
Speech on Save Trees Save Environment

Trees are the lungs of our planet, breathing in carbon dioxide and exhaling fresh oxygen. Their importance to the environment cannot be overstated. Sadly, they are being cut down at an alarming rate, leading to serious environmental issues.

You can play a vital role in saving trees and in turn, the environment. By understanding the value of trees and acting to protect them, you can make a significant difference. It’s not just about the trees, it’s about the future of our Earth.

1-minute Speech on Save Trees Save Environment

Hello Friends,

Trees are the lungs of our planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. We, humans, do just the opposite. This perfect balance keeps our air clean and our planet healthy. But our actions are putting trees in danger, and we need to change that.

Think about a world without trees. It would be a world without birds singing, without shades to hide from the sun, and without fresh air to breathe. We need trees for so many things. Did you know that trees also help to cool down our planet? They fight against the heat that we create with our cars and factories.

A small action can make a big difference. Planting a single tree may seem like a small thing, but if we all do it, imagine how many new trees we could have! Also, we should not cut down trees unnecessarily. We must find other ways to get what we need without harming our beautiful forests.

Remember, trees can’t speak for themselves, so it’s up to us to speak for them. So, let’s speak up, stand up, and take action. Save trees, save our environment, save our planet, and save our future. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Save Trees Save Environment

Hi there, everyone! Today, I want to talk about a very important topic – saving trees to save our environment. Let’s break this down into simple parts.

Firstly, why do we need trees? Trees are like the lungs of our planet. They breathe in harmful carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. We need oxygen to live, so you could say that trees keep us alive! Not just humans, but all animals too. Without trees, we would have a lot less fresh air to breathe.

Secondly, trees give us shade and cool our cities. Without trees, cities become “heat islands” with temperatures many degrees higher than the surrounding areas. This can make life uncomfortable and increase the use of air conditioners, which in turn use a lot of power and make the planet even hotter.

Thirdly, trees are homes for many different types of animals. Birds build nests in them, squirrels live in them, and insects eat their leaves. Without trees, these animals would lose their homes. Imagine if your house was suddenly taken away – it wouldn’t be very nice, would it?

Now, you might ask, what can we do to save trees and our environment? It’s simple. Start by planting more trees. Even one tree can make a difference. Next, try to use less paper. Paper comes from trees, so the less paper we use, the more trees we can save.

Also, we can recycle. By recycling paper, cardboard, and wood, we reduce the need to cut down more trees. And finally, we can protect our forests. Forests are large areas filled with trees, and they are very important for our planet’s health. By preserving and protecting our forests, we can help to save our environment.

Remember, every little bit helps. Even if you can only do a little to help, that little bit can make a big difference. So let’s all do our part to save trees and save our environment!

Thank you for listening. Let’s make our planet a better place together!

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Speech On Trees & Importance of Tree

Trees are not just beautiful objects that provide shade and shelter. They are essential components of our environment and society, playing a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. Trees provide us with clean air to breathe, food to eat, and wood to make houses and furniture.

They also help mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition to their environmental benefits, trees have a significant impact on our society. They have been used in medicine, spirituality, and art for centuries and are deeply ingrained in our cultural heritage.

In this speech, we will explore the power of trees and how they affect our environment and society. From their role in biodiversity to their impact on mental health, we’ll showcase the many ways in which trees are essential to our well-being.

Speech No.1: Speech on Tree

  • Speaker: School And College Student, Teacher
  • Audience: Students, Teachers, All General Publi c

Flow of Speech

  • Attention Grabber Question
  • Value of Tree
  • Importance of Trees in Nature
  • Sacred Tree Story
  • Some examples
  • Tree as cooler

Good morning to everyone present here.

We have serious environmental issues, as you are all aware, and there are several contributing reasons, the biggest one being the abundance of trees. What do we do with a valuable object in the form of a tree that provides us with a lot, but nothing demand in return? We sucked its vitality dry; we mutilate fruits and vegetables, dwell in its shadow, and create both drugs with therapeutic benefits and ones without. Sadly, we ultimately take down a tree to make money by selling the wood and other byproducts and rob it of its life. Is it not awful and a huge insult to our modest nature?

I will be speaking about the value of trees today. It cannot be disputed that trees act as both a natural air filter and a significant source of oxygen.

Fruits and vegetables are also produced by them that act as a source of food for humans. They also act as shelters for birds. Both our ecosystem and meaningful lives benefit greatly from trees.

They encourage peace and create pleasant, beautiful surroundings. They also help in maintaining a constant temperature by diverting the harmful rays of the sun. Furthermore, they aid in saving water and decrease soil erosion. Also, they’re in the position of sustaining the ecosystem, and numerous plant species have long been valued.

Do you know we have mentioned the impacts of natural phenomena and the stories about sacred trees in mythology too!!

In legends concerning the life of Buddha, the tree is a representation of knowledge, since it is supposed that he attained enlightenment while seated beneath a bodhi tree , a species of fig tree. In India, the Bael tree is considered to be very sacred because it is associated with Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva is pleased by offerings of leaves from the Bael Tree, also known as bilva or bel tree. We also have Tulsi also considered as God.

So Different species of trees have been considered sacred in India. The Van Mahotsav, a week-long celebration of planting trees, takes place in India the first week of July.

The region around a plant or tree seed becomes greener as it grows. It also supports a variety of life forms. Numerous animals and reptiles reside there or nearby, and birds build their nests there. In addition to the abundance of lovely flowers, food is growing there. Furthermore, numerous tree parts, including the roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds, are edible. Most significantly, they never expect anything in exchange for the gifts and services they provide.

When we are in the shadow of a tree, our body instantly becomes cooler. Is it not? We don’t even feel the necessity for air conditioners during the summer while we shake with trees. The trees both lower the temperature in the summer and diminish the intensity of strong winds in the winter. Some studies claim that towns without trees and their shadows are transforming into hot islands where the temperature is 12 degrees higher than nearby locations.

Given all the benefits trees provide for us, it is our responsibility to repay them by preserving them. Despite its worldwide significance, deforestation is being caused by the cutting down of trees. Trees are being cut down indiscriminately on a big scale. The natural resources of the earth are being depleted as a result.

Finally, I just want to emphasize that The most priceless and stunning gift from nature should be preserved so that future generations can enjoy this precious property.

Speech no.2: Speech on the Importance of Tree

  • Speaker: Student, Teacher , Any Person
  • The ecological benefits of trees
  • Trees and climate change
  • The economic benefits of trees
  • The social benefits of trees
  • The cultural significance of trees
  • Threats to trees and the environment
  • Tree planting initiatives and success stories
  • Ways to get involved in tree conservation
  • Conclusion emphasizing the urgency of protecting trees.

subheading in this speech only for understanding.

Title of Speech “The Power of Trees: How They Impact Our Environment and Society”

Good Morning everyone

The Ecological Benefits of Trees

Trees and plants play an important role in maintaining environmental balance. They provide habitat and food for a wide variety of species, from insects and birds to large mammals. Trees support a wide variety of ecosystems, from forests and wetlands to grasslands and deserts. They help regulate the water cycle by absorbing and retaining rainwater, which reduces soil erosion and prevents flooding. Trees also help maintain soil fertility by providing nutrients and organic matter, and they help prevent soil erosion by binding soil with their roots.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, and release oxygen, which is vital to our survival. They help to purify the air we breathe, improve its quality and reduce pollution. Trees are natural air filters.

Trees are the lungs of our planet and work as natural air filters. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, and release oxygen, which is vital to our survival. They help to purify the air we breathe, improve its quality and reduce pollution.

Despite their importance, trees face many threats including deforestation, disease, and climate change.

The Economic Benefits of Trees

Trees have significant economic benefits. They provide essential products such as timber, pulp, and paper, which are used in construction, packaging, and printing.

Trees also provide non-timber forest products such as fruits, nuts, and medicinal plants, which are used for food and medicine.

Furthermore, trees provide ecosystem services such as water regulation, soil fertility, and erosion control, which have economic benefits such as increased agricultural productivity and reduced infrastructure damage.

In addition, trees can also provide economic benefits through tourism. Forests, parks, and other natural areas are popular tourist destinations, attracting visitors who spend money on accommodation, transport, and other services. Ecotourism , which is tourism that focuses on natural areas and environmental protection, is a growing industry that can promote conservation as well as provide economic benefits to local communities.

However, the economic benefits of trees are often undervalued. The true economic value of trees includes not only the products and services they provide but also the benefits they provide to society as a whole, such as improved air and water quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In the next section, we will explore the social benefits of trees.

All these benefits pale in front of the environmental benefits.

The Social Benefits of Trees

Trees have many social benefits. They provide shade and shelter, which can help to reduce the effects of heat waves and reduce energy consumption. Trees also provide aesthetic benefits, making our neighborhoods and cities more beautiful and improving our quality of life. In addition, trees can have positive impacts on mental health, reducing stress and improving mood.

The Cultural Significance of Trees

Furthermore, trees have been used for centuries in medicine, spirituality, and art. Many traditional medicines are derived from tree bark, leaves, and roots, and trees have been used in spiritual practices and ceremonies for thousands of years. Trees have also been used as a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians, and their beauty has been celebrated in art and literature throughout history.

Threats To Trees and Climate Change

Trees are important in mitigating the effects of climate change. However, they are also sensitive to its effects. Climate change affects trees in a number of ways, including increased temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms. These effects can lead to reduced tree growth, increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, and even death.

Furthermore, deforestation, which is the permanent removal of trees, is a significant contributor to climate change. Deforestation releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. It also reduces the number of trees available to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which exacerbates the problem. Deforestation also has other negative impacts, such as soil erosion, loss of habitat for wildlife, and reduced availability of wood products.

To reduce the impact of climate change on trees, it is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation. It is also necessary to protect and conserve existing forests and plant new trees to increase their capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

Moreover, these threats can have negative impacts on human health and well-being. Air pollution, for example, can lead to respiratory problems, while exposure to pesticides and other chemicals can lead to a range of health problems. Climate change can also have negative impacts on human health, including increased risk of heatstroke, dehydration, and malnutrition.

  “Save trees, save life.”

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The moral of the story of this tree and the tree cutter is very important for #Rwanda ns. We cut trees without even thinking and most of the time for very flimsy reasons. REMA should institute a green tribunal to prosecute tree cutters in #Rwanda pic.twitter.com/p5tB86hU4y — Ernest Rwamucyo (@ErnestRwamucyo) September 4, 2019

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Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English in simple and easy words

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

As we all know that saving the planet earth has become a crucial issue today and the environmentalists are concerned about taking every possible measure to curb the harmful impact of the rising pollution. However, one of the most effective solutions is to grow more and more trees which will help in saving the planet earth. In order to address this most relevant topic, the following speeches have been comprehensively written on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth.

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Long and Short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English

The speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth are divided into two parts, viz. Long speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth and Short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth. The speeches are written in an easy to understand manner yet which will definitely help you in enlightening your audience.

Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech 1

Dear All – I, Akshit Kapoor, from the Save Trees Organization welcome you all to the today’s speech ceremony. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to the yet another successful completion of the save trees project. However, still a lot needs to be done in terms of growing more and more trees in our surroundings as well as spreading awareness amongst the people. I could even now, despite so much has been done in this regard, see people not paying attention to their surroundings and cutting down trees recklessly. A lot yet needs to be done.

So folks, here I request you all to contribute your efforts towards this global cause. I hope everyone knows why so! Because saving trees is directly proportional to saving our planet Earth. And all the countries are struggling hard to save the planet Earth otherwise the repercussions would be borne by each one of us globally. Red alert has already been set by the IUCN, i.e. International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Owing to the awareness being spread by such international organizations and the damaging effects being observed by every nation, everyone is doing their bit in order to save planet Earth and the first and foremost important thing is to grow more and more trees and protect the existing plants and trees.

Friends as we all know that trees produce oxygen which is needless to say is the lifeline of every living being. In this hot summer weather, unfortunately we don’t have enough trees around to enjoy fresh air and breathe in a pollution free environment. Trees help to filter the soil, air and water, thereby making our surrounding lush green and livable. If we live close to trees, we will become much healthier and our life will become happier.

It therefore becomes incumbent on our part to spread more and more awareness, SAVE Trees and protect our forests. While saving trees, I would also request everyone to reduce the wastage of paper products as much as possible and limit their usage. Whatever ways we know to save trees we should adopt and in fact urge others to do the same. Motivate your family, friends and neighbors to step forward and join hands with you for saving this beautiful Earth. Else, ask more and more people to join our organization and work for the protection of trees.

One of the environmentalists rightly said, “It is not merely that the world is bettered by saving, replacing, and multiplying trees. It is that an aim of this kind becomes an impulse towards developing a mood and an outlook which will increasingly make it natural to think for the future, for other people, for generations yet unborn. Planting a tree is a symbol of a looking-forward kind of action; looking forward, yet not too distantly.”

This is a very apt message as it’s not just about growing more and more trees, but creating such an impulse where it becomes a part of our lives and we don’t have to adopt it artificially.

Thank you, this is all I have to say!

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Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech 2

Warm Greetings Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends – I welcome everyone to our school assembly hall!

I – Sakshi Kalra from Standard (XII – B) would deliver speech on a burning issue, i.e. Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth. Friends, we all know how important trees are for our environment and for us as they play a big role in protecting our planet Earth, but if there wouldn’t be enough trees around we won’t be able to do anything for our mother Earth.

So here, I ask the most pertinent question to all of you, i.e. are you concerned about the welfare of our mother Earth? Do you want to do your bit for saving our environment? With such negative news about global warming, endangered animals, dying oceans, scarcity of trees and forests on a regular basis – we don’t really understand where to start from! Isn’t it? We always say why I am only responsible for creating a change in society and just our individual action won’t cause any significant change in our society. But this is not so because while doing our bit we can also educate others, which will surely bring fruitful results.

Here, I give some important reasons why trees are important for us and how they help us in protecting the life forms on earth:

Firstly, trees give us oxygen which is the most important reason for preventing trees from cutting down. And, did you know that an average size tree produces enough oxygen for a family of four to sustain itself in respiration? Secondly, nature is the best way to heal our aching soul, just by looking at trees and flowers our spirit becomes lifted and we experience a great sense of delight from within. Thirdly, trees also absorb heat from the atmosphere so much so that when they are planted around our house, they help keeping it cool and ventilated. Isn’t it so great?

The fourth reason which I would give is that they are literally a boon for the patients. Many studies have come up with this observation that patients who live in a close proximity with nature take fewer medicines for pain relief and recover faster; hence they are discharged from the hospital sooner than those patients who live amidst the four walls. Don’t we observe this on ourselves that when we are surrounded with trees we automatically feel good? People become more productive when they observe trees during their commute and from the windows of their offices.

In fact, that very place becomes a place of retreat where there are trees around and people are ever ready to pay a visit to such places.

Last, but not the least trees give us ample variety of fruits and vegetables. In addition, some of them are also used in the preparation of medicines; there are also various by-products of wood available in the market, like we have toothpaste, medicines, paper, etc. The parts of trees are used as essential raw materials for the newspaper agencies, publication houses, etc.

So trees not only help in protecting the mother earth, but also help in many other ways which is not possible to list completely. In the end, I would request you all to grow more and more trees and help in building a lush, green environment.

Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech 3

Good Morning Friends – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirit!

As you all know that today is a World Environment Day and the reason why we have gathered here is to celebrate this crucial day and realize its importance so that important steps can be taken in conserving the environment.

Friends, in this technological driven age, we have hardly any time to stop, look around and appreciate the beauty of nature all around. The more we are advancing in this scientific age, the more regressive we are becoming in our attitude towards conserving our planet Earth. For instance, if we have to drive a short distance in a car which can otherwise be done by riding a bicycle or taking a long walk or using a public transport for that matter, we would choose our convenience and use a car instead to reach the desired destination. We perhaps have no clue how many of us have this bent of mind and are continuing to affect our environment in a steady manner as the pollution which we release from our vehicles cause a damaging effect on our environment.

While on the one hand we are causing pollution in the environment by all means possible and on the other we are not doing anything to combat air pollution, such as growing more and more trees. Worst, we are even cutting down the existing trees. Despite hearing a lot from the media how deforestation is badly affecting our environment, we are not doing anything to stop it. It is because we seldom hear about the benefits of growing more trees. All we need for this is a bit of land and some water. If we are unable to give this much back to our nature from whom we take so much, we then are not entitled to reap benefits that our mother Earth showers us with.

Please understand that growing trees is a great exercise as it not only protects the soil and preserve water, but also traps carbon. One of the elements that is found in abundance on our Earth is Carbon and when too much of it is released in our atmosphere, the heat of the sun gets trapped and the climate becomes warmer. Global warming follows its own natural course and that happens time and again across the geological landscape of our Earth. The present phase of global warming started some 12-15,000 years ago when the huge glaciers which once covered the regions of northern Europe, North America and Asia started to melt down.

Deforestation is one of the processes which has up the carbon level in our atmosphere. When we cut down trees and burn trees to clear the land, we tend to release a huge amount of carbon in our atmosphere. This carbon gradually accelerates the global warming process. However, if we plant more and more trees around our surroundings or wherever we find an empty piece of land, we can definitely make up for the loss of our forests and free our environment from the clutches of the carbon sink at least to some extent.

This is all from my side, thank you so much for being such a lovely audience!

Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech 4

Good Morning Students – How’re you all doing?

You all look cheerful and excited to have been rejoining the school after a long vacation. Isn’t it? Well, that’s great! You look surprised why am I here taking your zero period and addressing you all in a formal manner. It is because our school has taken the responsibility of preserving the mother Earth and doing whatever it’s in our capacity to spread awareness about the rising cases of deforestation and the damaging effects on our planet Earth.

Despite knowing that deforestation severely affects our environment in ways more than one, we still continue to cut down and use land for building houses and constructing factories. How terrible the sight looks and the surroundings become dark and damp! We know the benefits of growing more trees and how their mere presence transforms our living surrounding from a dark, dreary sight to a heartwarming picture of blooming flowers and lush green leaves. The very sight of big, tall trees and blossoming flowers lift our spirits and soothes our aching soul. Don’t we feel ecstatic in the lap of nature and we forget all our worries?

Then why are we hell bent on cutting down trees for a handful of gain, we let go such priceless gifts of nature. Trees give us food, shelter, purified air, sound health and protect our mother Earth by trapping Carbon Dioxide gas and releasing oxygen gas in the air through the process of photosynthesis.

The anthropogenic activities are on rise and we are doing very less in giving it back to nature. Instead, we are just exploiting its resources. Is this right, students? So if you feel that it’s unfair on our part to do so, and then let’s take a pledge to protect our mother Earth at all costs by planting more and more trees. Also, raise awareness in your peer group, neighbors and relatives to grow more trees while enumerating its benefits.

If we have enough trees in our living surroundings we should try and plant trees wherever we find an empty piece of land. If possible run a campaign or associate yourself with an organization which can help you in accomplishing your goal and can also help you in reaching out to more and more people. By associating yourself with an organization, the mission will get strengthened and you will get more hands for planting trees. Human life cannot be imagined on earth in the absence of trees. Did you know that a full grown leafy tree produces oxygen enough for the survival of 10 people? What many people don’t understand is that the forest also acts as a big filter which helps in cleaning the air we inhale.

Trees help in purifying the air by intercepting particles (which are air borne), curbing heat, absorbing such pollutants as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Trees also help in controlling air pollution by retaining particulates, bringing air temperature down through respiration.

When there are ample benefits that we can derive just by planting trees, then why should we lag behind in the race! Let’s put our joint efforts in this common cause.

Related Information:

Essay on the Importance of Trees in our Life

Speech on Importance of Trees in our Lives

Slogans on Save Trees

Paragraph on Save Trees

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Save Trees Paragraph 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

September 10, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Save Trees: Earth is the only known planet to support and sustain life. And trees are the vital elements that maintain a balance and fill the world with greenery, freshness and nourishment. The following paragraphs will provide more information and insight into the importance of trees and urgent necessity to save them and in turn, save lives.

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Paragraph On Save Trees For 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 And 12 Students

Paragraph on save trees – 100 words for classes 1, 2, 3 kids.

Trees are the best gift of nature for us. They make the environment beautiful and clean. Water and sunlight are very important to help trees grow. Human beings get food from trees. Trees also give us wood and shade. Houses, chairs and toys are made from wood we receive from trees.

Trees can be called the best friend to mankind. Many animals get their food from leaves, vegetables and fruits grown on trees. They also live near the shadow of trees. We should stop cutting trees to save nature. Children and adults need to plant more trees and teach each other to stop causing harm to nature. One tree can save many lives.

save trees paragraph

Paragraph on Save Trees – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Trees form the most essential components of our environment. They take in sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen which helps to support all forms of life on earth. Various kinds of trees can be found which provide us materials for food, shelter, clothing and medicines. Timber and wood obtained from trees are used in many industries to make paper, furniture and other goods of daily use.

As a result, a large number of trees are cut every day to fulfill these needs. This is leading to a loss of stability in the environment and making life difficult. Pollution is increasing due to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Awareness needs to be spread to save trees and take part in tree plantation and protection for a better, healthier future. Students, schools and other clubs can play an active role to save trees and protect the planet’s natural environment.

Paragraph on Save Trees – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Out of all the elements found on this planet, trees account for the sustainability of a large portion of the environment. Occupying vast extents of land in forests, nature parks and wildlife sanctuaries, trees purify the atmosphere with oxygen. All forms of life depend on their direct and indirect needs on the resources provided by trees. Large industries and organizations derive their raw material in the form of wood, paper, fibers and timber obtained from trees.

While producing these materials is of utmost importance, it is equally important to preserve the balance in nature. Excessive deforestation or the cutting down of trees to suit different needs can threaten the future of life on Earth. As the number of trees is reducing every day, pollution levels are increasing. With this, soil erosion and global warming have also reached their peak of risks.

Under these circumstances, some measures to save trees include:

  • Campaigns to promote afforestation
  • Preventing forest fires
  • Preventing pollution and soil erosion
  • Using wood, paper, etc. judiciously
  • Planting more trees at an individual level

With these and many more steps by the government, NGOs and people alike, some consequences of deforestation and destruction may be prevented. Trees existed on the planet before us and may continue to grow again after us too, but our lives are completely dependent on the number of trees we save and saplings we plant in a lifetime!

Paragraph on Save Trees – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams :

“A single tree can absorb approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime”.

This statement in itself describes the role that trees play to maintain the cycle and process that supports different life forms on Earth. Trees, in the presence of sunlight, chlorophyll and water, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This proceeds through a chemical reaction to produce glucose and oxygen.

Since life runs on the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, trees are inherent to our survival. In addition to this, our daily essentials ranging from books, furniture, medicines to the new piece of summer clothing –  all owe their production in one way or the other, to trees. The country’s economy is indirectly dependent on trees as huge manufacturing units derive their basic elements from them.

With the ever-growing population, the demand and supply for every other commodity have increased. This has led to detrimental levels of deforestation. The result today is layers of air filled with pollutants, soil losing its strength to erosion and an acute rise in temperature and sea levels worldwide. Our planet has seen varying degrees of diseases, incorporating artificial means to increase production, illegal cutting down of trees from protected areas and much more.

The situation, however, needs to be brought under control. A lot of measures, programs and events are organized regularly to create awareness and save trees. But a lot more still needs to be done to increase the prospect of a greener, healthier tomorrow. Trees must be planted not only on World Environment Day but also on every other day. Restrictions need to be imposed on the number of trees that can be cut daily. People in urban as well as rural areas need to be educated about the dire effects of deforestation and most importantly citizens need to take responsibility and accountability for their own selves, if not for the future of their race.

“Save trees, Save lives” should be the motto not only on prescribed calendar dates but also on other “industrious” days of the year!

Paragraph on Save Trees 300 Words

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Save Trees

Question 1. What is the role of Van Mahotsav?

Answer: Van Mahotsav is the annual tree-planting festival which is celebrated for a week in the month of July. People engage in planting millions of trees during this time.

Question 2. What is the Chipko movement?

Answer: This movement started in Uttarakhand, India against the slaughter of trees. Women activists and people alike embraced trees to save them from being cut.

Question 3. What are some days dedicated to saving trees?

Answer: The international day of forests and the world environment day are important dates recognized all over the world to save and plant trees.

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Write a Short Speech to Be Delivered in Your College on 'Tree Conservation' on the Occasion of 'The World Earth Day,' with the Help of the Following Points (About Joo Words): - English


Speech Writing: 

Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on 'Tree Conservation' on the occasion of 'The World Earth Day,' with the help of the following points (about JOO words): (I) Air, water and noise pollution. (2) Depletion of natural resources. (3) Trees prevent soil erosion. (4) Live in harmony with nature .  

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write a speech writing on tree conservation

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  • develops feeling of contentment.
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Essay on Save Trees: Trees for Generation

write a speech writing on tree conservation

  • Updated on  
  • Feb 13, 2024

Essay On Save Trees

‘He who plants a tree plants a hope’ – Lucy Larcom. Just like oxygen and water, trees are an important component of survival. Therefore, saving trees is not only crucial for ecological balance but also for human well-being. Trees provide sustenance for a wide variety of wildlife. Writing an essay on Save Trees requires you to highlight the importance of this vital resource, the role it plays, and other important factors. Check out the best samples for writing essays on saving trees.

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Save Trees in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Save Trees in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Save Trees in 300 Words
  • 4 Top 10 Quotes on Save Trees

Also Read: Essay on Nature

Essay on Save Trees in 100 Words

Trees are known as guardians of our environment due to their integral role in the sustenance and continuity of life on Earth since time immemorial. From providing oxygen, shelter, and sustenance to myriad life forms, to mitigating the impact of climate change, trees are the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving ecosystem.

However, uncontrolled and harmful destruction of forests and the reckless felling of trees pose a severe threat to the delicate balance of our environment. Therefore, it becomes imperative for each one of us to recognize the significance of conserving trees and actively participate in the noble cause of tree preservation.

Also Read: Essay on Health is Wealth

Essay on Save Trees in 200 Words

Trees are considered the lifelines of our planet due to their pivotal role in sustaining life and maintaining ecological balance. They serve as the lungs of the Earth, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, thereby purifying the air we breathe. 

One of the foremost reasons for saving trees is their pivotal role in maintaining the ecological equilibrium. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide and purifying the air we breathe, thus significantly reducing the impact of greenhouse gases on our atmosphere.

Saving trees helps in controlling soil erosion and preventing floods by absorbing excess water through their roots. Additionally, trees provide a habitat for innumerable species of flora and fauna, thereby fostering biodiversity and preserving the delicate web of life on our planet.

Moreover, the significance of trees in our daily lives cannot be overstated. They provide us with essential resources such as wood for fuel, construction, and various other purposes. Their fruits, nuts, and leaves serve as vital sources of nutrition for both humans and animals.

Furthermore, the aesthetic beauty and tranquillity offered by dense green forests and tree-lined landscapes have a profound impact on our mental well-being, providing solace and respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Essay on Save Trees in 300 Words

Saving trees is not just about conserving our natural environment but is also a necessity for the survival of all life forms on Earth. The indispensable role played by trees in maintaining the ecological balance and sustaining life on Earth gives them immense importance. From providing oxygen and purifying the air to offering habitat to numerous species, trees are crucial for the well-being of our environment.

However, in recent times, the global tree cover has been steadily decreasing due to deforestation , urbanization, and unsustainable agricultural practices. This alarming trend has significant implications for the environment and human life. 

The rich and dense forests act as an air purifier, absorbing carbon dioxide and mitigating the impact of greenhouse gases. They help in controlling soil erosion, preventing floods, and maintaining the water cycle. The loss of trees leads to a decline in biodiversity, disrupting the intricate web of life. Many species that depend on trees for food and shelter are at risk of extinction as their natural habitats disappear. 

Activities like urbanization and infrastructure development, agricultural expansion, mining, forest fires, overgrazing, etc. contribute to deforestation and destruction of trees and forest covers. To address this pressing issue, it is crucial to raise awareness about the importance of tree conservation and the detrimental effects of deforestation. Governments and organizations must implement sustainable forestry practices, promote afforestation and reforestation, and enforce strict regulations against illegal logging. 

We as individuals also must contribute to the cause of saving trees by planting more, supporting local conservation initiatives, and reducing their carbon footprint. Simple actions like using recycled paper, opting for electronic documentation, and participating in community tree-planting drives can make a significant impact. Educating the younger generation about the significance of trees and the environment is also vital in fostering a culture of sustainability and responsibility.

Top 10 Quotes on Save Trees

Here are the top 10 quotes on save trees. Feel free to use them in your academic writing topics.

  • ‘Trees are the Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.’ – Rabindranath Tagore
  • ‘A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • ‘Trees are always a relief after people’ – David Mitchell
  • ‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.’ – Chinese Proverb
  • ‘When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope.’ – Wangari Maathai
  • ‘Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.’ – Kahlil Gibran
  • ‘A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.’ – Greek Proverb
  • ‘The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • ‘The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.’ – Nelson Henderson
  • ‘The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.’ – Robert Swan

Writing an essay on saving trees requires you to highlight the key details of this life-saving resource and the role it plays in our everyday lives. Trees play an indispensable role in maintaining the ecological balance and sustaining life on Earth gives them immense importance.

Saving trees is crucial because trees provide us with oxygen, they work as carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, soil protection, economic and health benefits, etc.

Several factors contribute to the destruction of trees, most of which are caused by humans. Here are some of these factors: Agricultural Expansion, Urbanization and Infrastructure Development, Logging, Mining, Forest Fires, etc.

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  • Conservation Of Forest Essay

Conservation of Forest Essay

500+ words conservation of forest essay.

Forest conservation is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the future. Forests play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and bringing the monsoon. They are essential for the survival of life on Earth as they provide oxygen, which is essential for all living organisms to survive. Apart from these, they provide a wide range of resources we use in our everyday lives. But, human activities are destroying forests to fulfil their greed. Thus, there is a need for forest conservation. Efforts should be made to stop this destruction from causing serious environmental problems. With the help of the conservation of forest essay, students will know various methods of forest conservation to reduce environmental damage. Students must practise CBSE Essays on different topics to gain command over the writing section. This will also help them to score high marks on English papers.

A forest is a complex ecosystem mainly composed of trees, shrubs and herbs. They are home to different plants, birds, insects, mammals, reptiles etc. A large variety of life forms exists in the forests. Even microorganisms and fungi are found in forests, which are important for decomposing dead organic matter and thus enriching the soil. Nearly 30 per cent of the total land area is covered with forest, which accounts for 4 billion hectares of forest on the earth’s surface.

Importance of Conserving the Forests

Forests provide various natural services and products. Many forest products are used in our day-to-today lives. Forests store carbon and act as carbon sinks. They produce oxygen, which is important for the existence of life on earth. That’s why forests are also called the earth’s lungs. They help in regulating the hydrological cycle, purify water, absorb toxic gases and noise, provide wildlife habitat, maintain planetary climate, reduce global warming, conserve soil, reduce pollution, and mitigate natural hazards such as landslides, floods and so on. Thus, forests play an important role in maintaining ecological balance and also contribute to the economy.

Forest Conservation Initiatives

The loss of our forest can be stopped by putting efforts from the citizens, forest conservation organisations, and governments. Various laws, like the Forest Conservation Act, have been prepared and are being implemented by the government of India. The Forest Conservation Act of 1980 was enacted to control deforestation. In 1988, this act was amended to facilitate stricter conservation measures. The government also implements many schemes for the conservation of forests and their sustainable management. The Joint Forest Management (JFM) programme is a good example of involving local communities in managing and restoring degraded forests.

People’s participation in the conservation of the forest is of vital importance. The perfect example of people’s contribution towards forest conservation is the Chipko movement in the Himalayas. The movement was successful due to the efforts of the local residents to save the forest of Tehri Garhwal. The women cling or hug the trees tightly and dare men to cut them. Thus, the movement gained a lot of popularity and became famous around the world. The cutting down of trees in forest areas must be stopped at all costs. At all functions, festivals and celebrations, we must build a habit of planting trees.

Students must have found the Conservation of Forest Essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study material on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams.

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Speech Writing: Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on ‘Tree Conservation’ on the occasion of ‘World Earth Day’ with the help of the following points (about 100 words): a) Air, water, and noise pollution. b) Depletion of natural resources. c) Trees prevent soil erosion. d) Live in harmony with nature.

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    Speech Writing: Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on 'Tree Conservation' on the occasion of 'The World Earth Day,' with the help of the following points (about JOO words): (I) Air, water and noise pollution. (2) Depletion of natural resources. (3) Trees prevent soil erosion. (4) Live in harmony with nature .

  18. Speech on Trees

    Top Quotes to Use in a Speech on Trees. "He who plants a tree, plants a hope.". ― Lucy Larcom. "Finland is officially the world's happiest country. It is also 75 per cent forest. I believe these facts are related."―. Matt Haig. "Learn character from trees, values from roots and change from leaves"— Tasneem Hameed.

  19. Essay on Save Trees: Trees for Generation

    Trees provide sustenance for a wide variety of wildlife. Writing an essay on Save Trees requires you to highlight the importance of this vital resource, the role it plays, and other important factors. Check out the best samples for writing essays on saving trees. Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English.

  20. Speech on Save Environment in English For Students

    Speech on Save Environment is an important topic for students. Students can avail a well-written speech on the topic 'save environment speech' and learn how to write the speech that will impress the audience. Long Speech. Good morning to one and all present here. I am glad to be given the opportunity to present a speech on Save Environment.

  21. Conservation of Forest Essay for Students in English

    500+ Words Conservation of Forest Essay. Forest conservation is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the future. Forests play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and bringing the monsoon. They are essential for the survival of life on Earth as they provide oxygen, which is essential for all living organisms ...

  22. Speech Writing: Write a short speech to be delivered in your ...

    Speech Writing: Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on 'Tree Conservation' on the occasion of 'World Earth Day' with the help of the following points (about 100 words): (1) Air, water, and noise pollution. (2) Depletion of natural resources. (3) Trees prevent soil erosion. (4) Live in harmony with nature.

  23. Speech Writing:Write a short speech to be delivered in your ...

    Speech Writing: Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on 'Tree Conservation' on the occasion of 'World Earth Day' with the help of the following points (about 100 words): a) Air, water, and noise pollution. b) Depletion of natural resources. c) Trees prevent soil erosion. d) Live in harmony with nature.