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How often do you interact with animals in your daily life? Not just your dogs or cats, but a myriad of wildlife? Chances are, not very often. While surely, we’d all like to spend our days surrounded by animals , this is hardly the reality for most people. As a society, humans have separated themselves from the animal world , building houses and fences to keep wildlife away. We’ve developed a culture that predominantly views humans as “superior” to animals, and we associate their wild qualities and instincts with being “uncivilized.”

Of course, not everyone holds these beliefs, but it is the prevailing ideology of our world. But anyone who loves animals, as we do, knows that there is much more to the many varied and incredible species on this planet. There are many lessons that we stand to learn from animals , especially considering how far we’ve separated ourselves from them.

Animals have inherent worth and value, just like humans, that merit our respect and acknowledgment . In an effort to reorder the way we think about animals , here are 10 important things they can teach us.

1. Compassion

Whether witnessed in the form of interspecies friendships or foster parenting , compassion knows no bounds with animals. The relationships we foster with our companion animals also teach us how to be compassionate as it forces us to look beyond our needs and imagine those of another who is vastly different from ourselves. Compassion is all based on being able to understand the feeling of another. Seeing a cow care for her newborn calf , suddenly, we can understand their relationship and respect it.

2. Patience

Humans value time about as much as we value money, but rarely stop to think that both of these things only exist because we agree they do. The natural world does not run on your strict schedule  but according to the natural rhythms and cues of the planet. There is no rushing an animal to do anything they aren’t ready to do … if you’ve even stood in the rain for hours waiting for your dog to do their business … you know.

3. How to Live in the Now

While animals may be able to anticipate their future needs, they don’t worry about the future as fervently as humans do. People waste so much time obsessed with following “what will happen next” that we completely forget to enjoy the now . Take a tip from your cat, just sit and soak it all in every now and then.

4. We’re All Connected

Ecosystems only thrive when there is balance. That means that wildlife populations play off of one another to ensure their optimal success. For example, if the wolf population increases past carrying capacity, then it will cause the population of their prey to drop drastically, which can alter the vegetation in the region. While humans have sort of removed ourselves from this direct participation in our respective ecosystems, that does not mean that our actions don’t influence other species. Looking at the direct connections between animals in the wild can teach us that we’re not as distant as we might think. (P.S. Humans Wouldn’t Exist Without These 5 Animals.

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5. Humans Aren’t as Different as We Thought

Dolphins call each other by name , elephants comfort upset friends , primates use tools , and endless other examples prove that humans are not as different as we might think. We like to believe that our intelligence and ability to feel and understand emotions is unparalleled, but more and more, we are finding this isn’t the case. If there’s ever been a time to reevaluate our relationship with animals , it’s now.

6. Respect Your Elders

In the wild, survival relies on the ability of older generations to impart their knowledge to younger generations. Elephant herds with older matriarchs have higher survival rates because the elder elephants can recognize the signs of drought or other oncoming natural disasters. Learning from the wisdom of the past is important for humans too, especially in an age where technology and media run rampant. Moving forward and advancing toward innovation is a wonderful thing, but we should also learn to respect the wisdom of those who came before us.

7. Responsibility

Growing up with a pet has been shown to instill a deeper understanding of responsibility and accountability in children. Not only do animals help teach children to be compassionate, but it can also help their social development . When children care for animals in a responsible manner they can see the direct effect of their actions – their parents are pleased with them, and moreover, their pets are happy and healthy. This can help children to associate responsibility with positive results, leading to more success in life.

8. Listen Carefully

Animals’ hearing abilities far surpass that of humans. While we might have evolved away from using our hearing to survive on the day-to-day, we tend to overlook the importance of this ability . Animals sit and listen before they react to situations, something we could surely all stand to do.

9. Live Lightly

It pretty much goes without saying that humans don’t know how to  live lightly on the planet (or at least most don’t). In the wild, animals learn to live within their means – which for the most part, means their natural environment . Animals live in tune with the planet and use its resources as needed. Learning to be attuned to our surroundings and how to live without causing mass destruction to our environment would serve humans well.

10. We Must Stick Together

Animals have enemies too, but at the end of the day, having each other’s back is the key to survival. Scientists have found that birds flock, bees swarm, and lions have social cliques because it maintains the stability of the ecosystem . The bottom line, groups of animals are less likely to become the victim of predators. While people might not need to worry too much about becoming the meal of a predator, it is an important lesson to learn. Being able to set aside differences and work together for the mutual benefit of our species is an incredible skill.

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The article is wonderful. Similarly could you point out benefits to mankind from Mentally Handicapped People? Mother Nature has ordained them to be so to educate all. What do you suppose?

hello again


Education And Career Blog

12 Valuable Life Lessons We Can Learn from Animals

Learn from animals

Modified On Jul 13, 2023

What Can We Learn from Animals? Animals hold a unique place in our world, offering insights and lessons that we can apply to our own lives. While humans may be considered higher animals , we can still glean wisdom from our lesser animal counterparts, both domestic and wild. By observing the animal kingdom, we can discover valuable life lessons that resonate with our own human experience. From the instincts of birds to the intricacies of ant colonies, animals provide us with a glimpse into the deeper wisdom of nature. This brings us to exploring 12 valuable life lessons we can learn from the animals around us.


Animals in their Natural Habitat

There is an incredible variety of animal species, ranging from microscopic organisms to large mammals. They can be found in diverse habitats worldwide, including oceans, forests, deserts, grasslands, and even urban environments. Animals exhibit a wide range of adaptations to their environments, such as specialized body structures, behaviors, and physiological mechanisms.

Roles of Animals in Human Society

Humans have had significant interactions with animals throughout history and to the present. The role of animals in human society is multifaceted and extends beyond mere companionship. Below are the major roles animals have in our society.

  • Animals contribute to balancing the ecosystems and nature by participating in processes such as pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient cycling, and predator-prey relationships. Some animals serve as indicators of environmental health, as changes in their populations can reflect shifts in ecosystems.
  • Animals serve as objects to provide companionship and emotional support. This is why we keep our pets as they offer love, show care, provide comfort, and help promote our mental and emotional well-being.
  • Animals have been essential in agriculture and food production for ages. Livestock animals, such as cows, pigs, and chickens, are raised for meat, dairy, and egg production. They also contribute to the production of wool, leather, and other animal-derived products, supporting our agricultural systems and food supply.
  • Some human activities can be supported with the help of animals. They have the capacity to be working partners and assistants in various activities such as transportation, farming, and hauling goods, police work, and as therapy animals in healthcare settings.
  • Animals contribute to the development of vaccines, medical treatments, and surgical techniques as they are utilized for scientific research to advance medical, veterinary, and biological knowledge.
  • They also play significant roles in cultural and recreational activities such as horseback riding, birdwatching, and wildlife tourism, providing opportunities for education , leisure, and enjoyment.

1. Instinct and intuition

Working with strong instinct and intuition is a valuable life lesson we can learn from animals. Animals rely on their instincts and intuition to navigate their surroundings and make decisions. Learning to trust our own instincts can help us make better choices and tap into our innate wisdom. Through constant practice, you can develop great skills using your instinct and intuition.

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2. Living in the Present

Animals live to enjoy themselves anytime. What this means is that they often live fully in the present moment, without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Emulating their ability to embrace the present can help us cultivate mindfulness and find greater joy and contentment in everyday life.

3. Adaptability

Animals exhibit remarkable adaptability, adjusting to changing environments and circumstances. Learning from them can teach us to embrace change and be flexible in navigating life’s challenges.

4. Cooperation and Teamwork

I am not so sure if humans can really cooperate naturally as animals do.  Animals often work together in complex social structures, relying on cooperation and teamwork for survival. With just these, they live happily and face life as it comes. Observing their collaborative behaviors can teach us the value of collaboration, communication, and supporting one another to achieve common goals.

5. Resilience

We can also learn from animals such ability to be resilient no matter the circumstances. Many animals face adversity in their natural habitats but display incredible resilience in overcoming obstacles. Their ability to bounce back and persevere can inspire us to develop mental strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

6. Resourcefulness

As humans, we can be as resourceful as we want but animals can be very resourceful too especially with little or no tools or gadgets. From birds building intricate nests to animals using tools for hunting or gathering, animals showcase resourcefulness in utilizing their surroundings to meet their needs. Observing their resourceful behaviors can inspire us to think creatively and make the most of the resources available to us.

7. Respecting the Environment

As humans, it is easy to damn the environment and just focus on our own needs. But it is not the same for animals. They have a natural instinct to live in harmony with their environment. By observing their behavior, we can learn the importance of respecting and preserving our natural surroundings, promoting sustainability, and minimizing our ecological footprint.

8. Parental Care

Many animal species exhibit exceptional parental care and nurturing instincts. Their young ones get the best of care, attention, and resourcefulness. Observing their dedication to their young can inspire us to cultivate love, compassion, and responsibility in our relationships and caregiving roles. This is one important life lesson, many parents need to learn from animals.

9. Curiosity

Animals teach us the importance of curiosity, which drives exploration and learning. Whether it’s a cat exploring its surroundings or a bird venturing into new territories, animals embody curiosity. They remind us to embrace our own sense of wonder, ask questions, and seek knowledge. Curiosity opens us up to new experiences, broadens our horizons, and helps us constantly grow and evolve.

10. Patience

We cannot examine life lessons to learn from animals without considering their level of patience. Animals demonstrate remarkable patience in their natural habitats. Whether it’s a spider carefully spinning its web or a predator patiently waiting for the right moment to strike, animals teach us the value of patience. They show us the importance of waiting for the right time, persevering through challenges, and understanding that some things take time to unfold. Embracing patience allows us to cultivate resilience, make better decisions, and achieve long-term goals with greater success.

11. Compassion

Can we also learn from animals what it means to be compassionate? I guess so because animals offer profound lessons in compassion through acts of kindness and empathy. We can use our pets for instance. They know when we are sick, or distressed and therefore show us compassion.    Practicing compassion creates a more harmonious and caring world. Animals show us the power of compassion and they teach us to lend a helping hand and build connections based on understanding and empathy.

12. Play Hard

Animals engage in play with great enthusiasm. We can learn from animals to play hard when we can. All work and no play make Brown a dull boy. Animals demonstrate the importance of play in life. Whether it’s dolphins frolicking in the ocean or monkeys swinging from tree branches, animals know how to balance their well-being, to which play is vital.

Playfulness allows them to release energy, strengthen social bonds, and nurture their well-being. It reminds us to find joy in simple pleasures, embrace openness, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Incorporating play into our lives cultivates creativity, reduces stress, and reignites our passion for life.

Final Words

Animals offer us valuable life lessons. Their curiosity encourages us to explore and learn, their patience reminds us to wait, their compassion teaches empathy, and their playfulness reminds us to find joy. By embracing these lessons, we can grow as individuals, create deeper connections, and live more fulfilling lives. It is important we learn from everything around us and one great place to draw inspiration from is the wisdom of the animals as we journey through life. I hope you got one value to learn from animals.


About Tega Daniel

An SEO Content Creator, Youth Influencer, and Transformational Speaker who is Passionate About Changing Lives.

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10 Lessons We Need to Learn from Animals

  • By Power of Positivity
  • Published on August 2, 2015
  • Last modified May 20, 2023

From the tiniest bug on the sidewalk to the mighty lion roaming the African savannah, animals of all kinds can teach us valuable life lessons.

If we really pay attention, other animals can teach us many important lessons that we may have forgotten in the haste of our normal daily lives. Just by interacting briefly with other creatures, we can take away valuable knowledge that we can’t always learn from our fellow humans.

Even your own pet can teach you new things every single day without you realizing it. We live in such a fascinating universe that constantly gives us opportunities to learn.

Open your eyes and silence your mind to take in all the lessons our amazing animal friends can show us, including these ten.


10 Things Animals Teach Us About What Matters Most:

1. live in the present moment..

Humans often bounce around from one thought or place to the next without fully immersing themselves in what’s happening around them. Other species, on the other hand, don’t have much else to think about other than searching for food, water, shelter from the elements, and their next mate.

Take a deer, for example – they peacefully flow from one activity to another, searching for berries, fresh water, or just enjoying their surroundings. If you get the chance to observe this graceful creature in action, you will surely forget about everything except the present moment.

2. Love unconditionally.

When people think of animals that show unconditional love, dogs usually come to mind. These loving, cuddly animals never withhold their desire to offer support and understanding to their fellow human friends, and even if you get mad at them, they will still be there for you.

Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason, because of their undying loyalty, faithfulness, and respect for human beings. We can learn a lot about how to treat one another based on how our furry canine friends treat us.

3. Smile no matter what.

In Australia, you can find a tiny, cute animal called a Quokka scurrying through the trees…and stopping to take selfies with humans if they’re not too busy. Recently, people have been posting their pictures with this amiable, cheerful creature, and the first thing you will notice about them is their infectious smile. They seem to live out their days without a worry in the world and keep a positive attitude through it all.

So, even if you’ve had a bad day, think of how the Quokka would handle it, and you will instantly break out in smiles.

4. Work together.

Ants, in particular, are a shining example of this in action. They carry tiny specks of dirt underground to form complex tunnels and living systems, tackle prey as a team, and help each other carry leaves back to their colony to use as mulch for raising fungus, which they eat to survive. They work harder than many species just to get through each day, and they do it as a team. No one gets left behind, and no one carries all the weight while others just sit on the sidelines.

What can we learn from them?

To value one another, collaborate, and work together to coexist instead of competing with each other for resources.

5. Make time to rest.

Let’s face it – humans tend to work way too much, and rest way too little. Other species don’t overwork themselves; they enjoy every moment of downtime they get to re-energize and relish in life’s beauty. Look at pigs – they roll around in the mud all day, eat, and lay around until they get hungry again.

While they might seem lazy, we could actually learn a thing or two from them about learning to relax once in a blue moon.

6. Be brave.

More than any other animal, lions represent courage , strength, and resilience. They don’t back down from a challenge and must hunt aggressive prey for their tribe. They don’t just lurk in the shadows – they make their presence known and pick themselves back up every time they fall. If someone says you have the heart of a lion, consider that a compliment; it means you show incredible strength and bravery in the face of extreme adversity.

Humans tend to let fear stand in our way, so channel your inner lion next time…your fear will quickly step to the side.

7. Follow your own path in life.

Horses tend to live pretty independently, and often stray from the pack when they get an itch to explore on their own. While they have a majestic, fanciful appearance, they also have a fierce, stubborn side that takes them into uncharted territory and allows them to pave their own path.

Be like the horse and run freely into the wind without thinking of what the consequences might be – just let your heart take the wheel and drive you where you need to go.

8. Listen more, talk less.

Dolphins actually communicate with one another via high-pitched whistling noises, and each one makes a distinctive sound that other dolphins can immediately recognize. They have very advanced communication techniques that rival our own, in some ways, and must listen in order to understand each other’s location in the vast ocean. If they all whistled at once, none of them would be able to find one another – they have honed their listening skills in order to function best as a group.

Humans can especially learn from dolphins that listening to another person, rather than always needing to talk, can actually benefit relationships much more in the long run.

9. Get silly!

Bunnies have very silly, playful personalities, for the most part, and can teach us to let our guard down and have a little fun with life every once in a while. They hop and run around, lick our feet when they want our attention, and never sit still for too long. Some consider them as hyperactive, annoying little creatures, but they just like to enjoy life and express themselves in a way only that they know.

10. Practice forgiveness.

Unfortunately, elephants often fall victim to poaching or other violence inflicted by humans, and they usually lose family members in the process. Elephants possess great intelligence and feel complex emotions just like we do. Many organizations take in orphaned elephants who have watched family members die or get injured at the hands of humans, yet these elephants allow their new caretakers to rear them anyway. Elephants can teach us to forgive in any situation, even if we can’t always understand the other person’s actions.

What have animals taught you during your life so far? Share your lesson in the discussion below!

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Author: Power of Positivity

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Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Life Lessons from Dogs, Orcas, Pigs, Cows, Rats and Chickens

Numerous animals offer valuable guides for dealing with life's ups and downs..

Posted December 20, 2020

Yesterday I received a few holiday greeting emails and some people asked if I could please post something "short and sweet" (as Andy put it) about some life lessons we can learn from nonhuman animals (animals). They weren't necessarily looking for " self-help " examples, but rather were interested in some vignettes about what research has told us about the cognitive, emotional, and moral lives of other animals that might help us appreciate who they, the animals, are, and what we might learn from them about dealing with how we live with one another. While there are some useful lessons for how we might live better lives and cope with various stressors including failure from how porcupines deal with life's ups and downs, it's essential to get things right and not perpetuate myths about what animals do and why. I also want to emphasize that some things that other animals do wouldn't be human-appropriate. But, that's who they are and we need to honor the different ways in which they live as card-carrying members of their own species.

Let's begin with dogs, for these are the amazing beings to whom many people turn for valuable life lessons. While many of the things they do would likely get you in lots of trouble , there also are, for example, some lessons about fairness and dogs trying to live by the "Golden Rule" even when they play tug-of-war.

Marc Bekoff

Unfortunately, a lot of information on the web and in various media outlets about dogs and some lessons we may learn from them are just plain wrong, although some of these myths such as their being unconditional lovers have spread as well-accepted memes . Some people continue to misleadingly call them " the truths about dogs ." All in all, if dogs were to use social media like Facebook, it would more appropriately be called Nosebook or Buttbook and it would be unwise for us to mirror the lessons we find there that typically work for our canine companions and clearly wouldn't work for us. Nonetheless, there are some valuable lessons they offer that might help us along. 1

Orcas, also called killer whales, also offer some useful lessons we may choose to emulate, once again recognizing that their killing ways that have evolved in order for them to survive surely aren't behavior patterns for which we should strive. Along these lines, a new book by Alexis Pauline Gumbs called Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals contains some valuable examples and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The book's description reads: " Undrowned is a book-length meditation for social movements and our whole species based on the subversive and transformative guidance of marine mammals. Our aquatic cousins are queer, fierce, protective of each other, complex, shaped by conflict, and struggling to survive the extractive and militarized conditions our species has imposed on the ocean. Gumbs employs a brilliant mix of poetic sensibility and naturalist observation to show what they might teach us, producing not a specific agenda but an unfolding space for wondering and questioning. From the relationship between the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale and Gumbs’s Shinnecock and enslaved ancestors to the ways echolocation changes our understandings of 'vision' and visionary action, this is a masterful use of metaphor and natural models in the service of social justice." 2

Pigs, cows, chickens, and rodents

All of these amazing beings offer valuable and positive life lessons from which we can learn a lot. For example, a new film called GUNDA chronicles the lives of a mother pig, a flock of chickens, and a herd of cows in which "Master director Victor Kossakowsky invites the audience to slow down and experience life as his subjects do, taking in their world with a magical patience and an otherworldly perspective."

These sentient beings all have rich cognitive and emotional lives and generally are peaceful and caring individuals. 3 However, on occasion they do settle interpersonal conflicts with varying degrees of assertiveness , but they generally are peaceful and caring individuals who display compassion, empathy, and kindness. Rodents also care about the well-being of others. Voles are known to console other voles in distress and rats will free familiar trapped rats from being restrained and also save drowning rats and forego the chance to eat chocolate . They also share food when they sense other rats are hungry .

Some life lessons from other animals

New neighbors who have returned to their homes also during the current pandemic also can teach us lessons about who they really are and peaceful coexistence . There also are some valuable lessons that can help us along concerning the prominent roles of females and barriers to female leadership in a number of animal societies. 4

All in all, numerous and a diverse set of other animals— not only mammals, birds, and other vertebrates, but so too invertebrates including jellyfish —offer valuable lessons from which we might learn how to interact more peacefully with one another and with them. A review of Nature's Life Lessons: Everyday Truths from Nature notes, "... we have to learn from 'them' and how the typically accepted chasm of difference we are taught about people and animals is misguided at best—we are all basically the same, and consequently all need the respect and same things in life—no matter what species you represent!" As I mentioned above, while there are many similarities, there also are some large differences from which we can still learn a good deal about ourselves, if that's the main goal of learning about other animals.

I hope this brief foray into the lives of other animals with whom we share our magnificent world will stimulate you to pay more attention to who they are and how they live. There are many valuable lessons about why different patterns of behavior have evolved and how they serve individuals of different species.

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Learning about how other animals live can also help us deal with the ups and downs of our own daily lives and remain hopeful in dark times . It's important to remember that we, too, are animals. There also are some important and surprising lessons we can use to make life better for all beings , nonhumans and humans, a win-win for all .

1) Some literature about dogs' ways of living and many references can be found in these pieces. I can't cover all nonhumans here so for more on cats see The Cat-Human Relationship and Factors That Affect It , Dogs, Cats, and Humans: Shared Emotions Act As "Social Glue," and The Inner Life of Cats Reveals Fascinating Feline Secrets .

Why Humans Feel a Need to Belong: Beware of Animal Analogies . (A recent essay inaccurately portrays the evolution of nonhuman sociality.)

"Why Do People Make Up Myths and Other Stuff About Dogs?"

Dogs Live in the Present and Other Harmful Myths.

Let's Give Dogs a Break by Distinguishing Myths From Facts .

Dogs Aren't Hard-Wired "Love Muffins."

Are Dogs Really Our Best Friends?

When Dogs Play, They Follow the Golden Rules of Fairness .

What's Happening When Dogs Play Tug-of-War? Dog Park Chatter .

Dogs Really Aren't Good Go-To Animals for How We Should Live .

Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do . University of Chicago Press, 2018.

Doctor Dogs: The Healing Power of Our Canine Companions .

Are Emotional Support Dogs Always a Cure-All?

A Salute to Senior Dogs: Elders Can Teach Us New Tricks, Too .

Unleashing Your Dog: A Field Guide to Giving Your Canine Companion the Best Life Possible . New World Library, 2019.

2) For more on orcas and an interview with Alexis Pauline Gumbs see:

Orcas are Majestic, Emotional Beings Who Have Children .

Humpback Whales Rescue Animals From Orcas Around the World .

Make No Mistake, Orca Mom J-35 and Pod Mates Are Grieving .

Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals. (Award-winning author Alexis Pauline Gumbs tells us about her new book.)

3) For more on pigs, cows, chickens, and rodents see:

Pigs Are Intelligent, Emotional, and Cognitively Complex .

Are Pigs as Smart as Dogs and Does It Really Matter?

Cows: Science Shows They're Bright and Emotional Individuals .

Happy Cows: A Heart-Warming Video Offers an Important Lesson .

The Mistreatment of Female "Food Cows" Includes Sexual Abuse .

What Would a Mother "Food" Cow Tell Us About Her Children?

The World According to Intelligent and Emotional Chickens .

Empathic Rats Free Known Trapped Rats From Being Restrained .

Voles Console Friends and Display Oxytocin-Based Empathy .

Empathic Rats Save Drowning Pals Rather than Eat Chocolate .

Sentient Rats: Their Cognitive, Emotional, and Moral Lives .

Rats Share Food More Generously When They Smell Hunger .

Davis, Karen. The Social Life of Chickens .

4) For more examples of valuable lessons we can learn from other animals, see:

Nature's Life Lessons: Everyday Truths from Nature . Fulcrum Publishing, 1996.

Neighborly Animals Offer Valuable Lessons About Coexistence .

Wisdom and Life Lessons from a Humble Jellyfish . (Rani Shah tells us about "harnessing the rhythms of nature for self-care.")

Lessons From Nature When Powerful Females Call the Shots .

Lessons from Animals About Barriers to Female Leadership .

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Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. , is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

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The Wisdom of Slowness: Lessons We Can Learn from Lazy Animals

The Wisdom of Slowness: Lessons We Can Learn from Lazy Animals

Have you ever been called lazy? Well, that may not necessarily be a bad thing. Recently, researchers have been looking into the power of being “lazy”, the value in slowing down, and taking cues from nature’s laziest creatures, like the sloth. In our fast-paced, high-stress human lives, animals offer us valuable lessons in surviving and thriving by embracing a slower, more deliberate pace.

Sloths, often characterized as lazy, shaggy creatures, are masters of energy efficiency. Amelia Symeou, an ecology coordinator for the Sloth Conservation Foundation, reveals that sloths have the slowest metabolic rate of any land mammal. Their bodies are designed to use minimal energy, from their unique muscle fibers to their methodical digestion of food. It can take up to 28 days for them to digest a single leaf!

Symeou’s insights challenge our perception of laziness and suggest that conserving energy is a key aspect of survival. Just as sloths recharge to perform more efficiently, humans can benefit from prioritizing rest and recognizing its importance in our daily lives.

Recent research is redefining Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” concept with “survival of the sluggish.” A study analyzing various mollusk species, including slugs and snails, found that those with lower metabolic rates were more likely to survive extinction. The reason is simple: lower physiological demands translate to less resource consumption, a valuable trait when conditions change, such as climate shifts.

Additionally, grizzly bears, known for their massive size and strength, prefer to take the path of least resistance. A study revealed that these bears avoid steep hills and overexertion, opting for human-built trails in parks. This behavior isn’t laziness but rather energy efficiency in food-limited environments. Bears move slower than expected, and their evolutionary instinct to conserve energy parallels human tendencies to avoid unnecessary exertion.

This behavior highlights the importance of conserving energy and efficiently utilizing available resources, especially during challenging times like Climate change.

Finally, lions spend approximately 20 hours a day resting. Contrary to appearing lazy, their downtime is essential for conserving energy and preparing for intense bursts of activity during hunting or territorial battles. In a world where many struggle to get enough sleep, lions offer a lesson in prioritizing rest for enhanced productivity.

Devon Price, a psychologist and author, suggests that we can learn from animals by dispelling the notion that our worth is determined by productivity. Animals eat when hungry and sleep when tired without questioning their self-worth based on productivity. By adopting a more compassionate view of ourselves and others, we can reduce the societal pressure to overwork.

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This article by Trinity Sparke was first published by One Green Planet on 25 September 2023. Image Credit :Janossy Gergely/Shutterstock.

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10 Best Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

Laelia Yang

How often do you interact with animals in your daily life? Not just your dogs or cats, but a myriad of wildlife? Chances are, not very often. While surely, we’d all like to spend our days surrounded by animals, this is hardly the reality for most people. As a society, humans have separated ourselves from the animal world, building houses and fences to keep wildlife away.

Simply put, if you have a pet animal, such as cat, dog, parrot, etc., in your home, you might have observed certain traits in them that carry various lessons for us which are highlighted in this write up. Adopting and practicing those qualities in our daily life, it would certainly add up to our personality grooming.

Here are some of the traits and characteristics that some birds, animals and insects have which provide an opportunity of learning to all of us.

1. Presence

Animals have no worries relating to either the past or the future; for animals, it is all about l iving in the now. Whilst we cannot and should not forget about our pasts or our futures, learning to be fully in the present, as our pets are, can prove extremely powerful for improving our spiritual well-being.

Your dog will savor even the simplest of moments, so, do the same! Instead of dreaming ahead to when you will be leaving work or going on holiday, bring yourself back to the present and learn to appreciate what is already in front of you.

It may be something as simple as the cup of tea you're currently drinking.

Let your beloved pooch help you to feel better at home in the present.

Turn off your phone, shut down your laptop, and enjoy taking your dog for a walk or even watching your pet as it plays and rests.

2. Teamwork

Learning how to work with others isn’t just a trait your employers will find critical on your resume. It’s an important life skill that helps us become more empathic, compassionate, and altruistic. It also facilitates good communication and problem-solving skills. The most successful hunters in the animal kingdom are African wild dogs. Why? Teamwork.

They track their prey in formation, rest when they’re tired, and work together to bring down, and then share, their next meal. Brutal, but effective. Wild dogs are also adept at communication, talking to each other through a series of high-pitched barks throughout the stalking process. Because they work together, rather than apart, they definitely achieve more.

A dog or cat will never question their master, their trust is truly boundless.

Show the same trust in the universe that your pet shows in you, and your life can be improved for the better. You are the creator of your reality, but to give you confidence in your role as creator of your life, you need to trust that the universe is working in your favor.

Having the kind of trust that your pet has is rare and takes time to develop, but learn to trust in yourself and in others and your world can begin to immediately transform for the better.

4. Patience

Standing in line can be infuriating. But, let’s be honest, you’re probably made to wait for, what? 15 minutes? Imagine having to wait for hours ! A leopard’s ability to be composed during a hunt is impressive. The lead-up to the final ambush can take the entire night!

Leopards stalk with steady precision, slowly pacing with paws down so as to not make any sound. Then, when the time is perfect, they propel fiercely forward and nab their prey. In a world where we get impatient because logging into our PCs takes a whopping six seconds, we could probably learn to not let it get to us so much.

5. Play Fair

Playing fair is a skill that we’re taught when we’re young and includes learning how to share and take turns. These skills are the building blocks of positive human interaction and remind us to consider others - even when we are having fun. Canids, which include wolves, jackals, foxes and domestic dogs, have a distinct code of play that embodies playing by the rules, clear communication, apologizing when necessary and being sincere.

Be mindful of how you interact with others and how inclined you are to share and wait your turn. Take your cue from these kids who were part of a social experiment in Spain, which shows how important sharing and giving is at all ages.

6. Smile no matter what

In Australia, you can find a tiny, cute animal called a Quokka scurrying through the trees…and stopping to take selfies with humans if they’re not too busy. Recently, people have been posting their pictures with this amiable, cheerful creature, and the first thing you will notice about them is their infectious smile. They seem to live out their days without a worry in the world and keep a positive attitude through it all.

So, even if you’ve had a bad day, think of how the Quokka would handle it, and you will instantly break out in smiles.

7. Be watchful and focused

Many birds and animals are very watchful and good observers like monkeys, crows, dolphins, eagles, kites, etc. They are very curious but cautious too, so they scan situations and act accordingly, moving closer or away, as the situation demands.

Eagles and kites have very sharp vision which allows them to find their prey on ground even when they are soaring high in the sky. They are also able to avoid danger through this quality of theirs.

From them we can learn the lesson of being watchful in our daily life. It is essential to develop the habit of watchfulness and observation as early in life as one can. Observation sharpens the memory and helps us remember places, people and other things in our daily life, which also will help us avoid dangers. Observation helps in learning too.

Animals like lion, cheetah and crocodile, etc., are display remarkable concentration by focussing their eyes on their target/prey. It is their concentration which helps them get their target easily. These animals teach us to stay focus on our target even when there are many distractions around, because focus is the key to success.

8. Listen more, talk less

Dolphins actually communicate with one another via high-pitched whistling noises, and each one makes a distinctive sound that other dolphins can immediately recognize. They have very advanced communication techniques that rival our own, in some ways, and must listen in order to understand each other’s location in the vast ocean. If they all whistled at once, none of them would be able to find one another – they have honed their listening skills in order to function best as a group.

Humans can especially learn from dolphins that listening to another person, rather than always needing to talk, can actually benefit relationships much more in the long run.

9. Maintain order and discipline

Most birds, animals and insects maintain order and discipline in some way. Ducks and geese form a “V” shape formation, called Skein, while flying in the sky. If you notice, there is one leader bird ahead of all and the rest following him in perfect order, especially during migration.

Similarly, honey bees and ants display order and discipline by working jointly in an organised manner, which helps them get their work done easily, collectively and efficiently. Their strength and success lies in unity and teamwork. Moreover, lions and wolves have a leader and the rest in their ‘pride’ and ‘pack’ follow the leader and maintain order and discipline, which add to their strength.

This all gives us a lesson about the importance of maintaining order and discipline by obeying rules wherever we are, be it home, work place, school and public places. This quality binds the members of a group together. This is one of the most important lessons that we must practice in our daily life to avoid disorder and failure.

10. Practice forgiveness

Unfortunately, elephants often fall victim to poaching or other violence inflicted by humans, and they usually lose family members in the process. Elephants possess great intelligence and feel complex emotions just like we do. Many organizations take in orphaned elephants who have watched family members die or get injured at the hands of humans, yet these elephants allow their new caretakers to rear them anyway. Elephants can teach us to forgive in any situation, even if we can’t always understand the other person’s actions.

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Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals

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  • “They fight like cats and dogs.” But there are lessons we humans can learn from animals. First
  • all cats and dogs do not fight each other.
  • We have all heard the saying

Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals

Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals Photo Credit: bestofgreenscreen

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We have all heard the saying, “They fight like cats and dogs.” But there are lessons we humans can learn from animals. First, all cats and dogs do not fight each other. Many, if not most, get along just fine. Actually, our cat takes naps on our dog’s face. However, that has not always been the case. One of our previous dogs found great pleasure in chasing and terrorizing one of our cats. So clearly, it all depends. But, depends on what?

One could speculate that maybe our current dog and cat get along swimmingly because they grew up together and shared their kitty and puppy days. That is partly the case. But, the dog has also been accepting of older adopted cats that were complete strangers with different temperaments. There is no fighting, no chasing. They all get along. Lessons we humans can learn from animals—our cats and dogs for instance—are that they couldn’t look more differently, and while growing up together or meeting as strangers, they still respect each other, live peaceably under the same roof, and often do things together. So why do they seem to have something in common, and often we humans do not ?

We have a neighbor who loves animals, especially horses. On any given day when we pass by her farmhouse, it is not uncommon to see horses (large and miniature), donkeys, mules, sheep, goats, even peacocks, turkeys, and chickens of various breeds—all grazing and scratching alongside each other. We have yet to witness a dispute or scuffle between or among any of them during nearly two decades we have been neighbors. Plus there are also dogs and cats. What lessons can be humans learn from animals getting along despite their differences?

One could easily dismiss this example by saying, oh your neighbor operates a petting zoo, or she carefully picks docile animals. She does not. There could be another likely explanation. She loves animals. She shows it in her actions, her tone, her body language and how she cares for them and communicates with them. The animals see and feel her love, and they behave toward her and each other accordingly. Could those be the lessons we humans can learn from animals?

Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals

Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals. Photo Credit: paulafrench

Several miles over as I was riding in the countryside, I looked over at a pasture with cows, Shetland ponies, elks, alpacas, and zebras. I thought to myself, what is it that we humans do not get? Those animals don’t speak the same language, certainly do not look alike, and yet they all seem to get along. Lessons we humans can learn from animals all around us.

This harmony, respect, and acceptance I just described among farm animals likely exist among many animals in the forests and jungles, even in the sea. Of course, there are those that do not get along, that prey on each other, and that live in fear of each other. But there are lessons we can learn from animals like them, too. It is all about choice, training, exposure, acceptance, about how we choose to live with each other.

What lessons we humans can learn from animals!

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Lessons From Animals

Whether they were pets you owned or creatures you encountered in the wild, what have animals taught you?

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Blair Braverman is a musher — the human driver of a dog sled team. She writes that she is learning from her dogs how to navigate the “endurance challenge” that is the pandemic. Here is one thing her animals have shown her about encountering the unknown:

Working with dogs in the wilderness means negotiating countless shifting variables: snow and wind, wild animals, open water, broken equipment, each dog’s needs and changing mood. I learned that plans, when I made them, were nothing but a sketch; the only thing I needed to count on was that the dogs and I would make decisions along the way.

Have animals ever taught you anything, whether those animals were pets you owned or creatures you encountered in the wild? What? How?

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  • > Animals
  • > 17 Important Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Animals

Nov 10, 2017 at 08:16 AM

17 Important Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Animals

Human beings may be considered the more evolved species on Earth but there’s no denying that the animals who can’t talk are also quite intelligent. 

Whether it is teaching us how to survive in the harsh reality of the jungle to proving their loyalty as our beloved pets, there’s a lot we, humans, can learn from animals.

Here are 17 life lessons animals can teach every human being:

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5 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

Let the animal kingdom teach you some valuable life lessons..

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(Ermoalev Alexander / Shutterstock.com)

Animals have their own social rules, codes of conduct and methods of communication. Like humans, not every animal is alike, but there are specific behavioral patterns in certain creatures that are worth noting. This list highlights five valuable lessons that we can learn from our animal counterparts, which can enhance our lives and the lives of those around us.   


Some people call it listening to your gut, others refer to it as that little voice in your head. Either way, there is definitely something that alerts us about the best course of action to take in almost any situation. The real question is  - how often do we pay attention to important signals about events, circumstances and the people around us? Animals rely solely on their instincts, trusting their senses and reacting to their environment accordingly. RELEASE THE ANIMAL IN YOU: Give your brain a break! Instead of analyzing a situation from 20 different angles, listen to what your instincts are telling you, and harness those  deep seated survival skills that all humans are born with.

(JFS07 / Shutterstock.com)


Wisdom and knowledge is oftentimes passed down from older people to the younger generation. Those with more years on the planet have amassed a wealth of information, experience and acumen that is worth making the time to listen to and learn from. Elephants know this to be true and their matriarchs remain the leaders of African elephant tribes till they pass away. RELEASE THE ANIMAL IN YOU: Spend some time with an elderly relative or neighbor. Be sure to pay close attention to the conversation, and snag some  incredible nuggets of wisdom from the interaction.

(PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek / Shutterstock.com)


Whether you have a big exam coming up or you’re looking to make the leap and switch careers, goals can seem lofty and hard to attain. Chin up! Salmon swim thousands of miles upstream just to make it back to their birthplace so that they can properly spawn their next generation – enduring extreme physical odds. RELEASE THE ANIMAL IN YOU:  Turn your intentions into action with a little bit of help and support from your friends. If you are looking for inspiration on how to keep on track, consult this proactive list of  5 tips on how to achieve your goals .

(Sekar B / Shutterstock.com)


The planet is full of natural resources and it is up to us to make sure that we are conscious of our carbon footprint - keeping track of how much we purchase and throw away. We can take a cue from octopi who are some of the thriftiest invertebrates out there  building shelters out of discarded debris – modern day repurposing if you will. RELEASE THE ANIMAL IN YOU:  There are ways to recycle and reduce waste here or there, but if you are really ambitious, try living a  zero-waste lifestyle with these seven easy tips.

(SergeUWPhoto / Shutterstock.com)


Playing fair is a skill that we’re taught when we’re young and includes learning how to share and take turns. These skills are the building blocks of positive human interaction and remind us to consider others - even when we are having fun. Canids, which include wolves, jackals, foxes and domestic dogs, have a  distinct code of play that embodies playing by the rules, clear communication, apologizing when necessary and being sincere. RELEASE THE ANIMAL IN YOU:  Be mindful of how you interact with others and how inclined you are to share and wait your turn. Take your cue from these kids who were part of a  social experiment in Spain , which shows how important sharing and giving is at all ages.

(Bildagentur Zoonar Gmbh / Shutterstock.com)


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The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay

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Reference List

Animals refer to all things that belong to the kingdom Animalia. They are eukaryotic hence are easily distinguished from other creatures. Some animals are domesticated while others are called wild animals. Domestic animals are those that live together with or are kept by human beings. Wild animals are those that are not kept by human beings. There are different types of animals, and they include the vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those that have backbones while invertebrates lack backbones. The vertebrates comprise of mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. Invertebrates include spiders and insects. Animals differ, but they possess some similar characteristics. First animals are heterotrophic. Secondly, animals are multicellular, meaning that their bodies are differentiated into tissues. Most animals can move. Most of the animals reproduce sexually except for a few of them that reproduce asexually. Most of them do not have rigid cell walls.

Why Are Animals Important to Humans

The significance of animals to human beings cannot be overlooked. Animals affect one’s life in different ways despite our reactions towards them. Animals play social, personal, or business roles in the lives of human beings (Morris 2020). They are important to all of us whether we love, hate, eat, or protect them. The presence of the animals within the ecosystem is so significant that we cannot do without them.

The following are some of the reasons that make animals matter to human beings. They provide companionship: Some animals serve as pets, for example, dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. They live with us, and therefore we see them face to face daily as part of our companions (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). They sometimes portray quietness when they are alone; happiness, when playing, can also become one’s best friend.

The most interesting part of the companionship is where a dog welcomes or greets the owner at the door. Some animals are used in rehabilitation, especially, pet animals such as dogs. A person intending to use them for this purpose must first seek authorization or certification from the relevant authority (Morris 2020). They are mostly used when carrying out rehabilitation at the social level.

Thus, the dog is permitted to visit people living in nursing homes or equivalents. In such a setting, they help restore what might have been lost. Animals can be used to teach child caretaking skills. When one has a pet, it must be fed and watered at different times of the day. The pet may also require bathing and training at some other times (Morris 2020). These duties can be delegated to a child occasionally, thus helping create in the child a sense of compassion to the pet.

As a result, the child develops a habit of being responsible. The child, therefore, learns to be responsible through the learning aid, which is the pet. They are useful in supporting human beings at work. Some are used to plow by pulling plows. Others are used in transportation where they pool wagons (De-Mello 2021). The best examples under this category are the horses and the oxen.

Today, horses are also used in winning awards by riding on them. Animals also serve the purpose of enabling individuals to earn a living especially farmers. Farmers do keep such animals as cows, goats, sheep, cattle, and other animals to enable them to earn a living (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). When such animals are sold, the farmer obtains revenue, which he uses to acquire other essential goods and services required to earn a living.

This is helpful in increasing the standards of living of the farmers. The other significance of animals to human beings is that they are a source of food. Most animals that human beings keep are meant for food. For example, milk, eggs, meat, and other food items. Everyone consumes either animals or animal related products (De-Mello 2021). The food products are consumed directly or sold for money.

As a result, they contribute to a country’s gross domestic product. This means improved living standards. In some other cases, these products are also exported to other countries thus earning foreign exchange. Also, animals are also important in leisure and sports activities (Prato-Previde, Ricci and Colombo 2022). For example, dogs can be used to hunt other animals required as human food while some other animals are used as trackers.

In sporting, horses are used for horseback riding and polo, which are forms of sports. Research and inventions: animals are known to be used by scientists to test their experiments. When scientists discover a new thing that is to be used by human beings, the first experiment with its effects on animals (De-Mello 2021). If it adversely affects the animals, then it implies that it will also affect human beings in the same way.

Where no effect is manifested, then they would proceed to experiment it on human beings. Hence animals contribute to research and development of human beings. Animals serve to attract tourists into the country (Morris 2020). Many people come from their countries to other countries to come and see certain animals. When such tourists visit the country, they increase the country’s income.

It is a major source of revenue to the country thus enabling the country to provide goods and services to its citizens. They are a good source of security to human beings. Some animals protect man from invasion by other animals and even by human beings. For example, dogs are used to protect their homes at night (Knight 2020). Also, police officers also use dogs during wars as well as in the maintenance of law and order.

When going for their duties, police officers go with police dogs for protection. Clothing: Animal products are used to make clothes. Most of the clothes human beings wear are mostly made from products of animals (De-Mello 2021). For example, skins for making shoes while wool is used to make clothes. These clothes and shoes protect human beings from adverse weather conditions.

Finally, some animal products such as hooves and horns can be used as containers for making traditional drinking vessels. On the other hand, animal bones can be used to make such things as ornaments, weapons, and needles (De-Mello 2021). The horses were also used to produce insulin before the discovery of artificial insulin. In conclusion, animals play important roles in the lives of people.

It is upon people and society to ensure that animals, as well as their products, are handled properly. This is because they provide people with food, companionship, security, income, foreign exchange, and other benefits that have been discussed above. Thus, it is evident that animals matter to human beings. As a result, human beings need animals for their survival.

De-Mello, Margo. 2021. Animals and Society: An Introduction to Human-Animal Studies . New York: Columbia University Press.

Knight, John. 2020. Animals in Person: Cultural Perspectives on Human-Animal Intimacies . New York: Routledge

Morris, Brian. 2020. Animals and Ancestors: An Ethnography . New York: Routledge.

Prato-Previde, Emanuela, Elisa Basso Ricci, and Elisa Silvia Colombo. 2022. “ The Complexity of the Human–Animal Bond: Empathy, Attachment and Anthropomorphism in Human–Animal Relationships and Animal Hoarding .” Animals 12 (20).

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 26). The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/animals-importance-for-human-beings/

"The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." IvyPanda , 26 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/animals-importance-for-human-beings/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay'. 26 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/animals-importance-for-human-beings/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/animals-importance-for-human-beings/.


IvyPanda . "The Benefits of Animals to Humans Essay." March 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/animals-importance-for-human-beings/.

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5 Important Life Lessons to Learn from Animals


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Life is full of unexpected plot twists and exciting cliff-hangers, and in the unprecedented times we find ourselves today, it’s about high-time we learned to stop and smell the fynbos. That’s why we looked at important life lessons we can learn from animals.

Animals live simply. Throw in some food, a fresh-water source, and perhaps a friend or two, and your average wild animal’s bucket list is complete. Take a look at some of our favourite life hacks from some of our favourite animals:

1. Teamwork

wild dogs making a kill

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Learning how to work with others isn’t just a trait your employers will find critical on your resume. It’s an important life skill that helps us become more empathic, compassionate, and altruistic. It also facilitates good communication and problem-solving skills. The most successful hunters in the animal kingdom are African wild dogs. Why? Teamwork. 

They track their prey in formation, rest when they’re tired, and work together to bring down, and then share, their next meal. Brutal, but effective. Wild dogs are also adept at communication, talking to each other through a series of high-pitched barks throughout the stalking process. Because they work together, rather than apart, they definitely achieve more.

2. Patience 

stalking leopard

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how you behave while you wait. ” – Joyce Meyer

I know, I know. Standing in line can be infuriating. But, let’s be honest, you’re probably made to wait for, what? 15 minutes? Imagine having to wait for hours ! A leopard’s ability to be composed during a hunt is impressive. The lead-up to the final ambush can take the entire night!

Leopards stalk with steady precision, slowly pacing with paws down so as to not make any sound. Then, when the time is perfect, they propel fiercely forward and nab their prey.  In a world where we get impatient because logging into our PCs takes a whopping six seconds, we could probably learn to not let it get to us so much.

3. Adaptability

Black desert rhino

“The only constant is change.”  – Heraclitus

What’s that old saying? Do or die? I think ‘adapt or die’ is more appropriate. Adaptability is a sign of willingness to learn from situations. Someone who is resourceful and sees failure as an opportunity to grow rather than a defeat. Our environments are constantly changing and in order to be successful, we need to adapt. Mother Nature doesn’t conform to our desires, it’s the other way around, in fact.

Found in the arid reaches of the Namib Desert the desert-adapted black rhino is a perfect example of wildlife changing to fit their environments. They are nocturnal to avoid the excessive heat of the day, their horns are longer than normal to help with foraging, and they only need to drink water every four days – far less than their savannah-bound counterparts. 

4. Live in the now

Meerkats keep a lookout together

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” – Lao Tzu

The human condition forces us to constantly seek out the next goal once we have achieved one and sees us mull over past mistakes as if there’s actually something we can do about it now. Ever woken up in a cold sweat about that time you started responding to a friendly stranger starting up a conversation, only to realise they were on their phone and not talking to you? So embarrassing.

It’s about time we all learnt to slow down and live in the present. If you ever take a look at any animal, especially baby animals, the only thing on their mind is their current lunch or examining that particularly exciting rock. At the end of the day, what happened yesterday has already happened, and what will happen tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. Worrying about either won’t get us anywhere, now will it?


“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln.

Ah, wisdom. Often garnered through age and passed down from generation to generation – just like elephants, in fact! These large (and highly-intelligent) animals follow ancient migratory routes to get to freshwater and food sources, routes that sometimes haven’t been travelled in generations! Who knows where to travel to for freshwater and sweet grasses. 

How do they manage this? By listening to the pure wisdom of their elders who know where to shelter from the harsh weather and which direction to travel in for fresh ground. Wisdom lies in learning, knowledge, experience, and going with your gut.

Trust your instincts. And also, stay wild.

We cannot wait to reunite you with Africa !

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About the author 

Jennifer Southwell

Jennifer is happiest when life is filled with good gin, strong coffee and great adventure. She makes leather bags and rock climbs for fun and relishes in life's little peculiarities. She is passionate about Africa and its animals and has been lucky enough to have been to the most amazing safari destinations such as Moremi, Okavango and Kalahari in Botswana as well as Kafue and South Luangwa in Zambia and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. Give her a gin and tonic in the heart of the bush and she will reach maximum level bliss.

very informative article.keep it up.great creativity in introduction

A very insightful article, thought-provoking & transforming. Keep it up

wow , beautiful work

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Dog — Lessons We Can Learn From The Life Of Our Pet Dogs


Lessons We Can Learn from The Life of Our Pet Dogs

  • Categories: Dog Pet

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Words: 712 |

Published: Jun 20, 2019

Words: 712 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

  • Adaptability: Dogs adapt at a very fast rate. When they are sold or adopted and have new owners, it is only a matter of time before they understand the environment. Although, you still notice that they miss what used to be their former homes. When however, shown intense love and care, they become totally relaxed and in tune with their new home. There is a great deal of lesson to learn from this. When life throws us puzzles tougher than us, let us not forget to make the best of it. Dogs make the best out of their situations by letting go and enjoying the new. We should endeavour as humans to let go of things that continually hurt us while being all embracing to change. When life throws a jab at us, we should learn to see how best we can use the situation to our advantage.
  • Staying True To Everything That Means Something: Dogs are one very loyal specie. A dog can go any length to protect its owner from hurt and harm. They want you safe all the time. They probably look out for us more than we look out for them. Loyalty is one of the strongest points of our pet dogs. Let us imbibe this attitude by being there for our loved ones when they need us. We should be true to people who loves us and be always there for them.
  • Leave Worries Aside: Humans worry too much. A thing dogs never do. You see them always at ease with themselves. Never holding unto undue weights. Too often, we allow worries still our joy. We are in one activity but lost to the anguish of another. It is needless worrying about a situation you cannot as much as change. Let go of your many worries and be happy.
  • Sniff It In; Enjoy Moments: Dogs are momentary creatures. They enjoy every moment and are fully immersed in it. The times they were sad doesn't matter. The times you totally lost track of your grooming routine with them doesn't count. What counts is the present moment. When it is playtime , you see them in all their strength and vigour, chattering away. When it is time for some quiet, you see them all calm and cool. When going for a walk or a car ride, they look all dunked in the moment giving not a single care on where they are headed. This is worth inculcating. We should learn to live each moment at a time.
  • Be Proud of Who You Are: Dogs accept their individualities. You don't see them acting like they are not comfortable with themselves. When with other breeds, they relate perfectly and are so happy to be in the midst of their kind, amidst their distinctions. This is one key to happiness. Be proud of who you are by accepting all of you in totality. Embrace your person and never feel less or intimidated. With the entirety of your being, accept who you are.
  • Let It Go: Humans are good at keeping grudges. A thing you'll never find your pet dog doing. Even if you skipped his or her meal, at the sight of you, they'll still react. Probably with a wag of tail or by circling around you or by any means your dog shows affection. You don't see them acting all reclusive because you didn't keep to a routine. We should learn to forgive easily and move on. Keeping grudges has never helped anyone. Instead, It steals our joy and leaves us moody.
  • Let People You Care About Know Exactly How You Feel: Pet dogs are never weary of showing to their owners just how much they love and appreciate them. Sometimes, they are all over you and you just have to scream their names to give you some space.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Lessons We Can Learn from The Life of Our Pet Dogs Essay

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write an essay on lessons we learn from animals


Essay on Animals are Our Best Friends

Students are often asked to write an essay on Animals are Our Best Friends in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Animals are Our Best Friends

Our animal friends.

Animals are our best friends. They provide us with love, companionship, and joy. Pets like dogs and cats are loyal and love us unconditionally.

Animals as Helpers

Animals also help us in various ways. Dogs can be trained to assist people with disabilities. Horses were used for transportation in the past.

Learning from Animals

Animals teach us important values like loyalty, patience, and living in harmony with nature. Observing them can also help us learn about different species and ecosystems.

In conclusion, animals enrich our lives in countless ways, making them our best friends.

250 Words Essay on Animals are Our Best Friends

The unspoken bond: animals as our best friends.

Animals have been an integral part of human life since time immemorial. They provide us with companionship, emotional support, and even therapeutic benefits. For many, animals have become more than just pets; they are our best friends.

Emotional Support and Unconditional Love

One of the key reasons why animals are considered our best friends is due to the emotional support they provide. Animals, particularly pets, have a unique way of understanding human emotions. They can sense when we are happy, sad, anxious, or stressed. Their companionship can greatly alleviate feelings of loneliness and depression. Moreover, they offer unconditional love, a trait that is often hard to find among humans.

Therapeutic Benefits

Research has shown that interaction with animals can have significant therapeutic benefits. Petting a dog or cat can lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. Children with autism often find comfort and develop better social skills when interacting with pets. Animals provide a non-judgmental presence that fosters a sense of security and well-being.

Mutual Growth and Learning

Our relationship with animals is not just one-sided; it’s a symbiotic relationship. Taking care of animals teaches us responsibility, empathy, and patience. They help us understand the importance of non-verbal communication and enhance our emotional intelligence.

In conclusion, animals are indeed our best friends. They enrich our lives in numerous ways, providing emotional support, therapeutic benefits, and valuable life lessons. Their unconditional love and companionship make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.

500 Words Essay on Animals are Our Best Friends


Animals have been an integral part of human life since the dawn of civilization. They have served as companions, workers, and even spiritual guides throughout history. They are often referred to as man’s best friend, a title that is more than a mere cliché but a testament to the profound bond that exists between humans and animals.

The Historical Bond

The relationship between humans and animals dates back to prehistoric times, when early humans first domesticated dogs for hunting and protection. This bond has evolved over centuries, with animals playing various roles in human societies, from being worshipped as gods in ancient cultures to serving as therapeutic companions in modern times. The symbiotic relationship between humans and animals is deeply rooted in mutual benefit and shared survival.

Emotional Connect

Animals provide a unique form of companionship that is often characterized by unconditional love and non-judgmental acceptance. They offer comfort and solace in times of distress, and their mere presence can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Studies have shown that interacting with animals can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health. This emotional connection with animals is a testament to their role as our best friends.

Animals can also serve as teachers, imparting valuable lessons about life and survival. Through observing animals, we can learn about cooperation, adaptation, and resilience. They teach us about the importance of living in the present, the value of loyalty, and the essence of unconditional love. These lessons extend beyond the realm of human interaction and provide a broader perspective on life and existence.

Animals and Sustainability

In the context of sustainability, animals play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. They contribute to biodiversity, facilitate nutrient cycling, and play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal. Recognizing animals as our best friends is also about acknowledging their role in sustaining life on Earth and advocating for their protection and conservation.

In conclusion, animals are indeed our best friends. They offer companionship, emotional support, and invaluable life lessons. They also play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. As we move forward in an increasingly urbanized and technology-driven world, it is essential to remember and cherish our bond with animals. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world.

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write an essay on lessons we learn from animals


Today's Paper | May 02, 2024

Lessons learnt from animals.

write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

The remarkable skills that animals possess, which make them survive and thrive in the wild, offer great lessons for us Animals have been our companions since time immemorial. The biological and ecological role of biodiversity is immense and indispensable to keep the natural balance. Apart from this, these creatures also have characteristics and symbolic meanings which provide essential lessons in life for us through observation and interaction.

Simply put, if you have a pet animal, such as cat, dog, parrot, etc., in your home, you might have observed certain traits in them that carry various lessons for us which are highlighted in this write up. Adopting and practicing those qualities in our daily life, it would certainly add up to our personality grooming.

Here are some of the traits and characteristics that some birds, animals and insects have which provide an opportunity of learning to all of us.

Watchfulness and observation are useful skills

Be watchful and focused

Many birds and animals are very watchful and good observers like monkeys, crows, dolphins, eagles, kites, etc. They are very curious but cautious too, so they scan situations and act accordingly, moving closer or away, as the situation demands.

Eagles and kites have very sharp vision which allows them to find their prey on ground even when they are soaring high in the sky. They are also able to avoid danger through this quality of theirs.

From them we can learn the lesson of being watchful in our daily life. It is essential to develop the habit of watchfulness and observation as early in life as one can. Observation sharpens the memory and helps us remember places, people and other things in our daily life, which also will help us avoid dangers. Observation helps in learning too.

Animals like lion, cheetah and crocodile, etc., are display remarkable concentration by focussing their eyes on their target/prey. It is their concentration which helps them get their target easily. These animals teach us to stay focus on our target even when there are many distractions around, because focus is the key to success.

The spider teaches us to work hard and not to give up

Maintain order and discipline

Most birds, animals and insects maintain order and discipline in some way. Ducks and geese form a “V” shape formation, called Skein, while flying in the sky. If you notice, there is one leader bird ahead of all and the rest following him in perfect order, especially during migration.

Similarly, honey bees and ants display order and discipline by working jointly in an organised manner, which helps them get their work done easily, collectively and efficiently. Their strength and success lies in unity and teamwork. Moreover, lions and wolves have a leader and the rest in their ‘pride’ and ‘pack’ follow the leader and maintain order and discipline, which add to their strength.

This all gives us a lesson about the importance of maintaining order and discipline by obeying rules wherever we are, be it home, work place, school and public places. This quality binds the members of a group together. This is one of the most important lessons that we must practice in our daily life to avoid disorder and failure.

The slow-moving turtle doesn’t ‘make waste in haste’

Animals and insects, such as ants, butterflies, spider, beaver, and many others, work hard and continuously show consistency in their efforts. You must have seen the spider web, which is so delicate that sometimes they get damaged by wind, humans or other animals, but the spider never rests. It start building it again and again.

Similarly, the beaver, while making a dam in water with the help of tree twigs, branches and leaves, has to face difficulty as the dam breaks and washes away with water so many times but the beaver keeps building it repeatedly until it is successful.

These animals give us lesson that we should not give in to circumstances and keep chasing our goals by continuous struggle. If you are left out of the top positions in your class or school, keep on working continuously and keep in mind the lesson that these little creatures give us. The victory will be yours.

A crocodile waits patiently for its prey to come close

Believe in yourself

As an innate ability, many birds and animals migrate thousands of miles from one place to another during winter and spring. The ducks and flying insects believe in themselves that they will cover thousands of miles of journey in their cyclic migration.

The dragonfly covers around 10,000km; while a monarch butterfly covers 48,000km during migration. It is the spirit that keeps them going without stopping. You may have heard about the fight of mongoose with a snake; this fight is deadly for the snake because the mongoose overtakes the snake with its skills, tactics and strength. This is how it gives a lesson that we should be confident about our strength and available resources to overcome hard times to achieve success.

Ants’ strength and success lies in unity and teamwork

Accept challenges

We all know that trees and plants put up with different conditions such as rain, storm, hail, sunshine, heat and cold, but they pass these challenges and ultimately become green in spring to produce flowers and fruits.

Similarly, the camel is adapted to the hard conditions of the desert and it survives in those conditions. These living things give us the lesson not to be discouraged, but to accept challenges as stages in the journey of life. You should not be afraid of temporary hardships, instead keep on going because there always a rainbow and sunshine after the storm.

The camel thrives over the harsh and challenging conditions of the desert

Be cooperative and gentle

Spirit of friendship in some of the animals such as dolphins, dogs, parrots and cats is remarkable. They are very loyal. This gives us a lesson to maintain bonds of friendships to live a happy life. Many birds, animals and insects show cooperative behaviour among themselves as they work together.

The chirping sparrows and cheerful peacock show gentleness and cheerfulness, which give us a lesson of living a happy life among our friends and relatives. Just as the chirping of birds and playfulness of animals is fascinating to many of us, we must also spread happiness and interact with one another.

Mosquitoes and flies are very irritating so nobody lets them come closer and swats them away because they are only causing harm to humans. However, they give us a very great lesson of what not to do, that is not to bother others and irritate them with our behaviour.

Mosquitoes are irritating — showing us what not to do

Show preparedness

By instinct, most animals, birds and insects prepare themselves through proper actions and activities to get the food or avoid a danger. The predators prepare themselves before attacking a prey by getting close silently and then charging on the prey by grabbing it.

For example, the crocodile remains still in water to let the prey come close to it and it then takes the opportunity to grab it firmly without too much effort; while ants prepare for winter by storing food for later use and they maximise food consumption before hibernation that starts in winter. This leads to the development of a lot of fat due to which it passes the hibernation period and survives in winter.

Similarly, squirrels also eat more food in autumn and prepare themselves for winter when food is not available easily. The migratory birds also prepare themselves for long migration by storing fats for the energy they need during the journey. This shows that how these animals and birds prepare themselves for tough times and teach us the lesson that we must also prepare ourselves well before time for future tasks such as tests, exams and other important things in life.

Even an small insect like the dragonfly is unstoppable when it starts its long migration

Show patience and stability

The snail moves very slowly, dragging its body along but moves constantly. The turtle also moves slowly. It indicates that there is no hurry to do a work quickly because “haste makes waste.”

This teaches us that we should wait for good opportunities because time passes and brings good opportunities. The ants move on in search of food, which shows that we must explore opportunities with patience and stability. This also indicates that we must not get disappointed if it takes long to achieve success.

Published in Dawn, Young World, May 4th, 2019

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  1. The Lessons We Learn From Animals Free Essay Example

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

  2. Essay on Animals

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

  3. Essay on My Pet Animal

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

  4. Essay on My Pet Animal

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

  5. Essay on animals || English ||

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals

  6. Essay on Animals in English

    write an essay on lessons we learn from animals


  1. Write English Essay on Save Animal


  3. 10 lines on animals|information about animals for beginners|short speech/essay on animals

  4. 10 Lessons We Learn from The Book of Job

  5. Lesson 23: Where Do Wild Animals Live? Let's Learn English with Anna Lesson 23

  6. Write an essay on Wildlife


  1. 10 Important Life Lessons we can Learn From Animals

    Animals have inherent worth and value, just like humans, that merit our respect and acknowledgment. In an effort to reorder the way we think about animals, here are 10 important things they can ...

  2. The Lessons We Learn From Animals

    To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the essays. When citing an essay from our library, you can use "Kibin" as the author. Kibin does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the essays in the library; essay content should not be construed as advice.

  3. 12 Valuable Life Lessons We Can Learn from Animals

    1. Instinct and intuition. Working with strong instinct and intuition is a valuable life lesson we can learn from animals. Animals rely on their instincts and intuition to navigate their surroundings and make decisions. Learning to trust our own instincts can help us make better choices and tap into our innate wisdom.

  4. What Have You Learned From Animals?

    In " What Animals Taught Me About Being Human ," Helen MacDonald writes: Animals don't exist in order to teach us things, but that is what they have always done, and most of what they teach ...

  5. 10 Lessons We Need to Learn from Animals

    Look at pigs - they roll around in the mud all day, eat, and lay around until they get hungry again. While they might seem lazy, we could actually learn a thing or two from them about learning to relax once in a blue moon. 6. Be brave. More than any other animal, lions represent courage, strength, and resilience.

  6. 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

    It may sound corny, but animals know how to get joy out of life. They know how to grab their happiness. They teach us that no one is too old for playing, and no one is above playing! 5. Connection ...

  7. Life Lessons from Dogs, Orcas, Pigs, Cows, Rats and Chickens

    Pigs, cows, chickens, and rodents. All of these amazing beings offer valuable and positive life lessons from which we can learn a lot. For example, a new film called GUNDA chronicles the lives of ...

  8. The Wisdom of Slowness: Lessons We Can Learn from Lazy Animals

    In a world where many struggle to get enough sleep, lions offer a lesson in prioritizing rest for enhanced productivity. Devon Price, a psychologist and author, suggests that we can learn from animals by dispelling the notion that our worth is determined by productivity. Animals eat when hungry and sleep when tired without questioning their ...

  9. 10 Best Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

    10 Best Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals. 1. Presence. Animals have no worries relating to either the past or the future; for animals, it is all about l iving in the now. Whilst we cannot and should not forget about our pasts or our futures, learning to be fully in the present, as our pets are, can prove extremely powerful for improving ...

  10. Lessons We Humans Can Learn From Animals

    This harmony, respect, and acceptance I just described among farm animals likely exist among many animals in the forests and jungles, even in the sea. Of course, there are those that do not get along, that prey on each other, and that live in fear of each other. But there are lessons we can learn from animals like them, too.

  11. Lessons From Animals

    Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 2021. Blair Braverman is a musher — the human driver of a dog sled team. She writes that she is ...

  12. 12 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

    Animals have always been a source of inspiration for humans, for centuries. They are incredibly intelligent and intuitive creatures, possessing a variety of skills and traits that can teach us…

  13. What Can We Learn From Animals? The Smallest Creatures Can ...

    What can we learn from animals? Everything. That there are heroes everywhere, even in the littlest creatures among us. Just like humans, animals have their own side of every story to tell. Animals are sentient, intelligent, wise beings. They are Angels, Teachers, Guides, and Healers.

  14. 17 Important Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Animals

    Human beings may be considered the more evolved species on Earth but there's no denying that the animals who can't talk are also quite intelligent. Whether it is teaching us how to survive in ...

  15. The Lessons We Learn From Animals Free Essay Example

    Proverbs or Sayings Help Children Learn Life's Lessons Pages: 4 (940 words) Teenage Relationship: Factors and Lessons to Learn Pages: 3 (633 words) Animals in "A Change of Heart about Animals" Pages: 2 (388 words) Cognitive States in Mental Lives of Nonhuman Animals: Attribution to Animals Pages: 4 (914 words) Never Too Late To Learn Pages: 6 ...

  16. 5 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

    This list highlights five valuable lessons that we can learn from our animal counterparts, which can enhance our lives and the lives of those around us. 1. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Some people call it listening to your gut, others refer to it as that little voice in your head.

  17. The Benefits of Animals to Humans: Essay Example

    They are a good source of security to human beings. Some animals protect man from invasion by other animals and even by human beings. For example, dogs are used to protect their homes at night (Knight 2020). Also, police officers also use dogs during wars as well as in the maintenance of law and order.

  18. 5 Important Life Lessons to Learn from Animals

    That's why we looked at important life lessons we can learn from animals. Animals live simply. Throw in some food, a fresh-water source, and perhaps a friend or two, and your average wild animal's bucket list is complete. Take a look at some of our favourite life hacks from some of our favourite animals: 1. Teamwork Photo credit: Jamala Madikwe

  19. Essay on Importance of Animals in Our Life

    The Integral Role of Animals. Animals play a crucial role in the intricate web of life, contributing significantly to the equilibrium of our ecosystems. They are essential for maintaining biodiversity, which is a key element in the sustainability of our planet. Animals, from the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, each have a unique role.

  20. Lessons We Can Learn from The Life of Our Pet Dogs

    When it is time for some quiet, you see them all calm and cool. When going for a walk or a car ride, they look all dunked in the moment giving not a single care on where they are headed. This is worth inculcating. We should learn to live each moment at a time. Be Proud of Who You Are: Dogs accept their individualities.

  21. Essay on Animals are Our Best Friends

    In conclusion, animals are indeed our best friends. They offer companionship, emotional support, and invaluable life lessons. They also play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. As we move forward in an increasingly urbanized and technology-driven world, it is essential to remember and cherish our bond with animals.

  22. 4 Valuable Lessons We Can Learn From Lazy Animals, According To Researchers

    Lesson #4: Prioritize Rest, Just Like Lions. Lions, despite their reputation for being lazy, spend about 20 hours a day resting. Their brief periods of activity demand incredible energy and stamina for hunting and territorial battles. In a world where sleep deprivation is common, we can learn from lions about the importance of prioritizing rest.

  23. Lessons learnt from animals

    This is one of the most important lessons that we must practice in our daily life to avoid disorder and failure. The slow-moving turtle doesn't 'make waste in haste'. Keep at it. Animals and ...