
Homework Letter to Parents | Email Templates

As a teacher, communicating with parents about the homework expectations for their children is crucial for fostering a successful learning environment. Crafting a homework letter that is both informative and engaging can be a challenging task. That’s why we’ve created a list of homework letter-to-parents templates that you can use to effectively communicate with parents about the assignments, expectations, and goals for their child’s homework. In this article, we’ll go over the key elements of a successful homework letter, and provide you with a customizable template that you can use for your classroom.

The key elements of an effective homework letter to parents include

  • A clear introduction that establishes your purpose and goals for the homework,
  • A detailed explanation of the assignments, expectations, and grading policies,
  • A schedule outlining when homework is due, and a section dedicated to answering frequently asked questions or addressing concerns.
  • Additionally, adding information or resources about how parents can support their child’s learning at home and providing resources for additional support can also be helpful.

These elements will help ensure that parents are well-informed about their child’s homework and can effectively support their child’s academic success.

Example of detailed Homework letter to parents

I hope this email finds you, your child, and in good health. I wanted to take the time to talk about the value of homework and how it may aid in your child’s development as we begin the new school year. I’ve designed a template for a homework letter to parents that I’ll be using this year to assist keep you informed about your child’s homework requirements.

The homework template was created to give you succinct, clear information about the homework assignments, goals, and expectations for your child. It will also include a schedule explaining when homework is due, as well as a part devoted to addressing any worries you might have or frequently asked questions.

I’ll explain how the assignment helps your child learn in the introduction, as well as its purpose and goals. You can have a clear grasp of what is expected of your child by reading the thorough explanation section. This section defines the assignments, expectations, and grading guidelines. You may assist your child manage their time by giving them the due dates as per the timetable area.

I have also included some resources to help your child’s learning at home. You can learn how to support your child’s academic success.

I am aware that parents and students alike may find the topic of homework to be difficult, which is why I am providing this homework letter. I hope that this template will make it easier for you to support your child’s learning by having a clear understanding of the homework expectations.

If you have any questions or concerns about the homework letter to parents template, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am always available to discuss your child’s academic progress and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.

Homework letter to parents templates

  • Dear parent, This is a reminder that it is your child’s responsibility to bring their homework assignments home. We encourage you to make sure your child has their work ready with them each day so we all spend less time on this task and more time on teaching. Missing homework assignments may result in a lower grade for the assignment or even being taken out points from the report card altogether. Please see attached a list of missing homework assignments from your child’s class.
  • Dear Parent, We are writing to inform you that we have not received homework from your child for the following subjects [list]. If we do not receive this assignment by 2024, your child will receive a zero grade on all assignments until the missing homework is submitted. We thank you in advance and appreciate your help with this matter.
  • Dear parent, we noticed that your child did not hand in his/her homework. We will do our best to ensure your child does not miss out on learning from this lesson. Please ensure that your child brings home their homework next week. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  • Dear Parent, It is important that your child complete their homework on time each night. Please help them by discussing the importance of homework completion and encouraging it to be done every night. Thank you.
  • Dear Parent, It has been brought to our attention that your child has been missing homework. We are asking that you remind your child of the importance of homework. Please ensure it is being completed daily, as this greatly helps your child in the classroom. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  • Dear parents, Please see below a list of your child’s missing homework assignments. Please check if there are any questions you may have and then sign the form at the end. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank You,
  • Dear Parent, Your student has not turned in the homework assignment. Please see that they bring it with them tomorrow. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at [number]. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
  • Dear parent, this is our weekly homework reminder. We would appreciate it if you could check and make sure that your children have their homework completed. That way, they will be capable of focusing on school work instead of struggling to complete missing assignments in class. Thank you for your help.
  • Dear Parent, your child has been marked absent for missing homework. Please see the attached document for more information.
  • Dear Parent, I am sending this email to notify parents that the assignment [name] was not turned in. I hope that the assignment will be returned soon.
  • Dear Parent, We noticed that you missed the lesson titled [name] on Monday. This lesson was designed to help your child develop a better understanding of grammar and sentence structure, which are crucial skills to learn as they grow into successful adults. To access this lesson again and complete the homework assignment please visit the link. If you have any questions or concerns during this process please do not hesitate to contact me. 

More Simplestic Templates: 

  • Email to parents about academic concerns
  • Positive Email to Parents from Teacher: 15 Example Emails

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Weekly Homework Letter To Parents

Weekly Homework Letter To Parents

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By Mubashir

June 7, 2024

Weekly Homework Letter To Parents is a letter that is sent to parents on a weekly basis. It provides parents with information about their child’s homework assignments for the week. The purpose of this letter is to keep parents informed about their child’s academic progress and to help them support their child’s learning at home.

In this blog article, we will share some templates, examples, and samples of Weekly Homework Letter To Parents. These letters can be used as a starting point for parents who are looking to create their own letters. We will also provide some tips on how to write an effective Weekly Homework Letter To Parents.

Weekly Homework Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to provide you with an update on your child’s homework assignments for the upcoming week.

In Math, students will be working on multiplication and division. They will be practicing their times tables and solving word problems. In English, students will be reading a short story and writing a summary. They will also be working on their grammar and spelling skills.

In Science, students will be learning about the solar system. They will be identifying the planets and their characteristics. In Social Studies, students will be studying the history of the United States. They will be learning about the American Revolution and the founding fathers.

We encourage you to review your child’s homework assignments with them each night. This will help them to stay on track and to understand the concepts that they are learning in class.

We also encourage you to talk to your child about their school day. Ask them about what they learned and what they enjoyed. This will help them to feel connected to their education and to develop a love of learning.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to working with you to help your child succeed in school.

The [Teacher’s Name]

Weekly Homework Letter To Parents

How to Write Weekly Homework Letter To Parents

Writing a weekly homework letter to parents is an important way to keep them informed about their child’s progress in school. It can also help parents to support their child’s learning at home.

What to Include in a Weekly Homework Letter

Your weekly homework letter should include the following information:

  • A list of the homework assignments for the week
  • The due dates for each assignment
  • Any special instructions for completing the assignments
  • A reminder of upcoming tests or quizzes
  • A note about the child’s progress in class
  • Any concerns or questions you have about the child’s learning

How to Write a Weekly Homework Letter

When writing a weekly homework letter, it is important to be clear and concise. Use simple language that parents can easily understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms. You should also be positive and encouraging in your tone. Parents want to know that their child is doing well in school, so focus on the child’s strengths and areas of improvement.

Tips for Writing a Weekly Homework Letter

  • Keep your letters brief and to the point.
  • Use a consistent format for your letters.
  • Proofread your letters carefully before sending them home.
  • Send your letters home on a regular schedule.
  • Be responsive to parents’ questions and concerns.

Benefits of Writing a Weekly Homework Letter

There are many benefits to writing a weekly homework letter to parents. These benefits include:

  • Improved communication between teachers and parents
  • Increased parental involvement in their child’s education
  • Improved student achievement
  • A more positive and supportive learning environment

Writing a weekly homework letter to parents is a valuable way to keep them informed about their child’s progress in school and to support their child’s learning at home. By following the tips in this article, you can write effective homework letters that will help parents to be more involved in their child’s education.

FAQs about Weekly Homework Letter To Parents

What is the purpose of a weekly homework letter to parents.

A weekly homework letter to parents is a communication tool that teachers use to inform parents about their child’s homework assignments and any other important information related to the child’s education.

What should be included in a weekly homework letter to parents?

A weekly homework letter to parents should include the following information:

  • The due dates for the assignments
  • Any specific instructions or resources that students will need to complete the assignments
  • Any upcoming events or announcements related to the child’s education

How often should a weekly homework letter to parents be sent?

A weekly homework letter to parents should be sent on a regular basis, typically once a week. This will help parents stay informed about their child’s homework and any other important information related to their child’s education.

What are the benefits of sending a weekly homework letter to parents?

There are many benefits to sending a weekly homework letter to parents, including:

  • It helps parents stay informed about their child’s homework and any other important information related to their child’s education.
  • It helps parents support their child’s learning by providing them with the information they need to help their child complete their homework assignments.
  • It helps build communication between teachers and parents, which can lead to a more positive and productive relationship.

How can I make a weekly homework letter to parents more effective?

There are a few things you can do to make a weekly homework letter to parents more effective, including:

  • Keep it brief and to the point.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Highlight important information.
  • Proofread the letter before sending it home.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Letter to Parents from Teacher Regarding Homework

Banner for Page Letter to Parents from Teacher Regarding Homework

Writing effective communication between teachers and parents is a critical aspect of fostering a supportive learning environment for students.

The following “Sample Letter to Parents from Teacher Regarding Homework” exemplifies how educators can engage with families, creating a partnership that benefits student learning and development.

This carefully formulated letter provides a blueprint for teachers looking to articulate the purpose, structure, and philosophy of homework within their classroom. It is presented as a starting point, one that can be personalized to reflect the unique dynamics of their teaching style and the needs of their students and families.

The template is designed to facilitate understanding and encourage collaboration between school and home.

By reading through this sample letter, educators will gain insights into how to effectively convey expectations, offer support techniques, and initiate open lines of communication with parents regarding their child’s homework experience.

Use this resource to help guide your outreach to parents, ensuring they are well-informed and involved in their child’s academic journey and homework process.

Sample Letter or Email to Parents from Teacher Regarding Homework

Subject: enhancing our children’s homework experience.

Dear Parents,

I hope this letter finds you well and embracing the new school year with enthusiasm and optimism. As your child’s teacher, I remain dedicated to facilitating their educational journey and growth both within the classroom and at home.

Homework is a key component of our curriculum as it reinforces the concepts learned in school and promotes a disciplined approach to independent study. I believe that a strong partnership between home and school underpins the academic success of our students. As such, I’m reaching out to discuss our current homework policy and provide some insights to help our children obtain the maximum benefit from their homework assignments.

Homework Expectations

1. Consistency : It’s important for homework to be a regular, predictable part of your child’s routine. I typically assign homework four days a week, giving them the opportunity to decompress and pursue other interests on the weekends.

2. Duration : The amount of time students should spend on homework will vary, but a general guideline is approximately 10 minutes per grade level. This means a 3rd grader should spend about 30 minutes on homework, while a 6th grader might spend about an hour.

3. Support : While students are encouraged to complete their homework independently, your role in creating a supportive environment cannot be overstated.

Ways You Can Help

1. Establish Routines : Setting a specific time and place for homework can instill good study habits. A distraction-free zone is also critical for maintaining focus.

2. Encourage Proper Planning : Teaching children to prioritize their assignments and manage their time can alleviate the stress of last-minute rushes.

3. Communicate : If you notice that your child is consistently taking too long to complete assignments or struggling with certain concepts, please reach out. We can then collaborate to find strategies that work best for your child.

I would love to hear your thoughts and any concerns you might have. Your insights are crucial to ensuring our homework policy meets the needs of our students. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly via email or by phone to discuss further, or we can schedule a meeting to dive deeper into this conversation.

Our shared goal is to see your child thrive, and with your support, I am confident we can make this school year wonderfully productive.

Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education.

Warm regards,

[Teacher’s Name] [Grade Level] Teacher [School Name] [Contact Information]

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15 Brilliant Examples of Teacher Introduction Letters to Parents

Get ready for the new school year!

Teacher introduction letter examples including a Meet the Teacher checklist and Meet the Teacher fact sheet.

A new school year is about to begin. Are you ready? One of the best ways to get back into the groove is to write your teacher introduction letter to parents. This is a great time to reflect on previous years while setting an intention for the year ahead. Take time to curate the message you want to send, but don’t stress over it. We’ve put together some tips and examples to help you get started.

Tips for Writing a Teacher Introduction Letter to Parents

Make a friendly introduction.

Set the tone for your letter (and the school year!) by using a warm and friendly voice to introduce yourself to parents and students. Personalize this section by including the student’s name and class information. This is also helpful for parents who may have more than one child at the school.

Give them your background

Take a moment to highlight your education, experience, and skills to give them a better idea of your professional background and qualifications. Be sure to share any special training or certifications you’ve received as well as any goals you’ve set for the year.

Tell them why you are a teacher

There are many reasons why parents might find it harder and harder to leave their children in a classroom. Showcase your passion, teaching philosophy , and love for being a teacher, and let them know you are open and available to discuss any of their concerns during the school year.

Teacher Introduction Letter to Parents Examples

1. put preschoolers at ease.

Back to school teacher introduction letter to parents

Starting school for the first time can be intimidating. Welcoming preschoolers to an adventure can help reframe the experience and make it more exciting.

2. Build relationships with parents

Kindergarten welcome letter from teacher

Use your teacher introduction letter to parents to let them know that you want to be a team. Build a rapport and encourage them to share all of the things they love about their child.

3. Show them who you are

Meet the teacher letter for back to school

It’s important to give parents important information about your educational and professional background, but you can also use this space to share some personal details to help them get to know you better.

4. Ask parents for an introduction letter

Back to school teacher introduction letter to parents

While it’s essential to send out teacher introduction letters, why not ask for one in return? Invite parents to share anything and everything they want you to know at the beginning of the school year so you can get on the same page.

5. Make it a family affair

Example of teacher introduction letter to parents

Let parents know that they are part of an extended family based in your classroom. Welcome them to be involved, set “family rules,” and make it clear that they have a seat at the table.

6. Provide class information

Meet the Teacher

With your teacher introduction letter, consider including a one-sheet reference of important information about things like classroom rules, communication, volunteering, and the class website.

7. Share your family

Example of back to school teacher introduction letter to parents

Consider including a personal image of your family in your letter at the beginning of the year. Whether it’s you and your partner, your kids, or fur babies, this can help you make an immediate connection with parents.

8. Make a checklist

Meet the Teacher classroom checklist back to school

After the long summer break, back to school can be a stressful time. Help students and their families stay on track by including a helpful checklist with your teacher introduction letter.

9. Go high-tech

Example teacher introduction letter to parents

Want to take your efforts to the next level? Add a QR code that parents can scan. This will open a recording of you reading the letter to your students!

10. Keep it simple

Simple example of teacher letter for back to school

Don’t want to get overly personal or technical? That’s OK! You can still write a great teacher introduction letter that gives students and parents the information they need while respecting your privacy.

11. Speak in code

editable homework letter to parents template

Here’s another example of a customizable letter using technology to offer additional information without having to overstuff your letter or print out unnecessary pages. The QR code keeps things sleek and simple.

12. Stick to basics

editable homework letter to parents template

In some situations, less is more. If you want to keep your teacher introduction letter to parents short, this customizable minimalist design might be perfect for you.

13. Space out

editable homework letter to parents template

This fun teacher introduction letter template is easy to personalize and has just enough space (no pun intended) for the essentials. You can easily add more information or keep it short and sweet.

14. Go retro

editable homework letter to parents template

This groovy design has a retro feel and a clean design. The bullets are a great way to share a lot of information without cluttering up your letter.

15. Block it off

editable homework letter to parents template

We love the blocks used in this editable teacher introduction letter to parents. It looks clean and tidy, but the colors keep it fun and fresh.

Do you have more great teacher introduction letter examples? Share in the comments below!

Plus, check out these end-of-year letter examples ., want more articles like this be sure to subscribe to our newsletters .

Get ready and set the tone for the new school year with these great teacher introduction letter to parents examples.

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First Days of Kindergarten Homework and Letters to Parent – EDITABLE TEMPLATES

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Also included in

editable homework letter to parents template


First Days of Kindergarten Homework and First Day of School Letter to Parents: Kindergarten 4 Weeks of Homework, Parent Letters and Handy Notes to Parents, a Supply List, your First Day of Kindergarten Teaching Schedule, and tips for creating personalized and differentiated homework for the whole year; ALL EDITABLE in PowerPoint files.

Kindergarten Homework is REVISED for 2024.

Please Consider This Super-Deal: First Days of Kindergarten Bundle - Be CALM and CONFIDENT on your first days of school—and all year—with teacher scripts, tips, activities, lessons, posters, printables, and bulletin boards. INCLUDES SCHOOL RULES and BATHROOM RULES... AND the Homework Kit listed above.

Your HOMEWORK KIT includes a homework template AND 4 weeks of kindergarten homework. After that, many routines will repeat, and many specific curriculum programs will begin. You’ll find tips for editing your homework template so it EXACTLY MATCHES YOUR CURRICULUM.

ALSO: Suggestions for Adding Advanced and Creative ELA Homework as the Year Progresses.

The First Day of School Letter to Parents works well for your Parent Night talking points and a parent handout.

First Day of Kindergarten Schedule, a 2-page Cheat Sheet for the teacher, so your first day will run smoothly. Editable!

For best results, please open using PowerPoint 2013 or a later version.

First Days of Kindergarten Homework and Other Editable Files --This File--

Is Packed with Must-Have Treasures:

  • How to Edit a PPT File
  • First Day of School Schedule
  • A 2-Page Cheat Sheet to help your day run smoothly. What to say and do on your first day of school (You may repeat this over the next few days, using a different storybook)
  • Letters to Parents :
  • A Parent Letter about Kindergarten Routines – Perfect for the First Day of School, Meet the Teacher, or Open School Night
  • Supply List – A wish list for your classroom. Parents may send some or all of these items
  • Homework Template
  • How to edit your homework template so it will last an entire year
  • Homework Templates for the first four weeks of school—fully editable!
  • Suggestions for editing homework for advanced and creative kids
  • Homework for Week 1 EDITABLE
  • Homework for Week 2 EDITABLE
  • Homework for Week 3 EDITABLE
  • Homework for Week 4 EDITABLE
  • Parent Slips:
  • How to use Book Baggie and Math Workbook slips
  • Math Workbook slips
  • Book Baggie Slips
  • Return Baggie Books
  • Help Your Child Do Homework
  • Please Send 5 Sharp Pencils to School
  • Blank Rectangular Tickets for Notes Home, Reward Tags, or Exit Slips at the end of a Lesson
  • Blank Long-Rectangular Tickets for Notes Home, Reward Tags, Bookmarks, or Exit Slips at the end of a Lesson
  • BONUS: Tips for the teacher on:
  • Introducing Homework Routines in the Classroom
  • Introducing Homework Routines to the Parents
  • How to use the slips effectively
  • How to begin your Book Baggie routine

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Please Consider Our Best-Seller in this Series:

First Days of Kindergarten Bundle - Be CALM and CONFIDENT on your first days of school—and all year—with kindergarten back-to-school teacher scripts, tips, activities, lessons, posters, printables, bulletin boards, homework, and materials you will use all year. INCLUDES SCHOOL RULES and BATHROOM RULES, AND The Homework Kit Listed Above.


Kindergarten Back To School Creative Mega Bundle – Lessons, Tips, Rules, Sight Words, CVC Words, Counting Songs, Behavior Management and Bulletin Board Displays This is the First Days of Kindergarten Bundle, with additional creative materials to make your days wonderful.

Kindergarten Back to School CREATIVE ULTRA-Bundle — Comprehensive kindergarten setup, activities, lessons, teacher scripts, tips, rules, classroom posters, printables, bulletin boards, kindergarten homework …AND Behavior Management Ultimate Guide ...AND The Perfect Lesson Plan, for your best teacher evaluation ever ...AND materials you will use all year such as Sight Words, CVC Words, Counting Songs, Bulletin Board Displays, and so much more...

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8 Parent Forms and Back to School Night Handouts Every Teacher Needs

Here are eight parent forms and Back to School Night handouts that every teacher needs to plan a stress-free open house . Whether your school calls it Meet the Teacher Night, Curriculum Night, or something else, teachers need to collect a lot of information from parents and caregivers and having the right forms is important.

Back to School Night handouts for parents

back to school parent forms and handouts

Parent sign-in sheet

When setting up for back to school night, the first thing I do is put a parent sign-in sheet by the door. That way I can easily see which parents did not attend so I can send any important handouts or parent forms home with their student the next day.

parent sign in sheet

chalk & burlap Meet the Teacher forms

Parent forms and handouts

I keep a student information form for every student handy. These forms include parent contact information, the student’s address, any allergies, family information that parents need me to be aware of like who has permission to pick the child up from school.

I also include a space to list any siblings at the school. This comes in handy if a student is absent and you need to send home something important. I can then send it home with a sibling.

I send happy mail to each student at least once during the school year, and some years I send winter-themed holiday or Happy New Year cards to my families over winter break.

classroom volunteer sign up sheet

parent forms source

Meet the Teacher Newsletter

Create a Meet Your Teacher letter that tells families a little bit about you. You might include a picture of yourself and your pet. Students love to learn “fun facts” about their teacher!

Meet the teacher newsletter

editable meet your teacher newsletter

Back-to-School Night parent presentation

Use PowerPoint or Google Slides to prepare a presentation with important dates and school or classroom information.

If your school combines back-to-school night and Curriculum Night, you’ll want to provide parents with information on the curriculum you will be using, as well as handouts with the dates for quarterly benchmark testing, and state testing. Once you decide what to include in your parent presentation , find editable PowerPoint templates in these classroom kits to customize to fit your classroom.

Meet Your Teacher PowerPoint template on a laptop for back to school night open house

PowerPoint template source

Classroom information brochure

One of the most helpful back to school night handouts for parents is a brochure or a parent letter. You can create your own brochure or simply staple all of the different classroom information sheets together into a booklet that gives parents/caregivers an overview of the classroom rules and procedures, classroom management plan, dismissal routine , classroom schedules, supply lists, and homework requirements.

Use the editable brochure included in this kit with directions for how to log in to any platforms you use, like Class Dojo, the attendance office for absence reporting etc.

classroom information parent brochure

editable parent brochure source

This FREE Parent Brochure gives parents ideas for helping their child with homework.  It also lists ways parents can support their student’s learning in every subject at home. Download this brochure to add to your back to school night handouts for next year if you have already started school.

homework helper parent brochure

FREE parent brochure

Teacher contact information

Let parents know how and when they can contact you whether it be via email, a note in their child’s homework folder, or any digital platform you use. Make simple magnets with your contact info that parents can hang on a refrigerator at home or a filing cabinet at work. Building positive parent communication is important and you want parents to feel that you are accessible during the times you have set.

Volunteer signup sheet

Probably the second most important parent form to have (after the students information sheet) is a volunteer sign up sheet. Not all parents can come into the classroom to volunteer. They may have very young children at home or work during school hours. Provide ways parents can help from home if possible like prepping materials, labeling items, cutting out lamination, prepping center games etc. Find helpful tips on how to manage classroom volunteers  and make their time the most productive.

Help me get to know your child

I always appreciate anything a parent or caregiver can tell me about my new students. I use this form to ask parents to tell about any concerns they or their child has, what the child’s interests are, their strengths, and anything else they would like to make me aware of.

How students go home chart

Have a single-page form to see at a glance how each student will go home.  Are they bus riders, parent pickup, do they go to a daycare or another after school program? This information will also be on your student information forms but it is very helpful to have a list that you can keep by your desk or scan to make a digital copy to share with a substitute teacher.

meet teacher student forms

  parent information sheets source

As you prepare for Back-to-School Night, remember that these parent handouts and forms not only save you time, but also give you the information you need to begin building strong parent partnerships. By equipping parents with essential information and creating opportunities for open communication, you foster an environment where both students and families feel valued and informed. So, take a deep breath, and enjoy a successful open house that sets the stage for a fantastic year ahead!

If you’ve found this post helpful, please share it with your teacher friends! Save Pinterest and so you have when you plan!

Back to School Night parent handouts

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Free Grammar Review Activities!

Start the year in grammar off right! Grab a full week of lesson plans, teaching slides, and printables to review and practice parts of speech!

Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

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9+ Parent Letter Templates – Sample, Example Format Download!

Writing a letter to mom or dad is seldom something you will do. But no matter how busy you are, you can never forget your parents, unless you are a jerk. Christmas is here; make sure you spare a few hours of your time, download a customizable parent letter template, and use it to write a special thank you note to parents. Sample business letter templates are best for the season, you can add a few digital decorations to make them look great. You may also see more different types of Parent Letters in Word from our official website

editable homework letter to parents template

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Editable Parent Reminder Notes

Updated:  01 Aug 2023

Keep your parents informed with this set of 27 editable reminder notes.

Editable:  Google Slides

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  1 Page

Grades:  PK - 5

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Editable Parent Reminder Notes teaching resource

🙌 Easy Parent Communication for the Win!

We all know how important parent communication is throughout the school year; however, there never seems to be enough time…until now! ⏰ These editable parent reminder notes will save you a ton of time throughout the school year.

No more, “Did I remind the parents that tomorrow is an early release day?” Print out the reminder notes on bright colored paper and attach them to your students’ take-home folders or backpacks, and VOILA! Problem solved!

Before You Download

Use the dropdown menu on the Download button to choose between the PDF or the editable Google Slides version of the resource.

Print each set of reminder notes on brightly colored paper. Cut apart and store in a small crate sorted and labeled by the event. This makes it easy to grab the notes quickly when needed.

Looking to edit a few of the notes; no problem! Make a copy of the Google slides and customize them to say whatever you wish!

Looking for more teacher tools that save you time? We’ve got you covered!

Image of Sticky Note Printing Template

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Sticky note printing template.

Print on sticky notes with this editable template.

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Classroom Morning Routine and Agenda Slides

Use these editable classroom morning routine slides to display important information for the day.

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Preschool reading logs & parent letter (homework for preschoolers), share this post:.

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My preschoolers ASK for homework.  They want to be just like their big brother or sister and do homework.  They have also figured out that when their brothers or sisters do homework, they get extra one-on-one time with their mom or dad, so I created these preschool reading logs.

Preschoolers need developmentally appropriate learning time at home with mom and dad!  For homework, each month, I send home a Monthly Home Readings Log, and the kids LOVE it!  Each time a child “reads” or has a book read to them at home, they color a small picture on the reading log.

Once they have colored all the pictures for that month, they can bring them back to school to show the class (if the teacher wishes).  We do a cheer for the students at our morning meeting if they bring it back to school.  It will be simple, quick, and recognize the student for reading at home!  I tape the reading logs to their cubbies and make a big deal about them each month.  Reading logs are the perfect homework for busy families and my little learners!

Grab the FREEBIE by entering your email in the box at the bottom of this post . This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a tiny commission when you use my links at no cost to you.

Preschool Reading Logs

Free Reading Logs for preschool (the perfect homework for little learners) A fun way to get kids to read more at home!

The monthly reading logs do not include dates so that you can use them year after year!  Just print, copy, and send home!  Print them on brightly colored paper to make them stand out.

Three Sets of Reading Logs to choose from: • Reading Logs with 20 items to color each month • Reading Logs with 15 items to color each month • Reading Logs with 10 items to color each month

Free Reading Logs for preschool (the perfect homework for little learners) A fun way to get kids to read more at home!

Reading at home can make a BIG impact in a child’s school success!  For a preschooler or kindergartner, just reading 10-15 can make an impact on their reading comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, sense of story, phonemic awareness, and writing!  Plus, it is quality family time at home!

I also send home Parent Handouts throughout the year attached to my newsletters and at parent-teacher conferences.  It gives families ideas on simple activities they can do at home to help their child develop the skills they need.  You can read all about them HERE or buy them HERE.

Parent handouts! Fun easy learning at home activities families can do with their child. Perfect for parent teacher conferences or throughout the year. For preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten.

>>Grab the preschool reading logs FREEBIE by entering your email in the box at the bottom of this blog post!<<

Free Reading Logs for preschool (the perfect homework for little learners) A fun way to get kids to read more at home!

The first month I send the reading logs home, I attach the “Reading at Home” two-page parent note.  The parent letter has reading and comprehension strategies, strategies to help their child develop as a reader, tips for making a home reading nook, a list of ways to make reading an adventure, and a list of media they can read other than books!

Free Reading Logs for preschool (the perfect homework for little learners) A fun way to get kids to read more at home!

Want to try Reading Logs in your early childhood classroom? Grab them from my store HERE .

Love it?  Pin it!

Reading Logs for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten (the perfect homework for little learners) A fun way to get kids to read more at home!

Check out my Preschool Reading Pinterest board.  It is full of inspiration!

hey, i’m jackie!

I’m Jackie, your go-to girl for early childhood inspiration and research-based curriculum. 

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No Homework Note to Parents Template

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A No Homework Note to Parents Template is a document that schools can use to communicate to parents that their child will not have any homework assignments for a specific period of time. It helps inform parents about the decision and provides them with any additional information or instructions they may need.

There is no specific entity that files a &quot;No Homework Note to Parents&quot; template. It can be created and used by individual teachers or schools as a means of communicating with parents about days when no homework is assigned.

Q: What is a no homework note to parents template? A: A no homework note to parents template is a pre-made document that can be used by teachers to inform parents that there will be no homework assigned on a particular day or for a specific period of time.

Q: Why would a teacher use a no homework note to parents template? A: Teachers may use a no homework note to parents template to efficiently communicate with parents and ensure that everyone is aware of the no homework policy.

Q: What information should be included in a no homework note to parents? A: A no homework note to parents should include the date or dates when no homework will be assigned, a brief explanation of the reason for the no homework policy, and any instructions or reminders for parents.

Q: Is the use of a no homework note to parents template common? A: Yes, the use of a no homework note to parents template is quite common as it saves time for teachers and provides clear communication to parents about the lack of homework.

Q: Are there any specific guidelines for creating a no homework note to parents? A: There are no specific guidelines, but it is generally recommended to keep the note concise and clear, while providing all necessary information to the parents.

Download No Homework Note to Parents Template

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  20. Editable Parent Reminder Notes

    Use the dropdown menu on the Download button to choose between the PDF or the editable Google Slides version of the resource. Print each set of reminder notes on brightly colored paper. Cut apart and store in a small crate sorted and labeled by the event. This makes it easy to grab the notes quickly when needed.

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    The first month I send the reading logs home, I attach the "Reading at Home" two-page parent note. The parent letter has reading and comprehension strategies, strategies to help their child develop as a reader, tips for making a home reading nook, a list of ways to make reading an adventure, and a list of media they can read other than books!

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    PDF Word. Fill PDF Online. Fill out online for free. without registration or credit card. A No Homework Note to Parents Template is a document that schools can use to communicate to parents that their child will not have any homework assignments for a specific period of time. It helps inform parents about the decision and provides them with any ...

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