Top 12 Content Writer Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's digital age, content writers play a pivotal role in engaging audiences and driving traffic to websites. A well-crafted resume highlighting your top skills as a content writer can set you apart from the competition and catch the eye of potential employers.

Top 12 Content Writer Skills to Put on Your Resume

Content Writer Skills

  • SEO Optimization
  • Google Analytics
  • HTML Basics
  • CMS Experience
  • Copywriting
  • Proofreading
  • Social Media
  • Content Management
  • Adobe Photoshop

1. SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization for a Content Writer involves strategically crafting website content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) through the use of relevant keywords, high-quality content, and adherence to search engine guidelines.

Why It's Important

SEO optimization is crucial for a Content Writer because it enhances the visibility of their content in search engine results, attracting more readers and potential customers, thereby increasing website traffic and engagement.

How to Improve SEO Optimization Skills

To improve SEO optimization as a content writer, focus on the following key strategies:

Keyword Research : Identify relevant, high-search-volume keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush . Integrate these keywords naturally into your content, including titles, headers, and body text.

High-Quality Content : Create valuable, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience. Use Yoast SEO to ensure your content is SEO-friendly.

On-Page SEO : Optimize your content for on-page SEO elements. This includes using short, descriptive URLs with keywords, meta descriptions, and optimizing image alt attributes. Tools such as Moz Pro can guide on-page optimizations.

Internal Linking : Use internal links to connect your current content with other relevant pieces on your site, enhancing site navigation and spreading link equity.

Mobile Optimization : Ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can evaluate your website's mobile responsiveness.

Loading Speed : Improve your site’s loading speed to reduce bounce rates and enhance user experience. Google PageSpeed Insights provides recommendations for speeding up your site.

Backlinks : Gain high-quality backlinks from reputable sites within your niche. Tools like Ahrefs can help identify backlink opportunities.

Social Media Sharing : Share your content on social media platforms to drive traffic and generate social signals. Using engaging descriptions and hashtags can increase visibility.

Regular Updates : Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant. This encourages return visits and signals to search engines that your site is active.

Analytics Monitoring : Use Google Analytics to monitor your site’s performance. Analyze which content performs best and optimize your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these strategies and consistently producing high-quality content, you'll improve your SEO optimization and increase your visibility in search engine results pages.

How to Display SEO Optimization Skills on Your Resume

How to Display SEO Optimization Skills on Your Resume

2. WordPress

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows content writers to easily create, edit, and publish web content without needing advanced technical knowledge.

WordPress is important for a Content Writer because it provides an easy-to-use platform for publishing and managing content, offers SEO optimization tools to increase visibility, and supports a wide range of plugins and themes to enhance the functionality and appearance of written material.

How to Improve WordPress Skills

To enhance WordPress for content writers, focus on these key areas:

  • Optimize Performance : Use a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache and optimize images with tools like Smush .
  • SEO : Improve visibility with Yoast SEO , which guides on readability and keywords.
  • Content Organization : Utilize the Editorial Calendar plugin for planning and scheduling posts.
  • Distraction-Free Writing : Activate WordPress's built-in Distraction-Free Writing Mode for a cleaner writing interface.
  • Backup and Security : Keep content safe with UpdraftPlus for backups and Wordfence for security.
  • Grammar and Style : Use Grammarly or the Hemingway App for proofreading and style improvement directly in your browser.
  • Social Media Integration : Amplify reach with Revive Old Post for auto-sharing content and Social Media Share Buttons for easy content sharing.

Focusing on these areas can significantly enhance the WordPress experience for content writers, making it more efficient, secure, and user-friendly.

How to Display WordPress Skills on Your Resume

How to Display WordPress Skills on Your Resume

3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, and content effectiveness, helping content writers optimize their work for audience engagement and reach.

Google Analytics is crucial for a Content Writer as it provides insights into audience behavior, allowing for data-driven decisions to optimize content strategy, engagement, and reach.

How to Improve Google Analytics Skills

To enhance Google Analytics for a Content Writer, focus on:

Set Clear Goals : Define specific objectives for your content. Use Google Analytics' Goals to track conversions and measure how well your content achieves its objectives.

Monitor User Behavior : Pay attention to metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and pages per session. Tools like Behavior Flow can help understand how users interact with your content.

Analyze Traffic Sources : Determine where your audience is coming from using Acquisition reports. Focus on channels that drive the most engaged visitors.

Optimize Content with Search Queries : Use Search Console reports integrated with Google Analytics to understand the search queries leading visitors to your site. Optimize your content based on these insights.

Use Custom Segments : Create custom segments to analyze specific groups of users. For example, segment users who spend more than two minutes on a page to understand what captures their interest.

Leverage Content Grouping : Group your content into meaningful categories using Content Groupings to analyze the performance of different types of content (e.g., blogs vs. tutorials).

Conduct A/B Testing : Use Google Analytics to conduct A/B testing on your content to see what resonates best with your audience. Tools like Google Optimize can be integrated for deeper insights.

Regularly Review and Adapt : Analytics should inform your content strategy. Regularly review performance metrics and adapt your content plan based on what's working and what's not.

By focusing on these areas, a Content Writer can use Google Analytics to refine their strategy, create more engaging content, and achieve better results.

How to Display Google Analytics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Google Analytics Skills on Your Resume

4. HTML Basics

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language used to create and design web pages. It consists of a series of elements or tags that tell the web browser how to display content. These elements can define text as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other types of content. For a content writer, understanding HTML basics allows for better control over how content appears on a webpage, enabling the insertion of links, emphasizing text, and structuring articles for improved readability and SEO performance.

HTML basics are important for a Content Writer as they enable you to format and structure web content effectively, ensuring it is accessible, engaging, and optimized for search engines.

How to Improve HTML Basics Skills

Improving your HTML basics as a content writer involves understanding the structure of HTML documents, mastering the common tags, and practicing regularly. Here's a concise guide:

Learn the Structure : Understand the basic structure of an HTML document, including the <!DOCTYPE> , <html> , <head> , and <body> tags. W3Schools offers a clear explanation.

Master Common Tags : Focus on tags that are regularly used in content creation, such as <h1> to <h6> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, <img> for images, and <ul>/<ol> with <li> for lists. The MDN Web Docs is a reliable resource.

Practice with Editors : Use online HTML editors like CodePen or JSFiddle to practice your HTML skills in real-time.

Understand SEO Basics : Learn how to use HTML to improve SEO. Tags like <title> , <meta description> , and proper use of headings can impact your content's search engine ranking. Moz offers an excellent introduction.

Stay Updated : HTML standards evolve, so regularly visit HTML5 Doctor or W3C to stay informed about new tags and best practices.

Read and Analyze : Read the HTML source of well-structured websites and blogs to understand how they are constructed. Right-click on a webpage and select "View Page Source" to get insights.

By focusing on these areas and practicing regularly, you'll improve your HTML skills, making your content more effective and versatile.

How to Display HTML Basics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display HTML Basics Skills on Your Resume

5. CMS Experience

CMS Experience refers to a content writer's familiarity and proficiency with Content Management Systems, the tools used to create, manage, and modify digital content on websites without needing specialized technical knowledge.

CMS experience is crucial for a Content Writer because it enables efficient management and publication of written material on digital platforms, ensuring content is accessible, up-to-date, and tailored to the target audience's needs.

How to Improve CMS Experience Skills

Improving CMS (Content Management System) experience for a Content Writer involves several key strategies. Focus on simplifying the user interface, ensuring responsive design, providing comprehensive training, implementing robust search functionality, and offering customization options. Additionally, integrating SEO tools and ensuring the CMS supports multimedia content can greatly enhance the experience. For more detailed insights:

Simplify User Interface : Opt for a CMS with an intuitive and uncluttered interface to reduce the learning curve. WordPress is an example of a CMS with a user-friendly interface.

Ensure Responsive Design : Choose a CMS that offers a responsive design, allowing content writers to work efficiently across different devices. Squarespace is known for responsive design templates.

Provide Comprehensive Training : Offer ample training resources such as tutorials or webinars. HubSpot Academy offers free online training that can be beneficial.

Implement Robust Search Functionality : A powerful search feature within the CMS can significantly improve content management efficiency. Drupal has strong search capabilities.

Offer Customization Options : A CMS that allows customization in terms of content presentation and layout can be very empowering. Joomla offers extensive customization options.

Integrate SEO Tools : Having SEO tools integrated into the CMS can streamline the content optimization process. Yoast SEO for WordPress is a popular plugin that integrates seamlessly.

Supports Multimedia Content : Ensure the CMS can handle various multimedia formats effortlessly, enhancing the richness of content. Adobe Experience Manager excels in managing diverse content types.

By focusing on these areas, the CMS experience for content writers can be significantly improved, leading to more efficient and enjoyable content creation processes.

How to Display CMS Experience Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CMS Experience Skills on Your Resume

6. Copywriting

Copywriting is the creation of persuasive, engaging text aimed at promoting or selling products, services, or ideas, often utilized by content writers to influence the audience's actions or opinions.

Copywriting is crucial for a Content Writer as it enhances the ability to persuade and engage the audience effectively, driving conversions and achieving the content's intended purpose.

How to Improve Copywriting Skills

Improving copywriting skills is essential for a content writer aiming to engage and persuade their audience effectively. Here are concise tips with external resources for enhancing your copywriting:

Understand Your Audience : Knowing your audience's needs and preferences allows you to tailor your message effectively. HubSpot's Guide on Understanding Your Audience offers comprehensive insights.

Practice Writing Headlines : Compelling headlines grab attention. Use CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer to refine your headlines for impact.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features : Highlight how your product or service improves lives. QuickSprout's Guide delves into consumer psychology and the importance of benefits.

Keep It Simple and Clear : Avoid jargon and complex language. The Hemingway App helps simplify your writing for better clarity and engagement.

Use Persuasive Techniques : Familiarize yourself with persuasive writing techniques. Copyblogger's Introduction to Persuasive Copywriting provides valuable strategies.

Create a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) : Encourage your readers to take action. For tips on crafting effective CTAs, check out WordStream's CTA Guide .

Edit and Proofread : Ensure your copy is free from errors and flows smoothly. Grammarly (Grammarly) is a useful tool for catching mistakes and improving your writing.

Read and Analyze Good Copy : Learn from successful copywriters. Swipe-Worthy is a collection of effective marketing and copywriting examples.

Continuously Learn and Practice : Copywriting is a skill that improves with practice and ongoing learning. Copyhackers offers free tutorials and articles to hone your skills.

By consistently applying these strategies and leveraging the resources provided, you can significantly enhance your copywriting abilities and create more effective, engaging content.

How to Display Copywriting Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Copywriting Skills on Your Resume

7. Proofreading

Proofreading is the process where a content writer reviews their text to correct typos, grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, ensuring the content is error-free and polished before publication.

Proofreading is crucial for a Content Writer as it ensures accuracy, enhances readability, eliminates errors, and maintains professionalism, thereby elevating the quality of the content and reinforcing credibility with the audience.

How to Improve Proofreading Skills

Improving proofreading skills is essential for a content writer to ensure the accuracy and quality of their work. Here are concise steps to enhance your proofreading abilities:

Take a Break : After writing, take a short break before proofreading to refresh your perspective. This helps in catching errors more effectively.

Read Aloud : Reading your content aloud enables you to notice mistakes and awkward phrasing that you might skip while reading silently.

Use Tools : Utilize proofreading tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor for initial checks.

Check for Consistency : Ensure consistency in style, voice, and tense throughout your content.

Focus on One Type of Error at a Time : Tackle spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style separately, rather than trying to catch everything in one go.

Print it Out : Sometimes, reading a printed version of your work can help you spot mistakes that you might overlook on a screen.

Get External Feedback : Have someone else read your work. A fresh pair of eyes can catch errors you might have missed.

Create a Checklist : Make a list of common errors you make and check your work against this list every time you proofread.

Read Backwards : For checking spelling, read your text backwards. This technique forces you to focus on individual words rather than the content flow.

Practice Regularly : The more you proofread, the better you become. Regular practice sharpens your skills and helps you identify errors more quickly.

For further improvement, consider taking online courses or workshops focused on proofreading and editing. Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer relevant courses that can enhance your skills.

How to Display Proofreading Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Proofreading Skills on Your Resume

HubSpot is an all-in-one inbound marketing, sales, and CRM platform that helps businesses attract, engage, and delight customers, offering tools for content management, email marketing, social media, and analytics, tailored for effective content creation and distribution.

HubSpot is important for a Content Writer because it offers an all-in-one platform for content management, SEO, analytics, and marketing automation, enabling writers to create, optimize, and track the performance of their content efficiently.

How to Improve HubSpot Skills

To enhance HubSpot for a Content Writer, focus on key areas for optimization:

SEO Optimization : Utilize HubSpot's SEO tools to research keywords and optimize content for better visibility. Learn more about SEO on HubSpot.

Content Strategy : Develop a content calendar within HubSpot to plan and execute a consistent strategy. Explore content strategy tools.

Analytics Tracking : Track the performance of content using HubSpot's analytics to understand audience engagement and refine strategies. Discover how to analyze content performance.

Automation for Promotion : Use HubSpot's email and social media tools to automate the distribution of content. Check out HubSpot's automation tools.

Continual Learning : Stay updated with HubSpot Academy for the latest content marketing strategies and tools. Visit HubSpot Academy.

Integration for Content Creation : Integrate external tools with HubSpot for enhanced content creation, such as Canva for graphics or Grammarly for writing. Explore HubSpot integrations.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve your content creation and distribution process within HubSpot.

How to Display HubSpot Skills on Your Resume

How to Display HubSpot Skills on Your Resume

9. Social Media

Social media refers to online platforms where users create, share, and interact with content, including text, images, and videos, fostering community and communication. For a content writer, it's a space to engage audiences, share written content, and enhance brand visibility.

Social media is crucial for a Content Writer as it amplifies content reach, engages directly with the audience, builds brand presence, and drives traffic to digital content, effectively enhancing visibility and engagement.

How to Improve Social Media Skills

To improve social media as a Content Writer, focus on these concise strategies:

Understand Your Audience : Use analytics tools and surveys to learn about your audience's preferences and tailor your content accordingly. SproutSocial offers insights on utilizing analytics tools.

Create High-Quality Content : Ensure your content is engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Canva’s Design School provides excellent tips on creating eye-catching visuals.

Use SEO Techniques : Incorporate relevant keywords and hashtags to increase visibility. Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO is a great resource for understanding SEO basics.

Engage With Your Audience : Respond to comments, messages, and mentions to build a community around your brand. HubSpot’s Guide to Social Media Engagement highlights strategies for effective engagement.

Leverage Analytics : Regularly review your social media analytics to understand what works and refine your strategy accordingly. Hootsuite’s guide on Social Media Analytics is a comprehensive resource.

Stay Consistent : Post regularly and maintain a consistent tone and style to keep your audience engaged. Buffer’s Social Media Calendar tips can help plan your content strategy.

Experiment and Innovate : Don’t be afraid to try new formats, platforms, and strategies to see what resonates with your audience. Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Trends report can offer insights into emerging trends.

By focusing on these strategies, you can significantly improve your social media presence and effectiveness as a Content Writer.

How to Display Social Media Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Social Media Skills on Your Resume

10. Content Management

Content Management involves organizing, storing, and overseeing the creation and modification of digital content, enabling Content Writers to efficiently create, edit, and publish textual material across various platforms.

Content Management is crucial for Content Writers as it ensures the organized creation, storage, and delivery of content, enabling efficient updates, consistent quality, and strategic distribution, which are essential for engaging audiences and achieving content objectives.

How to Improve Content Management Skills

Improving Content Management involves streamlining the creation, storage, and distribution of content. Here are concise steps tailored for a Content Writer:

Organize with a Content Calendar : Plan your content creation and publication schedule. Tools like Trello or Asana help in organizing tasks and deadlines.

Use a Content Management System (CMS) : A CMS like WordPress simplifies the process of creating, editing, and publishing content.

Optimize for SEO : Use tools like Yoast SEO for WordPress to improve your content's visibility in search engine results.

Leverage Cloud Storage : Services like Google Drive or Dropbox ensure your content is safely stored and accessible from anywhere.

Implement Version Control : Track changes and manage versions of your content with tools like Git and GitHub .

Regularly Review and Update Content : Keep your content relevant and up-to-date to maintain its value for the audience.

Analyze Performance : Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track how well your content performs and tailor your strategy accordingly.

Each step incorporates tools and practices that enhance the efficiency and quality of content management, making the process more streamlined and effective for content writers.

How to Display Content Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Content Management Skills on Your Resume

11. Research

Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions, crucial for content writers to ensure accuracy, credibility, and depth in their work.

Research is crucial for a Content Writer as it ensures accuracy, enhances credibility, and enriches content by providing well-informed, relevant, and engaging material for the audience.

How to Improve Research Skills

Improving research as a content writer involves continuously honing your ability to gather, analyze, and synthesize information from reliable sources. Here’s a concise guide to enhance your research skills:

Define Your Objective : Clearly understand what you are trying to achieve with your research. This helps in focusing your search and analysis efforts.

Use Advanced Search Techniques : Learn and utilize advanced search operators on search engines like Google to find precise information quickly. Google Search Operators

Evaluate Sources : Prioritize information from reputable and authoritative sources. Check the credibility of the website and the author. Evaluating Internet Sources

Bookmark Research Tools : Utilize a variety of tools and databases tailored to your niche. Tools like Google Scholar for academic papers, or Statista for statistics, can provide valuable data.

Organize Your Findings : Use digital tools to organize your research. Tools like Evernote or Zotero can help keep your research structured and accessible.

Cross-Verify Information : Always seek multiple sources to confirm the accuracy of the information. This is crucial for maintaining the credibility of your content.

Practice Critical Thinking : Analyze the information critically, looking for bias, relevance, and context. This is key in synthesizing information that adds value to your content.

Keep Notes and References : Documenting your sources as you go makes it easier to cite them correctly and enhances the credibility of your content.

Stay Updated : Fields and data can change rapidly. Use tools like Google Alerts to stay informed about the latest developments in your areas of interest.

Seek Feedback : Share your research with peers or mentors to get feedback. A fresh perspective can often identify gaps or new angles to explore.

By consistently applying these practices, you can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of your research, leading to richer and more accurate content creation.

How to Display Research Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Research Skills on Your Resume

12. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful software tool designed for editing, manipulating, and creating images and graphics, widely used by content writers for enhancing visual content.

Adobe Photoshop is important for a Content Writer because it enables the creation and optimization of visuals that enhance written content, making it more engaging and shareable across digital platforms.

How to Improve Adobe Photoshop Skills

Improving your Adobe Photoshop skills, especially as a Content Writer who might need to create or edit visuals for articles, blogs, or social media, involves several straightforward steps:

Explore Tutorials : Start with Adobe's own tutorials for a mix of basics and advanced techniques.

Practice Regularly : Consistent practice is key. Set aside time each week to experiment with new tools and techniques.

Use Templates : Leverage Adobe Stock templates to learn from professional designs.

Join Communities : Engage with Photoshop communities on platforms like Behance or Reddit to exchange feedback and tips.

Learn Keyboard Shortcuts : Memorize Photoshop keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow significantly.

Follow Blogs and YouTube Channels : Stay updated with the latest trends and tutorials by following renowned Photoshop educators on blogs and YouTube .

Experiment with Plugins : Enhance your Photoshop capabilities with plugins. Explore options on the Adobe Exchange for new tools and effects.

By incorporating these steps into your routine, you can significantly enhance your Photoshop skills, making your content visually appealing and engaging.

How to Display Adobe Photoshop Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Adobe Photoshop Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Web Content Writer
  • Content Developer
  • Content Manager
  • Content Strategist
  • Content Editor
  • Content Producer


  • Career Blog

Content Writer Resume: The 2024 Guide with 10+ Samples

content writer skills for resume

Are you a skilled content writer looking to take your career to the next level? Your resume is your ticket to a better job, and that’s why it’s important to make it stand out. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a winning resume that highlights your talents and catches the attention of potential employers.

Why a Content Writer Resume is Important

Your resume is often the first impression that a hiring manager has of you. It’s important that it presents your experience, skills, and achievements in a clear and concise manner that showcases your value to the company. For content writers, this is especially important, as you need to demonstrate your ability to craft compelling, informative, and engaging content.

A strong content writer resume can make the difference between getting hired for your dream job or missing out on a great opportunity. It’s worth taking the time to craft a well-written and well-designed resume that highlights your strengths and positions you as a top candidate for the job.

How This Guide Can Help You Create a Winning Resume

With this guide, we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of creating a content writer resume that stands out. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right format to highlighting your skills and accomplishments. You’ll learn what hiring managers are looking for in a candidate and how to tailor your resume to meet their needs.

You’ll also find samples of successful content writer resumes to give you inspiration and ideas for your own resume. By following our advice and using these samples as a guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a resume that showcases your skills and gets you noticed.

In this guide, we’ll cover the following topics:

content writer skills for resume

  • Choosing the Right Resume Format
  • Highlighting Your Skills and Accomplishments
  • Writing Compelling Resume Headlines and Summaries
  • Crafting Effective Work Experience Bullet Points
  • Adding Relevant Education and Certifications
  • Including Professional Memberships and Associations
  • Reviewing Examples of Successful Content Writer Resumes

With our help, you’ll have the tools you need to create a content writer resume that gets you noticed and lands you your dream job. Let’s get started!

The Basics of a Content Writer Resume

When it comes to crafting a strong content writer resume that stands out to potential employers, there are several key components that will ensure your application makes a lasting impression. Here are some of the most important elements to include:

Key Components of a Resume

Name and Contact Information:  Start with your full name and current contact information, including your phone number, email address, and professional website or LinkedIn profile if applicable.

Objective or Summary Statement:  A short and powerful statement about your career goals and qualifications can help to immediately grab the attention of a potential employer.

Work Experience:  List your previous work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Make sure to highlight your relevant achievements and responsibilities in each role.

Education:  Include your educational background, certifications, and any relevant coursework or training that relates to content writing.

Skills:  Provide a brief list of your top skills, such as writing, editing, SEO, social media management, and content strategy.

Portfolio:  Including a link to your online portfolio, blog, or writing samples can showcase your writing ability and give employers a better understanding of your content writing style.

What Sets a Content Writer Resume Apart

A content writer resume should showcase your unique writing and storytelling abilities, as well as your ability to create content for a variety of audiences and formats. To stand out from other applicants, here are some key tips to consider:

Customize it for the Job:  Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for by focusing on the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description.

Highlight your Expertise:  If you have a particular area of expertise, such as technical writing or copywriting, make sure to highlight it in your resume to position yourself as an expert in that field.

Include Metrics and Results:  Quantify your accomplishments and results whenever possible, such as increased website traffic, higher engagement rates, or sales growth.

content writer skills for resume

Demonstrate your Creativity:  Use your resume design, language, and style to showcase your creativity and writing style.

Emphasize Collaboration and Communication Skills:  Content writing often involves working with teams, clients, and stakeholders, so highlighting your collaboration and communication skills can set you apart from other applicants.

By focusing on these key components and tips for setting yourself apart, you can craft a compelling content writer resume that is sure to impress potential employers.

Researching the Company: The importance and tips for incorporating it into your resume

Before starting your application process, it’s essential to research the company where you’re hoping to secure a job. Failing to research the company thoroughly could mean that you’re ill-prepared for the interview or that you’re simply wasting your time. That’s why it’s essential to find out as much as you can about the company beforehand.

The importance of researching a potential employer

Researching a potential employer is important because it tells you what they’re looking for in a candidate, what their vision is, and what their values are. With this information, you can tailor your job application to be in line with what the company is looking for. Moreover, conducting thorough research can help you determine if a company is an excellent fit for your career.

Researching a potential employer can help you:

  • Determine if you have the necessary qualifications for the job
  • Understand the company culture and values
  • Learn about their hiring process
  • Prepare for the interview process
  • Customize your resume and cover letter

Tips for researching the company and incorporating it into your resume

Here are some tips for researching the company and incorporating it into your resume:

1. Visit the company website

Start by visiting the company website. Look for information on the company’s mission, vision, values, and culture. Learn about the products or services they offer and any notable achievements or awards they’ve received.

2. Read the job description carefully

Read the job description carefully to understand the key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required. Tailor your resume to highlight your relevant skills and experiences that align with the job description.

3. Check the company’s social media pages

Social media is an excellent source of information about a company. Check the company’s social media pages to see what type of content they post, how they interact with customers, and what people are saying about them.

4. Conduct informational interviews

Consider conducting informational interviews with current or former employees to get a sense of the company culture and work environment.

5. Incorporate relevant information into your resume

Incorporate relevant information from your company research into your resume. Highlight key aspects such as their mission, vision or values to show that you’re aware of the company’s goals and culture.

Researching a potential employer helps you learn more about the company culture and values, and ensure that your job application is tailored to what the company is looking for. So, take the time to research the company and incorporate relevant information into your resume to increase your chances of securing the job.

Formatting your Resume

In this section, we will focus on how to format your resume to achieve maximum impact.

Choosing the right format for your resume

There are different formats to choose from when creating your resume. You can opt for a chronological, functional, or combination format. It is essential to understand the type of position you are applying for and tailor your resume to the job requirements.

For instance, a chronological format is suitable for candidates who have a stable work history and want to showcase their career progress. On the other hand, a functional resume is ideal for individuals with transferable skills, career gaps, or changing careers.

How to structure your resume for maximum impact

Structuring your resume involves dividing it into headings and subheadings. These should be consistent throughout the document, and the font size and style should be uniform. The objective of structuring your resume is to make it easy to read, highlight your achievements, and guide the recruiter in understanding your skills and abilities.

When structuring your resume, ensure that it is concise and straight to the point. Avoid using long paragraphs and make use of bullet points to articulate your experiences and skills. A well-structured resume enhances your chances of landing an interview.

Tips for making your resume visually appealing

Visual appeal is an essential aspect of a great resume. Recruiters spend an average of six seconds on a resume before deciding to keep or discard it. Therefore, you need to make a great impression within that short time.

Use bullet points, bold lettering, and italicized fonts to draw attention to essential points. Consider using a color scheme that matches the company’s profile or industry. However, avoid using too many colors that can be distracting or unprofessional.

Finally, only include relevant information in your resume. Avoid information overload that can make your resume cluttered and hard to read. Focus on your achievements, skills, and experiences that demonstrate your ability to contribute to the company’s growth and success.

By following these formatting tips, you can create a visually appealing, structurally sound, and effective resume that stands out from the pile.

Crafting a Strong Summary Statement

When it comes to any resume, a summary statement can be the difference between getting noticed or getting overlooked. The purpose of the summary statement is to provide an overview of your skills, qualifications, and experience in a concise and compelling manner.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Summary Statement

To make your summary statement stand out, it’s important to follow a few key tips:

Tailor it to the position.  Your summary statement should be customized to the job you’re applying to. Review the job listing and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Then, highlight those skills in your summary statement.

Keep it concise.  You want your summary statement to be easy to read and understand. Keep it brief, using only 2-3 sentences to highlight your most important qualities.

Highlight your value.  Employers want to know what you can bring to their organization. Make sure your summary statement highlights your most valuable skills and accomplishments.

Use keywords.  Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Including relevant keywords in your summary statement can help your resume make it past the initial screening process.

Examples of Effective Summary Statements

Here are some examples of effective summary statements for a content writer resume:

Experienced content writer with a passion for storytelling and a proven track record of crafting engaging, educational, and SEO-friendly content for blogs, websites, and social media. Skilled in creating content across a wide range of industries, including tech, healthcare, and education.

Creative and versatile content writer with over 5 years of experience creating copy that connects with audiences and drives engagement. Adept at writing everything from landing pages to product descriptions to email marketing campaigns.

Award-winning content writer with a background in journalism and a strong focus on audience engagement. Proficient in using Google Analytics and other metrics to optimize content for maximum impact.

By following these tips and including a strong summary statement, you can create a compelling content writer resume that stands out from the crowd.

Showcasing your Experience

When it comes to creating a compelling content writer resume, showcasing your experience is key. Here are some tips on how to emphasize your relevant experience, highlight your skills and achievements, and craft impactful work experience descriptions.

Emphasizing Relevant Experience

To emphasize your relevant experience, start by tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Look at the job posting and identify the key skills and experiences the employer is seeking. Then, make sure to highlight any relevant experience you have in these areas – whether it’s from previous jobs, internships, volunteer work, or personal projects.

Additionally, use active language to describe your experience. Start each bullet point with a strong action verb that showcases your skills and achievements. For example:

  • Wrote and edited blog posts for a leading digital marketing agency, increasing blog traffic by 25%
  • Managed social media accounts for a fast-growing startup, growing the company’s following by 10,000 followers in six months

Finally, quantify your results wherever possible. Use numbers to demonstrate the impact of your work and show your ability to drive results.

Highlighting Skills and Achievements

When highlighting your skills and achievements, start by identifying the core competencies that employers are seeking in content writers. These may include strong writing skills, creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to meet deadlines. Use your work experience descriptions to provide examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in your previous roles.

Additionally, use your resume to showcase any relevant achievements or awards. For example, if you’ve been published in a respected industry publication or received recognition for your writing skills, make sure to include this information.

Crafting Impactful Work Experience Descriptions

To craft impactful work experience descriptions, start by focusing on the most important information. Use bullet points to break up information and make it easy to read. Start each bullet point with a strong action verb that showcases your skills and achievements.

Additionally, use specific examples wherever possible. For example, instead of saying “wrote blog posts,” say “wrote 50 blog posts per month on topics ranging from digital marketing to SEO.”

Finally, quantify your results wherever possible. This will show potential employers your ability to drive results and make an impact. For example, instead of saying “increased blog traffic,” say “increased blog traffic by 25% through optimizing content and promoting on social media.”

By emphasizing your relevant experience, highlighting your skills and achievements, and using impactful work experience descriptions, you can create a content writer resume that stands out to potential employers.

Making the Most of your Education

When crafting your content writer resume, it’s important to effectively communicate your education. This section should include information on the programs you’ve attended, the degrees or certifications you’ve earned, and any relevant academic accomplishments.

When deciding which educational accomplishments to include, focus on those that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a content writer role in the healthcare industry and you have a bachelor’s degree in biology, be sure to mention that. Additionally, any academic awards, scholarships, or publications that showcase your skills should be included.

It’s also important to draw attention to relevant coursework and extracurricular activities. This is especially important if you’re a recent graduate or if you’ve had limited professional experience in the field. You can list courses that show your knowledge and skills, such as creative writing, journalism, or marketing. Extracurricular activities like writing for a college publication or volunteering for a nonprofit organization can also demonstrate your dedication and passion for the field.

Your education should be highlighted in a way that aligns with the position you’re applying for. By showcasing your academic achievements, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities, you can demonstrate your qualifications and stand out as a top candidate.

Highlighting Your Skills

One of the most important sections of your content writer resume is your skills section. This is where you can really showcase your expertise and set yourself apart from other candidates.

The Importance of a Skills Section

A skills section is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps hiring managers quickly assess your suitability for a particular role. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to highlight your strengths and show how they align with the job requirements. Finally, a well-crafted skills section can make your resume more visually appealing and easier to read.

How to Choose the Right Skills to Include

When choosing skills to include in your resume, think about the job you are applying for and what skills it requires. This can usually be found in the job description. Ideally, you want to focus on skills that match the job requirements and that you can provide examples of how you have used them in your previous roles.

It’s important to also consider which skills are most valuable in your industry. Some examples of valuable skills for content writers may include:

  • Strong writing skills
  • Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing
  • Ability to research and analyze information
  • Familiarity with content management systems
  • Attention to detail
  • Collaboration and communication skills

Examples of Effective Skills Sections

An effective skills section should be tailored to the job you are applying for and highlight the skills that are most relevant. Here are some examples of effective skills sections for content writers:

  • Excellent writing and editing skills
  • Ability to create engaging content for a variety of target audiences
  • Experience with SEO and keyword research
  • Familiarity with Google Analytics and other analytics tools
  • Strong research and fact-checking abilities
  • Collaborative and communicative team player
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and Google Suite
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to produce high-quality content under deadline
  • Experience with social media marketing and content promotion
  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Strong research and analytical skills
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team

By including a well-crafted skills section in your content writer resume, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and demonstrate your value to potential employers.

Showcasing your Portfolio

A portfolio is an essential asset for every content writer. It provides a glimpse of your skills, creativity, and experience in crafting compelling content. Including a portfolio in your resume can make a significant difference in gaining prospective employers’ attention.

When to include a portfolio

You should include a portfolio in your resume when applying for a content writing position. Your portfolio should showcase your best work, highlighting your writing style, ability to engage readers, and knowledge of various topics. A strong portfolio can set you apart from the competition and demonstrate your expertise in the field.

Tips for presenting your portfolio in a resume

Your portfolio should be presented in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner. Here are some tips to help you present your portfolio in a resume effectively:

Choose the best samples: Select your best work that showcases your skills and abilities. Ensure that the samples represent a diverse range of content, writing styles, and niches.

Organize your portfolio: Structure your portfolio based on categories, such as blog posts, articles, creative writing, and other types of content. Use headings and subheadings for easy navigation.

Use visuals: Incorporate visuals such as screenshots, infographics, and images to enhance your portfolio’s visual appeal.

Provide context: Provide brief descriptions for each sample, explaining the project’s objectives, target audience, and your role in creating the content.

Examples of portfolios in a content writer resume

Below are some examples of how you can include your portfolio in your content writer resume:

Created and managed a blog on personal finance, increasing traffic by 70% within a year. Check out my portfolio for the latest blog posts, including “Top 10 Financial Tips for Young Adults.”

Freelanced for various clients, writing SEO-optimized product descriptions, and blog posts. Browse my portfolio to check out samples such as “The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Skin Care Products.”

Managed social media accounts for a health and wellness brand, creating engaging content that increased followers by 60%. View my portfolio for some of the social media posts, including “5 Simple Exercises to Boost Your Metabolism.”

Incorporating a portfolio in your content writer resume is crucial in demonstrating your writing skills, knowledge, and experience. By presenting your work in a clear and organized manner, you increase your chances of landing your dream content writing job.

Tailoring your Resume for Different Job Applications

When applying for a job, having a well-crafted resume is crucial in getting noticed by the hiring manager. However, it’s not enough to have a generic resume you send out to every job opening. In today’s competitive job market, customizing your resume to fit each job application is a must.

The importance of customizing your resume for each job application

Customizing your resume for each job application shows that you’re serious about the position and that you’ve taken the time to tailor your application to meet the specific needs of the company. This demonstrates that you have a clear understanding of the job requirements and that you’re the perfect fit for the role.

In addition, customizing your resume can help you stand out from other candidates who may have the same qualifications as you but aren’t taking the time to tailor their resumes. It shows that you’re willing to put in extra effort to make a great first impression.

Tips for tailoring your resume based on the job description

To tailor your resume, start by carefully reading the job description and highlighting the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking. Then, take these steps:

  • Use the same language and keywords as the company in your resume to show you have the desired skills.
  • Customize your objective or summary statement to align with the job requirements.
  • Highlight work experience and achievements that directly relate to the job requirements.
  • Edit your skills and accomplishments to match the needs of the company.

By doing this, you’ll be able to show the employer that you have the skills and experience needed for the job.

Examples of how to customize your resume for different positions

When customizing your resume, it’s important to keep in mind the specific requirements of each position. Here are some examples of how to tailor your resume for different positions:

Content Writer

  • Highlight any prior experience as a content writer.
  • Include samples of your writing if possible.
  • Showcase your ability to research and write on a variety of topics.
  • Highlight your SEO knowledge and experience.

Social Media Manager

  • Highlight experience managing social media platforms.
  • Include any experience with social media advertising.
  • Demonstrate your ability to create engaging content for social media.
  • Showcase your analytics skills and experience with social media metrics.

Customizing your resume doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does take effort. It can be the difference between standing out from the crowd and getting passed over for the job. By tailoring your resume for each job application, you’ll increase your chances of landing the job and moving forward in your career.

Professionalism and Attention to Detail

As a content writer, your ability to pay attention to detail is crucial to your success. This is especially true when crafting your resume, as it is often the first impression a potential employer will have of you. Here, we’ll look at the importance of attention to detail in a content writer resume and provide some tips for proofreading and editing. We’ll also share some examples of common mistakes to avoid.

The Role of Attention to Detail in a Content Writer Resume

When applying for content writing roles, it’s essential to showcase your attention to detail in your resume. This is because your potential employer will be looking for certain skills and attributes that demonstrate your ability to produce high-quality content.

Your resume should accurately and clearly highlight your skills, experience, and achievements. Attention to detail is critical in achieving this. Grammatical errors, misspellings, and formatting issues can detract from your overall message and cause your potential employer to view you as unprofessional and careless.

With attention to detail, you can present your skills and qualifications in an organized, coherent manner, demonstrating that you are a focused and precise content writer.

Tips for Proofreading and Editing Your Resume

There’s no denying that proofreading and editing your resume can be a tedious and frustrating process. However, it’s a necessary step in presenting yourself professionally and ensuring that your potential employer sees you in the best light possible. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  • Give yourself plenty of time. Rushing through the editing process is likely to result in mistakes being overlooked.
  • Read your resume out loud. This will help you catch errors that your eyes might gloss over.
  • Use online tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway. These tools can help you identify errors and make suggestions on how to improve your writing.
  • Have a friend or family member read over your resume. Fresh eyes can often spot mistakes that you might have missed.

Examples of Common Mistakes to Avoid

Despite your best efforts, mistakes can still slip through the cracks. Here are some common content writer resume mistakes to watch out for:

  • Grammatical errors (e.g., using the wrong verb tense, subject-verb agreement)
  • Typos and misspellings
  • Formatting issues (e.g., inconsistent bullet points, font changes)
  • Vague or irrelevant language
  • Overusing adjectives and adverbs

By avoiding these mistakes and demonstrating your attention to detail, you’re sure to make a great first impression on potential employers, increasing your chances of landing your next content writing role.

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3 Content Writer Resume Examples + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

Content Writer Resume

Content strategist resume, content manager resume.

  • Write Your Content Writer Resume

As a content writer, your creativity knows no bounds. You’re an expert at producing content that engages the reader, improves search rankings, and impresses the editors.

Whether you write blog posts or plan out your company’s entire content strategy, you’ll need to put your best foot forward when applying for a new job. However, even for a wordsmith, writing a cover letter and a resume promoting your own abilities can be tricky.

That’s what we’re here for. We’ve helped thousands of professionals in your field land their dream jobs, and we’re here to do the same for you. Find your ideal resume template by checking out our content writer resume examples and tips!

or download as PDF

Content writer resume example with 8 years experience

Why this resume works

  • Also, show your proficiency in using SEMrush for keyword research, which increased search traffic to clients’ sites.

Content strategist resume example with 9 years of experience

  • All done, be sure to prove how well your efforts increased conversion rates, say by 34%, because that matters the most in content creation.

Content manager resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Show how engaging your work can be, your proficiency with SEO, AI, email marketing, and boosting the company’s social media presence. It is a sure way to captivate recruiters.

Related resume examples

  • Content creator
  • Content marketing specialist

Write a Content Writer Resume to Fit the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

No two content writer jobs are exactly the same, and you know that better than anyone. Some roles may let you focus on the writing side of things. Others, however, may require things like SEO optimization, keyword research, content scheduling and strategy, or even managing a team of writers. It can be an umbrella term that encompasses various aspects of content production, which is why it’s important to tailor your resume to match the job perfectly.

One of the best ways to show recruiters that you’ve done your homework is to follow the job description . For instance, if the job emphasizes writing, but also creating images in Canva or Photoshop, make sure to list those as your skills.

Talk about the kind of software you’re familiar with, but also your knowledge of writing, analytics, SEO, and marketing.

Need some tips?

15 popular content writer skills

  • Google Analytics
  • ProWritingAid
  • Google Docs
  • Content Strategy
  • SEO Optimization
  • Hemingway App

content writer skills for resume

Your content writer work experience bullet points

As a content writer, your successes are often fairly easy to track and measure. This is a good thing, because when it comes to talking about your work experience , it’s best to focus on your achievements rather than daily tasks.

Think about it—between saying that you “write articles” and saying that you “produce 50+ SEO blog posts monthly, increasing organic search traffic by 34%,” which sounds more impressive? 

See how we also used metrics in that example? Lean into the various KPIs you or your editor are always keeping tabs on and brag about them in this section.

  • Use the resume examples above for inspiration, but use these four bullet points to
  • Discuss what kind of metrics and numbers to use
  • Examples: ROI, hours saved, improvements in efficiency, reduction in turnover rate, etc.

See what we mean?

  • Produced engaging blog posts and articles using WordPress, resulting in a 32% increase in website traffic
  • Managed social media content scheduling and publishing through Buffer resulting in a 29% increase in social media engagement
  • Leveraged Adobe Analytics to analyze user behavior and content performance, leading to a 34% improvement in conversion rates
  • Developed content promotion strategies that increased social media shares by 28%

9 active verbs to start your content writer work experience bullet points

3 tips for creating a successful content writer resume if you’re new to writing.

  • While your on-the-job experience may be limited, what truly matters to many employers is your ability to write. Work on some sample articles on topics that are relevant to the job and put them up in a portfolio, then add a link to it to your resume to show that you’re ready for the challenge.
  • Never send out the exact same resume twice. Update your job skills , work experience , and career objectives according to the job description . For instance, if the role focuses on creating SEO-optimized content, talk about keyword research and relevant tools, such as Surfer.
  • Adding certifications to your resume can show recruiters that you already know a lot about marketing, SEO, and content marketing. List certs like the HubSpot Content Marketing Certification, Google Analytics Individual Qualifications, or the Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer.

3 Tips for Creating a Content Writer Resume as an Experienced Author

  • Use your resume to zone in on your greatest wins that brought tangible improvements. Talk about the way your writing increased website traffic, the average on-page time for your articles, or open rates if you write email newsletters.
  • If you specialize in certain topics, don’t be afraid to show off your knowledge in your resume—especially if it’s relevant to the job. Talk about the specific types of writing you do, whether it’s about beauty products or healthcare.
  • If you’ve ever led a team of writers, talk about the editorial side of things, from maintaining a publishing schedule to managing deadlines. Similarly, if you’ve worked with digital marketers, editors, graphic designers, or even directly with clients, mention this in your resume.

It’s generally better to focus on your technical skills, such as keyword research or content analytics, instead of your people skills. Let those shine in your cover letter instead!

A portfolio, or at least some pieces of written work, is usually crucial in content writer job applications. If you don’t have any published pieces yet, it’s best to write some that are relevant to the job and present them as writing samples.

Unless you have over 10 years of experience in content writing and management, keep to a single-page resume . Just like every word counts in your articles, so it does in your resume, and you want to keep it concise and approachable for recruiters. 

Create my free resume now

12 Content Writer Resume Examples for 2024

Crafting a resume as a content writer involves more than excellent writing skills. It requires a clear display of your ability to engage and inform readers. This article presents tested resume examples and strategic tips tailored for content writer job hunters. Expect guidance on presenting work experience, demonstrating SEO knowledge, and highlighting social media expertise, all while keeping language barriers in mind.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 16 Aug 2024 - 1 new section (Highlight leadership and growth) added
  • 07 Aug 2024 - 1 new resume template (Senior Copywriter) added
  • 22 Jul 2024 - 1 new section (Show leadership and growth) added

  Next update scheduled for 28 Aug 2024

Here's what we see in standout content writer resumes:

Metrics That Matter : Best resumes show your impact with numbers. They can highlight views per article , conversion rate improvement , SEO ranking increases , and engagement growth . Clear numbers show your success.

Match Skills To The Job : Include skills you have that are also in the job description. Some in-demand skills for this role include SEO optimization , WordPress management , content management systems , analytical tools , and keyword research .

Adapt For Digital Trends : Good resumes show understanding of digital trends. Include phrases like voice search optimization and video content creation . These show you can adapt to new ways people consume content.

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Content Writer Resume Sample

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ummm here it is

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Want to know if your resume stands out to hiring managers? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of how your content writing skills are presented. It checks for key elements that recruiters look for when hiring writers.

Upload your resume now for a quick, unbiased assessment. You'll get a score and tips to improve your chances of landing interviews for content writing jobs.

Proper placement of education

As you prepare your resume, consider where to place your education section. If you're new to content creation or have just graduated, put your education at the top. This helps employers understand your current status and the skills you bring.

If you have been working as a content creator and accumulating experience, your education should follow your experience section. Highlight any courses or training relevant to writing, such as degrees in English, journalism, or communications. Be sure to list any specific writing workshops you've attended or content marketing certifications you've earned.

Show your niche expertise

As a writer, it's good to show a niche you excel in. For example, if you are skilled in health content, make this stand out in your resume. This shows you know the field well, which can set you apart from others.

Ghostwriter Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

As a content writer, your resume should be concise. If you have less than 10 years of experience, aim to present your skills and achievements on a single page. This shows you can communicate effectively and value the time of the hiring manager. Make every word count and ensure your most relevant experiences and skills are highlighted.

For those with a longer career, up to two pages are acceptable, allowing space to detail your work history and professional accomplishments. Remember, hiring managers often review the first page quickly. Place your strongest assets up front to grab attention and maintain interest. A well-organized, precise resume reflects your ability to write succinctly, an essential trait for a successful content writer.

Editorial Content Writer Resume Sample

Highlight digital skills.

In today's market, being able to write for the web is key. Include any experience you have with writing blog posts or using content management systems. This shows you understand the digital space your work will live in.

Freelance Content Writer Resume Sample

Beat the resume bots.

When you apply for writing jobs, your resume might first be read by software called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This tool helps hiring managers by picking out resumes that match the job needs. You must make your resume in a way that the ATS can read it easily.

Here are tips to help your resume get noticed by both the ATS and the hiring manager:

  • Use keywords from the job description. For example, if the job needs someone good at 'SEO writing,' make sure you mention 'SEO writing' in your resume.
  • Make your resume layout simple. Use standard headings like 'Work experience' and 'Education.' Avoid using tables or images that the ATS might not understand.

Junior Content Writer Resume Sample

Match your skills to the job.

When you apply for a writing role, it’s key to show you have the skills for the job. Look at the job post. See which skills they want. Use those words in your resume. This makes it clear you are a good fit.

  • Use a skills section to list your writing abilities. For example, add SEO optimization or content management systems .
  • In your work history, show results you achieved. You could write, Grew blog traffic by 20% in six months .
  • Include any writing awards or courses you took. This shows you are serious about your craft.

Senior Digital Content Strategist Resume Sample

Showcase your achievements.

Highlighting your achievements rather than just listing your duties is key. You want to show how you made a difference in your role, not just what you were expected to do. When you apply for content writing jobs, results speak louder than tasks.

Before: 'Wrote articles for the company blog.'

After: 'Increased readership by 20% through engaging and SEO-optimized articles on the company blog.'

This strategy helps you stand out by displaying your direct impact on previous projects. For example, instead of saying 'Responsible for managing the content calendar,' you could say:

  • 'Developed and managed a content calendar that led to a 30% increase in publication efficiency.'

Remember, you want to clearly show the value you bring to the table. Use metric-driven results when possible to provide concrete evidence of your success as a content writer.

Digital Content Analyst Resume Sample

Essential skills for content creators.

When crafting your resume, focus on the specific skills that show your strength in content creation. Your skills section is vital for passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) which many employers use to sort candidates.

  • SEO optimization
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Keyword research
  • Google Analytics
  • Basic HTML and CSS
  • Copywriting
  • Editorial calendar management
  • Social media platforms
  • Email marketing software
  • Graphic design basics

You don't need to know every skill listed, but choose those that match the content writing jobs you want. For example, if you are interested in SEO-focused writing, highlight SEO optimization , keyword research , and Google Analytics expertise.

Place these skills in a clear section on your resume. If you have space, also show how you used these skills in your job descriptions. This can help employers see your skills in action. Remember, simple language is best, so describe your skills and experiences clearly and directly.

SEO Content Marketing Specialist Resume Sample

Highlight leadership and growth.

If you have held leadership roles or have been promoted, it's key to show this on your resume. Even if you feel unsure, think about times you led a project or were given more responsibility. This can help you stand out.

  • Managed a team of writers for a major blog series, resulting in a 20% increase in reader engagement.
  • Received a promotion from junior content creator to senior content strategist within 18 months due to outstanding performance and leadership.

When listing these experiences, focus on the impact you had and the skills you used. Did you lead a successful campaign? Did you mentor new writers? Include these details. They show you can take charge and add value.

Senior Content Marketing Manager Resume Sample

Showcasing leadership in writing roles.

As a hiring manager, I know that showcasing your leadership skills or any promotions you've earned can set you apart. If you've led projects or teams, make sure to highlight these experiences on your resume.

  • Managed a team of writers to deliver weekly content, resulting in a 20% increase in blog traffic
  • Selected to lead a key content strategy revamp, which improved user engagement by 30%

Think about the times you've been trusted to guide others or take on more responsibility. Even informal leadership, like mentoring new staff, counts. Here are some ideas:

  • Coordinated a group of freelance contributors to meet tight deadlines
  • Appointed as the main contact for content partnerships, enhancing the brand's market presence

Lead Content Development Specialist Resume Sample

Show leadership and growth.

As you craft your resume, it's important to show instances where you've taken the lead or moved up in your career. This gives you a strong edge, as it demonstrates your ability to grow and adapt.

Think about times you've led a project or been given more responsibility. Maybe you started as a blog writer and then became an editor, overseeing a team of writers. Here's how you might list that experience:

  • Progressed from freelance contributor to lead editor within two years, managing a team of five writers
  • Selected to spearhead the quarterly newsletter project, resulting in a 20% increase in subscriber engagement

Even if you haven't had a formal promotion, consider any informal leadership roles you've taken on. Have you trained new writers? Led a workshop? These are all valuable experiences that show leadership. Frame them like this:

  • Trained 10+ new content creators on SEO best practices and content strategy
  • Organized and led a content planning workshop that improved the team's productivity by 15%
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Content Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Content Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Resume Examples
  • Resume Text Examples

How To Write a Content Writer Resume

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Content Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Content Writer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

John Bergsen (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio San Francisco, CA 12345

A Technical Content Writer with five years of experience specializing in content development, brand messaging, UX writing, and product marketing. A proven track record of delivering high-impact content to clients to enhance web traffic and drive customer acquisitions.

Professional Experience

Technical Content Writer, Energize Technology Inc., San Francisco, CA May 2020 – Present

  • Led the development of marketing content for a suite of technology products generating over $30M in annual revenue, which included creating blogs, web copy, and digital marketing content to drive customer acquisition and increase market penetration
  • Utilized knowledge of the technology industry to develop high-impact content for application development, UI design, and B2B technology solutions
  • Increased website traffic by 250% by using SEO marketing strategies, link building campaigns to enhance web copy and blog posts

Freelance Content Writer, Self-Employed, San Francisco, CA June 2018 – May 2020

  • Executed a wide variety of freelance content writing projects for clients, including web pages, blog posts, and product marketing copy
  • Collaborated with client stakeholders to ensure consistent tone, voice, and brand messaging, resulting in a 95% client satisfaction rating on Upwork and Fiverr


  • Professional Technical Writing Certification, Technical Writer HQ, 2020
  • UX Writing Certification, Udemy, 2020
  • Technical Writing
  • Content Development
  • Brand Messaging
  • Product Marketing

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) English UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, San Francisco, CA September 2014 – June 2018

Aliya Jackson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio Philadelphia, PA 12345

A Content Writer with eight years of experience specializing in public relations, content development, journalism, and blog writing. A strong history of delivering impactful articles and blog posts to expand awareness of non-profit initiatives and social inequities.

Content Writer, Better Health Advocates, Philadelphia, PA October 2018 – Present

  • Developed compelling content, blog posts, web copy, and articles for a non-profit advocacy group focused on inequities within the healthcare space, which resulted in a 300% increase in web traffic and a 250% increase in newsletter subscribers
  • Conducted research on a wide range of healthcare topics and created informative articles covering the disparity in healthcare access and delivery in diverse communities
  • Published three major case studies on healthcare inequity, which included interviewing over 200+ patients and medical professionals

Content Writer, Ascend Non-Profit, Philadelphia, PA June 2016 – October 2018

  • Developed content for social media marketing, articles, blog posts, and web pages for a non-profit organization centered around career services for female professionals
  • Collaborated with subject matter experts to craft high-quality content to raise awareness of various initiatives to drive the professional development of women
  • Creative Writing Certification, Coursera, 2017
  • Content Strategy for Professionals Specialization, Northwestern University, 2016
  • Content Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Public Relations

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Journalism TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, Philadelphia, PA September 2012 – June 2016

Kevin Morrison (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio New York, NY 12345

A Senior Content Writer with 10+ years of experience specializing in content strategy, digital advertising, brand messaging, and marketing communication. A proven track record of developing high-quality digital content to expand market growth and brand awareness.

Senior Content Writer, Rosenthal and Harris Legal Associates, New York, NY March 2016 – Present

  • Lead the development of digital and print content for a prestigious legal firm handling multi-million-dollar cases, including press releases, client pitches, web pages, articles, blog posts, and email marketing copy
  • Create digital advertising content for various marketing channels, including promoting successful cases and creating biographies for firm leadership
  • Enhance the impact of existing marketing content and materials by drawing attention to brand differentiators and emphasizing the value of the firm’s legal services

Content Writer, Blue Ocean Financial Inc., New York, NY June 2013 – March 2016

  • Delivered compelling articles, web pages, digital marketing copy, and blog posts for an enterprise financial firm with over $200M in assets
  • Collaborated with the marketing department to create content specs and define a brand identity centered around transparency and client loyalty
  • Strategy of Content Writing Certification, UC Davis, 2016
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) in Content Writing, AMA, 2013
  • Content Strategy
  • Press Releases
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Copy Development

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) English UNIVERSITY OF SYRACUSE, New York, NY September 2009 – June 2013

To pursue opportunities as a content writer, you’ll need to craft an accomplishment-driven resume to supplement your professional portfolio. While your writing abilities will always determine whether or not you receive an interview, the resume serves as an overview of your experience to draw the interest of prospective employers. Throughout this guide, we’ll provide valuable insights to help you leverage your resume as an effective marketing tool during the job search.

1. Summarize your content writer qualifications in a dynamic profile

Your professional profile should strongly introduce your writing style and industry experience. If you fail to draw the hiring manager’s interest with a poorly written summary, it’s unlikely they’ll spend much time reviewing your portfolio. Focus on including specializations that align with the job posting in your opening sentence and showcase the strongest aspects of your writing capabilities.

Professional Profile - Example #1

Professional profile - example #2, 2. add a compelling section featuring your content writer experience.

Use the bolded headers below. Your professional experience section should highlight key accomplishments and writing projects that highlight the most compelling aspects of your writing expertise. Although the language of a resume is different from a blog post, web copy, or product marketing content, you’ll still need to craft your content strategically to generate interest from prospective employers. As you create your bullet points, remember to emphasize the value your writing has provided to your teams and organizations.

Professional Experience - Example #1

Professional experience - example #2.

  • Developed compelling content, blog posts, web copy, and articles for a non-profit advocacy group focused on inequities within the healthcare space, which resulted in a 200% increase in web traffic and a 300% increase in newsletter subscribers

3. Include education and certifications relevant to content writer

In addition to your education, you should also feature relevant certifications on your resume. This information is more important if you’re pursuing a specialized role as a content writer. For example, obtaining a certification that exemplifies your technology expertise would be beneficial if you were targeting jobs that are centered around technical writing.

  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]
  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] [Dates Enrolled]
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.S.) English
  • TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, Philadelphia, PA September 2012 – June 2016

4. Include a list of skills and proficiencies related to content writer

Most organizations rely on some form of applicant tracking system (ATS) to identify qualified candidates for job openings. To ensure ATS compliance, you’ll need to incorporate keywords and skills that match the organization’s needs. If your document lacks a certain number of key terms, your application may be rejected before it reaches the hiring manager. Be sure to feature these skills in your professional experience section, as you want to show specific examples of you using these skill sets throughout your career:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Blog Writing Brand Awareness
Brand Marketing Brand Messaging
Case Studies Content Development
Content Marketing Content Strategy
Content Writing Copyediting
Copywriting Digital Advertising
Editing Email Marketing
Google Analytics Product Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Marketing
Technical Writing WordPress

5. Create a professional writing portfolio

Including a link to a professional portfolio can be beneficial for content writer resumes. Although the resume is important, your actual writing capabilities and past projects will always decide whether a company decides to hire you. This approach provides hiring managers with direct access to your best writing samples, which can increase your chances of landing the interview.

How to Pick the Best Content Writer Resume Template

Aspiring content writers should select a template that is straightforward and well-organized.

Although modern templates may seem appealing at first glance, the overuse of color and bulky graphics often distracts the hiring manager from your professional accomplishments. In most instances, it’s best to use a less flashy template that keeps the reader’s eye focused on your qualifications and career achievements.

Frequently Asked Questions: Content Writer Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for content writer resumes -.

Even as a writer, it’s easy to find yourself running short on action verbs during the resume-building process. Resumes have a unique language structure that differs from a blog, article, or web page, as every bullet point always leads with a strong, third-person verb. As a content specialist, your writing will be more heavily scrutinized than other candidates, so you’ll want to differentiate your verbiage when possible. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of action verbs you can use to build your resume:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Collaborated
Communicated Conducted
Created Built
Delivered Designed
Developed Enhanced
Executed Generated
Identified Implemented
Improved Increased
Led Managed
Partnered Wrote

How do you align your resume with a job description? -

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , media and communication occupations are expected to grow 6% between 2021 and 2031. Although these projections are encouraging, content writing is a highly competitive field, and you’ll need to carefully align your resume with the job description to generate interviews on the open market.

For example, suppose you’re pursuing a career as a technical writer. In that case, you’d want to emphasize your knowledge of the technology industry and showcase the strongest examples of your technical writing capabilities. If a company is searching for a content writer with a strong marketing background, you may want to center your resume around your digital advertising projects or product marketing experience. By tailoring your resume towards individual companies, you’ll significantly increase your success rate during the job search.

What is the best content writer resume format? -

Reverse chronological is the ideal resume format for content writers. This format is optimal for most job seekers because hiring managers are more interested in your recent employment history. Functional resume formats are generally not recommended for content writers, as skill-based resumes don’t allow you to showcase your unique writing style.

Once you finish your resume, consider crafting a matching cover letter to bolster your job application. If you choose to write one, you should carefully tailor your cover letter to individual companies. In the middle paragraph, you’ll want to mention something specific about the organization’s reputation or work culture to show hiring managers that you’ve researched the company before applying. For more guidance, visit our editor cover letter writing guide .

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Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Content Writer

The content writing industry values both creativity and strategy. Showcasing your knowledge and experience in various styles of writing can better present yourself as a content writer.

Let’s look at how you can show your wide-array of skills and experience on your resume and allow yourself to stand out amid a pool of applicants and appeal to employers as a content writer.

How to Write a Summary as a Content Writer

  • Summarize yourself as a work professional. How would you describe yourself in the workplace? Use 2-3 adjectives to describe your work ethic. Some characteristics employers might look for in a content writer is curiosity and someone who is a self-motivated person. Let employers know right at the beginning what they should expect from you.
  • Highlight your work background. What kind of writing have you done in the past? What software systems do you know how to use? How are you going to be an asset to companies?
  • Offer portfolio and writing samples. While one's background is important, it isn’t everything. Oftentimes, one’s writing style and skills are the ultimate “test” to get one’s foot in the door to a content writing position. Employers would want to see how you write before they make decisions, and you offering to show them your portfolio and writing samples makes it easier for employers.

How to List Your Work Experience as a Content Writer

  • Use a reverse-chronological format. List your most recent positions at the beginning of your work experience section. This way, employers can see how you progressed over the years and how you applied learned experience and skills to a new position. And it makes it easier for them to pay more attention to your most recent work experience and tasks you performed as well.
  • Use action verbs that showcase your technical skills. Action verbs are crucial in showing your employer your capabilities. The following action verbs can help you demonstrate the various basic and advanced marketing skills:
  • Brainstormed
  • Worked closely with…
  • Collaborated

See our list of over 350 action verbs you can use on your resume right now.

Senior Level Work Experience as a Content Writer

  • Research appropriate markets and industries for content creation
  • Brainstorm with the team on new innovative content marketing ideas and strategies
  • Write various forms of pieces for content marketing purposes, such as long-form articles, blog posts, by-lines, thought leadership reports, with effective SEO-friendly headlines and call-to-action (CTA) for digital platforms
  • Draft and edit marketing collateral, such as brochures, eBooks, video scripts, external articles, and press releases
  • Work closely with the marketing team to curate information and draft newsletters
  • Collaborate with campaign managers and graphic designers
  • Optimize new and existing content in accordance with market trends to increase readership by 36%
  • Evaluate key metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) to measure content performance

Junior Level Work Experience for a Content Writer

  • Pitched content ideas and wrote feature articles and interview pieces covering trending topics, lifestyle, and other relevant topics
  • Conducted comprehensive primary and secondary research for authentic and informative content writing
  • Enhanced multimedia content visibility and reach through SEO strategies
  • Assisted with creation of editorial calendar and media kits
  • Worked closely with public relations coordinators and C-suite executives on brand stories
  • Collaborated with the marketing team on website optimization strategies, social media promotions, and partnership projects

How to List Your Skills as a Content Writer

As a content writer, one has to be skilled in a wide array of skills to succeed in the industry. Try emphasizing the various skills you’ve gained over the years:

  • Content Marketing
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • SEO Strategies
  • Content Marketing Systems (CMS)
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Content Management
  • Project Management
  • Communication
  • Time Management

How to List Your Education as a Content Writer

Content writers generally require a bachelor’s degree in journalism, English, communication, marketing, or other related degrees.

  • A bachelor’s degree
  • Minimum of years of relevant experience (for non-entry level positions)
  • Portfolio and writing samples
Tip: As the writing industry shifts towards digital platforms, it is important for content writers to keep up with the technology and know how to navigate the digital world. Consider advancing yourself with different new skills and knowledge, such as SEO strategies and content management systems (CMS).  

Certifications are not required, but they can better showcase your skills and increase your chances of landing your desired job.

  • HubSpot Academy Content Marketing Certificate
  • HubSpot Academy Inbound Marketing Certificate
  • HubSpot Academy Social Media Marketing Certificate
  • SEO Certificates

Content Writer Career Overview

Job Outlook

The job outlook for content writers is estimated to grow 8% from 2016 to 2026.

‍ Average Salary

The average salary for content writers, according to Payscale, is $46,043.

‍ Top Salaries by Cities

  • San Francisco -- $62,288
  • New York - $55,951
  • Austin -- $55,001
  • Seattle -- $54,695
  • Los Angeles -- $53,915

‍ Data provided by RaiseMe and Payscale.

Related Career Paths

  • Technical writer
  • Content manager
  • Content specialist
  • Content strategist
  • Content developer
  • Magazine writer
  • Magazine editor
  • Biographers
  • Creative writers

Available job openings for Content Writer

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Read our how-to guides on making your resume perfect, how to write a two-page resume (with examples & tips).

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How to List References on a Resume in 2024 (with Examples & Tips)

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about including references on a resume, from how to format them to how to know when they should be included at all.

How to Describe Work Experience on a Resume in 2024 (Examples & Tips)

Your work experience is a summary of all your hard work, dedication and achievements over the years. Here's how to do justice to your work history.

How to List Accomplishments on a Resume in 2024 (Including Awards & Key Achievements)

Showcasing your achievements is what can be the cherry on the cake to help you stand out from the crowd as a top performer and really attract employers.

More advice that will accelerate your career path

20+ key marketing skills to list on your resume in 2024 (with examples).

Being a marketer requires you to have many skills and proficiencies. In this guide, we will provide you with 20 of the best marketing skills to include on a resume. Plus, we will cover formatting and how to improve your marketing skills!

Tailor Your Resume to Any Job in 4 Easy Steps

Get significantly more interviews by following this strategy for customizing your resume to any job.

20+ Key Computer Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

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50+ Key Technical Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

Including technical skills on a resume is an absolute necessity. These types of skills show employers your quantifiable qualifications. In this guide, we will cover exactly what a technical skill is and some of the best examples to include on a resume.

Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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  • Content Writer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Content Writer Resumes:

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Content Writer Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded development of SEO-optimized content including website pages, blog posts, articles, and social media posts, increasing organic website traffic by 17%.
  • Established content strategy and editorial plans for upcoming projects, resulting in a 55% increase in total organic lead generation.
  • Generated content briefs for internal and external teams, developing an effective 3-day turnaround initiative for every campaign.
  • Developed content style guides and standards to ensure brand consistency, resulting in a unified brand image across all assets
  • Pioneered the optimization of content for SEO, utilizing appropriate keywords and metadata for increased visibility on search engines
  • Monitored analytics of published content; suggested and implemented adjustments to reflect changes in customer preferences
  • Brainstormed innovative ideas for content briefs; reduced bounce rates on webpages by 40% and boosted organic traffic
  • Coordinated with marketing, design, and sales teams to ensure content materials adhered to business objectives
  • Analyzed brand and industry trends to drive customer engagement; established customer loyalty program resulting in 10% increase in repeat purchases
  • SEO Optimization
  • Content Strategy and Planning
  • Content Creation/Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Project Coordination
  • Research & Analysis
  • Brand Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Analytics & Insights
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Time Management
  • Effective Communication
  • Team Collaboration
  • Creative Writing

Top Skills & Keywords for Content Writer Resumes:

Hard skills, soft skills, resume action verbs for content writers:, a better way to build your resume.

content writer skills for resume

Resume FAQs for Content Writers:

How long should i make my content writer resume, what is the best way to format a content writer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a content writer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a content writer, compare your content writer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Content Writer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Content Writers:

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Content Writer resume examples for 2024

When creating a content writer resume, it's important to highlight a mix of technical and creative skills. Employers are looking for individuals who can bridge the gap between coding and narrative. As Professor and Chair Gayle Rogers at the University of Pittsburgh puts it, "Many employers tell me that they seek graduates who can bridge the stereotypical-yet very real-divide in the technical world between the more rote elements of coding and the more creative elements of narrative." The ability to research and write effectively is also crucial. According to Frank Argote-Freyre , History Department at Kean University, "a good writer never goes hungry" and "research skills are important. The ability to identify sources of additional information that provide nuance to an employer is a valuable asset to bring to the workplace."


Content Writer resume example

How to format your content writer resume:.

  • Tailor your resume job title to the content writer role you're applying for
  • Highlight achievements instead of responsibilities in your work experience
  • Aim to fit your content writer resume on one page, focusing on relevant information

Choose from 10+ customizable content writer resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use content writer resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your content writer resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Content Writer Resume

Content Writer resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your content writer resume.

Content Writer Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your content writer resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Content Writer Education

Content Writer Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Bachelor's Degree In English 2013 - 2016

University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA

Content Writer Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA

3. Next, create a content writer skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an content writer resume

Blog post refers to information that you write on a blog. It can include content in the form of text, photos, infographics, or videos.

Top Skills for a Content Writer

  • Digital Marketing , 9.7%
  • WordPress , 9.3%
  • Web Content , 6.5%
  • Blog Posts , 5.8%
  • Other Skills , 68.7%

4. List your content writer experience

The most important part of any resume for a content writer is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of content writers" and "Managed a team of 6 content writers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Arranged merchandise on shelves to ensure continual availability and accessibility.
  • Engineered and Managed all social media outlets for T-Mobile, including forums, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Assisted customers with troubleshooting of media/entertainment systems.
  • Assembled monthly display units for home theater department, including televisions, DVD/Blue Ray players and high definition surround sound systems.
  • Informed customers of upcoming promotions when cross-selling DVDs, CDs and video games.
  • Acted as editor-in-chief of team newsletter; designed and distributed newsletter to the Operations Group.
  • Provided real-time feedback on web traffic using Google Analytics, trending data and SEO..
  • Coded portions of the new website by hand using HTML and uploaded and managed images in Interwoven MediaBin image database.
  • Assisted with publication production and deadline by editing/proofreading copy and proofing ads.
  • Created an online continuing education program for therapists that involved experiential requirements that actually enhanced their competence in the clinic.
  • Created web articles using content management system (CMS).
  • Supervised Internet Content Group's full-time editorial staff and stable of contract editors.
  • Assumed leadership role in building Internet Content Group from the ground up.
  • Posted all content using CMS and HTML; monitored all content, ensuring proper functioning of the site.
  • Processed and edited photos in Adobe Photoshop for marketing needs; produced photo content for the PR Newswire Times Square billboard.
  • Employed multiple analytics tools and surveys to key in on trends and insights.
  • Doubled Twitter followers of The Industrial Marketer brand twice in two consecutive years through strategic engagement strategies.
  • Developed the online editorial content for a leading product sourcing and supplier discovery website.
  • determined the needs of Government evaluators based on RFP/PWS/SOW requirements.
  • Developed reports and KPIs to optimize tracking process and uncover customer insights.

5. Highlight content writer certifications on your resume

Specific content writer certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your content writer resume:

  • Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)
  • PCM in Content Marketing Certification
  • Adobe Digital Publishing

6. Finally, add an content writer resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your content writer resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common content writer resume skills

  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Content
  • Digital Content
  • Content Marketing
  • Press Releases
  • Content Writing
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Proofreading
  • Content Creation
  • Content Strategy
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Edit Content
  • Content Development
  • Target Audience
  • Google Analytics
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Video Scripts
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Creative Content
  • Quality Content
  • Keyword Research
  • User Experience
  • Writing Articles
  • Blog Articles
  • Blog Content
  • Relevant Content
  • Graphic Design
  • Real Estate
  • Technical Content
  • B2B Marketing
  • Product Description
  • News Articles
  • Content Management System
  • Email Campaigns

Content Writer Jobs

Links to help optimize your content writer resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Content Writer resume FAQs

How do i write a resume for a content writer job, how do i write my experience as a content writer, how do freelance writers write resumes, what is a good objective for a content writer's resume, search for content writer jobs.

Updated June 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Content Writer Related Resumes

  • Assistant Editor Resume
  • Associate Editor Resume
  • Content Creator Resume
  • Content Editor Resume
  • Content Manager Resume
  • Content Specialist Resume
  • Editor Resume
  • Grant Writer Resume
  • Production Editor Resume
  • Proposal Writer Resume
  • Senior Writer Resume
  • Staff Writer Resume
  • Technical Writer Resume
  • Technical Writer And Editor Resume
  • Writer Resume

Content Writer Related Careers

  • Assistant Editor
  • Associate Editor
  • Content Creator
  • Content Editor
  • Content Manager
  • Content Specialist
  • Grant Writer
  • Managing Editor
  • News Editor
  • Production Editor
  • Proposal Writer
  • Senior Writer
  • Staff Writer

Content Writer Related Jobs

Content writer jobs by location.

  • Content Writer Anchorage
  • Content Writer Aspen Hill
  • Content Writer Cerritos
  • Content Writer Chesapeake
  • Content Writer Delta
  • Content Writer Elizabeth
  • Content Writer Fairfax
  • Content Writer Florin
  • Content Writer Fresno
  • Content Writer Portland
  • Content Writer Silverdale
  • Content Writer Sudley
  • Content Writer Suitland
  • Content Writer Tulsa
  • Content Writer Ventnor City
  • Zippia Careers
  • Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Industry
  • Content Writer
  • Content Writer Resume

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Content Writer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Curate relevant content to reach the company’s ideal customers
  • Create, curate, and manage all published content (images, video and written)
  • Monitor, listen and respond to users in a “Social” way while cultivating leads and sales
  • Conduct online advocacy and open stream for cross-promotions
  • Oversee design (ie: Facebook Timeline cover, profile pic, thumbnails, ads, landing pages, Twitter profile, and blog)
  • Compile report for management showing results (ROI)
  • Become an advocate for the Company in Social Media spaces, engaging in dialogues and answering questions where appropriate
  • Demonstrated ability to promote and present creative initiatives to internal stakeholders
  • Assume ownership of projects by working with less supervision when necessary to lead creative development through concept, presentation, and execution phases
  • Positive attitude and solutions-oriented approach
  • Work collaboratively with others in a fast-paced environment
  • Developing content and key messages for product and service marketing, newsletters, video, events, blogs, case studies, award nominations, thought pieces, white papers, digital campaigns (social media, PPC, EDMs)
  • Responsible for implementing and creating innovative strategies to increase the overall impact of the organization’s presence across all social spectrum
  • Managing content from internal and external contributors, managing the content library and ensuring documentation version control
  • Maintaining collaborative working relationships with in-house SMEs and peers for knowledge acquisition and content validation
  • Responsible for boosting website traffic from social media campaigns
  • Proven ability to extend offline creative into the online space in a way that is additive versus redundant
  • Puts the customer first, understanding what they want and how to deliver the best experience possible
  • Communicates and presents creative to internal team and client groups
  • Business Unit Knowledge Management – This team works with consulting partners, staff, and other enabling (i.e., operations) teams to design solutions and execute KM projects and initiatives that support client/service business unit strategic priorities
  • Telling stories visually across multiple media including internal websites, presentations, articles, email communications, posters and other print or digital communication platforms
  • Outstanding ability to translate the strategic communications needs of a client into appropriate and impactful creative executions; excellent ability to engage internal and external clients; Excellent judgment in dealing with sensitive issues and confidential information
  • Take direction and to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously without compromising quality or attention to detail; Ability to work under extreme pressure and strict timelines, and to thrive in a fast-paced environment; Ability to travel occasionally
  • Experience in curriculum development, instructional design or training communications role
  • Visual design skills (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc…)

Professional Skills

  • Demonstrate effective communication skills and creative problem-solving skills
  • Excellent project management skills required in order to adapt quickly and effectively to changing priorities and regional needs
  • Strong time management and prioritisation skills.Experience working in a dynamic environment
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills including a strong eye for grammar, proofreading and creative writing
  • Very strong writing/editing/proofreading skills and an excellent portfolio
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, solid understanding of user-experience principles
  • Highly self-motivated, organized, detail-oriented, strong sense of ownership, driven to learn, strong interpersonal skills and able to work independently

How to write Content Writer Resume

Content Writer role is responsible for editing, interpersonal, organizational, content, research, english, creative, analytical, web, microsoft. To write great resume for content writer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Content Writer Resume

The section contact information is important in your content writer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Content Writer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your content writer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous content writer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular content writer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Content Writer resume experience can include:

  • A strong team player who would contribute effectively to the team. Good Time management skills with an ability to multi task in a fast paced environment
  • A knack for editing and proof reading with good research skills & Good
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills including experience with MS Office: PowerPoint, Word, and Excel
  • Excellent computer skills and experience with software applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. (advantage)
  • Excellent people skills and the skill to resolve user issues diplomatically
  • Strong prioritization and organizational skills and the ability to carry detailed projects through to completion

Education on a Content Writer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your content writer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your content writer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Content Writer Resume

When listing skills on your content writer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical content writer skills:

  • Excellent writing and editing skills with a good grasp of grammar and attention to detail
  • Excellent time management skills with a proven history of delivering quality solutions on time and on budget
  • Excellent organizational skills, with ability to multi-task and set priorities
  • An experienced and creative fashion writer with excellent communication skills
  • Outstanding writing, editing, interviewing, and information analysis skills, with proven attention to detail
  • Excellent overall writing skills with exceptional spelling and grammar required

List of Typical Experience For a Content Writer Resume

Experience for digital content writer resume.

  • Strong project management skills in fast-paced environment with multiple priorities
  • Excellent people skills: interacting with, providing support, establishing a high-trust relationship in a cheerful, professional atmosphere
  • Excellent writing and editing skills in English; editing in Associated Press style is a pre
  • Good interviewing skills. Able to ask unscripted logical questions to elicit a full understanding of clients’ needs
  • Good communication skills in speaking and writing

Experience For Marketing Content Writer Resume

  • Keen eye for content that is engaging, sharable and relevant with strong journalistic skills
  • Experience working effectively with subject matter experts to produce content and secure approvals
  • Excellent writing and communication skills with an emphasis on process and product documentation
  • Strong research, organizational, and communication skills
  • Compelling and effective writing skills
  • Strong written communication skills and ability to work in a cross functional team of IT services professionals

Experience For Senior Content Writer Resume

  • User Experience skills and familiarity useful
  • Professional experience writing/editing marketing copy for web; experience writing product descriptions highly desirable
  • Extensive experience in project management, editorial and marketing, with history of developing effective email marketing programs
  • Demonstrable experience in writing (blogs, articles) technology articles for: Retail, Consumer Goods Manufacturing, and Industrial Manufacturing
  • Effectively communicate with internal and external clients, including the design, events, advertising and SEM team
  • Demonstrated experience in web publishing using a content management system
  • Exceptional listening and writing skills
  • Exceptional editing and proofreading skills; ability to check and correct their own work
  • Impeccable writing and editing skills

Experience For Technical Content Writer Resume

  • Experience working with tight deadlines and the ability to organize and prioritize projects to make sure concurrent projects are finished on time
  • Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel) and Google Docs
  • Technical editing skills and mastery of AP Style Guidelines
  • Social Media skills spanning LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Computer skills spanning Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Google Analytics, Wordpress, etc
  • Validate your deliverables by performing content reviews, observing usability testing and responding to customer feedback
  • Collaborate with design, marketing and other content resources to iterate strategy according to data-driven insights regarding conversion and user experience

Experience For Content Writer / Editor Resume

  • Marketing experience with an emphasis on content creation and creative copywriting, preferably in a B2B marketing department
  • Demonstrated knowledge of marketing principles, practices and techniques including marketing analysis and research tools
  • Demonstrates an understanding of content marketing and works to support content marketing efforts
  • Experience in content writing, with a focus on writing and creating technical topics directed at non technical individuals
  • Be flexible in a fluid and dynamic environment - including dealing with changing processes and priorities
  • Copywriting experience in an agency or related field (advertising, digital, social media, publishing/content or public relations)

Experience For Consultative Content Writer Resume

  • Experience in copywriting and editing business-to-business marketing materials
  • Experience writing and optimizing copy in several of the following channels: blog, in-game, help centres, forums
  • Experience writing training/e-learning materials, not required advantageous
  • Familiarity with A/B testing concepts and experience writing multiple versions of a message to be used for testing
  • Experience with the following: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, in addition to having a basic understanding of HTML code, CSS, responsive design, HTML5, etc
  • Technical writing, marketing / content marketing experience
  • Reporting/editing experience in a journalistic and/or branded content role covering B2B and/or B2C technology
  • At least 1-year experience in editorial or creative writing or Advertising Creative Agency
  • Helps bring awareness and builds Chase brand promise into Merchant Services’ experience by adhering to brand guidelines

Experience For SEO Content Writer Resume

  • Use digital storytelling tools including live blogs, interactive features, galleries and videos to create the richest possible online experience for readers
  • Meet changing deadlines, manage multiple projects, and balance shifting priorities
  • Be skilled in writing clear, concise and grammatically correct copy (proof reading)
  • Learning and development experience in a corporate or business setting
  • Content writing and editing experience preferably in the tech industry

Experience For Data Visualization & Design Content Writer Resume

  • Experience in writing for websites, eMail marketing, social media and articles
  • Experience in business-to-business marketing and content writing
  • Think creatively with experience in identifying opportunities and devising content that engages, informs and motivates required
  • Collaborates with team to validate software downloads, hands-on mechanical troubleshooting steps or other types of product testing
  • Experience marketing copywriting, preferably for email

Experience For Creative Content Writer Resume

  • Experience writing to an active audience, including female active enthusiasts
  • Resourceful, self-motivated and able to independently prioritize shifting workloads in a high growth, ever changing environment
  • Strong analytical abilities in researching topics and distilling out the critical issues
  • Knowledge and experience using AP writing format
  • Experience in writing exceptional content
  • Working with content for web experiences

Experience For Content Writer, Curriculum Resume

  • Experience with help content for the web, including mobile web
  • Apply a strong writing background to help us build dominant websites, brands and businesses for our clients
  • Write effective content promoting company's products, services and brand promise
  • Strong team player who enjoys working with others
  • One to two years’ experience writing
  • Experience writing for an established consumer brand
  • At least two years of experience writing professionally, preferably web content
  • Proven record of Integrity and following through on commitments

List of Typical Skills For a Content Writer Resume

Skills for digital content writer resume.

  • Strong team player with solid people skills
  • Strategic thinker and proven team player with incredibly strong communication and collaboration skills
  • Strong writing, problem-solving and organization skills
  • Excellent reasoning, problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Strong writing, analytical and investigative interviewing skills
  • Excellent interviewing, fact-checking and research skills

Skills For Marketing Content Writer Resume

  • Has a flair for storytelling and good interpersonal skills
  • Strong skills working with documents in Microsoft SharePoint
  • Excellent customer support, problem solving, and organizational skills
  • Strong development skills in survey methodology, fact gathering and analysis of secondary research for source material
  • Excellent organizational, planning, and time management skills, with an ability to multi-task

Skills For Senior Content Writer Resume

  • Excellent overall writing skills in a number of different styles/tones for digital channels
  • Excellent verbal communication skills to communicate with colleagues around the globe
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to work on multiple projects/plans and work well under deadline pressure
  • Resourcefulness and strong research skills
  • Azure based Cloud Architecture skills and experience
  • Creative and Excellent Interpersonal Communication skills

Skills For Technical Content Writer Resume

  • Detail oriented persons with good interpersonal skills
  • Strong communication skills and ability to easily collaborate across a remote workforce
  • Strong analytical skills; understands and utilises metrics relevant to role
  • Motivated, highly organized, flexible, and detail oriented, with excellent project management and communication skills
  • Excellent communication skills and an ability to work efficiently with geographically dispersed teams

Skills For Content Writer / Editor Resume

  • Excellent Content Research skills with an ability to think out of box
  • Self- motivated with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Extensive experience with writing skills in a regulated industry, preferably Medical Device
  • Superior editing skills and knowledge of composition, grammar, punctuation, spelling and proofreading
  • Proven experience building, maintaining and engaging an active audience
  • Business process and reengineering skills: ability to define new business process / re-engineer existing processes
  • Experience in the outdoor retail industry, including trends and technology; proven ability to bring an authentic outdoor perspective to copy
  • Excellent verbal and written communications (strong data journalism and storytelling, along with spelling and grammar) are essential to the role
  • Proven skill in understanding market and technology trends, ability to discover customer and prospect needs and develop marketing strategies

Skills For Consultative Content Writer Resume

  • Great research, organizational, storytelling & editing skills
  • Demonstrate expertise in producing highly effective concepts, landing pages, websites content for email, and other collateral
  • Proven experience writing inspiring, authoritative copy for active outdoor apparel
  • Proven experience working within the structure of an existing brand voice
  • Creative writing skills (e.g. story or script writing)
  • Professional writing experience or equivalent (e.g. experience as a research assistant in a technical field)
  • Superior analytical and critical thinking skills with a propensity to decipher and distill complex information

Skills For SEO Content Writer Resume

  • A genuine teammate with exceptional collaboration skills for building relationships with anyone, anywhere
  • Experience in copywriting, preferably in the customer care environment and have strong creativity to offer
  • Proven working experience as an editor
  • Simplify complex information and data to craft clear, concise, compelling communications that effectively positions and sells our solutions
  • Experience managing a small team of writers or related skill sets
  • Coordination skills and team player
  • Effectively tell a story: Make a story (or content) relevant to the role of a user / listener

Skills For Data Visualization & Design Content Writer Resume

  • Perfect written English language skills
  • Effectively tell a story: create a story (or content) relevant to the role of a user / listener
  • Exceptional writing skills across different content topics and formats. Proficiency in AP Style
  • Proven ability to multi-task and establish priorities
  • Proven 2-3 year of work experience as a Content Writer, editor or similar role; portfolio of published articles
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate and partner with sales teams and other constituents to identify, prioritize and deliver on marketing initiatives
  • Customer-service oriented and general ‘people’ skills
  • Communicate effectively and work with many team members in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment

Skills For Creative Content Writer Resume

  • Collaborate and work effectively with other departments and team members
  • Prior digital content editorial experience
  • Basic experience with Graphic Design and User Experience (UX) principles
  • Work effectively with other TQC functions to ensure alignment of products and projects
  • Strong experience with social media and digital tools

Skills For Content Writer, Curriculum Resume

  • Proven ability to analyze, organize and arrange information in a concise and effective manner, while keeping the target audience in mind
  • A collaborative mindset, active listening skills and a desire to learn and grow
  • Communicate and write effectively, to generate well-written content quickly and independently
  • Superior writing, editing and proofreading skills; can succinctly and clearly communicate complex ideas
  • Understanding of design principles, web writing best practices and how content fits into the user experience
  • Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality, including proofreading, copy editing and maintaining design consistency
  • Strong ability to adapt writing to several different audiences and media, while maintaining alignment with college’s voice and strategic messaging
  • Professional copywriting experience in a marketing communications or advertising agency environment

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Content Writer Resume

Responsibilities for digital content writer resume.

  • Write and develop content for several mediums – online, video, etc. – that has maximum accessibility and value to customer with the ultimate result of deflecting CS contacts
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills Excellent grasp of English language
  • Strong research skills and the ability to understand a market sector or business quickly and translate that understanding into actionable insights
  • Strong communication skills and ability to easily collaborate across a remote workforce across countries
  • Internet savvy ; good search skills
  • Logical reasoning, and sound judgment skills
  • Solid writing and content creation experience for various channels

Responsibilities For Marketing Content Writer Resume

  • Proven work history with 2 -4 years of relevant experience writing for a large corporation
  • Superior writing skills in a number of different styles/tones, from formal to casual
  • Proven work history with 1-3 years of relevant experience writing for a large corporation
  • Experience working with content for web experiences
  • Able to prioritize work and shift priorities as needed to meet deadlines and milestones
  • Effectively communicates with stakeholders and internal teams
  • Has great attention to detail, superior organizational skills, and thrives in chaos
  • Uses internal tools to effectively manage projects from start to finish

Responsibilities For Senior Content Writer Resume

  • Have the passion and communication skills of an editor, combined with the organizational aptitude of a project manager
  • Writing experience in a conversational voice, ideally to a student or young adult audience
  • Seven years of online instructional content writing experience, including with help content authoring tools such as RoboHelp or Flare
  • Three years of online instructional content writing experience, including with help content authoring tools such as RoboHelp or Flare
  • Experience with creating 'tone of voice' standards, proof reading and editing copy
  • Solid understanding of news writing, journalistic ethics and story structure
  • B2B copywriting and editing experience
  • Strong writing ability with focus on copywriting for technology market
  • Five years writing experience in Marketing, Journalism, Communications, or similar

Responsibilities For Technical Content Writer Resume

  • Experience writing for brand, brand positioning and brand voice
  • Experience teaching or tutoring English to young and/or teenage students
  • BA in English, journalism, advertising, marketing or other relevant field or equivalent education and experience
  • Experience working with complex concepts and translating it into concise, clear copy
  • Experience in communications, copywriting, or content marketing roles, either in an agency or in-house
  • Writing experience in agency setting or client side
  • Relevant experience in writing industry-related marketing content
  • Good working knowledge and understanding of Tools and Maintenance
  • Excellent flair for writing documentation, training content

Responsibilities For Content Writer / Editor Resume

  • Mid-level experience within marketing/advertising, with a heavy focus on digital and social media
  • Expert level experience working in Microsoft Word (e.g. developing templates)
  • Experience developing e-mail communications using HTML
  • Digital marketing or ad agency experience
  • Copyedit and revise marketing and sales content developed by others prior to publication

Responsibilities For Consultative Content Writer Resume

  • Has a proven track record in (English) copywriting
  • Has relevant copywriting work experience
  • At least one year experience in content writing
  • Good in Handling Social Media Promotional Content
  • To craft and deliver excellent copywriting aligned with Group standard and resolve overlappingcontents in DBS Indonesia website
  • Relevant experience working with designers, product managers, project managers and developers in an agile fashion
  • Experience as a technical writer preferably for customer facing content

Responsibilities For SEO Content Writer Resume

  • Experience with online content, production or marketing communications
  • Develops and produces effective and creative communications to distribute across all digital – and some offline – marketing platforms
  • Strong knowledge of word processing and presentation suites
  • Experience working in a live stage environment
  • Writes and edits compelling stories, connects the flow / experience
  • Drive the collection and synthesis of data from marketing development, internal partners, analysts and research to inform effective storylines
  • Freelance or agency writing experience
  • Experience writing copy for the web
  • Experience writing copy for multiple social channels

Responsibilities For Data Visualization & Design Content Writer Resume

  • Professional writing experience
  • A good understanding of social media and the ability to spot hot topics online
  • Have a writing portfolio that demonstrates a variety of content types such as help articles, user guides, blog articles, and UI copy
  • Have experience working in a headless CMS such as Contentful—just a nice-to-have
  • Experience in content writing and creation
  • Strong problem solving mentality and result driven attitude

Responsibilities For Creative Content Writer Resume

  • Good knowledge on information mapping, Ms-Office, HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver
  • Manage and prioritize assigned content requests, ensuring information is published efficiently and aligns to style guide
  • Participate in frequent content audits to review existing content's accuracy and effectiveness
  • Three to four years experience writing for a large agency or corporation
  • Excellent with Microsoft Office, including Publisher, and Adobe InDesign

Responsibilities For Content Writer, Curriculum Resume

  • Skilled with Adobe Captivate, or equivalent eLearning tool
  • Experience in content writing or related fields required
  • Experience in copywriting and edition
  • No previous Javascript experience is required, however a willingness to learn introductory programming is required
  • Experience optimizing content for readability
  • Experience in content, technical, or copy writing

Related to Content Writer Resume Samples

Content director resume sample, content partnerships resume sample, web content writer resume sample, editor, associate, / editor, associate resume sample, editor, senior resume sample, manager & writer resume sample, resume builder.

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Marketing Resumes
  • Content Writer Resume Guide & Examples

Creative Content Writer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Creative Content Writer Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Creative Content Writer
  • Senior Copywriter
  • Content Strategist
  • Content Creator

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Jump to a resource:

  • Creative Content Writer Resume Tips

Creative Content Writer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., creative content writer resume sample.

Creative content writers create copies that require creativity and imagination. This is in contrast to more technical copies such as manuals or guidebooks. Creative content can include blogs, ebooks, advertisements, poems, etc. You must be able to think outside the box and create unique copies to thrive in this position. Your resume should focus on your experience writing creative copies and any background in the arts or a similar field is likely to be attractive to a recruiter. Here is a sample resume for a creative content writer.

A creative content writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s quantifiable success and language acumen

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your creative content writer resume in 2024,    include all languages you write in..

Being able to create content in multiple languages is a huge advantage and is very attractive to recruiters. It means you can translate your work and also expands the number of companies you can apply to, and countries you can apply in.

Include all languages you write in. - Creative Content Writer Resume

   Include metrics to show impressive content engagement.

Content is written to be consumed. Your content, therefore, needs to be very engaging. Show recruiters that you can create engaging content by using metrics. This resume does this effectively. E.g. this applicant’s copy ‘[shot] engagement up by 200% within 5 months of [a] campaign.

Include metrics to show impressive content engagement. - Creative Content Writer Resume

Senior Copywriter Resume Sample

Content strategist resume sample, content creator resume sample.

We spoke with hiring managers at top companies like BuzzFeed, Condé Nast, and HubSpot to gather their best tips for creating a strong Creative Content Writer resume. They've seen thousands of resumes throughout their careers and know exactly what makes a candidate stand out. Here are their top pieces of advice.

   Show your writing range and versatility

Hiring managers want to see that you can write for different audiences, topics, and formats. Highlight your range in your resume:

  • Wrote 10+ articles per week on topics like health, travel, and finance for lifestyle site with 500K monthly readers
  • Created product descriptions, category pages, and buying guides for ecommerce site, increasing organic traffic by 25%
  • Developed brand voice guidelines and wrote UX copy for B2B SaaS product

Avoid pigeonholing yourself into one type of writing. Show you can adapt your voice and style to fit different needs.

Bullet Point Samples for Creative Content Writer

   Quantify your content's impact and reach

Many writers fill their resumes with fluffy descriptions of their work. Stand out by using hard numbers to show the impact of your writing:

  • Wrote blog content about the latest industry trends
  • Created email newsletters with helpful tips and advice

Instead, quantify your achievements like this:

  • Wrote 4 blog posts per month, increasing organic blog traffic by 40% and generating 50 marketing qualified leads
  • Grew email subscriber base from 5,000 to 50,000 readers and achieved 25% open rate on weekly newsletter

   Highlight content strategy and SEO skills

The best content writers don't just write well. They understand how to plan and execute a content strategy, and how to optimize their writing for search engines. Showcase these valuable skills:

Developed quarterly content plans aligned with marketing campaigns and product launches. Optimized content for target keywords, increasing organic traffic by 30% and first page rankings by 50%.

If you've collaborated with teams like SEO, product marketing, or growth, highlight how you partnered with them to maximize your content's reach and impact.

   Show career progression and leadership

Hiring managers love seeing a candidate take on more responsibility and grow throughout their career. Your resume should tell that story:

  • Content Writer, Acme Co, 2018-2022
  • Wrote 5 posts per week for company blog
  • Collaborated with design on infographics

A resume that shows growth is much more impressive:

  • Senior Content Writer, Acme Co, 2020-2022
  • Led development of new content strategy, doubling blog subscribers in 6 months
  • Managed and edited work of 2 junior writers
  • Content Writer, Acme Co, 2018-2020
  • Wrote 5 SEO-optimized posts per week, increasing blog traffic 40% YoY

   Include content samples and a portfolio

The best way to show off your writing chops is to include links to samples of your published work. Choose 3-5 of your best, most relevant samples and list them in a separate 'Portfolio' section at the bottom of your resume.

Even better, create an online writing portfolio that showcases your range. Include the link at the top of your resume near your contact info. Avoid generic portfolio sites like Contently. Use a custom domain name if possible.

Read my work at

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Hiring managers can spot a generic resume from a mile away. Show them you're the perfect fit by tailoring your resume to the job:

  • Echo the job title. If the job post is for a 'Brand Content Writer', use that exact title in your resume instead of just 'Content Writer'
  • Highlight the skills they're looking for, like 'long-form content', 'social media writing' or 'email newsletters'
  • Sprinkle in keywords from the job description, like 'top of funnel', 'buyer personas', or 'thought leadership'

Customize your intro summary and work experience bullets for each role. It takes more time but is well worth it to stand out in a sea of generic applications.

Writing Your Creative Content Writer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant qualifications for a job. It's a chance to quickly showcase why you're a great fit, without repeating information already in your resume. Summaries are useful for providing context if you're changing careers or have a lot of experience. However, they're not necessary for everyone and should be avoided if you're early in your career or lack relevant experience.

Never use an objective statement instead of a summary. Objectives are outdated and focus on what you want, rather than what you can offer an employer. Keep your summary concise - no more than a short paragraph. And while it's a great place to include relevant keywords, avoid generic buzzwords or soft skills.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Creative Content Writer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Creative Content Writer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Creative Content Writer Resume Summary Examples , or Creative Content Writer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to creative content writer jobs

When writing a summary for a creative content writer position, it's important to highlight your most relevant skills and experiences. Focus on your writing abilities, content creation expertise, and any specialized knowledge you have that relates to the job.

Avoid generic statements that could apply to any writing job, like this:

  • Experienced writer with strong communication skills and attention to detail.

Instead, get specific about your creative content writing qualifications:

  • Creative content writer with 5+ years of experience crafting engaging blog posts, social media content, and email newsletters for B2B and B2C brands.

2. Quantify your content writing achievements

To make your creative content writer summary more impactful, include numbers and data to illustrate your successes. Metrics help employers quickly grasp the scope and results of your work.

Creative writer well-versed in content strategy and SEO. Skilled at developing blog posts, ebooks, and web copy that engages target audiences and drives action. Experienced in managing freelance writers and content calendars.

While this summary touches on relevant skills, it doesn't provide any context around the writer's achievements. A more effective summary would include specific details:

Creative content strategist and writer specializing in crafting SEO-optimized blog posts, ebooks, and web copy. Increased organic blog traffic by 25% and generated 500+ marketing qualified leads for an enterprise software company. Experienced managing teams of 5-7 freelance writers and ownership of editorial calendar and content distribution.


The work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers what you've accomplished in previous roles, and how that translates to the creative content writer position you're applying for. In this section, we'll break down the key steps to crafting a compelling work experience section that will catch a hiring manager's eye.

1. Use strong creative writing verbs

When describing your previous roles, use action verbs that showcase your creative writing abilities. Weak, generic verbs like 'wrote,' 'created,' or 'managed' don't give hiring managers a clear picture of your contributions. Instead, try verbs like:

  • Crafted compelling blog posts that increased organic traffic by 40%
  • Spearheaded the development of a new brand voice that resonated with target audiences
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to produce engaging social media content

These verbs paint a more vivid picture of your creative skills in action. Avoid bland descriptions of responsibilities like:

  • Wrote articles for the company blog
  • Helped with social media posts

Action Verbs for Creative Content Writer

2. Showcase your content portfolio

As a creative content writer, your portfolio is your most powerful asset. Make sure to highlight your best writing samples in your work experience section. For each relevant role, include 1-2 bullet points that describe your most impressive or relevant pieces.

For example:

  • Wrote a series of thought leadership articles that generated 500+ leads for the sales team
  • Crafted product descriptions that increased ecommerce conversion rates by 15%

If you have online writing samples, consider including links right in your resume. This makes it easy for hiring managers to see your work in just a click.

3. Quantify your content writing impact

Whenever possible, use hard numbers to show the impact of your creative content. Metrics help hiring managers understand the real-world results of your work. Ask yourself:

  • Did your content increase web traffic, conversion rates, or engagement?
  • Did your writing contribute to generating leads or sales?
  • Did your work help improve brand awareness or audience growth?

Here are some examples of how to quantify your achievements:

  • Wrote SEO-optimized blog content that increased organic traffic by 50% in 6 months
  • Crafted email copy that drove a 20% increase in open rates and a 5% increase in click-through rates
  • Produced social media content that grew followers by 25% and increased engagement by 40%

4. Highlight your content specializations

Creative content writing is a broad field, encompassing everything from blog posts to video scripts to UX copy. Use your work experience section to showcase your specific areas of expertise. This helps hiring managers understand where you're best equipped to add value.

For example, if you specialize in writing for the web, you might include bullet points like:

  • Wrote and edited website copy for product pages, landing pages, and blog articles
  • Collaborated with UX designers to craft intuitive, user-friendly site navigation and microcopy
  • Optimized content for search engines, using keyword research and SEO best practices

Or if you have experience with scriptwriting, you could say something like:

Wrote engaging video scripts for product demos, customer testimonials, and brand stories, contributing to a 30% increase in average view duration


Your education section is a key part of your creative content writer resume. It shows hiring managers your knowledge and training. Let's break down how to write it effectively.

How To Write An Education Section - Creative Content Writer Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the last 1-2 years, place your education section above your work experience. This highlights your most relevant qualification first.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in English, Summa Cum Laude University of California, Los Angeles, 2022 Relevant Coursework: Creative Writing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing
  • Listing your education far down in your resume if it's your strongest qualification
  • Omitting relevant coursework, honors or GPA if you're a new grad

2. Keep education concise if you're experienced

If you have 5+ years of content writing experience, keep your education section brief. Hiring managers will focus more on your professional achievements. Just list your degree, school and graduation year.

EDUCATION B.A. English, Northwestern University

Senior-level creative content writers can omit the year to minimize potential age discrimination. For example:

EDUCATION Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Columbia University

3. Add writing-related certifications

Include relevant certifications in content writing, SEO, content strategy or digital marketing on your resume. List them under education or in a separate "Certifications" section.

Some examples:

  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification
  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ)
  • Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer

Avoid listing generic certifications or online courses not specific to content writing or marketing. Focus on industry-recognized credentials that show expertise.


The skills section of your resume is a vital component that showcases your abilities to potential employers. As a creative content writer, it's important to highlight the specific skills that make you stand out in your field. In this section, we'll break down the key steps to follow when crafting a compelling skills section for your resume.

How To Write Your Skills Section - Creative Content Writer Roles

1. Identify relevant skills for creative content writers

When selecting skills to include in your resume, focus on those that are most relevant to the creative content writer role. Consider the job description and the company's needs, and choose skills that align with their requirements.

Some key skills to include for a creative content writer might be:

  • Writing : Copywriting, SEO writing, storytelling, editing
  • Content creation : Blog posts, articles, social media content, email newsletters
  • Tools : WordPress, Google Docs, Grammarly, Canva

2. Avoid generic or outdated skills

Many job seekers make the mistake of including generic or outdated skills in their resume. This can make your skills section appear less relevant and impactful.

Microsoft Office Communication Teamwork Multitasking

Instead, focus on specific, up-to-date skills that showcase your expertise as a creative content writer:

SEO optimization Content management systems (WordPress, Drupal) Social media marketing Copywriting for landing pages

3. Organize skills into categories

Grouping your skills into categories can make your skills section more readable and impactful. This is especially helpful if you have a wide range of skills that span different areas.

For example, you might organize your skills like this:

  • Writing : Blog posts, articles, web copy, product descriptions
  • SEO : Keyword research, on-page optimization, meta descriptions
  • Content management : WordPress, HubSpot, Drupal
  • Social media : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn

4. Be mindful of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on specific keywords and skills. To increase your chances of passing through these filters, make sure to include relevant keywords from the job description in your skills section.

For example, if the job description mentions "SEO writing" as a requirement, include this skill in your resume:

SEO writing Keyword optimization On-page SEO

By including these specific terms, you'll be more likely to pass through the ATS and have your resume reviewed by a human recruiter.

Skills For Creative Content Writer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Creative Content Writer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Web Content Writing
  • Content Development
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Content Strategy

Skills Word Cloud For Creative Content Writer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Creative Content Writer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Creative Content Writer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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The content marketer’s edge: 10 skills for success in the modern era.

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Content marketers need a core set of skills in our modern age.

What do you think are the top skills content marketers need in their toolkits?

  • Writing and editing? Check.
  • SEO knowledge? Check.
  • Content strategy? Check.
  • Storytelling? Check.
  • Creative thinking? Check.

In truth, those skills are table stakes, especially with the onward march of generative AI. And with AI becoming a mainstay in the workplace, employers are shifting their focus from traditional qualifications to specific skills that drive success. This shift is ushering in a skills-based hiring revolution, leaving many content marketers wondering: What exactly are the in-demand skills I need to have?

Recent research from SHL, a leading talent acquisition and management platform, has uncovered the top 10 skills employers across industries are looking for. These skills, proven to be in the skillsets of high-performing employees, are also important for content marketers looking to stay ahead in their careers.

In this article, I’ll explore each of those skills, why they matter for content marketers, and how to develop them if needed, complete with examples and practical tips.

Ready? Let’s go!

1. The visionary strategist

Look to the future to be a visionary content marketer!

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Content without strategy is like a ship without a rudder. You need a strategic, big-picture vision to make sure that your content maps to your company's (and team’s) broader goals.

Imagine a B2B software company whose CEO dreams of simplifying complex IT. The content strategist doesn’t just write content briefs willy nilly or churn out random blog posts. They create a complete narrative that supports the CEO’s vision, from IT troubleshooting guides to deep dives into system integration.

To develop this skill:

  • Check in with leadership on the long-term vision and translate it into a content plan.
  • Regularly sync your content strategy with the company's changing goals.
  • Create a vision board for your team that captures your strategic direction.

2. The big-picture thinker

To be a big-picture thinker, you need a bird's-eye view of what's going in your company and ... [+] industry.

Tunnel vision won't cut it in content marketing. You need to connect the dots between seemingly unrelated ideas to create content that resonates across channels and audiences. Take a fitness app, for instance. A broad thinker expands the app’s content beyond workout routines, branching into nutrition, mental health, and work-life balance.

To develop big-picture thinking:

  • Read content from different industries and disciplines to spark fresh ideas.
  • Brainstorm with team members, sharing insights from different fields.
  • Link seemingly unrelated concepts to generate unique content ideas.

(Hint: My card deck— The Blog Post Inspiration Deck —is a great tool for developing unique content ideas; it helps you pull from the details of your work and life to create content that no one else on the internet can create but you.)

3. The motivator and empowerer

Motivating others to create great content isn't a primary skill for content marketers—but those who ... [+] can, should!

A motivated team is a productive team. Imagine a content marketing manager who sparks innovation with a "Content Creator of the Month" program, recognizing writers who push boundaries and deliver exceptional content and results.

To become a motivator and empowerer:

  • Study leadership techniques, actively listen to your team, and celebrate wins.
  • Share success stories and encourage peer-to-peer appreciation.
  • Encourage your team to own their projects and give opportunities for growth and development.

4. The market watcher

Keep an eye on what's happening in your industry and with competitors so you can fill gaps as you ... [+] find them.

Keeping tabs on industry trends and competitor strategies is vital for staying relevant. For example, imagine a content marketer for a tech company who notices a surge in discussions about AI-powered writing tools on social media and industry forums. They see this as an opportunity to create timely content that addresses readers’ growing interest in the technology.

To become a watcher:

  • Set up Google Alerts to monitor keywords, competitors, and topics your target audience follows and get timely notifications about new developments.
  • Regularly review your competitors' blogs, social media posts, and websites to see what topics they’re writing about and identify gaps you can fill.
  • Use tools like Hootsuite or Mention to track conversations and mentions of your brand, industry, and relevant topics across social platforms.

5. The ROI guru

Monitor metrics that matter.

If you want to win budget and prove your worth, demonstrate how your content is pulling the levers that matter. A SaaS startup's content team, for instance, might meticulously track how blog posts affect free trial sign-ups and demo requests to justify a growing budget.

  • Learn basic financial concepts and how to calculate content marketing ROI.
  • Understand which metrics leadership cares about and set up a content scoring system.
  • Regularly report on how your initiatives are driving leads and sales.

6. The continuous improver

Keep on experimenting and improving your content.

How often do you improve existing content? Resting on your laurels is a recipe for irrelevance. The most successful content marketers are always experimenting and optimizing. For example, an online course creator might consistently test different video lengths, interactive elements, and quiz styles to see what keeps learners engaged and drives higher completion rates.

To hone this skill:

  • A/B test everything. Experiment with headlines, calls to action, content formats, and distribution channels to find what resonates best.
  • Dig into your analytics data to pinpoint what's working—and not. Use this data to make informed decisions that boost your content's performance.
  • Ask your audience and team members for honest feedback. Their insights can be invaluable for refining your content and strategy.

(Hint: You could also ask your editor—or ask me , if you don’t have an editor. I’m always happy to review content and share how to improve it.)

7. The tech-savvy maven

Use all the tech and tools available to make your job easier and your content better.

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re not a Luddite. And that’s good, because using the right tools can supercharge how you create, distribute, and analyze content. A leadership consultant, for instance, might use AI-powered presentation software to create visually stunning slide decks that captivate clients and communicate messages powerfully. They might also use social scheduling tools to make it easier to post thought leadership content consistently.

To become a tech-savvy maven:

  • Subscribe to industry blogs, newsletters, and podcasts to keep tabs on the latest content marketing tools and tech.
  • Explore AI-powered tools for writing, editing, optimization, and distribution. I use AI tools daily—they save me time and elevate my content game.
  • Take workshops or online courses to sharpen your digital skills and stay on top of emerging technologies.

8. The consensus builder

Content marketing isn't always a solo sport; sometimes it's for a team!

Content marketing isn't always a solo sport. If you’re in a larger organization, you might need buy-in and collaboration from others. For instance, imagine a global corporation’s content team that works hand-in-hand product marketing, customer success, and demand generation to make sure their storytelling hits broader business objectives and results in campaigns that work.

To master this skill:

  • Talk about your content strategy's goals, target audience, messaging, and projected results in a way everyone can understand.
  • Back up your ideas and proposals with hard data and show how your strategy maps to the company's larger objectives.
  • Build strong relationships with key people across the company. Their support might mean the difference between a successful campaign and a flop.

9. The empathetic storyteller

Tell stories that touch your reader's heart and emotions.

Content that truly connects is content that speaks to your audience's heart and soul. Consider a sustainable fashion brand that uses its platform to show the real-life effect of ethical fashion choices. By tapping into the audience's values and emotions, the brand can build a loyal community of like-minded people.

To become an empathetic storyteller:

  • Create detailed audience personas that go beyond demographics. Consider instead each persona’s use cases, motivations, pain points, and aspirations.
  • Don't just guess what your audience wants. Have real conversations with them to understand their needs, challenges, and desires.
  • Weave stories into your content to evoke emotions, connect with your audience on a personal level, and inspire readers to take action.

10. The quick learner

Keep learning!

To stay ahead in content marketing, be a sponge for new knowledge. For example, a nimble marketing agency might encourage its team to experiment with emerging platforms, allowing them to be the first to master new tools so they can create buzzworthy campaigns.

To cultivate this skill:

  • View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. The only way to fail is to stop trying.
  • Be a voracious information consumer. Explore online courses, workshops, conferences, and industry publications to stay on the cutting edge.
  • Don't be afraid to try new approaches. Learn from your successes and failures, and keep refining your strategies.

Wanted: Your human edge in the digital age

AI won't eliminate the need for your human edge—not in my lifetime!

As AI continues to revolutionize content marketing, the role of the human content marketer is becoming more crucial. While AI can streamline tasks and give you valuable insights, it's your uniquely human skills—creativity, empathy, strategic thinking, and adaptability—that will set your content apart.

By mastering these 10 essential skills, you'll thrive in the modern era and become a driving force in your organization, creating content that captivates, converts, and leaves lasting impressions. The most successful content marketers are those who never stop learning and growing. Embrace the challenge, invest in your skills, and then, hold on! Your career is about to soar.

Renae Gregoire

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Content Marketing Institute

31 Great Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Tools

31 Great Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Tools

  • by Ann Gynn
  • | Published: August 21, 2024
  • | Content Creation

Great content writing must be powerful and effective to captivate your audience.

But accomplishing that with your content writing isn’t an easy task. Whether you craft words for B2B or B2C audiences, the challenges can be many.

To help, I’ve compiled web writing examples, tips, tools, and resources. The goal is to give you some insights and new tools to help address or minimize the creation stumbling blocks web and content writers face.

Let’s get to it.

1. Go for the surprise

When you write something that’s unexpected, your audience will likely stop scrolling and take a moment to learn more. In the worst cases, this approach to content writing falls under the nefarious clickbait category. But in the best cases, it can delight and engage the viewer.

Nike is always a go-to source for the best content examples. The summer of 2024 didn’t disappoint with its Winning Isn’t for Everyone campaign.

With a debut in time for the global games, Nike featured the world’s greatest athletes (well, all the great Nike-sponsored athletes) talking about they are motivated by victory and that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to win. Writing those four words — winning isn’t for everyone — fosters a strong reaction. After all, there are far more people who don’t win than do. But audiences are also likely to watch more of the videos to learn what Nike is really talking about.

As you watch the video, note the repetition of the same question (“Am I a bad person?”) followed by short, staccato-paced statements. This approach creates a lyrical story. And it paid off, earning over 2.2 million views in two weeks.

2. Don’t forget text has a starring role in video

Words appear in blog posts or descriptions of product features and benefits. But writers can also shine in  video scripts, along with set designers, actors, and filmmakers. Writers can take any topic and help make it captivating.

J.P. Morgan used animation and strong scripts to explain finance-related concepts in its Unpacked series, a finalist in the Content Marketing Awards for best video. This 4.5-minute episode covers how private companies go public:

3. Tap into trends with simple writing prompts

I’m always a fan of Dove’s #KeepBeautyReal campaigns. Most recently, it created an example of powerful writing in this simple question, “ What kind of beauty do we want AI to learn?”

Capitalizing on the AI trend and interest, Dove illustrates the difference between AI-created images for prompts about “beautiful women” and “beautiful women according to Dove’s Real Beauty ads.” In the first three months of its debut, the video with few words has earned over 100K views on Dove’s YouTube channel and garnered mainstream and industry media attention.

4. Let your audience create great writing and video examples

Creativity can emerge in many ways. Sometimes, it’s a simple starting point that reflects the times, as Dove did in its content example.

It also may lead a brand to contribute to its own pop culture trend as The Stanley did with its Quencher Cup social media campaign in 2024 . Its influencer campaign prompted these fun user-generated examples of web writing and illustration in the form of memes and TikTok videos promoting the brand’s popular drinking vessel.

Hilarious Scales created this sample that’s been seen by over 10 million viewers:

@hilarious_scaless How yall be lookin with them Stanley Cups 🤣 #fypシ #fyp #stanleycup #stanleytumbler ♬ original sound – Hilarious_scales

Fans of hockey (that sport with the other Stanley Cup) also got into the action as Instagram account Daily Facebook shared this example:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by DailyFaceoff (@dailyfaceoff)

5. Nail down your headlines

I’ve said it often: Headlines are the powerhouse of your content writing. After all, if the headline isn’t a success, the content behind it will never be read.

A 2024 study published in Science Advance conducted over 30,000 field experiments with The Washington Post and Upworthy headlines. It found that readers prefer simpler headlines (more common words and more readable writing) over complex ones. They also paid more attention to and more deeply processed the simpler headlines.

The e-book headline in this example from OptinMonster is straightforward: 50 Smart Ways to Segment Your Email List. It uses a numeral (50), a helpful adjective (smart), and a second-person pronoun (your) to speak directly to the audience, all of which elevates the article’s value in the reader’s mind.

The e-book headline in this example from OptinMonster is straightforward: 50 Smart Ways to Segment Your Email List.

Image source

6. Analyze the potential impact of your content headlines

Size up headlines with the Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer , which reveals an emotional marketing value score.

This headline example — 14 Ways Marketing Automation Helps B2B Companies Succeed — earns an emotional marketing value (EMV) of 37.5%. Most professional copywriters’ headlines typically have a 30% to 40% EMV score.

This headline example — 14 Ways Marketing Automation Helps B2B Companies Succeed — earns an emotional marketing value (EMV) of 37.5%.

The same headline in a similar tool, CoSchedule Blog Post Headline Analyzer , earns a score of 77 out of 100. This analysis looks at word balance, headline type, sentiment, reading grade level, clarity, and skimmability. It also identifies areas for improvement, such as the use of uncommon, emotional, and power words.

The same headline in a similar tool, CoSchedule Blog Post Headline Analyzer, earns a score of 77 out of 100.

7. Adjust title formats with this content writing tool

Speed your formatting tasks with TitleCase . The tool converts your title into various circumstances — all caps, hyphen, etc., so you don’t have to rekey or reformat.

8. Write headlines with words that resonate

BuzzSumo research consistently identifies “how-to” or guidance-focused headlines that resonate far better with audiences than any other type.

It makes sense. Audiences are seeking information that will help them in their lives, and they have a lot of content from which to choose. By writing phrases like “how to” in a headline, you tell them clearly what they’re going to get.

Get more tips from CMI’s article How To Create Headlines That Are Good for Readers and Business .

9. Focus on clarity for web content

Explaining your product or service can get cumbersome, but it shouldn’t if you want the audience to quickly understand how your company can help solve their pain points.

In this example, Zendesk succinctly highlights three results gained by the enterprise clients of its customer service platform:

  • Drive better conversations
  • Maximize agent efficiency
  • Adapt faster to change

The three- and four-word headlines are followed by short explanations (two sentences) and a link to the product’s relevant features for that category.

In this example, Zendesk highlights three results gained by the enterprise clients of its customer service platform: drive better conversations, maximize agent efficiency, and adapt faster to change.

10. Write to win over readers

How does your content inspire readers or get them to care?

Some suggestions include:

  • Focus on actionable content they could use right away.
  • Establish instant credibility and expertise so they understand why you’re the go-to resource.
  • Add value they wouldn’t see or find elsewhere.

This ad for the Content Marketing Institute newsletter works well as a sample of website content writing. It illustrates how to motivate the audience to see that the content is relevant for them. Its headline “Looking for Fresh Content Inspiration?” speaks directly to the reader. Its follow-up sentence explains in detail what the reader will get — expert advice, standout examples, and creative ideas.

The Content Marketing Institute headline, “Looking for Fresh Content Inspiration?” speaks directly to the reader. Its follow-up sentence explains in detail what the reader will get — expert advice, standout examples, and creative ideas.

11. Choose words that motivate actions

Sometimes, it’s a simple word or phrase that prompts someone to take the next step. Buffer offers a list of more than 150 words . These 19 words and phrases are examples of how to gain the audience’s trust:

  • Bestselling
  • Endorsed by
  • Money-back guarantee
  • No obligation
  • No questions asked
  • Recommended
  • Transparent
  • Try for free

In this web page example, OptinMonster opts for one of those words in its headline — How To Create a Fail-Proof Digital Marketing Plan in 5 Steps .

In this web page example, OptinMonster opts for one of those words in its headline — How To Create a Fail-Proof Digital Marketing Plan in 5 Steps.

12. Keep it brief but convey a lot

Given your audience reads on screens, your web writing usually appears in a small space. Yet, it still must reflect a strong message.

For example, this American Express Business web copy uses five words to indicate that it gets the reader’s problem — “Don’t stress over seasonal surges.” Then, it uses another five words to indicate that it has a solution — “Help you keep your business thriving.” On the right, it shows the product name that will do all that (American Express business line of credit.)

This American Express Business web copy uses five words to indicate they get the reader’s problem — “Don’t stress over seasonal surges.” Then, it uses another five words to indicate it has a solution — “Help keep your business thriving.” On the right, it shows the product name that will do all that (American Express business line of credit.)

13. Create compelling content with better words

Choosing a single word to convey the perfect sentiment makes the most of your available content space. To help, Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger offers a collection of words that can make a difference in your writing: 801+ Power Words That Make You Sound Smart . Here are 15 of them:

  • Frightening

In this headline — Firefox Hacks for Everyone: From Cozy Gamers to Minimalists and Beyond — the Mozilla blog opted for one of the power words, “hack.”

In this headline — Firefox Hacks for Everyone: From Cozy Gamers to Minimalists and Beyond — the Mozilla blog opted for one of the power words, “hack.”

 I’ll issue a caveat on this option: Power words can quickly become overused. “Hack” is coming close to saturation.

14. Length isn’t everything

I like to know content length rules and preferences. They give me guideposts for my web writing.

Google makes 30 characters available in its ad headlines, and it’s hard to go shorter than that. This simple sample — Best Enterprise CRM Platform — is 28 characters.

This simple sample — Best Enterprise CRM Platform — is 28 characters.

On social media, though, the character parameters are greater, and you could improve engagement by falling short of the upper limits.

Instagram is a perfect example of where writing content short of the 2,200-character maximum caption is a better decision. In fact, experts say the ideal length is 125 characters, which takes up the space visible before the viewer must click to read more.

Still, sometimes writing fewer than 125 characters can work well and draw attention in a crowded feed, as this sample from Grammarly shows. Its caption — “Learn actionable strategies for leveraging Gen AI to elevate your team’s productivity.” — totals just 88 characters.

Grammarly's caption — “Learn actionable strategies for leveraging Gen AI to elevate your team’s productivity.” — totals just 88 characters.

Of course, exceptions exist. If your content’s primary goal is search engine optimization, longer content is almost always best. As a website ages, it may be able to get by with shorter pieces because it’s already established authority and has more pages, inbound links , etc. However, extended content often helps generate high rankings for targeted keyword phrases and similar words.

15. Choose short words for your web writing

You don’t need to use a lot of words to get your point across. Short ones can work in your favor. Consider these common examples of better choices:

  • “Show,” not “indicate”
  • “Get rid of,” not “eliminate”
  • “Use,” not “utilize”
  • “To,” not “in order to”
  • “Help,” not “facilitate”
  • “Get,” not “obtain”

16. Use a tool to keep track of word counts

Meet your word count goals and improve your word choice with the WordCounter tool. It also helps identify keywords and their appropriate frequency of use.

17. Recognize common writing mistakes

Grammar Girl , created by Mignon Fogarty, founder of Quick and Dirty Tips, outlines some common mistakes, such as this example on the use of that vs. which in writing.

“The simple rule is to use ‘that’ with a restrictive element and ‘which’ with a non-restrictive element … The cupcakes that have sprinkles are still in the fridge. The words “that have sprinkles” restrict the kind of cupcake we’re talking about. Without those words, the meaning of the sentence would change. Without them, we’d be saying that all the cupcakes are still in the fridge, not just the ones with sprinkles.”

18. Use parallel construction

Parallel construction organizes the text and relieves your readers of expending mental energy to piece together the thoughts.

  • For example, this mish-mash list is not parallel because the sentence structures vary:
  • It could be time to look over your business software contract.
  • Consider the best products.
  • If you want the product to benefit your company, include others’ points of view.

The list is parallel because every sentence starts the same way – with a verb .

  • Review your business software contract.
  • Shop for the best products based on features, costs, and support options.
  • Ask key members of your team for their perspectives, including productivity barriers.

19. Know when to break the infinitive rule

Avoid splitting infinitives. However, sometimes you might need to bypass grammatically correct in favor of unawkward content.

Pro Writing Aid explains that split infinitives are nothing new — their use dates back to the 1300s. However, there is a time and place for them, as shown in this example from Northern Illinois University’s Effective Writing Practices Tutorial :

  • Split infinitive but easily understood: It’s hard to completely follow his reasoning.
  • No split infinitive, but awkwardly written: It’s hard to follow completely his reasoning.

20. Be conscious of pronouns

A conversational approach typically works best when you’re creating web content. Writing in the first or second person can accomplish this.

Embracing inclusivity also fosters a conversational atmosphere.

When you’re using pronouns, make sure it’s clear to what the pronoun refers. Given some people use they/them pronouns, ensuring pronoun clarity is especially important.

In those cases where the reader may be confused, explain the person’s use of the plural non-gendered pronoun in the text, for example, “Alex Alumino, who uses they/them pronouns …” Even better, just repeat their name in the sentence so there’s no need to explain and no misunderstanding.

21. Don’t overuse words

Redundancy bores. To figure out if you’re committing this sin, paste your text into the Word It Out tool. The word cloud reveals those used most often in your text.

We input a recent CMI article about user stories to create a word cloud for that content sample. It is no surprise that “user” shows up front and center, but it’s also an indicator for us to review the article to see if “user” is overused. “Katie” also shows up prominently in the word cloud as it’s the first name of the source for the article, and CMI uses first, instead of last names, on second and subsequent references. A review of the article could reveal it unnecessarily references the source too many times.

content writer skills for resume

Similarly, WordCounter detects whether you’re using the same words too often. Use to find alternatives.

22. Try this content writing tool to replace jargon-like words

You need to speak your audience’s language, but that doesn’t mean you need to adopt the industry’s jargon. De-Jargonizer is designed to help analyze the jargon in scholarly articles, but the tool works just as well with your content writing.

In this example from a CMI article about building a social media plan , De-Jargonizer identifies four “rare” words — ebbs, inhospitable, clarifies, and actionable.

De-Jargonizer identifies four “rare” words — ebbs, inhospitable, clarifies, and actionable.

You can upload a file or paste your text to discover those rare words, aka potential jargon, in your content writing. Then, you can find more reader-friendly replacements.

23. Check your readability score

Even if readers can understand the jargon and complex sentences, they still don’t want to work hard to understand your content. To help understand if your writing is on the easier side, use a tool like Web FX’s Readability Test . It scores your content’s average reading ease and targeted readership age.

In this example, it evaluates the website and concludes it has a reading ease of 27.8 out of 100 and is targeted at 14- and 15-year-olds.

In this example, it evaluates the website and concludes it has a reading ease of 27.8 out of 100 and is targeted at 14- and 15-year-olds.

You can scroll down to see other readability scores, including Flesch Kincaid reading ease, Flesch Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fog, Smog Index, Coleman Liau, and Automated Readability Index.

The bottom of the evaluation includes the statistics about the evaluated text, including:

  • Total sentences
  • Total words
  • Complex words
  • Percent of complex words
  • Average words per sentence
  • Average syllables per word

Adjust your writing to meet the preferred readership level of your audience.

24. Evaluate sentence structure with the Hemingway App

Want more help to write content that’s easy to read? Consider tools like the Hemingway app, which provides immediate and detailed feedback on content structure, including sentence formatting. With the website version, you can replace the default text with your own.

The Hemingway app identifies potentially unnecessary adverbs, warns about passive voice, and triggers alerts to dull, complicated words.

In this web writing example from its home page, Hemingway App highlights one of the 13 sentences as very hard to read, one as hard to read, two weakener phrases, and one word with a simpler alternative.

In this web writing example from its home page, Hemingway App highlights one of the 13 sentences as very hard to read, one as hard to read, two weakener phrases, and one word with a simpler alternative.

25. Get web writing right with good grammar

Proper grammar is a necessity; you want to get everything correct to satisfy readers (and bosses). Try Grammarly .

Improve your writing with this cloud-based, AI editor. Grammarly automates grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks, often giving better, cleaner content options. The tool also alerts writers to passive voice, suggests opportunities to be concise, and assesses overall tone.

You also can save time and energy with ProWritingAid . It eliminates the need to reread to polish your content. This AI editing software offers more than grammar checks. It checks for vague wording, sentence length variation, and overuse of adverbs and passive voice. The tool also identifies complicated or run-on sentences. (“Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Resources”)

26. Read your web content in scanning mode

Here’s some sad news for content writers: Readers won’t consume every word in your content. They skip and scan a lot to see if the content is a good fit for them, and then they hope they can glean the relevant information without having to consume all the content.

As you write, think about how the text will look visually. Make it easy for readers to scan your content by including:

  • Short paragraphs
  • Bulleted lists
  • Bolded text
  • Words in color

27. Read aloud

If your content doesn’t flow as you speak it, it may not work for the reader . Pay attention to when you take too many pauses or pause in places where no comma exists. Adjust your text — add a comma or break the sentence into two.

Microsoft Word offers a read-aloud feature through its immersive reader tools, while Google Docs can use a Chrome extension to give a voice to the content .

28. Use plagiarism checkers

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence have prompted growth in automated plagiarism checkers. Microsoft Word embeds the feature option in its software as does Grammarly. You also can use tools dedicated to ensuring that the content writing isn’t a copycat (or being copycatted), including:

  • Unicheck – Verify the originality of work with plagiarism detection. You can spot outright copying and minor text modifications in unscrupulous submissions.
  • Copyscape – Protect your content and your reputation. Copyscape uncovers plagiarism in purchased content and detects plagiarism by others of your original work.

Of course, no plagiarism checker is 100% accurate, so before you accuse a content writer of plagiarism, triple-check the results (and add a human touch whenever appropriate).

29. Use a topic tool for writing inspiration

HubSpot’s Ideas Generator works well to get your creative content writing juices flowing. Just fill in the fields with three nouns to get some ideas.

For example, if you input the words car, truck, and SUV, HubSpot delivers these ideas along with the targeted keywords for the topic:

  • Keyword: Top truck accessories
  • Keyword: Comparing SUV models
  • Keyword: Truck bed organization ideas

For example, if you input the words car, truck, and SUV, HubSpot delivers these ideas along with the targeted keywords for the topic.

HubSpot’s topic generator also allows users to pick a title and have an outline created for that article.

You also could perform a similar exercise by writing the prompts in other generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Gemini .

NOTE: Always review the titles and accompanying data to ensure accuracy. In the HubSpot sample, the generator included a headline — Discover the Best SUVs for Families in 2021. Yet, it’s 2024.

30. Know SEO responsibilities in web writing

Sometimes writers create content with multiple purposes. They have the burden of blending SEO into the content . I frame it as a burden because it’s one more variable to deal with. If you have a knack for SEO and goals you can measure, it’s not a burden.

Unfortunately, you sometimes don’t know what realistic keywords to pursue. Aim too low and you use rarely searched keywords. Aspire for something too competitive, and the content won’t rank.

How are you evaluating keywords? Learn how to find your sweet spot with keyword selection (and how to appear on the first page of Google). Identify potential keywords by using tools like:

  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Google’s Keyword Planner
  • Keyword Tool
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest

31. Monitor relevant topics to get ideas for your content

With Feedly , you can stay informed about what matters most and avoid information overload. This AI assistant learns your preferences, then culls and curates content from the internet that you want and need.

Share your favorite writing tricks

What content creation and copywriting productivity tools do you favor? What do you do each day to make your writing tasks just a little easier? Please tag CMI on social media using #CMWorld.

All tools mentioned in this article were suggested by the author. If you’d like to suggest a tool, share the article on social media with a comment.

Register to attend Content Marketing World in San Diego. Use the code BLOG100 to save $100. Can't attend in person this year? Check out the Digital Pass for access to on-demand session recordings from the live event through the end of the year.


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  • How To Write Faster With or Without an AI Assist
  • How To Get Branded Content Right: Examples, Ideas, and Tips
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  • 6 Easy Things You Can Do To Improve the Content Experience for Your Audience
  • How To Turn Old Content Into a New Work of Art With an AI Assist

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

Ann Gynn


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  8. Content Writer Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

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    Just download the template, then add your personal information and make adjustments to match your experience. Our template will drastically reduce the amount of time you spend making your stand-out resume for Content Writer positions. Robin Doe 123 Main St. Anytown, CA 12345 (123) 456-7890 [email protected].

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    It checks for vague wording, sentence length variation, and overuse of adverbs and passive voice. The tool also identifies complicated or run-on sentences. ("Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Resources") 26. Read your web content in scanning mode. Here's some sad news for content writers: Readers won't consume every word in your content.

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    College Application Resume Example Refer to this example when writing your own college application resume: Monika Paul Pune, Maharashtra | (91) 92544-59888 | [email protected] Summary I am a determined worker and a team player looking for opportunities to work in the domain of customer support. I am interested in fine-tuning my diverse skill-sets on the job before I apply for higher ...