Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples

Extracurricular activities essay examples – introduction .

As you work through your college applications, you may come across a version of the extracurricular activities essay. Many college application requirements include an extracurricular supplemental essay. So, don’t be surprised if you need to write an extracurricular supplemental essay for schools on your list. As you brainstorm and draft, it can be helpful to read some extracurricular activities essay examples. 

In this guide, we’ve included several extracurricular activities essay examples to show you the ropes. By the end, you’ll see how to successfully complete the extracurricular activities essay. Take a look at these examples before you start your college applications. 

The extracurricular activities essay is exactly what it sounds like. You will use the extracurricular supplemental essay to write about the importance of one of your extracurricular activities. Later, we’ll look at several elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

In our extracurricular activities essay examples, we’ll look at prompts from the following schools: 

  • Stanford University  
  • Rice University  
  • Bryn Mawr College  
  • Northwestern University  
  • Vanderbilt University  

University of Florida

  • Princeton University  

We’ll talk about what you can learn from each of our extracurricular activities essay examples. We will also explain how they contribute to each student’s application narrative. Before we jump into our extracurricular activities essay examples, let’s explore what counts as an extracurricular activity. 

What is an extracurricular activity? 

An extracurricular activity, or after-school activity , is something that you participate in outside of your regular classes. Extracurricular activities are important because they give you a chance to explore your interests outside the classroom. In fact, recent research suggests that being involved in extracurricular activities can even help a student’s engagement in school. 

When you submit college applications, you’ll include a list of the extracurricular activities you have participated in during high school. Being involved in multiple extracurricular activities can bolster your candidate profile and make you stand out in the admissions process. 

Extracurricular activities matter

If you plan to send college applications to top-tier schools, you’ll want to boost your participation in extracurricular activities early in your high school career. Colleges want to see that you have passions in and out of the classroom.

In other words, extracurricular activities can show admissions officers what you care about. Extracurricular activities can also help you learn more about what you enjoy, which can translate into potential extracurricular activities for college.

What are some examples of extracurricular activities? 

Extracurricular activities can be clubs, organizations, sports, jobs, or anything in between. As you’ll see in our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples, extracurriculars will vary from student to student. There are four main categories of extracurricular activities: 

School-sponsored activities

  • Community activities 

Independent activities

Work experiences.

Each category has its own strengths and benefits you’ll want to show in your essay. Our extracurricular activities essay examples highlight activities from each category. As such, you’ll be able to see an activity similar to yours represented. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these categories before we dig into our extracurricular activity essay examples.

Extracurricular Activity Categories 

School-sponsored extracurricular activities include clubs, organizations or programs that are hosted by your school. These might be sports teams, special interest clubs like technical theatre, or arts programs like band and orchestra. 

Community activities

Another popular type of extracurricular activity is community activities. Community activities include volunteer work and community service. 

Getting involved in your local community is a great way to show the admissions committee how you give back. 

These kinds of activities can also be a great topic for your extracurricular activities essay. They can include hobbies, learning new skills, or taking online courses in your favorite subject. 

Independent activities help showcase your passions and interests. These types of extracurricular activities would be perfect to explore in an extracurricular supplemental essay, especially since they fit less neatly into the activities list on the Common App. 

Many high school students have work experiences they can highlight in their college applications. Work experiences could include part-time jobs, internships, or shadowing opportunities. 

Talking about your work experiences in your extracurricular supplemental essay can be a great way to show off your time management and professional skills to admissions officers.

Depth over breadth

However, you don’t have to participate in dozens of extracurricular activities to stand out in the college application process. It’s more important to develop depth than breadth in your extracurriculars to showcase your commitment and dedication.

In other words, it’s much more impressive for you to have a handful of extracurricular activities on your resume that you are deeply committed to than a long list of clubs and organizations that you don’t care about. 

The best extracurricular activities for you will be the ones that match your interests and goals. Don’t just join every club at your school to fill out your resume. Instead, seek out extracurricular activities where you can explore your interests, learn new things, and grow over time. 

Writing about Extracurricular Activities for College

Now that we’ve explored some extracurricular activity options that will be perfect for your extracurricular activities essay, let’s discuss how to write about your extracurricular activities on your college applications. 

Most schools use a holistic process to review college applications. This means that they will evaluate you based on your entire candidate profile . This includes test scores , GPA , essays , and extracurricular activities.

Because more students are applying to colleges than ever before, you’ll want to do everything you can to stand out in your college applications. Writing about your extracurricular activities for college can help show the admissions committee who you are, what’s important to you, and what makes you a unique applicant. 

Focus on the narrative

Use the extracurricular activities essay to tell a story about your experience. You can describe what it felt like, what it looked like, or how it helped you learn more about your own interests and goals.

When you are writing about your extracurricular activities for college, you’ll want to provide specific details about the type, length, and responsibilities of your involvements. If you’re unsure where to start, try making a list of all the extracurricular activities you have participated in since freshman year. Write down the role you had in this activity, how much time you spent doing it, and what you learned because of this involvement. 

For more tips on how to write about extracurricular activities for college, check out this article . In it, you’ll find 39 essay tips from admissions experts on how to write a great college essay, including how to write about extracurricular activities for college. 

What are some examples of extracurricular activities essay prompts? 

Before we review our extracurricular activities essay examples (along with the reasons why these are college essays that worked), let’s look at the extracurricular activities essay prompts from Stanford, Rice, Bryn Mawr, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, UF, and Princeton. 

Although the general idea is the same, each college will have a slightly different version of the extracurricular activities essay prompt. You’ll see the differences in our extracurricular activities essay examples below. 

Stanford University

If you plan to apply to Stanford University, you should know that one of the Stanford supplemental essay prompts is as follows: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. 

This extracurricular activities essay prompt is intentionally broad. You’ll need to select just one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences to describe in this Stanford supplemental essay. 

This Stanford supplemental essay prompt is your opportunity to showcase one of your many involvements. It also gives you a chance to elaborate on why it is important to you. If possible, select an extracurricular activity or work experience that you have not already discussed at length anywhere else in your Stanford application.

Rice University

This essay prompt on extracurriculars from Rice University is fairly straight forward. You can see the exact wording below: 

The extracurricular activities essay prompt or Rice is the same as the one for the Stanford application. Like we mentioned above, you’ll want to highlight an activity that is not mentioned elsewhere in your application. 

There are three Bryn Mawr supplemental essays that are required for admission. The first of the Bryn Mawr supplemental essays is about your extracurricular activities: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below.

This prompt is the same as the ones for the Stanford application and Rice application. Our suggestions for those essays also apply for the first prompt of the Bryn Mawr supplemental essays. 


Here is the Northwestern essay prompt: 


If you are applying to Vanderbilt, you should know that the Vanderbilt application requires that you answer this extracurricular activities essay prompt: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.

Both the Northwestern essay prompt and the Vanderbilt application prompt are the same as the ones for Stanford, Rice, and Bryn Mawr.

The UF application includes the following extracurricular activities essay prompt as part of the required University of Florida essays: 

During high school, what is the most enriching long-term or ongoing activity in which you have participated outside of the classroom? Tell us about it – Why is it enriching to you? What have you gained or learned by participating in it? How do you plan to continue this type of activity in the future?

Unlike the prompts for the Stanford, Rice, Bryn Mawr, Vanderbilt, and Northwestern applications, this extracurricular activities essay prompt asks you to answer direct questions about your experience. 

You’ll want to choose an activity that is the most significant, long-term activity that you have participated in during high school. Then, you’ll want to explain why it was enriching, what you learned in this activity, and how you plan to continue with this type of activity in college and beyond. 

You’ll see how to answer these questions in our extracurricular activities essay examples. 

The Princeton extracurricular activities essay prompt is as follows: 

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you.

This prompt is similar to the ones above, but it does make an important distinction. You’ll want to choose an activity that was meaningful to you, which means you will need to spend part of your essay describing why you found this experience particularly impactful. We’ll take a look at how to do this in our extracurricular activities essay examples. 

Which schools require an extracurricular activities essay? 

In addition to the extracurricular activities essay prompts we highlighted above, many colleges include an extracurricular activities essay as part of their college application requirements. 

Each of these schools’ college applications require you to write an extracurricular activities essay: 

  • Georgetown University
  • University of California schools
  • Howard University 
  • Amherst College
  • Purdue University

Even though we won’t look at extracurricular activities essay examples for these colleges, the extracurricular activities essay examples we do highlight can help give you inspiration as you work on your college applications. 

Now, it’s time to examine some extracurricular activities essay examples. Our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples include Stanford essays examples, Rice supplemental essays examples, Bryn Mawr supplemental essays, Northwestern essay examples, Vanderbilt essay examples, UF supplemental essay examples, and Princeton essay examples. 

Following each of the extracurricular activities essay examples, we’ll provide an analysis on why these are college essays that worked. 

First, let’s kick off our extracurricular activities essay examples with the Stanford essays examples. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Stanford University

Here’s the first of our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples: 

Stanford Essay Examples

In February of 2016 my neighbor texted me and asked me to tutor her third grader in math. My first thought was “Third grade math?! This will be easy.” I was wrong. The girl I tutored is dyslexic and had ADHD, so working with her challenged me in a new way. I had to devise ways of teaching where she could understand it but also remain focused for long enough to accomplish it. I had to practice my patience in a way I never have before, and I have become a better person because of it. By the end of our work together, she was excited to play the math games I made up and she was so proud every time she understood a question or a concept. I am so thankful for that opportunity.

Why this essay worked

This sample of the Stanford essays examples works for several reasons. First, the author describes how the activity challenged them to come up with new ideas as a math tutor. This shows the admissions officer how thoughtful and creative this person can be in different situations. 

In this essay (one of our Stanford essays examples), the author shows how they developed key skills, like patience, through this extracurricular activity. Highlighting new skills that you have learned through your extracurricular activities is a way to stand out from the crowd.

Showcasing personal growth, like the author did above, also shows the admissions team you are willing to change and better yourself when faced with challenges. 

How To Write The Rice Supplemental Essays

Now, let’s turn to Rice supplemental essays examples. Below, you’ll see another version of the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Rice Supplemental Essay Examples

With an interest in business, it is hard to pass up the chance to become a part of the business club at my school. This competition-based club allows members to learn detailed ways to start and manage a business. Although my curiosity urged me to participate, the thought of writing 30 pages with a fast-approaching deadline seemed daunting. Prior to this program, I had very little knowledge on the basic principles of business management, however, through research and a bit of persistence, I learned countless fundamentals of business. Although I was awarded a medal and recognized as a State Finalist in the International Business Plan category, the most valuable thing I earned was the drive of an entrepreneur which taught me that even the most difficult of tasks can be accomplished if they are done with continued determination. 

Getting straight to the point

This is one of our Rice supplemental essays examples. In it, the author mentions their academic interest right away. This helps the reader understand the forthcoming connection between the extracurricular activity and this person’s interests. 

If you’re working with a tight word limit, like the one in the Rice supplemental essays examples, you’ll want to be concise with your details. The Rice supplemental essays examples only give you so many words to work with, so you have to make the most of them. In this essay, the author summarizes the purpose of their extracurricular activity quickly. This provides the reader with more context about their involvement without taking up too much space. 

This is an example of college essays that worked because the author shows what they learned as a result of their involvement in this activity. This highlights the author’s potential success in a college setting. 

How To Write The Bryn Mawr Supplemental Essays 

Like the two extracurricular activities essay examples above, the Bryn Mawr supplemental essay is another version of the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Bryn Mawr Essay Example

After watching my grandfather suffer from heart ailments, it was particularly meaningful to have the opportunity to conduct echocardiography research with a pediatric cardiologist. During my summer internship at a Health and Science University, I designed and built heart models to mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) disease and investigate strain comparisons in a 2D and 3D model. 

Continuously designing and analyzing my own experiments has not only taught me the value of diligence, patience and replication in the laboratory setting, but it has also instilled in me the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that will enable me to tackle difficult, and sometimes unknown, problems with sound reasoning and confidence as I serve the underrepresented to eliminate health disparities. 

This response is one of the college essays that worked for several reasons. The author of this essay explains the personal significance of this extracurricular activity. This gives the reader more information about who this person is and why this activity is meaningful to them. 

Additionally, the author uses their response to explain what they did during their internship as well as the values and skills they learned from this activity. They even go the extra mile to describe how they will use these values and skills to reach their goals in the future. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Northwestern University

The following essay is another of our elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples. 

Northwestern Essay Example

After having been a Girl Scout for over 10 years, I can confirm that the most common questions I get asked are, “When are you selling the cookies,” or “Can I get [insert favorite cookie here]”. However, Girl Scouts means so much more to me than simply selling cookies for a few months.

Being a part of Girl Scouts has entailed, as the Girl Scout Law indicates, “being a sister to every Girl Scout”. When I first joined the organization as a Brownie, I didn’t think I would interact with the older girls at all. However, I soon began to admire my older Girl Scout sisters and looked up to them the more time I spent with them. As an Ambassador now, I try to show the same level of leadership by mentoring and working with younger girls, building a strong relationship with them and helping them on their journey to the higher ranks (as well as through life).

As a Girl Scout, I have also learned to enthusiastically help my community. Whether it be through providing assistance at food pantries, cleaning up litter, donating to the homeless, or singing carols in retirement homes, Girls Scouts has taught me the importance of helping others in need around me and improving the state of the world.

So, yes, being a Girl Scout does mean selling cookies. But, more importantly, Girl Scouts has meant growing into a confident young woman, being a mentor, and providing service to better the world.

Focus on depth of involvement

This sample comes from one of our Northwestern essay examples. In it, the author mentions the length of their involvement in the Girl Scouts and their progression from a junior member to a senior member. 

Like we mentioned earlier, it’s important to have extracurricular activities on your list that show depth, especially in your Northwestern application. In other words, the longer you participate in an activity, the more significant it is to your college applications. 

This is another example of college essays that worked because the author can describe how they eventually moved into a leadership role and what that new role entails. If you are a leader in your organization, be sure to mention it on your Northwestern application and in your essay. 

Finally, the author concludes with a description of who they are and what this activity has taught them. We saw similar versions of this conclusion in the extracurricular activities essay examples above, which goes to show that these are college essays that worked.  

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Vanderbilt University

Next, let’s look at Vanderbilt essay examples. This essay is one of the longer samples of our extracurricular activities essay examples. Please note that the name of the program described has been removed for anonymity.

Vanderbilt Essay Examples

I silently sat in the passenger seat of my mother’s car with a churning feeling in my stomach. My legs bounced wildly, and my body was tense. My anxiety came from the fact I would be starting my first day at a pre-college program to which I was recently accepted.

When my mother dropped me off at the building where my first class would be held, I nervously walked in, surprised to be greeted by the smiling faces of my peers. Looking around, I saw faces of all shades. This amazed me, having been surrounded by people who looked like me for most of my life. As I engaged in conversation with students already present, I increasingly became more comfortable.

Though class began with typical icebreakers, we quickly transitioned into math topics, beginning with algebra and progressing into trigonometry and summations. When the professor concluded the lecture, I was shocked to find that the class had passed by so quickly. Similar sentiments arose after completing my critical thinking class in the afternoon. When my mother picked me up after that class, I enthusiastically spilled my experiences from the day.

The following six weeks of that summer (and ensuing summers) comprised of me being introduced to new perspectives. Being surrounded by peers that were different in lifestyle and socioeconomic status made me more open-minded to unfamiliar concepts and interpretations.

The brother and sisterhood I formed with my peers made me way less dependent on my twin sister and increased my confidence in my beliefs and individuality.

Additionally, being taught by university professors in rigorous subject matter instilled in me a newfound passion in exploring challenging topics. This program has assisted in developing me into a more well-rounded, cultured individual not only through exposure to a research program at the university hospital, but through enrichment activities during the school year (watching plays, attending politic and STEM-based talks, and experiencing cultural shows). Though I was initially apprehensive in applying to this program, I now look back at the program as life-altering and am thankful for the experience. Three years ago, I was just a “twin” who did well in school, however today I am an individual with my own unique views, eager to learn the endless knowledge the world has to offer me.

Unlike the extracurricular activities essay examples above, this essay puts you right in the middle of the story. This can be an effective way to grab your reader’s attention as they review your Vanderbilt application. 

Additionally, this is a great example of college essays that worked because the author describes self-growth because of their involvement. In this sample from our Vanderbilt essay examples, the writer explains the new skills they learned and details the type of experiences they had while in this extracurricular activity. 

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: University of Florida

Now, let’s look at UF supplemental essay examples. This essay is a little different from our previous extracurricular activities essay examples. 

This is a slightly elevated take on the elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples prompt. It asks you to do more than just explain your involvement in an extracurricular activity.

UF Supplemental Essay Examples

“Thaka-dhimi thaka- janu! Strike your foot higher! Sit more! Discipline yourself!”

To most, these phrases and commands would have sounded like gibberish. But to me, it meant beauty and grace. It meant dedication and determination. It invoked a sense of community and contentment. It meant Bharatantyam.

From the ripe age of 5 years old, I’ve had the opportunity to learn an Indian Classical Dance form, Bharatanatyam, from my mother. I took this opportunity seriously in tenth grade. Once I chose to commit fully to Bharatantyam, it was life changing. 

Bharatantyam has transformed me for the good as a person. Countless hours spent in practice disciplined me. Preparing mentally for a more sophisticated piece or dance item allowed me to expand my brain’s depth. From a physical standpoint, one can see that Bharatantyam is a beautiful dance that harmonizes your brain and body. 

Viewing Bharatanatyam from a scientific standpoint is what made it so much more enriching. Watching a video from my mother’s guru, I began to understand the neurological benefits of both dancing and watching Bharatantyam. Viewing that clip gave me a revolutionary idea: treating neurological diseases for senior citizens through Bharatanatyam.

I began to perform at senior assisted living facilities around my city. Many of the seniors I performed for weren’t able to even stay awake for it. While at times discouraging, small moments of joy kept me going. Every smile I received from my audience and every conversation I had with the seniors were the reasons why I kept dancing.

Now, I plan to expand this activity more at UF. Creating a non-profit in which dancers have paid performances and donate that money to neurological research institutes is how I believe I should start. With UF’s resources, I easily see this idea becoming reality.

Extracurricular activities essay prompt

With this extracurricular activities essay examples prompt, you must answer all three parts of the University of Florida essays question to complete your UF application. 

Like the extracurricular activities essay examples for Vanderbilt, this sample from our UF supplemental essay examples puts you right in the middle of the story. It starts off with a quote, grabbing the reader’s attention. This sample of the University of Florida essays also shows you the length of involvement this author had in the activity while highlighting aspects of their unique culture. 

This is one of our college essays that worked because this response details the author’s experience, growth, and future goals. On top of that, this sample from our UF supplemental essay examples further strengthens the writer’s UF application by connecting their experience to how they hope to continue this activity at UF.

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples: Princeton University

This sample from the Princeton essay examples is the last of our college essays that worked.

Princeton Essay Examples

Serving as a Student Government leader at my college has taught me the power of student voice and collaborative leadership. During my Junior year, I began attending Senate Meetings and was elected as a Senator a few months later. I began proposing solutions to problems my college faces, from lack of STEM programming to low voter turnout rates to poor multicultural outreach programs. I created student committees to tackle these problems, the most recent being a committee working to bring a series of local STEM professionals for our artist-in-residence series. I was appointed as a student voice to faculty committees, such as the Diversity and Equity Committee. I use this position to bring student concerns I hear from SG directly to the college board to catalyze changes in our college, such as the introduction of STEM cohort groups or providing resources for students of color.

The last of our extracurricular activities essay examples mentions the activity right away. It also mentions what the activity taught the author. Like the extracurricular activities essay examples above, this response adds specific details. Moreover, the author describes the impact of their leadership role.

In addition to describing the experience itself, this essay highlights how the author implemented solutions to the problems they recognized within their community, another key skill that will be important in college. 

How To Write A Great Extracurricular Activities Essay

In our extracurricular activities essay examples, you saw different ways to write a great extracurricular activities essay. Now let’s talk about how you can use these extracurricular activities essay examples to help you write your own.

When you write your own extracurricular activities essay, be sure to refer to the extracurricular activities essay examples above. Each of the extracurricular activities essay examples highlights a different aspect of each applicant’s candidate profile—from backgrounds to passions to academic interests and goals.

Read every prompt carefully

Remember, some colleges might have different ways of approaching the extracurricular activities essay, which will be evident in the essay prompt. Like some of the extracurricular activities essay examples above, you might be working with a shorter or longer word limit. You also may have specific questions you need to address when elaborating on your extracurriculars.

There’s no specific formula on how to write a great extracurricular activities essay. However, here are a few tips to help you write a strong response that will stand out from the crowd. 

Additional Tips for Writing Extracurricular Activities Essays

Choosing which activities to write about and how to present them is key to writing a successful extracurricular activities essay. Reading some elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples can help you learn how to structure your own essays. You’ll likely need to write about your extracurriculars to complete your college application requirements. So, use this as a chance to show the admissions committee what matters to you. 

In this guide, we’ve reviewed extracurricular activities essay examples from some of the top colleges in the nation. We hope this helps you as you write your own extracurricular activities essay. 

Three tips to help you write your extracurricular activities essays: 

1. demonstrate your passion . .

Like we saw in the extracurricular activities essay examples, this is your opportunity to show what’s important to you. Use your essays to demonstrate your passion. 

2. Show your dedication. 

Many of our extracurricular activities essay examples discussed how long the author was involved in the activity. Show your dedication to your hobby, club, or organization through your essay responses. 

3. Match your extracurricular activities essay examples to a school’s mission or values. 

There are plenty of applicants who can fill out all the college application requirements. However, to truly stand out, you’ll want to show the admissions office why you are a great fit for their university. Match your extracurricular activities essay examples to a college’s mission or values to prove that you are committed to attending that university.

Other CollegeAdvisor Resources on Extracurricular Activities 

If you need help figuring out how to get involved, watch our webinar for tips on how to join new extracurricular activities in high school. For more ideas on which extracurricular activities might be right for you, check out our article on 38 high school extracurricular ideas for college applicants. 

38 High School Extracurricular Ideas for College Applicants

Wondering how to showcase your extracurricular activities in your college applications? Check out our guide for more information on how to approach extracurricular activities in the college admissions process. 

How to Showcase Extracurricular Activities In Your College Applications

Finally, check out our panel for additional tips on how to craft your activity and extracurriculars list for college. 

Crafting Your Activity and Extracurriculars List

Extracurricular Activities Essay Examples – Final Thoughts 

We hope that our guide on extracurricular activities essay examples (and college essays that worked) help you prepare your own extracurricular activities essay. If an extracurricular activities essay is part of your college application requirements, be sure to refer back to our extracurricular activities essay examples for guidance.

As you likely noticed from our extracurricular activities essay examples, college essays that worked tend to highlight students’ passion. This is even more true when it comes to extracurriculars. Don’t feel daunted by the extracurricular supplemental essay requirement. Instead, use it as a chance to highlight how you engage deeply with the world around you. 

Not all prompts are the same

Remember, the prompt to your extracurricular activities essay might look different than the ones we highlighted in our extracurricular activities essay examples above. Even if your prompt is different from our ‘elaborate on an extracurricular activity essay examples’, you can still use them to brainstorm ideas for your own extracurricular activities essay. 

Do you need help with other college application requirements? CollegeAdvisor.com can help. Register today to get one-on-one support as you begin your college application process.

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essay about extracurricular activities

How to Write a Strong Extracurricular Activity Essay

Crafting an effective extracurricular activity essay

Written by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Written: 4/23/24

Landing a seat in your dream university requires more than just showcasing your academic abilities; it's about highlighting your life beyond the books, your sources of inspiration, and the experiences that have played a crucial role in shaping your individuality. 

A great way to show off your many sides is by skillfully writing an essay about your extracurricular activities. This piece of writing offers a unique opportunity for admissions officers to peek into your world outside of academics by highlighting your passions, unwavering commitment, leadership prowess, and personal evolution. 

This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricate yet rewarding process of crafting an engaging and compelling extracurricular activity essay. It will help you figure out which activities are best for you to focus on, and it will also give you a bunch of interesting questions to get your creativity going.

We’ll also provide you with a curated list of extracurricular activity essay examples, Acting like a guide and a good example for you to follow as you write.

By being thoughtful, real, and creative, your essay about your outside-of-school activities could be the special thing that helps you get into the college you really want.

Keep reading to learn how to turn your passions and experiences into an engaging narrative that truly reflects who you are.

How to Choose Which Extracurricular to Write About

essay about extracurricular activities

Selecting the most suitable extracurricular activity to write about for your college application essay requires careful consideration and introspection. Each choice holds the potential to shape the narrative of your essay and provide valuable insights into your character, values, and personal growth. 

To ensure a comprehensive exploration of this topic, let's discuss a few factors you should consider when choosing which extracurricular to focus on:

1. Personal Significance

When contemplating which extracurriculars to highlight in your essay, take the time to reflect on the experiences that have had the most profound impact on your life. Consider the activities that have shaped your character, influenced your values, and ignited your passions. 

It could be a community service project that opened your eyes to social injustices, a musical instrument that became your creative outlet, or a sports team that taught you the value of teamwork and perseverance. 

Choose an activity that resonates with you on a deeply personal level. This will enable you to authentically convey your emotions and the growth you have experienced.

2. Depth of Involvement

While showcasing a long list of extracurricular activities may be tempting, prioritizing quality over quantity is important. Admissions officers are interested in understanding how deeply you are engaged with an activity, as it demonstrates commitment, dedication, and the potential for impact. 

Evaluate the level of your involvement in each activity and focus on the one where you invested significant time and effort. This could involve leadership roles, taking on challenging responsibilities, or contributing to the activity's growth and success. 

By selecting an extracurricular where you had a meaningful and substantial involvement, you can provide a more detailed and insightful account of your experiences.

3. Leadership and Initiative

If you have taken on leadership roles or demonstrated initiative within a particular extracurricular activity, it can add an extra layer of depth to your essay. Admissions officers value applicants who display leadership qualities and the drive to initiate positive change. 

Reflect on instances where you assumed leadership responsibilities, whether it was captaining a team, organizing events, or spearheading projects. Share how you influenced others, made strategic decisions, and motivated team members to achieve common goals. 

Highlight any innovative ideas or initiatives you introduced and the impact they had on the activity and its participants.

4. Unique Experiences

Consider highlighting an extracurricular activity that stands out from the crowd. While popular activities like sports or clubs can still make for compelling essays, choosing a less common or unconventional activity can help your essay stand out and capture the reader's attention. 

Think about unique experiences you have had outside the mainstream activities, such as starting a niche interest group , participating in an underrepresented sport, or pursuing an uncommon hobby. These experiences can provide a fresh perspective and reveal different aspects of your personality and interests.

5. Alignment with Your Goals

When choosing an extracurricular activity to write about, consider its alignment with your future goals and aspirations. Admissions officers are interested in understanding your passions and how you plan to pursue them in college and beyond. 

Select an activity that showcases your dedication to a particular field of study, career path, or cause. Explain how your involvement in the activity has shaped your understanding of your chosen path and provided valuable insights into the skills, knowledge, and experiences required to succeed in that area.

Demonstrate how the activity has fueled your ambition and inspired you to make a meaningful impact in the future.

6. Overcoming Challenges

Admissions officers appreciate stories of resilience and personal growth. Consider discussing an extracurricular activity in which you encountered obstacles or adversity and how you overcame them. Reflect on the challenges you faced and the strategies you employed to navigate through them. 

This could involve overcoming physical limitations, balancing demanding commitments, or addressing conflicts within the activity. You can showcase your determination, adaptability, and problem-solving skills by sharing the lessons you learned from these challenges.

7. Diversity of Experiences

If you have been involved in multiple extracurricular activities, consider showcasing a variety of experiences to demonstrate your versatility and well-roundedness. Admissions officers value applicants who have explored different interests and engaged in diverse pursuits. 

Discuss how each activity has contributed to your personal growth and provided you with unique perspectives and skills. Show how your various involvements have influenced and complemented each other, highlighting the valuable transferable skills and insights you have gained from navigating different domains.

8. Impact on Others

Consider the impact your participation in an extracurricular activity has had on others. Admissions officers are interested in applicants who excel individually and contribute to the growth and well-being of their communities. Reflect on the ways your involvement has positively influenced others. 

This could involve mentoring teammates, organizing community service projects, or supporting fellow participants. Share specific examples of how your actions have made a difference, emphasizing the values of compassion, empathy, and leadership you have demonstrated.

By considering these factors when selecting which extracurricular activity to write about, you can choose the most compelling and meaningful topic for your essay. Remember, the goal is to provide a genuine and insightful portrayal of your experiences, passions, and personal growth. 

Through thoughtful introspection and effective storytelling, you can craft an engaging and impactful essay that leaves a lasting impression on admissions officers.

What Structure Do You Need to Use for Extracurricular Activity Essay?

When writing your extracurricular activity essay, consider two clear structures to effectively showcase your experiences. First up is the "Powerwall" approach, inspired by Elon Musk's presentation style for the Powerwall. Here's how it breaks down:

  • Start by identifying the problem you faced in your extracurricular activity. Keep it simple and straightforward.
  • Explain why overcoming this challenge was important. What were the stakes?
  • Describe exactly what you did to tackle the problem. Be specific about your actions.
  • Clarify your role in the situation. Why were you crucial to the success?
  • Finally, share the impact you had and any lessons you learned. Show how your work mattered.

If you didn't encounter any specific challenges but still want to highlight your experiences, try the "Uncommon Connections" approach. This one focuses on making unique connections between your activities and your personal growth, interests, or values. 

It's all about showing what's meaningful to you and why. Whichever approach you choose, the goal is to communicate your initiative, leadership, and impact within your community in a straightforward way. Use concrete examples and clear language to make your essay stand out to admissions committees.

How to Brainstorm Beliefs for Essay

To nail your extracurricular activity essay, follow these steps: complete the BEABIES Exercise, identify a challenge, explain its importance, describe what you did, highlight your role, and show the results. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tips. 

1. Complete the BEABIES Exercise

Allocate some time, approximately 15-30 minutes, to complete the BEABIES Exercise. Think of it as assembling all the necessary ingredients before cooking a meal – essential for a successful outcome.

2. Identify a Challenge

Reflect on your extracurricular engagements and pinpoint a specific challenge you encountered. Whether it was navigating social dynamics or overcoming logistical hurdles, choose an issue that resonates with you.

3. Explain Why It Matters

Elaborate on the significance of the challenge you identified. Why was it crucial to address this? Provide context to underscore its importance, whether it impacted your community, organization, or personal growth.

4. Describe What You Did

Delve into the actions you took to tackle the challenge head-on. Offer detailed insights into the strategies you employed, initiatives you spearheaded, or contributions you made to address the issue effectively.

5. Talk About Your Role

Highlight your individual role in addressing the challenge. Articulate why your contributions were indispensable to the project or club's success, whether through leadership, initiative, or a unique skill set.

6. Show the Results

Lastly, showcase the outcomes of your efforts. Discuss the tangible results, positive changes within your community, or valuable lessons learned as a result of your actions. Use concrete evidence to illustrate the impact of your contributions.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to craft an essay that demonstrates your leadership, problem-solving abilities, and commitment to making a difference. Keep your writing clear and concise to ensure your narrative resonates with your reader.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Extracurricular Activity Essay

In this section, we'll discuss key mistakes to avoid when writing your extracurricular activity essay. From being too vague to neglecting self-reflection, we'll cover common pitfalls and how to steer clear of them. Let's dive in.

Being Too Vague

When writing your extracurricular activity essay, it's crucial to avoid being vague or generic. Instead of simply stating that you participated in "various activities," provide specific details about each activity. 

For example, if you were involved in a community service project, describe what the project entailed, how you contributed, and what impact it had on the community or on you personally. By providing concrete examples, you paint a clearer picture of your involvement and its significance.

Quantity Over Quality

Admissions committees are more interested in the depth of your involvement in extracurricular activities rather than the sheer number of activities you participated in. 

Rather than listing a long string of activities without much detail, focus on a few key experiences and explore them in depth. Discuss the skills you developed, the challenges you faced, and the lessons you learned. This allows you to showcase your growth and accomplishments more effectively.

Missing the Point

It's essential to carefully read and address the prompt provided for your extracurricular activity essay. Make sure you understand what the prompt is asking and tailor your essay accordingly. 

Avoid going off on tangents or including information that isn't relevant to the prompt. By staying focused on the specific topic or question provided, you demonstrate your ability to follow instructions and communicate effectively.

Forgetting the "Why"

In addition to describing your extracurricular activities, it's important to explain why they were meaningful to you. What motivated you to get involved in these activities? What did you enjoy about them? How did they align with your interests, values, or goals? By sharing your personal connection to the activities, you give the admissions committee insight into your passions and priorities.

Not Reflecting on Growth

A crucial aspect of writing an effective extracurricular activity essay is reflecting on your growth and development. Don't just focus on what you did; also, discuss how your experiences shaped you as a person. 

Reflect on the challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and how you grew as a result. This self-reflection demonstrates maturity, resilience, and self-awareness, all of which admissions committees value in applicants.

Exaggerating or Faking

Honesty is key when writing your extracurricular activity essay. Resist the temptation to embellish or exaggerate your accomplishments, and avoid fabricating experiences that didn't actually happen. 

Admissions committees are adept at spotting insincerity, and being dishonest can seriously damage your credibility and chances of admission. Instead, focus on presenting your genuine experiences and achievements in the best possible light.

Ignoring Basics

Don't overlook the importance of basic writing skills such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Careless errors can detract from the overall quality of your essay and create a negative impression. 

Take the time to proofread your essay carefully, or even ask someone else to review it for you. Paying attention to these details demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail.

Being Too Formal

While it's important to maintain a professional tone in your extracurricular activity essay, don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. Write in a natural, conversational style that reflects your voice and perspective. 

Avoid using overly formal or stilted language that can make your essay sound robotic or impersonal. Instead, imagine you're having a casual conversation with the reader and write in a tone that feels authentic and engaging.

Rushing Editing

Finally, don't rush the editing process when writing your extracurricular activity essay. Take the time to revise and polish your essay until it's the best possible representation of your experiences and achievements. Look for areas where you can improve clarity, coherence, and organization, and make sure your essay flows smoothly from beginning to end. 

Don't hesitate to seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers, and be willing to make revisions based on their suggestions. Remember, your essay is an opportunity to make a positive impression on the admissions committee, so invest the time and effort needed to make it stand out.

By paying attention to these common mistakes and taking the necessary steps to avoid them, you can write a compelling and impactful extracurricular activity essay that effectively highlights your experiences, accomplishments, and personal growth.

Extracurricular Activities Essay Prompts

To help you kickstart your writing process, here are ten thought-provoking prompts:

  • Can you share a story of an extracurricular activity that has brought about a significant change in your life? How did it alter your outlook and contribute to your personal development?
  • Can you delve into your experience of holding a leadership role in an extracurricular activity? How has it shaped your leadership style and impacted your personality?
  • Can you narrate how an extracurricular activity influenced your future career aspirations? Can you draw connections between your pursuit and your future goals?
  • Have you ever faced a considerable challenge or failure while participating in an extracurricular activity? Can you share your journey of overcoming this challenge and the lessons it imparted?
  • Is there an extracurricular activity that has played a crucial role in your personal growth? Can you discuss this journey of transformation and the factors that contributed to it?
  • Can you elucidate on an extracurricular activity where you demonstrated a significant level of commitment and dedication over a long period of time? How did this consistent engagement contribute to your development and learning?
  • Has there been an extracurricular activity that has allowed you to step outside of your comfort zone? Can you share your experience and how this helped you grow personally and academically?
  • Is there a unique or unusual extracurricular activity that you have participated in? How has this activity contributed to showcasing your individuality and distinguishing you from others?
  • Have you ever started or founded an extracurricular club, event, or initiative? Can you elaborate on the motivation behind it, the process, the challenges faced, and the impact it had on you and your community.
  • Is there an extracurricular activity that has enhanced your understanding of a particular subject or field of study? Can you explain how this activity has deepened your academic interest or provided practical insights beyond the classroom?

Engaging in extracurricular activities not only enriches our lives outside the classroom but also provides us with invaluable experiences and lessons that shape our character, aspirations, and worldview. 

Whether it's leading a team, overcoming challenges, or exploring new horizons, these activities offer a unique platform to discover and showcase our true potential.

Extracurricular Activity Essay Examples

To help you grasp what an outstanding extracurricular essay looks like, let's dissect two examples and analyze why they make an impact:

1. Strings of Unity: My Dance with the Violin

“Every evening, as the sun set, the mellifluous notes of my violin would resonate through our home. I was six when I first held a violin, and it felt like an extension of my soul. Over the years, I practiced diligently, mastering complex compositions and performing at numerous recitals.

However, my most cherished moments were when I played at local nursing homes. Witnessing the joy and nostalgia my music brought to the elderly was profoundly rewarding. Inspired, I initiated "Melodies for Memories," a program where young musicians performed for seniors, bridging the generational gap through music.

The violin taught me discipline, empathy, and the power of connection. It wasn't just about playing notes; it was about touching hearts and creating moments of shared joy.”

Why This Essay Was Successful

Here are a few things that made this essay successful:

  • Vivid Imagery : The essay paints a beautiful picture of the writer's relationship with the violin, making it easy for readers to visualize and connect with the narrative.
  • Community Impact : By highlighting performances at nursing homes and the "Melodies for Memories" initiative, the writer showcases their commitment to community service and the positive impact of their passion.
  • Personal Growth : The essay emphasizes the values and skills gained from playing the violin, such as discipline and empathy.
  • Concluding Thoughts : The conclusion ties back to the central theme of connection and shared joy, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

This essay effectively conveys the writer's deep connection to the instrument, showcasing personal growth, community impact, and the transformative power of music.

2. Beyond the Board: Life Lessons from Chess

“The chessboard was my battleground, a place where strategy, patience, and foresight converged. Introduced to chess at age eight, I was captivated by its intricacies and the mental agility it demanded. As I delved deeper, I realized chess was more than a game; it mirrored life's challenges and decisions.

I began teaching chess to underprivileged children in my community, hoping to equip them with critical thinking skills. Through "Checkmate Challenges," our monthly tournaments, I saw these children grow in confidence, strategy, and resilience.

Chess taught me that every move has consequences and foresight is crucial. It reinforced the importance of patience, strategy, and learning from mistakes. Through chess, I not only honed my cognitive skills but also discovered the joy of mentoring and making a difference.”

This essay was successful because it included:

  • Engaging Start : The essay begins with a powerful statement, drawing readers into the world of chess and its significance to the writer.
  • Community Involvement : The writer's initiative to teach chess to underprivileged children showcases their dedication to community upliftment and the broader impact of their passion.
  • Life Lessons : The essay effectively draws parallels between chess and life, highlighting the invaluable lessons the writer has derived from the game.
  • Concluding Reflection : The conclusion emphasizes the dual benefits of chess: personal growth and the joy of mentoring

Both essays effectively communicate the writers' passions and the profound impact these activities have had on their personal growth and community involvement.

To gather inspiration from more successful essay examples , check our extensive database!

FAQs: Extracurricular Activities Essay

Writing about your hobbies for an essay? Here are some common questions and answers to help you out.

1. How Do You Write an Extracurricular Essay with a Word Count of 150 Words?

Crafting an extracurricular activity essay with a 150-word limit is both a test of your brevity and your ability to make a powerful impact. To start, you need to isolate a singular, significant moment or achievement from your chosen activity. 

This should be something that is both personally meaningful and serves as a representative snapshot of your broader involvement. Then, hook your readers right from the first sentence, making them intrigued to learn more about your story. 

You might paint a vivid picture, share a quick anecdote, or open with an interesting question. Afterward, give the reader a brief context or backstory about the activity to ground your story. This is where you quickly explain what the activity is and why it matters to you. 

Next, it's time to dive into the crux of your essay—your specific role and the impact it had. Highlight the challenges faced, the initiatives you took, and the results achieved. Be careful to maintain clarity and brevity, avoiding unnecessary details that could detract from your central message. 

Finally, wrap up your essay by tying your specific experience to a broader theme, value, or life lesson, which serves to highlight the significance of your involvement beyond the activity itself.

2. How Long Should an Extracurricular Essay be?

The length of an essay can fluctuate depending on specific application instructions. However, most hover around 150-300 words. Regardless of the word limit, remember that clarity and conciseness are your guiding principles. 

Every sentence you write should serve a specific purpose, contributing meaningfully to your overarching narrative and effectively portraying a holistic picture of you as an individual. Avoid fluff or filler content; instead, focus on delivering a tightly woven narrative that showcases your passions, commitments, and personal growth.

3. Can an Extracurricular Activity Essay Focus on More Than One Activity?

While you can mention multiple activities, focusing on one that has had the most significant impact on you is generally better. This allows you to provide a deeper, more detailed account, revealing valuable insights about your character, passions, and learnings.

Writing an exceptional extracurricular activities essay is a journey that requires introspection, authenticity, and excellent storytelling. As you embark on this journey, remember the goal is to bring to light not just what you did but who you are as a person, showcasing the experiences that have enriched your life. 

So, start reflecting on your experiences, unleash your creativity, and let your story resonate with the admissions officers.

4. Why Do Colleges Require Extracurricular Essays?

Colleges require extracurricular essays because they offer a more rounded view of applicants, going beyond mere academic accomplishments. Admissions officers want to understand who you are outside the classroom.

They're interested in your passions, long-term commitments, leadership experiences, and personal growth—all aspects that may not be apparent from your grades or test scores alone. 

5. How Do I Write About Extracurricular Activities in a Personal Statement?

When it comes to incorporating extracurricular activities into your personal statement, the goal is a seamless integration that enhances your overall narrative. It's important to discuss the activity in a way that highlights not just what you did but also how it contributed to your personal growth and future ambitions.

Elaborate on your involvement, detailing the specific roles you took on, the challenges you faced, and the skills you've gained. Then, explore how these experiences tie into your personal evolution and future goals.

Final Thoughts

Writing an extracurricular activity essay is more than just recounting what you did; it's about sharing a slice of your life that speaks volumes about your character, passions, and growth. It's about crafting a narrative that not only shares your experiences but also provides a window into the person you've become as a result. 

Whether you're speaking about the time you spent backstage in theatre productions, the hours you dedicated to the robotics club, or the weekends you spent volunteering at a local shelter, remember that the best essays are authentic and come from the heart. 

Use this opportunity to let your experiences shape your story, let your passions shine through, and let your unique voice echo in the admissions officer's mind. 

Your experiences make you unique, and this uniqueness can help you stand out among the sea of applicants. So, embrace your individuality and let it guide your journey as you write.

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How (and why) to write a college essay about your extracurricular activities | guide + examples, brainstorm what to write.

How (and why) to Write a College Essay About Your Extracurricular Activities | Guide + Examples

Brad Schiller

How (and why) to Write a College Essay About Your Extracurricular Activities | Guide + Examples

😢 Won’t anyone think of the college admissions readers? 😢

In our work as college essay coaches , we’ve lately been delighted to learn that many people are in fact worried that college admission officers might be bored — specifically due to redundant college essays that rehash all the stuff that’s in the Activities List in prose-form.

Ugh! That would indeed be horribly boring. (And it does indeed happen.) 

[Shaking head.] Poor admissions readers.

But — little nuance — you don’t have to rehash what you put in your activities list. You could instead expand upon what’s there by either: 

  • Talking more about the impact you had and the actions you took to achieve that impact ✨, or 
  • Showing how the activity relates to your personal brand as an applicant who will succeed in college and beyond. ✨

Bottom line: writing a Common App Personal Statement (or supplemental essay) about a meaningful extracurricular activity is often a great idea. Read on for how to do it right.

In fact, many college applications specifically ask students to describe an activity or work experience — proof that colleges are interested in learning more about them. 

What you *don’t* want to do: Redundancy & the dreaded “it makes me feel alive” trap 

While the idea that you shouldn’t write about activities in college application essays is a pernicious rumor, as college essay coaches , we must admit that this territory does come with some real danger. 

The danger is that, instead of writing an essay that sheds light on how you’ll succeed in college and beyond , you talk about the activity in a way that adds little to nothing over what’s already in your Activity List. 

Here are some approaches that have been known to tempt those facing the terror of the blank page:

  • “I love soccer so much. The thrill of the game is my favorite thing. I feel so alive when I’m on the field. One time, I scored this amazing goal. [Brilliant writing describes this amazing goal in gorgeous detail.]”
  • [Same as above, except substitute “music” for “soccer” and “in front of an audience” for “on the field,” and so on.]
  • “Debate is my passion. I began in ninth grade knowing nothing. But I worked hard at it, and won my first award as a freshman, even though it was only 9th place. As a sophomore, my skills really improved. I came in 3rd in the Semi-All Around [editor’s note: does that sound like a believable award?]. Finally, my junior year, I came in first in the National Regionals!”

Let’s analyze.

In the first two types of essays (the “[activity] makes me feel alive!” essay) the problem isn’t necessarily writing style. You could write a beautiful piece of prose about that amazing, game-clinching goal, with drama and stakes, reveals and surprises, and soul-plumbing moments on par with something out of Squid Game . 

But if the essay doesn’t say anything about your potential to succeed — elements we’ve boiled down to the 5 traits (more about them below) — it’s not going to matter to the college. 

Lots of students love music. Lots of people are passionate about sports. 

Those things aren’t enough (on their own) to make anyone stand out. 

The last type of essay is more of an obvious clunker. This student may be brilliant at Debate, but they can’t write for their life! The issue here is that they’re just laying out everything they’ve done — the admissions officer isn’t learning anything new. All of it would fit better in their Activities List.  

At least this example shows that college essays aren’t about “showing off.” You don’t need to have insane accomplishments to write a great essay. (Great accomplishments shine better in Activities Lists — although even there, it’s easy to undersell yourself. Here’s how to sell yourself in Activities Lists .)

Rather, it’s perfectly possible to write a great essay about a smaller moment or experience, so long as the essay focuses on your character traits, and how they’ll help you succeed. 

Speaking of which, let’s move on to ...

What you *do* want to do: Show how your activity connects to your potential for success 

Alright. Here’s the good stuff.

Yes, you can absolutely write about your extracurricular activities (including paid work). You can do this to great effect either in your personal statement or in a shorter supplemental essay (or even both!). If you still don’t believe us, here’s an example of a student who got into Harvard by writing about an extracurricular activity. 

Here are some reasons why activities make great essay topics:

  • Fun! You probably enjoy these activities, so you might likewise have fun talking about them.
  • Experience! Even if you don’t love the activity (maybe a job), you spend a lot of time at it, so you likely have lots of interesting experiences to choose from.
  • Authenticity! Activities are usually something that can represent the “real you” easily.
  • Potential!! Activities are great for showing off the 5 Traits that colleges look for in essays. 

That brings us to the 5 traits.  

If you’ve read almost any of our other articles, you know that the 5 traits that colleges look for in applicants are:

  • Drive (aka Grit)
  • Contribution
  • Intellectual Curiosity
  • Diversity of Experiences

These traits show you’re someone who has it in them to succeed. They’re more important than any one success or achievement. Because, if we’re being honest, one success or achievement in high school isn’t that impressive. But having a trait within you that leads to success? That actually is impressive. 

Let’s rewrite those essay types above with the 5 traits in mind:

  • “I couldn’t believe it. My soccer team was discussing whether or not to schedule an extra practice during the upcoming long weekend. “Of course, yes,” I was thinking. But, shockingly, the room was not with me. A quick consensus formed around no added practice. It was my tipping point — I finally saw that I needed to convey to this team that settling for mediocre was not an option, and that none of us would regret doing what it takes to win.”
  • “Nobody is musical in my family. Piano is something I made happen all by myself. I begged my mom for my first lessons as a freshman. The lessons soon got me fascinated by music theory, which I started studying on my own, since our school doesn’t teach it. Later, I found a Saturday class where I now study it.”
  • “I started Debate Club just because I thought I needed an extracurricular activity for my resume. It didn’t mean much to me. It was only at the end of freshman year when I delivered an unsurprisingly lackluster performance in our final trials — and saw the look of disappointment on my teammates’ faces — that I realized I was letting everybody down, most importantly myself. After that, I …”

Let’s analyze. 

These examples turn the admissions reader from outsiders to insiders. 

Your Activities List was a teaser trailer, heavy on the special effects and with the greatest moments edited together to pack a wallop. Now, the college wants to know more . They’re metaphorically willing to cough up movie fare and schlep out to the theater (of course donning a covid mask) to learn the full story of what created this awesome list.

In an essay centered on one or more activities, they want to see what actions you took that led to these accomplishments. They want to see what traits within you caused you to take those actions. They want to see if you have what it takes to succeed. 

For the soccer example , we’ve tossed the game-clinching goal cliche out the window. Instead, we’re focused on rare, valuable traits — in this case Drive (aka Grit). This person gets things done. No matter what. Who would you rather have on campus? A student who’s great at soccer and has scored some extraordinary goals? Or … the person who rallied an apathetic team into adding work and improving their results? 

In the musical example, you see both Initiative (challenging the status quo) as well as Intellectual Curiosity (being excited about learning). This person doesn’t just love music, they made that love of music happen, and they got deep into it. What a cool type of person to admit to a college!

Finally, in our Debate Club example , you’re seeing some Contribution (giving back, helping others) in the form of a person wanting to do better by teammates, as well as perhaps some Drive and Intellectual Curiosity , both of which likely come into play later in the essay, as this person turns their performance around. 

Another thing you might want to do: Tell a fuller version of the impact you had and how you achieved it   

Another way we, as essay coaches , have seen students successfully discuss an activity is when the 150 characters allotted for each of your activities isn’t quite enough to tell its story. 

Let’s take this Activities List description as an example:

  • Won a series of 6 deadly contests without losing my humanity. Subverted VIP expectations and made possible the redemption of a teammate gone evil. 

(Yes, this is Squid Game , and no there are no spoilers up there. I mean, you know one of them is going to win, right? It’s a very mild spoiler. Email us if you’re upset.)

Well, there might be a lot more to say here about this person’s participation in the Squid Games. About …

  • Drive — How they kept at it despite long odds (game #2 springs to mind).
  • Initiative — How they found new ways to defeat the odds (bringing in a welcome spirit of camaraderie in an otherwise dog-eat-dog atmosphere).
  • Contribution — so many examples.
  • Diversity of Experiences — if emerging victorious from the Squid Games doesn’t give you a unique outlook, I don’t know what does.

If you’ve got some great accomplishments under your belt, why not elaborate beyond 150 characters? There’s almost certainly much more to explore that admissions officers would find impressive.

Just make sure that you’re focusing on your actions and how they relate to one or more of the 5 traits. Avoid going on overly long about your deep feelings for the activity or simply recounting “facts,” such as awards or achievements (that clinching soccer goal) — the college wants to know what enduring traits are behind those fleeting achievements.

More articles on Prompt.com’s admissions-boosting methods:

  • Work with a college essay coach
  • Strong essays increase your chance of admission by up to 10x
  • Don’t let influencers influence your college essays
  • Should I apply test-optional?
  • Early admissions: Everything you need to know
  • College Essay Help Center

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to write an extracurricular activities essay.

Hey, I'm working on an essay about my extracurricular activities. Can someone share tips on what to include and how to structure it? Any examples of well-written essays about extracurriculars would be a great help too. Thanks!

Writing an extracurricular activities essay can be a fantastic way to showcase your achievements, interests, and dedication while also displaying your personality and what makes you unique. Here are a few tips on what to include and how to structure it:

1. Choose a specific activity: Instead of writing about multiple extracurriculars, pick one that you're truly passionate about and has had a significant impact on your personal growth. This will help you focus your essay and provide a more engaging story.

2. Begin with an introduction: Introduce the activity and explain why it's important to you. I always think an anecdote that captures how you engage with the activity or maybe your first experience with it will make an engaging hook that grabs the reader's attention and makes them eager to learn more.

3. Show, don't tell: Provide specific examples of your experiences in the activity to illustrate your dedication, growth, and impact. Use anecdotes and vivid language to bring your story to life. For example, if you organized an event for a club or led a team to victory, describe the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

4. Highlight your skills and achievements: While describing your experiences, emphasize the skills and qualities you developed as a result of your participation. Connect these skills to your personal growth and how they will transfer to your future success in college and beyond.

5. Reflect on the impact: End on a reflective note by discussing the impact of the activity on your life and personal growth. How has it shaped your character, interests, or long-term aspirations? Be candid and thoughtful about how the experience has affected you.

As for examples, you can find various well-written essays on extracurriculars through a simple online search. This post should be a good starting point, though: https://blog.collegevine.com/extracurricular-activity-essay-examples

Remember, the key to writing a compelling essay is to be genuine and focus on conveying your passion for the extracurricular activity. Be sure to proofread and revise your essay, and consider seeking feedback from a teacher, counselor, or trusted friend to make it even better. Good luck!

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How to Write the Harvard Extracurricular Activities Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Elias Miller in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 

What’s Covered:

Purpose of the prompt, example answer, showing vs. telling.

In this post, we look at Harvard University ’s supplemental essay focusing on extracurricular activities. For more information, check out this article on how to get into Harvard . 

Harvard’s second supplemental essay prompt reads, “Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.” 

This prompt enables you to focus deeply on one of your extracurriculars to showcase your involvement. With a 150-word limit, your response will be brief, but it should say something profound about you. Choose an activity that is important to you, but avoid discussing something that you’ve already talked about in detail elsewhere in your application. Try to weave in a personal anecdote, but avoid using gimmicks or unnecessary fluff in your response.  

Let’s look at an example answer to this prompt. 

As I crashed into the final chord, I broke into a satisfied grin. I had just played the epic third movement of the “Moonlight Sonata,” a longtime dream of mine. Only four months ago, I had considered this feat impossible. The movement is long and its tempo impossibly fast. It features the most fragile and intricate melodies I had ever encountered. With the end of the school year last June, I was free to determine my own musical path: either finally learn the piece or let it defeat me for the third consecutive summer. During the following months, I spent countless hours practicing until the notes burned a permanent place in my memory, creating a soundtrack for my dreams. Despite my success, I know I haven’t mastered the piece. I am now eager to take the next step and add in layers of nuance to make my performances even more expressive. 

This response is incredibly well done. It’s well-written, not overly flowery, and free of grammatical errors, and it gets the point across. The writer leads us in with a bit of a hook, beginning their response in media res , in the heat of the action. We accompany the writer as they finish their performance of this difficult piece, then we go on a journey with the writer as they talk about their grit, determination, and perseverance to overcome struggles and learn this score. 

Another positive aspect of this response is that the writer doesn’t declare that they’re now a piano genius. Instead, the applicant’s takeaway from this experience is that they have so much more to learn. Playing all the notes of a piece is just the first step in a long journey toward musical maturity and eventual mastery.

The writer doesn’t say, “I’m very determined,” or “I’m very mature,” or “I care a lot about piano.” They don’t have to because they’ve shown these things through writing about this experience. From their journey of learning this piece, we can glean for ourselves how committed, determined, and mature the applicant is. Showing rather than telling is critical in college essay writing.

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Blog > Essay Advice , Supplementals > How to Write an Extracurricular Activities Supplemental Essay

How to Write an Extracurricular Activities Supplemental Essay

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Kylie Kistner, MA Former Willamette University Admissions

Key Takeaway

This post is one in a series of posts about the supplemental essays. You can read our core “how-to” supplemental post here .

What is an Extracurricular Activities supplemental essay?

Extracurricular supplemental essays are one of the most common kinds of supplemental essays. As you can probably guess, they ask you to write about an extracurricular activity—obviously!

But you might be wondering why schools ask you to expand on an extracurricular activity when you’ve already taken the time to curate your Common Application activities list. Since the Common App activities list only gives you 150 characters to explain your activities, Extracurricular essays are the perfect opportunity to show how you’ve interacted with your community through one of your activities.

Simply describing your extracurricular activity, however, probably isn’t enough. Admissions officers don’t need to hear about the logistics of your club soccer team's travel schedule or the detailed interpersonal dynamics of the restaurant you work at. They’ve heard those stories again and again.

What they really need to hear about is you . As a high school student, the way you spend your time outside of school says a lot about you. Admissions officers know that your time is limited and precious. Seeing the activities or causes you’ve dedicated yourself to reveals a lot about what’s important to you.

1: Vanderbilt: Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.

(Psst: Want to know how to answer this prompt specifically? We have a post breaking down the Vanderbilt supplemental for you.)

2: Colorado College: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (no more than 250 words)

Extracurricular essay strategy.

As with any supplemental essay, it’s important to approach Extracurricular supplementals strategically. In particular, your Extracurricular essays should do two main things.

Show magnitude, impact, and reach.

When admissions officers evaluate an applicant’s activities list or Extracurricular supplemental essay, they are looking at these three criteria. Let’s take a second to define each term:

Magnitude: How big of a deal is your extracurricular?

Impact: How are you and others affected by your extracurricular?

Reach: How many people do you reach by participating in your extracurricular?

Now, your Extracurricular essays don’t have to be manifestos about how great you are at your activity. In fact, they shouldn’t be.

But when it comes to your supplemental essay strategy, a good way to approach your Extracurricular essays is by writing meaningfully about how your extracurricular has helped you have an impact on the world. Since colleges want to admit students who positively influence the world around them, your extracurricular essays can help you show how you do just that.

Reflect on personal meaning and influence.

The best extracurricular essays are ones that revolve around personal meaning and influence.

Colleges ask you to respond to Extracurricular prompts because they want to know more about how your activities meaningfully impact you and the world around you.

A supplemental essay that only goes into details about your activity without reflecting on its meaning or influence doesn’t do enough to make your case for admission.

Let’s look at a quick example.

In Debate Club, I led my team to victory in the final round. We were debating about climate change solutions, and I brought it my all.

While that example elaborates on an extracurricular activity, it doesn’t make any effort to reflect on why the activity or the writer’s actions were important. Let’s look at a better excerpt:

My Debate Club was in the finals, and I was our last hope. But we were in luck: the topic was “climate change solutions,” something I’m deeply passionate about. By harnessing the support of my team and the weight of my environmental activism, we didn’t just win the finals. I also became more confident in my ability to advocate for change.

This second version speaks more to meaning. It goes beyond a simple explanation of the activity to expand on 1) why the activity was important and 2) what it meant to the writer.

Now that you have a few strategies under your belt, it’s time to start writing.

How to Write an Extracurricular Supplemental Essay

Step 1: Read the prompt closely.

If you’ve read any of our other supplemental essay guides , you might be familiar with this step. You may even be sick of hearing it. But it’s important to carefully dissect the prompt so you know exactly what admissions officers will be expecting you to address.

In the case of Extracurricular Activities essays, reading the prompt is essential. I’ll use the Vanderbilt and Colorado College prompts as an example.

Notice that the Vanderbilt prompt asks you to “briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you ,” while the Colorado College prompt simply says, “Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.”

So what’s the difference? The Vanderbilt prompt asks you specifically to discuss how your activity has influenced you, but the Colorado College prompt gives you more freedom with what part of your activity you can focus on.

Step 2: Choose your extracurricular activity based on the values, impact, or lessons you want to show.

Remember that your personal statement, supplemental essays, and other application components work together to form a cohesive application narrative . Your essays should each show one of your best strengths, and together they should communicate your overall personal brand.

As you choose which extracurricular activity to write about, be sure that you’re thinking strategically about what you want your activity to say about you to an admissions officer.

Here’s a chart that might help you out. I’ve filled out an example first row so you can get the hang of it. Try filling in your own information to see what sticks.

Extracurricular Activity Impact Personal Meaning Strength(s)
Debate - Impact on my team because we won the finals
- National impact because it was the national competition
I learned how to speak up for what I care about. - Teamwork
- Advocate for justice

Step 3: Outline.

Okay, let’s say that you’re the debate team member we met earlier and you’re working on the Colorado College prompt. Since the prompt doesn’t specify which aspect of your extracurricular you should focus on, you get to choose what you think will be best.

Let’s also say that your personal statement already talks about your role on a team, so you want to supplement your personal statement (this is a supplemental essay, after all!) by focusing instead on how this activity has advanced your passion for climate justice.

Before you begin writing, it might be a good idea to outline what you want to write about to make sure your essay covers everything you want it to.

Here’s an example outline to get you thinking.

I. Introduction: Introduce the activity and lay out what’s at stake.

II. Body: Discuss impact, personal meaning, or reach.

III. Conclusion: Reflect on the activity and drive home how it showcases your chosen strength.

Clearly organizing your essay in a way that gives concrete details while focusing on meaning will help admissions officers understand the importance of your activity.

Extracurricular supplemental essay mistakes

Writing a thinly-veiled Academic Interest essay instead of an Extracurricular essay

Because you’re applying to college to be a student, some applicants think that you need to write about an extracurricular experience related to your academics. This kind of essay might include topics like debate, robotics club, Model United Nations, coding experience, independent research, and more.

Co-curricular activities that are related to your academic interests aren’t off-limits. But you do have to be careful not to overstate the academic importance of your activity. If admissions offices want to know more about one of your academic interests, then they’ll ask you to answer an Academic Interest prompt.

But because they’ve asked you to write an Extracurricular supplemental, then you’ll need to keep your focus on the “extra” part of “extracurricular.”

Going into too much detail at the expense of personal meaning.

I know—it’s hard not to unleash your passion and expertise when writing about your favorite extracurricular activity. Doing so can demonstrate its importance to you and your knowledge of the subject.

But the problem with going into too much detail is that it can outshine the true purpose of a supplemental essay, which is to show personal meaning and school fit.

Focusing on a superficial “non-extracurricular.”

If you’re not quite sure what extracurricular to write about, let me give you a quick warning. You need to write about a real extracurricular activity. Some students want to put a creative twist on the prompt and focus on an “extracurricular” that is more of a personal interest than an actual activity.

A good example of a superficial “non-extracurricular” would be an essay about going on long drives while listening to music. Sure, you might be able to write an interesting essay about that. But that kind of topic doesn’t fulfill the expectations of a supplemental essay, and it doesn’t give you the information you need to make your case for admission.

Extracurricular Supplemental Essay Example

Example essay: the journalist.

Colorado College: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (no more than 250 words)

As an impressionable six-year-old, I watched Meryl Streep-portrayed Miranda Priestly shape fashion history with a single word of disgust. I longed for my words to have such an impact.

Now, as an editor-in-chief myself, I oversee daily operations of The Hallway , my high school’s newspaper. Instead of shaping global fashion trends, I impact my community by ensuring everyone stays informed.(( The writer highlights their community impact.))

My place as editor-in-chief was solidified when, in March of last year, we published a breaking story. After a tip to our newspaper email address, a fellow reporter and I uncovered an academic dishonesty scandal. We conducted interviews, dug into school files, and reviewed old test keys to discover the cheating. My reporter wrote the story, and I edited it and put it on the front page. Our story became so big that it was republished in our city’s local newspaper.(( This paragraph points to the student’s reach. They didn’t just impact their school community—their efforts also reached their city.))

Leading my team through this investigation taught me just how important journalism is.(( This paragraphs reflects on the meaning of the activity to the writer.)) Even when people might be upset with what you write, what’s most important is the truth. People can’t make decisions if they’re uninformed about the facts. And reporters can’t investigate and write those stories without the support of a leader who’s willing to put in the work, too.

I doubt I’ll ever predict what we’ll be wearing next spring. But I know that my words will continue to have a deep impact on my community, and I can’t wait to find the next big story at The Catalyst. ((The writer offers a brief but specific reference to the institution.))

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How to Write about Extracurriculars in Your Personal Statement and Supplemental Essays

essay about extracurricular activities

By Kylie Kistner

Writing Coach, Former Admissions Counselor

9 minute read

Whether you’ve completed a passion project you’re proud of or won a robotics award, you might be thinking about writing about extracurriculars in your college application.

Extracurriculars are an important part of the college admissions process for a reason.

Your out-of-the-classroom participation shows admissions officers what you care about, what you’re talented at, and what you’re committed to. How you choose to spend your non-academic time in high school will help them predict what you’d be involved in on their campus.

But there’s an art to writing about extracurriculars in a college application. Too much detail or too little explanation can lose admissions officers in the mix.

In this post, we’ll share our best tips—the ones that our clients have the most success with—for writing about passion projects and extracurricular activities in your personal statement and supplementals.

Let’s get started.

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Why write about extracurriculars?

You already put your extracurricular activities in your Common App activities section, so why use up precious essay space elaborating on them?

While admissions officers can see your activities list, they don’t always realize the full context or importance of every single one of your extracurriculars.

If there’s an activity or project that’s especially important to you, it can be worthwhile to elaborate. But if you’re going to use your essay space to write about an extracurricular, you need to make it count. You might choose to write about an extracurricular or project for the following four reasons.

Reason #1: To expand on the details an extracurricular

The 150 characters allotted in your Common App activities list isn’t much. You can convey the basics, but if you want to elaborate at all, you’re going to need more space.

Writing your personal statement or a supplemental about an extracurricular lets you write more in-depth about an extracurricular that’s important to you . Expanding on what you did and why it was meaningful will help admissions officers see why your activity mattered.

Reason #2: To highlight an impressive accomplishment

Let’s say you won a national competition, had a small role on a TV show, or raised a lot of money for an organization you care about. Or maybe you developed an independent research project and published it in a prestigious publication like The Concord Review or invented something and won the Regeneron Science Talent Search .

Your admissions officer wants to know about those accomplishments.

Remember that you want to give admissions officers a compelling story to tell committee about you. Your job is to make their job easier. Impressive extracurriculars can make you more memorable to admissions officers and can set you apart from the sea of other equally-qualified applicants.

Reason #3: To demonstrate magnitude, reach, and impact

Anything you write about an extracurricular, no matter where that writing appears in your application, should work to show the magnitude, reach, and impact of the activity.

Why? Because college admissions is all about outcomes. The more you can show that you’ve positively impacted yourself and the world around you, the better.

Admissions officers want to invite students to their communities who will have an impact, both before and after they graduate. Showing that you’re already impacting those around you can make it clear that you’re ready to take advantage of all the opportunities the school has to offer.

Reason #4: To weave your extracurriculars into a broader story that says something about who you are

Especially when writing about extracurriculars in your personal statement, you can use your activity as a springboard for writing about something else that’s important to you.

You’ve probably chosen your project or activity because it’s interesting and meaningful to you.

Extracurriculars can be an organic gateway to tell admissions officers about a more vulnerable part of who you are. Choosing to write about them in your personal statement or supplementals can emphasize how important they are to you, and it can help draw admissions officers’ attention to a core part of yourself .

Should I Write About My Extracurriculars in My Personal Statement

Refresher: what is a personal statement.

Personal statements —also called college essays or Common App essays—are the main piece of writing in your college application, and they typically range from 520 to 650 words.

They are tricky to write because you’ve probably never written (or even read!) one before. (We work on these with students every year , and trust us, they’re tough!)

So what’s the purpose of a personal statement, anyway?

Personal statements are meaningful reflections on an important part of your life. Their purpose is to give admissions officers insight into who you are. They are genuine, often vulnerable pieces of writing. And most importantly, the narrative you create with your personal statement should compel admissions officers to admit you.

It’s a lot to ask of a 650-word essay.

But writing about a passion project or extracurricular can be a fantastic way to communicate your interests, showcase your talents, and advocate for your admission.

With that in mind, let’s go over three important strategies for writing your personal statement about an extracurricular.

Convey Your Strengths (But Avoid Bragging)

All outstanding personal statements communicate a core strength to the admissions committee.

Think about it: when an essay clearly conveys a strength, it’s easier for an admissions officer to understand what the applicant would bring to the campus community.

Your strengths don’t have to be explicit, but they should color the overall theme of your essay.

In our work with students, some of the most common strengths that surface include intellectual curiosity, artistry, teamwork, wisdom, and problem-solving.

The key to writing a good personal statement is finding a balance between conveying your strengths and being authentic and vulnerable. You want your strengths to be clear, but you don’t want to come across as bragging.

Instead, the point is to show a genuine strength while still appearing real and human.

Focus on Outcomes

Personal statements about extracurriculars can go awry when they get too caught up in the details of the activity.

Remember: admissions officers don’t need to know every single second of how you spent your time. You want to hit only the key points that create a seamless story so you can spend the rest of your essay reflecting on meaning and outcomes.

Whatever your project is, consider these questions: What did you learn? How did you grow? How did you help others learn or grow? What did your project do to make the world a better place?

Emphasizing the outcomes will keep your essay focused on what matters most.

Implicitly and Explicitly Answer the “Why” Questions

The “why” questions are the questions that admissions officers are bound to have when they read your personal statement.

Once you introduce them to your passion project or extracurricular, they’ll wonder a lot of things, such as: Why did you choose this activity? Why did your activity matter to you? Why did it matter to others? And—the big question— why should it make me more compelled to admit you?

This last question is key.

Simply telling your admissions officer about your passion project or extracurricular is one thing. But the question you can’t loose sight of is how your passion project or extracurricular demonstrates that you should be admitted. You want to preemptively answer these types of questions in your statement. 

That doesn’t mean that you should come right out and say, “My passion project about educational equity means that I should be admitted.” Definitely don’t do that!

But it does mean writing about your activity in a way that draws on your strengths and outcomes so your admissions officers can envision you joining their campus community. Put another way, every essay you write should give your admission officer a clear reason to admit you to their campus.

Should I Write About My Extracurriculars in My Supplemental Essays

Refresher: what are supplemental essays.

Supplemental essays are additional essays some schools require applicants to write. At around 50 to 500 words, they’re typically shorter than a personal statement.

Since supplemental essays only go to one school, they’re the perfect opportunity for you to make the case that you’re a good fit for the school and its academic community. Your goal in a supplemental essay is to show values-based and academic alignment with the school in question.

Supplemental prompts often fall within a few standardized categories that ask questions like “Why are you interested in attending X?” or “How have you contributed to your community, and how will you contribute to ours?”

One of the most popular supplemental prompt types is the extracurricular activities essay . In these prompts, schools ask you to elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities. If your extracurricular relates to academics, you might also respond to an academic interest prompt.

In short, you’re allowed to write about your passion project or extracurricular in a supplemental essay whenever you feel it’s appropriate.

Make Relevant Connections to the School

Whether you’re responding to an extracurricular activity, academic interest, community, or other prompt type, strong supplemental essays often make explicit connections to the school.

Why do they do this?

Because that’s how you show that you’re a natural fit for the campus community.

It also shows admissions officers that you’ve done your research and are invested as an applicant.

Let’s say you have a passion project about Type 1 Diabetes . Through your research, you learned about Dr. Damiano’s ground-breaking Type 1 Diabetes research at Boston University. Now you have the perfect connection to work into your BU supplemental essay .

Emphasize Meaning and Impact

We’ve already gone over the importance of focusing on the outcomes of your extracurricular, but it’s worth restating.

Emphasizing the meaning and impact of your activity is especially important in supplemental essays because they’re shorter, more purpose-driven in response to a prompt, and often more straightforward than a personal statement.

Take this example essay (“Community Essay: The DIY-ers”) in response to one of MIT’s prompts. The applicant writes about a passion project, building a telescope, but doesn’t stop there. They also go on to explain the meaning of the project (how it helped them connect with their family) and the impact (how it shaped their career goals as an aspiring environmental engineer).

So as you write, be sure to draw out the meaning and impact of your activity for your admissions officers. Don’t leave the guesswork up to them.

Think About Values

The final way to take your supplemental essays to the next level is to think in terms of values.

If you’re choosing to pursue a passion project or spend a lot your free time time on an extracurricular, then chances are it’s something you value.

Use that to your advantage by aligning with values at the institutions you’re applying to. You can do this in any supplemental essay, but your case will be much stronger when you have a passion project or extracurricular to emphasize your alignment.

Perhaps you completed a passion project looking at corporate sustainability practices —something you’re really invested in. Well, let’s also say that you’re interested in the University of Pennsylvania because of Wharton’s Business, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability concentration.

Because of your passion project, you now have the ability to make a very natural, compelling case that your values line up with Penn’s. Showing your commitment to similar values will help admissions officers imagine all the ways you’d contribute to and benefit from their community.

Key Takeaways

We spend our time on what we value most. As a high schooler, you have limited time outside of your school day. Admissions officers appreciate seeing how you’ve committed yourself to projects, activities, and causes outside of the four walls of your high school.

Writing about an extracurricular or passion project in your personal statement or supplementals can be one of the best ways to expand on an activity that is important to you and forge significant connections with the schools you’re applying to.

No matter what kind of college essay you’re writing, avoid getting too caught up in the minutiae of your activity, and be sure to emphasize the meaning and outcomes.

Above all, take stock of your application narrative, and consider how your extracurriculars make you a more compelling candidate for admission.

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Amazing Extracurricular Activity Examples for College Applications

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Extracurriculars are a great way to participate in an activity you enjoy and meet new people, and they can also be an important part of your college application.

What makes an extracurricular activity particularly impressive to colleges? How do your extracurriculars measure up?

Read this guide to see four amazing extracurricular activities examples. I'll discuss why they're exceptional and how you can participate in similar activities to boost your own college application.

Worried about college applications?   Our world-class admissions counselors can help. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies.

What Are Extracurricular Activities and How Are They Useful?

An extracurricular is any activity you participate in outside of class. It can be associated with your school, such as a sports team or club, or completely separate. They also include any jobs or internships you have had, as well as volunteer work you have performed. Extracurriculars cover a wide range of activities and interests, from painting to science to helping the homeless and more.

Why would you want to participate in an extracurricular? There are several ways they can benefit you:

They Let You Do Something You Enjoy

Extracurriculars let you participate in an activity you enjoy, whether that's playing football, painting, or another activity. Practicing this activity regularly will help you get better at it, and you may be able to develop new skills that you find useful in the future. Doing something you enjoy not only makes you happier but can also give you a much-needed break from schoolwork.

They Introduce You to New Friends

Students often make many friends through their extracurriculars because they see other members regularly and have a shared interest.

They Are Important for College Applications

Extracurriculars can also be included in your college applications to show your interests and talents. Read on to learn more about the importance of extracurriculars when applying to college.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

How Are Extracurriculars Important for College Applications?

Extracurriculars can be a key part of your college application. Most applications have a section where you can list all the extracurriculars you were involved in. If a certain extracurricular is particularly important to you, you can also write about it in your personal statement and have the people writing you letters of recommendation discuss it so that it is a more prominent part of your college application.

Why do colleges care about extracurriculars? Colleges like to admit students who are involved in their communities, interact well with others, and work to develop their talents and passions. A student who participates in extracurriculars is more likely to do each of those things than a student who has no extracurriculars.

Also, there is more to college than simply going to class; colleges are full of opportunities to be active, interact with others, and give back, and schools want to admit students who will keep their campuses connected and interesting. Great extracurriculars can also help you stand out from the thousands of applications colleges receive by highlighting a particular skill or interest of yours that makes you unique and memorable.

How competitive your extracurriculars need to be depends on how selective the colleges you're applying to are. For Ivy League and other top schools, strong extracurriculars are usually required. For more information, check out our guide that explains how to develop extracurriculars that will help you get into Harvard and other top schools. If you're applying to your state school, you likely don't need your extracurriculars to be exceptional, but if you do have awesome extracurriculars and decent grades, then you have an excellent chance of being accepted.


What Makes an Extracurricular Activity Great?

While colleges like to see a student with extracurriculars, not all extracurriculars are considered equal. There are specific qualities that colleges look for in extracurriculars that will make them more impressive and boost the applicant's resume. Having one amazing extracurricular on your college application is more impressive than a list of activities you had little interest in or impact on. One great extracurricular can give your college application a significant boost.

However, getting an amazing extracurricular is not as simple as choosing a particular sport or club you think colleges will find impressive. When applying to college, what activity you do is not nearly as important as why you are doing it or the effort you put into it. There are three qualities admissions look for in particular when they review extracurriculars:

Leadership experience includes any time that you have been responsible for leading a project or guiding, motivating, or instructing others. Colleges want to admit students who have a history of leadership experience because they are hoping those students will continue to be leaders and have a significant impact on the world in the future.

You don't have to be team captain or club president in order to get leadership experience. You can show your leadership skills by helping to organize an event, mentoring younger members, or developing a fundraiser.

Are you participating in that activity because you truly want to or just because you want to include it on your college application? For colleges, there is a huge difference between the two. Admissions officers want to see you doing activities you are interested in and passionate about, not just as a way to impress others. Passion is a critical contributor to success, and colleges see genuine passion as an indicator that you are more likely to succeed than someone who's just going through the motions.

Great extracurriculars show what your passion is. This can be accomplished by having multiple similar extracurriculars (such as being part of multiple science clubs), or showing a deep commitment to a particular extracurricular, often by pursuing it for many years and spending a significant amount of time on it.

Colleges measure impact by looking at how you influenced the activity you participated in and how it influenced you. The strongest extracurricular examples clearly show that you have changed and improved as a result of participating and that you also had a lasting impact on the activity as well.

Colleges want to admit people who will have a positive and lasting impact on their school, so they look for students who already have a history of this in their extracurriculars. Having an impact on an extracurricular can include recruiting new members, expanding a club's focus, or developing a way for the club to reach more people. Colleges also want to see that your extracurriculars made you a better person. Are you more responsible? A better team player? More confident?


Colleges love to see confident applicants.

To get a better idea of what good extracurricular activities are, read on to see examples of outstanding extracurricular activities.

Great Extracurricular Activity Examples

Below are four fictional examples of great extracurricular activities. For each, a paragraph is written from the student's perspective. Most college applications don't allow much space to discuss your extracurriculars, but you will likely want to include a more condensed version of the same kind of information. For a more in-depth take on this topic, take a look at our guide on how to write about extracurriculars on your college application .

Each example also includes a breakdown of what makes it a great extracurricular, as well as ways for you to pursue similar activities.

Example 1: Elizabeth the Ballerina

I took my first ballet class when I was three years old, and ever since then I have known that I want to be a ballerina. During the school year, I would take ballet classes six days a week, and beginning in middle school I spent summers at intensive ballet camps. When I was 14, I was accepted into the Joffrey Ballet's pre-professional program, one of the most competitive youth ballet troupes in the country. I have now spent three years in the pre-professional program, which involves practicing and performing roughly 30 hours a week. I have also auditioned and been selected for roles in 8 company productions that are seen by hundreds of audience members each night. I have loved ballet nearly my entire life, and I plan to continue working as a ballerina and mentoring children and teenagers who are interested in ballet.

Why It Stands Out

The main thing that causes this extracurricular to stand out is Elizabeth's clear passion for and dedication to ballet. Elizabeth has been practicing ballet since she was a toddler, and she practices many hours each week. She gives specific numbers (30 hours a week, 8 company productions), to help admissions officers get a clear idea of her work and the impact it had.

She makes her talents clear by stating that she was accepted into a competitive program and was chosen to perform in company performances. This helps show that she is exceptionally skilled ballerina and helps her stand out from other applicants who may just pursue dance as a fun hobby.

Finally, Elizabeth states that she would like to teach others about ballet and act as a mentor. This both shows her leadership abilities and lets schools know that she would like to continue her extracurricular as a college student.

How to Have a Similar Extracurricular

Is there a hobby or activity you have practiced for multiple years? You don't need to have practiced it as long as Elizabeth has, but sticking with one extracurricular for a long time can show colleges you have a deep interest in it.

This activity doesn't necessarily have to be an official club or sport either, having a hobby you are passionate about and practice regularly also counts as an extracurricular. If you've been interested in art since you were young, you can expand that into a strong extracurricular by taking art classes, getting your work displayed in your community, and developing a program or class that introduces kids to art.


Example 2: Scott the Volunteer Leader

I have been a member of my high school's volunteer club since my freshman year. During my first year, I enjoyed tutoring elementary students and painting houses with the club, but I thought students should have more options for volunteering. As a sophomore, I spoke to club leaders and proposed five new locations where students could volunteer including a hospital, animal shelter, and homeless shelter. After getting my suggestions approved, I contacted the organizations and arranged for them to form volunteer partnerships with the school. This included developing activities volunteers could do, getting the organizations approved by the school, and arranging volunteer times and transportation. Other students in the volunteer club were excited about having a bigger impact, so I continued to look for new opportunities for volunteers. I am currently president of the volunteer club and in charge of developing new volunteer activities. Under my direction, the volunteer club has grown from 30 to over 100 members and quadrupled the number of places where students can volunteer. I'm proud that our club is continuing to grow and help more people each year.

This extracurricular clearly shows that Scott is a leader who knows how to take initiative and get things done. Scott clearly describes the work he did to expand and improve the volunteer club, from proposing ideas to club leaders to working with organizations to establish volunteer programs.

Like Elizabeth, he gives concrete numbers to show his impact on the volunteer club and how he contributed to its growth . The fact that he worked to expand the volunteer club and provide more volunteer opportunities for other club members also shows that he cares about volunteering and believes it can have a positive impact on both volunteers and the people they help.

Scott's extracurricular is great because he took initiative and worked to improve it, even before he had a leadership position. You can do the same thing with any of your extracurriculars. Is there a club you enjoy but think could be better? Perhaps you are part of an art club but wish members had more opportunities to showcase their work.

You could contact a local library or cafe and organize a display of artists' work for the community to enjoy. Perhaps you're on an academic bowl team and wish there were more competitions. You could contact other schools and set up an invitational tournament to help teams get more practice competing. The main point is to take initiative and lead a project that will improve your extracurricular, no matter what that activity is.

Example 3: Jessica the Scientist

When I was 15 years old, I decided to get a part-time job to help pay for college and have some spending money. Because I was already part of my school's Science Olympiad team and plan on majoring in microbiology, I applied to be a lab technician at a local science lab. My work primarily consisted of preparing chemicals and cleaning equipment, but after speaking to my supervisor about my interest in microbiology, I was able to begin conducting some simple experiments for the lab. This past summer I became a full-time intern at the lab and took on additional responsibilities. I asked to work with a team doing a microbiology project that studies self-assembly properties of polypeptides. During my internship, I ran different chemical tests and analyzed data results for potential use in cancer research, and I have continued that work into the school year.

From the above paragraph, it's clear that Jessica's passion is science. She is a member of science clubs, she plans on majoring in biology, and she applied for a job in a science lab. Jessica took a not-too-exciting job, where she mostly cleaned lab equipment, and was able to grow it into an internship where she contributes to cancer research. That's a pretty impressive accomplishment for a high school student. She took initiative to increase the responsibility of her part-time job and turn it into something that has a meaningful impact and gives her useful experience for her future.

Jessica's part-time job didn't start off all that impressive; she worked to increase her responsibilities and impact. You can do the same with any job or activity you have. Think of ways to expand your role, or ask your boss or club leader if they have any ideas. For example, if you're a lifeguard, you could start a program that teaches kids basic first-aid safety at the pool.

I have a friend who worked at a grocery store in high school and planned on being a dietitian. She created a monthly group where kids whose parents were grocery shopping could stop by a part of the grocery store, have some snacks, and learn about which healthy foods they should eat. That's a great way to take a typical high school job and turn it into an extracurricular that shows motivation, hard-work, and leadership skills.


Example 4: James the Soccer Player

When I started high school I thought it would be a good idea to join a sports team since my family had just moved to the area. One of my classmates suggested I try out for the soccer team. I made the junior varsity team and stayed on it for two years until I joined the varsity team as a junior. I love playing soccer and the feeling I get knowing I'm a member of a team. Being part of the soccer team helped me make friends and feel like I was part of the school's community. Because my soccer team helped me so much, as a junior I proposed a mentoring program where experienced team members helped freshman players adjust to high school. The mentors would make sure the freshman weren't feeling overwhelmed, had people to talk to, and found activities and classes they liked. The program was a great success, with many members commenting on how much they enjoyed it. This year, I helped three other sports teams implement the program. Doing this has helped me become more confident and better at public speaking. My high school dean has also asked that I speak to other teams in the hopes that, eventually, each of my school's sports teams will have a similar mentoring program.

Unlike Elizabeth, the highly-skilled ballerina, James is not one of the top high school soccer players in the country. While making varsity team does show he's talented at playing soccer, there are thousands of high school varsity players across the country, and unless you are playing at a national level, simply being a varsity athlete is not enough to make an extracurricular outstanding. What makes James' extracurricular exceptional is not his soccer skills but the mentoring program he started for athletes.

James took his experience of being the new kid and used it to help others avoid feeling lonely and isolated in high school. He decided to create a program that helps new students and bonds the team together. This shows leadership, as well as consideration for others. Colleges want students foster a positive atmosphere by working well as part of a team and being the kind of person other students want to be around. James' commitment to his mentoring program makes him seem like that kind of person. He also states how working on the mentoring program made him a more confident person . Similar to previous examples, James took initiative to start a new project, and he continues to lead and expand it.

James' extracurricular shows that you don't have to be the best at a certain activity to have it be a strong extracurricular. James wasn't team captain and didn't make the varsity team until he was a junior, but he still had a significant impact on improving the soccer team and helping out other students at his school.

If you aren't the top athlete or best science student at your school, you can have a strong impact in another way. A great way to do this is to foster relationships among your classmates. If your school has several science clubs that don't often interact with each other, you can suggest hosting a science event together that can include cool science demonstrations for kids and help the science clubs become more connected. You can also start a mentoring program similar to the one James created.

How to Create Your Own Great Extracurriculars

In none of the above examples was a student handed an amazing internship or club membership; they each had to put in time and effort to create exceptional extracurriculars. It will likely be the same for you. By following the steps below, you can develop great extracurriculars that will show the passion, impact, and leadership abilities that colleges love to see. If you have already chosen your extracurriculars and simply want to strengthen then, you can begin at step #4, although you may still find reading the previous steps useful.

#1: List Your Interests

Colleges want to see you participate in extracurriculars that you are passionate about, not ones you are only doing to impress others. Doing an extracurricular you are interested in will also make it more enjoyable (which is really the point of an extracurricular) and will likely also make you more willing to pursue leadership opportunities and increase your impact.

Make a list of all your interests. This can include your favorite classes, hobbies you enjoy, sports you've wanted to try, or what you plan on studying in college, basically anything you think you would enjoy spending more time doing.

#2: Research Extracurriculars

Once you have your list of interests, find extracurriculars that relate to them. Look at clubs and sports your school offers, local jobs and internships for teens, and volunteer opportunities, and make a list of extracurricular activities you might be interested in. If you need ideas, we have a complete list of extracurriculars that includes hundreds of different options.

If you need more help, ask your guidance counselor, classmates, or local community members. You can also try doing an internet search for "your interest" + "your hometown" to find nearby activities you can get involved with. If your school doesn't offer an extracurricular you're interested in, you can start a club yourself, which is a great way to show initiative and leadership.

#3: Choose and Narrow Your Extracurriculars

If you are able to, choose several extracurriculars that you think you will enjoy. After participating in them for a few weeks or months, you can narrow them down to one or a few that you feel particularly passionate about and want to devote more time to. Colleges are more interested in depth than breadth, so having a few extracurriculars that you put a lot of time into and have a significant impact on is more impressive than a laundry list of clubs and sports you don't really care about.


Narrow down your interests in order to choose the best extracurriculars

#4: Increase Your Impact

Now that you've chosen your extracurriculars, it's time to strengthen them to help your college application stand out. First, look for ways to increase your impact. Like the examples mentioned above, this can include recruiting more members, creating new events, expanding the club's focus, and more. Try to leave your extracurricular better than it was when you joined it.

#5: Gain Leadership Skills

After you have started to have a larger impact, work to become a leader in your extracurricular. This doesn't always mean being club president or team captain. You can gain leadership skills by mentoring other members, leading a project, or developing a new activity.

Once you've started applying these five rules, you'll be well on your way to developing a great extracurricular to include on your college applications.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Extracurricular Activities Essay | Essay on Extracurricular Activities for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Extracurricular Activities Essay:  Educational philosophy refers to the importance of teaching students to be life long learners. There is much more to education and experience than classrooms, textbooks, and success.

Extracurricular activities provide opportunities to students to express and explore themselves in areas depending upon their interests, skills and talents.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Extracurricular Activities for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on a long Extracurricular Activities Essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the same topic for reference.

Long Essay on Extracurricular Activities 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Extracurricular Activities is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Extracurricular activities teach students to work as a “unit” and be team players. It is a non–academic activity and serves as a part of development modules which can make the students think from a somewhat simpler point of view of themselves and the world around them.

Extracurricular activities are a kind of learning method that includes observation, practise and experience. Students can perform better in both the internal and external skills such as self-acceptance, self-esteem, sexual orientation, career goals and others. In the article of Curriculum planning, sustained development and reforms by the country’s educational purposes as manifested.

These activities are ongoing effort towards further developing the potential of individuals a holistic and integrated manner to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in truth and discipline. These activities help to improve the academic scores as well as social life.

Extracurricular activities produce knowledgeable and competent beings, who possess high moral standards and the ones who are responsible and capable of achieving a great extent of personal well- being, as well as being able to contribute to the progress of the family, the society and the nation at large.

Mostly when we talk about extracurricular, what directly strikes our minds are related to the different periods allotted for activities like hockey, swimming, equestrian club, culinary club and many more. But, we have to realize that these activities are not only related to any schools, clubs or uniform bodies but also Representative Council and Committee of Students and so on is categorized as extracurricular.

There are mainly three types of extracurricular, first being the society. Society has categorized as a club or an organization for students who have specific interest in a societal matter like public talk. Second is uniform bodies, as mentioned above, is an organization that involved the same uniform that they wear as their identity. Last is sports and games, and this is the most common as well as popular one which involved students to spend time for fun as can maintain good health.

Students like to join many extracurricular activities, while some other students do not. Thus, their level of involvement and interest in the extracurricular activities limited to the desired and willingness of themselves. One of the benefits of joining these extracurricular activities is getting a chance of being a leader, to develop, management skills, time management, ability to handle stress, talk delegation, decision making, carrying out meetings and many more.

Disadvantages of extracurricular activities are the failure in time management, which inversely effect on academic and creates an imbalance. Being, an active student is excellent rather than passive. Not every student that join the activities or programmes can manage their student’s life. Proper time management can help students in scheduling their study time, involvement in extracurricular and other tasks. Moreover, the most important thing is students should be alert about the trend of their schedule and proper use of it. Extracurricular activities, when merged with academics, will help students learn effectively.

Short Essay on Extracurricular Activities 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Extracurricular Activities is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Students who take part in extra curriculum activities improve their academic scores and social life. It also helps to reduce many peer pressure related problems and enrich the lives of students, their families and our communities. Extracurricular activities also help to shape a person’s movement within him or herself, in the community and their performance in schools. Schools are all over the world should highly encourage students to be in some activity.

Extracurricular activities help to improve student’s academics though they can also harm how grades turn out. There is a requirement for a boost for most of the students so that they can participate in activities. These activities help to develop the work ethic, and it enriches the personality of the students. It caters the student’s voluntary involvement that is being present at the external realm of the academic curriculum for all-round development.

10 Lines on Extracurricular Activities in English

  • Extracurricular activities help students to pursue interests outside the standardized education.
  • These activities encourage students to expose themselves to the students of their age permissively.
  • These activities involve the student in various activities and help to develop a work ethic.
  • Extracurricular activities enrich the student’s personality as it includes voluntary involvement.
  • An extracurricular activity helps a student with responsibility and time management.
  • These activities help to improve the academic scores as well as social life.
  • Extracurricular activities are entirely instrumental in building self–esteem and leadership quality.
  • These activities give the students the scope and the spirit of healthy competition.
  • Extracurricular activities help to exhibit a person’s potential in the area of interest, skill or talent.
  • Extracurricular activities, when merged with academics, will help students learn effectively.

FAQ’s on Extracurricular Activities Essay

Question 1. What is an extracurricular activity?

Answer: Extracurricular activities provide opportunities to students to express and explore themselves in areas depending upon their interests, skills and talents

Question 2.  State the importance of extracurricular activities?

Answer: Extracurricular activities enriches the student’s personality as it includes voluntary involvement. These activities help to improve the academic scores as well as social life.

Question 3.  Mention how extracurricular activities are helpful?

Answer: Extracurricular activities give the students the scope and the spirit of healthy competition. These activities, when merged with academics, will help students learn effectively.

Question 4. What are the pros and cons of extracurricular activity?

Answer: Extracurricular activities help to improve student’s academics though they can also harm how grades turn out. It enriches the personality of the students.

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Ellin Lolis Consulting

How To Write About Extracurricular Activities In Your MBA Essays

May 24, 2024

essay about extracurricular activities

  • Go beyond the required curriculum
  • Share your interests
  • Be a leader!
  • Details are key
  • Be honest and sincere!
  • Engage in DEI
  • Connect to impact!
  • Get expert help

UPDATE: This article was originally posted on July 15, 2022. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

For your MBA admissions essay, you want to make sure you stand out from the crowd so that the adcom wants you at their school among the thousands of applications that land on their desk. While there are many tricks to a successful essay , there is one you should not forget – extracurricular engagement! Admissions committees are not just looking for future professionals who want the prestige of attending a top university. They seek candidates who aim to actively contribute to their business school community and make a lasting, positive impact.

Hence, it is important to go beyond just mentioning the essential classes you hope to attend while writing your essays. To impart your motivations for community engagement, a going-above-and-beyond attitude, and what is unique about your profile, you should carefully consider how you would like to participate in extracurricular activities during your MBA.

To do so effectively, we have compiled our top tips for handling extracurricular activities below!

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #1: Go beyond the required curriculum

In your essays – especially your goals essay or essays like CBS’ E2 – it is essential to include what you hope to gain from your target MBA program in terms of skills, knowledge, or networking opportunities. Usually, we recommend that candidates do this by connecting the gaps in their knowledge or skills with specific classes. 

While you definitely want to include specific elements from the curriculum, extracurricular activities are also a great way to show how you plan to utilize your MBA community to improve on the weakness in your profile.

An MBA program is designed to be a comprehensive and immersive learning experience, encompassing both coursework and extracurricular activities such as clubs and social events. That means that you are expected to gain essential skills not just from classes but also from engaging in these additional activities! 

In fact, extracurricular activities can even be the strongest environments for learning skills like teamwork, communication, and leadership since they offer practical, hands-on experiences with classmates whose interests collide with yours! 

After all, learning to problem-solve local water sanitation issues in Kellogg’s Energy and Sustainability Club goes far beyond the theories that you study in the classroom. Similarly, taking a leadership role in Darden’s Outdoor’s Club can help you discover and refine your personal leadership style.

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #2: Share your interests

Participating in extracurricular activities at your target bschool is not just a winning strategy to gain the skills you need to succeed as a future professional. It is also a way to give back and contribute to your future MBA program and become a valuable member of the school community .

By participating in extracurriculars and contributing your unique experiences and interests, you can help your fellow classmates improve their skills and knowledge, too.

Not only does this help communicate to the adcom that you value community and giving back, but also what you – and only you! – can bring to their program .

There are many ways to show your interests and personality through extracurricular activities and clubs. For example, you could join a professional club – like INSEAD’s Blockchain and Fintech Club – or cultural affinity clubs like LBS’ Africa Club .

However, personal interest clubs – such as Wharton’s Beer and Brewmasters’ Guild or their Storyteller’s Club – can also be great ways to share your interests with your future classmates. 

essay about extracurricular activities

Similarly, athletic clubs like Booth’s Dance Club or their Basketball Club can be a great way to get involved, exercise with your classmates, and be yourself. Of course, another way to do so may be to organize group visits to watch your favorite team – like the Chicago Bulls – play on the court.

And what if you can’t find a club to fit your favorite interests? Well, that’s no problem – how about you discuss starting one in your MBA essay instead?

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #3: Be a leader!

Extracurricular engagement is also a great way to show one of the top traits that elite business schools are looking for – leadership!

Your MBA program offers numerous opportunities to showcase and develop your leadership skills. Participating in extracurricular activities is an excellent way to demonstrate and refine your ability to lead.

If you love supporting your fellow female students and also Rugby, you could consider joining and eventually captaining HEC’s Female Rugby Club , for example. To gain practical experience leading teams in high-pressure situations, consider participating in MBA regattas through INSEAD’s Sailing Club .

Leadership goes far beyond sports, of course. In fact, you could consider taking a leadership role on a personal level by engaging in mentoring opportunities. Consider discussing your excitement to give back to greater Philadelphia in Wharton’s Youth Mentors Club or helping out your global peers and honing your intercultural mindset by participating in NYU’s International Student Mentorship Program . Rather be a leader for your MBA class as a whole? Well, consider spending your time with one of Darden’s advisory clubs or joining your MBA program’s student government .

essay about extracurricular activities

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #4: Details are key

Keep in mind, no matter which extracurricular activities you decide to discuss in your MBA admissions essay, doing so with the right amount of detail is essential .

This is because including too little detail may come off as insincere .

To make sure you go in-depth into the opportunities you discuss – while staying brief to make sure you adhere to all word count requirements – you want to be specific .

Specificity means discussing exactly what you can and intend to contribute to each extracurricular activity you intend to pursue. For example, do not simply mention your general interest in CBS’ Social Enterprise Club without explaining what you intend to do there.

Instead, you may not only want to mention how you plan to polish your public speaking skills in the club but that you would love to do so by organizing their social enterprise week fundraiser and introducing esteemed professionals at CBS’ annual social enterprise conference .

Of course, including the right amount of detail can be tricky. If you are looking for help to determine if your arguments are detailed enough to persuade the adcom, don’t hesitate to check out our MBA Resource Center .

There, you can find dozens of past successful essays and detailed brainstorming worksheets to help you plan out a winning essay. 

Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join!

essay about extracurricular activities

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #5: Be honest and sincere!

Of course, there is one golden rule for discussing extracurricular engagement in your MBA admissions essays – always be sincere .

This means you should never discuss extracurriculars that you don’t intend to join or promote simply to get accepted . 

It also means that you should never include a laundry list of clubs you like, since this will neither be persuasive nor convey authentic interest. As discussed above, each extracurricular you mention in your essays should include enough detail that it is clear how specifically you plan to engage on- or off-campus. While it’s important to have ambitious goals, it’s crucial to avoid making empty promises. Whether you aim to start a new club, mentor local students, or share your professional network with peers, your plans for engaging outside the classroom should be both realistic and sincere .

Just like you should never make a promise you can’t keep, never include clubs or activities that you don’t intend to actually participate in should you be accepted into the program.

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #6: Engage in DEI

In 2022 – in the wake of DEI movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #Metoo – diversity and inclusion have grown to become one of the most important values for elite business programs . Not surprisingly, this means that the admissions committee is looking for future professionals who are truly committed to promoting DEI on and beyond campus.

essay about extracurricular activities

This means that participating in extracurricular activities is a great way to show your determination to make your future MBA community more inclusive.

There are many ways to do so on campus – for example, by joining clubs like GSB’s Black Business Student Association or their First-Generation Low-Income Club . In either one, you can not only support your fellow club members but also add your voice to movements that are helping marginalized groups speak out across campus and around the world. 

Of course, engagement is not limited to clubs. For example, consider taking on a leadership role at events like LBS’s EQUALL conference or Duke Fuqua’s MBA Pride Weekend .

Of course, supporting and promoting DEI goes far beyond just your MBA campus. Consider getting involved in your local community as well!

Discussing Extracurriculars Tip #7: Connect to impact!

Last but not least, engaging in extracurricular activities can be a great way to underline your vision for impact as a future professional.

In other words, you can connect to your goals and the kind of impact you hope to make by getting a head-start directly in your MBA community . This is a great way to show the adcom you mean business about making a difference.

Be it by leading your fellow female entrepreneurs in INSEAD’s Women in Business Club , supporting clean energy by joining Kellogg’s Impact Consulting Club , or helping make upcoming technologies more widely available by learning from other leaders in HEC TECH , it is never too early to start impacting others. Trust me, your favorite b-school definitely agrees!

Ensure You Send Flawless MBA Essays

The extracurricular activities you decide to discuss in your MBA essay are completely up to you. They will depend on your personal context, your unique interests, and your motivation to contribute to your MBA community. 

Of course, discussing these in the right amount of detail or ensuring that you remain authentic to yourself is not always straightforward. Even the best writers struggle with these issues sometimes, 

If you need help deciding how to discuss extracurricular engagement, our expert team of editors can help you select and present your failures effectively. It’s that dedication to ensuring you tell your story effectively that has allowed us to maintain a 98.9% success rate for our all-in consulting clients .

At Ellin Lolis Consulting, we are here to help ensure that you make the most of your MBA admissions essays and how you can engage with your MBA community beyond the classroom.

So click here and put our expertise to work for your application!

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Complete List of Extracurricular Activities – 250+ Examples

February 26, 2024

There are many reasons to participate in extracurriculars. They’ll allow you to develop skills and widen your social circle. Plus, they’re fun! Moreover, extracurriculars are not only personally and professionally enriching, but can also be a critical component of your college applications. In fact, there are ten blank spaces for extracurricular activities on the Common Application. Now, do you need ten extracurricular activities? Nope. While you should feel free to experiment during your freshman and sophomore years, it is fine—preferrable, actually—to focus on a few core activities your junior and senior years. That is, focus on quality over quantity (scroll down for 250 extracurricular activity examples).

In addition, one’s ability to participate in extracurricular activities is shaped by a number of factors including academic load, personal and familial obligations, economic circumstances, and availability. It’s difficult to join a ski club if you live in Florida, write for the student newspaper if your high school doesn’t have one, or participate in after-school activities when you have younger siblings to babysit or a part-time retail job. Admissions officers will account for these factors, and you should as well.

Why Are Extracurriculars Important?

Different schools place different weight on extracurriculars. Generally, the more competitive the school, the more your extracurriculars can help you stand out amongst a field of academically-qualified applicants.

More specifically, extracurriculars:

  • Give insights into your priorities and passions.
  • Demonstrate commitment and initiative.
  • Establish your interest in a prospective major. This is more important for some majors than others. Examples: pre-med, computer science, theater.

Extracurricular Activities Examples (Continued)

However, contrary to popular belief, college admissions officers are people, not robots. They are focused on accepting applicants who will make up a well-rounded student body , not necessarily on accepting individual students who check each and every box. This distinction is critical. Treat the activities section of your application as an opportunity to show what you have to offer to your future college community. What does your list of activities say about you? What do you want it to say about you? For example, perhaps you participated in only one club in high school—a single line item on the activities section of your application. Is that “bad?” Well, no. Let’s expand the scenario and say that you were a member of said club all four years of high school, eventually served as Vice-President, and participated in regional activities.

Now, what does that one activity say about you? It says that you are dedicated and secure in your interests. Conversely, let’s say you participated in eight different extracurriculars—some sporadically, some regularly. What does this say about you? You are a joiner. You are not afraid to experiment, but know how and when to prioritize. Both of these hypothetical students are promising candidates.

When reviewing extracurriculars, college admissions officers are looking for evidence of:

  • Participation
  • Achievement
  • Community Engagement
  • Relevant (or Unexpected) Interests
  • Social Awareness
  • Personal Growth

Typically, what your list of extracurriculars communicates about you is the most valuable part of this application section.

What Are Extracurriculars?

Whether you are just starting to explore extracurricular opportunities or are already considering how to complete the Common App activities section, it can be helpful to consider the range of activities. What constitutes an extracurricular activity? What are your options? Which extracurriculars fit your interests?

As the list of extracurriculars below shows, the list of potential activities is quite expansive. Use this list to brainstorm ideas or get a sense of the range of possibilities. In fact, if you are researching extracurriculars early enough in your high school career, you might even be able to establish a club or chapter that doesn’t yet exist at your school or in your community.

Alternatively, by perusing this list, you might find that are already participating in an activity without even realizing it “counts.” What do you do after school? For fun? During the weekends? That is, before you despair, are you sure that you have no extracurriculars ? No matter your circumstances, it is highly unlikely that you have nothing to include in this section of your application. Remember that an extracurricular can be any activity not related to coursework . This includes both formal activities and informal hobbies, paid work and volunteer positions, clubs and sports, etc.

List of Extracurricular Activities Divided by Category

Many of these activities could easily fit into multiple or alternate categories. For example, some language clubs are more academic and founded by and for students interested in learning and practicing a language, whereas others function more as cultural affinity groups.

Numerous organizations, clubs, or teams listed are national organizations, with students joining or belonging to a local or school-specific chapter. Where possible, we’ve linked to the national organization for more information.

Academic Clubs or Teams

Do you love science and plan to major in pre-med? An anatomy or biology club might be for you! Are you interested in practicing your Spanish skills outside of class? There might be a club for that! Join a club or an academic team because it interests you, not because you think it will look good (or, at least, not just because you think it will look good).

These groups can vary in competitiveness and levels of commitment. Academic competitions or challenges often entail some degree of travel, as well as opportunities for prizes and scholarships.

  • Academic Decathlon
  • Academic Triathlon
  • Adopt-a-Physicist
  • American Mathematics Competitions
  • American Regions Mathematics League
  • Anatomy Club
  • Arabic Club
  • Architecture Club
  • Art History Club
  • Astronomy Club
  • Biology Club
  • Business Club
  • Caribou Mathematics Competition
  • Chemistry Club
  • Chemistry Olympiad
  • Chinese Club
  • Clean Tech Challenge
  • Conrad Challenge (annual innovation and entrepreneurial competition)
  • Creative Communication Poetry Contest
  • EconChallenge
  • Economics Club
  • Electronics Club
  • Engineering Club
  • English Club
  • French Club
  • German Club
  • History Club
  • Kids Philosophy Slam
  • Life Sciences Club
  • Literature Club
  • Math League
  • National Academic Quiz Tournament
  • National Geography Bee
  • National History Bee
  • National Science Bee
  • National Spelling Bee
  • Odyssey of the Mind
  • Philosophy Club
  • Physics Club
  • Psychology Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Russian Club
  • Science Olympiad
  • Spanish Club
  • Trivia and Quiz Clubs
  • Web Design/Coding Club
  • Writing Club

Affinity Groups

This list is not comprehensive, as these types of groups tend to vary according to the demographic make-up of one’s high school or region. Likewise, the names of these groups can vary significantly. Don’t see a group that serves you or your peers? Establish one!

  • African American Student Alliance
  • American Sign Language Club
  • Asian Students Association
  • Association of Latin-American Students
  • Autism Awareness Club
  • Black Students Alliance
  • Black Students Union
  • Buddhist Club
  • Caribbean Culture Club
  • Chinese Student Association
  • Diversity Awareness Club
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Feminist Club
  • Filipino-American Club
  • Gay-Straight Alliance
  • Indian Students Association
  • International Students Association
  • International Women’s Club
  • Jewish Culture Club
  • Jewish Student Union
  • Latino Students Union
  • LGBTQ2S+ Club
  • Multicultural Student Union
  • Muslim Student Union
  • Muslim Students Association
  • National Organization for Women
  • Nigerian Student Association
  • Pacific Islander Student Association
  • Persian Club
  • Queer Student Alliance
  • Refugee Support and Awareness Club
  • South Asian Student Association

Do you have a creative side, or are you planning in majoring in art or design?

  • 3-D Modeling
  • 3-D Printing Club
  • Anime/Manga Club
  • Blacksmithing
  • Fashion Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Jewelry Making
  • Knitting and Crochet
  • Photography
  • Video Game Development
  • Woodworking

Community Involvement & Service Organizations

Many school clubs or societies require community service, as do many scholarships. Likewise, some college applications provide a separate section for listing your community service. However, you might also consider volunteering more regularly or joining a service organization. Not only can it be more enriching than a one-off volunteer opportunity, but it also counts as an extracurricular. There are many established service organizations, or you can look up local groups and reach out about volunteer opportunities.

  • Adopt-a-Highway
  • American Cancer Society
  • Amnesty International
  • Animal Rights Club
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of America
  • Do Something
  • Environmental Club
  • Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Volunteer
  • Girls Lean International
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Hospital Volunteer
  • Humane Society
  • Kiwanis International
  • March of Dimes
  • Missionary Work
  • Nursing Home Volunteer
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Red Cross Club
  • Religious Institution Involvement (Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple Involvement)
  • UNICEF High School Clubs
  • Volunteer Fire Department
  • Youth Groups

Employment & Professional Development

Are you worried about your extracurriculars because you want or need to work instead? Well, don’t. Holding down a job is serious business, and demonstrates responsibility and resolve.

  • Educators Rising (for future educators)
  • Entrepreneurship Club
  • HOSA (organization for future health professionals)
  • Internships (paid and unpaid)
  • Lifeguarding
  • Landscaping
  • Pet sitting
  • Retail Work
  • Service Industry Work (waiting tables, housecleaning, etc.)
  • Teacher Assistance
  • Tutoring (paid and volunteer)

Government, Leadership & Activism

From serving on your student council to volunteering for a local (or national) political campaign, there are many government-adjacent extracurricular opportunities. Other ways of cultivating your leadership skills including checking out one of the many established youth leadership groups or working with an organization that represents your political interests and concerns.

  • Civil Air Patrol
  • The Climate Initiative
  • Current Events Club
  • Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
  • Foreign Affairs Club
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
  • Girl Scouts
  • High School Democrats of America
  • Junior ROTC
  • Junior State of America
  • Mock Trial Club
  • Model Congress Club
  • Model United Nations
  • National Beta Club
  • National Speech & Debate Association
  • National Teen Age Republicans
  • Political Campaign Involvement
  • Racial Justice Club
  • Sierra Student Coalition
  • Sunrise Movement
  • Student Council
  • Student Government
  • Team Enough
  • Young Democrats of America

Honor Societies

Commitment level and degrees of selectiveness can vary.

  • Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society)
  • National Honor Society
  • Quill and Scroll (International Honor Society for High School Journalists)
  • Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society
  • Science National Honors Society
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society

Media & Writing

Even if there is no club or group that fits your media or writing interests, anyone can start a blog or a podcast!

  • Blogging (personal or through an established web publication)
  • Creative Writing (poetry, fan fiction)
  • Culture Reviews (books, films, television)
  • Literary Magazine
  • Playwriting Club
  • Radio (school or local station)
  • Scriptwriting Club
  • School Newspaper
  • Sports Writing
  • Television (school or local channel)
  • Yearbook Committee

Music & Performance Art

Remember that this category includes more than performance. Do you love theater but have terrible stage fright? Join the stage crew to help with costumes or design. Do you want to support musical groups but can’t carry a tune? Offer to do the lighting or work as an usher during concerts.

  • Acapella Group
  • Chamber Music Group
  • Choreography
  • Chorus/Choir (school or community)
  • Comedy Club
  • Concert Band
  • Dance (ballet, jazz, modern, tap, etc.)
  • Improv Club
  • International Thespian Society
  • Marching Band
  • Slam Poetry Club
  • Spoken Word
  • Theater (school or community, acting or production)

Special Interests

There is (or can be) a club for any interest.

  • Astrology Club
  • Bridge Club
  • Cooking Club
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club
  • Forensics Team
  • LARPing (Live Action Role Playing)
  • Pokemon Club
  • Renaissance Faires
  • Society for Creative Anachronism

Sports & Recreation (Teams and Clubs)

You don’t have to be the MVP to get (and stay) involved with athletic extracurriculars. In fact, pursuing a sport even if you’re not an all-star demonstrates commitment and teamwork. If your school doesn’t offer a sport, look for recreational or intramural opportunities.

  • Bird Watching
  • Bodybuilding
  • Cheerleading
  • Climbing Club
  • Cross Country
  • Equestrian Club
  • Flag Football
  • Hiking Club
  • Intramural Sports
  • Marital Arts
  • Quidditch Club
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing & Snowboarding
  • Surfing Club
  • Track & Field
  • Ultimate Frisbee Club
  • Weightlifting

Remember, you can always start a club if you’re intrigued by one on this list and it is not already available at your school or in your region!

Other blogs that may be of interest include:

  • Computer Science Competitions for High Schoolers
  • 98 Passion Project Ideas
  • 1oo Best Clubs to Start in High School
  • NHS Essay Examples
  • Should I Join NSHSS or NHS?
  • Extracurricular Activities

Jordan Conley

Jordan received her BA from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, where she majored in Religious Studies and Classics. Following her undergraduate work, she spent several years teaching elementary school--first in northern Thailand as a fellow with Princeton in Asia, then in Bozeman, Montana. Jordan went on to receive a Master's in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School, and is currently working toward completing her PhD at Boston University, focusing on religions of the Ancient Mediterranean.

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Home Essay Samples Education

Essay Samples on Extracurricular Activities

Advantages and disadvantages of extracurricular activities: balancing enrichment and commitment.

Extracurricular activities play a pivotal role in a student's educational journey, offering opportunities for growth beyond the classroom. These activities, which range from sports and arts to clubs and community service, provide a well-rounded experience that can shape character and foster skills. In this essay,...

  • Education System
  • Extracurricular Activities

Positive Impact on Poor Neighborhoods in the City of Milwaukee

Poverty for a long time has been one of the major issues affecting the city of Milwaukee. The condition which is characterized by low economic ability has been a significant blockage on the city’s journey of economic prosperity and progress. Milwaukee is among the most...

  • Child Welfare
  • Poverty in America

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities for Adolescents

From a tender age, adolescents are advised to enjoy life and experience the most out of it. Stressors similar to school and jobs consistently prohibit teenagers from the enjoyment of life, establishing a barrier that typically takes time to defeat. Extracurriculars provide adolescents with an...

  • Academic Achievements
  • Adolescence

The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Mental Health Among TSU-CASS Students

Life in college is considered as an exciting part of our education life yet the most stressful and challenging among the other levels of education. As expected, there are enough evidences to show that students gain content knowledge during college especially with the intervention of...

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Stress On Athletes Involved in Extracurricular Activities

The high school years are supposed to be a time where teens get to have fun with little to worry about. However, teens today just feel a large amount of stress that is associated with having too many things to do. Between extracurricular activities, advanced...

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Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Student's Academic Performance

High school is the best chance for students to join different activities and to explore what you are capable of doing to create an impact. Aside from doing classroom-based activities, extracurricular activities are one of the efficient ways in knowing what you are and what...

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 How Extracurricular Activities Might Reduce the Behavioral Inhibition of Children 

In the realm of child development, a child’s temperament, or biological differences in behavior when exposed to new people or objects, paves the way for his or her future relationships and personal success. Although temperament is an inborn mechanism and not a choice, parents do...

  • Child Behavior
  • Childhood Development

Enhancing Psychosocial Wellbeing Through Extracurricular Activities

Introduction Knowledge nourishes the human mind and physical exercise helps body to be in good shape. Knowledge and physical health both are necessary for young ones to prosper in their lives. With the passage of time youth may face different problems like substance abuse, indecent...

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The Importance Of Sports And Extracurricular Activities For Home-Schooled Students

I have many opinions on traditional vs. non-traditional schooling, as a former; virtual, home, independent study, and traditional public-school student. While the learning aspect of school is similar across the board, the social aspect is totally different for students taught outside of traditional methods. They...

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Best topics on Extracurricular Activities

1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Extracurricular Activities: Balancing Enrichment and Commitment

2. Positive Impact on Poor Neighborhoods in the City of Milwaukee

3. The Importance of Extracurricular Activities for Adolescents

4. The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Mental Health Among TSU-CASS Students

5. Stress On Athletes Involved in Extracurricular Activities

6. Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Student’s Academic Performance

7.  How Extracurricular Activities Might Reduce the Behavioral Inhibition of Children 

8. Enhancing Psychosocial Wellbeing Through Extracurricular Activities

9. The Importance Of Sports And Extracurricular Activities For Home-Schooled Students

  • Academic Challenges
  • Academic Performance
  • College Education
  • Exchange Student
  • Honor Codes
  • Academic Freedom
  • Public School

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Essay on Extracurricular Activities

Students are often asked to write an essay on Extracurricular Activities in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Extracurricular Activities

What are extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are things you do outside of your regular school work. They can be clubs, sports, art, music, or volunteering. These activities help you learn new skills, make friends, and discover what you like to do.

Benefits of Joining

Joining these activities can make you happier at school. They teach you how to work with others and give you a break from studying. They also help you do better in school and can lead to better jobs in the future.

Types of Activities

There are many types of activities to choose from. You can play soccer, join a science club, or learn to play an instrument. It’s important to pick something you enjoy.

Getting Involved

To get involved, ask your teachers or friends about different activities. Try out a few and stick with the one you like best. It’s a fun way to learn and grow outside the classroom.

250 Words Essay on Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are things you do outside of regular school classes. They can be sports, clubs, debate, drama, school publications, student council, and other social events. These activities help students learn new skills, make friends, and find what they love to do.

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Joining these activities is important for several reasons. First, they help you grow as a person. You learn how to work with others, solve problems, and manage your time. They also make school more fun because you get to do things you enjoy. Colleges and jobs often look for people who have been involved in extracurricular activities because it shows you’re a well-rounded person.

Types of Extracurricular Activities

There are many kinds of activities to choose from. Sports like soccer, basketball, and swimming teach teamwork and discipline. Clubs like chess, science, or art encourage you to explore your interests. Activities like drama or music can help you be creative and confident.

Balance is Key

It’s important to balance schoolwork with these activities. Too much of anything can be bad, so make sure you have time for both. It’s okay to pick one or two activities that you really enjoy and focus on them.

Extracurricular activities are a great part of school life. They help you learn new things, meet new people, and have a good time. Remember to balance them with your studies, and you’ll have a great experience.

500 Words Essay on Extracurricular Activities

The benefits of joining in.

When you join an extracurricular activity, you get to enjoy a lot of good things. First, you can make new friends who like the same things you do. This can make school more fun because you have buddies to share your interests with. Also, you learn how to work with other people as a team, which is a skill you will use your whole life.

These activities also help you become better at managing your time. You have to figure out how to fit your homework, your activity, and your rest time into each day. This makes you more organized and responsible.

Discovering New Passions

Staying healthy and active.

Sports and other active clubs are great for keeping your body healthy. Running around and playing games is not just fun, it also makes your body stronger. It is important to move and not just sit all day, and sports are a great way to do that. Plus, being active can also make you feel happier and more ready to learn when you are in class.

Getting Ready for the Future

Believe it or not, extracurricular activities can even help you in the future when you are looking for a job. They teach you how to be a leader, how to solve problems, and how to talk to other people. These are all things that bosses like to see when they are hiring someone. Also, if you want to go to college, they like to see that you have done activities outside of class too.

Choosing the Right Activities

Remember, the most important part is to have fun and try your best. You do not have to be the best at something to enjoy it. Just by being there and giving it a go, you are already doing something great. So go out there, join a club or a team, and start having fun!

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250-word Extracurricular Example

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Published: Jun 24, 2024

Words: 257 | Page: 1 | 2 min read

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay about extracurricular activities

UH Undergraduate Admissions

Apply for admission.

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  • Freshman Admissions Process

Freshman Students (U.S. Only)

At the University of Houston, you'll find degree programs that will pave the way to the future you envision—whether you want to build the physical foundations of the future as an engineer or architect, shape young minds as an educator, or study how far humanity has already come as an anthropologist. These are just a few of the areas of study available, taught by world-renowned faculty members.

You are a freshman if you:

  • are a student without college credit or
  • earned college credit prior to high school graduation (dual credit/early college high school)* or
  • earned less than 15 transferable hours of college credit after earning a GED or high school diploma* and
  • are a U.S. citizen, have applied for permanent residency, or qualify for Texas residency based on Senate Bill 1528

*Only credit earned from an institution accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations will be accepted. 

You are an international freshman if you:

  • are not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and
  • are not graduating from a Texas high school after three years in residence in Texas (please review Senate Bill 1528 )

We're Test Optional

Applicants have the option to apply for admission with or without a test score for the following academic terms: spring 2024, summer 2024 and fall 2024.  Applicants are not disadvantaged by applying without a test score. If you have already submitted an application, but would like to change how you'll be considered for admission (with or without a test score), please complete the Admissions Review Option Change form .

Complete the University of Houston application for admission using The Common Application .

On your application, you will select whether you want your application to be reviewed with a test score or without a test score. Be sure to complete the short admissions essay and tell us about your extracurricular activities.

Applying With a Test Score (ACT/SAT)

If you are applying for admissions with a test score, have your ACT or SAT score(s) sent directly from the testing agency to us.

University of Houston ACT Code:   4236 University of Houston SAT Code:  6870

If applying for admission with test scores, we will use the highest total or composite score submitted. To comply with Texas Success Initiative standards, scores may not be more than 5 years old at the time of submission.

Applying Without a Test Score

All applicants applying without a test score must submit a short admissions essay and extracurricular activities—both can be submitted through the  Common App . Make sure to complete these sections before you finish and submit your application. You will not be able to go back and add your admissions essay or extracurricular activities once you’ve submitted your application.

If you don't meet the assured admissions requirements, we may require additional documentation (like updated grades), which we'll request from you to help us make our decision.

Admissions Review Option Change Form

Admission Requirements

Texas Education Code (TEC) 51.803-51.809 requires all students meet college readiness standards to be eligible for admission at a Texas Four-Year Public Institution. Read about the Texas Uniform Admission Policy .

On your application, you will select whether you want your application to be reviewed with a test score or without a test score. The admission criteria for each choice is below.

Class Rank
Top 10% No Minimum No Minimum Assured Admission
11 - 25% 1080 21 Assured Admission
26 - 50% 1170 24 Assured Admission
51% and Lower, No Rank —   —   Individual Review*
Top 10% No Minimum Assured Admission
11 - 25% 3.40 or higher Assured Admission
lower than 3.40  Individual Review*
26 - 50% 3.45 or higher Assured Admission
lower than 3.45 Individual Review*
51% and Lower, No Rank —  Individual Review*

*If you don't meet the assured admissions requirements, we may consider additional factors in the admissions process. If we require additional documentation, we'll request those materials from you.

 **This unweighted GPA will be calculated by the University of Houston (out of a 4.0 scale) using English, math, science, and social studies grades on your transcript. Extracurricular classes will not be included. 

Admission requirements are different for international students. For more information, visit uh.edu/international .

GED or home schooled applicants will be considered for admission by individual review.

Majors With Additional Requirements

Some majors have additional requirements on top of the ones listed above. Find out more information about majors with additional requirements for freshmen .

State of Texas Uniform Admissions Policy

No Class Rank

We recognize some applicants attend non-traditional or non-ranking schools who do not provide a class rank. Applicants without a class rank will still be considered for admissions by individual review.

If you attend a school that does not provide you with a rank on your transcript, a statement of rank provided by a school administrator is sufficient. The statement of rank should include a student's name, UH ID and ranking displayed in a #/# format (e.g. 12/1927). Rank statements that list quartiles (eg. Top 20 percent, Top 30 percent, etc.)  will not be used in our evaluation for admission. Rank statements should be submitted to  [email protected] .

How to Send Transcripts

View our self-reporting guide  or watch our video tutorial for step-by-step instructions. 

If you cannot self-report your transcript, ask your school administrator to send your official transcript data electronically through an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system, e.g. TREx (for Texas institutions) 

We do not accept hard copy transcripts. Applicants are required to self report academic information or provide using an EDI. For more information about transcript submission guidelines, please visit Submitting Official High School and College Transcripts Guidelines.

Application Fee

Pay the nonrefundable $75 application fee ($90 for international students) with a credit card or debit card. Payment can be made in your myUH self-service portal or before submitting the admissions application.

Freshman may qualify for an application fee waiver. Simply complete the National Association for College Admissions Counseling Fee Waiver Form and submit a PDF copy through your myUH account using the following steps:

  • Log in to your myUH account
  • Select the "Student Center" tile
  • Locate your To-Do List on the top right side of the page
  • Select "Details/Upload Document"
  • Select the "Upload/View Document" link for the "UGRD Fee Waiver Form"
  • Select the "Upload File" button and select your completed Fee Waiver Form in PDF format and navigate through the prompts
U.S. Freshman 8/1/2024 12/2/2024 12/9/2024
International Freshman 8/1/2024 11/4/2024 11/11/2024
U.S. Freshman 8/1/2024 5/5/2025 5/12/2025
International Freshman 8/1/2024 4/1/2025 4/8/2025
U.S. Freshman 8/1/2024 6/2/2025 6/9/2025
International Freshman 8/1/2024 5/5/2025 5/12/2025

Fall 2025 Scholarship Priority Deadlines

  • Deadline to submit the admissions application: Nov. 1, 2024
  • Deadline to submit the supporting information*: Nov. 8, 2024

*Supporting information includes application fee, self-reporting transcript information, test scores (if applicable). If applying without test scores, supporting information also includes your essay and resume. You can request to change to admissions without a test score by submitting this form.

Dual Credit & Early College High School

All students who are currently enrolled in high school at the time of their admissions application to UH must apply as a freshman (regardless of the number of college credit hours they have earned in high school). Applying as a freshman allows all dual credit and early college high school students to take advantage of the financial, academic, and housing opportunities that are specifically set aside for freshman students transitioning from high school to college.


Work hard. Get credit.

You deserve to get as much credit as you can for your work at your previous institution. Meet our new Transfer Credit Estimator, your guide to estimating how many course credits may transfer to your chosen degree program at the University of Houston.

Earning an Associate’s Degree in high school does not guarantee admission to UH and does not classify an applicant as a transfer student. However, earning an Associate’s Degree will be taken into consideration during admission review.

Speak with an Admissions Representative

Admissions representatives are experts when it comes to applying to the University of Houston. If you'd like to talk to an admissions representative for admissions support, you can schedule an in-person or virtual admissions advising appointment , or contact us by phone at 713-743-1010 , option 4 or by email at [email protected] . Please note that admissions representatives do not provide support with course selection or registration.

Want to speak with an Admissions Counselor? Set up an appointment. Walk-in appointments are also available Monday-Thursdays from 8-11:30 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. as well as Fridays from 9-11:30 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.

What’s the Common App? Everything to Know for Senior Year

The Common Application, or Common App , is an online platform used by students to apply to multiple colleges and universities with one application. Over 900 institutions worldwide participate, saving students time applying to colleges during a hectic senior year . The application usually opens on August 1 each year. But be sure to verify the exact date.

Why Use the Common App?  

1. simplifies applications:  .

During your senior year, balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and college applications can be challenging. The Common App allows you to enter your personal details, academic history, and extracurricular activities just once, and then send this information to any  participating colleges you wish to apply to. 

2. Manages College Essays Efficiently:  

One of the key components of the Common App is that it eliminates the need for multiple  college essays . With the Common App, you write a single personal essay that’s sent to all the colleges on your list. This saves you time and effort. It allows you to focus on crafting a strong essay that highlights your unique experiences and strengths. Some colleges may require supplemental essays, which can also be managed through the Common App. 

3. Streamlines Recommendation Process:  

The Common App makes it simpler to submit  letters of recommendation . You can invite your teachers and counselors to upload their letters directly to the platform. It’s easy to track the status and be assured that all required documents are submitted.

4. Includes a Fee Waiver Option:  

Applications come with fees, but if that’s a concern, the Common App offers a fee waiver request option. If you’re eligible for  SAT fee waivers , you can have your application fees waived at many colleges. This makes it less burdensome for students from various financial backgrounds to apply .

5. Provides Deadline Management:  

The Common App lets you keep track of all your application deadlines in one place, which is especially useful during your busy senior year. This feature helps you stay organized so you won’t miss any deadlines. 

MIT's Black student enrollment drops significantly after Supreme Court affirmative action ruling

A student walks through the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass., on Dec. 12, 2023.

Enrollment for Black and Latino students dropped at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the first class formed after the Supreme Court found race-conscious admissions in colleges unconstitutional.

The university’s admissions department on Wednesday released its first-year class profile , showing a sharp drop in its Black student population. About 5% of MIT’s incoming class of 2028 is Black, a significant drop from its 13% average in recent years. Latino students make up 11% of the class of 2028, compared to a 15% average in recent years. Overall, 1,102 students make up the incoming class.

Stu Schmill, MIT’s dean of admissions, attributed the drop to the high court’s 2023 decision to end consideration of race in the admissions process.

“We expected that this would result in fewer students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups enrolling at MIT,” Schmill said of the ruling. “That’s what has happened.”

The white and Asian American student populations have increased, while all other groups have declined — some even down to zero, the profile shows.

In recent years, Black, Latino, Native American and Pacific Islander students have accounted for 25% of MIT’s enrolling undergraduate classes, the university said . That number has declined to about 16% for the incoming class of 2028. The profile marks the first time a selective university has released its freshman class statistics since the ruling. 

The high court’s ruling struck down affirmative action programs at the University of North Carolina and Harvard , with far-reaching consequences for other public universities. The court ruled that the schools’ affirmative action programs violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and are therefore unlawful. 

Although the ruling bars schools from using race as a factor in admissions, prospective students can still share their racial or ethnic backgrounds through application materials, like essays and personal statements, and through their extracurricular activities.

Officials with MIT’s admissions department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from NBC News. 

Last year, ahead of the ruling, Schmill predicted the drop in student body diversity in a blog post . The university was among several schools and institutions that submitted an amicus brief to the court in support for race-conscious admissions.

“If the Court rules in a way that constrains how universities may compose their communities, our commitment to the pursuit of diversity that advances MIT’s education will not waver, but our ability to achieve it will change — potentially dramatically,” he wrote then.

In the wake of the decision, MIT said it expanded its recruitment and financial aid initiatives that prioritized low-income students from all backgrounds.

Schmill said that, in accordance with the new law, the university does not consider race in admissions but looks for diversity through “prospective fields of study and areas of research, extracurricular activities and accomplishments, as well as economic, geographic, and educational background.”

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essay about extracurricular activities

Char Adams is a reporter for NBC BLK.


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