Essay On My Favourite Subject

my favourite subject essay 50 words

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favourite Subject

My favorite subject is (insert subject here). This subject has always been a source of fascination and intrigue for me, and I find myself constantly drawn to it.

There are several reasons why (insert subject) is my favorite subject. First and foremost, it provides a wealth of knowledge and information that I find both interesting and useful. Whether it’s learning about historical events, scientific theories, or mathematical concepts, (insert subject) offers a wealth of information that I find truly fascinating.

Another reason why (insert subject) is my favorite is that it is challenging and requires critical thinking. Unlike other subjects that may come easily to me, (insert subject) requires me to put in effort and actively engage with the material in order to truly understand it. This challenge not only keeps me motivated and engaged, but it also helps me to develop important skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

Moreover, (insert subject) is also very practical and applicable to real-life situations. Whether it’s using mathematical concepts to solve financial problems, or using historical knowledge to understand current events, (insert subject) provides me with a framework for approaching and understanding the world around me.

Finally, I have a passion for (insert subject) and I find myself constantly seeking out new information and resources on the subject. Whether it’s reading books, watching documentaries, or participating in discussions with my classmates, (insert subject) remains a source of endless curiosity and fascination for me.

In conclusion, (insert subject) is my favorite subject for several reasons, including its wealth of knowledge, its challenge, its practicality, and my personal passion for the subject. I look forward to continuing my studies in (insert subject) and exploring all that it has to offer.

Long Essay On My Favourite Subject

Everyone has a favorite subject in school – that one class that gets you excited, where the teacher can bring the best out of you and where you just have a great time. In this essay, I will explore my favorite subject, why it is my favorite, and how it has impacted me both inside and outside of the classroom. Read on to learn more about why this is my favorite subject!


There is no denying the fact that every student has a favourite subject. Some are drawn to the challenge of mathematics, others to the study of language. For me, my favourite subject is English. I love reading and writing, and I appreciate the opportunity to express myself through language.

English has always been a part of my life. As a child, I remember spending hours reading stories and poems. I was fascinated by the way words could be used to create beautiful images in my mind. I still enjoy reading today, and I often find myself lost in a good book.

Writing is another aspect of English that I enjoy. I like being able to communicate my thoughts and ideas on paper. It’s also a great way to relax and de-stress after a busy day.

I’m grateful that English is one of my school subjects. It’s a subject that I’m passionate about, and it’s something that I know I will continue to enjoy for many years to come.

What is my favorite subject?

Science is my favorite subject. I like it because it helps me understand the world around me. I also enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how things work.

Why do I like it?

There are many reasons why I like my favourite subject. Firstly, I find the material interesting and engaging. Secondly, the structure of the course is such that I can learn at my own pace and in my own time. Thirdly, I enjoy the challenge of critically analysing and evaluating the material. Finally, I find that the skills I develop through studying my favourite subject are transferable to other areas of my life.

What have I learned from it?

I have learned a great deal from my favourite subject. I have developed a strong work ethic, as well as improved my research and writing skills. I have also gained a greater understanding of the world around me, and how the events of history have shaped our present day.

How has it impacted my life and career?

Since I was a child, I’ve always loved learning new things. My favourite subject was always English, because I loved reading and writing. As I’ve grown older, my love of learning has translated into a passion for teaching. I believe that education is one of the most important things in life, and I’m so grateful to have found a career that allows me to share my knowledge with others.

Teaching has impacted my life in so many positive ways. It’s given me the opportunity to meet amazing people from all over the world, and to learn about different cultures and customs. It’s also helped me to develop patience, empathy, and communication skills. I feel incredibly lucky to have found a job that I love so much, and that has such a positive impact on the lives of others.

Examples of how I use the knowledge from this subject in my day to day life.

One way I use the knowledge from my favourite subject in my day-to-day life is by using it to help me make decisions. For example, if I am considering whether or not to buy a new car, I will use what I know about economics to help me weigh the pros and cons of doing so. Additionally, I often find myself discussing current events with friends and family, and the knowledge I have gained from my favourite subject helps me to better understand what is going on in the world.

In conclusion, my favorite subject is English. I love the challenge of learning new words, understanding literature and developing my writing skills. It has been an important part of my education and I am confident that it will continue to be so in the future. With a solid foundation in English, I’m sure that I’ll have no problem pursuing any career path or mastering any other field of study.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject for Students and Children

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500 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject

As a student, everyone excels in some subjects and not in the others. Of course, there are some students who do well in all of them, but that number is low. However, almost every student has a favourite subject. It does not matter if it’s related to academics or arts.

Essay on My Favourite Subject

Personally, my favorite subject is English. I have always scored well on the subject because I understand it well. It makes learning effortless and I always manage to get good marks. There are other subjects I like too but English definitely tops my list. I never get bored of it and am always ready to study it.

Reason For Favouritism

There are many reasons as to why I enjoy studying English. The major one is that it enhances my reading skills. Ever since my childhood, my mother has always read stories to me. So, I developed a habit of reading and listening to stories. As my reading skills get polished through English, it helps me in other subjects too. I grasp the concepts better through reading.

Furthermore, through English, I developed a knack for writing. I absolutely enjoy writing essays and articles. It is only through English, that I started writing my own work. This helps me in forming incredible answers for other subjects as well. It gives me the experience to use accurate words and sentences to convey my message better.

Most importantly, I love fictional stories in English. I love how it always has some lessons in them to learn. They also apply in real life and help me make wise decisions. The stories in English novels and plays always keeps me entertained. It also enhances my imagination powers.

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A Scoring Subject

English is definitely a scoring subject which makes it even more special for me. I am an average student who does not take much interest in Science. I manage to get decent marks in the subjects, but in English, I score well. When we compare English to other subjects, we see it is most scoring.

English does not demand word to word answers. It gives the child a chance to play with words. It gives them the creative liberty to speak their minds out. For instance, in Maths, you cannot create your own formulas. You must copy the same exact one taught in the syllabus. But, in English, we can compose our own answers based on our understanding and intelligence.

In addition, English teachers are usually more approachable and understanding. In other subjects, the teachers always have to stick by the book and literally make students mug up the formulas and theories. The English teacher takes time to make them understand each phrase. They allow the students to interpret it as per their intellect. This empowers the child too so they can put their own thinking in it.

In short, I absolutely love English. It gives me the chance to excel without putting too much pressure on me. I get to play with words and form my own interpretations. This helps me get the creative freedom I do not get in other subjects.

FAQs on My Favourite Subject

Q.1 What does a favorite subject mean?

A.1 A favorite subject essentially means a particular subject which kid really enjoy studying. They never get bored of it and score good marks in it.

Q.2 Why is English a scoring subject?

A.2 English a scoring subject because it gives the child creative freedom to form their own answers. It does not stick to the book. It gives the child an opportunity to make their own answers and get good marks.

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How To Write An Essay On My Favourite Subject? Examples

As students, it is normal to prioritise one subject other than the rest of the subjects of your class. All of us have our own favourite subjects. Some of us love mathematics, while some love to read English, History, or other subjects.

If you are trying to write an ‘essay on my favourite subject,’ then this article should be helpful. I have listed three different samples of essays on this topic. All of them have different word limits, and you can use them according to your needs.

Essay On My Favourite Subject 500 Words   

Essay On My Favourite Subject 500 Words

As our academic life starts, we get introduced to many subjects like humanities, science, and more. While only a handful of students get good grades in all of those subjects, most students get good grades in their favourite subjects. Indeed we score better in our favourite subjects however there is more to a favourite subject than just making a good score. A favourite subject is one that we enjoy studying. In this essay, I have discussed my favourite subjects.

A Favourite Book

A favourite subject does not necessarily have to be a very priority for everyone. It can be any subject and be your favourite for personal reasons. It can be any science subject or humanities. Different students in my class have different favourite books of their own. Some of them love to read Physics, while some are into Geography or Biology. Personally, I love reading English, it is my favourite subject for some obvious reason.

My Favourite Subject English

My love for English bloomed at a very early age when I had an illustrated picture book of fairytales. My mother used to read me stories from that book. That is how I fell in love with this book. When I learned to read, I used to read short rhymes and poems from any English book I could get my hands on. Soon, I developed an interest in learning more about this subject. I remember spending long hours practising grammar and solving different grammatical problems.

Also,  my love for English opened a whole new chapter for learning different other subjects. The best books and study materials are always written in English, and knowing this language opens up a vast world of learning other things. Learning English helped me increase my skills of comprehension. With each book I read, I learn more, and my vocabulary becomes polished.

English is my favourite subject also because  I want to be a writer. There are so many books in the world, and they make me feel inspired by their different narrative styles, writing techniques and information. I enjoy writing short essays and articles, and I decided to become a writer when I grew up. I feel fascinated by short stories, poems, and fiction. In future, I want to have my own book of stories to be published.

That is why it is very important for me to learn more about this language. Being a writer easier said than done. I try to be very careful about each word I use for each expression. I still have a lot more to learn about this language and English literature before I feel confident about writing anything. But until then, I want to keep learning.


In conclusion, I not only love reading English, but I have also been the highest scorer in English in my class. Of course, I am not the best scorer in all the subjects. But, having a good grasp of English has also helped me score decently in other subjects as well. My love for my favourite subject will never reduce. It will grow with me as I grow older and learn more.

Essay On My Favourite Subject 200 Words   

Essay On My Favourite Subject 200 Words

My favourite subject is Mathematics. It is a fascinating subject with the power to solve real-world problems and understand the world around us. It involves critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in any field. It is my favourite Subject.

Mathematics is the language used and applied in the whole world. This subject has the power to connect the world. The reason why I love this subject is its use case in every aspect of life. Mathematics is used in science and engineering, economics, finance, and many other fields as well. It is extremely essential for us to learn basic mathematics to be able to reason at every step of our life. Understanding the more complex aspects of mathematics opens vast opportunities in life.

Mathematics also helps to develop mental agility and analytical skills. Solving mathematical problems requires one to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. It’s a subject that challenges the mind and encourages students to think outside the box.

In conclusion, Mathematics is a subject that is both challenging and rewarding. It gives you multiple perspectives to look at life. Learning mathematics also opens up multiple career opportunities before us. I want to become a mathematician when I grow up, so it is important for me to learn more about my favourite subject.

Essay On My Favourite Subject 100 Words   

Essay On My Favourite Subject 100 Words

My favourite subject is History. I feel fascinated by knowing how History has shaped the world that we see today. I love to explore the past of my country and learn about the  freedom fighters who have fought bravely and boldly to bring freedom to our country.

The society, politics, economy, science, and geography of the past have their record stored in the books of history. No matter where we are from, we should try to protect our history and learn from it. Only by learning from our past histories we can find many answers about our future. That is why I love history. It has its roots in the past, but it talks about the future.


Whether it is mathematics, English, History, or Biology, a favourite subject is a favourite subject. If you are trying to write an essay on your favourite subject, then the ones given in this article should be helpful.

However, if you have any queries, please comment below to let us know. We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject For Students

Studies don’t sound interesting to many students but their favourite subject can fill this gap. While many students excel in all subjects, they also have a favourite subject. This article presents an example of an essay on “my favourite subject”.


Education is a vital part of life for humans. It ensures us a quality future. Schooling is the first step to gaining an education. When we start our schooling, there are a lot of subjects to study such as English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Environmental Studies, General knowledge etc.

Students have to study all the required subjects but each student has a special inclination toward one particular subject. This subject is referred to as his/her favourite subject. Having a great interest in a specific subject allows students to master it. No doubt there are also some students who do well in all subjects.

Essay on My Favourite Subject- English

My Favourite Subject

There are many subjects I like but English is my favourite. I never get bored of it and am forever ready to study it. I always score well on the subject because I comprehend it well. Comprehension of a subject makes learning effortless and this is the reason I always manage to get good marks in English.

Since my childhood, my mom has always read me stories. Thus, I developed a habit of reading and listening to English stories. This helped me polish my reading skills. Having a good reading habit I can easily understand the concepts of other subjects too.

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Why is this my favourite?

There are numerous reasons why I enjoy studying English. First of all, I like stories to read. I have a great collection of storybooks. The second reason is, It enhances my reading skills further. Apart from this, reading so many stories and information, I have developed creative writing skills which won me many prizes in essay and article writing competitions.

Third, English helps me in forming excellent answers for other subjects as well. It offers me the experience to use correct words and sentences to convey my message nicely. After reading my answers my teachers appreciate my writing skills. Recently, I also started writing diaries and journals. My friends tell me to write some fictional stories too.

Importance of English

English is a language. The function of any language is to convey a message. The English language is most appropriate for sharing information because it states facts very clearly. Also, This language unlocks barriers to your growth. If you want to start your career in any professional field, the English language is a necessity.

In this modern era, the English language has evolved into a vital part of each existing field. Some decades ago a degree was enough to get a corporate job. But today, knowledge of the English language holds more value than a degree.

In conclusion, My favourite subject English has contributed a lot to my personal growth. It offered me to develop good writing and reading habits. Both these habits helped me understand other subjects well and write creative answers to questions asked in the examinations. The Subject has also won multiple prizes and awards in writing competitions. At last, I want to say I just love English.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject | My Favourite Subject Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My Favourite Subject: One of my favourite subjects in school is physics. Some students in the class feel that it is a difficult subject but I feel that the difficulty and vastness of the subject is what makes it my favourite subject in school. I want to grow up and be a scientist one day and to become a scientist, knowledge is physics is a must. In this essay on my favourite subject, I shall be talking about the subject of physics and how it is important for me to fulfil my future plans to become a scientist.

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Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Subject for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for an essay on My Favourite Subject, then this is the right article for you. You can find below two essays each. One Long Essay on My Favourite Subject with a word limit of 600 and another Short Essay on My Favourite Subject with a word limit of 200. Both essays can be used for assignment and tests.

Long Essay on My Favourite Subject 600 Words in English

My Favourite Subject Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

My favourite subject at school is physics. Being one of the toughest subjects of all, I always prefer studying for physics than any other subject because of the fact that it is challenging, interesting and helps me build my career as a physicist. My inspiration to become a theoretical physicist is Albert Einstein. A not so academically inclined student from a humble background who went on to change the way we see the world is what inspires me. There various other people in the field of physics who has been my inspiration to become a scientist, some of them are CV Raman, Isaac Newton, Thomas Alva Edison, Nikola Tesla and most recently and the most popular scientists of all, Steven Hawking.

I consider these people as my source of inspiration because they have dedicated their entire lives for science and have discovered many things that have helped this world become a better place. From inventing the atomic bomb to discovering a black hole in the universe, physicists and scientists studying it know no bounds.

I particularly love physics because of the real-life impacts it has on our lives. Science is the only subject that has the potential to solve many problems in the world like water problem, climate change, distress and medical problems. Given the gravity of the impact that science has on our lives, I could not turn my eyes away from studying it. I specifically fell in love with physics in the branch of science because it includes the aspects of both mathematics and chemistry, my other two favourite subjects in school.

I always happen to score well in these subjects because I love studying them and no one has to force me into studying. I find subjects like geography or history boring and I would rather study physics on my own than being forced to study other subjects like civics, history or moral science. I understand that our education system is designed such that all subjects, irrespective of whether we like it or not, are stuffed into our brains. I study other subjects only to pass and get a good overall grade, but ultimately the main subject I’ll be studying in under graduation and post-graduation is physics.

The only reason I study other subjects is to score good overall grades because I want to do further studies in the field of physics at Harvard University. And to get into this university, my overall grade in school should be good. It’s not only about grades, this university looks into our extracurricular and co-curricular activities as well as a part of the admission process. Being only a book worm will not get me into this prestigious university. I should be an all-rounded achiever in all spectrums such as sports, arts and culture. I participate in my school sports activities and have won a few awards. I also take acting lessons in mime because I find it interesting.

Other than physics,  I love chemistry, maths and to a certain extent biology. Infact, my parents want me to become a doctor which means biology should have been my subject of interest. Although I love the subject and also love the job of the doctor, I believe a scientist plays a greater role in shaping our society than any other professionals.

Short Essay on My Favourite Subject 200 Words in English

My Favourite Subject Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

My favourite subject is physics. Physics is perceived by my friends as the toughest subject of all as it is an amalgamation of maths and chemistry. But I happen to love physics mainly because of the broad everyday impact it has on society. Since I happen to like the subject, I’m good at it and usually score well and better than my classmates. As a result of which, I am almost like a tutor to my friends during physics examination time. Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking are two of my greatest role models in life. Other than being legendary theoretical physicists and having achieved great steps in their own field, they are a true inspiration with respect to their personal lives as well. While Albert Einstein having faced the difficulties and atrocities during the World War, especially having born in a humble family, went on to discover the theory of relativity in spite of all the hardships.

This is what makes Albert Einstein the greatest scientists of all time. And the thing about another widely popular scientist, Steven Hawking is much more inspirational than other scientists. Being a differently-abled person, and having stuck on a wheelchair for years, he discovered a black hole on the universe which has cascading effects on other inventions and our understanding of the universe. I want to grow up to be like them and make a worthwhile contribution to the field of physics. I aspire to study at top institutions in the world such as Harvard, CalTech and Princeton University. I one daydream of winning the Nobel Prize for physics.

10 Lines on My Favourite Subject Essay

  • My favourite subject of all is physics.
  • I aspire to become a scientist like Albert Einstein or Steven Hawking when I grow up.
  • I want to change the understanding of our universe and make a solid contribution to the field of science.
  • I happen to love the subject of physics because of the challenges and the difficulty it throws at us.
  • There are various categories of physics such as theoretical physics, experimental physics and astrophysics.
  • The top university in the world to study physics is California Institute of technology also known as CalTech.
  • Physics has the potential to change the world as we know it.
  • Dark matter-energy, string theory, quantum theory or loop quantum theory are few of the streams in the field of physics.
  • To understand physics well, one has to master mathematics and chemistry properly.
  • The difficulty and complications of physics is what makes it interesting to study.

FAQs on My favourite Subject Essay

Question 1. Which is my favourite subject in school?

Answer: Physics is my favourite subject in school.

Question 2. Who is the father of physics?

Answer: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei are known as the father of physics.

Question 3. Which is the top university in the world to study physics?

Answer: CalTech is the top university in the world to study physics.

Question 4. What are the few branches of physics?

Answer: Astrophysics, plasma physics, geophysics, theoretical physics and experimental physics are a few categories of physics.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject | For Students

In the world of learning, there’s one subject that stands out for me, shining like a beacon of curiosity and inspiration. That subject is science, and in this essay, I will argue why it’s my favorite subject. Science is not just a school subject; it’s a key that unlocks the secrets of the universe, a window into the wonders of our world.

Exploration and Discovery

Science is all about exploration and discovery. It’s like going on an adventure every day, where you’re the explorer, and the world is your playground. According to the National Science Teachers Association, science helps us understand how things work and allows us to make sense of the world around us. I love the feeling of uncovering new facts and asking questions like a detective on a mission.

Hands-On Learning

What makes science even more exciting is that it’s hands-on. We get to conduct experiments, mix chemicals, observe reactions, and build models. These experiences help us learn by doing, which research from the National Research Council suggests is one of the most effective ways to understand and remember information. When I’m in the science lab, I feel like a real scientist, making discoveries and solving mysteries.

Real-World Applications

Science is not just a subject confined to the classroom; it has real-world applications that impact our lives every day. Take the field of medicine, for example. Doctors use scientific knowledge to diagnose and treat illnesses, improving our health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, advances in medical science have led to longer and healthier lives. Learning about these practical applications of science makes me feel like I’m learning something that truly matters.

Solving Puzzles

Science is like a giant puzzle, with pieces waiting to be put together. Every experiment, every equation, and every observation are pieces of that puzzle. When we solve a science problem, it’s like finding the missing piece and watching the whole picture come together. The feeling of accomplishment and understanding is truly rewarding. A study in the journal “Learning and Instruction” suggests that problem-solving in science improves critical thinking skills and enhances overall cognitive development.

The Beauty of Nature

Science allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature in a whole new way. Whether it’s understanding the colors of a rainbow or the intricate patterns of a snowflake, science helps us see the world’s beauty through a scientific lens. The American Psychological Association suggests that appreciating nature has numerous mental and emotional benefits. I’ve learned to see the magic in everyday things, like the way a leaf changes color in the fall or the way a flower blooms in the spring.

Inspiring Role Models

In the realm of science, numerous inspiring role models have made remarkable discoveries, altering the course of history. For instance, individuals such as Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Jane Goodall have demonstrated the potency of curiosity and unwavering determination. Consequently, their stories serve as a poignant reminder that regardless of one’s background, it is possible to create a significant impact on the world through science. Consequently, gaining insights into the lives of these role models serves as a strong motivator for me to pursue my own scientific aspirations.

Global Impact

Science extends beyond our immediate surroundings; moreover, it holds a global influence. Furthermore, scientists from various nations unite to tackle critical global problems, ranging from climate change to disease outbreaks. According to the United Nations, international collaboration in science is indispensable for addressing worldwide challenges. Consequently, recognizing that my beloved subject possesses the capacity to create a constructive influence on the world motivates me to continue my journey of learning and exploration

Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Subject

In conclusion, science is my favorite subject because it offers endless opportunities for exploration, hands-on learning, and discovery. It has real-world applications that improve our lives, and it allows me to solve puzzles and appreciate the beauty of nature in a whole new way. Science also introduces me to inspiring role models and reminds me of the global impact that knowledge and curiosity can have.

As I continue my journey in the fascinating world of science, I am excited about the mysteries I have yet to unravel and the discoveries I have yet to make. Science isn’t just a subject; it’s a lifelong adventure, a journey of curiosity, and a path to understanding the world and our place in it. So, for me, science will always be more than just a subject; it’s a passion, a way of thinking, and a source of endless wonder.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is the one that I can study for hours without getting bored. It is the subject that I look forward to studying in my class as well as at home. It has not been the same all through the years I have been studying. It has changed from time to time.

Everyone has different interest and their favourite subject varies based on the same. While mathematics is the favourite subject of some students others find it too difficult and despise it. Here are essays on ‘My Favourite Subject’ of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any My Favourite Subject essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Subject in English

My favourite subject essay 1 (200 words).

General Knowledge is and has always been my favourite subject. It was introduced to us in grade I and since then I have loved it. During grade I, we were taught common general knowledge things such as names of monuments, recognition of sports people and celebrities, recognition of country flags and the likes. I found it very interesting as I got to learn many new and interesting things.

I always looked forward to the general knowledge class in the school. As I grew up and went to higher classes, I did not only study the general knowledge books prescribed by the school but also borrowed such books from the library to expand my knowledge. Looking at my interest in the subject my father decided to subscribe to a monthly general knowledge magazine. I eagerly waited for it every month and finished reading the entire magazine in around three days. I read it over and over again to memorize the facts.

I earn appreciation for my knowledge in this subject at school, home as well as in my friend circle. This inspires me to read and learn all the more. My teachers always recommended my name for GK quiz competitions. I have taken part in many such competitions and have also won many prizes for my school.

My Favourite Subject Essay 2 (300 words)


Ever since I was a pre-primary student, I loved drawing. I just loved drawing different things and colouring them. I always looked forward to the drawing class in school. It was my favourite part of the day. I also indulged in drawing as I came back from school. My parents bought me different types of colours including pencil colours, crayons and water colours.

My Love for Drawing

It was actually my mother who encouraged me to draw and colour. She tried to do so to distract me from watching television as she indulged in household tasks. However, drawing eventually became my favourite subject. I tried to draw different sceneries and other stuff and coloured them diligently. My mother soon enrolled me for drawing classes to hone my skills. I learned to draw a lot of new things in my drawing class. My drawing teacher also taught me different colouring techniques. It was quite fun. I went to the drawing classes for almost two years regularly. Even now that I am in V standard, I still join art and craft classes during my vacations. I have also leaned sketching and glass painting.

Environmental Studies – Another Favourite Subject

As I was promoted to standard I, few new subjects were introduced and environmental study was one of them. Apart from drawing, I also love environmental studies. This is because it gives knowledge about so many things happening around us. We learn about plants, animals, air, water and so much more by way of this subject. The facts learned in this subject can be applied in real life and that is what I like the most about it. We also require drawing diagrams in this subject and this is also one of the reasons it is one of my favourite subjects.

While drawing is my favourite subject, environmental studies comes a close second. Both the subjects are close to my heart and I can never get bored practicing any of these.

My Favourite Subject Essay 3 (400 words)

I am quite picky about a lot of things in life including friends, food and activities. Most people around me find my choices quite different and unique. My choice when it comes to subjects is also quite different. The subject that most students find boring seems quite interesting to me. I just love History. It is my favourite subject.

History – The Most Interesting Subject

People often laugh at me and question me about my choice when I tell them that History is my favourite subject. I, however, wonder why students don’t like such an interesting subject. History takes us to different eras and places and we learn so much from it. It is almost like time travelling for me. It associates us with our roots and gives more meaning to our life. I find it all very fascinating.

I love reading about the different kings and queens and how they managed the common people. Many of the kings in the history of India have been harsh on the commoners while there have also been some who have been very kind to them. They helped raise the standard of living of the people living under them. Besides, the chapters included in the syllabus I try to look for books on different events that took place in the history to learn and explore more about the same.

I have read in depth about how the British invaded our country and the way they began ruling it. These real life stories are far more intriguing than any of the works of fiction.

Another topic that I find interesting in this subject is the position of women in different eras and various dynasties. Women had to face a lot of injustice in the past. They were mostly confined to the household tasks and were not allowed to work outside. Their whole and sole duty was to serve their family by carrying out the household chores. They did not have the right to question or go against the will of the man of the house. Another disturbing fact was that the kings were allowed to marry as many times as they wanted and be in a relationship with all their wives simultaneously while queens were expected to be true to their husbands. It shows that we have come a long way since that time when it comes to gender equality.

I have always been fascinated by historical facts and monuments. Not just the Indian history, I love reading about the history of various countries.

My Favourite Subject Essay 4 (500 words)

My favourite subject is English. I feel that, this is one subject that I can learn effortlessly. In fact, to me studying English does not feel like studying at all, it seems like pursuing a hobby. I also love geography and computer science and look forward to studying them. However, English has always been on the top of my list. I can study the English chapters anytime and anywhere.

Why is English My Favourite Subject?

One of the main reasons why I love English is that I like reading fiction and this subject gives me a chance to read a lot. My mother always told me a bed time story when I was a small kid. She soon brought books for me to read on my own. We made it a habit to read at the bed time before falling asleep. She read some novel or magazine for around half an hour and I read story books. I also developed the habit of reading all the chapters from my text books even before they were done in the class and still do the same. This helps me grasp better when those chapters are done in the class.

I also have flair in writing. It comes naturally to me and English is all about writing essays, articles, letters, long and short answers and other similar pieces. This is another reason why English has always been a hot favourite subject of mine.

Scoring High is a Breeze

I am an average student in my class. I score around 70% marks in my exams on an average. However, when it comes to English, I am the one who scores the highest. I score higher than even the brightest of students in the class. I leave behind the top rank holders too when it comes to this subject. Many of them even come to me to understand the subject better. This makes me proud of my skills in this subject. It is also a motivating factor for me. I try to enhance my skills even further. Be it English grammar or essay/ article writing or the question answers section in the exam – I am equally good in answering all these.

I believe it is all about ones interest. If something interests us, we put our entire mind and soul into it. The results then are bound to be excellent. This is the reason why I am able to score so well in English.

My English Teacher – My Inspiration

My English teachers have also been amazing so far. I am particularly fond of my current English teacher. She has in-depth knowledge about the subject. Besides, teaching us lessons included in the syllabus she also encourages us to read novels and short stories to improve our English. As reading interests me, I often seek her suggestion on which books to read. She is my role model and I aspire to be as good in the subject as her.

I aim to excel in English language and become a proficient writer in the subject as I grow up. I have discussed this plan with my parents and they completely support me in this direction.

My Favourite Subject Essay 5 (600 words)

Our interests keep changing from time to time. Be it our favourite colour, favourite food item, favourite person or favourite game – everything changes as we grow up and favourite subject is no exception. Many students love certain subjects in their primary classes but completely despise those subjects as they begin to get tougher year after year. My experience has been quite similar. I have also had a shift in interest and my favourite subject has changed with time.

Mathematics – My Favourite Subject

I have been a big fan of mathematics right from the time numbers were introduced to us in nursery. While my teacher had taught numbers up to 10, I learned counting up to 50 with the help of my mother. I was so curious and keen on learning this subject that I soon began learning addition. My mother introduced fun ways of learning addition by the use of different things such as spoons, oranges, soft toys. I also learned subtraction using such innovative methods.

Looking at my interest in the subject, my mother soon made me join abacus class. I also accompanied her to the toy shop to get an abacus for myself. I simply loved doing calculations using this ancient method of learning maths. Joining abacus helped me enhance my knowledge about the subject. It laid a strong base for me and I performed extremely well in the subject. I scored high in maths. Most of the times, I got full marks in it.

I practiced the problem sums quite often. Whenever I was asked to study, I opened my mathematics book and began solving the sums. I cleared the maths Olympiad with good score. I was also sent for quite a few inter-school maths competitions. Many of my classmates came to me seek help in the subject. Many still come to me to learn different topics. I help them with the subject whenever they need any kind of assistance.

My Love for French

While I am still good in mathematics and my name is recommended for various mathematics competitions, I personally have grown fond of French ever since I have entered sixth standard. We had an option of choosing between Sanskrit and French as a third subject in grade sixth and I decided to go for French. While my parents insisted that I should take up Sanskrit as my mother is well versed with the subject and could help me with it, I convinced them otherwise. Though, they did not like the idea initially however they realized I took the right decision after I started scoring high in the subject. I was always keen on learning foreign language. It was something new and fresh and thus I was interested in it.

My interest in the subject keeps me glued to it. Besides, since I took it up against the wish of my parents, I learn it with all the more zeal to prove to them that my decision was right. My French teacher is quite helpful and supportive. Her method of teaching is quite innovative. She makes us understand this new language with ease. She has made learning so much fun and interesting. I always look forward to the French class. I and my friends also try to use the sentences we have learned as we converse with each other. I have also started following French artists and listening to French songs.

French has certainly become my favourite subject and mathematics is my second favourite subject now. I am planning to leave Hindi and take up French when the option to choose between the two is given in the ninth standard. I might even take it up as a main subject during graduation.

Long Essay on my Favourite Subject – Essay 6 (800 Words)

Science is one of my favourite subjects in school; in fact, it is the most favourite subject of mine. Logic makes science interesting and the fact that a principle of science applies to our everyday activities, makes it more interesting. Early morning dew drops over flowers, is science; the flying of birds is science; flowing of water in our taps is science; boiling of rice is a science; the running of electric motor and the occurrence of dawn and dusk, all have a scientific principle working from behind. You might not notice or could be oblivious of its presence, but science is always there in the things you do or witness.

What is Science?

Science is a systematic study of observing, analyzing, recording and finding logical justification for an event or activity. Science provides a logical explanation to every incident from – pricking of skin and feeling of pain to the Landing of space ship on moon.

One of the most interesting facts about science is that, it is in a continuous process of development and there seem to be no end to it. Scientific principles have come a long way from Stone Age to today’s modern world equipped with jets and satellites. This development, however, has been made possible only by humans and their curiosity to explore. Man’s desire to find out reason and improve his surroundings, has led to scientific and technological developments that we see today and the exploration still continues.

Modern science of today as we know is divided into three branches. Firstly, natural science consisting of physics, chemistry and biology; secondly, formal science, consisting of logic and mathematics and thirdly, social sciences consisting of economics, psychology and sociology.

Advantages of Science

The advantages of science are so many that it isn’t able to mention all of them in this article. We will go through some of the basic advantages of science in our daily life. Science has made our living easy, comfortable and secured.

Today we live in houses with all the comforts which have been made possible only due to thousands of years of scientific research and development. Science has made it possible for humans to instantly communicate even when separated by thousands of miles. Today it is possible to travel thousands of miles in just couple of hours; which has been made possible only through science and its development.

All the modern equipments one can’t part with like – mobile phones, computers, laptops, bike etc, have been created applying very basic principles of science and further developing the idea.

Science has also made our life more secure both from natural calamities as well as from diseases. Today we know beforehand when a storm is going to arrive or have the prior information of an oncoming natural calamity. This has been made possible only by advancements in earth and climatic sciences.

Similarly, advancement in medical sciences has led to invention of life saving drugs and vaccines against diseases like cholera, malaria and diarrhea etc. Today life expectancy is increased as never before; thanks to the advancement in medical sciences.

Disadvantages of Science

Despite having numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages of science. The most common disadvantages of science are over dependence and irresponsible handling. Today we depend so much on our scientific gadgets and technology that it is impossible to live a day without them. Over dependence has made us lethargic and lazy. We resist walking for even few miles and rather prefer to take a cab. Science and technology has invaded our everyday life up to dangerous level and made us victims of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and blood pressure.

You must have heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”. It fits extremely well in the scenario of science and human’s curiosity to explore it. History is replete with many scientific experiments which took potentially dangerous turn for ex – project MKUltra one of the CIA’s most shocking programs of all times killing nearly 10000 Americans and the Trinity test, a detonation of first ever nuclear bomb in the desert of New Mexico on 16 th July 1945.

Nazis carried out medical experiments on thousands of prisoners, grossly neglecting human life and dignity. Prisoners were injected with deadly viruses and poisonous substances and were made human guinea pigs. But, despite the fatal consequences man’s quest for experiments and explanations continued.

Science is an absolute necessity and its principles are applied in almost all of our everyday activities and gadgets, devices or instruments we use. Advancement in science is also unavoidable, but care must be taken in order to not cause harm or injury to humans or any other living being. Carelessly and abruptly executed scientific experiments could have fatal consequences and history has hundreds of such incidents to retrospect. Such experiments must be carried under the supervision of a trained scientific or instructor.

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Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Science [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you are going to learn how you can write short essays on your favourite subject science. Here will be three sets of essays written on the same topic, covering different word limits.

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favourite subject science in 100 words, short essay on my favourite subject science in 200 words, short essay on my favourite subject science in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Science

In our school days, as a student, we have to study lots of subjects altogether. It feels hectic to control so many at a time. Yet among all of these, some subjects really occupy our hearts. It is our favourite of all and soon it becomes the target of our higher studies.

For me, however, science is my favourite subject. I have forever admired it as my best. I love scientific experiments and how science is helping us daily to better ourselves. If science would not have been there, then it would have been impossible to develop in any way. Science is one of the bases for human development and hence one of my favourite subjects.

All of us have one subject in our school that we admire a lot. It is our favourite and something that we want to read in the future. For me, that subject is science. In school, some subjects were good, while others felt too tough to study.

I really did not like to read everything. But among all, science was the only one I loved. I still enjoy knowing about it. Science means experiments. The book contains pictures of so many experiments that I enjoy reading. The laboratory contains so many materials for that purpose. I love science as it does not allow superstitions. It depends on reason and facts. I enjoy how regular research for our development is taking place due to the help of science.

Today we have realized the importance of science. Even in a pandemic, we have received vaccines and medicines in little time. Medical treatments are well developed now, and all diseases can be cured easily. Science is one of the reasons for the development of India. Several vehicles for communication are present today.

The Universe is no longer unknown to us. We realize how our nature is constantly helping us. The industries are enabling us a better future. In fact, robots are now used for serving human needs. This enormous success of humans is actually the blessing of scientific studies. So I dream to become a researcher and study this beautiful field.

Everyone in our school has written an essay on science as a curse or a boon. It is a debate if science actually helps us or destroys us further. But beyond everything, I love to study science as it is my favourite subject. In school, we read several subjects.

We love to study some, while others become quite boring. For me, science was that one subject that I enjoyed a lot. In fact, till today I love to study scientific information and the development that is daily enriching our lives. The best thing about it is that it does not allow any superstition. Science is based upon reason and analysis of facts. So it is impossible to have any ill knowledge where there is the cultivation of science. 

I started loving science when our teacher showed us some fun experiments. I soon realized science is not some word in the books, but a fact-based subject. The books were pretty, they had lots of pictures. But I did not feel excited about knowing it till I understood the truth behind this subject. Science is observing and analyzing something properly.

The scientific laws are examples of such deeper studies made by several scientists. Only logic and reason create science. This idea caught my mind. I started taking interest in this subject and soon it became my best subject. The laboratory became my favourite place, where I did all the experiments I read in the textbook. Even today I love to read science fiction, journals, and the interviews of many scientists and increase my knowledge about this topic.

Another reason for making science my favourite subject is that we develop because of science. Science saves us from the severity of the calamities. Human beings are ever curious to know about the world and the Universe. Science has enabled them in this process. Everything is scientific. Medical procedures are rapidly changing for the benefit of mankind.

New medicines, vaccines are being invented to fight the most deadly virus. Industries are ever-growing; several forms of communication are available today; equipment like phones, TV, washing machine, inductions, etc. are our daily need; alternative ways to collect rain, dispose of garbage, create electricity are available. Robots are now human help. All of these are blessings of science. Science has shown us an efficient lifestyle. Even the farthest planet is now known to us. Science has made the impossible come true. So I will forever love to study and research on this subject.

In today’s lesson, I have written the essays in a very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this lesson, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more about such seasons, keep browsing our website. 

Thank you. 

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My Favourite Subject Essay For Kids

Kids usually enjoy writing my favourite subject essay when given an opportunity to write about their views. Mathematics is one such subject which captivates the interest of many students. It is a boon for kids who love playing with numbers and enjoy solving different types of mathematical problems like addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. Although it may be fun and fascinating for a few, it may be a nightmare for others who have trouble working with numbers.

In this article, we bring you my favourite subject Mathematics essay for kids so that they can understand what fascinates them about the subject. Let’s begin!

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My favourite subject maths essay for kids.

my favourite subject essay

By practising various arithmetical sums and questions, it sharpens my knowledge and boosts my energy to explore further. Whenever I face some difficulty in solving any problem, I check either with my Maths teacher at school or with my parents while I’m at home.

The main reason why I love Maths is that it does not require me to memorise or retain complex and lengthy concepts in mind. It is an easy-to-score subject if you’re aware of the various mathematical formulas. The more I practice, the better I become in solving difficult sums and problems. My Maths teacher at school also taught us some useful tips and tricks to solve complex mathematical questions with speed and accuracy.

Mathematics is, therefore, an intriguing subject and it plays a vital role in our daily lives. The most amazing part of the subject is that it is the only subject where a student can score full marks and thereby raise his/her overall percentage.”

We hope the above essay on my favourite subject Mathematics would help young learners to get a clear idea about how to write an essay about their favourite subject and the points that they can include in the essay. To explore a set of captivating English essays for kids , you may check the linked article.

For a huge variety of absorbing content and attention-gripping study materials and resources, you can explore our Kids Learning section and gift your child the best learning experience.

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My Favourite Subject Essay 200 Words For Students

Mathematics, often regarded as a complex subject, is my favorite for its logical precision and the intellectual challenge it provides. This essay explores my passion for mathematics, the joy I derive from solving problems and the vital role it plays in everyday life.

As a student, we are introduced to an array of subjects, each encapsulating its own charm and challenges. However, above all, my heart resonates with the logical beauty and analytical rigor of Mathematics. This fascination for numbers, equations, and patterns has christened Mathematics my favourite subject. Here’s why:

Table of Contents

The Joy of Mathematics: My Favorite Subject Essay

One of the primary reasons I am drawn towards Mathematics is due to its robust logical framework. It forces me to think, reason, and deduce the solutions to various problems. For instance, to solve an equation, I must apply a systematic approach, and the thrill of arriving at the solution after a series of logical deductions is genuinely satisfying. This subject exercises my brain and sharpens my logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, which I believe are crucial for every aspect of life.

Mathematics: A Universal Language

Mathematics, in its essence, is a universal language. It transcends cultural, national, and linguistic barriers. Irrespective of where we are in this vast world, the language of Mathematics remains the same. The same set of numbers, symbols, and equations are used across the globe. This universality of Mathematics is truly fascinating to me.

Practical Applications in Real Life

Another captivating aspect of Mathematics is its myriad real-life applications. From calculating distances for our school trips to reconciling our pocket money, mathematics helps us make sense of the world around us. It aids in measuring angles, predicting outcomes, and understanding patterns and relationships. Thus, Mathematics, for me, is not merely a subject confined to textbooks, but a practical tool to navigate through everyday life.

The Challenge and The Triumph

Mathematics, admittedly, can be challenging. However, it is this very challenge that makes it rewarding. The joy of cracking a complex problem, the sigh of relief when a sum is finally solved, the triumph of overcoming a mathematical challenge – these experiences are unparalleled and unique to this subject. It doesn’t just boost my confidence but also fuels my passion for learning more.

Opening Doors to Future Opportunities

Finally, Mathematics is a gateway to numerous career opportunities. A strong foundation in Mathematics can open doors to fields like engineering, finance, data analysis, and more. As I aspire to pursue a career in one of these fields, my affinity for Mathematics continues to grow.

To conclude, my fondness for Mathematics is rooted not just in its logical nature or its real-world applications, but in the challenges it poses and the opportunities it presents. It’s a subject that is both intriguing and rewarding, challenging yet encompassing a sense of accomplishment. Indeed, Mathematics is my favorite subject, a universal language that stimulates my mind and fuels my future ambitions.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Favourite Subject’ For Classes 1, 2 & 3

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Favourite Subject’

10-line essay on ‘my favourite subject maths’, paragraph on ‘my favourite subject is english’, long essay on ‘my favourite subject is science’ for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my favourite subject’.

All of us have a favourite subject! Each subject is important, which is why they are included in the syllabus. We usually have one particular subject that we love the most out of all the subjects. Our favourite subject is the subject that binds us to our studies. 

Essay writing on a favourite subject will help improve a child’s thought process. It will strengthen their foundation of basic English grammar and vocabulary. It will also teach your child to give structure to their thought, and their creative writing will skill improve.

There are some significant points your kid needs to remember when they write an essay on their favourite subject. Let us guide your little one stepwise in this journey to compose a paragraph on the subject they love the most:

  • In the first step, let your child imagine the ideas they want to write about.
  • Let your child put down the ideas on paper in the second step. It will form a summary and help them cover all the points while writing the paragraph.
  • Next, guide your kid to form easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • Motivate your child not to get too descriptive in describing a single idea.
  • Help your child write with the flow, making them cherish writing the essay.
  • Your child can mention their favourite subject, why they love it, its scope, etc.

Your child’s favourite subject plays an important role in their academics. The following 10 lines will help your little one write about their favourite subject, Mathematics, for classes 1 and 2.

  • Maths is my favourite subject.
  • I find Maths very interesting.
  • I love playing with numbers.
  • I love to do addition and subtraction.
  • When I see numbers anywhere, I love to calculate them.
  • I love to listen to the numbers my mother needs to pay, in the form of money, when we go shopping.
  • I have developed this love for Maths from my mother.
  • She teaches me Maths in a very playful way.
  • Our Maths school teacher is also very helpful.
  • I want to be a great mathematician when I grow up.

Every child has a favourite subject. Let us help your child write a short essay on their favourite subject English:

English is my favourite subject. I love to read stories and poems. When I read, I feel I can see the characters and touch them. I can see the trees, mountains, and valleys and hear the animals and birds in the stories and poems. My favourite subject let me learn the basics of grammar that will help me throughout my life. Reading helps me learn new words every day. I love to write all these words and use them in daily life. I also like to know the spelling of the words and how to pronounce them. I get a lot of freedom to express my imagination with the help of new words.

The curriculum in school plays an essential role in your child’s development. Let us help your child write a beautiful paragraph on their favourite subject, Science. Class 3 students can refer to this to write an essay:

Each of us has a subject that we love the most in school! My favourite subject is Science. I am a curious person who relishes learning about how things happen. Science helps me find those answers in real life. This subject lets us see everything in a very practical way. Science is involved in every activity of nature that happens around us. The leaves sway in the direction in which the wind blows. I find observing these little things very interesting. I can study Science for a long time without getting bored. It is amazing to see the effects of the law of gravity in so many places. For example, when it rains, the raindrops fall from the sky, hit the ground, and do not keep floating in the air. When we throw a ball, it comes down. It happens because of the gravitational force. I think of great scientists whenever I study this subject. We did a science project in school, and I was amazed to learn how life evolved on this planet from a single cell called the amoeba. We did another project where we used a string to outline the cell, and then we stuck different pulses with glue to mark the inside. I love doing science projects we get in school. I look forward to the science class out of all the other classes on my timetable. Our science teacher guides us on how to do these assignments. At home, my mother helps me while I do the projects. My school holds science competitions and quiz contests once every few months. My father is a scientist. I want to be a scientist like him when I grow up because I love science!

When your child writes about their favourite subject, it encourages them to figure out the subject they love among all the subjects that they study in school. It expands their power of imagination and helps them express ideas on paper. This process lays the foundation of grammar and develops their creative writing skills. It also develops their linguistic skills and their vocabulary. Writing about their favourite subject weaves their bond with academics. They realise their love for their best-loved subject even more after writing about it. The act of writing also helps develop your child’s fine motor skills.

We hope the above article will help your little ones to write an amazing essay on their favourite subject. We’ve kept the language simple, and ensured that the concepts discussed are easy enough for your child to grasp. Your kid can take inspiration from the above write-up and pen down their essay on the given topic.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Subject Maths in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths


Mathematics, often known as Maths, is my favourite subject. It’s a unique field that combines logic and precision to solve problems.

Why I Love Maths

I love Maths because it’s practical and everywhere around us. From counting money to measuring distances, Maths is essential.

The Beauty of Maths

Maths is beautiful because it’s logical and consistent. Every problem has a solution, and there’s a thrill in finding it.

In conclusion, Maths is my favourite subject because it’s practical, logical, and consistent. It’s a fascinating field that I enjoy studying.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics, often regarded as a complex and intricate subject, is my favourite. The beauty of maths is in its logic and orderliness, and the satisfaction it provides when we solve a problem correctly. It’s not just a subject; it’s a universal language that helps us understand the world better.

The Beauty of Logic

Mathematics is all about logic and reasoning. It’s not about memorising formulas or equations, but about understanding them. The thrill of solving a complex problem by applying a theorem or formula is unparalleled. The logic behind every mathematical concept, from the Pythagorean theorem to calculus, is fascinating and intriguing.

Maths in Everyday Life

Mathematics is omnipresent in our daily lives. From calculating expenses to understanding the probability of an event, maths helps us make sense of the world around us. It’s the backbone of many fields such as physics, engineering, computer science, economics, and more.

Maths and Problem-Solving Skills

Mathematics enhances our problem-solving skills. It teaches us to approach problems methodically, breaking them down into simpler parts, and solving them step by step. This skill is not only beneficial in academics but also in our personal and professional lives.

Mathematics, with its universal applicability and logical reasoning, is a captivating subject. It’s a tool that helps us understand and navigate the world. The beauty of maths lies in the satisfaction of solving problems and the joy of learning new concepts. It’s not just a subject to me; it’s a way of life.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

The fascination for numbers.

My fascination for mathematics began at a young age. I was intrigued by the magical world of numbers and their patterns. The simple act of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division opened up a whole new world of possibilities. As I grew older, my interest in mathematics deepened. I found solace in the logical reasoning and the precise nature of this subject. It was not just about memorizing formulas, but understanding the underlying principles and applying them to solve complex problems.

The Elegance of Problem-Solving

One of the most captivating aspects of mathematics is problem-solving. It is like a puzzle that needs to be solved, requiring logical thinking and analytical skills. The process of identifying the problem, breaking it down into manageable parts, applying mathematical principles, and arriving at a solution is a thrilling experience. It is a test of patience, resilience, and perseverance. The satisfaction derived from solving a difficult mathematical problem is unparalleled.

Mathematics in Everyday Life

The beauty of abstract concepts.

As I ventured into advanced mathematics, I was introduced to abstract concepts such as calculus, complex numbers, and linear algebra. These concepts, though seemingly abstract, have profound real-world applications. Calculus, for instance, is integral to understanding the dynamics of change and motion. Complex numbers, on the other hand, are essential in electrical engineering and quantum mechanics. These abstract concepts provide a deeper understanding of the universe.

In conclusion, mathematics is my favourite subject because it is logical, precise, and applicable in everyday life. It encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It is a universal language that bridges the gap between theory and practice. Despite its challenges, the beauty of mathematics lies in its complexity and its ability to provide solutions to real-world problems. It is not just a subject, but a way of life.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Essay on My Favourite Subject for Children and Students

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Essay on My Favourite Subject for Children: My favourite subject is the one that I can study for hours without getting bored. It is the subject that I look forward to studying in my class as well as at home. It has not been the same all through the years I have been studying. Therefore it has changed from time to time.

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Everyone has different interest and their favourite subject varies based on the same. While mathematics is the favourite subject of some students others find it too difficult and despise it. Here are essays on ‘My Favourite Subject’ of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any My Favourite Subject essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Subject in English

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My Favourite Subject Essay 1 (200 words)

General Knowledge is and has always been my favourite subject. It was introduced to us in grade I and since then I have loved it. During grade I, we were taught common general knowledge things such as names of monuments, recognition of sports people and celebrities, recognition of country flags and the likes. I found it very interesting as I got to learn many new and interesting things.

I always looked forward to the general knowledge class in the school. As I grew up and went to higher classes, I did not only study the general knowledge books prescribed by the school but also borrowed such books from the library to expand my knowledge. Looking at my interest in the subject my father decided to subscribe to a monthly general knowledge magazine. I eagerly waited for it every month and finished reading the entire magazine in around three days.

I earn appreciation for my knowledge in this subject at school, home as well as in my friend circle. This inspires me to read and learn all the more. My teachers always recommended my name for GK quiz competitions. I have taken part in many such competitions and have also won many prizes for my school.

My Favourite Subject Essay 2 (300 words)


Ever since I was a pre-primary student, I loved drawing. I just loved drawing different things and colouring them. I always looked forward to the drawing class in school. It was my favourite part of the day. I also indulged in drawing as I came back from school. My parents bought me different types of colours including pencil colours, crayons and water colours.

My Love for Drawing

It was actually my mother who encouraged me to draw and colour. She tried to do so to distract me from watching television as she indulged in household tasks. However, drawing eventually became my favourite subject. I tried to draw different sceneries and other stuff and coloured them diligently. My mother soon enrolled me for drawing classes to hone my skills. I learned to draw a lot of new things in my drawing class. My drawing teacher also taught me different colouring techniques. It was quite fun. I went to the drawing classes for almost two years regularly. Even now that I am in V standard, I still join art and craft classes during my vacations. I have also leaned sketching and glass painting.

Environmental Studies – Another Favourite Subject

As I was promoted to standard I, few new subjects were introduced and environmental study was one of them. Apart from drawing, I also love environmental studies. This is because it gives knowledge about so many things happening around us. We learn about plants, animals, air, water and so much more by way of this subject. The facts learned in this subject can be applied in real life and that is what I like the most about it. We also require drawing diagrams in this subject and this is also one of the reasons it is one of my favourite subjects.

While drawing is my favourite subject, environmental studies comes a close second. Both the subjects are close to my heart and I can never get bored practicing any of these.

My Favourite Subject Essay 3 (400 words)

I am quite picky about a lot of things in life including friends, food and activities. Most people around me find my choices quite different and unique. My choice when it comes to subjects is also quite different. The subject that most students find boring seems quite interesting to me. I just love History. It is my favourite subject.

History – The Most Interesting Subject

People often laugh at me and question me about my choice when I tell them that History is my favourite subject. I, however, wonder why students don’t like such an interesting subject. History takes us to different eras and places and we learn so much from it. It is almost like time travelling for me. It associates us with our roots and gives more meaning to our life. I find it all very fascinating.

I love reading about the different kings and queens and how they managed the common people. Many of the kings in the history of India have been harsh on the commoners while there have also been some who have been very kind to them. They helped raise the standard of living of the people living under them. Besides, the chapters included in the syllabus I try to look for books on different events that took place in the history to learn and explore more about the same.

I have read in depth about how the British invaded our country and the way they began ruling it. These real life stories are far more intriguing than any of the works of fiction.

Another topic that I find interesting in this subject is the position of women in different eras and various dynasties. Women had to face a lot of injustice in the past. They were mostly confined to the household tasks and were not allowed to work outside. Their whole and sole duty was to serve their family by carrying out the household chores. They did not have the right to question or go against the will of the man of the house. Another disturbing fact was that the kings were allowed to marry as many times as they wanted and be in a relationship with all their wives simultaneously while queens were expected to be true to their husbands. It shows that we have come a long way since that time when it comes to gender equality.

I have always been fascinated by historical facts and monuments. Not just the Indian history, I love reading about the history of various countries.

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My Favourite Subject Essay 4 (500 words)

My favourite subject is English. I feel that, this is one subject that I can learn effortlessly. In fact, to me studying English does not feel like studying at all, it seems like pursuing a hobby. I also love geography and computer science and look forward to studying them. However, English has always been on the top of my list. I can study the English chapters anytime and anywhere.

Why is English My Favourite Subject?

One of the main reasons why I love English is that I like reading fiction and this subject gives me a chance to read a lot. My mother always told me a bed time story when I was a small kid. She soon brought books for me to read on my own. We made it a habit to read at the bed time before falling asleep. She read some novel or magazine for around half an hour and I read story books. I also developed the habit of reading all the chapters from my text books even before they were done in the class and still do the same. This helps me grasp better when those chapters are done in the class.

I also have flair in writing. It comes naturally to me and English is all about writing essays, articles, letters, long and short answers and other similar pieces. This is another reason why English has always been a hot favourite subject of mine.

Scoring High is a Breeze

I am an average student in my class. I score around 70% marks in my exams on an average. However, when it comes to English, I am the one who scores the highest. I score higher than even the brightest of students in the class. I leave behind the top rank holders too when it comes to this subject. Many of them even come to me to understand the subject better. This makes me proud of my skills in this subject. It is also a motivating factor for me. I try to enhance my skills even further. Be it English grammar or essay/ article writing or the question answers section in the exam – I am equally good in answering all these.

I believe it is all about ones interest. If something interests us, we put our entire mind and soul into it. The results then are bound to be excellent. This is the reason why I am able to score so well in English.

My English Teacher – My Inspiration

My English teachers have also been amazing so far. I am particularly fond of my current English teacher. She has in-depth knowledge about the subject. Besides, teaching us lessons included in the syllabus she also encourages us to read novels and short stories to improve our English. As reading interests me, I often seek her suggestion on which books to read. She is my role model and I aspire to be as good in the subject as her.

I aim to excel in English language and become a proficient writer in the subject as I grow up. I have discussed this plan with my parents and they completely support me in this direction.

My Favourite Subject Essay 5 (600 words)

Our interests keep changing from time to time. Be it our favourite colour, favourite food item, favourite person or favourite game – everything changes as we grow up and favourite subject is no exception. Many students love certain subjects in their primary classes but completely despise those subjects as they begin to get tougher year after year. My experience has been quite similar. I have also had a shift in interest and my favourite subject has changed with time.

Mathematics – My Favourite Subject

I have been a big fan of mathematics right from the time numbers were introduced to us in nursery. While my teacher had taught numbers up to 10, I learned counting up to 50 with the help of my mother. I was so curious and keen on learning this subject that I soon began learning addition. My mother introduced fun ways of learning addition by the use of different things such as spoons, oranges, soft toys. I also learned subtraction using such innovative methods.

Looking at my interest in the subject, my mother soon made me join abacus class. I also accompanied her to the toy shop to get an abacus for myself. I simply loved doing calculations using this ancient method of learning maths. Joining abacus helped me enhance my knowledge about the subject. It laid a strong base for me and I performed extremely well in the subject. I scored high in maths. Most of the times, I got full marks in it.

I practiced the problem sums quite often. Whenever I was asked to study, I opened my mathematics book and began solving the sums. I cleared the maths Olympiad with good score. I was also sent for quite a few inter-school maths competitions. Many of my classmates came to me seek help in the subject. Many still come to me to learn different topics. I help them with the subject whenever they need any kind of assistance.

My Love for French

While I am still good in mathematics and my name is recommended for various mathematics competitions, I personally have grown fond of French ever since I have entered sixth standard. We had an option of choosing between Sanskrit and French as a third subject in grade sixth and I decided to go for French. While my parents insisted that I should take up Sanskrit as my mother is well versed with the subject and could help me with it, I convinced them otherwise. Though, they did not like the idea initially however they realized I took the right decision after I started scoring high in the subject. I was always keen on learning foreign language. It was something new and fresh and thus I was interested in it.

My interest in the subject keeps me glued to it. Besides, since I took it up against the wish of my parents, I learn it with all the more zeal to prove to them that my decision was right. My French teacher is quite helpful and supportive. Her method of teaching is quite innovative. She makes us understand this new language with ease. She has made learning so much fun and interesting. I always look forward to the French class. Me and my friends also try to use the sentences we have learned as we converse with each other. I have also started following French artists and listening to French songs.

French has certainly become my favourite subject and mathematics is my second favourite subject now. I am planning to leave Hindi and take up French when the option to choose between the two is given in the ninth standard. I might even take it up as a main subject during graduation.

Long Essay on my Favourite Subject – Essay 6 (800 Words)

Science is one of my favourite subjects in school; in fact, it is the most favourite subject of mine. Logic makes science interesting and the fact that a principle of science applies to our everyday activities, makes it more interesting. Early morning dew drops over flowers, is science; the flying of birds is science; flowing of water in our taps is science; boiling of rice is a science; the running of electric motor and the occurrence of dawn and dusk, all have a scientific principle working from behind. You might not notice or could be oblivious of its presence, but science is always there in the things you do or witness.

What is Science?

Science is a systematic study of observing, analyzing, recording and finding logical justification for an event or activity. Science provides a logical explanation to every incident from – pricking of skin and feeling of pain to the Landing of space ship on moon.

One of the most interesting facts about science is that, it is in a continuous process of development and there seem to be no end to it. Scientific principles have come a long way from Stone Age to today’s modern world equipped with jets and satellites. This development, however, has been made possible only by humans and their curiosity to explore. Man’s desire to find out reason and improve his surroundings, has led to scientific and technological developments that we see today and the exploration still continues.

Modern science of today as we know is divided into three branches. Firstly, natural science consisting of physics, chemistry and biology; secondly, formal science, consisting of logic and mathematics and thirdly, social sciences consisting of economics, psychology and sociology.

Advantages of Science

The advantages of science are so many that it isn’t able to mention all of them in this article. We will go through some of the basic advantages of science in our daily life. Science has made our living easy, comfortable and secured.

Today we live in houses with all the comforts which have been made possible only due to thousands of years of scientific research and development. Science has made it possible for humans to instantly communicate even when separated by thousands of miles. Today it is possible to travel thousands of miles in just couple of hours; which has been made possible only through science and its development.

All the modern equipments one can’t part with like – mobile phones, computers, laptops, bike etc, have been created applying very basic principles of science and further developing the idea.

Science has also made our life more secure both from natural calamities as well as from diseases. Today we know beforehand when a storm is going to arrive or have the prior information of an oncoming natural calamity. This has been made possible only by advancements in earth and climatic sciences.

Similarly, advancement in medical sciences has led to invention of life saving drugs and vaccines against diseases like cholera, malaria and diarrhea etc. Today life expectancy is increased as never before; thanks to the advancement in medical sciences.

Disadvantages of Science

Despite having numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages of science. The most common disadvantages of science are over dependence and irresponsible handling. Today we depend so much on our scientific gadgets and technology that it is impossible to live a day without them. Over dependence has made us lethargic and lazy. We resist walking for even few miles and rather prefer to take a cab. Science and technology has invaded our everyday life up to dangerous level and made us victims of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and blood pressure.

You must have heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”. It fits extremely well in the scenario of science and human’s curiosity to explore it. History is replete with many scientific experiments which took potentially dangerous turn for ex – project MKUltra one of the CIA’s most shocking programs of all times killing nearly 10000 Americans and the Trinity test, a detonation of first ever nuclear bomb in the desert of New Mexico on 16 th July 1945.

Nazis carried out medical experiments on thousands of prisoners, grossly neglecting human life and dignity. Prisoners were injected with deadly viruses and poisonous substances and were made human guinea pigs. But, despite the fatal consequences man’s quest for experiments and explanations continued.

Science is an absolute necessity and its principles are applied in almost all of our everyday activities and gadgets, devices or instruments we use. Advancement in science is also unavoidable, but care must be taken in order to not cause harm or injury to humans or any other living being. Carelessly and abruptly executed scientific experiments could have fatal consequences and history has hundreds of such incidents to retrospect. Such experiments must be carried under the supervision of a trained scientific or instructor.

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  • Kids Learning

My Favourite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students

Essay on my favourite subject for class 3 students.

Writing an essay on My Favorite Subject in English helps students from class 3 to express why the subject is close to them and what makes it interesting for them. Here, Vedantu has provided a Short Essay on My Favorite Subject for Class 3 Students so that it becomes easier for them to understand the importance of the subject and compose an essay on a topic of My Favorite Subject. 

All students have one favorite subject out of all the different subjects they study at school. For most of the students, English is their favorite subject. English is one of the most interesting subjects. Students from class 3 can learn new words and read so many wonderful stories with English subjects. English not only helps students from class 3 to write better but also teaches them many new lessons.

Essay writing tasks are introduced in the syllabus of junior school so as to improve the English writing skills of young kids. It also helps the kids learn to put their ideas into meaningful sentences and paragraphs. While writing an essay on ‘My Favorite Subject’, kids will be able to communicate what exactly they are interested in when it comes to academics. We at Vedantu have come up with two essays on ‘My Favorite Subject’ that are easy to understand for the kids of class 3.

My Favorite Subject: Mathematics

My favorite subject is Mathematics and Miss Olivera teaches us this subject in school. Our school has given us three books on this subject. One book is for mental math, another book is full of worksheets and the third book has all the chapters explained with example sums.

Of all the subjects, I like doing math homework the most. I like solving the sums on double-digit addition and carry over subtraction. Whenever my mother takes me to the market along with her, I try to add up all the money spent before the shopkeeper makes the bill. Sometimes I can add it faster than the shopkeeper does.  

I also like to solve the sums on Time and Calendar. My friends and I make teams and play games on time sums, at school. Another Math chapter that I find very interesting is Metric Measures. I do not like to learn all the conversions in this chapter, but I love to measure the lengths of my play tent and my teddy bear with a ruler. My father asks me to convert the length of my play tent into the other units of length that are given in my Math book. He keeps giving me a new task every day to calculate something.

My father helps me with my mathematics homework on the weekends. He always sets a timer on his mobile phone and asks me to finish all the sums within that time. He takes me out for an ice-cream treat whenever I am able to finish all the sums before the timer goes off. He keeps on telling me that I will be able to do good in Math if I practice more. 

My Favorite Subject: English

My favorite subject is English and I love to read the stories in my English book. Miss Stephen is our English teacher at school. Our school follows two textbooks for English of which one is for English Grammar and another is for English Literature. Most of the stories and poems in my English book have interesting pictures illustrating the main plot. These pictures help me to understand the stories even better. 

I get to learn many new words from each chapter in my English book. The meanings of the new words in every chapter are always given at the end of it. I find it very interesting to make sentences with every new English word that I learn. Also, our English teacher gives us five new vocabulary words to learn at home, every week. We have to write a spelling test on these vocabulary words, at the beginning of every week. I like to use these new vocabulary words when I write or speak to others in English. 

In our school, inter-house competitions are held every month and I always participate in the activity of creative writing. All the stories and poems that I get to learn in the English classes help me perform better in this inter-house activity. My mother always tells me to write simple sentences in English so that the reader can understand my message. I love creative writing tasks as I get an opportunity to explore my imaginations more and to express my thoughts into words.

English is not only a regular subject but it also has a creative side. I like to write and express myself with these writings. English being my favorite subject, I love to read books and write poems and poetries too. This helps me with exploring my skills to write and communicate by learning new words every day through various lessons from the textbook.

One of the main reasons why English is my favorite subject out of all the subjects is because our English teacher is very kind and she teaches us very well. English is a subject that I want to learn more and more about in future.

In English, I not only study grammar but also get to read many different interesting stories and poems. The lessons contained in the English subject have interesting stories and poems that help me improve my reading skills as well as writing skills. When I read these stories and poems from English, I can relate to the characters and love to learn more about them.

10 Lines on English Is My Favorite Subject

English is my favorite subject out of all the subjects that I study in school.

English also helps me express myself and write on different topics by myself.

I like studying English and learning the grammatical rules that help me write better.

Our English teacher is very kind and teaches us very well, which helps me to learn better.

My vocabulary improves as I learn each lesson of the English subject.

I love English as a subject. It gives me an opportunity to explore my writing skills and reading skills.

English is more interesting for me than all the other subjects I learn in school.

I like reading stories and poems from my English textbook. It helps me to improve my English language and also experience many different new stories.

English is a very nice language, and it is a pleasure to learn more about it.

The stories from English also teach me various lessons and morals that help me become a better person.

FAQs on My Favourite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students

1. How to Write an Essay on ‘My Favourite Subject’ for Class 3?

The essays for class 3 kids should contain at least three paragraphs. The first paragraph of the essay on ‘My Favorite Subject’ will be an introduction stating why the kid is fond of the subject. They may also write basic information about the books they have for the subject. In the next two paragraphs, a little detail has to be given, as to how the kid understands the subject and the things that make it more interesting for the kid. They may also write how they like the tasks they get to do on the subject and how these tasks are helpful in enhancing their knowledge.

2. What are the Important Points to be Covered in the Essay on ‘My Favorite Subject’ for Class 3?

The following points will help the kids of class 3 to frame the essay on ‘My Favorite Subject’.

Which is your favorite subject?

Who teaches you this subject?

What books do you like to read on this subject?

What new things do you like to learn on this subject?

How do you like to perform various new tasks on this subject?

How do you apply the new things you learn in this subject in your day-to-day life?

3. Where can students from class 3 get My Favorite Subject Essay in English?

Students from class 3 can get My Favorite Subject Essay in English from Vedantu. With the help of My Favorite Subject Essay in English, students from class 3 can express their views about their favorite subject. Short Essay on My Favorite Subject provided on Vedantu gives students from class 3 to express what captivates their interest towards it and write their thoughts in class and exams. For browsing an exciting collection of interesting worksheets and study materials, students from class 3 can visit Vedantu’s official website and discover more.

4. How to write an essay for My Favorite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students?

Writing an essay on my favorite subject English is a delightful moment for students from class 3 to convey what fascinates them about their most-liked subject. Vedantu has provided a Short Essay on My Favorite Subject to help students write an essay on My Favorite Subject in the most appropriate manner. Vedantu also contains essays of various subjects in English for students from class 3. Students can visit Vedantu’s official website to browse Essays in English for Class 3 and improve their writing skills.

5. What are the benefits of referring to My Favorite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students?

Referring to My Favorite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students helps students express their thoughts and views in simple words. With the help of Vedantu’s My Favorite Subject Essay in English for Class 3, students can learn writing tone as well as new words to write an essay for My Favorite Subject in English. It also enables students to write sentences correctly and appropriately. Vedantu’s My Favorite Subject Essay is presented in simple words so that students from class 3 can use this content while writing a short essay or in a speech in class or at any school competition.

Kids-learning • Class 3 – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My Favourite Subject English

School can be a dreaded place for some, when the reality is that it can be a great learning environment. One of the best things about school is that there are so many different subject areas to explore. From mathematics to science and from history to literature, there’s something for everyone.

Every student has their own capabilities and according to that they choose their subjects. Today we will discuss about my favourite subject English in detail.

Short and Long My Favourite Subject English Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Favourite Subject English in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on My Favourite Subject English.

My Favourite Suject English Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) English is one of my favourite subjects as it allows me to express myself in a unique way.

2) I love reading English literature as it gives me a better understanding of the language.

3) English is a very diverse language and it helps me to understand different cultures.

4) English is also a great way to communicate with people from different countries.

5) Writing in English is one of my favourite activities.

6) All thanks to my English teacher, she teaches us so well.

7) English literature is very interesting as it allows me to explore different themes and topics.

8) I also enjoy studying different accents of English to better understand the language.

9) Speaking English also helps me to communicate with people from other countries and broaden my knowledge.

10) My favourite subject English is very useful everywhere in my life.

Short Essay on My Favourite Subject English (250 – 300 Words)


English is one of my favourite subjects. It has been a part of my life since I started school and has remained so even today. English comprises of a variety of skills including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and comprehension. As a language, English enables me to communicate with people from all over the world, and as a subject, English has enabled me to gain deep insights into literature and culture from around the world.

Reasons for Loving English

Reading: I love reading books, newspapers, magazines and other literary works. These not only help me to improve my language but also give me an insight into the lives of people from different walks of life. I especially enjoy reading novels and short stories as they help me to learn about different cultures, values and beliefs.

Writing: Writing is another skill that I have developed over the years. I enjoy the process of creating a piece of writing and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. Writing helps me to express my thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.

Speaking and Listening: English has also helped me to become a better listener. Listening is a skill that is essential for effective communication and by honing this skill, I have been able to create meaningful conversations with people from around the world.

Literature and Culture: English has also helped me to gain an understanding of different cultures. Through reading literature from different parts of the world, I have gained an appreciation for different cultures and traditions. This has helped me to become a more open-minded and tolerant individual.

English has been an integral part of my life and I will continue to enjoy it for many years to come. It has helped me to become a better reader, writer, listener, and communicator. It has also enabled me to gain an understanding of different cultures and values from around the world. For these reasons, English is my favourite subject.

Long Essay on My Favourite Subject English (500 Words)

English has been my favorite subject throughout my academic career. From the beginning of my schooling days, English has been my favorite subject and I have been an ardent student of this language. This subject has helped me to understand the world around me by reading and writing, and also to communicate effectively with others.

What Makes English Interesting

English is unique in its structure, versatility and usage. English is normally used as common language for international communication. It is also the language used by most of the world’s major publishing houses, academics and DVD releases. I like the fact that English is constantly evolving and even though it is considered a relatively “old” language, it still has its place as the international language of communication.

English has a rich history, from its roots in Anglo-Saxon, to being spoken by William Shakespeare and being used in literature and songs for centuries. I find the history of English fascinating and I enjoy learning about it.

I also find English fun to use and it is the primary language I use to communicate with my friends and family. I find it easier to express my thoughts and feelings using English, so it is a pleasure to be able to use it.

Reasons for English Being My Favourite Subject

1. It Enhances My Knowledge:

English is a language that has the power to enhance my knowledge and understanding of the world around me. It helps me to interpret the information that I read more effectively and to think critically about it. I am able to understand the nuances of other cultures and to appreciate the beauty of their language.

2. It Improves My Writing Skills:

English also helps me to improve my writing skills. I have developed the art of writing through reading and practicing. I have learned to express my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. I have also learned to use the correct grammar and syntax in my writing.

3. It Enhances My Communication Skills:

English has helped me to enhance my communication skills. I have improved my ability to articulate my thoughts. I have learned to communicate more effectively with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

4. It Helps Me Express Myself:

English has also helped me to express myself more properly. I have learned to express my emotions and opinions in a more meaningful way. I have also become more confident in expressing my views and opinions in public.

English is an essential language in today’s world and is the language of communication. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn and master this language. It has helped me to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around me, to communicate effectively with others, and to express myself more confidently.

I hope the above provided essay on My Favourite Subject English will be helpful for you to know about English language and why it is my favourite subject.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Subject English

Ans. English is the official language of about 67 countries.

Ans. With English as main subject, students can become a lecturer, a copywriter, content writer, anchor, librarian, magazine or news editor, etc.

Ans. The main types of English are British English, American English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

Ans. William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Rudyard Kipling, T.S. Eliot, John Milton, etc.

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  1. Essay on My Favourite Subject

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  2. Essay on My Favourite Subject, Write an Essay on My Favourite Subject par Essay English mein

    my favourite subject essay 50 words

  3. My Favourite Subject Paragraph

    my favourite subject essay 50 words

  4. My Favorite Subject Free Essay Example

    my favourite subject essay 50 words

  5. My Favourite Subject English Paragraph

    my favourite subject essay 50 words

  6. My Favourite Subject As English

    my favourite subject essay 50 words


  1. Essay On My Favourite Subject (Short & Long)

    For me, my favourite subject is English. I love reading and writing, and I appreciate the opportunity to express myself through language. English has always been a part of my life. As a child, I remember spending hours reading stories and poems. I was fascinated by the way words could be used to create beautiful images in my mind.

  2. My Favourite Subject

    My Favourite Subject - Essay 1. As a student, each of us has some favourite subjects. A favourite subject is something we can repeatedly read without getting bored. We are always on our toes to read our favourite subject. However, at school, we can see that some students perform well in all subjects. The count of such students is less.

  3. My Favourite Subject Essay

    200 Words Essay On My Favourite Subject. My favourite subject is mathematics. Mathematics is not just a subject but a tool to understand and solve problems in real life. The subject requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. It is a subject that can be applied to many other fields, such as physics, engineering, and ...

  4. Essay on My Favourite Subject for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject. As a student, everyone excels in some subjects and not in the others. Of course, there are some students who do well in all of them, but that number is low. However, almost every student has a favourite subject. It does not matter if it's related to academics or arts. Personally, my favorite subject is ...

  5. Essay on My Favourite Subject

    500 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject Introduction. My favourite subject is Mathematics, a discipline that many find intimidating, but which I find exhilarating. Mathematics is the universal language that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, making it a truly global subject. It is the bedrock of many fields such as physics ...

  6. Essay on My Favorite Subject English

    500 Words Essay on My Favorite Subject English Introduction. English, as a subject, has always held a special place in my academic journey. It is not merely a subject but a vast ocean of knowledge, a gateway to different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. My affinity towards English is not just about its linguistic aspects but also the profound ...

  7. How To Write An Essay On My Favourite Subject? Examples

    Essay On My Favourite Subject 200 Words. My favourite subject is Mathematics. It is a fascinating subject with the power to solve real-world problems and understand the world around us. It involves critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in any field.

  8. My Favourite Subject Essay

    Essay on My Favourite Subject. We start school. We are introduced to many subjects. There are some subjects that we are scared of. There are some subjects that we are comfortable with. And then there is that one subject that is closer to our heart. For me, that is science or Physics, as some may call it.

  9. Essay On My Favourite Subject For Students

    In conclusion, My favourite subject English has contributed a lot to my personal growth. It offered me to develop good writing and reading habits. Both these habits helped me understand other subjects well and write creative answers to questions asked in the examinations. The Subject has also won multiple prizes and awards in writing competitions.

  10. My Favourite Subject Essay for Students in English [Easy Words*]

    It is interesting because of the variety in the subject and the many options explored, mainly Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. My favourite subject is Biology because the human body's study fascinates me, and I especially enjoy units on how different organs and organ systems function, such as the heart. Chemistry is interesting too because it ...

  11. Essay on My Favourite Subject

    You can find below two essays each. One Long Essay on My Favourite Subject with a word limit of 600 and another Short Essay on My Favourite Subject with a word limit of 200. Both essays can be used for assignment and tests. Long Essay on My Favourite Subject 600 Words in English. My Favourite Subject Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9 ...

  12. Essay on My Favourite Subject

    Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Subject. In conclusion, science is my favorite subject because it offers endless opportunities for exploration, hands-on learning, and discovery. It has real-world applications that improve our lives, and it allows me to solve puzzles and appreciate the beauty of nature in a whole new way.

  13. 100 Words Essay on Why I Like English Subject

    Conclusion: There are many reasons why I like the English subject. English is a useful and versatile language that opens up a world of opportunities. It is the language of literature, culture, and communication. Studying English has helped me to become a well-rounded individual who is prepared for success in the 21st century.

  14. Essay on My Favourite Subject for Children and Students

    My Favourite Subject Essay 2 (300 words) Introduction. Ever since I was a pre-primary student, I loved drawing. I just loved drawing different things and colouring them. I always looked forward to the drawing class in school. It was my favourite part of the day. I also indulged in drawing as I came back from school.

  15. Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Science [100, 200, 400 Words] With

    Advertisement In this lesson, you are going to learn how you can write short essays on your favourite subject science. Here will be three sets of essays written on the same topic, covering different word limits. Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Science in 100 Words In our school days, as a student, we have...

  16. Essay on My Favourite Subject

    My Favorite Subject Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) I like all the subjects but I love English more. 2) The teacher who teaches me English is very kind and helpful. 3) This subject teaches me how to talk in English. 4) Learning this subject helps me to express myself more clearly.

  17. My Favourite Subject Mathematics Essay For Kids

    My Favourite Subject Maths Essay For Kids. "Mathematics is my favourite subject as I love to solve mathematical problems like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. I enjoy playing with numbers and it gives me an immense level of satisfaction when I'm able to solve a mathematical problem without any hassle.

  18. My Favourite Subject Essay 200 Words For Students

    By Angelina October 24, 2023. Mathematics, often regarded as a complex subject, is my favorite for its logical precision and the intellectual challenge it provides. This essay explores my passion for mathematics, the joy I derive from solving problems and the vital role it plays in everyday life. As a student, we are introduced to an array of ...

  19. My Favourite Subject Essay in English for Classes 1,2,3 Students: 10

    Let us help your child write a beautiful paragraph on their favourite subject, Science. Class 3 students can refer to this to write an essay: ADVERTISEMENTS. Each of us has a subject that we love the most in school! My favourite subject is Science. I am a curious person who relishes learning about how things happen.

  20. 100 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

    Conclusion. In conclusion, mathematics is my favourite subject because it is logical, precise, and applicable in everyday life. It encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It is a universal language that bridges the gap between theory and practice. Despite its challenges, the beauty of mathematics lies in its ...

  21. Essay on My Favourite Subject for Children and Students

    My Favourite Subject Essay 1 (200 words) General Knowledge is and has always been my favourite subject. It was introduced to us in grade I and since then I have loved it. During grade I, we were taught common general knowledge things such as names of monuments, recognition of sports people and celebrities, recognition of country flags and the ...

  22. My Favourite Subject Essay in English for Class 3 Students

    Short Essay on My Favorite Subject provided on Vedantu gives students from class 3 to express what captivates their interest towards it and write their thoughts in class and exams. For browsing an exciting collection of interesting worksheets and study materials, students from class 3 can visit Vedantu's official website and discover more. 4.

  23. Essay on My Favourite Subject English

    My Favourite Suject English Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) English is one of my favourite subjects as it allows me to express myself in a unique way. 2) I love reading English literature as it gives me a better understanding of the language. 3) English is a very diverse language and it helps me to understand different cultures.