Jeffrey Dahmer

Convicted serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He was killed in 1994 by a fellow prison inmate.

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Jeffrey Dahmer Now: Recordings Show He Intended to Keep Killing

A new docuseries entitled My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer will begin streaming on September 18 on Fox Nation. The four-part series includes never-before-released audio recordings of Dahmer, including phone conversations he had with his father, Lionel, while in prison. According to Court TV , Dahmer said in one recording that he fully intended to keep killing if he hadn’t been captured: “I was so wrapped up in what I was doing. I felt I was gonna continue doing that for the rest of my life.”

Who Was Jeffrey Dahmer?

Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who took the lives of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Over the course of more than 13 years, Dahmer sought out his victims, mostly Black men, at gay bars, malls, and bus stops, lured them home with promises of money or sex, and gave them alcohol laced with drugs before strangling them to death. He would then engage in sex acts with the corpses before dismembering them and disposing of them, often keeping body parts as souvenirs. He frequently took photos of his victims at various stages of the murder process, so he could recollect each act afterward and relive the experience. Dahmer was captured in 1991 and sentenced to 16 life terms. He was killed by fellow prison inmate Christopher Scarver in 1994.

Quick Facts

FULL NAME: Jeffrey Dahmer BORN: May 21, 1960 DIED: November 28, 1994 BIRTHPLACE: Milwaukee, Wisconsin ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini HEIGHT: 6 ft. 0 in.

Childhood and Family

jeffrey dahmer poses for a black and white high school yearbook photo, he is looking off camera with a neutral expression on his face, he is wearing aviator glasses, a dark blazer, and a patterned shirt with a tall collar

Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, on May 21, 1960, to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. He was described as an energetic and happy child until the age of 4, when a traumatic and painful recovery following surgery to correct a double hernia seemed to effect a change in the boy . Noticeably subdued, he became increasingly withdrawn following the birth of his younger brother and the family’s frequent moves. By the time, Dahmer was of school age, the family had moved to Ohio.

From a young age, Dahmer developed a fascination with animal bones and studied how to be clean and preserve them. As a child, he collected large insects and the skulls of small animals, preserved in jars of formaldehyde, according to the Brian Masters book The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer .

By his early teens, he was disengaged, tense, and largely friendless. Dahmer claims that his compulsions toward necrophilia and murder began around the age of 14, but it appears that the breakdown of his parents’ marriage and their acrimonious divorce a few years later might have been the catalyst for turning these thoughts into actions. His parents’ numerous arguments and the constant tension in the house made Dahmer question the solidity of his family and life, according to Masters.

jeffrey dahmer's father and stepmother stand outside in front of a prison, they are hugging each other and holding hands while looking at the camera

Dahmer also started drinking at age 14, and by the time of his first killing at age 18, his alcohol consumption had spun out of control. He dropped out of Ohio State University after one quarter term, and his recently remarried father insisted that he join the Army. Dahmer enlisted in late December 1978 and was posted to Germany shortly thereafter.

His drinking problem persisted, and in early 1981, the Army discharged him. Although German authorities would later investigate possible connections between Dahmer and murders that took place in the area during that time, it is not believed that he took any victims while serving in the Armed Forces.

Following his discharge, Dahmer returned home to Ohio. An arrest later that year for disorderly conduct prompted his father to send Dahmer to live with his grandmother Catherine Dahmer in Wisconsin, but his alcohol problem continued, and he was arrested the following summer for indecent exposure. He was arrested once again in 1986 when two boys accused him of masturbating in front of them. He received a one-year probationary sentence.

First Four Victims

jeffrey dahmer, wearing a black suit jacket and white shirt, unsmiling, in a courtroom

Dahmer murdered 17 men between 1978 and 1991. He was careful to select victims on the fringes of society, who were often itinerant or borderline criminal, making their disappearances less noticeable and reducing the likelihood of his capture. He lured them to his home with promises of money or sex, then strangled them to death. He engaged in sex acts with their bodies and kept body parts and photos as souvenirs. His most popular nicknames—the Milwaukee Cannibal and the Milwaukee Monster—reflect his heinous crimes.

Dahmer’s first murder occurred just after graduating from Revere High School, in June 1978, when he picked up an 18-year-old hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and took him home to his parents’ house. Dahmer proceeded to get the young man drunk, and when Hicks tried to go, Dahmer said “I didn’t want him to leave.” Dahmer killed him by striking him in the head and strangling him with a barbell. Dahmer dismembered Hicks’ corpse, packed the body parts in plastic bags, and buried them behind his parents’ home. He later exhumed the remains, crushed the bones with a sledgehammer, and scattered them across a wooded ravine.

It wasn’t until September 1987 that Dahmer took his second victim, Steven Tuomi. They checked into a hotel room and drank, and Dahmer eventually awoke to find Tuomi dead, with no memory of the previous night’s activities. He later told police he intended to drug Tuomi but not kill him, and he “could not believe this had happened.” Dahmer bought a large suitcase to transport Tuomi’s body to his grandmother’s basement, where he dismembered and masturbated on the corpse before disposing of the remains. He kept Tuomi’s head, which was wrapped in a blanket, for weeks after the murder.

Dahmer later said that after Tuomi’s killing , his “obsession [with killing] went into full swing” and he “didn’t even try to stop it after that.” He killed two more victims at his grandmother’s house before she forced him to move out in 1988. She had no knowledge of his crimes but was tired of his drinking, his tendency to bring young men to her house, and the foul smells occasionally coming from her basement, according to Masters.

Sexual Assault Charges and Sentence

In September 1989, about a year after moving into his new apartment, Dahmer lured a 13-year-old Laotian boy to his house, claiming he wanted to take nude photos of him. This resulted in charges of sexual exploitation and second-degree sexual assault for Dahmer. He pleaded guilty, claiming that the boy had appeared much older.

While awaiting sentencing for his sexual assault case, Dahmer again put his grandmother’s basement to gruesome use. In March 1989, he lured, drugged, strangled, sodomized, photographed, dismembered, and disposed of Anthony Sears, an aspiring model. Dahmer found Sears particularly attractive and later said he did not want to “lose him,” and so Sears became the first victim from whom Dahmer kept preserved body parts for a long period of time, mummifying his head and genitals, according to Masters.

At his trial for child molestation in May 1989, Dahmer was the model of contrition, arguing eloquently, in his own defense, about how he had seen the error of his ways and that his arrest marked a turning point in his life. His defense counsel argued that he needed treatment, not incarceration, and the judge agreed, handing down a one-year prison sentence on “day release”—allowing Dahmer to work at his job during the day and return to the prison at night—as well as a five-year probationary sentence.

Years later, in an interview with CNN, Lionel Dahmer stated that he wrote a letter to the court that issued the sentence, requesting psychological help before his son’s parole. However, Dahmer was granted an early release by the judge, after serving only 10 months of his sentence. He briefly lived with his grandmother following his release, during which time he does not appear to have added to his body count, before moving back into his own apartment.

Last 13 Victims

jeffrey dahmer, wearing a tan suit jacket and white shirt, is escorted by three uniformed police officers into a courtroom

Over the next two years, Dahmer would kill 12 more people, bringing his total victim count to 17. His first victim during this time was a prostitute named Raymond Smith , whom Dahmer lured to his apartment for sex, gave a drink laced with sleeping tablets, and then strangled. Dahmer took photos of his body in suggestive positions before dismembering him. With his next victim Edward Smith, Dahmer accidentally destroyed his skull while trying to dry it in the oven, making it explode. He later told police he felt “rotten” about Smith’s murder because was unable to keep anything from his body, making it feel like a true waste, according to Masters.

Dahmer started developing rituals as he progressed with his killings, experimenting with chemical means of disposal and often consuming the flesh of his victims. Dahmer also attempted crude lobotomies: He drilled into the skull of his 11th victim, Errol Lindsey , while he was still alive and injected him with muriatic acid. Dahmer hoped this would place Lindsey into a permanent submissive state, but Lindsey awoke during the procedure and said, “I have a headache; what time is it?” so Dahmer strangled him.

On May 27, 1991, Dahmer’s neighbor Sandra Smith called the police to report that an Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police arrived, the boy was incoherent, and they accepted the word of Dahmer—a white man in a largely poor Black community—that the boy was his 19-year-old lover. In fact, the boy was 14 years old and was, unbeknownst to Dahmer, the younger brother of the Laotian teen Dahmer had molested three years earlier.

The police escorted Dahmer and the boy home. Clearly not wishing to become embroiled in a homosexual domestic disturbance, they took only a cursory look around before leaving. According to Dahmer, an officer “peeked his head around in the bedroom but didn’t really take a good look,” and then left after telling Dahmer to “take care” of the boy, according to Masters. Once they left the scene, Dahmer injected hydrochloric acid into the boy’s brain, killing him. Had the police conducted even a basic search, they would have found the body of Dahmer’s 12 th victim, Tony Hughes.

Dahmer killed four more men before he was finally arrested. One of his last victims was Oliver Lacy, 24, whose body Dahmer had sex with before dismembering the corpse. He kept Lacy’s head and heart in his refrigerator, and his skeleton in a freezer.

Dahmer’s Arrest

Jeffrey Dahmer Mug Shot

Dahmer’s killing spree ended when he was arrested on July 22, 1991. The body parts found in Dahmer’s refrigerator and Polaroid photographs of his victims became inextricably associated with his notorious killing spree.

Two Milwaukee police officers were led to Dahmer when they picked up Tracy Edwards, a 32-year-old Black man who was wandering the streets with handcuffs dangling from his wrist. They decided to investigate the man’s claims that a “weird dude” had drugged and restrained him. They arrived at Dahmer’s apartment, where he calmly offered to get the keys for the handcuffs.

Edwards claimed that the knife Dahmer had threatened him with was in the bedroom. When the officer went in to corroborate the story, he noticed Polaroid photographs of dismembered bodies lying around. Dahmer was subdued by the officers, after which he muttered the words, “For what I did, I should be dead,” according to Masters.

Subsequent searches revealed a head in the refrigerator, three more in the freezer, and a catalog of other horrors, including preserved skulls, jars containing genitalia, and an extensive gallery of macabre Polaroid photographs of his victims. Dahmer later said he had planned to built a private altar from his victims’ skulls, adorned with incense sticks and globe lights. He hoped the altar would be “A place where I could feel at home,” according to Masters.

Trial and Imprisonment

jeffrey dahmer, wearing a orange prison jumpsuit, is escorted by a police officer into a courtroom

Dahmer’s trial began in January 1992. Given that the majority of Dahmer’s victims were Black, there were considerable racial tensions, so strict security precautions were taken, including an eight-foot barrier of bulletproof glass that separated him from the gallery. The inclusion of only one Black person on the jury provoked further unrest but was ultimately contained and short-lived. Lionel Dahmer and his second wife attended the trial throughout.

Dahmer initially pleaded not guilty to all charges, despite having confessed to the killings during police interrogation. He eventually changed his plea to guilty by virtue of insanity. His defense then offered the gruesome details of his behavior, as proof that only someone insane could commit such terrible acts.

The jury chose to believe the prosecution’s assertion that Dahmer was fully aware that his acts were evil and chose to commit them anyway. On February 15, 1992, they returned after approximately 10 hours’ deliberation to find him guilty, but sane, on all counts. He was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms in prison, with a 16th term tacked on in May.

Dahmer reportedly adjusted well to prison life at the Columbia Correctional Institution in south-central Wisconsin, though he was initially kept apart from the general population. He eventually convinced authorities to allow him to integrate more fully with other inmates. He found religion in the form of books and photos sent to him by his father, and he was granted permission by the Columbia Correctional Institution to be baptized by a local pastor.

Dahmer was killed on November 28, 1994, by his fellow prison inmate Christopher Scarver.

In accordance with his inclusion in regular work details, Dahmer was assigned to work with two other convicted murderers, Scarver and Jesse Anderson. After they had been left alone to complete their tasks, guards returned to find that Scarver had brutally beaten both men with a metal bar from the prison weight room. Dahmer was pronounced dead after approximately one hour. Anderson died from his injuries days later.

A prison guard claimed that shortly after the murders, Scarver, who was believed to be schizophrenic, said “God told me to do it.” In 2015, Scarver spoke to the New York Post about his reasons for killing Dahmer. Scarver alleged that he was disturbed not only by Dahmer’s crimes but by a habit Dahmer had developed of fashioning severed limbs from prison food to antagonize other inmates.

After being taunted by Dahmer and Anderson during their work detail, Scarver said that he confronted Dahmer about his crimes before beating the two men to death. He also claimed that prison guards allowed the murders to happen by leaving them alone. Catherine Lacy, the mother of Dahmer’s victim Oliver Lacy, said his death brought her no closure : “The hurt is worse now, because he’s not suffering like we are.”

Jeffrey Dahmer’s House

In 1996, following Dahmer’s death, a group of Milwaukee businessmen raised more than $400,000 to purchase the items he used for crimes, including blades, saws, handcuffs, and a refrigerator to store body parts. They promptly destroyed them in an effort to distance the city from the horrors of Dahmer’s actions and the ensuing media circus surrounding his trial.

In August 2012, nearly two decades after his death, it was reported that Dahmer’s childhood home in Bath, Ohio—where he committed his first murder in 1978 and buried his victim’s remains—was on the market. Its owner, musician Chris Butler, stated that the property would make a great home, as long as the buyer could “get past the horror factor.” The house was removed from the market is believed to still be owned by Butler, as of 2022 .

Pop Culture Depictions

evan peters portrays jeffrey dahmer walking through a jail while wearing a dark teal inmate uniform and aviator glasses, behind him is another actor, and a third actor is shown behind bars on the right

Several well-known books have been written about Dahmer including, The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: An American Nightmare (1991) by Donald A. Davis and The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer (1993) by Brian Masters. Dahmer was portrayed by Jeremy Renner in the film Dahmer (2002), which featured Bruce Davison as Dahmer’s father, Lionel. The film My Friend Dahmer (2017), starring Ross Lynch in the title role, was based upon a graphic novel by cartoonist John “ Derf” Backderf, who had been friends with Dahmer in high school.

The 2012 documentary The Jeffery Dahmer Files included fictionalized reenactments of Dahmer’s life (with Andrew Swant portraying him) along with real-life interviews with people involved with his cases. Several other documentaries have been produced about Dahmer as well. In September 2022, Netflix released a ten-part anthology series called Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story . Co-created by American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy, the series starred Evan Peters as Dahmer and highlighted incidents in which Dahmer was nearly apprehended before his arrest, with a particular focus on how police incompetence allowed him to extend his killing spree.

A four-part docuseries called My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes begins streaming on September 18, 2023, on Fox Nation. It includes never-before-released audio recordings of Dahmer, including phone conversations he had with his father, Lionel, while in prison. According to Court TV , Dahmer said in one recording that he fully intended to keep killing if he hadn’t been captured: “I was so wrapped up in what I was doing. I felt I was gonna continue doing that for the rest of my life.” In other recordings, Lionel asked if he has tried praying to God, and Dahmer replied he hadn’t because it made him “feel uncomfortable.”

  • I know society will never be able to forgive me. I know the families of the victims will never be able to forgive me for what I have done. I promise I will pray each day to ask for their forgiveness when the hurt goes away, if ever. I have seen their tears, and if I could give my life right now to bring their loved ones back, I would do it.
  • I should have stayed with God. I tried, and I failed and created a holocaust.
  • This has never been a case of trying to get free. I didn’t ever want freedom. Frankly, I wanted death for myself.
  • I feel so bad for what I did to those poor families, and I understand their rightful hate.
  • I take all the blame for what I did.
  • I wanted to find out just what it was that caused me to be so bad and evil.
  • The subtleties of social life were beyond my grasp. When children liked me, I did not know why. Nor could I formulate a plan for winning their affection. I simply didn’t know how things worked with other people. ... And try as I might, I couldn’t make other people seem less strange and unknowable. [from The New School Psychology Bulletin ; Volume 5, No. 1, 2007]
  • What I’ve done has cut both ways. It’s hurt the victim, and it’s hurt me. ... I don’t know what I was thinking when I did it. [from The New School Psychology Bulletin ; Volume 5, No. 1, 2007]
  • Maybe I was born too late. Maybe I was an Aztec. [from Albany Times Union ; published on February 5, 1992]
  • [The] world already has enough misery in it without my adding more to it. [from Albany Times Union ; published on August 7, 1991]
  • It was not a case of hating them. It was just the only way I knew of to keep them there and keep them with me. [from The Scotsman ; published on August 15, 2000]
  • It gave me a sense of total control and increased the sexual thrill, I guess, knowing I had total control of them and that I could do with them as I wished. [from The Scotsman ; published on August 15, 2000]
  • It’s hard for me to believe a human being could do what I have done, but I know I did it. [from Albany Times Union ; published on February 1, 1992]
  • I do not blame the police, the courts, or the probation system. I failed the system, it did not fail me. [from Sunday Times ; published on July 28, 1991]
  • I guess I’ve really done it this time, I’m sorry. [from Sunday Times ; published on April 17, 1994]
  • God told me to do it. [from Albany Times Union ; published on December 16, 1994]
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The Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibal by Buck, Lamar [Paperback ]

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United Library

Jeffrey Dahmer: The Biography of the Milwaukee Cannibal and Necrophiliac Serial Killer - An American Nightmare of Murder & Cannibalism (The Criminals) Paperback – 5 Nov. 2022

This book is not for the faint of heart. It tells you all about Jeffrey Dahmer, a man who raped, murdered, and cannibalized his victims. If you are interested in true crime, then this book is for you.

Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most heinous serial killers in American history. This book tells you all about his life - from his beginnings as a seemingly normal child to the day he was finally apprehended by the police. He was an American serial killer and sex offender who took the lives of seventeen men and boys between 1987 and 1991. In addition to his murders, Dahmer was also a necrophiliac and cannibal, sexually violating the corpses of his victims and consuming their flesh.

He was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison, where he was murdered by another inmate in 1994. This book tells the story of Dahmer's crimes in graphic detail, providing an intimate look at the mind of a disturbed individual. It is sure to appeal to readers with a morbid curiosity, and provides a valuable case study for those interested in criminal psychology.

You will be horrified and fascinated by Jeffrey Dahmer's crimes at the same time. This book offers a glimpse into the mind of a madman and reveals what drove him to commit such heinous acts. If you are fascinated by the dark side of human nature, then this book is definitely for you. It will give you a detailed account of one of the most twisted minds in history and leave you with plenty to think about long after you finish reading it.

  • Print length 58 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher United Library
  • Publication date 5 Nov. 2022
  • Dimensions 12.7 x 0.3 x 20.32 cm
  • ISBN-10 9493311325
  • ISBN-13 978-9493311329
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ United Library (5 Nov. 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 58 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9493311325
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9493311329
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 12.7 x 0.3 x 20.32 cm
  • 602 in Physical Impairments
  • 1,009 in Living with Disabilities Biographies
  • 5,665 in Murderer Biographies

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Jeffrey Dahmer

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Shadow of a man holding large knife in his hand inside of some dark, spooky buiding

Jeffrey Dahmer

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  • University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository - The Romance of Revenge: An Alternative History of Jeffrey Dahmer's Trial
  • Academia - Jeffrey Dahmer
  • The Guardian - Rock's last great star
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Micro Disasters: The Case of Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer (born May 21, 1960, Milwaukee , Wisconsin , U.S.—died November 28, 1994, Portage , Wisconsin) was an American serial killer whose arrest in 1991 provoked criticism of local police and resulted in an upsurge of popular interest in serial murder and other crimes.

Dahmer committed his first murder in Bath township, Ohio , in 1978. A second murder followed in 1987, and during the next five years he killed—mostly in Milwaukee, Wisconsin—another 15 boys and young men, who were for the most part poor and African American, Asian, or Latino. Although other serial murderers had claimed far more victims, Dahmer’s crimes were particularly gruesome, involving cannibalism and necrophilia. In February 1992 Dahmer was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms; a 16th consecutive life sentence was added in May for the murder he committed in 1978. Dahmer was murdered by a fellow inmate in a Wisconsin prison in 1994.

graphic of a person standing holding a knife. murder, kill, serial killer, stab

The circumstances of the crimes became the subject of much controversy. Some claimed that the fact that Dahmer had escaped detection for so long showed that Milwaukee police attached a low priority to investigating the disappearance of victims who were homosexual or members of racial minority groups.

Dahmer’s life and crimes and the controversy engendered by his arrest were discussed in several books, including The Man Who Could Not Kill Enough: The Secret Murders of Milwaukee’s Jeffrey Dahmer (1992; reissued 2011), by Anne E. Schwartz.

Jeffrey Dahmer Killed 17 Young Men And Boys — Then Defiled Their Corpses In Unspeakable Ways

Serial killer jeffrey dahmer murdered 17 victims in and around milwaukee, wisconsin between 1978 and 1991, then collected and cannibalized their remains..

Jeffrey Dahmer

Curt Borgwardt/Sygma/Getty Images Jeffrey Dahmer’s murders came to an end after his capture by police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 23, 1991.

On the morning of May 27, 1991, Milwaukee police responded to an alarming call. Two women had encountered a naked boy on the street who was disoriented and bleeding. But as the police arrived at the scene, a handsome blond man approached and assured them all was well. But that man was the notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dahmer calmly told the police officers that the boy was 19 years old and his lover. In reality, Konerak Sinthasomphone was just 14. And he was about to become Dahmer’s latest victim.

But the officers believed Jeffrey Dahmer. Although the women tried to object, they were told to “shut the hell up” and “butt out” of this “domestic” dispute. On their way back to the station, the officers joked about the gay “lovers” — completely unaware that they’d just allowed a murder to happen.

It was but one of 17 murders that Jeffrey Dahmer would commit between 1978 and 1991. Before long, the 31-year-old Dahmer was arrested and charged with murdering Sinthasomphone, along with other men and boys. Tragically, Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims were often young, ranging in age from 14 to 31.

This is the disturbing story of history’s most notorious cannibalistic serial killer — and how he finally got caught red-handed.

Jeffrey Dahmer: A Little Boy Fascinated With Death

Jeffrey Dahmer In High School

Wikimedia Commons Jeffrey Dahmer’s high school yearbook photo.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960, to a middle-class family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At a young age, he became fascinated with all things related to death and began collecting the carcasses of dead animals.

Eerily, Dahmer’s father Lionel noted how his son was “oddly thrilled” by the sounds of clanking animal bones.

By the time Dahmer was in high school, his family had moved to Bath Township, a sleepy suburb of Akron, Ohio. There, Dahmer was an outcast who quickly became an alcoholic. He drank heavily at school, often hiding beer and hard liquor in his army fatigue jacket.

To fit in, Dahmer would often pull practical jokes, like pretending to have seizures. He would do this so frequently that pulling off a good practical joke became known around the school as “doing a Dahmer.”

During this time, Jeffrey Dahmer also realized that he was gay. As his sexuality blossomed, so too did his increasingly abnormal sexual fantasies. Dahmer began fantasizing about raping men and became aroused by the idea of completely dominating and controlling another person.

As Dahmer’s violent fantasies grew stronger, his control weakened. Just weeks after he graduated high school, Dahmer committed his first murder.

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Jeffrey Dahmer’s Murders Begin

Steven Mark Hicks

Public Domain Eighteen-year-old Steven Mark Hicks, Jeffrey Dahmer’s first known victim.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s parents divorced the same year he graduated high school. Dahmer’s brother and his father decided to move into a nearby motel, and Dahmer and his mother continued living at the Dahmer family home . Whenever Dahmer’s mother was out of town, he had full control of the house.

On one such occasion, Dahmer took advantage of his newfound freedom. He picked up 18-year-old hitchhiker Steven Mark Hicks, who was on his way to a rock concert in nearby Lockwood Corners. Dahmer convinced Hicks to join him at his house for some drinks before he went to the show.

After hours of drinking and listening to music, Hicks attempted to leave , a move that enraged Dahmer. In response, Jeffrey Dahmer bludgeoned Hicks from behind with a 10-pound dumbbell and strangled him to death. He then stripped Hicks naked and masturbated on his lifeless corpse.

Then, Dahmer brought Hicks down to the crawl space of his house and began dissecting the body. Afterward, Dahmer removed the bones, smashed them to powder, and dissolved the flesh with acid.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s murders had begun. But on the surface, Dahmer seemed to be a normal young man who was struggling to figure his life out.

Jeffrey Dahmer First Mugshot

Public Domain The first mugshot of Jeffrey Dahmer, taken in Bath, Ohio.

He briefly attended Ohio State University but dropped out after one term due to his drinking. He also served as a combat medic in the U.S. Army for two years before his alcoholism became a problem.

After being honorably discharged, he returned to his grandmother’s house in West Allis, a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It would later come to light that Dahmer had drugged and raped two other soldiers.

As a civilian, Jeffrey Dahmer’s violence continued. He committed numerous sex crimes, including masturbating in front of children and drugging and raping men at gay bathhouses. In September 1987, Dahmer escalated back to murder when he killed 25-year-old Steven Tuomi.

Dahmer met Tuomi at a bar and convinced the young man to go back to his hotel room with him. Dahmer later claimed that he had just intended to drug and rape the man, but awoke the next morning to find his hand bruised and Tuomi’s bloodied corpse underneath his bed.

Dahmer’s “Incessant And Never-Ending Desire” For Murder

Jeffrey Dahmer’s murder of Steven Tuomi was the catalyst that sparked Dahmer’s true killing spree. After that heinous crime, he began actively seeking out young men at gay bars and luring them back to his grandmother’s house. There, he would drug, rape, and kill them.

Dahmer Victim Steven Tuomi

YouTube Steven Tuomi, one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s 17 victims.

Dahmer killed at least three victims during this time. He was also arrested for the molestation of a 13-year-old boy. Due to that charge, Dahmer would serve eight months in a work camp.

Still, the idea of killing consumed him. “It was an incessant and never-ending desire to be with someone at whatever cost,” he later said. “Someone good looking, really nice looking. It just filled my thoughts all day long.”

But murder alone wasn’t enough. Jeffrey Dahmer also began to collect grotesque trophies from his victims. This practice began with the murder of a 24-year-old aspiring model named Anthony Sears.

Dahmer The Milwaukee Cannibal

Public Domain Before Jeffrey Dahmer was captured in 1991, the “Milwaukee Cannibal” brutally murdered at least 17 boys and young men in Ohio and Wisconsin.

Sears struck up a conversation with the seemingly innocent Dahmer at a gay bar. After going home with Dahmer, Sears was drugged, raped, and eventually strangled. Dahmer would then preserve Spears’ head and genitals in jars filled with acetone. When he moved into his own place downtown, Dahmer brought the dismembered pieces of Sears with him.

Over the next two years, Dahmer committed the bulk of his 17 murders. He would lure young men back to his home, often offering them money to pose nude for him before killing them.

The Horrors Of Jeffrey Dahmer’s Murders Grow Even Worse

As Jeffrey Dahmer’s murders continued, his depravity deepened.

After taking photos of the corpses and dissolving their flesh and bones, Dahmer would regularly keep the skulls of his victims as trophies. He also began experimenting with various techniques to preserve these grisly mementos. He once even accidentally exploded the head of one of his victims, Edward Smith, when he tried to dry it out in the oven.

Around the same time, Dahmer began to dabble in cannibalism. He kept body parts in the refrigerator so that he could feast on them later.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer

Curt Borgwardt/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He also raped some of his victims and cannibalized their bodies.

But even that wasn’t enough to satisfy Dahmer’s sickening urges. He also began drilling holes into the heads of his victims while they were drugged and still alive. He would then pour hydrochloric acid onto his victim’s brain, a technique that he hoped would put the person in a permanent, unresistant, and submissive state.

He attempted this procedure with numerous victims, including Konerak Sinthasomphone . That’s why, along with being drugged, the boy was unable to communicate with the police and ask for help.

Dahmer’s most violent fantasies had slithered from nightmares to reality. But he hid it well. His parole officer didn’t suspect a thing. And Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims often didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late.

The Escape Of His Last Would-Be Victim Leads To Dahmer’s Capture

Tracy Edwards

CBS/KLEWTV Jeffrey Dahmer’s last attempted victim, Tracy Edwards, in 1991.

On July 22, 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer went after 32-year-old Tracy Edwards . Like he did with many of his victims, Dahmer offered Edwards money to pose for nude photos in his apartment. But to the shock of Edwards, Dahmer handcuffed him and threatened him with a knife, telling him to undress.

Dahmer then taunted Edwards, telling him that he was going to eat his heart. Dahmer placed his ear against Edwards’ chest and rocked back and forth.

Terrified, Edwards attempted to appease Dahmer, telling him that he was his friend and that he would watch TV with him. While Dahmer was distracted, Edwards punched him in the face and ran out the door — escaping the fate of becoming another one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s murder victims.

Edwards flagged down a police car and led the officers to Dahmer’s apartment. There, a policeman discovered photos of dismembered corpses — which were clearly taken in the same exact apartment that they were now standing in. “These are for real,” said the officer who uncovered the photos, as he handed them to his partner.

Jeffrey Dahmer Crime Scene

Public Domain A 57-gallon drum of acid found in Jeffrey Dahmer’s room. He often used this drum to disintegrate his victims.

Though Dahmer attempted to resist arrest, he was quickly detained.

Upon closer inspection of the apartment, the police found four severed heads in the kitchen and a total of seven skulls, many of them painted. In the fridge, they found numerous body parts, including two human hearts.

In the bedroom, they found a 57-gallon drum — and quickly noticed an overpowering odor emanating from it. When they looked inside, they found three dismembered human torsos dissolving in an acid solution.

The apartment was filled with so many human body parts that were stored and arranged with such care that the medical examiner later said, “It was more like dismantling someone’s museum than an actual crime scene.”

When The Tables Turned: The Murder Of Jeffrey Dahmer

Dahmer Murder Trial

Curt Borgwardt/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images Jeffrey Dahmer’s murder trial shocked and horrified the nation.

After Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested, it didn’t take long for him to admit to all 17 of his murders. But despite his unspeakable crimes, Dahmer was found to be sane during his 1992 trial.

Some disagreed with the declaration of sanity — including at least one other serial killer. When John Wayne Gacy was asked what he thought of Dahmer, he said, “I don’t know the man personally, but I’ll tell ya this, that’s a good example as to why insanity doesn’t belong in the courtroom. Because if Jeffrey Dahmer doesn’t meet the requirements for insanity, then I’d hate like hell to run into the guy that does.”

At Dahmer’s trial, he pled guilty to 15 of the charges against him and was given 15 life sentences plus 70 years. He would spend the next three years imprisoned at Wisconsin’s Columbia Correctional Institution, where he would be interviewed by the media multiple times as journalists, doctors, and pundits tried to figure out who Dahmer was deep down. Unsurprisingly, he quickly became infamous as one of the worst serial killers in modern history.

Murder Of Jeffrey Dahmer

Steve Kagan/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images The Milwaukee Sentinel reports on Dahmer’s death. November 28, 1994.

During his time in prison, Dahmer had constant thoughts of suicide — but he would never get the chance to take his own life. On November 28, 1994, a fellow inmate and convicted murderer named Christopher Scarver beat Dahmer to death with a metal bar in the prison bathroom along with fellow inmate Jesse Anderson .

According to Scarver, Jeffrey Dahmer neither fought back nor made a sound during the attack, but instead appeared to accept his fate.

“If he’d have had a choice, he’d have let this happen to him,” Dahmer’s mother told the Milwaukee Sentinel soon afterward. “I always asked if he was safe, and he’d say, ‘It doesn’t matter, Mom. I don’t care if something happens to me.'”

“Now is everybody happy?” Joyce Dahmer asked. “Now that he’s bludgeoned to death, is that good enough for everyone?”

After learning about Jeffrey Dahmer’s murders, read up on history’s most infamous serial killers and learn how they were finally caught. Then, check out serial killer quotes that will chill you to the bone.

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The Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibal

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  • Date of Publication 05/06/2017

Victims Spotlight: Remembering the Victims of “Milwaukee Cannibal” Jeffrey Dahmer

the biography of jeffrey dahmer the milwaukee cannibal lamar buck

Jeffrey Dahmer is getting the Netflix treatment. The convicted murderer, necrophile and cannibal is not only getting one show in his honor- but two . While Ryan Murphy’s Dahmer  and upcoming documentary series Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes have very different formats, both aim to tell the Jeffrey Dahmer story without glorifying his horrific crimes. Instead, especially in the case of Dahmer , they attempt to call out how white privilege, systemic racism and homophobia within the Wisconsin police department actually helped Jeffrey Dahmer carry on killing for as long as he did. Instead, as is too often the case, Dahmer’s re-introduction into major media headlines has come off as incredibly exploitative and re-traumatizing to his victim’s families.

Insider had a chance to talk with Rita Isbell, Errol Lindsey’s sister, and at one point, she shared that she was never contacted by anyone from Netflix about the series Dahmer ; despite her name, likeness and her incredibly passionate impact statement- word for word- being used. “I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should’ve asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it.” Rita then added, “But I’m not money hungry, and that’s what this show is about, Netflix trying to get paid. I could even understand it if they gave some of the money to the victims’ children. Not necessarily their families. I mean, I’m old. I’m very, very comfortable. But the victims have children and grandchildren. If the show benefited them in some way, it wouldn’t feel so harsh and careless.

Steven Mark Hicks

Steven “Steve” Hicks was 18-years-old in June of 1978. Born on June 22nd, 1959, in Canton, Ohio. Steven’s classmates at Coventry High School described him as a kindhearted individual who was known for helping others and making friends almost everywhere he went. Steven’s father, Richard Hicks, described his son as a very caring person in an archived 1991 AP article, “On a hunting trip they took together, Hicks said his son shot a rabbit and ‘was as proud as he could be, and then he bawled his eyes out.’ He said he was proud that his son showed such feeling. It was the last time they went hunting together.” Steven was also a big fan of rock music and was last seen on June 18th, 1978, attempting to hitchhike to a concert taking place in Bath, Ohio.

Steven Walter Tuomi

James edward doxtator.

James Doxtator was known as Jamie to his friends and family. Born on March 1st, 1973, James was only 14-years-old in 1988 but was dealing with a difficult home life. While some publications state that James earned a living for himself as a sex worker, other sources say he ran away from home on January 14th, 1988–just two days before his death–to escape an abusive stepfather. Despite the troubles at home, James’ mother, Debbie, would later describe her son as very independent, cheerful and outgoing with a lot of love to give.

Richard Guerrero

In the years following his death, Richard’s family has continued to advocate for him; most notably in 2012 when they spoke out against the Jeffrey Dahmer Tour of Milwaukee .

Anthony Lee Sears

Anthony Spears was last seen on March 25th, 1989, at Milwaukee gay club “La Cage” with friends. The 26-year-old was an aspiring model who kept busy at his job and doting on his girlfriend. Anthony was planning on meeting his mother the following day, March 26th, to celebrate his promotion to manager at the restaurant where he worked.

Raymond Lamont Smith

Edward warren smith.

Edward “Eddie” Smith was known as “Sheik” in his neighborhood for the turban-like head covering he habitually wore. The 27-year-old was a known friend of Jeffrey Dahmer’s and was last seen leaving The Phoenix Bar in Milwaukee on June 14th, 1990.

Ernest Marquez Miller

Born sometime in 1968, Ernest Miller was a talented dance student who worked as a busboy at a hotel in downtown Chicago. Ernest was very close with his family and made a point to attend every family gathering. He was described as a very caring and loving person. He was last seen on September 2nd, 1990.

David Courtney Thomas

Curtis durrell straughter.

Curtis Straughter was, by all accounts, full of life and full of energy. By 17-years of age, Curtis had graduated from high school, worked for a time as a nursing assistant, was an active member of Gay Youth Milwaukee, and was attending classes at Marquette University. He was last seen on February 18th, 1991.

Errol Lindsey

Errol Lindsey was only 19-years-old when he was last seen on April 7th, 1991. He was sent out on an errand to get a key cut. Errol was described as an upstanding citizen and generous to a fault. The former choir boy had a close group of friends and was devoted to his family. He was especially close with his sister and mother.

Tony Anthony Hughes

Konerak sinthasomphone.

The Sinthasomphone family fled Laos in March of 1979 in hopes of a better life for their children. Despite some of the older Sinthasomphone family members going on to have successful careers, Konerak’s parents still struggled financially so Konerak and his older brother tried to help making money with odd jobs. Allegedly this included sex work. Konerak Sinthasomphone was last seen on May 27th, 1991. He was only 14-years-old.

Matt Cleveland Turner

Matt Cleveland Turner, 20, was last seen at a bus stop in Chicago after attending the Chicago Pride Parade on June 30th, 1991. At the time of his disappearance Matt worked at a pizzeria. He was described by friends as adventurous and outgoing.

Jeremiah Benjamin Weinberger

Oliver joseph lacy.

Originally from Chicago, Illinois, 24-year-old Oliver Lacy was working as a custodian in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1991. A fitness enthusiast, Oliver was a former sprinter and an aspiring body builder and was described by friends as down-to-earth. Oliver was last seen on July 15th, 1991.

Joseph Arthur Bradehoft

Joseph Bradehoft was a 25-year-old father of three. Born on January 24th, 1966, Joseph was raised in a large family in his home state of Minnesota. At some point, Joseph was married to a woman named Cheryl, the assumed mother of his children, and was living with her in West Virginia until April of 1990. He was staying with his parents for a time and some reports suggest Joseph and his wife tried to rekindle their relationship. But, by all accounts, they were not together when Joseph moved in with his brother in Milwaukee. At the time of his disappearance, he was working as a painter. Described as very trusting and a big fan of beer, Joseph was last seen in the Milwaukee area on July 19th, 1991.

Research Sources:

Jeffrey dahmer’s wikipedia page , vanity fair’s 1991 article: dahmer’s inferno,, the doe network, find a grave, the charley project, follow us on social media:  twitter ,  facebook.

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Case 10—The Milwaukee Cannibal-Murderer: The Case of Jeffrey Dahmer (1978–1991; U.S.A.)

  • First Online: 23 June 2019

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the biography of jeffrey dahmer the milwaukee cannibal lamar buck

  • Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan Ph.D. 2  

1285 Accesses

From June 18th, 1978 until July 19th, 1991, over the long period of 13 years, 17 known young men, mostly in their twenties, were found murdered and dismembered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During that period, this large series of unsolved murders caused residents in the state of Wisconsin to live in a state of complete terror. Finally, late in the evening on July 22nd, 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer, who was 31 years old at the time, was arrested by the police. His arrest led to an investigation that eventually unveiled a series of grisly sexual murders. Dahmer had sexually abused his victims, strangled them to death, performed necrophilic acts on them, and finally conducted horrific experiments on his victims (e.g., he drilled into his victims’ skulls and liquefied their brain matter). On February 15th, 1992, Dahmer was convicted of 15 of 16 known murders he had committed in Wisconsin and was sentenced to 15 terms of life imprisonment. He was later sentenced to a 16th term of life imprisonment for an additional murder he had committed in Ohio in 1978. Given his gruesome killings, he was dubbed “the Milwaukee Cannibal-Murderer” and “the Milwaukee Monster.”

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Teaching Laboratory for Forensics and Criminology, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan Ph.D.

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Chan, H. (2019). Case 10—The Milwaukee Cannibal-Murderer: The Case of Jeffrey Dahmer (1978–1991; U.S.A.). In: A Global Casebook of Sexual Homicide. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 23 June 2019

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  • Forensic Psychology

Jeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Cannibal

Jeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Cannibal

Condemnation and end

Dahmer pleaded guilty to all seventeen murders. In fact, the evidence against him was indisputable. The question that was raised most during the trial was whether he suffered from some kind of mental disorder or not. The defense didn’t have an easy time, since Dahmer had given enough signs of knowing exactly what he was doing, as well as the legal or moral implications of his actions.

By ten votes against two, in 1992 he was found guilty and sentenced to 937 years in prison . He granted several interviews of great forensic value.

Robert Ressler who, in his day, coined the term serial killer, collected in his book entitled, “ I Have Lived in the Monster: Inside the Minds of the World’s Most Notorious Serial Killers”, an extensive interview with Dahmer requested by his defense team to be used during the trial. Ressler argued that a person with such impulses shouldn’t go to prison, but to a psychiatric hospital.

At the end of the day, Dahmer’s  stay in prison was extremely short . In 1994, another prisoner approached him in the prison gym and beat him with a barbell until he died. That was the end of Jeffrey Dahmer.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Dahmer, J. (2021) Jeffrey Dahmer entrevista completa por Stone Phillips.  [Archivo de video]. Youtube. &ab_channel=BadGirl
  • McEvoy, C. (2023). Jeffrey Dahmer. Biography. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2023.
  • Inside Edition. (2018). Inside the Mind of Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Killer’s Chilling Jailhouse Interview/ Entrevistado por Stone Phillips  [Archivo de video]. Youtube.
  • Jenkins, J. (2023). Jeffrey Dahmer. Enciclopedia Británica. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2023.
  • Rotten Tomatoes Indie. (2017). My Friend Dahmer Trailer #1 (2017)  [Archivo de video]. Youtube.
  • Ressler, R. K. (2003). Dentro del monstruo.  Alba.
  • Schram, J. (2015). Why I killed Jeffrey Dahmer . New York Post. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2023.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.

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    The Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer Lamar Buck,2017-06-05 Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer May 21 1960 November 28 1994 also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal was an American serial killer and sex offender who committed the rape murder and ... Milwaukee The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Donald A. Davis,1991-11-15 They smelled the foul odors They heard the power saw

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