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presentation church bulletin

Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Messages From Our Ministers

Fr. mark's weekly reflection.

The Holy Family: The Perfect Family?

The Sunday after Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Family. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are the perfect model for families. In their home in Nazareth, it was literally “heaven on Earth” because their love and unity were a mirror of the love and unity of the Holy Trinity. In a mystical way, St. Joseph represents God the Father, Mary represents God the Holy Spirit, and of course, Jesus is God the Son! During the thirty years of Jesus’ “hidden life,” their living together must have been something wonderful. The love just kept growing and growing. St. Joseph became more and more holy because his work and everything he did was literally for God and for Our Lady! Mary’s Immaculate Heart burned with a flame of love greater than all the angels and saints combined as she “treasured all of these things in her heart” (Luke 2:51). Jesus remained with them for thirty years because it was not necessary to leave the home or the village in order to begin his mission. His mission was love, and it began within the confines of that poor house and that modest town. Within this small space, the mind and the heart of God’s Incarnate Son were growing. His human heart and mind were developing and expanding until they began to embrace all of humanity: “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52). Our High School Youth Group chose the name “Youth 252” because of this passage in the Gospel of Luke: chapter two, verse 52, which describes what was happening to Jesus when he was twelve years old. 

The Holy Family was perfectly holy, but that doesn’t mean that everything was perfectly easy and went perfectly smoothly. The Bible clearly shows that the family life of the Holy Family was filled with many dark, difficult, and disturbing days. Simeon foretold that the child would face opposition and that Mary’s heart would be pierced. They fled in fear when the innocents were slain in Bethlehem. They suffered deprivation during their exhausting exile in Egypt. They experienced deprivation and uncertainty when they settled in the poor, obscure village of Nazareth. They had no fame or distinction and lived the same life of hard labor as every family in that village. Scripture says that when Jesus was twelve, they lost him for three days. Tradition says that when Jesus was still young, Joseph died and that Joseph had been tormented by the foreknowledge that he would not be there with his wife on the day of their Son’s saving sacrifice. Joseph’s death left a sad, silent space in their home and in their workshop.

The Bible is clear that family life is a great blessing, but that it always has its struggles and its shadows. Love is a risk, but it is worth it. We should not let it bother us if our families are not perfect. It is the Divine Will that we live together with our families despite all the vagaries, uncertainties, and tragedies. Family life is not perfect, but it leads us to the only perfection that matters: that of the heart. That is why God came and spent thirty years in a family, and only three years on a public mission. 

For this Feast of the Holy Family today, we have a very long Gospel reading (Luke 2:22-40) which describes both the joys and the sorrows of family life. It is the joyful mystery of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. When Mary and Joseph proudly present the baby Jesus to the temple priest, “Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted —and you yourself a sword will pierce.’” 

Then the Gospel story describes the life of a woman who had tried to find happiness in married life but only found the deep pain of being a widow and a life of prayer and sacrifice like that of a nun. The prophetess Anna “lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.” Here, we see again that marriage and family life are not always perfect. Many people marry but do not experience perfect happiness because of sickness, death, childlessness, sorrow, and separation. But we should not run away from family life. Today’s feast reminds us to strive to go back to our hometown and spend quality time with our family. We must return to the family as the place where the children can grow into strong adults, and where the adults can practice the virtues that make them grow in maturity and holiness. We must do what the Holy Family did after presenting Jesus in the temple: “They returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”

Gospel Meditation

Do we sometimes think that Jesus is given only to the highly qualified, special religious people? In the Gospel of Luke today we hear about the presentation of the Lord in the temple. The newborn son of God is passed around like a baton in a relay race, not guarded like a precious jewel or a breakable china dish. We can see him going from the arms of Mary to Joseph, then to the priest performing the ceremony, then to Simeon the old man, and then to Anna the old widow. Each one receives him and then hands him to the next. A tidal wave of joy and thanksgiving follows wherever he is placed. Believe me, you are qualified to hold Jesus in your arms. How can I say that with such confidence? Because the mother decides who is qualified. The Blessed Virgin, embodied in the Church, holds him out to you and me. She rejoices to place him in our arms to hold and to hand him on, too.

— Father John Muir

Mensajes de Nuestros Ministros

Reflexión semanal del p. mark.

La Sagrada Familia: ¿Una Vida Familiar Perfecta?

Este domingo después de la Navidad es la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Jesús, María y José son el modelo perfecto para las familias. Su vida familiar en el hogar de Nazaret era lo que se dice “heaven on earth” (“un cielo en la Tierra”), porque su amor y su unidad eran como un espejo del amor y la unidad de la Santísima Trinidad. De manera mística, San José representa a Dios Padre, María representa a Dios Espíritu Santo y, por supuesto, ¡Jesús es Dios Hijo! Durante treinta años vivian completamente desconocidos por el mundo. Eran los anos escondidos (en ingles se dice “the hidden years”). Sin embargo, estos años en Nazaret eran maravillosos y sumamente importantes. Allí el amor creció y creció continuamente. San José se volvió cada vez más santo porque su trabajo y todo lo que hacía fue hecha para Dios y para Nuestra Señora. El Inmaculado Corazón de María “guardaba todas estas cosas en su corazón” (Lucas 2:51), y su corazón ardía con una llama de amor mayor que todos los ángeles y santos combinados. Jesús permaneció con ellos durante treinta años porque no era necesario salir ni del hogar ni del pueblo para comenzar su misión. Su misión fue amor, y esta misión comenzó dentro de los confines de esa pobre casita pobre y de esa modesta aldea. Dentro de este pequeño espacio, iba creciendo la mente y el corazón del Hijo Encarnado de Dios. Su corazón humano era también divino, y su mente humano era también divino. Ese corazón y esa mente crecieron y se fueron desarrollando y expandiendo hasta que comenzaron a abrazar a toda la humanidad: “Jesús crecía en sabiduría y estatura, y en favor para con Dios y los hombres” (Lucas 2:52). En esta parroquia tenemos un Grupo Juvenil que se llama “Youth 252.” Los jóvenes escogieron este número porque es un pasaje de la Biblia. El numero “252” indica el capítulo dos, versículo 52, del evangelio de San Lucas. Este versículo describe lo que le sucedió a Jesús cuando tenía doce años de edad.

La Sagrada Familia era perfectamente sagrada, pero esto no significa que para ellos todo fuera perfectamente fácil y transcurriera perfectamente. La Biblia muestra claramente que la vida familiar de la Sagrada Familia estuvo llena de muchos días oscuros, difíciles e preocupantes. Simeón predijo que el niño tendría que enfrentar oposición y que el corazón de María sería traspasado por una espada de dolor. Tuvieron que huir atemorizados cuando asasinaron los santos inocentes en Belén. Padecieron privaciones y fueron agotados de cansancio durante su exilio en Egipto. Experimentaron incertidumbre cuando se establecieron en la pobre y oscura aldea de Nazaret. No gozaron ninguna fama o privilegio. Tenían que trabajar duro como cualquier familia de Nazaret. La escritura dice que cuando Jesús tenía doce años, lo perdieron por tres días. La tradición dice que cuando Jesús aún era joven, José murió, y que José había sido atormentado al saber que no iba a poder estar allí con su esposa cuando llegara el día de la Pasión de Jesús. La muerte de Joseph dejó un espacio triste y silencioso en su casa y en su taller. La Biblia dice claramente que la vida familiar es una gran bendición, pero que en la vida familiar hay también sombras de tristeza y dolor. El amor es un gran riesgo, pero vale la pena. Al amar, tomamos un gran riesgo, pero eso no debe desconcertar. No debemos preocuparnos al saber que nuestra vida familiar no es perfecta. Es la Voluntad Divina que vivamos juntos en familia, a pesar de todos los incertidumbres, caprichos, y tragedias. La vida familiar no es algo perfecta, pero nos lleva a la única perfección que vale: la del corazón. Por eso el Señor quiso pasar treinta años en su vida familiar, y solamente tres años en su misión pública.

Para esta Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia, tenemos una lectura muy larga del Evangelio (Lucas 2:22-40) que describe tanto las alegrías como las tristezas de la vida familiar. Se trata del misterio gozoso de la Presentación de Jesús en el Templo. Cuando María y José son gozosos cuando presentan al niño Jesús al sacerdote del templo, pero al instante se menciona los dolores del futuro: “Simeón lo tomó en brazos y bendijo a Dios… Simeón los bendijo, y a María, la madre de Jesús, le anunció: “Este niño ha sido puesto para ruina y resurgimiento de muchos en Israel, como signo que provocará contradicción, para que queden al descubierto los pensamientos de todos los corazones. Y a ti, una espada te atravesará el alma.”

Luego, el relato evangélico describe la vida de la profetisa Ana, una mujer que había intentado de encontrar la felicidad en la vida matrimonial, pero resultó viuda y pasó una vida de oración y sacrificio como una monja: “Era una mujer muy anciana. De joven, había vivido siete años casada y tenía ya ochenta y cuatro años de edad. No se apartaba del templo ni de día ni de noche, sirviendo a Dios con ayunos y oraciones. Ana se acercó en aquel momento, dando gracias a Dios y hablando del niño a todos los que aguardaban la liberación de Israel.” Nuevamente vemos claramente que el matrimonio y la vida familiar no siempre es ideal. Muchas personas se casan sin experimentar una perfecta felicidad debido a la enfermedad, la muerte, separación de hijos, etc. Sin embargo, no debemos huir de la vida familiar. Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia para recordarnos que tenemos que esforzarnos en la vida familiar. Si es posible, debemos volver a la patria y a la ciudad natal y a la familia de origen. Debemos pasar tiempo de calidad con nuestra familia. No debemos ser flojos para hacer el trabajo mas difícil que es trabajar la intimidad, exigir la comunicación y construir las relaciones interpersonales. Debemos defender y promover la vida familiar que es el único lugar apropiado para criar niños, y para vivir como adultos maduros. Es en familia que los niños pueden crecer y convertirse en adultos, y es en familia que los adultos pueden practicar virtudes y crecer en madurez y santidad. Todos tienen que hacer lo que hizo la Sagrada Familia después de presentar a Jesús en el templo: “Volvieron a Galilea, a su propia ciudad de Nazaret. El niño creció y se hizo fuerte, lleno de sabiduría; y el favor de Dios fue sobre él”.

Meditación Evangélico

“En cada familia hay problemas, y a veces también se discute. Padre me he peleado…; somos humanos, somos débiles, y todos tenemos a veces este hecho de que peleamos en la familia. Os diré una cosa: si nos peleamos en familia, que no termine el día sin hacer las paces. Si, he discutido, pero antes que termine el día, haz las paces. Y sabes ¿por qué? Porque la guerra fría del día siguiente es muy peligrosa. No ayuda. Y luego, en la familia hay tres palabras, tres palabras que hay que custodiar siempre: Permiso, gracias, perdón (Papa Francisco 12/27/2020). ¿Qué debo trabajar en mi familia para vivir en armonía? ©LPi


Prayer for the sick.

Many people are suffering from ailments of some form or another. Not to mention those who are affected by the global pandemic: COVID-19. Please join us as we pray for the sick, their families, and caregivers. ​

Agustin Velasco 

Annabelle Dizon

Armando Fernandez 

Barbara Gini

Carlos Felipe Ruiz

Carlos Rodriguez

Carmen Parrish

Celine Hoban

Connie Heim

Connie Tracy

Dan Lucchesi

David Rodahaffer

Debbie Brockney

Deborah Balisteri

Edith Contreras Ochoa

Elsa Valdez

Elvin Tyler

Gail Galela

Galdina Guzmán

George Reyes

Gloria Fernandez 

Gloria Rangel Ortiz

Graciela Alegria Vargas

Guadalupe Deleon 

Janet Kavanaugh

Jeanette Toloy

Kenneth McKellar

Lillian Martinez

María Guadalupe Barajas

Maria Ochoa

Matt Johnston

Mayra A. Castillo

Mildred Quitoriano

Paulette Vetter

Roger Roman

Sheila Bacus

Shirley Benecke

Susan Klass

Tammie Parrino

Terri Lomeli

Tomas Larios Ortiz

William Andujo

​To add or remove names, please contact the Media Coordinator at [email protected] .

To see additional 'Prayers for the Sick', please click here . 

Mass Intentions

Every Mass is a wonderful gift of God to us. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us in the life, death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ.


7:00 AM: †Eucharistic Buhagiar

8:45 AM: Maria Teresa Macias—birthday

10:30 AM: Jeanette Toloy

12:15 PM: Carlos Felipe Ruiz—healing

2:15 PM: William E. Dewhirst—birthday

5:00 PM: †Alejandro Ruiz


7:00 AM: Parish Families


7:00 AM: Tinaza Family—thanksgiving


7:00 AM: Patrick Gomez Lugo

12:15 PM: †Souls in Purgatory


7:00 AM: †Peter Chu


7:00 AM: Jeannavive Velasco

12:15 PM: Lisa Vaz quez

7:00 PM: †Maria de Jesus Contreras


8:00 AM: †Lisette Buhagiar

5:00 PM: †Marie Yaghi

In Remembrance Of

In remembrance of those who have gone before us.

Shirley Spadafore

MaryLou Knisley

Alejandro Ramirez

Carmel Breakfield

Beverly Limbaugh

Marlene Neri

Marietta Quizana

Andrea Weesner

Olga Mendoza

Thelma Adams

Pushpamma Manda

Thelma Perdue

Ruth Segarini

Jose Salud Garcia Jasso

Norma Jean Luder

James R Fenelon

Vernon Franzi 

Henrietta Melinda Gietzen

Donna Mae Monaco

Estela Cortes

Salvador De Leon Samson

Marina Cueva

Nasser Y. Saleh

Myrna Garces

Fr. Joe Maghinay

Prayer of the Faithful

We pray that, God will provide us the strength to forgive those that have hurt us. 

Oramos para que Dios nos provea de fortaleza para perdonar a aquellos que nos han hecho daño. 

Spiritual Communion

Even if one cannot sacramentally receive the Eucharist, everyone should be aware of the practice of making a spiritual communion. The following is a daily prayer for Spiritual Communion:

O my Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament.

I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there and

unite myself wholly to you.

Never permit me to be separated from you.

-St. Alphonsus Liguori

For more resources on Spiritual Communion, click here .

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Grow Your Faith

Readings for the week.

From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

To view full readings, click here .


Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/

Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40                                                                                              

Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21                                                                                                                                                                 

1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28                                                                 

1 Jn 2:29—3:6/Jn 1:29-34                                                                                                                                                        

1 Jn 3:7-10/Jn 1:35-42          

1 Jn 3:11-21/Jn 1:43-51                                                                                                                                                                 

1 Jn 5:5-13/Mk 1:7-11 or Lk 3:23-38 or 3:23, 31-34, 36, 38                                                                                                                                                                


Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 

Stewardship Reflections

Feast of the Holy Family

“…as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.” - Colossians 3:13

Forgiving is one of the hardest things for people to do. We can’t give what we don’t have. We need to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness first before we can give it to others. Go to the sacrament of Reconciliation and receive God’s mercy and forgiveness. Then, share the gift of forgiveness with someone – a family member, a friend, or a co-worker. Pick up the phone or text someone right now. 

Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia

“...Como el Señor los ha perdonado, así deben ustedes perdonar.” - Colosenses 3-13

Perdonar es una de las cosas difíciles para las personas. No podemos dar lo que no tenemos. Necesitamos recibir la misericordia y el perdón de Dios antes de darlos a otras personas. Acérquese al sacramento de la Reconciliación y reciba la misericordia y el perdón de Dios. Entonces, comparta el don del perdón con alguien - un miembro de la familia, un amigo o un compañero de trabajo. Tome su teléfono y llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a alguien, justo en este momento. 

Children's Prayer

Sharing the Gospel

Mary and Joseph went to the temple and presented the baby Jesus to God. Two older people recognized that Jesus was the Messiah. They gave him special blessings. They thanked God for this child. Just like Mary and Joseph, your parents gave thanks to God when you were born. They were very happy God gave you to them. They had you baptized in church, and presented you as a gift to God, too.

Lord, thank you for bringing the baby Jesus into my life.


Something to Draw

Draw Mary and Joseph carrying the baby Jesus to the altar in the temple.

Mission for the Week

I will offer everything I do for you, Lord, Jesus Christ.

© 2008 LPi • PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 • 1-800-950-9952 x2469 • LPiResourceCenter.com 

Saint of the Week


Michelle Elizabeth Clarisse Lange’s early life is not well documented. She was born between 1783 and 1794, some sources claim her birthplace as San Domingo, Hispaniola, and others suggest Santiago de Cuba. Eventually, Lange immigrated to the United States as a free person and ended up in Baltimore, Maryland in 1813. In Baltimore at the time, free people of color outnumbered those who were enslaved and there was an established community of other French-speaking, Catholic, Afro-Caribbean refugees from the Haitian Revolution. 

To continue reading, click here . 


Los primeros años de vida de Isabel Clarisa Lange no están bien documentados. Nació entre 1783 y 1794, algunas fuentes afirman que su lugar de nacimiento es San Domingo, Hispaniola, otras sugieren Santiago de Cuba. Eventualmente, Lange emigró a los Estados Unidos como una persona libre y terminó en Baltimore, Maryland en 1813. En Baltimore en ese momento, las personas de color libres superaban en número a las que estaban esclavizadas y había una comunidad establecida de otros católicos de habla francesa, refugiados afrocaribeños de la revolución haitiana.

Para leer el Santo de la Semana en español, haga clic aquí .

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The Holy Family

In this FORMED Now! special episode, Dr. John Sehorn sits down to reflect on the Holy Family of Nazareth—Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—and how they serve as the model for families today.

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2023-24 Stewardship Renewal

FEED THE FIRE is the theme for this year’s annual Renewal at Presentation Parish. We want to 'feed the fire’ of love for Jesus in all of us and prayerfully acknowledge our many blessings and gifts and how we can return them to God.

Stewardship Renewal is among us! We ask that you pray about your role in our parish. Reflect on how you are involved: Do you serve in parish ministries? Do you come to parish-wide events? Are you taking steps to improve your spiritual life and further study your Catholic Faith? Renewal Brochures have been sent to our registered families, please complete and return your Commitment Card (one per family). Our goal is to be a Stewardship Parish - a community who is noticeably committed to prayer, parish ministry, and generous financial support. All three are equally important. May God bless you as you make your commitments.

Visit our Stewardship page to see how you can make a difference!

". . . merciful God, grant that we might do, by your grace, what we know you want us to do, and to want always what is pleasing to you . . . inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, we might follow the footsteps of your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. . . Amen." - St. Francis of Assisi

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. . . of the Lord. We hope you will join us on our journey to grow in faith and love as we get to know Jesus better.

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Birthday Sparks

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"Love opens our eyes and enables us to see, beyond all else, the great worth of a human being." - Pope Francis

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We are the Church! Let's grow together.

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Journey with us in faith.

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Spreading faith and love. 

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We welcome you all to be part of our Church community.

Useful links, contact info, church of the presentation (physical address), 1515 w ben holt drive, stockton, ca 95207 , ministry center (mailing address), 6715 leesburg place, stockton, ca 95207, ph: (209) 472-2150, fax: (209) 472-0541.

Parish School:

1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207

Phone: (209) 472-2140

Fax: (209) 320-1515


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Please read about all of our upcoming events in the weekly bulletin.

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Synod News: Take the Online Survey! (& February 2024 Updates)

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Foundations in Faith Lecture Series

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Parent Lecture Series on Behavioral Health & Mental Health in Children | Jan. 21, (Feb. 25-cancelled), Mar. 10, Apr. 21, May 5 (while teens are in Youth Min.)

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“Opening Your Heart” – A Walking With Purpose Women’s Scripture Study | Begins April 2

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Parish Wedding Anniversary Celebration is June 1 | Registration Deadline is May 12

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Scam Alert | Don’t Be Fooled!

Weekly Bulletin

Room reservation form, archdiocese of newark website, subscribe to fr. bob’s weekly email, “peek at sunday”.

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Communication is central to the tools of the Church. Often, this includes a weekly bulletin. When it comes to the print version, Church leadership can use a printed bulletin to welcome guests, serve up event info hotter than a fresh cup of church coffee, provide an order of worship, announcements, prayer requests , contact information, and sermon notes. But what about a digital bulletin? 

There are a number of reasons you might consider using a digital bulletin in addition  to (or in place of) a printed bulletin. 

  • When printed bulletins are misplaced or thrown away, digital bulletins can still be  accessed from any mobile device with an internet connection. 
  • You’ll save money and time by using less paper and ink—no need to fold the digital  copy.  
  • The content in the printed bulletin remains unchangeable until a new bulletin is printed. This means it becomes outdated almost as soon as it is created. But a digital bulletin is updated immediately for everyone to see the moment anything is changed. 
  • The digital bulletin is dynamic. Not only can it include text and images like a printed  bulletin, it can also include video, audio, and links to website content.
  • Digital bulletins are searchable, making it easier to find specific information.
  • Your website and social media platforms can integrate a digital bulletin. You can email it to your contacts list. 
  • Opportunities for feedback increase with the digital bulletin, welcoming people to reply to surveys, forms, a registrations. 

These advantages of a digital bulletin are just the basics available to you for free! 

Let’s talk about how to make a digital bulletin for free . You can accomplish this goal in a number of ways. So don’t limit yourself to these steps. But here is one way to do it for free. You can use the following steps to create your print bulletin and digital bulletin at the same time (no need to create two separate bulletins). 

1) Create a bulletin using Google Slides. You could also use Google Docs (it will function more like Microsoft Word or Mac Pages). But I prefer Google Slides because allows you to layout text and images anywhere on the page, more like Microsoft Publisher. Just add text boxes and images, then resize and drag them around as desired.

A) If needed, you can use this link to learn basics to use Google Slides.

B) Adjust the size and orientation of your slide to match your plans for the printed  bulletin by choosing File > Page Setup and make any changes needed. C) Once you’ve finished adding all the awesome content to your bulletin (now it’s  ready to print and display) go ahead and print copies of your bulletin the same  way you normally would. 

2) Make your digital bulletin available for everyone to see. You’ll need to change its  permissions so others can view (but not edit) the digital version. 

  • A) Start by choosing File > Share > Publish to web 
  • B) Change “Auto-advance slides” from every 3 seconds to every minute . At the  time of this article, there is no slower option. It will alway auto-advance. C) Check both of the boxed ( Start the slideshow… and Restart the slideshow…). D) Click the Publish When it asks are you sure, you can select OK. E) Stay on this page because soon you’ll need the crazy long web address that just  appeared. 

3) Make a QR code that points to the digital bulletin. If you choose to regularly  update last week’s bulletin instead of making a new one each week, you’ll only need to do this part once . After that, the same QR code will continue to work for your newly updated digital bulletins. The QR code you make can go on your printed bulletin (among other places) to be easily scanned by anyone who wants access. A) The long-as-a-giraffe’s-neck web address for the digital bulletin will appear after you click the Publish button. Copy it. 

  • B) Even though you’ll be using a QR code, don’t skip this step. Shorten the CVS receipt-length web address by using a website such as https://tinyurl.com/app and a clever alias like your church initials and the word bulletin. It will look  something like http://tinyurl.com/wccbulletin. Copy the shortened URL (web  address). 
  • C) Use a QR Code Generator (like https://goqr.me/#t=url) to make a QR code by  pasting the shortened web address and then copying (or saving) the QR code image. 
  • D) Test the QR code with your phone. If it didn’t work, go back to step 2 above (or text me at 833-515-7078 to ask for help). 
  • E) If the QR Code is working, paste it onto the front of your shiny new digital bulletin. 
  • F) Add text with the QR code that reads: Digital announcements available at [add the shortened web address]. This is one of several reasons why you want the shortened web address. 

4) Bask in the satisfaction of having added a digital option with all the benefits listed  above. So cool! Next week when your bulletin needs an update, just adjust your Google Slide. The short web address and QR code you made will already work.

The digital bulletin is the Swiss Army knife of church communication. And now you  know how to make one for free! I’d be overjoyed to learn that this article has been helpful to you. I invite you to text me at 833-515-7078. 


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How To Create A Simple Church Bulletin In 4 Simple Steps

Need to create a church bulletin for your church members? Here's how to create a bulletin that you can change and adapt each week. Plus, best practices, and what actually makes a good bulletin.

pastor writing a church bulletin for how to create a church bulletin

Perhaps you're here because you've started a new church, or you're looking to introduce bulletins to your congregation. I get it, figuring out where to begin might feel a bit overwhelming, but don't worry! 

Despite the initial uncertainty, this article will guide you through a straightforward process to create a bulletin for your church. 

What is a Church Bulletin?

The church bulletin plays a vital role in keeping your church community connected. While weekly emails are valuable, our inboxes can get overwhelming, causing us to miss important updates. The bulletin is your go-to source for all church news.

It serves a dual purpose: keeping members informed and giving first time visitors a glimpse of the church's identity. Attending just one service doesn't capture the full picture, and a first time visitor might not subscribe to emails right away. 

That's where the bulletin comes in. It's an inviting entry point, allowing visitors to explore upcoming events, bible studies, youth programs, small groups, and outreach initiatives. It's like an open invitation to connect, engage, and discover the vibrant community your church offers. And hey, if your church hosts an Easter church event or Christmas Dinner, your congregation will find it in there too!

What Makes A Good Church Bulletin?

I think a lot of churches gave up on their weekly bulletin when the pandemic hit, but this basic handout at a church service can actually be a key way to keep your church in the loop, especially if they are receiving it in person. 

If you have a graphic designer in your church family that can be a huge help, but if you don’t, it's ok! With a touch of creativity in the design and some engaging content, you can easily whip up a bulletin that your congregation will want to check out every single week!

Beyond Blah: Good Content is key

No one's up for tackling a lengthy church bulletin, whether it be the reader or the one creating it. Keep the details short and sweet—folks these days don't have time for an information overload. Use some breathing room with white space, split up big blocks of text, and slap on bold headlines that guide readers straight to the good stuff.

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Rock the Routine 

Don't underestimate the power of consistency. Keeping your church bulletin in a consistent format gives the congregation a heads-up on what’s going on every week. Being steady with the format and what info is inside builds trust—the congregation knows they will find the scoop about what is going on in the church. 

But don't worry, you can still make room for creativity if needed. Switching the cover, tossing in new colors to match a preaching series, changing a font, or mixing in different visuals will help keep the excitement alive. 

Don't forget to direct them to other ways of communication. When you share info or more details in different channels like emails, your church website, or social media, church goers are more likely to stay connected and jump into action. 

How To Create A Church Bulletin

To keep this process simple, have a routine that you (and your church leader team)  follow when creating the bulletin each week. If you are gathering information from other people to put into the bulletin, this consistent routine will help everyone stay on task and know what to expect each week—whether it’s the deadline or when to get the info in or sermon notes. Here are some steps to take when creating your church bulletin. 

1. Find your purpose

The first step that you need to figure out with your leadership team is the purpose behind the bulletin. Do you want it to be a quick snapshot of the upcoming week? Is it a more detailed roadmap for your worship service, or a simple order of service? Once you have established a purpose and vision for your bulletin, you can then map out what you want your layout to look like. 

2. Create a bulletin “blueprint” 

Now it's time to embark on the great “template hunt”. Depending on what info you want to include, it’s best to create a template that you can update each week, instead of creating the bulletin from scratch each week. 

It may be helpful to get some help from your team for this part. Think about what information you really want to stand out in the bulletin. Is it your leadership crew? Or the lowdown on small group and prayer meet-ups this week? Or maybe it's all about the sermon notes and scripture readings? Will you include prayer requests?

Sometimes nailing the right template feels a bit like juggling—you want to make sure it fits just right with the info you're sharing and is high quality. It might take a bit of trial and error to figure out which church bulletin template works best for your church.

3. Content gathering

Now begins the hard work. It's time to round up the content! It's best to start on the bulletin at the beginning of the week, so that it's ready for the Sunday Service. Start by setting up a meeting with the lead pastor. Plan ahead and jot down the things they want to cover in the bulletin for that week.

Getting content for your church bulletin really is like putting together a puzzle that fits your church community. So you want to make sure it's all accurate. 

You may have a working church calendar, but it's also important to talk to the other church leaders, event organizers, and folks in charge to get all the details on upcoming events , sermon topics, and must-know news. Does your pastor want a mini welcome message included each week? What Bible verse do they want?

Listen carefully, jotting down what's important. When you tie all these bits together, you're making a picture that informs and hopefully inspires and excites your church family!

If you are waiting to hear back on details on church events, give your church leaders deadlines to get back to you so that you can get the correct information in time. 

4. It’s writing time

Once you have received all the information and content you need, it's time to put all the information into the template. It's important to create short and straightforward text for every section. Make sure to watch out for proper grammar, accurate spelling, and tidy formatting. Keep the language and wording simple so that everyone can easily grasp it.

When you are done, have another pair of eyes look at it. It's best to also print one to make sure the margins are all correct and the layout looks clear. It's also easier for someone to write notes and edit if there are any errors. 

3 Church Bulletin Best Practices

Sometimes your weekly bulletin formatting can feel like you are on autopilot. Sometimes the task of the bulletin may start to feel mundane to perhaps not only you, but the people you are relying on each week to get the info. Here are some best practices to remember when creating your bulletin. 

Keep the vision alive! 

Keeping the bulletin's vision alive within the leadership team will really be the heart of the bulletin. Have chats often where you all talk about the church bulletin's main goal, and figure out how to match what you put in with that goal.

Let creativity flow but stay true to what you're aiming for. Show, don't just tell—be a living example of the vision. Stress the need to chat lots and work as a team so the bulletin stays real and connected to what your church stands for.

I can't stress enough how important of a communication tool the bulletin is, and it really can be a form of outreach. Your church shouldn’t be relying solely on the church website or social media for communication. If the members of your church are feeling and hearing constant communication from the church , it keeps churchgoers and first time visitors informed and engaged and really does communicate that you are family! 

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Make sure the bulletin's tone and design is all about lifting folks up and giving them a boost. Imagine it's a friendly chat that brings smiles and encouragement. Don't use the bulletin as a place to scold or nag at the congregation. Use words that make hearts feel light, and spread news that makes everyone excited. 

Whether it's a little note to cheer someone up or news about what's coming, the bulletin should be like a big hug or high-five, something that shares Christ's love, that reminds everyone they're in a caring family that's got their back.

This is the same with the headings within your bulletin. Think of clear headings like friendly street signs in a busy town. Just as a well-lit shop sign tells you what's inside, headings tell readers what's in each part of the bulletin. 

When your congregation opens it up, they should easily find sections like "Upcoming Events," "Sermon Highlights," or "Community News." It's like a roadmap that helps everyone find what they're looking for quickly, making your bulletin a super easy way to get the scoop on everything.

Remember “KISS”

Back in elementary school, there was this teacher who had a unique way of helping us out. Whenever we got stuck or needed guidance, he'd shout out "KISS"—which stood for:

"Keep It Simple, Stupid!” 

Well, maybe not the most encouraging saying, so let's just stick with "keep it simple, silly!" But when it comes to the church bulletin, the secret to nailing it is keeping it simple!

Keep it simple for the folks reading it, keep the church announcements simple, and keep the whole process straightforward for others to share information with you for the bulletin. Make sure the church bulletin template is simple for you to fill in every week. The success and lasting power of the bulletin hinge on how simplified you make the process. 

So, if you're ever feeling overwhelmed, just remember to "KISS" 

What Are Your Thoughts?

I'm also keen to hear insights about your church bulletin! Have you observed successful strategies in your bulletin? Are there specific elements that you have noticed that have helped your church communication? If your church doesn't use bulletins, how do you facilitate connection and information sharing? 

Find more church bulletin ideas here , or check out these church bulletin examples . 

We are called to work in community, none of us should be doing this alone, so it's so great when we can share ideas and learn from one another.

Remember to subscribe to The Lead Pastor newsletter to get more helpful tools! 

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  1. Weekly Bulletins

    Weekly Bulletins. Please support local businesses which advertise in Presentation's bulletin. Our advertisers make our printed bulletin possible! Our bulletin company, Bon Venture Services, handles our bulletin advertising directly. For more information, feel free to call them at 1-800-364-0684 (Church of the Presentation's account number ...

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  3. Parish News

    Parish News. Find the latest happenings of our parish! Our Parish News page contains much of the content of our printed weekly bulletin. However, as it is updated throughout the week, we may have news that didn't make it in time to be printed in the bulletin. Get updated information delivered to your email by subscribing to our newsletter!

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    Presentation Church, Stockton, California. 2,948 likes · 366 talking about this · 24,518 were here. Church of the Presentation- A Welcoming Catholic Faith Family

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    Presentation BVM Parish 100 Old Soldiers Road Cheltenham, PA 19012 Phone: 215-379-1364 Fax: 215-379-2054

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  11. PDF Presentation Bvm Parish

    PRESENTATION BVM PARISH 204 Haverford Road Wynnewood, PA. 19096 610-642-8341 Web: presbvm.org email: [email protected] ... Church Bulletin Representative I'm here to help your business be noticed! [email protected] 908-392-4240 www.jppcadvertising.com Jp JOHN PATRICK

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    church of the presentation A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach. 271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313

  14. Presentation of Mary Catholic Church

    Bulletins. Prayer Requests. Online Calendar. News & Announcements. School Principal Job Posting. ... Presentation of Mary 1725 Kennard Street Maplewood, MN 55109 Tel: 651-777-8116 Fax: 651-777-8743 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-3:30pm [email protected] Quick Links. Contact Us Staff Directory

  15. How To Make a Free Digital Church Bulletin

    A) Start by choosing File > Share > Publish to web. B) Change "Auto-advance slides" from every 3 seconds to every minute. At the time of this article, there is no slower option. It will alway auto-advance. C) Check both of the boxed (Start the slideshow… and Restart the slideshow…).

  16. Bulletins

    Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church. Home. Our Parish

  17. How To Create A Simple Church Bulletin In 4 Simple Steps

    2. Create a bulletin "blueprint". Now it's time to embark on the great "template hunt". Depending on what info you want to include, it's best to create a template that you can update each week, instead of creating the bulletin from scratch each week. It may be helpful to get some help from your team for this part.

  18. Bulletin

    Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 209 Hoyt Street | Port Ewen, NY 12466 Phone: 845-331-0053

  19. Bulletin & News

    Presentation of Mary 1725 Kennard Street Maplewood, MN 55109 Tel: 651-777-8116 Fax: 651-777-8743 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-3:30pm [email protected]

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    Public Meeting #2. Tuesday, October 18, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers of Moscow City Hall. 206 E. 3 rd Street, Moscow, ID. Presentations about the Moscow Downtown Streetscape Study were also be made to the Moscow City Council during their regularly scheduled meetings on the following date: Monday, December 5, 2022.

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  23. Travel Guide: Moscow Google Slides & PowerPoint template

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Do you know some acquaintances that want to travel to Russia, the biggest country in this planet? Now you can be their own tour guide with this template. Include as much information as possible about tourist attractions, monuments and things to do in Moscow. Let the simplicity of these slides ...