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Evaluation Form Templates

25+ FREE Presentation Evaluation Form Templates – PDF, Word

Defining your story and writing your presentation without any problem does not mean that you are through your presentation. Each time you have a presentation, it is essential to ensure that the final presentation is effective by conducting a presentation evaluation. After all, not taking the time to consider the things that you did wrong or right when preparing your presentation will certainly limit your chances of becoming the best PowerPoint ranger that you have always dreamt of.

What is a Presentation Evaluation Form

A presentation evaluation form is a document that takes readers through a checklist of questions designed to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a presentation, with improvement tips. The evaluation form is like an audit. Presentation evaluation forms use a rating scale to determine how well the presenter met the objectives of the presentation. The presentation evaluation form is used to improve the presenter’s presentation skills. It provides them with feedback from other people (usually experts) and evaluates them on various aspects of a good presentation.

Purpose of a Presentation Evaluation Form

Evaluating a presentation is essential because it helps the presenter improve the aspects that need improvement. The presenter gets to know where problems in their presentation are and what to focus on, helping them improve their overall performance. Presentation evaluation forms can be used in many different situations. They can evaluate internal presentations, formal presentations, and even informal presentations. They can also be used in various industries such as educational environment, business, healthcare, and any other industries.

Elements of a Presentation Evaluation Form

Any presentation evaluation form should contain features integral to its proper functioning. The following are some of the elements of a presentation evaluation form:

The name of the presenter

It is crucial to have each presenter’s name in their presentation evaluation forms to distinguish between the different speakers. It is helpful because it helps the evaluator to get to know each speaker better, which can be helpful when reading a report.

The name of the evaluator(s)

The names of the people who evaluate the presentations to give feedback about it should be put in the form itself. In addition, using a form with multiple evaluators ensures that there will be an objective review and a more thorough evaluation of the speaker’s needs and strengths.

The date and time of the presentation

The date and time of the presentation will help the reader know when the speaker gave their presentation. This information is vital because it can help the reader get to know what was going on around them at that time, which can be helpful in evaluating a situation or getting to know the speaker better.

The topic of the presentation

The next item to be included in the evaluation form is the topic of the presentation. Again, the topic should be clearly stated on the form to help readers and presenters understand what was going on in the presentation.

The duration of the presentation

The duration of the presentation is significant in the evaluation of a speaker’s presentation. With this information, it will be easier for evaluators to know how well the speaker conducted their presentation. The duration of the presentation should also be listed in a table format to allow readers to get to know how long specific parts of the presentations were.

The qualities of the speaker

The speaker’s qualities to be listed on a presentation evaluation form should be relevant to the area of expertise. For example, if a presentation is about the weather and the presenter does not know the weather, it might not be appropriate for them to discuss in-depth changes in the climate of a specific region. Therefore, the evaluator should look at both the strengths and weaknesses of most speakers and make sure there are no inaccuracies.

The quality of the execution of the topic

This section of a presentation evaluation form is the most important for evaluators to fill out. This section is usually filled out after the evaluator has evaluated the other aspects of the presentation, allowing them to view it objectively. The quality of execution is judged based on how well each of the aspects and steps in a presentation is executed and how well they were organized.

Other information

Other information that could be included in the presentation evaluation form includes questions such as what was the title of the presentation? What were three key points made? What is the call to action the audience is required to take? Were the visuals exciting or boring? What were the strengths and weaknesses? And what was the overall impression of the speaker?

How to Conduct a Presentation Evaluation

The first source you need to tap for proper feedbacks is your friends and co-workers. Take your time and ask your close colleagues to assist you in critiquing your presentation. To get the best result, make sure you listen to everything they have to say and pay attention to the common points. It is also vital to email every person that leaves a card after tending the presentation. Such a simple follow up might serve as an appreciation and even an informal request for feedbacks that they might wish to offer.

Your body language always says more than your words, particularly if you understand reading body language. Make sure you study your crowd’s body language, and you will have an easy time telling how your presentation is impacting the crowd from time to time.

Incorporate and ruminate

Start by thinking over all the reviews and feedback you have gathered from your last presentation. As much as this might seem tiresome or boring, taking just 15 minutes to evaluate and focus on what you have managed to pull together can reveal both the bad and good patterns, which can help your next presentation.

Go for as many feedbacks as possible

Do not get tired of following up on the feedback. This will help you get more clarity. People always love it when asked about their feedback, and clear feedback is a better way of getting the information you want for your evaluation.


Having evaluated the presentation, it is essential that you now incorporate what you have learned and use it in your next presentation. Make sure you follow the same plan, and you will surely notice the vast improvements in presentation and confidence.

The Benefits of Conducting a Presentation Evaluation

Many benefits come with performing a presentation evaluation as follows:

  • It gives you a clear understanding of the things that you might be doing wrong during your presentation.
  • It provides you with better approaches that help in making your presentation more engaging.
  • You get to learn how to arrange your performance in a particular manner that ensures you present it with ease.
  • It helps in building your confidence during the presentation.  
  • Through the evaluation, you get the chance to create standard presentations, which, on the other hand, helps make sure people within the company consistently communicate information.


How to Make Your Presentation More Effective

Show passion and connect with the audience.

The most important thing with an effective presentation is to ensure you create a better connection with your audience. A better of doing this is by letting your passion for the presentation subject drive you. Be honest with your audience regarding what is essential and why. Being authentic ensures that the audience can connect with your presentation and also respond.

Focus on the needs of the audience

The presentation has to be centered within the audience. When preparing the presentation, ensure you keep in mind the needs of your audience. Make sure you focus on your audience’s response and react to them. This way, it becomes easy for the audience to respond and understand.

Keep it as simple as possible

When preparing the presentation, keep in mind things such as the key message you want the audience to take away. After which you have to make sure the message is clearly and briefly communicated. Most experts will recommend a thirty-second elevator summary while others recommend writing it on the business card. Whichever method you settle for, the vital thing is to keep the core message brief and focused.

Make eye contact and smile to the audience

As much as this may sound simple, a large number of presenters usually fail to nail it. Smiling and making eye contacts help in building a rapport that assists your audience in connecting with your subject and also you. It also eliminates the nervous feeling. Your audience has to see you and even the slides.

Breath, relax and enjoy

Many presenters find it challenging to remain calm when presenting. A good option is, however, to slow your breathing and relax. This ensures that you do not breathe heavily or even collapse during your presentation.

With all this in mind, it is very clear that conducting a presentation evaluation, therefore, has a very important role in every presentation. Apart from helping the presenter understand his or her weakness, it also helps him or she understands the better approaches to put in place during the presentation.

Presentation evaluation forms are used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a speaker’s performance. These forms also provide tips for improvement and ways to enhance their presentation skills. A good presentation evaluation form will include specific feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the speech. This information can help the speaker know what they can work on to improve their performance. The person evaluating the presentation should also use accuracy in their evaluation, assessing each aspect appropriately to get helpful feedback on how they can improve within their presentations.

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13 free student evaluation form templates, free peer evaluation forms & samples (word | pdf), free customer satisfaction survey templates, 9 free course evaluation forms (word | pdf | excel), free student evaluation forms samples, free employee performance evaluation forms – word.

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Presentation evaluation form template.

Every presentation is a chance for your student or employee to improve. You can constantly improve their ability to develop compelling and persuasive presentations by giving them in-depth feedback.

There is a time and place for long, conversational forms, but sometimes you need an avenue for students, employees, or anyone else, to offer quick-fire feedback. As such, we've designed this template to use a few scale, rating and matrix questions. You might either adapt those to your needs by changing the field descriptions or replace them with new fields.

Once you hit the button above to import the template, you can begin customising your form. You can even automatically import all the form submissions into Google Sheets, thanks to Paperform's native integration.

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Presentation Evaluation Form

presentation evaluation form

Sample Oral Presentation Evaluation Forms - 7+ Free Documents in ...

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Download Presentation Evaluation Form Bundle

What is Presentation Evaluation Form?

A Presentation Evaluation Form is a structured tool designed for assessing and providing feedback on presentations. It systematically captures the effectiveness, content clarity, speaker’s delivery, and overall impact of a presentation. This form serves as a critical resource in educational settings, workplaces, and conferences, enabling presenters to refine their skills based on constructive feedback. Simple to understand yet comprehensive, this form bridges the gap between presenter effort and audience perception, facilitating a pathway for growth and improvement.

Presentation Evaluation Format

Title: investment presentation evaluation, section 1: presenter information, section 2: evaluation criteria.

  • Clarity and Coherence:
  • Depth of Content:
  • Delivery and Communication:
  • Engagement and Interaction:
  • Use of Supporting Materials (Data, Charts, Visuals):

Section 3: Overall Rating

  • Satisfactory
  • Needs Improvement

Section 4: Comments for Improvement

  • Open-ended section for specific feedback and suggestions.

Section 5: Evaluator Details

Presentation evaluation form pdf, word, google docs.

presentation evaluation form pdf

PDF Word Google Docs

Explore the essential tool for assessing presentations with our Presentation Evaluation Form PDF. Designed for clarity and effectiveness, this form aids in pinpointing areas of strength and improvement. It seamlessly integrates with the Employee Evaluation Form , ensuring comprehensive feedback and developmental insights for professionals aiming to enhance their presentation skills. You should also take a look at our  Peer Evaluation Form

Student Presentation Evaluation Form PDF

student presentation evaluation form pdf

Tailored specifically for educational settings, the Student Presentation Evaluation Form PDF facilitates constructive feedback for student presentations. It encourages growth and learning by focusing on content delivery and engagement. This form is a vital part of the Self Evaluation Form process, helping students reflect on their performance and identify self-improvement areas. You should also take a look at our  Call Monitoring Evaluation Form

Short Presentation Evaluation Form

short presentation evaluation form

Our Short Presentation Evaluation Form is the perfect tool for quick and concise feedback. This streamlined version captures the essence of effective evaluation without overwhelming respondents, making it ideal for busy environments. Incorporate it into your Training Evaluation Form strategy to boost learning outcomes and presentation efficacy. You should also take a look at our  Employee Performance Evaluation Form

Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

oral presentation evaluation form

The Oral Presentation Evaluation Form focuses on the delivery and content of spoken presentations. It’s designed to provide speakers with clear, actionable feedback on their verbal communication skills, engaging the audience, and conveying their message effectively. This form complements the Employee Self Evaluation Form , promoting self-awareness and improvement in public speaking skills. You should also take a look at our  Interview Evaluation Form

More Presentation Evaluation Form Samples Business Plan Presentation Evaluation Form

business plan presentation evaluation form

This form is used to evaluate the oral presentation. The audience has to explain whether the materials presented were clear, logical or sequential. The form is also used to explain whether the time frame of the presentation was appropriate. They have to evaluate whether the presentation conveyed professionalism and demonstrated knowledge of the industry.

Group Presentation Evaluation Form

group presentation evaluation form

This form is used to explain whether the introduction was capturing their interest. They have to further explain whether the purpose of the presentation clear and logical. They have to explain whether the presentation resulted in a clear conclusion. They have to explain whether the speakers were natural and clear and whether they made eye contact.

Formal Presentation Evaluation Form

formal presentation evaluation form

This form is used by audience of the presentation to explain whether the purpose was communicated clearly. They have to further explain whether it was well organized and the presenter had understanding of the topic. The form is used to explain whether the presenter was well-prepared and spoke clearly.

oral presentation evaluation form

This form is used to evaluate the presentation and circling the suitable rating level. One can also use the provided space to include comments that support ratings. The aim of evaluating the presentation is to know strengths and find areas of required improvement.

Sample Group Presentation Evaluation Form

group presentation evaluation form1

This form is used by students for evaluating other student’s presentation that follow a technical format. It is criteria based form which has points assigned for several criteria. This form is used by students to grade the contributions of all other members of their group who participated in a project.

Presentation Evaluation Form Sample Download

presentation evaluation form sample download

It is vital to evaluate a presentation prior to presenting it to the audience out there. Therefore, the best thing to do after one is done making the presentation is to contact review team in the organization. He/she should have the presentation reviewed prior to the actual presentation day.

Presentation Skills Evaluation Form

presentation skills evaluation form

There is sample of presentation skills Evaluation forms that one can use to conduct the evaluation. They can finally end up with the proper data as necessary. As opposed to creating a form from scratch, one can simply browse through the templates accessible. They have to explain whether the time and slides effectively used.

Presentation Evaluation Form Community Health Workers Course

presentation evaluation form community health workers course

This form is used to explain the best parts and worst parts of the presentation. The user has to explain whether the presenter described the healthy housing and action steps. They have to explain whether the presenter has missed any points and the ways presenter can improve.

Mini Presentation Evaluation Form

mini presentation evaluation form

This form is used to explain whether the presenter created a setting for positive learning experience and the way they did. They have to further explain the way the presenter encouraged participation. They have to rate the trainer’s presentation style, knowledge, eye contact, voice and hand gestures.

Seminar Presentation Evaluation Form

seminar presentation evaluation form

This form is used to give constructive feedback to the students who are presenting any of their seminars. The evaluation results will be used to enhance the effectiveness of the speaker.  The speaker will discuss the evaluations with the graduate student’s adviser. This form can be used to add comments.

Evaluation Form for Teaching and Presentations

evaluation form for teaching and presentations

This form is used by anyone who is providing a teaching presentation. This form is for use of the audience. There is a different Teaching Observation assessment for formative feedback and direct observation of a teaching event. They are asked to provide constructive feedback to help the presenter and the teaching organization in future events.

Poster Presentation Evaluation Form

poster presentation evaluation form

This form involves inspection of the poster with the evaluation of the content and visual presentation. It is also used to discuss the plan to present poster to a reviewer. The questions asked in this process, needs to be anticipated by them. They also add comments, if necessary.

Technical Presentation Evaluation Form

technical presentation evaluation form

This form is used to explain whether the introduction, preparation, content, objectives and presentation style was appropriate. It is also used to explain whether it was visually appealing, the project was well presented and the conclusion ended with a summary. One is also asked to explain whether the team was well connected with each other. One can also add overall rating of the project and add comments and grade.

oral presentation evaluation form

10 Uses of Presentation Evaluation Form

use of presentation evaluation form 1024x530

  • Feedback Collection: Gathers constructive feedback from the audience or evaluators.
  • Speaker Improvement: Identifies strengths and areas for improvement for the presenter.
  • Content Assessment: Evaluates the relevance and quality of presentation content.
  • Delivery Analysis: Reviews the effectiveness of the presenter’s delivery style.
  • Engagement Measurement: Gauges audience engagement and interaction.
  • Visual Aid Evaluation: Assesses the impact and appropriateness of visual aids used.
  • Performance Benchmarking: Sets benchmarks for future presentations.
  • Training Needs Identification: Identifies training and development needs for presenters.
  • Peer Review: Facilitates peer feedback and collaborative improvement.
  • Confidence Building: Helps presenters gain confidence through structured feedback.

How do you write a Presentation Evaluation?

Writing a presentation evaluation begins with understanding the objectives of the presentation. Incorporate elements from the Seminar Evaluation Form to assess the relevance and delivery of content. The evaluation should include:

  • An Introduction that outlines the context and purpose of the presentation, setting the stage for the feedback.
  • Criteria Assessment , where each aspect of the presentation, such as content clarity, audience engagement, and visual aid effectiveness, is evaluated. For instance, using a Resume Evaluation Form might inspire the assessment of organizational skills and preparedness.
  • Overall Impression and Conclusion , which summarize the presentation’s strengths and areas for improvement, providing actionable suggestions for development. This mirrors the approach in a Proposal Evaluation Form , focusing on the impact and feasibility of the content presented.

How do you Evaluate Presentation Performance?

To evaluate presentation performance effectively, consider both the content and the presenter’s delivery skills. Similar to the structured feedback provided in a Speaker Evaluation Form , the evaluation should encompass:

  • Content Quality , assessing the accuracy, relevance, and organization of the information presented.
  • Delivery Skills , including the presenter’s ability to communicate clearly, maintain eye contact, and engage with the audience.
  • The use of Visual Aids and their contribution to the presentation’s overall impact.
  • Audience Response , gauging the level of engagement and feedback received, which can be compared to insights gained from an Activity Evaluation Form .

What are 3 examples of Evaluation Forms?

Various evaluation forms can be employed to cater to different assessment needs:

  • A Chef Evaluation Form is essential for culinary presentations, focusing on creativity, presentation, and technique.
  • The Trainee Evaluation Form offers a comprehensive review of a trainee’s performance, including their learning progress and application of skills.
  • For technology-based presentations, a Website Evaluation Form can assess the design, functionality, and user experience of digital projects.

What are the Evaluation Methods for Presentation?

Combining qualitative and quantitative methods enriches the evaluation process. Direct observation allows for real-time analysis of the presentation, while feedback surveys, akin to those outlined in a Performance Evaluation Form , gather audience impressions. Self-assessment encourages presenters to reflect on their performance, utilizing insights similar to those from a Vendor Evaluation Form . Lastly, peer reviews provide an unbiased feedback loop, essential for comprehensive evaluations. Incorporating specific forms and methods, from the Program Evaluation Form to the Basketball Evaluation Form , and even niche-focused ones like the Restaurant Employee Evaluation Form , ensures a detailed and effective presentation evaluation process. This approach not only supports the presenter’s development but also enhances the overall quality of presentations across various fields and contexts. You should also take a look at our  Internship Evaluation Form .

10 Tips for Presentation Evaluation Forms

tip of presentation evaluation form 1024x530

  • Be Clear: Define evaluation criteria clearly and concisely.
  • Stay Objective: Ensure feedback is objective and based on observable facts.
  • Use Rating Scales: Incorporate rating scales for quantifiable feedback.
  • Encourage Specifics: Ask for specific examples to support feedback.
  • Focus on Constructive Feedback: Emphasize areas for improvement and suggestions.
  • Keep It Anonymous: Anonymous feedback can elicit more honest responses.
  • Be Comprehensive: Cover content, delivery, visuals, and engagement.
  • Follow Up: Use the feedback for discussion and development planning.
  • Customize Forms: Tailor forms to the specific presentation type and audience.
  • Digital Options: Consider digital forms for ease of collection and analysis.

Can you fail a Pre Employment Physical for being Overweight?

No, being overweight alone typically does not cause failure in a pre-employment physical unless it directly affects job-specific tasks. It’s essential to focus on overall health and ability, similar to assessments in a Mentee Evaluation Form . You should also take a look at our  Teacher Evaluation Form

What is usually Included in an Annual Physical Exam?

An annual physical exam typically includes checking vital signs, blood tests, assessments of your organ health, lifestyle discussions, and preventative screenings, mirroring the comprehensive approach of a Sensory Evaluation Form . You should also take a look at our  Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

What do you wear to Pre Employment Paperwork?

For pre-employment paperwork, wear business casual attire unless specified otherwise. It shows professionalism, akin to preparing for a Driver Evaluation Form , emphasizing readiness and respect for the process. You should also take a look at our  Food Evaluation Form

What does a Pre-employment Physical Consist of?

A pre-employment physical consists of tests measuring physical fitness for the job, including hearing, vision, strength, and possibly drug screening, akin to the tailored approach of a Workshop Evaluation Form . You should also take a look at our  Functional Capacity Evaluation Form

Where can I get a Pre Employment Physical Form?

Pre-employment physical forms can be obtained from the hiring organization’s HR department or downloaded from their website, much like how one might access a Sales Evaluation Form for performance review. You should also take a look at our  Bid Evaluation Form .

How to get a Pre-employment Physical?

To get a pre-employment physical, contact your prospective employer for the form and details, then schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider who understands the requirements, similar to the process for a Candidate Evaluation Form . You should also take a look at our  Customer Service Evaluation Form .

In conclusion, a Presentation Evaluation Form is pivotal for both personal and professional development. Through detailed samples, forms, and letters, this guide empowers users to harness the full benefits of feedback. Whether in debates, presentations, or any public speaking scenario, the Debate Evaluation Form aspect underscores its versatility and significance. Embrace this tool to unlock a new horizon of effective communication and presentation finesse.

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Presentation Evaluation Form

By using this Presentation Evaluation Form, you can collect the insights of the participants. The participants can fill up this evaluation form and you can use it to improve your future presentations.

Evaluation Forms

A Presentation Evaluation Form is a type of survey form that collects feedback or criticisms about the presentation. This evaluation form is very important to the presenter, speaker, and organizers because they will be able to identify the areas that they need to improve on.

This Presentation Evaluation Form contains form fields that ask for the presentation title, name of the speaker, event date, event time, and survey questions. Each question can be graded by choosing the following rating: excellent, very good, good, bad, and very bad. This section is using the Input Table tool in order to display the questions in a table format. This form template uses the Fancy Range Slider widget to ask for the overall rating of the presentation. This slider can be customized in the widget settings. This form is also using the Unique ID widget in order to assign a feedback number for each submission.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Customer Satisfaction Survey Form

A client satisfaction survey is used to get to know a business’s customers or clients. With an online Client Satisfaction Survey collecting customer feedback for your business, you can see what you’re doing well and what you need to improve to better retain your customers. Just customize the form template to match your needs, embed the form in your website, or share it directly with clients using a link, and wait for responses to show up in your Jotform account. You can view or manage responses on any device, letting you and your team review submissions in real-time — even on the go with our free Jotform Mobile Forms app.No matter what industry you’re in, you can simply drag and drop to customize this Satisfaction Survey template! Add extra questions, include a file upload field to receive screenshots or documents, or change the template colors to match your branding. If you’d like to send survey results directly to other accounts too, like Google Sheets, Salesforce (also available on Salesforce AppExchange), Airtable, Trello, Slack, and more, do it automatically with 100+ free form integrations. Customer or client feedback is invaluable when figuring out how to move a business forward — so seamlessly collect and review feedback online with our free Client Satisfaction Survey. You can also get started to create your own survey from scratch!This customer satisfaction survey form has a total of 3 different form fields, such as;Input table (overall satisfaction of service)Single choice field (would you use our customer service in the future)Long text field (how can we improve our service)

Event Feedback Form Template

Event Feedback Form

Through the Event Feedback Form, you can evaluate the overall satisfaction of your attendants by asking them how entertaining and inspirational the event was. Ask their opinion about the overall value of the event, understand which was the best part, ask if your attendees would recommend joining the event to their friends/colleagues, evaluate the presenters. The form allows you to also detect the overall satisfaction of your attendants regarding the venue and services, ask for comments and suggestions and provide an optional area to collect their contact information to be used for future events. The template is fully customizable where you can add, remove or change fields with the drag and drop function, change the background, colors, fonts and layout with no coding required. You can either embed it to your website or use it as a standalone form.This event feedback form has a total of 21 different form fields, such as;Dropdown lists (which event did you attend, best part of the event, recommendation)Scale rating fields (how attendees feel about the event)Input table fields (evaluation of presenters)Short text field (comments, opinions, and problems about the event)Attendee contact details (first and last name, e-mail, phone number)

Online Interview Questionnaire Form Template

Online Interview Questionnaire Form

An online interview questionnaire form is used by organizations to help them get important information from their interviewees. Whether you’re an insurance company, a hospital, or a company that hires individuals in various roles, use this form to gather more information from applicants applying to jobs. This Online Interview Questionnaire Form is also an additional way to confirm the information you have received from your applicants. Just customize the template, embed the form on your website, and watch as applicants send you the information you need.This online interview questionnaire form allows you to select the responses you need, and then convert the responses into easily downloadable or printable PDFs. If you’d like to automate the questions or the responses, you can use Jotform’s integration options with 100+ other powerful apps, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack. You can also personalize your online interview questionnaire form to fit your business’s branding. Add your logo, change the background, or add more form fields to your liking. You can even send questions to your own CRM automatically if you use Jotform Report Builder! Make the most of your job applications with a free online interview questionnaire form.

Course Evaluation Form Template

Course Evaluation Form

The Course Evaluation Form would be appropriate to learn more about your student's perspective, on how they experienced the course, through customizable widgets that allows your students to rate the course and semester as a whole. With this course evaluation form template, the impression is that you're asking a survey, yet this will also work great as a quick evaluation on how the course went on for that semester.Simply customize this form based on your business without a single line of coding required. Use the drag and drop editor to enrich the content with a variety of form fields, and either change or delete the existing fields. Use the advanced form designer to change the fonts, colors and backgrounds easily. Either embed this form to your website or use it standalone and share via link or qr code. All form responses will auto-populate your form inbox.

Restaurant Evaluation Form Template

Restaurant Evaluation Form

Customers satisfaction is important for every business and to determine that you need to survey your customers. This restaurant survey form is designed for this purpose. This restaurant evaluation form let your customers rate or evaluate the quality of your services, this includes food quality, overall service quality, cleanliness, order accuracy, speed of service and others. To deliver the highest level of service, this restaurant review form will help you easily understand your customers and their tastes based on their feedback. So if you own a restaurant and you want the quickest and hassle-free to collect feedback, this restaurant review template free is all you need!If you need a brand new one, you can make the perfect survey you need in just a few minutes!

Training Feedback Form Template

Training Feedback Form

A training feedback form is a form template designed to collect feedback from trainees about a training session. This form allows instructors, trainers, educators, and teachers to measure trainees’ satisfaction with a training program and the trainers who’ve delivered it. Responses to the feedback form provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of a training program and help identify areas for improvement. By using this form, training organizations can gather feedback from participants and make data-driven decisions to enhance their training programs.The Jotform Form Builder makes it easy to create and customize a training feedback form. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, instructors and trainers can quickly design a form that meets their specific needs. The extensive field options and widgets allow users to add various question types, rating scales, and comment boxes to the form. Plus, it supports conditional logic to show or hide fields based on the trainees’ responses.With Jotform’s ease of use and customization options, instructors and trainers can efficiently collect feedback to improve their training sessions.

Get to know your customers with a free online Client Satisfaction Survey. Easy to customize, share, and embed. Analyze results to improve your business.

Event Feedback Form allows gathering feedback attendees regarding your event, presenters, venue, services, etc. You can make a full understanding of their experience thus get valuable responses to improve your event services.

An Online Interview Questionnaire Form is a form template designed to help organizations gather important information from their interviewees.

A suitable Form to learn more about your student's perspective and how they experienced the course through customizable widgets allowing your students to rate and evaluate the course and how it went for the semester as a whole.

Customers satisfaction is important for every business and to determine that you need to survey your customers. This restaurant survey form is designed for this purpose. This restaurant evaluation form let your customers rate or evaluate the quality of your services, this includes food quality, overall service quality, cleanliness, order accuracy, speed of service and others. To deliver the highest level of service, this restaurant review form will help you easily understand your customers and their tastes based on their feedback. So if you own a restaurant and you want the quickest and hassle-free to collect feedback, this restaurant review template free is all you need!

A Training Feedback Form is a form template designed to collect feedback from trainees about a training session.

Exit Interview Form Template

Exit Interview Form

HR departments can use this free Exit Interview Form to conduct exit interviews online. Customize the form and share via email to quickly collect employee feedback.

Training Evaluation Form Template

Training Evaluation

A Training Evaluation Form is a form template designed to collect feedback from trainees and measure their satisfaction with training courses

Sample Course Evaluation Form Template

Sample Course Evaluation Form

Gather student feedback online with this free sample course evaluation. Easy to customize and embed. Integrate with 100+ apps. No coding. Perfect for teachers!

Student Progress Report Template Form Template

Student Progress Report Template

Here's a student progress report template that you can use to monitor your student's progress. It contains questions that will help improve your student's performance on his/her academic ability, focus (behavior/attitude/interest), or both.

Volunteer Application Form Template

Volunteer Application Form

A volunteer application form is an online application form used by volunteer organizations, such as the Scouts or the Red Cross

Self Evaluation Template Form Template

Self Evaluation Template

Create the perfect Self Evaluation Form for your employees. Collect, view, and manage responses on any device. Free to use and easy to customize!

Employee Complaint Form Template

Employee Complaint Form

An employee complaint form is used to document a complaint from an employee against another employee, senior manager, or supervisor.

Testimonial Form Template

Testimonial Form

This simple Testimonial Form template allows you to give your users an option to set the testimonial public or private, and provide your users an option to upload images and videos with their testimonial.

Evaluation Survey Form Template

Evaluation Survey Form

An evaluation survey form is a form template designed to collect information from students about their experience at the school, the quality of the education, and any suggestions for improvement.

Peer Evaluation Form Template

Peer Evaluation

A Peer Evaluation form is a form template designed to streamline the process of collecting feedback and evaluations from peers in the workplace

Supervisor Evaluation Form Template

Supervisor Evaluation Form

Assess the performance of your leaders in the company by using this Supervisor Evaluation Form. This template is easy to use and can be customized using the Form Builder.

Teachers Assessment Form Template

Teachers Assessment Form

Set your institutional standards using this Teacher Assessment Form Template. Get their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve their teaching practice. Get this template free form Jotform!

Classroom Observation Survey Form Template

Classroom Observation Survey

Does your school accommodate external reviews by conducting class observations? Once the reviewer is done, observation survey forms would surely help in letting them share their feedback. This classroom observation template will ask the panel the teachers/classes they observed, the grade level, how the environment was throughout the session, and the overall knowledge, skills, behavior, class management, and the overall impression of the class. Use this observation survey template to improve your teachers and students alike.

Student Performance Evaluation Form Template

Student Performance Evaluation

A Student Performance Evaluation form is a form template designed to assess and document students' academic performance, progress, and achievements.

Client Progress Notes Template Form Template

Client Progress Notes Template

A client progress notes template is a document that is used by medical professionals to track positive and negative changes in a patient’s health.

Soccer Player Evaluation Form Template

Soccer Player Evaluation Form

Assess the technical, tactical, physical, and psychological skills of a player by using this Soccer Player Evaluation Form. This template contains all necessary attributes when evaluating a player.

Performance Evaluation Form Template

Performance Evaluation Form

A performance evaluation form is used by employers to evaluate the performance of the employees and track their progress.

Job Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Job Satisfaction Survey

Determine how satisfied your employees are ~ a key factor in employee retention.

Teacher Evaluation Forms

Instructor Evaluation Form Template

Instructor Evaluation Form

An Instructor Evaluation Survey is a feedback form used by teachers to evaluate the performance of an instructor.

Teacher Observation Form Template

Teacher Observation Form

Use this Teacher Observation form template for rating your faculty members in their teaching practices. Just copy this form into your Jotform account for free and modify it by dragging and dropping fields to your form. It's easy!

Parent Feedback Form Template

Parent Feedback Form

Now, the feedback of the parents, as well as the students, is important. Collect feedback and improve your organization with the Parent Feedback Form. No code required!

Client Evaluation Forms

Performance Review Customer Evaluation Form Template

Performance Review Customer Evaluation

A customer evaluation of employee form is a form in which a customer evaluates his experience with a representative of an organization. No coding!

Client Evaluation Form For Lash Extensions Form Template

Client Evaluation Form For Lash Extensions

Business Client Assessment Form Template

Business Client Assessment Form

A business client assessment form is a survey used by businesses to collect detailed information about their clients.

Accounting Client Intake Form Template

Accounting Client Intake Form

An accounting client intake form is a questionnaire used by accountants or bookkeepers to collect information about a client's business.

School Evaluation Forms

Student Daily Feedback Form Template

Student Daily Feedback Form

A student daily feedback form is a form used by teachers to get daily feedback from the student.

Weekly Class Evaluation Form Template

Weekly Class Evaluation Form

A weekly class evaluation form is used to provide teachers with information they can use to improve their teaching styles. This form allows you to customize the questions that you want to ask your class to fill out each week.

English Level Assessment Form Template

English Level Assessment Form

An English Level Assessment Form is used by schools to discover the English level of students.

Event Evaluation Forms

Memphis Womens Summit Form Template

Memphis Womens Summit

Memphis Women's Summit Post Event Survey

Activity Evaluation Form Template

Activity Evaluation Form

An activity evaluation form is used by teachers to collect feedback on a learning activity from students.

Art Contest Voting Form Template

Art Contest Voting Form

An art contest voting form is a survey that encourages voters to cast their vote in an art contest

GTW Suriname 2019 Participant Evaluation Form Template

GTW Suriname 2019 Participant Evaluation

Event evaluation

Restaurant Evaluation Forms

Food Safety Checklist Form Template

Food Safety Checklist

A food safety checklist is a list of safety standards and controls that can be used to ensure the food that is produced, handled, and served is safe to eat.

Kitchen Staff Evaluation Form Template

Kitchen Staff Evaluation Form

Keep your restaurant in business. Evaluate chefs with our free, customizable evaluation form. Receive feedback from supervisors. View and edit on any device.

Food Service Employee Evaluation Form Template

Food Service Employee Evaluation Form

Get feedback about employees online and improve your restaurant. Customize and share with supervisors in minutes. Easy to fill out on any device. No coding.

Restaurant Cook Evaluation Form Template

Restaurant Cook Evaluation Form

An online restaurant cook evaluation form is used to evaluate the performance of the cooks of a restaurant. No coding!

About Evaluation Forms

Evaluation forms are a great way to obtain valuable feedback and identify areas that need improvement. Whether you want to gather information on customer satisfaction, student progress, employee performance, or guest feedback, our free online evaluation forms will make it easier to collect and track evaluations. Just select one of the free templates below that best suits your needs, customize it with Jotform Form Builder, and embed it in your website or send the form link to customers, students, employees, event guests, and more.

Form users can enter their contact information, answer questions, respond to rating scales, and add comments with ease. You’ll instantly receive submitted evaluations in your secure Jotform account, making it easy for you and other colleagues to view them from any device or print for your records.

Customizing an evaluation form for your organization is a breeze with our drag-and-drop form builder. And there’s no coding necessary — just drag and drop as many form fields, survey questions, rating scales, and images as you see fit. You can even integrate your evaluation form with 100-plus popular apps — including Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, and Airtable — to automatically send submissions to your other online accounts. Simplify your evaluation process by taking it online with our free evaluation forms — and receive the input you need to improve the way you train employees, teach students, host events, or run your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) how can i create an effective evaluation form.

An effective evaluation form can help your organization improve its processes, protocols, products, and practices. To ensure you have an effective evaluation form, first identify the purpose of your form — what you hope to achieve with it — along with what type of rating system and evaluation criteria you plan to use. Make sure your evaluation form is clear and concise so users can fill it out quickly without confusion. Try to use a mix of question types, including open-ended questions, to get a well-rounded evaluation.

2) What are the key components to include in an evaluation form?

Your evaluation form should first include a few fields to identify the respondent, unless you want the evaluation to be anonymous. These fields will make follow-up easy if you need to contact respondents again in the future.

Next, your evaluation form should include questions to gather the kind of feedback you’re looking for. The types of questions should vary and can include Likert scale or rating scale questions, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions. You can also add a narrative section that allows users to share their thoughts and perceptions in greater detail.

Finally, make sure to have a thank-you page so that respondents know you appreciate their time and effort.

3) How often should evaluation forms be administered?

This depends on a company’s needs and goals. Be careful not to overload your audience with evaluation requests — too many may cause survey fatigue, making respondents less inclined to complete your forms over time.

Generally, you should send evaluation forms any time you launch a new product, service, or event. If you offer an ongoing service or product, establish regular intervals to send out customer satisfaction or evaluation forms, such as every three to six months. Evaluation forms for performance reviews are usually shared annually or semi-annually.

Ultimately, you’ll want to space out evaluation forms to ensure you’ve had enough time to make improvements or glean new insights from previous feedback collected. This prevents you from wasting both your customers’ time and effort and your own.

4) What is the purpose of using evaluation forms?

Evaluation forms are a fantastic tool for improving your organization because they help you collect important feedback and data to inform decision making and planning. Evaluation forms are helpful for assessing the effectiveness, satisfaction, or performance of an initiative, product, service — you name it. They’re flexible and useful across every industry.

Evaluation forms administered at regular intervals assist in monitoring progress over time and providing companies with data they can track. They also encourage respondents to share their feedback and opinions honestly and without repercussions. This can create a transparent company culture by demonstrating to employees or customers how much you value their opinions.

5) What are the subtypes of evaluation forms?

There are evaluation forms for anything and everything! You can create these forms for individual purposes (such as the evaluation of teachers, peers, employees, or clients) as well as for organizations (like schools, restaurants, businesses, etc.). You can also use them to evaluate customer satisfaction when it comes to products and services, like courses or coaching. Lastly, evaluations are great for measuring the success of an event, whether it’s a concert, conference, or retreat.

6) How can I customize an evaluation form template?

Customizing an evaluation form template is simple with Jotform’s intuitive drag-and-drop form builder. Add or rearrange form fields, drop in your logo, change fonts and colors, and much more. You can adjust the theme or background of your form and even add custom CSS code to fine-tune the design — no coding required!

7) Are evaluation forms suitable for both subjective and objective assessments?

Yes, you can design evaluation forms to suit both subjective and objective assessments. If you want to collect information that’s more subjective, you can use more open-ended questions to solicit the opinions and perspectives of your audience — like when you’re asking customers to evaluate a product. For these assessments, rating scales and open-ended questions work best.

If you want to create an assessment that gathers objective information with more easily measured criteria, you can focus more on multiple-choice questions. These require respondents to use predefined answer options that are less subject to personal interpretation.

You can construct evaluation forms as subjective or objective assessments — or a mixture of both.

8) Can evaluation forms be used for self-assessment?

Yes, you can use evaluation forms for self-assessment purposes. This approach is particularly common in employee performance reviews, when employees fill out self-assessment forms for a manager to review as part of the review process. In these evaluation forms, employees can rate their own performance, abilities, and areas for improvement. They can also monitor and track their progress with periodic self-assessment forms to help them achieve longer-term goals.

9) Are evaluation forms applicable to various industries and sectors?

You can adapt evaluation forms to every kind of industry and sector! They’re useful tools in healthcare, government, businesses, schools, and much more. Evaluation forms are particularly useful for market research and collecting individual insights, which are applicable to almost any industry.

10) What types of evaluation scales or rating systems can be used in evaluation forms?

You’ll often see several types of rating systems in evaluation forms. One of the most common is the Likert scale, in which respondents indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a particular statement. The possible answers are arranged on a scale of three or more values — for example from “agree” to “disagree.” These questions are ideal for capturing general perceptions or attitudes about a product or service.

Another type of evaluation system is the numeric rating scale, which allows users to assign a numeric value to indicate their satisfaction with a product or service. For example, they may have the option to rate a product from 1–10, depending on how much they enjoyed it. This is an easy way to quantify customer satisfaction or product performance.

Similar to the numeric rating scale, the semantic rating scale uses words instead of numbers. Users can choose from adjectives like “poor” or “excellent” to indicate their level of satisfaction.

Other possible scales are the visual analog scale (such as identifying which image best represents an opinion) and the ranking scale.

11) How can I ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of evaluation form responses?

You can confirm the confidentiality of evaluation form responses by not requiring identifying information, making the form anonymous. Also be careful not to include any questions that may inadvertently betray a user’s identity — for instance, refrain from asking a question about which department someone works in or where their office is located.

To protect confidentiality even further, make sure that all of your data related to your form is encrypted. You should also restrict access to your data and make sure security protocols are airtight to prevent potential breaches.

12) Are there any best practices for analyzing and interpreting evaluation form data?

When analyzing and interpreting data, make sure you organize your data before you begin your analysis by adding labels and addressing gaps in form submissions. You can make this step easier by setting up an evaluation form that’s clear and organized to prevent users from submitting incomplete information.

Next, identify broad trends within your data using percentages or other statistics when possible, which can help establish overall patterns before you begin cross-tabulation and segmentation into different categories to further identify trends.

It usually helps to visualize your data in graphs or tables (such as those automatically generated by Jotform Tables and Jotform Report Builder). This step also makes your data easy to share in a presentation.

Finally, if your evaluation form includes qualitative feedback, identify key insights and trends in sentiment that represent the responses at a high level.

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Preview Template

Presentation Evaluation Form Template

Presentation Evaluation Form Template

This presentation evaluation form template can be used to collect feedback on the effectiveness of the presentation in terms of content clarity, delivery style, engagement level, and the presenter’s ability to communicate their message. The form can be shared with conference audiences, class students, peers, or instructors. The feedback helps presenters understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The template can be customized for academic, business, or training settings.

Features of Presentation Evaluation Form Template

Conversational feedback form, library of question types, personalize it as per your wish, improve your presentation quality with this feedback form template, benefits of this presentation evaluation form template, white label feedback form.

Create a branded evaluation form using your company logo, color scheme, and a custom URL. This professional presentation reflects positively on your brand and ensures consistency with your other communication materials.

Voice Transcription

Go beyond basic written responses by enabling voice recording for open-ended questions. This allows respondents to express themselves more freely, providing richer and more nuanced feedback that can be incredibly valuable for understanding their experience.

Get Actionable Insights

Analyze feedback data through intuitive charts, graphs, and widgets within the user-friendly dashboard. The clear visualization helps you identify trends and gain actionable insights, making it easier to collaborate with your team and implement improvements.

Set Reminders

Send automatic email reminders to nudge individuals who haven’t completed the evaluation. This gentle prompt increases response rates and ensures you receive a comprehensive set of feedback, leading to more accurate data and reliable conclusions.

Suggested Template – Conference Evaluation Form Template

Who can use this Presentation Evaluation Form Template?

Educators and students.

Teachers can use this form to provide feedback on student presentations in a classroom setting, helping students improve their presentation skills and understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Corporate and Business Professionals

In a corporate environment, these forms can be utilized during training sessions, workshops, or meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of presentations given by employees, managers, or external consultants.

Conference Organizers and Attendees

At conferences or professional gatherings, organizers might use evaluation forms to assess the quality of presentations and speakers, while attendees can provide feedback on their experience.

Peer Review

Within any group or team setting, peers can use these forms to offer constructive feedback to one another after presentations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Research and Academic Conferences

Researchers and academics can benefit from feedback on their presentations at conferences or symposiums, helping them refine their delivery and the communication of complex ideas.

Public Speakers and Trainers

Individuals who frequently give public talks, lectures, or training sessions can use these forms to receive feedback from their audience, aiding in the enhancement of their public speaking skills.

How to use this template? [4 Steps]

Step 1. customize the template.

Personalize the template with your brand colors, fonts, and even a video background to grab attention. Tailor the questions to your specific needs, or use SurveySparrow’s AI Wing feature to rephrase them for improved clarity. For ultimate control, integrate custom CSS for advanced customization options.

Step 2. Streamline Data Collection

Connect SurveySparrow with your favorite third-party apps like Zapier, Mailchimp, Google Sheets, and many other for a seamless workflow. Connect to over 1000 apps through Zapier, manage newsletter campaigns with Mailchimp, and organize your data better with Google Sheets.

Step 3. Multiple Sharing Channels

Choose the most convenient method to share your form with your audience, offering them various options like a direct link, SMS, email, social media sharing , webpage embed, or even a QR code. This flexibility ensures everyone can easily access and complete the feedback form.

Step 4. Analyze and Take Action

Review the collected feedback within the platform with an user-friendly dashboard. Use the available filters and widgets to identify trends and gain actionable insights from the data. You can also export the data as a CSV file for further analysis in other tools, allowing you to take informed action and continuously improve your presentations.

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  • Sample Forms

FREE 9+ Sample Presentation Evaluation Forms in MS Word

Sample Presentation Evaluation Templates

Presentations are very important in terms of relaying the information that the people who are viewing the presentation needs to know. A comprehensive presentation does not only need to have a great content. The way that the presentation sample looks and how all the content has been presented are also essential parts of the entire presentation.

Presentation Evaluation Form In Doc

Sample presentation evaluation form in pdf - 10+ examples in pdf, sample vendor evaluation form - 9+ examples in word, pdf, sample product evaluation form - 9+ examples in word, pdf.

Presentations must also be subject to evaluation to know whether they are useful and effective or not. We can provide samples of presentation evaluation forms and other  Sample Forms  that you may use for the specific purposes that they may serve.

Presentation Evaluation Form

sample formal presentation evaluation form

Size: 87 KB

Presentation Feedback Form

group presentation evaluation form example

Size: 103 KB

What is a presentation evaluation form?

A presentation evaluation form is a document or tool used to assess and provide feedback on the effectiveness of a presentation. It is commonly used in educational, business, or event settings to gather opinions and insights from the audience or participants. The form typically includes various criteria that assess different aspects of the presentation. Common elements found in a presentation evaluation form may include:

  • Content and Message Clarity:  Assessing the clarity, relevance, and depth of the presentation content.
  • Delivery and Communication Skills:  Evaluating the presenter’s speaking style, confidence, and ability to engage the audience.
  • Visual Aids and Materials:  Reviewing the effectiveness of slides, visuals, handouts, or any supporting materials used during the presentation.
  • Interaction and Engagement:  Assessing the presenter’s interaction with the audience, ability to respond to questions, and overall audience engagement.
  • Organization and Structure:  Evaluating the logical flow, organization, and structure of the presentation, including the introduction, main points, and conclusion.
  • Time Management:  Assessing the presenter’s ability to manage time effectively and stay within the allotted presentation time.
  • Overall Impact:  Providing an overall assessment of the impact and effectiveness of the presentation on the audience.

Presentation evaluation forms are valuable tools for presenters to receive constructive feedback, identify areas for improvement, and gauge the audience’s perception of their performance. They are also useful for organizers and educators to assess the success of an event or training plan . The specific criteria on the form can be customized based on the goals and objectives of the presentation.

Evaluation Form For Presentation

oral presentation evaluation form doc2

Size: 95 KB

What are the 5 criteria of judging?

  • Relevance:  Judges assess how closely the subject or performance aligns with the given criteria or the intended purpose. A strong entry is directly related to the requirements or objectives.
  • Creativity/Originality:  This criterion measures the uniqueness, innovation, and original thought demonstrated in the subject, project, or performance. Creative and original elements often stand out in evaluations.
  • Quality/Execution:  Judges consider the overall quality of the work, looking at the level of skill, precision, and attention to detail. High-quality execution reflects a mastery of the subject or task.
  • Impact/Effectiveness:  This criterion evaluates the overall impact or effectiveness of the entry. It assesses how well the subject or performance achieves its intended goals and resonates with the audience.
  • Presentation/Presentation Skills:  Judges evaluate how well the entry is presented or performed. This includes aspects such as communication, clarity, organization, and the ability to engage and connect with the audience.

These criteria are often used in various contexts, such as competitions, assessments, or reviews, to provide a structured and fair evaluation process. It’s important to note that the specific criteria may vary depending on the nature of the subject or event being judged.

How do you judge a good presentation?

A good presentation is typically judged based on several key factors:

  • Clarity of Message:  A successful presentation conveys a clear and focused message. The audience should easily understand the main points without confusion.
  • Engagement:  A good presenter captures the audience’s attention and maintains engagement throughout the presentation. This can be achieved through compelling visuals, storytelling, or interactive elements.
  • Effective Visuals:  Well-designed slides or visuals enhance understanding and retention. They should be visually appealing, uncluttered, and support the key points of the presentation.
  • Confidence and Delivery:  A confident and articulate speaker is crucial. Good eye contact, varied tone, and effective pacing contribute to a polished and professional delivery.
  • Relevance:  The content should be relevant and tailored to the audience. A good presentation addresses the needs and interests of the listeners.
  • Structure:  A well-organized presentation has a clear structure, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Transitions between sections should be smooth.
  • Interaction and Q&A Handling:  Encouraging audience interaction and effectively handling questions contribute to a dynamic presentation. A good presenter is responsive to the audience.
  • Time Management:  Keeping to the allotted time demonstrates respect for the audience’s time and organizational skills. A good presentation avoids rushing or dragging on excessively.
  • Adaptability:  The ability to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges during the presentation showcases professionalism and preparedness.
  • Memorability:  A good presentation leaves a lasting impression. Memorable elements, such as impactful stories or visuals, can make the content more memorable for the audience.

Ultimately, the success of a presentation is measured by its ability to effectively communicate the intended message, engage the audience, and leave a positive and lasting impact.

Presentation Evaluation Form Template

class presentation evaluation form doc

Size: 100 KB

Inclusions of a Presentation Evaluation Form

A basic presentation evaluation form includes the following information:

  • the name and details of the presented,
  • the date when the presentation has been made,
  • the topic that a specific presentation has been made,
  • the effectiveness of the presentation,
  • the features of the presentation,
  • the delivery of the purpose of the presentation,
  • the organization and the entire flow of the ideas included in the presentation,
  • the process of understanding the a specific presentation has provided,
  • the tools and equipment used in the presentation, and
  • the engagement of the audience in the presentation.

It is also usual for a presentation to have questions regarding the following information:

  • the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation,
  • the areas of improvement that the presentation may consider,
  • the important items that the presentation has delivered, and
  • other suggestions and comments of the people who have attended the presentation.

Other than our presentation evaluation samples, we can also provide you with downloadable  Presentation Evaluation Forms  and  Group Self Evaluation Forms .

Presentation Evaluation Sheet

sample public presentation evaluation form

Size: 108 KB

Presentation Skills Evaluation Form Free

presentation skills evaluation form free

Size: 101 KB

Presentation Self-Evaluation Form in Word

presentation self evaluation form in word

Size: 188 KB

Printable Presentation Evaluation Form

project presentation evaluation form

Presentation Feedback Form Template Word

case presentation evaluation form in word

Size: 84 KB

Short Presentation Evaluation Form

short presentation evaluation form

Size: 82 KB

The Presenter

More than the content of the presentation, the presenter also plays a vital role in the success of a presentation. Here are a few items where the presenter may be evaluated:

  • A presenter must be aware of the topic
  • A presenter must exude professionalism and confidence with regards to discussing the topics of the presentation
  • A presenter must be knowledgeable of everything that he or she is to say
  • Expertise in the specific topic is also essential for a presenter to have
  • The communication and presentation techniques of the presenter also matters
  • A presented must be well organized
  • A presented must be prepared with the presentation to assure that he or she is aware of the flow and content of the entire presentation
  • The clarity and the effectiveness of the presenter’s delivery

Other Presentation Factors Subjected for Evaluation

More than the presenter, here are other items included in the presentation that are subjected for evaluation:

  • The location where the presentation has been made
  • The physical conditions in the location of the presentation
  • The duration of time intended for the presentation
  • The relation of the presentation to the areas of expertise and interest of the attendees
  • The purpose on why a presentation has to be made
  • The functions of other people who are involved in the presentation
  • The technicalities of the presentation

A presentation evaluation is very essential to know the outcome of the presentation and know all the areas that are needed to be evaluated for their functions and effectiveness. Aside from our presentation evaluation templates and samples, you may also browse through our  Leadership Evaluation Forms .

General FAQs

1. how do presentation evaluation forms benefit presenters.

Presentation Evaluation Forms offer valuable insights into content, delivery, and audience impact, empowering presenters to enhance their skills through constructive feedback.

2. What criteria are typically included in Presentation Evaluation Forms?

Criteria encompass content clarity, delivery, visual aids, audience engagement, organization, time management , and overall presentation impact.

3. Can Presentation Evaluation Forms be customized for specific events or industries?

Yes, these forms are versatile and can be tailored to suit unique goals, ensuring relevance to diverse presentation contexts, including events and industries.

4. How do Presentation Evaluation Forms contribute to continuous improvement?

By pinpointing areas for enhancement, these forms guide presenters in refining their skills, ultimately supporting ongoing professional development plan and improved audience communication.

5. Are Presentation Evaluation Forms only for presenters, or can organizers benefit from them as well?

Organizers can leverage these forms to assess the success of events, workshops, or training sessions, helping refine future presentations and enhance overall event planning.

6. What role do Presentation Evaluation Forms play in audience satisfaction?

These forms enable audiences to provide feedback on what resonates with them, ensuring future presentations align with audience expectations and contribute to higher satisfaction levels.

7. Can Presentation Evaluation Forms be used in educational settings?

Absolutely. These forms are valuable tools in educational environments, facilitating student assessments report , refining teaching methods, and ensuring effective knowledge transfer through impactful presentations.

In conclusion, presentation evaluation forms are essential tools for assessing the effectiveness of a presentation. They provide valuable feedback sample on content, delivery, and overall impact, aiding presenters in refining their skills. Utilized in various settings, these forms contribute to continuous improvement, ensuring presentations meet audience expectations and communication goals.

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  • How it works

paper presentation evaluation sheet

Template Ideas

Presentation evaluation form.

presentation evaluation form

Looking to gather valuable feedback on your presentations?

The presentation evaluation form is perfect for businesses delivering training sessions, workshops, seminars, or conferences. As a trainer, you can use this form to assess your performance and identify areas for improvement to better engage your audience.

Simply customize the form, distribute it to your attendees, and watch the valuable feedback roll in to elevate your presentation skills!

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Questions to include on your  presentation evaluation form, 1. presenter information.

Gather basic information about the presenter to help identify them and their role in the presentation.

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your job title?
  • What is your email address?

2. Presentation Details

Collect information about the presentation to understand its context and relevance to the audience.

  • What is the title of your presentation?
  • What is the date of your presentation?
  • What tool did you use to create a presentation?
  • How many attendees were present during the presentation? (1-5, 6-10, 11-20, 21-50, 50+)

3. Content Quality

Evaluate the quality of the presentation's content and its relevance to the target audience.

  • Was the content of the presentation clear and easy to understand? (1-5 scale)
  • Was the content well-organized and logically structured? (1-5 scale)
  • Did the presentation cover all the necessary topics? (Yes, No, Somewhat)

4. Delivery and Engagement

Assess the presenter's ability to engage with the audience and deliver the content effectively.

  • How would you rate the presenter's delivery and speaking skills? (1-5 scale)
  • Was the presenter able to maintain audience engagement throughout the presentation? (1-5 scale)
  • Did the presenter effectively use visual aids to support their presentation? (Yes, No, Somewhat)

5. Overall Satisfaction and Improvement

Obtain feedback on the overall experience and gather suggestions for improvement.

  • How satisfied were you with the overall presentation? (1-5 scale)
  • What aspects of the presentation do you think could be improved?

The question about improvement aspects is crucial as it helps the presenter identify areas where they can enhance their presentation skills and better cater to the audience's needs.

Other question ideas

What specific topic or section of the presentation did you find most useful or interesting?

  • This helps identify the most valuable parts of the presentation, so you can emphasize them in future sessions.

Were there any points during the presentation where you felt lost or confused? If so, please explain.

  • Understanding when and where confusion occurred can guide you in clarifying those areas and improving content delivery.

How effective was the presenter at addressing questions and comments from the audience? (1-5 scale)

  • Evaluating the presenter's ability to address audience inquiries ensures that future presentations are more interactive and responsive to participants' needs.

Did the presentation provide you with actionable steps or knowledge to apply in your work? (Yes, No, Somewhat)

  • Insight into the practicality of the presentation can help you fine-tune the content to better suit the audience's requirements.

How would you rate the pacing of the presentation? (Too slow, Just right, Too fast)

  • Determining the appropriate pace for content delivery can enhance audience engagement and comprehension.

On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in your ability to implement the information presented?

  • This helps assess how effectively the presentation prepared attendees to apply the learned concepts in their professional lives.

Did the presenter share any resources or references for further learning? If yes, were they helpful? (Yes, No, Somewhat)

  • Feedback on additional resources can guide you in selecting more relevant materials to support your presentation and foster continued learning.

If you could change one aspect of the presentation, what would it be?

  • Gathering suggestions for a single change can provide focused feedback on areas that require the most attention or improvement.

Things to consider

  • Accessibility - Ensure your form is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use appropriate labels, clear instructions, and consider incorporating features such as keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility.
  • Mobile responsiveness - Optimize your form to be easily viewed and completed on mobile devices. Use mobile-friendly field types, such as dropdowns for easier selection on touchscreens.
  • Clear and concise language - Use straightforward and simple language in your questions to avoid confusion. Be specific in the information you're asking for, but keep questions brief.
  • Logical flow - Organize questions in a logical order, grouping similar topics together. This helps the user to provide coherent and relevant responses.
  • Mandatory vs. optional questions - Balance the number of required and optional questions to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Make sure to clearly indicate which questions are mandatory.
  • Save and resume functionality - If your form is lengthy, consider adding a save and resume feature. This allows users to complete the form in multiple sessions, reducing the likelihood of incomplete submissions.
  • Privacy and data protection - Clearly state your privacy policy and ensure that the collected data is stored and processed securely. This builds trust with users and complies with data protection regulations.

How to create your  presentation evaluation form

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try.  Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial . 

Get the information you need without chasing people


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  6. 7+ Sample Presentation Evaluations

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  1. 12 Free Presentation Evaluation Forms (What to Include)

    Purpose of Presentation Evaluation Form. An evaluation form allows you to give a critical review and evaluation of a presentation. Different aspects of the presentation are judged as part of the evaluation; this includes the presenter's effectiveness and efficiency in imparting information, body language, enthusiasm, volume, modulation, ease of flow, clarity of speaking, and the presenter ...

  2. PDF Research Project Research Day Paper Presentation Evaluation Form

    Research Project. lls0-Strongly Disagree; 1-Disagree; 2-Agree; 3-Strongly Agr. r engages the audience verbally and/or nonverb. 3The presenter's posture is open an. 023The presenter makes appropriate gestures.023The presenter. ses tone of voice to enhance the pa. 3Ma. r disagree; 4-Agree; 5-Strongly agreeIntroduction & ThesisThe paper makes a ...

  3. PDF Presentation Evaluation Sheet

    Presentation Evaluation Sheet Part 1: Content 1. Topic Was the main idea or viewpoint clear? Was it introduced early enough in the presentation? 2. Introduction Was the speaker effective at making the audience care in the opening? 3. Evidence Was the evidence convincing? What could make it more convincing? Part 2: Delivery 4. Audience Engagement

  4. PDF Research Presentation Evaluation Sheet

    Enter five (5) comments, one for each of the five categories listed below. Criteria: 1. Introduction. -. Sufficient Objectives terminology background provided information and review of previous. and research that justifies hypothesis completion clearly stated of the research. 2. Methods Sufficient research methods.

  5. 25+ FREE Presentation Evaluation Form Templates

    Presentation evaluation forms use a rating scale to determine how well the presenter met the objectives of the presentation. The presentation evaluation form is used to improve the presenter's presentation skills. It provides them with feedback from other people (usually experts) and evaluates them on various aspects of a good presentation.

  6. Oral Presentation Evaluation Sheet

    This is Research: Student Symposium 2018 Oral Presentation Evaluation Sheet Session : Time/Location . Paper Title: Presenter: Judge: A note to judges: Student presentations should be aimed at a general, but well-educated audience.Please use the following criteria for judging.

  7. PDF Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist

    ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST. talk was well-prepared. topic clearly stated. structure & scope of talk clearly stated in introduction. topic was developed in order stated in introduction. speaker summed up main points in conclusion. speaker formulated conclusions and discussed implications. was in control of subject matter.


    PRESENTATION EVALUATION FORM . Evaluator: _____ Date: _____ Presentation Topic: _____ Name of Presenter: _____

  9. Presentation Evaluation Form Template

    Presentation Evaluation Form Template. Use this template. Preview. Open in new tab. Every presentation is a chance for your student or employee to improve. You can constantly improve their ability to develop compelling and persuasive presentations by giving them in-depth feedback. There is a time and place for long, conversational forms, but ...

  10. PDF evaluation form for oral presentation

    Title: Microsoft Word - evaluation form for oral presentation.doc Author: pag271 Created Date: 6/29/2006 7:40:38 AM

  11. Oral Presentation Evaluation Sheet

    Session Time/Location: Paper Title: Presenter: Judge: A note to judges: Student presentations should be aimed at a general, but well-educated audience. Please use the following criteria for judging. Rating Scale: 1 = Marginal 2 = Acceptable 3 = Average 4 = Above Average 5 = Excellent.

  12. Presentation Evaluation Form

    A Presentation Evaluation Form is a structured tool designed for assessing and providing feedback on presentations. It systematically captures the effectiveness, content clarity, speaker's delivery, and overall impact of a presentation. This form serves as a critical resource in educational settings, workplaces, and conferences, enabling ...

  13. PDF Formal Presentation Evaluation Form

    Organized and easy to follow. 3. Presenter exhibited a good understanding of topic. 4. Presenter was well-prepared. 5. Presenter spoke clearly/effectively. 6. Time for presentation used effectively.


    ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION FORM . Please note: this form will be given to the presenter(s) after the event to provide feedback . Presenter(s): Title: Session: Time: _____ Please mark the score for each evaluation criterion below. When you are finished, combine the total points at the bottom for the overall score.

  15. PDF Presentation Evaluation Form

    Presentation Evaluation Form. Participants - Your opinion matters to us. Using the survey instrument below, please circle one answer for each question. There is space below for additional comments. If you run out of space, please feel free to write on the back of this form. Thanks for attending today - remember to visit our course calendar at ...

  16. PDF Presentation Evaluation Criteria

    The speaker presents ideas in a clear manner. The speaker states one point at a time. The speaker fully develops each point. The presentation is cohesive. The presentation is properly focused. A clear train of thought is followed and involves the audience. The speaker makes main points clear. The speaker sequences main points effectively.


    3 - somewhat agree, 4- agree, 5 - strongly agreeThe speaker clearly expl. h/. cholarly question and hypothesis.23452. The speaker included an appropriate amount of background information. ou. d easily follow the presentation. 23453. The broader significance of the research was clearly sta. t.

  18. Presentation Evaluation Form Template

    This Presentation Evaluation Form contains form fields that ask for the presentation title, name of the speaker, event date, event time, and survey questions. Each question can be graded by choosing the following rating: excellent, very good, good, bad, and very bad. This section is using the Input Table tool in order to display the questions ...

  19. Presentation Evaluation Form Template

    This presentation evaluation form template can be used to collect feedback on the effectiveness of the presentation in terms of content clarity, delivery style, engagement level, and the presenter's ability to communicate their message. The form can be shared with conference audiences, class students, peers, or instructors.

  20. FREE 9+ Sample Presentation Evaluation Forms in MS Word

    Common elements found in a presentation evaluation form may include: Content and Message Clarity: Assessing the clarity, relevance, and depth of the presentation content. Delivery and Communication Skills: Evaluating the presenter's speaking style, confidence, and ability to engage the audience. Visual Aids and Materials: Reviewing the ...


    3. PEER ASSESSMENT OF GROUP PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF TEAM Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates. 0 = no contribution 1 = minor contribution 2 = some contribution, but not always effective/successful 3 = some contribution, usually effective/successful

  22. Presentation evaluation form

    The presentation evaluation form is perfect for businesses delivering training sessions, workshops, seminars, or conferences. As a trainer, you can use this form to assess your performance and identify areas for improvement to better engage your audience. Simply customize the form, distribute it to your attendees, and watch the valuable ...

  23. Get Paper Presentation Evaluation Sheet

    Follow these simple instructions to get Paper Presentation Evaluation Sheet ready for submitting: Choose the document you require in the collection of templates. Open the form in our online editor. Look through the instructions to find out which data you need to give. Click on the fillable fields and add the necessary data.