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Causes and Effects of Divorce

Introduction, effects of divorce, works cited.

Since 1860 when the United States Bureau of statistics started keeping records of divorces, the frequency of divorce cases has continued to increase based on the same reasons. Reasons have remained relatively the same in comparison to the ever-increasing rise in cases. Studies have also highlighted that the reasons are as complex as extramarital affairs to mediocre reasons such as irritating small behaviors of the partner. It is widely accepted that divorce is part of life and separation between two persons is bound to continue (Wallerstein, p. 85). However, there have been some misinterpretations of the findings collected by current researchers. It is important to note that these findings are based on earlier conclusions based on research that was most likely liable to errors and mistakes. Such research findings and papers have been assumed as true thus setting the precedence of misinformation. It is thus the purpose of this paper to clarify earlier findings in order for us to present the true picture of the causes and effects of divorces.

Reasons for divorce have always remained sketchy as the real reasons can only be known by the two couples. However the most common forms of reasons that have led to the separation of couples include:

Money : This reason has always remained an emotive issue among couples as this is clearly manifested by ninety percent of the couples who surveyed, responded that they may have fought over money at least once during their relationship. 30% of respondents admitted to separating over other issues which were compounded by lack of money.

Sexual Problems : This reason in most cases has always been denied by couples as physical conditions or sexual malfunctions are considered to be uncommon (Wallerstein 101). Sexual problems are largely contributed to preconceived notions and ideas that are based on unacceptable attitudes towards sex. It was difficult for the couples to approach the topic of sex. Over fifty percent of couples admitted that a sexual problem was the root cause of infidelity within their marriages.

Immaturity: Many couples separated from each other after the couples exhibited behavior that the partner saw as inappropriate and childish. Such behaviors later behavior are then seen as intolerable making life difficult for both as there exists a lack of understanding between the couples.

Alcohol and substance abuse: This is also one of the most commonly cited issues among separating couples. Although data on abuse is not conclusive, many couples have often cited substance abuse as one of the reasons that lead to violent abuse that have even led to injuries and fatalities in worse-case scenarios.

In-laws: This is a prevalent reason used by young couples as meddling from external members and excessive hassles from external members of family.

Respect : Respect among couples is imperative as both come from different backgrounds. Having a different background often means that the couples have to come up with ways of living together and tolerating each other. Disrespect is manifested through physical and verbal attacks.

The above-mentioned reasons are just some of the most prevalent. It is also very difficult to establish the main reasons that couples may separate. We may never have a definite reason as to why the rate of divorce keeps on increasing but it may be easier to conclude on the effects divorce brings to society. This is because effects are much more profound in families, hence making it simpler to track. The family unit is facing numerous issues today as the effects of divorce are having a direct impact on the lives of children and how they will relate with others in the future. Research conducted by Lenor Weitzman confirmed that men were shown to heal faster and do well economically after separation. It was also found out that as opposed to the common belief that fathers were less interested in their families after separation, the research found out that fathers continued to be loving towards their kids and family (Wallerstein, p. 101).

Research also found out that both couples underwent intense emotional periods while seeking closure on the whole issue of separation. Depending on the number of years that they have been together, the couple may have to resolve all the underlying issues that may have led to the separations.

Wallerstein, Judith. The California Children of Divorce Study. California: University Of Southern California, 1999.

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Essays on Divorce

Understanding how to write a divorce essay.

If you're tasked with writing a divorce essay, it's important to start with a clear understanding of the topic. Here are some prompt samples to help you grasp the key aspects:

  • Prompt 1: Analyze the impact of divorce on children's emotional well-being.
  • Prompt 2: Discuss the social and economic consequences of divorce on families.
  • Prompt 3: Explore the reasons behind the rising divorce rates in modern society.
  • Prompt 4: Evaluate the role of divorce in reshaping gender roles and expectations.

Brainstorming and Choosing a Compelling Essay Topic

Now that you have some prompts to work with, it's time to brainstorm and select a captivating essay topic. Consider the following points:

  • Personal Interest: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as it will make the writing process more enjoyable.
  • Relevance: Ensure your topic is relevant to the prompt and adds value to the reader's understanding of divorce-related issues.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid common or overused topics. Aim for a fresh perspective or angle that sets your essay apart.
  • Research Potential: Ensure there is enough credible information available to support your chosen topic.

Unique Divorce Essay Topics

Here's a list of unique essay topics that go beyond the ordinary:

  • The Influence of Divorce on Parenting Styles and Child Development
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Perceptions of Divorce
  • Exploring the Impact of Divorce on the Mental Health of Seniors
  • Comparing Divorce Laws and Trends in Different Countries
  • The Evolution of Divorce Mediation in Modern Society
  • The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Adolescents
  • The Economic Consequences of Divorce on Single Parents
  • Divorce and Its Effect on Sibling Relationships
  • Divorce and Its Impact on Education and Academic Performance
  • Gender Disparities in the Outcomes of Divorce Proceedings
  • The Role of Counseling and Therapy in Divorce Recovery
  • Divorce Among Celebrity Couples: Media Influence and Public Perception
  • Divorce Rates in the Digital Age: Online Dating and Marriage Dissolution
  • The Influence of Cultural and Religious Factors on Divorce Decisions
  • The Legal and Emotional Challenges of Same-Sex Divorce
  • Divorce and Its Impact on the Workplace: Employee Productivity and Well-being
  • Exploring Divorce in Literature and Film: Themes and Symbolism
  • Divorce in the Age of Pre-nuptial Agreements: Financial Implications
  • The Role of Divorce Support Groups in Coping with Separation
  • The Future of Marriage: Trends and Predictions in Divorce Rates

Paragraph and Phrase Inspiration

When crafting your essay, here are some sample paragraphs and phrases that can inspire your writing:

  • Introduction: "In today's rapidly changing world, the topic of divorce has become increasingly complex, touching various aspects of our lives."
  • Main Body: "One key aspect to consider is the emotional turmoil that children often experience during their parents' divorce. Studies have shown that..."
  • Counterargument: "While some argue that divorce can have positive outcomes for individuals seeking personal growth, it's crucial to acknowledge that..."
  • Conclusion: "In conclusion, divorce is a multifaceted phenomenon with far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the dissolution of a marriage. It is imperative that we continue to research and address the various aspects of divorce to support families in transition."

Now that you have these tips and unique ideas in mind, go ahead and write an engaging divorce essay that stands out! Remember, a well-researched and thoughtfully written essay can make a significant impact.

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Overview of The Main Causes of Divorce

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Divorce, Its Causes and Effects

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Causes of Divorce and Its Effect on Children

Divorce reform act and its influence on marriage, sociological imagination in relation to divorce, the effect of growing up with divorced parents on children, understanding divorce: causes and consequences, psychological trauma due to divorce of parents, the result of analysis of divorced family, relationship with parents after divorce, divorce affecting children: primary research method, the main causes of divorces in malaysia, divorce: the factors of marital discord in contemporary society, rational choice theory of decision making in marriage and divorce, my experience of growing up with divorced parents, the perception of divorce in hindu marriages, nature of same-sex relationship: divorce, how to choose a divorce lawyer, overview of family types in britain, the impact of interparental relationship on children, divorce mediation standarts in australia: overview of nmas, the financial problems cause the divorce.

Divorce (also known as dissolution of marriage) is the process of terminating a marriage or marital union. Divorce usually entails the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country or state.

Contested divorce, at-fault divorce, summary divorce, no-fault divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, electronic divorce, mediated divorce.

Adultery, extramarital sex, infidelity, domestic violence, midlife crisis, addictions (e.g. alcoholism and gambling), workaholism, and other factors.

Couples who marry in their late 20s may be less likely to divorce. Husbands who don’t work full-time may be more likely to get divorced. Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. Every 13 seconds, there is one divorce in America.

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cause effect essay about divorce

The Causes of Divorce Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Inequality in spending or earning money.

Divorces are socially significant actions that often have negative implications for both former families involved and society as a whole. The causes behind this social phenomenon can vary significantly, but for the sake of a deeper understanding, there is a necessity to explore some of them in-depth. One of the main causes of divorces is betrayal; another is unequal spending and earning. Exploring these causes could provide an insight into how to avoid them.

Betrayal or infidelity is one of the most common causes for a husband and wife to split. Infidelity for each particular person can mean a multitude of things. Some people, arguably most, define betrayal in marriage as having sex with another person. This is deeply connected with the nature and tradition of the intimate relationship between men and women. Letting another person into one’s personal space to the point of having intercourse is already an issue of deep-felt trust and having utter conviction in the other party’s genuine feelings. If a marriage partner reveals that they have had that same kind of intimacy and affection with someone else, it will definitely insult the other partner. No wonder, then, that after such an incident, the victim of infidelity would want to sever the relationship as trust is violated. At first glance, it seems understandable and logical.

There is also another explanation for such a reaction. Religious people consider the marital vow of loving and honoring each other for as long as they both live sacred; sacred as something that is witnessed, blessed, and sealed by the higher power. Such an alliance is forbidden to break by divine law. If a person decides to violate this vow, it means not only that they betrayed their partner but also that they went against God. Such an action for a deeply religious person is much more than a violation of trust. Therefore, there are not many choices left other than to drift apart.

There can also be other understandings of betrayal. Some people have more conservative views on marital fidelity and may consider even holding hands with a person of the opposite sex for a second too long to be a friendly handshake. It may not lead directly to divorce but may give grounds for monitoring each action of an allegedly cheating wife or husband. This is often considered a norm in middle-eastern countries where women are not allowed to even look at a person of the opposite sex in the eyes for too long. This is a deeply religious and cultural tradition that may not be acceptable to others. Interestingly, in some Islamic practices, men are allowed to have up to four wives, and this is not considered to be infidelity.

Additionally, people often vary in degrees of tolerance towards infidelity. Some consider it a violation of trust but not to the point of needing to end the relationship, especially if it didn’t last that long. Many people would consider writing a one-off or short-term event as a mistake, provided the circumstances did not imply serious consideration of deliberate and heartless assault on their partner’s feelings. Some people even forgive betrayal more than once or do so systematically for a number of psychological reasons. Some are very tolerant in their views on marital relationships and may even let the other party have sex with other people while not feeling betrayed at all. People in this category, with somewhat progressive or, as some may say, open-minded views are quite rare according to the author’s personal observations.

After staying in the relationship after a betrayal, most people cannot maintain the same level of emotional affection for longer than a few years. People may stay together because they have grown comfortable with each other and they are afraid of being alone again. Others demonstrate the opposite reaction and start slowly drifting towards other people in search of those sharp and intense feelings that they long for but cannot experience with the person they loved a few years back. Whatever the reasons for betrayal, be it lack of love or sexual attraction, a divorce requires the verbal or non-verbal consent of the two spousal parties.

Money can also become a reason to end a marriage and go separate ways. In this case, people have not necessarily entered a relationship seeking material benefit. At least, the financial well-being of a partner was not a defining characteristic. If love was the prime reason for getting married, then money could be just an excuse and a valid reason for not verbalizing the absence of feelings. People often tend to avoid upsetting their loved ones or the people they care about by not telling them the hard truth. However, divorce can often be accompanied by a long period of mutual accusations and even legal actions against one another in an attempt to retain a larger part of the matrimonial property. After seeing this happen, it can be hard to believe that these people ever loved each other.

There are also cases when people who were committed to building a career and have remained single into their thirties or even forties. Such people can be inexperienced in building a long-lasting relationship and are accustomed to a standard of living. Entering marriage late for such people may mean a rapid shift from a relatively calm and steady lifestyle into a costly endeavor as the needs of two people differ from just having to consider themselves. Frequently, divorce happens when people marry hastily, not having lived together long enough to grow accustomed to each other’s lifestyles. Another reason for money-based divorces could be one-sided love. An aged man or a woman with a considerable fortune could fall in love with a younger person who has deceitful intentions of waiting for their elder partner to die and pretend to be caring and loving enough to be mentioned in their will. An end to such relationships is often brought about by ‘failed’ acting or the elder partner following the advice from a close friend.

There are also situations when people end relationships because they do not consider themselves equal partners. For some people, marriage is not only about love and affection but also financial equality. Men often feel uneasy to earn less than their wives. Although this may not be discussed between the two, marriages sometimes become a topic of external discussion and gossip can make a proud man feel miserable in his relationship to the point he cannot see any positive side. The situation is often aggravated by the fact that men do not like to bring up such deep topics for discussion, and prefer to let things build up. This unhealthy pride, with gossip as a stimulating factor, could sever a marriage that otherwise could be happy.

Another side of this issue could entail a wife being dissatisfied with her husband earning low wages or a husband discontented with his wife’s excessive spending. These are clichés that are often seen on TV and read in books; the roles can be opposite too. Nonetheless, the disparity in earnings and spending between partners can become an issue that threatens a relationship. Marriage can be viewed as a union where each side is equal in everything. It would be safe to assume that each partner should contribute to keeping the flame within the family hearth either ‘by labor or by coin’ but in equal amount nonetheless. When contributions cannot be measured and compared in dollar equivalent, there may arise a question of equality that quickly becomes a fight over money and contribution.

There is a myriad of reasons for divorce. They may be well-established and evidenced with facts of infidelity or bank statements. However, a divorce still remains an act between two people who united for some reason in the past, who now wish to go their separate ways. For one party, it may seem a relief, for the other it is misfortune. Having analyzed two possible causes of divorce, it occurred to me that the underlying reason for divorce is a change in one of the partners or both of them. If marriage is a union of two people who found something that unites them, makes them similar, then it is some drastic difference that draws them apart. Thus, marriage depends on the ability to settle differences through conversation or frequent contemplation on the things that unite two people.

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