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Best Writing Scholarships in 2024

Showing 133 scholarships that match your search.

scholarships in creative writing

Don't Text and Drive Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the risks of texting while driving. To apply, complete the application form, which includes a 140-character message about texting while driving. Ten finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about texting while driving, and one will be chosen as the winner of this $1,000 scholarship.

Categories: Personal Essay

Organization: Digital Responsibility

Deadline: September 30, 2024

Recipients: 1

Top award: $1,000

Apply now →

scholarships in creative writing

Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

The American poet Amy Lowell died in 1925. Her will established an annual scholarship to support travel abroad for gifted American-born poets. Any poet of American birth, who is able and willing to spend one year outside the continent of North America, shall be eligible.

Categories: Poetry

Organization: Charles A. Cheever and William A. Lowell

Deadline: October 15, 2024

Additional awards: If there are two winners, each will receive the full amount

Top award: $60,500

scholarships in creative writing

YoungArts' National Arts Competition for Writing

YoungArts’ signature program is an application-based award for emerging artists ages 15-18 or in grades 10-12 from across the United States. YoungArts winners receive valuable support, including financial awards of up to $10,000, professional development and educational experiences working with renowned mentors, and performance and exhibition opportunities at some of the nation’s leading cultural institutions.

Categories: Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Organization: National YoungArts Foundation

Deadline: October 17, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards of varying amounts will be given

Recipients: 6

Top award: $10,000

scholarships in creative writing

WIIT Scholarships

Our merit-based scholarships are awarded twice per year to support and encourage women studying International Trade and Global Development. Applicants must identify as female and be enrolled at an accredited U.S. college as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Awards will be based on the quality of the assigned essay and the applicant's demonstrated interested in international trade.

Categories: Critical Essay

Organization: The Association of Women in International Trade

Deadline: November 01, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards will be given each year; winners will also receive WIIT mentorship

Top award: $3,000

scholarships in creative writing

Americanism Essay Contest

​FRA sponsors an annual essay contest to promote the spirit of Americanism and patriotism among our country’s youth. FRA's Americanism Essay Contest is open to all students, grades 7-12, including those who are home schooled. Students are invited to submit a 350-word essay through an FRA member or local FRA branch before the December 1st deadline.

Organization: Fleet Reserve Association

Deadline: December 01, 2024

Additional awards: Other winners will receive $1,000, $750, and $500

Top award: $1,500

scholarships in creative writing

New York Life Award

Underwritten by the New York Life Foundation, the New York Life Award offers $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends to ten students whose works explore death and personal grief. Sharing your story through art or writing can be a healing experience both for you and other teens who are grieving. Your creative work can help someone with similar experiences to you feel less alone.

Categories: Journalism, Personal Essay, Critical Essay, Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Organization: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Recipients: 10

Top award: $2,500

scholarships in creative writing

Many Voices Fellowship

The Many Voices Fellowship is intended to support early career playwrights of color and Indigenous playwrights who demonstrate artistic potential and a commitment to a year-long residency in Minnesota. Fellowships provide a $25,000 stipend and $3,000 to support customized play development through workshops with professional directors, dramaturgs, and actors.

Categories: Playwriting

Organization: Jerome Foundation

Top award: $25,000

scholarships in creative writing

OPC Scholarships

The Overseas Press Club Foundation strives to improve the media's understanding of international issues and to raise the quality of news-gathering efforts in covering the world. This is achieved by offering scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in American colleges and universities, who aspire to become foreign correspondents. All applicants to OPC scholarships must submit a cover letter, resume, and writing sample about an international issue or topic.

Categories: Journalism

Organization: Overseas Press Club Foundation

scholarships in creative writing

Portfolio Awards

The Portfolio Awards, made possible by generous individual donors and other supporters, offer $12,500 scholarships to Gold Medal Portfolio winners and $2,000 scholarships to Silver Medal Portfolio winners. All graduating seniors submitting a collection of six works with accompanying Artist or Writer Statements and Personal Statements (500 words or less) are eligible for this award.

Categories: Portfolio

Additional awards: $2,000 each for Silver Medal prizes

Recipients: 16

Top award: $12,500

scholarships in creative writing

SPCA Mundy Scholarship

The Foundation awards a scholarship each year to a South Carolina college student interested in pursuing a newspaper career. The premier scholarship, worth $1,000 per academic year, is named for the Foundation’s first president, the late Frank R. Mundy of the Greenwood Index-Journal.

Organization: South Carolina Press Association

Deadline: December 02, 2024

scholarships in creative writing

Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship Award

In an effort to get students committed to the cause of deleting cyberbullying, we are offering the Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship Award for high school, college and graduate student — a $1,000 scholarship to help cover educational expenses. To apply, write a short essay answering one of the following questions: "Why is it important to work to delete cyberbullying?" or "How has cyberbullying personally affected you?"

Organization: Delete Cyberbullying

Deadline: December 31, 2024

scholarships in creative writing

Unigo $10k Scholarship

The Unigo $10K Scholarship aims to help improve your education by offering a $10,000 prize to use towards school. "Would you rather be smart, funny or rich? Why?" In 250 words or less, submit an online written response to the question. Applicants must be 14 years of age or older and reside in the United States.

Categories: Short Fiction

Organization: Unigo

scholarships in creative writing

Unigo College Review Scholarship

Love your college? Hate it? Meh? Tell other students about your experience so they can make better decisions about college. You must currently attend (or have previously attended) the college that you review to be eligible.

Deadline: January 01, 2025

Recipients: 5

scholarships in creative writing

Islamic Scholarship Fund Program

Students who are Muslim or active members of the Muslim community may apply for the Islamic Scholarship Fund. The ISF awards multiple scholarships each year ranging from $3,000-$10,000, though the amounts and number of recipients will vary. Students must submit applications including essay questions, work samples, and letters of recommendation, and must also be majoring in an ISF-supported field related to media or politics.

Organization: Islamic Scholarship Fund

scholarships in creative writing

The Walt Disney Company UNCF Corporate Scholars Program

The Walt Disney Company UNCF Corporate Scholars Program aims to help create a diverse pipeline of college-educated professionals poised to assume fulfilling off-camera careers in entertainment, and to help increase the number of underrepresented minorities employed in the entertainment industry. Please note applications submitted for this program will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Organization: UNCF

Recipients: 100

What are writing scholarships?

Writing scholarships are financial awards given to students based primarily on written work, though other factors are usually taken into consideration as well. Most writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond. Some writing scholarships — especially those that award large amounts of money — require applicants to submit past writing samples, or even a full portfolio.

The good news is that, with so many writing scholarships to choose from, you don’t have to apply for any that are “out of your league.” Indeed, though most students have heard of writing scholarships, you may not realize just how many different varieties there are! Here are five of the most common types of writing scholarships, all of which you can find in this directory.

1. Personal essay scholarships

Personal essay scholarships involve writing on a topic related to your own experience. You’ll often see personal essay prompts like, “How have your experiences influenced your choice of major?” and “What are your career aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them?” Other prompts may ask you to write about a role model, a life-changing event, an aspect of your identity, etc. Suggested length is usually about 500-1,000 words, but varies depending on the level of detail requested and how many essay questions are provided.

Just about every scholarship these days has a personal essay component of some kind. This is because personal essay responses both demonstrate writing skills and give the judges a clear sense of each applicant’s goals. No one wants to throw away money on an aimless student — so if you’re applying for a personal essay scholarship, make sure to convey both your writing abilities and your ambitions in your work!

2. Critical essay scholarships

Critical essay scholarships are more in line with what students might consider  “academic” essays. The prompts typically ask applicants to analyze works of literature. However, unlike open-ended English class essays, most critical essay scholarships provide a very specific prompt (e.g. “Examine The Great Gatsby in the context of its World War II-era revival”).

Critical essay scholarships can also involve non-literary subject matter. Some may ask applicants to evaluate a historical event or figure; others may ask them to defend their stance on a political or legal issue. Though the line between critical and personal essays can sometimes blur, for the purposes of this directory, we define critical essays as those that use evidence from an external source to prove a point.

3. Short fiction scholarships

Short fiction scholarships include scholarships for short stories, one-act plays, poetry, and any other form of fiction that isn’t a novel or full-length script. Short fiction scholarships tend to be easier to find than long-form fiction scholarships, since most judging panels don’t have time to read more than a few thousand words per entry. Therefore, if you write fiction and you’re hoping to nab yourself a scholarship, this category is the way to go! (That said, if you’re a hardline novelist, some places will accept a sample chapter or two as short fiction entries.)

4. Journalism scholarships

Journalism scholarships are for students interested in pursuing a career in news, magazine, and/or online journalism. These scholarship applications almost always ask for writing samples to show the candidate’s interest. Depending on the organization, they may prefer topical news reports, informative articles, thinkpieces, or a mix. Some journalism scholarships provide a prompt and ask applicants to write a new article, but the focus is usually on samples. Speaking of which…

5. Portfolio scholarships 

Portfolio scholarships are the most rigorous kind of writing scholarship, requiring a substantial body of work from each applicant — usually 5-10 pieces of writing, if not more. The upside is that awards for portfolio scholarships tend to be pretty sizable, and may even cover your entire tuition!

If you decide to apply to a portfolio scholarship, make sure you have several strong pieces of work in your oeuvre, and consider writing a few new pieces as well. What you shouldn’t do is rush through a dozen new pieces to throw together as a portfolio. If you don’t have samples at the ready from previous assignments or projects, you’ll be better off applying to a less intensive writing scholarship.

Why apply to writing scholarships?

Applying to writing scholarships is a huge undertaking, especially if you’re pursuing multiple scholarships at once. It can sometimes feel like the effort isn’t worth it, or that you have little chance of actually winning any awards. But in truth, submitting to writing scholarships is one of the best investments you can make in your education, your creative writing skills, and your professional life.

Scholarships for larger amounts do attract more applicants, but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible to land — only that you have to work a little harder to stand out. And you can definitely sway the odds in your favor by applying to lots of small scholarships ($500 or less) for which you’ll have fewer competitors. Remember that every little bit helps! For example, if you plan on taking out student loans, even a $500 scholarship could save you much more in interest down the line.

Another compelling reason to apply to writing scholarships is that oftentimes, you’ve already done the work, or the work required is minimal. For scholarships that require writing samples, you’ll simply submit what you’ve already written in the past — and even for scholarships with specific prompts, you rarely have to write more than a couple of pages. If you were seriously committed, you could apply to a scholarship every day, spending a single concentrated evening on each application.

Jumping off that thought, as English majors love to say: the more writing scholarships you apply for, the better a writer you’ll become. Writing tons of scholarship essays will make you a much more creative and efficient writer. Not only will this help with your personal writing projects, but it will also be invaluable to your education and even your career! Writing is a crucial skill for every major — you’ll always have to write papers and emails to professors, after all — and even if you don’t plan to pursue a writing-based job, you'll still need writing skills to polish your résumé.

Finally, remember that there’s a writing scholarship out there for everyone, no matter what your interests or intended field. This directory includes plenty of creative writing scholarships, yes; but there are also personal essay scholarships for future doctors, lawyers, salespeople, and so much more. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot, so why not start searching for your dream writing scholarship today? (And if you’re unsure about your writing skills, you might benefit from some of the resources below.)

Resources to strengthen your writing skills

  • 20 Writing Tips to Help You Become A Better Writer Today. Click here to view
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Build A Solid Writing Routine. Click here to enroll
  • What is Creative Nonfiction? Memoirs, Literary Journalism, and More! Check it out
  • How to Write a Memoir: Tell Your Amazing Story in 9 Steps. Read more
  • How to Write a Fantastic Short Story In 7 Steps. Find out more
  • How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro. Enroll here
  • 700+ Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You. Click here to view
  • 100+ Creative Writing Exercises for Authors. Learn more

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The Scholarship System

Paying for college begins here

The Ultimate List of Scholarships for Writers

Scholarships & Financial Aid

scholarships in creative writing

Updated on August 23rd, 2024

If your student dreams of pursuing a career that allows them to focus on the written word, scholarships for writers can make their college journey more affordable. As with all scholarships, the money doesn’t have to be paid back, giving your student a chance to avoid burdensome student loan debt.

Scholarships for writers are pretty plentiful. Current college students can serve as valuable mentors in the college application process, helping others navigate various aspects such as application writing and scholarship searching. High school seniors should also consider applying for scholarships to secure funding for their further education. If your student is looking for scholarships for aspiring writers or opportunities that allow them to earn scholarship money for their undergraduate and graduate students’ writing abilities (that can be applied to other majors), here’s what you need to know.

If you and your student want to learn more about where to find scholarships for writers or other opportunities as well as how to land scholarships,  sign up for our free college scholarship webinar ! Head to https://thescholarshipsystem.com/freewebinar to reserve your spot today .

  • 1 What Are Writing Scholarship Essays?
  • 2.1 General Writing Scholarships
  • 2.2 Poetry Scholarships
  • 2.3 Creative Writing Scholarships
  • 2.4 Journalism Scholarships
  • 2.5 Play and Song Writing Scholarships
  • 3.1 Can you get a scholarship in writing?
  • 3.2 How do I start writing a scholarship?

scholarships in creative writing

What Are Writing Scholarship Essays?

Writing scholarships come in two primary forms. The first kind targets students who intend to pursue writing-related majors or careers. The second option allows anyone with writing skills to earn scholarship awards but doesn’t necessarily limit eligibility based on the student’s major or future career plans. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate school students, emphasizing the importance of finding financial aid to support education at various levels.

Scholarships for young writers can help your student pursue their dream while giving them a chance to avoid student loan debt. Since many writing careers don’t start with large salaries, this can make pursuing a career in that arena more affordable. There are also specific scholarship opportunities available for undergraduate students, which can significantly aid in funding their higher education journeys.

In most cases, scholarships for writers require applicants to submit some form of writing sample. This can be in addition to other essays or the only written component requirement.

It’s important to note your student needs to read the fine print on all of the scholarships for writers they consider. In some cases, the written pieces or scholarship essays they turn in become the property of the awarding organization, regardless of whether your student receives a scholarship. As a result, some only allow unique writing per the rules, so your student might not be able to submit the same piece repeatedly.

Scholarships for writers are pretty plentiful. If you're looking for writing scholarship opportunities, here is the ultimate list.

There is a slew of writing scholarships available. Some accept a wide variety of writing content during the application phase, even short fiction, while others focus on specific forms of writing, like poetry writing scholarships that only consider submissions that include a poem.

To ensure your student can find the right opportunities, this list of scholarships for writers is broken down into the most common categories for writing scholarship essays, as well as a general section for writer scholarships that are more flexible about submissions. High school students, especially those in their junior and senior years, should research and apply for writing scholarships early to enhance their educational opportunities in writing and related fields.

general writing scholarship

General Writing Scholarships

Some scholarships for writers have a range of categories, allowing undergraduate students and other students to choose one that best aligns with their preferred writing style. As a result, these can be a great starting point for nearly any student.

  • ACES Scholarships
  • Alliance for Young Artists & Writers’ Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
  • Barbara Deming Memorial Fund Scholarship
  • Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarship
  • Go On Girl Book Club’s Aspiring Writer Scholarship
  • KidGuard for Education Scholarship
  • Marco Island Foundation for the Arts Scholarships
  • Willa Cather Foundation Scholarship

Poetry Scholarships

If your high school student loves spending time creating poems, poetry writing scholarships may be an ideal option for them as they transition to becoming an undergraduate student. Not only can they flex their creative muscles, but they also have a chance to earn money to help pay for school.

  • Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship
  • Dorothy Rosenberg Memorial Prize in Lyric Poetry
  • Horror Writers Association Dark Poetry Scholarship
  • Lycoming Creative Writing Scholarship
  • Patricia Cornwell Creative Writing Scholarship
  • Poetry Foundation’s Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships
  • Power of Poetry Scholarships
  • William Morgan Poetry Award

creative writing scholarships

Creative Writing Scholarships

This category includes scholarships for creative writing majors as well as other writing awards, for those with creative writing talent who are going to focus on other subjects. These opportunities include short story scholarships, fiction writing scholarships, scholarships for creative writing majors, and more.

  • Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing
  • Bodie McDowell Scholarship
  • CFNEM Carl and Christine Huebner Scholarship
  • CW Scholarship
  • GRFC Ladies Literary Club Scholarship
  • Gwaltney Scholarship
  • Horror Writers Association Scholarship
  • Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship
  • TalNexus Scholarship
  • Unico National’s Ella T. Grasso Literary Scholarship
  • Creative Writing Scholarship | Waldorf University

Journalism Scholarships

Journalism is still a popular major for college students, who enjoy writing and want to focus on recent happenings, current events, or investigative writing. There are a ton of journalism scholarships out there, helping students enter into this engaging field.

  • Against the Grain Scholarship
  • Bob and Marion Breeden Journalism Student Aid Fund Scholarship
  • Chips Quinn Scholars Program for Diversity in Journalism (paid internship opportunity)
  • GardenComm Scholarships
  • Journalism Education Association’s Journalist of the Year Award
  • Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship Award
  • Lester G. Benz Memorial Scholarship for College Journalism Study
  • Mike Reynolds Journalism Scholarship
  • NABJ Scholarships
  • New York Financial Writers’ Association Scholarships
  • New York Women in Communications Scholarships
  • Ohio News Media Association Scholarships
  • Richard G. Zimmerman Scholarship

Play and Song Writing Scholarships

While there aren’t as many in this category, it is possible to find scholarships for writing plays and songs. Here are a couple of examples.

  • Jerome Foundation Many Voices Fellowships
  • John Lennon Scholarships

writing scholarships for under graduate and graduate students

Ultimately, aspiring writers and those who just happen to have a talent for the written word can find scholarships to help them pay for school. Plus, there are tons of other scholarships out there for students interested in other topics, including opportunities for:

  • Students with learning disabilities
  • Military members, veterans, and their families
  • Women and girls
  • Native Americans

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get a scholarship in writing.

Yes, you can! Many organizations, universities, and writing programs offer scholarships to writers. These can be awarded for your writing talent, academic achievements, or financial need.

Some are for specific genres like fiction, poetry, or journalism, and others for underrepresented voices or topics. To increase your chances, research scholarships that fit your writing style and goals, prepare a strong portfolio or writing sample, and make sure your application shows your passion and commitment to writing.

How do I start writing a scholarship?

Applying for a scholarship can be intimidating, but breaking it down into steps makes it manageable. First, read the scholarship guidelines carefully to know the requirements including eligibility, documents and deadlines. Research the organization so you can tailor your application to their values and expectations.

Next, brainstorm and outline your essay. Focus on your achievements, goals, and experiences that align with the scholarship’s purpose. Start with a hook that grabs attention, then expand on key points like your achievements and how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals. Remember, the most compelling essays are those that are genuine and reflect your true self.

As you finish, tell them why you’re the best. Revise for clarity and have someone else read it. Then, gather all required documents, check your application, and submit it on time. Apply early and give yourself time to revise, and you’ll submit a good application.

The Scholarship System also runs an annual scholarship to support students. Find out more here:  The Scholarship System Annual Scholarship Opportunity

If you and your student want to learn more about where to find scholarships for writers or other opportunities as well as how to land scholarships,  sign up for our free college scholarship webinar ! Head to https://thescholarshipsystem.com/freewebinar to reserve your spot today

Learn how I won $126k in external scholarships by registering for my webinar.

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Creative Writing Scholarships

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Sabrina Collier

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  • Introduction

To study in the UK

To study in the us, to study in canada, to study in australia and new zealand, multi-country scholarships.

Are you planning to let your creativity flow by studying creative writing, and need some additional funding? Check out these creative writing scholarships on offer around the world, broken down by country…

  • Birkbeck University of London Sophie Warne Fellowships   – One fee reduction scholarship award of £1,750 is available for an outstanding student admitted onto the MA Creative Writing program at the university. Home/EU students admitted to this course can also apply for the Aitken Alexander Associates Scholarship and the Kit de Waal Scholarship.
  • Queen’s University Belfast Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry – A bursary scholarship of £10,000 is available for an international student studying an MA in Poetry at the university. There is also a £5,000 bursary scholarship available for a UK or Irish student studying a full time MA in Creative Writing or Drama.  
  • Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University Joyce Nield Scholarship – One scholarship is available for an outstanding student from a non-UK Commonwealth country to study an MFA or MA in Creative Writing at the university.
  • Sarah Quinn BAME Writing Scholarship at Curtis Brown Creative – One fully paid scholarship is available for a talented BAME (Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic) student to study Curtis Brown Creative’s Writing YA and Children’s Fiction course. As part of your application you’ll need to send the first 3,000 words of a novel in progress, plus a synopsis.
  • University of East Anglia School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing Postgraduate scholarships   – Various creative writing scholarships available to study a Masters in Creative Writing at the school.
  • University of Edinburgh William Hunter Sharpe Memorial Scholarship – A merit-based scholarship available to postgraduate students who have been accepted to study a full time MSc in Creative Writing or Playwriting.
  • Columbia College Chicago  – Various creative writing scholarships available for students at all study levels to study at the college. (Simply select ‘Creative Writing’ from the ‘program of study’ box to view them.)
  • Chatham University  – Various assistantships and fellowships are available to study an MFA in Creative Writing at the university.
  • Mystery Writers of America Helen McCloy Scholarship – Two US$500 scholarships are available for aspiring mystery writers (who must be US citizens or permanent residents) to offset the costs of a creative writing workshop, seminar or university course.
  • Penguin Annual Signet Classic Scholarship Essay Contest  – Five creative writing scholarships are available for US high school seniors and juniors to further their education. To enter this year’s competition you’ll need to write an essay on a topic related to a novel.
  • Pine Manor College MFA in Creative Writing  – Various creative writing scholarships to study at the college, including the need-based ‘Writers Helping Writers’ scholarships and the Jacqueline Woodson Fellowship, awarded to a student of African or Caribbean descent.
  • Sierra Nevada College MFA in Creative Writing scholarships  – Merit- and need-based creative writing scholarships are available to study at the college.
  • UCLA Extension Phyllis Gebauer Scholarship in Writing  – Up to six scholarships are available annually to study a writing program at UCLA Extension. Only US citizens or eligible green card holders can apply.
  • University of Washington Department of English – Various creative writing scholarships are available at all study levels, including some aimed at current undergraduate or graduate students from any subject.
  • Ursinus College Creative Writing Award  – An annual $33,000 award is available for ‘creative writers of outstanding originality and potential’ to study at this liberal arts college in Pennsylvania.
  • University of Guelph Graduate Scholarships   – Various scholarships are available to study an MFA in Creative Writing at the university, most of which are open to both domestic and international students.
  • Western University Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Awards include the Lillian Kroll Prize in Creative Writing, which awards CA$375 to an undergraduate student who shows a developing talent in creative writing. Canadian students can also apply for the Marguerite R. Dow Canadian Heritage Award.


Abhinav Singh Bhal

"CUHK’s MBA programme provided me with the stepping stone into a larger sports Asian market wherein I could leverage the large alumni network to make the right connections for relevant discussions and learning."

Read my story

Abhinav Singh Bhal Chinese University of Hong Kong graduate

Alex Pitt

"I have so many wonderful memories of my MBA and I think, for me, the biggest thing that I've taken away was not what I learned in the classroom but the relationships, the friendships, the community that I'm now part of."

Alex Pitt QS scholarship recipient

Rayyan Sultan Said Al-Harthy

"The best part of my degree is getting to know more about how important my job as an architect is: the hidden roles I play, that every beautiful feature has significance, and that even the smallest details are well thought out."

Rayyan Sultan Said Al-Harthy University of Nizwa student

Sharihan Al Mashary

"An MBA at EAHM is superior due to  the nature of the Academy’s academic and  industry strength. The subject  matter, the curriculum structure and the  access to opportunities within the hospitality industry is remarkable."

Sharihan Al Mashary Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management graduate

  • National Library of Australia Creative Arts Fellowship for Australian Writing   – A fellowship of AU$10,000 is available for an Australian student who is undertaking a writing project to study a residency at the library for a minimum of four weeks.
  • Victoria University of Wellington International Institute of Modern Letters   – Various creative writing scholarships to study at the university, mainly at master’s level. 
  • The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship – A scholarship of US$1,000 is available for a student from the US, Canada or Australia who is currently enrolled in (or accepted for) a program in one of the same three countries. To apply you will need to submit the first chapter of an original novel.
  • This is Writing Creative Writing Scholarship – A writing contest with a prize of up to US$400, available for students currently studying a creative writing course in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand or Canada at any study level.

This article was originally published in April 2016. It was updated in August 2018.

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+ 62 others saved this article

Sabrina image

The former Assistant Editor of TopUniversities.com, Sabrina wrote and edited articles to guide students from around the world on a wide range of topics. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from Aberystwyth University and grew up in Staffordshire, UK. 

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Top 868 Writing & Essay Scholarships📝 in September 2024

Will Geiger

Will Geiger is the co-founder of Scholarships360 and has a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. He is a former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed 10,000 admissions applications and essays. Will also managed the Kenyon College merit scholarship program and served on the financial aid appeals committee. He has also worked as an Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut. Will earned his master’s in education from the University of Pennsylvania and received his undergraduate degree in history from Wake Forest University.

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Writing is an extremely important part of success in high school, college, and life in general. For some students, writing is also an intricate part of who they are and how they express themselves. If you are someone who loves English class and is genuinely excited about a new creative writing assignment, then you should keep reading! Writing scholarships, creative writing scholarships, and essay scholarships are great ways to put your talent to use.

Whether you are planning on attending community college, a four-year program, or graduate school, we’ve got opportunities for you. Keep on reading to learn about the top scholarships for writers and creative writers including eligibility, award amounts, and deadlines!

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

Scholarships360 is recommended by

scholarships in creative writing


scholarships in creative writing

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

scholarships in creative writing

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

“Gutsy Graduate Student” Essay Scholarship

“Gutsy Graduate Student” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

Ok, so first question–why is this scholarship named the “Gutsy” Graduate Student Essay Scholarship? If you are enrolled in graduate school (during the 2024-25 academic… Show More

Ok, so first question–why is this scholarship named the “Gutsy” Graduate Student Essay Scholarship? If you are enrolled in graduate school (during the 2024-25 academic year) or have heard stories from those enrolled, you already know! “Gutsy” means courageous and determined, which nearly all successful graduate students are. Why else would one continue on with rigorous academics while often living on a shoestring? The rewards of graduate school are numerous, especially the more focused and advanced level of specialized study in your chosen field. Learning with like-minded people who share your passion is fulfilling, and the networking is awesome. The flipside of graduate school is the costly student loans to fund it. With this in mind, the "Gutsy" Graduate Student Essay Scholarship aims to help out a passionate graduate student who is actively looking for ways to fund their higher education journey. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Good luck on your educational journey, and we hope to read your application!  Show Less

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2025 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of… Show More

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2025 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of 2025! Here at Scholarships360, scholarships are our passion–we know that you can never have enough of them! After all, scholarships are essentially “free money” to help fund your education. We want to help out a lucky high school senior who is just starting out on their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We hope that you apply and look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to… Show More

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025) and undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year, this scholarship aims to lighten your financial worry and allow you to take fewer loans. Remember, scholarships are essentially “free money” that need not be paid back. This scholarship, specifically, aims to help out a Black student who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application, and wish you much success on your academic journey!  Show Less

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500… Show More

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women aims to help women cover the costs of pursuing their dreams. Whether that dream is starting a business, learning a foreign language, or attending college on the path to fulfilling your dream, the scholarship will cover those costs and make your journey a little easier. No matter your goals, we want to help out a woman who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply, simply write an essay about how the $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women will help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We encourage you to apply and look forward to reading your essay. Good luck! Show Less

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500… Show More

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500 “Tuition Solution” Scholarship is meant for high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2023-24 academic year who are looking for ways to fund their postsecondary education in STEM. In order to apply, you must write an essay about how your passion for STEM started and how the scholarship will help you fulfill your dreams. No matter which STEM field ignites your interest, we look forward to reading your essays. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Apply today - it’s time to cell-e-brate you! Show Less

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult… Show More

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult for students coming from low-income backgrounds or for those who demonstrate financial need. This is where our “A Helping Hand” Scholarship comes in! We're offering a $500 scholarship to help out a low-income student who is passionate about their higher education journey and is actively looking for ways to fund it. This award is open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year. In order to apply, students should submit an essay detailing how winning the scholarship would help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career… Show More

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career interests and aspirations. That is why we are offering the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship. This scholarship aims to support all current postsecondary students, regardless of the type of education they are pursuing. Thus, no matter your own unique educational path, we hope you apply for this $500 scholarship. In order to apply for the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay about their career ambitions. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range… Show More

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range of students in a wide range of majors. If starting your postsecondary education at a community college is right for you, we have a scholarship just for you! The “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship aims to financially support community college students who are passionate about their higher education journeys and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply for the “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay explaining how earning their degree at community college will help them achieve their educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application!  Show Less

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter… Show More

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter students from attending. If you’re in a situation similar to this, we may just have the perfect scholarship opportunity for you: the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship! With this scholarship, we aim to help out a lucky undergraduate student (enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year) who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. The scholarship is open to any U.S. citizen who is enrolled as an undergraduate at a four-year university in the U.S. during the 2023-24 academic year. In order to apply, submit an essay explaining how earning your bachelor’s degree will help you achieve your educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2026) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to… Show More

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2026) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to expand your range of knowledge and experiences. It means putting yourself out there, trying new things, and meeting new people. To apply for this scholarship, tell us about one thing you have done in the past year to broaden your horizons. Whether you picked up a new hobby, learned a new skill, traveled to a new place, or spent time with different people – we want to know what you’re doing to foster growth in your life. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the short answer response. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their response and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains… Show More

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains means to achieve something incredibly difficult. It means overcoming obstacles, persevering in the face of adversity, and achieving success against all the odds. Whether it’s passing a difficult class, completing a rigorous project, or excelling in sports, we all have our own way of moving mountains. We want to know about yours. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Creativity Takes Courage” Scholarship for Art Students

“Creativity Takes Courage” Scholarship for Art Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This award is open to students studying any form of visual and/or performing arts who write an essay expressing their views on creativity and courage.… Show More

This award is open to students studying any form of visual and/or performing arts who write an essay expressing their views on creativity and courage. The French artist Henri Matisse once said, “another word for creativity is courage.” Artists can be loved and appreciated for their work, but they also have the potential to be criticized and rejected. Releasing art into the world involves overcoming fear and self-doubt. Even the most successful artists grapple with questions like “am I good enough?” or “will people like this?” If you’re a creative student who has ever struggled with these questions, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship! See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

Making the Leap Scholarship for Transfer Students

Making the Leap Scholarship for Transfer Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The “Making the Leap” Scholarship is open to undergraduate students who are transferring to another educational institution in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree. We know… Show More

The “Making the Leap” Scholarship is open to undergraduate students who are transferring to another educational institution in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree. We know that getting from point A to point B isn’t always straightforward, and that sometimes there are twists, turns, and unexpected detours along the way. If you’re a transfer student making the leap to another school, you probably know what we’re talking about. Switching educational institutions can be challenging, which is why we’re offering a $500 scholarship to help one outstanding transfer student. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the short answer response. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their response and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Pen to Paper” Scholarship for Storytellers

“Pen to Paper” Scholarship for Storytellers This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you fancy yourself a wordsmith? If you value creative writing as a form of communication, we encourage you to apply for the Pen to… Show More

Do you fancy yourself a wordsmith? If you value creative writing as a form of communication, we encourage you to apply for the Pen to Paper Scholarship for Storytellers! This scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), undergraduate, and graduate students who enjoy crafting stories and expressing ideas through the arrangement of words on paper. Whether you’re interested in poetry, short stories, novels, or screenplays, we want to hear from you. To apply for this scholarship, students must submit a 250-word piece of original creative writing. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding essay prompts. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Happy writing! Show Less

“Caretakers on the Climb” Scholarship for Nursing Students

“Caretakers on the Climb” Scholarship for Nursing Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

In recognition of the invaluable service that nurses provide to our communities, we’re offering a $500 scholarship to one outstanding student pursuing a career in… Show More

In recognition of the invaluable service that nurses provide to our communities, we’re offering a $500 scholarship to one outstanding student pursuing a career in nursing. Nurses are the heart and soul of our medical system. They treat the sick and injured, look after our elderly, and provide much-needed support during public health crises. They are true caretakers. If you’re a “caretaker on the climb” who could use some help paying for school, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship! See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

Redefining Victory Scholarship

Redefining Victory Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Bold.org

Are you a post-secondary student of any kind? This includes, but is not limited to, students pursuing the traditional 2/4 university route, attending a trade… Show More

Are you a post-secondary student of any kind? This includes, but is not limited to, students pursuing the traditional 2/4 university route, attending a trade school or certificate program, completing an online post-secondary program, or any other program that may lead to a post-secondary certificate or degree. If so, consider applying for the Redefining Victory Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship awards $2,500 each to four current post-secondary students pursuing a certificate or degree in any topic of their choice. To apply, interested students must submit an essay detailing "what success looks like to [them] and how this opportunity will help [them] achieve it." If you're a passionate post-secondary student, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged)

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged) This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Ayn Rand Institute

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may… Show More

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the Ayn Rand Institute Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest! Each year, the contest asks its applicants to write an 800 - 1,600 word essay in which they analyze and make an argument about an aspect or plot point of the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Nine prizes of varying amounts are awarded each year, with a grand prize of $25,000! If you’re familiar with Atlas Shrugged, can make a convincing argument, and want to make some cash, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest

Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest

Offered by Regions Bank

Are you a Black, college-bound high school senior or current college student who will be enrolled in an accredited university for this upcoming academic year?… Show More

Are you a Black, college-bound high school senior or current college student who will be enrolled in an accredited university for this upcoming academic year? If so, you may be eligible for the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest! Each quarter, the contest awards $8,000 to the top four (4) applicants who submit an essay (500 words or less) or a video (3 minutes or less) about how someone they know has (1) inspired them and (2) given them the confidence to achieve their goals. The scholarship is offered four times a year, with deadlines every March, June, September, and December. Bear in mind that applicants must also reside in a state with Regions Bank full-service branches to apply. To find out whether or not your state is eligible, keep on reading. If it is, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Offered by Unigo

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a… Show More

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a zombie apocalypse? If so, we may have the perfect opportunity for you: the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! Each year, this scholarship awards $2,000 to the applicant who, in 250 words or less, best describes their escape plan if there were a zombie outbreak at their school. The scholarship is offered by Unigo in hopes of helping some creative, zombie-obsessed students pay off some of their postsecondary education. If you’ve been inspired by the zombie shows and movies from the past few decades and have come up with a plan of your own, we encourage you to apply to the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! It’s due exactly when you’d expect: on Halloween. Show Less

Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship

Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Ted & Holly Rollins

Are you a college-bound high school senior with big dreams? If so, consider applying for the Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship… Show More

Are you a college-bound high school senior with big dreams? If so, consider applying for the Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship awards $5,000 to one (1) applicant who writes an essay regarding life story, intended field of study, career and how you specifically will make an impact on the world. The scholarship is offered by Ted and Holly Rollins, entrepreneurs and philanthropists who believe in the importance of assisting hardworking youth in paying for college. If you’re an incoming college student in need of some financial help while you’re off pursuing your dreams, we encourage you to apply to the Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship! Show Less

Top 10 essay scholarships in 2024

Our editors hand-picked the following 10 essay scholarships with an eye for large awards, prestigious organizations, and scholarships that are open to a wide variety of students. Apply with confidence to the following essay scholarships:

  • Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship – For high school seniors with financial need, worth up to $55,000 per year
  • Questbridge College Match – For high school seniors with financial need, offers a full ride to college
  • The Gates Scholarship – For low-income minority high school seniors, offers a full ride to college
  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarship – For students enrolling in medical, nursing, or pharmacy school, worth $5,000-$10,000
  • Regeneron Science Talent Search – For high school seniors interested in pursuing an individual STEM research project. Worth anywhere between $2,000 and $250,000
  • Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship – For high school seniors pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or a business field. Worth up to $20,000
  • Horatio Alger Undergraduate Scholarships – For high school students with high financial need, worth up to $49,000
  • Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship – For high school seniors with high financial need who plan to study computer science in college. Worth $10,000 per year
  • Ron Brown Scholarship – For Black high school seniors who plan to study global entrepreneurship and/or community engagement. Worth $10,000 per year
  • Dream.US Opportunity Scholarship – For undocumented high school seniors and college freshmen with high financial need living in a state where public colleges do not offer in-state tuition to undocumented students. Worth $20,000 per year

Creative writing scholarships

Are you a writer who loves fiction, poetry, and screenplays? If so, you can put those talents to use by applying for creative writing scholarships.

Creative writing scholarships are a subset of writing scholarships that support students who enjoy writing poetry, fictional stories, plays, and generally using their imagination to guide their writing.

Here are the top creative writing college scholarships that you can apply for:

HelpTeaching.com Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school and college students who submit a educational short story or informational article (400-800 words) for young students
  • Amount : $1,000
  • Deadline: June 1st of every year

Cancer Unwrapped Teen Writing Contest

  • Eligibility: Teens aged 9-12 who write about their own cancer journey or a family member in a maximum of 1,500 words.
  • Deadline: Late March

YouthPLAYS New Voices One-Act Competition for Young Playwrights

  • Eligibility: Students 19 years old or younger who submit an original one-act play between 10-40 minutes in length (10-page minimum). Multiple winners may receive up to $250 and publication by YouthPLAYS.
  • Amount: $250 and publication by YouthPLAYS
  • Deadline: Early May

National High School Poetry Contest

  •   Eligibility:  U.S. high school students who submit a poem 20 lines or less that is unpublished, the sole work of the entrant, and not entered in any other concurrent contest.
  • Amount: Up to $500.
  • Deadline:  Rolling

The Narrative Prize

  • Eligibility: Students who submit a short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction.
  • Amount: $4,000
  • Deadline:  Mid-June

Also see:  Top writing summer programs for high school students

College-specific creative writing scholarships

Some colleges and universities may also offer specific scholarships and financial aid to students with a talent in creative writing! Check with the colleges on your list for these college-specific creative writing opportunities!

Note that some of these scholarships may have requirements for winning students that stipulate that they take a certain number of creative writing classes when enrolled in the college.

Kenyon Writing Award

High school seniors can apply for this scholarship program at Kenyon College which offers up to $15,000 per year of merit based aid. It is based off of your portfolio and does not take into account financial need, high school GPA , or other factors. Submissions typically have to be in by January of your senior year.

Related:  How to answer scholarship essay questions about your career goals

Barbara Caras Memorial Scholarship for Film Students

The scholarship is open to students in Sarasota or Manatee County, Florida who have completed at least one full year at an accredited Florida College and are majoring in Film, Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Motion Design, or Illustration. Five recipients will earn a $2,000 award. The application deadline is July 31st of the current year.

Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship

The scholarship is open to students majoring in Creative Writing at Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA and must submit five poems and/or a short story not to exceed ten pages. Six recipients will be selected and can earn up to $3,000. The scholarship deadline for the Fall 2023 Class is March 1, 2023.  

Arkansas Tech University Gwaltney Scholarship

The scholarship is open to ATU students who submit individual works of fiction to the Department of English. Recipients earn a one-time cash award every year. The deadline to submit your entry is 2 weeks before the end of the spring semester.

Lake Forest College Carnegie English Essay Contest

The contest is open to first-year students of Lake Forest College who plan to study English either through the literature or creative writing track and submit an essay, between 500 and 1,000 words answering a designated prompt. Four winners will be awarded $2,500 annually. Submission deadline is March 1, 2023.

Austin Peay State University Creative Writing Scholarships

The scholarships are open to undergraduate and incoming APSU students who email a 10-20 page manuscript of fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction, to Lakota Withrow at [email protected] . Awards are for $600 or $1,200. The deadline to apply is March 18th.

Scholarship essay resources

When it comes to writing and essay scholarships, your writing skills will be put to the test. You’ll have to adapt your writing to specific styles in order to effectively and succinctly communicate your ambitions and potential. We have a host of resources to help you perform well in this arena and stand out from the crowd.

  • How to start your scholarship essay (with examples)
  • How to write a “why do you deserve this scholarship?” essay
  • What’s the best scholarship essay format?
  • How to write a 250 word essay
  • How to write a 500 word essay
  • How to write an essay about yourself

Frequently asked questions about writing scholarships

Do i have to major in english to earn a writing or essay scholarship, where can i get help proofreading my scholarship essays, how much should i write if there is no word limit on the application, can i use ai on my scholarship applications, is there a penalty for using chatgpt on a scholarship essay, explore these other scholarship categories:.

  • Scholarships for English majors
  • Easy scholarships
  • Top scholarships for high school seniors
  • Top creative writing scholarships
  • Top scholarships for journalism students
  • Top short story scholarships

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3 reasons to join scholarships360

  • Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship
  • Personalized matching to thousands of vetted scholarships
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scholarships in creative writing

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How to Get a Creative Writing Scholarship

A degree in creative writing can sharpen your writing skills and improve your chances of becoming a successful writer. However, the rising cost of the already expensive higher education system in the US is a major hurdle in many students’ career goals. Luckily, many creative writing scholarships are available for talented students.

In this article, we’ve put together a list of ten creative writing scholarships for high school students, undergraduate students, and graduate students, their eligibility criteria and deadline for the academic session 2022 to 2023. We’ve also listed some tips on how to get a creative writing scholarship and lower the weight of your student loans.

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What is a creative writing scholarship.

A creative writing scholarship is a form of financial aid offered to students who demonstrate exceptional writing skills and academic prowess. Creative writing scholarships ease the financial burden taken on by talented students by providing them with financial support to pay for the creative writing classes they take in university.

An aspiring creative writer can apply for many different scholarships. Some colleges award scholarships in the form of monthly stipends while a very select few even offer fully-funded scholarships covering tuition fees, monthly expenses, and sometimes even airfare.

Common Creative Writing Scholarship Requirements

  • GPA. Students must have a good grade point average (GPA) and an excellent academic background to be eligible for most creative writing scholarships. Many scholarships require a GPA of 3.0 or higher. An incoming student seeking scholarships should work hard to improve their grades before applying.
  • Academic Excellence. Students who plan on qualifying for scholarships must have an excellent educational background. While creative writing scholarships usually don’t have degree requirements, taking AP courses throughout 11th and 12th grade can be beneficial.
  • Creative Writing Sample. While filling out scholarship applications, students must showcase their artistic excellence through a selection of writing samples. A writing sample can come from the student’s published work or any other writing experience they are proud of. Although published work isn’t a mandatory requirement, especially for incoming undergraduates, it significantly improves the chances of being selected.
  • US Citizenship. Many colleges award creative writing scholarships exclusively to US citizens or permanent residents. You might need to submit a valid identity card to confirm your citizenship before the selection process can begin .
  • Letter of Recommendation. When applying to scholarship programs, students will be asked to submit two or three letters of recommendation. These letters of recommendation can be written by school professors or mentors. Letters of recommendation are mandatory for just about all scholarships.
  • Personal Essay. Eligible students will have to write a 500-word essay about their personal experiences and thoughts in relation to writing. Students should ask for feedback on personal essays from professors, fellow students, and family members to improve their chances.

How to Find Creative Writing Scholarships

There are multiple ways creative writing students can find scholarships. Whether you are a graduate or undergraduate student, you can contact your school’s financial aid office for help. You can also look online using dedicated scholarship search engines. Regardless of whether you want to focus on creative nonfiction, original poetry, or journalism, there are plenty of creative writing scholarships.

Contact Your School’s Financial Aid Office

You can start researching scholarship programs by reaching out to the financial aid office of your school. The financial aid office can help you by providing you with a list of all the scholarships that the school offers and helping you figure out if you could be one of the qualified recipients based on your technical merit.

Sign Up for Scholarship Finder

Another way to find out about scholarships is by using an online scholarship search engine. You can sign up for the US Department of Labor’s free Scholarship Finder tool. Alternatively, you can search Google to find thousands of scholarships, grants, and fellowship opportunities. You can even filter your search based on the deadline for submissions, acceptable majors of applicants, and academic requirements.

Check Ethnicity-based organizations

Most states in the US have several ethnicity-based organizations that offer a wide range of scholarships to promote diversity and inclusivity in higher education. Some scholarships they offer might be specific to a particular region. Consider reaching out to local organizations near you.

Tips to Find Creative Writing Scholarships for High School Students

Reach out to your school counselor.

An excellent way to find scholarship programs is by reaching out to your high school counselor. Counselors will help you find scholarships that fit your goals, academic standing, and other qualifications. They might also suggest other financial support opportunities.

Start As Early As Possible

Creative writing scholarships are highly competitive, so you should start planning your applications to scholarship programs as early as possible. The first thing you should do is choose which college you want to attend. Then, you can visit the school’s official website to find out more about the financial aid they offer.

Explore a Broad Range of Scholarships

Students who are seeking creative writing scholarships should also explore other scholarships. There are scholarships for creative writing majors that are offered with specific stipulations. Sometimes these stipulations make you eligible for a broader range of scholarships such as scholarships for women, racial minorities, people with exceptional hardships, or community volunteers.

10 Best Creative Writing Scholarships in 2022: Overview

Patricia Cornwell Creative Writing ScholarshipHigh School Students applying to Davidson College$35,000
University of Michigan-Dearborn Writing AwardsStudents enlisted in an undergraduate degree$7,500
NSHSS Creative Writing ScholarshipUndergraduate or High School Student$2,000
The Reedsy National Creative Writing ScholarshipStudents enrolled in an accredited college$2,000
Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Memorial Scholarships for Creative WritingGraduating high school senior in Santa Mateo or Santa Clara County$1,000
Writing the Future ScholarshipSenior high school students$1,000
Ray Bradbury Award for Science Fiction & FantasyAll students who are US citizens$1,000
$1,500 Video Contest Scholarship for Students Who Enjoy WritingHigh school, university, or college students$1,500
Dever Award for Freshman WritingFirst-year students at Boston CollegeNot Specified
Eleanor M. Wolfson Memorial Scholarship FundMontoursville Area High School seniors planning to attend YaleNot specified

Top 10 Creative Writing Scholarships: In Detail

1. patricia cornwell creative writing scholarship.

  • Awarded by: Davidson College
  • Deadline: January 2023

Davidson College offers a $35,000 scholarship to young writers who demonstrate an exceptional passion for writing. It is an annual scholarship awarded to one first-year student. The scholarship can be renewed every year as long as the scholarship recipients maintain good grade point averages.

2. University of Michigan-Dearborn Writing Awards

  • Awarded by: Outdoor Writers Association of America
  • Deadline: May 2022

The University of Michigan-Dearborn offers $7,500 in scholarships to students enlisted in undergraduate degree programs. The awards are granted in the Poetry, Bill Linn Fiction Prize, Researched Writing, Creative Nonfiction, Writing Through Image and Sound, Writing in the Public Sphere, First-Year Writing, Honors Writing, and Scientific/Technical Writing categories.

3. NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship

  • Awarded by: National Society of High School Scholars
  • Deadline: October 2022

Every year, the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) offers three scholarships worth $2,000 for fiction and three scholarships worth $2,000 for poetry. Applications open in July and close in October. All high school students graduating in 2023, 2024, or 2025, as well as recently graduated students, are eligible. Students are required to submit an original writing piece in both categories.

4. The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship

  • Awarded by: Reedsy
  • Deadline: April 2022

The Reedsy Creative Writing Scholarship is a biannual scholarship that rewards aspiring novel writers with a $1,000 cash incentive which is directly transferred to the recipient’s educational institute. Reedsy also considers these recipients for further sponsorship as they become novel writers. Applicants must be studying at an accredited college or university and must submit a 1,500-word to 7,500-word original chapter of an unpublished novel.

5. Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Memorial Scholarships for Creative Writing

  • Awarded by: Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Deadline: February 2023

The Silicon Valley Community Foundation offers $1,000 in scholarships to aspiring creative writing students. Only US citizens or A.B 540 students are allowed to apply. Applicants must be current graduating seniors or graduates of a high school in San Mateo or Santa Clara County. Moreover, they must be admitted to a four-year degree program as a full-time student. The application closes in February.

6. Writing the Future Scholarship

  • Awarded by: DiBella Law Offices PC

DiBella Law Offices PC offers a $1,000 one-time, non-renewable scholarship for post-secondary education. Any graduate or college student enrolled in a four-year university can apply. Moreover, students admitted to a two-year college or who have earned a high school diploma can also apply.

7. Ray Bradbury Award for Science Fiction & Fantasy

  • Awarded by: Alliance for Young Artists & Writers
  • Deadline: December 2022

If you love writing about supernatural, magical, futuristic, scientific, and technological themes, you should consider applying for the Ray Bradbury Award. It’s open to residents of the United States and the selected qualified applicant will receive a $1,000 cash award. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is December 1.

8. $1,500 Video Contest Scholarship for Students Who Enjoy Writing

  • Awarded by: Cool Club

If you like writing stories or making videos, you should consider this scholarship by Cool Club. This scholarship offers a $1,000 scholarship prize to the winner and $500 to the runner-up. Applicants must be high school, university, or community college students. IvyPanda also offers a similar scholarship.

9. Dever Award for Freshman Writing

  • Awarded by: Boston College
  • Deadline: December 1, 2022

Boston College is one of the few colleges to offer essay scholarships to first-year students in writing. The Department of English at Boston College awards two students with a cash prize for possessing incredible essay writing skills. Boston College also has other scholarships like the Doherty Honors Project Award and English Language Learner Essay Award, which are open to all first-year students.

10. Eleanor M Wolfson Memorial Scholarship

  • Awarded by: First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania
  • Deadline: Not specified

This scholarship is designed for Montoursville Area High School seniors who want to study creative writing at Yale University. ​​Applications need a Student Aid Report (SAR) from FAFSA and an acceptance letter from the university. They also need to submit an essay, a resume, a letter of recommendation, and their school transcripts.

Should I Apply for a Creative Writing Scholarship?

Yes, you should apply for a creative writing scholarship. A creative writing scholarship can immensely impact your career by letting you finish your studies with less student debt. The creative writing field is projected to grow by nine percent by 2030 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also reports that writers and authors have an annual median wage of $67,120.

Creative Writing Scholarships FAQ

The most common types of scholarships include merit-based scholarships, community-service scholarships, academic scholarships, and need-based scholarships.

You can start by creating an outline where you list all the points you want to include in it, then expand upon each point. You can take inspiration from examples on the Internet, but remember that your essay should be original. Once you finish your essay, you can show it to your friends, parents, or teacher for review. Feedback can significantly improve your essay.

If you are thinking of applying for a scholarship, make sure you reach out to the program coordinator. Also, remember that you don’t have to pay anything to qualify for a scholarship. Scholarships are financial aid designed to support talented students.

An excellent way to establish a career in creative writing is to practice every day. You can earn a degree in creative writing or you can enroll in online creative writing courses to hone your skills. Online courses are extremely flexible, meaning you can do while studying other subjects.

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MFA Programs Database

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Our MFA database includes essential information about low- and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply.

Adelphi University

Poetry: Jan-Henry Gray, Maya Marshall Prose: Katherine Hill, René Steinke, Igor Webb

Albertus Magnus College

Poetry: Paul Robichaud Fiction: Sarah Harris Wallman Nonfiction: Eric Schoeck

Alma College

Poetry: Leslie Contreras Schwartz, Jim Daniels, Benjamin Garcia Fiction: Karen E. Bender, Shonda Buchanan, Dhonielle Clayton, S. Kirk Walsh Creative Nonfiction: Anna Clark, Matthew Gavin Frank, Donald Quist, Robert Vivian

American University

Poetry: Kyle Dargan, David Keplinger Fiction: Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Stephanie Grant, Patricia Park Nonfiction: Rachel Louise Snyder

Antioch University

Poetry: Cathy Linh Che Prose: Lisa Locascio Nighthawk

Arcadia University

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith Literature: Matthew Heitzman, Christopher Varlack, Elizabeth Vogel, Jo Ann Weiner

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith

Arizona State University

Poetry: Sally Ball, Natalie Diaz, Alberto Álvaro Ríos, Safiya Sinclair Fiction: Matt Bell, Jenny Irish, Tara Ison, Mitchell Jackson, T. M. McNally Creative Nonfiction: Sarah Viren

Ashland University

Poetry: Dexter Booth, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Adam Gellings, Tess Taylor, Vanessa Angélica Villareal Fiction: Kirstin Chen, Edan Lepucki, Sarah Monette, Nayomi Munaweera, Vi Khi Nao, Naomi J. Williams, Kyle Winkler Nonfiction: Cass Donish, Kate Hopper, Lauren Markham, Thomas Mira y Lopez, Lisa Nikolidakis, Terese Mailhot

Augsburg University

Poetry: Michael Kleber-Diggs Fiction: Stephan Eirik Clark, Lindsay Starck Nonfiction: Anika Fajardo  Playwriting: Carson Kreitzer, TyLie Shider, Sarah Myers Screenwriting: Stephan Eirik Clark, Andy Froemke

Ball State University

Poetry: Katy Didden, Mark Neely Fiction: Cathy Day, Sean Lovelace Nonfiction: Jill Christman, Silas Hansen Screenwriting: Rani Deighe Crowe, Matt Mullins

Bard College

Jess Arndt, Shiv Kotecha, Mirene Arsanios, Hannah Black, Trisha Low, Christoper Perez, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Simone White

Bath Spa University

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, John Strachan, Samantha Walton, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Alexia Casale, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Lucy English, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Steve Hollyman, Emma Hooper, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, C.J. Skuse, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Celia Brayfield, Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge Scriptwriting: Robin Mukherjee

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge

Bay Path University

Mel Allen, Leanna James Blackwell, Jennifer Baker, Melanie Brooks, María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado, Shahnaz Habib, Susan Ito, Karol Jackowski, Yi Shun Lai, Anna Mantzaris, Meredith O’Brien, Mick Powell, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Tommy Shea, Kate Whouley

Bennington Writing Seminars at Bennington College

Poetry: Jennifer Chang, Michael Dumanis, Randall Mann, Craig Morgan Teicher, Mark Wunderlich Fiction: Peter Cameron, Jai Chakrabarti, Stacey D’Erasmo, Monica Ferrell, Rebecca Makkai, Stuart Nadler, Téa Obreht, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Katy Simpson Smith, Taymour Soomro Nonfiction: Garrard Conley, Sabrina Orah Mark, Spencer Reece, Lance Richardson, Shawna Kay Rodenberg, Hugh Ryan, Greg Wrenn

Binghamton University

Poetry: Tina Chang, Joseph Weil Fiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Thomas Glave, Leslie L. Heywood, Claire Luchette, Liz Rosenberg, Jaimee Wriston-Colbert, Alexi Zentner Nonfiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Leslie L. Heywood

Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University

Poetry: Julie Hensley, Young Smith Fiction: Julie Hensley, Robert Dean Johnson Nonfiction: Robert Dean Johnson, Evan J. Massey Playwriting: Young Smith

Boise State University

Poetry: Martin Corless-Smith, Sara Nicholson, Taryn Schwilling Fiction: Mitch Wieland (Director), Anna Caritj Creative Nonfiction: Chris Violet Eaton, Clyde Moneyhun

Boston University

Poetry: Andrea Cohen, Karl Kirchwey, Robert Pinsky Fiction: Leslie Epstein, Jennifer Haigh, Ha Jin

Boston University—MFA in Literary Translation

Odile Cazenave, Yuri Corrigan, Margaret Litvin, Christopher Maurer, Roberta Micaleff, Robert Pinsky (advising), Stephen Scully, Sassan Tabatabai, J. Keith Vincent, William Waters, Dennis Wuerthner, Cathy Yeh, Anna Zielinska-Elliott

Bowling Green State University

Poetry: Abigail Cloud, Amorak Huey, Sharona Muir, F. Dan Rzicznek, Larissa Szporluk, Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick Fiction: Joe Celizic, Lawrence Coates, Reema Rajbanshi, Michael Schulz

Brigham Young University

Poetry: Kimberly Johnson, Lance Larsen, Michael Lavers, John Talbot Fiction: Chris Crowe, Ann Dee Ellis, Spencer Hyde, Stephen Tuttle Nonfiction: Joey Franklin, Patrick Madden

Brooklyn College

Poetry: Julie Agoos, Ben Lerner Fiction: Joshua Henkin, Madeleine Thien Playwriting: Dennis A. Allen II, Elana Greenfield

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  • Creative Writing Scholarships: An Exhaustive List
  • Scholarships

While the semester is coming to a close, there is no shortage of 2020 scholarships open for the taking. It’s also not too early to apply for scholarships for the semester ahead. One of the most multifaceted, versatile skills and tenets to possess in education is writing . Many scholarships exemplify that, often including an essay portion with their other application requirements. 

However, this can be a double-edged sword. Those who excel at writing can showcase their skills through the writing component, but aspiring writers may also desire a more expressionist, outside the box, and artistically fulfilling application process.

From fiction to nonfiction, high schoolers to current college students, and ten words to ten thousand, the following list will run the gamut of genres, ages, and skill levels. All of these scholarships entail copious amounts of writing, most of them entail an overall solid GPA, and all have the potential to yield big tuition payouts. Read on to learn more. 

  • Ten Words Or Less Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must: 

  • Have a Facebook account to comment their answer on the StudentScholarships page
  • “Like” the page in question
  • Be attending school in fall 2020 
  • Be between the ages of 14 and 25
  • Enter before the November 30th deadline

Enter here .

  • Dan Klepper Memorial Scholarship

Named in honor of outdoor enthusiast, conservationist, and San-Antonio Express journalist Daniel Klepper, this Texas Outdoor Writers’ Association scholarship aims to support the multimedia nature-minded content creators of the future. Students currently enrolled in accredited Texas universities with mass communications talents and ambitions to pursue outdoorsy careers are eligible and encouraged to apply. 

The reward is open to those with samples of all forms of communication (audio, visual, or written), although print or electronic writings are also sufficient, along with a brief summary, statement, and a few other required or optional prerequisites. The competition ends on the first of February every year. The winners are presented at the TOWA conference and awarded a $2,000 prize. For more information, as well as a copy of the application form, click here .

  • Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship

Creative writers and prospective creative writing majors interested in attending the Pennsylvania-based Lycoming College are encouraged to apply for the college’s Creative Writing Scholarship. Applicants should submit a short story of ten pages or less, and/or five poems to tout their prowess with the written word. Recipients must enroll in ENGL 240 in their freshman year and maintain a minimum of an A- in those respective courses.

The primary scholarship is intended for first-year freshmen or transfer students, but it can be renewed following the first year if recipients stay in creative writing courses and maintain at least an A- average. If they qualify for what Lycoming deems a “top applicant,” they can receive up to $3,000 per their biggest scholarship reward, the Arthur and Joanne Haberberger Creative Writing Scholarship. Learn more information and enter by March 15, 2020 here .

  • Clearway Community Solar Essay Contest Scholarship

Clearway is one of the nation’s leading providers of renewable solar energy, and they are interested in scholars who have thoughts (1,000 words or more of those thoughts, to be exact) on renewable solar energy. 

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have completed a minimum of 15 college credits or higher 
  • Have a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Be enrolled in a program relevant to the environmental sciences 

The scholarship is two-tiered, with a first-place reward of $5,000 and second place reward of $2,500. Those who wish to enter should do so before the November 15th deadline here .

  • Hope College Distinguished Artist Award in Creative Writing

Creative writers of faith who are interested in attending the Christian Hope College for liberal arts are highly encouraged to apply for their Distinguished Artist Award in Creative Writing. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and be enrolled in at least one creative writing class to qualify. 

Applications have been open since October 22nd and will remain open through January 6, 2020.  Given the highly competitive nature of this creative writing scholarship (with only six awards a year), it’s advised that interested candidates apply sooner rather than later. Click here to learn more.

  • Richard G. Zimmerman Scholarship

Dedicated to one of its long-standing members, this National Press Club Scholarship is open to all high schoolers with a GPA above 3.0 and a vested interest in pursuing a journalism career beyond their education. To qualify for a chance to win the hefty $5,000 lump sum, applicants must submit a variety of materials, including:

  • Three work samples
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • One high school transcript and completed FAFSA Form
  • One letter of acceptance

scholarships in creative writing

  • Apprentice Ecologist Open Space Initiative

This initiative by the Albuquerque-based Nicodemus Wilderness Project is meant to encourage conservation-minded New Mexico youth to follow through with local ecology projects. After they are approved, applicants (13-21 years old) must submit a reflective essay (750-1500 words) with photos of their project. From there, they’ll be eligible to win a $500 scholarship prize. Applicants should enter here .

  • FIRE Free Speech Essay Contest

The Foundation for Individual Rights In Education wants to hear from high school juniors and seniors who are passionate about issues surrounding free speech, the First Amendment, and censorship. The essay must be 700-900 words, adhere to the prompt, and adhere to MLA guidelines. Read the application and details here .

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20 Great Scholarships for Creative Writing Degrees

  • Published August 4, 2016
  • Last Updated October 5, 2023

Bookworms wishing to turn their love of reading into a gratifying career can greatly benefit from scholarships for creative writing degrees.

Whether at the bachelor’s or master’s level, creative writing majors teach students how to successfully construct prose and poetry.

Creative writing students spend considerable time examining literary works and unleashing their own imagination onto paper. Creative writing graduates excel as published authors across diverse genres from children’s literature to science fiction.

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Gained skills can also be applied in:

  • journalism, and more

According to the BLS, writers and authors bring home an average yearly salary of $69,130. Competition is strong though, so put your best manuscript forward by earning a creative writing degree.

The following 20 creative writing scholarships will allow you to study the intricacies of language.

1. Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Scholarship

Deadline: February 24th

The Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Scholarship honors the late author who penned several books, including Pigboat 39 and Mysterious Mesa. The fund awards $1,000 annually from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Eligible graduating seniors must:

  • reside in California’s San Mateo or Santa Clara counties
  • be accepted at an accredited four-year college
  • have a passion for creative writing
  • submit two writing samples

U.S. citizens, legal residents, and AB 540 students may apply.

Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Scholarship 1300 South El Camino Real Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 450-5487 [email protected] Scholarship Link

2. Brady and Patrick Gallagher Scholarship

Deadline: March 1st

The Brady and Patrick Gallagher Scholarship is sponsored by the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. It grants up to $3,000 yearly to graduating high school seniors. They must exhibit sincere interest in the arts, such as:

  • creative writing

Qualified applicants must:

  • attend Kalamazoo Public Schools
  • be enrolled full-time at an accredited four-year college
  • actively participate in artistic activities
  • have unmet financial need.

Brady and Patrick Gallagher Scholarship 402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (269) 381-4416 [email protected] Scholarship Link

3. Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship

The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs Inc. offers the Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship. It annually awards $1,000 to African American women who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in:

  • public policy
  • related fields

To apply, candidates must:

  • be sophomores or juniors
  • have U.S. citizenship
  • attend an accredited four-year university
  • have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • write a 1,000-word essay about their career plans.

Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship 1806 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 462-4206 [email protected] Scholarship Link

4. Florence Kahn Memorial Award

Deadline: January 15th

The National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) hosts an annual college poetry competition to award scholarships for creative writing degrees. These include the $500 Florence Kahn Memorial Award. Eligible participants must be enrolled full-time in four-year, accredited U.S. universities. They must submit 10 original, unpublished poems no more than 80 lines each. Selected scholars will also receive:

  • a chapbook of their poetry
  • travel stipend for the NFSPS Convention
  • free one-year membership.

Florence Kahn Memorial Award P.O. Box 1352 Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 235-6680 [email protected] Scholarship Link

5. From Failure to Promise Essay Contest

Deadline: July 31st

Annually, Dr. C. Moorer & Associates holds the From Failure to Promise Essay Contest. It awards $10,000 scholarships to high school seniors or college students attending accredited institutions in the United States or Canada. They must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Creative writing majors must write an original, 1,500-word essay discussing the most important life lessons learned from Moorer’s inspiring book. Essays are judged on:

  • research quality
  • effectiveness of presentation.

From Failure to Promise Essay Contest 145 South Livernois Road Suite 336 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (866) 996-8674 [email protected] Scholarship Link

6. Go on Girl! Aspiring Writer Scholarship

Deadline: March 15th

The National Chapter of the Go On Girl! Book Club presents the Aspiring Writer Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship goes to African American women. They must be enrolling full-time as sophomores or juniors at historically black colleges and universities. They must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree in:

  • closely related major

They must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Interested applicants must submit an 800-word essay discussing the “Power of the Written Word.”

Go on Girl! Aspiring Writer Scholarship P.O. Box 3368 New York, NY 10185 [email protected] Scholarship Link

7. Helen McCloy Mystery Writing Scholarships

Deadline: February 18th

Through the Mystery Writers of America, the Helen McCloy Scholarships award $1,000 annually. Eligible are U.S. citizens or legal residents. They must  exhibit financial need for attending college-level creative writing programs to improve their writing techniques. Applicants must be serious aspiring mystery writers, but have not received monetary compensation for novels or short stories. Online submissions must include:

  • the writing class syllabus
  • mystery writing sample
  • 500-word essay outlining career goals.

Helen McCloy Mystery Writing Scholarships 1140 Broadway, Suite 1507 New York, NY 10001 (212) 888-8171 [email protected] Scholarship Link

8. Helen Steiner Rice Scholarship

Deadline: March 2nd

The Community Foundation of Greater Lorain County awards the Helene Steiner Rice Scholarship. The  $1,000 scholarship is for Ohioans who are pursuing creative writing or related literary majors. They must be at an accredited four-year institution in the United States. Eligible candidates must:

  • have unmet financial need
  • carry a minimum overall GPA of 2.0
  • show active community involvement
  • live within the Greater Cleveland area
  • submit three writing samples

Preference is given to non-traditional, adult learners.

Helen Steiner Rice Scholarship 9080 Leavitt Road Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 984-7390 [email protected] Scholarship Link

9. Herb Alpert Scholarship for Young Artists

Deadline: Varies

Ranging from $2,500 to $40,000, the Herb Alpert Scholarship for Young Artists is one of the most lucrative scholarships for creative writing degrees available. Through the CSSSA Foundation, one-time awards are gifted to California high school seniors in seven categories:

  • film production
  • visual arts

Applicants must:

  • have financial need
  • exhibit extraordinary artistic talent
  • be likely to succeed in an accredited four-year U.S. college.

Herb Alpert Scholarship for Young Artists 85 South Grand Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 (626) 584-4055 [email protected] Scholarship Link

10. James R. Buescher Scholarship

The James R. Buescher Scholarship is named for an accomplished writer who died unexpectedly at age 34. The $500 annual award is for Pennsylvania residents pursuing collegiate study in:

Eligible candidates must:

  • have graduated high school in Lancaster County
  • attend an accredited U.S. institution full-time
  • maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • exhibit financial need

Scholarships can be renewed for each undergraduate year.

James R. Buescher Scholarship 24 West King Street Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (507) 931-0414 [email protected] Scholarship Link

11. J.D. Salinger Creative Writing Award

Deadline: January 1st

As the Catcher in the Rye author’s alma mater, Ursinus College provides a lucrative, four-year J.D. Salinger Creative Writing Award. It’s for $33,000 annually. Winning this competitive award will require:

  • satisfying freshmen admission requirements
  • ranking in the top 25th percentile
  • achieving a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • submitting a portfolio of 10 creative works with outstanding originality

Chosen scholars will also live in the dorm occupied by J.D. Salinger and gain leadership in Ursinus’ writing program.

J.D. Salinger Creative Writing Award 601 East Main Street Collegeville, PA 19426 (610) 409-3200 [email protected] Scholarship Link

12. L. Ron Hubbard Writers Contest

Deadline: September 30th

The L. Ron Hubbard Writers Contest was started in 1983 It offers 12 annual scholarships for creative writing degrees ranging from $500 to $5,000. It’s for amateur writers specializing in science fiction and fantasy. Eligible U.S. college students must have not published a novel or more than three short stories in any literary medium. Contest participants must submit English works of prose up to 17,000 words, which will be judged by a panel of prominent sci-fi authors.

L. Ron Hubbard Writers Contest 7051 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 (323) 466-3310 [email protected] Scholarship Link

13. Leyla Beban Young Authors Scholarship

Deadline: February 1st

In partnership with Bluefire Productions, the Leyla Beban Young Authors Foundation gifts a $1,000 scholarship annually. It goes to high school students who show outstanding promise in the creative writing profession. Entrants must be U.S. or Canadian citizens who haven’t graduated from 12th grade and are already committed to becoming a published author. Entry applications must accompany a 1,000-word original, creative sample piece on any topic.

Leyla Beban Young Authors Scholarship P.O. Box 610005 Redwood City, CA 94061 (650) 262-3076 [email protected] Scholarship Link

14. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship

Deadline: December 31st

In honor of the English novelist who brought us Frankenstein, the Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship is awarded by the Horror Writers Association. It goes to outstanding women who are enrolling in university-level creative writing courses. For the $2,500, applicants must:

  • have current HWA membership
  • exhibit unmet financial need
  • be U.S. citizens or legal residents
  • submit at least two written works
  • show commitment to the honor genre.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship P.O. Box 56687 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 (818) 220-3965 [email protected] Scholarship Link

15. NEA Creative Writing Fellowships

Deadline: March 9th

The National Endowment for the Arts awards $25,000 Creative Writing Fellowships every other year. It goes to published creative writers in the United States who need financial assistance for professional development. This includes university-level writing programs. Interested authors can apply by submitting fiction and creative nonfiction prose or 20 pages of poetry. Competition is heated because only five percent of the 1,200 annual applicants are chosen.

NEA Creative Writing Fellowships 400 Seventh Street NW Washington, DC 20506 (202) 682-5034 [email protected] Scholarship Link

16. Positively Different Scholarship Program

Deadline: June 1st

The annual Positively Different Scholarship Program is funded by the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod. It awards $1,000 to five high school seniors who are pursuing arts-related bachelor’s degrees, such as:

  • architecture
  • reside on Cape Cod
  • be graduating this June
  • have been accepted into an accredited arts program
  • exhibit outstanding talent

Creative writing majors must submit works in one of the following categories:

  • short stories
  • creative nonfiction prose
  • dramatic scripts.

Positively Different Scholarship Program 232 Main Street Suite B Hyannis, MA 02601 (508) 362-0066 [email protected] Scholarship Link

17. Random House Creative Writing Competition

Deadline: February 5th

Since 1993, the Random House Creative Writing Competition has provided over $100,000 in scholarships for creative writing degrees. These go to New York City public school seniors who are entering accredited U.S. institutions. Participants must submit one original, typed literary composition providing 10 pages in one of the following:

  • personal memoir

High-quality submissions are chosen based on:

  • artistic expression
  • storytelling
  • character design
  • technical merit

Random House Creative Writing Competition 1745 Broadway 14th Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 782-8319 [email protected] Scholarship Link

18. Robert J. and Evelyn L. Conley Award

Deadline: February 3rd

The Cherokee National Foundation distributes the annual Robert J. and Evelyn L. Conley Award. The $2,000 goes to Native American students who are enrolled full-time in undergraduate and graduate programs for creative writing or English. Qualified recipients must:

  • be tribal citizens of the Cherokee Nation
  • have at least one-quarter Indian blood
  • attend an accredited U.S. university
  • have a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • upload two writing samples
  • plan to serve the Cherokee people.

Robert J. and Evelyn L. Conley Award 800 South Muskogee Tahlequah, OK 74464 (918) 207-0950 [email protected] Scholarship Link

19. Signet Classics Student Essay Scholarship

Deadline: April 14th

Full-time matriculated 11th and 12th graders attending high schools in the United States can apply for the Signet Classics Student Essay Scholarship. The scholarship is for $1,000 to help them earn their creative writing or English degree. To enter, candidates must submit a maximum three-page essay. It must address one of five writing prompts pertaining to this year’s book, such as The Tempest or My Fair Lady. Essay submissions are evaluated on:

  • writing style
  • originality
  • idea articulation.

Signet Classics Student Essay Scholarship 375 Hudson Street New York, NY 10014 (212) 366-2000 [email protected] Scholarship Link

20. Woodbine Big Dreams Scholarship

Deadline: April 1st

The Winston-Salem Foundation grants the Woodbine Big Dreams Scholarship annually. The $1,000 award is for graduating high school seniors residing in the North Carolina counties of:

Eligible students must:

  • be accepted into accredited in-state colleges
  • maintain a minimum 3.3 GPA
  • demonstrate outstanding community service
  • plan a career in communication arts

Acceptable majors include:

  • digital media
  • public relations
  • creative writing.

Woodbine Big Dreams Scholarship 751 West Fourth Street Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 725-2382 [email protected] Scholarship Link

Crafting the written word into a riveting tale that engages readers page after page takes finesse. Completing a creative writing program can significantly improve your ability to shape characters and ideas into intriguing plots. Many scholarships are available to help the next Mark Twain or Jane Austen afford literary training. Unlike loans, scholarships are free gifts that provide tuition dollars without repayment. Consider these 20 great scholarships for creative writing degrees to reduce the financial burden of developing your pathway to publishing.

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Creative Writing Scholarships

If you dream about becoming a writer, a degree in creative writing may be the first step toward a rewarding career.

Although you don’t necessarily need formal training in order to become a successful writer, a college program that focuses on creative writing can help you perfect your craft and learn the essential skills a writer needs.

A degree in creative writing can qualify you for employment in a variety of other industries that require creativity, research and writing skills, such as journalism, advertising or teaching.

If you want to pursue a degree in this field, we invite you to check out our list of scholarships and start applying today.

  • Barbaras Caras Memorial Scholarship for Film Studies
  • Award: $2,000
  • Deadline: 06/30/2024
  • Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship
  • Award: $3,000
  • Deadline: 03/15/2024
  • MFA Cinder Scholarship
  • Award: $4,000
  • Deadline: 10/15/2024
  • Norma Ross Walter Scholarship
  • Award: $2,500
  • Deadline: 01/31/2024
  • The Sharon Olds Fellowship for Poetry
  • Award: $1,000
  • Deadline: 09/19/2024

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Scholarships for Writers to Apply For in 2024

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With the Fall 2022 semester quickly approaching, many students are looking for scholarships to help with their tuition for the upcoming college semester. If you are a student who is a writer or is planning on majoring in English, creative writing, or journalism to pursue a writing career, here is the perfect guide to finding the best scholarships for writers to apply to in 2022.

Best Writing Scholarships to Apply to

Scholarships are one of the best ways for students to pay for college. While there are so many scholarships for different people and situations, it’s difficult to distinguish which scholarships are legit or best for you and your situation, especially when searching online. Finding the best scholarships to apply for can be challenging for students who are writers or interested in a career in the writing field. We’ve made it easier by selecting the top scholarships for writers to apply to this year.

About Writing Scholarships

Writing scholarships are financial awards given to students based primarily on written work, though other factors are usually considered. They are often aimed at students majoring in English, journalism, creative writing, or any field related to reading and writing. Most creative writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond.

writing scholarship

Many scholarships reward students who excel in sports or are majoring in psychology, STEM, or education. However, there aren’t too many scholarships specifically designated for writers, although you may find some journalism and creative writing scholarships. While many scholarships require applicants to compose an essay, they don’t necessarily favor students majoring in writing or who have a writing sample to show off their talents.

What Are Writing Scholarships?

Writing scholarships are scholarships awarded to students based on their creative writing skills and abilities. They aim to help aspiring writers pay for their undergraduate or graduate studies. Scholarships for writers assist students who consider writing an intricate part of who they are and how they express themselves. If you have a passion for writing and the skills to show for it, there is an award for you. Whether you already have excellent writing skills or are studying to become a better writer, you can qualify for a writing scholarship.

What Qualifies as a Writing Scholarship?

Most scholarship applicants who apply for scholarships have good writing skills. Without basic writing and communication skills, it would be difficult to make it through high school, let alone college. Without good writing skills, it would be impossible to score well on the ACT or SAT or set yourself apart during the college application process. Be confident in yourself when applying for scholarships that involve essays or any other sort of writing. Though many students can write well, not many applicants put in the necessary effort. Because of this, applications that involve writing or are purely essay-based are excellent scholarship opportunities for students who are diligent enough to write a scholarship-worthy essay.

Your chance of winning a scholarship increases when you invest time and effort in your applications. Scholarships are often awarded based on essential criteria that judge written and verbal ability. When writing scholarship essays, be mindful of spelling, grammar, essay structure, and content. Provide a clear and concise introduction and conclusion, with one main idea per paragraph. Make sure the theme of your essay addresses the topic provided on the application, and use sources if necessary. Have a clear writing style and avoid being generic unless an essay contest states otherwise.

Types of Writing Scholarships Available

students writing

Since there are so many scholarships available, you may be unaware of the different types of scholarships. Scholarships are divided into categories to appeal to specific demographics of students who are more likely to win the award. Various scholarships list particular criteria students must meet, such as a challenging financial situation or excellent academic performance. It’s important to know which type of scholarship you’re applying for so you know which ones you have a higher chance of winning. 

Here are six types of scholarships that might interest aspiring writers. 

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are scholarships awarded to those who show exceptional academic performance. They are based on the student’s level of success and do not consider financial status. Test scores and GPA are the most common way to assess merit, but not merit-based scholarships are always limited to grades. Some scholarship providers consider co-curricular talents, including athletic or musical skills. Merit-based scholarship awards go towards tuition and other fees.

University Scholarships

Colleges or universities distribute university scholarships to help students fund their studies. Many of these are entrance scholarships, so students don’t need to apply to be considered for the award. Your admission into the university or college, by default, makes you eligible.

Country-Specific Scholarships

Country-specific scholarships are awarded to students to encourage students from developing countries to pursue higher education. Many private institutions grant scholarships to students from these countries.

Government Scholarships

With government scholarships, different agencies register with the government and offer scholarships for students. Governments may offer scholarships for international students to study in their country.

Private Scholarships

Private scholarships are scholarships funded by individual donors or privately-owned businesses. Many companies and community organizations sponsor study abroad scholarships. Scholarships from these organizations are called outside/external/private scholarships. Individual donors set up a private fund for students who need financial aid. Depending on the donor, these scholarships are awarded based on academic merit or financial need. However, most private scholarships have strict eligibility requirements, such as being from a developing country or only for minorities in specific areas of study.

Financial Scholarships/Bursaries

Also known as bursaries or need-based scholarships, financial scholarships are a form of aid to enable students who require financial assistance to attend colleges or graduate schools. If the student receives financial support from their parents, the scholarship provider will analyze the parents’ income and ability to pay the tuition fees. They may also look at factors such as citizenship and residence status, tax statements, or employment. If the student is self-funded, the scholarship provider will assess their income. Financial scholarships are independent of merit scholarships. In some cases, students may qualify for both merit-based and need-based scholarships depending on the program or university.

How to Find Writing Scholarships to Apply For

If you have already applied to the creative writing scholarships listed above or are looking for more writing scholarships, there are plenty of ways to find additional creative writing scholarships. You can conduct a quick Google search on fellowships for writers or check out reputable scholarship platforms such as Bold.org . 

It’s essential to conduct additional research to ensure any website or scholarship you discover is legit and accepted by the school or university you want to attend or are currently attending. You could also contact your school’s financial aid office to see if they offer any relevant internal scholarships.

Tips For Winning Writing Scholarships

Each year, educational institutions offer various scholarships for students who are writers. These fellowships, scholarships, and grants are the best opportunities for aspirants to receive a high-quality professional education without debt. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will be able to secure every scholarship. Brushing up on some best practices can enhance your chance of securing top writing scholarships.

Firstly, apply to as many scholarships as possible, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Many educational institutions offer scholarships with diverse attributes, such as grants, fellowships, athletic scholarships, government-funded scholarships, etc. Have a look at the requirements before applying to any fully-funded program. The more applications you submit, the higher your odds of success. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of how many scholarships are out there!

It’s helpful to practice and improve your skills in writing scholarship essays. Many scholarships require personal essays for an applicant to be considered. Scholarship selection committees use these writing samples to get to know you better and discover what makes you unique. Even if you already consider yourself a great writer, there’s no harm in practicing and improving your skills. Knowing how to impress the judges with these skills can make you stand out and potentially win the award.

Additionally, ensure you have the proper documents to apply for the scholarship. To avoid mishaps, make a checklist of required documents for specific scholarships. This can include letters of recommendation, transcripts, and even language certifications.

When applying for scholarships, give your best effort. Hard work pays off, and you need to be willing to go the extra mile to reach your goals. For creative writing scholarships, the writing award you won in grade school isn’t enough to qualify you to succeed. There are countless other applicants with similar skills, so you need to be able to prove what makes you stand out and what makes you worthy of being declared the winner.

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing Scholarships

Here are some frequently asked questions about writing scholarships that aspiring writers tend to be curious about.

Are Writing Scholarships Legit?

Yes, writing scholarships are legit. Many colleges and universities offer scholarships for students who have exceptional writing skills. However, be aware of scholarship scams when applying to external writing scholarships found via an online search. Keep an eye out for any scholarship that looks suspicious or charges an application fee. It’s worth conducting additional research to ensure the scholarship you apply for is genuine and not a scam to obtain personal information.

How Can I Improve My Chances of Winning Writing Scholarships?

As mentioned previously, the best way to improve your chances of winning writing scholarships is to be prepared and confident. Take time to research the scholarship to ensure it’s valid and that you match all of the qualifications the scholarship sets out. Turn your full attention towards the essay and any other tasks you must complete. Lastly, be confident and don’t allow potential rejection to get to you. There are many scholarships out there, and while applying may be exhausting, it can be well worth it in the long run.

How Many Writing Scholarships Can You Get?

There’s no limit to how many writing scholarships you can be awarded. Getting a “full ride” (which means your entire tuition is paid off in scholarships or by the university) is possible. After all, it’s money you earned. So even if you have applied to a few already, don’t hesitate to apply for more scholarships!

Are Writing Scholarships Taxable Income?

Scholarships, including scholarships for writers, are not taxable income. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) , scholarships are not taxable if they are only used for educational expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, or other supplies. Scholarships become taxable if you use them for non-educational expenses, such as vacations or shopping. Remember, scholarships are awards to help you pay for an education, not extra money to spend elsewhere.

What’s the Best Way to Apply For Writing Scholarships?

The best way to apply for writing scholarships is by finding relevant opportunities online or contacting your high school or college guidance office. Remember, patience and perseverance can go a long way, and we wish you the best of luck in your academic career.

scholarships in creative writing

Paulla Estes

Paulla Estes, holding a B.A. in English Literature from George Mason University, showcases her expertise in writing and communication through her influential articles for Scholarship Institute. She focuses on creating review articles and recommendations that guide students in exploring educational funding.

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The Best Writing Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Apply below right now to the Best Writing Scholarships. Exclusive Scholarships found only in Bold.org!

princeton university

Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship

Eligibility criteria:.

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate student
  • Passion : Loves books

Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship

Ronranglee literary scholarship.

  • Education Level : High school senior or two or four-year undergraduate student

CREATIVE. INSPIRED. HAPPY Mid-Career Writing Scholarship

  • Field of Study : Writing
  • Background : Experience in the workforce

Valorena Publishing & Cocoa Kids Collection Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Gender : Female-identifying
  • Field of Study : Literature, poetry, writing, editing, publishing, etc.
  • Race : BIPOC/Multicultural

Amplify Continuous Learning Grant

Bookworm scholarship.

  • Resident : United States

Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship

Bold creativity scholarship, giving thanks scholarship, brady cobin law group "expect the unexpected" scholarship, make me laugh meme scholarship, "wise words" scholarship, "what moves you" scholarship, mahlagha jaberi mental health awareness for immigrants scholarship.

  • Background : First or second-generation immigrants in any field of study

Bold Wise Words Scholarship

National Philanthropy Day Grant

Olivia woods memorial scholarship.

  • Education Level : Any
  • Background : Low-income

Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school and undergraduate

AMPLIFY Digital Storytellers Scholarship

Minority student art scholarship, unicorn scholarship, mirajur rahman's satirical experiential essay scholarship.

  • Education Level : Must be an undergraduate student

Literature Lover Scholarship

  • Major : English

Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, 2/4-year undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Gender : Female
  • Field of Interest : Writing

Wheezy Creator Scholarship

Share your poetry scholarship.

  • Major of Interest : Writing

Tam and Betsy Vannoy Memorial Scholarship

  • State : West Virginia
  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate, post- secondary trade school

Avis Porter English Study Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate or graduate student
  • Parental Status : Mother
  • Field of Study : Pursuing an English-based degree (journalism, English teacher, etc.)

Hilda Ann Stahl Memorial Scholarship

  • Education Level : Full-time undergraduate student
  • Field of Study : English, communications, or creative writing

Many high school students interested in writing choose to hone their craft through a college or university education. Whether they are aspiring writers or are pursuing a different field, studying writing can help build a foundation of valuable skills that prove useful in a wide range of career fields.

Writing skills can help students in many different sectors, from computer science to business and financial journalism. Students entering a variety of fields can benefit from studying writing, and writing scholarships are an excellent way to fund that education.

About writing scholarships

There are many financial aid resources available for high school seniors and college students who want to study writing in college.

Students interested in scholarships for music education should research scholarship opportunities and visit their school's financial aid office for more financial aid resources. It's also very important that students apply for federal student aid via FAFSA to secure as much financial aid as they can.

Federal aid can be a good place to start, but it often doesn't cover students' total expenses, leaving a significant gap which can be made up by outside scholarships.

What is a writing scholarship?

Writing scholarships are a form of financial aid available to aspiring writers or students pursuing careers in writing-intensive fields. These scholarships can also help support students in different fields of study who want to study writing as a minor or are even pursuing writing as a hobby.

Writing scholarships are a great source of financial aid for any student interested in advancing their craft.

Can you get a scholarship for writing?

Yes, there are many writing scholarships available to college students pursuing careers in writing. These scholarships are a good financial aid resource for students who want to hone their writing skills through higher education.

Some writing scholarships are only open to students in certain courses of study, like creative writing majors and English majors. There are also awards for any student with a passion for writing so long as they submit a writing sample.

Students at varying levels of education can apply for writing scholarships, meaning that high school students and current college students are all encouraged to apply for scholarships throughout their academic careers.

Writing students may also be eligible for more general scholarships, and their writing skills may give these students a leg up on writing scholarship essays.

How to apply for writing scholarships

Each writing scholarship has different eligibility requirements, so always check the scholarship description before spending time on your application.

The applications for these scholarships may require some sort of scholarship essay or writing sample. The specific posting will always have the requirements for that scholarship application, so make sure to reference it before submitting it.

How to get a writing scholarship?

Always check application deadlines and eligibility requirements before applying for scholarships to give yourself the best chance at success and avoid wasting your time.

There are scholarships specific to writers who wish to enter a particular field; some scholarships are open to all students and awarded based on a writing sample. There are also writing scholarships that are only available to applicants who demonstrate financial need.

Narrow and specific scholarships have smaller applicant pools and thus give each applicant a better chance at winning.

Students should also look for scholarships geared toward their strengths; for example, students with a specialty in a specific genre should consider applying for scholarships whose applications call for particular types of writing samples like poetry, essays, or short story.

Best writing scholarships

There are many scholarships on Bold.org for which writing students can apply. These writing scholarships are great for students studying writing or those who just have a passion for the craft.

Writing scholarships for high school students

High school students, especially high school seniors, should apply for scholarships and get a head start on gaining financial aid for college. Below are some writing scholarships to help make the most of this time and begin applying for — and perhaps win — scholarships.

Jean Allison Memorial Scholarship

This $4,000 scholarship will support graduates or recent students of Muleshoe High School. To continue her loving and determined legacy, the Jean Allison Memorial Scholarship exists and will support one student who has faced tremendous adversity but continues to persevere through it all toward a better future. Eligible students should apply by June 2, 2022 for consideration.

This $1,500 writing scholarship will financially support high school seniors from West Virginia who want to further their writing education. Any high school senior in West Virginia who is planning on studying journalism or English may apply for this scholarship. Eligible students should apply by July 1, 2022 to be considered.

Richard Neumann Scholarship

The rising generation is full of creative students who will undoubtedly change the world. This scholarship aims to support high school students who are creative so they can find innovative solutions to today’s problems. Any creative high school senior who likes to make things or find solutions to problems may apply for this $1,000 scholarship.

Writing scholarships for college students

There are many scholarship opportunities for college students at many levels of education, including undergraduate and graduate school. It's never too late for students to start finding scholarship aid.

Matt Preziose Creative Scholarship

This $1,000 scholarship aims to honor the life of Matt Preziose by supporting students attending the State University of New York at New Paltz. Any undergraduate student pursuing an art-related major at the State University of New York at New Paltz may apply for this scholarship by September 5th.

Miscellaneous writing scholarships

There are also scholarships for which any writing student is available. Though they are not exclusively available to individuals in the field, these scholarships can help students seeking financial aid.

In an effort to allow students to reflect on the wise words they’ve been told, the Bold Wise Words Scholarship will go to award students in any field of study who have heard some profound and life-changing words they’d like to share. This $500 award will help financially support five students; the application deadline is June 12, 2022.

Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship

As one way to encourage more thinking, the Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship exists to support any student who is passionate about thinking deeply and making a positive impact on the world. The application deadline for this $500 scholarship is June 5, 2022.

Writing is a form of art. Check out these art scholarships today!

Frequently asked questions about writing scholarships

How to find writing scholarships.

Students can find writing scholarships by searching the Bold.org scholarships page or by browsing the "Writing" category.

Writing students may also be eligible for arts scholarships and programs for fields with a heavy emphasis on writing.

Some schools offer writing scholarships for their students, so remember to check your university's financial aid office for more information.

When can I start applying?

Students over 14 years of age are eligible to begin applying for scholarship aid. It's never too early to begin funding your higher education. High school students, especially students in their junior year or senior year, should begin researching and applying for writing scholarships as soon as possible.

It's also never too late! College students — both undergraduate students and graduate students — can apply for writing scholarships throughout their college careers.

The sooner you begin applying for writing scholarships, the more you will be able to apply for; this will help boost your chances of success!

How do I know if I'm eligible for a scholarship?

Each writing scholarship will have different eligibility requirements, so it's important to closely read the scholarship description to avoid applying for scholarships you won't be considered for.

Some writing scholarships require that students be studying a field with an emphasis on writing, while others welcome anyone with a passion for writing. Some scholarship programs award students based on a writing submission, while others may require you to attend a particular university.

Always check the eligibility requirements listed in a scholarship description.

What do I have to do to apply?

Different writing scholarships will have different application processes, so always follow the specific instructions in the description of that scholarship.

Some scholarships may require an essay or a submission of previous work, while other scholarships may require additional forms and documentation.

Give yourself the best chance you can by always checking the details listed in the description for the particular writing scholarship in which you are interested.

Are scholarships counted as income?

Generally, scholarship money is not counted as income, as long as the money goes to qualified expenses and doesn't exceed your total costs.

The scholarship award must be used for school-related expenses, like tuition and fees, books, and school supplies. Scholarship money is taxable if it is used for indirect colsts, even if they're college-related, such as room and board, food, or travel.

Scholarships from Bold.org are sent directly to the school of the winner and applied towards qualifying educational costs, so you don't need to worry about reporting it as income or paying taxes on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students can find writing scholarships by searching the Bold.org scholarships page or by browsing the "Writing" category. Writing students may also be eligible for arts scholarships and programs for fields with a heavy emphasis on writing. Some schools offer writing scholarships for their students, so remember to check your university's financial aid office for more information.

Each writing scholarship will have different eligibility requirements, so it's important to closely read the scholarship description to avoid applying for scholarships you won't be considered for. Some writing scholarships require that students be studying a field with an emphasis on writing, while others welcome anyone with a passion for writing. Some scholarship programs award students based on a writing submission, while others may require you to attend a particular university. Always check the eligibility requirements listed in a scholarship description.

  • Creative Writing

Fully funded Creative Writing Scholarships in 2024 - 2025

20+ best scholarships for creative writing students.

PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships.

PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Fully Funded
  • Africa Universities
  • All Subjects
  • International Students

This is a PhD scholarships for International Students at Africa Universities, Africa. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded).

La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarships.

La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarship 2025 for International Students

  • 25% Off Tuition Fee
  • La Trobe University
  • Undergraduate, Postgraduate

This is a Undergraduate, Postgraduate scholarships for International Students at La Trobe University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarship 2025 for International Students.

Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships.

Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships 2025 for Bachelor Degree

  • Tuition Fee Reduction
  • Edith Cowan University

This is a Bachelor scholarships for International Students at Edith Cowan University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships 2025 for Bachelor Degree.

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025

  • Partial Funding
  • Nanyang Technological University Singapore
  • Bachelor, Masters

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025.

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarships.

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2025, Study in Ireland

  • Ireland Universities
  • Masters, PhD

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Ireland Universities, Ireland. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2025, Study in Ireland.

CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships.

CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships 2025 (Worth ¥2.0 million)

  • College Women’S Association of Japan

This is a Graduate scholarships for International Students at College Women’S Association of Japan, Japan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships 2025 (Worth ¥2.0 million).

Gates Cambridge UK Scholarships.

Gates Cambridge UK Scholarship 2025-2026 (Fully Funded)

  • University of Cambridge
  • Masters, PhD, Diploma

This is a Masters, PhD, Diploma scholarships for International Students at University of Cambridge, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Gates Cambridge UK Scholarship 2025-2026 (Fully Funded).

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships.

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Peking University
  • International Students, Domestic Students

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Peking University, China. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded).

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarships.

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000)

  • University of Manchester
  • Undergraduate, Masters

This is a Undergraduate, Masters scholarships for International Students at University of Manchester, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000).

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships.

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded)

  • Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded).

University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarships.

University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarship 2025

  • University of Otago
  • Undergraduate
  • New Zealand

This is a Undergraduate scholarships for International Students at University of Otago, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarship 2025.

Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarships.

Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarship Program 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • USA Universities
  • Bachelor, Masters, PhD

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at USA Universities, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarship Program 2025 (Fully Funded).

Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships.

Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships 2025

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at Edith Cowan University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships 2025.

UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships.

UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships 2024-2025

  • Rwanda Universities
  • Domestic Students

This is a Bachelor scholarships for Domestic Students at Rwanda Universities, Rwanda. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships 2024-2025.

University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships.

University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships 2025 (Funding up to $15,000)

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at University of Otago, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships 2025 (Funding up to $15,000).

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UNC English & Comparative Literature

Scholarships and Awards in Creative Writing

Thanks to the generosity of various donors, there are a number of awards—available at different stages of a student writer’s career at UNC—designed to make possible continued study at the University and in the Creative Writing Program, and also to reward excellent work in fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction by undergraduate students.

The Thomas Wolfe Scholarship

scholarships in creative writing

This unprecedented program for student writers—which began in 2002 and is funded at roughly the same level as the University’s prestigious Morehead Scholarship—provides a full scholarship to one incoming student each year for four years including summer research stipends. The scholarship is not limited to fiction writers: applications are welcomed from student poets, playwrights, fiction writers, essayists and journalists across the country, and each Wolfe Scholar will be a young writer who shows extraordinary promise. The scholarship was endowed by Frank Borden Hanes Sr., class of 1942, to honor Wolfe, class of 1920—who as a UNC student edited  The Tar Heel  and wrote and starred in “The Return of Buck Gavin” (one of the first productions of Playmakers Repertory Company), later remembering Chapel Hill fondly in his classic 1929 novel  Look Homeward, Angel —and to support the creative writing program. Students must apply for this scholarship during their senior year of high school. For more information, write Stephanie Elizondo Griest and Gaby Calvocoressi, Co-Directors of The Thomas Wolfe Scholarship Program, or review the scholarship website .

The Wanda Chappell Scholarship

Juniors and seniors are eligible for this award, designed for a student who is an English major and a Creative Writing minor, who qualifies for financial aid from the University, and who demonstrates a serious interest in the publishing world. This scholarship program was initially funded by Random House, in memory of Wanda Chappell ‘81.

The Charles and Rita Collins Scholarship

This is a needs-based award—made possible by Charles D. Collins, MD of Rockingham, N.C.—meant to assist students who are Creative Writing minors.

For more information on the Chappell and Collins Scholarships, please contact the Director of Creative Writing, Ross White .

Currently, there are four literary prizes for seniors at Carolina: the Robert B. House Memorial Prize in Poetry; the Louis D. Rubin, Jr., Prize in Fiction; the Max Steele Award in Fiction; and the Ann Williams Burrus/Academy of American Poets Prize, administered by the AAP in New York.

There are two prizes for juniors: the Blanche Armfield Prize for Poetry, and the George B. Wynne Award for Fiction.

Other annual prizes, each of which comes with a cash award, include: the Bland Simpson Prize in Creative Non-Fiction, awarded to one undergraduate for outstanding literary essays and belles-lettres; the Mini-Max Short-Short Fiction Award, founded by former Creative Writing Program Director Max Steele, a practicioner and proponent of very short fiction, and awarded for complete short stories of no more than 750 words; and the Suzanne Bolch Award, founded by Ben and Ann Bolch in honor of their daughter, filmmaker/producer Suzanne Bolch, which provides summer support to a creative writing minor who seeks to develop an original, independent project designed to stimulate and expand the writer’s imagination and artistic vision.

Bland Simpson Prize in Creative Nonfiction 2023 The Creative Writing Program invites submissions to the annual Bland Simpson competition. Undergraduates are invited to submit creative nonfiction essays of the highest literary standard in such forms as memoir, travel and nature writing, and belles-lettres. You may submit ONE work of nonfiction up to 5,000 words typed in 12-point font and double-spaced. Stories must be submitted to CreativeWriting.@unc.edu by NOON on October 30 Awards: Winner receives $1,000

*Photograph of Thomas Wolfe used by permission of the Estate of Thomas Wolfe and courtesy of the North Carolina Photographic Collection at UNC-CH. Photograph of Davie Poplar courtesy of Jerry Cotten.

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Calling all creative teens: the 2025 scholastic art & writing awards is now welcoming entries.

Already one of the country's most significant sources of scholarships for young artists and writers in the nation, the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are set to award more direct scholarship and cash award opportunities than ever before

NEW YORK , Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the nation's longest-running and most prestigious scholarship and recognition program for creative teens, are now accepting entries from teenagers across the country in grades 7–12. As of Monday, September 9 , teen artists and writers are officially invited to enter their original works for recognition, scholarship/cash award opportunities, and the chance to join the ranks of the program's esteemed alumni, including Tschabalala Self, Stephen King , Kay WalkingStick , José Parlá, Amanda Gorman , Charles White , Joyce Carol Oates , and Andy Warhol . For over a century, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, currently presented by the nonprofit Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, have advocated for and uplifted the interests, abilities, and experiences of countless creative teens, validating their artistic abilities and certifying that their voices truly do matter.

To learn more about the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and to enter work in any of the program's 28 categories, visit:  artandwriting.org

During the 2024 program year, more than 110,000 teens from U.S. territories, Canada , and every state in the nation entered nearly 340,000 works of art and writing for adjudication. Works by nearly 50,000 teens received regional recognition, and more than 2,500 works of art and writing received national recognition, including $400,000 in direct scholarships.

"We here at the Alliance make it our mission to open the door for teens to freely explore their talents, follow their creative pursuits, and speak their minds through their chosen medium. In our current climate, it is more important than ever that teens have a creative outlet, and we are delighted to welcome young people nationwide to our community, where they can feel comfortable in expressing their ideas and themselves,"  said Christopher Wisniewski , Executive Director of the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers.  "Each year we continue to be amazed by the work that today's teens put forth, and we can't wait to see what this year's class of young and innovative teens will share with us."

As one of the country's most significant sources of  scholarships  for young artists and writers, the Alliance is excited to introduce new opportunities for the 2025 programming year, including monetary prizes for recipients of the American Voices & Visions Awards. Overall, the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are poised to award more direct scholarships and monetary prizes than ever before, with returning and updated scholarships and cash awards totaling more than $450,000 .

The 2025 scholarships and cash awards include:

American Voices & Visions Awards : Underwritten by Dav and Sayuri Pilkey , the American Voices & Visions Awards honoring a superlative work of art and writing in each of the Awards' regions now includes $500 scholarships to approximately 150 works from across the country.

Best-in-Grade Award : Underwritten by Bloomberg Philanthropies , the Best-in-Grade Award recognizes 24 works at the national level (two art and two writing per grade, grades 7-12) with a $500 scholarship as well as a $250 cash award for their educators.

Flaunt It Award : The Flaunt It Award, developed in collaboration with Don't Hide It, Flaunt It and underwritten by Don't Hide It, Flaunt It (DHIFI, Inc), RBC Foundation USA , Morgan Stanley, and HP recognizes teens who look or feel different from their peers and share their personal story about what makes them unique. The Flaunt It Award includes a $2,000 scholarship for two teens (one artist and one writer) and a $500 cash award for their educator. Winners will be selected based on their outstanding exploration of DHIFI's theme: "The things that make me different make me, me."

The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon : Underwritten by The Herb Block Foundation , The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon offers $2,000 scholarships for three teens, and a $500 cash award for their educators, whose visual art offers commentary or criticism on current events, social events, or political topics.

New York Life Award : Underwritten by the New York Life Foundation , the New York Life Award offers $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends to ten teens, and a $500 cash award for their educators, whose work explore death and personal grief.

Portfolio Awards : The Portfolio Awards are the program's highest honor, recognizing an exemplary cohort of graduating seniors creating original art and writing. Made possible by generous donors, they offer scholarships or cash awards of $12,500 each to 16 Gold Medal Portfolio Award winners and $2,000 each to 24 Silver Medal Portfolio Award winners. In addition, $1,000 awards are presented to the educators of Gold Medal Portfolio Award winners and $250 awards are presented to the educators of Silver Medal Portfolio Award winners. This year, The Alliance is thrilled to announce The Dorothea Tanning Gold Medal Portfolio Award, endowed by a landmark gift from The Destina Foundation to honor the legacy of an artist and writer distinguished by her independent spirit, experimental approach in various media, and achievements in both the visual and literary arts.

Participants ages 13 and up residing in the United States , U.S. territories and military bases, or Canada are invited to enter original work in any of the Awards' 28 art and writing categories, including drawing and illustration, photography, flash fiction, poetry, film and animation, and journalism. All works are selected for Awards based on originality, skill, and the emergence of personal vision or voice and without knowledge of the teen's biographical or demographic information. Works are reviewed first on a regional level by approximately 100 local affiliates of the Alliance, and those that receive Gold Keys are then adjudicated nationally by an impressive panel of industry experts. Entry fees are $10 for individual entries and $30 for portfolios. Fees can be waived for any potential participant for whom the fee is a barrier for entry. Fee waivers are made possible, in part, by BLICK Art Materials. 

Deadlines for entries vary by region. The National Medalists of the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards will be announced in March 2025 , and throughout the spring the Alliance and local Affiliates will host a series of celebrations and exhibitions for teens, families, and educators. Recipients may have their work published in anthologies showcasing stories, essays, and poetry by teen authors, and highlighting paintings, photographs, drawings, and other works by teen artists. For more details about the Awards, visit  www.artandwriting.org .

About the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Founded in 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are presented by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, and are made possible through the generosity of Scholastic Inc., The Destina Foundation, New York Life Foundation, The Maurice R. Robinson Fund, BLICK Art Materials, Command Companies, The Herb Block Foundation, Lindenmeyr Book Publishing Papers, Quad and the Windhover Foundation, Public Funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Don't Hide It, Flaunt It, RBC Foundation USA, Morgan Stanley, HP, Bloomberg Philanthropies, GV Group (Grafica Veneta/Lake Book Manufacturing/PA Hutchison), National Endowment for the Arts, Garcia Family Foundation, The New York Times, and numerous other individual, foundation, and corporate funders; and, for the National Student Poets Program, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, The Hearthland Foundation, and Academy of American Poets.

For more information about the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, visit www.artandwriting.org . Additional details about the Awards can be found in the Scholastic media room:  http://mediaroom.scholastic.com/artandwriting .

View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/calling-all-creative-teens-the-2025-scholastic-art--writing-awards-is-now-welcoming-entries-302244383.html

SOURCE Alliance for Young Artists & Writers

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Creative Writing

Hone your craft with the pros, start a lifelong apprenticeship in the literary arts.

The creative writing program that nurtured Dennis Lehane ’88, best-selling author and HBO writer/producer, is now accepting applications to earn B.A. and BFA degrees. But you don’t have to be gunning for a Hollywood contract to enroll. Our liberal arts graduates also go on to MFA programs and careers in journalism, media, PR, editing and publishing, counseling and software design.


Writers in paradise.

Spend 8 days in workshops with writers like Andre Dubus III, Anne Hood, Laura Lippman, Lori Roy, Stewart O’Nan, David Yoo and Laura Williams McCaffrey. This writer’s conference is held on our Florida campus every January.

Facetime with famous authors

You’ll also have the chance to meet and talk with other celebrated writers including Stephen King, Carl Hiaasen, Julianna Baggott and Mark Bowden. These and other literary lights give talks here throughout the year.

Get help paying for college

Need help with finances? In addition to the academic scholarships we hand out upon application, you can apply for the Artistic Achievement Award .

In Their Own Words

Without my mentors through the creative writing department, I wouldn’t be in graduate school studying for my MFA with the opportunities ahead of me to teach and write. With their support, I was able to study travel writing in Paris and London, which was instrumental in my growth as a writer and a person. The creative writing department at Eckerd College is a hidden gem—once you find it, you must hold onto it! —Olivia Jacobson ’22

Beyond the Classroom


Creative Writing majors have interned on campus with our student newspaper, The Current , and our literary magazine, Eckerd Review . Another recent student was an editing intern at I Love the Burg , a creative agency in downtown St. Petersburg.

Pay it forward by tutoring with Journeys in Journalism . This community program teaches local elementary, middle and high school students how to be reporters, photographers, editors and page designers for their school newspapers.

Spend a term living at our London Study Centre and studying the literature of Great Britain. Includes a week of travel and tickets to epic museums and theatre productions. Or choose from one of 300+ other destinations we offer every year.

Eckerd is just a stone’s throw from some of America’s hottest literary landmarks and events. Check it out:

  • The Earnest Hemingway Home
  • The Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings historic site
  • Miami Book Fair (November)
  • Zora Neale Hurston Festival (January)

Popular classes

Craft of writing.

This course reviews poetic and narrative language and introduces the concept of literary texture. Present what you write in class at public readings held on campus once a semester.

Writing Workshop: The Personal Essay

Learn about literary essays by reading masters like Harry Crews, Eudora Welty and Joan Didion. This class explores how to use imagination to shape format, technique and your own personal style.

What can I do with a Creative Writing degree?

  • Business Manager
  • Educational Assessor
  • Media and Newspaper Reporter
  • Software Designer of Interactive Fiction
  • Technical Writer

Where our Creative Writing majors go to graduate school

  • Chapman University
  • Emerson College
  • Florida International University
  • George Mason University
  • Hollins College
  • Indiana University
  • Stanford University
  • The Johns Hopkins University
  • The University of Miami
  • The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Iowa Writers Workshop

Where our Creative Writing majors go to work

  • Bluewater Books & Charts
  • Dupont Registry
  • Novelist & Poet
  • St. Petersburg College
  • Time Magazine

Eckerd College logo

St. Petersburg, Florida 33711 800.456.9009 or 727.867.1166

  • Accessibility
  • EASE Grant Performance Measures
  • MyEckerd Portal
  • Nondiscrimination
  • Reporting Mechanisms


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Find Your Program

Creative and Professional Writing Certificate

The certificate in creative and professional writing will enhance your writing skills, introduce you to new and exciting career pathways and boost your confidence as a writer. You’ll take one core course from the Writing Studies M.A. program, followed by four electives of your choosing. Saint Joseph's University offers a variety of professional courses, such as Writers at Work, Poetry Today and Writing for Publication , plus creative writing courses that include screenwriting, fiction writing and nonfiction writing.

What Sets Our Program Apart

Our faculty are noted writing experts who have the experience and network to support you in your writing career. Evening classes are small and designed for working professionals. Work at your own pace by choosing one, two or three courses per term. The certificate can be completed in as little as two semesters or up to two years.

The certificate in creative and professional writing is a stackable certificate, meaning the credits you earn can be applied toward a master's degree. Students who successfully complete the certificate program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher can then take five additional courses to earn an M.A. in Writing Studies.

You’ll take one core course from the Writing Studies MA program, followed by four electives of your choosing. Saint Joseph's University offers a variety of professional courses, such as Writers at Work, Poetry Today and Writing for Publication , plus creative writing courses that include screenwriting, fiction writing and nonfiction writing.

What Can You Do with a Creative and Professional Writing Certificate?

Saint Joseph's University's creative and professional writing certificate is designed for anyone seeking professional development, a career in writing or communications, knowledge of publishing or guidance in portfolio development for further graduate study. Certificate holders have gone on to pursue the following career positions:

  • Technical writer
  • Medical writer
  • Public relations manager
  • Communications director

Program Details

View required courses for this program in the  academic catalog . Please contact us if you have any questions about the program curriculum.

Affordable tuition rates can be found on our tuition and fees website . *

*Pricing does not include room and board, health insurance or any professional, clinical or transportation fees. Visit our tuition & fees page for a detailed breakdown.

Financial Aid & Discount Eligibility: Financial aid and discount options may be available to you to help offset the cost of your degree. Explore your options on our  financial aid page .

Graduate assistantships  are offered on a limited basis. Please contact the program director for availability.

Admission Information

  • Apply  online .
  • Submit official college transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • Submit a personal statement.
  • Submit resume.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation.

Visit our  graduate admission information page  to learn more about admission requirements, key deadlines and how to submit your application.

Graduate applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. New students may enroll in courses during the fall, spring or summer semesters.

Start Terms:

  • Fall: August and October
  • Spring: January and March
  • Summer: May

If you’re applying as an international student, you must provide proof of English Language Proficiency and Certification of Finances along with your application. Check the  graduate admission page  for additional requirements.

SJU is a Yellow Ribbon School that accepts GI education benefits. Our  Office of Veterans’ Services  can help you access and understand your benefits.

Explore Other Degree Programs

Writing Studies MA

Saint Joseph’s Masters in Writing Studies offers flexible course scheduling for working professionals who seek to understand diverse styles of writing.

English & Professional Writing BLS

From the classroom to the boardroom, English majors at Saint Joseph’s University are not only detailed with each word choice but are able to express critical information to many different audiences in engaging ways.

An English degree from Saint Joseph’s University offers excellent training for a broad range of careers, from public relations to teaching to journalism and beyond. Employers continue to seek talented and articulate individuals who can analyze complex situations, and a degree in English will teach you how to write both creatively and persuasively.


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  2. Top 15 Creative Writing Scholarships #Infographic

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  3. The Ultimate List of Scholarships for Writers

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  4. The Ultimate List of Scholarships for Writers

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  5. Top Creative Writing Scholarships

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  6. The Ultimate List of Writing Scholarships in 2021 • Apply Today

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  1. University For The Creative Arts

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for an Arts Grant Application?

  3. Adventurous Minds Scholarships

  4. Top 10 Tips for Writing a Winning Scholarship Essay

  5. Scholarships and Grants for College


  1. Top 34 Creative Writing Scholarships in September 2024

    NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship. Offered by National Society of High School Scholars. 6 awards worth $2,000. Deadline Sep 12, 2024. Grade Level High School Students. Get Started. The NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship is open to high school students graduating sometime in the upcoming four years, as well as recently graduated seniors (in….

  2. Creative Writing Scholarships

    SVCF Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing Amount: $1,000 Due Date: February 28, 2025 GRCF Ladies Literary Club Scholarship Amount: Varies Due Date: March 01, 2025 ISF Congressional Policy Fellowship Amount: $35,000 Due Date: March 01, 2025 Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship Amount: $12,000 Due Date: March ...

  3. The Ultimate List of Writing Scholarships in 2024 • Apply Today

    Ten finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about texting while driving, and one will be chosen as the winner of this $1,000 scholarship. Categories: Personal Essay. Organization: Digital Responsibility. Deadline: September 30, 2024. Recipients: 1.

  4. The Ultimate List of Scholarships for Writers

    Creative Writing Scholarships. This category includes scholarships for creative writing majors as well as other writing awards, for those with creative writing talent who are going to focus on other subjects. These opportunities include short story scholarships, fiction writing scholarships, scholarships for creative writing majors, and more. ...

  5. Creative Writing Scholarships

    The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship - A scholarship of US$1,000 is available for a student from the US, Canada or Australia who is currently enrolled in (or accepted for) a program in one of the same three countries. To apply you will need to submit the first chapter of an original novel. This is Writing Creative Writing Scholarship - A writing contest with a prize of up to US ...

  6. Top 859 Writing & Essay Scholarships in September 2024

    Austin Peay State University Creative Writing Scholarships. The scholarships are open to undergraduate and incoming APSU students who email a 10-20 page manuscript of fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction, to Lakota Withrow at [email protected]. Awards are for $600 or $1,200. The deadline to apply is March 18th.

  7. Creative Writing Scholarships

    A creative writing scholarship is a form of financial aid offered to students who demonstrate exceptional writing skills and academic prowess. Creative writing scholarships ease the financial burden taken on by talented students by providing them with financial support to pay for the creative writing classes they take in university.

  8. MFA Programs Database: 255 Programs for Creative Writers

    Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we've published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests ...

  9. Creative Writing scholarships in United States

    Prodigy Finance loans are offered to eligible borrowers and these loans are governed by English law. Find exclusive scholarships for international Master's students pursuing Creative Writing studies in United States. Search and apply online today.

  10. Creative Writing Scholarships: An Exhaustive List

    Students with creative writing skills can qualify for a variety of scholarships. This article encompases creative writing scholarships, their requirements, and how to apply. Keep reading to see what creative writing scholarships you might be eligible for in the 2020 school year.

  11. 20 Great Scholarships for Creative Writing Degrees

    San Mateo, CA 94402. (650) 450-5487. [email protected]. Scholarship Link. 2. Brady and Patrick Gallagher Scholarship. Deadline: March 1st. The Brady and Patrick Gallagher Scholarship is sponsored by the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. It grants up to $3,000 yearly to graduating high school seniors.

  12. Top Creative Writing Scholarships for 2024-2025

    More. Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship. Award: $3,000. Deadline: 03/15/2024. The Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship offers up to $3,000 to six people who are majoring in Creative Writing. The scholarship is available thanks to the generous donor - Lycoming, a small Pennsylvania college. The scholarship will be awarded ...

  13. Scholarships for Writers to Apply For in 2024

    Most creative writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond. Many scholarships reward students who excel in sports or are majoring in psychology, STEM, or education. However, there aren't too many scholarships specifically designated for writers, although you may find some journalism and creative ...

  14. Top 44 Writing Scholarships to Apply for in September 2024

    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship. As one way to encourage more thinking, the Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship exists to support any student who is passionate about thinking deeply and making a positive impact on the world. The application deadline for this $500 scholarship is June 5, 2022. Writing is a form of art.

  15. Fully funded Creative Writing Scholarships in 2024

    09/30/2024. Learn More. This is a PhD scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Australian Universities, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for MRIWA Australia Odwyn Jones PhD Scholarship 2025 (Funding up to $139,677).

  16. Writing Scholarships for High School and College

    Creative writing scholarships are about how you craft a story and develop characters. Essay contest scholarships often ask you to answer a question in a very original and clear way. As such, each scholarship will have its own set of guidelines to follow. You may need to write a story for a specific topic and meet the word count limit.

  17. 15 Best Creative Writing Scholarships

    A creative writing degree in college is fun, especially if you have a scholarship. There are a good number of scholarships for creative writers who are in high school or college and pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies. Creative writing goes beyond becoming a writer, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Everyone needs to be a creative …

  18. Writing Scholarships

    Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship. Amount $12,000. Deadline March 1, 2025. In addition to the Lycoming Grant program (need-based), Lycoming College offers over $31 million each year in scholarships and grants to academically talented students studying on the Williamsport Campus who are full-time and degree-seeking.

  19. Creative Writing Scholarship

    Complete the scholarship application form. A 200-word response explaining the role of writing in your life. Five poems. Ten typed double-spaced pages of fiction or creative non-fiction, including your name, page numbers, and the piece's title in the header. Submit your application by January 16th for first consideration.

  20. Scholarships and Awards in Creative Writing

    Juniors and seniors are eligible for this award, designed for a student who is an English major and a Creative Writing minor, who qualifies for financial aid from the University, and who demonstrates a serious interest in the publishing world. This scholarship program was initially funded by Random House, in memory of Wanda Chappell '81.

  21. Calling All Creative Teens: the 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Is

    NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the nation's longest-running and most prestigious scholarship and recognition program for creative teens, are now ...

  22. Cecilie Anne Sloane Postgraduate English Creative Writing Research

    Non-university experts in the field of English language creative writing, with university academic staff in the majority. The scholar must, not more than 3 months after the scholarship ends, submit to the selection committee a full and final written report, suitable for circulation within the university, of the progress and outcome of the ...

  23. Creative Writing Degree

    Creative Writing majors have interned on campus with our student newspaper, The Current, and our literary magazine, Eckerd Review. Another recent student was an editing intern at I Love the Burg, a creative agency in downtown St. Petersburg. Quick Contact. 727.864.8331. [email protected].

  24. Creative and Professional Writing Certificate

    The certificate in creative and professional writing will enhance your writing skills, introduce you to new and exciting career pathways and boost your confidence as a writer. You'll take one core course from the Writing Studies M.A. program, followed by four electives of your choosing. Saint Joseph's University offers a variety of professional courses, such as Writers at Work, Poetry Today ...

  25. Creative Writing

    The academic programme 'Creative Writing' is designed to train multiskilled specialists: literary workers with literary skills who are able to set and solve artistic objectives. Students will learn fundamental technical literary techniques necessary for writing author's or genre literature and acquire knowledge related to practical ...