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Paper Bag Book Reports

Grades: Any Summary: Place items in a paper bag to represent parts of a story

Grade level : Grades 1-12 can complete this project.

Goals and Objectives : After selecting and reading a book independently, students will create a paper bag book report using an ordinary paper bag. Students should choose 5-7 items to place in the bag to represent significant events or characters from the book. For example, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" might call for a soup spoon, a thermometer, a piece of doll house furniture, an ad for running shoes, etc. Students, after filling and decorating their bags, present them to the class. Each student should explain how the items he or she has chosen relate to the book. This makes for a fun oral presentation which exceeds the traditional book report for both the presenter and the audience.

Materials Required : Books Paper bags (large to lunch-size) Decorative items for the bag (markers, stickers, etc.)

Procedures : 1. The class reads a book together and the teacher demonstrates a sample paper bag book report. (This is optional--more appropriate for younger or lower functioning students.) 2. Each student chooses and reads a book independently, with teacher approval. (This can be modified if students are very low functioning--peer tutor or teacher reads book to them.) 3. Students analyze their books' characters, plots, themes, etc. 4. Students devise written plans for their bag book reports, detailing five to seven items for the inside as well as creating layouts for the outside of the bag. (The teacher may want to require title, author, and publisher on the front; an internal conflict on the left side; an external conflict on the right side; or a favorite scene on the back, for example.) 5. Provide time in class for students to complete their book report projects so they can see others working and have guided practice at fulfilling the promise of their written plans. 6. Students present their projects, in detail, to the class - first explaining the outside of their bags and then explaining each of the items inside. (Questions from the class come naturally and should be encouraged.) 7. Students can assess each other using a teacher-devised scoring rubric for both the bag and the presentation.

Assessment : Peer assessment of oral presentation; guided self-assessment of bag (inside and out) using a teacher-devised checklist/ scoring rubric; teacher assessment using checklist (The weight of peer evaluations, self-evaluation, and teacher evaluation will vary with student needs and grade level.)

Enhancement of Literacy Skills : Independent book selection, independent reading, analysis of plot, character and/ or theme, oral presentation, creativity.

Across Curriculum : *If a student has selected a book which is appropriate in a social studies or science lesson, use this as an introduction to the topic. *Allow students to write about the items in their paper bags, and/or about the book they read. Why did the select the book? Why did they select the items? What was their favorite part of the book? *For younger grades, count the items in the bags. Add the items together. How many items did everyone in the whole class use? *For older grades, use the items for probability. What is the probability I will draw an item that starts with "p"?

Source: An AskERIC Lesson Plan submitted by Cecilia Hoff Submitted by: TamiLarsen@email-removed

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Paper Bag Book Reports Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan# AELP-RDG0011 Submitted by: Cecilia Hoff School or Affiliation: Manassas Park High School, Manassas Park, VA Date: April 1998


  • Language Arts/Reading

Goals and Objectives:

After selecting and reading a book independently, students will create a paper bag book report using an ordinary paper bag. Students should choose five-seven items to place in the bag to represent significant events or characters from the book. For example, Goldilocks and the Three Bears might call for a soupspoon, a thermometer, a piece of dollhouse furniture, an ad for running shoes, etc. Students, after filling and decorating their bags, present them to the class. Each student should explain how the items he or she has chosen relate to the book. This makes for a fun oral presentation which exceeds the traditional book report for both the presenter and the audience.

Lesson Concepts and Materials:

Independent book selection, independent reading, analysis of plot, character and/ or theme, oral presentation.

Paperbags (large to lunch-size).


  • Each student chooses and reads a book.
  • Students analyze their books’ characters, plots, themes, etc.
  • Teacher explains the bag book reports.  (A teacher-made sample works great!)
  • Students devise written plans for their bag book reports, detailing five to seven items for the inside as well as layouts for each part of the outside. (Teacher may want to require title, author, and publisher on the front; an internal conflict on the left side; an external conflict on the right side; or a favorite scene on the back, for example.)
  • Provide time in class for students to complete their book report projects so they can see others working and have guided practice at fulfilling the promise of their written plans.
  • Students present their projects, in detail, to the class – first explaining the outside of their bags and then explaining each of the itmes inside. (Questions from the class come naturally.)
  • Students can assess each other using a teacher-devised scoring rubric for both the bag and the presentation.

Assessment: Peer assessment of oral presentation; guided self-assessment of bag (inside and out) using a teacher-devised checklist/scoring rubric

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In a unique community service project, students write book reports on grocery bags and stores promote community literacy by bagging customers groceries in the students paper bag book reports.

Students will

summary, summarize, book, report, cliffhanger, climax, community service, literacy

Go to your local grocery store and ask for brown paper bags. Explain that students will be writing and illustrating book reports on the bags and, when the book reports are complete, the bags will be returned to the store.

Explain the project to students and then take them to the library to select a book to read. When they finish reading, have each student

Before writing the final summary on the bag, encourage students to use a pencil and ruler to lightly mark lines on the bottom half of the bag. The summary will look neater if written on straight lines.

Invite students to sign the paper bag books with their first names, teacher's name, and school address. That way, grocery store customers can write to the students. Students enjoy getting notes back from the people who happen to get their bags.

This is a community project to promote literacy. Advertise the project to let the public know what your class will be doing and why.

At the beginning of the project, provide students with a rubric detailing what is expected in order to achieve an "A." Deduct points for each item not carried out according to project specifications.

Linda Bray, Alcorn Central Elementary School in Glen, Mississippi

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Book Report in a Bag

Language Arts, Art, Math
One or two weeks or longer.
White paper bag with handles for each student; construction paper for work cards.

Students choose a book to read and report on.

Middle grade students could read a short chapter book. Be sure to have a selection of books at various reading levels, and to have more books than you have students.

In upper grades, have students choose from a set of books preselected by the teacher, or allow them to choose their own. You could further refine the project by having all students choose a certain genre (for example, science fiction), or have groups of five to six students each working on one genre. Following their individual work, the students who worked on each genre could put together a presentation for the class outlining features of the genre as well as a brief bibliography of the books they read.

Give each student a white paper bag with handles (approximately 8 by 10 inches / 20 by 25 cm or slightly smaller). On one side of the bag students will draw a cover for their book. On the other side they will create a collage featuring various aspects of the book.

Have students measure and cut out of construction paper a number of 5-by-5­inch / 13 x 13 cm cards. (This is the Math component of the project.) On these cards they will summarize various elements of the book. You will determine the number of cards according to the grade and ability level of the students. Basic topics for cards can include the following:

  • Three Major Characters: for each character, students write the character's names, three words to describe their personality, three words to describe their physical appearance
  • Favorite Character
  • Book Facts: author, number of pages, genre, publisher, year of publication
  • Problem / Resolution

The cards will then be placed into the decorated bag. Students will also include a handmade artifact related to the book in their bags. For example, a student who read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory created a homemade chocolate bar; another student who read Underground to Canada linked florist wire loops together to make a chain, representing the shackles worn by slaves. Once all the material has been created, the book report in a bag is handed in to the teacher.

This project works well for a variety of topics such as:

  • study of ancient Egypt (Egyptian characters)
  • native studies (totem poles)
  • novel studies (characters from the novel)
  • medieval studies (characters in period dress)

For upper grades, students can also complete a response journal entry about the book or use graphic organizers to summarize an aspect of the book. Or you can devise any other activity that suits your students, including giving them a free choice for one of the cards.

Printed with permission from Firefly Books Ltd.

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How to Make a Paper Bag Book for Kids

June 13, 2016 by Ann 9 Comments

How to Make a Paper Bag Book for Kids

This quick tutorial shows how to make a paper bag book for your kids for hours of creative fun!

How to Make a Paper Bag Book for Kids - Here is an easy tutorial to make a paper bag book using brown lunch bags and other household supplies.

Summer is the perfect time for kids to work on their writing skills. Whether they create a fictional story, a nature journal, or a travelogue, the lazy days of summer allow them the time to be creative. Since there are no grades the pressure is off and kids can write and create just for fun.

When my kids were young they enjoyed not just writing books, but also creating them from scratch. This allowed them to have fun with all of the roles of book creation: author, illustrator, publisher, and book binder.

This paper bag book tutorial is an easy and fun way for kids to bind their own books. You just need brown paper bags, twine, printer paper, and a few office supplies to quickly make up these paper bag books for kids.

Supplied Needed:

  • 4 brown paper lunch sacks
  • Colorful twine
  • White paper
  • Double sided tape
  • Hole puncher
  • Measuring tape

1. Lie your paper bags on top of each other, all facing the same way, with the fold on the back.

2. Fold your bags in half together and use your hole punch to punch 3 holes.

3. Tie a piece of colored twine in each hole (I tied 3 different colors in each hole) and trim to about 1″ long.

4. Now cut 5 pieces of white paper 5″x 4 3/4″ and use your double sided tape to stick them onto the paper bag pages.

5. Now your kids can write their own story in these unique books.

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December 29, 2019 at 6:52 pm

What an adorable idea !!!! I LOVE this idea for my nieces and nephews and yes I will even try this for ME !!!!

Vanessa Candle says

October 22, 2018 at 5:07 am

Thank you a lot for this wonderful article!

Stephanie, One Caring Mom says

July 10, 2018 at 7:51 am

I love this idea so much. I have a ridiculous amount of paper bags so this would be a great way to keep memories through my boys’ eyes.

Sherree says

July 2, 2018 at 7:31 pm

Each summer our whole family gets together for one week at the lake! I always bring crafts for rainy days. This summer 2018, eachgrandchild made a paper bag book. We took pictures all during the week and printed them out on my sprocket printer. These are 2×3 size pictures. They could glue/stick the pictures on each page and then write about their adventure that day.

Alea Milham says

July 2, 2018 at 10:09 pm

What a wonderful idea! It is a great way to keep kids busy while creating a vacation keepsake. Thanks for sharing it!

June 3, 2018 at 7:31 pm

We have white lunch bags left over at school! Sounds like the perfect thing to make this week-thx

July 11, 2017 at 6:47 pm

This is such a great idea! I plan to use it for my summer camp scrap booking class, grades K-5th. Thank you for sharing.

May 18, 2017 at 9:32 pm

I love the use of twine. I’m sure this post has helped create some fun stories 🙂

Krysti says

June 26, 2016 at 10:03 pm

Such a cute idea! My daughter is only 3.5 but loves to draw pictures. I’d love to see her put together a picture book like this that I could write her narration in!

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10 Best Adult Lunch Bags and Boxes, According to Testing and Reviews

Skip the $20 takeout on the corner and save some extra $$$.

an adult lunchbox filled with food

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Whether you’re in the office full-time or only a few days a week, grabbing lunch out each day can start to add up quickly — especially when you’re used to your go-to WFH meal. And, since prices on pretty much everything seems to be increasing by the day, more and more people are opting for packed meal-prepped options. According to a survey from Little Leaf Farms , a top brand of packaged lettuce, 73% of office workers plan to bring their lunch as often or even more often than prior years. In order to safely travel with your meal, a reliable lunch box is a necessity. (No, you cannot just cram your food containers into your favorite travel backpack and call it a day.) Enter our journey to find the best adult lunch boxes and bags.

Finding a durable, stylish lunch bag may seem difficult, but we’ve come a long way since our brown paper bag school days. If you’re in the market for a stylish tote to discreetly stow away the lunch you spent meal-prepping Sunday night, or are searching for max durability to withstand your commute, you're in luck. We’ve scoured the internet and tested the best of the best adult lunch boxes and bags to bring you the most trusted options around.

Read on to find your new favorite lunch buddy!

The Best Adult Lunch Bags

  • Best Overall: Petunia Pickle Bottom Bottle and Lunch Box
  • Best Budget: Baloray Lunch/Tote Bag
  • Best Leak-Resistant: Bentgo Leak-Resistant Bento Lunch Box
  • Most Stylish: Modern Picnic Vegan Leather Bag
  • Most Durable: Stanley Classic Quart Lunch Box

What to Consider

Carry style.

When looking for the best adult lunch box for yourself, consider first where you're going to be bringing the bag, or more particularly, how you're going to be bringing it there. There are adult lunch bags that can be carried upright by their handle, worn crossbody, clipped onto a bag or backpack , or even offer multiple carry options. Determine what works best for where you need to go.

A lunch bag's size is important in two senses: capacity and mass. Naturally, if you're only planning to pack a sandwich and a can of soda, you don't need a lunch bag built to store an entire picnic. On the other hand, selecting a bag with a tight capacity could lead to cramming foods together until that bag of chips is nothing but dust. And in terms of mass, it's important to consider just how much of a footprint your lunch bag takes up, especially if you're planning to place it in a shared space like an office fridge. The goal is to find that Goldilocks lunch bag that's not too big, not too small, but is just right for your lifestyle.

Storage options

Not all lunch bags are built the same. There are some, of course, that only offer a single compartment for all your items, but others offer extra pockets for things like your favorite Owala water bottles , or even silverware. These inner compartments or outer pockets can sometimes feature different levels of insulation than the main compartment, making it easier to keep your food chilled without having to deal with a frozen fork.

So think about where you're planning to go, and what you're planning to pack. And be honest with yourself: Maybe you tell yourself you are totally gonna meal-prep some amazingly intricate recipes, but there's no shame in some PB&J in a pinch. Once you've got that figured out, take a look at some of our favorite insulated adult lunch bags to find the one that's right for you.

How We Selected

In order to ensure that I found the best adult lunch boxes and bags to add to your daily routine, I scoured the internet for hours researching, reviewing, and comparing top competitors. I also spent the last couple of weeks testing out different picks as I commuted to both school and work events.

Based on my research and testing experience, I chose these lunch boxes that cater to different daily needs. Whether you're looking for an adult lunch bag with style, functionality, or both, each of these choices should have your days running a bit smoother. That’s a promise!

Petunia Pickle Bottom Bottle and Lunch Box

Bottle and Lunch Box

This modern and minimal pick is sophisticatedly designed and built with durability in mind. It can hold up to three regular-sized water bottles, an ice pack, and snacks. To allow yourself to be hands-free, you can hook the lunch box onto other items such as your backpack.

It's built with moms in mind, so it comes with supremely useful design features such as its water-resistant faux leather encasing, insulated interior, and portable construction.

This is the kind of adult lunch bag you can bring to work, on beach trips, to amusement parks, on road trips, and through the airport with no problem. It even fits into the brand's weekender for added convenience.

The style of the bag is also structured, so it makes it easy to pack food items without it toppling over on you. It also ensures that none of your more fragile foods, like chips or bananas, get crushed during your ventures.

Related: 15 Work Bags for Easy and Stylish Commuting

Weight13.4 ounces
Product Dimensions11"L x 5"W x 11"H
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesInsulated interior
Colors2 Options

BALORAY Lunch Tote Bag

Lunch Tote Bag

This sturdy tote-style lunch bag from Baloray is spacious enough for a meal, snacks, and even bottled beverages, while still remaining compact for crowded commutes.

We love its wide range of pattern options for the exterior, with 23 choices currently available, ranging from subtle horizontal stripes to a starry night sky or a fun zebra print, all at an impressively low price!

The insulated lunch bag keeps temperatures consistent throughout your commute — a warm soup will stay that way, and the same goes for a cold Coke.

While it doesn't have the same protective structure as other more pricey options, this adult lunch box has foam insulation that offers some protection.

Weight3.52 ounces
Product Dimensions10"L x 6.6"W x 8.5"H
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesTriple insulated
Colors23 Options

Bentgo Leak-Resistant Bento Lunch Box

Leak-Resistant Bento Lunch Box

As someone who’s always on the go, I love a lunch box that can be thrown into a work tote or gym duffle bag without a second thought.

I used to use unreliable containers and would inevitably fall victim to a leak or two after a long commute. This lunch box keeps all my food in place and perfectly organized without any sort of leaks. I even filled a compartment with water to see if it would leak out of the opening, and it remained inside the box.

You can fit a lot into this lunch box, and the dividers help your multiple courses stay intact before lunchtime. If you're somebody who loves to bring a sandwich, a few sides, and a dessert for your meal, you'll be more than capable of doing so with this stellar bento box.

The cute and compact design is an added bonus to these features. It's a minimal style that doesn't scream juvenile, but still brings some flare to the office fridge.

It’s also dishwasher safe, so I pop it in at the end of the night to be ready the next day. If you're looking for the best adult lunch box for leak-free commuting, this is the one for you.

Weight1.6 pounds
Product Dimensions9"L x 7"W x 2.4"H
Cooling / Heating CapabilitiesMicrowaveable, refrigerator safe, and freezer safe
Colors5 options

Modern Picnic Vegan Leather Bag

Vegan Leather Bag

If you aren’t a fan of hauling around an obvious-looking adult lunch box to work, then opt for one that resembles a classically elegant purse. Designed with gold hardware, purse straps, and a structured silhouette, no one would know it’s concealing a tasty meal unless you told them.

This lunch bag not only brings style but also incorporates necessary functionality. Made with insulation, interior pockets, and silverware slots, it’s able to keep everything organized while also making sure your food stays cool.

If you're looking for a Mother's Day gift idea or a functional gift for your girlfriend who is always running to and fro the office, this bag is a great option.

Weight1.7 pounds
Product Dimensions9.75"W x 8.5"H x 6.5"D
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesInsulated interior
Colors1 Option

Stanley Classic Quart Lunch Box

Classic Quart Lunch Box

If you’re in the market for an adult lunch box to withstand the more industrial work environment you or your giftee work in, you'll want to opt for this one. It's constructed with metal, meant to survive harsh environments, and has the capacity to a lot of food .

Its design is completed with sturdy latches and hinges to ensure it’s secure and leak-proof. It also comes with an innovative domed top, allowing for taller water bottles or thermoses to stand upright.

Aside from work, you can bring this lunch box on a road trip, to the beach, or even camping.

Weight3.37 pounds
Product Dimensions‎10"H x 6.5"W x 13"L
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesSingle wall insulation
Colors3 Options

Crock-Pot Electric Lunch Box

Electric Lunch Box

For those who love a hearty soup or casserole for lunch, this is the best adult lunch box option for you or your hot dish-loving giftee. The portable container reheats food and keeps it at whatever temperature you prefer.

It's similar to the brand's beloved slow cooker in many ways. You can plug it in to set and heat up for one or two hours while you tackle the emails in your inbox.

Before you head to the office, put in your favorite can of soup or last night's leftovers. Once you're an hour or so out from lunch, plug in the lunch box and by grub time, it'll be nice and toasty.

Made with a soft, matte finish, it won’t slip out of your hands, and it’s easy to wipe down when needed.

One of our senior editor's, Cat Bowen, uses this lunch box for her husband when she makes soup the night before. She says it will get it to the exact right temperature without the hot spots that the microwave produce.

Related: 5 Best Crock-Pots for Savvier Slow-Cooking

Weight1.58 pounds
Product Dimensions6.6"D x 6.6"W x 6.5"H
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesReheats and keeps food warm
Colors4 Options

Hydro Flask Insulated Lunch Bag

Insulated Lunch Bag

Similar to Hydro Flask water bottles , this lunch box is ultra-reliable in keeping food items cold during a long commute or even a day trip.

It’s a taller lunch bag compared to others, so it can easily fit a regularly-sized thermos or water bottle. There’s a side handle available to carry it on its side and it has extra pockets on the inside of the lid for smaller items or an ice pack.

If you're on the hunt for an eco-friendly gift , this 100% recycled adult lunch bag is a fabulous option.

Weight.59 pounds
Product Dimensions8.7" x 9.5" x 5.5"
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesInsulated interior
Colors1 Option

W&P Porter Bento Lunch Box

Porter Bento Lunch Box

If you or your giftee need an adult lunch box that fits into packed backpacks or tight purses, this compact option is the best option.

From sandwiches and pasta salads to desserts, I was able to fit much more food than I was expecting when I first received this slim lunch box.

It’s a great option to put in my tote bag before work and school. Not only is it dishwasher safe, but I can also easily wipe it down with a damp cloth and soap if needed.

The dividers are useful when multiple courses or side dishes are involved and are great in preventing soggy food post-commute.

I sometimes take the top compartment out and use it as a makeshift plate, which goes to show just how clever this lunch box's construction really is. One thing to note is that there’s not a small area to place salad dressings or dips.

Weight1 pound
Product Dimensions8.5"L x 7.2"W x 3.2"H
Cooling/Heating CapabilitiesMicrowave, fridge, and freezer safe
Colors3 Options

yookee Insulated Lunch Tote

Insulated Lunch Tote

While we haven't found neoprene to be the most insulating material, this model's soft, collapsible build crafted up one of the best adult lunch bags when it comes to transporting foods within short distances.

The machine-washable material works especially well if a food container happens to spring a leak. This bag's waterproof material helps to effectively contain the liquid, so that the rest of the contents of your bag don't get soaked. You can also toss it right into the washing machine to clean!

Plus, once it's empty, it can be folded up and stored just about anywhere until you need it again.

Weight1.12 ounces
Product Dimensions6"L x 11"W x 11"H
Cooling CapabilitiesInsulated
Colors5 Options

Igloo 90s Retro Collection Square Lunch Box

90s Retro Collection Square Lunch Box

Maybe you're a bit bolder in your lunch bag preferences. Maybe you don't want an adult lunch box that feels so “adult.” Maybe you want a bag with a Rollerblade Barbie aesthetic.

If that’s your taste, you can still get that retro vibe without sacrificing on quality, thanks to this fun throwback bag from Igloo.

Offering multiple carry options and a leak-resistant inner lining, it's a reliable bag with an eye-catching design. Just remember, it's a deliberately bold bag choice so... really consider where you're going to be taking it.

Weight7.84 ounces
Product Dimensions‎12.64” x 10.12” x 4.09”
Cooling CapabilitiesInsulated liner
Colors3 Options

Headshot of Taylor Bushey

Taylor Bushey is a freelance writer who covers and reports on fashion, beauty, home, wellness, and lifestyle. Her work has appeared on Cosmopolitan, Apartment Therapy, The Kitchn, InStyle, and more. If she's not writing away at a local coffee shop with a latte in hand, then she's making her next travel plans.

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Photographer Lucy Schaeffer unpacks school lunch nostalgia via new book

Former White House Chef Sam Kass reveals that his lunches were fairly healthy, making it impossible to trade anything.

Former White House Chef Sam Kass reveals that his lunches were fairly healthy, making it impossible to trade anything. Photo by Lucy Schaeffer.

School lunch carries an identity that can create pride and comfort, or scar you for life. Photographer Lucy Schaeffer asserts that school lunch is an interesting juxtaposition between culture and family. Time, place, ethnicity, and economics are all factors that contribute to what most children eat for lunch, along with parental preferences. She captures brown paper bags, cafeteria trays, and personal accounts — including a mother packing the same lunch for six years … and selling a cute brother's picture in the cafeteria to buy junk food. Her book is School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories .

lunch bag book report

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Book report paper bag

Resource type.

Preview of Paper Bag Book Report Project - Novel Study Templates - Reading Comprehension

Paper Bag Book Report Project - Novel Study Templates - Reading Comprehension

lunch bag book report

Character Analysis Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report Template | Decorate a Paper Bag Based on a Fiction Book

lunch bag book report

Book Report - Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report Template: Paper Bag Vest Directions, Rubric & How To Photo

Preview of Paper Bag Book Reports {two in one!}

Paper Bag Book Reports {two in one!}

lunch bag book report

Fun Book Reports - Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report and Rubric: Language Arts Grades 6-9

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report (Easy to Assemble!)

lunch bag book report

Bunnicula Book Report Activity | Decorate a Paper Bag | Bunnicula Project Idea

Preview of Book Report ABC Paper Bag Project

Book Report ABC Paper Bag Project

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report / Main Idea / Story Elements

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report (Characters/setting/plot)

lunch bag book report

The Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

FUN Paper Bag Book Report - Primary

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report - Tangible Book Report Idea

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report First Grade

lunch bag book report

Fiction Paper Bag Book Report

lunch bag book report

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Paper Bag Book Report Project

lunch bag book report

Paper Bag Book Report Project

lunch bag book report

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  1. Point of View Lunch Box Fiction Book Report Craftivity Project

    lunch bag book report

  2. FREE 50+ Book Report Samples in PDF

    lunch bag book report

  3. Paper Bag Book Report Template: Paper Bag Vest Directions, Rubric & How

    lunch bag book report

  4. Paper Bag Book Report Template (1)

    lunch bag book report

  5. Paper Bag Book Report Template

    lunch bag book report

  6. How to Make a Paper Bag Book for Kids

    lunch bag book report


  1. Book your bag at WHATSAPP 9990314646 and get free shipping all over India! #bagsonline #ytshorts

  2. Biography Bag Book Report

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  1. PDF Paper Bag Book Report

    Paper Bag Book Report Instructions Choose a book that you have read during the previous month to complete your Paper Bag Book Report. You may use a paper lunch bag or a small gift bag for the project. Front of bag: Write the title, author, and illustrator (if applicable). Draw and color a picture of the cover. Be creative! You can

  2. PDF Paper Bag Book Report

    Back of the Bag: On a piece of paper, write a short summary of the story. Be sure to tell the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Include what your favorite part was. Write neatly and be sure to use complete sentences. You may type this. Glue the paper to the back of the bag.

  3. PDF Activity: Paper Bag Reports

    Activity: Paper Bag Reports. Purpose: To show understanding of characters, setting, conflict and resolution by choosing symbols that represent significant events or characters in the book. 1. On the . front of a lunch bag, students draw a scene from a book that they have read. They also include the title of the book, the author's name and ...

  4. Reading Lesson Plan: Paper Bag Book Reports

    Paper Bag Book Reports. Grades: Any Summary: Place items in a paper bag to represent parts of a story Grade level: Grades 1-12 can complete this project.. Goals and Objectives: After selecting and reading a book independently, students will create a paper bag book report using an ordinary paper bag.Students should choose 5-7 items to place in the bag to represent significant events or ...

  5. Book Report: Lunch Bag by Kelly Griffin

    This page is directions for students on how to complete their lunch bag book report. Students will be responsible for reading a book, putting the needed items into the lunch bag, and then presenting their project to the class. Total Pages. 1 page. Answer Key. N/A. Teaching Duration. N/A.

  6. DOC Paper Bag Book Reports

    Paper Bag Book Reports . You will create a paper bag book report using an ordinary paper bag - lunch bag size - grocery bag size. Choose ten (10) items to place in the bag. to represent significant events or characters from the book. You will use these items in your class presentation. Your presentation should explain how the items you have ...

  7. PDF Paper Bag Book Report Guidelines

    Choose a Mystery/Adventure book to read for your report. Decorate a paper bag (lunch size to grocery size) on the outside to represent your chosen book. Decorate the bag: use anything that relates to the book - be creative. Make it colorful, neat, and relevant. Side 2: Book Review-Rate the book 1-5 (1 being low).

  8. Paper Bag Book Reports Lesson Plan

    Paperbags (large to lunch-size). Procedures: Each student chooses and reads a book. Students analyze their books' characters, plots, themes, etc. Teacher explains the bag book reports. (A teacher-made sample works great!) Students devise written plans for their bag book reports, detailing five to seven items for the inside as well as layouts ...

  9. Lunch Bag Books Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    This pack includes 2 different book reports using simple brown paper lunch bags! Students can create the report of your choice {or theirs!} Includes: 1. Paper Bag Character Puppet {2 pages} 2. Paper Bag Book Report {4 pages} 3. Paper Bag Book Report Book List {1 page} Instructions for assigning

  10. Paper Bag Book Report

    Emphasize that the illustration must be colorful enough to stand out against the brown paper bag. write the title of the book and its author in the middle section of the bag. write a summary of the book in the bottom section of the bag. (A classmate or teacher should edit a draft of the summary before the final copy is written on the bag.)

  11. PDF Classic Book Report

    Lunch Bag Book Report Materials needed: • 1 paper lunch bag (white or brown J) - I will be happy to provide one, just ask! • Art supplies: colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc. (to decorate the front of the bag) • 4 - 5 items (models, pictures, or drawings of the items will work just fine) to represent the ...

  12. Book in a Bag

    Below is a book report, "lunch bag report" similar to the teacher's report above. The video shows a fourth grade student doing a book report with items in a lunch bag representing the book Zombie Halloween. The student tells about the story and gives a short summary of the book. Instead of using physical items, the student drew pictures that ...

  13. Lunch Bag Book Report

    Book report worksheets: book report Level: elementary Age: 7-17 Downloads: 299 Book Report Kit Level: intermediate Age: 12-100 Downloads: 253 Book and film report Level: elementary Age: 12-17 Downloads: 237 Book Report Form Level: elementary Age: 7-14 Downloads: 156 Butterfly book report Level: elementary Age: 6-8 Downloads: 4 Book Report Level ...

  14. Paper Bag Book Reports {two in one!}

    This pack includes 2 different book reports using simple brown paper lunch bags! Students can create the report of your choice {or theirs!} Includes: 1. Paper Bag Character Puppet {2 pages} 2. Paper Bag Book Report {4 pages} 3. Paper Bag Book Report Book List {1 page} Instructions for assigning and assembling each report are included. I also labeled each page with a page number for that report ...

  15. Book Report in a Bag

    Book Report in a Bag. Teachers are always looking for ways to freshen up the traditional book report. Here is one that students enjoy. Time Frame One or two weeks or longer. Materials White paper bag with handles for each student; construction paper for work cards. Students choose a book to read and report on.

  16. PDF Book Report Projects

    Lunch Bag Book Report You will demonstrate your understanding of the novel you have completed by decorating your lunch! Specific instructions for each element follow. Read all of the instructions before you begin. You may type or write your responses, but be sure to use complete sentences. Turn in your best work; check for spelling,

  17. Lunch Bag Biography Book Report by Michele McCaughtry

    Lunch Bag Biography Book Report. Rated 5 out of 5, based on 3 reviews. 5.0 ...


    A "Book in a Bag" is a book report contained in a brown paper bag. The purpose of the outside of the bag is to interest a classmate to want to read your book. The inside of your bag should include items that you will be able to use to explain important parts of your book. Pick any book that is a comfortable reading level for you.

  19. How to Make a Paper Bag Book for Kids

    Supplied Needed: Directions: 1. Lie your paper bags on top of each other, all facing the same way, with the fold on the back. 2. Fold your bags in half together and use your hole punch to punch 3 holes. 3. Tie a piece of colored twine in each hole (I tied 3 different colors in each hole) and trim to about 1″ long. 4.

  20. Brown paper bag book report

    This pack includes 2 different book reports using simple brown paper lunch bags! Students can create the report of your choice {or theirs!} Includes: 1. Paper Bag Character Puppet {2 pages} 2. Paper Bag Book Report {4 pages} 3. Paper Bag Book Report Book List {1 page} Instructions for assigning and assembling each report are included. I also labeled each page with a page number for that report ...

  21. PDF Grade 8

    1. Get a brown paper grocery bag or gift bag. Make sure the bag will be big enough to hold all of your project objects (see below). You can find brown paper grocery bags at any supermarket. Used gift bags are also acceptable, but please be sure to cover it creatively. 2. Read your required novel. Don't wait until the last minute to read the ...

  22. 10 Best Adult Lunch Bags for 2024

    The Best Adult Lunch Bags. Best Overall: Petunia Pickle Bottom Bottle and Lunch Box. Best Budget: Baloray Lunch/Tote Bag. Best Leak-Resistant: Bentgo Leak-Resistant Bento Lunch Box. Most Stylish: Modern Picnic Vegan Leather Bag. Most Durable: Stanley Classic Quart Lunch Box.

  23. Cafeteria tray v. brown paper bag: Memories of school lunch

    She captures brown paper bags, cafeteria trays, and personal accounts — including a mother packing the same lunch for six years … and selling a cute brother's picture in the cafeteria to buy junk food. Her book is School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories. "School lunch is one of the core reasons I became a chef," says Marcus Sameulsson.

  24. Book Report Paper Bag Teaching Resources

    Browse book report paper bag resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.