The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Writing Anxiety

What this handout is about.

This handout discusses the situational nature of writer’s block and other writing anxiety and suggests things you can try to feel more confident and optimistic about yourself as a writer.

What are writing anxiety and writer’s block?

“Writing anxiety” and “writer’s block” are informal terms for a wide variety of apprehensive and pessimistic feelings about writing. These feelings may not be pervasive in a person’s writing life. For example, you might feel perfectly fine writing a biology lab report but apprehensive about writing a paper on a novel. You may confidently tackle a paper about the sociology of gender but delete and start over twenty times when composing an email to a cute classmate to suggest a coffee date. In other words, writing anxiety and writers’ block are situational (Hjortshoj 7). These terms do NOT describe psychological attributes. People aren’t born anxious writers; rather, they become anxious or blocked through negative or difficult experiences with writing.

When do these negative feelings arise?

Although there is a great deal of variation among individuals, there are also some common experiences that writers in general find stressful.

For example, you may struggle when you are:

  • adjusting to a new form of writing—for example, first year college writing, papers in a new field of study, or longer forms than you are used to (a long research paper, a senior thesis, a master’s thesis, a dissertation) (Hjortshoj 56-76).
  • writing for a reader or readers who have been overly critical or demanding in the past.
  • remembering negative criticism received in the past—even if the reader who criticized your work won’t be reading your writing this time.
  • working with limited time or with a lot of unstructured time.
  • responding to an assignment that seems unrelated to academic or life goals.
  • dealing with troubling events outside of school.

What are some strategies for handling these feelings?

Get support.

Choose a writing buddy, someone you trust to encourage you in your writing life. Your writing buddy might be a friend or family member, a classmate, a teacher, a colleague, or a Writing Center tutor. Talk to your writing buddy about your ideas, your writing process, your worries, and your successes. Share pieces of your writing. Make checking in with your writing buddy a regular part of your schedule. When you share pieces of writing with your buddy, use our handout on asking for feedback .

In his book Understanding Writing Blocks, Keith Hjortshoj describes how isolation can harm writers, particularly students who are working on long projects not connected with coursework (134-135). He suggests that in addition to connecting with supportive individuals, such students can benefit from forming or joining a writing group, which functions in much the same way as a writing buddy. A group can provide readers, deadlines, support, praise, and constructive criticism. For help starting one, see our handout about writing groups .

Identify your strengths

Often, writers who are experiencing block or anxiety have a worse opinion of their own writing than anyone else! Make a list of the things you do well. You might ask a friend or colleague to help you generate such a list. Here are some possibilities to get you started:

  • I explain things well to people.
  • I get people’s interest.
  • I have strong opinions.
  • I listen well.
  • I am critical of what I read.
  • I see connections.

Choose at least one strength as your starting point. Instead of saying “I can’t write,” say “I am a writer who can …”

Recognize that writing is a complex process

Writing is an attempt to fix meaning on the page, but you know, and your readers know, that there is always more to be said on a topic. The best writers can do is to contribute what they know and feel about a topic at a particular point in time.

Writers often seek “flow,” which usually entails some sort of breakthrough followed by a beautifully coherent outpouring of knowledge. Flow is both a possibility—most people experience it at some point in their writing lives—and a myth. Inevitably, if you write over a long period of time and for many different situations, you will encounter obstacles. As Hjortshoj explains, obstacles are particularly common during times of transition—transitions to new writing roles or to new kinds of writing.

Think of yourself as an apprentice.

If block or apprehension is new for you, take time to understand the situations you are writing in. In particular, try to figure out what has changed in your writing life. Here are some possibilities:

  • You are writing in a new format.
  • You are writing longer papers than before.
  • You are writing for new audiences.
  • You are writing about new subject matter.
  • You are turning in writing from different stages of the writing process—for example, planning stages or early drafts.

It makes sense to have trouble when dealing with a situation for the first time. It’s also likely that when you confront these new situations, you will learn and grow. Writing in new situations can be rewarding. Not every format or audience will be right for you, but you won’t know which ones might be right until you try them. Think of new writing situations as apprenticeships. When you’re doing a new kind of writing, learn as much as you can about it, gain as many skills in that area as you can, and when you finish the apprenticeship, decide which of the skills you learned will serve you well later on. You might be surprised.

Below are some suggestions for how to learn about new kinds of writing:

  • Ask a lot of questions of people who are more experienced with this kind of writing. Here are some of the questions you might ask: What’s the purpose of this kind of writing? Who’s the audience? What are the most important elements to include? What’s not as important? How do you get started? How do you know when what you’ve written is good enough? How did you learn to write this way?
  • Ask a lot of questions of the person who assigned you a piece of writing. If you have a paper, the best place to start is with the written assignment itself. For help with this, see our handout on understanding assignments .
  • Look for examples of this kind of writing. (You can ask your instructor for a recommended example). Look, especially, for variation. There are often many different ways to write within a particular form. Look for ways that feel familiar to you, approaches that you like. You might want to look for published models or, if this seems too intimidating, look at your classmates’ writing. In either case, ask yourself questions about what these writers are doing, and take notes. How does the writer begin and end? In what order does the writer tell things? How and when does the writer convey their main point? How does the writer bring in other people’s ideas? What is the writer’s purpose? How is that purpose achieved?
  • Read our handouts about how to write in specific fields or how to handle specific writing assignments.
  • Listen critically to your readers. Before you dismiss or wholeheartedly accept what they say, try to understand them. If a reader has given you written comments, ask yourself questions to figure out the reader’s experience of your paper: What is this reader looking for? What am I doing that satisfies this reader? In what ways is this reader still unsatisfied? If you can’t answer these questions from the reader’s comments, then talk to the reader, or ask someone else to help you interpret the comments.
  • Most importantly, don’t try to do everything at once. Start with reasonable expectations. You can’t write like an expert your first time out. Nobody does! Use the criticism you get.

Once you understand what readers want, you are in a better position to decide what to do with their criticisms. There are two extreme possibilities—dismissing the criticisms and accepting them all—but there is also a lot of middle ground. Figure out which criticisms are consistent with your own purposes, and do the hard work of engaging with them. Again, don’t expect an overnight turn-around; recognize that changing writing habits is a process and that papers are steps in the process.

Chances are that at some point in your writing life you will encounter readers who seem to dislike, disagree with, or miss the point of your work. Figuring out what to do with criticism from such readers is an important part of a writer’s growth.

Try new tactics when you get stuck

Often, writing blocks occur at particular stages of the writing process. The writing process is cyclical and variable. For different writers, the process may include reading, brainstorming, drafting, getting feedback, revising, and editing. These stages do not always happen in this order, and once a writer has been through a particular stage, chances are they haven’t seen the last of that stage. For example, brainstorming may occur all along the way.

Figure out what your writing process looks like and whether there’s a particular stage where you tend to get stuck. Perhaps you love researching and taking notes on what you read, and you have a hard time moving from that work to getting started on your own first draft. Or once you have a draft, it seems set in stone and even though readers are asking you questions and making suggestions, you don’t know how to go back in and change it. Or just the opposite may be true; you revise and revise and don’t want to let the paper go.

Wherever you have trouble, take a longer look at what you do and what you might try. Sometimes what you do is working for you; it’s just a slow and difficult process. Other times, what you do may not be working; these are the times when you can look around for other approaches to try:

  • Talk to your writing buddy and to other colleagues about what they do at the particular stage that gets you stuck.
  • Read about possible new approaches in our handouts on brainstorming and revising .
  • Try thinking of yourself as an apprentice to a stage of the writing process and give different strategies a shot.
  • Cut your paper into pieces and tape them to the wall, use eight different colors of highlighters, draw a picture of your paper, read your paper out loud in the voice of your favorite movie star….

Okay, we’re kind of kidding with some of those last few suggestions, but there is no limit to what you can try (for some fun writing strategies, check out our online animated demos ). When it comes to conquering a block, give yourself permission to fall flat on your face. Trying and failing will you help you arrive at the thing that works for you.

Celebrate your successes

Start storing up positive experiences with writing. Whatever obstacles you’ve faced, celebrate the occasions when you overcome them. This could be something as simple as getting started, sharing your work with someone besides a teacher, revising a paper for the first time, trying out a new brainstorming strategy, or turning in a paper that has been particularly challenging for you. You define what a success is for you. Keep a log or journal of your writing successes and breakthroughs, how you did it, how you felt. This log can serve as a boost later in your writing life when you face new challenges.

Wait a minute, didn’t we already say that? Yes. It’s worth repeating. Most people find relief for various kinds of anxieties by getting support from others. Sometimes the best person to help you through a spell of worry is someone who’s done that for you before—a family member, a friend, a mentor. Maybe you don’t even need to talk with this person about writing; maybe you just need to be reminded to believe in yourself, that you can do it.

If you don’t know anyone on campus yet whom you have this kind of relationship with, reach out to someone who seems like they could be a good listener and supportive. There are a number of professional resources for you on campus, people you can talk through your ideas or your worries with. A great place to start is the UNC Writing Center. If you know you have a problem with writing anxiety, make an appointment well before the paper is due. You can come to the Writing Center with a draft or even before you’ve started writing. You can also approach your instructor with questions about your writing assignment. If you’re an undergraduate, your academic advisor and your residence hall advisor are other possible resources. Counselors at Counseling and Wellness Services are also available to talk with you about anxieties and concerns that extend beyond writing.

Apprehension about writing is a common condition on college campuses. Because writing is the most common means of sharing our knowledge, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves when we write. This handout has given some suggestions for how to relieve that pressure. Talk with others; realize we’re all learning; take an occasional risk; turn to the people who believe in you. Counter negative experiences by actively creating positive ones.

Even after you have tried all of these strategies and read every Writing Center handout, invariably you will still have negative experiences in your writing life. When you get a paper back with a bad grade on it or when you get a rejection letter from a journal, fend off the negative aspects of that experience. Try not to let them sink in; try not to let your disappointment fester. Instead, jump right back in to some area of the writing process: choose one suggestion the evaluator has made and work on it, or read and discuss the paper with a friend or colleague, or do some writing or revising—on this or any paper—as quickly as possible.

Failures of various kinds are an inevitable part of the writing process. Without them, it would be difficult if not impossible to grow as a writer. Learning often occurs in the wake of a startling event, something that stirs you up, something that makes you wonder. Use your failures to keep moving.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Hjortshoj, Keith. 2001. Understanding Writing Blocks . New York: Oxford University Press.

This is a particularly excellent resource for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Hjortshoj writes about his experiences working with university students experiencing block. He explains the transitional nature of most writing blocks and the importance of finding support from others when working on long projects.

Rose, Mike. 1985. When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing-Process Problems . New York: Guilford.

This collection of empirical studies is written primarily for writing teachers, researchers, and tutors. Studies focus on writers of various ages, including young children, high school students, and college students.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Dealing with Obstacles and Developing Good Habits

Overcoming Writing Anxiety and Writer’s Block

two soldiers in twilight scaling a giant ladder on an obstacle course

You may be thinking, “All this advice is good, but sometimes I just get stuck! What I normally do just isn’t working!” That’s a familiar feeling for all writers. Sometimes the writing just seems to flow as if by magic, but then the flow stops cold. Your brain seems to have run out of things to say. If you just wait for the magic to come back, you might wait a long time. What professional writers know is that writing takes consistent effort. Writing comes out of a regular practice—a habit. Professional writers also know that not everything they write ends up in the final draft. Sometimes we have to write what Anne Lamott calls a “shitty rough draft.” One of my favorite writing professors, Duncan Carter, used to say that he was a terrible writer but a great reviser, and that’s what helped him write when inspiration wasn’t available. So how do writers get going when they feel stuck or uninspired? They develop a set of habits and have more than one way to write to get the words flowing again.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You might associate the idea of writing anxiety or writer’s block with procrastination, and procrastination certainly can be either a cause or an effect of writing anxiety. You can learn more about  procrastination later in this section of the text.  But writing anxiety or writer’s block is more of a condition. We might even venture to call it an ailment. Uh oh. Do you have it? To aid you in self-diagnosis here, let’s take some time to figure out what it is. Then, if you find that you’re afflicted, we’ll help you to determine the best course of treatment.

What is Writing Anxiety and How Do You Know if You Have It?

Do you worry excessively about writing assignments? Do they make you feel uneasy or agitated? Do you have negative feelings about certain types of writing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might suffer from writing anxiety. Writing anxiety simply means that a writer is experiencing negative feelings about a given writing task. The last of the questions above points out something important about this condition that has been afflicting writers everywhere for centuries: writing anxiety is often more about the audience and/or purpose for a given writing task than it is about the mere act of writing itself.

Let’s consider this situational nature of writing anxiety for a moment. Say you just bought a new pair of headphones. You brought them home, removed all the packaging, plugged them into your MP3 player, and they’re amazing!  So you decide to visit the company website, and you write a stellar review of the product, giving it a five-star rating and including descriptive details about the headphones’ comfortable fit, excellent sound quality, ability to cancel outside noise, and reasonable price.

Now, let’s say that the next day in biology class your instructor covers the topic of biomes, and you learn about animal habitats and biodiversity and the interrelation and interdependence of species within biomes. You find it fascinating and can’t wait to learn more. But then something terrible happens. Your instructor assigns a term project on the subject. As your instructor begins to describe the length and other specifications for the report, complete with formatting guidelines, citation requirements, and a bibliography at the end, your palms start to sweat, your stomach feels uneasy, and you begin to have trouble focusing on anything else your instructor has to say. You’re experiencing writing anxiety.

Writing anxiety is the condition of feeling uneasy about writing. Writer’s block is what you experience when you can’t manage to put words on the page. But your condition isn’t about the act of writing. Just yesterday you wrote a great review for those cool new headphones. So why do you suddenly feel paralyzed by the thought of writing the biology essay? Let’s consider some possible causes.

What Causes Writing Anxiety?

The causes of writing anxiety are many. Here are just a few:

  • Inexperience with the type of writing task
  • Previous negative experiences with writing (e.g. someone, maybe a teacher, has given you negative feedback or said negative things about your writing)
  • Negative feelings bout writing (e.g. “I’m not a good writer”; “I hate writing.”)
  • Immediate deadline
  • Distant deadline
  • Lack of interest in the topic
  • Personal problems or life events

Level of experience may explain why you felt comfortable writing the headphone review while you break out in a sweat at the thought of the biology paper. If you’ve never written anything similar to a specific assignment, maybe you’re unsure about whether or not you can meet the assignment requirements or the teacher’s expectations. Or maybe the last time you turned in a written report for school you received negative feedback or a bad grade from the teacher. Maybe you procrastinated most of the term and now the paper is due next week and you feel overwhelmed. Or maybe it’s the second week of the term and the finals week deadline seems so far away that you’re not motivated to write.

Knowing the cause of your writing anxiety can help you move beyond it and get writing, even if you can’t completely eliminate the problem. If the topic doesn’t interest you or if you’re having problems at home, those probably aren’t issues that will just disappear, but if you try some of the following strategies, I think you’ll find that you can at least move forward with even the most anxiety-inducing of writing assignments.

Strategies for Overcoming or Managing Writing Anxiety

There are a number of strategies upon which you can draw to help you move past the feeling of being lost or stuck. Consider if some of the following tactics can help you to get writing again.

Just Start Writing

It might sound like it’s oversimplifying the matter, but it’s true. Half the battle is to just start writing. Try some strategies like freewriting or dialectic notetaking. (For more on freewriting, see “ Strategies for Getting Started ” in the “Prewriting” section of this text, and for more on dialectic notetaking , refer to the section on “Writing about Texts”). You should also believe in the importance of writing badly. Bruce Ballenger, a well-known writer and professor of English at Boise State explains why writing badly is an important part of the writing process:

Giving myself permission to write badly makes it much more likely that I will write what I don’t expect to write, and from those surprises will come some of my best writing. Writing badly is also a convenient alternative to staring off into space and waiting for inspiration.

a large block of unsculpted pottery clay

Sometimes the biggest problem writers have with getting started is that they feel like the writing needs to be good, or well organized, or they feel like they need to start at the beginning. None of that is true. All you need to do is start.

Have you ever seen a potter make a clay pot? Before a potter can start shaping or throwing a pot, they have to bring the big wet blob of clay and slap it down on the table. It’s heavy and wet and messy, but it’s the essential raw material. No clay? No pot. “Bad writing” is a lot like that. You have to dump all the words and ideas onto the table. Just get them out. Only then do you have the raw material you need to start shaping the words into something beautiful and lasting. You can wait until the revision stages to worry about shaping your writing to be its best. For now, just get the ideas on the table.

Create Smaller Tasks and Short-Term Goals

One of the biggest barriers to writing can be that the task just seems too large, and perhaps the due date is weeks away. Each of these conditions can contribute to feelings of being overwhelmed or to the tendency to procrastinate. But the remedy is simple and will help you keep writing something each week toward your deadline and toward the finished product: divide larger writing tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks and set intermediate deadlines.

The process that the authors used for writing this text provides a good example. As authors, we had to divide the text into sections, but we also had to plan the process for a first draft, peer reviews, and revisions, along with adding images, links, and other resources, not to mention the final publication of the text online. Had we not divided up the larger tasks into smaller ones and set short-term goals and deadlines, the process of writing the text would have been overwhelming. We didn’t meet every single intermediate deadline right on time, but they helped move us along and helped us to meet the most important deadline—the final one—with a complete text that was ready to publish on schedule.

Imagine that you have a term paper that’s assigned during Week 1 of a eleven-week term, and it’s due during finals week. Make a list of all the tasks you can think of that need to be completed, from beginning to end, to accomplish all that the assignment requires. List the tasks, and assign yourself due dates for each task. Consider taking it a step further and create a task table that allows you to include a column for additional notes. Here’s an example:

Brainstorm topics and select a topic Wed., Week 2
Do some preliminary research on the Web to learn about the topic Wed., Week 3
Develop list of search terms for some more focused research Fri., Week 3 Ask instructor to look over my search terms
Spend some time at the library searching library holdings and databases, and do some more focused research on the web Mon., Week 4 Plan ahead to make sure I have time and transportation
Read sources and take notes Mon., Week 5 Consult notetaking examples in my textbook
Create an outline for the term paper Fri., Week 5
Begin drafting Mon., Week 6 Remember to try some freewriting
Complete first rough draft Wed., Week 7
Ask a couple of classmates to read draft and comment; meet with instructor and ask questions Fri., Week 7 Ask classmates week before if they want to meet and exchange papers
Do some additional research if needed Mon., Week 8
Revise first draft and complete second draft with conclusion Mon., Week 9 Try revision strategies we learned about in class
Meet with tutor in the Writing Center to go over my essay Fri., Week 9 Call the Writing Center the week before for appt.
Make final revisions, proofread, make sure formatting is right, citations are in place, and works cited entries are correct Fri., Week 10 Have someone new give it a final read-through.
Print, staple, and turn in (or save and upload) essay Mon., Finals Week Celebrate!


Get support from a friend, family member, or classmate. Talk to your friends or family, or to a tutor in your college writing center, about your ideas for your essay. Sometimes talking about your ideas is the best way to flesh them out and get more ideas flowing. Write down notes during or just after your conversation. Classmates are a great resource because they’re studying the same subjects as you, and they’re working on the same assignments. Talk to them often, and form study groups. Ask people to look at your ideas or writing and to give you feedback. Set goals and hold each other accountable for meeting deadlines (a little friendly competition can be motivating!).

Talk to other potential readers. Ask them what they would expect from this type of writing. Meet with a tutor in your campus writing center. Be sure to come to the appointment prepared with a printed copy of the assignment and a short list of what you want to work on, along with a printed copy of your essay.

For more about getting help from a tutor see “Why Meet with a Writing Tutor?” and “Preparing to Meet with a Tutor” in the “ Giving and Receiving Feedback ” section of this text.

Embrace Reality

Don’t imagine the situation of your writing assignment to be any better or worse than it really is. There are some important truths for you to recognize:

  • Focus on what you do best rather than fretting about your perceived weaknesses.
  • Acknowledge that writing can be difficult and that all you need to do is do your best.
  • Recognize what might be new or unfamiliar about the type of writing that you’re doing.
  • Understand that confusion and frustration is a natural part of experiencing new things, and it’s okay; it’s part of the learning process.
  • Remember that you’re a student and that you’re supposed to be experiencing things that are new and unfamiliar (new formats, new audiences, new subject matter, new processes, new approaches, etc.).
  • Repeat the mantra, “It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be DONE.”

Seek Out Experts

If you can, find more experienced writers (especially related to the type of writing that you’re doing) and ask them questions. Sometimes, this might just mean a friend or family member who’s already taken a couple years of college courses. Maybe it’s a fellow student who has already taken the class you’re taking now. Also, the tutors in your college writing center can be a big help at any stage in the writing process. Give them a call and make an appointment. And don’t forget the expert you see all the time throughout any class that you take: your instructor. Ask your instructor for suggestions. That’s what she’s there for.

Another way to learn from the experience of others is to look at examples of other pieces of writing of the type that you’re working on. How is this piece organized? Does it make use of source material? What sort of tone does it use? If you don’t know where to find examples, ask your instructor. If he doesn’t have them at the ready, he’ll likely be able to give you some suggestions about where to find some.

The Word on College Reading and Writing Copyright © by Carol Burnell, Jaime Wood, Monique Babin, Susan Pesznecker, and Nicole Rosevear is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to overcome anxiety over writing papers?

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Alice! Health Promotion. "How to overcome anxiety over writing papers?." Go Ask Alice!, Columbia University, 24 Jun. 2022, Accessed 13, Sep. 2024.

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Alice! Health Promotion. (2022, June 24). How to overcome anxiety over writing papers?. Go Ask Alice!,

Dear Alice,

I have terrible anxiety about writing papers. Because of this, I put them off, need to ask for extensions, and then have more anxiety about completing the assignment. In addition, when I start writing, I find it difficult to keep going, especially because I hit what may seem to others as small roadblocks, like uncertainty about citation format. I don’t experience nearly as much stress about other types of work (e.g., studying for and taking exams). What can I do to get over or at least cope reasonably with this fear?

Dear Reader,

Just thinking about writing anxiety made this answer more difficult to compose. You see, writing anxiety and writer’s block are concerns for both students and professionals of all ages and academic levels. In fact, even the most seasoned writers experience anxiety or writer’s block now and then. Fortunately, writing is a complex process that, with practice and patience, may be improved. Read on for some strategies for overcoming the roadblock you’re experiencing.

Writing anxiety comes in multiple forms such as an inability to form an idea, a physical struggle to manifest words on the paper, or a fear of not meeting expectations that hinders your progress. The four main causes of writer’s block include psychological, motivational, cognitive, and behavioral reasons. Psychological causes often include mood or stressors that affect cognitive processing. Motivation-related blocks often arise from a fear of failure. Similarly, those categorized as cognitive causes stem from perfectionism and obsession with details, much like you described in your uncertainty when formatting citations. Lastly, the most common cause of writing anxiety is behavioral changes such as procrastination. Procrastination may lead to a domino effect in which more work doesn’t get done and the pile-up becomes overwhelming. Writer’s block is different for everyone not only in its cause but also in its manifestation and how long it lasts. For some, it may occur for a few minutes and for others it may take decades to overcome, but it’s good to know that it’s possible.

It’s worth noting that more and more research has been dedicated to understanding the psychology behind writer’s block in order to help conquer it. Multiple studies have concluded that writer’s block is most effectively combated by giving the brain a break. This period of time is called the incubation period and could include activities such as going on a walk, playing a word game, or getting a full night’s sleep. When done for an appropriate amount of time, these mental breaks could help writers to think more creatively and find inspiration. Fortunately, writing anxiety is typically a product of a writer’s habits, and habits are changeable! You’ve already made a great first step by identifying a few things that don’t work for you — procrastination and obtaining deadline extensions provide you little or no relief. Now, the next step is to try out or adopt some new habits. To help relieve the anxiety and fear you feel about writing papers, implementing any of the following strategies may be useful:

  • Stay on top of your reading assignments and do your best to attend classes — that way you won’t have to cram or teach yourself course material before writing your papers.
  • Prior to writing, brainstorm ideas. Create a chart or write down topics of interest to refer back to while writing.
  • Follow the guidelines your professor talked about in class or included in a syllabus or grading rubric. If you’re not sure about the guidelines, ask for clarification early.
  • Start writing even before you envision your entire argument. Getting words down on paper may help you come up with the rest of your writing assignment. Try free writing or diagramming to inspire ideas.
  • Compose different parts of your paper in whatever order feels easy. You’re not required to write in sequential order, as long as the final product is well-organized. Some find it helpful to start with the sections that come naturally and move toward the more challenging parts.
  • Avoid stopping and editing each sentence as you write. This will slow you down. Instead, consider writing your paper in several whole drafts, and take breaks between editing. Remind yourself that the first draft is low-pressure and exploratory.
  • Write your paper in several sittings rather than trying to crank it out in one marathon session. Attempting to write a paper in one sitting may overwhelm you, thereby distracting you from your task.
  • Avoid distractions by turning off your internet and cellphone or writing a draft by hand.
  • Get feedback from others. Many schools offer writing support services such as helping you develop and structure ideas, find research, connect thoughts, strengthen your understanding of grammar, and much more.
  • Seek out additional support. If you’re wondering if your writing block is related to a learning disability, you can check to see if your school as an office of disability services that provides support to students. 

You can also reach out to instructors or a tutor to help implement these strategies for combating writing anxiety. Remember that writing anxiety is common — and you’re certainly not alone. However, if you continue to experience these feelings and need additional support, you might find it helpful to reach out to a mental health professional.

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How to deal with a total lack of motivation, stress and anxiety when finishing my masters thesis?

I am a master's student in Germany. I am currently writing my thesis and am more or less done with it.

Last week, I wrote my Conclusions and Methodology, so the only things left are the Introduction and the Abstract. But I am not satisfied with my work at all. I do not think I serves any purpose and I do not even think it is worth anything. I am very stressed and anxious, and I am really thinking of not submitting at all. I want to do more work and more research but with only 3 weeks left b before the deadline (there is not much to do). I have pushed writing the Introduction for 3 days now. It is Wednesday and I was supposed to start writing it on Monday.

How do I get myself together and just get it done? 20 days left to the submission.

Michael Karas's user avatar

  • 35 "I do not think I serves any purpose and I do not even think it is worth any thing." The purpose of a Master's thesis is to give you some training in whatever your chosen field is and to get you a Master's degree, which then enables you to do other things. I am not sure what other purpose you are imagining for the thesis. Are you by any chance comparing your thesis to research produced by mature, professional researchers with years of practice? Unless the thesis is truly extraordinary, chances that it will be read by anyone are minimal, so there is no point in fretting too much about it. –  Adam Přenosil Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 17:05
  • 1 Well I just so happened to read the paper of one of research associates in the department i am currently studying, and their research is incomparable with mine. I feel very shallow and weak somehow, especially knowing that he is going to be on part of my hearing committee. I do not even feel like i have the tools to defend myself against his knowledge. That is what is giving me all the stress. –  Florian Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 20:06
  • 6 Have you talked to your advisors or professors ? –  Job_September_2020 Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 20:09
  • 24 You are still a student. You have not even finished your Master's degree yet. No-one expects your research output to match the output of more experienced researchers, and it would be non-sensical for you to expect this too. –  Adam Přenosil Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 20:21
  • 5 Might be worth reading about imposter syndrome since it seems like it might be contributing:… –  Bryan Krause ♦ Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 20:51

8 Answers 8

It is possible that your judgement of the value is flawed. After all, you probably know more about the topic than almost anyone else and so it seems to you, with your knowledge, to be less than it is.

I suggest that you talk to a couple of people. One is an advisor or other trusted faculty member. But the other is a counsellor, who can advise you on why your feelings at the moment might not match the reality of the situation. This is an issue similar to Imposter Syndrome actually, though directed at the work rather than yourself.

A counsellor is good for stress reduction also, I suspect.

You may just need to turn the remains work into a scheduling problem, wading through the swamp of it to reach the other side.

Buffy's user avatar

  • 15 +1. Your university quite probably has professional services for exactly this kind of situation. Just act now, because they may not be able to meet with you immediately. –  Stephan Kolassa Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 15:37

You are just a master student starting your path in research. From the way your question is worded, your expectations of what your work was supposed to be are extremely high (and probably unattainable). I would suggest you to talk with your advisor (the other person besides you that knows what your work is about), ask him what he thinks about the work you did and about your performance in the program. But, besides everything, try to fix a date where you sit and write what is remaining! For example, promise yourself that this Friday, at 15:00 hours, you will sit down in front your monitor and start writing. Fixing times like that helped me overcome the fear of a blank page . Even if what you write is not good enough, the next day you will not be confronted by a blank page, instead you will have a draft that can be modified. If the thoughts of not being good enough keep lurking you, remember that everybody face that kind of negative feelings.

From Emmy Noether's wikipedia page:

Under the supervision of Paul Gordan she wrote her dissertation, ""On Complete Systems of Invariants for Ternary Biquadratic Forms", (...) Although it had been well received, Noether later described her thesis and a number of subsequent similar papers she produced as "crap".

Amelian's user avatar

  • 5 Poets also sometimes say their earlier work is crap, but it only indicates growth and the fact that you can and should do better with more experience. –  Buffy Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 19:16
  • 3 Masters in Germany generally last 2 years just fyi. There are 1 year masters but generally only with a 4 year Bachelor which is uncommon –  SirHawrk Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 6:22
  • @SirHawrk thank you for telling me, I edited my answer accordingly. –  Amelian Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 14:21
  • +1 - (very) roughly speaking, as a student, one is still learning; first we learn to actually learn, then, for masters, how to write thesis, and finally, the PhD student is learning how to do real research and write articles that can be published in scientific journals. I suspect even most papers written as a PhD student are fairly insignificant, scientifically. –  j4nd3r53n Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 9:01

It might sound stupid but here is something that just might work for you (everyone is different):

Go to a park (now the weather is also getting nicer again in Germany) with pen and paper, without laptop and start writing about your thesis like you would do for an introduction but also just notes or loosely connected thoughts you might have. The pace, environment is different than on a desk which could get you out of the routine that got you stuck at this point. Maybe you can even bring a friend with you and just talk about the thesis while making notes, a little back-and-forth to even further alter the setting that you are in.

Afterwards use your notes and form it into a proper introduction.

I do similar things when writing scientifically but also for songwriting: Just write something now, make it a proper text later. There is a chance that it might not work for you obviously but 20 days seems like plenty of time to write an abstract and introduction to fool around with some other method for one or two days.

Best of luck!

ttnick's user avatar

  • 1 I have a variant of this "routine breaking" advice. I simply open a new document and write a vulgar draft, trying genuinely to explain what I did but not "dressing it nicely", allowing myself to lament and vent all my misgivings in the text. Perhaps this makes a 4 page document. A few days later I copy it back into the main document, giggle at the thought of leaving it all in, and begin deleting unprofessional bits. Most of it thus disappears but some of it will be salvageable, maybe 2 paragraphs. Often I'll then want to expand a bit. But even if I am fully demoralized, at least it now exists. –  Eric Nathan Stucky Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 5:04

Try to relax. What you feel is pretty normal.

Most students think they have produced nothing but crap when they are about to hand in their thesis. That's a consequence of the stress you have had in the recent months.

I do not think I serves any purpose

It does. You will get your master's degree. That's the only purpose of a master thesis. Your supervisor will read it, grade it and put it onto a shelf in their office. And nobody will ever read it again. You do not have to hand in hundreds of pages of excellent scientific work. If you want that, continue with a doctorate.

I am really thinking of not submitting at all

Do not be afraid of a bad grade or a failure. At our university, theses usually fail if they are either too short or not handed in at all. As long as your thesis meets the formal requirements (e.g. number of pages) and does not completely miss the point, you will get a decent grade. If you do not submit it, you will fail, though. And believe me, that's not worth it.

sisee's user avatar

I felt similar when writing my master's thesis. I even expressed feelings of having wasted a bunch of time writing something that was so narrow and specific that I couldn't imagine anyone could ever benefit from it. My advisor shared that this is often the way with research. She likened each project to a single grain of sand. In researching, you are illuminating one particular grain of knowledge. Taken with all the other offerings of the rest of your field, we get a clearer and clearer picture of how things really are.

nuggethead's user avatar

I gave this advice to one of my friends, who finished his thesis, and thought it helpful:

  • It's time to write, not read. Start writing what you can.
  • You also will have a list of references and/or bibiliography, work on that.
  • You likely will have figures, so work on them also.

Also, make a ring on a piece of paper, like a circular pie chart. Estimate the percentage that you are done and start filling in the circle, this will help motivate you.

Finally, you already have an "emergency thesis" in your mind that you will fall back on. Commit that to paper, you can improve it if need be.

Be in communication with your advisor, or if this isn't possible, a mentor that you trust. An "intelligent sounding board" is always useful.

Best wishes!

JosephDoggie's user avatar

  • 2 Also: don't get sidetracked into displacement activities. Now is /definitely/ not the time to- for example- redraw all your illustrations so that their metadata is compatible with PDF. –  Mark Morgan Lloyd Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 12:01
I do not even feel like I have the tools to defend myself against his knowledge. That is what is giving me all the stress.

That would make perfect sense... if your thesis was in the discipline of Defence Against the Dark Arts .

If someone on your committee will act like it was a confrontation or a battle, that doesn't make them fit for that duty. So, I sincerely hope that nobody during examination will be openly antagonistic and trying to belittle your work. That's not the way to act, and none of that would be your fault. If they only noticed problems with your work during the examination, they have missed their chance at being useful. That's also why it's important that you make sure the committe is acquainted with the current draft of your work, and that you get as much feedback as you can ahead of the examination . Even the strongest critique - should there be any need for that at all - can be delivered in a professional and courteous manner. Academic environment is also about teaching - that means bringing up successors into the field.

Being prepared for examination doesn't mean cramming. Rather it means knowing what to expect from the examiners by interacting with them previously , enough so that you can be fairly confident that they are familiar with your work, approach, style of presentation, etc. and seem comfortable with it. The examination should not have any surprises for you - not because you've re-read all the subject notes from the entire degree's worth of material one week prior, but because you have a feel for what the edxaminers care about, which of their interests may intersect with your work, and so on. It's more about the human side of things that having your mind full of facts.

Unfortunately, on the Master's examination of one of my peers there was an openly hostile examiner who for no good reason whatsoever tried to find everything wrong with the student's work only then in spite of being familiar with it ahead of time, and not really raising any objections earlier. In my opinion that is unproductive - never mind terribly stressful for everyone, and probably cringe-inducing in other, more level-headed examiners in the same room. This is bad behavior - being aware of it should at least help you understand that none of your work can justify that.

Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar

Instead of looking for inspiration or motivation to get you going so that you are riding on a wave of enthusiasm or enjoying the task, forget about all of that and only consider what will happen if you do not submit your work, forget motivation or how meaningful it all is or the meaning of life at this moment, just consider what will happen if you simply blow it off and do not submit your final work.

Also remember, perfection is the enemy of all things good.

If you cannot find the energy to do something because you do not see any real meaning in the reward you will get, or you simply cannot summon the interest and attention span to focus on the task, change your focus to the consequences of not doing it instead. You are not cherry-picking the perfect existence at your leisure you are avoiding certain disaster that comes from inaction.

Amrita's user avatar

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How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

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Management of Stress and Anxiety Among PhD Students During Thesis Writing: A Qualitative Study


  • 1 Author Affiliations: Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan (Drs Bazrafkan, Yousefi, and Yamani); and Applied Linguistics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (Dr Shokrpour), Shiraz, Iran.
  • PMID: 27455365
  • DOI: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000120

Today, postgraduate students experience a variety of stresses and anxiety in different situations of academic cycle. Stress and anxiety have been defined as a syndrome shown by emotional exhaustion and reduced personal goal achievement. This article addresses the causes and different strategies of coping with this phenomena by PhD students at Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences. The study was conducted by a qualitative method using conventional content analysis approach. Through purposive sampling, 16 postgraduate medical sciences PhD students were selected on the basis of theoretical sampling. Data were gathered through semistructured interviews and field observations. Six hundred fifty-four initial codes were summarized and classified into 4 main categories and 11 subcategories on the thematic coding stage dependent on conceptual similarities and differences. The obtained codes were categorized under 4 themes including "thesis as a major source of stress," "supervisor relationship," "socioeconomic problem," and "coping with stress and anxiety." It was concluded that PhD students experience stress and anxiety from a variety of sources and apply different methods of coping in effective and ineffective ways. Purposeful supervision and guidance can reduce the cause of stress and anxiety; in addition, coping strategy must be in a thoughtful approach, as recommended in this study.

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10 New Thesis Statement about Depression & Anxiety | How to Write One?


Did you know according to the National Institute of Mental Health; it is estimated that approximately 8.4% of adults are patients of major depression in the US? Well, depression is a common illness globally that affects a lot of people. Yet, the reasons for this psychological sickness vary from person to person and numerous studies are being conducted to discover more about depression.

Therefore, college and university students are currently assigned to write research papers, dissertations, essays, and a thesis about depression. However, writing essays on such topics aims to increase the awareness of physical and mental well-being among youth and help them find solutions.

However, a lot of students find it pretty challenging to write a thesis statement about depression and seek someone to write my essay . No worries! In this article, you will learn about what is a good thesis statement about mental health and some effective methods and approaches to write a killer headline and compose an astonishing essay about depression.

5 Thesis Statement About Depression:

  • “The complexity of depression, which includes biological, psychological, and environmental components, emphasizes the need for individualized treatment plans that consider each person’s particular requirements.”
  • “Depression in the workplace not only affects an individual’s productivity but also carries economic implications, emphasizing the importance of fostering a mental health-friendly work environment.”
  • “Alternative, holistic approaches to mental health care have the potential to be more successful as the link between creative expressions, such as art therapy, and depression management becomes more commonly recognized.”
  • “It is critical to enhance geriatric mental health treatment and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness in older people since depression in senior populations is typically underdiagnosed and mistreated.”
  • “The link between early childhood adversity and the risk of developing depression later in life accentuates the importance of early intervention and support systems for children exposed to adverse experiences.”

5 Thesis Statements about Anxiety & Depression :

  • “Depression and anxiety Co-occurring disorders are a major concern in mental health, necessitating integrated treatment options that meet the unique challenges that co-occurring diseases provide.”
  • “The utilization of technology-driven therapies, such as smartphone apps and telehealth services, is a realistic approach of addressing persons suffering from anxiety and depression, while also increasing access to mental health care.”
  • “The examination of the gut-brain connection and its potential role in anxiety and depression showcases a burgeoning area of research that could lead to novel treatments emphasizing nutrition and gut health.”
  • “Adolescents who experience both anxiety and depression face a serious issue that calls for comprehensive school-based mental health programs and preventative measures to promote young people’s mental health.”
  • “Exploring the impact of sociocultural factors and the role of community support systems in the experience of anxiety and depression provides insights into the development of culturally sensitive mental health interventions.”

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Follow 7 Proven Methods to Compose Thesis Statement about Depression

A thesis is the overview of the concepts and ideas that you will write in your research paper or in the essay. Yet, a thesis statement about anxiety focuses more on the stress and depression topics for the paper you’re working on, which can be written by following the tips given below.

Nonetheless, you can compose an outline by covering the points mentioned below:

1. Pick a good study topic and perform a basic reading. Look for some intriguing statistics and try to come up with creative ways to approach your subject. Examine a few articles for deficiencies in understanding.

2. Make a list of your references and jot down when you come across a noteworthy quotation. You can cite them in your paper as references. Organize all of the information you’ve acquired in one location.

3. In one phrase, state the purpose of your essay. Consider what you want to happen when other people read your article.

4. Examine your notes and construct a list of all the key things you wish to emphasize. Make use of brainstorming strategies and jot down any ideas that come to mind.

5. Review and revise the arguments and write a thesis statement for a research paper or essay about depression.

6. Organize your essay by organizing the list of points. Arrange the points in a logical sequence. Analyze all elements to ensure that they are all relevant to your goal.

7. Reread all of your statements and arrange your outline in a standard manner, such as a bulleted list.

Final Words

So, what is an ideal way to write a thesis statement about depression for your research paper or essay? We hope you have a thorough idea of the essay you’re writing before picking a thesis statement about mental well-being. That will assist you in developing the greatest thesis for our essay.

But don’t get too worked up over your thesis statement for a research paper on mental disorders. Our professional subject experts have produced a list of thesis statements about mental health and depression themes for research paper writing, so you’ve got your job cut out for you. For your essay assignments or assignments, we will also offer appropriate thesis statements.

If you’re still confused about which statement to use, contact us right away. We have a staff of highly qualified and seasoned writers who can assist you with your essay or research work and guarantee that you receive the highest possible score.

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Navigating Anxiety Over Thesis: Strategies for Success

Navigating Anxiety Over Thesis: Strategies for Success

Thesis writing is a pivotal and often stressful phase in a student's academic journey, with anxiety being a common obstacle. This article explores the multi-faceted nature of thesis writing anxiety and provides a range of strategies to help students navigate through it. From understanding the root causes to adopting effective writing practices and coping mechanisms, the goal is to empower students with the tools for a successful and anxiety-free thesis writing experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Thesis writing anxiety stems from various sources, including fear of failure and overwhelming expectations, and manifests through symptoms like procrastination and self-doubt.
  • Developing a structured Thesis Action Plan, setting realistic goals, and utilizing tools like Academic Project Planners can lay a solid foundation for thesis success.
  • Effective writing practices involve understanding academic language, maintaining integrity, and incorporating feedback through
  • significantly alleviate the anxiety associated with thesis writing. It is essential to remember that the journey of thesis composition is not only about fulfilling academic requirements but also about personal growth and learning. Therefore, embracing a holistic approach that includes proper planning, seeking guidance, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle will lead to a more rewarding and less stressful thesis experience.
  • In conclusion, navigating the tumultuous waters of thesis composition requires a well-structured strategy that addresses both the intellectual and emotional challenges of the process. By implementing the strategies discussed, such as setting realistic deadlines, utilizing supportive resources like the Thesis Action Plan, and engaging with a community of peers, students can significantly alleviate the anxiety associated with thesis writing. It is essential to remember that the journey of thesis

Understanding the Nature of Anxiety Over Thesis

Defining thesis anxiety.

Thesis anxiety is a prevalent concern among students, characterized by feelings of unease, stress, and worry about the ability to complete a thesis successfully. It's important to recognize that you are not alone in this experience. Identifying the sources of your thesis-related stress is crucial, as it often stems from a fear of failure, overwhelming deadlines, or the sheer volume of work required.

Common Triggers and Symptoms

You might find that thesis anxiety is common due to factors such as workload, perfectionism, and fear of failure. These triggers can manifest through symptoms like procrastination and self-doubt. Acknowledging these causes is the first step towards managing them effectively.

Psychological and Emotional Impacts

The psychological and emotional impacts of thesis anxiety can be significant. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and can affect your overall well-being. Employing strategies such as breaking tasks into manageable parts , seeking support, and practicing self-care are essential in mitigating these effects.

Strategic Planning to Mitigate Anxiety

Developing a thesis action plan.

Developing a comprehensive action plan is your first step towards mitigating thesis anxiety. By breaking down your thesis into smaller, manageable tasks, you can reduce the overwhelming feeling and maintain a clear focus on your objectives. Start by outlining your main research question, objectives, and the methods you will use. This structured approach not only organizes your thoughts but also provides a sense of control over your project.

Setting Achievable Milestones

Setting achievable milestones throughout your thesis timeline is crucial for maintaining motivation and measuring progress. These milestones should be realistic, clearly defined, and spaced appropriately to give you enough time for in-depth research and writing. Consider using tools like Gantt charts or timelines to visualize your progress and stay on track.

Utilizing Academic Project Planners

Academic project planners can be invaluable in organizing and prioritizing your tasks. These tools help you keep track of deadlines, appointments, and meetings, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. They also allow you to allocate time effectively between different tasks, which is essential for successful time management in thesis writing. Utilizing these planners can significantly reduce your stress and help you maintain a steady pace throughout your thesis journey.

Effective Time Management Techniques

Prioritizing tasks.

To effectively manage your time during the thesis process, start by prioritizing tasks . Identify the most critical aspects of your research and writing that need immediate attention and allocate your time accordingly. This ensures that you focus on high-impact activities that significantly advance your thesis.

Avoiding Procrastination

One of the most common pitfalls in thesis writing is procrastination. To combat this, set clear, short-term goals and reward yourself upon achieving them. This method, often referred to as the Pomodoro Technique , encourages sustained concentration and productivity by alternating focused work sessions with short breaks.

Setting Realistic Deadlines

Setting realistic deadlines is crucial for maintaining a steady pace and avoiding burnout. Break your thesis into smaller, manageable tasks and establish deadlines for each. Regularly reassess and adjust these deadlines based on your progress and feedback from advisors to ensure they remain achievable.

Adopting Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Stress reduction techniques.

In the midst of thesis writing, it's crucial to integrate effective stress reduction techniques into your daily routine. Consider engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation, or even simple breathing exercises to help manage your stress levels. These practices not only alleviate immediate stress but also enhance your overall mental clarity and focus.

Balancing Work and Life

To maintain your mental health during the thesis process, it's essential to strike a balance between your academic responsibilities and personal life. Ensure you set aside time for social activities and personal interests to prevent burnout. Remember, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key to sustaining productivity and fostering a positive mindset throughout your thesis journey.

Seeking Support from Peers and Mentors

Building a support network can significantly ease the pressures of thesis writing. Engage with peers and academic networks to foster support and collaborative opportunities . Don't hesitate to seek guidance from mentors who can provide valuable insights and encouragement. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and leveraging the support of others can be a powerful tool in managing your thesis anxiety.

Enhancing Research and Writing Skills

Navigating academic resources.

To excel in your thesis, it's crucial to adeptly navigate academic resources. Start by familiarizing yourself with your university's library database and online journals. Utilize literature navigators and academic search engines to pinpoint relevant studies and articles. This foundational step ensures you have a robust base of knowledge to draw from.

Critical Analysis and Synthesis

Developing a keen eye for critical analysis is essential. Analyze the methodologies, results, and discussions of existing literature to identify gaps and opportunities for your research. Synthesize this information to form a coherent framework for your thesis, which will guide your research questions and objectives.

Feedback Incorporation and Revision Strategies

Incorporating feedback effectively can significantly enhance the quality of your thesis. Engage in peer review sessions and be open to constructive criticism. Treat editing as an ongoing process, refining your work iteratively to produce a polished and scholarly document. Balancing academics with social engagement enhances the overall thesis writing experience.

Maintaining Well-being During the Thesis Process

Physical health considerations.

Taking care of your physical health is crucial during the thesis process. Ensure you are eating well, getting enough sleep, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. These actions not only boost your physical well-being but also enhance your mental clarity and focus, which are essential for successful thesis writing.

Mental Health Strategies

Maintain a healthy balance between your thesis responsibilities and personal life. It's essential to allocate time for social interactions, hobbies, and rest to prevent burnout and maintain mental health. Regular breaks and leisure activities can significantly alleviate the anxiety associated with thesis writing.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Surround yourself with a supportive network of peers and mentors. This network can provide encouragement, share insights, and offer practical help when you encounter challenges. Additionally, ensure your physical workspace is organized and conducive to productivity, which can help reduce stress and foster a more enjoyable thesis experience.

Leveraging Technology and Resources

Using literature navigators.

In your quest to master your thesis, consider the power of literature navigators . These tools streamline the search and review of academic literature, ensuring you access the most relevant resources efficiently. They are indispensable for maintaining a comprehensive understanding of your field.

Employing Writing Wizard's Templates

To enhance the clarity and consistency of your thesis, employing Writing Wizard's templates can be transformative. These templates guide you in structuring your document effectively, which is crucial for presenting your research compellingly.

Accessing Research Proposal Compass

Finally, the Research Proposal Compass is an essential tool for planning your research design and methodology. It helps you outline your study's scope, objectives, and methods, providing a clear roadmap for your research journey. This tool is particularly valuable in mitigating the digital-related stress of managing numerous research components.

In today's fast-paced academic environment, leveraging technology and resources effectively is crucial. At Research Rebels, we provide innovative tools and guides to streamline your thesis writing process, ensuring clarity and ease. Our methods are tested and proven, designed to alleviate your academic stress. Don't wait to transform your thesis experience. Visit our website now to explore our resources and claim your special offer today!

In conclusion, navigating the tumultuous waters of thesis composition requires a well-structured strategy that addresses both the intellectual and emotional challenges of the process. By implementing the strategies discussed, such as setting realistic deadlines, utilizing supportive resources like the Thesis Action Plan, and engaging with a community of peers, students can significantly alleviate the anxiety associated with thesis writing. It is essential to remember that the journey of thesis composition is not only about fulfilling academic requirements but also about personal growth and learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is thesis anxiety and how can i manage it.

Thesis anxiety refers to the stress and nervousness associated with the process of writing a thesis. It can be managed by developing a clear action plan, setting realistic goals, and utilizing supportive resources like the Academic Project Planner and Thesis Action Plan.

How can I set realistic goals for my thesis?

Setting realistic goals involves understanding the scope of your project, breaking it down into manageable tasks, and scheduling deadlines that allow for thorough research and writing without overwhelming you. Tools like the Academic Project Planner can help in this process.

What are some effective stress reduction techniques during thesis writing?

Effective stress reduction techniques include regular breaks, physical exercise, mindfulness practices, and maintaining a balanced diet. Engaging in hobbies and social activities can also help alleviate stress.

How can I balance work and life while writing my thesis?

Balancing work and life during thesis writing requires effective time management, setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, and ensuring you schedule downtime. It's also important to seek support from peers and mentors to maintain a healthy balance.

What tools can help me enhance my research and writing skills?

Tools such as the Literature Navigator, Writing Wizard's Template, and Research Proposal Compass can enhance your research and writing skills by providing structured guidance and templates for various stages of thesis writing.

How can I maintain my mental health during the thesis process?

Maintaining mental health during the thesis process involves regular self-care, seeking professional help if needed, staying connected with friends and family, and possibly engaging in counseling or therapy sessions to manage stress and anxiety.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders Through Thesis Research

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Thesis Action Plan

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Research Proposal Compass

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Student Guide

Workshop on writing article thesis summary

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The purpose is this workshop is to inspire you to complete your thesis! You can join one or more workshop sessions.

The Language Centre and Doctoral education services arrange the workshops in English once a month on Tuesdays over Zoom.

More information about the workshops in English (

More information about the workshops in Finnish (

The workshop centres on the key elements of a doctoral thesis and focuses on the structure of the integrative summary. We also examine academic style, citation strategies and individual choices regarding reporting voice.

The workshop concludes in a review session, which is a good opportunity to test your work-in-progress on a peer and get feedback on elements you're struggling with. The session is interactive so feel free to come with questions!

The workshop is facilitated by Dr Pia Lappalainen. Please register to her ( [email protected] ) to obtain the Teams link. Please use your Aalto email to sign up. Only doctoral students studying at Aalto are accepted to the workshops.

Workshops on writing article thesis summary

Open workshops online for all Aalto doctoral students

Drawing of a stack of books, with notes between the pages of the books.

Doctoral thesis at Aalto University

Resources, guidelines and information on doctoral theses at Aalto University

Drawing of two doctoral students each holding a paper, with doctor's hats shining on their heads.

Finalising your doctoral studies

Information on pre-examination, defence, finalising the thesis, public display and approval of thesis etc.

Feedback about the page

  • Published: 12.9.2024
  • Updated: 12.9.2024
  • Emotional Psychology

Students' Writing Anxiety

  • September 2022
  • Journal Polingua Scientific Journal of Linguistics Literature and Education 10(2):62-68
  • 10(2):62-68

Gina Selvira Yanti

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