cover letter for internship abroad

Cover Letter for Internship Abroad: Examples & Tips to Succeed

To develop your language skills, to get a first international experience to boost your resume, to leave the family cocoon to gain maturity... There are many reasons why you might want to apply for an internship abroad. In order not to compromise your professional projects, you must write a quality cover letter.

All cover letter examples in this guide

Sample cover letter for an internship abroad

Arthur J. Smith 4871 Ashton Lane Austin, TX +1-555-728-3766 [email protected]

SPEEDEX Recruitment Manager 628 Veltri Drive Takotna, AK May 26, 2021

Subject: Application for an internship as an import-export salesman within Speedex for a period of 6 months

Madam, Sir,

Currently a second year student of Arthur College business at TSC Maryland, I am looking for a 6 month internship starting in September as a part of my studies. Working as an intern in an international company like Mellot would be a quite unique opportunity for me to develop my knowledge in the field and reach my career goal.

After my professional baccalaureate in commerce at the Sanem College, I set myself a precise objective: to become an import-export salesman. This commercial internship at Speedex would be a step closer to my ultimate dream. Indeed, I would like to specialize in importing and exporting art and hotel lighting, one of the main activities of your company.

During my 6-month internship as a sales assistant at Traders International, I was able to put into practice my knowledge of import and export procedures as well as commercial intelligence techniques on the international market. In addition, I am a good negotiator and a team player who can help your company achieve its goals.

I am ready to go above and beyond the call of duty to successfully complete my internship and the tasks you would entrust to me within Speedex. In order to discuss our respective interests in more detail, I would like to ask you to meet with me. I am attaching my curriculum vitae so that you can discover a little more about my skills and qualities.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Martin Locke

Are you lacking inspiration? Or do you have no idea where to start? Don't worry! This guide is for you!

Here's how to write a cover letter for an internship abroad

Note: Do you want to save time while preparing your internship application? Feel free to download our free cover letter and resume templates .

cover letter for intership abroad

How to write a cover letter for an internship abroad

To grab all the chances, show in your cover letter that this internship abroad is made for you. Clearly state that your application is addressed to the company to which you are applying.

Here are the best practices:

  • Emphasize that your academic background is appropriate for the internship in question
  • Show that you really want to learn and develop your knowledge in an international company
  • Highlight your interest in the company
  • Demonstrate that your professional objective is perfectly coherent with the internship you are aiming for
  • Explain that you have the skills necessary to effectively perform your future duties as an intern
  • Make it clear that you wish to request an interview

The question is how to present your letter well and how to structure this information in a coherent way.

The layout of the cover letter for an internship abroad

Do not neglect the aesthetic side in your cover letters. Although the presentation is not decisive for the recruiter, it will allow you to make a good first impression.

Here are the basic rules for formatting a cover letter:

  • Summarize your motivation in 1 page in A4 format (like the perfect resume)
  • Aerate the structure with line breaks between paragraphs and 1.15 cm spacing between lines
  • Write short paragraphs (4 to 5 lines)
  • Don't take chances with fancy letter templates
  • Opt for a simple design (a small colored border and a bold name)
  • Choose a font size between 10 and 12 points
  • Use a professional font (Garamond, Verdana, Calibri ...)
  • Align the text on the left to optimize the readability of the document

Structure of the cover letter for an internship abroad

As far as the plan goes, try to follow this classic structure:

  • Specific application subject: Application for an internship [name of internship] at [name of company] + duration of internship
  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
  • Interest in the internship and career objective (1 paragraph)
  • Skills (1 paragraph)
  • Request for a job interview (1 paragraph)
  • Classic greeting (1 paragraph)
  • First name, last name and signature

Writing a cover letter for an internship abroad

In the upper left corner of your cover letter, you should include your contact information:

  • Your first name
  • Your postal address
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your phone number (with the code +33 for France)

Below these, line up the recruiter's contact information on the right, including:

  • The name of the company
  • The name of the person in charge of recruitment
  • The address of the company

Do not forget to indicate the date you are writing the letter.

cover letter for intership abroad

Writing the perfect hook for an internship in an international company

The purpose of the hook is to entice the recruiter to continue reading, so it should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? (your current level of education)
  • Why are you looking for an internship?
  • How long is the internship?
  • What is your professional goal?

On this last point, note that it is not yet time to detail your projects. You only mention the importance of the internship for your future career.

Example of a good hook

Example of a bad hook, mention your professional project in your cover letter for your internship.

In this paragraph, demonstrate that you want to do this internship abroad for a specific purpose.

So, try to connect your career plans with your interest in the internship position at the company.

Example of a professional project in a cover letter for an internship abroad

Highlight your strengths and key skills in your cover letter.

Although you will be working as an intern, recruiters want to know if you will be able to carry out your future tasks.

So, write a paragraph specifically dedicated to your skills. It can be your know-how acquired during your previous experiences (internship, summer job, volunteer work) or your personal skills. Be sure to explain that your strengths will be useful in helping the company achieve its goals.

cover letter for intership abroad

How to finish your cover letter for an internship abroad

Forgetting to specify a request for an interview in the letter is a mistake that many candidates make. And yet, this last paragraph will allow the recruiter to project himself.

Finally, end your letter with a greeting.

Examples of interview request forms

  • With this in mind, I hope to meet with you soon for an interview so that I can answer any questions you may have.
  • I would like to ask you, Madam, Sir, to grant me a meeting so that we can discuss our respective ambitions in greater detail.

Examples of closing greetings

  • We look forward to hearing from you. Please accept, Sir, my sincere regards.
  • Yours sincerely.

Summary: Key points for writing a convincing cover letter for an internship abroad

  • Make a simple presentation that reflects your professionalism
  • Aerate the structure of the cover letter
  • Write a cover letter that arouses the recruiter's interest
  • Demonstrate that his or her career plans are related to his or her interest in the internship
  • Mention the hard and soft skills that you can use to benefit the company
  • Specify that you wish to meet the recruiter for a job interview

cover letter for intership abroad

Which resume to choose for the cover letter for internship abroad?

The information provided in the cover letter and resume must be consistent. This way, you increase your credibility.

To save a lot of time, we offer you our free and customizable resume examples . Simply choose the model that best reflects your personality. Then, download it for free in Word format to modify the predefined information with your own.

How to write the e-mail that will contain the cover letter?

  • Start your email with a polite greeting (Dear Sir or Madam)
  • Briefly describe your interest in the internship
  • Indicate your key skills that could be useful to the company
  • Don't forget to insist that your skills and qualities correspond to those described in the job description.

Tasuta allalaetav kaaskirja mall

Motivatsioonikiri, millele on enamikul juhtudel lisatud CV, on iga töötaotluse põhielement. Seda tüüpi kiri peab lühidalt kirjeldama oskusi, võimeid ja teadmisi, mis teil on ja mis on teatud huviga seoses otsitava ametikohaga. Selles mõttes peab kaaskiri lihtsalt sisaldama sellele ametikohale kandideerimise motivatsiooni ja põhjendusi. See peab äratama värbajas huvi ja panema ta pidama teid selle töö jaoks parimaks võimaluseks.

Kuidas koostada lihtsat kaaskirja

  • 1 Valige oma valitud CV mall.
  • 2 Austab ühtset struktuuri. Näiteks kasutage kaaskirja struktuuriga "Sina-Mina-Meie".
  • 3 Lisage järgmised osad, apellatsioonivorm, lühitutvustus, kirja sisu ja järeldus
  • 4 Ärge unustage viimast viisakusvalemit. Vaadake kaaskirja viisakusvalemite näiteid.
  • 5 Isiklikuma ja formaalsema ilme lisamiseks lisage lehe allossa oma allkiri
  • 6 Kui soovite saata selle meili teel, eksportige oma kaaskiri PDF-vormingus.

Teised kaaskirjade näidised

Kaaskirja struktureerimise nõuanded.

Kaaskirja kirjutamise hõlbustamiseks pidage meeles, et koguge eelnevalt kogu vajalik teave. Näidake toimetaja loovust, järgides samal ajal tüpograafiliste reeglite õiget kasutamist ja jälgides, et ei tekiks kirjavigu. Sest hea kaaskiri peegeldab teie kuvandit inimese ja professionaalina. Olge oma kirjutamisel loominguline ja originaalne, jäädes samas lihtsaks, kokkuvõtlikuks ja täpseks. ‍ Näidake läbitud punktide ohutust, enesekindlust ja meisterlikkust. Rõhutage, mida saate ettevõttesse tuua ja mainige oma erialast kogemust vastavas valdkonnas. Märkige ka kõik põhipunktid, mis panevad teid end uute ideedega täitva transformeeriva agendina ilmuma. Täpsustage oma võimet saavutada kavandatud eesmärgid ja kohaneda uute suundumustega.

Näita ennast positiivselt. Ärge langege sellesse viga, et kasutate sama kaaskirja mitme ettevõtte jaoks. Koostage kaaskiri iga taotletava töö kohta. Seda tüüpi kiri võimaldab tööandjal kujundada teie isiksuse kohta arvamust, sest see annab teile võimaluse täpsustada oma motivatsioone, mida lihtsas CV-s tegelikult ei kirjeldata.

Lihtsa ja tõhusa kaaskirja kirjutamise soovitused

  • Laiendage Intro ‍ Pidage meeles, et pärast kõne valemit peate välja töötama sissejuhatuse, kus tutvustate end ametlikult ja isiklikult. Ärge unustage märkida peamist eesmärki, mis ajendas teid seda kirja kirjutama.
  • Struktureerige oma kirja sisu Laske end juhinduda järgmistest küsimustest: – Miks?, Mis eesmärgil?, Kuidas?, Miks soovite selles ettevõttes töötada? → selles osas peate kirjeldama, mida saate ettevõttele tuua. – Rõhutage, kuidas teie teadmised võivad oluliselt mõjutada ettevõtte funktsioonide arengut ja majandussektorit, kus ta tegutseb. - Kuidas te seda teeksite tee seda? → lihtsalt rõhutab teie teadmisi ja võimeid professionaalina – Rõhutage oma õnnestumisi, varasemaid kogemusi, diplomeid, saadud tunnustusi või auhindu.
  • Olge oma järeldustes otsekohene Andke teada, et olete vestluseks saadaval, esitades kontaktteabe, näiteks oma e-posti aadressi, telefoninumbri ja postiaadressi. Kui need kontaktandmed muutuvad, ärge unustage uuendada oma CV-d ja kaaskirja ning saata need uuesti ettevõtetele, kes on need juba saanud.
  • Hoolitse paigutuse eest Teie kaaskiri peab olema kooskõlas teie CV-ga. Värbaja peab esmapilgul nägema, et need 2 dokumenti moodustavad ühe taotluse. Kasutage oma kaaskirjas samu värve, fonti, ikoone jne, mis oma CV-s. See väike näpunäide aitab teil luua tõhusa ja professionaalse rakenduse.

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cover letter for internship abroad

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

cover letter for internship abroad

Sample letters to download

cover letter for internship abroad

Cover Letter

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship? (+5 Real Internship Cover Letter Examples)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated March 20, 2024 8 min read

Trying to figure out how to write a cover letter for an internship ? Look no further!

POV: After weeks and weeks of searching for the right internship opportunity, you've finally found it. But, at the end of the posting, there's a single short sentence that takes you aback:  “Please, attach a cover letter to your application .”

Although some consider cover letter writing to be a relic of the past, it still holds its rightful place in the professional world. 

Because a well-written and persuasive cover letter can sometimes make up for the lack of work experience on your resume . And if you're trying to apply for an internship , this is probably your case, too. 

So, continue reading this article and learn: 

  • What is a cover letter for an internship;
  • Whether you need to attach a cover letter to your internship application;
  • How to write one in 7 steps;
  • 5 real-life internship cover letter examples .

Table of Contents

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What is a cover letter for an internship?

Do you need a cover letter for an internship, how to write a cover letter for an internship in 7 steps, 5 real-life internship cover letter examples, key takeaways: how to write a cover letter for an internship.

Generally speaking, an internship cover letter is a formal document that accompanies your resume when applying for an internship. 

When it comes to its content, a cover letter for an internship falls somewhere between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter . 

  • A traditional cover letter , used by job applicants with years of experience, is supposed to underline some of the candidate's most relevant and impressive skills, qualifications, and work achievements . 
  • A motivational letter , used mostly in academia, aims to communicate one's passion for the subject, their motivation, and personal goals . 

Hence, a cover letter for an internship combines the purpose of the traditional cover letter (convincing the recruiters that you're the right person for the job) with the tone and strategy of the motivational letter (writing about personal motivations and goals).

A truly successful internship cover letter should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? 
  • Why are you interested in this particular internship?
  • Why are you the best fit for this internship?
  • What do you want to gain from this internship?


In fact, you should always attach a cover letter to your internship application , even if it isn't explicitly required from you.  

Why, you ask? 

Well, consider this: Internships are crucial stepping stones towards your dream career. And they're also incredibly competitive. A single internship opening can be answered by tens of applicants at a time. 

But how can you stand out from a crowd of equally inexperienced candidates? Certainly not by your non-existent professional accomplishments, right? 

When companies look for interns, they don't expect you to have a ton of real-life experience. They aren't looking for a “finished product,” but for someone with a genuine desire to learn and enthusiasm for the job. 

And these two are your weapons of choice!

How can a cover letter for an internship help you?

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, your internship cover letter is also responsible for: 

  • Conveying first impression. Usually, recruiters will read your cover letter before looking at your resume. So, it's the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to them in a memorable way. 
  • Showing your efforts. Next, taking the time to craft a thoughtful cover letter shows that you're willing to put in that extra effort to stand out from the rest of the candidates. 
  • Highlighting your communication skills. Also, a well-written cover letter demonstrates your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and professionally. 
  • Showing your professionalism. When you walk into a room, it's polite to introduce yourself and shake everybody's hand. This is exactly what a cover letter does! To attach one to your application is a common courtesy.

Now that you're familiar with the whats and whys , let's have a look at how to write a good cover letter for an internship step-by-step. 

For example : Application for [name of the internship] internship – Surname.

Then, place your contact information (your name; professional email address; phone number; link to your website / portfolio / social media accounts if relevant) directly into the header .

If you know the recipient's name, address them by “ Dear [full name] ,” or “ Dear Mrs/Mr [last name] ,”. If you don't know who to address the cover letter to , address it more generally to “Dear Hiring Manager,” .

In the first paragraph of your cover letter , start by stating your name and where you studied (including your current degree and year of study). Proceed by explaining how you came to know about the internship and what are your motivations for applying to it.

Since you don't have much work experience, you can talk about your academic achievements; relevant coursework; dissertation project; extracurricular activities; volunteering; membership in relevant societies, etc.

The closing paragraph of your cover letter should reiterate your desire to get the specific internship, express gratitude to the recipient for their time and consideration, and include a final call for action (i.e. "I look forward to discussing the next steps during an interview." )

Finally, based on how you greeted the recipient of your cover letter, you can sign off with either “ Yours sincerely ,” or “ Yours faithfully ,” . If you addressed the recruiter by their name, sign off with the former; if not, use the latter.

Don't feel like writing your internship cover letter by hand?

Let our AI cover letter writer create the first draft of your internship cover letter!

Undoubtedly, the best way to learn something is to look at specific examples . And that's exactly what we're going to do right now! 

Below, we've prepared 5 internship cover letters written by real people with the help of our cover letter templates .

And, each of them is accompanied by our internship cover letter writing tips that you can implement into your own cover letter! 

FYI, you can use each of these examples as the first draft for your very own internship cover letter – simply click on the red button and start personalising the text (or let AI handle it).

#1 Philips Marketing Intern Cover Letter Sample

Internship cover letter example:.

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

What can you take away?

  • Eye-catching header.  Firstly, the header is visually clearly separated from the rest of the text. This makes the recruiters notice it immediately. Plus, the contact information of the company is also featured in the left-hand corner - just like it would be on an actual letter.
  • Research the company before applying. Notice sentences like: “ I really like and relate to what Philips stands for … ” and “ Furthermore, it is very appealing that Philips operates on an international level… ”.This shows that the candidate’s done a thorough research of the company's philosophy and structure.

#2 Warner Bros. Public Relations Intern Cover Letter Example

  • Share a personal story. This can help you establish a sentimental connection between you and the company. Show them that for you, working for their company means more than any old internship.
  • Name-drop a referral. Now, this is a little bit of a cheat code. But, if you happen to know about anyone who has worked/currently works for the company, slip their name into your cover letter.

#3 University of Massachusetts Boston Intern Cover Letter Example

What can you take away  .

  • Write about what you want to gain from the internship. It shows that you're not there just to have something to put on your resume; but that you’re motivated by the idea of gaining actual industry knowledge and skills.

#4 Audit/Tax Summer Internship at CohnReznick Cover Letter Sample

  • Mention any relevant academic activities. If you're wondering how to write a cover letter for an internship with no experience whatsoever, this is your way to go! For example, notice how this candidate noted all of his relevant courses, skills, association membership, and competition participation.
  • Focus on transferrable skills. Especially when your study programme doesn't necessarily fit the internship opening to a T. Instead, focus on any transferable skills you've picked up. 

#5 Intern at NBC Cover Letter Sample

  • Keep your opening and closing paragraphs short and sweet. As you can see in this example, it helps keep a certain visual harmony of the overall document. And, despite the length, both paragraphs do exactly what they're supposed to. Besides, recruiters might be discouraged to read the rest of your cover letter if your introductory paragraph is too long.

To sum it all up, an internship cover letter is a formal document that you submit together with your resume when applying for an internship. Its content should be something between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter.

Its purpose is to introduce yourself to the recruiters in a more personal way than the resume allows. 

The main things you want your internship cover letter to communicate are:

  • who you are,
  • why you're interested in this opportunity,
  • what make you the best fit for the internship, 
  • your motivation (your long-term professional goals),
  • your desire to learn (what you want to gain from the experience).

To write a truly impactful and persuasive cover letter, we recommend following these 7 key steps: 

  • Specify which internship you're applying for in the subject line.
  • Include your contact information in a header.
  • Address the recipient appropriately.
  • Introduce yourself & your motivations in the opening paragraph.
  • Elaborate on why you're a good fit and what motivated you in body.
  • End your cover letter with a confident closing paragraph.
  • Finish off with a polite sign off. 

Finally, if you feel that the examples provided in this article aren't enough, you can always find more in our cover letter database . 

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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China Internship Placement Blog

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship Abroad

Emily Cruz

  • June 27, 2022
  • career , Internship abroad

Are you looking for an  internship abroad ? The cover letter is a critical part of your application. It is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the potential employer and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position. This blog will give you some tips on writing a cover letter that will stand out from the competition!

When applying for an internship abroad, keep in mind that the employer may not be familiar with your country’s educational system. As a result, you will need to provide more information about your qualifications and skills. Cover letters are your sure passport to interviewing for an internship abroad , its your first impression so don’t mess it.

Pro Guides for Your Internship abroad Cover letter.

Cover letter structure for interns – writing like a professional, cover letter sample #1, cover letter sample #2, cover letter resources, recommended articles, do cover letters matter, can i send my cover letter as an attachment, is a cover letter the same as a motivation letter, is it better to submit a cover letter or cv first, what if i don’t have any previous internships, what if i’m applying for an internship abroad, key takeaways, 10 tips to write an impressive cover letter for your internship abroad – layout.

  • Start by researching the company you are applying for. It will help you customize your cover letter and show that you are interested in working for them. Generic cover letters are a turn-off for employers.
  • Address the cover letter to the person or department responsible for hiring interns. It shows that you have taken the time to find out who the decision-maker is.
  • In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in working for the company.
  • In the second paragraph, highlight the qualifications and skills that make you a perfect fit for the position. If you have any international experience, be sure to mention it!
  • In the third paragraph, explain why you are the perfect candidate for the internship . It is the opportunity to sell yourself and make a case for why they should choose you over other candidates.
  • You can also describe what you would gain from the internship and how it would benefit your career.
  • Include the right keywords. Many cover letters are read by computers before human eyes ever see them. As a result, it is important to include keywords relevant to the position you are applying for. In this sense, if you are applying for a marketing internship, be sure to include keywords such as “social media,” “content creation,” and “SEO.”
  • Proofread your cover letter before sending it off. Typos and grammar mistakes can give the impression that you are not detail-oriented.
  • Add your contact information so the employer can reach you if they have any questions.
  • Finally, match your cover letter and CV/resume designs to look cohesive. It will give the employer a professional and polished impression of you.

In addition to tailoring your cover letter to each internship, you can do a few other things to make your cover letter stand out.

  • Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments and skills.
  • Use strong and persuasive language.
  • Keep it concise and to the point. The employer should be able to read it in one sitting.
  • Quantify your experience whenever possible. For example, “I increased sales by 20% in my first year on the job.”
  • Highlight the ways in which you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Be enthusiastic and positive! Employers are looking for candidates excited about the opportunity to intern with their company.

Internship abroad cover letter sample

Your cover letter should be three to four paragraphs long, and it must include the following information:

  • Introduction & Hook:  Explain   who you are and why you are interested in working for the company. For example, “I am a recent graduate of XYZ University, and I would like to work for your company because of my interest in environmental issues.”
  • Qualifications:  What skills and qualifications make you a perfect fit for the position? As an illustration, “I have experience in customer service and strong communication skills.”
  • Experience:  Do you have any relevant experience, either through your coursework or previous internships? For instance, “I interned with XYZ Company last summer, and I gained valuable experience in the marketing field.”
  • Reason for applying:  Why are you the perfect candidate for this internship? For example, “I am passionate about environmental issues, and I believe I can contribute to your company’s efforts to make a difference.”
  • Closing:  Thank the employer for their time and include your contact information. For example, “Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be reached at [email protected]or by phone at 555-555-5555.”
  • Formal salutation:  The best way to end a cover letter is with a formal salutation, such as “Sincerely, [Your name]” or “Best regards, [Your name].” 

Samples of Cover Letter for Internships Abroad

Now that you know what to include in your cover letter let’s take a look at a couple of  examples .


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to apply for the internship position with ABC Company. R ecently, I graduated from XYZ University, and I am interested in working for your company because of my interest in environmental issues.

I have experience in customer service. I believe that my skills and qualifications make me a perfect fit for the position. In addition, I am passionate about environmental issues, and I can contribute to your company’s efforts to make a difference.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be reached at [email protected]or by phone at 555-555-5555.


Dear hiring manager,  I am interested in the internship position with ABC Company. C urrently, I am a senior at XYZ University and will graduate in May.  I have experience in project management and am fluent in Spanish. My skills and qualifications make me a perfect fit for the position. In addition, I am passionate about environmental issues, and I believe I can contribute to your company’s efforts to make a difference. Thank you for your time and consideration. You can contact me by [email protected] or phone at 555-555-5555. Sincerely,  Your name As you can see, both of these cover letters follow the same structure. However, they are tailored to each individual’s qualifications and skills. Be sure to customize your cover letter for each internship you apply for!

There are many websites and online tools available that can help you write a cover letter. For instance:

  • Google Docs templates
  • Canva’s free cover letter maker
  • Resume Genius
  • Top 30 Countries for Your Internship Abroad
  • Kassandra’s IntershipAbroad Review
  • Micro Internships
  • How to Find international Winter Internships
  • Guide to Locating International Summer Internship Opportunities

Internship Abroad Resume Sample

While cover letters might not be required by every employer, they can still be a helpful way to introduce yourself and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position.

Yes, you can send your cover letter as an attachment. However, if the employer specifically asks for it to be included in the body of your email, then you should do so.

No, a cover letter is not the same as a motivation letter. A  cover letter  is usually three to four paragraphs long and focuses on your qualifications and skills. A  motivation letter  is usually one to two pages long and focuses on your passion for the company and/or position.

When writing a cover letter, be aware of the company’s culture and tone. For example, if you are applying for a job at a bank, you will want to use a more formal cover letter than applying for a job at a start-up.

It is generally best to submit your cover letter and CV/resume together. This way, the employer can get a sense of who you are and what you have to offer.

If you don’t have any previous internships, that’s okay! Just focus on highlighting your skills and qualifications in your cover letter. Remember, most employers are looking for candidates who are a good fit for the position, not just those with the most experience.

When applying for an internship abroad, mention your interest in working in that country specifically. Employers will want to know that you are familiar with the culture and customs of the country and that you are committed to living and working there for the duration of the internship.

  • A cover letter is a professional document that you submit with your CV/resume when applying for a job or internship.
  • A cover letter should have a length of three to four paragraphs and include the following information: introduction, qualifications, experience, the reason for applying, closing, and formal salutation.
  • When writing your cover letter, proofread it and have someone else read it as well. Typos and grammatical errors can be a turn-off for employers.

Now that you know how to write a cover letter for an internship abroad, it’s time to start applying for positions! Check out our list of  internships in China  to get started. Good luck!

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Internship (Examples & Template)

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You’ve found the perfect internship and it’s now time to apply and land the position!

But, in addition to your resume, you also have to write an internship cover letter.

You might end up staring at the blank Word document for hours and nothing comes out.

We don’t blame you; cover letters are hard to write even if you have a decade’s worth of work experience, let alone if you’re a recent graduate or a student.

Worry not, though; in this article, we’re going to teach you all you need to know to write a compelling cover letter for your internship.

  • Do you need a cover letter for an internship?
  • How to write a compelling cover letter for an internship
  • Plug and play internship cover letter template

Do I Need a Cover Letter for an Internship?

First things first—if you’re wondering whether you actually need a cover letter for your internship application, the answer is yes . 

An internship application is just like any other hiring process, meaning that a recruiter will go over your resume , cover letter (and maybe even references), and decide whether you’re qualified for the position. 

And yes, recruiters contrary to what you might think, recruiters do read your cover letter. 56% of recruiters prefer a cover letter with an applicant’s application.

This is reasonable - a cover letter allows you to add essential information you didn’t have space for in a resume, as well as explain (in words) how your experiences are tied to the role you’re applying for.

As such, a cover letter for an internship is essential and complementary to your application package.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s go over all the best ways to write a cover letter for an internship. 

How to Write a Cover Letter for Internship

#1. respect the format.

Before you can focus on your cover letter’s contents, you should first make sure you’re sticking to the right format. 

Otherwise, your cover letter will be disorganized and the recruiter will have a hard time following your train of thought.

So, here’s the format that your cover letter for an internship should follow: 

  • Header with contact information. This includes your full name, professional email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile (if you have one). Underneath your contact info, you should add the date and the receiver’s information (the recruiter’s name and title, the company/organization name, and their physical address). 
  • Addressing the recruiter. Greeting the recruiter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” is common, but not the best approach. Want to show the hiring manager that you did your research? We recommend you address the hiring manager by name directly. Our guide on how to address a cover letter covers everything you need to know on this topic!      
  • Opening statement. Your opening statement should be brief, but at the same time professional and attention-grabbing. Here, you introduce yourself, mention the position you’re applying for, and potentially a key achievement or two.   
  • Body. The body of your cover letter consists of 2-3 paragraphs where you highlight your education, provide background for your skills, and explain how you (and the company) would benefit from each other professionally. 
  • Closing paragraph. Your closing paragraph is your chance to include a call to action, to thank the recruiters for their time, or mention anything important you left out. 
  • Formal salutation. End your cover letter with a formal salutation such as “kind regards,” “sincerely,” or “best regards.” Our guide on how to end a cover letter can teach you all you need to know on the topic. 

Having trouble getting started with your cover letter? Read our guide on how to start a cover letter and get inspired!

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#2. State the Position You’re Applying For in the Opening

Recruiters hate one-size-fits-all cover letters and resumes.

Around 48% of recruiters and hiring managers aren’t even going to read your cover letter if it’s not customized to the role you’re applying for.

And one of the easiest ways to do this is by mentioning the role you’re applying for right in the cover letter opening.

This allows you to:

  • Show that you will be tailoring the rest of your cover letter for that position alone.
  • Prove that your cover letter is customized for this specific internship, and you’re not just randomly applying for the job,

Here’s a practical example of how you can mention the role you’re applying for in the cover letter opening:

Dear Mr. Jacobs, 

It is my pleasure to apply for the Communications Assistant internship position at the United Nations Development Programme. I can confidently say based on my 2-year experience working as a journalist and my excellent academic results in the Mass Communications Major that I’d be a good fit for the position. 

#3. Mention the Right Keywords

When reviewing your application, hiring managers tend to scan your cover letter or resume and look for the right keywords that would make you qualified for the internship you’re applying for.

E.g. If you're applying for a job in graphic design, the recruiter is probably looking for keywords like “Photoshop,” “Illustrator,” or “InDesign.”

As such, it’s very important to include the right keywords in your cover letter.

How can you find these keywords, you might ask?

It’s actually pretty simple - just look at the internship job description and go through the required skills & responsibilities and identify the keywords that you’d think the recruiter would be looking for.

Then, do the following:

  • Sprinkle some of those keywords throughout your cover letter. When relevant, back them up with an experience. E.g. don’t just say “I’m good at Photoshop,” say how you’ve taken 3 different Photoshop classes and used Photoshop for 2 different projects.
  • Don’t include keywords that don’t apply to you, they’ll just make it seem like you’re copy-pasting from the job description.
  • Research and add other popular soft skills that recruiters look for in applicants for the role you’re applying for. E.g. If you’re applying for an internship as a communications assistant, chances are, you’ll need strong communication skills (even if this is not something listed in the job description.

Now, let’s look at a practical example. Let’s say that the internship you’re applying for requires the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Ability to meet strict deadlines

Here’s how you’d mention this in your cover letter:

During my time as Editor in Chief at my University’s newspaper, I got to develop my communication and leadership skills significantly. For over two years, I was in charge of a 7 people team, which also helped my teamwork skills and my ability to meet deadlines. 

Keep in mind, though, that it IS possible to overdo it with the keywords.

44% of hiring managers say they will dismiss a resume or cover letter that looks as if it has copied the job posting. 

Using each and every keyword mentioned in the job description (without backing the skills up with experiences) might cause the hiring manager to think that you’re just copying the job ad & don’t actually have these skills.

So, don’t just copy-paste all the keywords from the job description, and if you DO mention a lot of those keywords, make sure to back them up with practical experiences.

#4. Highlight Your Education

If you don’t have a lot of work experience, your education and relevant coursework is your best chance to show that you’re a good fit for the internship. 

Letting the recruiter know what kind of courses you’ve completed that are relevant to the internship you’re applying for will be a big plus for your application. 

Say, for example, that you’re applying for an internship as a graphic designer. To make your internship cover letter impactful, make sure to mention all the relevant courses and related accomplishments. 

Here’s an example of how you could do that:

As a Visual Design major, I have completed several courses that have helped me build my professional portfolio. A few of the most beneficial ones have been Design & Layout and Visual Communication: Theory and Practice. I have also gained valuable experience doing the layout of the university’s newspaper for 4 years and of several books as independent projects. 

#5. Provide Background For Your Skills

It’s one thing to just claim that you have a set of skills and another to prove it. 

Anyone can say that they’re great at doing something, but what makes all the difference is when you can actually put your money where your mouth is. 

For example, in your internship cover letter, instead of just mentioning that you have “good time-management skills,” actually back it up with a past experience that proves it.

During the summers I assisted my family’s wedding planning business, I learned a lot about time management. In that kind of business, it’s important that things run like clockwork so in addition to time management skills, it also significantly improved my attention to detail. 

#6. Explain Why You’re a Good Fit For The Position

In addition to just listing out the skills that are relevant and beneficial for the internship, you should also explain why you are a good fit for the position. 

This means that you should connect the dots between what the company/organization is looking to gain from its interns and what you can do to provide those services. 

So, after you research and create an understanding of what is required of you, you should use your cover letter to explain why you’re a good fit for that position. 

For the sake of the example, let’s assume you’re applying for an internship at a Human Rights organization. A big chunk of what the role requires is categorizing virtual files of the cases the organization has worked on in the past.

What you want to do, in this case, is show how you can help with that particular job as an intern. Here’s how:  

I have spent 3 summers working at the National Library, where I was tasked to sort and categorize books based on their topic, author, and year of publication, and also memorize where each section fits in the library. I believe this skill, which I have perfected over the years, can really be of use for the internship position at Organization X.

#7. Describe What You Would Gain Professionally

In addition to showing (and proving) your skills and how you can benefit the company, you should also explain how getting the position will benefit YOU . 

When it comes to internships, oftentimes they serve the purpose of helping students and young professionals acquire in-depth knowledge about the industry, create a network, and develop skills that will benefit them throughout their careers. 

So, it will surely help you make an even better impression if you show that you are self-aware about what you’ll get out of the internship and how it will help you grow professionally. 

Here’s how you can do that: 

I am excited for this internship to provide me with the necessary customer service skills and network that will help me grow professionally in my future career as a customer service manager. 

#8. Proofread Your Cover Letter

After all, is written and done, there’s one final thing to do and that is make sure your cover letter doesn’t have mistakes. 

A spelling or grammar mistake probably won’t disqualify you, but at the same time, it will probably be a red flag for recruiters that you’re not too attentive.

For this reason, ask a friend to proofread your cover letter or use spell-checking software such as Grammarly and Hemingway . 

Want to know what other cover letter mistakes you should avoid? Our guide on cover letter mistakes has all you need to know on the topic! 

#9. Match Your Cover Letter & Resume Designs

Want your internship application to truly shine?

Match your cover letter design with your resume!

Sure, you could go with a generic Word cover letter template, but why fit in when you can stand out?

At Novorésumé, all our resume templates come with a matching cover letter template , guaranteed to make your application truly special.

Cover Letter for Internship Template

Struggling to create a cover letter for your internship?

Simply follow our tried-and-tested internship cover letter template!

cover letter example for internship application

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! You should now have all the necessary information about how to create a cover letter for an internship.

Now, let’s do a small recap of the key learning points we just covered:

  • Cover letters are a must when you’re applying for an internship.
  • When you start writing your cover letter, make sure you respect the format: the header with contact information, the greeting to the recruiter, an opening paragraph, the body with 2-3 paragraphs, and a closing paragraph followed by an official salutation and your name.
  • Some of our main tips on how to write a cover letter for an internship include: state the position you’re applying for, make use of the right keywords, and back up your skills with experiences.
  • Use a cover letter builder and match it with your resume to make sure your cover letter truly stands out from the rest.

Related Readings: 

  • Entry-level Cover Letter
  • Do I Need a Cover Letter in 2024?
  • Top 21 Cover Letter Tips

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How to Write an Internship Cover Letter: 9 Tips (+ Examples)

A strong cover letter can get you noticed when applying for an internship. Find out how to craft a standout cover letter today. 

Woman looking over cover letter

You’ve found an internship, and it’s exactly the opportunity you’ve been looking for to put you on the path to your dream job. But, the internship application requires you to send a cover letter .

Cover letters give you space to contextualize how your previous work experience and relevant skills make you a good fit for the position. They expand on your resume in a meaningful way that grabs a hiring manager’s attention and demonstrates why you’re undeniably the right person for the internship. 

In this article, you will find out how to put your best foot forward with nine tips for your internship cover letter. You will also find examples alongside each tip and a cover letter template to help you compose your own. Whether you’re a high school student, recent college graduate, or career switcher looking to start on a new path, these tips are for you. 

Internship cover letters: why you need one

Cover letters provide hiring managers with insight into an applicant's experience, skills, and aspirations. As a result, cover letters can be especially helpful to early-career seekers applying for internships because they provide a more detailed picture of their backgrounds than their resumes might. 

Whether a job description asks for a cover letter or not, it is usually a wise decision to send a unique resume to each internship to which you apply. In some cases, adding a cover letter can be the difference between landing the internship or not. 

Research conducted by ResumeGo between 2019 and 2020 found that cover letters can have a positive impact on how applications are interpreted by hiring managers. Among their many findings, the researchers found that [ 1 ]: 

87 percent of hiring managers said they read cover letters. 

65 percent of hiring managers said that cover letters influence their hiring decisions. 

81 percent of hiring managers valued cover letters tailored to a specific position over generic ones. 

78 percent of hiring managers said it was easy to tell when a cover letter was generic. 

These statistics suggest both the impact that a cover letter can have when applying for an internship and the importance of crafting one that speaks directly to the position. One thing is clear: cover letters matter. 

How to write a cover letter for an internship 

A cover letter is your chance to stand out from the crowded applicant pool. In this section, you’ll learn nine high-impact tips to help you craft a cover letter that highlights your professionalism, aspirations, and qualifications. 

1. Properly format your cover letter.

Proper formatting will help hiring managers easily scan your cover letter for key information, such as your contact information and skills, and also convey your professionalism. From top to bottom, your cover letter should have the following elements: 

Keep to one page only : your cover letter should be only one page long. This will keep it focused, impactful, and easily scannable for hiring managers.  

Header at the top: Include a header that contains your contact information, so that hiring managers can easily reach out to you. 

Greetings: Your cover letter should open with a greeting to the hiring manager. This is a formality that makes your letter more personal. 

Intro: Your cover letter should include a brief introduction that describes who you are, what you are applying for and your key qualifications. 

Body: The body of your cover letter is where you go into detail about your experience, skills, and education. 

Conclusion/Call to action: Your cover letter should conclude with a call to action that encourages your reader to reach out to you. 

Salutations: Finally, you want to leave the reader with a good impression by including a formal salutation followed by your full name. This conveys a sense of professionalism and friendliness. 

In the following tips, you will learn more about handling each of these parts of your resume to make them as impactful as possible. 

2. Have a professional email address.

The header of your cover letter is where you include your contact information, including your full name, phone number, and email address. 

While it may seem insignificant, one of the most important things you can do in your header is to include a professional-sounding email address. In this instance, the simpler the email address the better. Create an email address that is a simple variant of your name with a common free email provider, such as Gmail. 

3. Personalize your greeting. 

While many cover letters are addressed simply “to whom it may concern,” a more impactful way to catch a hiring manager’s attention is by addressing them by name directly. 

In addition to making your cover letter more personal, this tactic also highlights that you’ve done your research and created a job-specific cover letter rather than sent a generic one. This can have a positive impact on how a hiring manager views your resume and cover letter. 

You can find out who the hiring manager is by doing some straightforward research online. Some job descriptions will instruct you to email a specific person. In other cases, you might need to visit the organization’s website and see if you can identify the person who heads their internship or hiring efforts. 

If this fails, you can also reach out to the organization directly by either email or phone to see if they can provide the name of the hiring manager who will be looking at internship applications. Let them know that you are applying for the specific internship and would like to address the hiring manager directly in your application. 

If you’re unable to learn the name of the hiring manager, then don’t sweat it – your application likely won’t be penalized for a common, courteous greeting.

4. Include key information in the intro.

Your cover letter should include a short introduction that immediately identifies the specific internship position you are applying for and the key background information relevant to the position. Ideally, you should keep your introduction to only a few sentences, making sure not to exceed four. 

Much like a thesis statement in a school paper, the introduction of your cover letter helps the reader understand your purpose for writing and the qualifications that make you ideal for the position. 

Dear Ms. Angelou, 

I am writing to apply for the editorial assistant internship position at Little House publishing. An avid reader since I first played cracked open Grimm’s (macabre) Fairytales as a five-year-old, I have made storytelling my personal and professional calling. As an English major at The Ohio State University, I have been an editor of our school’s literary magazine for three years, brought two theater productions to life as a dramaturg, and taught reading and writing to countless middle schoolers. 

5. Show how you and the internship are a perfect match. 

The key aim of your cover letter is to demonstrate to the hiring manager why you and the internship are a perfect match for one another. 

As a result, you should craft your letter to emphasize how your skill set and experience have prepared you for the position and why it can help you achieve your professional aims. Remember, an internship is as much an educational opportunity as a work experience, so don’t be afraid to note what the internship offers you as well as what you offer the internship. 

To identify how you and the internship are a good match for one another, do the following: 

1. Read through the job description and identify the skills and experience you possess. 

2. Identify what experience, skills, or understanding you will gain by doing the internship.

3. Include these points in your cover letter. 

“After studying python for the last two years, IBM’s data science internship will finally give me the opportunity to see programming at work in the real world. Throughout high school, I’ve spent hours combing through data, creating visualizations, and posing questions to data big and small all by myself. At IBM, I will finally be a part of a community that takes data seriously, contributing to projects but learning even more.” 

6. Emphasize your education and extracurriculars.

While most jobs require applicants to have some kind of relevant work experience, most internships typically expect applicants to have very little or even none. This is particularly true for internships geared toward high school and college students. 

If you’re a student without much (or any) relevant work experience, then you should emphasize your education and extracurricular activities. You’ll be able to highlight your skills, interests, and concrete achievements for hiring managers as much as previous work experience would allow you to do. 

“As a computer science student, I have taken advanced courses on machine learning and programming data structures, achieving top grades in both. Later, I used these skills in the AI club when I taught a machine to visually recognize different hand gestures.” 

7. Use active language and note concrete outcomes. 

One of the key ways to create impactful writing is to use active language that shows the reader how you achieved concrete outcomes. This method will help your reader fully comprehend what it is that you have done and what you have ultimately achieved. 

Active language (also known as active voice) is when the subject of a sentence acts upon an object, rather than the object being acted upon by an object. For example, consider the chart below: 

In the first sentence, the emphasis is on the woman (the subject) doing an action (“programming”) on the computer (the object). The second sentence, meanwhile, puts emphasis on the computer rather than the action performed by the subject (the woman). By focusing on the action, the first sentence highlights the work that the woman does – and keeps the sentence shorter too. 

Using active language that clearly describes how you accomplished a specific result will keep the attention on you and what you can do.  

“As a writing tutor, I taught middle schoolers how to write in the active voice to help them articulate themselves with impact. To do it, I parsed sentences on the blackboard, edited essays live, and reinforced concepts week to week.  Our results spoke for themselves: test scores improved by 78 percent in just two months.”

8. Consider using a bulleted list to highlight your technical skills. 

To make it more scannable, you might consider including a bullet point list of your relevant skills in the body of your cover letter. This technique can help readers catch important skills that you possess that could help you stand out from the applicant pool. 

“Throughout my education and extracurriculars, I have honed many skills relevant to the internship, including: 


Problem solving"

Read: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What’s the Difference?

9. Include a call-to-action and salutation at the end of the letter. 

Your cover letter should leave the hiring manager with both a desire to reach out to you and a good picture of you. To leave them wanting to hear more from you, end the cover letter with a brief statement about your desire to speak more about the role soon and close with a professional salutation, such as “sincerely.”

“I look forward to talking soon about how I can contribute to the team this summer. Thank you for the opportunity, time, and consideration.


Abraham Lincoln”

Landing an internship can help you kick off your career. To make sure that you’re ready for that first day on the job, you might consider taking an online course or gaining a professional certificate in such fields as data science , project management , or social media marketing . 

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Article sources

1. Resume Go. “ Cover Letters: Just How Important Are They? ,” Accessed March 24, 2022. 

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UN Internship Cover Letter Guide With Examples

Attach your internship at UN application with a UN Internship Cover Letter to increase your chances of getting the role. Find key tips and suggestions.

Pansy Thakuria

Pansy Thakuria

Read more posts by this author.

Embarking on a journey with the United Nations is an opportunity to make a global impact. A UN internship can be the ideal launching pad for those aspiring to work in international relations, diplomacy, and public service. The competition, however, is intense. Crafting a well-articulated cover letter is vital to make a strong impression.

In this guide, we'll offer tailored templates, tips, and advice for drafting your UN Internship cover letter, irrespective of your experience level.

UN Internship Cover Letter Sample (With Experience)


[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Title] [United Nations Department/Agency Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am excited to apply for the [Specific Internship Position] at [Specific UN Department/Agency]. With my degree in [Relevant Major/Field of Study] and my experience at [Previous Relevant Experience/Institution], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to the work of the United Nations.

While at [Previous Experience/Institution], I:

  • Contributed to [specific project or task], directly impacting [specific outcome or achievement].
  • Engaged in [activity], deepening my understanding of [specific global issue].
  • Collaborated with diverse teams, honing my cross-cultural communication skills.

I have always been passionate about [specific global issue or UN Sustainable Development Goal]. I believe interning with [Specific UN Department/Agency] will enable me to make meaningful contributions while refining my skills and knowledge.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss how my background aligns with your team's objectives.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

UN Internship Cover Letter Sample (Entry-Level)


I am genuinely interested in the [Specific Internship Position] at [Specific UN Department/Agency]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Relevant Major/Field of Study], I am enthusiastic about applying my academic foundation to address global challenges.

Although my professional experience is nascent, my academic pursuits have equipped me with a robust understanding of [specific global issue or UN Sustainable Development Goal]. My involvement in [university club or project] enabled me to [specific achievement or skill acquired].

I am particularly impressed with [Specific UN Department/Agency]'s work in [specific initiative or project] and am eager to contribute my skills and passion to your esteemed team.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to discussing my potential contributions to your mission.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Crafting Your UN Internship Cover Letter: Key Tips

1. Be Specific: Highlight the specific UN department or agency you are applying to and align your skills and interests with their initiatives.

2. Have a Global Perspective: Emphasize any international experiences, language proficiencies, or cross-cultural encounters you've had.

3. Be Passionate for Global Issues: Relate your passion for certain global issues, especially those pertinent to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

4. Be Concise and Clear: The UN receives numerous applications; ensure your cover letter is concise and immediately emphasizes your suitability.

5. Have a Tailored Application: Avoid generic statements. Tailor your application to the unique attributes and functions of the specific UN department or agency.

What to Include in Your UN Internship Cover Letter?

  • Understanding or experience with global issues or challenges.
  • Relevant academic pursuits or research.
  • Any international or cross-cultural experiences.
  • Language skills or proficiencies.
  • How your personal values align with the UN's mission.

Bottom Line

A UN internship is a chance to engage with global challenges on an unparalleled platform. Your cover letter should reflect your knowledge of the UN's work, your passion for international issues, and your readiness to contribute.

Personalize each application, ensuring alignment with the specific UN agency or department. Using this guide, aspiring UN interns can present themselves compellingly, aligning their skills and passion with the mission of the United Nations.

Pansy Thakuria

This article has been written by Pansy Thakuria . She works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . Her areas of interest include marketing, mental well-being, travel, and digital tech. When she’s not writing, she’s usually planning trips to remote locations and stalking animals on social media.

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cover letter for internship abroad

Featuring Study Abroad in your Cover Letter

cover letter for internship abroad

By Rachael Kroot Published January 12, 2012

Every employer is looking for something different, and every applicant brings something unique to the table.  How do you stand out among the crowd? 

Including a few sentences about study abroad in your cover letter can be a great way to demonstrate your knowledge of the world and capture a reader’s attention.  Study abroad is such a multi-faceted experience; however, picking just a few points to focus on can be overwhelming.  So what do potential employers find the most relevant?

Specific examples

Unfortunately, there is no one right answer.  The best thing you can do is consider the company and position you are applying for and focus on whatever experiences relate best.  If you can, use specific examples and explain what exactly it is that you gained from your time abroad.

For instance, if you are applying for a job on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, you would definitely want to mention an internship with a Member of Parliament (MP) in London.  You could try to pull specific examples by saying something like:

During my semester in London, I gained a unique perspective on the British governmental system by interning with MP Rosie Cooper.   I was lucky enough to sit in on some of her daily meetings, including a conference with the United States Ambassador.  I picked up on the intricacies of how our two countries interact on a political level by attending this conference, and I would like to bring my experiences back to Capitol Hill to help continue building our Special Relationship from the other side.

Not so specific examples

Sometimes, the specifics do not seem relevant.  Examples can be especially hard to think of if you did not have an internship or job abroad.  That’s okay!  A more general description of your experience can still be a good way to demonstrate your independence and cultural awareness to an employer.  When I applied to work as an assistant at a travel agency, I focused on the broader view:

  My desire to learn about and make connections between a wide variety of subjects keeps me constantly searching for new ideas and opportunities to better understand the world around me.  This manifests itself in my strong interest of travel.  For instance, I was privileged enough to be able to study abroad in London the spring semester of my junior year.  While there, I took advantage of my proximity to Europe by traveling around the UK, Spain, France, Italy and the Netherlands.  I learned the ins and outs of the travel world: from plane to train, from hotel to hostel, and from tourist trap to local treasure.

Some other things you might want to consider mentioning when writing a cover letter include:

  • Your interactions with different cultures
  • Your adaptability to new situations
  • The organization and detail you put into planning trips
  • Personal independence
  • Managing money in another currency
  • Communication across language barriers
  • Relevant coursework or research projects

A lot of people think that study abroad is all about having fun – and it is!  But it is also a great learning and growing opportunity.  Put a professional spin on things, and any employer will be impressed to see how much you took away from the experience.

Looking for more information? Check out our  study abroad student guide to learn more .

Rachael has a B.S. in Geography from the University of Maryland and studied abroad in London during the Spring of 2009.

Internship Cover Letter Example

Internships are special (generally unpaid) employment arrangements in which companies give students or young professionals the opportunity to gain experience in their field of interest. Responsibilities often vary by industry and company but are designed to prepare interns for the rigors of real employment. Learn how to create an effective cover letter to help you land one of these coveted roles.

Why a profession-specific cover letter matters

Tailoring your cover letter for internships is key to landing the one you want. Internships are highly competitive, and employers want to work with interns who have a true passion for the industry. A profession-specific cover letter helps you convey that all-important sense of enthusiasm.

Additionally, a profession-specific resume and cover letter allow you to highlight skills and experience that are uniquely relevant to the internship role you’re applying for. 

Instead of limiting yourself to referencing generic skills like “communication” or “teamwork,” you can mention past roles and technical abilities that make you the best fit for the role and a potential asset to the organization.

Key components of a profession-specific cover letter

Customizing your cover letter for the specific internship is a must. That said, you must ensure that the letter follows a proven format that includes all the elements hiring managers have come to expect.

Begin your cover letter by telling the hiring manager about your current role or activities. Being involved in a job or extracurricular activities that are relevant to your chosen field demonstrates a genuine passion for the industry you want to move into.

If you’re a student, you’ll also want to include a paragraph that highlights your relevant coursework. This communicates to the hiring manager how your degree program is preparing you for the field and shows them that you can reflect on your learning experiences.

Every cover letter for internship opportunities should discuss both your technical and “soft” skills. The company you’re targeting will want to know what core competencies you bring to the table and get an understanding of how well you communicate and work with others.

Don’t hesitate to ask for an interview at the end of your cover letter . Not only does this show that you’re keen on the position, but it also displays a sense of go-get-it-ness that shows you’re not afraid to put yourself out there.

Cover letter format

Consider starting with this general format and customizing your cover letter for the internship role you want:

  • Header: Include your personal details and the company’s address
  • Opening Paragraph: Explain how you found the opportunity and express excitement about being considered
  • First Body Paragraph: Talk about your current role
  • Second Body Paragraph: Explain how your past experience or coursework can benefit the employer
  • Conclusion: Express gratitude for the hiring manager’s time and ask for an interview
  • Attachments: List any other documents you’ve included, such as your resume

If you plan to use any cover letter templates like this one, make sure you adjust them for the internship opportunities you’re applying for.

Sample cover letter for internship

James Harley [email protected] (757) 812-1988 Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Case Samuels Integral Data Technologies 1422 Commonwealth Avenue Fairfax, Virginia 22034

4 December 2023

Dear Mr. Samuels,

I am writing to express my interest in the programming internship that recently opened up at Integral Data Technologies. I learned about the opportunity through the Office of Career Advisement here at the University of Virginia, where I am a Computer and Information Sciences major. I have had a passion for technology all my life, and I could not be more thrilled about this opportunity.

In my current role as an assistant in UVA’s IT department, I have the unique opportunity to serve other students on campus by meeting their IT needs. I have held this role for the last four semesters. In that period, I have been able to assist over 1,500 students by making hardware repairs, troubleshooting application issues, and helping them connect to the student network. I love that I am able to help other students learn without interruption.

As a Computer and Information Sciences Major, I have been able to take my IT training a step further into the world of computer programming. I have had foundational coursework in data structures and algorithms, computer systems and organization, and advanced software development techniques. I completed my capstone technical report on UVA’s implementation of its school-wide intranet and am in the midst of designing a major research project on improving the lives of everyday people through advanced cybersecurity application programming techniques. 

My favorite aspect of technology and programming is that it has the potential to drastically improve the lives of people all around the world. I hope to spend the rest of my life using the knowledge and skills I have gained toward that end, and I would appreciate the opportunity to help your company do the same. 

I have spent the last several years learning Spanish and French in an effort to assist UVA students from abroad in getting the technical help they need. I will bring the same passion and dedication to helping people as an intern at Integral Data Technologies.

I would love to have the opportunity to meet with you for an interview or to discuss how my skills and interests can serve the needs of your company and customers. Please feel free to reach out to me via email at your convenience. I appreciate you taking the time to consider me for this internship, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, James Harley

Attachments: Resume and references enclosed.

Dos and don’ts

In your quest to create the perfect cover letter for internships, there are a few practices you’ll want to implement and others you’ll want to steer clear of. For example:

  • Do clearly convey your passion for the target company and industry
  • Don’t highlight your lack of experience, as the hiring manager knows internship candidates are applying so they can gain some
  • Do include only relevant details about your experience, coursework, skills, and extracurricular activities
  • Don’t focus only on what the internship can do for you, as you need to highlight what you bring to the table
  • Do ensure that you write each of your cover letters specifically for and about the internship you’re applying for
  • Don’t get too casual with your language or approach, as hiring managers still expect students to use a professional tone

When you follow the right cover letter and resume examples , you can give yourself the best chance of standing out from the crowd.

Additional tips

Try to find out who will be doing the hiring for internship opportunities at the company and address the cover letter to that person. Making this additional effort to customize any cover letter examples you use will show that you’re willing to go the extra mile to land the role.

One way to make your cover letter for internships stand out is to quantify your achievements in past roles or coursework. This could be anything from how many research studies you’ve helped design to the percentage by which a company’s sales increased when you came onto the team.

You can also set yourself apart by including information about any relevant interests that make you a solid fit for the role. For example, if the company has a lot of customers who speak a certain language in which you happen to be fluent, mentioning that in your cover letter may get your application moved to the top of the pile.

Make your internship cover letter shine

The best internship cover letters are those that are tailored to the specific opportunity you’re applying for. When writing a role-specific cover letter, you can make sure yours stands out by highlighting relevant experience and coursework, avoiding drawing attention to your lack of experience, quantifying your achievements, and maintaining a professional tone.

If you’re preparing to apply for an internship role in the near future, let a Jobseeker cover letter example or resume template be your guide. With our easy-to-use resources, you can get started creating your high-performing role-specific cover letter today and finally land the internship of your dreams.

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  • Français ( French )

How to write a CV and a cover letter to work internationally?

cover letter for internship abroad

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How to make a CV to work internationally?

There is no single template for international applications. On the other hand, it is wise to adapt to the recruitment methods of the countries you contact.

  • First of all, the language used to write a CV must be that of the host country. Thus, the formulations must be mastered, the syntax and spelling without mistakes. Any unclear and poorly written application will be overlooked by the competition. At the same time, writing a CV in English (American or British, be sure to adapt to the recipient’s origin. The choice of words or expressions may differ greatly) is an additional asset to convince and show your motivation to work internationally.
  • Germany appreciates having as much information as possible on the civil status (parents’ profession, religious denomination, family situation…) in order to better target the candidate’s profile. The organization should remain basic, without layout effects. The past of employees is of great interest to German recruiters. It is therefore important to present, without too much detail, all experiences and training since college (dates of activities, job title). The CV must be signed and dated by hand to attest to the veracity of the information.
  • In the United States, on the other hand, discrimination law requires that personal information be kept to a minimum. The candidates maintain a certain discretion, the description must remain more standard (Name, first name, address, telephone). American recruiters appreciate direct and incisive wording, especially through the use of action verbs. It is strongly recommended that personal goals be mentioned to understand the candidate’s motivation. The highlighting of any publications in the context of your studies is a very good indicator for the recruiter.
  • Halfway between American and French customs, the Quebecers do not include any elements relating to private life, and no photograph either. On the other hand, mentioning your goals and career plan is essential for your application. Quebec recruiters will be more interested in describing your skills than in listing your diplomas.
  • As for Japan, it has very strict conventions. As such, it offers predefined structures. It is called Rirekisho. The models can be found in bookstores or supermarkets. The CV must be handwritten, in black ink. It is sent by mail, and not by email as is customary. The use of a large envelope is also required. Indeed, folding documents is extremely badly perceived on this side of the world. Photocopying is also a very bad signal to recruiters.

What are the elements to avoid in an international CV?

The first mistake to avoid when writing a resume is word-for-word translation. The risk is to give the impression of a too fragile mastery of the English language. A recurring trap is also that of “false friends”.

  • The Curriculum Vitae is translated as “Resume”. However, it is by no means a simple summary.
  • The term Grande école is the perfect example. It does not translate to “High school” (this term refers to high school). The French term is kept in this case. Example, “Grande école of Engineering”.
  • In the United States, “company” is the term used to describe a business, while the British use the term “entreprise” or “business”.

Beware of the equivalence of diplomas. Understanding and targeting language equivalencies is necessary before writing an international CV.

  • The BTS will be translated as “2 year technical degree”.
  • The master degree will be translated as “Master degree” or “Bachelor”.

Depending on the country, the use of the photo can be divisive. In the past, it was not acceptable to send a CV without a photo. Today, this is much more likely to be considered, especially because of the fear of companies to be accused of discrimination in hiring. However, some countries are still resisting and perceive the use of photography badly:

  • United States
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom

Example of an international CV

First and last name Full address Email Phone number

Brief description of the objective and profile of the candidate

Title of the job

  • List of positions
  • Year of activity and country of residence.
  • Brief description of positions held
  • Name of the company

A map of the world with colored areas to locate the spaces in which you have worked allows you to focus your resume towards a mobile and international profile.

  • Years of degree obtained
  • Type of diploma
  • University of graduation
  • Brief summary of skills obtained.

At the bottom of the page, describe any additional skills that may complement your profile. Mastery of foreign languages, computer tools, various hobbies…

How to write a cover letter for an international career?

The cover letter is not mandatory, but let’s face it, it would be a shame to skip over such a crucial element for the recruiter. It makes the difference between the two. Even if it has elements in common with a classic cover letter (diplomas, objectives, hobbies…), facing an international audience adds an extra challenge to the task.

  • The first essential point concerns the candidate’s motivation to work abroad rather than in his or her country of origin. The question may seem perfunctory, but the reasons for studying elsewhere are of real importance to schools or companies. It must appear as a conscious and thoughtful choice.
  • Chances are you will not be the only international student in your program. Therefore, it is important to emphasize your interest in the exchange and in meeting new people. Shy or extroverted, recruiters want to see your ability to adapt to multicultural interactions. This should be a major motivation in your application.

What are the elements to avoid in an international cover letter?

  • A common mistake is to turn the focus of the cover letter on yourself. Mentioning one’s aspirations may seem legitimate, but the recruiter wants above all to know what the candidate can bring to the company. What is the point of selecting one student over another? It is important to put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes.
  • There is no need to copy what you have already mentioned in your CV. The cover letter should be complementary and provide new information about your application.
  • Too much neutrality can be discriminatory. The cover letter remains a space for expression, the recruiter wants to get a glimpse of your personality. Don’t stick to a standard, administrative style. Make the recruiter want to meet you.

Sample cover letter to work internationally

Here is a synthetic example of a cover letter for international work:

  • Fill in the subject of your application.
  • Madam, Sir,

After doing a lot of research on the possibilities of working abroad, I decided to put together an international mobility file. I chose your company because it corresponds in every way to my objectives and skills. My past experiences in the field make my application particularly legitimate for this position. I am convinced that my previous trainings as well as my experience in companies will bring a lot to your company.

My choice of residence is your country because multicultural exchange is at the heart of my professional orientation. It is a great source of interest and enrichment for my future employment.

Yours sincerely

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  • Making a career in an international organization
  • Everything you need to know about the international degree: validity abroad, double degree
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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Erasmus

Studying abroad, got the job yes.

Dear Erasmus committee,

My name is >>Name<< and I am currently in my second semester at >>Name of University<< majoring in English and minoring in French as part of >>Name of programme<<.

As a language student a semester/year abroad is of great value, since I believe that you cannot really learn a language to the fullest if you have not been in an environment where it is the primary language spoken.

It is a unique opportunity to combine my university studies with first-hand experience of life in a country speaking the language that is a part of my education. Along side improving my spoken and written English/French, I also hope to gain insight into the various aspects of the culture and history of the country.

I have an excellent command of the English and French language which would enable me to adjust and adapt easily to an English or French speaking country and university. This is partly due to my experience with work and travel both in/to France and the US, where I spent time at each site studying the English and French language. The stay in the US ended with a CAE test where I received the highest score, C2.

To grow up in an household where there were more than five languages spoken daily, have made me able to see language learning and development as more than only grammar and “right or wrong”. I see it as a way of communication, which may be, in a lot of ways, more relevant today than ever before, not only in a way of solving conflicts, but also to learn and understand other cultures and societies etc.

Both English and French literature is something that is close to my heart. You can probably throw any kind of classical literature my way and I will have read it. Personally literature, mostly the classic but also the modern, has shaped me a lot as a human and given me a great appreciation for language learning and how it is used.

I am a firm believer that through learning new languages, we learn to interpret literature from other countries and cultures in a better way. I have experienced that through knowing/understanding English and French I have been able to see for example, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights, Tom Hardy’s Tess from the D’Urbervilles, Honoré Balzac’s La Comédie Humaine or Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables in a completely different way than when reading it in my native tongue.

Some reasons for choosing Erasmus:

  • - Learning a foreign language even better and improving my skills in English and French.
  • - To get practice and first-hand see how English and French studies work in each respective country, and to work in a different environment than at my university.
  • - Enhance my chances to find a better employment, as I will get a truly multicultural experience, highly vaulted nowadays among employers.

I am in particular interested in courses in English/French cultural studies, English/ French linguistics and English/French literature.

I really hope that you will consider me as a student for your university, which would be a honor for me to attend as a part of my abroad studying.

Best regardes, 



  • Intern Abroad

why intern in austria

Why You Should Intern in Austria

Maria Jovita Peden

Maria Jovita is an undergraduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder. Currently in her ...

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Embarking on an internship abroad can be a transformative experience, mixing work with culture. And choosing where to go for your internship is one of the most important steps. So how does Austria hold up?

If you’ve wondered if you should intern in Austria, the answer is ultimately up to you, but let us just say—Austria's got it all! History, a strong economy, and a buzzing cultural scene make it an awesome spot for anyone keen on interning abroad.

Think about it: You'll not only pick up handy skills in your field, but you'll also get to dive deep into the heart of Europe, where old traditions and new ideas collide.

From exploring Vienna's lively streets to soaking in the stunning Alps, Austria's got the backdrop to take your professional journey to the next level with some incredible opportunities. Whether you're into arts, business, tech, or environmentalism, interning in Austria will set you up with a new global perspective and a network that'll help you thrive.

12 reasons to intern abroad in Austria

Picture of Hallstatt, Austria

Did you know that Hallstatt, Austria, is home to the world’s oldest working salt mine?

Interning abroad will be the best decision of your life, especially in Austria. Austria is in the middle of Europe and is a pretty sweet spot for interns to experience. Interning there means getting a taste of high-quality work standards and understanding business in Europe.

Let’s look at the myriad reasons to intern in Austria and why it stands out as an exceptional location.

1. Exposure to a diverse industry

If you choose to do an internship in a place like Austria, you will be exposed to so many unique benefits separate from a traditional education.

Interning in Austria opens doors to all sorts of industries, from traditional sectors like banking and engineering to emerging fields in green technology and digital innovation. With such a mix, interns can easily find opportunities that match their career dreams and passions.

2. Experience high-quality work standards

Austrian companies are all about top-notch work standards, giving interns the chance to soak up professional skills and pick up a work ethic that's respected worldwide. Plus, you'll probably make some awesome connections with your peers along the way!

3. Work in a multilingual environment

Workers collaborating

Collaborating with peers and locals will make for a wonderful multilingual experience.

Get the opportunity to brush up on some of your language skills! Since German is the official language, interns in Austria can level up their language game while getting some solid work experience.

However, if you’re concerned about whether you should intern in Austria with no background in German, the answer is still yes! You will be able to communicate with the majority of Austrians who speak English, but it’s also helpful to learn some key German terms before heading there.

4. Get networking opportunities

Interning in Austria isn't all about the work; it's also about making connections . Connections are a major key to your future in almost any industry imaginable.

You'll have plenty of chances to meet all kinds of professionals from different fields and backgrounds. Who knows? You might even find your future mentor or business partner over a cup of coffee or at a local event.

5. Intern in a strategic location

Located right at the crossroads of Europe, Austria is like a gateway to both Eastern and Western European markets. Interning there gives you a real insider's look at how business goes down across Europe. It's a great intersection to have experience with both markets.

6. Experience cultural richness

Belvedere palace in Vienna

Visiting Belvedere Palace in Vienna, Austria, the modern art museum is an architectural and cultural treat.

Austria has a rich cultural heritage, so interns can really dive into its history, arts, and traditions head-first. Depending on what time of the year you will be interning , you may be able to participate in local events and get a real feel for celebratory Austrian life.

It's not just about the work; you'll soak up a whole bunch of culturally unique experiences that'll give you a well-rounded international experience.

7. Enjoy a high quality of life

Austria consistently ranks high for quality of life, offering a safe living environment to its interns. It's efficient, clean, and low on crime, which can be an amazing benefit to your internship experience.

On top of that, you'll have plenty of downtime to explore and enjoy all that Austria has to offer outside of work hours.

8. It’s a hub for innovation

Austria's a hotspot for innovation, so if you're interested in high-tech research, then you're in the right place. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and geek out on the latest developments. And just maybe, you'll even contribute to the next big breakthrough!

9. Face-to-face with educational excellence

busy public park in Vienna

Vienna’s stunning public parks are social havens where locals come to hang out or work.

Austrian schools and groups are renowned when it comes to education so interns can expect some great training and learning opportunities. You’ll get a crash course in excellence, and you'll come out of it with skills for days.

10. Gain a competitive advantage

Having an internship in Austria on your resume will set you apart and give you a leg up in the global job hunt. Austria is known for its high-quality professionalism, as mentioned, so it’s more likely you’ll catch an employer’s eye. It’s also a great conversation starter in interviews!

11. There’s a great work-life balance

Austrian companies are all about that work-life balance, so as an intern, you'll get to experience a healthy blend of work and play! It's not just about grinding away at the office—you'll have time to explore, relax, and enjoy life outside of work, too. It's the best of both worlds, really.

12. You will have access to Europe

map of Europe

Austria’s centralized location offers easy access to the rest of Europe, allowing you to explore more easily.

Europe is obviously an excellent place to travel and see many places and experience vastly different cultures. Interning abroad is an excellent vehicle to experience professional and personal growth .

Austria, as mentioned, is in a centralized location and a great homebase to explore both Austria and the other European countries on your bucket list.

It’s a safe and structured way to broaden your horizons, meet new people, and experience different cultures. Trust us, it'll be an experience you'll never forget!

Compare internships in Austria side-by-side with MyGoAbroad

Next steps to intern abroad in austria.

Now that you know why you should intern in Austria, it’s time to get started. If you’re wondering about how exactly to get an internship , make sure to read up on how to bulk up and prep your resume. It can help guide you to the right opportunity.

Then, follow these next steps as a guide to help you succeed in your application!

  • Research and choose your internship program: Start by identifying the fields you are interested in and look into the variety of programs offered. Utilize online platforms and university resources to find programs that align with your career goals and interests.
  • Prepare your application materials: Tailor your resume, cover letter, and portfolio, if applicable, to the Austrian job market. Highlight skills and experiences that are relevant to the internship you are applying for, and ensure your materials meet the professional standards expected in Austria.
  • Understand visa requirements: Investigate the visa process for interns in Austria. Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for a specific visa or work permit to intern in Austria legally. Start this process well in advance to ensure you have all the necessary documentation.
  • Plan your finances and accommodation: Budget for your stay, including living expenses, travel, and housing. Look into accommodation options, whether through your internship program, student housing, or private rentals and secure your living arrangements before you arrive.
  • Embrace cultural preparation: Familiarize yourself with Austrian culture, customs, and language. Interning abroad can be intimidating , but it will be extremely valuable for you to immerse yourself in a new culture. Learning basic German phrases and understanding local etiquette will greatly enhance your experience and integration during your internship in Austria.

Get matched with 5 internships in Austria right now

Seize the opportunity and intern in austria.

Interning in Austria isn't just about work—it's about leveling up your career and getting a taste of different industries. It's also about growing personally, figuring out what you want to do with your career, and diving into Austrian culture. Austria's definitely got what it takes to attract interns from all over the world, and now you know why you have to intern in Austria.

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Study this sample resume and explore the dropdowns below to learn how to craft a quality resume.

Access the full PDF guide to view all sample resumes and detailed advice.

Watch our video on resume-building .  In a hurry? Read our Quick Tips .

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Keep it simple. Name should be 14-18pt font. Contact information should be 11-12pt font. Add links such as Github, LinkedIn, or other professional portfolio sites. Make sure that this section is located at the top of the page. Do not put it in the header section of Word/Google Docs (that is, in the top margin) to ensure readability and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compliance.

Summary (also called the Profile) is optional. If you choose to include this, make sure that it is highly tailored to the field you are pursuing. Express your goals and value beyond “looking for a summer internship”.

The Summary should be located between your Name & Contact and your Education sections.

Arrange your Degree and University along the left margin and your expected Graduation Date and GPA (if it is above a 3.5) along the right margin. Consider putting your Degree in bold to better highlight your skills and knowledge.

Align on the left margin and make a list or use bullet point formatting to ensure Applicant Tracking System compliance. Only list coursework that clearly demonstrates your value.

Be sure to spell out the title of the class; most people outside of UTD will not recognize the course abbreviation/numbers.

Classify your skills if you have many. Otherwise, start at the left margin and make a list. As long as you can honestly speak to your ability, you can add it to your Skills section. Don’t sell yourself short!

Soft skills (for instance, communication, active listening, customer service) do not go in the Skills section. Rather, work these into your bullet points.

Experiences can be Professional or Academic. In both cases, be sure to build out the sections like you would for a job—clearly demonstrate the skills you used and the results you gained. For Academic Experience, do not simply discuss the end results of the app you built or the topic you wrote a paper about. Keep in mind that you likely will not be hired to create that exact app again, but you will be called upon to use those hard and soft skills again. Sell your skills, not the particular project.

Start with a strong action verb. Try not to repeat the same verb.

Be specific—you want the potential employer to clearly picture your skillsets and work style.

Use a model like WHO ( What you did, How you did it, Outcome /Purpose) to ensure that you are covering all the important information. See our full guide for more examples of the WHO model and for other effective models. Add metrics—quantify where possible.

Add any experiences that you believe will help showcase you as a professional. Athletics or other non-industry organizations can be added; however, be sure to prioritize industry-related content on your resume. Do not add hobbies unless you are affiliated with an organization (for instance, a UTD Baking Club would be all right to list. However, you would not want to list simply “baking”.

Awards can go close to the end of your resume. You can also consider adding scholarships as part of your Education section.

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Would you like to learn more about global marketing in a fast-paced multinational? Are you interested in developing your content creation skills in a business setting? Apply now and join us as our new Digital Marketing Metabolics Intern, in our Hoofddorp office, starting September 2024!

Danone Specialized Nutrition is pioneering in health innovations grounded in science for those who have specific nutritional needs. We draw on our specialized nutrition research capabilities as well as our expertise to develop innovative products that impact health and support people's specific nutritional needs.

In this internship, you will part of the Metabolics Acceleration team, within the category of rare diseases. The Metabolics portfolio is large and complex. Making portfolios insightful for our target audiences will help to drive clarity on the patient product journey. Your main responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the transformation of our global assets for the main Metabolic conditions
  • Support with organization and content creation for congresses & events
  • Bring new insights into competition's landscape, services and content
  • Support in maintaining our global Metabolics content hub to enable quick and efficient content sharing with CBUs
  • Animate the Metabolics community via workplace and monthly country meetings

You are a Bachelor or Master student  in Marketing  or another related field. You are highly motivated and  proactive.  You have an interest in medical marketing and an understanding of the digital world. You have strong  communication skills  and like being in touch with multiple stakeholders. You are a self-starter,  curious,  and have a strategic mindset.

There are also some compulsory requirements:

  • Enrolled as a Bachelors/Masters student during the whole internship period (if you are a non-EU citizen, you need to be enrolled at a Dutch university);
  • Ideally available to start in September 2024 for a minimum of 6 months, 5 days per week;
  • You are fluent in English - spoken and written;
  • You are able to work from our Hoofddorp office;
  • Please note that you are required to relocate to the Netherlands (if abroad) for this internship and get a BSN.

cover letter for internship abroad

Working at Danone is a unique experience. It’s fast-paced and complex and, at times, it can get a little challenging. But it’s packed with opportunities to learn and grow working with some of the best-known brands in the world, like Evian, Alpro, Nutricia, Activia and Nutrilon. Bring your unique perspective, ambitions and entrepreneurial ideas to the table – the impact you could make might just surprise you. One Planet. One Health – BY YOU.

We’re proud to be a B-Corp certified company. That means we meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability in everything we do.

We’re committed to building a diverse and inclusive team. As an Equal Opportunities Employer, we base our hiring decisions on merit, job requirements and business needs.*

We offer a gross monthly internship allowance 650 euros per month and a home working allowance/contribution towards travel. Please do keep in mind that we do not offer relocation and/or accommodation benefits for students coming from abroad.

* Please be aware that you must acquire a BSN number to receive the full internship allowance.

In the Netherlands we also offer a hybrid working environment which enables each team to meet our people's desire for flexibility. Across our 3 office hubs in Hoofddorp, Rijswijk and Utrecht this helps us create better opportunities for connection & synergies across our entities, teams, functions and categories.

What’s Next

It’s simple – hit the “apply” button. In order to comply with GDPR we can’t process your personal data without your given consent, so please apply directly via this website. Good luck! We can’t wait to meet you.

Need more information? Please contact Eugenia Bouzas via

* all applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status

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IT & Data

Our office will be open virtually on Mondays and and Fridays during the summer. Resume drop-in hours will resume in the fall. Have a great summer!

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Business Job & Internship Fair - Day 2 (Fall 2024)

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The  Business Job & Internship Fair (Fall 2024)  will be held on  Wednesday, September 11, 2024 , from  11:00 am to 3:00 pm , in the UAlbany ETEC Building Lobby .   The  Business Job & Internship Fair  is for all students majoring in business degree programs, other related fields, and students interested in working in the business field.

Freshmen and sophomores , this is an excellent opportunity to see what a career fair is all about and start developing your networking skills.  Juniors and seniors , there will be internship and full-time job opportunities for you to learn about. Hope to see you there!

More Information

For more information, contact:

Career and Professional Development

One more step:

Spread the word by sharing this event with your social networks, save it to your calendar, add to calendar.


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  2. Cover Letter For Intership Abroad: Examples To Succeed

    Sample cover letter for an internship abroad. Subject: Application for an internship as an import-export salesman within Speedex for a period of 6 months. Madam, Sir, Currently a second year student of Arthur College business at TSC Maryland, I am looking for a 6 month internship starting in September as a part of my studies.

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    We offer a gross monthly internship allowance 650 euros per month and a home working allowance/contribution towards travel. Please do keep in mind that we do not offer relocation and/or accommodation benefits for students coming from abroad. * Please be aware that you must acquire a BSN number to receive the full internship allowance.

  24. Business Job & Internship Fair

    The Business Job & Internship Fair (Fall 2024) will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, in the UAlbany ETEC Building Lobby. The Business Job & Internship Fair is for all students majoring in business degree programs, other related fields, and students interested in working in the business field. Freshmen and sophomores, this is an excellent opportunity to see ...