Washington Monthly

Washington Monthly

Our 2024 College Rankings Are Out: See How Your School Did

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While much of the media convulses over politics on our nation’s most elite campuses, the  Washington Monthly  today releases innovative new rankings that shine a spotlight on a different class of schools, ones that produce the greatest share of four-year degrees and actually serve everyday Americans: regional public universities. 

ohio state math phd ranking

These are the schools with “State” in the name, unknown to much of the country but revered in their communities.  U.S. News & World Report  lists only three regional public schools among its top 100 national universities; 16 make it into the  Washington Monthly ’s top 100, including Fresno State (#22), Florida Atlantic University (#41), and Montclair State (#57). Whereas news in the past year has focused on Gaza protests and DEI drama at elite universities, the  Monthly ’s   rankings focus on schools that help non-wealthy students get ahead in life while serving their country and communities.

Since 2005, the  Washington Monthly  has presented an alternative set of benchmarks for what “excellence” is in higher education, ones that measure what colleges do for their country, instead of for themselves. Rather than reward institutions for their wealth, fame, and exclusivity, the  Monthly  evaluates them on their commitment to three goals: social mobility, research, and public service.

That methodology leads to notable differences from the  U.S. News  rankings among  national universities :

  • Florida International University, #16 on the  Monthly  list, is #124 in the  U.S. News  rankings.
  • Utah State University, #54 on the  Monthly  list, is #269 in the  U.S. News  rankings.
  • Tulane University, #429 on the  Monthly  list, is #73 in the  U.S. News  rankings.
  • Baylor University, #363 in the  Monthly  list, is #93 in the  U.S. News  rankings.

Regional universities also dominate the upper echelons, and elite schools the lowest, in an innovative new ranking the  Monthly  is unveiling, “ America’s Best and Worst Colleges for Master’s Degrees . ” This new list—the first ever to compare median debt to median income five years after graduation for popular master’s programs—reveals that some of the best-known universities in the country are offering grad students the worst deals. A master’s degree in nursing from Yale, for instance, will leave you $118,849 in debt, on average, whereas you’ll borrow only $23,302 for the same degree from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and earn slightly more five years later ($133,871 versus $128,563 for Yalies). Information like this can’t be found on  U.S. News ’s popular “Best Graduate Schools” guide, because that ranking mostly ignores how much programs cost or how much debt students tend to graduate with, relying instead on an insider survey measuring prestige.

The magazine also debuts another first-of-its-kind ranking, “ America’s Best and Worst Colleges for Women in STEM ,” which rates undergraduate STEM programs by the percentage of their graduates who are women. Some of the nation’s most selective universities produce huge percentages of female scientists and engineers, which undermines the ready-made excuses other schools give for their low percentages, including that women lack interest or ability.

The  Monthly ’s college guide features a “ Best Bang for the Buck ” ranking of colleges in each region, rewarding schools that help students from all economic backgrounds attain degrees that will serve them well in life without breaking the bank. Schools like those in the Cal State system (Los Angeles, Dominguez Hills, Stanislaus), Berea College, and Governors State University top these rankings despite being ignored or underappreciated by other magazines’ lists.

On other  Washington Monthly  rankings this year, regional publics also dominate. Elizabeth City State, a historically Black university in North Carolina, is #4 among the  best bachelor’s universities , and SUNY Geneseo is the   top master’s school .

The 2024 college guide also includes feature stories that investigate:

  • How  regional colleges provide states with exceptional return on taxpayer dollars . Whereas graduates of flagship universities often leave for jobs in distant cities, those of regional universities typically settle down and build careers within the state. Yet regionals receive far less government funding.
  • Why the  teaching is better at regional universities  than at highly selective schools, and how to make all college professors better at their most important job.
  • How  elite colleges, such as Northwestern University, leverage their brand name  to sign up students for master’s degrees with astronomical debt and low career earnings—and why the federal government does nothing to stop it.
  • How  Northern Arizona University’s visionary new president has earned national acclaim  for promoting social mobility over the pursuit of prestige.
  • How to  turn “remedial education” from a dead end to a launchpad of success.

“Washington’s obsession with elite colleges is warping our politics by aggravating the large and growing political divide between those with a college education and those without,” warns  Washington Monthly  editor in chief Paul Glastris. “In the past year, higher ed has dealt with tone-deaf college presidents, threats from Project 2025, the defunding of DEI offices, and the unpredictable politics of student loan forgiveness. But as the  Washington Monthly ’s 2024 college guide and rankings  show, there are hundreds of great schools out there, many of them regional public universities, that are achieving the real purpose of college: helping students of modest means earn affordable degrees that lead to good incomes and encouraging them to be informed and active citizens of our democracy.”  

The  Washington Monthly  is a nonprofit devoted to ahead-of-the-curve coverage of politics, government, and public affairs. Its college guide, first published in 2005, has won the Education Writers Association Award for data journalism. Founded in 1969, the  Monthly  has trained and published many of the biggest names in journalism, including Jon Meacham, Nicholas Lemann, Katherine Boo, and Nicholas Confessore.

Enjoy the issue!

Washington Monthly  Editors


A Different Kind of College Ranking America needs a new definition of higher education excellence, one that measures what colleges do for their country, instead of for themselves. By Paul Glastris and Rob Wolfe


Those Colleges With “State” in Their Name New research shows that regional universities deliver the greatest return for our tax dollars. So of course we starve them of funds. By Zach Marcus

The College President Who Broke Ranks José Luis Cruz Rivera is putting Northern Arizona University on the map by doing the opposite of what U.S. News & World Report wants. By Jamal Watson

Why Professors Can’t Teach For as long as universities have existed, academics have struggled to impart their knowledge to students. The failing is fixable—if Washington demands it. By Jonathan Zimmerman

Escape from Higher Ed’s Bermuda Triangle Two decades ago, reformers introduced effective new ways to help college students lost in the vortex of “remedial” education classes. But progress stalled. Time to finish the revolution. By Anne Kim

America’s Best and Worst Colleges for Women in STEM America needs more scientists and engineers. Some colleges are closing the gap by helping more women earn STEM degrees. Others have no excuse for failing. B y Laura Colarusso

America’s Best and Worst Colleges for Master’s Degrees Some programs help graduates earn a good living without saddling them with crushing debt. Others do the opposite. Our new rankings will help you tell the difference. By Marc Novicoff

How Predatory Master’s Programs Get Away With It Like other elite colleges, Northwestern University leverages its brand name to sign up students for grad degrees with astronomical debt and low career earnings. And the federal government does nothing to stop it. By Marc Novicoff

America’s Best Bang for the Buck Colleges Our one-of-a-kind list of schools that help non-wealthy students attain marketable degrees at affordable prices. By Robert Kelchen

National University Rankings

Liberal Arts College Rankings

Bachelor’s College Rankings

Master’s University Rankings

A Note on Methodology: Four-Year Colleges and Universities 

Can the 1980s Explain 2024? The yuppies embodied the winning side of America’s deepening economic divide. Bruce Springsteen spoke for those left behind. Two new books consider what liberals can learn from the decade. By Nicholas Lemann

A New Look at the Feminist Earthquake Clara Bingham’s masterful “The Movement” shows how women’s liberation transformed America and why our understanding of 1963-1973 needs to include more voices. By Sara Bhatia

The Origin of Specious Emerging from a well-funded conservative academic network, judicial “originalism”— the faddish theory that the thinking of the dead can be understood and should bind the living—is now the Supreme Court’s main tool for overturning precedent and furthering its anti-democratic goals. Three new books explain how that theory can be toppled. By Garrett Epps

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Frequently Asked Questions

More information about advising can be found at OSU Academic Advising .

Where do I locate my rank and academic standing?

Your rank and academic standing are listed on your Advising Report, available on My Buckeye Link .  You will need to log in with your student credentials. If you are in good academic standing, there will be no notation on your record and your cumulative GPA will be above 2.0. You can also review hours required for each rank on the University Registrar’s Policies webpage.

How does Grade Forgiveness work?

Grade Forgiveness allows you to retake an Ohio State course where you have received a letter grade (A-E). The first grade is removed from your Ohio State GPA but will remain on your record, and the second grade will be the grade that counts in the GPA (regardless if it is higher or lower than your first grade in the class). A few things to note:

-You can use the forgiveness rule for up to three different courses.

-For courses where you have moved on in a series, grade forgiveness cannot be applied to a prerequisite course. Examples of this include Math, Chemistry, and Physics courses. (For example, if you have taken Chemistry 2510, you cannot go back to take Chemistry 1220 using grade forgiveness).

-You must submit your forgiveness form online by the fourth Friday of the semester in which you are repeating the class to be eligible (NOTE: Summer semester forgiveness paperwork is due by the second Friday of the term).

-The course must be retaken at Ohio State to be eligible.

Complete the  University Registrar Petition to use Grade Forgiveness .   You will need to log in with your student credentials.

I’ve decided not to take classes next term, what do I do?

First you will want to make sure to drop all of your courses. After one term of no enrollment (excluding summer semester), you will automatically be put on a Leave of Absence. To return from a Leave of Absence and to take classes again, contact your academic advisor.

My parents want to speak with my advisor, how can they do that?

You will need to complete the Student Information Release in My Buckeye Link .  Then your advisor will be allowed to speak with whoever is listed.

I accidentally dropped a class I was enrolled in, what can I do?

You can try to re-add the class on your own but you may need to meet with an advisor to re-add the class. The last day you can add a class on your own using online registration is the first Friday of the semester. 

If you need an appointment with an advisor, you should call 614-292-1704 or stop at the front desk in 260 Jennings Hall to make that appointment.  After the first Friday of the semester, you will need instructor permission with a Course Enrollment Permission Form .

I was dropped for non-payment, what do I do?

You will need to contact the Buckeye Link Office  about your options to add back the classes. Please note that if you plan to continue this term, you should prioritize getting them added back into your schedule. Buckeye Link can assist you further. The phone number is 614-292-0300.

Who can I contact to see how dropping a course impacts my financial aid?

The Buckeye Link Office can assist you with this and other financial aid questions.  The phone number is 614-292-0300.

What is the FAFSA and how do I complete it?

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 

To be eligible for some forms of student financial aid you must complete the FAFSA. Directions are available at Student Financial Aid .

When is the last day to add a class?

You generally need to add a class in the first week of a term. If you wait longer you will need to get instructor and/or department chair permission and may incur additional fees .

When is the last day to drop a class?

This depends on the type of class that you are enrolled in, and the term.  Exact dates can be found for each term on the University Registrar's webpage.

I’m feeling overwhelmed. Where can I go?

If you are feeling overwhelmed with various aspects of campus life, the Office of Student Life’s Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) can be very helpful.  In addition to one-on-one and group counseling, they have a variety of drop-in workshops . 

If you are in immediate danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Another great resource to help you balance different aspects of your life is the Office of Student Life Student Wellness Center .

Tutoring Resources

I need help in Math xxxx or Stat xxxx. Where can I go?

Please visit the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center  and locate your specific Math or Statistics course.  Click on the course to be redirected a page that gives course-specific information on tutoring location and schedule, workshops, and exam reviews.

  I need help in Chemistry 1210/1610 or 1220/1620. Where can I go?

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides tutoring for General Chemistry in the General Chemistry Learning Resource Center (LRC) Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.  

You can also request a list of available private tutors for hire from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Please note that all arrangements, including payment, are made between the student and tutor.

I need help in Chemistry 2510 or 2520. Where can I go?

Organic Chemistry Recitation Teaching Assistants’ office hours  are located in 1042 Evans Lab. 

I need help in Chemistry 2540 or 2550. Where can I go?

A Head Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry labs is located on the 4th Floor of Celeste Laboratory. Please check your syllabus.

I need help in Physics 1200/1250 or 1201/1251. Where can I go?

The Department of Physics provides tutoring in Smith Labs, rooms 1011A and 1011B. The schedule is located outside the tutor rooms.

The Younkin Success Center provides physics, chemistry and math tutoring Sunday – Thursday nights, 7pm – 9pm on the 2nd floor of Younkin. The Younkin Success Center is located at 1640 Neil Ave.

University Housing provides physics tutoring in several residence halls on campus Monday – Wednesday, 7pm - 9pm.  You may have to email [email protected] to see if you can use the service if you are not living on campus.

For individual physics tutors, please visit the Physics Graduate Student Council’s list of Undergraduate Tutoring List . Please note that all arrangements, including payment, are made between the student and tutor.

I need help in Biology xxxx. Where can I go?

You can locate your instructor and/or your Teaching Assistant’s office hours in your syllabus or you can schedule an appointment with your instructor and/or Teaching Assistant.

Honors and Scholars

I’m currently a student at The Ohio State University. Can I apply to the University Honors Program?

Yes, current students can apply to the University Honors Program .

I’m transferring to The Ohio State University. Can I apply to the University Honors Program?

No, transfer students are not able to directly apply to the University Honors Program. However, once a student at The Ohio State University, a transfer student can apply to the  University Honors Program  as a current student.

I’m currently in the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program. How do I maintain my Honors membership?

Information to maintain membership can be found on the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program  webpage.

I’m a Biology major in the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program. Who is my advisor?

Honors students in the College of Arts & Sciences have two advisors – one in the Honors program and a major advisor. Please visit the  College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program  to find your major advisor.

How do I get into The Ohio State Scholars Program?

The Ohio State Scholars Program is only available to new, incoming first-year students. Incoming new first-year students must apply by the Early Action Deadline.

I’m an incoming biology major who wants to apply to The Ohio State Scholars Program.  Do I have to be in a certain program?

No, a student does not have to be in a program theme or area that is specific to their major. 

Majors and Minors

How do I declare a Biology major or a Biology minor if I’m a current student at Ohio State in another department or major?

You can declare a Biology major or Biology minor by making an appointment to speak to one of our advisors by contacting the Center for Life Sciences Education at 614.292.1704.  A Biology advisor can review the Biology major or minor requirements and answer your questions. 

How do I change my major from Biology to different major?

To find and/or declare a new major, contact the department or college in which that major is housed and speak to an advisor about their degree requirements.  They can assist you in officially changing your major.

How do I add a minor to my current Biology major?

To add a minor, you will need to contact the department which houses the minor . Meet with advisors in that minor to ensure you understand the minor requirements and they will help you schedule coursework and officially declare the minor.

Note:  If the minor is within a college other than the College of Arts and Sciences, the advisor of that department will likely provide you with a Minor Program Form to bring to your assigned Biology advisor, and the Biology advisor can declare the minor for you after that form is turned in to us.


What are the prerequisites and supporting courses required for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Biology Degrees?

Prerequisites for the BS

Biology 1113, 1114

Chemistry 1210, 1220, 2510, 2520, 2540, 2550

Physics 1200 or 1250 and 1201 or 1251

Math 1151 or 1156

Math 1152 or Stat 2450 or 2480

Prerequisites for the BA

Chemistry 1210, 1220

Chemistry 2310 or 2510 and 2520

Physics 1200 or 1250

Math 1148 and 1149 or 1150

Lower level statistics class such as 1350 or 1450

What are the prerequisites for the pre-health programs?

The pre-health program prerequisites will vary according to the pre-health program.

Research & Internships

How do I get credit for an internship or research that I am currently doing or plan to do?  

To obtain research or internship credit as a Biology major you should email Dr. Harold Fisk at [email protected] .  He will send you a link to complete the necessary information.

Dr. Fisk will then decide if you’re eligible to receive credit and if so, what type of credit you are eligible for.  Research credit is Biology 4998 and internship credit is Biology 4191.   The maximum credit hours of either research or internship that can count on the biology major is 3 credit hours.

Please note:  We cannot give credit for prior internships or research that have already been completed.

How do I graduate with Research Distinction?

In order to graduate with research distinction you will want to contact Ed Quinn, the Arts & Sciences non-honors research thesis coordinator at 614-292-6961 or [email protected] . He will explain all requirements when you meet with him, but in general you can find the requirements on the ASC Undergraduate Research webpage . Click on the last tab in the section titled “Research Thesis (Graduating with Distinction)”.

Transcripts & Transfer Credit

How do I order my official Ohio State transcripts?

If you want to send your Ohio State transcripts to another institution, go to the University Registrar Transcript Ordering webpage. Follow the instructions under “Current Students & Recent Alumni” tab.

How do I transfer classes to Ohio State by sending a transcript?

When ordering a transcript from your prior school, request that your transcript(s) be sent electronically to Ohio State Undergraduate Admissions . Sending paper transcripts by mail or overnight delivery will delay processing time.

If ordering a transcript online, select The Ohio State University as a recipient. In the absence of a list of universities to select, have your school send your transcript directly to [email protected] .

If your school does not offer electronic delivery, please have your transcript(s) mailed to the address below:

The Ohio State University Undergraduate Admissions PO Box 182646 Columbus, OH 43218-2646

- Transcripts should not be delivered by the student or sent to other addresses on campus. Doing so will prevent acceptance of the transcript as official , and a transfer credit evaluation will not be completed.

Can I check to see how classes will transfer from another college to The Ohio State University?

Yes, you can set up an account and use Transferology to check on how classes will transfer to Ohio State.

If you are planning to take Math classes at another college, then you should refer to the information from the  Department of Mathematics .

What if the college I plan to attend isn’t available on Transferology or I can’t find on Transferology the specific class I want to take?

In this case, you should contact the Ohio State Transfer Credit Coordinator in the department that teaches the course that you want to transfer to Ohio State.  To do an evaluation, the credit evaluator will need a copy of the syllabus for the course that you plan to take.    

What should I do if my transfer credit transferred to Ohio State as General credit or Special credit instead of transferring as a specific class?

You will need to have each class evaluated in more detail in each specific department. Each department at Ohio State has a person (or persons) who serve as the Transfer Credit Coordinator for that department.

General Credit - You will need to provide the Transfer Credit Coordinator a syllabus for the transfer course being evaluated. 

Special Credit - If the special transfer credit is not already counting for a degree requirement on the degree audit, you can make an appointment with your academic advisor to see if that special credit can be petitioned to perhaps count for a degree requirement.  You will need to bring a copy of the course syllabus to the advising appointment. 

Helpful Websites 

Buckeye Link - Student Service Center

Financial Aid

University Housing

University Dining

Office of Diversity and Inclusion

College of Arts and Sciences

Education Abroad

Office of International Affairs

First Year Experience

Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry

Registrar’s Office

Bursar’s Office

Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center

Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing-“Writing Center”

Counseling and Consultation Service

Student Advocacy Center

Office for Disability Services

Arts and Sciences Career Success

University Honors and Scholars Center

Younkin Success Center

Office of International Affair-Education/Study Abroad

Stone Laboratory

Center for Life Sciences Education

Pre-Health Resources

Walter Dennis Learning Center

Student Wellness Center—Wellness Initiatives

Student Organizations at OSU-Directory

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New U.S. News & World Report rankings highlight Ohio State graduate programs

Rankings reflect the university’s commitment to graduate education.

From Ohio State News

The Ohio State University’s graduate and professional programs remain among the best in their fields in the nation and the state, according to the  U.S. News & World Report  2024 edition of  America’s Best Graduate Schools .

Several colleges reported degrees and specialty programs in the top 10 of the latest rankings. The College of Veterinary Medicine was ranked third in the nation. Education and Human Ecology had the second-ranked student counseling and personnel services program.

The Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering ranked eighth as did the College of Nursing’s Master of Science program. The College of Public Health’s Master of Health Administration was also ranked eighth.

“Ohio State’s graduate and professional programs continue their excellent showing, and these latest rankings are a testament to the value that our programs offer our dedicated students as they prepare to emerge as next-generation leaders,” said Melissa Gilliam, executive vice president and provost. “I am pleased that our university remains a destination for post-graduate education.”

U.S. News’  rankings of graduate and professional programs cover just a small portion of the programs offered at Ohio State, and not all programs are ranked each year. Ohio State enrolls more than 14,000 graduate and professional students in 102 doctoral and 127 master’s programs.

Below are some highlights from  U.S. News’  2024 rankings of Ohio State graduate programs, by college.

The  College of Arts and Sciences  has four of its natural and mathematical science programs ranked in the top 40 this year – chemistry (20), computer science (24), Earth sciences (33), mathematics (27) and physics (28). In the areas of chemistry, mathematics and physics, the following specialty areas were ranked: analytical chemistry (3), algebra, number theory and algebraic geometry (23), and condensed matter physics (17).

At the  Max. M. Fisher College of Business , the Working Professional MBA program was ranked 15th overall (tied for ninth among public universities), while the Full-Time MBA was ranked 20th among publics. Within its MBA program, a number of specialties garnered top-15 placements in the latest rankings. The college’s supply chain program was recognized as fifth-best overall (fourth among publics), while its productions/operations offerings were ranked ninth overall and fifth among publics. The Master of Accounting program improved two spots from previous rankings and is regarded as the 12th-best in the nation (fifth among publics), and the finance specialty was tied for ninth among public universities.

The  College of Education and Human Ecology  continues its strong showing at No. 25 this year. Among public universities, that places the college at No. 17 in the nation. It is first in Ohio among other ranked universities. The number of the college’s specialty graduate programs ranked in the top 10 increased for the second year in a row, rising from six in the 2023 report to seven this year. The seven programs that stand out within their disciplines are: student counseling and personnel services (2), secondary teacher education (6), elementary teacher education (7), curriculum and instruction (7), higher education administration (7), educational psychology (8) and educational administration and supervision (10).

The  College of Engineering ’s graduate program ranking improved from 30th to 27th (14th among all public universities). Several departments within the college also placed among the top programs in the nation. The Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering ranked eighth among its peers. Seven other engineering specialties also placed in the top 25: materials (15), nuclear (16), industrial/manufacturing (17), aerospace/aeronautical (18), electrical (23), computer science (24) and mechanical (25).

The  College of Nursing’s  campus-based Master of Science program ranked eighth (second among public institutions), and its Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) ranked 11th (sixth among public institutions). This is the fifth consecutive year for the master’s and DNP to rank in the nation’s top 20.  U.S. News  previously ranked the college’s online master’s (2) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (5) – as well as Ohio State’s online bachelor’s offerings, including the RN to BSN program (11) – among the premier programs of their kind in the country. Seven of the college’s master’s and DNP nurse practitioner specializations – including family, administration, leadership, adult gerontology acute care and psychiatric/mental health – also ranked among the nation’s top 10.

The  John Glenn College of Public Affairs  is ranked among the top 10% of public affairs graduate professional degree programs – and 19th in the country – among 269 on the list. Four specialty areas improved rankings over last year: public management and leadership (7), nonprofit management (11), public policy analysis (15) and social policy (16). The Glenn College is also ranked in two other specialty areas: local government management (21) and public finance and budgeting (26). The Glenn College is the highest among the nine public affairs programs ranked in Ohio. 

The  College of Public Health  continues to rank in the top 25 colleges and programs of public health at No. 22 overall and is ranked the top program in Ohio. The college’s Master of Health Administration program is in the top 10 programs in the nation, ranking eighth. The college’s epidemiology specialty was ranked 19th.

The  College of Veterinary Medicine , Ohio’s only veterinary medicine college, is ranked third in the country out of 33 U.S. veterinary schools accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education, advancing from fourth in the previous (2019) rankings. A perennial top-five-ranked veterinary college for nearly two decades, the College of Veterinary Medicine is known for its world-renowned history and tradition of excellence and innovation in education, research, outreach and patient care.

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Graduated Statistics Majors at OSU: does the major here truly prepare you for graduate level coursework? MS/Phd programs?

As a background I’m a rising junior statistics Major here at OSU. I want to go to graduate school to get a PhD in stats, and will most likely be applying to direct admission phd programs.

While looking through my course work and comparing it to some of the math majors, I can’t help but feel like the stats department has under prepared students for grad school.

Statistics majors take Stat 3201 and 3202, two of which share the same course work as the data analytics major.

However the math majors here take Stat 4201 and 4202, which are math stats classes and are actually needed for grad school.

Does anyone here feel this way? I feel that I’m not going to be prepared now for graduate admissions because I haven’t taking math stats (4201 & 4202) which are supposed to be the required rigor.

Any graduated stats students here feel the same? Are you guys able to still do a phd with 3201 and 3202? Instead of 4201 and 4202?

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Ohio State University: Rankings

Updated: February 29, 2024

Ohio State University logo

Ohio State University ranked 18th in the United States, 23rd in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 10 across 12 research topics. Ohio State University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 292,556 academic publications and 7,539,631 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 903 notable alumni .

Ranking Category
#23 of 14,131 In
#19 of 2,597 In
#18 of 2,496 In
#1 of 90 In
#1 of 8 In
#3 of 1,008 For
#3 of 1,024 For
#5 of 1,052 For
#42 of 7,738 For Alumni Impact
#28 of 14,131 For Non-academic Prominence
Top10 For 9 other topics

Jump to topical rankings below

  • Engineering
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Mathematics
  • Art & Design

Biology rankings

Ohio State University ranked 25th for Biology in the United States and 34th in the World with 161,245 publications made and 4,886,722 citations received. Main research topics: Genetics, Biochemistry, Paleontology, Immunology, Neuroscience.

Biology ranking Location
#25 of 1,582 In
#27 of 1,668 In
#34 of 6,770 In

Ohio State University Biology Publications & Citations

Year Biology publications Biology citations
1991 1768 14102
1992 1845 15689
1993 1835 16665
1994 1790 17824
1995 1833 19929
1996 2147 22506
1997 2034 24995
1998 2136 27961
1999 2071 31217
2000 2290 36392
2001 2424 40527
2002 2697 47126
2003 2812 53121
2004 2867 60134
2005 3177 69579
2006 3632 80598
2007 3838 93356
2008 3977 104950
2009 4388 120302
2010 4597 139246
2011 4813 156703
2012 5044 176357
2013 5247 197285
2014 5670 213062
2015 5987 225602
2016 6254 236515
2017 6180 249937
2018 6335 274254
2019 6577 304243
2020 7567 353230
2021 7252 400821
2022 7153 411246
2023 7131 401531

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Biology.

Biology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
12 12 16
12 13 17
11 12 18
15 16 18
13 14 18
15 17 20
17 19 23
18 20 24
21 22 27
22 23 29
16 16 29
28 31 37
28 31 39
28 31 39
27 29 39
27 28 39
29 30 43
20 23 43
33 35 45
34 37 47
30 33 51
35 39 57
41 44 60
46 51 72
38 44 83
29 30 83
54 64 103

Medicine rankings

Ohio State University ranked 29th for Medicine in the United States and 39th in the World with 132,878 publications made and 3,724,527 citations received. Main research topics: Pathology, Surgery, Psychiatry, Immunology, Oncology and Cancer research.

Medicine ranking Location
#29 of 1,558 In
#32 of 1,643 In
#39 of 6,680 In

Ohio State University Medicine Publications & Citations

Year Medicine publications Medicine citations
1991 1302 9721
1992 1358 10758
1993 1356 11079
1994 1342 11901
1995 1413 13535
1996 1588 15435
1997 1430 16802
1998 1627 19448
1999 1646 21699
2000 1684 25195
2001 1741 28373
2002 1925 32434
2003 1977 37075
2004 2076 42027
2005 2343 48631
2006 2807 57580
2007 3017 67105
2008 3114 76221
2009 3476 88049
2010 3628 103507
2011 4034 117757
2012 4364 135169
2013 4303 151220
2014 4765 165446
2015 5046 176655
2016 5445 186524
2017 5464 197842
2018 5641 213638
2019 5920 238943
2020 7086 283762
2021 6844 325575
2022 6856 334844
2023 6822 329517

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Medicine.

Medicine subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
6 7 10
5 5 10
11 12 20
11 14 22
13 20 26
21 22 27
22 23 30
19 22 30
13 14 30
21 25 33
12 14 35
19 25 37
28 31 37
20 27 38
27 29 39
24 26 39
27 28 39
29 33 41
27 30 44
27 34 46
33 37 48
29 34 48
35 36 48
31 34 49
38 42 50
30 33 51
31 38 51
36 40 52
32 36 53
32 36 54
37 40 56
15 16 57
40 43 57
40 45 58
40 47 61
35 41 63
38 44 64
47 52 66
33 36 67
39 43 69
42 45 81
36 40 82
54 58 82
48 50 89
32 35 98
54 64 103
43 51 105
45 49 146
60 66 163

Chemistry rankings

Ohio State University ranked 22nd for Chemistry in the United States and 33rd in the World with 130,254 publications made and 4,001,730 citations received. Main research topics: Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, Physical chemistry, Nanotechnology.

Chemistry ranking Location
#22 of 1,407 In
#23 of 1,488 In
#33 of 6,447 In

Ohio State University Chemistry Publications & Citations

Year Chemistry publications Chemistry citations
1991 1543 12842
1992 1690 14296
1993 1674 15172
1994 1700 16875
1995 1695 18635
1996 1973 20917
1997 1843 22878
1998 1850 25392
1999 1901 28221
2000 2017 32158
2001 2103 36182
2002 2461 41010
2003 2496 46055
2004 2571 52144
2005 2780 59902
2006 3083 67779
2007 3249 77984
2008 3294 86570
2009 3605 98822
2010 3670 112594
2011 3875 126900
2012 3928 139567
2013 4191 156561
2014 4431 169038
2015 4520 177800
2016 4794 186749
2017 4667 196627
2018 4716 214644
2019 4782 238657
2020 5333 273960
2021 4981 307571
2022 4885 316817
2023 4834 308833

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Chemistry.

Chemistry subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
11 12 18
22 23 38
28 31 39
22 23 49
22 25 53
15 16 57
36 38 65
20 21 69
26 29 71
30 34 73
26 29 77
29 30 83
35 40 99
28 32 107
20 24 123

Engineering rankings

Ohio State University ranked 20th for Engineering in the United States and 37th in the World with 118,648 publications made and 3,109,457 citations received. Main research topics: Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.

Engineering ranking Location
#20 of 1,518 In
#21 of 1,602 In
#37 of 6,684 In

Ohio State University Engineering Publications & Citations

Year Engineering publications Engineering citations
1991 1453 10345
1992 1535 11249
1993 1541 12129
1994 1580 13339
1995 1555 14457
1996 1759 16410
1997 1699 17707
1998 1729 19544
1999 1730 21306
2000 1726 23653
2001 1885 27443
2002 2861 36372
2003 2438 37142
2004 2432 41585
2005 2705 49096
2006 2778 55298
2007 2806 62531
2008 3025 69557
2009 3124 78977
2010 3322 88832
2011 3485 100871
2012 3601 111294
2013 3803 124846
2014 3981 134547
2015 4141 142850
2016 4351 152848
2017 4177 157697
2018 4214 176668
2019 4214 194514
2020 4721 218862
2021 4296 244056
2022 4110 248794
2023 4100 244571

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Engineering.

Engineering subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
3 3 3
3 3 8
10 10 14
13 14 18
10 10 19
8 9 22
13 14 23
13 13 25
17 18 26
13 16 26
17 19 28
15 15 28
16 18 32
15 16 32
18 19 33
16 18 33
13 14 33
18 18 35
16 19 37
27 28 37
22 25 44
17 20 45
22 23 49
28 29 51
25 28 52
25 29 55
18 21 55
27 29 57
25 27 57
35 39 57
27 29 59
20 21 59
19 22 60
23 27 71
26 29 71
27 30 75
19 23 78
42 45 81
29 30 83
31 36 96
35 40 99
28 32 107
20 29 132
44 50 134
40 45 149
69 78 283
76 89 390

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences rankings

Ohio State University ranked 19th for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences in the United States and 25th in the World with 118,165 publications made and 2,772,430 citations received. Main research topics: Political Science, Philosophy, Law, Sociology, History.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ranking Location
#19 of 1,728 In
#21 of 1,819 In
#25 of 7,020 In

Ohio State University Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Publications & Citations

Year Liberal Arts & Social Sciences publications Liberal Arts & Social Sciences citations
1991 1347 7275
1992 1359 8099
1993 1417 8781
1994 1393 9157
1995 1385 10344
1996 1538 11523
1997 1485 12411
1998 1570 14048
1999 1461 15436
2000 1627 18604
2001 1618 20933
2002 2132 27654
2003 1896 30358
2004 1928 33186
2005 2150 39252
2006 2268 45818
2007 2430 53149
2008 2631 60442
2009 2922 71246
2010 2977 81189
2011 3250 92622
2012 3375 104525
2013 3491 117249
2014 3700 127013
2015 3990 133693
2016 4019 137565
2017 4193 141779
2018 4210 157669
2019 4349 174847
2020 5010 201645
2021 4915 226873
2022 4750 228810
2023 4870 226152

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
1 1 3
4 4 5
5 6 7
2 3 11
11 13 14
9 10 16
15 15 17
11 13 17
14 15 18
12 13 18
15 15 19
11 14 22
17 19 22
15 16 23
18 20 23
19 20 24
19 21 24
19 21 24
16 18 24
21 23 26
18 20 28
16 17 28
20 22 29
18 20 32
29 30 32
17 20 32
12 14 35
27 28 35
23 26 35
21 24 36
24 26 39
27 30 42
44 44 49
34 37 53
27 32 55
48 50 71
27 32 71
34 40 98
95 105 212
90 103 266

Physics rankings

Ohio State University ranked 23rd for Physics in the United States and 37th in the World with 113,594 publications made and 3,109,643 citations received. Main research topics: Quantum and Particle physics, Materials Science, Optical Engineering, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Acoustical Engineering.

Physics ranking Location
#23 of 1,485 In
#24 of 1,569 In
#37 of 6,603 In

Ohio State University Physics Publications & Citations

Year Physics publications Physics citations
1991 1414 10437
1992 1503 11548
1993 1528 12144
1994 1576 13547
1995 1561 14811
1996 1733 16881
1997 1742 18279
1998 1753 20277
1999 1764 22244
2000 1849 25100
2001 1942 29022
2002 2601 35805
2003 2347 38480
2004 2400 43239
2005 2630 50230
2006 2659 56383
2007 2702 63645
2008 2880 70464
2009 2961 79159
2010 3111 88406
2011 3261 99890
2012 3304 108926
2013 3515 122375
2014 3740 131630
2015 3841 139597
2016 4022 149288
2017 3875 154461
2018 3925 174425
2019 3981 188048
2020 4257 211695
2021 3977 235083
2022 3879 238705
2023 3811 235190

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Physics.

Physics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
13 14 18
20 21 27
18 18 35
22 23 39
29 30 43
23 24 45
27 27 47
22 23 49
28 29 51
27 30 52
27 27 56
47 52 66
46 51 72
29 30 83

Computer Science rankings

Ohio State University ranked 23rd for Computer Science in the United States and 30th in the World with 108,192 publications made and 3,098,843 citations received. Main research topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Telecommunications, Computer Vision.

Computer Science ranking Location
#23 of 1,576 In
#25 of 1,662 In
#30 of 6,752 In

Ohio State University Computer Science Publications & Citations

Year Computer Science publications Computer Science citations
1991 1163 8511
1992 1270 9008
1993 1239 9685
1994 1202 10362
1995 1233 11629
1996 1340 12646
1997 1309 13378
1998 1382 15340
1999 1422 17463
2000 1494 19895
2001 1541 22559
2002 2509 33232
2003 2068 32546
2004 1986 35796
2005 2357 42723
2006 2412 49940
2007 2511 57134
2008 2628 64251
2009 2807 75063
2010 3008 86322
2011 3212 97573
2012 3374 109523
2013 3569 122336
2014 3711 133774
2015 3921 141012
2016 4056 148251
2017 4069 153679
2018 4253 174500
2019 4426 191459
2020 4901 220190
2021 4593 248436
2022 4518 249799
2023 4562 245479

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Computer Science.

Computer Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
11 13 21
15 16 21
18 20 28
17 19 28
22 23 29
19 21 29
17 19 31
24 25 33
27 28 35
22 24 35
28 31 38
24 26 39
27 30 43
26 29 43
22 25 44
34 37 47
25 28 52
34 37 54
25 28 55
18 21 55
27 29 59
29 33 61
38 46 76
43 52 112
65 79 226
74 91 264

Environmental Science rankings

Ohio State University ranked 16th for Environmental Science in the United States and 24th in the World with 100,780 publications made and 2,732,156 citations received. Main research topics: Geology, Geography and Cartography, Ecology, Paleontology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science.

Environmental Science ranking Location
#16 of 1,598 In
#18 of 1,687 In
#24 of 6,798 In

Ohio State University Environmental Science Publications & Citations

Year Environmental Science publications Environmental Science citations
1991 1226 8311
1992 1254 9028
1993 1287 9960
1994 1230 10531
1995 1234 11657
1996 1457 13457
1997 1368 14826
1998 1416 16421
1999 1329 18297
2000 1475 21089
2001 1536 23337
2002 1975 28697
2003 1850 32077
2004 1871 35554
2005 2047 40818
2006 2160 47318
2007 2231 53258
2008 2519 60280
2009 2661 70507
2010 2733 79031
2011 2973 90285
2012 3051 100278
2013 3189 112964
2014 3399 122302
2015 3509 128917
2016 3557 134867
2017 3606 139619
2018 3511 157509
2019 3610 175293
2020 4132 198859
2021 3975 224795
2022 3734 230935
2023 3834 224129

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Environmental Science.

Environmental Science subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
2 3 11
12 12 16
13 14 18
14 16 21
16 18 23
18 20 24
18 20 26
25 26 37
17 18 39
26 28 43
17 20 45
24 27 53
22 25 53
19 20 58
23 27 71
30 34 73
38 44 83
20 29 132

Psychology rankings

Ohio State University ranked 22nd for Psychology in the United States and 32nd in the World with 72,742 publications made and 1,972,173 citations received. Main research topics: Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Social Psychology, Education Majors, Child Psychology.

Psychology ranking Location
#22 of 1,527 In
#25 of 1,612 In
#32 of 6,528 In

Ohio State University Psychology Publications & Citations

Year Psychology publications Psychology citations
1991 783 5688
1992 853 6397
1993 829 6671
1994 829 7078
1995 836 7819
1996 920 8796
1997 851 9260
1998 894 10533
1999 855 11616
2000 919 13969
2001 936 15014
2002 1120 18384
2003 1007 20427
2004 1074 22145
2005 1280 26229
2006 1402 30988
2007 1513 35839
2008 1610 40865
2009 1803 47660
2010 1980 54930
2011 2072 62300
2012 2133 72666
2013 2203 81594
2014 2403 89217
2015 2610 94209
2016 2653 100147
2017 2860 104089
2018 2900 113472
2019 2979 125599
2020 3678 148089
2021 3486 166809
2022 3440 168844
2023 3500 166771

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Psychology.

Psychology subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
5 6 7
8 9 9
9 10 11
14 15 17
16 17 28
25 27 30
19 22 30
19 25 37
28 31 38
24 26 39
34 37 47
33 37 48
27 32 55

Mathematics rankings

Ohio State University ranked 22nd for Mathematics in the United States and 26th in the World with 54,992 publications made and 1,563,587 citations received. Main research topics: Statistics, Math Teachers, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, Blockchain and Cryptography, Applied Mathematics.

Mathematics ranking Location
#22 of 1,371 In
#23 of 1,451 In
#26 of 6,305 In

Ohio State University Mathematics Publications & Citations

Year Mathematics publications Mathematics citations
1991 553 3232
1992 607 3611
1993 558 3899
1994 577 4301
1995 581 4818
1996 631 5480
1997 629 5458
1998 643 6427
1999 599 7188
2000 661 8245
2001 672 9442
2002 1150 13899
2003 1017 14180
2004 1015 15765
2005 1129 18951
2006 1171 22041
2007 1192 25573
2008 1273 29277
2009 1268 33445
2010 1394 38857
2011 1514 44191
2012 1589 49989
2013 1681 57097
2014 1823 62222
2015 1981 66428
2016 2121 69642
2017 2173 71548
2018 2241 80633
2019 2356 90658
2020 2751 103089
2021 2538 118155
2022 2550 119117
2023 2616 117180

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Mathematics.

Mathematics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
5 5 5
13 14 16
23 24 28
22 24 29
17 19 31
16 18 32
36 40 68

Business rankings

Ohio State University ranked 18th for Business in the United States and 21st in the World with 39,295 publications made and 1,038,662 citations received. Main research topics: Management, Finance, Marketing, Advertising, Accounting.

Business ranking Location
#18 of 1,334 In
#19 of 1,412 In
#21 of 6,187 In

Ohio State University Business Publications & Citations

Year Business publications Business citations
1991 497 2916
1992 532 3063
1993 528 3548
1994 538 3766
1995 540 4325
1996 519 4777
1997 532 4870
1998 563 5588
1999 543 6388
2000 621 7339
2001 563 8202
2002 1013 12799
2003 767 12960
2004 808 14191
2005 886 16371
2006 824 18584
2007 873 21727
2008 973 25063
2009 1016 28872
2010 1029 33137
2011 1116 37935
2012 1171 42620
2013 1272 46617
2014 1231 50688
2015 1363 52097
2016 1279 53549
2017 1304 53904
2018 1413 59870
2019 1438 65352
2020 1646 73258
2021 1503 81204
2022 1395 79265
2023 1457 77430

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Business.

Business subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
6 6 7
6 6 13
13 14 16
7 7 16
14 15 16
12 13 18
16 17 19
12 12 20
17 18 22
18 19 22
15 16 23
21 22 23
20 22 26
17 19 27
16 18 32
27 28 37
19 23 46
30 31 47
25 28 55
19 22 60
47 53 79
37 43 116
26 32 121
37 44 157

Economics rankings

Ohio State University ranked 19th for Economics in the United States and 24th in the World with 31,555 publications made and 824,795 citations received. Main research topics: Development Studies, Finance, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, Political Economy, Actuarial Science.

Economics ranking Location
#19 of 1,317 In
#20 of 1,400 In
#24 of 5,995 In

Ohio State University Economics Publications & Citations

Year Economics publications Economics citations
1991 339 1779
1992 389 2033
1993 328 2084
1994 382 2445
1995 395 2840
1996 390 2999
1997 402 3262
1998 442 3821
1999 369 4284
2000 458 5133
2001 426 6073
2002 572 7549
2003 557 9136
2004 571 10008
2005 625 11618
2006 630 12962
2007 699 15443
2008 757 17629
2009 792 20829
2010 831 24127
2011 864 27819
2012 917 31069
2013 965 34485
2014 987 36804
2015 1113 38036
2016 1077 39735
2017 1181 40081
2018 1200 45091
2019 1216 48479
2020 1506 56421
2021 1494 63847
2022 1401 63326
2023 1430 63184

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Economics.

Economics subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
1 1 3
13 13 14
13 14 16
17 18 22
18 20 25
23 24 28
17 20 32
30 31 47
12 14 62
37 44 157
39 44 169

Art & Design rankings

Ohio State University ranked 16th for Art & Design in the United States and 20th in the World with 21,756 publications made and 380,350 citations received. Main research topics: Fashion Design, Literature, Aesthetics, Art History, Computer Graphics.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

Art & Design ranking Location
#16 of 1,321 In
#17 of 1,404 In
#20 of 5,720 In

Ohio State University Art & Design Publications & Citations

Year Art & Design publications Art & Design citations
1991 279 1238
1992 282 1286
1993 304 1572
1994 277 1475
1995 295 1691
1996 353 1921
1997 296 1988
1998 300 2347
1999 294 2434
2000 306 3036
2001 338 3423
2002 478 4754
2003 383 4809
2004 399 5247
2005 422 6412
2006 449 7278
2007 463 8334
2008 515 9202
2009 582 10665
2010 605 12220
2011 659 13686
2012 655 15421
2013 633 17090
2014 706 18789
2015 717 18908
2016 723 19707
2017 689 20083
2018 687 22143
2019 647 24221
2020 739 27327
2021 712 30541
2022 703 29943
2023 680 29377

The following table provides academic rankings for Ohio State University in various areas of Art & Design.

Art & Design subfield United States ranking North America ranking World rank
3 5 6
6 6 7
3 5 8
11 12 15
8 11 16
13 14 17
14 15 18
6 6 20
11 13 21
15 17 22
8 8 22
8 8 22
18 19 27
19 21 29
23 26 35
23 25 69
38 46 76
52 60 106
43 52 112
44 50 134
74 91 264
76 89 390
99 113 473

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Ohio State graduate programs earn top marks from U.S. News & World Report

Rankings highlight the depth and breadth of graduate education.

Several of The Ohio State University’s graduate and professional programs are ranked in the top 10 in their fields in the nation, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2023 edition of America’s Best Graduate Schools.

Seven colleges have top-10 graduate and professional programs in the latest rankings: the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business (Fisher), Education and Human Ecology, Engineering, Law (Moritz), Nursing and Public Affairs (John Glenn). U.S. News’ rankings of graduate and professional programs cover just a small portion of the programs offered at Ohio State, and not all programs are ranked each year.

“The excellence of our graduate and professional programs reflects the university’s commitment to the student academic experience,” said Executive Vice President and Provost Melissa Gilliam. “The dedication of Ohio State’s students, faculty and staff enables these programs to thrive, attracting and preparing students to be leaders who will serve our local, state, national and global communities.”

Ohio State enrolls more than 14,000 graduate and professional students in 102 doctoral and 127 master's programs.

Ranked No. 1 in the nation, law: dispute resolution is Ohio State’s most highly ranked specialty. Additional specialty rankings in the top 10 include:

  • Education: student counseling and personnel services; curriculum and instruction; educational administration and supervision; elementary teacher education; secondary teacher education; and higher education administration
  • Nursing: administration/management
  • Law: dispute resolution
  • Engineering: biological/agricultural
  • Business: production/operations and supply chain/logistics
  • Public Affairs: public management and leadership
  • Chemistry: analytical
  • Earth Sciences: environmental sciences
  • Psychology: social psychology

Below are some highlights from U.S. News’ 2023 rankings of Ohio State graduate programs, by college.

The College of Arts and Sciences has five of its science and social sciences programs ranked in the top 30 this year — chemistry (25), Earth sciences (28), physics (23), statistics (24) and psychology (30). Within chemistry and physics, numerous specialty areas received high rankings, including analytical chemistry (6), condensed matter physics (20), cosmology/relativity/gravity (13) and elementary particles/fields/string theory (15). In the area of mathematics, computer science and statistics, the following specialty areas were ranked: artificial intelligence (24), systems (19), applied math (18) and biostatistics (21). Earth sciences received rankings in environmental sciences (10), geochemistry (21) and geology (15). Finally, the social psychology specialty is ranked 7th in the nation.

The College of Education and Human Ecology is ranked 27th out of 274 graduate education programs nationwide, putting it in the top 9.9% of similar programs. In one year, the college doubled its number of specialty programs recognized as being among the top 10 such programs in the nation, from three in the 2022 rankings to six for 2023. The six programs that stand out within their disciplines are: curriculum and instruction (5), elementary teacher education (9), secondary teacher education (10), student counseling and personnel services (4), educational administration and supervision (6) and higher education administration (6).

The College of Engineering’s graduate program is ranked first in Ohio and 16th among all public universities. Several departments within the college also placed among the top programs in the nation. The Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, also part of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences , ranked 10th among its peers within American universities. Nine other engineering specialties also ranked in the top 30: materials (14); nuclear (14); industrial/manufacturing (16); aerospace/aeronautical (22); computer (23); electrical (25); mechanical (26); chemical (27) and civil (30). Overall, 214 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed. Ohio State Engineering is ranked 30th overall.

Fisher College of Business is home to the highly ranked Working Professional MBA Program, which continues its recognition as a top-15 program nationally. Many of Fisher’s business specializations also continue to be highly ranked.

Moritz College of Law ranked 30th overall out of 192 accredited law schools and 12th nationally among all public law schools, increasing its ranking by 10 spots over the 2022 rankings. The specialty program in dispute resolution is ranked 1st in the nation and five other programs rank in the top 30 nationally: criminal law (12), health law (17), constitutional law (21), legal writing (21) and contracts/commercial law (27).

The College of Medicine ranked 30th for Best Medical School – Research, jumping up three spots over last year, becoming the 11th highest ranked public school. It ranked 32nd for Best Medical School – Primary Care and continues to be the best primary care school in Ohio. It is one of the most diverse medical schools in the country, ranking 14th. Specialty programs in pediatrics ranked 14th and family medicine ranked 18th. This recognizes the College of Medicine as a highly diverse, top-tier research and primary care institution.

The College of Nursing’s campus-based Master of Science degree program ranked 7th (second among public institutions), and its Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) ranked 11th (5th among public institutions). This is the fourth consecutive year for the master’s to rank in the nation’s top 10 and the DNP to rank in the nation’s top 20. U.S. News & World Report previously ranked the college’s online master’s (1) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (10) – as well as Ohio State’s online bachelor’s offerings, including the RN to BSN program (7) – among the premier programs of their kind in the country.

The John Glenn College of Public Affairs is ranked 20th in the country among 270 ranked schools, placing it among the top 10% of public affairs graduate professional degree programs. Four specialty areas improved rankings over last year: public management and leadership (8), nonprofit management (12), local government management (15), social policy (21) and public finance and budgeting (20), the latter rising 11 slots. The Glenn College also is ranked in four other specialty areas: public management and leadership (8), environmental policy (13), urban policy (18) and public policy analysis (19). The new ranking places the Glenn College as the only Ohio school in the top 60.

The College of Public Health is ranked first in Ohio and 19th in the nation among 190 public health schools and programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. The college’s specialty program in health care management — the Master of Health Administration — was also ranked 1st in the state and 7th overall in the most recent analysis of those programs. The college previously ranked 24th in the nation.

The College of Social Work advanced two spots to 11th out of 303 programs nationally, ranking in the top 4% of all programs. It also ranked 7th among all public programs in the United States and 2nd among the 10 programs in the Big Ten. The accredited graduate program is deemed one of the most flexible in the country.

A number of Ohio State programs earned high marks in previous years, and the magazine reprints rankings from previous years in some fields.

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    The 2025 edition of U.S. News Best Colleges will be released Tuesday, Sept. 24 on usnews.com, with preorders now being accepted for the accompanying print guidebook. While many assume the work ...

  2. Our 2024 College Rankings Are Out: See How Your School Did

    These are the schools with "State" in the name, unknown to much of the country but revered in their communities. U.S. News & World Report lists only three regional public schools among its top ...

  3. Frequently Asked Questions

    Grade Forgiveness allows you to retake an Ohio State course where you have received a letter grade (A-E). The first grade is removed from your Ohio State GPA but will remain on your record, and the second grade will be the grade that counts in the GPA (regardless if it is higher or lower than your first grade in the class). A few things to note:

  4. M.S. in Applied Mathematics : The University of Akron, Ohio

    M.S. in Applied Mathematics. This program is designed to train students in the formulation, analysis, and solution of mathematical models in a variety of application areas. ... The program addresses the State and Regional needs for students with advanced training in interdisciplinary research, and prepares students for employment in government ...

  5. A human-centered AI tool to improve sepsis management

    A proposed artificial intelligence tool to support clinician decision-mak ing about hospital patients at risk for sepsis has an unusual feature: accounting for its lack of certainty and suggesting what demographic data, vital signs and lab test results it needs to improve its predictive performance.. The system, called SepsisLab, was developed based on feedback from doctors and nurses who ...

  6. Big Ten Power Rankings: Ohio State on top, but who is No. 2?

    What to know: The football gods know the Wildcats won six games by one score last season.Those pigskin deities get their revenge in 2024 when NU loses a bunch of close ones. 14. Illinois. This ...

  7. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Prospective students: [email protected]. Graduate Office Department of Mathematics The Ohio State University 231 W 18th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210 United States of America . Phone: (614) 292-6274 Fax: (614) 292-1479

  8. Update: New U.S. News & World Report rankings ...

    Editor's note: U.S. News & World Report released the updated 2023-2024 law school and medical school rankings this morning. (May 11) The Ohio State University's graduate and professional programs remain among the best in their fields in the nation and the state, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2024 edition of America's Best ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    The program of studies for a Math Department PhD student is divided into two main parts: Pre- and Post-Candidacy. Before taking the Candidacy Exam, students need to fulfill numerous requirements which ensure solid preparation in core mathematical areas as well in their chosen specialization. These include passing the Qualifying Requirements as ...

  10. Ohio State University--Columbus

    Program and Specialty rankings. # 33. in Earth Sciences (tie) See all grad school rankings. School of Earth Sciences Contact Information. 125 South Oval Mall , Columbus, OH 43210. (614) 292-8746 ...

  11. 15 Ohio State graduate programs ranked in top 10 by U.S. News & World

    According to the U.S. News & World Report 2020 edition of America's Best Graduate Schools, The Ohio State University offers a vast array of top graduate and professional programs, with 15 ranked in the top 10 and three ranked best in the nation. Top-10 graduate and professional programs include legal dispute resolution (1), student counselin...

  12. Ohio State University--Columbus

    in Materials Engineering. in Mechanical Engineering. in Nuclear Engineering. # 26. in Best Law Schools (tie) # 35. in Business/Corporate Law (tie) # 58. in Clinical Training (tie)

  13. How Is The Graduate Math Program? : r/OSU

    Overall, it's a good department, for undergrads & grad students. The culture is laid back, though the quals are pretty tough (as a few friends told me). If you do well in the coursework though, you can bypass them. Just make friends with people in the math building and you'll be fine. 10 votes, 11 comments.

  14. Home

    Welcome to the Department of Mathematics. The Ohio State University Department of Mathematics offers students tools for understanding our world and trying to solve its problems. Undergraduate ... Congratulations to Katherine Goldman, a recent PhD graduate from our program, who has been awarded a 2024 Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research ...

  15. I just got accepted to the PhD program : r/OSU

    I just got accepted to the PhD program. Honestly, I wasn't expecting decisions to be sent any time soon - especially over winter break - but I just received an acceptance to the math PhD program at OSU. This is my first acceptance (and first decision notification) I have received and I just wanted to share how happy I am; it's a huge weight off ...

  16. Is OSU a good pure math school? : r/OSU

    Ohio State does clear that bar. You'll probably want to get to know your math professors, especially Vitaly Bergelson who is the director of the honors program. You should also try to take some graduate classes before you graduate. Ohio State has sent students to top graduate schools in recent years, among them Berkeley and University of Chicago.

  17. Graduate Program

    Prospective students and other inquiries: [email protected]. Current students in our program: [email protected]. Graduate Office. Department of Mathematics. The Ohio State University. 231 W 18th Avenue ( MA 102) Columbus, Ohio 43210. United States of America. Phone: (614) 292-6274.

  18. A plot of Ph.D.-applicants admitted to Ohio State's Mathematics Program

    A plot of Ph.D.-applicants admitted to Ohio State's Mathematics Program between 2009 and 2012 based on applicants' GRE Math Subject Test percentiles. The program is ranked 26th in the country by USNews. Relevant because I think it goes against some of Eric's ideas about STEM graduate students.

  19. Best Mathematics Programs in America

    Yale University. New Haven, CT. #8 in Mathematics (tie) Save. 4.6. A graduate degree in mathematics can help students hone their skills in a specialty area, from algebra and number theory to ...

  20. Ohio State University

    Ohio State University. 154 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 United States |. #61 in Best Global Universities (tie)

  21. r/PhD on Reddit: Present Ph.D student regrets not attending Ohio State

    Present Ph.D student regrets not attending Ohio State for undergrad. Long rant post. Vent. I am making a post that's not typical because I am not a current student here. Rather, I'm a Ph.D student at an R2 university in Michigan (won't say which one cause I'll out myself). I am someone who was slated to enroll in the 2013-2014 academic ...

  22. New U.S. News & World Report rankings highlight Ohio State graduate

    Below are some highlights from U.S. News' 2024 rankings of Ohio State graduate programs, by college. The College of Arts and Sciences has four of its natural and mathematical science programs ranked in the top 40 this year - chemistry (20), computer science (24), Earth sciences (33), mathematics (27) and physics (28). In the areas of ...

  23. Graduated Statistics Majors at OSU: does the major here truly ...

    The Ohio State University's subreddit. Go Buckeyes! ... I think that should cover the math prerequisites for a PhD and potentially should not add too much to your graduation time. I'm also thinking about getting a PhD in Econ, so I added a math major early because the major itself doesn't provide very much so I'm kind of in the same boat ...

  24. Ohio's 55 best Mathematics colleges [2024 Rankings]

    Washington 8. Milwaukee 8. Saint Paul 8. St. Louis 8. Claremont 7. New Orleans 7. Nashville 6. Below is the list of 55 best universities for Mathematics in Ohio ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 4.08M citations received by 159K academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  25. The Ohio State University

    It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. The Ohio State University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #43. Its in-state tuition and fees are $12,485 ...

  26. Ohio State graduate programs score high marks from U.S. News & World Report

    Sixteen of The Ohio State University's graduate and professional programs are ranked in the top 10 in their fields in the nation, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2022 edition of America's Best Graduate Schools.. Seven colleges have top 10 graduate and professional programs in the latest rankings: the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business (Fisher), Education and Human Ecology ...

  27. Ohio State University [2024 Rankings by topic]

    Ohio State University ranked 18th in the United States and 23rd in the World 2024 overall rankings, while got 3rd place for Technical Drawing and top 10 for 11 other topics. ... Mathematics rankings. Ohio State University ranked 22nd for Mathematics in the United States and 26th in the World with 54,992 publications made and 1,563,587 citations ...

  28. Ohio State graduate programs earn top marks from U.S. News & World Report

    Psychology: social psychology. Below are some highlights from U.S. News' 2023 rankings of Ohio State graduate programs, by college. The College of Arts and Sciences has five of its science and social sciences programs ranked in the top 30 this year — chemistry (25), Earth sciences (28), physics (23), statistics (24) and psychology (30).

  29. Applied Mathematics

    Actuarial Club at Ohio State; Association for Women in Mathematics; Mathematics Graduate Student Association; Math to Industry; OSU LGBTQ+ in Math Alliance; Radical Pi Math Club; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Women in Mathematics and Science; Colloquium and Seminars; Competitions. Rasor-Bareis-Gordon. Past RBG ...