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Visit the website below for additional information regarding Skyward Family Access.

  • Family Access Skyward Support Website
  • Sitio web de soporte de Skyward Family Access
  • Skyward Login Page (All Users)
  • Página de inicio de sesión de Skyward

Skyward Family Access allows parents, guardians and students to view and manage various information including a students’ attendance records, calendars, graduation plans/requirements, schedules, gradebooks, online assignments, grading and report cards.

Instructions to set up your Skyward account:

Skyward will send you a Family Access username to the email address you have on file through the district’s student information system, Skyward Qmlativ.

If you do not have an email on file, please contact your school’s office to have one added. Once you have an email address on file, you will receive an email that includes your Family Access username and a link to reset your password. 

Do you have an email address?

You will need an email address to start the process. If you do not already have an email account, here is how to obtain an email.

How to obtain an email (Gmail) address.

  • View Step-by-Step instruction for creating a Google Gmail account.

Skyward Email Example

After the system sends you the email to reset your password, you have 24 hours to access the reset password link before it expires. If your link expires, you can still gain access to your account by clicking on the “click here” link in the email. Once you have clicked on the link, it will take you to the  sign-on page .

On the sign-on page, click the “forgot your username or password” link. This link will take you to a page where you can enter either the username you were sent or the email address you have on file in the student information system. Click the submit button and an email will be sent to you containing a new reset link.

Once logged in, you can access information about your student(s) by clicking the appropriate tile on your dashboard.  You can view general information about your student(s) on the Student Profile, information about calendars, class schedules, course requests, grades, assignments, attendance, disciplinary infractions, standardized test scores, graduation plans, endorsements, endorsement progress, career plans, and activities for your students.

Skyward Dashboard

In addition, by clicking on My Messages, you can view messages sent to you by the school regarding school events or the end of a grading period. When you are in My Messages, clicking on the settings icon allows you subscribe/unsubscribe to various messages including tracking/managing attendance, grading and assignments notifications

To view Family Access from your phone, download the Skyward Mobile Access app from either Google Play or the Apple store for easy access.

Skyward Mobile App

For helpful information regarding Family Access, please visit the

  • Pasadena ISD Skyward Family Access Support Website
  • Pasadena ISD Supporte de Skyward Family Access

Creating Assignments When Using Standards

Assignment: due date, academic standard, grading period.

You can add assignments at the beginning of the school year or semester, or any time after within the appropriate grading period. You must add the assignment before the end of the grading period when the score will be counted. For example, if you plan to give a quiz during a grading period, you can set up the assignment at the beginning of the school year, the day of the quiz, or after the quiz has been given and scores are ready to be entered.

You can set up an assignment for a single class or for multiple classes. For example, if you teach multiple sections of the same physics course, you can apply one assignment, such as a test, to all the sections. You can set up an assignment at the beginning of the year to score class participation, and then apply that assignment to all the classes you teach. You can apply the assignment to all appropriate classes as you create it, or copy it to other classes at a later time.

Assignments can be viewed in Student Access and Family Access if your administrative office authorizes this capability. If the administrative office has enabled assignment viewing, then Skyward recommends setting up assignments as soon as possible so students and parents can view them.

Scroll past the video to access the step-by-step instructions.

Before you begin

Verify you are in the correct school year by checking the information at the top left of the screen.

Audio Transcript

Since tracking student progress is essential in a standards-based gradebook, you must learn how to properly add assignments. First, we’ll navigate to the Gradesheet, which is located within the Gradebook module, and then select Add Assignment. The Assigned Date and Due Date default as the current date but can be updated if needed. For this example, we can say this assignment was assigned today but is not due until next week. Then we need to identify the Category that this assignment should fall within and identify the Assignment Name. If needed, we could fill out an Assignment Description with further details, which will display in Family and Student Access. Let’s determine if this assignment should be attached to a Subject and a Standard. For this example, we will choose the Reading Subject and the Reading Standard. If enabled administratively, we could select Use Grade Mark Scoring. Then, we will need to indicate the Max Score for this assignment and the Weight, and then determine how we would like this score to be displayed within the gradebook. This is not an online assignment that students will be completing in Student Access, so we will leave the Online Assignment box unchecked. Then we can determine if this should be Assigned To all students or, if we’re using student groups, if this should be available to only particular student groups. Lastly, we can then determine if we would like to sync this with any of the other classes for this teacher. Let’s save our entries. Now the assignment will display within the gradebook and is ready to be scored. Now that you know how to properly enter assignments into a standards-based gradebook, you can ensure your students’ assignments are recorded properly.

  • Select Menu > Teacher Access > Gradebook .

If you have already opened a gradesheet in your current session, you return to the most recently opened gradesheet. To select a different class, click Class List near the top right of the screen.

  • Click the tile for the class you wish to set up an assignment for.
  • Click Add Assignment near the top right of the screen.

Required fields are identified with an asterisk. You must complete required fields before you can save your work.

Assignment: Assigned Date

  • Enter the Assignment Name.

If you are creating an assignment using subjects, continue to the next sub-step.

If you are creating an assignment using only academic standards, skip to sub-step g.

This field only displays if the box for Use Curriculum Subjects in Gradebook is checked administratively in the District Year Configuration of the Gradebook module.

If you also wish to attach academic standards to the assignment, continue to the next sub-step.

If you do not wish to attach academic standards to the assignment but wish to attach multiple subjects, skip to sub-step h.

If you do not wish to attach academic standards to the assignment and do not wish to attach multiple subjects, skip to sub-step k.

If you wish to attach multiple subjects or standards, continue to the next sub-step.

If you do not wish to attach multiple subjects or standards, skip to sub-step k.

If you add multiple subjects or standards, the Max Score field displays to the right of the Standard field and the box for Display Parent Assignment displays under the Subjects / Standards area. Continue to the next sub-step.

If you do not add multiple subjects or standards, skip to sub-step k.

Assignment: Max Score

Entity group configuration: allow teachers to override default max score, score settings: maximum score default.

If the box for Allow Teachers to Override Default Max Score is not checked, the first subject or standard will default with the max score in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module, and you must distribute the points in the Max Score field for each subject and academic standard as necessary. The sum cannot exceed the max score that defaults in sub-step m.

This option only displays if the box for Allow Teachers to Hide Assignments in Family / Student Access is checked in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module.

When this box is checked, the assignment will display in Family Access and Student Access . All assignments will affect the students' grades if scored, even if the assignment itself is not displaying.

Assignment: Use Grade Mark Scoring

Grade bucket, calculation group.

If the box is unchecked, you must enter a point value when scoring the assignment, such as 95 out of 100. If the box is checked, you must enter a grade mark when scoring, such as A.

If you checked the box, the Score Display Type field no longer displays.

If you only added one subject or academic standard, this defaults to the value specified in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module, unless you entered a value in the Maximum Score Default field in the Score Settings tab of the Gradebook Settings screen for the class. Updating the value when adding a new assignment only changes the max score for the assignment you are creating.

If the box for Allow Teachers to Override Default Max Score is not checked, the max score defaults to the value defined in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module.

Assignment: Weight

This defaults to the value entered administratively in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module, or 1.0 if no value was entered in the configuration. You can only override this value if the option has been set up administratively.

Assignment: Score Display Type

This field only displays if the box for Use Grade Mark Scoring is unchecked.

This value defaults to the option of Score (unweighted), which will display points earned.

The Score (weighted) option will display points earned multiplied by the weight set for the assignment. Typically, the weight is 1.00, but could be worth double by entering 2.00 in the Weight field.

The Percent option will display the points earned divided by the points possible and multiplied by 100 to produce a percentage.

The Grade Mark option will display a score based on the percentage assigned to the grade mark. For example, if the student earned 100%, the score displayed would be an A+.

This field only displays if the box for Allow Online Assignments is checked in the Entity Group Configuration of the Gradebook module.

If you selected All Students, skip to sub-step s.

If you selected Student Groups, the Student Groups field displays. Continue to the next sub-step.

Student Group

The MTSS Details area only displays if the box for Allow Teachers to Link Gradebook Assignments to MTSS is checked in the Entity Configuration of the MTSS module.

When checked, the Intervention Plan Strategies and Checkpoint Calculation Type fields display. Continue to the next sub-step.

If you did not check this box, skip to sub-step u.

  • Enter one or more Intervention Plan Strategies or click the Magnifying Glass icon to choose from the drop-down list, if appropriate.

Intervention Plan: Target Point

If you select (Score / Max) x Strategy Goal, the system will use the students' assignment scores divided by the assignment maximum scores and then multiply it by the numeric value of the Strategy Goal.

If you select Assign Percent, the system will use the students' assignment percent values.

If you select Assign Score, the system will use the students' assignment scores.

  • Under the Classes To Sync To heading, check the box for any additional classes you wish to add the assignment to.
Save & Add AttachmentSaves the assignment and you see an option to add attachments. If you add an attachment to an assignment that is synced to other classes, the attachment is automatically added to the assignments of the synced classes. For example, you might upload a reference table your students will need to access in order to complete an assignment. This ensures all students have access to the necessary material to complete the assignment, even if they lose their hard copy. You can add any notes or materials to the assignment as necessary.
Save & Select Questions From BankSaves the online assignment and the Select Questions From Bank screen, which enables you to select questions from your question bank for the assignment.
Save & Add New QuestionSaves the assignment and the Add New Question screen displays, which enables you to add multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer, or essay questions for the assignment. Typically, this is used for online assignments, but you can also use this option to track assignments that are not online.
Save & CloneSaves the assignment and the Add Assignment screen displays with the assignment details you entered. Refer to step 5 as necessary.
Save & Add AnotherSaves the assignment and the Add Assignment screen refreshes so you can create another.
Save & Enter ScoresSaves the assignment and the Score Entry tab of the Assignment Details screen displays, which enables you to score the assignment.
SaveSaves the assignment and you return to the Gradesheet, which displays the assignment you created.

For more detailed information, please refer to the "Creating Assignments When Using Standards" article in the Help Center.

Pearland ISD Independent School District

In This Section

Skyward family access.

  • Mobile View
  • Forgot Login/Password Assistance

Skyward Instructions for Parents

  • Guide to using Skyward Family Access
  • How to Change Publication of Student Information
  • How to Complete Online Forms via Skyward Family Access
  • How to Add Fees in Fee Management
  • How to Setup Emergency Text Messaging
  • How to Read the Gradebook
  • Report Cards/Transcripts
  • Setup Auto Email Notifications for Grades and Attendance
  • Steps to Download and Use the Skyward Mobile Access  
  • PJHW 7th Grade Course Registration Online Form 
  • PJHW 8th Grade Course Registration Online Form  

New Student Online Enrollment Steps

New Pearland ISD Family                                           

  • Instructions
  • Request log-in

Existing Pearland ISD Family

  • Log on to  Skyward
  • Click on New Student Online Enrollment tab to begin enrollment

Questions regarding the login information or the New Student Online Enrollment portal should contact  Skyward Support .

Click to Home


What is Skyward?

Skyward  is the district’s web-based student information system.  It gives students and guardians online access to grades, assignments, report cards, attendance, schedules, food service, Skylert  (district emergency system) and more.  It is also used to register students for the upcoming school year.  

Who uses Skyward?

Skyward is utilized by students, families, teachers and employees.  Therefore, Skyward is divided into four portals:  Student Access, Family Access, Teacher Access and Employee Access.

How do I log into Skyward? 

Students, families, and teachers can click on the Skyward Icon located on the resource bar of each page of the district website.  Enter the username in the login ID field and password. Student’s username is their student ID. The password is a two three letter word combination with the first letter of each word being capital and the student’s birthdate number (an example would be TopBat28). If you are uncertain what your student’s username or password is contact the teacher or the school office. Guardians must fill out a permission form to access Skyward and will be given a username and password. If a guardian does not recall their username and password, please call the school office. 

MacArthur (PK) 309-833-4273 Lincoln (K-3) 309-833-2095 Edison (4-6) 309-837-3993 MJH (7-8) 309-833-2074 MHS (9-12) 309-837-2331

What will you see in Skyward?

When you sign in to Skyward you will see the wall. You may also access this area by selecting the Home tab. The wall displays messages posted by the teacher, school and district. If you have unread messages, a link will display at the top of the wall.

Teachers can also assign students electronic assignments through Skyward Online Assignments and a notification will appear on the wall for students.  If you are signed in as a guardian and have more than one student attending school, you will see a drop-down list, which will allow you to select an individual student within the family. Additionally, any text in blue indicates there is a link that can be clicked on to learn more. 

In the Skyward portal, the user will see a column on the left-hand side with various tabs.  The tabs you will see are dependent on if you are a student or guardian and also on the school building you attend.  Users can click on the tabs to explore more about each tab. One important tab is the Gradebook tab. The Gradebook tab allows users to see grades, upcoming or missing assignments.  Another important tab is Skylert.   Skylert  is the notification system for the district. This tab is only visible to guardians.  Guardians will want to click on Skylert to make sure the information is accurate.  Guardians are able to add additional emergency contacts in the Skylert tab. 

In the right-hand corner guardians and students will see a link called My Account. The My Account area is organized into three sections: Account Settings, Email Notifications and School Directory. Guardians and students can see their information in the account settings.  If you scroll down slightly users will see the option to opt in to receive email notifications on daily attendance, grades, progress reports or when food service balance is low.  These email notifications are dependent on your role as a guardian or student and also on the school building you attend. 

To log out of Skyward, click on Exit in the right-hand corner. 

Does Skyward Have an App? 

Skyward has an app that can be found in your mobile device app store by searching for Skyward Mobile Access .  Once the app is downloaded, locate the district, enter your credentials and set up a passcode to secure your Skyward account. To learn more about the app, you will see In the right hand corner of the Skyward app a paper airplane icon with a red dot, click on it to “Take A Tour”.  It is important to note that the mobile app does not have all of the features that the Skyward desktop app does.

More about Family Access

Check out the Family Access User Guide

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District Campus

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Campus list.

  • Cherish Center

High School

  • John B. Alexander
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • United High School
  • United South
  • S.T.E.P. Academy

Middle School

  • Lamar Bruni Vergara
  • Elias Herrera
  • Salvador Garcia
  • Antonio Gonzalez
  • Los Obispos
  • George Washington
  • Ricardo Molina
  • Juan Ramirez
  • Raul Perales

Elementary School

  • John W. Arndt
  • Colonel Santos Benavides
  • Charles Borchers
  • R. C. Centeno
  • Dr. Henry Cuellar
  • Matias De Llano
  • Barbara Fasken
  • Bonnie Garcia
  • Amparo Gutierrez
  • Juarez-Lincoln
  • Abraham Kazen
  • Kennedy-Zapata
  • Radcliffe & Sue Killam
  • Dr. M. E. Malakoff
  • Julia Bird Jones Muller
  • B. P. Newman
  • Dr. Sigifredo Perez
  • Paciano Prada
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Alicia Ruiz
  • Octavio Salinas
  • Andrew Trautmann
  • Senator Judith Zaffirini
  • Veterans Memorial
  • Roberto J Santos
  • Departments / Technology

Skyward Access

skyward logo

United ISD To Launch Skyward To Stay Connected With Student Information

United Independent School District has implemented Skyward for teachers, parents, and students as our new Student Information System for the 2024-2025 school year. Skyward has replaced the Tyler360 portal. With Skyward, districts can create a more consistent and personalized experience for students, families, and staff.

Skyward Family Access has been implemented for United ISD families. It is an easy-to-use website that allows parents and guardians to access information about their son/daughter(s), such as attendance, grades, assignments, schedules, progress reports, student profiles, and report cards. Skyward Family Access is available on any device with an internet connection. Skyward Family Access will be available to parents in August 2024.

Skyward web access allows parents, guardians, and students to access all of Skyward's products through our online portal. Skyward is secure access through a web browser or mobile app.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with your entity (campus).

Connect To Skyward Below

skyward logo for family access

Family Access / Returning Students

few students going back to school

Student Access

mom holding hands with daughter while walking up the stairs

New Student Enrollment

few students going back to school

Employee Access

few students going back to school

Skyward Help Center

  • Arthur Street Elementary School
  • Drums Elementary / Middle School
  • Freeland Elementary / Middle School
  • Hazle Township Early Learning Center
  • Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences
  • Hazleton Area Arts and Humanities Academy
  • Hazleton Area Career Center
  • Hazleton Area Cyber Academy
  • Hazleton Area High School
  • Hazleton Elementary / Middle School
  • Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School
  • Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School
  • McAdoo Kelayres Elementary / Middle School
  • Valley Elementary / Middle School
  • West Hazleton Elementary / Middle School


Dedicated To Excellence In Education Through Student-Centered Learning

  • Skyward Online Assignment Help


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  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |

Skyward provides essential information about your student

As a parent or a guardian, you can:

  • Check your student's schedule
  • Review assignments, grades, report cards, and academic progress
  • Report absences to schools and check attendance
  • View and update contact information, including emergency contacts
  • Manage meal account balances and apply for free & reduced meal status.
  • And more...

Report Cards in Skyward

Install/Update App!

Skyward Mobile app button

Opening a report card using Skyward on your desktop

English Closed Captioning: Skyward report cards using desktop

Cómo ver las boletas de calificaciones en Skyward desde una computadora

Encontre seu boletim escolar no Skyward Qmlativ usando o computador

Tìm bảng báo cáo điểm của học sinh trong Skyward Qmlativ bằng máy tính

كيفية العثور على بطاقات تقرير الطالب الخاص بك في Skyward باستخدام الكمبيوتر.

Opening a report card using Skyward on a mobile device

English Closed Captioning: Skyward report cards using a mobile device

Cómo ver las boletas de calificaciones en Skyward desde un dispositivo móvil

Encontre seu boletim escolar no Skyward Qmlativ usando o celular

Tìm bảng báo cáo điểm của học sinh trong Skyward Qmlativ bằng điện thoại di động

APOL 988 Dissertation Writing in Applied Apologetics II

  • Course Description

In this course, the doctoral candidate will compose the middle chapters of a dissertation based on the candidate’s research and organization of content.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

This course is the first course dedicated primarily to the writing of the dissertation for the PhD in Applied Apologetics. All assignments in this course are devoted to completing compelling drafts of both the introductory sections (introduction/statement of thesis/literature review) and first major portions of the body of the argument of the dissertation. Completion of this course should allow students to complete a major percentage of their dissertation project and prepare them for matriculation into the next phase of their dissertation writing.

Course Assignment

No details available.

After reading the Syllabus and  Student Expectations , the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

These assignments require the student to submit progressive portions of his/her dissertation for review and evaluation. 

These assignments ask the student to interface with mentor feedback and interpret any necessary improvements/changes that need to be applied to his/her dissertation. Each assignment will be 4-6 pages in length.

This quiz seeks to evaluate the student’s readiness as he/she embarks on the dissertation writing process. This quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 4 true/false, short-answer questions, and will have a 15-minute time limit.

These quizzes verify that the student is having regular meaningful discussions with his/her dissertation mentor. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 4 true/false, short-answer questions, and will have a 15-minute time limit.

These quizzes will evaluate what elements of the dissertation are being submitted at different intervals of the dissertation-writing process. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 2 essay questions, and will have a 30-minute time limit.

This quiz evaluates the student’s readiness for an additional reader to be assigned to the dissertation project. This quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 5 true/false questions, and will have a 15-minute time limit.

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3 Handy Gradebook Tools

3 Handy Gradebook Tools

Product Manager

1. Category Average Chart

How to find it:, how to use it:.

Category Average Chart

2. Advanced Drop Lowest Score

How to use it: .

Drop Lowest Scores Screenshot

3. Assignment Comment Bank 

Comment Bank

4. Bonus: Report Card Comment Bank

Comment Bank Freeform

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  1. Quick Hits for Teachers

    Quick Hits for Teachers. Become a gradebook master and maximize your instructional efficiency. With Quick Hits, you'll learn how to work smarter in Skyward, two minutes at a time. Has grading become a staple of your nights and weekends? It doesn't have to be! Become a gradebook master and maximize your instructional efficiency. With Quick Hits ...

  2. Quick Hits

    Quick Hits Video Library. Don't have a lot of free time to pursue technology training? We get it. With Quick Hits, you'll learn how to work smarter in Skyward, two minutes at a time. **Note: All Quick Hits videos are for our School Management System 2.0 platform. If you're using the new Qmlativ version of Skyward, please visit the Help Center ...

  3. How to Create an Online Assignment in Skyward

    This video will walk you through how to create an Online Assignment in Skyward

  4. Quick Hits for Teachers: Online Assignments

    Work smarter with Skyward's Online Assignments. Has grading become a staple of your nights and weekends? It doesn't always have to be that way. Work smarter with Skyward's Online Assignments.

  5. Student Online Assignments in Skyward

    These are student instructions on how to complete an online assignment in Skyward. The background/format of eCampus is different because it has been updated...

  6. PDF Skyward Online Assignments Training

    Skyward Online Assignments Training 1. Logon to Skyward by using the district website at: and look under the Staff Tab. Click the first Skyward option. 2. Click on Teacher Access and then choose My Gradebook and click on the course that you would like to create the online assignment.

  7. PDF Skyward Online Assignment/Test

    SkywardOnline Assignment/Test ADDINGAN ONLINE ASSIGNMENT 1. Tocreate an online assignmentin the Skyward gradebook, begin by logging into Skyward, select TeacherAccess, then My Gradebook.Then select the class which you want to create the assignment. 2. Fromthe menu, select Assignmentand Add Assignment.On the Add Assignmentscreen, choose the

  8. Pasadena Independent School District

    Página de inicio de sesión de Skyward. Skyward Family Access allows parents, guardians and students to view and manage various information including a students' attendance records, calendars, graduation plans/requirements, schedules, gradebooks, online assignments, grading and report cards. Instructions to set up your Skyward account:

  9. Creating Assignments When Using Standards

    Assignments can be viewed in Student Access and Family Access if your administrative office authorizes this capability. If the administrative office has enabled assignment viewing, then Skyward recommends setting up assignments as soon as possible so students and parents can view them. Scroll past the video to access the step-by-step instructions.

  10. Skyward Family Access

    Existing Pearland ISD Family. Log on to Skyward. Instructions. Click on New Student Online Enrollment tab to begin enrollment. Questions regarding the login information or the New Student Online Enrollment portal should contact Skyward Support. Skyward Family Access - Pearland Independent School District.

  11. Classroom Tools and Electronic Gradebook

    and Electronic Gradebook. With the teacher access tools available in Skyward's student information system, you can free up instructional time, make data accessible, and put the focus back on your students. Features include online assignments, behavior referrals, and a message center for student/parent communication. Learn more. Watch video (4:00)

  12. Skyward Gradebook Guide

    What Skyward Gradebook Does. Eliminates paperwork leaving more time for you to teach. Allows you to easily enter, maintain, review and communicate student grades and progress information. Allows you to create and score assignments for students using the Gradebook.

  13. Family Access Parent Portal

    Family Access. It's more than just an online report card. It's a whole-child view of progress, intervention, and aspirations. Requires almost no digital skills to use. Alerts for attendance, grade thresholds, and missing assignments. Parents can register their children and pay fees. Course requests and graduation planning.

  14. Skyward

    Skyward is the district's web-based student information system. It gives students and guardians online access to grades, assignments, report cards, attendance, schedules, food service, Skylert (district emergency system) and more. It is also used to register students for the upcoming school year.

  15. PDF Accessing Online Skyward Exam Link for Online Assignments/Quizzes/Exams

    2) Online Assessment Templates 3) Add 4) From this point, Teachers must create their assessments and assignments and "play" to configure what they want and "experiment" to see how it interfaces in their gradebook and what they are trying to achieve.

  16. Skyward Online Assignments

    Tutorial on how to create auto graded assignments on Skyward calendar for Family and Student Access

  17. Family Access

    Skyward Family Access allows parents, guardians and students to view and manage various information including a students' attendance records, calendars, graduation plans/requirements, schedules, gradebooks, online assignments, grading and report cards. Instructions to set up your Skyward account: Skyward will send you a Family Access username ...

  18. United ISD

    Skyward Family Access has been implemented for United ISD families. It is an easy-to-use website that allows parents and guardians to access information about their son/daughter (s), such as attendance, grades, assignments, schedules, progress reports, student profiles, and report cards. Skyward Family Access is available on any device with an ...

  19. Information / Skyward Online Assignment Help

    Having trouble viewing this site? Click the Email Us link above to let us know. The Hazleton Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to all designated youth groups per the Boy Scouts Act.

  20. Skyward Family Access

    Skyward provides essential information about your student. As a parent or a guardian, you can: Check your student's schedule. Review assignments, grades, report cards, and academic progress. Report absences to schools and check attendance. View and update contact information, including emergency contacts. Manage meal account balances and apply ...

  21. Skyward Academy

    The academy is made up of two complimentary training options to assist you in your use of the Skyward system. *Choose a Course Type. Just In Time Courses. Full Training Courses. **Note: Registration closes one business day prior to the start of the webinar. Please email [email protected] for late registrations.

  22. PDF Understanding the Skyward Family Access Screen and Skyward Student

    note is that Skyward is a program used by many districts across the country so to be sure ... This application shows your student's missing assignments, online assignments, entries in the Teacher's Log, and GPA/Class Rank. Missing Assignments The Missing Assignments area shows the number of missing assignments for your

  23. COPR 640 Analytics in Crisis Communication

    Case Study Assignment. After reading many case studies throughout this program, this assignment challenges the student to delve into a recent crisis and analyze its impact through a case study format.

  24. APOL 988 Dissertation Writing in Applied Apologetics II

    These assignments ask the student to interface with mentor feedback and interpret any necessary improvements/changes that need to be applied to his/her dissertation. Each assignment will be 4-6 ...

  25. Helpful Skyward Gradebook Tools

    3. Assignment Comment Bank How to find it: From the toolbar on the gradebook main screen, click on Display Options, then (under Tools) Assignment Comment Bank. How to use it: Set yourself up to save time grading. Use the buttons on the right to add, edit, and delete comments from the list.

  26. Watch Latest Wagle Ki Duniya Episode 1073 Online The New ...

    Watch The New President - Dakshesh Full Latest Episode Online from Wagle Ki Duniya only on Sony LIV. Watch and Enjoy full latest episodes of Wagle Ki Duniya in full HD.