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After she had completed her home work, she went to bed

After she had completed her home work, she went to bed.

Is the sentence correct or not? Is it had completed or have completed ?

  • past-vs-past-perfect

Eddie Kal's user avatar

  • What do think should be the correct choice? –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 1:40
After she had completed her home work, she went to bed After she has /have completed her home work she went to bed

The firstsentence is correct.There are two past actions here.The first one may be in the past perfect and the second one may be in the simple past.

.The second sentence is wrong if you use have or even has. You can not use present perfect since it may refer to a completed activity in the present moment.

You may say:

She went to bed after she completed her home work.

The conjunction after indicates that she completed her home work first and later she went to bed.

Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar

  • 1 OP provides no evidence of any research they did to solve their query. There are plenty of questions in ELL that discuss the use of tenses - had OP looked into those their problem would be resolved. Or, OP could have mentioned which ones they looked at and why those questions did not help them. OP's question looks like a homework question - which we should not answer unless their is a major concern or a real problem. The point is to empower non-natives to learn and educate themselves on simple problems. We should do that by asking them questions to make them think. –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 3:47
  • 1 You giving away the right answer does more harm than good to OP. They have gotten the correct answer, but they have not truly learnt why that is the correct answer. They will not put in the effort now. That is why I made a comment as to which they thought is correct - this will make them think. This will make them put in just a bit more effort into first trying to find their own answers. –  AIQ Commented Oct 23, 2019 at 3:48

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the finished their homework and then they went to bed

Past Perfect 1

Past perfect is used when there are two past events.
The past perfect event happened first in time.

FIRST: The thief the money.
THEN: The police the thief.

The thief the money before the police him.
OR: Before the police the thief, he the money.

" " tells us that event happened first in time.

Past perfect key words: already, yet

1. First: Diego ate dinner. Then: Pablo came over.
Diego (eat) 
2. First: I finished my homework. Then: I went to bed.
I (go) 
3. First: Sam washed the dishes. Then: Sam turned on the TV. 
Sam (turn)
4. First: Frank threw the football. Then: Frank fell down.
Frank (fall) 
5. First: I bought an airplane ticket. Then: Sara found a really good price. 
After I (buy) 
6. Last night I started to make dinner at 5:30, and finished at 5:50. At 6:00, my husband came home.
By the time my husband (come) 
7. Yesterday Maria fed the cat and then she went to work.
Maria (go) 
8. Peter was late. By the time he (get) 
9. The teacher (give) 
10. We (play) 
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Past Perfect Tense With Examples, Rules, Usage

Past Perfect Tense With Examples

Table of Contents

The past perfect tense is a grammatical form used to describe actions that were completed before a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb “had” followed by the past participle of the main verb.

  • She had finished the work.
  • They had visited the museum last summer.
  • They had not seen the movie.
  • He had never been to Paris before this vacation.
  • Had you studied for the test before it was announced?
  • Had the mail arrived before you left the house?

Forming the Past Perfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Affirmative sentences in past perfect tense are statements that express an action that was completed before a specific point in the past. They are structured using the following formula.

Subject + had +verb(3rd form) + object.

  • She had already finished her breakfast.
  • They had watched the movie before bedtime.
  • He had visited the new museum in town.
  • The children had played in the park all afternoon.
  • By the time I arrived, they had already eaten dinner.
  • She realized she had forgotten her keys at home.
  • We had never been to this restaurant before.
  • The teacher had explained the lesson before the test.
  • He told me he had already seen the new movie.
  • The sun had set by the time we reached the beach.

The sentences given above are broken down according to their grammatical structure.

She had finished her breakfast already.
They had watched the movie before bedtime.
He had visited the new museum in town.
The children had played in the park all afternoon.
We had been to this restaurant before.
The teacher had explained the lesson before the test.
The sun had set by the time we reached the beach.
The bakery had sold out of pastries by noon.

Negative Sentences

Interrogative sentences in past perfect tense are questions that inquire about actions or events that occurred before a specific point in the past. They are formed by using the auxiliary verb “had” followed by the subject and the past participle of the main verb.

Subject + had + not + verb(3rd form) + object.

  • She hadn’t finished her chores before dinner.
  • They hadn’t visited the park in months.
  • He hadn’t heard that song until yesterday.
  • The team hadn’t practiced enough before the match.
  • We hadn’t met our new neighbors until last week.
  • The store hadn’t restocked the shelves by noon.
  • He hadn’t tried sushi before last night.
  • She hadn’t watched that TV series until now.
  • They hadn’t seen that movie before last night.
  • He hadn’t spoken to his cousin in years.
She hadn’t finished her chores before dinner.
They hadn’t visited the park in months.
He hadn’t heard that song until yesterday.
The team hadn’t practiced enough before the match.
The store hadn’t restocked the shelves by noon.
The bakery hadn’t sold out of pastries by noon.
The children hadn’t played in the garden before dusk.
We hadn’t heard that joke before today.

Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences in past perfect tense are questions about actions or events that happened before a specific point in the past. They start with “Had” followed by the subject and the past participle of the main verb.

Had + subject + verb(3rd form) + object?

  • Had she eaten breakfast before leaving for work?
  • Had they visited the museum before the trip?
  • Had he finished his chores before going out to play?
  • Had you heard the news before we told you?
  • Had they cleaned the house before the party?
  • Had she read the book before watching the movie?
  • Had we met our new neighbors before the event?
  • Had he seen that movie before last night?
  • Had they played any games before the picnic?
  • Had she finished her work by the time you called?
Had she eaten breakfast before leaving for work?
Had they visited the museum before the trip?
Had he finished his chores before going out to play?
Had you heard the news before we told you?
Had they cleaned the house before the party?
Had you traveled abroad before last summer?
Had they studied for the exam before the test?
Had we heard that song before yesterday?

Usages of the Past Perfect Tense

Describing Completed Actions Before Another Past Action

Describing Completed Actions Before Another Past Action” is one of the key uses of the past perfect tense. It helps establish a clear sequence of events in the past.

  • By the time we arrived, they had already finished their meal .
  • She had completed the project before the deadline.
  • The train had left the station before we reached it.
  • They hadn’t started the meeting before the boss arrived.
  • The bakery hadn’t sold out of croissants when we got there.
  • She hadn’t visited that museum before last summer.
  • Had you finished your homework before the teacher collected it?
  • Had they seen that movie before it won an award?
  • Had she ever traveled to Europe before this trip?

Narrating Past Events in a Sequence

“Narrating Past Events in a Sequence” is another important use of the past perfect tense. It helps in presenting a series of past events in the order in which they occurred.

  • She had breakfast , then went for a walk , and finally read a book .
  • They had a picnic , then played games , and afterwards shared stories .
  • She didn’t have time to finish her drawing , so she left it for tomorrow .
  • They didn’t find any ripe apples , so they postponed making the pie .
  • Had she already finished her snack before going for a walk?
  • Had they played any games before having the picnic?

Expressing Regrets or Hypothetical Scenarios in the Past

Expressing regrets or hypothetical scenarios in the past involves using the past perfect tense to discuss situations that didn’t happen, or to express a sense of regret or longing for different outcomes in the past.

  • If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
  • She wishes she had taken that job offer last year.
  • He believes he would have won the race if he had trained harder.
  • If she had arrived earlier, she wouldn’t have missed the train.
  • He wishes he hadn’t sold his antique collection.

Reporting Past Actions or Speech

Reporting past actions or speech” involves conveying what someone said or did in the past. This is typically done through indirect or reported speech, where the original statement or action is reported using a different verb tense (often the past perfect tense) to indicate that it happened in the past.

  • She told me, I finished the report .
  • He said, She has already left .
  • They mentioned, We visited the museum .
  • She told me that she hadn’t finished the report.
  • He said that she had already left .
  • They mentioned that they hadn’t visited the museum.
  • Did she tell you she had finished the report?
  • Had he mentioned that she had already left?
  • Did they ask if we had visited the museum?

Past Perfect Tense Chart

Past Perfect Tense Chart with Definition, Rules, Structure, Usages, Example Sentences

Signal words for Past Perfect Tense

Signal words for Past Perfect Tense indicate that an action or event occurred before another action in the past.

  • She had finished her work before the meeting started.
  •  They had already eaten when I arrived.
  •   By the time we got to the cinema, the movie had already begun.
  •  She hadn’t seen the movie until last night.
  •   After they had left, I realized I forgot my keys.
  • He hadn’t heard the news before we told him.
  • She had never visited that city before.
  •  She didn’t taste that type of food until today.
  •   No sooner had they finished the project than the deadline arrived.
  • Had you finished your work before the call?
  •   Hadn’t they seen the movie before last night?
  • Had you ever been to this city before your trip?
  • Had they finished the project by the deadline?
  •   Before we arrived, had they already played the game?

Time Expressions

Time expressions are words or phrases that indicate when an action or event took place. In the context of past perfect tense, they help establish the relationship between different past actions.

  • She finished her homework before dinner .
  • He had known her since kindergarten .
  • By morning, the rain had stopped .
  • They had watched the movie twice already.
  • She had read the book before bedtime .
  • He hadn’t eaten breakfast yet .
  • She realized she hadn’t studied in a while .
  • They hadn’t seen that show since last year .
  • He hadn’t visited the museum in years .
  • She hadn’t traveled abroad before last summer .
  • Had you finished your chores by the time I called? ( Time Expression )
  • When did they first meet each other? ( Time Expression )
  • By what time had they completed the project? ( Time Expression )
  • Had they ever been to this city before? ( Time Expression )
  • Since when had he known about this new technology? (Time Expression)

Past Perfect vs. Simple Past Tense

Differentiating Between Past Perfect and Simple Past

Here’s a table comparing Past Perfect Tense and Simple Past Tense

Feature Past Perfect Tense Simple Past Tense
Indicates an action that was completed before another action or point in time in the past. Indicates an action that happened at a specific time in the past.
had + past participle (e.g., had walked, had eaten) Verb in the past form (e.g., walked, ate)
before, after, by the time, until, when, by yesterday, last week, in 1990, ago, when
I had finished my homework before the movie started. I finished my homework yesterday.
  • Past Perfect Tense Example Sentences
  • The mother had cooked food before the sun rose.
  • I had recited the Holy Quran before you came.
  • The bell had rung when we reached the school.
  • The train had gone when I reached the station.
  • They had taken tea when I reached there.
  • The patient had died before the doctor came.
  • They had already finished their work.
  • He had reached here till 2’O clock.
  • The girl had already sung songs.
  • The teacher had already taught us lesson.
  • By then, he had finished all his work.
  • They were tired because they had walked a lot.
  • We were surprised because they hadn’t told us.
  • The movie was over because they had watched it.
  • She knew the answer because she had studied.
  • They were happy because they had won the prize.
  • He was full because he had eaten a big meal.
  • The students were tired because they had studied.
  • She had a great time because she had danced a lot.
  • They were sleepy because they had stayed up late.
  • He had not taken breakfast before you came.
  • They had not bought tickets before the train came.
  • Aslam had not heard this good news yet.
  • It had not rained yet.
  • I had never eaten such a delicious fruit before.
  • He hadn’t visited his grandparents in a long time.
  • She hadn’t tried that new restaurant yet.
  • They hadn’t met their new neighbors before the party.
  • By the time they arrived, the show hadn’t started yet.
  • He hadn’t seen a shooting star until last night.
  • She hadn’t been to the beach in years.
  • We hadn’t seen each other in a long time.
  • The cat hadn’t eaten its food yet.
  • She hadn’t visited the museum in a while.
  • They hadn’t finished the puzzle by bedtime.
  • He hadn’t cooked dinner before the guests arrived.
  • She hadn’t heard the news until now.
  • They hadn’t bought groceries for the week.
  • By the time they left, the party hadn’t even started.
  • He hadn’t taken a vacation in years.
  • Had you finished your work before the sun set?
  • Had the police already dispersed the crowd?
  • Had they already left for Lahore?
  • Why had you not posted the letter before you went to school?
  • Had they already reached the school?
  • Had he fixed the car before the road trip?
  • Had she learned to swim before the summer?
  • Had they packed their bags before the vacation?
  • Had we finished all the tasks before leaving?
  • Had he visited his grandparents before the holidays?
  • Had you met the new neighbors before the barbecue?
  • Had they chosen a restaurant before the reservation?
  • Had she attended any classes before the conference?
  • Had we booked the tickets before they were sold out?
  • Had he heard about the new job before the interview?
  • Had they received the package before leaving home?
  • Had she completed the assignment before the deadline?
  • Had we packed our bags before the trip started?
  • Had he visited that museum before it closed down?
  • Had you tried that dish before today?

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoiding common mistakes in language use is crucial for effective communication.

Here are some tips to help you steer clear of frequent errors:

  • Watch Subject-Verb Agreement : Ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number (singular or plural).
  • Avoid Double Negatives : Using two negatives in a sentence can lead to confusion. For example, “I can’t hardly wait” should be “I can hardly wait.”
  • Be Consistent with Verb Tenses : Stick to one tense throughout a piece of writing, unless there’s a specific reason for a shift.
  • The Past Perfect Tense is a verb form that is used to describe an action that took place before another action or a specific point in the past.
  • The Past Perfect Tense is formed using the auxiliary verb “had” followed by the past participle form of the main verb (e.g., had + eaten).
  • Time expressions like “before,” “by the time,” “already,” “until,” and “hadn’t” are commonly used with the Past Perfect Tense.
  • The Simple Past Tense describes an action that happened at a specific point in the past, while the Past Perfect Tense describes an action that occurred before another past action.
  • “Hadn’t” is the contraction of “had not” and is used in negative sentences (e.g., “She hadn’t finished her work.”). “Didn’t” is the contraction of “did not” and is used in negative sentences in the Simple Past Tense (e.g., “She didn’t finish her work.”).
  • Yes, the Past Perfect Tense can be used in reported speech to convey information that was said or thought in the past (e.g., “He said he had already seen the movie.”).
  • Yes, adverbs like “already,” “just,” “never,” “yet,” and others can be used with the Past Perfect Tense to provide additional information about the timing of the action.

Free Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets Resources

  • Worksheet Tenses
  • English Worksheets
  • Action Verbs Worksheets
  • Past Perfect Tense Worksheets

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  • Action Verbs
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  • Stative Verbs
  • Modal Verbs
  • Phrasal Verbs
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  • The Present Simple Tense
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  • The Past Simple Tense
  • The Past Progressive Tense
  • The Present Perfect Simple Verb Tense
  • The Future Tense
  • The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

The Past Perfect Simple Tense

  • The Past Perfect Progressive Tense
  • The Future Perfect Tense
  • Passive Voice
  • Conjugation
  • Conjunctions
  • Preposition
  • Use after, as soon as, the moment that, until before using the past perfect simple. Ex: After she had moved out , I found her notes./ I didn’t say anything until she had finished talking.
  • Use before, when, by the time before the past simple: Ex. Before I knew it, she had run out the door. / By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.

Write better and faster Ginger helps you write confidently. Start writing with Ginger

  • The past perfect simple, to refer to the action that happened first or earlier
  • The past simple to refer to the action that happened second or later
  • After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch. (First she finished her work and then she went to eat lunch.)
  • I washed the floor when the painter had gone. (First the painter left and then I washed the floor.)
  • Harold had known about it for a while. (First he knew about it, then others knew about it)
  • walk > walk ed / study > stud ied / stop > stop ped / create > creat ed
Subject had +Verb(V3) (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
I / You / We / They He / She / It had met him before he became famous
had lived here for three years by the time we met
  • By the time Doris got to the party, everyone had gone home.
  • Everyone had gone home by the time Doris had got to the party.

Contractions in the Past Perfect Simple

Punctuation tip.

  • I had > I'd - After I'd used the phone, I paid the bill.
  • He had > He'd / She has > She'd / It has > It'd - It'd happened so quickly, I didn't notice.
  • We had > We'd / You have > You'd /They are > They'd – We'd just gotten home, when we heard the blast outside.

Negative Sentences in the Past Perfect Simple Tense

Subject Auxillery Verb Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
I / You / We / They He / She / It hadn't (had not) driven a car before then
had never driven a car before then
  • I had not eaten at that restaurant before today.
  • Samantha hadn't had time to explain her side of the story.
  • My friends hadn't ever gone to France.
  • My friends had never gone to the USA either.

Yes/No Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
Had I / you / we / they he / she / it had time to rehearse you're the song
Had he / she / it eaten there before
  • Had you cleaned up the mess by the time they came home?
  • Had Adam ever spoken to the CEO before he was fired?

Wh-Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

Wh-Word Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
What had I / you / we / they he / she / it taught before leaving education
Why had changed the subject
  • What had they said that made him so angry?
  • Why had he agreed to work for that salary?
  • How much had he drunk before you got to him?

Tag Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

  • John had known about the cancer for a couple of years, hadn't he ?
  • They had been in business together, hadn't they ?
  • Jennifer hadn't spoken to you about it, had she ?
  • They had never eaten a proper Indian meal, had they ?

Exercises – Past Perfect Simple

  • After Loren had turned on the alarm, she locked the door. (turn on)
  • By the time Simone arrived , the police had already left. (arrive)
  • Had you known about the contract they signed? (know)
  • After the company _____Joe, he began to work on his first project. (hire)
  • _____you _______ the news before you saw it on TV? (hear)
  • Michael didn’t want to see the movie because he _______ the book yet. (not read)
  • The concert ______ already _______when we _______ the stadium. (begin/ enter)
  • Until Anne ________ Mark, she ____ never ______in love. (meet, be)
  • Bill __________ for years before he finally _______. (smoke/ quit)
  • _______ Sara ever _______to London by herself before then? (drive)
  • How many fish ______ the boys _____ by the time it started raining? (catch)
  • You ________ them to go to the beach, hadn’t you? (forbid)
  • The girls _______ in weeks? That’s why they ______ so much afterwards. (exercise / hurt)
  • hadn't read
  • had/begun/entered
  • met/had/been
  • had smoked/quit
  • had forbidden
  • hadn’t exercised / hurt

Examples - Past Perfect Simple

  • After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch.
  • I washed the floor when the painter had gone.
  • Harold had known about it for a while.
  • I didn't say anything until she had finished talking.
  • After she had moved out, I found her notes.
  • Before I knew it, she had run out the door.
  • By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.
  • I had had enough of his complaining.
  • After I'd used the phone, I paid the bill.
  • It'd happened so quickly, I didn't notice.
  • We'd just gotten home, when we heard the blast outside.

Yes/No Questions

Wh- questions, tag questions.

  • John had known about the cancer for a couple of years, hadn't he?
  • They had been in business together, hadn't they?
  • Jenifer hadn't spoken to you about it, had she?
  • They had never eaten a proper Indian meal, had they?
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  • After the exams had finished , they had a party.
  • When we 'd done the washing-up, we watched TV.
  • Mum phoned before she 'd heard the news.
  • The party couldn't start until Kate had arrived .
  • We hadn't tried a house swap until this summer.
Time expression past perfect past simple
After the exams had finished, they had a party.
When we'd done the washing-up, we watched TV.
Past simple time expression past perfect
They had a party after the exams had finished.
We arrived before the train had left (or left).
The party couldn't start until Kate had arrived.
  • We arrived too late. The train had just left the station. ( The train left the station first, and then we arrived. )
  • After the exams had finished , they had a party. ( The exams finished, and then they had a party. )
  • We had dinner after Mum had phoned . ( Mum phoned, and then we had dinner. )
  • When we 'd done the washing-up, we watched TV. ( We did the washing-up, and then we watched TV. )
  • When I phoned the office, Emma had already left. ( Emma left the office, and then I phoned. )
  • We arrived just before the plane doors closed .
  • Luckily, we arrived before the plane doors had closed .
  • The party couldn't start until Kate had arrived . ( Kate arrived, and then the party could start. )
  • They hadn't had a foreign holiday until this summer.
  • Practice 1   Gap-fill
  • Practice 2   Gap-fill
  • Ako sa učiť

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

Past Perfect Tense

  • Forming Past Perfect Simple
  • Use of Past Perfect Simple
  • Vocabulary related to Past Perfect Simple
  • Forming Past Perfect Continuous
  • Use of Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Perfect compared to other tenses
  • Instructions
  • Follow-up questions


The Past Perfect tense is often feared by students. It is one of the complicated tenses. However, it is not that tricky. This chapter examines the Past Perfect Simple and the Past Perfect Continuous. Let’s first look at the way they are formed and then the situations in which we use them.

1 Past perfect simple

The Past Perfect Simple expresses what happened before the past event – hence the name Past Perfect. Therefore, this tense rarely occurs without the context:

  • How do we know which part of a sentence the Past Perfect Simple will be in? It is in the one where the first event happened. Something happened in the past (I went to the party – Past tense), but BEFORE that I was doing something (I had bought a gift – Past Perfect).

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

Before we talk in more detail about the situations in which we use this tense, let’s explore its formation.

1.1 Forming Past Perfect Simple

What do we need to form Past Perfect Simple? subject + auxiliary verb HAD + regular verb with -ed / 3. form of irregular verb

Positive form  
I .
You .
He .
She .
We .
You .
They .
  • The negative of the Past Perfect Simple is formed by adding NOT to the auxiliary verb HAD (I had not exercised.) HAD (I had not exercised.)
  • The short form is HADN‘T (I hadn‘t exercised.)
Negative form   
I .
You .
He .
She .
We .
You .
They .
  • When forming a question, we just switch the subject of the sentence with the auxiliary verb HAD
I ?
you ?
he ?
she ?
we ?
you ?
they ?

1.2 Use of Past Perfect Simple

When do we use the Past Perfect Simple? When something had happened before a certain moment in the past

  • As can be seen from the sentence, the doctor first examined the patient and then recommended more movement.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  • As we can see from the sentence, firstly, she left her purse at home and then had to return for it.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  • Here, for example, is a mother who makes sure that her son did his homework and then went to the cinema.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

1.3 Vocabulary related to Past Perfect Simple

The Past Perfect Simple is characterized by the frequent use of the following adverbs:

AFTER, WHEN Both of these adverbs can be placed at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle:

  • When I had finished cooking , I called my friend.
  • I called my friend after I had finished cooking .

BEFORE The adverb BEFORE can be placed at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle.

  • Before I went to lunch, I had had an interview .
  • I had had an interview before I went to lunch.

In the case that an event took place at a particular time, the Past Perfect Simple is not a rerequisite and we can use the Past Simple tense. The same is true for the adverb AFTER. Therefore, both of these options are possible:

  • I had seen them only once in 2015 before I went on a road trip with them in 2017.
  • I saw them only once in 2015 before I went on a road trip with them in 2017.

However, if it is not an event occurring at a particular time, we need to use the Ppat Perfect Simple. In the following sentence we see that this is not an event, but an experience:

  • Not: I worked for several companies before I started working for you.

We use the conjunction BECAUSE for so-called reason sentences. The subordinate clause is in the Past Perfect Simple if we want to express that it had happened before a certain moment in the past. Again, we can place it at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle:

  • Because I hadn’t studied , I failed the test.
  • I failed the test because I hadn’t studied .

We often come across related subordinate clauses:

  • The girl, who I had met last summer , called me.
  • The movie which you had recommended to me was really good!

The Past Perfect also appears with object subordinate sentences:

  • I realized that somebody had broken into our house .

2 Past Perfect Continuous

If you have studied the rules about the Past Perfect Simple, the Past Perfect Continuous won’t be so complicated for you. While we can tell by the Past Perfect Simple what had happened at a particular moment in the past, the Past Perfect Continuous serves to tell us what had been happening before a certain moment in the past.

  • We emphasize the course of this event- so we also add that it took the whole afternoon.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

Before we take a closer look at the situations in which we use this tense, let’s explain how it is formed.

2.1 Forming Past Perfect Continuous

What do we need to form Past Perfect Continuous? subject + HAD + BEEN + action verb with ending -ING + rest of sentence

Positive form   
I wait .
You wait .
He wait .
She wait .
We wait .
You wait .
They wait .
  • We create the negative form by putting NOT after HAD (the auxiliary verb)
  • The short form is HADN‘T (You hadn’t been waiting (nečekal jsi)).
Negative form   
I wait .
You wait .
He wait .
She wait .
We wait .
You wait .
They wait .
  • We form a question by switching the subject with the auxiliary verb HAD
  • The verb BEEN follows the subject:
I wait ?
you wait ?
he wait ?
she wait ?
we wait ?
you wait ?
they wait ?

2.2 Use of Past Perfect Continuous

Now we know how to form Past Perfect Continuous, we can now look at the situations where we use it:

We are talking about something that has been going on for some time before a specific point in the past

  • The exercise has lasted for two hours and it made the person exhausted.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

We want to emphasize the duration of a certain event We don’t just use only Past Perfect Continuous with a specific expression of time. We also use it when we want to say that the event took a longer time:

  • They had been playing really well (all the time) before the football match was cancelled.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

We are talking about a state that was caused by a certain event

  • He was wet (state) because it had been raining the whole afternoon (event).

the finished their homework and then they went to bed

3 Past tense compared to other tenses

Now let’s look at the same sentence in different tenses. Notice how its meaning changes.

  • The actions happened one after the other, we use simple past tense.
  • His activity was in progress at the moment I entered the room, so we use past continuous tense.
  • Father had completed the activity before I entered the room. To express this sequence, we use past perfect tense.

4 Practicing past perfect tense

Try the following exercises and test your newly acquired knowledge.

4.1 Instructions

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in past and past perfect tense:

1) By the time I __________ (arrive) at the party, everyone __________ (leave). 2) She __________ (study) for two hours before she __________ (take) a break. 3) They __________ (already eat) by the time we __________ (get) to the restaurant. 4) The movie __________ (start) before we __________ (arrive) at the cinema. 5) He __________ (never see) a bear before he __________ (go) to Alaska.

Exercise 2: Sentence transformation

Change the following sentences to the past perfect tense:

1) I woke up early this morning. 2) They started the project last week. 3) She bought a new car yesterday. 4) He had a sandwich for lunch. 5) We went to bed late last night.

Exercise 3: Answers the questions Answer the following questions in the past perfect tense:

1) Had you ever been to New York before your trip last year? – Yes,… 2) Had she finished the book before she saw the movie? – Yes,… 3) Had they seen the movie before they read the book? – No,… 4) Had he eaten breakfast before he left for work? – Yes,… 5) Had we met before the party last week? – No,…

4.2 Solution

Exercise 1: Filling in the blanks with the correct verb form

1) By the time arrived at the party, everyone had left . 2) She had studied / had been studying for two hours before she took a break. 3) They had already eaten by the time we got to the restaurant. 4) The movie had started before we arrived at the cinema. 5) He had never seen a bear before he went to Alaska.

1) I had woken up early this morning. 2) They had started the project last week. 3) She had bought a new car yesterday. 4) He had had a sandwich for lunch. 5) We had gone to bed late last night.

Exercise 3: Answering questions

1) Had you ever been to New York before your trip last year? Yes, I had been to New York before my trip last year. 2) Had she finished the book before she saw the movie? Yes, she had finished the book before she saw the movie. 3) Had they seen the movie before they read the book? No, they had not seen the movie before they read the book. 4) Had he eaten breakfast before he left for work? Yes, he had eaten breakfast before he left for work. 5) Had we met before the party last week? No, we had not met before the party last week.

5 A story using Past Perfect Tense

And what does the past perfect tense look like in the context of a story? Read and listen to the story. Do you dare to try the comprehension questions too?

Alice had always dreamed of becoming a successful author, but it wasn’t until she had graduated from college that she started to pursue her passion for writing. After completing a few short stories, she had decided to write her first novel. For months, Alice had been working tirelessly, pouring her heart and soul into her writing. She had spent countless hours researching and developing her characters, creating the perfect plot, and editing and revising her work.By the time Alice had submitted her manuscript to various publishing houses, she had been writing for over a year. During this time, she had faced many rejections and setbacks, but she had never given up. She had continued to work hard, honing her craft, and perfecting her novel.

Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, Alice had received an email from a publishing house expressing their interest in publishing her book. She had been overjoyed, and the hours, days, and months she had spent writing had all been worth it. Alice had been ecstatic to see her dream come to fruition.

From that day on, Alice had been known as a successful author, and her book had become a bestseller. Looking back, she had realized that all the hard work, dedication, and perseverance had been worth it.

5.1 Follow-up questions

5.2 answers.

Alice had been dreaming of becoming a successful author.

Alice had started pursuing her passion for writing after graduating from college.

Yes, Alice had completed a few short stories before deciding to write her first novel.

Alice had been working tirelessly on her writing for months.

Alice had spent countless hours researching and developing her characters, creating the perfect plot, and editing and revising her work.

By the time Alice submitted her manuscript to publishing houses, she had been writing for over a year.

Yes, Alice had faced many rejections and setbacks during her writing process.

Alice had continued to work hard, honing her craft and perfecting her novel.

Alice had been writing for over a year before receiving an email from a publishing house expressing their interest in publishing her book.

Alice had realized that all the hard work, dedication, and perseverance had been worth it when looking back on her journey to becoming a successful author.

the finished their homework and then they went to bed


  1. Girl doing her homework on her bed

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  2. Finished Homework In Class Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  3. I Finished My Homework I Went To Bed

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  4. Girl doing homework on bed Stock Photo

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  5. Little Children Lying on a Bed and Doing Their Homework. Stock Photo

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed

  6. Boy and girl doing homework in bedroom Royalty Free Vector

    the finished their homework and then they went to bed


  1. Finally Finished With All My Homework 🤔🤨

  2. Never Do Homework In Bed: 3 Reasons Why

  3. I did my homework very early today

  4. Topher and Anita Conversation after kissing last night, before they went to bed together #tonita


  1. After she had completed her home work, she went to bed

    She went to bed after she completed her home work. The conjunction after indicates that she completed her home work first and later she went to bed.

  2. Past Perfect Tense | Structure, Rules, Uses and Examples

    Here, finishing homework (event A) happened before going to bed (event B). This tense is particularly useful when narrating stories, explaining historical events, or expressing regrets about missed opportunities.

  3. T036- Past Perfect and Past Tense - English Grammar

    T036 TENSES. PAST or PAST PERFECT Tense : Fill in the correct verb forms! 1. They __________________ (GO) home after they __________________ (FINISH) their homework. 2. She just __________________ (JUST GO) out when I called at her house. 3. The sun had set before I __________________ (BE) ready to go.

  4. Past Perfect Tense Verbs Flashcards - Quizlet

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (you / finish) _________ your homework before you went to the cinema?, (why / you / clean) _________ the bathroom before you bathed the dog?, (you / have) _________ breakfast before you came here? and more.

  5. Past Perfect 1 - An English-Zone.Com Quiz

    First: I finished my homework. Then: I went to bed. I (go) to bed after I (finish) my homework.

  6. Past Perfect Tense With Examples, Rules, Usage • Englishan

    The past perfect tense is a grammatical form used to describe actions that were completed before a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb “had” followed by the past participle of the main verb. Examples: She had finished the work. They had visited the museum last summer.

  7. English Grammar Rules - The Past Perfect Simple Tense

    Start writing with Ginger. The past perfect simple is used to describe one action that happened before another action in the past. In many cases a complete sentence is written in two parts with two different tenses: The past perfect simple, to refer to the action that happened first or earlier.

  8. Past perfect simple with time expressions | Learn and ...

    We use the past perfect with the past simple when we talk about two actions or events in the past. We always use the past perfect for the action that happened first. We can link the two actions using a time expression. after. We use after + past perfect to talk about an action that happened before something else.

  9. Past Perfect Tense - SoGood Languages

    Something happened in the past (I went to the party – Past tense), but BEFORE that I was doing something (I had bought a gift – Past Perfect). Before we talk in more detail about the situations in which we use this tense, let’s explore its formation.

  10. Exercises on Simple Past and Present Perfect - ex08 :: Ex08

    Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple). I (just / finish) my homework. Mary (already / write) five letters. Tom (move) to this town in 1994. My friend (be) in Canada two years ago. I (not / be) to Canada so far.