music lesson assignment sheet

The New Music Assignment Book

by Lauren Lewandowski | Jul 30, 2020 | Teaching/Practice Tips

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As a new school year approaches and the pandemic continues, I know many students are in need of something to lift their spirits right now! I created this new Music Assignment Book to include practice goals for students, reference sheets, and even spaces to highlight positive elements from music lessons. Students need this right now!

music lesson assignment sheet

The Music Assignment Book Includes:

1. a beautiful, colorful cover to brighten anyone’s mood.

music lesson assignment sheet

2. Fifty-two weeks of assignment pages with space to make a practice goal for the week

3. a practice log is included with each weekly assignment..

Teachers and set the weekly practice goal as a particular number of days to practice, or set the goal as a total number of minutes for the student to practice during the week.    Use the empty box at the end of the weekly schedule to award students. Younger students may enjoy receiving a sticker if their weekly goal is met. Other ideas include giving students a letter grade or stars based on how their weekly goal was met. For example, the teacher can tell the student they receive 3 stars if the goal was met, 1-2 stars if the goal was partially met, or 0 stars if there was no practice. If teaching online lessons, students may write down their own assignment and discuss their practice with teachers the following week. Students can then grade their own practice!

music assignment book

4. An appendix with:

  • Common musical terms and tempo markings (Great reference for online lessons)
  • Rhythm charts with note and rest values for simple and complex meter
  • Students can record composers they learn within the four musical time periods
  • Space to notate favorite pieces and special achievements (Students really need to highlight anything positive right now!)
  • Blank staff paper
  • Blank paper for notes

music assignment book

Buy the Music Assignment Book

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Lauren teaches piano to students of all ages. She enjoys creating resources for her students and teachers. She is the author of Ready for Theory®. For personalized help, check out the consultations page for teachers .

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CSV File for Expressive Movement Videos

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Would you like to have another fun musical assignment you can use both in your lessons and to assign for at-home practice, especially for your littles? Expressive movement videos might be a perfect addition to your teaching mix.

Expressive movement takes from philosophies like Dalcroze and gets students moving to music in a way that reflects the patterns, form, and expressive quality of the music.

I first shared about these videos in a full blog post in 2022, which includes a compilation of  15 videos I found on YouTube.

Expressive Movement Videos for Preschool Lessons and Group Classes

Today, I’m expanding on that post to bring you a free downloadable resource to help you assign these videos to students during the week.

This file will be most useful for those who are using a digital practice app that will allow you to bulk-load assignments using CSV files . Don’t worry, though; even if you don’t use an online app, you could still use this spreadsheet to copy and paste text to create your own assignments.

  • Group Classes

Group Class Lesson Planning Made Easy

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Ever since I started teaching piano full-time just over ten years ago, group classes have always been part of my studio offerings in one way or another.

While we’re not necessarily going to cover the variety of group class format options in this post ( check out episode 3 of The Piano Pantry Podcast for that ), I do want to share an overall group class lesson plan format that has consistently proven successful for all of my group classes no matter the level.

In this post, I’ll be referring to the style of a group class that is more of an occasional enrichment class, not a weekly “group piano lesson.”

Each class generally includes five key areas :

  • Student gathering/entrance
  • Performances (and directed active listening)
  • Audiation Activities (ear-training)
  • Ensemble Work (sightreading)
  • Music Theory Games

In this post, we’ll discuss why each area is important and share some of my favorite go-to resources.

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  • Friday Finds

Friday Finds #202 Planning for a New Semester

Friday Finds January Blog Post

The beginning of a new semester always seems to bring with it a little extra work. This is the time many teachers sit down and consider what’s coming up in the weeks and months ahead for each individual student.

There may be students who are preparing for a competition or non-competitive festival, students preparing a senior recital, or students getting started playing in their church’s worship band or accompanying congregational singing.

I tell myself ahead of time to not worry about getting much else done that first week of the semester as most of my time outside of lessons will be dedicated to student planning.

Here are some resources to help you with your planning plus a few other end-of-week goodies.

Cheers to One Word (for Teachers) | Beyond Measure Podcast with Christina Whitlock

A tried-and-true one-word-philosophy strategy to help busy teachers keep focused on what matters most.

Lesson Planning – A King-Size Master Spreadsheet | Amy Chaplin –

If an online program like Tonara isn’t right for you, the best thing I ever did for my lesson planning life was to create one big spreadsheet.

Lesson Plan Templates for Teachers | Tim Topham – TopMusic.Co

Free downloads of a variety of weekly and quarterly lesson plan templates.

Born to run (things) | Seth Godin

Why Bruce Springstein is proof talent is overrated.

Lessons Learned Teaching Online and Applying Them for Lessons In-Person | Marilyn Floyd –

3 Useful Styles of Lesson Plans for Piano Teachers | Nicola Cantan

Introducing time-based, categories, and mine-mapping styles of lesson plans.

A Piano Teacher’s Planning Kit |

Purchasable resource with a lesson template, a sample lesson assignment sheet, sample scope and sequence, and practice strategies for practice stages.

CPTP112: Having Mission & Planning Lessons Effectively w/ Leila Viss

Tips for planning lessons effectively for both groups and individual lessons.

A 5-Step Formula for Easy Lesson Planning | Dr. Sally Cathcart – The Curious Piano Teachers

5 Changes to My Piano Lesson Planning that Have Saved My Sanity | Andrea Down – Teach Piano Today

Creating & Sharing Student Growth Plans in 5 Easy Steps | Rosemarie Penner –

  • Music Theory
  • Online Teaching

A Simple (and Free) Video Supplement to Support Your Online Teaching

music lesson assignment sheet

Are you looking for a few extra (but simple) tools to help you with your new journey into online teaching?

Here’s one you may not have even considered!

A free compilation of 48 of the best music-theory videos from all over the web is available here on Piano Pantry.

How can this video series help make your life easier over the coming weeks?

The videos have been leveled into four sets based on the rough/general order in which concepts are introduced in most piano methods.

You can quickly and easily access videos that help reinforce new concepts your students may be learning. Here are a few examples of videos in each set:

  • Key names and the music alphabet
  • How to draw the treble and bass clef
  • Landmark notes
  • Skips alphabet on the staff
  • Sharps, flats, and naturals
  • How to build major and minor triads
  • AB and ABA Form
  • Chord inversions
  • Circle of fifths
  • Scale degree names
  • Augmented intervals
  • Double sharps and flats

Before, during, or after your online lesson, grab the link and text or email it to students/parents. (If you use a program such as Tonara , simply attach a link to the video in a theory lesson assignment. Easy!)

Should these videos replace a lesson? No!

Are they an easy and fun way to provide additional e-learning to your students? Yes!

Access the video series here.

Here’s a screenshot showing a few videos that are included in the series:

music lesson assignment sheet

Tracking Sheet

If you’re interested in having a way to keep track of what videos you’ve assigned to each student, find the 3-page guide that accompanies this series in the Shop or add it to your shopping cart now.

P.S. All music labs are studio licenses, so you can print it as much as you need for your students.

$9.00 – Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart

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Related Resources

If you’re interested in more resources like this, there are four more video series available you can access through the Menu > Resources.

  • Christmas Music Videos
  • Halloween Music Videos

Expressive Movement Videos

  • Fun Music Videos

Several of these – including the music theory videos mentioned in today’s post – can be used as part of an off-bench lab time at your studio or given as assignments online utilizing a digital assignment tool.

There are ten different lab resources available in the Piano Pantry shop .  For more detailed information on each, see the posts linked below.

1) Essentials of Music Theory Details here:  My Favorite Computer-Based Program for Music Lab Time

2) Fun Music Videos Details here:  More Than 100 Videos for Your Music Lab

3) Holiday Lab – Halloween Details here:  Halloween Music Videos Listening Activity

4)  Holiday Lab – Christmas Details here:  Christmas Music Videos Listening Activity

5) Music Theory Videos Details here:  More Than 100 Videos for Your Music Lab

6) Piano Explorer Magazine *04/2021 Update: Unfortunately,  Piano Explorer Magazine has been discontinued

7) Rhythm Cat HD Details here:  Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time

8) Rhythm Lab Details here:  Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time

9) Staff Wars Details here:  Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time

10) Waay Details here:  Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time

  • Holiday / Seasonal
  • Organization & Productivity

December Fun: Christmas Games and Activities for Your Studio

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Are you looking for ideas on fun “off-bench” activities to use in this Christmas season? Look no further! Today, I’m going to share some of my favorite games and resources that I return to year after year, along with tips for each one.

First, let me briefly share how I store my holiday games. We have to stay organized, right?

Storing Games (Both Hard-Copy and Digital)

music lesson assignment sheet

(P.S. The A4 size is nice because if you laminate a letter size sheet, the lamination makes it larger.)

It’s not a cheap way to store games as they’re almost $1 apiece, so I’m currently only storing my holiday-themed games in these. The rest of my games are stored in hanging files in a file drawer. (I’ll write a post on that another day!)

The digital files are stored in my cloud file manager.

music lesson assignment sheet

From there, I name files for what they are. This allows me to see how many games, for example, I have, how many worksheets, etc.

music lesson assignment sheet

Favorite Christmas-Themed Activities

In no particular order…

Holiday Rhythm Cups from Wendy Stevens at Compose Create.

This is a great way to have fun with rhythm in a unique and collaborative way. The set includes three songs in three levels: Deck the Halls, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Joy to the World.

Check out a clip of my students having fun with “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

12 Ways to Turn a Potentially Frustrating Lesson into a Musical Opportunity

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Awhile back I wrote an article for Alfred Music Blog called Learning Music in a Quick-Fix Society: 7 Tips to Foster Music for Life .  In the article, I share seven ways we can help create an environment that fosters the mindset that learning music is more than just a short-term activity.

One of those seven items was that, as teachers, we shouldn’t feel frustrated when students come to lessons either without their books or having made little progress. (Of course, if it’s an ongoing issue, that another story.)

It can be very easy to get irritated at students and in turn, have the lesson take on a sour note and be a negative experience. On the other hand, if we keep in mind that life happens and music lessons are an ongoing commitment, we can look at it as an opportunity rather than a failure.

Here are 12 ways we can turn a potentially negative, frustrating lesson into a positive musical experience. You don’t even have to pick just one! Set a timer and tell the student every 5 minutes you’re going to switch activities!

Manipulatives and Piano Games for Private and Group Lessons

music lesson assignment sheet

How many manipulatives, piano games, and other resources do you have in your music studio? You probably don’t even have to count to know the answer. A lot!  Am I right?

Keeping track of all our teaching resources can be a daunting task. Lesson planning for private and group music classes can be enough work in itself without having to continuously recall and rehash all the different manipulatives and games we have each time we plan.

After finding myself physically walking back and forth regularly to my game files, flashcard box, and such, I decided it was time to put together a master list of every activity or manipulative I had or could use to teach a concept .

It can be very easy to lose track of what we already have. Having a document like this has allowed me to not only have an easy place to reference what activities I could utilize at any given time, but it was an awesome snapshot and inventory of what I owned.

Keeping a master list is also a great place to keep teaching ideas that may not necessarily have physical items to accompany the activity.

I thought you might find this document useful as well.

The Master List

Since it is a document that I update on a regular basis, I decided to simply share the public link to a Google Doc. Keep in mind that it’s a working document so it’s possible I will add to, edit, and even remove items as time goes by.

There are three ways you could utilize this document

  • If you want to keep the document as is and not risk being at the mercy of my future edits, you could download it.
  • If you want to always see the updated version, I would recommend bookmarking the link in your browser. This way, you simply click on the link, and you always see the most updated version.
  • If you wanted to create your own list, you could even copy and paste it into your own document to get you started and create your own version with the materials you have!

May this document help you add a little more sanity to your lesson planning and studio organizational life. 🙂

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*By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you’re signing up for my email list and agree to receive regular communication (generally once a week).

A Great Game for Reviewing Major Chords and 5-Finger Patterns

Don’t you just love it when you come up with an activity or game that turns out to be a real winner, making you wish you had thought of it sooner? I had one of those moments recently when reviewing major chords and 5-finger patterns and wanted to share the activity with you.

I was looking for a fun way to review all the 5-finger patterns and chords in one sitting in preparation for a festival in which a few students will participate.

Most of the TCW card games, though, are not made for students just learning or even in the early-mid stages of mastering any particular concepts. They really have to know their stuff to play most of the games. I’ve tried a lot of their games with students who didn’t know the information like the back of their hand, and it makes the game a lot harder and not nearly as much fun if they have to sit there for a minute to figure out the answer.

Don’t get me wrong; they are high-quality, wonderful games (I own every card deck in the series); they’re just more helpful once the student really knows what they’re doing. The games really help students learn to think faster about concepts they already know and understand well.

Just because particular games are made to be played one way doesn’t mean we can’t utilize them in another, so that’s what I did!

Lesson Planning: A king-size master spreadsheet

music lesson assignment sheet

When I started teaching piano full time, my biggest challenge was finding a method for lesson planning and tracking student progress and materials.

Eventually, as I started using Evernote more, the latter problem of tracking student progress and materials was quickly resolved. (See Evernote Part 1: Studio Management ).

Lesson planning, however, took a lot of trial and error – as I think it does for many of us and is something that continues to evolve and change.

One thing I’ve learned about myself is I’m a very visual person. I don’t do well simply making a note or two here or there for items I need to remember for students’ next lesson. I need to see the big picture.

Finally, in 2014 I was inspired by an article in the September/October 2014 issue of Clavier Companion written by Arlene Steffen, Stephen Hughes, and Craig Sale called “Lesson Plans: A teaching essential?”

Thanks to their detailed article, my  king-sized spreadsheet was born. 

Because a spreadsheet like this will be completely customized to your teaching style (and studio calendar), it doesn’t do me any good to give you a copy of mine. So, in this post, not only do I walk you through the details of what I include, but I’ve also created a video showing you how to create your version, including tips and tricks for using Excel like a pro! Continue reading

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Lesson Assignment Sheets

The assignment sheets for piano lessons plays a vital role in helping the student stay on top of their practice.  Well, that is if the student looks at the assignment sheet.  First as a student and now as a teacher, I  have seen many different methods used successfully.

The most basic method is to write the date at the top of the pages that are assigned.  Now this works well if the student is completing their pieces every week and if they remember what the date of their lesson was.  Overall, I find that this method leaves alot to be desired.

A slightly more advanced way is to use a small notebook and just to write Lesson, Theory, Performance, Practice and notate the page numbers out to the side.  This gives the student a check list to work off of.  There also isn’t very much room for additional notes and writing.

The past few years, I have been giving my students spiral notebooks with college rule paper.  Now this method definately worked well for me.  There was lots of room to write extra notes and to keep a practice record.  I did find that one of the drawbacks was that I didn’t always write the assignments in the same order.  If the theory somehow got added at the end of the page instead of after technique, it almost always was forgotten.  This was a good method and didn’t create any extra work for me as a teacher, but I felt that I could be more organized.

This year all of my students have been given a 3-ring binder.  When the student opens the binder the first thing they see is that week’s assignment sheet.  Every week I print out each day’s sheets with the correct date and the updated music history and listening assignments.  Below you can look at an example of this sheet:

Assignment Sheet- word version

This form seems to be working really well.  All the assignments are in the same place and there is plenty of room left for extra notes and reminders.  Also, I love to give handouts that are helpful to the students.  Some weeks it is supplemental theory sheets and others it can be music history information. By having a 3-ring binder handy, those papers don’t end up crumpled in the bottom of the student’s music bag.  It is also a nice place to keep sheet music so that it doesn’t get wrinkled. 

Over all I am very happy with the new assignment sheets and the 3 ring binder method.

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Use these classy music practice assignment sheets to encourage practicing.

Last Sunday, two of my kids played piano at an assisted living center with others of their piano studio. It was a beautiful time listening to these students, ages 5 to 18, blessing others with their lovely music.

But, in order to get to that point, the students spent many, many hours practicing. I’ve had kids taking private music lessons for the last 13 years, and I know the struggle of getting them to be consistent with their practicing.

That’s why I commissioned the creation of these amazing Music Practice Assignment Sheets. I want to help my kids– and others– be motivated and organized in their music practicing.

I am so happy with the way these Music Practice Assignment Sheets turned out! Don’t you love them, too?

Find 10 beautiful and classy music practice assignment sheets that you can use to get your kids motivated to practice their instruments. The choices include monthly, weekly, and even a 100-day practice chart with a set of stickers to print for it. #musiclessons #musiclessonsforkids #instrumentpractice #pianolessons #musicprintables #ichoosejoyblog #musicinourhomeschool

Music Practice Assignment Sheets

  • 10 different styles
  • Weekly practice sheets
  • Monthly practice sheets
  • 100-day practice chart
  • Set of 100 stickers to put on the chart (print on sticker paper)
  • Useful for any instrument or voice lessons
  • Appropriate for all ages
  • Good for boys and girls
  • Quotes about music
  • Some special features: Places for parent’s initials, for student to rate his/her effort for the week, for teacher to write assignments, for student to write goals or questions, and more!

How to Use the Music Practice Assignment Sheets

Look through all the pages (10 choices) and decide which style will work best for your student. Do they need a weekly sheet? Would monthly or 100 days work better? Also, have your student choose based on the graphics, colors, etc. If they like the way it looks, they’ll be even more motivated to practice so they can “check it off” on the chart!

Also, you might want to get the private lesson teacher’s input. There are spots on several of the pages where they can write assignments and other notes for the student to follow during their practicing. Which sheet would the teacher prefer to use? (Please send the teacher the link to purchase if they’d would like a copy for themselves, since the license only allows a parent to use it with their own kids or a teacher with only one class of students. Thanks!)

Download a free sample

Where to purchase the  music practice assignment sheets.

I have the set available for only $2.50 at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!

Please leave feedback at Teachers Pay Teachers if you purchase there. You’ll get credit, and it helps I Choose Joy Publishing to be seen more in search results. Thanks so much!

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Oh, such a beautiful rendition. Enjoy!

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music lesson assignment sheet

A Printable To Add Some Pizzazz to Your Piano Lesson Assignment Binders

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In previous years of teaching piano lessons I had a pretty sterile looking piano lesson assignment sheet where I would write lesson notes for my students.  It was efficient for me … but it was bland and not the most kid-friendly design. I did often add cute little pictures and use colourful pens, but no matter what I did the page was still boring.

So, I spent some time this summer changing up my piano lesson assignment page; paring it down to what I believed students would actually read in an efficient and simple layout that is visually appealing and much cuter!  I’m hoping this will help my piano students to be able to see “at a glance” what they need to be doing at home.

Read on to find out how you can get cute, efficient and seasonally-themed piano lesson assignment sheets that your piano students will happily use at home!

music lesson assignment sheet

Printable Piano Lesson Assignment Sheets

Every fall I revamp how I organize my piano student’s assignment binders… I’m always thinking about how I can make their assignment books more engaging, more efficient and more… well… used!

We’ve blogged before about creative ideas for assignment books, and if you too are looking to change up what you’re currently using for “back and forth books” you might want to check out the posts below.

5 Ways To Be Sure Your Lesson Notes Get Noticed

5 Ways to Efficiently Organize Piano Assignment Binders

Piano Student Organization 101: Bling Out Those Binders For Student Success

If you’d like to use my new assignment sheets you can find them here ( colorful version for those who like that and ink-friendly version if you print large quantities of these).

This year I’m going to change these sheets up more frequently to keep the motivational ball rolling.

I’m also going to be creating different sheets for different “categories” of piano students. For instance, one of my little guys took one look at the page I handed him and requested a “Fearless Fortissimo” one instead (our comic-book based piano series for boys) … so if you also have Fearless Fanatics in your studio… here’s an assignment sheet for them too!

Cheers to happy piano binders that are used frequently! Enjoy 🙂

Free Seasonal Piano Lesson Assignment Pages!

Halloween Assignment page (version 1)

Halloween Assignment page (version 2)

Winter Assignment Page (version 1)

Christmas Assignment Page (version 1)

Valentine’s Day Assignment page

Spring Assignment Page

Easter/Spring Assignment Page

Summer-Theme Assignment Page

Summer Theme (Camping) Assignment Page

Wanting to be able to add an image to your own? Here’s a new assignment sheet you can use . Save the image to your computer, open in any editing program, add any image to the top left corner… and voila!

music lesson assignment sheet

39 Responses to A Printable To Add Some Pizzazz to Your Piano Lesson Assignment Binders

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September 8, 2014 at 4:31 am

That’s awesome! Thanks. I’m sure I’ll break these out at different points during the year. :-). It will be a nice change of pace.

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September 8, 2014 at 4:35 am

Thank you, Andrea! These are so awesome! I have been looking for some new assignment sheets. You always have such great ideas.

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September 8, 2014 at 6:08 am

These are so cute! AND so perfect as I had just finished putting up little owls on my practice incentive wall that say, “Piano Practice is a HOOT!” What a great compliment these will make to that!

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September 9, 2014 at 9:31 am

Love the tag line Michelle! 🙂

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September 8, 2014 at 7:50 am

Thank you for all of the resources! I’d like to see the 5 ways to organize binders, but that link is the same as the previous link. Oops!

September 8, 2014 at 8:23 am

Hi Morgan – all fixed thank you! Here’s the link here too

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September 8, 2014 at 8:32 am

A couple add-ons to this idea that I’ve found effective. I keep a rainbow of colored pens available and my students choose the color for their lesson notes. I’ve also found it VERY useful, with intermediate and advanced students, to have THEM write the lesson notes. The header is “These are the things I promise to practice this week” —They write it, they deliver!!

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September 8, 2014 at 8:43 am

Too cute! What software do you use to create worksheets, music, etc? I would love to create my own but I don’t know where to start! I’m feeling inspired!

September 9, 2014 at 9:29 am

Hi Angela – I have a mac so I use Pages for most of what we do – but we both really enjoy playing with graphics so we use a variety of programs – but mostly Pages.

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September 8, 2014 at 9:40 am

Thank you for so generously sharing your great ideas with everyone! What is your favorite app, software, website for all of your fabulous graphics….. Or is the artwork your original? Thanks!

September 9, 2014 at 9:30 am

Hi Arleen – no definitely not our original artwork (although we did illustrate our Practice and Theory books and the Curious Case of Muttzart and Ratmaninnof by hand!) You can find great illustrations and graphic sets on I use Pages for most of what we create as I have a mac.

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September 8, 2014 at 1:47 pm

I love these! Thank you!

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September 8, 2014 at 10:31 pm

I cannot get these to show up-what am I doing wrong?

October 13, 2014 at 10:15 am

Hi Connie – my apologies I just found this comment now. If you can’t open the pdf check two things: 1) that your pop-up blocker is disabled and 2) that you have an up-to-date version of a pdf reader. You can google “Adobe” for a free upgrade. Hope that helps!

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September 9, 2014 at 5:31 pm

Thank you for the cute and colourful teaching aides!

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October 17, 2014 at 11:43 am

Have been using these and love them! Any holiday themed assignment sheets in the works? I think changing them up will keep my students looking at them, but I am hopeless at creating my own. 🙁 Thank you so much for all the resources that you so generously share!

October 17, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Hi Kim – absolutely! I was just going to put some Halloween ones up on the blog – I’m going to stack the links to updated sheets under this same post so check back after the weekend for some new ones 🙂

October 22, 2014 at 1:50 pm

Hi Kim – just to let you know the Halloween themed assignment sheets are up now! If you scroll to the bottom of the post you’ll find 2 versions to have fun with 🙂

October 22, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Thank you so much! 🙂

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October 22, 2014 at 2:12 pm

LUV. As always 🙂 My links seem to both be the same page? Am I missing something?

October 22, 2014 at 2:34 pm

Hi Roxy – just refresh your browser and you’ll be able to open both versions now 🙂

October 23, 2014 at 1:54 am

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November 9, 2014 at 6:31 pm

Thank you so much for these!! My students of all ages & stages love these!

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March 23, 2015 at 2:41 pm

THank you!! Love the spring assignment page. And we will be starting the Great Bean Race soon!!

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April 2, 2015 at 7:59 pm

Once again, you have provided good ideas and creative ways to help! Thank you!

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June 2, 2015 at 10:31 am

Thank you, Andrea! These should help change things up a bit! Just what we needed going into the summer months!

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June 23, 2015 at 12:52 pm

Love the summer themed assignment sheets! Thank you!!

June 24, 2015 at 1:47 pm

You’re welcome Regina! Glad you can use them 🙂

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August 16, 2015 at 9:00 pm

These are just fabulous! Thank you so much!

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August 28, 2015 at 12:06 pm

These are so creative-and cover everything! Thank you!

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September 1, 2015 at 4:03 am

Thanks so much for your immediate help in printing this. I think they will truly add pizzazz to my students assignment sheet instead of the coil bound notebook that I normally use. I plan to print out all the seasons.

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November 2, 2015 at 7:20 pm

do you have colour versions of all of them?

November 2, 2015 at 10:47 pm

Hi Chantal – no, sorry, we don’t – Most people wanted ink-friendly/cost effective printing so we went with that 🙂

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November 26, 2015 at 5:16 pm

The Winter Assignment Page has at the bottom “Piano Game” – whereas all the others read “Review” or “Review Time” – or something like that….

So, all winter we have them play piano games during practice? 😉

November 29, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Hi Amy – I made that one for teachers who like to send home a note about what piano game they used during the lesson 🙂

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December 27, 2015 at 8:06 pm

Do you have any plain printables? Love the Owl one but I need something for a student with autism that does NOT like “extra” on his page…?

December 28, 2015 at 8:34 pm

Hi Alicia – not at the moment we don’t, but I’ll try to remember to make one in the future 🙂

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April 2, 2020 at 12:12 am

It’s 2020, and I just found these! Thank you for putting these out. These are by far the cutest and uncluttered practice sheets out there!

April 6, 2020 at 9:48 pm

So glad you’ll use them 🙂

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Music Lesson Assignment Sheet

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A few years ago I was frustrated with not finding an assignment sheet I liked for my private piano lessons - so I designed my own! It has optional checks for you to track exactly how many times a student practiced a particular piece, theory assignment area and parent sign off if needed.

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