The best Singapore resume format

Briony Ranasinghe

Briony Ranasinghe

Are you a fresh graduate or experienced professional looking for a job in Singapore?  Maybe you are a student hoping to get a part-time job while you study? Whatever the reason, you know you need a resume that fits Singapore resume standards.

This article is the guide you need to know everything about the format, layout and sections of the Singapore resume. Let’s get started.

Want to build your Singapore Resume online? Cresuma’s resume builder can do the job for you.

CV Vs. Resume

First things first, is it a CV or resume in Singapore? Don’t worry, it’s both. In Singapore, companies use both CV and resume on job adverts and the two terms are used interchangeably.

However, what you should be concerned about is length. Most recruiters want to get a sense of who you are, so the Singaporean resume or CV should be about 2 pages long.

how to write a resume singapore student

Types of Resume Formats

1. chronological or reverse-chronological format.

The most common resume format is the chronological format. It is also a great format for experienced professionals. In this format, work experience is highlighted with the most recent employment role placed first and working backwards chronologically. It helps employers to understand the career progression of the applicant in a clear, easy-to-read fashion.

2. Functional Format

This format is best for freshers or students looking for part-time work. It also can be used by those looking for a career change or having an employment gap. In this format, transferrable skills are more highlighted than experience. It also allows you to highlight your achievements or education.

3. Combination Format

This format combines both the chronological and functional resume format. Your achievements and skills come to the forefront above a work experience section that is placed in chronological order.

For more details on the types of resume formats, check our article on the best resume formats 2024 .

Now that you know the different types of resume formats, you need to know the sections of your resume and what you should add to them.

Parts of a Resume

1. personal details.

As in most countries, the first part of the Singapore resume is the personal profile. This section will include your name, contact details (phone number, address and email address), professional social media accounts and a photo of yourself.

Remember to use a professional email address such as [email protected] instead of a personal one like [email protected] as it will give a better impression.

how to write a resume singapore student

2. Resume Summary

A resume summary is usually a few lines that catches a recruiter’s attention. It is a good place to highlight your skills, experience, and education to the company in a way that grabs their attention and persuades them to hire or interview you. In other words, this is where you begin to sell yourself as the perfect candidate for the company.

A good method to gather a hiring manager’s attention is to use keywords that capture attention. Industry specific keywords, and keywords found in the vacancy announcement are a great tool that you can use.

how to write a resume singapore student

3. Professional Experience

This section is one of the most important in the resume as it proves the claims that you make in the summary. It shows the progression of your career and the skills and achievements that you have received as a result of your work.

The format to mention your experience is your job title, how long you worked (date employment began – date employment finished), the company you worked for, and 2-3 bullet points detailing your achievements.

Rather than stating the responsibilities of your post, it is better to highlight key achievements. Mention awards that you have received or significant results that you have got with figures or percentages to really show that you are highly experienced.

how to write a resume singapore student

4.Skills and Competencies

This section shows the skills that you have already gained through your experience and education. Listing your hard and soft skills is a good way for employers to know your strengths and whether you would be an asset to their organization.

Rather than just listing your skills, try to mention an example of when you used the relevant skill. Remember to avoid buzzwords that harm your resume.

how to write a resume singapore student

5. Education

Your educational qualifications can be an important part of your resume as it supports the claims you make in the previous resume sections such as the summary, skills and work experience. Often companies will list the minimum educational qualifications that are required for a position on the vacancy announcement.

The format for the educational section is almost the same as your work experience. You need to specify the qualification title, the years you studied and the name of the school/university/college that you attended.

Write your qualification in the same way that it is mentioned in the job advertisement to make it easier for the recruiter to identify that you have the required qualifications.

how to write a resume singapore student

6. Special Achievements

This section is not compulsory, but it is always good to show that you have received recognition for your work. List any relevant awards that you have received in this section.

If you don’t have any awards to mention, mention other relevant skills or hobbies that you have like a foreign language.

how to write a resume singapore student

7. References

You need to have two references on your resume. Type in their names, designations, company they work for and current contact details.

Remember to ask your references before using their details in the resume and to inform them of the company and position you have applied for after you send in your CV.

how to write a resume singapore student

Now that you know the Singapore resume format, see our tips for international resume formats for other countries .

For more information on writing the perfect resume, check our career guides .

Singapore Resume Formats, Templates, and Writing Tips

Applying for a job in Singapore? This Singapore Resume guide has the templates, tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect resume.

Applying for a job in Singapore? This resume guide has the perfect Singapore resume tips, formats, examples, and templates to help you write the perfect Singapore resume.

singapore resume template

Singapore Resume Requirements

The top requirements for a Singapore resume to be successful are:

  • Your name, contact information and location.
  • Photo on a resume - Generally it isn’t required. However, it is recommended for entry-level candidates and Gahmen jobs.
  • A resume summary.
  • Work experience.
  • Education and academic background.
  • A resume in either a PDF or MS Word. PDF is generally accepted in Singapore.
  • Resume should be detailed enough. More than a one-page resume is welcomed.
  • The right resume format that matches your experience, skills, etc.
  • Language: Resumes in English are fine.

Now that we have established the most important requirements for a Singapore resume, let’s take a look at each of these resume requirements in more detail.

What is the Right Resume Length for Singapore?

The acceptable length of resume for Singapore is 2 pages. Short resumes generally don’t give enough context to hiring managers and hence longer resumes are common and acceptable in Singapore.

Singapore Resume Format

Singapore resumes typically follow the common resume formats that are popular worldwide. Top Singapore resume formats for experienced professionals are:

  • Reverse chronological resume format
  • Functional resume format
  • Combination resume format

If you are an experienced professional, a reverse chronological format would be a great fit for your resume. However, if you are someone who's experienced, but are trying to transition to another role you should consider a functional or a combination resume format.

import a resume example

Reverse Chronological Singapore Resume Format Example

reverse chronological singapore resume format

Functional Singapore Resume Format Example

functional singapore resume format

Combination Singapore Resume Format Example

combination singapore resume format example

We also recommend function or combination resume format for entry-level Singapore resumes.

Singapore Resume - Contact Information Tips

While creating the resume header, make sure to add the following information in it:

  • Your contact information including your phone number, town, and a professional email address to contact you.
  • Make sure to link to your personal portfolio, Linkedin profile, or to your blog.
  • Additionally, you can consider adding your nationality. Companies have a hiring quota for foreign nationals, so when you add nationality it saves a ton of time for you and the hiring manager.

Should you Add a Photo to your Singapore Resume?

Generally, adding a photograph to your resume is considered acceptable. It however invites biases in hiring. If you are graduating from university, keeping a photo on your resume is generally advised. Also, if you are applying for Gahmen jobs, adding your photo to your resume is required.

Resume or CV for Singapore Jobs?

CV or resume are used interchangeably in Singapore and make a little difference. Just keep in mind that Singapore's resumes are a bit more detailed as compared to resumes that we see commonly in other parts of the world.

Singapore Resume Templates and Examples

Professional singapore resume example.

Professional singapore resume example

Administrative Resume Example for Singapore

Administrative resume example for singapore

Customer Support Resume Example for Singapore

singapore customer support resume example

Marketing Resume Example for Singapore

marketing resume example for singapore

Management Resume Example for Singapore

singapore management resume example

Accounting Resume Example for Singapore

Frequently asked questions, how do i write a good singapore resume.

To write a good Singapore resume, make sure you add a short powerful summary at the top, follow the STAR method to describe your experience, list your skills, and properly describe your education.

What Fonts to Use in My Singapore Resume?

For resumes that are in the English language, we recommend that you either use Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, or Roboto as fonts. Use serif-type fonts when your target job is a bit more traditional, else use Sans-serif fonts.

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Singapore Resume Format & How to Write Guide

Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith

Certified Professional Résumé Writer, Career Expert

April 27, 2022 ❘

🕐 min read

Singapore is considered as one of the countries that have a high quality of life. As a result, many foreign people like to relocate here to work.

Your resume is one of the most crucial documents in your Singapore job hunt.

So this is a tailored resume guide especially written for the job seekers in Singapore and other foreign candidates who wish to apply for Singapore jobs.

As we already know the resume is a different document from a CV. But in Singapore both the words CV and Resume used interchangeably to describe the same document.

With that in mind, read on to find out how to compose the perfect resume that will impress your prospective employers in Singapore.

Singapore resume sample

See the resume sample below to get a better understanding of how a Singapore resume should look. If you want to be noticed by recruiters in Singapore, you must have a perfect resume as below. Study this resume sample carefully and create your own resume and increase your job winning rate in Singapore.

Singapore resume format

Why do you need a good resume when applying for jobs in Singapore?

Finding a good job in Singapore is typically a difficult task. Because the Singapore job market is so competitive, even accomplished professionals find it difficult to find jobs in Singapore. But on the other hand, Singapore is a top destination for foreign workers. And the job market here is never saturated.

That’s why you need to have a well-written resume to apply for Singaporean jobs. If you tailor your resume for a specific job, you will not find it much difficult to get into the next stage of your job competition.

That is why you must have a well-written resume to apply for Singaporean jobs. If you tailor your resume to a specific job, you will not have much difficulty in landing an interview opportunity.

Key sections to include in a Singapore resume format

01. resume header (contact information).

This is the place where you should include your contact information on your resume. This makes it easier for your future employer to contact you. Here you need to include your full name, job title you are applying for, your location, email address, and mobile phone number. You can make your resume header stand out by including a link to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or personal website.

02. Resume summary

This is an introduction paragraph of yourself which comes just after your contact information section. Here you should show the employer, at a glance, why you’re qualified for the job. You must summarize your previous work experience and explain how it will benefit the company where you wish to work. You can also list any major certifications you’ve earned and the most important skills that you have which need to do the job well.

03. Work experience

Here you can elaborate your previous related experience in a concise manner. This section is a great place to highlight the skills you’ve acquired throughout your career. You can also highlight the most important accomplishments in your career, as well as what you learned from them.

Some applicants try to list their job responsibilities here. But that will not impress the employers. They want to see how you perform in your previous roles and what your achievements are. So make sure to list some of your best achievements in bulleted lists under each work experience.

04. Education

Education section of your resume is the place where the employers determine whether you fulfill the educational requirements for the job. Having a degree or diploma in a specific field is a basic prerequisite for jobs in Singapore. So make sure you hold the required educational qualification before you apply for the job.

When listing the educational qualifications, mention your degree, whether you received any honors or awards, the college you attended, and your graduation year. You can also highlight important coursework from your school years that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

When listing skills on your resume for a SIngapore job, you should focus more on your technical and hard skills rather than your soft skills.

What matters most is a list of the requested technical abilities. Singapore is an excellent place to work for tech-savvy individuals. As a result, employers believe that each candidate possesses a wide range of technical skills. As a result, listing basic computer skills in Singapore resumes is pointless.

It’s preferable if you can list the skills that are listed in the job advertisement. Because those skills are well-aligned with the job, and they will also help you in beating the ATS scan.

Resume formats to use in Singapore

There are three resume formats that are accepted in Singapore. Those are:

  • Reverse-chronological resume format
  • Functional resume format
  • Combination resume format

From these three resume formats, reverse chronological format is the preferred resume format. This means both your work history and your educational background should be listed in reverse chronological order (the most recent position or academic qualification should be listed first and then the others).

In a functional resume format, your skills are prioritized over your experience and educational qualifications. This format is now outdated, and only a few people still use it.

The chronological format is best for candidates with years of relevant experience. But if you’re a person with little experience, it is good to go with a combination resume format which is a hybrid version of both chronological and functional resume formats.

As the Singapore job market is looking for skilled candidates, the combination format is ideal for showcasing your skills and experience for potential employers.

How long should a Singapore resume be

The ideal resume length is one page . If you have a considerable amount of related experience and achievements, it could be a challenge for you to keep your resume in a single page. Therefore in such a case it is completely acceptable to go for a second page. However, your resume should not be more than 3 pages for any reason.

Most of the great resumes are short and succinct. Therefore be wise to know what to include and exclude in your resume.

Essential tips to make your Singapore job application stand out

  • If you are a foreigner with a Singaporean PR or work visa, make sure to include it in your resume. Having a valid work permit can increase your chances of being called for an interview.
  • Your resume will be more engaging and impactful if you use resume action verbs. The proper use of action verbs strategically can highlight your contributions in your previous workplaces. Therefore, you should use action verbs throughout the descriptions and paragraphs when you write your resume.
  • Grammar and typo errors appear unprofessional on resumes and could give the reader a negative impression about the candidate. Therefore double-check your resume before sending it to a potential employer. It’s possible that you won’t be able to spot your own mistakes. So that you can have someone else to proofread your resume, such as one of your trusted friends or a family member. You can also use an online tool like Grammarly to help you with this.
  • Singapore is a country where technology is best used. So it is no secret that every company in the country uses applicant tracking software. So adjust your resume so that it can beat the ATS . Doing so will give you more interview opportunities.
  • If you are applying for a job in Singapore and want to stand out among the other candidates, you can submit a video resume in addition to your resume and cover letter. This is also known as a Visume. Submitting a visume, which is still new to the job market, gives employers the opportunity to gain a better understanding of your communication skills. As a result, you can reduce the number of interviews you have to attend and get a job quickly. See our complete guide to create a video resume .

How to list education on your resume (with examples)

Employers pay close attention to your resume's education section. It informs them about your background and if you are suitable for the role. Relevant details and necessary credentials can improve your chances of getting the job. 

Let's discuss how to organise the education section on your  resume and where to place it. We'll also go through some examples of different education scenarios. 

Here's what we'll cover:  

Information to include in your resume education section  

  • How to list completed education (with examples)  

How to list incomplete or in-progress education on a resume (with examples)  

  • How to list education in resume if you don't have a degree (with examples)  

Tips for your resume education section  

Conclusion  .

When listing formal education on your resume, hiring managers look for these details: 

  • school or institute name 
  • school location 
  • the degree, diploma, or certification you obtained (if applicable) 
  • your field of study 
  • your graduation date or year (if relevant) 
  • your GPA if it's in the range of 4 to 5 
  • any relevant honours or academic recognition, activities, coursework, or other achievements you attained 

Keep the education section concise, ideally around 15 to 30 words. Format your  resume to match the requirements of the job you are applying for.  

Add your educational details in reverse chronological order, starting from your highest degree. If you have recently graduated, provide more details, like courses relevant to the role. You can also include completed projects and relevant certifications in your coursework. Ensure your education section features academic accomplishments since they're your primary experience.  

If you have prior work experience, keep the education details brief while listing education. Highlight your job history and your roles and responsibilities to show professional development. This helps hiring managers know more about your professional experience. You can also add a relevant advanced degree . 

How to list completed education on resume (with examples)  

Here are some tips to add an education section to your resume with examples: 

For recent graduates (1–2 years) 

If you've recently graduated,  you may not have work experience to include on your resume. In such cases add your educational qualifications. List details like institution name, degree or course, dates of enrollment, and GPA. Include your GPA in the education section if it's between 4.0 and 5.0. You can also include academic honours or accomplishments, if any.  

Here's an example of a resume education section: 

  • Nanyang Technological University  

Singapore, 2013–2017  

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering  

GPA: 4.81/5.00 (Highest Distinction)  

For experienced professionals (over two years) 

Focus on your work experience if you have two or more years of experience. This helps the employer review your work history. They can understand your past roles and responsibilities better. It also helps them decide if the role matches your work experience and qualifications. 

Leave out details such as the dates you attended college or your GPA. But list your highest education and prioritise it over your undergraduate degree. 

Include your graduate-level education or advanced degrees, if any. For instance, if you have a doctoral degree, list your PhD before your master's degree and bachelor's degree. 

Here's an example to illustrate your educational qualifications: 

Singapore, 2020–2023  

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering  

Singapore, 2018–2020  

Master of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence  

For graduates with multiple degrees 

If you hold multiple degrees or a double major, it is important to organise the education section well. This helps employers understand your academic achievements better. Put the highest or most relevant college degree first, depending on the job. 

Let's say you have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering and a master's degree in business administration. You are applying for a lead position. Then, add your Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree before your bachelor's.  

List each degree separately. Include details such as degree title, field of study, university name, and graduation year. 

Here's an example of how to list education for graduates with more than one degree: 

  • NUS Business School  

Singapore, 2017–2019  

Master of Business Administration in Finance  

GPA: 4.81/5.00   

Following these guidelines helps employers see your education. It also helps them understand how your college degrees relate to the job you're applying for. This could give you an edge over other  jobseekers . 

a man stretches his arms behind his head while looking out an office window and sitting at a desk with a laptop on it

You could still be attending college. In that case, include your recent projects and expected graduation date. This allows potential employers to see your studies, relevant coursework, and notable achievements. It helps them decide if you have the necessary qualifications for the position.  

If you're a student, include this section below your contact details and professional summary statement . Include the name of the institute and the degree of the ongoing education. Add your cumulative grade point average (CGPA), academic honours, and extracurricular activities.  

Secondary and tertiary education examples  

Here are some examples of in-progress education:  

High school education example  

  • Raffles Institution  

Singapore, 2023 (Expected graduation date)  

Integrated Programme Student  

CCA: Member of the chess club  

Awards: Gold medalist in the National Mathematics Olympiad 2022  

Tertiary education example 

Singapore, 2018–2022 (Expected)  

Prominent Coursework: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Management, System Design  

CGPA: 4.7/5  

Volunteer in the community engagement programme  

Incomplete education example  

If you've unfinished education, you can still list relevant coursework you completed. Including certifications can also enhance your resume education section. Likewise, you can include your CGPA up to the point of the semester you completed if it's between 4.0 and 5.0. 

This information can be valuable to employers if it relates to the job requirements. Be honest and accurate when presenting your educational background in this scenario. 

Below is an example:  

  • National University of Singapore  

Singapore, 2019–2021  

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (incomplete)  

Prominent Coursework: Advanced Programming, Computer Systems Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms  

GPA: 4/5 (up to the point of the last completed semester)  

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals, Microsoft Azure, 2020   

How to list education on a resume if you don't have a degree (with examples)  

If your highest education is a high school diploma, focus on showcasing your skills and achievements . You may include honours, awards, or extracurricular activities. Align your resume writing to the job description. 

Add activities that include the keyword skills listed in the job description. You can add coursework descriptions. Also, consider adding classes relevant to the position you're applying for. 

For example, you are applying for a customer service job with high school education. Then, here's how you can include your education on your resume:  

  • Raffles Institution, Singapore  

Graduated in 2021  

Completed GCE O-Level examinations with distinctions in Mathematics, English, and Science  

CCA: Captain of the school badminton team  

Completed a short course in Basic Customer Interaction Skills, MySkillsFuture Singapore, 2021  

But what if you didn't graduate high school? Here's an example of how to structure your education section: 

  • Hougang Secondary School, Singapore  

Attended school from 2019 to 2021  

Captain of the school football team  

Completed Service Excellence SkillsFuture WSQ Course, MySkillsFuture Singapore, 2021  

Here are some simple tips for your resume education section: 

  • Provide clear and accurate information.  Double-check all details like school or university names, dates attended, and degrees earned. Mistakes can compromise your resume's credibility. 
  • Prioritise the most relevant degree.  If you hold multiple degrees, highlight the one that aligns best with the position you are applying for. This directs the hiring manager's attention to your most relevant qualifications. 
  • Select the information you want to include.  Keep the section concise and avoid adding extra information unless necessary. Only include pre-tertiary education details if you are a recent graduate with no work experience.  

two people engage in a business handshake

The resume education section is crucial for displaying your qualifications to potential employers. It gives insight into your academic background, skills, and accomplishments. To make this section impressive, provide accurate details. Emphasise the most relevant college or university degree and use action verbs in descriptions. 

Now is a great time to review and update your resume's education section. Add any new courses or certifications you've completed to reflect your accomplishments accurately. A well-crafted education section can enhance your prospects in the job market. 

Here are answers to several frequently asked questions on the topic of education on your resume: 

  • Should you list all your subjects under the education section or mention the degree title?   ⁠It is usually enough to mention the degree title in the education section of your resume. Listing all subjects may be unnecessary and could clutter the layout. Employers often prioritise the bachelor's or graduate degree over individual coursework.  ⁠ ⁠However, there are exceptions, especially for specialized technical or professional roles. In such cases, you can mention relevant courses as bullet points under a separate section titled 'Relevant Coursework.' Always tailor your resume to highlight the most pertinent information based on the job requirements. 
  • Should I add education first on my resume?   ⁠You can choose to prioritise the education section by placing it at the top of your resume. This helps if you are a recent graduate or if your education closely aligns with the job you are applying for. By highlighting your education first, you draw attention to your qualifications for the hiring manager to review.  ⁠ ⁠On the other hand, if you have extensive and relevant professional experience, consider prioritising the work experience section instead. In this scenario, position your education section below your work experience. Employers may be more interested in learning about your roles and accomplishments in previous workplaces. 
  • Should I include my primary and secondary education details on my resume?   ⁠If you have already graduated or have significant work experience, it is best to avoid listing your primary and secondary education. However, if you've graduated recently or have limited relevant experience, you may choose to include it in your resume. 
  • Should I list my GPA on my resume?   ⁠Including your GPA on your resume is neither standard nor necessary. Your resume highlights your skills, academic experience, and qualifications. Yet, there are circumstances where including your GPA could be beneficial:  ⁠ ⁠ Academic positions:  For a job in academia or research where your GPA is relevant to the role, you may include it.  ⁠ Fresh graduates:  If you're a recent graduate with a limited work history, you can include a high GPA, usually 4.0 to 5.0. This can help you highlight your academic achievements.  ⁠ Competitive programs/scholarships:  A high GPA can help you with study abroad programs. It can also help you with many scholarships.  ⁠
  • Should I include online courses or certificates in my resume education section?   ⁠Yes, you can add online courses or certificates. It adds more value if they align with the job you are applying for. These achievements highlight your ongoing learning, skill development, and commitment to professional growth.   ⁠ ⁠Here are some tips to make a positive impression when including online courses or certifications:  ⁠ ⁠ Title and provider:  Mention the course or certification name and the institution.  ⁠ Relevance:  Prioritise courses related to your target job or industry.  ⁠ Certification date:  Include the completion date to show the recency of your achievement.  ⁠ ⁠You can include online courses in a separate "Education and Certifications" section. But ensure that you include only credible and recognised courses to boost the value of your resumé. If you have completed several courses, consider listing only the most relevant ones. 
  • Should I list National Service (NS) in the educational background section?    ⁠Avoid including NS in the resume unless you have limited work experience. But you can add it if you are applying for a job where your NS experience may be relevant. For instance, you may include your NS experience if you are applying for a leadership role. It indicates that the NS experience helped you develop leadership and management skills. 
  • Should I include 'A' level results on my resume?   ⁠Many students in Singapore choose to apply for internships or jobs after completing their 'A' level examinations. They do this to get some work experience before continuing their education. If you are a student too, you can include your 'A' level examination scores provided they are high.   ⁠ ⁠But, if you already have more advanced degrees or significant work experience, avoid including it in your resume. 

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November 1, 2022

Creating Resumes: 5 Free Tools to Use That’s Approved by a Career Coach

Different jobseekers need different resumes – here are tools and advice to create yours and stand out to an employer..

how to write a resume singapore student

In this day and age, asking your friend to email you their chio resume template and then simply cutting and pasting your own career details doesn’t quite cut it.

What you want is your professional persona to showcase how you fit the job and industry you’re gunning for. Thanks to various free online resume creation tools available, it’s not that hard to create a winning resume!

Zarina Abu Bakar, a certified Career Practitioner with 13 years of experience with Workforce Singapore (WSG), believes these resume builders can be of great help if you’re looking to build your resume. “These sites simplify your resume writing process with ready resume templates. All you need to do is fill in your professional information.”

For some background, Zarina specialises in helping professionals through career exploration and coaching on resumes, job interviews and professional branding, and has helped over 3,000 professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) to move into careers that align with their interests, strengths and values!

Need personalised guidance in your job search? Register for a complimentary session with WSG’s Career Matching Services today and get the support you need.

Customising your resume still matters

However, this doesn’t just mean you only use the standard templates found on such sites without edits or tweaks.

Zarina shared: “While these resume templates are indeed useful, jobseekers also need to ask themselves: will this resume format help to sell their skills and experiences, and catch an employers’ attention?”

Format also matters, of course. “For example, employers will always prefer to see a career summary at the top of the resume, summarising your overall work experiences”, she added.

Are adding extra academic activities from school or personal hobbies on your resume really relevant?

In a Singapore context, one thing local jobseekers might wonder is whether adding those extra-academic activities taken during your schooling days, or simply personal passions that you enjoy, really helpful in getting a potential employer’s attention on a resume?

Zarina believes so, revealing: “For fresh graduates, showcasing extra-curricular activities can help, especially when the activities demonstrate skills and qualities desired by employers.

Looking for a job? Explore a range of career opportunities with Career GRIT. Connect with hiring employers at various career events such as walk-in interviews, virtual job interviews, virtual career fairs, and many more!

“For example, this can include leadership skills, communication skills, project management, or events organization.”

Raring to get going on your resume?  Here’s a quick list of some online tools and starter packs that you might want to consider!

What this site promises: “Often, it is important to be able to tailor your resume based on the job you wish to apply for. With CVmaker, you can create and manage several different resumes in an organised way through your own personal account hub.”

What this site promises: “Use professional field-tested resume templates that follow the exact ‘resume rules’ employers look for. Easy to use and done within minutes – try now for free!”

What this site promises: “Over 500 examples and articles authored by certified and professional resume writers. They’re all designed to help you create a professional quality resume & cover letter that help you get interviews and land a dream job!”

What this site promises: “Land your dream job with captivating CVs you can professionally customize, to reflect your true potential with Canva’s free resume templates and easy-to-use design editor.”

Workforce Singapore’s resume starter pack

What Zarina promises: “Designed for Singaporean jobseekers, it’s good to make the process of resume writing and interview coaching for you as simplified as possible.

“This starter pack summarises the key points in a concise way, so local jobseekers can use it as a guide when crafting their own resume or preparing for interviews.”

how to write a resume singapore student

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Ivan Shovkoplias

Student resume examples & templates

Student resume examples & templates

Optional sections

How to write resumes for applicant tracking systems (ats), the word cloud method.

As a high school or college student, you may be a bit more focused on the homework due tomorrow than on paving the way to career success by preparing a student resume. But there’s no time like the present, and the sooner you draw up a resume, the closer you’ll be to the financial independence that employment can bring.

A little bit of freedom, a paycheck, a huge boost in confidence and real-life knowledge — these are just a few examples of what you can get from your first work experiences. Any work experience is a huge asset at this stage of your journey.  This student resume example and guide, along with our convenient resume builder tool , will help you to:

  • Learn the basics of preparing a great resume
  • Craft your first impressive and creative student resume (even without work experience)
  • Find out about modern hiring practices (software-based and human hiring psychology)
  • Arm yourself with useful sample sentences, tips and tricks to greatly increase your chances of landing an interview

Let’s dive in.

Student - Student resume example and guide

How to write a student resume: what to include, what to avoid

Here are the basic elements to include (or not) in a student resume:

  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section
  • The education section

Student - How to write a student resume

  • Order sections by importance (Summary > Education > Experience > Skills)
  • Think about your potential employer and include information/experiences that are the most relevant.
  • Expand your resume beyond one page. This will reduce the likelihood that the entire thing will be read.
  • Expand low-priority sections to the point where the important sections get reduced.
  • Languages . If you know one foreign language (especially at a basic level), this should just go on the skills section of your resume. However, if you know three or more languages, and some of them at a high level, you can move them to a separate resume section. If you have language certifications, be  sure to list them.

Including additional sections in your resume from the ones listed here will depend on how robust your resume is overall. If you feel like there’s enough info already, just include things like languages in the skills section. Include any certifications in the education. But if you’re really struggling to fill out the page, more sections may help you out.

  • Extracurricular activities. The reason this one is optional is because most of your relevant activities will go into experience. You only need the extracurricular activities section if your interests and out-of-school life are so robust that they don’t fit into one section.
  • Hobbies. This section should usually be avoided. It’s a last-ditch effort to fill out space on your resume. If you are desperate to add something more to your resume, mentioning you are an active jogger and bicycle rider, for example, can at least hint you are energetic and disciplined.

Don’t list hobbies or activities that have no application in work or don’t demonstrate positive qualities. The line can be blurry here but try to think objectively. Playing in a hobbyist theater troupe, for example, demonstrates you are social and open with people.

Need additional inspiration? Please view our other helpful related educative resume examples:

  • Early Childhood Educator resume sample
  • College Student resume sample
  • High School Student resume sample
  • Academic Librarian resume sample
  • Health Educator resume sample
  • ESL Teacher resume sample
  • Tutor resume sample
  • Teacher Assistant resume sample
  • Substitute Teacher resume sample
  • Middle School Teacher resume sample
  • Elementary School Teacher resume sample
  • College Professor resume sample
  • Internship resume sample
  • High School Teacher resume sample
  • Academic Tutor resume sample
  • College Admissions resume sample
  • Teacher resume sample

Summary resume example: a positive portrait

If you don’t have a lot of work experience, that’s not a deal-breaker. The summary, sometimes known as a personal statement, provides a positive image, describes your qualifications and gives the reader a sense of your determination and drive. This is why it’s doubly important to craft your summary with care in a student resume. Avoid clichés and vague statements. When you’ve written out your profile section, ask yourself: If I read this resume, would I hire the person described here?

In a more practical sense, here are some examples and tips to follow when creating a resume for a student:

  • The summary shouldn’t be shorter than two or longer than four mid-sized sentences.
  • Use action verbs , concrete and energetic language on your resume. Instead of “High school student looking for a job” write “Self-disciplined and hard-working student looking for a workplace to contribute to a team, to learn and to grow as a professional.”
  • Provide context and specific facts where possible. Instead of “Finished high school. Have a variety of hobbies.” write “Excelled in algebra and Spanish in high school. Developed social skills and openness in improv theater.”
  • Insert a couple of skills and qualities that might be interesting to an employer. Knowing languages, how to use computer spreadsheets or how to organize your schedule, or always being punctual, for example, are relevant skills and qualities.

Tailor your description based on what type of job you’re applying for. If you’re looking for work in service jobs (restaurants, grocery stores, etc.) use your resume to emphasize the social part of your character. If you’re applying for a job in an office, mention how your school / project experienced helped you gain skills applicable in an office setting.

More and more employers (especially medium and large companies) are using this software to manage the hundreds of resumes they receive. So, what is an ATS system and why is it relevant for your student resume? Applicant Tracking Systems are software programs/environments that process and analyze resumes before any human manager even gets a chance to see them. 

How do Applicant Tracking Systems work and how do you adapt your resume to them? ATS operate based on keywords or phrases that hiring specialists or managers determine beforehand. These can be as simple as “high school diploma” and “time management” or as complex as terms for coding languages or medical certifications. These keywords are used to rate your resume against other applicants and to either filter them out or pass them on to human recruiters.

Wondering whether the job application you’re looking it as processed by an ATS? Small businesses may not use these programs, but some 95% of large companies and 50% of medium companies use ATS software. Consider the chances and act accordingly.

In most cases, there is no way to know the exact words the ATS will be looking for on your student resume. But there are two simple and powerful methods to get an educated guess:

  • Analyzing the job listing/description
  • Researching the employer’s website / social media

According to data from Youtern, just 35% of candidates are qualified for the jobs to which they apply. Eye-tracking tests and surveys show that the average time spent by a candidate reading a job description is only 50 seconds. Do NOT just skim over these listings, as this will greatly reduce your chances of creating a winning resume . The better you understand the position, the higher your chances.

If you’re struggling to evaluate what qualities are more important to an employer based on a description, there’s a way to simplify things. In case the listing is too vague or wordy, there are tools to help you visualize the patterns. Use services like or (or similar ones) to turn messy job texts into sample visual representations. Just copy-paste the text you’re having trouble with and you’ll get an image where the more frequently used terms will be larger. Use this to spot patterns and analyze what’s important.

Pay attention to the exact terminology used in the job description. People tend to describe the same skills, jobs, educational degrees and so on with different words depending on where they live, work and so on. Make sure to use the same terminology as your potential employer.

Enthusiastic and motivated university student with a strong interest in pursuing a career in customer service. A quick learner with a commitment to meaningful customer interactions. Eager to apply my commitment to customer satisfaction and effective communication in an academic environment.

Education example: the core of your resume

As a student, education is what you’ve spent the most time on prior to getting a job. Make use of this. Instead of thinking about education as a given, make it shine on your resume page. 

According to research from the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, companies are actively hiring students. This is more common at the college level (81% of part-time undergraduate students were employed in 2018), but high school students can still get hired for simple jobs, especially in the service industry.

So, what should you include in this section? As this is a segment built on a bullet-point list (like every other resume section except the summary), the general method is this: list educational experiences as bullet points. However, there are some exceptions, like these:

  • If you’re a college student: List your college and your high school (and any other learning activities) as bullet points. For each one, provide a sub-description with samples of achievements in specific subjects, school projects, scores and evaluations.
  • If you’re a high school student with additional educational experience: Same as above, just excluding the college part.
  • If your only educational experience is a single school: List your school as a heading and make a bullet point based on your subjects, achievements, school projects, etc.

On average, each entry-level position receives 144 applications. Each professional position gets 89 per a single listing. Some large companies may receive many thousands of resumes per week. The better the job, the higher the competition. Making your resume impress both the ATS and the hiring manager is vital.

The trick to making this section look good on your resume is to view your education as work with its own results. 

Bachelor of Communications, University of Oxford, Oxford  October 2021 - Present 

  • Working towards a Communications degree.

3 A level qualifications, Winchester College, Winchester  September 2013 - July 2021  

  • A grades in French, Business Studies and English Literature.

Employment history or experience section: an overlooked gem 

Many students writing their first resume don’t bother with anything except the education section. With no job experience, it seems pointless. But even if you’re young, you have lots to offer. If you do have job experience, however, you can call this the “employment history” section, otherwise, you may choose to name it the “experience” section. But if done right, this section can make you look more vibrant, active and creative.

What can you write in the experience section of a student resume? Here are some ideas:

  • Summer or temp jobs. You mainly want to show the employer you’ve already been part of the workforce. You know what a job is.
  • Internships. If you have these on your list, it’s one of the greatest advantages possible. Internships usually take place at more complicated jobs and are related to more advanced professions.
  • Social / volunteer work . This demonstrates your ability to cooperate with other people and work towards a goal.
  • Other projects (personal passions, community initiatives). Anything that didn’t land in the above categories (or the education section) goes here. Examples: Websites you ran with friends, local community events you helped with.

Student Resume Example - Experience section student resume

Make sure to use the same approach as in the education section: provide detailed descriptions of your duties, results, projects, interactions and any pertinent information. Even if it doesn’t seem that impressive to you, on your resume it shows that these were real activities and/or work experiences . 

Sales Associate at Big Apple Bookstore, Oxford  September 2022 - Present 

  • Greeted customers and assisted them with finding books.
  • Offered literary suggestions based on the needs and desires of the customer.
  • Followed directions from my supervisor and managed projects with precision.
  • Organised books and adhered to the policies and mission of the bookstore.

Editorial Internship at Sky News, West London  January 2021 - December 2021 

  • Assisted Senior Editors with a variety of clerical and administrative tasks.
  • Utilised my passion for journalism to pitch interesting story ideas.
  • Ran spellchecks and edited stories.

Online English Literature Tutor, London  September 2020 - April 2021 

  • Offered online tuition to GCSE students in English Language and English Literature.
  • Helped five students to achieve top grades and secure places on AS level course.

If your lack work experience, consider adding your GPA on your resume . An impressive GPA can give hiring manager a good impression of how well you will perform. 

Choosing the correct CV format and resume template

People are visual creatures. We all like beautiful things. Anything messy or cluttered skews our objectivity, even in the professional world. A template can help you create an attractive CV or resume format and make sure the visual part of your resume works for you, not against you.

Solid CV or resume formatting is important both for the ATS and for hiring managers. Here are some golden rules to abide by:

  • Use consistent fonts everywhere on your resume.
  • Use the “chunking” method of CV formatting. White space between paragraphs and a variety of visual forms can keep a hiring manager reading to the end of the resume. Templates can make appropriate spacing easier.

Don’t get too creative. Strange colors and excessive decoration of your resume will make it look unprofessional. When in doubt, choose a more reserved template, like these simple options from These types of templates work great for a variety of entry-level positions.

Pay attention to visual design. If you’re an enthusiastic designer or are studying to become one, resume formatting might be a task you’d like to attempt yourself. But if not, there’s a huge number of professionally designed, beautiful and research-tested resume templates out there (for example on this very website). All you need is to fill them in with your info. A great template = no hassle.

21% of U.S. resumes don’t pass the ATS filter due to buggy formatting, or get ignored by recruiters due to confusing charts, layouts, or images. To avoid this, use professionally designed templates.

Skills section example: your best tools and qualities

This is the resume section that most depends on the job for which you’re applying. Different companies look for different skills in their employees. You are sure to have some great skills . Just choose them well. There are two main things you need to know for this section of the student resume:

  • What is a master list and how to use one
  • The difference between hard and soft skills and where each is best

The master list method entails brainstorming every possible skill you think you might have naturally or have picked up in school, projects or temp jobs. Write them all down, even if they seem unlikely or you are unsure that they fit. Keep this list in a separate document. You’ll return to it every time you’re writing a new resume. It’ll get richer and bigger the more experience you get. Once you have a master list, the idea is to cherry-pick the best skills that are appropriate for a specific job and add them to that particular resume. And here’s where we get to the hard/soft skills . 

Hard skills relate to specific tasks, concrete knowledge, physical objects, sciences or tools. Knowing how to use Excel spreadsheets or Microsoft Word are hard skills . Knowing a programming language or a foreign language are hard skills. Soft skills have to do with social interactions, self-organization, intellectual and emotional qualities and so on. Time management and scheduling is a soft skill, as is team collaboration. Most entry-level positions (for example in service jobs) tend to favor soft skills. 

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Microsoft Office
  • Motivated Attitude
  • Social Media Management

Key takeaways

  • Getting a good job, even without past experience, is an attainable goal. Just make sure to tailor your student resume to a specific position and employer.
  • CV formats and resume layouts are extremely important to pass the ATS and impress the hiring manager. Resume templates can make this step easier.
  • Education is the core of a resume for a student. Make it detailed, and list results and numbers if you can.
  • The summary is your free-form professional profile on your resume. Be a little creative here, but also describe your best work-related qualities, experience and achievements here.
  • Use professional resume-building tools and templates to avoid hidden pitfalls in resume formatting. It makes your life much easier.

Student - Key takeaways for  a student resume

And if you want the perfect tool to save time and get a great job, use the builder tool with professionally made and recruiter-tested templates !

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates


  • Accounting & Audit
  • Admin & Operations
  • Banking & Finance
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality
  • IT (Information Technology)
  • Sales & Advertising
  • Student & Fresh Graduate
  • Resume & CV

50+ Resume Samples | Downloadable Resume & CV Samples (2024)

Scroll down below to get 50+ expertly crafted resume samples. Tailored to various industries and roles, our downloadable samples are the perfect resume help designed to showcase your skills and experiences in the most impactful way.

resume samples

Resume Samples Sorted By Industry

  • HR, Admin & Operations
  • Sales and Advertising
  • Student and Fresh Graduate

Accounting & Audit Resume Samples

  • Auditor Resume Sample
  • Finance Manager Resume Sample
  • Accounting Resume Sample
  • Banking Resume Sample  (Banking Director)

Banking & Finance Resume Samples

  • Investment Analyst Resume Sample  (Banking and Venture Capital Analyst)
  • Relationship Manager Resume Sample
  • Risk Manager Resume Sample
  • Banking Sales Resume Sample
  • IT Resume Sample  (for Banking Industry)
  • Compliance Manager Resume Sample

Education Resume Samples

  • Teacher Resume Sample
  • Professor Resume Sample
  • Researcher Resume Sample  (Research & Development)

Engineering Resume Samples

  • Oil and Gas Resume Sample
  • Electrical Engineer Resume Sample
  • Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample
  • Civil Engineer Resume Sample

HR, Admin, & Operations Resume Samples

  • HR Manager Resume Sample
  • HR Assistant Resume Sample
  • Operations Manager Resume Sample
  • Office Manager Resume Sample
  • Admin Officer Resume Sample
  • Administrative Assistant Resume Sample
  • Administrative Support Resume Sample
  • Secretary Resume Sample
  • Receptionist Resume Sample

Hospitality Resume Samples

  • Hospitality Resume Sample

IT Resume Samples

  • IT Manager Resume Sample
  • IT Project Manager Resume Sample
  • SaaS Business Development Manager Resume Sample
  • Web Developer Resume Sample
  • Digital Marketing Resume Sampl
  • Data Analyst Resume Sample
  • Software Engineer Resume Sample
  • Data Scientist Resume Sample
  • Cybersecurity Resume Sample
  • Digital Product Owner Resume Sample

Marketing Resume Samples

  • Marketing Manager Resume Sample
  • Digital Marketing Resume Sample
  • E-Commerce Resume Sample
  • Social Media Manager Resume Sample
  • Business Development Resume Sample
  • Brand Manager Resume Sample
  • Call Center Resume Sample
  • Writer Resume Sample

Sales & Advertising Resume Samples

  • Sales Manager Resume Sample
  • Sales Director / Senior Sales Executive Resume Sample
  • Account Manager Resume Sample
  • Advertising Resume Sample
  • Insurance Sales Resume Sample
  • Telecom Sales Resume Sample
  • Sales Associate Resume Sample
  • Sales Account Manager Resume Sample
  • PPC Manager Resume Sample

Student & Fresh Grad Resume Samples

  • College Student Resume Sample (Mechanical Engineer)
  • Fresh Graduate Resume Sample (Business)

Other Resume Samples

  • Product Manager Resume Sample
  • Clerk Resume Sample
  • Supply Chain Manager Resume Sample
  • Phua Chu Kang Resume Sample
  • Barbarella Resume Sample

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about our Resume Samples

As a company that has drafted thousands of resumes over the years, we recommend that you have the following sections as part of your resume: An Executive Summary, A List of Your Key Skills and Areas of Expertise, Work Experience and Achievements at Work, Technical Skills, Notice Period and Languages. You can also include Personal Projects, Volunteer Experiences, Conferences and Publications.

One of the key things that employers look for when scanning your resume is your achievements and accomplishments. You don’t need to be a professional resume writer to get noticed. This is why it’s good to include numbers and dates, as it enables them to pinpoint your successes quickly and easily.

Our Resume Writing Consultants recommend a 2 or 3 page resume for mid-career and senior-career jobseekers. A 1-2 page resume may be fine if you’re early on in your career, though.

We have a whole guide on the best resume formats, but if you’re in a rush then we recommend that you opt for a reverse chronological or functional resume format.

Absolutely! Check out our list of 10+ Resume Templates here . They are ATS-optimized, modern and designed in line with our signature ResumeWriter format. When you’re done writing your CV with our templates, don’t forget to send your CV to us for a Free CV Feedback session with our team of HR Experts!

How To Write Your Resume

Writing a resume can often feel like a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to make an impression on potential employers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential aspects of crafting an effective resume, including how to use resume samples, key elements to include, best writing tips, ways to get noticed by Singaporean HR managers, and whether or not to use resume samples or templates.

Key Elements of a Resume

Contact information.

  • Visibility : Ensure your contact information is placed at the top of your resume and is easily visible. This helps potential employers quickly identify how to reach you.
  • Details to Include : Your full name, a professional email address, a contact phone number, and, optionally, your LinkedIn profile URL. If you have a professional website or online portfolio, consider including these as well.
  • Formatting : Use a larger font size for your name to make it stand out. Keep the rest of the information in a standard, readable font.

Professional Summary or Objective

  • Purpose : This section serves as your elevator pitch. It should capture the essence of your professional background and what you can offer.
  • Writing a Summary : If you have several years of experience, a professional summary is more appropriate. It should briefly highlight your career achievements and critical skills.
  • Writing an Objective : For those early in their careers or making a career change, an objective statement can be more effective. This should state your career goals and what you aim to achieve in the position you’re applying for.
  • Customization : Tailor this section to align with the specific job you’re applying for, using keywords from the job description.

Work Experience

  • Chronological Listing : Start with your most recent position and work backward. This format is preferred as it shows your career progression.
  • Details to Include : For each position, list your job title, the company’s name, location, and the dates of your employment.
  • Achievements and Responsibilities : Use bullet points to detail your key responsibilities and achievements in each role. Focus on results and accomplishments rather than just listing duties.
  • Quantification : Where possible, quantify your achievements with numbers, percentages, or specific outcomes to provide a clearer picture of your impact.
  • Information to Include : Your most recent or highest level of education should be listed first. Include the name of the institution, the degree you obtained, and the graduation year.
  • Additional Details : If relevant, you can also include your major/minor fields, notable academic achievements, and GPA (if impressive and recent).
  • Continuing Education : If you have taken courses relevant to the job after your formal education, include these as well.
  • Relevance : Focus on skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Read the job description carefully to identify which skills the employer values.
  • Categorization : Separate your skills into categories, such as technical skills, languages, and interpersonal skills.
  • Specificity : Be as specific as possible, especially with technical skills. For example, instead of just listing “project management,” specify the methodologies or tools you’re experienced with, like Agile or Trello.

Certifications and Awards

  • Professional Certifications : Include any relevant professional certifications that enhance your qualifications for the job. State the name of the certificate and the awarding organization.
  • Awards and Honors : Mention any awards or recognitions you’ve received that are relevant to your career or the job you’re applying for.
  • Recent and Relevant : Focus on certifications and awards that are recent and closely related to the position or industry.

Best Resume Writing Tips

how to write resume

1. Tailor Your Resume

  • Understanding the Job Description : Carefully read the job listing to identify key skills and experiences the employer is seeking. Look for specific keywords and phrases that are emphasized.
  • Matching Your Skills and Experiences : Align your resume with these keywords and phrases. For example, if the job requires leadership skills, highlight any leadership roles or responsibilities you’ve held.
  • Customization for Each Application : Avoid sending a generic resume to multiple employers. Each job might require a different set of skills or experiences, so your resume should be customized accordingly.

2. Use Action Words

  • Creating Impact with Verbs : Using strong action verbs at the beginning of your bullet points makes your resume more compelling. Instead of saying “responsible for,” use verbs like “orchestrated,” “spearheaded,” or “executed.”
  • Variety and Relevance : Use a variety of action words that are relevant to your field or industry. This not only adds dynamism to your resume but also shows your versatility and adaptability.
  • Instead of “Worked on project management,” say, “Directed a team of 10 in a successful project delivery.”
  • Replace “Helped in sales increase” with “Catalyzed a 30% growth in sales over three months.”

3. Quantify Achievements

  • Using Numbers and Data : Quantifying achievements gives a tangible measure of your impact. This can include percentages, dollar amounts, timeframes, or any other relevant metrics.
  • Contextualizing Your Contributions : It helps to provide context for your achievements. For example, “Managed a budget of $50,000” is more impressive if you add “while reducing costs by 15%.”
  • Making Your Achievements Stand Out : Quantified achievements often stand out more in the hiring manager’s mind, as they provide clear evidence of your effectiveness.

4. Keep It Concise

  • One-Page Rule : For those with less than 10 years of experience, a one-page resume is usually sufficient. This forces you only to include the most relevant and impactful information.
  • Relevance Over Quantity : Focus on quality, not quantity. Highlight experiences and skills that align most closely with the job you’re applying for.
  • Effective Use of Space : Use bullet points, concise language, and good formatting to make the best use of space. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and unnecessary details.

5. Proofread

  • Attention to Detail : Proofreading your resume is crucial. Even minor typos can create an unfavorable impression.
  • Getting a Second Opinion : Sometimes, it’s hard to spot your own errors. Ask a friend or a mentor to review your resume. They might also provide valuable feedback on the content.
  • Consistency in Formatting : Check for consistency in formatting – this includes font sizes, bullet point styles, and alignment. A consistent format enhances readability and professionalism.

By adhering to these detailed tips, you can significantly enhance the quality of your resume, making it more appealing to potential employers and increasing your chances of landing your desired job.

How to Get Noticed by Singaporean HR Managers

Cultural Nuance : Understand the work culture in Singapore. Professionalism and formality are highly valued.

Highlight Relevant Experience : Emphasize experiences that are particularly relevant to the Singaporean market, such as knowledge of local industries or language skills.

Adapt to Local Standards : Singaporean resumes often include a passport-sized photo and personal details like date of birth, which might be rare in other countries.

Networking : Leverage LinkedIn and other professional networks to connect with industry professionals in Singapore.

How to Use Resume Samples Page

Understanding Resume Samples : Resume samples are templates or examples that showcase different styles and formats of resumes. These samples can serve as a valuable reference point, especially if you need help figuring out where to start.

Downloading Resume Samples : Our website offers resume samples that allow you to download them for free. Choose a sample that aligns with your industry and experience level.

Customizing the Sample : After downloading a resume sample, the next step is to customize it. Replace the placeholder information with your own details. Ensure that you tailor it to reflect your unique experiences, skills, and accomplishments.

Analyzing the Format : Pay attention to the layout, font, and structure of the sample. These elements are critical in ensuring your resume is easy to read and professionally presented.

Should You Use Resume Samples?

: : :

Crafting an effective resume requires a balance between following proven structures and showcasing your unique qualifications. 

By utilizing resume samples wisely, tailoring your content, and understanding the specific requirements of your target job market (like Singapore), you can create a resume that stands out. 

Remember, your resume is more than just a document; it’s a reflection of your professional journey and a tool to open doors to new opportunities.

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[A Levels] How to write a good resume?

Hi guys, A Levels finishing in 2 weeks and I'm looking through quite a couple of jobs ...Some jobs require us to send a proper resume and I want to ask the seniors or generally anyone who worked do you ensure your resume is good my resume is not that good and prolly I only have my SGC from jc but I got quite good response and praise from Sinda Youth Committee (I am a peer leader there ) and did quite a 1 paper presentation last year to a well- known company...So I'm thinking how should I organize my resume)

Update: I just found clinical assistant jobs in my fav hospital ( I'm a kidney patient there at NUH) and most of them Min O level can ready... And almost all of the clinical assistant jobs is asking me a resume?So how should I do it?

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  1. How To Write a Resume for Students (Plus Example and Tips)

    Here is a sample resume tailored for a student: Marcus Ong Beng Chin. Singapore. [email protected]. +65 9555 5555 Professional summary Motivated marketing student with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Merlion University of Singapore. Proficient in digital marketing strategies, including SEO, SEM, and PPC, with hands-on experience in ...

  2. Student Resume Examples (What to Include and Tips)

    Here are seven details you can include: 1. Contact information. Provide your contact information at the top of your resume or create a sidebar for it. Ensure that it's clear and concise to ensure hiring managers know exactly how to get in touch with you. Include your name, phone number and email address.

  3. Resume for Students [Writing Tips, Samples & Skills]

    Tips for Student Resume. Use action verbs such as "managed," "developed," and "improved" to highlight your accomplishments and skills. Include quantifiable metrics such as percentages or numbers to showcase the impact of your work. Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job posting throughout your resume, especially in the skills ...

  4. Create an Impressive Resume

    Create an Impressive Resume. A resume is like a movie trailer. It should give a brief but compelling preview of your skills and experience to pique the interest of the hiring manager and entice them to learn more about you. This guide will help you create a powerful resume that highlights your credentials to stand out from the crowd.

  5. How to Write a Resume If You Are a Fresh Graduate (With Tips and

    Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write a powerful resume if you have no work experience: 1. Choose an appropriate resume format. Before you write a resume, you must choose an acceptable format. The format should allow you to showcase the qualities that make you an ideal candidate for their role.

  6. Best Singapore Resume Format [With Templates]

    This format is best for freshers or students looking for part-time work. It also can be used by those looking for a career change or having an employment gap. In this format, transferrable skills are more highlighted than experience. It also allows you to highlight your achievements or education. 3. Combination Format.

  7. Singapore Resume Formats, Templates, and Writing Tips

    Work experience. Education and academic background. A resume in either a PDF or MS Word. PDF is generally accepted in Singapore. Resume should be detailed enough. More than a one-page resume is welcomed. The right resume format that matches your experience, skills, etc. Language: Resumes in English are fine.

  8. How to write a resume in Singapore

    If you ensure that the information is personalised specifically to the role and employer, your resume will stand out from the pack. First, start with researching the role and employer, and identify what achievements or skills you have that are relevant for the job at hand. Then, bring those achievements and skills to the forefront using these ...

  9. 4 Resume Templates to Use That Work Best for Singaporean Employers

    A template combination resume. While the combination resume is more flexible in nature, incorporate these important pieces of information: Name and contact information. A brief summary of your skills and qualities. Professional experience. Education and credentials. Feel free to get creative with a combination resume!

  10. College Student Resume Sample

    In this section we will share the best strategies to write a College/Student Resume. 1. Resume Header. State your Name, Email Address and Contact Number clearly in your header. There is no need to put your home address or identification number (NRIC). 2. Executive Summary. An Executive Summary is the opening paragraph of your CV.

  11. 15 Best Student Resume Examples and Templates

    Simple Student Resume. From this example, you can see the student has used a simple and clear structure. The coloring and font are perfect, meaning the recruiter can read the document with ease. The student uses the personal statement section to sell himself to the employer in a short but attractive way.

  12. How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience

    2. List Your Areas of Expertise. 3. Highlight Internship Experiences, Projects, and Co-Curricular Activities. 4. Include Links to Your Professional Profile, Social Media Accounts, and Portfolio. 5. Keep It Short and Simple. Resume Sample for Students with No Work Experience.

  13. Singapore Resume Format & How to Write Guide

    Here you need to include your full name, job title you are applying for, your location, email address, and mobile phone number. You can make your resume header stand out by including a link to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or personal website. 02. Resume summary.

  14. How to list education on your resume (with examples)

    Include your GPA in the education section if it's between 4.0 and 5.0. You can also include academic honours or accomplishments, if any. Here's an example of a resume education section: Nanyang Technological University. Singapore, 2013-2017. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering.

  15. Creating Resumes: 5 Free Tools to Use That's Approved by a Career Coach What this site promises: "Use professional field-tested resume templates that follow the exact 'resume rules' employers look for. Easy to use and done within minutes - try now for free!" What this site promises: "Over 500 examples and articles authored by certified and professional resume writers ...

  16. How to Write a Student CV (With Template and Example)

    2. Add your contact information. Once you've selected a format, you may begin writing your resume by inputting your contact details at the top of the document. First, write your name in bold and use a large font size. Below it, you can include your mobile phone number, email address and location.

  17. Student Resume Examples & Templates (2024) ·

    Student resume examples & templates. Getting a job as a student is often a difficult task, mainly due to a lack of work experience. However, a great resume can help your personality, skills & qualities really shine through. Check out the Student resume example & guide below to boost your chances of landing that interview! 4.5.

  18. 50+ Singapore Resume Samples & CV Templates (September 2024)

    January 5, 2024. Scroll down below to get 50+ expertly crafted resume samples. Tailored to various industries and roles, our downloadable samples are the perfect resume help designed to showcase your skills and experiences in the most impactful way. DOWNLOAD ALL 50+ RESUME SAMPLES.

  19. 14 Student Resume Examples, Template, & Writing Guide

    14 Student Resume Examples, Template, & Writing Guide. Written By Lauren Mastroni. Reviewed By Samuel Johns, CPRW. Our resume examples for students were made by experts and are free to download. Use these samples as a reference when writing your own student resume and use our writing guide to create a resume that impresses employers.


    writing each section of your resume. a. PERSONAL PROFILE A good profile tells the employer how to contact you, this usually includes: 1. Your Full Name 2. Home Address For A Good Resume Photograph: a. Smile! b. Dress in a Formal / Semi-formal style; not casual or in uniform c. Use a clear and recent photograph

  21. Singapore-specific resume tips : r/askSingapore

    Marry them first, then get the LTVP-PLOC and include that in the resume for the job hunt. Having LTVP & PLOC tells the employer you don't need S pass or EP. Hi, all. I moved to Singapore recently, and I'm starting to get back into the job market. I was wondering what Singapore-specific resume tips you….

  22. [A Levels] How to write a good resume? : r/SGExams

    Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs - the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes.

  23. 5 Tips for Writing a Resume as a First-Year College Student

    A strong resume isn't just for seasoned professionals; it's your golden ticket to unlocking exciting opportunities as a first-year college student. Combine the showcasing of your potential with the mix of your skills, to make a lasting impression. Don't wait until you're knee-deep in job applications to craft your resume.

  24. Student Teacher Resume: Examples & Full Writing Guide

    Resume Builder Use our builder to create a resume in 5 minutes.; Resume Templates Find the perfect resume template.; Resume Examples See perfect resume examples that get you jobs.; Resume Format Choose the right resume format for your needs.; How to Write a Resume Learn how to write a resume that lands you jobs.; Resume Help Use our expert guides to improve your resume writing.