Blog Name Generator

Find a catchy and unique name for your new blog

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Discover Creative Blog Name Ideas

Instructions: Fill out the prompts below to find the perfect name for your new blog!

Select the Type of Blog You're Creating

With Two Adjectives, Describe Your Blog

Enter Your Name

Pick a blog name below or start over for more inspiration!

How to Name Your Blog

Creating a blog is a big commitment. The name you choose is the backbone of your brand. With over 600 million blogs on the internet today , you want to make sure you pick something that will stick. Below, we’ve broken down some ways to approach this question.

1. Think About Your Goals

Determining your goals can help you nail down the tone and purpose of your blog. This is a critical first step before deciding on a name since you’ll want to make sure what you choose aligns with your overall desires for the blog.

For example, you don’t want to name your blog “The Vagabond’s Easy Travel Hacks,” only to realize you actually want to write in-depth city studies and guides. That will create a tonal shift that might confuse a prospective reader.

determining why you're writing your blog can help you think of an appropriate name for it.

There are a few ways you can determine the goals for your blog. Ask yourself the following questions to help find your focus:

  • Do I want to make money with this blog?
  • Am I an expert at something? Am I passionate about anything?
  • Do I want to write long-form pieces, or short articles and lists?
  • Do I hope to become an authority on this subject or a casual contributor?
  • Do I want to stick to one subject or multiple?
  • Who do I hope reads my blog?
  • Do I want my blog to be formal or informal?

Once you have an idea of what kind of content you want to write, who you want to read it, and what you want them to do with the information they glean from your content, you can start thinking of a name.

Informal blogs might use contractions, slang, or buzzwords in their titles, while formal blogs will stick to pointed and simple titles. Someone looking to write about many different subjects can choose a broader name, while those wanting to write about something specific can hone it in a little more.

For example, a general travel blog could name their blog “Getting Out There,” while someone writing about airplane travel would want to go with something like “Up In the Air” or “Traveling Through the Clouds.”

2. Think About Your Audience

The first thing your target audience will see is the name of your blog. An inviting, interesting name will get them to click and, more importantly, stay on the page.

You’ll want your blog’s name to match the type of person you want to click on your page. For example, if you’re interested in getting views from bird enthusiasts, you might want to name your blog something distinctly avian. “Talkin’ Wings and Birdy Things” will attract a bird lover, while “My Little Nest” might be too confusing or off-base.

creative writing blog names

Finding your target audience is as simple as going online. Using online chat forums and Google searches, you can nail down what types of people are looking into your blog’s subject and exactly what they’re wanting to know.

A few tools you can use to find your readers are :

  • Facebook groups
  • Google Analytics

Search generally for your subject to get a sense of who is talking about it and searching for it. Then, look at what types of content they’re interested in and how they’re choosing to consume their information. This can help you nail down the focus of your blog and help you choose a name that will draw readers in.

3. Think About Your Industry

The industry you want to work in can help you brainstorm keywords, phrases, and messages that work for your audience. It can also help you determine your tone. When thinking about your industry, use other blogs as a reference. Take note of their names, and any trends you see among popular blogs. Then, think about buzzwords and phrases that are commonly used in your field.

creative writing blog names

Be careful not to rely too heavily on competing blog titles, as you’ll want your name to be unique and catchy. While drawing inspiration from other blogs is okay, be sure not to plagiarize or create a name that is too similar to stand out.

Lifestyle Blog Names

A lifestyle blog name can be personal, funny, and witty. These blogs are typically tailored toward lighthearted topics and are conversational in tone. Therefore, your blog name can be just as quirky and personable as your blog content. People who read lifestyle blogs are interested in the fun aspects of the everyday, so your blog name can highlight quirky aspects of your life or surroundings. A large number of lifestyle bloggers also choose to include their own name or a pun on their name in their blog title.

To brainstorm a lifestyle blog name, get a good handle on what content you’ll be publishing and think of words that best describe your vibe.

Lifestyle blog examples : A Cup of Jo , The Blonde Salad , Color Me Courtney

Fashion Blog Names

Fashion bloggers find success by keeping their fingers on the pulse of what’s trending and conveying their thoughts and ideas about what’s hot in fashion. Fashion blog names are typically related to the author’s personal style choices and also include universal fashion buzzwords that draw the reader in. Fashion blog names should make your reader feel excited about the clothes they wear and inspire feelings of style, couture, and confidence.

a screenshot of the Curvy Fashionista blog home page

To brainstorm a fashion blog name, think about your own personal fashion and style goals. Combine your own personal flair with industry buzzwords like “clothes,” “threads,” “model,” or “runway” to create a name that is unique to you while being fashion-related.

Fashion blog examples: Fashionista , The Curvy Fashionista , Who What Wear

Beauty Blog Names

Beauty blogs are go-to resources for makeup product reviews, look tutorials, and hair and skincare routines. The people who are interested in these topics are typically interested in glamour, self-care, and how to create interesting looks. To appeal to this demographic, beauty blog names are typically chic, trendy, and stylish.

To brainstorm a beauty blog name, check out magazines and social media to see what’s buzzing. Also think about overarching themes or trends in the beauty industry like glamour, self-care, self-expression, winged eyeliner, and more.

Beauty blog examples: Into the Gloss , A Model Recommends , Really Ree

Travel Blog Names

Travel blogs encourage their readers to get out there and see what the world has to offer — whether international, continental, or just a few miles away. Travel blog names typically invoke feelings of wanderlust by using travel terms and puns that communicate wonder and excitement.

To brainstorm a travel blog name, think about your travel goals and styles. If you travel solo, you’ll want to incorporate words like solo-traveler, nomad, or free spirit. If your travel centers around a specific destination like European landmarks or Asian cities, you’ll want to include a reference to your favorite spots.

Travel blog examples: Nomadic Matt , Oneika the Traveler , Alex in Wanderland

Parenting Blog Names

Just like there’s no right way to parent, there’s no right way to blog about it. Parenting blog names are often just as diverse, interesting, and educational as the parents themselves. When setting up a parenting blog, focusing on what exactly you want to talk about is the first step in choosing a name. Someone focusing on educational topics for parents might go formal, while someone discussing parenting fails can keep it light. When parents turn to the internet, they’re looking for someone they can relate to — so parenting blog names should be inviting, fun, and simple.

creative writing blog names

To brainstorm a parenting blog name, decide on the tone of your blog and how you want to approach other parents. Shape your name around your family name, kids’ names, educational styles or goals, and home lifestyle.

Parenting blog examples: Toddler Approved , Scary Mommy , Moments A Day

Food Blog Names

Food blogs bring out the gourmand in all of us. Food bloggers share recipes, kitchen hacks, food reviews, and other mouth-watering content to intrigue both the devoted foodie and the casual muncher. Food blog names can be generic and punny, using common kitchen and food terms to convey their point, or specific to the location or cuisine that you want to write about. Food blog names should convey not only an appreciation for food but also for the art of preparing and enjoying it, tapping into a food lover’s every interest.

To brainstorm a food blog name, think about what types of cuisines or styles you visit most frequently. You can also think about your favorite kitchen routines, cooking styles, appliances, or foods.

Food blog examples: Pinch of Yum , The Minimalist Baker , The Hungry Hutch

Business Blog Names

Business blogs help people in every stage of their professional lives develop the communication, administration, and technology skills they need to thrive at work and in life. These blogs are often run by a business professional who publishes simply under their own name, but those who opt for a more creative moniker go for something office, hustle, or technology-related. Business blogs are typically more formal and streamlined, and their names should also have an air of professionalism.

To brainstorm a business blog name, consider using your own name if you’re trying to build a personal brand. If not, think about what you want to teach people and what you want them to learn from your blog.

Business blog examples: The Self Employed , Seth’s Blog , Small Business Trends

Tech Blog Names

Technology blogs take the influx of new trends, information, and products coming out of the tech field and make them more palatable for the general public. Technology bloggers use their insight and expertise to give their opinion on new trends while also helping people understand the technology in their own homes. Tech blog names are often to-the-point and informational. People who visit a tech blog want to know they can trust the information being presented, so keep your blog name smart and simple.

creative writing blog names

To brainstorm a tech blog name, see what’s trending in tech, or decide what aspects of this vast industry are the most interesting to you. Decide what you’re going to produce the most content about, or who you want to read your writing.

Tech blog examples: TechCrunch , The Next Web , GeekWire

Personal Blog Names

Personal blogs provide the most opportunity for bloggers to shine. When writing a personal blog, you can truly make your content whatever you want it to be, with no industry rules, suggestions, or audience expectations. That can not only make content generation easier but it also makes naming your blog a piece of cake. Personal blogs are typically published under the author’s name or nickname. People going to a personal blog simply want to know more about the person writing it, so you don’t need to work too hard in the naming process.

To brainstorm a personal blog name, first consider simply using your own name with one or two adjectives about who you are as a person. If you want to take a different approach, think of words and feelings that describe your lifestyle.

Personal blog examples : James Clear , Jen Carrington , Mattie James

What Makes a Good Blog Name? 6 Tips For Brainstorming

A good blog name is memorable, simple, and inviting. While brainstorming, you’ll want to think of something that clearly communicates your blog topic and tone without overwhelming the reader, or being too similar to what’s already out there.

Keep it Short and Simple

You don’t want to confuse your readers. Or worse, you don’t want to draw in readers only to have them forget the name or spelling of your blog once they’ve left your site. Short, simple blog names can help you draw readers in without overpowering them. Plus, they can help make sure your audience will know exactly where to return to the next time they want to read about your chosen topic.

Try Alliteration

Alliteration is when a sequence of words all start with the same sound — think “Peter Piper.” Studies have shown that alliteration can help people remember things . Therefore, choosing an alliterative name for your blog can help people remember it when they log on next. Plus, it’s catchy and fun.

Look to the Media

Using a movie, book, or song reference that has something to do with your blog topic is a fun way to pay homage to your subject while introducing readers to the concept of your blog. If you’re writing a travel blog, think of famous songs, movies, and books about traveling for inspiration on what to name your site. “Travelin’ Man,” anyone?

Use Humor or Puns

Using humor and puns is a great way to get people interested in your site. Those who chuckle when they see your blog’s name just might click in and read some of your content as well. If you can think of a short pun, joke, or witty phrase, this can help draw in readers and get them hooked early on.

Think of Related Words

Make a list of words related to your topic to help you brainstorm some ideas for making your blog. Simply creating a long list of related words or phrases can help spark your imagination, and it can help tailor your focus when you’re starting to think of a name.

For example, a food blog’s related words list might be: fruit, vegetables, stir, plate, dinner, spoon, fork, measuring, stove, pour, oven, bake, boil, knead, puree, meat, bowl.

Once you’ve got your list, you can start going over it to determine which words could be viable or catchy blog name choices. Using the food-related words above, you could decide to name your food blog: “Pour Over It,” “Bake N’ Boil,” or “Plated Thoughts.”

Don’t Overthink It

Just like Occam’s Razor , sometimes the best option is the simplest. Don’t spend too long convoluting your ideas or panicking about your name. If you’ve got an idea, try it out for a bit to see if you like it, then revise and revisit as necessary. If you start to get overwhelmed or burnt out, take a break from brainstorming and revisit the idea when you’ve got a clearer mind.

At the end of the day, a good blog name is one that combines memorability with simplicity. You want to introduce your readers to the tone and topic of your blog while making sure they’ll be able to navigate back to your page in the future. Once you’ve gotten your name locked down, you’re ready to start building your brand on your site.

How To Start a Blog: Blogging Resources

These additional resources can help get you started on your path toward running a successful blog. For more tips on how to create a successful blog name, check out our infographic below.

  • How to Start a Blog
  • 10 Best Blogging Sites – Detailed Comparison
  • 33 Ways to Monetize a Website/Blog
  • Blog vs. Website – Which One?
  • How to Increase Website Traffic

creative writing blog names

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Give your blog a remarkable address on with this AI-powered blog name generator!

Powered by ai, this blog name generator will give you names that are most suited to your creativity., click on a prompt to get started.

Generate the most relevant names using the power of LLM (Large Language Model).

Domain & username check

Check domain name and social media username availability of suggested names.

Trademark check

Check if suggested names have been trademarked.

Get a FREE logo for your brand to match your purchased domain name.

List of 1000+ domain name ideas for a blog in 2024

List of catchy blog name ideas in 2024, explore namify’s ai prowess with this blog name generator.

Embark on a creative journey with Namify, the ultimate AI-driven blog name generator that crafts compelling blog names effortlessly. Namify intelligently delivers an all-in-one solution for your blog’s branding needs.

AI-powered name generation

Transform naming conventions through Namify's advanced AI technology. Explore a fluid process of discovering names as Namify utilizes sophisticated algorithms to offer contextual and meaningful name suggestions that align with the overall goals of your blog.

Domain name check

Secure your blog’s digital footprint with Namify's domain name check. This feature streamlines the process by verifying the domain name availability of suggested names to ensure your online presence is as unique as your brand.

Receive a free logo with every domain name purchase. Namify goes beyond just suggesting names, it helps you create a visually striking identity along with a memorable brand.

Picking a keyword to generate catchy blog name ideas

Namify’s Blog Name Generator can give you memorable personal blog name ideas and suggestions for cheap domain names . But to get the most out of your search, you need to use the right keyword. Here’s how to get the most contextual blog name ideas from Namify’s Blog Name Generator.

Pinterest Image

Overall, the key to picking a good keyword for the Blog Name Generator or Website Name Generator is to think about your brand identity and what you want your brand and domain name to say to your audience.

Check for trademark availability on Namify’s Blog Name Generator

Check for trademark availability on your chosen name. Namify is the first blog name generator to offer trademark registration checks with every name.

Whether you’re looking to trademark your blog’s domain name or want to avoid a trademark infringement, this is the only tool that can help. This tool also makes domain name searches incredibly easy.

It’s as simple as it sounds.

  • Choose a name
  • Look for any registered trademarks in the US and EU
  • Choose another name if your choice is trademarked, or go ahead and buy the domain name

Trademark Availability

Get a free logo for your brand name on this Brand Name Generator!

Namify’s Blog Name Generator also offers a free logo with every registered name. Here’s how you can find witty and creative blog name ideas and get a free logo to go with them.

  • Look for name ideas on brand name generator
  • Select the name you like most
  • Register the name on and come back to Namify to claim your free logo

Free Logo

Why do I need a logo for my brand?

A well-designed logo can help customers identify and remember your brand. A good logo will help solidify your brand identity and create brand recognition.

Your logo can be a way for you to communicate the unique value proposition of your brand and stand out from the crowd. It also makes your brand look credible and makes it memorable.

You can get a free logo when you search for a name on Namify’s Business Name Generator , Clothing Brand Name Generator , Company Name Generator , and more.

Why use Namify’s Blog Name Generator?

Here are some reasons why you should consider using a Blog Name Generator to get a blog name ideas list.

  • Saves time and effort Using a name generator can save you a lot of time and effort otherwise spent brainstorming blog name suggestions.
  • Provides inspiration Namify’s blog name generator can provide inspiration by suggesting names that you may not have thought of otherwise.
  • Offers a range of options Name generators often offer a range of different types of names to choose from. This can help you to find a name that fits your business's personality, values, and goals.
  • Checks for availability Namify’s Blog Name Generator also checks to see if the domain name, trademark, and social media handles for your chosen blog name suggestions are available. This can save you the hassle of having to check each name individually and can help you to avoid choosing a name that's already taken.

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The name generator that experts love

Here’s why Namify is the most preferred name generator by entrepreneurship experts such as Timoté Chanut (Entrepreneur and Tech Educator), Ali Mirza (Growth Marketer & Digital Entrepreneur) and Marty Englander (Entrepreneur & Web Developer)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

A good blog name is the one that is short and crisp, memorable, and self-explanatory of your niche. Blog names often use alliterations to sound rhythmic, metaphors to convey a deeper meaning or puns to give a playful twist to the name.

Yes, choosing catchy blog names is a good idea as customers are more likely to remember names that stand out or have a nice ring to them. Pick a tone of voice for your brand and ensure that your name aligns with it. You can try out different words and combinations of words to see what suits the theme of your blog.

You can purchase the domain name for your blog from a reliable domain registrar. When you look for blog name ideas on Namify , the tool also offers domain name suggestions that are available to register for your blog name. These will most likely be on new domain extensions such as .PRESS or .SPACE or .ONLINE to give your brand a more authentic, new, and catchy feel.

Choosing a name for your personal blog can be a little tricky. Many like to name their blog after themselves to create an identity of their own and establish themselves as an authority in their niche. Other personal blog name ideas are incorporating your blog’s niche within the name itself in the form of words such as travel, fitness, fashion, food, and more. You can make your blog name unique by using adjectives, alliterations, and clever wordplay.

Use Namify to find a list of some great blog names. Once you like something, look for the subsequent domain name options on the tool itself. Follow the steps and in no time you would have registered your blog name and got a swanky new logo for it to use without any copyright or legal issue.

Lifestyle bloggers cover topics related to creativity, productivity, food, travel, fitness, wellness, DIY activities, beauty, home décor, and more. Lifestyle blog names often have their niche or theme mentioned in the name itself. Check this lifestyle blog name list if you need some inspiration:

  • A Cup Of Jo
  • Barefoot Blonde
  • Gal Meets Glam
  • The Skinny Confidential
  • Global Grasshopper
  • The Blonde Salad
  • Happy Fit Mama


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  • More regions coming soon



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If you avail the services offered by this website - ("Namify"), you expressly understand and agree that Radix Technologies Inc. or any of its affiliates ("Company") shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages; including but not limited to, claim for infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of or in relation to the use of services offered by Namify or any matter connected thereto.

Please note that the names suggested by Namify should not be construed as legal advice on available trade names. The Company will not be liable for your use of names suggested by Namify. You should not use names generated by Namify in any manner that constitutes trademark or copyright infringement, or creates likelihood of consumer confusion as to any affiliation or endorsement of your business by another trademark holder. We encourage you to seek legal advice if you are not sure whether your specific use of a name generated by Namify will constitute intellectual property rights infringement. You understand and agree that your use of Namify is at your own risk and you expressly relieve the Company from any and all liability or claim arising from your use of the services offered by Namify.

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What is a Trademark Class?

A Trademark Class is like a category that indicates which type of product or service a trademark represents. There are 45 different categories defined for goods and services. You need to look for the one that suits your business to avoid any infringements.

001 Chemicals

003 Cosmetics and cleaning preparations

004 Lubricants and fuels Pharmaceuticals

005 Metal goods

006 Machinery

007 Hand tools

008 Electrical and scientific apparatus

009 Medical apparatus

010 Environmental control apparatus

011 Vehicles

012 Firearms

013 Jewellery

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015 Instruments

016 Paper goods and printed matter

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018 Leather goods

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Female Blogpreneur

Empowering Bloggers & Entrepreneurs


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  • Blog Monetization
  • Email Marketing
  • SEO For Beginners
  • How To Become An Author
  • Book Writing- Free 5 Day Email Course
  • SEO Decoded -10 Day Email Course
  • Animated Templates
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  • Collaborations

1200+ Catchy & Creative Blog Name Ideas to Inspire You

  • December 20, 2023
  • Blogging , Entrepreneurship
  • by Epifania

Ah, the exhilarating journey of starting a blog! Whether you’re diving into the world of words for the first time or are a seasoned pro looking to embark on a fresh venture, the thrill remains the same. And while brainstorming ideas, drafting compelling content, and designing a striking layout are all essential parts of the process, there’s one element that often takes the backstage, yet holds the power to make or break your blog’s identity – its name.

Think of your favorite brands. The names probably roll off your tongue with ease. Apple, Google, Nike – these giants didn’t just stumble upon their names by accident. They are simple, yet impactful. In the vast universe of blogging, your blog’s name is the beacon that helps readers find their way to your content amidst the clutter. A catchy blog name not only sets the stage but also gives your audience a hint of what to expect, while making sure they remember how to return for more.

Table of Contents

How a Memorable Name Can Help in Branding and Attracting Readers

A blog’s name goes beyond a mere identifier; it’s the cornerstone of your brand. When done right, it encapsulates the essence of your content, ethos, and the unique value you bring to the table. It becomes a promise of the quality and type of content readers can expect.

Moreover, as the digital landscape gets more crowded by the minute, having a memorable name becomes your blog’s first line of defense. It’s the difference between getting lost in the sea of search results or standing out and making an indelible mark in the reader’s mind. A name that sticks is a name that sells. It attracts, engages, and, most importantly, invites readers back, turning casual visitors into loyal followers.

But how do you land on that perfect name? Fear not, for I’ve compiled a list of 1200 creative blog name ideas to get those inspiration wheels turning. Dive in, mix, and match, and soon, you’ll be ready to carve out a niche with a name that resonates and captivates. Read to the end for some helpful tips on how to pick a name that will set you up for success.

1200+ Blog Name Ideas For All Niches

100 travel blog name ideas.

travel blog name ideas

  • WanderlustWhispers
  • GlobeGrooves
  • OdysseyOrigins
  • NomadicNarratives
  • PathwayPioneers
  • JourneyJotter
  • TravelerTribe
  • WayfarerWonders
  • RoamingRoutes
  • PassagePaths
  • HorizonHunters
  • TerraTrailblazers
  • VoyageVistas
  • CompassChronicles
  • MapMementos
  • WorldWalkerDiaries
  • ContinentalQuests
  • AtlasAdventures
  • ExpeditionEchoes
  • GalacticGetaways
  • WandererWaves
  • PassportPages
  • SkylineSeekers
  • DestinationDiaries
  • LatitudeLore
  • GlobeGallivant
  • OdysseyObservations
  • JetsetterJournals
  • WorldWindWonders
  • EarthExplorerEssays
  • CrossContinentalCapers
  • SolitarySafaris
  • PlanetaryPilgrimages
  • TripTidbits
  • CosmicCruises
  • WandererWings
  • GlobalGanders
  • SightseeingStories
  • MigrantMusings
  • WaywardWanders
  • TransientTreks
  • BackpackerBlogs
  • PanoramicPassages
  • MeridianMuses
  • WorldWhispers
  • BoundlessBackpack
  • DrifterDreams
  • TravelTapestries
  • OdysseyOutlines
  • GalacticGlimpses
  • TerraTrekTales
  • PassagePioneers
  • HorizonHues
  • TrailTeller
  • JourneyJigsaw
  • VoyageVignettes
  • ExplorerEchoes
  • PlanetPeregrinations
  • WanderWavelengths
  • TrailblazerTexts
  • GlobetrotterTales
  • PeregrinePages
  • WayfarerWritings
  • DriftDiaries
  • OdysseyOracles
  • WanderlustWaves
  • MilestoneMap
  • QuestQuotients
  • RoamerReads
  • TrekkingTexts
  • WanderwaveDiaries
  • GlobeGlimmers
  • OdysseyOverviews
  • HorizonHighlights
  • StellarSojourns
  • PathwayPictures
  • ContinentalCanvas
  • PassagePrints
  • VagabondViews
  • WayfarerWhims
  • NomadicNooks
  • DriftDreamscape
  • VoyageVaults
  • TrekkingTones
  • GlobeGazettes
  • OdysseyOpinions
  • TravelTints
  • WanderWonders
  • RoamReflections
  • JetJourneys
  • MilestoneMoments
  • PassportPortraits
  • JourneyJournals
  • ContinentalComments
  • TerraTrailTints
  • VagabondVisions

100 Food Blog Name Ideas:

food blog name ideas

  • CulinaryQuests
  • BiteSizedDelights
  • GourmetGetaways
  • FlavorfulFinds
  • PlatedPassions
  • SavoryStories
  • GastronomyGrove
  • PalatePioneers
  • RecipeRambles
  • EpicureanEdges
  • TastyTreasures
  • MorselMoments
  • KitchenKaleidoscope
  • DelishDishDiary
  • IngredientInklings
  • CulinaryCanvas
  • FoodieFables
  • PlatterPursuits
  • TasteTravels
  • DishDreamer
  • GourmetGlimpses
  • PalateParadise
  • SeasonedStories
  • FlavorFrontier
  • CulinaryChronicles
  • BakingBliss
  • SavorySights
  • FoodFrameFocus
  • MealtimeMuses
  • CuisineCanvas
  • PlateParables
  • GourmetGazettes
  • DelightfulDishes
  • CulinaryCorners
  • FlavorfulFlashes
  • SizzleStories
  • FeastFables
  • PlatterPortraits
  • DelicacyDiaries
  • GourmetGanders
  • EdibleEscapades
  • TasteThread
  • BitesBeyondBorders
  • FoodieFrames
  • EpicureanEchoes
  • SavorySagas
  • PalatePictures
  • CraveCorners
  • FlavorFlares
  • CulinaryCrafts
  • SavorScenes
  • BitefulBlogs
  • TastyTrails
  • FeastfulFinds
  • PlatefulPonders
  • KitchenCraftCove
  • GourmetGlimmers
  • MealtimeMementos
  • DishyDelves
  • NoshNarratives
  • FlavorfulFrames
  • CulinaryCurations
  • FoodFocusFables
  • EpicureanEntrées
  • DishDossier
  • SavorySnapshots
  • FoodFusionFiles
  • CulinaryContours
  • DeliciousDestinations
  • FlavorFolio
  • SizzleSights
  • MunchMoments
  • NourishNest
  • PlateParleys
  • DelightfulDigests
  • SavorySketches
  • MorselMosaics
  • PalatePassages
  • FlavorfulFeasts
  • EpicureanEdits
  • CuisineContours
  • FeastfulFlashes
  • EdibleEpicenters
  • DishyDoodles

100 Fashion Blog Name Ideas

fashion blog name ideas

  • StyleSavant
  • FabricFables
  • TrendTravels
  • VogueVistas
  • FashionedFiles
  • CoutureChronicles
  • PatternedPassions
  • ChicChronicles
  • DressDreamer
  • TailoredTales
  • WardrobeWanderlust
  • StyleStories
  • GlamGazette
  • TrendsetterTales
  • RunwayRambles
  • SartorialSights
  • AttireAtlas
  • OutfitOasis
  • CoutureCanvas
  • DrapeDiaries
  • FinesseFiles
  • GlamourGrooves
  • LookbookLegends
  • WardrobeWonders
  • FashionFrontiers
  • VogueVaults
  • ThreadedThoughts
  • TailorTints
  • EnsembleEscapades
  • HauteHighlights
  • ApparelAppeal
  • DressDossiers
  • FabricFeatures
  • FashionableFrames
  • StyleSpectrum
  • TrendTraces
  • GlamourGuides
  • RunwayRundown
  • AttireAngles
  • OutfitOracles
  • SartorialSpaces
  • VogueVisions
  • WardrobeWhispers
  • FashionFables
  • ChicContours
  • DressDrifts
  • TrendyTextures
  • GlamGallery
  • StyleSnapshots
  • CoutureCorners
  • LookbookLore
  • TailorTales
  • ChicChapters
  • FashionFrontlines
  • GlamourGrove
  • ModeMosaics
  • RunwayRhythms
  • SartorialSketches
  • WardrobeWavelengths
  • VogueVentures
  • CoutureComments
  • DressDynamics
  • FabricFlashes
  • TailoredTrails
  • GlamourGraphs
  • LookbookLogs
  • AttireAnnotations
  • FashionFrequencies
  • TrendyTurns
  • StyleStatements
  • ModeMurmurs
  • DressDoodles
  • ChicCircuits
  • VogueVignettes
  • WardrobeWindows
  • OutfitObservations
  • RunwayReflections
  • CoutureCurves
  • GlamourGlimpses
  • ModeMajesties
  • FashionFutures
  • WardrobeWaves
  • StyleStanzas
  • CoutureCreations
  • VogueVoyages
  • GlamourGrids

100 Personal Finance Blog Name Ideas

finance blog name ideas

  • FiscalFlair
  • MoneyMasteryMind
  • PennywisePaths
  • FinanceFinesse
  • WealthyWanderings
  • BudgetBright
  • CapitalCues
  • FinanceFrontiers
  • DollarDiligence
  • WealthWaveforms
  • ProsperPathways
  • MoneyMindMeanders
  • CashCrafters
  • FiscalFootprints
  • ThriftyThreads
  • FinanceFables
  • WealthyWays
  • BudgetBridges
  • CapitalContours
  • PennyPonders
  • WealthWonders
  • SavingSavant
  • CashChronicles
  • CapitalCraft
  • DollarDreamscapes
  • WealthyWhims
  • FinanceFrameworks
  • BudgetBlueprints
  • FinanceFlows
  • WealthyWindows
  • DollarDynamics
  • SavingSightings
  • FinanceFrontlines
  • CapitalCanvas
  • WealthWavelets
  • MoneyMilestones
  • FiscalFlashes
  • ThriftyTales
  • CapitalChapters
  • DollarDrifts
  • SavingSnapshots
  • MoneyMajesties
  • FinanceFlare
  • FiscalFutures
  • CashContours
  • BudgetBreezes
  • WealthWavelengths
  • CapitalCircuits
  • PennyPilgrimages
  • DollarDossiers
  • WealthyWorks
  • SavingSpectrums
  • CashCraftsmanship
  • MoneyMusings
  • FiscalFootpaths
  • ThriftyTurns
  • FinanceFrequencies
  • CapitalCoordinates
  • BudgetBursts
  • DollarDestinies
  • MoneyMosaics
  • WealthyWhirlwinds
  • SavingSagas
  • CapitalComments
  • DollarDoodles
  • WealthyWellsprings
  • FinanceFluctuations
  • FiscalFluencies
  • PennyPonderings
  • WealthyWidgets
  • SavingScenes
  • MoneyMindscape
  • FiscalFormations
  • WealthWaves
  • SavingSightlines
  • FinanceFascinations
  • CapitalChronicles
  • MoneyMindsetMajors
  • WealthyWhispers
  • PennyPathways
  • DollarDrifters
  • FinanceFootprints
  • CapitalCorners
  • WealthyWanderers
  • MoneyMomentumMinds

100 Tech and Gadget Blog Name Ideas

Woman Coding on Computer

  • TechTrendTracker
  • GadgetGlimpses
  • CircuitChronicles
  • DigitalDynamics
  • FutureTechFlare
  • GadgetGuidance
  • ByteBridges
  • CircuitCrafters
  • PixelPioneers
  • QuantumQuests
  • GadgetGrove
  • TechnoTales
  • WiredWonders
  • CircuitScapes
  • DigitalDrifts
  • SiliconSightings
  • GadgetGazettes
  • TechnoTextures
  • ByteBreezes
  • FutureTechFrames
  • PixelPassages
  • CircuitCues
  • GadgetGalaxies
  • TechTintTales
  • BinaryBridges
  • SiliconSnapshots
  • NanoNarratives
  • PixelPonders
  • QuantumQuirks
  • GadgetGrids
  • TechnoTrails
  • CircuitContours
  • DigitalDreamscapes
  • GadgetGlyphs
  • SiliconSagas
  • PixelPathways
  • CircuitCraftsmanship
  • GadgetGlimmers
  • TechnoTints
  • BinaryBursts
  • DigitalDossiers
  • SiliconSightlines
  • GadgetGuides
  • PixelParleys
  • QuantumQuizzes
  • TechTextureTours
  • ByteBlueprints
  • SiliconSketches
  • GadgetGanders
  • PixelPilgrimages
  • QuantumQuotients
  • CircuitCoordinates
  • GadgetGalleries
  • TechnoTurns
  • SiliconScenes
  • PixelPatterns
  • QuantumQualities
  • CircuitComments
  • TechnoTravels
  • GadgetGazes
  • PixelPortals
  • CircuitCorners
  • DigitalDoodles
  • GadgetGuidelines
  • PixelParables
  • SiliconSpectrums
  • QuantumQueries
  • DigitalDomains
  • PixelPerspectives
  • QuantumQuarks
  • CircuitCircuitry

100 Health & Wellness Blog Name Ideas

health and wellness blog name ideas

  • WellBeingWonders
  • HealthfulHorizons
  • VitalityVisions
  • WholesomeWaves
  • WellnessWhispers
  • VitalVistas
  • PurelyProsper
  • HealthHaven
  • BalanceBridges
  • WellnessWavelengths
  • RadiantRoutes
  • FlourishFlare
  • WholesomeWanderings
  • VitalValleys
  • NourishNotes
  • TranquilTints
  • WellbeingWeb
  • SereneScenes
  • HolisticHighs
  • PurePathways
  • WellnessWindows
  • HealthfulHues
  • HarmonyHaven
  • WellnessWanderers
  • VitalVoyages
  • ThriveThreads
  • NourishNooks
  • WholesomeWays
  • WellbeingWinds
  • SerenitySights
  • BalanceBlueprints
  • PurelyProspects
  • FlourishFrontiers
  • RadiantRhythms
  • VitalVisions
  • HealthfulHarbors
  • WellnessWhirlwinds
  • HarmonyHubs
  • WholesomeWindows
  • TranquilTales
  • ThriveTrails
  • WellnessWaves
  • HealthHavens
  • SerenitySpaces
  • PurelyPatterns
  • FlourishFrames
  • RadiantReflections
  • WholesomeWhispers
  • HealthfulHighlights
  • HarmonyHighs
  • VitalVentures
  • BalanceBursts
  • WellnessWonders
  • NourishNarratives
  • SereneSnapshots
  • WholesomeWanderlust
  • RadiantRambles
  • FlourishFables
  • TranquilTurns
  • WellnessWhirls
  • HealthfulHarmonies
  • WholesomeWinds
  • SerenitySpectrums
  • HarmonyHues
  • FlourishFlares
  • TranquilTraces

100 Parenting & Family Blog Name Ideas

parenting blog name ideas

  • ParentingPathways
  • FamilyFables
  • NurturingNests
  • KiddoCorners
  • MammaMosaics
  • PapaPerspectives
  • FamiliarFlares
  • ParentingPulse
  • FamilyFootprints
  • CherishedChapters
  • NurturingNarratives
  • LullabyLanes
  • ToddlerTints
  • FamilyFrameworks
  • ParentingPioneers
  • ChildCrafters
  • KinshipKaleidoscope
  • MommyMilestones
  • DaddyDynamics
  • BabeBridges
  • FamilyFluencies
  • ParentingParables
  • NurturingNook
  • SiblingScenes
  • FamilyFrontiers
  • ParentingPassages
  • LittleLifeLines
  • MommaMusings
  • PappaPathways
  • KidletCraft
  • FamilyFrequencies
  • ChildhoodChapters
  • MaternalMoods
  • PaternalPatterns
  • ParentalPulse
  • KinshipKeys
  • LullabyLandscapes
  • BabeBlueprints
  • FamilyFacets
  • ParentingPerspectives
  • SiblingSnapshots
  • ChildhoodChronicles
  • MommyMoments
  • DaddyDoodles
  • KidletContours
  • SiblingSpectrums
  • FamilyFootnotes
  • ParentalPortals
  • LittleLifeLanes
  • MaternalMajesties
  • PaternalParleys
  • ParentingPages
  • ChildhoodContours
  • MammaMilestones
  • DaddyDomains
  • LullabyLyrics
  • FamilyFrames
  • ParentingPixels
  • SiblingStories
  • ChildhoodCues
  • MaternalMusings
  • PaternalPathways
  • KiddoCrafters
  • FamilyFlares
  • ParentingPatterns
  • TotTextures
  • LullabyLands
  • MommyMosaics
  • KiddoContours
  • SiblingSightings
  • ParentalPages
  • LullabyLines
  • MommaMoments
  • KiddoCraftsmanship
  • ParentalPixels

100 Arts & Crafts Blog Name Ideas

arts and crafts blog name ideas

  • CraftyCreations
  • ArtisticAvenues
  • CreativeCanvas
  • PalettePursuits
  • MosaicMoods
  • BrushstrokesBridges
  • CraftCornerstones
  • ArtfulAdventures
  • PatternedPathways
  • CollageCrafters
  • PalettePioneers
  • StitchedStories
  • PaintedPerspectives
  • DoodleDomains
  • CanvasContours
  • ArtisanAvenues
  • CraftedContours
  • MuralMystiques
  • ArtisticAngles
  • CraftyChronicles
  • BrushedBlueprints
  • PatternedPixels
  • CreativeCraftsmanship
  • ArtfulArrays
  • CraftyCorners
  • MosaicMajesties
  • PaletteParables
  • StitchedSagas
  • DoodleDynamics
  • CanvasCreations
  • ArtisanAdventures
  • MuralMusings
  • ArtisticArrays
  • CraftedCanvas
  • BrushedBridges
  • CollageCraftsmanship
  • PalettePixels
  • StitchedSightings
  • ArtfulAngles
  • CraftyContours
  • MosaicMoments
  • PaintedPages
  • CanvasCrafters
  • ArtisticAdventures
  • CanvasCraftsmanship
  • BrushstrokesBlueprints
  • PatternedPioneers
  • CollageContours
  • MuralMajesties
  • MosaicMusings

100 Book & Literature Blog Name Ideas

book blog name ideas

  • LitLabyrinths
  • BibliophileBeacons
  • ProsePursuits
  • BookishBridges
  • TalesTapestries
  • LiteraryLandscapes
  • PageTurnerTales
  • EpicExcerpts
  • BoundBookBlogs
  • ReadReveries
  • StoryScapes
  • ProsePixels
  • LiteraryLanes
  • ChronicleCrafters
  • NovelNestlings
  • BookBoulevards
  • ParchmentPaths
  • FictionFrontiers
  • VerseVisions
  • StorylineSagas
  • ProloguePixels
  • LitLattices
  • ManuscriptMoods
  • BookishBlueprints
  • NovelNavigators
  • TaleTapestries
  • BoundBibliographies
  • ReadRhythms
  • ProsePioneers
  • FictionFrameworks
  • LiteraryLooms
  • PagePursuits
  • BookBridges
  • StorySpectrums
  • ParchmentPixels
  • ProloguePaths
  • BookishBays
  • ChronicleContours
  • StoryScenes
  • ManuscriptMusings
  • NovelNuances
  • LiteraryLands
  • PageParables
  • EpicEchelons
  • ProsePortals
  • FictionFrames
  • BookBoundBlogs
  • NovelNarratives
  • ParchmentPages
  • StorySightings
  • ManuscriptMajesties
  • ProloguePerspectives
  • TaleTextures
  • ReadRadiance
  • FictionFacades
  • LiteraryLattices
  • PagePioneers
  • BookBoundaries
  • ParchmentPortals
  • ManuscriptMosaics
  • TaleTurners
  • ProsePatterns
  • FictionFootprints
  • ParchmentPathways
  • ChronicleCraftsmanship
  • ManuscriptMoments
  • LiteraryLabyrinths

100 Beauty Blog Name Ideas

beauty blog name ideas

  • BeautyBridges
  • GlamGazettes
  • RadiantReads
  • LushLattices
  • CosmeticContours
  • PolishedPixels
  • BlossomBlogs
  • ElixirEchoes
  • AllureAdventures
  • MysticMakeup
  • GlowGalleries
  • VanityVisions
  • LuminaryLips
  • BlushBoulevards
  • RadianceReveries
  • LuminousLooms
  • EtherealEyes
  • PoutPortals
  • LushLabyrinths
  • OpulentOutlines
  • BeautyBoundaries
  • SparkleSightings
  • DazzleDomains
  • EtherealElixirs
  • LustrousLooks
  • SereneShades
  • MajesticMakeovers
  • VelvetVisages
  • BelleBridges
  • SleekSketches
  • CharmedContours
  • DaintyDiaries
  • FinesseFrameworks
  • GlamGalleries
  • DazzleDynamics
  • FlawlessFrameworks
  • EleganceEras
  • MysticMosaics
  • PoutPioneers
  • LuxeLandscapes
  • RadiantReveries
  • LustrousLanes
  • AllureAvenues
  • BelleBoundaries
  • EtherealEdges
  • PristinePixels
  • MajesticMoments
  • VelvetViews
  • GlowGrooves
  • PoshPortals
  • SleekShades
  • EtherealEchoes
  • SparkleSketches
  • LuminaryLooks
  • OpulentOasis
  • FinesseFrames
  • LustrousLabyrinths
  • BelleBoulevards
  • EleganceEntries
  • MysticMakeupMoods
  • SleekSightings
  • EtherealEddies
  • DaintyDomains
  • CharmedChronicles
  • DazzleDiaries
  • LustrousLooms
  • BelleBlueprints
  • EleganceElixirs
  • SparkleSagas
  • LuminaryLanes
  • DaintyDynamics

100 Faith Blog Name Ideas

faith blog name ideas

  • FaithfulFragments
  • DivineDynamics
  • GracefulGuides
  • SacredSightings
  • SpiritSeekers
  • BeliefBridges
  • PrayerfulPixels
  • CelestialContours
  • WorshipWaves
  • SacredStories
  • RevelationsRoad
  • DivineDiaries
  • GraceGrooves
  • FaithfulFrameworks
  • TestamentTales
  • SpiritualSketches
  • CelestialChronicles
  • HeavenlyHues
  • PrayerPortals
  • BlessingsBoulevards
  • HolyHighlights
  • GospelGrooves
  • RevelationsRoutes
  • SermonSketches
  • FaithfulFootprints
  • WorshipWonders
  • SpiritualSightings
  • BeliefBlueprints
  • GracefulGalleries
  • DevotionDomains
  • SacredShades
  • DivineDoodles
  • PrayerfulPaths
  • TestamentTextures
  • GospelGazettes
  • HolyHorizons
  • SpiritualSagas
  • RevelationsRadiance
  • SpiritualShadows
  • BlessingsBridges
  • PrayerfulPortals
  • SacredSketches
  • SpiritualScenes
  • BeliefBoulevards
  • GospelGalleries
  • BlessingsBlueprints
  • GracefulGazettes

100 Lifestyle and Miscellaneous Blog Name Ideas

lifestyle blog name ideas

  • LifeLuxeLanes
  • DailyDoseDiaries
  • WhimsicalWays
  • LivingLushly
  • MomentsMosaics
  • VibrantVisions
  • SerendipitySketches
  • LivelyLooms
  • EverydayEddies
  • Life’sLabyrinths
  • PonderedPixels
  • CuriousContours
  • DaydreamDomains
  • LifeLattice
  • MusingMoments
  • ChroniclesContours
  • TimelessTextures
  • LivingLandscapes
  • WanderlustWays
  • DailyDynamics
  • LifestyleLanes
  • MiscellaneousMoods
  • SerenitySightings
  • DailyDoodleDomains
  • Life’sLushLines
  • PensivePixels
  • WhimsyWaves
  • EclecticEchoes
  • LifeLuxeLabyrinths
  • MomentsMajesties
  • SerendipityStories
  • TimelessTales
  • EverydayElixirs
  • DaydreamDiaries
  • PonderedPortals
  • VibrantVisages
  • WhimsicalWanderings
  • Life’sLushLanes
  • CuriousChronicles
  • DailyDoseDetails
  • LifestyleLandmarks
  • SerenitySketches
  • WanderlustWindows
  • PensivePortraits
  • EclecticEntries
  • DaydreamDynamics
  • SerendipitySightings
  • EverydayEchoes
  • LifestyleLattices
  • PensivePages
  • ChroniclesCraft
  • WhimsyWindows
  • Life’sLuxeLines
  • LivingLandmarks
  • MiscellaneousMusings
  • DailyDoodleDetails
  • PonderedPortraits
  • WhimsicalWaves
  • SerenityStories
  • WanderlustWanderings
  • MomentsMoods
  • MiscellaneousMoments
  • LifestyleLandscapes

When finalizing a blog name, be sure to align it with the specific theme or niche of your blog, check domain availability, and ensure there are no existing trademarks on your chosen name.

4 Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Blog Name

tips for picking a blog name

Embarking on the journey of naming your blog can be both exhilarating and daunting. After all, this is the title under which all your content will reside, and it’s the first thing readers will associate with your brand. With the weight of this decision in mind, I’ve gathered some essential factors you should consider to ensure your blog’s name isn’t just creative, but also effective and legally sound.

1. Reflecting the Blog’s Niche or Theme

Your blog’s name should be a mirror to its soul. In essence, when potential readers encounter your blog’s title, they should instantly have a sense of what topics or themes you cover. If you’re starting a food blog, for instance, you might want to incorporate terms related to food, dining, or cooking. This immediate clarity helps attract readers who are genuinely interested in your content, ensuring a more engaged and loyal audience.

2. Ensuring It’s Easy to Spell and Remember

The digital world moves at lightning speed, and you only have a few seconds to make an impression. If your blog’s name is complex, lengthy, or difficult to spell, chances are readers won’t remember it – and in the online world, out of sight often means out of mind. A simple, concise, and memorable name ensures that once readers find you, they can easily return or recommend your blog to others.

3. Checking for Domain Availability

While you might come up with the most ingenious name, it’s essential to ensure that a corresponding domain is available. Ideally, you’d want a “.com” domain, as it’s the most recognized and trusted domain extension. Before getting too attached to a name, use domain registration sites to check its availability. Remember, the domain name should closely match your blog’s name to avoid confusion.

4. Avoiding Trademark Issues

The last thing any blogger wants is legal trouble. To avoid stepping on any legal landmines, ensure your chosen blog name isn’t already trademarked. This is particularly crucial if you’re planning to monetize your blog or grow it into a full-blown brand. In the U.S., you can use the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s online database to check for existing trademarks. If you’re outside the U.S., make sure to consult your country’s respective trademark database.

By considering these factors, you’re not only ensuring that your blog name is catchy and memorable but also that it can stand the test of time. As you brainstorm, let creativity flow, but keep these guidelines at the forefront of your mind. And now, without further ado, let’s dive into those 1200 creative blog name ideas to spark your inspiration!

3 Tips to Personalize Your Blog Name

blog name ideas

A blog’s name is often the first impression readers have of its content, tone, and creator. Personalizing your blog name can not only make it more memorable but also create an immediate connection with your target audience. Here are some unique and creative tips to personalize your blog name, making it distinctively yours:

  • The Personal Touch: Your name or nickname can make your blog instantly recognizable as yours. For instance, if your name is Lily and you write about travel, “Lily’s Wanderlust Tales” can be a fitting choice.
  • Blended Names: If you’re collaborating with someone or want to merge two names, consider combining them. A blog by Sarah and Mike about tech can be named “SarMike TechTalks”.
  • Nicknames as Brand: Often, nicknames have fun anecdotes or stories behind them. Using a quirky or endearing nickname can create an inviting blog atmosphere. For instance, if your nickname is “Blue” because of your love for the ocean, a travel blog can be named “Blue’s Oceanic Journeys”.
  • Play on Words: Puns can be amusing and engaging. For example, if you’re a baker named Anna, “Ban-Anna Bread Co.” can be a whimsical blog name about baking.
  • Homophones & Homonyms: Using words that sound alike but have different meanings can make your blog name catchy. If you write about peaceful lifestyles, “Sereni-tea Times” might work if you also love discussing teas.
  • Alliteration & Rhymes: These can make your blog name flow smoothly and be more memorable. Names like “Fashionable Faye” or “Crafty Cathy Chronicles” can be both personalized and rhythmic.
  • Local Love: If you’re passionate about your hometown or state, include its name or a popular landmark. “Brooklyn Bookworm” or “Sunset Strip Stories” can create immediate locality-based relevance.
  • Travel Touchpoints: If there’s a city or country you’ve traveled to that left a lasting impression, use it! “Parisian Pastry Picks” for a dessert blog or “Amazon Adventures” for a travel journal can resonate with fellow travel enthusiasts .
  • Cultural Cues: Incorporate elements from your cultural or ethnic background to give your blog a unique flavor. For instance, “Himalayan Hearth Tales” can be a lifestyle blog from someone of Nepali origin.

In essence, personalizing your blog name is about infusing your identity, experiences, and passions into the title. This not only makes it unique but also helps establish an immediate rapport with your readers. Remember, your blog’s name is the initial handshake with the audience; make it warm, authentic, and unforgettable.

5 Tools to Help Generate Blog Names

blog name ideas

When the flood of inspiration seems to be running dry, there’s no need to fret. The digital age has brought forth a plethora of tools designed to spark creativity and help you come up with the perfect blog name. Let’s delve into a few online name generators for blogs that could be your next port of call:

  • Description: Wordoid is a creative name generator that crafts artificial words. It’s especially useful if you want a unique, brandable name that sounds natural.
  • How to Use: Head to the Wordoid website , input a keyword, choose a language , set the quality level, and let it do its magic. You can also limit the word length if you want something concise.
  • Description: This tool merges your chosen keyword with other words to generate a list of available domain names, ensuring your blog name is ready for a web presence.
  • How to Use: Visit Lean Domain Search , type in a word that you want your domain to include, and it will show you the available combinations.
  • Description: Nameboy is one of the oldest and most renowned domain name generators. It can suggest names based on multiple keywords and show domain availability.
  • How to Use: Simply enter one or two keywords on the Nameboy site , and it will generate a plethora of available and related domain names.
  • Description: BustAName employs a word combiner to suggest available domain names. It can also help you see domain names that are soon expiring.
  • How to Use: Go to BustAName’s website , input your keyword(s), set preferences like domain extensions and character limits, and search for suggestions.
  • Description: This tool is straightforward and is specifically designed for bloggers. It offers name suggestions based on your input and checks domain availability simultaneously.
  • How to Use: Navigate to Theme Isle’s Blog Name Generator , enter your keyword, and explore the suggested list.

Using these tools can offer you a head start in the brainstorming process, providing both inspiration and practical solutions. However, always ensure the names resonate with your blog’s theme, niche, and your personal touch. Once you’ve got a list of potential names, take a moment to reflect on each one. Say it out loud, consider its relevance, and check how memorable it is before finalizing your decision.

Recap the Importance of a Strong Blog Name

blog name ideas

Ah, the journey of finding the perfect name for your blog! As we wrap up this extensive dive into the world of blog naming, let’s circle back to some key takeaways.

Your blog’s name isn’t just a title—it’s the beacon that shines brightly, guiding potential readers to your content amidst the vast digital seascape. It embodies your brand, your voice, and your niche. A memorable, authentic, and catchy name can make the difference between a fleeting visit and a loyal reader who returns time and time again. It’s the handshake that introduces your blog to the world.

Remember, while the name is crucial, it’s also just the beginning. Don’t let the quest for the “perfect” name stall your blogging journey. Use the tools and tips provided, brainstorm, but most importantly, take that leap. The world awaits your unique voice and perspective.

Your insights and creativity are boundless, and I’d love to hear from you! Share your inventive blog name suggestions in the comments below. Who knows? You might just inspire someone else reading this post!

Share the Article: Found this guide helpful? If you’ve got friends or colleagues who are also at the brink of starting their blogging adventures, do them a favor and share this article with them. Let’s create a community where we uplift and inspire each other.

Thank you for joining me on this enlightening journey of names and creativity. Here’s to your blogging success and the incredible stories you’re about to share with the world! 🌟📝🚀

creative writing blog names

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Blog Name Ideas: The Ultimate Guide to Picking an Effective Blog Name

Two people debating blog name ideas

Picking the right blog name can be overwhelming. Generating blog name ideas can help with that, but it’s a process that requires many factors.

It would be best if you thought of something clever that fully conveys what your blog will be. However, you don’t want to be too limiting or pick something that won’t rank well on search engines.

Even worse, you might pick something that doesn’t have an available domain or the right social channel handles.

This post will outline how to generate blog name ideas and share the steps you need to take to create the perfect blog name. Before we dive in, let’s look at what exactly makes a good blog name.

What Makes a Good Blog Name?

Much like choosing the right domain name , selecting your blog name requires careful consideration.

A good blog name should be:

  • Memorable enough that it stands out
  • Related to the product or service the business is selling
  • Distinctive from other blog names in the market

Selecting the wrong name can be costly in the long run. If you have to change it down the road, you lose the branding opportunities that you could have been building up until that point.

In addition, you will have to invest in a new logo and re-engage your readers with the new brand.

There are over 600 million blogs published in the world today. Make sure your blog stands out with a distinctive name while still being loosely connected to your brand.

For example, look at Banknotes, a blog for the creator marketplace Hashtag Paid. The business matches creators with brands to increase sales.

Engaging blog names

Getting your blog name right on the first try should always be your goal.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Coming Up With a Blog Name

As you brainstorm blog name ideas, you should factor in many considerations.

Before you start, establish a purpose for your blog. Are you writing a travel blog  or a fashion blog ? Will you highlight the best food  in your area? Your subject matter can guide your blog name brainstorming right away.

Establishing your blog niche will help you frame your expectations and find creative blog names. Whether you’re creating a personal blog or a fitness blog, every blogger must think like a marketer when selecting a successful name for their niche.

Here is a checklist of factors that will guide you in selecting the best blog name:

  • Subject Matter: What are you writing about?
  • Target Audience:  Who will read your writing?
  • Blogging Motivation:  Why did you create this blog in the first place? Is it just a creative outlet or an SEO engine to drive traffic and sales?
  • Writing Style:  Will your blog be humorous or serious? Your name should be aligned with that style.
  • Future Focus: Will your blog evolve into new topics down the road? Don’t select a name that is too limiting.
  • Length: How will the name of your blog read in spots where there are character limits?

Selecting the wrong blog name is like building a house on a bed of quicksand. It would be best to have the right name to serve as a foundation.

Every new blogger wants to think of catchy blog names. They run through many naming ideas, trying to find the common word or phrase that fits their branding and blogging niche. This is often easier said than done.

The right blog name should be linked to the company or person’s brand. It should feel natural and engaging. If you say the name out loud, you should understand the links between the blog and the business or person associated with it.

Mailchimp used a word associated with its brand as its blog name: Courier.

Mailchimp uses a word associated with its brand as a blog name

Its platform started as an email marketing platform (EMP) that enabled businesses to reach their customers. So, Courier makes sense for the name of its blog.

Now that you know what to look for in a blog name, let’s outline how to find the right name that will fit your brand.

How To Come Up With a Blog Name (10 Tips)

Knowing what to look for in a blog name is one thing. Coming across the right name is a whole other challenge.

Here are a few steps you should take to find the right blog name idea.

1. Start With a Focus Keyword or Two

If you’re optimizing for SEO , each of your articles should have a focus keyword. Why shouldn’t your entire blog?

Consider what you’re writing about and include a singular focus keyword in the name.

For example, Disney could have called its blog something imaginative and magical. However, that may not be exactly what people input into search engines.

Instead, it has different blogs with targeted focuses. For example, here is the Disney Parks Blog, a news site that highlights everything new at the various Disney theme parks:

Consider what keywords your readers are using

If a reader searches for “Disney Parks,” this blog will appear.

You can string together related words to try and find domain names that will match search queries.

2. Use Your Own Name

Sometimes, you don’t even have to use a different name for your blog.

If you have a recognizable company name or are an industry thought-leader, it might make more sense to use your name as the blog name.

HubSpot, a leading marketing platform, has a “HubSpot Blog” for all its latest content:

Hubspot uses a simple name for its blog

Consumers recognize HubSpot, so they immediately know that its blog produces trusted content.

3. Use a Thesaurus

Can’t think of a word associated with your brand?

Write out some of the most common words that appear in your messaging. Then, you can use a thesaurus to find other relevant words.

For example, if you looked up the word “target” in a thesaurus, you might find the word “bullseye.”

Thus, it makes sense that Target named its blog “A Bullseye View.”

Target uses a brand word synonym for its blog name

Target uses a word associated with its brand to make sure that its blog stays on brand.

4. Use Alliteration

Phrases that use words starting with the same letter can be catchy and memorable.

That’s why using alliteration for your blog name is a good idea.

Starbucks’ blog “Starbucks Stories” rolls off the tongue. It is playful, catchy, and fun.

Starbucks uses alliteration for its blog name

Starbucks’ Stories is a simple yet effective blog name that will stay in the minds of its readers.

5. Use Acronyms or Abbreviations

Consider how an acronym or abbreviation might look if your name is long.

This strategy is also useful if your domain is already taken. You can use a popular domain registrar  to check and see if your domain is available.

You should also see how much your domain costs to ensure you don’t overspend.

With an acronym or abbreviation for your blog name, you can condense your blog name to ensure it is easy to find and type into a browser.

For example, look at the NASA Blog, a simple, straightforward blog for the space organization:

NASA uses an acronym in its blog name

The short acronym is easy to type and makes for a simple, effective blog name.

6. Create a Portmanteau

A portmanteau is the combination of two words into a brand new word.

This is effective if your blog is about the unification of two things. In addition, by creating your own word, you won’t have to worry about the domain being taken.

Labradoodle is a portmanteau, so the Agape Labradoodles blog took advantage of this strategy:

Combining two words can make your blog name unique

You’ll want to be careful, though. If they aren’t immediately recognizable, portmanteaus can be confusing and unclear to some readers.

7. Use a Common Saying

Name your blog something that readers are already saying.

For example, the state of “flow,” or your naturally working state when you’re on a roll, is something that business-minded people are often thinking about.

Buffer, a social media management platform, named its blog “Flow” to highlight marketing stories and relevant content for working professionals.

Buffer incorporates a common saying into its blog name

This strategy engages your readers and aligns your blog with their language.

8. Consider Words in a Different Language

Even if you don’t have an international audience, you might find that some words in other languages will make excellent blog names.

Take Blog de Pelis, for example:

Using a title in another language can help make your blog stand out

This is a popular movie blog that highlights new releases and features.

With a blog title in a different language, you can expand your readership and appeal to many new viewers.

9. Choose a Random Name

Sometimes, you need to be off the wall with your blog name. That will make it more memorable.

The AV Club, a popular movie review blog, uses this strategy.

A random, loosely connected blog name can be memorable

Its blog is representative of a club of movie lovers. While no club initially existed, AV Club created and owned its brand name, connecting its readers to the engaging community.

10. Check Competitors’ Names

Before selecting a blog name, you should check and see what your competitors are doing.

This can serve as a useful guidepost when finding the right name.

The Allstate brand stuck to its roots in the competitive insurance space. Instead of straying from its name, the company stuck to its brand that consumers know well.

The Allstate Blog is your go-to resource for all insurance-related inquiries:

Lean into your brand name for your blog

The company leveraged its unique brand identity to provide consumers with answers to insurance-related questions through its blog.

Now that you know the ten considerations you should think about, it’s time to look at different blog generators to use as an added resource.

Top 9 Blog Name Generators

There are numerous blog name generators on the market to help you find the perfect name. Here is a list of the top nine you should consider.

Blog Name Generator (BNG)  is a simple, straightforward name generator that can help you brainstorm amazing blog names in just a few clicks.

BNG is a simple tool to create hundreds of blog names

It will generate hundreds of names and cross-reference their domain availability with GoDaddy. Multiple generators exist on the site for numerous languages.

If you don’t know where to start, begin with Blog Name Generator to get a few ideas going.

2. Masterpiece Generator

Masterpiece Generator is a name generator that pulls from more than one particular keyword. Instead, you can input multiple adjectives, verbs, and words associated with your company. The generator will take these words into account when formulating your name ideas.

Masterpiece Generator can help link your blog name ideas

This site has more inputs to generate specific combinations of your name. It can enable you to get more precise and targeted with the generated results.

Nameboy  is a blog name generator that sources blog names and immediately connects you with a hosting provider to get started. The platform integrates with Bluehost to help you get going with your domain hosting.

Nameboy can give you a name and connect you to a hosting provider

Most importantly, Nameboy offers multiple generators available for various use cases. This includes name generators for podcasts, storefronts, businesses, blogs, and more. It has a special formula for each one, sourcing only the best names for your brand.

Wordoid is an effective name generator if you don’t know where to start. You can input two brand words and create an entirely new, unique word. This generator combines multiple words in different ways to make a unique name for your blog.

Wordoid helps you pick a blog name from scratch

Be careful if you use this service to source your blog names. The wrong name can hurt your blog’s growth. Make sure you test out the new name mashup that you create on multiple readers to get feedback before going live.

Wizlogo  is a free blog name generator that will formulate many viable options for your new blog. Much like the other generators, all you need to do is input words associated with your blog.

Wizlogo is a free and easy-to-use blog name generator

Wizlogo’s magic is that it will automatically generate a free logo for your blog after you type in a keyword. This service makes it into a one-stop-shop for launching your blog. With a new name and logo, you can be on your way to writing your first blog post.

Namify  is a blog name generator that allows you to select a category for a more curated name based on your keywords.

Namify evaluates the availability of corresponding social media handles

For example, if you have a food blog, you could select “food” and input the type of food you’re writing about. Namify will aggregate related blog names based on that search query.

An additional key feature is Namify’s ability to automatically check whether or not the matching social handles and domains are available. This may make you reconsider some of the names if there are no matching handles for you to use.

7. Wix Blog Name Generator

Wix’s Blog Name Generator is a great resource to help you select the right name for your blog. If you’re planning on using Wix to build your site , this is a natural option for you to use.

Wix’s name generator will cross-reference names with domains

The blog name generator will automatically cross-reference your name options with available domains that you can buy directly through Wix.

8. Instant Domain Search

Instant Domain Search  offers a straightforward domain name generator to help you source ideas for your blog name. In addition to providing ideas, it also highlights which domains are for sale and lists potential domain extensions for your reference.

Instant Domain Search is a straightforward domain name generator

This is an all-in-one solution that will help you consider the future of your blog and any brand extension media channels that may result from its success. If you think you might branch out from your existing primary blog, this site would be optimal to use to think about your long-term future.

9. Lean Domain Search

Lean Domain Search is an easy-to-use domain search engine that could double as your blog name idea generator. The instructions on the site are simple: “Try typing in a search term.” Then, all your ideas will be generated from the results.

Lean Domain Search generates blog names and searches domains

The generator allows you to sort by popularity, length, or alphabetical order. You can also filter results for ones that start with or end with your search term. This site doesn’t have many special features, so start here if you’re looking for one that is straightforward.

Before Making a Final Decision

With your name in hand, there are a few final questions you should ask yourself before you solidify it as the official name of your blog.

These safeguards are in place to ensure that you consider your new blog name from multiple perspectives.

Is The Blog Name/Domain Available?

Some name generators have this feature built-in. If not, consider checking out the site software you’re using, like WordPress  or Wix, for domain availability.

Does The Name Read Well in Domain Format?

Envision your blog name with a .com or .blog after it to ensure it doesn’t feel weird or awkward. Some names may seem like a great fit at first.

Until you see how the domain looks and feels, you should wait to solidify your decision.

Is the Name Easy To Say and Spell?

As you promote your blog, you don’t want to keep spelling it for others. A simple, straightforward name that is easy to spell and find is critical.

Are Social Media Accounts Available?

Complete a scan of all major social media sites. If your desired handles aren’t available, check alternative ones like @yourblogname_official or other variations that you like.

Finding the right name for your blog is a process. You need to generate blog name ideas and narrow them down to select the right one. After, it would help if you asked yourself various qualifying questions to consider how your blog name will be perceived.

With the right blog name in place, you’ll set your site up for maximum success.

Get Managed WordPress Hosting for your next blog or project through Kinsta. Check out our plans  or talk to sales to find the plan that’s right for you.

creative writing blog names

Salman Ravoof is a self-taught web developer, writer, creator, and a huge admirer of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Besides tech, he's excited by science, philosophy, photography, arts, cats, and food. Learn more about him on his website , and connect with Salman on Twitter .

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How to choose a blog name [+ 80 blog name ideas to inspire you]

  • Lena Sernoff
  • Sep 26, 2023
  • 17 min read

Blog Name Ideas [+ 80 Blog Names to Inspire You]

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received a record 943,928 trademark registration applications in 2021, and the number of applications has increased 70% in just five years. Even celebrities such as Hailey Bieber struggle with finding the right brand name, as understood from a recent Trademark Infringement lawsuit for her skincare line, Rhode. Unfortunately, this naming dilemma extends to the blogosphere : While there’s always ample room for new niche content, with over 600 million blogs on the web, naming your blog can be one of the most challenging steps of starting a business and making a website. A good blog name is one of the most inexpensive ways to grab attention in a crowded marketplace amongst these types of websites , but bloggers and creators need creativity and innovation to stand out.

In this article, we’ll help you create a blog that holds a name with maximum originality, both with brainstorming strategies from professional creatives and tools like Wix’s blog title generator .

Have a blog name ready to go? Get started on your blog with Wix today.

Questions to ask yourself before coming up with blog names

When you start a blog , you should first decide what it will be about and which goals you wish to achieve by blogging. Begin by asking yourself the following questions, after which you will be best equipped to come up with and sort through all your blog name ideas:

What type of blog will you create?

Who is your target market?

Which writing style and tone of voice will you use?

Who are your competitors and how are they going about their blogging strategy?

Additionally, you should think about the motivation behind your blog. Do you want to make money, educate or simply inspire? Your name should tell your blog’s purpose or niche.

Read Also: Best blogging tools

Ask yourself these additional questions to identify the intention behind your blog name:

What do you want readers to feel after they read your blog’s name?

What message do you want your blog’s look and feel to communicate?

What will you use your blog for most?

To further help define your blogging style and message, take a peek at our blog templates for inspiration. Knowing where you’re headed can better help you come up with blog name ideas.

How to come up with a blog name

Before we jump into our 17 blog naming methods, remember that like choosing a name for a person, pet, business or domain, you want to select a blog name that can grow and evolve with you.

With this in mind, make sure the name you come up with is original and not too specific so that you can expand in your niche. This allows you to scale your readership and expand your opportunities to make money blogging .

Additionally, you’ll also want to make sure your blog name examples and ideas are catchy, short and sweet (not more than three words). You should be easy to find and effortless to remember.

According to Josh Brentan, a content creator and brand shaper who has named multiple Wix products and features, don’t stop at the first good idea you have. It’s essential to iterate, he says, because the more names you generate, the more open your mind is to inspiration, and the more paths you can explore.

“Once you’ve got a long list, only then should you start to narrow it down,” Brentan says. “Do multiple rounds if you need to.” Brentan also recommends using a naming brief.

Let’s take a look at the most effective ways to come up with blog name ideas:

Gather related keywords

Plug your keywords into Wix’s blog name generator

Make it a brand

Experiment with blog naming formulas

Invent a portmanteau

Use a thesaurus and special dictionaries

Adapt a popular saying

Incorporate another language

Try an alliteration

Use your own name or nickname

Simplify with abbreviations

Combine unrelated words

Come up with puns

Include the name of a city, country or region

Make up words

Keep it easy to spell and pronounce

Be purely descriptive (and remember the rule of three)

01. Gather related keywords

As you do your research, you'll start noticing repeating words that are often used in your blogging category, whether it's food, fashion or travel. In this very first step, you should jot down as many of the words that come to mind that relate to your niche. In later steps, we can incorporate these phrases into our blog naming strategies and blog name generator.

To help you gather words, read articles, blog posts and books about your topic and write them down. The greater the list of words, the more blog name ideas we can come up with.

Give yourself room to expand within a niche or industry. For instance, let’s say you’re a personal finance guru and choose to name your blog with the keyword “Crypto.” A name like this may be limiting if you ever want to discuss different investment forms or even change your niche entirely. Personal blog name ideas should have an authentic, genuine feel.

02. Plug your keywords into Wix’s blog name generator

Do you have a word in mind that you want to include in your blog name? Whether you have a starting direction or are at ground zero, you can find great blog name ideas with a blog name generator .

This online tool suggests names by combining the text you enter with industry trends to come up with relevant ideas that can inspire you, or ready-made names you can use.

This platform automatically shows you the domain availability for each idea, so you can go ahead and easily secure your domain name before someone else takes it.

Before you do so, make sure the name is also still available on social media, as you'll want to promote your blog on other channels.

03. Make it a brand

Consider which blog names translate well to branding when coming up with ideas. Eventually, you might choose to sell digital marketing assets, eBooks or possibly launch a product line related to your niche.

Consider how the name will read on social media, as a professional email address, and even as a logo. For inspiration, check out these blog logos built around a memorable brand strategy. Use Wix’s free logo maker tool to create your own custom blog logo.

blog logos that show different blog name ideas

04. Experiment with blog naming formulas

Luckily, much simpler than calculus, these formulas make solving the blog name equation fun and easy. You can use the keywords you've already come up with that are related to your industry and make them sound catchy once they've been placed in the right order.

Try one of these five techniques to get the best blog names:

Blog name = [modifier] + [noun]

Parenting blog: Happy Mama

Cooking blog: The Experimental Chef

Travel blog: The Lonely Traveler

Baking blog: The Healthy Baker

Arts and crafts blog: The Colorful Canvas

Blog name = [audience or topic] + [end goal or transformation]

Finance blog : Millennial Investors

Photography blog : The Photo Wiz

Health and fitness blog: Yoga for Inner Peace

Blog name = [noun] + [noun]

Writing blog: Pen and Paper

Baking blog: Pink Cupcakes

Fitness blog : King of the Gym

Blog name = [adjective] + [first name]

Thrifty Taylor

Flexible Alex

Adventurous Alex

Blog name = Simply + [word]

Food and diet blog: Simply Paleo

Fitness blog: Simply Cardio

Interior design blog : Simply Design

Be inspired: Fashion blog names , Lifestyle blog name ideas , Travel blog name ideas , Food blog names

05. Invent a portmanteau

Portmanteau is the process of combining two different words to create an entirely new one. You can form many blog name ideas when joining two familiar words into one.

The benefit of portmanteau blog names is that they can clearly describe your blog niche and are original since you create a unique combination. You also don’t have to worry about blog domain names being taken when you make it up yourself. To help you develop effective keyword combinations, you can use a generator tool such as the Port Manteaux Word Maker .

Examples include:

Travel blog: Footrip = foot + trip

Food blog: Appetizertime = appetizers + time

Music blog: Discritic = disc + critic

Travel blog: Flightescapes = flight + escapes

Photography blog: Shutterclick = shutter + click

Blogger Joe Massaro gave his music blog a portmanteau-based name that would look great on any band tee: Paperface Zine .

portmanteau blog name idea

06. Use a thesaurus and special dictionaries

Dust off your thesaurus, or should we more accurately say bookmark a new tab, because this method can help you find just the right blog names you're searching for. How will it help you? A thesaurus lists words in groups of synonyms and finds related concepts that can spark a lot of new name ideas.

For example, if you've noticed a certain word such as travel is too often used, a thesaurus will suggest words like voyage, wanderlust and globe-trotting instead. More types of dictionaries can help you find the right blog name.

Here are some options to explore:

Thesaurus - Synonyms and related words.

RhymeZone - Rhymes, descriptive words, similar sounding words and homophones.

OneLook - Describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. Tap into special abilities such as choosing the number of letters and the letter the word should start with.

OneLook Dictionary Search - Gives you words that often appear near your word.

Reverse Dictionary - Search for words by their definition.

Word Hippo - Find words ending with a specific word.

07. Adapt a popular saying

Sometimes familiar phrases just sound right to the ear. You can use this to your advantage by modifying a saying you’ve heard before and tweaking it to fit your blog name. Not only will coming up with a blog name be easier since you have a starting point, but it will also be memorable since it relates to a known phrase.

To help you think of common sayings, turn to Pinterest for quotes or even articles such as this one that list the most common English proverbs . Let’s show you what we’ve come up with:

Food blog: Bake the Cake and Eat It Too

Book blog: Been There, Read That

Fashion blog: [Insert name] Wears Prada

Finance blog: More Money, Less Problems

Home decor blog: Honey, I’m Home

08. Incorporate another language

Want to instantly sound more international and interesting? Consider including a foreign language in your blog name. Don’t worry, there is no need to sign up for a language course. A simple Google Translate search can help you find a blog name you agree with.

Try to choose a language that relates to your niche. For example, if you're starting a cooking blog, use a language from a country where your cuisine originates. If pizza and pasta are your specialties, using an Italian phrase in your food blog name is a no-brainer.

We've taken some general industry words and translated them into another language, so you can see the magical effect they can have. Take any of these words and plug them into your own blog name.

Fashion blog: À la Mode = The Fashion in French

Example: À la Mode by [your name here]

Food blog: Cucina = Kitchen in Italian

Example: Welcome to My Cucina

Travel blog: Adiós = Goodbye in Spanish

Example: Adiós I’m on the Next Flight

This food blog website template goes by the name Amuse Bouche, which is a French term that literally translates to "mouth amuser."

creative writing blog names

09. Try an alliteration

Alliteration is when the same letter or sound appears at the beginning of an adjacent or closely connected word. These word pairings tend to roll smoothly off the tongue and help with our memory, as they can be quite catchy. This can be useful for users when they want to look you up again later.

To come up with an alliteration, make a list of as many words as possible that also start with the same letter of the word you’re set on using. Remember, you can go back to strategy number 5 and get the help of one of the special dictionaries .

Here are some alliterations to get you started:

Lifestyle blog : My Luscious Lifestyle

Music blog : Music Minute

Fitness blog: The Weightlifting Writer

Arts and crafts blog: Crafting Creatively

Finance blog: Frugal Finance

Parenting blogger Shelby came up with a blog name that is both representative of her content as well as catchy enough to be memorable: My Modern Motherhood .

creative writing blog names

10. Use your own name or nickname

What better way to claim something yours than putting your name on it? Using your name or nickname allows people to immediately know the person behind the blog. This is very common in personal blogs . There are two main ways to include your name in your blog: using your full name or combining it with other keywords.

Using your full name will allow you to have a straightforward domain name that continuously reminds readers who you are. For example:

The other popular way is to use your name and incorporate adjectives, nouns, or blogging niche keywords before or after your name or nickname:

Movie blog: Katy’s Movie Addiction

Art and design blog: Ella the Painter

Poetry blog : Poetry by Andrew

Fitness blog: CrossFit With Chris

For a personal touch, Wix user Anika Pannu hand-lettered her self-titled blog’s logo.

Anika Pannu's website example for good name ideas

11. Simplify with abbreviations

"Less is more" can easily explain why people use abbreviations to come up with a blog name. A shortened form of a sentence or phrase can still allow you to have a longer message behind your name, but makes it short and straightforward to write and remember. This strategy is especially useful if your domain is already taken or if you’ve checked how much your domain costs and it’s too expensive.

See our examples:

Beauty blog: MBH = Make-up and Beauty Hacks

Fashion blog: DOI = Daily Outfit Inspo

Parenting blog: MPD = My Pregnant Diary

Love and relationship blog: LRA = Love and Relationship Advice

Fitness blog: WWM = Workout With Me

12. Combine unrelated words

We are not entirely out of our minds by suggesting you use random, unrelated words together. People use this method to come up with a blog name because it often results in some of the most memorable names.

You should have at least one word related to your blog’s function, but the others can be a color, an adjective or a noun. Let's take a look:

Interior design blog: The Dancing Furniture

Photography blog: The Laughing Camera

Travel blog: The Lazy Suitcase

Food blog: The Green Kitchen

13. Come up with puns

Time to get punny. To help explain, a pun exploits the different possible meanings of a word or combines words that sound alike but have different meanings. Consider adding a pun to your blog name to help you show your quirky and creative side. After all, people want to read a blog authored by someone with personality and using a pun can show this side of you off the bat.

If you can't think of a pun, try to use slang or humor in your blog name to achieve the same effect.

Photography blog: Oh Snap!

Book and writing blog: Never Wrong, Always Write

Travel blog: Love at First Flight

Baking blog: Baking the World a Better Place

Lifestyle blog: Extra Fries and Exercise

Life of Pai is a punny play on the title of the popular movie, Life of Pi , suggesting an adventurous and thought-provoking exploration of topics, akin to the movie's rich narrative and themes.

creative writing blog names

14. Include the name of a city, country or region

When blogging in a competitive industry, it can be good to differentiate yourself by becoming a regional expert in your topic. To help highlight your geographic presence, you can include a city or country name in your blog name.

Using a region in your blog name is also good because it can help your blog SEO . Suppose people are searching for travel bloggers that are experts in a specific destination they are planning to visit, that's when your blog can show up.

Lifestyle blog: Alice in Paris

Travel blog: Adventures in the Middle East

Personal blog: Katarina From Korea

Lifestyle blog: A Vegan in Portland

Fashion blog: Tel Aviv Fashionista

Food blog: Taste buds of Tokyo

15. Make up words

Let's begin by saying that we've followed our own advice when inventing the word Wix as our company name. Need more proof that random words can make a breakthrough? Ikea, Häagen-Dazs and Sony all don't mean anything but with great products, good marketing and branding, we all know who they are and what they offer.

Try to come up with some random words and ask your friends and family which sound like the best fit for a blog name.

When making up new words, do a quick check to see if they have any meanings in other languages.

16. Keep it easy to spell and pronounce

The easier to pronounce, the easier it will be for your audience to remember your domain name. For this reason, avoid using hyphens, dashes, and numbers. Also, stay away from homophones, or words pronounced the same but spelled like “board” and “bored" or “by” and “bye.”

You can test with your friends and family to see how easy your name is to pronounce it is to pronounce or spell.

Life As We Explore's blog name is simple and to the point. Readers understand that the blog will function as a travelogue.

Subscribe to the Wix blog  for a weekly dose of fresh web design tips and trends.

Life As We Explore's website example with a cool blog name

17. Be purely descriptive (and remember the rule of three)

Describing the content of your blog in the name might seem obvious. However, it helps your readers instantly understand what you're all about. Being straightforward and to the point in a blog name is often appreciated by people who quickly need to find a specific type of blog.

Pet blog: All About Cats

Blogging blog: Blogging For Beginners

Religion blog: Daily Prayers and Passages

Music blog: Nashville Country Music Lovers

Haven Book Reviews aptly describes what readers can expect from their blog: To find a safe place in books. (This happens to be their tagline, as well.)

blog example of Haven Book Reviews

To simplify things further, you can list three words that describe what you’ll write about on your blog. A great example of this technique can be found in the book title Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Let’s apply this rule of three to some blog name ideas:

Health and wellness blog: Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness

Fitness blog: Gym, Sleep, Repeat

DIY craft blog : Sewing, Knitting and Other Crafts

Writing blog: Short Stories, Poems and Creative Writing

News blog: News, Gossip and Pop Culture

Lifestyle blog: Coffee, Clothes and My Camera

What makes a good blog name?

When you are coming up with a blog name, you’ll want to make sure that it’s memorable. One of the best ways to do that is to keep it short so that it’s easy to remember and type, even if someone only sees it once. With about 4.4 million new blog posts published every day across all platforms , it can be tough to stand out from the competition and make a name for yourself. Choose a blog name that is different from others in your niche so that people can easily identify you and come back.

You should also choose a blog name that reflects what you are blogging about. If you're blogging about personal finance, you won’t want to choose a name that relates the wrong message or has nothing to do with that. Choosing words that have to do with money or budgeting is the best way to communicate what your blog is about quickly.

Good blog names should also be brandable. If you have the perfect name but it’s already taken on social media, that might pose a problem for you later on down the line. Find a name that is easy to use as a domain name and social media handle so that people can find your blog. Remember that your blog name is your brand - it's what people will remember you by, so it's important to choose a name that you like and that represents your blog's content and personality.

Another potential factor to consider when choosing a blog name is that it helps if it’s search engine friendly. Try including relevant keywords that people are likely to search for if possible.

The 5 main attributes of good blog names are:

Relevance: Your blog name should be relevant to the topic of your blog. This will help potential readers understand what your blog is about and whether it is something they are interested in.

Memorable: Good blog names need to be memorable so that people will be more likely to find your blog again if they enjoy your content.

Unique: Your blog name should be unique and stand out from other blogs in your niche. This will help you to build a strong brand for your blog.

Easy to pronounce and spell: Make sure your blog name is easy to pronounce and spell. This will make it easier for people to share your blog name with others.

Available as a domain name: The blog name you choose needs to be available as a domain name. This will ensure that you can create a website for your blog using that name.

80 Creative blog name ideas

Let’s get less theoretical and more practical by looking at blog name examples we’ve come up with. Below, you can explore 80 blog name ideas by blog niche to spark your creativity. If you see one you like, go get ownership of the domain, choose the best blog template for your site and begin writing your first blog post.

Food blog name ideas

Travel blogs

Health and fitness blogs

Lifestyle blogs

Fashion blog name ideas

Beauty blogs name ideas

Photography blogs

Personal blogs

DIY craft blogs

Parenting and mom blog name ideas

Movie blogs

Personal finance blogs name ideas

Sports blogs

News blogs name ideas

These are some of the best blog names:

1. Put Your Best Food Forward

2. Living the Food Life

3. The Real Happy Meal

5. Delish Blog

Learn more: How to start a food blog

6. Explore to See More

7. Destination Seeker

8. Travel in Color

9. Travel Hacker

10. Journey of a Thousand Miles

11. Travelful

12. Holy Travel

13. Sunset Travel

Learn more: How to start a travel blog

14. Ready, Set, Squat

15. Simply Yoga

16. Marathons Made Easy

Learn more: How to start a heath blog , How to start a fitness blog

17. Cookin’ and Good Lookin’

18. Food, Fashion, Fabulous

19. The Time of My Life

20. Adaptive Fitness

21. The Training Queen

Learn more: How to start a lifestyle blog

22. The Retail Therapist

23. A Walk in [insert name]’s Shoes

24. Oh So Stylish

25. Spacesuit

26. Fashiono

27. Attire and Aspire

Learn more: How to start a fashion blog

28. Beauty Hacks by [insert name]

29. Glamor Girl Blog

30. The Makeover

31. Make Upy

32. Hair and Career

33. Vegan Beauty

Learn more: How to start a beauty blog

34. The Photo Spotlight

35. Over Exposure

36. Life Through a Viewfinder

37. The Darkrooms

38. The Archives

Learn more: How to start a photography blog

39. A [description of you ] With a Blog

40. You Heard It From Me

41. Confessions of a [name of city] [ description of you ]

42. Life by [name]

43. Young Life

Learn more: How to start a personal blog

44. Crafting Queen

45. Make Art Not War

46. The Sewing Wiz

48. DIY Days

49. My Home Made

Learn more: How to start a craft blog

50. LFYP [Lessons From Young Parents]

51. If Only I’d Known

52. Sleepless in [your city name]

53. Westside Mom

54. Everlasting Dad

55. The Progressive Parent

Learn more: How to start a Mom blog

56. The Show Must Go On

57. Don’t Be Salty Movie Reviews

58. Spoiler Alert

59. Moviehood

60. Choosy Movie

61. Books Over Looks

62. The Secret Book Club

63. Pen, Paper and the Imagination

64. Book Days

65. Reader Legacy

66. If Money Could Talk

67. The Savvy Saver

68. Resting and Vesting

69. Limitless Money

70. New Age Money

Learn more: How to start a finance blog

71. Games in Review

72. What's the Score?

73. Sports, Sports and More Sports

74. Sports Side

75. Never Ending Football

76. News Flash

77. In the Know

78. Did You Hear?

79. New Light

80. Newsome

Questions to ask yourself before finalizing your blog name

You’ve brainstormed with your friends, you’ve used the blog name generator, you’ve compiled a list of blog name ideas and blog name examples…and now it’s time for the moment of truth. You need to finalize your blog name so you can launch your blog.

However, there are a few final questions to ask yourself before making it official:

Is your blog name short and memorable?

People should be able to remember and spell your blog name easily, even if they only see it once. Keeping it simple and making sure people are able to tell what your blog is about just by hearing the name can help them remember it.

Is the domain name and social media handle available?

You can check the availability of a domain name by using a domain name checker . Imagine your blog name written with a .com (or the relevant extension) after it to make sure it looks and feels right to you.

As for social media, simply search for it on all available social media platforms to make sure your name isn’t taken.

Is the name search engine friendly?

If you want people to find your blog through search engines, make sure your name includes relevant keywords.

Is the name trademarked?

You can check if a name is trademarked by searching for it on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website.

Do I like the name?

This is probably the most important question of all. Do you like the way the name sounds? Does it represent your blog's content and personality? If you don't like the name, you're not going to be happy with it in the long run.

Blog name ideas FAQ

What is a good name for a blog.

Choosing a good blog name depends on various factors, including your blog's niche, and target audience. While the "perfect" blog name is subjective and unique to each individual and blog, here are some general tips to help you come up with a good blog name - be memorable, keep it short and simple, be creative and keep your brand in mind.

Should your blog name be your name?

How do you brainstorm a blog name, does my blog name matter, what should i avoid when naming my blog, how do i choose a unique name for my blog, how do i choose a catchy name for my blog, related posts.

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Search Fleek

55+ Creative Writing Blog Name Ideas

Choosing the name for your creative writing blog is akin to selecting the perfect pen for your next masterpiece – it should inspire you, resonate with your readers, and capture the essence of your storytelling journey.

Whether you weave fantastical tales, craft heart-wrenching narratives, or offer insightful writing advice, your blog’s name should spark curiosity and invite fellow wordsmiths to join you on the creative path.

Here, we’ve assembled a collection of evocative names to ignite your creative spark. We’ll also explore some FAQs to help you discover the ideal title for your writing adventure.

55 AI-Generated Creative Writing Blog Names

Catchy & symbolic creative writing blog names:.

  • Inkwell Echoes (Writing’s Echoes Through Time)
  • Muse & Metronome (Inspiration & Rhythm)
  • Scribbler’s Sanctuary (Safe Haven for Writers)
  • Wordplay Weaver (Crafting Stories)
  • The Unbound Quill (Freedom of Creative Expression)
  • Whispering Worlds (Creating Fictional Worlds)
  • Inkwell Odyssey (Writing as a Journey)
  • Story Spark (Igniting Creativity)
  • The Plot Thickens (Intrigue & Storytelling)
  • Penumbra Press (The Space Between Light & Dark in Writing)
  • The Inklings (Early Ideas & Drafts)
  • Mythos Forge (Crafting Myths & Legends)
  • Quill & Compass (Guiding Your Writing Journey)
  • The Unfinished Draft (Embrace the Ongoing Creative Process)
  • Daydream Ink (Capturing Dreams in Writing)

Memorable & Evocative Names:

  • The Scribbler’s Nook (Cozy Writing Space)
  • Wordsmith’s Way (Path of Writing Mastery)
  • Storyteller’s Stage (Platform for Creativity)
  • Narrative Nest (Building Your Story)
  • The Inkwell Chronicles (Documenting Your Writing Journey)
  • Blank Page Muse (Inspiration for the Writer)
  • Poetic Palette (Vivid Language & Imagery)
  • Character Craft (Developing Compelling Characters)
  • Plot Point (Turning Points in Storytelling)
  • The Midnight Muse (Late-Night Inspiration)

Short & Creative Names:

  • Inkwell Echo
  • Muse & Quill
  • Story Spark
  • Quill & Co.
  • Mythos Forge
  • Unfinished Draft
  • Daydream Ink
  • Scribbler’s Nook

Bonus – Playful & Unique Names:

  • Plot Bunnies (Humorous Reference to Story Ideas)
  • Coffee & Concoctions (Fueling Creativity)
  • The Punny Page (Playful Wordplay in Writing)
  • The Grammar Gremlins (Humorous Take on Editing)
  • Inky Fingers (Passionate & Engaged Writing)

Symbolic & Evocative Names:

  • Scribo (Latin: To Write – Simple & Evocative)
  • Narratus (Latin: Narrative – Storytelling Focus)
  • Imagi (Imagination – Imagination in Writing)
  • Fabula (Latin: Fable – Crafting Stories)
  • Scriphire (Script & Inspire – Combining Writing & Inspiration)
  • Calamo (Latin: Reed Pen – Classic Writing Tool)
  • Quillia (Latin: Pen – Focus on the Writing Instrument)
  • Mythopoeia (Myth-Making – Creating Myths)
  • Aramanta (Greek: Protectress of Storytellers – Safe Space for Writers)
  • Scriben (Writer – Simple & Direct)
  • Fabula Nova (Latin: New Tale – Fresh Storytelling)
  • Imagiverse (Imagination & Universe – Vast Realm of Creativity)
  • Scribo Sapiens (Latin: Wise Writer – Knowledge & Writing)
  • Narratus Artifex (Latin: Narrative Craftsman – Skillful Storytelling)
  • Calamo Eterno (Latin: Eternal Pen – Timeless Writing)

FAQs about Naming Your Creative Writing Blog:

A genre hint can pique interest, but a broader name allows for versatility. “The Unbound Quill” suggests freedom of expression, while “Whispering Worlds” evokes creating any fictional universe.

Absolutely! These words directly represent your niche. Names like “Inkwell Echoes” or “Storyteller’s Stage” instantly set the scene for your readers.

Coining a name allows you to stand out! Play with combining words or inventing entirely new ones. “Scribo” (Latin for write) is simple yet powerful, while “Imagi” (imagination) captures the essence of creative writing.

Shorter names are generally easier to remember and type in. However, there’s no hard and fast rule. If your heart is set on a slightly longer name that captures your essence, go for it! Aim for something concise and evocative, under 15 characters if possible.

Look within your own creative process! What ignites your passion for writing? Is it the joy of crafting characters, the thrill of plot twists, or the beauty of descriptive language? Let these elements guide you towards a name that reflects your unique approach to storytelling.

With a little brainstorming and these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to finding the ideal name for your creative writing blog.

Remember, the best name is one that resonates with you and reflects the unique voice you bring to the world of storytelling.

Now, unleash your words, unveil your story, and create a blog name that inspires you and your fellow writers on the path to literary creation!

Emon Anam Author

Emon Anam, CEO of Search Fleek, isn't your typical digital guru. He brings a unique blend of financial expertise (former banking pro!) and digital marketing mastery to the table. A self-proclaimed "SEO Sherlock Holmes," Emon unlocks content secrets for local businesses and SaaS companies. But beyond the keyboard, he's a devoted family man, music enthusiast, and cricket champion. Let Emon weave your digital success story!

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  • How Do I Name My Blog? (50+ Blog Name Ideas)

Artem Minaev

This article is part of the in-depth guide on How to Start a Blog .

If you want your blog to be counted among the best, one of the most important things to consider as you set it up is selecting a name .

There are more than 570 million blogs on the internet, but only a few million get the traction and traffic that all others wish for. While people are ferociously consuming content from authentic bloggers on the internet, how can you make sure that your blog stands out from the rest?

The right blog name certainly helps!

But naming a blog can be a challenge because a sweet, cool-sounding name isn’t that easy to come up with. And even if you find the perfect name, chances are it’s already taken by someone else. Do a quick google search, and you’ll find that there’s a blog by that name.

That’s where we come in with this in-depth guide to finding a blog name that works for you.

Why is your blog name important?

Your blog name represents you and your work online. That being said, it should be an accurate representation of the niche that you have selected. The right name enhances your blog’s brand image as it helps you rank higher in search results and drives traffic to your blog.

It can also help to create a positive image of your blog for your audiences. But for that to happen, you’ll have to pick a blog name that appeals to them, even if it doesn’t do much for you personally.

Many novice bloggers don’t quite understand the importance of getting this right. They resort to selecting any random title for their blog so they can start creating and publishing content quickly.

This is the perfect recipe for disaster. The wrong name not only damages your credibility but also instills a negative brand image. It can even hurt your search engine optimization efforts and inhibit the flow of traffic to your blog.

To avoid that, here we bring you a comprehensive resource, i.e., a go-to guide to picking your blog name. We’ve detailed the best and most widely-used strategies and ideas to help you choose the perfect domain and blog name.

In addition to that, you’ll also find 50 of the most creative blog name examples that’ll inspire you to come up with a clever blog name of your own. There’s also a handy infographic at the end of the article if you prefer visuals.

By the end of this article, you’ll not only have the perfect name for your blog, but you’ll also be well on your way to registering it as a domain name.

Let’s get started!

What makes a good blog name?

Your blog’s name is the first thing that your readers are going to notice.

It is not only displayed on your own website pages but also in search results. Because of that, it is essential to craft an enticing name that hooks the reader and urges them to pay attention to what you have to say.

Consider the following tips when deciding on your blog name:

Make sure it’s catchy

Attracting traffic is often the number one priority for bloggers, and a catchy blog title plays an important role when it comes to generating traffic. But it’s only one of the many factors that go into getting you a wide audience.

An inviting blog name leaves an excellent first impression on your readers. It catches your audience’s attention and stimulates their curiosity to visit your blog. And as long as your content is relevant and valuable to your target audience, they’ll keep coming back again and again.

Keep it short and sweet

Long, descriptive names lose the reader’s attention and put them off. What good is a blog name if your visitors can’t recall it in case they want to come back?

You need a name that makes your blog stand out among other blogs in the same niche as yours and shows your audience that you value quality content. We suggest keeping your blog name to three words or less. This helps your audience memorize the name and recall it easily to visit later.

Easy To Read

Good blog names are memorable because they are easy to pronounce. It’s difficult to get them confused with something else, and as mentioned earlier, they aren’t too long.

On the other hand, having a blog name that’s confusing and hard to spell doesn’t really help your readers when they want to share your blog with their friends. Just make sure that your blog name doesn’t make it harder to build readership – no matter how much you love it yourself.

Appealing to your target audience

A cool blog name that perfectly aligns with your niche can pull in the right kind of audience. Using some relevant lingo such as age-appropriate or industry-relevant jargon is a great way of attracting the readers you want to target.

Start by brainstorming phrases, words, and synonyms that go with your content. If you are starting a travel blog, a good blog name can include words like adventurous, wanderer, and explorer, just to name a few.

Three questions to ask yourself before you name your blog

Your blog is an extension of your digital presence. So naturally, some introspection will do you good when naming it. Make sure you know the answers to the following questions before you set about finding the right blog name.

What is the main topic of your blog?

Decide the niche you want to write on. Remember, the smallest details matter, and the more you dig in, the better it will be. For example, instead of just writing a recipe blog, find your micro-niche and write about Indian recipes, or Mexican cooking or vegan recipes, etc.

But on the other hand, make sure you don’t dig in too deep otherwise you’ll quickly run out of things to write about. As long as you understand your topic and audience, it will be easier to come up with a name.

Who is your target audience?

Once you have your blog topic figured out, it becomes easier to determine the target audience for your blog.

This answer can give you a window into what your readers expect from you so that you can curate posts according to their preferences.

What is your writing style?

One of the most crucial elements of a successful blog is your writing style. The four main types of writing are descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and expository.

Essentially, descriptive writing describes, narrative writing narrates, persuasive writing is meant to persuade and expository writing… explains.

Knowing the differences between these styles and using one style consistently can make your content more appealing and easier to read. This gives your blog a clear structure and a direction to your blog naming efforts.

Five clever tricks to come up with a catchy blog name

By now, you should have a clear understanding of what your blog will mean to you and your readers. Here are some tried-and-tested tricks to help you come up with cool blog names:

Did you ever come across a funny word or phrase with different possible meanings? That’s a pun.

Here’s one of our favorites by Douglas Adams: “You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless, of course, you play bass.”

See how he uses words with multiple meanings for a humorous effect?

You can do the same to come up with names that align with your blog topic and tone. This lightens things up and makes your blog stay top-of-mind with your readers. Check out these blogs and their puntastic names:

  • One Handed Cooks
  • Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes
  • Will Run For Margaritas

If you want to incorporate puns into your blog name, search for words and phrases that perfectly align with your blog niche. They should be able to convey the blog topic and still have a sense of humor about it.

Use alliteration and assonance

Alliteration is the use of similar consonants at the beginning of words in a row, while assonance is when you use similar-sounding vowels one after the other.

This can help you find words with identical sounds between syllables of two closely associated terms. Some of the best examples include Coca Cola, American Apparel, Krispy Kreme, just to name a few.

Alliterations and assonance can inspire you to come up with incredibly catchy blog titles.

Look at the names of successful blogs in your niche

Observing how your competitor’s blogs have selected their names may give you an idea of the type of name you should look into.

This will get your creative juice flowing and help you figure out how much creative leeway you can get from your potential audience.

Incorporate specific keywords

Inserting a keyword in your blog name can help you with many things. First, it is the perfect representation of your blog’s niche, which lets your audience know what to expect from your site.

Secondly, it can help improve your search engine rankings, bringing you a step closer to dominating Google Search. But you must only use a keyword if it fits naturally into your blog name and sounds good.

Using your own name

Many successful bloggers out there use their real names, especially if they are experts on their topic. This is a practical approach to creating a relatable blog name that makes your audience feel connected to you.

Not only does this add credibility to your words, but it also solidifies your personal brand if you plan to market your products and services.

Tools that can help you to come up with a unique blog name

Can’t think of a blog name no matter how hard you try?

Luckily, there are several tools out there to help you come up with a unique name for your blog . Whether it’s lifestyle, travel, or food that you want to blog about, you can use these tools for maximum benefit:

Blog name generators

It’ll only take a quick Google search for you to find hundreds of blog name generator websites. All you need to do is type your niche keywords into the tool, hit enter, and then browse through the suggestions.

Not only do they offer cool blog names, but they also help you to check if the names you select are already taken or not. You can then choose the name you want to use and register it.

Whatever name you choose, make sure that it is spelled correctly and not too complicated to pronounce.

Blog name formulas

You’ll notice that there is a pattern to the way that most successful blogs are named. They are made up of various word combinations that are arranged creatively to set them apart from other blogs.

You too can deploy several simple formulas to come up with a unique blog name in no time. These have been used by some of the most successful bloggers in the world. That testifies to their viability for generating a catchy name that appeals to your audience.

Here are the name generation formulas followed by suitable examples:

Adjective + Noun or Noun + Adjective Examples include:

  • Fiery Fashionista
  • Adventurous Mom

Noun + noun Examples include:

  • Travelers and Geeks
  • Diary of Dreams
  • Apple Blossoms

Portmanteau words These are a combination of two different words to create an entirely new one. Examples include:

  • SightSequel
  • StoryLocate

Your own name and last name or your nickname Examples include:


Your name or nickname + adjective or noun Examples include:

  • Cookie and Kate
  • Sally’s Baking Addiction
  • Joy the Baker

Your name + preposition + place/noun You can reverse the order as well. Examples include:

  • Stevie in Seattle
  • Kate in China
  • Carly on technology

Hit the dictionary or thesaurus

The dictionary or the thesaurus lying around at the back of your bookshelf is another useful source of names.

They are filled with adjectives and synonyms that you can use in the formulas mentioned above. And if opening up an old-school book sounds like too much work, you can visit or to find the words you need.

50+ blog name ideas to inspire you

Following are some creative blog name examples categorized by the blog niche:

  • Goop by Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
  • Dear Kitty Kittie Kath
  • Holly’s Bird Nest
  • The Blonde Abroad
  • Addicted To Decorating
  • The Inspired Room
  • Today’s Homeowner
  • Confessions Of A Serial DIYer
  • Remodelaholic
  • Smitten Kitchen
  • Simply Recipes
  • Sprouted Kitchen
  • Cookie And Kate
  • I Am A Food Blog
  • Our Second Skin
  • The Budget Fashionista
  • Trishna Goklani
  • Shot From The Street
  • Girl With Curves
  • Drew Binsky
  • Dan Flying Solo
  • Lili’s Travel Plans
  • My Life’s A Movie
  • Travel Break
  • Money Saving Mom
  • Get Rich Slowly
  • Wallet Squirrel

Health And Wellness

  • Fitness Magazine
  • Bites Of Wellness
  • Nutrition Stripped
  • Mindbody Green
  • Android Authority
  • Business Insider

Personal Development

  • 4-Hour Workweek
  • Jack Canfield
  • Thrive Global
  • Nerd Fitness Blog

Online Business

  • The Moz Blog
  • Ecommerce Marketing Blog By Shopify
  • Gary Vaynerchuk
  • First Site Guide
  • Richard Branson

How to register your blog name

Now that you understand the basics of choosing the best name for your blog, it’s time to assess the technicalities associated with registering the blog name.

Once you have picked the blog name, head to a domain registration service of your choice to make it yours officially.

First, you’ll have to assess if the blog name is available. The domain registration service can help you check if the blog name you want is already in use by someone else.

Once it’s verified, simply follow their instructions to register the blog name.

Some of the most popular domain registration services include:

GoDaddy is a comprehensive platform that offers web hosting and domain registration services. Once you register a blog name with GoDaddy , you get to keep it as long as you want to, provided you pay their annual registration fee.

NameCheap offers several perks along with blog registration solutions. Their services are facilitated by world-class customer support and free privacy protection at competitive rates. It is the perfect platform for your blog, whether you want to promote your business or share recipes with your readers. focuses on providing services for small to medium-sized businesses. The company has been around for almost two decades and it stands as one of the most reputable domain registrars out there.

When you set out to start your blog, you first need an appealing name to breathe character and value into it. In this guide, we’ve covered some tried-and-tested ways to help you come up with a unique blog name. Here’s a short recap:

  • First, understand what makes a good blog name. It should be short, unique, catchy and able to attract readers immediately.
  • Next, ask yourself why you want to write a blog in the first place, who you are writing it for and whether there would be a large enough readership.
  • Try some interesting tricks to spark your imagination and help you to find the perfect blog name.
  • Use popular formulas and tools to help you refine your name ideas.
  • Learn what others in your niche are naming their blogs and use that to get some ideas.
  • Once you’ve chosen a name, register it with a domain name registrar immediately.

We hope you’ve found this guide useful, and if you have questions – feel free to ask. We’d love to hear from you.

As promised at the beginning – if you’re a more visual person, you might prefer the handy infographic that we’ve put together as a supplement to this guide. The infographic lays out the most important elements that you need to consider before choosing your blog name, as well as some additional tips that we’ve come up with to help you along the way.

Head down to the bottom of the page and feel free to share the infographic with your colleagues!

Also, don’t forget to let us know how you fared with this guide and add your experiences and thoughts to your comments.

Happy blogging!

Domain Name Cheat Sheet

Feel free to use this infographic on your website :

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”Best Domain Names infographic”></a><br /> Best Domain Names Infographic was created by <a href=””>First Site Guide</a> team.

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How to Name a Blog in 2024 (Including 70 Blog Name Ideas)

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Are you having a hard time coming up with a catchy name for your blog ? With over 500 million blogs competing for traffic on the internet, your blog name can contribute to the success or failure of your blog.

When starting a blog , you need to pick your blog’s name, domain name, and business name. Your blog name is often the first point of contact that visitors have with your blog. Using a catchy and memorable blog name will not only boost the appeal of your blog but make it hard to forget.

Think of your favorite inspiring blogs . You will notice that one of the things they have in common is how good and memorable their blog name sounds.

In this article, you will learn about the best ways to choose your blog name and get lots of creative blog name ideas you can learn from to create your unique blog name.

Let’s get started.

How to Choose Your Blog Name

Choosing a blog name can be very tricky and confusing, and even frustrating when you are struggling to come up with good blog name ideas.

1. Spend Time Carefully Crafting Your Blog Name

Naming your blog is very important and should not be done nonchalantly. Your blog name can box your blog to a specific audience or region, even before you start. This can either categorize you under the wrong group or elevate you to the top of your niche.

A good blog name is why some blogs are always at the top of their niche and while some struggle to make an impact. It is best to be intentional about the blog naming process and spend the much-needed time and energy on it. You should be able to explain to others how you arrived at that name.

Your blog name should reflect not just the content you want to put out, but also the identity you want to put out with it.

2. Pick a Subject of Interest

You need to know what your blog is going to be about. Before starting a blog, you should have picked your subject from a vast array of topics like cars, architecture, mobile devices, fashion, photography, fashion photography, and more.

Picking a blog niche is essential for choosing a befitting name for your blog. Once you have a grounded knowledge of what your content will be and how it should or would be structured, the name comes a little easier.

Highest Earning Blog Niches

3. Pick a Target Audience

Different name choices resonate among specific groups of people differently. Picking a target audience is vital when choosing a blog name. Ensure you pick a name that your target audience can immediately understand once they see it.

Target Audience Persona Development

4. Check If Your Blog Name Idea is Already Taken

Before you choose any name, it is very important to check and see if the name you have chosen has social media handles available online. Check if it has not been taken by another blog or brand. This will help you ensure that your blog name is unique.

Why Do You Need a Good Blog Name?

The answer is simple. Your blog needs a good name because your name is the first thing that catches the attention of your target audience. From a random google search on the subject of your blog to a referral from a friend, or even flyers and banners, the reaction you should always aim for is “oh, that’s a cool name”.

Having a good blog name is important to the success of your blog. A good blog name can spread awareness and generate traffic to your website. It should tell your audience what you do or talk about and catch their interest enough to visit your blog.

Ways to Come Up with a Blog Name

There are several ways you can come up with great names for your blog. There is no best way for choosing a blog name. However, there are lots of good blog naming tips that you can use to create a good blog name.

You do not have to go through all the ways to come up with a blog name. Sometimes just one blog name formula idea is all you need to find that memorable blog name you are looking for.

1. Use Your Own Name

Using your own name gives the blog a personal feel. Naming your blog after yourself or a characteristic about you makes your readers and audience feel like they are taking a step or a dive into your world. It feels like an invitation for them to see things the way you see them and listen to your private thoughts and controversial opinions.

This is a beautiful approach for lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, review blogs, and personal life blogs. Also, using your name removes a lot of stress from going through all the other processes of blog naming.

The only downside to using your name however is that not a lot of people have ‘beautiful’ names. Some names are hard to remember, some names are too long, and some names are not always pronounced the way they should be.

You can also use nicknames and short or derived forms of your name instead of using your full name. Using your name is a fast and simple solution, but it does not necessarily mean it is easy.

2. Choosing a Completely Random Name

Unlike what you get when you use your own name, the identity of your blog is completely detached and distinct from yours when you choose a random name.

The benefit of this is that you get to refer to your blog by its own name and watch it grow and track its progress like a proud parent or pet owner. That joy never ceases, especially when the blog is finally up and running with a sizable amount of traffic that you can boast of in public.

Choosing a random name often means choosing a name that has no inherent meaning or connection with your blog and its content or products.

With this method, you can use a name you heard and liked, or the noise you heard from a baby’s lips or even the name that is stuck in your head. You can even pick a blog name that includes words that are not related to your niche at all.

3. Copy Your Competitors’ Blog Names

This tip for coming up with a blog name may just get you the edge you need to succeed in your chosen blog niche. Copying names from established blogs gives your site an almost perfect example of what your blog name should be. It serves as a kind of template for you to know what your blog should sound or even look like.

You should not be afraid to look up the names of four to five of the best-performing blogs in your chosen field to see what they all have in common. Put what you noticed into your own blog name too.

Another thing to consider is that there might be certain trends in certain niches that put them in a more advantageous position. Certain words in a name can go a long way in a google search about you and your services, helping boost your SEO .

4. Using a Blog Name Generator

If Childish Gambino could go ahead and make an awesome career with his music with a name he got from a Wu-Tang Clan name generator, then your blog can certainly go far with a name from a name generator.

There are several awesome name generator websites you can try including business name generators and domain name generators . You can spend some time playing with them to get different results. Then you select the one that suits you most from the list of results you get.

Using a blog name generator saves you the headache of thinking up a new name. You just have to spend a few minutes putting your information into the name generator and selecting through the list of results you get. It is advisable to use two to three name generators to get the best possible name for your blog.

5. Use Blog Naming Formulas

This is where the more technical parts of naming a blog come in. Using blog naming formulas really goes a long way in helping to give your blog depth and a deep meaning that would make for interesting stories when you get into interviews or write a book about it.

There are different kinds of blog naming formulas. One formula is where you combine a general name of your field with what you want to achieve on your blog. A name like ‘Coder Crush’ can come from this formula, and ‘Coder’ would be an attractive word for coders or coding enthusiasts and people who want to learn. ‘Crush’ would mean a total mastery of the subject.

This combination could work for a blog that teaches coding or one that shares tips and tricks for mastery of coding for both learners and professionals alike. Also, Coder Crush sounds a lot like Candy Crush, so there is an underlying promise of fun on the blog.

6. Check the Thesaurus

Thesaurus is a book that lets you see other similar words to the word you searched for. This gives you different variants or versions of the word you searched. For example, a search for the word ‘Tips’ can give you so many replies including tricks, hints, secret, skill, shortcut, pointer, and more.

If you want to create a blog about bakeries, you can see words like confectionaries, ovens, pastries, patisseries. This helps you embody the general identity of the subject you want to talk about.

7. Brainstorm Words That Relate to Your Niche

You should know the words that have to do with your blog content. But brainstorming goes beyond the generally associated words with your niche. Brainstorming forces you to explore other options that have not been used by any other blogger in your niche.

Rolling Bite is an awesome name for a bakery blog. Brakes and Breaks is a great name for an automobile blog. When you see or hear these names, you can automatically relate them to their niches.

8. Alliteration or Assonance

Your blog name definitely sounds cooler when all the words have the same first letter. Brakes and Breaks is an example of a blog name that is very easy to remember and you can refer to friends at a party or over the phone.

Alliteration and assonances are language tools called mnemonic devices that are used to help a person remember things easily, including rhymes and repetition. Using this literary device gives you a very cool name that is hard to forget.

9. Use Abbreviations or Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms are also very good examples of what to name your blog with. They also give your blog an air of official business and separate it from your own identity.

The problem with abbreviations however is that sometimes, your audience might not immediately know what the abbreviation stands for. You have to make sure that the full name of your site is put somewhere that it can be easily seen without having to stress your readers or listeners.

Sometimes too, the abbreviation might overpower the actual name of the company , and people remember and relate to the abbreviation more than they do to the full name of the blog. You might be forced to adopt the abbreviation as the proper name for your blog. A popular example of the abbreviation overpowering the proper name is AON.

10. Consider Another Language

Whether or not to use another language and which language to use depends on your content and your target demographic. If your blog is going to be centered around feminine products, French would be the first pick.

Also, if your blog is centered around tech products, you can make it look like a line of JavaScript or Python (yes, they count as a language). If you want something a bit more tribal and/or indigenous, use local terms, dialects, and slang.

The entire blog name does not have to be in another language. It could just be one word or two from the entire name, and if you decide to make the entire name into another language, that works too!

‘The Red Pâtisserie’ is an example of a catchy blog name that makes a blog about cakes and confectioneries. This bog name sounds chic and sophisticated and carries a certain elegance about it.

If you do not speak the language you want to make use of, you can easily get Google to translate it for you. However, getting a native speaker is much better.

11. Create a Portmanteau

A portmanteau is a combination of two different words to form a new one. They do not necessarily have to be words that relate to each other, they just have to get the job done (to create a cool blog name that is something to remember).

Probably the biggest portmanteau in existence is Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg decided to put two words in an arranged marriage, and it turns out that there was more chemistry between them than anyone could have ever expected. Face + Book = Facebook, one of the most used words of the 21st century.

But there was a logic behind the creation of Facebook. Mr. Zuckerberg wanted to create a website that anyone could have access to for your contact information. This online book of faces birthed Facebook.

Your portmanteau must have logic behind it, and it must also sound good together. Romcom is an example of a portmanteau word too, it is basically Romance + Comedy. Email is Electronic + Mail and Wifi is Wireless + Fidelity.

You can not even begin to imagine just how many portmanteau words exist in the English language. Some of the best blog names are portmanteau words, so do not be afraid to add yours.

Using humor is a great way to come up with a blog name. You can use a name that will make people laugh or smile immediately when they see your name. It could be a reference to a song or an experience, or a place or it could be something that everyone understands without needing to know the reference.

Whatever name you use does not matter, the point is to catch the attention of your target audience and pull them to your blog with that humor that will be so richly displayed in your name.

An example is ‘An Alien’s Memoir of Earth’, another one is ‘My Mum Thinks I'm Funny.’

Creative Blog Name Ideas and Examples

The easiest and quickest way to come up with a creative name for your blog is to look at other creative blog name ideas and examples for inspiration.

1. Lifestyle Blog Names List

Most people assume that lifestyle blogs are only for the rich and their rich lifestyles, and that may as well be true because most lifestyle blogs show off some insane level of luxury.

But you can come in and talk about your own life too, as simple as it may be. This can be waking up late, going for a jog, getting a cup of coffee, meeting friends, having fun on bus rides, or going to work.

Everything can be put in your blog, you just have to be mindful of how much you reveal for your own security.

However, depending on the lifestyle you want to write about, these can be pretty exciting names to inspire you to create yours.

  • Green Parenting
  • The Lazy Nerd
  • My Happy Space
  • Beauty for Ashes
  • Crushing Boundaries

Real-Life Examples of Lifestyle Blog Names

The Everygirl

The Everygirl is a good example of a lifestyle blog

The Everygirl is a good example of a lifestyle blog. It combines two words to create a portmanteau word (Every + Girl). This blog name reaches out to its target audience and lets them know that the blog is mostly going to cater to girls.

LoveTaza is an excellent blog name that takes a rather personal feel

LoveTaza is an excellent blog name that takes a rather personal feel. This name sounds like the end of a letter to a friend or family member ‘Love, Taza’ from the owner of the blog. Taza is a nickname for the owner given to her by her husband.

2. Blog Names for Writers

Writing is such an interesting subject. There are several niches to explore within this category. There are academic writings, business writing, article writing, blog writing, copywriting, technical writing, and creative writing like prose and poetry.

Within a specific writing niche, there are also a wealth of sub-niches. For example, creative writing has hundreds of genres which include horror, erotica, sci-fi, tech, romance, crime, spirituality, and others. A writer can even decide to mix up two different genres to have the best story he can create.

Choosing a blog name for writers simply requires you to get creative. Many people assume writers should have an easy time coming up with a suitable blog name but that is often not the case.

  • Pen And Sword
  • Writers Only!
  • Writer’s Digest

Real-Life Examples of Writing Blog Names

The Creative Penn

The Creative Penn is a great example of a writing blog for writers

The Creative Penn is a great example of a writing blog for writers. This blog name uses the blogger’s name and a keyword in the writing niche “creative.”

The Write Life

The Write Life suggests a familiarity with the problems that writers face in their daily lives

The Write Life suggests a familiarity with the problems that writers face in their daily lives, hunched behind computer screens and clicking on keyboards.

3. Fashion Blog Name Examples

Beyonce’s latest outfit would always cause a stir, and you would always wonder if you can pull it off like she did or does. Either that or you are in your tailor’s shop to see if she can recreate the wedding gown Janelle Monae wore in her last video or you are ordering Kente material from Ghana.

If you need fashion advice, fashion blogs are there for you. From color combinations to hair and makeup to event-specific outfits, you can get almost everything from fashion blogs.

  • Men Can Wear Pink
  • This or That??
  • I Want That!
  • You Should Try This
  • What I Wore Today
  • Red Carpet Clothes

Real-Life Examples of Fashion Blog Names

Girl With Curves

Girl with Curves Fashion Blog Example

Girl with Curves is a blog created by Tanesha Awasthi that helps “real women” solve their fashion problems and build up their self-esteem regardless of size or shape.

He Spoke Style

He Spoke Style is a men’s fashion blog that provides fashion tips for men

He Spoke Style is a men’s fashion blog that provides fashion tips for men. This blog also appeals to women who want their men and sons to look and smell good and do not have the time or knowledge to fix themselves up.

4. Best Food Blog Names

Food blogs offer a variety of services. They can be blogs with cooking tips of certain kinds of food, review restaurants and give them a rating, concerned with experimenting with food, combining several different foods together in one plate, or mashing up the cooking process of a meal and seeing what it turns out into.

Even blogs about bakeries count as food blogs. Food blogs can even combine with other blog niches to produce more diverse content. Areas like traveling, food photography, sculpture making, even the sciences (like physics and chemistry) can have something to add to a food blog. These factors have very important roles in deciding the name for your blog.

  • The Red Pâtisserie
  • A Baker’s Life
  • Food from all over
  • Italian Pizza
  • Foodaphilia

Real-Life Examples of Food Blog Names

TheKitchn suggests that there are kitchen activities in the contents of the blog

TheKitchn suggests that there are kitchen activities in the contents of the blog. The removal of the space and the last vowel and squeezing the words together to make a single new portmanteau word make the blog stand out.

La Tartine Gourmande

La Tartine Gourmande is a blog with a french name that suggests nothing less of perfection and sophistication

La Tartine Gourmande is a blog with a french name that suggests nothing less of perfection and sophistication in its meals and food opinions.

5. Clever Travel Blog Names

The joy you get from seeing new places, meeting new people, interacting with new foods and languages, clothes and weather and climate, religions, and even landscapes is unequaled. Nothing ever really prepares you for the amazing culture shock you experience at every village or city or town you pass through.

Unfortunately, not every one of us has an appreciation for this kind of life or can live it, and so the next best thing is to try and live the life from behind our screens, through the experience of another person.

Travel blogs typically offer travel tips, packing guides, photos, and pictures of amazing locations and cultures from around the world.

  • The Walking Man
  • Life on the Road
  • Pictures and Places
  • Travel Girl
  • Luxury Adventures
  • Rough Travelers

Real-Life Examples of Clever Travel Blog Names

The Poor Traveler

The Poor Traveler is a name that everyone wanting to embark on the traveling lifestyle on a budget

The Poor Traveler is a name that resonates with almost everyone wanting to embark on the traveling lifestyle on a budget. This blog shows you travel mistakes you should avoid and travel tips to follow so you do not spend more than you should on any trip.

The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad is a travel blog that focuses on an American female and her solo travels abroad

The Blonde Abroad is a travel blog that focuses on the perspective of an American female and her solo travels abroad. This blog details the tips and tricks she picked up while on her many travels. The Blonde Abroad is a rather simple name, but one that conveys the message of the blog appropriately.

6. Personal Finance Blog Name Ideas

The world of personal finance is one where attention keeps pouring in on an almost daily basis, and it is only natural that blogs come up in that area. Tracking your personal finances (income and expenditure), developing a saving culture, knowing how and what to invest in, are knowledge everyone needs to know.

  • Save Like Me
  • Little Kids Save
  • Your Personal Finance Girl
  • The Dollar Rate
  • Million Dollar Girl
  • Fund My Retirement

Real-Life Examples of Personal Finance Blog Names

Budgets Are $exy

Budgets Are Sexy is a personal finance blog Example

Budgets Are Sexy is a personal finance blog name that automatically aims to dislodge the common belief that budgets are for uptight people or people suffering from financial troubles. The title immediately makes its readers want to dig in and see exactly how they can disprove the existing belief systems and empower themselves financially.

rich & REGULAR

rich & REGULAR is a great blog that uses simple words

rich & REGULAR is a great blog that uses simple words, irregular sentence cases, and alliteration and still sounds interesting all at the same time.

7. Catchy Career Blog Examples

Career blogs in your chosen industry are ideal to follow to help you boost your career success. These blogs are often owned by professionals who share their knowledge and experience in navigating certain areas of their business. They help you plan a quick career trajectory from your current position to the top.

Most career blogs have a general theme and aim at providing career advice for every occupation while some are quite restricted and professional, targeting only a certain set of professionals. Career blogs tend to make use of technical words that would confuse a person that is not from that field.

  • The Banking Experience
  • The Entrepreneur
  • Your Portfolio Stinks
  • Career Corner
  • Career Queens

Real-Life Examples of Career Blog Names

Corporette is a women’s fashion and lifestyle blog for career women

Corporette is a women’s fashion and lifestyle blog for career women that are usually otherwise stuck behind desks at work all day. This blog teaches how to maximize fashion choices for work attires and still look very professional.

Career Sidekick

Career Sidekick is a job search and career blog Example

Career Sidekick is a job search and career blog that offers different kinds of insight and information to people at varying levels of their careers. The name is top-notch because it promises to be a guide throughout your career at whatever level you get to, whether you are looking to employ or be employed.

8. Technology Blog Name Ideas

Technology is expanding rapidly and has gone beyond just making awesome phones and mobile devices, including cryptocurrency, 5G, and the latest craze for the Metaverse universe. These are just a few of what technology entails.

There are lots of technology blogs that share tech knowledge and tips you need. These tips range from simple tech solutions to more complex ones. If you are looking to start a tech blog, coming up with a good technology blog name is essential.

  • Miami Tech Bro
  • Smart Geeks
  • Cyber Babble

Real-Life Examples of Technology Blog Names

WIRED is an example of a tech blog with a good name

WIRED is an example of a tech blog with a good name. This blog uses the technology keyword “wired” to show visitors what it is all about.

Wires are needed in almost every technological setup, to supply power and data and perform several other functions. But beyond that, this blog talks about the nexus between technology and the rest of the world, and how everything is ‘WIRED’ together.

The Verge is a Technology Blog Example

The Verge sounds like the name of a sci-fi movie. This blog itself does not veer off from that description as it seeks to try and understand and explain just how important certain technological developments and their impacts can be to the world in the future.

9. Fitness Blog Names List

Fitness blogs are blogs that aim to help people stay fit. This blog niche covers fitness exercises, diets, and other fitness tips such as sleep and medication that help you achieve a good state of physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Sweat A Little More
  • Knees and Elbows
  • Everyday Gym
  • Fitness Freak
  • Lazy Fitness Coach
  • Body Dreams

Real-Life Examples of Fitness Blog Names

Nerd Fitness

Nerd Fitness is an interesting name that shows a lot of creativity in it

Nerd Fitness is an interesting name that shows a lot of creativity in it, and the content of the site itself boasts of the self-same creativity and buzz that especially appeals to its target audience, nerds.

Reebok Fitness Blog

Reebok Fitness Blog is a blog from the popular sports company

Reebok Fitness Blog is a blog from the popular sports company Reebok, and using their own name could not have worked better for them. The brand is an easily identifiable one as an authority in the sports world, all that had to be done was just to capitalize on their name.

10. Music, Film and Entertainment Blog Name Ideas

If you are a huge fan of the entertainment industry, consider music, film, and entertainment blogs to get the latest news and releases in the industry.

Looking for a movie to watch or skeptical about watching the latest movie? You can head over to a film blog to read a review or get a rating to know if the movie is worth your time or not. The same applies to music, comedy, and other entertainment shows.

These blogs also provide entertainment news about your favorite celebrity, detailed interviews, and behind-the-scenes moments to show the thought process behind the masterpiece.

Essentially every part of the entertainment industry has something juicy behind it. People want to know what is going on in the lives of their favorite celebrities, what they wore to shows and fashion events, their latest projects, and awards they got nominated for and those they won.

  • Where’s the Popcorn??
  • Gossip Girl
  • WhatWentDown
  • Backstage Blogger
  • Life of Rhythm

Real-Life Examples of Music, Film, and Entertainment Blog Names

The Unsigned Guide

The Unsigned Guide is a music blog that targets artists who are struggling to break into mainstream markets

The Unsigned Guide is a music blog that targets artists who are struggling to break into mainstream markets and get signed to major labels, the blog offers them advice and insights to get to where they need to be.

Rap Radar is a music blog that reports anything and everything on the rap scene from events

Rap Radar is a music blog that reports anything and everything on the rap scene from events to new singles, albums, and shows, and just about anything in the world of rap that comes up on their radar.

11. Crafting and DIY Blog Name Ideas

DIY projects are very interesting to watch. But doing them is almost always an intense project to embark on, especially when it has to do with wood and metalwork.

There are DIY blogs that show you how to craft DIY works easily. Watch and learn how people use different DIY techniques to craft household items from cheap materials.

  • How To Do Anything
  • Dreaming of Crafts
  • Master Craftsman
  • Crafty Curator
  • Create the Wonders

Real-Life Examples of DIY Blog Names

A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess is an example of a DIY blog name

A Beautiful Mess is an example of a DIY blog name that captures the essence of the site but still makes it appealing to the readers of the brand. They know there will be messes made, but it would be messes that they would be proud to make.

The DIY Playbook

The DIY Playbook is a home interior DIY blog example

The DIY Playbook is a home interior DIY blog that gives tips, dos and don’ts, shortcuts, and several other things to know and note when doing a makeover for your house by yourself. This blog is essentially a playbook for home decoration and improvement.

12. Fun Blog Names

Fun blog names are interesting and catchy names that cut across the different blog niches. They work pretty well as random blog names and are great examples of how you can use humor and unrelated words to name your blog.

  • The Giant Raptor Mansion
  • Balls & Trees
  • Candies & Canes

Real-Life Examples of Fun Blog Names

The Retail Therapist

The Retail Therapist is a blog that gives all the best fashion advice

The Retail Therapist is a blog that gives all the best fashion advice for the smallest purses or people who like to shop and do not have a lot to spare or do not know how to combine their clothes. This blog works great for them.

The blog name is great because it makes you feel like you have your own personal fashion therapist.

Funny or Die

Funny or Die is a comedy blog that tells funny and other original stories that make people laugh

Funny or Die is a comedy blog that tells funny and other original stories that make people laugh. This blog name clearly tells its target audience that it is all about comedy.

Final Takeaways on How to Name Your Blog

Finding the perfect name for your blog is important but it should not prevent you from doing the actual hard work of blogging and earning money from your blog . If you struggle to come up with a blog name you are thrilled about, remember you can always change your blog name anytime.

Many bloggers spend a lot of time and due diligence when naming their blog and do not invest such energy and commitment in other blogging aspects such as content and traffic generation.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking your blog name alone will determine whether your blog is a success or not. Other factors such as the quality of your blog content, the branding of your blog, and the ability to connect with your audience also play a crucial role.

Naming your blog is only a small part of the blogging process. While there is no doubt that a great blog name can contribute to the success of your blog, you do not have to get hung up trying to find the perfect blog name.

You can start with a decent option, and focus on attracting traffic and monetizing your blog. Once you find a better blog name, you can always change it and rebrand your blog easily.

Some of the best blogging platforms you can use to help you launch your blog fast include, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and Constant Contact Website Builder.

When choosing a blog name, consider picking a name that sparks interest in your target audience and one that is simple and easy to remember. You can also use funny, sweet, shocking, and strange names as long as it interests your ideal audience.

The use of alliterations, assonance, abbreviations, portmanteau, your own name, foreign language, and other unusual combinations can also make a good blog name.

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Anastasia belyh.

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Anastasia has been a professional blogger and researcher since 2014. She loves to perform in-depth software reviews to help software buyers make informed decisions when choosing project management software, CRM tools, website builders, and everything around growing a startup business.

Anastasia worked in management consulting and tech startups, so she has lots of experience in helping professionals choosing the right business software.

The Best Blog Name Generator

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Creative Name Ideas

Looking for unique and creative name ideas? Simply enter a keyword, and you'll instantly receive a list of memorable names designed to resonate with your audience.

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Finding Creative Blog Names With Our Blog Name Generator

Welcome to NameBounce and our free blog name generator! We're super excited that you made the decision to start a blog. It's a fantastic way to share your thoughts, ideas, and passions with the world. And it can be a great way of making money, especially with potential income streams like digital products, affiliate marketing, and display ads.

The first step to launching a blog should always be to find the right name. In this post, we will show you how to find an amazing blog name with our generator tool. Rather than spending hours coming up with a name yourself, we'll take care of it for you!

creative writing blog names

How a Catchy Blog Name Will Help You Drive Traffic and Sales

Want to hear a crazy statistic? There are  over 600 million blogs  in the world today, out of 1.7 billion websites! That’s more than the population of every country except China and India.

With the growing popularity of blogging, it’s important to make your website stand out amongst the crowd. Having an eye-catching blog name can be an enormous help with that!

A good blog name or business name will help people remember your website and share it with their friends. It will stand out more in search results, helping your Google rankings. It will also make your blog appear more professional and credible, which will help you drive traffic and sales.

Long story short, finding a brandable blog name is super important. And the best part is that it doesn't need to take that long.

Two Popular Blog Name Styles to Help You Build a Strong Brand

Blog name styles are typically a little different than general business name styles .

Typically, business names are short, simple, and authoritative. Think of a name like Tesla - it's a much better fit for a car company than a car blog.

With blogs, you can still pick a short, simple, and authoritative name! But many bloggers choose to pick a longer, more emotional name. Popular blogs like Gimme Some Oven , Smart Passive Income , and The Penny Hoarder all follow this trend.

Here are two unique blog name styles, along with step-by-step instructions on creating them using our generator.

Name Style #1: "This & That" Names

This & That names involve adding words before and after the word "and." Examples include phrases like "Up & Down" or "One & Only."

We loaded several "this & that" name templates into our generator. Simply enter a keyword you want to use in your name, and look through the results!

For example, searching a word like "Sky" returns names like "Sky & City," "Sky & Breeze," and "Sky & Castle."

All of these would make excellent names for a travel blog, and they each have an available .COM domain name!

You can also try searching a keyword plus the word "And."

For example, searching "AndPlanet" returns names like "Bio & Planet," "Joy & Planet," and "Star & Planet." (Make sure to input everything as one word, with no spaces.)

creative writing blog names

Name Style #2: Phrase-Based Names

Phrase-based blog names are a great way to build a strong brand around your blog. They are easy to remember, and they make a great first impression with potential readers.

To create a phrase-based name, you'll want to plug a phrase template into our blog name generator. Here are 10 phrase templates you can try; just click on the links to see the blog name ideas.

  • New Word at Beginning (Use the "Ends With" Filter): ____ by Design , ____ in Point , ____ Set Go , ____ Made Easy
  • New Word at End (Use the "Starts With" Filter): Ready Set ____ , The Art of ____ , On the ____ , Find Your ____ , Never Ending ____ , Unlock Your ____ ,

You can also try out RhymeZone's find phrases feature to find more creative ideas. Another idea is to use some of your favorite quotes or phrases as inspiration!

Once you have a phrase template, plug it into NameBounce as one word, and watch it go to work!

If you want to get even more nuanced, check out item #2 in our FAQs page . This will help you get more targeted name ideas.

Five Essential Tips to Choose The Best Name For Your Blog

Our blog name generator is adept at helping you find names. But it will return a big list of name ideas, so you'll need to figure out how to choose the best one.

Here are five essential tips to help you choose an awesome name for your new blog website!

Tip #1: Check Domain Name Availability

When you name your blog, one of the first things you'll want to do is check domain availability.

Most popular blogs use a .COM domain name. And if you pick a three-word name (like in the styles above), you'll likely see plenty of blog domain options.

But that doesn't mean an alternative domain extension won't work for you. Trusted alternative extensions like .NET can still work well for your website.  And there's a lot more domain availability.

This isn't a hard-and-fast rule, but I generally recommend sticking with a .COM domain name if your name has 3+ words.

With a two-word blog name, you can be a little more flexible. .COM is obviously still the preferred option. But a .NET domain name can work well in this instance, especially if it helps you find better brand names.

If you want to explore alternative extensions, check out our domain name generator .  It will help you check domain availability with alternate extensions on your first search. 

creative writing blog names

Tip #2: Make an Emotional Connection

For the record, just about every business should choose a name that emotionally connects with its target audience. But making an emotional connection is particularly important for blogs.

Take a look at the three blogs I mentioned above (Gimme Some Oven, The Penny Hoarder, and Financial Samurai). Don't they make more of a connection than "Recipe Lists" and "Personal Finance Advice?"

When potential readers come across your website, you want them to feel something. You want them to think "this blog is for me," and feel like you get who they are.

You can evoke different emotions with different kinds of blog names. The Penny Hoarder creates a feeling of safety and thriftiness. Gimme Some Oven signals "fun and exciting recipes."

One last note. Personal blogs can still create a strong emotional connection! People also miss genuine human connection, especially in our highly technological society. A personal blog name will still make an emotional, highly humanized connection.

creative writing blog names

Tip #3: Consider Industry-Specific Naming Factors

In general, you'll want your blog name to fit with your overall industry.

Let's say you're starting a finance blog focused on safe, low-risk investing. If that's the case, you should look at the names of actual investment companies that align with your vision.

If you do this, you'll notice big investment funds like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Vanguard. Each of these firms uses a ton of "safety" and "trust" words in their names.

Based on those trends, it wouldn't hurt for your blog focus to mirror some of the same concepts.

I highly recommend taking a look at our list of name generators . We created many different pages with advice on naming businesses in different industries. The advice could be super-relevant to your blog.

For example, if you're starting a blog about buying a home, you'll probably benefit from reading our real estate business name generator page . If you're starting a hybrid business that focuses on blogging and services, our business name generator page could also be helpful.

It's also a great idea to look at lists of blogs in your industry. For example, if you're starting a lifestyle or food blog, it doesn't hurt to Google "lifestyle blog names" or "list of top food blog names."

Tip #4: Don't Restrict Yourself With Your Blog Name

If you are starting a food blog, you've probably heard of the blog " Pinch of Yum ."

For the sake of this example, let's say that the founder of "Pinch of Yum" originally focused on desserts, and named the blog "A Pinch of Sugar."

A Pinch of Sugar could work just fine for a dessert-focused blog. But if you look at Pinch of Yum's home page, you'll notice that they have tons of healthy recipes.

Pinch of Yum would still fit with a dessert blog! But A Pinch of Sugar wouldn't fit with a healthy eating blog.

If you know that you won't expand beyond your initial focus, a more "niched" name can work well. But if you want to remain flexible, pick a name that will accommodate your future expansion plans.

creative writing blog names

Tip #5: Take Your Branding Into Account

A good blog name is simply one part of a cohesive brand.

When you're naming your blog, always make sure to consider how your name will look alongside a logo, website, and other branding materials.

Let's say you're starting a travel blog, and you are planning on traveling through forests, mountains, and lakes.

In this case, you may love deep, earthy colors like green, blue, and brown. If you're planning to use those colors on your website, a name like "Sunnyglide" wouldn't fit.

On the other hand, beachy colors like yellow and blue would be a perfect fit for "Sunnyglide." But if you're traveling through forests, the beachy tone probably wouldn't work.

Make sure you have a feel for your brand identity before you choose a blog name.

creative writing blog names

Do you want more blog naming advice? Read through our list of FAQs to get answers to some common blog naming questions!

1) Is Your Blog Name Generator Free?

Our blog name generator is 100% free to use. To get started, simply enter a keyword into the box above. Then, we will generate blog name ideas based on your keyword in seconds. You can also read the blog post below the search box for free blog-specific naming advice.

2) How do I Choose a Good Blog Name?

The best blog names typically make a strong emotional connection with their target audiences. They're also flexible for future expansion and have a strong available domain name. When you use our blog name generator, we'll return a list of domain name suggestions with every search.

3) What's the Difference Between a Blog Name and a Business Name?

Typically, the best business names are short, simple, and authoritative. Blogs can benefit from longer names that make an emotional connection with readers. Phrase-based names like Making Sense of Cents create that emotional connection, even if they wouldn't fit as well with a general financial business.

4) Should I Use a Custom Domain Name, or Get a Free Domain Name With a Platform Like Blogspot?

Using a custom domain name adds more legitimacy than using free domain names like If you're set on growing your blog and ranking highly in search engines, a custom domain is the best choice.

5) Can Your Blog Name Generator Create Business Name Ideas?

Our blog name generator can easily create business name ideas. A pure business name can work exceptionally well if you're starting a hybrid business, where you're both blogging and providing services. To find business name ideas , simply enter a keyword into the box at the top of our page.

6) Can I Use My Own Name For My Blog?

Using your own name as your website name is a great way to get started with blogging. It will help you grow your personal brand, and makes a humanized connection with your target audience. You can also incorporate your personal name into your blog or business name, like Matt Mullenweg did with Automattic .

7) Can I Build an Ecommerce Store Alongside My Blog?

You can certainly build an ecommerce store alongside your blog. If you want to do this, it's best to pick a site theme that is designed for both blogging and ecommerce. Using WordPress or a website builder will allow you to easily add ecommerce functionality alongside your blog.

creative writing blog names

After reading this post, I hope you have an idea of how to choose a great brand name for your new blog!

To get started, enter a keyword or phrase in the box above, and you'll start seeing creative blog name ideas in a few seconds!


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Blog Name Generator Brainstorming Blog Name Ideas (Free)

Struggling to brainstorm unique blog name ideas? This free blog name generator makes it easy to instantly find good blog name ideas—regardless of your niche or target audience. Just type in your blog topic and you’ll get a wide range of creative blog name ideas to choose from (and the ability to check for available domains), so you can pick the perfect name for your new blog and register it right away.

Hey there! You’ve hit your free limit for an hour . Don’t worry; you’ll be able to use my tools again in an hour.

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Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Blog With the Blog Name Generator

Coming up with the right name for your blog can be really tricky. You want a name that’s easily memorable—and you need to like it! This name will be associated with you for years or even decades to come. Your name has to be different from all the existing blogs out there … without being confusing or too long.

Some popular ways to come up with a blog name are to:

  • Use a keyword. For instance, Smart Blogger, ProBlogger, and Copyblogger all have blogger in their name. This means that readers can instantly get a sense of what your blog is about—just from the name.
  • Use your own name (or a variation of it). RyRob is named after me, Ryan Robinson. Other bloggers who’ve taken this approach include Heidi Cohen, Michael Hyatt, Seth Godin, and many more. This type of name gives you the option to pivot and change topics, but it can make your blog trickier to sell.
  • Use a blog name that has an emotional resonance for you , or that you simply think sounds catchy. Blogs like A Better Lemonade Stand, Cup of Jo, and I Will Teach You To Be Rich all take this approach.

Even with those different approaches, you might still struggle to come up with a blog name. Or perhaps you’ve thought of a few names you like—but none of them are available as domains. That’s where my blog name generator comes in.

How to Use the Blog Name Generator to Come Up With Blog Name Ideas

Ready to give the blog name generator a go? It’s very easy to use—but if you’re not sure what to do, here are step-by-step instructions for you.

Step 1. Enter a Keyword or Topic for Your Blog

Hopefully, you’ve already got some idea of what you want to blog about. (If you’re not quite there yet, take a look at my guide to choosing your blogging niche .) Go ahead and put your niche, or a keyword or topic relating to it, into the blog name generator’s input box.

Then, simply run the tool and you’ll see ideas appear before your eyes.

Step 2. Get a List of Blog Name Ideas

The blog name generator will give you a whole list of blog name ideas to choose from, applying lots of AI creativity to give you catchy names with alliteration, synonyms, and other clever wordplay.

You can generate names as many times as you like (it’s free!) so keep going until you have some good contenders for your perfect blog name.

Step 3. Choose Your Favorite Blog Name(s)

Only you know which blog names will be best for you and your blog. The name generator will give you lots to choose from, but it’s up to you to pick your favorites. 

I’d recommend choosing at least 2 or 3 possibilities, even if there’s one clear winner. That’s because you’ll need to check whether your preferred name is available as a domain name . 

Step 4. Check if Your Chosen Name is Available as a Domain (and Buy It)

Alongside each idea on the list, you’ll see a “Check Domain Availability” button to check whether it’s available to buy as a domain (also called a URL or website address). Just click that button and you’ll be taken to my domain name checker tool.

Tip: Ideally, you want a domain name that ends with the .com domain extension. That’s what most people will guess, if they don’t quite remember your domain, and many people feel that a .com domain looks most professional. If your domain is only available as a .org or .net, you may want to think twice about it (especially if the .com version of the domain already has a well-established website).

Bonus: Use My Free Blog Setup Checklist Along With the Blog Name Generator

Choosing a name is essential before you can go further with starting a blog… but once you’ve got that name, what are your next steps? Here’s your essential blog setup checklist to follow. If you need some extra guidance and support, take a look at my full guide on how to start a blog .

  • Choose your blog’s name and check its domain name availability
  • Sign up for cheap web hosting and get your domain name included free with Bluehost or Dreamhost (or use a different domain registrar if you prefer)
  • Go through your web host’s steps to set up your WordPress site (they’ll make it easy for you!)
  • Login to your WordPress site’s admin panel (also called the dashboard or back-end) and run any updates needed
  • Choose a WordPress theme that you like—this controls the design of your blog—and install & activate it
  • Install & activate some of the best WordPress plugins on your new blog, particularly Akismet (anti-spam) to keep spam comments away
  • Delete the sample page and “Hello World” post from your WordPress site (or edit these to use them in the next 2 steps)
  • Create an “ About Me ” page for your blog to let readers know a bit about you and what your blog covers
  • Write your first blog post and publish it on your blog (you could use one of these blog post templates to help)
  • Come up with more blog post ideas and create an editorial calendar for your blog

The Key Features of this Blog Name Generator

The blog name generator is really simple to use … but perhaps you’re curious about how it works or how best to use it. Let’s take a closer look at its key features.

Keyword/Topic (Choose Your Niche)

The blog name generator can’t come up with random blog names for you. Instead, you need to give it a starting point and enter a keyword or a topic. That means picking your blogging niche.

Tip: Struggling to choose between 2 or more blog niches? Use the blog name generator to come up with names for all of your potential niches. You might find that a particular name stands out to you—and that helps you make your mind up about your niche.

Blog Name Ideas (How Do These Work?)

The blog name generator uses AI (artificial intelligence) to come up with catchy blog names for you. You’ll notice that some of your names involve puns, others use alliteration or rhyming words, many incorporate engaging, powerful words like “blueprint” or “workshop”, and all will relate in some way to your topic. 

Let’s take a look at a few examples of potential names that the generator may come up with.

Personal Finance Blog Names

If you put in the topic “personal finance” (a hugely popular blogging niche), then you might get suggestions like:

  • The Budget Blueprint
  • Savvy Saver’s Hub
  • Cents and Sensibility

Food Blog Names

Food blogging is another very popular niche. Here are some example ideas from the blog name generator:

  • Culinary Chronicles
  • Tasty Tales and Temptations
  • Garden to Table Tales
  • Hungry for Happiness

Lifestyle Blog Names

You can use the tool to come up with lifestyle or personal blog names (or even a personal brand name) by starting with a topic/keyword that represents you in some way. Here are some examples for the keyword “sky”:

  • Aloft Ambitions
  • Skyward Serenity
  • Starry-Eyed Journeys
  • Beneath the Blue Yonder

Blog Name Generator Tool FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Got questions about this blog name generator? Here are some common questions—hopefully you’ll find the answers you need here.

How can I come up with a good blog name?

It can be really tricky to settle on a good name for your blog. Some would-be bloggers get completely stuck at this stage, struggling to name their blog so they can move on with actually launching it.

Some good techniques to use when trying to come up with a name include:

  • Brainstorming lots of possibilities, perhaps as a mind map where you explore different ideas and facets of your topic.
  • Looking at the names of popular blogs in your niche. This can give you inspiration about the type of name that works well. For instance, you might find that the names tend to all be quite short, or that many blogs in your niche are named after the blogger.
  • Using the blog name generator to come up with lots of names. Don’t get put off if you don’t spot a name you love in the first list. You can use the tool as many times as you like.

Ultimately, don’t get too hung up on naming your blog. You might find that you “grow into” a name that you’re not 100% sold on. Alternatively, you might end up renaming and rebranding your blog in the future. Plenty of successful blogs have done that, including Smart Blogger (which used to be Boost Blog Traffic) and Mirasee (which used to be Firepole Marketing).

Are the blog name suggestions copyrighted?

Nope! These blog name ideas are unique AI creations, but there’s no copyright on them. That means you have my blessing to go ahead and use any of the names you like from my blog name tool. 

Tip: To be extra cautious, you can search online to see if anyone else is using the same name. While names can’t be copyrighted, they can be trademarked , so it’s important to make sure you’re not using a name that’s trademarked.

Is the blog’s name important for SEO (search engine optimization)?

Years ago, bloggers used to try to pick domains that included specific keywords. Today, SEO experts believe that domain names aren’t a direct ranking factor .

It’s best to choose a domain that’s memorable and easy to brand. That way, it’ll be easier to build a professional blog that people want to share and link to. If you stuff loads of keywords into your domain name, then it may look less reputable—ultimately harming your SEO as fewer people will link to you.

Can I use a hyphen in my domain name?

You can use a hyphen in your domain name (e.g. instead of There’s no technical issue with this! However, it’s usually best to skip hyphens, as it can make your domain hard for readers to spell out and remember.

Blog name, blog title, brand name, business name … what’s the difference?!

Perhaps someone’s told you that you need a blog name—but you’ve also heard about blog titles. Or maybe you’re not sure if what you really want is a brand name or business name. So what do these all mean?

A blog name is what your blog itself is called, like “RyRob” or “ProBlogger” or “Social Media Today”. (You can find lots more blog name examples in my best blog examples .)

A blog title is the title or headline of an individual blog post, like “ How to Start a Blog (and Make Money) – Easy and Free Beginner’s Tutorial ”. It’ll usually be a lot longer than a blog name. 

A brand name is often (but not always) the same as your business name. For many bloggers, their brand name is also the same thing as their blog name. But if you’re already running an online business, e.g. an eCommerce store, you might choose a different blog name from your brand name.

A business name is the name of your business. In practice, that’ll often be the same name as your blog … but it doesn’t have to be. A big business might own multiple different brands (for instance, PepsiCo doesn’t just own the Pepsi brand, but also Lay’s, Quaker, Gatorade, Doritos, Cheetos, and more).

Can I use the blog name generator as a business name generator?

Yes, absolutely. Many bloggers use their blog’s name as their business name. If you’ve found a great blog name, go ahead and use it for your business too. Just check to make sure that your name isn’t the same as, or very similar to, a trademarked business name.

What are some of the other best blog name generators out there?

I like to think that mine is the best blog name generator, but here’s a quick rundown of how it compares to a couple of other popular options:

Domain Wheel: Domain Wheel is a domain name generator rather than a blog name generator. It will come up with domains, but they often use hyphens and tend to sound quite generic.

Nameboy: Like Domain Wheel, Nameboy focuses on domain names rather than starting with a solid name idea. You’ll find that it suggests a lot of very short domains that aren’t available, as well as domains with unpopular extensions.

What other AI tools can I use to help start a blog?

I have a whole set of free tools for bloggers that you can use to get your blog off the ground. As well as this blog name generator, I’ve also got a free domain name generator that helps you find available domain names. You might also want to use the YouTube Channel Name generator if you’re thinking of launching your own YouTube channel as well as (or instead of) a blog.

My keyword research tool and keyword cluster tool can help you come up with great topics to blog about. Struggling for an idea? Use the blog idea generator — then, my article writer tool can draft content for you in seconds. The introduction writer and conclusion writer will help you refine key parts of your blog post. 

The meta title generator , headline analyzer , and meta description generator will all help you get crucial SEO elements of your post right—so that you can rank well in Google and other search engines.

Why did you make this a free tool?

Back when I chose a name for my blog, launched it, and started blogging, I didn’t have much money to spend. There were lots of clever tools out there that I knew would have helped me grow my blog faster … but I couldn’t afford them. Instead, I made use of free alternatives (and I was so grateful to the bloggers who created them). 

Now that has been so successful, I wanted to give something back. This free tool is my gift to you. I hope choosing your blog’s name will be the start of a fantastic blogging journey for you and that you’ll be able to reach your biggest blogging goals.

Once your blog starts making money (if that’s what you’re aiming for), would you take a moment to check out RightBlogger ? It’s my powerhouse of AI tools, including loads of handy things to help you with blogging, like a full blog post writer, outline creator, post ideas, tools to shorten and expand your writing … and so much more, including SEO, YouTube, and social media tools.

Who is this blog name generator tool designed for?

When we put together the blog name generator, we were obviously thinking about new bloggers who needed names for their blogs. Whether you’re looking for travel blog names, fashion blog names, beauty blog names, or any other blog domain names, you can find great options here. 

You might also use the blog name generator to launch a new blog, to come up with name ideas for an online course or product, or to help you explore possibilities for a rebrand. Whether you’re a blogger, writer, content marketer, content creator, or small business, I hope this tool helps you come up with great name ideas.

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How to Come Up With a Blog Name (With 50+ Examples)

how to come up with a blog name

W ant some essential tips for how to name your blog?

I know from experience that it can seem hard. But it doesn’t have to be! So, to help you get started – I’ll breakdown key tips for how to come up with a blog name and share some great blog name ideas from popular blog niches.

By the end of this article, you’ll be inspired by the best tips and examples to choose the right name for your blog.

In This Guide:

How to Come Up With a Blog Name: 4 Questions to Ask

  • 11 Ways to Come Up With a Blog Name
  • 3 Crucial Checks Before You Decide
  • 50+ Creative Blog Name Examples for Your Inspiration
  • Key Takeaways: Crafting the Perfect Blog Name

Key Takeaways For How To Name a Blog

  • Discover Your Blog’s Essence : ‘A blog’s essence’ sounds cringe. But before you name your blog, you’ll want to clearly define its focus and niche, and target audience. A well-aligned name resonates with your content and audience, enhancing your blog’s identity and purpose.
  • Know Your Audience : Tailor your blog name to your target readers. Understanding your audience’s preferences and expectations ensures your blog name appeals directly to them, setting the stage for engagement.
  • Embrace Flexibility : Select a name that allows for growth and diversification. A versatile blog name offers the freedom to explore various topics without limiting your blog’s potential or necessitating a rebrand.
  • Explore Creative Naming Strategies : Leverage a variety of techniques like using your own name, alliteration, abbreviations, and even words from other languages. Experimenting with different methods can lead to a unique and memorable blog name.
  • Make Use of Tools and Resources : From blog name generators to thesauruses and brainstorming with pen and paper, numerous tools are available (like our free domain name generator ) to spark creativity and find the perfect name.
  • Check Availability : Ensure your chosen blog name is available as a domain and on social media platforms. Consistency across your blog and social media enhances brand recognition and accessibility.
  • Inspiration Awaits : Draw inspiration from a wide range of successful blog names across various niches. Analyzing these blog name ideas can provide valuable insights into effective naming conventions and trends.
  • Decision Time : Once you’ve landed on a potential name, perform a final check for readability, ease of spelling, and domain availability. A good blog name is creative, practical, and accessible to your audience.

Luckily, if you’re ready to start your blog today, you can take advantage of our special deal with Bluehost and WordPress, the best blog hosting and blogging platform on the market.

Blog Tyrant readers can get 60% off Bluehost hosting, which comes with a free domain name, free SSL certificate, 1-click WordPress installation, and more!

Exclusive offer for BlogTyrant readers

We have partnered up with Bluehost to get 60% off for our readers! You also get to register a FREE domain for a year which normally costs around $14.99 per year.

Simply claim the deal above and follow along with our tutorial on how to start a blog for step-by-step instructions.

But before you begin, you might want to consider a few things when brainstorming your blog name ideas.

Ready? Let’s start!

Before we get into how to come up with the perfect blog name, here are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

1. What is Your Blog Going to be About?

Before you start a blog and think of its name, you have to decide what topic your blog is going to be about.

For example, say you come up with Yarn Dying Pro and then decide to blog about cameras . That’s not going to work. 

Better to choose a blog niche first , and then think of a name that fits. 

2. Who Is Your Target Audience?

Knowing your target audience also influences the name you choose for your blog. 

Compare these 2 different photography blogs: 

Outdoor Photography Blog covers equipment, tips, and tricks specifically for photographers taking outdoor photos :

outdoor photographer

iPhone Photography School covers tips and tutorials specifically for iPhone users so they can take better photos:

iPhone photography school

Both sites make it clear in their name who their target audience is.

3. What Is Your Writing Style Like?

Closely related to your target audience is the tone and voice you’re going to use. 

For example, compare these 2 news sites:

The New York Times is one of America’s oldest news publications, which prides itself on delivering accurate, up-to-date news in a serious, reliable tone:

New York Times serious publication

Whereas The Onion is an American satirical publication, which pokes fun at all the latest news, stories, photos, videos, and more:

the onion satirical publication

Not sure about your writing style yet? To start developing your own style, check out our guide on how to write a good blog post !

4. What Happens If You Blog on Other Topics?

This might be hard to answer because it’s impossible to know the future!

Still, it’s smart to leave yourself some room to change and grow.

For example, don’t use the blog name Mad About Hippos if you think you might want to blog about flamingos or zebras, too. Instead, you can choose a name with a little more flexibility, like Zany Zoo Animals .

Silly examples, but you get the idea! The perfect blog name allows you to explore and expand into different topics easily.

11 Ways to Name a Blog

After answering those questions, it’s time to come up with a catchy blog name. Here are some tried-and-tested ways to name your blog.

1. Use Your Own Name

Let’s start with your own name. Is it a good idea to use your name or not? 

The answer really depends on what your blog is going to be about.

If you have a personal blog that’s going to be about you, your life, or your services, then using your own name can work very well. That way, people can easily find it if they’re searching for information about you.

For example, Syed Balkhi is this type of blog; he uses his own name as he shares personal experiences in his entrepreneurial journey:

syed balkhi

On the other hand, using your own name may not work if your blog is going to focus on a product or a niche instead of your own personal brand. For example, Brian Dean uses the name Backlinko to position his blog about SEO rather than using his name.

2. Choose a Completely Random Name

It’s possible to choose a blog name that doesn’t have any obvious links to your blog topic, but is still memorable.

One example of this method with a blog name that stands out is a popular travel blog called Melting Butter.

creative writing blog names

When thinking of name ideas for your blog, choosing a completely random name might be a risky option, especially for your first blog when you’re relatively unknown. But creative blog name ideas like this can work well when you gain some notoriety because your blog name will be distinctive.

3. Check Your Competitors’ Blog Names

When you want to start a blog, checking your competitor’s blog names can give you some ideas of what will work for your blog. Consider what their names mean, their first impression, how they sound, and how long they are.

For example, consider these 3 blog names from the beard grooming niche:

  • Beardoholic
  • Balding Beards


They all came up with a good name based on the word “beard” plus another related word to make it clear what niche they’re in, plus they keep their name short. They each have a unique and memorable name. They might have used a  business name generator to help come up with different brand name ideas; you can, too.

4. Revert to Pen and Paper

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to take a step back from your computer and revert to the good old-fashioned pen and paper to find the right name for your blog. It’s easy to get sidetracked while you’re online trying to name a blog. But if you take yourself somewhere quiet without any distractions, you can often come up with plenty of ideas for the perfect name. 

Writing things down stimulates your creativity, and soon you’ll have a page full of ideas you can explore further. 

Why not take it one stage further and invite a couple of friends to join you for a coffee, put your thinking caps on, and come up with blog name ideas!

5. Use a Blog Name Generator

One of the tools we have on Blog Tyrant is our Free Domain Name Generator to generate blog name ideas and examples.

blog tyrant name generator

It’ll help you come up with plenty of brilliant blog names and get the domain name for free with Bluehost .

To get started, all you have to do is enter a couple of keywords and let the tool find some unique combinations. Here’s a snapshot of a list of blog names it found from the words  “yarn dying” :

yarn dying name generator

6. Reach for the Thesaurus

A thesaurus is a handy writing tool that you can dip into for inspiration when you’re writing a blog post. 

But you can also use it to come up with a list of blog name ideas.

Enter a word into Thesaurus , and it finds synonyms (related words). For example, when you enter the word yarn , the thesaurus suggests alternatives such as fleece, wool, twist, and thread :

thesaurus synonyms of yarn

Here are 4 more tools to help you find the right words.

Related Words helps you find words that are related to a specific word or phrase:

related words associated with yarn

Reverse Dictionary allows you to search for words by their definition. For example, when you enter “inhabitant of earth” , it suggests several words, including earthling :

reverse dictionary

Word Hippo includes a selection of creative tools, including synonyms (what’s another word for), antonyms (what’s the opposite of), and rhymes (words that rhyme with). For example, here’s what rhymes with yarn :

word hippo words that rhyme

OneLook helps you find related words, but you can also include some other search parameters. For example:  

  • blue* finds words and phrases that start with blue
  • *bird finds words and phrases that end with bird


7. Try Alliteration or Assonance

Alliteration is when you have the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Using a combination of words can create a real rhythm and sound quite catchy. For example, Well-deserved Win, Blazing Blogs, Cute Cats, Spooky Spoon, and Financial Freedom:

alliteration example - financial freedom

Assonance is similar, but it’s when the vowel sounds are repeated. For example, in the travel blog name Backpacking Matt , all the “a” vowels sound the same. When using wordplay, choose a blog name that’s easy to pronounce, and try to avoid using too many uncommon words or slang terms.

8. Use Abbreviations or Acronyms

Sometimes you think of a great name, but then realize it’s going to be too long. That’s where abbreviations come in.

Abbreviations are easier to remember and avoid any typos when people enter the name in their browser.

For example, WP is the abbreviation for WordPress, including as in WPBeginner, which makes a good blog name:

creative writing blog names

9. Consider Another Language

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you could try using another language for the blog name you choose. 

When selecting a name that you like, sometimes you come across words in different languages that have a pleasing sound to them. Their meaning could be either random or related to what you will write about on your blog, but they stand out.

For example, the travel blog Meraviglia Paper combines the Italian word for marvel or wonder, Mereviglia, with the English word Paper:

meraviglia paper

Try using Google Translate to search for words in another language.

10. Create a Portmanteau

A portmanteau is a word that comes from blending or merging two words together. For example, the Labradoodle dog breed comes from merging Labrador Retriever and Poodle . 

Here are some blogging related portmanteaus from this extensive wiki list :

  • Blog – from the web and log
  • Blogosphere – from blog and atmosphere 
  • Podcast – from iPod and broadcast

Try the Name Combiner tool to combine up to 4 words into one unique word to find a name that fits your brand:

create unique names with name combiner

11. Make a Common Saying Your Own

Another popular way to come up with a name for your blog is to modify an idiom or turn of phrase.

For example, the makeup blog She’s in the Glow is a play on words, based on the phrase “in the know”.

creative writing blog names

You can use a site like The Idioms to find phrases that could become unique blog name ideas.

3 Crucial Checks Before You Decide on Your Blog Name

By now, you’ll have a few ideas on what to name your blog. But before you make the final decision, there are 3 things you need to check when it comes to ideas for your blog name:

1. Does the Blog Name Read Okay When It’s in a Domain URL Format?

Wondering how to choose a URL for your blog? You’ll want to make sure your URL matches your blog name.

That means you’ll need to be careful that your blog name looks good not only in title form (“My Blog”), but as a domain name, too (“”).

When you pick a blog name, bear in mind some domain names can end up sounding or looking inappropriate when two or more words are written in one string, like the name of this blog, 

unfortunate domain names like American Scrap Metal

2. Is Your Blog Name Brandable and Easy to Say or Spell?

Sometimes, when you say a name out loud, it becomes ambiguous. A great example of this is the photo storage site Flickr. While it was cool to come up with a unique name spelling, people often entered the correct spelling of Flicker rather than the right name, Flickr . 

In the end, the photo business bought both domain names, and , and set up a redirect from to , so they didn’t lose any customers. Choose a good blog name that is easy to remember and spell so your target audience can understand your blog and find you effortlessly. 

Also, you want to make sure your blog name isn’t too long. The longer the blog name, the harder it becomes for users to type in their browser bar, and it can also look cumbersome. Make sure your blog name is easy to type. Two-word combos such as SeedProd and MonsterInsights often work best.

3. Is It Trademarked, And Are The Social Media Names Also Available?

Finally, remember to check whether or not your blog name idea has already been trademarked . If you choose to go with a name and build up a site but then discover that the name has been trademarked, it’ll be a big pain to deal with.

You’ll also want to ensure your blog name can be linked to social media, so when you find the right blog name it’s worth checking if the name is also available on all the social media networks. Before you start a blog and build your brand, having one company name you can use everywhere makes it easy for people to find you. Plus, you don’t want to risk losing your audience to another site.

50+ Best Blog Name Ideas for Your Inspiration

After all these tips, you may be exhausted and are simply looking for a list of great blog name examples to help get you started.

Here are some of the most popular blogs in a few different niches to inspire you.

Lifestyle Blog Names List

  • Wellness Mama
  • She’s in the Glow
  • Belly Over Mind
  • The Wandering Lens
  • In A Far Away Land
  • Sasstrology

We also have a walkthrough on how to start a lifestyle blog that you may profit from!

Blog Names for Writers

  • Live Write Thrive
  • The Write Practice
  • Write to Done
  • The Write Life
  • Well-Storied
  • The Bookshelf Muse
  • Courage to Create

Fashion Blog Examples

  • The Sartorialist
  • Ropes of Holland
  • Ask a French Girl
  • Modest Mira
  • Slip Into Style
  • Work Work Work
  • Man Repeller
  • Over the Rainbow

And we also have a list of fashion blog examples . And another step-by-step guide on how to start a fashion blog !

Popular Poetry Blog Names

  • Write Out Loud
  • Eat This Poem
  • The Poetry Project
  • The Practicing Poet
  • Poetry Breakfast

Check out our article on how to start a poetry blog .

Best Food Blog Names

  • Serious Eats
  • Minimalist Baker
  • Smitten Kitchen
  • Budget Bytes
  • Gimme Some Oven
  • Pinch of Yum
  • Oh My Veggies

And like fashion, we also have a list of the best food blog examples , a guide on how to get started with your own food blog , AND a list of the best WordPress themes for food blogs .

Clever Travel Blog Names

  • Adventurous Kate
  • Backpacking Matt
  • The Blonde Abroad
  • Bucket List Journey
  • Dan Flying Solo
  • David’s Been Here
  • Expert Vagabond
  • Girl Gone Travel
  • Hand Luggage Only
  • A Little Adrift
  • Migrationology
  • Nerd Nomads

And last but not least there’s our free guide on how to start a travel blog to get you going!

Final Thoughts on How To Name a Blog

Now you know how to create the right blog name that creates an excellent first impression and will last forever. A great blog name is one of the most affordable ways to stand out in a busy marketplace, and attracting readers is why we all start a blog in the first place. 

Ensure you follow all the steps above to feel comfortable with your decision before you launch your blog. Take your time. The name of your blog is an important factor that can determine your blog’s success.

Then follow our complete step-by-step guide to start your blog today !

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments below how you came up with your unique blog name. 

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creative writing blog names

really helpful and to the point

creative writing blog names

It is best to take part in a contest for top-of-the-line blogs on the web. I’ll recommend this site!

creative writing blog names

And what if my blog is All about gospel which name I mine gonna give?

creative writing blog names

Hi Ali, to come up with a name for a gospel blog, you can look at other gospel blogs for inspiration and ideas. You can also try our free domain name generator tool and enter in a keyword like “gospel.” The tool will give you a bunch of blog name ideas with the word gospel in it. Hope that helps!

creative writing blog names

Great info, hopefully more people can use this.

creative writing blog names

for a very long time I could not choose the perfect name for my blog. Whatever I came up with, it seemed to me banal and not witty. After reading your article, I came up with something really interesting. Thank you!

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Blog Name Generator

creative writing blog names

How to Name Your Blog?

creative writing blog names

How Do I Find My Perfect Blog Name?

creative writing blog names

How to Choose a Blog Name?

1. keep it less than 4 words, 2. focus on your target audience, 3. have a brand identity in mind, 4. make sure it is available, 5. don’t wait too long.

creative writing blog names

Things To Avoid In Your Blog Name

1. similar to the most popular blog, 2. confusing and hard to understand, 3. hard to pronounce.

creative writing blog names

How Blog Name Generator Works?

Frequently asked questions, how to trademark your blog name, is it okay to change your blog name, how do you know if a business name is taken, how to validate your blog name, best time to start is today.

Content Gorilla

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Inspirational Blog Names to Uplift & Transform

Neil February 19, 2024 Blog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Do you want to start a blog that inspires and uplifts others? If so, you need a compelling, memorable, and catchy blog name to start it right. It’ll help you stand out, attract readers, and set the tone for your motivational content.

A Kid is Looking at the Writing on a Wall, 'Believe in Yourself'

Source: Unsplash

Remember, the best blog names come from a deep connection to the topics you’re blogging about, so start brainstorming about words that match your content topics. We’ll give you 170+ ideas for inspirational blog names that you can choose from. Let’s get started!

Best Inspirational Blog Names

A Jumping Man and His Reflection in a Water Body With a Tree in the Background

Here, we present to you the best of the best when it comes to inspirational blog names. Leverage them whether you’re starting a blog to share your personal inspiring stories or seek to uplift others with your words.

  • Soulful Spark
  • Dare to Dream Big
  • Embrace the Climb
  • Illuminate You
  • Rise Revolution
  • Unstoppable Mindset
  • Empowerment Collective
  • Beyond Limits
  • Hope Harbor
  • Zenith Zone
  • Wisdom Whispers
  • Blooming From Within
  • Positivity Portal
  • Dare to Dream Daily
  • The Ripple Effect
  • Mindful Momentum
  • The Spark Within
  • Ignite Your Flame
  • Thrive Tribe
  • Evolve Elevate
  • Brave & Brilliant
  • Empower Uplift
  • Chasing Sunrise
  • From Spark to Fire
  • Everything Awesome
  • The Success Formula
  • Vision Voyage
  • Living Brighter
  • Inner Glow Guide
  • Dream Forge
  • Inspire Sphere
  • Radiant Ripple

Travel Inspiration Blog Names

A Girl is Sitting on a Suitcase on Earth With Beautiful Landmarks

Source: Freepik

If you are passionate about exploring new destinations and sharing travel tips in your travel blogs, then you’re in the right place. These coolest, i.e., best travel blog names will transport your readers to exotic locations and inspire them to pack their bags and set off on their adventures:

  • Odyssey Oasis
  • Beyond the Backroads
  • Wanderlust Whispers
  • Footprints Across the Globe
  • Roaming Rhapsody
  • Uncharted Compass
  • Explore Euphoria
  • Adventures Unbound
  • Wanders & Wonders
  • Serene Safari
  • Passport Postcards
  • AdventureAlchemy
  • Lost on Purpose
  • Chasing Horizons
  • Wandering Souls
  • Wild Places
  • The Open Road Calling
  • Excursion Echo
  • Chasing Sunsets
  • Vista Verve
  • Globe Glow Quest
  • Map Maker, Heartbreaker
  • Journey Jive
  • The Traveler’s Compass
  • Beyond Borders
  • Explore Elation
  • The Globetrotting Guide
  • Pathway Pulse
  • Journey Uncharted
  • The Global Citizen
  • Nomadic Vibes

Personal Development Blog Names

Personal Growth Graphic

Looking to craft blog name ideas for self-improvement and growth? These options are attractive enough to blow your readers’ minds:

  • Rewriting My Story
  • Life Crafters
  • Authentically Me
  • Flourish Formula
  • EmpowerEdge
  • Development Den
  • The Rise of Me
  • Self-Growth Avenue
  • The Mindful Maven
  • Becoming Unstoppable
  • Peak Persona
  • The Habit Hacker
  • Finding My North Star
  • Empowerment Express
  • Self-Actualization Station
  • Inner Transformation Lab
  • Untangling the Knots
  • Building My Best Life
  • The Growth Mindset Journal
  • Progress Pursuit
  • Achievement Arc
  • Self-Discovery Saga
  • Growth Grid
  • Blooming From the Cracks
  • The Growth Catalyst
  • Mindful Metamorphosis
  • Blossom Blueprint
  • The Self-Development Hub
  • Imperfectly Evolving
  • Success Spectrum
  • Mindset Mettle
  • Growth Galaxy
  • Inner Zen Zone

Inspirational Health & Fitness Blog Names

A Healthy and Fit Man is Listening to Music and Tying Shoelaces

Discover fitness blog name ideas that will fuel your journey to a healthier, happier you:

  • Vitality Vista
  • Balance Bloom
  • The Nutrition Nerd
  • Beyond the Scale
  • Wellness Warrior
  • Thrive Tonic
  • Sweating for Joy
  • The Yoga Lover
  • Wellness Wave
  • Movements with Meaning
  • Health Haven
  • Revitalize Rise
  • Fitness Fuel
  • The Fitness Fix
  • Body Mind Bliss
  • The Workout Buddy
  • Healthy Habitude
  • Finding My Fit
  • Nourish & Thrive
  • Health Hustle
  • Stronger than Yesterday
  • The Body Positive
  • Fit Flourish
  • Holistic Hue
  • Fitness Fusion
  • Active Aura

Catchy Motivational Names For Blogs

Cute Drawing Saying "There's always a reason to smile"

Elevate your blogging game with catchy and inspirational blog names that motivate, inspire, and resonate with your audience.

  • Crush It on Repeat
  • Momentum Magnet
  • Purpose Pulse
  • Fuel Frenzy
  • Drive Dynamo
  • Uplift Utopia
  • Goals on Fire
  • The Inspiration Spot
  • Be Inspired Today
  • Thrive Thrust
  • Motivation Matrix
  • Drive Dynasty
  • The Motivation Corner
  • Grit Galore
  • Motive Mantra
  • Empower Elixir
  • Motivize Me
  • Fearless & Focused
  • Motive Muse
  • Hustle with Heart
  • Inspire Ignite
  • Spark Savvy
  • The Get-It-Done Gang
  • Motivational Mojo
  • Spark Syndicate
  • Level Up Your Life
  • Make Mondays Matter

Check out these catchy book blog names for your book-themed blogs with novel-tea!

Catchy & Creative Mid-life Blog Names

A Bearded Man is Looking Into The Distance

In this section, you’ll find some of the best and most creative mid-life blog names that are fun, relatable, and supportive to your mid-life readers:

  • Midlife Marvels
  • Second Chapter Chronicles
  • Mid-life Mentor
  • Encore Epoch
  • Mid-life Memoir
  • The Ageless Adventure
  • From Mom-Bun to Life-Run
  • Midlife Metamorphosis
  • Gray Hair, Glitter Hearts
  • Midlife Verve
  • Prime Perspective
  • Mid-life Maverick
  • Thriving After Forty
  • Midlife Renaissance
  • Life After Laundry
  • Second Act Saga
  • The Reinvention Chapter
  • Midlife Momentum
  • Boldly Middle-aged
  • Mid-Age Adventures

Whether you’re passionate about travel, personal development, health & fitness, motivation, or the mid-life experience, we hope these inspiring blog names will help you kickstart your online journey.

To get more unlimited ideas like these, try using our fully customized and Free Blog Post Idea Generator .

creative writing blog names

I am a full-time online marketer, for over a decade now. Helped over 100,000+ people & generated well over $12M in online sales.

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Writing Blog Name Generator

How to name a writing blog.

Here we’ve put together a pre-generated list of catchy, cool, good, and best writing blog name ideas generated by our AI-powered tool. So you can easily choose some potential writing blog names from the given list.

Writing Blog Name Ideas List

Catchy writing blog name ideas, creative writing blog names ideas, best writing blog names ideas, unique writing blog names ideas, clever writing blog names ideas, cool writing blog names ideas list, fun writing blog names ideas, cute content blog names ideas, book blog name ideas.

If your writing blog focuses on book reviews, literary analysis, or recommendations, here are some creative and engaging name ideas to consider:

Quirky Writing Blog Name Ideas

For those who want their writing blog to stand out with a touch of quirkiness, here are some fun and unconventional name ideas:

Authentic Writing Blog Name Ideas

1. Raw and Real Writes 2. Genuine Ink 3. True Tales & Thoughts 4. Authentic Word Artistry 5. Unfiltered Expressions 6. The Honest Pen 7. Genuine Prose Perspectives 8. Real Writers Unite 9. Sincere Scribbles 10. True Voices Unheard

Reading Blog Names

Writing blog name generators.

1. Writer’s Wordplay 2. Blog Name Brainstorm 3. Creative Blog Name Generator 4. Writeology Blog Names 5. The Blog Name Guru 6. Word Smithy Blog Names 7. Name My Blog 8. Blog Name Wizard 9. The Writing Blog Name Generator 10. NameSpark Blog Names

Popular Writing Blog Name Ideas in USA

1. Writer’s Block Chronicles 2. Ink and Insights 3. Penning Perfection 4. The Word Smithery 5. Literary Labyrinth 6. Story Seekers 7. Life of a Wordsmith 8. Prose Ponderings 9. Quill and Keyboard 10. The Scribbler’s Sanctuary

Characteristics Of Best writing blog names:

Examples and inspiration, tips for choose a writing blog name, 1. start with brainstorming, 2. use a blog name generator, 3. compare to other writing blog names, 4. shortlist your name list:, 5. ask for feedback., 6. register your writing domain name.

2. Bluehost : Sign up for a web hosting plan with Bluehost and get a free domain name. Bluehost is one of the best web hosts with reliable hosting services at affordable rates. You can get started for as low as $2.75 per month and you’ll even get a free SSL certificate and CDN that will make your website more secure and faster.

You’ve Chosen a Name, Now What?

Design a logo for your writing blog:, start your blog and set up your website :, hosting plan, themes and plugins.

So we hope you found your catchy name with the help of our naming guide and writing blog name generator.

More blog name Generators

Be sure to check out these other generators: Photography Blog Name Ideas Painting Blog Name Ideas Music Blog Name Ideas Minimalist Blog Name Ideas

Blog Name Generator

Find a blog name that fits your style..

Are you looking for the perfect blog name to capture your blog’s unique voice and style? A good blog name generator can help you come up with creative and memorable domain names.

Coming up with your own creative blog names can be tough, but a blog name generator can help you quickly generate hundreds of ideas that meet your criteria.

Plus, it will also instantly check whether or not the blog names are available so you don’t waste time considering an unavailable option!

You can use the generator to get blog name ideas for a personal blog, fashion blog, travel blog, eCommerce store, or any other type of successful blog.

In this post, we’ll walk through how to use a blog name generator to find the perfect blog name for your blog.

We’ll also go over some tips on selecting the right one and discuss why it’s important to pick one that is both memorable and relevant.

We’ll go over the steps on how to use the blog name generator first so that you can dive right in if you’re ready, but make sure to keep scrolling if you want to know why it’s important to purchase a blog name and some tips on how to come up with a blog name.

How to Come Up With a Catchy Blog Name

An eye-catching, clever name can help to distinguish your own blog from the competition and attract more visitors to your website.

Having a unique name that also resonates with your target audience can help build an emotional connection with your audience and build loyalty from the get-go.

Consider a brandable blog that has a blog name that you can work it into a logo and consider for potential marketing when promoting your blog.

Should I Use My Personal Name for My Blog Name?

You can absolutely use your personal name in your blog name, especially if you have a more personal blog that features your name or face often.

Many influencers have a personal blog that uses their name because their business is very much focused on their personality.

Using your own name in your blog name can help to establish credibility and set yourself up as the authority figure of your blog.

It can also help your blog remain flexible as far as the type of content that you share.

For example, Natalie Bacon started her blog, , by sharing content on personal finance.

Over the years, as she became a mother and her priorities in life changed, she began to shift the content of her website to mindfulness for mothers.

Ntalie Bacon about page

This was a fairly easy shift that did not impact her blog name.

In contrast, a finance blog like , while great for SEO purposes, cannot pivot topics as easily if desired.

Lastly, using your own name or a combination of other words with your name can make it easier to find an available domain because it’s more specific.

4 Additional Tips for Catchy Blog Name Ideas

Below are a few tips for coming up with a catchy blog name that is also memorable and flexible, which is important for growth and success.

1. Try to Keep It Short and Sweet

Having a shorter blog name can make it easier for readers to remember and also easier for them to type into their browsers.

Additionally, shorter blog names are often more valuable from a marketing perspective because they are easier to fit into social media platforms and headlines.

Here are some blog name ideas to illustrate this point.

  • Blog name:
  • Better blog name:
  • Better blog name:

2. Consider Your Audience

Think about who your blog is targeting and come up with a name that accurately reflects the topics you’ll be covering.

This will help establish your blog’s credibility and make it easier for potential readers to understand what your blog is about.

Additionally, if you’re looking for the best blog name ideas with SEO potential, consider including keywords in your domain that could help boost your search engine ranking.

3. Use a .com

It might be tempting to use a .net or .co or any other variation of .com if your perfect domain name is taken, but you should really stick with a .com, if possible.

blog name generator examples

A .com URL is by far the most widely used in blog domain names and also the most memorable.

When people hear about your website or try to remember it, they are more likely to attach a .com at the end of it when typing it into their browser.

It also comes with more credibility and professionalism.

4. Consider Keeping it Flexible

This is a really important tip for choosing a name for your blog.

As your blog grows, your desires may change, your audience may change, and your blog content may need to change with it.

If your blog name is too specific, you may box yourself in and make it harder to pivot your content and your strategy in the future.

For example:

  • Not very flexible:
  • More flexible:

By having a more general blog name, we can continue to expand and change our content as we stay fit.

Why Purchase a Domain Name?

You might have heard the term “free blog” thrown around and wondered, “Can I use a free domain for my website?”

That’s a very valid question. This is a free blog name generator, but it’s important to own your domain name and have a good, paid hosting plan for several reasons.

Purchasing a domain name is an essential part of building an online business.

With your own domain name, you are able to control the identity of your website and create a memorable, recognizable brand.

Having your own domain provides more credibility and professionalism than free domains do not.

This is evidenced by the presence of the domain name in the URL of your website:

  • Domain that you own:
  • Free domain: or

Most importantly, if you don’t purchase your blog name from the free domain name generator, the domain is free for anyone else to purchase.

blog name generator available domain example

Someone could take from under your feet and establish a more professional (and successful) website.

Speaking of control, purchasing a catchy domain name and professional hosting account will give you more control and flexibility over:

  • how you run your website,
  • what kind of content you share,
  • and how you monetize it.

You’ll get access to better email hosting, website themes, plugins, and more.

Overall, owning your domain gives you more control over the look and feel of your site, allowing you to customize it to suit your needs.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Finally, owning your blog name can be beneficial for search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Having a unique blog name helps search engines like Google identify and index your website more effectively, allowing potential customers to find it in search.

This is especially important for businesses that wish to get organic search traffic for visibility, revenue generation, and growth.

How to Use the Blog Name Generator Tool

Step 1. enter a key phrase and topic.

Enter a keyword related to your blog topic, business, product, or service into the blog name generator tool to generate some blog name ideas.

enter key phrase featured graphic

Think about one or two keywords that are most important for your specific niche and then consider others:

  • Descriptive of your niche: Travel, Motherhood, Photography, Green Living
  • Relevant keywords: digital nomad, parenting hacks, selfies, sustainability
  • Emotional in nature: Caring, Stressful, Affection, Happy, Joyful
  • Any other descriptive words: Busy, Strategic, Power
  • Your name: First name or your entire name

Think about your blog niche and your desired keywords and try mixing and matching a few to find your style; the blog name generator will instantly generate dozens of options for you!

The blog name generator will give you some blog name suggestions based on the words that you enter.

Step 2. Narrow Down Your Favorites

If you find a blog name that you like and it’s available, go ahead and purchase it! Just click through to make sure it’s available.

save your favorites featured graphic

If you still aren’t sure, write down any blog domain name suggestions that you like so far so that you can continue to brainstorm.

You can always run the generator again a few times to narrow down your options or get additional ideas.

Pro Tip: Consider adding a little alliteration to your blog title to make it sound cool and easier to remember!

Step 3. Check for Domain Name Availability

Once you’ve found the perfect blog name, simply click the name in the results to check for your domain availability.

check for domain availability featured graphic

Chances are there will be at least one or two domain variations available for you to register.

Sometimes, the blog name that we want simply won’t be available but don’t fret.

That one wasn’t meant to be but it just means you need to get a little more creative with the name of your blog.

If your blog name is taken, consider adding your name or part of your name, a different adjective, or something else to make it more unique.

Don’t get too hung up on this step. Remember that domain names aren’t the absolute most important thing in blogging – the content is.

When you click to register, it will take you to the Bluehost website , where you can click “Get Started” to get your domain name setup with a hosting plan.

Read on to the next step for more information!

Step 4. Decide on a Blog Name and Get Started

At this point, hopefully, you have found some blog name ideas that fit your personality and style. It’s time to decide on one!

register blog name

Make sure to purchase your blog name so that no one else can buy it and park a website on it or even just hoard it (domain squatters).

The good news is, you can get a free domain name when you set up hosting with your domain.

This blog name generator uses Bluehost to secure your domain name and hosting plan.

Once you’ve decided on your blog name, you can use our guide on how to start a blog to follow along with the rest of the steps to set up the hosting plan for your blog!

Step 5. Start Your Blog and Set Up Your Website

Deciding on your blog name is just the first step. If you want to be able to use your blog name ideas and create a website, you will need a hosting plan for your domain.

Using this blog name generator, you can get your domain name for free when you set up your hosting plan!

Hosting Plan

A good hosting plan is essential because it provides the necessary infrastructure for your website to be accessible online and ensures that your website runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely.

A good hosting plan offers stability and reliability, as well as features like daily backups, malware scans, and protection against cyber attacks.

With a great hosting plan, you can expect high levels of uptime and performance with faster page load speeds and minimal downtime.

You will have access to resources like unlimited storage space, bandwidth, email accounts, and databases that you need to make your blog successful.

A good hosting provider also offers 24/7 tech support or customer service whenever you have questions or problems with your site.

Bluehost is our favorite hosting partner for affordable, beginner-friendly plans. You can get your hosting plan set up with our guide on how to start a blog.

Themes and Plugins

Once you’ve set up your hosting plan, you will need to consider themes and plugins for your blog, which provide more customizability and functionality for your website.

A website theme allows you to create a unique look for your blog without having to write any code. It should be responsive, meaning it looks good on any device – desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile – and easy to customize with custom backgrounds, color schemes, fonts, etc.

Plugins are additional software with coding to help you add extra features and functionality to your blog, including things like contact forms, social media sharing buttons, SEO optimization tools, image galleries, etc.

In addition to basic functionality, the right themes and plugins can also help boost your SEO rankings by improving page speed and securing your website against malicious attacks.

Additional Blog Name Ideas

Below are some good blog name ideas for various niches to get your creative juices flowing.

Food Blog Names

Visit our list of popular food blogs for some additional inspiration.

  • The Hungry Gourmet
  • The Tasting Table
  • Savoring the Good Life
  • Cooking with Darlene
  • Paula’s Palette

Travel Blog Names

Visit our list of popular travel blogs for some additional inspiration.

  • The Adventuring Cyclist
  • The Vacation Diaries
  • My Inner Nomad
  • Journey on a Budget
  • My Backpack to the World

Lifestyle Blog Names

Visit our list of popular lifestyle blogs for some additional inspiration.

  • Life Out Loud
  • Sea to the Soul
  • Watermelon Diva
  • Coffee with Kate
  • Vibing with Vicki

Fashion Blog Names

Visit this list of popular fashion blogs for additional inspiration.

  • Chic Street Style
  • Catwalk Couture
  • Style Stash
  • Samantha’s Closet
  • Fashion by Faye

Mom Blog Names

Visit our list of popular mom blogs for some additional inspiration.

  • Mommy Mantras
  • Mommy Milestones
  • Parenting for Peanuts
  • Tales of Two Twins
  • Maternal Masterminds

FAQs About Finding a Name for Your Blog

How do you make a catchy name for a blog.

A catchy blog name should be creative and ideally resonate with your audience to make it more memorable. It should be short and descriptive while remaining flexible enough that you can change or pivot your content over time if necessary. Consider branding and how you might work your blog name into a logo and potential marketing.

What is a good name for a blog?

A good name for a blog should reflect the content and purpose of the blog as well as your own personality. It should be unique and memorable, utilizing keywords or phrases that will help your blog stand out from the competition.

What are examples of blog names?

Most good blog names reflect the topic that the website is about or your personal brand. Popular examples of blog names include , , , , and more. You can also use your personal name in your blog.

Can my blog just be my name?

Using your name for your blog title works great for personal blogs or lifestyle blogs and allows you to have more flexibility in the content that you create. It can also establish authority and a personal connection with your readers.

Blog Name Generator Summary

Finding the perfect blog name can be a challenge, but the best blog name generator can help make it simpler.

A blog name generator takes keywords related to your business or blogging content and combines them into a potential list of titles that can help you find the perfect match.

In order to have a successful blog, you must be able to control the identity of your website and create a memorable, recognizable brand that provides credibility and looks professional.

Owning your own domain also gives you more control over how you run your website, what kind of content you share, and how you monetize it.

A unique blog name also adds search engine optimization benefits as it helps search engines like Google identify and index your website more accurately for better visibility within search results.

When coming up with catchy blog names, consider branding and how it could work into a logo or marketing efforts.

The best blog name ideas should reflect the blog topic and content of your blog as well as some aspect of your personality too, if applicable.

All in all, using a blog name generator can help narrow down options to find something truly unique that will help drive recognition and success for your business or blog!

Creative Blog Names

225 Blog Naming Ideas to Inspire You

Choosing the right name for your blog is a crucial step in establishing your online presence.

A catchy and memorable blog name not only captures the essence of your content but also attracts potential readers and sets the tone for your brand. Whether you’re sharing lifestyle tips, culinary adventures, personal development insights, or travel stories, a creative name can make a lasting impression.

In this article, we’ve compiled a diverse list of blog name ideas across various themes to spark your imagination and help you find the perfect fit for your blog.

Topics Covered in This Post

Lifestyle blogs, personal development blogs, technology blogs, fashion blogs, parenting blogs, health and wellness blogs, travel blogs, creative writing or arts blogs.

Now, let’s dive into the blog name ideas for each of these categories!

  • Chic & Cheery : A blend of style and positivity.
  • Everyday Escapades : For those who find adventure in daily life.
  • Whimsical Wanderlust : Perfect for travel and exploration.
  • Serene Scenes : Capturing moments of tranquility in life.
  • Joyful Journeys : Celebrating the happiness in everyday experiences.
  • Urban Oasis : Finding peace in the hustle and bustle of city life.
  • Vibrant Vignettes : Short stories that celebrate colorful living.
  • The Cozy Corner : A warm space for comfort and inspiration.
  • Life in Full Bloom : Embracing growth and beauty in everyday life.
  • Curated Comforts : Handpicked ideas for a cozy lifestyle.
  • Simple Splendor : Finding beauty in simplicity.
  • The Happy Hustle : Balancing ambition with joy.
  • Radiant Reflections : Insights on living a luminous life.
  • Sunkissed Stories : Tales that shine with warmth and positivity.
  • Living Lavishly : Embracing luxury in everyday moments.
  • The Mindful Maven : A guide to intentional living.
  • Charmed Life Chronicles : Celebrating the magic in daily life.
  • Eclectic Essence : A mix of styles and ideas for unique living.
  • The Inspired Nest : Creating a nurturing and inspiring home.
  • Graceful Living : Emphasizing elegance in everyday choices.
  • The Modern Muse : Inspiring creativity in contemporary life.
  • Soulful Spaces : Designing environments that nourish the spirit.
  • The Daily Delight : Finding joy in the little things.
  • Elysian Escapes : Discovering paradise in everyday life.
  • The Blissful Balance : Achieving harmony in a busy world.
  • Savory Scribbles : A delightful mix of recipes and stories.
  • Bite-Sized Bliss : For quick and delicious recipes.
  • Culinary Canvas : Where food meets artistry.
  • Flavorful Fables : Tasty tales that tantalize the palate.
  • Gourmet Gatherings : Celebrating food and community.
  • Delicious Discoveries : Uncovering hidden culinary gems.
  • The Taste Trail : Exploring flavors from around the world.
  • Sizzle & Spice : A fiery approach to cooking and flavor.
  • Fork & Fiction : Where storytelling meets gastronomy.
  • Whisked Away : Capturing the magic of cooking.
  • Epicurean Escapades : Adventures in fine dining and cooking.
  • Nourishing Narratives : Healthy recipes with a story.
  • The Recipe Realm : A treasure trove of culinary creations.
  • Palate Pleasers : Dishes that delight the senses.
  • Culinary Chronicles : Documenting the journey of food.
  • Savory Sojourns : Travel through taste and flavor.
  • The Flavor Frontier : Pushing the boundaries of taste.
  • Bountiful Bites : Celebrating abundance in every meal.
  • Gastronomic Journeys : Exploring the world through food.
  • Tastebud Travels : Adventures for the adventurous eater.
  • The Spice Route : Discovering global flavors and spices.
  • Spoonful of Stories : Recipes that come with a narrative.
  • Kitchen Alchemy : Transforming ingredients into magic.
  • Harvest Harmony : Celebrating seasonal and local ingredients.
  • The Flavorful Fork : A journey through taste and texture.
  • Thrive Hive : A community for growth and positivity.
  • Mindful Momentum : Focusing on progress and mindfulness.
  • The Growth Grit : Emphasizing resilience and personal development.
  • Empowerment Echoes : Amplifying voices of strength and courage.
  • Resilience Road : Navigating the journey of personal strength.
  • The Clarity Compass : Guiding you toward clear goals and visions.
  • Inspired Intentions : Setting powerful intentions for your life.
  • The Self-Discovery Diary : Documenting the journey of self-exploration.
  • Elevate & Empower : Lifting others while finding your own strength.
  • The Positive Path : A journey focused on optimism and growth.
  • Limitless Living : Breaking boundaries for a fulfilled life.
  • The Journey Within : Exploring inner landscapes for growth.
  • Mindset Mastery : Cultivating a winning mindset for success.
  • The Balance Blueprint : Designing a life of equilibrium.
  • Transformative Tales : Stories of change and inspiration.
  • The Progress Project : Documenting steps toward personal goals.
  • Flourish Forward : Encouraging growth and forward movement.
  • The Motivation Manifesto : A call to action for self-improvement.
  • Dream & Do : Turning aspirations into reality.
  • The Growth Garden : Nurturing personal development like a garden.
  • Soulful Success : Defining success on your own terms.
  • The Empowered Experience : Living life with intention and purpose.
  • Inspire & Ignite : Sparking motivation in yourself and others.
  • The Visionary Voyage : Navigating toward your dreams.
  • Purposeful Pursuits : Engaging in meaningful activities for fulfillment.
  • Tech Tonic : Refreshing takes on the latest tech trends.
  • Gadget Guru : Insights and reviews for tech enthusiasts.
  • Byte-Sized Insights : Quick, digestible tech news and tips.
  • Digital Drift : Exploring the latest in digital innovation.
  • The Innovation Station : A hub for all things tech and creative.
  • Tech Talk Today : Current discussions on technology.
  • The Circuit Chronicles : Stories from the world of electronics.
  • Future Forward : Embracing the technology of tomorrow.
  • The Tech Nest : A cozy place for tech lovers.
  • Gizmo Gazette : News and reviews on the latest gadgets.
  • The Code Chronicles : Insights into programming and development.
  • Virtual Ventures : Exploring the realms of virtual reality.
  • The Tech Savvy : Tips for navigating the digital landscape.
  • Bytes & Bits : Quick insights into tech trends.
  • The Digital Domain : Your guide to the online world.
  • Tech Trends Unplugged : Unfiltered discussions on tech.
  • The Cyber Sphere : Exploring the digital universe.
  • Gadget Glimpse : Sneak peeks into upcoming tech.
  • The Tech Explorer : Discovering new technologies and innovations.
  • Innovate & Integrate : Merging creativity with technology.
  • The Data Dive : Deep dives into data analysis and insights.
  • Techie Tidbits : Fun facts and tips for tech enthusiasts.
  • The Digital Dispatch : Timely updates on tech developments.
  • The Tech Traveler : Exploring technology across the globe.
  • The Byte Beat : Keeping you in rhythm with tech news.
  • Style Spectrum : Celebrating diverse fashion choices.
  • Threads & Trends : A focus on current fashion trends.
  • Chic Chronicles : Stories and tips from the fashion world.
  • Fashion Forward : Leading the way in style and trends.
  • The Style Sanctuary : A safe haven for fashion lovers.
  • Glamour Gazette : The latest in high fashion and glamour.
  • The Trend Tracker : Keeping an eye on what’s in vogue.
  • Dapper Diaries : A journey through stylish men’s fashion.
  • Vogue Vignettes : Short pieces on the latest fashion insights.
  • The Fashion Fusion : Blending styles for unique looks.
  • Couture Chronicles : Documenting the world of haute couture.
  • The Stylish Society : A community for fashion enthusiasts.
  • Runway Reflections : Insights from the fashion runway.
  • The Chic Edit : Curated fashion advice and inspiration.
  • The Fashionista Files : Personal stories from fashion lovers.
  • Wardrobe Wonders : Tips on building a fabulous wardrobe.
  • The Sartorial Story : Exploring the narrative of fashion.
  • Fashion Flare : Adding a spark to your style.
  • The Dressed Diaries : Documenting daily outfits and style.
  • Style Savvy : Smart tips for fashionable living.
  • The Elegant Ensemble : Curating sophisticated looks.
  • The Fashion Frontier : Exploring new trends and styles.
  • The Trendy Traveler : Fashion tips for the globe-trotter.
  • The Couture Compass : Navigating the world of fashion.
  • Chic & Unique : Celebrating individual style and flair.
  • Parenting Palette : A colorful take on parenting experiences.
  • The Joyful Juggle : Navigating the chaos of parenthood.
  • Tiny Triumphs : Celebrating small victories in parenting.
  • Moments of Magic : Capturing the special moments of family life.
  • The Parenting Patch : A nurturing space for parenting insights.
  • Little Adventures : Exploring the world through a child’s eyes.
  • The Family Focus : Centering on family and togetherness.
  • Raising Resilience : Building strength in children and parents.
  • The Playful Parent : Emphasizing fun in parenting.
  • Cherished Chaos : Embracing the beautiful mess of family life.
  • Parenting Perspectives : Diverse viewpoints on raising children.
  • The Nurturing Nest : Creating a loving home environment.
  • Joyful Journeys in Parenting : Celebrating the adventure of parenthood.
  • The Family Chronicles : Documenting the journey of family life.
  • The Parent Playbook : Strategies for successful parenting.
  • Growing Together : Fostering growth within the family unit.
  • The Heartfelt Home : Building a home filled with love.
  • The Parenting Puzzle : Piecing together the challenges of parenting.
  • The Family Voyage : Navigating the journey of family life.
  • The Happy Hearth : Creating warmth and happiness at home.
  • The Parenting Palette : A colorful approach to raising kids.
  • The Kiddo Chronicles : Documenting the adventures of childhood.
  • The Family Connection : Strengthening bonds among family members.
  • Parenting Pathways : Exploring different approaches to parenting.
  • The Loving Labyrinth : Finding your way through the complexities of parenthood.
  • Vitality Vibes : Promoting a healthy lifestyle with positive energy.
  • Wellness Whirl : A dynamic approach to health and wellness.
  • Balanced Bliss : Focusing on achieving balance in life.
  • Holistic Harmony : Integrating mind, body, and spirit for wellness.
  • The Wellness Way : Guiding you on a path to better health.
  • Nourish & Flourish : Encouraging healthy eating and living.
  • The Healthy Haven : A safe space for health and wellness tips.
  • Mindful Movements : Promoting physical activity with intention.
  • The Wellness Wanderer : Exploring wellness practices from around the world.
  • Radiant Health Journal : Documenting the journey to vibrant health.
  • The Fit Focus : Tips and tricks for staying fit and healthy.
  • The Vitality Voyage : A journey toward optimal health.
  • Wellness Wisdom : Sharing insights for a healthier lifestyle.
  • The Health Hub : Your go-to source for health information.
  • The Wellness Whisperer : Gentle guidance for a healthier life.
  • Energized Essence : Finding your inner energy and vitality.
  • The Holistic Haven : Embracing a comprehensive approach to health.
  • The Wellness Workshop : Crafting a healthier lifestyle.
  • Thrive & Shine : Encouraging you to flourish in all aspects of life.
  • The Balanced Body : Emphasizing physical and mental balance.
  • The Healthy Heartbeat : A rhythm of wellness and vitality.
  • The Wellness Wayfinder : Navigating your path to health.
  • The Mindful Meal : Eating with awareness and intention.
  • The Vibrant Life : Celebrating health and vitality in everyday living.
  • The Wellness Wave : Riding the wave of health trends and tips.
  • Roaming Realms : Exploring different cultures and places.
  • Wander Wave : Riding the wave of travel adventures.
  • Passport Playground : A fun take on travel experiences.
  • The Travel Tapestry : Weaving stories from around the globe.
  • Nomadic Narratives : Sharing tales from the road.
  • The Journey Journal : Documenting travels and experiences.
  • Globetrotter Gazette : News and tips for the avid traveler.
  • The Adventure Atlas : Mapping out exciting travel experiences.
  • Traveling Tales : Stories from various destinations.
  • The Roaming Reporter : Reporting on travel adventures.
  • The Scenic Sojourn : Capturing beautiful travel moments.
  • Wanderlust Wonders : Celebrating the spirit of exploration.
  • The Travel Tribe : A community for fellow travelers.
  • The Exploratory Expedition : Diving deep into new cultures.
  • The Vagabond Voice : Sharing the experiences of a wanderer.
  • The Journey Junkie : For those who can’t get enough of travel.
  • The Travel Trailblazer : Leading the way in travel exploration.
  • The Globe Glider : Smooth travels across the world.
  • The Adventure Awaits : Encouraging exploration and discovery.
  • The Travel Compass : Guiding you to your next adventure.
  • The Scenic Route : Finding beauty in the journey.
  • The Global Nomad : Embracing a life of travel and exploration.
  • The Journey Journal : Documenting the adventures of travel.
  • The Travel Diaries : Personal accounts of travel experiences.
  • The Wanderer’s Way : Following the path of exploration.
  • Ink & Imagination : Celebrating the art of writing and creativity.
  • Canvas & Quill : Merging visual arts and writing.
  • The Muse’s Journey : Exploring inspiration in creativity.
  • Creative Chronicles : Documenting the creative process.
  • The Artful Wordsmith : Crafting beautiful narratives.
  • The Storyteller’s Studio : A space for sharing stories and art.
  • Artistry & Authorship : Blending visual and written arts.
  • The Inspired Ink : Fueling creativity through writing.
  • The Creative Canvas : A platform for artistic expression.
  • The Writer’s Haven : A safe space for writers and artists.
  • The Poetic Palette : Exploring poetry and its colors.
  • The Narrative Nook : A cozy corner for storytelling.
  • Art & Expression : Celebrating creativity in all forms.
  • The Writer’s Workshop : Crafting and honing writing skills.
  • The Creative Collective : A community for artists and writers.
  • The Imaginative Inkling : Sparking creativity and ideas.
  • The Artistic Odyssey : A journey through the world of art.
  • The Crafty Quill : Mastering the art of writing.
  • The Story Weaver : Weaving tales that captivate.
  • The Inspired Imprint : Leaving a mark through creativity.
  • The Creative Corner : A hub for artistic inspiration.
  • The Artistic Adventure : Exploring the world of creativity.
  • The Inked Journey : Documenting the writing process.
  • The Creative Muse : Inspiring creativity in others.
  • The Inspired Artisan : Celebrating craftsmanship and creativity.

And there you have it! Now get creative to come up with your blog’s name.

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How to Come Up With a Blog Name [Guide + Examples]

Blog names are extremely important:  77% of marketers say that proper branding is critical to growth. 

Bad names can be confusing.

They’re hard to remember. Hard to spell. And hard for your audience to share.

In other words: a bad name makes it harder to  build a successful blog or business.

So how can you come up with a blog name that works?

By using proven concepts to make a list of good name ideas.

And then testing them to pick the best one.

In this guide, you’ll learn exactly how to name your blog or brand. (And find a great domain for it, too.)

Blog names - how to name a blog hero

What Makes a Good Blog Name

This short section touches on the most important things to keep in mind while choosing a name for your blog, startup or product.

We’ll move through these quickly for now, for you to keep in mind when we move on to the brainstorming step.

Then, later, we’ll revisit them in more detail.

As Rand Fishkin says, names matter.

Good blog names (and brand names):

  • Are memorable.
  • Don’t get confused with something else.
  • Are easy to read and pronounce.
  • Aren’t too long.
  • Have the .com domain available.

Note that you don’t have to love your blog’s name, as long as you don’t hate it.

Say it with me: “ I don’t have to love my blog’s name .”

You aren’t your audience.

Another thing: the name you choose also doesn’t have to perfectly fit the topic you’ll be going after either, as long as it doesn’t clearly imply something different .

Just keep that in the back of your mind for now.

We’ll come back to these concepts and more in a bit.

First, a note:

This guide is for people who want to start a successful blog.

Not everyone cares whether their blog becomes popular, influential, or a profitable business. If you don’t, or if you just want to create a personal blog and name it after yourself, you can stop reading right here.

But if you want to build a blog that can become a business — if you want it to be a brand that’s separate from your name — then let’s keep going.

Prefer to download this guide for later? No problem: just click here.

Brainstorm Blog Name Ideas

The first step to finding a catchy brand or blog name is to create a list of as many ideas as you can.

But you don’t have to rely solely on your brain for this — as long as you have a few ideas to start with, I’ll show you 6 great methods you can use to get a lot more clever blog names.

Tip: research shows that the early evening is the best time for brainstorming because you’re less likely to filter yourself at that time.

Okay, let’s do it.

First, try to come up with at least 2-3 ideas for blog names on your own.

Think about your target audience. How do they describe themselves? Their problems? The topic you’ll be blogging about?

You can also go the “unrelated” route and just list some random short words that you like.

And of course, any words that are relevant to the topic you’ll be blogging about.

This list of of 2-3+ blog name ideas (or even just individual words) is important. Because it will act as a “seed” from which you’ll generate a TON more ideas.

Which takes us to the next step: generate more ideas.

Below are my 6 favorite methods. You don’t have to use all of them, but try at least a few.

First, open up a new Google Doc or grab a pen and paper. You’re going to need it.

Method #1: use Google’s “related searches” feature.

Just search Google for a word or phrase that describes your topic (or one of the words you’ve brainstormed), then scroll to the bottom of the page and Google will show you a list of related searches.

Google searches related to your topic - pasta

Not only may some of these be good ideas in their own right (HomemadePasta), you can also click on one or more to run a search for that term, which may give you other ideas. For example, a search for pasta dishes might give you a bunch more ideas to name your blog after.

Method #2: use or

Head over to and type in one of the words you’ve come up with.

For example, say one of your ideas is “Pasta Snob”. You can put “pasta” into and it will give you all these ideas:

Noodles, gnocchi, linguine, macaroni, ravioli, spaghetti, tortellini, fettuccini, lasagna, manicotti, orzo, rigatoni, shells, vermicelli, and ziti.

Pasta Synonyms for name brainstorm

Most of those are pretty long and hard to spell. But NoodleSnob, MacaroniSnob, RavioliSnob and SpaghettiSnob aren’t too bad.

For even more ideas, you can also check out the “Word Origin & History” box. Or the “related terms” section (which isn’t always an option). Or change your search type at the top from synonyms to definitions.

Take any of these new words that you like and add them to your list.

Then go through the same process with the second part of your name idea (for example, “Snob”).

If isn’t giving you much to work with, you can use the same way.

Method #3: use a rhyming dictionary.

Phrases that rhyme are not only easy to remember, they’re also judged as more trustworthy than phrases that don’t. It’s a known psychological bias called the “ rhyme-as-reason effect “.

So why not take some of your word ideas and plug them into a rhyming dictionary?

There are a few good options:

RhymeZone – the standard online rhyming dictionary. Can be organized by syllables or letters. Tip: after making a search try hitting the “Advanced” link for a ranked list.

RhymeZone rhyming words for blog names

Rhymer – much more advanced rhyming dictionary. You can search by multiple rhyme types like end rhymes, double rhymes, first-syllable rhymes, etc. Don’t get sucked too far down the rabbit hole.

DillFrog Muse – best for half-rhymes: for “pasta,” these would be words like “casa” or “papa”. ( Pasta Papa has a nice ring to it, right?)

Method #4: use word lists.

Sometimes you just need a list of words to browse. There are several ways to use this method.’s “words by word length” page lists words by length and first letter.

Alliteration is another good way to make a name more catchy, so grab a list of words that uses the same first letter as one of your brainstormed ideas. Back to our pasta blog example, combining the word “pasta” with a list of 4-letter words starting with “p” can give us ideas like “PastaPack,” “PastaPigs,” “PeakPasta,” etc.

Similarly, provides lists of nouns by first letter, and A-Z Animals  does the same for animals. More and more brand names are being formed by using pairing a relevant word with a random noun, like Survey Monkey or BuzzSumo (or GrowthBadger 😄).

For something a little different, Feldark Realms will generate fake words like “Bismig” and, well, “Feldark”. Just make sure the words you nab are easy to spell (and that they truly are fake).

If none of those work for you, you can also glance at a big, indiscriminate list of the top 500 words in English right here .

Method #5: add, subtract, or substitute letters from your existing words or words related to your subject.

Super simple.

For example:

Shop ➡ Shopify

Backlinks ➡ Backlinko

Bit ➡ Bitly

Method #6: use domain name generators (URL generators).

I love this method because it checks multiple boxes all at once.

Using domain name generators, you can not only find new name ideas — you can also check whether the .com URL is available at the same time. But I should warn you that sometimes these tools will say the URL is available when actually it isn’t.

Here are my favorite domain name generators. They each have their own strengths:

Namemesh  – combines two or more words into a .com URL, and also provides related ideas below. My favorite categories are “Similar” (which includes related words you may not have thought of), and “Fun” (which provides alternate spellings and other modifications).

Namemesh domain name search for naming websites

Lean Domain Search   – lists a ton of available .com URLs that include the word or phrase you insert. The nice thing about this one is that you can get lots of good ideas from just one word. Tip: hit the option on the left to sort by “length”.

Available .com URLs containing the word pasta

Batname – what makes Batname awesome is that you can use a # to include related words, synonyms, or things belonging to a category. For example, #metal or #animal.

Batname URL checker for naming a website

What about blog name generators?

Most blog name generators have at least one major flaw.

Typically, they:

  • don’t give you enough control,
  • don’t check for .com domain name availability, and
  • come up with names that are waaay too long.

So in general I don’t recommend blog name generators. But if you’ve made it this far without any good ideas at all, you can give one a shot.

Narrow Down to Your Best Ideas with These Rules

Now that you’ve got a great list of blog name ideas, it’s time to narrow them down.

This section will give you specific guidelines to help you cut down your list of potential blog names.

By the time you’ve finished with this step, you’ll only have a few top options left.

Sharpen your axe and let’s start chopping.

Not every successful blog or business follows every one of these rules, but the more of them you can follow, the better.

#1: Make it memorable.

Short names that invoke some kind of visual image using a concrete noun are among the easiest to remember.

Other factors that can make names memorable include alliteration (Coca-Cola, Best Buy), rhyming, humor, or familiarity (as long as it’s not too similar to something else).

#2: It should be easy to read, spell, and pronounce.

Having an easy-to-read, easy-to-pronounce name makes it easier for people to spread the word. It also creates co gnitive ease , which makes your brand seem more trustworthy and likeable.

As a rule of thumb, I like Jason Calacanis’s guidance: “if you have to spell it over the phone, you’ve lost.”

It’s easy to think of examples that break this rule, like Lyft and Google (a misspelling of “Googol”). But there’s no denying that the harder to it is to spell or say a name, the harder it is to find or share it.

This also means you should try to avoid using numbers or hyphens.

#3: It shouldn’t make people think it’s about something else.

A blog about startups could be called StartupStories, but a blog about politics should not be.

There are two smart approaches here:

a) Name your blog something related to what it’s about (TechCrunch, Mr. Money Mustache); or

b) Name it something that doesn’t really mean anything (Wait But Why, Mashable, The Blonde Salad).

You may also consider what your name means in other languages… but that can turn into a massive distraction. So I wouldn’t worry about that too much unless you know a large part of your audience is going to speak another language.

#4: It should sound like a brand name (rather than a generic description).

There’s a difference between naming your blog something related to what it’s about, and giving it an overly literal description as a name.

Which name sounds more trustworthy to you:

“Backlinko” or “Best SEO Blog”?

“” or “”?

One feels like a brand, and the other feels like spammy junk.

Think about the most popular blogs you follow.

I bet they all have brandable names.

It’s also true that the more specific and literal your description is, the harder it will be to expand your topic coverage later if you want to. 

#5: It shouldn’t be already taken .

This one seems obvious, but there are a few important things to check here.

A) Google it to see what comes up.

Is there already a business out there with the same name? Is it the nickname of a big celebrity? Is it a natural phenomenon?

You’re going to want your blog or business to come up #1 when people search for its name, so it’s best if there are no (or few) existing Google results for it.

To see if the exact name is already being used, Google it in quotes (e.g. “GrowthBadger” ).

To see a broader view of what existing associations people might have with the idea, Google it without quotes (e.g. GrowthBadger ). You can also try it with and without spaces.

B) Run a basic search on the US Patent and Trademark Office site to see if the name is already taken. (Even if you don’t plan to trademark it yourself.)

As far as I know ( though I’m not a lawyer and this isn’t legal advice ), trademark infringement is usually only an issue within the same industry… but you don’t want to put yourself in a position to get sued, whether rightly or wrongly. Plus the Google factor I just mentioned.

C) Make sure the .com URL and major social media accounts are available.

If you’re going after a US-based or broad international audience, a .com domain is the gold standard. (We even ran an experiment on domain extensions to find out if that’s still true and yes, it is.) 

There are certainly successful blogs and companies that have used alternative domain extensions like .net, .blog, .co, .me or .io, and depending on your audience one of those might be fine.

And if you’re starting a charity, .org might be best.

But more often than not, you’ll be better off with the .com if you can get it.

#6: Make it as short as possible — both in terms of letters and  syllables .

This plays into some of the other factors we’ve covered: shorter usually means easier to spell, remember, and brand.

But a short name also makes it easier to fit into your social handles — for example, Twitter’s username limitation is only 15 characters.

In fact, length is one of the reasons I created a new brand for this site instead of using our existing agency’s name, Blue Mint Marketing. (Blue Mint Marketing is 17 characters without spaces, vs only 12 for GrowthBadger.)

#7: It should fit your target audience — and the aspirations of your blog or brand.

If you’re going to do serious, in-depth financial writing, “BallerDollars” is not a good name.

Likewise, if you want to eventually have a lot of different contributors to your blog, don’t give it your personal name.

Think about not only what your initial focus might be, but also how that might change and expand over time.

#8: You need to like it enough to live with it.

When Phil Knight commissioned the Nike logo, he wanted a simple, fluid design that conveyed speed .

The Swoosh is now one of the most recognizable brand logos in the world, and it’s studied in design schools everywhere.

But when Knight first saw it, he said, “I don’t love it, but I think it will grow on me.”

You don’t have to love your new blog’s name. All the other factors are more important.

But you do need to like it enough to live with it. You want to be able to stand up straight when you tell people what it’s called.

Scientifically Test Your Best Name Ideas

Congratulations! If you’ve made it this far, you’ve given it more thought than 95%+ of other bloggers.

By this point, you should have at least 2 different names that follow all or most of the rules above. (If not, do some more brainstorming.)

If you want, you can actually stop here and just decide.

But to really find the best blog name, it’s not enough to use your own judgment. If you’re really serious, you need to test your beliefs with other people.

There are a few major problems with asking your friends and family for their opinions.

First , they’re probably not your target audience.

Second , they’ll lie to you to be nice.

And third , there aren’t enough of them.

So it’s important to branch out a little.

But before we go over the in-depth, more scientific tests I recommend, let me give you a quick, free, informal test you actually can try with your friends and family.

This will help you get a picture of your brand or blog name ideas’ memorability, without requiring the time and effort of the more rigorous testing we’ll look at afterward.

It’s simple:

a) Ask your friends and family for their quick opinion on a couple of name ideas (“which do you like more?”). The key here is not to tell them that you’re testing for memorability — you’re just asking for their preference.

b) An hour or two later, ask them if they remember what the names were.

Done! Quick and easy.

Now let’s look at two “in-depth” tests you can use:

1. A special   survey to get people’s opinions about your name ideas as well as test for other things like hear-ability and memorability. In most cases, this survey is all you’ll need to make a decision.

2. For those of you who want to be extra-thorough, a more advanced   behavioral test that mimics Google to check how people will actually respond to your blog names in the wild.

Both of these tests use Amazon Mechanical Turk , which is basically a freelance site that specializes in tiny little tasks. (If you’re outside the US, you may want to double-check that Mechanical Turk is available to use in your country before moving forward.)

Each of these tests also costs around $100+ to run using Mechanical Turk, but if you have a big enough audience you could send the tests to them for free instead.

Important note before you test : be sure to register any domains (buy the URLs) for the names you’re strongly considering. I recommend using Google Domains or Namecheap for this,  both of which have limited refund policies for the URLs you don’t want to keep.

If you don’t register your domain ideas, one of your test respondents will register the domain out from under you. Also consider grabbing any likely misspellings, and the major social media profiles.

All right, let’s test some blog names.

Blog name test #1: Survey

Using a survey allows you to find people’s gut reactions, pre-existing associations, biases and more.

If that all sounds too soft and squishy, you can also use a survey to test how memorable your blog brand name ideas are, as well as how easy they are to hear and spell.

We’re going to set up a survey to do all of the above. (Credit to Customer Dev Labs for the original inspiration for this survey.)

To get started, head over to  Google Forms , log in with your Google account if prompted, and hit the red “+” button to add a new survey.

Google Forms create new survey

Name it something simple like “Blog name survey”.

Now we’ll quickly create 6 different sections of questions.

Section A: Hearability Test

This section will tell us how easy it is to hear, understand, and spell your blog or business name ideas.

First, click the “Tt” button to add a section title.

Google forms - add section title and description

Make it the following:

“Hearability” check: For each of the recordings below, click the link to listen to it, listen only ONCE, and then type the name of the website you hear. We want to know how easy they are to understand, so it’s okay if you don’t understand them — just give it your best shot after listening only once.”

Then click down to the first question and change its type from the default “Multiple choice” to “Short answer”.

Google forms business name survey short answer

Now we need to add a link for people to hear you saying your first name idea.

All you need to do is grab your smartphone and record yourself saying the name. Say it clearly, but at a natural, conversational speed.

On iPhone you can use the built-in Voice Memos app for this, or if you’re on Android there are plenty free voice recorder apps on the Play Store.

Now go to Google Drive  and upload your recording (by either dragging and dropping the file or hitting the “+ New” button).

Right-click the file you just uploaded, hit “Get shareable link” and copy the URL that it provides.

Share link to blog name recordings

Now hit the “+” button to add another question and go through the process again for your next voice recording, until you have links to audio recordings of both or all of your top blog name ideas.

Section B: Word Associations

This section will let you know what your website name ideas make people think of. If one of your URLs makes people think of something dirty, this is how you’ll find out.

Start by clicking the button to add a new section to your survey.

Google forms survey add new section

Remove its title (default is “Untitled Section”; just delete that text and it will change to some gray placeholder text).

Then hit the “ + ” button to add a new question.

Change the question type to Paragraph , and paste this in as your question:

What ideas, words or phrases come to mind when you see the website name “” ?

Be sure to replace “ ” with one of your blog name URLs.

Then make the question required .

Now hit the “ duplicate ” button to create an exact copy of the question, and simply replace the URL with your next idea. Repeat if necessary to cover additional URLs.

Blog name survey section 2

Section C: “Palate Cleanser” Distraction

The most important point of this section is to give people something else to focus on for a minute to see if they’ll forget your blog name ideas. (Because in the next section, we’ll test how memorable the names are.)

In addition, the questions in this section can also help you find out a little more about the people taking your survey.

Let’s do it.

Like before, click the button to add a new section to your naming survey, then delete its section title.

Now, add each of the following questions and mark them all as required. Remember, the exact questions aren’t important here so feel free to edit any if there’s other information you want to get:

How old are you? (Multiple choice)

16 – 20

21 – 29

30 – 39

40 – 55

56 – 65

What’s your gender? (Multiple choice)

Other (fill in the blank)

Prefer not to say

What kind of phone do you use most often? (Multiple choice)

Other or none

How often do you buy products online?   (Multiple choice)

Often – about once per week or more

Sometimes – at least once per month

Occasionally – less than once per month

Not often – only a few times per year

Rarely or never

Which of these services do you use regularly? (Checkboxes)

None of these

What is 16 + 30?   (Multiple choice)

Including the math question will help verify that people are actually reading your questions and not just clicking random answers.

Section D: Memorability Test

Remember, you want your name to be as memorable as possible. So now that we’ve distracted your survey takers for a bit, it’s time to find out if they still remember your website name ideas.

As usual, create a new section and remove its title. Then add a single new, required question.

Change it to the “Paragraph” question type.

The question is:

Without going back, try to remember the website names we asked you about before, and write them below. (Note: we want to know how memorable the names are, so if you can’t remember them, that’s OK — just take your best shot at it.)

Section E: Emotional Associations

We already asked what people think about your name ideas. Now it’s time to ask how they make them feel .

Believe it or not, you can get much different responses to that simple difference in phrasing.

Again, you want to use an untitled section for this, make the questions required, and use the Paragraph question type.

The question is simple:

What does the following name make you feel: Example Name

Replace “Example Name” with your name idea, then duplicate the question for each of your alternative ideas.

Section F: Preference and Trustworthiness

Last section.

Time to ask, point-blank, which of your site name ideas people prefer and trust most.

In a new, untitled section, add the following two required questions, replacing the example names and URLs with your ideas.

Both of these questions should use the multiple choice question type:

Which name is more trustworthy as a blog or business?

Example Name –

Another Example –

No preference

Which name do you like better?

Survey Settings

Now that you’ve got all your questions in place, you just need to tweak a couple of settings and your survey will be ready to roll.

Click the “three dot” menu at the top of the screen, then hit “Settings”.

Click the “Presentation” tab and you’ll see the following options:

Website name survey settings in Google Forms

Select the options to “Show progress bar” and “Shuffle question order” (your sections will appear in the same order, but the order of the questions within them will be random).

Then add a confirmation message like “ Thanks! Your unique survey code for Mechanical Turk is: 10365848921 “. But replace the number with any other random long number.

The number will be used as a code by your survey respondents to prove they finished your survey (Amazon Mechanical Turk will prompt them to submit it). Just make yours long and random enough to make it seem unique to each person, even though it won’t be.

Save your settings and your survey is ready!

Now let’s get some people to take it.

Add your survey to Amazon Mechanical Turk

As I mentioned, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (aka MTurk) is basically just a freelancing site that specializes in tiny tasks, down to just pennies each.

We’re going to use it to get hundreds of survey responses at a very low cost, all from the US (or another country if you’d like).

Head over to . If you’ve used it before, sign in.

If you haven’t used MTurk before, hit the “Get started with Amazon Mechanical Turk” button in the middle of the screen.

Amazon Mechanical Turk sign up to create tasks

Then choose the option to Create Tasks (“Create a Requester account”) and go through the steps to get set up.

Mechanical Turk uses a prepayment system, so you’ll need to buy credit to start. Head up to “My Account” at the top, then choose the option to purchase “prepaid HITs”. ( HITs = Human Intelligence Tasks, which is what Amazon calls these little jobs.)

The amount of credit you’ll need to buy depends on how many name ideas you’re going to test in your survey. That’s for two reasons: first, the more names you’re testing, the longer your survey will be. Second, the more names you’re testing, the more responses you’ll need in order to get enough data to make a decision.

Here’s how much credit I recommend buying:

2 names – $112

3 names – $210

4 names – $336

Once you’ve bought your credit, head over to Create ➡ New Project .

Choose the “ Survey Link ” project type on the left, then hit “ Create Projec t.”

Mechanical Turk create survey link project

Fill in the fields on the following page.

Here’s how I do it:

Project Name   [which is private] : Blog Name Survey

Title:  Answer a survey to help us pick our new blog name

Description:  Help us decide between two blog names [replace with your # of names ideas]

Keywords:  survey, demographics

Reward per assignment: $0.8 if you’re testing 2 names, or add 20 cents for each name beyond that (so $1.0 for 3, $1.2 for 4, etc.)

Number of assignments per HIT: 50 for each name you’re testing. So 100 for 2, 150 for 3, etc.

Time allotted per assignment: 10 minutes for 2 names, or add 3 minutes for each additional name (so 13 mins for 3, etc.)

HIT expires in:  15 days

Auto-approve and pay Workers in:  2 days

  • Require that Workers be Masters to do your HITs: No

Specify any additional qualifications Workers must meet to work on your HITs:

Location – is – United States

HIT Approval Rate (%) for all Requesters’ HITs – greater than – 94

  • HIT Visibility: Private

Now at the bottom hit the button go to the next step, “ Design Layout “. This is where you’ll add the link to your survey.

Pop back over to your survey on Google Forms, hit the paper airplane icon at the top right, hit the link icon and copy the shortened URL.

How to get Google Forms survey link

Now paste that link into the “ Survey link ” area of your MTurk project design layout, then hit “ Preview ” to go to the next step.

Add survey link to Mechanical Turk project

Glance over your settings at the top, make sure the URL you added works, and “ Finish “.

You’ll be taken to your list of projects, where you can hit “ Publish Batch ” to start getting survey responses.

MTurk - publish batch survey project

Soon, you’ll know which of your blog name ideas is best.

Just check out the “ Responses ” tab in Google Forms to see what people are saying.

Blog name survey responses in Google Forms

And for fun, here’s a snapshot of responses to the last 2 questions when I tested the name GrowthBadger against a top alternative:

Company name survey results

5 times as many people said they trusted the name GrowthBadger more, while 2.7 times as many people said they liked it more.

That made my decision a whole lot easier.

Blog name test #2: Mimic Google to See How People Will Respond “In the Wild” Using SERP Turkey

This next test is strictly optional. If you’re confident in your responses from the survey test, that’s great — you can stop here!

But if you want to be extra sure, this test is pretty awesome.

It uses a sweet little free tool called SERP Turkey, which allows you to create your own Google search results pages, edit them as you see fit, and find out how people will respond.

It was created as a way for SEO managers to test how different meta tags affect click-through rates, but we’re going to use it to see which of your brand name ideas will get more clicks.

To run this test, simply follow the SERP Turkey instructions here , replacing the domain (URL) and title tag (blue link text) of an existing search result to use your blog name ideas instead.

As a search keyword, put in a short phrase that people use to describe your type of blog, or a major type of content you’ll have. For example, “personal finance blog” or “pasta recipes”.

Then take one of the search results and create a test search engine results page using the existing, unchanged version for the control, and a version for each of the blog name ideas you want to test — just replacing the brand name (including the URL) in one of the search results with your name idea.

Startup name testing with SERP Turkey

This task uses Mechanical Turk again, but we can pay a lot less per task than we did for the survey because it’s a much faster task. In my opinion it’s also not as important to use US-based workers, so that makes it cheaper as well.

But you also need a lot more responses.

Here are the Mechanical Turk settings I recommend for this test:

  • Reward per assignment: $0.10
  • Number of assignments per HIT: 1,500 (this will give you 1,500 responses, which meant 500 per variation for me: control vs. GrowthBadger vs the alternate name idea. If you’re testing more than 2 different name ideas, I’d add 500 more assignments for each additional.)
  • Time allotted: 2 minutes
  • Hit expires in: 15 days
  • Auto-approve and pay Workers in: 1 day
  • HIT Approval Rate for all Requesters’ HITs is greater than 94

Final Thoughts

One thing to keep in mind about Mechanical Turk is that it taps into a broad pool of people who will not necessarily have any specific interest in (or knowledge about) your topic.

In other words, Mechanical Turk workers are not your target audience.

It’s a great resource for what we’ve used it for here today, but if you have more in-depth questions about things like your content or industry, you’d be better off using something like SurveyMonkey Audience, which allows for more specific audience selection — at a higher cost.

I hope this guide was able to help you find an amazing name for your blog or business!

Did it help, or do you have any follow-up questions?

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

Want to download a PDF of this guide? Click the image below.

How to Name Your Blog guide PDF preview

42 thoughts on “ How to Come Up With a Blog Name [Guide + Examples] ”

Great article, thank you! I’m planning to start a new blog soon and this is going to make a big difference.

Awesome, thanks for commenting, Kim!

Hey Kyle! Saw your post on /r/blogging. What do you think about our blogs name? *Unhype* We just started our site last month and will probably get a new theme soon and more direction with our content. We want to focus mostly about debunking myths and scams like those that are rampant in fitness, nutrition, medicine but also other spheres of life like investments, business (cryptocurrencies).

We were after a short/brandable .com

Love your blog and I’m sure you will succeed with your background! BTW, I also work in a marketing agency 🙂 Growth Badger is an AWESOME name.

Hey Jacob, thanks for the comment. I think “Unhype” is a great name! Super short (rare to see new .com domains that short), easy to spell, etc. It may be worth running the survey-style test just to see whether people mishear it in any notable ways — they can give you good ideas for alternate domains to buy like maybe “onhype” or “unheight” (you get the idea). But I love the name and it sounds like it perfectly fits what you’re doing. Great find and a cool idea, too — excited to see how the site develops!

thanks Kyle! Btw, another trick to find good domain names is using (free) — you can find some really awesome .coms for reg fee.

Oh that is cool, thanks for sharing — might have to add that to the article!

Some truly nice and utilitarian information on this web site, too I conceive the design has superb features.

Thanks, glad you liked the article.

Hey Man I just wanted to know where you find those amazing graphics and is there any plugin that you use for this in your article :

Any way cheers for this great article!!

Thanks, Nathan! That’s custom-coded, sorry.

Just want to say your article is as surprising. The clarity in your post is just nice and i could assume you are an expert on this subject. Well with your permission let me to grab your RSS feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please carry on the rewarding work.

I’ve been tossing around a few names for a couple new site and agency ideas, and this helps tremendously! The trademark thought helps too. I had never heard that it only applies to the same industry, and that does affect one of my ideas. Thanks.

Awesome, I’m happy to hear it David! For the trademark part, just keep in mind that I’m not a lawyer so it’s probably worth getting some legal help (or at least researching the issue more yourself) before taking the plunge on a name that someone in another industry has trademarked.

For example, I’ve read that “famous” trademarks are granted more power regardless of industry (so you probably can’t build a productivity app and name it “Coca-Cola”).

Great article! My domain is under my name.

but I’m not sure if “Zhou” is too hard for Western users to pronounce and remember.

What do you think? 🙂

Glad you liked, it Jack — thanks.

You’re right, unfortunately: “Zhou” may be difficult to pronounce, spell, and remember for Westerners. Of course, that only matters if you expect to have a large Western audience.

A potentially larger issue is that even though you have the domain, your site doesn’t show up at the top of Google when searching for your name. There is a painter named Jack Zhou who dominates the first page of Google instead.

Since so many people search for business names rather than directly typing in the URL, it’s probably a good idea to create a different brand name for your business.

Hello Kyle,

Great article! I like how you’ve split up the task of blog naming in simple and concrete steps.

I wanted to bring to your attention a new rhyming dictionary I have created at

I think we stand out among similar sites (e.g. RhymeZone) with a selection of words that are more relevant to blog naming and with the possibility to filter results by multiple criteria (part of speech, proper nouns, rare words, consonances).

If you have a spare minute, please check it out.

Hi Janis, interesting — will check it out. Thanks.

Thanks for the great tutorial, I’m beginner, so it’s a useful post for me

Happy to hear it, John.

Thanks for sharing amazing piece of content.

I’m glad you enjoyed it, Henry.

Hey Kyle, I read about your blog on Reddit and am happy to have landed here. While I do have a blog, I was curious as to what I can learn from you and you haven’t disappointed. I’ve never thought of brainstorming blog / domain names as a process, but I’m happy to see that you’ve highlighted so many methods that can be used for this. The eye openers for me were the rhyming method and the URL name generator. Your last part was also interesting as I’ve never thought of “testing” my blog name. I think looking back, this is a costly mistake on my part, as my blog name has high competition and up to now does not appear in SERPs unless someone just types in the URL. Anyway, thanks for sharing this priceless information.

Great to have you here, Nadim — and I’m glad you found this useful! I developed it as framework for myself and thought other people might benefit from it too.

Happy to read this very useful information. Nice and detailed explanation. Appreciate your sharing and tweeted 🙂

Thanks, Pankhuri!

Amazing article and advice. I appreciate you taking the time to help all of us newbies out!

Thanks for saying so — I’m glad you found it helpful!

Hi! Thanks It’s actually a good chunk of info, I was trying to search on social networks but without luck.

Thanks. Going to share it on FaceBook now.

Thanks much, Michael.

Awesome article and what a wonderful UI, I loved reading this blog post.

Kind Regards!

Hi Umer, thanks — I’m glad you liked it!

Great points on naming. I thought mine up over time but unless people know NanXPrt is pronounced Nancks-Purt they may make up their own ideas. Your mechanical Turk points are really good.

Thanks Brian, I’m glad you liked it. Mechanical Turk is a great resource.

Thanks for saying so! It took a lot of work.

A clear list of steps is provided here, including Google forms, Amazon Mechanical Turk, SERP Turkey, and Survey Monkey (Audience) as online techniques to test names, ideal audience, markets, etc. Seems this could supplement a small or large list of existing contacts. Great value. Thanks, Kyle. – LJ Keniry

Thanks for the comment, LJ. I’m glad you found it valuable.

Thanks for sharing an amazing piece of content.

I’m glad you liked it, Salman.

Amazing Tips Kyle, Most of the time picking up a perfect title for the blog becomes a barrier to submitting it on time. These tips would doubtlessly make my work way easier. Totally loved it .Thanks for sharing…

Awesome article and what a wonderful UI, I loved reading this blog post. Regards!

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!

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771 Book Blog Name Ideas For Your Literary Journey

Book Blog Names

Hey, fellow bookworms! 😊

As you dive into the world of book blogging, the very first hurdle is… well, what should you call it?

The name matters. Trust us.

Just like a gripping title makes you pick up a book, a captivating blog name will make readers pause and visit.

And book lovers are actually some of the best audiences to reach out to because they love nothing more than reading.

So, buckle up! We’re about to drop a huge list of book blog name ideas to kickstart your literary journey.

Catchy Book Blog Names

You know, a catchy name is like that book cover you just can’t ignore. It stands out. Draws readers in.

Why Go Catchy? A catchy name is memorable. When readers stumble upon a zillion blogs every day, you want yours to stick. It’s almost like having a bestseller. Instant recall.

Remember: Catchy doesn’t mean complicated. It should roll off the tongue and be easy to type.

Think about it: “The Hunger Games.” Simple. Yet, unforgettable, right?

Alright, ready for some inspiration?

Dive into these catchy book blog names:

  • Literary Insights
  • Novel Notes
  • Readers’ Realm
  • Narrative Nook
  • The Book Lady
  • Story Spectrum
  • Book Hooked
  • Flowing Words
  • Readers’ Cave
  • Bibliophile Beat
  • Novel Experiences
  • Diary of a Bookworm
  • Reading Resonance
  • Shelf Help Books
  • By Hook Or Book
  • The Plot Thickens
  • Puns and Roses
  • Fiction Focus
  • Literary Lounge
  • Bookalicious
  • The Magic of Words
  • Igniting the World
  • Book Beaver
  • Hungry for Books
  • The Comprehensive Reader
  • Book Addicts
  • Read More Books
  • Reading on the Run
  • Books, Music, Coffee
  • Book Empress
  • Journal of a Bookworm
  • The Paperback Princess
  • Bookie Bits
  • Chapter Chats
  • Literary Ledger
  • Novel Navigators
  • Prose Place
  • Readers’ Review
  • Bookish Beat
  • Lit Lifelines
  • Page Pioneers
  • Narrative News
  • Epicenter Reads
  • Book Blueprint
  • Novel Numbers
  • Tome Territory
  • Prose Pursuits
  • Reads Reviewed
  • Story Spotlight
  • Book Breakdown
  • Fiction Finder
  • Chapter Chronicles
  • Lit Leaders
  • Tales Unfolded
  • Novel Nexus
  • Prose Pulse
  • Bibliophile Bulletin
  • Page Pursuits
  • Reading Radar
  • Bookish Broadcast
  • Story Seekers
  • Literary Link
  • Novel Narratives
  • Tome Trails
  • Bookish Bytes
  • Fiction Forward
  • Read Reflect
  • Narrative Nectar
  • Literary Lift
  • Novel Nuggets
  • Story Station
  • Tome Tidbits
  • Page Points
  • Reading Routes
  • Bookish Bench
  • Lit Listings
  • Fiction Files
  • Chapter Check
  • Narrative Nods
  • Bookish Buzz
  • Epic Echoes
  • Tales Tapped
  • Novel Nudges
  • Story Stands
  • Reading Ranks
  • Literary Loom
  • Prose Pointers
  • Chapter Clues
  • Bookish Bites
  • Narrative Nests
  • Reading Reverie
  • Story Strokes
  • Novel Nodes
  • Literary Latch
  • Epic Entails
  • Bookish Blend
  • Fiction Frames
  • Read Relays
  • Narrative Niche
  • Chapter Channels
  • Tome Trends
  • Literary Lanes
  • Bookish Bounds
  • Fiction Foci
  • Reading Ripples
  • Novel Nests
  • Epic Embers
  • Page Pivots
  • Story Sifters
  • Chapter Charms
  • Prose Prism
  • Bookish Bridges
  • Fiction Facets
  • Novel Ideas
  • Prose and Cons
  • Paged With Interest
  • Well-Readhead
  • Tome Sweet Tome
  • Read Between the Wines
  • Plot Twisters
  • Take A Leaf Out Of This Book
  • Shelf Aware
  • Of Mice and Pen
  • Booked for the Weekend
  • Readers’ Digestive
  • War and Piece
  • The Grape Gatsby
  • Lord of the Fries
  • A Room of One’s Scone
  • Tequila Mockingbird
  • Brewed Awakening
  • A Novel Approach
  • Pride and Punctuation
  • To Read or Not To Read
  • Eats, Shoots, and Leaves a Review
  • Gone with the Whimsy
  • Unputdownable
  • Cover to Cover
  • Daily Digests
  • Read ‘n’ Roll
  • The Novel Nook
  • Plot Puzzles
  • Word Wonder
  • The Prolific Pen
  • Scribe’s Scroll
  • Fictional Feasts
  • Parchment Pursuit
  • Fictional Fervor
  • Bookish Beats
  • Reading Reprieve
  • Page Perusal
  • Bibliophile Bliss
  • Timeless Tomes
  • Boundless Bibliophile
  • Page-turner Pulse
  • The Fable Foyer
  • Daily Dialectic
  • Prologue Ponderings
  • Literati Love
  • The Prose Portal
  • Bookmarked Bliss
  • Plotting Paths
  • The Book Bar
  • The Prose Place
  • Vivid Volumes
  • Tale Tangle
  • The Plot Pub
  • Plotlines And Prose
  • The Bookish Bistro
  • The Bookish Banquet
  • Plot Pursuits
  • The Cozy Chronicle
  • Reader’s Reverie
  • Tale Trends
  • Chronicle Crave
  • The Cozy Corner
  • The Bookish Banter
  • Chronicle Cafe
  • The Book Boutique
  • Scripted Sojourns
  • Book Bazaar
  • Bookish Bubbles
  • Reading Rendezvous
  • Written Wonders
  • Novel Notions
  • The Reading Retreat
  • The Bookish Bind
  • The Book Bazaar
  • Endless Epics
  • Infinite Imagery
  • Bound By Books
  • Epic Embrace
  • Daily Debut
  • The Prose Pub
  • The Literary Loft
  • Infinite Imaginations
  • The Book Bistro
  • The Prose Potion
  • Spine Chillers
  • The Book Buffet
  • The Page Palette
  • Paperback Palace
  • Fable Frames
  • Daily Dose of Drama
  • Prose Perusal
  • Literary Labyrinth
  • Papyrus Pulse
  • Fiction Fascination
  • Daily Discourse
  • The Novel Nerd
  • Prolific Prose
  • Manuscript Mélange
  • Literary Lore
  • Ink Imprints
  • Boundless Books
  • The Book Brew
  • Spine-tingling Stories
  • Wordy Wonders
  • Ink Impressions
  • Characters And Chapters
  • Bookish Binge
  • The Story Sanctum
  • Chronicle Chasers
  • Epic Endeavors
  • The Compelling Chapter
  • Literary Luxuries
  • Narrative Nuances
  • The Literature Lovers
  • Volumes of Verve
  • The Literature Lounge
  • Inky Insights
  • Novel Nibbles
  • Plot Pursuit
  • The Novel Nest
  • Rustic Readers
  • Plot’s Peak
  • Quill Quirks
  • Bibliophile’s Boudoir
  • The Story Suite
  • Reading Room
  • Daily Drama
  • The Bookish Brew
  • Quill Quest
  • Storyline Synergy
  • Reading Respite
  • Literary Latte
  • The Fiction Flare
  • Bountiful Books
  • Imagined Ink
  • Daily Dystopia
  • The Page Pundit
  • Scripted Saga
  • Daily Dialogues
  • Chronicles Corner
  • Reading Refuge
  • Parchment Parlor
  • Quotation Quest
  • Prose and Plots
  • Paperback Perks
  • Infinite Ink
  • The Bookish Beat
  • Fiction Feeding
  • The Epilogue Essence
  • Character Chronicles
  • Bookish Banter
  • Eloquent Editions
  • Plot Provisions
  • The Narrative Nudge
  • Books And Bagels
  • The Fiction Feeds
  • Ink Inspiration
  • Read Relish
  • PageTurners
  • Prose Patrol
  • Fable Forest
  • Narrative Nectars
  • Tales And Tomes
  • Verbose Vibes
  • Scripted Symphony
  • Reading Realm
  • Manuscript Muse
  • The Open Book
  • The Wordy Wanderer
  • Prolific Pages
  • Storyline Stash
  • Literary Lantern
  • The Stylish Scribe
  • Page Turner
  • Novel Nibble

Creative Book Blog Names

Creativity stands tall. Especially in a sea of similar-sounding names.

Why Go Creative? Creative names evoke emotions. They paint a picture in the reader’s mind. The more vivid, the better.

But be cautious. With creativity, the balance is key. Too far off, and readers might get puzzled.

Remember “A Series of Unfortunate Events”? Intriguing, right? It promises a tale, a journey.

Check out these creative book blog names:

  • The Story Seeker
  • Whispering Words
  • Prose Pavilion
  • Story Street
  • Fable Fusion
  • The Reading Refuge
  • Avid Adventures
  • Book Buffet
  • Novel Nuances
  • Page Parables
  • Whispers of Words
  • Prose Uncovered
  • Enticing Epilogue
  • Stanzas And Stories
  • The Reading Respite
  • The Inked Inn
  • The Manuscript Mansion
  • Pensive Page-Turners
  • Reading Realms
  • Fiction Fizz
  • Bookish Boutique
  • Spilled Ink Insights
  • The Chapter Chronicles
  • Prose Palette
  • Prologue Perspectives
  • The Chapter Cafe
  • Prologue and Pages
  • Captivating Chronicles
  • Between the Bindings
  • Literary Liaisons
  • The Narrative Niche
  • Autographed Anecdotes
  • The Tale Tracker
  • The Book Beacon
  • Inked Wisdom
  • Bibliophile Banter
  • The Epic Encounter
  • Literati Lounge
  • The Vivid Volumes
  • Marginal Musings
  • Prose Paradise
  • Dreamy Dialogues
  • Library Labyrinths
  • UnBound Chapters
  • The Quotation Quarters
  • Literary Lighthouse
  • Book Boudoir
  • Plotting Pages
  • Fable Factory
  • Inked Impressions
  • Papyrus Parlor
  • The Printing Press
  • The Story Soiree
  • Literary Luxe
  • Fictitious Fervor
  • Storyline Snippets
  • The Novel Nexus
  • Diction Diner
  • Attic of Authors
  • Daily Dose of Discourse
  • Chapter Chatter
  • The Scripted Sanctuary
  • The Spine Spree
  • Dainty Dictums
  • Scripted Serenity
  • Diction Delight
  • The Word Weaver
  • Bookish Bliss
  • Print and Prose
  • Enchanted Editions
  • The Paged Path
  • Bookish Bistro
  • Boundless Book Banter
  • Parchment Chronicles
  • Bibliophile’s Bakery
  • Literary Lush
  • Enchanted Epics
  • The Librarian’s Loft
  • Literary Lunch
  • The Fiction Fortress
  • The Storybook Sanctuary
  • Book Banter
  • The Boundless Bookshelf
  • Narrative Nibbles
  • Prose And Poetry
  • The Story Stash
  • Ink And Insights
  • The Folio Forum
  • Tangled Texts
  • Compendium of Chronicles
  • Bibliophile’s Bistro
  • Words And Wanderlust
  • The Bookmarks Bureau
  • Dose of Diction
  • The Boundless Bookstore
  • The Bookish Boulevard
  • Prose And Parchment
  • The Plot Point
  • The Fable Factory
  • The Escapist Editions
  • Wordsmith’s Workshop
  • Chronicles of Candor
  • The Tale Tavern
  • The Story Spectrum
  • Inked Pages
  • The Volume Vault
  • The Bookish Bungalow
  • Epic Escapades
  • The Reading Room
  • Daily Dose of Dystopia
  • Epilogue Emporium
  • The Printed Place
  • Narration Nibbles
  • The Book Club
  • The Storytelling Studio
  • Wisdom Well
  • The Fictional Feast
  • Book Banquet
  • Bookish Breeze
  • The Textual Trove
  • The Written Word
  • Paperback Pursuits
  • Words And Wonders
  • Captivating Chapters
  • Prose And Parchments
  • Manuscript Musings
  • Bookish Feast
  • The Printed Passage
  • The Folio Frontier
  • The Parchment Parlour
  • The Narration Niche
  • Wisdom Waves
  • The Tale Twist
  • Storyline Spectrum
  • The Literary Lair
  • Narrative Nuggets
  • Book Barrel
  • Words And Whisky
  • Tome Traditions
  • The Narrative Nook
  • Prose And Potions
  • Between The Hardcover
  • Prose And Pages
  • Saga Sanctuary
  • Words And Wisdom
  • Paperbound Pulse
  • Bookish Beginnings
  • Verses And Volumes
  • Prose And Plumes
  • Witty Wordsmiths
  • Versed Ventures
  • The Book Bundle
  • Storybook Sojourns
  • The Volume Voyage
  • The Fictional File
  • Literary Digest
  • Wit And Wisdom Library

Unique Book Blog Names

Want to carve a niche? Go unique. But remember, unique doesn’t mean abstract.

Why Go Unique? Unique names set you apart. They’re like those rare editions every bibliophile cherishes. Distinct and irreplaceable.

A tip from us: Blend personal experiences with bookish terms.

Now, let’s stir those creative juices, shall we?

Unravel these unique book blog names:

  • Lit Labyrinth by Laura
  • Novel Nook Nests
  • Book Binge Bayside
  • Prose Pulse Points
  • The Page Turner
  • Ink Slingers
  • Book Babble
  • The Novel Daily
  • Reads Review
  • Dose of Drama
  • Book Bender
  • Inkling Ideas
  • Chapter Chat
  • Parchment Parade
  • Letter Lounge
  • Book Bistro
  • Literary Lair
  • Dose of Books
  • Ink Innovations
  • Reader Revels
  • Edition Echoes
  • Print Pulse
  • Book Bounty
  • Dose of Novels
  • Chapter Chase
  • Read Revelry
  • Literary Lux
  • Book Dynamo
  • Reading Rush
  • Book Beacon
  • Narrative Notes
  • Book Buzzer
  • Literary Lines
  • Book Brunch
  • Novel Niche
  • Book Barometer
  • Ink Igniters
  • Novel Narrator
  • Book Brilliance
  • Book Breeze
  • Book Bubble
  • Novel Network
  • Book Balloon
  • Narrative Navigator
  • Book Bungalow
  • Ink Invaders
  • Novel Navigator
  • Book Bedtime
  • Reading Router
  • Ink Invasion
  • Novel Nomad
  • Narrative Nest
  • Book Bridge
  • Reading Ritual
  • Wordsmith’s Wonderland
  • Dystopian Digest
  • Tale Temptations
  • Literati Lodge
  • Novella Niche
  • Tome Travels
  • The Tale Teller
  • Magic Manuscripts
  • Literary Lion
  • Lexicon Lovers
  • Plots and Prologues
  • Written Whispers
  • The Bibliophile Bunker
  • Scribe’s Scrolls
  • Austen Avenue
  • The Boundless Book
  • Fables Found
  • Inkwell Ideas
  • The Enthralling Epilogue
  • Balzac’s Bookshelf
  • Inklings Insights
  • Parchment Ponderer
  • Vivacious Volumes
  • The Versed Voyager
  • Fantasy Fiction Focus
  • Pensieve Pages
  • The Quill Quest
  • Parable Planet
  • Eloquent Epiphanies
  • Classic Connoisseurs
  • Fable’s Footsteps
  • Bewitched Books
  • Novella Nook
  • The Chapter Chaser
  • The Versed Vagabond
  • Mystic Manuscripts
  • Odes of Old
  • Intriguing Inklings
  • Enlightening Editions
  • Lexicon Lair
  • Spellbound Scrolls
  • Whimsical Writings
  • Pages of Passage
  • The Quill’s Quest
  • Words in Wanderlust
  • Enthralling Editions
  • Fable’s Footnotes
  • Prose And Poetry Perusal
  • Boundless Bookworm
  • Turning Pages
  • Attic Adventures
  • Parable Pundit
  • Volumes Voyage
  • Poesy’s Prose
  • Tome Tracker
  • Worded Wonders
  • The Quirky Quill
  • The Prose Prospector
  • Twisted Tales
  • Epic Epochs
  • Moby’s Digest
  • Narrative Navigators
  • The Story Space
  • Chronicles of Novels
  • The Literary Lens
  • Incantation Ink
  • The Yarn Yard
  • Captivating Codex
  • Word Wanderer
  • Storyteller’s Study
  • The Book Brigade
  • Story Sanctum
  • Pages and Prose
  • Vibrant Volumes
  • Parchment and Prose
  • Storyteller’s Soirée
  • Serene Stories
  • Storybook Sanctum
  • The Read Retreat
  • Bookish Beatitudes
  • Wordsworth Wonders

Book Blog Name Generator

Okay, feeling a tad overwhelmed? It happens. Especially when the possibilities are, well, endless.

That’s when a name generator can be your best bud.

How does it work? Feed in keywords. Hit generate. Voila! A plethora of names at your fingertips.

Our Two Cents: Generators give you a starting point. Feel free to tweak the results. Personalize them.

Still with us?

Jump into these generated book blog names:

  • Biblio Play
  • Prose Party
  • Word Wizardry
  • Book Junkiez
  • Story Scribbles
  • Quill Whisper
  • Page Turner Blog
  • Paper Trailz
  • Bookish Fiesta
  • Bookworm Hub
  • Plot Twist Zone
  • Bookworm Haven
  • Bookish Tales
  • Prose Playground
  • Literary Journey
  • Prose Palace
  • Novel Nirvana
  • Page Turners
  • Literary Larks
  • Page Turner Hub
  • Book Jamboree
  • Bookish Babble
  • Chapter Chums
  • Bookworm Buzz
  • Literary Lark
  • Bookworm Nook
  • Bookworm Bliss
  • Story Safari
  • Read Revolution
  • Story Stash
  • Book Whimsy
  • Literary Laughs
  • Book Worm Club
  • Bookish Glee
  • Bookish Joy
  • Story Sparkle
  • Ink Whisper
  • Novel Whimsy
  • Book Wormery
  • Literary Whimsy
  • Bookish Vibes
  • Story Stomp
  • Story Sphere
  • Book Chatter
  • Bookworm Bash
  • Story Siesta
  • Whimsy Words
  • Read Rendezvous
  • Novel Fiesta
  • Bookworm World
  • Charming Chapters
  • Inked Imagination
  • Bibliophile Buzz
  • Page Pounce
  • Plot Pirates
  • Lit Junkies
  • Book Wizards
  • Plot Playground
  • Literary Llamas
  • The Bookish Den
  • Inked Whimsy
  • Bookish Shenanigans
  • Bookworm Chronicles
  • Bookish Escapades
  • Storyland Adventures
  • Plot Pounce
  • Biblio Bliss
  • Novel Ninja
  • Story Scoop
  • Read It Rave
  • Chapter Chirp
  • Ink Imagination
  • Literary Fun
  • Page Turnerz
  • Quirky Reads
  • Chapter Charm
  • Story Journey
  • Page Turner Party
  • Literary Jamboree
  • Storytime Shenanigans
  • Readaholic Rendezvous
  • Word Whimsy
  • Bookish Haven
  • Bookish Fun
  • Bookish Buddy
  • Story Swoop
  • Storybook Journey
  • Read Sparrow
  • Page Ponder
  • Story Stroll
  • Page Turn Pals
  • Book Nookery
  • Novel Charm
  • Quirky Verse
  • Chapter Caper
  • Chapter Cheer
  • Lit Lovers Land
  • Bookworm Bonanza
  • Epic Era Chronicles
  • Mystical Manuscripts
  • Fable Frontier Fort
  • Tale Trek Terrains

How To Pick A Name For Your Book Blog?

Choosing a name for a book blog goes beyond picking catchy words. It’s about evoking the rich world of literature, appealing to your target audience, and setting the tone for your content.

Let’s deep dive.

  • Genre Specificity: If you’re focusing on a particular genre, let it shine in your name. “MysticMurders” for a mystery blog or “FantasyFolio” for fantasy lovers.
  • Literary Techniques: Employ literary devices for a touch of flair. Alliterations like “Bibliophile’s Bliss” or metaphors like “Literary Lighthouse” can make your blog memorable.
  • Classic References: Dive into the classics for inspiration. “Austen Avenues” or “Shakespearean Shades” can be a nod to iconic authors and draw readers who appreciate these references.
  • Play With Bookish Terms: Words like “chapter”, “prologue”, “epilogue”, “verse”, or “tome” can be creatively integrated. Think “ChapterChats” or “ProloguePages.”
  • Localization: If you’re focusing on regional literature or writing in a specific language, include that. “Slavic Stories” or “Francophone Fiction” can attract a targeted readership.
  • KISS (Keep It Short And Simple): “The Lit Lane” instead of “The Long Literary Lane of Luscious Reads.”
  • Future-proof It: Planning to expand genres? Choose a flexible name.
  • Check Domain Availability: Before finalizing, always ensure your chosen name is available as a domain. You don’t want to pick the perfect name only to realize it’s taken online. You don’t want copyright issues.
  • Gather Feedback: Share your options with a book club or on literary forums. Fellow bookworms might offer insights you hadn’t considered. A fresh set of eyes can give perspective. But remember, it’s your call.

Conclusion: Book Blog Names

Phew! That was quite a literary journey, wasn’t it?

Remember, your blog’s name is its identity. Its face. It should mirror your love for books and resonate with your readers. But most importantly, it should resonate with you .

Happy naming and happy blogging! 📚🚀

P.S. Once you’ve picked a name, drop it in the comments. Would love to see what you came up with! 👀👇🏼

515 Bookstore Slogans and Taglines That Even Shakespeare Would Approve

500+ Book Store Name Ideas That Are Novel In Every Sense

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    10. Pinch of Yum. While there are a lot of food blogs on the Internet, the blog name Pinch of Yum is one of the most recognizable and fun food blog names around. It lets visitors know the niche of this site simply by reading this blog name out loud—without using other kinds of tired or worn out ideas.

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    11. Simplify with abbreviations. "Less is more" can easily explain why people use abbreviations to come up with a blog name. A shortened form of a sentence or phrase can still allow you to have a longer message behind your name, but makes it short and straightforward to write and remember.

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    1) Invented names. An invented name is a combination of two words, or a made-up word consisting of abbreviations. Use your imagination and creativity to create a list of words that describe your blog. Try to merge them together or add a different beginning or ending. Take these examples: Glamela.

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    For example, the travel blog Meraviglia Paper combines the Italian word for marvel or wonder, Mereviglia, with the English word Paper: Try using Google Translate to search for words in another language. 10. Create a Portmanteau. A portmanteau is a word that comes from blending or merging two words together.

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    Technological Blog. Whether you are thinking about a tech blog, math blog, or stem blog; there are a lot of cool technological blogs on the internet. Here are just a few tech blog names: TechCrunch, Wired, The Verge, Gizmodo, TechRadar, DigitalTrends, Mashable.

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    Reading Blog Names. If your writing blog primarily focuses on reading, here are some creative and captivating name ideas for you: 1. Reader's Retreat 2. Literary Escapades 3. Pages and Passions 4. The Reading Reverie 5. Bibliophile's Boulevard 6. Chapter Chasers 7. Enchanting Reads 8. Literature Paradise 9. Bookish Haven 10. Plot Twist Central

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    Step 1. Enter a Key Phrase and Topic. Enter a keyword related to your blog topic, business, product, or service into the blog name generator tool to generate some blog name ideas. Think about one or two keywords that are most important for your specific niche and then consider others:

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    a) Name your blog something related to what it's about (TechCrunch, Mr. Money Mustache); or. b) Name it something that doesn't really mean anything (Wait But Why, Mashable, The Blonde Salad). You may also consider what your name means in other languages… but that can turn into a massive distraction.

  22. 771 Book Blog Name Ideas For Your Literary Journey

    Choosing a name for a book blog goes beyond picking catchy words. It's about evoking the rich world of literature, appealing to your target audience, and setting the tone for your content. Let's deep dive. Genre Specificity: If you're focusing on a particular genre, let it shine in your name. "MysticMurders" for a mystery blog or ...

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    More creative possibilities with longer carousels. Earlier this month, we increased the carousel limit to be up to 20 photos and videos in a single post. You will now have more creative options to fully capture the moment and vibes on your carousels. To create longer carousels, click on Post and then select up to 20 photos and videos.