a long walk to water essay introduction

A Long Walk to Water: A Powerful Tale of Hope and Resilience




In a world filled with stories of hardship and resilience, few tales can match the extraordinary journey of Salva Dut. From his humble beginnings as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan to his remarkable achievements as the founder of Water for South Sudan, Salva’s life is a testament to the power of leadership, courage, and hope. In the pages of Linda Sue Park’s book, “A Long Walk to Water,” we are given a glimpse into Salva’s harrowing journey and the transformative impact of his organization. Through expert storytelling and powerful narrative techniques, Park brings to life the experiences of Salva and another young protagonist, Nya, shedding light on the indomitable human spirit and the importance of making a difference in the world.

Salva Dut: A Beacon of Leadership

Salva Dut’s story begins in war-torn Sudan, where he was forced to flee his home at the tender age of 11. Separated from his family and faced with unimaginable challenges, Salva’s resilience and determination became the driving force behind his journey to safety. As the leader of a group of Lost Boys, Salva navigated treacherous landscapes, endured hunger and thirst, and faced the constant threat of violence. His unwavering commitment to the well-being of his fellow refugees earned him the respect and admiration of those around him, establishing him as a beacon of leadership in the face of adversity.

Water for South Sudan: A Life-Changing Organization

Inspired by his own experiences and driven by a deep sense of purpose, Salva Dut founded Water for South Sudan, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in need. Through the drilling of boreholes and the installation of hand pumps, the organization has brought life-saving water to thousands of people, transforming their lives and empowering them to thrive. Salva’s vision and tireless efforts have not only alleviated the immediate suffering caused by water scarcity but have also created long-term solutions for sustainable development in South Sudan.

A Long Walk to Water: A Tale of Two Journeys

Linda Sue Park’s “A Long Walk to Water” intertwines the stories of Salva Dut and Nya, a young girl living in South Sudan. Despite being separated by over two decades, Salva and Nya share a common quest for water, a basic necessity that is often taken for granted in other parts of the world. Through Park’s expert storytelling, we witness the parallel journeys of Salva and Nya, their struggles, and their triumphs. The narrative beautifully captures the harsh realities of life in war-torn Sudan, the resilience of its people, and the transformative power of hope.

The Power of Hope and Resilience

At the heart of “A Long Walk to Water” lies a powerful message of hope and resilience. Salva Dut’s journey, marked by countless obstacles and hardships, serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. Through his unwavering determination and the support of others, Salva overcame immense challenges and emerged as a leader and changemaker. His story inspires us to believe in the power of the human spirit and the ability to create positive change, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem.

Empathy and Making a Difference

“A Long Walk to Water” not only highlights Salva Dut’s remarkable journey but also emphasizes the importance of empathy and making a difference in the world. Through the eyes of Nya, we witness the daily struggles faced by those living without access to clean water. This perspective serves as a call to action, urging readers to empathize with the plight of others and take steps towards creating a more equitable world. The book serves as a catalyst for discussions on global issues such as water scarcity, poverty, and the power of grassroots initiatives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Who is Salva Dut? Salva Dut is an inspirational figure and the founder of Water for South Sudan, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in need. His journey as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan and his subsequent efforts to make a difference have earned him international recognition.
  • What is “A Long Walk to Water” about? “A Long Walk to Water” is a book by Linda Sue Park that tells the parallel stories of Salva Dut and Nya, two individuals living in war-torn Sudan. The book explores their struggles, resilience, and the transformative power of hope.
  • How did Salva Dut’s experiences shape his leadership skills? Salva Dut’s experiences as a Lost Boy of Sudan, leading a group of refugees to safety, shaped his leadership skills. His ability to navigate challenging situations, make difficult decisions, and prioritize the well-being of others, honed his leadership abilities and established him as a beacon of hope and inspiration.
  • What is the impact of Water for South Sudan? Water for South Sudan has had a profound impact on the lives of thousands of people in South Sudan. Through the organization’s efforts to provide clean and safe drinking water, communities have been empowered to thrive, children have been able to attend school regularly, and the overall health and well-being of the population have improved significantly.
  • How can individuals make a difference in addressing global water scarcity? Individuals can make a difference in addressing global water scarcity by supporting organizations like Water for South Sudan, advocating for sustainable water management practices, and raising awareness about the importance of clean water access. Additionally, individuals can reduce their own water consumption, support local water conservation initiatives, and contribute to projects that promote water sustainability in vulnerable communities.

Salva Dut’s remarkable journey from a young refugee fleeing war to the founder of Water for South Sudan is a testament to the power of leadership, courage, and hope. Through Linda Sue Park’s book, “A Long Walk to Water,” we are invited to witness Salva’s incredible story and the transformative impact of his organization. The narrative serves as a reminder of the indomitable human spirit and the ability to create positive change, even in the face of adversity. As we reflect on Salva’s journey and the lessons learned from his experiences, let us be inspired to cultivate empathy, take action, and make a difference in the world. Together, we can ensure that everyone has access to the most basic of human needs: clean and safe drinking water.

Remember, the journey towards a better world begins with a single step. Will you take that step today?

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“Love is the soul’s recognition of its counterpart in another.”

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“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park Report

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“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park was first published in 2010. It is a short novel that tells the true story of Salvador. It also tells the imaginary story of Nya, a young village girl who is a part of the Nuer Tribe. In this book, the setting, being a desert, takes effect in influencing the various characters, plot, and mood throughout the story (Park, 2010). Through this book, the author has attempted to support Dut’s program which is Water for South Sudan as he portrays the numerous obstacles Salva and Nya face to their survival. This includes a lack of clean water, escape from war, and crossing the Gila River.

“A Long Walk to Water” is primarily based on two stories that the author weaves together in a very skillful way. Each chapter has two separate storylines narrated by a third-person limited narrator. The first story is of Nya, a girl from Sudan, and the second story is of Salva, a Sudanese boy. Salva Dut’s story begins in the 1980s and continues into the 2000s, and Nya’s story covers the time period between 2008 and 2009 (Park, 2010). The overall tone and mood of this book are sympathetic since one can see the hardships of walking all day for just a small amount of water in the heat and dryness of the desert.

The major conflict in this book is Man vs. Nature. For Salva, he has to walk through dangerous terrain to reach safety, having to walk to Ethiopia and then to Kenya. Despite missing his family, Salva shows that he is able to remain strong, brave, and able to persevere through hardship. There is also a conflict between Man Vs. Man in the dorm of a civil war which is the cause of Salva’s fleeing to Ethiopia (Park, 2010). Initially, the war causes him to flee his village, thus leaving his family behind. He does not know what happened to his family until later in life when he learns that his family actually survived the attack on that fateful day.

Nya’s major conflict is also Man Vs. Nature for Nya’s life revolves around water. However, the water that is available to her and those in her village has the potential to be dangerous. To Nya, water represents both life and death, for they must have water to survive, but the water has the potential to kill them too (Park, 2010). The story of Nya and Salva converge in the final chapters of the novel, though the reader is not initially aware of this until the very end. There are different groups in the novel, namely the Dinka and the Nuer. Slava is a Dinka and Nya is a Nuer. At times, fighting emerges between the two groups, but they become united by a common need which is water (Park, 2010). Salva formed a company, Water for Sudan, which will be crucial in bringing water wells to the villages in Southern Sudan. This well will forever change Nya’s life including the lives of those around her.

Conclusively, Nya and other Nuer tribal members were strong individuals who benefitted from foreign aid help to survive in their region. For example, the ability of Nya to personally deal with difficult circumstances to help provide her family with the needed resources proves she is a strong and brave individual. Additionally, it can be seen that the medical assistance from foreign aid agencies and the implementation of the clean water well from Salva’s foundation have enabled Nya and her people to survive the difficult surroundings in Sudan.

Park, L. S. (2010). A Long Walk to Water: Based on a true story . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 4). “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-long-walk-to-water-by-linda-sue-park/

"“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park." IvyPanda , 4 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/a-long-walk-to-water-by-linda-sue-park/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park'. 4 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park." December 4, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-long-walk-to-water-by-linda-sue-park/.

1. IvyPanda . "“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park." December 4, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-long-walk-to-water-by-linda-sue-park/.


IvyPanda . "“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park." December 4, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-long-walk-to-water-by-linda-sue-park/.

A Long Walk to Water

By linda sue park.

  • A Long Walk to Water Summary

Park weaves two stories together: that of Nya , a young girl from Sudan in 2008-09, and that of Salva, a Sudanese boy whose story begins in the 1980s and continues into the 2000s.

In Nya’s story, she is of the Nuer tribe. Her responsibility is to walk to the pond twice a day every day to fetch water for her family; it is a long, hot walk, but water is scarce in the region. She wishes she could go to school but that is only for boys. She worries about her sister, Akeer , who is sick from the poor water, but there is little that can be done.

One day, two men come to Nya’s village. They talk with the elders and construction begins in the ground between two big trees. When Nya learns there is going to be a well built, she is skeptical. The drilling process is arduous, and one of the men who is clearly the leader has to coax and encourage the workers.

Finally, the well yields fresh water and the entire village celebrates. One at a time, people bring their bottles to taste the clear water. Nya is also excited to learn that there is going to be a school built, and since she does not have to fetch water anymore, she can go to school.

Nya walks over to the man who helped bring the well about and thanks him. He asks her name and she tells him. He tells her his name is Salva.

Salva’s story starts with him being in school, daydreaming about the walk home. Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by the patter of gunfire and the teacher shouts for all the boys to get down. When the shooting stops, he urges the boys to run into the bush so that they will not be conscripted into the fighting between the rebels and the soldiers in the Sudanese civil war.

Salva obeys and runs into the bush, but he is stressed that he is separated from his family. He joins up with others on the run, but they eventually leave him because he is too young. He is able to join another group, however, and promises to keep up.

The group decides to journey to Ethiopia, where they will be safe and stay in refugee camps. Salva is distressed about his family, but one day he discovers his uncle Jewiir has joined the group. Uncle is very kind to Salva and encourages him when the times get tough. However, he also tells Salva it is likely that his family was killed because the village was burned.

Salva hopes Uncle will stay with him once they arrive in Ethiopia, but Uncle says he is going to return to the fighting.

Salva makes a close friend named Marial on the journey, but, one night, ravenous lions take Marial. Salva is very upset. Uncle never makes it to Ethiopia: a couple of men ambush the group, take their supplies and Uncle’s gun, and kill Uncle.

With the losses of Uncle and Marial, Salva actually feels stronger, as if they were helping him. He makes it to the refugee camp, where he is shocked at the number of people who are there.

Salva ends up being in the camp until he is seventeen. Then, one day, the Ethiopian soldiers arrive and say they have to leave immediately. They use their guns and start pushing the people toward the rushing river nearby. Salva knows there are crocodiles and that the current is strong, but when the soldiers start shooting, the people have no choice but to dive in. Salva barely makes it, and he does not know why he was spared.

Once back in Sudan, he decides he will walk to Kenya where there are refugee camps. May other boys join him and he becomes a de facto leader. These are the “lost boys,” and there are over twelve hundred who make it to Kenya.

Salva lives in two different refugee camps for several years. He learns to speak English thanks to an Irish aid worker named Michael . One day, rumors begin sweeping the camp that some of the boys will be sent to America to live. Salva’s name eventually ends up on a list and he is excited to learn he will be going to Rochester, New York.

The flights are long and Salva is amazed at the big world below him in the plane. He meets Chris, Louise, and their four children. He lives with them for a couple of years and decides to attend college and study business. He wants to do something for Sudan but is not sure what.

One day, a cousin in Zimbabwe emails him and tells him his father is in a medical clinic in Sudan. Salva is astonished that his father is alive, and he immediately starts planning a trip. It takes many months, but finally, he is able to go.

He arrives in Sudan and takes a jeep several hours to the clinic. He walks in, asks for his father, and confronts him. He recognizes him even though he looks older, and the two have an emotional reunion. His father tells him that his mother, brother, and two sisters are still alive, though two other brothers died in the fighting. Salva wishes he could see them, but he cannot return to the area while the fighting is still going strong or he would be taken.

On the way home to America, Salva has an idea, which he pursues for the next couple of years. It takes a lot of planning, advice, forms, and more, but finally Salva is ready: he is going to build wells in Sudan with his nonprofit Water for Sudan.

This is how he encounters Nya.

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A Long Walk to Water Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for A Long Walk to Water is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Along walk to water chapter 15

Very little in America will seem familiar to Salva. He will have to learn a new language and culture. He will have to live in a predominantly white culture as a young black man: not always an easy thing. Salva also finds a family that adopts him...

What are uncertainties in Salva's life

Salva did not want to get left behind again. He feels unsure if anyone will take him. He sees strangers and nobody is family. An old woman tries to convince the group of men to take Salva, but they claim he will be a drain on their resources. They...

How did Salva’s circumstances change from good … to bad … to good?

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Study Guide for A Long Walk to Water

A Long Walk to Water study guide contains a biography of Linda Sue Park, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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A Long to Water Quotes

  • Categories: Hope Resilience Survival

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Words: 664 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 664 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

I. introduction, a. linda sue park's novel "a long walk to water", b. quotes in literature serve as powerful tools, c. the quotes in "a long walk to water" shed light, ii. the theme of survival in "a long walk to water", a. the quote "i will make it to nya's village. i must. i will. i will make it or die trying", b. this quote reflects the characters' relentless pursuit of survival, c. the theme of survival in "a long walk to water", iii. the theme of resilience in "a long walk to water", a. the quote "it was my father who taught me to value myself", b. the characters in the novel exemplify resilience, c. through the various characters' journeys of resilience in "a long walk to water,".

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a long walk to water essay introduction

A Long Walk to Water

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Discussion Questions

The author combines two parallel plots that only connect at the end. How do they connect? What does that connection demonstrate?

What is the significance of Uncle Jewiir? What part does he play in Salva's life and personal philosophy?

Though the travelers never encounter the war itself, they are constantly running from it. What does Park seem to be saying about the unnamed casualties of war?

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A Long Walk to Water

Linda sue park.

a long walk to water essay introduction

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Character Analysis

Nya Quotes in A Long Walk to Water

Survival Theme Icon

Nya filled the container all the way to the top. Then she tied the gourd back in place and took the padded cloth doughnut from her pocket. The doughnut went on her head first, followed by the heavy container of water, which she would hold in place with one hand.

Survival Theme Icon

Nya nodded. She picked up the plastic container and took Akeer by the hand. Home for just long enough to eat, Nya would now make her second trip to the pond. To the pond and back—to the pond and back—nearly a full day of walking altogether. This was Nya’s daily routine seven months of the year.

a long walk to water essay introduction

The water from the holes in the lakebed could be collected only in tiny amounts. If her mother tried to boil such a small amount, the pot would be dry long before they could count to two hundred.

Nya went back and picked up the plastic can. She felt as if she were flying. School! She would learn to read and write!

Hope and Resilience Theme Icon

In a few more days, the school would be finished. Nya and Dep and Akeer would all go to school, along with the other children. Next year there would be a marketplace where the villagers could sell and buy vegetables and chickens and other goods. There was even talk of a clinic someday—a medical clinic, so they wouldn’t have to walk so far to get help, as they had to when Akeer was ill.

Social Strife Theme Icon

The Dinka and the Nuer were enemies—had been for hundreds of years.

“Why would a Dinka bring water to us?” she wondered aloud.

“I heard Uncle and Father talking about him,” Dep said. “He has drilled many wells for his own people. This year he decided to drill for the Nuer as well.”

The man smiled. "What is your name?” he asked. "I am Nya." "I am happy to meet you, Nya," he said. "My name is Salva. "

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    Park weaves two stories together: that of Nya, a young girl from Sudan in 2008-09, and that of Salva, a Sudanese boy whose story begins in the 1980s and continues into the 2000s.. In Nya's story, she is of the Nuer tribe. Her responsibility is to walk to the pond twice a day every day to fetch water for her family; it is a long, hot walk, but water is scarce in the region.

  15. A Long To Water Quotes: [Essay Example], 664 words

    The theme of survival in "A Long Walk to Water". A. The quote "I will make it to Nya's village. I must. I will. I will make it or die trying". exemplifies the unwavering determination of Salva, the protagonist, to survive and reunite with his family. Despite facing immense challenges and dangers, Salva's resilience and sheer willpower drive him ...

  16. A Long Walk to Water Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student ...

  17. Nya Character Analysis in A Long Walk to Water

    Nya is the other main character in A Long Walk to Water, also based on a real person. A young girl, Nya spends much of her waking life walking to and from a large pond, miles away from her family's village. She collects water from the pond into a gourd, balances the gourd on her head, and walks home, where she immediately deposits the water ...