
Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste

Students are often asked to write an essay on Time Waste is Life Waste in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste

Understanding time.

Time is a precious gift that we all have. It is like a river that keeps flowing and never stops. Once a moment passes, it never comes back. So, wasting time is like wasting a part of our life that we can never get back.

The Value of Time

Time is more valuable than money. We can earn money that we have lost, but we can never get back the time we have lost. So, we should always try to use our time wisely. We should not waste it on useless things.

Time Management

Managing our time properly can help us achieve our goals. We should make a plan for each day and try to stick to it. This way, we can make sure that we are not wasting our time.

Effects of Wasting Time

When we waste our time, we are wasting our life. We miss out on opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve our dreams. It also leads to stress and frustration because we are not able to complete our tasks on time.

250 Words Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste


Time is a valuable gift given to us by nature. It is often said that “Time is gold”, which means that every moment is precious. The phrase “Time Waste is Life Waste” highlights the importance of time in our lives.

Understanding Time Waste

Time waste means not using time wisely. This can include spending too much time on unproductive activities, like watching too much TV or playing games for hours. When we waste time, we lose opportunities. We miss out on learning, growing, and achieving our goals.

How Time Waste Leads to Life Waste

Life is a beautiful journey filled with experiences and learning. We have limited time to live, learn, and enjoy. When we waste time, we waste parts of our life. We lose chances to learn new things, meet new people, and make a difference in the world.

To avoid wasting our life, we must value our time. We should use it wisely to learn, grow, and contribute to society. Remember, time once gone can never be brought back. So, let’s make every moment count and live our life to the fullest. In this way, we can truly understand and appreciate the saying, “Time Waste is Life Waste”.

500 Words Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste

Time is a valuable gift given to us by nature. It is a continuous flow, like a river. Like a river that doesn’t stop, time does not wait for anyone. It is always moving forward. The saying “Time Waste is Life Waste” reminds us of the importance of time in our lives.

Understanding the Value of Time

Time and success.

Successful people and great leaders always value time. They know that time is limited and they must make the best use of it. People who waste time often find themselves lagging behind. They miss opportunities and fail to achieve their goals. On the other hand, those who use time wisely achieve success and happiness in life. Therefore, to lead a successful life, it is important to use time wisely and avoid wasting it.

Time Waste in Daily Life

In our daily life, we often waste time without realizing it. For example, spending too much time on unimportant activities like watching TV, playing games, or using social media can be a waste of time. These activities do not contribute to our growth or help us achieve our goals. If we spend our time on useful activities like studying, learning new skills, or helping others, we can make our lives more meaningful and successful.

How to Avoid Wasting Time

In conclusion, time is a precious resource that we should not waste. “Time Waste is Life Waste” is a powerful saying that reminds us of the importance of time. If we waste time, we waste our lives. Therefore, we should use our time wisely to lead a successful and meaningful life. Remember, time is like a sword. If you don’t cut it, it will cut you. So, let’s cut our time wisely and make the best use of it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in English – Download PDF

Published by team sy on september 19, 2023.

Time Waste is Life Waste Essay: Time is the most precious and finite resource bestowed upon humanity. Each tick of the clock represents an opportunity—a chance to make a difference, to learn, to create, and to cherish moments that become the building blocks of our existence. Yet, in the relentless rush of modern life, we often find ourselves squandering this precious commodity, heedlessly allowing it to slip through our fingers like grains of sand. The adage, “Time waste is life waste,” resounds with a stark truth, reminding us that our failure to manage time effectively can result in a life unfulfilled and aspirations unrealized.

Table of Contents

Time Waste is Life Waste Essay: The Importance of Time Management

Below we have shared a sample essay on Time Waste is Life Waste .

Time is an invaluable and finite resource that we are all granted in equal measure. Each moment that slips away is irreplaceable, and when we squander time, we squander life itself. The adage, “Time waste is life waste,” holds profound wisdom, reminding us of the significance of effective time management.

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions abound. From the lure of social media to the endless stream of emails, it’s easy to lose track of time. However, mastering the art of time management is crucial for personal and professional success.

Procrastination is a common thief of time. It lures us into a false sense of security, promising more time tomorrow. Yet, tomorrow never truly arrives, and we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of unfulfilled intentions. To combat this, we must set clear goals, prioritize tasks, and create a structured schedule.

Furthermore, multitasking, often viewed as a time-saving strategy, can lead to inefficiency and reduced productivity. It fragments our focus and hampers our ability to complete tasks with excellence. Instead, we should embrace single-tasking, dedicating our full attention to one task at a time.

Effective time management not only boosts productivity but also reduces stress. When we allocate time for work, leisure, and self-care, we create a balanced life that promotes mental and physical well-being. This equilibrium enhances our overall quality of life.

Moreover, time management empowers us to pursue our passions and personal growth. By using time wisely, we can engage in lifelong learning, pursue hobbies, and spend quality moments with loved ones. These experiences enrich our lives and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, “Time waste is life waste” serves as a poignant reminder that our time on this Earth is limited. To make the most of it, we must prioritize effective time management. By doing so, we not only increase our productivity but also enhance our well-being, pursue our dreams, and savor the moments that truly matter. Ultimately, it is through wise time management that we can transform our lives from wasted time to a life well-lived.

Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in 250 Words

Time is an irreplaceable and finite resource that plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. Every second that slips through our fingers is a moment gone forever, and thus, the saying, “Time waste is life waste,” holds profound significance. In a world where distractions are ubiquitous, effective time management is key to optimizing our existence.

Procrastination is one of the most prevalent time-wasters. It tempts us with the illusion of having endless tomorrows to complete tasks, creating a perpetual cycle of delay. To combat this, we must set clear objectives, prioritize our responsibilities, and create structured schedules that compel us to take action today rather than tomorrow.

Multitasking, often seen as a time-saving strategy, can actually diminish our efficiency and productivity. Juggling multiple tasks dilutes our focus and reduces the quality of our work. Instead, embracing single-tasking and giving our undivided attention to one task at a time can lead to more meaningful accomplishments.

Effective time management not only enhances our productivity but also alleviates stress. When we allocate time for work, relaxation, and self-care, we establish a balanced life that nurtures our mental and physical well-being. This equilibrium contributes to an improved overall quality of life.

Furthermore, proper time management empowers us to pursue personal growth and passions. By wisely allocating our time, we can engage in continuous learning, explore hobbies, and cherish quality moments with loved ones. These experiences enrich our lives and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, “Time waste is life waste” reminds us that our time on Earth is limited and should not be squandered. Efficient time management not only amplifies our productivity but also enriches our well-being, allowing us to chase our aspirations and savour the moments that hold true value. Ultimately, it is through wise time management that we transform our existence from one marked by wasted time to a life well-lived.

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Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in 1000 Words


Time is an intangible yet immensely valuable resource that is distributed equally to every individual. It is a currency that cannot be saved or rolled over; once spent, it is gone forever. Therefore, the adage “Time waste is life waste” carries profound significance, reminding us of the paramount importance of effective time management. In this essay, we will explore the concept of time management in-depth, delving into the consequences of time wastage, the benefits of efficient time utilization, and practical strategies for mastering this crucial life skill.

The Consequences of Time Wastage

Procrastination: The Great Time Thief Procrastination, the habit of postponing tasks, is one of the most common forms of time wastage. It often stems from a combination of fear, laziness, and poor planning. When we procrastinate, we squander precious hours, convincing ourselves that there will always be a tomorrow to complete our responsibilities. However, this mindset creates a cycle of perpetual delay, leading to stress, anxiety, and unfinished tasks.

Multitasking: The Illusion of Efficiency Many believe that multitasking is a time-saving strategy, but in reality, it often leads to inefficiency. When we attempt to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, our focus becomes fragmented, and the quality of our work suffers. This can result in errors, incomplete projects, and a sense of overwhelm.

Distractions: The Modern Time Bandits In today’s digital age, distractions are everywhere. From incessant smartphone notifications to the allure of social media, these interruptions divert our attention away from important tasks. These distractions can consume a significant portion of our day if left unchecked, leaving us with little to show for our time.

The Benefits of Efficient Time Utilization

Increased Productivity Effective time management can significantly boost productivity. When we allocate our time wisely, we complete tasks more efficiently and with greater attention to detail. This leads to a sense of accomplishment and frees up time for other pursuits.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety Proper time management reduces the stress and anxiety that often result from procrastination and disorganization. By setting clear goals, establishing priorities, and adhering to schedules, we gain a sense of control over our lives, making it easier to handle tasks and responsibilities.

Enhanced Work-Life Balance Balancing work, leisure, and self-care is crucial for overall well-being. Efficient time management allows us to allocate time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality moments with loved ones. This balance enriches our lives and prevents burnout.

Pursuit of Personal Growth Time management empowers us to pursue personal growth and passions. By dedicating time to learning, pursuing hobbies, and setting and achieving goals, we continually evolve as individuals. This pursuit of self-improvement adds depth and fulfillment to our lives.

Practical Strategies for Mastering Time Management

Set Clear Goals Begin by setting clear, specific goals for both short-term and long-term objectives. Knowing what you want to achieve will provide direction and motivation.

Prioritize Tasks Identify tasks based on their importance and urgency. The Eisenhower Matrix, for instance, categorizes tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. Prioritize tasks accordingly.

Create a Schedule Establish a structured daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. Allocate time for each task or activity, including work, study, relaxation, exercise, and personal development. Stick to this schedule as closely as possible.

Use Time Management Tools Leverage technology and tools to assist with time management. Calendar apps, task management software, and time-tracking apps can help you stay organized and accountable.

Practice Single-Tasking Contrary to the belief that multitasking is efficient, focus on single-tasking. Dedicate your full attention to one task at a time, ensuring that it is completed thoroughly before moving on to the next.

Minimize Distractions Identify and eliminate or minimize distractions in your workspace. This may involve turning off notifications, using website blockers, or creating a dedicated workspace free from interruptions.

Take Regular Breaks Taking short breaks between tasks can help maintain focus and prevent burnout. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for a set time (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break.

Reflect and Adjust Regularly review your time management practices to identify areas for improvement. Adjust your schedule and strategies as needed to optimize your time utilization.

In the grand tapestry of life, time is the most precious thread. “Time waste is life waste” serves as a poignant reminder that how we manage our time directly impacts the quality and fulfillment of our lives. Conquering procrastination, resisting the allure of multitasking, and minimizing distractions are essential steps towards effective time management. The benefits are numerous: increased productivity, reduced stress, enhanced work-life balance, and the pursuit of personal growth. By implementing practical time management strategies and recognizing the value of every moment, we can transform our existence from one marked by wasted time to a life well-lived.

FAQs on Time Waste is Life Waste Essay

The main message of the essay is to emphasize the significance of effective time management in our lives. It explores how wasting time can have profound consequences, and conversely, how efficient time utilization can lead to a more fulfilling and productive life.

Time management is crucial because it helps individuals make the most of their limited time. It enables them to set and achieve goals, reduce stress, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and pursue personal growth and passions.

The essay highlights procrastination, multitasking, and distractions as common time-wasting habits. Procrastination involves delaying tasks, while multitasking often leads to reduced efficiency. Distractions, especially in today’s digital age, can divert our attention from important responsibilities.

The essay suggests several practical strategies for mastering time management, including setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, using time management tools, practicing single-tasking, minimizing distractions, taking regular breaks, and reflecting on your time management practices.

The benefits of efficient time utilization discussed in the essay include increased productivity, reduced stress and anxiety, an enhanced work-life balance, and the ability to pursue personal growth and passions. Effective time management empowers individuals to lead more fulfilling lives by making the most of their time.

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Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in English for Students

We are Sharing Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a short Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste in 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, and 1500 words.

( Essay-1 ) 10 Lines on Time Waste is Life Waste Essay in English ( 150 words )

1 Time waste means not using our time wisely.

2 Always remember we can’t back the time we wasted.

3 It’s like throwing away precious opportunities.

4 Instead of playing, learning, or helping, we waste time.

5 Time waste makes it harder to achieve our goals.

6 We might feel regretful when we realize we wasted time.

7 Using our time wisely helps us feel happier and more accomplished.

8 We can use fun activities and games to learn and grow.

9 By managing our time well, we can do more of what we love.

10 Remember, time waste is life waste, so let’s make the most of every moment!

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( Essay-2 ) Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste in English ( 500 words ) 

Time is like a treasure chest filled with moments waiting to be discovered and cherished. Every tick of the clock brings with it an opportunity for adventure, learning, and growth. But when we let time slip away without purpose, it’s like throwing away the key to that treasure chest. Time waste is just that – wasting away the opportunities life offers us. Let’s explore why making the most of our time is crucial for a happy and fulfilling life.

Imagine you have a bucket filled with colorful marbles representing your time. Each marble represents a moment – a chance to do something amazing, learn something new, or simply enjoy the beauty of life. Now, what happens if you start tossing marbles away without using them? You’d soon find your bucket empty, and you’d wonder where all your time went. That’s what happens when we waste time – we lose precious moments that could have made our lives richer and more fulfilling.

Think about all the times you’ve procrastinated instead of tackling important tasks. Maybe you put off studying for a test, finishing a project, or pursuing a hobby you love. Each moment spent procrastinating is a moment lost – a missed opportunity to achieve your goals and dreams. And when deadlines loom and tasks pile up, the stress and anxiety that come with procrastination can make life feel overwhelming and unmanageable.

Another way we waste time is by getting caught up in things that don’t matter. Whether it’s scrolling endlessly through social media, binge-watching TV shows, or gossiping about others, these activities might feel entertaining in the moment, but they don’t add much value to our lives. Before we know it, hours have passed, and we’re left wondering what we have to show for it.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s a way to turn things around and make the most of every moment. It’s called time management- the art of using your time wisely to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life. Time management isn’t about squeezing every minute out of the day or working non-stop. It’s about making conscious choices about how you spend your time and prioritizing the things that matter most to you.

Start by setting goals for yourself- things you want to accomplish or experiences you want to have. Break these goals down into smaller, manageable tasks, and create a plan for when and how you’ll tackle them. Use tools like to-do lists, calendars, and reminders to keep yourself on track. And don’t forget to build in time for rest – taking breaks is just as important as being productive.

When you manage your time effectively, you’ll find that you have more energy, less stress, and a greater sense of satisfaction with your life. You’ll be able to pursue your passions, spend quality time with loved ones, and tackle challenges with confidence. And most importantly, you’ll be making the most of every moment – filling your bucket with marbles of joy, accomplishment, and fulfillment.

So, remember, time waste is life waste. Don’t let your precious moments slip away unused. Embrace the gift of time, cherish every moment, and make the most of the life you’ve been given.

( Essay-3 ) Time Waste is Life Waste Essay 1500 words

In the journey of life, time stands as the most precious and irreplaceable asset. Every passing moment holds within it the potential to shape our destinies, fulfill our dreams, and accomplish our goals. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of modern living, the significance of time often gets overlooked. Time waste is indeed life waste, as every second squandered is an opportunity lost, a potential unfulfilled, and a step backward in the pursuit of our aspirations. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of time management, the consequences of its neglect, and strategies to harness time effectively for personal and professional growth.

The Value of Time:

Time is a finite resource, distributed equally among all individuals regardless of their background, wealth, or status. Unlike material possessions or wealth, time cannot be bought, sold, or reclaimed once lost. Hence, it is paramount to recognize its value and utilize it judiciously. Time is the currency with which we pay for the experiences we cherish, the skills we acquire, and the relationships we nurture. Each moment presents an opportunity for learning, growth, and self-improvement.

Time Management and Productivity:

Effective time management is the cornerstone of productivity and success in both personal and professional realms. It involves setting priorities, allocating time to tasks based on their importance and urgency, and minimizing distractions and inefficiencies. By mastering the art of time management, individuals can enhance their productivity, accomplish more in less time, and achieve a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their endeavors.

Consequences of Time Waste:

The consequences of time waste extend far beyond missed deadlines and unfulfilled goals. Procrastination, a common manifestation of poor time management, can lead to stress, anxiety, and a perpetual cycle of underachievement. Moreover, habitual time wasting can impede personal growth, hinder career advancement, and strain relationships. Time wasted on frivolous pursuits or unproductive activities is time that could have been invested in pursuits that enrich our lives and contribute to our long-term happiness and fulfillment.

The Opportunity Cost of Time Waste:

Perhaps most significantly, time waste exacts a steep opportunity cost – the value of the opportunities foregone due to our failure to allocate time effectively. Every hour spent on unproductive activities is an hour that could have been invested in pursuits that enrich our lives, advance our careers, or strengthen our relationships.

For instance, instead of succumbing to the allure of procrastination, imagine the possibilities that arise from dedicating that time to skill development, pursuing a passion project, or fostering meaningful connections with loved ones. By reframing our perception of time as a precious resource with infinite potential, we can cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility, empowering us to make deliberate choices that align with our aspirations and values.

Effects of Time Waste

1 Decreased Productivity: Time waste leads to inefficiency and reduced output. When individuals spend excessive time on non-essential tasks or succumb to distractions, they fail to accomplish their goals effectively. This decline in productivity can have cascading effects, affecting work performance, academic achievement, and personal endeavors.

2 Increased Stress and Anxiety: Procrastination and time waste often result in heightened levels of stress and anxiety. As deadlines loom and tasks pile up, individuals may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to catch up or meet expectations. Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health, leading to burnout, fatigue, and decreased resilience.

3 Missed Opportunities: Time waste robs individuals of valuable opportunities for growth and advancement. Whether it’s delaying important decisions, postponing skill development, or neglecting networking opportunities, squandering time can limit one’s potential for success. Missed opportunities may also lead to feelings of regret and disillusionment in the long run.

4 Strained Relationships : Time is a precious commodity, and when it is not managed wisely, relationships may suffer. Constantly being late or failing to prioritize quality time with loved ones can strain interpersonal connections and erode trust. Moreover, excessive time spent on personal pursuits at the expense of family or social obligations can lead to feelings of neglect and resentment.

5 Financial Implications: Time waste can have financial repercussions, especially in professional contexts. Missed deadlines, subpar work quality, and lack of progress in career advancement may result in missed opportunities for promotions, bonuses, or salary increases. Moreover, time wasted on frivolous spending or impulsive purchases can impact long-term financial stability and goals.

6 Negative Self-Perception: Habitual time-wasting can contribute to negative self-perception and diminished self-esteem. When individuals consistently fail to meet their expectations or goals due to procrastination or distraction, they may internalize feelings of inadequacy or incompetence. This negative self-talk can perpetuate a cycle of underachievement and hinder personal growth.

7 Reduced Work-Life Balance: Poor time management can disrupt the delicate balance between work, leisure, and personal well-being. Individuals who struggle to prioritize their time may find themselves constantly juggling competing demands, leading to feelings of exhaustion and dissatisfaction. Without adequate time for rest and rejuvenation, individuals risk burnout and long-term health consequences.

8 Stagnation and Regression: Over time, chronic time waste can lead to stagnation or regression in various aspects of life. Without continuous growth, learning, and adaptation, individuals may find themselves falling behind their peers or losing relevance in their chosen fields. This lack of progress can breed complacency and hinder opportunities for personal and professional development.

Strategies for Effective Time Management:

By implementing these strategies consistently, you can optimize your time management skills, increase productivity, and achieve greater balance and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.

1 Set Smart Goals: Utilize the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—to define your objectives. SMART goals provide clarity and focus, guiding your efforts toward meaningful outcomes. For example, instead of setting a vague goal like “improve productivity,” you could set a SMART goal such as “increase daily sales by 10% within the next three months.”

2 Prioritize Tasks Using the ABCDE Method: This method, popularized by Brian Tracy in his book “Eat That Frog,” involves categorizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. Assign each task a letter from A to E, with A tasks being the most important and E tasks being the least. Focus on completing A tasks before moving on to less critical activities.

3 Utilize Time Blocking: Allocate specific time blocks in your schedule for different tasks and activities. By dedicating uninterrupted periods to focus on specific tasks, you can enhance concentration and productivity. For instance, you might designate the morning hours for high-concentration work, followed by time blocks for meetings, emails, and administrative tasks.

4 Practice the Pomodoro Technique: This technique involves working in short, focused bursts, typically 25 minutes in duration, followed by a short break. After completing four Pomodoro, take a longer break. The Pomodoro Technique helps maintain motivation and concentration while preventing burnout and fatigue.

5 Use Technology Wisely: Leverage productivity tools and apps to streamline your workflow and stay organized. Calendar apps, task management software, and project management tools can help you schedule appointments, track deadlines, and collaborate with team members efficiently. Additionally, consider using browser extensions or apps that block distracting websites during work periods to minimize temptation.

6 Practice the Two-Minute Rule: If a task can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately. This rule, popularized by productivity expert David Allen, helps prevent small tasks from accumulating and becoming overwhelming. By promptly addressing quick tasks, you free up mental space and maintain momentum throughout the day.

7 Learn to Delegate: Recognize that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks that can be performed by others, whether it’s at work, at home, or in volunteer activities. Delegation not only lightens your workload but also empowers team members to develop new skills and take ownership of their responsibilities.

8 Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your physical and mental well-being by incorporating self-care activities into your routine. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, healthy eating habits, and mindfulness practices can boost your energy levels, enhance focus, and reduce stress. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for sustaining long-term productivity and effectiveness.

9 Review and Reflect: Take time at the end of each day or week to review your progress, celebrate achievements, and identify areas for improvement. Reflecting on your successes and challenges allows you to adjust your approach, refine your strategies, and set new goals moving forward.


In conclusion, time waste is indeed life waste, as every moment squandered diminishes our potential for growth, fulfillment, and success. Effective time management is essential for maximizing productivity, achieving our goals, and living a purposeful life. By recognizing the value of time, setting clear goals, and implementing strategies for efficient use of time, individuals can unlock their full potential and make the most of their precious resources. Remember, time is not a renewable commodity – use it wisely, for it is the currency of life itself.

FAQs Time Waste is Life Waste Essay

1 What is time management?

Time management refers to the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and allocating resources such as time and energy effectively to achieve those goals.

2 Why is time management important?

Time management is important because it allows individuals to maximize productivity, minimize stress, and achieve a better work-life balance. It helps individuals stay focused on their goals, meet deadlines, and make the most of their time and resources.

3 How can I improve my time management skills?

Improving time management skills involves various strategies such as setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, creating schedules or to-do lists, avoiding procrastination, delegating tasks when necessary, and minimizing distractions.

4 What are some common time wasters?

Common time wasters include procrastination, multitasking, indecision, disorganization, unnecessary meetings, social media, and interruptions. Identifying and addressing these time wasters can help individuals use their time more efficiently.

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Time Wasted is Life Wasted

How it works

What’s the significance here? 

Time, it simply continues ticking ceaselessly. You won’t ever know precisely when your time will be totally spent. Indeed, even the extraordinary or celebrities, similar to the creator of the present statement, never know when their time is up. Fooling around is squandering your life. You just never know when you will be out of time. 

Our lives are made of minutes. Most are genuinely ordinary, yet many are unique. On the off chance that we require some investment to make every second somewhat more unique, and some of them significantly more uncommon, you start to perceive any reason why fooling around is squandering probably the best snapshots of our lives.

On the off chance that we deal with our time, downplay the waste and work at taking advantage of what time we have, we improve our lives. Likewise, we additionally improve the existences of the others with whom we share our time. At the point when we love life, we live it without limit, and waste as little as could really be expected. 

For what reason isn’t fooling around significant? 

On the off chance that you read web journals for satisfaction, I don’t think of it as sat around (except if you permit it to suck away hours of your life every day). Additionally, web journals that give valuable data, tips, or methods aren’t sat around either (and I trust this blog falls into the last class). 

How would you sit around? What things do you do which bring no happiness, no worth, and give no assistance to yourself or others? What befalls that time? How can it affect your personal satisfaction? Is it conceivable to have a day to day existence you love and still burn through a great deal of your time? 

While I guess you could, you’d need to have low guidelines for a daily existence you really love. On the off chance that your desire was to be a habitual slouch, you may have a daily existence you love while burning through practically the entirety of your time. Notwithstanding, on your passing bed, I really question you’ll say you wish you’d placed in somewhat more time on Halo, isn’t that so? 

Where would i be able to apply this in my life? 

This is an activity I’ve done a lot of times, and each time, I diminished my waste. While I actually burn through some time, I need to go over a couple of the models from my life. Since we as a whole have various destinations, what I call sat around may be something indispensable for you. 

I used to watch a huge load of TV. As my timetable got just barely gotten by my children, I began observing less and less, and zeroing in on things that were engaging or instructive for the children. While I missed a portion of the shows, I made the ideal opportunity for the not many that truly made a difference to me. 

I used to get many magazines every month. About half were vehicle magazines, and the rest were spread over my different diversions and spaces of interest. I’m down to three every month. I just couldn’t source an opportunity to peruse them all. Also, what number of articles on reconstructing a motor do you truly have to peruse every year? 

Thoroughly consider your direction the last little while. What are the regions where you invest a great deal of energy? How significant is that specific movement to your happiness regarding your life? Would you be able to scale back a little to account for something new, or to extend some other part of your life? 

Snatch some paper and cause a rundown of the things you to do with your time. Do you get sufficient rest, or do you have to set aside a few minutes for somewhat more of that? For what reason do I get some information about that? What amount do you appreciate life when you’re lethargic and half sleeping? Or on the other hand do you rest excessively? 

Shouldn’t something be said about the TV, perusing, spending time with companions, or any of different exercises you do consistently? Do you need to bowl three evenings every week, or could you put one of those nights to more readily use at home? Do you have to observe every one of those TV shows, or could you cut out an hour for another task? 

It’s all family member, and it’s your informed decision. What do you esteem, what gives your life meaning? What makes you love your life? Discover those things and make somewhat more an ideal opportunity for them. That implies scaling back some place. 

The statement recommends you discover where you are fooling around, and cut there first. I would will in general concur. Force can be something troublesome to survive, however on the off chance that you put a little exertion in, you can design out a convincing life. 

We as a whole have things that we do that doesn’t bring all that amount happiness, which means, or satisfaction to our lives. We need to adore our lives. We should design a day to day existence we will adore, and afterward live it. It is in our grasp, regardless of whether our extra energy is extremely restricted. 

Look at your life, and afterward picked astutely how you manage your time.


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Time Waste is Life Waste Essay Writing in English

Time waste is life waste essay writing in English is one of the most important and trending essay topics which showcases the importance of time and consequences of wasting time. Lets see Time waste is life waste essay in English:

Time Waste is Life Waste Essay Writing in English

The saying, "Time waste is life waste," encapsulates a profound truth that often goes unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Time is an invaluable resource, and how we utilize it can significantly impact our personal growth, achievements, and overall well-being. Lets explore the importance of time management and the consequences of squandering this precious asset.

Value of Time

Time is a finite and non-renewable resource. Each day, we are granted only 24 hours, and once those hours pass, they can never be reclaimed. Understanding the value of time is the first step toward making the most of it.

Opportunity for Growth: Time provides us with the opportunity to learn, grow, and improve ourselves. Whether it's acquiring new skills, pursuing education , or honing existing talents, time is the canvas upon which we paint our achievements.

Productivity and Success: Effective time management is a hallmark of successful individuals. Time wasted is a hindrance to productivity and can impede progress in personal and professional endeavors.

Quality Relationships: Spending quality time with loved ones is essential for nurturing relationships. Neglecting this can lead to strained connections and regrets.

Mental and Emotional Well-being: Time allows for relaxation, self-reflection, and mental rejuvenation. Without adequate "me-time," stress and burnout can take a toll on our mental and emotional health.

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Consequences of Time Waste

Missed Opportunities: Procrastination and time wasting often result in missed opportunities. Opportunities once lost may not return, leaving us with a sense of regret.

Unfulfilled Potential: Squandered time means unfulfilled potential. Dreams and aspirations remain unrealized due to a lack of commitment and focus.

Stress and Anxiety: Constantly playing catch-up due to poor time management can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. The pressure of unfinished tasks and deadlines can be overwhelming.

Strained Relationships: Neglecting to spend time with loved ones can lead to distance and resentment in relationships. Bonds weaken when not nurtured.

Health Issues: Neglecting self-care due to time waste can lead to health problems . Lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and insufficient rest can result in physical ailments.

The adage, "Time waste is life waste," serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of effective time management . Time is a finite and invaluable resource that should be cherished and utilized wisely. It is the foundation upon which our successes, personal growth, and meaningful relationships are built. To make the most of life, we must recognize the value of time, prioritize our tasks, and embrace a disciplined approach to time management. In doing so, we can minimize regrets, achieve our goals, and lead fulfilling lives. Time is a precious gift; let's not squander it, for once it's gone, we can never get it back.

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Time Management & Time Waste is Life Waste Sathya Sai Baba

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Table of Contents

Time Waste is Life Waste Sathya Sai Baba

Title: time waste is life waste: sathya sai baba’s wisdom, introduction.

Time is the most precious resource we have, yet it is often disregarded and wasted without a second thought. Throughout history, influential thinkers and spiritual leaders have emphasized the importance of utilizing time wisely. Sathya Sai Baba, a prominent spiritual leader from India, offers profound insights into the notion that Time Waste is Life Waste . This essay will argue that wasting time not only deprives us of personal growth and achievement but also diminishes the value and purpose of our lives.

Time: A Finite and Irretrievable Resource

Time is a finite and irretrievable resource that once lost cannot be regained. Each moment is gone forever, and we have no control over its fleeting nature. Understanding time’s value prompts us to make every moment count. Sathya Sai Baba strongly believes that time should be considered sacred and urges individuals to utilize it effectively for self-improvement and service to others.

Life Goals and Achievements

Effective time management enhances productivity and enables individuals to focus on their life goals. Wasting time frivolously takes away valuable opportunities to accomplish meaningful tasks. Sai Baba emphasized the importance of setting goals and prioritizing activities that align with one’s purpose. By utilizing time wisely, we can cultivate discipline, achieve personal and professional growth, and make a positive impact on others.

Spiritual and Personal Growth

Sathya Sai Baba argues that waste hampers personal growth and spiritual development. Engaging in mindless activities or becoming engrossed in trivial matters detracts from our inner growth and self-realization. Utilizing time efficiently provides opportunities for introspection, reflection, and knowledge pursuit. It allows individuals to engage in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, which foster personal and spiritual growth.

Impact on Relationships

Time is not only crucial for personal growth but also nurtures relationships with family, friends, and society at large. Our loved ones and communities deserve our time and attention. Engaging in time-wasting activities can lead to neglecting our relationships, resulting in strained connections and missed opportunities for fostering bonds and creating cherished memories. Sathya Sai Baba stresses the need to dedicate quality time to loved ones, fostering meaningful connections that enrich our lives.

Ultimate Purpose and Fulfillment

Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings suggest that human life is ultimately about realizing our true potential and seeking spiritual enlightenment. Wasting Time on low-value activities or being caught in material possessions distracts individuals from their ultimate purpose. By utilizing time wisely and focusing on self-improvement, service to others, and spiritual growth, individuals can find true fulfillment and lead purposeful lives.

Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on time management and the notion that time waste is life waste provide valuable insights into how we should approach our lives. Wasting time prevents personal growth and achievement but also diminishes our value and purpose. By recognizing time as a precious commodity and making conscious efforts to utilize it effectively, we can experience personal fulfillment and create a positive impact on the world. Embracing Sai Baba’s teachings, let us vow to make the most of every moment. This will ensure that our lives are not wasted but rather enriched by efficient and purposeful time use.

Sathya Sai Baba on Time Management

Title: sathya sai baba on time management: a holistic approach.

Time Management is a crucial skill that allows individuals to organize and prioritize tasks effectively, leading to increased productivity and overall success. Many people struggle with managing their time efficiently. In this essay, we will examine the teachings of the renowned spiritual leader, Sathya Sai Baba, regarding time management. By embracing his holistic approach, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of time value and utilize it wisely in all aspects of life.

Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on time

Sathya Sai Baba emphasized the priceless nature of time, emphasizing that it is an invaluable resource that needs to be utilized judiciously. He believed that every moment is a precious opportunity for personal growth, selfless service, and spiritual advancement. Through his teachings, Sai Baba revealed that time should neither be wasted nor taken for granted, as it is limited and irreplaceable.

Prioritizing tasks effectively

Sathya Sai Baba emphasized the importance of prioritizing tasks efficiently. He taught us that individuals should focus on tasks that align with their goals and values. By setting clear objectives, individuals can discern which tasks are crucial and deserve immediate attention. Baba emphasized the need to strike a balance between personal, professional, and spiritual responsibilities, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Time management as an aid to spiritual growth

Sathya Sai Baba believed that effective time management played a pivotal role in spiritual growth. By dedicating time to meditation, introspection, and self-reflection, individuals can connect with their inner selves and find solace in daily life. Understanding the significance of time in one’s spiritual journey helps individuals prioritize their religious or spiritual practices. This leads to tranquility and overall well-being.

Overcoming procrastination and distractions

Sai Baba recognized that procrastination and distractions are major obstacles to effective time management. He emphasized the need for self-discipline and self-control to overcome these challenges. Through discipline, individuals can resist distractions and prioritize tasks that truly matter. By adopting Baba’s teachings, individuals can build a strong determination, enabling them to tackle tasks promptly and efficiently.

Balancing work and leisure

Sathya Sai Baba believed in striking a balance between work and leisure. He encouraged individuals to dedicate time to personal well-being, relaxation, and spending quality time with their loved ones. By integrating leisure activities into their schedules, individuals can rejuvenate their minds, enhance creativity, and improve overall productivity.

In conclusion, Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on time management provide a holistic approach to helping individuals lead meaningful and purposeful lives. By recognizing the value of time, prioritizing tasks effectively, balancing work and leisure, and overcoming procrastination and distractions, individuals can develop strong time management skills. Applying these principles enhances productivity and success and promotes personal growth and spiritual development. Embracing Sai Baba’s teachings on time management is a step towards a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

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Essay on Time Waste is Life Waste: Embracing the Value of Every Moment

In the journey of life, time stands as an immutable force, flowing ceaselessly and shaping the very fabric of our existence. The adage “Time waste is life waste” encapsulates a profound truth – the significance of utilizing each moment purposefully. This essay delves into the essence of this maxim, emphasizing the importance of mindful use of time in our journey through life.

Quick Overview:

  • Limited Resource: Time is an invaluable resource, yet it is finite. Each passing moment is an irretrievable unit of our lives, making it imperative to recognize its scarcity. Wasting time equates to squandering a resource that is irreplaceable.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Every moment presents opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development. Whether in acquiring new skills, fostering relationships, or pursuing passions, the effective use of time opens doors to a myriad of possibilities that contribute to a fulfilling life.
  • Impact on Goals and Ambitions: Time waste directly affects the pursuit of goals and ambitions. Procrastination or engaging in unproductive activities can hinder progress, leading to unfulfilled aspirations. Being mindful of time ensures steady progress towards personal and professional objectives.
  • Quality of Relationships: Time is a critical component in building and nurturing relationships. Neglecting the importance of time in relationships can lead to distance, misunderstandings, and missed opportunities to create meaningful connections. Investing time in relationships is essential for their strength and longevity.
  • Reflection and Well-being: Allotting time for self-reflection and well-being is crucial for a balanced life. Time waste often results from engaging in activities that do not contribute to mental, emotional, or physical well-being. Prioritizing time for self-care enhances overall life satisfaction and resilience.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the maxim “Time waste is life waste” serves as a powerful reminder of the intrinsic value embedded in every passing moment. Time, once lost, cannot be regained, making it imperative for individuals to recognize the importance of mindful time management in the pursuit of a purposeful and meaningful life.

Embracing this principle involves a shift in mindset – a commitment to value and utilize time as a precious resource rather than an expendable commodity. Each moment offers a choice – to invest in growth, relationships, and personal well-being or to squander opportunities through procrastination and unproductive pursuits.

As individuals, we hold the agency to shape our relationship with time. Cultivating habits of time management, setting clear priorities, and embracing a proactive approach to life allow us to navigate the inevitable challenges and uncertainties with resilience. Time, when harnessed wisely, becomes a catalyst for personal and collective progress.

In a world where distractions abound and the pace of life can be overwhelming, the wisdom encapsulated in “Time waste is life waste” beckons us to pause, reflect, and consciously choose how we spend our most valuable resource. It calls us to make the most of each moment, recognizing that a life well-lived is one where time is honored, cherished, and utilized purposefully.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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115 Waste Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Waste management is a crucial issue in today's world, as the amount of waste produced continues to grow at an alarming rate. From household trash to industrial waste, finding sustainable solutions for managing and reducing waste is essential for protecting the environment and public health.

If you're tasked with writing an essay on waste management, you may be struggling to come up with a topic that is both interesting and relevant. To help you get started, here are 115 waste management essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

  • The importance of proper waste management in protecting the environment
  • The impact of waste management on public health
  • Strategies for reducing household waste
  • The role of recycling in waste management
  • The benefits of composting for waste reduction
  • The challenges of managing electronic waste
  • The environmental impact of plastic waste
  • The economic benefits of sustainable waste management practices
  • The ethical implications of waste disposal methods
  • The role of government in regulating waste management
  • The impact of waste management on climate change
  • The potential for waste-to-energy technologies to reduce landfill waste
  • The importance of educating the public about waste management
  • The role of businesses in implementing sustainable waste management practices
  • The social justice implications of waste management
  • The impact of waste management on wildlife and ecosystems
  • The benefits of using biodegradable materials to reduce waste
  • The challenges of managing construction and demolition waste
  • The potential for using waste as a resource in circular economy models
  • The role of technology in improving waste management processes
  • The impact of food waste on global hunger and food security
  • The benefits of implementing zero-waste initiatives in communities
  • The role of NGOs in promoting sustainable waste management practices
  • The potential for using drones to monitor and manage waste
  • The impact of waste management on water quality
  • The benefits of community-based waste management programs
  • The challenges of managing hazardous waste
  • The potential for using blockchain technology to track waste disposal
  • The role of education in promoting sustainable waste management practices
  • The impact of waste management on air quality
  • The benefits of waste segregation and sorting programs
  • The challenges of managing medical waste
  • The potential for using robots to automate waste sorting processes
  • The role of public-private partnerships in improving waste management
  • The impact of waste management on urban planning and development
  • The benefits of using anaerobic digestion to process organic waste
  • The challenges of managing electronic waste in developing countries
  • The potential for using machine learning algorithms to optimize waste collection routes
  • The role of social media in raising awareness about waste management issues
  • The impact of waste management on biodiversity conservation
  • The benefits of implementing extended producer responsibility programs
  • The challenges of managing marine litter
  • The potential for using satellite imagery to monitor illegal waste dumping
  • The role of indigenous communities in sustainable waste management practices
  • The impact of waste management on land degradation
  • The benefits of using biochar to improve soil quality
  • The challenges of managing radioactive waste
  • The potential for using 3D printing to create products from recycled materials
  • The role of artists in raising awareness about waste management issues
  • The impact of waste management on social inequality
  • The benefits of implementing pay-as-you-throw waste pricing schemes
  • The challenges of managing agricultural waste
  • The potential for using blockchain technology to create a transparent waste management system
  • The role of citizen science in monitoring waste pollution
  • The impact of waste management on tourism
  • The benefits of using drones to collect and transport waste
  • The challenges of managing industrial waste
  • The potential for using gene editing technologies to break down plastic waste
  • The role of policymakers in promoting sustainable waste management practices
  • The impact of waste management on public perception of cities
  • The benefits of using algae to clean up wastewater
  • The challenges of managing construction and demolition waste in urban areas
  • The potential for using artificial intelligence to optimize waste management processes
  • The role of community gardens in reducing food waste
  • The impact of waste management on mental health
  • The benefits of using green roofs to reduce stormwater runoff
  • The challenges of managing asbestos waste
  • The potential for using drones to monitor landfill sites
  • The role of youth groups in promoting waste management education
  • The impact of waste management on renewable energy production
  • The benefits of implementing waste audits in businesses
  • The challenges of managing wastewater treatment sludge
  • The potential for using geospatial technologies to map waste hotspots
  • The role of religious organizations in promoting waste reduction
  • The impact of waste management on indigenous rights
  • The benefits of using blockchain technology to create a circular economy
  • The challenges of managing pharmaceutical waste
  • The potential for using robots to clean up ocean plastic pollution
  • The role of community activists in advocating for waste management reform
  • The impact of waste management on green jobs creation
  • The benefits of using drones to monitor illegal waste dumping
  • The challenges of managing construction and demolition waste in rural areas
  • The potential for using satellite imagery to track waste flows
  • The role of citizen science in monitoring air quality near waste facilities
  • The impact of waste management on water scarcity
  • The benefits of using biopesticides to control pests in waste management facilities
  • The challenges of managing medical waste in conflict zones
  • The potential for using machine learning algorithms to predict waste generation patterns
  • The role of grassroots organizations in promoting waste reduction
  • The impact of waste management on mental well-being
  • The benefits of using drones to monitor illegal waste dumping in remote areas
  • The challenges of managing electronic waste in rural communities
  • The potential for using blockchain technology to create a decentralized waste management system
  • The role of community gardens in promoting sustainable waste management practices
  • The impact of waste management on social cohesion
  • The benefits of using drones to monitor waste collection routes
  • The challenges of managing hazardous waste in developing countries
  • The potential for using machine learning algorithms to optimize waste sorting processes
  • The role of social entrepreneurs in developing innovative waste management solutions
  • The benefits of using blockchain technology to create a transparent waste management system

These waste management essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of issues and perspectives, giving you plenty of options to explore in your writing. Whether you're interested in the environmental, social, economic, or technological aspects of waste management, there's sure to be a topic that piques your interest. Good luck with your essay, and happy writing!

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Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting

Short Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting

Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting: In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity that should not be wasted. Every minute that is squandered is a minute lost forever, and can never be regained. In this essay, we will explore the concept of time waste and its impact on our lives. We will discuss the various ways in which time can be wasted, and the consequences of allowing this to happen. Join us as we delve into the importance of valuing and making the most of our time.

Table of Contents

Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by defining what time waste is and how it relates to life waste. Time waste can be defined as the act of spending time on activities that do not contribute to personal growth, productivity, or overall well-being. Life waste, on the other hand, refers to the idea that when time is wasted, opportunities for personal development and fulfillment are lost.

2. Provide examples of common time-wasting activities. These can include excessive social media use, procrastination, watching TV for extended periods, engaging in gossip, and spending time on unproductive tasks.

3. Discuss the negative impacts of time waste on personal growth and success. When time is wasted, opportunities for learning, self-improvement, and achieving goals are missed. This can lead to feelings of regret, frustration, and unfulfillment.

4. Explore the psychological effects of time waste. Research has shown that excessive time waste can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and low self-esteem. It can also contribute to a sense of being overwhelmed and unproductive.

5. Offer strategies for avoiding time waste and maximizing productivity. This can include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, creating a daily schedule, and eliminating distractions. It is important to be mindful of how time is spent and to make conscious choices about how to use it effectively.

6. Discuss the importance of balance in time management. While it is important to avoid time waste, it is also crucial to make time for relaxation, self-care, and leisure activities. Finding a healthy balance between work and play can help prevent burnout and promote overall well-being.

7. Conclude by emphasizing the significance of valuing and respecting time. Time is a finite resource that cannot be regained once it is lost. By being mindful of how time is spent and making intentional choices about how to use it, individuals can maximize their potential and lead more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, time waste is indeed life waste, as it hinders personal growth, success, and overall well-being. By being mindful of how time is spent, avoiding common time-wasting activities, and prioritizing productivity, individuals can make the most of their time and live more fulfilling lives.

Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Time is a precious resource that should be valued and used wisely. 2. Wasting time on unproductive activities can lead to a sense of regret and missed opportunities. 3. Life is short and every moment should be cherished and utilized effectively. 4. Engaging in activities that do not contribute to personal growth or fulfillment can be considered a waste of life. 5. Procrastination and laziness are common culprits of time wasting. 6. Setting goals and priorities can help individuals make the most of their time and avoid wasting it. 7. Time management skills are essential in maximizing productivity and achieving success. 8. Constantly being busy does not necessarily equate to being productive; it is important to focus on quality over quantity. 9. Reflecting on how time is spent can help individuals identify areas where improvements can be made. 10. Ultimately, time waste is life waste, and it is important to make the most of every moment to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Sample Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting in 100-180 Words

Time is a precious commodity that once wasted, cannot be recovered. Every moment that is spent idly or on unproductive activities is a moment lost forever. Time waste is life waste because it robs us of the opportunity to make meaningful contributions, achieve our goals, and fulfill our potential.

When we squander our time on trivial matters, we are essentially throwing away the gift of life that we have been given. Instead of using our time wisely to pursue our passions, build relationships, and make a positive impact on the world, we are frittering it away on activities that do not bring us any closer to our dreams.

It is important to be mindful of how we are spending our time and to prioritize activities that align with our values and goals. By making conscious choices about how we use our time, we can ensure that we are making the most of our lives and not letting precious moments slip away. Time waste is indeed life waste, and it is up to us to make the most of the time we have been given.

Short Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting in 200-500 Words

Time is one of the most precious resources we have in life. It is a limited commodity that once spent, cannot be regained. Therefore, wasting time is equivalent to wasting life itself. Time waste is life waste because every moment that is squandered on unproductive activities is a moment that could have been used to pursue our goals, fulfill our dreams, or strengthen our relationships.

One of the most common ways people waste time is through procrastination. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished. This can lead to a cycle of stress and anxiety as deadlines approach and the pressure to complete tasks mounts. Instead of using our time efficiently and effectively, we find ourselves scrambling to finish tasks at the last minute, sacrificing quality and peace of mind in the process.

Another way people waste time is through mindless activities such as scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, or playing video games for hours on end. While these activities may provide temporary entertainment or distraction, they do not contribute to our personal growth or overall well-being. In fact, they can be addictive and detrimental to our mental and physical health if done in excess.

Furthermore, spending time with toxic or negative people can also be a waste of life. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who drain our energy, criticize us, or bring us down can hinder our personal development and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It is important to prioritize relationships with people who support and uplift us, and to set boundaries with those who do not contribute positively to our lives.

On the other hand, time spent on self-care, personal development, and meaningful relationships is time well spent. Taking care of our physical and mental health, setting and working towards goals, and nurturing relationships with loved ones are all investments in our well-being and happiness. These activities not only enrich our lives but also help us grow and evolve as individuals.

In conclusion, time waste is life waste because every moment we spend on unproductive or negative activities is a moment we will never get back. It is important to be mindful of how we use our time and to prioritize activities that align with our values and goals. By making conscious choices about how we spend our time, we can make the most of our lives and create a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Time is a precious gift – let us not squander it, but rather cherish and make the most of every moment we have.

Essay on Time Waste Is Life Wastewriting in 1000-1500 Words

Time is one of the most precious resources we have in life. It is a finite commodity that once spent, cannot be regained. Therefore, wasting time is equivalent to wasting life itself. In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions are abundant and demands on our time are ever-increasing, it is more important than ever to be mindful of how we use our time and to avoid falling into the trap of wasting it.

One of the biggest culprits of time waste is procrastination. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished. It is a common behavior that many people engage in, often without realizing the detrimental effects it can have on their lives. When we procrastinate, we are essentially putting off important tasks and squandering valuable time that could be better spent on more productive activities.

Procrastination can manifest in many different forms, from simply putting off tasks until the last minute to avoiding them altogether. Regardless of how it presents itself, procrastination is a time-wasting behavior that can have serious consequences. When we procrastinate, we are not only delaying the completion of important tasks, but we are also increasing our stress levels and reducing our overall productivity. This can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm, further perpetuating the cycle of procrastination and time waste.

Another common form of time waste is mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching endless hours of television. In today’s digital age, it is all too easy to get sucked into the black hole of social media and entertainment, where hours can pass by without us even realizing it. While it is important to unwind and relax, spending excessive amounts of time on these activities can be detrimental to our overall well-being.

When we spend too much time on social media or watching television, we are not only wasting time, but we are also missing out on opportunities for personal growth and development. Instead of engaging in activities that stimulate our minds and bodies, we are passively consuming content that does little to enrich our lives. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness, as we realize that we have squandered precious time on activities that do not bring us true fulfillment.

In addition to procrastination and mindless consumption of media, another common form of time waste is engaging in activities that do not align with our values and goals. When we spend time on activities that do not contribute to our personal growth or well-being, we are essentially squandering our time and energy on things that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. This can lead to feelings of regret and disappointment, as we realize that we have wasted valuable time on pursuits that do not bring us closer to our true desires and aspirations.

To avoid falling into the trap of time waste, it is important to be mindful of how we use our time and to prioritize activities that align with our values and goals. This requires self-awareness and discipline, as well as a willingness to make conscious choices about how we spend our time. By being intentional about how we use our time, we can avoid the pitfalls of procrastination, mindless consumption of media, and engaging in activities that do not serve us.

One way to combat time waste is to create a schedule or routine that outlines how we will spend our time each day. By setting specific goals and allocating time for important tasks, we can ensure that we are making the most of our time and avoiding the temptation to procrastinate or engage in unproductive activities. This can help us stay focused and motivated, as we have a clear roadmap for how we will spend our time and what we hope to accomplish.

Another way to avoid time waste is to practice mindfulness and be present in the moment. By being mindful of how we use our time and staying focused on the task at hand, we can avoid distractions and stay on track with our goals. This can help us make the most of our time and avoid falling into the trap of mindlessly wasting it on activities that do not serve us.

In conclusion, time waste is life waste. When we squander our time on procrastination, mindless consumption of media, and engaging in activities that do not align with our values and goals, we are essentially wasting our lives on pursuits that do not bring us true fulfillment. By being mindful of how we use our time, setting goals and priorities, and practicing mindfulness, we can avoid the pitfalls of time waste and make the most of the precious resource we have been given. Time is a gift, and it is up to us to use it wisely and purposefully.

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Essay on Waste Management for Students and Teacher

500+ essay on waste management.

Essay on Waste Management -Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is affecting the lives of many people.

Essay on Waste Management

For instance, people living in slums are very close to the waste disposal area. Therefore there are prone to various diseases. Hence, putting their lives in danger. In order to maintain a healthy life, proper hygiene and sanitation are necessary. Consequently, it is only possible with proper waste management .

The Meaning of Waste Management

Waste management is the managing of waste by disposal and recycling of it. Moreover, waste management needs proper techniques keeping in mind the environmental situations. For instance, there are various methods and techniques by which the waste is disposed of. Some of them are Landfills, Recycling , Composting, etc. Furthermore, these methods are much useful in disposing of the waste without causing any harm to the environment.

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Methods for Waste Management

Recycling – Above all the most important method is the recycling of waste. This method does not need any resources. Therefore this is much useful in the management of waste . Recycling is the reusing of things that are scrapped of. Moreover, recycling is further converting waste into useful resources.

essay on the topic time waste is life waste

Landfills – Landfills is the most common method for waste management. The garbage gets buried in large pits in the ground and then covered by the layer of mud. As a result, the garbage gets decomposed inside the pits over the years. In conclusion, in this method elimination of the odor and area taken by the waste takes place.

Composting – Composting is the converting of organic waste into fertilizers. This method increases the fertility of the soil. As a result, it is helpful in more growth in plants. Furthermore it the useful conversion of waste management that is benefiting the environment.

Advantages of Waste Management

There are various advantages of waste management. Some of them are below:

Decrease bad odor – Waste produces a lot of bad odor which is harmful to the environment. Moreover, Bad odor is responsible for various diseases in children. As a result, it hampers their growth. So waste management eliminates all these problems in an efficient way.

Reduces pollution – Waste is the major cause of environmental degradation. For instance, the waste from industries and households pollute our rivers. Therefore waste management is essential. So that the environment may not get polluted. Furthermore, it increases the hygiene of the city so that people may get a better environment to live in.

Reduces the production of waste -Recycling of the products helps in reducing waste. Furthermore, it generates new products which are again useful. Moreover, recycling reduces the use of new products. So the companies will decrease their production rate.

It generates employment – The waste management system needs workers. These workers can do various jobs from collecting to the disposing of waste. Therefore it creates opportunities for the people that do not have any job. Furthermore, this will help them in contributing to society.

Produces Energy – Many waste products can be further used to produce energy. For instance, some products can generate heat by burning. Furthermore, some organic products are useful in fertilizers. Therefore it can increase the fertility of the soil.

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Teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Ceiling on Desires

Do Not Waste Food

Do Not Waste Money

Do Not Waste Time

Do Not Waste Energy

Do Not Exploit Nature

Eight Flowers of Worship


Control of Senses

Compassion for All Living Beings


Reproduced below are thirteen divine discourses delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in which He explains the “Ceiling on Desires Programme.”

Desires Are a Prison

What is the meaning of “Ceiling on Desires”? Man is deluded by his unlimited desires. He is living in a dream world. He is forgetting the Supreme Consciousness. That is why it is important to keep our desires under control, to place a ceiling on them. We are spending too much money. Instead of inordinate spending for our own pleasure, we should be spending for the relief of the poor and needy. This is the real meaning of “Ceiling on Desires.”

Do not make the mistake of thinking that giving money is all that is needed, however. Do not give to others while allowing your own desires to continue to multiply. Curtail your desires, as materialistic desires lead to a restless and disastrous life. Desires are a prison. Man can be freed only by limiting his wants. You should have desire only for life’s bare necessities.

How Can You Reduce Desires?

First, food. Eat only what you need to eat. Don’t be greedy. Do not take more than you can eat and waste the rest, because wasting food is a great sin. The surplus food can feed another stomach. Do not waste food, because food is God, life is God, and man is born from food. Food is the main source of man’s life, body, mind, and character.

The gross part of the food, which is the major portion of the food consumed by the body, is thrown out as waste matter. A minute amount of the food, which is the subtle part, is assimilated by the body and flows as blood. And a minuscule amount, which is the subtlest part of the food, makes up the mind. Therefore the mind is the reflection of the food consumed. The reason for the present beastly and demonic tendencies in our minds is because of the food we consume.

Instead of kindness, compassion, love, and patience, only bad qualities such as hatred and attachment are being perpetrated. Therefore the quality of the food that we eat should be very pure, very clean, very sanctified, and satwic . Man receives real nourishment from such food.

A large part of the water we drink is expelled as urine. A minute part of the water consumed becomes the life force. Therefore the nature of the food and water that we take in decides our character. Only by controlling the quality of our food and water can we attain Divinity. That is why food is said to be God. Hence to waste food is to waste God. Do not waste food. Eat only what you need, and be sure that what you eat is satwic . Give any surplus food to those in need.

Second, money . Indians consider money or wealth as the Goddess Lakshmi. Do not misuse money. By doing so you will only become a slave to bad qualities, bad ideas, and bad habits. Use your money wisely for good deeds. Do not waste money, as misuse of money is evil. It will lead you along the wrong path.

Third, time. The most important, the most needed factor is time. One should not waste time. Time should be spent in a useful manner. Time should be sanctified because everything in this creation is dependent on time. Even our scriptures say that God is referred to as time and as non-time. God is not limited by time. He is beyond time; He is time; He restricts time. Time is the embodiment of God. Everything depends on time.

The main reason for man’s birth and death is time. Time is the main factor in our growth. If we waste time, our lives will be wasted. Therefore time is an essential part of our life. Do not degrade time by spending it participating in unnecessary conversations, or by getting involved in others’ personal matters. The truth behind the saying “Don’t waste time” is that no time should be wasted in evil thoughts and acts. Instead, make use of time in an efficient way.

Fourth, energy . Our physical, mental, and spiritual energies should never be wasted. You might ask me, “How are we wasting our energies?” If you see bad things, your energy is wasted. Hearing bad things, speaking evil, thinking evil thoughts, and doing evil deeds wastes your energy. Conserve your energy in all these five areas, and make your life more meaningful.

See no evil—see what is good.

Hear no evil—hear what is good.

Speak no evil—speak what is good.

Think no evil—think what is good.

Do no evil—do what is good.

This is the way to God.

The path of Divinity is not seeing, listening, speaking, thinking, or doing anything bad. If we are not following this path, we are wasting our energy. On account of this waste of energy, we are losing our memory power, intelligence, power of discrimination, and power of justice.

Today’s man is not capable of discriminating between good and bad. Then how can he enter the path of right action? You might be wondering how this is possible; how are we wasting time? For example, when you turn on the radio to listen to a certain programme, whether you raise or lower the volume of the sound, as long as the radio is on, the current is being used.

Our mind is like the radio. Whether you talk with others or only think within yourself, you are consuming energy. Your mind is working all the time. Since it is always turned on, you are consuming a lot of energy. Instead of wasting that power, energy, or force in mental meandering, isn’t it better to spend your time in thinking good thoughts?

The Ceiling on Desires Programme has been proposed so that man does not waste anything in the areas of food, money, time, or energy.

Main Goal of the Sathya Sai Organisation

Today, however, some service-oriented people and workers in the Sri Sathya Sai World Organisation have not fully realised this. Instead they are giving money, thinking that it is service. They are cleverly getting out of serving, while their desires are growing out of bounds. We should gradually try to change these attitudes. The main goal of the Sai Organisation is to enable members, workers, and officers to lead ideal, perfect, and happy lives. Therefore we must live up to the high ideals of the organisation and transform ourselves into ideal beings, thus helping others to follow our example.

Sathya Sai Newsletter (USA), Volume 13, Number 3 (Spring 1989). Divine Discourse on Service and the Sai Organisation, November 21, 1988.

Easiest Way of Achieving Control of the Mind

You should be established in the awareness that the Lord is ever present. You must also be prompted by the feeling that you are performing deeds for the pleasure of the Lord. This is the easiest way of achieving control of the mind.

If you are prompted by feelings that your body belongs to the Lord, you will not sin with your body. On the other hand, all your efforts and endeavours will proceed towards Divinity. If you are saturated with the conviction that your energy belongs to God, you will not misuse it. It is in light of this that we have prescribed the principle of ceiling on desires in the Sri Sathya Sai Centres.

Fourfold Programme

The first ceiling on desires is “Don’t waste food. Food is God.” Your body is made of food, and you are the result of the food eaten by your parents. Food is God. Eat as much as it is necessary to eat. But do not throw away food by taking too much on your plate. By wasting food you will be wasting the energy divine.

The second instruction is “Don’t waste money. God is wealth.” Since God is wealth, misuse of money is evil. Practice charity by gifting away money, food, clothes, houses, etc., instead of misusing money in extravagance. Misuse of money is not only evil but a sin as well. The third instruction is “Don’t waste time. Time waste is life waste.”

God is exalted as time. He is beyond time, transcends time and is the embodiment of time. Spend the time by using sanctifying words. Do not waste time. Wasting time is wasting God.

The fourth instruction is “Don’t waste energy.” People waste their energy by indulging in bad thoughts, seeing bad things, hearing bad things, and taking bad actions.

The right royal road is the following:

By translating the above instructions into practice, you will be sanctifying your time. This is the spiritual practice and the service that you have to undertake. A time will come when the mind will be extinguished and merger with the divine will be achieved.

Summer Showers in Brindavan 1993; Chapter 6: The Conquest of the Mind.

Light the Lamp of Love Within

Man is making every attempt today to be happy, blissful. Where do you get bliss? Is it in the material things, in the world, in individuals, in books? No, not at all. Bliss is within one’s own Self. You have forgotten your true Self, the source of bliss. You are struggling hard for artificial happiness outside. You are not aware of the reality that lies in the heart. In fact, all the bliss is there. The principle of love originates from the heart, not from the world.

Everyone should develop love more and more. But today there is hatred and anger everywhere. Wherever you look, there is desire, enmity, and fear. How do you expect to be at peace? How do you expect to be blissful? Light the lamp of love within. Then fear and illusion can be removed, and you can have the vision of the Self. Otherwise you are bound to suffer.

You have to exercise a ceiling on your desires. There are rules for a ceiling with regard to land and property. But you have no ceiling on your desires. Ceiling on desires means exercising control over them. You can be happy once the desires are controlled.

Less Luggage, More Comfort, Makes Travel a Pleasure

Your life is a long journey. You should have less luggage (desires) in this long journey of life. Therefore it is said, “Less luggage, more comfort, makes travel a pleasure.” So, ceiling on desires is what you have to adopt today. You have to cut short your desires day by day. You are under the mistaken notion that happiness lies in the fulfillment of desires. But, in fact, happiness begins to dawn when desires are totally eradicated.

When you reduce your desires, you advance towards the state of renunciation. You have many desires. What do you get out of them? You are bound to face the consequences when you claim something as yours. When you claim a piece of land as yours, then you will have to reap the harvest. This instinct of ego and attachment will put you to suffering. You will be blissful the moment you give up ego and attachment.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 32, Part 1, Chapter 6: Put a Ceiling on Your Desires.

Nothing Accompanies You When You Leave the World

Wherever you look today, there are only desires, desires, and more desires. Put a ceiling on these desires! Only then will your mind become steady. You say, “I want this, I want that,” etc. Thus you develop many wants. They are like passing clouds. Why should you multiply your wants, these passing clouds? Ultimately, nothing accompanies you at the time of your leaving this mortal body.

Great kings and emperors ruled over this world. They conquered many countries and accumulated boundless wealth. Even Alexander the Great, who conquered several parts of the world, could not take with him even a miniscule part of the wealth he accumulated. He had to leave this world with empty hands.

To demonstrate this truth, he instructed his ministers to take his dead body in a procession through the streets of his capital, keeping both his hands in a raised position pointing towards the sky. The ministers were curious to know the reason for this strange request. He said, “I have conquered many countries and accumulated so much wealth. There is a vast army under my control. Yet none is accompanying me at the time of my leaving this body. I am going with empty hands. This has to be demonstrated to all people.”

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 41, Chapter 19: Contemplate on God, the Real Hero, for Victory.

Excessive Desire Causes Imbalance in Nature

Man should put a ceiling on his desires. As man’s conduct is perverted, today we find natural calamities taking place. You are aware of the devastation caused by the earthquake in Gujarat. Thousands of people lost their lives. The reason for this is that man is entertaining excessive desires. God maintains perfect balance in His creation. In God’s creation, the Earth and the oceans are endowed with balance. But man is indiscriminately exploiting the Earth for extracting oil.

Every day tonnes of fish are caught from the oceans. This indiscriminate exploitation of Nature results in imbalance in Earth, which is playing havoc with human lives. Only when man is free from unsteadiness within, will he not be troubled by earthquake.

Do Not Rob Nature of Its Resources to Satisfy Your Greed

Not only the people of India but also the people of the entire world should strive to maintain balance. The five elements are nothing but manifestations of the divine. Man’s life will be secure only when he realises this truth and acts accordingly. A few days ago, I sent lorry loads of rice, grams, etc., to the earthquake victims of Gujarat.

Some people asked, “Swami, why should you take the trouble to spend so much money for sending relief material to Gujarat? You could have instead averted the earthquake.” I replied, “My dear, man has to blame himself for the earthquakes. Due to excessive greed for wealth, he is disturbing the balance of the Earth. Hence the earthquake. That is the law of Nature.”

You have to express your love for man by helping the needy. Love is your nature. Just as balance is very much essential for Nature, so also love is very much needed for man. Know that whatever God has created is for your own welfare. You should enjoy Nature according to your need. You should not rob Nature of its resources to satisfy your greed.

Science Should Be Utilised Only to the Extent Needed

Here is an example. Once a greedy person owned a duck, which used to lay a golden egg every day. One day, he ripped open the stomach of the duck thinking that he would get many golden eggs at a time. Today man also is indulging in such foolish and greedy acts. Instead of being satisfied with what Nature is giving him, he aspires for more and more, and in the process, he is creating imbalance in Nature.

Today scientists are interested in new inventions. The advancement in science and technology has also led to imbalance in Nature. As a result, there are earthquakes and no timely rains. Science should be utilised only to the extent needed. Science has its limitations, and crossing those limits leads to danger.

You have a long way to go. Adhere to truth and righteousness. Our ancient sages said, “Speak truth, speak pleasantly, and do not speak unpleasant truth.” Make proper use of natural resources, and do not put them to misuse. Help everybody, and make them happy. Share all the good things you have learnt with others. This is your foremost duty.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 34, Chapter 3: Vision of the Atma.

Desires Are the Root Cause of Man’s Disturbance

All the spiritual practices that man performs aims at making his mind steady. There is no use in constantly repeating God’s name, meditating, and practising spiritual austerities if the mind is not steady. Once you have the five senses under control, you can experience God. He is not far away from you. He is in you, below you, above you, and all around you. God, in fact, is the indweller of man. Yet man is not able to see Him. What is the reason? Man’s limitless and wayward desires prevent him from seeing God.

Desires are the root cause of man’s disturbance. Sense control and ceiling on desires will help him to see God all around and experience bliss. So, we have to keep our desires in check. We should not be worried by the evil talk that others indulge in. We should not be affected by calumny and criticism.

Control the Five Senses

Buddha wanted to control the five senses. He decided, first and foremost, to acquire right vision. Man today is not able to control his vision because of the fickleness of his mind. Cinema, video, TV, etc., have polluted the mind of man. He does not see good and hear good. Man is the cause of his own restlessness.

Besides right vision, Buddha emphasised the need for right hearing, right speech, right feeling, and right thinking. Due to lack of these, humanness is fast giving way to devilishness and beastliness. Animal qualities are fast increasing in man. Animals have a season and a reason, but man has none. Man today has become worse than animals. Human qualities like compassion, kindness, love, and forbearance are absent in him. He should be free from evil thoughts, which are the root cause of his worries. This requires constant and sustained practice.

Master the Mind, and Be a Mastermind

Man can control the mind and attain peace by constant and sustained practice. It is only in a peaceful mind that noble thoughts arise. The mind should be under the control of man. Master the mind, and be a mastermind . Unfortunately, instead of controlling the mind, man has become the slave of his senses. That is the main cause of his unsteadiness. Moreover, he has body attachment. This is the reason he gets easily disturbed if people find fault with him. Why should he worry about the body when the body is like a water bubble? You should get rid of body attachment.

Summer Showers in Brindavan 2002; Chapter 11: Sense Control Is the Highest Sadhana.

Learn a Lesson from Nature

There are four components in the term “Ceiling on Desires.” They are curb on excessive talk, curb on excessive desires and expenditure, control of consumption of food, and check on waste of energy. Man needs some essential commodities for his sustenance, and he should not aspire for more.

We can learn a lesson in this respect from Nature. Only if air is available in sufficient quantity will it be comfortable and good. If it is excessive and there is a gale, you will feel uncomfortable. When you are thirsty, you can consume only a limited quantity of water. You can’t consume the entire water of the River Ganga! We take only as much as is needed for the sustenance of the body.

Doctors know that the body temperature is normally 98.6 degrees. If this goes up to 99 degrees, they say fever has set in due to some disorder in the body. We inhale and exhale at a normal rate. If there is a slight increase or decrease in the rate, it indicates disorder in the body. Changes in the pulse rate or blood pressure also indicate disorder. So you find that if you exceed the limits even to a little extent it is dangerous or harmful to the body.

There is a limit for everything to function in a normal way. When your eyes happen to see a flash of lightning or a flash of light while taking photographs, they automatically close because they can’t withstand such high illumination. Eardrums also cannot tolerate hearing beyond a certain volume, and we cover our ears or keep cotton inside the ears. From these we see that our life is a limited company!

Our Desires Should Be Limited

Similarly our desires also should be limited. Women are usually desirous of adding to their wardrobe any number of saris (long traditional dress worn by Indian women) when they go to a shop or an exhibition. You should have a reasonable number of saris , but not a huge collection for pomp or show. Misuse of money is a great evil. Even men will have to do their own bit in controlling the expenditure on unwanted and unnecessary things.

Money is the embodiment of Divinity. When you talk of wealth, you should be careful to avoid avaricious accumulation and extravagant expenditure. Even in the preparation of food, you should be careful in avoiding wastage. We are only doing a disservice by consuming more food than what is necessary for the body.

Thirdly, you should be careful about “time,” which is the yardstick of life. Seconds become hours, hours become years, years make ages, and so on. You should not waste this most valuable “time.” Time lost in wasteful pursuits can’t be got back by any means. All our activities should be planned for utilising the available time to maximum advantage. So, we should not waste food, money, time, and energy.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 16, Chapter 3: Ceiling on Desires-I.

Aims of the “Ceiling on Desires Programme”

There is a programme connected with “Ceiling on Desires.” You must realise that this programme has not been launched to raise funds. The object of the programme is to prevent waste of money, time, food, or other resources and to use all these for the welfare of the people. The money that is saved need not be kept for the Sathya Sai Organisations. It may be used in the best way you choose for the benefit of others. Do not waste time. Time wasted is life wasted. Time is God. Sanctify all the time at your disposal by undertaking service activities in a pure and unselfish spirit.

Today we waste time on unnecessary and unwanted things, in indulging in unnecessary talk and doing meaningless actions. In all these actions we are sacrificing the body to time. Instead we should try to make time our servant. It means spending our time in good thoughts and good deeds. Every second of your daily existence you must ask these questions: “How am I utilising time? Is it for a good or bad purpose?”

Likewise, with regard to food you must ask, “Am I just eating what I need, or more? Am I wasting food?” So also with regard to money: “Am I using this money for my own selfish needs or for boosting my name and fame or to satisfy my ego and vanity?” Once you start seeking answers to these questions, there is no greater spiritual practice.

These are the aims of the “Ceiling on Desires Programme.” It was never the purpose of this programme to collect money for the Sathya Sai Organisations. The object was to encourage you to share your money with others, to give you an opportunity to utilise your surplus resources for some good and noble purpose that will sanctify your life.

Make Your Lives Sacred and Worthwhile

Three types of strength are given to a person: physical strength, mental strength, and the power of money. It has been said that all these should be offered as yajna (sacrifice). This sacrifice is not offered to God. God, who has given you your body and your mind, does not need them for Himself. God is also the source of all wealth. What does He want with your wealth?

Use it for sacred purposes. The service programme is intended only to provide you with opportunities to make your lives sacred and worthwhile. It is to develop the spirit of sacrifice.

This Endeavour Is Not for the Sake of Sai

Was it beyond the power of Rama to discover Sita in Lanka Himself? What need was there for Him to send Hanuman? Rama wanted Hanuman to go on the search so that He could show to the world the devotion and steadfastness and faith of Hanuman. It is a case of grace on the part of Rama.

In the same manner, if Sai wants to do so many things Himself, He can do anything. This endeavour is not for the sake of Sai. It is done through these service organisations so that members of the organisation get the chance to do service and redeem themselves. Try to understand the basic truth that these avenues of service have been provided so that you will get a good name for yourself and not for the sake of Sai.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 17, Chapter 16: Ceiling on Desires-II.

Always Be Happy

Whatever trouble you may face, you must learn to feel happy in any circumstance. If you are stung by a scorpion, you must console yourself that you were not bitten by a snake, and when you are bitten by a snake, you must console yourself that it has not proved fatal. Even if you are not able to own a vehicle, be happy that your legs are intact to enable you to walk. Even if you are not a millionaire, be happy that you have enough resources to feed yourself and your family. This is the way to experience joy even in adverse circumstances.

Turn Your Effort to Realise the Reality Within

Ceiling on desires is a must for leading a peaceful and meaningful life. You must curb the desire to seek more and more wealth and turn your effort to realise the Reality within. In pursuing this effort, you must avoid waste of food, money, time, energy, and knowledge as all these are forms of God. Unnecessary talk should be avoided as this results in waste of energy and reduction of memory power.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 27, Chapter 20: Spiritual Orientation to Education.

Peace Can Be Attained Only by God’s Grace

In the modern world, every person tries hard to attain peace. Peace cannot be attained by spiritual precepts, nor can it be obtained from a market as a commodity. It cannot be acquired even by knowledge of the texts, or a high position in life. Peace can be attained only by God’s grace.

Though man is eager to attain peace, he confronts many obstacles in the path. Those who travel by train may be well acquainted with the slogan “Less luggage, more comfort, makes travel a pleasure.” Now, man is burdening himself with limitless desires. Because of this extra heavy luggage of desires, he finds it extremely difficult to carry on the journey of life. By such proliferation of desires, he loses his balance, moves far away from his goal, and even tends to go mad.

It is for this reason that I have been stressing the need for ceiling on desires. By limiting your desires, you can attain peace to a certain extent. You have to exercise a check on your desires and make efforts to get the grace of the divine.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 31, Chapter 19: Faith, Love, and Grace.

Bad Qualities Are the Result of Your Own Thoughts

Suppose you get angry. From where did this anger come? This has come from you only. Similarly, jealousy is a quality that manifested from your mind. Thus each one of these bad qualities is the result of your own thoughts. Hence if only you are able to control your thoughts properly, you will be able to achieve anything in life.

The mind, intellect, and awareness are the reflections of the Atma . The mind has no stability. It is the repository of thoughts and desires. It is said, “The mind alone is the cause of bondage or liberation.” Hence one has to keep the mind under proper control by putting some ceiling on desires.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 42, Chapter 1: Know Thyself! You Will Know Everything.

Do Not Trigger the Negative Aspect of Nature

Man has to consider himself as a limb of society and help in the welfare of society, just as the organs of one’s body are used for one’s well-being. Again society is a limb of Nature, and Nature is a limb of the Supreme Lord. Thus there is a close relationship between man and God.

Nature is more progressive than man, and to protect Nature, man has to exploit it within limits. When man tampers with Nature recklessly, it reacts adversely and trouble arises. In order to protect Nature, man has to practise ceiling on desires. He should not trigger the negative aspect of Nature.

In this respect, scientists have no concern for the harmful effects that may accrue to society by their inventions. They do not care for the welfare of mankind and go on making use of intelligence to produce their weapons of destruction. Care should be exercised in providing comforts, as excessive comforts may spoil man’s mind and cause misery instead of happiness. Nothing good can be achieved without restraints.

Because of the advancement of technology and provision of excessive comforts, life has become mechanical and spirituality has declined. Science fragments everything to pieces, whereas spirituality builds up unity in diversity. Today man is not making efforts to cultivate the feeling of oneness among humanity.

Intimate Relationship of Man, God, and Nature

For example, the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the people on Earth from the evil effects of solar radiation. Because of the advance of technology, several factories have sprung up, causing emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone layer has become thinner, and if this goes on unchecked, it may have disastrous consequences. Scientists are trying to stop the breakup of the ozone layer, but they are unable to find a remedy.

The actual cause for this situation is that more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Normally carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and trees, which can assimilate the gas and supply oxygen by the natural process of photosynthesis. But, because there is deforestation to an alarming extent, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has considerably increased. Therefore the remedy for this situation is intensive afforestation, growing more trees everywhere and protecting the existing trees without destroying them for other purposes. Thus the relationship of man, Nature, and God is very intimate, which scientists may not be able to realise.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 26, Chapter 3: The Predicament of Man Today.

Cultivate Four Desirable Practices

The Sai Organisations have been enjoined to carry out a programme of ceiling on desires. Everyone should try to control desires as much as possible. The promotion of human values is another item in the programme. These human values are inherent in every person. All that is needed is for everyone to manifest them in his daily life. Truth, righteousness, and peace are all in you.

You are the embodiment of truth, peace, love, and God. Recognise this fact. Members of Sai Organisations should cultivate certain desirable practices. For instance, they should regulate their diet, because one’s food influences one’s thoughts. Smoking and intoxicating drinks have to be given up. They are ruinous for the health. Meat eating should also be given up because eating animal food promotes animal tendencies. The fourth evil that has to be eliminated is gambling.

Those who take to the spiritual path should avoid as much as possible these four bad practices. It is sinful to slaughter poor animals for one’s food. Sai members should follow the motto “Help ever; hurt never.”

There is no meaning in professing to respect human values without observing the rule that you should cause no harm to others in any form whatsoever. God loves those who serve others because He is in all of them. Whomever you may serve, consider it as service to God. Divinise all your actions. Treat every action you perform as God’s work.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 28, Chapter 34: Spiritual Significance of Loving Service.


I t is the experience and practice of the citizens of India that they generally worship God with flowers, offer ritual adoration, and make obeisance to God. But there is something that is more sacred than this. There is a distinctive type of devotion by which you worship God with a good, clean mind and good conduct. This has been given the name of para bhakthi (supreme devotion). By always worshipping God with ritual worship and flowers, the spiritual aspirant will remain stationary in his place. This is good in a way, but to remain in one place all the time and failing to rise to a higher position is not good.

There is a superior type of worship — to worship God through good qualities, good conduct, good thoughts, and good company. The scriptures have described this kind of worship as worship through good qualities. By offering what kind of good qualities can we please God?

The first flower with which we can worship God is non-violence. The second flower is control of senses. The third flower is compassion. The fourth one is forbearance. The fifth flower is peace. The sixth flower is penance. The seventh one is the flower of meditation. The eighth is the flower of truth. The inner meaning of this statement is that God will shower grace on you if you worship him through these eight flowers.

The flowers in nature always fade, drop down, lose fragrance, and also develop an odour that is not pleasant. Instead of worshipping with such worldly flowers, which are impermanent and receiving impermanent rewards from God, we should worship Him with what is truthful and thereby attain a stage that is higher.

The flowers that you are using for worship have not been created by you. You are bringing flowers that have been created by the Will of God on some tree or in some garden and are offering them back to the Creator Himself. What is the greatness in using the flowers created by God and giving them back to God Himself? Many people bathe in the Ganges River, take the water from the Ganges into their palms, and offer it back to the Ganges itself. This is not what you have created. This is not what you have the right to offer.

From the tree of your life, picking such fruits that you have protected and that you have grown in the form of good qualities and offering them to God, there is some distinctiveness in that. In order to promote good qualities, you have to undergo several troubles. So it is through these good qualities that your mind can also acquire a divine concentration. Without good qualities and without good thoughts, how can you fix your mind in meditation? 1


The first flower is the flower of non-violence. We regard the word non-violence to mean not causing harm and hurt to other living things. The true meaning of the word is not to cause hurt and harm to any other living being through your thought, word, or deed. Cleansing and purifying these three—thought, word, and deed—has been called a Thriputi (summit of three) in spiritual parlance. All of them should be harmonised and brought together as one unit of flower. 1

We find doctors performing surgeries on patients to cure them of their ailments. In the process of surgery, the doctors cut the body with a knife. You cannot call it an act of violence because it is beneficial to the patient. Some people may argue that even cutting vegetables is an act of violence because vegetables and trees have life in them. No doubt, vegetables and trees have life, but they do not have the mind. Consequently, they do not suffer any pain.

Only man has got five sheaths, namely, food sheath, life sheath, mind sheath, wisdom sheath, and bliss sheath. One with the mind experiences pain and pleasure. Men, animals, birds, and insects are endowed with the mind, not trees and vegetables. In some trees, you find the sap oozing out when you pluck their fruit. Oozing of sap from a tree is a natural phenomenon, but some people mistake it for the tears of suffering. The trees do not suffer any pain because they do not have the faculty of mind. 2


The second flower is the control of sensory organs. Our senses run without any control. If running horses or animals are not controlled, they pose a danger. God has created each organ of the human body for a specific purpose. It is only when we use these sensory organs along the right path for which they have been created that we will be entitled to God’s grace. God has given us a nose. We should make an attempt to breathe in and breathe out through the nose and only accept fragrance through the nose. If we use such a nose to take snuff, the purpose will become useless. In the same manner, He has given us the mouth and a tongue in order that we may take in pure food. If we use the mouth to take in unholy food or intoxicating drinks, then we will be using the mouth for a wrong purpose.

In the same manner, we should understand under what conditions and in what times and in what manner we should use each of these organs and put them under control. Our inner strength will become less and less on account of excitement or unnecessary sorrow. The body will become ill by mental agitations and distractions. Man ages very quickly through excitement and sorrow. The reason for your not preserving this sacred instrument in sound condition is lack of control over these sensory organs. The second flower of sensory control should be used for worshipping God. 1

Lack of Sense Control Is the Main Cause of Unrest and Agitation

All spiritual practices will prove futile if one lacks sense control. Control of the senses is very essential for one and all. Lack of sense control is the main cause of all the unrest and agitation that you find in the world today. How can one control the senses? First of all, one should exercise control over the tongue.

You must control your tongue as it always craves a variety of delicacies. You must ask this question, “O tongue, how many bags of rice, wheat, and vegetables have you devoured! How many delicacies have you consumed! Fie on you if you are still not satisfied.” A morsel of food is enough to sustain the body. You should eat for the sake of satisfying your hunger and sustaining the body. Do not give undue importance to taste. Likewise, tell your eyes to see God instead of watching unsacred things on television or video. Teach your ears to listen to the stories of the Lord instead of listening to vain gossip.

O ears, you are interested in listening to vain gossip and tales about others, but you pay least attention when the wonderful stories of the Lord are narrated.

(Telugu Song)

Think for a while how you benefit by listening to unsacred things. In fact, you are polluting your heart in the process. All that you see and hear gets imprinted on your heart. Once your heart is polluted, your life will become meaningless. The human heart is like a pen. The colour of the words that you write will be the same as the colour of the ink in the pen. Likewise, when you fill your heart with love, all that you think, say, and do will be suffused with love. God expects you to fill your heart with love and lead a sacred life. 2


The third flower is compassion for all living things. Looking merely and superficially at human nature, which has diverse aspects, we are forgetting God in this field. From the seed of Divinity the tree of creation has grown. On this tree of creation the fruits are the human beings that are the individual souls. In each of these human fruits, there is Divinity in the form of seed. That is why in the Bhagavad Gita , Krishna has said, “I am the seed in all the living beings.” Recognising the truth that God is present in the form of the Atma in all living beings, we say compassion for all living beings is the next flower. 1

The Story of Abou Ben Adhem

Students might have heard the story of Abou Ben Adhem who always offered compassion towards all beings as a form of service to the Lord. Every day he traveled the streets to serve the destitute and the handicapped and returned home late in the night. One night when he returned home, he found in his bedroom an angel writing something. When he asked her what she was writing, she replied that she was making a list of those who loved God. She replied in the negative when he asked her if his name was on that list.

The following night when he returned home, he again found the angel writing something. He queried, “Mother, what is it that you are writing now?” She said, “Son, I am writing the names of those who are dear to God.” He again wanted to know if his name was on the list. She replied that his name was at the top of this list.

The sum and substance of this story is that God is pleased when you serve your fellow human beings. The scriptures have prescribed nine paths of devotion, namely, listening to the Lord’s stories, singing His glories, remembrance of the Lord’s name, service to the Lord’s Lotus Feet, worship, salutation, servitude, friendship, and offering oneself to the Lord, i.e., complete self-surrender. But the path of service is the greatest of all.

Neither by penance nor by pilgrimages, nor by going through the sacred texts, can one cross the ocean of worldly life;

One can redeem one’s life only through service.

(Sanskrit Verse)

Abou Ben Adhem became the recipient of God’s love because he spent all his time in the service of his fellow men. God loves all, for He is the embodiment of love. But He will give Himself to those who show compassion for all beings. 2

Have Compassion towards All as God Resides in All

Among all the flowers, compassion for all creatures is most important. Man alone is endowed with this virtue of compassion. This is the flower that you should offer to God. God is the indweller of all beings. Names and forms may vary, but the same God is present in all. Therefore you should have compassion towards all beings with the broad feeling that God is present in all. Only then can you understand how expansive and fragrant this quality of compassion for all creatures is.

You need not waste your time gathering the flowers that fade away and wither away in no time. The flower of your heart is eternal, ever fresh, and ever fragrant, for which you need not spend even a penny. That is the real flower. One who understands the secret of this flower is one of supreme wisdom. 3


The fourth one is the flower of forbearance. Forbearance truly is the highest quality of a human being. But in human life, because he develops narrow ideas, man wants to live in a constricted place. He thinks “I” and “my family” are what matters; others are all different from “me.” It is not possible for us to develop the flower of forbearance as long as these ideas are in us. It is only when we love that we can have patience and forbearance. One’s love should encompass all living beings. That will fructify as forbearance.

Here is a brief example. In our home there are our children. Along with our children, there is also a servant. In the house, a son may be pilfering something or other and developing bad habits. In many ways we will try and control that son by beating, scolding, and persuading him to return to good ways, but we will never take him and hand him over to the police. In the same house, if the servant steals a small spoon, at once we will take him and hand him over to the police.

What is the inner meaning of the situation in which we do not punish a son, even if he steals day after day, but we hand over a servant immediately to the police when he steals even a small thing? The reason for this is the narrow idea that “this boy is my son.” Because the servant does not belong to you, there is no place for forbearance and patience. So you see that when you have the broad idea that “everyone is mine” there is room for patience and forbearance. It is only then that our love will also grow. 1

Forbearance Promotes Divine Qualities

Forbearance is identified by the scriptures with truth, righteousness, knowledge, sacrifice, and joy. Without forbearance, man cannot be happy for even a moment. It promotes divine qualities. It reveals inner Divinity. One has to undertake spiritual practices to earn it and establish oneself in it. Nourish the idea that God is equally present in all, in spite of ridicule from the ignorant and sarcastic criticism from the blind or even praise from admirers. Do not mind them. 4

Forbearance Is Very Dear to the Lord

The Pandavas suffered a lot at the hands of the Kauravas. But never did Dharmaraja lose forbearance, even when Droupadi was being humiliated by the Kauravas. It was the virtue of forbearance that protected the Pandavas and made them an ideal for the rest of the world. This flower of forbearance is very dear to the Lord. God will be pleased with you and confer boons on you only when you offer Him the “flowers” which are dear to Him. No benefit accrues from offering the flowers that fade away and decay. The ever-blooming flowers of non-violence, sense control, compassion for all living beings, and forbearance are liked by God. 2


The fifth is the flower of peace. This flower of peace should not be interpreted to mean that you should be silent no matter who is attacking you, or who is blaming you. It is not that. If you are unmoved and unperturbed in spite of anyone finding faults with you, this can be called real peace. If you can fill your heart with love, then peace will come into you from outside. Through bad qualities, to some extent, we lose peace. With truthful thoughts, a man will have peace. With untruthful thoughts, a man will not have peace. If you can get rid of all thoughts, you will become a saint. It is only when you can be free from all thoughts that you can have peace.

Your own bad thoughts are responsible for all your pain and sorrow. By good thoughts and by good ideas, you will become a holy man. Holy man does not mean one who merely wears an orange robe, shaves the head, and wears holy beads. He who has good thoughts and good ideas is a holy man. A holy man is one who is the embodiment of truthful thoughts. 1

Peace Has Detachment as the Basic Quality

Peace does not mean that a person should not react at all, whatever others may say or however they may abuse him. It does not mean that he must be silent as a rock. It involves mastery of all the senses and all the passions; inner peace must become one’s nature. Peace has detachment as the basic quality. The sea, which likes to gather and possess, lies low; the cloud that likes to renounce and give up is high in the sky. Peace endows man with an unruffled mind and steady vision.

The prayer for shanthi (peace) is usually repeated thrice. “Om, shanthi, shanthi, shanthihi,” since peace is prayed for in the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Man should not bring his blood to boil, nor should he yield to fear. Spiritual calm is exemplified by Emperor Janaka of the Upanishadhic texts. He was known as vidheha (without body attachment), not because he was disembodied, but because he lived in utter forgetfulness of the body and its needs. He saw, heard, and spoke only from the Atmic plane of consciousness. 4

Bear All Sufferings With Fortitude and Patience

One should remain peaceful through all the vicissitudes of life. Only then can one attain divine grace. Great devotees like Thyagaraja, Tukaram, and Droupadi underwent many hardships. They bore all sufferings with patience. Thyagaraja said, “One cannot attain happiness without inner peace.” Man needs peace at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Peace is not present in the external world. It is present within.

You are the embodiment of peace. In the worldly life, there are bound to be many hardships, but one should not be perturbed. One should bear all sufferings with fortitude and patience. Human life is given not merely to enjoy the worldly pleasures like birds and beasts. Life becomes meaningful only when one experiences the peace that originates from the heart. 2


The sixth one is the flower of penance. Penance is not to give up your wife and children, go to a forest, put your head down and feet up; that is not penance. When we think of real penance we should eliminate bad thoughts from our minds. The co-ordination of thought, word, and deed is penance. Whatever thoughts sprout in your mind, to utter them as word and to put them in practice as your work, that is penance. It is in this context that it is said, “A great soul practises harmony of thought, word, and deed.” Giving up bad thoughts in your mind will become a sacrifice. That sacrifice will become yoga (spiritual practice leading to union with God). But giving up one’s property and one’s wife and going to the forest is not yoga. 1

Be Even-Minded in Happiness or Sorrow

One should contemplate on God at all times and achieve harmony of thought, word, and deed. He is a noble one whose thoughts, words, and deeds are in complete harmony. Do not be carried away by pain or pleasure. The Bhagavad Gita teaches, “One should be even-minded in happiness or sorrow, gain or loss, victory or defeat.” One should discharge one’s duty and serve society without any expectation of reward. Such even-mindedness and desireless state is true penance. 2


The seventh flower is the flower of meditation. Today, meditation is taking many forms. Many types of meditation that people are adopting today are against the culture and tradition of India. To sit in a lotus posture and to make the kundalini shakti ( kundalini power) rise from basal plexus to the cranium is not meditation. True meditation consists in recognising the presence of God in all types of work. God is the indweller of all and is all pervading. To make an attempt in your meditation to confine Him (God) to one place that you choose, cannot be meditation.

When you are driving a car, the car is your God. When you are doing business in a market, the market is your God. According to the culture of India, we first make obeisance to the work that we have to do. Before we undertake to do any work, we should regard that work as God. The Upanishads are teaching us: “The work I have to do, I regard as God and make obeisance to God in that form.”

Let us consider the person who plays the drums. Before he begins to play on them, he pays obeisance to the drums. The harmonium player will make obeisance to the harmonium before he starts. A dancer before she begins her dance will make obeisance to her anklets. Even a driver who is going to drive a lifeless car, before he holds the steering wheel, makes salutations to the steering wheel. You do not have to go so far. While driving, if the car hits another person, immediately we make salutations to that person. The significance of all this is the faith and belief that God is present in all things. Thus to regard the entire creation as the form of God and to perform your duty in that spirit is meditation. 1

Contemplate On God at All Times

Meditation does not mean sitting in lotus posture with eyes closed in contemplation on God. This is physical, worldly activity. No doubt, this is also needed, but true meditation lies in unifying the mind with God. Just as milk and water cannot be separated, likewise, the mind, once merged with God, cannot be separated. An iron ball cast in fire will become one with it. Likewise, your love should become one with divine love. This truth is contained in the Vedic dictum, “The knower of Brahman becomes Brahman Himself.”

Some people contemplate on God for a limited period in the morning and evening. This cannot be called meditation. Contemplate on God at all times, at all places, and under all circumstances. Perform all tasks with your mind firmly fixed on God. That is true meditation. Thinking of God for a limited period cannot be termed meditation. That is only part-time devotion. Part-time devotion confers only part-time grace. You should have full-time devotion in order to attain full-time grace. 2


The next flower is the flower of truth. If you simply speak what you feel and tell what you have done, this can be called worldly truth — statement of facts. This cannot be called truth. Truth is that which does not change at any time. What you have seen is truth at that moment. At the next moment, it becomes untruth. All material things that you see in this creation are things that will decay, that are bound to change. In this transient changing world, how can what you see and what you hear become truth? Truth is God. This truth is the eighth flower. This truth is the form of Divinity. In the world, we experience truths of a relative nature.

Let us take chemistry as an example. You take some chemicals and mix them together. They change, and you get some other chemical. If you mix turmeric in lime, you get red colour. This is chemistry. Another example is physics. If you take a 3-inch needle and put it in fire, it will become a longer needle. This is the truth of physics. How long do these truths of chemistry and physics remain? These are temporary, worldly, scientific truths. But spiritual truths are such that they will remain unchanged whatever you may do to them, whatever fire you may use on them and howsoever you may change the circumstances.

So, what does not change at all is truth. Cruelty and harshness are predominant in the world today because we are not attempting to promote such sacred qualities. Today, among believers, non-believers and the believing, the same kind of attitude is developing. That day when we can promote such good qualities in the minds of believers, the non-believers will disappear from this world. 1

Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time, i.e., past, present, and future. Everything may disappear, but truth remains forever. So, truth is God; live in truth. 2

Win God’s Grace by Worshipping Eight Flowers

Worship the Lord, and offer Him these flowers. Now, when other flowers are used, devotion does not last after one comes out of the worship room! When one crosses that door-step, anger, hatred, and anxiety possess him and degrade him. Without developing the qualities indicated by the eight flowers, how can anyone win the grace of God? Engaged in wrong worship on all 364 days, what good do you derive by doing true worship on the 365 th day of the year. When you claim to be Sai devotees, justify the claim by cultivating these flowers of virtue and offering them to God. 4

Serve Society to Your Utmost Capacity

God will be pleased only when you worship Him with these eight types of flowers. The priests in temples worship God with various types of flowers. But God does not want these flowers. He says, “O priest, is this what you have learnt all these years? You are worshipping Me with lorry loads of roses and jasmines, which fade away in a short time. These are not the flowers that I expect from you. Worship Me with the flowers of peace, love, non-violence, etc., which will never fade.”

Embodiments of Love!

People worship God with devotion and sincerity, but God is not satisfied with external worship. You should serve society. Only service can confer bliss on you. By rendering service to society, not only can you alleviate the sufferings of the people, but you can also bring about transformation in their lives. As is the feeling, so is the result. If you serve with sacred feelings, it is bound to yield sacred results. Serve society to your utmost capacity. You are singing devotional songs in the morning and evening. The satisfaction that you get by participating in singing devotional songs is temporary, whereas service confers permanent satisfaction.

The Vedas say, the objective of actions is to purify the mind. Service alone is undertaken to purify the mind. Today people waste a lot of time, wealth, and energy in performing activities that do not foster purity of the mind. That is why they are unable to experience peace of mind. The peace that one gets out of worldly activities comes and goes like a passing cloud. One should aspire for the true and eternal peace, which originates from the heart. 2

  • Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 15, Chapter 9: The Flowers That God Loves.
  • Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 33, Chapter 12: Flowers That Never Fade.
  • Sanathana Sarathi, March 2012. Chapter: Humanness Blossoms in a Compassionate Heart.
  • Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 15, Chapter 25: The Garden of the Heart.

Self; Soul. Embodied Self is jiva (the individual soul). Self, with no limitations, is Brahman (the Supreme Cosmic Reality).


It is the quality of purity, brightness, peace, goodness, and harmony. It leads to knowledge.

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Essay on Time | Importance of Time Essay for Students in English

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Time: The most precious asset in this world is time. Time once lost cannot be brought back. Time is more valuable than money. Procrastinating things and wasting time unnecessarily portrays qualities of unsuccessful people. We should make every moment count by spending it in the wisest manner possible. Strategic and effective utilization of time increases works productivity. Time-conscious people are very effective in managing their tasks and smartly meet deadlines without any delay.

Essay on Time 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Importance of Time Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Time is the duration in which all things happen. The prehistoric period, the renaissance era, and the modern age are examples of time. These events took place and brought evolution, which laid the foundation for today’s discovery and innovation. Time consists of three aspects minutes, seconds, and hours. It revolves around us as it encompasses the past, present, and future. It is precious and should not be wasted in haste. It cannot be bought or sold, so it is more valuable than money.

It can be lucrative only when used productively. Time and tide wait for none , so one must take into account that time is a treasure meant to be protected. It is like sand; once it slips away, we cannot bring it back but regret our whole life. Time runs without interruption, so we should not waste it without having a purpose in life. In any age of our life, we should value and respect the time and use it fruitfully. Walking along with the time, provides definition and meaning to life.

Importance of Time

A person cannot outrun time; that’s why every possible effort should be harnessed to make the best use of it. Life is a web of uncertain events and circumstances which leave us in a constant state of confusion, thus contributing to sloppy decision making. In such a state of mind, one cannot process the consequence of the same and end up using time constraints as an excuse. Value time because time is unchangeable. It can only be saved in memories and pictures.

Everyone should be instilled with the wise saying of Saint Kabir- “Finish tomorrow’s task today, and today’s task now.” Laziness and procrastination are the evils that gradually erode our efficiency, converting us into slugs. Time cannot be measured, so learn to enjoy every minute and every moment. Since time is money, therefore, punctuality should become a vital commodity in our lives. Engaging in leisure activities and spending quality time with loved ones will help to cultivate positive and healthy relationships.

Effective Time Management

Effective time management is paramount as it helps us to achieve our goals in life. Nobody gets extra time, or less time, it’s our mindset that needs to be rewired. One day has 24 hours, which remains the same for all the individuals on the planet. Everybody gets an opportunity to work, but how we segregate our work and assign time to it differs from one person to another. Having a diary to write down time slots for every work will help an individual to stay organized and function productively.

Initially, this will be boring and tiresome, but later it will not only help to manage work better but also achieve tasks that were considered tough and unattainable. Such practices will keep one inspiring and self-motivating. Eliminate those activities and work that take up most of the time. Prioritize the tasks in hand by making a time table where all the important tasks are at the top and unimportant at the bottom. Set a time limit to every task and make sure not more time is wasted on one.

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Band 8+: Task 2: Some people think governments should spend money looking for life on other planets, while others think that it is a waste of public money when it has problems on earth. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In these times, the debate over whether the authorities should invest in discovering other ecosystems has persisted for decades. While some believe that this breakthrough offers benefits to the Earth, others argue that the interruption of other living spaces can harm our current world. This essay will elucidate both sides before any personal viewpoint is stated.

On the one hand, opponents of astronomical exploration might assert that it can become an extravagance due to the underperformance. The funding for cosmic research can be a waste given the delay or unsuccessful results. Besides this point, the healthcare systems for astronauts, maintenance costs, and extra resources for regular check-ups can be unreasonable. This misuse of funds can lead to a lack of donations to other public needs and more intense situations. Furthermore, the intervention of humans in the solar system can cause potential risks to outer species and atmospheric shifts, which can redirect unidentified objects to harm the Earth. Not only do these practices adversely influence human development, but they also involve additional compensation for injured individuals.

Conversely, I strongly believe that discoveries of other life forms can be advantageous for supplementing resources. Notably, outer spaces can furnish humans with a broad spectrum of rare materials or substances that have monetary value and high versatility. These antiques can have impacts on the national economy and enhance the living standard of involved individuals. Secondly, the exploration of other planets’ land can partly address social issues. Take the real estate problem as an example; this has long become an urgent need due to the dense population and demands for private assets. Therefore, searching for extraterrestrial life can handle these hurdles by incentivizing some landlords to reside in outer spaces. Moreover, the mysteries of other lives can contribute to educational purposes such as science and astronomy. This can catalyze the prediction of dangerous celestial objects and phenomena that negatively attack Earth. Thereby, avoiding natural disasters and hazardous influences on human well-being.

To summarize, while the drawbacks associated with astrophysical research are undeniable, its positive impacts on the economy, education, and further forecasts are more appealing. Governments should strike a balance between developing planetary discoveries and addressing national pressing needs to ensure the comprehensive growth of the country.

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Today, some individuals hold the view that authorities should allocate money to look for another habitat for living on other plants, while others claim that it is not necessary when it can pose a threat to our earth. In this essay, I will evaluate the persuasiveness of this statement before proposing my personal opinions. On […]

People have differing perspectives on space exploration for life. While some advocate for the necessity of this endeavor, I firmly contend that seeking life beyond Earth is futile given the pressing issues at hand. I will discuss two opposing views in the following essay. On one hand, the allure of discovering a habitable planet is […]

It is generally supposed today that governments should use money to search for out of the Earth’s creatures, but others think that that money ought to be paid for activities which address many problems on our planet. Although, in my opinion, finding the living out of the Earth is important, fixing difficulties on the Earth […]

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Plans & Pricing


VISITORS are invariably shocked. They see Americans cheerfully discarding cars, refrigerators or washing machines from which a French peasant, say, or a Greek shopkeeper would still get years of use. They are amazed at the serviceable suits that an American sends off to the Salvation Army the minute an elbow gives way or a knee frays. Tin cans that would roof a million Caribbean cottages are tossed onto scrap heaps. Perfectly good buildings are torn down and replaced by new ones with an economic life expectancy of only 50 years. Waste, outrageous waste, cry the critics—and by no means only foreign critics. U.S. social commentators loudly deplore the “waste makers,” as do politicians and poets. “In America everything goes to waste,” complains Poet Karl Shapiro. “Waste in the States is the national industry.” “I regard waste as the continuing enemy of our society,” Lyndon Johnson has warned.

Different critics mean different things by waste. The most obvious definitions are heedless opulence, which, as it were, drops too much from the table, and the readiness to discard the only slightly old. A secondary target is the artificial stimulation of the consumer to buy in vast quantities things he never wanted until he was told. Often such complaints sound highly plausible, particularly when reinforced by a wrecking ball hitting an old landmark or an infuriating commercial peddling a clearly needless “improvement” in some trivial product. Yet waste is not what it seems to be. The term implies a moral as well as an economic judgment, and its meaning varies with both setting and purpose.

Taking a shower may be a waste in the desert but not in a city. Blowing up a $16 million rocket to get to the moon may seem wasteful to some—but it scarcely is, in view of what space exploration contributes to science and the economy, not to say the human spirit. War is undoubtedly wasteful, not only in matériel but also in the irretrievable waste of lost lives. Yet even here, it is a question of values—most American wars have been fought for human causes and values that its citizens considered no waste, whether it was abolition of slavery at home or freedom in the world at large.

Time v. Trouble

The concept of waste still held by most of the world grows out of scarcity, a situation in which materials are short and labor is the cheapest thing around—a situation that in many cases socialism has helped to perpetuate. In the U.S., the notion of waste also grows from the Puritan belief that negligent use of material things is sinful. “Waste not, want not,” saith the preacher, and the phrase still echoes in the minds of older Americans not too far removed from the time when wax drippings were conserved to recast into new candles, or when boys made pocket money by straightening out bent nails.

Today people who save string or old clothes in attics are likely to run into psychologists who tell them that such hoarding is neurotic, or economists who prove it uneconomical, or architects who simply do not provide enough storage space for it. The new American maxim, Columbia University’s John Kouwenhoven has suggested, should be: “Waste not, have not.” This does not signify that waste has become accepted in the U.S.—on the contrary. It is only that its meaning has changed. Neither Cotton Mather nor Malthus nor Marx anticipated a society in which only 15% of the population would produce all the food and goods that the whole nation could reasonably need or, for that matter, a society so productive that it could afford, for the first time in history, to have more people in services than in production.

The result is that the modern American is not bothered by the waste of materials. What concerns him is time—his time. In the abundant U.S. economy, materials are relatively cheaper than labor. If something he can buy and throw away can save an American time, he does not feel it is a real waste.

Viewed in this light, much that appears materially wasteful becomes economically unwasteful. The American businessman, whose profits may depend on his avoidance of waste, has known this for a long time. The consumer is now learning it on a broad scale, and the evidence can be found in any American kitchen. Take the case of the housewife who reels out a yard or so of expensive aluminum foil to catch the drippings from her Sunday chicken. Her husband may argue that this is waste. The wife will contend that it saves her the work of scrubbing the oven. Worth it? In a peasant economy, the wife’s time would be worth very little, the aluminum a lot. But in the U.S., the husband can afford the aluminum, and his wife sets a high value on her time.

Throwing out bottles may seem wasteful; but considering the total cost of the time and trouble it takes to return, store, ship back and resterilize a bottle, it is often cheaper to use a new one. In the case of appliances, a dishwasher might cost $150; after some years, it may cost $100 to repair it, since a highly paid repairman’s individual labor is immensely less efficient than the assembly-line labor that produces the machine. In this instance, it would clearly be wasteful not to buy a new washer. Says Sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset: “The day may come when it is more expensive to launder a shirt than to buy a new one. Which is more wasteful then—to clean the shirt or throw it away?”

Best v. Latest

Americans are buying not only time but use. Social Security, unemployment insurance and now Medicare relieve them of the once-imperative necessity of squirreling away savings for times of trouble. Installment buying has contributed to the notion of having the good things of life while you are living it, not waiting until you are too old to enjoy it. The curious result is that the modern American is in one sense much less “materialistic” than his father or his father’s father. He is more interested in the use of things to give him the good life than in the possession of perdurable objects that will reassure him. U.S. culture is based far more on achievement and productivity than on possessions. Says Buckminster Fuller: “Man used to feel secure when he owned things. Now he may feel insecure when he owns something like a house because it makes him feel encumbered.”

A dramatic illustration is the proliferation of disposable materials from cutlery to paper dresses that last for a couple of enchanted evenings (and how many times can any single dress enchant?). One of the latest manufacturers to enter the field cheerfully labels his new line Waste Basket Boutique. Some economists argue enthusiastically that disposable togs may become great waste and money savers, particularly as once-only dresses for a graduation or wedding—thus casually dismissing an older generation’s tradition of laying away wedding dresses as semisacred household lares. This may be the outer limit (there are still girls who like the idea of walking to the altar in grandma’s wedding dress), but the principle of use rather than possession is evident all over, particularly in the fact that people rent everything from skis to dance floors, at great savings of space and trouble.

There is undoubtedly too much buying for show, status and the sheer pleasure of expensive gadgetry. Perhaps the audio addict spent ridiculous amounts of money on massive monaural hi-fi rigs. But he later switched to stereo and small speakers not out of mere faddism but because they were better. Basically, the American wants what is best, not what will last forever. What upwardly mobile American really wants a car that will last 30 years, as he watches newer models go by, with power steering and brakes, pushbutton windows, et al. Or the refrigerator without automatic defrosting? The stove without a self-cleaning oven?

If it seems outrageous to tear down a handsome masonry building dating from Victorian times, one must consider the waste of energy and efficiency that would result from having people work in its non-air-conditioned rooms—or alternatively, the expense of air-conditioning them. Today, one in every four Americans changes houses each year, and a majority of them move within the same community or market area—they have simply traded in the old house for a better one. The same is true in all other fields. Less-developed countries may welcome a hand-me-down DC-3, even in the time of the jet. But the U.S. expects the best and can produce it. The price may seem like waste to some, but it can also be construed as “research” cost from which the whole world may ultimately profit.

Luxury v. Necessity

What spoils this picture of constant improvement is the sneaking suspicion that the improvement is not always real—in other words, the old bogy of planned obsolescence. Advertising, so goes the argument, not only exaggerates the improvements in many products but also relentlessly creates demands that never existed before. Obviously this is true; yet there is a limit to the process. Detroit may be able to get away with a mere face lifting on its cars for a season or two, but sooner or later there has to be genuine innovation, or else the consumer will simply not respond. Similarly, Madison Avenue may create less-than-essential needs, from deodorants to wigs, but somehow, somewhere, products must appeal to genuine human wants. Yesterday’s luxury is today’s necessity, and tastes are real even if they are acquired tastes. “The biggest waste in our society is feeding grain to animals,” says Harvard Economist Thomas Schelling. “We lose nine-tenths of the calories in the grain. As for the proteins, we could easily get all we need out of soybeans. But we like the taste of meat, and we can afford to produce it. Is this waste?”

A new car every three years may not be necessary, but if a consumer wants it and has the money, it is his choice—and his demand for a new car keeps many a Detroit factory worker busy and gives him enough money to buy a new car himself. “Buy now—the job you save may be your own” is only a slogan, but one that today’s economists recognize as sound doctrine. “So we’re making something that we only half need, but we’ve got people busy making, and people selling it,” observes University of Southern California Economist E. Bryant Phillips. Fancy packaging may not be vital, but it can be useful, and housewives like it—enough to pour nearly $11 billion into American workers’ pockets.

Many economists feel that artificially stimulated demand is preferable to a slack economy and unemployment. Not that capitalism would collapse without it, as is often charged. But if this constant stimulation were removed, it would have to be replaced by something else—public works, massive government spending, a shortened week. To some, America’s hyped-up consumption seems vaguely immoral as well as untenable in the long run. John Kenneth Galbraith has likened it to the squirrel on a treadwheel. Yet he and other economists agree that there is really nothing wrong with the process, provided that a sufficient share of a growing economy goes into social improvement.

Even taking waste in its narrowest terms, the U.S. is not so profligate as it seems. Every U.S. citizen throws away some 41 pounds of solid waste every day: garbage, tin cans, bottles, paper. It is estimated that it costs the economy $3 billion a year to do away with all this. One Rand Corp. scientist figures that it costs more to dispose of the New York Sunday Times than it does a subscriber to buy it.

But considerable ingenuity goes into the recovery and reuse of waste materials. Some industrial waste is saved and reprocessed at the plant itself; the rest comes through the scrap and salvage industry, which buys up wastes from plants, offices and homes. The copper in a skillet, for instance, may have an indefinite series of incarnations over a cycle of many years, moving from smelter to refinery to brass mill to the factory to housewife’s kitchen to junk collector to a secondary refinery where it is smelted into ingots and sold back to the factory. Overall, only an estimated 15% of all the copper ever mined has been lost.

That most conspicuous waste—paper—is less serious than it looks. Paper that starts as office stationery may be reprocessed several times to reappear as wrapping or wallboard. Some 25% of all paper now derives from this “secondary forest,” and there is so much reforestation that 60% more timber is maturing every year than is cut. A new process breaks up old cars into tiny bits and magnetically extracts the steel to produce a 97%-pure scrap, offering a hope that most of the nation’s automobile graveyards can eventually be eliminated. Fly ash is converted to make lightweight bricks, panels and construction blocks. Celotex is using blast-furnace slag to make mineral wool.

The slaughtering industry has long boasted that it used up everything but the squeal. Together with the utilization of other wastes—such as corncobs and tobacco shreddings to produce face powder and insecticides—the agriculture-waste industry is a $5.9 billion business. The squeezings from soybean oil are used for oral contraceptives. Hiram Walker says, only half in jest, that it recovers “the hangover from whisky” —fusel oil, usually blamed for hangovers, can now be largely removed from whisky and sold to paint and perfume makers. Poultry processors, confronted with smothering stockpiles of chicken feathers that would not burn, came up with a new process that breaks down the feathers into a mealy, protein-rich substance. Today, many chickens are growing fat faster on the feathers of their predecessors.

Even in the lowliest problem, the disposal of municipal and industrial wastes that pollute the air and the streams of the U.S., there has been some progress. In a process now being established in Houston and three other cities, tin cans and other ferrous-metal objects are separated magnetically from other wastes. Rags, paper, plastics and aluminum, wood and rubber are hand-picked from the conveyer belt, each for assignment to reprocessing and recovery. The remaining organic material is “cooked” and deodorized to produce fertilizer. The object in view is that each city will become a closed loop—like a space capsule—and completely reuse all the water and solids that pass through the system.

The ultimate concern is that waste will end in consuming basic resources. It is an insistent theme of conservationists, but it does not presently worry serious economists. Herbert Schiller of the University of Illinois speaks for most of his colleagues when he says flatly: “We won’t be overwhelmed by the disaster aspects of waste.” Not only is the U.S. constantly developing substitutes (aluminum for iron, oil for coal, synthetic fabrics for wool), but detection and discovery techniques have so greatly improved that the reserves known to be available are actually larger than before.

Material v. Human

The only real waste that bothers Americans is not of material but of human resources. Lack of education for gifted children, the 24.9% of draftees rejected for “functional illiteracy” or other educational deficiencies, the victims of all kinds of diseases that could be cured or alleviated —these represent human waste. On a different level, there is immeasurable wasted energy in bureaucracy, both in Government and in private business. There is waste of time, if nothing else, in the innumerable non-books published and in countless empty entertainments. Some modern puritans see shocking waste in the fees paid to chic hairdressers or in the salaries handed to television comedians, which includes paying them not to perform for somebody else. But it would take an intolerable regime of tyrannical bookkeepers to determine which activities, which pleasures, are wasteful and which are useful.

No society has ever solved the problem of waste—as archaeologists from Iraq to Denmark can testify, as they rummage through ziggurats and kitchen middens. The crucial thing is to keep alive a sense of freedom, possibility and enterprise—and in that sense the U.S. is the least-wasteful society in history. Essentially, nothing is wasted that helps fulfill a legitimate purpose. With their wild-wheeling economy, a phenomenon so extraordinary that they cannot quite believe it themselves, Americans can do anything they choose. All they have to do is make their choices.

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Some students prefer to take a gap year between high school and university, to work or travel. do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, in spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. why is this case what can be done about this problem, do you believe that self-driving cars will become common in the near future why or why not support your answer with reasons and expamles from your own knowledge or experience., the plan below shows the village of pebbleton 20 years ago and now..


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    The concept of waste still held by most of the world grows out of scarcity, a situation in which materials are short and labor is the cheapest thing around—a situation that in many cases ...

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