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Life Orientation Grade 12 Tasks with Memos for Previous Years

Download Life Orientation Grade 12 Tasks with Memos for Previous Years Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019.

Life Orientation (LO) is a compulsory subject for Grade 12 learners in South Africa, following the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) guidelines. Here are some of the tasks that Grade 12 learners may be expected to complete in LO:

  • Critical analysis of current events: Learners may be asked to select a current event from the media and critically analyze it. They may be required to identify the underlying issues, stakeholders, and possible solutions. They may also be asked to reflect on the implications of the event for individuals, society, and the environment.
  • Community service project: Learners may be required to design and implement a community service project. This project should aim to address a social or environmental issue in the community. The project should be well-planned, executed, and evaluated. Learners will need to reflect on what they learned and the impact their project had on the community.
  • Health education: Learners may be asked to conduct research on a health-related issue and develop an educational resource to raise awareness about the issue. The resource may take the form of a pamphlet, poster, or video. Learners will need to explain why the issue is important, what the risks and benefits are, and how to prevent or manage the issue.
  • Personal development: Learners may be required to reflect on their personal development and set goals for their future. They may be asked to assess their strengths and weaknesses, interests, and values. They will need to develop a plan for achieving their goals and consider the resources and support they will need to succeed.
  • Career exploration: Learners may be asked to research different career options and evaluate their suitability for a particular career. They will need to consider their skills, interests, and values and match them with the requirements of the career. They will also need to explore the educational and training requirements and the job outlook for the career.

These are just some of the tasks that learners may be expected to complete in LO. The specific tasks will depend on the school and the teacher. It is important for learners to actively engage in the subject, participate in class, and take responsibility for their learning.

Table of Contents

Task 1 – Term 1

Life orientation grade 12 source based task 2024 pdf guide.

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LO Grade 12 Revision Booklet Term 1 2023

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Life Orientation Grade 12 2023 Source based Task 1 SBT Questions and Memorandum (Answers)

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Life Orientation Grade 12 2023 Source-based Task 1 SBT Questions and Memorandum (Answers):

This page is designed to assist Grade 12 learners in revising for the Life Orientation 2023 Source-based Task 1 (SBT) Questions and Memorandum. The task focuses on three main topics: Development of the Self in Society (DSS), Study Skills (SS), and Careers and Career Choices (CCC).

Under the DSS topic, learners will need to apply a range of life skills required to adapt to change, including stress management, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills. They will also need to revise their own study skills, strategies, and styles to ensure their success.

Life Orientation Grade 12 Source Based Task 2024 pdf Guide

Under the CCC topic, learners will explore innovative solutions to counteract unemployment, including strategies to prevent fraud and corruption. The purpose of this task is to instill necessary life skills in the youth, enabling them to deal with issues of stress, conflict management, communication, study skills for success, and entrepreneurship as a measure to counteract unemployment.

By completing this task, learners will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of life skills in achieving success and managing challenges in their personal and professional lives. They will also develop critical thinking and analytical skills by analyzing and evaluating sources related to the task topics. Ultimately, this task will equip learners with the tools and knowledge needed to become responsible, productive, and successful members of society.

The purpose of this Task is to instill the necessary life skills to enable the youth to deal with issues of stress, conflict management (resolution), communication, study skills for success and entrepreneurship as one of the measures to counteract unemployment. 

What topics are covered:

  • Apply a range of life skills required to adapt to change 
  • Stress management 
  • Communication skills 
  • Conflict resolution skills 
  • Revise own study skills, strategies and styles 
  • Explore innovative solutions to counteract unemployment 
  • Strategies to prevent fraud and corruption 

Instruction on how to Complete Life Orientation Grade 12 2023 Task 1

  • Learners will spend time outside of class-contact time to collect needed resources for the completion of the Source-based task
  • The collection of information will be guided by the questions. 
  • Learners should digest the information and then respond to application questions based on informed decision-making and problem-solving. 
  • The text does not have answers. Its aim is to introduce the topic/content treated in the questions. 
  • The teacher will actively guide learners on the type and nature of the required material to complete the task. Thus, learners will collect the needed resources to class and the teacher will help them understand the content thereof, in keeping with the questions in each section of the Source-based task, under the framework of the 2023 ATP. 
  • Resources may vary depending on the nature and aim of the Source-based task. 
  • Learners will need adequate guidance at the outset of the Source Based Task and their progress should be monitored throughout by the teacher. 
  • Educators will not give answers to the learners; however, discussions of the related topics/content could be done. The teacher will not directly or indirectly answer the questions on behalf of the learners. 
  • Each completed section must be submitted before the next section (s) is (are) commenced with. 
  • The teacher will indicate if a learner is ready to continue with the next section. 
  • Even if learners may work in groups, individual learner’s attempt will be credited. Therefore, the end product will not be a groups’ product. The task requires the learner to display his/her individual attempt to solve the problems, in keeping with the questions and content treated in the task. 
  • Each activity treats content in an integrated manner. Therefore, learners could only complete the activities in this task after the content related to it has been taught. Therefore, the task is not a teaching aid. 

Mpumalanga Life Orientation Grade 12 2023 Task 1

Activity 1 

Question 1:

Explain the term conflict and provide four reasons why ineffective communication may cause conflict with friends.

Answer: Conflict can be defined as a disagreement or argument between two or more parties. Ineffective communication can cause conflict between friends due to various reasons such as misunderstandings, misinterpretations, different perspectives, and emotional responses. When communication is ineffective, it can lead to a breakdown of trust and understanding, causing tensions and conflicts to arise. View detailed answer here

Question 1.2:

Mention three benefits of effectively communicating with teachers.

(3×1) (3)

Answers: The benefits of effective communication with teachers include building positive relationships , gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter , and receiving constructive feedback . Effective communication can also help students to clarify doubts and misunderstandings, ultimately leading to improved academic performance. View a detailed answer here

Question 1.3:

Discuss how appropriate expression of views or feelings can enhance effective communication between you and your parents.

(4×2) (8)

Answers: Appropriate expression of views or feelings can enhance effective communication between youth and parents by creating a safe and open environment for communication. When youth express themselves appropriately, parents are more likely to listen and respond positively. This can help to build trust, improve relationships, and ultimately lead to better communication. View a detailed answer here

Question 1.4:

Explain how making early arrangements for higher education could minimize the stress of having to rush after receiving results.

(2×2) (4)

Answers: Making early arrangements for higher education can minimize the stress of rushing after receiving results by providing students with a sense of direction and purpose. By planning ahead, students can research their options, apply for scholarships or bursaries, and make informed decisions about their future. This can help to reduce anxiety and stress, as students feel more in control of their future. View a detailed answer here

Question 1.5:

Recommend three practical ways for school-going youth to establish good communication with teachers. In each answer, also indicate how this could help in tackling the most difficult aspects of their subjects.

(3×2) (6)

Answers: Three practical ways for school-going youth to establish good communication with teachers include attending classes regularly, asking questions when they do not understand, and participating in class discussions. By attending classes regularly, students can keep up with the syllabus, while asking questions and participating in discussions can help them to clarify doubts and misunderstandings. This can ultimately lead to improved understanding and performance in the most difficult aspects of their subjects.

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Latest Life Orientation Grade 12 Past Papers, Memos, and Study Guides for 2021, 2020, 2019 and more

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Latest Life Orientation Grade 12 Past Papers , Memos, and Study Guides for 2021, 2020, 2019 and more: On this page, you will find learning materials ( Previous Papers, Notes, Lessons Practicals, Assessments – SBA,  Assignment questions and answer memos , Tests and Research Task s)  for CAPS and  IEB ( The Independent Examinations Board, or IEB, is a South African independent assessment agency which offers examinations for various client schools , mostly private schools. It is most prominent in setting examinations for the school-leaving National Senior Certificate, or NSC for its client schools ). The IEB offers support in terms of the CAPS curriculum examinations and sets tests and exams according to the CAPS guidelines, as well as memorandums and assessments, moderations and marking groups. It is therefore, a private examination setting and support agency.

On this page, you will also find exemplars preparatory previous exam papers and memos for: Gauteng , Limpopo , Western Cape , Eastern Cape , Northern Cape , Kwazulu Natal , Mpumalanga , Free State , and North West Province. Learning materials are in Both English and Afrikaans where possible (Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4).

Requirements to pass Grade 12 | Matric in 2021

Hey, Grade 12 Learner! Do you know what it takes to obtain your Grade 12 Certificate?  All matric students in South Africa are required to register to write at least 7 subjects and they may not fail more than one subject. Failing more than one subject means you have failed matric. Thus, in order to pass you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Obtain at least 40% for your Home Language
  • Pass two other subjects with 40%, an
  • Get 30% for three other subjects
Useful Tip: Manage your time properly. Don’t waste time on questions you are unsure of. Move on and come back if time allows.

Hey,  Grade 12  Learner! Do you know what it takes to obtain your Grade 12 Certificate?  All matric students in South Africa are required to register to write at least 7 subjects and they may not fail more than one subject. Failing more than one subject means you have failed matric. Thus, in order to pass you need to meet the following requirements:

Useful Tip:  Manage your time properly. Don’t waste time on questions you are unsure of. Move on and come back if time allows List of  Life Orientation Grade 12 Past Papers, Memos, and Study Guides for 2021, 2020, 2019 and more

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grade 12 lo assignment term 1


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Life Orientation(Grade 12)

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EC August  TEST and Memo

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 Last Push 2023

 Last Leap 2023

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grade 12 lo assignment term 1


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    Life Orientation Grade 12 2023 Source-based Task 1 SBT Questions and Memorandum (Answers): . This page is designed to assist Grade 12 learners in revising for the Life Orientation 2023 Source-based Task 1 (SBT) Questions and Memorandum. The task focuses on three main topics: Development of the Self in Society (DSS), Study Skills (SS), and Careers and Career Choices (CCC).

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    All topics and subtopics in the Grade 12 CAPS will be assessed, which may include 10% of the Grades 10 and 11 CAPS content. The Grades 10 and 11 content will also be considered to be foundational underpinning knowledge. The examination will comprehensively address content, knowledge and skills covered from Term 1 to 4 in Grade 12.

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    Life Orientation(Grade 12) Share. Past Year Exam Papers (updated 2024/07/04) NSC 2023 Question Paper and Memo below. 2024. KZN LEARNER Document. advertisement. KZN TEACHER Document . Life Orientation NOTES. 2023. DOE Examination Guidelines 2021. EC August TEST and Memo.

  17. Life Orientation

    Contribute to the Western Cape Education Department's ePortal to make a difference. ← Back to Grade 12 Subject Support Here is a collection of subject-specific resources for Life Orientation to help gr. 12 learners with curriculum and assessment requirements. We have selected these resources for your matric success.

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    The assessment Includes a full memorandum or rubric and taxonomy level summary (where applicable). Set according to the strengthened 2020 ATP. 2023 Life Orientation Gr 12 Term 1 ASSIGNMENT


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    Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. The assessment Includes a full memorandum or rubric and taxonomy level summary (where applicable). COVID-19 CAPS compliant ATP 2021. COVID19 2022 Life Orientation Gr 12 Term 1 ASSIGNMENT.