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GSEB Solutions Class 7 English Sem 1 Revision

Gujarat Board  GSEB Solutions Class 7 English Second Language Sem 1 Revision Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 7 English Textbook Solutions Sem 1  Revision

Gseb class 7 english revision text book questions and answers.

1. Read the story :

Methi Pakoda

Kanjusmal was rich but he was a miser He spent very little money. He ate very cheap His watchman lived in a hut near his gate. The watchman liked Methi Pakoda. So his wife made Methi Pakoda every day. One day the miser passed by the hut. He caught the smell of Methi Pakoda. He liked it very much.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 English Sem 1 Revision

Kanjusmal said to the watchman. “I smell something good. What is it ?” The watchman replied, “It is Methi Pakoda.” Kanjusmal said, “Please cook it every day. I like its smell.” So the watchman and his wife made it every day.

One day they went to Kanjusmal and said, “Sir, you like the smell of Methi Pakoda. So we cook it every day. But Methi Pakoda is not cheap. We spend a lot of money on oil and besan.” Kanjusmal went inside and shut the door.

He took some silver coins and dropped them one by one on the floor. Then the miser came out and said, “Did you hear the sound – of the silver coins ?” “Yes, sir, we did”, they said. “Did you enjoy it ?” “Yes sir, very much.” The miser said, “I enjoyed the smell of your Methi Pakoda. You enjoyed the sound of my money. I will not ask you to give me Methi Pakoda. And you don’t ask for my money. That is a deal. Now, go away and prepare Methi Pakoda.”

2. Strike out the improper words:

(1) Kanjusmal was ✗poor /wealthy. (2) Kanjusmal spent very little money / lots of money✗ (3) Kanjusmal ate ✗costly/cheap  food. (4) Watchman’s wife made methi pakoda / methi gota ✗ every day. (5) The watchman thought that Kanjusmal was ✗angry / happy. (6) Kanjusmal went ✗outside / inside the house and / ✗opened shut the door.

3. નીચેના જેવા અર્થવાળાં વાક્યો વાર્તામાંથી શોધીને લખો :

Question 1. Kanjusmal was very wealthy. Answer: Kanjusmal was very rich.

Question 2. Kanjusmal’s watchman lived close to his gate. Answer: His watchman lived in a hut near his gate.

Question 3. Watchman’s wife always prepared Methi Pakoda. Answer: His wife made Methi Pakoda every day.

Question 4. Kanjusmal liked the smell of Pakoda. Answer: He caught the smell of Methi Pakoda. He liked it very much.

Question 5. Kanjusmal went into the house and closed the door. Answer: Kanjusmal went inside and shut the door.

Question 6. Kanjusmal counted the silver coins dropping them on the floor. Answer: He took some silver coins and dropped them one by one on the floor.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 English Sem 1 Revision 1

Complete these sentences :

(1) The price of sugar is ₹ 40 . (2) The name of the shop is Kishan Provision Store.  (3) In this bill the quantity of rice is more than tuver dal . (4) What is costlier Sugar or coconut oil? Coconut oil . (5) The cost of rice is ₹ 56. (6) What is the total amount of the bill ? ₹ 809. (7) How many items are there in the bill ? 7 items. (8) When did Meenaben buy these things ? 12 September, 2013

5. વાક્ય વાંચી તે વાક્ય કોને લાગુ પડે છે તે તમારા પાઠ્યપુસ્તકના આધારે ઉદાહરણમાં બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે લખો :

Example: I can see far. I have got the s sharp eyes. — Sharper eyes (1) My friend helped me and I married I a princess — Sohansen (2) My father made me a golden leaf and a silver fish — Princess ? (3) I turned myself into a crow and flew away into the jungle. — King (4) I ran faster than the wind and brought , the princess back before sunset. — Longer legs (5) I like the smell of Methi Pakoda. — Kanjusmal (6) I am the Mayor of Sardarnagar. — Sharada Modi (7) My father gave me a bicycle as a gift. — Tejasvini (8) I rode the bicycle on the rough path. — Tejasvini (9) They put their feet into the water. — Shivani and Nitu (10) They gathered under the banyan tree. — Father, Mother, Shivani and Nitu

6. નીચેનાં છ વાક્યોમાં કેટલાક શબ્દો અદલબદલ થઈ ગયા છે, તે શબ્દો નીચે લીટી દોરેલ છે. તેમને સુધારી અર્થપૂર્ણ વાક્યો બનાવો :

Example: I started my teeth three times yesterday. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.

(1) The cat went out of the room. Then  I visited the window. The cat went out of the room. Then I shut the window.

(2) The programme got at 6.30 and shut at 9.30 o’clock. The programme started at 6.30 and finished at 9.30 o’clock.

(3) The accident finished last Saturday evening. The accident took place last Saturday evening.

(4) We caught Sasan Gir but we did not find any lion. We visited Sasan Gir but we did not find any lion.

(5) I took place the bus but didn’t get the seat. I caught the bus but didn’t get the seat.

7. Read the passage and dialogues : (સંવાદ પૂર્ણ કરો. કૌસમાંથી યોગ્ય phrases /questions પસંદ કરો.)

(Practice; you can do it; papa’s coaching; Thank you, sir; How old are you For two hours) Rutva Pathak studies in Std. 7. She is twelve years old. She won the cycle race. She got the silver medal. She was very happy. A journalist came to her and asked some questions. Journalist: Congratulation, Rutva. Rutva : Thank you, sir. Journalist: How do you feel after winning the race ? Rutva : Umm, quite fine. Journalist: How old are you? Rutva: I am 12. Actually, I am younger than all other participants. Journalist: What helped you to win the race ? Rutva : Practice and papa’s coaching. Journalist: And tell me about your practice time ? Rutva: I practised cycling in the morning. Journalist: Any dream ? Rutva: Yes, to participate in the Olympic and represent India. Journalist: Sure, we hope you can do it. Rutva : Thank you.

8. તમારી પાસે સાઇકલ છે? તમારી / તમને ગમતી સાઇકલ વિશે ચાર-પાંચ વાક્યો લખો : કૌસમાં આપેલા મુદ્દાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરો.

(colour – seat-front wheel-rear wheel – pedals-enjoy riding)

I like my bicycle very much. My bicycle is new. It is black in colour. It has a red seat. It is soft. It has a small basket. It is red, too. My bicycle has a small lamp. It has a nice, small bell. I like to ride my bicycle every day in the garden. Sometimes, I also go to school on my bicycle. I enjoy riding my bicycle.

9. શબ્દજોડીઓ મોટેથી વાંચો :

(1) Bring — Brought (2) Catch — Caught (3) Drink — Drank (4) Spend — Spent (5) Make — Made (6) Give — Gave (7) Know — Knew (8) Take — Took (9) We — Wore (10) See — Saw (11) Sleep — Slept (12) Throw — Threw (13) Begin — Began (14) Go — Went (15) Corne — Came (16) Become — Became (17) Buy — Bought (18) Write — Wrote (19) Hide — Hid (20) Meet — Met (21) Tell —Told

આ શબ્દોના Playing Cards બનાવી Unit 2 મુજબ રમત રમો.

નોંધઃ શિક્ષકશ્રીએ પરિણામપત્રક તૈયાર કરતી વખતે મુખ્ય વિષયોમાં કુલ 80 ગુણમાંથી મેળવેલ ગુણને 2 વડે ભાગતાં આવનાર ગુણને પરિશિષ્ટના લેખિત મૂલ્યાંકનના 40 ગુણના કૉલમમાં દર્શાવવાના રહેશે.

સૂચના : નીચેના સ્વ-મૂલ્યાંકન પ્રશ્નપત્રના ઉત્તરો તમારી જાતે લખવાના છે. એક રૂમમાં બેસી બરાબર 3 કલાકના સમયમાં આ પ્રશ્નપત્રના ઉત્તરો લખો. પ્રશ્નપત્રના ઉત્તરો લખી રહ્યા પછી તમારા શિક્ષકશ્રી પાસે તપાસરાવો. તમારી ભૂલો જાણી તેને સુધારી લો.

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GSEB Std 7 TextBook PDF Download 2023

GSEB STD 7 TextBook : Here we come up with the updates of the new GSEB TextBook. This post is on GSEB STD 7 TextBooks. You can download all the STD 7 books of Gujarat Board for Gujarati and English medium from here. TextBooks of all subjects of STD 7 of Gujarat Government are available here. Recently, GSEB has updated some subjects and syllabus based on NCERT Education System. So it becomes very difficult for the students to find the PDF file of this newly updated book. The GKNews team always tries to help students in a very simple way by providing useful content. This post will be very helpful for you, which will save you time. Simply Click On Download Text In Below Table And it will be Downloading the TextBook PDF in a Seconds.

Table of Contents

GSEB Standard 7 TextBook

Downloading Std 7 Textbook Pdf is a very Easy Process. The table below contains the updated TextBooks of GSEB STD 7. The first table is full of PDFs of Gujarati medium TextBooks and the second is full of English medium TextBooks. The process of downloading NCERT STD 7 TextBooks is very simple. Just click on “Download” Text Written After Subject Name, And It’s Redirect To Google Drive. Where You Can View And Download That STD 7 TextBook For GSEB Students.

GSEB Std 7 Gujarati Medium Books

Subject Name Semester 1 Semester 2
Gujarati (FL) [ગુજરાતી]
English (SL) [અંગ્રેજી]
Mathematics [ગણિત]
Science [વિજ્ઞાન]
Sanskrit [સંસ્કૃત]
Hindi (SL) [હિન્દી]
Social Science [સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન]

Here We Given More Details & Download Link For Std 6 Gujarati Medium Books.

Std 7 Gujarati Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Gujarati (FL) ગુજરાતી
  • Total Page : 68 + 88
  • PDF Size : 11 MB & 10 MB
  • Total Chapter : 10 + 10
  • First Edition Year : 2013 & 2012
  • Semester Vise Books : Yes

Std 7 English Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : English અંગ્રેજી
  • Total Page : 60 + 82
  • PDF Size : 22 MB & 58 MB
  • Total Chapter : 4 + 5
  • First Edition Year : 2013 & 2014

GSEB Std 7 Mathematics Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Mathematics ગણિત
  • Total Page : 312
  • PDF Size : 41.3 MB
  • Total Chapter : 15
  • First Edition Year : 2018
  • Semester Vise Books : No

Std 7 Science Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Science વિજ્ઞાન (Vigyan)
  • Total Page : 230
  • PDF Size : 58.1 MB
  • Total Chapter : 18

Std 7 Sanskrit Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Sanskrit સંસ્કૃત
  • Total Page : 36 + 28
  • PDF Size : 6.3 MB & 10.5 MB
  • Total Chapter : 9 + 7

Std 7 Hindi Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Hindi હિન્દી (Second Langudge)
  • Total Page : 52 + 68
  • PDF Size : 16.3 MB & 7.8 MB
  • Total Chapter : 9\8 + 10
  • First Edition Year : 2012

Std 7 Social Science Textbook PDF

  • Subject Name : Social Science સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન (Samajik Vigyan)
  • Total Page : 132
  • PDF Size : 34.8 MB
  • First Edition Year : 2021

Download Now Also Read :  GSEB Std 6 TextBook PDF Download (Gujarati / English Medium)

Std 7 English Medium Books Gujarat

Subject Name Semester 1 Semester 2
English (FL) Download
Sanskrit Download
Social Science

Also Read :  GSEB Textbooks PDF Download 2023 (Std 1 To 12)

GSEB Std 7 Hindi Medium TextBooks

Social Science Hindi Medium
Social Science Hindi Medium (Old Book)
Sanskrit Hindi Medium
Hindi First Language

GSEB Std 7 Urdu Medium TextBooks

Mathematics Urdu Medium
Social Science Urdu Medium
Urdu First Language

GSEB Std 7 Marathi Medium TextBooks

Mathematics Marathi Medium
Social Science Marathi Medium
Science And Technology Marathi Medium
Sanskrit Marathi Medium
Marathi First Language

GSEB STD 7 Books PDF Download

Download Process Is Very Easy For GSEB Std 7 TextBook. Just Click On Download Button, It Will Redirect You To PDF Viewer Page. Download Button For PDF Is Also There.

NCERT STD 7 TextBooks 2023

Gujarat Board STD 7 TextBooks Is updated in 2023, they added Some New Topic In the updates of TextBooks. NCERT STD 7 TextBooks in your time. And the new updates are easy for parents to understand so they can help their children study better at home. Hope We Will Helped You To Download Std 7 Books. If You Have Any Suggestion, Issue Or Book Request Then Please Write Us In Comment Box.

20 thoughts on “GSEB Std 7 TextBook PDF Download 2023”

Second language English Tex book class 7

Please give second language of English text book .

English Second Language Book PDF Already Added.

Hoe to Download Semester 2 Textbooks of 7th Standard ? please inform me on mail or send me books of Social Science & English Semester 2 Alien Handbook. or Give Suggestion how to collect online Text books from your sites.

You Can Download Semester 2 Textbooks of 7th Standard Below the “Download” Button. You Can’t Purchase This Books Online.

Thank you GK news team for making the textbooks available. I am looking for correct information that is SS syllabus or textbook of English medium Std 7 has changed …as new academic year has started and no clue yet …please help ASAP.

Thanks For Comment Smita! We Will Already Added Information About When Book Updated.

સ્ટાન્ડર્ડ 7 ની દ્વિતીય ભાષા ગુજરાતી ની નવી બુક જયારે આવશે?

Std 7 gujarati second language ni book kyare avvani che ??

bahu jaldi..

When are we going to get GSEB Social studies new text pdf?? Waiting to get the latest version of the text book.

Social science new text book when will we get

Already Added Bro.

Priti Thakkar, No Need To Wait More Here we Added Latest GSEB Std 7 Social Studies Book.

Why English medium SS book is different from Gujarati medium? All chapters are different.

Because Gujarati medium version is new while the English medium has the 2019 version.

Re check std 7 marathi midium sci book Wrongly added? It’s in Urdu

Thanks for pointing it out, it has been fixed.

When will we get std 7 eng medium S. S textbook pdf of year 2023 ?

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  • CBSE Notes For Class 7
  • CBSE Notes Class 7 Maths
  • Chapter 1: Integers

Integers Class 7 Notes: Chapter 1

Introduction to integers, introduction to numbers.

Natural Numbers : The collection of all the counting numbers is called set of natural numbers. It is denoted by N = {1,2,3,4….}

Whole Numbers : The collection of natural numbers along with zero is called a set of whole numbers. It is denoted by  W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … }

For more information on Number Systems, watch the below video.

std 7 assignment sem 1

Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers

Closure under Addition and subtraction For every integer  a and b ,  a + b and a – b are integers.

Commutativity Property for addition for every integer  a and b ,  a + b = b + a

Associativity Property for addition for every integer a , b and  c , ( a + b ) + c = a + ( b + c ) To know more about Addition and Subtraction of Integers, visit here .

Additive Identity & Additive Inverse

Additive Identity For every integer a , a + 0 = 0 + a = a here 0 is Additive Identity, since adding 0 to a number leaves it unchanged. Example : For an integer 2, 2+0 = 0+2 = 2.

Additive inverse For every integer a , a + ( − a ) = 0 Here, − a is additive inverse of a and  a is the additive inverse of-a. Example : For an integer 2, (– 2) is additive inverse  and for (– 2), additive inverse is 2. [Since + 2 – 2 = 0]

Properties of Multiplication of Integers

Closure under Multiplication For every integer  a and b , a × b = I n t e g e r

Commutative Property of Multiplication For every integer  a and b ,  a × b = b × a

Multiplication by Zero For every integer  a , a × 0 = 0 × a = 0

Multiplicative Identity For every integer  a , a × 1 = 1 × a = a . Here 1 is the multiplicative identity for integers.

Associative property of Multiplication For every integer  a , b   and  c ,   ( a × b ) × c = a × ( b × c )

Distributive Property of Integers Under addition and multiplication,  integers show the distributive property. i.e., For every integer  a , b   and  c ,  a × ( b + c ) = a × b + a × c

These properties make calculations easier.

To know more about “Properties of Multiplication of Integers”, visit here .

Division of Integers

When a positive integer is divided by a positive integer , the quotient obtained is a positive integer . Example: (+6) ÷ (+3)  =  + 2

When a negative integer is divided by a negative integer , the quotient obtained is a positive integer. Example: (-6) ÷ (-3)  =  + 2

When a positive integer is divided by a  negative integer or  negative integer  is divided by a positive integer , the quotient obtained is a negative integer. Example: (-6) ÷ (+3)  = − 2 and Example: (+6) ÷ (-3)  =  − 2 To know more about Multiplication and Division of Integers, visit here .

The Number Line

Number line.

Representation of integers on a number line

Representation of integers on a number line

On a number line when we

(i) add a positive integer for a given integer, we move to the right. Example : When we add +2 to +3, move 2 places from +3 towards right to get +5

(ii) add a negative integer for a given integer, we move to the left. Example : When we add -2 to +3, move 2 places from +3 towards left to get +1

(iii) subtract a positive integer from a given integer, we move to the left. Example: When we subtract +2 from -3, move 2 places from -3 towards left to get -5

(iv) subtract a negative integer from a given integer, we move to the right Example: When we subtract -2 from -3, move 2 places from -3 towards right to get 1

To know more about Number Lines, visit here .

Addition and Subtraction of Integers

The absolute value of +7 (a positive integer) is 7 The absolute value of -7 (negative integer) is 7 (its corresponding positive integer)

Addition of two positive integers gives a  positive integer. Example : ( + 3)+( + 4)  =  + 7

Addition of two negative integers gives a negative integer. Example : ( − 3 ) + ( − 4 )  =  − 3 − 4 = − 7

When one positive and one negative integers are added, we take their difference and place the sign of the bigger integer . Example : ( − 7 ) + ( 2 )  =  − 5

For subtraction , we add the additive inverse of the integer that is being subtracted, to the other integer. Example : 56 – ( – 73 )  =  56 + 73  =  129

Introduction to Zero

Integers are the collection of numbers which is formed by whole numbers and their negatives.  The set of Integers is denoted by Z or I. I =  { …, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,… }

Properties of Division of Integers

For every integer a , (a) a ÷ 0 is not defined (b) a ÷ 1  =  a

Note:   Integers are not closed under division Example: (– 9) ÷  (– 3) = 2. Result is an integer. and ( − 3 ) ÷ ( − 9 )= 1/3 . Result is not an integer.

Multiplication of Integers

Product of two positive integers is a positive integer. Example : ( + 2 ) × ( + 3 )  =  + 6

Product of two negative integers is a positive integer. Example : ( − 2 ) × ( − 3 )  =  + 6

Product of a positive and a negative integer is a negative integer. Example : ( + 2 ) × ( − 3 )  =  − 6 and ( − 2 ) × ( + 3 )  =  − 6

Product of even number of negative integers is positive  and product of odd number of negative integers is negative. These properties make calculations easier.

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 7 Maths Notes Chapter 1 Integers

What is closure property.

Closure property of whole numbers under addition: The sum of any two whole numbers will always be a whole number, i.e. if a and b are any two whole numbers, a + b will be a whole number.

What are the properties of zero?

1. Zero is even 2. Zero is neither positive nor negative 3. Zero is an integer

What is the definition of inverse?

A term is said to be in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases). of or relating to an inverse function.

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Class 7 Assignments Download Pdf

Please refer to Assignments for Class 7 for all subjects given below. We have given below free printable Assignments for Class 7 for easy and free download in PDF. The assignments have been developed based on the current year’s NCERT Books for Class 7. These Assignments for Grade 7 cover all critical topics which can come in your standard 7 class tests and exams. Free printable Assignments for CBSE Class 7 , school and class worksheets, and practice test papers have been developed by our experienced class 7 teachers. You can free download CBSE NCERT printable assignments for Class 7 with solutions and answers. All assignments and test sheets have been prepared by expert faculty as per the latest curriculum in Class 7. Students can simply click on the links below and download all Pdf assignments for class 7 for free. Latest Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 7 assignments and test papers are provided below.

Assignments for Class 7 Pdf Download

We have provided the largest collection of free CBSE NCERT KVS Assignments for Class 7 . You can download all free assignments in Pdf for standard 7th. Our expert faculty members have covered Class 7 questions and answers for all subjects as per the latest curriculum for the current academic year. All practice test papers and question banks for Class 7 subjects and CBSE Assignments for Class 7 will be really useful for students to properly prepare for the upcoming exams. Class 7th students are advised to free download in Pdf all printable question banks given below.

Subjectwise Assignments for Class 7 for Download in Pdf

Class 7 Assignments

Advantages of Solving Class 7 Assignments

  • By clicking on the links above you can access the largest collection of assignments for Grade 7, you will be able to find critical and scoring questions which can come in your exams and school tests.
  • While you do the assignments, it is also important to go through all your CBSE textbooks for Class 7 .
  • All assignments for standard 7 for all subjects have solutions and step by step answers. Students and parents will be able to understand then easily.
  • Class 7 students who are currently studying in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools will be able to easily download subjectwise and chapterwise worksheets and assignments in Pdf
  • Class 7 practice question banks will help to further strengthen subject understanding which will help to score better rank in exam

FAQs by Students in Class 7

At, we have provided the biggest database of free assignments for Class 7 which you can download in Pdf

We provide here Standard 7 subject-wise assignments which can be easily downloaded in Pdf format for free. Our teachers have provided these Grade 7 test sheets for all subjects given in your books.

You can click on the links above and get assignments for all subjects in Grade 7, all subject and topic-wise question banks with solutions have been provided here. You can click on the links to download in Pdf.

We have provided here subject-wise Grade 7 question banks, revision notes and questions for all difficult topics, and other study material. You can download it all without any charge by clicking on the links provided above.

We have provided the best quality question bank for Class 7 for all subjects. You can download them all and use them offline without the internet.

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