
Essay on Save Tree Save Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Save Tree Save Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Save Tree Save Life


Trees are life’s essentials. They provide oxygen, conserve water, improve air quality, support wildlife, and offer much more.

The Role of Trees

Trees absorb harmful gases and release oxygen. They are home to many species, contributing to biodiversity.

Deforestation: A Threat

Deforestation for urbanization and other purposes is a threat to life. It leads to climate change and loss of species.

Save Trees, Save Life

By saving trees, we save life. Plant more trees, conserve existing ones, and promote sustainable living for a healthier planet.

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250 Words Essay on Save Tree Save Life

Trees are the lifeblood of our planet, the lungs of the earth, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, a process integral to the survival of all living beings. The phrase “Save Tree Save Life” encapsulates a profound truth about our interdependence with nature.

Trees play a multifaceted role in maintaining ecological balance. Besides producing oxygen, they act as carbon sinks, absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide, a key contributor to global warming. Furthermore, trees prevent soil erosion, provide habitat to diverse species, and offer resources for human use.

Deforestation: A Global Concern

Rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to widespread deforestation, threatening biodiversity, disrupting ecosystems, and intensifying climate change. The need to save trees, therefore, is not just an environmental concern but a matter of global survival.

Tree Conservation Strategies

Conservation strategies must be holistic, combining scientific, socio-economic, and cultural approaches. Reforestation and afforestation are immediate measures. However, sustainable land use, integrating tree conservation in urban planning, promoting agroforestry, and fostering a societal mindset that values trees are also crucial.

500 Words Essay on Save Tree Save Life

Trees are the lifeline of our planet. They play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and sustaining life on Earth. The phrase “Save Tree Save Life” emphasizes the intrinsic connection between the survival of trees and life on Earth. This essay explores the importance of trees, the threats they face, and the necessity of conservation efforts.

The Vital Role of Trees

Trees are the lungs of the Earth, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases. They are also the primary producers in the food chain, providing sustenance for a wide array of organisms. Trees act as natural water filters, preventing harmful pollutants from reaching water bodies, and help in conserving water through transpiration. They also serve as a habitat for numerous species, contributing to biodiversity.

Threats to Trees

Implications of tree loss.

The loss of trees has far-reaching implications. It disrupts the balance of atmospheric gases, leading to global warming. The loss of forest cover also results in decreased rainfall, leading to water scarcity and droughts. Soil erosion, flooding, and loss of biodiversity are other consequences of deforestation. The loss of trees also impacts local communities, particularly indigenous peoples, who depend on forests for their livelihoods and cultural practices.

The Need for Tree Conservation

Given the critical role of trees in sustaining life on Earth, tree conservation is of paramount importance. Conservation strategies should focus on both protecting existing forests and promoting reforestation. It is essential to enforce strict regulations against deforestation and illegal logging. Equally important is the promotion of sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, and urban planning that minimize tree loss.

Role of Individuals and Communities

In conclusion, trees are vital for the survival of life on Earth. They face numerous threats, primarily from human activities, which have far-reaching implications. Conservation efforts are urgently needed to protect and restore our forests. Everyone, from governments to individuals, has a role to play in these efforts. The phrase “Save Tree Save Life” is not just a slogan, but a call to action that we must heed for the sake of our planet and future generations.

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Essay On ‘Save Trees’ – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing This Essay For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save trees’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save trees’ for kids, short essay on ‘save trees’ for children, long essay on ‘save trees’ for kids, what will your child learn from the ‘save trees’ essay.

Essay writing is very important for kids as it shapes their thoughts and imagination. They could choose writing as a medium to express their knowledge and understanding of things they observe. Kids are usually very good at imagination, and essay writing could become a skill for them to communicate their observations in writing. Trees are the breathing lungs of the earth. They are as important as the food we eat, and an essay on saving trees could increase awareness among kids. Your little ones will grow up to become responsible citizens who will understand the importance of planting greenery around them to make a sustainable environment. This article will showcase an essay on saving trees for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Kids in primary classes usually lack a lot of vocabulary, even in their native language. It could be safe to avoid too many technical terms and use easy words to help understand them and write with ease. Given here are a few of the key points you should remember when essay writing on save trees –

  •  The essay should have a proper introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Ask kids to use simple language and words.
  • In the essay, talk about trees; their importance, uses, and benefits.
  • Provide a proper conclusion for the same.

Kids are sensitive to their environment. An essay on saving trees could trigger various emotions in them to be vocal about saving trees. Here is the essay on saving trees for classes 1 and 2.

  • Trees are like breathing lungs for the earth. They keep the earth’s temperature balanced by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
  • Trees provide life to humans, consuming carbon dioxide to release oxygen. Carbon dioxide traps heat in our atmosphere and makes the earth warmer, whereas oxygen keeps the earth cool and provides the air we breathe.
  • Trees provide food to humans and herbivorous animals in the form of fruits and vegetables and shape a dependent ecology for the earth.
  • Trees are resourceful as they provide a lot of inputs for various industries like paper, gums, fibre, wood, rubbers, etc.
  • Trees offer shelter, shadow, and life to wildlife and a cold breeze to humans.
  • Trees are functioned to produce micro water droplets when they release oxygen that causes the atmosphere to cool down, resulting in the clustering of clouds, and the ultimate result is rain. The process helps the earth to function as a self-balanced and self-sufficient planet, making it a habitat for humans.
  • Planting more trees adds more to the beautification of the earth.
  • Trees help us prevent air pollution and soil erosion. Trees are structured with strong roots lying deep into the soil. When the water pressure increases due to heavy rains, the root holds the soil, or the waters force the ground to dislocate to river streams.
  • Climate change is one of the biggest concerns; the plantation of trees helps to balance the climate of a region and prevent sudden climate disturbance.
  • A wise man said, “save trees, save lives!”. It holds true in our life; Deforestation has contributed much to global warming. Saving trees could mean more breathing air means more life.

Small paragraphs are easier for kids as they require short sentence construction and limited topic knowledge. Given below is a small paragraph on trees.

Saving a tree means saving a life! Trees contribute so much to our planet that they are a vital part of our ecosystem, just like humans. Trees produce oxygen, the air we breathe, and they consume carbon dioxide, the air we release. Trees make our environment and atmosphere habitable for us by keeping the temperature balanced. Trees provide so much to humans in the form of fruits, medicines, and shelter that thinking life without them is impossible. Even herbivorous animals also benefit from them. In return, we should save trees and increase plantations in our surroundings, eventually creating a balanced environment for humans to live peacefully.

Short essays on saving trees allow kids to explore this important asset of this planet and understand its importance. Given below is a short essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 for reference.

Trees are the best gift given by mother nature to us. Trees are essential for life on earth. Trees give necessary resources for survival, including foods like fruits, vegetables, and raw materials for various industries. We use trees to make many products such as gums, papers, furniture, etc. Small trees and weeds are food to many wild animals like deer. Thus, trees are an essential component of the wildlife ecosystem. Many animals could die out of hunger without trees. Trees also control the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas and, if not controlled, can cause an increase in the earth’s temperature resulting in global warming. In return, trees release oxygen which is the crucial component of the air we breathe. Trees are also crucial for preventing soil erosion. Thus, we should plant as many trees to save ourselves and some of the most prestigious wild animals in the ecosystem.

A long essay allows kids to explore the topic in more detail. Here we have drafted an essay on saving trees for class 3:

The air we breathe and the food we eat all come from our environment, and trees are one of the significant parts of that environment. Trees consume carbon dioxide, which, if not controlled, causes the earth’s temperature to rise and causes glaciers to melt down. Those waters eventually, through rivers, flow to the ocean, causing water levels to grow in the sea, and as a result, the landmass, which is currently 29 % of the entire earth, decreases. The ultimate effect could be that we will be left with a little of the whole world to live upon. Trees release oxygen which we breathe. Saving trees means we save most of the living beings on the earth and lead to a balanced ecosystem. Trees are vibrant and green, making us feel fresh, and provide valuable resources such as food, fruits, vegetables, and input for many industries such as gum, rubber, paper, wood, furniture, etc.

Why Is It Important To Save Trees?

  • Trees are fundamental to our life.
  • Trees provide oxygen, the air we breathe.
  • They provide foods like fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • They are themselves food to a lot of herbivore animals.
  • Trees cool up our atmosphere and make it habitable for us.

How To Save Trees?

To save trees, we must consume less of the products we obtain from trees. Below are some points for your reference.

  • Plant more trees
  • Minimise the use of paper
  • Buy recycled paper products
  • Use cloth products
  • Increase plantation awareness in your community
  • Volunteer yourself to trees plantation
  • Start an online campaign to save trees

Like you, now your children know that their life depends on trees. When they grow up, they become vocal about the issue of saving trees. They might be a responsible citizen for protecting the environment.

As mentioned above, saving trees means saving a life! Our life so much depends on our environment, including trees, that any imbalance in it could severely affect our life, and it may even threaten our existence.

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save tree save nature essay in english

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Essay on Save Trees | For Students

The towering giants we call trees are not just part of our landscape; they are essential to our survival. In this essay, I will argue for the urgent need to save trees. Trees are not only majestic but also vital for our environment, our health, and the future of our planet.

Oxygen Production

Trees are nature’s oxygen factories. They absorb carbon dioxide—a harmful greenhouse gas—and release oxygen during a process called photosynthesis. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, a single tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people. Saving trees means ensuring a cleaner and healthier atmosphere for all of us to breathe.

Biodiversity and Habitats

Trees are not just tall and leafy; they are entire ecosystems. Forests are home to countless species of plants, animals, and insects. When we save trees, we protect these habitats and the biodiversity they support. According to the World Wildlife Fund, forests are essential for preserving endangered species and maintaining ecological balance.

Climate Change Mitigation

Trees are powerful allies in the fight against climate change. They absorb and store carbon dioxide, preventing it from entering the atmosphere and contributing to global warming. A study published in the journal “Nature” estimates that trees could remove up to 200 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere. Saving trees is crucial for stabilizing our climate and preventing extreme weather events.

Soil Conservation

The roots of trees anchor the soil, preventing erosion and landslides. Trees also improve soil quality by enhancing its fertility and structure. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), trees play a significant role in sustainable agriculture. They protect farmland, reduce soil erosion, and support the growth of crops.

Water Resources

Trees are essential for maintaining our water resources. Their roots absorb rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion. Moreover, trees release water vapor into the atmosphere, which contributes to rainfall patterns. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) emphasizes the role of trees in sustaining our freshwater supply.

Human Health Benefits

Trees have a positive impact on human health. Urban forests, in particular, provide shade, reduce air pollution, and lower temperatures. A study in the journal “Environmental Pollution” suggests that exposure to green spaces, including trees, is associated with improved mental well-being and reduced stress. Saving trees in our cities enhances our quality of life.

Economic Value

Trees have significant economic value. The forestry industry provides jobs and contributes to our economy. Additionally, trees enhance property values, making neighborhoods more desirable. A report by the U.S. Forest Service highlights the economic benefits of forests, including recreation, tourism, and timber production.

Sustainable Practices

Saving trees is not about stopping all tree harvesting but about practicing sustainable forestry. Sustainable forestry ensures that trees are harvested responsibly, with an emphasis on reforestation and minimizing environmental impact. Organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) promote sustainable forestry practices.

Education and Awareness

Saving trees requires education and awareness. When we learn about the importance of trees, we become advocates for their protection. Educational programs, such as Arbor Day celebrations and environmental curricula, play a crucial role in raising awareness about tree conservation among students and communities.

Conclusion of Essay on Save Trees

In conclusion, saving trees is not just an environmental cause; it is a responsibility that affects every aspect of our lives. Trees provide us with oxygen, support biodiversity, combat climate change, and protect our soil and water resources. They enhance our physical and mental well-being and contribute to our economy. Saving trees is about safeguarding our planet for future generations.

As we recognize the significance of trees, let us commit to preserving and planting them. Let us support reforestation efforts, practice sustainable forestry, and advocate for policies that protect our forests. Every tree we save is a step toward a healthier, more balanced planet. Trees are not just nature’s wonders; they are our lifelines, and it is our duty to be their guardians.

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English Summary

100 Words Essay On Save Trees In English

Saving trees is crucial for the environment for they are important in the sustenance of human beings. Without trees, there wouldn�t exist oxygen without which we would all cease to survive!

Planting a tree, they say, is the equivalent of getting an oxygen cylinder. With the advent of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are all aware of what this means. Save trees, save lives!

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Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

save tree save nature essay in english

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our planet’s ecosystem, and it is imperative that we take steps to save them. Deforestation, urbanization, and other human activities have led to a decline in the number of trees, which has had devastating impacts on the environment. To ensure a sustainable future, it is crucial that we take action to save trees and preserve the Earth’s natural resources.

One of the primary benefits of trees is that they act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. They also help to regulate the Earth’s temperature, preventing heat waves and other weather-related disasters. Furthermore, trees are essential for the production of oxygen, which is necessary for all living beings to survive.

In addition to their environmental benefits, trees also have significant social and economic benefits. They provide shade, shelter, and beauty, and are often used for recreation, such as hiking and camping. They also provide habitats for wildlife, preserving biodiversity and maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

To save trees and preserve the Earth’s environment, individuals can take several actions. Planting new trees is one of the most effective ways to increase the number of trees and help to mitigate the impacts of deforestation. Supporting sustainable forestry practices, such as selective logging, can help to preserve the natural forest while still allowing for the harvest of forest products. Additionally, reducing the use of paper products, such as books and newspapers, can help to reduce the demand for paper, which is a major driver of deforestation.

In conclusion, the importance of trees cannot be overstated, and it is crucial that we take action to save them. By planting new trees, supporting sustainable forestry practices, and reducing the use of paper products, we can help to preserve the Earth’s environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. By working together, we can make a difference and help to save the trees that are so critical to the health of our planet.

long Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

The Earth we live in today is the only planet that has an environment suitable for human life. This makes it necessary for us to take care of our planet and its resources, particularly trees. In this essay, we’ll explore the importance of preserving trees, why they are vital to the health of our planet, and how we can all help to save them.


As we know, trees are important to our planet and our existence. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, the food we need to eat, and the wood we need to build our homes. They also help to regulate the climate and protect us from the sun’s harmful rays.

But despite all their benefits, trees are being cut down at an alarming rate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area of forest the size of Panama is lost every year – that’s around 20 million hectares! And as the population continues to grow, so does the demand for timber and land. This means that even more trees are being chopped down.

Deforestation has many negative impacts on the environment. It contributes to climate change, as trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Without them, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide build up and trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to rising temperatures and climate instability. Deforestation also causes soil erosion, which can lead to floods and landslides. And it destroys habitats, putting animals at risk of extinction.

Thankfully, there are things we can do to help save trees and protect our planet. Planting trees is one way to offset the effects of deforestation. And supporting sustainable forestry initiatives can help ensure that forests are managed in a way that minimizes environmental impact. We can also reduce our own consumption of wood products by recycling or using alternatives made from other materials.

By working together

Reasons for Saving Trees

There are many reasons for saving trees, as they play a vital role in our environment. Trees produce oxygen that we breathe, help to purify the air, provide homes for wildlife, help to regulate the climate and provide us with shade and shelter. They also help to prevent soil erosion and can be a valuable source of food and medicine. In addition, trees are beautiful and have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years.

It is estimated that we lose around 27,000 trees each day due to deforestation. This is a huge problem as forests play a key role in maintaining the balance of our planet’s ecosystem. Deforestation can lead to habitat loss, climate change, soil erosion and even more devastating consequences. It is therefore crucial that we do what we can to save trees and prevent further deforestation.

One way to save trees is by planting more of them. This can be done on an individual level or as part of a community project. Another way to save trees is by preventing deforestation through campaigning or direct action. This may involve working with local people to stop illegal logging or raising awareness about the importance of forests. Finally, we can all help to save trees by using less paper and wood products in our daily lives.

How to Save Trees?

We all know the importance of trees and plants in our daily life. They help us in various ways like providing us food, shelter, oxygen, and also help in controlling pollution. But still, we are cutting down trees and destroying them at an alarming rate. We need to understand the importance of trees and take some measures to save them. Here are some tips which can help you in saving trees:

1) Plant more trees: This is the most obvious and simplest way to save trees. The more trees we plant, the more we will be able to save. Trees not only provide us with various environmental benefits but also have many other uses like providing shade, acting as windbreaks, etc. So, whenever you get a chance, plant a tree or two.

2) Do not cut down healthy trees: Many people cut down healthy trees for various reasons like construction purposes, making furniture, etc. This is one of the major reasons for the decreasing number of trees on earth. If possible, use recycled wood or wood from fallen trees instead of cutting down a healthy tree.

3) Use paper wisely: One of the major reasons for cutting down trees is to make paper. As much as possible use both sides of a paper before throwing it away and recycle used paper instead of throwing it away. This will help in reducing the demand for new paper and eventually help in saving trees.

4) Educate others about the importance of trees: Many people are not

Benefits of Saving Trees

Saving trees has many benefits that help both people and the environment. Trees produce oxygen that we need to breathe, filter the air of pollutants, provide homes for wildlife, and prevent soil erosion. They also offer shade and shelter from the sun and wind, help regulate the climate, and provide us with food, fuel, and other products.

In addition to all of these practical reasons for saving trees, they also have aesthetic and symbolic value. Trees are beautiful and have been revered by cultures around the world for centuries. They are symbols of life, growth, and fertility. Planting a tree is often seen as a way to make a positive impact on the environment and leave a lasting legacy.

In conclusion, trees are an invaluable resource that can help save our planet. Trees provide clean air, prevent soil erosion and floods, act as a habitat for wildlife, and produce oxygen. By planting more trees, we can reduce the effects of global warming and create healthier environments for future generations to enjoy. We must take responsibility now to ensure the Earth’s environment is protected before it is too late. Planting just one tree today can make a difference in saving our planet!

In this essay, we will discuss the importance of trees and what they mean to our environment. We will also look at ways we can help save trees and prevent them from being cut down.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Save Trees

List of essays on save trees in english, essay on save trees – essay 1 (100 words), essay on save trees – essay 2 (200 words), essay on save trees – essay 3 (250 words), essay on save trees – essay 4 (300 words), essay on save trees – essay 5 (500 words), essay on save trees – essay 6 (500 words), essay on save trees – essay 7 (750 words), essay on save trees – essay 8 (1000 words).


‘ Save Tree to Save Earth ’ – this should be the principle that every human being living in this planet should follow. Trees are so precious. Without trees, life on Earth is impossible; but people do not seem to understand its value. We have to save trees to continue the survival of human race.

Why should we save tree?

Trees give us the most needed tool for survival, which is ‘ Oxygen ’. If humans do not save trees today, they might end up buying oxygen in bottles in future.

Saving trees will reduce the effect of global warming .

Apart from human beings, even birds, animals and other creatures depend on trees for food and shelter. Saving trees will help save our ecosystem .


The only valuable asset that we can give our kids is a healthy environment. Save trees and give the future generation a greener planet to live.

Trees are the most beautiful creatures in nature and needs to be saved. With their lush green leaves, they provide natural scenery and a pleasant view to the human eyes. But, the current environmental pollution due to human activities has led to the destruction of trees causing a huge scale of deforestation. It’s high time that we understand the importance of trees and save trees.

The Importance of Saving Trees:

Trees should be saved as they provide us with food to live. Trees and deep forests are the sinks of Carbon Dioxide – a greenhouse gas and the producers of Oxygen without which life on earth can’t sustain. Trees give us shelter. Most of our home decor and furniture are made of tree barks. Trees are also a source of fuel. Trees give us medicine. Trees give us rubber, clothes, and many more which the humans are dependent on.

Why save trees?

We need to save trees by protecting them from the destructive human activities like clearance of forests, deforestation for urbanization, etc. Trees are the lungs for the earth. It is an important part of nature’s ecosystem. They balance the soil composition and also act as the barrier for wind and storm. Thus, they provide various uses to the ecosystem. For these reasons, it’s imperative that we save trees.

Trees provide a very peaceful and clean environment. They provide pleasant surroundings and cleanse the pollutions in the environment. So, let’s take a pledge to save trees and save nature today!

Trees are the beautiful creation of Mother Nature and saving trees is one of the primary responsibilities of human beings. Saving trees means saving your own life for one more day. People nowadays barely care about the source of oxygen, but trees are the only one to provide oxygen. They are a peaceful expression of scenery and life. Along with being a mother and home to so many birds and animals, trees are also meant to satisfy human needs by providing oxygen, and definitely not wood.

Destructing trees may give you luxury living experience, but the lavish life will not help if you don’t have oxygen to breathe in your coming days. People should understand the importance of saving trees and should make this environment a better place for living. We have to stop chopping trees as soon as possible, without looking to the purpose. While no one understands the drawbacks of cutting trees, it must be noticed that cutting trees will lead to a high concentration of CO 2 which is carbon dioxide-the greenhouse gas.

The higher the concentration of CO 2 in our environment the more will be the chances of pollution and destruction of climate. Trees are successful in grabbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They make oxygen which is way too important for us. Therefore, trees must be protected and saved no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

Trees are being used to make different type of products, like furniture, construction, paper, firewood, etc. Out of the many usages of trees, it uses extensively for the production of various types of papers. We cannot live without papers, and for that very purpose, a lot of trees are being chopped without any planning or replantation. If you can save papers, then you are directly saving trees. We need to limit the use of papers or recycle it so that we can save trees.

Similarly, in every walk of life, where ever we can use an alternative product instead of wood, then we should promote it which will again contribute to saving trees.

Our mother earth provides us so many useful gifts that effectively nourish our life and trees are one of such valuable gifts. Trees are the primary source of shelter and food for animals as well as human beings on the earth. They are the natural abode to numerous tribes existing in the forests; birds also use them as their home.

Trees must be saved as they provide us with lots of benefits such as timber for making furniture, prevent the floods and soil erosion, refresh the air, purify the air, give cool air in summer, etc. They are also the primary source of goods like paper, gum, medicine, rubber, rain, etc. We must comprehend the roles as well as the significance of trees in our existence and do not get involved in its destruction. We should encourage more and more people to save tree in the nearby area.

Essential steps to save Tree:

The below are some useful steps that will help you to save tree and the earth’s environment:

i. We must discover out the causes of trees destruction in the specific area and investigate that whether the tree was essential to destroy due to the reasons like lifeless, broken, contaminated or implanted in an unsuitable site.

ii. We must get together in the society with our neighbors and take some essential steps to save tree.

iii. If somebody is removing the trees without any permission then, we must make the public aware of it and take some necessary action to save tree.

iv. If trees get removed for some reason then, we can contact some non-profit organization or local government for certifying re-plantation in a similar region.

We can survive on earth only due to the presence of oxygen, water, as well as trees. They are one of the critical sources of water and oxygen on the planet. It is our responsibility to save tree, or otherwise, we have to get ready to face the consequences.

The world as we know it would be extinct without trees. First, there is the exchange of oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Without this exchange, life would simply cease to exist. Second, there is the effect of the lack of plant life on our ecosystem in general. Little wonder why environmentalists have been blowing the global warming trumpet.

Maybe the above dangers of lack of plant life don’t scare us enough or we simply don’t care. What’s certain is that plant life, specifically, tree life is in grave danger and this can lead to serious repercussions for our society at large.

Why saving trees is important:

Leaving the above-mentioned reasons aside, the presence of trees in our society is important to our life in general. Trees are to be saved as they provide us with shelter, they are the source of a lot of medicine we consume, we use them in creating and shaping our tools and they also contribute their quota in the reduction of pollution.

One key point of saving trees is the medicinal value of trees. Tree stems possess chemicals that have been instrumental in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of the leaves found on trees play similar roles as well. Hence, it is also important to our physical and mental wellbeing to keep the trees safe.

The biggest threat to trees:

Every time we push an agenda for a new mega-city or we commence a housing project, we are slowly killing tree life. This is because constructions of structures of any kind always involve the use of wood gotten from trees. Also, to expand the city or build new ones, we would have to cut down trees to create space for houses to settle in. These two factors are trees biggest threat.

How to save the trees:

As stated earlier, there are certain actions that have a direct effect on tree life while others affect it remotely. Whatever the proximity, what is clear is that fact that we need to take positive steps to reduce the number of trees being cut down on a duly basis. Some of the steps to save trees are explained below:

Use less of paper:

This might seem remote but can prove to be effective in the long run. Paper is largely made from wood which is gotten from trees. Thus, if we waste less of paper, there would be a reduction in the demand for paper. This means fewer trees would be cut down for paper processing and trees can be saved.

Plant new ones:

This is a more direct approach but imagine if for every house built, there is a tree planted. This approach should be encouraged in both rural and urban areas so long as new houses are being built. With proper sensitization of the public on this policy, this mode would lead to a greener society in less than a decade.

Prevent unwarranted tree cutting:

While tree cutting cannot be eliminated, sometimes they are unnecessary and reckless. This is where activism comes in. We must prevent all unjustifiable tree removal that occurs in our society by speaking up and involving the media when the act is about to be perpetrated.

Our green neighbours would leave us very soon if we do not take the right steps. No matter how little your efforts are, they are baby steps towards the desire of saving trees.

Trees are one of the most important and valuable source of life to us on the earth. They are highly essential to the vibrant and healthy communities on our planet. Trees are a benefit to all of the living things that exists on this planet both in indirect and direct ways. As we all should know, all the components and elements of the earth and environment are connected to one another and run according to nature’s balance, this means that if there is as disturbance or harm to one of the elements, the effect would be felt by the whole environment and this can lead to harm coming to the lives (both human and animals) on earth.

Trees are known to help protect us from different natural disaster and also help in the nourishment of our lives in various ways. Trees help maintain our environment as clean and also keep the earth green which means that we are as well responsible to the trees and we should do our best to always protect trees. Smaller trees are not as beneficial as the mature and large trees because the mature and large trees can filter the green house gases with a greater speed, they also can capture a lot more carbon, they reduce the use of energy, catch a lot more storm water, help to fight urban heat, can give big shadow and so on. Hence, it is very important that we do not cut trees down even when it is an emergency, instead we should save trees.

Trees have a lot of benefits. Highlighted below are a few of the benefits of tree so that you can understand the need for trees to be saved and not cut down. They include:

i. Trees that are mature and large help to fight climate changes through absorbing the major source of the climate change (green house gases) and also refresh the air.

ii. Trees through the refreshment of the air help to clean the air by absorbing the polluted gases and also the odours in the atmosphere and environment.

iii. Eighteen people can be provided with the oxygen they need for a year with just an acre of trees that are mature and large.

iv. The low temperature of winter and the temperature of summer can be moderated by trees.

v. Trees help in the management of global warming by reducing the need for air conditioning in the summer by 50 percent.

vi. Trees slow down the rate of the evaporation of water from the ground by casting their shadows on the ground thus saving water.

vii. Trees prevent water pollution by acting as natural filters of water and allow water to move down into the earth that is below the seas and prevent the risk of pollutants being carried by rainwater into water bodies.

viii. Soil erosion can be prevented by trees through the holding together of large quantity of soil by trees.

ix. Trees are very good source of healthy and nutritious food (for example, vegetables, fruits, etc.). They also provide medicines, shelter and economy.

There are many things provided to us by nature which are extremely importance for the existence of life on the earth. One such entity is trees. Trees are responsible for converting the carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere to oxygen which is vital for respiration of all animals including humans on the earth. But, with the increase in population and modern methods of living, there has been mass uprooting of trees and furthermore, acts of deforestation have often led to the ecological crisis in many regions of the world, including India. Hence there is an urgent need to save trees and help the future generations with their existence on this beautiful planet.

The Importance of Trees:

It is not only for their oxygen-producing capacity that the trees are important for us. There are a number of other advantages of having trees around us. Trees assume a particularly vital job in improving our quality of life we enjoy, especially in the urban conditions. Trees likewise give us shades and protect us from the strong heat coming from the sun’s rays. Additionally, trees beautify the atmosphere with their presence. Trees enhance air quality by going about as regular air channels expelling residue, smoke and exhaust from the environment by catching them on their leaves, branches and trunks. In fact, Only 1 hectare of beech forest can separate 4 tons of waste for each year from the climate. Furthermore, every year a full-grown tree can produce enough oxygen for 10 individuals. Trees are additionally a powerful sound wall and can confine noise contamination. Trees also serve as living spaces to local ground verdure, for example, birds, squirrels and other arboreal creatures.

Harmful effects of Deforestation:

The uprooting of trees for various needs is what we call as deforestation. The uprooting of trees at mass levels has led to severe changes in the climate of the earth. Massive soil erosion has led to floods as well as droughts in different areas in India as well as the world. Moreover, the quality of soil has been affected leading to the reduction in crop production or the altering of their quality due to deficiency of required nutrients in the soil. Additionally, uprooting of trees has led to global warming as well as trees are known to stop the clouds and act as catalysts for causing rainfall. Additionally, deforestation has also led to depleting of the ozone layer which is responsible to protect the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth.

Measure to Save Trees:

It is of utmost importance for all to give their individual contribution to saving the trees. Finding an alternative to the use of wood for various purposes is one such method through which we can reduce the cutting down of trees. Planting more trees is another small yet priceless contribution we all can do for our nature. For every tree uprooted we should plant 2 more trees so that to maintain the balance between urbanisation and deforestation. Minimising use of papers is another such effort which can help save trees in a big manner as papers are made from trees.

Lessons from History:

In the 1970s, a movement known as the Chipko movement was organised in order to stop the increase in deforestation in India. The name of the development originates from the word ‘grasp’, as the villagers embraced the trees, and did not allow the workers to feel the trees.

Relatively few individuals realize that throughout the most recent couple of hundreds of years numerous networks in India have helped spare nature. The Bishnoi community from the state of Rajasthan is one such example. The first Chipko development began around 260 years back in the early piece of the eighteenth century in Rajasthan. An extensive gathering of them from 84 towns driven by a woman called Amrita Devi set out their lives with an end goal to shield the trees from being felled on the requests of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The movement was eventually successful as the Maharaja agrees to stop the felling of the trees.

Trees are often referred to as the green gold of the earth. We should all do out a bit to save them. Life is conceivable on the earth due to water, oxygen and trees and we can’t overlook that trees are a wellspring of oxygen and water on the earth. Individuals are considered as the smartest animal on the earth, so we ought to comprehend our duty towards nature and save trees for the benefit of all flora and fauna on the earth. Let our planet remain as beautiful as it was created millions of years ago.

This essay focuses on the urgent need to save trees. Trees are our truest friends. These green friends provide us with clean air, fruits, vegetables, wood, and many other things necessary in our lives. That means our survival is only possible if we save trees.

But with time, the human race has done enough damage and made the situation quite worse. As a result, all the countries have come together to save trees so that we can preserve the planet Earth. Do you know what would happen if there were no trees? Why is it so necessary to save trees and how can we do that?

These are some of the most important questions that must be answered in order to realize the value of this issue and save trees. Let’s look at them one by one.

Importance of Trees:

Human beings breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, releasing it into the atmosphere. The biggest reason why we must save trees is that they provide us with oxygen without which we would die. And not only that, but they also reduce the toxic carbon dioxide by consuming it in the process of photosynthesis, another great reason for us to save trees.

Trees are also the source of food for both humans and herbivorous animals. They form an essential segment in the food chain. If we do not save trees, the whole chain would collapse. Forests also act as the living territories of wild animals.

Roots of the trees hold the soil and prevent it from loosening. In this way, they reduce the chances of floods. When we save trees, it also maintains the water cycle in the atmosphere. To restore the groundwater and raise its level, the only way out is to save trees.

Trees absorb the pollutants from the air and make it clean. Their shade saves us from the scorching sunlight and pleases us with cool air. They play an indispensable role for birds, honey bees, butterflies, and plenty of other living beings that are essential for the ecological balance.

In short, there are countless causes to save trees. On a serious note, in an effort to save trees, we are also helping the earth keep a cooler temperature. Trees and their oxygen act as a shield from the heat and ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Deforestation and Its Causes:

For an ample number of reasons, humankind has failed to save trees. Deforestation is the main culprit behind it with many other factors lying in its base. For instance, more land is needed for the consistently growing population. To construct the living areas and houses for everyone, we are bound to cut trees when in reality, we should save trees.

Big industries are sweeping off an enormous number of forests and setting up their factories. Chopping off the trees for paper and timber is yet another cause of deforestation. As explained above, to feed millions of people, natural forests are being replaced with agricultural farms and fields.

Because we did not save trees in the first place, an increased frequency of floods leads to even more destruction of forests. The massive trend of mining for minerals, ores, and precious metals has also turned the situation against us.

Natural calamities such as forest fires, earthquakes, and cyclones, wash away the human efforts to save trees. These powerful events can be managed only up to a certain level and yet result in the desertion of forests for a long time.

Now that we have discussed the major causes of the decreasing number of trees, below are some of the significant side effects of deforestation and ways to deal with it.

Impacts of Deforestation:

Due to our mismanagement to save trees, the impacts of deforestation are spreading widely all over the world. First of all, the greatest effect can be seen in the form of global warming. The temperature of the earth is rising consistently. Consequently, the icebergs at the poles are melting and increasing the sea levels.

When we are unable to save trees, the disaster also comes in the form of floods. Poor forest areas mean there are no trees to hold the soil. Loose soil particles cannot act as a strong barrier and fail to prevent the floods.

Deforestation is responsible for growing air pollution. Without trees, the levels of carbon dioxide rise in the atmosphere. The percentage of oxygen becomes terrible. If we don’t save trees, we are also ruining the lives of wild animals. Without forests, they have no place to live safely and become more vulnerable to hunting, capturing, and extinction.

As the most intelligent species on earth, it is the duty of mankind to save trees because once the wild animals like carnivores are threatened, the danger reaches to herbivorous animals too. Gradually, the effect would spread to human beings and the whole food pyramid would fall down eventually.

Necessary Measures:

We need to save trees and help them flourish. When we save trees, we ensure our own survival on the planet. To save trees, the first step should be planting as many trees as possible. Celebrating Environment day is one of the many effective measures to save trees.

Creating awareness among the general public with the help of ‘save trees’ campaigns would be helpful too. In schools, children should be given the opportunity to draw pictures on the topic of ‘save trees’. They may also be asked to write short articles on ‘save trees’ and share it with others.

As far as possible, wastage of paper should be avoided. Population control and curbing the industrialization are the biggest ways to save trees. By reducing the harmful activities such as mining and cutting trees, we would face lesser floods, earthquakes, and cyclones.

The bottom line is that for our planet to be greener and healthier, we must promise ourselves to save trees, for this generation and for the future generations to come. Thus, we can all save trees by making changes in our lifestyle.

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Essay on Save Trees | Tree Essay for Students and Children in English

March 22, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Save Trees: Tree Essay is one of the many ways for students to understand the implication of trees and plants in the environment. From global warming to various types of pollution, planting trees is one of the most effective solutions to combat this problem. The industrialization has led to the landscape changing for the worse. Trees are being cut on a large scale, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake. These actions will have immediate consequences and long term repercussions for humans and the planet.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Tree Essay – Points to Remember

When writing a tree essay, keep the following things in mind. It may help you to fetch more marks:

  • Try to have an introductory paragraph.
  • Mention facts and figures where possible.
  • Reduce jargon or try to break down their meaning at least.
  • Ensure that the content is presented in small, digestible chunks.
  • Write in points wherever possible.
  • If time permits, read through the essay to ensure that there are no errors – factual or grammatical.
  • Always end the essay with a concluding paragraph.

More than anything else, ensure that adequate research is done. Go to various journals, websites, related media or more. Doing so helps to generate interesting and engaging content for the reader.

“Save Trees They Will Save You” – Save Tree Essay

Essay on Save Trees

Tree Essay Sample 1 (250 words)

Trees provide many resources – from life-saving medicines to commercially valuable goods. However, the most crucial role of trees is the production of oxygen. Without this crucial element, life on earth would probably have never existed. Trees also play an ecological role, such as preserving the soil and preventing soil erosion.

From an evolutionary perspective, trees were around for a long time. The earliest known trees may have been the Wattieza, appearing around 385 million years ago. Fossil evidence showed that it was over 26 feet tall and superficially resembled tree ferns. From this point in history, trees became diversified, with at least 60,000 living species documented to date.

Trees and Their Benefits

However, the earth we know today is a drastically different place. Ever since the industrial revolution, trees having been cut down on a large scale. Vasts swaths of forests being cleared for the expansion of industries, cities or farmlands. These actions will have drastic repercussions, both immediate and long term.

Due to the encroachment of wildlife habitat, wild animals may interact with humans, often leading to fatal consequences. Trees also serve as natural windbreaks, preventing soil erosion and providing shelter from the wind. So when such trees are cut, it is only natural to expect a calamity. Trees are also one of the significant factors in preventing global warming.

Greenhouse gases are natural and quite crucial for the earth, but anthropological activities have accelerated this phenomenon past the point where its effects are detrimental to the planet. Hence, more trees should be planted in order to ensure the survival of our species and the planet.

Tree Essay Sample 2 500+ Words

Trees are an essential part of the ecosystem. It provides many resources from food and medicine to shelter and clothing. Furthermore, trees help fight climate change and global warming. Therefore, we must conserve trees and forests. Trees have been around much longer than humans. The very first fossil evidence of trees dates back to over 385 million years. It may have looked very unusual, without any leaves or flowers. Ever since then, trees have evolved into a multitude of shapes and forms, spread across thousands of species.

Trees also hold several world records – for instance, the tallest trees in the world are the California redwoods, with specimens growing over 379 feet in height. For comparison, the height of Big Ben in London is 320 feet. Other trees, such as the General Sherman tree (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is the largest tree in the world by volume. It has an estimated weight of over 2,000 tons (or 18,14,369 kilograms). The oldest living tree ever is the Methuselah, a 4,845-year-old Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva).

Apart from record-setting dimensions, trees produce some of the world’s most valuable goods. The anti-malarial drug Quinine is extracted from the cinchona trees. Without this life-saving drug, malaria would have wreaked havoc on society. The Pacific Yew tree can be used to produce taxol – an effective anticancer drug. Trees also provide a source of food through various types of fruits and nuts. Popular fruits such as mangoes, apples, and oranges come from trees.

Importance of Trees

Forests are home for many species of animals, some of which are on the verge of extinction. The trees in these forests provide microhabitats to many birds, insects, and species of fungi. These organisms lose their habitat when deforestation occurs.

Human health is drastically improved when living amongst trees. Trees clean the air by trapping harmful particulates and pollutant gases (such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia, & ozone) in their branches, leaves, and bark.

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps the earth maintain a constant, stable temperature. In fact, without the greenhouse effect, life on earth would have never evolved. However, anthropomorphic activities have introduced more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, eventually, reaching a tipping point.

Here, the sun’s rays will get absorbed instead of being reflected back into space, thereby increasing the earth’s temperature. Trees reduce this effect by absorbing the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, deforestation has drastically reduced the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere.

If this effect continues, then scientists predict that our planet could become like Venus. Scientists even have a name for this effect; it is called the “runaway greenhouse effect.” This phenomenon is almost apocalypse-like. Oceans will start evaporating and rocks will being to sublimate. This will pump more CO2 into the atmosphere, accelerating the effect.

To prevent such a scenario, we must reduce our carbon footprint. Activities like planting a tree can go a long way in saving our planet. And if we save our planet, we are saving ourselves. Essay on Tree in Hindi and Marathi and Essay on Tree for Class 1 and Kids will update here soonly.

FAQ’s on Tree Essay

Question 1. How trees are useful for us?

Answer: Trees provide many resources for us. But most of all, trees produce oxygen, the most important element for all life on earth.

Question 2. How do trees grow?

Answer: Trees grow when new cells form at the tips of the twigs. This helps the tree to grow taller and thicker.

Question 3. Why is it important to save trees?

Answer: Apart from providing many useful resources, trees keep a check on soil erosion. Furthermore, trees negate the detrimental effects of the greenhouse effect.

Question 4. How can we save trees?

Answer: We can save trees by preventing deforestation. We can also plant new saplings, making up for the trees cut down.

Question 5. Which is the tallest tree in the world?

Answer: California redwoods are the tallest trees in the world.

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Essay on Save Trees for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Save Trees: Save trees is a slogan used to motivate people to save trees and plant more trees in the surrounding areas by spreading the importance of trees among people as well as reduce deforestation and cut down of trees. Trees are as much important to our life as food and water. Life becomes very difficult without trees or we can say that life would be finished because trees are most important aspect of giving us healthy and wealthy life. Save trees is the important social awareness now-a-days and have been included in the student’s life through the study.

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Long and Short Essay on Save Trees in English

Students are generally assigned this topic to discuss or write short or long essay in their exams or any quiz competition in their school. We have provided variety of short and long essay on save trees under different words limit to help school students. You can select any save trees essay according to the need:

Save Trees Essay 100 words

Trees give us life directly and indirectly as they are source of oxygen production, CO2 consumption and source of rain. They are most precious gift to the humanity on the earth from nature for which we must be grateful, give honour and preserve for the mankind wellness.

We should understood importance of trees in our lives and do our best to save trees in order to save life, save environment on the earth and make earth a green earth. Trees are as valuable as gold that’s why they are called as “Green Gold” on the earth. They are the real source of our health as well as wealth because they give us oxygen, cool air, fruits, spices, vegetables, medicines, water, wood, furniture, shadow, fuel to burn, houses, fodder to animals and other useful things. They consume all the CO2, refresh air from toxic gases and prevent us from the air pollution.

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Save Trees Essay 150 words

Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth. Many people are dependent on the tree for their survival economically for example paper industries, rubber industries, match industries, etc., are totally dependent on trees. The main role of trees is giving fresh and oxygenated air to us and consumption of CO2 however they also give protection, shadow, food, source of money, home, medicines, etc., to the people.

Trees are the source of rain on the earth as they attract clouds which ultimately bring rain. They also help in checking soil erosion and keep environment fresh by preventing from pollution. They are the home of wild animals and source of wild life in forests. Trees are very helpful and useful friends of humanity. They clean soil by filtering sewage and chemicals, control noise pollution, air pollution, reduce flash flooding, etc. By seeing the importance and value of trees in our life, we should honour and save trees in order to save life and environment.

Save Trees Essay 200 words

Trees are precious gift to our life from the nature. They are the green gold on the earth and very important for everyone’s life. Some of the importance of trees is mentioned below proving why save trees is save life:

  • Trees are very important source of cleaning and refreshing air (as they produce oxygen and consume green house gases) by filtering and intercepting the airborne particles, chemicals, toxic gases, reducing heat, absorbing CO2 and other pollutants like sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Trees acts as natural dustbins to the harmful gases in the environment.
  • Trees are source of natural shadow and cool air and most comfortable than the artificial cooling technologies like fan, coolers, air conditioning, etc.
  • They are effective in breaking the force of wind thus helpful in protecting houses, vegetation, farmland, etc.
  • They keep us healthy by lowering the dust levels and pollution levels especially in the urban areas.
  • They prevent us from the respiratory disorders and breathing problems by refreshing air.
  • They help in reducing noise pollution and most effective as sound barriers because they act most effectively like stone walls in stopping sound. They prevent us from the noises of crowded roads, railway stations, airports, etc.
  • They prevent soil from erosion, helpful in rainwater conservation, and prevent sediment deposit during storms.

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Save Trees Essay 250 words

Save trees, save life is not only a slogan, it is a responsibility which should be followed by each and every person living on the earth. It is a big opportunity to all of us to save our healthy environment and green earth by saving trees. Trees are symbol of life on the earth and natural home for many people and wild animals. Saving trees have been must at any cost in such a modern world where urbanization, industrialization and global warming is going very fast. In such a technological world, where people are fighting and working for themselves only, only trees are living for benefiting others (human beings and animals).

Trees are nourishing life on the earth in many ways by providing fruits, vegetables, foliage, flowers, spices, cool shade, medicines, roots, bark, wood, sprouts, etc. One fully grown tree may serve humanity for many years without getting anything in return. They prevent us from many diseases by purifying the air, maintaining the ecological balance, providing medicines, etc. Plants are like important assets prevent soil erosion, provide habitats to the faunal species, provide nutrients to soil etc. I have mentioned following ways to save trees and environment:

  • We should make some effective efforts from our own end by joining the organizations working for save trees.
  • We should make our trees saving service volunteer so that other people may also motivate.
  • We should encourage our family members, friends, neighbors, small kids to get involve in saving our important resources.
  • We should participate in the discussion or meeting related to the trees conservation issues in the community or state.
  • We should hugely involve our new generation and teach children to respect trees, nature and environment by getting them to the hikes or camping.
  • We should promote new planting in our surroundings.

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Save Trees Essay 300 words

We are really bestowed by our mother earth many precious gifts nourishing our lives. One of the important precious gifts is trees. It is the source of food and shelter too for human beings and animals on the earth. Trees are natural home to many tribes living inside forests and home to all the birds. They give us timber to make furniture, refresh air, prevent soil erosion and floods, give cool and clean air in summer, source of products like gum, paper, rubber, medicine, rain, etc. We should understand the roles and importance of trees in our life and take a pledge to not destroy them as well as encourage people to plant more trees.

How to Save a Tree?

Here are some effective ways to save tree and save life and environment on the earth:

  • We should find out the reasons of trees removal in the particular region and analyze that whether tree was need to be removed because of being dead, damaged, diseased or planted in an inappropriate location.
  • We should get proper information about the street tree removal by contacting city department, calling to local division of urban forestry, or writing a letter to the city forester regarding trees removal objection.
  • We can contact our city council representatives regarding tree removal issue.
  • We should join our hands together with neighbors and set a public hearing in front of officials regarding saving of the tree.
  • We should research and collect all the benefits of trees in order to make case strong and effective.
  • We should contact with the media and make them on our side to reach tree removal issue to the public and generate awareness.
  • If trees have been removed, we should contact local governmental or nonprofit organization for ensuring re-plantation in the same area

Life is possible on the earth because of water, oxygen and trees and we cannot ignore that trees are source of oxygen and water on the earth. If we are destroying trees or forests, we are destroying our lives and environment from the green earth. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature on the earth, so we should understand our responsibility towards the nature and start saving trees, the green gold of earth.

Save Trees Essay 400 words

Trees are most valuable and important source of life on the earth. They are very critical to the healthy and vibrant communities on the earth. They benefit all the living things on the earth in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on the earth connect to each other and running according to the nature’s balance, if any disturbance occur to it whole environment may disturb and harm the lives on earth.

Plants protect us from many natural disasters and nourish our lives in many ways. They keep our environment clean and earth green so, we are also responsible to them and try our best to protect trees. Large and mature trees are more benefiting in nature than smaller ones as they capture more carbon, filter green house gases at high rate, capture more storm water, provide big shadow and combat urban heat, reduce energy use and many more, so we should not cut them even in emergency.

Benefits of Trees

Here I have mentioned some real benefits of the trees which help you to understand that why trees should not be cut however need to be planted time to time.

  • Mature trees help us to combat the climate changes by refreshing air and absorbing green house gases as they are the main source of climate change.
  • Trees helps in air cleaning by refreshing the air as they absorb all the odors and pollutant gases in the environment.
  • An acre of mature trees may provide required oxygen to 18 people per year.
  • Trees help in combating summer heat as well as low winter temperature.
  • Trees are best energy conservation and global warming management technique as they reduce the need of summer air conditioning by up to 50 percent.
  • They save water by slowing down the water evaporation from ground through their shadow.
  • Trees are natural water filter and play great role in preventing water pollution by allowing water to flow down to the earth below tree thus prevent rainwater to carry pollutants to the ocean.
  • Trees prevent soil erosion by holding large amount of soil to one place.
  • Trees provide us a strong shield to get protected from the ultra-violet rays and thus from the skin cancer and other skin disorders.
  • Trees are good source of foods (like fruits, vegetables, etc), shelter, medicines, economy, etc.
  • Trees have good healing property among patients having any health related complications like children with ADHD if they have direct exposure to the trees and nature.
  • Trees are good source of identifying seasons, they reduces violence, and create economic opportunities to people.
  • Trees are best teacher who never talk but shows everything. They are also best playmate of the kids.
  • They are good example of unity in diversity.
  • Trees are good source of reducing noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

By seeing all the benefits of trees mentioned above, we can completely understand the value of trees in our lives. Thus we should not cut trees, we always oppose the cutting of trees and forests, we should promote more tree plantation in the human crowded area, and motivate common people to save trees.

Save Trees Essay 800 words

Trees play great role in cleaning the air, soil and water and thus making earth a better place to live. People who live close to the trees are generally healthier and happier. Trees help us a lot through their limitless servings all across the life. As a human being, have we ever thought our responsibilities towards trees or only we are enjoying their benefits. Saving plants we are not showing any kindness to the plants instead we are showing kindness to our lives because life is not possible without trees on the earth. So, if we want to live life in healthy way, we have to save plants forever.

Importance of Trees

I have mentioned below some importance and precious value of trees which will help us to know why trees are called as green gold on the earth and most important for the healthy life.

  • Trees add lots of value to our lives as well as and improve our living status by providing fresh oxygen and nutritious foods.
  • Trees also fulfill our additional necessities like shelter, medicine, and other needs of our modern lifestyles.
  • Trees in the society, community, streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards play great role in providing peaceful environment and aesthetically pleasing environment. Trees help to increase quality of life by providing cool shadow during our outdoor activities.
  • Old trees in the living area become historic landmarks and source of town pride.
  • Trees help in deflecting sunlight thus reduces heat island effect and keep environment clean and cool.
  • Trees provide fresh oxygen and reduce air pollution by filtering harmful gases.
  • They help in water conservation by preventing water evaporation.
  • They prevent soil erosion and support wildlife.
  • Trees are useful source controlling climate by managing the effects of sun, rain and wind.
  • Trees are very essential in balancing the ecosystem in the nature.
  • They are good source of absorbing and storing rainwater thus prevent from harms after storms.
  • They are good source of food and shelter for forest animals. Birds make their nest on the trunk of plants.
  • Trees have their personal and spiritual value as they look colourful and very beautiful. Some of the trees are traditionally worshipped by the people from ancient time.
  • They are source of economy for many people as they are used commercially as a fuel, building construction, tools, furniture manufacture, sporting equipment, household items, paper and so many purposes.

Why to Save Trees?

Below I have mentioned some points proving why we should save trees:

  • Trees always clean and refresh air by releasing oxygen and filtering particulate matter including dust, micro metal particles, pollutants, green house gases (ozone, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxides), etc.
  • Trees reduce smog and air pollution from the environment.
  • They improve water quality, prevent water pollution, their root system reduce storm water runoff, prevent flooding and soil erosion.
  • Trees are good source of energy saving because they reduce the use of air cooling system during summer season like electric fan, air conditioning, etc.
  • Well-landscaped yards and real estate have nice value because of having positive economic influence on real estate they speeds up the sale of home.
  • According to the Human-Environment Research Lab, trees are very effective in reducing violence level in the neighborhood.
  • Four trees near by the home may save around 30% of the summer cooling costs whereas 1 million trees may save around $10 million energy costs per year.
  • Forty to fifty trees help in removing approximately 80 pounds of the air pollutants per year.
  • Trees have very less water requirement per year (400 trees need approximately 40,000 gallons of rainwater).
  • A tree throughout its life period of 50 years provides oxygen worth $31,250.
  • Trees around home boost its market value by 6 or 7% and add around 10% to a property’s value (according to the USDA Forest Service).
  • A healthy and mature tree may provide cooling effect equivalent to air conditioner cooling ten room size area (20 hours/day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture).

As we have seen above about the importance of trees, values of trees in our lives and also well aware of why we should save trees; we should start a campaign of tree saving awareness in our surrounding to aware common public. We should promote people to highly participate in such type of events to know the issues related to reducing number of plants on the earth.

We should be always active and open our eyes regarding existence of green gold on the earth. We should not involve in cutting trees and always oppose cutting of trees and forests. We should always participate in the tree plantation activities especially in the human crowded and polluted area.

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Essay on Save Trees FAQs

How to save the trees essay.

To save trees, write an essay emphasizing their importance and advocating for responsible practices.

How to save trees 10 lines?

Save trees with 10 simple steps like planting more, reducing paper usage, and raising awareness.

Why we should save trees?

We should save trees to maintain a healthy environment, support wildlife, and combat climate change.

Write an essay on saving trees, highlighting their vital role in our ecosystem.

What is the short paragraph of save tree?

In short, saving trees to protect our planet, air, and future generations.

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  • Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth


Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English for Students

32% of the earth’s surface is covered in green leafy flora. We are dependent on trees for so many reasons, especially for the air we breathe. It helps maintain the planet’s biodiversity. Yet we do not value this natural resource and destroy it by cutting trees and practicing deforestation for our selfish needs, in the name of civilization without realizing the harm we will face.

All of us know how valuable trees are for our survival and all the other living beings on this planet. They are the most valuable source of life present on this earth. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on it.

The tree nourishes and protects us and it also keeps the environment green which gives us many aesthetic values. So, we must do everything to protect trees and save them before they disappear completely. The trees capture carbon dioxide, water and also help keep the earth cool and balanced. It shelters us from extreme heat and sunlight. Most importantly, it helps us fight climate change which is the need of the hour. They filter the air present near us by filtering all the toxic substances and odors from the environment. They give us oxygen which is important for our survival. They provide flora and fauna diversity. Apart from all of these, trees give us food and medicines too. It protects us from soil erosion and also helps in controlling food. Thus, we must plant more forests and curb the practice of deforestation and habitat destruction.  All of us should do our part in saving trees and spread awareness about planting more trees as it will help all of us and future generations. Without trees, there won’t be a future at all and it is important to realize and take action before it is too late for us too.

The speech can be presented in different ways, such as a Long Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth or a Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth.

Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English

Long speech on save trees and save planet earth.

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 8-12, as they can convey in detail about the topic using simple words.

Good morning everyone, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on such an important topic Save Trees and Save Planet Earth. When one thinks of the most important element to survive the answer that always comes to our mind is air. Air is important for all living beings be it animals or humans. The trees which occupy 32% of the earth’s surface provide us with this air.  

The trees of the planet act as the lungs in our body and purify the air we breathe. It is due to the existence of trees that we inhale fresh air. As trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen which serves as the important life source of all living beings. The more trees the planet has the fresher and purer the air we breathe. 

Man’s attempt to outlive nature is costing us an unfortunate price. This drive for civilization and modernization is harming the environment and therefore the planet to an irreversible extent. When man violates nature the planet suffers and we have to bear the harmful consequences. Let’s understand how.

The road to civilization is more often through the destruction of natural resources.

Man views trees as roadblocks in modernization, that is they see it as it comes in the way of building more buildings and roads. So they tend to deforestation, which is an act of cutting down trees. When trees are cut, they build more homes and offices on the land. 

Deforestation leads to many unnatural things that disrupt the balance of nature. Due to deforestation, air pollution increases, and global warming rises. Animals lose their home and shelter, the quality of the soil where deforestation is practiced deteriorates due to the untimely removal of roots of trees leading to soil erosion. 

As their population is only increasing, it is imperative to have more trees so that the next generation lives breathing fresh air. If deforestation continues the planet will not be able to inhabit future generations because of the imbalance it experiences.

The best way to solve this problem is by avoiding deforestation and moving towards afforestation that is planting trees. We should all strive to save our home, which is the planet. Even planting one tree can save so many lives. 

It is high time that we take action and save the natural beauty of the planet which nourishes all living and breathing creatures. When saving trees they save lives and inevitably save the planet. Saving trees and saving the planet is the motto we should all live by. Let’s leave behind a green planet for the next generation. Spread the word and take action to save trees and in that way, we can save the planet.

Short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 4-7, as they can speak about the topic in a short time using simple words for everyone to understand.

Good morning everyone, I ABC (mention your name) feel very fortunate to get this opportunity on this prestigious platform to speak on an important topic: Save Trees And Save Planet Earth. This planet has seen so many inventions and modern technologies that it is taking over, but none of it can do the work of the natural resources.

Trees are one of the most important natural resources that give life to every living thing. We are so heavily dependent on this natural resource and in return, we are only destroying them by cutting them and harming the planet. The trees selflessly provide so many benefits to humans and humans selfishly repay this debt by cutting down trees. 

If this practice of deforestation continues and people don’t realize the need to give back to the planet by planting trees then there won’t be a planet to live on anymore. Trees protect the natural environment by balancing the pollution levels and purifying such harmful air that has been created due to manmade activities. It acts as a home and shelter to so many animals, helps in raising fertility of the soil naturally and we only cause harm to it. 

Let us all pledge to not continue this harmful activity and take the route of afforestation. Start by planting trees at home and in your neighborhood. Do it for the benefit of the environment and planet even if your efforts go unnoticed. Spread awareness about the importance of planting trees and start early. Save trees and save the planet.

10 Line Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Save Trees And Save Planet Earth is helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they can understand such a complex topic in a simpler and shorter format. 

Trees are the largest part of our planet where so many living beings build their homes and find shelter in.

Trees give us life, it gives us fresh air to breathe and live a healthy life.

We need nature and inhabit it and it is not dependent on us in any way.

Trees cover 32% of the earth’s surface and this green blanket contributes a great deal to the balance of the ecosystem.

When trees will no longer be present, there will be no life on planet earth.

And we are not far from that day where we will tend to breathe air from the machines because of the rapid pace of civilization we are harming nature in a big way.

Deforestation is the act of cutting down trees and it has irreversible consequences that show as climate change.

 Climate change is due to rising temperatures and rising air pollution.

This can be controlled when one learns the value and importance of natural resources and strives to plant more trees rather than building homes by cutting down trees.

Trees are also an important natural medicinal resource, so one must protect them and save planet earth. 


FAQs on Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

1.   Why is it important to save trees?

It is important to save trees as they provide oxygen to us. It helps improve air quality, manage climate change, soil preservation and it also gives food and shelter to humans as well as wildlife. Trees by the process of photosynthesis give us oxygen without which we won’t be able to survive and there will be a crisis. Urbanization has led to deforestation and habitat loss and new buildings and roads have been built. If there isn’t proper reforestation or plantation of trees done then it can be detrimental for human beings shortly.   

2.   What is reforestation?

Reforestation can be defined as the process of planting trees in an area that was previously deforested or destroyed. Here, new plants are planted again. The destruction or cutting of large forests can have bad impacts on all living beings as carbon dioxide levels will increase and this will contribute to climate change.  This, in turn, will lead to the disappearance of species and also cause the imbalance of many ecosystems. Thus, reforestation is very important to practice. There are two types of reforestation: urban and rural. Urban farming is the planting of trees in developed areas like cities which help improve air quality. Rural reforestation is when trees are planted in rural areas. 

3.   What is climate change?

Climate change is the change of the normal environmental state of the earth. It is caused by both external and internal factors. It is a global concern for the last few decades. Climate change if not controlled can be detrimental for all the living beings on this planet and also have negative impacts on the ecology and various ecosystems. Many species are endangered because of it and many have already perished. 

4.   What is conservation?

Conservation of nature means protecting nature and wildlife like forests, lands, water bodies etc. Conservation focuses on sustainable growth so that the products of nature do not become scarce as it will become impossible to survive without these. It won’t be possible to survive without air, water and sunlight and also all the resources provided by nature to us. 

5.   How can we help in the contribution of saving the planet?

We can help in saving the planet by doing the following things:

Proper Water Consumption: We shouldn't waste wastewater and use it properly. It can be done by making habits like turning the tap water while we are brushing and also reusing any leftover water to water plants.

Use electricity only when required and do not keep the lights or other electronic appliances on when it is not required. When you leave the room, it is best to switch off the light and fan to save energy.

Use sustainable agriculture methods like bio-fertilisers and manures which do not harm the soil quality and also the water bodies. Heavy fertilizers can cause groundwater pollution which can harm the humans who consume them. Proper disposal of fertilizers if used should be done as it can affect the health of the species that dwell in the water bodies.

Spread awareness about the threats of global warming, climate change and also tell people about sustainable practices. Making people aware can help everyone and motivate them towards practicing good conversational habits. 

Essay on Save Trees Save Life for Students and Children in 900 Words

We have explained an Essay on Save Trees Save Life for Students and Children of School and College in about 900 Words. Includes importance, values in life, of saving trees. This essay will encourage and motivate every person to do plantation and give support to the Saving earth environment.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Save Trees Save Life – 900W)

Importance of trees in life.

Plants are an essential part of every society. In our nearby places like streets, parks, playgrounds, trees & plants provide us clean air and keep the environment green and calm.

1. Environmental Value

This oxygen helps us to breathe and survive. The US Department of Agriculture Research says that about one ton of carbon dioxide is eliminated from the one-acre forest and 4 tons of oxygen through the tree.

Every year many tons of leaves fall from the trees, which can make natural manure if we want. Many organisms like goats, elephants, koala, monkeys, giraffes, etc. grow their entire life by eating the leaves of plants. Many lakh species of birds live on trees and plants.

2. Spiritual Value

3. business and commercial value.

People making houses from wood, also furniture and many types of tools are made up of wood. Millions of small, useful household items were making every day. We also get fruits, almonds, which are an essential part of our life.

Todays situation of trees

In many places, people are cleaning big forests for making big factories which can be the cause of many kinds of natural calamities in the coming time.

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Tree Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on tree.

Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

Moreover, it is our responsibility to look after our friends who serve us in many ways. Most importantly by saving plants, we are not doing any favor to plants but to ourselves only. Because trees and plants life does not depend on us but our lives depend on them.

Tree Essay

Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in a lot of ways and we cannot ignore their importance. They are important because they give us fresh air to breathe , food to eat and shelter/shade from sunlight and rainfall . Besides this, there are many medicines in the market that are made up of trees extracts. Apart from this, there are plants and trees that have medicinal value.

They bring peacefulness; create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Also, they help in reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature . Besides, they also help in water conservation and preventing soil erosion . They also manage the ecosystem and from ancient times several varieties of plants are worshipped.

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Benefits of Trees

Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can’t see but they make a huge difference. They help in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change.

Moreover, they replenish groundwater and filter the air from harmful pollutants and odors. Besides, they are a great source of food and the king of fruits ‘Mango’ also grow on trees.

save tree save nature essay in english

Moreover, they are the cause of rainfall as they attract clouds towards the surface and make them rain. They can be teachers, playmates and a great example of unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good source of reducing air, water, and noise pollution.

Value of Trees

When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it.

Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves , stem, flower , seeds , are also edible. Most importantly they never ask anything in return for their services and the gifts they give. Trees also keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

To conclude, we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for every life form on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every species starts to die because of lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees.

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Essay on Save Trees

Shalaka Naik

Updated February 13, 2023

Introduction on Trees

The abundance of resources that nature provides for us is essential for the continuation of life. Trees are one of these things. All species, especially humankind, depend on oxygen for breathing, produced by trees from the atmosphere’s Co2. However, there has been widespread tree removal due to population growth and the adoption of contemporary lifestyles. In addition, deforestation has frequently contributed to environmental disasters in many parts of the globe. Essay on Save Trees, explains that saving trees is needed to aid the new generations in maintaining their presence on this beautiful earth.

Essay on Save Trees 1

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Value of Trees

The value of trees to people goes beyond how well they can produce oxygen. There are numerous other benefits of having trees around people. Mainly in urban settings, trees play a significant role in enhancing our standard of living. Trees also secure us from the sun’s intense heat. In addition, the existence of trees enhances the environment. By serving as regular air routes, trees improve pollution by trapping them on their branches by removing pollutants from the surroundings. Just 1 acre of woodland can remove 4 tonnes of trash annually from the atmosphere. A fully mature tree may also generate ten persons worth of oxygen annually. Furthermore, trees act as an actual speed of sound and help reduce noise pollution. Additionally, birds and other animals use trees as their homes.

Negative Consequences of Deforestation

Deforestation is the act of removing trees for several reasons. The earth’s temperature has changed drastically due to the extensive removal of trees. Vast soil destruction has caused torrents in several parts of India and the rest of the world. Additionally, because of a lack of necessary minerals in the soil, the earth’s condition has been impacted, resulting in a decrease in crop yield or a change in the state of the crops. As trees are known to hinder clouds from forming and serve as engines for precipitation, their removal has also contributed to global warming. Deforestation has also contributed to the ozonosphere depletion, which prevents the earth from being damaged by ultraviolet radiation.

Historical Lessons

In the 1970s, activists established a campaign called the Chipko Movement to halt the expansion of forest clearance in India. The word “grab” is where the term growth comes from because the people hugged the trees and forbade the manual workers from touching them.

Few people know that several connections in India have contributed to the preservation of nature during the last few centuries. One such example from the state of Rajasthan is the Vishnoi movement. Approximately 260 years ago, in Rajasthan, the first ecological and nonviolent social movements got underway at the beginning of the 18th century. A large group of people from 84 towns led by a woman named Amrita Devi dedicated their lives to preventing the trees from being cut down in response to the Maharaja of Jodhpur’s pleas. Ultimately, the initiative was effective because the Maharaja decided to halt the tree-clear-cutting.

Take Action to Save Trees

Everyone must make a personal commitment to preserve the trees. One way we may diminish the deforestation of trees is to discover another possibility to utilize wood for several other goals. An additional small step but the essential global goal of Mother Nature is to plant more trees. To preserve the accurate stability between development and forest clearance, we should plant two trees for every uprooted tree. Another action that can significantly support saving trees is reducing the usage of paper derived from trees.

Essay on Save Trees 2

Conclusion – Essay on Save Trees

People frequently refer to trees as the green gold of the world. Essay on Save Trees explains to save trees, we should all contribute a little. Trees, oxygen, and water make it possible for life to exist on earth, and we cannot ignore the fact that trees are the planet’s primary source of both universal solvent and dioxygen. People are the most intelligent animals on earth. Thus we should understand our responsibility to the environment and preserve trees for the advantage of all plant life and animal life on the planet. Let us keep our earth as stunning as it was initially.

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Paragraph on Save Trees

Trees are our wealth on planet Earth. We depend on trees for our sustenance. We depend on trees for the oxygen that keeps us alive. Our food too comes from trees. Trees keep up the ecological balance in our ecosystems on earth. Not only man, but all life forms depend on trees. If we cut off the trees we put the lives of all life forms at peril. Do we want to endanger life on our planet? Not at all. We want to save our planet and all life forms. So we need to protect our trees. We all need to come together in the cause of saving trees around the world. A green world is a safe world for all of life.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Save Trees in English

You will find here below a number of long and short paragraphs on the topic Save Trees of varying word lengths.

We hope these paragraphs on Save Trees will help students in completing their school assignments.

These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences.

Students can select any paragraph on Save Trees according to their particular requirement.

Save Trees Paragraph – 1 (100 Words)

Trees help us keep our life going. Trees provide us oxygen which we depend upon to breathe. It is oxygen that keeps up life. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees do just the reverse. They use up carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis and give out oxygen. If we do not save trees we will not have a constant and abundant supply of oxygen for all life forms to breathe and live.

We also depend on trees for food. The edible parts of trees feed and nourish us. Trees are also beautiful and provide us with shade.

Save Trees Paragraph – 2 (150 Words)

Trees are a natural resource. They are a treasure and we must protect them. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of ecosystems on earth. If we destroy trees we destroy ourselves.

In the process of photosynthesis in trees, carbon dioxide is used up and oxygen is released into the air. This helps in keeping a constant and abundant supply of oxygen in the air, and helps life forms to breathe. If there is no oxygen to breathe in we cannot live. So our life depends on trees.

Trees also keep down the heat on Earth. If there are no trees the heat on the planet will be intolerable. Besides, due to large amounts of heat created due to factors such as the smoke generated from industries and vehicular traffic there is global warming resulting in climate change. Trees can help in solving this big crisis. Trees should therefore be saved.

Save Trees Paragraph – 3 (200 Words)

If there are no trees life on earth cannot be sustained. Trees provide us what we vitally need to stay alive. They provide us with oxygen. If we cannot breathe in oxygen we will perish.

Trees produce oxygen as the result of the process of photosynthesis that takes place in them. In this process, carbon dioxide and sunlight are used up and oxygen is produced that is released into the air. There is thus a constant supply of oxygen from trees during daylight hours when photosynthesis occurs in trees.

It is this process that also keeps the levels of carbon dioxide in the air at low levels. If trees are cut off carbon dioxide levels go up. Carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas, the result is a warming up of the atmosphere. This phenomenon is known as global warming. It results in climate change that is affecting people around the world. The easiest way to combat global warming is to save trees and also grow more trees.

Trees also help us by providing us food. Not only does man, but all herbivorous creatures too, depend on trees for their sustenance. By cutting off trees we harm ourselves. It is therefore important to save trees.

Save Trees Paragraph – 4 (250 Words)

Trees are a beautiful expression of nature. They are home to many birds and animals. When trees are cut off many wildlife species lose their homes. When trees are felled on a large scale in an area there is a destruction and loss of habitat. It affects the wildlife that live in the habitat.

Trees take long to grow but it takes very little time to fell them. The benefits trees provide to our environment and life cannot be replicated through anything else. It is therefore important that trees are not recklessly chopped off.

Trees provide us oxygen. Oxygen is released by trees as a result of the process of photosynthesis that occurs in them wherein they use up carbon dioxide. We live by oxygen. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Trees therefore provide the oxygen that is vital to our life.

When trees are destroyed there is a greater concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas a greater concentration of the gas leads to greater warming of the planet. Besides, greater levels of air pollution have occurred due to various man made reasons causing higher carbon dioxide levels in the air. All this has lead to the phenomenon of global warming that has led to climate change around the world.

Trees can solve the crisis of global warming as they can trap carbon dioxide in a big way.  Trees must therefore be saved for the sake of our own life and for the life of our planet.

Save Trees Paragraph – 5 (300 Words)

Trees are a boon of nature. When we cut trees we destroy our own lives. We also destroy many other life forms that depend on trees for food and shelter.

Our earth today is subject to pollution of air, water and soil. Besides, we are also suffering from reduction in availability of water on our planet due to the drying up of lakes and pollution of water bodies. Trees play a big role in maintaining the hydrological cycle on earth.

Trees also maintain the level of the water table so that water can be sourced from underground through wells and be used by us for our varied needs.

Trees also prevent flooding and the silting of water bodies because they help in holding the soil. It is the top soil which is rich in nutrients, and this is held by trees. If there were no trees the top soil would easily be washed away in a flood. Therefore trees also play a role in maintaining the fertility of soil.

Trees are a source of food for man and all herbivorous creatures. Tree parts such as roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits are eaten for their nutritive value. Tree parts may also have medicinal properties and may be used to treat various health conditions.

Trees are a source of providing oxygen to and using up carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore they help in providing us the very vital element for our breath. If there is no oxygen we cannot live. Trees thus also help in keeping the levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere in check. Global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  Saving trees is therefore very important for our life and the life of planet Earth.

Save Trees Paragraph – 6 (350 Words)

In today’s world we are faced with global warming. It is an issue of big concern. It is a phenomenon that has been caused by man made factors. Excessive air pollution has been responsible for the generation of huge amounts of greenhouse gases that have caused a rise in the temperature on Planet Earth.

Excessive vehicular and industrial pollution have caused unprecedented air pollution. This has resulted in the building up of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the air. There has also been an indiscriminate felling of trees in varied habitats and the clearing of large tracts of forest areas. This has been done for creating industrial and residential areas, for carrying on agriculture and to build roads and railway tracks. The loss of enormous numbers of trees has aggravated the problem of global warming.

Trees can help in keeping global warming in check, as they use up carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air due to the process of photosynthesis that takes place in them during daytime. Trees not only use up the carbon dioxide present in the air, but also help in releasing an abundant and constant supply of oxygen into the air. A greater green cover can help in reducing global warming. It is therefore important that trees are not destroyed.

Trees are also home to many birds and animals. When trees are felled many wildlife species lose their homes. When trees are destroyed on a large scale in a habitat it causes a loss of wildlife and disturbance to the ecological balance in the ecosystem. Hence it is important to protect trees and maintain pristine forest cover.

Trees are also a source of food. Man and all herbivorous creatures depend on trees for their sustenance. Tree parts such as roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits may be consumed as food or as medicine. By cutting off trees we lose the supply of nutritious food and useful medicines.

Trees are vital to our life. All effort must be made to save trees, and grow more trees, if there are no trees our lives are endangered.

Save Trees Paragraph – 7 (400 Words)

Air, water and soil pollution have assumed enormous proportions on our planet. We are also experiencing a reduction in the availability of water due to pollution of water bodies. We need fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink. And trees play a big role in releasing oxygen into the air and maintaining the hydrological cycle on earth.

Trees are a source of providing oxygen in the air and using up carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore they help in providing us the very vital element for our breathing. If there is no oxygen we cannot live. And trees help in keeping the levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere in check. Global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Varied human activities such as increased vehicular traffic and industries have lead to excessive pollution of the air and accumulation of greenhouse gases. Besides, the felling of trees and clearing of forests has led to increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the air. Global warming leads to climate change that affects the lives of man and other animals adversely. Saving trees is therefore very important for our life and the life of our planet.

Trees also prevent flooding and the silting of water bodies because they help in holding the soil. Besides, if there were no trees the top soil would easily be washed away in a flood. It is the top soil which is rich in nutrients. And this is held by trees. Therefore trees also play a role in maintaining the fertility of soil. Trees maintain the level of the water table so that water can be sourced from underground too and used for our varied needs.

Trees are big source of food. Man and all herbivorous animals depend on trees for food. The edible parts of trees which include roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers and fruits, feed and nourish various life forms. Vegetarians depend wholly on plant products for their food.

Trees in gardens and on avenues offer us pleasant and aesthetic surroundings. A walk in a forest is a very refreshing experience. Beautiful trees with colourful flowers and fruits are also home to varieties of birds and animals.

Trees are nature’s boon to us. We must therefore make all efforts to save trees for the life of our planet and all the life forms that inhabit it.

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  • Speech Topics For Kids
  • Speech On Save Trees

Speech on Save Trees

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky”, said Kahlil Gibran. Trees are indispensable resources that are required for the survival of all living beings. They ensure the stability of our ecosystem by offering food and shelter to diverse living creatures, including animals, birds, insects, fungi, etc. In the recent years, we have been seeing high extinction rates of various species, and saving trees is the only option available in front of us to stop this situation. This article will provide you with more information regarding the need for saving trees. Go through them and prepare a speech to let your audience know how important it is to work for this cause.

Table of contents

Speech on save trees, save life, short speech on save trees in english, one-minute speech on save trees, top five quotes to use in a speech on trees, top slogans to use in a speech on save trees save nature.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on Save Trees

Sample Speeches on Save Trees

A few samples of speeches on saving trees are given below. Please go through them for a better understanding of the topic.

Trees play an integral role in our lives. We depend on trees for so many products and services, especially for the pure air released by them. Trees play a very vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. Our entire planet’s biodiversity is sustained by trees.

Every living creature needs food, water, and air for its survival. Trees play a very important role in the production of all these three basic necessities. Have you ever wondered about our lives on earth without trees? Don’t think too much because there will not be any lives left if there are no trees. Trees cover 31 per cent of the total land area of the earth. The yearly decline of this green cover is the main reason for the inconsistent variations in atmospheric temperature and loss of biodiversity.

Even though trees are contributing a lot for the betterment of human lives on earth, the ‘reward’ that they receive from human beings is deforestation. Our unending greed for money has made us all disregard the true worth of this natural resource. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” It’s high time we realised the catastrophe we are creating by cutting trees. Let’s be responsible human beings and start saving trees, thereby protecting our mother earth.

Trees are the essence of our lives; saving trees means saving our own souls. Replacing the practice of deforestation with afforestation is the foremost initiative that we can take to save nature. The conservation of trees is not a choice, but a requirement. An equivalent diversity of trees has to be protected. Conserving trees and planting more of them are the two primary steps that we should take. What we can do is choose trees that would benefit us the most and plant them to avoid multiple natural disasters caused by deforestation.

Deforestation has resulted in the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the main factors responsible for the greenhouse effect. With the increase of such greenhouse gases, a new layer is formed in the atmosphere. The newly formed layer traps the heat supplied by the sun inside it. As a result, the temperature in the atmosphere increases and ultimately results in global warming.

People are deliberately ignoring many facts regarding the importance of trees to satisfy their personal needs. With the introduction of modernisation and industrialisation, human beings’ concern for nature on the whole has declined. They have started to view trees as an obstruction to human development rather than a resource. It is high time we broke such conventional thoughts from the minds of the people. Let’s recollect the words of the American author Lucy Larcom, “He who plants a tree, plants a hope”, and abide by it.

Trees are considered the ‘lungs of our planet’, as they take in unwanted carbon dioxide and release purified oxygen for us to breathe through the process of photosynthesis, . Sadly, as a result of massive deforestation, the number of trees on the planet has declined drastically and has resulted in the reduction of fresh oxygen availability in the atmosphere. Deforestation is the major cause of air, water and soil pollution. Cutting down trees and clearing of forest lands often end up as ways to widen roads and construct buildings. It is necessary we take steps to put an end to this for a peaceful tomorrow. It’s high time we conducted awareness campaigns and take up social initiative to save tress and protect the environment.

The famous American author Munia Khan said, “Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love trees with every breath we take until we perish.” Let’s realise the actual worth of trees and join hands to save trees and protect our mother nature.

  • “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” ― Chris Maser.
  • “Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”— Kahlil Gibran.
  • “Gold is a luxury. Trees are necessities. Man can live and thrive without gold, but we cannot survive without trees.”— Paul Bamikole.
  • “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.”— Hal Borland.
  • “Plant trees, plant hope.”
  • “Save trees, eradicate global warming.”
  • “It’s the greed from the human heart that needs to be removed, not the green from the earth.”
  • “You have been thinking a lot; it’s time for action. Go green. Actions speak louder than words.”
  • “Plant trees, reduce the greenhouse effect, save lives.”
  • “Save trees to regulate environmental temperature, say yes to afforestation.”
  • “Trees are the lungs of the world. Protect it.”
  • “Green planet is a safe planet.”
  • “Trees are our hope; trees are our saviours. Protect them at any cost.”

Frequently Asked Questions on the Necessity of Saving Trees

Why is it important to save trees.

Trees play an integral role in our lives. We depend on trees for so many products and services, especially for the pure air released by them. Trees play a very vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. The trees sustain our entire planet’s biodiversity.

What are the consequences of deforestation?

Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for the greenhouse effect. With the increase of such greenhouse gases, a new layer is formed in the atmosphere. The newly formed layer traps the heat from the sun inside it. As a result, the temperature in the atmosphere increases and ultimately results in global warming. And it is the major cause of air, water and soil pollution.

List some slogans to use in a speech on saving trees.

  • “It’s the greed from the human heart that needs to be removed, not the green from the earth.”
  • “There is enough on the earth for man’s need but not for man’s greed.”
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