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Download free printable Grade 9 Economics and Management Sciences Worksheets, Tests, Assignments, Investigations and Projects.

Accounting in retail and service businesses

Balance sheet for a retail business

Balance sheet for a service business

Calculating sales price, cost of sales, mark-up and profit

Characteristics of goods and services

Corporate social responsibility

Demand and supply curve

Demand curve

Develop an electronic invoice template

Diagram of the economic cycle

Economic cycle

Economic growth, economic development and the national budget

Factors influencing demand and supply and price

Formal Assessment Task 1

Formal Assessment Task 2

Good investments for an average household

Goods and services in my community

Government expenditure

How accounting software helps a business

How demand and supply influence price

How does the national budget influence sustainable growth and development

How investing in a business contributes to economic growth and prosperity

How needs and wants determine demand

How productivity affects economic growth

How savings and investments can create wealth for households

How savings contribute to economic prosperity and growth

How the interaction between demand, supply and price affects business performance

How you are perceived

Identify the factors of production

Implementing a PR strategy

Important international agreements

Income statement for a retail business

Income statement for a service business

Influence of productivity on economic prosperity

Investing on the stock exchange

Labour issues

Name the factors of production

Net worth and accounting concepts

Plan to save

Problems faced by the RDP

Productivity and global competition

Prosperity in South Africa

Reasons for trade with the foreign sector

Relationship between goods, services and money

Revising short-cut keys

Software for businesses

Sources of Government revenue

Statement of receipts and payments

Successes and shortcomings of the RDP in the period 1994 to 2001

Supply curve

Survey of needs and wants of your household

Survey on social responsibility

Surveying the productivity of a business community

The circular flow of money

The importance of environmental responsibility

The importance of households

The income statement and the balance sheet

The meaning and function of a budget

The national budget

The needs and wants of your school community

The political role of trade unions

The relationship between demand, supply and price

The role of GEAR

The role of the RDP today

The role of the RDP today 2

The social and political role of trade unions in the apartheid era

Trade with the foreign sector

Understanding the concept of sustainable development

What are regional agreements

What is productivity

What is the foreign sector

What is the RDP?

Why environmental responsibility is important

Why public relations are important

Assessment Bank Items

Economic and Management Sciences Grade 9 Book 1 Grade 9 Economic cycle Grade 9 The circular flow of money Grade 9 Need and Wants: Households Grade 9 The importance of households Grade 9 Needs and Wants: Community Grade 9 Goods, services and money Grade 9 Factors of production Grade 9 Factors of production: case study Grade 9 Characteristics of goods and services Grade 9 Goods and services in a community Grade 9 The foreign sector Grade 9 The economic cycle Grade 9 Trade in the foreign sector Grade 9 Reasons for foreign trade Grade 9 Demand Grade 9 The influence of Supply and Demand on Price Grade 9 The relationship between, Supply, Demand and Price Grade 9 How price affects businesses Grade 9 The Demand curve Grade 9 The Supply curve Grade 9 The Demand and Supply curve Grade 9 Factors influencing Supply and Demand Grade 9 Role of Trade Unions during aprtheid Grade 9 Labour issues Grade 9 Political role of Trade Unions Grade 9 Functions of a budget Grade 9 Sources of government revenue Grade 9 Government Expenditure Grade 9 The Economic cycle - examination/class test Grade 9 The national budget and Economic growth Grade 9 Concept: Sustainable Development Grade 9 Medium Term Expenditure Framework - Government spending Grade 9 National Budget and sustainable growth and Development Grade 9 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Grade 9 International agreements Grade 9 Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 9 Shortcoming of the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 9 Problems faced by the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 9 Growth Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) Grade 9 Role of Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 9 Achievement of the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 9 Savings and Investment: households Grade 9 Economic growth Grade 9 Budget: savings Grade 9 Investment for households Grade 9 The stock exchange Grade 9 Investing in a business Grade 9 What is productivity Grade 9 Economic growth and productivity Grade 9 Prosperity in South Africa Grade 9 Influence of productivity on the economy Grade 9 Productivity and global competition Grade 9 Productivity and the business community Grade 9 Sustainable growth and development: examination/class tests Grade 9 Accounting concepts Grade 9 Accounting concepts: Retail and service businesses Grade 9 Concepts: Income Statement and Balance Sheet Grade 9 Income Statement: Service Business Grade 9 Income Statement: Retail Business Grade 9 Balance Sheet: Retail Business Grade 9 Balance Sheet: Service Business Grade 9 Public Relations Grade 9 Benefits of Public Relations Grade 9 Corporate Social Responsibility Grade 9 Environmental Responsibility Grade 9 Public Relations Strategy Grade 9 Social Responsibility: Survey Grade 9 Importance of Environmental Responsibility Grade 9 Statement of Receipts and Payments Grade 9 Costing: calculations Grade 9 Cash Journals

Economic and Management Sciences Grade 9 Book 2 Grade 9 Compiling Journals Grade 9 Credit Journals Grade 9 Debit Journals Grade 9 Posting Journals to the general ledger Grade 9 Drawing up a Trial Balance Grade 9 General Ledger sections Grade 9 Keyboard Skills Grade 9 Software for businesses Grade 9 Concepts: Accounting software Grade 9 Electronic documents: Invoice Grade 9 e-Mails Grade 9 e-Mails and productivity Grade 9 Sending e-Mails Grade 9 Financial Statements Grade 9 Financial Statements formulas Grade 9 Financial Accounting concepts Grade 9 Importance of Financial Statements Grade 9 Financial Statements: Calculating ratios Grade 9 Financial Statements and Ratios Grade 9 Use of Financial Statements in decision making Grade 9 Forms of Payments Grade 9 Cash Payments Grade 9 Different Forms of payments Grade 9 Credit Sales Grade 9 Using the most appropriate form of payment Grade 9 Advantages of Cash Payments Grade 9 Labour Grade 9 The Basic Conditions of Employment Act Grade 9 Labour Relations Grade 9 Employment Equity Act Grade 9 Legislation in the workplace Grade 9 Recording Transactions to Trial Balance: examination/class test Grade 9 Entrepreneurship and the Economic problem Grade 9 Manufacturing sector in South Africa Grade 9 Service Industry in South Africa Grade 9 Business activities in communities Grade 9 Generating business ideas Grade 9 Brainstorming, mind mapping and SWOT analysis Grade 9 Functions of a Business Plan Grade 9 Developing a Business Plan Grade 9 Business Plan concepts Grade 9 Sole trader Grade 9 Partnership Grade 9 Close Corporations Grade 9 Choosing a form of ownership Grade 9 Launching a marketing campaign Grade 9 Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMES) Grade 9 Factors of Production Grade 9 Formal and Informal Sectors Grade 9 Small Medium and Micro Enterprises in job creation Grade 9 Wealth and job creation Grade 9 Formal business and job creation Grade 9 Creating employment/jobs Grade 9 Small Medium and Micro Enterprises and economic growth and development Grade 9 SMME'S and government priorities Grade 9 Wealth creation Grade 9 EMS: end of the year examination

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Grade 9 EMS (Economics and Management Sciences) Assignments Term 3 Questions and Answers

Grade 9 EMS (Economics and Management Sciences) Assignments Term 3 Questions and Answers:

Are you looking for HELP regarding Grade 9 EMS (Economics and Management Sciences) Assignments Term 3 for 2024? Please submit your project paper below and we will try our best to assist you to answer the question in the correct way. Please submit the paper below:

List of Grade 9 EMS 2023 Assignments Term 3 Questions and Answers

Assignment 1: the economy: trade unions.

Do an investigation on a trade union of your choice, and answer the following questions. Your responses may be based on your findings and any other general information you found to be relevant:

  • Question: What is a trade union? (2): ANSWER : A trade union is a group of workers that have joined forces to make sure that there is fairness in the workplace and that employees are paid correctly and their working conditions are acceptable. They try to combat unfair employment practicesas well as abuse and exploitation against workers. (Any relevant answer that is reasonable will be accepted)
  • Question: Write down the name of a union you have researched about, and the sector wherein that union operates. (2) ANSWERS: SATAWU NEHAWU SADTU NAPTOSA
  • Question: Find and give a brief historical background of formations of unions. (2)
  • For members to receive protection against unfair labour practices like poor working conditions, unacceptable rates of pay and exploitation and abuse.
  • To negotiate with employers to improve the working conditions of workers, like working hours, over-time, leave, etc.
  • To improve the standard of education and training of members so that workers can gain access to better paying jobs.
  • To improve the productivity of workers by ensuring that they get opportunities for training.
  • To represent workers in the collective bargaining processes.
  • To settle disagreements and grievances between employers and employees.
  • To provide professional and legal advice to employees by studying the labour laws. (Any two of the above answers, and/or any correct answers learners have provided)
  • The impact of strikes and stay-aways on Businesses (2): ANSWERS: Industrial action can reduce output of a business. Reduce the profits of businesses.
  • The impact of strikes and stay-aways on The South African Economy (2): ANSWERS: Create an image of instability in South Africa. Low productivity and economic growth Government generates less taxes (income)
  • The impact of strikes and stay-aways on Workers: ANSWERS: No work, no pay can be implemented with strikes. Reduced salaries/wages

As we know, economic development is defined as an increase in the standard of living in a country over a specific period. But what does that have to do with trade unions? With this question in mind, elaborate on the contribution trade unions make towards sustainable growth and development.

Question: Mention three ways in which trade unions contribute )

  • Work with employers to improve the skills and productivity of workers so that South African goods can compete on the world markets.
  • Fight against the trend of globalisation by demanding government protects local industries against competition from abroad.
  • Work with employers to ensure optimum employment and employee satisfaction, so that employees work efficiently and show increased production year on year.

Assignment 2: Financial Literacy

Posting to debtors ledger, general ledger and the accounting equation

  • Posting the debtor’s journal to the ledgers.
  • Post the debtors journal below to the debtor’s ledger and the general ledger

ems grade 9 assignment term 1 pdf

Classify the following transactions according to the elements of accounting equation.

Transaction: Brian A., a debtor, purchased goods on credit, R500. Cost of sales, R350.

Find all answers on the below Document:

Assignment 3: Case Study

Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

Forms of ownership, CRJ, CPJ, account equation

Mr Jacobs has three sons and one daughter. He is a sole trader with three taxis. His sons drive the taxis and his daughter would like to learn to do the financial records of the business. Mr Jacobs would like to change his form of ownership so that all his children can have a share of the ownership of the business. However, he does not want to put their personal assets at risk or give up ownership to people he does not know. Jabu, the eldest son, would like to form a close corporation as he has heard that it is the cheapest and the best option. Themba, the youngest, says that a public company will be better as they will be able to buy a huge fleet of taxis and make massive profits. Mr Jacobs’s wife went into hospital for an emergency operation and Swazi, their daughter, has tried to complete the cash journals but she has made a number of errors. (2)

Below are the Journals:

Assignment 3: Case Study

Close Corporation is one of the forms of ownership, and Mr Mabena would not be advised to open it.

  • Why is a close corporation not an option? (2): Answer: The Companies Act prohibits the establishment of new close corporations. However, existing ones may continue as CC’s. Mr Jacobs is not a CC and therefore cannot select this as an option.
  • What kind of business does Mr Mabena have? (1). Answer: TA service business / Taxi
  • Differentiate between a service and trade business. (2). Answer: A service business renders a service e.g. driving people etc, and a trade business sells goods, like clothing stores etc.
  • Define Wages (2): Answer: Monetary compensation paid by an employer to an employee within a period of a week or two in exchange for work done.
  • Define Analysis of receipts column, and (2). Answer: Is a column in the Cash Receipts Journal that serves as a summary of money collected on the particular day before it is deposited in the bank account.(2)
  • Define Sundry Accounts column (2). Answer: Are business accounts were miscellaneous accounts are reported or all accounts that columns were not opened for.

Advise Mr Mabena on his business. Your focus should be on the following:

  • Suggest a possible form of ownership for his family. (1) Answer: Private Company
  • A private company must have the letters (Pty) Ltd at the end of the name so Mr Mabena would have to change the name of the business.
  • The private company is a legal person which can sue and be sued in its own right
  • Formed by minimum of one to fifty persons
  •  It has a limited liability
  •  Managed by board of directors
  • They will be responsible and liable for the debts of their business.
  • This means that the children will not risk their private assets.
  • There is continuity.

Give Swazi advice on how to correct her errors on the journals she has drawn. (8)

ems grade 9 assignment term 1 pdf

  • The amounts in the bank column should match the deposits on the bank statement at the end of the month.
  • The details column in the Cash Receipts Journal has the name of the person who is paying the money, or just the term ‘cash’.
  • All cash received that represents fee income, must also be written in the Fee Income column.
  • The interest received from the Bank is not fee income so must be entered in the Sundry accounts column.
  • The account that it is going to is entered in the Sundry Accounts details column e.g. interest income.
  • The name of the bank is entered in the CRJ details column.
  • The details column of the CPJ should have the name of the person or business that the cheque is written out to.
  • If it is a cash cheque, the word cash is used.
  • All the amounts are entered in the Bank column as we regard any cheque payments as going out of the bank account immediately.
  • The amounts are then analysed into the various analysis columns.
  • All amounts for wages are also entered in the wages column.
  • All amounts for Fuel are also entered in the fuel column.
  • Any other amounts must be entered in the Sundry accounts column.
  • The details will be the account that the amount represents e.g. Vehicle repairs.
  • Both the CRJ and CPJ must be totalled at the end of the month.

What is the importance of record keeping?

  • It helps the business to monitor progress
  • It helps the business to prepare financial statements
  • They keep a proper track records of the business
  • Assist in improving the business’s progress.

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