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research paper guidelines for high school students

How to Write a Research Paper in High School

What’s covered:, how to pick a compelling research paper topic, how to format your research paper, tips for writing a research paper, do research paper grades impact your college chances.

A research paper can refer to a broad range of expanded essays used to explain your interpretation of a topic. This task is highly likely to be a common assignment in high school , so it’s always better to get a grasp on this sooner than later. Getting comfortable writing research papers does not have to be difficult, and can actually be pretty interesting when you’re genuinely intrigued by what you’re researching. 

Regardless of what kind of research paper you are writing, getting started with a topic is the first step, and sometimes the hardest step. Here are some tips to get you started with your paper and get the writing to begin! 

Pick A Topic You’re Genuinely Interested In

Nothing comes across as half-baked as much as a topic that is evidently uninteresting, not to the reader, but the writer. You can only get so far with a topic that you yourself are not genuinely happy writing, and this lack of enthusiasm cannot easily be created artificially. Instead, read about things that excite you, such as some specific concepts about the structure of atoms in chemistry. Take what’s interesting to you and dive further with a research paper. 

If you need some ideas, check out our post on 52 interesting research paper topics .

The Topic Must Be A Focal Point

Your topic can almost be considered as the skeletal structure of the research paper. But in order to better understand this we need to understand what makes a good topic. Here’s an example of a good topic:

How does the amount of pectin in a vegetable affect its taste and other qualities?

This topic is pretty specific in explaining the goals of the research paper. If I had instead written something more vague such as Factors that affect taste in vegetables , the scope of the research immediately increased to a more herculean task simply because there is more to write about, some of which is overtly unnecessary. This is avoided by specifications in the topic that help guide the writer into a focused path.

By creating this specific topic, we can route back to it during the writing process to check if we’re addressing it often, and if we are then our writing is going fine! Otherwise, we’d have to reevaluate the progression of our paper and what to change. A good topic serves as a blueprint for writing the actual essay because everything you need to find out is in the topic itself, it’s almost like a sort of plan/instruction. 

Formatting a research paper is important to not only create a “cleaner” more readable end product, but it also helps streamline the writing process by making it easier to navigate. The following guidelines on formatting are considered a standard for research papers, and can be altered as per the requirements of your specific assignments, just check with your teacher/grader!

Start by using a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, in 12 or 11 sized font. Also, add one inch margins for the pages, along with some double spacing between lines. These specifications alone get you started on a more professional and cleaner looking research paper.

Paper Citations 

If you’re creating a research paper for some sort of publication, or submission, you must use citations to refer to the sources you’ve used for the research of your topic. The APA citation style, something you might be familiar with, is the most popular citation style and it works as follows:

Author Last Name, First Initial, Publication Year, Book/Movie/Source title, Publisher/Organization

This can be applied to any source of media/news such as a book, a video, or even a magazine! Just make sure to use citation as much as possible when using external data and sources for your research, as it could otherwise land you in trouble with unwanted plagiarism. 

Structuring The Paper

Structuring your paper is also important, but not complex either. Start by creating an introductory paragraph that’s short and concise, and tells the reader what they’re going to be reading about. Then move onto more contextual information and actual presentation of research. In the case of a paper like this, you could start with stating your hypothesis in regard to what you’re researching, or even state your topic again with more clarification!

As the paper continues you should be bouncing between views that support and go against your claim/hypothesis to maintain a neutral tone. Eventually you will reach a conclusion on whether or not your hypothesis was valid, and from here you can begin to close the paper out with citations and reflections on the research process.

Talk To Your Teacher

Before the process of searching for a good topic, start by talking to your teachers first! You should form close relations with them so they can help guide you with better inspiration and ideas.

Along the process of writing, you’re going to find yourself needing help when you hit walls. Specifically there will be points at which the scope of your research could seem too shallow to create sizable writing off of it, therefore a third person point of view could be useful to help think of workarounds in such situations. 

You might be writing a research paper as a part of a submission in your applications to colleges, which is a great way to showcase your skills! Therefore, to really have a good chance to showcase yourself as a quality student, aim for a topic that doesn’t sell yourself short. It would be easier to tackle a topic that is not as intense to research, but the end results would be less worthwhile and could come across as lazy. Focus on something genuinely interesting and challenging so admissions offices know you are a determined and hard-working student!

Don’t Worry About Conclusions

The issue many students have with writing research papers, is that they aren’t satisfied with arriving at conclusions that do not support their original hypothesis. It’s important to remember that not arriving at a specific conclusion that your hypothesis was planning on, is totally fine! The whole point of a research paper is not to be correct, but it’s to showcase the trial and error behind learning and understanding something new. 

If your findings clash against your initial hypothesis, all that means is you’ve arrived at a new conclusion that can help form a new hypothesis or claim, with sound reasoning! Getting rid of this mindset that forces you to warp around your hypothesis and claims can actually improve your research writing by a lot!

Colleges won’t ever see the grades for individual assignments, but they do care a bit more about the grades you achieve in your courses. Research papers may play towards your overall course grade based on the kind of class you’re in. Therefore to keep those grades up, you should try your absolute best on your essays and make sure they get high-quality reviews to check them too!

Luckily, CollegeVine’s peer review for essays does exactly that! This great feature allows you to get your essay checked by other users, and hence make a higher-quality essay that boosts your chances of admission into a university. 

Want more info on your chances for college admissions? Check out CollegeVine’s admissions calculator, an intuitive tool that takes numerous factors into account as inputs before generating your unique chance of admission into an institute of your selection!

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research paper guidelines for high school students

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A Guide to Writing a Scientific Paper: A Focus on High School Through Graduate Level Student Research

Renee a. hesselbach.

1 NIEHS Children's Environmental Health Sciences Core Center, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

David H. Petering

2 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Craig A. Berg

3 Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Henry Tomasiewicz

Daniel weber.

This article presents a detailed guide for high school through graduate level instructors that leads students to write effective and well-organized scientific papers. Interesting research emerges from the ability to ask questions, define problems, design experiments, analyze and interpret data, and make critical connections. This process is incomplete, unless new results are communicated to others because science fundamentally requires peer review and criticism to validate or discard proposed new knowledge. Thus, a concise and clearly written research paper is a critical step in the scientific process and is important for young researchers as they are mastering how to express scientific concepts and understanding. Moreover, learning to write a research paper provides a tool to improve science literacy as indicated in the National Research Council's National Science Education Standards (1996), and A Framework for K–12 Science Education (2011), the underlying foundation for the Next Generation Science Standards currently being developed. Background information explains the importance of peer review and communicating results, along with details of each critical component, the Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results , and Discussion . Specific steps essential to helping students write clear and coherent research papers that follow a logical format, use effective communication, and develop scientific inquiry are described.


A key part of the scientific process is communication of original results to others so that one's discoveries are passed along to the scientific community and the public for awareness and scrutiny. 1 – 3 Communication to other scientists ensures that new findings become part of a growing body of publicly available knowledge that informs how we understand the world around us. 2 It is also what fuels further research as other scientists incorporate novel findings into their thinking and experiments.

Depending upon the researcher's position, intent, and needs, communication can take different forms. The gold standard is writing scientific papers that describe original research in such a way that other scientists will be able to repeat it or to use it as a basis for their studies. 1 For some, it is expected that such articles will be published in scientific journals after they have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. Scientists must submit their articles for examination by other scientists familiar with the area of research, who decide whether the work was conducted properly and whether the results add to the knowledge base and are conveyed well enough to merit publication. 2 If a manuscript passes the scrutiny of peer-review, it has the potential to be published. 1 For others, such as for high school or undergraduate students, publishing a research paper may not be the ultimate goal. However, regardless of whether an article is to be submitted for publication, peer review is an important step in this process. For student researchers, writing a well-organized research paper is a key step in learning how to express understanding, make critical connections, summarize data, and effectively communicate results, which are important goals for improving science literacy of the National Research Council's National Science Education Standards, 4 and A Framework for K–12 Science Education, 5 and the Next Generation Science Standards 6 currently being developed and described in The NSTA Reader's Guide to A Framework for K–12 Science Education. 7 Table 1 depicts the key skills students should develop as part of the Science as Inquiry Content Standard. Table 2 illustrates the central goals of A Framework for K–12 Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices Dimension.

Key Skills of the Science as Inquiry National Science Education Content Standard

Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigation
Design and conduct scientific investigations
Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications
Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence
Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models
Communicate and defend a scientific argument

National Research Council (1996).

Important Practices of A Framework for K–12 Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices Dimension

Asking questions and defining problems
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

National Research Council (2011).

Scientific papers based on experimentation typically include five predominant sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion . This structure is a widely accepted approach to writing a research paper, and has specific sections that parallel the scientific method. Following this structure allows the scientist to tell a clear, coherent story in a logical format, essential to effective communication. 1 , 2 In addition, using a standardized format allows the reader to find specific information quickly and easily. While readers may not have time to read the entire research paper, the predictable format allows them to focus on specific sections such as the Abstract , Introduction , and Discussion sections. Therefore, it is critical that information be placed in the appropriate and logical section of the report. 3

Guidelines for Writing a Primary Research Article

The Title sends an important message to the reader about the purpose of the paper. For example, Ethanol Effects on the Developing Zebrafish: Neurobehavior and Skeletal Morphogenesis 8 tells the reader key information about the content of the research paper. Also, an appropriate and descriptive title captures the attention of the reader. When composing the Title , students should include either the aim or conclusion of the research, the subject, and possibly the independent or dependent variables. Often, the title is created after the body of the article has been written, so that it accurately reflects the purpose and content of the article. 1 , 3

The Abstract provides a short, concise summary of the research described in the body of the article and should be able to stand alone. It provides readers with a quick overview that helps them decide whether the article may be interesting to read. Included in the Abstract are the purpose or primary objectives of the experiment and why they are important, a brief description of the methods and approach used, key findings and the significance of the results, and how this work is different from the work of others. It is important to note that the Abstract briefly explains the implications of the findings, but does not evaluate the conclusions. 1 , 3 Just as with the Title , this section needs to be written carefully and succinctly. Often this section is written last to ensure it accurately reflects the content of the paper. Generally, the optimal length of the Abstract is one paragraph between 200 and 300 words, and does not contain references or abbreviations.

All new research can be categorized by field (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, geology) and by area within the field (e.g., biology: evolution, ecology, cell biology, anatomy, environmental health). Many areas already contain a large volume of published research. The role of the Introduction is to place the new research within the context of previous studies in the particular field and area, thereby introducing the audience to the research and motivating the audience to continue reading. 1

Usually, the writer begins by describing what is known in the area that directly relates to the subject of the article's research. Clearly, this must be done judiciously; usually there is not room to describe every bit of information that is known. Each statement needs one or more references from the scientific literature that supports its validity. Students must be reminded to cite all references to eliminate the risk of plagiarism. 2 Out of this context, the author then explains what is not known and, therefore, what the article's research seeks to find out. In doing so, the scientist provides the rationale for the research and further develops why this research is important. The final statement in the Introduction should be a clearly worded hypothesis or thesis statement, as well as a brief summary of the findings as they relate to the stated hypothesis. Keep in mind that the details of the experimental findings are presented in the Results section and are aimed at filling the void in our knowledge base that has been pointed out in the Introduction .

Materials and Methods

Research utilizes various accepted methods to obtain the results that are to be shared with others in the scientific community. The quality of the results, therefore, depends completely upon the quality of the methods that are employed and the care with which they are applied. The reader will refer to the Methods section: (a) to become confident that the experiments have been properly done, (b) as the guide for repeating the experiments, and (c) to learn how to do new methods.

It is particularly important to keep in mind item (b). Since science deals with the objective properties of the physical and biological world, it is a basic axiom that these properties are independent of the scientist who reported them. Everyone should be able to measure or observe the same properties within error, if they do the same experiment using the same materials and procedures. In science, one does the same experiment by exactly repeating the experiment that has been described in the Methods section. Therefore, someone can only repeat an experiment accurately if all the relevant details of the experimental methods are clearly described. 1 , 3

The following information is important to include under illustrative headings, and is generally presented in narrative form. A detailed list of all the materials used in the experiments and, if important, their source should be described. These include biological agents (e.g., zebrafish, brine shrimp), chemicals and their concentrations (e.g., 0.20 mg/mL nicotine), and physical equipment (e.g., four 10-gallon aquariums, one light timer, one 10-well falcon dish). The reader needs to know as much as necessary about each of the materials; however, it is important not to include extraneous information. For example, consider an experiment involving zebrafish. The type and characteristics of the zebrafish used must be clearly described so another scientist could accurately replicate the experiment, such as 4–6-month-old male and female zebrafish, the type of zebrafish used (e.g., Golden), and where they were obtained (e.g., the NIEHS Children's Environmental Health Sciences Core Center in the WATER Institute of the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee). In addition to describing the physical set-up of the experiment, it may be helpful to include photographs or diagrams in the report to further illustrate the experimental design.

A thorough description of each procedure done in the reported experiment, and justification as to why a particular method was chosen to most effectively answer the research question should also be included. For example, if the scientist was using zebrafish to study developmental effects of nicotine, the reader needs to know details about how and when the zebrafish were exposed to the nicotine (e.g., maternal exposure, embryo injection of nicotine, exposure of developing embryo to nicotine in the water for a particular length of time during development), duration of the exposure (e.g., a certain concentration for 10 minutes at the two-cell stage, then the embryos were washed), how many were exposed, and why that method was chosen. The reader would also need to know the concentrations to which the zebrafish were exposed, how the scientist observed the effects of the chemical exposure (e.g., microscopic changes in structure, changes in swimming behavior), relevant safety and toxicity concerns, how outcomes were measured, and how the scientist determined whether the data/results were significantly different in experimental and unexposed control animals (statistical methods).

Students must take great care and effort to write a good Methods section because it is an essential component of the effective communication of scientific findings.

The Results section describes in detail the actual experiments that were undertaken in a clear and well-organized narrative. The information found in the Methods section serves as background for understanding these descriptions and does not need to be repeated. For each different experiment, the author may wish to provide a subtitle and, in addition, one or more introductory sentences that explains the reason for doing the experiment. In a sense, this information is an extension of the Introduction in that it makes the argument to the reader why it is important to do the experiment. The Introduction is more general; this text is more specific.

Once the reader understands the focus of the experiment, the writer should restate the hypothesis to be tested or the information sought in the experiment. For example, “Atrazine is routinely used as a crop pesticide. It is important to understand whether it affects organisms that are normally found in soil. We decided to use worms as a test organism because they are important members of the soil community. Because atrazine damages nerve cells, we hypothesized that exposure to atrazine will inhibit the ability of worms to do locomotor activities. In the first experiment, we tested the effect of the chemical on burrowing action.”

Then, the experiments to be done are described and the results entered. In reporting on experimental design, it is important to identify the dependent and independent variables clearly, as well as the controls. The results must be shown in a way that can be reproduced by the reader, but do not include more details than needed for an effective analysis. Generally, meaningful and significant data are gathered together into tables and figures that summarize relevant information, and appropriate statistical analyses are completed based on the data gathered. Besides presenting each of these data sources, the author also provides a written narrative of the contents of the figures and tables, as well as an analysis of the statistical significance. In the narrative, the writer also connects the results to the aims of the experiment as described above. Did the results support the initial hypothesis? Do they provide the information that was sought? Were there problems in the experiment that compromised the results? Be careful not to include an interpretation of the results; that is reserved for the Discussion section.

The writer then moves on to the next experiment. Again, the first paragraph is developed as above, except this experiment is seen in the context of the first experiment. In other words, a story is being developed. So, one commonly refers to the results of the first experiment as part of the basis for undertaking the second experiment. “In the first experiment we observed that atrazine altered burrowing activity. In order to understand how that might occur, we decided to study its impact on the basic biology of locomotion. Our hypothesis was that atrazine affected neuromuscular junctions. So, we did the following experiment..”

The Results section includes a focused critical analysis of each experiment undertaken. A hallmark of the scientist is a deep skepticism about results and conclusions. “Convince me! And then convince me again with even better experiments.” That is the constant challenge. Without this basic attitude of doubt and willingness to criticize one's own work, scientists do not get to the level of concern about experimental methods and results that is needed to ensure that the best experiments are being done and the most reproducible results are being acquired. Thus, it is important for students to state any limitations or weaknesses in their research approach and explain assumptions made upfront in this section so the validity of the research can be assessed.

The Discussion section is the where the author takes an overall view of the work presented in the article. First, the main results from the various experiments are gathered in one place to highlight the significant results so the reader can see how they fit together and successfully test the original hypotheses of the experiment. Logical connections and trends in the data are presented, as are discussions of error and other possible explanations for the findings, including an analysis of whether the experimental design was adequate. Remember, results should not be restated in the Discussion section, except insofar as it is absolutely necessary to make a point.

Second, the task is to help the reader link the present work with the larger body of knowledge that was portrayed in the Introduction . How do the results advance the field, and what are the implications? What does the research results mean? What is the relevance? 1 , 3

Lastly, the author may suggest further work that needs to be done based on the new knowledge gained from the research.

Supporting Documentation and Writing Skills

Tables and figures are included to support the content of the research paper. These provide the reader with a graphic display of information presented. Tables and figures must have illustrative and descriptive titles, legends, interval markers, and axis labels, as appropriate; should be numbered in the order that they appear in the report; and include explanations of any unusual abbreviations.

The final section of the scientific article is the Reference section. When citing sources, it is important to follow an accepted standardized format, such as CSE (Council of Science Editors), APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), or CMS (Chicago Manual of Style). References should be listed in alphabetical order and original authors cited. All sources cited in the text must be included in the Reference section. 1

When writing a scientific paper, the importance of writing concisely and accurately to clearly communicate the message should be emphasized to students. 1 – 3 Students should avoid slang and repetition, as well as abbreviations that may not be well known. 1 If an abbreviation must be used, identify the word with the abbreviation in parentheses the first time the term is used. Using appropriate and correct grammar and spelling throughout are essential elements of a well-written report. 1 , 3 Finally, when the article has been organized and formatted properly, students are encouraged to peer review to obtain constructive criticism and then to revise the manuscript appropriately. Good scientific writing, like any kind of writing, is a process that requires careful editing and revision. 1

A key dimension of NRC's A Framework for K–12 Science Education , Scientific and Engineering Practices, and the developing Next Generation Science Standards emphasizes the importance of students being able to ask questions, define problems, design experiments, analyze and interpret data, draw conclusions, and communicate results. 5 , 6 In the Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) program at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, we found the guidelines presented in this article useful for high school science students because this group of students (and probably most undergraduates) often lack in understanding of, and skills to develop and write, the various components of an effective scientific paper. Students routinely need to focus more on the data collected and analyze what the results indicated in relation to the research question/hypothesis, as well as develop a detailed discussion of what they learned. Consequently, teaching students how to effectively organize and write a research report is a critical component when engaging students in scientific inquiry.


This article was supported by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) grant (Award Number R25RR026299) from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. The SEPA program at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee is part of the Children's Environmental Health Sciences Core Center, Community Outreach and Education Core, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Award Number P30ES004184). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

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No competing financial interests exist.

High School Guide: How to Publish a Research Paper in 5 Easy Steps


Indigo Research Team

Work on a research project

We understand how overwhelming the idea of publishing research as a high schooler may seem. It’s true, that the process of submitting and publishing a paper can be very complex and daunting. It needs a lot of preparation and perseverance.

However, publishing research increasingly becomes the " gold " that a college Admission Officer is looking for. Publication in leading journals, like Concord Review, or International Journal for High School Students can showcase your ability and determination to a college admission officer when you apply for college.

Although it seems complicated, worry not! We’ll simplify the steps for you.

Process of publishing a research paper

‍ This article will break down 5 steps on how to publish a research paper.

1. Find the Right Mentor for Your Research Purposes

Can you write a research paper on your own? Yes, you can. But, it would be extremely difficult. Finding the perfect mentor is key to having a smooth ride. As an aspiring high school student, you'll want guidance from someone who shares your intellectual interests and can offer expertise in your field of study. Mentors can also help you find information about publishing research as well as where to publish a research paper.

“If you cannot see where you are going, find someone who has been there before.” - J.L. Norris

To find a mentor, first , you need to reflect on your goals and needs. Ask yourself these questions:

• Do you want help developing research questions? • Feedback on a draft? • Opportunities to co-author a paper?

Defining what you hope to gain from mentorship will help determine who may be the best fit.

‍ Secondly, once you know (in general) who you want to work with, you can start your search by browsing the faculty profiles on your school’s website or research database like academia.edu or you can also utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn. Look for professors with expertise in your areas of interest. 

It’s important to reach out in the right manner for them to notice you. Remember, you are the one who needs their help and not the other way around. Therefore, the way you reach out online is very crucial to get their attention. Keep in mind that you should do thorough research about this person before sending a message. Here’s an example of a short template message you can use for initial communication on LinkedIn:

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I'm [Your Name], a high school student passionate about [Your Research Interest]. Impressed by your work in [Their Field]. I'm very intrigued by your argumentation about [Topic]. I’m looking for a mentorship for a project I'm planning. Your guidance would be invaluable. Could we discuss this possibility

Looking forward to hearing from you. Best,

[Your Name] ‍

Third, if you still can’t find an available mentor, you should also expose yourself to new ideas by attending guest lectures, joining online forums, and reading publications in your field. You can also find mentors who have published research papers that you are interested in. Engage with the material by asking questions. This demonstrates your passion for learning and can lead to finding a mentor.

While finding a mentor can be a bit of a hassle, you can check out our mentors and find the mentor of your preferences. After you have found your mentor, you can start doing the second step.

2. Choose an Exciting Research Topic That Interests You

Choosing topics that you are deeply passionate about or interested in is the key to keeping you motivated until the end of the research. 

Discover Your Passions or Interests

There are many passion project ideas that you can explore. But you can always start by asking:

• What do you love to read about or discuss with friends?  • Are there any social issues you care deeply about?  • What are the topics related to your hobbies, favorite books or movies, sports teams, and travel destinations? • Or do you like more of the popular subjects in your school like biology, chemistry, computer science, psychology, or genetics? Look for topics that spark your curiosity or creativity.

Find an Opportunity Gap

Review what research has already been done on topics that interest you. Look for areas that could use more exploration or that you could investigate further. Think about new angles, questions, or perspectives you might bring to the subject. Finding an unexplored niche in a broader topic area can lead to an exciting, original research paper.

Talk to Your Mentor

Discuss ideas with your mentor, especially if you have an area of study in mind but need guidance narrowing down to a specific, manageable research question. Your mentor may be able to suggest topics that would work well for a research paper and align with standards or curriculum. They can also help determine if a topic idea is too broad or narrow, or if resources will be readily available.

Application of the Research in Reality

Choose a topic that could have real-world implications or applications. How can your research paper help real-world problems?

Think about local issues in your community or school that could be addressed or improved through research. Papers investigating practical solutions or the effectiveness of policies, programs, or interventions tend to be very compelling.

research paper guidelines for high school students

3. Choose the Right Journal or Conference to Publish Your Research Paper

“Where can I publish my research paper?” ‍

You can publish your research paper through respectable journals, conferences, or research paper competitions. It's important to have a goal in mind before starting any research paper. Determining this in the beginning might help you to stay on course and motivated. 

Consider the Scope of the Selected Journals

Decide the scope then look for publications that focus on your area of study or research topic. Are you looking to publish a research paper in an international journal? Or are you aiming for more local journals? 

Double-check that the journal accepts submissions from high school students and check their reputation. Aim high, but be realistic. See if any professors or mentors can recommend appropriate platforms. Review the editorial board and see if top researchers in your field are involved.

Examples of the journals that can publish your research paper as a high schooler include:

  • Concord Review  
  • The National High School Journal of Science
  • STEM Fellowship Journal
  • Journal of Student Research
  • Journal of High School Science (JHSS)
  • International Journal of High School Research (IJHSR)

“Where can I publish my research paper for free?” ‍

Here are some journals where you can submit your research paper for free, but be aware some of them require a publication fee:

  • Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI)
  • Young Scientist Journal
  • Youth Medical Journal
  • Journal Research High School
  • Hope Humanities Journal
  • International Youth Neuroscience Association Journal
  • Whitman Journal of Psychology

Review Submission Guidelines

Once you’ve set your mind and chosen your goal, carefully read and follow the instructions for authors. Pay attention to formatting, abstract length, images, and anything else specified. Following the guidelines shows you understand publishing norms in your field.

4. Conduct Thorough Research, Write and Format Your Research Paper Properly

Now that you have selected a topic and compiled sources, it's time to dive into your research and start writing. Publishing a research paper in a journal requires thorough research and a properly formatted paper.

  • Analyze and read all of your resources and take notes on the key ideas, facts, questions, examples, data, quotes, and arguments that might be relevant to your research project. Keep it organized into an outline.
  • Determine your research question and consult with your mentor. Once you begin drafting your paper, be sure to paraphrase, summarize, and quote the right citation.  ‍
  • Carefully proofread and format your paper. Double-check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Ensure your paper follows the recommended style guide for font type and size, spacing, margins, page numbers, headings, and image captions. ‍

Of course, writing a research paper is not as easy. If you need guidance, you can also try to join research programs that will allow you to finish the research paper easier.

5. Review Before Submitting Your Research Paper and Respond to Feedback

Once your paper is complete, it's time to share your work with the world.

Review Your Research Paper

Before making this incredible step, review your research paper once again. Have a teacher or mentor check your paper to ensure it meets the journal's standards. Put together a cover letter introducing yourself and your research. Explain the importance of your work and most importantly, why they need to publish your work.

Anticipate Feedback

Even after submitting, your work isn't done. Journals will send your paper out for peer review by experts in the field. Reviewers may suggest changes to strengthen your paper before it can be accepted. Don't get discouraged—even professional researchers incorporate feedback! Address each comment thoroughly and openly. Making revisions will improve your paper and help you become a better writer and researcher.

How Long Does it Take to Publish a Research Paper?

In general, the publication process can take several months to a year or more from the initial submission to final publication. It depends on the institutions and the availability of the peer reviewers. If your paper is accepted for publication, congratulations! If not, use the experience as an opportunity to improve. Carefully consider the feedback and see it as a chance to strengthen your methods, arguments, and writing. Don't hesitate to submit to another journal or work with your mentor to revise and resubmit.

That’s it! Congratulations on finishing all the steps!

Whether or not you get published, finishing the research paper is an achievement in itself. We hope that this article on how to publish a research paper will help you to get your research paper published. Remember that persistence, attention to detail, and a clear understanding of your target journal's guidelines are key. Stay determined and keep researching. You got this!

Need more guidance to do your research paper and most importantly, publish your paper? Don't worry, we've got you! At Indigo Research, we connect you with leading professors from renowned universities who are eager to mentor you and support you in publishing your research!

Click to discover more about how we can help!


Research Basics for Junior and Senior High School Students: Getting Started - Essay Type & Topic

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Types of Essays

research paper guidelines for high school students

Narrat ive Essays: Telling a Story  In a  narrative essay , the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. When writing a narrative essay, writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible.

Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture  A  descriptive essay  paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, p lace, object, or even memory of special significance. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. 

Expository Essays: Just the Facts  The  expository essay  is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. In an expository essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. 

Persuasive Essays: Convince Me  While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the  persuasive essay  is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. 

Source: Time4Writing.com,  Types of Essays: End the Confusion .   https://www.time4writing.com/writing-resources/types-of-essays/  

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The Research Process

research paper guidelines for high school students

Chosing your topic is research

Step One: Choose a topic 

1) Choose a topic of interest as you will be spending a lot of time with it

2) Test your topic against the research: is the topic to broad (overwhelming information) or to narrow (not enough information)

3) Tweek your topic (broaden or narrow as needed)

Before choosing a topic, watch - Picking your topic is research NCSU Libraries 

Slides from 7th-12th Grade Research Skills and Writing Workshop

research paper guidelines for high school students

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Scaffolding Methods for Research Paper Writing

Scaffolding Methods for Research Paper Writing

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Students will use scaffolding to research and organize information for writing a research paper. A research paper scaffold provides students with clear support for writing expository papers that include a question (problem), literature review, analysis, methodology for original research, results, conclusion, and references. Students examine informational text, use an inquiry-based approach, and practice genre-specific strategies for expository writing. Depending on the goals of the assignment, students may work collaboratively or as individuals. A student-written paper about color psychology provides an authentic model of a scaffold and the corresponding finished paper. The research paper scaffold is designed to be completed during seven or eight sessions over the course of four to six weeks.

Featured Resources

  • Research Paper Scaffold : This handout guides students in researching and organizing the information they need for writing their research paper.
  • Inquiry on the Internet: Evaluating Web Pages for a Class Collection : Students use Internet search engines and Web analysis checklists to evaluate online resources then write annotations that explain how and why the resources will be valuable to the class.

From Theory to Practice

  • Research paper scaffolding provides a temporary linguistic tool to assist students as they organize their expository writing. Scaffolding assists students in moving to levels of language performance they might be unable to obtain without this support.
  • An instructional scaffold essentially changes the role of the teacher from that of giver of knowledge to leader in inquiry. This relationship encourages creative intelligence on the part of both teacher and student, which in turn may broaden the notion of literacy so as to include more learning styles.
  • An instructional scaffold is useful for expository writing because of its basis in problem solving, ownership, appropriateness, support, collaboration, and internalization. It allows students to start where they are comfortable, and provides a genre-based structure for organizing creative ideas.
  • In order for students to take ownership of knowledge, they must learn to rework raw information, use details and facts, and write.
  • Teaching writing should involve direct, explicit comprehension instruction, effective instructional principles embedded in content, motivation and self-directed learning, and text-based collaborative learning to improve middle school and high school literacy.

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 2. Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an understanding of the many dimensions (e.g., philosophical, ethical, aesthetic) of human experience.
  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.
  • 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

Computers with Internet access and printing capability

  • Research Paper Scaffold
  • Example Research Paper Scaffold
  • Example Student Research Paper
  • Internet Citation Checklist
  • Research Paper Scoring Rubric
  • Permission Form (optional)


1. Decide how you will schedule the seven or eight class sessions in the lesson to allow students time for independent research. You may wish to reserve one day each week as the “research project day.” The schedule should provide students time to plan ahead and collect materials for one section of the scaffold at a time, and allow you time to assess each section as students complete it, which is important as each section builds upon the previous one.

2. Make a copy for each student of the , the , the , the , and the . Also fill out and copy the if you will be getting parents’ permission for the research projects.

3. If necessary, reserve time in the computer lab for Sessions 2 and 8. Decide which citation website students will use to format reference citations (see Websites) and bookmark it on student computers.

4. Schedule time for research in the school media center or the computer lab between Sessions 2 and 3.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • Formulate a clear thesis that conveys a perspective on the subject of their research
  • Practice research skills, including evaluation of sources, paraphrasing and summarizing relevant information, and citation of sources used
  • Logically group and sequence ideas in expository writing
  • Organize and display information on charts, maps, and graphs

Session 1: Research Question

1. Distribute copies of the and , and read the model aloud with students. Briefly discuss how this research paper works to answer the question, The example helps students clearly see how a research question leads to a literature review, which in turn leads to analysis, original research, results, and conclusion.

2. Pass out copies of the . Explain to students that the procedures involved in writing a research paper follow in order, and each section of the scaffold builds upon the previous one. Briefly describe how each section will be completed during subsequent sessions.

3. Explain that in this session the students’ task is to formulate a research question and write it on the scaffold. The most important strategy in using this model is that students be allowed, within the assigned topic framework, to ask their research questions. Allowing students to choose their own questions gives them control over their own learning, so they are motivated to “solve the case,” to persevere even when the trail runs cold or the detective work seems unexciting.

4. Introduce the characteristics of a good research question. Explain that in a broad area such as political science, psychology, geography, or economics, a good question needs to focus on a particular controversy or perspective. Some examples include:
Explain that students should take care not to formulate a research question so broad that it cannot be answered, or so narrow that it can be answered in a sentence or two.

5. Note that a good question always leads to more questions. Invite students to suggest additional questions resulting from the examples above and from the Example Research Paper Scaffold.

6. Emphasize that good research questions are open-ended. Open-ended questions can be solved in more than one way and, depending upon interpretation, often have more than one correct answer, such as the question, Closed questions have only one correct answer, such as, Open-ended questions are implicit and evaluative, while closed questions are explicit. Have students identify possible problems with these research questions
7. Instruct students to fill in the first section of the Research Paper Scaffold, the Research Question, before Session 2. This task can be completed in a subsequent class session or assigned as homework. Allowing a few days for students to refine and reflect upon their research question is best practice. Explain that the next section, the Hook, should be filled in at this time, as it will be completed using information from the literature search.

You should approve students’ final research questions before Session 2. You may also wish to send home the Permission Form with students, to make parents aware of their child’s research topic and the project due dates.

Session 2: Literature Review—Search

Prior to this session, you may want to introduce or review Internet search techniques using the lesson Inquiry on the Internet: Evaluating Web Pages for a Class Collection . You may also wish to consult with the school librarian regarding subscription databases designed specifically for student research, which may be available through the school or public library. Using these types of resources will help to ensure that students find relevant and appropriate information. Using Internet search engines such as Google can be overwhelming to beginning researchers.

1. Introduce this session by explaining that students will collect five articles that help to answer their research question. Once they have printed out or photocopied the articles, they will use a highlighter to mark the sections in the articles that specifically address the research question. This strategy helps students focus on the research question rather than on all the other interesting—yet irrelevant—facts that they will find in the course of their research.

2. Point out that the five different articles may offer similar answers and evidence with regard to the research question, or they may differ. The final paper will be more interesting if it explores different perspectives.

3. Demonstrate the use of any relevant subscription databases that are available to students through the school, as well as any Web directories or kid-friendly search engines (such as ) that you would like them to use.

4. Remind students that their research question can provide the keywords for a targeted Internet search. The question should also give focus to the research—without the research question to anchor them, students may go off track.

5. Explain that information found in the articles may lead students to broaden their research question. A good literature review should be a way of opening doors to new ideas, not simply a search for the data that supports a preconceived notion.

6. Make students aware that their online search results may include abstracts, which are brief summaries of research articles. In many cases the full text of the articles is available only through subscription to a scholarly database. Provide examples of abstracts and scholarly articles so students can recognize that abstracts do not contain all the information found in the article, and should not be cited unless the full article has been read.

7. Emphasize that students need to find articles from at least five different reliable sources that provide “clues” to answering their research question. Internet articles need to be printed out, and articles from print sources need to be photocopied. Each article used on the Research Paper Scaffold needs to yield several relevant facts, so students may need to collect more than five articles to have adequate sources.

8. Remind students to gather complete reference information for each of their sources. They may wish to photocopy the title page of books where they find information, and print out the homepage or contact page of websites.

9. Allow students at least a week for research. Schedule time in the school media center or the computer lab so you can supervise and assist students as they search for relevant articles. Students can also complete their research as homework.

Session 3: Literature Review—Notes

Students need to bring their articles to this session. For large classes, have students highlight relevant information (as described below) and submit the articles for assessment before beginning the session.

1. Have students find the specific information in each article that helps answer their research question, and highlight the relevant passages. Check that students have correctly identified and marked relevant information before allowing them to proceed to the Literature Review section on the .

2. Instruct students to complete the Literature Review section of the Research Paper Scaffold, including the last name of the author and the publication date for each article (to prepare for using APA citation style).

3. Have students list the important facts they found in each article on the lines numbered 1–5, as shown on the . Additional facts can be listed on the back of the handout. Remind students that if they copy directly from a text they need to put the copied material in quotation marks and note the page number of the source. Students may need more research time following this session to find additional information relevant to their research question.

4. Explain that interesting facts that are not relevant for the literature review section can be listed in the section labeled Hook. All good writers, whether they are writing narrative, persuasive, or expository text, need to engage or “hook” the reader’s interest. Facts listed in the Hook section can be valuable for introducing the research paper.

5. Use the Example Research Paper Scaffold to illustrate how to fill in the first and last lines of the Literature Review entry, which represent topic and concluding sentences. These should be filled in only all the relevant facts from the source have been listed, to ensure that students are basing their research on facts that are found in the data, rather than making the facts fit a preconceived idea.

6. Check students’ scaffolds as they complete their first literature review entry, to make sure they are on track. Then have students complete the other four sections of the Literature Review Section in the same manner.

Checking Literature Review entries on the same day is best practice, as it gives both you and the student time to plan and address any problems before proceeding. Note that in the finished product this literature review section will be about six paragraphs, so students need to gather enough facts to fit this format.

Session 4: Analysis

1. Explain that in this session students will compare the information they have gathered from various sources to identify themes.

2. Explain the process of analysis using the . Show how making a numbered list of possible themes, drawn from the different perspectives proposed in the literature, can be useful for analysis. In the Example Research Paper Scaffold, there are four possible explanations given for the effects of color on mood. Remind students that they can refer to the for a model of how the analysis will be used in the final research paper.

3. Have students identify common themes and possible answers to their own research question by reviewing the topic and concluding sentences in their literature review. Students may identify only one main idea in each source, or they may find several. Instruct students to list the ideas and summarize their similarities and differences in the space provided for Analysis on the scaffold.

4. Check students’ Analysis section entries to make sure they have included theories that are consistent with their literature review. Return the Research Paper Scaffolds to students with comments and corrections. In the finished research paper, the analysis section will be about one paragraph.

Session 5: Original Research

Students should design some form of original research appropriate to their topics, but they do not necessarily have to conduct the experiments or surveys they propose. Depending on the appropriateness of the original research proposals, the time involved, and the resources available, you may prefer to omit the actual research or use it as an extension activity.

1. During this session, students formulate one or more possible answers to the research question (based upon their analysis) for possible testing. Invite students to consider and briefly discuss the following questions:
2. Explain the difference between and research. Quantitative methods involve the collection of numeric data, while qualitative methods focus primarily on the collection of observable data. Quantitative studies have large numbers of participants and produce a large collection of data (such as results from 100 people taking a 10-question survey). Qualitative methods involve few participants and rely upon the researcher to serve as a “reporter” who records direct observations of a specific population. Qualitative methods involve more detailed interviews and artifact collection.

3. Point out that each student’s research question and analysis will determine which method is more appropriate. Show how the research question in the Example Research Paper Scaffold goes beyond what is reported in a literature review and adds new information to what is already known.

4. Outline criteria for acceptable research studies, and explain that you will need to approve each student’s plan before the research is done. The following criteria should be included:

5. Inform students of the schedule for submitting their research plans for approval and completing their original research. Students need to conduct their tests and collect all data prior to Session 6. Normally it takes one day to complete research plans and one to two weeks to conduct the test.

Session 6: Results (optional)

1. If students have conducted original research, instruct them to report the results from their experiments or surveys. Quantitative results can be reported on a chart, graph, or table. Qualitative studies may include data in the form of pictures, artifacts, notes, and interviews. Study results can be displayed in any kind of visual medium, such as a poster, PowerPoint presentation, or brochure.

2. Check the Results section of the scaffold and any visuals provided for consistency, accuracy, and effectiveness.

Session 7: Conclusion

1. Explain that the Conclusion to the research paper is the student’s answer to the research question. This section may be one to two paragraphs. Remind students that it should include supporting facts from both the literature review and the test results (if applicable).

2. Encourage students to use the Conclusion section to point out discrepancies and similarities in their findings, and to propose further studies. Discuss the Conclusion section of the from the standpoint of these guidelines.

3. Check the Conclusion section after students have completed it, to see that it contains a logical summary and is consistent with the study results.

Session 8: References and Writing Final Draft

1. Show students how to create a reference list of cited material, using a model such as American Psychological Association (APA) style, on the Reference section of the scaffold.

2. Distribute copies of the and have students refer to the handout as they list their reference information in the Reference section of the scaffold. Check students’ entries as they are working to make sure they understand the format correctly.

3. Have students access the citation site you have bookmarked on their computers. Demonstrate how to use the template or follow the guidelines provided, and have students create and print out a reference list to attach to their final research paper.

4. Explain to students that they will now use the completed scaffold to write the final research paper using the following genre-specific strategies for expository writing:
and (unless the research method was qualitative).

5. Distribute copies of the and go over the criteria so that students understand how their final written work will be evaluated.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Observe students’ participation in the initial stages of the Research Paper Scaffold and promptly address any errors or misconceptions about the research process.
  • Observe students and provide feedback as they complete each section of the Research Paper Scaffold.
  • Provide a safe environment where students will want to take risks in exploring ideas. During collaborative work, offer feedback and guidance to those who need encouragement or require assistance in learning cooperation and tolerance.
  • Involve students in using the Research Paper Scoring Rubric for final evaluation of the research paper. Go over this rubric during Session 8, before they write their final drafts.
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A guide to writing a scientific paper: a focus on high school through graduate level student research


  • 1 NIEHS Children's Environmental Health Sciences Core Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201, USA. [email protected]
  • PMID: 23094692
  • PMCID: PMC3528086
  • DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2012.0743

This article presents a detailed guide for high school through graduate level instructors that leads students to write effective and well-organized scientific papers. Interesting research emerges from the ability to ask questions, define problems, design experiments, analyze and interpret data, and make critical connections. This process is incomplete, unless new results are communicated to others because science fundamentally requires peer review and criticism to validate or discard proposed new knowledge. Thus, a concise and clearly written research paper is a critical step in the scientific process and is important for young researchers as they are mastering how to express scientific concepts and understanding. Moreover, learning to write a research paper provides a tool to improve science literacy as indicated in the National Research Council's National Science Education Standards (1996), and A Framework for K-12 Science Education (2011), the underlying foundation for the Next Generation Science Standards currently being developed. Background information explains the importance of peer review and communicating results, along with details of each critical component, the Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Specific steps essential to helping students write clear and coherent research papers that follow a logical format, use effective communication, and develop scientific inquiry are described.

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Language Arts Classroom

Teaching Research Papers with High School Students

Teaching research papers with high school students? Here are guidelines to make this writing unit a success. Teaching the research paper requires various tools.

Teaching research papers with high school students? Teaching students how to write a research paper is an important part of an ELA class. Here are guidelines to make this writing unit a success.

Teaching research papers with high school students requires teaching ethical research. Teaching students how to write a research paper includes following the writing process, organizing student essays, & connecting gramamr to writing. Conferencing with students makes teaching research papers easier. This process of how to teach research to high school students walks through research paper lesson plans. Teaching the research paper in high school English classes meets writing standards.

Lawyers, political organizers, advertisers, real estate agents: most jobs require ethical research and then a written report. As a citizen, I research concepts important to my community and family. As knowledge in our world grows, student will only have more reasons to be ethical digital citizens.

Providing students with a sustainable foundation is a humbling responsibility. Teachers know that teaching students how to write a research paper is important. While teaching students how to research, I share those sentiments with them. I want students to know I take research seriously, and my expectation is that they will as well. My research paper lesson plans take into account the seriousness of ethical research.

prepare your high school writing unit

What is the best way to teach research papers to students?

The best way to teach research papers to students is by breaking down the process into manageable steps. Start with teaching them how to choose a topic, conduct research, and create an outline/list/graphic organizer. Then guide them in writing drafts, revising and editing their papers, and properly citing sources.

Even after teaching for a decade, I sometimes overwhelm myself with this duty. I handle teaching research papers with four ideas in my mind.

outline expectations for high school writers

Provide clear expectations.

Idea one, be clear.

A feeling I always hated as a student was the unknown . Sure, part of the learning process is not knowing everything and making mistakes. I, as the teacher, don’t want to be the source of frustration though. I never want my classes to wander down a path that won’t advance them toward our end goal: a well-researched paper. Part of teaching research skills to high school students is providing clear expectations.

As writing in the ELA classroom becomes more digital, I simply give writers tools on our online learning platform. That way, I can remind them to check a certain section or page as we collaborate on their writing.

Research lesson plans high school: include a writing overview for expectations.

Give a writing overview.

Idea two, provide an overview.

Every teacher grades a little differently. Sometimes, terminology differs. Throw in the stress of research, and you might have a classroom of overwhelmed students. An overview before teaching research papers can relax everyone!

I start every writing unit with clear expectations, terminology, and goals. I cover a presentation with students, and then I upload it to Google Classroom. Students know to consult that presentation for clarity. Initially, covering the basics may seem wasteful, but it saves all of us time because students know my expectations.

Furthermore, parents and tutors appreciate my sharing that information. As students work independently (inside or outside of class), they can take it upon themselves to consult expectations. Their responsibility with this prepares them for their futures. Finally, having established that overview with students during virtual classes was invaluable.

Research lesson plans high school: give students an overview.

Show an overview of research.

Idea three, clearly explain research.

Before you begin teaching students how to research, outline what strong research looks like. You might consider these questions:

  • What (if any) secondary sources will I accept? What about Wikipedia?
  • Should students use a balance of books and online material? Do they have access to books?
  • Are dates for certain topics important? Will I not accept research from before a certain date?

I’m not answering these questions for you, but I’ve seen teachers provide such guidelines while teaching research skills to high school students. Whatever parameters you have for teaching the research paper, share those with students.

domain-specific vocabulary

Define domain-specific vocabulary.

Idea four, don’t assume classes share the same domain-specific vocabulary.

High school classes are likely familiar with the writing process, yet the research process brings more vocabulary with which they might not be familiar.

Providing definitions for the most basic concepts enables me to walk through expectations and clarify concepts. Examples might include:

  • Informational text
  • Search engine
  • Credible sources
  • Claim, counterclaim
  • Research question
  • Journal articles

Plus, by providing definitions to terms, scaffolding occurs naturally. Academic writing has terms we teachers might use casually, but some students maybe have not heard of them.

Add this revision and editing sheet to your high school writing unit. Perfect addition to any Writing curriculum high school.

How can we model ethical research?

After outlining expectations to young writers, we begin research. Some schools rely on Google Scholar, and others use Explora or EBSCO. Sign students into your databases, and run them through the program.

I stress to young writers that conducting oneself with honesty and integrity is crucial to writing. When teaching research papers with high school students, I connect these ethics to their very near futures. Aside from the basics of documenting and citing, I highlight these two points.

Teaching the research paper will require teaching thorough research.

  • Citing material. This includes direct quotes and paraphrasing. I review both of those concepts throughout our research and writing. The majority of a paper should be the writer’s thoughts, supported by research. Students need those concepts repeated, and they are important, so I spend time emphasizing them.

Often, I turn the basics of research into a writing mini lesson . Modeling ethical research is a very specific part of ELA classes. I understand that other classes require research and that parents might teach research skills as well.

Still, to have a functioning society, students must view relevant information with critical eyes. Teaching young citizens how to write a research paper includes clear guidelines for research and one-on-one conferencing.

Teaching research papers with high school students requires teaching ethical research. Teaching students how to write a research paper includes following the writing process, organizing student essays, & connecting gramamr to writing. Conferencing with students makes teaching research papers easier. This process of how to teach research to high school students walks through research paper lesson plans. Teaching the research paper in high school English classes meets writing standards.

How can we encourage strong writing?

Hopefully, students write with passion. Hopefully, they want to show or prove their statements. Teaching students how to write a research paper is easier when students enjoy their topics.

I cover grammar with students (all year), and I always make the connection for them to implement those lessons. Teaching them to write a research paper requires some focus on writing skills. Primarily, they will work on strong verbs and syntax.

Teaching research papers will require a discussion of verb use

Look at verbs.

Students possess strong verbs in their vocabularies. Sometimes in writing, humans create a fast rough draft, myself included. Every verb is a linking verb, and every sentence reads subject + linking verb + predicate adjective. (Nothing is wrong with a linking verb, but writers should break from the mold.) When I see that a paper can be improved with strong verbs, we conference about ways to improve the verbs without thesaurus abuse.

Ask students to pick their least favorite paragraph in a research paper and to highlight every verb . Chances are, they are not conveying their message because of weak verbs. Help them turn the predicate adjectives into verbs or think of an action that will convey their meaning. Additionally as you continue teaching students how to research, you’ll cross strong verbs in research. Point out those verbs to your classes.

Teaching students how to write a research paper requires sentence structure lessons.

Examine syntax.

Just as every sentence shouldn’t contain a linking verb, not every sentence should be a simple sentence. Sentence syntax takes practice, and often teamwork! Ask students to provide a sentence that needs improvement. Break the sentence down into phrases and clauses. (If it is a simple sentence, ask for another sentence to attach.) What is the best arrangement? What is the student’s goal? Would a conjunctive adverb lead readers to a conclusion? What if a subordinating conjunction started the sentence, or, should the dependent clause come second in the complex sentence? Play with the language of papers! By connecting grammar to writing, you have empowered learners to improve their writing.

Sentence structure is also part of teaching students how to write a research paper because the information must be factual. Sometimes students report information incorrectly, and sometimes, their sentence structure is to blame. Focus on a return to simple syntax for ethical research, and then work on sentence diversity if possible.

All parts of an ELA classroom fit together like puzzle pieces, and when teaching research papers, that neatly assembled puzzle sits on display. By giving classes clear expectations, you are ready to guide them through ethical research and through strengthening their writing. Teaching the research paper is a large task, so you should know what you want to accomplish.

scaffold writing units

Is scaffolding teaching research papers possible?

Overall, a research unit takes me 2-3 weeks with high school students. Every teacher has different methodologies, but if I allow writing research papers for about a month, writers become bored. Fifteen working days for research, revision, and publishing is my average time frame. Going longer, and different aspects fall apart, and we lose momentum.

Scaffolding is built into our days. Outline the writing process with your calendar, and add days that follow the writing process. Pieces to consider:

writing errors

Scaffold writing errors.

Overall, writing errors are an inevitable part of the learning process. As teachers, it is crucial that we address these errors in a way that not only corrects them but also helps students understand why they occurred in the first place. When it comes to research papers, grammatical errors can significantly affect the credibility and clarity of the information presented.

One effective way to scaffold writing errors is by focusing on the actual problems that classes have in their papers. When we conference, I jot down common errors and then cover them as a class.

editing and revising days

Include revising and editing days.

Young writers should take ownership of the writing process which includes revising and editing. This can be achieved by dedicating specific days in the research unit for revising and editing. By allotting time for these crucial steps, writers will learn to critically analyze their work and make necessary improvements.

During the revision phase, students can focus on the overall structure and organization of their research paper. They should evaluate if their arguments are clear and logical, if the evidence supports their claims effectively, and if there is a smooth flow of ideas throughout the paper. This stage allows them to refine their content and ensure that it aligns with their desired objectives.

After revising, students should move toward publishing and sharing with their peers.

Your turn, writing teachers: What questions do you have left?

All activities mentioned in this post (except the common errors bundle) are included in my writing bundle for freshmen and sophomores .

What questions remain? Do you have different advice to offer teachers?

What do you focus on with when teaching research papers? Read how Melissa from Reading and Writing Haven differentiates when teaching research writing .  

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This writing unit contains everything needed for a successful research unit or writing unit.

ethical research writing activities writing lessons writing process

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58 Good Research Paper Topics for High School Students

June 27, 2023

We’ve all been there: you’re sitting in English or Social Studies, and suddenly your teacher announces those dreaded words: “I’d like you all to pick a topic for your upcoming research paper.” Your stomach lurches as your mind races to think of good research paper topics. Should you write about octopuses or the New York Yankees? Should you write about the history of Barbie and her uber-pink Dreamhouse , or perhaps the evolution of Taylor Swift ’s music career?

We get it: these are hard choices! That’s why we here at College Transitions have compiled the ultimate list to assist you in selecting an excellent research topic.

But First…the All-Important Question: What Makes a Great Topic?

We’re glad you asked! When selecting a topic for your academic research paper, you want to select a compelling topic that immediately grabs the reader’s attention. Just like when choosing a persuasive speech topic or argumentative essay topic , you want to be sure to select a topic that intrigues you personally. This is pivotal for multiple reasons. If you find your topic intriguing, you’ll likely spend more time delving into the subject and gathering information to strengthen your arguments. Additionally, if a topic sparks your curiosity, odds are that your enthusiasm will pique someone else’s interest, too!

The Key to a Good Research Paper: Research

Regardless of the topic you choose, ensure it’s researchable . This means that the subject has sufficient resources for research. Even the most intriguing topic won’t make for a good paper if there’s not much research material out there. Remember: your typical research paper is longer and more in-depth than a regular academic essay. While this means you have more time to explore the topic at hand, it also means that the research paper will rely on more information and analysis of the existing material out there. Before finalizing your topic, make sure to do a preliminary search to guarantee there’s plenty of information out there to help you construct a comprehensive argument, filled with multiple perspectives and facets.

Following Guidelines

Lastly, and most importantly, follow the guidelines your teacher has laid out. If you focus your paper on pop culture, it certainly won’t meet a historical research paper’s requirement! Before embarking on this thrilling intellectual journey, double-check what type of research paper your teacher wants you to write. To prevent future headaches, clarify any rules or conditions upfront.

Now that we’ve covered these key bullet points of what makes a great research paper topic, let’s delve into some examples of topics:

English Literature Research Topics

1) Discuss the profound cultural impact and enduring relevance of Shakespeare’s plays.

2) What roles does feminism play in canonical literary works such as Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre ?

3) Investigate the use of symbolism and its impacts on the narrative and theme in a chosen novel, such as J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye or Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.

4) Analyze the use of dystopian elements and their social commentary embedded in the works of George Orwell.

Good Research Paper Topics (Continued)

5) Analyze the themes , symbolic representations, and societal critiques of the American Dream as depicted in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby .

6) Provide a comprehensive explication of a renowned Shakespearean sonnet or soliloquy, such as this one from Hamlet .

7) Choose a poem such as Robert Frost’s “ The Road Not Taken ” and critically analyze its layered meanings and imagery, as well as their impact on the reader.

Technology Research Topics 

  • For a more comprehensive list of technology-related research topics, we’ve compiled an entire list for you here !

8) Compare and contrast the various techniques of solar geoengineering. How have these practices progressed over time? In what direction might they continue to evolve?

9) Art has become readily producible and consumable in the era of technology and artificial intelligence. How does this surge in accessibility impact the worth of artwork? Additionally, should we value physical artworks more than those made by programs like OpenAI’s DALL-E?

10) Does the advancement of cellular agriculture potentially threaten the ideas of a “ circular bioeconomy ?” Should we strive to pursue a circular bioeconomy?

11) Some people say that video games are detrimental to mental health or encourage violence. Study and present findings on whether specific categories or genres of video games provide more cognitive enhancement than others.

12) Since the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual appointments and doctor’s visits have increased exponentially. Does the surge in screen time that comes with digital therapeutics negatively affect mental health?

13) Consider mob mentality  across social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram. In what instances and in what contexts is such mentality most prevalent?

Environmental Research Topics

  • For a more comprehensive list of environmental-related research topics, we’ve compiled the 50 best ones here !

14) Undertake a comprehensive study of the impacts of climate change on ocean currents and the changes in migration patterns of marine species.

15) Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of urban greenspaces . Discuss potential implementation strategies to ensure equitable access to these spaces, particularly for socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

16) Look at the ethical implications surrounding human intervention in conservation efforts for endangered species.

17) Analyze the environmental impacts of the hospitality and travel industries in terms of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

18) How do agricultural land use practices impact biodiversity and the health of ecosystems? Look at the relationship between farming, habitat degradation, and species survival.

19) Conduct an in-depth analysis of the potential economic repercussions of climate change. Focus on the impacts of climate changes on global agricultural productivity and food security, as well as their associated dynamics in the global economy.


20) Conduct an in-depth exploration of the relationship between supply and demand dynamics and their influence on the market.

21) Analyze the impact of globalization on local economies. Examine both the direct and indirect effects of globalization and assess strategies for local economies to adapt and thrive within this system.

22) Write a research paper that investigates the role of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the global economy. What potential do these currencies have to disrupt traditional financial systems? What are their implications for monetary policy?

23) Undertake a study of the impact of China’s economic ascendance on the global economy.

24) Explore the intricate effects of population growth and/or decline on economic systems, considering factors such as labor market dynamics, allocation of resources, and the potential for sustainable development.

Political Science Research Topics

25) Discuss the role of lobbyists in U.S. politics. Scrutinize their influence on policy-making, and discuss the broader implications for democratic representation.

26) What influence does the media have on political elections? Investigate how media coverage shapes public opinion and voter behavior.

27) Analyze the impact of immigration policy on the economy. Examine such policies’ immediate and long-term implications on the labor market and economy.

28) Discuss the role of the Supreme Court in shaping U.S. laws. Focus on the function the Supreme Court plays in establishing legal precedents.


29) Write a research paper examining the concept of free will, its origins, evolution, and implications.

30) Consider the implications of determinism. Look at its impact on individual agency and moral responsibility within the broader framework of philosophical tradition.

31) Undertake an in-depth analysis of happiness in philosophy, considering its interpretations and their influence on real-world practices.

32) Investigate how various philosophies have perceived consciousness through time. Trace this depiction of consciousness through various philosophical movements.

33) Discuss Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, examining its underpinnings and implications.

Psychology research Topics

34) What role does social media play in shaping an individual’s self-esteem?

35) Explore childhood trauma’s long-lasting impact on adult interpersonal relationships and attachment styles.

36) Analyze the critical role that distinct parenting styles play in molding a child’s personality.

37) Research and discuss the psychological effects and health implications of prolonged exposure to stress.

Art Research Topics

38) Discuss the role of the Renaissance period on modern art, doing a side-by-side analysis of works from both eras.

39) Conduct a thorough analysis of the impact of street art on urban culture, examining how it reshapes public spaces and societal narratives.

40) Investigate the influence of Pop Art on modern design. You might focus on Pop Art’s particular impact on interior design and digital media.

41) Explore the role feminist art plays in promoting gender equality. How do feminist artworks challenge traditional gender roles and/or contribute to societal discourse?

Computer Science Research Topics

42) Artificial Intelligence is advancing rapidly. Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this technology.

43) Discuss whether the use of facial recognition technology violates individuals’ privacy, as well as the broader implications such technology has on societal well-being.

44) Analyze the use of surveillance technology by the government. Is it ethical for the government to use such technology to monitor its citizens?

45) Investigate the rapid development and long-term effects of various social media platforms.


46) Investigate the history of book bans in schools. Discuss the larger cultural and educational impacts such bans have on students and society.

47) Analyze various forms of schooling, from homeschooling to public and private schools. Consider the implications of each on a child’s education and social skills.

48) Write a research paper examining the use of affirmative action or other race-conscious policies on college campuses. Discuss the impact such policies have, as well as potential benefits and drawbacks.

49) Consider the impact of standardized testing on student performance.

Government and Law Research Topics

50) Consider the role that intellectual property and copyright laws play in innovation.

51) Investigate the impact of anti-trust laws on big corporations. What are the economic effects of these laws?

52) Study the role that law enforcement plays in community safety.

53) Consider the legalization of marijuana on crime rates. Discuss the impact this legalization has had on various communities, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

History Research Topics

54) Analyze the influence of the Civil Rights movement on modern America. How did this movement shape racial, social, and political dynamics in America?

55) Investigate how the French Revolution reshaped political structures and ideologies across Europe.

56) Analyze the significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it marked a shift in the global balance of power.

57) Delve into the effects of the Cold War, as well as its impacts on global politics.

58) Examine the role that women played during World War II and what impact these roles had on challenging gender norms.

I’ve Got My Topic: What Now?

Once you’ve selected your topic, begin brainstorming ways to shape and craft your argument. Here’s one structure your research paper might take:

  • Introduction: The introduction presents your research topic to readers and provides a roadmap for the paper ahead.
  • Thesis Statement: Craft a compelling thesis statement summarizing your paper’s central arguments.
  • Body : The body of the paper is where your carefully conducted research comes into play. Each paragraph should follow the previous one, building a logical progression of thoughts.
  • Conclusion: In your conclusion, you reiterate the points you made in your paper and provide a closing paragraph to neatly tie up any last thoughts.
  • Reference Page: This is where you credit your sources.

Once you’ve followed this structure, you’re on your way to crafting an excellent research paper. Of course, don’t let pesky typos undermine your hours of hard work and writing. Make sure to always proofread your work before turning it in. And if you’re passionate about research and writing, don’t stop there. Check out these summer programs for writing and journalism so that you can continue to fuel your passion.

  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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Where to Publish a Research Paper In High School: 18 Journals and Conferences to Consider

research paper guidelines for high school students

By Alex Yang

Graduate student at Southern Methodist University

9 minute read

So you've been working super hard writing a research paper , and you’ve finally finished. Congrats! It’s a very impressive accolade already, but you might still be wondering how to publish a research paper for students. As we’ve talked about before in our Polygence blog, “ Showcasing your work and sharing it with the world is the intellectual version of ‘pics or it didn’t happen.’ ” Of course, there are lot of different ways to showcase your work , from creating a YouTube video to making a podcast. But one of the most popular ways to showcase your research is to publish your research. Publishing your research can take the great work you’ve already done and add credibility to it, and will make a stronger impression than unpublished research. Further, the process of having your work reviewed by advanced degree researchers can be a valuable experience in itself. You can receive feedback from experts and learn how to improve upon the work you’ve already done.

Before we dive into the various reputable journals and conferences to publish your work, let’s distinguish between the various academic publishing options that you have as a high school student, as there are some nuances. Quick disclaimer: this article focuses on journals and conferences as ways to showcase your work. There are also competitions where you can submit your work, and we have written guides on competing in premier competitions like Regeneron STS and competing in Regeneron ISEF .

Publishing Options for High School Students

Peer-reviewed journals.

This is rather self-explanatory, but these journals go through the peer review process, where author(s) submit their work to the journal, and the journal's editors send the work to a group of independent experts (typically grad students or other scientists with advanced degrees) in the same field or discipline. These experts are peer reviewers, who evaluate the work based on a set of predetermined criteria, including the quality of the research, the validity of the methodology, the accuracy of the data, and the originality of the findings. The peer reviewers may suggest revisions or leave comments, but ultimately the editors will decide which suggestions to give to the student. 

Once you’ve received suggestions, you have the opportunity to make revisions before submitting your final product back to the journal. The editor then decides whether or not your work is published.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals

These are just journals that do not undergo a review process. In general, peer-reviewed journals may be seen as more credible and prestigious. However, non-peer-reviewed journals may make it easier and faster to publish your work, which can be helpful if you are pressed for time and applying to colleges soon .

Pre Print Archives

Preprint archives or servers are online repositories where student researchers can upload and share their research papers without undergoing any review process. Preprints allow students to share their findings quickly and get feedback from the scientific community, which can help improve the research while you’re waiting to hear back from journals, which typically have longer timelines and can take up to several months to publish research. Sharing your work in a preprint archive does not prohibit you from, or interfere with submitting the same work to a journal afterwards.

Research Conferences

Prefer to present your research in a presentation or verbal format? Conferences can be a great way to “publish” your research, showcase your public speaking skills, speak directly to your audience, and network with other researchers in your field. 

Student-led Journals vs Graduate Student / Professor-led Journals 

Some student-led journals may have peer-review, but the actual people peer-reviewing your work may be high school students. Other journals will have graduate students, PhD students, or even faculty reviewing your work. As you can imagine, there are tradeoffs to either option. With an advanced degree student reviewing your work, you can likely expect better and more accurate feedback. Plus, it’s cool to have an expert look over your work! However, this may also mean that the journal is more selective, whereas student-led journals may be easier to publish in. Nonetheless, getting feedback from anyone who’s knowledgeable can be a great way to polish your research and writing.

Strategy for Submitting to Multiple Journals

Ultimately, your paper can only be published in one peer-reviewed journal. Submitting the same paper to multiple peer-reviewed journals at the same time is not allowed, and doing so may impact its publication at any peer-reviewed journal. If your work is not accepted at one journal, however, then you are free to submit that work to your next choice and so on. Therefore, it is best to submit to journals with a strategy in mind. Consider: what journal do I ideally want to be published in? What are some back-ups if I don’t get published in my ideal journal? Preprints, like arXiv and the Research Archive of Rising Scholars, are possible places to submit your work in advance of seeking peer-reviewed publication. These are places to “stake your claim” in a research area and get feedback from the community prior to submitting your paper to its final home in a peer-reviewed journal. You can submit your work to a preprint prior to submitting at a peer-reviewed journal. However, bioRxiv, a reputable preprint server, recommends on their website that a preprint only be posted on one server, so that’s something to keep in mind as well.

Citation and Paper Formats

All of the journals listed below have specific ways that they’d like you to cite your sources, varying from styles like MLA to APA, and it’s important that you double-check the journal’s requirements for citations, titling your paper, writing your abstract, etc. Most journal websites have very detailed guides for how they want you to format your paper, so follow those closely to avoid having to wait to hear back and then resubmit your paper. If you’re looking for more guidance on citations and bibliographies check out our blog post!

18 Journals and Conferences to Publish Your Research as a High Schooler

Now that we’ve distinguished the differences between certain journals and conferences, let’s jump into some of our favorite ones. We’ve divided up our selections based on prestige and reliability, and we’ve made these selections using our experience with helping Polygence students showcase their research .

Most Prestigious Journals

Concord review.

Cost: $70 to Submit and $200 Publication Cost (if accepted)

Deadline: Fixed Deadlines in Feb 1 (Summer Issue), May 1 (Fall), August 1 (Winter), and November 1 (Spring)

Subject area: History / Social Sciences

Type of research: All types of academic articles

The Concord Review is a quarterly journal that publishes exceptional essays written by high school students on historical topics. The journal has been around since 1987 and has a great reputation, with many student winners going to great universities. Further, if your paper is published, your essays will be sent to subscribers and teachers all around the world, which is an incredible achievement.

Papers submitted tend to be around 8,000 words, so there is definitely a lot of writing involved, and the Concord Review themselves say that they are very selective, publishing only about 5% of the essays they receive.

We’ve posted our complete guide on publishing in the Concord Review here.

Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI)

Deadline: Rolling

Subject area: STEM 

Type of research: Original hypothesis-driven scientific research

JEI is an open-access publication that features scientific research papers written by middle and high school students in the fields of biological and physical sciences. The journal includes a comprehensive peer-review process, where graduate students and other professional scientists with advanced degrees will review the manuscripts and provide suggestions to improve both the project and manuscript itself. You can expect to receive feedback in 6-8 weeks.

This should be the go-to option for students that are doing hypothesis-driven, original research or research that involves original analyses of existing data (meta-analysis, analyzing publicly available datasets, etc.). This is not an appropriate fit for students writing literature reviews. Finally, a mentor or parent must submit on behalf of the student.

We’ve had many Polygence students successfully submit to JEI. Check out Hana’s research on invasive species and their effects in drought times.

STEM Fellowship Journal (SFJ)

Cost: $400 publication fee

Subject area: All Scientific Disciplines

Type of research: Conference Proceedings, Review Articles, Viewpoint Articles, Original Research

SFJ is a peer-reviewed journal published by Canadian Science Publishing that serves as a platform for scholarly research conducted by high school and university students in the STEM fields. Peer review is conducted by undergraduate, graduate student, and professional reviewers.

Depending on the kind of research article you choose to submit, SFJ provides very specific guidelines on what to include and word limits.

Other Great Journal Options

National high school journal of science (nhsjs).

Cost: $250 for publication 

Deadline: Rolling 

Subject area: All science disciplines 

Type of research: Original research, literature review

NHSJS is a journal peer reviewed by high schoolers from around the world, with an advisory board of adult academics. Topics are STEM related, and submission types can vary from original research papers to shorter articles.

Curieux Academic Journal

Cost: $185-215

Subject area: Engineering, Humanities, and Natural Science, Mathematics, and Social Science

Type of research: Including but not limited to research papers, review articles, and humanity/social science pieces.

Curieux Academic Journal is a non-profit run by students and was founded in 2017 to publish outstanding research by high school and middle school students. Curieux publishes one issue per month (twelve per year), so there are many opportunities to get your research published. 

The Young Scientists Journal 

Deadline: December

Subject area: Sciences

Type of research: Original research, literature review, blog post

The Young Scientists Journal , while a popular option for students previously, has paused submissions to process a backlog. The journal is an international peer-reviewed journal run by students, and creates print issues twice a year. 

The journal has also been around for a decade and has a clear track record of producing alumni who go on to work in STEM.

Here’s an example of research submitted by Polygence student Ryan to the journal.

Journal of Research High School (JRHS)

Subject area: Any academic subject including the sciences and humanities

Type of research: Original research and significant literature reviews.

JRHS is an online research journal edited by volunteer professional scientists, researchers, teachers, and professors. JRHS accepts original research and significant literature reviews in Engineering, Humanities, Natural Science, Math, and Social Sciences.

From our experience working with our students to help publish their research, this journal is currently operating with a 15-20 week turnaround time for review. This is a bit on the longer side, so be mindful of this turnaround time if you’re looking to get your work published soon.

Youth Medical Journal

Deadline: March (currently closed)

Subject area: Medical or scientific topics

Type of research: Original research, review article, blog post, magazine article

The Youth Medical Journal is an international, student-run team of 40 students looking to share medical research.

We’ve found that this journal is a good entry point for students new to research papers, but when submissions are busy, in the past they have paused submissions. 

Journal of High School Science (JHSS)

Subject area: All topics

Type of research: Original research, literature review, technical notes, opinion pieces

This peer-reviewed STEAM journal publishes quarterly, with advanced degree doctors who sit on the journal’s editorial board. In addition to typical STEM subjects, the journal also accepts manuscripts related to music and theater, which is explicitly stated on their website.

Due to the current large volume of submissions, the review process takes a minimum of 4 weeks from the time of submission.

Whitman Journal of Psychology

Subject area: Psychology

Type of research: Original research, podcasts

The WWJOP is a publication run entirely by students, where research and literature reviews in the field of psychology are recognized. The journal is run out of a high school with a teacher supervisor and student staff.

The WWJOP uniquely also accepts podcast submissions, so if that’s your preferred format for showcasing your work, then this could be the journal for you!

Cost: $180 submission fee

Subject area: Humanities

Type of research: Essay submission

The Schola is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that showcases essays on various humanities and social sciences topics authored by high school students worldwide. They feature a diverse range of subjects such as philosophy, history, art history, English, economics, public policy, and sociology.

Editors at Schola are academics who teach and do research in the humanities and social sciences

Critical Debates in Humanities, Science and Global Justice

Cost: $10 author fee

Subject area: Ethics and frontiers of science, Biology and ecosystems, Technology and Innovation, Medical research and disease, Peace and civil society, Global citizenship, identity and democracy, Structural violence and society, Psychology, Education, AI, Sociology, Computer Science, Neuroscience, Cultural politics, Politics and Justice, Computer science and math as related to policy, Public policy, Human rights, Language, Identity and Culture, Art and activism

Critical Debates is an international academic journal for critical discourse in humanities, science and contemporary global issues for emerging young scholars

International Youth Neuroscience Association Journal

Subject area: Neuroscience

Type of research: Research papers

Although this student peer-reviewed journal is not currently accepting submissions, we’ve had students recently publish here. 

Here’s an example of Nevenka’s research that was published in the November 2022 issue of the journal.

Preprint Archives to Share Your Work In

Subject area: STEM, Quantitative Finance, Economics

arXiv is an open access archive supported by Cornell University, where more than 2 million scholarly articles in a wide variety of topics have been compiled. arXiv articles are not peer-reviewed, so you will not receive any feedback on your work from experts. However, your article does go through a moderation process where your work is classified into a topic area and checked for scholarly value. This process is rather quick however and according to arXiv you can expect your article to be available on the website in about 6 hours. 

Although there’s no peer review process, that means the submission standards are not as rigorous and you can get your article posted very quickly, so submitting to arXiv or other preprint archives can be something you do before trying to get published in a journal.

One slight inconvenience of submitting to arXiv is that you must be endorsed by a current arXiv author, which can typically be a mentor or teacher or professor that you have. Here’s an example of a Polygence student submitting their work to arXiv, with Albert’s research on Hamiltonian Cycles.

Subject area: Biology

Type of research: Original research

bioRxiv is a preprint server for biology research, where again the research is not peer-reviewed but undergoes a check to make sure that the material is relevant and appropriate.

bioRxiv has a bit of a longer posting time, taking around 48 hours, but that’s still very quick. bioRxiv also allows for you to submit revised versions of your research if you decide to make changes.

Research Archive of Rising Scholars (RARS)

Subject area: STEM and Humanities

Type of research: Original research, review articles, poems, short stories, scripts

Research Archive of Rising Scholars is Polygence’s own preprint server! We were inspired by arXiv so we created a repository for articles and other creative submissions in STEM and the Humanities.

We launched RARS in 2022 and we’re excited to offer a space for budding scholars as they look to publish their work in journals. Compared to other preprint archives, RARS also accepts a wider range of submission types, including poems, short stories, and scripts.

Conferences to Participate In

Symposium of rising scholars.

Deadline: Twice a year - February and July

Polygence’s very own Symposium of Rising Scholars is a bi-annual academic conference where students present and share their research with their peers and experts. The Symposium also includes a College Admissions Panel and Keynote Speech. In our 8th edition of the Symposium this past March, we had 60 students presenting live, approximately 70 students presenting asynchronously, and over 100 audience members. The keynote speaker was Chang-rae Lee, award-winning novelist and professor at Stanford University.

We’re looking to have our 9th Symposium in Fall of 2023, and you can express your interest now. If you’re interested to see what our Polygence scholars have presented in the past for the Symposium, you can check out their scholar pages here.

Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS)

Deadline: Typically in November, so for 2024’s competition look to submit in Fall 2023

Subject area: STEM topics

JSHS is a Department of Defense sponsored program and competition that consists of first submitting a written report of your research. If your submission is selected, you’ll be able to participate in the regional symposium, where you can present in oral format or poster format. A select group from the regional symposium will then qualify for the national symposium.

One of the great things about JSHS compared to the journals mentioned above is that you’re allowed to work in teams and you don’t have to be a solo author. This can make the experience more fun for you and your teammates, and allow you to combine your strengths for your submission.

For young writers undertaking a high school research project and understanding how to publish a research paper for students is crucial. Knowing how to identify the right research question and understanding where to publish your research paper are key steps in this journey.

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Research Opportunities for High School Students

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A blueprint for high school students to pursue research and get published.

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Regardless of their future career interests, high school students who are curious and enjoy discovering answers to questions should consider research. Research isn’t restricted to just the STEM field; there are countless questions in every field that need to be answered.

Doing research while still in high school can be a great way for students to stand out in college ... [+] admissions process.

Research can be a life-changing experience for a high schooler. It gives them a chance to gain hands-on instruction beyond the classroom and be exposed to the dynamics of a lab environment. In addition, students learn how to work with others as they gain analytical, quantitative and communication skills.

Participating in research can also give students a competitive edge when applying to college. This is especially true for candidates of BS/MD programs , where medical-focused activities are expected. Some BS/MD programs, like Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s 7-Year Program , are specially designed to train future physician-scientists.

How To Pursue Research

While many students want to secure a research position, it isn’t always easy to know how to get started and make progress. Here are a few different methods students can pursue to gain research experience.

Look For Local Research Projects

Depending on where you live, you might be able to find local labs at universities, hospitals or companies where you can get research experience. Start local first to see what types of positions might be available to students.

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When reaching out, add a cover letter that is tailored to each specific organization. You should introduce yourself in a way that demonstrates your academic background, your interest in their research and how you would like to contribute on a voluntary basis. The email should also include your CV or resume so that they can see any relevant coursework or experiences you may have.

When sending out these emails, remember to cast a wide net. These organizations are getting emails from college and graduate students, too, so you might need to email quite a few people before you get a response. If you don’t hear back within two weeks, send a follow-up email. Oftentimes, persistence pays off.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions or if you don’t have local options available, you can also consider virtual opportunities. Virtual work might be a good option due to the flexibility that often accompanies it.

However, cold-emailing professors or companies can be time-consuming and a risk. Even if you secure a position, you need to ensure that you are being flexible and realistic. Some positions might only be available during the hours students are at school, so expecting to get a position that will work around your class schedule or weekends only might be unrealistic. Having open availability and working on their timetable will make more opportunities feasible.

In addition, for these types of positions, you will need to show you can add value. This might require you to learn new skills on your own time, like a new coding language, so you can contribute to the success of the project.

Join A Summer Camp Or Structured Research Program

A structured research program can be the most beneficial experience for students because there is often a clear plan in place: students are expected to show up for a set number of hours per week and have clearly established deliverables on what will be accomplished during that time.

Camps like Rising Researchers, which are open to high school students of all ages, even give students college credit and help the students get their research published at the end of the camp. Nicole Cooksey, one of the instructors at Rising Researchers, says, “Rising Researchers helps students go beyond static learning—the hands-on camp means students acquire new skills and the ability to write a research paper.”

Some parents might hesitate to commit to a paid summer camp. While many of the most prestigious summer camps like Research Summer Institute (RSI) and Texas Tech’s Clark Scholars program are free, they are often very competitive and only open to students over the age of 16 or 17. Paid programs can be a good alternative because it still provides students with dedicated instructors whose sole focus will be on mentoring the student.

Start An Independent Research Project

Pursuing independent research is another option, but it is not a good fit for every student because it requires long-term commitment and dedication in order to make progress. Students who undertake this task should be prepared to spend at least a year from start to finish researching, writing their paper and submitting it for publication. The review and publication step can often take the longest, sometimes more than one year. For high school seniors, this could mean their paper might not be published before college application season kicks off.

How To Get Started

For the self-starters who want to begin an independent research project, the first step should be to make a list of your future career interests. Writing it down can help you decide what areas of research you might want to consider. Next, read previous research journals to get an idea of topics that might be of interest to you and possible to do on your own.

Once you have settled on a general topic, think about what questions you want to ask and answer in your research. These questions will help you create your thesis statement, which should address a specific question or problem.

The final step is to gather your sources and begin writing your paper. Look for resources from reputable sites, such as:

  • PubMed: A great tool for finding research articles on a variety of subjects
  • PubMed Central: Curates research articles without paywalls
  • Google Scholar: Find Primary literature on all scientific topics
  • Directory of Open Access Journals: Find additional open-access journals here
  • CDC - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • The Public Library of Science: find peer-reviewed articles for free

Add Research To Your Student Resume

Undertaking a research project when you are still in high school requires effort on your part, but your persistence can pay off. Adding research to your student resume can help you stand out to competitive colleges and demonstrate a strong passion for a particular subject.

Kristen Moon

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20 Journals to Publish Your Research in High School

research paper guidelines for high school students

By Eric Eng

a female student with a laptop sitting at a staircase

Are you a high school student looking to showcase your research and academic achievements? Exploring opportunities to publish your work in reputable journals tailored to high school researchers can be an invaluable step in your academic journey. In this blog, we’ll delve into 20 prominent “journals to publish your research in high school,” providing insight into their focus areas, submission processes, and impact within the academic community.

1. Young Scholars in Writing

  • Submission Deadline: April 16, 2024
  • Area/s of Expertise: writing, rhetoric, discourse, language, and related topics
  • Research Type: Original research, peer-reviewed

Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric is dedicated to publishing research articles authored by undergraduates exploring themes within rhetoric and writing. They aim to showcase papers that blend secondary sources with primary research conducted by the author(s), or that ground their inquiries within a specific theoretical framework. Ultimately, they prioritize articles that offer substantive intellectual contributions to their respective fields.

Young Scholars in Writing, one of the best journals to publish your research in the country, actively encourages collaborative manuscripts and research focusing on historically or presently marginalized or underrepresented communities and cultures.

Their peer-review process involves undergraduate students from various two- and four-year colleges nationwide, as well as past contributors to the journal. Additionally, the journal undergoes faculty review by members of the editorial board hailing from institutions of higher education throughout the United States.

2. The Concord Review

  • Cost: $50 for submission and $200 for the publication cost
  • Submission Deadline: August 1 (Winter), November 1 (Spring), February 1 (Summer) and May 1 (Fall).
  • Area/s of Expertise: all academic concetrations
  • Research Type: all types of academic research

The Concord Review , one of the most popular journals to publish your research, is a quarterly publication showcasing history essays authored by high school students. Renowned as the foremost journal for high school students in the social sciences, its esteemed reputation stems from its exceptional selectivity (presently below 5%), unwavering commitment to quality, and a distinguished history of contributors being admitted to top-tier universities.

Three students walking in the campus.

The caliber of published papers is notably superior, with an average length of 9000 words over the past year. A qualitative evaluation of these papers underscores the considerable time and effort invested, coupled with a remarkable standard of writing.

3. High School Journal of Science

  • Cost: $250 as publication cost
  • Submission Deadline: rolling
  • Area/s of Expertise: Science and Social Science
  • Research Type: Original research and literature-reviewed

The National High School Journal of Science (NHSJS) operates under the oversight and peer-review of high school students globally, complemented by a scientific advisory board comprised of adult academics. Typically, the journal requires 1-2 months to evaluate submissions for acceptance , followed by an editing process lasting up to 1 month. NHSJS welcomes submissions across a broad spectrum of science and social science disciplines on an ongoing basis.

Considering its comparatively higher acceptance rate, NHSJS is often recommended as a secondary option for publication. Based on our experience in assisting students with submissions to NHSJS, we estimate an acceptance rate of approximately 70%.

4. International Journal of High School Research

The International Journal of High School Research (IJHSR) features research conducted by high school students across disciplines such as behavioral and social sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics, encompassing both original research and literature review articles. With a publication frequency of six issues per year, IJHSR operates on a rolling submissions basis and offers open access to the public. The journal is administered by the nonprofit organization Terra Science and Education.

A distinctive requirement of IJHSR is that authors must solicit and secure the agreement of three professors or post-doctoral scholars to review their paper. Given the time-intensive nature of this process, we recommend initiating contact with potential reviewers early in the research phase if aiming to publish in IJHSR.

5. Journal of Student Research

  • Submission Deadline: February 29, 2024
  • Area/s of Expertise: all academic concentrations and disciplines

This journal, headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a multidisciplinary publication subject to faculty review. It showcases research contributions from high school, undergraduate, and graduate students across a diverse range of disciplines. The journal welcomes submissions covering applied and theoretical research in any field.

Female student smiling at the camera.

The Journal of Student Research (JSR) enjoys popularity among high school students owing to its inclusive approach to research topics. High school students can submit various forms of research projects, articles, posters, review articles, and even AP Capstone Research to JSR.

While we typically advise students to aim for more selective journals as primary targets, JSR serves as a reliable backup option for journals to publish your research. Drawing from our experience guiding numerous students through the submission process, we consider JSR best suited for this role due to its comparatively high acceptance rate. However, it’s important to note its extended publishing timeline, which typically spans around 6-7 months.

6. Journal of High School Science

  • Cost: free submission
  • Area/s of Expertise: science and social sciences
  • Research Type: original research, peer-review

The Journal of High School Science (JHSS) is a peer-reviewed STEAM publication that highlights the inventive ideas and contributions of high school students across science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) disciplines. The Journal publishes original research and experiments featuring quantitative results. These results must stem directly from experimental observations, supported by thorough statistical analysis and a sufficiently large sample size.

While it offers a relatively high acceptance rate, making it a suitable backup option, it falls slightly below alternatives like the STEM Fellowship Journal and Journal of Emerging Investigators . Based on our experience, for students seeking a more dependable backup, we suggest considering NHSJS over JHSS. NHSJS holds a marginally higher level of selectivity compared to JHSS, enhancing its reliability as a secondary choice.

7. Young Scientist Journal

  • Submission Deadline: to be announced (typically every December)
  • Area/s of Expertise: all scientific fields

Young Scientist is a publication aimed at acknowledging the remarkable accomplishments of high school scientists. It is a venture of the Vanderbilt Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach, a dedicated group committed to enriching scientific and technological literacy by fostering distinctive collaborations among Vanderbilt University scientists, K-12 educators and students, and the broader science community, both locally and globally.

a student writing on her notebook and looking at the camera

YSJ stands as yet another of our selective recommendations for students who want to right high quality research in the field of science.

8. STEM Fellowship Journal

  • Cost: CAD 400 for publication
  • Area/s of Expertise: STEM

The STEM Fellowship Journal welcomes original research and review articles authored by individual or group contributors, with or without mentorship input. This encompasses research spanning all domains of Science, Technology, Engineering , and Mathematics (STEM), conducted by high school, undergraduate, and graduate students alike. Serving as the flagship platform for STEM Fellowship, the journal plays a pivotal role in advancing the organization’s core mission of fostering scholarly writing and publication among the emerging cohort of STEM researchers.

Although SFJ presents a valuable option, our observations suggest that the journal may sometimes experience delays in communication with submitting students. Additionally, while the review process previously operated on a 2-month timeline, this duration has lengthened to 4-5 months throughout 2022-2023. It’s essential to bear these factors in mind, particularly if you’re working within a tight deadline.

9. Hope Humanities Journal

  • Cost: $100 for publication
  • Area/s of Expertise: Social Sciences, Humanities
  • Research Type: original research, peer-review, literary pieces like reviews/critiques, poems, essays

HOPE, one of the easiest journals to publish your research in, serves as an online humanities platform accessible to all with an interest in the humanities. It offers an international, nonprofit academic forum to champion the humanities and celebrate the accomplishments of young writers. HOPE welcomes submissions of literature (including poetry and prose), research papers, art such as illustrations and photography, and editorials.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, with issues published every two months. Accepted works are considered for inclusion in at least the subsequent two issues.

HOPE stands as another preferred choice for students in the humanities, following Schola.

10. Journal of Emerging Investigators

  • Research Type: original research, hypothesis-based research

The Journal of Emerging Investigators typically ranks as our top recommendation for students engaged in original STEM research. Notably affiliated with Harvard , JEI is renowned for its thorough review process, which may extend up to 7-8 months.

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It’s crucial to note that JEI exclusively accepts original hypothesis-driven research. Furthermore, while the JEI website predominantly showcases STEM research, submissions from other disciplines are also welcomed. For example, if you conduct original research on topics such as financial markets or political preferences based on demographics, you can still submit to JEI.

JEI employs a review process akin to that of many professional scientific journals. However, we have tailored it to prioritize the educational journey of our student authors, who are likely navigating the intricacies of scientific writing and publishing for the first time. For further details on our review process, please refer to the following information.

  • Cost: $120 for publication
  • Area/s of Expertise: Social Science, Humanities

Schola is a quarterly journal showcasing humanities and social sciences essays penned by high school students worldwide. Covering an extensive array of subjects within humanities and social sciences, Schola accepts essays exploring topics spanning philosophy, history, art history, English, economics, public policy, and sociology.

Essays submitted to Schola must address academic, answerable, and specific topics conducive to thorough examination within a 4,000-5,000-word format. Published essays and their respective authors are announced during the first week of each issue month, which occurs in March, June, September, and December. Subscribers gain access to all journals within the Archives.

Schola, another one of the journals to publish your research, stands out as one of our foremost recommendations for students keen on exploring social sciences and humanities, owing to its rigorous review process and discerning selection criteria. The journal consistently upholds a standard of publishing high-quality work.

12. Journal of Research High School

  • Area/s of Expertise: mainly science and humanities but other concentrations are accepted
  • Research Type: Original research, peer-review, literature-review

The Journal of Research High School (JRHS) is an open-access online research journal dedicated to showcasing academic work crafted exclusively by high school researchers. With a focus on nurturing the future scientific community, JRHS provides a platform for high school students to share their research and writing expertise through quality journals and articles. Additionally, it encourages student engagement in disseminating research papers under the guidance of research advisors.

By serving as a stepping stone, JRHS facilitates the development of research skills among high school authors, setting them on a path toward becoming experienced researchers early in their academic journey. Moreover, it fosters an interactive environment where students can connect with peers and access their academic contributions.

JRHS welcomes original research and insightful literature reviews across various fields, including Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Mathematics , and Social Sciences, among others, for potential publication.

13. Stanford Intersect

  • Area/s of Expertise: mostly STEM and humanities
  • Research Type: Original research, peer-review, book reviews and essays

Intersect, one of the journals to publish your research, is a globally recognized research journal in Science, Technology, and Society, managed by undergraduate students at Stanford University with support from the Program in STS at Stanford. It serves as a platform for publishing research and scholarship focused on the social dynamics that influence, support, or hinder research and innovation, while also exploring how these social forces are influenced by evolving science and technology.

a college student standing in the middle of a hallway and looking at the camera

Welcoming submissions from undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students, Intersect encourages interdisciplinary work at the intersection of disciplines such as history, culture, sociology, art, literature, business, law, health, and design with science and technology. While the journal’s submissions are not restricted to Stanford affiliates, they typically represent diverse perspectives from various continents.

Intersect publishes quarterly online at intersect.stanford.edu and is widely referenced in Google Scholar. As an open-access journal, it offers free access to its content to foster global knowledge exchange. Intersect aims to publish three times per academic year, typically at the conclusion of Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, and accepts submissions on a rolling basis.

14. Open Journal of Business and Management

  • Cost: $299 for publication
  • Area/s of Expertise: Business, Entrepreneurship, and Economics
  • Research Type: Various forms of academic articles, including reviews, original research papers, and short reports

OJBM stands as an international journal dedicated to advancing the study of business and management. Its objective is to serve as a forum for scholars and educators worldwide to foster, exchange, and deliberate on emerging issues and developments across various domains of business and management.

We recommend OJBM, one of the best journals to publish your research, as a valuable resource for students with an interest in business studies and management. It is among the select few journals that welcome research contributions in these fields from high school students.

It’s worth noting the distinction we make between business and economics; certain economic concepts may not fall within the purview of business. Therefore, if your research pertains to financial markets, you may find IJHSR or JEI (mentioned in this blog) to be more suitable options.

15. Curieux Academic Journal

  • Cost: $159 for publication
  • Area/s of Expertise: STEM, Natural Science, Social Science, and Humanities
  • Research Type: This includes a range of scholarly works, such as research papers, review articles, and contributions in the humanities and social sciences.

Established in 2017, the Curieux Academic Journal is a youth-led nonprofit dedicated to publishing research by high school and middle school students. While based in California , they boast editors from across the nation.

Submitting your paper to Curieux presents an excellent opportunity to hone your skills in academic writing. They welcome submissions from all academic subjects, spanning the sciences and humanities.

a female student studying with her laptop and looking at the camera

Curieux embraces various forms of academic writing, including research papers, review articles, and contributions in the humanities and social sciences. With a monthly publication schedule, they release twelve issues annually. We often suggest Curieux as a secondary publication option for students engaged in research within the social sciences and humanities, given its comparatively higher acceptance rate.

16. Walt Whitman Journal of Psychology

  • Submission Deadline: March 20, 2024
  • Area/s of Expertise: Psychology and
  • Research Type: Original Research and Analysis writeups

The Whitman Journal of Psychology is a fully student-led publication that highlights research and literature reviews conducted by high school students in the field of psychology. With a global reach, the journal connects with hundreds of schools and psychology enthusiasts worldwide. It is electronically published and freely accessible to all readers.

Authors are required to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). The Journal retains the right to make adjustments to accepted submissions to ensure compliance with APA style. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages and must include a reference list and parenthetical citations following APA style guidelines.

17. The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal

  • Submission Deadline: rolling admissions
  • Area/s of Expertise: all academic field

The URJ, one of the journals to publish your research, is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing the research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida across various disciplines. Established in 2007, the URJ has published over 100 articles authored by UCF undergraduate students. All undergraduates engaged in faculty-mentored research projects are encouraged to submit their work for potential publication.

Undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida have the opportunity to submit their research to The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal (URJ). Submissions must reflect work completed during the student’s enrollment as an undergraduate , although they may submit research for publication up to six months after graduation. Additionally, undergraduates from other institutions may submit to the URJ if the research conducted at the University of Central Florida is endorsed by a UCF faculty member. UCF undergraduates are also eligible to collaborate on papers with undergraduate and graduate students from other institutions, provided that the main author of the manuscript is from UCF.

18. Youth Medical Journal

  • Submission Deadline: s ubmission is closed at the moment (typically opens in march)
  • Area/s of Expertise: medical science
  • Research Type: Original Research and academic commentaries

The Youth Medical Journal is a nonprofit, Diamond Open Access, and internationally student-run publication catering to students with a medical focus. Our platform consistently publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts across various medical specialties within their respective sub-journals.

Thepublication aims to cultivate the skills of budding researchers by adhering to the standards set by esteemed journals such as Nature, Frontiersin, Elsevier, The New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, and others. Additionally, they aspire to serve as a platform for students seeking to publish articles even before they have undergone any formal university or college courses. Nevertheless, the publication also welcomes submissions from students with formal research training and experience.

a student smiling while holding her phone

We’ve observed that this journal serves as a valuable starting point for students who are new to submitting research papers. However, during busy periods, they have previously halted submissions.

19. Critical Debates HSGJ

  • Area/s of Expertise: Humanities, Science, and Global Justice
  • Research Type: Original Research, peer reviews

Emerging young scholars in high school from around the globe are invited to submit original scholarly work and/or well-balanced critical opinion perspectives for this peer-reviewed journal on critical debates facing society. Humanities enable understanding of the human experience, while science involves the pursuit of knowledge of the natural and social world through systematic scientific methodology. Student work may be connected to either area or both. Global justice involves the pursuit of theory and action to better understand the world, transcend borders, and acknowledge responsibilities towards it.

This is one of the journals to publish your research that aims to foster dialogue around critical viewpoints, lenses, and debates concerning pressing global issues. Submissions are encouraged to utilize diverse lenses to analyze pressing world problems, such as using math and science to understand public policy debates and using the humanities and arts to understand justice and human rights.

20. International Youth Neuroscience Association Journal

  • Area/s of Expertise: Neuroscience
  • Research Type: Original Research, peer reviews, academic commentary

The International Youth Neuroscience Association (IYNA) is a global, youth-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring the next generation of neuroscientists. The mission of the organization is to introduce students to the excitement of scientific inquiry and enable them to explore the wonders of the brain. This mission involves providing high-quality, open-access opportunities for students to authentically pursue neuroscience. This is accomplished through hosting a variety of open-access, high-quality events, and programs, including Youth Neuroscience (a summer program), the IYNA Annual Ideathon, and Brain Bee Bootcamps. Additionally, young neuroscience enthusiasts have the opportunity to receive special training through a series of webinars and gain experience through publishing in the IYNA Journal.

Since its inception, the International Youth Neuroscience Association (IYNA) has worked to develop, refine, and distribute high-quality, accessible neuroscience resources. The organization particularly aims to address disparities in neuroscience education resulting from socioeconomic and geographic differences.

What are the Publishing Options Available for High School Students?

1. peer-reviewed journals.

These journals undergo the peer review process, wherein authors submit their work to the journal, and the journal’s editors forward the work to a group of independent experts in the same field or discipline, typically grad students or other scientists with advanced degrees. These experts, known as peer reviewers, assess the work based on predetermined criteria, including research quality, methodology validity, data accuracy, and findings originality. Peer reviewers may offer suggestions for revisions or leave comments, but ultimately, editors determine which suggestions to provide to the author.

a female student looking at the camera smiling

Upon receiving suggestions, authors have the opportunity to make revisions before submitting their final work back to the journal. The editor then decides whether to publish the work or not.

2. Non Peer-Reviewed Journals

Non-peer-reviewed journals refer to publications that do not undergo a formal review process by independent experts in the field before publication. While peer-reviewed journals are often regarded as more credible and prestigious due to the rigorous evaluation process, non-peer-reviewed journals offer advantages such as expedited publishing timelines and greater accessibility for authors.

Although peer-reviewed journals uphold higher standards of quality and validity, the review process can be time-consuming and may delay the publication of your work. In contrast, non-peer-reviewed journals typically offer quicker turnaround times, making them a convenient option for authors who are pressed for time, particularly when preparing college applications or seeking timely dissemination of their research findings.

While the credibility and prestige associated with peer-reviewed journals are undeniable, the choice between peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed journals ultimately depends on the author’s priorities and objectives, balancing factors such as credibility, speed of publication, and the targeted audience’s preferences.

3. Pre Print Archives

Preprint archives, also known as preprint servers, are online platforms where student researchers can freely upload and disseminate their research papers without undergoing any formal review process. These archives provide a means for students to swiftly share their findings with the scientific community, facilitating rapid dissemination of research and enabling scholars to receive feedback on their work.

One of the key advantages of preprint archives is the ability to quickly share research findings while awaiting publication in peer-reviewed journals. Unlike traditional journal submission processes, which often entail lengthy review timelines spanning several months, preprint archives offer a more expedited route for sharing research outcomes.

Importantly, sharing work on a preprint archive does not preclude or hinder subsequent submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Authors retain the option to submit their work for formal review and publication in academic journals after sharing it on a preprint server. This flexibility allows researchers to engage with both the preprint and peer-reviewed publication processes, maximizing the visibility and impact of their research within the scientific community.

How to Submit to Multiple Journals

Developing a strategy for submitting your research paper to multiple journals can optimize your chances of publication and ensure efficient use of resources. It’s important to recognize that a paper can only be published in one peer-reviewed journal; simultaneous submission to multiple journals is generally prohibited and may hinder publication opportunities.

However, if your paper is not accepted by one journal, you retain the freedom to submit it to alternative journals for consideration. As such, it’s advisable to approach the submission process with a thoughtful strategy in mind.

Begin by identifying your ideal publication venue and considering potential backup options. Reflect on factors such as the journal’s scope, audience, impact factor, and prestige to determine your preferences. While aiming for your top choice journal, it’s prudent to have contingency plans in place, including secondary and tertiary journal options.

Three students talking in front of a laptop.

Preprint archives, such as arXiv and the Research Archive of Rising Scholars, offer an additional avenue for sharing your research before peer-reviewed publication. Posting your work on a preprint server enables you to establish a presence in your research field, solicit feedback from the community, and garner early recognition for your findings. It’s worth noting, however, that reputable preprint servers typically recommend posting your preprint on only one platform to avoid confusion or duplication.

By carefully strategizing your journal submissions and considering preprint options, you can navigate the publication process effectively and maximize the visibility and impact of your research within the academic community.

Sending to multiple journals at one time? Consider this.

Simultaneous submission to multiple journals is generally discouraged because it can lead to ethical issues and conflicts. Most journals have policies against simultaneous submission to prevent duplicate publication and ensure fairness in the review process. Submitting to multiple journals at once can also waste resources and time for both authors and editors, as multiple journals may end up reviewing the same manuscript simultaneously. Therefore, it’s best to follow the guidelines of each journal and submit your manuscript to one journal at a time.

Final Thoughts

Journals serve as vital platforms for disseminating scholarly research and fostering intellectual discourse. For high school students, these journals to publish your research not only validate their research efforts but also offer a gateway to broader recognition within their respective fields. Beyond the intrinsic value of contributing to the body of knowledge, publishing in journals can enhance college admissions prospects by demonstrating initiative, intellectual curiosity, and a commitment to academic excellence.

Admissions committees often view published research as a testament to a student’s academic potential and readiness for higher education, setting applicants apart in a competitive admissions landscape. Through this exploration of journals tailored to high school researchers, you’ll discover opportunities to elevate your academic profile and make meaningful contributions to your chosen field of study.


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100+ High School Research Paper Topics [Updated]

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Hey there, high school students! Have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed when your teacher mentioned a research paper? No worries – it’s totally normal. In fact, tackling a research paper is like embarking on an exciting journey where you get to explore topics you’re interested in, do your own research, and become a critical thinking pro! This blog post is like your trusty map for this adventure. It’s here to help you create top-notch high school research paper topics without the stress.

What is The Significance of Research?

Table of Contents

Before delving into the intricacies of crafting a research paper, it’s crucial to understand the significance of this academic exercise. Research papers serve as a platform for students to explore a chosen topic in depth, analyze existing literature, and contribute to the broader conversation within a particular field. 

The process of conducting research enhances critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills—essential attributes for success in higher education and beyond.

How to Write a Research Paper?

Writing a research paper can seem like a daunting task, but with a structured approach, it becomes much more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Choose a Topic
  • Pick a topic that interests you and is relevant to your assignment.
  • Make sure it’s not too broad or too narrow; find a balance.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research
  • Gather some initial information to ensure there’s enough material available.
  • Note down key points and potential sources.
  • Develop a Thesis Statement
  • Formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main purpose or argument of your paper.
  • Create an Outline
  • Form an outline that is structured based on your research and ideas.
  • Assign headings to the sections of your work, such as introduction, methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Write the Introduction
  • Provide background information on your topic.
  • State the purpose of your research and present your thesis statement.
  • Review the Literature
  • Summarize existing research related to your topic.
  • Identify gaps or controversies in the literature.
  • Detail the Methodology
  • Explain your research design (e.g., experiment, survey, case study).
  • Describe the data collection process and justify your chosen method.
  • Present the Results
  • Showcase your findings using tables, graphs, or charts.
  • Analyze the results and connect them to your thesis statement.
  • Discuss Your Findings
  • Compare your results to existing research.
  • Explore the broader implications and practical applications.
  • Encourage critical thinking and discussion.
  • Write the Conclusion
  • Summarize the key findings.
  • Restate your thesis and highlight its importance.
  • Suggest directions for future research.
  • Cite Your Sources
  • Compile a list of all sources cited in your paper.
  • Use a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) as per your assignment guidelines.
  • Revise and Edit
  • Review your paper for clarity, coherence, and grammar.
  • Make sure your arguments flow logically, and check for any spelling or punctuation errors.
  • Seek Feedback
  • Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to review your paper.
  • Consider their feedback and make necessary revisions.
  • Finalize Your Paper
  • Double-check formatting and ensure your paper adheres to any specific requirements.
  • Submit your well-crafted research paper on time!

100+ High School Research Paper Topics

  • Climate Change: Impact and Mitigation Strategies
  • The Effects of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Against Online Threats
  • The History and Impact of Vaccines
  • Gender Inequality in the Workplace
  • Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Solutions
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy for High School Students
  • The Rise of E-commerce and Its Effects on Traditional Retail
  • Bullying in Schools: Causes and Prevention
  • The Role of Women in History
  • Genetic Engineering: Ethical Considerations
  • The Impact of Video Games on Adolescent Behavior
  • Youth Activism: Examining Movements and Causes
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Academic Performance
  • The History and Impact of Space Exploration
  • Mental Health Stigma: Breaking the Silence
  • The Future of Renewable Energy
  • The Evolution of Language: From Ancient to Modern
  • The Influence of Art and Music on Society
  • Cultural Appropriation: Understanding the Debate
  • The Rise of Online Education: Pros and Cons
  • Human Trafficking: A Global Issue
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance
  • The Impact of Social Class on Educational Opportunities
  • The History of Civil Rights Movements
  • Technology Addiction: Causes and Solutions
  • The Role of Government in Public Health
  • Animal Testing: Ethical Dilemmas
  • The Influence of Literature on Social Change
  • Gun Control: Balancing Rights and Safety
  • The Importance of Diversity in Education
  • The Rise of Single-Parent Families: Causes and Effects
  • The Role of Mass Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Future of Space Travel and Colonization
  • The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures
  • Teenage Pregnancy: Causes and Prevention
  • The History and Impact of Rock and Roll Music
  • The Ethics of Cloning and Genetic Modification
  • The Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Campaigns
  • The Impact of Social and Economic Inequality
  • Human Rights Violations: A Global Perspective
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Societal Norms
  • The History and Impact of Hip-Hop Culture
  • Online Privacy: Balancing Security and Freedom
  • The Effects of Fast Food on Health
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • Climate Change Denial: Causes and Consequences
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophers on Modern Thought
  • Internet Censorship: Balancing Free Speech and Security
  • The Effects of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement
  • The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behavior
  • Renewable Energy: Exploring Alternatives
  • The History and Impact of Feminism
  • Technology and Education: Enhancing or Hindering Learning?
  • The Role of Social Institutions in Shaping Behavior
  • The Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Peoples
  • The Evolution of Human Rights
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Choices
  • The Importance of STEM Education
  • The Effects of Peer Pressure on Teenagers
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Political Beliefs
  • Cyberbullying: Causes and Solutions
  • The Influence of Literature on Cultural Identity
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Activism
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking in Education
  • The Effects of Air Pollution on Health
  • The History and Impact of LGBTQ+ Rights Movements
  • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image
  • The Influence of Technology on Human Relationships
  • The Role of Education in Combating Racism
  • The History and Impact of the Internet
  • The Effects of Childhood Obesity on Long-Term Health
  • The Role of NGOs in Addressing Global Issues
  • The Impact of Immigration on Society

Tips For Successful High School Research Paper

  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about and align with the assignment.
  • Start your research early to allow sufficient time for thorough investigation.
  • Craft a clear thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument.
  • Create a well-organized outline to structure your paper effectively.
  • Use reliable and diverse sources for a comprehensive literature review.
  • Clearly explain your research methodology, showcasing its relevance.
  • Present your findings using visual aids like graphs or charts.
  • Engage in critical discussion in the results and discussion sections.
  • Conclude by summarizing key findings and suggesting future research.
  • Follow the prescribed citation style diligently for accurate referencing.
  • Revise and edit your paper for clarity, coherence, and grammar.
  • Seek feedback from peers or teachers to enhance your paper further.
  • Pay attention to formatting details to meet assignment requirements.
  • Proofread carefully before submission to catch any last-minute errors.

Crafting a high school research paper is an intellectual journey that allows students to explore their passions, hone critical skills, and contribute to the academic discourse.

By following the outlined structure, students can navigate the process with confidence, producing a well-organized and impactful research paper that not only fulfills academic requirements but also serves as a testament to their intellectual curiosity and prowess. I hope this topic on high school research paper topics will help you out with a number of suggestions.

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July 19, 2024

research paper guidelines for high school students

Top 10 Research Journals for High Schoolers to Publish In

For any student looking to enter higher education, research papers are a strong asset to have on a college application. Research projects show college admissions officers that a student has done the work, gained valuable insight, and who continually pursue their passion in their field of choice. To add even more distinction to their profile, students can get their work published in an accredited research journal, where their work can be peer-reviewed to further display the integrity of their efforts. But where should rising high schoolers publish their work? 

To further aid our aspiring scholars in their academic endeavors, InGenius Prep brings you ten research journals for high school students to consider publishing. 

The Young Researcher

Covering a wide range of fields and subjects internationally, the Young Researcher is a peer-reviewed journal with open access and a multidisciplinary focus on various subjects such as humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Its mission is to encourage students from all backgrounds to pursue their interests, and it accepts submissions with no fees associated with publishing with the Journal. Submissions are accepted between January and April, and this Journal is a strong choice for students with a scientific or interdisciplinary interest.

Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI)

The JEI is a journal for high school students with a focus on original research papers in the realm of biological and physical sciences. In association with Harvard University, the JEI is a well-regarded journal with high standards for material written by middle and high school students. The JEI is a nonprofit organization, and it provides peer reviews and objective feedback for students who submit their research. There is a fee of $35 to submit to JEI. However, there is no publication fee for accepted articles. 

Journal of High School Science

The Journal of High School peer-reviewed journal of STEAM publications. The Journal aims to highlight the ideas and innovations of high schoolers, and it publishes contributions made in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). The Journal has a one-time charge of $35 for a submission with no other fees. All submitted materials are subjected to a single-blind peer review. 

The Young Scientists Journal 

The Young Scientists Journal is a peer-reviewed, international journal operating in and connecting with students from 50 other countries. It publishes original research in all areas of science and aims to empower high school students to share their knowledge and passions around the world. The Journal includes several types of publication articles and accepts submissions from scholars between the ages of 12 and 20. 

The Concord Review  

The Concord Review is a journal that publishes academic history papers written by high school students. Founded in 1987, the Concord Review has published over 1,500 research papers by high schoolers in the US and around the world. Essay requirements can be found on its submission page , and fees range from $70 to $150. 

The Schola is a journal that publishes essays in the humanities and social sciences. It is unique in its publication of academic research within the international high school curriculum. Schola publishes quarterly and takes submissions from high school students worldwide. Students can submit multiple essays, and a fee of $180 is required per submission. 

National High School Journal of Science

The National High School Journal of Science is a student-run research journal that publishes peer-reviewed research papers by high school students. The Journal is online, free, and maintains a high standard for publication. Its scientific advisory board consists of professional researchers who peer review each submission. The NHSJS publishes research in physics, biology, chemistry, and many other STEM fields and is a good choice for students with a scientific interest in one or more subjects.

International Journal of High School Research

The International Journal of High School Research is a journal dedicated to the research efforts of high school students. Students can submit "original research" or "literature review," and submission is open to any scholar or mentor from any country. Once the article is accepted for publication, a $200 submission fee will be requested. IJHSR accepts articles from a wide range of subjects, with its general scope being in science, engineering, and math. 

STEM Fellowship Journal (SFJ)

The STEM Fellowship Journal (SFJ) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Canadian Science Publishing (CSP). It is open-access and publishes student research in STEM fields, aiming to support young researchers throughout their high school and university educations. The SFJ publishes two issues per year and charges a publication fee of $400 CAD after a submission is accepted following peer review. 

Youth Medical Journal

Finally, the Youth Medical Journal is a publisher of medical-based research conducted by high school and undergraduate students. It is nonprofit, open access, and run by a cooperative of international students. The YMJ has numerous sub-journals within the realm of medicine, including popular categories like biomedical research , Neuroscience , and even COVID-19 . Submission forms and manuscript guidelines can be found on its publishing page .

Learn More with the Experts in Education

Conducting research and getting a research paper published in an accredited journal is a significant boon to the profile of anyone applying for college. But this is even more true for those pursuing acceptance into an Ivy League or top US school. Completing a research project and getting published shows college admissions officers that you're motivated, dedicated, and passionate about your academic area of interest. These qualities are sometimes more important to admissions officers than research itself. It displays a combination of academic rigor and character traits that make a positive impression on college admissions officers. Especially for those applying to highly selective schools, students should consider conducting and publishing a research project to get that much more of an edge in the competitive college applications landscape.

To learn more about research projects and how students can make the most of their field of interest, See InGenius Prep's Academic Mentorship program . Pair your student with a mentor, professor, or working professional from their school of choice and work on a compelling research project that'll tie their college application together. 

And for even more research journals for high school students, see our previous list, " 10 Journals Where You Can Get Published in High School ."

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Tags : applying to college , preparing for college in high school , how to get into college , conducting research , research papers

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American Psychological Association

References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text .

Check each reference carefully against the original publication to ensure information is accurate and complete. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher and writer.

Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements (who, when, what, and where) with ease. When you present each reference in a consistent fashion, readers do not need to spend time determining how you organized the information. And when searching the literature yourself, you also save time and effort when reading reference lists in the works of others that are written in APA Style.

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Master academic writing with APA’s essential teaching and learning resource

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A high school student’s paper on the Mexican repatriation could lead to a new statue in L.A.

As her junior year of high school came to a close in 2023, Tamara Gisiger’s history teacher tasked the class with a research project of their choosing.

A then-17-year-old Gisiger narrowed in on what she called an “underground, hurtful and dark part of history that just isn’t talked about” — the  Mexican repatriation  that took place in the 1930s amid the Great Depression.

The repatriation involved deporting 1 million people with Mexican heritage, 60% of whom were American-born citizens, and was one of the largest deportations in American history, according to Gisiger, who lives in New York City.

The epicenter was Los Angeles, where up to 75,000 Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans were deported by train — often at Union Station — in one year, Gisiger, now 19, said in a phone interview, reciting the dates and numbers off the top of her head.

Read more here . 

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Can Technical Education in High School Smooth Postsecondary Transitions for Students with Disabilities?

Participation in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs has been proposed as a valuable strategy for supporting transition to independence among students with disabilities. We exploit a discontinuity created by admissions thresholds from a statewide system of CTE high schools. Our findings suggest attending CTE high schools has large positive effects on completing high school on time, employment, and earnings, including for individuals 22 years or older. Attending CTE schools also results in more time spent with non-disabled peers and higher 10th grade test scores. These results appear concentrated among male students, but the sample of female students is too small to support strong conclusions about outcomes. Notably, these estimates are for a system of CTE high schools operating at scale and serving students across a wide spectrum of disabilities, and the estimated effects appear broad based over disability type, time spent with non-disabled peers in 8th grade and previous academic performance.

We thank the Institute for Education Sciences for financial support under grant number R305A160195, and personnel at the State of Connecticut Departments of Education and Labor, as well as the State P20Win program, for their support in completing this project. We thank Blake Heller and other participants in the Career and Technical Education and Advances in Student Outcomes session of the American Economic Association 2024 meetings. We also thank Shangyue Jiang for excellent research assistance. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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More from NBER

In addition to working papers , the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter , the NBER Digest , the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability , the Bulletin on Health , and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship  — as well as online conference reports , video lectures , and interviews .

2024, 16th Annual Feldstein Lecture, Cecilia E. Rouse," Lessons for Economists from the Pandemic" cover slide

Decoding Content Moderation: Analyzing Policy Variations Across Top Online Platforms

Every day, millions of users scroll through content on Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook. Each one of these platforms has their own particular methods for scanning and regulating the posted content for misinformation, which is crucial for balancing user safety and freedom of speech. However, in the United States, platforms are not subject to legal constraints regarding their content moderation methods, which leads to each platform developing their own policies, with very little consistency across the board.

Research scientist Arjun Bhagoji and 5th year Ph.D. student Brennan Schaffner , under the mentorship of Neubauer Professor Nick Feamster , Associate Professor Marshini Chetty , Assistant Professor Chenhao Tan and Professor Genevieve Lakier from the UChicago Law School, wanted to investigate the specific methods each platform utilized to moderate their content and prevent misinformation. In their recent paper titled “Community Guidelines Make this the Best Party on the Internet”: An In-Depth Study of Online Platforms’ Content Moderation Policies , which was published at CHI ‘24 , Bhagoji and Schaffner (along with several undergraduate co-authors) presented the first systematic study of these content moderation policies from the 43 largest online platforms that host user generated content, with a specific focus around copyright infringement, harmful speech, and misleading content.

The team focused on figuring out the mechanisms by which companies claim they moderate content, and what happens when violating content is found. A question of particular interest was if companies do explicitly acknowledge the use of automated techniques, since these take away some of the burden on human moderators.

In order to isolate and identify the relevant portions of a given policy, they developed a policy annotation scheme. “One of the strong contributions of this paper is that we developed a principled annotation scheme, which outlines what we considered the policies’ critical components,” Schaffner comments. “We investigated each platform to find: How is problematic content found? What happens when it’s found? Do moderated users receive explanations, punishment, and/or means of appeal? By keeping a lens on the policies’ critical components, we were able to compare across popular platforms and uncover components that sites were frequently missing, such as explaining what rights were given to moderated users or what justifications platforms used to back up their chosen policies.”

Before they could annotate the text to create the main contribution of the paper, which is a publicly available annotated dataset , Bhagoji and Schaffner had to build a custom web-scraper to obtain policy text. One of their greatest challenges was figuring out how to create a web crawler that would identify all of the content moderation-related passages on a page, as modern pages are tricky to scrape, employing anti-scraping measures such as “dynamically-loading” elements, rate-limiting, and IP blocking.

“When pages are dynamically loaded, the page only loads when, for example, you scroll down on the page, or if it knows that the page is being accessed by a human,” Bhagoji explained. “So if you try to access the page in an automated manner, which is what we did, the page doesn’t load and we just get some sort of error. We spent almost six months building out our scraper to make sure that we hit every single page on these sites that mention relevant content moderation policy. We had to manually verify a fair amount of information.”

Through months of scraping and manual verification, their team found significant structural and compositional variation in policies across all topics and platforms. Even beyond the well-known platforms like Facebook and X, there are many other platforms in the top 43 that are still used by hundreds of millions of users. Section 230 , a law that protects social media companies from being liable for the content posted on their platforms, has led to platforms essentially regulating themselves, and resulted in their role as what Schaffner calls “the de facto regulators of the Internet”.

Bhagoji and Schaffner also worked with Professor Genevieve Lakier from the UChicago Law School on this project.

“Another reason why this work is important is because a lot of these policies have terms of service statements that are very legal-coded and not user friendly,” Schaffner added. “Part of our ability to analyze these data all together at once, which makes some of the legal pieces more accessible for researchers and users. Professor Lakier helped us with the annotation scheme, to cut through some of the legal jargon, and understand what was structurally important for our study. Since she’s a First Amendment scholar, we were also able to lay out the history of how content moderation has evolved in the United States.”

With Lakier’s help, Bhagoji and Schaffner realized that few, if any, companies made actionable claims in their content moderation policies, particularly regarding hate speech and misinformation. The latter was rarely even defined, making it difficult for platform users to determine how and why certain content was moderated or not. They found that these platforms rarely explicitly state how their content moderation policies are enforced, except in the case of copyright, where the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides an explicit legal grounding.

For example, Bhagoji states, “A lot of companies claim that they use AI and other automated tools to do the moderation. However, other investigative reports have shown that these companies actually hire underpaid labor in the Global South to do this work. One of the key findings of our paper is that it is challenging to figure out who actually uses the machine learning systems, so we can figure out if they are any good by externally auditing them.”

Bhagoji has already moved on to the next phase of this project, which is an audit study that involves diving in depth into one platform’s content moderation tools. He is cross-referencing their effectiveness against their stated policies as found in this paper to study their effectiveness. He hopes that other researchers can join in the effort to include other forms of moderation and look at platforms that they haven’t touched on.

Once he finishes the last piece of his dissertation — targeting user agency and manipulative platform design — Schaffner also plans to build on this work by investigating user perceptions of and experiences with content moderation leveraging the breadth of this new dataset.

To learn more about their work, please visit the AIR lab and the NOISE lab pages.

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GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

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Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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  1. Reasearch Ideas for High School Students

    research paper guidelines for high school students

  2. 50 Research Paper Topic Ideas for High School! by Theellteacher

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  3. ⭐ High school research paper format. High school research paper format

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  2. How to Write a Research Paper in High School

    Start by using a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, in 12 or 11 sized font. Also, add one inch margins for the pages, along with some double spacing between lines. These specifications alone get you started on a more professional and cleaner looking research paper.

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    Carefully proofread and format your paper. Double-check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Ensure your paper follows the recommended style guide for font type and size, spacing, margins, page numbers, headings, and image captions. ‍. Of course, writing a research paper is not as easy.

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    4. Explain to students that they will now use the completed scaffold to write the final research paper using the following genre-specific strategies for expository writing: Use active, present tense verbs when possible. Avoid the use of personal pronouns such as I and my (unless the research method was qualitative).

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    VOICE. double space the entire paper; NOTHING in a research paper is ever single-spaced. set all margins to 1 inch. use Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, and black ink. use a header to number each page of the research paper (with your last name and the page number) in the upper RIGHT corner.

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    Charlotte, NC • www.infoagepub.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. The CIP data for this book can be found on the Library of Congress website (loc.gov). Paperback: 978-1-64113-110- Hardcover: 978-1-64113-111-7 eBook: 978-1-64113-112-4. About the Cover: Through the sands of time, the pyramids of Egypt and the Louvre ...

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    Participating in research can also give students a competitive edge when applying to college. This is especially true for candidates of BS/MD programs, where medical-focused activities are ...

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    research papers for their classes. As part of the curriculum, students in classes at the Middle School are taught to research, organize and write the paper following the APA guidelines and use this to write small papers in their content areas. As part of the freshman English curriculum at the high school, these skills

  19. 20 Journals to Publish Your Research in High School

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  21. Style and Grammar Guidelines

    APA Style provides a foundation for effective scholarly communication because it helps writers present their ideas in a clear, concise, and inclusive manner. When style works best, ideas flow logically, sources are credited appropriately, and papers are organized predictably. People are described using language that affirms their worth and dignity.

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  25. References

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  27. sld

    Student Learning Development supports Trinity students reach their academic potential. We offer a range of services including individual appointments, workshops and skills events. These services are designed to develop your skills in areas such as academic writing, self and time management, exam & assessment skills for PG & UG students.

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