Essay Service Examples Life Compassion

Compassion And Kindness

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Introduction, 100 words essay on compassion, 250 words essay on compassion, 400 words essay on compassion, 500 words essay on compassion, compassion in american education:, healthcare and compassion:, compassion in daily american life:, national policies and compassion:, the role of compassion in american social movements:.

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Essay on Compassion – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Compassion

Essay on Compassion: Compassion is a fundamental aspect of human nature that has the power to transform lives and bring about positive change in the world. In this essay, we will explore the importance of compassion, its impact on individuals and society, and how we can cultivate and practice compassion in our daily lives. By understanding and embodying compassion, we can create a more empathetic and connected world where kindness and understanding prevail.

Table of Contents

Compassion Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by defining compassion in your own words. Compassion is the ability to empathize with others, understand their suffering, and take action to help alleviate it.

2. Begin your essay with a powerful introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the piece. You could start with a personal anecdote, a quote about compassion, or a thought-provoking question.

3. Use examples to illustrate the importance of compassion in everyday life. You could talk about how a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day, or how showing compassion towards others can create a more caring and empathetic society.

4. Discuss the benefits of compassion, both for the person receiving it and the person giving it. Research has shown that acts of compassion can improve mental health, increase feelings of happiness and fulfillment, and even boost physical health.

5. Address any potential challenges or barriers to practicing compassion. For example, you could talk about how societal norms or personal biases can sometimes make it difficult to show compassion towards certain groups of people.

6. Offer practical tips for cultivating compassion in your own life. This could include practicing active listening, volunteering in your community, or simply taking the time to smile and say hello to strangers.

7. Reflect on how showing compassion has impacted your own life. Have you experienced moments of compassion from others that have made a difference for you? How has practicing compassion changed your perspective on the world?

8. Conclude your essay by emphasizing the importance of compassion in creating a more connected and caring society. Encourage readers to think about how they can incorporate more compassion into their own lives and challenge them to make a difference in the world through acts of kindness and empathy.

9. Edit and revise your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure your ideas flow logically from one paragraph to the next.

10. Consider seeking feedback from a teacher, friend, or family member to get a fresh perspective on your essay and make any necessary revisions before submitting it.

Essay on Compassion in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Compassion is the ability to feel empathy and show kindness towards others. 2. It involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, especially those who are suffering or in need. 3. Compassion is a fundamental aspect of human nature that helps to build connections and foster a sense of community. 4. It can be expressed through acts of generosity, support, and understanding. 5. Compassion is essential for creating a more caring and inclusive society. 6. It can have a positive impact on both the giver and the receiver, promoting feelings of happiness and fulfillment. 7. Compassion can be cultivated through practice and by actively seeking to understand the experiences and perspectives of others. 8. It is a key component of ethical behavior and moral development. 9. Compassion can help to bridge divides and promote unity among individuals and communities. 10. Ultimately, compassion is a powerful force for creating a more compassionate and empathetic world.

Sample Essay on Compassion in 100-180 Words

Compassion is the ability to feel empathy and understanding towards others who are suffering or in need. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and provide support and comfort in times of distress.

Compassion is essential for creating a more caring and harmonious society. When we show compassion towards others, we are able to build stronger relationships, foster a sense of community, and promote a culture of kindness and understanding.

By practicing compassion, we can make a positive impact on the world around us and help to alleviate the suffering of others. Whether it is through acts of kindness, lending a listening ear, or offering a helping hand, compassion has the power to bring hope and healing to those in need.

In conclusion, compassion is a powerful force that has the ability to transform lives and create a more compassionate and empathetic world. It is a quality that we should all strive to cultivate in ourselves and encourage in others.

Short Essay on Compassion in 200-500 Words

Compassion is a fundamental aspect of human nature that has the power to transform lives and bring about positive change in the world. It is the ability to empathize with others, understand their suffering, and take action to alleviate it. Compassion is not just a feeling or emotion, but a way of being that involves kindness, generosity, and a willingness to help those in need.

One of the key components of compassion is empathy, the ability to put oneself in another person’s shoes and understand their perspective. When we are able to empathize with others, we are more likely to feel compassion towards them and take action to help them. This can be as simple as offering a listening ear to a friend in need or as complex as volunteering at a homeless shelter or donating to a charity.

Compassion is also closely linked to kindness and generosity. When we feel compassion towards others, we are more likely to act in ways that are kind and generous. This can involve small acts of kindness, such as holding the door open for someone or giving a compliment, or larger acts of generosity, such as donating money or time to a cause we care about. These acts of kindness and generosity not only benefit the recipient, but also bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness to the giver.

Compassion is not limited to helping those we know or care about. It extends to all living beings, including strangers, animals, and even the environment. When we cultivate a sense of compassion towards all beings, we are more likely to act in ways that are beneficial to the greater good. This can involve advocating for social justice, protecting the environment, or speaking out against injustice and oppression.

Compassion is also a powerful tool for building connections and fostering a sense of community. When we show compassion towards others, we create a sense of trust and mutual respect that can strengthen relationships and bring people together. Compassion can bridge the gap between individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, and create a sense of unity and solidarity.

In conclusion, compassion is a vital aspect of human nature that has the power to transform lives and bring about positive change in the world. By cultivating empathy, kindness, and generosity towards others, we can create a more compassionate and caring society where all beings are valued and respected. Let us strive to cultivate compassion in our own lives and inspire others to do the same, so that we may create a more compassionate and just world for all.

Essay on Compassion in 1000-1500 Words

Compassion is a fundamental aspect of human nature that has the power to bring people together, heal wounds, and create a more empathetic and understanding society. It is the ability to feel and show empathy, kindness, and understanding towards others, especially those who are suffering or in need. Compassion is a virtue that is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced and individualistic world, but it is essential for fostering a sense of community, connection, and mutual support.

One of the key aspects of compassion is empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When we empathize with someone, we are able to put ourselves in their shoes and see the world from their perspective. This allows us to connect with them on a deeper level and offer them the support and understanding they need. Empathy is the foundation of compassion, as it enables us to recognize the pain and suffering of others and respond with kindness and care.

Compassion is also about taking action to alleviate the suffering of others. It is not enough to simply feel sorry for someone or offer them words of sympathy. True compassion requires us to take concrete steps to help those in need, whether it is through acts of kindness, generosity, or support. This could be as simple as lending a listening ear to a friend in distress, volunteering at a local charity, or donating to a cause that is close to our hearts. By taking action to help others, we not only alleviate their suffering but also strengthen our own sense of empathy and connection to the world around us.

Compassion is a powerful force for good in the world, as it has the ability to break down barriers, build bridges, and create a more inclusive and caring society. When we show compassion towards others, we are able to see past our differences and connect with them on a human level. This can help to foster understanding, empathy, and mutual respect, leading to greater harmony and cooperation among individuals and communities.

Compassion is also essential for promoting mental and emotional well-being. When we show compassion towards others, we not only help them to feel supported and cared for, but we also boost our own sense of self-worth and purpose. Studies have shown that acts of kindness and compassion can have a positive impact on our mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and increasing feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and connection.

In today’s fast-paced and often self-centered world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of compassion. We are bombarded with messages that prioritize individual success, competition, and material wealth, often at the expense of our relationships with others. However, it is in times of crisis and hardship that the true value of compassion becomes apparent. Whether it is a natural disaster, a personal loss, or a global pandemic, it is compassion that brings people together, provides comfort and support, and helps us to navigate through difficult times with strength and resilience.

One of the key challenges in cultivating compassion is overcoming our own biases, prejudices, and judgments. It is easy to show compassion towards those who are similar to us or who we perceive as deserving of our help, but true compassion requires us to extend our empathy and kindness to all, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, as it forces us to confront our own biases and step outside of our comfort zones. However, it is only by embracing diversity, empathy, and understanding that we can truly embody the spirit of compassion and create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

In conclusion, compassion is a fundamental aspect of human nature that has the power to bring people together, heal wounds, and create a more empathetic and understanding society. It is the ability to feel and show empathy, kindness, and understanding towards others, especially those who are suffering or in need. Compassion is a virtue that is essential for fostering a sense of community, connection, and mutual support, and it is through acts of kindness, generosity, and empathy that we can create a more compassionate and caring world for all.

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The impact of helping others – a deep dive into the benefits of providing support to those in need.

Essay about helping others

Compassion is a virtue that ignites the flames of kindness and empathy in our hearts. It is an innate human quality that has the power to bring light into the lives of those in need. When we extend a helping hand to others, we not only uplift their spirits but also nourish our own souls. The act of kindness and compassion resonates in the depths of our being, reminding us of the interconnectedness and shared humanity we all possess.

In a world that can sometimes be filled with hardships and struggles, the power of compassion shines like a beacon of hope. It is through offering a listening ear, a comforting embrace, or a simple gesture of kindness that we can make a profound impact on someone else’s life. The ripple effect of compassion is endless, as the seeds of love and understanding we sow in others’ hearts continue to grow and flourish, spreading positivity and light wherever they go.

The Significance of Compassionate Acts

The Significance of Compassionate Acts

Compassionate acts have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. When we extend a helping hand to others in need, we not only alleviate their suffering but also experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Compassion fosters a sense of connection and empathy, strengthening our bonds with others and creating a more caring and supportive community.

Moreover, compassionate acts have a ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward and perpetuate kindness. One small act of compassion can set off a chain reaction of positive deeds, influencing the world in ways we may never fully realize. By showing compassion to others, we contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society, one that values empathy and kindness above all else.

Understanding the Impact

Helping others can have a profound impact not only on those receiving assistance but also on the individuals providing help. When we lend a hand to someone in need, we are not just offering material support; we are also showing compassion and empathy . This act of kindness can strengthen bonds between individuals and foster a sense of community .

Furthermore, helping others can boost our own well-being . Studies have shown that acts of kindness and generosity can reduce stress , improve mood , and enhance overall happiness . By giving back , we not only make a positive impact on the lives of others but also nourish our own souls .

Benefits of Helping Others

Benefits of Helping Others

There are numerous benefits to helping others, both for the recipient and for the giver. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Increased feelings of happiness and fulfilment
  • Improved mental health and well-being
  • Building stronger connections and relationships with others
  • Reduced stress levels and improved self-esteem
  • Promoting a sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • Contributing to a more compassionate and caring society

By helping others, we not only make a positive impact on the world around us but also experience personal growth and benefits that can enhance our overall happiness and well-being.

Empathy and Connection

Empathy plays a crucial role in our ability to connect with others and understand their experiences. When we practice empathy, we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and try to see the world from their perspective. This act of compassion allows us to build a connection based on understanding and mutual respect.

By cultivating empathy, we can bridge the gap between different individuals and communities, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. Empathy helps us recognize the humanity in others, regardless of their background or circumstances, and promotes a culture of kindness and inclusivity.

Through empathy, we not only show compassion towards those in need but also create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood. It is through empathy that we can truly make a difference in the lives of others and build a more compassionate society.

Spreading Positivity Through Kindness

One of the most powerful ways to help others is by spreading positivity through acts of kindness. Kindness has the remarkable ability to brighten someone’s day, lift their spirits, and create a ripple effect of happiness in the world.

Simple gestures like giving a compliment, lending a helping hand, or sharing a smile can make a significant impact on someone’s life. These acts of kindness not only benefit the recipient but also bring a sense of fulfillment and joy to the giver.

When we choose to spread positivity through kindness, we contribute to building a more compassionate and caring society. By showing empathy and understanding towards others, we create a supportive environment where people feel valued and respected.

Kindness is contagious and has the power to inspire others to pay it forward, creating a chain reaction of goodwill and compassion. By incorporating acts of kindness into our daily lives, we can make a positive difference and help create a better world for all.

Creating a Ripple Effect

When we extend a helping hand to others, we set off a chain reaction that can have a profound impact on the world around us. Just like a stone thrown into a calm pond creates ripples that spread outward, our acts of compassion can touch the lives of many, inspiring them to do the same.

By showing kindness and empathy, we not only make a difference in the lives of those we help but also create a ripple effect that can lead to positive change in our communities and beyond. A small gesture of kindness can ignite a spark of hope in someone’s heart, motivating them to pay it forward and spread compassion to others.

Each act of generosity and care has the power to create a ripple effect that can ripple outwards, reaching far beyond our immediate circles. As more and more people join in this chain of kindness, the impact multiplies, creating a wave of positivity that can transform the world one small act of kindness at a time.

Building a Stronger Community

One of the key benefits of helping others is the positive impact it can have on building a stronger community. When individuals come together to support one another, whether it’s through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply being there for someone in need, it fosters a sense of unity and connection. This sense of community helps to create a supportive and caring environment where people feel valued and respected.

By helping others, we also set an example for those around us, inspiring others to also lend a hand and contribute to the well-being of the community. This ripple effect can lead to a chain reaction of kindness and generosity that can ultimately make the community a better place for everyone.

Furthermore, when people feel supported and cared for by their community, they are more likely to be happier and healthier, both mentally and physically. This sense of belonging and connection can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, and can improve overall well-being.

In conclusion, building a stronger community through helping others is essential for creating a more positive and caring society. By coming together and supporting one another, we can create a community that is resilient, compassionate, and unified.

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Essay on Kindness Is Compassion in Action

Students are often asked to write an essay on Kindness Is Compassion in Action in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Kindness Is Compassion in Action

Understanding kindness.

Kindness is the act of being considerate, generous, and friendly to others. It involves showing empathy towards others, which means understanding their feelings.

Kindness and Compassion

Kindness is compassion in action. Compassion means feeling for others, and when we act on that feeling, we show kindness.

The Power of Kindness

Kindness can change lives. A simple act of kindness can make someone’s day better. It can also inspire others to be kind.

Kindness is important. It makes us human and brings happiness to others. Let’s practice kindness every day.

250 Words Essay on Kindness Is Compassion in Action

Introduction, kindness: a humanistic approach.

Kindness is not just an act, but a lifestyle that fosters an environment of positivity and mutual respect. It is the willingness to place someone else’s needs before your own, without expecting anything in return. In essence, kindness is compassion in action, a testament to our shared humanity.

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

A single act of kindness can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to act similarly. This domino effect can influence the collective consciousness of a community, promoting a culture of empathy and compassion.

Kindness and Mental Health

Kindness also has a profound impact on mental health. It stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that induces feelings of happiness and well-being. By being kind, we not only uplift others but also enhance our own emotional health.

In a world often marred by conflict and division, kindness serves as a beacon of hope. It is compassion in action, a simple yet powerful force that can bridge divides and foster unity. As college students, we have the responsibility to cultivate this virtue, shaping a more compassionate and understanding world.

500 Words Essay on Kindness Is Compassion in Action

Kindness is a virtue that transcends cultural, religious, and social boundaries, universally recognized as a fundamental trait of humanity. It is often considered as compassion in action, a tangible manifestation of empathy and understanding towards others.

Kindness and Compassion: An Inextricable Link

Compassion is an emotional response to the suffering of others, coupled with a desire to alleviate it. Kindness, in essence, is the action driven by this compassionate impulse. When we see someone in distress, our compassionate instincts trigger a reaction to reach out and help, and this act of reaching out is kindness. Hence, kindness is compassion in action.

The Practical Implications of Kindness

The practical implications of kindness are far-reaching and profound. Kindness fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among individuals. It promotes a culture of cooperation and understanding, making our societies more harmonious and peaceful. Moreover, research has shown that acts of kindness have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of the giver, as well as the receiver.

Kindness in the Modern World

Kindness has the power to transform lives and societies. A single act of kindness can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to act kindly as well. It can break barriers of hostility and mistrust, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect. In a world often divided by differences, kindness serves as a bridge, reminding us of our shared human experience.

In conclusion, kindness is more than just a moral virtue; it is compassion in action. It is a testament to our capacity to empathize with others and our desire to alleviate their suffering. In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement and success, kindness reminds us of the importance of community, cooperation, and mutual respect. It is a powerful force that can transform lives and societies, fostering a sense of unity and shared humanity. As such, it is incumbent upon us to cultivate and promote kindness in our lives and our societies.

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4. How the Compassion Can Improve the Relationships with Others

5. The Importance of Self-Comprassion to Mental Health

6. How Self-Compassion Influences the Ability to be Comprassionate to Others

7. Compassion and Mindfulness in Social Representation Theory

8. Balance of Compassion and Effective Healthcare Leadership

9. Recovery from Eating Disorder Fueled by Compassion

10. The Significance of Compassion in Nursing: Connecting with Patients

11. How To Go Through Life Without Fighting

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Kindness Essay | Essay on Kindness for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Kindness: The world has been devastated by two world wars, recurring bouts of disease and devastation. Amid such tremendous hardship, human beings have depicted resilience and kindness to fight back and help each other. Kindness is an essential and universal quality that is based on the concepts of altruism and prosocial behavior.

Kindness towards Nature, animals, and other people can transform the world and make it a beautiful place to live. However, kindness towards yourself is also crucial in the journey of personal growth and achievement. We have provided essays below from where students can learn.

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Long and Short Essays on Kindness for Students and Kids in English

A Long essay has been provided below; it is of 450-500 words. A short Essay of 100-150 words has also been given. 10 lines on kindness have also been written down, along with some answers to frequently asked questions.

Long Essay on Kindness 500 words in English

Kindness essay will be helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Kindness can be described as the value of being polite, compassionate, and thoughtful. Unconditional love, tenderness, comfort, concern, and support are words associated with kindness. Although kindness has an undertone that someone is innocent or vulnerable, that’s not the case. Being compassionate also calls for bravery and determination. Compassion is an interactive ability.

People have heard about the survival of the fittest theory given by evolutionary theorists. Darwin, who researched human Nature, did not necessarily perceive humans as being physically aggressive and self-interested. Darwin claimed that we’re a fundamentally collaborative and loving community. He asserted that affection and compassion for others is natural and reflexive.

Kindness is taught in every religious faith. Be it Hinduism, Sikhism, or Islamic law or some other religion, they all prepare us to show compassion towards others. The term is not limited to human application. Cruelty to all living creatures is a sin in many religious scriptures. Even the deaf animals raise their tail as a reciprocal response of compassion expressed towards them. Trees show similar reactions. They grow large and produce fruit in response to the kind behavior of their caregivers. Nature has its way of communicating appreciation and compassion.

Kindness is not a core value to be embraced or shown in particular situations. Instead, it should be absorbed as the fundamental behavioral element of living creatures. Compassion is not only a moral attribute. But in all aspects of existence, it can be quite well adapted. Being compassionate to your parents or friends helps create a stable family base.

Showing courtesy to friends and neighbors tends to create a healthy social climate. Only small considerations and selfless acts of kindness can help to build up a successful company. As has been said previously, every human person knows the language of compassion.

While important, kindness is not a characteristic that is widely seen in people these days. In today’s time, people have become incredibly self-absorbed. All they can talk about is themselves. Growing rivalry at various points of our lives is one of the most important reasons people turn out to be this way.

Everyone around here is busy making themselves successful and showing the world how better their lives are compared to others’ lives. They don’t hesitate to offend those in their way to reach everything they want. Though there’s nothing wrong with innovating, you have to realize that there’s a lot more to life, so it’s not just about competition and winning.

Presently, although most people don’t have the trait of compassion, it can be integrated into them with a slight endeavor. This can be achieved by explaining the value of it from the very start. Workshops must be held, and presentations must be provided to teach students why it is necessary to be kind to human beings. This topic must be an integral part of the curriculum in schools. It is important to stress its significance from the very beginning so that citizens can appreciate and teach it.

Essay about Kindness

Short Essay on the Topic of Kindness 150 words

Kindness Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

An individual with a generous temperament and respect towards everyone is considered to be kind. These individuals are compassionate to others. They support others around them if there is a need, and they never fail to go out of their way to put joy on the face of others.

Kindness could be something as tiny as being courteous and providing someone support and encouragement. It could be something as surprisingly small as passing a kind word to the maidservant who works tirelessly in your house or giving a little bit of food to the stray dog who comes near the house every day. These gestures of kindness don’t take a lot of time, but they can create a change. Acts of kindness can help in creating a beautiful and sustainable world.

10 lines on Kindness Essay in English

  • Kindness involves being empathetic and considerate towards others.
  • Kindness should be shown towards Nature as well as animals.
  • Kindness should not be dictated by class conformities, caste, or divided by the community’s social structures.
  • Kindness can bring about significant changes in the world.
  • Kindness is an essential personal quality required for thriving relationships and a happy life.
  • Kindness involves self-care and concern about yourself as well.
  • There can be various means like emotional or tangible support, by which you can show kindness.
  • Kindness is premised on the concept of altruism and prosocial actions.
  • Being kind usually involves reciprocity. If you are kind to others, they, in turn, will be helpful to you.
  • Kindness helps in sustaining a peaceful and nourishing world.

FAQ’s on Kindness Essay

Question 1. How can you be kind to others?

Answer: Kindness can be anything as small as giving a radiant smile to a person to providing monetary help to build houses and schools for the poor.

Question 2. Why is kindness extraordinary?

Answer: Kindness is essential to create a peaceful world and support future generations of the human race.

Question 3. What will happen in a world devoid of kindness?

Answer: In a world devoid of kindness, the carefully balanced systems in which we live, and our relations with the natural and animal world will break down, leading to hardship and troubles for humanity.

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The Role of Compassion Essay

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In her book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman explores the experience of a Hmong family struggling through the healthcare system of California. This book can throw light on the challenges faced by these people who have to confront a different socio-cultural environment. This source can be better analyzed with the help of the essay Mother Tongue written by Amy Tan.

This author also discusses the interactions between people who have different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It is possible to apply such a concept as compassion in order to examine the themes which Anne Fadiman explores in her work. This notion can be defined as the ability of an individual to understand and fill pity for the suffering of another person. To a great extent, this ability is critical for interactions between people who can have different cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

While Anne Fadiman’s this book seems to be primarily related to the impact of linguistic and cultural barriers on the experiences of immigrants, Amy Tan’s essay suggests that their difficulties can be explained primarily by lack of compassion which is essential for the emotional well-being of individuals. This is the main thesis that should be elaborated more closely.

Anne Fadiman’s book is a valuable source that can illustrate the problems which emerge when immigrants have to interact with healthcare professionals. It should be kept in mind that the representatives of foreign cultures often question “the efficiency of Western medical techniques” (Fadiman 23). As a rule, these people “require more time and attention” since the services of an interpreter are needed (Fadiman 25). These are some of the details that should be considered.

This text’s text can be analyzed with help of Ami Tan’s essay Mother Tongue, and this reading indicates that language barriers can significantly impair the experiences of immigrants. This source demonstrates that a person may find it extremely difficult to express his/her thoughts very clearly.

It is usually argued that they speak in “broken or fractured English” (Tan 48). Moreover, it is often assumed that these people think in a primitive way. The author speaks about her mother who also struggled with the language barrier. Many people assumed that “her English reflected the quality of what she had to say” (Tan 48). Thus, one can speak the discrimination against these individuals.

Admittedly, Anne Fadiman also provides numerous examples indicating that linguistic and cultural differences can prevent people from integrating into the society. For instance, the author mentions that medical professionals often have to communicate with teenaged children of patients and discuss such issues as surgery or resuscitation of “a dying family member” (Fadiman 25).

In most cases, such experiences are extremely stressful for family members. Moreover, Anne Fadiman’s book shows that physicians often had “no way of taking a patient’s medical history”; as a result, their choices of treatment could often be questioned (Fadiman 25). Therefore, the emphasis on linguistic barriers is quite justified.

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that this problem is not the only reason why many immigrants can face significant difficulties. In many cases, their hardships can be explained by the inability or unwillingness of many individuals to feel compassion for the problems of others.

In order to illustrate this argument, one should look at the situation described by Amy Tan. In particular, this author mentions that her mother was suspected to have a benign brain tumor (Tan 48). The physicians lost her CAT scan and did not apologize for this mistake.

These people did not consider that she had been very “anxious to know the exact diagnosis” (Tan 49). Nevertheless, they only said that “she had come for nothing” (Tan 49). As a rule, individuals, who are treated in this way, often feel helpless or even desperate. This is why lack of compassion is one of the factors that profoundly affect the experiences of immigrants who are often left to their own devices. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward.

It is possible to examine Anne Fadiman’s work from this specific perspective. For instance, when Lia was brought to the hospital, she was immediately diagnosed with “early bronchiopneumonia” (Fadiman 26). Yet, the physician did not consider the possibility that her symptoms could be explained by epilepsy (Fadiman 26).

A single conversation with parents could have helped him make the correct diagnosis. However, he did not try to do it. Later, Lia’s parents were asked by to give her certain drugs, and she was almost immediately discharged from hospital (Fadiman 26). Lia’s father was asked to sign the following statement, “I hereby acknowledge receipt of the instructions indicated above” (Fadiman 26).

The physician did not even make sure that parents could fully understand his instructions. This medical worker did not want to make extra effort. So, his indifference is one of the aspects that should be considered. Later, Lia was hospitalized once again, and the physicians made the same misdiagnosis. This is one of the most striking examples that should be considered. Provided that physicians had some compassion for this family, they would have used the services of an interpreter who could speak the Hmong language.

In this way, they could have eliminated the risk of misdiagnosis. Moreover, they might have considered that Lia’s parents felt virtually helpless when they had to deal with healthcare professionals. The main issue is that the physicians were not willing to discuss Lia’s condition with her parents. This is why this child did not receive appropriate medical assistance on time. This is the main problem should not be overlooked by the readers. Admittedly, there were some people who were genuinely willing to help Lia’s parents.

For example, one can mention Dan Murphy who immediately realized how frightened these people had been because they did not know how to help their daughter. Due to his effort, Lia’s parents received at least some support. This example is important for showing how the attitudes of physicians could differ from one another.

To a great extent, these examples suggest that immigrants may face a great number of challenges while trying to integrate into a new community. Certainly, their limited knowledge of English can be the cause of their hardships. However, more attention should be paid to the lack of compassion since this attitude makes their hardships virtually unbearable.

Admittedly, the role of cultural barriers should not be disregarded, but their impact can be mitigated provided that people try to put themselves in the position of one another. One can say that Anne Fadiman is useful for understanding the peculiarities of cross-cultural interactions. In turn, Amy Tan’s essay can throw a new light on the ideas that Anne Fadiman tries to express. These are the main details that should be taken into consideration.

Works Cited

Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures . New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012. Print.

Tan, Amy. “Mother Tongue”. Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers . Ed. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker. New York: Longman, 2010. 46-52. Print.

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Compassion Essay Examples

Compassion - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Compassion encompasses a strong feeling or sympathy for an individual feels to another who is in need (Aaron 7). An excellent example of compassion in the Biblical teaching of a Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan had met a person who had severely beaten, robbed, and left on the roadside. Two guys had walked by without even acknowledging the guy who had been beaten, but the good Samaritan came along and took the one in need and helped his bruises, cuts, and paid for shelter until not needed anymore.

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Sympathetic Sorrow

On the other hand, pity entails a sympathetic sorrow that an individual feels after learning or experiencing the suffering of others. Pity and compassion are used interchangeably to mean the same thing, but the fact is these two terms are different. Precisely, compassion is more of an action or a compulsion to do something to relieve the pain of others while pity is a feeling, a sharing in the pain of others. These two terms have been differently used by various philosophers such as Emanuel and Plato.

Emanuel Kant on Compassion

In his philosophical work on categorical imperative, Emanuel Kant demonstrated what an act of compassion entails. Based on the perception that every act that an individual takes comes after extensive reasoning. A compassionate act results after an individual weigh what is right between helping the person in need and failing to help at all. Based on the philosophy of categorical imperative, a person is said to be good or bad based on the motivation of his or her actions rather than the goodness of the consequences of those actions (Stephen 23). In this context, the term motivation means the driving force that influences a person to do the action (the reason for doing it). For example, in reference to the aforementioned example of a Good Samaritan, the motive of helping the person who had robbed, beaten and left on the roadside was not due to what he would have received at the end (for example, praise and fame from those who witnessed his acts of compassion) but because of his humanity. He ever expected anything from the person in need regarding being thanked and refunded the money that he spent on him but was motivated by the acts of kindness and compassion that he had. The acts of compassion make an individual have moral worth, and this is only if he or she motivated by morality rather than the desires or emotions of what he or she will get at the end. Besides, Kant also stated that for a person to be genuinely compassionate to another who is in need, he or she must perceive that he is being motivated by duty, which compels him or her to do it regardless of whether he liked it or not.

Motivation for Compassion

Though compassion is the sympathetic act that an individual opts to take in order to help another who is in need, it can be motivated by many factors. Compassion is “retain the indecency, future oriental, driven by pleasure and sharing in a project” (Bova, Patrick. CUNY Medgar Evers, Phil 100-Logic, 10/13/2018. In-Class Notes). The context is telling the person that one has to results its problem by receiving the advice from others. Pity is one of the factors which can motivate an individual to be compassionate to another who is in need of help. It is also (Past oriental that drove by not want to help, Driven by the need to recognize pain.) (Bova, Patrick. CUNY Medgar Evers, Phil 100-Logic, 10/13/2018. In-Class Notes) For example, using the case of a Good Samaritan, he first felt pity to the robbed and beaten man before proceeding to help him. Pity is what compelled him to show compassion by helping him out regarding wiping the bruises, giving him accommodation and some coins to take care of himself. The aim is to get others to feel as you fed to think as you think.

It is unfortunate that in the present times, most individuals do not possess these virtues and are happy when they happen to learn or see others suffering. For example, it is miserable there are still people who are starving to death in the present times despite the presence of numerous individuals who belong to the upper economic class. When most of the wealthy individuals happen to encounter fellow human beings who are starving, malnourished and living in general poverty, the former claims that the predicament of the latter is due to laziness. This analogy alone makes the rich to be reluctant to help the poor, and this is enough proof that most of the individuals in the present times rarely possess the aspect of being pitiful and compassionate to the less fortunate. Although these pressures should not dilute the level of competition for limited.

Boasting in Social Media

The few individuals who show pity and compassion to others do not do it out of good will or do not do it as a duty, but they do it for the sake of gaining fame. For example, considering that numerous technological inventions have developed today, most individuals have embraced the use of social media platforms to enhance their popularity. In this regard, some of the individuals who are being pitied and compassionate to others always end up posting what they have done in these social media platforms in order to be recognized, appreciated and even manage to win the minds of most followers especially by asking them to vote them in various public offices. However, these acts dilute the moral worth of a person who is doing compassionate acts to others. Regarding the philosophy as mentioned earlier of a categorical imperative, an individual does not earn moral worth if the motivation of the compassionate act was desires or personal happiness. Posting images of compassionate acts on social media motivated by the urge of feeding an individual`s ego, rather than the duty to do it since it is the right thing to do.

It is also worth noting that an individual can be pitiful to another person who needs and fail to be compassionate to the same passion. For example, when an individual happens to see others starving on his or her television, he may feel pity but also long as he or she does not take the initial step of trying to help such a victim, he does not earn a moral worth. In contrast, a person who is compassionate is also being pitiful to the person in need of help, and this is because being pity is one of the driving forces for an individual to be compassionate (Aaron 31). For example, a person who proceeds to help another from a problematic situation tends to have shown pity to the victim, and this is what motivates him or her to help.

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