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IGNOU: BHIC-134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023

  • 1 Assignment – I
  • 2 Answer the following in about 500 words each.
  • 3 1. Was there a political revolution in Bengal between 1757-1765? Discuss.
  • 4 2. Discuss the differences between the Moderates and Extremists in the Indian National Congress.
  • 5 Assignment – II
  • 6 Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.
  • 7 3. What were the main ideas of the Utilitarians?Discuss.
  • 8 4. Comment on the economic impact of the British rule.
  • 9 5. What was the role of the Constituent Assembly in shaping the Indian Constitution?
  • 10 Assignment – III
  • 11 Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
  • 12 6. Ryotwari Settlement
  • 13 7. State formation in Mysore in the 18th century
  • 14 8. The Orientalists in India
  • 15 9. Communalism
  • 16.1 How to Download BHIC-134 Solved Assignment?
  • 16.2 Is the BHIC-134 Solved Assignment Free?
  • 16.3 What is the last submission date for BHIC-134 Assignment?

IGNOU BHIC-134-Solved Assignment 2022-2023 HISTORY OF INDIA 1707-1950

Bachelor Degree Programme
Bachelor of Arts (General)
31st March
30th September

IGNOU BHIC-134-Solved Assignment 2022-2023 HISTORY OF INDIA 1707-1950

Assignment – I

Answer the following in about 500 words each., 1. was there a political revolution in bengal between 1757-1765 discuss..

Ans: Yes, there was a political revolution in Bengal between 1757 and 1765. This period marked the end of the rule of the Mughal Empire in Bengal and the beginning of British colonial rule. The revolution was triggered by the Battle of Plassey, fought on June 23, 1757, between the British East India Company and the forces of Siraj-ud-Daula, the Nawab of Bengal. The British emerged victorious and established their control over Bengal.

The British East India Company had been trading in Bengal for several decades, but the Battle of Plassey allowed them to establish a dominant position in the region. The company became the de facto ruler of Bengal and the Nawab was reduced to a mere figurehead. The company’s monopoly over trade in Bengal and its control over revenue collection allowed it to amass great wealth and power. This marked the beginning of British colonial rule in India, which would last for more than two centuries.

The revolution had far-reaching consequences for Bengal and India as a whole. The British East India Company established a new administrative system in Bengal, which was characterized by a high degree of centralization and the establishment of a bureaucracy. The company also introduced new forms of taxation, which increased the burden on the common people. The British also started to interfere in the internal affairs of Bengal, including the administration of justice and the distribution of land.

One of the most significant consequences of the revolution was the decline of the indigenous textile industry in Bengal. The British East India Company had a monopoly over trade in textiles, which meant that the local producers could not compete with the company’s imported goods. This led to the decline of the indigenous textile industry and a shift towards cash crops such as indigo and opium, which were grown for export to Britain.

2. Discuss the differences between the Moderates and Extremists in the Indian National Congress.

Ans: The Indian National Congress, established in 1885, was a major political organization that played a key role in India’s struggle for independence from British rule. During its early years, the Congress was dominated by moderate leaders who advocated for gradual reforms and worked within the framework of British rule to bring about change. However, by the early 20th century, a new generation of leaders, known as the extremists, emerged within the Congress who were dissatisfied with the moderate approach and called for more radical and immediate action.

The moderates, such as Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Dadabhai Naoroji, believed in working within the existing political system to achieve their goals. They advocated for constitutional reforms, such as greater representation in government and the expansion of civil liberties, and sought to educate the public about the importance of political participation. The moderates also believed in working with the British government to bring about change and sought to establish a cordial relationship with the colonial power.

In contrast, the extremists, such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal, were dissatisfied with the moderate approach and called for more radical action. They believed that the British government was not willing to make meaningful concessions and that direct action was necessary to achieve their goals. The extremists advocated for the use of mass agitation, such as strikes and boycotts, to pressure the British government into making concessions. They also sought to inspire nationalist feelings among the Indian people and to cultivate a sense of pride in Indian culture and heritage.

The differences between the moderates and the extremists reflected broader debates about the best strategies for achieving Indian independence. The moderates believed in working within the existing political system to bring about change, while the extremists believed that more radical action was necessary to achieve their goals. The extremists were more critical of British rule and believed that the British government was not willing to make meaningful concessions.

The differences between the moderates and the extremists also reflected different visions of the future of India. The moderates believed in preserving India’s cultural heritage and working within the framework of British rule to bring about change, while the extremists sought to create a new India that was free from British influence and that celebrated Indian culture and heritage.

Assignment – II

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each., 3. what were the main ideas of the utilitariansdiscuss..

Ans: Utilitarianism is a philosophical and ethical theory that advocates for maximizing overall happiness and well-being in a society. The main ideas of utilitarianism can be traced back to the works of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

The central tenet of utilitarianism is the principle of utility, which states that an action is right if it leads to the greatest overall happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarians believe that happiness can be quantified and that it is the ultimate goal of human life. They also believe that an action is moral if it increases the overall happiness of society and that an action is immoral if it decreases the overall happiness of society.

Bentham and Mill both emphasized the importance of individual liberty and personal autonomy in the utilitarian framework. Bentham believed that government policies should be based on the principle of utility and that the aim of government should be to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Mill believed that individual liberties, such as freedom of speech and religion, are essential for maximizing overall happiness and that government intervention should be limited in order to preserve these liberties.

Utilitarianism has been used as a basis for various political and economic policies, such as the idea of social welfare programs aimed at maximizing overall happiness and well-being in a society. The theory has also been criticized for its focus on the aggregate happiness of a society and for ignoring the needs and happiness of individual members.

4. Comment on the economic impact of the British rule.

Ans: The British rule had a profound impact on the economy of India, which was one of the largest and most prosperous economies in the world prior to British colonial rule. The impact of British rule can be analyzed in terms of its effects on agriculture, industry, trade, and taxation.

Agriculture was the backbone of the Indian economy prior to British rule, and the British imposed a series of policies that had a significant impact on the sector. British policies led to the conversion of fertile land to export crops such as opium, indigo, and tea, which had a detrimental effect on food production. The British also implemented a land revenue system that favored the interests of British landowners over those of Indian farmers, leading to the widespread exploitation of farmers and the decline of the agricultural sector.

Industry also suffered as a result of British rule. The British implemented policies that favored British industries over Indian ones, such as high tariffs on Indian goods and the promotion of British goods through trade. The British also introduced new technologies and systems of production that led to the displacement of traditional Indian industries.

Trade was also greatly impacted by British rule, with the British implementing a policy of mercantilism that favored Britain over India. The British established a monopoly over Indian trade, with the majority of India’s exports going to Britain and British goods being imported into India. The result was that India became a source of raw materials and a market for British goods, with India’s trade deficit with Britain increasing over time.

The British also imposed a series of taxes on the Indian population, including taxes on land, salt, and other necessities. The taxes were used to finance British administrative expenses and military operations in India, leading to widespread poverty and economic hardship among the Indian population.

5. What was the role of the Constituent Assembly in shaping the Indian Constitution?

Ans: The Constituent Assembly of India played a critical role in shaping the Indian Constitution, which serves as the supreme law of India to this day. The Constituent Assembly was established in 1946 with the goal of drafting a new constitution for India that would replace the Government of India Act 1935.

The Constituent Assembly consisted of elected representatives from various states and territories in India, and its members were charged with the task of creating a constitution that would reflect the aspirations and values of the Indian people. The Assembly was also responsible for deciding the form of government that India would have, the rights and freedoms that would be guaranteed to citizens, and the distribution of power between the central government and the states.

The Assembly was guided by the principles of democracy, secularism, and federalism, and its members engaged in lively debates and discussions to reach a consensus on various issues. The Assembly was influenced by a variety of sources, including the Indian independence movement, the Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of other countries.

The Assembly’s work was finally completed in 1949, and the Indian Constitution was adopted on 26th November of that year. The Constitution of India is considered one of the most comprehensive and progressive constitutions in the world, and it has been amended several times over the years to reflect the changing needs and aspirations of the Indian people.

Assignment – III

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each., 6. ryotwari settlement.

Ans: The Ryotwari settlement is a system of land tenure and revenue collection in India, primarily used in the southern states. In this system, the ownership of land is directly with the cultivator (the “ryot”) and the revenue is collected directly from the cultivator by the government. The Ryotwari system is characterized by the absence of intermediaries, such as zamindars or intermediaries, between the government and the cultivator. The system is used in areas with scattered and isolated holdings and is considered more suitable for areas with a large number of small cultivators. The Ryotwari system has been in existence in India for several centuries and continues to be used in many parts of the country today.

7. State formation in Mysore in the 18th century

Ans: The state formation in Mysore in the 18th century was marked by the rise of the Wodeyar dynasty and the expansion of their territory through military conquests and strategic alliances. Under the leadership of the warrior-king, Hyder Ali, Mysore emerged as a major power in southern India and challenged the dominant Maratha and British empires. Hyder Ali’s son, Tippu Sultan, continued the expansionist policies of his father and strengthened Mysore’s military capabilities. However, Tippu Sultan’s defiance of the British ultimately led to his defeat in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War and the eventual annexation of Mysore by the British East India Company in 1799. Despite British rule, the legacy of the Wodeyar dynasty and their state formation in Mysore continue to shape the region’s political and cultural identity.

8. The Orientalists in India

Ans: The Orientalists in India were a group of European scholars who were interested in the study of Indian history, culture, and languages. They arrived in India during the colonial period and sought to understand the country’s rich heritage and diverse traditions. The Orientalists were largely responsible for the development of the field of Indology, which encompasses the study of Indian literature, philosophy, religion, and art. They also made important contributions to the study of Sanskrit, Pali, and Persian and helped to preserve many ancient texts that might have otherwise been lost. Despite the valuable contributions of the Orientalists, their work was also shaped by the colonial context in which it was produced, and their views of India and its people were sometimes influenced by colonial prejudices and stereotypes.

9. Communalism

Ans: Communalism is a political ideology that promotes the interests of a particular religious or ethnic community above those of other communities. It often leads to the division of society along religious or ethnic lines and creates tensions between different communities. In India, communalism has been a major source of conflict and has led to several incidents of violence, including communal riots. The ideology of communalism is based on the belief that people of different religious or ethnic backgrounds cannot coexist peacefully and that separate communities must be established for each group. This ideology has been used by political leaders to mobilize support for their causes and to gain power by playing on the fears and prejudices of different communities. The fight against communalism is an important aspect of India’s struggle for social justice and equality.

10.Transfer of Power

Ans: The Transfer of Power was the process by which British colonial rule in India was ended and India became an independent nation in 1947. The transfer was marked by the transfer of legislative power from the British government to the Indian National Congress and other Indian leaders, as well as the transfer of administrative power from British officials to Indian officials. The transfer was the result of years of political struggle and negotiation between Indian leaders and the British government, and it was facilitated by the Indian Independence Act of 1947. The transfer was marked by significant violence and instability, particularly in the aftermath of partition, which led to the mass migration of millions of people and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Despite these challenges, the transfer of power remains one of the most significant events in Indian history, marking the birth of a new nation and the beginning of a new era in India’s history.

How to Download BHIC-134 Solved Assignment?

You can download it from the , they have a big database for all the IGNOU solved assignments.

Is the BHIC-134 Solved Assignment Free?

Yes this is absolutely free to download the solved assignment from

What is the last submission date for BHIC-134 Assignment?

For June Examination: 31st March, For December Examination: 30th September

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IGNOU MA History (MHI) Solved Assignments 2021-22

  • 1.1.1 IGNOU MHI 1st Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi Medium)
  • 1.2.1 IGNOU MHI 2nd Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi medium)
  • 2 Last Date of Ignou MA History Assignment submission
  • 3 Guidelines to write IGNOU MA History Solved Assignments
  • 4 How to obtain IGNOU MA History first & second Year Solved Assignments?

IGNOU MA History Solved Assignments 2021-22

Students of Indira Gandhi National Open University who are pursuing Master degree in History have to submit Ignou MA History solved assignments to complete their courses.

They can download Tutor Marked assignments in both English & Hindi medium from the official website for the session 2021-22.The Ignou MHI assignments can be downloaded in any of the medium as per the requirement.

For MHI Solved Assignments, Whatsapp at: 7428482160

The details of Ignou MA History assignments has been mentioned below:

  • Programme Name: Master Degree Programme in History
  • Programme Code: MHI
  • Validity of Assignment: These assignments will remain valid for July 2021 and January 2022 session.

There are two sections of questions in each Ignou MA History assignment 2021-22 i.e. Section A and Section B.

In section A, there are 20 marks questions each. For 20 marks question, the word limit to write answer is 500 each.

In Section B, the questions are of 10 or 20 marks each. the word limit for 10 marks questions is 250 words each.

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IGNOU MHI First Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

The students have to prepare the solved assignments for the Core Courses in the first year.The code and name for the courses for which assignments have to be submitted by students in the first year has been mentioned below:

MHI-01 : Ancient and Medieval Societies
MHI-02 : Modern World
MHI-04 : Political Structures in India
MHI-05 : History of Indian Economy

The maximum marks for each assignment is 100. The university gives 30% weightage to these assignments.

It means the 30% of the total marks obtained by the students in the assignments will be added in the total marks of the course.

Therefore total marks for any course will be combination of 70% theory and 30% assignment marks.

IGNOU MHI 1st Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi Medium)

Students can easily download Ignou MA History 1st year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MHI first year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code:  MHI-001,002,004,005 /TMA/2021-22
  • First Year Assignment – Download Link

IGNOU MHI 2nd Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

In the second year of Ignou MA History programme, students have to submit solved assignments for the following elective courses:

MHI-03: Historiography
MHI-06: Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages
MHI-08: History of Ecology and Environment: India
MHI-09: Indian National Movement
MHI-10: Urbanisation in India
MPSE-003: Western Political Thought (From Plato to Marx)
MPSE-004: Social and Political Thought in Modern India

IGNOU MHI 2nd Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi medium)

Students can easily download Ignou MA History 2nd year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MHI second year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code: MHIE-003,006,008,009,010, MPSE-003,004 /AST/TMA/2021-22
  • Second Year Assignment – Download Link

Last Date of Ignou MA History Assignment submission

For July 2021 Batch 31st March, 2022 To, The Coordinator of the Study For students admitted in Centre allotted to you
For January 2022 Batch 30th September, 2022

Students have to submit the solved assignments of Ignou MA History programme in both first and second year for the courses which requires it. Let’s discuss about these courses…

Guidelines to write IGNOU MA History Solved Assignments

  • Please read the assignments thoroughly and carefully
  • Students have to answer the questions as per the word limit.
  • Write the answers in your own handwriting.
  • Try to write answers in your own words. Don’t just copy & paste the answers from the study material.

How to obtain IGNOU MA History first & second Year Solved Assignments?

It is always good to solve assignments by yourself.Because it help students to go through complete study material. It also help them in exam preparation.

In case, if someone is unable to solve assignment then he/she may request for Ignou MA History solved assignments 2021-22 for all subjects in the form of PDF at cheap price.

All you have to do is to click on this link to get assignments:

Click here to get solved assignments

Or you can send email at: [email protected]

Kavita kumari

I need to assignment


please send email at [email protected]

Ranjeet singh

i have need Ma history assignment

please contact at [email protected]

Goda Dinung

Please inbox me MHI-10 Solved Assignment 2017-18 as Possible as Earliest.


sir i need ma history assisment mhi 10 and mhi 09 in hindi medium july 2017 session

Vinita kumari

M.a.history 1st year ka assignment hindi medium 2018-2019 answer ki jarurat hai

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IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023

IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023 (July-January): Download and Submission Process

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IGNOU, also known as Indira Gandhi National Open University, offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including the Bachelor of Arts (General) (CBCS) program. The BAG program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, including history, political science, economics, and sociology, among others.

IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023

To evaluate the knowledge and skills of the students, IGNOU assigns various assignments to them throughout the academic session. The assignments are an integral part of the evaluation process, and the students are required to submit them before the deadline to be eligible for appearing in the Term End Exam (TEE).

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IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023

  • 1 IGNOU BAG Assignments July 2022 – January 2023
  • 2 Steps to Download IGNOU BAG Assignments July 2022 – January 2023
  • 3 Submission of IGNOU BAG Assignments
  • 4 IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023
  • 5 Ability – Skill Enhancement Courses
  • 6 Generic Elective Courses
  • 7 Anthropology (Core Courses)
  • 8 Economics (Core Courses)
  • 9 Economics (Discipline-Specific Courses)
  • 10 Economics (Honours Courses)
  • 11 History (Core Courses)
  • 12 History (Discipline Specific Courses)
  • 13 IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023
  • 14 History (Honours Courses)
  • 15 IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023
  • 16 Political Science (Core Courses)
  • 17 IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023
  • 18 Political Science (Discipline-Specific Courses)
  • 19 Political Science (Honours Courses)
  • 20 IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023
  • 21 Psychology (Discipline-Specific Courses)
  • 22 Psychology (Honours Courses)
  • 23 Public Administration (Core Courses)
  • 24 Public Administration (Discipline-Specific Courses)
  • 25 Public Administration (Honours Courses)
  • 26 Sociology (Core Courses)
  • 27 Sociology (Discipline-Specific Courses)
  • 28 Sociology (Honours Courses)
  • 29 Philosophy (Core Courses)
  • 30 Education (Core Courses)
  • 31 FAQs of IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023

IGNOU BAG Assignments July 2022 – January 2023

IGNOU University has released the BAG assignments for the July 2022 – January 2023 session. Students can download the assignment questions from the official website of IGNOU. The BAG assignments are available for all courses under the BAG program, and students are required to submit them before the due date to be eligible for the TEE.

Steps to Download IGNOU BAG Assignments July 2022 – January 2023

The process to download the IGNOU BAG assignments is simple and can be completed in a few easy steps. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Visit the official website of IGNOU at

Step 2: Click on the “Student Zone” tab and select the “Assignments” option from the drop-down menu

Step 3: Select the program code – BAG from the list of programs available

Step 4: Select the session – July 2022 – January 2023 from the list of sessions available

Step 5: Select the course code for which you want to download the assignment questions

Step 6: The assignment questions for the selected course will be displayed on the screen. Download the questions and take a printout for future reference.

Submission of IGNOU BAG Assignments

After downloading the assignment questions, students are required to complete the assignments as per the instructions mentioned in the questions. The assignments should be completed in their own handwriting, and the students are advised to submit them before the due date to avoid any delay in the evaluation process.

The assignments can be submitted either online or offline, depending on the mode of submission mentioned in the assignment questions. The students are required to submit the assignments along with the assignment submission form, which can also be downloaded from the official website of IGNOU.

The IGNOU BAG assignments are an essential part of the evaluation process, and the students are required to submit them before the deadline to be eligible for the TEE. The assignments are designed to test the knowledge and skills of the students and help them to learn and understand the subjects in a better way. Therefore, the students are advised to complete the assignments with utmost dedication and submit them before the due date to ensure timely evaluation and better academic performance.

Ability – Skill Enhancement Courses


Generic Elective Courses


Anthropology (Core Courses)


Anthropology (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Anthropology ( Honours Courses)


Economics (Core Courses)


Economics (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Economics (Honours Courses)


History (Core Courses)


History (Discipline Specific Courses)


History (Honours Courses)


Political Science (Core Courses)


Political Science (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Political Science (Honours Courses)


Psychology (Core Courses)


Psychology (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Psychology (Honours Courses)


Public Administration (Core Courses)


Public Administration (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Public Administration (Honours Courses)


Sociology (Core Courses)


Sociology (Discipline-Specific Courses)


Sociology (Honours Courses)


Philosophy (Core Courses)


Education (Core Courses)


FAQs of IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023

Q: what is ignou bag program.

A: IGNOU BAG program is Bachelor of Arts (General) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It is a three-year undergraduate program that aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, including history, political science, economics, and sociology, among others.

Q: What are IGNOU BAG Assignments?

A: IGNOU BAG assignments are a set of questions given to the students enrolled in the BAG program to assess their knowledge and skills in a particular subject. The assignments are an integral part of the evaluation process, and the students are required to submit them before the due date to be eligible for the Term End Exam.

Q: How to download IGNOU BAG assignments?

A: The IGNOU BAG assignments can be downloaded from the official website of IGNOU. Students can follow these steps to download the assignments:

  • Visit the official website of IGNOU at .
  • Click on the “Student Zone” tab and select the “Assignments” option from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the program code – BAG from the list of programs available.
  • Select the session – July 2022 – January 2023 from the list of sessions available.
  • Select the course code for which you want to download the assignment questions.
  • The assignment questions for the selected course will be displayed on the screen. Download the questions and take a printout for future reference.

Q: How to submit IGNOU BAG assignments?

A: The IGNOU BAG assignments can be submitted either online or offline, depending on the mode of submission mentioned in the assignment questions. The students are required to complete the assignments as per the instructions mentioned in the questions and submit them along with the assignment submission form before the due date.

Q: What is the importance of IGNOU BAG assignments?

A: IGNOU BAG assignments are an essential part of the evaluation process and help in assessing the knowledge and skills of the students. They also help the students to learn and understand the subjects in a better way. The assignments provide an opportunity for the students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical problems, which enhances their analytical and problem-solving skills.

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Ignou mhi solved assignments 2023-24 session download.

 IGNOU MHI solved assignments 2023  IGNOU M.A History Education solved M.A History Solved Assignments, Question Papers, Reference Books, Study Material etc. now available for download. IGNOU M.A History may be a two-year master degree programme offered by Gandhi National Open University via Open distance learning mode. To complete the master degree in History, students need to submit solved assignments of all the specified MAH courses.

IGNOU M.A History solved assignments free downloads

IGNOU  New & old Solved Assignment  contact  on   whats app +918504059601


All the ignou M.A History students need to first recognise important MA (History ) Assignments and notes associated with IGNOU MA Solved assignment and project work before browsing the steps to determine the MA (History ) Solved assignment status. IGNOU (History ) MA (History ) Solved assignment marks are usually uploaded a couple of days before the TEE results are announced. IGNOU Master Degree Solved Assignment.

Master of Arts (History)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

IGNOU Solved Assignment MA History 2023

First Year (MHI-1, MHI-2, MHI-4, MHI-5), Second Year (MHI-3, MHI-6, MHI-8, MHI-9, MHI-10, MPSE-3, MPSE-4)


Solved pdf,

IGNOU M.A History 1st Year Solved Assignments 2022-23 Hindi/English

 ignou  mah solved assignments 2023.

 Year (MHU-1, MHI-2, MHI-4, MHI-5)

IGNOU M.A History 2nd Year Solved Assignments 2023 Hindi/English

   IGNOU  MAH Solved Assignments 2023 Session

Second Year (MHI-3, MHI-6, MHI-8, MHI-9, MHI-10, MPSE-3, MPSE-4)

 IGNOU  MHI Solved Assignments 2023

IGNOU M.A History Solved assignments in all students contact your regional centre if the MA (History ) Solved assignment status/MA Solved assignment marks haven’t been updated for an extended time. We have given you a lot of time to do the MA (History ) Solved assignments but we advise you to do them one by one along with your study of the actual course and submit them in order that you'll revisit the marks and comments of the Counsellor with evaluated MA (History ) Solved assignment

IGNOU M.A History Good Marks Service Solved Assignments

All MA (History ) relevant coursework must be submitted within the respective deadlines, and thus, it’s important that candidates make an enormous note of those dates. Write in neat and clean handwriting: no matter what proportion of data you’ve come your subject, or how methodical you’re in answering the questions, if your handwriting isn’t legible, it’ll be like multiplying Core to 0. Meaning, the result's becoming to be 0, your answer sheet will fail to catch the eyes of the examiner. So, confirm your handwriting MA (History ) clean answer sheet.

How to Download IGNOU Solved Assignment?

  • Contact the Seller : Begin by reaching out to the seller who is offering the assignment for purchase. This could be through a WhatsApp number provided by the seller or through a WhatsApp group where the seller is active.
  • Discuss Details : Communicate with the seller to discuss the details of the assignment. This might include the subject, topic, requirements, deadlines, and price.
  •   Agree on Terms: Once you've discussed the details, agree on the terms of the purchase. Ensure that both parties are clear on what is being exchanged, the cost, and any other relevant terms such as revisions or refunds.
  •   Payment : Arrange the payment method with the seller. Payment methods commonly used on WhatsApp include bank transfers, mobile payment apps, or digital wallets. Make sure to verify the authenticity of the seller and the security of the payment method.
  •   Receive the Assignment: After making the payment, wait for the seller to send you the assignment. This could be through WhatsApp directly or through another agreed-upon method such as email.
  •   Review and Confirm : Once you receive the assignment, review it thoroughly to ensure it meets your requirements. If there are any issues or discrepancies, communicate with the seller to address them.
  •   Completion : Once you are satisfied with the assignment, confirm the completion of the transaction with the seller. If there are any additional terms or agreements, make sure they are fulfilled before finalizing the transaction.
  •   Feedback : Consider providing feedback to the seller about your experience with the transaction. This can help future buyers and sellers on WhatsApp.

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IGNOU M.A History Solved assignments Write Best Answers

The answer that you simply give to the MA (History ) Solved assignment question is named the MA Solved assignment’s assertion. It is essential to stay in mind that you simply will make an assertion and supply arguments for it in your MA (History ) Solved assignments (descriptive

 IGNOU  MAH Solved Assignments 2022-23 sesssion

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IGNOU Assignments 2022-23

Table of Contents

Today, I am excited to guide students on how to access and download the latest IGNOU assignments questions booklet for the academic year 2022-23. Typically, the university distributes the assignment booklet alongside the study material. Nevertheless, in instances where students may not have received it from their study centers, there is an alternative option available: downloading it online in the convenient PDF format.  Also, you may like to download IGNOU Assignment Front page .

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) consistently endeavors to facilitate the learning process for its students by providing essential resources. One such crucial resource is the assignment booklet, which plays a pivotal role in the assessment and evaluation of students’ academic progress. Therefore, it’s imperative that every student has access to these assignment questions.

Related Article:

For IGNOU Solved Assignments , You can contact us on WhatsApp at 7428482160

First, allow me to explain the significance of downloading the IGNOU assignment booklet for your specific program.

The IGNOU assignment booklet is an essential resource because it is through these assignments that students engage with their course material and demonstrate their understanding. These completed assignments must then be submitted to their respective study centers as part of the assessment process.

To accomplish this, students must download the IGNOU assignment question papers, which serve as the foundation for their assignments. These questions must be answered and the assignments completed within the stipulated timeframe, as indicated by the university. The last date to submit Ignou solved assignment can be checked online or by referring to the assignment booklet itself, typically located in the initial pages.

In essence, the IGNOU assignment booklet is not merely a study aid; it is a vital tool that ensures students stay on track with their coursework, engage deeply with the material, and meet the assessment deadlines set by the university.

How to download IGNOU assignment 2022-23?

It’s that time of the year when students who enrolled in the July session of IGNOU for the year 2022-23 need to submit their assignments. These assignments are the latest ones, eagerly awaited by students who are looking to download and complete them. Let’s go through the process of how to download IGNOU assignment question papers for the academic year 2022-23.

To start, open your web browser and go to the ubiquitous Google search engine –

Upon performing a quick search, you’ll notice that the first result directs you to the official IGNOU website, where you can download the assignments.

Click on this link to access the IGNOU website and locate the section where you can download the assignments for the year 2022-23.

Here, you’ll find a list of different academic programs, each with corresponding links beneath them. Click on the program for which you are enrolled and are seeking assignments.

Let’s say, for example, you’re enrolled in the MA History program. Clicking on this program will lead you to a new webpage where you’ll find links categorized by academic years for downloading assignments.

Next, select the category for the year 2022-2023, either for the first year or second year assignments, depending on your academic level.

It’s important to note that these assignments are available in both English and Hindi mediums, allowing you to choose the language that aligns with your program registration.

Upon clicking the assignment link for the chosen academic year, you’ll notice that the last submission date is mentioned within the assignment booklet. This date is critical, as it indicates the deadline by which you must submit your completed assignments.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you download the IGNOU assignment 2022-23 questions booklet online:

  • Visit the Official IGNOU Website: Begin by going to the official website of IGNOU, which can be accessed at .
  • Navigate to ‘Student Zone’: Look for the ‘Student Zone’ section on the website. This section typically contains various resources and links aimed at assisting students.
  • Locate ‘Assignment’ or ‘Downloads’: Within the ‘Student Zone,’ you should be able to find a section related to ‘Assignments’ or ‘Downloads.’ Click on this section to proceed.
  • Select Your Course and Session: You may need to specify your course and the session (in this case, 2022-23) to access the relevant materials.
  • Download the Assignment Questions Booklet: Once you’ve selected your course and session, you should be able to see the assignment questions booklet for your specific program. Click on the download link to save it as a PDF file to your device.
  • Print or Save: You can either print a hard copy of the assignment booklet or save it on your computer or smartphone for easy reference throughout the academic year.

This user-friendly online access to the assignment booklet ensures that no student is left without the necessary study materials. It’s important to check the IGNOU website regularly for updates, as the university may release revised or additional materials over the course of the academic year.

By following these steps, students can conveniently obtain the assignment questions booklet and continue their educational journey with IGNOU smoothly. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that you have all the resources you need to excel in your studies.

Completing these assignments within the specified time frame is a crucial part of your academic journey with IGNOU, so be sure to mark the submission deadline in your calendar and get started on your assignments promptly. Happy learning!

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IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks & Result 2024 (June)

IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks, and Result 2024 – Students who are anxious to know whether their IGNOU assignments are accepted and processed or not can now check their IGNOU assignment submission status on the official portal. Here, Students will get to know about the IGNOU Assignment Status for the most recent TEE sessions June 2024 and the previous December 2023. Furthermore, The students who are preparing for TEE June 2024 must have completed and submitted their assignments as the deadline for submission is now over. Once you have submitted the assignments, you can check the assignment status from time to time to check the acceptance, approval, and evaluation of the assignments. The university provides a link on its official portal that leads to the assignment status window.

Assignments are extremely essential components in the IGNOU curriculum. It carries about 30% of the grade card weightage. So, a good score on your assignments will also ensure that you get good grades. You can fail in the assignments because of several reasons like not abiding by the assignment guidelines. Hence, you must check the guidelines carefully and then submit them to avoid consequences.

IGNOU Assignment Status 2024

As we all know that the last date for submission of the IGNOU Assignment for the TEE June 2024 session is now over. Therefore, we hope that the IGNOU RCs across the country have also begun to update the IGNOU Assignment Status Online for the most recent TEE session June 2024. As of now, the students will only get to know the status of “Check Grade Card Status for Details” as the assignment marks and results for the session June 2024 are declared together with the IGNOU TEE Result June 2024 . Therefore, candidates are advised to keep checking their IGNOU Assignment status regularly to get their assignment marks and results online as soon as possible.

IGNOU assignment status and marks for TEE December 2023 are now uploaded with the TEE Result December 2023 so keep checking the assignment status regularly to get your marks. If you already submitted the IGNOU Assignment for the session December 2023 to your study centre or through online or offline mode then you don’t have to wait for more time. The link to check your assignment status and marks is now updated to confirm whether it gets updated online or not. The assignment status and marks for June & December 2023 are generally updated with the TEE Result for June & December 2023 respectively.

IGNOU Assignment Status

IGNOU Assignment Status Update Process & Time

After submission of assignments through any of the available methods, the assignments goes for an evaluation to the evaluator of the study centre or regional centre. Once the Evaluator has successfully evaluated your assignment then they will either upload your marks directly on the IGNOU Official Site or it will be sent to IGNOU Delhi for updating online and thereafter it can be seen by each student to get their report. You can get your Marks, Status, Grades, and Results of your Assignments from here. Generally, IGNOU Assignment marks updating and uploading within 40 days after submission to the concerned study or regional centre.

Also Read: IGNOU Assignment Passing Marks 2024

IGNOU Assignment Submission Status List 2024

The students of TEE June 2024, December 2023, June 2023, and December 2022 may check the status of their IGNOU Assignments from here. The submission of the IGNOU Assignment for session June 2024 was already over so candidates can now regularly check the status to get to know whether their marks are updated in the grade card or not. We also want to inform our students that the assignment marks for Dec 2023 session also get updated with the TEE Result Dec 2023 so students are advised to check their assignment marks by following the given procedure.

Furthermore, The students from June 2022, December 2021, and June 2021 session can also find their IGNOU Assignment marks and results here.

June 2024 Updated
December 2023 Updated
June 2023 Updated
December 2022 Updated
June 2022 Updated
December 2021 Updated
June 2021 Updated

How to Check IGNOU Assignment Status 2024?

Many of the students are getting confused about checking their assignment status & marks online after the submission of their assignments to the study centre which they prepared with their hard work. We have made the process easier for students to find their assignment status, marks & results in one place.

Step – 1 – Click on the given link to check IGNOU Assignment Status 2024.

Step – 2 – Now enter your enrollment number on the window that opens.

Step – 3 – Next, select your respective program.

Step – 4 – Click on Submit to get your assignment status.

Once you notice that the assignment status is showing ‘Received to be Processed’, you can consider that the assignments are gone for evaluation finally.

Click to Check the IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks, and Results

Note – IGNOU Assignment status may take some time to get updated online so candidates are requested to keep checking their status regularly to find their assignment marks from here. In some cases, the study centre first evaluates the assignment, after evaluation, they send the marks to the regional centre and then the concerned authority at RC uploads the marks online which definitely takes some time.

IGNOU Assignment Status Meaning

When you check through the IGNOU assignment status, you may come up with three different statuses accordingly. Here are the meanings of these statuses that you notice on the window:

Received to be Processed This status means the portal has received the assignment successfully.
Received and in Process According to this status, the authorities have downloaded your assignment to start the evaluation.
Check Grade Card Status for Detail Finally, your assignments are checked and marked.

IGNOU Assignment Result and Marks Checking Process 2024

The assignment status will show you when the evaluation is done. The university will start updating your marks on the grade card as soon as the evaluation of the assignments is done. So, you must check the grade card after the assignment status says you to do so.

Step – 1 – Visit the official IGNOU portal at and go to Student Zone.

Step – 2 –  Search for Results and click on it.

Step – 3 – From the left panel, click on Grade Card .

Step – 4 – Provide your program, course, and enrolment number to search and get your grade card.

As you see your grade card, you can check whether the university has updated your assignment marks on it or not. If the search results are leading to an error, this means the university has not yet started updating the grade cards of the students for this semester.

What If IGNOU Assignment Status Is Not Updated?

Sometimes the update process of IGNOU Assignment status gets delayed for an unknown reason like the evaluation of assignments is delayed in the concerned study centre or maybe the regional centre has not uploaded your assignment marks online. Candidates can wait till the declaration of the result to get updates on their assignment but if you are not able to find your assignment status or marks even after the release of the TEE Result then you need to connect with centre where you submitted your assignments.

Also Check: IGNOU Helpline Number

In most cases, candidates have to visit their IGNOU Study Centre and complain to the coordinator of centre to get updates regarding their pending assignment marks and status. Please keep a copy of the grade card and don’t forget the receipt of the assignment that you received while submitting of assignments. Once you follow the given instructions, you will get your assignment marks updated online.

Also Read: IGNOU IGRAM – Raise a Complaint

If your issue is not resolved after many attempts of visiting or contacting your RC and SC then do raise a complaint at the IGRAM portal. The grievance team will take appropriate action on your assignment work and will revert to you with the exact solution.

IGNOU Assignment Status 2024: FAQs

Q1. Is it necessary to keep track of my IGNOU Assignment Status? Answer: Yes, it is crucial to regularly monitor your assignment status.

Q2. How much time does IGNOU take to update assignment marks? Answer: You should check your IGNOU assignment after a month to 45 days after the submission of the assignments.

Q3. How can I check my IGNOU Assignment Submission Status? Answer: Candidates can check their IGNOU Assignment Status online through their enrollment number and program code.

Q4. Where can I check my assignment status in IGNOU? Answer: You can check the IGNOU assignment status through the link .

Q5. What do received and in the process mean? Answer: Received means the university has accepted and approved the assignment while ‘in process’ means the assignment is being evaluated.

Q6. Why is IGNOU not showing assignment status? Answer: If the window is not showing the status, you might not have submitted the assignment according to the guidelines, or the status is yet to be updated by the respective study or regional centre.

Q7. Whom should I contact regarding an incomplete Assignment Status or Result? Answer: Reach out to the Study Centre or Regional Centre where you submitted your assignments for assistance.

785 thoughts on “IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks & Result 2024 (June)”

please declare my assignment result nazar

Respected sir/ ma’am,

Actually, my assignment status shown only 3 assignments. where is my 4th assignment status MHD 02… I submitted my all assignments. pls check and confirm.

Thanks/Regards Kanchan Sen

dear respected sir/madam I would like to inform you regarding my assignments,my 8 assignment paper has been not updated kindly try to update my 8 assignment paper. I am IGNOU student of Hindi honours program B.comg,my study center Government P.G college 2739 sector 39 noida. I was submitted my assignments on 30/4/2024. my enrollment no,2252139646.

I appeared in 2nd year course of Bswgol, for term end exam jun 2024 .I have deposited its solved assignments on 3oth April 2024 at my study centre ,Handique girls college Guwahati against acknowledgement receipts for the said assignments. The result for the said examn has already been announced. But my result is yet to be announced ,even my assignment marks has not been declared. kindly look into the matter.I am tensed. my Enrollment no is 2251493763.

sir good morning pl, sir mah second year ka result kab aa raha hai.

Sir, I am trying to check the assignment but the site is repeatedly showing my enrollment number wrong. I am unable to understand what should I do

sir, I had submitted my assignment MHd before 31 March 2024. But now it is no shown on my assignment status. kindly please share my assignment status or marks

My assignment status not shown….I submitted my 4assignment befor 31st March,2024……I m confused my assignment received or not

same problem

I am also having the same problem


Please update marks of one paper MGEP-08 of MPS ,really confused..Enroll no. 2105827220

I have submitted 4 assignment but showing results and complete only three assignments now what I do for this , what is the process of challenge for this.

In DECE results only DECE 1 result is shown another 2,3 results are not found what is this

My only 2 paper’s assignment shows receive & process. But I submitted 4 papers assignment in a same day.

hii I am siya I am checking my assignment status. It’s showing check for details or not completed one assignment but I had submitted my assignment.please help me

sir mere assignments ke MHD 1st year ke marks hi show ho rahe h second year ka ek sub ka bhi show nhi ho raha.or na hi koi process me dikha raha h.

mere bhi assignment ke no. show nhi ho rha h

mera assignment abhi tak declared nhi huwa hai.

my assignment and result of june 2024 CFN

hii Aditi Sharma this side.. I am checking my assignment status’s showing not found…but ..But I had submitted the assignments then why is it showing like this?…pls confirm

Same thing happening with me. again and again it’s showing status not found, I m not getting what should I do

same happened to me, I have submitted my my assignment not June and there is nothing showing up on my assignment status for June 2024 sir/mam pls solve this problem. I am worried about it

Dear Sir, For this assignment, you will send an email to your professor my Study Centre Govind Guru Govt College (2307) Centre not Found so i am submission my assignment For email address Please Acceptance My Assignment ——– Warm Regards

Enrollment No:-2250168460 Study Centre;- Govind Guru Govt College (2307) Regional Centre :- 88 Jodhpur Programme :- COF Certification In Organic Farming Add. VPO -Hamirwas , Rajgarh ,Churu, Raj. 331305

plz, issue my mark sheet & result….

sir mara assignment ka no. show nahin ho rha hai 2023 ko 31 March ko submit krbai thi

Dear sir/madam

After multiple reminders, my makrs not updated in grade card and not showing in result sheet, and also not updated assignment marks for this subject, It’s always showing not opted, but it’s not my fault, I opted this subject and also written examination, but due to some technical issues, marks not uploaded,

It my humble request to you, please update my makrs in grade card and result sheet, both, written exam marks and assignment marks. For the subject of MECE001

Please please update it, I worried about my course completion.

Thanks & Regards Sanjeev Kumar COURSE -MEC Enrollment no: 2200487857

Hello sir…Mera name Manisha kumari h……Maise apna assistant apne IGNOU Study centre 05172 … Date 03/10/2023 ko subject BHIC 105 ka assignment jama ki thi or thik do din yani 5/10/2023 ko BANS 184 ko speed post ke dwara Patna IGNOU branch mithapur me bheji thi……

Apse Nivedan h ki Mera dono subject ka assignment number apdate karne ki kirpa kar….

Name Manisha kumari subject…BANS 184 BHIC 105 Enrollment number 2201529005.

bfdi073 not completed ho rha hai sir carde Card mai …exam or assinmat dono mai pass hu…fir bhe

sir main b.a 3th part ka students hu mera name pooja kumari haï exam from nhi dalaya q

Mera roll no 2252162862 hai dec 2023 ke assignment marks abhi tak update nahi hue🥺 kab tak update honge please answer me 🙏.

Dear Sir, I am Sachin Sharma & My Roll 187367447. Pls upload my result on website as its very urgent.

i am not getting results of my last examination result and assignment result.

please guide.

Mera roll number 2005072840 ha.main bag ki Student hun.mera bag Ka final grade card me mere ek Subject bfdi 073 Ka assignment not completed dikha rha h.jbki mere assignment me 50 me 30 marks han

Mera bhi yhi Hal h

why my assignment results not declared yet

Sir,may I clear a doubt, My enrolment no 2302010240, Geetha pallipravan. January 2023 session meg result has come. But l didn’t get Assignment marks. Is it published or yet to be published? My Rc is vadakara and study center Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba. waiting for your reply.

Dear Respected Sir/Madam, I would like to inform you regarding my assignments , my 9 assignment papers has Not been update , kindly try to update my 9 papers assignment .Iam a ignou student Of English honours , Programme BAEGH , my study centre code is GarobadhaSt.Dominic Savio Mission ignou , I was submitted assignments on 18/1/2024 my enrollment number is 2005219340 , Regional centre NEHU Shillong Lemshing Mawkynrah pin code 793022

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Solved IGNOU Assignments - Solutions for Reference Only

IGNOU BA History Honours Solved Assignment 2021-22

IGNOU BA History Honours Solved Assignment

IGNOU BA History Honours Solved Assignment for July 2021 and January 2022 Session

Table of Contents

Do you require IGNOU BA History Honours Solved assignment 2021-22 for July 2021 and January 2022 session? We know the answer is “yes”. That’s why you have open up this web page. The programme code is “BAHIH”.

Related Post: IGNOU Assignment Status IGNOU BA Solved Assignment

We can help you in getting correct IGNOU BA History Honours assignment solution of first year, second year  and third year courses to use it as reference material.

Contact on WhatsApp at 7428482160 for IGNOU BAHIH Solved assignments of latest session. Note: These are reference assignment solutions which you use as reference material. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
BHIC-101: History of India –I
BHIC-102: Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World
BHIC-103: History of India –II
BHIC-104: Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World
BSOG-171: Indian Society: Images and Realities
BEGAE-182: English Communication Skills
BEVAE-181: Environment Studies
BGDG-172: Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture

IGNOU BA History (Hons.) Assignment 2021-22

Students can download free IGNOU BAHIH assignment 2021-22 PDF from the university official website.

Here, we have provided links below to download IGNOU BAHIH assignment questions:

These IGNOU BA History Honours assignments are valid for July 2021 and January 2022.

  • Click here to download

The 30% marks obtained in IGNOU BA History Honours solved assignments are added to 70% theory marks to get total marks for any course. Students should submit all the required assignments to become eligible to appear in the Term-End Examination.

Last Date of IGNOU BA History Honours (BAHIH) Assignment Submission

The IGNOU BA History Honours assignment submission last date has been provided below in the tabular form

BAHIH 30th April 2022 31st October 2022

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About the author.

ignou history assignment 2022

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ignou history assignment 2022


Mhi-05 history of indian economy in english solved assignment 2022-2023.


Course Code: MHI-05 Assignment Code: MHI-05/AST/ TMA/2022-23 Total Marks: 100

MHI-05 Solved Assignment 2022-2023
Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
MA(History) MHI
2022-23 Course: MA(History) MHI
For July 2022 and January 2023 Sessions
Assignment of MA(History) 2022-2023 (IGNOU)
July Session Students 31st March
January Session Students 30th September

Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks. SECTION A 1. Discuss major approaches to the study of medieval economy. 20 2. Examine the nature and pattern of Mauryan economy. 20 3. Analyse the features of the agrarian order and revenue organization of the Cholas during the 9th to 13th centuries. 20 4. Critically examine the nature of the organization of the craft production during the medieval period. 20 5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each. 10+10 i) Chiefdom-societies of Ahar and Jorwe Cultures ii) Long distance trade of the Harappans iii) Roman coins and their distribution pattern in peninsular India iv) Khwud-kashta and Pahi-kashta peasants SECTION B 6. Write a note on the business practices of medieval India with special reference to partnership and brokerage. 20 7. Discuss the impact of European intervention on Indian merchants and trade during the eighteenth century. 20 8. Critically analyse the socio-economic impact of commercialization during the colonial period. 20

9. Give a brief account of the changes that took place in the Indian small scale industries during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. 20 20 10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each. 10+10 i) Irrigation technology during the medieval period ii) Mughal Bridges iii) Birla Brothers iv) Five Year Plans

The Advantages of studying IGNOU Solved Assignments are given below:

  • Easy Accessibility: IGNOU solved assignments are easily accessible online, which means students can access them anytime and anywhere.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: The solved assignments provide comprehensive answers to the questions asked in the assignments, which makes it easier for students to understand and study the topics.
  • Cost-Effective: The solved assignments are available at a very economical rate, which makes them a great option for those who are on a budget.
  • Reference Material: The solved assignments can be used as reference material for further study, as they provide detailed answers to the questions asked.
  • Time-Saving: The solved assignments save a lot of time for students as they do not need to spend time researching and writing the answers themselves.

Can I score good marks by getting solved assignments?

Yes, you can get good marks by getting the Solved Assignment as it contains the answers to the questions asked in the assignment and will help you to understand the concepts better and score better.

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  1. IGNOU MA History (MAH) Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download MHI PDF

    ignou history assignment 2022

  2. IGNOU MA History (MHI) Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download PDF

    ignou history assignment 2022

  3. IGNOU MHI Solved Assignment 2022-23

    ignou history assignment 2022

  4. IGNOU: BHIC-133 Solved Assignment 2022-2023

    ignou history assignment 2022

  5. IGNOU BHIC 109 Solved Assignment 2022-23

    ignou history assignment 2022

  6. How to make IGNOU Assignment Front Page? Download PDF

    ignou history assignment 2022


  1. BHDLA

  2. BHIC

  3. AST

  4. New Course /Batch for IGNOU History Students|January or June session 2024 How to Enroll#shortviral

  5. BEGC

  6. IGNOU history question paper ma history historiography #pyq #ignou


  1. PDF First Year Courses Assignments Sessions

    Assignments For July 2022 and January 2023 Sessions MHI-01 : Ancient and Medieval Societies ... MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI - 110 068 MAH . M.A. History - 1st Year Assignments July 2022 and January 2023 Sessions Dear Student, As explained in the Programme Guide for M.A. in History you will have to do one assignment in ... IGNOU, New Delhi ...

  2. PDF Bhic-113 Bachelor'S of Arts History Honours Programme (Bahih

    HISTORY HONOURS PROGRAMME (BAHIH) ASSIGNMENT JULY 2022-JANUARY 2023 COURSE CODE: BHIC-113 HISTORY OF INDIA VIII (C. 1857-1950) SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ... Dear Student, As explained in the Programme Guide, evaluation at IGNOU consists of two parts: i) continuous evaluation through assignments, and ii) term-end examination. In the final

  3. PDF Master of Arts (History) (MAH)

    Master of Arts (History) (MAH)

  4. IGNOU: BHIC-134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023

    Ans: The British rule had a profound impact on the economy of India, which was one of the largest and most prosperous economies in the world prior to British colonial rule. The impact of British rule can be analyzed in terms of its effects on agriculture, industry, trade, and taxation. See also BPCE-143: IGNOU BAG Solved Assignment 2022-2023.

  5. Ignou MA History Solved Assignments 2021-22

    The details of Ignou MA History assignments has been mentioned below: Validity of Assignment: These assignments will remain valid for July 2021 and January 2022 session. There are two sections of questions in each Ignou MA History assignment 2021-22 i.e. Section A and Section B. In section A, there are 20 marks questions each.

  6. IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2024- IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BAHIH program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. ... Ye assignment 2nd year January 2022 session ke liye valid hai? Reply. Manoj Bhalothia says: February 8, 2022 at 8:50 ...

  7. IGNOU M.A. History (MHI) Previous Year Question Papers

    IGNOU M.A. History (MHI) Previous Year Question Papers

  8. IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023 (July-January): Download ...

    IGNOU Assignments 2022-2023 (July-January): Download and Submission Process. IGNOU, also known as Indira Gandhi National Open University, offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including the Bachelor of Arts (General) (CBCS) program. The BAG program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, including history, political science ...

  9. PDF Bhic-132 Bachelor'S of Arts History General Programme (Bag) Assignment

    Microsoft Word - BHIC-132Eng. Dear Student, As explained in the Programme Guide, evaluation at IGNOU consists of two parts: i) continuous evaluation through assignments, and ii) term-end examination. In the final result, assignments of a course carry 30% weightage while 70% weightage is given for term-end examination.

  10. BHIE-145 SOME ASPECTS OF EUROPEAN HISTORY 1789-1945 Solved Assignment

    BHIE-145 SOME ASPECTS OF EUROPEAN HISTORY 1789-1945 Solved Assignment 2022-2023. ... Title Name: BHIE-145 Solved Assignment 2022-2023: University: IGNOU: Service Type: Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) Course: BAG(History) Language : ENGLISH AND HINDI: Semester: 2022-2023 Course: BA(History) Session: July 2022 and January 2023 sessions: Short ...


    M.A. History - 2nd Year Assignments July 2022 and January 2023 Sessions Dear Student, You have to do one assignment in each course of 8 and 4 credits. The assignments are compulsory. ... The Study Centre in turn will send the marks to the Student Evaluation Division at IGNOU, New Delhi. These will be entered in your grade card.

  12. IGNOU Assignment Question Papers

    This page contains IGNOU assignment question papers for the following years: 2022-23, 2023, 2023-24, 2024. This covers July and January Sessions.

  13. Mhi-03 Historiography in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023

    Assignment of MA (History) 2022-2023 (IGNOU) Submission Date. July Session Students 31st March. January Session Students 30th September. DOWNLOAD NOW. Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections 'A' and 'B'. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each.

  14. IGNOU MHI Solved Assignments 2023-24 Session Download

    by IGNOU HELP MASTER on August 08, 2024 in IGNOU MHI solved assignments 2023-24. IGNOU MHI solved assignments 2023 IGNOU M.A History Education solved M.A History Solved Assignments, Question Papers, Reference Books, Study Material etc. now available for download. IGNOU M.A History may be a two-year master degree programme offered by Gandhi ...

  15. IGNOU Assignment Front Page & Cover Page (PDF with Guide)

    IGNOU Assignment Front Page & Cover Page (PDF with ...

  16. Assignments

    Assignments - Indira Gandhi National Open University ... Assignments


    Assignment of BAG(History) 2022-2023 (IGNOU) Submission Date: For the students enrolled in July: 30th April For the students enrolled in January: 31st October . DOWNLOAD NOW. Note: There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the Sections.

  18. IGNOU Assignments 2022-23 PDF Download

    Here's a simple step-by-step guide to help you download the IGNOU assignment 2022-23 questions booklet online: Visit the Official IGNOU Website: Begin by going to the official website of IGNOU, which can be accessed at Navigate to 'Student Zone': Look for the 'Student Zone' section on the website.

  19. Assignment

    Assignments (Programme Wise)

  20. IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks & Result 2024 (June)

    IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks & Result 2024 (UPDATED)

  21. IGNOU BA History Honours Solved Assignment 2021-22

    These IGNOU BA History Honours assignments are valid for July 2021 and January 2022. The 30% marks obtained in IGNOU BA History Honours solved assignments are added to 70% theory marks to get total marks for any course. Students should submit all the required assignments to become eligible to appear in the Term-End Examination.


    BHIE-142: History of Modern East Asia: Japan

  23. Mhi-05 History of Indian Economy in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023

    MHI-05/AST/TMA/2022-23: Product: Assignment of MA(History) 2022-2023 (IGNOU) Submission Date: July Session Students 31st March January Session Students 30th September . DOWNLOAD NOW. Note: Attempt any five questions. ... The Advantages of studying IGNOU Solved Assignments are given below: