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13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun For Kids Quickly & Easily

Sophie Bartlett

Figuring out how to make homework fun can be a tricky task for parents.

Does it feel like you’re constantly nagging your kids to do their homework? If your answer is yes, know that we’ve all been there! It’s natural for parents to want their children to progress and do well in school, but after an entire day of paper, pencils, and books many youngsters will resist getting on with their homework – and that’s putting it mildly!

Fun Math Games and Activities Packs for Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Fun Math Games and Activities Packs for Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Individual packs for Kindergarten to Grade 5 containing fun math games and activities.

Top Tips To Make Homework Fun:

1. work together, 2. use rewards and incentives, 3. make them a snack, 4. make it visual, 5. try different learning apps, 6. set up a homework play date, 7. go outside, 8. turn it into a game, 9. let them play teacher, 10. use a timer, 11. create a special homework space, 12. remember to be positive, 13. get help if you need it.

Thankfully, there are ways of making homework less boring and that are a little bit more fun for your child. Whether they need to practice spelling, learn their times tables or revise for an important exam, our top fun homework ideas will help you magically take the ‘work’ out of homework.

Fun Homework Ideas - work together

Adults often work best in the company of others, and the same can be said of kids, so why not sit with your child while they’re studying and get on with some of your own work or life admin?

Whether you’re returning emails or doing your online banking, creating a shared workspace and modeling focused work is a great way to spend quality time together while they complete their homework. Win-win!

Quick win : While your child is tackling their fractions homework, you could sit down with them and take a look through your finances.

Rewards and incentives are great when it comes to getting your children to follow your household rules and routines, and homework is no different. Things like stickers or the promise of time on their iPad or games console for slightly older children can all work wonders in getting them to do their homework without a battle.

Quick win: For every few questions they answer they could get a minute of screen time!

Fun Homework Ideas - make them a snack

Let’s face it: A hungry child is an unfocused, unmotivated and unhappy child.

Most children come out of school ravenous, so let them nibble on a nutritious after-school snack while they get on with homework; things like popcorn, apple slices, grapes, or crackers and cheese are all great snack options.

If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, Active for Life has a list of healthy after-school snack ideas and recipes to try.

Quick win: One of the best brain foods for kids is a nice and crispy apple! So when your child is craving something sweet just cut up an apple and let them munch away.

Help to eliminate the late night ‘Oh, I forgot to do that’, and create a weekly homework chart so your child can see what they have to do each day and check off each ‘to do’ task as it’s been completed.

Again, Pinterest has some great free printables to help keep kids organized. Get them involved by letting them color it, or decorate it with their favorite stickers, and pin it up somewhere at their height, where they will see it easily every day as a reminder. Some exciting new stationery and colorful pens might help too.

Quick win: An easy way to make homework fun is to grab a piece of paper and get your child to draw out and decorate a ‘homework chart’ consisting of 5 days. Stick it on the fridge and add a sticker to each day after they’ve done their homework, when they’ve collected 5 stickers they get a treat!

Fun Homework Ideas - try different learning apps

If your child prefers to be online, there are some great online apps around that children will have fun using, yet encourage learning too. Here are our favorite free math websites for example. Speak to your child’s teacher too and see which apps the children use in school so you can support what they’re doing at home.

Quick win: One of our favorite websites that makes homework fun is Tang Math !

Holding a homework playdate where your child can invite one of their best school buddies over to do homework together can be a great way for them to learn and make sure the work gets done, especially older children in elementary school.

Plus, it’s likely that their parents will be delighted!

Younger children may need a bit more support and guidance but can still gain a lot from the experience of learning together with a friend – think of this as a mini-educational play date for them.

Quick win: Let your child and their friend play for a while, and then get them to work through their homework with the incentive of a yummy ‘ice cream party’ when they’ve completed all of their homework.

Fun Homework Ideas - go outside

If the weather allows, create a comfortable outside study space and allow your child to do their homework outdoors.

The fresh air can help kids with their concentration if they’ve been stuck in a classroom all day, and studies also show that being outside, closer to nature, can increase productivity. The reward of a quick game of Frisbee or a kick-around of a soccer ball between tasks will help them stay motivated too.

Who said home learning had to be boring? If children enjoy what they’re learning, they’re more likely to remember what they’re being taught, so turn their learning into a fun game. Using sweets like Smarties to help with math and number work can turn the experience from a chore into a treat. If they get the right answer, they get to eat some!

Another trick that you can use when your child is learning spellings is to write them in shaving cream or in magnetic letters. It sounds simple but we can guarantee that it will make homework a lot more fun for your child.

These math games for kids and times tables games are a great place to start.

Quick win: If you’re looking for some fun homework ideas then check out this simple multiplication activity you can do at home, it’ll even get in one of your child’s five a day!

Make another fun homework game by creating your own mini-classroom and letting your child step into the role of teacher.

Have your child explain a concept to you as a teacher, as you, or their sibling, play the role of the student. This game works particularly well with subjects that require theory, like Science for example, as it will improve their understanding of the concept and build logic and reasoning skills.

Quick win: Make homework fun by getting your child to choose their favorite teddies and toys and setting them up in their own mini- classroom. Start off with registration, ‘mom’ ‘present’, ‘mr teddy’ ‘here’ etc. You’ll soon notice that your child is growing in confidence regardless of the topic as children love playing teacher!

Fun Homework Ideas - let them play

Some children may have difficulty working for prolonged periods of time without a break, so using a timer can be great for getting them to complete homework without whining. For example, if your child is given 20 math problems for homework, you can say “Complete the first 10 questions, then we’ll take a 5-minute break, then complete the next 10 questions”.

Many children will need a mental break and will work more effectively when given the opportunity to take one. At the end of the task, they get to pick an activity of their choice. If your child gets easily distracted, a timer game can work well to keep them focused on the task in hand.

Quick win: Put the timer on your phone so that your child can see the countdown while they’re working.

A special study space can make homework more fun and help motivate your child to get it done! Choose a space in your house that’s least likely to distract your child, and create simple, organized, and kid-friendly homework.

You could hang up some of their artwork above the desk, and have all their school essentials nearby so everything is close to hand.

Quick win: Make sure that they aren’t surrounded by things that will distract them. Televisions and iPads are a no go at homework time!

Remember to always be upbeat and positive about school and the importance of their homework. Give your child lots of praise and encouragement about how well they’re doing to help them stay motivated and on track.

Quick win: After every homework session, spend five minutes talking through what your child has accomplished. If you’re running out of activities to do, have a look at our list of home learning packs – all free to download.

Homework can be frustrating if your child doesn’t understand the material or gets bored easily. If your child is struggling, get them some expert help!

Quick win: Third Space Learning has plenty of advice on learning math for kids and parents but if you need more support, our primary school math tutors are easy to organize and very affordable.

Do you have students who need extra support in math? Give your students more opportunities to consolidate learning and practice skills through personalized math tutoring with their own dedicated online math tutor. Each student receives differentiated instruction designed to close their individual learning gaps, and scaffolded learning ensures every student learns at the right pace. Lessons are aligned with your state’s standards and assessments, plus you’ll receive regular reports every step of the way. Personalized one-on-one math tutoring programs are available for: – 2nd grade tutoring – 3rd grade tutoring – 4th grade tutoring – 5th grade tutoring – 6th grade tutoring – 7th grade tutoring – 8th grade tutoring Why not learn more about how it works ?

The content in this article was originally written by primary school teacher Sophie Bartlett and has since been revised and adapted for US schools by elementary math teacher Christi Kulesza.

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elementary homework projects

20+ creative alternative homework ideas for teachers

elementary homework projects

When giving homework, it must always be based on learning goals your students have to reach, just like in your lessons. But it’s sad to see that lots of teachers are using homework as extra lesson time. Of course, as a teacher, you’re on a clock. But that doesn’t mean your students have to suffer from it and keep working on those boring textbooks and worksheets at home.

Consider goals like attitudes, real-life experiences, and practice, physical exercise, social encounters, creative solutions, and philanthropy as crucial as your lesson goals. These are things students don’t just pick up in your classroom. These are things they pick up in life.

In this blog post, I’ll give you some innovative homework ideas that will engage your students more. These alternatives to traditional homework will thereby also teach your students new things that can’t be taught in the classroom. You will find a variety of homework ideas: online and offline.

I will mention homework alternatives for primary school and high school. Some of these ideas can be changed a little bit, so they are the perfect fit for the right audience.

20 Creative homework ideas

You can divide homework tasks into the following themes or categories:

  • Crafts & arts
  • Outdoor activities & outings
  • Games and activities
  • Physical activities
  • Digital or computer activities
  • Philanthropy & social work
💡 Good to know : all the ready-to-use homework activities are created with BookWidgets . You can easily create activities like these yourself or duplicate an activity below for free, edit it if needed, and share it with your students. You can do so in the examples separately, or you can find all the homework examples in the BookWidgets Blog group folder .

Crafts and arts homework

1. prepare a dish from a recipe book.

elementary homework projects

2. Make a board game

elementary homework projects

3. Create a birdhouse

elementary homework projects

4. Transform a fictional book character into a hand puppet

elementary homework projects

Outdoor homework activities and outings

5. coupon game.

elementary homework projects

Students can also go grocery shopping with their parents. Here, they have to read the ingredients of the products and help their parents choose the healthiest products for the best prices, figure out the best deal between the sizes of items, …

6. Visit the zoo

elementary homework projects

7. Visit the local dumping ground or container park

elementary homework projects

8. Build a tree house

elementary homework projects

Games and activities as homework

9. bookwidgets games.

elementary homework projects

10. Minecraft

elementary homework projects

11. Play Cards

elementary homework projects

12. Play Zoo Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon

elementary homework projects

Physical homework activities

13. rope skipping.

elementary homework projects

Many rope-skipping songs let your students do different tricks while rope-skipping. This is an excellent opportunity for homework as well. Ask your students to transform a rope skipping song into a song with lesson content. Let them count or spell or even sum up the different states or capitals. To engage their lifestyles even harder, you can additionally give them the assignment to create a TikTok in which they are jumping and singing.

Click here to see how you can get Tiktok more involved in the classroom.

14. Walking quest

elementary homework projects

If there aren’t any walking quests in the neighborhood, you could ask your students to create a walking quest like this for their fellow students. What a fun day it will be!

15. Obstacle Quiz

elementary homework projects

In order for students to answer the questions, they have to run and pass a challenging parkour. This is a fun homework exercise, and in the end, it’s a great lesson starter or lesson end.

16. Swimming games

elementary homework projects

After the activity, they can fill out an Exit Slip:

Swimming games

Digital or computer homework activities

17. create a picture album.

elementary homework projects

This teaches them to handle the online software, add pictures and write without spelling mistakes. And of course, creating memories is so much fun!

18. Video job application

elementary homework projects

19. Your life in 10 minutes - video

elementary homework projects

20. Email pen-pals

elementary homework projects

Is it still too complicated? Read the messages from your students, before they send them, and provide them with some feedback.

Email pen-pals

Philanthropy and social homework

21. grow a community garden.

elementary homework projects

22. Help in a retirement home

elementary homework projects

23. Help at a homeless shelter

elementary homework projects

24. Collect litter

elementary homework projects

Here’s another homework tip: Don’t call homework “homework”. Call it a challenge. Homework has become a negative word for students, and I bet they start rolling their eyes as you even mention the word.

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out the blog on short films and lesson activities that spice up your Google Classroom . Tip: even if you don’t use Google Classroom, there is a lot of inspiration back here.

Above you have read single assignments. But, you also have the option to involve your homework in a project. Find out more here .

So, as I mentioned earlier, there are many fun alternatives to traditional homework. Now it’s up to you to apply this in the classroom as well. In this folder , you will find all the examples you have come across.

Which idea do you or perhaps your students like the most? Let us know on Twitter . Of course, there are many more alternatives. If you have other ideas, you are always welcome to share it with other teachers in our Facebook group .

One more thing: don’t forget to say hi👋 on LikedIn .

20+ creative homework alternatives

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elementary homework projects

elementary homework projects


Homework Ideas for Elementary Teachers: Save Time and Make Learning More Purposeful for Students in 2024

What’s the first word you think of when I say “homework?” It’s one of those hot topics that people feel very strongly about one way or another. However, more often than not, it’s a requirement. As a result, I am here to share homework ideas that will make your life as an elementary teacher a little bit easier.

I used to send homework home nightly, but found it to add chaos to each and every day. I would spend many lunch periods copying an assignment for that night. Kids would forget to take their copy home. Parents would call or email to get clarification on what the assignment was for that night.

Then I switched to a weekly packet. The packet included all of the pages for the week along with a cover sheet that listed spelling words and assignments. This was an improvement, but still not ideal.

Last year, I started using a separate folder just for homework. This is one of the best homework ideas I have come up with. The folder includes the homework calendar and all of the printables they will need for the week. I sent home a Paragraph of the Week assignment each week. The consistency was outstanding. We really felt like we hit gold because the kids were all working on something meaningful with a purpose. The parents liked it because it was easy for them to understand and help with. I began experimenting with a monthly homework packet. And let me tell you…

It. Was. Awesome! 

We placed everything into a homework folder for the month and included an assignment calendar. The folder stayed at home and the students returned their completed work each morning in the communication folder . Learn about some of my best homework ideas for elementary teachers below!

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

7 Benefits of Assigning Homework

Do you question the importance of homework? Are you one of the many teachers or parents who feel homework should be banned? The idea of homework just doesn’t make sense to you. If you are part of the growing number of people questioning if the reasons homework is bad outweigh the benefits to homework, then you might find this to be helpful. 

I’m going to be honest, as a teacher (and especially as a parent), I am in the camp of not liking the idea of homework at the elementary level. However, each of the districts I have taught in has required teachers to assign nightly homework in addition to reading for 20 minutes. It often felt like a waste of time and paper.

For some teachers, the word HOMEWORK brings about pangs of dread. Others see it as a necessary evil of learning. For many, it merely represents having to fulfill a district requirement. In many districts these days, homework is not counted towards a student’s overall grade. The debate over homework has been waged for years. The question is: What’s a teacher to do?

No matter where you stand on the topic of homework, here are some ideas related to homework that will make you feel better about assigning homework. They may even make you feel good in some cases! I am hoping the 7 benefits listed below will ease the guilt some teachers feel about burdening their students and their families with tasks to complete at home.

1. Prepares Students for the Next Day’s Learning

A great way to use homework is preparation for an upcoming lesson, whether it’s doing some reading ahead of time, or looking over other assigned material, there’s no doubt that preparing for an upcoming lesson is a beneficial way to assign homework.

2. Increases Responsibility

When a student has a task that they MUST do rather than WANT to do, they learn to be responsible. Homework is the “You do” in the learning model of “I do, We do, You do.”.  It gives the learner a chance to practice what was covered in class and take responsibility for their own learning.

3. Advances Problem-Solving Skills

If the student can’t find an answer to something in their homework, (or even where to look for information to find an answer), what steps will they take to solve this problem? Will they look in a dictionary, online, ask a friend, or go to a library? Homework gives students a chance to flex their problem-solving muscles.

4. Offers Review Practice

Whether it’s a new math skill, or spelling/vocabulary words, homework that involves reviewing material covered in class will help students to remember it and is a very useful assignment.

5. Teaches Time Management

For students with an active extra-curricular life, homework teaches them how to manage their time. This helps them learn to prioritize schoolwork.

6. Strengthens Persistence and Grit

There have been many studies done recently that show a lack of persistence and grit in today’s students. Developing the fortitude to complete homework assignments also helps develop a student’s capacity for grit and persistence. These are necessary for success in many areas of life, not just academically.

7. Promotes Self-Esteem

Students will develop a sense of pride when they learn the value of a job well done and take ownership of their work. This carries over into their personal development as well. It is for this reason that homework should always be a review of skills already taught.

5 Problems with Assigning Traditional Homework

These were five of the problems I faced in my 3rd grade classroom. No matter which grade you teach I’m pretty sure you can relate. The good news is I managed to find a solution that saved me time and reduced my stress each day. Not only that, but my students’ math skills were strengthened and their families were less burdened with random assignments each night. Read on to learn about the problems I had and how I solved them.

1. Mandated to Give Homework

My school required we give homework 4 nights per week. It was a mandate, so my personal feelings made no difference. I had to send it nightly.

2. Emails and Calls from Parents

I often received emails and phone calls from confused parents. They often said they didn’t understand the homework or told me that their child said that they had “never seen this stuff before”. Let’s be honest, our time is so limited. We do not want to spend the afternoon or start the morning returning messages explaining directions or convincing someone that you did, in fact, teach it in class.

3. Wasted Class Time Every Day

I needed to spend some of our instructional time every afternoon going over the instructions because each assignment varied.

4. Drop-In Visits from Parents

I frequently had a parent and child return to my classroom because the homework never made it into the backpack. This often resulted in an unplanned conference at a time when I needed to prepare for the next day.

5. Students Forgot what was Taught

Unrelated to homework, I consistently faced a different problem. I often would teach a concept, the students would demonstrate proficiency…and then they didn’t.

How often do you have students who forget what odd and even (or a prime and composite if you teach higher grades) numbers are, not remember how to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000, or sit like a deer in headlights when asked to write a number in expanded form in the spring when they were rock stars of that skill in the fall when it was taught.

This is especially troublesome if you teach in a grade that takes standardized testing at the end of the year because you then need to set aside a lot of class time for review and test prep.

How to Grade Homework

Determine if correcting homework is an effective use of your time. Teachers don’t know how much assistance a child had with an assignment so it isn’t always an accurate representation of their abilities. Checking the homework for effort and general understanding may be sufficient. If you are assigning worksheets, consider selecting a few questions to go over in class.

Homework Incentive Ideas

Homework should be completed because it is an expectation and not to receive a trinket. However, some teachers do find that extrinsic rewards are motivational to their students. If you choose to make those a part of your homework procedure, here are a few easy-to-manage suggestions:

Students earn a ticket when they complete an assignment. Have them place the tickets into a container. Draw one ticket a week to win a No Homework Night Coupon.


Honor perfect homework efforts with a certificate. This could be done monthly or by marking period.

Offer a “No Homework Coupon.” These are like gold!

Ideas for Homework Consequences

First, check with your school and district to see if there is a policy in place. Next, determine a plan for how you will handle homework that is incomplete, missing, poor quality, etc. and be consistent. Be cautious about using recess as a punishment for not doing homework. Often the kids who are not doing their homework are the ones who most need recess .

10 Homework Tips for Elementary Teachers

Below are homework tips for elementary teachers to consider. You are bound to find some helpful homework ideas on this list that you can implement.

1. Assign Tasks Students can do Independently

The first tip on this list of homework ideas is to strive to find easy-to-manage, yet effective assignments. Although it is true that you shouldn’t be sending home tasks that students can’t complete on their own, you also need to be careful not to give them “busy work” either.  Having them complete an assignment for a skill they are proficient in also creates unnecessary work for the teacher. Time is a teacher’s greatest obstacle so be careful not to spend it copying, correcting, managing, chasing, etc sheets of paper that students are not gaining anything from. 

2. Keep Homework Assignments Consistent Across the Grade Level

The second tip on this list of homework ideas is to strive to be consistent with your grade level colleagues. Ideally, the assignments and policies should be identical.

3. Collaborate with Your Team

The third tip on this list of homework ideas is to save time by teaming up with the other teacher(s) at your grade level. Alternate prepping the packet for the week or designate different subjects to different teachers.

4. Communicate Expectations with Your Students’ Families

Communicate your expectations with parents from the beginning. Discuss them at open house and make a hard copy available for students who may transfer in later in the year.

5. Change the Way you See Homework

Use homework as an opportunity to teach organization and responsibility. While homework may not always be a reflection of a student’s abilities, it can be a valuable learning tool for time management and work habits.

6. Keep a Simple and Consistent Format

Design a simple and consistent format for homework. It could be reading and a math page every night or you may have students work on a different subject each night.  When I taught 2nd grade I used to do Math Monday (computation), Teacher Choice Tuesday (a spelling activity), Word Study Wednesday, Thinking Thursday (word problems).

7. Create a System for Collecting It

The seventh tip on this list of homework ideas is to create a system for collecting it. It’s important to have some sort of turn-in system and procedure so students know what to do with their homework each morning.

8. Implement an Efficient Routine for Checking Homework

Consider implementing an efficient routine for checking homework. If you are just going to check for completion and spot check the homework you could have students place it on their desk while they do morning work and you can circulate and check the pages.

9. Communicate Homework Progress with Parents

Determine how you will communicate homework progress with parents. In general, no news is good news, but I do have a homework alert that gets sent home as needed. It needs to be signed by an adult at home so the families know if they are not meeting the expectations.

10. Consider Creating a Menu of Optional Homework Activities

The last tip on this list of homework ideas is to create a menu of optional homework activities. Some parents find homework to be a burden and others want more. One way to make everyone happy is to send home a basic assignment that is required for all students and a list of optional enrichment choices for those who want additional assignments.

How I Implemented Homework in My Classroom

There are tons of homework ideas out there, but this is what worked for me.

As a public school teacher, I was required to give out nightly homework to my third graders. I found myself spending a lot of time picking out assignments, making copies, communicating directions, answering emails and phone calls from parents who did “not understand the new math” (aka the math workbook pages), distributing, collecting and correcting what essentially was just busy work sent home to meet a requirement I did not agree with. 

My biggest concern was (and continues to be) that many of the assignments from the workbook included 10-20 of the same type of problem. That meant that if a student was struggling with subtraction with regrouping and completed 20 problems incorrectly, that misconception and error became so much harder to fix. 

Parents were signing reading logs, but the kids weren’t actually reading.

I was frustrated by feeling like my time, the students’ time, and the parents’ time was being wasted. I knew there had to be a better option, so I set out to fix the problem. I’m thrilled with the results I must say.

I began creating spiral review math pages for each day for my own 3rd graders. These pages proved to be important and meaningful work. This resource is best if not one of the best homework ideas I have ever come up with.

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

What are the Spiral Review Math Pages?

The spiral review math pages are a tool for teachers to use to ensure students are having continued practice with previously taught skills. They are available for 1st-5th grade. The spiral review packets were designed to have 25 pages per month, which gives you the flexibility to assign them for homework every night plus have extras. The 1st grade version is set up a little differently, but still has 180 pages so you’ll be covered for the year.

Each of the spiral review pages follow the same daily format, cover skills from each area (e.g. computation, measurement, geometry, data, and word problems) and continuously spiral previously taught skills. This consistent format of 10 standards-based questions focused on topics we’d already covered provides an important spiral review of all the grade-level skills. This helped students to retain previously taught skills. The added benefit was that students who had not demonstrated proficiency earlier in the year had the opportunity to do so over time through repeated practice and instruction.

Using these spiral review math pages makes homework more purposeful and easier to manage. My students became much stronger in all math concepts, the parents expressed gratitude for the consistent format, and the phone calls and emails asking for assignment clarification completely stopped. It was so effective that it completely eliminated the need for any test prep in the spring. My students’ test scores were even much higher than previous years.

These worked so well for myself and the other 3rd grade teachers who were using them, that (by request) I created them for 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade too. Each was designed in consultation with and piloted by experienced teachers in those grade levels. They have since been used the past few years by thousands of teachers who have reported great success as well. I most recently added first grade.

This is one of my favorite ideas for homework of all time!

elementary homework projects

What’s Included in the Spiral Review Math Resources?

The 2nd-5th grade packets all have monthly/seasonal themes. September targets many of the skills that were required at the end of the previous grade level. It was designed to be used as a review for the new year and to pinpoint important foundational skills that your students must be proficient in before moving on to new standards. The following months build in a systematic, sequential order with lots of spiral review built in so that students retain important concepts. They include the following resources:

  • 250 print and go pages (plus 10 bonus pages) that will cover you for the full school year
  • answer keys to make grading quick and easy for you
  • 2,500 review problems (plus 100 bonus problems) based on the Common Core, which will help you rest easy knowing your students are practicing the math concepts and skills they need to
  • 250 Google Forms so students can access them digitally from home or in school
  • Recording sheets for students to show their thinking
  • Item analysis data trackers to make it easy to see which students need to be pulled for small groups or if it would be beneficial to reteach the concept to the entire class
  • Projectable answer keys so students can check their own work

The first grade version is a little different. It’s format has only 5 problems to better meet the developmental needs of our younger learners. It has 180 printable pages instead. In addition, this resource does not include seasonal pages, which allows you to use them at any time of the school year.

Learn more about the spiral review math resources for your grade level below.

  • 1st grade spiral review math activities
  • 2nd grade spiral review math activities
  • 3rd grade spiral review math activities
  • 4th grade spiral review math activities
  • 5th grade spiral review math activities

Where Can I Learn More about Spiral Review Math?

You can learn more about spiral review in this post: Spiral Review Math .

The Benefits of Using Spiral Review Math Pages

There are tons of benefits to using the spiral review math pages for homework.

  • The spiral review pages provide multiple opportunities for students to become proficient in a skill instead of just teaching it and forgetting it
  • The repeated spiraling practice of foundational grade level skills ensures they were ready to build upon them when y ou introduce new skills.
  • You’ll no longer need to waste hours of valuable class time on standardized test prep in the spring because the spiral review throughout the year ensure your students are always ready for the exam.
  • It constantly shows you if there are skills you need to reteach either to the whole class or to a small group of students. 
  • Students complete them with ease because the skills and the format of the pages are familiar to them.
  • The variety of 10 different problems eliminates the risk of students cementing a misconception into their minds.

Why You’ll Love it as a Teacher

Not only will the nightly spiral review math pages provide your students with meaningful practice of important skills, increase their confidence as learners and make them stronger math students, they will also solve many of the problems you face as a teacher and make the parents’ lives easier too. It’s one of the best homework ideas I have ever come up with!

  • You’ll longer needed to scramble to find homework for each night. Instead, simply print each month’s pages at the start of the new month and copy them all at once into weekly packets for the students.
  • Your lesson planning will become much more intentional and focused because you are able to easily identify which skills your students need to work on more.
  • You will no long waste valuable time correcting busy work. Instead, you’ll go over these important skills as a class.
  • Parents will feel better about being able to help their students and became true allies and partners in their learning.
  • Students and their families will be able to better enjoy their evenings together as a family because they know what to consistently expect for homework each evening.
  • Distributing the week’s packet all at once enables students’ families to support my goal of teaching time management because they can work ahead when they know there is a busy night coming up on their calendars.
  • Homework will be easier for you and more meaningful for your students.
  • The homework assignments will be systematic and routine so parents and students will always know exactly what the expectations are and understand the instructions.
  • You will constantly review all prior skills so that your student reach mastery over time. This will prevent students from forgetting what they learned earlier in the year.

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

How to Implement them in Your Classroom

I used a separate folder just for homework. It included the homework calendar and all of the printables they will need for the week. We placed everything into a homework folder for the month. The folder stayed at home and the students returned their completed work each morning in the communication folder .

I assembled the homework packets for the entire year in one afternoon and didn’t have to think about it again the rest of the school year. I sent them home on Friday afternoons.

The students simply completed one page each night beginning on Monday afternoons and returned only that one page to class in the morning. The other nightly pages remained at home. 

This meant I no longer needed to take any class time to explain the directions or check to make sure the papers made it into the backpacks.

The next morning I projected the answer sheet onto my smart board and reviewed each problem with them. This daily quick review made them accountable and reinforced all of the math skills regularly. Going over it in class sent the message that the work they did outside of school was purposeful and they would be accountable for it. They no longer felt homework was a waste of time so they demonstrated increased effort.

I also created data collection sheets to use either with one specific student’s page, or to examine the class as a whole. The pages were so easy to use and let me see at a glance where I needed to focus future instruction. 

How Can I Use the Extra Spiral Review Pages in the Packet?

There are 25 pages per month in each of the spiral review resources. Since you’ll never need to use all 25 for homework purposes, consider using the extra pages in the following ways:

  • formative assessment to monitor progress
  • morning work
  • math center activity (“at your seat” activity during Guided Math Workshop )
  • Emergency sub plans  activity

Where Can I Buy the Math Spiral Review Pages?

You can purchase the math spiral review pages from my Teachers Pay Teachers store . They are also available in my Elementary Math Resource Collection and grade level math clubs, which you can find below.

What Teachers Who Used these Packets Have Said

Thousands of teachers have used this homework idea in their classroom. Read some of the reviews below!

  • “WOW! I’ve been teaching for 16 years and this has been the most useful thing I have used. My students really understand all of the skills and I loved knowing I wasn’t moving on without all my kids being proficient. The beautiful layout, structured format, and clear expectations made it so easy to make these become part of our daily routine. I highly recommend them to everyone.” (Thank you Jocelyn P.!)
  • “I started using your monthly spiral review pages in October and never looked back. Not only did they provide us with quality daily work, but I just got my end of year scores back for the district math assessments and my entire class crushed it. I attribute their success 100% to these pages combined with your guided math book that opened my eyes to a whole new way of teaching. I can’t thank you enough. My administration has taken notice. I’m so proud of what we’ve done.” (Thank you Kerri K.!)
  • My teammates and I had the opportunity to see you present about guided math and math workshop and excitedly jumped right in with your guided math format the next week! We have been using the spiral review pages as homework and in the “at your seat” station during our daily math workshop. OMG!!! We ALL agree that between the new teaching routines and the use of these pages, our students are consistently performing above average and truly understand the math. It’s not just our opinion either because we just received our test scores from last year and they were not only MUCH higher than ever before, but we outscored the district and student growth from the previous year was amazing. That was what prompted me to finally leave a review. I/we can not recommend these enough. Thank you for not only making our jobs easier, but so much more enjoyable as well. (Thank you Jessica R.!)
  • These are absolutely wonderful for my students! I use them for a variety of things including review and homework. (Thanks Tony C.!)
  • “Love the data sheets! Great way for me and my students to monitor their learning.” (Thanks Kelsey!)

In closing, we hope you found these homework ideas for teachers helpful! If you haven’t already checked out this post about spiral review math , please be sure to do so!

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

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elementary homework projects

Your Career• 3 Min read

6th September 2020

Creative Homework Ideas

How can you create homework assignments that build on the day’s lessons and encourage creative, student-led learning? It’s a challenge for most teachers, especially as motivating pupils to complete homework can add a whole extra layer to your lesson plans. But it’s essential to bridge the gap between teacher and student learning –  the skills gained through independent study reinforces knowledge from your class, as well as a host of other benefits:

  • Extended learning time – outside of the constraints of the school day, students are free to learn at their own pace and in their own environment.
  • Independent learning – vital skills for exam preparation and higher education
  • Teaches students to be resourceful and to overcome challenges independently.
  • Gives students the freedom to be creative in their learning, gain valuable problem-solving skills and confidence in their own abilities.

Tips For Setting Creative Homework

  • Plan independent learning both in and out of the classroom – you can monitor students effectiveness and address issues that may arise in the classroom before they become problematic for pupils at home.
  • Don’t leave homework assignment to the end of the lesson, rushing through the task might leave some students confused which inevitably leads to a lower homework completion rate. Write plenty of time for explaining homework assignments into your lesson planning – read our Beginner’s Guide To Lesson Planning here
  • Homework should to not too easy nor not too hard, offering pupils a challenge that reinforced the topics learnt during the day
  • Give room for creative expression – allowing students to add their own diagrams, decorations or chose their own project topics from a selection. 
  • Try using peer or self-assessment to mark homework – a double whammy of reducing your workload and allowing pupils to take control of their own learning.
  • Include timings and explicit steps for completing more complicated assignments, especially for pupils that you anticipate might struggle. Comprehension of the task is the biggest hurdle in getting pupils to work on an independent basis.
  • Self-driven projects, posters, creative tasks and research are more exciting than standard comprehension tasks and might encourage pupils that find sitting and writing dull or hard to complete the homework set – give students the freedom to learn and be creative in their home study.
  • Provide specific instructions and internet safety reminders for research-led assignments. It’s very easy for children to find research overwhelming with a vast amount of information available online. Provide suggested websites and links in your homework to keep things on track!
  • Don’t introduce a new topic for homework – keep it to topics that you’ve already covered in class
  • Taking note of the subjects that excite and engage your class and set homework accordingly – try keeping dryer topics and  for the classroom so that you can monitor engagement
  • Mark work promptly – essential to keep students motivated to complete work in their own time!
  • Offering students the opportunity to select the homework that they would like to do from a selection guarantees a higher rate of completion. We’ve seen some teachers create grids or sheets of homework assignments for the pupils to select, or offer baskets of activities for younger children to take home and complete with an adult.

Creative Homework Ideas For All Ages

Coming up with innovative ways for students to reinforce their knowledge at home can be difficult – many of these ideas would be suitable for lots of subjects with a little tweaking!

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elementary homework projects

Creative Homework Ideas For Your Students

Setting appropriate homework tasks is a big part of your teaching role. Setting homework is an opportunity to ensure that your students have absorbed the lesson and can apply what they've learnt to individual study. Homework allows students to reflect on your teachings and broaden their understanding of a particular subject or topic.

However, motivating your class to view homework this way might be something of a challenge! Most young people find settling down to complete homework outside of school hours challenging. If the task feels overwhelming or difficult or seems monotonous, they might just go through the motions of getting it done rather than giving it their full energy and attention and completing it the best they can.

So how can you ensure students' love of learning continues outside the classroom and that they not only give their all to completing homework but actually enjoy it too?

By getting creative with the work you set and thinking about how you can engage and motivate students to complete their homework, you will undoubtedly see better results.

Here are some excellent homework ideas to help encourage creative, student-led learning.

Exciting, engaging homework ideas to keep your students paying attention

Write their own lesson plan.

If you want to give your students a chance to step into your shoes for the day, why don't you ask them to create their own lesson plan around a topic they've learnt about or are about to learn? This will give them a chance to showcase their knowledge, do research and think creatively. You'll also learn more about how your students like to work and what would make a good lesson from their perspective, which could help inform how you shape your lessons in the future.

Write a speech or story from a different perspective

If your students are learning about a famous historical figure or studying a classic text, why not get them to think about different perspectives? You could ask them to embody someone influential from a particular period or a character from a play or story and write a speech or story from that person's point of view.

Create a board game

Gamification is always a fun idea to try to inject energy into the classroom, and getting your students to create their very own board game is a fantastic way to keep things fun while also getting them engaged in their learning. Games could centre around a particular topic; they could be quiz-based, matching games, or number games - let them get as creative as they like. You can then have fun in class playing the best ones too.

Go on a treasure hunt

As a fun homework task that will get your students out and about, ask them to go on a treasure or scavenger hunt, finding certain things that are related to your topic. For younger children, this could be as simple as collecting leaves, flowers, or twigs they might find in their local park, or particular shapes or colours, but older children can benefit from this kind of task too by setting more complicated challenges.

Create a collage

Creating collages can be a fun and interesting way for students to demonstrate their learning, improve their research skills and use their creativity and imagination and can be based on a variety of different topics so they work well across lots of subjects. Encourage them to stick cutouts, fabrics, tickets, photographs, and any other relevant materials to make up their collages, and then they can take turns presenting these in class.

Film a video

If your students are older and have mobile phones, you could set a video-making task for them to do at home. This could involve interviewing friends and relatives about a topic or filming themselves talking about a specific subject, or answering a particular question. Students could share their videos in class and will love being able to use their phones in school for once!

Create a crossword

Get your students to think creatively about questions and answers by asking them to create their very own crossword puzzle, using the material you've taught them in class as a basis. You can ask them to bring all their crossword puzzles into class and then swap them with each other to see if other students can fit the answers in correctly.

Find fun facts

Almost every subject has weird and wonderful facts surrounding it. Did you know, for example, that the word 'hundred' derives from an old Norse term 'hundrath,' which actually means 120?! Or that water can both boil and freeze simultaneously? Encourage your students to find the most obscure or interesting facts about the subjects you are teaching them, and then you can all share your findings in class.

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elementary homework projects

100 Sketchbook Prompts Your Students Will Love

sketchbook download

If you’re anything like me, you can never get enough good sketchbook ideas. I’m always looking for ways to engage students so that they truly  want  to work in their sketchbooks. Whether you use sketchbooks for project planning, skill development, brainstorming, or something else, you’ll find ideas here that will work for you. My sketchbook assignments and prompts take an “all of the above” approach, making the following list well-rounded.

Want an eBook with all these prompts? Click 100 Sketchbook Prompts eBook to find it!  

The list covers many bases and is organized by category. There are prompts about animals, food, people, and other things that will spark interest among students. This list is geared toward secondary students, but you’ll find a lot here that will work for younger students as well. Take a look and see what will work best for you and your students. Add your own favorite sketchbook assignment in the comments below!

Click here  to download the list!

downloadable resource

These prompts are an amazing place to start. However, knowing how to implement the prompts and manage students with sketchbooks is important, too! If you’d like ideas to help your students develop their creativity, drawings skills, and information retention, be sure to check out the following two PRO Packs, which can be found in our PRO Learning .

  • Sketchbook Ideas that Really Work  
  • Implementing Sketchnotes in the Art Room

100 Sketchbook Prompts Your Students Will Love

  • Draw someone you sit by in an odd pose.
  • Draw family members with things that are important to them.
  • Draw yourself (or someone else) painting toenails.
  • Find a quiet place in a crowd. Draw the crowd.
  • Draw a relative by the light cast from a TV/Phone/Computer or other screen.
  • Make a portrait of yourself in twenty years. Or in fifty years. Or both.
  • Draw a masked man (or woman) that is not a superhero.
  • Draw the ugliest baby you can imagine.
  • Draw two sports figures–one in a dynamic pose, one in a static pose.
  • Draw two self-portraits with odd expressions.
  • Draw something or someone you love.
  • Draw hair. A lot of it.
  • Take a picture of someone near you on a bus or in a car. Draw them.
  • Draw an animal eating another animal.
  • Draw your art teacher in a fight with an animal.
  • Draw an animal playing a musical instrument.
  • There is an animal living in one of your appliances. Draw it.
  • Draw a dead bird in a beautiful landscape.
  • Draw something from a pet’s point of view.
  • Draw an animal taking a bath.
  • Draw an animal taking a human for a walk.
  • Combine 3 existing animals to create a completely new creature.
  • Draw a family portrait. Plot twist: It is a family of insects or animals.
  • Draw the most terrifying animal you can imagine. Or the most adorable.
  • Draw a pile of dishes before they get washed.
  • Tighten a C-Clamp on a banana. Draw it.
  • Draw a slice of the best pizza you have ever seen.
  • Draw junk food and the wrapper.
  • Draw your favorite food.
  • Create your own restaurant. Draw the restaurant, your executive chef, and a 12-item menu.
  • Draw the ingredients or process of your favorite recipe.
  • Draw salt and pepper shakers.
  • Draw fresh fruit or vegetables, or something fresh from the oven.
  • Draw a salad.
  • Draw the oldest thing in your refrigerator.
  • Draw a piece of fruit every day until it becomes rotten.
  • Draw everything on a restaurant table.
  • Draw what is in the rearview mirror of the car.
  • Draw moving water. Draw still water.
  • Draw an object floating.
  • Make a drawing of all of your drawing materials.
  • Find a trash can. Draw its contents.
  • Draw tools that belong to a certain profession.
  • Draw three objects and their environments. One of the three should be in motion.
  • Draw the interior of a mechanical object. Zoom in, focus on details and shading.
  • Create three drawings of messes you have made.
  • Draw five objects with interesting textures: wood grain, floors, tiles, walls, fabric, etc.
  • Draw a collection of purses, wallets, or bags.
  • Draw your favorite well-loved object or childhood toy.
  • Draw a watch or another piece of jewelry.
  • Draw something hideous that you keep for sentimental reasons.
  • Draw something with a mirror image.

Technical Skill/Skill Development

  • Draw all the contents of your junk drawer with one continuous line.
  • Make a detailed drawing of a rock.
  • Draw a dark object in a light environment.
  • Draw a light object in a dark environment.
  • Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of grass.
  • Draw a transparent object.
  • Draw a translucent object.
  • Do several studies of eyes, noses, and mouths in a variety of poses.
  • Draw an interesting object from three different angles.
  • Value Studies–Draw three eggs and part of the carton with a strong light source.
  • Draw three metallic objects that reflect light. Focus on highlights and reflections.
  • Refraction–Create two drawings of separate objects partially submerged in water.
  • Make three drawings (your choice of subject) using materials with which you are not familiar.
  • Draw a piece of patterned fabric with folds.
  • Draw a bridge and all of its details.


  • Draw yourself as an original superhero.
  • Make a drawing that looks sticky.
  • Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase.
  • Draw an empty room. Make it interesting.
  • Draw a flower. Make it dangerous.
  • Draw an object melting.
  • Draw an imaginary place, adding all kinds of details.
  • Draw a gumball machine that dispenses anything but gumballs.
  • Danger! Draw yourself in a dangerous situation.
  • You are on the back of the bus. Figure out who is with you, where you are going, and why. Illustrate and explain.
  • Draw what’s under your bed (real or imagined).
  • Draw the most incredible game of hide-and-seek you can imagine.
  • Create a new sport. You can improve an existing sport, combine two existing sports, or come up with something completely new.

Open-Ended Themes

  • Make a drawing that is totally truthful.
  • Make a drawing that lies all over the place.
  • Make a drawing that is completely and utterly impossible.
  • Story Illustration: Fix a story that you don’t like, or reflect/improve upon one you do.
  • Let someone else choose your subject and tell you what to draw.
  • Draw your greatest fear.
  • Use song lyrics, quotes, or poetry to inspire a drawing.
  • Find the three most useless objects you can and draw them.
  • Draw an interesting form of transportation.
  • Draw something for which you are thankful.
  • Go somewhere new and draw what you see.
  • Draw something that can’t be turned off.
  • Draw something soothing.
  • Draw something you think sounds or smells incredible.
  • Draw something that needs fixing.
  • Draw something you’ve always wanted.
  • Draw something out of place.
  • Draw something that should have been invented by now.
  • Draw something you keep putting off, or something that causes you to procrastinate.

Does this list inspire you to take some sketchbook assignments head on in your art room? Or maybe the opposite is true and you are finding that you feel underprepared to teach drawing skills. Maybe you fall somewhere in between and you just need a little more inspiration to tweak your drawing curriculum. These are all great reasons to take a peek at our course, Studio: Drawing . The class is jam-packed with hands-on learning experiences, advanced technique tutorials, and opportunities to share and learn with art teachers just like you.

What are your favorite sketchbook prompts to use? How do you use sketchbooks in your classroom?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.

elementary homework projects

Timothy Bogatz

Tim Bogatz is AOEU’s Content & PD Event Manager and a former AOEU Writer and high school art educator. He focuses on creativity development, problem-solving, and higher-order thinking skills in the art room.

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Homework Activities Teaching Resources

An extensive collection of resources to use when compiling a range of learning at home tasks. Homework gives students opportunities to explore concepts at home which have been covered in class. Engaging homework activities can also encourage students to explore new ways of thinking away from the classroom. Resources in this collection involve a variety of learning areas for all ages.

  • Teaching Resource 285
  • English Language Arts  107
  • Reading  79
  • Writing  41
  • Whole Number Operations  33
  • Phonics  30
  • Types of Writing  22
  • Vocabulary  20
  • Fractions  19
  • Narrative Writing  17
  • Spelling  15
  • Proportional Relationships  14
  • Number Lines  13
  • Measurement  13
  • Foundational Language Skills  13
  • Science  12
  • Percentages  12
  • Reading Fluency  12
  • Decimals  11
  • Decoding  11
  • Division  10
  • Grammar  10
  • Number Patterns  10
  • Reading Comprehension  9
  • Place Value  9
  • Word Problems  9
  • Sight Words  9
  • Number Sense  9
  • Addition  9
  • Geometry  9
  • Synonyms  9
  • Number Recognition  8
  • Parts of Speech  8
  • Dolch Sight Words  8
  • Operations With Fractions  7
  • Social Studies  6
  • Antonyms  6
  • Multiplication  6
  • Story Starters  5
  • Long Vowel Words  5
  • Subtraction  5
  • Alphabet  5
  • Graphing  5
  • Earth and Space Science  5
  • Life Science  4
  • Expository Writing  4
  • 2D Shapes  4
  • Addition Strategies  4
  • Rounding Whole Numbers  4
  • Types of Graphs  4
  • Percent of a Number  4
  • Space Science  3
  • Reading Passages  3
  • Compare and Order Whole Numbers  3
  • English Language Arts and Reading  3
  • Text Structures  3
  • Skip Counting  3
  • Leveled Readers  3
  • Measurement Conversions  3
  • Earth, Sun and Moon  3
  • Bar Graphs  3
  • Alphabetical Order  3
  • Subtraction Strategies  3
  • Collecting Data  3
  • Patterns  3
  • Perimeter  3
  • Mathematics  3
  • Solar System  3
  • Consonant Blends  3
  • Phonemic Awareness  3
  • Comparing Fractions  2
  • Weathering and Erosion  2
  • The Human Body  2
  • Counting  2
  • Landforms  2
  • Compound Words  2
  • Earth Science  2
  • Physical Science  2
  • Prefixes and Suffixes  2
  • Decimal Operations  2
  • Reading and Writing Numbers  2
  • Opinion Writing  2
  • Process Standards  2
  • Sentence Structure  2
  • Health Education  2
  • Expanded Form  2
  • Syllables  2
  • Handwriting  2
  • 3D Shapes  2
  • Order of Operations  2
  • Area of a Triangle  2
  • Silent Letters  2
  • Report Writing  2
  • Kindergarten 53
  • 1st Grade 106
  • 2nd Grade 120
  • 3rd Grade 99
  • 4th Grade 92
  • 5th Grade 75
  • 6th Grade 84
  • 7th Grade 9

resource types

  • Worksheets 150
  • Task Cards 30
  • Templates 19
  • Color By Code Worksheets 12
  • Matching Games 11
  • Dominoes 10
  • Sorting Activities 10
  • Tarsia Puzzles 9
  • Graphic Organizers 6
  • Cut and Paste Worksheets 6
  • Classroom Posters 5
  • Board Games 4
  • Tracing Worksheets 4
  • Mini Book 3
  • Flashcards 3
  • Crossword Puzzles 3
  • Classroom Decor 2
  • Writing Templates 2
  • Customizable Teaching Resources 1
  • Logic Puzzles 1
  • Word Searches 1
  • Word Walls 1


  • Premium 251

file formats

  • Printable PDF 266
  • Google Slides 161
  • Adobe Reader (.pdf) 14
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) 1
  • Teach Starter Publishing 286

Go to Student Reading Log Printables teaching resource

Student Reading Log Printables

Track your students' at-home reading with this printable reading log.

Go to Word Power Vocabulary Worksheet teaching resource

Word Power Vocabulary Worksheet

A comic book themed worksheet to use in the classroom when building vocabulary.

Go to Common and Proper Nouns - Sorting Task teaching resource

Common and Proper Nouns - Sorting Task

Practice differentiating between common and proper nouns with this sorting activity.

Go to Tracing Numbers 0-20 teaching resource

Tracing Numbers 0-20

Practice writing numbers 0–20 with this tracing activity. 

Go to Number Lines – Cut and Paste Worksheets teaching resource

Number Lines – Cut and Paste Worksheets

Cut and paste to complete the number lines with a set of differentiated number line worksheets.

Go to What's Missing? - Alphabet Worksheet teaching resource

What's Missing? - Alphabet Worksheet

A set of worksheets to practice writing the letters of the alphabet in order.

Go to Vocabulary Builder: Synonym Worksheet teaching resource

Vocabulary Builder: Synonym Worksheet

Practice synonym matching with this cut and paste worksheet.

Go to Auto-Fill Customizable Spelling Worksheets teaching resource

Auto-Fill Customizable Spelling Worksheets

Save time making custom spelling lists and spelling practice worksheets with an editable auto-fill spelling worksheet pack.

Go to Whole Number Operations – Math Mats teaching resource

Whole Number Operations – Math Mats

Strengthen computation skills with these math mats when reviewing how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers.

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Understanding Positive & Negative Numbers – Worksheet

Explore positive and negative numbers by plotting integers on a number line and identifying opposites with this worksheet.

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Sight Word Cards - Dolch Grade 1

Dolch Grade 1 sight words on flash cards.

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Sight Word Cards - Dolch Pre-Primer, Primer, Year 1, 2, 3 and Nouns

Dolch sight words on large cards.

Go to Numbers 1–20 - Puzzle Pack teaching resource

Numbers 1–20 - Puzzle Pack

Identify and sequence the numbers from 1 to 20 with a set of Numbers 1-20 puzzles for preschool and kindergarten..

Go to Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheets teaching resource

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheets

Use this set of five grammar worksheets to teach about the structures of simple, compound and complex sentences. 

Go to Integer Number Sentences - Tarsia Puzzle teaching resource

Integer Number Sentences - Tarsia Puzzle

Practice solving addition and subtraction number sentences involving integers with a printable Tarsia puzzle!

Go to Number Neighborhood - Printable Number Line Sequencing Cards teaching resource

Number Neighborhood - Printable Number Line Sequencing Cards

Print a set of colorful numbered houses to use for skip counting, ordering, and comparing numbers.

Go to Synonyms Are the Same! - Vocabulary Worksheets teaching resource

Synonyms Are the Same! - Vocabulary Worksheets

Practice identifying and using synonyms in sentences with a synonyms worksheet.

Go to Converting Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages – Worksheet teaching resource

Converting Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages – Worksheet

Strengthen your students’ understanding of how to convert a percent to a decimal and a fraction with this worksheet.

Go to 3-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication Worksheet teaching resource

3-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication Worksheet

Sharpen computation skills by solving 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems.

Go to Tracing Numbers 0-10 teaching resource

Tracing Numbers 0-10

A worksheet to assist students when learning how to write the numbers 0–10.

Go to Bloom's Taxonomy Fast Finisher Task Cards - Upper Grades teaching resource

Bloom's Taxonomy Fast Finisher Task Cards - Upper Grades

44 Bloom's Taxonomy fast finisher activity cards.

Go to Open-Ended Math Word Problems - 5th Grade/6th Grade teaching resource

Open-Ended Math Word Problems - 5th Grade/6th Grade

Boost your students’ problem-solving skills with rigorous open-ended math problems for 5th and 6th grade students.

Go to Color Me - Monthly Reading Logs for Kids teaching resource

Color Me - Monthly Reading Logs for Kids

Encourage your students to read every night with a fun set of color-in reading logs for each month of the year.

Go to Ratio Tables – Worksheet teaching resource

Ratio Tables – Worksheet

Determine missing values to show the relationship between quantities with this free ratio tables worksheet.

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Happy Homeschool Nest

11 Incredible Homeschool Art Project Ideas

  • Posted by by Maddie
  • December 11, 2020

Finding engaging homeschool art projects within a child’s ability can be tough going. I was so excited to teach my children art when we first started homeschooling. However, the novelty quickly wore off when I found myself spending hours trawling the internet for ideas or spending $20 to create an art project which would last little more than 30 minutes.

Luckily, over the past few years, I’ve made some incredible friends in both the homeschool and blogging space. Together we’ve been able to share ideas and projects. What works and what doesn’t. In fact, it’s the value I recieved from many of these blogs as a new homeschooling mom which encouraged me to start one of my own.

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Today I’m so pleased to be partnering with 11 incredible bloggers to share their favourite homeschool art projects.

elementary homework projects

While all of these projects are art-based. Many of them have additional elements and educational experiences such as math and science. An in some cases, they overlap with basic life skills, such as the benefit of sunscreen (see project #1).

I’d love to know your favourite homeschool art project, let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sure to include it in this list. Meanwhile, don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it for future art lesson plans.

1. Sunscreen Painting

elementary homework projects

This simple art project will wow your kids and show them just how important proper sun protection can be. And we’ll talk a little bit about how sunscreen works.

Most importantly, this project made it very easy for my kids to see what sunscreen does for us. That made it very worthwhile.

All you need for this basic homeschool art project is; sunscreen, a paint brush and some black construction paper.

You can use other dark colors but we’ve found that black works best.

2. Candy Science

elementary homework projects

This is such an easy and fun experiment and a great idea if you want to do something a little unique with your Skittles.

All you need is some Skittles and water to create some serious wow moments.

This experiment can be as simple or complex as you like. You can opt for a basic circle of color on a plate.

Alternatively, you can turn it into a smiley face and watch the colors melt and blend together.

The transformation is very pretty and happens quickly making this a satisfying and budget friendly science experiment.

3. Color Mixing

elementary homework projects

This color mixing activity comes with it’s very own printable (click the button below).

It’s a fantastic homeschool art project which demonstrates how colors mixed together create new, different colors.

The hands-on project makes it incredibly engaging – as a result I found my children absorbed the information better than simply watching this in a video or reading it in a text book.

You can create the color mixing chart using basic paints which you can get from the grocery store, online or from specialist art stores.

Alternatively, you can use food coloring. Which can lead to a number of other projects related to coloring edible foods.

4. Blow Painting

elementary homework projects

Blow painting with straws is a super easy and fun way to make abstract art with your kids.

It allows your kids to use their imagination and creativity and the resulting artwork always looks amazing.

This blow painting art activity is simple so even preschoolers can do it.

The beauty is that there is no right or wrong way to do this, so let your child explore what they can make with just some paint and straws.

5. Pointillism Leaf Art

elementary homework projects

Besides having tons of fun and enjoying some creative time, this Seurat inspired pointillism craft is an excellent opportunity to teach older kids a little about art history.

Alternatively, if you have toddlers or preschoolers, this Seurat inspired leaf craft can be a terrific way to help little ones start recognising colours and shapes!

Pointillism is a painting technique created by the French artist George Seurat. The purpose of the technique is to only use the point of the paintbrush.

6. Vegetables Paper Crafts

elementary homework projects

This paper craft vegetables activity is great because you can print the free template and offer this project to kids of all ages.

Little crafters will be able to make something fantastic with a little guidance. Older kids will love finding unique ways to use the fruit of their crafting labor!

The free template offers guidance for making cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, onion, and broccoli. 

This craft is also great alongside a larger discussion about the benefits and impacts of eating fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.

7. Wooden Peg Animals

elementary homework projects

These wooden peg animals are incredibly colorful and super fun to make.

I love that they are practical and can be used as figures in winter scenes or as part of play.

You can create a variety of different animals. This particular theme was around arctic animals.

Much like the other crafts in this list, it opened up a discussion as to the impact the decisions we make on a daily basis is having on these animals environment and habitat.

8. Geometric Animal Art

elementary homework projects

Keeping with the trend of animal art, these geometric animal art projects are simply beautiful and can be easily framed and used as decor once completed.

Geometric art combines both art and mathematics which is great if you have a child who isn’t particularly fond of math but loves art projects.

Better still, you can design any animal you wish (even your very own pet) thanks to the fantastic online resources available.

9. Rainbow Walking Water

elementary homework projects

Much like the activity above, this art project combines art with another subject. In this case, it’s science.

I’m a huge fan of science because I think it helps us understand the world around us.

Kids are so inquisitive and hands-on, as a result I’ve found that science experiments help them to get an even better grasp of how things work around them.

This experiment isn’t messy or expensive. It doesn’t require any specialist equipment and doesn’t take long to set up / create.

The link in the button below even includes a printable which children can use to report their observations and think through what they are learning.

10. Seed Bombs

elementary homework projects

Making flower bombs is super easy and simple and it’s a fun project you can make with the kids.

This homeschool art project will get your children interested in gardening, in planting, caring for and tending for plants.

Simply put a garden seed bomb is compost ball or paper ball that is mixed with seeds.

Garden seed bombs can be placed in the garden or into a plant pot with soil.

Once the seeds begin to germinate and grow the seed bomb will slowly break apart and the seeds can continue to grow.

11. DIY Pop Art

elementary homework projects

This project was originally designed for a handmade father’s day gift.

However, it can just as easily be transformed into something else while maintaining the pop-art concept.

Depending on the child’s age you can use this homeschool art project as an introduction to the famous artist Andy Warhol who was perhaps the most famous leading figure in the pop art movement during the mid to late 1950s.

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A Look At Writing & Rhetoric

elementary homework projects

9 Smart Tips for Homework Success

Help kids manage their homework load with these strategies..

Even children who enjoy doing homework can lose their enthusiasm for it over the course of the school year, and find ways to stall or avoid doing it. But after-school study time is important, both for reinforcing the day’s learning and for lending structure to your child’s day.

“Homework isn’t just about academics,” says Karen Burke, SVP of Data Analysis and Academic Planning, Scholastic Education Solutions. “It can help students create routines and build responsible behaviors.”

Playing cop rarely works — micromanaging and nagging only make kids feel incapable or frustrated. Instead, think of yourself as a coach and cheerleader. 

“Generally, the idea of homework should be to help students set goals, build independence, and practice applying the knowledge they are gaining,” says Burke.

To help you get there, we asked teachers and parents to share their strategies for solving the most common homework struggles. These 10 tips will bring harmony back into your homework routine, whether your child is a kindergartner or 5th grader, perfectionist or procrastinator.

1. Do It Early

Give your child a time frame in which to get down to business. In your household, this may be before or after extracurriculars.

Work with your child to identify the time when their energy and focus are at their peak. This gives your child some control over their schedule. (Some kids need a longer break after school, and others need to start right away to keep the momentum going.) 

However, plan on 5 p.m. being the latest they can start their homework.

2. Phone a Friend

From kindergarten onward, kids should have a list of three or four classmates they can call on when they forget an assignment, or even just to ask a question. Study buddies can provide motivation for each other to get the work done. 

3. Collaborate to Build Confidence

When kids don’t understand a concept right away, they may feel like they’re not smart enough and start to shut down, says Sigrid Grace, a 2nd grade teacher in Michigan. 

Short-circuit negative thinking by sitting down with your child and figuring out the first problem in the assignment together. This should help jog their memory to complete the rest. Then, heap on the praise: “You did a great job on that one! Try the next one now.”

4. Change the Scenery

Sometimes something as simple as changing up their workspace can boost a child’s motivation and, in turn, their confidence. If your child has been working alone at a desk or designated study nook, perhaps they’d be more comfortable doing their homework in a public area, like the kitchen table while you’re preparing dinner. 

Conversely, if they’ve been working in a high-traffic part of the house, they might need a more private space in which to focus. 

5. Keep the Positive Feedback Coming

Younger kids need instant feedback, so it’s okay for parents of young grade-schoolers to correct mistakes, says Grace, the 2nd grade teacher. Follow this up with specific praise about what your child has done well.

6. Leave the Room

“Kids who drag things out are often doing so for your attention — they’re enjoying the interaction on some level,” explains Grace. “Avoid joining in.”

If you must stay in the room, have your child work in a spot that’s farther away from whatever you’re doing.

7. Beat the Clock

Sometimes procrastinators just need a jump-start. If that’s true for your child, try this: 

Set a timer for five minutes and have your child work as quickly and steadily as they can until the timer goes off. At that point, they can choose to take a short break or keep going — many kids continue.

“Racing against a timer gives kids an external sense of urgency if they don’t have an internal one,” says Ann Dolin, a former educator. 

However, a timed work session is not an excuse for sloppy work. Make sure your child reviews theirs before submitting it.

8. Plan, Plan, Plan

To get the most out of your days, include every appointment — from sports practice to meals to reading time — on a big calendar or schedule log and stick it in a central place where every member of the household can see it. 

If you know that certain nights present a conflict with your child’s homework schedule, you can ask for the week’s assignments upfront and work with your child to decide the best times to complete them, says Cathy Vatterott, a professor of education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. 

“Teachers will often work with you on this, but most parents are afraid to ask,” she says.

9. Let ’Em Vent 

If your child is resisting doing their homework — or worse, is tearing up over it in frustration — soothe any pent-up worries by letting them complain. Listen, empathize (“Wow, that is a lot of work”), and state their feelings back to them (“You sound upset”). 

Once your child feels understood, they’ll be more likely to accept your suggestions, says Dolin — and better able to focus on what needs to be done.

You can also help by talking to your child about what they remember from class and steering them to the textbook. If they’re still lost, have them write a note to the teacher explaining that they don’t understand.

Get ready for your child to go back to school with our guide — it's full of recommended books, tips to help if your child is struggling with homework , and more resources for starting the year off right . 

Shop workbooks and learning kits to support good homework habits. You can find all books and activities at The Scholastic Store .

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Moscow Elementary School

  • Grades: PK-5
  • Student Enrollment: 86

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School Description

  • Enrolls 86 preschool and elementary school students from grades PK-5
  • Mailing Address: Box 130, Moscow, KS 67952
  • Title I Eligible All students of this school are eligible for participation in authorized programs.
  • Moscow Public Schools District
  • Per-Pupil Spending: $13,429
  • Graduation Rate: 88.2%
  • Students Per Teacher: 10.0
  • Enrolled Students: 211

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

  • Total Students Enrolled: 86
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 8.8
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 9.8
  • Males: 47 (54.7%)
  • Females: 39 (45.3%)
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 9 (10.5%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 48 (55.8%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 57 (66.3%)
  Number Percent
American Indian--
  Number Percent
1st Grade1315.1%
2nd Grade1416.3%
3rd Grade1011.6%
4th Grade1416.3%
5th Grade1315.1%
  • Teachers with a Bachelor's Degree: 71%
  • Teachers with a Master's Degree or Higher:-
  • Average Teaching Experience: 20 Years
  • Average Salary: $35,090
  Salary Percent
1-5 Years of Teaching Experience--
More Than 5 Years of Teaching Experience$38,80871%

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School Map and Similar Schools Nearby

PK-6 | 628 Students | 12.6 miles away
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PK-2 | 520 Students | 20.2 miles away
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3-5 | 372 Students | 20.2 miles away
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KG-6 | 236 Students | 22.8 miles away
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KG-3 | 228 Students | 23.2 miles away
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4-6 | 526 Students | 23.9 miles away
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KG-3 | 221 Students | 23.9 miles away
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KG-3 | 162 Students | 24.4 miles away
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PK-3 | 371 Students | 24.6 miles away
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36 Meaningful Vocabulary Activities for Every Grade

These activities are the definition of fun!

elementary homework projects

Learning new words is like adding to your writing toolbox. The more tools available, the more interesting and engaging your writing becomes. Check out these fun and engaging vocabulary activities for kids in grades K-12, and supply your students with the tools they need to build their wordsmith skills.

A clipboard with a vocabulary short story written on it

1. Write vocabulary stories

Using vocabulary words in writing shows mastery. Challenge your students to use all of their vocabulary words in an original short story. Allow students to pair up and share their stories with a partner.

Learn more: Vocab Short Story 

2. Put your students in the hot seat

Divide your class into two teams. Choose one student from one team to go to the front of the room and sit in a chair facing the class with their back to the board. This person is “on the spot.” Place a word on the board so everyone can see it except the person in the chair. One at a time, team members give the person a clue about the mystery word. If the word is guessed before two minutes are up, the team gets a point and play turns to the other team.

Learn more: On the Spot at Upper Elementary Snapshots

A vocabulary activity set featuring vocabulary words and definitions as an example of vocabulary activities

3. Match up words and definitions

Download these vocabulary words and matching definitions. Distribute one card to each student (either a word or a definition). Allow students to circulate in the room and find their “match.” Switch cards and repeat.

Learn more: Dictionary Sort

A word map made up around the word cowboys

4. Sketch up word maps

Creating word maps from vocabulary words encourages students to find the relationships between the vocabulary word and other words. Have them include words, pictures, examples, real-world connections, definitions, descriptive words, etc.

Learn more: Word Map

A small clipboard with a purple post-it note attached on top of a floral backdrop

5. Create Post-it stations

Post vocabulary words around the room, then have students circulate and write an original sentence using that word on a sticky note. Follow along and make sure students use the words correctly.

Learn more: Post-it Stations

A hand pulling a car with an illustration of popcorn and the word pop! out of a red and white striped bag as an example of vocabulary activities

6. Play a game of Pop!

Kids draw cards out of the bag and attempt to correctly spell them. But be careful, you don’t want to draw the Pop! card.

Learn more: Pop!

7. Take a gallery walk

Hang six to eight large sheets of chart paper in various places around the room. On each sheet, write one vocabulary word. Have students work in small groups, rotating between stations. At each station, ask students to come up with a different, original way to use each word. Continue the activity until all students have visited every station.

Learn more: Gallery Walk at TeachWriting.org

A Pictionary vocabulary worksheet

8. Play a round of Pictionary

This fun activity requires students to draw a picture for each word to create their own visual dictionary. When students create their own visual representations, they develop an association with the word that they will be able to tap into when needed.

Learn more: Pictionary

Word map for the word 'respect' as an example of vocabulary activities

9. Make a word map

Word maps help deepen understanding of a vocab word by relating it to other words and concepts students already know.

Frayer Model for the word Noun

10. Use the Frayer model

Frayer models are a popular way to learn new words and concepts. Kids define the word in their own terms, then list facts and characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

Learn more: Frayer Model

An example of student note-taking method Sketchnotes

11. Draw vocabulary Sketchnotes

Kids and teachers love Sketchnotes ! Rather than writing out definitions, have students draw a sketch that sums up each word instead. It’s a lot more fun and gives kids an image for visual association to help them remember the meanings.

Learn more: Sketchnotes

Printable vocabulary worksheet for Bumper Words game as an example of vocabulary activities

12. Bump words along

Group vocab words together with a few other words with similar meanings and one that’s an antonym. Students identify the antonym and “bump” it to the next box, filling in the next group of words. They continue until the worksheet is full.

Learn more: Bumper Words

elementary homework projects

13. Post a graffiti wall

Think of a vocabulary graffiti wall like a collaborative word wall. In the classroom, post the words on the wall and have kids add sticky notes to illustrate the term (they can use words or pictures). Online, try a tool like Padlet or Google Slides.

Learn more: Graffiti Wall

Character Match printable worksheet showing a drawing of a person with matching vocabulary words

14. Match words to describe character

This is a terrific way to practice vocab words pulled from books you’re reading. Ask students to use various words to describe the different characters in the book and their feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Learn more: Vocabulary Activities

Printable A to Z vocabulary word game worksheet as an example of vocabulary activities

15. Fill in words from A to Z

This vocabulary game is fun and challenging, and it can be played by kids of any age. Choose a word, then challenge kids to come up with related words for as many letters as possible. These could be synonyms, antonyms, examples, and more. Trickier letters are worth more points!

Learn more: A to Z

Screenshot of a teacher using communication program Flip

16. Try Flip for vocabulary activities

Are you on the Flip (formerly Flipgrid) bandwagon yet? It’s perfect for vocabulary activities! Have kids record a quick video for each word, using their creativity to make it fun and meaningful.

Learn more: Pop-Up Pods

A Vocabulary Jeopardy game board

17. Battle it out in Vocabulary Jeopardy

Good vocabulary activities encourage more than just memorization of definitions. That’s why we like this Jeopardy game idea. It explores synonyms and antonyms and how words are used in real sentences.

Learn more: Not So Wimpy Teacher

Example of a vocabulary learning method called RAFT as an example of vocabulary activities

18. Use RAFTs to write vocabulary stories

Writing a story using vocab words is a perennial favorite, but the RAFT method gives it a new twist. Students are assigned a Role (the point of view from which they’ll tell the story), an Audience, a Format, and a Topic. For instance, they might be an astronaut (Role) writing a postcard (Format) to their friends back home (Audience) about what they’ve seen on Mars (Topic). RAFTs are especially great for kids who claim they don’t know what to write about.

Learn more: RAFTs

elementary homework projects

19. Discover the power of words

Vocabulary words take on greater meaning when students incorporate them into their daily lives. Challenge kids to use their vocab words in conversation and writing outside the language arts classroom. Use the free printable worksheet here to help them keep track of how often they use them.

Learn more: Downloadable Vocabulary Activities

Colorful vocabulary graphic organizer

20. Create graphic organizers

Colorful organizers like these are terrific vocabulary activities. Want to go digital? Have kids make a slideshow, one slide per word. They can include the same information, but instead of drawing a picture, have them find one online that illustrates the concept.

Learn more: Graphic Organizers at Upper Elementary Snapshots

A vocabulary worksheet for children to learn a word a week as an example of vocabulary activities

21. Focus on a Word of the Week

Give really important terms the attention they deserve. Choose a new vocab word each week, then explore it in depth day by day.

Learn more: Word of the Week

W worksheet for vocabulary activity Million Dollar Words

22. Join the Million Dollar Word Club

Post a list of target vocab words. If a student uses one of the words in class (outside of vocabulary activities), they become a member of the Million Dollar Word Club! You can have them sign their name on a wall in the classroom or award a badge online. You could even develop this into a reward system for homework passes or extra credit.

Learn more: Million Dollar Words

A vocabulary activity for students using paint sample cards

23. Explore shades of meaning

This is a cool idea for exploring synonyms and the slight differences that make words unique. Ask for paint sample strips at your local hardware store, or buy a clip art set .

Learn more: Shades of Meaning

A colorful example of a vocabulary activity  as an example of vocabulary activities

24. Personify a word with social media

This is one of those vocabulary activities kids will want to do over and over again! Assign each student a word and have them create a faux Facebook, Instagram, or other social media page for it. They can draw them freehand or complete a template like these from Teachers Pay Teachers . Post the images to a shared Google slideshow so other students can use them for review.

Learn more: Social Media Vocabulary

An index card decorated with vocabulary activities

25. Create vocabulary cards

Have students draw a diagonal line across an index card. On the top half, have them write the vocabulary word and definition. On the bottom half, have them draw a picture of the word and use it in a sentence. Cards can be joined together in a strip for easy review.

Learn more: Index Card Vocabulary

A Vocabulary game version of the game Taboo

26. Play vocabulary word Taboo

In this game, the goal is for one student to get their partner to guess the word by describing or giving examples of it. The trick? There’s a list of additional words they’re not allowed to use! Let other students see the card in advance to help keep the players honest. (Flash it on a whiteboard and have the guesser face away.)

Learn more: Don’t Say It! Vocabulary Game

A bright pink vocabulary worksheet entitled Roll a Word as an example of vocabulary activities

27. Roll a die for vocabulary activities

Choose a vocab word, then have a student roll a die ( these virtual dice are handy ) to see which activity they get to complete.

Learn more: Roll a Word

A vocabulary worksheet used by students to form an acrostic from a vocab word

28. Write an acrostic

Write an acrostic poem for each vocab term, using the letters to determine the first word in each line. This can get really challenging when words are longer!

Learn more: Acrostic Poem

A vocabulary board game called word on the street

29. Play vocabulary board games

Everyone knows that playing games is the best way to learn. Try some of these fabulous board games with your students and watch their vocabularies grow.

Learn more: 11 Vocab Games To Make the Learning Stick

Cover image of Peter Reynolds' book The Word Collector as an example of vocabulary activities

30. Become a Word Collector

This is one of those picture books that grown-up kids will enjoy as much as little ones. Use it to remind your kids that they don’t need a vocabulary list to learn new words—new words are all around them. Encourage them to keep a word list or journal of their own to record new words they want to explore and use more often.

Buy it: The Word Collector

Two young students wearing head bands giggle at each other

31. Play Vocabulary Headbanz

Make or buy headbands with a notch on the front designed to hold a card. Create cards with vocabulary words on them. To play, each student gets a card but can’t see it. Other students will describe the word, trying to get the one wearing the headband to guess the correct word.

Learn more: Vocab Headbanz

A vocabulary lesson version of the game Go Fish

32. Go Fish!

A fun and lively way to practice vocabulary words. Create a deck of vocabulary words with two of each word. Explain the rules of Go Fish to students and let them loose!

Learn more: Go Fish Vocab Game

Wooden letter beads threaded onto a pipe cleaner and vocabulary cards with pictures as an example of vocabulary activities

33. String three-letter words

Using wooden letter beads and pipe cleaners, students will form three-letter words that match vocabulary cards.

Learn more: Three-Letter Busy Bag

An adult and two kids play a round of vocabulary charades

34. Play vocabulary charades

Everybody loves an exciting round of charades. Break your students into groups, provide them with a stack vocabulary cards, and watch them learn!

Learn more: Word Charades

A teacher and student lay side by side on a mat as they make words with plastic letters

35. Make words

Use plastic letters, magnet letters, or letter blocks to make words. Play it mentally with older kids, or with paper and pencil. Simply give your children some letters and challenge them to make words from those letters.

Learn more: Make a Word

A dictionary surrounded by vocabulary task cards as an example of vocabulary activities

36. Do a dictionary dig

Send your students on a scavenger hunt … in the dictionary! Exposing kids to the thousands of words in our language is both inspiring and fun. Download the free task cards below.

Learn more: Dictionary Dig

Reading poetry also helps students expand their vocabulary. Check out these must-share poems for elementary school and middle and high school .

Plus, get all the latest teaching tips and ideas when you sign up for our free newsletters .

Help kids make a deeper connection to new words with these vocabulary activities. They work for any word list, elementary to high school.

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    20 Creative homework ideas You can divide homework tasks into the following themes or categories: Crafts & arts Outdoor activities & outings Games and activities Physical activities Digital or computer activities Philanthropy & social work

  3. Homework Ideas for Elementary Teachers: Save Time and Make Learning

    Calling all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teachers! Check out these elementary homework ideas and activities you can use and assign today!

  4. 37 Easy Art Projects for Kids of All Ages

    Explore your kids' creativity and reduce their stress with these easy art projects for all ages. From painting to collage, we have 37 ideas to inspire you.

  5. Creative Homework Ideas

    Creative Homework Ideas How can you create homework assignments that build on the day's lessons and encourage creative, student-led learning? It's a challenge for most teachers, especially as motivating pupils to complete homework can add a whole extra layer to your lesson plans. But it's essential to bridge the gap between teacher and student learning - the skills gained through ...

  6. 72 Creative 1st Grade Art Projects Students Will Love

    Keep firsties fun going all year long with this roundup of creative, simple, and enjoyable 1st grade art projects anyone can do!

  7. 10 Helpful Homework Ideas and Tips for Primary School Teachers

    Feeling pulled between providing meaningful homework and simply sending home more worksheets? You need these homework ideas, activities and resources!

  8. Creative Homework Ideas For Your Students

    Setting appropriate homework tasks is a big part of your teaching role. Here's some creative homework ideas for your students.

  9. 70 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have

    Science doesn't have to be complicated! Try these easy science experiments using items you already have around the house or classroom.

  10. Ideas for a Project: Creative & Fun Presentation Activities for

    Here are 72+ fun and creative activities for students to show what they know, including presentation ideas, simple service projects for schools, and community service projects.

  11. 100 Sketchbook Prompts Your Students Will Love

    The list covers many bases and is organized by category. There are prompts about animals, food, people, and other things that will spark interest among students. This list is geared toward secondary students, but you'll find a lot here that will work for younger students as well. Take a look and see what will work best for you and your students. Add your own favorite sketchbook assignment in ...

  12. Homework Activities Teaching Resources

    Homework Activities Teaching Resources. An extensive collection of resources to use when compiling a range of learning at home tasks. Homework gives students opportunities to explore concepts at home which have been covered in class. Engaging homework activities can also encourage students to explore new ways of thinking away from the classroom.

  13. 11 Incredible Homeschool Art Project Ideas

    Finding engaging homeschool art projects within a child's ability can be tough going. I was so excited to teach my children art when we first started homeschooling. However, the novelty quickly wore off when I found myself spending hours trawling the internet for ideas or spending $20 to create an art project which would last little more than 30 minutes.

  14. Fresh Summer Homework Ideas

    Check out our fresh summer homework ideas, perfect for keeping your students actively learning all summer long.

  15. 50 STEM Activities for Kids of All Ages and Interests

    Hands-on science is one of the best ways to get kids thinking creatively. These STEM activities for kids are fun for home or the classroom.

  16. 5 Ways to Make Homework More Meaningful

    4. Make Homework Voluntary. When elementary school teacher Jacqueline Worthley Fiorentino stopped assigning mandatory homework to her second-grade students and suggested voluntary activities instead, she found that something surprising happened: "They started doing more work at home.".

  17. Elementary School Science Projects

    Science Buddies' elementary school science projects are the perfect way for elementary school students to have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our elementary school projects are written and tested by scientists and are specifically created for use by students in the elementary school grades.

  18. 9 Best Tips for Homework Success

    Wading through homework can be the bane of the school year. Here are 10 tips to help your kid make homework manageable.

  19. Moscow to Revolutionize School Education with Online School Project

    Moscow school children are about to face the new era of education. The city authorities have successfully conducted a one-year Moscow Online School pilot project — innovative educational cloud ...

  20. Moscow Elementary School in Moscow, KS 67952

    Detailed school profile about Moscow Elementary School in Moscow, Kansas. View school contacts, ratings, reviews, test scores, student to teacher ratios and much more...

  21. 36 Meaningful Vocabulary Activities for Every Grade

    Help kids make a deeper connection to new words with these vocabulary activities. They work for any word list, elementary to high school.

  22. Vnukovo Map

    Vnukovo District is an administrative district of Western Administrative Okrug, and one of the 125 raions of Moscow, Russia. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Moscow's Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye District Mega Project ...

    Moscow's Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye district Mega Project: Russian New Smart City Moscow's new Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye district, designed by Zaha Hadid Architec...