Essay on Child is Father of the Man for Students and Children

500+ words essay on child is father of the man.

The famous proverb “Child is Father of the Man” is an element of a poem “My Heart Leaps Up”. William Wordsworth, the poet with the greatest faith in nature wrote the poem in 1802. The proverb can be interpreted as per the perception or analysis one draw from the line. The proverb was used in connection to the “ nature ” with the “humanity”. William wants to throw light on the fact that every grown-up man was a child once. Also, how old a man may grow, there will always be a child present within him. He also gives a message that if this childishness disappears, it is very unfortunate and one must better die!

essay on child is father of the man

Child is Father of the Man – What does it Mean?

One can draw many useful implications on critically analyzing the phrase “ Child is Father of the Man ”. The most important idea is to tell that a person’s conduct as an adult i.e. as a man is formed by his habits he practiced as a child. Also the surroundings, influences, and experiences one undergoes in his childhood leave a deep impact on one’s personality.

Thus, it is necessary that a child finds a healthy environment at home and in other places. Only then his physical, mental and social development will take place in the right direction. Such a child will grow up into a joyful, hopeful and generous man.

On the contrary, a child who has always seen quarrels learns the same. Likewise, hatred and distress among the family members, in the neighborhood and the surroundings have an adverse effect. Hence, he will grow up into a maladjusted personality. He will show disrespect for the family, the society and the culture. Such a person cannot serve society. Also turns out as a rebellious and destructive personality.

A child’s mind absorbs or imitates everything as he sees in his family , school, society, and culture. He does not understand good or bad. Thus, there is a huge responsibility on the part of parents, school, and society. They must focus on instilling values from the very childhood. Only then we can build a man of morals.

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A Part of Man Always Remains a Child

Another expression of the proverb is that no matter what the age a man attains, there is a part in him that will always remain a child. A child, who wants to have merry, wants to laugh. One who wants to sit quietly and enjoy the beauty of nature. Also, the one who wants to meet his friends, enjoy leisure. Also wants to love and be loved, wants to hope. Moreover, honor his belief, to feel blessed, lucky and happy.

A person who has lost the child is an unfortunate one and is better for him to die than to live such an upsetting life!! A man should never lose himself in a busy and dirty city atmosphere . This will later make him tired, alone and frustrated. Hence, he must be a child at heart, no matter how mature he becomes.

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Childhood is the most significant stage in one’s life. The way of life acquired, the behavior patterns established during this period are hard to change. Moreover, the interests developed, the values adopted as a child remains unchanged. Thus, these are reflected in one’s conduct in his later life too. Hence, each child should be nourished with love and care. Out of the same, a man of greatest ideals is born.

Also, we must provide opportunities to the child inside us cherish the world. We all should take the time to seek pleasure from the small things around us. We must fulfill our childlike desires. Only then, we could rejoice our lives at a later age too.

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Interesting Literature

‘The Child Is Father of the Man’: A Short Analysis of William Wordsworth’s ‘My heart leaps up’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘My heart leaps up’, sometimes known as ‘The Rainbow’ is perhaps William Wordsworth ’s shortest great poem. In just nine lines, Wordsworth expresses a number of the several features of Romanticism: a love of nature, the relationship between the natural world and the individual self, and the importance of childhood in making the poet the man he becomes, memorably expressed by Wordsworth’s statement that ‘The child is father of the man’.

My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.

Wordsworth observes a rainbow in the sky and is filled with joy at the sight of a rainbow: a joy that was there when Wordsworth was very young, is still there now he has attained adulthood, and – he trusts – will be with him until the end of his days.

If he loses this thrilling sense of wonder, what would be the point of living? In summary, this is the essence of ‘My heart leaps up’.

The paradox of the line ‘The Child is father of the Man’ is that our childhoods shape our adulthood: the inversion of the usual idea of things (that an adult man is a father to his child) neatly embodies Romanticism’s desire to shake up the way we view ourselves, and to (an idea expressed before Romanticism, notably in Henry Vaughan’s fine poem ‘The Retreat’ ; but it was Wordsworth and the Romantics who made the idea a central part of their worldview). Later in the nineteenth century (Wordsworth’s poem was published in 1807), the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins would take exception to Wordsworth’s insistence that ‘the child is father of the man’:

‘The child is father to the man.’ How can he be? The words are wild. Suck any sense from that who can: ‘The child is father to the man.’ No; what the poet did write ran, ‘The man is father to the child.’ ‘The child is father to the man!’ How can he be? The words are wild.

This is the beginning of the nineteenth-century worship of the child (a form of veneration arguably still with us), which will lead to Victorian literature’s Golden Age of children’s literature and also a shift in the way the concept of ‘childhood’ and ‘the child’ is viewed by society (leading to reforms in child-labour, for instance, some of these changes influenced by literature, such as Kingsley’s The Water-Babies ).

‘The Child is father of the Man’, and the succeeding lines that form the end of ‘The Rainbow’, would later furnish Wordsworth with the epigraph (or opening quotation) for his longer poem ‘Ode: Intimations of Immortality’. In that poem, he writes of how, when he was a child, he could detect the heavenly (‘celestial’) magic in the natural world around him: every meadow, grove, and stream seemed imbued with a divine, dreamlike magic. Now he’s an adult, Wordsworth has lost sight of the wonder he used to be able to detect in the world of nature:

The Rainbow comes and goes, And lovely is the Rose, The Moon doth with delight Look round her when the heavens are bare, Waters on a starry night Are beautiful and fair; The sunshine is a glorious birth; But yet I know, where’er I go, That there hath past away a glory from the earth.

In these lines about a rainbow, Wordsworth acknowledges that nature is as beautiful as it was when he was young; but the ‘glory’ the earth used to contain seems to have passed away.

‘Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood’ is one of William Wordsworth’s best-known and best-loved poems. Wordsworth wrote it between March 1802 and March 1804; it was published in 1807. The three lines from ‘The Rainbow’ (‘My heart leaps up’) were only added as epigraph in 1815; the original epigraph in 1807 was from the Roman poet Virgil, and translates as ‘Let us sing a loftier strain’. But ‘The Child is father of the Man’ is now an integral part of that longer poem and those words open the much longer meditation on childhood, mortality, and nature: things which the shorter rainbow poem hinted at in microcosmic form.

‘My heart leaps up’ is a small slice of Romanticism which says more about that movement than many longer poems do. At the other end, we have Wordsworth’s vast autobiographical poem, The Prelude  (for which Wordsworth recycled his above lines about the child being father of the man). But another ‘prelude’, almost a manifesto, for Romanticism can be found here in this short rainbow poem.

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7 thoughts on “‘The Child Is Father of the Man’: A Short Analysis of William Wordsworth’s ‘My heart leaps up’”

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I agree. It could be a personal choice but it is nearly the signature poem of Romanticism. But the poem that is the quintessence of the movement to me is none other than ‘A Slumber did my Spirit Seal’.

  • Pingback: ‘The Child Is Father of the Man’: A Short Analysis of William Wordsworth’s ‘My heart leaps up’ — Interesting Literature – Lavender Turquois
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Child Is The Father Of Man Essay | Essay on Child Is The Father Of Man for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Child Is The Father Of Man Essay: An abstract topic, Child Is The Father Of Man is a paradoxical statement, which has many meanings, according to the bend of mind of the reader. In this essay on Child Is The Father Of Man Essay, we are going to explore the deep and hidden meanings of the statement.

Also, how this particular statement “Child Is The Father Of Man Essay” can be used to teach morality filled life lessons for students and children in schools and colleges is what we will explore in this article.

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Long and Short Essays on Child Is The Father Of Man for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided students and children with an essay on Child Is The Father Of Man Essay. A 600-word essay, as well as a 200-word essay, can be found below.

Essay on Child Is The Father Of Man

Long Essay on Child Is The Father Of Man 600 Words

The child is The Father of Man Essay is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10.

Child Is The Father Of Man Essay is a paradoxical statement which can have various meaning. In my view of this statement, it glorifies the importance of childhood in a person’s life (both women or men). The father figure in the statement signifies the learning that we take. When it says Child Is The Father Of Man, it means that what we learn in childhood defines our adulthood. Usually, the father figure signifies wisdom and knowledge, hence all the knowledge that we gain in childhood acts as a father figure and a guiding principle for us in our adulthoods.

Childhood is one of the most important aspects of our life. Right from learning our first words to learning languages and reading and writing, each and everything that is thought in our childhood will shape our career and our persona. As and when we grow older, some of the things might be forgotten but will always be stored in our subconscious. It is usually referred to as nostalgia. Kids would have dreamt of becoming an actor or a cricketer or a pilot when they were of small age but as they grow up and face the realities of life, most of them end up working for a company in a 9 to 5 monotonous job.

The kinds of people we surround ourselves with defines who we are. As our elders used to say, a thief will always surround himself with other thieves, a good student will always surround himself or herself with other good students. I think its the basic nature of human life that like-minded people synchronise easily with each other.

When we take the literal meaning of the phrase Child Is The Father Of Man Essay, even then we find certain meaning to it that we can relate with our lives. The child, quite literally, in the 21st century is more educated and informed than father. There are plenty of things that parents learn from their children, irrespective of what age they are. From learning the idiosyncracies of a gadget to learning about how to be innocent and happy all the time, a child is the best teacher for a parent.

Also, there exists a viewpoint where Child Is The Father Of Man Essay can be viewed as the patriarchal behavior of our society. The father figure that we refer to here, always signifies the most important person and head of the household. But when a child becomes a father, it means once a child is born in a family, the patriarchal equations are overturned in the family and now it is the child that is in the commanding position. And this meaning can be related to most of the Indian households. Because a family’s life changes once a newborn baby arrives in the house. When a baby is born in a family, it is not just a baby that is born into this world, there are various other relations that are born. A father is born, a mother is born, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle and grandparents are given birth to when a baby is born. So clearly, the patriarchal figure of “father” is now overtaken by a child. The entire family’s lives now revolve around that small little kid.

Hence, to sum it up, the phrase Child Is The Father Of Man Essay can have various meanings, only limited by our thinking capacities and imaginative skills. Different people will have different take and considerations on that statement and there is no one correct answer for the statement. Irrespective of what meaning people derive from it, it always stands as a testimonial for people’s perceptions of life and relationships.

Child Is The Father Of Man

Short Essay on Child Is The Father Of Man 200 Words

Below, we have provided a 200-word essay on Child Is The Father Of Man Essay is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

The phrase Child Is The Father Of Man Essay comes from a William Wordsworth poem my heart leaps up. There are plenty of meanings that people can make in this particular phrase. And I believe that this one phrase has hundreds of hidden messages about life, learnings, goals, ambitions and relationships. The more we dig into this statement, the more we can find meaning for life. Nevertheless, it is a paradoxical statement and not be taken in its literal sense.

Every one of us would have had certain dreams and ambitions in life which we no longer pursue because, let us accept, life has changed and molded us into a whole new and different person. We are not necessarily saying that this change is bad, but this phrase reminds us of what we were as kids and what we have become now is a result of what we were back then.

10 Lines on Child Is The Father Of Man Essay

  • Child Is The Father Of Man Essay is paradoxical statements with different meanings
  • It can refer to a child teaching the man what father usually teaches his kids
  • It also indicates the role reversal in modern families, where the”father figure” is no longer the father in the house
  • Child Is The Father Of Man Essay can also refer to a breaking stereotype of patriarchal family bondings
  • Childhood is the most important learning curve for a kid and this statement is a testimony for that
  • There is a lot to learn for a father from his child
  • Within every adult, there exists a child within himself or herself that we need to learn from
  • The dreams  and ambitions that we would have as a child will always be embedded into our minds irrespective of what profession we are in as adults
  • Our personality as adults is a reflection of what we learnt in our childhood
  • The statement Child Is The Father Of Man Essay relates to the well-informed and wise child who can teach his father a thing or two

Essay About Child Is The Father Of Man

FAQ’s on Child Is The Father Of Man Essay

Question 1. Who said Child Is The Father Of Man Essay?

Answer: William Wordsworth said the lines Child Is The Father Of Man Essay in his poem “My heart leaps up”

Question 2. What does the child is the father of the man mean?

Answer: It means that the things we learn as kids will stay with us throughout our lives

Question 3. What figure of speech is Child Is The Father Of Man Essay?

Answer: The figure of speech here is the epigram

Question 4. Can a child be a father to a man?

Answer: Not literally, but figuratively speaking, he can be the “father figure” that a man is looking for

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My Heart Leaps Up

My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.

What Does the Poem Mean?

Wordsworth uses the expression in a very positive sense, noting that seeing a rainbow produced awe and joy when he was a child, and he still felt those emotions as a grown man. He hopes that these emotions will continue throughout his life, that he will retain that pure joy of youth. He also laments that he would rather die than lose that leap of the heart and youthful enthusiasm. 

Also, note that Wordsworth was a lover of geometry, and the use of "piety" in the last line is a play on the number pi. In the story of Noah in the Bible , the rainbow was given by God as a sign of God's promise that He would not again destroy the entire earth in a flood. It is the mark of a continuing covenant. That is signaled in the poem by the word "bound."

Modern Use of "The Child Is Father of the Man"

While Wordsworth used the phrase to express hope that he would retain the joys of youth , we often see this expression used to imply the establishment of both positive and negative traits in youth. In watching children at play, we notice that they demonstrate certain characteristics which may remain with them into adulthood.

One interpretation—the "nurture" viewpoint—is that it is necessary to instill in children healthy attitudes and positive traits so they grow up to become balanced individuals. However, the "nature" viewpoint notes that children may be born with certain traits, as can be seen in studies of identical twins who were separated at birth. Different traits, attitudes, and experiences are influenced in different ways by both nature and nurture.

Certainly, traumatic life experiences in youth inevitably occur which also influence us throughout life. Lessons learned both in positive and negative ways guide us all into adulthood, for better or worse.

Other Appearances of the Quote

The quote is paraphrased by Cormac McCarthy on the first page of the book "Blood Meridian" as "the child the father of the man." It also appears in the title of a song by the Beach Boys and an album by Blood, Sweat, and Tears.

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Essay on Child is Father of the Man for Students

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Table of Contents

The idiom “ Child is the Father of Man ” implies that the actual nature of a man does not alter with age or time. However, it has been interpreted in various other ways as well. “Child is the Father of Man” basically means that a man is, in reality, the product of the behaviour and habits he developed during his early years. Many other interpretations have also been made from this idiom.

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Long and Short Essay on Child is father of the Man in English

Here are some Child is the Father of Man essays of varying lengths to give you an insight about this idiom and help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any essay on Child is the Father of Man according to your need:

Child is the Father of the Man Essay 1 (200 words)

The phrase, “Child is the Father of Man” coined by the renowned poet, William Wordsworth in the year 1802. The term basically means that the behaviour and activities of a person’s childhood go a long way in building his personality. However, it has interpreted in other ways as well. Let us learn about the same as well as the teachings it provides.

The Child is Father of the Man– Different Interpretations

Here are the different interpretations of the proverb:

  • A man is basically a product of the behaviour and manners he developed during his growing years, mainly in his early childhood.
  • The behaviour of a child determines as to what he will become when he grows up.
  • The way a person is during his childhood he remains exactly that way in his adulthood as well. The basic nature and behaviour of a person does not change with age or time.

Though interpreted differently, the meaning of the proverb remains more or less the same.

The idiom, “Child is the Father of Man”, is used quite commonly mainly to indicate that a person’s childhood habits majorly impact his overall character and this is actually true to a great extent. It is thus essential to develop good habits during the childhood.

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The Child is Father of the Man Essay 2 (300 words)

The proverb “Child is the Father of Man” has interpreted in various ways. It mainly implies that the behaviour and manners of a person during his childhood influences his personality as he grows up. Let us learn about the origin of this proverb and as to what exactly it meant originally.

Origin of the Proverb – Child is Father of the Man

The idiom originally written by the famous poet William Wordsworth. It first appeared in Wordsworth’s poem, “My Heart Leaps Up” that was out in 1802. The term gives an important message and has used on various occasions since then.

Explanation of the Proverb

By way of this phrase, Wordsworth stated that as a child he felt extremely joyful looking at the rainbow and as an adult he still experiences the same pleasure as he looks at the nature. This is to say that what delighted him during his childhood days delights him as an adult too.

As per him, childhood shows the adult what morning shows the day. It is but natural that what a person learns during his childhood days, it will reflect in his habits and words later in his life. For instance, if a person develops good habits during the childhood, he is likely to lead a disciplined life through out. Similarly, a child who forms bad habits is most likely to indulge in ill practices as he grows up.

Child is the Father of Man – Teachings

  • The role of parents and teachers is vital in building a person’s personality.
  • Children look up to their parents and like to imitate them. It is thus important for the parents to set good examples.
  • Ensuring the right conduct of the child is very important as that is what he imbibes for the rest of his life.

As per this proverb, deep inside an adult’s heart there remains a small child who guides him on how to behave and react in different situations.

Child is Father of the Man Essay – 3 (Words 500)


‘The Child is father of the man’ is the famous quotation from one of the most popular poems ‘My Heart Leaps Up’ written by the legendary poet called William Wordsworth. The poem still widely read today both by adults and children, mainly because of the deep meaning hidden in it.

According to the proverb ‘The Child is father of the man’, the basic nature of a man doesn’t change with age or time. The behaviour and nature of an adult gets developed in one’s childhood itself and the conduct or behaviour of a child signifies the kind of a person, the child is going to be. Ideally, an adult is the result of the manner, behaviour or habit that he/she develops during the childhood.

We all know that a child remains away from all the pressures and practicalities of life, so he/she can enjoy every single moment of life. Through the proverb ‘the child is father of the man’, William Wordsworth wants to portray that as a child, he used to enjoy every little things such as rainbow and even as a man he enjoyed rainbow with the same zeal and vigour. As a grown up man, no life’s pressure or hard work could stop him from enjoying the nature and the little things which he used to enjoy as a child. The nature he displayed as an adult adopted by him in his childhood itself.

The proverb signifies that childhood forms the foundation stage in a person’s life and whatever the person learns in his childhood remains with him till the time he lives. The knowledge, habits, attitude, nature and any behaviour that a person exhibits as an adult actually imbibed by him early in his childhood.

This also puts a lot of responsibility on the shoulder of the child’s parents as whatever upbringing they would give to their respective child in their early lives will last as the child’s personality forever. A happy child would become a confident and cheerful person and a child who undergoes sufferings and agonies may turn out to be a distressed person.

There are lots more interpretation of the famous proverb ‘The Child is Father of the Man’: the activities done in the childhood majorly influences the overall personality of a grown up individual. A child knows no enemy, he/she is away from the miseries of life, remains innocent and loves everyone; he/she finds enjoyment in every small activity, is playful and full of life. Even though life’s pressure and some uncontrollable facts may change a person at the later stage of life; but he/she should always remain youthful at his/her heart as a child.

Thus, the parents and the teachers must always remain mindful of their behaviour with their children and give them a happy upbringing. They must always try to educate and nurture the child in a manner that he becomes a positive and happy man who serves the society at large.

Child is father of the Man Essay – 4 (600 Words)

The famous proverb ‘The Child is father of the Man’ is written by William Wordsworth through his famous poem ‘My Heart leaps up’. The poet through this line tries to say that the basic nature of a man gets developed in his/her childhood itself. When he was a child, he used to enjoy nature and even when he has grown up as an adult, he enjoys the nature. Because enjoying the nature or rainbow his basic character which got developed when he was a small child.

The proverb became highly popular due to the deep meaning hidden inside the line. It means that the core personality of a person get developed since one’s childhood and it majorly depends upon the upbringing one gets at home and the teachings one gets at the school. Thus, based on the kind of upbringing and teaching, the individual develops positive or negative personality traits at the later stage of one’s life. Also, by looking at the child’s behaviour, one can identify what kind of person one is going to be.

Even from the learning perspective, whatever learning, education and knowledge one gains in the childhood remains with the person forever. A child considered to the source of learning for the adult. A child is innocent and full of life, but when he grows up as a man, he tends to lose the charm and innocence due to various responsibilities and hardships. But the poet did not lose the childhood charm; he enjoyed the rainbow even as a grown up man. Likewise, each individual must enjoy life without boundaries and pressures like a child does.

Like morning is the base of the day; childhood is the base of the overall personality and character of a man. Childhood activities influence the activities and performance of a man. If a child gets healthy environment and grows up amongst the motivational and cheerful people; he is certainly going to become a happy and confident person and if a child brought up in a chaotic atmosphere; he will grow up to be a rebel. That’s why it said that the child is the father of man. It’s the responsibility of the parents and teachers to control their actions and words and inspire the children to learn good habits right from the beginning. Because children are fast learners and their knowledge remains with them for their lifetime. A person is not only responsible for his own conduct but his conducts and behaviour reflect the society too. Hence it is important that child taught good moral values and to perform good deeds so that the child can make world a better place to live in, when he grows up.

Some people, despite having healthy upbringing and delightful memories during childhood tend to become a serious and quiet person; there is no harm in enjoying the nature and every little things like rainbow, butterfly, birds, etc; because they not only please you without costing anything, but they also maintain your innocence and childhood. A man must always remember that his personality must portray his childhood.

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Essay On Child Is Father Of The Man

child is the father of man essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Child Is Father Of The Man

The phrase “the child is the father of the man” was first written by William Wordsworth in his poem “My Heart Leaps Up”. The phrase means that the traits, characteristics, and experiences of a child shape the person they become as an adult. This concept highlights the importance of childhood in shaping the future of an individual.

Childhood experiences have a profound impact on a person’s development and future. Early experiences can shape a person’s self-esteem, relationships, and worldview. For example, children who grow up in supportive and nurturing environments tend to develop a positive self-image and strong relationships with others. On the other hand, children who experience neglect or abuse may develop negative self-esteem and struggle to form healthy relationships as adults.

Early childhood education is particularly important in shaping the future of a child. Research shows that early investment in education can have a lasting impact on a child’s future success, including their academic achievement and earning potential. Furthermore, early education can help children develop important social and emotional skills, such as empathy, resilience, and self-confidence.

The phrase “the child is the father of the man” also highlights the importance of providing children with a supportive and healthy environment. This includes access to quality education, nutritious food, and safe and stable housing. Children who grow up in adverse conditions, such as poverty or violence, are at a greater risk of experiencing negative outcomes in adulthood, including poor health, lower educational attainment, and increased likelihood of involvement in the criminal justice system.

In conclusion, the phrase “the child is the father of the man” highlights the importance of childhood in shaping the future of an individual. Early experiences and childhood education have a lasting impact on a person’s future success and well-being. By investing in children, we can help create a more equitable and just society for future generations.

Long Essay On Child Is Father Of The Man

Children are the future of any nation and it is our responsibility to ensure that they get a good upbringing. This essay will explore the proverb “Child is father of the man” and its implications for society, taking into account both current trends and ancient wisdom. We will look at how our understanding of this proverb has changed over time, and how it can be applied as a guiding principle for parenting in the 21st century.

Introduction of the phrase

The phrase “child is the father of the man” is often used to mean that a person’s character is shaped by their early years. It suggests that who we become as adults is largely determined by our experiences as children.

This idea can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who said: “the soul of the child is like a wax tablet, which can be molded in any way you please.” In other words, Aristotle believed that children are malleable and their personalities can be influenced by their environment.

Fast forward to the present day, and there is still a lot of truth in Aristotle’s words. Studies have shown that early childhood experiences can have a lasting impact on our adult lives. For example, research has shown that children who grow up in poverty are more likely to experience health problems, mental health issues, and poor educational outcomes as adults.

So, while we may not be entirely defined by our childhoods, it’s clear that they play a significant role in shaping who we become as adults.

History of the phrase

The phrase “child is father of the man” is often attributed to William Wordsworth, but there is no evidence that he actually said or wrote it. The earliest known use of the phrase is in an essay by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, published in 1817. In that essay, Coleridge was quoting from a poem by Wordsworth, and he may have been the first person to use the phrase in print.

The exact origins of the phrase are uncertain, but it seems to have originated in the 18th century. It may be based on a proverb about children being like their fathers, or it may be a metaphor for how children grow up to become adults who resemble their parents. Whatever its origins, the phrase has been used by many writers and thinkers over the years to express the idea that children learn from their parents and grow up to be like them.

Meaning and Explanation

The proverb ‘child is the father of man’ is very well-known and widely used. It means that the character of an individual is largely determined by his or her childhood experiences. The proverb is based on the belief that children are like sponges, they absorb everything around them and this shapes their character and personality.

It is often said that the child is the father of the man because the experiences of our childhood have a great influence on shaping our adult lives. Our parents, teachers, friends and other people we interacted with during our formative years play a significant role in shaping our character. Our childhood experiences can either make us better people or lead us down a path of destruction.

If we have happy and positive childhood experiences, then we are more likely to grow up to be well-adjusted and successful adults. On the other hand, if we have unhappy and negative childhood experiences, then we are more likely to grow up to be dysfunctional and unsuccessful adults. The proverb ‘child is the father of man’ is a reminder that our upbringing has a great impact on who we become in life.

Examples to explain the meaning

It is often said that a child is the father of the man. This means that the character and personality of a man are largely shaped by his childhood experiences. Let us take a few examples to illustrate this point.

Example 1: A boy who grows up in a loving and nurturing home is likely to be a caring and compassionate adult. On the other hand, a boy who grows up in an abusive home is likely to be an abusive adult himself.

Example 2: A girl who grows up feeling confident and valued is likely to be a successful and confident adult. On the other hand, a girl who grows up feeling inadequate and worthless is likely to be an unsuccessful and insecure adult.

These examples show that our childhood experiences have a profound impact on our adult lives. They help to shape our character and personality, and determine our future success or failure.

How it is applicable in modern times

In today’s society, the saying “the child is the father of the man” is still very relevant. It means that a child’s character and personality are influenced by his or her parents. A child who is raised in a loving and nurturing environment is more likely to be a well-adjusted and successful adult than one who is not.

The saying is also applicable to children who are raised in disadvantaged circumstances. A child who grows up in poverty or with a single parent is more likely to have difficulty in life than one who does not. This is not to say that all children from disadvantaged backgrounds will grow up to be unsuccessful adults, but it does mean that they will have more challenges to overcome.

The bottom line is that a child’s upbringing has a significant impact on his or her future. Parents should take this into consideration when making decisions about their children’s upbringing.

Comparison between past and present times

It is often said that the child is the father of the man. This means that the character and traits of a person are shaped during his childhood. It is during this time that he learns about himself and the world around him. This forms the foundation of his personality.

The past and present differ in many ways. The most obvious difference is the technological advancement. In the past, people had to rely on their own physical strength and abilities to get things done. With the advent of technology, many tasks can now be completed with the help of machines. This has made life much easier and comfortable.

Another significant difference is in the way children are raised. In the past, children were expected to mature early and take on responsibilities at a young age. They were not given much choice in what they wanted to do or be in life. On the other hand, children nowadays are given more freedom to choose their own path in life. They are encouraged to explore their interests and talents.

The changes in the past and present have resulted in different types of people. People in the past were more hardworking and resilient as they had to deal with difficult circumstances. On the other hand, people nowadays are more privileged and have access to better resources. As a result, they may not be as strong psychologically as people in the past.

Impact of the phrase on society

The essay “Child is the father of the man” was written by English poet William Wordsworth in 1802. The phrase “child is the father of the man” means that a child’s character and personality are shaped by his or her experiences and environment. This phrase has had a significant impact on society, as it has been used to justify various policies and practices relating to children and education. For example, the phrase has been used to support the belief that early childhood education is essential for a child’s development. Additionally, the phrase has been used to argue for more lenient punishment for juvenile offenders, as it is believed that they are not yet fully developed and capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.

It can be seen that the proverb ‘Child Is Father Of The Man’ is an age-old adage that holds true even in today’s modern world. Through this saying we are reminded of how our childhood experiences and upbringing shape us into the adults we become later on in life. It calls for us to strive for excellence from a young age so as to achieve greater heights when grown up. This proverb serves as an inspiration for all of us to look back at our own childhoods, learn from them and use them to create a bright future ahead.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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English Summary

Child is the Father of Man Essay

This Wordsworth statement perhaps means that the qualities exhibited by a child will deepen and appear in a marked form when the child grows up into a man. By observing and studying the behaviour, the inclinations, the preferences, the prejudices and the tendencies of the child we can form an idea as to what sort of man he will develop into.

An average child with no remarkable qualities will rarely develop into a remarkable man but a child with striking qualities will grow into one. Napoleon in his childhood used to play fighting and had great enthusiasm for mock-warfare.

Similarly David Livingstone used to play exploring when he was still a boy. Eventually he became one of the greatest explorers of the world, he penetrated into the thick, unexplored forests of Africa and discovered regions unvisited before.

Father Damien evidenced a remarkable tenderness of heart at the distress of lepers. Florence Nightingale gave, early in her life, indications of her future course of life. Macaulay, as a lover for words. later grew into a great writer.

Shivaji, who as a child was fond of listening to stories of valour and heroism, grew up into a warrior himself. Similarly, Clive and Nelson gave evidence in their boyhood of qualities which characterised them later as men.

Examples are many. It seems that the statement is true. Sometimes, no doubt. inborn talent may be suppressed through total neglect or misdirected training. Then the child may not get an opportunity to develop its natural bent of mind.

But in the long run, native talent or aptitude for a particular work will definitely emerge and the man will achieve distinction in the sphere to which he properly belongs. The parents should carefully watch the child and note his leanings and help him grow his natural bent of mind and temperament.

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child is the father of man essay

Child is the Father of Man Essay | Essay on Child is the Father of Man for Students and Children in English

Child is the Father of Man Essay: The qualities shown in childhood are often only indication of what the child is going to become in future. What the child is indicates what the man will be. The habits, traits, nature, qualities and special aptitudes are often only the developments of those factors, which were present in him or her when he or she was a child. By looking at a child and observing him minutely it can be predicted what kind of an adult, the child is going to become.

Childhood shows the man As morning shows the day. -John Milton

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Child is the Father of Man Essay

Short Essay on Child is the Father of Man 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Child is the Father of Man is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The truth of the above fact can hardly be missed by anyone who has observed life carefully. ‘As the twig is bent, so the tree will grow’ is an old proverb. If a young plant is strong, and straight, the tree will also grow up to be the same. If a plant is feeble or the seed defective or rotten, the tree will be a poor specimen of vegetation.

To judge the truth of the above statement we can have a look at the lives of some men and women who have had their footprints on the sands of time. It is said of Michelangelo, the famous sculptor and painter that when he was a child, he used to amuse himself by making drawing on the paint pots easel, stool and other things which had been used by the old painter where Michelangelo used to go. This old painter used to say, “This boy will beat me one day” and the prediction proved to be true.

The childhoods of Mahatma Gandhi, Florence Nightingale, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Sunita Williams, and Swami Vivekanand tell the same story. Who does not know the story of Mahatma Gandhi’s school, when the preacher of truth and non-violence did not lie and bore punishment? Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Newton, Subhash Chandra Bose and such others had one thing common in their childhood that all they were determined to make their country free and hated slavery.

There are exceptions also. Some children calm and quiet, disciplined and brilliant take the wrong turn somewhere in their lives and others who had destructive traits in their childhood or early youth become good people and some of them great men too. The life of Valmiki is the example. From a merciless robber, he became renowned by writing the immortal epic Ramayana and a learned Brahman king, Rawan became a tyrant. Still such examples are few and maxims or proverbs are created by majority of facts favouring the truth of a saying. We can repeat the words of Richter “The due of our destiny, wander where we will, lies at the foot of the cradle.”

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