immunity, the development of vaccines, and their impact on public health.
  • The History of Artificial Intelligence : Trace the development of AI from its inception to modern-day applications. Explore the ethical implications of AI, its role in industries like healthcare and finance, and the future possibilities of AI technology.
  • The Impact of Fast Food on Health : Discuss the health risks associated with consuming fast food regularly. Explore the links between fast food and obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, and consider the social and economic factors that contribute to the popularity of fast food.
  • The Science Behind Climate Change : An exploration of the scientific principles that explain climate change. Discuss the evidence for climate change, the role of human activity, and the potential consequences for ecosystems and human societies.
  • The History of the Olympic Games : A look at the origins and evolution of the world’s most famous sporting event. Discuss the ancient Greek roots of the Olympics, the revival of the modern Games, and the role of the Olympics in promoting international peace and unity.
  • The Role of Genetics in Human Behavior : Discuss how genes influence behavior and personality traits. Explore the nature vs. nurture debate, and examine the role of genetics in mental health, intelligence, and social behavior.
  • The Impact of Technology on Education : Explore how technology has changed the way we learn and teach. Discuss the rise of online learning, the use of digital tools in the classroom, and the challenges and opportunities of integrating technology into education.
  • The Benefits of Renewable Energy : Discuss the advantages of using renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Explore how these energy sources can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and promote energy independence.
  • The History of Feminism : An exploration of the feminist movement and its impact on society. Discuss the different waves of feminism, the key figures and events that shaped the movement, and the ongoing struggles for gender equality.
  • The Science of Sleep : Examine the physiological and psychological processes that occur during sleep. Discuss the stages of sleep, the importance of sleep for health, and the impact of sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.
  • The Evolution of Language : A look at how languages develop and change over time. Discuss the origins of human language, the factors that influence language evolution, and the impact of globalization on language diversity.
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace : Discuss the role of the UN in promoting peace and security around the world. Explore the history of the UN, its key achievements and challenges, and its ongoing efforts to address global conflicts.
  • The Science of Memory : Explore the processes involved in forming, storing, and retrieving memories. Discuss the different types of memory, the role of the brain in memory, and the factors that can affect memory, such as age, stress, and sleep.
  • The Impact of Video Games on Youth : Discuss the effects of video games on the physical and mental health of young people. Explore the potential benefits of video games, such as improved cognitive skills and social interaction, as well as the risks, such as addiction and violent behavior.
  • The History of the Internet : A look at the development of the Internet and its impact on society. Discuss the key milestones in the history of the Internet, such as the creation of the World Wide Web, the rise of social media, and the shift to mobile Internet usage.
  • The Science Behind Addiction : Discuss the biological and psychological factors that contribute to addiction. Explore the role of neurotransmitters, genetics, and environmental factors in addiction, and consider the challenges of treatment and recovery.
  • The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health : Explore the positive effects of physical activity on mental health. Discuss how exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and provide tips for incorporating exercise into a daily routine.
  • The Role of Art in Society : Discuss the importance of art in culture and society. Explore how art reflects and shapes social values, and consider the role of art in promoting social change and personal expression.
  • The History of Medicine : A look at the development of medical knowledge and practices over time. Discuss the key milestones in the history of medicine, such as the discovery of antibiotics, the development of vaccines, and the rise of modern medical technologies.
  • The Science of Nutrition : Explore the principles of nutrition and how they affect health. Discuss the role of macronutrients and micronutrients in the body, the importance of a balanced diet, and the impact of nutrition on disease prevention and overall well-being.
  • The Impact of Pollution on the Environment : Discuss the various forms of pollution, such as air, water, and soil pollution, and their effects on ecosystems and human health. Explore the causes of pollution, the consequences for biodiversity, and the efforts to reduce pollution and protect the environment.
  • The History of Democracy : A look at the origins and development of democratic systems of government. Discuss the key principles of democracy, the evolution of democratic institutions, and the challenges faced by modern democracies around the world.
  • The Science of Genetics : Explore the principles of genetics and their applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Discuss the role of DNA in inheritance, the impact of genetic mutations, and the ethical implications of genetic research.
  • The Role of Technology in Healthcare : Discuss how technological advancements are transforming the healthcare industry. Explore the impact of telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical devices on patient care, and consider the challenges and opportunities of integrating technology into healthcare.
  • The History of the Renaissance : A look at the cultural and intellectual revival that took place in Europe during the Renaissance. Discuss the key figures and achievements of the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, and the development of humanism, and explore the impact of the Renaissance on art, science, and society.
  • The Science Behind Vaccines : Discuss the principles of immunology and how vaccines work to prevent diseases. Explore the history of vaccine development, the role of vaccines in public health, and the challenges of vaccine distribution and acceptance.
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture : Discuss how globalization is shaping cultural identities around the world. Explore the exchange of cultural practices, the rise of global media, and the challenges of preserving cultural diversity in a globalized world.
  • The History of the Industrial Revolution : A look at the social, economic, and technological changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution. Discuss the key inventions and innovations of the period, such as the steam engine and the spinning Jenny, and explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society, labor, and the environment.
  • The Science of Evolution : Explore the principles of evolutionary biology and how species evolve. Discuss the evidence for evolution, the role of natural selection, and the impact of evolutionary theory on our understanding of life on Earth.
  • The Role of Music in Human Culture : Discuss the importance of music in human societies throughout history. Explore how music is used in rituals, celebrations, and social movements, and consider the impact of music on emotion, cognition, and identity.
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement : A look at the struggle for civil rights in the United States. Discuss the key events and figures of the movement, such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, and explore the impact of the civil rights movement on American society and politics.
  • The Science Behind Artificial Intelligence : Discuss the principles of artificial intelligence and how AI technologies are being used in various industries. Explore the potential benefits and risks of AI, and consider the ethical implications of AI development.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Communication : Explore how social media platforms have changed the way people communicate. Discuss the benefits and challenges of social media, such as the rise of online communities, the spread of misinformation, and the impact on face-to-face communication.
  • The History of Space Exploration : A look at humanity’s quest to explore the cosmos. Discuss the key milestones in space exploration, such as the Apollo moon landing and the Mars rover missions, and explore the challenges and prospects of space exploration.
  • The Science of Climate Change : Discuss the scientific principles that explain climate change and its effects on the environment. Explore the evidence for climate change, the role of human activity in driving climate change, and the potential consequences for ecosystems and human societies.
  • The Role of Education in Society : Discuss the importance of education in shaping individuals and societies. Explore the impact of education on social mobility, economic development, and cultural preservation, and consider the challenges of providing quality education for all.
  • The History of Artificial Intelligence : Trace the development of AI from its early beginnings to its modern applications. Explore the ethical implications of AI, its role in industries like healthcare and finance, and the future possibilities of AI technology.
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Delivery
  • Understanding the Human Microbiome: Recent Discoveries and Implications
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Global Health
  • Advances in Gene Editing: CRISPR Technology and Its Applications
  • The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • The Evolution of International Human Rights Law: Key Milestones and Cases
  • Understanding Intellectual Property Law: Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks
  • The Impact of Technology on Privacy and Data Protection
  • Comparative Analysis of Common Law and Civil Law Systems
  • The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Modern Legal Practice
  • The Future of Renewable Energy: Innovations and Challenges
  • Advances in Materials Science: Nanotechnology and Its Applications
  • The Impact of 3D Printing on Manufacturing and Industry
  • Understanding Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures
  • The Role of Biomechanical Engineering in Medical Device Development
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences, and Global Implications
  • Understanding International Relations Theory: Realism vs. Liberalism
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns and Democracy
  • Comparative Analysis of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Governance
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice
  • Understanding Blockchain Technology: Applications and Limitations
  • The Impact of Cloud Computing on Data Storage and Security
  • Advances in Natural Language Processing: Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
  • The Role of Human-Computer Interaction in Software Development
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Animal Health and Welfare
  • Understanding Animal Behavior: Recent Research and Applications
  • Advances in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: MRI and CT Scans
  • The Role of Nutrition in Animal Health and Disease Prevention
  • The Impact of Antibiotic Resistance on Veterinary Medicine
  • The Evolution of Music Therapy: Applications and Benefits
  • Understanding Music Cognition: How We Process Music
  • The Impact of Technology on Music Composition and Production
  • The Role of Music in Cultural Identity and Social Movements
  • Advances in Music Education: New Methods and Technologies
  • The Impact of Social Media on News Consumption and Journalism
  • Understanding Media Literacy: Critical Thinking in the Digital Age
  • The Role of Public Relations in Crisis Communication
  • Advances in Digital Broadcasting: Streaming and Podcasting
  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior and Culture
  • The Importance of Plant Conservation: Threats and Strategies
  • Understanding Plant Physiology: Recent Discoveries and Applications
  • Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Genetic Engineering and GMOs
  • The Role of Botany in Traditional Medicine and Ethnobotany
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Plant Ecology and Evolution
  • The Beauty of Fractals: Mathematical Concepts and Applications
  • Understanding Number Theory: Prime Numbers and Cryptography
  • Advances in Mathematical Modeling: Simulating Real-World Phenomena
  • The Role of Statistics in Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • The Impact of Mathematical Optimization on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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High School Debate Topics

Illustration: Hugo Lin. ThoughtCo. 

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Debates tend to instantly engage students, but they can also sharpen their research and public speaking skills. No matter your reasons for using them, having debates in your classroom is a sure way to get your students thinking and talking.

You may require your students to research debate topics before discussing them or even prepare speeches to state their point of view. Learning how to productively debate will improve your students' communication skills as they practice speaking and listening. These skills will serve them in college and the diverse career world beyond. 

Debate Topics

The following 50 debate topics  can be used in high school or advanced middle school classrooms. They are organized by genre and some can be modified for use in different subjects. Each item is listed in the form of a question to propose to your students that has at least two points of view.

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Community Essay Examples

When crafting your college applications, writing strong essays is essential. Through your essays, you demonstrate who you are–from your values and passions to your lived experiences. Indeed the personal statement is the most common college essay. However, you will also likely have to write some supplemental essays as part of your college application requirements. One of the most common supplemental essay types is the community essay. This essay type is also known as a describe the community you live in essay, cultural diversity essay, or community service essay.

In this article, we will introduce several community essay examples. Most importantly, we’ll describe why they are considered college essays that worked. Specifically, we will share community essay examples from the two schools:

  • Princeton University
  • Columbia University

By studying these admissions essay samples, you can see what makes these college community essay examples strong and apply those same principles to your writing.

Reviewing Types of College Essays

Each school has different supplemental essay prompts for their college application requirements. However, there are a few types of essays that are most common. By becoming familiar with these essay types, you can begin to brainstorm and strategize what you will write about early on. You might start as early as sophomore or junior year in high school. 

Now, let’s take a look at the most common supplementary essay questions.

Common Supplementary Essay Questions

1. why school.

A Why School essay is, as it sounds, about why you wish to attend a specific institution. The key to answering this prompt well is to be specific. You should identify examples of what you like about a school. Avoid general comments such as “it is a top school” or “it is diverse.” Share specific programs, professors, teaching approaches, cultural elements, or unique opportunities such as research or study abroad.

2. Why Major

The Why Major essay asks you to share specific reasons behind your choice of major and how it relates to your future goals. A strong response to a Why Major essay will highlight your specific motivations. But it will also connect those motivations to a school’s unique opportunities. For example, perhaps you wish to be a pre-law history major, and the school you are applying to offers law-related internships. By highlighting these specific connections, you draw a compelling connection between yourself and the school.

3. Extracurricular Activity

Many schools ask you to describe an extracurricular activity that is particularly meaningful for you. When responding to this question, do not feel limited to only talk about the most popular extracurricular activities for college applications, like clubs or sports. Consider all of the activities you do outside of school. Then choose the one that is most meaningful to you. Also, give specific examples of how you grew or made an impact within your extracurricular activities for college.

4. Community Essay

The Community Essay can have slightly different angles to it. But, the uniting factor is that the school wants to know how you engage with others around you. Some types of community essays are a describe the community you live in essay or a cultural diversity essay. In recent years, the cultural diversity essay has been a more common college application requirement.

Coming up, we will share a bit more about how to break down community essay prompts. We’ll also take a look at college essays that worked. By reading these examples, you’ll know how to approach these common prompts.

How to identify a community essay?

While community essays can have slightly different focuses, they all share the goal of learning about where you come from. A supplemental essay prompt might ask you to share more about your background via a group you are part of. This is likely a community essay. Indeed, a community essay can also be called a describe the community you live in essay, or a cultural diversity essay. Other college community essay examples focus on how you will contribute to a college campus. Finally, in a describe a community you belong to essay example, you will see that students highlight any community that is meaningful to them.

You may be wondering why so many colleges have community essays as a college application requirement. For one, many colleges use a holistic admissions process. This means they care about all aspects of who you are, not simply your grades and test scores. How you engage with your communities shows them your character and values. For example, a describe the community you live in essay example about visiting church every Sunday demonstrates your commitment to religion. Similarly, a cultural diversity essay helps colleges learn more about your cultural background. 

Additionally, colleges want to learn more about how you will engage with their on-campus community. You’ll notice this important factor in the college community essay examples we will share. To some degree, how you have engaged with previous communities can be an indicator of how you will show up on their campus.

How is a community essay different?

As we mentioned, community essays can have slightly different focuses. Some prompts ask you to write a describe the community you live in essay. These types of community essays are more like cultural diversity essays. 

Keep in mind that the word “community” can have many different meanings. A community can be your school, church, or neighborhood. It could also stem from your interests. For example, your dance or robotics team can form your community.

Some community essay prompts want to know specifically how you help strengthen your communities. These types of essays are considered a community service essay. Another term for community service is “civic engagement.” An example of civic engagement might be getting people in your cultural community to sign up to vote. Or, another could be helping with church fundraisers to ensure that your local community has the resources it needs to thrive. 

In sum, the keywords you might see in a community essay prompt are “civic engagement,” “community service,” “serve your community,” “contribute to your community,” or “diversity.” No matter how it’s phrased, your essay should demonstrate the impact you’ve had on your community–whichever one you choose to highlight. 

What are some examples of community essays?

In this article, we will share several community essay examples. Specifically, we will highlight Princeton essay examples and Columbia essays examples. Let’s look at these two colleges’ essay prompts. 

The first Princeton supplemental essay prompt is a part of our college community essay examples and our cultural diversity essay examples. Here is the prompt:

Princeton Community Essay Prompt #1: Cultural Diversity Essay and College Community Essay Examples

Princeton values community and encourages students, faculty, staff and leadership to engage in respectful conversations that can expand their perspectives and challenge their ideas and beliefs. as a prospective member of this community, reflect on how your lived experiences will impact the conversations you will have in the classroom, the dining hall or other campus spaces. what lessons have you learned in life thus far what will your classmates learn from you in short, how has your lived experience shaped you  (please respond in 500 words or fewer.).

In this cultural diversity essay prompt, Princeton wants to know about your lived experiences. By this, they refer to any experiences that have shaped you profoundly. A lived experience can be a specific event, such as experiencing a car crash or winning an award. Or, it could be a set of experiences that resulted from life circumstances, such as being a first-generation college student or having taken a gap year .

This essay prompt will also lead to college community essay examples. Indeed Princeton wants to read about your lived experiences and how they impacted you. But, they also want to know how you will bring those lessons to the Princeton community, should you enroll . Also, note that this prompt mentions challenging ideas and beliefs via conversation. As you respond, look for ways to highlight how you have engaged in fruitful dialogue and how you would do so at Princeton.

To answer this prompt effectively, share specific examples. Additionally, be sure to answer all parts of the prompt. 

Princeton has a second supplemental essay prompt that focuses on how you engage with your community outside of the classroom. The prompt is as follows: 

Princeton Community Essay Prompt #2: Civic Engagement

Princeton has a longstanding commitment to understanding our responsibility to society through service and civic engagement. how does your own story intersect with these ideals (250 words or fewer) .

To answer this prompt well, you must highlight specific examples of how you have positively impacted your community. As a starting point, consider which of your communities you have most engaged with. How have you done so and what results did you have?

The Columbia Community Essay Prompt is another of our college community essay examples. It is a cultural diversity essay, as well. Here is the prompt: 

Columbia Community Essay Prompt: A Cultural Diversity Essay

A hallmark of the columbia experience is being able to learn and thrive in an equitable and inclusive community with a wide range of perspectives. tell us about an aspect of your own perspective, viewpoint or lived experience that is important to you, and describe how it has shaped the way you would learn from and contribute to columbia’s diverse and collaborative community. (150 words or fewer).

While this prompt is similar to Princeton’s, it also references perspectives and viewpoints. In doing so, the prompt opens you up to share opinions or values that are important to you. You might consider highlighting values in your family or community that you either hold close or disagree with. 

Note that Columbia also highlights the word “collaborative” in this prompt. This indicates that your cultural diversity essay should also show how you collaborate with others.

Which schools require a community essay?

In addition to Princeton and Columbia, many other schools have community essays as part of their college application requirements. Here are some other examples of community essay prompts:

In this UNC-Chapel Hill prompt , you must describe a specific example of how you made an impact on a community. The prompt reads:

The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill: A Community Service Essay Prompt

Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. this could be your current community or another community you have engaged. (250-word limit).

In responding, be sure to highlight what community you are referencing, the specific impact you made, and what personal quality helped you do so.

This prompt from UMichigan is a describe a community you belong to essay example, as well as a cultural diversity essay:

The University of Michigan: Describe a Community You Belong to Essay Example

Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (required for all applicants. 1,500 character limit.).

In addition to describing the community, make sure to share how you engage with it and what it has taught you. Remember that community is a broad term. So, for this prompt you can respond with any type of community in mind, whether physical or cultural. In contrast to the describe the community you live in essay, you do not have to be geographically close to the community you describe here.

Duke University: Cultural Diversity Essay Prompts

Duke offers students five supplemental prompts to choose from, of which they can reply to two. Of these supplemental prompts, four are examples of cultural diversity essays:

1. We believe a wide range of viewpoints, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to maintaining Duke as a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.

2. we believe there is benefit in sharing or questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with what are you agreeing or disagreeing about, 3. duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community., 4. we recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity..

Each of these prompts is a slightly different type of cultural diversity essay, from sharing a range of opinions to not fitting in within a community. Choose the essay prompts that most resonate with you. And share specific examples that bring your cultural diversity essay to life.

In this Yale University supplemental prompt , you must choose a community that you feel connected to and describe why it is meaningful. Here’s the prompt:

Yale University: Describe a Community You Belong to Essay Example

Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. why is this community meaningful to you you may define community however you like. (400-word limit).

When responding, be sure to highlight what you have learned or how you have grown from this community. In contrast to a describe the community you live in essay, this essay can be about any community, near or far, that resonates with you. Indeed, the prompt gives you plenty of leeway in what you consider community. 

When responding to the UC system prompts , you must choose four of the eight available personal insight questions. One of the PIQs is a community service essay prompt:

The University of California Personal Insight Question: A Community Service Prompt

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place, things to consider: think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place like your high school, hometown or home. you can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community, why were you inspired to act what did you learn from your effort how did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community.

Similar to many of the other prompts, when answering this question, be sure to identify the specific impact you made on your community.

Now that we have looked at various examples of community essay prompts, we can explore community essay examples. Reading essay examples is a great way to get inspired to write your own college essays. 

In each of the highlighted college essays that worked, note what the author did expertly. Rather than trying to copy their responses, topics, or ideas, consider how you can apply those same skills to your writing. 

Princeton Community Essay Examples

In this section, we will highlight Princeton essay examples that respond to their two community essay prompts: a cultural diversity essay and a community service essay. 

The first of our Princeton essay examples responds to the following Princeton prompt: 

Princeton Essay Examples #1: Cultural Diversity Essay

Now, let’s take a look at a student’s response to this prompt focusing on lived experiences. 

Princeton Essay Examples #1 Student Response

I have spent most of my life living in a 41% minority town of 1.8 square miles called Highland Park, NJ. This typically overlooked town has introduced me to a diverse array of people, and it has been the main influence on my life experiences and core values.

In the face of distinct cultures and customs, we forge a single identity as Highland Parkers and come together to organize large community events. The most prevalent example is our highly touted annual Memorial Day parade, where we join together with neighboring New Brunswick to invite military service members, family members of our fallen war heroes, our legislative and congressional representatives, and our townspeople. Moreover, as our high school band’s vice president, I help organize and lead our ensemble into these performances with a positive and uplifting spirit. We communicate with the town government and arrange the performances every year to perform at the parade. The parade is an example of many of our large community events that serve as a unifying force for our diverse community, reminding us that we are fundamentally connected as one cohesive group, despite our differences. 

As someone deeply interested in historical and political matters, I am well aware of the consequences that arise from dictatorial protocols that limit the freedom of speech and diversity of voices. From my experiences debating in Model UN conferences, I have grown accustomed to being able to present viewpoints from both sides of the argument, and I have learned to incorporate and respect the viewpoints of all sides of an issue before making up my own mind. For example, in a Model Congress debate, I found myself advocating for the interests of a state heavily reliant on traditional fossil fuels. While researching and articulating that perspective, I gained insights into the economic challenges faced by the states that are reliant on these resources. This experience not only broadened my understanding of the complexities surrounding environmental policies but also highlighted the necessity of considering diverse viewpoints for comprehensive decision-making. 

My background and experiences have fostered in me a profound appreciation for the value of diversity, inclusivity, and the pursuit of knowledge. At Princeton University, I will seek to contribute as an active participant in the community, actively provide unique perspectives and insights, and respect and learn from others’ perspectives even if there are disagreements. I wish to partake in student government, which has like-minded peers who want to make a substantive impact, and also participate in service programs like the Civic Leadership Council. Also, I hope to increase my impact from the leadership positions I currently hold on the Red Cross club and teen mayoral advisory council using the platforms in Princeton. I look forward to making a positive impact on both the campus and the broader community. 

Why This Cultural Diversity Essay Worked

In the first of our Princeton essay examples, the student successfully responds to all parts of the Princeton prompt. They begin by describing their community and sharing some details about its makeup. Indeed, the first sentence hooks the reader–it is unique and compelling. 

Then, the student illustrates how they specifically contribute to their community each year by leading the high school band in the Memorial Day parade. They also highlight how their experience in Model UN shaped their appreciation for diverse perspectives. In sharing these two examples, the student demonstrates their leadership and open-minded thinking. Finally, the student ends by highlighting how they would use these values to contribute to Princeton’s community– by partaking in student government and Civic Leadership Council, among other activities.

In the second of our Princeton essay examples, the student responds to the second Princeton prompt which is: 

Princeton Essay Examples #2: A Community Service Essay

Princeton has a longstanding commitment to understanding our responsibility to society through service and civic engagement. how does your own story intersect with these ideals (250 words or fewer).

And, here is a student’s response:

Princeton Essay Examples #2 Student Response

My first experience with the Red Cross was when my older sister was desperately trying to recruit people to join the club during the harsh COVID year. Things were so bad for the club that I, as a freshman, ran for the position of treasurer unopposed. My first blood drive experience was marked by masks, social distancing, and low turnout among blood donors. Even many donors who showed up ended up being turned away due to health-related issues. Needless to say, it was not the greatest first high school service experience, and I admittedly started to doubt if the time I spent on this front was worth it. 

However, as we returned in person, things quickly turned around. As the vice president of the club, I helped recruit more than twice the club membership compared to the previous year, and our blood drives started to regain momentum; our blood targets have been exceeded every time since. Organizing and participating in blood drives has become a passion. It’s fulfilling, especially when I personally donate, to know that I’m actively serving the community and saving lives. I have realized that, despite my relatively young age, I am capable of making an impact through public service. I plan to continue my commitment to the Red Cross’s adult program and participate in service programs like Community Action at Princeton to serve the Princeton community and abroad.

Why This Essay Worked

In this admissions essay sample, we learn about a student’s volunteerism with the Red Cross as an example of civic engagement. This essay works for several reasons. First, it provides a specific example of the student’s civic engagement and demonstrates their impact by becoming vice president and increasing membership. Secondly, the essay provides an honest take on the struggles of this service experience, which lends credibility and authenticity to the story. 

The student also demonstrates an important lesson learned. This aligns with Princeton’s values– that students can have a positive impact on society. 

Columbia University Essay Examples

In this section, we will highlight Columbia essays examples that landed students admission to the prestigious Ivy League university. The first of our Columbia essays examples is written by the same student who responded to the first Princeton prompt above. Here’s a reminder of the Columbia prompt: 

As you read the example below, notice how the student edited their Princeton cultural diversity essay to meet the prompt and lower word count for Columbia:

I have spent most of my life living in a 41% minority town called Highland Park, NJ. This typically overlooked town has introduced me to a diverse array of people, and it has been the main influence on my life experiences and core values. 

HP has convinced me that we can build institutions that are strong and united while embracing a wide variety of voices and perspectives. It has shaped my core values of diversity and inclusion. An English teacher used to encourage me to talk in front of the class by saying even if I believed my thoughts were “dumb,” I could only enrich the conversation.

At Columbia University, I will seek to continue my contributions as an active participant in the community and look to actively provide unique perspectives and insights. Actively engaging in student groups such as ColumbiaVotes will be a big part of my experience. 

The Columbia essay prompt only allows for a 150-word response. This could pose a challenge for many students. What makes this essay among the Columbia essays examples that worked is how succinctly it completely answers the prompt. 

The response begins by hooking the reader with a relevant detail of the student’s community. Then, the student shares how this community shaped them by influencing their values of diversity and inclusion. Finally, the student shares how they would engage with a Columbia organization that also supports diverse viewpoints. Though short and sweet, this response clearly answers all parts of the Columbia prompt. 

More Community Essay Examples

The final of our community essay examples is a community service essay. Let’s look at how student framed their service experience:

“I don’t believe that’s the best way to do this.” 

The moment I thought this the first time I volunteered at my local soup kitchen was one that resulted in a drastic change. When I was informed of the way the food was being served to the public, the initial excitement that I had felt diminished. We were told that the plates would be served before anyone arrived and would remain in an area where people could pick it up and seat themselves. I felt that this method was impersonal and inconsiderate, and disappointment washed over me. 

I turned to the people that were around me and discovered that they shared the same disapproval I felt. When we agreed that a change must be made, we exchanged ideas on how to present this to the woman in charge of the program. I suggested that we should serve each person one-by-one, and only give them the food if they wanted to/could eat it. They suggested multiple ideas, including that we should offer to seat them, hold their plates for them, continue to check in on them, and dispose of their plates once they finish their meal. We believed that this way would genuinely make them feel better and would allow us to get to know some of them personally. A simple smile and conversation could be enough to improve their day. 

From this day on, the way in which the local soup kitchen serves our community has changed dramatically. This experience taught me the importance of speaking up for what you believe in. In a group setting, it is likely that there will be others who share the same end goal and are willing to contribute different ideas to achieve the goal. These different perspectives can allow you to see situations in ways that you previously hadn’t, and can result in better outcomes. It also showed me the importance of leadership.

If I had never spoken up about the way the food was being served, a change might have never happened. When you work in the group, the end goal may not be for the benefit of anyone in the group, but for others who are in need. This experience also showed me the beauty in doing good for others and making others happy, even through small things such as serving them food to their liking.

In this community service essay, the student shares their experience volunteering at a soup kitchen. Volunteering at a soup kitchen is not necessarily unique in the list of extracurricular activities for college applications. However, the student highlights several aspects of the experience that make it meaningful to them. 

To start, the student shares their experience challenging the way that food was served. The student suggested that food be served directly to attendees in order to better connect with community members. Through this experience, the student learns about leadership and working with others to achieve a common goal. This specific example demonstrates the student’s collaborative values and compassionate way of thinking, both of which are great attributes to highlight in college applications.

How To Write A Community Essay

As we saw in the community essay examples, there are several hallmarks of college essays that worked. To write a good community essay, whether it be a community service essay, a cultural diversity essay, or a describe the community you live in essay, you must start by understanding the prompt. Once you have carefully read through the prompt, brainstorm examples from your own life that relate to it. Sharing specific details and examples will make your response stronger and more unique. 

Additionally, showcase how you grew throughout your response. In each of the community essay examples we shared, the student discussed a skill or perspective they developed through their experiences. Finally, connect your response to the school you are applying to. If you are writing a cultural diversity essay, for example, demonstrate how you would contribute to the cultural diversity at that school, both inside the classroom and in your extracurricular activities for college.  

Topics To Avoid In Your Community Essay

When writing community essays, there is technically no topic that you cannot discuss. However, how you discuss certain topics is important. 

For example, in a community service essay, it is important to not come off as a savior of a community with less privilege than yourself. Similarly, if you are writing a describe the community you live in essay or a cultural diversity essay, you will want to avoid stereotyping any community. Speaking from your own personal experience as a member of a community is fine. However, generalizing your experience to the community at large can come across as insensitive to that community’s diversity. To avoid these pitfalls, have a variety of people read your community essay examples and look for these dynamics.

Additional Tips for Community Essays

We’ve highlighted the strengths in the community essay examples above. Now we will now share some more tips for making your community essays a strong part of your college applications:

Tips for Writing Community Essays

1. research the college.

When reviewing our college community essay examples, you will notice that students highlight specific clubs, programs, or groups on campus to which they will contribute. If you are specific, you demonstrate real interest in the school which adds strength to your college applications.

2. Tell a story

In each of the college essays that worked, students gave details that told a full story . This story incorporated where they come from and what they learned through their experiences. Rather than telling us who they were, the students used this particular story to show us.

As the college admissions landscape gets ever more competitive, students are sometimes tempted to read other students’ essays and copy ideas. Or, more recently, they may even want to use artificial intelligence to write their essays. However, AI and other students’ experiences won’t show admissions who you really are. Don’t worry about whether you have the best extracurricular activities for college or the most unique cultural diversity essay. Instead, talk about the experiences that truly matter to you. By being honest, you are more likely to come across as convincing and interesting. In each of our college community essay examples, students presented a true and well-thought-out response to the prompts.

Other CollegeAdvisor Essay Resources to Explore 

As you work on your college applications, you might be in search of additional resources. CollegeAdvisor has a wealth of webinars and articles that can help you navigate writing your essays. Here are a few:

More CollegeAdvisor Resources for Essays

1. short essay examples.

Some of the cultural diversity essays you may write will be short, meaning that they are 150 words or less. This article with short essay examples can help you understand how to write short and sweet cultural diversity essays.

2. Cultural Diversity Essay Examples

In this article , you will find additional examples of cultural diversity essays. Many community essays are also cultural diversity essays. As such, becoming familiar with how students write about their cultures is useful.

3. The Ultimate Guide to Supplemental Essays

In this webinar , CollegeAdvisor experts provide a rundown of how to write strong supplemental essays for your college applications. In particular, this webinar will help you decode essay prompts and make sure you answer each prompt fully.

4. Editing Your Supplemental Essays

Once you have read up on college community essay examples and written your cultural diversity essays, you might need help editing them. This webinar will provide tips for how to edit your supplemental essays effectively.

Community Essay Examples – Final Thoughts

Completing your college applications can be a daunting task, especially when you must write multiple essays. For some students, writing cultural diversity essays is challenging. These prompts ask you to dig deep and reflect upon your life influences.

In this guide to community essays, we provided an overview of what a community essay is and how to respond to the different types of community essay prompts. We shared cultural diversity essay examples and describe the community you live in essay examples. We also described what makes these essays strong and how they meet college application requirements. 

In short, the key to writing stand-out essays is to be authentic and thorough in your responses. If you need additional help writing your cultural diversity essay, seek out the support of a trusted resource like CollegeAdvisor. We are here to help you craft the best college applications that could gain you admissions to the school of your dreams!

This article was written by Courtney Ng. Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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125 High School Debate Topics To Challenge Every Student

Learn how to argue with logic instead of emotion.

good essay topics high school

Some teachers shy away from debate in the classroom, afraid it will become too adversarial. But learning to discuss and defend various points of view is an important life skill. Debates teach students to research their topic, make informed choices, and argue effectively using facts instead of emotion. You’ll find plenty of engaging high school debate topics in this list for inspiration. Each topic includes a link to an article from a reliable source that provides pros and/or cons to help kids make their arguments.

School and Education Debate Topics

Life and ethics debate topics, entertainment and technology debate topics, fun and funny debate topics.

Students should be required to wear school uniforms.

  • It’s better to be good at academics than to be good at sports.
  • Final exams should be abolished.
  • Students should be required to wear school uniforms.
  • Private schools are better than public schools.
  • Year-round school is better for students.
  • Standardized tests are effective.
  • Every student should have to participate in athletics.
  • All students should be required to volunteer in their community.
  • Junk food should be banned in school cafeterias.
  • Single-gender schools are better for students.
  • Schools should be allowed to teach critical race theory.
  • Math is the most important school subject.
  • Schools should teach sex ed instead of abstinence only.
  • Letter grades should be abolished.
  • Teachers should be replaced by computers.
  • People who get better grades in school will be more successful in life.
  • Sometimes it’s OK to cheat on homework or a test.
  • Students who fail a test should be given the chance to take it again.
  • Outdoor recess is important at every grade level.
  • Students should be allowed to grade teachers.
  • Everyone should be able to bring their pets to school.
  • Shorter school days are better for students.
  • Schools should eliminate dress codes.
  • Everyone should be required to go to college.
  • College should be free for everyone who wants to attend.
  • Schools should install safe rooms in case of mass shootings or natural disasters.
  • Schools should be allowed to ban some books from their libraries.
  • Book smarts are better than street smarts.
  • Schools should provide free mental health services to students and teachers.
  • Schools should teach life skills like cooking and personal finance.
  • School vouchers benefit students and schools.
  • Religion has no place in schools.
  • In-person school is better than online school.
  • Traditional school is better than homeschooling.
  • Charter schools should receive public school funds.

Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely.

  • Girls face more peer pressure than boys.
  • The voting age should be lowered to 16.
  • Humans should not eat animals.
  • Democracy is the best form of government.
  • All Americans should be required to vote.
  • Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely.
  • Giving is better than receiving.
  • Parents should be punished for their children’s mistakes.
  • Animals should not be kept in zoos.
  • Happiness is more important than success.
  • The driving age should be raised to 18.
  • The drinking age should be lowered to 18.
  • Plastic bottles should be banned.
  • People should have to take a parenting class before having a child.
  • If you find money on the ground, it’s automatically yours to keep.
  • It is better to be kind than to be truthful.
  • Learning about history can stop us from repeating past mistakes.
  • It’s important to spend money exploring space.
  • White-collar jobs are better than blue-collar jobs.
  • The death penalty should be abolished.
  • Drug addicts should receive help instead of punishment.
  • Euthanasia should be legal.
  • GMOs are more helpful than harmful.
  • Human cloning should be legal.
  • A progressive income tax is better than a flat tax.
  • Supreme Court judges should be appointed for fixed terms.
  • Vaccines should be mandatory.
  • We should ban fossil fuels.
  • Marijuana should be legal everywhere.
  • All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed, like alcohol.
  • Nuclear weapons should be banned worldwide.
  • Police funding should be redirected to social services.
  • Religion does more harm than good.
  • Testing on animals should be illegal.
  • We will never achieve world peace.
  • The United States should implement a universal basic income.
  • We should require people of all genders to register for the draft.
  • Healthcare should be universal.
  • Gun safety laws infringe on the Second Amendment.
  • Anyone over 12 should be tried as an adult in court.

Social media does more harm than good.

  • Reality television depicts real life.
  • Schools should allow students to use phones in class.
  • Macs are better than PCs.
  • Androids are better than iPhones.
  • Social media is making us less social.
  • Social media does more harm than good.
  • Video games are better than board games.
  • Video gaming is a sport.
  • Reading books is better than watching TV.
  • We should replace all paper documents with electronic versions.
  • The book is always better than the movie.
  • Parents should use their kids’ cell phones to track them.
  • Playing video games makes you smarter.
  • Scientists should try to develop a way for everyone to live forever.
  • Paper books are better than e-books.
  • Schools should have surveillance cameras in classrooms and hallways.
  • All museums and zoos should be free to everyone.
  • There is intelligent life on other planets.
  • People rely too much on technology.
  • Everyone should play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender.
  • Net neutrality should be mandatory for internet service providers.
  • Expanded use of artificial intelligence will be good for humanity.
  • Technology is creating more jobs than it eliminates.
  • The United States should provide free internet access for everyone.
  • Cryptocurrencies should replace cash.

Dogs are better pets than cats.

  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • A taco is a sandwich.
  • Summer is better than winter.
  • Coke is better than Pepsi.
  • Pepperoni is the best pizza topping.
  • Fruit counts as dessert.
  • The number 13 is not unlucky.
  • People should eat to live, not live to eat.
  • Monday is the worst day of the week.
  • Clowns are more scary than funny.
  • Modern music is better than classical music.
  • Aliens live among us here on Earth.
  • It’s OK to put ketchup on a hot dog.
  • Was Robin Hood a thief or a rebel hero?
  • It would be better to be able to fly than to be able to turn invisible.
  • Pluto should still be considered a planet.
  • It’s better to be too hot than too cold.
  • We should allow people to go barefoot anywhere if they want to.
  • Fiction is better than non-fiction.
  • Using profanity is good for your mental health.
  • Leftover pizza is better cold than reheated.
  • It’s OK to wear socks with sandals.
  • Being famous is actually not all that great.
  • GIF should be pronounced “JIFF” not “GIFF.”
  • People shouldn’t have to go to school or work on their birthdays.

Did we miss one of your favorite high school debate topics? Then come share on the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

Plus, how to use fishbowl discussions to engage every student ..

These high school debate topics range from fun and funny to complex and ethical, with links to reliable pro/con sources for each.

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Debate Graphic Organizer (Free Printables)

Help students keep track of their ideas during argumentative writing or debate lessons. Continue Reading

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