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Request Letter to Principal for Postponement Of Exams

application letter for postpone exam

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To, The Principal, _________ (Name of the School/Institution), _________ (Address of the School/Institution)

Date: __/__/____

Subject: Requesting for postponement of exams

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, we are the students of class _________ (Class) of your school.

We would like to humbly present a request regarding postponing our weekly (assessment/ exam) which are scheduled from _________ (Date) to _________ (Date) of __________ (class/semester). The reason behind this is ______________ (syllabus not covered/received assignments in bulk with clashing dates/ competitions/ cultural activities clashed/ fewer classes covered or other reason). We need at least ___ (Number of days) for better preparation.

We are answerable to our parents regarding the results of these tests as they mark the progress in our annual report card.

Hence, Please consider this as a humble request and provide us with some more days for the preparation of exams.

Yours Faithfully/Sincerely,

__________ (Name of the Students), __________ (Class), __________ (Roll Number)

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  • Yes, it's appropriate to request the postponement of exams to the principal, especially if there are valid reasons affecting the students' preparation.
  • Yes, it's important to mention the specific reasons for requesting the postponement of exams to provide clarity and context to the principal.
  • The request should ideally be made well in advance, preferably a week or more before the scheduled exam date, to allow sufficient time for consideration and planning.
  • Yes, it's necessary to highlight the importance of exams as they contribute to the students' academic progress and performance evaluation.
  • If the request is denied, students should accept the decision gracefully and focus on making the best use of the remaining time for preparation.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • application to principal to postpone the exam
  • request letter to principal to postpone exam date

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Home » Sample Email Request To Reschedule Exam (15 Template)

Sample Email Request To Reschedule Exam (15 Template)

application letter for postpone exam

Template & Sample Email Request To Reschedule Exam: Use this email if you need to reschedule an exam for any reason (sickness, other scheduled events, etc.). Keep the tone professional and the email short.

Sample Email Request To Reschedule Exam

Dear Professor [name],

I am writing to request that I be allowed to reschedule my upcoming exam. The reason is [reason]. If possible, could you let me know if this request is possible and when I should take the exam?

[Your name]

Dear [name of professor],

I am writing to request that I be allowed to reschedule my exam for [subject] for the following reason:

I am currently taking a full course load, and the exam is scheduled for a day in which I have another test. If I take the exam on that day, it will be difficult for me to study properly for both tests.

Please let me know if this is something you will be able to do for me. If not, please let me know what other options are available. Thank you!

Dear [name],

I am writing to request that the exam I am scheduled to take on May 12 be rescheduled. I was recently diagnosed with a serious illness, and I need to focus on my recovery. Thank you for your consideration.

Dear [professor name],

I am writing to request that I be allowed to reschedule my exam for [exam date] due to a family emergency. My parents are currently in the hospital and it will be difficult for me to take the exam on [exam date].

If possible, I would like to take the exam on [new date]. If not, I understand that I should expect a failing grade on this exam.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

I am writing to you to request a change in my exam date. I have been struggling with a personal matter, and as a result, I will not be able to take the exam on May 10th as scheduled. It would mean a great deal to me if you could consider moving my exam so that I can focus on resolving this issue in my personal life.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

[student name]

Dear [exam administrator],

I am writing to request a rescheduling of my exam. I have been working hard to prepare for the exam, but there was an unexpected family emergency this weekend that has disrupted my studying schedule. I am hoping that you will be able to allow me to re-schedule the test at a later date so that I can be fully prepared.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

I am writing to request that the exam for [course name] be rescheduled. I will be out of town on the day of the exam, and I would like to take it at a later date. I was wondering if you could please let me know if this is possible, and if so, when I might be able to get a new exam scheduled.

I am writing to ask for your help in rescheduling my [exam name]. I have been experiencing some personal difficulties since the exam was originally scheduled, and I would like to request a one-week postponement.

I will be happy to reschedule the exam at any time that works for you, as well as provide any additional information that may be helpful. Thank you again for your consideration.

Dear Professor,

I am writing to request a change in my exam date for [class name]. I have been dealing with a family emergency and will not be able to take the exam on the scheduled date.

I would like to reschedule my exam for [new date] at [time]. Please let me know if that is possible and what steps I need to take.

Dear [instructor name],

I’m writing to request the option of rescheduling my exam for next week. The reason for this request is that I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, and I think it’s affecting my performance on tests. Please let me know if this is something you would be willing to accommodate. Thank you!

I am writing to request that my exam rescheduled from the date of [exam date] to the date of [new exam date].

I have been experiencing some health issues that have made it impossible for me to prepare for the exam in time. Although I have not received any medical clearance that would allow me to be exempt from taking the exam, I believe that if I were given more time to study, my performance would be significantly improved.

My current grade in this class is [current grade]. I expect my performance on this exam will improve my grade by at least one letter grade or a full 20%.

I’m writing to request that I be permitted to reschedule my exam on [date]. I will be traveling on [day] and will not be able to make it.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you can forgive me. If there is anything else I can do to make up for this, please let me know.

I am writing to request that I be allowed to reschedule my exam for the following reason:

– I have a family emergency.

I understand that this is an unusual request and will not make any more requests in the future. If this request is not granted, I won’t be able to take the exam. Thank you for your consideration.

I am writing to request a one-time reschedule of my exam for [course name]. I have been working with a family member who has recently been diagnosed with cancer, and I would like to be able to travel to their home in order to attend the family meeting at which they will receive their treatment plan. This meeting is scheduled for [date] at [time].

I know that this is a very busy time for you and the rest of the faculty, but I feel that this request is important enough to warrant consideration. I can assure you that it would not impact my performance on any other assignments or exams in this course.

I appreciate your consideration in advance and look forward to hearing from you soon.

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to you to request a reschedule for my exam on [date]. I have been experiencing some health issues and need to reschedule it for another time. Please let me know if this is possible and when would be a good time in your schedule?

I am writing to request that my exam be rescheduled. I will be out of town for the next two weeks, and I would like to take the exam at a more convenient time when I can focus on my studies. If possible, I would like to have it rescheduled for the end of April.

Thank you for your consideration!

Dear [Teacher name],

I am writing to request that I be allowed to reschedule my final exam.

The reason for this request is because I will be traveling out of town on June 10th and will not be able to take the exam until June 12th.

I am sure that you can see why this would be an issue for me, especially considering that the exam is worth 50% of my grade in your class. If it is not possible for me to reschedule my exam, please let me know immediately so that I can arrange time off from work and find another place for my child to stay while I am away.

Also See: Request Letter To Principal For Online Exam – 10+ Samples

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Application for Absent in Exam in College (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for absent in exam in college.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Excuse from College Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

First, find the sample template for application for absent in exam in college below.

Subject: Application for Absence in Upcoming Examination

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], am a student of [Your Course Name] in [Your Department Name] at [Your College Name]. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be unable to appear for the upcoming [Subject Name/Exam Name] scheduled on [Exam Date].

The reason for my absence is due to [Briefly explain your reason here. For example, it could be an unavoidable family function, medical issues, etc.]. I understand the importance of the examination and tried my best to adjust the situation, but unfortunately, it is not possible.

I humbly request you to kindly consider my circumstances and grant me leave for the said examination. I am willing to take a re-examination or complete any extra assignments to compensate for my absence, as per the college’s policy.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding in this matter. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number] [Your Department Name] [Date]

Application for Exam Absence Due to Illness

Application for Exam Absence Due to Illness

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School], [City, State, ZIP]

I, [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class] at your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to inform you of my inability to attend the upcoming examinations starting from [Date of Exam].

I am attaching the medical certificate and prescription with this application for your perusal. I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me permission to take the exams at a later date once I’ve fully recovered.

I assure you that I will put in extra effort to cover the lost ground and perform to the best of my ability in the rescheduled examinations.

I look forward to your understanding and positive response.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Class and Section] [Roll Number] [Date]

Application for Missing Exam Because of Family Emergency

Application for Missing Exam Because of Family Emergency

To, The Principal, [School Name], [City Name],

I, [Your Name], am a student of class [Your Class] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that due to an unforeseen family emergency, I was unable to attend the [Subject Name] examination held on [Date of Exam].

Without going into too much detail, a sudden health issue required immediate attention and care for a close family member. This situation was beyond my control and I had no other option but to be by their side at the hospital, which resulted in my absence from the exam.

I understand the importance of the examination in evaluating my academic progress, and I assure you that my absence was not intentional. I have always valued my studies and have tried my best to maintain a good academic record.

I kindly request you to understand my predicament and consider my situation for allowing a re-examination or an alternative evaluation method. I am ready to comply with the necessary formalities required for this process.

I am hopeful that you will understand my situation and grant me the permission to retake the exam. I assure you of my best possible performance in the re-exam and promise to maintain regularity in the future.

[Your Name], [Your Roll Number], [Your Class], Date: [Date of Application]

Application for Exam Rescheduling Due to Unavoidable Travel

Application for Exam Rescheduling Due to Unavoidable Travel

Subject: Application for Exam Rescheduling Due to Unavoidable Travel

Due to unforeseen circumstances, my family is compelled to travel out of the city from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This unavoidable situation unfortunately coincides with the scheduled date of our exams. Despite my attempts to adjust, it is not possible for me to stay back and attend the exams.

I understand the importance of examinations and have always tried to abide by the rules and regulations of our school. I have been consistent in my studies and have maintained good academic performance. However, this unavoidable travel situation has left me with no other choice but to seek for a rescheduling of my exams.

Thank you for your understanding. I am hopeful for your positive response to my predicament.

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Participation in Inter-College Events

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Participation in Inter-College Events

To, The Principal, [Your College Name], [Your College Address], [City Name], [State Name]

Subject: Application for Absence in Exam Due to Participation in Inter-College Events

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class [Your Class], Roll Number [Your Roll Number], humbly pen down this request for your kind attention.

I have been selected to represent our college in the upcoming Inter-College Event, which is to be held at [Event Location] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As you are aware, these events are prestigious and provide a platform to showcase our college’s talent at a larger level. I am deeply honored by this opportunity and consider it to be my responsibility to uphold the dignity of our institution.

Given the circumstances, I kindly request you to grant me permission to be absent for the said exams. I assure you that I will make up for the lost time and study diligently to cover the portions missed. I would be extremely grateful if you could consider a re-examination for the missed papers, at a date convenient to the administration.

Application for Postponement of Exam Due to Mental Health Concerns

Application for Postponement of Exam Due to Mental Health Concerns

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School], [City, State, Pincode]

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student in the [Your Class] of your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to kindly request a postponement of my forthcoming examinations due to some mental health issues I am currently struggling with.

I have always given my best in academics and strived to maintain a good record. However, recently I have been facing certain mental health challenges, which have started to affect my academic performance. I have been under a lot of stress, anxiety and mental fatigue due to personal reasons which are making it difficult for me to concentrate on my studies and prepare effectively for the exams.

Therefore, I humbly request you to consider my situation and kindly grant me permission to postpone my examinations. I am willing to provide any necessary medical documents or evidence that may be required for verification.

I assure you that I am dedicated to my studies and will make up for this delay once I regain my mental health. I would be grateful if you could understand my predicament and extend your support in this regard.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Roll Number] [Your Contact Details]

How to Write Application for Absent in Exam in College

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Sample Letter Format to request Principal for postponement of exam

Are you facing inability to attend your exam on date provided in date sheet? Here we are providing format using which you can write an application to the Principal of your school or college requesting to postpone your date of examination.

How to write application to Principal/ HOD expressing your inability to attend exam on said date

application letter for postpone exam

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Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever – 5 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Exams are important milestones in education to test what students have learned. But sometimes life brings unexpected challenges, like getting sick before a big exam. In cases like this, a thoughtful application can help explain why you missed the exam.

This short guide explains how to write a good application for missing an exam due to fever. The goal is to clearly communicate what happened and ask for a fair solution. Following proper format and including key details will help the application be successful.

The application should briefly explain the situation in 1-2 sentences. Key details to include are: the exam missed, the date, the reason (fever), and any medical evidence if possible. Politely request to either retake the exam or have it excused. Proofread for errors and use proper professional language. With empathy and effective communication, the application can lead to a reasonable resolution so education can continue despite the challenge.

  • 1 Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever
  • 2 Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness
  • 3 Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness
  • 4 Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever
  • 5 Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)
  • 6.1 Components of a Proper Application
  • 6.2 Structuring the Application
  • 7.1 What should I do if I miss an exam due to illness?
  • 7.2 Can my parents write an application for my absence in exams due to illness?
  • 7.3 Is a medical certificate necessary when applying for a re-examination due to illness?
  • 7.4 What is the usual duration of leave granted for missing exams due to illness?
  • 7.5 Can I reappear for the exam if I miss it due to fever or illness?

Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

To, The Principal, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your esteemed institution, am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever. Due to my illness, I am unable to attend the upcoming exam scheduled on [Exam Date]. I kindly request you to grant me leave for [Number of Days] days, starting from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I have attached my medical certificate for your reference.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number] [Class/Grade]

Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

To, The Controller of Examinations, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your institution, could not appear for the exam on [Exam Date] due to severe illness. I have been diagnosed with [Specify Illness] and my doctor has advised me to take rest for [Number of Days] days.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and allow me to appear for a re-examination at a convenient date.

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

To, The Examination Committee, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your institution, regret to inform you that I am suffering from [Specify Illness]. Due to my health condition, I was unable to attend the exam held on [Exam Date].

I kindly request you to consider my situation and allow me to reappear for the exam at a suitable date.

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

Subject: Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your esteemed institution, am unable to give the exam on [Exam Date] due to a sudden bout of fever. My doctor has advised me complete rest for [Number of Days] days.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the specified duration and allow me to appear for a re-examination at a suitable time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

Subject: Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

We, the parents of [Your Child’s Full Name], who is a student of [Child’s Class/Grade] in your institution, regret to inform you that our child is suffering from fever and is currently under medical supervision. Due to this, [he/she] could not attend the exam scheduled on [Exam Date].

We kindly request you to grant [him/her] leave for [Number of Days] days and allow [him/her] to appear for a re-examination at a convenient time.

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Number] [Child’s Full Name] [Child’s Roll Number] [Class/Grade]

Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Exams are important evaluation points in a student’s academic journey. They measure learning and knowledge. However, sometimes life can be unpredictable and you may become ill with a fever right before a major exam.

In this challenging situation, it is very helpful to know how to write an effective application to be excused from an exam due to fever. This guide will explain the main components to include and how to structure the application well.

By following the recommendations here, you will be able to construct an application that best conveys your situation and makes your request in a compelling yet professional manner. This will allow you to properly explain your circumstances and increase the likelihood your application will be approved.

Components of a Proper Application

  • Date and Address : Begin your application with the current date and the proper address details. This sets the formal tone of the document.
  • Salutation : Address the recipient respectfully. In the Indian context, using “Respected Sir/Madam” or “To the Controller of Examinations” is a common and appropriate choice.
  • Introduction : In the introductory section, briefly explain the purpose of your application. Mention the exam you’re unable to attend due to fever, which adds context to your situation.
  • Medical Certificate : Attach a medical certificate from a certified doctor or healthcare professional. This document is crucial as it validates your health condition and provides evidence of your inability to sit for the exam.
  • Reason for Request : Clearly state your reason for not attending the exam due to fever. Elaborate on the severity of your illness, any complications, and how it has affected your ability to appear for the examination.
  • Request for Rescheduling : Politely request the authorities to reschedule the exam to a more suitable date, keeping in mind your health and academic performance.
  • Polite Closing : Conclude your application with a polite closing statement. Express your gratitude for considering your request.

Structuring the Application

  • Clarity and Conciseness : Keep your application clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and elaborate only on the relevant information.
  • Professional Language : Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout your application. Avoid sounding demanding or disrespectful.
  • Formatting : Use a standard font and font size, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in 12-point size. Ensure proper spacing between paragraphs and a neat, organized layout.
  • Proofreading : Carefully proofread your application to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. An error-free document demonstrates attention to detail.
  • Document Attachments : Ensure that you include all necessary documents, such as the medical certificate, as requested by the institution.
  • Follow Institutional Guidelines : Adhere to any specific guidelines or formatting requirements provided by your educational institution. This demonstrates your commitment to complying with the institution’s regulations.

What should I do if I miss an exam due to illness?

If you miss an exam due to illness, immediately inform your school/college authorities in writing, stating the reason for your absence and attaching a medical certificate if possible. Request for a re-examination at a later date.

Can my parents write an application for my absence in exams due to illness?

Yes, parents can write an application on behalf of their child if the child is too unwell to do so. They should mention the child’s name, class, the duration of illness, and request a re-examination opportunity.

Is a medical certificate necessary when applying for a re-examination due to illness?

While not always mandatory, attaching a medical certificate strengthens your application. It provides official confirmation of your illness and can support your request for a re-examination.

What is the usual duration of leave granted for missing exams due to illness?

The duration of leave granted typically depends on the nature of the illness. It is usually advised by a medical professional. Schools/colleges generally require a written communication specifying the number of days the student is unfit to attend exams.

Can I reappear for the exam if I miss it due to fever or illness?

Yes, most educational institutions allow students to reappear for exams missed due to genuine illness. You need to follow the school/college guidelines, inform them promptly, provide necessary documentation, and request a re-examination opportunity.

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  • Application for Fever to Class Teacher – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

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Missed Exam Due to Illness Email

Email to the Principal or Headmaster of the school, and tell him/her the reason for missing an important exam. As exams are an essential part of a student’s life, missing them must possess a very valid reason. Below are examples of medical emergencies which made students miss exams.

Application by the Father/Parent for Missed Exams Due to Illness and Requesting Promotion.

Dear Principal,

My child was unable to attend the school examination due to illness (covid, temperature, accident, etc.). I respectfully request your consideration in promoting him/her to the next class or providing an opportunity to take individual exams/tests. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

[Your Name]

I am writing to bring to your attention the unfortunate circumstances surrounding my child’s inability to appear for the school examination. As a result of illness (covid, temperature, accident, etc.), my son/daughter was unable to attend the exam as scheduled.

Under the current circumstances, I respectfully request your consideration in promoting him/her to the next class, as this unfortunate situation was beyond our control. Alternatively, I would be grateful if you could provide my child with an opportunity to take individual exams or tests to ensure that he/she is able to complete the required coursework and successfully advance to the next level.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter and thank you for your attention to this request.

Missing An Exam Due To Illness

I am writing to request your consideration for the exam that I missed during the 1st term. Unfortunately, I was hospitalized due to sickness and was unable to attend the exam. If necessary, I can provide you with proof of my hospitalization.

As a student who values academic performance, I kindly request the opportunity to retake the exam or receive reasonable marks based on my class performance. Your understanding and cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention to my request.

Unable to Attend Exam Due to Illness (Letter to Teacher or Principal)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have been feeling very sick for the past two days and am unable to attend the ongoing exams due to my weakened condition. I am concerned that my absence from the exams may affect my promotion to the next class.

In light of this, I kindly request your assistance in finding an alternate solution that will enable me to complete the necessary coursework and ensure that I am able to advance to the next level with my peers. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance for your understanding.

Missed Exam Due to Illness Email (Detailed)

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request your kind assistance regarding my missed exam due to my recent illness.

Unfortunately, I had been suffering from a high fever and chickenpox for the last month, which prevented me from attending school and taking the exam. However, I am now fully recovered and have been advised by my doctor to resume my studies.

I would be extremely grateful if you could allow me to retake the exam that I missed. I have attached all the necessary documents, including my medical report, for your reference.

I am deeply committed to my academic performance, and I am confident that I can excel in the subject if given the opportunity. I would be very grateful for your consideration and understanding.

Taha Khan Class 8 C

I am writing to inform you of my unfortunate situation. My name is Nadia Johnson, and I am a student in the first semester of BSc Electrical Engineering, roll number (number). Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with typhoid, which made it impossible for me to attend my examinations.

However, I have been performing well in class and have consistently scored above average in tests, quizzes, and assignments. Therefore, I request you to allow me to take a make-up examination to avoid losing a semester’s worth of progress.

I have attached all relevant medical documents, including my hospital admission slip, doctor’s prescriptions, test results, and discharge slip. If you require any additional information, please let me know.

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Mark Davidson

Missed Exam Due to Illness

I am writing to inform you that, unfortunately, I am unable to take my Chemistry Exam on Monday, 3rd September (Date) due to an unforeseen illness. Despite being fully prepared for the exam, my health unexpectedly worsened at the last moment. Initially, I attributed my symptoms to exam nerves and pressure, but it became clear that I was experiencing the early signs of measles when I developed spots on my face on the day of the exam.

Given the highly contagious nature of this virus, I made the difficult decision to prioritize the health and wellbeing of my fellow students and opted to stay at home. As a high-performing student ranked in the top 5% of my class, I am keenly aware of the importance of maintaining a strong academic record, and I am eager to reschedule my Chemistry Exam as soon as possible.

I am attaching a medical certificate as proof of my condition and respectfully request that the exam be rescheduled to a later date. As I am preparing for my university applications, I understand the crucial role that mock examinations play in my academic success, and I am deeply committed to taking this exam as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

Fatima Amir

Missed Exam Due to Fever Email

I am writing to inform you of my unfortunate recent diagnosis of typhoid and subsequent hospitalization. As my doctors have advised me that I will need to remain in the hospital for at least two weeks until my condition stabilizes, I regret to inform you that I was unable to take my History exam as scheduled.

Given the severity of my illness and the impact it has had on my ability to prepare for and take the exam, I am hoping for your understanding and consideration in granting me another opportunity to take the exam once I have fully recovered.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could acknowledge my situation and grant me an exemption from the missed exam.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Missed Exam Due to Illness (Response by Teacher)

Dear Zainab Siddiqui,

Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear about your illness, and I hope you are feeling better now. I appreciate you informing me about your situation and providing medical certificates as evidence.

Regarding your request to reappear in the exam, I understand your concern and will consider it. However, I will have to discuss it with the concerned faculty members and follow the school’s policies and procedures regarding missed exams. I will get back to you as soon as possible with a decision.

In the meantime, I would advise you to focus on your health and well-being and try to catch up on any missed coursework or assignments. Please let me know if you require any further assistance or support.

Mr. Francis

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How to Send Your Professor an Email Requesting a Changed Exam Date

Last Updated: August 13, 2024

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been viewed 150,141 times.

Have you ever needed a couple of extra days to study for an upcoming exam? If unavoidable life circumstances have stopped you from being ready for a big test date, it doesn't hurt to ask for an extension. The easiest way to ask for more time to prepare is through an email. Your professor’s response to your request to change an exam date is very much dependent on the way you write the email to them and its content. These steps will ensure that your email is polite, informative, and properly formatted.

Drafting and Sending the Email

  • Reasons like having multiple exams on the same day, or not being able to attend the exam session due to other university or familial obligations are more appropriate. Medical issues can also be grounds for an extension.


  • This subject should include the class’s course number and a short (1-3 word) description of the email's content.


  • It can also be beneficial to add a sentence towards the end to encourage a response to your email.


  • You may choose to leave your contact information if you wish to be reached via another source.

Following Up


  • If the professor does not respond to your email within a few days, you may choose to send a follow up email to them to inform them of your previously sent email and ask for a response.


  • If you receive a response and the professor has chosen to change the exam date, it's important to thank the professor for taking your circumstances into consideration. This can be done through another email or in person.
  • If you receive a response and the professor has chosen not to change the exam date, send them a reply thanking them for their time and consideration anyway.

Expert Q&A

  • Remember you are not writing an email to a friend. Be sure to use formal and appropriate language throughout your email. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be sure to reread you email before sending to check for coherency and any other mistakes you could have made. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Postpone Letter/ Reschedule Template- Format, Sample and Examples

A Postpone Letter is a kind of letter that you generally write to a person or company in a formal manner to let them know about the postponement of an event or any occasion. You inform them about the rescheduled date and time of the event.

Postpone or Reschedule Letter Format

This is the format of this kind of a letter:

From, sender name Sender’s Address Mail Contact No.

The subject of Postpone Letter

To, Receiver Name Receiver’s Address

Name Designation

How to write Postpone Letter/ Email

  •   Firstly, you need to understand that the letter is quite formal so the content of the letter must be very brief and accurate.
  • Start the content of your letter with an apology. Then go further telling about the reason for this postponement.
  • After this, you need to assure the receiver that the event will surely take place and inform him/her about the new date and time.
  • Also, take care of the proper format of the letter.

Sample Postpone Letter with Examples

  When you write a letter to authority or any formal person, you need to be very precise and accurate about the content and format of the letter. Therefore, it is very important to go through some samples before writing the main letter to have a brief knowledge of these letters. These samples can largely help you in shaping your letter and providing a good base to begin your letter with.

If you wish to postpone the date of the court, then you can write this type of letter. Here is the content sample for the same:

Letter to Postpone Court Date Sample

From, Mr. Das, Raghava Apartments Delhi, [email protected] +91-786903552

Date: 27th February 2020

To, D-101, Sessions court GBN

Subject: Court Date Postponement Letter

Dear Mam/Sir,

I had an appointment scheduled with you on 1st March 2020, Wednesday. I am sorry to inform you that due to some changes in my schedule, I will have to postpone the appointment.

The fresh day for the appointment is scheduled for 3rd March 2020, Friday.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Justice Karam Singh

The other reason for writing this letter is to shift the date of a job offer. Here is a sample for the same.

Postpone Job Offer Sample Letter

From, Ms. Shruti Sinha Ajnara, 5 Delhi

Date: 7th January 2020

To, XYZ Industries Sec-6 Vasundhara

Subject: Job Offer Postponement Letter

This letter is sent to you in continuation of the letter sent on 5th January 2020, Monday. Our company has introduced a different hiring pattern due to which I will have to postpone the date of the job offer sent to you. I express my sincere apologies for this. The rescheduled date will be informed to you shortly.

Raghuvar Das HR, XYZ Industries

There are many instances when you have to postpone a particular event or occasion. A sample for the same is available here.

Letter to Postpone an Event

From, Mr. Gaikwad Srinivasa Ghaziabad

Date: 4th August 2019

To, D-5 Ajnara Grace Delhi

Subject: Event Postponement Letter

I am writing to you to inform you that due to the poor weather conditions in our area, the event scheduled on 6th August 2019, Tuesday, needs to be shifted to a new date. The rescheduled date and timings for the same will be informed to you via phone calls.

I express apologies for this postponement which was not at all anticipated earlier.

Yours Lovingly,

Mr. & Mrs. Singh

When you are unable to conduct a meeting, you can write such types of letters. Find a sample for this letter here.

Sample Letter of Postpone Meeting

From, Rechel Dezus, Taiwan Industries 59 USA, 309802 [email protected] 011-8374729-844

Date: 1st February 2020

To HR Department Aizan Company Delhi

Subject: Postponement of the meeting

This is to inform you that the meeting scheduled for 3rd February 2020, Monday has been rescheduled to 24th February 2020, Wednesday. I have been informed by my manager that I need to urgently travel to the US for a client meeting. Sorry for any kind of hassle caused to you. Thank you for your patience and time.

Ajay Ghuiya HR Manager

If you wish to postpone the date of any scheduled interview, then you can write this letter. A sample letter for your help has been provided here.

Sample letter of Postpone Interview

From, A-509 Sunrise Valley Goa

Date: 17th February 2020

To, HR Career Company Delhi

Subject: Postponement of the Interview

This is to inform you that recently, an interview letter was sent to you. The interview was scheduled for 26th February 2020, Saturday. I am extremely sorry to inform you that due to some changes in the company’s hiring pattern, we would have to postpone the interview.

The interview has now been rescheduled to 10th March 2020, Wednesday. I again express my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you.

Thanking You

Arun Sinha HR Manager

If there is any situation where you need to shift the joining date, you can write this type of letter.

Sample Letter of Postpone/ Reschedule Joining Date

From, Interview Manager Natural Technologies Delhi

Date: 1st August 2020

To, 6/A Street No.-8 Gurgaon

Subject: Postponement of Joining Date

I recently received a job offer letter from Mr. Anuman Das, CEO, Natural Technologies. Firstly, I express my gratitude to you, sir. I am writing to inform you that it is very unfortunate that I would not be able to join the company on 3rd August 2020, Monday, as stated in the offer letter. The reason being my personal family matters. I request you to kindly reschedule the date for the same.

Yours Sincerely

Raghav Rajan

Postpone Letter for a Wedding

From, Mr. & Mrs. Chawla A-203 Mumbai

Date: 1st October 2019

To, Bakers Street A/97 Lucknow

Subject: Postponement of Wedding letter

This is very unfortunate to inform you that our wedding which was earlier scheduled on 7th October 2019, Sunday, has now been postponed. To avoid the current virus situation, and to ensure the safety of all the family members and relatives, we had to take this step. We express our apologies for the same. The new dates will be conveyed to you soon.

Anaya Sethi

Postpone Letter for Exam/Test/Study

From, Monitor, Class-6 Delhi Public School Govindpuram

Date: 1st December 2019

To, English Teacher Delhi Public School Govindpuram

Subject: Postponement of Test

I regret to inform you that due to the ongoing annual function practice, I have rescheduled the test dates. The test which was earlier scheduled on 5th December 2019, Thursday, will now be held on the next Thursday i.e. 12th December 2019. I am really sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. Best of luck.

Raina Singh English Teacher

Postpone Letter Template in PDF and Word

Letter to Postpone Court Date Sample

Postpone Letter Template in PDF Format

  • PDF Template 1
  • PDF Template 2
  • PDF Template 3
  • PDF Template 4

Postpone Letter Template in Word Format

  • Word Template 1
  • Word Template 2
  • Word Template 3
  • Word Template 4

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The team behind understands the importance of effective communication in today's professional world and strive to provide you with the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Our team of experienced writers has created a wide range of templates for common letters, including recommendations, resignations, and cover letters. All of our templates are completely free to use and are designed to save you time and hassle. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered.

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Letter to University for Postponement of Examinations

Coronavirus / covid-19.

This is a letter to university from a student seeking to postpone semester examinations owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

How to Tailor the Document for Your Need?

Create document.

Click "Create Document" button and the document will be prepared with your account details automatically filled in.

Fill Information

Please fill in any additional information by following the step-by-step guide on the left hand side of the preview document and click the "Next" button.

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When you are done, click the "Get Document" button and you can download the document in Word or PDF format.

Review Document

Please review the document carefully and make any final modifications to ensure that the details are correct before sending to the addressee.

Document Preview

Document description.

1. Provide personal information: Fill in your account first name, account last name, account address, account phone number, and account email in the designated fields.

2. Address the letter to the university: Write the university's address in the appropriate section.

3. Address the head of faculty: Begin the letter by addressing the head of faculty directly.

4. Explain the reason for the request: Clearly state the reason for requesting the postponement of the examination, emphasizing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your ability to attend classes and interact with professors.

5. Request a new examination date: Specify the desired new date for the examination if you have one in mind. Otherwise, request a mutually agreeable date.

6. Provide contact information: Include your account phone number and account email for the university to reach you.

7. Express willingness to discuss further: Convey your openness to further discussion and invite the university to contact you.

8. Close the letter politely: End the letter with a polite closing and your signature.

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Postponement Letter

Last Updated On October 26, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A postponement letter is written when a person or company wants to inform the relevant party that an event or occasion has been moved to a later date. It can also be written to request extra time to do a particular job for a particular reason. 

Such a letter can be written by an individual or a company. It is addressed to the relevant person or company that had been invited or is concerned with the event or meeting.

A postponement letter is important to inform the relevant party of the changes in the dates of a scheduled event, meeting or occasion. The letter also explains the reason for the postponement. It is a written document to show a commitment to carry out the event on the promised day. 

Such a letter can be used as an official document for future reference. This letter enables the relevant party to make adjustments necessary.

Tips for writing a sample postponement letter

  • Address the letter to the relevant person
  • Justify the reason for the postponement
  • Mention the new date, time, and venue that has been arranged
  • Assure the reader that the event will take place
  • Apologize for the inconvenience that may result from the postponement
  • Explain that the problem will not happen again
  • You may include an official document to indicate the changes precisely 
  • Keep it short and precise
  • Use a polite tone and official language

Postponement Letter Templates

Do you wish to postpone an event for a certain reason and you want to inform the relevant people? Check out a postponement letter template and sample letters that you can use to write a polite letter.



Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

This letter is to inform you that the ____________ meeting that was scheduled with ____________has been postponed. The meeting was planned to take place on ____________ but this has changed due to unavoidable circumstances. The meeting has been postponed to ____________ on ____________ (time).

The ____________ is attending ____________ out of the duty station and will be away until ____________. We have postponed this meeting because the guest of honor will not be available on the scheduled date. The meeting has now be rescheduled to ____________ and the venue will be ____________.

We apologize for the inconvenience that might result from this change. Postponements in the future will be communicated early enough to reduce inconveniences. Kindly find the attached amended memo for your reference. Kindly let me know of any other agendas that you wish to be discussed in this meeting.

Please understand our situation and make the changes on your calendars. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Yours Faithfully,


__________ __________ __________ __________

Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)

Subject:  Postponement Letter

Dear _____(Sir or Madam)

I ……………..(name of the person) am writing this letter to you …………..(name of the receiver) to tell you that the meeting that was scheduled to be held on the 12 has been postponed to 15th. The venue and the timing of the meeting however remains the same and it is just the date that has been postponed.

As there were some meaningful discussions to be discussed in the meeting, it has not been canceled and is just postponed. We understand the trouble caused to you because of this sudden change. I once again apologize to you on behalf of our management for this sudden change.

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,


Name of the person & Sign

Postponement Letter Samples

When you request someone to change the date of a meeting or event, it is appropriate to do so in writing. Here is a postponement letter that you can use to write an official letter to the concerned party.

Harriet Patterson,

Kengen Corporations

713 Bedford St.

Grovetown, GA 30813

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Deborah Mason,

National Oil

8343 Shady Street

Henderson, KY 42420

Sub; Postponement letter

Dear Ms. Mason,

I write to you with the reference our executive meeting scheduled for Friday 28 th February 2020 at 10 am. I have been sent by my boss to handle clients in New York and I will be taking a flight this evening. I will be unable to keep the appointment of our aforementioned meeting. I am sorry that I will not make it to the meeting.

I will return to the office on 5 th March 2020. I wish to request to postpone this meeting to 6 th March 2020 at 9 am when I resume work. I apologize for the inconvenience that might accrue from postponing this meeting.

Please let me know if the proposed date is convenient for you. I hope to hear from you about this meeting at your earliest. I look forward to working with you in our joint project.

Yours Sincerely,

Harriet Patterson

This is to inform you that the board meeting that was scheduled to happen on the 12th of September has been postponed to the 15th of September due to some official reasons.  We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to meet and speak o you on the 15th of September.

In case of any other queries, you can either revert to the same letter or drop in an mail on our official email id. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you soon.

Thanking You,

Yours truly,


Name and Signature

Postponement Letter Email Format

Are you wondering how to inform the relevant person or company about the changes in the date of a scheduled event? Here is our free postponement letter in an email format that will guide you.

Dear Mr. Meyers,

I hereby write this letter with reference to an invitation to my engagement party that was scheduled for 1 st March 2020. I wish to bring to your kind attention that I have postponed my engagement party due to unavoidable circumstances.

It is with deep regret that I inform you that my fiancé has lost his mother and we wish to take some family time. Our family would like to take time to mourn the passing of our mother. We have postponed the engagement ceremony to 20 th March 2020 at 7 pm. The venue of the engagement ceremony will remain to be at the Green Light Hotel.

I deeply apologize for any inconvenience that I might have caused with this postponement. I assure you that the engagement will take place on the new date aforementioned above. Please consider my circumstances and make the necessary changes accordingly. I will send out new invitation cards with relevant details in due time.

I hope that we shall be able to move past this sad moment and be ready to celebrate our engagement.

Than you in advance for your consideration.

Best Wishes,

Leanne Ellison

A postponement letter is written to notify the relevant party that the dates of an event or occasion have changed to a later date. It can also be used to request for postponement. 

Such a letter should include the reason for the postponement, the new dates scheduled, and give an assurance that the problem will not happen again. It should express a polite tone, official language, and the content professional.

Related Letters:

  • Request For The Postponement Of The Last Day
  • Cancellation Of Engagement
  • Sample Cancellation Letter
  • Seminar Cancellation Letter
  • Official Invitation Letter
  • Sample Invitation Letter
  • Correction Letter – Sample Correction Letter
  • Official Letter Template
  • Cancel a Service Contract
  • Invitation Letter
  • Important Letters
  • Formal Invitation Letter
  • Announce An Engagement With An Invitation
  • FAX Cover Letter
  • Sample Confirming-Attendance Letter
  • Wedding Engagement Congratulations Letter
  • Personal Invitation Letter
  • Office Letter for Seminar Confirmation
  • Official Document/Contract Request Letter
  • Sample Social Event Letter
  • Letter of Announcement
  • Demand Letter Template
  • Event Cancellation Letter
  • Committee Meeting Agenda
  • Sample Party Invitation Letter

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Friday, september 6, 2019, format of request letter to principal to postpone exam date.

request letter to principal to postpone exam date

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It is expected that students will sit for all examinations as scheduled. Tentative examination schedules are available to students at the time of course pre-registration. Students are therefore expected to have reviewed and considered the examination schedule for all courses in which they enroll.

The exam period is intensive for all students. It is not uncommon for students to have exams on successive days or to have two exams in one day. Students are also expected to plan for the due dates of papers/projects assigned during the semester and to properly manage the time allotted for take-home examinations. Adjustments to a student’s exam schedule will only be made for the following reasons:

  • A student has  three proctored examinations in 53 hours . In this case, the student may request that one be rescheduled. Take-home exams and papers/projects are not counted for the purposes of this provision.
  • A student has a direct conflict with two scheduled exams. This provision does not apply to situations where a student has a scheduled exam that falls at the same time a paper, project or take-home exam is due.
  • A student is taking a remote exam from another time zone such that the exam time would fall during the overnight or otherwise unreasonable hours
  • A student is experiencing an extraordinary personal matter or emergency situation which presents an unavoidable conflict with the exam. Examples of this include an issue relating to the health of the student, or close family member, or death of a loved-one. Unexpected and unavoidable conflicts with work. Child/ elder care and other significant personal matters will be considered under this provision as well. Documentation is required for this type of request. Not all emergency situations are easily documented. In these situations, the Dean of Students Office will offer the student an alternate means of verifying their circumstances

Dual degree students may request relief under the above provisions for their law school exams. In such cases, the student’s entire exam schedule (law and non-law, including non-law classes and academic requirements) will be considered in determining if a postponement of a law school exam is appropriate and if so, a make-up date that does not conflict with the students other dual degree requirements.  

Students who wish to request adjustment to their exam schedule must not discuss the matter with their professor.  Instead, students with three exams in 53 hours, two exams in direct conflict, or who have a time-zone issue should complete the Academic Services Office online exam reschedule form. Students seeking to reschedule exams due to an emergency situation or extraordinary personal matter should contact the Dean of Students Office at [email protected] .

Any rescheduled examination will be administered on a date no earlier than the date originally set. Please note that ExamSoft may not be available for all rescheduled examinations.

The general policy is that exams will not be postponed for situations occurring during the semester that cause a student to lose study time. If a student experiences such a situation, he or she is encouraged to meet, as soon as possible, with the Dean of Students Office to discuss what options are available to the student. If properly documented, these options may include a Leave of Absence or reduction of course load. Students experiencing such situations during the semester should notify the Dean of Students Office, in writing, no later than the commencement of the exam period for the semester or session in which the situation occurred.

Date and Time Limit on Exam Postponements

If an exam is postponed in accordance with this policy, it must be taken on the make-up date and time set by the Dean of Students Office and/or the Office of Academic Services. In no case will a student be allowed to take a postponed exam later than 30 days after the exam was originally administered. If a student cannot take an exam within the 30-day time period following the original date of the administration of the examination, the exam will be treated as a failure to take the examination under the  Law School’s Rules and Regulations – III. F – Grading/Exams; Failure to Take Exams .

Papers, Projects and Take-home Exams

Students are expected to plan for the due dates of papers, projects and take-home exams. If a student experiences an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal matter or emergency situation which presents an unavoidable conflict with the deadline for a paper, project or take-home, the student should contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance (unless the student is sure that the professor is accepting the paper, project or take-home  non-anonymously , in which case the student should contact the professor for assistance). Examples of an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal or emergency situation include an issue relating to the health of the student, or close family member, or death of a family member. Documentation is required for this type of request.

More information regarding extensions beyond the end of the semester, including the limitation on enrolling in classes with Incompletes or Exam Excusals from a previous semester, may be found in the  Law School’s Rules and Regulations II.J. Academic Standards; Extensions Beyond the End of the Semester .


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A letter to principal to postpone …



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Posted by Deependra Dev Verma 3 years, 8 months ago

Gaurav Seth 3 years, 8 months ago

The Principal

Greenwoods Global School

May 14, 2018

Subject: Request for postponing examination

Respectfully I wish to state that my brother’s wedding ceremony is to be solemnized on May 20, 2018 in Gurugram. My physics exam date clashes with the wedding date. Since it is just a terminal exam, could you please postpone my exam to some other date after May 21, 2018. I shall be exceedingly grateful for this favor. I have been topper in all my exams ever since I have joined the school. I hope you will take the decision in my favor.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

XI Non-Medical

0 Thank You

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Traditional Pathway Program Admission Requirements

Admission to the University of Colorado College of Nursing's Traditional bachelor of science program (TRAD) is competitive. To keep the selection process fair, admission requirements are definitive and applied to each application in the same manner. Please keep in mind that applications are not reviewed until they are received by the application deadline and coded as ‘verified’ in NursingCAS.

Students requiring an F-1 visa are encouraged to contact the Office of International Admission prior to starting the TRAD application

Minimum TRAD Admissions Requirements

How to Apply

  • Earned grades in the prerequisite courses, as detailed below. These courses must be earned from a regionally accredited institution with a grade of C or higher. A minimum 3.0 prerequisite GPA is required. This prerequisite GPA only includes the highest grade attempts for courses listed on transcripts at the time of application. If your outstanding course(s) drops your prerequisite GPA to below a 3.0, your offer of admission will be withdrawn. Prerequisite courses must be completed within 10 years of the application deadline . We strongly suggest a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Note that the overall GPA calculation includes all previous course attempts from regionally accredited institutions, regardless of the year courses were completed. Grade forgiveness and repeat/delete policies are not honored for the overall cumulative GPA.

Applicants without a bachelor's degree are required to complete a total of 60 semester credits (or 90 quarter credits) from a regionally accredited institution. You may take a maximum of 18 semester credits (12 quarter credits), the semester before you start the program. Of these 18 semester credits (12 quarter credits), only one course can be from Anatomy, Chemistry, Physiology, or Microbiology.

The required courses include: (view BS prerequisite descriptions and track your prerequisite progress )

Watch our video guide on prerequisite information.

  • Human Anatomy (or A&P I)
  • Human Physiology (A&P II)
  • Microbiology
  • General Chemistry*
  • College Algebra
  • General Sociology
  • General Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cultural Anthropology or Multicultural Studies
  • English Composition II
  • Creative Arts
  • Two from Foreign Language, History, Microeconomics, Philosophy, or Political Science (courses must be from two different content areas)

*One of these science lectures must have an accompanying lab.

Note: Prerequisites alone often do not total 60 semester (or 90 quarter) credit hours. Some electives may be necessary. Elective credit hours may be selected from most major academic disciplines. Examples of exceptions are commercial or vocational courses, doctrinal courses in religion, and physical education activity courses.

Applicants with a bachelor's degree are only required to complete five prerequisite courses listed below. Only two of the following prerequisites may be taken the semester before you begin the program: 1) statistics and 2) one course from anatomy, chemistry, physiology, or microbiology.

  • General Chemistry

Note: Degrees have no expiration date, but need to be posted on your transcripts the semester before you start the program.

  • International credential evaluation for degrees earned outside of the United States. To request an evaluation of a foreign degree, a prospective student should submit copies of their diploma and transcripts to [email protected] .
  • English language proficiency (see Additional Requirements below)
  • Letter of good academic standing if you have previously attended or are transferring from another nursing program.
  • Meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Technical Standards for admission, progression, and graduation.

How to Apply/Application Materials

  • Complete the application and pay the required application fee. Note that there are two fees associated with the application (NursingCAS and CU Nursing). Both must be paid for an application to be considered complete.
  • Submit official transcripts from all institutions attended directly to NursingCAS. Official transcripts from all institutions must be sent regardless of years attended, the number of credits enrolled, or grades earned. This includes any concurrent/dual enrollment courses you took in high school; you must submit official transcripts for any post-secondary school(s) from which you earned college credit while in high school. Submitting transcripts is a two-step process:
  • Order your official transcripts in NursingCAS and submit them directly to NursingCAS.
  • Enter all courses from each transcript into NursingCAS; this includes the school name, course name, course code, grade, credit number, and term completed. Applicants have the option to pay for this service offered by NursingCAS and is available on the transcript entry page in the application. Failing to accurately report can result in an application being withdrawn from admissions consideration.
  • Three professional or academic references (at least one academic reference is recommended). The NursingCAS application will ask for the contact information for your three references. References will be contacted by NursingCAS to complete an online Likert-scale reference form, which is then submitted directly back to NursingCAS. Letters of reference are not accepted.
  • Personal statement responding to the following: “Given your personal background, describe your interest in nursing and what makes you special or unique.” Statements must be no more than 500 words, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, with one-inch margins.
  • Official TOEFL scores reports (international applicants only - see Additional Requirements below).

When to Apply

  • The application process often takes several weeks (including entering courses into NursingCAS, receiving recommenders' ratings, and ordering all official transcripts [domestic and foreign]), therefore applicants should allow themselves ample time to complete each section. We recommend applicants submit their applications 4 to 6 weeks prior to the application deadline. For details on deadlines, refer to undergraduate application deadlines .
  • Applications must be submitted (i.e., in a Received status) by the application deadline. After the application deadline, there is a consecutive 10-day grace period which allows for: all references to reach a Completed status, all official transcripts to be received by NursingCAS, and the application to reach Verified Status. After this grace period, applications not in a Verified status and/or without these required supporting documents will not move forward in the application process. Learn more about your application status .

What to do After Applying

  • Once any additional course(s) currently being taken are completed, a final official transcript must be received in NursingCAS, and course information manually entered, using the Academic Update feature. See more information on the Academic Update process and timeframe in NursingCAS.
  • Make sure your application is listed in Verified status. Verified status means the application has been received and transcripts have been delivered and determined to be accurate and complete. Learn more about your application status .
  • You must be available for the interview and orientation dates listed in the NursingCAS application. The interview dates are not negotiable.
  • If any academic history (grades, courses, student standing, etc.) has changed after your application has reached Verified status, you may do an Academic Update in NursingCAS. See more information on the Academic Update process and timeframe in NursingCAS.

Interview Selection

A select number of students will be invited to interview for a position in the TRAD cohort. The admission interview consists of program presentations, individual and group interview activities.

Admissions Notifications

All admission notifications are delivered by email to the address listed in NursingCAS. Admission decisions are generally admitted, waitlist, or deny. All admits are given 10 consecutive days to respond to the offer of admission. Failure to respond to the offer will result in administrative withdrawal. An enrollment deposit is not required.

Students placed on the waitlist are notified by phone if space becomes available. The waitlist ranks are not provided.

Pre-enrollment Requirements

All students at CU Nursing are admitted conditionally pending successful completion/passing of the pre-enrollment requirements including, but not limited to background checks, drug screens (including marijuana), immunizations, etc. Prospective students who have criminal convictions (or pending criminal activity) are encouraged to contact an admissions representative prior to applying. If criminal history or a pending criminal charge prohibits the possibility of clinical placements, admission will be rescinded/denied.

Admitted students should not start any of the pre-enrollment requirements until properly informed and instructed to do so. Many of the pre-enrollment requirements are timed and starting items prematurely can result in a financial loss to the student.

Admitted students are considered CU Nursing students and are held to all policy and procedures that govern the university and college.

TRAD Timeline

Additional Requirements

Transfer credit requirements, transfer credit.

All of your prerequisite classes will be considered transfer credit. This college level credit may be accepted by the University of Colorado if:

  • It has been earned at a regionally accredited college or university.
  • A grade of C (not C-) or better has been attained.
  • The credit is for courses appropriate to the degree sought at this institution.
  • It is not vocational-technical course work.
  • It is not remedial course work

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using AP credit; view the AP Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the AP credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • The official transcript (score report) from the College Board is required to show the score(s) earned. This document needs to be sent directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing.
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please request that the College Board mail the document to:

University of Colorado College of Nursing Office of Admissions 13120 E. 19th Avenue, Mailstop C288-6 Aurora, CO 80045

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using IB credit. View the IB Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the IB credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • Instructions for ordering your IB diploma are available through on the IB Requesting transcripts and certificates page .
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please request that the International Baccalaureate program mail the document to:

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

  • Only specific prerequisites and electives can be met using CLEP credit; view the CLEP Credit Transfer Guide .
  • The minimum score shown is required to transfer the CLEP credit to meet prerequisites and electives.
  • The official transcript (score report) from the College Board is required to show the score(s) earned.
  • To ensure that your official score report is received by the College of Nursing, please use the following school code when ordering the report from College Board: 5281.

Pass/Fail Credit

  • COVID-19 Exception for Prerequisite Courses - The CU College of Nursing's strong recommendation is that students choose to have standard grades listed on their transcript and not the Pass/Fail grade option. However, for courses completed in Spring 2020 only, Passing (P) or Satisfactory (S) grades may be accepted to fulfill prerequisite courses, provided the P or S indicates that the student has earned a C grade or higher. For GPA calculation purposes, an approved P or S course grade will be converted to the lowest score associated with the P or S by the sending institution (e.g. a C grade will be calculated as a 2.0). For spring 2020 grades only, the student, via the sending institution, will have the option of submitting the underlying/actual grade earned, e.g. A, B, etc., which will be used in the GPA calculation for review purposes. There will not be a cap to the total number of prerequisite credits that may be taken on a P/F or S/U basis for spring 2020 coursework, provided that the aforementioned criteria are satisfied.

Foreign Transcripts and Study Abroad Credits

Transcripts for all foreign (non-study abroad) coursework must be submitted directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing for evaluation through the Office of International Affairs. Transcripts for study abroad coursework from a non-U.S. institution may be required depending on how foreign coursework is posted on the domestic (receiving institution) transcript. If all course information (course title, credits hours and grades) is posted to the domestic transcript, applicants do not need to submit a separate transcript from the study abroad institution. If any course information is incomplete, or the grades are posed as Pass/Fail, a transcript for the study abroad coursework will need to be submitted directly to the University of Colorado College of Nursing Office of Admissions & Student Affairs .

English Language Proficiency

Due to the clinical nature of the nursing profession, all students must meet the following communication standards, as outlined in the Technical Standards of our Student Handbook :

  • A student must be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English with clients, teachers and all members of the health care team. Written and oral communication must use standard, professional medical terminology.
  • He/she must communicate with clients clearly and effectively in English to elicit information regarding history, emotional status and activity, and to perceive nonverbal communications.
  • Communication includes speech, hearing, reading, writing and computer literacy.
  • A student must be able to clearly and effectively report in English to members of the health care team. Additionally, students must be able to relay appropriate information to clients, as well as teach, explain, direct and counsel a wide variety of individuals.
  • In some instances the student will be required to provide clear, direct communication in English during highly stressful, crisis situations. These skills necessitate a strong command of the English language and prompt, timely interpretation of pertinent patient data.
  • Students must be able to communicate online in a timely, professional manner, e.g., enter an electronic medical record immediately after the patient visit.

If your primary language is not English, or if you are an International Student, you will need to demonstrate required English language proficiency by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • You are a citizen of a country whose official language is English including Australia, Belize, Botswana, Canada (except Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, United Kingdom, Ireland, Kenya, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
  • You have obtained a total score of at least 560 on the paper-based TOEFL and 50 or above on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); a score of 83 on the Internet-based TOEFL with 26 or above on the spoken English section. For other minimum subscores see . The College of Nursing TOEFL Exam Code is 3377. Be sure to use this code when registering for the exam to ensure that we will receive the results.
  • You have obtained a total score of 6.5 on IELTS with a minimum speaking subscore of 8. Official IELTS scores must be sent directly to the College of Nursing.
  • You have graduated from the University of Colorado Denver’s ESL Academy.
  • You have graduated from a US/UK accredited school abroad with English as the medium of instruction.
  • You have earned a Bachelor’s degree in the U.S. or you have successfully completed a minimum of 2 semesters of full-time study in a master’s program at an accredited institution in the U.S.

Previous Enrollment in a Nursing Program

Applicants who were previously enrolled in another nursing program (prerequisite courses excluded) are required to submit a letter of good standing from the previous school indicating that the student left in good academic standing. Documentation can be sent to [email protected] and will also need to be included in the NursingCAS application profile.

Technical Standards

All College of Nursing students must meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Technical Standards for admission, progression and graduation.

Healthcare Experience Recommended

Healthcare experience is not an admissions requirement for the Traditional Pathway. However, it is strongly recommended that applicants have exposure to the nursing field so that they better understand the expectations for this career path. Applicants are encouraged to include information about healthcare experience in their resume and the Experiences section in NursingCAS.

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Sample Letter Of Postponement Of Event: Free & Effective

In this article, I’ll share a step-by-step guide on how to write a letter of postponement for an event. This guide will provide insights, proven templates , and personal experiences to help you communicate your message effectively and empathetically.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Postponement : Learn the reasons and implications of postponing an event.
  • Personal Touch : Tips for adding a personal touch to your postponement letter.
  • Template Guide : A step-by-step guide and unique templates to write an effective letter.
  • Real-Life Examples : Insights from real scenarios for better understanding.
  • Engagement : How to keep your friends engaged and informed about the new plans.

Understanding the Need for Postponement

Real-Life Example : Last year, I planned a reunion with college friends. However, a sudden family emergency led to postponing the event. It was a tough call, but necessary.

  • Unexpected Circumstances : Health issues, family emergencies, weather conditions, etc.
  • Logistical Issues : Venue problems, scheduling conflicts, etc.
  • Global Issues : Such as a pandemic or political unrest.

Personalizing Your Message

When writing to friends, the tone should be personal and considerate.

  • Acknowledge Disappointment : Recognize that your friends might be disappointed.
  • Explain the Situation : Briefly state the reason without oversharing details.
  • Empathy and Understanding : Show that you care about their feelings and inconvenience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing the Letter

Step 1: start with a warm greeting.

Example: “Dear Friends,”

Step 2: State the Purpose

Example: “I regret to inform you that we have to postpone our upcoming reunion…”

Step 3: Provide the Reason

Be honest but concise.

Step 4: Propose a New Date or Plan

If possible, suggest an alternative.

Step 5: Express Your Feelings

Example: “I’m deeply sorry for this change and appreciate your understanding…”

Step 6: Close with a Positive Note

Example: “Looking forward to creating more memories soon…”

Sample Letter Of Postponement Of Event

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. It’s with a heavy heart that I must inform you about the postponement of [Event Name] originally scheduled for [Original Date]. Due to [Reason], it has become necessary to reschedule our plans.

I understand this may cause some inconvenience, and I deeply apologize for it. The new tentative date for our event is [New Date]. I hope this will still work for everyone, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

Your understanding and support mean a lot to me. Let’s stay in touch and make our event even more memorable on the new date.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Keeping Engagement Alive

  • Follow-Up Communications : Update your friends regularly.
  • Involve in Planning : Ask for suggestions or help in re-planning.
  • Virtual Gatherings : If postponement is long, consider virtual meetups.

Postponing an event, especially one involving close friends, is challenging. However, with a thoughtful and empathetic approach, you can ensure that your relationships remain strong and the anticipation for the event even grows.

Comment Request : I’d love to hear your experiences with postponing events and how you handled them. Share your stories and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

An office environment with a focus on a professionally dressed individual sitting at a desk, writing a formal letter

Q: What Should I Consider When Writing a Letter of Postponement for an Event?

Answer: When writing a letter of postponement for an event, it’s crucial to be clear and empathetic. I always start by stating the reason for the postponement, whether it’s due to unforeseen circumstances like weather or health concerns. 

It’s important to express regret for any inconvenience caused and to provide as much information as possible about the new date or plans. 

I also make sure to include contact information for attendees to reach out with questions or concerns. This approach helps maintain trust and understanding with the attendees.

Q: How Do I Communicate a Postponement Without Causing Disappointment?

Answer: Communicating a postponement without causing disappointment is challenging, but I’ve found honesty to be the best policy. I clearly explain the reasons for the postponement, ensuring they are legitimate and unavoidable. 

Offering alternatives, like a new event date or virtual options, also helps. I always express my sincere apologies for any inconvenience and show empathy towards the attendees’ potential plans that might be affected. This honest and considerate approach tends to be well-received.

Q: Is It Necessary to Offer Compensation in a Postponement Letter?

Answer: Offering compensation in a postponement letter depends on the nature of the event and the expectations set. For a paid event, I usually offer options like refunds, credit for future events, or extra benefits at the rescheduled event. 

For free events, while compensation isn’t typically expected, a gesture of goodwill, like a special acknowledgment or a small gift at the rescheduled event, can go a long way in maintaining good relationships with the attendees.

Q: How Should I Handle Questions and Concerns After Sending a Postponement Letter?

Answer: After sending a postponement letter, I stay prepared to handle questions and concerns promptly and empathetically. I set up a dedicated communication channel, like an email address or hotline, for queries. 

I also ensure that I, or my team, are available to provide clear and consistent information. It’s important to be patient and understanding, as people might be frustrated or disappointed. Good communication here is key to maintaining trust and goodwill.

Q: What Are the Key Elements to Include in a Postponement Letter?

Answer: The key elements of a postponement letter include a clear announcement of the postponement, the reason for the delay, the new date or potential dates for the event, and any changes to the event details. 

It’s also important to include an apology for any inconvenience, options for refunds or registration transfers, and contact information for further inquiries. I ensure that these elements are present to make the letter informative, respectful, and helpful to the recipients

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    Learn how to write a request letter to principal to postpone exam dateCheck out other templates at:

  12. Postpone Letter/ Reschedule Template- Format, Sample and Examples

    Letter to Postpone Court Date Sample. From,Mr. Das,Raghava ApartmentsDelhi, [email protected] +91-786903552. Date: 27th February 2020. To,D-101, Sessions courtGBN. Subject: Court Date Postponement Letter. Dear Mam/Sir, I had an appointment scheduled with you on 1st March 2020, Wednesday.

  13. Letter to University for Postponement of Examinations

    4. Explain the reason for the request: Clearly state the reason for requesting the postponement of the examination, emphasizing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your ability to attend classes and interact with professors. 5. Request a new examination date: Specify the desired new date for the examination if you have one in mind.


    xam on a LATER date within the. final exam period.EARLY EXAMS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Take home exams, pr. jects and papers do not qualify for postponement.Co. lete this form and have your ins. ructor sign it.Make a copy for your instructor. You. y also wish to make a copy for your own. records.Return the original to 101 Monroe Hall. You.

  15. Postponement Letter

    Here is our free postponement letter in an email format that will guide you. Dear Mr. Meyers, I hereby write this letter with reference to an invitation to my engagement party that was scheduled for 1st March 2020. I wish to bring to your kind attention that I have postponed my engagement party due to unavoidable circumstances.

  16. Request Letter to Principal to Postpone Exam Date

    Request Letter to Principal for Postponement Of Exams -Letter to Principal for Postpone Exam.In this video, you will find a sample letter to principal reques...

  17. 3 Email Request To Reschedule Exam: Must-Have Templates

    Template 3: Health-Related Issue. Subject: Request for [Course Name] Exam Reschedule Due to Health Issues. Email Body: Dear [Professor/Instructor's Name], I hope you are doing well. I am writing to inform you of a health issue I am currently facing, which regrettably impacts my ability to take the [Course Name] exam scheduled for [Original ...

  18. Format of Request Letter to Principal to Postpone Exam Date

    The half-yearly exam for us is scheduled to be held from tomorrow onwards. I will not be able to attend the exams for the papers on (date) and (date) as I will be busy attending funeral activities and other rituals. Therefore, I humbly request you to kindly postpone my exam for the said two papers on any later dates.

  19. Exam Postponement and Rescheduling Requests Policy

    Date and Time Limit on Exam Postponements. If an exam is postponed in accordance with this policy, it must be taken on the make-up date and time set by the Dean of Students Office and/or the Office of Academic Services. In no case will a student be allowed to take a postponed exam later than 30 days after the exam was originally administered.

  20. Request Letter For Postponement of Scheduled Exam

    The letter requests to postpone the exam schedule for three subjects - AE 122, AE 223, and CBME 221. The reasons given are to give students more time to study for comprehensive exams and resolve time conflicts. The original and proposed new schedules are listed. Approval is requested from the School Administrator to change the exam dates and locations.

  21. application writing for postponed exam

    The Head of Department, Computer Science Department, NUML, Islamabad. Subject: Postponement of Midterm Examination Due to KPPSC Test. R/Sir, With due respect it is stated that I Syed Amir Ali Shah, student of MSCS (3rd Semester) having system Id NUML-F20-17086.R/Sir, I am studying Advanced Data Mining Course in this semester and our Mid-term Exam on 17Nov, 2021 for this course.

  22. A letter to principal to postpone …

    The Principal. Greenwoods Global School. City. May 14, 2018. Subject: Request for postponing examination. Sir: Respectfully I wish to state that my brother's wedding ceremony is to be solemnized on May 20, 2018 in Gurugram. My physics exam date clashes with the wedding date. Since it is just a terminal exam, could you please postpone my exam ...

  23. Traditional Nursing Bachelors Admissions

    Applications must be submitted (i.e., in a Received status) by the application deadline. After the application deadline, there is a consecutive 10-day grace period which allows for: all references to reach a Completed status, all official transcripts to be received by NursingCAS, and the application to reach Verified Status.

  24. Sample Letter Of Postponement Of Event: Free & Effective

    Key Takeaways. Understanding Postponement: Learn the reasons and implications of postponing an event.; Personal Touch: Tips for adding a personal touch to your postponement letter.; Template Guide: A step-by-step guide and unique templates to write an effective letter.; Real-Life Examples: Insights from real scenarios for better understanding.; Engagement: How to keep your friends engaged and ...